Marketing Strategies of Idbi Federal Life Insurance c

June 19, 2018 | Author: deepak00742 | Category: Economic Institutions, Financial Services, Economies, Business
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INTERNSHIP PROJECT REPORTOn MARKETING STRATEGIES OF IDBI FEDERAL LIFE INSURANCE CO LTD Submitted By – Name: Aman Kumar Batch & Section: FWU !"#$%&' Stu(ent I): )*"#"&FWICHE$UPC"+,"-!KO*$JUN$.$+/0&/' Area o1 Re2earch: 3ar4etin5 Intern2hi6 2tart2 an( 1ini2h (ate2: " 3a7 8 #, June 9,": i ACKNOWLEDGMENT With 6ro1oun( 2en2e o1 5ratitu(e an( re5ar(; I con<e7 m7 2incere than42 to m7 5ui(e an( mentor; 1or their <a=ua>=e 5ui(ance an( the con1i(ence the7 in2ti==e( in that he=6e( me in 2ucce221u= com6=etion o1 the 6ro?ect re6ort@ I Ai2h to eB6re22 m7 2incere 5ratitu(e to m7 6ro?ect 5ui(e Mr. ,….. un(er Aho2e 5ui(ance the 2tu(7 Aa2 un(erta4en@ Without him 5ui(ance at each 2ta5e o1 the 6ro?ect 2tu(7; the ta24 cou=( not ha<e >een accom6=i2he(@ Thi2 ac4noA=e(5ment Aou=( >e incom6=ete Aithout than4in5 the co==e5e 1acu=t7 Aho he=6e( me in a== 6o22i>=e Aa72 their Aho=ehearte( co$o6eration@ *a2t >ut not the =ea2t I am e<er 5rate1u= to m7 1rien(2 1or their he=6 an( 2u66ort in com6=etin5 m7 6ro?ect@ ii ABSTRACT In to(a7C2 cor6orate an( com6etiti<e Aor=(; I 1in( that in2urance 2ector ha2 the maBimum 5roAth an( 6otentia= a2 com6are( to the other 2ector2@ In2urance ha2 the maBimum 5roAth rate o1 -,$/,D Ahi=e a2 F3C 2ector ha2 maBimum "9$"+D o1 5roAth rate@ Thi2 5roAth 6otentia= attract2 me to enter in thi2 2ector an( I)BI Fe(era= *i1e In2urance ha2 5i<en me the o66ortunit7 to Aor4 an( 5et eB6erience in hi5h=7 com6etiti<e an( enhancin5 2ector@ The 2ucce22 2tor7 o1 5oo( mar4et 2hare o1 (i11erent mar4et or5aniEation2 (e6en(2 u6on the a<ai=a>i=it7 o1 the 6ro(uct an( 2er<ice2 near to the cu2tomer; Ahich can >e (i2tri>ute( throu5h a (i2tri>ution channe=@ In In2urance 2ector; (i2tri>ution channe= inc=u(e2 on=7 a5ent2 or a5enc7 ho=(er2 o1 the com6an7@ I1 a com6an7 =i4e I)BI *i1e In2urance; TATA AI; 3AF etc ha<e a(eGuate a5ent2 in the mar4et the7 can ca6ture >i5 mar4et a2 com6are( to the other com6anie2@ A5ent2 are the on=7 Aa7 1or a com6an7 o1 In2urance 2ector throu5h Ahich 6o=icie2 an( >ene1it2 o1 the com6an7 can >e eB6=aine( to the cu2tomer@ The a>o<e tit=e i2 2e=1 eB6=anator7@ The 2tu(7 (ea=2 main=7 Aith 2tu(7in5 the >u7in5 6attern in the in2urance in(u2tr7 Aith a 26ecia= 1ocu2 on I)BI =i1e In2urance@ The <ariou2 2e5ment2 o1 the mar4et2 (i<i(e( in term2 o1 In2urance Nee(2; A5e 5rou62; Sati21action =e<e=2 etc Ai== a=2o 2tu(ie(@ iii TABLE OF CONTENTS "@ INTRO)UCTION 9@ CO3PANH PROFI*E #@ RESEARCH OBJECTIIES AN) 3ETHO)O*OH :@ *ITERATURE REIIEW +@ )ATA ANA*HSIS &@ FIN)INS -@ CONC*USION /@ RECO33EN)ATIONS 0@ BIB*IORAPHH ",@ ANNEFURE i< INTRODUCTION Thi2 6ro?ect aim2 to 2tu(7 Marketing Strategies ! IDBI Fe"era# Li!e Ins$ran%e@ The 2co6e o1 thi2 re2earch i2 I)BI Fe(era= *i1e In2urance =imite( amon5 re26on(ent 1rom <ariou2 cu=ture2 an( >ac45roun(2@ It inten(2 to 2hoA hoA the con2umer react2 to the ma?or u2e2 o1 the a(<erti2in5 an( the neA me(ia techno=o57 a<ai=a>=e to the con2umer2@ In2urance 2ector ha2 a=Aa72 >een <o=ati=e ri5ht 1rom the <er7 >e5innin5@ A2 6ri<ate 6=a7er2 are enterin5 into the In(ian mar4et; the com6etition ha2 >ecome <er7 2ti11@ To(a7 a =ot o1 com6anie2 are there i2 the mar4et Aith their 6ro(uct2@ The common con2umer i2 un(er (i=emma to (eci(e to 5o 1or Ahich com6an7@ The I)BI Fe(era= *i1e In2urance i2 a=2o one amon5 the2e 6ri<ate 6=a7er2@ The 6ro?ect Aith I)BI Fe(era= *i1e In2urance (ea= Aith the mar4et 2ur<e7 o1 *i1e In2urance Po=ic7@ In to(a7C2 Aor=(; one can har(=7 1in( a 6er2on Aithout a =i1e in2urance 6o=ic7@ The 6ro?ect he=62 to 1in( out that Ahich com6an7 6o=ic7 i2 mo2t 6re<a=ent in the mar4et an( Ahat Aa2 the rea2on o1 6urcha2e@ It a=2o he=62 to 1in( out Ahich i2 the mo2t 6re<a=ent in2urance 6=an in the mar4et@ The 6ro?ect i2 a=2o concerne( a>out 1in(in5 the aAarene22 =e<e= o1 I)BI Fe(era= *i1e In2urance i2 the mar4et@ At =a2t the 6ro?ect 2u55e2t2 2ome recommen(ation to the or5aniEation Ahich i2 the outcome o1 1in(in5 an( ana=72i2@ " INDUSTR& O'ER'IEW O'ER'IEW OF INDUSTR& AS A W(OLE Ins$ran%e) *+at is it, 3an ha2 a=Aa72 >een in 2earch o1 2ecurit7 an( 6rotection 1rom the >e5innin5 o1 ci<i=iEation@ Thi2 ur5e in him to =ea( to the conce6t o1 in2urance The >a2i2 o1 in2urance Aa2 the 2harin5 o1 the =o22e2 o1 a 1eA amon52t man7@ In2urance 6ro<i(e2 1inancia= 2ta>i=it7 an( 2tren5th to the in(i<i(ua=2 an( or5aniEation >7 the (i2tri>ution o1 =o22 o1 a 1eA amon5 man7 >7 man7 >7 >ui=(in5 u6 o<er a 6erio( o1 time@ The =e5a= (e1inition o1 in2urance i2 that; Jit i2 a contract >etAeen the in2urer an( in2ure( Ahere>7; in con2i(eration o1 6a7ment o1 6remium >7 the in2ure( the in2urer a5ree2 to ma4e 5oo( an7 1inancia= =o22 the in2ure( ma7 2u11er (ue to con2i(eration o1 an in2urance 6eri=@K Nat$re ! Ins$ran%e Ins$ran%e -eans S.rea"ing ! Lsses r S+aring ! Risks/ *i1e i2 1u== o1 ri242@ For 6ro6ert7; there are 1ire ri242L 1or 2hi6ment o1 5oo(2; there are 6eri=2 o1 2eaL 1or human =i1e there are ri242 o1 (eath or (i2a>i=it7L 2o on an( 2o 1orth@ The ri242 are uncertain$ma7 or ma7 not occur@ Peo6=e 1acin5 common ri242 come to5ether an( 5i<e their 2ma== contri>ution to the common 1un(@ Whi=e it ma7 not >e 6o22i>=e to te== >e1ore; Ahich 6er2on2 Ai== 2u11er; >ut it i2 6o22i>=e to te== hoA man7 6er2on2 on an a<era5e out o1 the 5rou6 Ai== 2u11er =o22@ I1 an7 ca2e ri24 occur2; =o22 i2 ma(e 5oo( out o1 common 1un(@ In thi2 Aa7; common ri24 i2 2hare( >7 a==@ In2urance thu2 >roa(=7 >e un(er2too( a2 the 6roce22 o1 26rea(in5 o1 =o22e2 o1 an in(i<i(ua= o<er the 5rou6 o1 in(i<i(ua=2 or the 6roce22 o1 2harin5 o1 ri24 >7 tho2e Aho 1ace common ri24@ Peo6=e Aho 2u11er =o22 5et re=ie1 >ecau2e their =o22 i2 ma(e 5oo( out o1 common 1un(@ Peo6=e Aho (o not 2u11er =o22 5et re=ie1 >ecau2e the7 are 1ree o1 an7 Aorr7 o1 =o22@ Fo==oAin5 9 eBam6=e2 eB6=ain the a>o<e conce6t o1 in2urance@ 9 T+e In"ian ins$ran%e se%tr ) %+anging 0$siness en1irn-ent In(ia a2 6art o1 it2 >ecomin5 a =i>era=iEe( econom7; ha2 noA o6ene( u6 mo2t o1 it2 in(u2tr7 2ector2 1or 6ri<ate 6=a7er2@ )urin5 thi2 2ta5e o1 tran2ition an( hi5h com6etition 1rom the 1orei5n 6=a7er2; In(ian com6anie2 1in( it (i11icu=t to 2u2tain@ Thi2 ha2 =e( to a continuou2 6roce22 o1 mer5er2 an( acGui2ition2 amon5 the In(ian com6anie2 an( >etAeen the In(ian an( 1orei5n com6anie2@ An o<erhau= o1 the Aho=e 6roce22 o1 6ri<ati2ation an( =i>era=i2ation i2 not 1air at thi2 2ta5e o1 tran2ition@ But the 2i5n2 1rom the in(u2tr7 an( the o6inion2 o1 in(u2tr7 eB6ert2 6oint out the 1act that In(ian econom7 i2 in an e<o=<in5 2ta5e@ The <i2i>=e 1eature2 o1 thi2 e<o=ution are the 6ro?ecte( 5roAth rate o1 &D 6er annum an( the hi5her =e<e=2 o1 >u2ine22 acti<it7 ta4in5 6=ace here@ The 2u66orter2 o1 a =i>era=iEe( econom7 ar5ue that the rea= >ene1iciar7 o1 it i2 the cu2tomer@ The >a2i2 o1 thi2 ar5ument =ie2 on the 1act that a2 com6etition 5et2 inten2i1ie(; a== the 6=a7er2 in the com6etition Ai== >e com6e==e( to Aoo the cu2tomer2 >7 2uch techniGue2 a2 =oA 6rice2; hi5her Gua=it7 6ro(uct2; e11icient 2er<ice2 an( at the 6ea4; a Ai==in5ne22 to 5i<e ear2 to the nee(2 an( 2u55e2tion2 o1 the cu2tomer2@ In the 2er<ice2 2ector; thi2 tren( ha2 =e( to e<en o11erin5 in(i<i(ua=i2e(; 6er2ona=i2e( 2er<ice2; at the con<enience o1 cu2tomer2 an( at an7 time the7 are in nee( o1 it@ Ins$ran%e In"$str2 In2urance In(u2tr7 o<er the Aor=( 2ection co<er2 the intro(uctor7 6art o1 the in2urance >u2ine22 in the countrie2; in2urance t76e2 u2e( in the countr7; the in2urance 6roce22 in the countr7; in2urance >u2ine22 a2 the 6ercenta5e o1 the tota= )P an( =a2t=7 the =i2t o1 the in2urance com6anie2 o6eratin5 in the countr7@ Be2i(e2 the in2urance in(u2tr7 in the countrie2 o1 the Aor=(; the 26ecia= 2ection on the in2urance in the 2tate2 o1 the Unite( State2 5i<e2 a c=ear$cut 4noA=e(5e u6on the 2tate2@ Intro(uction to the in2urance in(u2tr7; in2urance >u2ine22 in the 2tate; (i11erent t76e2 o1 in2urance2; in2urance 6remium2; in2urance 6roce22 an( the ma?or 6=a7er2 in the in2urance >u2ine22 in the 2tate2 are >ein5 co<ere( in thi2 2ection@ Ins$ran%e in In"ia The In2urance 2ector in In(ia 5o<erne( >7 In2urance Act; "0#/; the *i1e In2urance Cor6oration Act; "0+& an( enera= In2urance Bu2ine22 !Nationa=i2ation' Act; "0-9; # In2urance Re5u=ator7 an( )e<e=o6ment Authorit7 !IR)A' Act; "000 an( other re=ate( Act2@ *i1e In2urance Cor6oration o1 In(ia !