210-120!1!58E Atmospheric Storage Tanks

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. STANDARD PRACTICE [CONFIDENTIAL]- t ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE TANKS I . CONTENTS Page 1 o f -.20 I JGS 210-120-1-583 I Rev.0 DATE JUL-31-'96 PAGE * 1 . SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................................... L 2 . WORK PROCEDURE ....................................................................... : ........................................................ 2 2.1 Information for Detailed Design ............................................................................................................ 2 - 2.2 Work Flow ............ x. ............................ :. .............................................................................................. 2 2.3 JOB Data ........................ : .................................................................................................................... 2 3 . DESIGN ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 3.1 Tank Type ............................................................................................................................................ 2 3.2 Selection of Tank Type ......................................................................................................................... 3 3.3 Storage Capacity ................................................................................................................................... 5 3.3.1 Liquid .Level ..... :. ........................................................................................................................... 5 3.3,2 Definition of Capacity ................................................................................................................... 6 3.4 Operating and Design Conditions .......... .-. .............................................................................................. 6 3.4.1 Operating Conditions .................................................................................................................... 6 - 3.4.2 Design Conditions ....................................................................................................................... . 6 3.5 Instrumentation ..................................................................................................................................... 7 3.5.1 Level Instrument ................................................................................... : ....................................... 7 3.5.2 Temperature ................................................................................................................................. 7 3.5.3 Auto-water Drain .......................................................................................................................... 7 3.6 Venting Design ..................................................................................................................................... 8 3.6.1 Venting Capacity .......................................................................................................................... 8 3.6.2 Gas Blanketing .............................................................................................................................. 8 3.7 Insulation and Painting .......................................................................................................................... 9 3.7.1 Insulation ............................ ., .................................................................................................... 9 3.7.2 Painting ........................................................................................................................................ 9 4 . ACCESSORIES ....................................................................................................................................... 1 0 4.1 Tank Heater ........................................................................................................................................ 10 4.2 Tank Mixer ......................................................................................................................................... 11 4.3 Tank Nozzles .......... : ........................................................................................................................... 11 4.4 Breather Valve and Flame Arrestor ..................................................................................................... 12 < - - 5 . SPECIAL DESIGN ................................................................................................................................... 