IRON AGE RITES AND RITUALS IN THE CARPATHIAN BASIN PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM FROM TÂRGU MUREȘ 7–9 October 2011 Edited by Sándor BERECKI Editura MEGA Târgu Mureș 2012 Content Preface ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Hrvoje POTREBICA Religious Phenomena of the Hallstatt Communities of Southern Pannonia ............................................ 9 Marcella NAGY–Pál SÜMEGI–Gergő PERSAITS–Sándor GULYÁS–Tünde TÖRŐCSIK Iron Age Hoard Found at Ikervár (Vas County, Hungary) in the Western Region of the Carpathian Basin. A Study in the Reconstruction of the Cultic Life of the Hallstatt Period in the Light of Archaeological and Scientific Analyses ............................................................................... 31 Zoltán CZAJLIK–Géza KIRÁLY–Attila CZÖVEK–Sándor PUSZTA–Balázs HOLL–Gábor BROLLY The Application of Remote Sensing Technology and Geophysical Methods in the Topographic Survey of Early Iron Age Burial Tumuli in Transdanubia ................................................... 65 Robert SCHOLTZ Scythian Age Burials at Tiszalök .................................................................................................................... 77 László SZATHMÁRY Scythian Age Human Skeletal Remains from Tiszalök ............................................................................ 101 Florin GOGÂLTAN–József-Gábor NAGY Profane or Ritual? A Discovery from the End of the Early Iron Age from Vlaha–Pad, Transylvania.................................................................................................................................................... 105 Imola KELEMEN The Archaeozoological Analysis of the Animal Bones Discovered in the Early Iron Age Pit at Vlaha–Pad .................................................................................................................................................. 133 Mircea BABEȘ–Nicolae MIRIȚOIU Verlängerte, mehrstufige birituelle Bestattungen im Donau–Karpaten-Raum (5. bis 3. Jh. v. Chr.) ........................................................................................................................................ 139 Aurel RUSTOIU–Sándor BERECKI ‘Thracian’ Warriors in Transylvania at the Beginning of the Late Iron Age. The Grave with Chalcidian Helmet from Ocna Sibiului .......................................................................... 161 Peter C. RAMSL Late Iron Age Burial Rites in Eastern Austria ............................................................................................ 183 Maciej KARWOWSKI An Ithyphallic Celtic Figurine from Oberleiserberg ................................................................................. 189 Jan BOUZEK The North-Western Part of the Carpathian Basin in the Period of Early Celtic Princes ..................... 213 Zoltán PILLING–Ferenc UJVÁRI Iron Age Settlement and Cemetery from Szeged–Kiskundorozsma. Some New Data on Iron Age Burial Rite at the Southern Part of the Great Hungarian Plain ......................................... 217 Éva TANKÓ–Károly TANKÓ Cremation and Deposition in the Late Iron Age Cemetery at Ludas ..................................................... 249 Gertrúda BŘEZINOVÁ The Biritual Cemetery at Šurany–Nitriansky Hrádok, District of Nové Zámky, Slovakia ................... 259 Martin FURMAN The Interpretative Value of Annular Ornaments for the Study of Early Celtic Populations in the Middle Danube Area .......................................................................................................................... 273 Gabriela BREZŇANOVÁ Reflections of the Contacts between Celtic Communities in North-West Romania and South-West Slovakia in the Grave Inventories ................................................................................... 289 János NÉMETI Funerary Rites and Rituals of the Celtic Cemeteries in North-Western Romania and a Comparison with the Funerary Discoveries in the Tisza Plain and Transylvania...................... 295 Tiberius BADER Meine Begegnungen mit den Keltenfürsten: am Beispiel der Fürstengräber von Ciumești und Hochdorf ................................................................................................................................................. 303 Paul PUPEZĂ The Local Tradition Pottery from the Eastern Carpathian Basin Celtic Graves ................................... 317 Dragoș MĂNDESCU Killing the Weapons. An Insight on Graves with Destroyed Weapons in Late Iron Age Transylvania ...................................................................................................................... 343 Aurel RUSTOIU The Celts and Indigenous Populations from the Southern Carpathian Basin. Intercommunity Communication Strategies ............................................................................................. 357 Marija LJUŠTINA–Miloš SPASIĆ Celtic Newcomers between Traditional and Fashionable: Graves 63 and 67 from Karaburma .......... 391 Cătălin Nicolae POPA ‘Till Death Do Us Part’. A Statistical Approach to Identifying Burial Similarity and Grouping. The Case of the Late La Tène Graves from the Eastern Carpathian Basin ............................................. 401 Beatrice S. KELEMEN–Iosif Vasile FERENCZ–Cristian C. ROMAN–Delia M. ROMAN–Oana PONTA–Simon SIMION Cremated Human Remains from Hunedoara–Grădina Castelului / Platou. Additional Information Inferred by XRD, FT-IR and SEM/EDX Analyses .......................................... 413 Andreea DRĂGAN Late Iron Age Burials in the Iron Gates Area. A Functional Approach to Funerary Expression in the Late La Tène......................................................................................................................................... 425 Milica TAPAVIČKI-ILIĆ–Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ A Late Iron Age Grave Find from Syrmia .................................................................................................. 453 Marcin RUDNICKI Finds and Context of Șimleul Silvaniei Type Bracelets North of the Carpathians and the Sudety ..... 461 Horea POP–Zsolt CSÓK The Tumuli Necropolis from Șimleu Silvaniei ........................................................................................... 493 Mariana EGRI ‘A Warrior Never Dies’. The Manipulation of Tradition in Early Funerary Contexts from Pannonia ... 503 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................................... 531 Iron Age Rites and Rituals in the Carpathian Basin, 2012, p. 161–181 ‘Thracian’ Warriors in Transylvania at the Beginning of the Late Iron Age. The Grave with Chalcidian Helmet from Ocna Sibiului Aurel RUSTOIU–Sándor BERECKI Institute of Archaeology and History of Art Cluj-Napoca, Romania
[email protected] Mureș County Museum Târgu Mureș, Romania
