June 4, 2018 | Author: IBlameMyRolls | Category: Dice, Battles, Military Operations, Military, Warfare
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OPEN WAR SCENARIOSTo prepare a Open War Scenario, generate one each of the following, using the provided tables: Open War Deployment, Open War Objectives, and Open War Twist. THE ARMES In order to play a scenario, you must first muster an army from the miniatures in your collection. You can include any models in your army. THE BATTLEFIELD Create the battlefield and set up terrain. DEPLOYMENT Both players roll a dice, rolling again in the case of a tie. The player that rolls highest can choose whether they will be Player A or Player B as explained by the Open War Deployment that was generated. The players then alternate setting up units, one at a time, starting with the player that won the earlier roll-off. Models must be set up wholly withing their own deployment zone, more than 3” from any enemy models. If a player's deployment zone is split up into several separate regions, units can be set up in some or all of them, as long as all of the models in a unit are set up in the same region. OBJECTIVE MARKERS Sometimes the Open War Objectives generated will require the player to set up one or more objective markers on the battlefield. They are placed before any units are set up. Each objective marker needs to be represented by a suitable object, such as a coin or suitable terrain. When measuring distances involving objective markers, always measure to and from the center of the marker. If both players are required to set up objective markers, alternate setting them up, one at a time, starting with the player that won the earlier roll-off. Objectives are controlled by the player that has the most models within 3” of them at the end of any turn. One you gain control of an objective in an Open War mission, it remains under your control until the enemy is able to gain control of it. RUSES AND SUDDEN DEATHS After both players have finished setting up, each player must add up the Power Rating of all of the units in their army. Of one army has a total that is greater than the other, then the player with the lower total is allowed to generate a Open War Ruse from the following table. If one army has a total that is at least double the other, then the player with the lower total is allowed to generate an Open War Sudden Death from the following table as well. Open War Ruses and Sudden Deaths are kept secret until they are played. If a Sudden Death can be achieved, its victory conditions override those generated by the Open War Objectives for this game. FIRST TURN The player who finished setting up their army first can choose to take the first or second turn. If they decide to take the first turn, their opponent can roll a dice; on a roll of 6, they manage to seize the initiative, and they get first turn instead! VICTORY The player that achieves the victory conditions from the Open War Objectives generated for the battle wins a glorious victory. If a Sudden Death is activated during the battle, that player wins a major victory. If neither player achieves a victory condition, then the player whose army had the lower total Power Rating wins a minor victory. If both armies had the same total Power Rating, the battle is a draw. V1.0 – for 8th Edition Warhammer 40,000 – Jul 2017 All information contained within the document belongs to Games Workshop, and is summarized here for easy of play. Created by IBlameMyRolls – Contact me on Reddit! OPEN WAR DEPLOYMENTS To determine an Open War deployment, roll two separate D6s, one at a time. The first result will determine which row to use on the following table, while the second result will determine which column to use. D6 Result 1 2 3 4 5 6 Modified Modified Modified Modified 1-3 Hammer and Anvil Dawn of War Spearhead Search and Front-line Vanguard Strike Assault Destroy Assault Modified Hammer Modified Dawn Flanking 4-6 Arrowhead Containment Break Through and Anvil of War Assault 1-3.1 – Hammer and Anvil: Divide the battlefield into thirds, lengthwise. Player A's deployment zone is the table third closest to one short table side. Player B's deployment zone is the table third on the opposite side, closest to the other short table side. 1-3.2 – Dawn of War: Divide the battlefield into quarters, widthwise. Player A's deployment zone is the table quarter closest to one long table side. Player B's deployment zone is the table quarter on the opposite side, closest to the other long table side. 1-3.3 – Modified Spearhead Assault: Place a zone marker in the center of the battlefield, and then four other zone markers along the edges of the table, 18” towards the middle of the table lengthwise. Player A's deployment zone is the area contained by 3 of the zone markers that includes a complete short table edge. Player B's deployment zone is the opposite, similar area. 1-3.4 – Modified Search and Destroy: Divide the battlefield into quarters, with the edges of the quarters running through the middles of the battlefield, lengthwise and widthwise. Player A's deployment zone is any of the table quarters. Player B's deployment zone is the opposite quarter. Neither player may deploy units within 6” of the center of the table. 