12 .- 5.1 Sulfur Tank ..................................................................................................................................... 1 2 5.2 Styrene Monomer Tank ...................................................................................................................... 1 3 6 . APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................... 13 APPENDIX-1 TANK CAPACITY LIST (5000KL) 1 6 APPENDIX-2 HEIGHT OF INLETIOUTLET NOZZLE AND AIR FOAM NOZZLE .................................. 17 ... APPENDIX-3 BLANK FORM "DESIGN INFORMATION FOR ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE TANKS" 19 APPENDIX-4 BASIC DESIGN WORK FLOW OF ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE TANK ........................... 20 @ JGG CORPORRTION - - Page 2 o f 20 STANDARD PRACT I CE CONFIDENTIAL^ I JGS 210-120-I-58E ] 1. SCOPE This section covers the basic design for vertical, cylindrical tanks in various capacities for internal pressures' - approximately atmospheric pressure (the pressure lower than 2.5 pounds/square inches gauge) to store flammable liquids. API 650 shall be applied for those tanks. For non-flammable liquid such as water and chemicals shall also be designed in accordance with this section, however, API 650 is not applicable. Horizontal vessel, LPG storage tank, refrigeration tank, gas holders and underground tank are not included. 2. WORK PROCEDURE - 2.1 Information for Detailed D e s i ~ n - A blank form "DESIGN INFORMATION FOR ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE TANKS" is attached in appendix-3. This blank f o m contains the process requirements and necessary information for the tank detailed design. Basic design group shall specify the data in accordance with the notes shown in the blank form . The following sections describe the type selection and process requirements preparation procedure. 2.2 Work Flow The tank design work flow is shown in attachment-4. The basic designer shall review the following its with the results of detailed design. (1) Minimum level and related pump NPSH (2) Nitrogen system design (3) Conformity to P & I Diagram 2.3 JOB Data - The tank lists of major projects are attached in Off-site manual (Sec. 2 storage facilities) for reference. 3. DESIGN 3.1 Tank Tvwe Storage tanks can be classified depending on the roof and bottom hpes as shown below. Refer to Figure 3.1-1. cb TANK ROOF TYPE BOTTOM TANK- - VERTICA ,- FLOATIN< SINGLE DECK T "Om CYLINDRIC 'DOUBLE DECK - - --T 'o" " OTHER SPHEROID SEMI-SPHEROID ELEVATED Any combination of bottom type and roof q p e is applicable to the tank type selection, however a dome bottom t y e may be applied with a dome roof o p e for low pressure storage tanks. Spheroid, Semi-spheroid and Elevated tanks will be mainly applied for water tanks, but not for flammable liquid storage. . @ JGC GORPORRTION STANDARD PRACT l CE (CONFIDENTIALI . I JGS 210-120-I-58~ ] Figure 3.1-1 Cone Roof Tank Dome Roof Tank Floating Roof Tank Internal Floating Bottom cone-down Bottom cone-up Bottom cone-up Cone Roof tank Dome Roof tank Spheroid Bottom dome Semi-spheroid Elevated tank - 3.2 Selection of Tank Type The tank roof h-pe is selected according to the vapor pressure, purity and harmfulness of components, operation requirements and the cost. The following rank shows the tank cost in order, from the highest. Internal floating > Double deck floating >'Single deck floating > Dome > Cone > open (1) Cone Roof tank (CRT) This type is used for liquid ~vhose vapor pressures are relatively low such as Gas oil and heavier, water, chemicals and lubricating oil. Recommended limit of Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) is shown in the attached figure (Fig. 3.2-1). The figure shows lean and rich area which are d i a e d by Reid Vapor Pressure. ~lamtnable vapor and air mixture is not existing in the lean area. Therefore, if the contents are stored in the lean area at the maximum expected storage temperature, this roof type can be applied. If the contents are stored in the rich area, nitrogedgas blanket or floating roof type shall be applied. If the nitrogen blanket is applied, vapor loss is unavoidable due to breathing of the tank. Therefore, the total cost z.r- - . . f.=_:- shall compare the loss with the tankcost difference of floating and cone roof tank. The blanket gas " . cost shall also be taken into account in the examination. 