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DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL INTRODUCTION Section Subject Approved CI-0000-01 Page Introduction How To Use Your Manual June 1, 2006 1 of 2 SUMMARY This manual is designed for random access of information. It has also been written and structured to provide the users with information in a manner, which can be quickly retrieved and easily understood. NUMBERING SYSTEM This manual uses a numbering system (procedure number), which combines an ALPHA PREFIX with the TAB, SECTION and SUBJECT numbers. For example: CI - 0207 - 03 CI 02 07 03 is the Alpha prefix for the Corporate Infrastructure Design Requirements Manual; is the Tab number, e.g., Tab 3 - Architecture; is the Section number; and is the Subject number. This procedure number is found on the upper right corner of each page. TABS Tabs are the major divisions of the manual. They are physically separated by dividers, which show the number of the tab. “Systems” is a tab. SECTIONS Sections are divisions of a tab. SUBJECTS Subjects are divisions of a section. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL INTRODUCTION Section Subject Approved CI-0000-01 Page Introduction How To Use Your Manual June 1, 2006 2 of 2 OVERVIEWS Overviews provide a general description of the contents of each tab and section in the manual. It is always numbered “-01”. CHANGES TO CONTENT If you notice any information in this manual, which you know to be inaccurate, notify Controls & Standards. DISTRIBUTION OF MANUALS Manuals are distributed as required. Since manuals may be shared, they should not be moved from the location in the event of employee changes. AMENDMENT RECORD The Amendment Record is designed to record all amendments by number and date. This permits the user to determine if all revisions have been received. To complete the Amendment Record, enter the date recorded on the Manuals Amendment Notice next to the appropriate number on the Amendment Record. Note: If any amendments are missing, contact CI Controls & Standards. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 1 of 17 TAB 0 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Amendment Record .........................................................................CI-0000-00 How To Use Your Manual................................................................CI-0000-01 Summary ....................................................................................................1 Numbering System .....................................................................................1 Tabs ...........................................................................................................1 Sections......................................................................................................1 Subjects......................................................................................................1 Overviews...................................................................................................2 Changes to Content....................................................................................2 Distribution of Manuals ...............................................................................2 Amendment Record....................................................................................2 Table of Contents ............................................................................CI-0000-02 TAB 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION Overview (of Tab) ............................................................................CI-0101-01 Summary ....................................................................................................1 GO TRANSIT CONTEXT Overview..........................................................................................CI-0102-01 Background ................................................................................................1 Ontario Building Code ................................................................................1 Overview ....................................................................................................1 Copyright ....................................................................................................2 DESIGN PRINCIPLES Background......................................................................................CI-0103-01 Standards ...................................................................................................1 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 2 of 17 General ........................................................................................... CI-0103-02 Station Site Program.................................................................................. 1 Site Layout................................................................................................. 2 Customer Services .................................................................................... 3 Waiting Areas ............................................................................................ 4 Corporate Identity ...................................................................................... 4 Standardization of Fixed Facilities ............................................................. 4 Responsiveness To Change...................................................................... 5 Joint Venture Development........................................................................ 5 Fare Collection and Validation ................................................................... 6 Station Staffing .......................................................................................... 6 Information and Guidance.......................................................................... 6 Provisions for Passengers with Special Needs.......................................... 6 Easier Access ............................................................................................ 6 Maintenance and Cleaning ........................................................................ 7 Advertising ................................................................................................. 8 Artwork....................................................................................................... 8 Pay Parking ............................................................................................... 8 Sustainable Development .......................................................................... 8 Kyoto.......................................................................................................... 8 ELEMENTS Standard Elements.......................................................................... CI-0104-01 AMENDMENT PROCEDURES Text ................................................................................................. CI-0105-01 Summary ................................................................................................... 1 Standards Review Committee ................................................................... 1 Manual Co-ordinator .................................................................................. 1 Initiator ....................................................................................................... 1 Notice of Amendment ................................................................................ 1 Accessibility..................................................................................... CI-0106-01 Overview.................................................................................................... 1 Basis of Criteria ......................................................................................... 1 Key Elements............................................................................................. 6 Easier Access Features ............................................................................. 3 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 3 of 17 TAB 2 ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION Overview (of Tab) ............................................................................CI-0201-01 Summary ....................................................................................................1 Rail Station Sites .............................................................................CI-0202-02 Scope .........................................................................................................1 Site Layout Properties ................................................................................1 Vehicular Circulation...................................................................................2 Specific Criteria ..........................................................................................2 Pedestrian and Bicycle Access ..................................................................3 Shared Pedestrian Bicycle Paths ...............................................................4 Bike Shelters ..............................................................................................5 Automobile Access .....................................................................................5 Parking Layouts..........................................................................................5 Islands and Curbs.......................................................................................6 Signs and Posts .........................................................................................6 Barrier Free Parking ...................................................................................7 Scooter/Motorcycle Parking........................................................................8 Reserved and Staff Parking........................................................................8 Passenger Drop off and Pick Up ................................................................8 Taxi Facilities..............................................................................................8 Bus Loops ..................................................................................................9 Ramps ........................................................................................................9 Curb Ramps ...............................................................................................9 Stairs ..........................................................................................................9 Bicycles ....................................................................................................10 Pedestrian Tunnels and Bridges ..............................................................11 Site Preparation........................................................................................11 Access Roads ..........................................................................................11 Rail Platforms ...........................................................................................12 Mini Platforms...........................................................................................12 Passenger Shelters ..................................................................................13 Station Building ........................................................................................13 Parking Structures ....................................................................................13 Designated Waiting Area (DWA) ..............................................................13 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 4 of 17 Figure: Typical Cross Section for Shared Pedestrian/Cyclist Paths......... 14 Figure: Scooter/Motorocycle Parking Stalls ............................................. 15 Figure: Access Road and Parking Interface (Guideline only)................... 16 Figure: Parking Layout (Guideline only)................................................... 17 Figure: Passenger Drop-off and Pick-up Layout (Guideline only) ............ 18 Figure: Bus Loop (Guideline only) ........................................................... 19 Figure – Mini-Platform Location ............................................................... 20 Figure – Locomotive end of Train Consist ............................................... 21 Figure – Designated Waiting Area ........................................................... 22 Bus Terminal Sites .......................................................................... CI-0202-03 Scope......................................................................................................... 1 GO Design Vehicles................................................................................... 1 Bus Radii Design Guidelines ..................................................................... 2 Straight Platform ........................................................................................ 3 Sawtooth Platform ..................................................................................... 3 Platform Selection...................................................................................... 3 Platform Layout.......................................................................................... 4 Clearances................................................................................................. 4 Accessible On Street Bus Stops ................................................................ 4 Emergency Vehicles .................................................................................. 7 Related Facilities ....................................................................................... 8 Materials .................................................................................................... 8 Figure – Typical Bus Loop Figure .............................................................. 9 Figure – Bus Radii Design Turning Template ......................................... 10 Figure – Bus Bay Guidelines for D4500 Bus with Bike Rack Deployed ... 11 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations ................................................... CI-0202-04 Scope......................................................................................................... 1 Approvals................................................................................................... 2 Basis of Criteria ......................................................................................... 2 Site Access ................................................................................................ 3 Platform ..................................................................................................... 4 Passenger Waiting Building/Shelter........................................................... 4 Parking Lot................................................................................................. 5 Services ..................................................................................................... 6 Fences ....................................................................................................... 7 Landscaping .............................................................................................. 7 Signs/Advertising ....................................................................................... 7 Fixtures ...................................................................................................... 8 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 5 of 17 Drainage ..........................................................................................CI-0202-05 Scope .........................................................................................................1 Catch Basins ..............................................................................................1 Gutter Drainage ..........................................................................................1 Ditch Drainage............................................................................................1 Sub-Grade Drainage ..................................................................................1 Pavement and Line Marking ............................................................CI-0202-06 Scope .........................................................................................................1 Specifications .............................................................................................1 Slopes ........................................................................................................2 Line Marking...............................................................................................2 Figure: Line Marking - Access Roads and Aisles ......................................3 Figure: Line Marking - Perimeter Parking Stalls ........................................4 Figure: Line Marking - Row Parking Stalls.................................................5 Figure: Line Marking - Parking Restricted Area .........................................6 Figure: Line Marking - Islands ...................................................................7 Figure: Line Marking - Crosswalks ............................................................8 Figure: Line Marking - Designated Parking Layouts ..................................9 Figure: Line Marking - Pavement Arrows ................................................10 Figure: Line Marking - Rail Platform and Mini-Platform ...........................11 Site Related Items ...........................................................................CI-0202-07 Scope .........................................................................................................1 Fencing.......................................................................................................1 Gated..........................................................................................................5 Noise Barriers.............................................................................................5 Concrete Curbs ..........................................................................................6 Guide Rails, Guardrails, and Bollards.........................................................7 Bollards ......................................................................................................8 Passenger Shelters ....................................................................................8 HEAVY RAIL General ............................................................................................CI-0203-01 Scope .........................................................................................................1 Basis of Criteria ..........................................................................................1 Railway Owned Corridors...........................................................................1 GO Transit Owned Corridors......................................................................1 Clearance Diagram.....................................................................................2 Track/Train Data.........................................................................................2 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 6 of 17 Platform Design Criteria............................................................................. 2 Platform Enclosures................................................................................... 3 Platform Signs ........................................................................................... 3 Mini-Platform.............................................................................................. 3 Clearance Diagram .................................................................................... 3 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL Engineering Design ......................................................................... CI-0204-01 General ...................................................................................................... 1 Codes ........................................................................................................ 1 Scope......................................................................................................... 1 Specific Requirements ............................................................................... 1 UTILITIES General ........................................................................................... CI-0205-01 Overview.................................................................................................... 1 Scope......................................................................................................... 1 Basis of Criteria ......................................................................................... 1 Specific Requirements ............................................................................... 1 Utilities Crossing Tracks ............................................................................ 2 MECHANICAL General ........................................................................................... CI-0206-01 Scope......................................................................................................... 1 Basis of Criteria ......................................................................................... 1 HVAC......................................................................................................... 1 Plumbing and Drainage ............................................................................. 5 Fire Protection ......................................................................................... 10 Noise/Vibration ........................................................................................ 11 ELECTRICAL General ........................................................................................... CI-0207-01 Scope......................................................................................................... 1 Codes and Approvals................................................................................. 2 Basis of Criteria ......................................................................................... 2 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 7 of 17 Power Supply and Distribution........................................................CI -0207-02 Incoming Utility Services ............................................................................1 Utilization Voltages .....................................................................................1 Balancing of Phases...................................................................................3 Voltage Drops.............................................................................................3 Power Factor ..............................................................................................3 Service Ductbanks......................................................................................4 Protection and Metering .............................................................................4 Panelboards ...............................................................................................5 Grounding and Lightening Protection .........................................................5 Distribution Method.....................................................................................6 Wiring Method ............................................................................................6 Motor Control..............................................................................................8 Receptacles................................................................................................8 Wayside Power ..........................................................................................9 Back up Power Systems .................................................................CI -0207-03 Scope .........................................................................................................1 General Description....................................................................................1 Essential Loads ..........................................................................................1 Generator Requirements ............................................................................3 Transfer Switch (Automatic and Bypass)....................................................5 Uniterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Requirements .....................................7 Alarms to Monitoring Services Providers..................................................10 Figure: Emergency Power Distribution with Generator............................11 Figure: Emergency Power Distribution without Generator.......................12 Service Rooms ...............................................................................CI -0207-04 General Requirements ...............................................................................1 Electrical Room ..........................................................................................7 Communciation and Hub Rooms..............................................................11 Illumination......................................................................................CI -0207-05 Scope .........................................................................................................1 Basis of Criteria ..........................................................................................1 Illumination Levels ......................................................................................1 Exterior Lighting .........................................................................................3 Light Sources and Controls ........................................................................4 LED Lighting Minimum Requirements ........................................................5 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 8 of 17 Lighting Control Design Criteria ................................................................. 6 Exterior Lighting - On and Off Controls ...................................................... 7 Exit Lights .................................................................................................. 7 Emergency Lights ...................................................................................... 7 Glare .......................................................................................................... 7 Daylight...................................................................................................... 8 Minimum Height ........................................................................................ 8 Sundry ....................................................................................................... 8 Standard Light Pole Drawings ................................................................... 8 Identification and Labelling............................................................. CI -0207-06 Scope......................................................................................................... 1 Regulatory Requirements ........................................................................ 1 General ..................................................................................................... 1 Nameplates................................................................................................ 2 WireMarkers .............................................................................................. 3 Panelboard Directories .............................................................................. 4 Communication Cable and Equipment Labelling ....................................... 4 Colour Identification of Wiring .................................................................... 4 Name/Number Identification of Wiring ....................................................... 5 Equipment Identification Schedule............................................................. 6 Equipment - Conduits, Boxes, Splitters and Panels................................... 7 Colour Identification of Equipment ............................................................. 8 System Colour Identification ...................................................................... 9 Identification of Pull and Junction Boxes.................................................. 10 Identification of Receptacles, Fire Alarms, Resistors and Duct Detectors 11 Manhole and Handhole Markers.............................................................. 11 Labelling Nomenclature ........................................................................... 11 Electrical Room........................................................................................ 15 Testing and Commissioning ........................................................... CI -0207-07 General ...................................................................................................... 1 Megger Test............................................................................................... 1 Coordination .............................................................................................. 1 Motor Control Centre & Panelboard........................................................... 1 Cables........................................................................................................ 2 Grounding .................................................................................................. 2 Reports ...................................................................................................... 2 Commissioning .......................................................................................... 2 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 9 of 17 Drawings.........................................................................................CI -0207-08 Drawing Requirements ...............................................................................1 TAB 3 ARCHITECTURE INTRODUCTION Overview (of Tab) ...........................................................................CI -0301-01 Summary ....................................................................................................1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN General ...........................................................................................CI -0302-01 Overview ....................................................................................................1 Code Classification.....................................................................................1 Design & General Review ..........................................................................2 Basis of Criteria ..........................................................................................2 Conceptual Layouts....................................................................................3 Cost Estimates ...........................................................................................3 Integration ..................................................................................................3 Environmental Guidelines...........................................................................3 Joint Development......................................................................................4 Security Guidelines.....................................................................................4 STATION BUILDINGS Station Program..............................................................................CI -0303-01 Overview ....................................................................................................1 Waiting Area...............................................................................................2 Station Attendant Room .............................................................................3 Concession Area ........................................................................................5 Public Washrooms......................................................................................6 Maintenance Room ....................................................................................7 GO Storage Room/Driver Washroom .........................................................8 Communications Room ..............................................................................8 Electrical Room ..........................................................................................8 Mechanical Room.....................................................................................10 Platform Access Buildings ................................................................CI -0303-02 Overview ....................................................................................................1 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 10 of 17 Stair Enclosure Buildings ........................................................................... 1 Elevator Enclosure Buildings ..................................................................... 4 Elevators.................................................................................................... 6 Shelters .......................................................................................... CI -0303-03 Overview.................................................................................................... 1 Size............................................................................................................ 1 Clearance .................................................................................................. 1 Form .......................................................................................................... 1 Loads ......................................................................................................... 1 Features..................................................................................................... 2 Fixtures ...................................................................................................... 3 BUS TERMINAL BUILDINGS Program ......................................................................................... CI -0304-01 Overview.................................................................................................... 1 Roof/Canopy/Platform................................................................................ 2 Entrances................................................................................................... 4 Waiting Room ............................................................................................ 5 Dispatcher Room ....................................................................................... 5 Driver Room............................................................................................... 7 MULTILEVEL PARKING STRUCTURES Program ......................................................................................... CI -0304-02 Design Requirements .............................................................................. 17 AIR RAIL LINK Overview ........................................................................................ CI -0304-03 Line Station Design Requirements ............................................................ 6 MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS Program ......................................................................................... CI -0305-01 Train Layover Buildings ............................................................................. 1 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 11 of 17 Bus Operational Facilities ...............................................................CI -0305-02 Design Requirements ...............................................................................30 ANCILLARY BUILDINGS Program ..........................................................................................CI -0306-01 Overview ....................................................................................................1 Criteria........................................................................................................1 MATERIALS Program ..........................................................................................CI -0307-01 Overview ....................................................................................................1 General Criteria ..........................................................................................1 Exteriors .....................................................................................................3 Interior ........................................................................................................8 Floors .........................................................................................................9 Walls.........................................................................................................10 Ceilings.....................................................................................................11 Doors........................................................................................................13 Public Area Doors.....................................................................................13 Non-Public Area Door...............................................................................14 Wood Doors .............................................................................................14 Windows...................................................................................................16 Skylights ...................................................................................................16 Grilles, Covers, Etc...................................................................................16 Door Hardware .........................................................................................16 Station Furniture .......................................................................................16 Millwork ....................................................................................................17 Figure: Standard material & Colour Selections.........................................20 Figure: Tiles at Ramp/Stair Approach.......................................................22 LANDSCAPING Program ..........................................................................................CI -0308-01 Overview ....................................................................................................1 General Requirements ...............................................................................1 Codes and Standards.................................................................................2 Plant Material .............................................................................................3 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 12 of 17 Internal Landscaping ................................................................................. 3 Stormwater Management........................................................................... 4 Snow Sorage ............................................................................................. 5 Snow Control ............................................................................................. 6 Planting Guide ........................................................................................... 6 Native Species Planting ............................................................................. 7 Landscaping Design Elements and Fixtures............................................ 11 SIGNS AND GRAPHICS Program ......................................................................................... CI -0309-01 Overview.................................................................................................... 1 Legibility..................................................................................................... 1 Constraints/Opportunities .......................................................................... 1 Advertising ................................................................................................. 2 Constraints................................................................................................. 3 ARTWORK Program ......................................................................................... CI -0310-01 Overview.................................................................................................... 1 Objectives .................................................................................................. 1 Design Opportunities ................................................................................. 1 Media and Application................................................................................ 2 Examples ................................................................................................... 4 TAB 4 SYSTEMS INTRODUCTION Overview (of Tab)........................................................................... CI -0401-01 Summary ................................................................................................... 1 COMMUNICATIONS Telephone Network ........................................................................ CI -0402-01 Overview.................................................................................................... 1 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 13 of 17 Security System..............................................................................CI -0402-02 Scope .........................................................................................................1 Codes and Standards.................................................................................1 Alarm Systems ...........................................................................................1 General Features........................................................................................2 System Functional Performance ................................................................6 Fare Handling Equipment ...............................................................CI -0402-03 Scope .........................................................................................................1 Locations ....................................................................................................1 Conduits .....................................................................................................1 Wiring .........................................................................................................1 PRESTO...................................................................................................18 Ticket Booth Talk-Thru System.......................................................CI -0402-04 Scope .........................................................................................................1 Function......................................................................................................1 Components ...............................................................................................1 Wiring .........................................................................................................1 Public Address System ...................................................................CI -0402-05 Overview ....................................................................................................1 Coverage....................................................................................................1 Paging ........................................................................................................1 References .................................................................................................1 General Features........................................................................................3 Audio Power, Coverage and Quality...........................................................4 Components ...............................................................................................5 Installation ................................................................................................10 CCTV System .................................................................................CI -0402-06 Basis of Criteria ..........................................................................................1 Codes and Standards.................................................................................1 Local Monitoring .........................................................................................2 Remote Monitoring .....................................................................................2 Components ...............................................................................................2 Design/Installation Criteria..........................................................................3 Installation ..................................................................................................4 CCTV Camera Placement ..........................................................................6 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 14 of 17 TAB 5 PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION Overview ........................................................................................ CI -0501-01 Summary ................................................................................................... 1 DRAWING STANDARDS General Standards ......................................................................... CI -0502-01 CAD submission Requirements For Contract and record drawings Documents................................................................................................. 1 Standard Requirements ............................................................................. 1 Standard GO Transit Drawing Sheet Sizes................................................ 1 Title Block .................................................................................................. 2 Line Work................................................................................................... 7 Lettering, drawing identification block and contract title sheets lettering.... 7 Dimensions ................................................................................................ 7 Section and Detail Markers........................................................................ 8 Scales On Subtitles ................................................................................... 8 Signatures.................................................................................................. 8 Engineer’s Or Architect’s Seal ................................................................... 8 Drawing Orientation and North Arrows ...................................................... 8 Chainages.................................................................................................. 9 Abbreviations and Symbols ....................................................................... 9 Structure Identification and Detailing ......................................................... 9 Graphic Symbols ..................................................................................... 11 Drawing Media and Close Out Drawings ................................................. 11 TAB 6 HEAVY RAIL INTRODUCTION Overview (of Tab)........................................................................... CI -0601-01 Summary ................................................................................................... 1 HEAVY RAIL Scope ............................................................................................. CI -0602-01 General ...................................................................................................... 1 Purpose ..................................................................................................... 1 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 15 of 17 Definitions .......................................................................................CI -0602-02 Clearance Point ..........................................................................................1 Compromise Bars.......................................................................................1 Crossing, Diamond .....................................................................................1 Crossover ...................................................................................................1 Curvature, Track.........................................................................................1 Double Slip Switch......................................................................................1 Frog ............................................................................................................1 Gauge, Track..............................................................................................2 Insulated Joint (IJ) ......................................................................................2 Rail, Bridge Guard ......................................................................................2 Rail, Compromise .......................................................................................2 Rail, Continuous Welded (CWR) ................................................................2 Rail, Guard .................................................................................................2 Rail, Running..............................................................................................3 Railway.......................................................................................................3 Rail, Welded ...............................................................................................3 Special Trackwork ......................................................................................3 Superelevation ...........................................................................................3 Turnout .......................................................................................................3 Weld, Flash Butt .........................................................................................4 Weld, Thermite ...........................................................................................4 Track Material .................................................................................CI -0602-03 General.......................................................................................................1 Rail .............................................................................................................1 Frogs ..........................................................................................................2 Other Track Material (OTM) .......................................................................2 Track Ties...................................................................................................5 Ballast.........................................................................................................6 End-of-Track Construction..........................................................................6 Special Trackwork ..........................................................................CI -0602-04 Turnout .......................................................................................................1 Double Slip Switches..................................................................................2 Crossings (Diamond)..................................................................................3 Track Layout and Construction .......................................................CI -0602-05 General.......................................................................................................1 Track Centres .............................................................................................1 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 16 of 17 Spacing of Special Trackwork.................................................................... 2 Track Alignment and Special Trackwork.................................................... 2 Clearance Points ....................................................................................... 2 Clearance Envelope .................................................................................. 2 Bridge Guard Rails .................................................................................... 3 Track Capacity........................................................................................... 3 Road Crossings ......................................................................................... 3 Drainage .................................................................................................... 3 Track Assembly ......................................................................................... 4 Track Tolerances ........................................................................... CI -0602-06 General ...................................................................................................... 1 Track Gauge .............................................................................................. 1 Line ............................................................................................................ 1 Surface ...................................................................................................... 1 Cross-Level................................................................................................ 1 Deviation.................................................................................................... 2 Continuous Welded Rail................................................................. CI -0602-07 General ...................................................................................................... 1 Preferred Laying Temperature................................................................... 1 Structure Interface.......................................................................... CI -0602-08 GO Transit Platforms ................................................................................. 1 Pedestrian Tunnels .................................................................................... 1 Utilities ....................................................................................................... 1 Lighting ...................................................................................................... 2 Maintenance Access.................................................................................. 2 STANDARD DRAWINGS Track Material ................................................................................ CI -0603-01 Figure: 115 Re Running Rail Section........................................................ 1 Figure: 14” Tie Plate For 100/115 Rail-5-1/2” Base Width ........................ 2 Figure: Tie Plate For 100/115 Rail For Elastic Fasteners and Screw Spikes ........................................................................................................ 3 Figure: Insulated Rail Joint ....................................................................... 4 Figure: Timber Ties................................................................................... 5 Figure: Timber Tie To Concrete Tie Transition ......................................... 6 Figure: Concrete Track Ties ..................................................................... 7 Figure: Cross-Section Single Track .......................................................... 8 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject Approved EN-0000-02 Page April 30, 2012 17 of 17 Figure: Ballast Cross Section ....................................................................9 Figure: Ballast Cross Section Super-Elevation........................................10 Figure: Turnout Dimensions & Speeds....................................................11 Figure: Double Slip Switch ......................................................................12 Figure: One-Way Vehicle Service Road (Surface at Top of Ties)............................................................................13 Figure: One-Way Vehicle Service Road With Drainage Ditch (Surface at Top of Ties)............................................................................14 Figure: Two-Way Vehicle Service Road at Lighting Poles 76m (250’) To 91m (300’) Apart (Surface at Top of Ties)............................................................................15 Figure: Cross Over LENgths ...................................................................16 Figure: Turnout and Crossover Spacing..................................................17 Figure: Track Clearances ........................................................................18 Figure: Track Clearances ........................................................................19 Figure: Clearance Envelope On All Structures Over or Beside The Railway Tracks..................................................................20 Figure: USRC Trainshed Minimum Clearance Envelope.........................21 Figure: Track Capacity ............................................................................22 Figure: Mud Rail Crossing Detail .............................................................23 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved CI-0101-01 Page Introduction Overview (of Tab) June 1, 2006 1 of 1 SUMMARY This Tab No. 1 deals with Design Policies governing the standards and the day-to-day use of this manual, in terms of the following subjects: • • • • GO Transit Context Design Principles Elements Amendment Procedures 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved CI-0102-01 Page GO Transit Context Overview May 27, 2010 1 of 2 BACKGROUND GO Transit is the Province of Ontario’s interregional public transit service for the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Legally a Crown Agency, officially it is the Greater Toronto Transit Authority (GTTA). Quantitative facts about GO Transit are available upon request: fact sheets, reports and system maps. Qualitative fact: during one recent year GO Transit carried about 40 million passengers, purchasing about 40 million litres of diesel fuel to do so. Therefore, on average, each passenger commuted on one litre of diesel fuel. Passenger and GO Transit expectations for comparable economy of means in the design and construction of fixed facilities motivate the criteria comprising these Standards. This may seem to be a lofty aspiration, but it is in fact meaningful when facility capital and lifecycle operating costs are related to passenger volumes and reduced to the cost and revenue of a passenger per day. ONTARIO BUILDING CODE In accordance with the GO Transit Act, 2001, GO Transit is a Crown Agency. The Ontario statutes do not bind the Provincial Crown unless the statute specifically so provides. The Building Code Act does not expressly bind the Provincial Crown. In effect, GO Transit is not bound by the Building Code Act and the Ontario Building Code (OBC). However, in practice, GO Transit does comply and applies for building permits, though it does not enter into Site Plan Agreements nor pay development charges or other levies. GO Transit also recognizes the OBC requirement that Group A division 2 buildings (passenger stations and depots) shall be designed by an “architect and professional engineer”, each within their respective practice, as set out in the Architects Act and the Professional Engineers Act. Note: OBC 3.13 “Rapid Transit Stations” does not apply to GO Transit. However, GO Transit subscribes to the application of Article “Width of means of Egress” for passenger flow calculations, etc. OVERVIEW GO Transit owns this document, in both printed and/or digital form, and will keep a record of issuance, and forward amendments to Manual Holders. Manual Holders shall return the Manual to GO Transit upon request. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved CI-0102-01 Page GO Transit Context Overview May 27, 2010 2 of 2 COPYRIGHT Manual Holders may reproduce the contents for use as required during a project assignment from GO Transit, but shall not lend out or sell or reproduce the contents for publication. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved CI-0103-01 Page Design Principles Background June 1, 2006 1 of 1 STANDARDS GO Transit respects the professionalism of consultants, and relies on their sound knowledge of the fundamentals of engineering, architecture, landscaping, signs and graphics. These Standards are not intended to prescribe “HOW” but rather to elucidate “WHAT” is to be designed, in terms of location, size, clearances, functional relationships, features, fixtures, mechanical, electrical and communications systems, fare collection systems, information systems, security systems, landscaping, signs, the added value of artwork, all with certain key materials, in certain key colours. GO Transit relies on consultants to design in accordance with all applicable codes and to the approval of all authorities having jurisdiction. All GO Transit standards are written in the context of GO Transit Design Principles. Consultants shall be thoroughly familiar with these principles as a basis for the design of GO Transit facilities: • • • • • • • • • • • Corporate Identity; Standardization of Fixed Facilities; Responsiveness to Change; Joint Venture Development; Fare Collection and Validation; Information and Guidance; Passenger Comfort and Convenience; Provisions For Passengers with Special Needs; Maintenance and Cleaning; Advertising; and Artwork. Consultants and their specialized subconsultants shall both be familiar with all Tabs and sections of these standards, due to overlapping information concerning the integration of systems, components, parts, materials, finishes and colours. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved CI-0103-02 Page Design Principles General November 10, 2010 1 of 9 STATION SITE PROGRAM This program describes the general spatial and physical provisions to be made at each station to accommodate passenger activities, staff functions and related systems. The standard station is based on the following: • • Station Building providing attended ticket sales and services, waiting area, and accommodation for station systems; Exterior station service area accommodating information displays, ticket vending machines, public telephones, ticket cancellers, bicycle parking/storage, newspaper distribution; Rail platform (including mini-platform and passenger shelters); Platform access (including pedestrian tunnel or bridge, stairs and elevators); Bus loop, bus platform, and related shelter; Passenger Drop-off/Pick-up and taxi areas and related shelter; Site access from adjacent community for pedestrians, bicycles, buses (GO and local) and cars; Bicycle parking and/or storage; Automobile parking facilities, including reserved parking and snow clearing and storage areas; Passenger service systems including related accommodation, servicing and infrastructure: lighting, public address, staffed ticket sales, automated ticket sales (TVMs), ticket cancellers (validators), information displays, newspaper distribution, waste containers, public telephones, and CCTV; Emergency vehicle (fire-truck) access; Maintenance and service vehicle access and parking, including platform maintenance access; Landscaped areas, visual screening and acoustical buffers from adjacent areas; Fences and Signs; and • • • • • • • • • • • • 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved CI-0103-02 Page Design Principles • General November 9, 2010 2 of 9 Utilities and storm water management. SITE LAYOUT The GO Transit station should provide convenient access and use of the station services by customers arriving at the station by each of the applicable modes in the following order of priority: • • • • Pedestrian and bicycle Bus Passenger drop off and pick up, taxi Parked personal vehicle The overall layout should respect any existing natural assets of the site, and complement the form of the adjacent community. The platform should be located to take into account any operational constraints (curves, distance from level crossing), for the full range of applicable train lengths. The location of the platform access (tunnels and stairs, parking access and pedestrian routes) and station facilities with respect to the platform length should be considered in relation to other stations on the same corridor in order to distribute activity within the corridor along the full length of the train. The station building should be centrally located with respect to parking facilities, taking into account future likely expansion (parking growth, tunnels, etc.). Pedestrian and bicycle access from the surrounding community, and from the surrounding sidewalk/path network should be encouraged by providing short, convenient paths from each applicable direction. Bus service to the station by local transit and by GO should be provided, where warranted, to a bus platform close to the station building, with a separate access from the street to facilitate bus access and egress. Passenger drop-off facilities, including taxi and accessible bus accommodation, should be provided close to the station building. Accessible parking spaces should be provided close to the station building. A convenient accessible pathway with curb cuts should be provided from the accessible parking spaces 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved CI-0103-02 Page Design Principles General November 10, 2010 3 of 9 and accessible drop-off location to the station building, and continue throughout the station facility. Bicycle parking/storage should be provided in the vicinity of the station, if possible under cover; it should be located where station staff can observe it directly or by CCTV. Station egress should be designed to mitigate the peak volumes of vehicles leaving the site after arrival of a busy train; multiple egress points should be provided where feasible, and intersection design should reflect the high peak volumes. The station layout should support distributed activity, and a high level of visibility between areas, to avoid isolated areas. CUSTOMER SERVICES Customers approaching the station building area by each of the modes should have convenient access to: • • • • • An information display providing service information at the approach to the station area; Ticket sales (attended and TVM); Newspaper boxes and, if appropriate, concessions; Ticket cancellers; and Pay phones. Frequent customers not requiring information or ticket sales may access the platforms directly and need access to: • Ticket cancellers. The arrangement of the station should ensure that all needed facilities are available for customers using the station at times when it is not attended and portions of the station are locked. In addition to automated ticket vending, and access to public telephones and information, shelter should be provided for customers waiting for trains, buses and rider/taxis as appropriate. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved CI-0103-02 Page Design Principles General November 9, 2010 4 of 9 WAITING AREAS The rail platform should be equipped with seating, with shelter to accommodate an appropriate number of intending passengers during inclement weather; barrier-free access to the trains is provided by a mini-platform in close proximity to a shelter with automated door and a public telephone. The bus platform should be equipped with seating, with shelter to accommodate an appropriate number of intending bus passengers during inclement weather, and with an information display for bus schedules applicable to the station. A waiting area for the Passenger drop-off/pick-up facility should provide a public telephone, seating, and shelter for patrons waiting for a ride or taxi. CORPORATE IDENTITY The presently established corporate identity of GO Transit shall be extended throughout the system by prominent application of the existing “GO” logo and colour to all stations. The corporate identity shall be further strengthened by consistent graphics, format, layout, and display of all “graphic” materials that will be visible and/or available to patrons of the GO Transit system. STANDARDIZATION OF FIXED FACILITIES The key objectives of station design shall be: 1. 2. 3. 4. Customer comfort, convenience and safety; Employee effectiveness, safety and comfort; Facility maintainability; and Visual image. The key objectives of standardizing station design shall be: 1. 2. 3. Functional and operational consistency of stations; Economy of construction and maintenance; The visual consistency of all stations within the GO Transit System; and 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved CI-0103-02 Page Design Principles 4. General November 10, 2010 5 of 9 The visual compatibility of stations with the functional, technology, operation, and aesthetic aspects of the system and vehicle. Visible elements of stations shall respond to individual station sites with either unusual inherent qualities or notable contextual features. Stations shall be consistent in terms of fundamental planning principles, functional components (e.g., platforms, stairs, washrooms, graphics and signage, fare dispensing and verification), structural systems and materials, and lighting. A complete list of station elements may be found in CI-0304-01 Standard Elements. Standardization of station design shall not be applied so rigidly as to preclude architectural responses to special site characteristics such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. Heritage features of surrounding neighbourhoods; Significant natural features, identity or image; Surrounding high-density development; and Possible integration with multi-use buildings on same site. RESPONSIVENESS TO CHANGE In the design of stations, emphasis shall be placed on flexibility, such that stations are capable of responding to changes generated either from within the system or external to it, with minimal disruption of on-going system operations. JOINT VENTURE DEVELOPMENT The planning and design of stations and station sites shall take into consideration the potential for joint development by encouraging the integration of stations into major residential and commercial developments where this will result in the generation of revenue, by means of rental agreements, density transfers, capital cost sharing and arrangements to lease air and subsurface rights. The likelihood and nature of development in the immediate vicinity of individual station sites shall be identified prior to the design of each station to ensure that integration into any development is consistent with GO Transit’s present and future interests. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved CI-0103-02 Page Design Principles General November 9, 2010 6 of 9 FARE COLLECTION AND VALIDATION For the purpose of maximizing the convenience and efficiency of passenger flow through and around station facilities, all stations shall be designed on the basis of (a barrier-free, proof-of- payment), honour fare system. STATION STAFFING Operation of the GO Transit system includes periods when stations are not staffed. Some stations are designed to operate without regular staffing. Design must address the effectiveness, comfort, convenience and safety of the facility for customers at times when the station is not staffed. INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE A uniform, comprehensible and comprehensive system of information and guidance will be provide at stations, for the benefit of all transit patrons from the uninitiated to the regular system user. Information and guidance systems shall be treated as an integral element in station design. PROVISIONS FOR PASSENGERS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Passengers with special needs include passengers who use mobility devices; have hearing or sight impairments; are elderly or ill, travel with children and/or strollers; or travel with cumbersome parcels or baggage. Provisions shall be made in the design of stations to ensure that the GO Transit system will be accessible to and usable by all groups of passengers with special needs, without compromising service to other passengers. EASIER ACCESS DESIGN FEATURES Easier Access Design Features are consistent with GO Transit’s goals for quality service with value-added amenities for all customers, and is not necessarily limited to the needs of customers with mobility disabilities. All Easier Access Design Features are to be considered at all new and renovated GO Rail Line Stations and Facilities, as appropriate, and are to be implemented in the design on a case by case basis. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved CI-0103-02 Page Design Principles General November 10, 2010 7 of 9 Performance requirements and associated details, as applicable, can be found throughout the Manual in their respective sections. These features are inherent in the Design Requirements Manual and are equal to or exceed existing industry standards and ‘best practices’. The Easier Access Design Features include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Delineated Pedestrian crosswalks and pavement markings; Designated accessible parking spaces and loading areas; Sidewalks with curb cuts to accommodate barrier-free access; Benches in stations and designated shelters on Train and Bus platforms and Park and Ride and Kiss N Ride areas; Stairways with accessible features, such as colour contrasted, non-slip stair nosing, handrails and detectable tactile flooring in advance of stairs; Power door operators and door guards throughout all accessible designated interior routes; Accessible washrooms; Floor grilles compatible with the use of canes and crutches and grating located away form the main pedestrian traffic flow; Barrier-free ticket sales counters and accessible ticket booth audio communication systems; Increased illumination near passenger loading and waiting areas; Accessible Bus Bays and platform areas; Signage for Station Way finding; Public Address System; Elevators with accessible features, where the station or facility requires an elevator; and Elevated Accessible Rail Platform (Mini Platform). 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved CI-0103-02 Page Design Principles General November 9, 2010 8 of 9 MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING All stations shall be designed for the ease of on-going maintenance and cleaning programmes aimed at reducing operating costs. All equipment and supplies necessary for normal on-going maintenance and cleaning operations shall be readily available on each level of each station. ADVERTISING Station buildings and sites shall be designed to incorporate advertising in a coherent manner. Advertising shall be considered as an integral part of station design, in terms of media used, amount and location of space provided, electrical power and lighting required, and relationships to essential system signage. ARTWORK Certain architectural elements primarily serving the practical needs of the GO Transit system shall be designed with (extra) consideration for their aesthetics. The aesthetic design of these architectural elements shall be complementary to the objectives, function and technology of the transit system such that they become an integral part of the station layout, structure, materials, illumination, landscaping, or furnishings, rather than becoming applied features existing for their own purposes. An architect shall review the station for opportunities for artwork and shall make recommendations to GO Transit for review and approval. PAY PARKING GO Transit provides parking without charge to passengers, except as follows: 1. 2. Reserved parking in designated areas is an optional amenity for passengers. Provisions for future pay parking infrastructure may be required at certain sites, if requested by GO Transit, including at future open air parking garages. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved CI-0103-02 Page Design Principles General November 10, 2010 9 of 9 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Material and design features should reflect green initiatives for sustainable development. Although GO buildings are not LEEDS accredited, general compliance is encouraged. KYOTO GO Transit shall comply with the Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Accords. Standards to be determined (TBD). Consultants shall recommend Sustainable Development features for GO Transit consideration. GO Transit Reference Report: “Sustainable Development and the Implications to the Ministry of Transportation – MTO Sustainable Development Task Group Report, April 1990”. 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved EN-0104-01 Page Elements Standard Elements June 1, 2006 1 of 1 A number of building elements are standardized for fixed facilities across the GO Transit system in order to create and maintain a unified image and standard of quality. · · · · · · · · · Building Identification; Signage and Graphics; Information and Guidance; Lighting; Fare Equipment; Emergency and Security Equipment; Vending Machine Enclosures; Telephones/Telephone Kiosks; and Advertising Display Systems. Stations in residential areas are also standardized in plan, section and elevations, subject to site constraints, municipal requirements. See Standard Station Plan. 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved EN-0105-01 Page Amendment Procedures Text June 1, 2006 1 of 3 SUMMARY This is an outline of the process by which an addition or an amendment to an Engineering Manual can be proposed, implemented and approved. STANDARDS REVIEW COMMITTEE GO Transit Engineering has a Standards Review Committee to deal with all issues related to Engineering Standards. MANUAL CO-ORDINATOR One representative from the Engineering Office shall be designated as the Manual Co-ordinator, with the following responsibilities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Represent the Engineering Office at any standards or procedures meeting. Receive, review and edit the proposed draft addition/amendment. In consultation with the Standards Review Committee establish a distribution list. Co-ordinate review results. Identify standards or procedures requiring updating; expedite changes. Co-ordinate efforts with Insurance & Claims to ensure that standards or procedures are in the proper format and processed through the Insurance & Claims Office. The Manual Co-ordinator is responsible for ensuring that standards or procedures, which involve more than one group, are properly co-ordinated and developed in a systematic fashion. INITIATOR New or amended standards or procedures can be initiated by any user of the Manual. NOTICE OF AMENDMENT A standard form (See Notice of Amendment Form) should be completed by the Initiator. 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved EN-0105-01 Page Amendment Procedures Text June 1, 2006 2 of 3 The Initiator shall fill out the form as follows: 1. 2. Identify the standard or procedure to be amended. State both: (a) (b) 3. 4. the existing Section Number and Item Number; and the proposed new or revised wording. Give justification for the proposed amendment. Identify: (a) (b) Any reference in existing standards or procedures by external groups that may be impacted by the change; and Briefly state the pros and cons of impact, such as: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Operations improvements; Decreased operating costs; Improvements (safety, appearance, etc.); Streamlining approval procedures; and Reference attachments (if required), schematics, figures, sample forms, etc. 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL GENERAL Section Subject Approved EN-0105-01 Page Amendment Procedures Text June 1, 2006 3 of 3 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Version 1 – July 1, 2010 Section Subject CI-0104-01 Accessibility Overview ACCESSIBILITY OVERVIEW "GO Stations and Terminals are (currently) deemed accessible when step-free access is provided from, and between, all public areas of a station to the accessible railcar or bus, respectively. Accessible facilities also incorporate GO Easier Access Features as deemed appropriate”. (See definition of Easier Access Features detailed later in this section). GO provides amenities for customers with special needs. Customers with special needs include: customers who use mobility devices; have hearing or sight impairments; are elderly or ill; travel with children. These needs whether physical, sensory or cognitive disabilities are to be included at the planning and design stage of projects including renovations and new construction, rather than after a project has been completed and provisions are made in the design of stations and facilities to ensure that they all have an accessible route. The relevant performance design requirements for accessible features span all sections of the Design Requirements Manual (“DRM”) as appropriate and are governed by OBC, AODA and industry best practice. The design requirements should be tailored to suit all customer needs and site conditions. G U I D I N G P R I N C I P L E S GO Standards - Accessibility CORPORATE INFRASTRUCTURE Page 1 of 11 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Version 1 – July 1, 2010 Section Subject CI-0104-02 Accessibility Basis of Criteria BASIS OF CRITERIA Application: The DRM guidelines are applicable to the design, construction and alteration of all newly constructed and retrofitted facilities owned, leased or operated by GO and set minimum requirements for accessible design. Where design alternatives will provide substantially equivalent or greater access to GO facilities or where conflicts exist between the requirements of this design requirements manual and standards or legislation enacted by the federal or provincial governments, the most stringent requirements shall apply without compromising the minimum requirements of the current Ontario Building Code. All reasonable efforts should be made to exceed the most stringent minimum requirements. Maintenance: Typical elements installed on or adjacent to an accessible interior route and an accessible exterior route at GO facilities, requiring regular maintenance include: • • • • • • • Timely removal of snow and ice; Timely repair of uneven surfaces and gaps between surfaces; Removal of furniture, fixtures and stored items that impede clearance spaces or corridor (e.g., lane, path and aisle) widths; Proper levelling of elevators and adjustment of door closers and elevator doors to prescribed limits; Repair / replacement of wayfinding signs and displays; Maintenance of prescribed lighting levels; and Proper maintenance of non-glare surfaces. Emergency Evacuation Planning: Persons with disabilities who regularly occupy a facility should have access to Emergency Evacuation Plans in a range of formats, including, but not necessarily limited to, large text, Braille, tactile characters and electronic formats. GO Standards - Accessibility CORPORATE INFRASTRUCTURE Page 2 of 11 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Version 1 – July 1, 2010 Section Subject CI-0104-03 Accessibility Key Elements G U I D I N G P R I N C I P L E S KEY ELEMENTS Performance requirements of the key accessible elements defined below are detailed in all applicable sections of the DRM. Accessible Route: The accessible route is defined as a continuous unobstructed external and internal path connecting all accessible elements and spaces to enable personal barrier free mobility. At GO facilities, the accessible route is identified as the travel path to/from/between the barrier-free parking or drop off area, to the rail mini platform / bus platform. Features on the accessible route are to meet the conditions listed above and be accompanied with appropriate signage. Exterior accessible routes elements include parking access aisles, curb ramps, crosswalks at vehicular ways, walks and ramps at a minimum. Interior accessible routes elements include corridors, floors, ramps, elevators and clear floor space at fixtures. Accessible Access: An accessible entrance elements include the approach walk; the vertical access leading to the building (includes access to rail platforms); the building itself; vestibules, if provided; the entry door(s) or gate(s); and the hardware of the entry door(s) or gate(s). Site Entrance: An accessible pedestrian route(s), path(s) and sidewalks wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs, scooters, or other mobility devices and be connected with accessible municipal sidewalks, signals, crossings, etc. The accessible routes shall not be obstructed by poles, plants, bicycle racks, etc. At least one primary pedestrian entrance to GO Facilities shall be accessible with a no-step entrance and be connected to or integrated with an accessible interior route. If a pedestrian entrance from an enclosed parking garage to the building is provided, at least one entrance from the enclosed parking garage to the building shall be accessible. Loading/Unloading Zones: The passenger pick up and drop off area (Kiss n Ride) or station loading/unloading zone shall provide for barrier-free drop off that is parallel and adjacent to the pedestrian walkway or station plaza, protected from vehicular traffic with related accessible elements and signage and located on the shortest possible accessible route to the station or tunnel entrance. GO Standards - Accessibility CORPORATE INFRASTRUCTURE Page 3 of 11 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Version 1 – July 1, 2010 Section Subject CI-0104-04 Accessibility Easier Access Features Accessible Bus Bay in Bus Loop: Depending on the type of accessible bus, wheelchair or scooter, loading devices may be located mid-way or toward the rear of the bus, and require unobstructed platform area. Platforms must be constructed with firm, non-slip material with curb-ramps and extensive signage, to identify bus bay numbers and destinations. Barrier-Free Parking: Parking spaces designated for persons with disabilities and accessible passenger pick-up areas that serve GO facilities should be located on the shortest possible circulation route to an accessible entrance (preferably 30m or less). Where the location of designated accessible parking spaces is not obvious, directional signage incorporating the International Symbol of Access shall be placed along the route leading to the designated parking spaces. The accessible route shall not require people to pass behind vehicles that may be backing out. Colour-contrasted bollards or curbs should be used to prevent parked vehicles from protruding into the accessible circulation route. Barrier-Free Curb Ramps: Shall be provided on the interconnecting route between the vehicular travel lanes including, but not limited to, pedestrian crossings, designated accessible parking space, customer drop-off areas/access aisles and the adjacent exterior walkway. Delineated Crosswalks: Shall be installed in conjunction with signs and barrier free curb ramps. Crosswalk markings provide guidance for pedestrians and alert road users of a designated pedestrian crossing point by defining and delineating paths. Unobstructed Pathways/Sidewalks, Walkways: Every accessible exterior and interior route shall have unobstructed minimum widths and where adjacent to a vehicular route be provided with a physical separation. Building Entrance: At least one entrance to GO facilities shall be mobility accessible and shall be located on a level that would provide access to elevators and/or ramps. Entrances shall be accessible to people using wheelchairs or scooters. The following features shall form part of an accessible entrance: • • Power assisted door operators, with guards; Accessible entrances shall be clearly marked with the International Symbol of Accessibility; Page 4 of 11 CORPORATE INFRASTRUCTURE GO Standards - Accessibility DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Version 1 – July 1, 2010 Section Subject CI-0104-04 • • • Accessibility Easier Access Features Can be easily opened with one hand; Canopies or other sheltering devices where present, shall have adequate headroom; and Mats shall be level with the floor and door thresholds are bevelled so they do not create a tripping hazard. Doors: Doors provided in an accessible entrance shall be identified by the International Symbol of Access and shall be equipped with barrier-free operators with adequate manoeuvring areas for front approach and appropriate minimum door widths. For multiple-leaf doorways, at least one active leaf shall be power assisted and the use of a centre post should be avoided. Door Guards: Power-assisted doors where they open into a barrier-free route of travel, shall be provided with cane-detectable guardrails or other barriers at right angles to the wall containing the door. Location and size of controls for power-assisted doors along the route of travel shall: be clearly visible before reaching the door with clear floor area and placement of the buttons to open the power assisted doors should be such that the passenger can continuously flow on their journey. Glazing: Clear glass doors, windows and sidelights at the entrances shall have a colour contrasting strip for detectability. Station Layout: Queuing areas shall be wide enough for people using mobility aids including electric wheelchairs and scooters. Public telephones, display shelves shall be accessible to and easy to use by patrons with various disabilities, e.g., wheelchair users, persons with low vision or hearing loss. Appropriate lighting shall be installed to ensure that people with vision disabilities may clearly identify colours, patterns and signage. Open-concept, accessible routes shall be marked by bright colour or textural changes at floor level, to provide directional cues for people with vision disabilities. There shall be no protruding objects or tripping hazards in accessible routes, and if so, they shall be clearly marked with a bright colour, a cane-detectable floor finish, or a guard. Corridors: Interior barrier-free routes shall be of adequate width for barrier free passage and turnaround, free from overhead and protrusion hazards. All floor surfaces shall be hard, level, slip-resistant, non-glare. Carpets shall be non-static and short, dense pile. Floor patterns shall not be visually confusing. GO Standards - Accessibility CORPORATE INFRASTRUCTURE Page 5 of 11 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Version 1 – July 1, 2010 Section Subject CI-0104-04 Accessibility Easier