[email protected] Keywords: Chalcidian helmet, grave inventory, Late Iron Age, aristocracy, warlike elite, 4th century BC Ocna Sibiului (Sibiu County, Hungarian Vízakna, German Salzburg) is a locality in southern Transylvania, situated in an area having rich salt resources. The grave discussed in this paper was acciden- tally discovered in 1884. The context and details of the discovery are unknown, so the information regard- ing the funerary rite and ritual are missing, but some of the inventory was brought to the Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu, and the artefacts are still in its collections (inv. no. A5731/13044; A5732/13045; A5738; A5739; A5753/13066). The recovered inventory includes several pieces of sheet bronze, namely the cheek- piece of a helmet, four simple loops, two loops having three groups of knobs each, four discs and an object of unknown use. These artefacts remained unknown to the scientific community for a considerable period. Nearly a century after their discovery they were published for the first time by Mircea Rusu (1969, 293–294, pl. 147; Rusu–Bandula 1970, 37–39, 59, pl. 18a–b). When the famous grave with a helmet from Ciumești was published, Rusu also mentioned the group of artefacts recovered from Ocna Sibiului. He considered that the finds come from a Celtic grave, the cheek-piece belonged to an Etruscan helmet and the bronze discs and the loops were harness mounts, while not excluding the use of the loops with knobs as bracelets. Chronologically the entire assemblage was dated to the LT B. The ascribing of the grave from Ocna Sibiului to the Celtic period in Transylvania, the identification of the helmet as an Italic or Italo-Celtic type, as well as the dating of the burial to the LT B or towards the end of the 4th century BC were accepted afterwards by other specialists, sometimes with certain variations, for example by Crișan (1971, 152–153, fig. 1; Crișan 1973, 59, no. 41), Zirra (1971, 176, n. 34, 182–183, fig. 3/11; Zirra 1975, 52, pl. 2A/1–2, who considered that the ‘bracelets’ with knobs from Ocna Sibiului, having analogies in the Lower Danube area, attest the connections between the Celts and the indigenous populations), Gumă (1991, 102), Ferencz (2007, 129), etc. Recently, Teleagă (2008, 39, nr. 143, 240, 441, nr. 949, pl. 176/5–7) reopened the discussion regard- ing the funerary inventory from Ocna Sibiului and especially about the cheek-piece. He considered, simi- larly to Rusu, that the cheek-piece and the pointed bronze object belong to an Italo-Celtic helmet which should be dated to around 300 BC or slightly later. The artefact would have arrived in Transylvania in 162 | A. Rustoiu–S. Berecki the same way as other iron or bronze helmets (from Ciumești, Silivaș and Apahida), during the eastward expansion of the La Tène culture. Then some years ago, while writing the Ocna Sibiului entry for Lexikon zur keltischen Archäologie, Aurel Rustoiu noted the following: “The cheek-piece belongs to a Greek helmet of Chalcidian type, having mobile cheek-pieces (type V of Pflug). The remaining pieces are harnessing elements. Taking into con- sideration the chronology of the helmet piece, the grave of Ocna Sibiului can be dated to the first half of the 4th century BC, preceding the Celtic horizon from Transylvania. The discovery illustrates the connec- tions established between the Carpathian Basin and the northern Balkans before the arrival of the Celts in Transylvania” (Rustoiu 2012a). Recently Stoyanov (2005, 649) also noted that the cheek-piece from Ocna Sibiului belonged to a Chalcidian helmet. The recent accumulation of valuable information regarding the Chalcidian helmets from the north- ern Balkans, as well as the observations of Sándor Berecki concerning the inventory from Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu, allow a re-evaluation of the discovery from Ocna Sibiului and a wider discussion regarding the importance of this burial site. Starting from these primary data, the first aim of this article is to re-analyse the entire assemblage to determine the precise chronology of the grave. The second aim is to identify the cultural milieu to which this funerary assemblage is belonging, in the wider contexts of southern Transylvania and northern Balkans. The funerary inventory All artefacts from the grave of Ocna Sibiului were made of a bronze alloy and after discovery were mechanically cleaned. Due to this fact their surface is heavily scratched, the actual colour being light brown, whereas the un-cleaned areas are brownish-grey to greenish. Aside from that the artefacts are remarkably preserved, the alloy being of excellent quality. 1. The cheek-piece (Pl. 1/11; 2/11) The right cheek-piece of a helmet, made of bronze sheet, is partially damaged on the upper side. It has a semicircular curved edge towards the back and serrated edge towards the front. A small perforation (of about 0.2 cm) on the lower side allowed the helmet to be tied under the chin. Other two perforations having nearly similar dimensions (of the initial three, one being on the damaged area) are on the upper side. Their role was to hold the hinges which allowed the fitting of the cheek-piece on the helmet. The edges were slightly curved inward, and on the inside is an incision surrounding the edge, at 0.5 cm from the rim. The height of the piece is of 13.5 cm while the width is of 8.5 cm. 2. The simple loops (Pl. 1/7–10; 2/7–10) The inventory also contains four simple loops having morphologically different shapes, but similar dimensions and functionality: a. Bronze loop, mould-made, having a semicircular cross-section. Diameter: 6.5 cm (Pl. 1/7, 2/7). b. Bronze loop similar to the first one, but having a diameter of 7.5 cm (Pl. 1/6, 2/8). c. Bronze loop having a U-shaped cross-section. Diameter: 7 cm (Pl. 1/9, 2/9). d. Bronze loop similar to the previous one, but having the diameter of 7.5 cm (Pl. 1/10, 2/10). 3. The loops with knobs (Pl. 1/1–2; 2/1–2) The two bronze loops with knobs were also differently made, as the simple ones: a. Bronze loop, mould-made, having a semicircular cross-section. Three groups of three knobs each are symmetri- cally placed on the external side. Diameter: 6.5 cm (Pl. 1/1; 2/1). b. Bronze loop having a U-shaped cross-section and three groups of four knobs each are symmetrically placed on the external side. Diameter: 7.5 cm (Pl. 1/2; 2/2). 4. The bronze discs (Pl. 1/3–6; 2/3–6) Four bronze discs forming two pairs were also found: a. Disc made of a cast bronze plaque, having a convex shape and the edge decorated with oblique, parallel incisions, in relief. This decorated edge is separated from the convex body of the disc by a circular groove. The fitting system consists of a semicircular loop. Diameter of the disc: 5.2 cm (Pl. 1/3; 2/3). b. Disc nearly similar to the first one but having the diameter of 5.1 cm (Pl. 1/4; 2/4). c. Disc nearly similar to the first one but having the diameter of 6.5 cm (Pl. 1/5; 2/5). d. Disc nearly similar to the first one but having the diameter of 6.5 cm (Pl. 1/6; 2/6). 5. Piece having uncertain functionality (Pl. 1/12; 2/12) Bronze piece consisting of three morphologically distinct parts: an upper elongated, pointed part, having a hexagonal cross-section; a central part having a globular shape with a central perforation, perpendicular to the axis of the piece (diameter of 0.8 cm); a tubular lower part having a groove towards the lower end. Dimensions: length: 8.5 cm; width of the base: 2.3 cm; length of the fitting perforation: 3.1 cm; diameter of the fitting perforation: 0.6 cm. The functionality of this piece is difficult to identify so far, but a series of analogies may suggest some interpretations which will be detailed below. ‘Thracian’ Warriors in Transylvania at the Beginning of the Late Iron Age | 163 163 The most important item for determining the chronology of the entire funerary inventory is the cheek-piece. The object has no analogies amongst the types of north Italic helmets, nor in temperate Europe, but it is similar to some cheek-pieces belonging to Chalcidian helmets. The name of this type was established at the beginning of the 19th century by Furtwängler, who stud- ied a series of finds from Olympia and noted that they are different from the Corinthian and Attic helmets, being represented on Chalcidian black-figure pottery dated to the 6th century BC. This is the origin of the name chose by the German scholar for this type of helmets. He cited as an example an amphora from the Pergamon Museum in Berlin on which one such helmet is depicted (Furtwängler 1890, 170; Dintsis 1986, pl. 63/6; Pflug 1988, 137, fig. 1). The Chalcidian helmets were widely distributed from the 6th to the 3rd century BC. They are present in Greece, southern Italy and the north-eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula, and in regions around the Black Sea. However, despite this wide area of distribution, they have never been comprehensively analysed. Emil Kunze created a general typology based on the finds from Olympia, dividing them into seven typological groups (Gr. I–VII), from which two (Gr. V–VI) comprise forms which could not