Methodic Statement for CP KNPC

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KNPC CFP - MAB2 ProjectP6022MAB.000.51H.014 Rev.: F2, 07 July, 2015 KNPC CFP Project MAB2 Package REVIEW BY: 1 CODE: DISCPLINE: R A Growcott Gen Supt DATE: 21-Jul-15 7668 REVIEW CODE: 1%Approved\No Comments; 2% Minor Comments; 3%Comments as Noted; 4%Rejected METHOD STATEMENT FOR CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM P6022MAB.000.51H.014_F2 IFF ‐ Issued Final By Sang An Chu on July 07, 2015 Unpublished Copyright Fluor Daewoo Hyundai All Rights Reserved This document was prepared for the KNPC CFP by Fluor, Daewoo Engineering and Construction Co and Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. It is not to be disclosed, reproduced or in any other manner made available to any third party without our prior, written permission except as authorized by FDH JV for the performance of the Order. Please destroy any previous issues Rev Date O1 22-Apr-15 F1 F2 Revision Description Made Checked Approved Issued for Comment Rey Sadioa Y. H. Lee S. A. Chu 03-June-15 Issued Final Rey Sadioa S. H. Park S. A. Chu 07-Jul-15 Issued Final Rey Sadioa S. H. Park S. A. Chu Project number Document number Revision number P6022MAB P6022MAB.000.51H.014 F2 P6022MAB.000.51H.014_F2 Page 1 of 62 KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project P6022MAB.000.51H.014 Rev.: F2, 07 July, 2015 CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 4 2.0 TERMINOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 4 2.1. DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................4 2.2. ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................4 3.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 5 4.0 HANDLING PROCEDURES FOR EQUIPMENT&MATERIALS .................................. 5 4.1 STORING ............................................................................................................................5 4.2 SITE TRANSPORT................................................................................................................5 5.0 INSTALLATION FOR TANK EXTERNAL.................................................................... 6 5.1 INSTALLATION OF GRID (RIBBON, CONDUCTOR BAR & POWER CABLE) .................................6 5.2 INSTALLATION OF PERMANENT REFERENCE ELECTRODE ......................................................7 5.3 INSTALLATION OF SLOTTED PIPE .........................................................................................7 5.4 CABLE TO TANK CONNECTION ..............................................................................................7 5.5 BACKFILLING......................................................................................................................8 6.0 INSTALLATION FOR TANK INTERNAL-IMPRESSED CURRENT CATHODIC PROTECTION ................................................................................................................... 8 6.1 SUSPENDED ANODE INSTALLATION ......................................................................................8 6.2 REFERENCE ELECTRODE INSTALLATION ...............................................................................8 6.3 INTERFACE JUNCTION BOX..................................................................................................8 6.4 CONDUIT PIPE ....................................................................................................................8 6.5 CABLE TRAY INSTALLATION .................................................................................................8 7.0 INSTALLATION FOR TANK INTERNAL-SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION ................................................................................................................... 9 7.1 INSTALLATION OF ZN ANODE ...............................................................................................9 8.0 INSTALLATION FOR U/G PIPING .............................................................................. 9 8.1 INSTALLATION OF M.M.O TI TUBULAR ANODE ......................................................................9 8.2 INSTALLATION OF REFERENCE ELECTRODE ..........................................................................9 8.3 CABLE TO PIPE CONNECTION ...............................................................................................9 8.4 CABLES ...........................................................................................................................10 8.5 BACKFILLING....................................................................................................................10 8.6 INSTALLATION & TESTING OF INSULATION FLANGES ...........................................................10 8.7 INSTALLATION OF MG ANODE(FOR SHORT BURIED PIPING & TEMPORARY) .......................... 11 9.0 INSTALLATION FOR REBAR IN CONCRETE .......................................................... 11 9.1 INSTALLATION OF M.M.O TI RIBBON MESH ANODE BEFORE POURING CONCRETE ................ 11 9.2 CONNECTION OF CABLE ....................................................................................................13 P6022MAB.000.51H.014_F2 `Page 2 of 62 KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project P6022MAB.000.51H.014 Rev.: F2, 07 July, 2015 9.3 TACK WELDING PROCEDURE OF NEGATIVE CONNECTION .....................................................14 9.4 INSTALLATION OF REFERENCE ELECTRODE ........................................................................14 10.0 INSTALLATION FOR COMMON EQUIPMENT ................................................... 15 10.1 INSTALLATION OF TR/RECTIFIER ........................................................................................15 10.2 INSTALLATION OF BOXES ..................................................................................................15 11.0 PRE-COMMISSIONING ...................................................................................... 16 11.1 ADJUSTMENT OF TR/RECTIFIER ........................................................................................16 11.2 POTENTIAL TEST ..............................................................................................................16 11.3 JUNCTION BOX .................................................................................................................17 12.0 COMMISSIONING ............................................................................................... 17 ATTACHMENT -I SPOT WELDING PROCEDURE ...............................................................................19 ATTACHMENT - II TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION FOR SPOT WELDING BY MANUFACTURE ........................21 ATTACHMENT - III INSPECTION CHECKLIST AND TEST REPORTS ....................................................37 P6022MAB.000.51H.014_F2 `Page 3 of 62 0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to define the minimum requirement for method statement of cathodic protection system for Clean Fuels Project.1.000. 