1-3.5 – Modified Front-line Assault: Place a zone marker in the center of battlefield, and then four other zone markers along the edges of the table, 12” towards the middle of the table widthwise. Player A's deployment zone is the area contained by 3 of the zone markers that includes a complete long table edge. Player B's deployment zone is the opposite, similar area. 1-3.6 – Modified Vanguard Strike: Player A chooses a corner tip of the battlefield, and divides the table in half along a center line to the opposite corner tip of the battlefield. Player A's deployment zone is one of the halves of the table created by the line. Player B's deployment zone is the opposite half. Neither player may deploy units within 6” of the center line. 4-6.1 – Modified Hammer and Anvil: Divide the table in half, lengthwise. Player A's deployment zone is one half of the table. Player B's deployment zone is the opposite half of the table. 4-6.2 – Modified Dawn of War: Divide the table in half, widthwise. Player A's deployment zone is one half of the table. Player B's deployment is the opposite half of the table. 4-6.3 – Arrowhead: Player A chooses a long edge of the table, and places a zone marker at the center of that long edge of the table, and at the center of each short table edge. Player B places a zone marker at the center of the table, and at the corners of the long table edge opposite Player A's long table edge. Player A's deployment zones are the two triangles contained by the zone markers he or she placed. Player B's deployment zone is the triangle contained by the zone markers her or she placed. 4-6.4 – Containment: Player A places a zone marker at the center of each table edge. Player B places a zone marker in the center of the battlefield. Player A's deployment zones are each corner of the battlefield, within each triangle created by the zone markers he or she placed. Player B's deployment zone is the area extending out 12” in every direction from the zone marker he or she placed. 4-6.5 – Flanking Assault: Divide the battlefield in half, lengthwise. Player A's deployment zones are the areas along the short table edges, extending 15” inwards towards the center of the table, lengthwise. Player B's deployment zone is the area extending out 9” in both ways from the center of the battlefield. 4-6.6 – Break Through: Divide the table in half, lengthwise. Player A chooses a short table edge. Player B places two zone markers along the center line of the battlefield, each 12” away from the center point of the battlefield, and two additional zone markers along the short table edge opposite Player A's short table edge, 12” away from the corners of the table. Player A's deployment zone is the area extending 18” out from his or her table edge towards the center line of the battlefield. Player B's deployment zone is the area contained by the four zone markers he or she placed. V1.0 – for 8th Edition Warhammer 40,000 – Jul 2017 All information contained within the document belongs to Games Workshop, and is summarized here for easy of play. Created by IBlameMyRolls – Contact me on Reddit! OPEN WAR OBJECTIVES To determine an Open War Objectives, roll two separate D6s, one at a time. The first result will determine which row to use on the following table, while the second result will determine which column to use. D6 Result 1 2 3 4 5 6 Drawn and 1-3 Field of Glory Take and Hold The Prize Glory Seeker Supply Cache Quartered Burn and 4-6 Invasion War of Attrition King Slayer The Comet Kill the Courier Pillage 1-3.1 – Field of Glory: Place one objective marker at the center of the battlefield before rolling off; starting with the winner of the roll- off, each player sets up one objective marker in their deployment zone, more than 6” from any table edge. At the the of the fifth battle round, the player that controls the most objective markers wins the battlefield. A player wins immediately if they control all three objective markers at the end of their turn. 1-3.2 – Take and Hold: Place one objective marker at the center of the battlefield. Each of the players then sets up one objective marker in their deployment zone, more than 12” from any battlefield edge. At the end of a player's turn, they score 1 victory point for each objective marker they control. If the objective was also controlled by the player at the end of their last turn, they score 3 victory points instead. The player with the most victory points at the end of the fifth battle round is the winner. 1-3.3 – Drawn and Quartered: The players roll off; starting with the winner, they then take it in turns to set up two objective markers each, anywhere more than 12” from the center of the battlefield, more than 6” from any battlefield edge, and more than 18” from any other objective markers. At the end of their turn, a player scores 1 victory point for every objective marker they control. The player with the most victory points at the end of the fifth battle round is the winner. 1-3.4 –The Prize: Place an objective marker at the center of the battlefield. A model can pick it up by ending a move on top of it. The marker moves with that model from then on. The model can drop the marker at any time, and must drop it if slain. If it is dropped by a player's model, their opponent places the marker within 1” of the model that dropped it. The player whose model is carrying the marker at the end of the fifth battle round wins the battle. 