*IC' *i1e In2urance Cor6oration o1 In(ia !*IC' Aa2 1orme( in Se6tem>er; "0+& >7 an Act o1 Par=iament; <iE@; *i1e In2urance Cor6oration Act; "0+&; Aith ca6ita= contri>ution 1rom the o<ernment o1 In(ia@ The then Finance 3ini2ter; Shri C@)@ )e2hmu4h; Ahi=e 6i=otin5 the >i==; out=ine( the o>?ecti<e2 o1 *IC: • To con(uct the >u2ine22 Aith the utmo2t econom7; in a 26irit o1 tru2tee2hi6 to char5e 6remium no hi5her than Aarrante( >7 2trict actuaria= con2i(eration2@ • To in<e2t the 1un(2 1or o>tainin5 maBimum 7ie=( 1or the 6o=ic7 ho=(er2 con2i2tent Aith 2a1et7 o1 the ca6ita=@ • To ren(er 6rom6t an( e11icient 2er<ice to 6o=ic7 ho=(er2; there>7 ma4in5 in2urance Ai(e=7 6o6u=ar@ Since nationa=i2ation; *IC ha2 >ui=t u6 a <a2t netAor4 o1 9;,:/ >ranche2; ",, (i<i2ion2 an( - Eona= o11ice2 26rea( o<er the countr7@ The *i1e In2urance Cor6oration o1 In(ia a=2o tran2act2 >u2ine22 a>roa( an( ha2 o11ice2 in Fi?i; 3auritiu2 an( Unite( Kin5(om@ *IC i2 a22ociate( Aith ?oint <enture2 a>roa( in the 1ie=( o1 in2urance; name=7; Ken$In(ia A22urance Com6an7 *imite(; Nairo>i; Unite( Orienta= A22urance Com6an7 *imite(; Kua=a *um6ur an( *i1e In2urance Cor6oration !Internationa=' E@C@ Bahrain@ The Cor6oration ha2 re5i2tere( a ?oint <enture com6an7 in 9&th )ecem>er; 9,,, in Kathman(u; Ne6a= >7 the name o1 *i1e In2urance Cor6oration !Ne6a=' *imite( in co==a>oration Aith Ii2ha= rou6 *imite(; a =oca= in(u2tria= rou6@ An o11$ 2hore com6an7 *@I@C@ !3auritiu2' O11$2hore *imite( ha2 a=2o >een 2et u6 in 9,," to ta6 the A1rican in2urance mar4et@ Genera# Ins$ran%e/ enera= in2urance >u2ine22 in the countr7 Aa2 nationa=i2e( Aith e11ect 1rom "2t Januar7; "0-# >7 the enera= In2urance Bu2ine22 !Nationa=i2ation' Act; "0-9@ 3ore than ",, non$=i1e in2urance com6anie2 inc=u(in5 >ranche2 o1 1orei5n com6anie2 o6eratin5 Aithin the countr7 Aere ama=5amate( an( 5rou6e( into 1our com6anie2; <iE@; the Nationa= In2urance Com6an7 *t(@; the NeA In(ia A22urance Com6an7 *t(@; the Orienta= In2urance Com6an7 *t(@; an( the Unite( In(ia In2urance Com6an7 *t(@ Aith hea( o11ice2 at Ca=cutta; Bom>a7; NeA )e=hi an( 3a(ra2; re26ecti<e=7@ : enera= In2urance Cor6oration !IC' Ahich Aa2 the ho=(in5 com6an7 o1 the 1our 6u>=ic 2ector 5enera= in2urance com6anie2 ha2 2ince >een (e=in4e( 1rom the =ater an( ha2 >een a66ro<e( a2 the MIn(ian Rein2urerM 2ince #r( No<em>er 9,,,@ The 2hare ca6ita= o1 IC an( that o1 the 1our com6anie2 are he=( >7 the o<ernment o1 In(ia@ A== the 1i<e entitie2 are o<ernment com6anie2 re5i2tere( un(er the Com6anie2 Act@ The 5enera= in2urance >u2ine22 ha2 5roAn in 26rea( an( <o=ume a1ter nationa=i2ation@ The 1our com6anie2 ha<e 9&00 >ranch o11ice2; "#&, (i<i2iona= o11ice2 an( 09 re5iona= o11ice2 26rea( a== o<er the countr7@ IC an( it2 2u>2i(iarie2 ha<e re6re2entation either (irect=7 throu5h >ranche2 or a5encie2 in "& countrie2 an( throu5h a22ociateN =oca==7 incor6orate( 2u>2i(iar7 com6anie2 in ": other countrie2@ A Aho==7$ oAne( 2u>2i(iar7 com6an7 o1 IC; i@e@ In(ian Internationa= Pte@ *t(@ i2 o6eratin5 in Sin5a6ore an( there i2 a ?oint <enture com6an7; <iE@ Kenin(ia A22urance *t(@ in Ken7a@ A neA Aho==7 oAne( 2u>2i(iar7 ca==e( NeA In(ia Internationa= *t(@; UK ha2 a=2o >een re5i2tere(@ In(ian Econom7 In 9,,-$,/ The 3uch eu6horic economic 5roAth in In(ia i2 eB6ecte( to 2u2tain (urin5 the 7ear@ The >etter 6er1ormance in the 2er<ice2 2ector an( manu1acturin5 in(u2trie2 Ai== act a2 the main 6arameter2 1or maintainin5 the economic 5roAth; Ahat the e<i(ence2 te==@ The rea= )P 5roAth in the countr7 i2 ca=cu=ate( in the ran5e o1 -@+$/@, 6er cent (urin5 the 7ear 9,,-$,/@ Pre2ent=7 the In(ian Econom7 i2 comin5 acro22 <ariou2 ri242 >oth in the (ome2tic 2cenario a2 Ae== a2 in the internationa= 2cenario@ The 5=o>a= econom7 2u11er2 1rom the 6ro>=em o1 recor( =e<e= o1 internationa= cru(e oi= 6rice2; o<era== in1=ationar7 6re22ure2 an( ri2in5 internationa= intere2t rate2@ In the 2ame (irection the In(ian Econom7 a=2o 2u11er2 1rom the 6ro>=em o1 mon2oon; in1ra2tructure >ott=enec42; an( 1i2ca= im>a=ance2@ Thou5h there are a =ar5er num>er o1 on5oin5 im>a=ance2 continuin5 o<er the Aor=(; 2ti== to Ahat eBtent (i11erent 2ector2 in the In(ian Econom7 ha<e re26on(e( in the 6erio( o1 9,,-$,/@ A5ricu=ture Sector: *et u2 ana=7Ee A5ricu=ture once con2i(ere(; a2 the MBac4 >one o1 In(ian Econom7M i2 ?u2ti1ie( to Ahat eBtent 1or the In(ian Econom7 to(a7@ A2 to 2tati2tic2; the actua= 5roAth in the a5ricu=tura= 2ector (urin5 the 1ir2t 1our 7ear2 o1 the Tenth Fi<e Hear P=an Aa2 tAo 6er cent 6er annum on an a<era5e >a2i2@ The 2=oAer rate o1 economic 5roAth + in the countr7 i2 >ein5 mar4e( (ue to 2ta5nation in (ome2tic 6ro(uction in the commo(itie2 2uch a2 Aheat; 2u5ar an( 6u=2e2@ The (ec=inin5 6ro(uction in the a5ricu=tura= 2ector i2 5enera==7 mar4e( (ue to 2ome con2traint2 =i4e in1ra2tructure >ott=enec42; 6articu=ar=7 in re5ar( to irri5ation 1aci=itie2L continue to im6e(e 26ee(7 a(o6tion o1 im6ro<e( techno=o57@ HoAe<er a1ter ana=7Ein5 the 6re2ent 2cenario on the In(ian a5ricu=ture; in term2 o1 it2 2ucce22 2tor7 an( cha==en5e2 ahea( itO2 the time 1or ?u2ti17in5 MIn(ian A5ricu=ture a2 the >ac4>one o1 In(ian Econom7M@ A== the P=anner2; thin4er2; an( economi2t2 te== a>out 2er<ice2 2ector; Ahich ha2 the hi5he2t 6ercenta5e 2hare in countr7O2 ro22 )ome2tic Pro(uct@ But to Ahat eBtent thi2 1a2t ri2in5 2er<ice2 2ector i2 a>=e enou5h to 2o=<e the 6ro>=em o1 ineGua=it7; 6o<ert7 an( ma= nutrition in the In(ian Econom7@ Rea==7 it 1ai=2 an( it i2 the a5ricu=ture; Ahich can 2o=<e the a>o<e 6ro>=em2@ & COM3AN& 3ROFILE IDBI Fe"era# Li!e Ins$ran%e IDBI Fe"era# Li!e Ins$ran%e C Lt". i2 a ?oint$<enture o1 I)BI Ban4; In(iaO2 6remier (e<e=o6ment an( commercia= >an4; Fe(era= Ban4; one o1 In(iaO2 =ea(in5 6ri<ate 2ector >an42 an( A5ea2; a mu=tinationa= in2urance 5iant >a2e( out o1 Euro6e@ In thi2 <enture; I)BI Ban4 oAn2 :/D eGuit7 Ahi=e Fe(era= Ban4 an( A5ea2 oAn 9&D eGuit7 each@ Ha<in5 2tarte( in 3arch 9,,/; in ?u2t 1i<e month2 o1 ince6tion; I)BI Fe(era= >ecame one o1 the 1a2te2t 5roAin5 neA in2urance com6anie2 >7 5arnerin5 R2@",, Cr in 6remium2@ Throu5h a continuou2 6roce22 o1 inno<ation in 6ro(uct an( 2er<ice (e=i<er7 I)BI Fe(era= aim2 to (e=i<er Aor=($c=a22 Aea=th mana5ement; 6rotection an( retirement 2o=ution2 that 6ro<i(e <a=ue an( con<enience to the In(ian cu2tomer@ The com6an7 o11er2 