Pat 2 Manual

June 5, 2018 | Author: Angel De Los Santos | Category: Crane (Machine), Valve, Elevator, Switch, Piston
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LEVEL IIVE RO G T PA DS350 GRAPHIC (BOOM CONTROL SYSTEM) DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR iFLEX5 SYSTEM P.A.T. - L.M.I. SYSTEM MANUAL P.A.T. - L.M.I. LEVEL II MANUAL INDEX DS350 Graphic (BCS) Section 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Description DS350 Graphic Console Descriptions Connections & Wiring Diagram, DS350 Graphic (BCS) Hydraulic, Electrical Theory & Component Location DS350 Graphic (BCS) Boom Length Connections & Wiring Diagrams DS350 Graphic (BCS) Piston, Rod Connections & Wiring Diagrams DS350 Graphic (BCS) Boom Angle Connections & Wiring Diagrams DS350 Graphic (BCS) Anti - Two - Block Connections & Wiring Diagrams DS350 Graphic (BCS) Digital Inputs DS350 Graphic (BCS) Central Unit P.C. Board Layout DS350 Graphic (BCS) Basic Adjustments and Checks. DS350 Graphic (BCS) Main Board and Transducer Replacement Procedure DS350 Graphic (BCS) Troubleshooting Guide Appendix: Boom Length Troubleshooting DS350 Graphic (BCS) Electrical Diagrams DS350 Graphic (BCS) Service Bulletins & Miscellaneous Information P.A.T. - L.M.I. LEVEL II MANUAL INDEX DS350 Graphic Modular Section Description 14. DS350 Graphic Modular Console Connections, Wiring Diagram 15. DS350 Graphic Modular Central Unit P.C. Board Layout 16. DS350 Graphic Modular Boom Length Connections & Wiring Diagrams 17. DS350 Graphic Modular Piston, Rod Connections & Wiring Diagrams 18. DS350 Graphic Modular Boom Angle Connection & Wiring Diagrams 19. DS350 Graphic Modular Anti - Two - Block Connections & Wiring Diagrams 20. DS350 Graphic Modular Troubleshooting Guide P.A.T. - L.M.I. LEVEL II MANUAL INDEX DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Section 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Description DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Console Connections, Wiring Diagrams DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Component Location DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Boom Length Connections & Wiring Diagrams DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Piston, Rod Connections & Wiring Diagrams DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Boom Angle Connections & Wiring Diagrams DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Anti - Two - Block Connections & Wiring Diagrams DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Digital Inputs DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Central Unit P.C. Modular Board Layout DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Troubleshooting Guide DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Electrical Diagrams DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Service Bulletins & Miscellaneous Information P.A.T. - L.M.I. LEVEL II MANUAL INDEX iFLEX5 System Section Description 32. iFLEX5 Service Information 33. Troubleshooting a Sensor Problem Using the Display 34. Service Screen for Sensor Calibration 35. Boom Control 36. Luffing Boom Extension 37. Error Code Listing 38. Troubleshooting Moisture 39. Software Transfer Instructions Information This presentation and all information contained herein are confidential and proprietary information of Grove Worldwide and as such, no usage or reproduction of this information shall be done without the express written permission of Grove Worldwide. The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. 3/22/04 P.A.T. – L.M.I MANUAL SECTION 1 DS 350 GRAPHIC CONSOLE DESCRIPTION, CONNECTIONS & WIRING DIAGRAM PAT LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR PAT DS 350 ! STOP STOP 156ft 0335 TARE ! 90.0ft ? 79.4 LIM o SEL 50.8ft STOP MAX i (lbs) 02 73.5oo ACT (lbs) 34.900 100% 100% CTRL 100% STOP F1 F2 F3 F4 DS 350 / 1319 GRAPHIC OPERATOR’S HANDBOOK 1.1 NOTICE: The information in this document is subject to change without notice. This document was created for training purposes only and should not be a replacement for the original P.A.T.-L.M.I. operators handbook for your specific system and crane. 1.2 P.A.T. LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR 1. GENERAL INFORMATION The PAT Load Moment Indicator 1) (LMI) has been designed to provide the crane operator with the essential information required to enable the machine to be used within its design parameters. Using various sensing devices, the Load Moment Indicator monitors various crane functions and provides the operator with a continuous reading of the crane’s capacity. The readings continuously change as the crane moves through the motions needed to make the lift. The LMI provides the operator with information regarding the length and angle of the boom, tip height, working radius, rated load and the total calculated weight being lifted by the crane. If non permitted conditions are approached, the Load Moment Indicator will warn the operator by sounding an audible alarm, lighting a warning light and locking out those functions that may aggravate the crane’s condition. 1)LOAD MOMENT: Generally the product of a force and its moment arm: specifically, the product of the load and the load radius. Used in the determination of the lifting capacity of a crane. 2. WARNINGS The LMI is an operational aid which warns a crane operator of approaching overload conditions and also warns of overhoist conditions which could cause damage to equipment and personnel.. The device is not, and shall not, be a substitute for good operator judgment, experience and use of accepted safe crane operating procedures. The responsibility for the safe operation of the crane shall remain with the crane operator who shall ensure that all warnings and instructions supplied are fully understood and observed. Prior to operating the crane, the operator must carefully and thoroughly read and understand the information in this manual to ensure that he knows the operation and limitations of the indicator and crane. Proper functioning is dependent upon proper daily inspection and observations of the operating instructions set forth in this manual. We draw your attention to section 5 of this manual. WARNING The display will only aid the operator when the LMI is properly programmed and the proper load capacity chart and operating code are selected for the crane configuration being utilized. To prevent property damage or serious bodily injury or death to personnel, ensure the LMI is properly programmed before operating the crane. 1.3 WARNING This system is equipped with an override key on the central microprocessor unit. This key switch bypasses control lever lockout function of load moment indicator device. The switch may only be used by authorized personnel during emergency situations. Failure to follow this instruction may result in property damage and/or personal injury. NORMAL OPERATION L/O OVERRIDE 3. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The PAT load Moment Indicator consists of a central micro processor unit, operating console, length/angle sensor, pressure transducers and anti-two-block switches. The system operates on the principle of reference/actual comparison. The actual value, resulting from the force or pressure measurement is compared with the reference data, stored in the central processor memory and evaluated in the micro processor. When limits are reached, an overload warning signal is generated at the operators console. At the same time, the dangerous crane movements, such as hoist up, telescope out and boom down, will be stopped. The fixed data regarding the crane, such as load capacity charts, boom weights, centers of gravity and dimensions are stored in memory chips in the central processor unit. This data is the reference information used to calculate the operating conditions. Boom length and boom angle are registered by the length/angle sensor, mounted inside the cable reel which is mounted on the boom. The boom length is measured by the cable reel cable which also serves as an electrical conductor for the anti-two-block switches. The crane load is measured by pressure transducers attached to the piston and rod side of the lift cylinders. 1.4 2 5 3 3 4 5 CONSOLE 4 2 1 ANTI-TWO-BLOCK SWITCHES 2 PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS 3 LENGTH/ANGLE SENSOR-ANTITWO-BLOCK CABLE REEL 4 OPERATING CONSOLE 5 CENTRAL MICRO PROCESSOR UNIT 1. Consult Grove customer services for requirement.5 .VE GRO 1 NOTE: If PAT System is to be used in conjunction with a jib having an existing Grove/Krueger Anti-TwoBlock system. a special connector cable is required. Start Self check of LMI System Error? Error code yes no yes In case of system malfunction an error code number will be displayed on the console. This process will also remind the crane operator to follow the respective operating instructions. If the operator is experienced and totally familiar with the function and operation of the system he can go directly to the programming procedure at the end of this PRE-SETUP phase. During the pre-setup phase the crane operator will receive general information about his responsibility by operating the crane.6 . When the crane engine is restarted after less than approximately two hours.3. the audible alarm and the complete LMI system. The system run during the start up phase is shown in the following block diagram. The information will be displayed until a button is pressed to call for the next info step. 4 SYSTEM’S OPERATION During the startup phase the crane operator will receive information about the function and meaning of the various elements of the console.2 SYSTEM FUNCTION The PAT Load Moment Indicator (LMI) works with a user guide system that simplifies the operation of the crane and the LMI system. 4. the PRE-SETUP and Information Run will be skipped.1 Pre-Setup The PRE-SETUP is a simple step by step procedure. the system will by-pass “Pre-Setup”. Interactive INPUT reevings Inputs OK? The system will display information and directions which the operator will follow by using the respective function of the key. no Basic system information for crane operator will be displayed. Within 2 hours? After restarting the engine within 2 hours. no The system is in the programming procedure. The PRE-SETUP is followed by the Info Run or by the programming phase. yes Ready for Operation The system is ready for operation. The operator has to set the LMI to the configuration of the crane. Interactive INPUT operating mode Experienced operators who are familiar with the LMI system can by-pass the info run. After ignition of the engine the system starts with an automatic test of all lamps. 1. But the system cannot be 100% fail-safe and not all causes for danger can be recognized at the same time. THE LMI SYSTEM IS AN OPERATIONAL AID WHICH CAN FAIL * PUSH “ INFO” The load moment indicator (LMI) is a system which supports an operator in his action to operate the crane. the operator shall carefully and thoroughly read and understand the crane load capacity charts and the information contained in the manuals for the crane and the LMI. The operator shall also observe the operating instructions in the load capacity charts. The operator shall fully acquaint himself with the most recent government regulations and industry standards relevant to safe craning operations. If there is anything unclear or if there are doubts about operating the crane or LMI.4. It is essential to select the correct operating code number which is also printed in the load capacity chart. on some systems these precautions will be included in the normal Pre-Setup display screen after you have selected the language (DS350GW &DS350GWV).1 Pre-Setup cont. Before operating the machine you must be aware of some safety precautions. The operator is entirely responsible for safe crane operation. YOU ARE ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LIFT OPERATIONS * PUSH “ INFO” IF IN DOUBT CONSULT THE OPERATOR MANUALS BEFORE OPERATING THE CRANE * PUSH “ INFO” He has to make sure that the crane is in good condition and that he works on a firm and level supporting surface. 1. to ensure that the operator knows the operation and limitations of the crane and the LMI.7 . the operator shall consult the operator manuals before operating the crane. The load values in the load capacity chart shall under no circumstances be exceeded. FIND OPERATOR MANUALS READ AND UNDERSTAND * PUSH “ INFO” Prior to operating. CONSULT AND OPERATE ACCORDING TO IN CAB LOAD CAPACITY CHARTS * PUSH “ INFO” For the loading capacity of the crane only the load capacity charts are relevant. 6. 2 : 1. 4.4.BLOCK” Button and Control Light “By-Pass LMI SHUT-OFF FUNCTION” Button “Function 1” Button “Function 2” Button “Function 3” Button “Function 4” 2 6 STOP 7 3 TARE ! 8 LIM 4 5 1 9 SEL STOP 14 STOP 15 F1 13 1. 13. F1 F2 F3 F4 LC Display Area Load Moment Limit Light Load Moment Prewarning Light Alarm Light “Anti .2 Operating Console The console has 3 functions: Inputs by the crane operator (operator mode. 3.8 F2 F3 F4 10 i 11 CTRL .Block” Override Key Warning Light Button “Alarm Stop” Button and Control Light “TARE” Button and Control Light “LIMITS” Button and Control Light “SELECT OPERATION MODE” Button and Control Light “INFO” Button and Control Light “CONTROL” Audible Alarm By-Pass Key Switch Button and Control Light “By-Pass ANTI . they are continuously back lit during operation. 5. 9. 11. 4. 15.Two . reeving) Input of geometry limit values and signalization of exceeded limit values Display of important data and information The operator’s console is mounted in the crane’s cab in the operator’s field of vision.2: Operating Console PATDS 350 12 ! STOP Legend to Fig. 8. 12.TWO . 14. For a better identification of displays and operating elements. 2. 7.3 Control Identification This unit contains a display and different controls which are described as follows: Fig. 10. indicating that a two-blocking condition is approaching. less lifting tackle and hook block. 4. Net load is the actual load. The yellow Load Moment Prewarning Light will light up when the load on the crane enters the defined prewarning area (between 90 and 100 % of crane rating). in addition to the above lockouts. The definition and setting of the prewarning area is linked to the data EPROM used in the central unit. It indicates that an overload condition is approaching. 1. On units with luffing jib. The net load display will change to the normal working display when the boom radius is changed (either by angle or length). WARNING Should the red override key warning light continue to flash (with the by-pass key switch in the neutral position) . the display of actual load will be set to zero (taring).! 1. The Alarm Stop Button allows the audible alarm to be silenced for approximately 15 seconds by pressing this button. After lifting a load the net load display shows the net load (pay load). At the same time the audible alarm will sound. This key switch continually by-passes the control lever lockout function of the load moment indicator device. 3. telescope out. The audible alarm also sounds when this condition has been reached. The red Anti-Two-Block Warning Light will light up when the Anti-Two-Block limit switch contacts open. TARE After pushing the Tare Button before lifting. On units with luffing jib. load. The red Load Moment Limit Light warns the operator that a rated load condition has been reached (at 100 % of the crane rating). STOP STOP 6. The Tare Button is used to indicate the net load on the display. 2. Net load display is blinking and set to zero. the luffing hoist down will be stopped. boom down. text and numerical values. 5. the LMI override key switch located on the central processing unit (CPU) has been positioned in the lockout override position. boom down. the luffing hoist down will be stopped. telescope out. It lights up when the load on the crane reaches the crane load capacity. STOP ! The LC display visualizes graphical symbols. net load and radius. Depending on the selected operating mode the corresponding information is indicated on the display. After pushing the tare button the display shows max. in addition to the above lockouts. The Tare Button has to be activated before lifting. The following crane movements will be stopped concurrently: hoist up. This switch deactivates the cut-off function of the LMI. This means for the operator to continue his crane operation with extreme caution. The red Override Key Warning Light flashes when the bypass key switch is turned and the button is pushed. The following crane movements will be stopped concurrently: hoist up.9 . 7. approaching two. The last adjustment is stored and does not have to be repeated at every system start.10 . . malfunction of the LMI. this button can be pushed for quick setting without having to go through the whole LMI programming procedure again. PAT 12. CTRL 11. you wish to change the crane configuration.block condition. This function serves for the contrast adjustment of the LC display. Extension) i 10. SEL If. 9. the following instructions must be obeyed. as unwarranted use of it to override the control lever lockout system can result in harm to the crane and danger to property and persons.deactivate the cut-off function of the LMI .Never use the by-pass function to either overload or operate the crane in a non permissible range. the extended operating code number and the reeving number.8. The alarm can be temporarily silenced by pushing button (6). The display shows the crane symbol representing the adjusted configuration (marked in black). B A With the system being ready for operation. 1. during the crane operation.Tip Height Limitation . When turned to position “B” the KEY SWITCH serves to release the function : . this function serves to display the system configuration. LIM This button will be used for future functions: . 13. Hoist Reeving. .Slewing Angle Limitation . preset limits reached.Radius Limitation Boom AngleLimitation is used.deactivate the cut-off function of the anti-two-block switch It can be operated only by using the matching key WARNING Since buttons (14) and (15) deactivate the cut-off function of the LMI system / the anti-two-block system. operating error. (ie.The by-pass function shall be used with discretion. The AUDIBLE ALARM sounds during the following conditions: overload condition. Hoist. The Override Key Warning Light (13) flashes to indicate that the cut-off function is deactivated. After pushing this button. After pushing this button. The Override Key Warning Light (13) flashes to indicate that the cut-off function is deactivated.11 . 1. STOP This button can be operated only if key switch is turned to position B. This button can be operated only if key switch is turned to position B. the cut-off function of the anti-two-block switch is deactivated.14. the cut-off function of the LMI switch is deactivated. 15. the by-pass plug shall be installed in the main boom junction box. The weight of the main hoist anti-two-block switch shall be installed. 1. Turn the flag of the retainer for best visibility for the operator (5). 2. to prevent injury or damage to equipment. If the boom extension or jib is in the operating position. the following electrical connections must be checked to ensure that the system is properly connected for the crane configuration. Slide the retainer from left side with it’s slot over the cable between the crimped stop and the switch (2). With even parts of hoisting line. 1 and 2): 1. However.5. Weights shall also be attached to the anti-two-block switches on both the main boom and boom extension or jib. the weight shall be attached to the dead-end line.12 . Pull the cable out of the switch and bend back parallel to the boom and hold (1). the weight shall be attached to the line of lowest speed. which is fixed with a red lanyard at the anti-two-block switch (shown in Fig. If the boom extension or jib is in the operating position and no load line is being used on main boom. Installation of Anti-Two-Block Retainer in Locking Position Procedure (see Fig. The weight attached to the main hoist anti-twoblock switch shall be removed. With odd parts of hoist line. 1-4). Straighten the cable completely into the slot and release the cable (4). the connecting cable shall be installed between the junction box on the boom extension or jib and the boom junction box. 4. Then the weight shall be reattached to the boom extension or jib anti-two-block. No weight shall be on the main hoist anti-two-block switch when the boom extention or jib is being used. the connecting cable shall be installed between the junction boxes on the boom extension or jib and the main boom. WARNING Failure to re-position the anti-two-block switch weight will prevent the overhoist system from functioning properly. 3. the weight shall be removed from main boom switch. Daily Inspection & Observations Prior to operating the crane. In that case the anti-two-block switch has to be locked with the red Anti-Two-Block Retainer. which is fixed with a red lanyard at the anti-two-block switch. Machines with Main and Auxiliary Hoists If the boom extention or jib is not in the operating position. In that case the anti-two-block switch has to be locked with the red Anti-Two-Block Retainer. Push firmly straight onto the cable guide of the Anti-Two-Block switch (3). be sure the weight of the anti-two-block switch is properly installed on the main hoist load line. If the crane works with boom extension or jib. Machines with only a Main Hoist If the crane works only with the boom and without boom extension or jib. no additional connections are necessary. 3 and 4): 1. Pull the cable out of the switch (1) and bend back parallel to the boom and hold (2). For storage slide the retainer from right side (5) over the Anti-Two-Block switch unti the clips (A) lock into the holes (B). Release the cable. 2. 2 : Retainer in Locking Position Removal and Storage of the Anti-Two-Block Retainer Procedure (see Fig.13 . 1 : Setting of Anti-Two-Block Retainer in Locking Position Fig. Move the retainer down (3) and then left (4) to remove it from the Anti-Two-Block switch.3 1 5 2 4 Fig. 3. 1. Check mechanical installation and electrical connection of the force transducer(s) on jibs where applicable. WARNING The following test shall be performed with care to prevent damage to the machine or injury to personnel. 3 : Removal of the Anti-TwoBlock Retainer Fig. 3.B A 5 3 1 4 2 Fig. Check the spring-loaded cable reel to be sure it is free rotate. the following checks shall be made: 1. Proper functioning of the system requires successful completion of these test before operating the machine.14 . Check the electrical wiring connecting the various parts of the system for physical damage. has tension and the cable is reeled properly. Check the anti-two-block-switches and weights for free movement. 2. 4. 1. 4 : Retainer in Storage Position Pre-Operation Inspection and Calibration Verification After the electrical connections have been checked to insure that the system is properly connected for the crane configuration. hoist up. 3. the anti-two-block light should light and the boom telescope out function should be stopped. Lower the load handling device slightly to eliminate this condition.If the operator cannot see the load handling device approaching the boom nose. the audible alarm should sound. Check the anti-two-block alarm light and the audible alarm by performing one of the following test: 1. the anti-two-block light should light and the boom lowering function should be stopped. the audible alarm should sound. sounding the alarm and locking the crane movements. If the light and audible alarm do not function as described and the crane movements are not stopped. The operator shall be prepared to stop the machine immediately should the LMI system not function properly as indicated by lighting the red warning light. he shall have an assistant (signal person) watch the load handling device. When the load handling device lifts the weight. Lower the load handling device slightly to eliminate this condition. the system is not working properly. Slowly extend (telescope) the main boom to create a potential two -block condition. 4. If the crane is equipped with a boom extension or jib. the audible alarm should sound. Slowly lower the boom to create a potential two -block condition. 6. the anti-two-block alarm light should light. Check that the display of the main boom length agrees with the actual boom length. When the load handling device lifts the weight. When the load handling device lifts the weight. 1. the audible alarm should sound. When the weight is lifted. 2. telescope out and boom down.15 . By manually lifting the weight attached to the anti-two-block switches. 5. The malfunction shall be corrected before operating the crane. Lower the load handling device slightly to eliminate this condition. Slowly raise the main boom load handling device to create a potential two -block condition. repeat the test procedure for the boom extension or jib anti-two-block switch. the anti-two-block light should light and the motion of the load handling device should be stopped. 5. The cable reel shall be under tension to operate properly. 4. Service and Maintenance Daily maintenance of the load moment indicator consists of inspecting: 1. 6. All settings shall be checked by lifting a load of known weight and comparing the load to the information displayed on the LMI. Rated loads include the weight of the hook block. If the insulation is worn on the length sensor cable or cable guides are damaged. the operator shall be thoroughly familiar with all controls of the LMI and he shall properly set each switch before operating the crane. 8. if electrical wiring is damaged. Check that the display of the operating radius of the crane agrees with the actual radius. WARNING Any structural modifications or changes to the crane shall require reverification of the crane’s LMI calibration. Check the load display by lifting a load of known weight. Therefore. WARNING If any of the displays reflect a deviation between displayed and actual values an authorized PAT service representative shall be called for repair of the system or reverification of the crane’s LMI calibration. no other repairs shall be performed by non expert personnel. 2. 6. and auxilliary load handling devices. these parts shall be replaced. Check the anti-two-block limit switches for freedom of movement. the LMI is operational. The electrical wiring connecting the various parts of the system. 1. slings. it shall be replaced immediately. Operation After being properly programmed. Their combined weights shall be subtracted from the listed load capacities as stated on the load capacity chart to obtain the net load to be lifted. Other than correcting the problems identified in the Malfunctions Table and replacing faulty mechanical parts and cables. 9. Check that the display of the main boom angle agrees with the actual boom angles.7. The accuracy of the load indication shall be within the tolerance of SAE J159. Check the pressure transducers at the lift cylinder(s) and the connecting hoses for oil leakage. Check mechanical installation and electrical connection of force transducer(s) on jibs where applicable. 3.16 . These error codes are E01. Faults within the electronic microprocessor shall be repaired by factory trained service personnel. The error codes listed in the Malfunction Table will identify various faults which can occur with the LMI. Troubleshooting General In case of a malfunction of the system. When these faults occur. E04. the display (1) will indicate a code which identifies the system malfunction.7. E03. Following the Malfunction Table there is information which will explain each fault and describe the action which shall be taken to correct the fault. 1. the competent service organization shall shall be contacted. E05 and E06 and they can normally be eliminated by the crane operator himself.17 . Operating Errors Malfunctions in the system which are caused by range exceedings or operating errors by the crane operator himself are indicated on the display together with an explanation. Malfunction Table Error Code E01 E02 E03 E04 E05 E06 Error Fallen below the radius or above angle range Radius range exceeded or fallen below angle range Boom position is out of the permissible working area Operating mode not existing Prohibited length range Radius range exceeded or fallen below jib angle range NOTE: If there is any Error Code displayed on the console which is not listed in the Malfunctions Table you shall call the Local Distributor. E02. LOAD AREA Cause: Boom position is out of the permissible working area (over front) Elimination: Move boom back to permissible working area.ERROR 01 E01: ABOVE ANGLE RANGE ANGLE = 80. ERROR 02 E02: BELOW ANGLE RANGE ANGLE = 25.4 ft Cause: Fallen below the minimum radius or above the angle given in the load capacity chart due to raising the boom too far. ERROR 03 E03: NO .18 .0 o E01: FALLEN BELOW RADIUS RANGE RADIUS = 27. Elimination: Lower boom back to a radius or angle given in the load capacity chart.0 o E02: RADIUS RANGE EXCEEDED RADIUS = 75. 1. See lifting diagram in the load capacity charts. Elimination: Raise boom back to a radius or angle given in the load capacity chart.6 ft Cause: The maximum radius or minimum angle given in the load capacity chart was exceeded due to lowering the boom too far. e. length sensor cable slid off the length sensor drum. Elimination: Set operating mode switch correctly to the code assigned to the operating mode of the crane.e. Cause: 2 Elimination: Operating mode is not permissible Be sure crane is set up according with the actual crane configuration. Cause: 2 Length sensor adjustment changed i.19 . i. to proper operating configurboom position or area definition. given in the load capacity rubber”. 1. load curves for “on length.3 ft Cause: 1 Elimination: Boom was telescoped too far or not Telescope boom to correct far enough. ations. you may only operate up to chart.ERROR 04 E04: OPERATING MODE NOT AVAILABLE SEE LOAD CAPACITY CHART * PUSH “INFO” Cause: 1 Operating mode switch in the console set incorrectly. a certain maximum or minimum boom length or with load curves for jibs where you have to telescope the main boom to a certain length. ERROR 05 E05: LENGTH RANGE NOT PERMITTED LENGTH = 75. Elimination: For elimination refer to service manual. .6 ft E06: BELOW JIB ANGLE RANGE JIB ANGLE = 15. ! DIM STOP This indicator display how much of the crane capacity is being used.ERROR 06 E06: RADIUS RANGE EXCEEDED RADIUS = 96.A.the green area is the normal working area.20 .the yellow prewarning area shows the remaining portion of the rated load capacity and the bargraph indicates the approach to the overload condition. Lightbar is a supplementary indicator for the standard P.0o Cause: The minimum angle or maximum radius of the luffing fly jib given in the load capacity chart was exceeded due to lowering the jib too far. The range of the bargraph is divided into three areas: .T. the bargraph will constantly change. The lightbar is located in the operator’s cab in front of the operator.T. Brightness adjustment: In order to adapt the P.A. Lightbar’s brightness to the lighting conditions of the environment a DIMswitch is installed on the right hand side of the display. After having exceeded the maximum brightness value the display turns back to the minimum brightness value. . Load Moment Indicator systems.the red area shows that the maximum rated load capacity is exceeded.T. When actuating the DIM-switch the brightness increases.A. 1. It displays the load moment in form of a bargraph. NOTE: Operating within the red area is not permitted. As the crane is moved through its various motions. Lightbar The P. Elimination: Raise jib back to an angle given in the load capacity chart. WAY CENTER MID V10 X1 H2 INNER MID H6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 71 72 73 74 H9 X1 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 F1 X1 2 4 6 1 2 3 4 1 3 5 X4 F3 F2 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 X1 52 51 50 X1 43 42 41 40 39 38 X1 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 46 45 44 X1 1.0 R10 R3 R4 R17 R18 H10 H5 H3 R13 K6 R14 R11 R12 R7 V3 R8 K10 LEVER LOCKOUT K2 R5 R2 R6 F4 IM X1 77 76 75 K3 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 X1 80 79 78 V6 D RO F5 Q F6 X1 R1 49 48 47 SE F7 K5 4W 70 69 68 CM OM F8 V7 ROD DRAIN X4 V9 4 .21 . H8 V2 X3 H7 A2B K9 LMI K8 SHUT OFF SHUT OFF H4 H1 V8 OUT OF SEQUENCE OUTER MID V11 R15 V1 K7 R16 R9 V5 K4 K1 +24.30 (POSITIVE).33 (NEGATIVE) AND X1 .CONSOLE MEASUREMENT: CONNECTION BOARD W/VOLTMETER ON X1:30 & X1:33 VOLTMETER SHOULD MEASURE +24V BETWEEN CONNECTIONS X1 . SW.U. (5) DATA FROM C.PASS CONSOLE BY-PASS KEY 8 DI (8) 7 LMI (7) 6 A2B (6) 5 COMM.80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 DS350 Graphic Console to C. -5V -SIG GND 86 K7 = OM / FLY . 4 RXD (4) DATA TO C.PASS A2B BUTTON BY .WAY 87A 87 85 F3 86 K1= NOT USED o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F2 87A 87 .WAY 87A 87 85 F7 86 o 30 o o K5 = 4 . / % SW. BOOM RET. K10 o UB UB DE 3 AUTO MODE SW. DE 1 PRESS.(OA) -5V ANGLE GND X4 0(UB) +UB 4 3 2 1 ) ) ) ) 0 (UB) / GND +24 V . VALVE 87A 87 85 F6 86 o 30 o o K4 = TELE OUT OF SEQ. o 30 o oK10 o o o K9 o o o K8 SIG 0-SIG 86 . 3 TXD (3) 2 1 2 3 4 1 GND (2) +24V (1) 1.22 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 DE 6 LENGTH RESET SW.P.PASS KEY 14 o o 7 o o 13 LMI BUTTON BY .WAY DIREC. . DE 5 CM / IM RET.U. SW. BOOM EXT. SW. ON DE 2 PRESS. Connections 6 5 LMI BY .U. DE 4 OM / FLY RET. 87A 87 85 F5 86 o 30 o o K3 = ROD DRAIN SOL. 0 (UB) 0 (UB) RXD TXD UB -SIG +SIG -SIG 0 (UB) 85 A2B COMPARATOR -9V +9V -5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND LEN.2 WAY o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F8 86 o o30 o K6 = CM 2 . 87A 87 85 F4 86 o o30 o K2 = IM 2 . 0ft ? Ramp Seq.FIVE SECTION BOOM SERVICE SCREEN (TMS/TTS 870 & RT865BXL) PAT DS 350 ! STOP STOP 156ft 0335 TARE ! 90.4 255 SEL OM/Fly Hex Value 0 STOP LIM o 1 255 0 0 50.900 100% i CTRL 100% STOP F1 Length of IM F2 F3 F4 Tot.2 100% (lbs) 73.8ft MAX 02 38.2 38.2 38. Length minus IM To activate service screen press and hold F1 & F4 until screen appears in lower left corner. 1 CM Hex Value 0 IM Hex Value 79.2 38. The ramping value will indicate the ramping up and ramping down of the output signal to the solenoids.23 . 1.5oo ACT (lbs) 34. – L.T.A.P.M. ELECTRICAL THEORY & COMPONENT LOCATION .I MANUAL SECTION 2 DS 350 GRAPHIC BCS HYDRAULIC. the crane operator is responsible to select manual mode to return the sections into sequence before he continues the lift. the operator must carefully and thoroughly read and understand the information provided by the crane and load moment indicator manufacturer. 2. 2. It still remains the operator’s responsibility to select verify the operation and to select the correct mode during crane operations. The responsibility for safe crane operation shall remain with the crane operator who shall ensure that all warnings and instructions supplied are fully understood and observed. Lifting loads with manual mode programmed is prohibited. Proper functioning depends upon proper daily inspection and observance of the operating instructions provided with the crane and load moment indicator.1 .DS350 GRAPHIC with BOOM CONTROL SYSTEM The DS 350 load moment indicator (LMI) with boom control extension is designed to aid the crane operator through the crane operations. a two block condition and an out of boom sequence condition. be a substitute for good operator judgment. The boom control extension controls the sequence of the boom during operation. Should an out of sequence condition occur. Prior to operating the crane. The manual mode is a rigging mode. and shall not. experience and use of accepted safe crane operating procedure. Warnings The DS 350 load moment indicator (LMI) with boom control extension is an operational aid that warns the crane operator when he approaches an overload condition. The DS 350 with boom control extension is not. S.C. B. console displays error code or dashboard warning light indicates "out of sequence".Boom control information flow Operator moves control to extend or retract position. checks input for Automode.S.2 . on B. correct Console displays length and % of each section. off Operation in manual mode . defaults into a rigging mode. incorrect B. continue on next page 2.S. control output.S.S. Directional pressure switch transmits signal to B. checks the retract and % reset switches on the boom and obtains the length signals.C.C. checks input for A mode or B mode and prepares the control logic for that mode. B.3 TM9150. continue on next page 2. activates relays to power up valves.C.S.C. TM9100 .S. ramps up the analog output current for the pressure reducing valves (proportional valves) The pressure reducing valves open linear an the pilot pressure increases until maximum pressure is obtained. This enables the oil to flow into the cylinder.S.TTS 870 & RT 865 BXL B. switches relay to correct position for the rod side dump valve B.TMS.C. S.The analog output current decreases and slows down the section. starts the ramp down process when approaching a change over point.C.C. 2. incorrect correct B.C.S. changes relay combination to close the flow to the actual cylinder and enable flow to the next cylinder.S. senses the boom length and calculates the percentage of each section while extending or retracting.4 TM9150 & TM9100 .continuation B. The B. TMS/TTS 870 & RT 865 BXL At the change over point the B.S. ramps up the analog signal by a linear current increase of the pressure reducing valves.C. The section speeds up to its maximum speed. Out of sequence warning and lock out. Mode A: Increased stability. Enables selected sequencing of the boom to improve utilization of the crane. RT 865 BXL).5 Mode B A. Hydraulic flow is routed internally of the cylinder. This enables a better load chart for the boom between fully retracted and extended. B A. B A. Model TM 9150 TM 9100 TMS 870 TTS 870 RT 865 BXL 2.Why use electrical boom control ? Hose reel not required (TMS/TTS 870. Trombone Concept. The heavy IM (inner mid section) remains retracted until the CM (center mid section) and OM/Fly (outer mid and fly section) becomes fully extended. The stronger sections IM & CM extends in a programmed sequence keeping the weaker section OM & Fly fully or partially retracted. Mode B: Increased structural capacity. B B . BOOM NOT SYNCHRONIZED LIGHT (See page 2.7) AUTO MODE is to be used when lifting loads per the load chart. This will prevent you from having to select manual mode to desynchronize the boom.WHERE ARE THE CONTROLS? PILOT CONTROL Standard joystick or foot operated treadle valve. 2. At this point the load would have to be set down. When changing boom modes. and on the upper right hand side of the cab directly above the window. MANUAL MODE is used primarily to put the boom back into synchronization or. Loads cannot be lifted while on manual mode as the capacity is reduced greatly by the PAT to limit loads to that which would normally be seen during rigging and / or maintenance. and the manual controls operated to reset the boom. SECTION SELECTOR (See page 2.7) THE SECTION SELECTOR switch is used to select which section will be extended or retracted. MANUAL / AUTO (See page 2. always try to do so with boom full retracted or full extended. and that the electric coils to that section have been energized.6 . INDICATOR LIGHTS (See page 2. or several boom sections are at least 3% out of synchronization. for rigging and maintenance purposes.7) THE INDICATOR LIGHTS tell the status when in manual mode as to which boom section has been selected for operation.7) THE BOOM NOT SYNCHRONIZED LIGHT will illuminate to indicate a boom section. and can only operate when in manual mode. The following switches are located inside. 7 CENTER MID ON INNER MID CENTER MID BOOM MODE INNER MID ON OUTER MID FLY BOOM TELE SECTION SELECT OUTER MID FLY ON M A N U A L A U T O BOOM NOT SYNC B BOOM TELE MODE A BOOM TELESCOPE SYSTEM .2. reel with the small thin cable for A2B. This is also where the test port is located for settings the pressure reducing valve and the sequence valve. Piston flow for the center mid is to the lower right.way directional valve and piston dump valve lie outside the turntable uprights on the right side of the superstructure. The Sequence valve lies just below the 4 . Piston flow is to the lower left side. The top reel is the basic L.way valve .M. CABLE REELS ON BOOM Three cable reels are mounted on the left side of the boom. Pilot flow to the outer mid is to the upper left. The 2 way valves for the outer and center mid are mounted in the rear of the center mid. Each of the switches are adjusted to indicate to the PAT system that all the boom sections have been fully retracted. One item of importance here is the numbers 1 through 7 along the left side of the relays controlling the boom. ) and rod side dump lie within the turntable uprights. it's always a good idea to check these fuses first. while the piston flow to the outer mid is to the upper right.8 . also on the right side of the superstructure. 2. These numbers indicate the fuse number that corresponds to the valve the relay controls.S.I.way valve are the 3 pressure switches which control the opening of the dump valves and the direction of movement inputs to the PAT system. while pilot flow is to the upper right. SWITCHES S / S On the 4 .WHERE ARE THE COMPONENTS LOCATED ? VALVES S / S Pressure reducing valve ( 800 P. The other two reels have a large cable installed and are primarily used to provide power to the 2 way valves inside the boom. Wire colors to the valves are shown to the right. When troubleshooting any problems. PAT BOX S / S Inside the PAT box we have the relays labeled to correspond to the function they control. VALVES IN BOOM The 2 way valves for the inner mid are mounted in the rear of the inner mid as shown. while the pilot flow to the center mid is to the lower left. SWITCHES ON BOOM Four Proximity switches are mounted on the left side of the boom. They also pickup inputs from two of the proximity switches to send back to the PAT system.I. The 4 . 2.9 SEQUENCE VALVE 1000 PSI TELE EXTEND TMS / TTS 870 & RT865BXL with Boom Control Turntable Components . 10 MAIN BOARD A101 .P. BOARD LOCATION TMS870/TTS870 (5 section boom) THIRD WRAP K11 K12 MH AH VALVE CONTROL BOARD A111 DIGITAL INPUT EXTENSION BOARD A112 DECODER BOARD A110 DIODE BOARD A113 X1 TERMINAL BOARD A104 2.T.A.U. DS350 GRAPHIC C.P. 2.) CABLE ASSY TO BOOM PRES. CABLE ASSY (ROD) DATA LOGGER DOWNLOAD RECEPT. (DATA LOGGER OPTIONAL) KEY BYPASS SWITCH FUSE (2A) CRANE INTERFACE CABLE FUSE (10A) CABLE ASSY TO BOOM CABLE ASSY TO CONSOLE PRES. TRAN. CABLE ASSY (PISTON) TMS / TTS870 Central Processing Unit 5 .P.11 (BOTTOM VIEW OF C.U. TRAN.Section Boom . U. TRAN. CABLE ASSY (ROD) AREA DEF CABLE DATA LOGGER DOWNLOAD RECEPT.12 (BOTTOM VIEW OF C.) CABLE ASSY TO BOOM PRES.2. TRAN.P. (DATA LOGGER OPTIONAL) KEY BYPASS SWITCH FUSE (2A) CRANE INTERFACE CABLE FUSE (10A) CABLE ASSY TO BOOM CABLE ASSY TO CONSOLE PRES. CABLE ASSY (PISTON) RT865BXL Central Processing Unit . INNER MID PILOT INNER MID RED GREEN CYL CABLE INNER MID BLACK WHITE PILOT INNER MID CYLINDER OUTER MID PILOT OUTER MID CYLINDER CENTER MID CYLINDER CENTER MID PILOT OUTER MID BLACK WHITE CYL B CENTER MID RED GREEN CYL OUTER MID BLACK WHITE PILOT C CENTER MID RED GREEN PILOT 2.13 . BCS Boom Control components TMS/TTS 870 and RT 865BXL PAT Boom length sensor LG208 CM length and angle sensor LWG221 .14 See detail “A” See detail “C” IM % reset switch PAT See detail “C” CM retract and % reset switch IM retract switch PAT OM retract and % reset switch See detail “C” IM length sensor LG221 DS350 Graphic .2. TENSION (LENGTH SENSOR) SPRING BY ROTATING DRUM (30) REVOLUTIONS COUNTER CLOCKWISE. REMOVE PROTECTIVE PAPER CORROSION INHIBTOR AND ADHERE TO INSIDE HOUSING COVER SURFACE OF CABLE REEL. THEN UNSPOOL THE LENGTH CABLE AND SECURE TO BUSHING ON THE CENTER . THEN UNSPOOL THE LENGTH CABLE AND SECURE TO BUSHING ON THE BOOM NOSE PER DETAIL “A”.15 PRE . INSERT CABLE GUIDE SCREWS THRU EXISTING ANGLE BRKT AND SECURE IN PLACE WITH 1/4 .BCS 1 7 7 5 Boom Control components TMS/TTS 870 and RT 865BXL .TENSION (LENGTH SENSOR) SPRING BY ROTATING DRUM (16) REVOLUTIONS COUNTER CLOCKWISE.20 NUTS REMOVED PREVIOUSLY. 5 7 8 DS350 Graphic .MID PER DETAIL “A”. PRE .2.MID PER DETAIL “B” 3 3 2 2 PAT PAT PRE . 5 PAT 8 1 REMOVE 1/4 .TENSION (LENGTH SENSOR) SPRING BY ROTATING DRUM (35) REVOLUTIONS COUNTER CLOCKWISE.20 NUTS ON BOTTOM OF CABLE GUIDE. CENTER LINE OF CABLE GUIDE MUST BE ALIGNED W/ CENTER LINE OF CABLE REEL DRUM. THEN UNSPOOL THE LENGTH CABLE AND SECURE TO BUSHING ON THE INNER . AFTER MACHINE IS CALIBRATED. THIS TARGET IS ONLY INSTALLED IF THE BOOM IS EQUIPPED WITH A BOOM EXTENSION STOP BLOCK.44 0. WRAP CABLE (8-10) REVOLUTIONS OVER THE TIE WRAPS STARTING FROM THE OUTSIDE AND WORKING INWARD. SECURE CABLE WITH (2) ADDITIONAL TIE WRAPS.13” FROM TARGET WHEN BOOM SECTIONS ARE FULLY RETRACTED. ALLOW AMPLE CABLE TO REACH JUNCTION BOX.34 PAT DETAIL “C” CENTER LINE OF TARGETS & PROXIMITY SW. 120 DEGREES APART AROUND BUSHING.94 16 6 1.13 18 See detail “A” See detail “B” 0. INSTALL PROXIMITY SWITCH 0. PLACE (3) TIE WRAPS.44 3. 0.0 To wi be a t of h c e ligne n ca bl e t e r l d ree ine ld rum DETAIL “B” 4 DETAIL “A” INSTALL PROXIMITY SWITCH 0.2.44” FROM TARGET WHEN BOOM SECTIONS ARE FULLY RETRACTED. .16 0.44 18 16 6 4 4 1. 2.17 CABLE GUIDES ON THE BASE & INNER MID SECTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH TOP AND MIDDLE CABLE REEL MUST BE ALIGNED WITH CENTER OF CABLE REEL DRUM CENTER LINE OF CABLE GUIDES 19 19 CENTER LINE OF CABLE REEL DRUM INSTALL SHIMS AS REQUIRED TO ASSURE CENTER LINE OF CABLE REEL DRUMS ARE PARRALLEL TO BOOM BASE SECTION AND PLUMB WHEN CRANE IS ON A LEVEL \ SURFACE. PARTIAL TOP VIEW DS350 Graphic .BCS Boom Control components TMS/TTS 870 and RT 865BXL . so that in the event of an electrical malfunction. This valve is electrically operated by the PAT system and is switched on to dump rod side pressure when the controller is in neutral. one for extend and one for retract. One for the pilot pressure to the holding valve and one for the piston side oil to flow. These are operated in pairs only. Two . that particular telescope cylinder will then operate. Pilot operated 4 way valve provides oil flow to extend and retract the 3 telescoping cylinders.078 orifice. there is a piston side dump valve which allows piston side oil to be released back to tank by the way of a . Directional pressure switches In each of the pilot pressure lines is a normally open pressure switch.valves must be energized to prevent movement of the other two telescope cylinders. When no pressure is evident. there is a rod side dump valve which allows rod side oil to be released back to tank. Rod side dump valve In the rod side. Two . so it will know which section is next to go out or in and when the pilot pressure is to be reduced and returned to normal. the boom could always be telescoped in for repair. the switch is closed . They are controlled by an individual selector switch when in the Manual mode. or the controller is in neutral. when the controller is in neutral and pilot pressure has decayed. Their function is to reduce the pilot pressure when nearing the point a section must stop in order to slow it down smoothly. Third switch pressure A third pressure switch ( normally closed ) mounted near the top of the 4 way valve monitors joystick pressure directly on the main spool for extend. On this valve are 2 pressure reducing valves electrically operated by the PAT system. 2. These pressure switches tell the PAT which direction has been selected by the operator.HOW DOES THE SYSTEM WORK? HYDRAULIC 1. 2. and the piston side dump valve is energized allowing piston side pressure to be released through a .way valves control the oil to each telescope cylinder. This valve is controlled by the normally closed contacts of the third pressure switch and dumps to tank. then they will increase the pilot pressure back to normal once the next section begins to move allowing for a smooth transition. Piston side dump valve In the piston side. When a pair of two-way valves are de-energized.way valves are normally open.078 orifice. These valves are also switched on and off by the PAT system when in Automatic mode.18 . The other two pair of two way . this is a good indication the sequence valve is defective. Release controller or treadle valve to neutral (this allows oil to drain off). 7.I.S.I. Extend the section completely until it bottoms out. 4. this is a good indication the pressure reducing valve is defective. is to prevent high pressure oil from flowing back through the 800 P. 2. if it does not. 4. * To adjust or check for proper adjustment: 1.Sequence valve The sequence valve maintains pressure on the rod side to prevent the cylinders from extending when the trombone tubes are pressurized. Select manual mode. 6. 5. 3.I. pressure reducing valve when trying to retract. Gauge should still be in test port from checking sequence valve.000 P. 2. 2. Select either inner mid or center mid section.19 . * If the boom sections take off with a jump.. Check valve The purpose of the check valve. Select either the inner mid or center mid section chosen. Then operate controller or treadle valve to extend and note pressure reading. adjust valve accordingly. Pressure reducing valve The pressure reducing valve is used to flood the rod side whenever the telescope cylinders first begin to extend. 3.S. Install gauge into test port between pressure reducing valve and sequence valve. Extend the boom section and monitor pressure while boom is extending. With manual mode still selected. * If the boom sections drift back in momentarily after the controller is released.S. If it does not read 1. Always be sure to check setting of the sequence valve first. it should read 800 P. adjust pressure reducing valve accordingly. * To adjust or check for proper adjustment: 1. The 2 way valves for the appropriate sections are controlled by the manual switch.5 relay which directs the proportional voltage never energized. which will allow for a smooth transition between boom sections when on manual mode. followed by a decrease in current during the change over to the center mid. now that we are in manual mode both coils on the 4 . When releasing the controller to neutral the rod side and piston side will drain. and no pilot pressure was seen on the extend side. Once all the 2 way valves for the appropriate sections have changed over the piston side dump valve stayed energized before.way valve. Note that K-5 relay never energizes. Retracting the inner mid While retracting the inner mid. while the rod side dump valve energized briefly during the change over. This means the 4 way valve will respond directly to the input from the controller. K-5 relay remains energized during the entire process. Extending the inner mid The proportional output building up while extending the inner mid followed by full current and a fully open valve while extending. This is because the operator never left off on the controller and the extend pressure switch always remained in the on position. 2. This was because we were retracting. The two way valves for the appropriate sections are controlled by the manual switch. Retracting the inner and center mid Anytime manual mode is selected voltage to the proportional solenoids is at maximum voltage.way valve will remain energized with full voltage. and the piston side dump valve is not energized during retraction. Manual Mode Extending the inner and center mid Any time manual mode is selected voltage to the proportional solenoids is at maximum voltage. and therefore our normally closed pressure switch kept the piston side dump valve energized and K . and after the change over took place. either to the extend or the retract side as determined by the pressure switches in the joystick lines an the K-5 relay in the PAT system. during . Once all the 2 way valves for the appropriate sections have changed over and the rod and piston side have dumped momentarily. the current will be reapplied proportionally to allow a smooth start of the center mid. The rod side valve energizes briefly as we stop controller input to change sections. The current is applied gradually and removed gradually by the PAT system to assure smooth starts and transitions between boom section change over. without the ramp up and ramp down feature as provided when under control by the PAT system.20 . it is preferred. followed by a decrease in current during the change over to the center mid. followed by full current and a fully open valve while extending. This is a default mode so that if there is an electrical problem current could always be applied to the retract side to bring in the boom in for repairs.ELECTRIC Automatic Mode Proportional voltage is sent by the PAT system to the coils on the 4 . Although it is not required to release the controller to neutral when changing boom sections. WAYS CM 2 . DE 1 PRESS. TELE OUT OF SEQ.OM 2 . VALVE SIG.RET. .WAY DIREC. BOOM RET.WAY o o30 o 87A 87 85 F3 86 K1= NOT USED o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F2 87A 87 . / % SW. . DE 4 OM / FLY RET. . GND X4 0(UB) +UB 2. ON DE 2 PRESS.2 WAY 87A 87 DS350 Graphic X1 Terminal Board 85 F8 86 o o30 o K6 = CM 2 . SW. VALVE 87A 87 85 F6 86 o 30 o o K4 = TELE OUT OF SEQ.EXT. K10 o UB UB DE 3 AUTO MODE SW. 0 (UB) 0 (UB) RXD TXD UB -SIG +SIG -SIG 0 (UB) 85 A2B COMPARATOR -9V +9V -5V 1 2 3 4 GND -SIG -5V +5V GND X5 -SIG -5V 40 COND. -5V -SIG GND 86 o 30 o o K7 = OM / FLY .WAY 87A 87 85 F7 86 o 30 o o K5 = 4 . BOOM EXT.(OA) -5V X6 ANGLE 26 COND.21 4 3 2 1 ) ) ) ) X4 MEMORY EXTENSION 1 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LENGTH RESET SW. ANALOG OUTPUT BOR. SW. o 30 o oK10 o o o K9 o o o K8 SIG 0-SIG 86 . ROD SIDE DUMP IM 2-WAYS F2 o o GND +24 V 10 A ) 3 3 2 1 DE 5 CM / IM RET. SW. 87A 87 85 F4 86 K2 = IM 2 . VALVE ANALOG SIG. +5V GND LEN. MEASURE PINS 2 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 DE 6 2X SERIAL INTERFACE F1 2A 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 X1 ( ( ( 3 2 1 X7 0 (UB) / GND +24 V X9 BR14 . 87A 87 85 F5 86 o 30 o o K3 = ROD DRAIN SOL.WAYS ANALOG SIG. 9 GPM P1 GP w w 220300 w w w w 3650 w ) w w w w 3800 ) SEQUENCE VALVE WITH CHECK 1000 PSI 1500 3000 w LS TELE P2 D LIFT W ~ OPEN PRESSURE SWITCH RETRACT OUT TO DRAIN MANIFOLD 2.078 w ) P1 ) w PRESSURE SWITCH EXTEND P2 TO CASE DRAIN MANIFOLD W W RET EXT ~ PRESSURE SWITCH EXTEND EXT B A P1 D RET B A 49.22 PILOT w w .w w w w w PILOT w w TEST PORT w w 800 PSI w ROD DRAIN TO DUAL RETURN MANIFOLD PISTON DRAIN . 9 GPM P1 GP K5 w 220300 w w w w w 3650 w ) w w w w 3800 K5 3000 ) SEQUENCE VALVE WITH CHECK 1000 PSI PISTON DRAIN .w 800 PSI K3 w ROD DRAIN w ) ) w PRESSURE SWITCH EXTEND P2 NO TO CASE DRAIN MANIFOLD DI 1 RET A NC W W EXT B ~ PRESSURE SWITCH EXTEND EXT P1 D RET B A 49.23 w .078 TO DUAL RETURN MANIFOLD P1 1500 w LS TELE P2 DI 2 ~ D LIFT W NO OUT PRESSURE SWITCH RETRACT TO DRAIN MANIFOLD 2. 24 PILOT w .CYLINDER FULLY RETRACTED w w 2. 