6 i s tank type shall also be wed use for non-flammable liquid such as chemicals, water. However, the vapor pressure shafi be checked by the same way of flammable liquid. If the contents is in the rich area, the total cost shall compare the loss of contents with the cost difference of roof w e . This case nitrogen blanket is not necessary. (2) Floating Roof tank (FRT) This tjpe is usually used for storing liquid having high vapor pressure such as Crude oil, Gasoline and naphtha. In a tropical atmosphere, Kerosene may be stored in this ope. This tank tj-pe has no vapor space, so vapor loss can be minimized, however small amount of rain water contamination through the roof seal is unavoidable. (3) Internal Floating tank (IFRT) Basically application of this t!pe is the same as the floating roof type. Floating roof tanks can not prevent contamination of rain water into the stored liquid. This tjpe, therefore, is used for the liquid which is not allow water contamination. .: @ JGG CORPORATION - Page 4 o f 20 - - STANDARD PRACT I CE 1 CONFIDENTIAL] I JGS UO-120-1-58~ I - (4) Dome Roof tank (DRT) This type is used to store liquids having around 1 kg/cm2 absolute vapor pressure, because it is applicable for higher design pressure up to 0.15 kg/cm2 gauge (1500 rnrn of water column). Therefore, this type is - mainly used for rehgerated liquid storage. This type may also be used for liquids having low vapor pressure instead of cone roof type, if the tank cost is lower than the cone roof type. (5) Others (a) Open top tank may be used for water storage. But it is not recommended for the tank which has long holding time ( longer than 12 hours), because clogging troubles may occur in the down stream of the tank - - resulting from algae growing a d peel off in the tank. (b) Elevated tank is only used for drinlung water storage. The shape of the tank will be cone roof tank Qpe. However, other shapes such as cubic, sphere will also be used considering the aesthetics. Fig 3.2-1 Relationship between storage temperature, RW and flammable limit RVP KPa at 38 deg C 0.1 -40 -20 0 2 0 40 6 0 80 Product storage temperature deg. C @ JGC GORPORflTlON - - Page 5 o f 20 STANDARD P R A ~ l CE CONFIDENTIAL^ I JGS 210-120-I-58~ 1 - 3.3 S t o r a ~ e Capacitv 3.3.1 Liquid Level Refer to Figure 3.3- 1 - Caution ; This philosophy can not be applied for the tank designed by the Japanese regulations, because the sizing of tanks conforming to Japanese regulations is more complicated than the International standard. (1) Cone Roof Tank (including Dome Roof Tank) H1 ; Normally zero (0 -) or fixed air foam chamber (if the chamber is provided) inlet nozzle bottom. (note 3) H2 ; 150 mm or 30 minutes from the maximum filling volume (note 2) - H3 ; Greater of 300 mm for 12" and larger nozzle sizes and 150 mm for 10" and smaller nozzle sizes or NPSH requirement H4 ; Top of largest nozzle (note 3) (2) Floating Roof Tank (including Internal Floating T d ) H1 ; Free board for floating roof. H2 ; 150 mm or 30 minutes from the maximum filling volume (note 2) H3 ; 300 mm or NPSH requirement 4 - -Page 6 o f 20 - STANDARD PRACT I CE CONFIDENTIAL^ I JGS 210-120-1-58~ 1 3.3.2 Definition of Capacitv Nominal capacity ; All this capacity can be used, defined as below. This capacity is usually used as tank name. , Geometrical capacity ; The volume of vertical cylindrical section Storage capacity ; The volume from the tank bottom to the maximum design level Net working capacity ; The volume between HLL and LLL or HHLL and LLLL - Top of Wall 3.4 O ~ e r a t i w and Des im Conditions 3.4.1 O ~ e r a t i n ~ - Conditions ( 1 ) Operating temperature The selection of operating temperature is very important, because the density of the contents in a tank is defined by the Operating temperature and is used as the base for tank sizing and the tank wall thickness calculation. The Operating temperature shall be selected from the following items. - Run-down temperature from process units - Ambient air temperature (annual mean or annual highest mean temperature) - Receiving temperature from a tanker (if%e contents receives from a tanker) The density at the highest operating temperatures shall be used for the tank sizing and the density at the lowest operating temperature shall be used for the tank wall thickness calculation. However, the following cases, the density at the highest temperature shall be used for both purpose. - The tank has a heater to maintain the storage temperature. - The tank only receive's dn-down fluid from process units. e; - The,tank has a temperature compensating level indicator. The maximum and the minimum storage temperatures shall Clearly be mentioned in the offsite design basis. - (2) Operating pressure-: Operating pressure is approximately atmospheric pressure. The