2.014 Rev.6 Reference Electrode An electrode that open-circuit potential is constant under similar conditions of measurement.1.7 Voltage An electromotive force or a difference in electrode potentials expressed in volts. 2.: F2.2 Bond Cable A cable providing electrical continuity specifically for the purpose of cathodic protection between protected structures.1.1. It is used for measuring the relative potentials of other electrodes. 2015 1.1.4 Galvanic Anode A metal that is consumed to provide corrosion protection to another metal when they are electrically connected in the environment / electrolyte.1. Corrosion usually occurs and metal ions enter the electrolyte at the anode. 07 July. 2.MAB2 Project P6022MAB. Electrons flow away from the anode in the external circuit. Abbreviations AJB Anode Junction Box ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials BJB Bonding Junction Box CP Cathodic Protection FR Flame Resistance GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic HMWPE High Molecular Weight Poly Ethylene ICCP Impressed Current Cathodic Protection IEC International Electro technical Commission JB Junction Box MMO Mixed Metal Oxide NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers P6022MAB.014_F2 `Page 4 of 62 .2. 2. 2.1. Definitions 2.51H.1 Anode The electrode of electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs. 2.1.000.KNPC CFP .51H.5 Impressed Current Direct current supplied to a CP system by an external AC power source converted to DC by a transformer / rectifier.0 TERMINOLOGY 2. 2. batteries or electric power generators.3 Electrical Isolation The condition that a metal structure is being electrically separated from other metallic structures or the environment. 2. 0  P600CFP.  API 651 Cathodic Protection for above ground petroleum storage tank HANDLING PROCEDURES FOR EQUIPMENT&MATERIALS All handling.10.0 NJB Negative Junction Box PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride TB Test Box TS Test Station UG Underground XLPE Cross Linking-Polyethylene REFERENCES This cathodic protection design and the equipment specified shall be in accordance with.000. but not be limited by the following codes and standards: 4.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.10. oil.  NACE SP 0187 Design Considerations for corrosion control of reinforcing steel in concrete. 07 July.51H.000.  IEC 529 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures. storage and maintenance shall be performed in a safe manner as to avoid mechanical damage and corrosion.014 Project Specification Cathodic Protection Design Basis for Clean Fuels Project.  NACE SP 0196 Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Steel Water Storage Tanks.1 Storing When storing. dust.014_F2 `Page 5 of 62 . 4.  P600CFP. Store in a dry and well ventilated place preferably in the original package covering.64. it is important to avoid exposure to moisture.(IP Code)  NACE SP 0169 Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems. and lubricant in order to prevent rust.2 Site Transport When transporting. P6022MAB.014 Rev.  NACE TM 0101 Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection.  NACE TM 0497 Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems.KNPC CFP . 2015 3. rubber or wood support/underpinning should be used to avoid surface scratching.015 Project Specification Cathodic Protection Transformer Rectifier.64.: F2. 3 5. MMO Ribbon anode shall be uncoiled and straightened prior to installation.7 5.1. 5.6 5.1.: F2.51H.000. The total installed ribbon anode length shall not be less than the total length on approved drawing.2 5. Conductor bar from coils shall be uncoiled and positioned at the spacing required.9 The following inspection and tests shall be performed for the anode grid system and related accessories on approved drawing: ① Depth of the polyethylene membrane liner with respect to the Tank Bottom (within ±5%).1. P6022MAB.28.1. Ensure sufficient time (More than 2 hour) is allowed for the resin to set. Note: The ribbon anode shall be confirm that ASTM B 265 Grade 1 and 6mm (0.1 Rolling of MMO ribbon anode from coils and positioning at the spacing required on approved drawing.51H.4 5. ② Anode spacing (within ±5%).MAB2 Project P6022MAB. Ribbon anode spacing shall be one(1) m separation between adjacent ribbon anodes and 450 from the tank wall. ③ Anode depth with respect to the tank bottom (within ±5%).014 Rev. 2015 Gloves should be worn to avoid smudges from fingerprints.1. Conductor Bar & Power Cable) 5.I & II Connect the conductor bar and the power feeder cable according to the approved drawing.6mm(0.: AC Voltage : AC 200~240V Power source : 200~240VA Output current : Max. according to vendor procedure Refer to attachment .1. Spot welding at each MMO ribbon anode and conductor bar.000. Titanium rod to power feeder cable will be compression crimped to the positive cable and the connection will be insulated with adhesive heat shrink sleeve prior to using splice kit and sealed with an approved splice kit and filled with epoxy resin.1.5 5.1.025") thick.014_F2 `Page 6 of 62 . 5.25") in width by 0.8 The spot welding for joint between MMO Ribbon and conduct bar shall be as below. 07 July.1.1 Installation of Grid (Ribbon.0 INSTALLATION FOR TANK EXTERNAL 5.KNPC CFP .000A Note : Refer to attached appendix-II 5. The polypropylene rope should be provided by contractor. Spot weld is by making a cross and rubber hammering (1kg) one arm to shear the weld if a nugget pulls out of one of the sections. ① Electrodes installed in the sand bed of tank foundations shall be inspected to ensure the functional capability.±10%) check of grid system accessories 5. ⑤ Conductor bare spacing (within ±5%).1 5.11 Visual and dimension check (within ±10%). 5.3. 5. P6022MAB.7 Verification of installed depth of U-PVC tube.2 Installation of slotted section of monitoring pipe at location on approved drawing. The chloride level for sand and water of above ground storage tank shall be tested as per P6000CFP. ⑥ Anode/conductor bar welding.2.5 5. reference electrodes to be soaked in a water container for 10 minutes minimum). 5.10 Installation polypropylene rope inside monitoring pipe for connection to retractable electrode.4 Any sand which can obstruct the passage of the potable electrode should be removed.2. * Chloride level : < 10 ppm The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.014_F2 `Page 7 of 62 . Resistance measurement (up to 1 ohm) Before backfilling.51Q-EL-0010 5.3 Attention to be paid to avoid sand ingress inside the pipe.3. ② The measured potential of the electrodes to standard electrode (Potable Cu/CuSo4 Referen ce Electrode) shall be as follow: * Cu/CuSo4 Reference electrode: 0 ± 50mV ③ Check the reference cell soaked in water.4. Installation of Slotted Pipe 5. to be performed by using a multi-meter with TR/Rectifier switched off. ⑧ Resistance measurement between power feeder cables after installation and after backfilling ⑨ Visual and dimension (Typ.: F2.51Q-EL-0001 & 0002.6 Provision of geotextile cloth on the perforated PVC tube will be provided by vendor. 