0 40 47 50 2 sec. 12 cycles = 6 seconds 8 Maximum Ramping value -valve fully open- Ramping down 3 Minimum ramping value IM 5 Change over point -Ramping value 0-valve closed- 2.DS350 GRAPHIC BOOM CONTROL SYSTEM “B” MODE Ramping value 1 8 255 2 CENTER MID INNER MID 6 50 40 0 7 t 3 Proportional solenoid valve 1 Proportional solenoid valve 2 5 4 sec.25 Length [%] .e. RT 865BXL TTS/TMS 870 1 2 Maximum Ramping value -valve fully open- 6 Minimum ramping value CM 7 Time based ramping up i. DS350 GRAPHIC BOOM CONTROL SYSTEM AUTOMATIC MODE EXTEND INNER MID EXTEND CENTER MID PROPORTIONAL OUTPUT PROPORTIONAL VALVE START OM 2 WAYS CM 2 WAYS CHANGE OVER CLOSED OPEN CLOSED OPEN CLOSED IM 2 WAYS OPEN OPEN OPEN ROD DRAIN OPEN CLOSED K5 RELAY OPEN CLOSED OPEN PISTON DRAIN STOP OPEN CLOSED OPEN CLOSED EXTEND 2.26 . DS350 GRAPHIC BOOM CONTROL SYSTEM AUTOMATIC MODE RETRACT INNER MID RETRACT CENTER MID PROPORTIONAL OUTPUT PROPORTIONAL VALVE START CHANGE OVER STOP CLOSED OM 2 WAYS OPEN CLOSED CM 2 WAYS OPEN CLOSED IM 2 WAYS OPEN OPEN OPEN ROD DRAIN OPEN CLOSED OPEN CLOSED PISTON DRAIN K5 RELAY 2.27 . DS350 GRAPHIC BOOM CONTROL SYSTEM MANUAL MODE EXTEND INNER MID EXTEND CENTER MID PROPORTIONAL VALVE START CHANGE OVER STOP CLOSED OM 2 WAYS OPEN CLOSED CM 2 WAYS OPEN CLOSED IM 2 WAYS OPEN OPEN OPEN ROD DRAIN OPEN CLOSED CLOSED OPEN PISTON DRAIN OPEN OPEN CLOSED OPEN CLOSED K5 RELAY 2.28 . 29 .DS350 GRAPHIC BOOM CONTROL SYSTEM MANUAL MODE RETRACT INNER MID RETRACT CENTER MID PROPORTIONAL VALVE START CHANGE OVER STOP OM 2 WAYS CLOSED CM 2 WAYS OPEN CLOSED IM 2 WAYS OPEN OPEN OPEN ROD DRAIN OPEN CLOSED OPEN CLOSED PISTON DRAIN K5 RELAY 2. 2. DI 1 EXTEND SELECT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 DI 2 RETRACT SELECT 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 DI 4 OM/FLY RETRACTED 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 DI 5 IM & CM RETRACTED 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Analog Outputs ANALOG 1 1 CU DESCRIPTION TERMINAL A111 X1/5 Analog GND for proportional extend or retract solenoid valves.DS350 GRAPHIC (BCS) Automode control of two way valves K2 0 1 1 0 0 K6 1 0 1 0 0 K7 1 1 0 0 0 DESCRIPTION IM EXTENDING OR RETRACTING CM EXTENDING OR RETRACTING OM/FLY EXTENDING OR RETRACTING OUT OF SEQUENCE NEUTRAL POSITION Rod side dump valve logic TMS/TTS 870 and RT 865 BXL Note: K3 is energized in neutral controller position or during the change over transition while both section do not move. A111 X1/6 Analog signal for proportional extend or retract solenoid valves.30 K3 ROD DRAIN SOLENOID 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . auto CM Ext. manual IM Ext.31 2 way CM 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 way OM 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 analog output board 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Prop. auto IM Ext. 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prop Valve retr. manual OM Ret. auto OM Ext. manual CM Ext. auto OM Ret. DI 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 Ext. DI 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Relay K2 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Relay K6 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relay K7 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relay K5 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 way IM 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2. 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 . auto IM Ret.Valve ext. auto CM Ret.manual OM neutral Retr. manual CM Ret.DS350 GRAPHIC (BCS) Input Output Logic TMS/TTS 870 AND RT 865 BXL Mode Ext. manual IM Ret. 32 FLY % 0 0 100 . RT 865 BXL Main Boom Mode AUTO B AUTO B AUTO B AUTO B AUTO B AUTO B AUTO B AUTO B IM % 0 50 50 75 75 100 100 100 CM % 0 0 50 50 75 75 100 100 OM % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 FLY % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 AUTO A AUTO A AUTO A AUTO A 0 0 0 100 0 100 100 100 0 0 100 100 0 0 100 100 Boom sequence TMS/TTS 870. RT 865 BXL.DS350 GRAPHIC (BCS) Boom sequence TMS/TTS 870. TM 9100 AND TM9150 boom extensions Mode AUTO AUTO AUTO IM % 100 100 100 CM % 0 100 100 OM % 0 0 100 2. the inner mid proximity switches are out of adjustment. 2. current=800mA(measure coil current while retracting. 9.33 . Extending the boom: Pressure switch signal changes from 0V to +24V. the problem is likely to be: a. Retracting the boom: Pressure switch signal changes from 0V to +24V. Pilot pressure switch signal / Analog output signal Two pressure switches (1-extend & 1-retract) wired through crane interface connector. Min. but must never be grounded to crane ground. 7. meter in series wire #21 & A 104 X1-64. Min. and fully retracted with the stops in. current =0mA.2 ohms. meter in series wire #20 & A 104 X1-63. as it is also an analog signal to the PAT as well. Ramping down begins at 10 % prior to change over boom length. max. Wire 239 to the Proportional coils is ground. If the PAT will not permit loads to be picked off the first column of the load chart . electrical flows to extend. 5. at which time the PAT will automatically reset the retracted boom length percentage as shown: OM / Fly Mid IM IM 0% 0% 1% 0 % ( with boom stop pulled down ) 10. 800 milliamps at the Proportional coils results in full pilot flow to valve. 4 proximity switches located on left side of boom indicate to the PAT that boom sections are fully retracted. 2. which also equates to 800 milliamps. max. 8. electrical flows to retract. 4. Ramping value of 255 is a Pat calibration number. + or .PAT DS350 Graphic (BCS) NOTES 1. E-07 error code is generated from voltage noise created across the extend and retract pressures switches. 3. the inner mid is between fully retracted with the stops out. current=800mA(measure coil current while extending. or b. Resistance of a good proportional coil is 20 ohms. Tolerance on boom lengths is 3 % before the PAT system recognizes the boom as being out of sequence. Suppression diodes have been installed from input to ground (# 38 to # 37 ) to clip the spikes. current =0mA. 11. 6. Total time between boom section change over that boom sections actually stop moving is two seconds. If there is continuity in the wiring to the valve. retract the boom: Overall boom length signal -500mV (A 104 X1-10 using MP 15 or X1-8 GND) Inner Mid length signal -500mV (A 104 X1-24 using same GND) Center Mid length signal -500mV (A 104 X1-73 using same GND) CHECKING PROXIMITY SWITCH INPUTS Four proximity switches are used to tell the system if all sections are fully retracted. the section lights will illuminate. Inner Mid & Center Mid) the software utilizes the signals to calculate the outer mid & fly section length.(Overall length. CHECKING THE BOOM LENGTH SIGNALS Three length sensors are located on the side of the boom . Center mid retract & percentage reset switch: Reset proximity switch provides +24V signal to A 114 or A 112 X1-9. 2. Outer mid / fly retract & percentage reset switch: Reset proximity switch provides +24V signal to A 104 X1-76. Inner mid retract & percentage reset switch: Reset proximity switch provides +24V signal to A 104 X1-80 when retracted against boom stop. Select manual mode 2. Retract proximity switch provides a +24V signal to A 104 X1-78 when boom stop is disengage. 3. Select individual sections to operate.HELPFUL HINTS CHECKING THE COILS IN THE TWO WAY VALVES FOR CONTINUITY 1. Disengage the boom stop.34 . A.P. – L.T.M.I MANUAL SECTION 3 DS 350 GRAPHIC BCS BOOM LENGTH CONNECTIONS & WIRING DIAGRAMS . WAY o o30 o 87A 87 85 F3 86 K1= NOT USED o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F2 87A 87 .F.P. Boom Base Junction Box 1 1 A 1 2 3 B 2 3 4 C 3 5 7 E 5 6 8 F 6 3 2 1 TERMINALS : 1-2 & 4-5 ARE JUMP TOGETHER 3.(OA) -5V ANGLE GND X4 0(UB) +UB 4 3 2 1 ) ) ) ) 0 (UB) / GND +24 V .U.5V * NOTE .500V MAX RANGE = -4. 87A 87 85 F4 86 K2 = IM 2 . / % SW.80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 DS350 Graphic Boom Length to C.4. o 30 o oK10 o o o K9 o o o K8 SIG 0-SIG 86 . SW. DE 4 OM / FLY RET. BOOM RET. .WAY o o30 o 87A 87 85 F7 86 o 30 o o K5 = 4 . o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F5 86 o 30 o o K3 = ROD DRAIN SOL. K10 o UB UB DE 3 AUTO MODE SW. DE 5 CM / IM RET. SW. ON DE 2 PRESS. DE 1 PRESS.MAX LENGTH SIGNAL VARIES WITH BOOM MAX VOLTAGE . VALVE 87A 87 85 F6 86 K4 = TELE OUT OF SEQ.1 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 DE 6 LENGTH RESET SW. FILTERS 10 9 6 8 5 7 6 A B 5 CORE 1 2 4 1 2 3 3 4 2 3 3 LG 4.7K SHIELD 2 2 1 1 1 PIN 1 & 5 = GND PIN 3 & 6 = -5V PIN 2 = LENGTH SIGNAL 5 6 3 1 2 BOOM LENGTH SIGNAL RETRACTED = -0.2 WAY 87A 87 85 F8 86 K6 = CM 2 .WAY DIREC. SW. 0 (UB) 0 (UB) RXD TXD UB -SIG +SIG -SIG 0 (UB) 85 A2B COMPARATOR -9V +9V -5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND LEN. BOOM EXT. Connections LG 208 CABLE REEL (TO NOSE) 17 18 R. -5V -SIG GND 86 o 30 o o K7 = OM / FLY .5V IS FOR 10 TURNS ON POT. 4. = -2.WAY 87A 87 85 F7 86 o 30 o o K5 = 4 . 87A 87 85 F5 86 o 30 o o K3 = ROD DRAIN SOL.4 15 14 13 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Boom Base Junction Box 12 11 1 10 2 A 1 2 10 H 8 9 3 8 7 5 C 3 13 6 D 4 LG WG 6 5 4 13 3 3 2 2 1 1 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 TERMINALS : 1-2 & 4-5 ARE JUMP TOGETHER PIN 1 & 5 = GND PIN 3 & 6 = -5V PIN 2 = LENGTH SIGNAL PIN 4 = ANGLE SIGNAL BOOM LENGTH SIGNAL RETRACTED = -0. Connections LWG 221 CABLE REEL (TO CM) 20 19 18 17 16 TERMINALS FOR PROX. -5V -SIG GND 86 K7 = OM / FLY . = -1.P. SW.2 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 DE 6 LENGTH RESET SW.1-12. ON DE 2 PRESS.875V * NOTE .5V ANGLE SIGNAL 0 DEG. DE 5 CM / IM RET.WAY DIREC.8 DS350 Graphic Boom Length to C.5V IS FOR 10 TURNS ON POT. DE 1 PRESS. 87A 87 85 F4 86 o o30 o K2 = IM 2 . 12. = -3. / % SW. BOOM RET.MAX LENGTH SIGNAL VARIES WITH BOOM MAX VOLTAGE .(OA) -5V ANGLE GND X4 0(UB) +UB 4 3 2 1 ) ) ) ) 0 (UB) / GND +24 V . BOOM EXT. SW. .125V 45 DEG. 0 (UB) 0 (UB) RXD TXD UB -SIG +SIG -SIG 0 (UB) 85 A2B COMPARATOR -9V +9V -5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND LEN. VALVE 87A 87 85 F6 86 o 30 o o K4 = TELE OUT OF SEQ. SWITCHES SEE PG. DE 4 OM / FLY RET. 3 4 1 3.U.2 WAY o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F8 86 o o30 o K6 = CM 2 .500V MAX RANGE = -4. SW. K10 o UB UB DE 3 AUTO MODE SW. o 30 o oK10 o o o K9 o o o K8 SIG 0-SIG 86 .50V 90 DEG.WAY 87A 87 85 F3 86 K1= NOT USED o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F2 87A 87 . SW. SW. BOOM EXT. o 30 o oK10 o o o K9 o o o K8 SIG 0-SIG 86 .5V IS FOR 10 TURNS ON POT. SWITCHES SEE PG. VALVE 87A 87 85 F6 86 o 30 o o K4 = TELE OUT OF SEQ.500V MAX RANGE = -4. DE 5 CM / IM RET.(OA) -5V ANGLE GND X4 0(UB) +UB 4 3 2 1 ) ) ) ) 0 (UB) / GND +24 V . 87A 87 85 F5 86 o 30 o o K3 = ROD DRAIN SOL.4. ON DE 2 PRESS. 0 (UB) 0 (UB) RXD TXD UB -SIG +SIG -SIG 0 (UB) 85 A2B COMPARATOR -9V +9V -5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND LEN.80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 DS350 Graphic Boom Length to C.MAX LENGTH SIGNAL VARIES WITH BOOM MAX VOLTAGE . . K10 o UB UB DE 3 AUTO MODE SW.2 WAY o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F8 86 o o30 o K6 = CM 2 .1-12. 12.U. 3 1 3. -5V -SIG GND 86 K7 = OM / FLY .3 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 DE 6 LENGTH RESET SW.WAY DIREC. 87A 87 85 F4 86 o o30 o K2 = IM 2 . BOOM RET.P. / % SW.4 13 Boom Base Junction Box 12 11 10 9 8 1 2 A 1 2 9 G 7 3 5 C 3 7 6 5 LG 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 TERMINALS : 1-2 & 4-5 ARE JUMP TOGETHER PIN 1 & 5 = GND PIN 3 & 6 = -5V PIN 2 = LENGTH SIGNAL 7 BOOM LENGTH SIGNAL RETRACTED = -0. SW. DE 1 PRESS. DE 4 OM / FLY RET.WAY 87A 87 85 F7 86 o 30 o o K5 = 4 . Connections LG 221 CABLE REEL (TO IM) 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 TERMINALS FOR PROX.WAY 87A 87 85 F3 86 K1= NOT USED o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F2 87A 87 .5V * NOTE . THE ACTUAL SIGNAL MAY VARY SLIGHTLY.30V 9 3 -1.70V 3. 0 0 -0.50V 18 6 -2. THESE VOLTAGES ARE TO BE USED AS A REFERENCE ONLY.90V 21 7 -3.3.10V 4.5V 0.70V 1.70V 12 4 -2.U. CHECK VOLTAGES AT MP 6 OR X1-10 AND COMPARE WITH TEST DATA IN CENTRAL UNIT.9V 0.5V 3 1 -0.30V 24 8 -3. = 0.4V) CHART SHOWS TYPICAL VOLTAGE SIGNALS. MP 6 TEST POINT ON MAIN BOARD IN C.30V 1. OF TURNS NO. CHANNEL # 1 NO.9V 6 2 -1.10V 15 5 -2.10V 30 10 -4. TERM.50V PAT DS350Graphic(BCS) MAIN BOOM LENGTH SIGNAL VOLTAGE . X1-10 IN C. FOR SPECIFIC BOOM LENGTH VOLTAGES.10V 2. OF TURNS "INPUT" SIGNAL AT "OUTPUT" SIGNAL AT ON CABLE REEL ON LENGTH POT.70V 27 9 -4.90V 2.30V 3.50V 4.U.4 (3 TURNS OF CABLE REEL = 1 TURN OF LENGTH POT.50V 2. 0V E 11 .T.A.500V) = MIN.50V = MAX.500V) “MINIMUM SIGNAL” (RETRACTED BOOM) 2 2 4.50V “MAXIMUM SIGNAL” (10 TURNS ON POT) MP 6 VOLTAGES + 500MV (. SIGNAL (RETRACTED BOOM) +4.0V 10 AMP TO A/D CONVERTER MP 6 TEST POINT .50V MAX.4.500V MIN. CABLE REEL TERMINAL X1 # CENTRAL UNIT TERMINAL BOARD WIRE NUMBER TEST POINT ON MAIN BOARD FIXED RESISTOR 3 3 11 -5V X1 P. WORKING RANGE { ERROR CODE . DS350 Graphic (BCS) BOOM LENGTH MEASURING CHANNEL CHANNEL # 1 .5 PRELOAD SPRING 30 REVOLUTIONS COUNTERCLOCKWISE (CENTER REEL) CH. #1 OPERATING WINDOW 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LENGTH SENSOR 10 K Ω /10 TURNS .500MV (-. SIGNAL (10 TURNS ON POT) ALL VOLTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (TERMINAL X1-8 ON “A104”OR MP 15 ON MAIN BOARD).0V (GND) 8 { ERROR CODE FIXED RESISTOR 3 : 1 RATIO ZERO ADJUSTMENT RETRACTED BOOM 3.X1 CABLE REEL ASS’Y 1 1 0. E 21 5. -0. VOLTMTER SHOULD MEASURE -5.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213 1415 16 3.6 .50 VOLTS BETWEEN CONNECTIONS 1 (GND) AND 2 (SIGNAL VOLTAGE).0 VOLTS BETWEEN CONNECTIONS 1 (GND) AND 3 (SUPPLY VOLTAGE).LENGTH MEASUREMENT: CABLE REEL W/VOLTMETER ON 1 & 2 W/VOLTMETER ON 1 & 3 WITH THE BOOM FULLY RETRACTED THE VOLTMETER SHOULD MEASURE -0.50 -5. TURN THE CENTER SCREW COUNTERCLOCKWISE TO A SOFT STOP. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 131415 16 ADJUST LENGTH POTENIOMETER WITH BOOM FULLY RETRACTED.PAT PAT ADJUST TOP OF ANGLE SENSOR PARALLEL WITH BOOM.7 . 3. LENGTH MEASUREMENT: CONNECTION BOARD W/VOLTMETER ON X1:8 & X1:11 VOLTMETER SHOULD MEASURE -5.00 X1 2 4 6 1 2 3 4 1 3 5 X4 F3 F2 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 X1 52 51 50 X1 43 42 41 40 39 38 X1 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 46 45 44 X1 3.WAY X4 V9 CENTER MID V10 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 71 72 73 74 H9 X1 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 F1 -5.8 .8 (NEGATIVE) AND X1 .0 VOLTS BETWEEN CONNECTIONS X1 . H8 V2 X3 H7 A2B K9 LMI K8 SHUT OFF SHUT OFF H4 H1 V8 R15 V5 OUT OF SEQUENCE OUTER MID V11 K7 K4 R9 R10 R16 V1 K1 R3 R4 R17 R18 H10 H5 H6 H3 R14 R8 R5 V3 K10 LEVER LOCKOUT K2 R2 R6 F4 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 IM X1 77 76 75 D RO F5 X1 80 79 78 X1 R1 49 48 47 Q F6 R7 SE F7 R12 4W 70 69 68 CM OM F8 R11 K3 INNER MID R13 K5 V6 ROD DRAIN K6 X1 H2 V7 4 .11 (POSITIVE). H8 V2 X3 H7 A2B K9 LMI K8 SHUT OFF SHUT OFF H4 H1 V8 K7 V5 OUT OF SEQUENCE OUTER MID V11 R15 V1 K4 R9 R10 R16 K1 R3 R4 R17 R18 H10 H5 H3 R13 K6 R14 R11 R12 R7 V3 R8 K10 LEVER LOCKOUT K2 R5 R2 R6 F4 IM X1 77 76 75 K3 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 X1 80 79 78 V6 D RO F5 Q F6 X1 R1 49 48 47 SE F7 K5 4W 70 69 68 CM OM F8 V7 ROD DRAIN X4 V9 4 .LENGTH MEASUREMENT: CONNECTION BOARD W/VOLTMETER ON X1:8 & X1:10 WITH BOOM FULLY RETRACTED THEVOLTMETER SHOULD MEASURE -0.8 (NEGATIVE) AND X1 .9 .50 VOLTS BETWEEN CONNECTIONS X1 .10 (POSITIVE).50 X1 2 4 6 1 2 3 4 1 3 5 X4 F3 F2 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 X1 52 51 50 X1 43 42 41 40 39 38 X1 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 46 45 44 X1 3.WAY CENTER MID V10 X1 H2 INNER MID H6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 71 72 73 74 H9 X1 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 F1 -0. P.T.I MANUAL SECTION 4 DS 350 GRAPHIC BCS PISTON. ROD CONNECTIONS & WIRING DIAGRAMS . – L.M.A. DE 5 CM / IM RET.80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 DS350 Graphic Piston Pressure Transducer to C. K10 o UB UB DE 3 AUTO MODE SW. Connections 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 14 o o o o 13 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER PISTON SIDE DAVS D 4 C 3 B 2 A 1 4 3 2 1 4. VALVE 87A 87 85 F6 86 o 30 o o K4 = TELE OUT OF SEQ.WAY DIREC.P. SW.U.1 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 DE 6 LENGTH RESET SW.2 WAY o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F8 86 o o30 o K6 = CM 2 . BOOM EXT. o 30 o oK10 o o o K9 o o o K8 SIG 0-SIG 86 . 0 (UB) 0 (UB) RXD TXD UB -SIG +SIG -SIG 0 (UB) 85 A2B COMPARATOR -9V +9V -5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND LEN. BOOM RET.WAY 87A 87 85 F3 86 K1= NOT USED o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F2 87A 87 . SW. / % SW. 87A 87 85 F4 86 o o30 o K2 = IM 2 . DE 1 PRESS. . ON DE 2 PRESS. 87A 87 85 F5 86 o 30 o o K3 = ROD DRAIN SOL. SW. -5V -SIG GND 86 K7 = OM / FLY .WAY 87A 87 85 F7 86 o 30 o o K5 = 4 .(OA) -5V ANGLE GND X4 0(UB) +UB 4 3 2 1 ) ) ) ) 0 (UB) / GND +24 V . DE 4 OM / FLY RET. -699. 2. .03 V.4. -299.76 V. -433. -399.69 V.77 V.U.6 MV.I. 2. -533. 3.4 MV.2 MV.17 V. -733.1 MV.23 V. 3.63 V. -233.) "INPUT" SIGNAL AT TERM. 3.09 V.5 V. 3. 1.S. 2.89 V.29 V. -999.2 MV.9 MV.8 MV.5 MV. -366. 4. -866. 4.5 MV. -99. -66. 1. 2.49 V.8 MV. THE ACTUAL SIGNAL MAY VARY SLIGHTLY. PAT DS350Graphic (BCS) PISTON PRESSURE TRANSDUCER VOLTAGE SIGNALS 0 145 290 435 580 725 870 1015 1160 1305 1450 1595 1740 1885 2030 2175 2320 2465 2610 2755 2900 3045 3190 3335 3480 3625 3770 3915 4060 4205 4350 PRESSURE (P.96 V.36 V.1 MV. -833. -199. -266. -566. 1. 1. -633.7 MV. 3.3 MV. 2.2 MV. -899. -599.83 V. 1.3 MV.9 MV.9 MV.63 V. -466. -133. 2. -666.43 V.6 MV. 0. -166.43 V.56 V. 3. 0. -799.6 MV.09 V. 0. 1. 1. -966. 4.7 MV.5 MV. -499. 3.4 MV. -33.9 MV.29 V.23 V. 3.89 V. 0. X1-21 IN CENTRAL UNIT 0 MV.50 V. THESE VOLTAGES ARE TO BE USED AS A REFERENCE ONLY. 2. -766.2 CHART SHOWS TYPICAL VOLTAGE SIGNALS. -932.69 V.83 V.9 MV. 1.97 V.3 MV.16 V.53 V.9 MV. -333. CHANNEL # 2 "OUTPUT" SIGNAL AT MP 4 TEST POINT ON MAIN BOARD IN C.1 MV. 4.1 MV.36 V.03 V.3 MV.7 MV. PRESSURE = -1.50V = MAX. (4410 PSI) DAVS 301 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER (PISTON SIDE) TEST POINT ON MAIN BOARD WIRE NUMBER CENTRAL UNIT TERMINAL BOARD PRESSURE FROM PISTON SIDE OF LIFT CYLINDERS # X1 D C B A 18 X1 19 20 21 AMP P4 0.3 ~ 300 BAR MAX.0V P. . +4.T.500V MIN.0V (GND) . #2 OPERATING WINDOW .000V MAX.25 MV) 1 X1 CH. SIGNAL (ZERO PRESSURE) { ERROR CODE WORKING RANGE E 12 . SIGNAL (300 BAR PRESSURE) ALL VOLTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (TERMINAL X1-19 “A104” OR MP 15 ON MAIN BOARD.A.50V MAX.4.0V OUTPUT SIGNAL : ZERO PRESSURE = 0.0V (+ / .500V) = MIN. DS350 Graphic (BCS) PISTON PRESSURE MEASURING CHANNEL CHANNEL # 2 2 3 4 { ERROR CODE P4 ZERO POINT ADJUSTMENT + 5.0V MP 4 VOLTAGES MP 4 TEST POINT E 22 4.) + 500MV (.0V TO A/D CONVERTER 5.5. 0V) & X1: 19 (GROUND) H8 V2 H4 V1 A2B K9 LMI K8 SHUT OFF SHUT OFF H1 V5 OUT OF SEQUENCE V8 R17 R18 H10 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 71 72 73 74 H9 X1 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 F1 X1 2 4 6 1 3 5 +5.4 X1 -5.0V) & X1: 19 (GROUND) VOLTMETER SHOULD MEASURE -5.00 X1 .00 V3 K10 LEVER LOCKOUT 4.0 VOLTS BETWEEN CONNECTIONS X1:18 (+5.0 VOLTS BETWEEN CONNECTIONS X1:20 (-5.PISTON TRANSDUCER MEASUREMENT: CONNECTION BOARD W/VOLTMETER ON X1:18 & X1:19 W/VOLTMETER ON X1:20 & X1:19 VOLTMETER SHOULD MEASURE +5. by .T. DS350 Graphic E12 ERROR CODE The following step .P.5 . with illustrations.step procedures. 4. these procedures will check out the complete piston pressure transducer system. Since various problems can cause an E12. are designed to assist in eliminating error code E12.A. .21 ON TERMINAL BOARD IN THE P.WAY V9 X1 X1 V3 H2 V6 K10 LEVER LOCKOUT INNER MID H5 X1 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 71 72 73 74 F1 2 4 6 1 3 5 .A.025V AT ZERO HYDRAULIC PRESSURE. THIS IS THE OUTPUT SIGNAL FOR THE PISTON PRESSURE TRANSDUCER.000 VOLT +/.T. DISCONNECT HYDRAULIC HOSE FROM LIFT CYLINDER TO THE PISTON SIDE PRESSURE TRANSDUCER SO THAT NO HYDRAULIC PRESSURE IS APPLIED TO TRANSDUCER.19 AND POSITIVE (+) LEAD TO X1 .TERMINAL BOARD ERROR CODE 12.. H8 V2 A2B V1 K9 SHUT OFF H4 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 H9 LMI K8 SHUT OFF H1 V8 V5 OUT OF SEQUENCE X1 PISTON PRESSURE TRANSDUCER OUTPUT SIGNAL = . SHUT OFF ENGINE.000 X1 R2 4.025 VOLT. LOWER BOOM ALL THE WAY DOWN. 2.6 R1 . R17 R18 H10 H3 V7 ROD DRAIN 4 . RECORD THIS VOLTAGE VDC.000 VOLT +/. CONNECT A DIGITAL VOLTMETER NEGATIVE (-) LEAD TO X1 . CENTRAL UNIT VOLTAGE SHOULD BE . DRAWING #1 1. 4.7 . 21 AND X1 .TERMINAL BOARD ERROR CODE 12. DISCONNECT THE SIGNAL WIRE FROM TERMINAL X1 .19.500V (500MV) AT “MP4” WITH JUMPER WIRE IN PLACE.500V (500MV) WITH POT “P4”.21 ON TERMINAL BOARD AND CONNECT A JUMPER WIRE BETWEEN TERMINAL X1 .WAY V9 X1 JUMPER WIRE X1 V3 H2 V6 K10 LEVER LOCKOUT INNER MID H5 X1 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 71 72 73 74 F1 2 4 6 1 3 5 X1 R2 4. DRAWING #3 5.21 R17 R18 H10 H3 V7 ROD DRAIN 4 . H8 V2 A2B V1 K9 SHUT OFF H4 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 H9 LMI K8 SHUT OFF H1 V8 V5 OUT OF SEQUENCE X1 DISCONNECT FROM X1 . IF VOLTAGE CAN BE ADJUSTED WITH JUMPER WIRE IN PLACE. 6. REPLACE MAIN BOARD. TRY READJUSTING POT “P4” FOR .8 R1 . IF UNABLE TO ADJUST VOLTAGE AT “MP4” TO . PRESSURE TRANSDUCER OR CABLE IS DEFECTIVE. IF STILL UNABLE TO ADJUST VOLTAGE THE MAIN BOARD IS DEFECTIVE. CONNECT DIGITAL VOLT METER NEGATIVE (-) LEAD TO TERMINAL B.00 VDC. . REFER TO DRAWING # 4 TO CHECK THE +5 VOLT & -5 VOLT REFERENCE VOLTAGES AT PISTON PRESSURE TRANSDUCER PLUG. IF INCORRECT CHECK CABLE CONNECTIONS IN CENTRAL UNIT AND CHECK CABLE FOR DEFECTS. DRAWING# 4 7. CONNECT POSITIVE (+) LEAD TO TERMINAL C. IF VOLTAGE COULD BE ADJUSTED TO .9 . CONNECT POSITIVE (+) LEAD TO TERMINAL A. .500V (500 ) MV AT TEST POINT “MP 4” IN STEP 6. IF CORRECT REPLACE PRESSURE TRANSDUCER. VOLTAGE SHOULD BE -5. VOLTAGE SHOULD BE +5. C B A D 4.PRESSURE TRANSDUCER PLUG ERROR CODE 12.00 VDC. 87A 87 85 F4 86 o o30 o K2 = IM 2 . . SW. / % SW. 87A 87 85 F5 86 o 30 o o K3 = ROD DRAIN SOL. 0 (UB) 0 (UB) RXD TXD UB -SIG +SIG -SIG 0 (UB) 85 A2B COMPARATOR -9V +9V -5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND LEN. VALVE 87A 87 85 F6 86 o 30 o o K4 = TELE OUT OF SEQ.U.(OA) -5V ANGLE GND X4 0(UB) +UB 4 3 2 1 ) ) ) ) 0 (UB) / GND +24 V . SW. o 30 o oK10 o o o K9 o o o K8 SIG 0-SIG 86 .P.10 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 DE 6 LENGTH RESET SW. BOOM RET. SW. DE 1 PRESS. -5V -SIG GND 86 K7 = OM / FLY .2 WAY o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F8 86 o o30 o K6 = CM 2 .WAY DIREC. DE 5 CM / IM RET. ON DE 2 PRESS. K10 o UB UB DE 3 AUTO MODE SW.WAY 87A 87 85 F7 86 o 30 o o K5 = 4 .80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 DS350 Graphic Rod Pressure Transducer to C. Connections 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 14 o o o o 13 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER ROD SIDE DAVS D 4 C 3 B 2 A 1 4 3 2 1 4.WAY 87A 87 85 F3 86 K1= NOT USED o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F2 87A 87 . BOOM EXT. DE 4 OM / FLY RET. 11 0 145 290 435 580 725 870 1015 1160 1305 1450 1595 1740 1885 2030 2175 2320 2465 2610 2755 2900 3045 3190 3335 3480 3625 3770 3915 4060 4205 4350 PRESSURE (P. -699. -133.43 V. 3. -233.) "INPUT" SIGNAL AT TERM.29 V. 2.1 MV.3 MV.17 V. -333. 1.9 MV.89 V.29 V.6 MV.2 MV. 0. -666.23 V. -866.9 MV. 4.1 MV.83 V.7 MV. 4.36 V.1 MV.23 V. 2.50 V. 0. 0. 2. 3. 4.7 MV.09 V. -733. -799. 1.96 V. -899.4 MV.U.5 MV.3 MV.9 MV. -266.2 MV.9 MV. 3. 3. 1.9 MV. -299.4 MV. 0.76 V.49 V.03 V.6 MV. -199.2 MV.I.6 MV. -433.63 V.S.97 V.43 V. -966. -999.9 MV. -932.5 MV.03 V. 3. -599. 3.8 MV.56 V.16 V. -366. 1.3 MV. 2. 2. -99. -66. 2.1 MV.5 MV. -766. -566. -499. 1. THE ACTUAL SIGNAL MAY VARY SLIGHTLY. -166. -33.83 V. PAT DS350Graphic (BCS) ROD PRESSURE TRANSDUCER VOLTAGE SIGNALS . 4. -399.8 MV. 2.3 MV.7 MV.53 V. X1-16 IN CENTRAL UNIT 0 MV. CHANNEL # 3 "OUTPUT" SIGNAL AT MP 5 TEST POINT ON MAIN BOARD IN C. -533. THESE VOLTAGES ARE TO BE USED AS A REFERENCE ONLY.69 V.89 V. -633.09 V. CHART SHOWS TYPICAL VOLTAGE SIGNALS. 3. -833. 3.63 V. 1.77 V. -466.5 V.36 V.69 V. 1. 1.4. DS350 Graphic (BCS) ROD PRESSURE MEASURING CHANNEL CHANNEL #3 2 3 4 { ERROR CODE P5 ZERO POINT ADJUSTMENT + 5.000V MAX.5. PRESSURE = -1.T.0V (+ / .500V) = MIN.0V P.0V TO A/D CONVERTER 5. +4.4. .0V OUTPUT SIGNAL : ZERO PRESSURE = 0. SIGNAL (ZERO PRESSURE) { ERROR CODE WORKING RANGE E 13 . #3 OPERATING WINDOW .0V MP 5 VOLTAGES MP 5 TEST POINT E 23 4.25 MV) 1 X1 CH.50V MAX.A.0V (GND) .500V MIN. (4410 PSI) DAVS 301 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER (ROD SIDE) TEST POINT ON MAIN BOARD WIRE NUMBER CENTRAL UNIT TERMINAL BOARD PRESSURE FROM ROD SIDE OF LIFT CYLINDERS # X1 D C B A 13 X1 14 15 16 AMP P5 0. SIGNAL (300 BAR PRESSURE) ALL VOLTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (TERMINAL X1-14 “A104” OR MP 15) ON MAIN BOARD.50V = MAX. + 500MV (.12 ~ 300 BAR MAX. 0V) & X1: 14 (GROUND) -5.00 V3 K10 LEVER LOCKOUT 4.0 VOLTS BETWEEN CONNECTIOS X1:15 (-5.0 VOLTS BETWEEN CONNECTIOS X1:13 (+5.0V) & X1: 14 (GROUND) VOLTMETER SHOULD MEASURE -5.13 X1 X1 .ROD TRANSDUCER MEASUREMENT: CONNECTION BOARD W/VOLTMETER ON X1:13 & X1:14 W/VOLTMETER ON X1:15 & X1:14 VOLTMETER SHOULD MEASURE +5.00 H8 V2 H4 V1 A2B K9 LMI K8 SHUT OFF SHUT OFF H1 V5 OUT OF SEQUENCE V8 R17 R18 H10 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 71 72 73 74 H9 X1 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 F1 X1 2 4 6 1 3 5 +5. .P.14 .A. with illustrations.step procedures. are designed to assist in eliminating error code E13. these procedures will check out the complete rod pressure transducer system. DS350 Graphic E13 ERROR CODE The following step .T. Since various problems can cause an E13. F1 H5 X1 R2 4. CONNECT A DIGITAL VOLTMETER NEGATIVE (-) LEAD TO X1 .025V AT ZERO X1 HYDRAULIC PRESSURE.000 VOLT +/.TERMINAL BOARD ERROR CODE 13. THIS IS THE OUTPUT SIGNAL FOR THE ROD PRESSURE TRANSDUCER.000 VOLT X1 +/. CENTRAL UNIT VOLTAGE SHOULD BE .16 ON TERMINAL BOARD IN THE P.. RECORD THIS VOLTAGE VDC.T. DISCONNECT HYDRAULIC HOSE FROM LIFT CYLINDER TO THE ROD SIDE PRESSURE TRANSDUCER SO THAT NO HYDRAULIC PRESSURE IS APPLIED TO TRANSDUCER. LOWER BOOM ALL THE WAY DOWN.15 R1 .A.000 X1 V3 H2 V6 K10 LEVER LOCKOUT INNER MID V7 ROD DRAIN 4 ..WAY V9 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 71 72 73 74 H9 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 ROD PRESSURE TRANSDUCER OUTPUT SIGNAL = . DRAWING #1 1.025 VOLT.19 AND POSITIVE (+) LEAD TO X1 . SHUT OFF ENGINE. 2. 2 4 6 1 3 5 X1 H8 V2 A2B V1 K9 SHUT OFF H4 LMI K8 SHUT OFF H1 V8 OUT OF SEQUENCE V5 R17 R18 H10 H3 . 16 .4. WAY V9 X1 JUMPER WIRE X1 R17 R18 H5 X1 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 71 72 73 74 H8 V2 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 H9 DISCONNECT X1 FROM X1 .500V (500MV) WITH POT “P5”. TRY READJUSTING POT “P5” FOR . DISCONNECT THE SIGNAL WIRE FROM TERMINAL X1 . IF STILL UNABLE TO ADJUST VOLTAGE THE MAIN BOARD IS DEFECTIVE. IF UNABLE TO ADJUST VOLTAGE AT “MP5” TO .16 AND X1 .17 R1 .TERMINAL BOARD ERROR CODE 13. PRESSURE TRANSDUCER OR CABLE IS DEFECTIVE.16 2 4 6 1 3 5 F1 X1 R2 4.19. DRAWING #3 5.500V (500MV) AT “MP5” WITH JUMPER WIRE IN PLACE. 6. REPLACE MAIN BOARD. A2B V1 K9 SHUT OFF H4 LMI K8 SHUT OFF H1 V8 OUT OF SEQUENCE V5 H10 H3 V3 H2 V6 K10 LEVER LOCKOUT INNER MID V7 ROD DRAIN 4 .16 ON TERMINAL BOARD AND CONNECT A JUMPER WIRE BETWEEN TERMINAL X1 . IF VOLTAGE CAN BE ADJUSTED WITH JUMPER WIRE IN PLACE. REFER TO DRAWING # 4 TO CHECK THE +5 VOLT & -5 VOLT REFERENCE VOLTAGES AT ROD PRESSURE TRANSDUCER PLUG.500V (500 ) MV AT TEST POINT “MP 5” IN STEP 6.PRESSURE TRANSDUCER PLUG ERROR CODE 13.00 VDC. IF INCORRECT CHECK CABLE CONNECTIONS IN CENTRAL UNIT AND CHECK CABLE FOR DEFECTS. CONNECT POSITIVE (+) LEAD TO TERMINAL A. C B A D 4.18 . CONNECT DIGITAL VOLT METER NEGATIVE (-) LEAD TO TERMINAL B. IF CORRECT REPLACE PRESSURE TRANSDUCER. IF VOLTAGE COULD BE ADJUSTED TO . CONNECT POSITIVE (+) LEAD TO TERMINAL C. . . VOLTAGE SHOULD BE +5.00 VDC. VOLTAGE SHOULD BE -5. DRAWING# 4 7. P.I MANUAL SECTION 5 DS 350 GRAPHIC BCS BOOM ANGLE CONNECTIONS & WIRING DIAGRAMS .T. – L.A.M. = -3.WAY DIREC.MAX LENGTH SIGNAL VARIES WITH BOOM MAX VOLTAGE .U. DE 4 OM / FLY RET.4. 87A 87 85 F5 86 o 30 o o K3 = ROD DRAIN SOL.50V 90 DEG.5V IS FOR 10 TURNS ON POT.2 WAY o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F8 86 o o30 o K6 = CM 2 . Connections 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 14 o o o o 13 CABLE REEL 17 R. SW. DE 1 PRESS. . VALVE 87A 87 85 F6 86 o 30 o o K4 = TELE OUT OF SEQ.1 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 DE 6 LENGTH RESET SW.500V MAX RANGE = -4.WAY 87A 87 85 F7 86 o 30 o o K5 = 4 . ON DE 2 PRESS. SW. = -2.WAY 87A 87 85 F3 86 K1= NOT USED o 30 o o 87A 87 85 F2 87A 87 .F. = -1.125V 45 DEG. SW. -5V -SIG GND 86 K7 = OM / FLY . BOOM EXT.875V * NOTE . / % SW. o 30 o oK10 o o o K9 o o o K8 SIG 0-SIG 86 . 0 (UB) 0 (UB) RXD TXD UB -SIG +SIG -SIG 0 (UB) 85 A2B COMPARATOR -9V +9V -5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND -SIG -5V +5V GND LEN. 5.7K CORE WG 6 SHIELD 1 2 1 3 1 PIN 1 & 5 = GND PIN 3 & 6 = -5V PIN 2 = LENGTH SIGNAL PIN 4 = ANGLE SIGNAL 3 2 4 1 2 BOOM LENGTH SIGNAL RETRACTED = -0. FILTERS 18 10 9 8 7 A B 1 2 5 4 1 2 3 3 4 2 3 LG 4. 87A 87 85 F4 86 o o30 o K2 = IM 2 .5V ANGLE SIGNAL 0 DEG.P. DE 5 CM / IM RET.80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 DS350 Graphic Boom Angle to C. K10 o UB UB DE 3 AUTO MODE SW.(OA) -5V ANGLE GND X4 0(UB) +UB 4 3 2 1 ) ) ) ) 0 (UB) / GND +24 V . BOOM RET. 30 DEGS.00 -2.93 -2.92 +3.60 +1. 90 DEGS.80 +2.28 -2.04 +4. 50 DEGS. X1-9 IN C.35 -2. B IN CANNON PLUG AND TERM.38 +3.48 +2.15 +3.91 -2. 40 DEGS.49 CHART SHOWS TYPICAL VOLTAGE SIGNALS.U.60 +3.12 CHANNEL # 5 "OUTPUT" SIGNAL AT MP 8 TEST POINT ON MAIN BOARD IN C. 0 DEGS.5.92 +1. 45 DEGS.15 +1.14 -2.26 +2. 35 DEGS.42 -2.70 -2.49 -2. 65 DEGS.U.07 -2.04 +2. +. THESE VOLTAGES ARE TO BE USED AS A REFERENCE ONLY.87 -1.05 -3. 5 DEGS.77 -2. 10 DEGS.63 -2.48 +. ACTUAL BOOM ANGLE PAT DS350Graphic (BCS) BOOM ANGLE SIGNAL VOLTAGE . 85 DEGS.84 -2.2 "INPUT" SIGNAL AT TERM.27 +4.70 +2.82 +4. 75 DEGS. 55 DEGS. -1. 20 DEGS.21 -2. 60 DEGS. 15 DEGS.70 +. 25 DEGS. 80 DEGS.37 +1. THE ACTUAL SIGNAL MAY VARY SLIGHTLY.98 -3. 70 DEGS.56 -2. ) 0.500V MIN.0V (GND) P.T.50V = 45o ANGLE +4.0V 4.# X1 TERMINAL STRIP IN JUNCTION BOX 14 SOCKET PLUG JUNCTION BOX BOOM BASE TEST POINT ON MAIN BOARD WIRE NUMBER CENTRAL UNIT TERMINAL BOARD CABLE REEL TERMINAL ANGLE SENSOR 0o 90o BOOM ANGLE SENSOR PENDULUM 5.125V = 0o ANGLE 4 “MINIMUM SIGNAL” -1.3 1 13 6 (PART OF THE ANGLE POTENTIOMETER) FIXED RESISTOR 3 5 6 2 3 4 1 C D X1 3 11 4 9 A 1 8 AMP 5.875V = 90o ANGLE (PART OF THE ANGLE POTENTIOMETER) FIXED RESISTOR 5 X1 CH.500V) = 90o ANGLE MIN.0V -5V + 500MV (. SIGNAL + 2. SIGNAL ALL VOLTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (TERMINAL X1-8 “A104” OR MP 15 ON MAIN BOARD.50V MAX. DS350 Graphic (BCS) BOOM ANGLE MEASURING CHANNEL CHANNEL # 5 “MAXIMUM SIGNAL” -3.A. #5 OPERATING WINDOW . .50V = 0o ANGLE MAX. TO A/D CONVERTER MP 8 TEST POINT E 25 WORKING RANGE E 15 MP 8 VOLTAGES { ERROR CODE { ERROR CODE . M.T.P. – L.TWO .BLOCK CONNECTIONS & WIRING DIAGRAMS .A.I MANUAL SECTION 6 DS 350 GRAPHIC BCS ANTI . 6. FILTERS CABLE REEL SLIP RINGS 3 GREY 2 2 4 VIOLET 4 1 3 RED LEVER LOCKOUT SOLENOID VALVE * UB +24V K10 30 . CONSOLE BYPASS KEY BLUE WEIGHT ASS’Y A2B SWITCH ASS’Y 18 17 1 1 7 6 8 1 5 6 7 +SIG * OUTPUT CENTRAL UNIT TERMINAL BOARD 1 X1 2 UB +24V SOME MODELS USE MULTIPLE SOLENOID VALVES.# .F.WIRE NUMBER X1 FROM CRANE SUPPLY +24V 3 X1 49 PAT DS350 Graphic LMI ANTI TWO BLOCK & SHUTOFF CKT.SIG 35 30 45 44 46 47 48 .I.M.7K A B 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 SHIELD LENGTH CABLE 4 2 3 CORE SHIELD A2B L. 14 SOCKET PLUG 6 8 10 1 5 14 13 F2-10A 7 LMI BYPASS KEY (CU) 5 6 73 9 R. 86 87 K9 87A V3 85 K8 LMI OVERLOAD A2B ELECTRONICS V2 7 6 6 K9 7 34 0.1 4. DRAWING 1: BOOM TIP JUNCTION BOX W/VOLTMETER ON 1 & 2 TURN POWER OFF OR DISCONNECT X1:35 ON CONNECTION BOARD IN CENTRAL UNIT. A2B SWITCH CLOSED = 4700 +/. MEASURE THE RESISTANCE BETWEEN TERMINALS 1 & 2.500 OHMS A2B SWITCH OPEN = GREATER THAN 1 MEGOHM 1 2 4.2 .70 6. MEASURE RESISTANCE BETWEEN X2:RED & X1:BROWN.70 X2 : RED X1 : BROWN 6.3 .DRAWING 2: TURN POWER OFF OR DISCONNECT X1:35 ON CONNECTION BOARD IN CENTRAL UNIT. A2B SWITCH CLOSED = 4700 (+/-500) OHMS A2B SWITCH OPEN = GREATER THAN 1 MEGAOHM X2 RED SHEILD X1 BROWN CORE 4. 70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415 16 6.500) OHMS A2B SWITCH OPEN = GREATER THAN 1 MEGOHM 4. TURN POWER OFF OR DISCONNECT X1:35 ON CONNECTION BOARD IN CENTRAL UNIT.4 . A2B SWITCH CLOSED = 4700 (+/. MEASURE THE RESISTANCE BETWEEN TERMINALS 7 & 8.DRAWING 3: CABLE REEL W/VOLTMETER ON 7 & 8. DRAWING 4: BOOM BASE JUNCTION BOX W/VOLTMETER ON 5 & 6 TURN POWER OFF OR DISCONNECT X1:35 ON CONNECTION BOARD IN CENTRAL UNIT.5 2 4.70 . A2B SWITCH CLOSED = 4700 (+/. MEASURE THE RESISTANCE BETWEEN TERMINALS 5 & 6.500) OHMS A2B SWITCH OPEN = GREATER THAN 1 MEGAOHM 3 4 5 6 7 1 6. WAY CENTER MID V10 X1 H2 INNER MID H5 H6 X1 71 72 73 74 A2B K9 SHUT OFF H4 R15 V1 X1 X1 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 H8 V2 H7 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 F1 H9 X3 X1 2 4 6 1 2 3 4 1 3 5 X4 F3 F2 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 X1 52 51 50 X1 43 42 41 40 39 38 X1 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 46 45 44 X1 6.6 .DRAWING 5: CONNECTION BOARD W/VOLTMETER ON X1:34 & X1:35 TURN POWER OFF TO CENTRAL UNIT.500) OHMS A2B SWITCH OPEN = GREATER THAN 1 MEGOHM LMI K8 SHUT OFF H1 V8 OUT OF SEQUENCE OUTER MID V11 K7 R16 R9 V5 K4 K1 R10 R3 R4 R17 R18 H10 H3 R13 R11 R12 R7 V6 K3 R8 R5 F4 D X1 77 76 75 K10 LEVER LOCKOUT K2 R2 R6 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 IM RO F5 Q F6 X1 80 79 78 V3 R1 49 48 47 SE 70 69 68 F7 K5 4W 4. A2B SWITCH CLOSED = 4700 (+/. MEASURE THE RESISTANCE BETWEEN X1:34 & X1:35.70 R14 CM OM F8 K6 V7 ROD DRAIN X4 V9 4 . X3 R15 K4 R16 R9 R10 K1 R3 71 72 73 74 K7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 LMI K8 SHUT OFF 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 A2B K9 SHUT OFF 2 4 6 1 3 5 1 2 3 4 F1 R4 K10 K6 K5 K3 LEVER LOCKOUT K2 X4 R13 R14 R11 R12 R7 R8 R5 R2 R6 R1 49 48 47 F8 70 69 68 80 79 78 77 76 75 F7 F6 F5 F4 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 F3 F2 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 35 34 33 32 31 30 4.7k RESISTOR INSTALLED TURN POWER OFF TO CENTRAL UNIT.70kΩ 6.7 52 51 50 46 45 44 . TURN POWER ON TO CENTRAL UNIT AND THE A2B ALARM SHOULD BE INACTIVE. INSTALL THE RESISTANCE BETWEEN X1:34 & X1:35.DRAWING 6: CONNECTION BOARD W/TEMPORARY 4. M. – L.A.P.I MANUAL SECTION 7 DS 350 GRAPHIC BCS DIGITAL INPUTS .T. SWITCH CM RETRACTED & X1/9 CM % RESET (+24V) PAT SWITCH ON IM .DS350 GRAPHIC (BCS) Digital Inputs INPUT 1 CU DESCRIPTION TERMINAL A104 TELE EXTEND (+24V) X1/38 NOTES GROVE PRESSURE SWITCH SIGNAL 2 A104 X1/40 TELE RETRACT (+24V) GROVE PRESSURE SWITCH SIGNAL 3 A104 X1/42 AUTO MODE SELECTED (+24V) GROVE SELECTOR SWITCH SIGNAL 4 A104 X1/76 PROX.SIGNAL VIA CM & OM/FLY % RESET (+24V) CABLE REEL 5 A104 X1/78 PROX.SIGNAL VIA IM CABLE REEL 7.1 . SWITCH OM/FLY RETRACTED PAT SWITCH ON CM . SWITCH CM/IM RETRACTED (+24V) PAT SWITCH ON BOOM BASE 6 A104 X1/80 PROX. SWITCH IM % RESET (+24V) PAT SWITCH ON BOOM BASE E1 A112/A114 HOUSE LOCK PIN SWITCH SIGNAL X1/1 GROVE LIMIT SWITCH (RT865BXL ONLY) E2 A112/A114 AUTO MODE A = ON X1/3 AUTO MODE B = OFF GROVE SELECTOR SWITCH SIGNAL (NOT FOR RT865BXL) E3 A112/A114 FRONT O/R OVERLOAD X1/6 (GROUND SIGNAL) GROVE FRONT O/R SWITCH SIGNAL (NOT FOR RT865BXL) E4 A112/A114 AREA DEFINATION SWITCH X1/7 ON RUBBER SWIVEL LIMIT SWITCH (RT865BXL ONLY) E5 A112/A114 PROX. BOARD LAYOUT & CONNECTIONS .I MANUAL SECTION 8 DS 350 GRAPHIC BCS CENTRAL UNIT.A.M. P. – L.P.C.T. 2 Piston Pressure .1 G-3 G-4 G-3 G-2 . DS350 Graphic (BCS) 5 . 3 Rod Pressure . 1 Boom Length .MP 6 / P6(Do Not Adjust) Ch.MP 5 / P5 Ch. 5 Bom Angle .P.MP 8 / P8(Do Not Adjust) E-1 E-4 B-7 B-7 E-1 E-1 8.Main Board Power Supply Test Points: MP 1 = +5V MP 2 = -5V MP 11 = Ground H-4 MP 12 = +5V MP 13 = Digital Ground MP 15 = Analog Ground MP 19 = -5V Analog Measuring Channels / Test Points: Ch.T.A.Section Boom .MP 4 / P4 Ch. 51. K5 +24V K5 (NO) Extend K5 (NC) Retract K6 +24V K6 (NO) C/M 2 way valve Not Used K7 +24V K7 (NO) O/M . SW. Digital Input 3 (-) 8.2 Digital Input 3 (+) Auto Mode 43 44 +C/M Prox. SW.DS350 GRAPHIC BCS X1 Terminals A104 Board X1 TERM.Force Signal 24V (ub) TXD Data Transmit to Console RXD Data Received from Console GND (oub) 0 Signal A2B A2B Signal Digital Input 1 (-) Digital Input 1 (+) Tele Ext. DESCRIPTION 1.2 3.72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 . Switch LMI Shut-off Signal (LMI By Pass Key) +24V (ub) from F1 (2amp) (LMI By Pass Key) A2B Shut off Signal (A2B By Pass Key) +24V Battery from F2 (10 amp) Output to Lever Lockout K10 LMI Lockout Alarm Not Used K2 +24V K2 (NO) I/M 2 way valve Not Used K3 +24V K3 (NO) Tele Rod Drain Sol.52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70. Press. Switch CM/IM Retract Digital Input 6 GND Digital Input 6 Prox. Switch Length Reset 45 46 47 48 49 50. Sol.Input F1 (2 amp) GND F1 (2 amp) Load Side ub GND (Inner Shield Connection) GND Boom Angle Signal Boom Length Signal -5Volt Supply/Length/Angle Transducer GND (Inner Shield Connection) +5Volt Supply/Piston Pressure Transducer GND -5Volt/Rod Pressure Transducer Rod Pressure Signal GND (Inner Shield Connection) +5Volt Supply/Piston Pressure Transducer GND -5Volt Supply/Piston Pressure Transducer Piston Pressure Signal GND (Inner Shield Connection) Length (I/M) Signal -5Volt Supply / Length Sensor +9 Volt Supply/Force Transducer -9 Volt Supply/Force Transducer + Force Signal . Switch O/M Fly Retract Digital Input 5 GND Digital Input 5 Prox.Input GND () Battery . Digital Input 2 (-) Digital Input 2 (+) Tele Retr.Fly 2 way valve Not Used Length Signal C/M -5V Digital Input 4 GND Digital Input 4 Prox.4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33. Not Used K4 +24V Not Used K4 (NO) Tele out of Seq.36 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 24V Battery . DESCRIPTION X1 TERM. Press.71. A.P.WAY CENTER MID V10 X1 H2 INNER MID H5 X1 71 72 73 74 H8 V2 X1 X1 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 H9 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 F1 X1 2 4 6 1 2 3 4 1 3 5 X4 F3 F2 59 58 57 56 X1 55 54 53 52 51 50 X1 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 46 45 44 X1 X1 8. DS350 Graphic (BCS) 5 .T.3 .X1 Terminal Board (A104) V1 K9 A2B LMI K8 SHUT OFF X3 H7 H4 H1 V8 OUT OF SEQUENCE OUTER MID V11 R15 SHUT OFF K7 R16 R9 V5 K4 K1 R10 R3 R4 R17 R18 H10 H6 H3 R13 R11 R12 R7 V6 K3 R8 R5 X1 77 76 75 K10 LEVER LOCKOUT K2 R2 R6 F4 64 63 62 61 60 IM 67 66 65 F5 D RO F6 X1 80 79 78 V3 R1 49 48 47 Q SE F7 K5 4W 70 69 68 R14 CM OM F8 K6 V7 ROD DRAIN X4 V9 4 .Section Boom . RELAY K5 SELECTS EXTEND OR RETRACT K5 A104 X1/63 ANALOG OUTPUT SIGNAL TO PROPORTIONAL EXTEND SOLENOID VALVE MAXIMUM 800mA TO EXTEND VALVE ONE VALVE FOR ALL SECTIONS K5 A104 X1/64 MAXIMUM 800mA TO RETRACT VALVE ONE ANALOG OUTPUT SIGNAL TO PROPORTIONAL RETRACT SOLENOID VALVE FOR ALL SECTIONS VALVE K6 A104 X1/66 2 .WAY CM SOLENOID VALVES (2) PILOT PRESSURE PISTON SIDE PRESSURE K7 A104 X1/69 2 .WAY OM/FLY SOLENOID VALVES OFF = OM/FLY EXTENDS OR RETRACTS ON = (2) PILOT PRESSURE PISTON SIDE OM/FLY IS NOT ALLOWED TO MOVE PRESSURE K8 A104 X1/44 LMI CUT OFF INTERNAL RELAY CONNECT LMI BYPASS VIA DIODE ASSEMBLY FROM GRAPHIC CONSOLE AND CU KEY SWITCH K9 A104 X1/46 A2B CUT OFF INTERNAL RELAY CONNECT A2B BYPASS FROM GRAPHIC CONSOLE K10 A104 X1/48 LMI UNLOCK RELAY OUTPUT POWERS THE LMI UNLOCK SOLENOID WHEN NO OVERLOAD.DS350 GRAPHIC (BCS) Relay Outputs INPUT K1 DESCRIPTION CU TERMINAL NOT USED A104 X1/52 NOTES NONE K2 A104 X1/54 2 .4 OFF = CM EXTENDS OR RETRACTS ON = CM IS NOT ALLOWED TO MOVE . A2B OR ERROR CONDITION K10 A104 X1/49 EXTERNAL ALARM OUTPUT USED FOR EEC UNITS ONLY 8. EXTEND & RETRACT.WAY IM SOLENOID VALVES (2) PILOT PRESSURE PISTON SIDE PRESSURE OFF = IM EXTENDS OR RETRACTS ON = IM IS NOT ALLOWED TO MOVE REFER TO TRUTH TABLE 1 K3 A104 X1/57 TELE ROD DRAIN VALVE OFF = BOOM IS EXTENDING OR RETRACTING AND IS NOT FULLY RETRACTED ON = BOOM IS IN NEUTRAL POSITION OR FULLY RETRACTED K4 A104 X1/61 TELE OUT OF SEQUENCE PROVIDES SIGNAL TO GRV WARNING LIGHT K5 A104 X1/62 ANALOG OUTPUT SIGNAL FROM ANALOG BOARD ANALOG OUTPUT TO PROPORTIONAL SOLENOID VALVES. A.5 .Diode Board(A113) 24 000 35 0003 PAT BS Z:E XD1 12 11 10 9 XC1 8 7 6 X1 XB1 5 XA1 4 3 2 1 X1 P.T.Section Boom . DS350 Graphic (BCS) 5 . 1 X3 MP10 J1 X2 . J2 3 MP3MP2 MP8 MP1 X1 F1 8.A.. DS350 Graphic (BCS) 5 . J3 1 3 .T..P.Valve Control Board (A111) MP11 MP4 MP5 MP6 MP7 .Section Boom .. T. DS350 Graphic (BCS) 5 .A.Digital Input Extention Board (A112) X2/IN X3/OUT MP5 MP1 +5V MP4 MP2 MP3 MP6 GND C11 C12 MP0 H12 H11 H10 H9 H8 H7 H6 H5 H4 H3 7 8 H13 H2 6 H14 4 5 H15 H1 1 2 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 H16 1 30 25 15 20 8.6 10 5 3 2 .P.Section Boom . 7 . LOW = MANUAL MODE (INPUT) G SELECT OM / FLY IN MANUAL MODE (INPUT) H SELECT CM IN MANUAL MODE (INPUT) J SELECT IM IN MANUAL MODE (INPUT) K 3RD WRAP CUT OFF MAIN HOIST RT ONLY L 3RD WRAP CUT OFF AUX.SOLENOID (EXTEND) V PROPORTIONAL TELE .DS350 GRAPHIC (BCS) PAT .GROVE Interface Grove wire number Interface connector Description 71 51 73 387 388 239 242 243 244 [507] [505] [338] 323 [74] [744] 240 147 238 1083 255 257 A POWER SUPPLY +24V B CRANE GND C LMI UNLOCK SOLENOID (RELAY OUTPUT) D TELE EXTEND PRESSURE SWITCH (INPUT) E TELE RETRACT PRESSURE SWITCH (INPUT) F HIGH = AUTO MODE.PICK & CARRY Q AUTO MODE A = HIGH. HOIST RT ONLY M 3RD WRAP WARNING LIGHT (GND) RT ONLY N TELE OUT OF SEQUENCE SIGNAL (RELAY OUTPUT) O ADDITIONAL EXTERNAL ALARM (RT ONLY EEC) P HOUSE LOCK PIN SWITCH .SOLENOID (RETRACT) W X 8. T TELE ROD DRAIN SOLENOID VALVE SIGNAL U PROPORTIONAL TELE .SOLENOID GND. AUTO MODE B = LOW (INPUT) R FRONT OUTRIGGER OVERLOAD (INPUT) S PROPORTIONAL TELE . 8 1 5 6 LMI UNLOCK SOLS K7 (COM) +24V 68 69 GND A113 4 X1 71 51 73 387 388 239 242 243 244 K6 (COM) +24V K6 (NO) +24V TO CM 2-WAY SOLS 65 66 +24V K2 (COM) +24V K2 (NO) +24V TO IM 2-WAY SOLS 53 54 4 5 6 18 LMI . PRESS. B 3 CM TELE 2 IM TELE 8 10 2 3 5 7 11 12 13 14 1 OM/FLY TELE 9 TELE RETRACT PRESS. 8.IS TELE RETRACT PROP SOL TELE EXT PROP SOL A111 1 X1 2 3 13 14 15 20 21 23 . SW. 6 HIGH=AUTO / NONE=MANUAL 4 7 8 TELE EXT.SOCKET RECEPT S/S HARNESS (REF) TMS/TTS 870 INTERFACE TELE PROP ANALOG GND 56 57 1 2 3 4 48 38 40 42 36 37 39 41 75 77 79 59 61 49 62 63 64 TELE ROD DRAIN SOL 7 19 10 11 12 240 147 238 1083 255 257 8 FRONT O/R OVERLOAD 6 9 HIGH SIGNAL = AUTO MODE A NO SIGNAL = AUTO MODE B 5 323 To Boom Base Junction Box 4 TELE OUT OF SEQ. SW.CRANE INTERFACE 23 .1 22 47 DI EXTENSION BOARD 24 350 300 301 9 10 11 12 7 12 9 8 17 22 23 24 25 .PIN PLUG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 2122 23 24 25 A B C D E F G H J KLM N O P Q R S T UV W X A B C D E F G H J KLM N O P Q R S T UV W X 16 5 6 9 10 DI E5 GND DI E5 (+24V=CM RET) DI E3 (GND=FRONT O/R OL) A114 3 4 X1 DI E3 (+24V) [ +24=MODE A 0V=MODE B DI E2 GND DI E2 A1 (PROP) AGND GND GND +24V +24V K5 (NC) OUTPUT TO RET PROP K5 (COM) K5 (NO) OUTPUT TO EXT PROP K10 (NC) +24V TO LMI L/O ALARM K4 (COM) +24V K4 (NC) +24V TO TELE OUT OF SEQ DI 6 GND DI 4 GND DI 5 GND DI 2 GND DI 3 GND DI 1 GND DI GND DI 2 (+24V=TELE RET PRES SW) DI 3 (+24V=AUTO MODE DI 1 (+24V=TELE EXT PRES SW) K3 (NO) +24V TO TELE ROD DRAIN +24V +24V GND GND K10 (NO) +24V TO LMI UNLOCK SOLS K3 (COM) +24V K7 (NO) +24V TO OM/FLY 2-WAY SOLS +24V IS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12. A.T.I MANUAL SECTION 9 DS 350 GRAPHIC BCS BASIC ADJUSTMENTS & CHECKS .M. – L.P. Force Transducer VDC MP 15 Ground . Supply Voltage to Main Board @ Xl -1 ( + ) & Xl -3 (GND) = VDC 3.Internal to Board VDC MP 15 Ground .5 Volt Reference Voltage VDC @ X1-9 VDC @ X1-9 VDC @ X1 -11 Pressure Transducers: (MP 15 Ground for Meter) Piston Zero Point VDC @ X1-21 VDC @ MP 4 Rod Zero Point VDC @ X1-16 VDC @ MP 5 +5 Volt Reference Voltage @ X1-13 & 18 . 5.Jib Angle.Piston & Rod Pressure VDC MP 13 Ground . Boom Length: (MP 15 Ground for Meter) Fully Retracted Ft.5V @ MP 19= +5V @ MP 1= -5V @ MP 2= VDC MP 15 Ground .50 MV) : (For MP Locations Refer To Page 8. Main Board Power Supply ( Reference Voltages +/.Internal to Board VDC MP 15 Ground .5 Volt Reference Voltage VDC @ X1-10 VDC @ X1-10 VDC @ X1-11 Boom Angle: (MP 15 Ground for Meter) Minimum Angle Degs.33 ) + 9V @ MP 14= .Internal to Board VDC MP 15 Ground .Force Transducer VDC MP 15 Ground .5 Volt Reference Voltage @ X1-15 & 20 9. . Piston VDC MP15 Ground . 6.1 VDC @ MP 6 VDC @ MP 6 VDC @ MP 8 VDC @ MP 8 . Length / Angle Rod. Maximum Angle Degs. Fully Extended Ft. .MODEL: S/N: PAT DS35O Graphic (BCS) "BASIC ADJUSTMENTS AND VOLTAGE CHECKS" 1.Internal to Board +5V @ MP 18= +5V @ MP 12 = +12V @ MP 21= + 6V @ MP 20 = 4.9V @ MP 16= + 5V @ MP 17= . Crane Supply Voltage @ Xl -1 ( + ) & Xl -4(GND) = VDC 2.Internal to Board VDC MP 15 Ground .Internal to Board VDC MP 15 Ground . 5 Bom Angle . 2 Piston Pressure .MP 8 / P8(Do Not Adjust) E-1 E-4 B-7 B-7 E-1 E-1 9.MP 6 / P6(Do Not Adjust) Ch.2 G-3 G-4 G-3 G-2 .A.P. 1 Boom Length . 3 Rod Pressure .MP 4 / P4 Ch.Main Board (A101) Power Supply Test Points: MP 1 = +5V MP 2 = -5V MP 11 = Ground H-4 MP 12 = +5V MP 13 = Digital Ground MP 15 = Analog Ground MP 19 = -5V Analog Measuring Channels / Test Points: Ch.T.MP 5 / P5 Ch.Section Boom . DS350 Graphic (BCS) 5 . I MANUAL SECTION 10 DS 350 GRAPHIC BCS MAIN BOARD & TRANSDUCER REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE .T.M. – L.P.A. 000 volt +/.025 volts.1 .e. the data and system EPROM must be removed from the old board and installed on the new board. A digital voltmeter is required to make adjustments on the main board.AT DS350 Graphic TMS/TTS 870 & RT865BXL Instructions for replacement of the Main P. If the main board is replaced.C.4 for adjustment of pressure channel zero points. Pressure Transducer. 2VDC). Check the zero pressure output signals for the rod and the piston pressure transducer on the terminal board inside central processing unit. Voltmeter should be set on a range that will display three digits to the right of the decimal point (i. Signal voltage should be . B. the zero point for rod and piston pressure transducer channels must be checked and readjusted with no hydraulic pressure applied to the pressure transducers A.P. When the main board in the central unit or pressure transducers are replaced. Terminal X1/16 for rod signal and terminal X1/21 for piston signal. 10. Board.5 for EPROM location.3 and 10.. Refer to instructions on pages 10. Refer to page 10. 000 VOLT +/.000 X1 V3 H2 V6 K10 LEVER LOCKOUT INNER MID H5 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 71 72 73 74 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 H8 V8 2 4 6 1 3 5 H9 H4 X1 ROD PRESSURE TRANSDUCER OUTPUT SIGNAL = .000 VOLT X1 X1 HYDRAULIC +/.000 F1 A2B X1 R2 10..025V AT ZERO HYDRAULIC PRESSURE.WAY V9 .2 R1 ..TERMINAL BOARD V2 V1 K9 SHUT OFF LMI K8 SHUT OFF H1 OUT OF SEQUENCE V5 PISTON PRESSURE TRANSDUCER OUTPUT SIGNAL = . R17 R18 H10 H3 V7 ROD DRAIN 4 . .025V AT ZERO PRESSURE. 10.3 . 4 .10. 5 .10. – L.A.M.P.I MANUAL SECTION 11 DS 350 GRAPHIC BCS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE .T. 41 11. 38 Go to Page 11.T.2-11.40 Error Code Displayed Go to Page 11.4 No Function Anti-Two-Block Go to Page 11.3 Wrong Length Displayed Go to Page 11. DS350.A.32 No Display Go to Page 11.40. Load Moment Indicator System .P.A. The procedures are easy to follow and are given in flowcharts on the following pages.7 Wrong Load Displayed Bad Data Transfer Console/CPU Interface Problem Go to Page 11.GENERAL FLOWCHART This section explains how to handle a problem that may arise with the P.10 Wrong Angle Displayed Go to Page 11. Start with general flowchart below which will guide you to one of the more detailed flowcharts shown on pages 11.1 . START What’s Wrong? Lever Lockout Activated Length Cable Problem Go to Page 11.35 Go to Pages 11.2 Go to Page 11.T. cables.41. fault is located in power supply. Crane movements “hoist up”. wiring. If Load Moment Limit Light (7) displays fault is located in LMI. Crane is not in overload or two-block condition. 11. Fault in Anti-Two Block system. fixed? YES NO Does light in console indicate Anti-Two-Block warning? NO Fault in crane electric or hydraulic system.LEVER LOCKOUT ACTIVATED PROBLEM The lever lockout system of the crane is activated. and “boom down” are stopped. Go to Page 11. telescope out”. Check lever lockout system in crane YES If console display is blank.7 Read error code displayed on console display (1) and go to Page11.2 . wiring or fuses. START Set the override key switch in central unit into upper position to override LMI. fuses or console.4 Go to Page 11. Refer to Drawing on Page 11.49. Refer to drawing 6 on page 11. STEP ACTION 1 Cut old cable at cable drum. 4 Remove damaged length cable. Refer to Drawing on Page 11. 9 Remount cable reel to the boom. Check function of Anti-Two-Block switch. from Terminal X1 and X2. 11 Reconnect new cable to Terminal No. 7 Pull new length cable through the hole. Pull 7. Turn reeling drum clockwise to get rest of new cable onto the drum.pre-tension).conductor cable out of strain relief. 2 Open cable reel cover and disconnect wiring from terminal block. X1. Recheck length and angle display. turn potentiometer carefully counter-clockwise until it stops. 11. Tighten strain relief to ensure sealing. pipe and strain relief and push it through the axle of the reeling drum.BROKEN LENGTH CABLE PROBLEM Damaged or broken length cable. 6 Disconnect damaged length cable from Anti-Two-Block switch receptacle at the boom nose.15 .3 . which is mounted to the slip rings in the cable reel. 3 Remove cable reel from mounting brackets. 12 Reset length potentiometer in length angle transducer (screw is located in center of white gear): with boom fully retracted. Pull existing length cable out of the cable reel. 5 Turn the cable reel and open the stain relief attached to the axle in the center of the drum. X2 and center to No. 10 Set preload on cable reel by turning the drum counter-clockwise (see page 2. 8 Dismantle length cable near slip ring and reconnect shield to terminal No.53.49. 1 (center) and ground terminal (shield) of receptacle at the boom nose. on page 11. Refer to Drawing 3. NO YES NEXT PAGE 11. YES Measure crane voltage on terminal board (terminal block X1) between Pin 2 (+24V) and Pin 4 (ground).50. START Check fuses on CPU box. Note: If crane voltage is measured below 18V system will switch off.4 . Refer to Drawing 3. change terminal board. Crane movements stopped. correct? NO Replace fuses. “Terminal Board”. “Terminal Board”. These items can’t be replaced. inductance L1 or capacitor C1 is faulty. No warninglight shown. Diode D4. YES Measure crane voltage on terminal board (terminal block X4) between Pin 2 (+24V) and Pin 3 (ground). correct? NO Check crane power supply for faulty crane electric or if power supply is too low. Refer to Drawing 3. “Terminal Board” on page 11. correct? Defect on terminal board.50.NO DISPLAY PROBLEM Blank console display.50. on page 11. NO YES NEXT PAGE 11. on page 11. Check wiring and connections.51. Refer to Drawing 4. Refer to Drawing 4. correct? Faulty wiring or connectors between terminal board and main board. Check external wiring of system for defects.5 . “Main Board”. on page 11.51. correct? Short circuit in external wiring. “Main Board”. NO YES Measure voltages out of power supply between: MP 15 = ground (analog) and MP 1 = +5V MP 15 = ground (analog) and MP 2 = -5V MP 13 = ground (digital) and MP 12 = +5V MP 15 = ground (analog) and MP 18 = +5V MP 15 = ground (analog) and MP 19 = -5V MP= Measuring Points on Main Board.NO DISPLAY continued PREVIOUS PAGE Measure crane voltage on main board (terminal block X1) between Pin 1 (+24V) and Pin 3 (ground). 52. correct? Fault in wiring between terminal block X1 and console board. Refer to Drawing 5. “Main Board”. Refer to Drawing 4.52. END 11. correct? Defective power supply on main board. Measure voltages out of power supply between: MP 15 = ground (analog) and MP 1 = +5V MP 15 = ground (analog) and MP 2 = -5V MP 13 = ground (digital) and MP 12 = +5V MP 15 = ground (analog) and MP 18 = +5V MP 15 = ground (analog) and MP 19 = -5V MP= Measuring Points on Main Board. “Console Board”.NO DISPLAY continued PREVIOUS PAGE Disconnect ribbon cables from X2 and X3 of main board.see Section 10. NO YES Measure voltage at console terminal block between Pin 1 = (+24V) and Pin 2 = (crane ground). on page 11. on page 11. Replace main board and reset pressure channels .51. on page 11.6 . Refer to Drawing 5. “Console Board”. Check wiring. NO YES Replace console board. ANTI-TWO-BLOCK PROBLEM PROBLEM Function of Anti-Two-Block System is faulty.Switch closed=4700 + 500 Ohms (weight installed) Switch open => 1 Megaohm (weight removed) Safe Condition = 0 ohm Block-To-Block = > 1 megaohm NO correct? YES NEXT PAGE 11. START Check to see whether or not crane is in two-block condition. YES Remove jumper / dummy plug and check function of anti-two-block switch with ohmmeter between terminals 1 and 2 in the receptacle. . correct? YES Check if jumper / dummy plug is plugged into receptacle at boom nose. NO Lower hook down in safe position.7 Replace Anti-Two-Block switch. NO correct? Plug appropriate plug into socket of junction box. Check out wiring. replace length cable NO correct? YES NEXT PAGE 11. Anti-Two-Block switch open = > 1 megohm Anti-Two-Block switch closed = 4700 Ohms + 500 Ohms.ANTI-TWO-BLOCK PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Disconnect wire from terminal block X1. In case of damaged length cable. Reconnect length cable to slip ring. Measure between Pin 1 and Pin 2 of receptacle at boom nose with ohmmeter.8 . Pin 35 in central unit. measure between center and shield of length cable. With ohmmeter. Check wiring. YES For next measurement reconnect jumper / dummy plug. Faulty wiring between receptacle at boom nose and cable reel or damaged length cable. Switch closed = 0 Ohm Switch open = >1 Megohm NO correct? Fault in wiring cable from Anti-Two-Block switch to junction box at boom nose or short circuit in length cable. then disconnect length cable from slip rings 7 / 8 in cable reel. ANTI-TWO-BLOCK PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Check Anti-Two-Block signal in central unit. With resistor connected alarm should be inactive. Anti-Two-Block switch closed = 4700 Ohms + 500 Ohms Anti-Two-Block switch open = > 1 Megohm. correct? YES END 11. See cranes specific wiring diagram for wires # 5 (+) and # 6 (-). If fault is found check cable. at terminnal block X1 between 35 and 34 in central. using same measurements as in previous step.9 . Faulty wiring between cable reel and central unit. replace main board and reset pressure channel. Check Ten Pin Receptacle. With ohmmeter measure between wire disconnected from terminal block X1. NO correct? YES Check main board function by installing a temporary resistor. Pin 35 and Pin 34. NO If problem still exist. 4700 Ohms. 0%. 0%)? Yes No Continue to Page 11. Is the Voltage Correct? No Yes Keep the inner mid section retracted. Check proximity switch target adjustment . Is the percentage reading (1%.10 . Measure voltage supply to IM switch at terminal 1 or 2 (+24V) and 5 or 6 (GND) in the junction box at the front of the boom base. Switch to Manual Mode and retract the boom completely. Measure the inner mid reset switch signal at terminal 3 (24V) and 5 (GND) in the junction box at the front of the boom base section.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM A. Next Page Faulty voltage supply wiring to switch. 