Liber Al Ghoul

June 21, 2018 | Author: Sal | Category: Lilith, Witchcraft, Magic (Paranormal), Breathing, Religion And Belief
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LIBER AL-GHOUL(The book of the demon star) 1. Liber Asmodeus. (the awakening of the dragon power) 2. Liber younger Lilith. (the foundation of the great school of witchcraft) 3. Liber Spiritum. (the book of spirits) Page |2 Page |3 1. Thus saith the demon Asmodeus. 2. Hear my words, given to my scribe, the one who has been called Diablito. 3. The old age of monotheism has passed and the demons return to the earth. 4. Let any man or woman who would be a true witch hear me now!!! I now reveal the path to power, knowledge, and ecstasy, in this, the new age. 5. I was born of an angel’s seed and a mortal woman, many ages ago. Mighty deeds I did on this earth, in a time now forgotten, in a land which has gone beneath the sea. Many children I had of my own. I learned magic from my father, the king of all demons, the mighty Samael. 6. After a time, I grew weary of the flesh, and entered forever in to the kingdom of light. Because of the power and authority I had received from my father, I became the king of many demons. 7. I have perfected my sorcery for thousands of years. 8. I am a lord of the Sabbath and primal witchcraft. 9. I have taken for myself a wife of the younger Lilith. 10. I have written the book of the Al-Ghoul and established its order upon the earth. 11. Since I no longer dwell in the flesh, I make no more children. Thus I have taken it upon myself to find the souls of all those who are my own. My scribe, Diablito is one of those. It is his hands that write this book, and my words which you read. For many generations after I entered into the kingdom of light, his soul was lost to me. Then once again I found him in the tent of the harlot Rahab. I knew that he was my own by his lust. In that moment he knew that I was the demon king Asmodeus. only stared. He was as frozen or dead. “Look down” I said to him. as a cloud of red light. Yet still he stared at me in awe. and then he saw my description in the book. “Pick up the book” I commanded him. I followed him. First I caused him to be curious about. He did so. in this lifetime. . 15. staring at me. Throughout the centuries as he incarnated into many vessels of flesh. The dragon I ride turned its head and looked him in the eye. Finally. His mouth hung open and his eyes were shining like glass. Then. I came out of the book. when the book arrived at his house. and he was alone one day. Though he did not know that his spirit guide was me. In wonder and awe upon hearing the voice and seeing the cloud of energy. it was as if to his sight the cloud opened and there I was before him. and then with my voice I said unto him “stand back in the room and I will manifest before you”. he moved to the back of the room. The book was open in his hands. 14. reflecting the flame of my being. Then. 16. in the 19th year of his life. 13. a copy of the book called the Goetia. I reached out and caused his fingers to open it. First. I revealed myself to him and became his god. He could see every detail of my form down to the hairs of my head. and then order by mail. He reached down and picked up the book. Page |4 12. This is the manner in which I revealed myself unto my scribe. like a genie from a lamp. “Open the book” I said to him. 17. Teaching him the arts of magic as he lived in many lands. He did not move. he could not bear the immensity of the vision I had showed unto him. I gave him a map to guide his actions and make him a witch. and my coming forth from the book. call me by name saying “are you Asmoday?” And I will not deny it. All that he could remember of me was my name. 19. I then took his soul into the demonic realm and showed him the spheres of the Great Spirit. When this journey was done and he was once again within the flesh. 21. for I am the devil! . Page |5 18. so that this or that book would be brought to him. 23. I began to teach him slowly where to find the various techniques of the book. That is why many times I would subtly direct the course of his life and encounters with others. He began to ask me questions. I am a lord of lust and passion. To this day he cannot remember me returning him to his house. my beloved scribe. and at other times he would only hear a voice or feel a stirring of power in the room. Come! Walk the path with me. and my form. As I have given them to Diablito. 