Access Features Washrooms: Every floor that is served by washrooms shall have either a barrierfree individual washroom or a barrier-free water closet stall, with lavatory and accessories as required. An accessible stall shall be provided for each sex when integrated into regular washrooms or an accessible stand-alone unisex washroom shall be provided with washroom features accessible to people with a wide range of disabilities as appropriate. Finishes: Floor finishes shall be non slip and shall retain their slip resistance under both wet and dry conditions. Where floors are carpeted, the carpet is of firm, dense construction and easy for a wheelchair user to roll over without difficulty. Thresholds shall be bevelled to accommodate different floor materials. Walls in busy areas, corridors, ramps or staircases shall be finished in smooth, nonglossy, non-abrasive finishes. Colour of doors or door frames in hallways shall contrast with surrounding wall colours. Fire exit doors, fire hose cabinets and fire extinguishers shall be consistently coloured in a high contrast colour throughout the building, so that they are easily distinguishable. Tunnel or Platform Entrance: Access to the rail platform via tunnel shall be provided by an accessible interior route that may include independently operated passenger elevators or ramps. Grade Level Walk on to Platform/Station Plaza: Except where technically infeasible, there shall be an entrance on grade with the exterior ground surface; otherwise a ramp shall be used. Elevator: All floor levels above or below the main accessible level that are used by the public shall be accessible by elevators or ramps as applicable (see conditions for ramp installation). Ramps: Typical ramp installations shall provide access from grade to side platforms. Ramp installation may also be considered at locations where installation of an accessible passenger elevator is not possible due to island platform width restrictions. Adverse weather can cause slippery conditions on exterior ramps; based on the infrastructure availability at the location, the ramp surface may be heated or the ramp may be covered. Stairs: Shall be clearly marked, located near the major circulations routes and offset from the direct route of travel so that they are not a hazard and easy to find. Stairs shall have uniform riser heights and tread depths; with nosings, handrails, landings, etc., detectable by persons with vision loss. GO Standards - Accessibility CORPORATE INFRASTRUCTURE Page 6 of 11 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Version 1 – July 1, 2010 Section Subject CI-0104-04 Accessibility Easier Access Features Tunnel/Overpass: Tunnels and overpasses connecting platforms shall have unobstructed interior barrier-free routes and turn-around spaces. Corridors shall be free from overhead and protrusion hazards. Mini Platform: Barrier-free access to the trains is provided by an accessible elevated mini-platform in close proximity to a shelter with automated door and a public telephone, and a covered canopy connection to and over the mini platform (Designated Waiting Area). Designated Waiting Area: The Designated Waiting Area (DWA) at GO rail line stations is to be located at the rail mini-platform. It is intended to be a convenience feature, whereby a customer can expect to avail assistance and have a reasonable sense of safety. The DWA has augmented functionality and visibility, at the rail line station mini-platform. Ticket Sales/TVM: All GO Ticket Sales counters and fare vending machines shall be barrier free to the public with clear floor area; heights and adequate manoeuvring space to approach them. Signage: Shall display the International Symbol of Accessibility; universal hearing disability symbols where equipment is available, e.g., TTY; and include Braille information. Signage shall include appropriate pictograms, wherever possible (e.g., on washroom doors); with large high contrast text, clear, light-coloured lettering or symbols on a dark background, or dark characters on a light background; and shall be mounted at a convenient height for both wheelchair users and people with vision disabilities. Wayfinding: Considerations include at a minimum, the positioning of entrances and exits, the use of colour contrasting, pattern direction on floors or walls, tactile markings, the arrangement of architectural features such as walls or columns, acoustics, and lighting to help direct people to their intended destination. Trailblazing: At facilities with multiple lots, where one or more parking areas may not all be connected to the accessible route, trailblazing is required at the local street level to provide direction to the proper lot. At Grade Pedestrian Crossings: Crossing approach shall be detectable at the boundary between the platform and the crossing to identify a safe stopping location outside of the clearance envelope. Fire and Life Safety: A fire policy and fire safety plan shall be in place for the evacuation of people with disabilities. Main exit routes and exit doors shall be easily GO Standards - Accessibility CORPORATE INFRASTRUCTURE Page 7 of 11 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Version 1 – July 1, 2010 Section Subject CI-0104-04 Accessibility Easier Access Features accessed and used by people using mobility aids. Exit instructions shall be printed in large text, and mounted in an accessible, highly visible location. Fire alarms shall have both visual and audible signals. GO Standards - Accessibility CORPORATE INFRASTRUCTURE Page 8 of 11 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Version 1 – July 1, 2010 Section Subject CI-0104-05 Accessibility Easier Access Design Features ACCESSIBILITY EASIER ACCESS DESIGN FEATURES Easier Access Design Features are consistent with GO’s goals for quality service with value-added amenities for all customers, and is not necessarily limited to the needs of customers with mobility disabilities. All Easier Access Design Features are to be considered at all new and renovated GO Rail Line Stations, Bus Terminals and Facilities, as appropriate, and are to be implemented in the design on a case-by-case basis. Performance requirements and associated details, as applicable, can be found throughout the Manual in their respective sections. These features are inherent in the Design Requirements Manual and are equal to or exceed existing industry standards and ‘best practices’. The EASIER ACCESS DESIGN FEATURES include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Delineated Pedestrian crosswalks and pavement markings; Designated accessible parking spaces and loading areas; Sidewalks with curb cuts to accommodate barrier-free access; Benches in stations and designated shelters on Train and Bus platforms and Park and Ride and Kiss N Ride areas; Stairways with accessible features, such as colour contrasted, non-slip stair nosing, handrails and detectable tactile flooring in advance of stairs; Power door operators and door guards throughout all accessible designated interior routes; 5. 6. Corporate Branding CORPORATE INFRASTRUCTURE Page 9 of 11 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Version 1 – July 1, 2010 Section Subject CI-0104-05 7. 8. Accessibility Easier Access Design Features Accessible washrooms; Floor grilles compatible with the use of canes and crutches and grating located away form the main pedestrian traffic flow; Barrier-free ticket sales counters and accessible ticket booth audio communication systems; Increased illumination near customer loading and waiting areas; Accessible Bus Bays and platform areas; Signage for Station Way finding; Public Address System; Elevators with accessible features, where the station or facility requires an elevator; and Elevated Accessible Rail Platform (Mini-Platform). 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. GO Standards - Accessibility CORPORATE INFRASTRUCTURE Page 10 of 11 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Version 1 – July 1, 2010 Section Subject CI-0104-05 Accessibility Easier Access Design Features GO Standards - Accessibility CORPORATE INFRASTRUCTURE Page 11 of 11 DESIGN REQUIREMENT MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0201-01 Page Introduction Overview (of Tab) June 1, 2006 1 of 1 SUMMARY This Tab 2 is a guide to the Engineering design of GO Transit fixed facilities in terms of the following sections: • • • • • • Site Development Heavy Rail Civil and Structural Utilities Mechanical Electrical 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENT MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-01 Page Site Development General Design Criteria June 1, 2006 1 of 3 OVERVIEW The scope of this section pertains to the following facilities: • • • • • • • Rail stations; Bus Terminals; Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations; Bus Garages; Train layover facilities (electrical substations and wayside power plug-ins); Rail Service Facilities (train storage and servicing); and Regional GO Transit Operations facilities. BASIS OF CRITERIA This section is subject to the following Design Guidelines, and the approval of all authorities having jurisdiction. 1. The current GO Transit Environmental Assessment Class Document. Issues to be addressed: • • • • • 2. Mitigation of adverse impacts; Hazardous Waste Disposal; Issues of soils and ground water: geotechnical investigation; Storm Water Management; and Noise and vibration abatement. Municipal zoning: • Site Plan Agreements do not apply to a provincial Crown Agency such as GO Transit, including development charges and levies; 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENT MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-01 Page Site Development • General Design Criteria June 1, 2006 2 of 3 GO Transit will make an effort to generally comply with municipal requirements: land-use, grading, right-of-way, easement, drainage, utility, screeninglandscaping, traffic control improvements, and signage, etc.; and GO Transit will assist the Consultant in dealings with the Municipality regarding zoning issues. • 3. Ontario Provincial Standards, MTO Drainage Manuals, and the MOE Storm Water Management Practices, Planning and Design Manual, and the Ontario Water Resources Act. Railway Standards shall apply as follows: • CN Rail format contract documents are required for work on their R.O.W. They include Safety Guidelines which are applicable also to the Consultant’s access to the R.O.W.; CP Rail allows GO Transit contract documents for work on the CP R.O.W., and also has Safety Guidelines, applicable to the Consultant’s access to the R.O.W.; TTR (Toronto Terminal Railway) standards apply within the Union Station Rail Corridor; and The Consultant shall verify the ownership of rail corridors applicable to the assigned project. 4. • • • 5. Fundamental Planning, Engineering and Architectural site design principles shall apply: • • • • • • Site user safety, pedestrian circulation, and security; Traffic maneuverability: flow and distribution, including for emergency vehicles; Reserved Parking shall be located in close proximity to the station building and platform access; Easements and Rights-of-Way pertaining to vehicular or pedestrian movement, hydro or gas lines, drainage, etc.; Optimum arrangement of utilities; Consideration of adjacent properties and infrastructures including future development; 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENT MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-01 Page Site Development • • • General Design Criteria June 1, 2006 3 of 3 Consideration of maintenance requirements, including snow clearing/storage; Principles of Sustainable Development (maximized land use), preservation of significant existing topography and landscaping; Site appearance (landforms and landscaping, non-glare lighting, fencing, decorative paving and overall visual compatibility with the neighbourhood suburban or urban fabric); and Optimum economic integration of all of the above. • ROAD DESIGN CRITERIA Specific road design criteria apply in accordance with the following: • • • • • • Transport Association of Canada (TAC) Urban Supplement to the Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads; Transport Association of Canada (TAC) - Turning Vehicle Templates; Ontario Building Code (OBC) as applicable to fire hydrants and fire routes; Local Municipality: issues pertaining to site access, curb cuts, traffic signals, pedestrian crossings, bike lanes, etc.; Ontario Provincial Standards: curbs, fencing, manholes, catch basins, concrete barrier curbs, bumper curbs and bollards; and MTO: line marking specifications. SITE LAYOUT In developing a site layout, the convenience and safety of the users or passengers, along with the economy of the overall layout, shall be the prime considerations. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 1 of 22 SCOPE A typical GO rail station site comprises the following key components: • • • • • • • • • • Site access; Rail platform(s) including mini platform(s) and bus platforms, if applicable; Platform access including pedestrian tunnel or bridge and associated stairs, elevators and service rooms; Platform maintenance access; Station building(s); Rail shelters; Bus passenger shelter(s); Parking facilities, including Passenger Drop-off and Pick-up (Kiss & Ride) areas; Landscaped areas (berms, swales, retaining walls, planter beds, trees, lawns, rockeries, etc.) For Landscaping see Tab 3 - Architecture; and Fences and signs. For signs see Signage Manual. SITE LAYOUT PRIORITIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Emergency vehicle access including fire-trucks. Bus access. Passenger drop off and pick up facilities (Kiss & Ride). Vehicle and pedestrian access including barrier-free requirements. Taxi waiting area. Parking facilities including Reserved Parking. Accessibility to nearby community facilities. Bicycle access (bike path). 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 2 of 22 Maintenance and service vehicle access and parking, including platform maintenance access. Snow clearing and snow storage areas. Fencing (both site and platform). Landscaping/screening. Illumination, utilities and storm water management. Acoustical buffers. The exact order and balance of these priorities may vary, based on the modal split (percent of walk-ins, cyclists, drop off and pick-up, park and ride, and bus passengers). VEHICULAR CIRCULATION A basic objective of the GO Transit System is the integration of rail and bus and other modes of transportation. In order to implement this objective, the station facilities should be designed to promote convenient and efficient transfer of patrons between modes. Separate access roads for buses and cars are preferred. The entrance for buses should be distanced from the car entrances to minimize peak hour traffic congestion. Priority shall be given to buses and kiss n’ ride traffic. SPECIFIC CRITERIA Specific criteria for vehicular circulation on the site are as follows: • • Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) Manual of Geometric Design Standards. For bus lanes, bays, platforms, etc. see “Bus Terminal Sites”; Vehicle circulation elements shall be designed in accordance with the TAC Guide, TAC Urban Supplement, TAC Turning Vehicle Templates, and OPSD Standards, as well as OBC Fire Access Route Criteria; Layout and widths of main access roadways should allow for emergency vehicles, including buses to pass in the event of a stalled vehicle; • 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development • • Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 3 of 22 At designated stations, the bus bays, the bus layover bays and turning space shall be designed to accommodate articulated buses; Where a passenger drop-off and pick-up area is provided including for lift equipped vehicles, it shall be free flowing and give easy access to station entrances and exits. It should face the station building or secondary entrance to the platform; Curbs at station buildings are to be “no stopping” areas. They are reserved for emergency vehicles; Where disabled passenger loading zones are required as an exception to the above “no stopping”, curb-ramps shall be in accordance with OBC requirements; and Guardrails shall be provided where access roads and parking lots are adjacent to steep slopes or ditches. • • • PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE ACCESS Principal pedestrian access shall provide dedicated routes for pedestrians wishing to walk to and from the station area. Pedestrians should not be required to cross the parking lot in order to access the station. Design sidewalks and pathways to create continuous direct connections between station and surrounding areas. Ensure pedestrian pathways are separated from vehicular traffic whenever possible. Walkways shall be minimum 1.5 m wide. Sidewalk and walkways shall be constructed of hard and sustainable level materials that are slip resistant and capable of clearing during winter months. Ensure curb cuts at all crossings to enable access for people with mobility issues. Incorporate an unbroken tactile strip leading from major access points into the station and various waiting areas. Provide dedicated bicycle lanes along primary vehicular access points leading to and from the station plaza. Depending upon different station configurations, it may be preferable to introduce a separate bicycle entrance. The width of curb-side bike lane shall be no less than 1.5 m. Bike route shall be distinguished with specially coloured paving or line painting. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 4 of 22 Ensure bicycle access routes are free of obstacles such as curbs, stairs and escalators. Where barriers are unavoidable, provision of bicycle ramps shall be considered. SHARED PEDESTRIAN/CYCLISTS PATHS DESIGN USE Shared pedestrian/cyclists paths are to be used, on a site-by-site case, where it is determined to promote a safe and visible alternate mode of transportation at stations. Shared paths should provide connectivity from the main municipal access points, surrounding neighbourhoods and to existing recreational paths, where applicable. Shared paths are to be implemented in conjunction with and leading to bicycle shelters and racks. DESIGN INTENT A “shared path” is considered to be a single lane of travel, delineated for pedestrians and a single lane of travel delineated for cyclists. Newly constructed shared-use paths should be built to provide access for people with disabilities and provide sufficient width to accommodate the potential condition of two (2) wheelchairs having to pass, side by side. The shared path should have a centreline pavement marking, to reduce the cyclists’ perception of freedom to manoeuvre between lanes. Key features to be considered include trail access points, grade, cross-slope, street crossings, curb ramp design, railings, and signage. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS The shared path width should be minimum 3 m (10 ft) wide. Surfaces must be constructed of hard and sustainable level materials that are firm, stable, and slip-resistant. Grades should generally be less than 5 percent. Level landings or rest areas should be provided at appropriate intervals on grades steeper than five percent. Cross-slopes for drainage or super elevated curves should be no greater than two percent. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 5 of 22 Bicycle supported drainage solutions (i.e., out of path of travel). The shared path should have a 100 mm solid, standard yellow, painted centreline pavement marking. SIGNAGE For signage details refer to GO Signage Design Requirements Guidelines. BIKE SHELTERS Cycling customers are provided the convenience of covered bicycle shelters for storing their bicycles while using the GO rail and bus services and promoting alternative green methods of transportation. Bicycle Shelters at GO facilities, shall be located in highly visible well lit locations to discourage theft or vandalism. Video cameras in these areas can increase bicycle security as well as personal safety. Ensure bicycle path and bicycle shelters do not conflict with vehicular traffic and pedestrians. Concrete pad should be provided as a base for the Bicycle Shelter. For Bicycle Shelter details refer to Standard Drawings. AUTOMOBILE ACCESS The required number of access roads is one for approximately 300 parking spaces. Access roads shall be 4.5 m wide for single lane one-way traffic, 7.0 m wide for two-way traffic and 10.5 m wide for three-lane access roads (where a left turn lane is required). Parking lot aisles shall be 7.0 m wide. Adjustments in aisle widths to increase parking efficiencies should be considered wherever possible to allow customer parking where tolerable, within acceptable typical parking lot design and traffic engineering design principles. See Figures for aisle width layouts. PARKING LOTS Parking layouts shall respond to property size and site geometry. Parking structures and surface parking shall be designed as an integral component of the coordinated site plan 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 6 of 22 and architectural theme. Parking layout configurations should look at maximizing parking while maintaining a safe environment where possible, taking into consideration typical customer vehicular travel patterns. Awkward, irregular gaps in parking layouts should be filled in wherever possible. Where no parking is possible within a parking layout, adjustments to include softscape landscape items – planters etc must be considered. The dimensions provided below are typical requirements, and designers should avail opportunities to maximize parking in layouts wherever possible. Standard parking stalls shall be 2.5 m wide and 5.5 m long. Stalls abutting curbs shall be 4.5 m long with a 1.0 m allowance for vehicle overhang. Parallel parking stalls shall be 3 m wide x 7 m long. Material for 1 m overhang shall be determined by implementing progressive, sustainable and environmentally friendly design practices and solutions. Refer to Line Marking Section to see appropriate Figures. ISLANDS/CURBS The use of curbed islands shall be minimized to facilitate snow clearing. Line-marked islands are preferred. Curbs shall be restricted to the perimeter, access/egress, bus-loop platforms and pedestrian walk areas around station buildings, and to facilitate traffic flow and control. Islands between access roads and parking stalls shall be 2.5 m wide between curb faces, minimum, including a 1.0 m section for vehicle overhang. The remaining width may accommodate either pedestrian circulation or vegetation, as directed by GO. SIGNS AND POSTS The ends of parking rows shall be terminated with sign posts. See Figures. The Consultant is to provide the basic sign-post layout and sign requirements during the Detail Design stage. Contract documents shall include supply and installation of signs. Site identification signs and access road signs shall be supplied and installed by the Contractor. GO to provide Sign drawings accordingly. For other signs, see Signage Manual. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 7 of 22 BARRIER FREE PARKING Parking lots shall have the minimum number of designated parking spaces for passengers with disability in accordance with the following table. GO will add spaces in response to passenger demand. Number of Designated Spaces* Total Number of Parking Spaces Percentage Formula 4% 3% 2% 1.5% 1% Minimum Number of Spaces 2 4 6 8 10 1 – 100 101 – 200 201 – 500 501 – 1,000 1,001 – more * The greater of the resultant Number of Designated Spaces shall be used. Each designated Barrier Free parking space shall be 3.0 m wide and 5.5 m long plus a 1.5 m wide barrier-free access aisle. It shall be clearly marked with a sign bearing the International Symbol of Accessibility. The space shall be located close to the station building entrance and/or rail/bus platform access. Note that two (2) designated spaces share one access aisle with cut curb with detectible surface and are equal to three (3) standard spaces. If there are more than two (2) designated spaces adjacent to each other there shall be low curb with detectible surfaces along the entire length of multiple designated spaces (no curb ramp for each unloading area). At multiple designated Barrier-Free parking spots, each parking spot shall have a bollard with International Sign of Accessibility. Refer to Figure. Line Marking and Bollard Location. Designated Parking Layouts – EN0202-06. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 8 of 22 SCOOTER/MOTORCYCLE PARKING Parking space should be efficiently used by introducing scooters and motorcycle parking spots. These spots shall always use space that it is otherwise unusable and where cars cannot fit, should be free for motorcycles and scooters. Motorcycle/Scooter parking should be placed in an ideal spot with priority second only to that of barrier-free parking and Kiss & Ride users. Parking stalls for motorcycle and scooter shall be concrete base with steel reinforcing. Each parking space should be min. 1.5 m wide and 2.5 m long. Line painting is not required for the area designated to motorcycle/scooter parking. A refuge area designated either by pavement markings or a raised island shall be adjacent to motorcycle and scooter parking, for the purposes of protecting the rider during dismounting and mounting form the motorcycle/scooter ride. RESERVED AND STAFF PARKING Provisions shall be made in the planning and design stage of various facilities to accommodate Reserved Parking for passengers and staff. PASSENGER DROP-OFF & PICK-UP Short term parking facilities for passenger drop-off and pick-up shall be provided at stations with parking lots. The design should be a lineal, parallel layout, sized on the basis of passenger loading and vehicle projections, allowing a space 3.0 m wide x 7.0 m long for each vehicle. Where possible, provide more lanes of shorter length to allow for easier vehicle access and exit. Orient vehicle circulation in a counter-clockwise direction to eliminate vehicle cross over. Drop-off and pick-up area should also accommodate the physical requirements of passengers with disabilities. Passenger drop-off and pick-up design shall include a 3 m wide hatched area for lift equipped vehicles. TAXI FACILITIES Taxi facilities shall be part of the passenger drop-off and pick-up area, or as directed by GO, if designated spaces are required. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 9 of 22 BUS LOOPS See Figure (pg. 19 of this section) for typical rail station Bus Loop. See “Bus Terminal Sites” section for bus bay design. Bus loops and bus bays shall be concrete paved. Pedestrian crosswalks shall not be located where buses may require back-up movements. RAMPS Where pedestrian ramps are required in a barrier-free path of travel, they shall be in accordance with the Ontario Building Code. Vehicular ramps with excessive slopes may require snow melting system. CURB RAMPS Curb ramps shall be provided where walks cross access roads, at barrier-free designated parking stalls, and within a barrier-free path of travel, as per the OBC and the OPSD. Directional grooves at 300 mm centres shall be provided, in accordance with OPSD 310.030. STAIRS The following pertains to tunnel and exterior stairs, including stairs remote from buildings. RISERS 150 mm preferred. Where a toe space is not required according to the OBC, the riser face shall be vertical. TREADS 305 mm preferred, with inserts as noted below. INSERTS Cast-in safety inserts 50+/-10 mm wide on an extruded aluminum or carborundum base with epoxy or abrasive filler. Refer to CSA B651-04 and CNIB Guidelines for contrasting and slip resistance factors. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development NOSINGS Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 10 of 22 Tread nosings to be rounded, 12.7 mm radius. For specially surfaced stairs refer to Tab 3, Architectural. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE • All stairs shall have cane-detectable warning surface at the top of stairs as well as on intermediate landings. The detectable surface shall extend the full width of the stair tread. Refer to EN-0303-03 for general positioning of detectable surfaces, except that material shall be suitable for exterior applications. The cane-detectable warnings on this surface shall be colour and texture contrasted with the adjacent surfaces. Raised ridges shall be placed perpendicular to the direction of travel. • EDGE DRAIN Tunnel stairs shall have concrete drainage side-gutters 40 mm deep by 80 mm wide, continuous with the tunnel floor gutters. Gutter drains shall not be located at the bottom of tunnel stairs or in front of service doors or elevator doors. HANDRAILS Exterior stair and ramp handrails shall be smooth galvanized steel pipe, minimum 38 mm, maximum 51 mm diameter, 915 mm above nosings or ramps. All anchorage and fittings shall also be galvanized. Tunnel stair or bridge stair handrails to be stainless steel 38 mm diameter, at a height of 915 mm above nosings. All anchorage and fittings shall also be stainless steel. Handrail ends shall extend in accordance with the OBC and the OBC Illustrated Guide, also for exterior stairs. GUARDRAILS Guardrails to be 38 mm diameter minimum, galvanized steel pipe. BICYCLES • • Bicycle paths are encouraged and shall fit in with overall site layout. Space near the station shall be designed for bicycle storage racks. Allow approximately 2.5 m x 2.5 m plus access aisles per rack. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 11 of 22 PEDESTRIAN TUNNELS AND BRIDGES To meet railway standards and the standards of other authorities having jurisdiction: See Civil and Structural Section. See also Tab 3, Architectural. SITE PREPARATION GRADING Grading shall be designed to avoid excessive slopes and shall be integrated with surrounding landforms to provide slope stabilization and positive flows to the drainage system. Where existing landforms or vegetation are to be preserved, appropriate protection and construction controls shall be designed. SLOPE PROTECTION All unpaved slopes shall be stabilized with appropriate hydro-seeding to avoid erosion. The preferred slope is 3:1, maximum 2:1. RETAINING WALLS Where retaining walls are adjacent to buildings, the material shall be compatible with the architecture. See the “Civil and Structural” Section. ACCESS ROADS Traffic Studies shall be done where required to determine the need for controlled access, traffic lights, turning lanes, and impacts on municipal road infrastructure, including associated costs or cost sharing, and project scheduling. Refer to the TAC Guide, the TAC Urban Supplement, and the TAC Turning Vehicle Templates, the OPSD Standards, the OBC Fire Route Criteria, and municipal standards where applicable, for the following: • • • Curves; Radii; Superelevation; 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development • • • Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 12 of 22 Sight distances and stopping sight distances; Vertical and horizontal alignments and clearances; and Gradients at intersections. RAIL PLATFORMS Sealed passenger platforms shall conform to Railway clearances. Refer to Heavy Rail Clearance Diagram. Generally on tangent track, platforms shall be side platforms and/or island platforms. Side platform size: 3.6 m-4.9 m x 315 m. Island platform size: 7.4 m x 315 m. Platform ends may be tapered due to track convergence. For curbs see Civil and Structural section. For stairwells and shelters, see Tab 3, Station Buildings Section and relevant Figures. Side platform shelters may be projected beyond platform paving into sodded areas. Generally, platform cross slopes shall be 0.5% to 1.0%. Side platforms shall drain away from the tracks. Where platforms slope longitudinally with the tracks, the floor elevations of elevator, stair enclosure and shelter buildings shall be raised, and the longitudinal platform slope shall be transitionally adjusted at door locations to prevent water entry. Electrical handwells shall not be located at platform building doors, nor elsewhere in pedestrian circulation pathways. See also Drainage catch basins. Where site conditions permit, side platforms should be designed with ramps as an accessible means of egress onto site grade level. MINI-PLATFORMS LAYOUT Rail platforms shall have sealed raised mini-platforms for barrier-free access to railcars. They shall typically be located 122.5 m to centreline, from the locomotive end of platform. Location may be adjusted to suit existing physical conditions or restrictions as determined by rail operations. Mini-platforms shall be at least 5 m from the base of the ramps to stair/elevator enclosures, shelter, and light standards to accommodate movements of snow clearing equipment. For lateral clearances refer to the Heavy Rail Clearance Diagram. For mini-platform curbs see Civil and Structural Section. For Line Marking Layout, see Figure (0202-06). 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 13 of 22 For Finishes, see Tab 3, Exterior Finishes. PASSENGER SHELTERS Passenger shelters shall be provided on or adjacent to rail and bus platforms as directed by GO. Shelters can either be architecturally designed to match existing building features or be a standards GO shelter. Also refer to shelters under the Station Buildings section of the Architectural Tab. STATION BUILDING For General Arrangement Plan purposes the station building site area shall be at least 4 times the building footprint, to accommodate walkways, street furniture, and landscaping. For the station building and ancillary buildings see Tab 3 ARCHITECTURAL, (shelters, stair/elevator buildings, etc.) Street furniture comprises benches, newspaper boxes, salt bins, waste containers, info boards, pay telephones, bike racks and ticketing machines. The minimum building apron clearance shall be 3 m from the roof overhang to a curb. PARKING STRUCTURES Open air parking garage design standards - TBD. DESIGNATED WAITING AREA (DWA) The rail platform designated waiting area (DWA) is the area in proximity to the barrier-free coach (the 5th coach from the locomotive end, which has a train crew member aboard). The DWA features to be provided are: • • • • • Pay telephone; Increased illumination (adjacent to light pole); Shelter with one of the doors to be power-assisted; DWA related signage; and CCTV coverage. Designated waiting areas may be requested in parking lots in vicinity of bus stops or as determined by GO. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 14 of 22 FIGURE – TYPICAL CROSS SECTION FOR SHARED PEDESTRIAN/CYCLIST PATHS 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 15 of 22 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 16 of 22 FIGURE – ACCESS ROAD AND PARKING INTERFACE (GUIDELINE ONLY) 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 17 of 22 FIGURE – PARKING LAYOUT (GUIDELINE ONLY) 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 18 of 22 FIGURE – PASSENGER DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP LAYOUT (GUIDELINE ONLY) 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 19 of 22 FIGURE – BUS LOOP (GUIDELINE ONLY) 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 20 of 22 FIGURE – MINI-PLATFORM LOCATION 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 21 of 22 FIGURE – LOCOMOTIVE END OF TRAIN CONSIST 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-02 Page Site Development Rail Station Sites April 30, 2012 22 of 22 FIGURE: DESIGNATED WAITING AREA 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-03 Page Site Development Bus Terminal Sites April 30, 2012 1 of 11 SCOPE The Site Development Standards for various Bus Facilities are generally identical to the Rail Station Sites Standards, excluding rail references. There are several different GO Bus Facilities: • • • • • • Maintenance Facilities Bus Storage Facility Bus Terminals BRT Lots Carpool Lots Park and Ride Lots The key elements to bus facility design vary for each type of facility. GO DESIGN VEHICLES GO has two (2) types of highway coaches; single deck and double deck. The TAC Design Vehicle requirements should be used as an overall guideline, but GO vehicles should govern the criteria and design. When designing bus related facilities, the MCI model shall be used for bus length and width, and the double deck coach shall govern for the height. Some GO facilities may have to accommodate local transit or other carriers, which may have their own specific design requirements. The bus route, movement, and turning radius should be designed to meet performance requirements, and ensure safe and smooth vehicle movements with minimal restrictions. All GO buses have a Bicycle Rack mounted at the front of the bus, and when deployed adds an additional 1.0 m to the bus length. The rack will accommodate two (2) bicycles. GO coach fleet is fully accessible and will seat two (2) wheelchairs. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-03 Page Site Development Bus Terminal Sites April 30, 2012 2 of 11 There are two (2) models for the GO coaches. Single Coach Model MCI – 2.591 m wide, 13,843 m long with an additional 0.3 for bike rack stored (add 1.0 m for deployed bicycle rack). Double Deck Coach Model ADL – 2.520 m wide, 13.198 m long with an additional 0.3 m for bike rack stored and the height is 4.255 m. (add 1.0 for deployed bicycle rack). Accessible Highway buses require a platform side clearance of 3.0 m minimum for their exterior wheelchair lifts, and bus-height headroom for 1.5 m along the platform edge. Highway buses have one front door and most have ability to kneel, lowering the front end. Their wheelchair lifts are located as follows: • • Double Deck Bus at the front door; and MCI Model lift is located off the centre, towards the front of the bus. The municipality may request GO to provide bus stops or bus bays on a municipal road. For street stops, GO design requirements shall govern and MTO design guidelines shall be considered. Bus pull off stops are preferred. BUS RADII DESIGN GUIDELINES 1. Turning Template The following criteria shall be considered when using the turning template guidelines: • • • • • • Design Vehicle GO Bus Model MCI D4500; Bus speed – 15 kmp/h; Bicycle rack deployed; Steering wheel turned all of the way to the Right stop; Lateral clearance of 0.5 m; and Bus turn does not begin until the rear wheels have reached the Tangent–Curve (TC) point of the inside face of curb or other obstruction. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-03 Page Site Development 2. Applications Bus Terminal Sites April 30, 2012 3 of 11 The design bus turning template eshall be used where the operating speed of the bus is low, 15 kmp/h, and sharp short turns can be made without rider discomfort, for the design of surface features such as: • • • • • Straight and saw-toothed platforms; Bus bay entrances; Bus loops; Entrance roads; and Bus maintenance facilities. STRAIGHT PLATFORM Straight platform layout requires minimum driveway width but maximum length. The platform is kept to a practical length by allowing the rear corner of the bus to be offset from the platform curb by approximately 0.45 m. SAWTOOTH PLATFORM A sawtooth platform provides minimum length requirements but requires an increase in driveway width. The nominal driveway width (8.8 m) is determined by summing the clearance path of the bus (7.3 m), the additional bus clearance (0.5 m) and ½ the indent depth (1.0 m). The nominal driveway width is the average of the high and low points of the sawtooth and allows a direct comparison, with the straight platform. PLATFORM SELECTION Where the bus driveway length is the limiting factor, the full sawtooth should be used. Conversely, if bus driveway width is the limiting factor, the straight platform should be used. If the limiting factor is a combination of driveway width and length, the appropriate partial indent sawtooth platform should be used. Refer Figure for bus bay guidelines for D4500 bus with bike rack deployed. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-03 Page Site Development Bus Terminal Sites April 30, 2012 4 of 11 PLATFORM LAYOUT The factors affecting the layout of areas for bus platforms are the “turning space” and “turning radius”. In the design of off-street terminals, on street bus bays, and roadways, these factors are of prime importance to the operating efficiency and safety of the layout. Vehicle turning requirements shall be in accordance with GO Guidelines. A clearance of 1.5 m should be provided between each (inner and outer) line given by the Design Vehicle Turning Radius and any fixed object that a bus could collide with. Fixed objects should include curbs. CLEARANCES The vertical clearance height between driveway pavement and underside of overhead structures shall be 5.3 m minimum in any bus travel area. Overhead canopies, or other roof assemblies, shall be setback 2.0 m minimum from the face of the curb at bus platforms. The supporting structure of a canopy, or any other structure, shall have a minimum horizontal clearance of 3.0 m from the face of curb at bus platforms. The horizontal clearances are set to allow for wheelchair lift deployment. The bus platform curb shall be 150 mm above the bus driveway pavement level. ACCESSIBLE STREET BUS STOPS The municipality may request GO to provide bus stops or bus bays on a municipal road. For street stops GO design requirements shall govern and MTO design guidelines shall be considered. Bus pull off stops are preferred. The design requirements of an on street bus stop include the following elements as listed below: Placement • Stops shall be at visible locations; publicly accessible and be able to serve travel in both directions. • There must be an accessible paired stop that allows the costumers to return to the same point where they boarded the bus. • Shall be located 1.5m from an approaching driveway and NOT located directly in front of a door of residential property. • Shall incorporate CPTED security and placement design principles. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-03 Page Site Development Bus Terminal Sites April 30, 2012 5 of 11 Barrier Free Path to Station Buildings and Parking Lots In addition to the above, a barrier-free access path is required to and from the on street bus stops and any public areas at the station (e.g., station building, parking lot, rail platforms, etc.) and other designated “barrier free” access, e.g., a sidewalk to and from a public street to a “walk in” GO Station. The minimum accepted width of a barrier-free access path is 1.5m. Clear Accessible Area A ‘clear accessible area’ is needed to accommodate the ‘deployment of the bus lift device’ plus the ‘roll off/roll on’ area for wheeled mobility aids. The ‘clear accessible area’ is required to accommodate the two types of buses GO will utilize in their accessible bus routes, with one having a front door folding ramp and the other a mid-bus door lift. The ‘clear accessible area’ must meet the following requirements: • Be 3000mm deep x 6000mm in length (as a minimum). • The front edge of the required space shall be from the front of the bus bay/stop (A bus bay is a commonly used term for bus terminals and loops will also include a bus stop (commonly used term for on street stop) unless stated otherwise.) • Maximum gradient shall be1:40 for the bus stop and 1:12 for any ramps. • Be clear and free of any obstructions including bus bay markers. • Be provided at every bus bay/stop so as to allow Bus Operations full flexibility to assign any GO bus route or local bus transit route to any bus bay/stop. • The ‘clear accessible area’ shall have a clear height for its full area so it is not infringed by elements such as bus shelter overhangs, lighting fixtures, and sign blades. etc. Note: final position of the “clear accessible area” shall be reviewed with GO Transit’s Bus Operations Staff representative. • Must incorporate a landing area, adjacent to the sidewalk for customers using wheelchairs or mobility aids (WMA’s) as part of the overall clear accessible area. Bus Platform Bus platforms shall: • Incorporate a firm, level surface, and not be impeded by adjacent street furniture, such as dispensers, vending machines, waste boxes, planters, posts, signs and guy wires. • Have a 90 degree upright curb of 0.15m. • Waiting areas at bus stops should be, at least 3000 mm wide by 6000 mm long, in order to accommodate waiting persons (clear accessible area) • For persons who have visual limitations, a tactile warning surface at least 610 mm deep should be provided at the edge of the platform ( TBD) 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-03 Page Site Development Bus Terminal Sites April 30, 2012 6 of 11 Bus Stop Classification The classification of on street accessible bus stops shall follow the following criteria: Clear Accessible Area Shelter Street Furniture Stop ID with Sche dule Infor matio n Yes Accessible Stop Classification Information Display Board/Map Electronic Customer Information Lighting Type A A firm, level surface ;3000mm deep x 6000mm in length A firm, level surface ;3000mm deep x 6000mm in length No Outdoor seating No No Adjacent stre lighting Type B Accessible bus shelter, heated, except for on street bus shelters Accessible bus shelter, heated, Seating within shelter; Waste receptacle; bike parking. Refer Standard Drawings and Specs for Bus shelter specifications Seating within shelter; Waste receptacle; bike parking; payphone. Refer Standard Drawings and Specs for BRT shelter specifications Yes Within Shelter No Lighting integrated in the shelter Type C A firm, level surface ;3000mm deep x 6000mm in length Yes Within Shelter Yes Lighting integrated in the shelter The appropriate level of amenity is determined by Bus Operations based on ridership demand and other variables. Bus Shelter Features Accessible Bus Shelters, where provided, shall: • Be installed or positioned as to provide an accessible exterior route from the shelter to adjacent sidewalks, streets, or pedestrian paths and the passenger zone; • Have a minimum clear floor area that is 1500mm wide and 3000 mm deep entirely within the perimeter of the shelter to accommodate a wheelchair or a scooter; and, 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-03 Page Site Development • Bus Terminal Sites April 30, 2012 7 of 11 Provide a lighting level of not less than 100 lx, provided by adjacent street lighting or lighting integrated into the shelter, to provide safe access for persons with disabilities from sidewalks and bus stops to nearby facilities and amenities. • All glazed panels surrounding bus shelters shall incorporate decals, and other safety features. • Should be set back from the curb by atleast 1.5m with openings oriented to the curb. Detailed specifications for bus stop and BRT shelters are located within Standard Drawings and Specifications. Stop Identification Pole and Sign Stop identification pole and sign are the main means of identifying a bus stop; therefore, it needs to be clearly visible. Sign should give basic information, such as routes served (schedules) and direction. • The stop identification pole should be located at a standard or uniform position at all stops, to the maximum extent possible, as they serve as a point of reference for those with disabilities, particularly the visually impaired to determine the approximate location of the front entrance of the bus. • The stop pole shall be located 1.0m from the back of the face of the curb. • The design of each pole and sign should be consistent throughout the transit system as to provide a strong visual identity for the system and to provide clarity to transit users. Other Clearances • The vertical clearance height between driveway pavement and underside of any overhead structures shall be 5.3 m minimum in any bus travel area within terminals and stations. For outdoor accessible bus stops, a vertical clearance of 4.5m shall be maintained. • Overhead canopies, or other roof assemblies, shall be setback 2.0 m minimum from the face of the curb at bus platforms. • The supporting structure of a canopy, or any other structure, shall have a horizontal clearance of 3.0 m from the face of curb at bus platforms. • The bus platform curb shall be 150 mm above the bus driveway pavement level. EMERGENCY VEHICLES Provisions shall be made for access by emergency vehicles. Designated fire access routes, if required, shall meet OBC and local fire department requirements. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-03 Page Site Development Bus Terminal Sites April 30, 2012 8 of 11 RELATED FACILITIES Bus Layover Bays: to have rear concrete roll curb to indicate back up stop position. Dispatcher: where other carriers share a GO bus terminal, a dispatcher kiosk may be required, distinct from the terminal building. The GO dispatcher shall be within the terminal building, if required by GO. Shelters: where bus bays are remote from the terminal building, passenger shelters shall be provided, where required by GO. Refer to Shelters Section under Station Buildings of the Architectural Tab. CATCH BASINS Catch basins and manholes shall be located out of bus wheel paths. Passenger platform curbs shall not be indented around catch basins. MATERIALS Bus loop area and bus bay area shall be concrete with final texturing meeting OPSS 350 recommendations to achieve desired skid resistant surface. Bus access roads shall be asphalt. Passenger waiting bus platform shall be hard, level materials that are resistant to slipping and capable of clearing during winter months by motorized equipment. Walkways or sidewalks shall not be located where buses may require back up movements. Refer to typical Bus Loop Figure under Bus Terminal Sites. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-03 Page Site Development Bus Terminal Sites April 30, 2012 9 of 11 TYPICAL BUS LOOP FIGURE (GUIDELINE ONLY) 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-03 Page Site Development Bus Terminal Sites April 30, 2012 10 of 11 BUS RADII DESIGN TURNING TEMPLATE 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-03 Page Site Development Bus Terminal Sites April 30, 2012 11 of 11 BUS BAY GUIDELINES FOR D4500 BUS WITH BIKE RACK DEPLOYED 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved CI-0202-04 Page Site Development Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations May 3, 2011 1 of 9 SCOPE This section outlines key criteria. For additional details the consultant shall refer also to all other relevant subjects of these Standards, some of which are repeated here, but in less detail. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) stations are facilities that accommodate bus passengers. They consist of most of the features of a rail station except they are not staffed. BRT station component generally comprise the following: • • • • • Site Access; Platform; Passenger Waiting Building/Shelter; Parking lot; Utilities: o o o o • • • • Storm Drainage; Electrical; Illumination; and Communications. Fences; Landscaping; Signs/Advertising (high-mast); Fixtures: o o o o o o Fare Equipment; Bicycle Racks; Payphone; Benches; Salt Bin; Waste Containers; 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-04 Page Site Development • • • • • • Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations May 3, 2011 2 of 9 GO Information Display; Newspaper Boxes; Vending Machines; CCTV; Radiant Heating in Shelters; and Heated Platform Area (Snow Melt System). APPROVALS Site development shall be to the approval of all authorities having jurisdiction. BASIS OF CRITERIA Key Standards Fundamental Planning, Engineering and Architectural site design principles and standards shall apply. Key standards and design parameters are as follows: • • • • • • • • • • The Ontario Building Code (2006); Ontario Provincial Standards, MTO Drainage Manuals, and MOE Storm Water Management Practices, Planning and Design Manual; Transport Association of Canada (TAC) Urban Supplement to the Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads, TAC Turning Vehicle Templates and OPSD Standards; Barrier-Free Accessibility; City Bus, TAC reference: “Bus Design Vehicles”; Highway Bus, TAC reference “I-Bus Design Vehicle”; Articulated Bus, TAC reference “A-Bus Design Vehicle”; Double Decker Buses; Accessible Bus requirement: 2.8 m minimum platform side clearance; Emergency vehicle access requirements, if warranted; 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved CI-0202-04 Page Site Development • • • Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations May 3, 2011 3 of 9 Snow removal and storage requirements; Pavement Design: See Engineering TAB; Pavement marking: in accordance with the current MTO Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices with Material Standards as per OPSS 532, organic solvent-based traffic paint; Protection of utilities where applicable in accordance with all current codes, and the requirements and regulations of Utility owners and authorities having jurisdiction; Electrical systems in accordance with the latest edition of the Ontario Electrical Safety Code; Consideration shall be given to passenger safety where overhead ice accumulation may occur on hydro cables and support structures; and Bus driver layover facilities shall be considered at larger facilities. • • • • Site Layout Priorities 1. 2. 3. Bus access/egress (‘Bus Only’ links to Highways shall be considered). Pedestrian access including barrier-free, waiting area and related amenities. Automobile access and parking facilities (Park n Ride transit users shall be given priority parking where possible). Optimum Land Use Layout shall maximize the number of parking stalls by minimizing concrete islands and using GO Transit aisle and stall sizes. SITE ACCESS • • Direct, dedicated pedestrian sidewalk from street and as warranted from any other adjacent traffic generators. Bicycle path as warranted by providing direct access from nearby traffic generators, where street access is not direct. 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-04 Page Site Development Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations May 3, 2011 4 of 9 PLATFORM • • • • • • • • • Designed to minimize passenger path of travel across roads used by buses. A near side bus bay shall not be used on a right turn lane into the site. Straight platform: rear corner of the bus may be offset from the platform curb by 0.45 m. maximum. Saw tooth platform: nominal driveway width 8.8 m (7.3m bus clearance path plus 0.5 m additional bus clearance plus ½ indent depth (1.0 m), for a maximum indent design). A clearance of 0.5 m to be provided between the line given by the Design Vehicle Turning Radius and any fixed object. Vertical clearance for overhead structures shall be 4.65 m above driveway “pavement”, or to suit bus tow-truck hoists. Platform curb elevation: 150 mm above bus driveway pavement level. Materials: bus driveway areas and passenger platforms shall be concrete paved. Accessibility: depending on the type of accessible bus, wheelchair or scooter loading devices may be located mid-way or toward the rear of the bus, and require a 3.0 m minimum platform width. Platforms must be accessible, with curb-ramps, in accordance with the OBC. Also refer to Bus Terminal Site Section. • • PASSENGER WAITING BUILDING/SHELTER The passenger waiting building shall be a GO Transit typical BRT building. Size shall be as advised by GO Transit. Common features shall be as follows: • • • • In the future, large BRT sites may be equipped similar to GO Rail Stations. Shelter-like building with structural steel framing contained within the building envelope; Perimeter clear butt-joint tempered glazing on a raised concrete sill (clear insulating tempered glass where heating is provided); Cantilevered roof canopy for partial shelter; 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved CI-0202-04 Page Site Development • • • • • • • Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations May 3, 2011 5 of 9 Door swings oriented against prevailing winds, if possible. On larger facilities, two doors will be used with doors on either end - typically one with power assist. Interior illumination, shelters shall be heated and CCTV shall monitor fare equipment; Fare equipment located against the common electrical/communications room wall; TVM’s and future “Next Bus” technology will be considered; Snowmelt system for the passenger loading areas will be installed; Radiant heating; and Kiss n ride consideration. PARKING LOT Parking lots shall be asphalt paved. Refer to Rail Station Sites and Pavement Line Markings Sections. Parking Aisles and Stalls Minimum dimensions shall be: • • • Access roads shall be 7.0 m wide for 2-way traffic and 10.5 m wide for 3-lane access roads at entrances and exits to streets where a left-turn lane is required; Parking lot aisles shall be 7.0 m wide; and Parking stalls to be 2.5 m wide x 5.5 m long. Perimeter stall lengths (abutting curbs) shall be 4.5 m in length with 1m wide strip beyond the curbs for vehicle overhang. Where the parking row overall length is not a multiple of 2.5 m, some parking stall widths may be increase according to suit, to a maximum width of 2.9 m. Parallel parking stalls shall be 3.0 m x 7.0 m. Sign Posts Refer to Rail Station Sites Section (high-mast signage will typically be installed). Pavement Markings Refer to Rail Station Sites Section. 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-04 Page Site Development Bicycle Path Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations May 3, 2011 6 of 9 To be provided. GO Transit encourages provision of bicycle path where appropriate. Passenger Drop-off And Pick-up If required by GO Transit, a parallel lineal aisle arrangement shall be provided, on the basis of 3 m x 7 m spaces for each vehicle, near the bus platform. SERVICES Existing services shall be protected as required. New services required are electrical and telephone line (see below). Storm Drainage See Above. Culverts shall have safety grille at ends. Deep ponded areas shall be fenced, for safety. Electrical Supply, Illumination and Telephone Service requirements: 120/208 volt service. A closet to contain a circuit control panel/meter shall be provided adjacent to the communications closet of the passenger waiting building. ILLUMINATION Refer to Electrical – Illumination Section for information regarding illumination levels and, light source and controls. High-mast lighting preferred. COMMUNICATIONS • • • • A telephone line for fare equipment and a pay telephone shall be provided. Provision shall be made for CCTV systems. Communications equipment to be housed in the communications closet of the passenger waiting building, adjacent to the electrical closet. Passenger Information Display Boards. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved CI-0202-04 Page Site Development Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations May 3, 2011 7 of 9 FENCES Fences, where required, shall be galvanized chain link 50.8 mm mesh 1.2 m high unless required to be higher in accordance with OPSD and OPSS. Posts, rails, bracing and accessories are to be galvanized. Ornamental fence is to be used around station buildings. Safety fencing may be required around hazardous areas (deep ponded ditches, high embankments, retaining walls, high platforms or walkways, etc.). Fences on concrete barriers may be required to direct passengers to designated crosswalks, around bus loop lanes, etc. Bumper curbs, if required, shall be restricted to parking lot perimeters. Guardrails per OPSD or bollards shall be used at hazardous grade slopes for vehicular safety, using standard commercially available products. LANDSCAPING Material for 1 m car overhang shall be determined by implementing progressive, sustainable and environmentally-friendly design practices and solutions. Where trees are required, they shall be located to prevent overhanging of cars. Shrubbery shall not present a concealment safety hazard or obstruct passive surveillance. All landscaping shall be road-salt resistant, require minimal maintenance and no manual watering. See Landscaping, Tab 3. SIGNS/ADVERTISING • • • • • Signs shall conform to municipal regulations and all safety requirements, and to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of Ontario (MUTCD). Site identification sign(s) to be the GO Transit illuminated pylon sign(s) with BRT graphics. MTO carpool signs may also be required. ‘Trail-blazer’ signs on public roads leading to the site, by GO Transit. Directional signs: to be standard traffic control signs as noted above. Passenger Information Display Board: Information signs shall be provided if required by GO Transit. 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-04 Page Site Development • • • • Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations May 3, 2011 8 of 9 Bus stop pole sign: by GO Transit. Advisory signs: private property, etc., by GO Transit and MTO. Payphone illuminated sign: to be part of the phone booth design. Advertising signs: free-standing exterior or attached to shelter building, and illuminated. FIXTURES Fare Equipment Floor or wall mounted TVM (only) in the passenger waiting building. Bicycle Racks To be GO standard bike racks mounted on pre-cast concrete modules, approximately 2 m x 3 m per rack plus access. Payphone To be an accessible unit with telephone directory, illuminated with illuminated signage (phone symbol, minimum), located in proximity to the bus stop/building, with a southeast opening orientation. Benches GO Transit standard shelter benches; interior and exterior. Salt Bin A GO Transit standard salt bin on the platform. Waste Containers GO Transit standard waste containers typically installed on the exterior. Newspaper Boxes Where site-warranted, free-standing newspaper boxes shall be grouped against a U-shaped 1.2 m high chain-link fence on the platform. Space allocation 0.6 m x 4.0 m minimum. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved CI-0202-04 Page Site Development CCTV and PA Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations May 3, 2011 9 of 9 Interior and exterior CCTV and PA coverage to be provided as is warranted based on the size of the facility, the extent of the systems to be defined by GO Transit. Radiant Heating The passenger waiting building shall have an electric radiant heating system. Snow Melt System Snow melt system shall be provided on the bus platform areas. Snow melt system design TBD. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-05 Page Site Development Drainage June 1, 2006 1 of 1 SCOPE The design flood criteria for station sites shall comply with the MOE Storm Water Management Practices, Planning and Design Manual, the OPSD and MTO Drainage Manuals, as well as Regional and/or Municipal Storm Water Management requirements. Such requirements may include oil and grit separators and inlet control devices. Generally surface water flow shall be directed from landscape areas to parking lot catch basins. Catch basins in landscape areas shall be avoided if possible. CATCH BASINS Catch basins shall be located upstream of pedestrian crossing areas, and 1.5 m clear of any driveway curb depressions. Grates shall be diagonal type. Catch basins shall not be located in the path of bus wheels, especially in bus loops. Retention ponds and catch basin flow restrictors shall be provided in accordance with Storm Water Management requirements. Catch basins shall not be located on walkways and/or in front of building doors. GUTTER DRAINAGE Gutter drainage shall be restricted to access roads if required to prevent storm run-off onto adjacent property. Road and gutter gradients shall not exceed fire access route requirements. DITCH DRAINAGE Where a storm sewer system is not available, or where an “interim” type of development is desired, ditches and related culverts may be used to carry the drainage down one or both sides of the paved areas. Culverts shall have safety grilles at ends, and ditches subject to substantial ponding shall be fenced, for safety, or filled with rip-rap, and topped with geotextile fabric and granular topsoil and sod. SUB-GRADE DRAINAGE Rail platform sub-grade drainage is subject to Railway requirements. See Heavy Rail section. Parking lot sub-grade design shall be used as required by site conditions. 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-06 Page Site Development Pavement and Line Marking May 10, 2011 1 of 11 SCOPE This subject covers asphalt paving, concrete paving and line marking. SPECIFICATIONS Pavement Design shall be based on the Geotechnical Consultant’s recommendations. However, the minimum asphalt thicknesses shall be: • • • • • Car and emergency vehicle access routes: 40 mm HL3 on 80 mm HL8; Parking: 40 mm HL3 on 40 mm HL8; Bus Platforms: 50 mm HL3, HL3A, or Concrete; Sealed Rail Platforms: 50 mm HL3A; and Asphalt walkways, if required and miscellaneous items: 40 mm HL3 on granular. CONCRETE PAVING • • Concrete walkways: OPSD sidewalk criteria to govern. Concrete bus access routes: per Geotechnical and Structural Engineers’ design. SLOPES Longitudinal Preferred Walks Platforms (Rail & Bus) Parking Lots Fire Access Routes 0% 0% 1% Max 4% 1% (Note 1) 3% Cross-slopes Preferred OPSD 1% 1% Max OPSD 2% 3% To suit OBC fire access route criteria. 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-06 Page Site Development Pavement and Line Marking March 30, 2011 2 of 11 LINE MARKING Design and layout are to be in accordance with details shown on Figures. Material standards: OPSS 532, organic solvent based traffic paint. For pavement areas interfacing with public thoroughfares, design shall be in accordance with the current MTO Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada. For Rail platform safety line, see Figures. Material Standards: OPSS 532, organic solvent based traffic paint with reflectorizing glass beads. Line Colours (see Figures): Location • • • • Parking stalls, parking restricted areas and islands Directional dividing lines Rail Platform safety line Lane lines, stop lines, arrows and pedestrian crosswalk lines Yellow Yellow Yellow (glass beads) White Colour 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-06 Page Site Development Pavement and Line Marking May 10, 2011 3 of 11 FIGURE: LINE MARKING - ACCESS ROADS AND AISLES 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-06 Page Site Development Pavement and Line Marking March 30, 2011 4 of 11 FIGURE: LINE MARKING - PERIMETER PARKING STALLS 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-06 Page Site Development Pavement and Line Marking May 10, 2011 5 of 11 FIGURE: LINE MARKING - ROW PARKING STALLS 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-06 Page Site Development Pavement and Line Marking March 30, 2011 6 of 11 FIGURE: LINE MARKING - PARKING RESTRICTED AREA 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-06 Page Site Development Pavement and Line Marking May 10, 2011 7 of 11 FIGURE: LINE MARKING - ISLANDS 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-06 Page Site Development Pavement and Line Marking March 30, 2011 8 of 11 FIGURE: LINE MARKING - CROSSWALKS 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-06 Page Site Development Pavement and Line Marking May 10, 2011 9 of 11 FIGURE: DESIGNATED PARKING CONFIGURATION FOR MULTIPLE PARKING SPOTS (MORE THAN TWO) 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-06 Page Site Development Pavement and Line Marking March 30, 2011 10 of 11 FIGURE: LINE MARKING - PAVEMENT ARROWS 400WP ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved EN-0202-06 Page Site Development Pavement and Line Marking May 10, 2011 11 of 11 FIGURE: LINE MARKING - RAIL PLATFORM AND MINI-PLATFORM THE YELLOW DETECTABLE TILES (600 X 600MM) SHALL CONSIST OF A SURFACE OF TRUNCATED DOMES OF VITRIFIED POLYMER COMPOSITE (VPC) SURFACE OF AN EPOXY POLYMER COMPOSITION WITH ULTRA-VIOLET RESISTANCE. THE TRUNCATED DOMES SHALL BE SPACED AT 41MM (MIN.) TO 60MM (MAX.) APART FROM THE CENTRE OF ONE DOME TO THE CENTRE OF ANOTHER AND SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 23 MILLIMETRES WIDE AND 5 MILLIMETRES HIGH, WITH A BASE TO BASE SPACING OF 17MM (MIN.) MEASURED BETWEEN THE MOST ADJACENT DOMES ON A SQUARE GRID. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-07 Page Site Development Site Related Items April 30, 2012 1 of 7 SCOPE This subject covers the following: • • • • • Fencing Gates); Noise barriers; Concrete curbs; and Guardrails and bollards. FENCING OVERVIEW The following design requirements should be only considered as guidelines for design and planning of physical fencing systems. It is intended to ensure that security measures are employed in the design, material specification, installation and placement of fencing systems; that security and aesthetic considerations are incorporated into the design, selection and placement of fencing systems A fencing system is a component of safety and access control systems. It defines boundaries and limits, and channels access and egress, provides visual barriers, supports security and safety, and can deter and delay intrusion and trespassing. To the maximum extent possible, fencing systems should be designed to meet the specific needs of users of GO facilities. Installation of fencing systems should be conducive to operations and not become a maintenance burden. The fencing system design should comply with local and community ordinances, by laws, and also complement the crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) principle of natural surveillance in the appropriate environment. BASIS OF CRITERIA Fencing system should: • Give notice of legal boundary of the outermost limits of a facility. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-07 Page Site Development • • Site Related Items April 30, 2012 2 of 7 Assist in controlling and channelling people into or along specific areas and deterring entry elsewhere along the boundary. Support surveillance, detection, assessment and other security functions by providing a zone for installing intrusion detection equipment and closed-circuit television CCTV). Creates a psychological deterrent. Deter casual intruders from penetrating a secured area Cause a delay in access to a facility, thereby increasing the possibility of detection. Provide a cost-effective method of protecting facilities. • • • • SITE CONSIDERATIONS Many factors can impact fencing system installation, operations and maintenance. However, fencing system material construction, fencing height and installation method are key factors in fence selection. Design process should strive to identify all factors when evaluating existing and designing proposed fencing systems. Site considerations should include the assessment of hazards as well as threats. They should also include the following: • Identify high water tables, retaining ponds and site grading plan drainage above and below ground, which may affect the material condition of fencing components or footings, or can affect drainage or result in debris build up. Identify topography and analyze surface and subsurface soil components and other conditions to determine suitability and stability for fencing. Identify surface and subsurface utilities and other installations. Check local ordinances, covenants or agreements for restrictions or requirements that may affect fencing system type, style, color, height, etc. Determine impact to pedestrian/vehicle circulation, users of the community and the transit service. Identify frequency, location and targets of vandalism, which may influence the type,style or manufactured components of the fencing design. • • • • • 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-07 Page Site Development • Site Related Items April 30, 2012 3 of 7 Identify load, wind or other ratings associated with area weather patterns, conditions or other hazardous conditions, such as wind and snow, seismic, wildfire, etc., that may damage or destroy fencing components or structure; weaken its strength or stability; or allow climbing, jumping or stepping over to penetrate the perimeter’s boundary. Complete a survey of the property to identify natural access and surveillance, erritorial reinforcement, crime prevention, as well as homeland security exposures and recommendations. Complete a site survey of the property boundary to identify pre-existing conditions, such as adjacent property clear zones, stand-off distance, property encroachment, etc. Investigate and research to identify the locations of fencing systems located within close proximity to power lines, catenary wires, and the third rail to determine the proper grounding of power systems. • • • FENCING SYSTEMS AND MATERIALS Fencing system material, construction, installation method and fencing design are significant factors to determining fencing system selection. Fencing systems materials including posts, rails, bracing and accessories are typically various metals or wood construction, in accordance with OPSD and OPSS standards. New technologies such as vinyl, plastics, composites and combined wood-metal-plasticscomposite products are being introduced to the fencing system industry standards should also be considered. Each of the materials has specific maintenance issues and concerns that can impact the use and life expectancy of the system. Some of these materials have demonstrated use in reducing maintenance, upkeep and repair, as well as increased life cycle, and should be considered in the final fencing system selection. Some fencing systems are designed and installed for temporary use, while others are installed for short- to long-term or even permanent use. A combination of the types of installation that may best suit a facility or an area’s specific security requirements should be carefully evaluated as part of the security risk assessment FEATURES All fencing shall include same characteristics and features listed below, which will vary only in height without performance of fence at given location. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-07 Page Site Development Each fence shall be: • • • • • • Site Related Items April 30, 2012 4 of 7 Secure Anti - Climb Anti – Cut Vandal Proof Highly Transparent All fences shall have attractive appearance. FENCING SECURITY MEASURES AND CHARACTERISTICS Fencing system characteristics are part of the information needed for choice of an appropriate fencing system for different locations and functions. In addition, implementation, maintenance, life expectancy, safety and security must be included in the selection criteria. Fences, where required, but not limited to shall be installed at the following GO facilities/locations categorized as: High Risk Facilities High risk security fencing shall be 2.4 m high and would apply to facilities listed below, but not limited to: • Layover Yards/Sites • Electrical Sub-Stations • Fuel Yards and Tanks • Maintenance Facilities For layover and electrical Sub – Stations security and fencing refer to Layover section of GO Design Requirements Manual. Medium Risk Facilities Medium risk security fencing shall be minimum 1.8 m and will apply to facilities listed below, but not limited to: • • Storage/Warehouse Facilities Signal Bungalows 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-07 Page Site Development Site Related Items April 30, 2012 5 of 7 Low Risk Facilities/Site Components Low Risk fencing shall have knuckles down and shall be not higher than 1.2 m with an attractive appearance and with no vertical protrusions specially around facilities serving public and transit passengers, The following locations shall be provided with low risk fencing systems: • • • • • • • • Fencing Dividing Multiple Tracks Rail Side Platforms Significant Grade and Elevation Change Boundary Definition as directed by GO Bus Loops and Platforms Access control flow Ponds, ditches, swales and high embankments Condensers and generators adjacent to a station or terminal building shall have decorative fencing and lockable gates OVERPASS FENCING Pedestrian overpasses may require vertical fences on both sides with partial or full overhead mesh closure. RAILWAY CORRIDORS ROW FENCING Shall be provided as per specifications Rail Corridors Right of Way. Refer to latest version of Fencing Guidelines published by GO Transit Railway Corridors. GATES Maintenance access gates shall be a minimum of 2.7m wide hinged single or double gates. Sliding gates between tracks shall be a minimum of 2.7m wide, single or bi-parting gates. All gates must be lockable, single or double locks if required by the Railway, Hydro, or other users. NOISE BARRIERS Where required, they shall be pre-cast concrete or as directed by GO Transit. Colours and patterns to be reviewed by GO Transit. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-07 Page Site Development Site Related Items April 30, 2012 6 of 7 CONCRETE CURBS Concrete curbs, gutters, barriers and bumper curbs shall be in accordance with OPSD and CAN/CSA B651-04 Accessibility Standards. Surfaces, including flared sides at curbs, curb cuts and unloading zones shall be slip resistant, colour and texture contrasted with adjacent surfaces. For rail platform curbs see Heavy Rail section. Bus layover rear wheel stop-curbs shall be per OPSD 600.100 (concrete mountable curb with narrow gutter), with load transfer joints per OPSD 552.01, complete with a 0.6 m heavy duty concrete kill strip at the back of the curb. Pre-cast concrete bumper curbs shall not be used. Curb Ramps Curb ramps shall be provided where walks cross access roads, at barrier-free (designated) parking stalls, and within a Barrier-Free path of travel, as per the OBC and the OPSD. Directional grooves at 300 mm centres shall be provided, in accordance with OPSD 310.030. GUIDE RAILS, GUARDRAILS, AND BOLLARDS Steel Beam Guide Rails • At hazardous grade slopes for vehicular safety in accordance with the applicable OPSD • Metal Pipe Guard Rails At walkways adjacent to hazardous traffic or ditches. Material shall be galvanized pipe minimum 50 mm diameter, and 1070 mm high with midrail, etc. Decorative steel fencing may be used in lieu of railing. • Bollards To prevent vehicular access at transformers, gas meters, hydrants, accessible parking spots, near ancillary rooms in parking garages, vehicular traffic areas in bus and rail maintenance etc., 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0202-07 Page Site Development Site Related Items April 30, 2012 7 of 7 BOLLARDS EXTERIOR BOLLARDS Shall be 200 mm diameter galvanized steel pipe, concrete filled, and protected with 3 mm minimum thick high density polyethylene ‘safety yellow’ (or other colour as specified by GO) coloured cover, projecting 1.2 m above grade and set minimum 1.2 m into concrete pier. At bus fuel storage areas, provide 250 mm diameter concrete filled bollards. Interior Bollards Shall be 150 mm diameter galvanized steel pipe, concrete filled, and protected with 3 mm minimum thick high density polyethylene ‘safety yellow’ (or other colour as specified by GO) coloured cover, projecting 1.2 m. above floor and cast with welded plate and 4 anchors into concrete slab. Removable Bollards Shall consist of: a permanently installed receiver below grade, with a top that is flush with the pavement and a cap to prevent dirt accumulation while the post is removed; a removable post that can be manually lifted out of the receiver to allow access; and an exposed locking mechanism, with a padlock keyed to the station master, to prevent unauthorized removal. Dimensions, covers and colour schemes shall meet Exterior and Interior Bollard's requirements. PASSENGER SHELTERS Refer to shelters under the Station Buildings section of the Architectural Tab. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0203-01 Page Heavy Rail General June 1, 2006 1 of 3 SCOPE These criteria apply to the design of all trackwork including yard track, surface elevated and underground sections on the railway right-of-way (R.O.W.). BASIS OF CRITERIA Governing authorities and standards are: • • • • • • Railway Safety Act (RSA); Regulations Administered by Transport Canada pursuant to the RSA; Railway Association of Canada – industry rules; American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA), Manual for Railway Engineering; CN Rail or CP Rail standards; and Relevant GO Transit requirements including platform design criteria. RAILWAY OWNED CORRIDORS GO trains are operated mostly on railway-owned tracks, shared with freight and intercity passenger trains. Any new track, modifications or upgrading are to be designed by consultants engaged by the relevant railway, except that GO Station related track changes may be designed by consultants engaged by GO Transit, to railway standards, and railway contract document formats and procedures may apply, as directed by GO Transit. GO TRANSIT OWNED CORRIDORS Additional requirements may apply, as follows: • • Higher platforms (maximum 250mm above top of rail) where the GO Transit R.O.W. is not shared with freight trains; and Chain-link R.O.W. fencing: see “SITE DEVELOPMENT, Site Related Items”. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0203-01 Page Heavy Rail General June 1, 2006 2 of 3 CLEARANCE DIAGRAM See Figure. Note that the basic clearance is 3.35 m horizontally from centre line of track, and 7.4 m vertically above the top of rail (A.T.R.), which allows for future electrification. The minimum horizontal clearance is 2.546 m from centre line of track, and the minimum vertical clearance is 6.7 m A.T.R., possibly applicable in a terminus, end-of-the-line site, where trains move at low speeds. Side clearances must be adjusted for curved track, in accordance with the CN or CP Railway Standards. The curve allowance is approximately 25.4 mm per degree of curve, and a further 25 mm for each 10 mm of superelevation. TRACK/TRAIN DATA See Tab 6 for Track/Train Data. PLATFORM DESIGN CRITERIA These criteria are based on CN Rail data, applicable also to CP Rail, for preliminary design. Detail design shall be reviewed by the appropriate railway authority and GO Transit, at which time some dimensions may be defined more precisely. Track centres, centre line to centre line, new station facilities only Centre line of track to edge of platform Width of island platform Width of side platform Length of platform Centre line to centre line of tracks serving island platform (35 feet even) Maximum height of platform A.T.R. Exclusive GO Transit tracks, maximum height of platform A.T.R. Passenger circulation zone, edge of platform to platform structures (shelters/stair enclosures, etc.) Lateral clearance to major and elevated platform structures, centre line of track to canopies, roof overhangs, etc. Lateral clearance from centre line of track to mini-platforms Maximum height of mini-platform A.T.R. Platform safety line (see Figure, Pavement Design) Tunnel (pedestrian underpass) clearance, top of tunnel roof membrane overlay to underside of rail, minimum approximately. (This is based on 30 mm sub-ballast, 300 mm ballast to bottom of ties and 178 mm ties). 4.27 m 1.632 m 7.4 m 3.6 m-4.9 m 315 m 10.668 m 0.127 m 0.25 m 2.44 m 3.35 m 1.98 m 0.559 m 0.6 m 0.8 m 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0203-01 Page Heavy Rail General June 1, 2006 3 of 3 PLATFORM ENCLOSURES See Tab 3 for stair enclosures, elevators, and shelters, etc. PLATFORM SIGNS See Tab 3 for signs and graphics. No illuminated signs are permitted due to railway signal priority. MINI-PLATFORM See Rail Station Sites and Civil and Structural Sections. CLEARANCE DIAGRAM See Tab 6 for Clearance Diagram. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0204-01 Page Civil and Structural Engineering Design June 24, 2009 1 of 5 GENERAL This Standard applies to the civil and structural engineering design of GO Transit fixed facilities. CODES Engineering Design shall comply with the current edition of The Ontario Building Code and all other applicable codes, standards and regulations as required by all Authorities having jurisdiction, including, ESA Requirements, the Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code (MTO), Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual (Canadian Geotechnical Society), applicable CSA Structures Design and Material Standards, and the Manual for Railway Engineering (AREMA). SCOPE • • • • • • • • • Geotechnical. Pavement Design. Concrete Design. Structural Steel Design. Cut and Cover Structures. Pedestrian Tunnels and Bridges. Retaining Structures. Building Structures. Drainage. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS GEOTECHNICAL For new sites GO Transit may provide the consultant with an Environmental Site Assessment Report, especially where soil contamination and site decommissioning are issues. Consultants 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0204-01 Page Civil and Structural Engineering Design June 24, 2009 2 of 5 shall retain the services of Geotechnical Consulting Engineers, and Civil and Structural design shall be based on their report and recommendations. PAVEMENT DESIGN See “SITE DEVELOPMENT, Pavement Design”. CONCRETE DESIGN General Platform structures such as stair enclosures shall have concrete foundation walls and footings extending 500 mm above the finished platform. Exposed concrete vertical surfaces above grade shall be bush-hammered or sand-blasted. Concrete walking surfaces shall be broom finished, including stairs. Stairs are also to have non-slip inserts. Exposed concrete horizontal surfaces such as sills, tops of walls or bollards, etc. shall be sloped to drain and minimize deposits of de-icing chemicals. All concrete exposed to freezing and thawing cycles shall be air-entrained. See also Tab 3, Shelters, for floating concrete slabs. Rail Platform Curbs Rail platform curbs at track-side, including mini-platform curbs shall be sealed pre-cast concrete, or sealed cast-in-place concrete. See Figure for Precast Rail Platform curb on next page. STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN Structural Steel shall be new material. Weathering steel, especially for bridge structures, shall be designed with vertically or diagonally 10 mm deep, 20 mm wide minimum grooved face concrete supports for controlled rust run-off. Consultants shall take into consideration excessive wind loads generated by high-speed trains on platform structures i.e., shelters, stair and elevator buildings, including canopies and soffits. See also Tab 3 - ARCHITECTURE. Consultants shall also take into consideration GO Transit’s extensive use of salt or other deicing chemicals during winter, and locate structural steel on the inside of wall surfaces. See Tab 3 – ARCHITECTURE. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0204-01 Page Civil and Structural Engineering Design June 24, 2009 3 of 5 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0204-01 Page Civil and Structural Engineering Design June 24, 2009 4 of 5 CUT AND COVER STRUCTURES The construction of cut and cover structures such as pedestrian tunnels on the railway operating Right-of-Way is restricted to short durations, therefore design shall be such as to enable expedient construction. PEDESTRIAN TUNNELS AND BRIDGES Pedestrian tunnels and stairs shall be cast-in-place concrete, with the portion of tunnels under railway tracks to be pre-cast concrete units. Tunnel width under the tracks to be 3.66 m, or as directed by GO Transit to suit pedestrian traffic flow characteristics. The minimum tunnel height shall be 2.7 m inclusive of concrete floor topping. Tunnel features are: • • • • • • • • Angled wall corners at directional changes, 300 mm x 300 mm minimum corner cuts at 45 degrees, for sight lines to reduce probability of passenger collisions; Stairs (see Tab 2 for rise, run and handrails); Elevator shafts and pits; Elevator machine room(s), if applicable; Sump room(s); Electrical room; Communications room if required; and Concrete sealed walls, to be protected by clear non-sacrificial anti-graffiti coating. Pedestrian bridges over tracks shall be single-span structures with supports beyond the operating right-of-way, to the approval of the Railway. Intermediate supports are not allowed. Bridges at public thoroughfares may have intermediate supports, subject to the approval of the authority having jurisdiction. Where pedestrian overpasses over the R.O.W. have stairs/elevators down to an island platform, the bridge structure shall be cable-stayed to uphold the bridge in case of derailment. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0204-01 Page Civil and Structural Engineering Design June 24, 2009 5 of 5 RETAINING STRUCTURES The Consultant shall select the optimum permanent retaining method (wood shall not be used for retaining walls). Where concrete retaining walls are in proximity to the public, they shall be sandblasted and protected with a clear anti-graffiti coating. Low retaining walls shall be precast concrete units. Gabion walls may be used in non-public areas. BUILDING STRUCTURES Generally, station building and terminals building structures shall be residential type design using load-bearing steel/wood stud walls or concrete block walls with ceiling joist and roof rafter framing to allow for mechanical equipment installations and maintenance access. Special framing (open concept) is required for the waiting room. Roof trusses may also be used where required. Maintenance buildings shall be industrial/commercial type steel structural design. See Tab 3, ARCHITECTURE, and Standard Station Plan, Sections and Elevations. DRAINAGE For Drainage design see “SITE DEVELOPMENT, Drainage”. Major cost-shared storm mains shall be to municipal standards. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0205-01 Page Utilities General June 1, 2006 1 of 2 OVERVIEW This Section applies to the engineering design of all new utilities, relocations and tie-ins. SCOPE • • • • Utility Easements. Existing or new Utilities; water supply, storm and sanitary sewers, natural gas and hydro. Hydro overhead power lines. Co-ordination. BASIS OF CRITERIA • • • • • • Current applicable codes and regulations, and requirements of Utility owners and authorities having jurisdiction. Railway requirements: applicable to all utilities on the railway R.O.W. (see also Heavy Rail section). Minimized construction duration on Railway R.O.W.’s (due to the cost of the Railway requirement for a full time flagman and consultant site supervision). Minimized disruption of utilities to adjacent properties, vehicular traffic and GO Transit operations. Restoration work necessitated by utility installations. Arc flash analysis shall be included in design services. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS EASEMENTS The Consultant shall identify and show utility easements on the site plan, where applicable, in accordance with GO Transit’s survey plan(s). 