5. The following inspection and tests shall be performed for the installation of permanent reference electrode.51H.1 Above ground cable to tank connections shall be carried out by lugging the cable on same tank material.3.2 Installation of Permanent Reference Electrode 5.51H.3. Installation of permanent reference electrode at location required on approved drawings Termination to the test box and junction box will be as per the approved drawing.2.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.2.3. Resistance measurement (up to 1 ohm) After backfilling. 5. their location and level is as per the detail drawing. ⑦ Prior to tank installation.the weld is acceptable (Test sample). 5. The plate shall be touch-up painted after cable connection is made.3.000. Insure that retractable reference electrode passes through the monitoring pipe.4 Cable to tank connection 5.5 U-Pipe connection point of monitoring pipe to be sealed by means of PVC bond.2.8 PVC cap shall be installed at both sides of tubes.10.014 by others.10 The inspection result shall be recorded on form No. Insure that retractable reference electrode passes through the monitoring pipe.2 5. 5.3. 07 July. to be performed by using a ohm meter with TR/Rectifier switched off.64..KNPC CFP . to be performed by using a multi-meter with TR/Rectifier switched off.1.9 SS “U” clamps shall be provided on the PVC cap to secure pulling rope. The slotted U-PVC pipe shall be penetrated through HDPE or approved in the concrete foundation ring.6 Installation of permanent reference electrode at location required on approved drawings (prior to installation.3.4 5.000.3 Check the smooth operation of passage through the monitoring pipe with temporary electrode instead of retractable reference electrode. 5.1 5.3. 5.014 Rev. 5. 2015 ④ Anode quantity (Not less than approved total length. in case of future measurement. 5. Refer to approved drawing)).000. If any damage for repair activity shall be submit the procedure for approval 6.000..Impressed Current Cathodic Protection 6.2 6. attention to be paid to avoid damages to MMO anode.5. 5. 07 July.1 5.51H.4.3 5.3 6.3. 6.5 Backfilling 5. Reference electrode cables shall be tied to polypropylene support rope at max 600mm intervals by cable ties.2 Backfilling within the concrete ring foundation by means of clean sand. This rope shall be tensioned by using a hook.6 6. Conduit support (Unistrut Channel) shall be welded roof as per approved drawing (by tank fabricator). The reference electrode installation will be checked to ensure the fixing by hook is secured and there is no interference or contact with the tank internal surfaces. 6.2. 6.4 Conduit Pipe 6.4. backfill shall be interrupted and prompt repair actions shall undertake.7 6. Quantity of reference electrode shall as per approved drawing.2 6. P6022MAB.MAB2 Project P6022MAB. IJB shall be installed according to approved drawing.7 Reference electrode shall be installed correctly as per approved drawing.4.5 6.1 6.1 6. Quantity of anode shall as per approved drawing.4. cables.5 6.2. Reference electrode shall be suspended from the electrode nozzle by rope. The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.014 Rev.1. IJB and nozzle shall be connected with flexible conduit.4 6. Anode cable shall be connected to tank top mounted interface junction box.: F2.2. 51Q-EL-0005 or 0007. permanent reference electrodes and monitoring pipes.2 6.3 Interface Junction Box 6.000. Reference electrode cable shall be connected to tank top mounted interface junction box. The anode installation will be checked to ensure the fixing by hook is secure and there is no interference or contact with the tank internal surfaces. 2015 5.4 6.3 6.014_F2 `Page 8 of 62 .P materials is detected (cable cutting.5 Cable Tray Installation Cable tray shall be installed on pre-welded C-channel (by tank fabricator) on tank wall according to approved drawing for tank internal CP with ICCP system.2 5.8 Anode suspender shall be installed correctly as per approved drawing.6 6. Steel plate for negative and test lead cable of reference electrode are welded by tank fabricator Cable lug shall be suitably sized to fit the cable cross-section and M18 threaded stud bolt.1.1.0 INSTALLATION FOR TANK INTERNAL . nut and washers.51H. 600mm intervals by cable ties. This rope shall be tensioned by using a hook.2.2 6. If any damage to C. Anode cables shall be tied to polypropylene support rope at max. Anodes shall be suspended from the anode nozzle by rope.3.3 Interface Junction Box (IJB) shall be installed on pre-welded C-channel (by tank fabricator). welding damage etc).1 Galvanized conduit pipe and support shall be installed as per site condition in order to achieve the shortest cable length and to avoid obstruction from other facilities on top of the tank.1.2. Sufficient length of anode cable shall be lopped inside and outside anode nozzles to allow removal of anode nozzle cap.1.1 Suspended Anode Installation 6.2.1 6.4 Cable connections to tanks shall be via steel studs and bosses welded to tank chime by using a lug.3.4. Sufficient length of reference electrode cable shall be lopped inside and outside electrode nozzles to allow removal of electrode nozzle cap.5. 6.1.2 Reference Electrode Installation 6.1.1.KNPC CFP .2. Quantity of anode shall as per approved drawing.1.3.3. Remove cable sheath for a length of approximately 50mm and thoroughly clean the conductors.1 8.1. The inspection result shall be recorded on form No. the connection shall be made directly to the pipe as detailed below: The coating of pipe shall be removed over an area of approximately 50 x 50 mm either using a scraper or hot knife. if necessary.2. Ensure mould is thoroughly dry by pre heating.000. 8. 07 July.4 8.3 8.1 8.KNPC CFP . 51Q-EL-008.6 Check anode locations and identifications as per approved drawing.1.0 INSTALLATION FOR TANK INTERNAL . Installation of permanent reference electrode at location required on approved drawings. The excavation of anode hole should be witnessed to ensure the correct depth with respect to approved drawings.1.5 7.2. The exposed area is then pre-heated using a flame torch to relieve area of moisture..2 8. ② The measured potential of the electrodes to standard electrode (Potable Cu/CuSO4 Refere nce Electrode) shall be as follow: * Cu/CuSO4 Reference electrode : ± 50mV Check the reference cell soaked in water. Keep carbon mould firmly into cleaned area of pipe and insert metal disc in bottom of crucible.4 8. 