it2 2er<ice2 throu5h a <a2t nationAi(e netAor4 9;#,/ 6artner >an4 >ranche2 o1 I)BI Ban4 an( Fe(era= Ban4 in a((ition to a 2iEea>=e netAor4 o1 a(<i2or2 an( 6artner2@ A2 on #"2t )ecem>er 9,"#; the com6an7 ha2 i22ue( near=7 +@+ =a4h 6o=icie2 Aith a 2um a22ure( o1 o<er R2@ #9;"",@:/ crore2@ A0$t t+e s.nsrs ! IDBI Fe"era# Li!e Ins$ran%e C Lt" IDBI Bank Lt". continue2 to >e; 2ince it2 ince6tion; In(iaO2 6remier in(u2tria= (e<e=o6ment >an4@ It came into >ein5 a2 on Ju=7 ,"; "0&: to 2u66ort In(iaO2 in(u2tria= >ac4>one@ To(a7; it i2 amon52t In(iaO2 1oremo2t commercia= >an42; Aith a Ai(e ran5e o1 inno<ati<e 6ro(uct2 an( 2er<ice2; 2er<in5 retai= an( cor6orate cu2tomer2 in a== corner2 o1 the countr7 1rom "9," >ranche2 an( 9"+& AT32@ The Ban4 o11er2 it2 cu2tomer2 an eBten2i<e ran5e o1 (i<er2i1ie( 2er<ice2 inc=u(in5 6ro?ect 1inance; term =en(in5; Aor4in5 ca6ita= 1aci=itie2; =ea2e 1inance; <enture ca6ita=; =oan 27n(ication; cor6orate a(<i2or7 2er<ice2 an( =e5a= an( technica= a(<i2or7 2er<ice2 to it2 cor6orate c=ient2 a2 Ae== a2 mort5a5e2 an( 6er2ona= =oan2 to it2 retai= c=ient2@ A2 6art o1 it2 (e<e=o6ment acti<itie2; I)BI Ban4 ha2 >een in2trumenta= in 26on2orin5 the (e<e=o6ment o1 4e7 in2titution2 in<o=<e( in In(iaO2 1inancia= 2ector $ Nationa= Stoc4 EBchan5e o1 In(ia *imite( !NSE' an( Nationa= Securitie2 )e6o2itor7 *t(; SHCI* !Stoc4 Ho=(in5 Cor6oration o1 In(ia *t('; CARE !Cre(it Ana=72i2 an( Re2earch *t('@ Fe"era# Bank i2 one o1 In(iaO2 =ea(in5 6ri<ate 2ector >an42; Aith a (ominant 6re2ence - in the 2tate o1 Kera=a@ It ha2 a 2tron5 netAor4 o1 o<er ";":9 >ranche2 an( ";#"9 AT32 26rea( acro22 In(ia@ The >an4 6ro<i(e2 o<er 1our mi==ion retai= cu2tomer2 Aith a Ai(e <ariet7 o1 1inancia= 6ro(uct2@ Fe(era= Ban4 i2 one o1 the 1ir2t =ar5e In(ian >an42 to ha<e an entire=7 automate( an( interconnecte( >ranch netAor4@ In a((ition to interconnecte( >ranche2 an( AT32; the Ban4 ha2 a Ai(e ran5e o1 2er<ice2 =i4e Internet Ban4in5; 3o>i=e Ban4in5; Te=e Ban4in5; An7 Where Ban4in5; (e>it car(2; on=ine >i== 6a7ment an( ca== centre 1aci=itie2 to o11er roun( the c=oc4 >an4in5 con<enience to it2 cu2tomer2@ The Ban4 ha2 >een a 6ioneer in 6ro<i(in5 inno<ati<e techno=o5ica= 2o=ution2 to it2 cu2tomer2 an( the Ban4 ha2 Aon 2e<era= aAar(2 an( recommen(ation2@ Ageas i2 an internationa= in2urance 5rou6 Aith a herita5e 26annin5 more than "/, 7ear2@ Ran4e( amon5 the to6 9, in2urance com6anie2 in Euro6e; A5ea2 ha2 cho2en to concentrate it2 >u2ine22 acti<itie2 in Euro6e an( A2ia; Ahich to5ether ma4e u6 the =ar5e2t 2hare o1 the 5=o>a= in2urance mar4et@ The2e are 5rou6e( aroun( 1our 2e5ment2: Be=5ium; Unite( Kin5(om; Continenta= Euro6e an( A2ia an( 2er<e( throu5h a com>ination o1 Aho==7 oAne( 2u>2i(iarie2 an( 6artner2hi62 Aith 2tron5 1inancia= in2titution2 an( 4e7 (i2tri>utor2 aroun( the Aor=(@ A5ea2 o6erate2 2ucce221u= 6artner2hi62 in Be=5ium; UK; *uBem>our5; Ita=7; Portu5a=; Tur4e7; China; 3a=a72ia; In(ia an( Thai=an( an( ha2 2u>2i(iarie2 in France; Hon5 Kon5 an( UK@ A5ea2 i2 the mar4et =ea(er in Be=5ium 1or in(i<i(ua= =i1e an( em6=o7ee >ene1it2; a2 Ae== a2 a =ea(in5 non$=i1e 6=a7er throu5h A In2urance@ In the UK; A5ea2 ha2 a 2tron5 6re2ence a2 the 1ourth =ar5e2t 6=a7er in 6ri<ate car in2urance an( the o<er +,O2 mar4et@ A5ea2 em6=o72 more than "#;,,, 6eo6=e an( ha2 annua= in1=oA2 o1 more than EUR 9" >i==ion@ 'isin To >e the =ea(in5 6ro<i(er o1 Aea=th mana5ement; 6rotection an( retirement 2o=ution2 that meet2 the nee(2 o1 our cu2tomer2 an( a((2 <a=ue to their =i<e2@ Missin / To continua==7 2tri<e to enhance cu2tomer eB6erience throu5h inno<ati<e 6ro(uct o11erin52; (e(icate( re=ation2hi6 mana5ement an( 2u6erior 2er<ice (e=i<er7 Ahi=e 2tri<in5 to interact Aith our cu2tomer2 in the mo2t con<enient an( co2t e11ecti<e manner@ To >e tran26arent in the Aa7 Ae (ea= Aith our cu2tomer2 an( to act Aith inte5rit7@ To in<e2t in an( >ui=( Gua=it7 human ca6ita= in or(er to achie<e our mi22ion@ 'a#$es Tran26arenc7: Cr72ta= C=ear communication to our 6artner2 an( 2ta4eho=(er2 • Ia=ue to Cu2tomer2: A 6ro(uct an( 2er<ice o11erin5 in Ahich cu2tomer2 6ercei<e <a=ue • Roc4 So=i( an( )e=i<er7 on Promi2e: Thi2 tran2=ate2 into >ein5 1inancia==7 2tron5; o6erationa==7 ro>u2t an( ha<in5 c=arit7 in c=aim2 • Cu2tomer$1rien(=7: A(<ice an( 2u66ort in Aor4in5 Aith cu2tomer2 an( 6artner2 • Pro1it to Sta4eho=(er2: Ba=ance the intere2t2 o1 cu2tomer2; 6artner2; em6=o7ee2; 2hareho=(er2 an( the communit7 at =ar5e 0 MANAGEMENT 'ig+nes+ S+a+ane CEO & Whole – Time Director A4a2 O0eri Chief People Officer & Head – Administration Anees+ K+anna Head – eBusiness, Maretin! & Product Mana!ement Anees+ Sri1asta1a Chief "n#estment Officer Ar1in" S+a+i Chief $is Officer As+#e2 Kenne"2 %ational Head & A!enc' & Alliances Gerge 5+n Chief (inancial Officer La#it+a B+atia Chief Operatin! Officer Ma+es+ Keni )ice President – "nternal Audit 3$rni-a G$.te Appointed Actuar' Ra4es+ A4gankar Head & *e!al, Compliance and Compan' +ecretar' ", 3r"$%ts At I)BI Fe(era=; itC2 our con2tant en(ea<or to create inno<ation2 that create <a=ue 1or our cu2tomer2@ The2e inno<ation2 are >rou5ht to =i1e throu5h our Ai(e arra7 o1 6ro(uct2 that 1it the <ar7in5 1inancia= an( in<e2tment nee(2 at (i11erent 2ta5e2 o1 =i1e@ C+i#"s$ran%e6 I)BI Fe(era= Chi=(2uranceP Sa<in52 Protection In2urance P=anL a non$=in4e( 6artici6atin5 en(oAment 6=an that en2ure2 7our chi=(C2 1uture 1inancia= nee(2 are 1u=1i==e(@ Li!es$ran%e6 I)BI Fe(era= *i1e2urance Sa<in52 In2urance P=an i2 a 1iBe( term non$=in4e( 6artici6atin5 6=an that 6ro<i(e2 7ou the tAin >ene1it2 o1 =on5$term 2a<in52 an( =i1e co<er@ "" ! IDBI Fe"era# Li!e Ins$ran%e/ A num>er o1 I)BI Fe(era= *i1e In2urance 6ro(uct2; Ahich o11er 6rotection an( a=2o cou6=e( Aith 2a<in52 are current=7 6re2ent in the mar4et@ • Ter- ins$ran%e .r"$%t/ Pro<i(e2 a 1iBe( amount o1 mone7 u6on (eath (urin5 the 6erio( o1 contract@ • W+#e IDBI Fe"era# Li!e Ins$ran%e .r"$%t/ Pro<i(e2 a 1iBe( amount o1 mone7 u6on (eath@ • En"*-ent Ass$ran%e .r"$%t/ i<e2 a 1iBe( amount o1 mone7 either on (eath or (urin5 the 6erio( o1 contract or at the eB6ir7 o1 contract i1 =i1e a22ure( i2 a=i<e@ • Trans.aren%2/ Aime( at he=6in5 7ou ma4e the ri5ht choice; Ae 6ro<i(e o>?ecti<e an( tran26arent in1ormation a>out 7our =oan o6tion2@ • Mne2 0a%k ass$ran%e .r"$%t/ i<e2 not on=7 1iBe( amount2; Ahich are 6a7a>=e on 26eci1ie( (ate2 (urin5 the 6erio( o1 contract; >ut a=2o the 1u== amount o1 mone7 a22ure( on (eath (urin5 the 6erio( o1 contract@ • Ann$it2 .r"$%t/ i<e2 a 2erie2 o1 month=7 6a7ment2 on 2ti6u=ate( (ate2 6ro<i(e( that the =i1e a22ure( i2 a=i<e on the 2ti6u=ate( (ate2@ • Linke" .r"$%t/ Pro<i(e2 not on=7 a 1iBe( amount o1 mone7 on (eath >ut a=2o 2um2 o1 mone7 Ahich are =in4e( Aith the un(er=7in5 <a=ue o1 a22et2 on the (e2ire( (ate2@ "9 3RODUCT 3ROFILE I)BI Fe(era= *i1e In2urance Pro(uct Ta>=e RetirementNPen2ion P=an Retire2urance Term P=an Term2urance Sa<in52 & In<e2tment P=an Wea=th2urance Sa<in52 & In<e2tment P=an Bon(2urance Sa<in52 & In<e2tment P=an Income2urance Hea=th P=an Hea=th2urance 3RODUCTS IN DETAIL C+i#"s$ran%e/ I)BI 1e(era=C2 chi=(2urance i2 1or the 6arent2 Aho are =oo4in5 to ma4e their chi=(C2 1uture 2hoc4$6roo1 i2 it2 6oAer1u= in2urance >ene1it2@ Chi=(2urance a==oA2 to 7ou to 6rotect 7our chi=( 6=an Aith tri6=e in2urance >ene1it2 2o that 7our Aea=th$>ui=(in5 6=an remain2 una11ecte( >7 un1ore2een e<ent2 an( 7our chi=( 1uture remain2 2ecure@ I)BI