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0205-01 Page Utilities General June 1, 2006 2 of 2 As-built drawings shall be provided at completion of work, accurately showing the location of all utilities. EXISTING OR NEW UTILITIES The Consultant shall be responsible for field locates of all existing utilities, confirmed with the Utility owner or authority. All existing utilities must be shown on the Contract Drawings. Where existing utilities are disrupted, they shall be replaced with new or modified construction to the approval of the utility and GO Transit. Where utility work is done by others prior to new construction, it is to be shown on the Contract Drawings as “existing” for reference. HYDRO OVERHEAD POWER LINES High voltage overhead clearance constraints pertaining to any buildings or structures shall be identified and co-ordinated. COORDINATION • • • • • Storm water management study. Telecommunications (including fibre optics and signal lines along the railway R.O.W.) Traffic signals, including railway crossing signals. Utilities crossing or paralleling railway tracks. Communications towers (antenna/transmission). Tower or cable ice accumulation shall be addressed for the safety of people, vehicles and buildings or structures. UTILITIES CROSSING TRACKS Where it is necessary to cross under tracks with utilities, the pipes or ducts shall be buried below the track sub-ballast. Design and construction of crossings, including bedding material, casing materials and loading requirements shall comply with Canadian Transport Commission General Orders and applicable CSA standards. Requirements for utilities passing over CN, CP or GO tracks shall conform to Canadian Transport Commission General Orders and applicable CSA standards. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical General March 17, 2011 1 of 19 MECHANICAL SCOPE This section applies to the mechanical engineering design of GO fixed facilities for the following systems: • • • • Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC); Plumbing and Drainage; Fire Protection; and Noise/Vibration. BASIS OF CRITERIA THE ONTARIO BUILDING CODE Apart from compliance with good Engineering practice and the Ontario Building Code, the design shall address energy and water conserving systems to reduce consumption. Basic and user-friendly computerized and automated equipment controls and energymanagement programs shall be utilized. Remote monitoring of equipment shall be provided if required by GO. HVAC ENERGY SOURCE Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning shall be by means of the most cost-effective energy source available at the site. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical General March 17, 2011 2 of 19 TEMPERATURES (DAYTIME: WITH NIGHT-TIME SET-BACKS) Daytime design temperatures for rooms shall be as tabulated below. °C WINTER MIN. 18 22 22 22 22 15 22 °C SUMMER MAX. 25 22 22 22 22 22 22 HVAC HVAC HVAC HVAC HVAC HVAC (Note 1) HVAC Ventilation & Heating Ventilation & Heating Ventilation & Gas Monitoring HVAC (Note 1) Ventilation Ventilation Ventilation Ventilation Natural Ventilation per Electrical Authority Natural Ventilation/Heating ROOM Passenger Waiting (including vending/concessions) Station Attendant Staff Room Dispatcher Office Communications Electronics Workshop Washrooms Janitor Battery Electrical Mechanical Equipment Elevator Mechanical Workshop Storage Station secondary entrances and tunnels Hydro Vaults Shelters NOTES * * * 15 * 5* 22* 20 N/A N/A N/A * * * 25 * 25 22 22 N/A N/A N/A * Electric heating, if required (supplementary), to maintain 18°C winter temperature. Note 1: High wall, heat pump with hyper heating and low ambient cooling (no night-time set-back). 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical General March 17, 2011 3 of 19 STATIONS HVAC • • Radiant heating should be considered in new Stations on a project by project basis. Otherwise, Heating and Air Conditioning of the waiting area and the ticket sales area shall be achieved by one high efficiency, premium quality furnace c/w outdoor condensing unit. The ticket sales area will have a VAV box controlled by a thermostat, while the main thermostat should be located in the janitor room and interlocked with the waiting area temperature sensor. Communications room and Electrical room shall have dedicated split Heat Pump A/C unit. It is preferred to have one condensing unit for both rooms, if possible. Refer to Communications room section for HVAC and ventilation details. Depending on area, washrooms shall be ventilated by Energy Recovery Ventilators or exhaust fans, and shall be heated by radiant heating (if available in the building) or by electric baseboard heating. Refer to Elevators section for Elevator hoistway HVAC.. • • • • FACILITIES HVAC • • • Radiant heating shall be the main heating system in the entire facility. Offices area shall be heated and air conditioned by energy efficient, premium quality rooftop packaged gas heating/electric cooling A/C units. Storage area and repair area shall be ventilated by heavy-duty industrial Air Handling Units c/w heat recovery unit. This system shall be controlled by thermostats and gas monitoring system. To minimize infiltration through open overhead doors in rail facilities, heavy-duty industrial air curtains shall be installed above overhead doors. Small Communications room shall be supplied with a split Heat Pump A/C unit. Large Communications rooms and/or Computer rooms shall have an independent dedicated HVAC system including precision air conditioning equipment and underfloor plenum supply. The complete HVAC system shall comply with ASHRAE Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Environments. • • • DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical General March 17, 2011 4 of 19 ROOFTOP PACKAGED A/C UNITS The rooftop packaged gas heating / electric cooling shall have the following features: • • • • • • • • • • • • From a recognized manufacturer with proven product testing. High efficiency, meeting ASHRAE 90.1 requirements, UL listed and labelled. Factory assembled, internally wired, fully charged with R410A. Downflow unit c/w roof curb. Factory installed downflow economizer c/w barometric relied damper, solid state enthalpy, and differential enthalpy control. Hinged access doors, 50mm (2”) pleated media filters, and a convenience outlet. Unit surface shall be tested in compliance with ASTM B117. Cabinet construction shall allow for all maintenance on one side of the Unit. Crankcase heaters to improve compressor reliability. Drum and tube heat exchanger with corrosion resistant steel components. Discharge line thermostat, and phase monitor. Units supplying high occupancy rooms, such as meeting rooms, shall be controlled by a carbon dioxide sensor, in order to modulate the outside air damper. ROOFTOP PACKAGED AIR HANDLING UNITS Heavy-duty industrial Air Handling Unit with the following features: • • • • • • • • From a recognized manufacturer with proven product testing. Double wall unit with 16 gauge steel sheet outer skin, 20 gauge steel sheet interior liner, and 50mm (2”) thick insulated wall and roof panels. 16 gauge checkered plate floor with reinforcement and insulation. Fully hinged access doors, filter frames, and drains in every section. Exterior paint shall meet ASTM B117. ARI certified heating coils. Heating shall be via hydronic coil when boiler plant is available. Fans shall be centrifugal plenum type. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical • • • • • • • General March 17, 2011 5 of 19 Non-overloading backward inclined Aluminium blades. Heavy-duty weathertight and drainable stationary louvers. Internal vibration isolation of the fan and motor. Fully insulated and independent motorized dampers. Lights in access compartments with switch on the unit exterior. GFI receptacle. Separate 120v for light and GFI receptacle. AIR CURTAINS Heavy-duty industrial Air Curtain with the following features: • • • • • • • • • • • From a recognized manufacturer with proven product testing. Suited for blanketing the door width and minimum 50mm (2”) overlap on each side. Performance and air flow delivery shall be rated in accordance with AMCA Standard 211. Belt drive motors shall be open drip-proof type, easily accessible for maintenance, and outside the airstream. Blowers shall be centrifugal forward curved type and tested in accordance to AMCA Standard 210. Minimum 14 gauge galvanized steel frame. Minimum 16 gauge galvanized steel casing. Maximum deflection of 6.35mm (0.25”). Inlet screens. Outer air velocity pattern shall have over 90% uniformity over the entire length of the Air Curtain. Complete factory-wired control panel. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical General March 17, 2011 6 of 19 SPLIT HEAT PUMP A/C UNIT The split Heat Pump system shall have the following features: • • • • • • • • High efficiency Hyper heating at -25°C Low ambient cooling at -5°C R410A refrigerant Variable speed compressor Variable refrigerant flow Auto restart after power failure Hot start. RADIANT HEATING & SNOW MELTING SYSTEMS BASIS OF CRITERIA • • • • • • • • • Ontario Building Code Ontario Fire Code Ontario Electrical Safety Code ASHRAE 90.1 Standard MOE requirements Relevant CSA Standards Relevant TSSA requirements Relevant ASME codes and standards ASHRAE Handbooks APPLICATION • • Full width snow melting systems shall be installed on all new and rehabilitated Rail platforms. Radiant heating and partial snow melting systems 3.05m (10 ft) in front of overhead doors shall be installed in all Bus Facilities. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical • • General March 17, 2011 7 of 19 Radiant heating and partial snow melting should be considered in new Station buildings and bus terminals, on a project by project basis. Snow Melting Systems should be considered in BRT Facilities on a project by project basis. SYSTEM COMPONENTS Supply and installation of a complete radiant heating system and/or snow melting system, including but not limited to, the following: • • • • • • • • • • • Gas fired boilers. Pumps. Expansion tank. Chemical treatment. Glycol make-up system. Pipework inside boiler room including manifolds, piping, fittings, valves, thermometers, gauges, devices, pipe hangers & support, and accessories. Pre-insulated supply and return pipes and fittings. Distribution manifolds c/w valves inside platform chambers. Embedded tubing and fittings. Complete control system. Electrical works. WARRANTY All warranty periods are measured from the date the substantial completion of the system has been confirmed by the Engineer and GO: • The complete system shall be covered by 2-year warranty against failure due to defects in material or workmanship. During this period, the system shall be startedup and inspected in November, shut-down in April, and monitored 24/7 via central station by Contractor and/or Supplier. The complete system shall be covered by 10-year limited system performance warranty. This warranty requires that the system detailed design, supervision, commissioning, and test witnessing shall be performed by the manufacturer’s authorized personnel along with the contractor’s superintendent and the Engineer. • DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical • General March 17, 2011 8 of 19 All tubing and pre-insulated piping shall carry a 25-year non-prorated warranty against failure due to defects in material or workmanship. BOILERS • • • • • • Natural gas boilers shall be approved to ANSI Z21.13 CSA 4.9-2000 with efficiency between 85% and 89%. 52°C (125°F) water supply temperature with no limit on inlet water temperatures. Constructed of eutectic cast iron sections in accordance with ASME requirements, with modulus of elasticity of 30% greater than other cast iron. Boiler plant shall include minimum 2 boilers. If one boiler is down, the remaining boiler(s) shall be capable of handling 60-70% of the full design load. Boiler warranty shall not be affected if flue gas condensation is allowed within the boiler. Boiler and burner shall be listed as package. Site approval is not acceptable. Package must have proven field verified track record for a minimum period of 3 years. All control circuits shall be 120v/60Hz/1Ph c/w fuse protection. Burner shall be fully modulating, factory tested, and CSA listed. No CO shall be present in the products of combustion. Boiler shall be fully started up and commissioned by factory trained personnel. Manufacturer shall have facility in Ontario. Qualified personnel and spare parts shall be available in GTA. • • • • • PRE-INSULATED PIPING AND TUBING • Tubing shall be cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) manufactured by the Engle method, in accordance with ASTM F876 and ASTM F877, and tested for compliance by an independent third-party agency. Minimum bend radius no less than six times the outside diameter. Oxygen diffusion barrier not to exceed 0.10 grams per cubic meter per day at 40°C (104°F). Pre-insulated piping shall be durable cross-linked polyethylene (PEX-a) manufactured by the Engle method, protected by multilayer PEX-foam insulation and covered by a corrugated seamless waterproof HDPE jacket. • • • 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical • • • • • • • General March 17, 2011 9 of 19 Manifolds shall be 50mm (2”) valved type L copper complete with cold expansion adaptors. For system compatibility, use manifolds, fittings, connectors, wall sleeves, and all accessories from the same manufacturer. Use 50mm (2”) Styrofoam insulation under the tubing, to maximize heat transfer upward. For tubing under asphalt, the tubing shall be embedded in limestone screening. Tubing shall be installed in one continuous piece and no splice shall be allowed in the slab. Contractor and Supplier shall have minimum 10 years demonstrated experience on projects of similar size and complexity. Contractor and Supplier shall submit as-built drawings verified by the Engineer. PUMPS • • • The heating plant piping arrangement shall contain a primary/secondary loops layout, with 4-way mixing valve between the two loops. Each loop shall be served by two vertical in-line centrifugal pumps. The vertical in-line centrifugal pumps shall have cast iron casing, bronze impeller, stainless steel shaft, stainless steel mechanical seals, 50 micron cartridge filter, and a sight indicator. These pumps shall be equipped with suction guides, stainless steel strainers, triple duty valves, and insulation. In-line circulator pumps shall have bronze fitted construction, and shall be equipped with a water-tight, long life Armseal mechanical seal. They shall be suitable for 107°C (225°F) and 125 psi. Downstream each in-line circulator pump goes a circuit balancing valve, “Y” pattern, to provide precise flow measurement, precision flow balancing, and positive driptight shut-off. • • CONTROLS • Complete microprocessor-based programmable control system able to interface with LONWORKS and BACNET, in order to control, monitor, and adjust the radiant heating system and/or snow melting system remotely and/or locally. The control system shall include all required PCUs (Primary Control Units), PACs (Programmable Application Controllers), and ASCs (Application Specific Controllers) to interface with all equipment. • DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical • General March 17, 2011 10 of 19 The control system shall also include dynamic graphics, snow sensors, outdoor air temperature sensors, immersion temperature sensors, current sensors, status relays, automatic control valves, automatic control valve actuators, local service ports, and LAN cabling. MANIFOLD CHAMBERS The recessed manifold chambers on the platform shall be fully accessible with adequate maintenance clearances around the manifolds and valves. Footprint and depth to avoid classification as “confined space”. Adequate means of drainage shall be provided. Cover shall be heavy-duty Aluminium, traffic bearing, lockable, self opening with piston kit, and with recessed handles. GLYCOL/WATER SOLUTION The Glycol/Water solution shall be premixed, or site mixed with proper concentration before entering the system. Glycol shall be non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and suitable for boilers. TESTING ADJUSTING AND BALANCING The TAB agency shall be a subcontractor of the general contractor who should identify it within 10 days after the award of the contract. The TAB agency shall be a certified member of AABC. TRAINING Mechanical Contractor / Manufacturer shall provide adequate training for GO staff including advanced maintenance level training as determined by GO. Training sessions may take place on site, or any other suitable location. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical General March 17, 2011 11 of 19 FANS • • In public area and occupied spaces, low noise centrifugal fans shall be used. Public area fan systems shall be provided with suitable attenuating silencers capable of maintaining space noise level no greater than NC40. Airfoil or backward inclined design is preferred. Forward curved wheels may be used for low pressure applications. Variable pitch axial fans should be considered for fan wheel diameters greater than 610mm and where system air volumes vary, due to control characteristics of summer/winter operation. Propeller fans may be used where they serve non-public or unoccupied areas. Additional ventilation with emergency power back-up may be required in large facilities, such as Willowbrook or Steeprock. • • • • ENERGY RECOVERY Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV) shall be specified for energy conservation in all GO facilities, where practical and cost effective. In station buildings they shall be above the public washrooms or the janitor room, in the attic space, where applicable. Access by ceiling hatch. FILTERS Filters used in supply air systems shall be 50mm (2”) thick throw-away type, with minimum efficiency of 30%. HEATERS Electric fan forced heaters shall be considered in the waiting area and entrances. Heaters can be wall or ceiling mounted. Heaters should be controlled by wall mounted space sensors. Supplemental electric fan forced heater should be considered in the ticket sales area. Electric resistance duct heaters shall have Silicon Control Rectifiers (SCR), minimum airflow switch, and two high-temperature limit sensors. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical General March 17, 2011 12 of 19 Gas fired unit heaters and infrared heaters shall be considered in large facilities. In all shelters, CSA compliant electric infrared radiant heaters c/w factory installed protective wire cage and stainless steel or nickel chromium tubular heating element shall be suspended by chains or threaded rods at 2440 mm (8 ft) above finish floor level and controlled by a push button and timer. DIFFUSERS Diffusers shall be aluminum. For perforated metal ceilings; diffusers to be perforated type to match the ceiling profile and colour. For high-traffic door locations, or where drafts are a problem with station attendants, linear diffuser air-curtains shall be provided at the doors. DUCTS Air ducts shall be galvanized sheet metal confirming to ASHRAE, SMACNA Duct Construction Standards, and NFPA 90A. Diffuser branch-ducts and air terminal ducts may be circular metal flex-ducts where concealed. Exposed ducts in public areas shall be aluminum spiral ducts. FIRE DAMPERS Fire dampers shall be fusible link type conforming to ULC-S505. An access door shall be installed for inspection and resetting. CONNECTORS Flexible connectors shall be provided between vibrating equipment and connecting ducts. INSULATION Acoustical and thermal duct insulation shall be in accordance with the O.B.C. and ASHRAE 90.1. Acoustical insulation shall be provided to maintain a maximum room sound rating of 40dBA. Piping insulation shall be in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1, with PVC jackets. SYSTEM CONTROL HVAC systems shall be controlled using programmable thermostats to achieve night setbacks. Interlocks for fire protection to be as per OBC and NFPA. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical General March 17, 2011 13 of 19 IDENTIFICATION Equipment, piping and systems shall be clearly identified according to industry standards. Equipment shall include manufacturer’s nameplate, CSA and/or CUL registration plates where applicable. Piping and ducting systems shall be identified using a standard identification system, ASHRAE, CGSB or similar. All labels, tags, nameplates, etc., shall be stainless steel, brass or thick laminated plastic, as appropriate to suit application. APPEARANCE All equipment, vent, access door, door grille, diffuser, return air grille, and exposed duct locations shall be coordinated by the architect/prime consultant. Roof-mounted equipment shall be screened. Where permitted, multiple exhaust ducts shall be combined to minimize building penetration. On sloping station roofs, exhaust ducts shall be directed to vertical gable vents, if applicable. Exterior grade-level equipment (condensing units, etc.) shall be elevated 300 mm minimum above grade, and screened by fencing. Grilles, vents and diffusers shall be recessed or flush with adjoining base-building materials, as detailed by the architect/prime consultant, and shall not be surface-mounted over base-building materials. PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE BASIS OF CRITERIA The Ontario Building Code (OBC) This article deals with cold and hot water distribution, building storm and sanitary drainage and site drainage within the immediate vicinity of the building. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS • • • • • • Staff washrooms. Public washrooms. Tenant and vending premises. Shop/maintenance facilities. Hosebibs at buildings, tunnels and on platforms. Sump pits for tunnels, elevators and buildings, if applicable. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical • General March 17, 2011 14 of 19 Specialized installations: vehicle wash equipment, progressive maintenance bays (PMB’s) for locomotive and coach water supply and sewage disposal, and wells and septic systems or holding tanks at rural sites, if required. WATER PIPING Water piping shall be copper, type “L” above ground, type “K” for buried services. Copper type “M” and galvanized pipe shall not be used. Waterlines in unheated areas shall be protected from freezing with electric tracing, thermostatically controlled. These sections of piping shall be valved to enable isolation and drainage. Insulation shall be in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1 standard. Piping shall be concealed in public areas. Exposed chrome piping shall have chromeplated anchors and hangers. Pipes shall not be routed through electrical rooms, control rooms or communication rooms. Cathodic protection for buried pipes shall be provided if required. Vending and concession areas shall have a cold water supply valved and capped connection as well as a sanitary and vent capped connections, c/w check-meter and remote reader. DRINKING FOUNTAINS Drinking fountains are not to be included in station buildings. HOT WATER The energy source shall be the most economical available. Service hot water shall be provided tempered at 40°C at station and terminal washbasins in washrooms. Shops, maintenance and garage facilities may have higher temperatures if required. A re-circulation system normally is not required in a typical GO Station building. Hot water heaters in stations/terminals shall be located in janitor rooms, ceiling-hung to suit space requirements. Relief valves shall be piped to floor drains with air break. A gas fired tankless type hot water system may be used where approved by GO, to minimize piping. HYDRANTS AND HOSE BIBS Wall hydrants and hose bibs shall be minimum 20 mm anti-siphon, non-freeze type in flush mounted box with locking cover and located at buildings, tunnels and on platforms to suit maintenance requirements as directed by GO. Tunnel/platform hose-bib pipe systems shall have gravity drain capability for water shut-off. Hose-bibs shall also be located in 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical General March 17, 2011 15 of 19 shops, maintenance facilities, loading docks, bus platforms, etc. as directed by GO, sized to suit. LANDSCAPE WATER Buried water supply piping systems shall be provided for the manual watering of landscaping only if specifically requested by GO. If requested, they shall consist of PVC piping and quick coupling hose attachments spaced so that every point in the landscaped area can be reached by a 30 m hose extended from the hose attachment. The system shall be capable of being completely drained or air-blown dry in the autumn. PIPE SLEEVES Galvanized steel pipe sleeves shall be provided in concrete structures to accommodate future piping installations, if required. WATER METERS Water supply lines shall be sized for the specific requirements of the facility. The incoming service shall be metered inside with an exterior readout acceptable to the local utility. Major tenants shall have check-meters. VALVES Each fixture shall have a key operated service valve or shut-off valve. Additional shut-off valves shall be provided for each group of fixtures, e.g., a washroom. At least one shut-off valve shall be provided for each room with one or more fixtures. STORM DRAINAGE Drainage shall be designed to meet the requirements of local authorities, and the relevant storm water management study. See Stormwater Management (section CI-0408-07). Drainage: oil and grit interceptors and inlet control devices may be required. The location of scupper drains and splash pads should be coordinated with the prime consultant. Rail platform shelter roof drains where required, may be directed to Railway R.O.W. ditches, where approved by the Railway, or to a sump pit in the tunnel and then pumped to the storm system. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical General March 17, 2011 16 of 19 SANITARY DRAINAGE Drainage shall be designed to meet the requirements of local authorities. All washrooms, janitor rooms, mechanical rooms, vending and concession areas and certain maintenance areas as directed by GO, shall be provided with floor drains and strainers. Strainer and sediment buckets shall be provided for heavy duty floor drains, trench drains, and tunnel floors. Tunnels shall have open shallow trench drains at the wall perimeters. See Technical Standards. Food preparation areas require grease interceptors. This applies particularly to tenant premises. Service stations, repair shops and garages require oil interceptors. Parking lots and elevator pits do not require oil interceptors as per O.B.C. SUMP PUMPS Where storm or sanitary drains cannot be discharged to the sewer by gravity flow, flow shall be discharged into a tightly covered and vented sump pit, from which the liquid is lifted and discharged to the sewer by an automatic duplex pump system with automatic changeover and guide bars. Each pump should be sized for 100% flow. Pumps shall be epoxy coated with two (2) totally independent seal assemblies. A 4 float control system shall be provided (OFF – LEAD ON – LAGG ON – ALARM). Provision shall be made for dry ‘C’ contacts for connection to a remote alarm. Pumps shall be easily removable for maintenance without the need to enter the wet well. Pit cover shall be gas tight, self-opening with piston kit and safety grid. System shall be complete with lifting equipment including lifting davit, chain hoist, lifting device, and chain hook. Sump pits are used for shelter, roof and tunnel drainage, and in elevator or escalator pits. Special sump pumps may be required for maintenance facilities or rural stations (TBD). FIXTURES: GENERAL All fixtures except janitor sink shall be vandal resistant vitreous china. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical CUSTODIAN SINKS General March 17, 2011 17 of 19 Janitor sinks to be terrazzo, floor mounted. WASHBASINS • • • • Multi use public washrooms to have individual semi-countertop basins with one barrier free basin. Faucets to be two-handle centreset type for the barrier free basin. Single use public washrooms to have a barrier free semi-countertop mounted basin with a two-handle centreset faucet. Staff washroom basin to be countertop type with a two handle centreset faucet. There shall be a storage cabinet below. Shop or maintenance facility washrooms to have a trough-type multi-station sink or circular wash basin. Faucets can have foot control, infrared control, or push button control. WATER CLOSETS • Water closets in public washrooms shall be wall hung, with carrier elongated siphon jet flush action bowl, top spud for exposed manual flush valve with non-hold open feature. Seats shall be white, elongated, heavy duty, solid material, open front without cover. Water closets in staff washrooms shall be floor mounted, tank type. Seat shall be white, heavy duty, open front, solid material, oval, with cover. Barrier-free (accessible) water closets shall have covers (lids) as back-rests, to code requirements. • • URINALS Urinals shall be wall hung with carrier, top spud for exposed manual flush valve with nonhold open feature and vacuum breaker, siphon jet flush action, integral flush spreader. EYE WASH FOUNTAINS Eye wash fountains shall be wall recessed, stainless steel, located per Code outside battery rooms, or other areas with hazardous products. Typically found in plant facilities. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical General March 17, 2011 18 of 19 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS • • • • • Septic systems and/or holding tanks for rural facilities. Filling stations for locomotive and coach washroom water supply. Coach washroom sewage removal facilities at progressive maintenance bays (PMB’s) in train maintenance facilities. Train and bus wash facilities including recycling of wash water. Wells or water reservoirs at rural facilities to approval of authorities having jurisdiction, including filtration and purification systems. A minimum GO requirement is ultraviolet purification for coliforms and e-coli bacteria with pre-filters. Thermostat controlled electric pipe heating cables shall be used on all water pipes in unheated areas, where the temperature may fall below freezing. Minimum burial depth of piping shall be 1.65m or to municipal requirements. • • 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL Section Subject Approved EN-0206-01 Page Mechanical General March 17, 2011 19 of 19 FIRE PROTECTION BASIS OF CRITERIA The Ontario Building Code, N.F.P.A. Standards, and Municipal Fire Department. SPRINKLERS Sprinkler systems are typically found in facilities and regional offices, not typical station buildings. Where sprinklers are required by code, sprinkler systems shall be designed, constructed, installed, and tested in conformance with NFPA 13. Sprinkler heads in public areas shall be concealed flush type, where sprinklers are code-required for major station or terminal facilities. FIRE HYDRANTS Hydrants shall be provided at all facilities. Fire hydrants in landscaped areas or snowdrift areas shall be raised or marked with raised identification “flag” devices. Minimum burial depth of piping and pipe-marking/protection shall be to municipal requirements. DRY FIRE SUPPRESSION • • Dry Fire Suppression Systems or clean agent systems for main computer and telephone equipment rooms shall be provided where required by GO Transit. Not found in Station Buildings. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS The Consultant shall specify fire extinguishers to be available during construction and identify and locate fire extinguishers that are required to be supplied and installed by GO Transit for occupancy of premises. NOISE/VIBRATION Isolators and vibration control devices shall be specified as required to ensure that equipment-noise and vibration do not interfere with GO Transit operations, as well as to protect adjacent properties from noise and vibration, where necessary. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-01 Page Electrical General June 1, 2006 1 of 3 SCOPE Electrical systems for GO Transit facilities shall comprise the following, including all relevant supply, protection, distribution and control of alternating and direct current systems: • • • • • Primary and secondary power services; Secondary power distribution; Lighting system including controls; Grounding; and Emergency power. Also included is the provision of power supply and interface requirements to the following equipment and systems (for SYSTEMS see Tab 4): • • • • • • • • • • • • Illumination; Heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment; Elevators; Proof of Payment fare collection system (POP) including ticket vending machines (TVM’s); CCTV system; Signage, display cases and advertising; Fire alarm system; Telephone system including paging phones; Public Address system (PA); Intercom (including voice-activated); Signal and data systems (including passenger information and computer systems); Security systems (and alarm monitoring); 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-01 Page Electrical • • • • • • • Shop equipment; General June 1, 2006 2 of 3 Tenant premises/vending machines; Wayside Power systems (rail and bus); Heat tracing (roof drainage and plumbing pipes at exterior walls); Platform and ramp snow-melting systems; Controls and digital clocks; and Isolated ground requirements for the above where required; CODES AND APPROVALS • • • • • • • • The latest editions of the Ontario Building Code (OBC). Canadian Electrical Code. Ontario Electrical Safety Code. C.S.A., U.L.C., N.F.P.A., and the Occupational Health and Safety Act (O.H.S.A.). Electrical Safety Authority (E.S.A.) bulletins. Illumination Engineering Society (I.E.S.) standards. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (I.E.E.E.) standards. Local Hydro inspection procedures and approval requirements. BASIS OF CRITERIA • • • • Energy efficiency and conservation. Cost effectiveness. Compatibility of materials and equipment. When equipment is interconnected to form a system, the characteristics of performance shall be compatible. Supervisory control and data acquisition system requirements. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-01 Page Electrical • General June 1, 2006 3 of 3 Also refer to Station Communications and Electronic Systems Document for additional information regarding GO Transit systems. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-02 Page Electrical Power Supply and Distribution April 30, 2012 1 of 12 INCOMING UTILITY SERVICES Utility services to a site or building will be supplied by the local Supply Authority (PUC). Services to an electrical room or kiosk shall be underground. Service Requirements • • • • • • Line Stations: 120/208 volt service or 347/600 volt; 400 amp min. Maintenance, Repair, Shop and Garage facilities and facilities with elevators: 347/600 volt service. Remote facilities: 120/208 volt service. Incoming services, utility metering, disconnect switch, distribution breakers/switches shall be in one distribution panel. Where GO Transit has tenants, check meters shall be required. One for each tenant. Service size shall be based on the application of conservative engineering design principles consistent with cost effective provisions for future station/terminal or other facility expansion. Temporary facilities shall have overhead service. • UTILIZATION VOLTAGES Utilization voltages shall be as follows: SYSTEM Lighting UTILIZATION LED, Fluorescent, high pressure sodium, metal halide VOLTAGE 347V or 120 V 1 phase interior, 347 V or 120 V 1 phase for all exterior application 347V or 120 V 1 phase interior, + Life safety emergency power 600/347 V 3 phase Life Safety Egress Lighting LED, Fluorescent, high pressure sodium, metal halide Greater than 5 kW Heating 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-02 Page Electrical Power Supply and Distribution April 30, 2012 2 of 12 SYSTEM UTILIZATION 5 kw or less 120/208 V 1 phase VOLTAGE Life Safety Fire Pumps 600/347V or 208/120 V 3 phase interior, + Life safety emergency power Greater than ½ HP 120/208V, or 600/347V 3 phase 120V 1 phase 120/208V, or 600/347V 3 phase + emergency power 120V 1 phase + emergency power 120V 1 phase + emergency power 120V 1 phase + emergency power to each exterior camera 120V 1 phase + emergency power 120V 1 phase + emergency power 120V 1 phase + Life safety emergency power 120V 1 phase + emergency power 120V 1 phase + emergency power 120V 1 phase + Life safety emergency power 120V 1 phase + emergency power 120V 1 phase + emergency power Motors ½ HP or less Elevators Motors and Controls P.A. Telephone System C.C.T.V. Security/Alarm Passenger Information Fire Alarm Proof-of-Payment Fare Collection System Electronic Payment Systems Intercom Video Transmission Digital Clock System (network) 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-02 Page Electrical Power Supply and Distribution April 30, 2012 3 of 12 SYSTEM Signage and Display System Wayside Power System: Energy Management System Computers Fuel Management Systems UTILIZATION VOLTAGE 120V 1 phase + emergency power 600V 3 phase 120V 1 phase + emergency power 120V 1 phase + emergency power 120/208V, or 600/347V 3 phase + emergency power 120/208V, or 600/347V 3 phase + emergency power 120V/208 1 phase 120V1 phase + emergency power Sand Distribution Systems Electric Vehicle Charging Systems Car counting Systems BALANCING OF PHASES Where single phase power is taken from a 3 phase source, the loads shall be balanced among the three distribution phases. Sites that have a single phase sources available are keep the load on distribution panels balanced. VOLTAGE DROPS Voltage drop calculations for motor circuits shall be based on an 80% power factor, lagging. POWER FACTOR The overall system power factor shall be greater than 90%. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-02 Page Electrical Power Supply and Distribution April 30, 2012 4 of 12 SERVICE DUCTBANKS Service ductbanks shall conform to the local Utility’s, including Bell Canada, requirements. Spare duct cells and conduits with pull-cords shall be provided in ductbanks as deemed necessary for future use, if requested by GO Transit. PROTECTION AND METERING Protective disconnect devices shall be moulded case automatic thermal-magnetic circuit breakers except where distribution system fault current dictates the use of fuse disconnect switches. The single line wiring diagram for the building shall indicate the available fault current at the service entrance, and on each main bus. Voltage surge, lightning, phase overcurrent and ground fault protection shall be provided as required. Consideration shall be given to providing for energy management and smart digital metering. Phase overcurrent and ground fault devices shall be coordinated such that ground faults, short circuits or overloads will trip only the immediate upstream protective device from the point where the fault or overload occurs. The Preliminary Arc Flash hazard study analysis shall be submitted along with the design drawings prior to the co-ordination study. The preliminary arc flash study shall be used to modify the design in order to minimize the hazard. The study shall also be used for the floor boundary marking. Surge Protective Devices (SPD, formerly known as TVSS), Lightning, Phase Over & Under Current and Ground Fault Protection shall be provided as required for protection and safety of building, equipment and personnel. SPD is to be distributed through the distribution system. PANELBOARDS Shall be flush or surface mounted as required, complete with hinged locking door and flush catch, and finished with corrosion-resistant primer, equipment gray. Surface mounted panelboards shall be installed on unistrut galvanized steel framing channels with 75mm clear between back of panelboard and wall. Where practical, panelboards shall be grouped in proximity. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-02 Page Electrical Power Supply and Distribution April 30, 2012 5 of 12 Panelboard shall be copper bus type, with full capacity solid neutral design and sequence style bussing, composed of an assembly of bolt-in-place moulded case circuit breakers with thermal and magnetic trip and trip-free position separate from either the “ON” or “OFF” positions. Multi-pole circuit breakers shall have common simultaneous trip. Overcurrent devices feeding emergency equipment shall be located only in electrical equipment rooms, and fitted with breaker locking devices. Panelboards shall be provided with type-written directories indicating loads controlled by each circuit installed in metal framed clear acetate cover, affixed to the inside cover of the panelboard. GROUNDING AND LIGHTNING PROTECTION GENERAL This Section outlines protective grounding and equipotential bonding requirements, based on the TN-S system arrangement, including: • • • • • Transformer neutral grounding; Electrical and Communications Rooms; Exposed conductive parts of electrical equipment; Extraneous conductive parts; and Building main ring electrode. The design of the ground system shall be based on: • • • • • • Ground resistivity data Ground resistance of the whole system and its components Ground potential rise High ground resistance Systems fault currents and their duration Conductor ratings The design calculations shall show that the fault currents and DC stray currents will not damage the grounding system. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-02 Page Electrical Power Supply and Distribution April 30, 2012 6 of 12 SOIL SURVEY AND CALCULATIONS A ground resistivity survey shall be carried out at each site. The weather conditions prior to and at the time of the surveys shall be recorded in the report and an assessment made of the seasonal variations in resistivity based on meteorological data for the area. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Grounding system components include: • • • • • • Ground electrode; Main grounding terminals or bars; Grounding conductors; Protective conductors; Equipotential bonding conductors; Electrically independent ground electrodes for special systems (clean ground). Shared neutral is not allowed. Ground electrode total combined resistance value shall no exceed 0.5 ohm, during any season of the year and before interconnection to other grounded systems or grounding means. Protective conductors shall not to be formed by conduit, trunking or ducting. Ground Fault Loop Impedance for complete circuits shall be recorded. Supplementary Equipotential Bonding: Connect all extraneous conductive parts of the buildings such as metallic conduit and raceways, cable trays and cable armour to nearest grounding terminals by equipotential bonding conductors. A Ground Inspection Chamber shall be provided for each ground rod where connected to a grounding conductor and shall extend 150 mm below top of ground rod. TRANSFORMER GROUNDING Transformer body grounding terminal shall be connected to MV main grounding bar by insulated copper grounding conductor not less than 3 AWG per 100 kVA of transformer rating, with a minimum of 2 AWG. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-02 Page Electrical Power Supply and Distribution April 30, 2012 7 of 12 Transformer neutral (star point) shall be connected by insulated grounding conductor (colour White) directly to independent grounding electrode. Neutral grounding conductor shall be sized for maximum ground fault current for 5 seconds. GROUNDING OF DISTRIBUTION BOARDS, LIGHTING INSTALLATIONS AND WIRING ACCESSORIES Distribution, lighting and power panel boards shall be connected by separate insulated protective conductors run together with incoming feeder cable, connecting ground terminals in panel boards with respective main distribution board grounding bar. Final Ring Sub-circuits: Protective conductor of every final ring sub-circuit shall be in the form of a ring having both ends connected to ground terminal at origin of circuit in panel board. Lighting fixtures and other exposed conductive parts of electrical installations, such as switches, heaters, air conditioning units, etc. shall be connected by protective ground conductors to grounding terminals of their respective panel boards. GROUNDING OF ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATIONS ROOMS, AND FIXED MACHINERY A common 50 mm wide x 6 mm thick grounding copper bus shall be connected to the door frame and encircle the Electrical Room and Communications Room. Motor and other equipment ground terminals shall be connected also by protective ground conductors of each branch circuit to ground terminal/bar at motor control centre, panel or distribution unit. Conductors shall be securely fixed, recessed in floor grooves or niches, or fixed to walls by appropriate staples. Ground bar or loop shall be securely fixed to building wall with copper or brass saddles. GROUNDING OF ROAD/PARKING LOT LIGHTING POLES Separate protective grounding cables for lighting pole circuits shall be run with power circuit, terminated at LV supply position in lighting control panel and looped into pole grounding terminals. Any metal surfaces associated with handwells and manholes, including non-conductive metal surfaces, must be grounded. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-02 Page Electrical Power Supply and Distribution April 30, 2012 8 of 12 Every second pole shall be grounded with a minimum of one ground rod complete with inspection chamber. GROUNDING OF SIGNAL AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS For telephone, alarm, voice and data, and other communication systems, provide a clean system to each service location, terminal cabinet, wiring closet, and central equipment location. Terminal Cabinets: Terminate grounding conductor on cabinet grounding terminal. CLEAN GROUND In general, clean ground grounding system shall be provided for data system, telephony and other communication systems, and: • • shall be single point ground to main electrical system ground; and grounding cables shall not be run parallel with other grounding cables or power cables. GROUNDING OF FENCES Metallic fences within 1.8 m of any equipment or structure above the surface of the ground, which is connected to the main grounding system, shall be bonded to the grounding system. Ground rods shall be driven adjacent to the posts inside the fence line to a depth of not less than 3.0 m. Where no metallic posts are provided the ground rods shall be connected directly to the metal wires, mesh or other components of the fence. LIGHTNING PROTECTION Lightning protection system is designed to protect structures from damage due to lightning strikes by intercepting such strikes and safely passing their extremely high voltage and current to "ground". Such system shall be installed were there are no surrounding structures that would provide a cone of protection. Lightning protection systems shall include a network of lightning rods, metal conductor, and ground electrodes, designed to provide a low resistant path to ground for potential strikes. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-02 Page Electrical Power Supply and Distribution April 30, 2012 9 of 12 In general, grounding conductor connections to structures, connections within the lightning protection system conductors, shall be exothermic copper-weld type unless stated otherwise specified. ELECTRIFIED RAIL GROUNDING REQUIREMENTS Under development DISTRIBUTION METHOD In general, loads shall be locally fed from power panels, distribution panels and motor control centres. General lighting and system circuits shall be alternately circuited to maintain partial lighting in the event of circuit failure. WIRING METHOD RACEWAYS Raceways and branch circuitry shall be implemented to minimize failure of a complete system due to failure or malfunctioning of any single electrical component. Distribution minimizing conductors of different circuits sharing common raceways and pull-boxes, etc., shall be implemented. Raceways selected shall suitably resist mechanical damage and environmental deterioration effects. In particular, special attention shall be applied to corrosion inhibitors and protective coatings or treatments on surface mounted conduit in underground areas (e.g., tunnels, below grade electrical rooms, etc.). CONDUITS Rigid galvanized steel conduit, or other GO Transit approved cabling methods shall be used for all exposed work in normally dry areas not likely to present corrosion problems. Rigid steel or rigid PVC conduit may be used embedded in slabs where high impact protection is required. Rigid non-metallic conduit shall be used below ground, either direct buried or concrete encased. PVC or epoxy coated rigid galvanized steel conduit shall be used in corrosion problem areas. Conduit, having a minimum of 50mm shall be used in parking lots where deemed necessary; concrete encasement shall be provided for bus loops, road crossings, and railway Right-of-Ways. In finished areas, all conduits shall be concealed. See also Tab 3. ARCHITECTURE. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-02 Page Electrical CABLE TRAYS Power Supply and Distribution April 30, 2012 10 of 12 Where required, hot dip galvanized cable trays shall be of the totally enclosed, ventilated, or ladder type; steel or aluminium or non-metallic as required for the application, complete with vertical barriers to separate systems or cables as required. Class shall be selected based on conductor weight plus 50% spare capacity as a minimum. Cable trays to be cantilever supported for ease in installation of cables. Fire barriers of multi-transit type shall be provided at fire walls and fire separations, and shall be in accordance with the O.B.C. and CAN4-S115-M. WIRE AND CABLE All conductors shall be stranded copper. Conductors smaller than No. 12 AWG shall not be permitted for lighting or motor branch circuit wiring, except that No. 14 AWG multi-strand type conductors may be used for control circuits only. Provide appropriate connection for terminating and standard wire. Conductors shall have a minimum insulation temperature rating of 90°C. All conductor insulation shall be colour coded. RESPONSIBILITY The Consultant shall specify responsibility for wiring and equipment connections. Examples: For voice-activated intercoms the type of wiring is to be as recommended by the equipment supplier, and is to be installed by the electrical contractor, but connected by the equipment supplier. For the P/A, CCTV and security systems, the electrical contractor shall provide conduit with pull-strings, and the equipment supplier shall install wiring and the equipment, making all connections, testing and commissioning. See Tab 4, SYSTEMS. ENCLOSURES Enclosures shall be selected for the environment in which they are intended to be installed. In general, enclosures for indoor, dry application shall be EEMAC sprinkler proof type 1 or type 12 where applicable. Enclosure for damp and wet areas (e.g., tunnels and escalators or elevator pits) shall be EEMAC type 4. Where installed in public areas, all enclosures, cover-plates, outlets plates, access panels, and handwells shall be provided with method of securing doors and covers. All enclosures and panels shall have a common key.and in an enclosed, protected area where possible. Manholes and handholes shall be located remotely from doors and main road and pedestrian traffic areas. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-02 Page Electrical Power Supply and Distribution April 30, 2012 11 of 12 No splices are permitted below grade! Underground conduits entering Mechanical, Electrical and Communications Rooms from the exterior shall be sloped to ensure positive drainage away from room. Underground raceways entering any Mechanical, Electrical or Communications Room shall be interrupted by a drained manhole or handhole within 3 m of the room. The minimum opening in the top of the handhole shall be no smaller than 460 mm. The lip of the handhole and manholes shall be identified as to the type of service within by means of grooves cut into the collar of the handhole or manhole. These markings are on the collar shall be 2 grooves; 3mm deep for communications in the direction of conduit in and out and 1 groove; 3mm deep in the direction of conduit in and out for electrical. All electrical or communications handholes placed in the path of vehicular traffic or snow removal equipment shall be OPSD-2112.040 with OPSD-401.030 covers. If OPSD-2112.02 handholes are used, the covers shall be reinforced. MOTOR CONTROL In general, circuit breaker type combination starters in Motor Control Centres shall be used for 600 volt motors. However, individually mounted circuit breaker type combination starters may be used where practicable. All starters shall be magnetic, full voltage start, single speed, non-reversing type (except when the driven equipment characteristics or power company limitations require other types), and shall be equipped with an additional one open and one normally closed contact for possible remote status indication at the Motor Control Centre. Each starter shall be equipped with 120 volt transformer and three thermal overload relays. Each motor starter shall have stop and start button and/or hand/off/auto switch with indicator lights. A local heavy-duty unfused isolating disconnect shall be provided within sight of the motor to safely disconnect equipment for servicing. The power for the control circuit shall be from the downstream of the breaker supplying power for the motor. RECEPTACLES Receptacles shall be specification grade suitable for back and side wiring and complete with wire ground terminal. Receptacles shall be 20 amp 120 volt duplex non-locking grounding type (CSA configuration 5-20RA) in service areas and 15 amp 120 volt duplex 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-02 Page Electrical Power Supply and Distribution April 30, 2012 12 of 12 locking ground type (CSA configuration L5-15R) in public areas. Stainless steel face plates shall be used throughout. Twist lock receptacles and special coloured ground receptacles to be used in communications. Receptacles shall not be on lighting circuits, and there shall be no more than six (6) receptacles per circuit in public areas, and no more than four (4) receptacles per circuit in service areas. In general building areas - janitorial outlets are required for cleaning and maintenance. In public open areas, receptacles shall be spaced at 5m centres maximum, and at ceiling level for Christmas Lights as directed by GO transit. Tunnel and exterior building receptacles shall be GFI type, located at spacing to suit 15 m extension cords or as required by GO user groups during detail design review. Other receptacle requirements: • • Electrical/mechanical rooms - minimum 2 receptacles per room; Station attendant room - See Tab 3, ARCHITECTURE: electrical and communications outlets for computers and fare equipment, voice-links and alarms, etc., in millwork and walls and partitions; Elevator and escalator machine room, as required by Code; Maintenance facility, shop and garage receptacles shall suit equipment requirements; Receptacles shall also be provided for tenants and vending machines as required; and Communications room - minimum of 4 receptacles with 2 on emergency power. • • • • WAYSIDE POWER Wayside power requirements for trains and buses (bus layover bays): Refer GO STANDARD DRAWINGS. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-03 Page Electrical Backup Power Systems April 30, 2012 1 of 12 SCOPE This subject describes the functional requirements for Metrolinx facilities backup power system. The power generated by the backup system shall be either true sinusoidal 60 Hz or DC, depending on the requirements. The intent is to ensure the continuing operation of essential equipment and services, and to effectively move passengers from station buildings and train platforms to outside parking areas in the event of a sustained power failure. The final design of the backup power system must include an as-built schematic drawing of the system distribution. It should also include a checklist for commissioning, operation and maintenance, respectively. On a project by project basis Metrolinx will determine which project should include a backup power system, based on scope of work and given site specific conditions. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Backup Power System’s design can include components such as: Generator, UPS, Inverter, Rectifier, etc. As a minimum, the backup Power System shall include: • Diesel generator complete with UPS systems having a minimum of 30 minute duration, OR • UPS systems with 90 minute minimum duration if there is no diesel generator set. In each case, the UPS shall be double conversion continuous duty type to provide the electronic communications systems with clean sine wave power. The UPS shall be rated for life safety applications and shall be provided with signals for indication of UPS general alarms and with dial-in remote monitoring control, plus a remote alarm to the station alarm system. Rectifiers shall be used for backup DC power in maintenance and layover facilities where required. ESSENTIAL LOADS The following table shows a list of items that are considered to be essential. The table shows both backup power system conditions (i.e. Generator + UPS OR UPS only) and provides an estimated power draw for each item. The actual power draws shall be considered in the detail design and specification must be verified on a project by project basis. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-03 Page Electrical Backup Power Systems Estimated Power Draw (Watts) April 30, 2012 2 of 12 With Generator Diesel Generator UPS System Essential Load With NO Generator UPS System Life Safety Exit signs - buildings, tunnels and similar 100 x x + Life Safety structures (LED type) Public Address System 2,000 x x x CCTV System 2,000 x x x Any additional rack in the Comms Room 2,000 x x x + Life Safety GO Transit telephone System 500 x x x Elevator (only one elevator operating at a 4,500 x time) Elevator controls 2,000 x Alarm Monitoring Systems 400 x x x + Life Safety Lighting Tunnels, bridges and stairwell illumination (at least 1fixture on normal 2,000 x x + Life Safety power) Electrical Room Illumination (at least 1 100 x x x fixture on normal power) Communications Room Illumination (at 100 x x x least 1 fixture on normal power) Ticket Sales Illumination 300 x x Waiting Area Illumination - minimal 1,000 x x + Life Safety Platform Lighting 9,000 x Equipment Ticket Sales Equipment 3,000 x x x Communications Equipment (white board, Pins etc…) Presto 4,500 x Mechanical Sump/Sanitary Pump 3,000 x HVAC for electrical & communication 7,500 x room 44,000 10,100 13,500 Estimated Total Power Draw in Watts * Public washrooms shall have their own dedicated plug-in emergency light fixture x 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-03 Page Electrical Backup Power Systems April 30, 2012 3 of 12 ** CHUBB security to be considered if automatic locking system is implemented *** Tunnels, Bridges and stairwell assumed to be single tunnel and stair structure at both ends; separate conduit for emergency lighting **** Satellite lots not to be included in emergency lighting ***** Presto system is backed up by its own UPS systems ( 20 and 30 amp receptacles.) GENERATOR REQUIREMENTS The generator shall be provided as a factory tested single unit and rated kW, 120/208 or 347/600 Volts, 3 phase, 4 wire, 60Hz, 1800 rpm. The generator shall be certified to CSA C22.2 No. 100, EEMAC MG1-22.40, and NEMA MG1, and shall meet the requirements of Ontario Electrical Safety Code, ESA, EPA, MOE, TSSA, along with all applicable local codes and regulations. The generator shall be self ventilated and shall be a single bearing type direct coupled to the engine. Under short circuit conditions, the generator shall be capable of delivering sufficient current to enable protective breakers to trip. Ambient working temperature: -20°C to 40°C Acceptable noise level: maximum 65 dB(A) at 7.0 m 1. Diesel Engine • The engine shall be EPA compliant (tier 2 engine), with maximum nox plus hc of 3.87g/kw-hr. • ULC/CSA labelled double wall construction sub-base mounted steel fuel tank with an enough storage capacity to run the generator set at full load for 24 hours without refuelling. The tanks and fuelling system has to be accepted by TSSA and equipped with fuel paddling system. 2. Alternator • The alternator (generator) shall be 120/208 or 347/600 Volt, 3 phase, 4 wire, 60 Hz AC, drip proof, rotating field type with an integral exciter of the brushless or static type and a static voltage regulator utilizing silicon rectifiers on solid-state amplifiers. • Voltage regulation shall be within plus or minus 2% of rated voltage for all loads from no load to full load. Output voltage shall be manually adjustable over a range of plus or minus 5% of rated voltage. • Rotors shall be salient pole type with amortisseur windings. The generator shall include for 300% short circuit capability for 10 seconds. 3. Engine-generator mounting 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-03 Page Electrical • Backup Power Systems April 30, 2012 4 of 12 The engine and generator shall be aligned and mounted on a common fabricated steel base of sufficient rigidity to maintain adequate alignment. Approved adjustable steel spring vibration isolators shall be supplied with such set by the set manufacturer. 4. Control panel • Environmentally sealed, solid state, microprocessor-based module for engine control, monitoring, protection and metering. • The controller shall meet the CSA (Z462). The controller shall be listed under ULC and UL-508. Set-mounted controller capable of facing right, left, or rear shall be vibration isolated on the generator enclosure. Remote-mounted controller shall also be supplied. • The microprocessor control board shall be moisture proof and capable of operation from -40°C to 85°C. Relays will only be acceptable in high-current circuits. • The unit must be able to interface easily to provide remote monitoring and control capabilities over the METROLINX Windows based Network. Monitoring shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Dual range voltmeter +/- 2% accuracy b. Maximum demand ammeter +/- 2% accuracy c. Voltmeter-ammeter 3 phase selector switch d. Battery charging voltmeter and AMP e. Coolant temperature reading f. Oil pressure reading g. Running time h. Direct reading frequency meter 0.5% accuracy on 45 to 65 Hz 5. System protection • Circuitry to shut down the engine when signal for high coolant temperature, low coolant level, low oil pressure, or over speed is received. Circuitry shall be of plug-in design for quick replacement. Controller shall be equipped to accept a plug-in device capable of allowing maintenance personnel to test controller performance without operating the engine. The controller shall include: a. Indicating Lights to signal: b. Standard (Not-in-Auto (flashing red)) c. Equipment (Over crank (Red)) d. UPS + Generator Stop (Red) e. High Engine Temperature (Red) f. Over speed (Red) g. Low Oil Pressure (Red) h. Air Damper (Red) 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-03 Page Electrical Backup Power Systems April 30, 2012 5 of 12 i. Battery Charger Malfunction (Red) j. Low Battery Voltage (Red) k. Low Fuel (Red) l. Auxiliary Pre-alarm (Yellow) m. Auxiliary Fault (Red) n. System Ready (Green) o. Optional (Prealarm High Engine Temp. (Yellow)) p. Anticipatory (Prealarm Low Oil Pressure (Yellow)) q. Group (Low Coolant Temp. (Red)) r. Push to test button for indicating lights s. Alarm horn with silencer switch per CSA (Z462). Note: Terminals shall be provided for each signal in above, plus additional terminals for common fault and common pre-alarm 6. Minimum required accessories • • Line circuit breakers Dedicated load bank of 100% capacity foar each generator There should be a load bank for testing available on site rather than bringing a load bank onto site and connecting and disconnecting it. This load bank shall be able to be added in steps for testing up to 110 of the generators capacity. The controller shall have provisions for disconnecting a load bank (during exercise) if there is a loss of normal power by an Electrical and Mechanical interlock through ATS. TRANSFER SWITCH (AUTOMATIC AND MANUAL BYPASS SWITCH) The transfer switch shall be 120/208 or 347/600 V, 4 wire, 3 phase, 100% rated in Amperes for total system transfer including control of motors, electric-discharge lamps, electric heating, electronic and tungsten-filament lamp load. Switches rated 400 A and below shall be suitable for 100% lamp loads. Switches rated above 400 A shall be suitable for 30% Lamp loads. Automatic transfer switch shall be rated for continuous duty or repetitive load transfer switching. The bypass selector switch shall provide three operating positions: Bypass Normal, Bypass UPS + Generator, and Bypass Open. A two-way bypass isolation switch shall provide manual bypass of the load to either source and permit isolation of the automatic transfer switch from all source and load power 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-03 Page Electrical Backup Power Systems April 30, 2012 6 of 12 conductors. All main contacts shall be manually driven. Electrical and Mechanical interlock arrangements utilizing electrically driven contacts are prohibited. The manual bypass handle will provide two operating modes: Bypass Open and Bypass Closed. Bypass to the load-carrying source shall be affected without any interruption of power to the load (make-before-break contacts). Load break-type bypass for ATS test and isolation shall not be acceptable. In the bypass open mode, bypass contacts shall be open so they will not be subjected to fault currents. The control module shall be mounted separately from the transfer mechanism unit for safety and ease of maintenance. Interfacing relays shall be industrial control grade plug-in type with dust cover. All moveable parts of the operating mechanism shall remain in positive mechanical contact with the main contacts during the transfer operation without the use of separate mechanical interlocks. UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY (UPS) REQUIREMENTS Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) are used to support Life Safety systems and protects computers and other sensitive electronic loads from power outages and other power anomalies. This Section includes 3 phase ≥ 3 kVA and Single phase < 3 kVA, on-line, static-type, UPS system, comprising the following: • • Complete rectifier/charger-battery-inverter system with automatic static switch and maintenance by-pass circuit; Central Monitoring System for all UPS units, along with proper interfacing with METROLINX software, IT communication and station operations shall be provided in order to display and control all required parameters. All intercommunication shall be through the Mod bus, BAC Net, etc.; Input isolation transformer for UPS units, where technically required; and Connection of normal AC power from assigned terminals/switch/circuit breaker. • • The UPS shall be of commercial type and shall comply with relevant IEC, EIA, NEMA, NFPA 70, IEEE, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, UL-1778, CSA, FCC Class A and Life Safety certified standards. Radio frequency interference (RFI) suppression shall be in accordance with CISPR and IEC 50091-2 recommendations. UPS should be certified for use to support Life Safety Systems. UPS assembly shall include a mimic diagram with digital and LED displays, indicating instruments and control devices, in true relative positions. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-03 Page Electrical Backup Power Systems April 30, 2012 7 of 12 1. General requirements To meet the existing codes, a separation of equipment backup power and life safety devices must be achieved by a life safety approved UPS system. The UPS shall be interposed between normal AC power supply and critical load, to secure a minimum period of continuity of no-break battery back-up in case of failure of normal AC supply and maintain output voltage, frequency and phase deviation within specified tolerances. An initial 50% expandability should be incorporated for future provisions added in later. The UPS is not to be loaded more than 80% of its overall capacity. System shall be of the programmable type, microprocessor based with CPU and memory capabilities for storage of alarms, faults, status change, etc. The UPS shall permit setting parameters for the environment and type of usage to be specified. UPS shall be of the self-diagnostic type, equipped with a self-test function to verify correct system operation. The self-test shall identify the parts of the UPS requiring repair in case of a fault. The system shall be provided with multi-password levels to limit access to software and data. Non-Redundant System: System complete with 1 set of rectifier-battery-inverter with integrated static switch and external maintenance bypass. UPS shall be maintained (continuously supplying load through the inverters), with automatic no-break transfer to or retransfer from alternate source (bypass) in case of failure or overload on rectifierbattery-inverter system. System overall efficiency shall be not less than 92% at full load and 91% at half load. Noise level of complete assembly is not to exceed 55 dB (A) at 1.0 m distance anywhere within the room that the UPS is located. Temperature limits within which equipment is to be designed to operate are 0°C to +40°C at 100% rated output. Equipment shall be capable of operating up to 55°C ambient conditions with a derating factor of 1.25% per °C over 40°C. The system shall have an external maintenance bypass that will allow the removal and replacement of the UPS without rewiring. The Voltage supplied to the UPS shall be the voltages on the output of the UPS. 2. Rectifier/Charger Input: Nominal input voltage: 208 or 600 V as required, 3 phase, 4 wire, 60 Hz or available voltage upon approval. Voltage input variation: +10%, -15% from nominal 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-03 Page Electrical Backup Power Systems April 30, 2012 8 of 12 Frequency: +/-2%from nominal Transformer exciting current in rush: less than 600% nominal current Power factor: 0.8 smooth and step less at full load and nominal input voltage Total harmonic feedback: maximum 5% (total) Current limiting: 120% maximum of that required to operate inverters and charge battery at full rated load, adjustment possible between 100% and 130% Walk-in current in rush: 25% to 100% FLC in 15 seconds Over-load rating: 130% for 10 minutes, 150% for 60 seconds, and 110% continuous Input Filter Disconnection: UPS control system shall disconnect the input filters in case of interruption of utility power supply failure while the UPS is operating at light loads (less than 25%) Output: Float and equalize operation: Adjustable, automatic, compatible with battery Regulation: +/-1% maximum from 0-100% load Ripple: +/-2% rms. (0 - 100% resistive loads) 3. Inverter • Inverter shall employ Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) technology in threeleg, pulse width modulation (PWM) design with high frequency switching technique, and complete with output transformer and filters. Inverter start-up shall be automatic, to reach full voltage within milliseconds and deliver power to the load within 2 seconds. Inverter shall start at any load including short-circuit. • • • • Output transformer shall be 2 winding dry-type, Class H insulated, class B temperature rise, with metallic electrostatic shielding, high efficiency (98%). Nominal net system power output rating. Nominal output voltage: 208 or 600 V as required, 3-phase, 4-wire, 60 Hz, adjustable +/-2% of nominal. Output voltage regulation: a. Balanced load: +/-1% (0 – 100% load) b. Unbalanced load (3-phase output only): +/-3% (at 10% unbalance) c. Phase displacement: 120° (+/-5°) at 100% load unbalance 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-03 Page Electrical Backup Power Systems April 30, 2012 9 of 12 d. Inverter Output Neutral: Designed to continuously carry twice the full load phase current. e. Output voltage waveform: 5% max. f. Total harmonic 3% max single harmonic. g. Frequency stability: Normally synchronized to input line frequency over +/-2 adjustable ranges; free running at +/-0. Full battery voltage variation, load and P.F range; slew rate not to exceed 0.1 Hz/sec. 4. Battery • High rate discharge, heavy duty, industrial, high impact resistant, clear plastic encased, sealed (gas recombination) type cells with automatically re-closing explosion proof safety vents. • Ampere-hour rating shall be sufficient for UPS + Generator period specified with all inverters operating at full rated output, to a discharge limit of not less than 1.65 V per cell. • Cells shall be normally maintained at 2.25 V per cell. • Equalize charging of battery cells according to manufacturer's written instructions. Record individual-cell voltages. 5. Control and Monitoring Panel Local panel instruments shall include at least the following digital readings: • • • • • • • • • • • Inverter output overload, indicating inverter output beyond specified rating failure of any stage, DC bus earth fault, and inverter output earth fault Event history display for at least last 200 events System on battery supply Inverter phase locked to verify synchronization between inverter output and normal AC supply input. Static switch on normal AC supply (bypass mode) Static switch inhibited. Over-temperature, indicating excessive temperature in heat sinks for transformers, rectifier/charger and inverter (alarm to automatically transfer load to by-pass circuit). Inverter input voltmeter, measuring DC bus volts. Battery ammeter, measuring charge/ discharge current with battery status monitoring system AC voltmeter to measure inverter output voltage, normal supply voltage or system output UPS output ammeter and frequency meter 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-03 Page Electrical Backup Power Systems April 30, 2012 10 of 12 6. System protection • Inverter on / off • Battery input circuit breaker. • Auto / Manual reset-test switch • Manual reset switch • Hybrid switch transfer test push-button • Re-transfer auto/inhibit selector switch to allow automatic re-transfer of load to inverter after timed interval of normal operation and inhibit re-transfer of load to inverter until hybrid switch is in auto-mode • Battery automatic/equalize recharge timer, 0-30 hours adjustable, with automatic/boost/equalize switch (accessible to maintenance personnel only and to be used only with manufacturer's recommendation for battery specified). • Voltage and frequency adjustment controls with locking devices (accessible to maintenance personnel only) • Indicator test / reset switch • Control power supply isolator (accessible to maintenance personnel only) • Alarm test-accept-reset ALARMS TO MONITORING SERVICES PROVIDER • • • • • • • • • Fan failure: Alarm only. Over Temperature: Alarm with automatic transfer of load to by-pass after a safe preset period. D.C. Volts out of Limits: Alarm with indication. Fuse Failure: Alarm only. Battery on Load/Disconnected: Alarm only. Overloads: Alarm only with a trip command if pro-longed, for each rectifier/inverter unit. Normal AC Supply Failure: Alarm only. Hybrid Switch Operation to By-Pass Mode: Alarm only. Low and High Output Voltage: Alarm only. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-03 Page Electrical Backup Power Systems April 30, 2012 11 of 12 FIGURE 1.A – Emergency Power Distribution with Generator Incoming Power Supply Main Distribution Panel Generator Minimum Size: 42kW Emergency Life Safety Distribution Panel Fuel Tank Size = 24 hours = 8 hrs emergency run time + 12 months X 1 UPS min. size 3kW UPS Minimum Size: 7.5 kW Emergency Loads Emergency Distribution Panel Transfer Switch Transfer Switch Non-Emergency Loads UPS By-Pass 30 minute battery size UPS By-Pass LIFE SAFETY LOADS Operational Critical UPS Loads N.B. The above estimated size of generator/UPS would be the minimum size allowed. The actual size is to be based on specific facility requirements such as parking lot size, building size, number of platforms and tunnels, elevators, etc. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-03 Page Electrical Backup Power Systems April 30, 2012 12 of 12 FIGURE 1.B – Emergency Power Distribution with No Generator Incoming Power Supply Main Distribution Panel Life Safety 90 minute battery By-Pass UPS Min. Size: 3 kW UPS Minimum Size: 17 kW UPS By-Pass Non-Emergency Loads Life Safety Loads UPS Loads N.B. The above estimated size of generator/UPS would be the minimum size allowed. The actual size is to be based on specific facility requirements such as parking lot size, building size, number of platforms and tunnels, elevators, etc. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-04 Page Electrical Service Rooms April 30, 2012 1 of 11 SERVICE ROOMS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Incoming utility services at Metrolinx facilities shall be located in the primary Substation and/or Electrical Room, kiosk, bunker, Hub and Communications Room. All Electrical Rooms and Communications Rooms shall be dedicated and not be shared with other functions, including, but not limited to: custodial, access services, communications, electrical, mechanical and storage. Access to Electrical Rooms and Communications Rooms via (pass through) Communications, Electrical, Mechanical, Janitor’s Rooms, etc., shall be avoided. Wherever feasible, the main Electrical Room and the main Communications Room shall be located next to each other with exterior access if possible. The Service rooms floor plan shall always be rectangular or square in shape. The room shall never be L-shaped, triangular or any other odd shape. Electrical Room, Hub and Communications Room shall always be a one level room and preferably above grade. The room shall be sized for the known equipment with a provision for a minimum of 25% extra space to accommodate future additional equipment (on a project by project basis). Electrical Room, Hub and Communications Room walls shall not have windows, skylights, roof access hatches/doors, etc. Locating Electrical Room and Communications Room on perimeter curtain walls where windows comprise the entire surface of walls shall be avoided. Drawings shall indicate to scale the arrangement of allocated equipment inside Electrical Rooms, Hub and Communications Rooms, including spaces and clearances. Elevation drawings shall show to scale all related wall mounted equipment for each wall. A minimum 1 m clear working space shall be provided in front of access points, which may occur behind equipment and patch panels, and in front of and behind racking. Racking shall not be positioned closer than 1 m from any wall. No liquid piping, steam piping, drainage piping and/or dry liquid piping shall pass through or within walls of any Electrical Room, Hub or Communications Room, except for refrigerant and condensate piping for the A/C unit in the room. Sprinkler systems that are located in these rooms shall be a dry type pre-action system. All Electrical Rooms, Hub and Communications Rooms shall have a break in all ducts within 3 m of the building by a junction box, handhole or manhole. All manholes or 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-04 Page Electrical Service Rooms April 30, 2012 2 of 11 handholes shall be designed so that water is drained away. All ducting shall have the piping slope away from the room. Ducting in the Electrical Room, Hub and Communications Room shall be tray and rigid galvanized steel conduit above floor. EMT is accepted, but only with compression type connectors (screw connectors are not allowed). Walls The building envelope shall be insulated to meet or exceed ASHRAE 90.1 requirements. Walls shall extend from finished floor to the structural ceiling and shall be structurally sound for wall mounted equipment. Concrete cinder blocks shall be used on all walls where poured concrete structural walls are not present. Studded walls are not permitted. Walls shall be fire-rated as required by the applicable codes and regulations and shall be painted with a minimum of two coats of fire-retardant non-dust producing white or light gray paint. 1200 mm wide x 2440 mm x 21 mm A-C grade or better fire retardant plywood, void free, shall be installed all around Communications and Hub Room walls for wall mounted communications equipment. The bottom of plywood shall be mounted 150 mm above finished floor. Paint plywood with a minimum of two coats of fire-retardant white or light gray paint. The fire rating designation shall be placed in an area that is visible and shall not be painted over. Floor Poured concrete sealed floor is preferred in Electrical Room, Hub and Communications Room. Floor finish shall be antistatic dissipative light gray epoxy sealer, applied per manufacturer’s published specifications for Hub and Communications rooms. A 100mm rubber wall base shall be provided. No floor drain is allowed. Doors The doors shall be at least 915 mm wide x 2135 mm high and shall be hollow metal slab type (no windows) with hollow metal frames. Double or oversized doors should be provided for rooms that have large equipment to be installed and maintained. If the door to the Room is in a fire separation then the door shall have an appropriate fire resistance rating per O.B.C. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-04 Page Electrical Service Rooms April 30, 2012 3 of 11 When feasible, the rooms shall have exterior access but doors shall not open onto a public space. The Electrical Room and Communication Room within a parking structure may be exempt from having an exterior door access, providing access to the Room door is unrestricted. Doors shall not open in to the path of vehicle traffic. Access shall be provided through GO Transit uniform master key system and a centrally controlled alarm keypad and proximity access device system, with an access override feature. The door shall be lockable from outside only. Ceiling No suspended ceiling shall be installed. Finished ceiling minimum height shall be 3.05 m (10’- 0”). Prime and paint the ceiling with a minimum of two coats of non-dust producing fire retardant paint. Where OWSJ are present, prime and paint all exposed structures to meet flame spread and smoke developed ratings designated by local Code requirements. Flood Prevention Locate Electrical Room and Communications Room above any threat of flooding. Avoid locations that are below grade or adjacent to potential water hazards (restrooms, tunnels, etc). Roof drains and pipe penetrations into the room shall be avoided. Fire Protection Fire-stop all room penetrations (cables, pipes, pathways, trays, conduit slots). Ensure that the fire-resistance rating of installed fire-stopping assembly shall be not less than the fireresistance rating of surrounding floor and wall assembly to match the corresponding fire rating of fire separation. For fire suppression, install a hand held 10lbs CO2 (10 B:C rated) fire extinguisher, with current certification, meeting NFPA 10 requirements. The extinguisher shall be wall mounted on the latch side of the entry door and installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. All panels, boxes and conduit shall be sprinkler proof if required. HVAC Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of Electrical Room and Communications Room shall be provided by a heat pump AC unit with the following features: 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-04 Page Electrical - Low ambient cooling - Heating at -25°C - R 410A refrigerant Service Rooms April 30, 2012 4 of 11 - Variable compressor speed A fan forced heater shall be provided as a redundancy in case the heat pump does not provide enough heating during the extreme cold days. Because a Hub Room is smaller than a typical Communications Room, and a bunker or kiosk is smaller than an Electrical Room, a heat pump with hyper heating may not be available on the market. If this is the case, a split A/C unit with ambient cooling would provide cooling and the fan forced heater will provide heating. Control of both systems shall be central in order to avoid both systems fighting each other. The heat pump and heater shall be fed from the regular power panel located in the Room. Temperature and humidity requirements are on a 24 hours, 7 days a week basis, regardless of the heat generated by normally operating electrical and communications equipment. The required capacity shall be calculated based on the following: • • • • For sensible heat gain from electrical equipment use 2000 Watts per rack (in the Communications Room). Sensible heat gain from lighting. Include the future growth of systems by 25%. Determine heat gain/loss to the room from the outside (heat transfer through building structures, including solar load) using the following design criteria: Outdoor temperatures: Use 2½% winter & summer design temperatures per Ontario Building Code for the geographical location. Indoor temperatures: Winter design: 15°C Summer design: 22°C D B with a maximum of 50% relative humidity. • An infiltration rate from outside of 0.5 air changes per hour. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-04 Page Electrical • • Service Rooms April 30, 2012 5 of 11 A recirculation rate of 100% for the air conditioning system. A safety factor of 5%. The air conditioning system shall be selected to suit the specific capacity by taking into consideration the room’s very high sensible load factor. Heat loss calculation shall not include credit for equipment and lighting heat gain. Refrigerant Piping The contractor shall provide, install, vacuum test and charge refrigerant piping between the fan coil unit and the condenser unit. Refrigerant suction and liquid pipes shall have the sizes required by the equipment supplier, and should be indicated on the engineering drawing. Piping Material: Hard copper, type ACR (K), conforming to ASTM B280 (Latest Edition) Fittings: wrought copper to ANSI/ASME B16.22 (Latest Edition) Joints to be copper phosphorous (95% Cu-5%P) and non-corrosive flux Pipe Supports: maximum spacing for the copper tubing, up to 32mm (1 ¼”), shall be 1780mm with rod diameters of 10mm (3/8”). Insulation: refrigerant piping shall be insulated (individually) with 13mm (½”) Armaflex, c/w Armaflex finish with mesh for all outside piping. Condensate Piping Run condensate pipes from the indoor unit to outside or install condensate pump. Condensate pipes shall never run through or across the room. Run the condensate pipes down the side of the building and terminate the pipe outside at 300 mm above ground. Condensate pipe size shall be NPS 20 mm (3/4”). Piping Material: hard drawn copper, type DWV tubing, conforming to ASTM B306, with copper solder joints drainage fittings to ANSI/ASME B16.23 respectively. Pipe Supports: maximum spacing for the copper tubing shall be 1780mm with rod diameters of 10mm (3/8”). Miscellaneous Proper selection of voltage and phase for the mechanical equipment shall be coordinated. The condensing unit shall have low ambient control. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-04 Page Electrical Service Rooms April 30, 2012 6 of 11 The split type air conditioning is to consist of an indoor fan coil unit and an outdoor condensing unit as follows: • • The fan coil unit shall be the wall hung type mounted 2300 mm above floor level, preferably above the door. Any condensing unit location is subject to approval by Metrolinx. A wall mounted cooling thermostat (set at 22°C) shall be installed approximately 1700 mm above floor level and be marked “Heat Pump”. Thermostat should be on interior wall whenever possible. Thermostat must have auto-changeover capability. If heaters are installed in same room they should be interlocked with HVAC to prevent heating and cooling at same time. A Dual Temperature Sensor, for a high and low room temperature alarm, shall be installed for connection to The Security Monitoring System. The dual sensor shall be of the approved type that is appropriate for this specific application. A carbon monoxide sensor shall control the ventilation system and shall be able of sending an alarm to the Security Monitoring System in case of higher CO concentrations. All equipment shall have nameplates indicating model, capacity and electrical data. The wall mounted thermostats shall be supplied with the units (for field wiring). The air conditioning equipment and heater shall be supplied by a reputable manufacturer. Install equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Noise/Vibration Isolators and vibration control devices shall be specified as required to ensure that equipment-noise and vibration do not interfere with operations, as well as to protect adjacent properties from noise and vibration. Grounding A common 50 mm wide x 6 mm thick copper bus shall be connected to the door and frame and encircle the Electrical Room and Communications Room. Conductors shall be securely fixed, recessed in floor grooves or niches, or fixed to walls by appropriate staples. Ground bar or loop shall be securely fixed to building wall with copper or brass saddles. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-04 Page Electrical Service Rooms April 30, 2012 7 of 11 ELECTRICAL ROOM Electrical service Substations are typical at GO Rail Service Centres. For details, see Layover document. Install HVAC in all electrical rooms w/auto changeover. Whenever possible there should be one main Electrical Room that feeds the entire site, as it is the goal at most facilities to have only one utility power source. Sub Room(s) shall be strategically placed around the main Electrical Room to facilitate an efficient distribution of power to loads to boilers, tunnels, bridges, main and sub-structures (e.g. parking structures, stations, service and storage buildings and maintenance facilities), as required. Electrical closets shall be provided to minimize the number of home runs from distribution panels to their respective sub-panels or equipment loads, and to reduce the number of conductors and minimize voltage drop or in preparation for future requirements. The typical Electrical Room at Metrolinx facilities shall include space for locating: • • • • • • • • Distribution panels Metering Cabinets Transformer Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) Transfer Switches Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) Data and telephone outlets A service-working station by the door with power and data connections. The station shall be a cabinet-lectern combination sized to hold ANSI B drawings, to serve as a working surface and storage for drawings, manuals and onsite component and parts A minimum continuous 17 m of wall space is required for equipment installation. All wall installed panels and conduits or ducts shall be installed on strut channel mounting system. All floor mounted panels and equipment shall be installed on housekeeping concrete pads. The housekeeping pad shall be a minimum of 100 mm above the floor and shall extend beyond the equipment footprint as per manufacturer’s requirements. A non-fade single line diagram of the electrical system related to the room shall be framed and posted under a polycarbonate cover adjacent to the entrance of the Electrical Room. The diagram shall be legible from a distance of 1 m. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-04 Page Electrical Service Rooms April 30, 2012 8 of 11 Provide markings on the floor showing the arc flash boundaries in around equipment and panels. COMMUNICATIONS AND HUB ROOM OVERVIEW All Communications Rooms shall be designed in accordance with ANSI/TIA/EIA-569-ACommercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces. The Room shall accommodate the following equipment (refer to IT Telecommunications and Systems Document for list of IT equipment): • Network System Rack • • • • • • • • • • • CCTV System Rack PA System Rack Passenger Notification System (PINS, Whiteboard, etc) Telephone Infrastructure Two-way Communication Infrastructure (elevator cab intercom and information intercom) Fare Collection Equipment: Presto and legacy Alarm and Security Monitoring Equipment Fire Safety System Space Counting System (in parking structures) Building Automation System Server Snow melt management system At facilities where the distance of cable runs exceeds 90m (300ft) between the end device and accumulation point as deemed necessary by Metrolinx, Communications Hub Room(s) shall be implemented. Hub Rooms are satellite Communications Rooms, designed to accommodate a minimum of two floor mounted racks. Hub Room’s purposes are to: Minimize the number of home runs from remote devices to their respective head end equipment; reduce usage of optical fiber and associated equipment; concentrate the distribution of collocated devices; facilitate future implementation of Communications systems. At multi-level parking structures, Communications Hub Room(s) shall be strategically placed directly above the main Communications Room and centrally located to meet 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-04 Page Electrical Service Rooms April 30, 2012 9 of 11 the 90 m (300 ft) cable run distance limitation. One Hub Room can serve more than one floor. Communications Room and Hub Room shall be dedicated and not be shared with other functions, including, but not limited to: custodial, access services, electrical, mechanical and storage. Access to Communications Room and Hub Room via (pass through) Electrical, Mechanical, Janitor’s Rooms, etc., shall be avoided. Room dimensions (minimum wall to wall): 3.2 m wide x 3.6 m long – Communications Hub Room 3.2 m wide x 4.8 m long – Communications Rooms at stations and small to medium sized facilities 3.2 m wide x 5.4 m long - Communications Rooms at large facilities and/or parking structures Note: Small, medium, and large size facilities are determined by the number of racks that are needed to house all equipment systems and varies per facility. For Type A Bus and Rail Facilities: 3.2 x 6.6 Space for 6 Racks Type B Bus Facilities: 3.2 x 5.4 Space for 5 Racks Type C Bus Facilities: 3.2 x 4.8 Space for 4 Racks Communications Room shall be located next to the Electrical Room with exterior access if possible, within parking garages these rooms shall open onto the interior of the garage. Communications Room and Hub Room connectivity A minimum of nine (9) 53 mm (2”) dedicated conduits shall provide connectivity from the Communications Hub Room to its respective Communications Room. If more than one Hub Room is required, then each Room must have its own direct dedicated set of conduits linking it to the Communications Room which may be designed as a pass-through layout.. If more than one Communications Room on site, a minimum of nine (9) 53 mm (2”) dedicated conduits shall provide connectivity from one Communications Room to the other. Refer to IT Telecommunications and Systems Document for list of equipment Electrical Codes and Standards All electrical work shall conform to the Ontario Electrical Safety Code and other applicable codes and standards as referenced throughout this document. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-04 Page Electrical Electrical Guidelines Service Rooms April 30, 2012 10 of 11 All communications equipment in the Communications Room shall be serviced by a dedicated 120/208 V 3φ 4W 225 A panel located inside the Room, and fed from an UPS placed inside the Electrical Room. If 208 V service is not available, 120/240 V 1φ 3W 225 A panel shall be used. There is one exception, Presto shall be fed from a dedicated 120/208 V 3φ 4W 225 A regular generator backed up panel located inside the Room All communications equipment in the Hub Room shall be powered from a sub-panel fed from the dedicated back-up electrical panel located in the Communications Room. A dedicated electrical panel shall be provided for regular power inside each Communications Room. This panel grounding shall be connected to the Electrical Room grounding system. All panels shall be sized to meet Design Requirements Manual guidelines. All panels shall have remote monitoring and control of all circuits capabilities. Half of the light fixtures inside Communications and Hub Room shall be powered from the UPS backed-up panel. Heating and air conditioning of the Communications and Hub Room shall be generator backed-up only (no UPS back-up). All panels, boxes and conduit shall be sprinkler proof. Power Outlets Each communications equipment rack shall be fed from two independent tray mounted twist lock L-20R single receptacles. Each such receptacle shall be fed from a dedicated circuit. Refer the IT telecommunications and Systems document for detailed specifications. See Presto subsection under Fare Handling Systems section for power requirements. Provide a minimum of three (3) normal power 5-20RA 120 V duplex receptacles, powered from three dedicated circuits, for maintenance and identified as such. These receptacles shall be wall mounted and not located on cable tray or cable ladders, as not to be confused with communication dedicated receptacles. Provide a power bar for the equipment mounted on the plywood backboard. Each connection on the power bar shall have nameplates to provide power tracing ease. The power bar shall be a multi-outlet raceway. All equipment connecting to the power bar shall have nameplates indicating model, capacity and electrical data. Install equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-04 Page Electrical Grounding Service Rooms April 30, 2012 11 of 11 The Communications rooms and Hub rooms shall form a Dedicated Ground Zone (DGZ). All communications equipment in the Communications and Hub Room shall be electrically insulated from the building structure. A single point grounding method shall be employed in grounding the communications equipment. The access door frame and door to the communication room shall be grounded using the same grounding method and loop as the Communications and Hub Room. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-05 Page Electrical Illumination April 30, 2012 1 of 9 ILLUMINATION SCOPE This section addresses interior and exterior illumination requirements illumination for GO site and building facilities. The intent is to provide good uniform quality lighting that meets the locations application. BASIS OF CRITERIA The levels and quality of lighting for the various types of areas shall be as outlined in the latest edition of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) Lighting Handbook, as modified here and as required to accommodate the Ontario Building Code and Ontario Electrical Safety Code. They shall take into consideration the aging population and the needs for accessibility of all groups (e.g. CNIB recommendations). Illumination systems shall require minimal maintenance, and shall be energy efficient and readily accessible, designed for passenger safety and security. Illumination shall be designed to provide visual comfort and minimum glare for GO staff and passengers. The illumination systems shall be compatible with CCTV systems. Building luminaries in public areas shall be integrated with the architecture. Luminaries shall be in locations designed by the architect, complementing daylight sources. All luminaries must be accessible for maintenance and lamp replacement without having to construct special means of approaching the fixture. Where lighting is of a complex or unique nature or if required by GO, the Consultant shall engage the services of a qualified Illumination Designer. Design photometric digital file in PDF or dwg format, complete with printouts using recognized computer lighting design software, shall be provided for GO review of design illumination levels. These photometric files shall be included in the As-built drawings. ILLUMINATION LEVELS For the purpose of calculation, the working plane for illumination shall be: Location Working Plane Height Circulation areas both public and nonFloor level public including exterior traffic areas. Public seating (waiting) areas 850mm Workshops 850mm 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-05 Page Electrical Illumination April 30, 2012 2 of 9 Location Working Plane Height Vertical illumination (task lighting) At the task The average maintenance factor for use in all areas other than offices shall be 0.75. Interior Lighting Minimum average maintained illumination levels as per IES / CNIB or as directed by GO: Waiting Room Station Attendant Room Ticket Counter task lighting Staff Washroom Public Washroom Electrical Room Communications Room Janitorial/Storage Room Elevator/Escalator (incl. elevator vestibules) Shelter BRT Building (Bus Rapid Transit) Shop/Workbenches Electronic Shop Workbenches (task lights) Garage Mechanical Room Dispatch Room Hallway/Corridor/Tunnel/Stairwell Office Other 20 Fc (200 LUX) 20 Fc (200 LUX) 40 Fc (400 LUX) 20 Fc (200 LUX) 20 Fc (200 LUX) 75 Fc (750 LUX) 75 Fc (750 LUX) 20 Fc (200 LUX) 20 Fc (200 LUX) (Note 1) 5 Fc (50 LUX) (Note 2) 15 Fc (150 LUX) 30 Fc (300 LUX) As per IES 30 Fc (300 LUX) 20 Fc (200 LUX) 15 Fc (150 LUX) 20 Fc (200 LUX) As per IES or CIBC As per IES or as directed by GO or CNIB Note 1: Elevator Code to govern Note 2: Low illumination level to equalize visibility of the platform EXTERIOR LIGHTING Minimum average maintained illumination levels as per IES / CNIB or as directed by GO: Parking Lot Parking Structures General parking and Pedestrian areas occupied unoccupied Ramps and corners 2 Fc (20 LUX) 5 Fc (55 LUX) 2.5 Fc (28 LUX) 10 Fc (110 LUX) 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-05 Page Electrical Illumination April 30, 2012 3 of 9 Entrance areas 50 Fc (540 LUX) Passenger Drop off & Pick-up Areas 5 Fc (50 LUX) Train Platform 5 Fc (50 LUX) Mini-Platform/Designated Waiting Area 15 Fc (150 LUX) Access Road 2 Fc (20 LUX) Bus Platform 5 Fc (50 LUX) Platform boarding area (bus and train) 10 Fc (100 LUX) Canopy 20 Fc (200 LUX) Tunnel or Overpass & Open Stairwell at a 20 Fc (200 LUX) Building Exterior Stairs & Walkways Separate from 20 Fc (200 LUX) Buildings Pedestrian Paths and Bike ways 2 Fc (20 LUX) Layover General lighting 2 Fc (20 LUX) Wayside cabinet and Switch area 5 Fc (50 LUX) Station locations with a high probability of vandalism shall have extra bright illumination, if required and viable in terms of adjacent neighbourhoods. UNIFORMITY RATIO Maximum to minimum: Average to minimum: 4:1 or better 3:1 or better. LIGHT SOURCES AND CONTROLS INTERIOR Location Waiting Control and Backup Time-of-day controller, 100% station open hours, 10% minimum station closed, 10% on Generator. Day light harvesting were possible. LED, Electronic ballast fluorescent Local switches. One luminaries, rapid start fluorescent fixture UPS + bulbs, parabolic lenses, Generator backed-up Light Source Electronic ballast fluorescent luminaries (rapid start fluorescent bulbs 1219 mm long or 600 x 600 luminaries with U-tubes, or compact fluorescent pot lights), LED or metal halide sconce lights Station Attendant 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-05 Page Electrical Location Illumination April 30, 2012 4 of 9 Staff Washroom Public Washroom Light Source continuous task lights over counters with parabolic lenses for glare-free illumination (no visible light source) Mirror task light or surface mounted LED or fluorescent luminaries c/w lenses LED, vandal resistant luminaries or valance or cove lights for large facilities Electrical, Comms., 2-tube strip LED or fluorescents, Mechanical, Janitor, and rapid-start fluorescent bulbs, 1219 Storage Rooms. mm long or surface mounted luminaries with lenses Shop Garage Maintenance Shop LED or 2-tube strip fluorescents, rapid-start T8 bulbs, 2438 mm long, suspended. Task lights over equipment and workbenches to suit functions LED, high pressure sodium (HPS), metal halide luminaries or fluorescent luminaries for shops. LED Task lights where required Control and Backup over sales counter, one over cash area and safe, or 10% minimum station closed Occupancy sensor switch. One luminary on UPS + Generator On/Off switch with occupancy sensor, one fixture on UPS + Generator On/Off switch with occupancy sensor, 50% on UPS + Generator in Mechanical, Electrical and Comms. Rooms only Local switching or to suit particular application, 10% on UPS + Generator Panel or central switching to suit particular application. 10% on UPS + Generator or to Code requirements Local switches, dimmers, 10% on UPS + Generator. Dispatch Office Location Parking Lot, Passenger Drop-off and Pick-up Areas, and Bus Loop Areas including Bus Platforms and Access 400WP LED or fluorescent, parabolic lenses, and supplementary illumination for maintenance with task lights to suit Per IES 10% on UPS + Generator Light Source Control LED, or 250 W or 400 W High Circuited for 30% in Pressure Sodium (HPS) area operation during lights or down lights on 6 or 12 m station closed hours high galvanized steel poles or high (photo-control only) masts on concrete bases. See and to have manual DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-05 Page Electrical Location Illumination Light Source Notes below. April 30, 2012 5 of 9 Control Roads override of the photo control and time-clock (the manual override shall not be digital) Parking Structure LED Day light harvesting and occupancy sensor control of two light levels and timer Rail Platform LED or 150 W HPS luminaries, flat Both timer and photo lens, on 6 m hinged poles on 300 cell controlled, on mm high concrete bases or in Generator. During canopy. Urban platforms may station closed hours require LED or Metal Halide 100% off. Override luminaries if requested by the switch (snow removal municipality. use): 100% on Mini-Platform Same as Rail Platform Controlled as part of Rail Platform Tunnel, enclosed LED , 1219 mm long, c/w vandal Breaker control, 30% bridges and canopies resistant lenses, lights should be on UPS + Generator dimmable, when space not occupied Internal Stairwell LED or H.O. compact fluorescent Breaker control, 30% (tunnel, parking luminaries, semi-recessed in on UPS + Generator structure) walls, below handrails Exterior Stair and Same as parking lot, Pole location Same as parking lot Walkway to suit Notes: 1. The Consultant shall examine the different alternatives of parking lot illumination design: high mast, flood lighting and area lighting. Generally, stations near residential areas shall have area lighting. (Flood lighting should be avoided were ever possible) Where floodlighting is used, upward glare shall be addressed and minimized. High mast lighting shall be considered for parking lots in industrial areas. 2. For ease of lighting maintenance, large areas (tunnel, bride, waiting area, boardrooms, lunch rooms, maintenance facilities, etc) lighting shall have at least two sources of light control. LED LIGHTING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 1. LED light fixtures shall be warranted for a minimum of 5 years. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-05 Page Electrical Illumination April 30, 2012 6 of 9 2. LED light fixtures shall work with the available power supply on site. Every fixture shall have surge suppression. 3. Fixtures’ lighting efficiency shall equal the most current industry accepted standard. The lighting efficiency shall not be achieved by overdriving the LEDs. 4. The LEDs in the fixture must be of the same colour temperature. LEDs with CRI below 75 are not acceptable for indoor lighting. 5. Fixtures shall be provided with a lighting facts label. Outdoor fixtures must have an IP65 general use rating. For locations subject to high pressure washing (tunnels, platforms or parking structures) the fixtures shall have an IP 66 rating. 6. The fixture shall meet LM 79 rating and the chips shall meet LM 80 rating. LED B50 and L70 lifetime graph shall be provided. 7. The fixture must be vandal resistant and shall be modular in design for easy upgrade of the LED light engine, simple maintenance (straightforward part replacement) and installation. 8. The component connections shall be of plug-in type, tool-less removal and replacement. 9. The fixture shall be dark sky compliant, with good light control and minimum to no glare. 10. Lens, if required, shall be flat tempered glass. 11. The fixtures shall have network connectivity and be remotely dimmable. LIGHTING CONTROL DESIGN CRITERIA One half (1/2) hour before the first AM train: Platform, platform canopy, platform shelter, information signs and shelters, and building canopy lighting to be 100% ON. One half (1/2) hour before the first AM bus: Bus loop and bus loop shelter lighting to be 100% ON. Parking lot lighting shall be 100% ON. *All lights to turn OFF once the light levels are high enough that the photocell turns the exterior lights off. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-05 Page Electrical Illumination April 30, 2012 7 of 9 **Where applicable, illuminated Station ID signs to turn ON 1/2 hour before the first AM bus or train, whichever is earlier. One (1) hour after the last PM train: Platform, platform canopy, platform shelter, information signs and shelters, and building canopy lighting to be 100% OFF. Building canopy security lighting (i.e. 30% or better, as determined by Station Services) to remain on where ON/OFF is to be controlled by photocell. Parking lot lighting to drop to security lighting (i.e. 30% or better, as determined by Station Services). Illuminated Station ID sign to turn OFF. One (1) hour after the last PM bus: Bus loop and bus loop shelter lighting to be 100% OFF. Parking lot lighting to be further reduced to 100% OFF. Illuminated facility ID sign to turn OFF. EXTERIOR LIGHTING ON/OFF CONTROLS The lighting controls shall be designed to provide the following functions: • The lighting controller (i.e. timer) shall be programmable controlled, PLC, complete with automatic daylight savings adjustment. • Provide a photocell control on all control designs where the default is “dusk to dawn”. • Sites that are being rehabilitated should have their lighting controls modified to meet these requirements. OVERRIDE SWITCHES Three master override switches shall be provided for station, electrical room,.ticket booth and terminal outdoor illumination (including parking, bus loop, access road, rail platform, bus platform and roof overhang or canopy illumination). One switch shall be located inside the electrical room, the ticket booth and the last located outside the station building in a location determined by GO and housed in weather tight, PVC lockable box. The lighting control system will resume its normal operation after the override switch has been switched off. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-05 Page Electrical Illumination April 30, 2012 8 of 9 Every remote parking lot shall have its own master override switch, following the same guidelines as above: one switch inside the local power cabinet and one switch conveniently located outside the cabinet and housed in weather tight, PVC lockable box. EXIT LIGHTS Exit lights shall be of the fully self-contained and low energy LED type. EMERGENCY LIGHTS Emergency lighting shall be in accordance with the OBC, the Ontario Electrical Safety Code, and the latest CSA standards. GLARE Adjacent properties shall be shielded from glare or light trespass. There shall be no interference with railroad signal or operations systems due to glare. The discomfort Glare Rating shall have a Visual Comfort Probability (VCP) of 65% or greater for interior lighting. Station attendants and passengers at ticket sales counters shall be able to see each other 100% through the glass separating them. Luminaries in this location shall have parabolic egg crate lenses, with all illumination directed vertically down to the task. Passengers and station attendants shall be capable of seeing out to the exterior at night. All glass shall be clear and not tinted, for maximum visibility, also of the interior. Luminaries' placement shall take into account viewing angles and fields of view of close circuit television cameras. Luminaries shall not present a source of glare to surveillance cameras. DAYLIGHT Particular attention shall be directed to parking structure, rail station and bus terminal entrance/exit areas, especially on large projects. Illumination shall provide for a visually comfortable transition from outdoors to facility entry areas during all hours of system operation. Illumination levels will likely have to be graduated during the daylight hours to minimize otherwise abrupt changes from outdoors to indoors, and vice versa. Photoelectric cells for the automatic operation of additional lighting fixtures may be utilized. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-05 Page Electrical Illumination April 30, 2012 9 of 9 MINIMUM HEIGHT Light fixtures shall generally be mounted at least 2.44 m above floor level. Exceptions are task lights under cabinets or above counters (including shop maintenance counters). Tunnel-stair fixtures shall be wall recessed below stair handrails, or at tread level. SUNDRY All rail platform poles shall be hinged to avoid flagman services. Hinged poles shall be installed in such a manner to avoid obstructions when lowered. Hinging shall be always parallel to the track. CCTV camera(s) shall have dedicated split pole(s). PA speakers can be installed on existing lighting poles only if they are split. High-mast lighting poles shall have no objects attached onto (e.g. parking identification, PA speakers, etc) to avoid obstruction of the lowering device. STANDARD LIGHT POLE DRAWINGS Digital drawing files (AutoCAD 2007) are available for 3 and 6 metre hinged pole, 6 metre, 12 metre and 30 metre (high mast) pole under PMPS GO Standard Drawings. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 1 of 15 SCOPE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Name plates and labels. Wire and cable markers. Conduit markers. Panel & race way identification. Pull and junction box identification. Receptacle identification. Fire Alarm identification. End of line resistances. Communication cabinets identification. Manhole and handhole markers. Underground warning tapes. Labelling nomenclature. Electrical Rooms are to have a framed Single Line Drawing of the Electrical Distribution System which is to be updated with any addition or deletion of part of the system. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Provide products listed and classified by CSA, ESA and acceptable to authority having jurisdiction as suitable for purpose specified and shown. GENERAL Label and identify all equipment, instruments, control and electrical devices etc. to indicate duty, nomenclature identification number, service/function, to the satisfaction of GO. Identifications shall be in English. Alternative methods of labelling may be submitted for approval. Coordinate names, abbreviations, colors, and other designations used for electrical identification with corresponding designations indicated in the Contract Documents or 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 2 of 15 required by codes and standards. Use consistent designations throughout Project. All designations shall be to client approval. Conflict: Should an instance occur in the document or on the drawings in which material or construction methods called for is less than minimum requirement of the Regulations, the Engineer shall be immediately informed in writing. Consequent to the Engineer’s approval, supply the materials and perform the work as through called for to code standards. In the event of any conflict arising between the local regulations, IEEE, IEE, IEC standards and / or the document, the more stringent of these are to be followed. Identification Devices: A single type of identification product for each application category. Use colors prescribed by these guidelines. NAMEPLATES Engraved three-layer laminated plastic, black letters on white background. Lamicoid Nameplates: 3 mm thick plastic engraving sheet, black face, white core, mechanically attached, sizes as follows: NAME PLATE SIZES Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Size 4 Size 5 Size 6 Size 7 Size 8 (a) 10 x 50 mm 12 x 70 mm 12 x 70 mm 20 x 90 mm 20 x 90 mm 25 x 100 mm 25 x 100 mm 53 X 100 mm 1 Line 1 Line 2 Line 1 Line 2 Line 1 Line 2 Line 1 Line 3 mm high letters 5 mm high letters 3 mm high letters 8 mm high letters 5 mm high letters 12 mm high letters 6 mm high letters 25 mm high letters Locations: Each electrical distribution and control equipment enclosure. (i) Nameplate Identification of Equipment A. Panel board Directories; 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical B. C. D. E. F. G. H. (ii) (iii) (b) Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 3 of 15 Communications Cabinets, Cable and Equipment Labelling; Intermittent Colour Coding of Conduit and Cable; Identification of Pull and Junction Boxes; Colour Identification of Wiring; Name/Number Identification of Wiring; Identification of Receptacles & Fire Alarm End-of-Line Resistors and Duct Detectors; and Equipment Identification Schedule. Use 3mm [1/8 inch] letters for identifying individual equipment and loads. Use 6mm [1/4 inch] letters for identifying grouped equipment and loads. Labels: Embossed adhesive tape, with 5mm [3/16inch] white letters on black background. Use only for identification of individual wall switches and receptacles, control device, and junction boxes. WIRE MARKERS (c) Locations: Each conductor in a panel board, pull boxes, outlet and junction boxes, patch panel, rack and each connection. (i) Wire Identification Materials: Use one of the following: A. B. C. D. E. Heat shrink sleeves, blank; Clear plastic tape wrap-on strips with white writing section; Wrap-on strips, pre-numbered; Slip-on identification bead markers or sleeves, blank or pre-numbered; Power& Lighting Circuits: Branch circuit/feeder number indicated on drawings; 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical F. Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 4 of 15 Control Circuits: Control wire number indicated on schematic& interconnection diagrams on drawings & shop drawings. (ii) Nameplate Identification of Equipment: A. Identify equipment with lamicoid nameplates as indicated in Equipment Identification Schedule. PANEL BOARD DIRECTORIES (d) Identify loads controlled by each over current protective device in each panel board, by means of a typewritten panel board directory. COMMUNICATIONS CABLE AND EQUIPMENT LABELING (e) (f) (g) (h) Label communication outlets, panels and ports with lamicoid nameplates as specified in Equipment Identification Schedule. Label each of cables with other ends addressing the Enter and Exit Point of Junction Box, Pull Box & Panels using Wire Identification Materials. Label outlets with labels vertically aligned in each row. Position panel labels in the same position on each panel. COLOUR IDENTIFICATION OF WIRING (i) (j) Identify No. 4/0 AWG wiring and smaller by continuous insulation colour. Identify wiring larger than No. 4/0 AWG by continuous insulation colour or by colour banding tape applied at each end and at splices. Colour coding shall be in accordance with Canadian Electrical Code, and as follows: (k) 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 5 of 15 Voltage 1. 2. 3. 12V, 24V and 120 V dc 120/208 V, 3 phase:(300V max) 120/208 V emergency: :(300V max) Blue Colour Red, black and blue ( neutral White) Red, black and blue with Yellow tracer (neutral white) Orange, brown and yellow. .( neutral White) Orange, brown and yellow with red tracer. . (neutral White) 4. 5. 347/600 V 3 phase 347/600 V emergency (l) (m) Where multi-conductor cables are used, use same colour-coding system for identification of wiring throughout each system. Maintain phase sequence and colour coding throughout each system. NAME / NUMBER IDENTIFICATION OF WIRING (n) (o) (p) (q) Identify No 8 AWG wiring & smaller using wire identification methods. Types or print on blank wire identification materials using indelible black ink. Identify wiring at all pull boxes, junction boxes, and outlet boxes for all systems. Identify each conductor as layout in section Labelling Nomenclature include in labelling panel & circuit, terminal, terminal numbers, system number scheme& polarization, as applicable. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 6 of 15 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION SCHEDULE Equipment Main Distribution Centre Colour Voltage Colour Nameplate Identification Building name, consulting engineer, date installed, amp, volt Main breaker, Metering cabinet Instrument transformer enclosure Loads controlled by each over current protective device Metering devices Distribution Centre Voltage Colour Distribution centre designation, amperage, and voltage Loads controlled by each over current protective device Panel boards MCC Voltage Colour Voltage Colour Panel board designation M.C.C. designation, amperage and voltage Relay terminal and transformer compartments Manual Motor starters Ground Bus On / Off Switches Disconnect Switches Transformers (Trx ) Emergency Power Equipment Wire ways Line Voltage Poles N/A N/A N/A Voltage Colour Voltage Colour Voltage Colour Load controlled and mnemonics System Ground Load controlled Voltage and equipment controlled and mnemonics Trx designation, capacity, secondary & primary volt Designation and voltage Plate Size 6 4 4 2 2 4 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 N/A Voltage Voltage and system designation Designation and voltage Each pole shall have a unique id number above the electrical access hole stamped into the metal or pole material by the manufacture. 4 4 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 7 of 15 Equipment Low Voltage Cabinets and Enclosures Communications handholes and manhole Colour System Colour Nameplate Identification System name; system name and number if more than one cabinet or enclosure Major components within cabinets and enclosures Two (2) markings ground in to surface 24.5 mm apart on the entry and exit side of the manhole on the collar of the manhole or handhole. Inside manhole and handhole should be painted the handhole or manhole number. No markings on the collar of the manhole or handhole. Inside manhole and handhole should be painted the handhole or manhole number. Plate Size 4 2 8 Power handholes and manhole 8 Outlet: Data, clocks, radio, fair system, video, telephone and PA Outlet to power communication equipment Panels 2 2 N/A Panel Designation 2 EQUIPMENT INCLUDING CONDUITS, BOXES, SPLITTERS AND PANELS (r) Conduit Markers Location: Provide markers for each conduit longer than 2m [6 ft.]. (i) (ii) (iii) (s) Colour Banding Tape: Adhesive backed plastic tape, integrally coloured. Code conduits and cables where conduits or cables enter or leave walls, ceilings or floors. Spacing: maximum spacing 6m [20feet] on centre. Colour: prime colour to be 25 mm wide and the Auxiliary Colour to be 19 mm wide. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 8 of 15 COLOUR IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT Conduits, boxes, splitters and Panels Electrical equipment shall be prefinished in coded colours designating voltage or system as indicated in Equipment Identification Schedule.) (t) Voltage colour identification for line voltage equipment shall be as follows: Voltage Fibre O V 12V, 24V, 120 V dc Colour (in boxes & on ducts) Bronze Blue Colour of Wire Blue = Ungrounded DC power Blue/white stripe = DC grounded voltage white with blue tracer = dc common Red = AC 3 Ph - phase A Black = AC 3 Ph - phase B Blue = AC 3 Ph - phase C(neutral White) Red, black & blue with yellow tracer. ( neutral White) Brown = AC 3 Ph - phase A Orange = AC 3 Ph - phase B Yellow = AC 3 Ph - phase C (neutral White) Orange, brown & yellow with red tracer (neutral White) 120/208 V /120/240 V / under 300V ac 120/208 V 120/240 V: or under 300V ac emergency: 347/600 V Up to 600V Grey Grey with auxiliary Red Sand 347/600 V emergency: High voltage (above 750 V): High voltage (above 5KV): High voltage (above 15K V): Sand with and auxiliary Red White with a Black stripe up to 5K Yellow with auxiliary blue up to 15K ; Black with auxiliary Yellow up to 30K ;Black with auxiliary Orange 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 9 of 15 SYSTEM COLOUR IDENTIFICATION for low voltage systems equipment shall be as follows: S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Systems Evacuation, Fire Alarm and Fire Telephone, Emergency Call, Fireman’s Emergency power off Security, Card Access and Security TV Telephone Cabinets CCTV and TV Distribution Intercom System Public Address Mobile Radio All other communications 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Building automation, Computer & Data systems Clock System Digital information Signage PRESTO Dedicated Ground Colour (in boxes and on ducts) Red emergency Voice red/blue Yellow red / yellow Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Green / blue Purple Purple Purple Pink Green Where impracticable to obtain equipment prefinished in coded colours, equipment may be site painted in coded colours. Coordinate with other work. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 10 of 15 IDENTIFICATION OF PULL AND JUNCTION BOXES (u) Identify pull and junction boxes over 100 mm size as follows: (i) Use boxes which are prefinished in coded colours, or spray paint inside and outside of boxes prior to installation, in coded colours designating voltage or system. Apply size 2 lamicoid nameplates to cover for each box. Identify system name. Where sequence identification is required, identify system name and number. (ii) (v) Identify pull and junction boxes 100 mm or less in size as follows: (i) (ii) Spray paint inside of boxes in coded colours designating voltage or system. Apply permanent identifying markings directly to box covers designating voltage or system using indelible black ink. Legend - See Tables "Colour Identification of Equipment” including conduits, boxes, splitters and panels above. (iii) Fire alarm end-of line resistors & duct detectors: Identify zone number with 6 mm high white lettering on red background on lamicoid nametag located on wall above device. Identify remote LED indicators for duct detectors. IDENTIFICATION OF RECEPTACLES, FIRE ALARM, END-OF-LINE RESISTORS & DUCT DETECTORS Standard duplex receptacles: provide lamicoid name tag with 6 mm high white lettering on black background (red background for emergency receptacles), indicating circuit and panel designation and locate on wall above receptacle. On all other receptacles provide nametag indicating voltage, phase, amps, and circuit and panel designations. • Underground warning tape shall be used and identified.. Underground conduits shall use underground warning tape, Install one tape per trench at 75 mm [3 inches] below finished grade. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 11 of 15 MANHOLE AND HANDHOLE MARKERS Electrical and Communication manhole or handhole collars shall be provided with a single and two grooves respectively with minimum of 3mm deep and 25mm apart in the direction of the conduits entering and exiting the manhole or handhole. APPLICATION (w) (x) (y) (z) (aa) (bb) (cc) Install nameplate & label parallel to equipment lines after Degrease & Clean surfaces to receive. Secure nameplate to equipment front using adhesive, and screws. Secure nameplate to inside surface of door on panel board that is recessed in finished locations. Identify conduit using field painting to painting section. Paint coloured band on each conduit longer than 2m [6 feet]. Paint bands 6m [20 feet] on centre. Colour: See Table "Colour Identification of Equipment" including conduits, boxes, splitters and panels. LABELLING NOMENCLATURE Use the following identification standard when labelling communications cabling components. Include required cabling designations on the drawings. (dd) The nomenclature for Wire Labelling is as follows: The type of service, source is to be identified & device id, a unique number id & a destination id, XXXX- YYYY- NN-NNN - DDDD - NNN. (ee) The Source ID is as follows: Is one of following sources: Where N can be a sequential unique alpha-numeric address, which will ‘designating any’ of the following building, floors, room, panel or rack and the wire ID. (ff) The Destinations ID are as follows: 400WP " YYYY - NN - NNN... DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical (i) (ii) Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 12 of 15 "DDDD - NN...“is one of following sources. Outlet Assembly: YYYY- NN - nnn where: A. B. “NN” is the source alpha-numeric identifier panel or rack, etc.; "nnn" is a digit address .i.e. circuit number, etc. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 13 of 15 Service ID "XXXX” “T" for telephone outlet. "C" for data (copper) outlet. "FO" for data (fiber) outlet. "D" for data energy management. "FA" for fire alarms equipment. "PA" for PA & intercom systems. "FARE" for Presto Rack "RF" for radio system. "S" for security systems. "TV" for CCTV and TV systems. "EL" for ELECTRICAL POWER. "RK" for rack "ST" for Station "PG" for Parking Garage "PF" for Platform "OB" for Outside Building (Bunker, Kiosk etc) "CCTV" for CCTV Cabinets Source ID " YYYY” "EU" for electrical utility supply "EG" for Emergency standby generator "UPS' for Uninterruptible Power Supply or inverter "COG” for cogeneration Power “PV” for Photovoltaic power source "DP" for distribution panel "DPE" Emergency Distribution Panel "DPU" for UPS distribution panel "PP" for Power Distribution Panel "PPU" for UPS Power Distribution Panel "LP" for Lighting panel "MCC" for motor control centre "PDB" for Punch down block "NS" for network server " RT" for router, multiplexer etc "RK" for rack "FL" for floor followed by B9-B1 - Sub Grade Floors or 1 - 99 - Above Grade Floors "RM" for room followed by : MC - Main Telecommunications Room or CR communications Room (Any other space designated as a communications room which is not the primary.) or CC - Communications Closet (Typically located in the Ticket Sales area.) "SS" for substation "ES" elect closets / sub elect room "HUB” communication hub room "Bell D" for BELL DEMARCATION "PX" for patch panel "SEL" sub electrical rooms "RDC" for Rectifier "INV" for Inverter "DPLS" for Emergency Distribution for Life Safety Building Out Building to be determined Destination ID " DDDD” “EU" for electrical utility supply "EG" for Emergency standby generator "UPS' for Uninterruptible Power Supply or inverter "COG” for cogeneration Power “PV” for Photovoltaic power source "DP" for distribution panel "DPE" for Emergency distribution panel "PP" for Power Distribution Panel "PPE" for Emergency Power Distribution Panel "PPUn" for UPS Power Distribution Panel "LP" for Lighting panel "MCC" for motor control centre "PDB" for Punch down block "NS" for network server "RT" for router, multiplexer etc. "RK" for rack "FL" for floor followed by B9-B1 - Sub Grade Floors or 1 - 99 - Above Grade Floors “RM" for room followed by : MC - Main Telecommunications Room or CR communications Room (Any other space designated as a communications room which is not the primary.) or CC - Communications Closet (Typically located in the Ticket Sales area.) “SS" for substation "ES" for elect closets/sub elect rooms “HUB” for communication hub room "NET" for Network Cabinets "IS" for information signage "EVC" for electric Vehicle charging and recovery system "PARK" for Parking Systems ( car counting) "LFS" for Layover Fuelling Station "LCS" for Layover compressor Station "LWS" for Layover Wayside Station "LPMB" for Preventive Maintenance Bay "LWR" for Wheel Maintenance House "LWL" For Locomotive Wash "BSM" for Boiler Snow Melt “PX’ for patch panel ''MHC" for Manhole communications "HHC” for Hand well Communication ''MHE" for Manhole Elect Power "HHE” for Hand well Elect Power “PL" for Pole         400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 14 of 15 WALL JACK COLOUR STANDARDS Use Data / Corporate Network Telephone Radio Data / Communication BACK BONE FIBRE Minimum number of strands of a backbone cable is to be no less than 24 strands. All fibres are to be terminated Meaning Single-mode optical fibre Multi-mode optical fibre 10 gig laser-optimized 50/125 micrometer multi-mode optical fibre Sometimes used to designate polarization-maintaining optical fibre Buffer/jacket colour Yellow Orange Aqua Blue Colour Blue Blue Orange PATCH COPPER CABLE COLOUR STANDARDS All copper patch cables being provided must be Category 6 cables. Cable lengths will be of reasonable length allowing for proper cable routing needed for a tidy and organized installation. Use Data / Corporate Network PC / Printers / Telephone Sets Corporate Servers Switch / Router Crossovers and Normal iLO / KVM / Management Colour Blue Red Yellow Purple / Indigo PATCH COPPER CABLE COLOUR STANDARDS All Fibre patch cables being provided must be either single or multimode matching the type of cable it is to connected. Cable lengths will be of reasonable length allowing for proper cable routing needed for a tidy and organized installation. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-06 Page Electrical Identification and Labelling April 30, 2012 15 of 15 ELECTRICAL ROOM (gg) Panels and Racks: (i) Horizontal Distributions: DDDD - H, where: A. B. C. (ii) "DDDD" is destination, numbers, or lost services manhole, handhole, Pole etc. as described above. "H" indicates "Horizontal". Port Labelling: three-digit address of workstation connected. Equipment: DDDD - EQ. A. B. C. "DDDD" is Destination number as described above. "EQ" indicates "Equipment". Port Labelling: three-digit sequential number (iii) Risers: DDDD-R A. B. C. "DDDD”, or lost services manhole, handhole, Pole, etc. as described above; "RZ" indicates "Riser"; Port Labelling: three-digit sequential number. (iv) Attach inter-room connection to identically numbered panel or data outlets, and, wherever possible, to outlets at same position on each panel. A. Cables: I Equipment Room/Riser/Backbone Cables: will follow the same principle of type of service, source is to be identified and device id, a unique number id and a destination id, i.e., XXXX - YYYY- NN – NNN – DDDD - NN...- 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-07 Page Electrical Testing and Commissioning April 30, 2012 1 of 2 GENERAL Prior to testing, all concrete and masonry work in the vicinity of the equipment and all enclosures, walls, doors, gates, fences shall be completely installed, all loose dirt and debris removed and area cleaned. Interior areas shall be broom cleaned and washed down to remove all dust. Tests shall include meggered insulation values, voltage and current readings to determine balance of panels and feeders under full load condition and examination of each piece of equipment for correct operation. MEGGER TEST Provide megger test with equipment as follows: Megger Voltage 500V 1000V up to 250V 277V to 1000V System Voltage COORDINATION Coordinate settings of relays, rating of fuses and trip elements of circuit breakers, so that the protective device immediately ahead of any fault operates before any upstream protection and establish selective coordination throughout the system. MOTOR CONTROL CENTRE & PANELBOARD Bolted connections between bus to bus, to cable lug shall be checked with torque wrench, to manufacturer’s recommended values. Contact resistance on low voltage fusible and non-fusible switches, circuit breakers, contactors and auxiliary equipment shall be checked and reports submitted to the Consultant. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-07 Page Electrical Testing and Commissioning April 30, 2012 2 of 2 Megger test insulation resistance phase to phase, and phase to ground of fusible switches, circuit breakers, contactors, buswork, and auxiliary equipment. Acceptable values as follows: Voltage up to 250V Voltage 277V to 1000V 1 Megohms 50 Megohms Ground bus and ground path shall be checked for continuity, and for all bonding connections. Acceptable reading: 0.1 ohms. CABLES All feeder cables shall be checked for continuity prior to connection. All feeders shall be megger tested after connection. Minimum acceptable value: 50 megohms. GROUNDING Grounding system shall be checked according to Electrical Safety Authority requirements. REPORTS The consultant shall specify that all tests must be performed by qualified personnel and recorded in approved format and approved by the consultant prior to final acceptance of the installation. COMMISSIONING In the presence of the Consultant and GO Transit, operate equipment through design functions, including remote control operation, actuation of alarm and indication devices, mechanical and electrical operation and operation of protective relays. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-08 Page Electrical Drawings April 30, 2012 1 of 2 DRAWING REQUIREMENTS The consultant shall provide the following electrical and communications drawings, schematics and details. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lighting layout including legend and fixture schedule. Power layout including new transformer, conduit and cable sizes. Communications layout showing PA, intercoms, telephones, alarm devices, and CCTV. Single line diagram including panel schedules and service load calculations. Details and block diagrams: • • • • • 6. Lighting control schematic; AC power failure alarm; Exhaust fan schematic; Power door operator schematic; and Panel board and junction box mounting detail. Communications System Details: • • • • PA system block diagram; Voice link block diagram; Fare collection equipment block diagram; and Security system block diagram. 7. 8. CCTV system block diagram and cabinet layout. To confirm the electrical room wall space and equipment arrangement, the consultant shall provide a 1:50 scale drawing of the electrical room wall elevations, showing all wall-mounted and free-standing equipment as well as all conduits and conduit bends, and one lineal metre for future equipment, (all to scale and not just diagrammatically). 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ENGINEERING Section Subject Approved CI-0207-08 Page Electrical 9. 10. Drawings April 30, 2012 2 of 2 To confirm the communication’s room wall space and equipment arrangement, the consultant shall show wall elevations, as noted above for the electrical room. The electrical/communications outlet plans of the station attendant room shall not be based on the smallest architectural plans but on the largest, using the millwork enlarged scale plans, including counter top plans and below counter plans, as well as counter sections to locate all outlets to scale, horizontally and vertically. Schematic diagram plans are not acceptable for outlet location within custom designed millwork items. The consultant shall also show grouped outlets in elevation, to scale, in order to confirm the fit of the arrangement within the millwork spaces available. It shall not be left to the contractor to resolve such location and design issues belatedly on site. GO Transit project coordinators shall make reference to this requirement, in these Standards, in the Consultant agreement Scope of Work. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0301-01 Page Introduction Overview (of Tab) June 1, 2006 1 of 1 SUMMARY This Tab 3 is a guide to the Architectural design of GO Transit buildings in terms of the following sections: • • • • • • • • • Architectural Design Station Buildings Bus Terminal Buildings Maintenance Buildings Ancillary Buildings Materials Landscaping Signs and Graphics Artwork 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0302-01 Page Architectural Design General May 5, 2010 1 of 8 OVERVIEW HISTORY GO Transit has been building and upgrading stations and terminals since its inauguration in 1967, in response to the following: • • • • • • System expansion (increased ridership); Building and equipment life-cycle renovations (including heritage station buildings); Introduction of the Proof-of-Payment (P.O.P.) fare collection system; The introduction of barrier-free accessibility at various stations; New technology (communications improvements, security improvements, energy conservation, etc.); and Safety improvements (Easier Access, etc.). CONFIGURATIONS Existing GO Stations have been designed in response to variations of site geometry, topography and platform arrangements. There are two basic station building and platform access configurations: 1. 2. Stations with a single side platform and no pedestrian tunnel, with the station building on the platform side; and Stations with island platforms or two side platforms and a pedestrian tunnel or tunnels, with the station building on one or the other side of the tracks, adjacent to or remote from a platform access building. Where site conditions permit, side platforms should be designed with ramps as an accessible means of egress onto site grade level. CODE CLASSIFICATION GO rail stations are classified as Group A, Division 2 as per the Ontario Building Code – refer to appendix listing for A2, Rail Stations and Depots. GO rail stations are NOT considered a RAPID TRANSIT STATION for OBC classification purposes. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0302-01 Page Architectural Design General May 5, 2010 2 of 8 STATION BUILDING TYPES Generally, there are two types of station buildings in the GO Transit system: • Heritage buildings: these are restored steam-era railway station buildings with both renovations and contemporary interventions sensitively designed by architects sympathetic to restoration guidelines set by heritage groups/municipalities; Contemporary buildings: these are of various plan shapes, forms and materials, that were deemed suitable at the time, including contemporary versions of the traditional steam-era station forms; There is also at least one station without a station building, relying on the P.O.P. system by means of automatic Ticket Vending Machines (TVM’s). This type of station requires only an electrical room/communications room kiosk(s) and platform shelters. See Tab 1, Policies; and GO Transit also has station attendant rooms and shares common facilities in a number of VIA-owned buildings. Both VIA and GO standards shall apply. • • • DESIGN & GENERAL REVIEW An architect shall provide services within the practice of architecture, and a professional engineer shall provide the services within the practice of professional engineering as per Part 2 of the Ontario Building Code. BASIS OF CRITERIA All buildings must be designed in accordance with the Ontario Building Code, and all equipment and fixtures must be CSA approved. RESIDENTIAL AREA STATIONS New station buildings shall be designed to complement surrounding residential/commercial/ industrial communities and may incorporate “classical” steam era station buildings, which are instantly recognizable as railway stations, with black shingled pitched roofs, wide roof overhangs on support brackets, red brick walls with a combination of punched and bay windows above a continuous sill course, over a rough stone wall base. GO Transit station buildings in residential areas shall incorporate most of such recognizable heavy rail station features, materials and colours. See Figures (Standard Station Plans) 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0302-01 Page Architectural Design General May 5, 2010 3 of 8 NON-RESIDENTIAL AREA STATIONS New station buildings in non-residential areas, while based on the Standard Station Plan, shall be designed with materials and forms to suit the special characteristics of their sites. See Policies, Tab 1. For example, roof forms could be monopitch or curved, but should incorporate large overhangs. CONCEPTUAL LAYOUTS GO Transit will provide the consultant with conceptual layout plans for the site, platforms, platform access and the station/terminal building. See Tab 2 for Site Development. Such conceptual layout plans shall include any expansion or phasing requirements. The conceptual layout for a station building shall be based on the Standard Station Plan. It is recognized that the consultant’s input, during the general arrangement and preliminary design stages, may result in variations from the standard station building layout, subject to GO Transit approval. COST ESTIMATES GO Transit will provide capital budget information to the consultant. The consultant shall make every effort to design the work within the budget. The consultant shall provide detailed construction cost estimates as required by GO Transit during various stages of design, and prior to the project tender, in accordance with the Consultant’s Agreement. INTEGRATION The optimum design solution shall demonstrate the architectural integration of all building elements, including structural, mechanical, electrical, communications, fare collection, and security systems, easier access and barrier free route. ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES See Policies in Tab 1 (sustainable development, etc.) Water and energy conservation shall be maximized as per Tab 2 - Mechanical & Electrical Sections. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0302-01 Page Architectural Design General May 5, 2010 4 of 8 GO Transit operations require the use of salt for passenger safety. The consultant shall design accordingly, to minimize adverse effects on buildings and structures and to camouflage salt spray. The consultant shall identify engineering issues related to the environment and the required notification to authorities having jurisdiction. Examples are air emission tests, buried or surface fuel storage tanks and their registration, spent oil tanks and relevant instrumentation, hydrant and generator testing requirements, etc. JOINT DEVELOPMENT Joint development of a site where applicable, shall be planned to maintain the station identity and its transit functions as priorities, even while integrating the GO Transit station or terminal into the development. SECURITY GUIDELINES The key goals of these security guidelines are: 1. 2. 3. SITES • • Maximize sight-lines: within site, station building to site, and site to adjacent properties and roads, including suitable landscaping, fencing, street furniture so as not to obstruct; Adjoining component areas: parking, bus, taxi, passenger pick-up and drop-off, bicycle-rack areas, newspaper areas, concession areas – for optimum passive surveillance; Illumination: uniform and independent of adjacent site/road illumination, with redundant luminaires for fail-safe illumination of remote areas; Provide exterior pay telephones and/or voice intercoms; lighting/signage specifically designed to suit; To humanize station and terminal environments, in order to enhance individuality and autonomy in an otherwise anonymous mass-movement context; To maximize staff and passenger visibility for passive and active surveillance so as to eliminate isolation; and To facilitate access to communication/monitoring devices. • • 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0302-01 Page Architectural Design • • • • • General May 5, 2010 5 of 8 Ensure contract document conditions address security during construction (hoardings, additional illumination and signs, for example); Articulate retaining walls; Use columnar oaks and columnar maples for landscaping; do not use bushes or dense shrubbery which afford hiding places; Avoid low containment walls, use railings; and Liaise with adjacent or joint-use developers for adoption and continuity of these guidelines. BUILDINGS • • • • • • • • • • • Stations, terminals, concessions: open plan; maximize windows and sight-lines; Use day-lighting: clerestoreys, skylights; Maintain and enhance the natural grade level as the human-scale reference level, particularly for future open-air parking garages; Minimize column sizes; Locate ticket seller at exterior wall(s) and maximize fenestration for sight lines inside and outside; Ticket seller space: clear tempered glass, no direct openings: electronic voice communication system, recessed cash scoop, staff washroom within; Public washrooms: to be single-use washrooms, doors visible from station attendant room (multi use washrooms: without doors if possible); Pay telephone and information display fixtures: to be low height, open bottomed, no obstruction of key sight-lines; Large shelters to have entrances/exits at opposite ends for emergency exit options (no dead-ends); To improve outward vision, luminaires shall not reflect in windows. Glare from glass shall not obstruct ticket seller/passenger vision or visibility at any time; Concessions shall not obstruct key sight lines; kiosks shall be open concept; 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0302-01 Page Architectural Design • • General May 5, 2010 6 of 8 Sight-lines shall be extended by mirrors where necessary (example: tunnel corners); and Where possible, street furniture shall back against a building wall, as opposed to being freestanding obstructions to sight-lines. Bicycle racks shall be located for visibility from ticket sales/dispatch areas or passenger circulation routes. VERTICAL SPACES • • • • • Stairs and elevators shall be in close proximity to each other, for acoustical and visual continuity; Elevators, elevator doors and shafts to be glazed (subject to code requirements and sun shading); Guards and balustrades shall be glazed where sight lines are required and in order to maximize illumination to lower levels; Perimeter walls of stairs and elevator vestibules shall be fully glazed where possible; Stairwell openings shall be extended across tunnels where possible, for day-lighting, and to reduce the apparent tunnel lengths; concrete sealed walls to be protected by clear non-sacrificial anti-graffiti coating; and Stair centre handrails shall terminate at landings to permit crossover. • TUNNELS AND OVERPASSES • • Open overpasses shall not have solid guards. Enclosed overpasses and stairs shall have windows/skylights, including at the ends, or shall have mesh type enclosures; Tunnel corners shall be 45° angled and internal 90° corners shall have at a minimum convex mirror units; and concrete sealed walls to be protected by clear non-sacrificial anti-graffiti coating. Heights of tunnels and overpasses shall be compatible with CCTV requirements. • SHELTERS • • Shelters shall have clear-glazed walls; For large shelters, doors shall be at opposite ends (one door at each end) and swing out; 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0302-01 Page Architectural Design • General May 5, 2010 7 of 8 Shelters shall have translucent roofs and internal and external luminaires that do not reflect/glare in glazed walls. Translucent roofs also borrow illumination from platform light standards and provide sun shade; and Platform shelters remote from public announcement speakers shall have internal speakers. • HUMAN SCALE • Buildings shall be designed closer to an intimate domestic rather than an institutional scale, by articulation of components and good detailing, and shall have other features as follows; Entrance-waiting areas shall have indirect illumination as the main source, plus a variety of accent luminaires. Shelters shall have luminaries for a warm ambience. Tunnels shall have H.O. fluorescents, due to emergency lighting requirements. Tunnel concrete walls to have painted metal pane raceway that houses electrical conduits to counteract the cool fluorescent light, and to facilitate orientation, with diagonal striping extending up stairwell walls; Long walls shall be articulated by material or colour accents, textures, or patterns and by pre-located advertising signs. Tunnel walls shall have recessed colour-accented electrical/communications raceways; Floors and walkways except tunnel floors shall have patterns related to wall lines and level changes; Ceilings shall be similarly articulated, with the use of bulkheads, skylights, and accent luminaires; and The natural grade reference level shall be enhanced by soft and hard landscaping including planter beds, flowering shrubs, patterned and coloured concrete, natural stone planter walls, etc. • • • • • COMMUNICATIONS • Signs/intercoms/CCTV shall be pre-located and not superimposed: architectural components shall be coordinated with signs and equipment. Illumination and sight-lines shall be integrated with CCTV requirements; Security devices/monitoring devices shall be identified by signs as a deterrent: doors and windows to incorporate such signs or decals; • 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0302-01 Page Architectural Design • General May 5, 2010 8 of 8 International symbols and colours shall be used for barrier-free, pay telephone, high voltage and other signs where applicable. Signs shall be oriented and illuminated to suit sight-lines. See GO Transit Sign Manual; and Advertising signs do serve to communicate a sense of place, but their location, especially when freestanding, must not conflict with directional signs or sight-lines. Consultants shall work with GO Transit to pre-determine advertising sign locations and provide a concealed electrical supply system, to ensure no exposed conduits and no obstructed sight-lines. • 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0302-02 Page Architectural Design Pedestrian Circulation June 24, 2009 1 of 1 PEDESTRIAN FLOW For Pedestrian Circulation in terms of flow characteristics and to determine the exit capacity or the exit duration for facilities (especially tunnels, stairs and doors in series), refer to the OBC Pedestrian Flow Rates Table (OBC 2006). References 1. Fruin, J. “Pedestrian Planning and Design”, Metropolitan Association of Urban Designers and Environmental Planners, New York, N.Y. (1971) Library of Congress Cat. No. 70-159312. Gregory P. Benz, “Pedestrian Time-Space Concept”, Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas Inc. (1986). 2. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-01 Page Station Buildings Station Program December 01, 2011 1 of 13 OVERVIEW This program applies to both residential and non-residential area stations, in terms of the general arrangement of functions and circulation, and the features and fixtures for each room. GENERAL ARRANGEMENT This program describes the general spatial and physical provisions to be made at each station to accommodate patron activities, staff functions, and mechanical/electrical and communications systems as well as fare collection and security/alarm systems. As shown on the Figures, which also show dimensional requirements, the Standard Station Plan is based on the following: Room 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Waiting area Station attendant room Concession area Public washrooms Maintenance room Location Central location projecting beyond base building Overlooking waiting area Within waiting area In station attendant line of sight Adjacent to public washrooms, interior access (exterior access if site conditions allow) Exterior access Next to electrical room, exterior access Behind station attendant, exterior access Exterior access 6. 7. 8. 9. GO storage room/driver washroom Communications Electrical Mechanical room ALTERNATIVES Where it is necessary to reduce the footprint area of the station building, a multi-level design solution may be appropriate, especially when the station building is linked to a tunnel. The communications room must be at grade level or on an upper level. Mechanical, electrical and storage rooms can be in a lower level or tunnel level. 400 WM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-01 Page Station Buildings EXPANSION Station Program December 01, 2011 2 of 13 The site layout and the location of a station building shall allow for future expansion if required. WAITING AREA FEATURES • • The waiting area shall project beyond the main building, for a bay window type entrance configuration, with sight lines along the length of the building; Single door entrances at right angles to the main building, to minimize drafts, protected by the roof overhang, with doors hinging to open against exterior walls. See Doors, on page 3; Queuing space in front of ticket sales counter. Minimum requirement: five passengers per attendant; Combined circulation and waiting space beyond queuing space; Concession space (staffed kiosk or vending alcove); No visual obstructions within and maximized sight lines to the exterior; High ceiling to a maximum of 4 m with daylighting (clerestorey bay gable windows, or skylights): peaked or shallow arch ceiling for perimeter illumination (cove lighting); Projecting perimeter bulkhead (low to high ceiling transition) for ducts, linear diffusers, and indirect lighting, etc.; and Station attendant ticket sales counter complete with purse shelf, with butt-joint clear glazing from the counter top to the bulkhead soffit. • • • • • • • DOORS • 2 adjacent doors if swinging together to have frame to frame clearance of 600 mm minimum, with an intermediate guard rail. Guardrail to have rubber doughnut bumpers. FIXTURES • Digital clock; and 400 WM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-01 Page Station Buildings • Station Program December 01, 2011 3 of 13 Ceiling down-draft fan(s). The architect’s design must accommodate the following additional fixtures: • • • • • • • • • • • • Fare equipment; Bench seating; Pay telephone(s); Food/beverage vending machine(s), if required; GO information display; Signs and decals (including GO logos on end gable clerestorey glass if required); Waste receptacle(s); Motion detectors (see Tab 4); CCTV cameras (see Tab 4); P/A speakers (flush mounted or concealed: see Tab 4); Fire extinguisher; and Recessed floor mats at all entrance doors. * STATION ATTENDANT ROOM FEATURES • • Inswinging ½ glazed door; Insulated ticket sales counter with a solid polymer counter top with integral cash scoops. See Figures for dimensions. The dimensions are the result of prior GO accessibility studies and extensive liaison with representatives of persons with various disabilities; Frosted film on glass for screening, as required by GO; • 400 WM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-01 Page Station Buildings • • • • • • • • • Station Program December 01, 2011 4 of 13 Ticket sales counters are Barrier-Free to public; No visual obstructions to public washrooms, and maximized visibility of the waiting area; Line of vision to the train platform and as much of the parking lot as possible; Staff washroom with a vanity lavatory and floor mounted tank type WC, mirror, etc. as noted below; Individual staff lockers, padlock lockable (quantities as directed by GO, minimum double the number of ticket seller positions); Common staff coat closet, with a louvered door, near the entrance to the room; Communications cabinet adjacent to the communications room; Recessed fluorescent luminaires with parabolic (12 mm x 12 mm x 12 mm) eggcrate lenses to minimize glare from equipment and glass; and Back of the room work counters with storage cabinets above and below, knee spaces for computer work, space for refrigerator, filing cabinet, etc. See Figures. FIXTURES • • • • • • • • • Voice communications, station computers, ticket sales equipment, banking equipment, CCTV equipment, telephones, and alarm equipment to be provided as per Tab 4; Refer to standard ticket sales counter drawings for accessories associated with ticket sales requirements; Additional equipment or appliances in the ticket sales areas to be as determined by GO; Grommets in counter tops (sized for communications plugs); Under-counter lateral filing cabinet; Fax/copier machine; Refrigerator (below back counter); Microwave; Clipboards, wall hung; 400 WM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-01 Page Station Buildings • • • • • • • Station Program December 01, 2011 5 of 13 Magnetic bulletin board(s); First aid kit; Plug-in flashlight; Chairs (high-chairs with armrests on castors) for attendants; Waste receptacles for attendant area and staff washroom; Fire extinguisher; Staff washroom accessories (mirror, recessed stainless steel combined work receptacle and paper towel dispenser with capacity 6L, soap dispenser, coat hook, air freshener and single roll toilet paper dispenser); and Water cooler. • CONCESSION AREA FEATURES • • • The concession area can be a tenant staffed kiosk or coffee/soft drink/snack vending machines; The concession area shall have sufficient space for a storage closet (by tenant); and Service includes 60 amp, minimum electrical service, a telephone outlet (separate line), hot and cold water connection, sanitary connection, and floor drain. FIXTURES • • Fixtures such as counters, cabinets, coolers, etc. shall be supplied and installed by the tenant, to GO approval in accordance with the GO Transit Tenant Manual. Where vending machines are to be used, they shall be supplied and installed by the vending company. A suitable alcove shall be designed to accommodate the machines, with back and top clearances for heat dissipation to code requirements. The alcove recess or gables shall conceal the plumbing and wiring. 400 WM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-01 Page Station Buildings Station Program December 01, 2011 6 of 13 PUBLIC WASHROOMS FEATURES • • • • Single use male barrier-free washroom. Single use female barrier-free washroom. Door hardware to be a lever handle passage set, and a latch, operable from the interior, to display “vacant” or “occupied”. Door swing and/or screens shall at least partially obstruct the line of vision to water closets and urinals. Refer to Figure – Typical Station Building Layout at back of this section. Signage shall be provided that advises patrons to lock the door behind them for privacy. Doors shall have closers, and be undercut for exhaust make-up air (doors shall not have louvers). • • Notes: • • Where multi-use washrooms are required for larger stations or terminals, toilet partitions shall be ceiling-hung. All plumbing fixtures to be located on interior walls. FIXTURES • • • • • • • Urinal (in male washroom); Lavatories (wall hung) barrier free (lever handle faucets, wrist-blade type); Water closets (wall hung) barrier free; Semi-recessed hand-dryers (at barrier free height); Infant changing units in both male and female washrooms; Waste receptacles, recessed, stainless steel, vertical type, with a capacity of minimum 20L; Toilet tissue dispensers, surface mounted multi-roll vertical type, lockable; 400 WM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-01 Page Station Buildings • • • • • • • • Station Program December 01, 2011 7 of 13 Stainless steel tilt mirrors with s.s frames (barrier-free); Stainless steel grab-bars; Stainless steel shelf (at barrier free height); Two coat hooks in each washroom (one at barrier free height); Stainless steel wall surface mounted liquid soap dispensers or as required by GO; Room deodorizers; Free-standing sanitary napkin disposal receptacle (supplied and installed by GO); and For washroom faucets, flush valves, floor drains, etc. see Tab 2 - Mechanical. Floor drains shall not be in pedestrian or wheelchair paths. MAINTENANCE ROOM FEATURES • • • 3.0 x 5.0m, separate lockable room with key fob access. Adjacent to public washrooms, interior access (exterior access if site conditions allow) No meters, water tanks or other intrusions are to be placed in the maintenance room. Interior in-swinging door; extra wide heavy duty HM double door with a 34" single leaf and a second 12" latching section, for a total opening of 46" with min. four (4) butt hinges. Vinyl composite Tile (VCT) floor with rubber base. Wall: Paint except, area around slop sink shall be ceramic tile (1200 mm high) ;Ceiling: Drywall Painted. Faucets, Floor drain; Electrical requirements include a 60 amp service, 4-6 receptacles, with 220v and 110v supply and Exhaust fan. • • • • FIXTURES • Floor mounted slop sink wit easy access clean out for slop sink P trap 400 WM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-01 Page Station Buildings • • • • • • Station Program December 01, 2011 8 of 13 Four metal staff lockers; full height; ventilated louvers at base Open Shelving and mop hooks; Lockable metal storage cabinet; Desk and chair; Mop and broom hangers and floor sweepers. Where required, provide wall mounted ladder with ceiling access hatch for mechanical equipment access (principally, the Heat Recovery Unit above the public washrooms); GO STORAGE ROOM/DRIVER WASHROOM FEATURES • • • A separate lockable storage room, minimum 1.5 m x 1.5 m, exterior in-swinging door, or as noted below; Space for a driver washroom (capped plumbing outlets); and Where required by GO, two rooms, one for each function, to be provided, or a larger room to be partitioned accordingly, for both uses. FIXTURES • • Storage cabinets supplied and installed by GO; and Provide rough-ins for electrical, water and sanitary connections. COMMUNICATIONS ROOM Refer to the GO Transit Station Communications and Electronic Systems Document. ELECTRICAL ROOM The electrical room accommodates local utility metering equipment (with exterior meter readout), distribution panels for power, lighting, and emergency power systems (see Tab 2, Electrical). 400 WM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-01 Page Station Buildings FEATURES • • • • Station Program December 01, 2011 9 of 13 Rectangular room, minimum area 11 square metres. If the station has a tunnel, elevator, etc., additional space shall be provided as required. The room shall have exhaust ventilation (see Tab 2, Mechanical). There shall be no plumbing or condensation prone ducts or mechanical equipment through or above the room. Centrally located access hatch complete with pull down ladder. FIXTURES (See also Tab 2, Electrical). • • • • • • • • • • • • Metering cabinet with exterior read-out; Main distribution panel; Power panel; Isolated ground panel; Related dry type transformers if required; Lighting panels; Lighting contactors (2 minimum); Emergency power and lighting panel; UPS unit and battery rack; Master clock; Timers; and Grounding system. Notes: • Sufficient clearance shall be provided between the above items to allow for conduit installation. See drawing requirements for wall elevations of equipment to scale. 400 WM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-01 Page Station Buildings • • Station Program December 01, 2011 10 of 13 Spare wall space shall be allocated for future equipment. Where a generator is provided it shall be on a raised base enclosed with a decorative fence with one access gate. This space shall be shared with a condenser unit. MECHANICAL ROOM The HVAC equipment shall be located in a room with exterior access or in the attic space (with exterior located and elevated, fenced-in condensing unit). The size of the room shall suit equipment and circulation/access requirements. A heat recovery unit shall also be located in the attic space usually above the public washrooms. See Figures for locations of attic access panels and fixed ladders. FEATURES • • • • See Standard Station Plan; Attics shall have a floor and illumination suitable for equipment and maintenance access; Ladder rails and rungs are to extend above the access hatch; The exterior condensing unit shall be adjacent to the building wall, on the track side, raised on a min. 100 mm high concrete base and enclosed with a decorative fence with a lockable gate. Disconnect switches shall be wall mounted, and out of reach to prevent vandalism; and Where a sump pump and pit are located in the mechanical room, the size of the room shall be increased and the Standard Station Plan modified accordingly. • FIXTURES • • • • • • Mechanical equipment and related accessories; Filter, etc. storage shelves or cabinet; Maintenance electrical receptacles and lighting; Maintenance log clipboards supplied and installed by GO; Guardrails where required; and Floor drain. 400 WM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-01 Page Station Buildings Station Program December 01, 2011 12 of 13 FIGURE – TYPICAL STATION BUILDING ELEVATIONS 400 WM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-01 Page Station Buildings Station Program December 01, 2011 13 of 13 FIGURE – TYPICAL TICKET SALES AREA LAYOUT 400 WM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-02 Page Station Buildings Platform Access Buildings April 30, 2012 1 of 14 OVERVIEW This subject covers platform access buildings. See also Tab 2 – Civil and Structural and the preceding SECURITY GUIDELINES. Platform access tunnels or bridges can be linked to the station building, connected to the station building or remotely located, as determined by site layout. The architecture of the platform access buildings can be compatible with the station building (principally the roof-forms) or it can be completely diverse, depending on site and municipal requirements, as directed by GO. Platform access buildings shall not visually overpower the station building. STAIR ENCLOSURE BUILDINGS Stair enclosures can be stand alone or combined with elevator enclosures, where applicable. Island platform stair enclosure wall glazing shall extend for the full length of the stairwell, and where possible over the tunnel to provide daylight into the tunnel. On side platforms the trackside glazing shall be maximized, and the opposite side shall also be glazed, if accessible for maintenance, or it shall be a solid wall if requested by GO or the municipality (glazed walls are preferred as being graffiti resistant). The minimum acceptable platform edge clearance for stair enclosure buildings is 2.44 m, areas which do not meet the minimum stated platform edge clearance should be marked with a conspicuous yellow painted hatch augmented by warning signage indicating the reduced clearance. Reduced platform edge clearances should be approved by GO staff prior to design. FEATURES • • • Concrete floor, broom finished, sealed; Floor elevation to be set to provide positive slope from the doors to the platform; Concrete wall base, to be sandblasted finish, and sealed, no paint. To prevent snow plough damage and salt deterioration of the superstructures, the base shall be 600 mm high (minimum) above the platform, and the top of the base shall slope on the exterior as a sill, away from the glazing; Where enclosed, stairs shall be cast-in place concrete sealed, steel trowelled broom finish with contrasting cast in safety nosing inserts on an extruded aluminum or • 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-02 Page Station Buildings Platform Access Buildings April 30, 2012 2 of 14 carborundum base with epoxy or abrasive filler. Minimum concrete strength shall be 35 MPa with non chloride admixture for waterproofing. Refer to B651-M90 and CNIB for contrasting factor. A detectable ribbed tile shall indicate approaching grade changes are ramp or stairs, with ridges placed perpendicular to the direction of travel. Refer to Figure – Tiles at Ramp/Stair Approach. Where exposed to exterior environmental conditions, stairs to be broom finished air entrained concrete with cast-in safety inserts 50+/-10 mm wide on an extruded aluminum or carborundum base with epoxy or abrasive filler. Refer to CSA B651-04 and CNIB Guidelines for contrasting and slip resistance factors. Minimum concrete strength shall be 35 MPa with non chloride admixture for waterproofing; • Window walls shall be: designed to minimum 1.0 kPa Reference Wind Pressure, with appropriate gust factor and wind pressure coefficients applied to the RWP; frameless with silicone butt-joint glazing, with top and bottom stainless steel glazing channels; glazing shall be clear, fully-tempered, designed for local wind loads and high speed train turbulence (including door glazing); and glass in doors and sidelights that could be mistaken for doors shall have horizontal framing or decals and located as per CNIB guideline. Such decals shall be applied to glass surface. Decal colour to be highly visible. • Structural steel framing shall not be exposed to the salt-corrosive atmosphere of the rail platform and must be contained within the building envelope (reference Tab 2 Civil and Structural). For example, steel columns shall be located behind the window walls and where exterior columns are required, they shall be concrete or masonry encased, to a minimum height of 1.0 m, with a sloped cap; Cladding material, especially for canopies, soffits and fascias must be designed for wind turbulence generated by high-speed trains. Roofing shall also resist train turbulence. Shingled roofs shall not be used on platform buildings (unless rigid material); Guardrails shall be provided behind the window walls of stair and elevator wells, for safety in the event of glass breakage. Rectangular HSS or pipe guardrails shall be mounted on the inside face of columns. Where required due to column spacing, the guardrail shall be supported by intermediate stanchions fixed to the inside face of the base foundation wall. Height of guardrails: to code minimum above platform level; • • 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-02 Page Station Buildings • • • Platform Access Buildings April 30, 2012 3 of 14 Where column spacing permits, guardrails can be galvanized steel pipe or stranded stainless steel cable with turnbuckles, through eyebolts secured to the columns; Space for window washing shall be provided between columns/guardrails and glazing; Doors and frames: Door swings in the open position shall be parallel to the tracks. Doors shall not open perpendicular to the tracks. Doors to have door stop guardrails to prevent excessive door swings, set back to clear the door pull handles; Both vertical and horizontal wiring conduits shall be concealed and integrated with the structure; Roof design shall meet the following design criteria: Live loads shall be determined in accordance with Part 2 and Part 4 of the Ontario Building Code. Overhanging, sloped, vaulted or arched roofs shall have snow guards and built-in concealed gutters, with heat-tracing if warranted, especially over door locations. Rain water leaders both vertical and horizontal shall be recessed or concealed and shall be heat-traced, particularly where located within the building envelope. Any rainwater leader fastening devices shall be carefully designed to withstand corrosion, and for visual (architectural detail) compatibility with the building architecture. This is an example of a detail to be designed by the consultant and not left open to the choice of the contractor, applicable to all details of the GO station and building design process in general. See BASIS OF CRITERIA. Rain water leader shall be connected to storm drainage system, wherever possible. Side platform stair enclosure roof gutters can have scuppers or rainwater leaders draining to an adjacent swale or ditch. Rainwater leaders shall spill onto splash pads or grilles flush-set into pavement (over granular “french drains”). Where site conditions permit, side platforms should be designed with ramps as an accessible means of egress onto site grade level. Exterior rain water leaders shall be protected against damage due to parking, snow clearing, vandalism and corrosion. Sheet metal covers are not acceptable: heavy gauge galvanized metal guards shall be designed accordingly. Island platform rain water leaders shall be connected to the storm water drainage system. Drainage onto platforms or tracks is not permitted. Storm drains undercrossing tracks shall be encased according to Railway approval. • • 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-02 Page Station Buildings Platform Access Buildings April 30, 2012 4 of 14 Roof sheet drainage is acceptable only for stand-alone pre-engineered platform shelters (GO standard platform shelters). Roof mounted HVAC equipment to be fully screened. • • There shall be no ceiling mounted luminaires over stairwells due to maintenance access problems; Stair lighting shall be recessed in the concrete walls below the handrails. Lighting at the top of the stairs may be ceiling mounted or at the window wall head. Ceiling mounted lights shall not be used where maintenance would require special equipment; Natural ventilation shall be provided, with louvers complete with fly screens, in door transoms and similarly in enclosure roof ends (gables); and Water supply to be provided to hose bibs at the platform level: see Tab 2 – Mechanical. Water supply to be gravity drained for winter shut-off. Any pipes exposed in tunnels to be insulated against condensation and integrated with the tunnel structure by recessing, etc., and galvanized protective covers. • • FIXTURES • • The architectural design shall accommodate CCTV cameras, the P/A system and related wiring conduits, including a pay telephone if applicable; The architectural design shall also accommodate surface applied signs and decals. Illuminated signs are not permitted on platforms due to possible interference and confusion with railway signals and train operations. Advertising signs are not permitted on rail platforms; and Proof-of-payment fare equipment, if applicable on 150 mm elevated bases. • ELEVATOR ENCLOSURE BUILDINGS Elevator enclosures can be stand-alone, however, it is preferred to be or combined with stair enclosures for acoustical continuity of stairs and elevator vestibules. Where possible, elevator shafts shall project above the roof level to serve as a distinctive architectural roof design element, featuring the GO logo, if possible. The minimum acceptable platform edge clearance for elevator enclosure buildings is 2.44 m, areas which do not meet the minimum stated platform edge clearance should be marked with a conspicuous yellow painted hatch augmented by warning signage indicating 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-02 Page Station Buildings Platform Access Buildings April 30, 2012 5 of 14 the reduced clearance. Reduced platform edge clearances should be approved by GO staff prior to design. FEATURES • • • • Basic features shall be the same as for the stair enclosures as applicable, except as follows; Single oversized (1,065 mm clear opening) width door shall be provided for the elevator/vestibule; The higher shaft enclosure may also be glazed as a clerestorey and used for daylight and for station identification signs or for the GO logo as a translucent icon; The vestibule shall have a waiting and seating area and shall accommodate an exiting and waiting wheelchair/”Wheeled Mobility Aid” passenger. Vestibule doors shall have power operators and guardrails; Elevator doors and side lights shall be subdivided horizontally with aligning frames, to match the glazed elevator cab doors; Glazed elevator shafts shall have roof overhangs to provide sun-shading. GO elevators are not deemed observation elevators and shafts shall be glazed for safety reasons to provide sight-lines. GO elevators shall be on emergency power to lower them to the lowest level, where doors will open automatically; Guardrails shall be provided behind window walls of elevator enclosure, for safety in the event of glass breakage; and Fall arrest protection shall be provided at elevator roofs. • • • • • FIXTURES • • • • Emergency speaker-phone; CCTV camera to view the elevator cab interior; Signs and decals; Vandal resistant luminaires compatible with CCTV (shall not glare in glazing); and 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-02 Page Station Buildings • Platform Access Buildings April 30, 2012 6 of 14 1,065 mm wide oversized doors to allow passage of WMA’s. 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-02 Page Station Buildings Platform Access Buildings April 30, 2012 7 of 14 ELEVATORS OVERVIEW The purpose of these guidelines is to encourage a standard approach to the provision of vertical transportation systems provided for GO Transit facilities. Included in the guidelines are elevator related considerations that are important to the realization of GO’s design objectives and are therefore expected to be incorporated into the design of all GO platform and parking garage projects. The guidelines do not constitute a project specification. Each project shall have its own specification prepared on a detailed basis and reflect the individual project’s unique and comprehensive requirements. It is recognized that strict adherence to specific guideline elements may not be appropriate to all project designs. However, deviation from these guidelines is discouraged and variance approval rests solely with GO Transit. Variance requests shall be supported by an explanation of the reason for the deviation and detailed information on the proposed alternative. PLANNING AND DESIGN OBJECTIVES GO Transit’s key design objectives shall apply to considerations relating to vertical transportation and include development of appropriate project specific designs that incorporate: • • • • • Highest degree of safety, Functionality for use by persons with physical disabilities, Passenger security, Service reliability, Effective, efficient operations and maintenance. Elevator design, construction, installation and maintenance must be in strict conformance with CAN/CSA-B-44 Elevator Safety Code (latest edition) and all other codes and regulations that may apply. Provide car enclosure / door arrangement with interior dimensions suitable to accommodate a prone stretcher 2010 mm (79”) long by 610 mm (2’-0”) wide. In the event of a loss of Utility Power, standby power shall be provided to permit continued operation of the elevator(s). 400WP DESIGN REQUIREMENTS MANUAL ARCHITECTURE Section Subject Approved CI-0303-02 Page Station Buildings Platform Access Buildings April 30, 2012 8 of 14 All elevator rotating equipment shall be provided with protective measures to minimize pinching and related hazards as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Industrial Establishments. All elevators shall be provided with battery powered emergency lighting and two speed ventilation fans. Glass elevator hoistways and car enclosures shall be supplied with HVAC systems that will provide climate control of the hoistway and limit the interior cab temperature to


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