be ascribed to the first four groups or were hybrids (Kunze 1967, 137). Later, this typology was refined by Pflug (1988, 138, fig. 2), who retained the first four groups and the seventh one defined by Kunze, the result being a series of five types, from which the last one consists of helmets having hinged cheek-pieces. Contemporaneously, Dintsis (1986, 136–141) proposed a typology based mainly on the shape of the cheek-pieces. However, as previously noted, in comparison with the typology proposed by Dintsis, the one created by Pflug also allows the identification and further addition of other new variants of the basic series (Ognenova-Marinova–Stoyanov 2005, 521). During the last two decades a series of studies have been published concerning the typology, chronol- ogy and distribution of Chalcidian helmets in the eastern and northern parts of the Balkan Peninsula and in the Black Sea region, offering a clearer perspective on the role and frequency of use of these artefacts in the afore-mentioned areas (Gumă 1991, 93–100; Teržan 1995, 85–89, fig. 10; Ognenova-Marinova– Stoyanov 2005; Stoyanov 2005; Černenko 2006, 86; Teleagă 2008, 235–239; Lazăr 2009). Returning to the cheek-piece from Ocna Sibiului, the artefact belongs to a helmet which can be ascribed to the Pflug type V. This type includes the helmets having hinged cheek-pieces. In general the shape of the cheek-pieces differs from one item to another, but a tendency to adapt some forms already used for other types of Chalcidian helmets can be observed. The piece from Ocna Sibiului (Pl. 3/1) has close analogies amongst the cheek-pieces discovered in the sanctuaries from Olympia (Pl. 3/2) and Dodona (Pl. 3/3) (Kunze 1994, 73–74, fig. 71; pl. 26/2a), as well as the relief-decorated piece from Tithorea (Pl. 3/4), in central Greece (Andriomenou 1976). At the same time the shape of this cheek-piece is similar to some helmets belonging to the Pflug type II, for example the finds from Shipka–Golyama Kosmatka tumulus (Pl. 3/5) or from Dolna Koznitsa, both in Bulgaria (Ognenova-Marinova–Stoyanov 2005, 527, no. 12–13, pl. 3/2–4; Teleagă 2008, 237–238, no. 29, 46/b) or the miniature golden helmet represented on the handle of a sword from the so-called Grave of Philip II from Vergina (Andronicos 1984, 142–145, fig. 99–101). The Chalcidian helmets were very popular in the northern and north-eastern Balkans. The examples belonging to type V are mostly concentrated in the region between the Balkan and Rodopi Mountains, as well as in north-eastern Bulgaria, a series of finds being documented northward of the Danube (Fig. 1). The Chalcidian helmets of type II are also numerous. As Pflug, amongst others mentioned, aside from the ‘standard’ type (Pl. 4/1) another local variant of the basic type was created in the eastern Balkans dated later than the Greek finds (Pflug 1988, 141–142). The inner edge of the cheek-pieces belonging to this variant is straight and serrated (Pl. 4/2). These pieces are the predecessors of the richly decorated silver and golden helmets from the Lower Danube basin (Pl. 4/4–5), for example those from Agighiol, Cucuteni-Băiceni, Peretu, Coţofenești and the Iron Gates region (Gumă 1991, 99; Ognenova-Marinova– Stoyanov 2005, 519–521). The helmets of type II are concentrated between the Balkans and the Rodopi Mountains, but are to be found mostly in north-eastern Bulgaria (Fig. 2). As concerns the provenance of the helmets from the Balkans, probably some of them were made by workshops from Greece or from the colonies on the Black Sea coast. Others were produced in the local milieu by craftsmen trained in Greek workshops. The ‘ethnic’ origin of these craftsmen is irrelevant. They possessed outstanding knowledge regarding the technology of precious metals and bronze alloys, and had close connections or were subordinated to the élites and leaders of the northern Balkans communities. The latter were the main consumers of luxury products, and thus they imposed various trends, symbolic 164 | A. Rustoiu–S. Berecki significances or functional characteristics of various adornments or utilitarian objects, or of the structure of the military equipment and panoply of weapons and so forth. On the other hand the craftsmen were characterised by a high degree of mobility in time and space. They transmitted specific knowledge and technologies from one generation to another within the same families or groups of craftsmen, which explains the perpetuation of some types of artefacts or of techniques of producing them. At the same time the spatial mobility of the craftsmen was determined by the necessity to find clients able to provide raw materials and to place orders, and, in some cases, also to provide protection (concerning the status and mobility of the craftsmen see Rustoiu 1996a; 2002, 63–70). As a consequence it might be possible that a series of helmets were made, alongside other metalwork and jewellery, by Greek craftsmen – or by others trained in the Greek milieu – working for local rulers. This not uncommon connection is illustrated, for example, by an inscription on a silver vessel from the Rogozen hoard. This inscription names the crafts- man Disloias who made the vessel for a local ruler named Kotios of Beos – Kotios eg Beo(s)/Disloias epoiese (Rogozen 1989, 80, cat. no. 29; Alexandrescu 1987, 242). At least one such workshop making helmets probably functioned in north-eastern Bulgaria, as is suggested by the large number of finds concentrated in the region.. Some of the pieces from this region, Fig. 1. Distribution map of Chalcidian helmets Pflug type V in the northern Balkans (see the list of discoveries in Stoyanov 2005 and Teleagă 2008). ‘Thracian’ Warriors in Transylvania at the Beginning of the Late Iron Age | 165 165 and also from other areas, as well as the silver and gold helmets derived from the bronze Chalcidian ones, illustrate the existence of excellent technological knowledge regarding metal processing in the region. A helmet recently discovered in the Golyamata Mogila tumulus, near Malomirovo and Zlatinitsa villages in Jambol region, eastern Bulgaria, was decorated on the top with a snake having three heads (Agre 2011, 84–90, fig. III/21–24), a symbolic motif which is also present, for example, on a decorated plaque from the Letnica hoard (Kull 1997, fig. 4/10), which is probably showing mythological scenes. This example again demonstrates the practice of adapting certain Greek material representations to the practical and ideological needs of the local elites. On the other hand, a series of helmets from the northern Balkans bears signs of ancient repairs. This is the case of some helmets from Judelnik or Budești (Pl. 4/3), in which the hinged cheek-pieces were replaced by fixed ones (see Teleagă 2008, 235–236, 436–438, with detailed illustrations of the repairs). These repairs are of lower quality in comparison with the higher technology involved in the manufactur- ing of the helmets, which suggest that some of the local leaders lacked access to the services of top class artisans, like those who made similar products for the prestigious aristocratic courts from Thrace. Fig. 2. Distribution map of Chalcidian helmets Pflug type II, the ‘Thracian’ variant (black squares) and the silver and gold parade helmets (white squares) (see the list of discoveries in Teržan 1995; Ognenova-Marinova–Stoyanov 2005; Teleagă 2008). 