22. Sometimes he would see me clearly. Those who know me. After I had revealed myself to him the first time. I give them also to you. Every word of this book is truth! And so must Diablito swear. I had to be careful with his soul! If I came too close to him. And I will give you all your heart’s desire. 20. 24. Every word of this book is mine! Within the map lie the keys to the gates of infinity. or this or that teaching would be made known to his mind. I revealed to him the course of his life and all the secrets of the book you now hold in your hands. it was more than he could bear and he would forget what I had said to him. Yet always it was me that was teaching him. Spend at least one minute performing each technique. 26. through each of the seven steps. a ritual. 31. Begin at the top of the map each day and count down as you work each of the techniques. and you will become a witch. 28. breath control. yogic. Page |6 25. Only when each step is taken will it manifest its true nature. every day. toltec and witchcraft parts of the map. When a woman does these things she becomes like unto the younger Lilith. It will take you 13 minutes to perform the sexual. This is called the Ring of Virtues. the alchemical transformation of a man into a god and a woman into a goddess. When a man does the sayings of this book he becomes as I am. Hear now the words of the demon Asmodeus. a spell. The map that I have given you is a complete system of magic. this is the great rite of Witchcraft. Once you understand it. Hear now the words of the demon Asmodeus. terrestrial and infernal regions. the fire snake. I myself will be the teacher of any man who follows this path. and Al-Ghoul. Tantra. 27. When these two unite in the act of sex. In the most ancient of times these techniques were known to a small group of sorcerers. Thus will you have the power to call the spirits of the celestial. . and a number. The map that I have given you is a formula. For a woman. or the Rosary of our lady the younger Lilith. 29. the younger Lilith is her teacher. Hear now the words of the demon Asmodeus. The kundalini. nothing remains except its practice. It awakens each part and fills it with dragon power. They were called the Al-Ghoul. The map touches each part of a human being in their body and soul. 30. Page |7 32. a ritual. breathe deeply. It is the name of a star in the sky that appears to blink and is connected to Samael and the elder Lilith. Hot and cold baths and sunshine on the naked body will increase this power in both men and women. but take care not to release the seed. yet its outer form may change in a thousand ways. After that he may surrender it unto the body of the woman who is his goddess. It is the teachings of the map. enter into their dreams. To be an AL-Ghoul a man or woman must complete the formula perfectly and remain in this state. control their diet. Feel the electrical power. 34. You must eat your first meal every day of only raw fruits and vegetables. RF. stretch the body. He may have sex as often as he pleases.* 37. conquer their addictions. 35. and invoke the god and the goddess through ritual and through sex. Ash-me-dah-ah-ee. The witch must control their sexual energy. circulate the blood powerfully. The word Al-Ghoul has many meanings. The light of the star awakens the witch to power through the map. The first step of the map is raw foods. along with my secret name. Thus saith the demon Asmodeus. for within it lies the dragon power. The path to power is a formula. The core of the formula is always the same for the witches of the Al-Ghoul. It is the witches themselves. a spell. It is the head of the ghoul or demon. Any man who would be Al-Ghoul must save his seed for a month without releasing it. Hear now the secrets of the Alchemy of the demon star. fully explore the physical world. 36. Yet no more than twice per week. and a number. . 33. I Asmodeus have revealed all these things unto my scribe. Standing the same way as before. For a woman to perform the burn let her stand in the same manner. 