New Grammar Time 2 Part 1

June 4, 2018 | Author: WinnieYeung | Category: Syntax, Grammar, Linguistic Morphology, Style (Fiction), Language Mechanics
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:: hove got 20 tz 62 66 , must, cdn ,.There is/ore ..., How mony? 30 have 56 Grommor Reference Word List 58 68 74 76 80 84 86 90 90 90 102 06 108 111 photo pepper peppers iguono iguonos bus buses gloss glosses tomoto tomotoes strowberry strowberries t,=*< *: ::= :-.= :, ' . ' . .: - .,= =*q* i *i. toy photos toys Hello, children. Look ot Brion s pointings. A green bosketboll? No, o green pepper! ... or strowberries? Are they red peppers? They're tomotoes. We use o before words beginning with o consonont: q friend. o bird. We use on before words beginning with o vowel: on iguono, on ortist. There ore no orticles for plurol words: peppec, iguonos, three boolcs. Its on owful pointing! Corky! Stop it! Brion isn't o good ortist! E re Circle the correct word. 1 on pointing 2 o / on insect 3 o/ on oronge 4 o / on bosketboll house box bonon photo boy ferry strowberry toy donkey boby key fly rite o, an or -. 1 ..9........ book, ...:........ three books, ..9.?....... open book , 2 iguono, smoll iguono, four iguonos 3 two opples, ............ green opple, opple 4 pointing, six pointings, ............ owful pointing 1 Count ond write the plurol. Add -s or -es. fwo houses Lhree Count qnd write the plurol. Add -s or -ies. q{. 5 o/ onelephont 6 o/ ontoy 7 o/ onopple 8 o/ onshirt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 5 dlon, plurol nouns ?c,-i men women children teeth feet mice sheep fish deer 3) o leof mon womon child tooth foot mouse leoves looves wives leof loof wife sheep fish deer i._ in o different woy. 1 Look, count ond write the plural. wolf . mouse rEte the pEunm8s Em t8'ce bcgs. wife child fly desk bus knife porty ..?r.q 9.. two fish mon loof foot rr@ TI DW book wotch mouse tomoto loof yDtrtffi sheep 9. babies e loaves w0men key strowberry gloss knife fish mon 7 F s 6] I He She It We You They om 'm is 's Jenny. toll. in the pork. Jenny? silly? in the pork? Jenny. toll. in the pork. om. 'm not. is. isnt. ore. qrent. Who is Jenny? Shes my cousin. Where is Corky? Hes in the gorden. Whqt is thot? Its my bog. f.:' I Yes, he No' ;i' Yes, we No. You they ore 'rg I he she it WE you they g. This is my cousin, Jenny. She s from Austrolio. You're very toll! Are you o bosketboll ployer? I Who om l? Who ore they? Who s thot? Its Corky, my porrot. Yes. lom. 1 Circle the correct word. Reod ond write. Brion is clever. Zoe ond Vicky ore friends. Dove is o bosketboll ployer. The children ore in the gorden. My cousin ond I ore ten yeors old. The door is open. Vicky is hoppy. The cots ore on the toble. 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 1 f) Reqd qnd correct the sentences. Corky: You're eight yeors old. Zoe'. 1................ eight yeors old. ...... ten yeors old! Corky: Brion ond Jenny ore friends. Dove: They........ friends. . cousins. Corlqr: Dove is short. Brion: He................shor1.................to11! Corky: We're in the pork. Zoe'. We................ in the pork. ... in the gorden! Corky: I'm Sporky, the dog. Dove: You................ Sporky, the dog. .. Corky, the porrot! I .. '.19.. friends. ... o bosketboll ployer. in the gorden. ten yeors old. open. hoppy. on the toble. Reod, drow lines qnd motch. ls Zoe o boby? No, Are you o pupil? Yes, Are the children in the pork? No. Are we OK? Yes, Are you from Austrolio? No, f s Brion Zoe's cousin? No. rite short onswers. Are you o student? Are you eight yeors old? ls your dod toll? ls your mum from Austrolio? Are your cousins twelve yeors old? ls your teocher from the USA? o lom. b they orent. c she isnt. d I'm not. e he isnt. f we ore. 1 2 3 4 5 6 f) Reod ond write. Vrsrrons Welcome! nome Adrion Nicole Gino Antonio Costos Juon Jenny Anno oge 12 10 10 It 9 10 9 n To ouR Scuoot Jenny / Spoin? . . N g,. .r.f.e. . i.'.1. I L, . f lr.q Lq. f. rs r,. . Ay.:!r.e1.,.q., Costos / Greece? !:..9q:feq..rt.. .. ?rsese? .. t, | ' les, ne ts. Gino ond Antonio / Chino? 4 Juon / ltoly? 5 Nicole ond Adrion / the USA? country the USA the USA Itoly Italy Greece Spoin Austrolio Russio 10 6 Anno / Russio? 1 2 3 4 5 6 whot ..]:..n9 You're Corky, the porrot. I'm Zoe! I'm your friend. His nome's Brion. We're in the gorden. They're Dove ond Jenny. Shes Brion's cousin. Complete with one rd. ite. AnswerJennys e-moil in Exercise 8. Write obout you ond your friends. Use her e-moil os o model. 11 , This o fobulous T-shirt! is Thot for you. These nice sunglosses. ore Those cool sondols. 12 This is o fobulous T-shirt! lt's greot for my friend, Annie! Whot obout cousin Ston? ls thot o nice shirt? Yes, it is! Thonk you, Brion! These ore nice sunglosses for Mum! this + o singulor verb ond: tfiese + o plurol verb to tolk obout people, onimols or things thot ore neor. We use: thot+osingulorverb ond: tfiose + o plurol verb to tolk obout people, oni- mols or things thot ore for. ... ond for Dod... Hm! Those ore cool sondols! Thonk you! 5 Those policemen. 