on farmer buying behavior toward pesticide

June 25, 2018 | Author: jaanbaaz1 | Category: Bayer, Warehouse, Personal Protective Equipment, Pesticide, Employment
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Presentation on farmer buying behavior toward pesticide• Presented By, • Patel Bhavesh N • Exam No:1013 Presented to, GNU CMS 1. Introduction of bayer Bayer Crop Science Ltd, is a multinational company and exists in different countries. Bayer Crop Science Ltd., is originated from Germany. Bayer Crop Science Ltd., has a two manufacturing units in Gujarat at, Ankleshwar and Himmatnagar (Gujarat). Bayer Crop Science Ltd., is manufacturing Agrochemicals at Himmatnagar and having modern plant for Granules, Dust & liquid formulation which is operated by DCS. Bayer Crop Science Ltd., has ISO 9001 Certificate which is a Quality system and ISO 14001 Certificate which is a Environmental Management System. Also Company has ISI mark. 2.Company Profile  Bayer has taken over Aventis Crop Science world Wide in year 2004 and became Bayer Crop Science Limited. Bayer Crop Science Ltd has got three manufacturing units in India, one is at Thane (Maharashtra) and one is at Ankleshwar (Gujarat) and one is at Himmatnagar (Gujarat.) The company is providing wide range of products in India including Insecticides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Bio seeds etc. Bayer Crop Science is leading company in India in Agro Chemicals market. The Company was incorporated in 1958 as Bayer Agrochemical Private Limited at Mumbai, to meet the agrarian needs of the Indian economy and became public in 1960. It was renamed as Bayer (India) Limited in 1963. The first manufacturing activities at Thane commenced in 1967 and activities at Himmatnagar Plant commenced in 1991. The Himmatnagar Plant manufactures crop protection products. rubber chemicals. pharmaceuticals and consumer care products and chemicals. health care.The Company continues to strive in reaching out to human needs in the fields of crop protection products. The Company attaches as much importance to environmental protection as it does to product quality and commercial efficiency. The Company is an early signatory to the ‘Responsible Care’ initiative under the aegis of the Indian Chemical Manufacturers’ Association [ICMA]. . An Incinerator Plant for all chemical and industrial wastes and Tower Biology for treatment of industrial and domestic effluent have been commissioned at the factory at Thane. animal health. This is evident from the measures taken to protect the environment. Total Site Area 17379 m2 Bankers are : Bank of America. WP. City Bank.66/1 to 75/2. Motipura. WG. GIDC Estate. State Bank of India. Central Bank of India. .3. SC. HDFC Bank.e. Union Bank of India. General Information Bayer Crop Science Limited Plot No. Himmatnagar Large scale unit Total aprox Current Investment – more then 400 Mio Main products are in four Category i. ES Site Establishment in March 1991 Auditors & Solicitors : Price Warehouse and Crawford Bayley & Co. Bio Science.General Information Company vision and mission Bayer Crop Science wants to be acknowledged as Industry Leader in Crop Protection. . and Environmental Science Providing innovative solutions meeting the needs of our customers in line with the global principals of Responsible Care and Sustainable development. The Himmatnagar site is located at plot No. Soapstone is the inert raw material for Folidol dust 2%.Sabarkantha) which is situated on National Highway No. Himmatnagar (Dist. . in Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation Estate.8 (Mumbai-Delhi High way). Himmatnagar has generally dry weather Himmatnagar is District headquarter of Sabarkatha district. which is being transported from Dungarpur (Rajasthan). It was decided to shift at Himmatnagar on account of easy accessibility to Soap stone supply.66. 60 Km away from Gandhinager city (Capital of Gujarat) and 55 Km from Ahmadabad Airport.Site Information  Background Information : Land for the plant was acquired in October 1988 for Folidol dust 2% (Methyl Parathion 2% DP) Production facility. Himmatnagar is 75 km away from Ahmadabad city.1 to 75/2. Dungarpur is 80 Km away from Himmatnagar.4. Site History  Year of Construction/Establishment :  Prod.5. start up of Folidol dust 2%(Methyl Parathion 2% dust):  Construction of own warehouse at site:  ISO 9001 Certification:  New Product thane M-45 (Mancozeb 75WP)  Year of ISO 14001:1996 Certification  New Product Antracol 70WPFormulation started  Liquid formulation & Granules start up: (Environmental Science Products)  Year of construction of new project SC/WG  SC/WG Prod started 1989-90 1991 1993 1995 1996-97 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 . Due to above reasons. 