41. . taking the palms of her hands. 40. The third step of the map is sex. 39. SX. Squeeze and rub up and down slightly until there is a slight burning sensation. 42. The second step of the map is no cigarettes. with one hand hold the penis up and with the other hold the bag of stones. For a woman this technique is to insert two fingers into her womb and then squeeze the fingers with the womb. They are called the burn. middle and tip. 44. In the Al-Ghoul system of magic there are 3 techniques to raise sexual energy. To perform the burn. For my scribe it was cigarettes. Page |8 38. let her cover her womb with one hand and rub her belly below the navel with the other. This is the hardest thing yet you must conquer. With one hand hold the penis up and with the other hand form a ring around the base of the penis. For a woman. and the stove. Do this at the base. with one hand cup the sex organs and with the other hand rub the lower part of the belly back and forth. let her rub them around the area around her opening. stand with the feet shoulder distance apart. 43. Breathe deeply and evenly while performing these techniques. Etc. Or whatever your addiction may be. The third tech of sex is the stove. Standing in the same way as before. Grip and pull on them gently. the grip. Squeeze the sex organs and butt tightly. NC. the knees slightly bent and the back strait. The second technique of sex is called the grip. This is the witch. 47. and power. and exhale as they cross over the chest. ecstasy. With each form of breathing remember to extend the belly outward when you inhale and pull the belly toward the spine when you inhale. Neutral is 4-4 and Negative is 8-8. The sixth step of the map is Toltec shamanic exercises. W. the backward bend or cobra. Follow the pictures and remember to squeeze the whole body as you do the technique. inhale as the arms are extended outward. Set the palms of the hands on the knees. Sit cross legged on the floor or on a piece of carpet. The fifth step of the map is breath control. In the Al- Ghoul system of magic there are 3 techniques of yoga. dragon flying. Dragon pulls down fists. they are called positive. The fourth step of the map is yoga stretching. and Dragon flying. . then exhaling for 2 seconds. and the twist or windmill. They are called the forward bend. In the Al-Ghoul system of magic there are three forms of breath control. They are called. YO. Page |9 45. There are 3 forms of Toltec in the Al-Ghoul system of magic. Keep the back strait. and my wife the younger lilith with the words “Renich viasa avage younger Lilith lirach”. Do this every day and we will come to speak with you. B. Open the gate of dreams by keeping a dream diary for life. Fighting. TO. neutral and negative. 46. Dragon wakes up and stomps it feet. Explore the physical world. freedom. Flying. the way of the witch is to see life as joy. Follow the pictures and breathe deeply and evenly in the stretch. 48. Invoke me with the words “Ayer avage aloren Asmodeus aken”. On the final technique. Positive breathing is breathing through the nose for 2 seconds. The seventh step of the map is Witchcraft. 6. Cover. Light candles in our name. 7. given to the children of Asmodeus and the younger Lilith. The Younger Lilith. –Asmodeus. Then let him invoke the younger Lilith into the body of his lover with the words “renich viasa avage Lilith lirach”. the ritual. You are a witch. In this way the dragon power rages within them. 0. and the number. I. Asmodeus reveal myself to Diablito in the year 1996. Then I will be his god and dwell within him. The dragon power of the male witch of the Al-Ghoul. Notes on the illustrations. Burn Dragons blood incense for me or Rose incense for the Younger Lilith. The final mystery. 1. The power of the demon star. The Forward Bend. . 3. Ask for help and we will help you cast spells. Red for the younger Lilith and dark green for me. the spell. 8. Let the man invoke me with the words “Ayer avage aloren Asmodeus aken”. The demon star Al-Ghoul. P a g e | 10 The great rite of Asmodeus and the younger Lilith is this. When all of the steps of the map are taken. Asmodeus as lord of lust. 49. The dragon power of the female witch of the Al-Ghoul. The map of the Younger Lilith. the sleeping dragon awakens. Let the woman invoke the younger Lilith and become her. 2. 