1-3.5 – Glory Seeker: Each player adds up the Power Rating of all enemy units that are destroyed during the battle, doubling the Power rating of any units that have the Character, Vehicle, or Monster keyword. At the end of the fifth battle round, the player with the highest total wins the battle (even if their own army has been wiped out!). 1-3.6 – Supply Cache: The players take it in turns to place six objective markers. Each must be placed more than 6” from any objective markers and any battlefield edge. At the start of each player's turn, they must roll a dice for each marker they control, in any order they wish. If they roll a 6, they have found the supply cache – remove the other markers. The player that controls the supply cache at the end of the fifth battle round wins the battle. 4-6.1 – Burn and Pillage: The players roll off; starting with the winner, they then take it in turns to set up three objective markers each, anywhere in their own deployment zone that is more than 6” from any other objective marker and any battlefield edge. A player can burn and pillage any enemy objective markers that they control at the end of their turn – remove them when they do so. The first player to burn and pillage all three enemy objective markers wins the battle. 4-6.2 – Invasion: The players roll off; starting with the winner, they then take it in turns to set up one objective marker each, anywhere in their own deployment zone that is more than 6” from any battlefield edge. A player wins immediately if they control both objective markers at the end of their opponent's turn. 4-6.3 – War of Attrition: Each player adds up the Power Ratings of all enemy units that are destroyed during the battle. At the end of the fifth battle round, the player with the highest total wins the battle (even if their own army has been wiped out!). 4-6.4 – King Slayer: Each player adds up the Power Rating of any enemy units that are destroyed during the battle, doubling their total score at the end of the battle if one of the models slain was the enemy warlord. At the end of the fifth battle round, the player with the highest total wins the battle (even if their own army has been wiped out!). 4-6.5 – The Comet: At the start of the third battle round, the players roll off. The winner divides the table in four equal quarters, and assigns a unique number from 1-4 to each quarter. The winner then rolls a dice and places an objective marker as close as possible to the center of the table quarter with the number that matches the result rolled. If the dice resulted in a 5 or a 6, instead place the objective marker as close to the center of the battlefield as possible. The player than controls the objective marker at the end of the fifth battle round wins the battle. 4-6.6 – Kill the Courier: At the start of the first battle round, before determining who has the first turn, each player lets their opponent know which model in their army is their courier. The model cannot bet the army's warlord, and must be already set up on the battlefield. The first player to slay the opponent's courier wins the battle. V1.0 – for 8th Edition Warhammer 40,000 – Jul 2017 All information contained within the document belongs to Games Workshop, and is summarized here for easy of play. Created by IBlameMyRolls – Contact me on Reddit! OPEN WAR TWISTS To determine an Open War Twist, roll two separate D6s, one at a time. The first result will determine which row to use on the following table, while the second result will determine which column to use. D6 Result 1 2 3 4 5 6 Double or Eager for the Many Paths to 1-3 Orbital Debris Dead of Night Set Piece Battle Nothing Fight Victory 4-6 Meeting Battle Battle Frenzy Restoratives Acid Rain Warp Storm Grudge Match 1-3.1 – Double or Nothing: Roll a dice. On a roll of 1-3, no Twists are used for this battle. On a roll of 4-6, generate two more Twists and apply both to this battle! Re-roll any duplicates generated, including this one. 1-3.2 – Eager for the Fight: Add 2” to the Move characteristic of all models, and add 1 to all Advance and charge rolls. 1-3.3 – Orbital Debris: Each player rolls 3 dice at the start of their turn. For each roll of 6, they may pick a separate enemy unit and inflict D3 mortal wounds upon it. 1-3.4 – Dead of Night: The maximum range of all shooting attacks and psychic powers is limited to 12”. The player who takes the first turn must roll a dice at the start of each battle round after the first. On the first roll of 4+, 6 is added to the maximum range limit of all shooting attacks and psychic power. The second time a roll of 4+ is made, 12” is added; the third time, 18” is added, and so on. 1-3.5 – Many Paths to Victory: Generate an extra Objective. Both objectives are used for this battle. If the players achieve one of the objectives each, then the battle is a tie. Be sure to distinguish each objective markers belong to which Objective. 