STATEMENT OF SELECT OPERATIONAL DATA AS ON 10-04-2011 C.No:77005215658 ARUNACHALA SPINNING MILLS (I) (P) LTD., NAME & ADDRESS OF THE BORROWER 32, Erukkadu 4th Street, Karuvampalayam, TIRUPUR-641604 Rs in Lakhs A Estimates for the current accounting year indicated in the annual plan B Sales : Net Sales a) Gross Sales b) Net Sales c) Production a) During the month b) During the current accounting year up to the end of the month C Production a) During the month b) During the current accounting year up to the end of the month D Receivables (including those in respect of bills which have been negotiated) outstanding as at the end of the month a) Dues in respect of which bills have been discounted/pruchased by bank/s b) Other Outstanding book-debts Total (a) + (b) E Sundry Creditors outstanding as at the end of the Month (Excluding L/C Creditors) F Insurance cover for the stocks a) Value b) Date of expiry E Short term borrowings from the banks including bills purchased and discounted Name of the Bank State Bank of India, Commercial Branch, Tirupur Total G Opening Balance as on the 1st Stock day of the Month Value Particulars a Rawmaterials and consumable stores 1) Indegenious - Cotton 2) Imported Total b Stock-in-process on the last day of the month c Finished Goods - Cotton Hosiery Yarn - Waste 322.72 10.83 195.81 17.71 119.27 20.25 399.25 8.29 0.00 0 399.25 8.29 118.48 150.11 159.84 108.75 0.00 108.75 1042.84 0.00 1042.84 27.85 0.00 27.85 181.41 0.00 181.41 889.28 0.00 889.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 889.28 0.00 889.28 (1) Value (2) Value (3) Stock in during the month Stock out during the month Closing Stock on the Last day of the month (Rs in Lakhs) Value of Stocks Charged to Bank of India (4) Value of Stocks Charges to other banks, if any (5) Total (including stock if any not indicated in Col. 4&5) (6) 46.64 46.64 451.84 1200.00 18-4-2011 Outstanding 0.00 0.00 0.00 4900.00 4900.00 4901.01 133.66 133.66 134.48 134.48 d Consumable Spares 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Notes: 1 The above information should be unit-wise in the case multi unit undetakings and shoud cover the entire operations of the indivudual unit. 2 The data given against various items of the statement should relate to the same period or the same data, as the case may be. As for example, if the sttement is for th month of, say, October, the figures os net sales and production during the month, stock-in-trade and stock out should relate to the month of October, while the figures of closing stocks of inventories and outstanding receivables, etc., should be as at the end of the same month, i.e. October. 3 All the expressions used in this form such as current accounting year, net sales, etc., have the same connation as similar expression used in forms FFR I and FFR II statements. 4 The basis of valuation of various items in this form should be the same as that adopted for the purposes of balance sheet and should be applied on a consistent basis. 5 The following additional information may be furnished in brackets belwo the respective items:i) Closing stock of raw materials expressed as so may months' consumption ii) Stock-in-process expressed as so may months' cost of production iii)Closing stock of finished goods expressed as so may months' cost of sales iv)Receivables expressed as so may months' sales v) Sundry creditors for purchases expressed as so many months' purchased 6 The closing stock of raw materials, stock-in-process and finished goods and receivables should be examined to see whether the levels are within the norms, if any, prescribed. If there is any excess, suitable explanation should be given. 