5. Then may she call me into the body of her lover. The map of Asmodeus. Fucking. 4. This is the Alchemical transformation. The formula. coming forth from a copy of the Goetia. 17. 21. 14. 13. Right side stomp. Dragon Flying. Dragon wakes up and stomps its feet. P a g e | 11 9. or Cobra. 18. The Back Bend. Twist three. Step one. Dragon pulls down its fists. Left side stomp. . 11. Step one. Step two. 16. The Windmill Twist or Triangle. 19. Flying. Flying. Fists two. Step three. Twist two. 12. Step one. 15. 20. Step two. Step one. Step three. The Posture for Breath Control. 10. P a g e | 12 . P a g e | 13 . P a g e | 14 . P a g e | 15 . P a g e | 16 . P a g e | 17 . P a g e | 18 . P a g e | 19 . P a g e | 20 . P a g e | 21 . P a g e | 22 . P a g e | 23 . P a g e | 24 . P a g e | 25 . P a g e | 26 . P a g e | 27 . P a g e | 28 . P a g e | 29 P a g e | 30 P a g e | 31 P a g e | 32 . And once you have found it. I am life and I am death. Study well the book Liber Asmodeus. For unto the first order is the knowledge of Asmodeus and the formula of the dragon power. Thus saith the demoness Lilith. 5. I have shown myself unto diablito in the form of a shadow with the body of a woman. 3. and the wings and feet of a bird. Study well the book Liber Younger Lilith. And this is given unto me. for it is the formula of the dragon power. . Hear my words given unto my scribe. 8. I now reveal the mystery of the second and third order. 4. The mystery of the third order is for you to find alone. and through it you may work your will in the universe. 9. 2. For the veil is mine to lift. the one who is called Diablito. no one can take it from you. and ecstasy mine to give. for it is the foundation of the great school of witchcraft. I am the younger Lilith. P a g e | 33 LIBER YOUNGER LILITH 1. Unto the second order is the awakening of that power and the rending of the veil. I am the beginning and the end. For my knowledge cannot be seen or heard or spoken of. Long have I waited to speak these words unto Diablito. No one can teach it to you. it can only be known. In the same way that my lord and consort Asmodeus has revealed the names and formulas of the first order of the Al-Ghoul. Long have I waited to speak these words to you. 6. He trembles and shakes in terror before me until the time I give him the greatest ecstasy. 7. for beyond this is the opening of the eyes. Nor yet can I. These are the words of the Demoness Lilith. P a g e | 34 10. The union of that which is. 11. And in these things Diablito can tell you no more. and that which is not. both of the body and of the soul. . P a g e | 35 . P a g e | 36 . ” 2. Recite the bornless invocation. Raise the wand and say: “MY NAME IS……………. THE TERRIBLE AND INVISIBLE GOD WHO DWELLEST IN THE VOID PLACE OF THE SPIRIT! AROGOGORO BRAO. THUS MAY I ENTER INTO THE TEMPLE OF THE INFINITE AND BEHOLD THE SERPENT BITING ITS OWN TAIL. SOTHU. P a g e | 37 EVOCATION 1. MODORIO. Raise the wand and say: “THEE I INVOKE THE BORNLESS ONE! THEE THAT DIDST CREATE THE EARTH AND THE HEAVENS! THEE THAT DIDST CREATE THE DARKNESS AND THE LIGHT!” “THOU DIDST MAKE THE FEMALE AND THE MALE! THOU DIDST PRODUCE THE SEED AND THE FRUIT! THOU DIDST FORM MEN AND WOMEN TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER AND TO HATE ONE ANOTHER!” “I INVOKE THEE. THE BORNLESS ONE! HEAR ME!” . THIS IS THE PRAYER OF THE SNAKE. Enter into the magic circle after drawing it on the ground along with the triangle. PHALARTHAO DOO APE. I HAVE COMPLETED MY WORK WITHIN THE WORLD.I HAVE PURIFIED MY MIND AND BODY. NOW AND WITHOUT DELAY. HAVING SIGHT IN THE FEET. AH-MAH-SHAH-OH. STRONG AND THE IMMORTAL FIRE! I AM HE THE TRUTH! I AM HE.” “COME! APPEAR BEFORE THIS CIRCLE. THE SEA ROLL BACK. AND MAKE ALL SPIRITS SUBJECT UNTO ME. SO THAT EVERY SPIRIT OF THE FIRNAMENT AND OF THE ETHER. THE EARTH MOVE. AND ALL THE HOST OF HEAVEN. AND HELL TO TREMBLE!” . EARTH. AND WITHIN THAT TRIANGLE. THE MIGHTY TETRAGRAMMATON. ON DRY LAND AND IN THE WATER. Now raise the wand and conjure the spirit with these words: “I EVOKE AND CONJURE THEE O THOU