Fe(era= Chi=(2urance P )ream>ui=(er In2urance P=an i2 a Unit =in4e( 6=an Ahich i2 =oa(e( Aith =ot2 o1 >ene1it2 Ahich Ai== he=6 7ou to >ui=(; create an( mana5e 7our in<e2tment Aith 5reat 1=eBi>i=it7 2o that 7our 6=an meet2 7our 26eci1ic nee(2@ The 1o==oAin5 are the 4e7 >ene1it2 Chi=(2urance P )ream>ui=(er In2urance P=an@ "# • Contri>ute mone7 in a 1=eBi>=e Aa7 to 2uit cu2tomerC2 2a<in52 ha>it • A Ai(e choice o1 in<e2tment o6tion2; >a2e( on cu2tomerC2 return eB6ectation2 an( ri24 to=erance • In<e2tment 2trate57 accor(in5 to cu2tomerC2 6ro1i=e • He=62 to >oo2t cu2tomerC2 2a<in52@ • Cu2tomer2 can (eci(e on hoA to mana5e their in<e2tment2@ • He=62 to 2ecure chi=(C2 1uture 5oa=2 • TaB >ene1it2 on contri>ution2 an( >ene1it2 • Fun(2 can >e Aith(raAn in ca2e o1 nee(; a1ter 1i<e 7ear2 Li!es$ran%e/ I)BI 1e(era= *i1e2urance P=an i2 a 2a<in5 in2urance 6=an that he=62 7ou to 2a1e5uar( 7our Aea=th at the 2ame time Ai== 6re2ent >etter o66ortunit7 to earnin5 >etter return@ KE& FEATURES OF LIFESURANCE SA'INGS INSURANCE 3LAN Mat$rit2 Bene!it On the maturit7 o1 7our *i1e2urance 6o=ic7; 6ro<i(e( a== 6remium2 ha<e >een 6ai( in 1u== Ahen (ue Ae Ai== 6a7 7ou the 2um in2ure( a=on5 Aith the <e2te( 5uarantee( a((ition2; <e2te( re<er2ionar7 >onu2e2 an( termina= >onu2; i1 an7; in a =um6 2um@ 3aturit7 Bene1it Q Sum in2ure( R Ie2te( 5uarantee( a((ition2 R Ie2te( re<er2ionar7 >onu2e2 R Termina= >onu2 ": Deat+ Bene!it On the (eath o1 the =i1e in2ure( (urin5 the 6o=ic7 term; 6ro<i(e( a== 6remium2 ha<e >een 6ai( in 1u== Ahen (ue Ae Ai== 6a7 the >ene1iciar7; the 2um in2ure( a=on5 Aith the <e2te( 5uarantee( a((ition2; <e2te( re<er2ionar7 >onu2e2; interim >onu2; i1 an7 an( termina= >onu2; i1 an7 in a =um6 2um@ )eath Bene1it Q Sum in2ure( R Ie2te( 5uarantee( a((ition2 R Ie2te( re<er2ionar7 >onu2e2 R Interim >onu2 !i1 an7' R Termina= >onu2 G$arantee" A""itins uarantee( a((ition2 at the rate +, 6er ";,,, 2um in2ure( Ai== >e a((e( to 7our 6o=ic7 1or each 1u== annua= 6remium that i2 (ue an( 6ai( in the 1ir2t + 7ear2 o1 the 6o=ic7@ In the ca2e o1 6remium2 6ai( more 1reGuent=7 than annua==7; the 5uarantee( a((ition2 Ai== >e a((e( on a 6ro rata >a2i2 a2 the (ue 6remium2 are 6ai( in the 1ir2t + 7ear2 o1 the 6o=ic7@ The <e2te( 5uarantee( a((ition2 Ai== >ecome 6a7a>=e a=on5 Aith the 2um in2ure( at the time o1 a c=aim or maturit7 o1 the 6o=ic7@ Bn$ses A1ter the 1i1th 6o=ic7 7ear 7our *i1e2urance 6o=ic7 Ai== 6artici6ate in an7 6ro1it2 o1 our 6artici6atin5 6o=ic7ho=(er2C =i1e 1un( >7 Aa7 o1 re<er2ionar7 >onu2e2 an( 6o22i>=7 termina= >onu2@ The amount o1 an7 6ro1it2; an( hence o1 an7 >onu2e2 Ai== (e6en( on the 1uture eB6erience an( 6er1ormance o1 the 1un(@ The >onu2e2 Ai== >e (ec=are( >7 the Boar( o1 I)BI Fe(era= *i1e In2urance Com6an7 each 7ear; an( once a((e( the7 Ai== 1orm 6art o1 the 5uarantee( >ene1it2 o1 the 6o=ic7@ The Com6an7 ma7 (ec=are an interim >onu2 in the e<ent o1 a c=aim >e1ore the neBt >onu2 (ec=aration@ The com6an7 ma7 a=2o (ec=are a termina= >onu2 to >e 6ai( on maturit7 or (eath 6ro<i(e( a== the (ue 6remium2 ha<e >een 6ai(@ "+ Ta7 Bene!its  De"$%tin $n"er Se% 89C/ The 6remium2 that 7ou in<e2t in *i1e2urance are e=i5i>=e 1or (e(uction un(er Sec /,C o1 the Income TaB Act u6 to the =imit o1 R2@ "; ,,;,,, !a=on5 Aith other e=i5i>=e in<e2tment2'@  Ta7)!ree Bene!its $n"er Se% :9;:9D</ The maturit7 >ene1it a2 Ae== a2 (eath >ene1it are taB$1ree un(er Sec ",!",)' o1 the Income TaB Act  There i2 a=2o no taB (e(uction at 2ource@ F#e7i0#e 3re-i$- 3a2-ent Ter- ;33T< = 3#i%2 Ter- ;3T< 3#i%2 Ter-/ Hou can choo2e the term at the en( o1 Ahich 7ou Ai2h to recei<e the maturit7 >ene1it2@ *i1e2urance 6ro<i(e2 7ou the 1=eBi>i=it7 to choo2e >etAeen 1our 6o=ic7 term2 8",; "+; 9, or 9+ 7ear2@ 3re-i$- 3a2-ent Ter-/ Hou can choo2e the term 1or Ahich 7ou Aou=( =i4e to 6a7 6remium2 toAar(2 7our *i1e2urance P=an@ The minimum Premium Pa7ment Term i2 + 7ear2 1or 6o=ic7 term2 o1 "+; 9, an( 9+ 7ear2@ The minimum 6remium 6a7ment term i2 & 7ear2 1or 6o=ic7 term o1 ", 7ear2@ The maBimum Premium Pa7ment Term can >e eGua= to the Po=ic7 Term@ The minimum 6remium amount i2 R2 9,;,,, 1or annua= in2ta==ment2; R2 ",;,,, 1or ha=1$7ear=7 in2ta==ment2; R2 +;,,, 1or Guarter=7 in2ta==ment2 an( R2 9;+,, 1or month=7 in2ta==ment2@ Lans Hou can a<ai= o1 the =oan 1aci=it7 1rom I)BI Fe(era= a1ter the 6o=ic7 acGuire2 2urren(er <a=ue@ The =oan amount 5rante( Ai== >e u6 to /+D o1 the 2urren(er <a=ue 2u>?ect to term2 an( con(ition2 26eci1ie( >7 I)BI Fe(era= 1rom time to time@ A"1antage W-en *i1e2urance o11er2 an a((itiona= 6remium (i2count 1or 1ema=e in2ure( 6er2on2@ The >a2ic 6remium 6a7a>=e 1or a 1ema=e 6o=ic7ho=(er Ai== >e eGui<a=ent to the 6remium 1or a corre26on(in5 three$7ear 7oun5er ma=e 6o=ic7ho=(er@ Li!es$ran%e S$1i"+a Sa1ings 3#an The IDBI Fe"era# Li!es$ran%e S$1i"+a Sa1ings Ins$ran%e 3#an !hereina1ter re1erre( to a2 *i1e2urance' i2 a 6artici6atin5 en(oAment 6=an that 5uarantee2 an( "& a==oA2 7ou to accumu=ate con2i(era>=e 2a<in52 to meet cu2tomerC2 =on5 term re26on2i>i=itie2 in =i1e@ Po=ic7 Ai== 6artici6ate in the 2ur6=u2 o1 the com6an7O2 6artici6atin5 6o=ic7ho=(er2C =i1e 1un(; an( cu2tomerC2 2hare o1 thi2 2ur6=u2 Ai== >e a((e( to cu2tomer 6o=ic7; 1rom the :th 6o=ic7 7ear onAar(2; >7 Aa7 o1 re<er2ionar7 >onu2e2 an( a termina= >onu2 a((e( at the time o1 maturit7; or on ear=ier (eath@ A2 a con2eGuence; 6artici6atin5 6o=ic7ho=(er2 Aho maintain their 6o=icie2 ti== maturit7 Ai== en?o7 the >ene1it2 o1 =on5 term (e>t an( eGuit7 in<e2tment Ahi=e >ein5 6rotecte( 1rom the 2hort term <o=ati=it7 o1 the 2ecuritie2 mar4et2@ Feat$res/ Bene!its at Mat$rit2 • Sum In2ure( a=on5 Aith 5uarantee( a((ition2 at the rate o1 R2@ +, 6er ";,,, o1 the Sum In2ure( 1or the 1ir2t # 7ear2 o1 the 6o=ic7 R • Re<er2ionar7 >onu2e2 1rom the :th 6o=ic7 7ear onAar(2 R • Termina= >onu2 a((e( at the time o1 maturit7; or on ear=ier (eath P=an >ene1it2 an( E=i5i>i=it7 "@ Premium2 are eBc=u2i<e o1 2er<ice taB an( e(ucation ce22@ a@ A2 6er the current taB =aA2; 2er<ice taB a66=ica>=e un(er the 6o=ic7 i2 #@,0 D !inc=u(in5 e(ucation ce22' o1 the 6remium2 6ai( 1or the 1ir2t 7ear an( "@+:+D 1or the reneAa= 6remium2@ Ser<ice taB an( e(ucation ce22 are a2 6er the eBtant =aA2@ 9@ For *i1e2urance Su<i(ha Sa<in52; the maBimum a55re5ate 2um in2ure( =imit 1or an in(i<i(ua= =i1e i2 =imite( to R2@ &; ,,;,,, 1or each "9 month 6erio( an( to R2@ 9,; ,,;,,, in tota=@ The2e =imit2 Ai== >e ca=cu=ate( a1ter inc=u(in5 a== in(i<i(ua= an( 5rou6 6o=icie2 o1 I)BI Fe(era= *i1e In2urance Co@ *t(; eBce6t the 1u==7 un(erAritten 6o=icie2@ #@ uarantee( )eath Bene1it i2 Sum in2ure( 6=u2 <e2te( uarantee( A((ition2@ "- In%-es$ran%e/ I)BI Fe(era= Income2urance En(oAment an( 3one7 >ac4 P=an i2 a 6=an Ahich i2 (e2i5ne( 1or the cu2tomer2 to reach their 5oa=2 Aith con1i(ence@ The main 1eature2 o1 thi2 6=an are: • Premium2 6ai( 1or a =imite( 6erio( • uarantee( annua= 6a7out • 3inimum annua= 6a7out (ec=are( at the >e5innin5 • A((itiona= annua= 6a7out i2 (ec=are( each time the 6remium i2 6ai(@ • A((itiona= annua= 6a7out i2 =in4e( Aith $ 2ec intere2t rate2 • Cu2tomer2 can ta4e 6erio(ic 6a7ment2 or accumu=ate ti== maturit7 • *um6 2um co<er or Aai<er o1 6remium • TaB >ene1it2 un(er Sec /,C an( Sec ",!",)' I)BI Fe(era= Income2uranceS En(oAment an( 3one7 Bac4 P=an !Income2uranceS' not on=7 5i<e2 unmatche( tran26arenc7 an( 1=eBi>i=it7 >ut there are =ot2 o1 other 1eature2 Ahich are in>ui=t in the 