11.15 The LMI does not recognize the one or more reset switch signals. Boom Length Percentage Error Boom length percentage error Keep the boom stop block latched. If damage is visible install new switch. Replace defective cables. Is the voltage correct? Faulty wiring in cable connecting the junction box with the length sensor. Defective CM reset switch Replace proximity switch. Replace proximity switch. No Yes Measure the CM reset switch signal at terminal 10 (24V) and 9 (GND) in the length sensor LG221. No Yes Measure the IM reset switch signal at central unit terminal A104 80 (24V) and A 101 36 (GND). Is the voltage correct? Faulty wiring in cable connecting the length sensor LG221 and the boom base junction box. No Yes Measure the IM reset switch signal at terminal 15 (24V) and 14 (GND) in the boom base junction box. Next Page 11. Is the Voltage Correct ? Defective IM reset switch.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Is the voltage correct ? No Yes Measure the IM reset switch signal at terminal 5 (24V) and 9 (GND) in the length sensor LG221.11 . Is the voltage correct ? Faulty wiring in cable connecting the junction box with the length sensor. No Yes Measure voltage supply to CM switch at terminal 7 (+24V) and 5 (GND) in the inner mid junction box. Is the voltage correct ? Faulty wiring in cable connecting the central unit and the boom base junction box.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Is the voltage correct ? No Yes Measure the CM reset switch signal at terminal 30 (24V) and 14 (GND) in the boom base junction box.12 . Next Page Faulty wiring in cable connecting the central unit and the boom base junction box. Is the voltage correct ? Faulty wiring in cable connecting the boom base junction box with the LG221. 11. No Yes Measure voltage supply to OM switch at terminal 11 (+24V) and 9 (GND) in the center mid junction box. No Yes Measure the CM reset switch signal at central unit terminal Al14-9 (24V) and A l04-36 (GND). Is the voltage correct ? Faulty wiring in cable connecting the center mid junction box and the LWG 221. No Yes Measure the OM reset switch signal at terminal 17 (24V) and 14 (GND) in the boom base junction box. Is the voltage correct ? Faulty voltage supply wiring to switch.angle sensor LWG221. No Yes Measure the CM reset switch signal at terminal 10 (24V) and 9 (GND) in the length. Measure the OM reset switch signal at terminal 10 (24V) and 9 (GND) in the center mid junction box .13 . Replace defective cables.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Is the voltage correct ? No Yes Keep the outer mid (OM) section retracted. Faulty wiring in cable connecting the junction box with the length sensor. Next Page 11. 5 on main board or digital input 5 on extension board. Contact service dealer to obtain replacement instructions. 11. Is the voltage correct ? Defective digital input 4.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Is the voltage correct ? No Yes Measure the OM reset switch signal at central unit terminal Al04-78 (24V) and Al04-36 (GND). Faulty wiring in cable connecting the central unit and the boom base junction box. Faulty wiring in cable connecting the boom base junction box with the LWG 221.14 . Is the length cable spooled properly on the LG 208 drum ? Continue with * on page 11. Main Boom Length Error Main boom length error In manual mode retract all boom sections. Is the main boom length indicated correctly? Yes No CAUTION: High tension on cable reel drum! CAUTION: To avoid length potentiometer damage. No Next Page 11.15 .17 No Yes With all sections completely retracted.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM B. Has the adjustment corrected the boom length indication. un-spool the length cable carefully. Check the roller guides for correct adjustment. Reset the length potentiometer. do not turn the length potentiometer past the stop.17. Yes Continue with * on page 11. Pull the boom stop and retract the inner mid section completely. Let the drum rewind slowly and spool the cable manually back on the drum. 16 Defective length potentiometer. No Yes Verify the length sensor signal. No Yes Check the length signal in the central unit. Is the voltage correct ? (-500mV) Faulty wiring between central unit and length transducer. Is the voltage correct (-5V) ? No Yes Possible short or wiring fault between central unit and cable reel. Measure the voltage at the length transducer (LG 208) terminal 1 (GND) and 2 (-500mV) with fully retracted boom. . junction boxes and connectors for faulty wiring. Next Page 11. Measure with the DVM at the length transducer (LG 208) terminal 1(GND) and 3 (-5V) Is the voltage correct (-5V) ? Main board component defective Contact authorized service dealer for the board replacement procedure. For instruction how to change the length potentiometer assembly refer to Section 3. Measure the power supply voltage at central unit terminal Al04 Xl /l1(-5V) and Al04 Xl/8(GND). Check wiring.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Check the power supply to the length sensor. Replace length potentiometer assembly. Measure the signal at central unit terminal A104 Xl/10(-5OOmV) and Al 04 Xl/8(GND) with fully retracted boom. Contact authorized service dealer for the board replacement procedure.5V. Inspect the cable and connectors. * Yes No Check the wiring that connects the LG 208 with the central unit. Contact authorized service dealer for the board replacement procedure.5V ? Correct the wiring problem. The voltage should decrease from -500mV to -4. Have you found any wiring faults ? Main board component defective. Main board component defective.17 . Is the voltage decreasing from -500mV to -4.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Is the voltage correct ? (-500mV) Yes No Check the wiring that connects the LG 208 with the central unit. Next Page 11. Yes No Connect the voltmeter central unit terminal A104 X1/10 (signal) and A104 Xl/8 (GND). Inspect the cable and connectors. Use a small screwdriver to turn the length potentiometer carefully clockwise. 5V.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Have you found any wiring faults ? Yes No Connect the voltmeter central unit terminal 2 (signal) and terminal 1 (GND). 11. Carefully turn the length potentiometer clockwise. Use a small in the cable reel.18 . Yes No Defective length potentiometer assembly. Continue with section 14. Replace and adjust length potentiometer. Is the voltage correct? (0 turns = -500mV 10 turns = -4.5 V) Correct the wiring problem. Reset length transducer. The voltage should decrease from -500mV to -4. 21 Check the power supply to the length sensor. Is the inner mid boom length Yes indicated correctly? Continue with * CAUTION : High tension on cable reel drum ! on page 11.19 . do not turn the length potentiometer past the stop. With all sections completely retracted. Measure the power supply voltage at central unit terminal A104 X1/11 (-5V) and A104 X1/8 (GND) Next Page 11.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM C. Has the adjustment corrected the inner mid length indication? Continue with * on page 11. un .spool the length cable carefully. Pull the boom stop and retract the inner mid section completely.21 CAUTION : To avoid length potentiometer damage. Inner Mid Length Error In manual mode retract all boom sections. Let the drum rewind slowly and spool the cable manually back on the drum. No Is the length cable spooled properly on the 221 drum? No Yes Reset the length potentiometer. Check the roolerguides for correct adjustment. Verify the length sensor signal. Check wiring.20 . junction boxes and connectors for faulty wiring. Defective length potentiometer. Measure with the DVM at the length transducers (LG 221) terminal 1 (GND) and 3 (-5V) Is the voltage correct (-5V)? Main board component defective. Next Page 11.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Is the voltage correct (-5V)? No Yes Possible short or wiring fault between central unit and cable reel. Is the voltage correct (-500mV)? No Yes Check the length signal in the central unit. Replace length potentiometer assembly. Measure the voltage at the length transducer (LG 221) terminal 1 (GND) and 2 (-500mV) with fully retracted boom. No Yes Faulty wiring between central unit and length transducer. Measure the signal at central unit terminal A104 X1-24 (-500mV) and A104 X1-8 (GND) with fully retracted boom. Contact authorized service dealer for the board replacement procedure. Turn potentiometer clockwise 0 turns = -500mV. Have you found any wiring faults? Main board component defective. * Is the voltage decreasing from -500mV to . Next Page 11. See section 10 for replacement procedure. Inspect the cable and the connections.4. See section 10 for replacement procedure. Correct the wiring problem.21 . 10 turns = -4. Yes No Connect the voltmeter to central unit terminal A104 X1-24 (signal) and A104 X1-8 (GND).5V. Main board component defective.5V? Yes No Check the wiring between length transducer LG 221 and central unit Inspect cable connectors and junction boxes.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Is the voltage correct (-500mV)? Yes No Check the wiring that connects the LG 221 with the central unit. 500mV. Yes No Defective length potentiometer assembly.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Have you found any wiring faults? Yes No Connect the voltmeter to terminal 2 (signal) and terminal 1 (GNU) in the cable reel. Reset length transducer. 0 turns = . 10 turns = -4. Turn length potentiometer clockwise. Replace and adjust length potentiometer.22 .5V Is the voltage correct? 0 turns = -500mV 10 turns = . 11.4.5V Correct the wiring problem. Possible main board defect. Has the adjustment corrected the center mid length indication? With all sections completely retracted.25 No CAUTION: High tension on cable reel drum. CAUTION: To avoid length potentiometer damage. Center Mid Length Error In manual mode retract all boom sections.25 No Check the power supply to the length sensor. do not Is the turn the length potentiometer past the stop. length cable No spooled properly on the LWG 221 drum? Yes Reset the length potentiometer. Yes Continue with * on page 11. Let the drum rewind slowly and spool the cable manually back on the drum.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM D. Check the roller guides for correct adjustment. Is the center mid length indicated correctly? Yes Continue with * on page 11. Measure the power supply voltage at central unit terminal A 104 X1-11 (-5V) and A104 X1-8 (GND).23 . Next Page 11. un-spooled the length cable carefully. Pull the boom stop and retract the inner mid section completely. Measure the voltage at the length transducer. Defective length potentiometer. Replace length potentiometer assembly. Next Page 11. Is the voltage correct (-500mV)? Faulty wiring between central unit and length transducer.24 . No Yes Measure the signal at central unit terminal A 104 X1-73 (-500mV) and A 104 X1-8 (GND) with fully retracted boom. Follow board replacement procedure. terminal 1 (GND) and 3 (-5V). terminal 1 (GND) and 2 (-500mV) with fully retracted boom. junction boxes and connectors for faulty wiring. No Yes Verify the length sensor signal.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Is the voltage correct (-5V)? No Yes Possible short or wiring fault between central unit and cable reel. Is the voltage correct (-5V)? Main board component defective. Check wiring. Measure at the length transducer. Correct the wiring problem. Next Page 11. 0 turns = -500mV. * Is the voltage decreasing from -500mV to -4. 10 turns = -4.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Is the voltage correct (-500mV)? Yes No Check the wiring that connects the LG 221 with the central unit. Main board component defective. Inspect the cable and the connections. Inspect the cable and the connections. Yes No Connect the voltmeter central unit terminal A 104 X1-73 (signal) and A 104 X1-8 (GND). See section 10 for replacement procedure. See section 10 for replacement procedure.5V? Yes No Check the wiring that connects the LG 221 with the central unit. Have you found any wiring faults? Main board component defective.25 . Turn length potentiometer clockwise.5V. 10 turns = -4. Follow main board replacement procedure.26 . Possible main board defect.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Have you found any wiring faults? Yes No Connect the voltmeter to terminal 2 (signal) and terminal 1 (GND) in the cable reel. Replace and adjust length potentiometer.4. Yes No Defective length potentiometer assembly.5V. Is the voltage correct? 0 turns = -500mV 10 turns = . Turn the length potentiometer clockwise.5V Correct the wiring problem. 0 turns = -500mV. 11. Start the engine and operate the extend control. Check LMI fuses in the central unit enclosure. The ramping value remains 0 in the neutral position. Reset crane fuse breaker. Faulty wiring to retract pressure switch or defective pressure switch.27 . No Extend or Retract Function in Automode Switch to manual mode and extend or retract the boom manually. Measure the voltage at central unit terminal A 104 X1-38 (24V) and A 104 X1-37 (GND) while operating the extend control. Next Page 11. Is the voltage correct? Faulty wiring to extend pressure switch or defective pressure switch. Correct the wiring and replace the switch if defective. Is the voltage correct? Defect in crane electric or hydraulic circuit.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM E. Does the boom extend or retract? No Yes Switch to automode. No Yes Select the service screen on the console by pressing the two outer keys (F1 & F4) simultaneously. Start the engine and operate the retract control. The ramping value for the selected section shall increase from 0 to 255. Correct the wiring and replace the switch if defective. Measure the voltage at central unit terminal A 104 X1-40 (24V) and A 104 X1-39 (GND) while operating the extend control. No Yes Switch to automode. 11. Check ribbon cable connection in central unit and wiring in the central unit.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Is the ramping value increasing? No Yes Continue to troubleshoot the wiring to the 2 way value and the hydraulic circuit.28 . BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM F.29 . Out of Sequence Warning Boom sections are out of sequence (Automode) Follow instructions in section A. Is the problem corrected? Yes End No Follow instructions in section B. Is the problem corrected? Yes End No Follow instructions in section D. Is the problem corrected? Yes End No Follow instructions in section C. Is the problem corrected? No Yes End Next Page 11. Yes No Faulty wiring.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page With outer mid section completely retracted check the adjustment for the OM retract switch target. Check the voltage at terminal 17 (24V) and 13 (GND) in the boom base junction box. 11. A 104 X1-76 (24V) and A 104 X1-36 (GND) Is the voltage correct? Adjust OM retract switch and target. Yes Correct the wiring between boom base junction box and central unit.30 . Have you found a fault in the wiring? No Next Page Main board component defective. Is the switch and target adjusted correctly? No Yes Measure the switch signal at central unit. See main board replacement procedure. Is the voltage correct? Correct the wiring between LWG 221 and boom base junction box.BOOM LENGTH PERCENTAGE PROBLEM Previous Page Measure switch signal at LWG 221 terminal 10 (24V) and 9 (GND) Is the voltage correct? Yes No Check the signal at terminal 10 (24V) and 9 (GND) in CM junction box. Replace proximity switch. Recheck.1 and 11.31 . Defective OM retract switch. No Yes Retract all boom section in manual mode and let the system reset boom percentage. Refer to section 9 and 11. End 11. Refer to section 9 & 11. Refer to section 9. Terminal X1.53.ANGLE READING PROBLEM PROBLEM Angle Reading Incorrect Crane is not in “Out of Load Chart” condition. Refer to Drawing 3 “Terminal Board” on page 11.32 . Refer to Page 11. Check power supply to angle sensor on Terminal Board.53. NO correct? YES Main board defective. replace main board and reset pressure channel. Refer to Page 11.50. NO correct? YES Readjust the angle sensor to the correct position by loosening the mounting screws and moving the angle sensor. Pin 8 (ground) and Pin 11 (-5V) +/. Angle / Length Sensor Adjustment Procedure. Note: Consult factory before replacing main board for further troubleshooting steps.50mv. Angle / Length Sensor Adjustment Procedure. START Check levelness of the angle sensor in cable reelwith main boom at horizontal remove cover from the cable reel. NEXT PAGE 11. Refer to Section 10 of this Manual. YES Measure signal from angle sensor in cable reel at terminal between Pin 4 (signal) and Pin 5 (ground). Boom Angle Signal Voltages: 0 Degrees -3.33 . Check wiring.53 NEXT PAGE 11. NO correct? Faulty wiring between central unit and angle sensor. and recheck the boom angle signal voltages at terminal # 4 in cable reel. If the signal is incorrect the angle sensor is defective.07 Volts For more detailed signal voltages refer to : Boom Angle Signal Voltage Chart in Section 5. Replace the angle sensor and adjust according to instructions on page 11.53. Refer to Drawing 6. Length / Angle Transducer on page 11.12 Volts 45 Degrees -2.50mv. NO correct? YES Remove wire # 4 from Terminal.49 Volts 75 Degrees -2. If the signal is correct the problem is in the wiring between the cable reel and the central unit or the main board is defective.ANGLE READING PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Measure supply to angle sensor in cable reel at terminal between Pin 5 (ground) and Pin 6 (-5V) +/. in thecable reel. NO correct? YES END 11.49 Volts 75 Degrees -2. Check wiring.15 Volts For more detailed signal voltages refer to : Boom Angle Signal Voltage Chart in Section 5.ANGLE READING PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Measure signal from angle sensor in cable reel at terminal between Pin # 9 (signal) and Pin # 8 (ground).34 .49 Volts 45 Degrees +2. Boom Angle Signal Voltages: 0 Degrees -3.07 Volts For more detailed signal voltages refer to : Boom Angle Signal Voltage Chart in Section 5. Refer to Section 10 of the System Manual. Note: Negative signal at terminal X1 Pin 9 will be converted into positive signal at MP 8. replace main board and reset pressure channel.12 Volts 45 Degrees -2. YES Measure angle signal of amplified output on main board between test point MP 15(ground) and MP 8 (angle signal). Note: Consult factory before replacing main board for further troubleshooting steps. NO correct? Faulty wiring between central unit and cable reel. Main board defective. Boom Angle Signal Voltages: 0 Degrees +4.48 Volts 75 Degrees +1. If incorrect. Check power supply out and measure between test point MP15 = ground and MP18 = +5V and between test point MP15 = ground and MP2 = -5V. NO correct? Check if mechanical adjustment of angle transducer is correct. turn potentiometer axle counterclockwise until it stops YES Measure radius and check with the displayed radius. With fully retracted boom. Measure between Pin 14 (ground) and Pin 15 (-5V). Angle transducer box should in line with boom and adjusted to actual boom angle.LOAD READING PROBLEM PROBLEM Load reading incorrect. replace main board and reset pressure channel. Measure between Pin 14 (ground) and Pin 13 (+5V). YES Check power supply to pressure transducer (rod side).35 . NO correct? YES NEXT PAGE 11. NO correct? Reset length potentiometer. YES Check boom length reading on display. Measure on terminal board at terminal block X1. START Check selected operating mode(code on operating mode switch). Power supply on main board defected. NO correct? Select operating mode switch to correct position (see operating mode in load chart). Unplug transducer cable from transducer. Unplug transducer cable from transducer. Signal = 0 to -1V (+/. Measure between B = ground and C = -5V. Check wiring (pressure transducer cable). Check power supply and measure between test point MP 15 = ground and MP 18 = +5V and between test point MP 15 = ground and MP 2 = -5V. Check out signal from transducer. Measure between Pin 19 (ground) and Pin 20 (-5V). NO correct? YES Power supply on main board defective. Check power supply at transducer plugs. NO Faulty wiring. Measure between Pin 19 (ground) and Pin 18 (+5V). Measure between B = ground and D = signal in transducer plug. YES NEXT PAGE 11.20mV). Measure between B = ground and A = +5V. Measure on terminal board at terminal block X1. correct? YES Plug transducer cable back into transducer.LOAD READING PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Check power supply to pressure transducer (piston side).36 .replace transducer. replace main board and reset pressure channels. NO correct? Transducer defective . If incorrect. 37 .. Measure transducer signals (0. Signal should be 0.-1V) between Pin 19 (ground) and wire # 4 (piston and rod side transducer cable). NO correct? Faulty wiring. Measure voltage between test point MP 15 (ground) and test point MP 5 and reset with P5 to 0. Signal should be 0. Disconnect wire # 4 of transducer cable from terminal block X1. Check transducer signals in central unit. Measure between test point MP 15 (ground) and test point MP 4. END 11. Disconnect wire # 4 of transducer cable from terminal block X1. Pin 16 (signal rod side).50V (piston side). NO correct? YES Measure voltage between test point MP 15 (ground) and test point MP 4 and reset with P4 to 0. YES Reconnect wire # 4 from transducer cables back to terminal X1. Without pressure in hoses. Transducer defective-replace transducer and reset pressure channel as described below. Measure between test point MP 15 (ground) and test point MP 5. check 0 point adjustment on main board by disconnecting hydraulic hoses from transducer.50V (piston side). Pin 21 (signal piston side).. replace transducer..50V (rod side).LOAD READING PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Plug transducer cables back into transducer.50V (rod side). If not resettable. Pin 16 (rod side) and terminal X1. Pin 21 (piston side). Check wiring (pressure transducer cable). NO correct? YES Defective internal power supply. Replace main board and reset pressure channel.BAD DATA TRANSFER BETWEEN CONSOLE & CENTRAL UNIT PROBLEM Error Code “E93 / E94” No data transfer to and from console. Make sure external and internal power supply is correct. Check that EPROMS are inserted with notch on EPROM to matching notch on socket. NEXT PAGE 11. or Defect in terminal board. correct? YES Check supply crane voltage for console in central unit at terminal board (block X1) between Pin 33 (ground) and Pin 30 (+24V). Replace terminal board. NO Place EPROM in correct socket.38 . START Make sure that Data EPROM is plugged into main board socket D5 and System EPROM is plugged into main board socket D4. correct? YES Ensure that wires are properly connected between terminal block X1 Pin 31 and console terminal Pin 4 and between terminal block X1 Pin 32 and console terminal Pin 3. Replace console board and / or replace main board. NO correct? Defective electronic components on main board and / or console board. YES END 11.BAD DATA TRANSFER BETWEEN CONSOLE & CENTRAL UNIT PREVIOUS PAGE Check power supply to console between console terminal # 2 = ground (KM) and terminal # 1 = +24V. NO Faulty wiring in cable from central unit to console. Replace cable.39 . NO Replace or repair part which is defective. correct? YES Check if additional ground like between main board terminal X9 and central unit box mounting bracket is in place. YES Ensure that cable shields are connected correctly. dump valve. NO correct? Install ground link . Install a diode or varistor across terminals of spiking component.g. Diode type such as 1N 4001 can be used (watch + and . outrigger relay).Bad Data Transfer Between Console & Central Unit. NO correct? YES Find out which component of the crane electric is spiking out (e. Error Code “E93 / E94” intermittent.0mm2) between terminal X9/1 and central unit box mounting bracket. Refer to connection and wiring diagrams.single cable minimum of AWG14 (2.38&39 . Refer to connections and wiring diagrams. Make correct shield connection.connection for diode). END 11.INTERFERENCE PROBLEM PROBLEM Interference from crane electric.40 . Pg. 11. START Check system out. Frozen console displays. Raise boom back to a radius or angle given in the load chart. Boom was telescoped too far or not far enough. Operating mode switch in the console set incorrectly. Fallen below the minimum radius or above the angle given in the load chart due to raising the boom too far. 3 Fallen below the minimum jib angle specified in the respective load chart due to luffing out the jib too far. Set operating mode switch correctly to the code assigned to the operating mode of the crane. Length sensor adjustment changed.ERROR CODE DISPLAY PROBLEM Error code displayed. length sensor cable slid off the cable drum. E 06* Fallen below angle range with luffing jib operation. See Section No. E 03* Prohibited slewing range. Lever lockout activated. Slew back into admissible range. Luff in the jib to a radius or angle specified in the load chart. E 02* Beyond radius or below angle range. i. Telescope boom to correct length given in the load chart. ERROR DISPLAY ERROR CAUSE ACTION E 01* Below radius or above angle range. The maximum radius or minimum angle given in the load chart was exceeded due to lowering the boom too far.41 . 11. Lower boom back to a radius or angle given in the load chart. E 05* Length range not permitted. (no load area) Slewing range prohibited with load. Warning lights on. * This error can be corrected by the operator.e. Operating mode is not permissible with actual crane configuration. E 04* Operating mode not available. See Section 10. See Section 3. E 12 E 13 E 14 Fallen below lower limiting value for the measuring channel "pressure piston side". Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace relay. Fallen below upper limit value in measuring channel "Force". Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. not connected or water in the necessary. See Section 10. E 11 Fallen below lower limiting value for the measuring channel "length". See Section 10. loose or water in the plug. Pressure transducer on rod side defective. E 08 No acknowledgment signal from Anti-Two-Block switch relay (K9). See Section 10. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Pressure transducer on piston side defective. Replace if necessary. Anti-Two-Block switch relay is defective or not being selected. Force transducer defective. Section 10 . Overload relay is stuck. replace if need be. Check cable as well as plug. See Section 10.42 Check cable as well as plugs. Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channel. Cable from central unit to the pressure transducer defective. 11. See Section 10. connectors Length potentiometer defective. Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channel. Replace if defective. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. Cable from central unit to length sensor Check cable. Fallen below lower limiting value for the measuring channel "pressure rod side". See Section 3. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. Replace relay. Cable from central unit to the pressure transducer defective. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. loose or water in in the plug. Cable from central unit to force measuring point defective or water inside the plugs. Replace force transducer. See Section 10.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY ERROR CAUSE ACTION E 07 No acknowledgment signal from overload relay (K8). defective or not being selected. Replace if necessary. Replace and reset length potentiometer. Check cable as well as plug. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace main board and reset pressure channels.43 . Check wiring. Check cable. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. Replace angle sensor. replace if need be. Check cable as well as plug. replace if need be. (external). Replace main board and reset pressure channels. E 19 Error in the reference voltage. Electronic component on the main board defective. See Section 5. Bad force transducer wiring. 11. Replace if necessary. Angle sensor defective. Length potentiometer defective. See Section 10. See Section 10. -9 volt supply E 21 Upper limiting value for the measuring channel "length" exceeded. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. +5 volt supply E 20 Error in the reference voltage. CAUSE ACTION Cable from central unit to the length/ angle sensor defective or loose or water inside plug. See Section 10. See Section 3. E 18 Front Stabilizer overloaded Exceeding capacities allowed for over the front. Angle sensor defective. Replace and reset length potentiometer. Fallen below lower limit value for measuring channel "Luffing Jib Angle". Replace if necessary. Achieve a safe working area Immediately. and reset adjustment. Bad power supply on main board. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY E 15 E 16 ERROR Fallen below lower limiting value for the measuring channel "angle main boom". replace if need be. Check force transducer cable. Cable from central unit to the length/angle sensor defective or loose. Replace angle sensor. Check cable. See Section 10. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. Cable from central unit to angle sensor defective or disconnected or water inside the plug. loose or water in the plug.44 Check cable. Angle sensor defective. See Section 10. Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channels. Replace angle sensor and reset Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace force sensor. Force sensor defective. mechanical adjustment. Cable between central unit and force measuring point defective or water inside the plug. See Error E 16. Upper limiting value for the measuring channel "angle main boom" exceeded. Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channels. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY E 22 E 23 E 24 E 25 E 26 ERROR Upper limiting value for the measuring channel "pressure piston side” exceeded. See Section 5. See Section 10. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. on main board. Check cable as well as plug. See Section 10. . Upper limiting value for the measuring channel "pressure rod side" exceeded. See Section 10. Replace if necessary. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Cable from central unit to the pressure transducer defective. See Error E 16. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Upper limit value for measuring channel "Luffing Jib Angle" exceeded. See Section 10. Cable from central unit to the length/angle sensor defective or loose. loose or water in the plug. replace if need be. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. See Section 10. See Section 7. Replace if necessary. 11. Pressure transducer on rod side defective. Pressure transducer on piston side defective. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. See Section 10. Check cable as well as plug. CAUSE ACTION Cable from central unit to the pressure transducer defective. Upper limit value in measuring channel "Force" exceeded. Replace if necessary. Check cable as well as plug. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Electronic component on the main board defective. E 48 Malfunction in the monitored Inter defect in digital part of CPU Replace main board and reset pressure channels.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY E 29 ERROR Error in the reference voltage. CPU is equipped with an incorrect version of system program. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. See Drawing 4 on page 11. Data EPROM on the main board defective. EPROM with system program defective. E 42 Error in the external write/ read memory (RAM). See Section 10. Replace system program EPROM. Electronic component on the main board defective.51. See Section 10. See section 10. See section 10 E 51 Error in data memory. See section 10. Equip main board with correct version of system EPROM. Defective electronic component. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. See Section 10. See section10. Internal defect in digital part of CPU. ACTION Check supply voltages. Exchange write/read memory (CMOS-RAM). Make sure BR3 on the main board is installed. RAM in the CPU on the main board defective. 11. Replace CPU Chip No. See Section 10. EPROM with system program defective. -5 volt supply E 31 E 37 Error in system program Error in program run CAUSE Supply and Reference voltages on MP10 is more than 3.45 . Replace main board and reset pressure channels. E 47 Malfunction in the monitored write/read memory. Replace Data EPROM. E 45 Error in internal communications. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Internal defect in in digital part of CPU Replace main board and reset pressure channels. 80C31.3V Electronic component on the main board defective. E 38 Incorrect system program. Replace EPROM with system program. E 41 Error in the external RAM. if necessary. The outer mid and fly section are not fully retracted while the center mid section or the inner mid section retracts or extends. (for inner mid) Ribbon cable defective or bad Connection. main board and ribbon cables as well as replace defective part. Replace decoder module.51 E 70 Error in return signal No or wrong return signal from digital input extension module to processor. board.50 A2B relay is not being selected due to a break on the terminal board. manually retract the outer mid and fly section until fully retracted. Decoder circuit defective. Select manual mode. E 83 Boom not synchronized. E 71 Incorrect acknowledgment of the A2B Relay on A101 Term. Ribbon cable defective or bad Connection. Properly install DATA-EPROM See page 11. Replace K9 relay. Decoder circuit defective. A2B relay is stuck or defective. Replace decoder module. The fly section shall not be extended when center mid section is fully retracted.46 . Analog output circuit defective. See page 11. main board or ribbon cable. Return to auto mode. E 72 – E 77 Analogous to E 71 for relays K2 – K7 Analogous to E 71 for relays K2 – K7 Check terminal board. Digital input circuit defective. Replace module. Replace cable. 11. Replace module.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY ERROR CAUSE ACTION E 60 Error in EPROM DATA-EPROM is not plugged into the correct socket or location is not programmed correctly in the EPROM. Replace cable. Check fly section cable adjustment. Analogous to E 71 for relays K2 – K7 E 80 Error in return signal No or wrong return signal from analog output extension module to processor. Replace console electronics or main board respectively. Replace console electronics or main board respectively. Electromagnetic interference’s (e.47 . Transmitter / receiver module defective.40) 24V supply of console interrupted.11. Transmitter / receiver module defective. E 91 No data transmission from console to central unit.40) Interruption or accidental ground in the data line from central unit to console. replace the console electronics. Replace main board. Replace power supply module.40) Defective contact in the line from central unit to console. Eliminate interference source by inverse diodes or varistors. (See page 11. Interruption or accidental ground in the line from console electronics to central unit. Check the connection between console electronics and central unit. No data transmission from central unit to console.11. Computer module defective. Check the line to the console (in case of accidental ground also replace console electronics).38 .11.11. therefore.38 . 5V supply for the computer in the central unit is missing.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY ERROR CAUSE ACTION E 89 Change of the operating code during lifting a load. when switching contactors or valves). Check the line to the console. Error in the data transmission from central unit to console. If you find an accidental ground.38 . Check the connection to the power supply. Replace console electronics or main board respectively. Check 24V at terminal Xl of console electronics. (See page 11.38 .g. Transmitter / receiver module defective. (See page 11. 11. Replace console electronics or main board respectively. Data EPROM defective. You should. The operating mode switch in the console was used during lifting a load. E 92 E 93 E 94 Error in the data transmission from console to central unit. Defective data line from console electronics to central unit.40) Transmitter / receiver module defective. the transmitter module in the console electronics can be damaged. (See page 11. Check the connection between console electronics and central unit. 5V supply voltage too low. Lower the load and set the operating mode switch correctly to the code assigned to the actual operating mode of the crane. Check data EPROM. CPU or main board of the console defective. console does not correspond to the actual type of central unit. E 97 Error in the external RAM of the CPU of the console. Replace data EPROM. Electronic component on main board defective. board defective. Position of jumper for the selection of the type of EPROM is wrong.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY E 95 ERROR Error in the crane data EPROM CAUSE ACTION Data EPROM defective.48 . Replace console main board. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. External RAM of the console defective. Electronic component on the main board defective. Replace console main board. Check the jumper position. Replace console main board. Electronic component on the main Replace console main board. 11. E 98 Wrong jumper position in the console. E 96 Error in the internal RAM of the CPU of the console. The jumper position BR9/BR10 in the Check the jumper position. Drawing 1 : Slip Ring Unit X2 : RED X1 : BROWN 4 3 1 2 Drawing 2 : Boom Nose Junction Box 11.49 . 50 .Drawing 3 : Terminal Board X3 H7 A2B K9 LMI K8 SHUT OFF SHUT OFF H4 H1 V8 OUT OF SEQUENCE OUTER MID V11 R15 V1 K7 R16 R9 V5 K4 K1 R10 R3 R4 R17 R18 H10 H3 R13 R14 R11 R12 K3 R8 R5 K10 LEVER LOCKOUT K2 R2 R6 F4 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 IM X1 77 76 75 V6 D RO F5 X1 80 79 78 V3 R1 49 48 47 Q F6 R7 SE F7 K5 4W 70 69 68 CM OM F8 V7 ROD DRAIN K6 4 .WAY X4 V9 CENTER MID V10 X1 H2 INNER MID H5 H6 X1 71 72 73 74 H8 V2 X1 X1 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 H9 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 F1 X1 2 4 6 1 2 3 4 1 3 5 X4 F3 F2 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 X1 52 51 50 X1 43 42 41 40 39 38 X1 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 46 45 44 X1 11. 1 Boom Length .MP 8 / P8(Do Not Adjust) E-1 E-4 B-7 B-7 E-1 E-1 11.MP 5 / P5 Ch. 5 Bom Angle . 2 Piston Pressure .51 G-3 G-4 G-3 G-2 .MP 6 / P6(Do Not Adjust) Ch.Drawing 4 : Main Board Power Supply Test Points: MP 1 = +5V MP 2 = -5V MP 11 = Ground H-4 MP 12 = +5V MP 13 = Digital Ground MP 15 = Analog Ground MP 19 = -5V Analog Measuring Channels / Test Points: Ch.MP 4 / P4 Ch. 3 Rod Pressure . Drawing 5 :Console Board MP 2 +7V MP 5 +5V MP 0 GND MP 3 -24V MP 4 -24V MP 6 MP 7 MP 1 +UB J2 J5 J1 J4 J3 X1 X5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11. 52 . 53 .Drawing 6 : Length / Angle Transducer PAT PAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 131415 16 ADJUST LENGTH POTENIOMETER WITH BOOM FULLY RETRACTED. TURN THE CENTER SCREW COUNTERCLOCKWISE TO A SOFT STOP. 11. Drawing 7 : Suppressor Diode COMPONENT CAUSING INTERFERENCE _ + SUPPRESSOR DIODE CAUTION: Make sure that + and - diode connections are made as shown to ensure proper polarity. Drawing 8 : Central Unit Box FUSE (10A) FUSE (2A) OVERRIDE KEY SWITCH (BOTTOM VIEW OF C.P.U.) 11.54 NORMAL OPERATION OUT L/O OVERRIDE IN P.A.T. – L.M.I MANUAL SECTION 11 APPENDIX DS 350 GRAPHIC BCS BOOM LENGTH TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURE 5 Section Boom Problem : Outer Mid section and Fly will not extend. Reason: Center Mid section indicates 96% - 97% extention on the PAT even though boom Section is fully extended. Findings: Cable reels are spooling properly. Switch to manual mode and retract all sections with the boom stop pulled. Boom percentages should indicate a 0% - 0% - 0% If not check the proximity switches Proximity switches are all four being made when boom is fully retracted to reset zero point with swingaway stop pulled down. Proxy switch Terminal to check in reference to Ground( X1/ 36) OM/Fly Retracted A 104 X 1/76 CM Retracted A 114 X 1/9 IM+CM Retracted A 104 X 1/78 The red LED will be illuminated when switch is on. IM % Reset A 104 X 1/80 All four should have a minimum of 20 volts If still not correct Reset the length potentiometers by turning them counterclockwise until they stop with the boom fully retracted. If still not correct Press the outer two keys simultaneously ( F1& F4 on the PAT console) to obtain the length indication for the inner mid and center mid. With the boom stop disengaged the total length retracted should be 35.4 and extended 137.8 With the inner mid extended it should read 61.0 With the inner mid and the center mid extended it should read 86.6 If still not correct Check the voltage on terminal #6, #7 and #9 on the main board for .495 to .500 volts with the boom fully retracted. If off, reset per the calibration papers inside the box. Ch. #3 - Force transducer not used Ch. #4 - Rod transducer - Do not touch Ch. #5 - Piston transducer-Do not touch Ch. #6 - Total Overall Length - (top reel) Ch. #7 - Center mid / Inner mid - (middle reel) Ch. #8 - Angle transducer - Do not touch Ch. #9 - Inner mid - Bottom reel Appendix 1 TMS / TTS 870 BOOM CONTROL SYSTEM ( M4XT V2.3 C ) A. Testing boom length calibration and boom percentage. Caution: Elevate the boom to a permissible load chart radius. Switch to Manual mode and retract all sections with the boom stop pulled. Boom percentage indication on console shall read 0% - 0% - 0%. Select Manual mode and IM and extend IM fully. Indication 100% (+ / - 1 %) - 0% - 0%. Select Manual mode and CM and extend CM fully. Indication 100% (+ / - 1 %) -100% (+ / - 1 %) - 0%. Select Manual mode and OM / Fly and extend OM / Fly fully. Indication 100 % (+ / - 1 %) - 100 % (+ / - 1 %) - 100 % (+ / - 1 %) Should indication differ ensure that boom stop was pulled, when fully retracted and all sections are mechanically extended. If still not correct go to step B. B. Correcting boom length and % indication. Caution: Elevate the boom to a permissible load chart radius. Switch to Manual mode and use the section selector switches in the cab for the duration of the following procedure. Retract the boom fully with the boom stop pulled. Reset carefully the potentiometer inside the length and length angle sensors counter clockwise until stop. Repeat test A. If still not corrected proceed below. On the horizontal line of the graphic console press the two outer keys simultaneous to obtain the length indication for IM and CM in a test picture. With the boom stop disengaged calibrate the total length to retracted 35.4 and extended 137.8. Read the boom length on the graphic console. With the boom stop disengaged calibrate the IM length to retracted 35.4 and extended 61.0. Read the boom length on the graphic console in the test picture. With the boom stop disengaged calibrate the IM + CM length to retracted 35.4 and .extended 86.6. Read the boom length on the graphic console. Transfer data into Eprom and check out length indication as described above. Repeat test A. If still not corrected proceed with test C. Appendix 2 C. Testing the retract and boom % reset switches Switch to Manual mode. With the boom stop engaged retract boom fully. Lower the retracted boom in order to reach the switches. Switch the engine of but leave the electrical power on. The Red LED on the proximity switch shall be switched on for the OM / Fly, CM, IM + CM retract and IM % reset switch. If not adjust the targets to the correct position. If still not check the power supply to each switch using the wiring diagram. If all LEDs are switched on check the signal voltage returning to the central unit terminal. The voltage shall not be lower than 20 Volts with reference to crane GND ( Xl - 36 ) for OM / Fly retract CM retract IM + CM retract IM % reset A104 X 1 / 76 A l 14 X 1 / 9 A 104 X 1 / 78 A 104 X1 / 80 Once identified which circuit is not powered use the wiring diagram to locate the wiring problem. Note: With the boom stop engaged and the IM reset switch signal on the system is programmed to indicate 1 % extension for the IM section. To read 0 % you must pull the boom stop down and pass the target. The IM reset target must be adjusted with the boom stop engaged and the boom fully retracted onto the boom stop. The IM + CM retract switch has two targets providing the boom is equipped with boom stop retracted against boom stop and another target for retracted against base section. Do not attempt to adjust targets if the two positions are not met. Incorrect adjustment could cause cylinder damage. D. Boom does not extend or retract while Auto mode is selected. Switch to manual mode and retract the boom. When fully retracted select a legal operating mode on graphic console. Switch to auto mode and to mode A or B. Ensure that no other LMI error, A2B or overload exists. Have the operator start the engine and push the extend control. Measure extend pressure switch signal on terminal A 104 Xl / 38 in the CU ( approx. 24 Volt reference crane GND ). Appendix 3 If not use the electrical diagram to identify the cause. Measure signal of pressure switch located on the right, inside the valve bank compartment. Disconnect wire 387 from the switch and measure voltage on switch output terminal. Have the operator start the engine and push the retract control. Measure retract pressure switch signal on terminal A l 04 Xl / 40 in the CU ( approx. 24 Volt reference crane GND ). If not, use the electrical diagram to identify the cause. Measure signal of pressure switch located on the control valve. Disconnect wire 388 from switch and measure voltage on switch output terminal. Replace switch or rectify the wiring problem. If signals are correct and problem is not resolved go to E. E. Testing the boom control signals Retract the boom. Switch to Manual mode. Switch to IM and measure on Al 04 -Xl / 54, 66, 69 in CU. No voltage. Measure at the cathode of the diodes which are connected to terminal 54, 66, 69 or at the cathode terminal of the diode matrix board. Should measure, crane voltage ( 24 Volt on cathode of diode connected to 66, 69 and no voltage on the cathode of the diode connected to 54. Switch to CM and measure on Al 04 -Xl / 54, 66, 69 in CU. No voltage. Measure at the cathode of the diodes which are connected to - terminal 54, 66, 69 or at the cathode terminal of the diode matrix board. - Should measure crane voltage ( 24 Volt on cathode of diode connected to 54, 69 and no voltage on the cathode of the diode connected to 66. Switch to OM / Fly and measure on Al 04 - X l / 54, 66, 69 in CU. No voltage. Measure at the cathode of the diodes which are connected to terminal 54, 66, 69 or at the cathode terminal of the diode matrix board. Should measure crane voltage 24 Volt on cathode of diode connected to 54, 66 and no voltage on the cathode of the diode connected to 69. If any of the above Xl terminals has crane voltage replace diode or diode matrix board. If the voltage sequence is incorrect on the cathode of the diodes refer to the Grove electrical documentation and check wiring. Switch to Auto mode and measure crane voltage an terminal Al 04 -Xl / 42. No voltage should be measured on the terminals 54, 66, 69 or on the cathode of the diodes. Appendix 4 Switch to mode A and measure crane voltage 24 Volt on terminal Al 14 -Xl / 3 ( DI extension board ) . Switch to mode B and measure no crane voltage on terminal Al 14 - Xl / 3 ( DI extension board ). Start the engine and have the operator slowly push the tele out controls. Carry out the following test. Be sure: boom is fully retracted and B mode selected. A 104 X1 / 54 = NO VOLTAGE A 104 X1 / 66 = 24 VOLT A 104 X1 / 69 = 24 VOLT When the IM has reached 50% the system switches to extend the CM. Measure: A104 Xl / 54 = 24 Volt A104 Xl / 66 = NO VOLTAGE A104 Xl / 69 = 24 Volt When the IM and the CM have reached 100 % the system switches to extend the OM / Fly, Measure: A104 X1 / 54 = 24 Volt A104 X1 / 66 = 24 Volt A104 X1 / 69 = NO VOLTAGE If one of above measurements is incorrect check the fuses F3, F7, F8 for relay contacts K2, K6, K7 on the terminal board. Check relay K2, K6, K7. Connect an Amp meter in series with wire 20 and terminal Al 04 Xl / 63. When extending the boom in Auto mode the ramping value should climb up to a 800 mA with fully open solenoid valve. Connect an Amp meter in series with wire 21 and terminal Al 04 Xl / 64. When retracting the boom in Auto mode the ramping value should climb up to a 800 mA with fully open solenoid valve. If one of above fails check fuse F6 and relay K5 on the terminal board inside CU. Connect an Amp meter in series with the black wire removed from terminal A111 X1 / 6 and terminal A111 X1 / 6. When extending or retracting ( depends on the direction controlled by the operator) the boom in Auto mode the ramping value should climb up to a 800 mA with fully open solenoid valve. Should the measurement fail check for complete solenoid circuit - Check solenoid coil resistance for continuity. Check for good analog ground from A111 board to solenoid. Connect Ohm meter to the removed wire ends of terminal A111 Xl / 5 and 6 and test closed circuit. Note that you will not measure any electrical current when the circuit is interrupted. Rectify wiring or solenoid coil failure and test again. Appendix 5 Changes in the boom control circuit Obsolete the 3- way valves for IM, CM & OM in the boom. A pair of 2 - way valves for each cylinder. De-energize the pair to allow operation of the particular telescope cylinder. Energize the other 2 pairs to prevent movement of the other telescope cylinder. Instead of 3 separate proportional valves for each section - now use two proportional valves ( retract and extend ). Signal extend from NO contact of K5. Signal retract from NC contact of K5. The current to open the valve fully is now 800 mA. A CM retract switch is added to monitor CM fully retracted. The signal is used to monitor CM fully retracted and CM % reset to 0. The OM / Fly retract switch is additionally used as OM / Fly % reset switch. An additional rod drain valve is added. See below. All relays controlling the 2 way valves are de-energized in manual mode. The two way valves are controlled manually by switches in the cab. All relays controlling the 2 way valves are de-energized in neutral. Appendix 6 Test Procedure PAT DS350 Boom Control System RT865BXL, TMS / TTS870 With 5 Section Boom A. Purpose: This procedure is designed to be an aid in verifying the operation and defining the proper test methods for the wiring and control circuitry of the PAT DS350 Boom Control System. B. Personnel required to perform these tests: 2 C. Equipment and Tools required to perform these tests: a. Digital multimeter b. Central unit key c. Medium flat blade screwdriver d. Medium philips screwdriver e. 10mm socket or nut driver f. Small flat blade screwdriver D. Sub Assembly Description: Reference Number a. A104 b. A111 c. A114 Part Number ( PAT ) 024 - 350 - 300 - 092 024 - 350 - 300 - 135 ( B ) 024 - 350 - 300 - 301 Description Extension Board Analog Control Board Digital Extension Board E. System description ( basic ): The PAT DS350 Boom Control System ( designated as System Under Test or SUT ) it is a microprocessor controlled system that optimizes the boom configuration during lift operations. To understand the basic theory of the system, one must think in terms of action - reaction, i.e. for every action there is a controlled reaction. The following description assumes that the boom is fully retracted, the boom extension stop block is dis engaged, Auto Mode is selected, and that an extend operation is to be performed. The reverse of this discussion is true for retract operations. The sequence of events that must occur for the boom to start moving is as follows: 1. The SUT detects whether the operator has selected Automatic mode or Manual mode, and in Auto mode, whether Mode A or Mode B is selected. The Auto / Manual switch toggles a digital input on A104 - X1 - P42. If Auto is selected, this signal will be high ( from here on out, all signal levels will be specified as either high or low. A high signal being crane voltage, 24 V, and low being near ground level ), if Manual is selected, the signal is low. Mode A or B operations are controlled with a switch located in the cab. This switch controls the A114 - X1 - P3 input. A high signal indicates Mode A, a low indicates Mode B. If the Auto mode is selected, the status of Mode A / B switch can be readily seen on the A114 board by looking at the H2 LED. If the LED is illuminated, Mode A is selected, if it is not then Mode B is selected. Appendix 7 2. The SUT senses that the foot pedal has been depressed by the output of a pressure switch. There are two ( 2 ) pressure switch’s built into the foot pedal circuitry, one is for boom extend and the other is for boom retract operations. The output of these switches are piped into the SUT as digital inputs. These switches are normally open and switch crane voltage ( 24V ) on or off. Assuming that an extend operation is being performed, A104 - X1 - P38 ( DI - 1 ) will go high and A104 - X1 - P39 ( DI - 2 ) will be low. 3. Once DI - 1 is detected, the A104 relay K - 5 is energized applying a veritable voltage signal onto X1 - P63. This analog control is generated from the A114 board, A114 - X1 - P6, and is a variable voltage output that is determined by a digital code supplied by the microprocessor. This code is determined by the position of each section of the boom and the mode of operation. 4. There are three ( 3 ) control signals that are supplied by the SUT that determine which section of the boom will be selected. The logic of these signals are such that to select a section the signal level to that sections control valves must go low. Each section has two ( 2 ) control valves, for a total of six ( 6 ) that must be de - energized in tandem. One valve is pilot pressure and the other is the main flow valve. The SUT supplies control from the following terminals: Inner Mid ( IM ) Center Mid ( CM ) Outer Mid / Fly ( OM/F A104 - X1 - P54 to boom base junction box P - 19 and P - 24 A104 - X1 - P66 to boom base junction box P - 20 and P - 26 A104 - X1 - P69 to boom base junction box P - 28 and P - 29 If no boom operations are selected, all of these signals will be low, but whenever an extend / retract operation is selected, these signals become active and control the flow of hydraulic oil. The logic table for these valves is as follows: A104 - X1 - P54 A104 - X1 - P66 A104 - X1 - P69 IM CM OM /F 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 ( NOTE : 1 = high, 0 = low ) 5. Flow control of hydraulic oil for the IM is as follows: a. A104 - X1 - P54 stays low as A104 - X1 - P66 and A104 - X1 - P69 go high. This initializes both the IM 2 - way valves for hydraulic flow. b. The analog board, A111 - X1 - P6, generates the control voltage for voltage for the proportional valves. This signal is directed to either the extend or retract sections of the proportional valve by the action relay K5 located on the A104 board, A104 - X1 - P63 for extend, A104 - X1 - P64 for retract. The proportional valve, located in the superstructure, will control the pressure of fluid to the cylinder depending on the current output from the A111 board, 800mA yields full flow, 0mA yields full restriction of fluid. c. An extend signal is generated from the SUT, A104 - X1 - P63, that energizes the piston side of the cylinder. This will allow fluid to enter the piston side to extend. 