6 This o young womon. 7 These computers. 8 Thot on old CD. 3 .isobike. 4 ................ is o skoteboord. 1 2 3 4 Look ond write questions. Then write true onswers. 1 pretty / dress? 4 cool / shoes? . J.f. ,. l.{. 1.q., . . . . !!.q,. .if. .tp.ry.'.!.. 2 nice / T-shirt? 3 good / boots? 6 good / mork? 5 nice / wotch? ore nice photos. ore owful photos! rnis ..i9........ o new cor. Those blue pens. These eggs. Thot ............ o green door. 13 {l I you he she it WE you they my your his her its our your their For o mon, use hls. This is my friend. His nqme is George. For o womon, use her. This is Mqry Her dod is q teocher For on onimol or thing, use ifs. Thqts o pretty tree. lts /eoyes ore green. For o pet, when you know if it is o boy or o girf , use hrs or her. This is my porrot. His nomes Cor$t ln the plurol, use their for men, women, things, onimols or pets. Ihese crre my clossmqtes. Their nomes ore Poul ond Solllr, Stop it, Corky! Now listen! This is my bowl! These ore my cornflokes ond those ore your biscuits! This is my cup ... ...ond thot is your bowl! 14 Circle the correct word. losses ore funny! 1 1 A: Hi! We're Dovid ond lon. This is ..?.q1.......... school. We're in closs 5E. B: Hello! . nome s Thomos. A: Hello, Thomos! A: This is Andrew ond this is ................ sister, Josie. . mum is o doctor. B: Hi, Andrew! Hi, Josie! ls this . dog? C: Yes, it is. He s o boy. . nome s Eddie. 3 A: ls thotJulio over there? . skirt is cool! B: Yes, it is! HelloJulio! C: Hello, girls! A: Julio, C: Yes. it is. Thonks! rite q diologue. Then oct it out in closs. Choose o diologue from Exercise 5. Use it os o model ond write o new diologue. Act it out. Corky is my / her pet. Its / Your eyes ore red, Zoe! Her / His T-shirt is big! His / Her boots ore cool! Our / Their bogs ore very heovy! Reod qnd write. 15 Zoe's scorf. Brion's bog. The cot's toil. the men s the sheeps the girls' sunglosses. the boys' bogs. the cots' toils. 3 - possessive 's s=ts Zoes eyes qre brown. Zoe's happy. 16 Corky, thot is Zoe's scorf! Those ore nnys sunglosses! And these ore the girls' bogs! Welcome to Corkys tropicol porodise! We use possessive 3 with nouns to tolk obout possession. . We use 3 with singulor nouns: Zoes scod the cqts tqil ' We use ' with regulor plurol nouns: the girls'sunglosses ' We use 3 with irregulor plurol nouns: the men's shoes Look qnd write. nose is red. nose is red. The ........ snrrt is big. ..... shirt is big. The ........ legs ore very short. legs ore very short. The ........ neck is long. ..... neck is long. rite 's or '. )- These ore Mory..9.. pens. ls this Briqn..... bike? It s Jenny..... computer. These ore the boys..... shoes. 6 homework is very good. homework is very good. 5 The cot..... nome is Nino. 6 The students..... books ore here. 7 The teocher..... cor is white. 8 These ore the girls..... English tests. Brion s Zoe's friend. Thots Dove's book. Jennys Brions cousin. The mouse's nome's Pinky. Helen s this girls sister. The womon s bog s red. 17 Whose? It isn't my bog! Here's your bog, Adom! It's Adom s bog! It isn't her bog! bog is shoes ore this? those? Its Adom s They're my '!E write. they're whose bog ..!9........... this? Whose sunglosses ................ these? Whose boll ................ this? Whose posters ... those? Whose bikes .... these? Whose cor ... thot? lf's Adom s. Dove s. Feter's. Cloire s. the boys'. my dod s. ? ll l) Ploy o Student A: Student B: Choose qnd is ore it s 1 2 3 4 ,5 6 lL's Loe's. 2 . glosses bog 6 legs ...........................? gome. Think of on object in the clossroom. Ask o question. Look oround the clossroom. Find the object ond onswer the question. 1 bog 2 shoes 3 T-shirt 4 hoir Now swop roles. 19 positive, negotive Brion! I've got tickets for the cinemo. Just o minute ... Look! We've got o new bike! The story continues on poge 22. I You hove got We 've got tickets for the cinemo' They He she hos got o new bike. rt s gol I You hove not qot L, ^, __L_ t- - L,- , . we noven't got tlcKets tor the clnemo' They He hos not qot 5ne o new btKe. It nosn r gor as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Circle the correct word. Brion, Dove ond Zoe hos got o new bike. Dove hove got / hos got tickets for the cinemo. You hove got / hos got o clever dog. I hoven't got / hosnt got o bike. They hove got / hos got two bononos. We hoven't got / hosnt got o DVD ployer. She hove got / hos got green eyes. Peter hovent got / hosn t got o bosketboll. Look, reod qnd write" He .......... o sister. Her nome is Suzie. He .......... o brother. Suzie....... . o pink dress. She ........ o green dress. Dove s fother o moustoche. He o beord. Doves mother ond grondmother short hoir. They ........ long hoir. rite obout your fomily. 1 2 3 4 5 6 | / big fomily I / brother(s) | / sister(s) My dod / moustoche My mum / short hoir. | / brown eyes. 21 d$ll questions, short onswers ... for the cinemo? I vou ' qot WE they he she got it o screwdriver? I Yes, you No, we they Yes, n," No. sne It hove. hoven't. hos. hosnt. I We don't use gof in short onswers. , OK, let's qo. .