166 | A. Rustoiu–S. Berecki Chronologically the earliest examples from the north-eastern Balkans, belonging to the ‘standard’ type II, come from Bulgaria (Ruec, Obretenik, Sadovec, Braničevo, Razgrad), being dated to the 5th cen- tury BC (Teleagă 2008, 235, 435–436). The majority of these pieces, and mostly the ‘Thracian’ variant of the Chalcidian helmets, were used during the 4th century BC, whereas from the middle of this century the so-called ‘parade’ helmets, made of silver or gold, also appeared (Teleagă 2008, 235–237, 436–438). As for the chronology of the helmets with mobile cheek-pieces, they appeared in Greece as early as the beginning of the 5th century BC, to judge from their presence on contemporary painted pottery (Pflug 1988, 143, fig. 10). The helmet from Tithorea, with cheek-pieces having a similar shape to that of the example from Ocna Sibiului, was dated to the beginning of the 4th century BC (Andriomenou 1976, 199), whereas the finds of the same type from Olympia belong to the first half of this century (Kunze 1994, 73–74). E. Teleagă has given the same dating to other helmets of type V discovered in funerary contexts from Bulgaria and Romania, for example those from Zavet, Mortogonovo, Kălnovo, Făcău and Zimnicea. (Teleagă 2008, 236, 438–440), but some might have also been used slightly later according to the chro- nology recently proposed by Măndescu (2010, 158–159). Therefore the dating of the helmet from the grave at Ocna Sibiului can be narrowed down to the first half of the 4th century BC and as late as the beginning of the second half of this century. This chronological delimitation corresponds to the ethnic and historical evolution from Transylvania and northern Balkans, an aspect which will be discussed below. The remaining pieces of the Ocna Sibiului funerary inventory are harness mounts. According to their dimensions, the simple loops and the discs can be paired, while the loops with knobs have different sizes. The mentioned discs have analogies made of silver or bronze in a series of funerary inventories or hoards, being associated with other elements of harness fittings. For example similar objects are present in the hoard containing harness mounts discovered at Craiova (Pl. 5/2) (Berciu 1969, 133, fig. 102; Berciu 1974, 150–151, fig. 69; Kull 1997, 214, fig. 7/18), or in the graves from Peretu (Pl. 5/1) (Kull 1997, 215, fig. 8/11–13) and Agighiol (Pl. 5/3) (Berciu 1969, 67–68, fig. 41/1–6; 47/1–3, 5; Berciu 1974, 76–78, fig. 32/7, 9–11; Kull 1997, 246, fig. 24/40–43). Three silver discs are associated with a simple loop and with other decorative harness elements in the recently discovered tumulus from Malomirovo-Zlatinitsa (Agre 2011, 116–118, fig. III.IV-15/a–b – 16). Loops with knobs are frequently associated with other harness mounts, for example in the grave from Găvani (Pl. 6/1) (Kull 1997, 283, fig. 39/18; Sîrbu–Harţuche 2000, 140, fig. 3–7) or in the one from Panagjurište (Pl. 6/2), dated to the 4th century BC (Kull 1997, 296–297, fig. 49/20). The presence of such loops in the inventories of some graves lacking weaponry or harness equipment (for example in the grave from Enisala–Movila 6-B, m. 5, Simion 1971, 118, fig. 31/g; Simion 2003, 279, 314, fig. 14/5), sometimes linked in groups of two or three – as in the case of a grave from Ciucurova (Pl. 6/3), or another from Zimnicea (Simion 1976, 159–163, fig. 10/3; Simion 2003, 155, fig. 1/4; Alexandrescu 1980, 22, fig. 50/8) – indicates that the functionality of these objects was diverse. They could have also been used as garment accessories. The manner in which they were used as connecting elements for belts and straps is also indicated by a series of loops discovered at Magdalenska gora (Pl. 6/4) (Hvala Et Al. 2004, pl. 35/3– 6; 45/8–12; 71/2–5; 159/1–13; etc.). Loops with knobs were in use during an extended period in the area north of the Danube, up to the late La Tène and even later, and having various functionalities (see Rustoiu 1996b, 106–107). The bronze piece having a tubular lower half and a pointed upper half, previously discussed by the present authors (Rustoiu–Berecki 2011), was considered the fitting element of a crest or plume of a hel- met (Rusu 1969, 293; Rusu–Bandula 1970, 37–38; Teleagă 2008, 441, no. 949). The images on Greek painted pottery indicate that these Chalcidian helmets had ornamental crests on their top (Dintsis 1986, pl. 63/2, 4, 6; 64/1, 5; Pflug 1988, 143–144, fig. 10). In certain cases traces of soldering have been observed at the point which these decorative elements, probably made of organic materials, were fitted (Stoyanov 2005, 648). In other situations the helmets were decorated on the top with other types of ornaments, also soldered (probably with tin). This is the case of the snake with three heads fitted on the helmet from the Golyamata Mogila tumulus at Malomirovo-Zlatinitsa, previously mentioned, or of the spiral ornaments on other helmets (Dintsis 1986, pl. 67/1–2). Still, the object from the grave at Ocna Sibiului is not an ornament of this kind. The piece is lacking any trace of soldering, whereas the tubular base does not per- mit its fitting on the top of the helmet. A series of artefacts having a close similarity are later documented in the early Roman imperial period. They consist of bronze fittings belonging to the type of musical instruments used in military contexts, ‘Thracian’ Warriors in Transylvania at the Beginning of the Late Iron Age | 167 167 called cornu (Feugère 2002, 57–59, fig. 57–63). A fragment of this kind discovered at Murrhardt, in Baden-Württenberg (Nuber 1988, 110, fig. 80), is a good example.1 These musical instruments appeared in the Etruscan world and, much earlier, in Greece. Still, the dimensions of the piece from Ocna Sibiului are much smaller than those of these potential analogies, so this functional identification is less convinc- ing. In conclusion the bronze object is not a fitting element of a crest, as previously suggested. Today its functionality is difficult to establish, but the present hypotheses are pointing more likely to military equip- ment or harnessing. Summarising all these observations, in the light of the chronology of the cheek-piece and of the remaining pieces of the funerary inventory, the grave from Ocna Sibiului can be dated to the first half of the 4th century BC and the beginning of the second half of the century. Other arguments for this dating can be offered by the general interpretation of the ethno-historical evolution of the Transylvanian region in this period as will be presented below. The grave from Ocna Sibiului in the ethno-historical context of the inner Carpathian and northern Balkan region at the beginning of the Late Iron Age A number of details regarding the chronological identification of the grave from Ocna Sibiului are provided by the analysis of the ethno-historical context in the study area. This period corresponds to the horizon preceding the Celtic colonization in Transylvania. The first Celtic groups arrived in the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin and in Transylvania at the end of the LT B1 and the beginning of the LT B2, according to a series of funerary discoveries. Afterwards, in LT B2, new groups occupied territories in the region (Fig. 3). The amalgamation of colonists and indigenous communities determined the appearance of some new communal identities expressed by a mixed or ‘hybrid’ material culture, different from that identified in other Central European areas. Chronologically this period corresponds to the last three or four decades of the 4th century BC (see further on this subject in Rustoiu 2008, 65–90; Rustoiu 2012b). Ocna Sibiului 0 100 km25 Fig. 3. Celtic cemeteries dating to LT B1/B2 (circles) and LT B2 (black dots); fortified settlements in Maramureș (triangles); indigenous cremation graves from Olteni and Ocna Sibiului (black squares). 1 We are grateful to our colleague Silvia Mustaţă (Cluj-Napoca) for suggesting these analogies and interpretative possibility. 