IS:191(PartsItoX)-1980 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION ( Reaffirmed 1996 ) FOR COPPER (i%ird Revision) Fourth Reprint JUNE 1996 UDC 669.3.001.3 BUREAU MANAK 0 Copyright 1980 OF INDIAN STANDARDS 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 ZAFAR MARG BHAVAN, Gr8 October 1980 lSr191(PartsftoX)-1980 SPECIFICATION FOR COPPER Copper and Copper Alloys Sectid chairam DB L. R. VAI~PANATH JWlnks Suar Da-v Kuran AQOAlZWAG SEE1 v. a. GaDBE ( A&smats) Saax S. N. BAEIU Suns N. M. BAF~A ( Al&n&) Smtr J. NAWWE BEATT Sasr A. DWAEKADTATH Akaufs ( Suar V. N. BE~DE Committee, SMDC 11 hadian Copper Information Bralco Metal Industries Chvtituy w-% Centre, Calcutta Pvt Ltd,. Bombay Pvt Ltd, Jodhpur Metals Rajasthan Indiau Telephone Industries Ltd, Bangalore ) Directorate General of Ordnance Factorie: ( Ministry of Defence ), Calcutta SEBI S. K. MOHAXTY 1 dl&raufc) Bengal Ingot Co Ltd, Calcutta Saar S. N. CHAXDA Directorate of Production & Inspection (Naval ), CDB S. K, DAS Ministry of Defence ( DGI } SEPI S. C. PAUL ( Alteraaf~~) Indian Cable Co, Jamshedpur SHBI P. Gxtoan Suur Tssnosc Smon ( Alhm~+ ) Dire~~t;e~~neraI of Supplies t Disposals, Saax A. K. (;UtrA’ Sass Bharat Heavy Electricalr Ltd, Secunderabad A. V. HABNE SHEI T. K. &JKRRBW ( &smat8 I ) SHBI K. N. WADEWA ( dJIcrnntc II) Sara Smelting Pvt Ltd, Meerut Swr D. P. JAIN SHBID.N. cIiAXEABOSTY(~f#tY&?k) Alcok Metals (P) Ltd, Yeerut SH~I S. L. JAW SHRIS. ~AMAlUtI8llXM (tikmti#) SHEI F.A. A. JASI~ANWALLA Indirn Standard Metal Co Ltd, Bombay Suar C. CHATTIBJIEE (duaMlr) SHRI S. K. R HANDEKAB Vanu Engiaeers (P) Ltd, Pune SHRI A. S. SUEYAXAUAXAN { .&rna& ) SHBI J. MAECWAEA Minticy of Steel & Mines, New Delhi; Hindustan Copper Ltd, Ghatsila and ( Co&mud OR @ge 2 ) BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS This publication is protected under the Indim @&i& Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and reproduction iu whole or in part by any means eacept with written permission of the publisher shall be deemed to be au iuf riutremeut of covvrinht under the said Act. ( Contiwdfrom &w 1) Repress t iag Members DR S. K. BISWAS (Alternate ) SHRI LAXAXAN MISERA Directorate General of Technical Development, New Delhi SHRI T. R. MOHAN RAO (14tfcrnufe ) SHBI B. M. MISTRY Ministry of Finance SERI A. K. MITRA National Pipes & Tubes Co Ltd, Calcutta S~sr S. V. NADKARNI Advani Oerlikon Ltd, Bombay SHRI S. K. SENQVPTA ( Ahnate ) SHRI A. T. PAL Ministry of Defence ( R & D ) SRRI I. N. BHATIA ( Alfmat~) SHRI H. S. PAR~HI Kamani Metals and Alloys Ltd, Bombay SERI A. H. SABEACHANDANI( Alt.mafc ) DR E. G. RAMAOHAND~~ Indian Institute of Technology, Madras SHBI P. S. RAIUASWAMY Bbandary Metallurgical Corporation Pvt Ltd, Bombay Indian ‘Non-Ferrous Metals SHRI M. K. RAO Manufacturers Association, Calcutta; and The Binani Metal Works Ltd, Calcutta SIZRI B. NA~CHAUDHURI ( Ahmate ) Institution of Engineers ( India), Calcutta; and REPRESENTATIVE Khetri Copper Complex, Jodhpur Ministry of Defence ( DGI ) SHRI S. K. ROY SARI P. K. L. P. NIXANKA~ ( Altemnfe) Leader Engineering Works, Jullundur SHRI D. K. SERIAL SHRI V. K. CHOUDRURY ( Altnnatc ) SENIOR CHEMIST & METALLURMinistry of Railways RAILWAY, CENTRAL QIST, BOMDAY DEPUTY DIRECPO~ ( MET )-II RDSO, LUCRNOW ( Alternate ) National Metallurgical Laboratory ( CSIR ), SHRI S. c. SIvARAMAKRIsnNAN Jamshedpur Multimetals Ltd, Calcutta SHRI N. S. SURANA J. B. MetaI Industries Pvt Ltd. Bombay &RI S. S. VAIDYANATHAN Director General, ISI ( Ex-o&o Member ) SHRI C. R. RAMA RAO, Director ( Strut & Met ) Sccrefaries S. L. BALI Deputy Director (Met), IS1 Snar 0. N. DAS~UPTA Deputy Director ( Met ), IS1 SHRI 2 IS : 191( Parts I to X ) - 1980 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR COPPER ( Third Revision 0. 0.1 This FOREWORD Indian Standard ( Third Revision) was adopted by the Indian Standards Jnstitution on 23 April 1980, after the draft finalized by the Copper and Copper Alloys Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structural and Metals Division Council. 0.2 The second revision of this standard was published in 1967. The committee responsible for the preparation of this standard felt that different types of coppers included in the earlier version of the standard should be reviewed and classified. While revising IS : 191, it was decided to exclude grades OF and DHPz because of their limited use, and cover the requirements of other types of copper in series of parts to be published as third revision of IS : 191. Method of sampling of copper refinery shapes for chemical analysis has also been incorporated in this revised standard, as Part III. The method is based on ISO/R 1811-1971 ‘Chemical analysis of copper and copper alloys - Sampling of copper refinery shapes’, published by the International Organization for Standardization. 0.2.1 This standard is being issued in 10 parts as follows: of copper and masses of copper refinery shapes of copper refinery shapes for chemiPart I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Classification Dimensions Methods of sampling cal analysis Cathode Electrolytic copper tough pitch copper ( ETP ) copper ( FRHC wrought ) products and Fire refined high conductivity Fire refined tough pitch copper alloys ( FRTP-1 and PRTP-2 ) Phosphorized Arsenical Phosphorus copper ( DHP) ( ATP) arsenical tough pitch copper deoxidized copper ( DPA ). 3 ISr191(PortsItoX)-1980 0.3 In the preparation of this standard, consideration has been given to the manufacturing and trade practices followed in the country in this field. Assistance has been derived from ISO/R 197-1961 ‘Classification of copper ’ published by the International Organization for Standardization. 0.4 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. *Rules for roundingoff numerical values (, wched ). 