7 The borrower should continue to submit the stock statement, as at present, in the usual format indicating the quantities, rate of valuation, movement and location of stock, etc., to facilitate physical verification. STATEMENT OF STOCKS AND BOOKDEBTS AS ON 10-04-2011 Name of the Company: ARUNACHALA SPINNING MILLS INDIA PRIVATE LTD., TIRUPUR PART-A: INVENTORIES (Rs in Lacs) Opeing Stock Particulars I-Raw Materials A' items Indigenous 1.Cotton II- Stock-in-Process A' items 1. Cotton Hosiery Yarn 2 III - Finished Goods A' items 1. Cotton Hosiery Yarn 2. Waste IV - Stores A' items 1 2 V - Spares Indigenous 1 2 Quantity Unit (Kgs) Rate Value Quantity (Kgs) Stocks in Unit Rate Value Quantity (Kgs) Stocks out Unit Rate Value Closing Stock Quantity in Quantityi Unit stores n transit Rate /godown Value 585865 178 1042.84 15646 178 27.85 101913 178 181.41 499598 0 178 889.28 59241 200 118.48 75056 200 150.11 79921 200 159.84 54376 0 200 108.75 131722 14438 245 75 322.72 10.83 79921 23619 245 195.81 75 17.71 48682 27005 245 119.27 75 20.25 162961 11052 0 0 245 75 399.25 8.29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PART-B: BOOK DEBTS (Rs in Lacs) 1. Age analysis of book debts considered good (including bills discounted but excluding deferred receivables) Upto 60days No Government and semi government organisations Associates / affiliates / subsidiaries Others Total 0 2 7 9 Amount 0.00 19.46 46.64 66.10 More then 60days No 0.00 0 6 6 Amount 0.00 0.00 29.54 29.54 No 0.00 2 13 15 Total Book Debts Amount 0.00 19.46 76.18 95.64 Out of the total book debts, bills discounted with the Bank No 0 0 0 0 Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Dues from 2. Only where drawings are permitted directly against bood debts (List of Major debtors i.e covering at least 60% of total book debts mentioned above) Outstanding up to 60 days Number Amount 9 Outstanding more than 60 days Number Amount 6 29.54 Name of the debtor As Per List Enclosed Separately 66.10 PART-C: OTHER INFORMATION (Rs in Lacs) Projected for current accounting year Sales Production Consumption of rawmaterials Consumption of Stores 4900.00 4901.01 3430.70 Up to the end of the last month 0.00 0.00 0.00 During the month under report 133.66 134.48 94.14 Notes: 1. The items should cover at least 60% of the value of stock under each head. Other items may be clubbed together. 2. The stock should be exclusive of materials received for job work but inclusive of materials sent out for processing etc., particulars of the latter should be shown separately indicating quanitity, value and name of such processors, etc., along with appropriate certificate from such parties, to the effect that (i) have received such materials from the borrower for processing etc., (ii) hold the goods in trust for th bank; and (iii) undertake to deliver such stocks to the Bank or aouthorised agents without demur whenever called upon to do so. 3. Particulars (items quantity and value) of stocks more than a year old and included hereinabove should be shown separately. 4. Particulars of tailor-made/custom-built poroduct, which are found defective/rejected by the designated buyer be shown separately. 5. Valuation of stocks, etc., should be on the same basis as adopted for the statutory balance sheet and should be applied on a consistent basis. If tha market value of any item is less than the value disclosed in this statement, the market value should be indicated by way of a footnote. 6. This statement should be furnished for all the units financed by the Bank, unit-wise. 7. Whether the stock statement represent only a part of total stocks of a borrower, s summary of the total stocks inclusive of stock showin in this statement should be submitted alongwith this statement classified inot rawmaterials, stock-in-process stores and spares, finished goods and book-debts, if necessar, e.g.where a single line of activity is financed by the Bank and some other banks; where different line of activity are financed by the Bank and some other banks. Certificates: We hereby certify that:a) The quantity and quality of the above noted stocks and other assets pledges/hypothecated to the Bank are ture and that the said stocks and assets are the absoulte property of the ARUNACHALA SPINNING MILLS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED and that the said stocks and assets are not subject to any