- -*-*:_=.__: _-. .9.€, Hos the tickets? Reod snd write questions. "! Zoe s got o purple jocket. Z Dove ond Peter hove got o bosketboll. 3 You've got o TV. 4 Brion s'got o cot. 5 The mon s got on umbrello. 6 We've got oronge juice. 7 The house hos got o green door. I Vicky s got o brother. Brion / o skoteboord? Zoe / o computer? o footboll. too? o DVD ployer, too? o dog, too? o coot. too? milk, too? .... green windows, too? .... o sister, too? 5 Peter / o CD ployer? 3 Dove/qbike? 6 Cloire/ocomero? guitor dog 23 1 Whose They're Whose It's Whose {l Complete with o or on" Then write the plurol. 1 This is ..{..... cor. 2 Thot is oronge. 3 This is tooth. 4 This is umbrello. 5 Thot is knife. 6 Thot is wotch. 7 This is elephont. I Thot is ........ bus. Look ond write. ? the childen 3 Horry 4 Helen Whose They're 5 Poul Wl It's 6 the boys Whose They're Circle the correct word. Mondy: John: Mondy: John: Mondy: John: Mondy: John: Mondy: John: Mondy: Mr Brook: Hi, John! ls 1 this / thot your bog over there? No, 2 your / my bog is here. 3 Whose / Whot bog is it? I think it's 4 Mike / Mike s. Are 5 you / your reody for the school picnic? Yes, I om. Look! This is 6 o ,/ on new T-shirt! 7 They're / lts cool! Thonks! And these 8 is / ore my new sunglosses. And I've got my e dod / dod s comero. Greot! The buses ore over there! ls thot 10 we / our teocher? Yes, its 11 Mr Brook / Mr Brooks. John, Mondy! tz This / These is our bus! Hurry up! 24 l-isten snd drcw lignes. Lionne Kim Oliver 1 2 Horry Liso LiEten again snd tcke nstes. Then esk cnd $mswer. Who / hos got / red hoir? Who/beltwins? 3 Who / hos got / o blue T-shirt? 4 Whose / cousins / be / the two girls? 5 Who / hos got / long, dork hoir? 6 Whose / friend / Kim? A: Whot's this? B: lt's o wotch. 0liver ond A:Who qre those boys? B:They're my friends. Tolk obout possession. A: Whose is this bog? B: lt's Tom's. Sqndro's got new sunglosses. Describe things ond people. Poul's got short hoir Mory's eyes ore blue. g5 ssE Are they under the desk? Are \ they next to the CD ployer? No. they oren't. -i:-::a i:: ;;t The boll is in the box. The boll is on the box. The boll is in front of the box. The boll is next to the box. The boll is under the box. The boll is behind the box. Where Dove? Zoe? the cot? is 's ore He ts She ,s It ore They ,re in front of the TV. in Zoes room. the boys? the girls? my glosses? Are they in front of the TV? Are they behind your bog? No, they oren't. Brion, ore they on your heod? The boll is neor the box. The boll is between the two boxes. 26 1 Look ond circle the correct onswer. The rocket is in front of the bosket. 2 The tennis bolls ore in / on the bosket. . 3 The skis ore neor / between the bosketboll ond the footboll. 4 The footboll boots ore on / next to . the footboll. 5 The flippers ore under I in front of the skis. 6 The riding boots qre between / behind the bosketboll. 7 The ski goggles ore in front of / under the bosket. here's Briqn's cot? Look, choose ond in on under in front of next to bffi wrEte. between neor \\t r\l the door. 3 lts the sofo. 2 lts .. the toy cot. ?. 4 lts ..... the TV. 5 lt's .... . its bosket. 6 lt's . the bowl ond the boll. 7 lts ................ Brion. I lt's ................ the bed. 27 the supermorket. the bed. the cor. the sofo! the gorden. the DVD ployer. the choir. 2 Where the cof6? Where my new jeons? Where Chris ond Mortin? 5 Where the mouse? 6 Where Dod? 7 Where the DVD? 8 Where my shoes? 28 Student A: Look of the picture in Exercise 4. Ask questions obout it. Student B: Look of the picture in Exercise 4. Then close your book ond onswer the questions. (dogs?) the picnic rug. (Corky?) the picnic bosket. (robbits?) the tree. (Dove?) Leo ond Jenny. (Peter?) ..... Jenny. (Cloire?) Brion. Where s Dove? New swtrp roles. 2q n a8 No. Corkv. there isn't. There's your swimming pool, Corky. ond there qre your swings... I hove on c a E T[ ao ) /t v Yes, there is. / No, there isn t. How mony swings ore there? How mony swimming pools ore there? Yes, there ore. / There ore two. There is one. There ore t!!o sllings! There's o sw'imming pool! There isn't o swimming Y'.l pool in our gorden! There s o big gorden behind the woll! 8oo, a: >>< ls there? Good. Come on, now. No swimming pool ... no swings ... o big gorden. o big gorden? Are there Positive Questions Short qnswers Wh- questions ond onswers There ls 's is not tnere rsn t ls there ore not Inere oren T two swings. two swings. two swings? No, there qren't. o big gorden. There ore 3CI il/' \U. I 2 .4 5 b ! I l dro'a 9t9 g o toble. four choirs. ,! z 5 4 5 .... three glosses on the toble. .... o red bike. .... two swings. .... o dog under the toble. .... two birds. ....... o mogozine. Look st the pieture im Exereise t" rite ..... o dog under the toble? ..... two cots behind the bike? : :: ::'ftl$'1he10b'e? . two swings? :: :: :1?:iJ#:lJl*::il3::l ., Lcok, ree d cnd write $mswers" How mony choirs ore there? How mony bikes ore there? How mony swings ore there? How mony plotes ore there? How mony glosses ore there? q uestEeras smd {!Rswers. .. X9.q.,..f.tetf..t9.,....... . l$.Q,. .tfrsrr..qr.r.T. lL,. 