4 lbrl9i (Pa&)-1980 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR COPPER PART I CLASSIFICATION OF’ COPPER ( Third Revision ) 1. SCOPB 1.1 This standard ( Part I ) defines various types of coppers and currently available cast refinery shapes. It includes a table which classifies these grades of copper indicating the shapes in which these coppers are available. 2 TERlwIuOLoGY 2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply. &l cop* 2.1.1 Copper- For the purpose of this classification, copper containing not more than 8.5 percent of alloying elements is included in the term Qopper’. 2.1.2 Tough Pitch CoppGr- Copper, either electrolytically or fire refined, cast in the form of refinery shapes, containing a controlled amount of oxygen for the purpose of obtaining a level set in the casting. By extension, the term is applicable to fabricators’ products made therefrom. 2.1.3 Etectrolytic Co~~sr ( ETP ) -Copper, of any origin, refined by electrolytic deposition. Usually when this term is used alone, it refers to electrolytic tough pitch copper. This designation applies to the following. Cathodes, that are the direct products of refining operation. Electrodeposited copper, cast from melted cathodes into refinery shape, suitable for hot or cold working or both, and by extension, fabticators’ products made therefrom. Electrodeposited copper, cast into ingot or ingot bar, suitable for remelting. 2.1.4 Fire-ReJinsd High ConductiviQ Copper ( FRHC) - Copper which, in the annealed condition, has a minimum electrical conductivity of 100 percent of International Annealed Copper Standard. 5 IS:191 (PartI)- 2.1.5 Fire-Refined Copper -Copper of any origin or type finished by furnace refining. Usually when the term ‘fire refined copper’is used alone, it refers to fire-refined tough pitch copper. This desginatlon applies to the following: a) Copper cast in the form of refinery shapes suitable for hot or cold working or both, and by extension, fabricators’ products made therefrom ( FRTP-1 ). b) Ingot or ingot bar suitable for remelting ( FRTP-2 ), tough pitch copper, usually cast Casting co@er - Fire-refined from melted secondary metal into ingot and ingot bars only and used for making foundry castings. 2.1.6 Deoxidized Copper-Copper cast in the form of refinery shapes, produced free from cuprous oxide through the use of deoxidizers. By extension, the term applies to fabricators’ products made therefrom. 2.1.7 Deoxidized Copper High Residual Phosphorus ( DHP ) - Copper deoxidized by phosphorus usually residual in excess. It is not susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement but is of a relatively low electrical conductivity due to the amount of phosphorus present. 2.1.8 Arsenical Tough Pitch Copper ( ATP) - Copper containing in amounts as agreed to between the supplier and the purchaser produced as tough pitch variety. arsenic and are 2.1.9 Phosphorus Deoxidized Arsenical Copper ( DPA ) - Copper deoxidized by phosphorus and containing arsenic in amounts as agreed to between the supplier and the purchaser. 2.2 Refinery Shapes drawing 2.2.1 Wire Bar - Refinery shapes for rolling into rod ( and subsequent into wire ), strip or shape. Approximately 85 to 125 mm square in cross-section, usually from 1 000 to 1 375 mm in length and weighing from 60 to 190 kg. Tapered from end to end, when used for rolling into rod for subsequent wire drawCast either ing, and may be unpointed, when used for rolling into strip. horizontally or vertically. Circular 2.2.2 Billet - Refmery shape primarily for tube manufacture. in cross section, usually 75 to 250 mm in diameter and lengths up to 1 300 mm, and mass from 45 to 680 kg. 6 IS:191 (PartI)- 2.2.3 Cake - Refinery shape for rolling into plate, sheet, strip or shape. Rectangular in cross section of various sizes. Cast either horizontally or vertically, from 65 to 1 800 kg or more. 2.2.4 Ingot and Ingot Bar - Refinery shape employed for alloy production ( not fabrication ). Both used for remelting. Ingots usually weigh from 6 to 17 kg and ingot bars from 22 to 36 kg. Both usually notched to facilitate breaking into smaller pieces. flat plate produced by electrolytic refining. 2.2.5 Cathode - Unmelted The customary size is about 1 000 mm square and about 13 to 22 mm thick, weighing up to 130 kg. 3. BASIS OF CLASSIFICATION 3.1 The different refinery shapes currently produced are shown in Table 1. In each type, the specific coppers are not necessarily available in a complete range of sizes in the forms shown, nor from any ,one supplier in all forms. TABLE GBADE TYPE OF COPPER 1 REFINERY SHAPES FORM OB REFINERY SRAPI~SAVAILABLE FROM REFINERS h-----_+_-_~ c-------Wire Billets Cakes Irrrts Cathodes Bars Ingot Bars (1) CATH ETP FRHC Electrolytic Electrolytic pitch (2) cathode tough (9 X X X - (4) X X X X X x - (5) X X X x x - (6) X X X (7) X high Fire-refined conductivity Fire-refined tough pitch Phosphoriaed, high residual phosphorus -_ - ATP DPA X - Arsenic, tough pitch Phosphorized, Commercially arsenical available. - As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank SPECIFICATION FOR COPPER PART II. DIMENSIONS AND MASSES OF COPPER REFINERY SHAPES 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard refinery shapes. 2. SIZES, MASSES ( Part XI ) covers dimensions and masses of copper AND TOLERANCXB 2.1.2 One size of mould shall be used for casting 91 to 105 kg wire bars. The bottom width of this bar shall be 89 mm, nominal masses being 91 and 102 kg ( set Fig. 1 ). 2.1.2 One size of mould shall be used for casting 109 to 136 kg wire bars. The bottom width of this bar shall be 102 mm, the nominal masses being 113, 125 and 136 kg ( see Fig. 2). 2.1.3 All bars shall be 1 372 mm in length. The side draft or taper shall be 9-5 in 102 mm, that is, 4.8 in 102 mm on each side of the bar. ? he radius of the corners at the bottom of the bars shall be 16 mm. The end taper at the bottom shall be 152 mm in overall length and approximately 51 in 305 mm. The end taper of the side shail be approximately 57 in 303 mm and the end of the bar shall be approximately 86 mm in depth at the point. 