6. The sequencing of the sections are determined by the mode selected and are detailed on the attached sheet. The IM will extend at full speed until the cross over point is reached, 50% in mode B. At this point the speed of the section will ramp down and then stop, then the CM will start to extend under the same conditions as the IM. Appendix 8 2. then completely retract the IM. G. These switches are used to detect when the applicable boom section is fully retracted. Preliminary Adjustments 1. 2.83 error will appear. verify that the IM lamp illuminates. If the CM is being retracted. Start the crane. OK_______ 2. Using the 10 mm nutdriver.TMS /TTS870 Boom Sequence. remove the lids from each of the cable reels. Extend the IM about 2 ft. Verify that the maximum load on the console is approximately 2000 lb. Testing the SUT: 1. Appendix 9 . 3. This will not lock out the system but will make the telescope out of sequence light to illuminate. F. Testing of these switches will be detailed in the test section. the OM / Fly switch must turn on or an E . verify that the CM lamp illuminates. then completely retract the CM. OK_______ 5. Preset each of the length sensors to the minimum by turning the slot in the gear wheel fully counter clockwise until it comes to a soft stop. 3. OK_______ 4. the CM switch must turn on when fully retracted before the IM will start to retract. to verify that the IM does extend. Extend the CM about 2 ft. Auto Mode A and B Mode ( A / B ) A A A A B B B B B B B B IM % 0 0 0 100 0 50 50 75 75 100 100 100 CM % 0 100 100 100 0 0 50 50 75 75 100 100 OM / Fly % 0 0 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 7. If the OM / Fly section is being retracted. OK_______ 1. If this fails to happen. the IM will not retract and the telescope out of sequence light will illuminate. Place the Auto / Manual switch in the Manual position. Place the boom select switch into the IM position. OK_______ 3. Place the boom select switch into the CM position. to verify that the CM does extend. Verify that all boom sections are fully retracted and that the stop block is disengaged. During the retract sequence. Program the PAT console to the correct operating mode. the operation is the same with the exception of the presence of the proximity switches. Set the meter to measure current. Verify that wires 11 and 12 from the 19 pin cannon plug are wired to pins L and M. using the meter monitor the retract analog voltage control signal. OK_______ 12. Record Voltage ____________ OK_______ 14.X1 . Extend the boom about 10 ft. Extend the boom to verify that the signal goes to a higher level. A104 . Place the boom select switch into the OM / Fly position.X1 .P39. around 25 volts.P63 and the red lead to wire 20. A104 . 4. OK_______ 7. around 25 volts. 10 amp setting. A104 . OK_______ 10.X1 . Extend the boom to verify that the current is between 750 mA and 850 mA. OK_______ 9. Connect the black lead to A104 . using the chassie as ground. and monitor the extend analog voltage control signal. OK_______ 13. Extend the boom about 10 ft.X1 . Record Current ____________ OK_______ 15. Select Auto mode A. 10 amp setting. OK_______ 11. monitor the telescope extend pressure switch input. Extend the boom to verify that the signal goes high. Record Voltage ____________ Appendix 10 .P64.P3 to verify that the signal goes high when in the A code.P38. Using the meter. A104 .X1 .X1 . Retract the boom with the stop block engaged to verify the signal goes high. then completely retract the OM / Fly.P64 and the red lead to wire 21.P42. to verify that the OM / Fly does extend. Extend the OM / Fly about 2 ft.P63. Select Auto mode and monitor the input at A114 . then retract the boom to verify that the signal goes to a higher voltage level. Reconnect wire 20.P63 on the extension board.P64 on the extension board. monitor the Manual / Auto input signal on A104 . verify that the OM / Fly lamp illuminates.. Connect the black lead to A104 . Using the meter. Disconnect wire 20 from A104 . Open the central unit and the boom base junction box. OK_______ 8.. Retract the boom with the stop block engaged. Select Auto mode A. Record Voltage ____________ OK_______ 16.X1 . Set the meter to measure current.OK_______ 6. Disconnect wire 21 from A104 .X1 . Using the meter. monitor the telescope retract pressure switch input. Verify that the signal level in Manual mode is low and high in Auto mode. then retract the boom to verify that the current measurement is between 750 mA and 850 mA.X1 . and low in the B code.X1 . P6. this should stay high.X1 .P81 is high and the telescope out of sequence light is illuminated. CM / IM retract signal on A104 .X1 .P76 and verify a high signal. OK_______ 18. Using the meter.P78 and verify a high signal.P4. A111 . Using the meter. in mode B. monitor the signal from proximity switch 3.18 error code. monitor the signal from proximity switch 4. Disconnect wire17 from from this terminal.X1 . Appendix 11 .X1 . monitor the signal from proximity switch 1.X1 . 5.IM verify the signal changes from low to high. Telescope the boom out approximately 5 ft.P80 to verify the signal is high. Using the meter.P80 and verify a low signal. OK_______ 22. Verify that the boom is fully retracted onto the base section.X1 . Extend all boom sections about 5 ft.X1 .X1 . OK_______ 20.P78. While retracting the CM verify the signal changes from low to high. Remove the jumper wire and install wire 17 to A111 . OK_______ 23. until section bottoms out. OK_______ 26. each should be low.X1 . monitor the CM / IM proximity retract switch input signal on A104 . While retracting the OM / Fly verify the signal changes from low to high. Using the meter. length reset signal on A104 .P6. OK_______ 19. until the sections bottoms out. monitor the front outrigger overload signal on A111 .X1 .X1 .X1 .P61 to verify the signal is low. until the section bottoms out. and ensure the boom is fully retracted with the stop block disengaged. monitor the OM / Fly proximity retract switch input signal on A104 . Switch to Auto mode and verify the signal level on A104 . OK_______ 29. OK_______ 21. A111 . monitor the telescope out of sequence signal on A104 .P76.OK_______17. monitor the signal from proximity switch 2. Using the meter. Switch to Manual mode and telescope the CM out about 5 ft. OK_______ 25. Using the meter. Verify that the console displays E . OK_______ 27. Using the meter. Using the meter. While retracting the CM . monitor the CM proximity retract switch input signal on A114 . Using the meter. CM retract signal on A114 .P9 and verify a high signal and H5 LED is illuminated. monitor each proximity switch signal. to the front outrigger overload input signal.X1 .X1 . Using the meter. monitor the length reset proximity switch signal on A104 . Select Manual mode. OK_______ 24.P3. Install a jumper wire from ground. OK_______ 28. During normal operation.P6. Using the meter. OM / Fly retract signal on A104 . Fully retract all boom sections and switch to Auto mode. verify that the signal goes high.P57 and verify the signal is low. OK_______ 34. Fully extend the boom and verify that each section sequence as listed on the attached sheet. OK_______ 35.P57.. when the extend operation stops and boom comes to a rest.P57 to verify the signal stays low. serial number. sign and date this page and return to Product Support Service Department. Fully retract all boom sections and select Auto mode. stop extending the boom at about 5 ft. Select Auto mode B and raise the boom to approximately 60 degrees. Provide the crane model number. Fully retract all boom sections with the boom stop block engaged. OK_______ 31. Select Auto mode A and raise the boom to approximately 60 degrees. monitor the telescope rod drain signal on A104 .OK_______ 30. Ensure that the outriggers are fully extended and jacks are down. While telescoping out. OK_______ 37. Retract the boom and verify the sequence is the inverse of extend. Fully retract all boom sections with the boom stop block engaged. OK_______ 33. NOTE: Ensure that all safety precautions are performed before performing the following steps. OK_______ 36. monitor the signal on A104 . Final If all these tests pass. serial number. Crane Model Number: ___________________ S /N:_______________ PAT CPU Part Number:__________________ S / N_______________ Signature:____________________ Date:_______________ Appendix 12 . While monitoring the telescope rod drain signal on A104 . OK______ 32.X1 .X1 .X1 . G. Using the meter. Retract the boom and verify the sequence is the inverse of extend. the system is operational and ready for calibration. the PAT CPU part number. and properly set. 000 pounds and position it at a 25’ to 30’ radius. 3 Select a load (including hook block) between 20.TTS870 & RT865B 5 Section Boom Drift Test PURPOSE: To determine the cause of the telescope cylinder drift.TMS870. TEST PREPARATION: 1 Reeve the machine with a minimum of two parts line. The boom is only partially extended to reduce the effects of thermal contraction of the oil in the cylinders. 3 Observe the marks on the boom sections for 30 minutes to determine which section(s) are retracting. 4 Hoist the load to the ground. observe and record the movement of the marks on the boom sections. 6 Switch boom control system to manual mode and select a section that is not retracting. 2 Fully retract boom and extend each section (in manual mode) from 18” to 24” and mark off 1” increments for 6” on the Inner. Appendix 13 . 5 Determine which section(s) are retracting and reposition the boom sections to there original positions.000 to 25.) 2 Hoist load approximately 2’ off of the ground with the boom nose positioned over the load. A slight compression of the oil is normal when the load is picked. (Note: Boom will be out of sequence. center and outer mid sections. This Will help to determine if the hold valve is leaking or if the cylinder has an internal leak. Approximately 1” per section would be expected.1/2’ to 2’ to determine the cause of suspected leakage in the telescope cylinder or hold valve. TEST DESCRIPTION: The boom shall be loaded with each section extended approximately 1. The sections should extend back to the original position when the load is lowered to the ground. TEST PROCEDURE: 1 Switch boom control system to automatic mode. Keep the engine running or the ignition switch on during the test. A cylinder that is extended 2’ which has had the oil cool 100 Degrees F will retract about 1” due to the thermal contraction. the piston side two way valves are not powered shut. the hold valve is most likely leaking. The coefficient of expansion for API Group 1 oil is approximately 0. When in the Manual Mode under the same conditions. This permits any leakage past the hold valve to drain through the piston side drain valve and the .078 in line orifice. Prior to assuming that the cylinder has a leak.TMS870 & RT865B Hold Valve Drift Test – continued 7 Repeat steps 2 through 5. The change in length of the cylinder is proportional to the extended length of the cylinder and the change of the temperature of the oil in the cylinder. This should block any leakage from the hold valve and prevent the cylinder from retracting. the two way valve should be checked to ensure that 24 volts are present at the valve with the system in manual mode with an other section selected.00043/ 0F. If the section retracts. If the section(s) do not retract in the manual mode.TMS870. Thermal contraction will cause a cylinder to retract as the fluid in the cylinder cools. When in the Automatic Mode with the telescope controller in the neutral position and the power on.O. Appendix 14 . NOTE: The piston side two way valves located inside the boom are N. A cylinder that is extended 25’ which has had the oil cool 100 F would retract about 13 “as the oil cools. the two way valves are powered shut on the sections not selected. the cylinder may have an internal leak or both the hold valve and the two way valve on the piston side are leaking. valves connected in-line with the hold valves. Testing the boom almost fully refracted greatly reduces the effect of thermal contraction and ensures a proper diagnosis of the system. T. – L.P.I MANUAL SECTION 12 DS 350 GRAPHIC BCS ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS .M.A. TRANS. TRANS. (PISTON) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 A BC DE FG H I J K L M N A BC DE FG H I J K L M N 1 2 3 4 To Boom Base Junction Box 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 PIN PLUG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 X1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +24V GND TXD RXD COM. BOOM) 30 31 32 33 44 46 -5V ANGLE +24V TXD RXD GND LMI BYPASS A2B BYPASS PRESS.DI 4 (PROXY 1 OM/FLY RETRACT) DI 5 (PROXY 2 CM/IM RETRACT) DI 6 (PROXY 3 LENGTH RESET) A2B SIGNAL PROXY (+) GND 7 8 10 11 9 35 34 24 73 43 36 80 78 76 A2B GND LENGTH (IM) LENGTH (CM) IS AGND LENGTH (O. IS AGND -5V +5V IS A 104 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 28 29 X1 1 4 3 1 2 3 4 IS 1 2 3 4 2 56 7 8 9 13 11 +24V IS GN/YL To page 12.1 A 14 SOCKET PLUG A BCD A BCD PRES. (ROD) 1 2 3 4 A BCD A BCD PRES. A2B LMI DI 1 2 3 4 X7 1 2 3 4 +24V GND X8 1 2 CONSOLE TMS/TTS 870 WIRING CONNECTIONS . PISTON SIG. ROD SIG.2 IS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 12 12.A. AGND -5V +5V PRESS. 1 22 47 DI EXTENSION BOARD 24 350 300 301 9 10 11 12 7 12 9 8 17 22 23 24 25 .2 1 7 8 TELE EXT.SOCKET RECEPT S/S HARNESS (REF) TMS/TTS 870 INTERFACE TELE EXT PROP SOL 10 11 12 TELE PROP ANALOG GND 56 57 1 2 3 4 48 38 40 42 36 37 39 41 75 77 79 59 61 49 62 63 64 TELE ROD DRAIN SOL 8 719 240 147 238 1083 255 257 6 9 FRONT O/R OVERLOAD 5 HIGH SIGNAL = AUTO MODE A NO SIGNAL = AUTO MODE B To Boom Base Junction Box 4 323 B 3 TELE OUT OF SEQ. 4 5 6 68 69 GND A113 X1 71 51 73 387 388 239 242 243 244 K6 (COM) +24V K6 (NO) +24V TO CM 2-WAY SOLS 65 66 +24V K2 (COM) +24V K2 (NO) +24V TO IM 2-WAY SOLS 53 54 4 5 6 18 LMI . SW. SW. PRESS.PIN PLUG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 13 14 15 1617 1819 20 2122 23 24 25 A B C D E F G H J KLM N O P Q R S T UV W X A B C D E F G H J KLM N O P Q R S T UV W X 16 5 6 9 10 DI E5 GND DI E5 (+24V=CM RET) DI E3 (GND=FRONT O/R OL) A114 3 4 X1 DI E3 (+24V) [ +24=MODE A 0V=MODE B DI E2 GND DI E2 A1 (PROP) AGND GND GND +24V +24V K5 (NC) OUTPUT TO RET PROP K5 (COM) K5 (NO) OUTPUT TO EXT PROP K10 (NC) +24V TO LMI L/O ALARM K4 (COM) +24V K4 (NC) +24V TO TELE OUT OF SEQ DI 6 GND DI 4 GND DI 5 GND DI 2 GND DI 3 GND DI 1 GND DI GND DI 2 (+24V=TELE RET PRES SW) DI 3 (+24V=AUTO MODE DI 1 (+24V=TELE EXT PRES SW) K3 (NO) +24V TO TELE ROD DRAIN +24V +24V GND GND K10 (NO) +24V TO LMI UNLOCK SOLS K3 (COM) +24V K7 (NO) +24V TO OM/FLY 2-WAY SOLS K7 (COM) +24V +24V IS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12.IS TELE RETRACT PROP SOL A111 1 X1 2 3 13 14 15 20 21 23 . 2 CM TELE 2 3 5 7 11 12 13 14 1 IM TELE 8 10 OM/FLY TELE 9 TELE RETRACT PRESS. 6 HIGH=AUTO / NONE=MANUAL 4 LMI UNLOCK SOLS 12.CRANE INTERFACE 23 . LENGTH/ANGLELWG221 (TOCM) LENGTH TRANS.7K SHD VV 4.A B 14 SOCKET PLUG 1 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IS 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS A B C D E F G H J K L M N P A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V A B C D E F G H J K L M N P A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 2 13 1 7 2 3 4 3 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4 12 5 9 6 7 4 13 8 6 10 11 7 5 8 29 30 14 9 10 11 12 31 12 14 TMS/TTS870 WIRING CONNECTIONS 5 6 12.3 123 6 7 10 11 12 4 9 10 3 2 1 3 AGND SIG. LENGTH TRANSDUCER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 E 1 C VIO 7 AGND SIG.7K WHT/ BLK BRN RED ORG YEL GRN BLU VIO GRA WHT BLK VV A B A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BRN RED ORG YEL GRN BLU VIO GRA WHT BRN RED ORG YEL GRN BLU VIO GRA WHT 1234 12 LENGTH TRANS. -5V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LENGTH/ANGLE LG221 (TO IM) ANGLE TRANS. BRN RED ORG YEL GRN BLU VIO GRA WHT BLK BRN RED 3=RED 2=BRN 1=BLK BLK WHT/BLK SHEILD LG208 (TO NOSE) CORE 10 11 SHD AGND SIG. -5V 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 GRA 0 0 VIO 2 RED PNK YEL BLU 1 WHT BRN GRN CRE BLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4. -5V SIG. AGND -5V 56 1 3 4 2 11 3 2 4 1234 5 8 RED PNK YEL BLU 9 14 12 7 5 CRE BLK 8 6 4 WHT BRN GRN 1 2 3 13 BLK WHT/BLK 3 WHT/ BLK 2 GRA 1 1 5 6 D . VIO YEL PNK RED BLK GRA BLU CRE SHD C WHT BRN GRN JUNCTION BOX (CM) RED 1 1 RED 2 3 BLK 1 BLK 4 5 GRN 1 RED 1 = CM CYL (+) RED = CM PILOT (+) BLK 1 = OM CYL (+) BLK = OM PILOT (+) GRN 1 = CM CYL (-) GRN = CM PILOT (-) WHT 1= OM CYL (-) WHT = OM PILOT (-) TIE WRAP USED TO IDENTIFY CABLE GRN 6 WHT 1 7 WHT 8 9 3 10 4 11 1 PROXY SW 3 (TOP) (LENGTH RESET) 1 1 (+) 4 4 NO 2 2 NC 3 3 (-) PROXY SW 1 (OM/FLY RETR) 1 1 4 2 2 3 IS (+) 4 NO O O 2 NC O O 3 12.4 RED YEL BLU VIO GRA BLK CRE PNK D 1 2 3 4 (-) 3 SHD WHT BRN GRN 5 6 7 E RED BLK GRN WHT RED = IM CYL (+) BLK = IM PILOT (+) GRN = IM CYL (-) WHT = IM PILOT (-) PROXY SW 4 (CM RETR) 3 4 1 1 4 2 2 3 IS IS 1 (+) 4 NO O O 2 NC O O 3 (-) O O O IS IS JUNCTION BOX (IM) O 4 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 2 3 4 4 1 1 2 JUNCTION BOX BOOM BASE PROXY SW 2 (BOTTOM) (CM/IM RETR. 2-POSITIONS) 1 1 (+) 4 O O 4 NO 2 2 NC O O 3 3 (-) IS TMS/TTS 870 WIRING CONNECTIONS . A2B LMI DI 1 2 3 4 X7 1 2 3 4 +24V GND X8 1 2 CONSOLE . IS AGND -5V +5V IS A 104 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 28 29 X1 7 8 10 11 9 35 34 24 73 43 36 80 78 76 1 2 3 4 IS 1 2 3 4 1 4 3 2 56 7 8 9 13 11 +24V IS GN/YL To page 12. (ROD) 1 2 3 4 A BCD A BCD PRES.A.5 A 14 SOCKET PLUG A BCD A BCD PRES.6 IS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 12 12. TRANS. TRANS.30 31 32 33 44 46 DI 4 (PROXY 1 OM/FLY RETRACT) DI 5 (PROXY 2 CM/IM RETRACT) DI 6 (PROXY 3 LENGTH RESET) PROXY (+) GND A2B SIGNAL A2B GND LENGTH (IM) LENGTH (CM) -5V ANGLE IS AGND LENGTH (O. BOOM) +24V TXD RXD GND LMI BYPASS A2B BYPASS PRESS. AGND -5V +5V PRESS. PISTON SIG. ROD SIG. (PISTON) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 A BC DE FG H I J K L M N A BC DE FG H I J K L M N To Boom Base Junction Box 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 RT865BXL WIRING CONNECTIONS 14 PIN PLUG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 X1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +24V GND TXD RXD COM. PIN PLUG 1 2 3 4 . 2 CM TELE 8 10 2 3 5 7 11 12 13 14 1 IM TELE 9 OM/FLY TELE 6 TELE RETRACT PRESS.) A114 1 2 X1 AREA DEF.6 1 5 6 TELE EXT. 4 7 8 HIGH=AUTO MODE/NONE=MANUAL MODE 12.SOCKET RECEPT S/S HARNESS (REF) RT865BXL INTERFACE 8 7 19 10 11 12 TELE PROP ANALOG GND 6 9 HOUSE LOCK PIN SWITCH 5 323 74 744 To Boom Base Junction Box 4 LMI L/O ALARM B 3 TELE OUT OF SEQ. INTERFACE 5 SOCKET PLUG A111 1 X1 SWIVEL HARNESS 5 PIN RECEPTACLE IS TELE RETRACT PROP SOL TELE EXT PROP SOL TELE ROD DRAIN SOL 238 1083 255 257 56 57 1 2 3 4 48 38 40 42 36 37 39 41 75 77 79 59 61 49 62 63 64 23 . K7 (COM) +24V 68 69 LMI UNLOCK SOLS A113 4 X1 71 51 73 387 388 239 242 243 244 K6 (COM) +24V K6 (NO) +24V TO CM 2-WAY SOLS 65 66 GND K2 (COM) +24V K2 (NO) +24V TO IM 2-WAY SOLS 53 54 +24V +24V 47 K7 (NO) +24V TO OM/FLY 2-WAY SOLS IS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12.5 22 DI EXTENSION BOARD 24 350 300 301 9 10 11 12 7 12 9 8 15 LMI . SW.2 3 13 14 16 20 21 17 22 23 24 25 A B C D E F G H J KLM N O P Q R S T UV W X A B C D E F G H J KLM N O P Q R S T UV W X 4 5 6 18 7 8 9 10 12o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 A B C D E A B C D E NO COM CRANE 12o AREA DEFINITION SWITCH IN ELECTRICAL SWIVEL 348o NC DI E5 GND DI E5 (+24V=CM RET) DI E4 (GND=FRONT O/R OL) DI E1 GND DI E1 (+24V HOUSE PIN ENGAGED) A1 (PROP) AGND GND GND +24V +24V K5 (NC) OUTPUT TO RET PROP K5 (COM) K5 (NO) OUTPUT TO EXT PROP K10 (NC) +24V TO LMI L/O ALARM K4 (COM) +24V K4 (NC) +24V TO TELE OUT OF SEQ DI 6 GND DI 4 GND DI 5 GND DI 2 GND DI 3 GND DI 1 GND DI GND DI 2 (+24V=TELE RET PRES SW) DI 3 (+24V=AUTO MODE DI 1 (+24V=TELE EXT PRES SW) K3 (NO) +24V TO TELE ROD DRAIN +24V +24V GND GND K10 (NO) +24V TO LMI UNLOCK SOLS K3 (COM) +24V DI E4 (+24V AREA DEF. SW. PRESS.CRANE INTERFACE 23 . 7 123 6 7 10 11 12 3 2 1 3 AGND SIG. E 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 3 4 2 11 C VIO 7 AGND SIG.A B 14 SOCKET PLUG 1 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 IS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS A B C D E F G H J K L M N P A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V A B C D E F G H J K L M N P A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 3 2 13 1 7 2 3 4 3 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4 12 5 9 6 7 4 13 8 6 10 11 7 5 8 29 30 14 9 10 11 12 31 12 14 RT865BXL WIRING CONNECTIONS 5 6 12. -5V SIG. -5V 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 GRA 0 0 VIO 2 RED PNK YEL BLU 1 WHT BRN GRN CRE BLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4.7K SHD VV 4.7K WHT/ BLK BRN RED ORG YEL GRN BLU VIO GRA WHT BLK VV A B A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BRN RED ORG YEL GRN BLU VIO GRA WHT BRN RED ORG YEL GRN BLU VIO GRA WHT 1234 12 LENGTH TRANS. AGND -5V 56 5 8 3 2 4 123 4 4 9 10 RED PNK YEL BLU 9 14 12 7 5 CRE BLK 8 6 4 WHT BRN GRN 1 2 3 13 BLK WHT/BLK 3 WHT/ BLK 2 GRA 1 1 11 12 13 14 D . LENGTH/ANGLELWG221 (TOCM) LENGTH TRANS. -5V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LENGTH/ANGLE LG221 (TO IM) LENGTH TRANSDUCER ANGLE TRANS. BRN RED ORG YEL GRN BLU VIO GRA WHT BLK BRN RED 3=RED 2=BRN 1=BLK BLK WHT/BLK SHEILD LG208 (TO NOSE) CORE 10 11 SHD AGND SIG. 8 RED YEL BLU VIO GRA BLK CRE PNK D 1 2 3 4 (-) 3 SHD WHT BRN GRN 5 6 7 E RED BLK GRN WHT RED = IM CYL (+) BLK = IM PILOT (+) GRN = IM CYL (-) WHT = IM PILOT (-) PROXY SW 4 (CM RETR) 3 4 1 1 4 2 2 3 IS IS 1 (+) 4 NO O O 2 NC O O 3 (-) O O O IS IS JUNCTION BOX (IM) O 4 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 2 3 4 4 1 1 2 JUNCTION BOX BOOM BASE PROXY SW 2 (BOTTOM) (CM/IM RETR.VIO YEL PNK RED BLK GRA BLU CRE SHD C WHT BRN GRN JUNCTION BOX (CM) RED 1 1 RED 2 3 BLK 1 BLK 4 5 GRN 1 RED 1 = CM CYL (+) RED = CM PILOT (+) BLK 1 = OM CYL (+) BLK = OM PILOT (+) GRN 1 = CM CYL (-) GRN = CM PILOT (-) WHT 1= OM CYL (-) WHT = OM PILOT (-) TIE WRAP USED TO IDENTIFY CABLE GRN 6 WHT 1 7 WHT 8 9 3 10 4 11 1 PROXY SW 3 (TOP) (LENGTH RESET) 1 1 (+) 4 4 NO 2 2 NC 3 3 (-) PROXY SW 1 (OM/FLY RETR) 1 1 4 2 2 3 IS (+) 4 NO O O 2 NC O O 3 12. 2-POSITIONS) 1 1 (+) 4 O O 4 NO 2 2 NC O O 3 3 (-) IS RT865BXL WIRING CONNECTIONS . I MANUAL SECTION 13 DS 350 GRAPHIC BCS SERVICE BULLETINS & MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION .T.P.M. – L.A. GRAPHIC CONSOLE JUMPER CONNECTION The jumpers J1 and J2 must be inserted according to the type of central unit to which this console is connected or an Error code 91 occurs.P. X1 L1 J2 1 J1 Central Unit with DS350 modular or DS150 mainboard or compatible interface like 24 350 30 0128 ( J1 = closed / J2 = 1 -2) L1 J1 Central Unit with DS350G mainboard or compatible interface like 24 350 30 0127 ( J1 = open / J2 = 2-3) J2 1 X1 13.A.T.1 . P.A.I MANUAL SECTION 14 DS 350 Graphic Modular CONSOLE CONNECTIONS & WIRING DIAGRAM .T. – L.M. 14.1 VIEW OF BACKSIDE OF GRAPHIC CONSOLE J1 J2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X1 MP 1 +UB MP 0 GND MP 7 MP 6 MP 2 +7V MP 5 +5V J4 J5 X5 1 2 3 4 J3 MP 4 -24V MP 3 -24V . +UB GND RXD TXD A2B BYPASS A2B BYPASS LMI BYPASS +UB ELECTRICAL WIRING FROM CENTRAL UNIT TO CONSOLE +UB GND CENTRAL UNIT MAIN BOARD 51 52 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 1 2 3 5 6 7 6 7 10 10 11 12 13 14 CONSOLE (1318) A B C D 1 2 3 4 LOAD DI A2B 8 X1 GND 7 A2B 3 X7 1 2 3 4 LIGHTBAR 4 5 6 RXD 4 5 TXD 2 3 SIG - +UB 1 2 GND 1 +UB SIG + 14.2 4 X8 +UB 1 GND 2 8 9 11 12 13 14 . C. P.T.I MANUAL SECTION 15 DS 350 Graphic Modular CENTRAL UNIT.P. – L.M.A. BOARD LAYOUT & CONNECTIONS . 35. # 1 14 Not Used 51 +UB 52 GND 53 Fuse (4 AMP) 54 Fuse (4 AMP) 57 Not Used 58 Not Used 60 +UBS +UBS 15 GND 16 Digital Input # 1 61 Fuse (10AMP) 17 Digital Input # 2 62 Fuse (10 AMP) 18 Digital Input # 3 64 UB 65 GND 19 Digital Input # 4 20 +UB Piston Pressure Transducer 21 Piston Pressure Signal 22 GND (Inner Shield Connection) 23 +UB Rod Pressure Transducer 24 Rod Pressure Signal 25 GND (Inner Shield Connection) 26 +UB Length Transducer 66.PAT DS350 Graphic Modular CENTRAL UNIT TERMINAL BOARD CONNECTIONS X1 TERM.68.Input 27 Length Signal 2.3 +12V Battery . DESCRIPTION 1.69 15. Hor.34.67.1 Not Used 76 +UB 77 GND .4 GND ( ) Battery-Input 28 GND 29 Angle Signal 30 Force Signal 31 A2B Signal 32 A2B Ground 5 Data Received from Console 6 Data Transmit to Console 7 A2B Bypass 8 A2B Bypass 33. DESCRIPTION X1 TERM.36 9 LMI Bypass 10 + 12V (ub) 11 +UBR 12 LMI Lockout Solenoid 13 Ext. 10A REL DAV 1 DAV 2 LWG 1 LG 2 HES DHG S1 SI-UB 24 352 31 0001 ADDITIONAL TERMS LOAD KEY SWITCH SI-REL DE 5.IN 57 A2B-0 58 A2B-I LOAD-I 59 60 + +UBS F2-10A 61 SI-REL 62 SI-REL 64 + +UBS 65 0V 66 DE 5 67 68 DE 6 69 X12 + +UBS A105 SERIAL EXTENSION A2B-O A2B-I LOAD-I K9 A102 X11 CPUMODULE 0V RXD TXD + 10 K10A + +UBS STOP LOAD SWITCH 5 6 7 8 9 + +12V 0V X3 2 3 A103 DATENMODULE 12V A104 DIGITAL OUTPUT +UB F1 1 .2 A107 MEMORY EXTENTION 12V A101 MAIN BOARD DS350 MODULAR/CURRENT IN S2 A106 ANALOGG INPUT DE 1-4 K10B X3 +UBS 11 REL -M 12 REL -A 13 REL -R 14 + +UBS 15 DE 1 16 17 DE 2 18 DE 3 19 DE 4 20 + +UBS I 21 DAV1 U 0V 22 23 + +UBS I 24 DAV2 U 0V 25 26 + +UBS I 27 LG 1 U 0V 28 I 29 WG 1 U I 30 LG 1 U 31 0V 32 33 + +UBS I 34 S1 DHG 1 U 0V 35 I 36 S2 DHG 2 U 51 + +UB 0V 52 F1 .6 +UBS 76 77 + +UBS 0V 15.OUT 54 SI .4A 53 SI .+UBS + CONSOLE 4 K8 DIN DIN F2. SWIVEL 10 AMP FUSE NOTES: NO NC on outriggers FUSE (10 amp) FUSE (10 amp) +UBS LMI BYPASS FUSE (4 amp) FUSE (4 amp) 4 LMI BYPASS KEY SWITCH 5 PIN DEUTSCH 1 2 3 4 PLUG V V V V V 15. 2 INNER SHIELD CUT AND INSULATED C CRANE SYSTEM AREA DEF. (rod) 3 INSULATE OUTER SHIELD AND CONNECT TO CHASIS GND. HOR. (piston) pres. *1) OPTIONAL FOR EXTERNAL HORN (EEC UNITS ONLY) .) A A B C B C V V V V V 71 (+UB) 51 (GND) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 V V LIGHTBAR V V V 1 2 3 4 A B C A B C V A BC D V V V V 1 2 3 4 V V NO C 1 2 3 4 V V V V 1 2 3 4 V V VV V V X7 1 2 3 4 X8 +UBE 1 GND 2 A BCD E A BCD E V V V V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X1 1 2 3 4 5 6 TO MAIN BOOM CONNECTOR NC over front on rubber 3 2 1 DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR CENTRAL UNIT 1 OUTER SHIELD GROUNDED AT STRAIN RELIEF CONNECTOR. trans. trans.3 V V 61 62 4 AMP FUSE 10 8 9 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 59 60 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 53 54 CONSOLE (1318) 1 2 3 NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED A2B GROUND A2B SIGNAL ANGLE FORCE GND LENGTH +UB GND ROD +UB GND PISTON +UB DI4 DI3 DI1 DI2 GND EXT. SWITCH ELEC. *1 2 4 23 24 25 IN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 22 OUT 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OUT 8 +UBS GND +UB GND RXD TXD A2B BYPASS A2B BYPASS LMI BYPASS +UB 51 52 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IN GN/YL 1 2 3 +UB +UBR LMI UNLOCK S. +UB GND X1 1 2 12 11 pres.3 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 7 5 6 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 V V V 6 PIN PLUG +UBE SIG+ SIGGND +UB GND TXD RXD A2B A2B LOAD D1 GN/YL 73 (LMI UNLOCK SOL. zone M4 = POWER FAIL MP 9 .zone M13 = +UBS D10 = +5V MP 24 .zone A2 = VBATT MP 29 .zone D2 = +BATT H1-H6 . MP 21 . DI’s MP 8 .zone M13 = KGND.TXD E11 .zone I5 = DI 1-6 MP 40 .A2B H 10 .P. X14 3 6 J11 X11 7 7 SP5 X13 H12 TXD AGND H10 K8 MP29 10 LEVER LOCKOUT K10 A2B +UB 2 1 MAIN ON/OFF KGND J10 3 4 9 LMI KGND 10 LOAD +5V/RS232 AGND 9 F1 69 68 67 66 65 64 62 61 60 59 58 57 55 54 52 51 12 KGND 3 1 77 76 F2 H9 A2B KGND + J4 J3 J2 J1 KGND X1 12 - 11 KGND K9 11 X1 13 8 X16 8 KGND MP 1 +UB 36 A 35 34 33 32 B 31 30 29 28 27 26 C D 25 24 23 E 22 21 20 F 19 18 17 16 15 G 14 13 12 11 H I 10 9 8 J 7 6 5 K 4 3 2 L 1 MP25 M LOCATIONS : LED’S MP 1 .DI 6 => X17 4 power M4 = +UB H 8 .zone M3 E5 = +5V MP 23 .zone M2 = +6V MP 4 .4 13 .zone G1 = +5V MP 26 G9 .zone M1 = +5V MP 42 .T.POWER H 12 . DS350 Graphic Modular MAIN BOARD A B C D E F G H I J K L M - 1 G1 MP42 + KGND MP 26 KGND MP 4 +5V MP 9 C +6V X15 GND 1 GND AGND KGND +BATT C MP24 MP23 VBAT 2 +UB1 PWM DC MP 8 2 +9V GND 3 4 5 +UB1 +UB DI 6 KGND X12 6 MP41 MP40 V10 H11 V11 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 DI 1 MP21 5 PFAIL+UB1 DI 1. M3 .zone I11 . MP 25 .zone M1 = GND.LOAD H 9 .zone M2 = +9V MP 41 .MAIN IN/OUT H 11 . 5 . 15. leaving blank holes to the right. DS350 Graphic Modular EXTENSION BOARDS MP7 J1 J13 J12 J2 D3 D1 MP4 D2 X1 D14 X2 D13 P1 SYSTEM D10 J8 D6 J9 MP3 J6 D17 J10 D15 D7 D21 D9 D12 J15 J11 J14 D18 J7 D11 D19 D20 X3 BR6 MP6MP5 EJECT BR5 MP2 A102 CPU J1 J2 DATA D1 J5 J3 TLK D3 J6 BR 4 3 2 1 X1 A103 DATEN Ensure the notch is in the correct direction ( to the right ) The EPROMS must be installed completely to the left.A.T.P. 7 . +UBS / 10 MP 16 = HESIN input voltage = CH06. VREFA / 2 = 2.5 V. +9V *4 = CH08.7 = Input channels 1 .5V/20mA = CH01-04.0V 15. Note: If channel adjustments are made through the software and graphic console.500V = UKLEMM.5 V … 4.0V power ADC 2. HESIN(A2B) *4 MP 17 = app 5. app.4V clamp for inputs = CH07.5V/ 4mA = VREF+ = 5. VREFA. limits ADC input to 5.MP1-> X17 1 2 + 4 MP14 3 2 1 40 1 2 AGND AGND BOARD P/N 9-333-103290 X1:1-7 X1:8 X1:9 X1:10 X1:11 X1:12-15 X1:16 X1:17 X1:18 X1:19 X1:20 ADC INPUT 0.P7 = TEMP (0.5V + 10mV/oC) MP 1 = AGND = VREFA = 5. DIN 1-4 / 10 MP 14 = + 13V REF 02 = CH05. DO NOT adjust offset with P1 .0.000V reference MP 8 = + 5V = AGND (reference GND) MP 1 .DS350 Graphic Module Analog Input Module + P7 MP12 1 2 40 AGND AGND - P6 MP13 J2 20 P5 16 P4 P3 MP9 J1 MP11 X16 P2 MP10 P1 1 1 2 X1 MP17 BR1 - MP0 + MP8 + + VREFA P8 + 7 6 5 MP16 16 MP7 .6 . +12/+24V Volt Reference Voltage mA @ X1-27 mA @ X1-27 VDC @ MP X1-3(A106). Crane Supply Voltage @ Xl -1 ( + ) & Xl -4(GND) = VDC 2. 5. MP 0 (GND) VDC @ X1-26 (X1-28 GND) Pressure Transducers: Piston Zero Point mA @ X1-21 / Rod Zero Point mA @ X1-24 / Piston +12/+24 Volt Reference Voltage Rod +12/+24 Volt Reference Voltage Analog Input Module (A106): +5V @ MP8 = +5V @ MP17= +5V @ MP16= VDC MP 0 Ground VDC MP 0 Ground VDC MP 0 Ground 15. 4.7 VDC @ X1-1(A106).4 ) +12/+24V @ MP 25= + 9V @ MP 8= +5V @ MP 4= +6V @ MP 9= +5V @ MP 42= +5V @ MP 29= +12/+24V @ MP 40= 3. Maximum Angle Degs. MP0 (GND) VDC @ X1-20 (X1-22 GND) VDC @ X1-23 (X1-25 GND) .50 MV) : (For MP Locations Refer To Page 15. Minimum Angle Degs. Maximum Angle Degs. MP 0 (GND) VDC @ X1-26 (X1-28 GND) Boom Angle: Minimum Angle Degs. +12/+24V Volt Reference Voltage mA @ X1-29 mA @ X1-29 VDC @ MP X1-4(A106).MODEL: S/N: PAT DS35O Graphic Modular “BASIC ADJUSTMENTS AND VOLTAGE CHECKS” 1. Fully Extended Ft. 6. MP 0 (GND) VDC @ MP X1-4(A106). MP 0 (GND) VDC @ MP X1-3(A106). Main Board Power Supply ( Reference Voltages +/. MP0 (GND) VDC @ X1-2(A106). Fully Extended Ft. VDC MP 1 Ground VDC MP 1 Ground VDC MP 1 Ground VDC MP 1 Ground VDC MP 1 Ground VDC MP 1 Ground VDC MP 1 Ground Boom Length: Fully Retracted Ft. Fully Retracted Ft. A. – L.P.M.I MANUAL SECTION 16 DS 350 Graphic Modular BOOM LENGTH CONNECTIONS & WIRING DIAGRAMS .T. 0V 16.50v MAX.500V) = MIN.P1 AGND MP14 .Length transducer at X1 2(+) & (-) WIRE 2.+ MP11 MP10 J2 VOLTAGES X1 3 ANALOG INPUT MODULE + 500MV (.50V = MAX. MP7 . signal 4mA. max.Length transducer at X1 2(+) & 3 (-) Range 1V to 5. (min.500v MIN.+ AGND P7 P8 A + E21 5. SIGNAL (RETRACTED BOOM) + 4.28) ON MAIN BOARD. ERROR CODE (GND) P2 LENGTH P3 MP9 VREFA P4 +UB MP12 P5 Channel # 1 OPERATING WINDOW MP17 P6 MP13 MP0 MP8 . * THESE MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN PARALLEL 4. signal 20mA) This circuit is measured in series. 1 2 3 E11 / E21 1 6 Pin 2 GND Measure Voltage .6V 7 8 X2 Measure Amps . SIGNAL (10 TURNS ON POT) ALL VOTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (TERMINAL X1 .1 Current Based Amplifier All sensing devices used for Analog Inputs now have a current output.MP1-> 1 2 MP16 16 1 2 - AGND 1 BR1 20 40 X1 AGND X1 26 27 28 WORKING RANGE . Range 4 mA to 20 mA DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR BOOM LENGTH MEASURING CHANNEL CHANNEL # 1 5 3 1 GND 5 3 1 5 3 1 X4 +UB Measure Voltage .0V ERROR CODE J1 E11 .Length transducer at X1 1(+) & 3 (-) Range 10V to 30V 1 OUT CORE +UB SHIELD 1 OUT (measurements in cable reel) 5 3 1 X3 Plug 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X1 6 Pin 6 5 7 4 3 2 1 Connector . 5 V 3 1 5.7 V 27 9 18.5 V CHANNEL # 1 ( 3 TURNS OF CABLE REEL = 1 TURN OF LENGTH POT.4 mA 2.P.7 mA 1.4 mA 4.) CHART SHOWS TYPICAL MILLI-AMP AND VOLTAGE SIGNALS. THE ACTUAL SIGNAL MAY VARY SLIGHTLY.U. TERMINAL SIGNAL ON ANALOG MODULE AT X1-3 (X1-28 GND.2 NO.0 mA 2. .2 mA 1.) 0 0 4 mA .3 V 24 8 16.1 V 15 5 12. THESE VOLTAGES ARE TO BE USED AS A REFERENCE ONLY.7 V 12 4 10.8 mA 3.1 V 30 10 20 mA 4.9 V 21 7 15.6 mA 2.5 V 18 6 13.DS350 Graphic Modular Boom Length Signal 16.5 mA . OF TURNS ON LENGTH POT SIGNAL AT X1 TERM. PIN #27 ON C. OF TURNS ON CABLE REEL NO.2 mA 3.3 V 9 3 8.9 V 6 2 7. 30V.0 XA2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S X2 1 X3 1 2 3 3 5 L XB2 X2 1 X4 1 2 3 3 5 A X2 X1 9333103309 7 (9) 8 (10) .3 (-)… RANGE = 10V . 24.1 (+) & X1 .MEASURE VOLTAGE IN LENGTH TRANSDUCER AT X1 . 5.3 (-)… RANGE = 1V .4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S X2 1 X3 1 2 3 3 5 L XB2 X2 1 X4 1 2 3 3 5 A X2 X1 9333103309 7 (9) 8 (10) .2 (+) & X1 . 1.0 XA2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16.6V.MEASURE VOLTAGE IN LENGTH TRANSDUCER AT X1 . 20mA.00 XA2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16. 4.2 (+) & WIRE #2 (-)… RANGE = 4mA .MEASURE AMPERAGE IN LENGTH TRANSDUCER AT X1 .5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S X2 1 X3 1 2 3 3 5 L XB2 X2 1 X4 1 2 3 3 5 A X2 X1 9333103309 7 (9) 8 (10) . ROD CONNECTIONS & WIRING DIAGRAMS .P.M.I MANUAL SECTION 17 DS 350 Graphic Modular PISTON.T.A. – L. The return key toggles between the piston . the input pressure (or force) is adjusted upwards. When the + and . and the force 0 . Only authorized personnel may adjust the 0 . the input value is adjusted downwards.key. the rod . 17.side. which.1 .side 0 .point offset.SETTING THE TRANSDUCER INPUTS Now. the piston .side.Setting Function. allows the real physical pressure of force to be calculated.SETTING OF PRESSURE AND FORCE INPUTS The 0 . allowing the 0 . and by pressing the .SETTING FUNCTION To activate the 0 .keys are pressed simultaneously. when added to the transducer measurement. To achieve this.SETTING OF TRANSDUCER INPUT 0 .setting occurs automatically. pressing the EXC or INFO key returns the console back to the normal display. having successfully entered a valid password. the 0 . a five digit Authorization Number must be entered.point settings. Now press the CTRL key. When the operator is finished.point setting function is activated.GRAPHIC CONSOLE SPECIAL FUNCTION 0 . At this point. Manual adjustments may be performed using + or -.setting to be performed and visualized in a simple manner. Example : 6 4 3 5 6 0 . a procedure has been developed. press the INFO key to activate the Info Function.setting. ACTIVATING THE 0 .setting consists of calculating an appropriate 0 . rod-side or force) is being zeroed and a horizontal dial marks the present pressure (or force) difference in %. By pressing the + key. The display shows which transducer (piston-side. signal 4mA.MP1-> 1 2 MP16 16 1 2 17.500v MIN. signal 20mA) This circuit is measured in series.+ AGND P7 P8 E22 5. * THESE MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN PARALLEL AGND 1 BR1 20 40 X1 AGND X1 20 21 22 - WORKING RANGE . SIGNAL (300 BAR PRESSURE) ALL VOTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (TERMINAL X1 .(Elec) Piston transducer at B (+) & C (-) Range 0V A B C A B C Measure resistance .22) ON MAIN BOARD.2 VOLTAGES X1 1 ANALOG INPUT MODULE + 500MV (. ERROR CODE (GND) P1 (PISTON) P2 OUTPUT SIGNAL P3 MP9 VREFA P4 +UB MP12 P5 Channel # 2 OPERATING WINDOW MP17 P6 MP13 MP0 MP8 .300 Ohm PRESS.+ MP11 MP10 J2 A + 4. (min. MP7 .0V ERROR CODE J1 E12 .50V = MAX.AGND MP14 .(Hyd) Piston transducer at B (+) & C (-) Range 200 . max. (PISTON) DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR PISTON PRESSURE MEASURING CHANNEL CHANNEL # 2 4 .50v MAX. SIGNAL (ZERO PRESSURE) + 4. E12 / E22 (measurements at transducer) 1 2 3 4 Measure Voltage .0V 1 2 3 Current Based Amplifier All sensing devices used for Analog Inputs now have a current output. TRANS.500V) = MIN.(Elec) Piston transducer at A (+) & C (-) Range 10V to 30V Measure Voltage . AGND MP14 .0V ERROR CODE J1 E13 .500v MIN. MP7 - MP1-> 1 2 MP16 16 1 2 17.3 VOLTAGES X1 2 ANALOG INPUT MODULE + 500MV (.500V) = MIN. SIGNAL (ZERO PRESSURE) + 4.50V = MAX. SIGNAL (300 BAR PRESSURE) ALL VOTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (TERMINAL X1 - 25) ON MAIN BOARD. * THESE MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN PARALLEL E13 / E23 AGND 1 BR1 20 40 X1 AGND X1 23 24 25 - WORKING RANGE - + MP11 MP10 J2 A + 4.50v MAX. ERROR CODE (GND) P1 (ROD) P2 OUTPUT SIGNAL P3 MP9 +UB P4 MP17 MP12 P5 Channel # 3 OPERATING WINDOW VREFA P6 MP13 MP0 MP8 - + AGND P7 P8 E23 5.0V 1 2 3 Current Based Amplifier All sensing devices used for Analog Inputs now have a current output. (min. signal 4mA, max. signal 20mA) This circuit is measured in series. (measurements at transducer) 1 2 3 4 Measure Voltage - (Elec) Rod transducer at A (+) & C (-) Range 10V to 30V Measure Voltage - (Elec) Rod transducer at B (+) & C (-) Range 0V A B C A B C Measure resistance - (Hyd) Rod transducer at B (+) & C (-) Range 200 - 300 Ohm PRESS. TRANS. (ROD) DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR ROD PRESSURE MEASURING CHANNEL CHANNEL # 3 4 DS350 Graphic Modular PRESSURE TRANSDUCER PLUG PISTON AND ROD CONNECT DIGITAL VOLT METER NEGATIVE (-) LEAD TO TERMINAL C. CONNECT POSITIVE (+) LEAD TO TERMINAL A, VOLTAGE SHOULD BE +24.0 VDC (SUPPLY VOLTAGE). CONNECT POSITIVE (+) LEAD TO TERMINAL B, AND NEGATIVE (-) LEAD TO TERMINAL C, VOLTAGE SHOULD BE 0 VDC. IF INCORRECT CHECK CABLE CONNECTIONS IN CENTRAL UNIT AND CHECK CABLE FOR DEFECTS. IF CORRECT REPLACE PRESSURE TRANSDUCER. MEASURING RESISTANCE BETWEEN B (+) AND C (-) RANGE 200 - 300 Ohm. +24.0 +0. C A B 17.4 P.A.T. – L.M.I MANUAL SECTION 18 DS 350 Graphic Modular BOOM ANGLE CONNECTIONS & WIRING DIAGRAMS P5 P4 P3 P2 MP9 AGND MP14 Channel # 5 OPERATING WINDOW VREFA P6 MP13 MP0 MP8 - + AGND P7 P1 P8 .500v MIN. 1 2 MP16 16 1 2 18.1 VOLTAGES X1 4 ANALOG INPUT MODULE + 500MV (.500V) = 90o ANGLE MIN. SIGNAL + 2.50V = 45o ANGLE + 4.5 V = 0o ANGLE MAX. SIGNAL ALL VOTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (TERMINAL X1 - 28) ON MAIN BOARD. * THESE MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN PARALLEL E15 / E25 X1 26 28 29 WORKING RANGE AGND 1 BR1 20 40 X1 AGND 4.50v MAX. ERROR CODE (90o TO 0o) MP10 MP7 - MP1-> - + MP11 E15 (GND) J1 J2 +UB MP17 ERROR CODE ANGLE .0V MP12 + A E25 5.0V Current Based Amplifier All sensing devices used for Analog Inputs now have a current output. (min. signal 4mA, max. signal 20mA) This circuit is measured in series. SHIELD CORE 1 1 3 4 6 Pin 2 Plug (measurements in cable reel) 7 8 X2 Measure Amps - Angle transducer at X1 4(+) & (-) WIRE 4. Range 4 mA to 20 mA 5 3 1 X4 +UB GND 5 3 1 1 OUT +UB GND Measure Voltage - Angle transducer at X1 2(+) & 3 (-) Range 1V to 5.6V 1 OUT 5 3 1 Measure Voltage - Angle transducer at X1 1(+) & 3 (-) Range 10V to 30V 5 3 1 X3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X1 6 Pin DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR BOOM ANGLE MEASURING CHANNEL CHANNEL # 5 6 5 7 4 3 2 1 Connector DS350 Graphic Modular Boom Angle Signal 18.2 ACTUAL BOOM ANGLE IN DEGS. 90o SIGNAL AT X1 TERM. PIN #29 ON C.P.U. TERMINAL 4.0 mA SIGNAL ON ANALOG MODULE AT X1-4 (X1-28 GND.) 0.48 85o 4.9 mA + .70 80o 5.7 mA + .92 75o 6.6 mA + 1.15 70o 7.4 mA + 1.37 65o 8.3 mA + 1.60 60o 9.2 mA + 1.80 55o 10.2 mA + 2.04 50o 11.2 mA + 2.26 45o 12.1 mA + 2.48 40o 12.9 mA + 2.70 35o 13.7 mA + 2.92 30o 14.7 mA + 3.15 o 25 15.6 mA + 3.38 20o 16.5 mA + 3.60 15o 17.3 mA + 3.82 10o 18.0 mA + 4.04 5o 19.2 mA + 4.27 0o 20 mA + 4.49 CHANNEL #5 CHART SHOWS TYPICAL MILLI-AMP AND VOLTAGE SIGNALS. THESE VALUES ARE TO BE USED AS A REFERENCE ONLY, THE ACTUAL SIGNAL MAY VARY SLIGHTLY. 24.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S 18.3 9333103309 X1 X2 X2 XB2 X2 XA2 7 (9) 8 (10) A 1 X4 1 2 3 3 5 L 1 X3 1 2 3 3 5 MEASURE VOLTAGE IN ANGLE TRANSDUCER AT X1 - 1 (+) & X1 - 3 (-)… RANGE = 10V - 30V. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S 18.4 9333103309 X1 X2 X2 XB2 X2 XA2 7 (9) 8 (10) A 1 X4 1 2 3 3 5 L 1 X3 1 2 3 3 5 MEASURE VOLTAGE IN ANGLE TRANSDUCER AT X1 - 2 (+) & X1 - 3 (-)… RANGE = 1V - 5.6V. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S 18.5 9333103309 X1 X2 X2 XB2 X2 XA2 7 (9) 8 (10) A 1 X4 1 2 3 3 5 L 1 X3 1 2 3 3 5 MEASURE AMPERAGE IN ANGLE TRANSDUCER AT X1 - 4 (+) & WIRE #4 (-)… RANGE = 4mA - 20mA. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 D S350 Graphic Modular Slewing Angle 18-6 8 3 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 +UBE SIG+ SIGGND 1 2 3 4 X7 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A B C A B C A B C A B C 1 2 34 5 6 TO MAIN BOOM CONNECTOR pres. trans. (piston) pres. trans. (rod) GN/YL FUSE (10 amp) FUSE (10 amp) +UBS LMI BYPASS FUSE (4 amp) 4 3 2 1 10 AMP FUSE LMI BYPASS KEY SWITCH 6 PIN PLUG +UB GND TXD RXD A2B A2B LOAD D1 Rear Axle Oscil. Relay X8 +UBE 1 GND 2 V V V LMI Lockout Alarm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X1 V V V V V V V V V (LMI UNLOCK SOL.) 10 8 9 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FUSE (4 amp) 4 AMP FUSE V V V V V 71 (+UB) 51 (GND) 73 GND 2 V V V 6 4 2 V V VV V V 5 V V 18-7 V V 4 3 2 CONSOLE (1318) 1 2 3 SLEW 2 + 12 V A2B GROUND SLEW 1 A2B SIGNAL ANGLE GND +UB LENGTH ROD GND +UB GND +UB PISTON DI4 DI2 DI3 DI1 +UBS 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 IN 6 61 62 OUT 5 59 60 26 27 28 29 31 32 30 33 34 35 53 54 OUT 4 23 24 25 IN 1 2 3 51 52 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 GN/YL 1 2 12 11 13 DI GND +UB X2/1 1 2 3 GND +UB GND RXD TXD A2B BYPASS A2B BYPASS LMI BYPASS +UB GND K10 NC EXT. HOR. *1 LMI UNLOCK S. +UBR K10 COM +UB GND X1 D.O.Module 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 5 3 V V V V NOTES: 1 OUTER SHIELD GROUNDED AT STRAIN RELIEF CONNECTOR. 2 INNER SHIELD CUT AND INSULATED 3 INSULATE OUTER SHIELD AND CONNECT TO CHASIS GND. A BC D V V V V 1 2 3 4 LIGHTBAR *1) OPTIONAL FOR EXTERNAL HORN (EEC UNITS ONLY) DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR with SLEWING POTINTIOMETER + MP0 MP8 BR1 P8 VREFA AGND AGND 20 40 P6 MP13 MP10 P7 MP17 X1 MP12 .5V (A106) Current Based Amplifier All sensing devices used for Analog Inputs now have a current output.500v MIN.P2 1 P1 1 2 MP7 .50V = MAX.0V 4. ERROR CODE ERROR CODE OPERATING WINDOW . SIGNAL BOOM OVER FRONT + 4.0V (GND) SLEW ANGLE 1 +UB 2 2 W 1 R 1 1 A 5 Y 3 3 B 4 2 4 3 + - X1 33 30 35 SLEW ANGLE 2 .5V (A106) OPEN 4. signal 4mA. * THESE MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN PARALLEL MP11 P3 MP9 J1 P4 DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR SLEW ANGLE #1 J2 P5 . AGND 12 mA 2.+ 4 mA .500V) = MIN. max.50v MAX.MP1-> MP16 16 MP14 VOLTAGES X1 5 ANALOG INPUT MODULE + 500MV (.5V (A106) 12 mA 2. SIGNAL BOOM OVER REAR ALL VOTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (MP 0) ON ANALOG BOARD. (min. signal 20mA) This circuit is measured in series.500V (A106) 18-8 AGND 1 2 E2A WORKING RANGE E1A 5. . + MP0 MP8 BR1 P8 VREFA AGND AGND 20 40 P6 MP13 MP10 P7 MP17 X1 MP12 . max.MP1-> MP16 16 MP14 VOLTAGES X1 6 ANALOG INPUT MODULE + 500MV (.500V (A106) OPEN 4. SIGNAL BOOM OVER FRONT + 4.5V (A106) Current Based Amplifier All sensing devices used for Analog Inputs now have a current output.+ 12 mA 2.500V) = MIN.5V (A106) 18-9 AGND 1 2 E2B WORKING RANGE E1B 5. ERROR CODE ERROR CODE OPERATING WINDOW . SIGNAL BOOM OVER REAR ALL VOTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (MP 0) ON ANALOG BOARD.0V (GND) SLEW ANGLE 2 +UB 2 2 W 1 R 1 1 A 5 Y 3 3 B 4 3 4 2 + - X1 33 34 35 SLEW ANGLE 1 .0V 4.5V (A106) 12mA 2.P2 1 P1 1 2 MP7 . * THESE MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN PARALLEL MP11 P3 MP9 J1 P4 DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR SLEW ANGLE #2 J2 P5 .500v MIN.50v MAX. AGND 4 mA . (min.50V = MAX. signal 4mA. . signal 20mA) This circuit is measured in series. DS350 Graphic Modular Slewing Potentiometer Components Electrical Slip ring Assembly Slewing Potentiometer Printed Circuit Slewing Board 18-10 . Slew Potentiometer Installation & Adjustment Procedure These instructions are applicable for installing direct drive parts (if required) to the slew potentiometer mounted in the top of the slip ring assembly. Printed Circuit Slewing Board (showing X1 Terminal Board) Potentiometer 18-11 . Collar set fastened to shaft by two (2) set screws. Collar Slotted Clutch Plate Plug to the Slip ring Circuit Board Slotted Clutch Plate Potentiometer Collar 18-12 . Plastic Shield installed on top of four washers . 18-13 .Note: These four (4) washers must be installed before proceeding to the next step. Tighten set screws. 18-14 Position the collar so there is between 1/32” to 1/16” clearance to the bottom of the potentiometer. .Clutch plate installed on top of slip ring assembly. 18-15 . Turn shaft in the center of potentiometer with screwdriver until drive pin seats in the slot in the clutch plate.Install the aluminum plate with potentiometer over mounting posts. Collar with drive pin seated in the slot in clutch plate. Use a torpedo level to assure plate is level. 18-16 . D. C. Set the Console to read Slewing Angle: A. Press 1 for Slew Angle. Press limits “LMI”. B. Press 2 or 3 to display Slewing Angle. 2. Complete the LMI console setup according to the crane’s current operating configuration.A. E. Press 4 for Slew Angle/virtual wall limits. Load Moment Indicator Operator’s Handbook for detailed instructions. 1. NOTE: Refer to the P.These instructions are applicable to cranes using a top mounted slew potentiometer inside the slip ring assembly. Position the superstructure over the front and engage the house lock pin.T. 18-17 . 4. Remove the Slip Ring cover. Loosen the three screws that secure the potentiometer. 18-18 . DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ROTATE THIS SLOTTED SHAFT.3. . Rotate the body of the slew potentiometer until the slew angle indicates 0. Disengage the house lock pin and swing approximately 10 deg. 8. (+/. Disengage the house lock pin and swing approximately 10 deg.).5. Slowly swing back to the right and engage the house lock pin*.0 deg. or the electrical terminals interferance with one of the mounting screws. proceed to step 7. proceed to step 9. If the angle indicated on the console does not exceed +/. Disengage the house lock pin and swing approximately 10 deg. 9. to the right (clockwise). NOTE: This value may not be obtainable due to limited wire length on the slew potentiometer. Install the slip ring cover. Disengage the house lock pin and swing approximately 10 deg.1 deg. to the left (counterclockwise).0 return to step 4. * IF THE SUPERSTRUCTURE SWINGS PAST THE HOUSE LOCK PIN ENGAGED POSITION.0 deg.1.0 deg. Return to step 5. if this occurs. Slowly swing back to the left and engage the house lock pin*.0. Slowly swing back to the right and engage the house lock pin*.1.1..1. 7. If the indicated angle exceeds +/. to the right (clockwise).0 deg.1.6 deg. If the angle indicated on the console does not exceed +/. If the angle exceeds +/. 6. Verify the angle indicated on the console does not exceed +/. Return to step 4. Tighten the three screws that secure the slew potentiometer to the mounting plate. to the left (counterclockwise).0 deg. THE PROCEDURE MUST BE REPEATED.reposition the collar set screwed to the potentiometer shaft and repeat step 5.. 18-19 . If it does exceed +/. Slowly swing back to the left and engage the house lock pin*.1. – L.BLOCK CONNECTIONS & WIRING DIAGRAMS .TWO .P.M.A.T.I MANUAL SECTION 19 DS 350 Graphic Modular ANTI . TWO .ANTI .BLOCK WIRING DIAGRAM 1 6 Pin 2 GND 19.1 2 1 7 8 X2 5 3 1 X4 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 3 1 X3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 S 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X1 6 Pin 6 5 1 1 2 4 3 2 1 1 3 ANTI .7K Ω RESISTOR 2 Connector 1 .TWO BLOCK SWITCH NOTES: OUTER SHIELD GROUNDED AT 1 STRAIN RELIEF CONNECTOR 2 CUT AND INSULATE INNER SHIELD 1 SWITCH PREWIRED AND POTTED ! IMPORTANT CHANGE 7 Plug 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 3 1 +UB 5 3 1 GND 1 1 OUT CORE +UB SHIELD 6 PIN SHIELD To Central Unit 1 OUT 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 CORE 6 PIN DUMMY PLUG ! CONNECTOR 4. QTY 1 2 3 4 5 9-333-102764 9-333-102717 9-333-102666 9-333-102663 9-333-102230 1 1 1 4 1 6 9-333-102765 1 DESCRIP.ANTI . BOOM NOSE ANTI . WITH RETAINER CRIMP COMP. TERMINAL STRIP BLOCK. 1 1 2 3 AUX. COMP. TERMINAL STRIP SWITCH A2B. DUMMY PLUG NOTES: OUTER SHIELD GROUNDED AT 1 STRAIN RELIEF CONNECTOR 2 CUT AND INSULATE INNER SHIELD 1 SWITCH PREWIRED AND POTTED ! IMPORTANT CHANGE . 2-POLE JUMPER BAR TAGS.TWO .2 1 2 7 8 5 3 1 X2 X4 1 A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 3 1 X3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 S 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X1 1 2 1 2 3 6 5 1 3 1 2 Plug 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 3 1 +UB 1 2 3 B 6 Pin 2 GND A 1 GND CORE CORE 1 OUT SHIELD 6 PIN DUMMY PLUG +UB A B 1 OUT ! 1 6 6 Pin 1 4 3 21 Connector 1 5 3 ANTI . ASSEM.TWO BLOCK SWITCH 7 2 1 NO.BLOCK WIRING DIAGRAM 4.7K Ω RESISTOR To Central Unit 1 2 SHIELD 2 3 4 2 5 3 1 3 1 4 19. ASSEM..TWO BLOCK SWITCH PART NO. 3 DESCRIPTION SWITCH. SCREW .Auxiliary Boom Nose 3 4 2 1 NO. PART NO. QTY 1 2 9-333-102238 9-333-102235 1 1 3+ 4 9-333-102767 9-333-102687 1 2 19. A2B W/O CRIMP CONDUIT 10 FEET (MUST CUT TO LENGTH) JUNCTION BOX ASSEM. QTY 9-333-102758 9-333-102793 9-333-101984 9-333-102759 9-333-102663 9-333-102664 9-333-102665 9-333-102666 9-333-102760 9-333-102482 9-333-102612 9-333-102669 9-333-102266 9-333-102480 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 DESCRIPTION Junction Box Strain Relief (90o) Locknut Mounting rail. cannon 2-pin male recp.4 . terminal strip Tags. terminal strip Block. dust Screw #4 Lockwasher #4 Nut #4 19. terminal strip Connector. terminal strip End bracket.Auxiliary Boom Nose JUNCTION BOX ASSEMBLY 1(BLACK) 1 2(BROWN) A2B CABLE 3(RED) 1 A 2 B 2 3 Complete Assembly # 9-333-102767 NO. terminal strip End plate. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PART NO. Gasket Cover. 9-333-102238 7-110-151205 9-333-102235 9-333-102690 9-333-102687 NO.5 PART NO. A2B W/O Crimp Capscrew Conduit 10 feet (must cut to length) Junction box assembly Screw Fixed Swingaway Extension .19. 1 2 3 4+ 5 1 2 QTY 1 2 1 DESCRIPTION Switch. Fixed Swingaway JUNCTION BOX ASSEMBLY 1(BLACK) 1 A2B CABLE 2(BROWN) 2 3(RED) 3 1 A 2 B Complete Assembly # 9-333-102690 NO. terminal strip End bracket. dust Screw #4 Lockwasher #4 19. terminal strip Block. 9-333-102758 9-333-102674 9-333-102759 9-333-102663 9-333-102664 9-333-102665 9-333-102666 9-333-102760 9-333-102482 9-333-102612 9-333-102669 9-333-102266 9-333-102480 QTY DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 Junction Box Strain Relief Mounting rail. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PART NO.6 Nut #4 . cannon 2-pin male recp. terminal strip Tags. terminal strip Connector. terminal strip End plate. Gasket Cover. A.P.T. – L.M.I MANUAL SECTION 20 DS 350 Graphic Modular TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE . 7 20.20 .2 20.4 20.18 20.Two .1 20.10 20.13 20.5 20.Block Length Reading Problem Angle Reading Problem Load Reading Problem Bad Data Transfer Between Console & Central Unit Error Code Displayed 20.PAT DS350 Graphic Modular LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR TROUBLESHOOTING General Flowchart Lever Lockout Activated Broken Length Cable No Display Anti .3 20.16 20. 13 No Display No Function Anti-Two-Block Go to Page 20. START What’s Wrong? Lever Lockout Activated Length Cable Problem Go to Page 20.P.2 Bad Data Transfer Error Code Displayed Go to Page 20.20 .19.T.3 Go to Page 20. Start with general flowchart below which will guide you to one of the more detailed flowcharts shown on pages 20.7 Wrong Load Displayed Go to Page 20.4 Wrong Length Displayed Go to Page 20.18 Go to Page 20.GENERAL FLOWCHART This section explains how to handle a problem that may arise with the P.A. Load Moment Indicator System .5 Go to Page 20.A. The procedures are easy to follow and are given in flowcharts on the following pages. DS350 Graphic Modular.T.10 Wrong Angle Displayed Go to Page 20.16 20.3 through 20. 20. fuses or console. If Load Moment Limit Light is lit. Check lever lockout system in crane Go to page 20.7 Read error code displayed on console and go to page20.3 . wiring or fuses. Crane is not in overload or two-block condition. Fault in Anti-Two Block system.5 Go to page 20. telescope out”.20. If console displays is blank. the fault is located in LMI.LEVER LOCKOUT ACTIVATED PROBLEM The lever lockout system of the crane is activated. START Set the override key switch in central unit into upper position to override LMI. Crane movements “hoist up”. fault is located in power supply. fixed? YES NO Does the console indicate Anti-Two-Block warning? NO YES Fault in crane electric or hydraulic system. cables. and “boom down” are stopped. wiring. BROKEN LENGTH CABLE PROBLEM Damaged or broken length cable. 4 Remove damaged length cable. 1 (center) and ground terminal (shield) of receptacle at the boom nose. Check function of Anti-Two-Block switch. which is mounted to the slip rings in the cable reel. pipe and strain relief and push it through the axle of the reeling drum. 2 Open cable reel cover and disconnect wiring from terminal block.conductor cable out of strain relief. X1 and center to No. 7 Pull new length cable through the hole. 12 Reset length potentiometer in length angle transducer (screw is located in center of white gear): with boom fully retracted. STEP ACTION 1 Cut old cable at cable drum. turn potentiometer carefully counter-clockwise until it stops. 5 Turn the cable reel and open the stain relief attached to the axle in the center of the drum. 20. Pull 7. Turn reeling drum clockwise to get rest of new cable onto the drum. from Terminal X1 and X2 See drawing 1 on page 20. Pull existing length cable out of the cable reel. Recheck length and angle display. 11 Reconnect new cable to Terminal No. 9 Remount cable reel to the boom. 10 Set preload on cable reel by turning the drum counter-clockwise 5 to 8 turns.28. 6 Disconnect damaged length cable from Anti-Two-Block switch receptacle at the boom nose.28. X2 See drawing 1 on page 20. 