detail is described in the Design Pressure, para. 3.4.2-(2). Jr, 3.4.2 D e s i ~ n Conditions (1) Design temperature The design temperature shall be the maximum operating temperature plus 10°C when the maximum temperature during normal operation can not be estimated. This temperature is used only for the tank mechanical design nor tank sizing. If hot run-donm is expected due to mal-operation in process plants, the maxirnum temperature shall be assumed based on the tank dead stock volume and expected operating time of the abnormal situation. This temperature is not &ually used. for the tank design. @ JGC CORPORflTlON (2) Design pressure The design pressure shall be decided based on the pressure for sizing of the venting system. Standard setting pressures of the venting system are shown below. - - - Page 7 o f 20 3 8mmAq Breather valve outbreathing design (Design pressure) STANDARD PRACT I CE I CONFIDENTIAL/ I JGS 210-120-1-58E 26mmAq Breather valve set to open for outbreathing 12.5mmAq Blanket system valve closed OmmAq - Blanket system valve open - - - -26mmAq Breather valve set to open for inbreathing -3 8mmAq Breather valve inbreathing design (Design pressure) From the above, the design pressure shall be selected as below as a rule. - The maximum design pressure ; 38 mmAq - The minimum design pressure ; - 3 8 mmAq The design pressure can increase as an alternate. The expected possible maximum setting pressures are, - Set pressure of blanket system valve open is 25 mmAq instead of 0 mmAq - Breather valve set to open is 50 mmAq instead of 26 mmAq - Breather valve out-breathing design pressure is 75 mmAq instead of 38 mmAq In such cases, the design pressure of 75 mmAq shall be specified in the blank form. If the tank is designed according to API 650 appendix F, the design pressure can increase to 1750 mmAq(2.5 lbs/sc.ft). 3.5 Instrumentation 3.5.1 Level Instrument Minimum one level indicator shall be provided. Local indication is required, even if a tank remote level indicator 1s provided in the control room. If the tank level is used for custod!. t r ans fmf products or to increase the accuracy of inventory, a tank gauging system (with temperature compensation) shall be provided. The tank gauging system consists of a level indicator and an average temperature measurement. The tank invent07 is calculated from the liquid level and the density of contents, which is compensated by the average temperature of the liquid section. The calibration of the level gauge will be carried out by manual measurement using a gauge hatch. - . 3.5.2 Temperature Minimum one local temperature indicator shall be provided. -. If a tank gauging system is provided, an average temperature measurement will be installed as described above. Even if the average temperature gauge is provided, local indicator shall also be provided. 3.5.3 Auto-water Drain If client requests provision of an automatic water drain out system, two micro-wave o p e surface detectors shall be provided. The detectors will be installed toward the sump as shown below. Water Surface V - - Page 8 o f 20 si ANDARD PRACT I CE I CONFIDENTIAL] I JGS 210-120-1-58E 1 3.6.1 Ventinp capacity A venting device shall be provided forttank breathing fiom cow, dome and internal floating roof tanks. The venting capacity requirement shall be specified in the blank form. (1) Cause of tank breathing The following cases shall be taken into account in the sizing of tank venting devices. (a) Breathing due to ambient air temperature change (b) Tank filling and emptylng (pump out) operation (c) Break through flow quantity of gas blanket control valve failure open (d) Liquid vaporization due to fire exposure Items (a) through (c) shall be specified as process requirements, and (d) will be calculated by the tank vendor. (2) Venting capacity calculation - (a) Breathing due to ambient air temperature'change In-breathing and out-breathing capacity shall be calculated in accordance with API STD 2000 "Venting Atmospheric and Low-piessure Storage tanks" (or JIS 8501 Design of Steel Tanks). The venting quantity shall be calculated based on the &ximum vapor volume of the tank, in other words the vapor space at the minimum operation liquid level. k 3 (b) Tank filling and emptymg operation w Equivalent air flow rate to the maximum liquid filling rate and emptying rate are the capacity requirement of out-breathmg and in-breathing respectively. (c) Total capacity Total of (a) and (b) above gives the normal maximum venting capacity requirement. (d) Emergency venting An emergency venting device will be designed by the tank vendor. There are two countermeasures