2.1.4 Tolerancas for Muss and Dimensions Hcrizonta& cost wire hors - The specified dimensions for width and height shall each be subject-to a tolerance of 6 mm. Wire bars may be specified by mass or height, but not by both. The tolerance on mass shall be f 5 percent. The height of the bar shall be measured at the highest point. 9 IS: 191 (PartII)-1990 V&idly permissible tolerances Narrow Length Mass, Max end Wide end cast wire bars - The mass and dimensions, shall be as follows: 92 f 106 f 5 mm 5 mm and the 1 230 mm to 1 375 mm ( taper from end to end ) 113 kg NOTE - For rod ro!ling purposes, the height of the wire bar should not exceed 108 mm when measured at the high&t point. 2.2 Cylindrical Billets variations from the nominal f 125 mm f dimensions shall be 2.2.1 The permissible as follows: Length, Diameter: all sizes 3 percent 5 percent Up to and including Over 125 mm f6mm may be agreed to between the supplier and the 2.2.2 Closer tolerances purchaser. 2.3 Cakes and Slabs 2.3.1 nominal Horizontally dimensions or Vertically Cost - The permissible shall be as follows: 200 mm f6mm * 3 percent variation from the Up to and including Over 200 mm In the case of vertical casting, closer agreed to between the supplier and the purchaser. tolerances may be 2.4 Ingots - Unless otherwise agreed to between the supplier. and the purchaser, the ingots shall be of the size shown in Fig. 3 and shall have a nominal mass of 17 kg. If so required by the purchaser, the ingots may be The ingot bars may supplied weighing 6 kg and nbtched in the centre. also be supplied with 3 notches and weighing 36 kg. The permissible variation from the nominal mass of ingots shall be 10 percent. 10 IS : 191( Part II ) - 1980 MASS DIXENSIONS,mm kg 91 102 r-----------r rl 16 16 38 38 h 92 102 h, 25 25 hp 305 305 h3 102 102 -e- b b1 89 89 b2 4.8 4.8 1 1 372 1 372 1, 57 57 -7 lr 152 152 98 98 FIG. 1 COPPER WIRE BARS OF 91 AND 102 kg 11 IS : 191 ( Part II 3 - 1980 I I MASS r---kg I 113 25 125 25 136 25 rl 16 16 16 ------L-rg h h, 38 102 25 38 111 25 38 121 25 h2 DIXENBIONB, mm -hs b bl b, 1 4 Ia 305 305 305 102 102 102 111 111 111 102 4.8 102 4.8 102 4.8 1 372 57 1 372 57 1 372 57 152 152 152 FIG. 2 COPPER WIRE BARS OF 113, 125 AND 136 kg 12 As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank IS t 191 (Part III) - 1980 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION PART III FOR COPPER REFINERY METHODS OF SAMPLING OF COPPER SHAPES FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ( Third Revision) 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard ( Part III ) covers methods for preparation of sample of copper refinery shapes for chemical analysis. The shapes covered are wire bars, billets, cakes, slabs, ingots and ingot bars, and cathodes. 2. CONSIGNMENTS OF LOTS 2.1 For the determination of the copper content, consignments up to a total mass of about 300 tonnes should be considered as a single lot, provided that the whole of the consignment is of the same charge and consists of uniform shapes. Consignments exceeding 300 tonnes in total mass should be divided into lots of approximately equal size. 2.2 If a consignment conFists of several charges and/or different shapes, the consignment should be divided into lots according to charges and shapes. The size ofthe lots depends on the charges and shapes forming the consignmint concerned and/or on the arrangements made between the interested parties. 3. PROCEDURE 3.1 Conventional Procedure pieces as gross samples from each of the to 2 unless otherwise agreed to between 3.1.1 For sampling, take three lots ( charges, shapes ) dccording the interested parties; 3.1.2 Remove surface contamination, if any, from the three pieces, and also remove any surface oxide layer from those areas where samples are to be taken. Drill holes completely through each piece, or, if the pieces are too thick, drill holes from two opposite sides to the centre. Do not use lubricants or similar substances. The Fill should be of cemented carbide or other suitable hard metal*, and should not contain substantial quantities l For example, bonded tungsten carbide drill or carbide tipped drill. IS : 191 (Part of iron. III ) - I999 The drill shotild be 10 to 15 mm in diameter and be designed to produce drillings as small and short as possible. The drillings shquld have a metallic lustre and should be free of oxidation. DO not force the drill to such an extent as to cause oxidation of the chips. If oxidized chips are obtained, reject all the chips from that hole and drill another hole adjacent to the original to provide an unoxidized sample. 3.1.3 Use a uniform hole pattern over the three pieces of the gross sample taken from each lot. In principle, distribute the holes in such a way that at least one hole is drilled within each 25 cm* of the surface area. Mix thoroughly the drillings obtained in this way. 3.1.4 If less than 2 kg ( approximate value ) of drillings are obtained per lot, increase the number of holes by whole multiples of the original number of holes. If, on the other hand, more than 2 kg ( approximate value ) of drillings are obtained per lot, reduce them to about 2 kg by quartering. 3.1.5 Divide the 2 kg sample into four parts for analysis of about 500 g each, place each in a bottle, label, and seal. Send one sample to each of the interested parties and retain one as a referee sample and another as a reserve sample, or distribute them according to the arrangements made between the interested parties. 3.1.6 In case no agreement is reached when proceeding this clause, take the measures indicated in 3.2. 