2015 7.M. reference electrodes to be soaked in a water container for 30 minutes minimum).1.51H.1. All welding works should be carried out before the installation of the anodes to avoid any damages to the anodes or the cables. Pour powder into crucible on top of disc ensuring that a small amount is spread on the mould edge.2 Installation of Reference Electrode 8.3.5 8.014_F2 `Page 9 of 62 .2. Install anode to positive distribution box and terminate each anode cable ensuring that each cable is correctly labelled The following inspections and tests should be performed for anode bed as per approved drawings : ① Location of anode bed (Visual).1. Termination to the test box will be as per the approved drawing. The exposed area shall be thoroughly cleaned to bright metal using a coarse file.1 7.7 Installation of permanent reference electrode at location required on approved drawings (prior to installation.3 8. 51Q-EL-0010. 51Q-EL-006 or 007.1 7.6 8. ② Depth of excavation to the required depth (within ±5%).3.1.6 Installation of Zn Anode 7.51H.1.1.7 Anodes shall be installed correctly as per approved drawing.3. Remove the paint of steel plate for anode or structure The following inspection shall be performed for sacrificial anode system and related accessories on approved drawing: ① Zn Anode quantity ② Interference & contact with internal surface.3 8. 8.4 7.: F2. ③ Location of fixed anode.O Ti Tubular Anode 8. During the installation work of the anodes. The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.2. The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.2 7.5 8.1 Installation of M.0 INSTALLATION FOR U/G PIPING 8.1.MAB2 Project P6022MAB. their location and level is as per the detail drawing.1.5 8. The following inspection and tests shall be performed for the installation of permanent reference electrode.2.3 7.1. 8.1 8. Insert bared end of cable into slot in carbon mould ensuring cable end is centered in crucible.2.014 Rev.2 8.3 Cable to pipe connection 8.4 8.2 8. P6022MAB.3.Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection 7. interference and contact with tank internal Surface shall be avoided strictly.2. ① Electrodes installed in the sand bed of pipeline shall be inspected to ensure the functional capability. Reference electrodes shall be placed approximately 15cm from the pipeline with the lower edge of the electrode on a level with the centerline of pipeline.6 Cable to pipe connections shall be by the cad welding.000. 07 July.11 If flanges are used for pipe connections. 8.2 8. backfill shall be interrupted and prompt repair actions shall undertake 8.3.4 Cables 8. an underground “isolation checker” may be used.1 An “isolation checker” is an instrument specifically built to check both below grade as well as above grade isolation devices (See figure 1). The inspection result for main CP cable shall be recorded on form No. cables. the isolation checker probes are placed in contact with each side of the flange or union.3. 2015 8.8 Ensure mould is held upright and firmly against the pipe surface. 8. 51Q-EL-0008.3. Once the exothermic reaction has taken place.4.). attention to be paid to avoid damages to anode. And the electrical continuous must be checked before backfilling work.014_F2 `Page 10 of 62 . This instrument is similar to the above grade isolation checker but is designed to be used only with an underground isolating fitting. For above grade isolation devices.5.3.: F2.000. Cable tiles or cable warning tape should be used to warn of the presence of the cable during any subsequent excavation.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.KNPC CFP . 8. 8. If any damage to C. The main cable shall then immediately be tagged with its unique ID as per approved drawing. 8.000.1 8.51H. A functioning electrical isolation device will show a full-scale deflection while an electrically shorted device will show a deflection toward zero on the scale.4.3 8. Figure1.014 Rev.3.4 Buried main cables should lie at a depth that will protect them from disturbance by other excavations.5 Backfilling 8. 8.3. Isolation Checker If the electrical isolating device is buried and test wires exist on both sides of it.2 8.12 The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.7 8. The cable connection and the exposed pipe shall then be coated with approved coating material.10 The completed connection and the surrounding pipe shall be washed clean.P.4. permanent reference electrodes etc. welding damage etc. materials is detected (cable cutting.51H. electrical continuous of pipe should be ensured by bolt and nut of flanges or cable lug and jumper cable to each flange side.5.9 The completed welding shall be checked visually and mechanically tested with a small headed hammer. the mould shall be carefully removed and cleaned using a scraper and brush ready for the next cable connection.1 Before Backfilling. It can be used P6022MAB.6 Installation & Testing of Insulation Flanges 8. The cable lengths shall be checked against the cable schedule lengths or approved drawing in order that wastage is minimized. 51Q-EL-0014. The repair material shall overlap existing coating at least by 20mm.4.6. 1. P6022MAB.7 9.7 8.KNPC CFP . 8.: F2.MAB2 Project P6022MAB. 51Q-EL-0008 9. The conductor bar shall be positioned along a line of rebar clip that cross the mesh anode as per approved drawing.3 9.12 8.10 8. 8. proper attention shall be observed to avoid damages on anode.6 8.4 9. ② Place the conductor bar underneath the section of the mesh anode.2 9. 8.1 Installation of M. Proper care and attention to avoid damages on anodes during handling and installation. The following inspection and test shall be performed for the installation of insulation flange test point ① Location of IFTP as per approved drawing.9 8. cables and installed cathodic protection facilities.13 Before installation. the anode shall be soaked in water about 1 hour. 8.7. welding damage etc). The value of insulating resistance by 500-Volt megger shall not be less than 1MΩ at flange to each bolts.1 Prior to installation. After installation. The spacing between the anodes and reinforcing steel in the structure shall be a minimum of 10 mm.1 Rebar clips shall be pushed onto the reinforcement at designated point and tied securely with two (2) 9.1.anode damage. 51Q-EL-0015. Before backfilling.5 8.3 to test for a shorted isolating bolt of stud if it has double isolating washers. 9. The test box shall be located such that anode cables are kept as short as possible.014_F2 `Page 11 of 62 .To keep the vibrators away from this cage section to avoid spot weld . The end of the mesh anode should be looped and weld each other. 