to relieve vapor against the venting requirement caused by fire. One way is provision of emergency vent(s) and the other is weak weld for shell to roof. The countermeasure will be selected by the tank vendor depending on the tank detailed design. The emergency venting requirement for fire exposure can be calculated by API STD 2000 " Venting Atmospheric and Low-pressure Storage tanks1% 3.6.2 Gas Blanketing (1) Purpose of blanketing A nitrogen or fuel gas blanket is applied to avoid oxygen contact at the surface of stored liquid in a cone or dome roof tank. (2) The capacity of the system ' ' The capacity is given by the maximum inbreathiiig iequirement whch is calculated in section 4.3.1 "Venting capacity". - (3) Failure open of bidet gas feed control valve Excessive blanket gas out-breathing may occur, caused by failure open of the blanket gas feed control valve. The out-breahg vent capacity shall be checked against the maximum through-put of the control valve at the fully open position. The maximum flow quantity shall also be informed to the detailed design group. If an unrealistically large flow rate is expected, RO (restriction orifice) shall be provided to reduce the maximum flow rate. @ JGG CORPORRTION - - Page 9 o f 20 STANDARD PRACT I CE [CONFIDENTIAL] - I JGS 210-1 20-I-58~ - 1 3.7' Insulation and Painting Insulation and painting requirements shall be decided based on the physical properties of contents and the operating conditions of the ta,nk, therefore basic design group shall inform the detailed engineering group of the - requirement. 3.7.1 Insulation Hot, cold or personnel protection will be provided dependmg on the contents holding temperature. A selection guideline is given below. (1) Hot insulation Hot insulation shall be~rovided for viscous fluid storing high temperature. The thickness and the required -area of hot insulation will be decided from the results of cost study between the running cost and the - investment cost. Hot insulation will not always be provided, while a tank heating system is provided for such high temperature liquids. The recommended selection guide line for tropical areas is shown below. Personnel protection shall be provided in accordance with respective project specification. Holdmg temperature ; insulation Lower than 70°C ' ; no insulation or personnel protection Jihgher than 70°C but not exceed 100°C ; side wall insulation figher than lQO°C ; side and roof insulation - In other areas, a cost study shall be made to decide the level of insulation. If prevention of heat loss from the tank is required to maximize recovery of energy such as in condensate -recovery tank, insulation shall be provided, even if the storage temperature is lower than 70°C. 3.7.2 Painting Outside of the tank, of course, shall be protected in accordance with the related project specification. Internal painting or coating shall be specified by basic engineering group. Internal coating or painting is required to prevent corrosion for the following tanks. @ JGG CORPORflTlON L~?: \.2j - -- Requirement * Internal painting (preferably coating) Internal Lining Internal painting for botiom plate and the last 1 meter of lowest area of side wall - - - Tank Contents Water service such as Raw Water, Potable water, filtered water Demineralized (or polished) water, steam condensate(note), Ballast water Crude oil, Slop oil, recovered oil - - -Page 10 of 20 - STANDARD PRACT I CE 1 CONFIDENTIAL\ I JGS 210-120-1-58E I 4. ACCESSORIES 4.1 Tank Heater Tank heater(s) shall be provided for'the following purposes - (a) where the fluid pour point is higher than the average minimum temperature of the coldest month or winterizing temperature . (b) To maintain temperature for the tank contents to keep viscosity at a certain level (c) Increasing possibility of water and oil separation Note ; The winterizing temperature shall be specified in the BEDD. (1) Type of heating devices - - - Basically there are three ways to heat the contents in a tank, as below. (a) Internal tank heater BFT (Brown finned tube) type internal tank heater will usually be used. Sometimes, pipe heater will be used for a small tank. (b) External tank heater . Shell and tube type heater will be provided outside of the tanks. In this system, the heater can be used as common for several tanks. (c) Suction heater BFT (Brown finned tube) type heater will be provided at the pump suction nozzle (2) Selection of the heating devises The heating devises shall be selected based on the following advantages and disadvantages. Internal heater (1) Easy operation (2) Simultaneous operation is acceptable (3) Low