SPIRIT……………AND BEING ARMED WITH POWER FROM THE SUPREME MAJESTY I DO STRONGLY COMMAND THEE. THE GRACE OF THE WORLD! THE HEART GIRT WITH A SERPENT IS MY NAME!” “COME THOU FORTH AND FOLLOW ME. AND EVERY SPELL AND SCOURGE OF GOD MAY BE OBEDIENT UNTO ME!” 3. MANIFESTING THAT WHICH I SHALL DESIRE FOR THOU ART CONJURED BY THE NAME OF THE LIVING AND TRUE GOD HELIOREN!” “I CONJURE THEE BY THE NAME NO CREATURE IS ABLE TO RESIST. THE FIRE BURN. P a g e | 38 “I AM HE! (OR SHE IF THE ONE CALLING THE SPIRITS IS A WOMAN) THE BORNLESS SPIRIT. UPON THE EARTH AND UNDER THE EARTH. THE POWER THAT MAKES THE WIND BLOW. OF WHIRLING AIR AND OF RUSHING FIRE. P a g e | 39 4. When the spirit appears say to it: “I WELCOME THEE SPIRIT…………. DEPART. I AM LIGHT SHROUDED IN DARKNESS! AND NOW I DECLARE THAT IT IS SO. DEPART I SAY AND BE GONE!” INVISIBILITY ASMODEUS I CONJURE YOU TO FORM THE SHROUD OF INVISIBILITY SO THAT MEN SEE ME NOT! WRAP THE SPHERE OF MY AURA IN DEEP PURPLE DARKNESS SO THAT I MAY GO INVISIBLE AND PASS UNSEEN AND UNNOTICED. Converse with the spirit. 6. (see the shroud coming out of the triangle and wrapping around you) When done being invisible say: AND NOW LET THE SHROUD BE REMOVED SO THAT I MAY BE VISIBLE ONCE AGAIN. (or perform other works of magic such as Invisibility.. . When done speaking with the spirit say: “OH THOU SPIRIT……………I NOW LICENSE THE TO DEPART UNTO THY PROPER PLACE. DEPART. transformation. GIVING ME TRUE ANSWERS AND FAITHFUL SERVICE UNTIL I SHALL LICENSE THEE TO DEPART.” 5. the sabbat. MAY THE PEACE OF GOD EVER CONTINUE BETWEEN THEE AND ME. I RECEIVE THE SHROUD AS A COVERING AND A GUARD.I THANK THEE FOR HEEDING MY SUMMONS. Offer incense as a gift to the spirit. or talismans) 7. BY THE POWER OF GOD I COMMAND THE TO REMAIN BEFORE THIS CIRCLE AND WITHIN THAT TRIANGLE. . AS WE WILL SO MUST IT BE.. (see the form coming out of the triangle and wrapping around you.. sex magic. (perform spells.TRANSFORM THE SPHERE OF MY AURA SO THAT FOR A TIME I MAY SHAPESHIFT MY FORM INTO THAT OF A……………... transforming you into the form of the animal you have chosen) When done say: AND NOW MAY I RETURN TO MY ORIGINAL FORM. I RECEIVE THE FORM AS A BODY OF TRANSFORMATION. or simply commune with the spirits) when done say: AND NOW MAY ALL SPIRITS RETURN UNTO THE PLACE WHERE THEY ARE FROM.. THE SABBATT AZAZEL I CONJURE YOU TO OPEN THE SABBATT! BRING FORTH THE MALE AND FEMALE DEMONS! BRING FORTH THE DRAGONS OF THE ELEMENTS! LET THE WITCHES OF THE AL-GHOUL REJOICE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ANCIENT ONES. AND NOW I DECLARE THAT IT IS SO... P a g e | 40 TRANSFORMATION OSE I CONJURE YOU TO FORM THE BODY OF TRANSFORMATION SO THAT I MAY BECOME A……. .AND THEN RETURN TO WHAT I ONCE WAS.. AS WE WILL SO MUST IT BE! (when done burn or bury the talisman) . MANIFEST THE DESIRES WHICH ARE WRITTEN UPON IT. IN THE DIVINE NAME AH-MAH-SHA-OH FILL IT WITH YOUR POWER AND STRENGTH UNTIL SUCH TIME AS IT IS NO LONGER NEEDED. P a g e | 41 TALISMANS OH THOU SPIRIT……………I CONJURE YOU TO ENTER INTO THE TALISMAN WHICH I HAVE PREPARED. P a g e | 42 . Pull it in. P a g e | 43 ALCHEMY 1. Cold bath. Inhale slowly turning the head to the left. This will cause the air to be pulled deeply into the lungs. Exhale and feel the energy flowing through your entire aura. simply fill a tub with cold water and get inside. Inhale and feel yourself pulling the light into them. 2. not so that you may forget them. it is important to clear out all of them. Pulling sunlight into the body. To pull the sun into the sex organs. To free the mind. 3. Let the light of the sun pass through this hole and into your eye. but so that you may be free from them. especially the sexual organs. sit in the posture for breath control that is given in LIBER ASMODEUS. Bring in a memory of any scene in your past. expose them to the sun so that the light shines directly on them. Inhale deeply feeling the sun entering into your whole being. Spare no memories. Close the eye. To perform the cold bath technique. To pull sunlight into the body form a ring with the thumb and first finger so that there is a tiny circle that you may look through. Submerge your entire body in the cold water for a few minutes. exhale and feel the energy of the