8 Dismantle length cable near slip ring and reconnect shield to terminal No. 3 Remove cable reel from mounting brackets. Tighten strain relief to ensure sealing.4 . correct? NO Check crane power supply for faulty crane electric or if power supply is too low.5 . No warninglight shown. correct? NO Replace fuses. START Check fuses on CPU box. This is a output voltage to the console. Replace main board. correct? Defect on main board. YES Measure crane voltage on main board terminal strip between X1-3(+12/24V) and X1-4 (ground). This is an imput voltage from crane Note: If crane voltage is measured below 10V system will switch off. Crane movements stopped.NO DISPLAY PROBLEM Blank console display. YES Measure crane voltage on main board terminal strip between X1-1(+12/24V) andX1-2 (ground). see replacement procedure. NO YES NEXT PAGE 20. Refer to Drawing 6 on page20. END 20.32 .6 . NO YES Display is defective. correct? Check connections of the cable between console and central unit.NO DISPLAY continued PREVIOUS PAGE Measure voltage in the console between X1-1 (+12/24V) and X1-2 (ground). Replace cable if necessary. Replace the console. 500 Ohms Switch Open = > 1 Megaohm NO correct? YES NEXT PAGE 20. . NO Lower hook down in safe position. See drawing 2 on page 20. correct? YES Measure the resistance at the boom nose box between terminals 1 and 6 with ohmmeter.7 Replace Anti-Two-Block switch. START Check to see whether or not crane is in two-block condition. correct? YES Turn power off or disconnect wire from X1-31 in central unit.ANTI-TWO-BLOCK PROBLEM PROBLEM Function of Anti-Two-Block System is faulty. Switch Closed = 4700 +/. This checks the function of the Anti-Two-Block switch.28. NO Plug appropriate plug into socket of junction box. .500 Ohms Switch open = >1 Megohm Reconnect slip ring wires.8 Fault in 7 conductor cable between cable reel and boom base box. See drawing 1 on page 20. Reconnect length cable to slip ring. NO correct? Replace slip ring. NO correct? Fault in wiring cable from junction box at boom nose to cable reel or short circuit in length cable. Anti-Two-Block switch open = > 1 megohm Anti-Two-Block switch closed = 4700 Ohms + 500 Ohms. YES Measure the A2B signal in the boom base box between terminal 5 and 6 with an ohmeter.ANTI-TWO-BLOCK PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Measure the A2B signal in the cable reel between X1:Brown and X2:Red wires on the slip ring with an ohmmeter. Anti-Two-Block switch open = > 1 megohm Anti-Two-Block switch closed = 4700 Ohms + 500 Ohms.28. Switch closed = 4700 +/.28. Check wiring. Reconnect length cable to slip ring. YES Measure the A2B signal in the cable reel between 7 and 8 with an ohmmeter. See drawing 1 on page 20. NO correct? YES NEXT PAGE 20. Faulty wiring between cable reel and central unit. using same measurements as in previous step. between X131 and X1-32 in central unit. Turn system power off. With resistor connected alarm should be inactive.9 . correct? Reconnect wire #5 to X1-31 and wire #6 to X1-32. NO Defect on main board. See cranes specific wiring diagram for wires # 5 (+) and # 6 (-). If fault is found check cable. END 20. Check Anti-Two-Block signal in central unit with ohmmeter measure between X1-31 and X1-32. NO correct? YES Disconnect X1-31 and X1-32. Replace main board and reset pressure channel. Check main board function by installing a temporary resistor.ANTI-TWO-BLOCK PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Connect wire # 5 back to terminal X1-31 on themain board. 4700 Ohms. Check Ten Pin Receptacle. Anti-Two-Block switch closed = 4700 Ohms + 500 Ohms Anti-Two-Block switch open = > 1 Megohm. NO YES NEXT PAGE 20. Replace main board and reset pressure channel. See drawing 3 on page 20.33. terminal X1-28 (ground) and X1-26 (+12/24V). adjust length potentiometer counterclockwise until it stops. correct? NO Replace the gearwheel. YES Check power supply to length transducer on main board. See drawing 7 on page 20.29. START Check mechanical adjustment of length potentiometer in cable reel. Extend and retract boom to ensure that clutch is not slipping on potentiometer axle.LENGTH READING PROBLEM PROBLEM Length reading incorrect. Crane is not in “out of load chart” condition. When main boom is fully retracted. clean potentiometer axle. Check out clutch in big gear wheel of length transducer.10 . See drawing 7 on page 20. correct? Main board defective.33. Reset length potentiometer. NO Faulty wiring between central unit and length transducer. correct? YES NEXT PAGE 20. Reinstall mounting plate. Retracted Boom = 0 Potentiometer Turns = 4mA 10 Potentiometer Turns = 20mA NO correct? YES Replace length potentiometer assembly.33. Measurement should be in series. Connect new assembly to terminal block.29. Reset potentiometer with fully retracted boom. Measure signal from length transducer in central unit.LENGTH READING PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Measure supply to length transducer in cable reel at terminal between Pin 1 (ground) and Pin 3 (+12/24V).33. Check wiring. the return signal is a current output.11 . gear wheel and slip rings. correct? YES Measure signal from length transducer in cable reel at X1-2 and wire #2. Remove slip ring body from shaft and remove gear wheel from potentiometer axle. 0 Potentiometer Turns = 4mA 10 Potentiometer Turns = 20mA See drawing 3 on page 20. NO Faulty wiring between central unit and length transducer. Connect meter between wire #2 and X1-27. The return signal is a current output and must be measured in series. turn counterclockwise until it stops. See drawing 7 on page 20. Remove assembly wires from terminal block. Unscrew mounting plate and remove potentiometer assembly from mounting plate. See drawing 7 on page 20. Check wiring. LENGTH READING PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Measure length signal of amplified output on analog input module between test point MP0 and X1-3.12 . Reset pressure channel. Replace main board.5 V Refer to Drawing 5 on page 20. The measurement should be between 0. END 20.5V-4.31. correct? YES Main board defective.5 V (500mV) 10 Potentiometer Turns = 4. NO Analog Input Module is defective. 0 Potentiometer Turns = 0. Replace module.5V. NO correct? Main board defective. Readjust the angle sensor to the correct position by loosening the mounting screws and moving the angle sensor.33. Check power supply to angle sensor on main board between X126 (+12/24V) and X1-28 (GND) Refer to Drawing 3 on page 20. NO correct? YES Place the boom at 0 o. Note: Consult factory before replacing main board for further troubleshooting steps.13 . YES NEXT PAGE 20. See drawing 7 on page 20. See drawing 7 on page 20. replace main board and reset pressure channel. START Check levelness of the angle sensor in cable reelwith main boom at horizontal remove cover from the cable reel.29.33.ANGLE READING PROBLEM PROBLEM Angle Reading Incorrect Crane is not in “Out of Load Chart” condition. one lead to wire #4 and the other lead X1-4. See drawing 7 on page 20. correct? YES Measure signal in series from angle sensor in cable reel. correct? YES NEXT PAGE 20. Boom Angle Signal : 0 Degrees 20 mA 45 Degrees 12 mA 90 Degrees 4 mA NO Replace angle sensor.14 .33.ANGLE READING PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Measure supply to angle sensor in cable reel at terminal between X1-1 (+12/24V) and X1-3 (GND). Check wiring. NO Faulty wiring between central unit and angle sensor. correct? YES END 20.ANGLE READING PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Measure signal from angle sensor in central unit.15 . The measurement should be between 0.4. correct? YES Measure angle signal analog input module between test point MP0 and X1-4. Check wiring.31.5V.5 Volts See drawing 5 on page 20. Boom Angle Signal : 0 Degrees 0.5 .5 Volt 45 Degrees 2. Measurement should be taken in series at X1-29 and wire #4.48 Volts 90 Degrees 4. NO Faulty analog input module or CPU module in central unit. Boom Angle Signal : 0 Degrees 20 mA 45 Degrees 12 mA 90 Degrees 4 mA NO Faulty wiring between central unit and cable reel. Angle transducer box should in line with boom and adjusted to actual boom angle. Refer to Drawing on page 15. turn potentiometer axle counterclockwise until it stops . With fully retracted boom. Measure voltage at the cable connection between A (+12/24V) and C (ground). See drawing 3 on page 20. See drawing 7 on page 20. See drawing 7 on page 20.16 . NO NEXT PAGE 20.33. Check power supply at main board between X1-20 (+12/24V) and X1-22 (ground) for piston and X1-23 (+12/24V) and X1-25 (ground) for rod side. Reset length potentiometer.29.LOAD READING PROBLEM PROBLEM Load reading incorrect. NO correct? YES Measure radius and check with the displayed radius. YES Replace the main in central unit. Check if mechanical adjustment of angle transducer is correct.3. NO correct? YES Check power supply to pressure transducer (rod side). NO Select operating mode switch to correct position (see operating mode in load chart).33. START Check selected operating mode(code on operating mode switch). Unplug transducer cable from transducer. correct? YES Check boom length reading on display. NO correct? YES correct? Fault in pressure transducer. (Piston side. Refer to page 17. NO Fault in pressure transducer cable.36.31. If transducer(s) are not adjustable.4.35 & 20. remove wire #2 from X1-21. Refer to Drawing 5 on page 20. Measurement is not within 4-20mA. Measure pressure transducer signals on the analog input module between test points. Refer to page 17. remove wire #2 from X1-24.5V . Adjust zero point on pressure transducers at console.1. Refer to Drawing 9&10. replace pressure transducer(s) and adjust zero point.LOAD READING PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Measure in series piston side signal.5V at 4410PSI. MP0 (GND) and X1-1) (Rod side. in central unit.5V at 0 PSI to 4. NO 4-20mA correct? YES YES Measurement within 4-20mA.17 . NO Replace the analog input module board in central unit. Referto Drawing 9 &10 on pages 20.36.35 & 20. page 20. Connect one lead to wire #2 and the other to X1-21. The measurement should be between 4-20mA (4 mA at 0 PSI to 20mA at 4410 PSI). but 4mA does not equal 0 PSI. correct? YES END 20. The measurement should be between 0. Rod side.1. MP0 (GND) and X1-2). 30. Check continuity between: X1-5 main board and X1-3 console X1-6 main board and X1-4 console Refer to Drawings 3&6 on pages 20. Refer to Drawing 4 on page 20.32.30 YES Measure process voltage on the main board in the central unit between MP24 (+5V) and MP0 (GND).29.5. On Make sure that EPROMS are correct and plugged into EPROM MODULE is on main board.BAD DATA TRANSFER BETWEEN CONSOLE & CENTRAL UNIT PROBLEM Error Code “E93 / E94” No data transfer to and from console. Refer to Drawing 3 on page 20. NO correct? Place EPROM S in correct socket. YES Turn off system power.29. Check the continuity of the receive (RXD) and transfer (TXD) wires. NEXT PAGE 20.29. if necessary.20. Refer to Drawing 4 on page 20. NO correct? YES Check connections and replace cable from central unit to console.18 . NO correct? Off Make sure external and internal power supply is correct. START Check the H12 (TXD) LED on the main board ON/OFF.34. Refer to page 20. Refer to Drawing 8 on page 20. Refer to Drawing 3 on page 20. Install ground link . Make correct shield connection.0mm2) between terminal X9/2 and central unit box mounting bracket.BAD DATA TRANSFER BETWEEN CONSOLE & CENTRAL UNIT PREVIOUS PAGE Check if additional ground link between main board terminal X9 and central unit box mounting bracket is in place. Refer to connection and wiring diagrams.g. Refer to Drawing 3 on page 20. outrigger relay). dump valve. NO correct? YES Find out which component of the crane electric is spiking out (e.19 .single cable minimum of AWG14 (2. END 20.29. Refer to connections and wiring diagrams. Install a diode or varistor across terminals of spiking component.connection for diode). Diode type such as 1N 4001 can be used (watch + and . NO correct? YES Ensure that cable shields are connected correctly. Refer to Drawing 4. NO Replace or repair part which is defective. Error Code “E93 / E94” intermittent. dump valve. Refer to Drawing 4.single cable minimum of AWG14 (2.20 .connection for diode). Refer to connections and wiring diagrams.Bad Data Transfer Between Console & Central Unit.INTERFERENCE PROBLEM PROBLEM Interference from crane electric.C in Section 11. refer to Section 8 . in Section 11. Refer to Drawing 7.B.g. in Section 11. Drawings 9A. Diode type such as 1N 4001 can be used (watch + and . in Section 11. END 20. NO correct? YES Ensure that cable shields are connected correctly.9B and 9C in Section 11. outrigger relay). NO correct? YES Find out which component of the crane electric is spiking out (e. “Main Board”. Drawings 9A. “Suppressor Diode”. “Main Board”. Make correct shield connection. START Check system out.0mm2) between terminal X9/1 and central unit box mounting bracket. correct? YES Check if additional ground like between main board terminal X9 and central unit box mounting bracket is in place. Install a diode or varistor across terminals of spiking component. Install ground link . Frozen console displays. Refer to connection and wiring diagrams. Telescope boom to correct length given in the load chart. Luff in the jib to a radius or angle specified in the load chart. length sensor cable slid off the cable drum. E 05* Length range not permitted. Lower boom back to a radius or angle given in the load chart.21 . Operating mode switch in the console set incorrectly.ERROR CODE DISPLAY PROBLEM Error code displayed. E 06* Fallen below angle range with luffing jib operation. Fallen below the minimum jib angle specified in the respective load chart due to luffing out the jib too far. i. Operating mode is not permissible with actual crane configuration. Fallen below the minimum radius or above the angle given in the load chart due to raising the boom too far. Set operating mode switch correctly to the code assigned to the operating mode of the crane. Length sensor adjustment changed. The maximum radius or minimum angle given in the load chart was exceeded due to lowering the boom too far. (no load area) Slewing range prohibited with load. 20. Lever lockout activated. Slew back into admissible range. E 02* Beyond radius or below angle range. Raise boom back to a radius or angle given in the load chart.33.e. E 03* Prohibited slewing range. See page 20. Boom was telescoped too far or not far enough. * This error can be corrected by the operator. E 04* Operating mode not available. Warning lights on. ERROR DISPLAY ERROR CAUSE ACTION E 01* Below radius or above angle range. not connected or water in the necessary. See page 20. Replace if necessary. Anti-Two-Block switch relay is defective or not being selected. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. See page 20. Pressure transducer on piston side defective. Replace if necessary. Check cable as well as plug. Cable from central unit to force measuring point defective or water inside the plugs. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace if defective. Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channel. Replace force transducer. Cable from central unit to the pressure transducer defective. Check cable as well as plug. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board.33.22 Check cable as well as plugs. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Fallen below lower limiting value for the measuring channel "pressure rod side". Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. Replace and reset length potentiometer. ACTION Cable from central unit to length sensor Check cable. 20. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. loose or water in the plug. .ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY ERROR CAUSE E 07 No acknowledgement signal from overload relay (K8). E 12 E 13 E 14 Fallen below lower limiting value for the measuring channel "pressure piston side". Pressure transducer on rod side defective. Overload relay is stuck. E 11 Fallen below lower limiting value for the measuring channel "length". Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channel. Fallen below upper limit value in measuring channel "Force".33. loose or water in in the plug. defective or not being selected. Force transducer defective. Cable from central unit to the pressure transducer defective. E 08 No acknowledgement signal from Anti-Two-Block switch relay (K9). replace if need be. connectors Length potentiometer defective. E 19 Error in the reference voltage. . replace if need be. Electronic component on the main board defective. Slewing angle pot. Check cable as well as plug. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. 20. Length potentiometer defective. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. See page 20. Replace angle sensor. Below limiting value for slewing angle 2. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Angle sensor defective. and reset adjustment. Upper limiting value for the measuring channel "length" exceeded. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Check cable. wiring. Achieve a safe working area Immediately. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. Cable from central unit to angle sensor defective or disconnected or water inside the plug. Replace angle sensor. Replace if necessary. E 18 Front Stabilizer overloaded Exceeding capacities allowed for over the front.37. See page 20.33. Angle sensor defective. Cable from central unit to the length/angle sensor defective or loose. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. Fallen below lower limit value for measuring channel "Luffing Jib Angle". Replace main board and reset pressure channels. +5 volt supply E 1A E 1B E 21 Below limiting value for slewing angle 1.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY E 15 E 16 ERROR Fallen below lower limiting value for the measuring channel "angle main boom". Check cable. Replace and reset length potentiometer. See page 20. (external). Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. Replace and reset slewing angle potentiometer.23 Check wiring.37. Replace if necessary. E 17 CAUSE ACTION Cable from central unit to the length/ angle sensor defective or loose or water inside plug. Cable from central unit to the slewing angle sensor defective or loose. defective. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. replace if necessary. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. Upper limiting value for the measuring channel "angle main boom" exceeded. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. Check cable. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Upper limit value in measuring channel "Force" exceeded. Pressure transducer on piston side defective. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. 20. Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channels. replace if need be. CAUSE ACTION Cable from central unit to the pressure transducer defective. See Error E 16.24 Replace angle sensor and reset Replace main board and reset pressure channels. . Check cable as well as plug. Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channels. Replace force sensor. Cable from central unit to the pressure transducer defective. loose or water in the plug. loose or water in the plug. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace if necessary. Force sensor defective. See Error E 16. Angle sensor defective. Cable from central unit to the length/angle sensor defective or loose. mechanical adjustment. Replace if necessary. Cable between central unit and force measuring point defective or water inside the plug. Upper limiting value for the measuring channel "pressure rod side" exceeded. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. Check cable as well as plug. Upper limit value for measuring channel "Luffing Jib Angle" exceeded.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY E 22 E 23 E 24 E 25 E 26 ERROR Upper limiting value for the measuring channel "pressure piston side” exceeded. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace if necessary. Check cable as well as plug. on main board. Pressure transducer on rod side defective. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Check wiring. Electronic component on the main board defective. Replace if necessary. 80C31. Above limiting value for slewing angle 2. Replace system program EPROM. Replace angle sensor and reset mechanical adjustment. CPU is equipped with an incorrect version of system program. Equip main board with correct version of system or TLK EPROM. . EPROM with system program defective. Equip main board with correct version of system or Data EPROM. E 39 Incorrect system program. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. E 29 Error in the reference voltage. RAM in the CPU on the main board defective. E 38 Incorrect system program.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY E 27 ERROR Upper limit value for the measurchannel 7 exceeded. -5 volt supply E 2A E 2B E 31 E 37 Above limiting value for slewing angle 1. Electronic component on the main board defective. replace if necessary. Electronic component on the main board defective. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Error in the external write/ read memory (RAM). Replace main board and reset pressure channels. E 42 ACTION 20. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace and reset slewing angle potentiometer.3V. Replace CPU Chip No. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. CAUSE Cable from central unit to the Sensor of channel 7 defective or loose. Error in system program Error in program run Check cable. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Sensor of channel 7 defective. (external). EPROM with system program defective. Supply and Reference voltages on MP10 is more than 3. Exchange write/read memory (CMOS-RAM).25 Check supply voltages. wiring. Replace EPROM with system program. A/D converter defective. CPU is equipped with an incorrect version of system program. E 41 Error in the external RAM. Internal defect in digital part of CPU. Cable from central unit to the slewing angle sensor defective or loose. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. Electronic component in the measuring channel 7 defective. defective. Slewing angle pot. Replace main Board and reset pressure channels. E 51 Error in data memory. LMI main board defective. Replace main board and reset Pressure channels. Replace main Board and reset pressure channels. Make sure BR3 on the main board is installed. E 57 E 58 Error in serial crane data EEPROM Error in the serial analog data EEPROM E 61 Serial communicate problem E 63 Digital inputs on buss extension E 69 Error in serial crane data EEPROM The number of the selected EPROM base and the identical. E 48 Malfunction in the monitored Inter defect in digital part of CPU Replace main board and reset pressure channels. E 56 Error in crane data EEPROM Memory module wrongly bridged. Memory module defective. to memory type. 20. . Load chart EPROM defective. Same action as E 57 Replace main board. programming values are not Bridge memory module acc. To memory type. Replace EPROM module and reset pressure channels. E 43 Error in the external write/read memory (RAM) part 2. Replace buss extension Memory module wrongly bridged. Internal defect in digital part of CPU. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Data EPROM on the main board defective. then restart the LMI Crane data EEPROM defective. Bridge memory module acc. Defective electronic component. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. or module itself. Check connections Replace module. Eprom Module not bridge correctly. Exchange write/read memory (CMOS-RAM). Write data on serial crane data EEPROM (by means of test program or on line function). E 45 Error in internal communications. No valid data in the serial analog data EEPROM. Replace EPROM module and reset pressure channels.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY ERROR CAUSE E 42 Error in the external write/read memory (RAM) part 1. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. E 46 E 47 Defective electronic component. E 52 Error in TLK memory. Internal defect in digital part of CPU. Internal defect in in digital part of CPU ACTION Exchange write/read memory (CMOS-RAM).26 Replace load chart EPROM. Error in A/D conversion Malfunction in the monitored write/read memory. Serial crane data EEPROM does not contain valid data. TLK EPROM on the main Replace Data EPROM. Green cable in Buss ext. Check connection between console and central unit. b. Interruption or ground in the line from console to central unit. Transmitter/receiver module defective. Transmitter/receiver module defective.27 Check the programming in the data eprom. E 89 Changed of the operating code during lifting a load. If accidental ground occurs. a. Transmitter/receiver module defective. Check voltage at terminal X1 console electronics. 20. a. Supply voltage of console interrupted. E 91 No data transmission from the console to central unit. c. E 84 Wrong rigging condition. Lower the load and set the switch to the correct operating configuration of the crane. Check connection between console and central unit. E 72 E 77 Analogous to E 71 for the relays. Temporary interruption of the data line from console electronics to central unit.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY ERROR CAUSE E 71 Incorrect acknowledgment of the 1 relay on the main board. b. Replace potentiometer. K2…K7 Analogous to E 71 for the relays K2…K7 E 80 Wipers for slewing potentiometer out of tolerance. The transmitter module in the console electronics can be damaged. Check connection between console and central unit. Temporary interruption of the data line from console electronics to central unit. ACTION Replace main board. The selected rigging condition is not contained in the data EPROM. c. a. b. Replace the console electronics or main board. console to central unit. a.Anti two block relay is stuck or defective b. . b. Select another rigging condition Check the programming in the data EPROM. Two block relay is not being selected due to a break on the main board. E 85 Error in the radius determination. a. a. b. E 92 Error in the data transmission from console to central unit. Replace console electronics or main board respectively. Analogous to E 71 for the relays K2…K7. a. E 93 Error in the data transmission from central unit The computed radius is too small ( negative deflection ) The mode switch was changed during lifting a load. Short circuit in the cable to the two block switch Electronic component on the analog input module defective Replace two block switch Replace cable to the two block switch Check analog input module Replace if necessary Note: If an error message is displayed which is not contained in above list. Electronic component on the main board defective. Replace CPU module. Position of jumper for the selection of the type of EPROM is wrong. Replace data EPROM. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. a. b. Replace console main board.two block switch circuit Short circuit in the anti . E 96 Error in the internal RAM of the CPU of the console. E 95 Error in the crane data EPROM CAUSE ACTION a. Replace console electronics defective. CPU or main board of the console defective. Electronic component on main board defective. Check connection between Console electronics and central unit.two block switch. e. Replace console main board.28 . Check data EPROM. console does not correspond to the actual type of central unit. E 97 Error in the external RAM of the CPU of the console. d. Electronic component on the main Replace console main board. board defective. Data EPROM defective. Eliminate interference (when switching contractors or source by inverse diodes or valves). Data-EPROM defective. EAB Short circuit in the anti .ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY ERROR E 94 No data transmission from console to central unit. Replace console main board. the transmitter module in the console electronics can be damaged. Or main board respectively. c. c. Transmitter/receiver module b. please con Grove or PAT service departments. Varistor. CPU defective. 20. If you find an accidental ground. Interruption or accidental ground in the line from console to CU. The jumper position BR9/BR10 in the Check the jumper position. External RAM of the console defective. Check the jumper position. Replace the console electronics. E 98 Wrong jumper position in the console. d. Electromagnetic interference e. zone M13 = +UBS MP 8 .zone E11 . MP 25 .zone M4 = POWER FAIL MP 42 .zone M2 = +9V MP 9 .zone G9 .zone M3 .zone A2 = VBATT MP 24 . MP 23 .MAIN IN/OUT H 11 .Drawing 3 : Main Board A B C D E F G H I J K L M - 1 G1 + KGND KGND MP 4 +5V MP 9 C +6V X15 GND 1 MP 26 GND AGND KGND 2 C MP24 MP23 VBAT +BATT +UB1 PWM DC MP42 2 MP 8 +9V GND 3 4 5 +UB1 +UB DI 6 KGND X12 6 MP41 MP40 V10 H11 V11 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 DI 1 MP21 5 PFAIL+UB1 DI M1 = +5V MP 26 .zone M3 .29 H 8 .zone I11 .zone M2 = +6V MP 4 .zone M13 = GND. X14 3 6 J11 X11 7 7 SP5 X13 TXD H12 AGND H10 K8 MP29 10 LEVER LOCKOUT K10 A2B +UB 2 1 MAIN ON/OFF KGND J10 3 4 9 LMI KGND 10 LOAD +5V/RS232 AGND 9 K9 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 12 KGND 3 1 77 76 F 1 H9 A2B KGND KGND + J4 J3 J2 J1 X1 12 - 11 KGND F 2 11 X1 13 8 X16 8 KGND MP1 +UBS 36 35 34 33 A 32 31 B 30 29 28 27 26 C D 25 24 23 E 22 21 20 F 19 18 17 G 16 15 14 13 12 H LOCATIONS : MP 1 .LOAD H 9 .zone M1 = G1 = +5V MP 21 .A2B H 10 .DI 6 => X17 4 power D10 = +5V H1-H6 .zone M4 = +UB I 11 10 9 8 7 J 6 5 K 4 3 2 L 1 13 MP 25 M LED’S MP 41 .zone E5 = +5V MP 29 .POWER H 12 .zone D2 = +BATT MP 40 .k.TXD .zone I5 = DI 1-6 20. Drawing 4 : CPU and Daten EPROM boards MP7 J1 J13 J12 J2 D3 D1 MP4 D2 X1 D14 X2 D13 P1 SYSTEM D10 J8 D6 J9 MP3 J6 D17 J10 D15 D7 D21 D9 D12 J15 J11 J14 D18 J7 D11 D19 D20 X3 BR6 MP6MP5 EJECT BR5 MP2 A102 CPU J1 J2 DATA D1 J5 J3 TLK D3 J6 BR 4 3 2 1 X1 A103 DATEN Ensure the notch is in the correct direction ( to the right ) The EPROMS must be installed completely to the left. leaving blank holes to the right 20.30 . 4.5V/4mA ….31 .5V/20mA.5V…. which can be measured on X1:1 through X1:7.MP1-> X17 1 2 + MP16 7 16 6 5 4 3 MP14 2 1 40 1 2 AGND AGND BOARD P/N 9-333-103290 The analog input module converts the sensor signals on channels 1 .5V. The analog input module then converts the channel signals to 0. The signal voltage can be measured at either point using ground and signal input.7 to signals that will be processed at the CPU and software. The incoming signal measured at the measuring points ( MP ) will be 0. 20.Drawing 5 : Analog Input Module + P7 MP12 1 2 40 AGND AGND - P6 MP13 J2 20 P5 16 P4 P3 MP9 J1 MP11 X16 P2 MP10 P1 1 1 2 X1 MP17 BR1 MP0 - + MP8 + + VREFA P8 + MP7 . 2. 32 J1 J2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X1 MP 1 +UB MP 0 GND Drawing 6 :VIEW OF BACKSIDE OF GRAPHIC CONSOLE MP 7 MP 6 MP 2 +7V MP 5 +5V J4 J5 X5 1 2 3 4 J3 MP 4 -24V MP 3 -24V .20. 20. TURN THE CENTER SCREW COUNTERCLOCKWISE TO A SOFT STOP.33 9333103309 X1 X2 X2 XB2 X2 A 1 3 5 7 (9) 8 (10) 1 2 3 L 1 X3 1 2 3 3 5 ADJUST LENGTH POTENIOMETER WITH BOOM FULLY RETRACTED. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S XA2 Drawing 7 : Length / Angle Transducer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . 34 7 10 X8 +UB 1 GND 2 .+UB GND RXD TXD A2B BYPASS A2B BYPASS LMI BYPASS +UB Drawing 8 :ELECTRICAL WIRING FROM CENTRAL UNIT TO CONSOLE +UB GND CENTRAL UNIT MAIN BOARD 51 52 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12 13 14 8 9 11 12 13 14 4 5 6 7 8 X1 A B C D 1 2 3 4 DI A2B 10 GND X7 1 2 3 4 LIGHTBAR 7 LOAD 3 6 A2B 4 5 TXD 2 3 SIG - +UB 1 2 GND 1 RXD CONSOLE (1318) +UB SIG + 20. 73 20.1 2 3 GN/YL 1 2 12 11 51 (GND) 1 2 3 X1 +UB GND CENTRAL UNIT MAIN BOARD +UBR Drawing 9 :ELECTRICAL WIRING FROM CENTRAL UNIT TO PRESSURE TRANSDUCER (PISTON) 71 (+UB) LMI UNLOCK S.35 (LMI UNLOCK SOL. (PISTON) A A 1 2 3 4 1 20 21 22 GND .) GN/YL PISTON +UB 2 3 4 B B C C PRESS. TRANS. (ROD) A A 1 2 3 4 1 23 24 25 GND .) GN/YL ROD +UB 2 3 4 B B C C PRESS.1 2 3 GN/YL 1 2 12 11 51 (GND) 1 2 3 X1 +UB GND CENTRAL UNIT MAIN BOARD +UBR Drawing 10 :ELECTRICAL WIRING FROM CENTRAL UNIT TO PRESSURE TRANSDUCER (ROD) 71 (+UB) LMI UNLOCK S. TRANS.36 (LMI UNLOCK SOL. 73 20. 3 4 GND 1 2 +UB 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 53 54 GND CENTRAL UNIT MAIN BOARD +UB Drawing 11 :ELECTRICAL WIRING FROM CENTRAL UNIT TO CABLE REEL /ANTI-TWO BLOCK LENGTH SIG.0V 3 CORE SHIELD 6 PIN RECEPTACLE 1 2 ANGLE FORCE 7 A2B SIG.4.7K  RESISTOR >1> >2> >3> >4> >5> >6> 2 3 1 +UB LEN (GND) 0. A2B GROUND 5 6 FUSE (4 AMP) FUSE (4 AMP) NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED CORE X2 SHIELD X1 7 5 3 1 5 3 1 X3 X4 X2 6 5 4 3 2 1 S 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X1 5 3 1 5 3 1 7 8 RED BRN CABLE REEL ANGLE SIG.37 6 PIN RECEPTACLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 SOCKET PLUG . 20. 20-38 . 20-39 . A.M. – L.I MANUAL SECTION 21 DS 350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Console Connections.P.T. Wiring Diagrams . U.U.P.HOUSE LOCK PIN SWITCH LMI L/O ALARM (EEC) LEVER LOCKOUT W # 73A SOLENOIDS D 4 C 3 B 2 A 1 10 CONSOLE BY .10A 11 REL -M 12 REL -A 13 REL -R 14 + +UBS 15 DE 1 16 DE 2 17 DE 3 18 DE 4 19 20 + +UBS I 21 DAV1 U 0V 22 23 + +UBS I 24 DAV2 U 0V 25 + +UBS 26 I 27 LG 1 U 0V 28 I 29 WG 1 U I 30 LG 1 U 31 0V 32 33 + +UBS I 34 S1 DHG 1 U 0V 35 I 36 S2 DHG 2 U 51 + +UB 0V 52 F1 .1 AB A2B 3 4 5 5 4 4 DATA FROM C. 3 DATA TO C.U.PASS KEY 3 4 8 5 4 3 7 7 6 6 + 21.4A 53 SI .OUT 54 SI . 2 1 3 (GND) 2 (+24 V) 1 GRAPHIC CONSOLE 4A 13 14 10A = CONNECTED = WIRES ARE GROUPED TOGETHER + K10A + +UBS 0V RXD TXD A2B-O A2B-I LOAD-I + +UBS K9 K8 F2.IN 57 A2B-0 A2B-I 58 LOAD-I 59 60 + +UBS F2-10A 61 SI-REL 62 SI-REL + +UBS 64 0V 65 66 DE 5 67 68 DE 6 69 +UBS + 76 0V 77 K10B X4 BRN 1 2 WHT PNK 3 GRA 4 5 GRN 6 YEL WHT WHT BRN BRN YEL GRA GRN PNK YEL GRN 3-Pair Twisted Cable GRA PNK X2 1 2 GRN 3 YEL 4 5 6 PNK 7 GRA 8 BRN WHT BUS EXTENSION DS350 Graphic Modular BCS Console to C. Connections LMI BYPASS KEY SWITCH + +24V 0V MAIN BOARD LMI +UBS + W # 71K = 24 VOLTS 5 F1 STOP W # 51AJ = GND E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +UB X1 1 2 . 2 100% (lbs) ACT (lbs) 34.5oo 38.BCS) PAT DS 350 ! STOP STOP 156ft 0335 TARE ! 90. Length minus IM To activate service screen press and hold F1 & F4 until screen appears in lower left corner.0ft ? Ramp Seq. IM Hex Value 1 255 CM Hex Value OM/Fly Hex Value 0 0 STOP 79.2 38.2 .2 38.4o LIM SEL 1 255 0 0 50. The ramping value will indicate the ramping up and ramping down of the output signal to the solenoids. 21.900 100% i CTRL 100% STOP F1 Length of IM F2 F3 F4 Tot.FIVE SECTION BOOM SERVICE SCREEN (RT865BXL .8ft MAX 02 73.2 38. M. – L.T.A.I MANUAL SECTION 22 DS 350 Graphic Modular (BCS) System Theory & Component Location .P. ANALOG OUTPUT AI 1 ANALOG INPUT P1 P2 A1 L1 ANALOG INPUT AI 2 CENTER MID LENGTH SENSOR INNER MID LENGTH SENSOR MAIN BOOM LENGTH SENSOR ANGLE SENSOR ROD PRESS. TRANS. SW. SW. BOOM CONTROL BUS EXTENSION HOUSE PIN SWITCH PROX. REDUCING VALVE RET. PRESS.2 WAY SOENOID VALVE PROP. SW. ON CM SECTION ON IM SECTION ON BASE SECTION ON BASE SECTION OUT OF SEQ. RETRACT PILOT PRESS. IM . RET. LMI CONSOLE . CENTRAL UNIT ON RUBBER . WARN. IM % RESET K5 NC 22. IM RET. SW. PISTON PRESS. PROX. WARNING LIGHT IN CAB PROP. SW. PROX.2 WAY SOLENOID VALVE CABLE REEL DIGITAL OUTPUT K2 CRANE INTERFACE CONNECTOR PROP.DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) SYSTEM THEORY DI 1 DI 2 DI 3 DIGITAL DI 4 INPUT DI 5 DI 6 DI 7 DIGITAL INPUTS BOOM EXTEND BOOM RETRACT OM / FLY RET. EXT. PROP. CM RET. SW. PROP. PRESS. TRANS. AUTOMODE SWITCH IN CAB OM 2 WAY SOL.2 WAY SOLENOID VALVE OM . REDUCING VALVE EXT. PRESS. & % RESET OUT OF SEQ. PRESS. PROX.OVER FRONT AUTOMODE ON K4 K5 NO CRANE INTERFACE CONNECTOR ON RUBBER OVER FRONT HOUSE PIN ENGAGED CM . EXTEND PILOT PRESS.1 K6 K7 K5 RxD TxD AO1 IM 2 WAY SOL. CM 2 WAY SOL. the boom could always be telescoped in for repair.valves must be energized to prevent movement of the other two telescope cylinders. This valve is controlled by the normally closed contacts of the third pressure switch and dumps to tank. so it will know which section is next to go out or in and when the pilot pressure is to be reduced and returned to normal. Piston side dump valve In the piston side. The other two pair of two way . These valves are also switched on and off by the PAT system when in Automatic mode. one for extend and one for retract. and the piston side dump valve is energized allowing piston side pressure to be released through a . Two .way valves control the oil to each telescope cylinder. This valve is electrically operated by the PAT system and is switched on to dump rod side pressure when the controller is in neutral. then they will increase the pilot pressure back to normal once the next section begins to move allowing for a smooth transition. They are controlled by an individual selector switch when in the Manual mode. or the controller is in neutral. so that in the event of an electrical malfunction. there is a rod side dump valve which allows rod side oil to be released back to tank. On this valve are 2 pressure reducing valves electrically operated by the PAT system. the switch is closed . when the controller is in neutral and pilot pressure has decayed. When no pressure is evident. there is a piston side dump valve which allows piston side oil to be released back to tank by the way of a .078 orifice. When a pair of two-way valves are de-energized. One for the pilot pressure to the holding valve and one for the piston side oil to flow.HOW DOES THE SYSTEM WORK? HYDRAULIC 1. Third switch pressure A third pressure switch ( normally closed ) mounted near the top of the 4 way valve monitors joystick pressure directly on the main spool for extend. Rod side dump valve In the rod side. that particular telescope cylinder will then operate.2 . Two . Directional pressure switches In each of the pilot pressure lines is a normally open pressure switch. These are operated in pairs only. Pilot operated 4 way valve provides oil flow to extend and retract the 3 telescoping cylinders.078 orifice. These pressure switches tell the PAT which direction has been selected by the operator. Their function is to reduce the pilot pressure when nearing the point a section must stop in order to slow it down smoothly.way valves are normally open. 2. 22. 2. is to prevent high pressure oil from flowing back through the 800 P. Select either the inner mid or center mid section chosen. Always be sure to check setting of the sequence valve first. Extend the boom section and monitor pressure while boom is extending. * To adjust or check for proper adjustment: 1. this is a good indication the pressure reducing valve is defective. If it does not read 1.I.S. 3.S. With manual mode still selected.3 . 5. it should read 800 P. Pressure reducing valve The pressure reducing valve is used to flood the rod side whenever the telescope cylinders first begin to extend. Select manual mode. * To adjust or check for proper adjustment: 1. adjust valve accordingly. 4. Extend the section completely until it bottoms out. 6.I. Release controller or treadle valve to neutral (this allows oil to drain off). 3. if it does not.Sequence valve The sequence valve maintains pressure on the rod side to prevent the cylinders from extending when the trombone tubes are pressurized. * If the boom sections take off with a jump. 7. 4.000 P. Select either inner mid or center mid section.. Install gauge into test port between pressure reducing valve and sequence valve. Gauge should still be in test port from checking sequence valve. adjust pressure reducing valve accordingly.S.I. * If the boom sections drift back in momentarily after the controller is released. 2. Then operate controller or treadle valve to extend and note pressure reading. this is a good indication the sequence valve is defective. 22. Check valve The purpose of the check valve. pressure reducing valve when trying to retract. Select manual mode 2. Retract proximity switch provides a +24V signal to A 101 X1-39 when boom stop is disengage. If there is continuity in the wiring to the valve. Inner mid retract & percentage reset switch: Reset proximity switch provides +24V signal to A 101 Bus X1-41 when retracted against boom stop.HELPFUL HINTS CHECKING THE COILS IN THE TWO WAY VALVES FOR CONTINUITY 1. 3. Inner Mid & Center Mid) the software utilizes the signals to calculate the outer mid & fly section length.(Overall length. Center mid retract & percentage reset switch: Reset proximity switch provides +24V signal to A 101 Bus X1 . retract the boom and measure all with meter in series: Overall boom length signal 4 mA (A 101 Main X1-27) Inner Mid length signal 4mA (A 101 Bus X1-63 ) Center Mid length signal 4 mA (A 101 Bus X1-64 ) CHECKING PROXIMITY SWITCH INPUTS Four proximity switches are used to tell the system if all sections are fully retracted. Select individual sections to operate.37. Disengage the boom stop. Outer mid / fly retract & percentage reset switch: Reset proximity switch provides +24V signal to A 101 Bus X1-35.4 . CHECKING THE BOOM LENGTH SIGNALS Three length sensors are located on the side of the boom . 22. the section lights will illuminate. TO BOOM FUSE ( 10A) FUSE ( 4A ) BYPASS KEY SWITCH P. TO BOOM A CABLE ASSY.B 22. TRANSDUCER ( ROD ) CABLE TO CRANE INTERFACE CABLE plug . TO PRESS.PAIR CABLE TO CENTRAL UNIT A CABLE plug 14 .PAIR CABLE BUS EXTENSION CABLE ASSY.VIEW A .A. TO BOOM CENTRAL UNIT CABLE ASSY.T.5 SS CABLE TO CRANE INTERFACE CRANE ELECTRIC INTERFACE CONNECTION 3 . TRANSDUCER ( PISTON ) CABLE TO AREA DEFINITION CABLE ASSY.LMI RT865 BXL (BCS) TURNTABLE COMPONENTS BOOM CONTROL BUS EXTENSION B PAT B RT865BXL CONNECTIONS FOR TURNTABLE HARDWARE TO BOOM HARDWARE 19 . TO plug 7 .A VIEW B . TO CONSOLE 3 . . RT865BXL (BCS) Central Processing Unit A 102 CPU MODULE SYSTEM E-PROM A 105 SERIAL EXTENSION MODULE SYS A 103 E-PROM MODULE DATA DATA E-PROM TLK A 101 MAIN BOARD TLK E-PROM LMI BYPASS KEY SWITCH K8 K10 K9 A 106 ANALOG INPUT MODULE RELAYS X1 TERMINAL STRIP FERRITE FILTER 4 AMP 10 AMP RT865BXL (BCS) Bus Extension A 104 PV EXTENSION MODULE A102 CPU MODULE 4 AMP FUSE X1 TERMINAL X1 TERMINAL A 105 ANALOG INPUT MODULE 2 AMP FUSE X2 TERMINAL A 101 BUS EXTENSION K1-K8 RELAYS 22.6 . DS350 Graphic Modular BUS EXTENSION BOARDS 8 MP A 104 PV Extension Module A 105 Analog Input Module A 102 CPU Module 4 25 2 26 8 72 THIS BOARD IS NOT USED .RT865BXL (BCS) A 101 Bus Extension 22.7 . 8 .RT865BXL with Boom Control Turntable Components 22. A2B OR ERROR CONDITION K10 A101 MAIN EXTERNAL ALARM OUTPUT X1/13 USED FOR EEC UNITS ONLY 22.WAY CM SOLENOID VALVES (2) OFF = CM EXTENDS OR RETRACTS PILOT PRESSURE ON = CM IS NOT ALLOWED TO M OVE PISTON SIDE PRESSURE 2 . RELAY K5 SELECTS EXTEND OR RETRACT K5 A101 BUS X1/14 ANALOG OUTPUT SIGNAL TO PROPORTIONAL EXTEND SOLENOID VALVE M AXIM UM 800mA TO EXTEND VALVE ONE VALVE FOR ALL SECTIONS K5 A101 BUS X1/15 ANALOG OUTPUT SIGNAL TO PROPORTIONAL RETRACT SOLENOID VALVE M AXIM UM 800mA TO RETRACT VALVE ONE VALVE FOR ALL SECTIONS K6 A101 BUS X1/17 2 .9 . EXTEND & RETRACT.WAY OM /FLY SOLENOID K7 A101 MAIN VALVES (2) PILOT PRESSURE X1/20 PISTON SIDE PRESSURE OFF = OM /FLY EXTENDS OR RETRACTS ON = OM /FLY IS NOT ALLOWED TO M OVE K8 A101 MAIN LM I CUT OFF INTERNAL RELAY X1/9 CONNECT LM I BYPASS VIA DIODE ASSEM BLY FROM GRAPHIC CONSOLE AND CU KEY SWITCH K9 A101 MAIN A2B CUT OFF INTERNAL RELAY X1/8 CONNECT A2B BYPASS FROM GRAPHIC CONSOLE K10 A101 MAIN LM I UNLOCK RELAY OUTPUT X1/12 POWERS THE LM I UNLOCK SOLENOID WHEN NO OVERLOAD.WAY IM SOLENOID VALVES (2) PILOT PRESSURE PISTON SIDE PRESSURE OFF = IM EXTENDS OR RETRACTS ON = IM IS NOT ALLOWED TO M OVE K3 A101 BUS X1/8 TELE ROD DRAIN VALVE OFF = BOOM IS EXTENDING OR RETRACTING AND IS NOT FULLY RETRACTED ON = BOOM IS IN NEUTRAL POSITION OR FULLY RETRACTED K4 A101 BUS X1/12 TELE OUT OF SEQUENCE PROVIDES SIGNAL TO GRV WARNING LIGHT K5 A101 BUS X1/13 ANALOG OUTPUT SIGNAL FROM ANALOG BOARD ANALOG OUTPUT TO PROPORTIONAL SOLENOID VALVES.RT865BXL (BCS) Relay Outputs INPUT K1 K2 CU DESCRIPTION TERMINAL A101 BUS NOT USED X1/3 A101 BUS X1/5 NOTES NONE 2 . 18 15 16 CM TELE 8 17 18 19 OM / FLY TELE TELE PROP. 2A .F4 > K4 H20 TELE SEQUENCE 2A .F3 > > 5 > > 9 > > IM TELE > 2A . 2A . PROP. SOL. ANALOG GND.F7 > K7 +24V OM 2WAYS H23 2A .DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Relay Diagram BUS EXTENSION 6 7 TELE ROD DRAIN 16 8 9 10 A104 X1 1 2 3 4 11 TELE OUT OF SEQUENCE 13 ANALOG SIGNAL 12 13 TELE EXT.F8 > K8 H24 +UB 10 . EXT. PROP.F1 > > 1 > > X1 KGND .F6 > K6 H22 +24V CM 2WAYS 2A . RET. 7 20 21 22 23 24 26 H17 > K2 > K3 H19 22. H21 NC PROP. 17 14 TELE RET.F2 > > 4 > > 3 > > 2 2A .F5 > K5 NO PROP. SOL.35V 27 28 +24V IM 2WAYS H18 + 25 K1 2A .10 +24V TELE ROD DRAIN SOL. RT865BXL (BCS) DS350Graphic Modular Automode control of two way valves K2 0 1 1 0 0 K6 1 0 1 0 0 K7 1 1 0 0 0 DESCRIPTION IM EXTENDING OR RETRACTING CM EXTENDING OR RETRACTING OM/FLY EXTENDING OR RETRACTING OUT OF SEQUENCE NEUTRAL POSITION Analog Outputs ANALOG 1 1 CU DESCRIPTION TERMINAL A104 X1/2 Analog GND for proportional extend or retract solenoid valves. IM Man. OM 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Man.Mode B .Mode B . CM 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Man. CM Man.Mode B .Mode IM% 0 50 50 75 75 100 100 100 CM% 0 0 50 50 75 75 100 100 22. val. A104 X1/1 Analog signal for proportional extend or retract solenoid valves. DI 2 0 1 Relay K2 0 0 Relay K6 1 1 Relay K7 1 1 Relay K5 1 0 2 way IM 0 0 2 way CM 1 1 2 way OM 1 1 analog output 1 1 Auto CM Auto CM Auto OM Auto OM 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Man. DI 1 1 0 Retr. RETR.Mode B .Mode B .Mode B . val. Prop.Mode B . OM 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Neutral 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mode Logic 1 ON .0 OFF Boom sequence RT865BXL (BCS) Mode B . EXT.11 OM% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 FLY% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 Prop. IM 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Man. 1 0 0 1 . Input / Output Logic RT865BXL (BCS) Auto IM Auto IM Ext. M. – L.T.P.A.I MANUAL SECTION 23 DS 350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Boom Length Connections & Wiring Diagrams . BCS 7 7 1 8 PAT PAT PAT 3 5 2 23. INSERT CABLE GUIDE SCREWS THRU EXISTING ANGLE BRKT AND SECURE IN PLACE WITH 1/4 . 8 AFTER MACHINE IS CALIBRATED.MID PER DETAIL “B” 5 REMOVE 1/4 . 2 PRE .20 NUTS ON BOTTOM OF CABLE GUIDE. THEN UNSPOOL THE LENGTH CABLE AND SECURE TO BUSHING ON THE INNER .Boom Control components RT 865BXL 5 DS350 Graphic Modular . REMOVE PROTECTIVE PAPER CORROSION INHIBTOR AND ADHERE TO INSIDE HOUSING COVER SURFACE OF CABLE REEL.MID PER DETAIL “A”.TENSION (LENGTH SENSOR) SPRING BY ROTATING DRUM (10) REVOLUTIONS COUNTER CLOCKWISE.20 NUTS REMOVED PREVIOUSLY. THEN UNSPOOL THE LENGTH CABLE AND SECURE TO BUSHING ON THE BOOM NOSE PER DETAIL “A”.TENSION (LENGTH SENSOR) SPRING BY ROTATING DRUM (30) REVOLUTIONS COUNTER CLOCKWISE. THEN UNSPOOL THE LENGTH CABLE AND SECURE TO BUSHING ON THE CENTER . 7 CENTER LINE OF CABLE GUIDE MUST BE ALIGNED W/ CENTER LINE OF CABLE REEL DRUM.1 1 PRE .TENSION (LENGTH SENSOR) SPRING BY ROTATING DRUM (25) REVOLUTIONS COUNTER CLOCKWISE. . 3 PRE . BCS IM length sensor LG321 See detail “A” See detail “C” CM length sensor LG321 Boom length & angle sensor LWG309 IM % reset switch See detail “C” 23.2 PAT PAT PAT See detail “C” OM retract and % reset switch IM retract switch CM retract and % reset switch .Boom Control components RT 865BXL DS350 Graphic Modular . 6 INSTALL PROXIMITY SWITCH 0. 18 INSTALL PROXIMITY SWITCH 0.44 16 See detail “A” 0.44” FROM TARGET WHEN BOOM SECTIONS ARE FULLY RETRACTED. 6 0. ALLOW AMPLE CABLE TO REACH JUNCTION BOX.94 CENTER LINE OF TARGETS & PROXIMITY SW. 23.44 18 3. WRAP CABLE (8-10) REVOLUTIONS OVER THE TIE WRAPS STARTING FROM THE OUTSIDE AND WORKING INWARD.44 0.13 PAT DETAIL “A” 1.3 0. 120 DEGREES APART AROUND BUSHING.13” FROM TARGET WHEN BOOM SECTIONS ARE FULLY RETRACTED.0 4 DETAIL “C” 1.See detail “B” 4 PLACE (3) TIE WRAPS.34 DETAIL “B” To wi be a t l of h ce igne c a nt e d ble r ree line ld rum 4 . SECURE CABLE WITH (2) ADDITIONAL TIE WRAPS. 16 THIS TARGET IS ONLY INSTALLED IF THE BOOM IS EQUIPPED WITH A BOOM EXTENSION STOP BLOCK. BCS PARTIAL TOP VIEW 19 23.Boom Control components RT 865BXL DS350 Graphic Modular .4 CENTER LINE OF CABLE GUIDES CENTER LINE OF CABLE REEL DRUM CABLE GUIDES ON THE BASE & INNER MID SECTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH TOP AND MIDDLE CABLE REEL MUST BE ALIGNED WITH CENTER OF CABLE REEL DRUM 19 INSTALL SHIMS AS REQUIRED TO ASSURE CENTER LINE OF CABLE REEL DRUMS ARE PARRALLEL TO BOOM BASE SECTION AND PLUMB WHEN CRANE IS ON A LEVEL \ SURFACE. . 50v MAX.6V 7 8 5 3 1 X2 X4 Measure Amps .0V MP17 P6 MP13 MP0 MP8 .Length transducer at X1 2(+) & (-) WIRE 2.28) ON MAIN BOARD.500V) = MIN. signal 20mA) This circuit is measured in series. SIGNAL (RETRACTED BOOM) + 4.Length transducer at X1 2(+) & 3 (-) Range 1V to 5. SIGNAL (10 TURNS ON POT) ALL VOTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (TERMINAL X1 .0V Current Based Amplifier All sensing devices used for Analog Inputs now have a current output. MP7 .Length transducer at X1 1(+) & 3 (-) Range 10V to 30V GND Measure Voltage . * THESE MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN PARALLEL X1 26 27 28 WORKING RANGE .+ MP11 MP10 J2 4.P1 J1 AGND MP14 ERROR CODE E11 .MP1-> MP16 16 1 2 AGND 1 2 BR1 1 X1 AGND 20 40 23.+ AGND P7 P8 + E21 5. (min.5 VOLTAGES X1 3 ANALOG INPUT MODULE + 500MV (. max. 1 2 3 E11 / E21 6 Pin Measure Voltage . signal 4mA. Range 4 mA to 20 mA DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR BOOM LENGTH MEASURING CHANNEL CHANNEL # 1 +UB 5 3 1 5 3 1 +UB 2 1 OUT 1 CORE GND SHIELD 1 OUT (measurements in cable reel) 5 3 1 X3 S 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X1 6 5 7 4 3 2 1 Plug 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 Pin Connector .500v MIN. A ERROR CODE (GND) P2 LENGTH P3 MP9 VREFA P4 +UB MP12 P5 Channel # 1 OPERATING WINDOW .50V = MAX. SIGNAL=20mA IS FOR 10 TURNS ON POT. MAX. 3 +24V 1 23. +24V 1 3 1 2 X3 5 3 3 4 7 .P.7K 8 GND CH #1 CH #5 5 IS = CUT&INSULATE 1 2 3 4 1 BOOM LENGTH SIGNAL RETRACTED = 4mA MAX RANGE = 20 mA BOOM ANGLE SIGNAL 90o = 4mA 0o = 20 mA OS Connected to strain relief insert 5 6 * NOTE .MAX LENGTH SIGNAL VARIES WITH BOOM. 7 IS = CUT &INSULATE 4A LMI BYPASS KEY SWITCH 14 10A = CONNECTED = WIRES ARE GROUPED TOGETHER + +24V K10A 0V + +UBS 0V RXD TXD A2B-O A2B-I LOAD-I + +UBS K9 K8 F2.4A 53 SI .6 1 2 3 4 3 2 GND SIG. Connections 13 +UBS MAIN BOARD WG GND X2 F1 + LWG309 L/A TRANSDUCER + 5 STOP W # 71K = 24 VOLTS E +UB HOUSE LOCK PIN SWITCH .PIN PLUG X1 SIG 1 1 A 1 2 2 B 2 5 3 3 C 3 4 4 4 D 4 3 5 5 E 5 2 2 6 6 F 6 1 1 7 7 G 7 6 3 LG 4.10A 11 REL -M 12 REL -A 13 REL -R 14 + +UBS 15 DE 1 16 DE 2 17 DE 3 18 DE 4 19 20 + +UBS I 21 DAV1 U 0V 22 23 + +UBS I 24 DAV2 U 0V 25 + +UBS 26 I 27 LG 1 U 0V 28 I 29 WG 1 U I 30 LG 1 U 31 0V 32 33 + +UBS I 34 S1 DHG 1 U 0V 35 I 36 S2 DHG 2 U 51 + +UB 0V 52 F1 .IN 57 A2B-0 A2B-I 58 LOAD-I 59 60 + +UBS F2-10A 61 SI-REL 62 SI-REL + +UBS 64 0V 65 66 DE 5 67 68 DE 6 69 +UBS + 76 0V 77 K10B X4 BRN 1 2 WHT PNK 3 GRA 4 5 GRN 6 YEL WHT WHT BRN BRN YEL GRA GRN PNK YEL GRN 3-Pair Twisted Cable GRA PNK X2 1 2 GRN 3 YEL 4 5 6 PNK 7 GRA 8 BRN WHT BUS EXTENSION DS350 Graphic Modular BCS Boom Length to C.OUT 54 SI .U.LMI L/O ALARM (EEC) LEVER LOCKOUT W # 73A SOLENOIDS W # 51AJ = GND D 4 C 3 B 2 A 1 X1 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IS = CUT&INSULATE 7 X2 RED SHEILD CORE X1 BRN SHIELD A B CORE 1 2 7 8 6 7 5 X4 5 SIG. 7 Ratio = 3. 2-pole 1 1 1 9-333-103394 9-333-103309 9-333-103303 9-333-103308 1 9-333-102382 9-333-102732 . TURN THE CENTER SCREW COUNTERCLOCKWISE TO A SOFT STOP.75 to 1 (PRE .TENSION ON CABLE REEL = 10 REVOLUTIONS COUNTERCLOCKWISE) XA2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S X2 1 X3 1 2 3 3 5 L XB2 X2 1 X4 1 2 3 3 5 ADJUST LENGTH POTENIOMETER WITH BOOM FULLY RETRACTED. A X2 X1 9333103309 7 (9) 8 (10) Complete Assembly Board.) Slip Ring Assem. Terminal w/ filters Angle Sensor WG103/0007 Length Potentiometer Length Cable (single core.RT865BXL (BCS) Cable Reel LWG309 PAT PAT PAT 23.206 ft. 63M . 1 V 20 mA 4.P.2 mA 3. MODULE AT X1-3 TERMINAL (X1-28 GND.75 9 37.3 V 8.6 mA 2. THE ACTUAL SIGNAL MAY VARY SLIGHTLY.5 2 11.) CHART SHOWS TYPICAL MILLI-AMP AND VOLTAGE SIGNALS. OF TURNS NO.7 V 18.5 mA .5 10 SIGNAL AT X1 TERM.) 4 mA .75 TURNS OF CABLE REEL = 1 TURN OF LENGTH POT.1 V 12.DS350 Graphic Modular Boom Length Signal LWG 309 23.3 V 16.5 V ( 3.9 V 7.7 V 10.25 3 15 4 18.4 mA 4. CHANNEL # 1 .75 5 22.0 mA 2.2 mA 1.75 1 7.8 mA 3.5 V 13.U.8 NO.25 7 30 8 33.9 V 15.7 mA 1.4 mA 2. OF TURNS ON CABLE ON LENGTH REEL POT 0 0 3.5 6 26.5 V 5. THESE VOLTAGES ARE TO BE USED AS A REFERENCE ONLY. SIGNAL ON ANALOG PIN #27 ON C. TENSION ON CABLE REEL = 25 REVOLUTIONS COUNTERCLOCKWISE) ADJUST LENGTH POTENIOMETER WITH BOOM FULLY RETRACTED.RT865BXL (BCS) Cable Reel LG321 PAT PAT PAT 23. 11 pole Junction Box Gear Wheel 1 1 9-333-103621 9-333-101777 9-333-101617 1 1 1 9-333-102490 9-333-102737 9-333-101778 9-333-103752 (CUT CABLE TO SPECIFIED LENGTH) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ratio = 2 to 1 X2 1 X3 1 2 3 3 5 L XB2 X2 1 X4 1 2 3 3 5 A X2 7 (9) 8 (10) X1 X1 11 12 13 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 9333103309 17 18 19 .9 XA2 (PRE . 25 M . TURN THE CENTER SCREW COUNTERCLOCKWISE TO A SOFT STOP. Terminal w/ filters Length Potentiometer Length Cable (eleven core.86 ft. Complete Assembly Board.) Slip Ring Assem. ) DI 1 GND DI 2 ( +24V = TELE RET. MAX SIGNAL 20 mA IS FOR 10 TURNS ON POT. S 14 . SW. ) K7 NC +24V +24V GND GND DI 1 ( +24V = TELE EXT.IM 14 20 WHT/BLK 19 19 10 BLK 18 18 11 BLK WHT 9 WHT 17 17 GRA 8 GRA 16 16 VIO 7 VIO 15 15 BLU 6 BLU 14 14 5 GRN 13 13 10 GRN YEL 4 YEL 12 12 9 ORG 3 ORG 11 11 T 8 5 14 3 4 3 10 S RED BRN 1 BRN 8 7 7 X2 6 7 5 6 1 4 LG 23. 3 = Inner sheild cut and insulate.10 2 1 12 8 5 3 3 2 1 1 X3 X1 BOOM LENGTH SIGNAL RETRACTED = 4 mA MAX RANGE = 20 mA * NOTE .MAX LENGTH SIGNAL VARIES WITH BOOM. ) BUS EXTENSION WHT/BLK 11 13 RED 8 11 PV EXTENSION 20 V U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 . ) K6 NC K7 COM ( +24V ) K7 NO ( +24V TO OM 2-WAY SOLS.) 6 7 PNK 8 GRA WHT BRN WHT YEL GRN BRN GRA PNK YEL GRA GRN PNK X4 1 WHT 2 PNK 3 GRA 4 GRN 5 YEL 6 BRN MAIN BOARD DS350 Graphic Modular BCS Inner Mid Cable Reel to Bus Extension Connections K2 COM ( +24V ) K2 NO ( +24V TO IM 2-WAY SOLS.) 5 ANALOG INPUT 2 (CM LEN. 6 13 14 TO JUCTION BOX . ) DI 2 GND DI 3 ( +24V = AUTO MODE ) DI 3 GND DI 4 ( +24V = OM / FLY RET ) DI 4 GND DI 5 ( +24V = CM RET & % RESET ) DI 5 GND DI 6 ( +24V = IM RET ) DI 6 GND DI 7 ( +24V = IM % RESET ) DI 7 GND X2 1 BRN 2 WHT GRN 3 YEL 4 ANALOG INPUT 1 (IM LEN. PRESS.BOOM BASE 2 K3 COM ( +24V ) K3 NO ( +24V TELE ROD DRAIN SOL. SW.X1 LG 321 CABLE REEL (TO IM) X1 TO JUCTION BOX . PRESS. ) K3 NC K4 COM K4 NO K4 NC ( TELE OUT OF SEQUENCE ) K5 COM K5 NO ( PROP EXT ) K5 NC ( PROP RET ) K6 COM ( + 24V ) K6 NO ( +24V TO CM 2-WAY SOLS.SOCKET PLUG R 14 14 P 13 13 N 12 12 M 11 11 L 10 10 K 9 9 J 8 8 H 7 7 G 6 6 3 F 5 5 E 4 4 D 3 3 1 C 2 2 B 1 1 A A104 X1 1 2 3 4 3 1 3 3 1 3 5 9 10 12 7 2 1 1 4 2 4 1 = Outer sheild connected to strain relief insert. TENSION ON CABLE REEL = 30 REVOLUTIONS COUNTERCLOCKWISE) XA2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S X2 1 X3 1 2 3 3 5 L XB2 X2 1 X4 1 2 3 3 5 A ADJUST LENGTH POTENIOMETER WITH BOOM FULLY RETRACTED. Terminal w/ filters Length Potentiometer Length Cable (eleven core.RT865BXL (BCS) Cable Reel LG321 PAT PAT PAT 23.110 ft. 33. X2 7 (9) 8 (10) X1 X1 11 12 13 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 9333103309 17 18 19 Complete Assembly Board.5 M .11 Ratio = 1 to 1 (PRE .) Slip Ring Assem. 