168 | A. Rustoiu–S. Berecki The Celts did not occupy the entire territory of Transylvania. The fortified settlements from Maramureș, as well as the burials and the settlements from eastern Transylvania (amongst which those from Olteni are significant), illustrate the existence of some local communities which continued to evolve without being significantly influenced by elements of La Tène culture (Fig. 3). At the same time the nature of the settlements, the funerary rites and rituals and their assemblages seem to suggest that these commu- nities were more likely oriented toward the cultural environment outside the Carpathians (Rustoiu 2008, 65–90; Rustoiu 2012b, both with further bibliography). In contrast, in southern Transylvania a series of early funerary discoveries have been documented – for example the sites of Vurpăr and Toarcla (Horedt 1944) – illustrating the Celtic colonization of the region (Fig. 3). Similar to other colonized areas, an amalgamation of elements of La Tène and indigenous cultures has been documented. However, despite this ethnic and cultural mixture the Celtic warlike élites maintained and expressed a particular identity through the use of certain specific symbolic elements. From this point of view the panoply of weapons, consisting of a long sword, a spear and a shield, played an important role. These weapons were sometimes accompanied by helmets, for example the Italic bronze helmet discovered in the surroundings of Haţeg (for the type and distribution see Schaaff 1974, 188–189, n. 20, fig. 31/2 and fig. 32), or chariots – for example that from Toarcla. Although some of the Celtic war- riors managed to reach Greece and the northern Balkans, more likely as mercenaries, the La Tène suite of arms remained the main symbolic element of personal and group identity. A cremation grave with the remains placed in a cist, discovered in a tumulus at Plovdiv, is relevant from this point of view. The funerary inventory contains the usual range of arms, including a ritually bent La Tène sword and several spears, together with a La Tène brooch. The funerary offerings consists of numerous Greek and local vessels, including lamps. The burial probably belonged to a Celtic warrior who died around the middle of the 3rd century BC in Thrace and who can be recognized due to the presence of the range of arms and of some garment accessories. Details of the funerary rite and ritual point more likely to the practices and beliefs of the local community in which the warrior met his end (for the funer- ary inventory and its interpretation from various perspectives see further in Bouzek 2005, 97–99, fig. 7–9; Emilov 2010, 80–82, fig. 4–7). Anastassov (2011, 235) also considers that this grave can be related to the mercenary activity of some Celtic groups hired by various rulers of the Hellenistic period. A similar situation can be also noted in the case of some graves recently discovered at Ohrid (Guštin Et Al. 2011), in which the funerary ritual and the suite of arms are of La Tène type, whereas other elements of the inven- tory point to a certain cultural hybridity. Taking into consideration the previously mentioned arguments, the grave from Ocna Sibiului has to be dated before the Celtic colonization in Transylvania (especially in southern Transylvania), more pre- cisely before the last quarter of the 4th century BC. This dating is also supported by the general chronology of the artefacts from the funerary inventory, in particular with regard to the helmet. The funerary inven- tory demonstrates a different manner of expressing the warrior identity, different from that characterising the Celtic milieu, but related to the environment of the military and aristocratic élites of the northern Balkans. Thus in order to discuss the cultural significance of this grave, the analysis has to be oriented towards the situation from the study area and to the events which characterised the period preceding the Celtic colonization. The grave from Ocna Sibiului is not an isolated example (Fig. 4). The cremation grave (probably from a tumulus, see Medeleţ–Bugilan 1987, 102, 125–126; Gumă 1991, 95) from Cuptoare–Sfogea (Pl. 7/1–2), in the region of Banat, containing a Chalcidian helmet (Oprinescu 1987; for important cor- rections regarding its context, chronology and cultural identification see Gumă 1991, 93–102), as well as the similar helmet (Pl. 7/3) from Mercina (Vărădia commune, Caraș-Severin County),² discovered sometimes between 1910 and 1915 in the area of the village at the find-spot named Vršački Breg, and today preserved in the Museum of Vršac (Brukner Et Al. 1974, 547–548, fig. 255–256; Medeleţ mss, 2 A series of confusions still persists in archaeological literature regarding the actual location of this discovery. For example, the place of discovery is recorded as “Nerčina (Mercina), near Vršac, Vojvodina” (Lazăr 2009, 16, no. 13), a confusion intro- duced by Brukner Et Al. 1974, 547, the caption to fig. 256 also indicates the Vršac Hills (Vršački Breg). The same place of discovery was located at Vršac (Uršac?) by Pflug 1988, 142, n. 30) or even at Zsidovina, an evident confusion with Jidovin (now Berzovia, Caraș-Severin County), from which a Greek-Illyrian helmet has been found (for this confusion of location see Lazăr 2009, 16). Florin Medeleţ’s research led him to identify of the place of discovery on the area of the southern or western slopes of the Vršac Hills, which at the beginning of the 20th century were within the territory of the village of Mercina, now part of Romania, in Vărădia commune, Caraș-Severin County (Medeleţ mss.) ‘Thracian’ Warriors in Transylvania at the Beginning of the Late Iron Age | 169 169 s.v. Mercina). This helmet, probably also from a funerary context, suggests the same connections with the southern Carpathian–Balkan area evidenced by the funerary rite and ritual of the grave from Cuptoare and to be dated around the middle or in the second half of the 4th century BC (see Gumă 1991, 101). THE GREAT HUNGARIAN PLAIN TRANSYLVANIA BANAT MARAMUREŞ Tis a r ive r Mureş river Danube Ocna Sibiului CuptoareMercina Vraca Agighiol Peretu Găvani Zimnicea Sveştari 0 100 km25 Fig. 4. Distribution map of the graves from the northern Balkans, Transylvania and Banat (black dots) and the Greek colonies on the Black Sea coast (black squares). Mircea Babeș has remarked that the inventories of some graves from the southern Carpathian– Balkan area indicate the existence of a hierarchy among the aristocracy from the Lower Danube region and a local ‘interpretation’ of the southern means of expressing status. For example, the burials of the princes from Agighiol, Sveshtari or Vraca are constructed on the basis of a Macedonian model while the funerary contexts from the north of the Danube, like those from Peretu or Găvani, have a simpler architec- ture but a lavish inventory, whereas other burials, for example those from Zimnicea, Făcău and Fântânele can be attributed to some lower rank members of the local aristocracy (Babeș 1997, 232–233). The graves of the same type from Ocna Sibiului and Banat can be also ascribed to this social level which characterized the periphery of the northern Balkans cultural environment. This social and also functional hierarchization – meaning a distribution of the social and perhaps religious functions within this structure – is also suggested by the aspect of the helmets and of the parade military equipment, made of precious metals and richly decorated with symbolic and mythological scenes, in contrast with the simpler military equipment recovered from the graves belonging to lower rank war- riors (Pl. 8). In this context is has to be also mentioned that these helmets played an important role in the affir- mation of the social and symbolic status of the owners. In general the headgear as a symbol of authority, laic or religious, is frequently used, from prehistory to the modern times, in various societies. Amongst them can be mentioned the caps worn by the military and religious Dacian aristocracy, or the crowns worn by different medieval and modern monarchs of Europe. The shape and nature of such items differs from one culture to another according to particular aesthetic and symbolic criteria specific to the society that has created them, albeit the idea of symbolically ‘marking’ the leaders’ head is similar (see for example Babić 2001). Within a study regarding the Greek-Illyrian helmets of the end of the Early Iron Age in west- ern Balkans, Blečić (2007) pointed to the multiple significances of such objects: emblems of rank, sym- bols of a warlike hierarchy, subjects of votive offerings or sacrifices etc. Taking into consideration these 170 | A. Rustoiu–S. Berecki observations, it might be significant that the cremated remains of the deceased from Cuptoare–Sfogea were placed in the helmet before being laid in grave. A similar practice has been encountered in other situ- ations belonging to different historical and cultural environments. For example in a grave from Săvârșin (probably dated to the 4th–3rd centuries BC) the cremated human remains were placed in an iron helmet covered with a bowl, the reuse of the headgear as urn being very clear in this case (Barbu–Hügel 1999, 109; Ferencz 2007, 44, no. 19). In a tumulus burial from Popești (tumulus no. 4; 2nd–1st century BC) it was noted that some of the cremated human remains had been placed in a bronze helmet (Vulpe 1976, 203). These practices illustrate the symbolic role played by helmets, which was maintained in funerary contexts. F. Medeleţ already suggested that a connection might have existed between these ritual practices and a cult of the head that was attested among populations from the Balkans (Medeleţ mss., s.v. Cuptoare). Returning to northern Balkans society in the 5th–3rd centuries BC, it has to be also noted that other material expressions, visible in the archaeological record were also used to display a particular status. Amongst such evidence can be mentioned the large fortified settlements – sometimes having defensive works inspired by Greek models, for example the brick walls from Coţofenii din Dos and Bâzdâna (Babeș 1997) – the rich hoards containing numerous gold and silver objects, the burials with funerary chamber and lavish inventories, but also the smaller fortified settlements and funerary structures, all of which are pointing to a hierarchy of the communities and of their elites. ✴ ✴ ✴ Although it was discovered over a century ago, the funerary inventory from Ocna Sibiului provides a series of important details concerning its composition and chronology, but mostly about the general ethno-historical contexts in northern Balkans at the beginning of the Late Iron Age. The grave is dated to a period covering the first half and the beginning of the second half of the 4th century BC. This dating is supported by the chronology of the fragment of Chalcidian helmet and its asso- ciation with harness mounts specific to the same period. As a result, the grave from Ocna Sibiului is not ‘Celtic’, while the cheek-piece does not belong to an Etruscan or Italic-Celtic helmet as it was previously suggested. The burial precedes the Celtic horizon in Transylvania. Its composition illustrates the cultural connections between southern Transylvania (and Banat) and northern Balkans in the period which both antedates and continues during the reigns of Philip II and Alexander the Great. Northern Balkans society was characterized by influence from both the Greek and Macedonian models, by an interpretation of these models in a particular manner and also by a pronounced symbolic and functional hierarchy. The ‘Thracian’ aristocracy – the upper social layers of the Odrysians, Getae or Triballi – expressed their social position and privileged status through the use of well-defined material symbols. Amongst them the tumulus burials with funerary chamber and lavish inventories eloquently support this idea. The internal social hierarchy of these élites can be observed in the differentiation of the inventories and personal military equipment within the funerary ceremonies (Pl. 8). From this perspective the grave from Ocna Sibiului, as well as the discoveries from the Banat, at Cuptoare–Sfogea and Mercina, illustrate the practice of simplified copying of the northern and north-eastern Balkan model, defining the periphery of this phenomenon. The funerary inventory of the grave from Ocna Sibiului, especially the hel- met and the harness equipment, functionally imitates the equipment of the warlike élites from the south of the Carpathians, even if the latter is far from the ostentatiousness displayed in the northern Balkans region. The Celtic élites had imposed, many years after the interment of the deceased from Ocna Sibiului, another cultural model and new ways of expressing identities, defined by other functional and typological structures of military equipment. As mentioned above, the helmets had multiple functional and symbolic meanings. This fact may also explain the well-delimited distribution areas of certain helmets which otherwise had different typo- logical and manufacturing origins. Teržan (1995, 85–86, fig. 5) noted nearly two decades ago that the so-called Greek-Illyrian helmets are mainly encountered in the ‘Illyrian’ communities from the western and north-western Balkans, whereas the Chalcidian ones were mainly used in the north-eastern Balkans. Gumă (1991, 100–102) also identified a chronological and typological succession of the helmets from the north of the Danube, relevant for the study of inter-cultural connections. For the end of the Early Iron Age, Gumă noted the presence of some Greco-Illyrian helmets in the western part of nowadays Romania. The group includes the helmets from Gostavăţ in Oltenia, Ocna Mureș in Transylvania, Berzovia (for- mer Jidovin) in Banat, and the beautifully decorated helmet recently recovered from the Timiș River, at Găvojdia (Medeleţ–Cedică 2003). These pieces illustrate the relations established by local or immigrant ‘Thracian’ Warriors in Transylvania at the Beginning of the Late Iron Age | 171 171 military élites with regions from the western and north-western Balkans in the 5th century BC, and define the limit of the distribution area of such artefacts. The Chalcidian helmets from Transylvania and Banat (Fig. 4) underline a similar mechanism, albeit that they draw attention to the social models which charac- terize the ‘Thracian’ environment in the 4th century BC. Finally, it has to be also mentioned that for the chronological interval between the end of the ‘Scythian’ horizon in Transylvania (around 450 BC) and the beginning of the ‘Celtic’ horizon (350–330/320 BC), of roughly a century, archaeological evidence is limited. The funerary contexts or their contemporaneous settlements are missing. Still, the main cause is more likely the actual state of research. 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Celtic cemeteries dating to LT B1/B2 (circles) and LT B2 (black dots); fortified settlements in Maramureș (triangles); indigenous cremation graves from Olteni and Ocna Sibiului (black squares). Fig. 4. Distribution map of the graves from the northern Balkans, Transylvania and Banat (black dots) and the Greek colonies on the Black Sea coast (black squares). List of plates Pl. 1–2. Funerary inventory from Ocna Sibiului. Pl. 3. Chalcidian cheek-pieces. 1. Ocna Sibiului; 2. Olympia; 3. Dodona (after Kunze 1994); 4. Tithorea (after Andriomenou 1976); 5. Shipka–Golyama Kosmatka (after Gold der Thraker 2007). 1–3, 5. without scale. Pl. 4. Chalcidian helmets. 1. ‘Standard’ type II from Ruec; 2. ‘Thracian’ type from Balș; 3. Repaired helmet from Budești; 4. Silver helmet from Agighiol; 5. Silver helmet from Peretu (1–3. after Lazăr 2009; 4. after Kull 1997; 5. after Sîrbu 2006; 1–3, 5. without scale). Pl. 5. Assemblages of harness elements containing silver discs. 1. Peretu; 2. Craiova; 3. Agighiol (after Kull 1997, without scale). Pl. 6. Assemblages of harness elements discovered in graves and containing loops with knobs (1–2) and different forms using loops with knobs. 1. Găvani; 2. Panagjurište (after Kull 1997); 3. Ciucurova (after Simion 1976); 4. Magdalenska gora (after Hvala Et Al. 2004). Pl. 7. 1. Inventory of the grave from Cuptoare–Sfogea (after Gumă 1991); 2. Helmet from Mercina–Vršacki breg (after Brukner Et Al. 1974, without scale). Pl. 8. Different levels of hierarchization (according to the structure of the funerary inventories) of the aristocracy and the warlike élites in the northern Balkans and on its periphery (see also Fig. 4). Legend: A. Agighiol; B. Peretu; C. Găvani (after Kull 1997); D. Zimnicea, grave C1D (after Alexandrescu 1980; Sîrbu 2006); E. Ocna Sibiului; F. Cuptoare–Sfogea (after Gumă 1991). 