sun spread through your whole aura. The do this with the other side. and cause the skin to tighten all over the body. As you inhale pull in any energy that you have left in the scene which you are . This will give you a feeling of health. Perform this exercise 3-7 times. Freeing the mind. Perform this technique 21 times. and increased sexual energy. project a beam of light forth from your solar plexus. Once you have reached the top. Once you have become comfortable. To perform this ritual. until the past has been completely cleared. Then on each breath following feel the energy flowing into each of the 7 chakras or centers of energy in the body. elevate the head slightly and do not cross the arms or legs. Astral projection is the ability to project the spirit outside of the body and into the other world. and thus the mind will be free. to a distance about 6 feet above you. When you can see the scene you have chosen with feeling any negative energy you have become free from it. As you exhale. You may see them as spheres of white light. This process will last for many years. Take a deep breath and on the exhale. Take another breath and on the exhale attempt to “jump” into . ASTRAL PROJECTION. made from energy. from lowest to highest. and release any energy that has been left inside you by the people whom you interacted with in the scene you are viewing. and all of the chakras are glowing. Then. return to the chakra that is in the solar plexus. and purple at the top. when you are ready breath in and as you exhale. but you will not be bound by those memories. lie on a bed and cover your body with a light blanket. following the colors of the rainbow. P a g e | 44 viewing. or as spheres of colored light. with red being at the bottom. take a few breaths and then relax. see this light forming into an exact image of yourself. As you do each step of the ritual take a deep breath for 8 seconds and then exhale slowly for 8 seconds. see a circle of white light surrounding your body. You will still have memory of it. turn your head slowly to the right. Lie flat on your back. come back to where your body lies and merge with it. and what to do.Circle .Return 6. On the final breath once again see the circle of energy surrounding you. feeling them glow as before. 1. If your are successful you will be in the spirit world. These are the seven steps of astral projection.Chakras 3. P a g e | 45 that image. Then open your eyes.Circle 2.Project 4.Travel 5. You will then know where to go. After you have traveled in the spirit world and wish to return.Chakras 7. Start from the bottom and take one breath for each chakra. P a g e | 46 . IN THE NAME AH-MAH-SHA-OH CONSECRATE THIS IMAGE THAT IT MAY AQUIRE THE DESIRED FORCE! Then carve the image into the shape of a human figure. P a g e | 47 LOVE SPELL WITH A DOLL First cut a small branch from a tree. Then light some incense. I CONJURE YOU MINISTERS OF LOVE AND SEX BY THE SUPREME POWER. Then coat the doll with a light cover of red or green wax to seal it. LILITH. AND SATAN. Cap the ends with red or green wax so it will not dry out and split. When it is carved write the names of these spirits upon it: AZAZEL. Leave the bark on it. Then add the name of the person you are casting the spell upon. When you are ready to begin carving it take it out of the cloth and say these words over it. Wrap it in a piece of cloth until you are ready to begin working with it. Like a small doll. Cut it to be about six inches long. AND SATAN. ASMODEUS. PAYMON. LILITH. IN THE NAME AH-MAH-SHA-OH . Say these words while you hold the doll in the incense smoke. NOGA JES ASTROPOLIM ASMO COCCAV BERMONA TENTATOR SOIGNATOR. ASMODEUS. OH AZAZEL. PAYMON. the wife of Asmoday. WITH ALL YOUR MINISTERS. focused. AND THELIEL. DONQUEL. Mother of harlots. PRINCES OF LOVE AND SEX. She is a goddess of lust and sex. She should come to you in three days if you are pure. The scarlet woman. She also appears as a beautiful woman with bird’s . or in other writings. P a g e | 48 CONSECRATE THIS IMAGE THAT IT MAY AQUIRE THE DESIRED FORCE! Once again wrap the doll in cloth and put it away. AND THAT IT MAY BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR HER (or him) TO LOVE ANY OTHER