07 July. ② Identified pipeline ID ③ Spark gap installation ④ Foundation location and details correct ⑤ Installation as details drawing ⑥ Cable connections as per connection diagram.2 8. the anode shall be backfilled with native soil and wetted with potable water to provide better soil contact and compaction.7. Anode lead cable termination as per approved drawing.M.0 INSTALLATION FOR REBAR IN CONCRETE 8.000.O Ti Ribbon Mesh Anode before Pouring Concrete 9.7. The installation procedures for spot welding machine is as follows: ① Make sure the mesh anode and the conductor bars are clean and free of dust.7. The megger test should be done by contractor or piping. ⑧ All cable clearly identified with tags The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.7 Installation of Mg Anode(for Short Buried Piping or Temporary) 8.2 8.4 8.7. Cable tags. Location of anode as per approved drawing.000.5 9. Following points shall be inspected during or after installation work Mg anodes.8 cable ties.51H.51H. The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.1. The mesh anode shall be spot welded to the conductor bar at every crossing point. Note :Contractor to instruct civil people using the concrete vibrators .7. The mesh anode shall run along a line of rebar clip as per approved drawing.7.6. The mesh anode shall be fixed to each rebar clip with two (2) cable ties and tensioned over its full length. prompt repair and appropriate actions shall be undertaken.1. The conductor bar shall be fixed to rebar clip with cable tie as for mesh anode.7. Anode leads shall be terminated into a test station. and then the mesh anode can be stretched by cable ties and rebar clip. The soaked pre-packaged anodes shall be installed in excavation and pouring down water.1.3 Anode lead shall have 100mm slacks as a minimum.1. If any damages of cathodic protection materials are detected (cable cutting. 2015 9. Mg anodes and cable tails shall be inspected for damages and defects.014 Rev. ⑦ Cables installed & termination complete. The location of magnesium anode shall be marked out on site and the installation depth of the anode shall be in accordance with approved drawing. 51H. ⑤ The welding shall be done instantly when the trigger is pressed Note : Max 400 mm of MMO mesh anode interval is average interval in the each zone. P6022MAB. 2015 ③ Welding gun insert between mesh anode and conductor bar ④ Press the trigger to weld.000.: F2. it is important for the anode to be stretched tightly.MAB2 Project P6022MAB. to avoid anode movement during the concrete pour.1.KNPC CFP .000. the mesh anode must be installed tightly to the rebar cage to avoid electrical shorts. 9.9 To reduce the possibility of mesh anode displacement during the concrete pour. In particular. 07 July.014_F2 `Page 12 of 62 .014 Rev.51H. 6 9. which extends 50mm either side of the crimp.2 Connection of cable The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.1.4 9.7 heat shrink type. If there is continuity between anode and cathode then the short-circuit should be traced and eliminated before work proceeds.1. 9. to be performed by using a multi-meter.51H.refer to approved drawing) ④ Conductor bar quantity (Not less than approved total length . Discontinuity is proven by failure of this test.11 All cable tie tails shall be removed.1 Anode lead cable of the specified rating. A connection between the titanium wire and conductor bar shall be made by metallurgical welding. mechanically strong adhesive lined 9. ⑧ Visual and dimension (Typ. The Titanium wire shall be positioned in the correct orientation and secured to the conductor bar.10 A discontinuity check between the anode system and the rebar shall be carried out by measuring the resistance between the anode lead cable and negative cables. The negative cable to connection rebar is below: P6022MAB. 07 July.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.2.1.refer to approved drawing) ⑤ Anode/Conductor bar welding spot weld is by making a cross and rubber hammering (1kg) one arm to shear the weld if a nugget pulls out of one of the sections . size shall be prepared in sufficient length to run from the anode lead connection to the appropriate junction box by the specified route without a cable splice. 2015 9.51H.000. 9. 9.000.2. to be performed by using a multi-meter.±10% ) check of anode system accessories 9.12 The following inspection and tests shall be performed for the anode system and related accessories on approved drawing: ① Anode spacing ② Location of anode ③ Anode quantity (Not less than approved total length . ⑦ Resistance measurement (up to 1 ohm) After the concrete pour.: F2.5 9.2.KNPC CFP . Care shall be taken during the application of heat shrink to ensure no damage results to the cable insulation. The cable leading from the anode lead connection shall be securely fastened to the conductor bar. 0011 & 0012.014_F2 `Page 13 of 62 .2 The pre-stripped copper core of the anode lead cable shall be compression crimped to a titanium rod 9.2. The successful elimination of the short circuit shall be demonstrated by re-measuring the continuity between anode and cathode.3 The assembly shall be encapsulated with company approved. Note : Resistance measurements will be taken between the anode cables and the system negative cables within each anode zone at the T/R.014 Rev.the weld is acceptable (Test sample) ⑥ Resistance measurement (up to 1 ohm) Before the concrete pour.1. Open circuit or large different forward and reverse resistances (greater than 100 ohm) will indicate discontinuity between anode and cathode 9. 51Q-EL-0009. taking care to ensure that the process in no way damages conductor bar or the cable connection system. 2015 The negative cable shall be cad welding or approved drawing to steel plate assembly (steel plate min. 9. force of tension and other strict requirement.2 In case of malfunction of reference electrode. ② Firmly fix the positive connection to the top of the conductor bar.8 The installation procedure for spot welding the MMO Ti anode lead connection to the Ti conductor bar is as follows: ① Make sure the anode lead connection and the conductor bar are clean and free of dust. But this tack welding is considered only physical connection to void electrical isolation between the rebar and negative connector or anode ribbon mesh and anode conductor. 51Q-EL-0009.000.2. Tack welding generally is doing like arc welding procedure without strict test and qualification.014 Rev.4. That is why this tack welding is simple and different with strict SMAW because the tack welding is no need free of leakage.2. Note : The negative cable shall be cad welding as per approved drawing to steel plate assembly (steel plate min.15mm x 80 mm 2mm thick and steel rod is steel rebar size ) Steel rod shall be tack welding to steel rebar as per approved WPS/PQR No.000. Care shall be taken during the application of heat shrink to ensure no damage results to the cable insulation.51H. 9.4. Worker must be skilled and qualified by DEC’s welding quality control department. pseudo reference electrode which is kind of M.15mm x 80 mm 2mm thick and steel rod is steel rebar size ) Steel rod shall be tack welding to steel rebar as per approved WPS/PQR No.3 At a given location.4. ④ Press the trigger to weld 9. 