6ro(uct =i4e con<enient 6remium 6a7ment o6tion2; TaB >ene1it2 an( (ou>=e a(<anta5e o1 En(oAment an( 3one7 Bac4 6=an@ "/ A(<anta5e o1 En(oAment an( 3one7 Bac4  TaB Bene1it2  Premium2 Aai<e( in ca2e o1 (eath  Con<enient 6remium 6a7ment o6tion2  Com6=ete tran26arenc7 Finan%ia# In!r-atin/ The tota= 6remium earne( 1or the ha=1 7ear en(e( Se6tem>er #,; 9,", Aa2 R2@#:9- mi==ion@ The 6ro1it a1ter taB 1or the 2ame 6erio( i2 R2@+"# mi==ion@ There ha<e >een "#9 (eath c=aim2 re6orte( (urin5 the 6erio( out o1 Ahich :# c=aim2 Aere 2ett=e( an( "0 c=aim2 Aere re?ecte(@ Marketing Ca-.aigns/ I)BI Fe(era= *i1e recent=7 =aunche( te=e<i2ion commercia=2 1ocu2in5 on it2 1ront=ine 6ro(uct2 =i4e Wea=th2urance an( Income2urance@ The cam6ai5n ta5=ine2 are J5isne 0+i s$na k+aree" #i2a> an( JG$arantee" In%-e Ki B+a1is+a1ani>@ Wherea2 the 1ir2t a(<erti2ement re1=ect2 that the 6ro(uct i2 2o 5reat that Ahoe<er hear2 a>out it; >u72 it in2tant=7; the 2econ( a(<erti2ement 6romi2e2 to >e c=ear an( tran26arent on the i22ue o1 return2 in the in<e2tment 6ro(uct@ I)BI Fe(era= ha2 a=2o intro(uce( tAo animation character2 >7 the name o1 (a..2 an( L$%k2 to 6romote the >ran(@ To create an aAarene22 o1 the 6ro(uct2 o1 the or5aniEation amon5 the hou2eho=(2; a 6aintin5 com6etition ?Brig+t S.arks> Aa2 con(ucte( an( certi1icate2 Aere aAar(e( to a== 6artici6ant2@ "0 COM3ETITION ANAL&SIS I)BI FE)ERA* *IFE INSURANCE Co@ *t(@ i2 in a hi5h=7 com6etiti<e 2e5ment i@e@; in2urance 2ector the7 are ha<in5 =ar5e num>er o1 ri<a= com6anie2 1i5htin5 a=on5 Aith them in ta4in5 contro= o1 the in(u2tr7@ • T+reat ! intense seg-ent ri1a#r2 The ma?or 6=u2 6oint 1or I)BI FE)ERA* *IFE INSURANCE Co@ *t(@ i2 the >ran( <a=ue o1 it2 6artner2@ The com6etition in thi2 mar4et i2 a <er7 (i11icu=t or tou5h@ The mar4et con(ition i2 o=i5o6o=7 Ahere a 1eA num>er o1 >i5 com6etitor2 are 6ro<i(in5 i(entica= 6ro(uct an( 2er<ice2 (i11erin5 on=7 in Gua=it7 o1 them@ Each com6etitor ha2 their oAn tra(emar4 attri>ute@ A2 Ae 4noA *ICC2 attri>ute i2 their ho=( in rura= mar4et@ But Ahen Ae 2a7 a>out 6o6u=ation 5roAth; economic 5roAth; or 5o<ernment 6o=icie2 in2urance 2e5ment i2 <er7 attracti<e >ecau2e on=7 9+D in2ura>=e 6er2on are in2ure( 2econ(=7 /,D 6o6u=ation are un(er a5e o1 :+@ • T+reat ! ne* entran%e )ue to a55re22i<e com6etition an( hi5h entr7 eBit >arrier; thi2 i2 not attracti<e 2e5ment 1or neA 6=a7er@ For enterin5 in in2urance 1ie=(; man(ator7 ca6ita= i2 ",, crore2@ Secon(=7; 1orei5n 2ta4e =imite( Aith 9&D; thir( In(ian com6an7 ha<e no eB6erience in in2urance >u2ine22@ EBit >arrier are a=2o <er7 hi5h >ecau2e; no com6an7 can =ea<e mar4et a1ter enterin5 (ue to =o22 >ecau2e 1ir2t=7; ",, crore2 Ai== >e =o2t 2econ(=7; their com6en2ation !cu2tomer or other com6an7' Ai== >e <er7 hi5h or more than (e6o2ite( mone7@ So in =on5 run; com6an7 Ai== tr7 to =e22 their >u2ine22 >ut the7 Ai== not =ea<e mar4et@ So thi2 i2 5oo( 1actor 1or I)BI FE)ERA* *IFE INSURANCE Co@ *t(@ Becau2e; Ahere entr7 or eBit >arrier are hi5h; 6ro1it 6otentia= are a=2o hi5h@ • T+reat ! s$0stit$te .r"$%t Thi2 i2 not attracti<e mar4et in <ieA o1 2u>2titute 5oo(2 >ecau2e there i2 man7 2u>2titute2 in mar4et >ut on=7 2er<ice 2t7=e i2 (i11erent@ )i11erent in2urance com6an7 6ro<i(e2 at =ea2t 2ame 6ro(uct >ut 6re2entation i2 (i11erent@ In ca2e o1 =oAer 2u>2titute 9, !mean2 in<e2tment 6ur6o2e' man7 6ro(uct in In(ia 1or eBam6=e; 2hare; mutua= 1un(; 1iBe( (e6o2it@ Su>2titute 6=ace a =imit on 6rice an( on 6ro1it@ • T+reat ! 0$2er@s gr*ing .*er In In(ia >u7erC2 5roAin5 6oAer are increa2in5 >ecau2e the7 ha<e more concentrate( or or5aniEe( toAar(2 mar4et@ o<ernment ha2 e2ta>=i2he( in2urance re5u=ator !IR)A' in In(ia 1or 5roAin5 >u7erC2 >ar5in5 6oAer@ )ue to =oAe2t 2Aitchin5; >u7er2 are <er7 6rice 2en2iti<e an( >u7er2 ha<e man7 2ource2 1or 4noAin5 a>out (i11erent com6an7 6ro(uct@ )ue to e(ucation >u7er can ana=72i2 that; Ahich 6ro(uct i2 5oo( 1or him@ So (ue to 5roAin5 >u7erC2 6oAer thi2 2e5ment i2 not 5oo( 1or neA 6=a7er@ • T+reat ! s$..#ier@s gr*ing .*er )ue to o=i5o6o=7 mar4et con(ition in2urance com6an7 cannot rai2e 6rice >ut the7 can increa2e their 6ro1it 1rom 2e==in5 more 6o=icie2 in mar4et@ In In(ia; 2u66=7$5roAin5 6oAer !a5ent; >ro4er; >anca22urance' are 5roAin5 (ue to =ot o1 com6an7 a<ai=a>i=it7 in I)BI Fe(era= *i1e In2urance Co@ *t(@ 9" COM3ETITION INFORMATION Li!e Ins$ran%e  H)FC Stan(ar( *i1e In2urance Com6an7 *t(@  3aB NeA Hor4 *i1e In2urance Co@ *t(@  ICICI Pru(entia= *i1e In2urance Co@ *t(@  Om Kota4 3ahin(ra *i1e In2urance Co@ *t(@  Bir=a Sun *i1e In2urance Co@ *t(@  Tata Ai5 *i1e In2urance Co@ *t(@  SBI *i1e In2urance Co@ *t(@  IN I727a *i1e In2urance Co@ P<t@ *t(@  A==ianE Ba?a? *i1e In2urance Co@ *t(@  3et=i1e In(ia In2urance Co@ P<t@ *t(@  A<i<a *i1e In2urance Com6an7 *t(@ Genera# Ins$ran%e  Ro7a= Sun(aram A==iance In2urance Co@ *t(@  I)BI Fe(era= enera= In2urance Co@ *t(@  IFFCO To4io enera= In2urance Co@ *t(@  TATA AI enera= In2urance Co@ *t(@  Ba?a? A==ianE enera= In2urance Co@ *t(@  ICICI *om>ar( enera= In2urance Co@ *t(@ 99 S.W.O.T ANAL&SIS OF T(E ORGANISATION With the a>o<e 27na62e2 in min( Ae Aou=( =i4e to a66=7 a SWOT Ana=72i2 to the in2urance Ma4r Strengt+s  Premium rate2 are increa2in5 an( 2o are commi22ion2@  The <ariet7 o1 6ro(uct2 i2 increa2in5@  Pro26ect2 eB6ect more 2er<ice2 1rom their >ro4er2@ Ma4r Weaknesses  In2urance com6anie2 are o1ten 2=oA to re26on( to chan5in5 nee(2@  There i2 an increa2in5 tren( o1 1inancia= Aea4ne22 amon5 the com6anie2@  There are more com6etitor2 1or a5encie2 to com6ete Aith >an42 an( Internet 6=a7er2@ O..rt$nities  The a>i=it7 to cro22 2e== 1inancia= 2er<ice2 i2 >are=7 >ein5 ta66e(@  Techno=o57 i2 im6ro<in5 to the 6oint that 6a6er=e22 tran2action2 are a<ai=a>=e@  The c=ientO2 increa2in5 nee( 1or an Min2urance con2u=tantM can o6en neA Aa72 to 2er<ice the c=ient an( 5enerate income@ T+reats  The increa2in5 co2t an( nee( 1or in2urance mi5ht hit a 6oint Ahere a >ac4=a2h Ai== occur@  o<ernment re5u=ation2 on i22ue2 =i4e hea=th care; mo=( an( terrori2m can Guic4=7 chan5e the (irection o1 in2urance@ Increa2in5 eB6en2e2 an( =oAer 6ro1it mar5in2 Ai== hit har( on the 2ma==er a5encie2 an( in2urance com6anie2@  Increa2in5 eB6en2e2 an( =oAer 6ro1it mar5in2 Ai== hit har( on the 2ma==er a5encie2 an( in2urance com6anie2@ 9# RESEARC( OB5ECTI'ES OB5ECTI'ES • To 2tu(7 the >ene1it2 o1 thi2 6ro(uct 6ro<i(e( >7 I)BI Fe(era= *i1e In2urance com6an7@ • To 4noA the con2umer 1ee(>ac4@ • To 4noA the mar4etin5 2trate5ie2 a(o6te( to 6romote the2e 6ro(uct2@ • To ma4e the 6ri<ate 6=a7er2 re26on2i>=e to the in<e2tor2 an( not to the 5o<ernment@ • To increa2e the com6etition in thi2 2ector 2o that the common 6eo6=e ha2 the a(<anta5e o1 en?o7in5 Gua=it7 2er<ice2 at a rea2ona>=e co2t • In2urance ha2 a 1ar reachin5 e11ect in 27nchroniEin5 >etAeen the <ariou2 2er<ice 2ector2@ So i1 thi2 2ector can 5roA; the 6ro26ect2 o1 the <ariou2 other 2er<ice 2ector remain2 to >e 6romi2in5@ SCO3E OF STUD& No 2tu(7 i2 5enera==7 1u== 6roo1 thi2 re6ort 2u11er2 1rom certain =imitation Aith re26ect to in1ormation an( ana=72i2@ The rea2on 1or the a>o<e are re=ate( to: • It Aa2 (i11icu=t to 5et a66ointment 1rom the 6er2on Ahom I 4noA >ecau2e o1 their >u27 2che(u=e@ • Since the 6ro?ect ha( to >e 2u>mitte( Aithin 2e<en Aee42 an( Aithin thi2 time 6erio( ItC2 <er7 (i11icu=t to con<ert@ • Since the 2tu(7 in<o=<e( a throu5h ana=72i2 o1 the in2urance mar4et an( re=ati<e 