installation cost (1) Difficult tank cleaning (2) Maintenance is difFicult (3) Longer steam line is necessary External heater Suction heater Note; This heater will ~sually be used in :ombination with internal ;ank heater. (1) Easy maintenance for heater shall be done tank by and tank bottoiAb (2) Steam line length can be minimized (2) Pump and circulation lines are required , < . ? - (2) Pressure loss of pump suction line is increased (3) Heater outlet temperature will be high (4) If clogging occurs at the pump suction nozzle, the system can not work. ------ (1) Lower holding temperature is applicable (3) Lowest operation level in the tank nd1 be high . - - ---- (1) Internal tank heater will also be required @ JGC CORPORATION - Page 1 1 o f 20 STANDARD PRACT I CE 1 CONFIDENTIAL^ I JGS 210-120-I-58~ - 1 4.2 Tank Mixer (1) Purpose- of tank mixer Tank mixer will be proyided for the following three purposes. - . (a) To prevent sludge accumulation (b) Homogenized temperature and physical properties of contents (c) In-tank blending (2) Type of mixer The following types of mixer are available. (a) Rotary type Rotary type mixer basically has two discharge.nozzles at the mixerputfet head. It works effectively to prevent sludge accumulation. This mixer itself doesn't have any power source. The force to rotaie the mixer head is supplied by a pump which is installed outside the tank. For large size tank, multiple heads will be - provided. (b) Jet mixing Jet mixer will be used to homogenize contents or for tank blending. This type has one or two jet nozzles angled upwards. Therefore this type can not be used for prevention of sludge accumulation. f?:: (c) Mechanical mixer , .... - _,.. There are two types, one is fixed angle and the other is variable angle. The variable angle type is m a d y used for prevention of sludge accumulation. However this type can-also be used for other purposes. (3) Mixer type selection and design. - The selection and design procedure is described in BDM No. JGS 210-120-1-66E "Basic Design of Tank Mixer". Brief explanation of type selection is given below. - (a) Rotary mixer - A rotary type is m a d y used for crude tanks to prevent sludge accumulation. This type works effectively for that purpose than the other types; An'exclusive pump for the rotary mixer(s) may be required. (b) Jet mixer Thls type will be used for tank blending and homogenization of tank contents. If a pump which is provided for another purpose can be used for the mixing, this type has a cost advantage over other types. (c) Mechanical mixer This type is most commonly used, and it can be used for all purposes of mixing. This type can be used in any time and in parallel with other t&. The total cost will be lugher than the other types. 4.3 Tank Nozzles (1) Tank nozzle dormation to be provided by basic engineering The following nozzle ihformation shall be provided by basic design group. (a) Size and number of inlet and outlet nozzles (b) Size, number and location of sampling nozzle(s), if required (c) Size and number of spare nozzle(s), if required (d) Size and number of gas blanket nozzle(s), if required (e) Necessity of thermal relief discharge line receiving nozzle A boss will usually be provided on the nearest nozzle neck for th~s purpose. (2) Instrument nozzle The nozzle for instrumentation will be decided by instrument engineer. (3) Other nozzles The size and number of the following nozzles will be decided by the detailed design group (a) Drain nozzle (basically only one drain will be provided) (b) Manway (c) Gauge hatch (d) Vent @ JGC CORPORRTION Page 12 o f 20 STANDARD PRACT I CE CONFIDENTIAL^ - I JGS 210-120-1-58~ I 4.4 Breather Valve and Flame Arrestor Minimum two vents will be provided for the cone, dome and internal floating tanks. Breather valve shall be provided in the following cases. - (1) The tank is blanketed with nitrogkn or hydrocarbon gas. (2) The tank storing flammable liquids whose flash point is lower than 38 degrees centigrade. The other tanks shall be provided with open vents, however a flame arrester shall be provided for flammable liquids whose flash point is lower than 70 degrees centigrade. If the tank has a heating system, the flame arrester shall be heated by steam trace or provided with one spare vent. Bird or insect screen shall be provided for open vents. - 5. SPECIAL DESIGN Special consideration is required for Sulfur and Styrene monomer tanks. . - 5.1 Sulfur Tank Basically liquid sulfur shall be stored in a concrete pit. If steel made tank is applied to store liquid sulfur, the following countermeasures shall be provided to avoid corrosion and