98% material was Talcum powder.    . There was a government subsidy benefit as Himmatnagar is situated in Sabarkatha District. Dungarpur is just 80 Km away from Himmatnagar. which is a inert raw material. earlier which was producing at Thane in Maharashtra. In Folidol Dust 2% powder. Talcum powder was used to produce from Soap stone lumps which is supplied from Dungarpur. Company has sleeted Himmatnagar for formulation for their products. In 1989-90. Company has built up Himmatnagar plant to Produce Folidol Dust 2% powder. Udaipur from Rajasthan. In 1989-90.Reason for Selection of site  Bayer has selected Himmatnagar as Manufacturing/Formulation site in view of easy accessibility for raw material supply and easy transportation to Northern part of India for Finished goods. which is a backward place. Finished goods and packaging material. In process material.6. Granule & Liquid formulation facility DCS based formulation plant. Electrical Power supply: connected load 730 kw. Compressed air Fire hydrant system with Fire Pump (20 Hydrant Post with Hose box) Separate Fire water storage tank with 300 m3 capacity Own Water Bore-well Own Occupational Health Center Own Ambulance Hospital is 3 to 4 Km away from site Fire Brigade is 4 Km away from site . Own Warehouse at Site Quality control laboratory at site for testing Raw material.Facilities / Infrastructure               Total land area : 17379 m2 Dust. Utilities like Nitrogen. Chiller.  Daily monitoring of PPE in plant.Employee Health & Safety The Safety & Health of employees are ensured by following way at site.  Monthly Plant safety round .7.  Local Exhaust system for All processes.  Pre employment and Periodical medical check up of Employee  Monthly blood test (Cholinesterase Activity test) of employee for Oregano phosphorous compounds exposure  Own Medical centre for first aid treatment  Issue of required Personal Protective Equipment’s near work place. but it also helps deal with issues of general public interest. Company’s research into environmental protection serves not only the Company and the Chemical Industry. regardless of economic interests. The measures deemed to be necessary on the basis of scientific knowledge are implemented. the sale of products is curtailed or their production halted.Corporate policy The Company worldwide believes in the following basic principles: Comprehensive environmental protection and maximum safety are given the same priority as high product quality and optimum commercial efficiency.8. The Company’s subsidiaries throughout the world are obliged to apply the same standards of environmental protection and safety . Where health or environmental considerations demand it. There is emergency exit in warehouse. Containment facility is provided in warehouse in case of fire or spillage. There is ex proof electrical installations in warehouse. Packing material and Finished goods are stored in our own warehouse. which is built as per Bayer guidelines. Four-fire hydrant and three fire extinguishers have been installed around and in warehouse.PM & FG Raw material.9.Storage of RM. The warehouse is well ventilated and accessible from all sides for fire fighting in emergency. . Heavy duty pallet rack system is installed in warehouse. All material is stored as per storage guidelines and storage matrix made for warehouse. Battery operated stacker is provided for material handling. Smoke and heat detectors are installed in warehouse for early detection of Fire. Sales tax.10.  Material transfer by road trucks. Labor Act. Factory act.g Central excise.General Administration  Total Head counts are 64 at site on BCS roll.  Stock transfer to Bayer’s Warehouse & C&F Agent in India. Provident Fund act.  Production is running in three shifts generally and in three shifts in peak season. .  Central purchasing system.  Marketing in all over India.  Following all applicable legal requirements e.  Canteen room facility. ESIC.  Total 50 to 60 people per shift on contract base for packing. etc. General Administration  Own Ambulance and Medical centre  Round the clock security  Good infrastructural facility and good working Environment.  Employees Salary by Bank account no cash transaction All Employees covered under ESIC. PF.  