2tu(7 o1 <ariou2 6=a7er2 o11erin5 the 2imi=ar 6ro(uct2 an( that o1 2imi=ar; it Aa2 reGuire( a (e(icate( =a>or in term o1 >oth time an( e11ort@ Since the curricu=um (i( not 6ermit more time; the 2tu(7 ha( to >e <er7 =imite(@ 9: RESEARC( MET(ODOLOG& 3RIMAR& SOURCES !i' )ata co==ecte( 1rom In2urance com6anie2 throu5h Tue2tionnaire SECONDAR& SOURCES !i' IR)A act; !ii'Han(>oo4 o1 In2urance a5ent2 o1 (i11erent *i1e In2urance com6anie2 !iii' Internet Ae>2ite2 o1 IR)A an( <ariou2 *i1e In2urance com6anie2 The 6rimar7 2tu(7 Ai== >e tar5ete( toAar(2 the mar4eter2@ The 2tu(7 Ai== a=2o inc=u(e 2emi$2tructure( inter<ieA Aith mar4etin5 mana5er2 o1 <ariou2 In2urance com6anie2 Aho are 2ucce221u==7 2e==in5 *i1e In2urance Po=icie2 to In(ian Con2umer2@ The Secon(ar7 Source2 Ai== he=6 in tracin5 the hi2torica= 1rameAor4 o1 In2urance com6anie2 o1 6o2t in(e6en(ent In(ia a2 Ae== a2 the 6re$6ri<atiEation an( 6o2t$ 6ri<atiEation In2urance en<ironment in In(ia@ Thi2 2econ(ar7 2tu(7 Ai== he=6 in 2er<in5 the theoretica= 5roun(Aor4 1or the 2tu(7@ 9+ LITERATURE RE'IEW The In(ian *i1e In2urance com6an7 act :A:B Aa2 the 1ir2t 2tatutor7 >o(7 that 2tarte( to re5u=ate the =i1e in2urance >u2ine22 in In(ia@ B7 :ACD a>out :CE In(ian; :D 1orei5n an( FC 6ro<i(ent 1irm2 Aere >een e2ta>=i2he( in In(ia@ Then the centra= 5o<ernment too4 o<er the2e com6anie2 an( a2 a re2u=t the *IC Aa2 1orme(@ Since then *IC ha2 Aor4e( toAar(2 26rea(in5 =i1e in2urance an( >ui=(in5 a Ai(e netAor4 acro22 the =en5th an( the >reath o1 the countr7@ A1ter the =i>era=iEation the entrance o1 1orei5n 6=a7er2 ha2 a((e( to the com6etition in the mar4et@ Ins$ran%e Se%tr Re!r-s In :AAG; 3a=hotra Committee; hea(e( >7 1ormer Finance Secretar7 an( RBI o<ernor Aa2 1orme( to e<a=uate the In(ian in2urance in(u2tr7 an( 5i<e it2 recommen(ation2@ The committee came u6 Aith the 1o==oAin5 ma?or 6ro<i2ion2 • Pri<ate Com6anie2 Aith a minimum 6ai( u6 ca6ita= o1 R2@">n 2hou=( >e a==oAe( to enter the in(u2tr7@ • Forei5n com6anie2 ma7 >e a==oAe( to enter the in(u2tr7 in co==a>oration Aith the (ome2tic com6anie2@ • On=7 one State *e<e= *i1e In2urance Com6an7 2hou=( >e a==oAe( to o6erate in each 2tate@ It Aa2 a1ter thi2 committee came into e11ect the re5u=ator7 >o(7 1or in2urance 2ector Aa2 1orme( Aith the name o1 IRDA. Ins$ran%e Reg$#atr2 an" ) e1e#.-ent A$t+rit2 ;IR DA</ The IR)A 2ince it2 incor6oration a2 a 2tatutor7 >o(7 ha2 >een 1ramin5 re5u=ation2 an( re5i2terin5 the 6ri<ate 2ector in2urance com6anie2@ IR)A >ein5 an in(e6en(ent 2tatutor7 >o(7 ha2 6ut a 1rameAor4 o1 5=o>a==7 com6ati>=e re5u=ation2@ 9& IM3ACT OF LIBERALIHATION The intro(uction o1 6ri<ate 6=a7er2 in the in(u2tr7 ha2 a((e( to the co=or2 in the (u== in(u2tr7@ The initiati<e2 ta4en >7 the 6ri<ate 6=a7er2 are <er7 com6etiti<e an( ha<e 5i<en immen2e com6etition to the on time mono6o=7 o1 the mar4et *IC@ Since the a(<ent o1 the 6ri<ate 6=a7er2 in the mar4et the in(u2tr7 ha2 2een neA an( inno<ati<e 2te62 ta4en >7 the 6=a7er2 in thi2 2ector@ The neA 6=a7er2 ha<e im6ro<e( the 2er<ice Gua=it7 o1 the in2urance@ A2 a re2u=t *IC (oAn the 7ear2 ha<e 2een the (ec=inin5 6ha2e in it2 career@ The mar4et 2hare Aa2 (i2tri>ute( amon5 the 6ri<ate 6=a7er2@ Thou5h *IC ho=(2 the FCI o1 the in2urance 2ector >ut the u6comin5 nature2 o1 the2e 6ri<ate 6=a7er2 are enou5h to 5i<e more com6etition to *IC in the near 1uture@ *IC mar4et 2hare ha2 (ecrea2e( 1rom ACI !9,""$"9' to DG.AC I;B9:B):G< an( noA it i2 1urther (ecrea2in5@ T(E WORKING OF INSURANCE COM3AN& 3r!it J Earne" 3re-i$- K In1est-ent In%-e ) In%$rre" Lss ) Un"er*riting e7.enses Ins$rers -ake -ne2 in t* *a2s/ "@ Throu5h Un(erAritin5; the 6roce22e2 >7 Ahich in2urer2 2e=ect the ri242 to in2ure an( (eci(e hoA much in 6remium2 to char5e 1or acce6tin5 tho2e ri242; an( 9@ B7 in<e2tin5 the 6remium2 the7 co==ect 1rom in2ure(@ • Re1en$e J 3re-i$- • E7.enses J ;S$- ! C#ai-s K C--issin .a2a0#e n .r%$re-ent ! 0$siness K O.erating e7.enses< • O.erating S$r.#$s J ;Re1en$e ) E7.enses< Net in<e2tment income inc=u(e2 income 1rom tra(in5 in an( ho=(in5 2toc4 mar4et 2ecuritie2 inc=u(in5 5o<ernment 2ecuritie2; 26ecia= (e6o2it2 Aith the centra= 5o<ernment; =oan2 to 2e<era= 6u>=ic uti=itie2 an( 2er<ice 6ro<i(er2 in 2tate 9- 5o<ernment@ In2urance 6remium co==ecte( i2 con<erte( in a 6oo= o1 1un( then (i<i(e( in to 1our eB6en2e2: • To 6a7 the eB6en2e2 o1 the mana5ement • To 6a7 a5enc7 commi22ion • To 6a7 1or the c=aim2 • Sur6=u2 mone7 Ai== >e in<e2te( in 5o<ernment 2ecuritie2 CURRENT SCENARIO OF T(E INDUSTR& In(ia Aith a>out 9,, mi==ion mi((=e c=a22 hou2eho=( 2hoA2 a hu5e unta66e( 6otentia= 1or 6=a7er2 in the in2urance in(u2tr7@ Saturation o1 mar4et2 in man7 (e<e=o6e( economie2 ha2 ma(e the In(ian mar4et e<en more attracti<e 1or 5=o>a= in2urance ma?or2@ The in2urance 2ector in In(ia ha2 come to a 6o2ition o1 <er7 hi5h 6otentia= an( com6etiti<ene22 in the mar4et@ Inno<ati<e 6ro(uct2 an( a55re22i<e (i2tri>ution ha<e >ecome the 2a7 o1 the (a7@ In(ian2; ha<e a=Aa72 2een =i1e in2urance a2 a taB 2a<in5 (e<ice; are noA 2u((en=7 turnin5 to the 6ri<ate 2ector that are 6ro<i(in5 them neA 6ro(uct2 an( <ariet7 1or their choice@ *i1e in2urance in(u2tr7 i2 Aaitin5 1or a >i5 5roAth a2 man7 In(ian an( 1orei5n com6anie2 are Aaitin5 in the =ine 1or the 5reen 2i5na= to 2tart their o6eration2@ The In(ian con2umer 2hou=( >e rea(7 noA >ecau2e the mar4et i2 5oin5 to 5i<e them an arra7 o1 6ro(uct2; (i11erent in 6rice; 1eature2 an( >ene1it2@ HoA the cu2tomer i2 5oin5 to ma4e hi2 choice Ai== (etermine the 1uture o1 the in(u2tr7@ The 6ri<ate in2urance 6=a7er2 ha<e 2i5ni1icant=7 im6ro<in5 their mar4et 2hare Ahen com6are( to +, 7ear2 O=( Cor6oration !i@e@ *IC'@ 9/ IN'ESTMENT IN LIFE INSURANCE *i1e in2urance 6o=icie2 are Mca2h <a=ue;M Ahich mean2 the 1ee2; or 6remium; initia==7 are 5reater at the 2tart o1 the 6o=ic7 than the7 Aou=( >e in a term 6o=ic7@ The eBce22 6remium i2 then in<e2te( in a M2e6arate account;M either >7 the in2urer or in an account contro==e( >7 the 6o=ic7 ho=(er; >ui=(in5 u6 ca2h <a=ue@ An7 in<e2tment 5ain2 can >e u2e( in a 1eA Aa72: to increa2e the (eath >ene1it; to >orroA a5ain2t 1or an7 u2e or to 4ee6 the 6o=ic7 in e11ect i1 in2ure( 2to6 6a7in5 month=7 6remium2@ 90 DATA ANAL&SIS :. AGE OF T(E RES3ONDENTS PARTICTU*ARS NO@OF@RESPON)ENT PERCENTAE *e22 than 9+ "" ""D 9+ $ #+ :, :,D #+ 8 :+ 9, 9,D A>o<e :+ 90 90D TOTA* ",, ",, #, ANAL&SIS/ From the 2ur<e7 it Aa2 1oun( that amon52t ",, re26on(ent2 a' ""D o1 the re26on(ent2 are =e22 than 9+ 7ear2 o=(@ >' :,D o1 the re26on(ent2 are >etAeen 9+ an( #+ 7ear2 o1 a5e@ c' 9,D o1 the re26on(ent2 are >etAeen #+ an( :+ 7ear2 o1 a5e@ (' 90D o1 the re26on(ent2 are more than :+ 7ear2 o1 a5e@ B. LUALIFICATION OF T(E RES3ONDENTS@ PARTICUA*R NO@OF@RESPON)ENT PERCENTAE ra(uate +9 +9D Po2t ra(uate 90 90D )i6=oma / /D Other (i2ci6=ine "" ""D TOTA* ",, ",,D #" ANAL&SIS/ From the 2ur<e7 it Aa2 1oun( that amon52t ",, re26on(ent2 a' +9D o1 the re26on(ent2 Aere 5ra(uate >' 90D o1 the re26on(ent2 Aere 6o2t 5ra(uate c' /D o1 the re26on(ent2 Aere (i6=oma G. OCCU3ATIONS OF T(E RES3ONDENTS PARTICU*ARS NO@OF@RESPON)ENT PERCENTAE Bu2ine22 man #: #:D Pro1e22iona=2 "/ "/D Jo> ho=(er2 #- #-D Other2 "" ""D TOTA* ",, ",,D #9 ANAL&SIS/ From the 2ur<e7 it Aa2 1oun( that amon52t ",, re26on(ent2 a' #:D o1 the re26on(ent2 are >u2ine22men@ >' "/D o1 the re26on(ent2 are 6ro1e22iona=2@ c' #-D o1 the re26on(ent2 are ?o>ho=(er2@ (' ""D o1 the re26on(ent2 