3.2 Procedure for Investigation of Claims according tc 3.2.1 Each party should select a sample of three pieces from the consignment or lot to be investigated. Carry out the sampling in the presence of both parties by drilling five holes approximately 12 mm in diameter, at points equally distributed between the ends of the pieces. With wire bars, billets, ingots and ingot bars, these holes should be along a middle line, and with slabs and cakes, on a diagonal line drawn between opposite corners. Drill completely through each piece from top to bottom. Remove skin and any surface dirt. Do not use lubricant and do not force the drill to such an extent as to cause oxidation of the chips. If oxidized chips are obtained, reject all the chips from that hole and drill another hole adjacent to the original to provide an unoxidized sample. In the case of sections more than 125 mm in thickness, drill from both top and bottom for a depth of not less than 50 mm in each direction instead of drilling completely through each piece, but in all other respects conduct the drilling as previously described. Cut up the resulting sample, mix and separate into four equal portions, and plate each in a sealed package, one for the manufacturer, one for the purchaser, one for a referee, if necessary, and one as reserve. 16 Is t 191( Part IV ) - 1980 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION PART IV FOR COPPER COPPER CATHODE ( Third Revision ) 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard 2. SUPPLY ( Part IV ) covers requirements of cathode copper. OF ,MATERIAL requirements for supply of material shall conform to IS : 1387- 1 2.1 General 1967*. 3. TERMINOLOGY 3.1 For the purpose of this standard, ( Part I )-1980t shall apply 4. CHEMlCAL the definitions given in IS : 191 COMPOITSION copper shall conform to the requirements in accordance with IS : 44U-19642. TAB= ELEM~ 1 Afin CHEMICAL COMPOSITION PERCENT 99 90 0.001 o-005 O-03 of other individual and the supplier. impurities 4.1 The cathode when analyzed of Table 1 Copper + Silver, Bismuth, MUX Lead, Max Total of metallic silver, Max impurities excluding the limitation the purchaser NOTE - For special requirements, may be subject to agreement between 5. PHYSICAL CONDITION 5.1 Cathodes shall be tough, dense, and free from loose or brittle lumps, modules and other undue outgrowth. The surface shall be free from slime and copper sulphate. *General requirements for the supply of metallurgical materials (Jrrt rctiri~on ). *Specification for copper: Part I Classification of copper ( krd retSon. ) #Methods of chemical analysis of copper (rtiti ). 17 II)r191(PartIv)-1999 5.2 Fuli-size or cut to size may be supplied as agreed to between the sup plier and the purchaser. 6. SIZE, MASS AND DIMENSION 6.1 The size of cathode is normally about 1000 mm square and about 13 to 22 mm thick, weighing up to 130 kg. 7. SAMPLING FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 7.1 Sampling shall be done in accordance with IS : 191 (Part III )-19&l*. 8. MARKING 8.1 All cathodes shall be stamped with the manufacturer’s trade mark and furnace charge or other identifying number. 8.1.1 The material may also be marked with the IS1 Certificatioc Mark. NOTE -The use of the ISI Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks) Act and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The IS1 Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by the producer. IS1 marked products are also continuously checked by IS1 for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the IS1 Certification Mark may be granted to manufacturers or processors, may be obtained from the Indian Standards Institution. *Specification for copper: Part III Methods of sampling of copper refinery shapes for chemical analysis ( t&d feoision ). 18 IS:191 (PartV)-1980 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION PART V ELECTROLYTIC FOR COPPER (ETP) TOUGH PITCH COPPER ( Third Revision ) 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard ( part V) covers requirements of electrolytic tough pitch copper ( ETP) in the form of wire bars, cakes, slabs, billets, ingots and ingot bars. 2. SUPPLY OF MATERIAL for supply of material shall conform to 2.1 General requirements IS : 1387-1967;. 3. TERMINOLOGY 3.1 For the purpose of this standard, ( Part I )-1980t shall apply. 4. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION the definitions given in IS: 191 4.1 The copper in all shapes shall conform to the requirements of Table 1 when analyzed in accordance with IS : &O-1964$. The method for determination of oxygen shall be as agreed to between the supplier and the purchaser, TABLE 1 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION PERCENT 99.90 O.OOi 0.005 a.03 between ELEMENT Copper + Silvei, Min Bismuth, Max Lead, Max Total of all impurities excluding silver and oxygen, Max NOTE - Oxygen should be limited to 0.06 percent subject to agreement the supplier and the purchaser. *General requirements for the supply m?tallurgicsl materials ( first rruirion). tSpecification for copper: Part I Classification of copp:r ( lbird reoision ). JMethodr of chemical analysis of copper ( revised). 19 IS : 191 ( Part V ) - 1986 5. PHYSICAL 5.1 Shapes DEFECTS intended for fabrication shall be substantially free from shrink holes, cold sets, pits, sloping edges, concave tops, and similar defects in set This requirement shall not apply to ingots or ingot bars, in or casting. which physical defects are of no consequence. 6. SIZE, MASS AND DIMENSION 6.1 Size, mass and dimensions of different copper refinery shapes shall be in accordance with IS : 191 ( Part II )-1980*. 7. RESISTiVITY 7.1 Copper shall have resistivity at a temperature not exceeding the values given in Table 2. TABLE FOEM OF Wire bars Cakes, slabs and billets 1 Ingots and ingot bars tiPPEE of 20°C ( annealed ) 2 VALUES OF COPPER USE RESISTIVITY RESISTIVITY, ohm, g/ma Max For electrical For electrical Other uses use use 0.153 28 0.153 28 0.156 94 O-15694 NOTE-These values refer to mass reaistivity. For conversion to volume The value of 0.153 28 ohm resistivity,Zhe density should be taken as 8890 kg/ma. g, rns at 20°C is the international annealed copper standard value for the resistivity of anneal+ copper equaf to 100 percent conductivity, as defined by the International Annealed Copper Standard. 