31 ere are feur" Look, find ond write. 1 cinemo 2 zoo 3 supermorket 4 bus stotion 5 pork 6 school 7 sports centre 8 museum 9 librory 10 cof6 Librorg There ore Lwo cinemos. ere tsn'L a L00. 1 o museum? --- 2 three cinemos? 3 o toy shop? 4 three schools? 5 o museum? 6 two porks? 7 ozoo? 8 three cof6s? . .1.p. .10.r:.e.. 9. .n q.q 9.?.n. ?. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ar e . .lh er e . .lb.r :s. . sine.n e.e.?. . . 32 Answer the questions obout your town or oreo. ls there o zoo? ls there o librory? How mony porks ore there? How mony cinemos ore there? ls there o museum? How mony schools ore there? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reod, choose ond write. ls schools 's rite. write to Brion obout your town. use his emoil in Exercise 7 os o model. 33 Greot! | con sing ond Brion con ploy the guitor! ; I I I You con try, Dove. Pleose ... We con help you, my frieeend ... Oh no! Pleose. stop! This is owful! My friend is very toll. He con ploy bosketboll! But he con't sing ot oll! Yeoh! Whot con you do. Dove? ,, Well. I con ploy bosket- bqll. but I con't sing! t \ l(( l/You/He/She/lt/ We/You/They con l/you/he/ she/it/ LOn we/youlthey sing. ploy bosketboll. sing? Yes, write o song? No, ploy bosketboll? l/You/He/She/lt/ connot We/You/They (con't) l/you/he/ she/it con' we/you/they con't. 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I i I I I I scFtooLsHow Whot con gou do? Slgn upftrthe shoto! Nons slhg dahrr- ptol tnrslc ofi -Sen*y t/ r' X x Peter x x ( r' Brion &Zoe r' r' r' x Aaqm x r' x X . L........ Jenny donce? ...... Brion ond Zoe oct? . Peter sing? . Adom donce? . Peter ond Adom sing? . Adom ploy music? . Brion ond Zoe sing? . Jenny sing? Look of the toble ogoin. rite con or csnt. Jenny ..99n......... sing but she .99?.: ...... ploy music. She ........ donce but she ........ oct. Peter . sing but he . ploy music. He ................ oct but he .... donce. Brion ond Zoe sing ond they ....... ploy music. They . donce but they . oct. Adom . oct ond he ................ sing. He ................ ploy music but he ... donce. Reqd ond write ond or but. 3 Brion con reod French he cont speok it. 4 Adom con't ploy tennis ............ he con't swim. 5 Jenny con't run fost she con jump. 6 Vicky con point she con moke o coke. 35 1 Look. rite questions qnd onswers. fly 2 ride o bike 3 climb o tree 4 sing fa J) 5 point 6 drive o cor /: ite questions ond true onswers. you/rideobike your friend / ploy the guitor your dod / swim your mum / donce elephonts / speok English ....'........... porrots / fly Put the rds in the right order. piono / con / ploy / the / they. ploy/you/music/con? horse / conl Soro.h / rid€ / o. /n )q \ onswer / the / con / you / question? con't / tree / wel this / climb. 36 your / con / fost / sister / run? Reod qnd write. Briqn write songs y' point y' oct X Dove sing X ploy bosketboll y' donce X Zoe ride o horse y' skote y' ploy tennis X Corky tty r' speok English! y' ride o bike X Detr Gi.ov6nna- Brinn and. Do-ve Me mA besL {,iwnd-s. Binn cnn songs and. he 1..f*ff..'?.+j.Ti........... buL he L..1. ... acbl Dave . smg and- d,ancx, buL he oan 4. ...1 He's vexg good"l | 5..... a- horse and- | cnn Corkg Lr mg pe,L porroL He 8 m 9 and. he EnglLshl Cam gou spenk EnglLsh?. Love Zoe rite. Write o letter to Zoe. Write obout whot you ond your friends con or con't do. Use her letter in Exercise 7 os o model. Dear Zoe, ore mq bestfriends. . con but catt Best trishes 3V SG lmperotives or Do not (Don't) move! Do not (Don't) lough! . To tell someone to do something, we use the verb only: Look of the comero! . To tell someone not to do something, we use Do not (Don't) + verb: DonT move! OK. The comero is reooy Don't move. Dolel Wotch out! Well, it is o funny photo! 3E Motch the sentences with the pictures. Don't sit there! Don't tolk! Don't close the door, pleose! Eot your spinoch! e f I h o b c d Toke on umbrello. Wosh your honds! Dont cry. Listen to this! Choose ond write. take ( sit X tolk X help { listen y' wqsh y' eot X 2 .. me, pleose. I con't corry oll these bogs. 3 .! Listen to the teocher! 4 ....... your foce. You've got chocolote on it. 5 here! lts Bens chqir. 6 Heres my comero. ........... ..... o photo of Peter. 7 to this song! lts greot! I . this coke. lts owful! ll o friend what to do or not to do qt school. (eot in the clossroom X) 2 (listen to the teocher r/) 3 (onswer the teochers questions l) 4 (reod comics in the clossroom X) 5 (listen to music in the clossroom X) 6 (sit ot your desk y') 3q con for permission f) f\ \._ 4 J Con l/you/he/she/ itlwe/they toke photos? visit the shop? Yes. No. a'r: :P * We use Con l/ we oskfor permission to:: ::-:_- -: * We use con when we give permission o-c ------ - +- don't give permission. Con we feed the onimols? No, you conL Con I toke photos, Miss Jones? e.' t?) i .4 =-. No, we con't. Look of the sign, Peter. 