are >ac45roun(@ E A'ERAGE ANNUAL INCOME OF RES3ONDENTS. PARTICU*ARS NO@OF@RESPON)ENT PERCENTAE U6 to " =a4h ## ##D " =a4h 8 # =a4h :# :#D # =a4h 8 + =a4h 9, 9,D + =a4h & a>o<e : :D TOTA* ",, ",,D ## ANAL&SIS/ From the 2ur<e7 it Aa2 1oun( that amon52t ",, re26on(ent2 a' ##D o1 the re26on(ent2 ha<e an a<era5e annua= income u6 to " =a4h >' :#D o1 the re26on(ent2 ha<e an a<era5e annua= income 1rom " =a4h to # =a4h c' 9,D o1 the re26on(ent2 ha<e an a<era5e annua= income 1rom # =a4h to + =a4h (' :D o1 the re26on(ent2 ha<e an a<era5e annua= income a>o<e + C FAMIL& SIHE OF RES3ONDENTS PARTICU*ARS NO@OF@RESPON)ENT PERCENTAE Be=oA + mem>er2 +, +,D + $ ", mem>er2 #9 #9D A>o<e ", mem>er2 9/ 9/D TOTA* ",, ",,D #: ANANL&SIS/ From the 2ur<e7 it Aa2 1oun( that amon52t ",, re26on(ent2 a' +,D o1 the re26on(ent2 are >e=oA + mem>er2@ >' #9D o1 the re26on(ent2 are >etAeen + to ", mem>er2@ c' 9/D o1 the re26on(ent2 are a>o<e ", mem>er2@ D ACCORDING TO LIFE INSURANCE PARTICU*ARS NO@OF@RESPON)ENT PERCENTAE Ri24 Co<era5e ", ",D TaB Sa<in52 # #D oo( return : :D Securit7 # #D A== the a>o<e /, /,D TOTA* ",, #+ ANAL&SIS/ From the 2ur<e7 it Aa2 1oun( that amon52t ",, re26on(ent2 a' ",D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 ri24 co<era5e@ >' #D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 taB 2a<in52@ c' :D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 5oo( return2@ (' #D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 1inancia= 2ecurit7@ e' /,D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 a== o1 the a>o<e@ F AWARENESS OF IDBI FEDERALLIFE INSURANCE PARTICU*ARS NO@OF@RESPON)ENT PERCENTAE He2 "- "-D No /# /#D TOTA* ",, ",,D #& ANAL&SIS/ From the 2ur<e7 it Aa2 1oun( that amon52t ",, re26on(ent2 a' /#D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 that the7 are aAare o1 I)BI Fe(era= =i1e in2urance co@ >' "-D o1 the 2a7 that the7 are unaAare o1 I)BI Fe(era= =i1e in2urance co 8 AWARENESS REGARDING INSURANCE PARTICU*ARS NO@OF@RESPON)ENT PERCENTAE He2 9 9D No 0/ 0/D TOTA* ",, ",,D #- ANAL&SIS/ From the 2ur<e7 it Aa2 1oun( that amon52t ",, re26on(ent2 a' 0/D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 that the7 are aAare o1 in2urance@ >' On=7 9D are unaAare o1 in2urance@ A. 3ERCENTAGE OF RES3ONDENTS W(O ARE UNDER DIFFERENT 3LANS OF IDBI FEDERAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. PARTICU*ARS NO@OF@RESPON)ENT PERCENTAE In<e2t 5ain 6=an :" :"D Unit 5ain 6=an #& #&D Chi=( 5ain 6=an / /D Who=e =i1e 6=an "+ "+D Pen2ion 6=an No No TOTA* ",, ",,D #/ INSURANCE PLANS OF IDBI FEDERAL 41% 36% 8% 15% Invest gain plan Unit gain plan Child gain plan Whole life plan Pension plan ANAL&SIS/ From the 2ur<e7 it Aa2 1oun( that amon52t ",, re26on(ent2 a' :"D o1 the re26on(ent2 are un(er in<e2t 5ain 6=an >' #&D o1 the re26on(ent2 are un(er unit 5ain 6=an c' /D o1 the re26on(ent2 are chi=( 5ain 6=an (' "+D o1 the re26on(ent2 are Aho=e =i1e 6=an :9 3ERCENTAGE OF RES3ONDENT@S BENEFITS OF C(OOSING T(E 3ARTICULAR 3RODUCTS PARTICU*ARS NO@OF@RESPON)ENT PERCENTAE Ri24 co<era5e &, &,D A((itiona= >ene1it 9, 9,D 3aturit7 (ate "9 "9D Sum A22ure( / /D TOTA* ",, ",,D #0 ANAL&SIS/ a' #&D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 that a >ene1it o1 choo2in5 the 6articu=ar Pro(uct i2 1or Sa1et7 o1 =i1e@ >' 9,D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 that a >ene1it o1 choo2in5 the 6articu=ar 6ro(uct2 i2 1or a((itiona= >ene1it to 1ami=7 c' "9D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 that a >ene1it o1 choo2in5 the 6articu=ar 6ro(uct2 i2 1or maturit7 (ate (' /D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 that a >ene1it o1 choo2in5 the 6articu=ar 6ro(uct2 i2 1or 2um a22ure( :: 3ERCENTAGE OF DISAD'ANTAGES IN INSURANCE 3LAN PARTICUA*RS NO@OF@RESPON)ENT PERCENTAE *iGui(it7 #+ #+D *a62ation 9, 9,D Una>=e to (eci(e 6remium "0 "0D Hi5h ri24 co<era5e ": ":D FiBe( Term "9 "9D TOTA* ",, ",,D :, ANAL&SIS/ From the 2ur<e7 it Aa2 1oun( that amon52t ",, re26on(ent2 a' #+D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 that (i2a(<anta5e2 in in2urance 6=an are =iGui(it7@ >' 9,D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 that (i2a(<anta5e2 in in2urance 6=an are =a62ation@ c' "0D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 that (i2a(<anta5e2 in in2urance 6=an i2 una>=e (eci(e 6remium@ (' ":D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 that (i2a(<anta5e2 in in2urance 6=an are hi5h$ri24 co<era5e at hi5h 6remium@ e' "9D o1 the re26on(ent2 2a7 that (i2a(<anta5e2 in in2urance :B 3ERCENTAGES OF RES3ONDENTS W(O WANT TO IN'EST IN T(ESE DIFFERENT A'ENUES@ PARTICUA*RS NO@OF@RESPON)ENT PERCENTAE Recurrin5 )e6o2it :, :,D EGuit7 Fun( 9+ 9+D Ba=ance( Fun( ", ",D 3utua= Fun( "" ""D )e>t Fun( + +D Ca2h Fun( 0 0D TOTA* ",, ",,D CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS :" ANAL&SIS/ From the 2ur<e7 it Aa2 1oun( amon52t ",, re26on(ent2 a' :,D o1 re26on(ent2 2a7 that the7 Aant to in<e2t in R@) >' 9+D o1 re26on(ent2 2a7 that the7 Aant to in<e2t in eGuit7 c' ",D o1 re26on(ent2 2a7 that the7 Aant to in<e2t in >a=ance( 1un( (' ""D o1 re26on(ent2 2a7 that the7 Aant to in<e2t in mutua= 1un( e' +D o1 re26on(ent2 2a7 that the7 Aant to in<e2t in (e>t mar4et 1' 0D o1 re26on(ent2 2a7 that the7 Aant to in<e2t in ca2h FINDINGS On an ana=72i2 an( e<a=uation o1 the (ata co==ecte( 1rom the re26on(ent2 the 1o==oAin5 1in(in52 Aere 1oun(@ • Be1ore e2ta>=i2hment o1 6ri<ate concern2 the 2hare o1 *IC Aa2 99D hence there i2 a Ai(e 2co6e 1or 6ri<ate concern2 to enter in to mar4et@ • Tota= ",, re26on(ent2 ha<e >een a66roache( out o1 Ahich -+ are the 6otentia= re26on(ent2 Aho ha<e 2hoAn intere2t 1or in<e2tment an( 1inance 6=an • A>o<e 9,D o1 re26on(ent2 are 2hoAn intere2t 1or in<e2tment an( 1inancia= 6=an • A>out ##@##D o1 re26on(ent2 are not intere2t to 5i<e their 6er2ona= recor(2@ • Other in2urance com6anie2 ha<e a=rea(7 co<ere( a>out "9@&-D o1 re26on(ent2@ • A>out ",D o1 re26on(ent2 ha<e 5i<en in<a=i( recor(2@ • A>out ",D o1 re26on(ent2 are neA=7 em6=o7e( or trainee2@ • A>out ",D o1 re26on(ent2 intere2te( 1or in<e2tment 6=an a1ter 4noAin5 I)BI Fe(era= *i1e In2urance 6ro(uct2@ :9 RECOMMENDATIONS A2 the 6eo6=e thin4 that in2urance i2 a too= 6rotect their 1ami=7 & a taB 2a<in5 (e<ice@ The7 are aAare o1 the 1act & rea=iEin5 it2; im6ortance@ The com6an7 2hou=( tr7 to eB6an( & >ui=( u6 it2 in1ra2tructure >ecau2e there i2 a =ar5e 6otentia= 1or in2urance in In(ia@ Com6an7 2hou=( come u6 Aith it2 >ranch in )e=hi@ With the o>?ecti<e an( 5oa=2 to meet the (eman(2 & eB6ectation2 o1 the 6u>=ic@ Becau2e the entrance o1 6ri<ate 6=a7er2 Ai== increa2e the com6=etion an( it Aou=( >e a tou5h ta24 to 2ecure a 5oo( 6o2ition in mar4et@ Since I)BI Fe(era= *i1e In2urance i2 =ea(in5 Aith 2e<era= com6anie2 6o=icie2 it 2hou=( >e ea27 1or them to 6enetrate into the mar4et an( 2ecure a 5oo( 6o2ition i1 the7 6a7 5reater attention to the 2er<ice 6art 6ro<i(e( to their cu2tomer an( there >7 1ormin5 a =on5 an( tru2te( re=ation2hi6@ A2 2een 1rom the 2ur<e7 that at 6re2ent -,D o1 the cu2tomer are ha<in5 in2urance 6o=ic7 out o1 Ahich /-@+D o1 the cu2tomer are 6=annin5 1or neA in<e2tment2@ So it can >e a 5oo( 6otentia= 1or the com6an7 an( the7 2hou=( ma4e an attem6t to tra6 the2e cu2tomer2@ :#D o1 the cu2tomer i2 e<en rea(7 to 5o 1or in2urance i1 a 2er<ice 6ro<i(er aAa7 1orm their home i2 6ro<i(in5 it@ But inten( the7 2hou=( 6ro<i(e 5oo( 