7.2 Resistivity Test 7.2.1 Samples for the resistivity test shall be prepared in the form of which shall be annealed at a wire of approximately 2.0 mm diameter, The measuretemperature of 525 to 550°C for not less than 30 minutes. ment of resistivity shall be carried out accuracy of at least one part in a thousand. For the methpd, reference may be made to IS : 3635-1966t. The length of sample selected for the test shall be sufficient to give the accuracy required and shall be suitable for the method of testing employed. If the sample fails, a fresh sample may be taken and the resistivity checked, ( third revision ). *Specification for copper: Part II Dimensions and ma5331of copper refinery shaper of test for resistance of metallic electrical resistance material. tMethods 20 IS : 191 ( Part v ) - 1980 8. SAMPLING FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS with IS : 191 ( Part III ) - 8.1 Sampling shall be done in accordance 1980*. 9. MARKING 9.1 All shapes intended for fabrication shall be stamped with the manufacturer’s trade-mark and furnace charge or other identifying number. 9.1.1 The material may also be marked with the IS1 Certification Mark. use of the IS1 Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of NOTE -The the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks ) Act and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The ISI Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by the producer. IS1 marked products are also continuously checked by IS1 for conformity Details of conditions under which a to that standard as a further safeguard. licence for the use of the ISI Certification Mark may be granted to manufacturers or processors, may be obtained from the Indian Standards Institution. *Specification for copper: Part III Methods of sampling for chemical analysis (third r&ion ). of copper refinery shapes 21 As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank IS:191 (PartVI)-1980 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION PART VI FOR COPPER FIRE REFINED HIGH CONDUCTIVITY COPPER (FRHC) ( Third Revision) 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard ( Part VI ) covers requirements of fire-refined high conductivity copper ( FRHC ) in the form of wire bars, cakes, slabs, billets, ingots and ingot bars. 2. SUPPLY OF MATERIAL requirements for supply of material shall conform to IS : 2.1 General 1387-1967*. 3. TERMINOLOGY 3.1 For the purpose ( Part I )-1980t of this shall apply. standard, the definitions given in IS : 191 4. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION of Table 1 4.1 The copper in all shapes shall conform to the requirements when analyzed in accordance with IS : 440-1964:. TABLE ELEMENT Copper + Silver, 1 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION PERCENT Min 99.90 o*ooz 5 0.005 0’04 Bismuth, Max Lead, Max Total of all impurities excluding silver and oxygen, Max *General requirements for the supply of metallurgical materials (first rez&ion). $Specification for copper: Part I Classification of copper ( third revision ). $Methods of chemical analysis of copper ( rcuised ). 23 !S t 191 ( Part W ) - 1980 DEFECTS 5. PHYSICAL 5.1 Shapes intended for fabrication shall be substantially free from shrink holes, cold sets, pits, sloppy edges, concave tops, and similar defects in set or casting. This requirement shall not apply to ingots or ingot bars, in which physical defects are of no consequence. 6. SIZE, MASS AND DIMENSION 6.1 Size, mass and dimensions of different copper refinery shapes shall be in accordance with IS : 191 (Part II)-1980*. 7. RESISTIVITY 7.1 Copper shall have resistivity at a temperature of 20°C ( annealed) exceeding the values given in Table 2. TABLE FORDS COPP~B OB Wire bars Cakes, slabs and billets 1 Ingots and ingot bars 2 VALUES USE not OF COPPER BBSISTIVITY REBIBTIVITY, ohm, g/m% MCI.% For electrical For electrical Other uses use use 0.153 28 0.153 28 0.156 94 0.156 94 NOTE-These values refer to mass resistivity. For conversion to volume resistivity, the density should be taken’as 8 890 kg/m%. The value of O-153 28 ohm g/m2 at 20°C. is the international annealed copper standard value for the resistivity of annealed copper equal to 100 percent conductivity, as defined by the International Annealed Copper Standard. 7.2 Resistivity Test 7.2.1 Samples for the resistivity test shall be prepared in the form of wire of approximately 2-O mm diameter, which shall be annealed at a temperature of 525 to 550% for not less than 30 minutes. The measurement of resistivity shall be carried out to an accuracy of at least one part in a thousand. For the method, reference may be made to IS : 3635-1966-i-. The length of sample selected for the test shall be sufficient to give the accuracy required and shall be suitable for the method of testing employed. If the sample fails, a fresh sample may be taken and the resistivity checked. *Specification for copper: Part II Dimensionsand massesof copper refinery shapes ( third fcvicion ) . t Methods of test for resistance of metallic electrical resistance material, 24 8. SAMPLING FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS y9\Oampling shall be done in accordance with IS : 191 ( Part III )- * 9. MARKING 9.1 All shapes intended for fabrication shall be stamped with the manufacturer’s trade-mark and furnace charge or other identifying number. 