Each and every employees will under gone the Training & Development program during the year. . Minimum 24 hours Training  plan for each employees. Gratuity and Insurance scheme  Performance base promotion policy based on annual performance analysis system. .  To find out the consumer purchase behavior.11.Research Methodology Objective To know about the buying behavior of farmer towards pesticide.  To study the organization and its activities related to farmer.  Research Design        Exploratory research Conclusive research Research instrument Target population definition Sampling technique Sampling size Sampling size determination . past research paper.• Research Design In our research report we are using two research designs. . •Exploratory research design •Conclusive research  Secondary data: internet .Magazine. Sabarkatha Sampling Frame: .A farmer who is using pesticide.-Have some alternative means close ended.Not available •Sampling Technique: .A farmer who is using pesticide. Sampling Unit: .• Research Instrument : Questionnaire Structured.Non Probability Sampling Technique convenience Sampling •Sample Size:-40 . • Population Definition: Target Population: -All farmers who are using pesticide Sampling Element: . Extent: . 5 to 2.5 to 4.how many your annual income? Out of total sample size 23% of farmer have 2.14.5 lac income . Data interpretation and Analysis Q1:.5 lac income .23% have more than 4.5 to 3.5 lac .5 lac.17% have 1. 30% of farmer have 3.5lac yearly income and 0nly 7% of farmer have less than 1. Crops is most affective factor in farm give the rank .and after that potato is also semi important factor .70 .2 Which kind of crops you taken in farm give the rank? Descriptive Statistics N cotton potato wheat 40 40 40 Minimum 1 1 1 Maximum 5 5 5 Mean Std.939 3.189 tobacco other Valid N (listwise) 40 40 40 1 1 5 5 3.00 2.02 3.381 Here .320 1.15 .Q.947 1.20 1. Deviation 2. Q3. Land holding pattern (in acres) Out of that 55% farmer farming crop in 3-5 acre land that mean medium size of land and that’ for they using a cash crop. . .Q4.also 27% they using a chemical and 30% of farmer use the chemical powder.What are the various Pesticide used in your farm? 43% of farmer are using special pesticide mean related to their crop and here . How do you know about pesticide? 50% of farmer are knowing about pesticide from agriculture department.2% of farmer are knowing from marketing officer and 23% farmer knowing from news paper .Q 5.13%of farmer knowing from other . 12% of farmer knowing from media. 17% farmer make decision based on farmer take decision depend on farmer and decision base on a government agriculture.Q6. and decision based on other decision based on agro advertisement and 23% 13% farmer are make only 10% farmer make .Who influence your pesticide buying decision ? Out of total farmer 37% are making purchase retailer . 22% farmer make decision based on Herbicide and 23% farmer take decision depend on Insecticide and only 13% farmer are make decision base on a Bio seeds .7 Which more in variety of pesticide do you use? Out of total farmer 42% are making purchase decision based on Fungicide . .Q. 5 lac 0 More 4.5 lac 0 2. H1: There is a association significance relation between income and land holding pattern.5 to 2.5 3 annual income lac 1.Hypothesis-1 This hypothesis sows association relationship income and land holding pattern. HO: There is no association significance relation between income and land holding pattern.5 lac 0 3.Above 5 acre acre 0 0 7 9 6 0 22 0 0 6 9 15 5 Total 3 7 9 12 9 40 . How much your annual income * Land holding pattern (in acres) Crosstabulation Count Land holding pattern (in acres) Below acre How much your Less than 1.5 to 3.5 lac Total than 0 3 3 Between 3.5 to 4. 000 Sig.Chi-Square Tests Asymp.000 .3%) have expected count less than 5. 14 cells (93.636 28.092 Df 8 8 1 N of Valid Cases 40 a. (2- Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association Value 66. .000 . The minimum expected count is .23.545a 54. sided) . . I also get information about various departments of company. When I visited in Bayer crop science pvt ltd. This company is producing many pesticide product.CONCLUSION I visited Bayer crop science himmatnagar. Every department has an own standard and basis on own formula. there is a good management. research and development etc. . marketing. Bayer crop science as the large scale in a himmatnagar city. I hope that in future time this unit Is producing more and more product. This unit has many Departments such as a product.


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