6ro(uct2 an( 2#er<ice2@ The com6an7 2hou=( 6ro<i(e 5oo( 6ro(uct2 an( 2er<ice2@ The com6an7 2hou=( tr7 to con<ince the2e cu2tomer2 an( 5et them in it2 1a<or@ :# CONCLUSION The >a2ic o>?ecti<e i2 1or the 2tu(7 i2 1or Ahich 2tu(7 Aa2 carrie( out ha2 >een 1u=1i==e( in the ear=ier cha6ter; >a2e( on the o>?ecti<e inter<ieA 2che(u=e Aa2 (e2i5ne(@ )ata co==ecte( >a2e( on 2che(u=e Aa2 ana=7Ee( an( 2ome 1in(in52 ha<e emer5e(@ Ma4r Fin"ings ! t+e St$"2 Ba2e( on the Guantitati<e ana=72i2 the ma?or 1in(in52 o1 the 2tu(7 ha<e >een hi5h=i5hte( >e=oAU@ • 3o2t o1 the 6eo6=e are 2ati21ie( Aith the eBtent o1 their =i1e in2urance co<er@ The7 are not intere2te( in >u7in5 more =i1e in2urance@ • Peo6=e (o not con2i(er =i1e in2urance a2 a 5oo( 2a<in52 >ecau2e o1 =oA return2@ • A2 =i1e in2urance i2 a =on5 term contract@ 3aBimum 6eo6=e (o not ha<e 1aith on 6ri<ate =i1e in2urance com6anie2; the7 2ti== 6re1er *IC@ • Becau2e o1 =e22 a(<erti2in5 not man7 6eo6=e are aAare a>out 6ri<ate =i1e in2urance com6anie2@ • 3o2t o1 the 6eo6=e (o not 4noA a>out >ro4er; cor6orate a5ent2 an( >anc a22urance; the7 re=7 on their a5ent2 on=7 • The mo2t 6re1erre( t76e o1 6=an i2 mone7 >ac4@ The rea2on >ein5 a<ai=a>i=it7 o1 1un(2 a1ter e<er7 1i<e 7ear2 Ahich can >e u2e( 1or 6a7in5 1urther 6remium; thu2 2a<in5 the re5u=ar income@ • Some 6eo6=e ha<e no i(ea a>out Ahat t76e o1 co<er the7 ha<e@ • 3o2t o1 the 6eo6=e 1ee= that =i1e in2urance i2 e22entia= >ut the7 thin4 return2 are =oA@ • Some 6eo6=e ha<e their (ou>t2 on the cre(i>i=it7 an( =on5 2ta7 o1 6ri<ate in2urance com6anie2@ • A(<erti2in5 o1 the in2urance 6ro(uct 2hou=( 2tre22 on the nee( o1 2ecurit7@ • In2urance 2hou=( >e 6o6u=ariEe( a2 the mean2 o1 2ecurin5 1uture rather than 2a<in5 taB@ • NeA entrant2 2hou=( come out Aith inno<ati<e ri(er2@ :: • Po=icie2 2hou=( >e i22ue( Guic4=7 an( Aith =e22 1orma=itie2 • Other 2er<ice 2hou=( a=2o >e im6ro<e(@ • NeA26a6erN3a5aEine2 an( te=e<i2ion are the mo2t e11ecti<e me(ium o1 a(<erti2in5 =i1e in2urance@ • In2urance a5ent2 2hou=( >e Ae== traine(@ Di1i"en" !r t+e Finan%ia# &ear B9:B):G The Boar( o1 )irector2 o1 the Cor6oration ha2 recommen(e( 6a7ment o1 (i<i(en( o1 "-,D !R2@ "- 6er 2hare'; 1or the 1inancia= 7ear en(e( 3arch #"; 9,,0; 1or a66ro<a= o1 the 2hareho=(er2 at the A3@ VPre<iou2 7ear "#+D !R2@ "#@+, 6er 2hare'W@ Di1i"en" entit#e-ent is as !##*s/ • For 2hare2 he=( in 6h72ica= 1orm: 2hareho=(er2 Aho2e name2 a66ear on the re5i2ter o1 mem>er2 o1 the Cor6oration a2 at the c=o2e o1 >u2ine22 hour2 on June #,; 9,,+@ • For 2hare2 he=( in e=ectronic 1orm: >ene1icia= oAner2 Aho2e name2 a66ear in the 2tatement2 o1 >ene1icia= 6o2ition 1urni2he( >7 NS)* an( C)S* a2 at the c=o2e o1 >u2ine22 hour2 on June #,; 9,,0@ There ha2 >een tremen(ou2 chan5e in the in2urance hi2tor7@ An( Aith it there ha2 >een continuou2 5roAth in thi2 2ector >oth in In(ian a2 Ae== a2 Aor=( conteBt@ The o6enin5 u6 o1 the in2urance 2ector ha2 chan5e( the Aho=e =oo4 o1 the in(u2tr7@ Whi=e the *IC in or(er to 1ace the com6etition i2 comin5 Aith neA 2trate5ie2@ NeA 6=a7er2 =i4e I)BI Fe(era= are =ea(in5 the 2ector (ue to their 2trate5ic mana5ement an( tai=ore( ma(e 6ro?ect2@ From our re2earch a=2o Ae conc=u(e that thou5h the aAarene22 an( 6eo6=e o6tin5 1or *IC 6=an2 are more a2 com6are to 3NH* >ut the =ater are 5ainin5 momentum in the mar4et (a7 >7 (a7@ The 6rimar7 rea2on2 1or >u7in5 an in2urance 6o=ic7; Ahether =i1e or non$=i1e i2 to 6rotect u2 1rom <a5arie2 o1 =i1e@ We (o not in<e2t in in2urance 1or return2L rather Ae in<e2t in it 1or re5retta>=e nece22itie2@ Thou5h a =ar5e 6ro6ortion o1 6o=icie2 a<ai=a>=e in the countr7 6ro<i(e 1or return2; >ut no>o(7 i2 =oo4in5 1or return2 to the in1=ation :+ rate@ So Ahat (oe2 in2urance o11er; 6erha62 6eace o1 min(; >ut e<en that ta4e2 time; (ue to 6oor c=aim 6er1ormance The (eman( 1or in2urance i2 =i4e=7 to increa2e Aith ri2in5 6er$ca6ita income2; ri2in5 =iterac7 rate2 an( increa2e o1 the 2er<ice 2ector; a2 ha2 >een 2een 1rom the eBam6=e o1 2e<era= other (e<e=o6in5 countrie2@ In 1act; o6enin5 u6 o1 the in2urance 2ector i2 an inte5ra= 6art o1 the =i>era=iEation 6roce22 >ein5 6ur2ue( >7 man7 (e<e=o6in5 countrie2 In2urance i2 a R2@:,, >i==ion >u2ine22 in In(ia an( 7et it2 26rea( in the countr7 i2 re=ati<e=7 thin@ In2urance a2 a conce6t ha2 not >een a>=e to ma4e hea(Aa7 in In(ia@ There ha2 >een a 2tron5 1a== in in2urance >u2ine22 in recent 7ear2@ Furthermore; it can >e o>2er<e( that non$=i1e >u2ine22 i2 not increa2in5 a2 2tron5=7 a2 =i1e >u2ine22@ On the other han(; 5roAth 1=uctuation2 ha<e >een re=ati<e=7 2ma== Aith 5roAth rate2 <ar7in5 >etAeen "D an( +D@ *i1e in2urance >u2ine22 >7 contra2t achie<e( a<era5e 5roAth rate2 o1 &D; a=thou5h the actua= rate2 ran5e( 1rom ,D to "#D@ Thi2 2hoA2 on the one han( the increa2in5 2i5ni1icance o1 =i1e in2urance a2 an in2trument 1or o=( a5e 6ro<i2ion2 an( on the other han( in(icate2 the 2en2iti<it7 o1 =i1e in2urance to chan5e2 in the in2titutiona= an( economic en<ironment@ So =et2 con(uct thi2 >u2ine22 Aith utmo2t econom7 Aith the 26irit o1 tru2tee2hi6L there>7 ma4in5 in2urance Ai(e=7 6o6u=ar@ :& BIBLIOGRA3(& BOOKS • Marketing Manage-ent >7 Kot=er; Phi=i6 Pear2on E(ucation 9 n( e(ition@ • Cns$-er Be+a1ir >7 @ Schi11man; *eon; Prentice$Ha== 6u>=ication I / th e(ition@ IRDA 5$rna# • IDBI Fe"era# Li!e Ins$ran%e C-.an2 -agaMines • Ne* an" B$siness -agaMines • Ne*s 3a.ers/) "@ The Economic Time2@ 9@ Time2 o1 In(ia@ #@ Bu2ine22 2tan(ar(@ :@ Financia= EB6re22@ • MagaMines:$ "@ Bu2ine22 Aor=(@ 9@ Bu2ine22 To(a7 #@ Out=oo4@ WEBSITES • htt6:NNAAA@i(>i1e(era=@com :- ANNENURE L$estinnaire :. ARE &OU EM3LO&ED, He2 No I1 7e2; on=7 then 6rocee( B. D 2$ +a1e an2 ins$ran%e .#i%2, He2 No G. W(IC( INSURANCE 3OLIC& DO &OU (A'E, *i1e Non$*i1e Both E. W(IC( C9@S INSURANCE 3OLIC& &OU 3REFER T(E MOST, !RANK THE3' *IC Icici 6ru(entia= SBI =i1e in2urance IN I727a =i1e I)BI Fe(era= =i1e in2urance Tata Ai5 =i1e An7 other C. FOR (OW MAN& &EARS DO &OU (A'E INSURANCE 3OLIC&, !P*EASE TICK ' a' +7r2 >' +$", 7r2 c' ",$"+ 7r2 (' An7 other !26eci17' D. W(AT DO &OU T(INK ARE T(E BENEFITS OF INSURANCE CO'ER, Co<er 1uture uncertaint7 TaB (e(uction2 Future in<e2tment An7 other :/ F. W(IC( FEATURE OF &OUR 3OLIC& ATTRACTED &OU TO BU& IT, *oA 6remium *ar5er ri24 con<er2ance 3one7 >ac4 5uarantee Re6utation o1 com6an7 Ea27 acce22 to a5ent2 An7 other XXXXXXXXXXX!26eci17' 8. &OUR MONT(L& INCOME, a' Y:4 >':4$/4 c' /4$"94 ('"9$"&4 e' other XXXXXXXXXXX!S6eci17' A. DO &OU REALL& T(INK INSURANCE 3OLIC& CO'ER IN TODA&@S SCENARIO IS NOT ESSENTIAL, :9 W(AT@S &OUR 3ERCE3TION ABOUT INSURANCE, A 2a<in5 too= A taB 2a<in5 (e<ice A too= to 6rotect 1uture ::. (OW (ASO WOULD &OU BOUG(TOBU& AN INSURANCE, Cu2tomer a66roache( in2urance co2 In2urance co2 a66roache( cu2tomer :B. ARE &OU SATISFIED WIT( T(E 3OLIC&, Sati21ie( 2a<in5 too= Not 2ati21ie( Not re26on(in5 :G. ARE &OU SATISFIED WIT( T(E SER'ICE AGENT, Sati21ie( 2a<in5 too= Not 2ati21ie( Not re26on(in5 :0 :E. DO &OU 3A& TANES, He2 No :C W(ERE (A'E &OU IN'ESTED OR TAN SA'ING, *IC NSC BON)S PPF PF EPF :D. W(IC( IS T(E BEST FORM OF IN'ESTMENTS, FiBe( a22et2 Ban4 (e6o2it2 JeAe==er7 Securitie2; i@e@ Bon(2; m12 Share2 In2urance :F. W(AT DO &OU INTENT TO FAIN FORM IN'ESTMENTS, Sa<in5 & return2 Securit7 TaB >ene1it2 :8. W(AT@ T(E RIG(T AGE TO BU& INSURANCE, a' Sa<in5 & Return Than4 7ou 1or 26arin5 7our <a=ua>=e time +,


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