11 pole Junction Box Gear Wheel 1 1 9-333-103620 9-333-101777 9-333-101617 1 1 1 9-333-102490 9-333-102737 9-333-101778 9-333-102982 (CUT CABLE TO SPECIFIED LENGTH) . TURN THE CENTER SCREW COUNTERCLOCKWISE TO A SOFT STOP. T.M.A.I MANUAL SECTION 24 DS 350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Piston & Rod Connections & Wiring Diagrams . – L.P. 4A 53 SI .P.IN 57 A2B-0 A2B-I 58 LOAD-I 59 60 + +UBS F2-10A 61 SI-REL 62 SI-REL + +UBS 64 0V 65 66 DE 5 67 68 DE 6 69 +UBS + 76 0V 77 K10B X4 BRN 1 2 WHT PNK 3 GRA 4 5 GRN 6 YEL WHT WHT BRN BRN YEL GRA GRN PNK YEL GRN 3-Pair Twisted Cable GRA PNK X2 1 2 GRN 3 YEL 4 5 6 PNK 7 GRA 8 BRN WHT BUS EXTENSION DS350 Graphic Modular BCS Piston & Rod Transducers to C.U.10A 11 REL -M 12 REL -A 13 REL -R 14 + +UBS 15 DE 1 16 DE 2 17 DE 3 18 DE 4 19 20 + +UBS I 21 DAV1 U 0V 22 23 + +UBS I 24 DAV2 U 0V 25 + +UBS 26 I 27 LG 1 U 0V 28 I 29 WG 1 U I 30 LG 1 U 31 0V 32 33 + +UBS I 34 S1 DHG 1 U 0V 35 I 36 S2 DHG 2 U 51 + +UB 0V 52 F1 .OUT 54 SI .1 CH #3 ROD TRANSDUCER 1 DAVS 314 A 1 OS Connected to strain relief insert B 2 1 C 3 4A LMI BYPASS KEY SWITCH 14 10A = CONNECTED = WIRES ARE GROUPED TOGETHER + +24V K10A 0V + +UBS 0V RXD TXD A2B-O A2B-I LOAD-I + +UBS K9 K8 F2. Connections 13 +UBS MAIN BOARD DAVS 314 A 1 F1 + 10 + 5 STOP W # 71K = 24 VOLTS E +UB HOUSE LOCK PIN SWITCH .LMI L/O ALARM (EEC) LEVER LOCKOUT W # 73A SOLENOIDS W # 51AJ = GND D 4 C 3 B 2 A 1 X1 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PISTON TRANSDUCER 1 3 4 IS = CUT& INSULATE B 2 5 1 C 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 CH #2 24. SIGNAL (ZERO PRESSURE) + 4.500V) = MIN.MP1-> MP16 16 1 2 AGND 1 2 BR1 1 X1 AGND 20 40 24.2 VOLTAGES X1 1 ANALOG INPUT MODULE + 500MV (. MP7 .(Hyd) Piston transducer at B (+) & C (-) Range 200 .(Elec) Piston transducer at A (+) & C (-) Range 10V to 30V Measure Voltage . E12 / E22 (measurements at transducer) Measure Voltage .+ AGND P7 P8 E22 5. SIGNAL (300 BAR PRESSURE) ALL VOTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (TERMINAL X1 . max. TRANS. (min.(Elec) Piston transducer at B (+) & C (-) Range 0V 1 2 3 4 A B C A B C Measure resistance . (PISTON) DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR PISTON PRESSURE MEASURING CHANNEL CHANNEL # 2 . signal 4mA.0V MP17 P6 MP13 MP0 MP8 .50V = MAX. signal 20mA) This circuit is measured in series.0V 1 2 3 4 Current Based Amplifier All sensing devices used for Analog Inputs now have a current output. ERROR CODE (GND) P1 (PISTON) P2 +UB P3 MP9 VREFA P4 OUTPUT SIGNAL MP12 P5 Channel # 2 OPERATING WINDOW .300 Ohm PRESS.+ MP11 MP10 J2 A + 4.22) ON MAIN BOARD.500v MIN.50v MAX. * THESE MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN PARALLEL X1 20 21 22 - WORKING RANGE .AGND MP14 ERROR CODE J1 E12 . max. (measurements at transducer) Measure Voltage . SIGNAL (ZERO PRESSURE) + 4. MP7 . AGND 1 2 BR1 1 X1 AGND 20 40 X1 23 24 25 - WORKING RANGE .300 Ohm PRESS.(Elec) Rod transducer at B (+) & C (-) Range 0V 1 2 3 4 A B C A B C Measure resistance .+ AGND P7 P8 E23 5.500v MIN.25) ON MAIN BOARD. signal 20mA) This circuit is measured in series.50V = MAX.(Hyd) Rod transducer at B (+) & C (-) Range 200 .50v MAX. * THESE MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN PARALLEL E13 / E23 A + 4. signal 4mA. (ROD) DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR ROD PRESSURE MEASURING CHANNEL CHANNEL # 3 .0V MP17 P6 MP13 MP0 MP8 .+ MP11 MP10 J2 ERROR CODE (GND) P1 (ROD) P2 +UB P3 MP9 VREFA P4 OUTPUT SIGNAL MP12 P5 Channel # 3 OPERATING WINDOW .3 VOLTAGES X1 2 ANALOG INPUT MODULE + 500MV (. SIGNAL (300 BAR PRESSURE) ALL VOTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (TERMINAL X1 .AGND MP14 ERROR CODE J1 E13 .0V 1 2 3 4 Current Based Amplifier All sensing devices used for Analog Inputs now have a current output. (min.(Elec) Rod transducer at A (+) & C (-) Range 10V to 30V Measure Voltage . TRANS.500V) = MIN.MP1-> MP16 16 1 2 24. AND NEGATIVE (-) LEAD VOLTAGE SHOULD BE 0 VDC. MEASURING RESISTANCE BETWEEN B ( + ) AND C ( . VOLTAGE SHOULD BE +24. CONNECT POSITIVE (+) LEAD TO TERMINAL B.0 +0 C A B 24.) RANGE 200 . IF CORRECT REPLACE PRESSURE TRANSDUCER. IF INCORRECT CHECK CABLE CONNECTIONS IN CENTRAL UNIT AND CHECK CABLE FOR DEFECTS. +24.0 VDC (SUPPLY VOLTAGE).300 Ohm.4 . CONNECT POSITIVE (+) LEAD TO TERMINAL A.DS350 Graphic Modular PRESSURE TRANSDUCER PLUG PISTON AND ROD CONNECT DIGITAL VOLT METER NEGATIVE (-) LEAD TO TERMINAL C. To achieve this. Now press the CTRL key (2).setting consists of calculating an appropriate 0 . When the + and . Example : 6 4 3 5 6 Now. the 0 . pressing the EXC or INFO key returns the console back to the 24.side. a five digit Authorization Number must be entered. At this point. which. The return key toggles between the piston . the piston . allows the real physical pressure of force to be calculated.key.Setting Function.point settings. the rod .keys are pressed simultaneously. and the force 0 .point offset.setting. having successfully entered a valid password. Only authorized personnel may adjust the 0 .side 0 . The display shows which transducer (piston-side.5 PAT DS 350 ! STOP 0 STOP TARE ! LIM 0 SEL STOP -4% -2% 0% +2% +4% AUTO 0 CTRL + ESC STOP F1 F2 F3 i F4 . the input pressure (or force) is adjusted upwards.point setting function is activated. rod-side or force) is being zeroed and a horizontal dial marks the present pressure (or force) difference in %. When the operator is finished.SETTING OF TRANSDUCER INPUT PAT The first step is to lower the boom all the way down (blocking the boom). Manual adjustments may be performed using + or -. allowing the 0 .setting occurs automatically. To activate the 0 . DS 350 ! STOP STOP TARE ! LIM ENTER YOUR SERVICE CODE SEL 5 5 5 5 5 STOP + > F2 F3 STOP F1 (1) i (2) CTRL F4 The 0 . and by pressing the .GRAPHIC MODULAR CONSOLE SPECIAL FUNCTION 0 . the input value is adjusted downwards.side. shut the engine off then disconnect hydraulic hose from the piston or rod side pressure transducer. a procedure has been developed. press the INFO key (1) to activate the Info Function. when added to the transducer measurement.setting to be performed and visualized in a simple manner. By pressing the + key. M.I MANUAL SECTION 25 DS 350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Boom Angle Connections & Wiring Diagrams .P.A. – L.T. IN 57 A2B-0 A2B-I 58 LOAD-I 59 60 + +UBS F2-10A 61 SI-REL 62 SI-REL + +UBS 64 0V 65 66 DE 5 67 68 DE 6 69 +UBS + 76 0V 77 K10B X4 BRN 1 2 WHT PNK 3 GRA 4 5 GRN 6 YEL WHT WHT BRN BRN YEL GRA GRN PNK YEL GRN 3-Pair Twisted Cable GRA PNK X2 1 2 GRN 3 YEL 4 5 6 PNK 7 GRA 8 BRN WHT BUS EXTENSION DS350 Graphic Modular BCS Boom Angle to C.OUT 54 SI .7K 8 GND CH #1 CH #5 5 IS = CUT&INSULATE 1 2 3 4 1 BOOM LENGTH SIGNAL RETRACTED = 4mA MAX RANGE = 20 mA BOOM ANGLE SIGNAL 90o = 4mA 0o = 20 mA OS Connected to strain relief insert 5 6 * NOTE .P. 3 +24V 1 25.LMI L/O ALARM (EEC) LEVER LOCKOUT W # 73A SOLENOIDS W # 51AJ = GND D 4 C 3 B 2 A 1 X1 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IS = CUT&INSULATE 7 X2 RED SHEILD CORE X1 BRN SHIELD A B CORE 1 2 7 8 6 7 5 X4 5 SIG. MAX.PIN PLUG X1 SIG 1 1 A 1 2 2 B 2 5 3 3 C 3 4 4 4 D 4 3 5 5 E 5 2 2 6 6 F 6 1 1 7 7 G 7 6 3 LG 4.1 1 2 3 4 3 2 GND SIG. Connections 13 +UBS MAIN BOARD WG GND X2 F1 + LWG309 L/A TRANSDUCER + 5 STOP W # 71K = 24 VOLTS E +UB HOUSE LOCK PIN SWITCH .4A 53 SI .10A 11 REL -M 12 REL -A 13 REL -R 14 + +UBS 15 DE 1 16 DE 2 17 DE 3 18 DE 4 19 20 + +UBS I 21 DAV1 U 0V 22 23 + +UBS I 24 DAV2 U 0V 25 + +UBS 26 I 27 LG 1 U 0V 28 I 29 WG 1 U I 30 LG 1 U 31 0V 32 33 + +UBS I 34 S1 DHG 1 U 0V 35 I 36 S2 DHG 2 U 51 + +UB 0V 52 F1 . +24V 1 3 1 2 X3 5 3 3 4 7 . 7 IS = CUT &INSULATE 4A LMI BYPASS KEY SWITCH 14 10A = CONNECTED = WIRES ARE GROUPED TOGETHER + +24V K10A 0V + +UBS 0V RXD TXD A2B-O A2B-I LOAD-I + +UBS K9 K8 F2.U. SIGNAL=20mA IS FOR 10 TURNS ON POT.MAX LENGTH SIGNAL VARIES WITH BOOM. signal 4mA.50V = 45o ANGLE + 4. max.J1 AGND MP14 ERROR CODE .2 VOLTAGES X1 4 ANALOG INPUT MODULE + 500MV (.Angle transducer at X1 1(+) & 3 (-) Range 10V to 30V 5 3 1 X3 S 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X1 DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR BOOM ANGLE MEASURING CHANNEL CHANNEL # 5 6 5 7 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 Pin Connector .+ AGND P7 P8 + A E25 5.6V 1 OUT 5 3 1 Measure Voltage . Range 4 mA to 20 mA +UB 1 OUT 5 3 1 GND +UB GND Measure Voltage .0V Current Based Amplifier All sensing devices used for Analog Inputs now have a current output. SIGNAL ALL VOTAGES ARE MEASURED WITH REFERENCE TO GND (TERMINAL X1 . signal 20mA) This circuit is measured in series.0V MP17 P6 MP13 MP0 MP8 .MP1-> .500V) = 90o ANGLE MIN. * THESE MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN PARALLEL E15 / E25 X1 26 28 29 WORKING RANGE AGND 1 BR1 20 40 X1 AGND E15 MP7 .+ MP11 MP10 J2 4.500v MIN. SHIELD 1 CORE 2 1 3 4 6 Pin Plug (measurements in cable reel) 7 8 5 3 1 X2 X4 Measure Amps .50v MAX. ERROR CODE (90o TO 0o) P1 ANGLE P2 (GND) P3 MP9 VREFA P4 +UB MP12 P5 Channel # 5 OPERATING WINDOW .Angle transducer at X1 2(+) & 3 (-) Range 1V to 5. 1 2 MP16 16 1 2 25. (min.Angle transducer at X1 4(+) & (-) WIRE 4.5 V = 0o ANGLE MAX. SIGNAL + 2.28) ON MAIN BOARD. P.3 mA + 1.26 45o 12.0 mA + 4. 90o SIGNAL AT X1 TERM.U. PIN #29 ON C.2 mA + 2.2 mA + 2.48 85o 4. THESE VALUES ARE TO BE USED AS A REFERENCE ONLY.3 55 o 10.6 mA + 1.) 0.2 mA + 1.3 mA + 3.38 20o 16.27 0 o 20 mA + 4.9 mA + 2.80 80 65 25.2 mA + 4. TERMINAL 4.15 70o 7.70 o 5.60 o 17.70 35o 13.49 CHANNEL #5 CHART SHOWS TYPICAL MILLI-AMP AND VOLTAGE SIGNALS.82 10o 18.37 o 8. .0 mA SIGNAL ON ANALOG MODULE AT X1-4 (X1-28 GND.7 mA + .15 25o 15.7 mA + 3.04 30 15 5 o 19.92 o 14.1 mA + 2.5 mA + 3.92 75o 6.9 mA + .4 mA + 1.60 60o 9.04 50 o 11.7 mA + 2.DS350 Graphic Modular Boom Angle Signal ACTUAL BOOM ANGLE IN DEGS. THE ACTUAL SIGNAL MAY VARY SLIGHTLY.48 40o 12.6 mA + 3. ENSURE THE CRANE IS LEVEL AND SET THE BOOM AT 0 o (using a level on top of base as shown in the above drawing). TIGHTEN BOLTS.RT865BXL (BCS) Cable Reel LWG309 PAT PAT PAT 25.4 TO SET ANGLE TRANSDUCER. LOOSEN THE FOUR ALLEN HEAD BOLTS (A) AND WITH A LEVEL ON THE TRANSDUCER (see drawing to right) ENSURE THAT BOTH LEVELS ARE READING THE SAME. COMPLETE ASSEMBLY 9-333-103303 . P.M.I MANUAL SECTION 26 DS 350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Anti .Block Connections & Wiring Diagrams .A.Two . – L.T. TWO BLOCK SWITCH PART NO.TWO BLOCK SWITCH 2 1 NO.. ASSEM. WITH RETAINER CRIMP COMP.1 1 2 7 8 5 3 1 X2 X4 1 A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 3 1 X3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 S 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X1 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 6 5 3 Plug 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 3 1 +UB 3 6 Pin 2 GND 1 2 A B 1 GND CORE CORE 1 OUT SHIELD 6 PIN DUMMY PLUG +UB A B 1 OUT ! 1 6 6 Pin 1 4 3 21 Connector 1 5 7 ANTI .TWO . 1 1 2 3 AUX. ASSEM.7K Ω RESISTOR To Central Unit 1 2 SHIELD 2 5 3 1 3 4 2 3 1 4 26. BOOM NOSE ANTI . TERMINAL STRIP BLOCK. QTY 1 2 3 4 5 9-333-102764 9-333-102717 9-333-102666 9-333-102663 9-333-102230 1 1 1 4 1 6 9-333-102765 1 DESCRIP. 2-POLE JUMPER BAR TAGS. COMP. TERMINAL STRIP SWITCH A2B. DUMMY PLUG NOTES: OUTER SHIELD GROUNDED AT 1 STRAIN RELIEF CONNECTOR 2 CUT AND INSULATE INNER SHIELD 1 SWITCH PREWIRED AND POTTED ! IMPORTANT CHANGE .ANTI .BLOCK WIRING DIAGRAM 4. 10A 11 REL -M 12 REL -A 13 REL -R 14 + +UBS 15 DE 1 16 DE 2 17 DE 3 18 DE 4 19 20 + +UBS I 21 DAV1 U 0V 22 23 + +UBS I 24 DAV2 U 0V 25 + +UBS 26 I 27 LG 1 U 0V 28 I 29 WG 1 U I 30 LG 1 U 31 0V 32 33 + +UBS I 34 S1 DHG 1 U 0V 35 I 36 S2 DHG 2 U 51 + +UB 0V 52 F1 .2 AB A2B 3 4 5 5 4 4 DATA FROM C.HOUSE LOCK PIN SWITCH LMI L/O ALARM (EEC) LEVER LOCKOUT W # 73A SOLENOIDS D 4 C 3 B 2 A 1 10 CONSOLE BY .U.OUT 54 SI .U.PASS KEY 3 4 8 5 4 3 7 7 6 6 + 26. 3 DATA TO C.IN 57 A2B-0 A2B-I 58 LOAD-I 59 60 + +UBS F2-10A 61 SI-REL 62 SI-REL + +UBS 64 0V 65 66 DE 5 67 68 DE 6 69 +UBS + 76 0V 77 K10B X4 BRN 1 2 WHT PNK 3 GRA 4 5 GRN 6 YEL WHT WHT BRN BRN YEL GRA GRN PNK YEL GRN 3-Pair Twisted Cable GRA PNK X2 1 2 GRN 3 YEL 4 5 6 PNK 7 GRA 8 BRN WHT BUS EXTENSION DS350 Graphic Modular BCS Anti .4A 53 SI .Two Block Connections LMI BYPASS KEY SWITCH + +24V 0V MAIN BOARD LMI +UBS + W # 71K = 24 VOLTS 5 F1 STOP W # 51AJ = GND E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +UB X1 1 2 . 2 1 3 (GND) 2 (+24 V) 1 GRAPHIC CONSOLE 4A 13 14 10A = CONNECTED = WIRES ARE GROUPED TOGETHER + K10A + +UBS 0V RXD TXD A2B-O A2B-I LOAD-I + +UBS K9 K8 F2. Auxiliary Boom Nose 3 2 1 NO. PART NO. QTY 1 2 9-333-102238 9-333-102956 1 1 3+ 9-333-102768 1 26.3 DESCRIPTION SWITCH, A2B W/O CRIMP CONDUIT 3 FEET (MUST CUT TO LENGTH) JUNCTION BOX ASSEM. Auxiliary Boom Nose JUNCTION BOX ASSEMBLY 1(BLACK) 1 2(BROWN) A2B CABLE 3(RED) 1 A 2 B 2 3 Complete Assembly # 9-333-1027678 NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PART NO. QTY 9-333-102758 9-333-102764 9-333-101984 9-333-102759 9-333-102663 9-333-102664 9-333-102665 9-333-102666 9-333-102760 9-333-102482 9-333-102612 9-333-102669 9-333-102266 9-333-102480 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 DESCRIPTION Junction Box Strain Relief Locknut Mounting rail, terminal strip Block, terminal strip End plate, terminal strip End bracket, terminal strip Tags, terminal strip Connector, cannon 2-pin male recp. Gasket Cover, dust Screw #4 Lockwasher #4 Nut #4 26.4 Folding Extension 4 2 3 26.5 1 NO. 1 2 PART NO. 9-333-102230 9-333-102956 QTY 1 1 3+ 4+ 9-333-102996 9-333-102766 1 1 DESCRIPTION Switch, A2B W/O Crimp Conduit 10 feet (must cut to length) Junction box assembly Junction box assembly Folding Extension JUNCTION BOX ASSEMBLY 1(BLACK) 1 A2B CABLE 2(BROWN) 3(RED) 1 A 2 B 2 3 Complete Assembly # 9-333-102766 NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PART NO. 9-333-102758 9-333-101995 9-333-102759 9-333-102663 9-333-102664 9-333-102665 9-333-102666 9-333-102760 9-333-102482 9-333-102612 9-333-102669 9-333-102266 9-333-102480 QTY DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 Junction Box Strain Relief Mounting rail, terminal strip Block, terminal strip End plate, terminal strip End bracket, terminal strip Tags, terminal strip Connector, cannon 2-pin male recp. Gasket Cover, dust Screw #4 Lockwasher #4 Nut #4 26.6 Folding Extension JUNCTION BOX ASSEMBLY Complete Assembly # 9-333-102996 NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PART NO. 9-333-102758 9-333-101995 9-333-101984 9-333-102664 9-333-102663 9-333-102664 9-333-102665 9-333-103044 9-333-102792 9-333-102482 9-333-102612 9-333-102669 9-333-102266 9-333-102480 QTY DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 26.7 Junction Box Strain Relief Locknut Mounting Rail Block, terminal strip End plate, terminal strip End bracket, terminal strip Tags, terminal strip Connector, cannon 2-pin male recp. Gasket Cover, dust Screw #4 Lockwasher #4 Nut #4 P.A.T. – L.M.I MANUAL SECTION 27 DS 350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Digital Inputs RT865BXL (BCS) MAIN & BUS EXTENSION DIGITAL INPUTS INPUT BUS EXT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CU DESCRIPTION TERMINAL A101 BUS TELE EXTEND (+24V) X1/29 A101 BUS TELE RETRACT (+24V) X1/31 A101 BUS AUTO MODE SELECTED (+24V) X1/33 A101 BUS X1/35 A101 BUS X1/37 A101 BUS X1/39 A101 BUS X1/41 PROX. SWITCH OM/FLY RETRACTED & OM/FLY % RESET (+24V) NOTES GROVE PRESSURE SWITCH SIGNAL GROVE PRESSURE SWITCH SIGNAL GROVE SELECTOR SWITCH SIGNAL PAT SWITCH ON CM - SIGNAL VIA CM CABLE REEL PROX. SWITCH CM RETRACTED PAT SWITCH ON BOOM BASE & RESET %(+24V) PROX. SWITCH IM RETRACT PAT SWITCH ON BOOM BASE (+24V) PROX. SWITCH IM % RESET (+24V) PAT SWITCH ON BOOM BASE INPUT MAIN 2 3 A101 MAIN AREA DEFINATION SWITCH SWIVEL LIMIT SWITCH ON RUBBER X1/17 A101 MAIN HOUSE LOCK PIN SWITCH SIGNAL GROVE LIMIT SWITCH X1/18 27.1 X1 + DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Digital Input Diagram 25 26 +UB 10 - 35V 27 KGND 28 TELE EXT. PRESS. SW. 23 pin plug TELE RET. PRESS. SW. 4 29 30 5 31 32 HIGH=AUTO / NONE=MANUAL MODE 19 pin plug PROXY SW.1 OM / FLY RET. PROXY SW.4 CM RET & % RESET. 14 pin plug PROXY SW. 2 IM RET. (2 POSITIONS) 6 33 34 6 35 36 12 37 38 7 39 40 PROXY SW.3 IM RESET %. (TOP) 6 41 42 43 44 * TERMINAL # 25 IS + 24V TO PROXY SWITCHES 1,2,3 & 4. 45 46 47 * TERMINAL # 27 IS GND. TO PROXY SWITCHES 1,2,3 & 4. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 27.2 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > DE 1 DE 2 DE 3 DE 4 DE 5 DE 6 DE 7 DE 8 DE 9 H1 +24V TELEEXT. PRESS. SW. H2 +24V TELERET. PRESS. SW. +24V AUTO MODE H3 H4 +24V OM / FLY RET. H5 +24V CM RET. & % RESET. +24V IM RET. H6 +24V IM % RESET. H7 H8 H9 DE 10 H10 DE 11 H11 DE 12 H12 DE 13 H13 DE 14 H14 DE 15 H15 DE 16 H16 P.A.T. – L.M.I MANUAL SECTION 28 DS 350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Central Unit P.C. Modular Board Layout P.A.T. DS350 Graphic Modular MAIN BOARD A B C D E F G H I J K L M - 1 G1 +UB1 PWM DC MP42 + KGND MP 26 KGND MP 4 +5V MP 9 C +6V X15 GND 1 GND AGND KGND 2 MP24 MP23 VBAT +BATT C MP 8 2 +9V GND 3 4 5 +UB1 +UB DI 6 KGND X12 6 MP40 V10 H11 V11 MP41 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 DI 1 MP21 5 PFAIL+UB1 DI 1- DI 6 => X17 4 power o.k. X14 3 6 J11 X11 7 7 SP5 X13 8 X16 8 TXD H12 K8 10 LEVER LOCKOUT K10 A2B +UB MP29 K9 KGND + F 1 H9 A2B 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 KGND 3 1 77 76 KGND KGND - 11 J4 J3 J2 J1 X1 12 F 2 11 X1 13 AGND H10 2 1 MAIN ON/OFF KGND J10 3 4 9 LMI KGND 10 LOAD +5V/RS232 AGND 9 12 KGND MP1 +UBS 36 35 34 33 A 32 31 B 30 29 28 27 26 C D 25 24 23 E 22 21 20 F 19 18 17 16 15 14 G 13 12 11 H I 10 9 8 7 J 6 5 K 4 3 2 L 1 MP 25 M LOCATIONS : LED’S MP 1 - zone M13 = GND. MP 25 - zone M13 = +UBS CONSOLE, SENSORS, DI’s MP 8 - zone M2 = +9V MP 41 - zone M4 = POWER FAIL MP 9 - zone M2 = +6V MP 42 - zone G1 = +5V MP 4 - zone M1 = +5V MP 21 - zone E5 = +5V MP 26 - zone M1 = GND. MP 29 - zone D10 = +5V MP 23 - zone A2 = VBATT H1-H6 - zone I5 = DI 1-6 MP 24 - zone D2 = +BATT MP 40 - zone M4 = +UB H 8 - zone M3 - LOAD H 9 - zone E11 - A2B H 10 - zone G9 -MAIN IN/ OUT H 11 - zone M3 - POWER H 12 - zone I11 - TXD 28.1 13 28.2 . DS350 Graphic Modular EXTENSION BOARDS MP7 J1 J13 J12 J2 D3 D1 MP4 D2 X1 D14 X2 D13 P1 SYSTEM D10 J8 D6 J9 MP3 J6 D17 J10 D15 D7 D21 D9 D12 J15 J11 J14 D18 J7 D11 D19 D20 X3 BR6 MP6MP5 EJECT BR5 MP2 A102 CPU J1 J2 DATA D1 J5 J3 TLK D3 J6 BR 4 3 2 1 X1 A103 DATEN Ensure the notch is in the correct direction ( to the right ) The EPROMS must be installed completely to the left. leaving blank holes to the right.T.P.A. DO NOT adjust offset with P1 . limits ADC input to 5. VREFA / 2 = 2.5V + 10mV/oC) = VREFA = 5.7 . app. Note: If channel adjustments are made through the software and graphic console.500V = UKLEMM.5V… 4.DS350 Graphic Module Analog Input Module + P7 MP12 1 2 40 AGND AGND - P6 MP13 J2 20 P5 16 P4 P3 MP9 J1 MP11 X16 P2 MP10 P1 1 1 2 X1 MP17 BR1 MP0 - + MP8 + + VREFA P8 + MP7 .0V power ADC MP 1 .4V clamp for inputs = CH08.P7 = TEMP (0. VREFA.5V / 4 mA = CH01-04. +9V *4 MP 17 = app 5.5 V.000V reference MP 1 = AGND = AGND (reference GND) MP 8 = + 5V = VREF+ = 5.MP1-> X17 1 2 + MP16 7 16 6 5 4 3 MP14 2 1 40 1 2 AGND AGND BOARD P/N 9-333-103290 X1:1-7 X1:8 X1:9 X1:10 X1:11 X1:12-15 X1:16 X1:17 X1:18 X1:19 X1:20 = ADC INPUT 0.5V / 20mA = CH05.0V 28. +UBS / 10 MP 14 = + 13V REF 02 = CH06.7 Input channels 1 . HESIN(A2B) *4 MP 16 = HESIN input voltage = CH07.0.3 . DIN 1-4 / 10 2. 4 25 26 27 28 MP4 MP5 MP6 MP7 MP10 MP11 MP12 MP13 MP 3 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 MP 2 MP9 MP 1 61 62 63 64 65 66 MP 8 UREL MP 0 DI 1 + 7V C27 KGND AGND + UB H8 H7 H6 H5 H4 H3 H2 H1 C93 +5V +14V -14V +REF +REX -10V USIN RIPP DI 8 . 9-333-103292 MP11 +UB1 KGND MP1 MP10 F5 F4 2A 2A MP15 MP4 H1 H2 MP3 X4 1 2 3 4 5 6 C30 MP0 GND MP16 MP1 1 2 3 4 5 6 H3 A 101 Bus Extension Module Part No. 9-333-103717 DI 16 DI 9 H9 H10 H11 H12 H13 H14 H15 H16 MP14 ADC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X2 2A F25 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 F1 K8 F8 F2 H17 F3 H18 F4 H19 F5 H20 F6 H21 F7 H22 H23 H24 28.DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) A 105 Serial Extension Module Part No. 9-333-103719 A 104 PV Extension Module Part No.5 MP4 .DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) A 102 CPU Module Part No. 9-333-103718 X4 MP4 C38 J3 C37 C32 SLAVE E .PROM MP2 C33 H1 MP0 MP1 MP3 J1 A 105 Analog Input Module Part No. 9-333-103720 X2 X2 P11 MP2 MP3 MP7 MP6 P12 MP0 X1 MP1 1 2 3 4 H1 MP5 28. SOLENOID GND. LOW = MANUAL MODE (INPUT) G SELECT OM / FLY IN MANUAL MODE (INPUT) H SELECT CM IN MANUAL MODE (INPUT) J SELECT IM IN MANUAL MODE (INPUT) K 3RD WRAP CUT OFF MAIN HOIST RT ONLY L 3RD WRAP CUT OFF AUX. HOIST RT ONLY M 3RD WRAP WARNING LIGHT (GND) RT ONLY N TELE OUT OF SEQUENCE SIGNAL (RELAY OUTPUT) O P Q R 238A 1083 255A 257A S PROPORTIONAL TELE .SOLENOID (EXTEND) V W X PROPORTIONAL TELE . T TELE ROD DRAIN SOLENOID VALVE SIGNAL U PROPORTIONAL TELE .6 .RT865BXL (BCS) BUS EXTENSION INTERFACE Grove wire number 71H 51AK Interface connector A POWER SUPPLY +24V B CRANE GND C 387A 388 239B 242B 243B 244B [507] [505] [338] 323A D TELE EXTEND PRESSURE SWITCH (INPUT) E TELE RETRACT PRESSURE SWITCH (INPUT) F HIGH = AUTO MODE.SOLENOID (RETRACT) RT865BXL (BCS) MAIN BOARD INTERFACE Grove wire number 71K 51AJ 73A 74 744 Interface connector A POWER SUPPLY +24V B CRANE GND C LMI UNLOCK SOLENOIDS D LMI LOCK OUT ALARM E HOUSE LOCK PIN SWITCH F G H 28. 7 4A F1 + W # 51AJ = GND D X1 STOP LMI L/O ALARM (EEC) LEVER LOCKOUT W # 73A SOLENOIDS 1 2 5 +UB HOUSE LOCK PIN SWITCH E .W # 71K = 24 VOLTS 4 C 3 B 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A 1 3 4 5 13 14 10A = CONNECTED = WIRES ARE GROUPED TOGETHER + + +24V K10A 0V + +UBS 0V RXD TXD A2B-O A2B-I LOAD-I + +UBS K9 K8 F2.OUT 54 SI .IN 57 A2B-0 A2B-I 58 LOAD-I 59 60 + +UBS F2-10A 61 SI-REL 62 SI-REL + +UBS 64 0V 65 66 DE 5 67 68 DE 6 69 +UBS + 76 0V 77 K10B X4 BRN 1 2 WHT PNK 3 GRA 4 5 GRN 6 YEL WHT WHT BRN BRN YEL GRA GRN PNK YEL GRN 3-Pair Twisted Cable GRA PNK X2 1 2 GRN 3 YEL 4 5 6 PNK 7 GRA 8 BRN WHT BUS EXTENSION DS350 Graphic Modular BCS Crane Interface to Main Board LMI BYPASS KEY SWITCH +UBS MAIN BOARD 28.10A 11 REL -M 12 REL -A 13 REL -R 14 + +UBS 15 DE 1 16 DE 2 17 DE 3 18 DE 4 19 20 + +UBS I 21 DAV1 U 0V 22 23 + +UBS I 24 DAV2 U 0V 25 + +UBS 26 I 27 LG 1 U 0V 28 I 29 WG 1 U I 30 LG 1 U 31 0V 32 33 + +UBS I 34 S1 DHG 1 U 0V 35 I 36 S2 DHG 2 U 51 + +UB 0V 52 F1 .4A 53 SI . SW. ) K3 NC K4 COM K4 NO K4 NC ( TELE OUT OF SEQUENCE ) K5 COM K5 NO ( PROP EXT ) K5 NC ( PROP RET ) K6 COM ( + 24V ) K6 NO ( +24V TO CM 2-WAY SOLS. ) K7 NC +24V +24V GND GND DI 1 ( +24V = TELE EXT. ANALOG GND. ) DI 2 GND DI 3 ( +24V = AUTO MODE ) DI 3 GND DI 4 ( +24V = OM / FLY RET ) DI 4 GND DI 5 ( +24V = CM RET & % RESET ) DI 5 GND DI 6 ( +24V = IM RET ) DI 6 GND DI 7 ( +24V = IM % RESET ) DI 7 GND X2 1 BRN 2 WHT GRN 3 YEL 4 ANALOG INPUT 1 (IM LEN.PIN PLUG = WIRES ARE GROUPED TOGETHER K3 COM ( +24V ) K3 NO ( +24V TELE ROD DRAIN SOL.8 TELE EXTEND PRESSURE SW. PRESS.) 5 ANALOG INPUT 2 (CM LEN. TELE RETRACT PRESSURE SW. SOLENOID TELE RETRACT PROP. ) DI 1 GND DI 2 ( +24V = TELE RET.CRANE INTERFACE 23 . HIGH = AUTO MODE / NONE = MANUAL MODE OM / FLY TELE CM TELE IM TELE A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 . ) BUS EXTENSION 28. PRESS. SW. TELE ROD DRAIN SOLENOID TELE EXTEND PROP.SOCKET RECEPT 238A 1083 255A 257A A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X 1 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 5 6 13 1 15 16 17 18 LMI .X1 9 PV EXTENSION 16 A104 X1 1 2 3 4 13 15 17 18 8 7 + 24V GND 71H 51AK 387A 388 239B 242B 243B 244B TELE OUT OF SEQUENCE 323A TELE PROP.) 6 7 PNK 8 GRA WHT BRN WHT YEL GRN BRN GRA PNK YEL GRA GRN PNK X4 1 WHT 2 PNK 3 GRA 4 GRN 5 YEL 6 BRN MAIN BOARD DS350 Graphic Modular BCS Crane Interface to Bus Extension K2 COM ( +24V ) K2 NO ( +24V TO IM 2-WAY SOLS. SOLENOID S/S HARNESS 23 . ) K6 NC K7 COM ( +24V ) K7 NO ( +24V TO OM 2-WAY SOLS. I MANUAL SECTION 29 DS 350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Troubleshooting Guide .T.M.P. – L.A. 40 29.4 29.Two .1 29.5 29.42 29.2 29.7 29.Block Length Reading Problem Angle Reading Problem Load Reading Problem Bad Data Transfer Between Console & Central Unit Error Code Displayed 29.PAT DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS) LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR TROUBLESHOOTING General Flowchart Lever Lockout Activated Broken Length Cable No Display Anti .3 29.45 .37 29.10 29. The procedures are easy to follow and are given in flowcharts on the following pages.T. Load Moment Indicator System . DS350 Graphic Modular (BCS).T.10 Wrong Angle Displayed Wrong Load Displayed Go to Page 29.45 .5 Wrong Length Displayed Go to Page 29.A.3 Go to Page 29.45.37 Go to Page 29.7 Bad Data Transfer Error Code Displayed Go to Page 29.40 29.3 through 35.42 Go to Page 29.P. START What’s Wrong? Lever Lockout Activated Length Cable Problem No Display Go to Page 29.2 No Function Anti-Two-Block Go to Page 29.A.4 Go to Page 29. Start with general flowchart below which will guide you to one of the more detailed flowcharts shown on pages 35.GENERAL FLOWCHART This section explains how to handle a problem that may arise with the P. wiring. If console displays is blank. If Load Moment Limit Light is lit. and “boom down” are stopped. fuses or console. wiring or fuses. START Set the override key switch in central unit into upper position to override LMI. Crane movements “hoist up”.45.LEVER LOCKOUT ACTIVATED PROBLEM The lever lockout system of the crane is activated.3 . Fault in Anti-Two Block system. fault is located in power supply. fixed? YES NO Does the console indicate Anti-Two-Block warning? NO YES Fault in crane electric or hydraulic system. Check lever lockout system in crane Go to page 29. cables. Crane is not in overload or two-block condition.5 Go to page 29.7 Read error code displayed on console and go to page29. telescope out”. 29. the fault is located in LMI. pipe and strain relief and push it through the axle of the reeling drum.53. 4 Remove damaged length cable. 1 (center) and ground terminal (shield) of receptacle at the boom nose. 9 Remount cable reel to the boom. Pull conductor cable out of strain relief. 10 Set preload on cable reel by turning the drum counter-clockwise. STEP ACTION 1 Cut old cable at cable drum. 29. which is mounted to the slip rings in the cable reel. 5 Turn the cable reel and open the stain relief attached to the axle in the center of the drum. Check function of Anti-Two-Block switch. 7 Pull new length cable through the hole. 2 Open cable reel cover and disconnect wiring from terminal block. 11 Reconnect new cable to Terminal No. 6 Disconnect damaged length cable from Anti-Two-Block switch receptacle at the boom nose. Recheck length and angle display.BROKEN LENGTH CABLE PROBLEM Damaged or broken length cable. 3 Remove cable reel from mounting brackets. Pull existing length cable out of the cable reel. X2 See drawing 1 on page 29. Turn reeling drum clockwise to get rest of new cable onto the drum. X1 and center to No.53. Tighten strain relief to ensure sealing.4 . from Terminal X1 and X2 See drawing 1 on page 29. 8 Dismantle length cable near slip ring and reconnect shield to terminal No. turn potentiometer carefully counter-clockwise until it stops. 12 Reset length potentiometer in length angle transducer (screw is located in center of white gear): with boom fully retracted. No warninglight shown. correct? NO Replace fuses. see replacement procedure. correct? NO Check crane power supply for faulty crane electric or if power supply is too low. YES Measure crane voltage on main board terminal strip between X1-3(+24V) and X1-4 (ground). This is a output voltage to the console. Replace main board. This is an imput voltage from crane Note: If crane voltage is measured below 10V system will switch off.NO DISPLAY PROBLEM Blank console display. START Check fuses on CPU box. YES Measure crane voltage on main board terminal strip between X1-1(+12/24V) andX1-2 (ground).5 . correct? Defect on main board. NO YES NEXT PAGE 29. Crane movements stopped. 6 . END 29. Replace cable if necessary. Replace the console.NO DISPLAY continued PREVIOUS PAGE Measure voltage in the console between X1-1 (+24V) and X1-2 (ground). Refer to Drawing 6 on page29.57 . correct? Check connections of the cable between console and central unit. NO YES Display is defective. ANTI-TWO-BLOCK PROBLEM PROBLEM Function of Anti-Two-Block System is faulty. This checks the function of the Anti-Two-Block switch. YES Measure the resistance at the boom nose box between terminals 1 and 6 with ohmmeter.7 Replace Anti-Two-Block switch.53. correct? YES Turn power off or disconnect wire from X1-31 in central unit. NO Lower hook down in safe position. See drawing 2 on page 29. START Check to see whether or not crane is in two-block condition. NO correct? Plug appropriate plug into socket of junction box. Switch Closed = 4700 +/. .500 Ohms Switch Open = > 1 Megaohm NO correct? YES NEXT PAGE 29. 53. YES NEXT PAGE 29. Anti-Two-Block switch open = > 1 megohm Anti-Two-Block switch closed = 4700 Ohms + 500 Ohms.ANTI-TWO-BLOCK PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Measure the A2B signal in the cable reel between X1:Brown and X2:Red wires on the slip ring with an ohmmeter. NO Fault in 7 conductor cable between correct? cable reel and boom base box.500 Ohms Switch open = >1 Megohm Reconnect slip ring wires. NO correct? Fault in wiring cable from junction box at boom nose to cable reel or short circuit in length cable. See drawing 1 on page 20. YES Measure the A2B signal in the cable reel between 7 and 8 with an ohmmeter. See drawing 1 on page 29.28. Switch closed = 4700 +/. YES Measure the A2B signal in the boom base box between terminal 5 and 6 with an ohmeter. NO correct? Replace slip ring.8 . Check wiring. Anti-Two-Block switch open = > 1 megohm Anti-Two-Block switch closed = 4700 Ohms + 500 Ohms. Reconnect length cable to slip ring. Reconnect length cable to slip ring. between X131 and X1-32 in central unit. END 29.9 . Check main board function by installing a temporary resistor. If fault is found check cable. Replace main board and reset pressure channel. Check Ten Pin Receptacle. See cranes specific wiring diagram for wires # 5 (+) and # 6 (-).ANTI-TWO-BLOCK PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Connect wire # 5 back to terminal X1-31 on the main board. 4700 Ohms. Check Anti-Two-Block signal in central unit with ohmmeter measure between X1-31 and X1-32. using same measurements as in previous step. Anti-Two-Block switch closed = 4700 Ohms + 500 Ohms Anti-Two-Block switch open = > 1 Megohm. NO correct? YES Disconnect X1-31 and X1-32. NO Defect on main board. Faulty wiring between cable reel and central unit. With resistor connected alarm should be inactive. correct? Reconnect wire #5 to X1-31 and wire #6 to X1-32. Turn system power off. NEXT PAGE 29. Correct? Continue to page 29. Boom Length Percentage Problem START Boom length percentage problem Switch to Manual Mode and retract the boom completely against the stop block. Refer to Drawing on page 23. Check proximity switch target adjustment.17 No Yes Measure the voltage supply to IM switch at terminal 1 (+24V) and 3 (GND) in the length transducer LG321. Check the Percentage indication (1%. 0 %) Wrong? No Yes IM and/ or CM retract signal not recognized.LENGTH READING PROBLEM PROBLEM Length reading incorrect. A. 0 %.3. Crane is not in “out of load chart” condition.3 . If damage is visible install new switch.10 Adjust the target and switch See page 23. Measure voltage at terminal 1 or 2 (+24V) and 5 or 6 (GND) in the switch junction box. No Correct? Yes Faulty wiring between bus extension and LG 321. Yes NEXT PAGE 29. Check wiring. No Faulty wiring between length transducer and LG 321 and IM junction box. Behind drum. Boom Length Percentage Problem Cont.5. See page 29. Check connectors.11 .LENGTH READING PROBLEM A. PREVIOUS PAGE Correct? No Yes Measure the voltage at terminal 25 (+24V) and terminal 27 (GND) in the bus extension. Correct? Faulty wiring between length transducer and LG 321 and switch junction box. Correct? No Yes Measure voltage at terminal 1 (+24V) and 5 (GND) in the IM junction box. fuses and bus extension power supply. Check wiring. Check wiring. Failure in bus extension. Boom Length Percentage Problem Cont. Replace IM reset proximity switch. .5. See page 29. See page 29. PREVIOUS PAGE Measure the IM reset switch signal at terminal 3 (+ 24V) and 5 (GND) in the proximity switch junction box on base boom. Adjust switch and target. NEXT PAGE 29.5.12 Faulty wiring between length transducer and LG 321 and switch junction box. Check wiring. Correct? Faulty switch wiring or defective switch. See page 29. No Yes Measure the IM retract switch signal at terminal 4 (+ 24) and terminal 5 (GND) in the length switch junction box on base boom.LENGTH READING PROBLEM A. Correct? No Yes Measure the IM reset switch signal at wire 2 (+ 24)(fast-on connector) and terminal 3 (GND) in the length transducer LG321.4. Replace CM retract proximity switch. Check wiring. See page 29. No Yes Measure the CM retract switch signal at terminal 8 (+ 24) and terminal 3 (GND) in the LG321.13 Defective switch. Replace IM retract proximity switch. No Yes Measure the CM retract switch signal at terminal 6 (+ 24) and terminal 5 (GND) in the IM junction box. PREVIOUS PAGE Correct? No Yes Measure the IM reset switch signal at wire 4 (+ 24)(fast-on connector) and 3 (GND) in the length transducer LG321. See page 29.LENGTH READING PROBLEM A.4 NEXT PAGE 29. See page 29. Boom Length Percentage Problem Cont.4 Correct? Faulty switch. Adjust switch and target. Adjust switch and target .5 Correct? Faulty wiring between length transducer and LG 321 and switch junction box. Boom Length Percentage Problem Cont. See page 29. Check wiring. Check wiring.3 Correct? Faulty wiring between bus extension and length transducer LG321 and switch junction box.3 Correct? Faulty wiring between length transducer LG321 and switch junction box. See page 29. No Yes Measure the CM retract switch signal at terminal 37 (+24V) and 27 (GND) in the bus extension. See page 29.14 . Check wiring.3 Correct? Faulty wiring between bus extension and length transducer LG321 and switch junction box. No Yes NEXT PAGE 29. No Yes Measure the IM reset switch signal at terminal 41 (+24V) and 27 (GND) in the bus extension.LENGTH READING PROBLEM A. PREVIOUS PAGE Correct? No Yes Measure the IM retract switch signal at terminal 39 (+24V) and 27 (GND) in the bus extension. 15 Faulty wiring between bus extension and length transducer LG321 (CM). PREVIOUS PAGE Measure OM retract switch power supply at terminal X1/11 (+24V) and X1/7 (GND) in the LG 321 (CM). See page 29. Check wiring. Check wiring.4 Correct? No Yes Measure at CM junction box terminal 11 (+24V) and 9 (GND). See page 29. No Yes Measure OM retract switch signal at CM junction box terminal 10 (+24V) and 9 (GND). Boom Length Percentage Problem Cont.4 NEXT PAGE 29. Check wiring.LENGTH READING PROBLEM A. No Yes Measure signal at terminal X1/8 (+24V) and X1/7 (GND) in the LG 321 (CM). . See page 29.5 Correct? Faulty wiring between bus extension and length transducer LG321 and switch junction box.5 Correct? Faulty wiring between CM box and length transducer LG321 (CM). See page 29. END 29.LENGTH READING PROBLEM A. . No Yes Digital input defective on bus extention. Boom Length Percentage Problem Cont.16 Faulty wiring between bus extension and length transducer LG321 (CM).3 Correct? Faulty wiring between CM box and length transducer LG321 (CM). Follow replacement procedures. Check LED’s on bus extension. See page 29. Check wiring. Check wiring. PREVIOUS PAGE Correct? No Yes Measure signal at bus extension terminal X1/35 (+24V) and X1/27 (GND). ( 0%. NEXT PAGE 29. .17 Correct the spooling manually. No Yes Remove the lid from the length transducers LWG 309 and both LG 321. Check the percentage indication. Boom Out Of Sequence In Automode START Problem: In Automode the boom becomes out of sequence. the warning light is on.LENGTH READING PROBLEM B. CAUTION Drum is under tension. With no load suspended retract the boom completely. Select manual mode. 0%. Correct? Continue with section A. Carefully reset the length transducer potentiometer. 0%) Correct? No Yes Inspect the spooling of the length cable on all three drums. Disengage the boom stop block and retract the boom completely. Repeat testing the boom sequence in automode. NEXT PAGE 29. No Correct? Yes Faulty wiring between bus extension and LG 321 (IM). Correct? END No Yes Remove lid from LG321 (IM length) and measure supply voltage at terminal X1/1 (+24V) and X1/3 (GND). Check connectors. Boom Out Of Sequence In Automode Cont.18 . Replace O-ring if wear is visible. Re-check the length potentiometer adjustment. Check wiring. No Yes Failure in bus extension. Measure the voltage at terminal X1/25 (+24V) and terminal X1/27 (GND) in bus extension. fuses and bus extension power supply.LENGTH READING PROBLEM B.4 Correct? Adjust gear assembly and check O-ring in gear wheel. PREVIOUS PAGE Failed? No Yes In manual mode retract the boom. See page 29. Disengage the boom stop block to retract all section completely. Switch power on. Re-connect wire 2 to terminal X1/2.19 . Measure electrical current at terminal X1/2 (+ 4mA).4 NEXT PAGE 29. Faulty wire between length transducer LG 321 and bus extension.4 Switch power off. Meter . Check wiring. Boom Out Of Sequence In Automode Cont. Measure the voltage at terminal X1/2 (5. Turn the length poteniometer in the LG 321 (IM) clockwise to a soft stop(10 turns).LENGTH READING PROBLEM B. Replace length sensor unit. No Correct? Yes Switch power off.6V) and terminal X1/3 (GND). Measure the voltage at terminal X1/2 (1V) and terminal X1/3 (GND). Remove wire 2 from LG 321 terminal X1/2. Faulty length sensor unit. See page 29. PREVIOUS PAGE Turn the length poteniometer in the LG 321 (IM) counter clockwise to a soft stop. See page 29. Re-connect wire 2 to terminal X1/ series. No Correct? Yes Switch power off. Measure electrical current at terminal X1/2 (+ 20mA). PREVIOUS PAGE Switch power off. NEXT PAGE 29. Faulty wire between length transducer LG 321 and bus extension. Switch power on. Remove wire 2 from LG 321 terminal X1/ series. Remove lid from LG 321 (CM) and measure supply voltage at terminal X1/1 (+24V) and X1/3 (GND). No Correct? Yes Switch power off. Correct? No Yes Faulty wire between length transducer LG 321 (CM) and bus extension. Re-connect wire 2 to terminal X1/2.20 . No Correct? Yes Switch power off. Faulty length sensor unit. Check wiring. Meter . Check wiring. Re-connect wire 2 to terminal X1/2. Replace length sensor unit. Boom Out Of Sequence In Automode Cont.LENGTH READING PROBLEM B. Faulty length sensor unit.LENGTH READING PROBLEM B. Switch power on. Boom Out Of Sequence In Automode Cont.6V) and terminal X1/3 (GND).4 NEXT PAGE 29. Check wiring. PREVIOUS PAGE Turn the length poteniometer in the LG 321 (CM) counter clockwise to a soft stop. Turn the length poteniometer in the LG 321 (CM) clockwise to a soft stop(10 turns). Measure electrical current at terminal X1/2 (+ 4mA).21 .4 Switch power off. Re-connect wire 2 to terminal X1/2. Remove wire 2 from LG 321 (CM) terminal X1/ series No Correct? Yes Switch power off. See page 29. No Correct? Yes Switch power off. Measure the voltage at terminal X1/2 (1V) and terminal X1/3 (GND). Re-connect wire 2 to terminal X1/2. See page 29. Measure the voltage at terminal X1/2 (5. Replace length sensor unit. Faulty wire between length transducer LG 321 (CM) and bus extension. Meter . 2 Correct? No Yes Faulty wire between length transducer LG 321 (CM) and bus extension. PREVIOUS PAGE Switch power off. Remove wire 2 from LG 321 (CM)terminal X1/2. Faulty length sensor unit. See page 29.22 . Meter . Check wiring. Re-connect wire 2 to terminal X1/ series No Correct? Yes Switch power off. Boom Out Of Sequence In Automode Cont. NEXT PAGE 29. Switch power on. Replace length sensor unit. Measure electrical current at terminal X1/2 (+ 20mA).LENGTH READING PROBLEM B. Faulty wire between length transducer LG 321 (CM) and bus extension. Remove lid from LWG 309 (OM) and measure supply voltage at terminal X1/1 (+24V) and X1/3 (GND). Check wiring. No Correct? Yes Switch power off. Re-connect wire 2 to terminal X1/2. in series. No Correct? Yes Switch power off.LENGTH READING PROBLEM B. Measure the voltage at terminal X1/2 (1V) and terminal X1/3 (GND). Switch power on. Measure electrical current at terminal X1/2 (+ 4mA). No Correct? Yes Switch power off. Measure the voltage at terminal X1/2 (5. PREVIOUS PAGE Turn the length poteniometer in the LWG 309 (OM) counter clockwise to a soft stop.6V) and terminal X1/3 (GND). Turn the length poteniometer in the LWG 309 (OM) clockwise to a soft stop(10 turns). Check wiring. Meter . Boom Out Of Sequence In Automode Cont. Replace length sensor unit. Faulty length sensor unit. Re-connect wire 2 to terminal X1/2.23 . Remove wire 2 from LWG 309 (OM) terminal X1/2. Re-connect wire 2 to terminal X1/2. Switch power off. NEXT PAGE 29. Faulty wire between length transducer LWG 309 (OM) and bus extension. Check wiring.24 . Measure electrical current at terminal X1/2 (+ 20mA). compare the indicated IM length with the actual IM length. Re-connect wire 2 to terminal X1/2.LENGTH READING PROBLEM B. Re-connect wire 2 to terminal X1/2. Faulty wire between length transducer LG 309 (OM) and bus extension. Remove wire 2 from LWG 309 (OM)terminal X1/2. No Correct? Yes Switch power off. Select Boom service screen on console. Boom Out Of Sequence In Automode Cont. Meter . Reset all length transducer potentiometers. NEXT PAGE 29. No Correct? Yes Switch power off. Faulty length sensor unit. PREVIOUS PAGE Switch power off. Replace length sensor unit. Switch power series. END No Faulty bus extension module. Follow the crane service instructions to continue. Boom Out Of Sequence In Automode Cont. Contact Technical support for instructions END 29.25 .LENGTH READING PROBLEM B. PREVIOUS PAGE Yes Correct? Fault is not located in the LMI circuit. Outer Mid And Fly Section Are Not Retracted (E83) START Outer mid and fly sections are not fully retracted. Refer to crane service documentation to continue. Yes Check the position of the OM/Fly section NEXT PAGE 29. Switch to manual mode and retract the OM/Fly section fully.26 .LENGTH READING PROBLEM C. E83 ? No Switch to auto mode and contiue normal crane operation Yes Switch to auto mode and retract the boom (Caution Reduced load chart with E83) E83 ? No Defect is not located in LMI circuit. 3 NEXT PAGE 29. Check the OM retract proximity switch and target adjustment. Defect is not located in LMI No circuit.LENGTH READING PROBLEM C. Outer Mid And Fly Section Are Not Retracted (E83) Cont. Correct? Yes Switch to auto mode and contiue normal crane operation Correct? No Adjust the switch and the target.27 . PREVIOUS PAGE Correct? No Yes Switch to auto mode and retract OM section fully. Yes Measure the voltage at terminal 25 (+24V) and terminal 27 (GND) in the bus extension. Refer to crane service documentation to continue. See page 29. Check wiring. PREVIOUS PAGE Correct? No Yes Measure OM retract switch power supply at LG 321 (CM) terminal X1/11 (+24V) and X1/7 (GND) See page 29. fuses and bus extension power supply. .5 Correct? Faulty wiring between bus extention and LG 321. No Yes Measure signal at LG 321(CM) terminal X1/8 (+24V) and X1/7 (GND). Check connectors. Check wiring.LENGTH READING PROBLEM C. Outer Mid And Fly Section Are Not Retracted (E83) Cont.4 NEXT PAGE 29. See page 29.28 Faulty wiring between bus extention and LG 321. No Yes Measure OM retract switch signal at CM junction box terminal 10 (+24V) and 9 (GND) See page 29.4 Correct? Defective bus extension. No Yes Digital input defective on bus extension. PREVIOUS PAGE Correct? No Yes Measure signal at bus extension terminal X1/35 (+24V) and X1/27 (GND) See page 29.3 Correct? Defective wiring between CM junction box and length transducer LG 321(CM). Contact Technical Support for replacement procedure.LENGTH READING PROBLEM C. Outer Mid And Fly Section Are Not Retracted (E83) Cont. Check LED’s on bus extension. Check wiring. END 29.29 Faulty wiring between bus extention and LG 321(CM). Check wiring. . 30 .LENGTH READING PROBLEM D.3 Correct? Refer to the crane service documentation to correct the power failure. Error In Bus Extension (E61) START E61 Error in the bus extension Check crane power. Correct? No Yes Measure the power supply at the bus extension terminal X1/26 (+24V) and 28 (GND). Check wiring. battery voltage. See page 29. Check bus extention fuse FX NEXT PAGE 29. No Yes Faulty crane electric wiring. CAUTION: Twisted pairs must remain twisted. Replace the fuse. Switch power on and check again.31 . END 29. Faulty bus extension. Correct? Switch power off. No Yes If damage is visible replace the cable. PREVIOUS PAGE Correct? No Yes Check the bus extension cable wiring and connections between bus extension and central unit.LENGTH READING PROBLEM D. otherwise rewire and tighten the connections. Contact Technical Support for replace procedure. Error In Bus Extension (E61) Cont. See page 29. Measure the extend signal at bus extension terminal X1/29 (+24V) and X1/28 (GND).3 Correct? Malfunction is not related to LMI or boom control extension. Consult the crane service documentation. Operate the extend control. Yes Switch to auto mode. Make sure no other error or warning is preventing you from extending or retracting the boom. Remove load from hook. See page 29. Correct? No Yes Remove lid from bus extension. No Tele Function At All In Automode START Error: No tele-function at all in automode. No Faulty crane eletric wiring.LENGTH READING PROBLEM E.32 .3 NEXT PAGE 29. Measure crane power supply at terminal X1/26 (+24V) and X1/28 (GND). Switch to manual mode and attempt extending and retracting the boom in manual mode. Start the engine. Correct? Faulty pilot pressure switch in the tele extend pilot pressure circuit or crane electric harness faulty. NEXT PAGE 29. Operate the retract control. PREVIOUS PAGE Correct? No Yes Operate the retract control. . Refer to crane documentation. Faulty pilot pressure switch in the tele extend pilot pressure circuit or crane electric harness faulty. Measure the retract signal at bus extension terminal X1/31 (+24V) and X1/28 (GND). No Yes Select boom service screen on console. Operate the extend control. The ramp value for the appropriate section should increase in steps from 0 to 255.33 Faulty digital input 1 on bus extension. No Tele Function At All In Automode Cont. Correct? No Yes Select boom service screen on console. Refer to crane documentation. Contact Technical Support for replacement procedure.LENGTH READING PROBLEM E. The ramp value for the appropriate section should increase in steps from 0 to 255. No Correct? Yes Operate retract or extend control.34 . Check wiring.LENGTH READING PROBLEM E. the wire 2 (removed from terminal) and the terminal X1/2. The signal should increase from 0 mA to approximately 800 mA. Operate retract and extension. No Yes Faulty wiring in bus extension. Contact Technical extend control. NOTE : In the ramping area the value may be < 800 mA. Measure the electrical current (mA) between Support for replacement procedure. PREVIOUS PAGE Correct? No Yes Select manual mode. Retract all sections. Measure voltage at terminal A 104 X1/2 (>0V) and X1/4 NEXT PAGE NEXT PAGE 29. Correct? Check the power supply to the analog output module A 104 (IM). No Tele Function At All In Automode Cont. Switch power on. Switch power off. Remove wire 2 from the analog output board terminal Faulty digital input 2 on bus A 104 X1/2 (IM). Measure at terminal X1/1 (+24V) and X1/4 (GND). K7 logic table) to check the two way valve operation. Correct? Yes Refer to drawing of (K2. NEXT PAGE 29. Check fuse F5 in the bus No extension. Correct? Yes Faulty crane wiring or defective valve coil. Operate the extend control. No Tele Function At All In Automode Cont.35 . Operate the retract control. Measure at bus terminal X1/15 (>0V) and X1/28 (GND). K6. Contact Technical Support for replacement procedures. Measure at bus terminal X1/14 (>0V) and X1/28 (GND). Re-connect wire 2 to terminal A 104 X1/2.LENGTH READING PROBLEM E. PREVIOUS PAGE PREVIOUS PAGE Defective analog output board No A 104 (IM). Contact Technical support . Check relay K5. If blown replace fuse. 36 Faulty wiring between bus extension and 2 way valve junction boxes on the IM and CM section.LENGTH READING PROBLEM E. Replace if blown. No Yes Faulty crane wiring or valve coil. No Tele Function At All In Automode Cont. Correct? In the bus extension: Check fuse F2 for relay K2 (IM 2 way valve). Check fuse F7 for relay K7 (OM 2 way valve). PREVIOUS PAGE Correct? No Yes Measure the two way valve signal (>/= +20V) at terminal 1 or 2 (IM junction box) and terminal 1 or 2 and 3 or 4 (CM junction box). Refer to Crane Service Documentation. Check fuse F6 for relay K6 (CM 2 way valve). Check wiring. END 29. . Readjust the angle sensor to the correct position by loosening the mounting screws and moving the angle sensor.37 . NEXT PAGE 29. Check power supply to angle sensor on main board between X126 (+12/24V) and X1-28 (GND) NO correct? YES Main board defective. START Check levelness of the angle sensor in cable reelwith main boom at horizontal remove cover from the cable reel. NO correct? YES Place the boom at 0 o. replace main board and reset pressure channel.ANGLE READING PROBLEM PROBLEM Angle Reading Incorrect Crane is not in “Out of Load Chart” condition. Note: Consult factory before replacing main board for further troubleshooting steps. 38 . YES NEXT PAGE 29. one lead to wire #4 and the other lead X1-4. correct? YES Measure signal in series from angle sensor in cable reel. Check wiring.ANGLE READING PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Measure supply to angle sensor in cable reel at terminal between X1-1 (+12/24V) and X1-3 (GND). NO Faulty wiring between central unit and angle sensor. Boom Angle Signal : 0 Degrees 20 mA 45 Degrees 12 mA 90 Degrees 4 mA NO correct? Replace angle sensor. 39 . Boom Angle Signal : 0 Degrees 0. correct? YES END 29.5 .5 Volts NO Faulty analog input module or CPU module in central unit.5V. correct? YES Measure angle signal analog input module between test point MP0 and X1-4.4.ANGLE READING PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Measure signal from angle sensor in central unit.5 Volt 45 Degrees 2. Measurement should be taken in series at X1-29 and wire #4. The measurement should be between 0. Boom Angle Signal : 0 Degrees 20 mA 45 Degrees 12 mA 90 Degrees 4 mA NO Faulty wiring between central unit and cable reel. Check wiring.48 Volts 90 Degrees 4. Reset length potentiometer.LOAD READING PROBLEM PROBLEM Load reading incorrect. START Check selected operating mode(code on operating mode switch). With fully retracted boom. YES NO NEXT PAGE Replace the main in central unit. Unplug transducer cable from transducer. correct? YES Check boom length reading on display. NO correct? YES correct? Fault in pressure transducer. NO correct? YES Measure radius and check with the displayed radius. turn potentiometer axle counterclockwise until it stops . Check power supply at main board between X1-20 (+12/24V) and X1-22 (ground) for piston and X1-23 (+12/24V) and X1-25 (ground) for rod side. Angle transducer box should in line with boom and adjusted to actual boom angle.40 . NO correct? YES Check power supply to pressure transducer (rod side). Check if mechanical adjustment of angle transducer is correct. Measure voltage at the cable connection between A (+24V) and C (ground). 29. NO Select operating mode switch to correct position (see operating mode in load chart). in central unit.5.5V at 4410PSI.LOAD READING PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Measure in series piston side signal.41 . Connect one lead to wire #2 and the other to X1-21.5V . Rod side. remove wire #2 from X1-24. Measurement is not within 4-20mA. but 4mA does not equal 0 PSI. Measure pressure transducer signals on the analog input module between test points. Refer to page 30. correct? YES END 29. remove wire #2 from X1-21.4. Adjust zero point on pressure transducers at console. NO Replace the analog input module board in central unit. (Piston side. The measurement should be between 4-20mA (4 mA at 0 PSI to 20mA at 4410 PSI). MP0 (GND) and X1-1) (Rod side. replace pressure transducer(s) and adjust zero point. NO 4-20mA correct? YES YES Measurement within 4-20mA. NO Fault in pressure transducer cable. MP0 (GND) and X1-2).5V at 0 PSI to 4. The measurement should be between 0. If transducer(s) are not adjustable. YES Turn off system power. START Check the H12 (TXD) LED on the main board ON/OFF. YES NEXT PAGE 29. Check continuity between: X1-5 main board and X1-3 console X1-6 main board and X1-4 console NO correct? Check connections and replace cable from central unit to console. Check the continuity of the receive (RXD) and transfer (TXD) wires. NO correct? Off Make sure external and internal power supply is correct.BAD DATA TRANSFER BETWEEN CONSOLE & CENTRAL UNIT PROBLEM Error Code “E93 / E94” No data transfer to and from console. NO correct? Place EPROM S in correct socket. YES Measure process voltage on the main board in the central unit between MP24 (+5V) and MP0 (GND). On Make sure that EPROMS are correct and plugged into EPROM MODULE is on main board. if necessary.42 . connection for diode). Diode type such as 1N 4001 can be used (watch + and . Install a diode or varistor across terminals of spiking component.single cable minimum of AWG14 (2. NO correct? YES Ensure that cable shields are connected correctly. outrigger relay). Install ground link . NO correct? YES Find out which component of the crane electric is spiking out (e. Refer to connections and wiring diagrams. dump valve.BAD DATA TRANSFER BETWEEN CONSOLE & CENTRAL UNIT PREVIOUS PAGE Check if additional ground like between main board terminal X9 and central unit box mounting bracket is in place. Refer to connection and wiring diagrams.g. Make correct shield connection. END 29.43 .0mm2) between terminal X9/2 and central unit box mounting bracket. YES Check if additional ground like between main board terminal X9 and central unit box mounting bracket is in place. Install ground link .single cable minimum of AWG14 (2. “Suppressor Diode” END 29.0mm2) between terminal X9/1 and central unit box mounting bracket. Error Code “E93 / E94” intermittent.44 . dump valve.g. Refer to Drawing 8. Install a diode or varistor across terminals of spiking component. START Check system out. Refer to connections and wiring diagrams. outrigger relay). Refer to connection and wiring diagrams NO correct? YES Find out which component of the crane electric is spiking out (e. Make correct shield connection.connection for diode).Bad Data Transfer Between Console & Central Unit. Frozen console displays. . Diode type such as 1N 4001 can be used (watch + and .INTERFERENCE PROBLEM PROBLEM Interference from crane electric. NO correct? Replace or repair part which is defective. NO correct? YES Ensure that cable shields are connected correctly. E 04* Operating mode not available. E 03* Prohibited slewing range. E 06* Fallen below angle range with luffing jib operation. Boom was telescoped too far or not far enough. The maximum radius or minimum angle given in the load chart was exceeded due to lowering the boom too far. Operating mode switch in the console set incorrectly. Set operating mode switch correctly to the code assigned to the operating mode of the crane. * This error can be corrected by the operator. See page 35. i. Slew back into admissible range. (no load area) Slewing range prohibited with load.58 Fallen below the minimum jib angle specified in the respective load chart due to luffing out the jib too far. length sensor cable slid off the cable drum. Telescope boom to correct length given in the load chart. Lower boom back to a radius or angle given in the load chart. E 02* Beyond radius or below angle range.ERROR CODE DISPLAY PROBLEM Error code displayed.45 . 