Outrigger Pad Design

June 2, 2018 | Author: crisbanda | Category: Entertainment Award, Entertainment (General), Leisure
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Project: Location: Client: Job Title Made By: Checked By: Date: Job.No/ Rev. OUTRIGGER PAD DESIGN REF. 1. CRANE OUTRIGGER PAD GEOMETRY: unitless mm mm mm² Shape of the Outrigger Pad Distance along X-direction Distance along Y-direction Area of the Outrigger pad kN unitless unitless kN Concentrated load from the Outrigger" Load factor Impact Factor Ps+0.40Ps+0.20Ps, Factored load Mobile Crane Manual 1.10 sHP = Rect. x_dim = 750.00 y_dim = 750.00 A_p = 5.63E+05 Concrete 2. LOADINGS: Ps = L = IM = Pu = 1137.62 1.40 1.20 1365.14 1.10 PLAN 1137.62 pre-calculated assumption assumption 3. BASE PROPERTIES: Type = Concrete unitless 981.00 kN/m² b = AR = 1.160 m² Type of Base for the Pads Base Bearing Capacity Area required 4. PAD SUPPORT DESIGN & ANALYSIS: 4.1 MAT PROPERTIES: Consider Douglas Fir- Larch, Select Structural Type = Timber unitless Mat Material Bending Stress Fb = 1500.00 Mpa Shearing Stress Fv = 170.00 Mpa Compressive Stress (perpendicular to the grain) Fcp = 625 00 Mpa 625.00 Modulus of Elasticity E = 1.60E+06 Mpa Standard thickness d= 150.00 mm Standard width b= 200.00 mm Dressed thickness ds = 137.50 mm Dressed width bs = 187.50 mm Gross Section Area A = 2.66E+04 mm² Section Modulus along X-axis Sxx = 8.06E+05 mm³ Moment of Inertia along X-axis Ixx = 8.05E+07 mm4 Section Modulus along Y-axis Syy = 6.20E+05 mm³ Moment of Inertia along Y-axis Iyy = 4.33E+07 mm4 Weight of mat per meter wt = 12.813 kg/m 4.2 CALCULATE THE FORCES CONSIDERED IN DESIGN: AR = 1.16 m² Ps /  b, Area required Base Area provided Ap = 1.20 m² Actual Mats effective base Length Lr = 1.10 m Actual Mats effective base Width Wr = 1.10 m (Lr-x_dim)/2, Actual Mats cantilever length Lc = 0.73 m (Pu/Ar)+(Wt of Mat) Factored Pressure on the base qu = 1177.31 kN/m² quWrLr²/2, Factored Bending Moment Mu = 783.5 kNm quWr(Lr-ds), Factored Shear Force Vu = 1246.48 kN Compressive force for Bearing Check Ru = 1365.14 kN pre-calculated Timber Beam Concrete NDS - 2005 ELEVATION Y d ds X bs CROSS SECTION 1365.14 Timber Beam 4.3 CALCULATE THE ADJUSTED STRENGTH OF THE MATS: 1177.31 Adjustment Factors for Bending, Shear & Bearing: 1.10 Cd = 1.00 unitless Load duration factor (Conservative Value) Cm = 1.00 unitless Wet service factor 783.5 Ct = 1.00 unitless Temperature factor CL = 1.00 unitless Beam stability factor Cf = 1.00 unitless Size factor 1246.48 Cfu = 1.00 unitless Flat use factor Ci = 0.80 unitless incising factor (0.80 Fb,Fv, 1.0 Fcp) Cr = 1.00 unitless Repetitive member factor Cb = 0.75 unitless Bearing Area Factor 0.73 FbCdCmCtClCfCfuCiCr,Adjusted Bending Stress Fb' = 1200.00 Mpa FvCdCmCiCt, Adjusted Shearing Stress Fv' = 136.00 Mpa FcpCmCtCiCb, Adjusted Compressive Stress (perpendicular to the grain) Fcp' = 468.75 Mpa D:\Cris Files\old drive d\Calculation Files\Excel Sheet File\Outrigger Pad Design NDS - 2005 C2.3.2 Table M4.3-1 By: CGB 66E+04 mm² V' = 2412.10-1 D.81 unitless Utilization Ratio NDS . Bearing Capacity: Fcp' = 468.97 kN Ru = 1365.00 Mpa Sxx = 8. Shear Force: V' B V > Vu Rem = OK unitless Utiliz = 0. Shear Force: V' > Vu Fv' = 136. Adjusted Compressive (perpendicular to the grain) Compressive force for Bearing Check M3.75 kNm Mu = 783.14 kN Adjusted Compressive Stress (perpendicular to the grain) Bearing Area of 1 unit of Timber Fcp'A.00 kN/m² b = Actual Base Bearing Stress 948. Bending Moment: Fb' = 1200.50 kNm Adjusted Bending Stress Section Modulus along X-axis Fb'xSxx.00 Mpa A = 2. Bearing Force: R' > Ru Rem = OK unitless Utiliz = 0.4-1 B.90 kN Vu = 1246. 4. Adjusted Bending Moment Factored Bending Moment B. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia KAFD OUTRIGGER PAD DESIGN Made By: Checked By: Date: Job. Adjusted Shear Capacity parallel to the grain Factored Shear Force C.3-2 M3.3-1 M3 4 1 M3.75 Mpa Ab = 1.02 kN/m² ba = Rem = OK unitless Remarks Utiliz = 0.Project: Location: Client: Job Title KAFD Monorail System 8475 Riyadh.52 unitless Remarks Utilization Ratio C.41E+05 mm² R' = 65917.No/ Rev. CGB 10-May-15 000 OUTRIGGER PAD DESIGN REF.97 unitless Utilization Ratio RESULT = OK unitless OVERALL RESULTS D:\Cris Files\old drive d\Calculation Files\Excel Sheet File\Outrigger Pad Design By: CGB .2005 A. SUMMARY RESULTS: A.48 kN Adjusted Shearing Stress Gross Section Area 2/3Fv'A.06E+05 mm³ M' = 966. Bending Moment: M' > Mu Rem = OK unitless Remarks Utiliz = 0.4 CALCULATE THE STRENGTH OF THE PROFILE SECTION: NDS . Base Support Bearing Capacity: Base Bearing Capacity 981.10-2 5.02 unitless Remarks Utilization Ratio M3.4-3 M3.2005 M3.


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