fire. (1) Internal corrosion Moisture condenses in the tank, cbmbining with sulfur(inc1uding H2S and SO2) to make acid which attacks the carbon steel. Condensation of the moisture will be generated in areas where metal surface is coldest. To avoid corrosion, the following countermeasures shall be considered. (a) Complete insulation and rain covers to avoid water penetration into the tank shell. (b) An external steam heater pipe for the tank roof (c) Steam jacket shall be provided for the nozzles installed in vapor space (d) Steam coil heater shall be made of stamless steel (SUS 3 16L schedule 40) (e) Minimize the tank vapor space (0 Smooth bottom plate (but welded plate will be applied) (2) Pyropheric Iron Sulfide Fires Iron sulfide (FeS) forms on the interior metal surface in the vapor space. If it is allowed to build-up, it will spontaneously ignite in the presence of oxygen. Therefore inert gas seal is not recommended, because, in emergency cases, air may leak into the tank and will be a cause of fire. The following countermeasures shall be applied to minimize Iron sulfide build up d w o low oxygen concentration in the tank. (a) An air sweep device shall be provided. Total 6 (six) jacketed vents on the roof, every 60 degrees around the tank, shall be provided. An eductor pulls an air sweep into the vents through the tank and out the eductor line located at the center of the roof. The system shall have the capacity to replace the tank vapor volume with fresh air within one (1) hour. (b) Smothering system - - If possible, Nitrogen smothering system shall be provided. Size the system to make the tank inert in 10 minutes. :' -. - (3) Others (a) Tank heater A bottom coil heater is recommended over BFT type, because it provides much more even heating. The tank heating coil shall be divided to four (4) cells. The cells shall be put on the tank bottom to cover all the sectional area, even if one of the cells suffers shutdown. (b) Tank empt).ing nozzle It is recommended to provide an API 650 clean out door. The tank outlet nozzle will be installed to the door bottom to allow easy emptying operation. @ JGC CORPORATION Page 13 -of 20 STANDARD PRACT I CE 1 CONFIDENTIAL[ [ JGS 210-120-I-58~ 1 '5.2 Styrene Monomer Tank Styrene monomer shall be maintained at a constant temperature to avoid solidifying due to low temperature and polymerization due to high temperature. A cooling system or a heating system or both will be required depending on the ambient air temperature. In any casqa coil for hot or cold water and insulation shall be provided around the tank (roof and side wall). The coil shall be arranged in parallel to provide even heating or cooling. 6. APPENDIX Appendix-1 ; Tank capacity list - Appendix-2 ; Height of inlet/outlet nozzles and Air foam nezzles - Appendix-3 ; Blank form "DESIGN INFORMATION FOR ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE TANKS" Appendix4 ; Work Flow of Tank Design @ JGC CORPORRTWN Page 14 ,of 20 STANDARD PRACT I CE CONFIDENTIAL^ I JGS 21 0-1 20-I-58~ I APPENDIX-1 TANK CAPACITY LIST (4600KL) Tank size < 1 6 0 0 k l 1515mm Stage 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 ' Height 1.565 2.322 3.08 3.837 4.595 5.352 6.11 6.867 7.625 8.382 9.14 9.897 p l a t e L Diameter C .................................... 5..'"'C'..' ..................................................... : ,.:,. .. ...................................... 4.5 34 7 57 68 79 .... ........ ..................... Ff'":::::::::mB '...';' . . _ . _ _ . . . 1 ,.53::::3$:::.:.:gg&g@g@2$4@m4@j .,.;;, : : ..:.:5::s:::gg.'," my&$$ =@$$# ....%.. \.*;*::::::i:::w j5>mm::$. @@,,,,:::::. : .$j...:m f Page 15 o f 20 STANDARD PRACT I CE CONFIDENTIAL^ I 1 JGS 21 0-1 20-1 -58E APPENDIX-1 TANK CAPACITY LIST (1600KL TO 5000KL) Tank size fm 1600 k l to 5000 k l - Page 17 o f - 20 STANDARD PRACT I CE CONFIDENTIAL^ ( JGS 210-120-1-WE 1 APPENDIX-2 HEIGHT OF INLETIOUTLET NOZZLE AND AIR FOAM NOZZLE . - .H4 and H1 are defined in section 3.3.1 "Liquid Levels" above. FIG -1 SHELL NOZZLE HEIGHT H4 is rounded to each 5 mm. The nozzle height may be changed due to detailed design, actual figures shall be confirmed with the tank detailed design group. NOZZLE SIZE, Inch 48 46 44 42 40 3 8 @ JGC CORPORflTlON REGULAR TYPE 28 26 24 22 20 Hc(inch) 52 50 48 46 44 42 LOW TYPE H4(mm) 1930 1855 1780 1700 1625 1550 3 2 30 28 26 24 NOZZLE SIZE Inch 18 16 13 12 10 8 Hc(inch) 48-318 46-318 44-318 42-318 40-318- 38-318 H4(mm) 1840 1760 1690 1610 1535 1460 1170 1090 1020 940 865 REGULAR TYPE 28-318 26-314 2.1-314 22-314 20-314 Hc(inch) 22 20 18 17 15 13 LOW TYPE H4(mm) 790 710 635 585 5 10 430 Hc(inch) 18-314 16-314 14-314 13-112 11-112 9-112 1080 10 10 935 860 780 H4(mm) 705 630 550 495 420 345 1.5 Threaded 3 2 4 . 