29. Fallen below the minimum radius or above the angle given in the load chart due to raising the boom too far. Warning lights on. ERROR DISPLAY ERROR CAUSE ACTION E 01* Below radius or above angle range. E 05* Length range not permitted. Luff in the jib to a radius or angle specified in the load chart. Lever lockout activated.e. Operating mode is not permissible with actual crane configuration. Length sensor adjustment changed. Raise boom back to a radius or angle given in the load chart. Replace if necessary. Pressure transducer on rod side defective. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. 29. Cable from central unit to the pressure transducer defective. Fallen below lower limiting value for the measuring channel "pressure rod side". Check cable as well as plug. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Check cable as well as plug.58.46 Check cable as well as plugs. Replace force transducer. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. See page 35. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Pressure transducer on piston side defective. Replace if defective. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. E 12 E 13 E 14 Fallen below lower limiting value for the measuring channel "pressure piston side". . ACTION Cable from central unit to length sensor Check cable. Cable from central unit to force measuring point defective or water inside the plugs. replace if need be. Replace if necessary. Overload relay is stuck. defective or not being selected. not connected or water in the necessary. E 11 Fallen below lower limiting value for the measuring channel "length". Force transducer defective. connectors Length potentiometer defective.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY ERROR CAUSE E 07 No acknowledgement signal from overload relay (K8). See page 35. Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channel. loose or water in in the plug.58. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. loose or water in the plug. Anti-Two-Block switch relay is defective or not being selected. Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channel. Cable from central unit to the pressure transducer defective. Fallen below upper limit value in measuring channel "Force". Replace and reset length potentiometer. E 08 No acknowledgement signal from Anti-Two-Block switch relay (K9). 58. Replace and reset slewing angle potentiometer.58. Check cable. Check cable. wiring. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Below limiting value for slewing angle 2. defective. E 18 Front Stabilizer overloaded Exceeding capacities allowed for over the front. Achieve a safe working area Immediately. Angle sensor defective. . Check wiring. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace if necessary. +5 volt supply E 1A E 1B E 21 Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. . Length potentiometer defective. Electronic component on the main board defective. Cable from central unit to angle sensor defective or disconnected or water inside the plug. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. 29. Check cable as well as plug. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Slewing angle pot. replace if necessary. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. and reset adjustment. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective.ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY E 15 E 16 ERROR Fallen below lower limiting value for the measuring channel "angle main boom". Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. Fallen below lower limit value for measuring channel "Luffing Jib Angle". Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. See page 35. E 19 Error in the reference voltage. See page 35. Replace angle sensor. Upper limiting value for the measuring channel "length" exceeded. Below limiting value for slewing angle 1.58. CAUSE ACTION Cable from central unit to the length/ angle sensor defective or loose or water inside plug. (external). Replace angle sensor. Cable from central unit to the length/angle sensor defective or loose. Angle sensor defective.47 Replace and reset length potentiometer. replace if need be. Cable from central unit to the slewing angle sensor defective or loose. Replace if necessary. See page 35. ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY E 22 E 23 E 24 E 25 E 26 ERROR Upper limiting value for the measuring channel "pressure piston side” exceeded. Upper limiting value for the measuring channel "pressure rod side" exceeded. Upper limit value in measuring channel "Force" exceeded. Upper limiting value for the measuring channel "angle main boom" exceeded. Upper limit value for measuring channel "Luffing Jib Angle" exceeded. CAUSE ACTION Cable from central unit to the pressure transducer defective, loose or water in the plug. Check cable as well as plug. Replace if necessary. Pressure transducer on piston side defective. Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channels. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Cable from central unit to the pressure transducer defective, loose or water in the plug. Check cable as well as plug. Replace if necessary. Pressure transducer on rod side defective. Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channels. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. on main board. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Cable between central unit and force measuring point defective or water inside the plug. Check cable as well as plug, replace if need be. Force sensor defective. Replace force sensor. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Cable from central unit to the length/angle sensor defective or loose. Angle sensor defective. mechanical adjustment. Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. See Error E 16. Check cable. Replace if necessary. 29.48 Replace angle sensor and reset Replace main board and reset pressure channels. See Error E 16. ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY E 27 ERROR Upper limit value for the measurchannel 7 exceeded. CAUSE Cable from central unit to the Sensor of channel 7 defective or loose. Sensor of channel 7 defective. Electronic component in the measuring channel 7 defective. E 29 Error in the reference voltage. -5 volt supply E 2A E 2B E 31 E 37 Above limiting value for slewing angle 1. Above limiting value for slewing angle 2. Error in system program Error in program run ACTION Check cable. Replace if necessary. Replace angle sensor and reset mechanical adjustment. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Supply and Reference voltages on MP10 is more than 3.3V. Electronic component on the main board defective. A/D converter defective. Cable from central unit to the slewing angle sensor defective or loose. Slewing angle pot. defective. wiring, (external). Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board. Check supply voltages. Check wiring, replace if necessary. Replace and reset slewing angle potentiometer. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. EPROM with system program defective. Electronic component on the main board defective. Replace EPROM with system program. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. EPROM with system program defective. Electronic component on the main board defective. Replace system program EPROM. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. CPU is equipped with an incorrect version of system program. CPU is equipped with an incorrect version of system program. Equip main board with correct version of system or Data EPROM. Equip main board with correct version of system or TLK EPROM. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. E 38 Incorrect system program. E 39 Incorrect system program. E 41 Error in the external RAM. RAM in the CPU on the main board defective. Replace CPU Chip No. 80C31. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. E 42 Error in the external write/ read memory (RAM). Internal defect in digital part of CPU. Exchange write/read memory (CMOS-RAM). Replace main board and reset pressure channels. 29.49 ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY ERROR CAUSE E 42 Error in the external write/read memory (RAM) part 1. Internal defect in digital part of CPU. E 43 Error in the external write/read memory (RAM) part 2. Internal defect in digital part of CPU. E 45 Error in internal communications. Error in A/D conversion Malfunction in the monitored write/read memory. Defective electronic component. Defective electronic component. Internal defect in in digital part of CPU E 46 E 47 ACTION Exchange write/read memory (CMOS-RAM). Replace main Board and reset pressure channels. Exchange write/read memory (CMOS-RAM). Replace main Board and reset pressure channels. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. E 48 Malfunction in the monitored Inter defect in digital part of CPU Replace main board and reset pressure channels. E 51 Error in data memory. E 52 Error in TLK memory. Data EPROM on the main board defective. Eprom Module not bridge correctly. TLK EPROM on the main board defective. Eprom Module not bridge correctly. Replace Data EPROM. Make sure BR3 on the main board is installed. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. E 71 Incorrect acknowledgment of the A2B relay is stuck or defective. A2B Relay on A101 Term. board. Replace K9 relay. A2B relay is not being selected due to a break on the terminal board, main board or ribbon cable. Check terminal board, main board and ribbon cables as well as replace defective part, if necessary. E 72 – E 77 Analogous to E 71 for relays K2 – K7 Analogous to E 71 for relays K2 – K7 Analogous to E 71 for relays K2 – K7 E 89 Change of the operating code during lifting a load. The operating mode switch in the console was used during lifting a load. Lower the load and set the operating mode switch correctly to the code assigned to the actual operating mode of the crane. 29.50 ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY E 91 ERROR No data transmission from console to central unit. (See page 35.42) CAUSE 24V supply of console interrupted. Check 24V at terminal Xl of console electronics. Interruption or accidental ground in the line from console electronics to central unit. Check the connection between console electronics and central unit. If you find an accidental ground, the transmitter module in the console electronics can be damaged. You should, therefore, replace the console electronics. Replace console electronics or main board respectively. Check the connection between console electronics and central unit. Replace console electronics or main board respectively. Transmitter / receiver module defective. Defective data line from console electronics to central unit. Transmitter / receiver module defective. E 92 Error in the data transmission from console to central unit. (See page 35.42) E 93 Error in the data transmission from central unit to console. (See page 35.42) Defective contact in the line from central unit to console. Transmitter / receiver module defective. No data transmission from central unit to console. (See page 35.42) Interruption or accidental ground in the data line from central unit to console. E 94 ACTION Check the line to the console. Replace console electronics or main board respectively. 5V supply for the computer in the central unit is missing. 5V supply voltage too low. Transmitter / receiver module defective. Check the line to the console (in case of accidental ground also replace console electronics). Check the connection to the power supply. Replace power supply module. Replace console electronics or main board respectively. Data EPROM defective. Check data EPROM. Computer module defective. Replace main board. Electromagnetic interferences (e.g. when switching contactors or valves). Eliminate interference source by inverse diodes or varistors. 29.51 ERROR CODE DISPLAY ERROR DISPLAY E 95 ERROR Error in the crane data EPROM CAUSE Data EPROM defective. Position of jumper for the selection of the type of EPROM is wrong. Electronic component on main board defective. ACTION Replace data EPROM. Check the jumper position. Replace main board and reset pressure channels. E 96 Error in the internal RAM of the CPU of the console. CPU or main board of the console defective. Replace console main board. E 97 Error in the external RAM of the CPU of the console. External RAM of the console defective. Electronic component on the main board defective. Replace console main board. E 98 Wrong jumper position in the console. Replace console main board. The jumper position BR9/BR10 in the Check the jumper position. console does not correspond to the actual type of central unit. Electronic component on the main Replace console main board. board defective. 29.52 Drawing 1 : Slip Ring Unit X2 : RED X1 : BROWN 4 3 1 2 Drawing 2 : Boom Nose Junction Box 29.53 Drawing 3 : Main Board A B C D E F G H I J K L M - 1 G1 MP42 + KGND MP 26 KGND GND MP 9 C +6V X15 GND 1 MP 4 +5V MP 8 AGND KGND +BATT C MP24 MP23 VBAT 2 +UB1 PWM DC 2 +9V GND 3 4 5 +UB1 +UB DI 6 KGND X12 6 MP40 V10 H11 V11MP41 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 DI 1 MP21 5 PFAIL+UB1 DI 1- DI 6 => X17 4 power o.k. X14 3 6 J11 X11 7 7 SP5 X13 TXD H12 AGND H10 K8 MP29 10 LEVER LOCKOUT K10 A2B +UB 2 1 MAIN ON/OFF KGND J10 3 4 9 LMI KGND 10 LOAD +5V/RS232 AGND 9 K9 F 1 H9 A2B 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 12 KGND 3 1 77 76 KGND KGND + J4 J3 J2 J1 X1 12 - 11 KGND F 2 11 X1 13 8 X16 8 KGND MP1 +UBS 36 35 34 A 33 32 31 B 30 29 28 27 26 C D 25 24 23 E 22 21 20 F 19 18 17 G 16 15 14 13 12 11 H LOCATIONS : MP 1 - zone M13 = GND. MP 25 - zone M13 = +UBS MP 8 - zone M2 = +9V MP 9 - zone M2 = +6V MP 4 - zone M1 = +5V MP 26 - zone M1 = GND. MP 23 - zone A2 = VBATT MP 24 - zone D2 = +BATT MP 40 - zone M4 = +UB MP 41 - zone M4 = POWER FAIL MP 42 - zone G1 = +5V MP 21 - zone E5 = +5V MP 29 - zone D10 = +5V H1-H6 - zone I5 = DI 1-6 29.54 I 10 9 J 8 7 6 5 K 4 3 2 L 1 MP 25 M 13 Drawing 4 : CPU and Daten EPROM boards MP7 J1 J13 J12 J2 D3 D1 MP4 D2 X1 D14 X2 D13 P1 SYSTEM D10 J8 D6 J9 MP3 J6 D17 J10 D15 D7 D21 D9 D12 J15 J11 J14 D18 J7 D11 D19 D20 X3 BR6 MP6MP5 EJECT BR5 MP2 A102 CPU J1 J2 DATA D1 J5 J3 TLK D3 J6 BR 4 3 2 1 X1 A103 DATEN 29.55 Drawing 5 : Analog Input Module + P7 MP12 1 2 40 AGND AGND - P6 MP13 J2 20 P5 16 P4 P3 MP9 J1 MP11 X16 P2 MP10 P1 1 1 2 X1 MP17 BR1 MP0 - + MP8 + + VREFA P8 + MP7 - MP1-> X17 1 2 + MP16 7 16 6 5 4 3 MP14 2 1 40 1 2 AGND BOARD P/N 9-333-103290 X1:1-7 X1:8 X1:9 X1:10 X1:11 X1:12-15 X1:16 X1:17 X1:18 X1:19 X1:20 = ADC INPUT 0.5V/4mA…2.5V/20mA offset adjust with P1-P7 = TEMP (0.5V + 10mV/oC) = VREFA = 5.000V reference = AGND (reference GND) = VREF+ = 5.0V power ADC = CH01-04, DIN 1-4 / 10 = CH05, +UBS / 10 = CH06, HESIN(A2B) *4 = CH07, +9V *4 = CH08, VREFA / 2 = 2.500V = UKLEMM, app. VREFA, limits ADC input to 5.0V 29.56 AGND Drawing 6 :Console Board MP 2 +7V MP 5 +5V MP 0 GND MP 3 -24V MP 4 -24V MP 6 MP 7 MP 1 +UB J2 J5 J1 J4 J3 X1 X5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 29.57 58 . TURN THE CENTER SCREW COUNTERCLOCKWISE TO A SOFT STOP. 29.Drawing 7 : Length / Angle Transducer PAT PAT XA2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S X2 1 X3 1 2 3 3 5 L XB2 X2 1 X4 1 2 3 3 5 A X2 X1 7 (9) 8 (10) 9333103309 ADJUST LENGTH POTENIOMETER WITH BOOM FULLY RETRACTED. TO CONSOLE CABLE ASSY. .PAIR CABLE BUS EXTENSION Drawing 9 : Central Unit Box CABLE ASSY.diode connections are made as shown to ensure proper polarity.59 CABLE ASSY. TO PRESS.Drawing 8 : Suppressor Diode COMPONENT CAUSING INTERFERENCE _ + SUPPRESSOR DIODE 29. TRANSDUCER ( PISTON ) CABLE TO AREA DEFINITION CABLE TO CRANE INTERFACE CABLE ASSY. TRANSDUCER ( ROD ) CAUTION: Make sure that + and . TO PRESS. TO BOOM IN FUSE ( 10A) OUT L/O OVERRIDE FUSE ( 4A ) NORMAL OPERATION 3 . M.I MANUAL SECTION 30 DS 350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Electrical Diagrams . – L.A.P.T. 2) NOTES: pres. 74 (LMI L/O ALARM +UB GND TXD RXD A2B A2B LOAD D1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A B C A B C V V V V V V V 1 2 3 4 V V V NO C 1 2 3 4 A BC D V V V V 1 2 3 4 V V V 73A (LMI UNLOCK SOL.9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 2 4 1 2 3 2 1 4 1 2 3 4 7 5 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 A B C A B C A B CD E F TO MAIN BOOM CONNECTOR NC crane 12 o area definition switch in ele. (piston) pres. CENTRAL UNIT 1 OUTER SHIELD GROUNDED AT STRAIN RELIEF CONNECTOR. swivel CRANE SYSTEM AREA DEF. 2 INNER SHIELD CUT AND INSULATED 3 INSULATE OUTER SHIELD AND CONNECT TO CHASIS GND. DI1 GND +UBS 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 53 54 OUT 8 23 24 25 IN 5 6 20 21 22 OUT 3 4 14 15 16 17 19 IN 1 2 51 52 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GN/YL 1 2 11 12 13 18 GND +UB GND RXD TXD A2B BYPASS A2B BYPASS LMI BYPASS +UB +UB DI 3 (+24V HOUSE PIN ENGAGED) K10 EXT. trans. SWIVEL GN/YL FUSE (10 amp) FUSE (10 amp) +UBS LMI BYPASS FUSE (4 amp) 59 60 61 62 4 3 2 1 10 AMP FUSE LMI BYPASS KEY SWITCH 7 PIN PLUG +UBE SIG+ SIGGND 744 HOUSE LOCK PIN SW.1 V V 4 5 NOT USED 4 AMP FUSE CONSOLE (1318) 1 2 3 FUSE (4 amp) NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED A2B GROUND A2B SIGNAL FORCE ANGLE GND LENGTH +UB ROD GND +UB GND PISTON 1 2 3 2 1 +UB DI4 DI2+24V=O/F .RUB.) A BCD E A BCD E V V V X7 1 2 3 4 X8 +UBE 1 GND 2 V V VV V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X1 A 5 PIN DEUTSCH 1 2 3 4 PLUG V V VV V 71K (+UB) 51AJ (GND) 10 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 V VVV V V V V V V V V V 30.S. SWITCH ELEC. HOR.C. *1) OPTIONAL FOR EXTERNAL HORN (EEC UNITS ONLY) . *1 K10 LMI UNLOCK S. (rod) LIGHTBAR DS350 GRAPHIC MODULAR B. trans. +UB GND K10 (COM) +24V X1 (See Page 36. GND 1 5 6 LWG309 (TO NOSE) 123 4 CORE SHEILD SHEILD CORE 3=RED 2=BRN 1=BLK 3 2 1 1234 12 VV A B A B V V 4. GND X3 3 + 24V SIG.2 LENGTH ANGLE TRANSDUCER TRANSDUCER 7 8 RED X2 12345678 BRN X1 X4 5 7 + 24V SIG.7K 1 2 3 .7K 4.7 PIN PLUG A RT865BXL (BCS) DS350 Graphic Modular 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cable Reel to Fly Section V V VV V V A B CD E F A B CD E F V V VV V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 3 5 30. SW. ANALOG GND. SOLENOID TELE ROD DRAIN SOLENOID TELE PROP. ) DI 1 ( +24V = TELE EXT. 9 LMI .SOCKET PLUG 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (See Page 36.4) NOTES: 1 OUTER SHIELD GROUNDED AT STRAIN RELIEF CONNECTOR. ) K6 COM ( + 24V ) K5 NC ( PROP RET ) K5 NO ( PROP EXT ) K5 COM K4 NC ( TELE OUT OF SEQUENCE ) K4 NO K4 COM K2 COM ( +24V ) K2 NO ( +24V TO IM 2-WAY SOLS. TELE EXTEND PRESSURE SW. ) K3 NC DI 7 GND DI 6 GND DI 5 GND DI 4 GND DI 3 GND DI 2 GND DI 1 GND DI 3 ( +24V = AUTO MODE ) DI 2 ( +24V = TELE RET. SOLENOID TELE EXTEND PROP. ) K7 COM ( +24V ) K6 NC K6 NO ( +24V TO CM 2-WAY SOLS.) K7 NO ( +24V TO OM 2-WAY SOLS.4) 6 7 1 1 2 2 M N P C DI 4 ( +24V = OM / FLY RET ) DI 5 ( +24V = CM RET & % RESET ) DI 6 ( +24V = IM RET ) DI 7 ( +24V = IM % RESET ) ANALOG INPUT 2 (CM LEN.) ANALOG INPUT 1 (IM LEN.TELE RETRACT PROP. PRESS. PRESS.CRANE INTERFACE 23 . SW. ) GND + 24V +24V K7 NC A 101 41 39 37 35 12 13 3 5 8 9 11 7 15 = WIRES ARE GROUPED TOGETHER 1 2 14 .SOCKET PLUG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 19 .PIN PLUG 15 16 17 18 13 10 11 12 14 3 S/S HARNESS 23 . GND 30.3 + 24V 1 11 16 1 V V V V V V V V V V VV VV VVV V V 8 V V V V V VVVVVVV V V X1 26 28 29 31 33 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 13 17 4 3 2 1 18 8 13 14 7 10 12 14 RT865BXL (BCS) BUS EXTENSION WIRING DIAGRAM 4 1 4 A B C DE FG H J GND 64 63 27 1 2 A104 X1 PV EXTENSION K L 3 5 9 10 2 B (See Page 36. 2 INNER SHIELD CUT AND INSULATED .SOCKET RECEPT 238A 1083 255A 257A 323A 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 6 TELE OUT OF SEQUENCE A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X 5 IM TELE A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X 4 CM TELE OM / FLY TELE 387A 388 239B 242B 243B 244B 71H 51AK 2 HIGH = AUTO MODE / NONE = MANUAL MODE TELE RETRACT PRESSURE SW. ) K3 COM ( +24V ) K3 NO ( +24V TELE ROD DRAIN SOL. SOCKET PLUG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 V V V V V VVVVVVV V V V V V V V VVVVVVV V V RT865BXL (BCS) 19 .B C 14 .SOCKET PLUG A B C DE FG H J A B C DE FG H J A B C DE FG H J A B C DE FG H J DS350 Graphic Modular 5 8 13 14 11 13 14 X2 135 18 19 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 86 4 11 12 9 14 12 13 14 5 10 11 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 135 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 18 19 AGND SIG.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 X2 9 10 11 12 K L M N P R S T U V K L M N P R S T U V X1 4 10 X1 6 7 12 8 9 X3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AGND SIG. -5V F 4 2 3 1 3 K L M N P K L M N P X3 1 2 SHD Cable Reels to IM & CM Section E . WHT/ BLK BRN RED ORG YEL GRN BLU VIO GRA WHT BLK BLK WHT/BLK 10 11 LENGTH LG321 (TO CM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LENGTH LG321 (TO IM) LENGTH TRANS. -5V 3 BRN RED ORG YEL GRN BLU VIO GRA WHT BLK SHD D BLK WHT/BLK GRA VIO WHT BRN GRN CRE BLK RED PNK YEL BLU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 GRA VIO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 WHT BRN GRN CRE BLK RED PNK YEL BLU 10 11 WHT/ BLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BRN RED ORG YEL GRN BLU VIO GRA WHT LENGTH TRANS. BRN RED ORG YEL GRN BLU VIO GRA WHT 30. VIO YEL PNK RED BLK GRA BLU CRE SHD E WHT BRN GRN JUNCTION BOX (CM) 1 RED 1 RED 2 BLK 1 3 BLK 4 5 GRN 1 GRN 6 WHT 1 7 WHT 8 BLU 9 BLK 10 BRN 11 WHT RED 1 = CM CYL (+) RED = CM PILOT (+) BLK 1 = OM CYL (+) BLK = OM PILOT (+) GRN 1 = CM CYL (-) GRN = CM PILOT (-) WHT 1= OM CYL (-) WHT = OM PILOT (-) TIE WRAP USED TO IDENTIFY CABLE PROXY SW 3 (TOP) (IM % RESET) BRN 1 (+) BLK 4 NO WHT 2 NC BLU 3 (-) IS PROXY SW 1 (OM/FLY RETR) BRN 1 (+) BLK WHT IS BLU 4 NO O O 2 NC O O 3 (-) 3 IS 30.5 RED YEL BLU VIO GRA BLK CRE PNK D JUNCTION BOX (IM) 1 2 3 4 SHD WHT BRN GRN 5 6 7 F RED BLK GRN WHT RED = IM CYL (+) BLK = IM PILOT (+) GRN = IM CYL (-) WHT = IM PILOT (-) PROXY SW 4 (CM RETR) BLU BLK BRN BRN BLK WHT WHT IS BLU IS 1 (+) 4 NO O O 2 NC O O 3 (-) 4 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 O O O O PROXY SW 2 (BOTTOM) (IM RETR. 2-POSITIONS) BRN 1 (+) BLK O 4 NO WHT O 2 NC BLU 3 (-) IS O BLU WHT BLU BLK BLK BRN BRN WHT JUNCTION BOX BOOM BASE RT865BXL (BCS) DS350 Graphic Modular Wiring to Proximity Switches O . A.M.T. – L.P.I MANUAL SECTION 31 DS 350 Graphic Modular (BCS) Service Bulletins & Miscellaneous Information . Also the lower two reels length signals may check okay at the reel. the processor gets confused and shows E85.3.ERROR-E80-E85-E2D E80 . 1. B. Some symptoms of water add poor assembly are that the bus extension may receive low voltage such as +2 volt input for a proximity switch . The bus extension has it’s own processor which performs calculations and transmits data to the processor in the C. Found twisted wires.when the boom is extended. The other two length signals as well as all proximity switches inputs are received by the bus extension located on the left turntable upright behind the cab. load display and thinks that the boom must be deflecting backward.U. . The error pertains to the internal calculation of radius ( not the displayed radius ). This confuses the processor when performing it’s internal calculation of radius. The system sees a .Slewing pot out of range. 3.000 lb. On other cause that was found for the E85 is a bad eprom module. There is a small serial eprom ( located in the C. E2D . E85 . The Grove part number is 9-333-103718. There are two fourteen conductor and one seven conductor cables running to the cable reels on the left side of the base boom section. In this case you must replace the eprom module. The Grove part number is 9-333-103289. 2. Negative load display due to the velocity fuse in the piston side transducer port of the lift cylinder. A.U. ) which contains some calibration factors which are used for calibration purposes. in the cab. A. Water in cannon connections located under the base boom. Found water in these connectors which caused length and percentage problems.This code has only been seen on the Modular Boom Control System.U. The board must be replaced to correct this error.This is an error in the processor board located inside the bus extension box located behind the cab (top left board ) At this time there is no troubleshooting procedure for this board. At this time you should see 0 volts and of course when any of the proximity switches see their target you should see 24 volt to the input. The displayed radius is calculated from the boom length and signals received from the upper cable reel to the C. Sometimes this serial eprom loses it’s memory and causes the E85. but through these connectors the signal changes until the signal reaches the bus extension. pinched wires and in general poor assembly from PAT. When the bus extension processor sees any voltage from these inputs when the sections are extended. T.M.I MANUAL SECTION 32 iFLEX5 SERVICE INFORMATION .A.P. – L. the operator has to answer thoroughly and correctly all questions asked during the setup procedure in accordance with the real rigging state of the crane. Refer to Section 6. Proper functioning depends upon proper daily inspection and observance of the operating instructions set forth in this manual.GENERAL INFORMATION This service manual is designed to assist a service or maintenance person in identifying system problem areas or malfunctions. NOTE: Knowledge of how to use a voltmeter to measure both voltage and current is assumed. if all adjustments have been properly set. REFERENCE: For system operation. For correct adjustment. the operator must carefully and thoroughly read and understand the information in this manual to ensure that he knows the operation and limitations of indicator and crane. along with standard maintenance and service tools. The LMI can only work correctly. The responsibility for the safe crane operation shall remain with the crane operator who shall ensure that all warnings and instructions supplied are fully understood and observed. the correct adjustment of the LMI has to be ensured before starting the crane operation. The device is not. WARNINGS The LMI is an operational aid that warns a crane operator of approaching overload conditions and over hoist conditions that could cause damage to equipment and personnel. A digital voltmeter with the capability to measure current will be required. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-1 . Pre-Operation Inspection and Calibration Verification of the operator’s manual. and shall not be. a substitute for good operator judgment. To prevent material damage and serious or even fatal accidents. experience and use of accepted safe crane operating procedures. Prior to operating the crane. refer to the consoles operator’s manual 9333103876. Boom length and boom angle are registered by the length/angle sensor. When limits are reached. The crane load is measured by pressure transducer block attached to the piston and rod side of the hoist cylinders. The real value. and anti-two block switches. which is mounted on the boom. an overload warning signal is generated at the operator’s console. which also serves as an electrical conductor for the anti two-block switches. boom weights. centers of gravity and dimensions are stored in memory chips in the central processor unit. stored in the central processor memory and evaluated in the microprocessor. telescope out and boom down. will be stopped. pressure transducers. resulting from the pressure measurement is compared with the reference data. This data is the reference information used to calculate the operating conditions. All components and sensors are equipped with CAN bus controllers. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-2 . At the same time. The PAT Load Moment Indicator system operates on the principle of reference/real comparison. The fixed data regarding the crane. length/angle sensor. such as hoist up. such as capacity charts. The boom length is measured by the cable reel cable.DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM The iFLEX5 system is a CAN bus system made up of a central microprocessor unit. mounted inside the cable reel. the aggravating crane movements. operating console. The interactive user guidance considerably simplifies the input of operating modes as well as the setting of geometry limit values. yellow. and green colors. Console: The graphic console displays all geometrical information such as length and angle of main boom. it has an alarm horn. installed at the base section of the boom. and troubleshooting sensor output screen. where applicable. CAN bus controller. and two bus connectors. (short circuit to ground) there is a 4. and a pre-warning light. A reeling drum drives a potentiometer. It measures the length and the angle of the boom. The board has a hard mounted connector for power. The graphic display allows for a simple interactive configuration setup. is a combination of two transducers in one box. The weight at the anti-two-block switch keeps the switch closed until the hook block strikes it. ground. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-3 . The Length-Angle Transducer: The length-angle sensor (LWG). disengaging a relay output to the lock out solenoid valves. bus controller. a warning light for overload. Both length and angle transducer are connected to a CAN bus controller board. as well as sensor calibration (zero adjustment). which is a two-conductor cable (screen and live). Central Unit: Inside the central unit there is a CPU and connection board. The console has a warning light for anti-two-block conditions and an override switch for overload or anti-block condition. Anti-Two-Block Switch: The anti-two-block switch monitors the load block and it’s relationship with the head of the boom. and slew indication. The board has a green LED. Part of the length transducer circuit is the length cable on the drum. It is connected to the anti-two-block switch at the boom head and to a slip ring body in the LWG. It also displays the actual load and the maximum load permitted by load chart. To check the cable for damage.DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM COMPONENTS Pressure Transducer: The pressure transducer transforms hydraulic pressure into an electric signal. When the hook block strikes the weight the circuit opens. which is the length transducer. In working condition the switch is closed. Furthermore. working radius and head height of the boom. A pressure transducer block houses two transducers.7k resistor between ground and the contact of the switch. which is connected to the bus. indicating relay energized and a communication LED that flashes through red. The angle transducer is a potentiometer driven by a weighted pendulum that is oil damped. One pressure transducer is connected to the piston side of the lift cylinder and the other to the rod side. to give a signal back to the central unit. often referred to as the “cable reel”. or the console itself. and all the sensor inputs. THE DISPLAYED SLEWING DOES NOT MATCH THE ACTUAL SLEWING ANGLE Refer to section Slewing Sensing to check the slew sensor. THE CONSOLE DISPLAY IS BLANK If the console does not show any sign at all (no lights. no buzzer. let us try to guide you quickly to solving the problem. THE DISPLAYED LENGTH DOES NOT MATCH THE ACTUAL BOOM LENGTH Start in section Length Sensing to check the indicated length. THE DISPLAYED LOAD DOES NOT MATCH THE ACTUAL LOAD Please note that the indicated load is calculated by the system from the geometry information in the computer. I HAVE AN A2B PROBLEM Please go to sectionA2B PROBLEM I HAVE A CAN-BUS PROBLEM Please go to section CAN-Bus Communication ! I NEED TO IDENTIFY A SPARE PART Please go to the Spare Part Listings ! I HAVE NOTICED WATER IN SOME PART OF THE SYSTEM Please go to section Troubleshooting Moisture ! Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-4 . the problem is either in the wiring between console and central unit. the operator’s selections.WHAT’S WRONG? So. it can therefore be due to an error in any or several of these inputs! Refer to section Load sensing to narrow down the source of your problem. no display). If the load display is off. Refer to section No console display for further troubleshooting. In most cases. what’s wrong? Assuming you are reading these pages because of some kind of problem with the PAT system. your problem will fall under the following categories: I HAVE AN ERROR CODE INDICATED ON THE CONSOLE Please go to section Error Codes! THE DISPLAYED ANGLE DOES NOT MATCH THE ACTUAL BOOM ANGLE Start in section Angle Sensing to check the indicated angle. ANGLE SENSING The System measures the angle of the main boom of the machine with an angle sensor. The CAN-Bus is digital and as such will either transmit the signal correctly or not at all. located on the left side of the main boom. both located in the cable reel. Refer to the section “Troubleshooting A Sensor Problem Using The Display” to call up the sensor signal on your console display. So. you have to determine what is causing the problem. what do you do when you are having a problem with your angle read-out? Start by verifying the angle display. Block Diagram Angle Sensor CAN-Bus Converter iFLEX5 CU Pressure Transducer Cable Reel The signal runs from the angle sensor to the Can-Bus converter board. Start by opening the cable reel and locate the angle sensor (right) and the CAN-Bus converter board (left): Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-5 . From there. The angle sensor is contained within the cable reel. which acts as a T-connector to the main CAN-Bus running to the central unit. If your readings are off. it travels as digital information on the CAN-Bus to the pressure transducer. If unplugging the angle sensor made the voltage return into the acceptable range.75 to 5. If the voltage is outside of a range of 4.25V.X14 (A2B) X20 (length) X21 (angle) LED X1 (CAN) CAN-Bus electronics in cable reel. exchange angle sensor. The angle sensor has a potentiometer built in that is driven by a pendulum. The angle sensor is connected as follows: Terminal X21 1 GND 2 Signal 3 +5V Verify that the sensor is being supplied with 5V by measuring between pin 1 (GND) and Pin 3 (+) of terminal X21. If the voltage is still off. so will the pendulum and with it the potentiometer’s axle. The converter board supplies a constant voltage of 5V to the angle sensor and in return monitors the voltage of the potentiometer. exchange converter board. the converter board might be defective. As the angle changes. Unplug angle sensor and measure again. If the voltage is correct continue: Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-6 . The terminal used is X21. but the system is displaying the wrong angle.708 15 2.125 Note: Actual voltages will vary slightly. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-7 .875V at 90 degrees and 3. do so by using the following formula: Angle (degrees) = 90 degrees – ((Voltage-1.917 0 3.292 45 2. it is most likely that the converter board is defective and it needs to be exchanged. If you can rule out software and operator error. but the indicated angle varies significantly (more than 0. the angle sensor is fine and the error is somewhere else. Otherwise.875 75 2.125V at 0 degrees: Angle Sensor Signal on Pin 2 Angle Voltage 90 1. If you need to determine the angle for voltages other than the above. you have verified that the angle sensor is giving you the right output to match your actual angle.The angle sensor returns a voltage between 1. Measure this voltage between Pin 1 (GND) and Pin 2 of Terminal X21.4 degrees).083 60 2. If this angle varies significantly from your actual angle.875) * 72) If this angle matches your actual angle. continue: At this point. the angle sensor is bad and needs to be exchanged.500 30 2. the cable reel has 5-8 turns of preloading on the reel. both located in the cable reel. From there. The CAN-Bus is digital and as such will either transmit the signal correctly or not at all. Opening the cable reel and locate the length sensor (right) and the CAN-Bus converter board (left): Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-8 . Block Diagram Length Sensor CAN-Bus Converter iFLEX5 CU The signal runs Pressure Transducer from the length sensor Cable Reel to the CAN-Bus converter board.LENGTH SENSING The system measures the length of the main boom of the machine with a length sensor. what do you do when you are having a problem with your length read-out? Start by verifying the length display. Refer to the section “Troubleshooting A Sensor Problem Using The Display” to call up the sensor signal on your console display. which acts as a T-connector to the main CAN-Bus running to the central unit. The length sensor is contained within the cable reel. you have to determine what is causing the problem. located on the left side of the main boom. So. Start by checking the length cable tension. it travels as digital information on the CAN-Bus to the pressure transducer. If your readings are off. Fully retract the boom and turn the screw of the length potentiometer with a small screwdriver counter clockwise to a soft stop. That should bring the sensor voltage to 0V (+/. Potentiometer Gear wheel with slip clutch Go back to your indication screen and compare length indicated and actual again.1Volt). X14 (A2B) X20 (length) X21 LED X1 (CAN) CAN-Bus electronics in cable reel. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-9 . Note. the length sensor might be bad and needs to be exchanged. If the indicated length varies significantly from your actual length (more than 0.3 feet).0. that the error could also be in the software or in the converter board. however. Measure voltage between Pin 5 (-) and Pin 3 of Terminal X20 and compare. the boom length.8V) 3 Signal 5 . As the length changes. wiring.97 3.62 1.56 2.22 10 4.7V by measuring between pin 5 (-) and Pin 1 (+) of terminal X20. How many turns you get at full extension depends on the gear ratio.93 3 1.91 4. the length sensors are the same as described above with the exception of cable reel internals (location of hardware. The terminal used is X20.38 4. If unplugging the length sensor made the voltage return into the acceptable range. The length sensor is connected as follows: Terminal X20 1 + (~ 4. the length cable used and the spooling pattern.16V at 0 turns of the length pot (= fully retracted) and 4.75 9 4.44 3.09 1. Refer to the LWG520 and LG152 spare part list for these differences.50 2. the converter board might be defective.2V) Verify that the sensor is being supplied with about 4. The converter board supplies a voltage of about 4.7V to the length potentiometer and in return monitors the output voltage of the potentiometer. though: Length Sensor Signal on Pin 3 Turns Voltage X20-5 to X20-3 0 0.40 4 1.84V at 10 turns.84 Note: Actual voltages will vary slightly. If the voltage is outside of a range of 4.34 6 2. exchange converter board.03 2. however is the following table that shows the expected output voltage (measured between X20-5 and X20-3 Signal) for each complete turn of the length potentiometer. If the voltage is correct continue: The length sensor returns a voltage between 0. the cable drum will turn and with it the potentiometer’s axle.68 Voltage GND to X20-3 0. If the voltage is still off.00 1 0.28 8 3.46 2 0.(~ 0.81 7 3.5 to 5 V. Note that this does not sync to the number of turns of the cable reel. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-10 . Unplug length sensor and measure again. What we can give you for trouble-shooting. exchange length sensor. so we cannot provide a standard table for it.87 5 2.16 0. For the boom control system.The length sensor has a potentiometer built in that is driven by a gear drive from the cable drum. and gear wheels). chances are the pressure transducer is defective. If your readings are off. The CAN-Bus is digital and as such will either transmit the signal correctly or not at all. see section Service Screen For Sensor Calibration. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-11 . Replace. Small variations could be adjusted. see procedure Zero-Setting The Transducer Inputs. Both sensors are contained within one box that also contains the electronics needed for amplification and creation of the CAN-Bus signal. The easiest spot to check the signal at is when there is no pressure applied to the sensor at all.PRESSURE SENSING The System measures the pressure of the boom lift cylinder for both rod. So. Note: After exchanging the pressure transducer block. The only time this is for certain is when your pressure lines are drained and disconnected. what do you do when you are having a problem with your length read-out? Start by checking the pressure display. the readout should show about 500mV (+/.25mV) and 0 PSI. Refer to the section “Troubleshooting A Sensor Problem Using The Display” to call up the sensor signal on your console display. BOTH transducer channels need to be zeroed.and piston-side. Block Diagram: (2) PressureMeasuring Cells Pressure Transducer CAN-Bus Converter iFLEX5 CU The signal runs from the pressure transducer as digital information on the CAN-Bus to the central unit. In that case. The table to the right show measured millivolt reading for the slew potentiotmeter.1 -90 -60. so will the axle and with it the potentiometer’s outputs.8 SLEWING SENSING The system measures the slewing (rotational position) of the crane’s upper with a slewing sensor. As the slewing angle changes.Voltage on Service Screen 4000 MILLIVOLTS 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 Potentiometer 1 1000 Potentiometer 2 500 0 0 Display screen 0 for sensor inputs Americas Training Grove 45 45 90 90 135 135 180 225 180 -135 SLEW ANGLE iFLEX 5 270 -90 315 -45 360 0 32-12 .1 180 -150.1 -120. Use the display screen by pressing ‘i’ (info) twice to show all sensor inputs.1 150. The slewing sensor is contained within the slip ring assembly. Block Diagram Slew Potentiomet er with (2) outputs Current Converter iFLEX5 CU Slip Ring Assembly The slew potentiometer has two potentiometers built in that are driven by the slip ring axle.9 120.3 60 89.1 -30 0 SL ANG 1 (mv) 717 1174 1680 2158 2641 3144 3595 3144 2642 2160 1681 1172 718 SL ANG 2 (mv) 2161 2645 3150 3595 3141 2639 2161 1681 1180 718 1168 1680 2161 Modular Slew Pot . ANGLE (deg) 0 30. and no system errors are present. you should see about 4mA in one channel (wire #2) and 12mA in the other channel (wire #3)).5Volt range. The potentiometer and the board output two signals between 4 and 20mA that go to the central unit. etc. 9 LOAD SENSING Please note that the load displayed by the LMI is not a direct measurement. The slew unit’s output can be found on pins 8 and 9. but a calculated value that is based on a lot of factors. you have to disconnect a pin and measure in line with it (measuring meter in between the cable from the slew unit and the central unit).The converter board is supplied with 12V from the central unit. In that case. In that case. In order to measure the current. Outside of the measured values (sensors). You can measure them at the 12-pin crane interface connector. you can also leave the wires connected and use your meter in Voltage-mode to measure the output signals.Output Currents mA 2 mA 3 24 20 mA 16 12 8 4 0 0 90 180 270 360 Degrees (when the crane is over front. Pin 7 must carry crane voltage and pin 2 is GND.1 to 5. Tip height (length of load line used) Boom weights Boom attachments such as Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-13 . the problem may be a mechanical. Alternatively. refer to the following chart: If the voltage or currents do not fall in line with the charts and tables shown here. those include: • • • • • • • Operator settings such as: o Operating mode/configuration o Parts of Line/Reeving Rigging parts such as: Hookblock weight Sling weights. Start by making sure that the slew pot unit is supplied with crane voltage. you will see the 4…20mA signal range as a 1. The two outputs will vary as shown in this chart: Modular Slew Pot . Open the slip ring unit and find out if the slew potentiometer is set correctly. however. most likely the connection board is defective and needs to be replaced. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-14 . make sure all connectors are correctly in place: Connection board Computer board Pins X6 X1 4 X10 X22 6 X7 X2 10 Especially verify that the X10-X22 connection is right. If you have no power. Next. If you have no power there. If both fuses are fine. etc. check for power on connector X6 on the connection board (Pin 1 = +Ub. Pin 1 is +Ub (12V). Pin 1 = +Ub and Pin 2 = GND. Otherwise. check fuse F1 again. connector X1. Start with the following: Next. This LED is located in the center of the computer board and is normally blinking when the console is communicating. the connecting cable must be defective or loose. open console: Check fuses in console: one (F6) is located the connection board (mounted to the inside of the housing) which protects the override key switch function and the bargraph. check if power is being supplied by the central unit. If you still have power there.NO CONSOLE DISPLAY If the console is not showing any lights. If you have power on this connector. Pin 2 = GND). since it could be plugged into X17 by mistake Check TxD LED is on. backlighting. check wiring harness and central unit. If you find voltage on all pins outlined and all connectors are in place. either the software is defective or the console electronic needs to be replaced. it is most likely missing power. The main fuse (F1) is located on the console processor board. follow it to the console computer board. Again. Pin 2 is GND. If you have no power there (but you had power on the external connector). such as warning lights. but you still do not get any light to come up (during power-up especially!). Measure on the green connector. If two (2) hoists are in use. Switch open => 1 Megaohm. Plug the bypass plug into the boom nose box and refer to system wiring to check wire connections in boom nose box.A2B PROBLEM First. Lower the hook block and/or headache ball to correct two-block condition. and/or central unit. Check for damaged length cable and wiring. cable reel length/angle board. Switch open => 1 Megaohm (weight removed) Ohmmeter reading are correct? YES. Ensure the bypass plug is plugged into the boom nose box. perform the following operations: Are the control levers locked out and is the crane in an anti-two block condition? YES. Ohmmeter readings are correct? NO. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-15 . refer to system wiring. If broken length cable. and measure the resistance at the boom nose box between terminals 1 and 3 with an ohmmeter. Replace slip ring Problem with wiring harness. if not plug appropriate bypass plug into socket of junction box. both hooks must be lowered. Measure the A2B signal in the cable reel between X1:Brown and X2:Red wires on the slip ring with an ohmmeter. Ohmmeter readings are correct? NO. Is the Bypass plug installed and the anti-two block warning light on? Turn power off. replace Anti-Two-Block switch. Switch closed =4700 ±500Ohms. Is the anti-two block warning light on? Check Bypass plug installed. Switch open => 1 Megaohm. Measure the A2B signal in the cable reel between terminal 7 and 8 with an ohmmeter. remove the bypass plug. Switch closed =4700 ±500Ohms. This checks the function of the Anti-Two Block switch. Switch closed = 0Ohms (weight installed). If wiring is correct. it is not possible to measure the signals on the bus with a multimeter. If it sees only the pressure transducer. the LMI provides you with error codes that give you an indication of the bus state. it will report an E64 (cable reel missing). 5 contacts Pin Layout (CiA DR-303-1 7. If it sees only the cable reel. check all pins for continuity. The error codes are one of the following: E61 E62 E63 E64 E65 Error in the CAN bus data transfer for all CAN units Error in the can bus data transfer of the pressure transducer sensor unit Error in the can bus pressure transducer sensor unit Error in the can bus data transfer of the length/angle sensor unit Error in the can bus length/angle sensor unit Block Diagram E65 CAN-Bus Converter E64 E61 iFLEX5 CU E62 Pressure Transducer Cable Reel E63 The block diagram tries to clarify that: If the CU does not see any CAN-Bus component. E65 means that the cable reel unit is available. If you see voltage. start by checking your cabling. the angle of the main boom. but is reporting an internal error. E63 means that the pressure transducer is available. the CU is reporting that neither cable reel nor pressure transducers are present. but is reporting an internal error. Instead. what do you do when you are having a problem with one of those codes? E61 In case of an E61. You can verify that power is being supplied to the sensor by testing the CAN connectors per this layout: Connector M12. Since this is a digital bus connection. it will report an E62 (pressure transducer missing).CAN-BUS COMMUNICATION The System measures the length of the main boom. Remember.2) Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Shield + Ub Ground CAN High CAN Low Measure between pins 3 and 2 for crane voltage. So. and the A2B state of the machine via a CAN-Bus connection. it will report an E61. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-16 . the pressures of the lift cylinder. E64 In case of an E64. Start by checking your cabling between CU and pressure transducer. the pressure transducer is reporting an internal problem. but need to replace the pressure transducer. E63 In case of an E63. You cannot troubleshoot any further. even though it is not very likely that there is a problem with it since the same cable carries also the signals from the cable reel and those appear to be fine. most likely power is missing.E62 In case of an E62 the CU is reporting no signal from the pressure transducer. You can verify that power is being supplied to the sensor by testing the CAN connectors per the above pin layout. If it is not. Verify by measurement on connector X1: Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-17 . the CU is reporting no signal from the cable reel unit. Start by checking your cabling between pressure transducer and cable reel. If you are sure that the sensor is being supplied. You can verify that power is being supplied to the sensor by testing the CAN connectors per the above pin layout or by opening up the cable reel (remove the lid) and making sure the red LED on the board is blinking. you have to replace the pressure transducer. X14 (A2B) X20 X21 LE X1 (CAN) CAN-Bus electronics in cable reel. X1 Pin CAN 1 CAN_SHLD1 2 CAN +UB 3 CAN GND 4 CAN_H 5 CAN_L Measure between pins 3 (GND) and 2 (+). the board in the cable reel might be defective (see also chapter Angle Sensing). The lower the numerical value of the identifier. Also. Data can be transmitted in blocks from 0-8 bytes at a maximum transfer rate of 1 Mbit/s for networks up to 40 mtrs. The unique identifier also determines the priority of the message. CAN will operate in extremely harsh environments and the extensive error checking mechanisms ensure that any transmission errors are detected. but the cable reel is not – so we most likely have a defective connection between those two components. In most cases. If this is tested to not be the case (missing connections. it will be processed. If the message is relevant. check all pins of the CAN bus cable for continuity and cross-check for short circuits. the higher the priority. Its intended use is as a serial bus system for a network of controllers. All nodes are connected to a common bus and all nodes are able to simultaneously read the data on that bus. length potentiometer or A2B wiring. The cable bus is a twisted pair of shielded wire. Next. E65 In case of an E65. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF A CAN BUS SYSTEM CAN stands for “Controller Area Network”. Each controller connected through a CAN chip is called a "node" and is mostly used to acquire data from a sensor. all nodes are able to transmit data on that bus however only one node at a given time has write access to the bus. the cable reel is reporting an internal problem. this will be an angle sensor. E-64 means that the pressure transducer is working fine. Length Sensing. short circuits – measure with Ohm-meter). A2B PROBLEM) to continue trouble shooting. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 32-18 . Go to those chapters (Angle Sensing. otherwise it is ignored. For longer network distances the maximum transfer rate must be reduced to 50 Kbit/s for a 1 km network distance. – L.M.A.P.T.I MANUAL SECTION 33 TROUBLESHOOTING a SENSOR PROBLEM USING the DISPLAY . compare the indicated physical value of the sensor on the display screen with the real value. the iFLEX5 system has “sensor output screen” built in to make trouble-shooting easier. For each sensor.e. Press “INFO” To review software version information 10 The values shown in the screen here are just examples of actual values. angle sensors and slew sensors in degrees and length sensors in feet (or meter for metric charts). etc. The screen will show all sensor inputs as in the example below. To EXIT the sensor output screen. This is the right place to start if you are suspecting a problem with a sensor (and you don’t have an error code displayed). to review software version information. Pressure sensors are shown with physical values of [bar]. along with the physical sensor value that that voltage refers to. the console software version is shown. i. press the “INFO” button once from the software version screen to return to the operating screen 10 . To access the sensor output screen. If you suspect a sensor error or problem with a sensor. press the “INFO” button once 10 . an equivalent voltage is shown in millivolts. length. press the “INFO” button twice 10 10 . At the bottom of the screen.Troubleshooting A Sensor Problem Using The Display TROUBLESHOOTING A SENSOR PROBLEM USING THE DISPLAY To determine whether there is a problem with a sensor. Refer to the table listed below for actual value ranges. angle. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-1 . If the displayed length is incorrect. 500mV @ 0 PSI.5 45 22. please go to section Pressure Sensing Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-2 . 2500mV at 45°. please go to section Length Sensing If the displayed pressures are incorrect. you will not be able to actually measure them anywhere on the electronics! Typical values to be expected are: • • • Pressure transducers (piston and rod). please go to section Angle Sensing. 4500mV @ maximum PSI Length sensor.10mV Pressure Transducers 300 bar.5 0 boom horizontal feet 0 fully retracted boom vertical If the displayed value does differ from the actual value. please refer to the following sections to find the cause of the problem: If the displayed angle is incorrect. 