9.1.1 The material may also be marked with the IS1 Certification Mark, NOTE -The use of the IS1 Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks ) Act and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The IS1 Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveya the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testiug and uality control which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by the prozl cer. IS1 marked products are also continuously checked by IS1 for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. Detaib of conditions under which a licence for the use of the IS1 Certification Mark may be granted to manufacturers or processors, may be obtained from the Irullan Star&s& Institution, *Specification for copper: Part III Methods of sampling for chemical analysis ( &rd reri&~). of copper refinery shapes 25 As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank IS : 191 ( Part VII ) - 19SO Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR COPPER PART VII FIRE REFINED TOUGH PITCH COPPER WROUGHT PRODUCTS AND ALLOYS (FRTP-1 AND FRTP-2) - ( Third Revision) 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard ( Part VII ) covers requirements of fire refined tough pitch copper for fabricating into wrought products excluding those intended for electrical purposes. This copper could be used for alloying in cast and wrought alloys. 2. SUPPLY 2.1 General 1387-1967*. OF MATERIAL requirements for supply of material shall conform to IS : 3. TERMINOLOGY 3.1 For the purpose of this standard, ( Part I )-1980t shall apply. 4. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION the definitions given in IS : 191 4.1 The copper in all shapes shall conform to the requirements of Table 1 when analyzed in accordance with IS : 440-1964$. l’he method for determination of oxygen shall be as agreed to between the supplier and purchaser. 5. PHYSICAL DEFECTS 5.1 Shapes intended for fabrication shall be substantially free from shrink holes, cold sets, pits, sloppy edges, concave tops, and similar defects in set or casting. This requirement shall not apply to ingots or ingot bars, in which physical defects are of no consequence. *General requirements for the supply of metallurgical materials (,brbt revision @pecification for copper: Part I Classification of copper ( third revision). $Methods of chemical analysis of copper ( revised ). ). 27 4S.r: 191; (4 Part VIE) -i 1980 TABLE ELEMENT Copper ( any silver present to be counted as copper ), Min Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth, Iron, Max Selenium Tin, Max Max excluding oxygen Nickel, •l- Tellurium, MUX Lead, Max MUX Mar Max 1 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION FRTP-1 PERCENT 99% 0.005 0.02 0*005 0903 0.010 0.025 0.01 0.05 o-10 0.05 FRTP-2 PERCENT 99.50 0.05 ( Clause 4.1 ) 0.10 0.10 0.02 O-03 O-07 0.05 0.50 0.10 - oxygen,Mar Total of all impurities and silver, Max 6. SIZE, MASS AND DIMENSION 6.1 Size, mass and dimensions of different copper refinery shapes shall be in accordance with IS : 191 ( Part II )-1980*. 7. SAMPLiNG FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS with IS : 191 ( Part III )-19807. 7.1 Sampling 8. MARKING shall be done in accordance 8.1 All shapes intended for fabrication shall be stamped with the manufacturer’s trade-mark and furnace charge or other identifying number. Ingots and ingot bars shall have a brand stamped or cast in. 8.1.1 Each NOTE - piece may also be marked with the ISI Certification Mark. The use of the IS1 Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks ) Act and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The IS1 Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by the producer. IS1 marked products are also continuously checked by ISI for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the IS1 Certification Mark may be granted to manufacturers or processors, may be obtained from the Indian Standards Institution. *Specification for copper: Part shapes ( third revision ). *Specification for copper: Part III for chemical analysis ( third rcoision ). II Dimensions and masses of copper refinery refinery shapes Methods of sampling of copper 28 lS:191(PutwH)-isro Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR COPPER PART WI PHOSPHORIZED COPPER ( DHP) ( Third Revision ) 1. SCOPE. 1.1 This standard ( Part VIII fire refined copper de-oxidized billets and cakes. 2. SUPPLY OF MATERIAL for supply of material shall conform to ) covers requirements of high conductivity with phosphorus in the form of wire bars, 2.1 General requirements IS : 1387-1967*. 3. TERMINOLOGY 3.1 For the purpose of this ( Part I )-19807 shall apply. 4. CHEMICAL standard, the definitions given in IS : 191 COMPOSITION of 4.1 The copped in all shapes shall conform to the requirements Table 1 when analyzed in accordance with IS : 440 - 19641. 5. SIZE, MASS AND DIMENSION 5.1 Size, mass and dimensions of different copper be in accordance with IS : 191 ( Part II )-19805. 6. EMBRITTLEMENT TEST refinery shapes shall 6.1 The edges of the test pieces may be carefully rounded and smoo&eAfter being exposed to an atmosphere of hydrogen ned longitudinally. for 30 minutes at 800 to 875°C and subsequently cooled in the container itself (out of contact with air ), the test pieces shall be subjected to a close bend test as described in 6.1.1 to 6.1.3. *General requirements for the supply of metallurgical materials (i;rst rcuision). tspecification for copper: Part I Classification of copper ( fhird revision ). Methods of chemical analysis of copper ( revised). t S ecification for copper: Part II Dimensions and masses of copper refinery shaw ( t&r&vision ). 29 ISr191 (PartVIII)-1986 TABLE 1 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION ( Clausa 4.1) ELEMENT Copper + Silver, Min Phosphorus Antimony, Max PERCENT 99.80 0’015-0~10 0.005 Arsenic, Max Bismuth, Max Iron, Max Lead, Max Nickel, Max Selenium + Tellurium, Tellurium, Mar Mow O-05 o-003 0.03 o-01 0.10 0’02 o-01 0.01 0.06 Tin, Max Total of impurities excluding silver, nickel, arsenic and phosphorus, Max 6.1.1 The test piece AB is bent by steadily applied pressure, succession of blows, at right angles to the length AC and flattened until A assumes the position indicated by D ( JC~Fig. 1). or a close FIG. 1 6.1.2 The convex surface cracks, openings or porosity. CLOSE BEND TEST of the bend portion shall not reveal any 6.1.3 For the purpose of this test, one piece of copper shall be selected from each hundred, or part thereof in the consignment or order, and the test piece taken from the pieces so selected. 