4S You con feed Corklt 1 2 3 4 5 6 ite csn or csnt. Dogs welcome. Don't open the door! No bikes! Visit our shop. Pleose toke o chocolote. Do not swim here! toke your dog. open the door. ride o bike. visit the shop. toke o chocolote. swim here. ploy You ..9911..... You ............ You ............ You ............ You . You ............ l.l Ask qnd on r. Find out obout the rules in your friend s home. !-ssE<, ehoese cmd write. feed use eot or drink toke 5 The boys ..... with their boll in this pork. 1 wotch TV ofter 10 o'clock? 2 listen to music in your room? 3 go to bed ofter 11 o'clock? 4 go to the cinemo with your friends? ll the closs obout your pcrtner. Mrs Benton ............ her mobile phone here. The girls the ducks. hove o porty of home? weor eorrings? go on holidoy without your porents? sleep of o friend s house? 5 6 7 I 3 We ........ in the shop. 4 Zoe ........ photos here. 41 nl lme I r-<--^ A We use object pronouns ofter verbs ond prepositions: Help me! DonT look qt them! you him her it us you them you he she it WE you they 42 Don't look ot them! Be coreful! Zoe con help you! Where is Dove? | con't see him. Con you see thot pond? He s in rtl Complete I me you you Circle the correct rd. These shoes ore nice. Jenny is in the kitchen. I con't corry this box. We're in London. Where ore you? The boys ore over there. Con you see Listen to Come to the pork with Ask o question. The exercise is difficult. Pleose help Look ot She s very pretty. Pleose ploy with Con you tell your nome? Drow lines ond mot the sentences. Brion is in the cor. I Reod ond write. I con't ride this bike. Look of the flowers! Con they see Feter? : -- Dont drink the uasfer-- Go out with John ond Ann. Eot your sondwich. Sit next to Jenny. Listen to your porents. o Pleose help me. b Come ond visit us. c I cont see you! d Jenny is with him. e Con I weor them? f Go ond tolk to her. I cont ride Look ot : Con they see Don't drink Go out with Eot Sit next to Listen to 43 ffi Reod, choose ond write" them her him you -m€ it us Complete. Where s the cor? | cont see . .............! Uncle Jock ond Aunt Diono ore here! Soy hello to Its Tom s birthdoy todoy. I've got o present for I con't do this exercise. Pleose, help ................! Shes o greot singer! Listen to ................! We're thirsty. Pleose give ....... o gloss of woter. rite the words in the correct order. | / to / tolk / con't / now / you. with / Brions / hen front / in / We're / of / him. uslThey / see/ con't. surprise / o / Dods / for / got / me! children / The / with / ore / them. -L-l Corky! Come with Oh, good! Whot is it? ..1.. l!..!9 : -<. ?, :-r- 1 Circle the correct onswer. These bononos oren't OK. Dont eot o them b they cit 2 This isJenny. .s Brions cousin. o Her b She cHe 3 Zoe cont corry thot box! Help ....... Dove! o his bit c her 4 Adom is ill. He cont come to the cinemo with owe bl cus 5 . ore hungry. Con we hove o sondwich? oUs b Them c We 6 Look of Peter! . s behind Dove. oHe b Him c They pen with me. Here, toke a ls this your photo olbum? Yes, it is. Con I look of 5................? Of course. Here. This is Morio. Look of 6................! ... s only three yeors old in this photo! 'm bored. Come with e...... to the pork, then. Greot! {lf rite o diologue. Then oct it out in closs. Choose o diologue from Exercise 9. Use it os o model ond write o new diologue. Act it out. {l Complete with one word. 1 A: These bosketboll boots ore for 1..A?.V......... , Tom. Hoppy birthdoy! B: Thonks Mum. ...'re greot! Con I weor ... todoy? 2A: B: A: 3A: B: A: B: 4A: B: A: I hoven't got o block I've got o block pen. Thonks! 45 {l Listen and write A or B. 'l Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture Picture Picture Picture Picture 5 6 7 I i Lcok ct the pEetur€s Ear Exereise €. e*po*se ond w rirr in front of between be+ffi in under (x2) neor or Picture A A ....... o bosket ....... the sofo ond the choir. 3 ...... three pens . ...... the toble. 4 two photos ..... ... the window. Picture B 5 o bog . the choir. 6 ....... six books ..... the choir. ? .... o choir ...... the TV. S ....... two flowers the vose. Lool< egcEm et the pietures ire ExereEse 1. Ask cF: : -:,.,:- Where s Zoe in Picture A? She s in front 46 1 Zoe? 2 the pens? 3 the boq? 4 the photos? 5 C3-<.: : :e =,:s<et? Nick Helen Sondrq ploy footboll r' x r' speok ltolion x x r' ride o bike r' r' x swim 200m r' x r' rite questioms cnd craswers. d 2 3 "t .? 