9. 9.4 Installation of Reference Electrode 9. ② Cable identification.9 The following inspection should be performed as per approved drawings : ① Check the connection of cables to boxes. Welding usually is recommended for all welding strict application operations and approved document make them mandatory.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.1 Installation of reference electrode at location required on approved drawings.10 The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.2. and routed to the location of the P6022MAB. which extends 30mm side of the cable joint.KNPC CFP .M. 9. mechanically strong adhesive lined heat shrink tube. SM-P1.4 All cables shall be secured to the reinforcement with cable ties. 07 July. ③ Anode lead connection shall be placed onto the conductor bar to make a direct connection.4. the reference electrodes shall be placed at the level of and parallel to the reinforcing steel. 9.3 Tack Welding procedure of negative connection A tack welding is a kind of welding that describes how welding is to be carried out in production.: F2. The assembly shall be encapsulated with a suitable.1-103S or relevant approved document. SM-P1.51H..014_F2 `Page 14 of 62 .1103S 9.O mesh anode shall be installed additionally near the location of reference electrode. ③ Where oil immersed unit has been supplied oil filled. □ Connect pseudo reference electrode lead cable to titanium wire by compression sleeve and heat shrinkable tube. 10.1.2 Anode lead cables to be terminated to positive junction box. All reference electrodes shall be immersed in 3% sodium chloride solution and the potential of each reference shall be measured against a potable Ag/AgCl reference electrode.7 □ Weld 200mm Long M.000.51H. □ Pour the concrete into PVC pipe.1 Installation of TR/Rectifier 10. P6022MAB. ④ Prior to installation.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.000. it will be inspected for mechanical damage at enclosure of TR/Rectifier. 2015 appropriate junction box as shown on the design drawing. Great care to be taken in identification of polarity of all cables ensuring they match the polarity of the marked terminals. □ Insert the reference electrode to middle of PVC pipe. ① Electrodes installed in the sand bed of pipeline shall be inspected to ensure the functional capability.1 Prior to installation. BJB. remove PVC pipe from concrete. ① Prior to installation the TR/Rectifier at site.KNPC CFP . 2.6 9. 07 July. each RE shall be subject to a calibration test. ② The measured potential of the electrodes to standard electrode (Potable Ag/AgCl Reference Electrode) shall be as follow: * Ag/AgCl Reference electrode : ± 50mV 9. 51Q-EL-0016 & 0017.2.4. 10. 10.2 Fix transformer rectifier to base utilizing anchors and the fixing holes provided.5 The installation procedure for pseudo reference electrode is as follows: 9. their location and level is as per the detail drawing. □ After concrete curing. 51Q-EL-0004 10. 9.4.3 A minimum suitable length of slack cable shall be left in the trench at points of termination/connection to above ground apparatus.4. □ Check whether the surface of concrete is smooth or is not cracked.: F2. the foundations will be checked for level and civil clearance will be obtained. The fabrication method of encapsulation reference electrode is as follows: □ Divide the PVC pipe(Φ75mm x 200mm Long) along with centerline into two equal parts or as per drawing □ Tie up the divided PVC pipe by cable tie like original shape.51H.1. while test lead cable & reference electrode cables to be terminated to test box.M.3 The installation of unit will be witnessed to ensure correct orientation alignment for cabling.1. 10.1 Install Boxes at location on approved drawing. TS) 10. 10. ② Particular attention will be paid to control panel measuring instruments and control devices.2.0 INSTALLATION FOR COMMON EQUIPMENT 10.4.014_F2 `Page 15 of 62 .2 Installation of Boxes (PJB.O mesh to 150mm Long conductor bar by spot welding.014 Rev. the oil level will be checked to ensure no leakage.5 The inspection result shall be recorded on form No. NJB. The following inspection and tests shall be performed for the installation of permanent reference electrode. ⑤ The installation of the unit will be witnessed to ensure correct orientation and alignment for cabling. □ Weld conductor bar to titanium wire by spot welding. Criteria of potential difference between 100Mohm (High) and 10Mohm (Low) range is △V = 2mV [Max] after encapsulation The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.1. ATB.1.Prior to en-capsulation.2.8 For a reference electrode to be acceptable it’s measured potential at high and low impedance should not differ more than 5mV after encapsulation Note: 1.4 The following inspection and tests shall be performed for the installation of TR/Rectifier. the foundations will be checked for level and civil clearance will be obtained. 10. 10. ② Metallic reinforced concrete structures: The cathodic protection of metallic reinforcement inside concrete shall comply with one of the following potential criteria.2.000.2. 11. 10. 51Q-EL-0020 & 0021 11.1. 51Q-EL-0003 11.2.5 Check the connection. 11.8 Control the DC output current by adjust the volume as follow.3 Check the input voltage. it is recommended set to low position.: F2. 11.1 Check the natural potential before rectifier energizing.1.51H.000. If the above criteria is met then the system shall be deemed commissioned and the 1 month P6022MAB. 11. 11. increase the DC current by adjust the volume to clock-wise. 2 or 3.50% of all REs within a zone achieve either criteria 1. If the sensing of Ag/AgCl reference electrode can be impacted dry or not by concrete if found the system shall be deemed as successfully commissioned if the following results are observed after conducting the Performance Verification Test (1 month after energization) .7 Check the value of DC ampere.C. 11.2. DC voltage and protective potential.10.2 Check the input/output switch (MCCB) position.2 Check the protective potential after rectifier energizing.2.1.73. 11.5 Before energizing the TR/rectifier. It should be in "Off" position.KNPC CFP . i) 100mV decay or more measured up to 24 hours from instantaneous off ii) 150mV decay or more measured up to 168 hours from instantaneous off iii)The instantaneous off potentials are between the ranges of -0. It should be fit to rating of rectifier.1. ① Equipment supports will be inspected to ensure they are fabricated as per the approved detail drawing.1.5 The reference electrode lead wire shall be connected to the (-) terminal of the multi-meter and the electrode placed upon moist soil immediately above the structure.4 This shall be achieved by connecting the structure under test to the (+) terminal of a multi-meter set to D.1.014 Rev. Potential Test 11. fixings. 