5 6 9 7 6 170 265 205 170 3 5-518 3 3 95 180 100 95 FIG-2 AIR FOAM NOZZLE I I \ T O P A-PJGLE O F S H E L L A I R F O A M C , N O Z Z L E C E N T E R All figures are rpunded to 5 nun. @ JGC CORPORflTlON Page 19 o f 20 STANDARD PRACT I CE CONFIDENTIAL^ I JGS 210-120-I-58~ APPENDIX-3 BLANK FORM "DESIGN INFORMATION FOR ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE TANKS" - I Scrvicc Required - JGC CORPORATION .- - 1. This information shall be used for both 0-Job and 5Job as the Design Information JOB CODE : JOB NAME : of Atmos. Storage Tank. 2. The requircd information are classified for 0-Job or A, B & C in accordance with the grades of 5-Job respectively. DESIGN INFORMATION FOR 3. P&I and relevant data sheets such as tank heater, miser and fire fighting devices ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE TANKS shall be also applied as a part-of the Design Information. 0-Job I I I I Networking ! I I I I I I l ~ a n k Size : Inside Diameter (mm) Height (mm) Tank Capacity : Nominal (m3) Geometric (m3) NO. SHEET OF DATE PREP'D CI-K'D APP'D . . - - ' -Net working capac Flash Poinf- ("c) Storage Temperature ("(3 - Specific Gravity (-) Vapor Pressure (mmAqA) C A L Storage (m:) ! 1 Aromatic H C (%) Dcsign Pressure (mmAq) Max Inlet Capaclty (m3/hr) Max Out Gomg Capacity (m3/hr) Corrosion Allotvance ( m m ) Insulation Thickness Shell (mm) Roof (mm> Materials lns~de coatlng Roof Type Inlet Nozzle Outlet Noz7le Jet Nozzle Heater Muer Product contanu due to contact w t h atmos Protection for ram water @ JGC CORPORflTlON B - .ty shall be specified as a :. " C , a: "C I specified "Networhng." ( ' The other figures iyill be specified by the ( plot arca limitatiod and soon. \ + / - 1 a minimum requirement. at "C at "C Notc (a) & (b) : Data Sheets shall be issued separately. (c) : Information is required only when Net Workmg Capacity is specified. Required Required ~equirement of ttie client, + / - Rcv. at "C,. at "C at 0 at "C - APP'D process design,' . + / - fd) : For FRT or CFRT Specify less than 40% or actual value in case more than 40% H.C content. DESCRIPTION DATE Specify min. liquid level or suction nozzle size when at "C at "C PREP'D Rcq'd > 100°F or < 100°F - Required Required Rcq'd + / - pppppp- ) , + / - , (d) Req'd I Req'd If excced 40mmAq Rcq'a -3m Not Requ~red Reqmred Not req'd (c) Req'd Spec@ only Yes or No Specify Carbon Steel etc Spec& fjr any Required Specify required No &! size Spec~fy only req'd No Req'd l ~ o t Req'd (a) Yes or No (b) Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Inert gas seal or float~ng dev~ces - Page 20 o f 20 STANDARD PRACT I CE ICONFIDENTIALI - I JGS 210-120-1-58~ } APPENDIX-4 BASIC DESIGN WORK FLOW OF ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE 'TANK I Blank Form Filled up t4 Net Working Volume Nozzle Sizes Basic Design Group Process Requirement Physical Propaties Mechanical Design Group > Tentative Tank Sizing Soil Data Tank Data Sheets P & I / / Commept s Data Sheets 1 VY \ if apy 1 For Estimation \ L I I Alarm Set Point I I I I \ \ / Tank Heater ~rra&ement 1 / I Final I I Tank Dimentions / I * / I Plot Plan P & I Rwiew Vendor @ JGC CORPORRTION - \ I 1 1 XA Basic Design Group > - Final I Review of Pump NPSH -- Nitrogen Blanket Sizing - - I I Tank Diameter V Tank Dimentions --T---' 1f NPSH is 1 1 not $nough I I I 1 Maximum Level I I Mechanical Design Group 1 Minimum Level JGS LIST CONTENTS 1. SCOPE 2. WORK PROCEDURE 2.1 Information for Detailed Design 2.2 Work Flow 2.3 JOB Data 3. DESIGN 3.1 Tank Type 3.2 Selection of Tank Type 3.3 Storage Capacity 3.3.1 Liquid Level 3.3.2 Definition of Capacity 3.4 Operating and Design Conditions 3.4.1 Operating Conditions 3.4.2 Design Conditions 3.5 Instrumentation 3.5.1 Level Instrument 3.5.2 Temperature 3.5.3 Auto-water Drain 3.6 Venting Design 3.6.1 Venting Capacity 3.6.2 Gas Blanketing 3.7 Insulation and Painting 3.7.1 Insulation 3.7.2 Painting 4. ACCESSORIES 4.1 Tank Heater 4.2 Tank Mixer 4.3 Tank Nozzles 4.4 Breather Valve and Flame Arrestor 5. SPECIAL DESIGN 5.1 Sulfur Tank 5.2 Styrene Monomer Tank 6. APPENDIX APPENDIX-1 TANK CAPACITY LIST (4600KL) APPENDIX-1 TANK CAPACITY LIST (1600KL TO 5000KL) APPENDIX-1 TANK CAPACITY LIST (>5000KL) APPENDIX-2 HEIGHT OF INLET/OUTLET NOZZLE AND AIR FOAM NOZZLE APPENDIX-3 BLANK FORM "DESIGN INFORMATION FOR ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE TANKS" APPENDIX-4 BASIC DESIGN WORK FLOW OF ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE TANK


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