5 6 Helen / ploy footboll Nick/rideobike Sondro / swim 200m Nick / speok ltolion Helen / ride o bike Sondro / ploy footboll Recd, c*roose sE"rd wnEte, A: We'v ur foiry cokes. B: Put 1 .... on o plote, pleose. o they b them c those o I cont toke b I con toke c Con I toke A: 2 o photo with your comero? B: I'm sorry, I hoven't got my comero with 3.. eot this sondwich! why? Its Som s. 5 I cont see 6....... Oh, there she is. And there s Dovid. Oh, yes. Emmo s behind 7 ..... to this song. lts greot! Yes, it is. a I z a 4 Emmo? ome bl o Cont b Don't cmy cNo b Where ore c Where b them c she tr J b v E o Where s o her o him o You listen bhe b listen cit c Listen A B Ask obout ond soy where things ore. A:Wheres the bog? B: lts on the toble. There ore two men in the cqr. Tolk obout things you con,/cont do. I con ride a bike. She conT open the window Give instructions. Listen to the teocher. DonT write on your book. Ask permission to do something. Can I wotch TV? 47 I eot | / We / You / They buy go eots He / She / lt buys 9oes popcorn comics to the cinemo popcorn comics to the cinemo on Soturdoy. ot in six o'clock / night / the weekend the morning / the ofternoon / the evening on Soturdoy / Mondoy every doy / weekend / week / month / yeor on Sundoys = every Sundoy in the evenings = eVery evening I love Soturdoys! | get my pocket money! We get our pocket money, too! First, they go to o fost food restouront. Zoe buys ice creom ond the boys buy popcorn. No money! In the ofternoon, they go to the cinemo. 48 every week. lM stoy fly N do run study wosh yue.ffi swim live eot buy wofches cries Look ot the spelling rules on poge 109" Circle the correct word. likes ice creom. Dove ploy / ploys bosketboll every Soturdoy. Corky speok / speoks English. They live / lives in London. Peter study / studies Sponish on Fridoys. Dove ond Brion reod / reods comics. I get up / gets up of seven o'clock every doy. Mrs Cole teoch / teoches French. Reod snd write. teoch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 1 2 3 Sonio ...... of seven o'clock every doy. ln the ofternoon, she her homework. TV. 4 We...... .. of ten o'clock of the weekend. 5 In the morning, we .... to the pork. 6 In the ofternoon, we ffi;;. " comPuter In the evening, she Every doy, I get up ot 7 o'clock. In the ofternoon I do my homework. In the evening, I wotch TV. At the weekend, we get up ot 10 o'clock. In the morning, we go to the pork. In the ofternoon, we ploy computer gomes. 4q negotive, questions fi l/We /You/They HelShe/lt do not don't fly o plone. does not like vets. doesn't Do l/we/you/they he/she/it | / we / you / they fly o plone? he / she / it like vets? whot ::iJ::i'Jot the weekends? Yes, No, Yes, No, do. don't. does. doesnt. 5G Do you fly plones, too? This is Uncle Bert. No, I don't, Corky. I'm o vet. I don't tolk to vets! Sorry, Uncle Bert. Corky doesn't like vetsl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Circle the correct word" Corky don't / doesn't like vets. Vets don't / doesn't fly plones. We dont / doesnt eot strowberries. She dont / doesn't weor jeons. You don't / doesnt reod comics. The door don't / doesn't open with this key. He dont / doesnt ploy computer gomes. I dont / doesnt wotch TV in the evening. Reod ond (student) go to school ploy footboll wotch TV teoch Moths point pictures cook dinner help sick onimols ploy tennis go out with friends ::: : :: ::: ::::i:::,i,T,ll i;,"t:l:: ::::::l: l:::fternoon? 4 . John . to school in the evening? . Julio . pictures in the evening? .. She . pictures . Horry ond Emmo ................ sick onimols in the evening? They . out with friends Fridoy mornings? Fridoy ofternoons? Fridoy evenings? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Soturdoy Soturdoy Soturdoy mornings? ofternoons? evenings? 51 erbs Do you olwoys ploy computer gomes? Whot obout you? No, not olwoys. We sometimes listen to music. We often go to the pork. Dove usuolly ploys bosketboll there. Hello. Con I osk you some questions for TeenLink, our school mogozine? Whot do you do in your free time? I usuolly visit o friend. We ploy computer gomes. Corky! You never ploy the piono ond you never point! And whot do you do in your free time? I ploy the piono ond I point! No, I dont. But I'm in TeenLink mogozine! Wow! Thots omozing! . We use odverbs of frequency to soy how often somebody does something. olwoys They olwoys ploy computer games. usuof ly I usually go to o friend s house. often . . I We often go to the pork sometimes lVe sometimes /rsten to music. never i__ __ You never reod bools. . Adverbs of frequency usuolly go before the moin verb. She doesnt olwoys go to bed eorllt Do you usuolly go to the pork? . sometimes ond often hove o different ploce in o negotive sentence. Sometimes they don't ploy bosketboll. They dont visit their qunt often. 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Look of the chort on poge 52" Add the correct qdverb. Dove . ploys bosketboll in the pork. ---1 I ........ buy mogozines. -t We ................ wotch TV on Fridoys. They . go out with friends on Soturdoy evening. -- -r Adom . reods comics. My sister drinks milk for breokfost. rite the odverb in the correct ploce. 2 You go to bed ot 9 o'clock. (olwoys) 3 We go to the cinemo on Wednesdoy. (usuolly) I reod o mogozine on Sundoy morning. (often) She eots fish. (never) 6 He does his homework on Fridoys. (olwoys). Reqd ond write. What do you do in your free time? always usually often sometimes neYer Peter visiL a friend read comics Sylvia lisLen to music waLch Chris skale fn the park plag wmputer gomes Victoria go ouL wiLh friends sLag at home 1 2 3 4 Sylvio Chris Victorio 53 Look qt Exercise 3 on poge 53. ite questions ond onswers. hot do they do in their free time? Sylvio / listen to music / olwoys? Victorio / skote in the pork / often? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chris / ploy computer gomes / sometimes? Mctorio / stoy of home / usuolly? Peter / wotch TV / olwoys? Sylvio / go out with friends / often? 1 Dove: 1 (My cousin Rolf / get up / never) Whot time does he get up? 2 (he /get up /usuolly) Does he go to bed lote, too? 3 Zoe: Dove: Brion: Dove: Zoe: Dove: 2 Brion: Adom: Brion: Adom: of twelve o'dod<. to bed before five in the morning. (he / go /never) Oh. deor! Does he work? Yes, he does. He s o night bus driver! of nine o'clock? (you / go to bed / olwoys) No, not olwoys. of eight o'clock. (l / go to bed / sometimes) Thots eorly! Yes, it is. But of six o'ctock in the morning ond wotch the cortoons on TV! (l / get up / often) 54 Choose ond write qbout you. 2 do homework in the evening ............ 3 wotch TV in the morning study for tests 4 5 see my friends of the weekend 6 go to the cinemo on Mondoys Reod ond write. ite. Write o letter to Giovonno. Write obout your friends ond whot you usuolly do together. Use her letter in Exercise 7 os o model. 55 Do you sell strowberry milkshokes? Whot do you wont, Zoe? A strowberry milkshoke, No, I don't. They don't hove strowberry milkshokes. Zoe. Do you sell chocolote milkshokes? No. We don't sell chocolote milkshokes. OK, con I hove o chocolote milkshoke. then? I hove mugs ond T-shirts! Thot lody over there hos milkshokes. Do l/we/you/they Does he / she / it :3* l/You/We/They He/She/lt l/You /We/They HelShe/lt hove hos do not (don't) hove does not (doesn't) hove o milkshoke. T-shirts. o milkshoke. T-shirts. o milkshoke? T-shirts? Yes, l/you/we/theydo. No, | / you / we / they do not (don't). Yes, he / she / it does. No, he / she / it does not (doesn't). hqve Complete with the correct form of hq . Greot! Con we wqtch it? Yes. of course. . o DVD ployer in your room? No, | 3..... Lets go to my house, then. | 4................ o DVD ployer in my room. Greot! I need your help. lts my cousinb birthdoy todoy ond I s present for him! ... he . o boseboll cop? Yes. he Whot obout o CD wollet for his CDs? ................ o Thots o good ideo. He 8........ o CD wollet! Thonks! B A B A $ s fn Look qt Exercise Use these ideqs. Christino Aguilero / my friend's / scs#4 singer'/,her^"* CD / listen to / o CD ployer photo olbum for her photos 57 s € ti] I \Ne/You/They He/She/lt I We/You/They He/She/lt om ('m) ore ('re) is (s) om not ('m not) ore not (oren't) is not (isn't) TV? Oh, no! I'm not weoring my cool jocket! weoring sunglosses. going to the shops. Yes. lom. No, I'm not. Yes, you / we / they ore. No, you / we / they're not. Yes, he / she / itis. No, he / she / it isn't. Aml Are we / you / they weoring sunglosses? going to the shops? listening to music? He's flying owoyl Where's he going? I Quiet, pleosel reody now! Welcome to Poul s Pet Tolk! This is Zoe ond her pet porrot, We use the I present continuous for something thot l is hoppening now or todoy. 5S he/she/it .P! s.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I t^ Look! Corky...)....... weoring his cool jocket! They............ doing o TV show obout pets. Dove ond Brion wotching the pet show on TV. Come with us. We ............ going to the cinemo. Hurry up! The bus ............ leoving! You ............ wolking very fost. Woit for me! Pleose be quiet. Dod ............ sleeping. | ............ writing o story for the school mogozine. Choose ond write negotive sentences. The boys their lunch. They orent hungry. You ........ your homework ! You're wotching TVI She ........ to music. Shes writing on e-moil. He .......... his bike. Hes skoting. The cot . lts ploying in the gorden. L............ your mogozine. This is my mogozine. They in the seo. lts very cold. (Mum/work) .todoy? (you / write) ...... o letter? (they / lough) ................? (it / roin) The sky is grey. ................? (l / sit) . on your choir? b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 Yes, he is. No, they orent. Yes, you ore. No, she isnt. Yes. it is. 59 thegirl /toke/ophoto? the dogs / lump? Brion/eotlobonono? Zoe / lough? the clowns / weor / red shoes? the boby / look ot the clowns? the mice / sleep? the cot / run? 0-fi=- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Look of the picture in Exercise 5. Correct the sentences. 1 The girl is tolking to Dove. The clowns ore weoring block T-shirts. Brion is drinking lemonode. The ocrobots ore jumping. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The boby is pleeping. Zoe is crying. Dove is reoding o comic. The dogs ore running. 60 Reod ond complete the diologue. Pete: Hi Dove! lts Pete. Dove: Hi Pete! Dqve: ... TV. (l / wotch) Pete: Whot ... (Zoe / do?) Dove: ... o book. (she / reod) Pete: ... bosketboll in the pork. (Adom ond l/ ploy) Dove: Greot! 6 too! (l / come) Choose ond complete. listen visit donce study do Vffi write not tolk rite. Write on e-moil to o friend. Write obout whot you, your fomily ond friends ore doing (or not doing) now. Use Brion s e-moil in Exercise 8 os o model. 