1-3.6 – Set Piece Battle: Instead of setting up units one at ta time, the player that won the roll-off to see who sets up first must set up all of the units in their army. Their opponent then sets up all of the units in their army. Then roll a dice; on a 1 the player that set up second has the first turn, and on a 2+ the player that set up first has the first turn. 4-6.1 – Meeting Battle: Each player must split their army into three contingents. No contingent can have more than half the units in an army. Each player sets up one contingent at the start of the battle using the normal rules for deployment. A second contingent arrives at the end of its controller's second movement phase, and the last at the end of its controller's third Movement phase. Units in the second and third contingent must be set up more than 9” from any enemy, with all models wholly within 9” of any edge of the battlefield and outside of the enemy deployment zone. 4-6.2 – Battle Frenzy: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of all models in this battle. 4-6.3 – Restoratives: Each player may pick a friendly model at the start of their turn. That model regains D3 lost wounds. 4-6.4 – Acid Rain: Subtract 1 from all hit rolls made for shooting attacks and subtract 1 from all Advance and charge rolls. Roll a dice at the start of each battle round after the first. On a roll of 4+ the rain stops (if it was raining in the last battle round), or starts again (if it was not raining in the last battle round). 4-6.5 – Warp Storm: Add 1 to all Psychic tests and Deny the Witch tests. In addition, add 1 to the number of mortal wounds that a model suffers from Perils of the Warp. 4-6.6 – Grudge Match: Units do not have to take Morale tests in this battle. V1.0 – for 8th Edition Warhammer 40,000 – Jul 2017 All information contained within the document belongs to Games Workshop, and is summarized here for easy of play. Created by IBlameMyRolls – Contact me on Reddit! OPEN WAR RUSES To determine an Open War Ruse, roll a D6 and consult the table below. D6 Result 1 2 3 4 5 6 Inspiring Tactical Revenge! Dug In Ambush Outflank Speech Reserves 1 – Revenge: Activate this Ruse if your Warlord is slain. For the rest of the battle you can add 1 to the wound rolls made for all models in your army. 2 – Dug In: Activate this Ruse after deployment if complete, but before the first battle round. Any of your units that are not in cover count as being in cover as long at they remain stationary (they have not moved from where they first deployed). 3 – Ambush: Activate this Ruse after deployment is complete, but before the first battle round. Pick up to three of your units to be set up in ambush. You can set the unit up again, anywhere that is not in your opponent's deployment zone and is more than 12” from any enemy models. 4 – Inspiring Speech: Activate this Ruse after deployment is complete, but before the first battle round. As long as your Warlord is on the battlefield, your units automatically pass Morale tests. 5 – Outflank: Activate this Ruse after deployment is complete, but before the first battle round. Pick one of your units and remove it from the battlefield. You must set it up again at the end of either your first or second Movement phase, more than 9” from the enemy and so that the unit is wholly within 9” of any battlefield edge. 6 – Tactical Reserves: Activate this Ruse at the end of any of your Movement phases. Pick one unit from your army that has been destroyed. You can set up the unit again, more than 9” from the enemy and so that the unit is wholly within 9” of any edge of the battlefield. V1.0 – for 8th Edition Warhammer 40,000 – Jul 2017 All information contained within the document belongs to Games Workshop, and is summarized here for easy of play. Created by IBlameMyRolls – Contact me on Reddit! OPEN WAR SUDDEN DEATHS To determine an Open War Sudden Death, roll a D6 and consult the table below. D6 Result 1 2 3 4 5 6 Drive Them Vendetta Endure Blunt Kill Order Vital Ground Out 1 – Vendetta: Activate this Sudden Death if an attack made by your Warlord destroys the enemy Warlord. You immediately win the battle! 2 – Endure: Activate this Sudden Death if you have at least one model still on the battlefield at the end of the fifth battle round. You immediately win the battle! 3 – Blunt: Activate this Sudden Death if you destroy at least half (rounding up) of the units that your opponent had in their army at the start of the battle. You immediately win the battle! 4 – Kill Order: Activate this Sudden Death if you destroy the enemy Character, Vehicle, or Monster that has the highest Wounds characteristic of any enemy model that is currently on the battlefield (if several have the same Wounds characteristic, activate this Sudden Death if any of them are destroyed). You immediately win the battle! 5 – Drive Them Out: Starting from the third battle round, activate this Sudden Death at the end of your turn if there are no enemy models in your deployment zone. You immediately win the battle! 6 – Vital Ground: Starting from the third battle round, activate this Sudden Death at the end of your turn if there are no enemy units within 9” of the center of the battlefield. You immediately win the battle! V1.0 – for 8th Edition Warhammer 40,000 – Jul 2017 All information contained within the document belongs to Games Workshop, and is summarized here for easy of play. Created by IBlameMyRolls – Contact me on Reddit!


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