7. PHYSICAL DEFECTS free of shrink holes, cold sets, pits, 7.1 All shapes shall be substantially sloppy’ edges, and similar defects. 30 1s : 191 ( Part VIII ) - 1984 8. SAMPLING 8.1 Sampling 1980*. FOR CHEMICAL shall be done ANALYSIS with IS : 191 ( Part III ) - in accordance 9. ,MARKING 9.1 Each piece shall be marked lot number for identification. material may also be marked with the IS1 Certification with the manufacturer’s trade-mark and 9.1.1 The Mark. NOTE - ‘The use of the IS1 Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks) Act and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The IS1 Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by the producer. IS1 marked products are also continuously checked by IS1 for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the IS1 Certification Mark may be granted to manufacturers or processors, may be obtained from the Indian Standards Institution. *Specification for copper : III Method of sampling chemical apalysis ( third revision ). of copper refinery shapes for 31 As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank its:191 (Part=)-1980 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR COPPER PART IX ARSENICAL TOUGH PITCH COPPER (ATP) ( Third Revision ) 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard 2 (Part IX) covers r+ments copper in the form of billets and ca&es. of arsenical tough #oh SUPPLY OF MATERIAL requirements for supply of material shall conform to IS : 21 General 1387-K&7*. 3. TERMINOLOGY 3.1 For the purpose 4. CHEMICAL of this standard, ( Part I ) - 198Ot shall apply. the definitions given in IS : 191 COMPOSITION shall conform to the requirements of Table 1 when analyzed in accordance with IS : 440-1964:. The method for the determination of oxygen shall be as agreed to between the supplier and the purchaser. TABLE 1 CHEMECAL eOMPOSITION hRCENT 4.1 The material ELEWDIT &pper + Silver, Min Arsenic Antimony, Max Bismuth, Max Iron, Max Lead, Max Nickel, Max Selenium and Tellurium, Max Tin, Max Oxveen. Max 9920 om-050 o-01 0405 o-02 o-02 o-15 0.03 o-03 0.10 tSpecification materials (~~~~reuision ). for copper: part I Classification of copper ( third rmtiion ). SMethods of chemical analysis of copper ( revised). *General requirements for the supply of metallurgical 33 5. SIZE, MASS AND DIMENSION 5.1 Size, mass and dimensions of different copper in accordance with IS : 191 ( Part II )-1980*. 6. refinery shapes shall be SAMPLING FOR CHEMICAL shall be done ANALYSIS with IS 6.1 Sampling 1980t. in accordance : 191 ( Part III ) - 7. MARRING 7.1 The shapes intended for fabrication shall be stamped or cast in with the manufacturer’s trade-mark and furnace charge or other identifying number. 7.1.1 The Mark. material may also be marked with the IS1 Certification NOTE- The use of the IS1 Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Mark ) Act and the Ruler and Regulations made thereunder. The IS1 Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by the producer. IS1 marked products are also continuously checked by IS1 for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under 1 hich a licence for the use of the IS1 Certification Marks may be granted to manufacturer or processors, may be obtained from the Indian Standards Institution. * *Specification for copper: Part II Dimensions and masses of copper refinery shapes ( lird revision) . tSpecification for copper: Part III Methods of sampling of copper refinery shapes for chemical analysis ( thud r&&m). 34 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION PART X FOR COPPER ARSENICAL PHOSPHORUS DEOXIDIZED COPPER (DPA ) ( Third Revision ) 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard ( Part X ) covers requirements arsenical copper in the form of billet. 2. SUPPLY of phosphorus deoxidized OF MATERIAL requirements for supply of material shall conform to IS : 2.1 General 1387-1967* 3. TERMINOLOGY 3.1 For the purpose ( Part I ) - 1980t 4. CHEMICAL of this standard, shall apply. the definitions given in IS : 191 COMPOSITION of Table 1 when 4.1 The analyzed material shall conform to the requirements in accordance with IS : 440-1964$. 5. SIZF, MASS AND DIMENSION 3.1 Size, mass and dimensions of different copper in accordance with IS : 191 (Part II )-19803. 6. EMBRITTLEMENT refinery shapes shall be TEST 6.1 The edges of the test pieces may be carefully founded and smoothened longitudinally. After being exposed to an atmosphere of hydrogen for 30 minutes at 800 to 875°C and subsequently cooled in the container itself ( out of contact with air ), the test pieces shall be subjected to a close bend test as described in 6.1-l to 6.1.3. *General requirements for the supply of metallurgical materials (first rcvirion ). *Specification for copper: Part I Classification of copper ( third revision ). Methods of chemical analysis of copper ( revised ). i S edification for copper: Part II Dimensions and masses of copper refinery shapes ( &Jr&ion ). 35 TABLE 1 ELEMENT Copper + Silver, Min Phosphorus Arsenic Antimony, ISQQ, Mnr -,Ni&d, dfsx Tdhwium, Max Afuz Max Bismuth, A& CHEMICAL COMposiTION PEBCENT 99-20 ~015-0~10 0.20-O-50 O-01 O*OOS o-03 O-010 o-15 O-02 PO1 O-01 O-07 ( c1auss 4.1 ) ?khaium ad Tellurium, T-r, Mu T&al of all impurities excluding silver, nickel, arsenic and phorphorus, MS 6.1.1 The test piece AB is bent by steadily applied pressure, or a sttccessionof blows, at right angles to the length AC and flattened close until A asumes the position indicated by D ( see Fig. 1 ). ,__+S, A--------C FIG. 1 CLOSE BEND TEST B 6.1.2 The convex surface of the bend portion shall not reveal any cracks, openings or porosity. 