174 | A. Rustoiu–S. Berecki Plate 1. Funerary inventory from Ocna Sibiului (photos S. Berecki). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Plate 1. Funerary inventory from Ocna Sibiului. ‘Thracian’ Warriors in Transylvania at the Beginning of the Late Iron Age | 175 175 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 1 2 11 12 Plate 2. Funerary inventory from Ocna Sibiului (drawings S. Berecki). Plate 2. Funerary inventory from Ocna Sibiului. 176 | A. Rustoiu–S. Berecki 1 2 3 4 5 Plate 3. Chalcidian cheek-pieces: 1. Ocna Sibiului; 2. Olympia; 3. Dodona (after KUNZE 1994); 4. Tithorea (after ANDRIOMENOU 1976); 5. Shipka–Golyama Kosmatka (after GOLD DER THRAKER 2007). 2–3, 5. without scale. Plate 3. Chalcidian cheek-pieces. 1. Ocna Sibiului; 2. Olympia; 3. Dodona (after Kunze 1994); 4. Tithorea (after Andriomenou 1976); 5. Shipka–Golyama Kosmatka (after Gold der Thraker 2007). 1–3, 5. without scale. ‘Thracian’ Warriors in Transylvania at the Beginning of the Late Iron Age | 177 177 1 2 3 4 5 Plate 4. Chalcidian helmets. 1. 'standard' type II from Ruec; 2. 'Thracian' type from Balş; 3. repaired helmet from Budeşti; 4. silver helmet from Agighiol; 5. silver helmet from Peretu (1–3. after LAZĂR 2009; 4. after KULL 1997; 5. after SÎRBU 2006; ).1–3, 5. without scale Plate 4. Chalcidian helmets. 1. ‘Standard’ type II from Ruec; 2. ‘Thracian’ type from Balș; 3. Repaired helmet from Budești; 4. Silver helmet from Agighiol; 5. Silver helmet from Peretu (1–3. after Lazăr 2009; 4. after Kull 1997; 5. after Sîrbu 2006; 1–3, 5. without scale). 178 | A. Rustoiu–S. Berecki 1 2 3 Plate 5. Assemblages of harness elements containing silver discs. 1. Peretu; 2. Craiova; 3. Agighiol (after KULL 1997, without scale). Plate 5. Assemblages of harness elements containing silver discs. 1. Peretu; 2. Craiova; 3. Agighiol (after Kull 1997, without scale). ‘Thracian’ Warriors in Transylvania at the Beginning of the Late Iron Age | 179 179 3 4 1 2 Plate 6. Assemblages of harness elements discovered in graves and containing loops with knobs (1–2) and different forms using loops with knobs. 1. Găvani; 2. Panagjurište (after KULL 1997); 3. Ciucurova (after SIMION 1976); 4. Magdalenska gora (after HVALA ET AL. 2004). Plate 6. Assemblages of harness elements discovered in graves and containing loops with knobs (1–2) and different forms using loops with knobs. 1. Găvani; 2. Panagjurište (after Kull 1997); 3. Ciucurova (after Simion 1976); 4. Magdalenska gora (after Hvala Et Al. 2004). 180 | A. Rustoiu–S. Berecki 1 2 Plate 7. 1. Inventory of the grave from Cuptoare–Sfogea (after GUMĂ 1991); 2. Helmet from Mercina–Vršacki breg (after BRUKNER ET AL. 1974, without scale). Plate 7. 1. Inventory of the grave from Cuptoare–Sfogea (after Gumă 1991); 2. Helmet from Mercina–Vršacki breg (after Brukner Et Al. 1974, without scale). ‘Thracian’ Warriors in Transylvania at the Beginning of the Late Iron Age | 181 181 A B C D E F Plate 8. Different levels of hierarchization (according to the structure of the funerary inventories) of the aristocracy and the warlike élites in the northern Balkans and on its periphery (see also Fig. 4). Legend: A. Agighiol; B. Peretu; C. Găvani (after KULL 1997); D. Zimnicea, grave C1D (after ALEXANDRESCU 1980; SÎRBU 2006); E. Ocna Sibiului; F. Cuptoare–Sfogea (after GUMĂ 1991). Plate 8. Different levels of hierarchization (according to the structure of the funerary inventories) of the aristocracy and the warlike élites in the northern Balkans and on its periphery (see also Fig. 4). Legend: A. Agighiol; B. Peretu; C. Găvani (after Kull 1997); D. Zimnicea, grave C1D (after Alexandrescu 1980; Sîrbu 2006); E. Ocna Sibiului; F. Cuptoare–Sfogea (after Gumă 1991). ABBREVIATIONS ActaAA Acta Antiqua et Achaeologica, Szeged ActaArchHung Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Budapest ActaArch Carpatica Acta Archaeologica Carpathica, Academia Scientiarum Polona Collegium Cracoviense, Kraków ActaArch København Acta Archeologica, København ActaB Acta Bernensia, Bern ActaMN Acta Musei Napocensis, Cluj-Napoca ActaMP Acta Musei Porolissensis, Zalău ActaTS Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis, Sibiu ActaUL Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Archaeologica AFN Archäologische Forschungen in Niederösterreich Agria Agria, Annales Musei Agriensis / Az Egri Múzeum Évkönyve (1982), Eger AIH Régészeti Kutatások Magyarországon / Archaeological Investigation in Hungary, Budapest AJB Das archäologische Jahr in Bayern Alba Regia Alba Regia, Annales Musei Stephani Regis, Székesfehérvár Analele Banatului Analele Banatului, Muzeul Banatului, Timișoara AnnalenWien Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Angustia Angustia, Muzeul Carpaţilor Răsăriteni, Sfântu Gheorghe AnthrKözl Anthropológiai Közlemények, A Magyar Biológiai Társaság Embertani Szakosztályának folyóirata, Budapest Apulum Apulum, Acta Musei Apulensis, Alba Iulia ArchAustr Archaeologia Austriaca, Wien ArchBaltica Archaeologia Baltica, Vilnius ArchBulg Archaeologia Bulgarica, Sofia ArchČechách Archeologie ve středních Čechách ArchE Archäologie in Eurasien, Mainz am Rhein ArchÉrt Archaeologiai Értesítő, Budapest ArchHung Archaeologia Hungarica, Budapest ArchIug Archaeologia Iugoslavica ArchKorr Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum in Mainz ArchKözl Archeologiai Közlemények ArchPol Archeologia Polona ArchRoz Archeologické Rozhledy, Prague ArchS Archäologie in Salzburg ArhMold Arheologia Moldovei, Iași ArhPregl Arheološki Pregled, Arheološko društovo Jugoslavije ArhRR Arheološki radovi i rasprave, Zagreb ArhVest Arheološki vestnik (Acta Archaeologica), Inštitut za arheologijo, Lubljana Arrabona Arrabona, a Győri Múzeum Évkönyve ASF Archaeologia Slovaca Fontes, Bratislava ASM Archaeologica Slovaca Monographiae AuF Ausgrabungen und Funde, Nachrichtenblatt der Landesarchäologie Balcanica Balcanica, Beograd Banatica Banatica, Muzeul de istorie al judeţului Caraș-Severin, Reșiţa BAR British Archaeological Reports, International Series, Oxford BAW Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München BCȘS Buletinul Cercurilor Știinţifice Studenţești, Alba Iulia 532 | Abbreviations Beiträge UFM Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas, Weissbach BerRGK Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission BHAUT Bibliotheca Historica et Archaeologica Universitatis Timisiensis BMA Biblioteca Mvsei Apvlensis, Alba Iulia BMAK Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakówie BMBistriţa Biblioteca Muzeului Bistriţa BMM Bibliotheca Mvsei Marisiensis, Seria Archaeologica, Târgu Mureș / Cluj Napoca BMMK Békés Megyei Múzeumok Közleménye, Békéscsaba BMP Bibliotheca Mvsei Porolissensis, Zalău BT Bibliotheca Thracologica, București CA Cercetări Arheologice CAJ Cambridge Archaeological Journal Carpica Carpica, Muzeul Judeţean de Istorie și Artă „Iulian Antonescu“, Bacău CCA Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România ComArchHung Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae, Budapest Corviniana Corviniana, Acta Musei Corviniensis, Hunedoara Crisia Crisia, Muzeul Ţării Crișurilor, Oradea CurrA Current Anthropology ČUsŠ Časopis Učené Společnosti Šafáříkovy, Bratislava Dacia (N. S.) Dacia, Recherches et décuvertes archéologiques en Roumanie, I–XII (1924–1948), București; Nouvelle série (N. S.), Dacia. Revue d’archéologie et d’histoire anciene, București DissPann Dissertationes Pannonicae, ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pázmány nominatae Budapestinensis provenientes, Budapest DMB Dissertationes et Monographiae Beograd DolgKolozsvár (Ú. S.) Dolgozatok az Erdélyi Nemzeti Múzeum Érem- és Régiségtárából, (új sorozat, 2006–), Kolozsvár DolgSzeged Dolgozatok, Szeged EA Eurasia