lien, claim or charges whatsoever. b) The stocks and other assets above noted heen valued in the same manner and on the same bais and principles as adopted for the company's last audited and published accounts for the year ended 31.03.2010. c) The stocks lying with outside processors included hereinabove and charged to the Bank, the company are in possession of valid documents of title thereto, and are the absolute property of the company and are not subject to any lines, claims or charges whatsoever; d) In the case of stocks and assets shown as being in transit and charges to the Bank, the company are in possession of valid document of title thereto and that the company's title to such stocks & assets is not subject to any liens, claims/charges whatsoever. e) Book debts hypothecaed to the Bank shown above are good and do not include any book debts which in our opinion are bad or doubtful or recovery. f) No order of attachment or any notice or process from any Court or any other statutory authorities has been received by the company in respect of the whole or part of the said stocks and assets charges to the Bank. g) The company have complied with all the requirements of Cotton Textiles Control Order 1965 and carried out all the instructions issued by the Textile Commissioner pursuant to the powers vested in him under the same order h) The above noted stocks and assets (excepting those which are not subject to fire hazards) are fully insured against fire and …………… risks as per statement of insurance policies attached and that all the conditiions and warranties contained in the insurance policies have been complied with and the said policies are valid enforceable. i) The particulars of stocks of assets and ll the other information furnished hereinabove have been taken form and are in agreement wih the company's books of accounts maintained in the normal course of business and or other books and records maintained in accordance with statutory or other requirements. j) Summary of stock & book debts position as per the stock statement dated Valuation done at the lowest of cost, market or controlled rates 1 Margin Amount 4 889.28 451.84 0.00 437.44 108.75 407.54 0.00 953.74 46.64 1000.37 % 5 11.04.2011 is Rs 46.64 Sub Limit, if any 7 Lacs Drawing Power 8 Items 2 (i) Raw Materials (ii) Stores Less Sundry Creditors Less Creditors under LC Sub-Total (iii) Stock-in-process (iv) Finsihed Goods (v) Spares Sub Total (vi) Book Debts (including bills discounted) (Elcluding Associate Concerns) Total of (i) to (vi) Value of Stocks 3 Advance value (3-4) 6 109.36 27.19 101.89 0.00 238.43 23.32 261.75 25% 25% 25% 25% 328.08 81.56 305.66 0.00 715.30 23.32 738.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 328.08 81.56 305.66 0.00 715.30 23.32 738.62 50% Place: Tirupur Date :11-04-2011 Signature of the Authorised Official of the Company ARUNACHALA SPINNING MILLS INDIA PRIVATE LTD., TIRUPUR List of Sundry Debtors as on 10-04-2011 Outstanding up to 60 Sl.No Listof Debtors days 1 Flare Hosieries 325978 2 PSR Associates 393908 3 Rado Knit Fashions 582523 4 Sangs Co 26542 5 Sree Balaji Traders 62653 6 S.R.Enterprises 88726 7 Veeyem Tex 3183255 TOTAL 4663585 Outstanding more than 60 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 List of Sundry Debtors as on 10-04-2011 (Associate Concerns) Outstanding up to 60 Outstanding more Sl.No Listof Debtors days than 60 days 1 Superking Knitters 718111 0 2 Everking Garments 1227966 TOTAL 1946077 0 Sundry Debtors as on 10-04-2011 - Party-wise/Bill-wise Details Flare Hosieries Sl.No 1 Date 22.03.2011 Total PSR Associates Sl.No 1 2 Date 08.04.2011 08.04.2011 Total Bill No 11 12 Amount 201451 192457 393908 Bill No 808 Amount 325978 325978 Sl.No 1 2 Date 06.04.2011 06.04.2011 Total Rado Knit Fashions Bill No 7 8 Amount 268601 313922 582523 Sangs Co Sl.No 1 Date 11.04.2011 Total Bill No 17 Amount 26542 26542 Sl.No 1 2 Date 31.03.2011 31.03.2011 Total Sree Balaji Traders Bill No 814 815 Amount 39354 23299 62653 S.R.Enterprises Sl.No Date Bill