6.1.3 For the purpose of this test, one piece of copper shall be selected from each hundred, or part thereof in the consignment or order, and the test piece taken from the pieces so selected, 7. PHYSICAL DEFECTS 7.1Billet shall be substantially free of shrink holes, cold sets, pits, sloppy edges, and similar defects. 8. SAMPLING FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS )-19808. 8.1 Sampling shall be done in accordance with IS : 191 ( Part for *Specification copper: Part analysis ( third rmisio~ ). Methods of of copper shapes 36 IS I 191 (Part X ) - 1980 9. MARKING 9.1 Each billet shall be marked with the manufacturer’s lot number for identification. Mark. 9.1.1 The trade-mark and material may also be marked with the IS1 Certification NOTE - The use of the IS1 Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks ) Act and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The IS1 Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by the producer. IS1 marked products are also conti.nuously checked by IS1 for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the IS1 Certification Mark may be granted to manufacturera or processors, may be obtained from the Indian Standards Institution. 37 INDIAN ON COPPER STANDARDS AND COPPER ALLOYS IS : 28-1975 Phosphor bronze ingots and castings ( third rcoision ) Specification for copper ( third r&ion ) purposes ( revised) Copper rods for boiler stay bolts and rivets ( rsuiscd ) Copper rods for electrical Brass ingots for gravity die castings and brass gravity die castings ( includ ing naval brass ) ( revised) Solid-drawn copper alloy tubes (first r&ion ) Copper sheet and strip for utensils and for general purposes (Jirst revision) Copper -strip for electrical purposes (Jirst revision ) Copper plate, sheet and strip for industrial purposes (jirst revision ) Copper tubes for general engineering purposes {first revision ) Dimensions reuision ) for wrought copper and copper alloy rods and bars ( second 191 ( Parts I to X)-1980 288-1960 613-1964 1264-1965 1545-1969 1550-1967 1897-1971 1972-1977 2501-1972 2826-1980 3051-1965 3052-1974 3057-1965 3167-1965 Dimensions for wrought copper and copper alloys plate Dimensions for wrought copper and copper alloys, sheet, strip and foil (for general engineering purposes ) (firs; reuision ) Copper sheets for photo process engravings Cap copper alloy strip Part I Cast form 3288 ( Part I )-1973 Glossary of terms for copper and copper alloys: and wrought form ( main types ) (jirsf rssision ) 3331-1977 3487-1966 4171-1967 4412-1967 4519-1977 5053-1969 5493-l 969 5743-1970 5744-1970 5885-1977 6912-1973 8328-1977 8362-1977 8365-1977 8631-1977 8859-1978 Copper and brass strips/foils for radiator Copper strip for foil for manufacture and eyelets cores (first revision) washers of copper gaskets and copper Copper rods for general engineering purposes Copper wires for general engineering purposes Dimensions for copper commutator bars (Jirs: rrsirion ) Dimensions for wrought copper and copper alloy rods for fasteners Dimensions for wrought copper and copper alloy tubes Copper master alloys Copper alloy screwed ferrules for condenser, tubes Copper commutator bar (first revision) Copper and copper alloy forgings Free cutting copper bars, rods and sections Copper and copper alloy rolled plates for condensers and heat exchangers Cadmium-copper Cast copper tuyere and chromium-coppqr electrodes Copper base alloys for marine propellers evaporator, heater and cooler BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 Telephones : 331 01 31 331 13 75 371 94 02 Telegrams : Manaksanstha (Common to all Offices) Regional Offices Central : : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 Telephone *Eastern Northern Southern twestern 331 6617 335 3841 : l/14 CIT Scheme VII M, V.I.P. Road, Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054 37 86 62 : SC0 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 60 38 43 : C.I.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, MADRAS 600113 2352315 : Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri (East), BOMBAY 400093 832 92 95 Branch Offices : ‘Pushpak’, Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, AHMADABAD 380001 301348 SPeenya Industrial Area, 1st Stage, Bangalore-Tumkur Road, 839 49 55 BANGALORE 560058 Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T.T. Nagar, BHOPAL 462003 554021 Plot No. 21 Satyanagar, BHUBANESHWAR 751007 40 36 27 Kalaikathir Building, 6/48 Avanashi Road, COIMBATORE 641037 21 01 41 Plot No. 43, Sector 16 A, Mathura Road, FARIDABAD 121001 8-28 88 01 Savitn Complex, 116 G.T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201001 8-71 19 96 53/5 Ward N9.29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, GUWAHATI 781003 541137 5-8-56C L.N. Gupta Marg, Nampally Station Road, HYDERABAD 500001 201083 R 14, Yudhister Marg, C Scheme, JAIPUR 302005 381374 1171418 B Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 206005 21 68 76 Seth Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Behind Leela Cinema, Naval Kishore Road, 238923 LUCKNOW 226001 Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 262305 T.C. No. 14/1421, University P.O., Palayam, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695034 621 17 inspection Offices (With Sale Point) : Pushpanjali, 1st floor, 205-A, West High Court Road, Shankar Nagar Square, NAGPUR 440010 Institution of Engineers (India) Building 1332 Shivaji Nagar, PUNE 411005 l 52 51 71 32 36 35 Sales Office is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, P.O. Princep Street, CALCUTTA 700072 tSales Office is at Novelty Chambers, Grant Road, BOMBAY 400007 $Sales Office is at ‘F’ Block, Unity Building, Narasimharaja Square, BANGALORE 560002 271085 309 65 28 2223971 Printed at Simco Printing Press, Delhi