Antiqua, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Ea-online European archaeology – online ( ÉC Études Celtiques, Paris EMÉ Az Egri Múzeum Évkönyve EphemNap Ephemeris Napocensis, Cluj–Napoca ET Etudes Touloises, Toul FAP Fontes Archaeologici Pragenses FAPos Fontes Archaelogici Posnanienses FHA Fontes Historiae Antiquae, , Poznań FolArch Folia Archeologica, a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Évkönyve, Budapest FÖ Fundberichte aus Österreich, Wien FS Fundberichte aus Schwaben, Stuttgart Germania Germania, Frankfurt am Main Glasnik SAD Glasnik Srpskog Arheološkog Društva, Beograd Glasnik ZM Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu Hierasus Hierasus, Muzeul Judeţean Botoșani HOMÉ A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve, Miskolc HOMO HOMO, Journal of Comparative Human Biology IA Internationale Archäologie, Buch am Erlbach, Espelkamp, Rahden/Westf. IPH Inventaria Praehistorica Hungariae, Budapest ISPRS International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing – International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Istros Istros, Buletinul Muzeului Brăilei, Brăila JAA Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Amsterdam Jahrbuch Liechtenstein Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Vaduz Jahrbuch Mecklenburg Jahrbuch für Bodendenkmalpflege in Mecklenburg Jahrbuch RGZM Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz Abbreviations | 533 | 533 533 JahrOM Jahrbuch des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines, Linz JAMÉ A Nyíregyházi Jósa András Múzeum Évkönyve, Nyíregyháza JAS Journal of Archaeological Science, London JBAA Journal of the British Archaeological Association JEA Journal of European Archaeology, Durham, UK JPMÉ A Janus Pannonius Múzeum Évkönyve, Pécs JRA Journal of Roman Archaeology JSP Journal of Sedimentary Petrology KÖK Kulturális Örökségvédelmi Kismonográfiák, Budapest Közlemények Kolozsvár Közlemények az Erdélyi Nemzeti Múzeum Érem- és Régiségtárából, Cluj Litua Litua, Muzeul Gorjului MAB Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica, Kraków Marisia Marisia (V–), Studii și Materiale, Târgu Mureș Marmatia Marmatia, Anuarul Muzeului Judeţean Maramureș MatArch Materiały Archeologiczne, Kraków MatStar Materiały Starożytne (i Wczesnośredniowieczne) MAZ Mainzer Archäologische Zeitschrift MBVF Münchner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, München MCA Materiale și Cercetări Arheologice, București MFMÉ A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve, Szeged MittAGW Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft Wien MittAIUAW Mitteilungen des Archäologischen Instituts der Ungarisches Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten, Budapest MKCSM Múzeumi kutatások Csongrád megyében MΩMOΣ MΩMOΣ, Őskoros Kutatók Összejövetelének konferenciakötete MPK Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommision, Viena MSVF Marbuger Studien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Marburg NMMÉ Nógrád Megyei Múzeum Évkönyve OIAS Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae OJA Oxford Journal of Archaeology OpArch Opuscula Archaeologica, Arheološki zavod, Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu ÖAW Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien Ősrégészeti levelek Ősrégészeti levelek / Prehistoric newsletter, Budapest PA Patrimonium Apulense, Alba Iulia PamArch Památky Archeologické, Praha PAS Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa, Berlin, Kiel, München PB Patrimonium Banaticum, Timișoara PBF Prähistorische Bronzefunde, München / Stuttgart Peuce Peuce, Studii și cercetări de istorie și arheologie, Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea, Institutul de Istorie si Arheologie, Tulcea Prace Łodz NK Prace i Materiały Muzeum Archeologicznego i Etnograficznego w Łodzi. Seria Numiz- matyczna i Konserwatorska Prace Łodz Arch Prace i Materiały Muzeum Archeologicznego i Etnograficznego w Łodzi. Seria Numiz- matyczna i Konserwatorska Pontica Pontica, Anuarul Muzeului de Istorie Naţională și Arheologie Constanţa PPP Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology PPS Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, London Prilozi IAZ Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju iz Zagreba PrzArch Przegląd Archeologiczny, Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk PZ Praehistorische Zeitschrift, Berlin PUD Publications de l’Université de Dijon, Paris RadMV Rad Muzeja Vojvodine RAO Revue archéologique de l’ouest, Rennes RAP Revue archéologique de Picardie, Amiens RBPA Regensburger Beiträge zur Prähistorischen Archäologie 534 | Abbreviations RégFüz Régészeti Füzetek, Budapest RevBis Revista Bistriţei, Complexul Judeţean Muzeal Bistriţa-Năsăud RevMuz Revista Muzeelor, București RGF Römisch-Germanische Forschungen, Mainz / Berlin RGZM Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Monographien, Bonn / Mainz RoczK Rocznik Kaliski Sargetia Sargeţia, Buletinul Muzeului judeţului Hunedoara, Acta Musei Devensis, Deva Savaria Savaria, a Vas Megyei Múzeumok Értesítője, Szombathely SBA Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, Bonn SBHM Schriften des Bernischen Historischen Museums, Bern SCIV(A) Studii și Cercetări de Istorie Veche (și Arheologie 1974–), București SHN Studia Historica Nitriensia SMA Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology SlovArch Slovenská Archeológia, Nitra SMMK Somogy Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kaposvár SNMB Sbornik Narodnog Muzeija Beograd SNMP Sborník Národního muzea v Praze, řada A – Historie / Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series A – Historia, Praha SpecNova Specimina Nova Dissertationum ex Institutom Historico Universitatis Quinqueecclesien- sis de Jano Pannonio nominatae, Pécs SprArch Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, Kraków SSUUB Schriften des Seminars für Urgeschichte der Universität Bern Starinar Starinar, Arheološki institute, Beograd StCom Satu Mare Studii și Comunicări Satu Mare StCom Sibiu Studii și Comunicări, Muzeul Brukenthal, Sibiu StudiaUBB Studia Universitatis Babeș–Bolyai, series Historia, Cluj-Napoca Studii Studii. Revistă de știinţă și filosofie Študijné zvesti Študijné zvesti, Archeologického Ústavu Slovenskej Akadémie Vied, Nitra Swiatowit Swiatowit, Rocznik katedry archeologii pierwotnej i wczesnosredniowiecznej Universytetu Warszawskiego SymThrac Symposia Thracologica, Institutul Român de Tracologie, București TAT Tübinger Archäologische Taschenbücher Thraco-Dacica Thraco-Dacica, Institutul de Tracologie, București UPA Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, Bonn VAMZ Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu VDBMB Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum VMMK A Veszprém Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei VKGLBW Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg VMUFP Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Potsdam VNMW Veröffentlichungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum, Wien VSADS Veröffentlichungen des Staatlichen Amtes für Denkmalpflege Stuttgart VsP Východoslovenský pravek, Archeologický ústav Slovenskej Akadémie Vied, Nitra VTLF Veröffentlichungen des Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck VVSM Veröffentlichungen des Vorgeschichtlichen Seminars Marburg, Marburg–Espelkamp WA Wiadomości Archeologiczne, Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne, Warsaw WArch World Archaeology, Oxford, Oxbow WFA Wiener Forschungen zur Archäologie, Wien WissSchrN Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe Niederösterreich WMBH Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen aus Bosnien und der Herzegowina, Wien WPZ Wiener prähistorische Zeitschrift, Wien WZGK Westdeutsche Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kunst Zalai Múzeum Zalai Múzeum, Közlemények Zala megye múzeumaiból, Zalaegerszeg Zborník SNM Zborník Slovenského Národného Múzea, Bratislava Ziridava Ziridava, Muzeul Arad