No Amount 1 2 09.04.2011 09.04.2011 Total Veeyem Tex 15 (Part) 16 64610 24116 88726 Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Date 21.02.2011 23.02.2011 23.02.2011 23.02.2011 02.03.2011 02.03.2011 07.03.2011 07.03.2011 10.03.2011 10.03.2011 01.04.2011 01.04.2011 06.04.2011 08.04.2011 Total Bill No 763 769 770 771 775 776 784 785 789 790 1 5 6 13 Amount 246002 251004 369002 129002 246002 125502 116101 246002 492003 64501 256610 128305 128305 384914 3183255 Sl.No 1 2 3 Date 23.02.2011 10.03.2011 01.04.2011 Total Superking Knitters Bill No 767 793 3 Amount 516006 73800 128305 718111 Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Date 23.02.2011 16.03.2011 17.03.2011 17.03.2011 31.03.2011 01.04.2011 Total Everking Garments Bill No 768 799 804 805 812 2 Amount 173254 120604 335751 128305 201451 268601 1227966 ARUNACHALA SPINNING MILLS INDIA PRIVATE LTD., TIRUPUR List of Sundry Creditors as on 10-04-2011 S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hari Om Ginning Industries Neminath Cotton Industries Shalibhadra Cot Gin P Ltd Shivdhara Trading Co Sri Salsar Balaji Agro Tech P Ltd Raiyani Cotton Industries Shri Lakhamsey Ladha Traders Less Advance Amount paid Hari Om Ginning Industries Date Bill No 10.02.2011 R/4 (Part) 12.02.2011 R/5 Total Neminath Cotton Industries Date Bill No 26.02.2011 R/49 (Part) 27.02.2011 R/50 27.02.2011 R/51 08.03.2011 R/53 Total Shalibhadra Cot Gin P Ltd Date Bill No 12.02.2011 (Part) R/177 (Part) 12.02.2011 R/178 12.02.2011 R/179 24.02.2011 R/182 24.02.2011 R/183 Total Shivdhara Trading Co Date Bill No 04.03.2011 R/275 (Part) 04.03.2011 R/296 04.03.2011 R/297 04.03.2011 R/298 Total Sri Salsar Balaji Agro Tech P Ltd Date Bill No 14.03.2011 SM/10-11/132 16.03.2011 SM/10-11/535 16.03.2011 SM/10-11/540 18.03.2011 SM/10-11/1382 18.03.2011 SM/10-11/1383 19.03.2011 SM/10-11/1385 Total Raiyani Cotton Industries Date Bill No 17.02.2011 R/208 Total Shri Lakhamsey Ladha Traders Date Bill No 10.03.2011 447 Amounts 4409417 8952751 11197824 10103388 14075736 2386760 2748347 53874223 8690000 45184223 Amount 1711337 2698080 4409417 Amount 847077 2698153 2685784 2721737 8952751 Amount 556869 2679920 2612980 2676989 2671066 11197824 Amount 1668174 2804900 2815670 2814644 10103388 Amount 374163 2760542 2760942 2815212 2842859 2522018 14075736 Amount 2386760 2386760 Amount 2748347 S.No 1 2 S.No 1 2 3 4 S.No 1 2 3 4 5 S.No 1 2 3 4 S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 S.No 1 S.No 1 Total 2748347 Format of statement to be submitted along with stock-statement Name of the unit ARUNACHALA SPINNING MILLS INDIA (P) LTD., Insurance position as on 10.04.2011 Stocks Insurance Policy No 721200/11/10/11/00000235 Total. Plant & machinery Building Insurance Policy No 721200/11/10/11/00000235 721200/11/10/11/00000235 Total. Collateral Securities Insurance Policy No 721200/11/08/11/00003481 721200/11/08/11/00003482 721200/11/08/11/00003483 721200/11/08/11/00003484 721200/11/08/11/00003485 Total. Description STOCKS Amount 120,000,000 120,000,000 Expiry Date 18.04.2011 Description PLANT & MACHINERY BUILDING Amount 222,000,000 58,000,000 280,000,000 Expiry Date 18.04.2011 18.04.2011 Description BUILDING BUILDING BUILDING BUILDING BUILDING Amount 4,318,000 5,424,000 3,042,000 1,628,000 1,315,000 15,727,000 Expiry Date 7/12/2011 7/12/2011 7/12/2011 7/12/2011 7/12/2011 For office use by FO Co's CC limit Last 12 months Avg.stock value Insurance cover-amt Shortfall if any Bank clause Collateral seurity value Insurance cover-amt Yes/No Shortfall if any Yes/No 11th APRIL CLOSING STATEMENT COTTON OPENING RECEIPTS CONSUMED STOCK 675253 543865 15646 15646 101913 101913 588986 FOR M.C A/C 457598 ACTUAL A/C YARN OPENING PRODUCTION DELIVEREDSTOCK 40 VL 40 GL S S 97703.20 2193.20 60585.00 5379.40 13956.60 29542.50 128745.70 4797.50 14342.00 2775.10 31440.00 34S VL Total ### ### ### ### 162960.80 WASTE SALE OPENNING PRODUCTION DELIVERED STOCK 14438 Total 14438 23619 23619 27005 27005 11052 11052 STOCK IN PROCESS 54376 Grand Total ### ### ### 174012.80