07 July. Volts.33 71.7 The potential criteria is below: ① U/G pipeline An instant off potential more negative than -850mV and less negative than -1200mV with respect to a Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode as per DEP 30.3 At test box.1.3 Para 8.6 The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.1 Check the polarity at output terminal by multi-tester ① The cable to positive junction box shall be connected on positive (+)terminal ② The cable to structure shall be connected on negative (-) terminal 11. concrete foundations etc.1 Adjustment of TR/Rectifier 11. ① If the value of potential at test box is lower than the criteria of clause 8. ② Base plates. 11.9 The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.51H.2.1.014_F2 `Page 16 of 62 . check the potential at test box (Natural potential). 2015 10.78 volt to -1.1 volt with reference to a silver/silver chloride reference electrode.6 Potential measurements with current applied (on) and interrupted (instant off).MAB2 Project P6022MAB.0 PRE-COMMISSIONING 11.2. the protective potentials of structure to electrolyte should be recorded with respect to a Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode or Ag/AgCl reference electrode.2.6 Energizing the rectifier step by step as follows ① Input MCCB “ON” ② Output MCCB “ON” 11.1.4 The following inspection and tests shall be performed for the installation of boxes.4 Check the fine and coarse volume. Use an interruption cycle of 4 seconds "on" and 1 second "off" normally excepted decay potential test for steel rebar 11.2. 11. 11. will be checked for locations and level and the fixings. ③ Cables to boxes will be checked against the approved drawing for correct routing and termination 10. 2015 monitoring period shall commence. but tank internal CP with sacrificial anode system is ON potential more negative than -950mV and less negative than -1200mV With respect to a Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode P6022MAB.0025. 51Q-EL-0018.014 Rev.78 volt to -1.  Measure and record the structure to soil potential reference to potable or permanent reference electrode. the following criteria only applies when the surface above the PIV is not paved and allows the porous plug of the electrode to be placed in contact with the soil: • An “On” potential more negative than -850 mV and less negative than -2. the system shall be considered satisfactory when the cathodic protection criteria are met.  For Tank External and Internal with ICCP An instant off potential more negative than -850mV and less negative than -1200mV with respect to a Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode as per DEP 30.8 The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.51H.10.  Measure potential at all test locations prior to energizing the CP TR/Rectifiers.KNPC CFP .0 COMMISSIONING  The commissioning are required approved installed cathodic protection system in accordance with the design. the commissioning shall be carry out the testing as minimum. 0025 & 0027.3 Junction Box 11. For the remaining PIV’s where the magnesium anode cables are going to be connected directly to the PIV’s.000.3.1 volt with reference to a silver/silver chloride reference electrode.3 The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.3.2.3 Para 8. On completion of remedial action. 51Q-EL-0003 12. ① To be performed by using shunts foreseen in the distribution box or positive junction box. 11. with TR/Rectifier switched on 11.51H.014_F2 `Page 17 of 62 . 51Q-EL-0018.: F2.1.0027 - Out put current measurement of Anode at AJB and TR/Rectifier  Open the TR cabinet or Box.  Measure and record on form No. - Natural potential measurement  Verify that the temporary cathodic protection has been disconnected for at least 24 Hr.000.MAB2 Project P6022MAB. ③ PIV over Short Pipe  Test Station with Mg Anode Test box where testing facilities are going to be provided along with the magnesium anodes installation: An instant off potential more negative than -850mV and less negative than -1200mV with respect to a Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode  Mg Anode without Test Station. 51Q-EL-0020.3.73.1 Check the internal connection with approved drawing (All Boxes).0021 & 0022  Protection Potential range  Metallic reinforced concrete structures The cathodic protection of metallic reinforcement inside concrete shall comply with one of the following potential criteria. 51Q-EL-0019. - On and Instant Off potential measurement  Insert current interrupter into TR/Rectifier or using the function of TR/Rectifier.  Measure and record readings on volts and amps panel meters and anode feeder inside AJB Box  Measure and record on form No.  Measure and record on form No. 07 July.0026.2 Check the anode current of feeder cable(PJB). i) 100mV decay or more measured up to 24 hours from instantaneous off ii) 150mV decay or more measured up to 168 hours from instantaneous off iii)The instantaneous off potentials are between the ranges of -0.500 mV with respect to a saturated copper/copper sulfate (Cu/CuSO4) reference electrode 11. 0019.0025 & 0026 11.33 71. 2015 12.014_F2 `Page 18 of 62 .014 Rev. ② Measuring the total current output from box and from each anode.0.000.KNPC CFP .: F2. 07 July.51H.51H. P6022MAB.1 Commissioning shall consist of: ① Measuring structure to soil potential at all measuring points.51Q-EL-0018 ~ 0027.MAB2 Project P6022MAB. ③ Measure the status of TR/Rectifier ④ The inspection result shall be recorded on form No.000. force of tension and other strict requirement. Worker for spot welder must be trained and qualified by DYCE.I Spot welding procedure 1) General Spot welding will be used for connection of ribbon mesh and anode conductor which is very thin metallic as shown the below.1. By one or two electrode The current and the heat generation are localized by the form of the electrodes. Spot welding generally is doing like resistance spot welding procedure without strict test and special qualification. But have to training the person for spot welding. The inspection result shall be recorded on form No. Spot welding for CP work also used to connect electrical conductivity without force of tension and other reason.51H. P6022MAB. 2015 Attachment .000. Spot welding is a resistance welding process for joining metal sheets by directly applying opposing forces with electrodes with pointed tips.014 Rev. ① Completeness. ② Free of harmful defect and visual inspection . Spot welding is simple and different with strict SMAW because the spot welding is no need free of leakage.014_F2 `Page 19 of 62 .KNPC CFP .51H. Note: Spot welding shall be carry out opposed welding or series welding to met quality testing acceptable. The weld nugget size is usually defined by the electrode tip contact area. Training and quality testing. 07 July. The following inspection should be performed.000.