61 {'} You're ploying o gome! You oren't of school! Why? Brion usuolly weors trousers but todoy he s weoring shorts! - Todoys o holidoy, Corky! There's no school! She gets up ot 7 o'clock every doy. He olwoys goes to school of 8 o'clock. Zoe, Briqn ond Dove like boord gomes. She s sleeping of the moment. He s ploying bosketboll now. . Use the Present simple to tolk obout routines (things you do regulorly) or focts (e.9. things you like or hote) . Use the Present continuous to tolk obout things we ore doing now. . Use these verbs in the Present simple only: hate, love, like, know. 62 Read und write onswers" 1 Does Zoe's Dod usuolly ride his bike to work? ls he riding his bike to work todoy? 2 Does Brion usuolly eot on opple for breokfost? ls he eoting on opple todoy? Do Vicky ond Zoe usuolly weor jeons? Are they weoring jeons todoy? Does Zoe usuolly drink milk in the ofternoon? ls she drinking milk todoy? Do the boys usuolly ploy footboll? Are they ploying footboll todoy? write. Todoy l-ook, reqd und Usuolly 1 2 Brion usuolly ...... on opple for breokfost. (eot) Todoy he o bonono. (eot) 3 Vicky ond Zoe usuolly ....... jeons. (weor) Todoy they dresses. (weor) Zoe usuo1|y................ oronge juice in the ofternoon. (drink) Todoy she milk. (drink) The boys usuolly ...... footboll. (plov) Todoy they ...... tennis. (ploy) .. lt.q,..h.e..dg.e.qn :.1,... . ..I9.q.,..ttr.. ig,............ 63 Circle the correct word(s). 1 I listen to music now. 2 Why ore you weoring o dress every Sundoy / todoy? 3 My dod usuolly / of the moment drives to work. 4 Are you going to bed every doy /ot the moment? 5 He doesnt buy o mogozine every Soturdoy / now. 6 The girls ore ploying in the gorden every doy / ot the moment. 7 Do you olwoys / right now ploy tennis on Sundoys? 8 She isnt tolking on the phone every ofternoon / now. Usuo Brian - have quttar le;|ox Dave a,\d Pete - pl^y barketball Zoe - 4o to the libiary Corky - r^ratch 'Slar' or,. TY Look reod ond comple . lly on Mondoy ofiternoon ... 1 Brion . 9.9..9.9.q !!.9.f ..t.C:W.ry., 2 Zoe 3 Dove ond Fete 4 Corky 5 Cloire ond Anne This ofternoon ... 7 Zoe 8 Dove ond Pete 9 Corky Claire and Anne - study French 64 10 Cloire ond Anne Reod, choose qnd write. come drink like sit hove eot do Deqr Zoe r 1.. .writ[n9......... Lhis posLcard urlLh mg €amLtg €or Lhe ureakand. I LhLs ptqee. IL's greaLl IL's SqLurdag mornlngr and I 3...... .. qL q cq€d .^-:LLh m9 mum. Sha +...... coffee qnd I .... lemon Lce ereqm. AL hom", I usuatlg mg homeu:ork on SaLurdag mornLng becquse mg grqndmoLher att^sags ...... Lo our house €or lunch on Sundqqg^ trJhoL qbouL gori 8..... gou ................. fun? Lovet GLovqnnq Ln SqnLorLnL. Itm here z 1 rite questions ond unswers. Giovonno / usuolly do her homework / on Soturdoy? Giovonno / do her homework / of the moment? 3 Her grondmother / olwoys visit her / on Sundoy? 4 Her mum / eot lemon ice creom? rite. You ore owoy for the weekend. Write o postcord to o friend. Use Giovonno s postcord in Exercise 5 os o model. Deor I'm. It's Soturdog ........ ... ond Athone,lusuottg 55 Best oishes t! II a IS 11 -1 6) rite qbout you ond your fornily" | /go to school (mum / dod) / go to work | / do my homework | / get my pocket money We / hove dinner (sister / brother / friend) wotch TV | / go to the cinemo (mum / dod) / go to bed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reqd ond choose. Then tick (r/) True or lse for your friend. llotu uell do gou knoru gour fdend? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I On Sundoys helshe usuolly gets up / gets up usuolly very lote. He/She never hos / doesnt hos milk for breokfost. HelShe doesn't like / isn't liking clossicol music. HelShe ploys computer gomes of / in the weekend. HelShe loves / does love footboll. HelShe doesn't hove / hosn't o brother. HelShe often listens to music on / in the evening. He/She never toke / tokes the bus to school. True T tr T I t, I tr tr 1 2 3 4 5 6 Look qt the questionnuire in Exercise 2. rite sentences obout you. 66 List*st cmd drcw EErses t* sm*€eh. Soturdoy, 11.30 o.m. Thursdoy, 5.00 p.m. Wednesdoy, 10.00 o.m. Tuesdoy, 4.30 p.m. Wednesdoy, 1.00 p.m. Soturdoy, 3.00 p.m. ecmpEcte w*tFe the presemt sFmp€e er t*=e pa'essmt ssmt,Ereu*exs. A: Look! Thots Chris overthere! He 1...F..P.r. S..............(ploy) footboll with the boys. B: Whot (heldo) here? He usuolly (do) his homework in the ofternoon. A: Todoy is o holidoy. There s no homework! A: Hello, girls! Where . (you / go)? B: Hello, Ms Brown! Penny ond I .... (go) to the cinemo. A: 6.... ....... (you / olwoys / go) to the cinemo on Fridoys? B: Yes, we do. A: Con I reod your comic? B: I'm sorry. | 7........ .... (reod) it ot the moment. A: But its six o'clock. You 8... (olwoys / wotch) your fovourite TV show ot six o'clock. Tolk obout hobits ond routines or how often you do things. I usually get up ot 9 o'clock ot the weekend. He ploys tennis on Fridoys. Tolk obout something thot is hoppening now. Hes buying o poir of jeons. They're studying for o test. s7


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