500mV @ retracted boom length.The voltages given are internal calculation values only. Voltage Values Value displayed Value displayed [mV] +/. or 500mV at 90° Please refer to table below for more values. voltage extended depends on the various boom lengths. type 314 500 1500 2500 3500 4500 Angle Sensor 500 1500 2500 3500 4500 Length Sensor 500 1500 2500 3500 4500 PSI 0 1088 2176 3263 4351 Bar 0 75 150 225 300 degrees 90 67. Angle sensor. 4500mV at 0°. 00 20.00 Sig 2 (mA) ±0.00 If the displayed angle is incorrect.00 16.03mA 0° 4.00 -90° 12.00 -135° 16.00 8.00 4.00 45° 8.00 8.03mA 12.00 180° 20.00 16.00 12.00 -45° 8. please go to section Slewing Sensing Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-3 .00 90° 12.Troubleshooting A Sensor Problem Using The Display SLEW POT SIGNALS: Sig 1 (mA) Reference Angle ±0.00 135° 16. DRAWINGS COMPONENTS OF THE LMI SYSTEM PAT IFLEX5 PAT POWER LOCKOUT OTHER 1 Central-Micro-Processor Unit 2 Operating Console 3 Pressure Transducers 4 Length/Angle Sensor 5 Anti Two-Block Switch(es) Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-4 . 20mA CAN-connector Slew Sensor CAN-connector CAN-connector Dual Pressure Americas Training Grove Length/Angle Sensor iFLEX 5 A2B 33-5 .BLOCK DIAGRAM 70 pin Connector RS 485 Serial Interface Crane Power Graphic Console iflex5 Central Unit Lockout CANBUS Current 4.. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DIAGRAM STANDARD SYSTEM Central Unit to Crane and Console Wiring Diagram Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-6 . Cable Reel (length/angle sensor) Wiring Diagram Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-7 . Boom Extension Anti-two Block Wiring Diagram MAIN CENTRAL UNIT CONNECTOR This is a 70 pass connector. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-8 . ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DIAGRAM BOOM CONTROL SYSTEM 1-1 Central Unit to Crane Interface Wiring Diagram Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-9 . Console and Sensor Wiring Diagram TO LWG520/0002 REFER TO CABLE REEL (LWG520/0002) WIRING DIAGRAM BOOM BASE CONNECTION TO LG152/0056 REFER TO CABLE REEL (LG152/0056) WIRING DIAGRAM Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-10 . Cable Reel (LG152/0056) Wiring Diagram TO LWG520/0002 REFER TO CABLE REEL LWG520/0002 WIRING DIAGRAM Americas Training Grove TO BOOM BASE CONNECTOR REFER TO CONSOLE AND SENSOR WIRING DIAGRAM iFLEX 5 33-11 . Cable Reel (LWG520/0002) Wiring Diagram LUFFING JIB CONNECTION REFER TO LUFFING EXTENSION WIRING DIAGRAM TO PRESSURE TRANSDUCER BLOCK REFER TO CONSOLE AND SENSOR WIRING DIAGRAM TO LG152/0056 REFER TO CABLE REEL (LG152/0056) WIRING DIAGRAM Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-12 . Luffer Extension Wiring Diagram BOOM TIP CONNECTION TO LWG520/0002 REFER TO CABLE REEL (LWG520/0002) WIRING DIAGRAM Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-13 . GROUNDING KIT 1 BATTERY.SPARE PART LISTINGS CENTRAL UNIT. PART NO. 1 9333103890 2 9333103891 3 9333102541 4* 9333103908 5* 9333101978 6* 9333103058 7 9333101591 * ITEM NOT SHOWN QTY DESCRIPTION 1 CENTRAL UNIT ACCY. IFLEX5 PART NO. 9333103866 NO. LITHIUM 3V 1 KEY SWITCH 1 CENTRAL UNIT COVER iFLEX 1 SCREW SET 1 SPARE KEY 42” GASKET 7 2 1 3 Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-14 . 9333101691 9333103895 9333103892 1 1 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9333103893 9333103894 9333103899 9333103900 9333103901 9333103902 9333103903 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 QTY DESCRIPTION SPARE KEY. WITH CABLE FRONTFACE WITH DISPLAY. VERTICAL PART NO. LMI/A2B ALARM LITE 8 LED BOARD.2 8 10 2 Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-15 . 9333103868 NO. 2 AMP AUTO CABLE. LED’S BY SELECTION BUTTONS 4 9 3 3 5 6 7 1.X11 CABLE. GRAPHIC CONSOLE KEYSWITCH. 6 POL COMPUTER BRD X10 TO CONN BRD X23 5 LED BOARD. 1 2 3 PART NO.Spare Part Listings GRAPHIC CONSOLE ASSY. AND LED BOARDS CONNECTION BOARD WITH BUZZER FUSE. COMPUTER BOARDS. 4 POL COMPUTER BRD X1 TO CONN BRD X6. 10 POL COMPUTER BRD X2 TO CONN BRD X7 CABLE. PART NO. 5 POLE W/WIRES 10* 9333103907 1 LID. QTY DESCRIPTION 1 NSS 1 CABLE REEL ACCY. WG143/09 6 9333103904 1 SLIP RING ASSEMBLY 2 CONDUCTOR 7* 9333103905 1 25T GEAR WHEEL 8 9333101625 1 75T GEAR WHEEL 9* 9333103906 1 CONNECTOR. LWG508 PART NO.CABLE REEL. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-16 . BLACK 11* 9333101565 1 CABLE REEL ACCY. LENGTH AND ANGLE OUTPUT 4 9333103897 1 LENGTH POTENTIOMETER LWG508 5 9333103898 1 ANGLE SENSOR. SCREW/CAPTIVE * ITEM NOT SHOWN 3 2 4 5 8 1 7 9 6 Also see detail on next page. 9333103873 NO. GASKET FOR COVER 12* 9333101566 10 CABLE REEL ACCY. LWG508 DRUM BODY W/LENGTH CABLE 2 9333102986 139’ LENGTH SENSOR CABLE 3 9333103896 1 BOARD. Spare Part Listings 8 4 3 5 6 Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-17 . BLACK 12* 9333101565 1 CABLE REEL ACCY. PART NO. 9333103962 NO. FILTER 5 9333103897 1 LENGTH POTENTIOMETER LWG 6 9333103898 1 ANGLE SENSOR. GASKET FOR COVER 13* 9333101566 10 CABLE REEL ACCY. 5 POLE W/WIRES 11* 9333103907 1 LID. 2 LENGTH AND ANGLE OUTPUT 4 9333103967 1 BOARD. WG143/09 7 9333102737 1 SLIP RING ASSEMBLY 11 CONDUCTOR 8* 9333103905 1 25T GEAR WHEEL 9 9333101780 1 90T GEAR WHEEL 10* 9333103906 1 CONNECTOR. LWG520 PART NO. QTY DESCRIPTION 1 NSS 1 CABLE REEL ACCY. SCREW/CAPTIVE * ITEM NOT SHOWN 2 4 6 3 9 7 5 10 1 Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-18 .CABLE REEL. LWG520 DRUM BODY W/LENGTH CABLE 2* 9333103773 176’ LENGTH SENSOR CABLE 11 CORE 3* 9333103966 1 BOARD. QTY DESCRIPTION 1 NSS 1 CABLE REEL ACCY. LWG152 PART NO. LG152 DRUM BODY W/LENGTH CABLE 2* 9333103775 87’ LENGTH SENSOR CABLE 3 CORE 3 9333101557 1 TERMINAL STRIP 4* 9333103967 1 BOARD. NUTS (4) & WASHER (4) FOR KT152 COVER 13 9333103968 1 CABLE ASSEMBLY. 2. PART NO.Spare Part Listings CABLE REEL. COVER KT152 12* 9333101964 1 SENSOR ACCY.5m * ITEM NOT SHOWN 1 9 6 8 13 7 5 3 2 Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-19 . FILTER 5 9333103897 1 LENGTH POTENTIOMETER LWG 6 9333103756 1 SLIP RING ASSEMBLY 4 CONDUCTOR 7 9333103758 1 55T GEAR WHEEL ON POTENTIOMETER 8 9333103757 1 45T GEAR WHEEL ON CENTER SHAFT 9 9333102902 4 HARDWARE. GASKET 11* 9333103762 1 SENSOR ACCY. 9333103963 NO. STANDOFF 6MM X 117MM MM 10* 9333101965 1 HARDWARE. PART NO.PRESSURE TRANSDUCER BLOCK. 9333103870 CABLE ASSEMBLY 11M. PART NO. 9333103869 Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-20 . DAV314/0014 PART NO. 9333103872 WIRING HARNESS STANDARD. Optional radio wind speed receiver CABLE ASSEMBLY. Console 2. PART NO. CAN bus cable 6. LG152 cable reel 5.Spare Part Listings WIRING HARNESS BOOM CONTROL. 14M PART NO. Crane interface 24 conductors 4. Crane interface 7 conductors 3. 9333103911 6 Cables for: 1. 9333103916 Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 33-21 . – L.I MANUAL SECTION 34 SERVICE SCREEN for SENSOR CALIBRATION .T.M.A.P. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 34-1 . 10 11 Now press the CTRL key. Only authorized personnel may adjust the zero-point settings. Use the enter key to confirm entry. . Use the “>” key to switch between digits. At this point. press the INFO key on the console to activate the INFO Function.SERVICE SCREEN FOR SENSOR CALIBRATION ACTIVATING THE SERVICE SCREEN FOR SENSOR CALIBRATION To activate the service screen and sensor calibration function. use the “+” and “-“ keys to increase and decrease each digit. a five digit Authorization Number must be entered. having successfully entered a valid password. The ESC key will allow you to leave the sensor calibration function. The ESC key will allow you to leave the sensor calibration function. When the sensor calibration is finished. the rod-side zero setting. The return key toggles between the piston-side. pressing the ESC or INFO key returns the console display to normal. the rod-side zero setting. This is the rod pressure adjustment screen. and angle calibration. the piston-side zero-point setting function is activated. and angle calibration. The return key toggles between the piston-side.Service Screen For Sensor Calibration Now. and length. The return key toggles between the piston-side. and length. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 34-2 . the rod-side zero setting. and length. and angle calibration. By pressing the + key. CAUTION: Ensure there is no pressure in the hydraulic line when disconnecting the hoses from pressure transducers. the zero setting occurs automatically. which is the voltage the transducer outputs when there is no (zero) pressure sensed. the input value is adjusted downwards. The display shows which transducer (pistonside. rod-side or force) is being zeroed and a horizontal dial marks the present pressure (or force) difference in %. and by pressing the minus (-)key. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 34-3 .ZERO-SETTING THE TRANSDUCER INPUTS NOTE: The only thing adjustable for the pressure transducers is the zero point. the input pressure (or force) is adjusted upwards. When the plus (+) and minus (-) keys are pressed simultaneously. Manual adjustments may be preformed using + or -. Perform the following steps: Fully retract the main boom and check if indicated length is within 0.1’ of actual retracted boom length.1 feet (or 0. This means.3. The length should be calibrated to be about 0. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 34-4 .05m for metric) accurate for retracted and extended lengths. for the correct voltage for retracted boom and for the extended boom. adjust length potentiometer as described in 6. With retracted boom. the adjustment is done by software as described in 6 section Length Sensor Adjustment Procedure.Service Screen For Sensor Calibration LENGTH SENSOR CALIBRATION PROCEDURE NOTE: The length sensor can be calibrated for its zero point and its full range.1. Afterwards always adjust retracted length by software as described in section Length Sensor Adjustment Procedure. For extended boom. the potentiometer of the length sensor has to be at its 0 position. which is all the way counter-clockwise. Cable Reel LWG508 Adjustment Procedure Now perform Length Sensor Adjustment Procedure as detailed in section Length Sensor Adjustment Procedure. If it is not. The indication will change to show your correct retracted boom length. press the ‘OK’ button to calibrate retracted length. The screen will change now and show the picture to the right. Fully retract the main boom and verify the indicated boom length matches the retracted boom length of your crane.Length Sensor Adjustment Procedure See section Activating the Service Screen for Sensor Calibration on how to access the length sensor calibration screen.) Now. Now extend main boom all the way out. make sure you have adjusted the length pot in cable reel (see section Cable Reel LWG508 Adjustment Procedure. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 34-5 . If incorrect. Select the length calibration by pressing “OK” at the “Calibrate Length” screen. Make sure you are within the allowed operating range (especially maximum radius). Service Screen For Sensor Calibration Cable Reel Length Cable Replacement Procedure Replace length cable using the following procedure: Refer to system electrical wiring diagram and cable reel . Remove damaged length cable. 11. 6. Reset length potentiometer in length angle transducer (screw is located in center of white gear). 8. from slip ring terminal. Run the new length cable through the cable guides and wrap the length cable around the boom tip anchor pin (4 or 5 wraps) and secure with tie wraps. list 1. 10. 3. Pull existing length cable out of the cable reel. 9. Disconnect damaged length cable from junction box at the boom nose. Turn reeling drum clockwise to spool the new cable neatly onto the drum. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 34-6 . Cut old cable at cable drum. Tighten new strain relief to ensure sealing. with boom fully retracted. 7. turn potentiometer carefully counter-clockwise until it stops. Recheck length and angle display. Pull new length cable through the hole. On the backside of the cable reel. Reconnect the length cable to the slip ring. 16. Open cable reel cover and disconnect bus connector. 15. Set pre-load on cable reel by turning the drum counter-clockwise 5 to 8 turns. 14. 2. 13. Remove cable reel from mounting brackets. which is mounted to the slip rings in the cable reel. open the strain relief attached to the axle in the center of the drum. Remount cable reel to the boom. Connect bus connector Follow Length Sensor Adjustment Procedure. 5. Refer to section Cable Reel LWG508 Adjustment Procedure. 4. Connect the length cable into the boom tip junction box. Leave enough length cable to connect into the boom tip junction box. pipe and strain relief and push it through the axle of the reeling drum. mechanically adjust the angle sensor. The angle should be set to be +/-0. Using the calibrated inclinometer placed flat on the main boom. With fully retracted main boom.ANGLE SENSOR CALIBRATION PROCEDURE Material required – calibrated inclinometer. verify that the indicated boom angle matches the measured boom angle within +/. Press “OK” when the sensor is mechanically set.0. boom down to a flat angle close to zero degrees. If not. Select the angle calibration by pressing “OK” at the calibrate angle screen. making sure you stay within the allowed operating range.2 degrees. See section Activating the Service Screen for Sensor Calibration on how to access the angle sensor calibration screen. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 34-7 .1 of the measured angle. Press ESC to leave service screen. If the indicated angle is within +/. compare the measured angle to the displayed angle. 45 degrees (range is 40°.Service Screen For Sensor Calibration Boom up to the next correction angle. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 34-8 . the screen will add the ‘CHANGE’. Otherwise.65°). the screen is going to change to the angle adjustment screen. When the boom angle is within the calibration range.50°). Use the ‘+’ and ‘-”buttons to adjust the indicated angle to match the measured angle. Repeat the above procedure to verify/set the angle at 60° (range 55°.0. Measure the boom angle with the inclinometer and when the boom is positioned in the calibration range. Once you push ‘SET’ . press ‘OK’. boom angles.1 degrees of the measured angle. select “SET” to adjust the angle.75°). and 70° (range 65°. confirm with “OK”. ‘SET” and ‘OK’ text as shown on the left. When the display shows the correct angle. a horizontal mark shows the current position of the slew pot wiper. which is complete when the boom is at the 0° position over the front of the crane. To define the zero-point or the slew potentiometer the super structure must be positioned so the boom is in the zero degree position over the front and the house lock pin engaged.ZERO-SETTING THE SLEW POTENTIOMETER NOTE: The only thing adjustable for the slew potentiometer is the zero point. pressing the ESC key returns the console display to normal. The display shows a scale from –10 to +10 degree. the zero setting occurs automatically. When the operator is finished. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 34-9 . Note: The indicator line will move to zero on the bar graph. By pressing the “+” and “-“ keys simultaneously. Defining the crane zero position: The zero setting consists of defining zero-point offset. Using graphic console for zero-setting of slew pot potentiometer: Press return until the slew adjustment screen is displayed. P.T.M.A. – L.I MANUAL SECTION 35 Boom Control . Retract pressure switch. Cable reel to measure inner-mid length. located on the superstructure. located on superstructure. DI1 17=0 is manual mode.IFLEX5 BOOM CONTROL SYSTEM (BCS) RT9000E / RT800E BAS ICS Terminology: BCS IM CM OM/Fly DI DO PWM 0 1 = boom control system = innermid boom section = center-mid boom section = outer-mid and fly boom section = digital input. Proximity switch to sense inner-mid fully retracted. located on boom inner-mid section. located on the right hand arm rest in the cab. located on the superstructure. Manual / Auto Mode: There are two modes of operation. located on the right hand arm rest in the cab. manual or automatic mode. located on the superstructure. Auto/Manual switch. Boom out of sequence light. and is seen by the BCS as digital input 17. refer to table 3 for definitions = digital output. Cable reel to measure overall length. Inner-mid pilot operated 4-way directional control valve with extend and retract proportional solenoids. located on superstructure. located on the front console in the cab. located in the cab. refer to table 4 for definitions = pulse width modulation = off with regard to digital inputs and outputs = on with regard to digital inputs and outputs The BCS controls the boom telescoping sequence by controlling the current supplied to the proportional solenoids on the 4-way directional control valves. Extend pressure switch. Components: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • iFLEX5 control system (central unit). BCS relay junction box assy. located on boom base section. And DI 17=1 is auto mode. and logical functions to make this happen. These valves provide oil to the telescoping cylinders. located on boom base section. 1 Refer to table 1 for digital input definitions Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 35-1 . Proximity switch to sense center-mid fully retracted. located on rear exterior of cab. Here are the basic components. outputs. inputs. Section selector switch. Center-mid pilot operated 4-way directional control valve with extend and retract proportional solenoids. This is selectable by a switch in the right hand arm rest in the cab. located on boom base section. Tele two stage relief valve. DO 6 energizes a relay in the BCS relay junction box assy to direct DO 1 to the CM pilot operated 4-way directional control extend proportional solenoid. Ramp-down output is percentage based. either from the central unit or console. When IM selected. DO 3 is a PWM output and ramps the output according to variables in the data software. DO 1 or DO 3 are activated based on the current boom position. Likewise when CM is selected. This means the telescoping action is controlled directly by moving the joystick or foot operated treadle valve. DO 8 energizes a relay in the BCS relay junction box assy to direct DO 3 to the IM pilot operated 4-way directional control extend proportional solenoid. CM proportional solenoid). the BCS realizes DI 19=1 (extend pressure switch on) and simultaneously activates DO2 8 (IM extend) and DO 3 (PWM 2. figure 1 2 Refer to table 2 for digital output definitions Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 35-2 . And so on. In manual mode the boom is controlled by the section selector switch in the right hand arm rest in the cab. At the specified change over point. IM proportional solenoid). or A2B condition the proportional valves will be not be energized unless the LMI bypass is activated. Note: In the event of an LMI error. When retracting. As an example of extend from fully retracted. The BCS does not control movement. See table 1 and table 2 for sequencing information. Figure 1 illustrates how DO 3 is directed to the solenoid valve. the BCS turns off DO 8 (IM extend) and simultaneously turns on DO 6 (CM extend) and DO 1 (PWM 1. When the CM section approaches a change over point DO 1 ouput is ramped down according to variables in the data software. The pressure switch signals are seen as digital inputs to the BCS. Auto Mode Operation: An extend or retract action is initiated by moving the joystick or foot operated treadle valve causing hydraulic pilot pressure to activate an extend or retract pressure switch. DO 1 is a PWM output and ramps the output according to variables in the data software. the BCS realizes DO 18=1 (retract pressure switch) and does not activate DO 6 or DO 8. DO 3 is ramped down according to variables in the data software. crane electric provides full power to the extend and retract proportional solenoids on the CM pilot operated 4-way directional control valve.Manual Mode Operation: Primarily used for boom maintenance and function the boom in an unlikely event of a BCS failure. overload. When the IM section approaches a change over point (change in sequence). crane electric provides full power to the extend and retract proportional solenoids on the IM pilot operated 4-way directional control valve. Ramp-up output is time based. U. X2 Terminal 54 55 56 57 58 59 64 65 66 67 **MP R89 R90 R91 R92 R93 R94 R100 R101 R102 R103 35-3 .not available RT800E: Mode “A” Mode “B” table1 Mode "B" Extend Sequence in Percentage Tele 1 (IM) Tele 2 (CM) Tele 3 (OM/Fly) 0 0 0 75 0 0 75 75 0 100 75 0 100 100 0 100 100 100 Jib Mode (not selectable.) “A” Mode (cab switch) Auto Mode (cab switch) Boom Retract (pressure switch) Boom Extend (pressure switch) Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 *C. IFLEX5 BCS DIGITAL INPUTS: table 1 Digital Input 6 7 8 9 10 11 16 17 18 19 Description CM (Center-Mid) Retracted (boom proximity switch) IM (Inner-Mid) Retracted (boom proximity switch) Luffing Extension Raise (cab switch) Luffing Extension Lower (cab switch) Luffing Extension Raise (remote switch on ext.TELE SEQUENCE: RT9000E: Mode “A” . realized by operating mode selection) table 2 Jib Mode Extend Sequence in Percentage Tele 1 (IM) Tele 2 (CM) Tele 3 (OM/Fly) 100 0 0 100 100 0 100 100 100 Note: Retract sequence is opposite of extend sequence.) Luffing Extension Lower (remote switch on ext. e. DO 1 = PWM 1 DO 3 = PWM 2 DO 5 = PWM 3 DO 7 = PWM 4 Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 35-4 . Option on Boom Luffing Extension Lower Solenoid Rear Axle Oscillate Signal Tele Rod Drain Solenoid Boom Out of Sequence Lamp Tele Two Stage Relief Solenoid C. R89 designates resistor number. = Central Unit **MP = Measuring Point. Notes: must measure on bottom leg of the resistor.U.RT9000E / RT800E IFLEX5 BCS DIGITAL OUTPUTS: table 2 Digital Output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Description PWM 1 CM Proportional Solenoid +UB CAN bus PWM 2 IM Proportional Solenoid +UB to Slew Potentiometer Electronics PWM 3 Luffing Extension Proportional Solenoid CM Extend Relay K1 Coil in Junction Box PWM 4 Luffing Extension Proportional Solenoid IM Extend Relay K2 Coil in Junction Box Luffing Extension Raise Solenoid External LMI Alarm.U. X2 Terminal 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 *C. see sketches below for specific location. i. | 0 : 4 | NORMAL | 00 | 00000000 | 00 | 00000000 | 1111-1 Erw. 70-pass connector pins (X2). | 2 : 6 | NORMAL | 00 | 00000000 | 00 | 00000000 | 1111-1 -------|--------|--------|---------|----------|----------|----------|-------Baugruppencodierung Basis : 0F = 00001111 DO 1 Baugruppencodierung Erweiterung: FF = 11111111 Hubendschalter UNTB/OFFEN/OK/KURZ: 0000 DI 9 X:Exit Blank:Redraw S:Slow DO 16 DI 1 F:Fast DI 8 Other methods to determine digital input and output states is by probing the junction box mounted on the rear of the cab. Type “digshow” and press “Enter”. | 1 : 5 | NORMAL | 00 | 00000000 | 00 | 00000000 | 1111-1 Erw. At the flashing command prompt press and hold “Ctrl” and “A” to enter the RTOS (an asterisk will display). Be cautious not to short the probe across connector pins. the C. or specific resistors on the main board. *digshow (RTOS command to display digital inputs and outputs) T E S T D E R D I G I T A L .E I N U N D A U S G A E N G E ======================================================================= Baugr. The inputs and outputs are counted from right to left and top to bottom as illustrated below.U. or terminal strip in the. The result should be the screen shown below. See table above and sketches below.A convenient method to monitor digital inputs (DI) and digital outputs (DO) is utilizing the iTOOL5 or iFLASH terminal function. | Port | Modus | IN-Wert | IN-Wert | OUT-Wert | OUT-Wert | Status | :Taste | | (Hex) | (Bin) | (Hex) | (Bin) | =NoLoad -------|--------|--------|---------|----------|----------|----------|-------Basis | 0 : 1 | NORMAL | 00 | 00000000 | 05 | 00000101 | 0000-1 Basis | 1 : 2 | NORMAL | 00 | 00000000 | 82 | 10000010 | 0011-0 Basis | 2 : 3 | NORMAL | 98 | 10011000 | 00 | | Erw. Junction Box Assy – located on rear exterior of cab Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 35-5 . U. 70-pass connector pins (X2) Resistor bank to measure digital input (DI) state. Note: must measure on bottom leg of the resistor. IFLEX5 BCS ANALOG IN PUTS AND PWM OUTPUTS: Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 35-6 .C. Another useful tool to monitor analog inputs and PWM outputs is utilizing the iTOOL5 or iFLASH terminal function.000 mA 3 | | ok | 000B | 0000 | 0 | 0 | I_Kanal 4 = 0. Type “adctest” and press “Enter”.356 mA 1 | | ok | 0009 | 0816 | 2070 | 2070 | I_Kanal 2 = 11. At the flashing command prompt press and hold “Ctrl” and “A” to enter the RTOS (an asterisk will display).444 mA 5 | 1 | ok | 000D | 0000 | 0 | 0 | I_Kanal 6 = 0.000 mA 5 | 4 | ok | 000D | 0098 | 152 | 152 | I_PWM 1 = 0 mA 5 | 5 | ok | 000D | 0014 | 20 | 20 | I_PWM 2 = 10 mA 5 | 6 | ok | 000D | 0000 | 0 | 0 | I_PWM 3 = 0 mA 5 | 7 | ok | 000D | 0000 | 0 | 0 | I_PWM 4 = 0 mA OPERATINGMODE X: Exit Blank: Redraw S: Slow F: Fast P: PWM-Settings T: Testmode O: Operatingmode C: ADC-Clockset E: Extensionmodule T E S T D E R A N A L O G E I N G A E N G E Kanal 1 2 3 5 Description Slew Angle 1 Slew Angle 2 Wind Speed Luffing Extension Offset Angle PWM 1 2 3 4 Description Center-Mid Tele Output Inner-Mid Tele Output Luffing Extension Raise Output Luffing Extension Raise Output Note: DO 1 = PWM 1 DO 3 = PWM 2 DO 5 = PWM 3 DO 7 = PWM 4 Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 35-7 .000 mA 4 | | ok | 000C | 0307 | 775 | 775 | Temperature = +27°C 5 | 0 | ok | 000D | 0B90 | 2960 | 2960 | I_Kanal 5 = 16.500 mA 2 | | ok | 000A | 0000 | 0 | 0 | I_Kanal 3 = 0.000 mA 5 | 2 | ok | 000D | 0000 | 0 | 0 | I_Kanal 7 = 0. *adctest T E S T D E R A N A L O G E I N G A E N G E =============================================== Ch | MUX | Error | Kanal+ | Value | Value | UADC | Special | | | Valid | (Hex) | (Dec) | [mV] | ---+-----+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+----------------0 | | ok | 0008 | 0310 | 784 | 784 | I_Kanal 1 = 4.000 mA 5 | 3 | ok | 000D | 0000 | 0 | 0 | I_Kanal 8 = 0. The result should be the screen shown below. IFLEX5 BCS TEST DISPLAY: To view additional information on the console display.108 110 112 127 200 . push buttons “F1” and “F4” simultaneously.202 210 .11 29 31 . neutral position Luffing jib raise Luffing jib lower iFLEX 5 35-8 . A2B.41 59 61 . Boom Status / Luffer Status IM Tele Output (0-255) CM Tele Output (0-255) Luffing Ext Raise Output (0-255) Luffing Offset Angle(degrees) Length 2 (IM) (feet) Status No. To return to the normal screen push button “F1” or “F4”. error condition Mode A. Out of Sequence Mode B.67 79 81 . 1 .212 Americas Training Grove Description Mode B extend Error Mode B extend Mode B retract Error Mode B retract Mode A extend Error Mode A extend Mode A retract Error Mode A retract Manual Mode A neutral or extend Manual Mode B neutral or extend Manual Mode retract at overload.85 99 100 101 102 . Out of Sequence Mode A or B. (DI 18) 1 1 1 Extend pressure sw. Refer to sequence charts above. See the logic chart below. Another indication for out of sequence are the flashing section percentages located at the bottom of the console display boom section percentage display TELE ROD DRAIN VALVE: The tele rod drain valve is a normally closed valve that when energized opens to allow oil in the rod side of the tele cylinders a path to tank. (DI 19) OM/Fly Percentage 1 >4% 0 Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 IM rertract sw. (DI 7) CM retract sw. or the retract pressure switch is activated. located on the front crane console. Digital Output 13 is on unless: Tele Rod Drain Solenoid (DO13) 0 0 IM retract sw. The Boom Control System energizes this valve when the retract pressure switch is activated. (DI 6) 1 Retract pressure sw. The valve is de-energized to prevent flow to tank. is activated when the sections become greater than 3. The Boom Control System energizes this valve at all times unless the boom is fully retracted. Tele Two Stage Relief Solenoid (DO15) Retract pressure sw.5% out of sequence. (DI 6) 1 1 35-9 . (DI 7) 1 CM retract sw. (DI 18) 1 TELE TWO STAGE RELIEF VALVE: The two stage tele relief valve is a normally closed valve that when energized increases the tele extend relief pressure from 2500 psi to 3000 psi.BOOM OUT OF SEQUENCE: Digital Output 14 boom out of sequence is lamp. See the logic chart below. or when the OM/Fly section is greater than 4% while extending. – L.P.I MANUAL SECTION 36 Luffing Boom Extension .T.A.M. One switch is a luffing system ON/OFF switch. The opposite end of a lever arm mounted on the potentiometer shaft rests on and follows the structure which offsets. The other is a RAISE/LOWER switch. There are two ways to offset the luffing extension. three position directional control valve is mounted on the turntable. The four-way. 7. See sketch below. DI 8=1 (raise) DI 9=1 (lower). It raises or lowers the extension by controlling the raise and lower solenoids on the four–way three position directional valve. Remote raise is DI 10 and remote lower is DI 11. three position directional control valve. There are two solenoids for directing the flow for extension or retraction of the cylinder. The offset angle is measured directly by a potentiometer located on the base adapter. The hose reel is mounted on the boom and conveys the hydraulic fluid to the cylinder on the boom extension. a hose reel. This switch has momentary positions on either side. then DO 5. Hydraulically the proportional valve is bypassed for luffer lower. If DI 11=1. then DO 11=1. Hydraulically the proportional valve is bypassed for luffer lower. The raise and lower solenoids on the turntable are energized by DO 9 & 11 respectively. The proportional valve on the luffing cylinder is not be energized for luffer lower. Raise and lower can also be activated form remote switches located on the extension. This switch also sends an actuation signals to the LMI. a proportional control valve and a double acting cylinder. The proportional control valve is mounted to the cylinder on the boom extension. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 36-1 . PAT does not supply the potentiometer. The proportional valve on the luffing cylinder is not be energized for luffer lower.HYDRAULIC LUFFING BOOM EXTENSION: Hydraulic control of the extension consists of a four-way. & 9=1. The first is two switches located in the left hand armrest. The proportional solenoid on the luffing cylinder is energized by DO 5 & 7 (PWM 3 & 4) if DI 8=1. If DI 10=1. and a return to center position. M. – L.P.T.I MANUAL SECTION 37 ERROR CODE LISTING .A. ERROR CODES The following Error Code Table gives a brief description of Error Codes elimination. • Luff up the boom to a radius or angle specified in the load chart. Check the prestress of the cable reel has changed. • Boom has been extended • Extend/retract boom to the correct length either too far or not far enough. Refer to Operator’s Handbook. e. • The boom is in a nonpermitted slewing zone E05 Prohibited length range Americas Training Grove • Slew the boom to a permitted area. the (cable must be taut). e. Refer to Section 8. Refer to the noted sections for detailed Troubleshooting information. carefully turn the length sensor pot counterclockwise until the detent by means of a screw driver • Replace the complete clutch • Clutch between length including drive wheel and sensor pot and drive is adjust length sensor pot as defective described above iFLEX 5 37-1 .g. • Slew to permitted area • Set the correct operating mode for the operating configuration in question.g. if it is prohibited to go beyond a certain maximum boom length or with load curves for jibs where the main boom has to be extended to a certain length • Length sensor adjustment • Retract boom. Error Code Error Fallen below radius E01 Possible Cause • Fallen below the minimum radius or gone past the maximum angle specified in the respective load chart due to luffing up the boom too far Radius range • Gone past the maximum exceeded or fallen radius or fallen below the below angle range minimum angle specified in the respective load chart due to luffing down the boom too far Non-permitted slewing • The slewing zone with zone (no load area) load is not permitted Operating mode not • An incorrect operating acknowledged or non mode has been selected permitted slewing zone range or angle range exceeded E02 E03 E04 Elimination • Luff down the boom to a radius or angle specified in the load chart. Open cable slid off the length the length sensor and sensor reel. replace. see section Pressure Sensing Fallen below lower limit value in the measuring channel "pressure rod side" Fallen below lower limit value in measuring channel "force" • refer to E12 • refer to E12 • Force transducer defective • Electronic component in the measuring channel is defective. see section Angle Sensing • Replace length sensor. • Cable between the central unit and the slewing angle sensor defective or loose. • Length potentiometer defective • Refer to E-15 • Replace electronic board. if need be. • Replace pressure transducer. see section Angle Sensing • Refer to E-15 • Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. • Angle potentiometer defective • Replace electronic board. see section Length Sensing 37-2 . see section Length Sensing • • Check cable as well as plugs.Error Code E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 Error Possible Cause Elimination Fallen below lower limit value for measuring channel "length main boom" Fallen below the lower limit value in the measuring channel "pressure piston side" • Length potentiometer is defective • Replace length potentiometer. • Angle potentiometer defective • Replace force transducer • Replace sensor unit • Electronic component in the measuring channel defective. see section Length Sensing • Pressure transducer is defective. Fallen below lower limit value in measuring channel "angle main boom" Fallen below lower limit value in measuring channel "angle 2" Fallen below lower limit value "length telescope I (+II)" E18 Front outrigger overloaded • Electronic component in the measuring channel defective • Front outrigger overloaded E1A Fallen below lower limit value in measuring channel "slewing angle 1". Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 • Replace angle sensor. Error Code E1B E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27 E2A E2B E31 Americas Training Grove Error Fallen below lower limit value in measuring channel "slewing angle 2" Upper limit value in measuring channel “main boom length” has been exceeded. Upper limit value in measuring channel “force” has been exceeded. Upper limit value in measuring channel “pressure piston side” has been exceeded Upper limit value in measuring channel “pressure rod side” has been exceeded. Upper limit value in measuring channel “length telescope I (+II) has been exceeded. Upper limit value in measuring channel “angle 2” has been exceeded. Upper limit value in measuring channel “main boom angle” has been exceeded. • Upload valid system software • Flash-EPROM defective Replace central unit iFLEX 5 37-3 . Upper limit value in measuring channel “slewing angle 1” has been exceeded Upper limit value in measuring channel “slewing angle 2” has been exceeded Error in the system program Possible Cause Elimination • Slewing angle • Replace slewing angle potentiometer is defective sensor • Replace sensor unit • Electronic component in the measuring channel defective • refer to E1A • refer to E1A • refer to E11 • refer to E11 • refer to E12 • refer to E12 • refer to E12 • refer to E12 • refer to E14 • refer to E14 • refer to E15 • refer to E15 • refer to E16 • refer to E16 • refer to E17 • refer to E17 • refer to E1A • refer to E1A • refer to E1A • refer to E1A • The system program file is defective. E56 Error in crane data file. iFLEX 5 37-4 . file • Flash-EPROM defective • No valid data in the load chart file • Replace central unit • Upload valid load chart file E52 Error in load chart file. • Write/read memory (RAM) or central unit defective. (RAM) Error in the monitored write/ read memory. E47 E51 The CRC verification of the monitored write/read memory provides an incoherent result Error in the crane data file System program file is defective Upload valid system software • Flash-EPROM defective • The system program in the LMI does not match to the programming in the crane data file • The system program in the LMI and the programming in the load chart file do not match. • Upload valid system program file or the valid load chart file • Replace central unit • Restart the LMI • Replace central unit • Central unit defective. • The CRC sign of the monitored write/read memory is wrong • Replace central unit • Upload valid system program file or the valid crane data file • The buffer battery is decharged (< 2V at 1kOhm). 2 for base 2) E60 The number of the selected File base and the programmed value are not identical Americas Training Grove • Flash-EPROM defective • Replace central unit • No valid data in the crane • Restore or upload valid crane data file data file during calibration. not contain valid data. • Replace central unit • Upload calibration data file • Flash-EPROM defective • No valid data in the load chart file • Replace central unit • Upload valid load chart file • Base number not programmed • Program the correct base number (1 for base 1. E57 • Flash-EPROM defective Error in serial crane • Calibration data file does data file. E39 System program and load chart file do not match E43 Error in the write/read memory.Error Code E37 Error Possible Cause Elimination Error in the logical program flow • • E38 System program and crane data file do not match. • Replace buffer battery on the central unit. • No valid data in the crane • Upload valid crane data data file. See section pressure transducer and CAN-Bus cable reel defective or not connected. See not connected. Communication Sensor unit is defective • Replace the electronic board in the cable reel. see section CAN-Bus Communication Length sensor defective • Replace the length sensor. see section CAN-Bus Communication Sensor unit is defective • Replace the electronic board in the cable reel. See section sensor unit defective or CAN-Bus not connected. see section CAN-Bus Communication See E62 • See E62 Error in the can bus • data transfer of the 2nd length/angle sensor unit Error in the can bus • See E63 of the 2nd length /angle sensor unit iFLEX 5 • See E63 37-5 . CAN Bus cable between • Check the connection between the central unit the central unit and the and the sensor units sensor units defective or (wiring harness). section CAN-Bus Communication Short circuit in a CAN Bus • Replace Can Bus cable cable Can bus port in the • Replace the central unit central unit defective • Check the cable to the Cable between the sensor unit (wiring central unit and the harness). Communication Sensor unit is defective • Replace the sensor unit The analog values of the • Replace the sensor unit sensor unit are invalid See section CAN-Bus Communication. • Check the cable to the Cable between the sensor unit.Error Code Error Possible Cause Elimination • Load chart file wrongly programmed E61 Error in the CAN • bus data transfer for all CAN units • • E62 E63 E64 E65 Error in the can bus • data transfer of the pressure transducer sensor unit • Error in the can bus • pressure transducer sensor unit Error in the can bus • data transfer of the length/angle sensor unit • Error in the can bus • length/angle sensor unit • • E66 E67 Americas Training Grove • Check base programming in the load chart file. see section CAN-Bus Communication Angle sensor defective • Replace the angle sensor. Error in the radius • Check the programming • The computed radius is determination in the crane data file. • Exchange console electronics or CU resp. • refer to E92 37-6 . too small (negative deflection) E89 Operating mode switchover with load.Error Code E68 E69 E80 E84 E85 Error Possible Cause Error in the can bus • See E62 data transfer of the force sensor unit Error in the can bus • See E63 force sensor unit Elimination • See E62 • See E63 Error in the slewing • The difference between • See section Slewing angle measurement the average of the Sensing slewing angle and one of the wipers of the slewing potentiometer is out of the tolerance Wrong rigging • Select another rigging • The selected rigging condition. In case of an accidental ground. the transmitter module of the console electronics might be damaged. • Check the programming in the crane data file. E91 No data transmission form the console to the central unit E92 Error in the data transmission from console to central unit E93 Error in the data transmission from the central unit to the console Americas Training Grove • The operating mode on the console has been switched over with the boom loaded. • Transmitter/receiver module of console is defective • Loose connection in the line between console electronics and central unit • Transmitter/receiver module is defective • refer to E92 iFLEX 5 • Check power at terminal X1 of the console electronics • Check the connection between console electronics and central unit • Exchange console electronics or CU resp. • Power supply of the console is interrupted • Select operating mode without load on the boom • Interruption or accidental ground in the line between console electronics and central unit • Check the connection console electronics central unit. condition condition is not contained in the crane data file. Error in the external • The external RAM of the RAM of the console console is defective. prewarning • Move boom to permitted area Note: If an error message is displayed which is not contained in above list. • Replace the console software • Replace console electronics. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 37-7 . switch off Approaching prohibited area • Boom is about to collide with the engine hood. • Eliminate the source of interferences by inverse diodes or varistors.Error Code E94 E95 E96 E97 EAB EAC EAD EC0 EC1 Error Possible Cause Elimination No data transmission from the central unit to the console • Interruption or accidental ground in the line central unit – console • Check line to the console (in case of accidental ground. • Transmitter/receiver module is defective • Computer module is defective • Electro-magnetic interferences (e. please contact the PAT service department. replace console electronics. • Replace the external RAM of the console. when switching contactors or valves) Error in the console • The console File is File defective. • Replace A2B switch Short circuit in the A2B switch circuit • The console main board is defective. • Exchange console electronics or CU resp. • Short circuit in the A2B switch A2B switch circuit disconnected • Replace cable to the • Short circuit in the cable A2B switch to the A2B switch • Disconnected cable in the • Connect or replace cable in the A2B switch A2B switch • Disconnected cable to the • Connect or replace cable to the A2B switch A2B switch No valid A2B switch • Sensor wrong function • Replace A2B switch status • CAN bus delay • Replace cable to the A2B switch Prohibited area • Move boom to permitted • Boom is about to collide area with the engine hood. • Replace the console electronics. • Exchange CU.g. Error in the internal • The CPU of the console RAM of the console. is defective. too). • The console main board is defective. I MANUAL SECTION 38 TROUBLESHOOTING MOISTURE . – L.P.A.T.M. it needs to be replaced. replace them. junction boxes etc. loosen all screws of the lid. check the tightness. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 38-1 . the source for the water ingress has to be detected and corrected to ensure proper operation. For this reason. Convey this fact to any member of a maintenance crew. such as central unit. However. For this reason. Order a new lid through your PAT representative. There are two major possibilities for the occurrence of excessive moisture inside an enclosure: 1) Water ingress 2) Condensation This outline gives instructions for detecting the cause for excessive moisture by using simple troubleshooting methods and how to prevent the moisture ingress from happening again. it is possible to force water through the gasket or strain relieves. If no screw is missing. Try to determine what has caused the lid to be bent and eliminate the reason for that. take the lid off the box and visually inspect it for deflection. This means protection against the environment. avoid spraying any components from short distances with spray cleaners. such as rain. If any were loose. These internal components cannot be designed to withstand exposure to moisture over a longer period of time. 3) Bent Lid An enclosure will only seal correctly if the lid is not bent. the housings of the components are water protected according to IP 65. through the use of spray cleaner at short distances. If the lid is bent or damaged. If you find water or moisture inside any of the housings. 2) Missing / Loose Screws All screws have to be present and to be equally tight to ensure water protection of the enclosure. sensors. then open all screws and then re-tighten them equally.TROUBLESHOOTING MOISTURE The PAT iFLEX5 LMI contains electronic components in various locations. WATER INGRESS There are 6 possibilities for water to enter an enclosure: 1) Spray Cleaning 2) Missing / Loose Screws 3) Bent Lid 4) Defective Gasket 5) Loose Strain Relieves 6) Water Entry Through External Cabling It is possible to find out the source of water ingress by going through the following steps and ruling out one possibility after the other until the cause is identified: 1) Spray Cleaning The enclosures used for the PAT LMI system are water protected to IP 65. To check this. If there are screws missing. Troubleshooting Moisture 4) Defective Gasket The gasket underneath the lid seals the unit. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 38-2 . Never re-use any grommet or the strain relief will not seal properly! 6) Water Entry Through External Cabling Even with a tight strain relief. you have to find out why and where water enters the cable. Tighten the strain relief correctly. the strain relief is loose. condensation can happen inside any enclosure. to replace a cable. water tightness is not a problem – the box is sealed just fine. There are two ways to deal with condensation: 1. i. Order a new gasket through your PAT representative. Check the tightness by taking the external cable into one hand and carefully trying to turn it. In example. 5) Loose Strain Relieves The strain relieves allow cabling to enter the box without allowing water to enter it. If the gasket is torn. The strain relieves have to be correctly tightened in order to do this. if the cable comes from a connector that is full of water. The gasket needs to be in good condition in order to seal correctly. If the volume is very small. usually the larger the volume of the box. Get a new grommet (insert) through your PAT representative and replace the existing one with the new one. the only way to get rid of this effect is then to give the box the ability to breath without sacrificing its water tightness. CONDENSATION In a climate with high humidity and rapidly changing temperatures. a new grommet needs to be used. In this case. too. the more likely. which is what prevents the trapped air from exiting the box. brittle or severely bent. the water will run through the inside of the cable and fill up the central unit. If the effect is more severe. water drops build up on the inner components when humid air is trapped inside the box. If the internal wires turn with the outer cable.e. Contact your PAT representative for breathing elements to than can be added to the box and will help to reduce the effects of humid climates. 2. a desiccant bag might be able to soak up the air’s humidity. Note: Whenever a strain relief is opened. In this case. Look for damages to the cable itself and inspect the opposite side of the cable. it needs to be replaced. With condensation. water may still enter the box through the inside of the cable. M.I MANUAL SECTION 39 SOFTWARE TRANSFER INFORMATIONS INFORMATION .P.A.T. – L. Software is finished updating when the Grove logo appears. Verify software update/version by pressing the Info button three during system operation. exposing the internal boards.SOFTWARE TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CONSOLE USING THE FLASH MODULE • • • • • • • • • Remove the console from the dash by removing 8 mounting screws. Insert the console into the dash and mount in place with the 8 screws. At power-on if the software in the console does not match that in the Flash Module. exposing the internal boards. Remove four screws from the rear of the console housing. Attach the Console Flash Module to X6 and X7 simultaneously. press and hold the Horn button until it’s light stops blinking. an option to update will be presented. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 39-1 . Cycle power – if the software is updated correctly the update option will not appear at power-on. REMOVE FLASH MODULE WHEN FINISHED – IT IS NOT TO REMAIN IN THE CONSOLE! • • Attach the housing and the four inner screws from the rear of the Console. This option will disappear after 10 seconds until power is cycled. Power on the system. Immediately after seeing the update option. which takes care of the data transfer.SOFTWARE TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE IFLASH PALM AND CENTRAL UNIT INTRODUCTION iFLASH allows for transfer data files between the palm and the PC and Palm and iflex system. This program must be transferred to the Palm using Hotsync. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 39-2 . IFLASH Desktop iFLASH desktop is the program. Data files can not be transferred with the Palm software program „HotSync. use the hotsync program of the Palm. Follow the normal Hotsync procedure for transferring the program from the PC to the Palm. INSTALLING IFLASH The iFLASH program must be installed onto the Palm. Instructions for Hotsync will be in your Palm documentation or on Palm's web site. The file name is iFLASH*. is provided for communication or the transfer of files between PC and the iFLASH Palm iFLASH Palm iFLASH Palm is the program which runs on the Palm. Just copy to your Desktop or any convenient folder. To install iflash on the Palm.prc. Please contact PAT on information on how you can obtain this software. INSTALLING IFLASH DESKTOP The iFLASH Desktop needs no installation. Double click on iFLASH Desktop ¾ PC .Select the necessary serial interface (COM1. the program will respond with an error.Deactivate HotSync manager.“ . If Hotsync manager is not deactivated....) ¾ PC ¾ PC . ¾ PC .Select the file which you want to transfer and click "Open" Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 39-3 ..Click on „Add File to Store.DATA TRANSFER FROM THE PC TO THE PALM ¾ Palm .Put Palm into the HotSync Cradle and turn it on. "unable to open specified port…" ¾ PC . COM2.. "Transfer complete" will show on the palm.Select File Store. . Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 39-4 .Select Receive.Software Transfer Instructions for the iFLASH Palm and Central Unit ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Palm Palm Palm Palm PC PC ¾ Palm .palm will show "waiting for connection" . . . .click on OK. The file should now be stored in the Palm.When the transfer is complete the following message will appear.Start iflash . Put Palm into the HotSync Cradle and turn it on.palm will show "sending Filelist" PC . ¾ PC .Deactivate HotSync manager.DATA TRANSFER FROM THE PALM TO THE PC ¾ Palm . If Hotsync manager is not deactivated...Double click on iFLASH Desktop ¾ PC .Select File Store.. "unable to open specified port…" ¾ PC .Select the necessary serial interface (COM1. Palm .) ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ PC .Select Send.Start iflash Palm . COM2.Click on „Refresh File List“ Palm .When the transfer is complete the window will be updated with the files from the Palm file store. the program will respond with an error. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 39-5 . Palm . Select the file you need and click „Retrieve marked File(s)“ After that you will get the following message: ¾ Palm ¾ PC .select „Receive“. Click „OK“.Software Transfer Instructions for the iFLASH Palm and Central Unit ¾ Palm ¾ PC . Wait until „Transfer completed“ is displayed in the status bar of the Palm. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 39-6 ."Sending complete" will show on the palm. Acknowledge the message on the PC: The file has been successfully filed in the folder created by the iFLASH Palm Desktop. . DATA OR TLK FILES FROM THE PALM TO THE IFLEX5 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Connect the Palm with the iFLEX5 via its serial cable. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 39-7 . This can be skipped later. Note .The values are saved after the first time. Select Start Transfer Wait until all bytes have been transferred in the line „Progress“. Power the iFLEX system Select iFLASH program Select Settings. Select Palm to iFLEX Select the file to be transferred from the file selection box. Set Speed to: 9600 Set Data Bits to: 8 Set Parity to: N Set Stop Bits to: 1 Select Save.TRANSFERRING SYSTEM. The data have been successfully transferred to the iFLEX5. Americas Training Grove iFLEX 5 39-8 . DATA OR TLK FILES FROM THE IFLEX5 TO THE PALM “ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Connect the Palm with the iFLEX5 via its serial cable. Example: Parameter file :12k. Select iFLEX to Palm Select the corresponding parameter data file in the displayed selection box. Power the iFLEX system Select iFLASH program Select Settings. Select the file to be transferred from the file selection box. Using your Stylus.BRN If this file name exists already in the „Filestore“. Please contact PAT for information on acquiring these files. Examples are tlkprom. Select Start Transfer Wait until the message „complete“ appears in the line „Progress“ The iFLEX has to be restarted manually. check off either “save brn file” or “save bin file” in the selection „Save file as“ – depending on how you want the file to be stored. PARAMETER FILES There are several files required for transferring from iflex to palm. The file name of the stored file gets the name of the parameter data file – except for the extension. These files must be transferred from the PC to the Palm using the file store program. You should have a parameter file for each of the file types that you wish to transfer from the iflex to the Palm.BIN and 12k_01. These files will have a "adr" extension on the filename. The data has been successfully transferred and can be found in the „FileStore. Set Data Bits to: 8 Set Parity to: N Set Stop Bits to: 1 Select Save.BRN. See parameter file section.ADR Æ 12k_01.Software Transfer Instructions for the iFLASH Palm and Central Unit TRANSFERRING SYSTEM.BIN and 12k. it will be counted upward by one.The values are saved after the first time. etc. This can be skipped later.“ Quit the dialog with „Done“ and switch to the „FileStore“. These files are called parameter files.ADR Æ 12k. Example: Parameter file : 12k. Select Settings. datprom.BRN 12k_02. Note .adr.BIN and 12k_02.adr.


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