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.: F2.Refer to below clause 2). MAB2 Project P6022MAB. for successful qualification: 1) visual inspection. Anode/Conductor bar welding spot weld is by making a cross and rubber hammering (1kg) one arm to shear the weld and a nugget pulls out of one of the sections-the weld is acceptable P6022MAB. The qualification sample set shall be acceptable to all of the following 3 levels of quality control as applicable. For each unique type of weld to be produced.014_F2 `Page 20 of 62 .000.51H.: F2. 2015 2) Training and quality testing Spot welder and related electronic assemblies shall be performed by a welding operator qualified and certified by training. A) Visual Inspection and Electrical Conductivity Testing All weld specimens shall be visually inspected and tested for electrical conductivity (resistivity). B) Destructive Testing Five (5) weld samples shall be tested prior to start.014 Rev. 07 July.000. The resistivity of each connection shall meet the drawing requirements or if not specified by the drawing. 3) destructive testing. shall measure less than 1. a minimum of 5 sample welded connections shall be produced for an initial procedure qualification A NACE certified Technician of level II or equivalent shall present at site to training the spot welding to make the sample. 2) conductivity (resistivity) testing.51H.KNPC CFP .0Ω. KNPC CFP .II Technical Instruction for spot welding by manufacture P6022MAB. 2015 Attachment .51H.014 Rev.000.: F2.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.014_F2 `Page 21 of 62 . 07 July.51H.000. KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project P6022MAB.000.51H.014 Rev.: F2, 07 July, 2015 P6022MAB.000.51H.014_F2 `Page 22 of 62 KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project P6022MAB.000.51H.014 Rev.: F2, 07 July, 2015 P6022MAB.000.51H.014_F2 `Page 23 of 62 KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project P6022MAB.000.51H.014 Rev.: F2, 07 July, 2015 P6022MAB.000.51H.014_F2 `Page 24 of 62 000.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.51H.014_F2 `Page 25 of 62 .000. 07 July. 2015 P6022MAB.: F2.KNPC CFP .51H.014 Rev. 014_F2 `Page 26 of 62 .51H.: F2. 2015 P6022MAB.51H. 07 July.000.KNPC CFP .MAB2 Project P6022MAB.014 Rev.000. : F2.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.014_F2 `Page 27 of 62 .000. 07 July.KNPC CFP .000. 2015 P6022MAB.51H.51H.014 Rev. 000.51H. 07 July.: F2. 2015 P6022MAB.KNPC CFP .014 Rev.014_F2 `Page 28 of 62 .51H.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.000. : F2. 2015 P6022MAB.51H.014_F2 `Page 29 of 62 . 07 July.000.51H.014 Rev.KNPC CFP .MAB2 Project P6022MAB.000. 2015 P6022MAB.000.: F2.000.014_F2 `Page 30 of 62 . 07 July.014 Rev.51H.51H.KNPC CFP .MAB2 Project P6022MAB. 000. 07 July.: F2.51H.000.014_F2 `Page 31 of 62 . 2015 P6022MAB.014 Rev.51H.KNPC CFP .MAB2 Project P6022MAB. : F2.KNPC CFP . 07 July.000.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.014_F2 `Page 32 of 62 .51H.000. 2015 P6022MAB.51H.014 Rev. 014 Rev.KNPC CFP .51H.: F2. 07 July.000.014_F2 `Page 33 of 62 . 2015 P6022MAB.000.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.51H. 07 July.: F2. 2015 P6022MAB.000.51H.KNPC CFP .000.014 Rev.014_F2 `Page 34 of 62 .MAB2 Project P6022MAB.51H. 2015 P6022MAB.000.51H.MAB2 Project P6022MAB. 07 July.: F2.014 Rev.KNPC CFP .51H.000.014_F2 `Page 35 of 62 . KNPC CFP .51H.51H.: F2.000.000.014 Rev. 07 July.MAB2 Project P6022MAB. 2015 P6022MAB.014_F2 `Page 36 of 62 . : F2.51H.014 Rev.014_F2 `Page 37 of 62 . 07 July.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.51H.000.000. 2015 P6022MAB.KNPC CFP . KNPC CFP .51H. 07 July.: F2.000. 2015 P6022MAB.014 Rev.51H.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.014_F2 `Page 38 of 62 .000. : F2.014 Rev.000. 2015 P6022MAB.MAB2 Project P6022MAB. 07 July.51H.014_F2 `Page 39 of 62 .000.KNPC CFP .51H. 014 Rev.51H.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.: F2.51H.KNPC CFP .014_F2 `Page 40 of 62 . 07 July.000.000. 2015 P6022MAB. 014 Rev.014_F2 `Page 41 of 62 .51H.000.KNPC CFP .51H.: F2. 2015 P6022MAB.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.000. 07 July. 07 July.014 Rev.000. 2015 P6022MAB.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.KNPC CFP .014_F2 `Page 42 of 62 .51H.51H.000.: F2. 014 Rev.000.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.: F2. 2015 P6022MAB.51H.KNPC CFP .000.014_F2 `Page 43 of 62 .51H. 07 July. 014 Rev.: F2. 2015 P6022MAB.000.51H.51H.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.014_F2 `Page 44 of 62 . 07 July.KNPC CFP .000. KNPC CFP .000. 2015 P6022MAB.000.51H.: F2.014 Rev.014_F2 `Page 45 of 62 . 07 July.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.51H. 51H.000.000. 2015 P6022MAB. 07 July.KNPC CFP .: F2.014_F2 `Page 46 of 62 .51H.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.014 Rev. 07 July.MAB2 Project P6022MAB. 2015 P6022MAB.51H.014 Rev.: F2.000.KNPC CFP .51H.014_F2 `Page 47 of 62 .000. 014_F2 `Page 48 of 62 .000.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.KNPC CFP .000. 2015 P6022MAB.51H.: F2.014 Rev.51H. 07 July. MAB2 Project P6022MAB. 07 July.: F2.000.000.51H. 2015 P6022MAB.014_F2 `Page 49 of 62 .KNPC CFP .51H.014 Rev. 000.014 Rev.000.KNPC CFP .51H.: F2. 2015 P6022MAB. 07 July.014_F2 `Page 50 of 62 .51H.MAB2 Project P6022MAB. 000.51H.000.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.014 Rev. 2015 P6022MAB.51H.KNPC CFP . 07 July.: F2.014_F2 `Page 51 of 62 . MAB2 Project P6022MAB. 07 July.: F2. 2015 P6022MAB.51H.014 Rev.014_F2 `Page 52 of 62 .000.000.KNPC CFP .51H. 014_F2 `Page 53 of 62 .51H.000. 2015 P6022MAB.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.51H.014 Rev.: F2.000.KNPC CFP . 07 July. 000.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.014 Rev.000.51H.014_F2 `Page 54 of 62 . 07 July.KNPC CFP .51H.: F2. 2015 P6022MAB. 014_F2 `Page 55 of 62 .: F2. 2015 P6022MAB. 07 July.000.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.014 Rev.51H.51H.KNPC CFP .000. 014 Rev. 2015 P6022MAB.KNPC CFP .000.014_F2 `Page 56 of 62 .000.: F2.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.51H. 07 July.51H. 014_F2 `Page 57 of 62 .014 Rev.: F2.000. 2015 P6022MAB.51H. 07 July.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.51H.000.KNPC CFP . 014_F2 `Page 58 of 62 .000.51H. 2015 P6022MAB.000.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.014 Rev.: F2.KNPC CFP .51H. 07 July. 2015 P6022MAB.014 Rev.51H. 07 July.51H.000.KNPC CFP .000.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.: F2.014_F2 `Page 59 of 62 . 014_F2 `Page 60 of 62 .000.014 Rev.51H.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.KNPC CFP . 2015 P6022MAB.51H.: F2.000. 07 July. 000. 2015 P6022MAB.: F2.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.014_F2 `Page 61 of 62 .KNPC CFP .51H.000.014 Rev.51H. 07 July. 000. 07 July.: F2.51H.000.MAB2 Project P6022MAB.014 Rev.KNPC CFP . 2015 P6022MAB.51H.014_F2 `Page 62 of 62 .


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