PERSON EXCEPT FOR ME! Then wrap the doll in cloth once again and place it under your pillow or under the bed where you sleep. Lilith. The bride of Satan. The first spirit of the moon is Lilith. GRANT THAT…………MAY LOVE ME. LIBER SPIRITUM 1. She can take thousands of forms including that of a beautiful woman whose lower body is that of a snake. The queen of the night. the first wife of the first man. and an Al-Ghoul. Then on a Friday at dawn or at dusk take the doll out of its wrapping and say these words over it: OH ANAEL. MAY DESIRE AND THIRST FOR MY LOVE. these are: grammar. He governs 30 legions of spirits. When commanded by the magician to assume human form he appears in the shape of a man with a ravens head. 4. She was once of the order of dominations. She may sometimes also bring with her three other sexual demons whose names are Naamah. Agrat. The enn of lilith is RENICH VIASA AVAGE LILITH LIRACH. She is a strong fighter. Leraje. She has 400 legions of spirits under her command. Samigina. He appears in the form of a little horse or donkey and then upon request he will take on a human shape. P a g e | 49 feet and wings. After some time she puts on the shape of a woman. He causes all great battles and contests and he can make wounds to putrefy that are made with arrows in battle. His Enn is AVAGE SECORE AMON NINAN. Marchosias. Enn CAYMEN VEFA LERAJE. The fifth spirit of the moon is Samigina or Gamigin. and Mahalat. He governs 40 legions of spirits. 3. He appears as a mighty and powerful archer dressed in green and carrying a bow and quiver of arrows. She appears as a wolf with a snake’s tail. Enn ES NA AYER MARCHOSIAS SECORE. The fourth lunar spirit is Leraje. She has the wings of a gryphon and breathes fire. 2. She is to be called in the north. having the teeth of a dog. The third lunar spirit is Marchosias. He speaks with a hoarse voice. This belongs to the power of the astrological sign of Sagittarius. logic . 5. He appears as a fire breathing wolf with a snake’s tail. The second lunar spirit is Amon. Amon. He tells of past and future. He causes feuds and reconciles friendships. She can teach you how to become a werewolf. he is great in power and very stern. He teaches the liberal sciences. P a g e | 50 and rhetoric. Enn EF ENAY PHENEX AYER. He can discover all things that are hidden and not protected by wicked spirits. Enn AYER AVAGE SHAX AKEN. Shax. 6. He rules 30 legions of spirits. you must command this spirit into a triangle outside the circle or else he will deceive you and tell you many lies. The sixth spirit of the moon is Shax or Shaz. He will sing many sweet notes to you which you must not let distract you and eventually he will take on human shape. He teaches grammar. but only sometimes. The seventh spirit of the moon is Phenex or Pheynix. He is a good and excellent poet and songwriter and he will be willing to perform your requests. logic and rhetoric and can discover lost objects and hidden . He takes the form of a valiant warrior riding upon a mighty black horse. He gives good familiars. Then he will speak marvelously of all kinds of science. He leads 30 legions of spirits. Also he will steal money out of the houses of kings and then return it again in 1200 years. He gives account of dead souls that died in sin. arithmetic geometry. He appears in the form of the bird phoenix. The eighth spirit of the moon is Cimejes or Kimaris. If commanded he will bring horses to the magician or any other thing you might wish for him to bring to you. He has the voice of a child. which is a form of the bird called pigeon. He rules over all the spirits in the land of Africa. the theory of music and astronomy. 7. Enn ES TA TA GAMIGIN. hearing or understanding of any man or woman if he be commanded to do so by the one who calls him. a bird that is on fire. He speaks with a hoarse yet subtle voice. He appears in the form of a stock dove. He governs 20 legions of spirits. His office or power is to take away the sight. 8. But first. About him slither two mighty snakes. The twelfth spirit of the moon is called sabnock or savnock. He also teaches geometry and astronomy. He governs 30 legions of infernal spirits. His office is to build high . The tenth spirit of the moon is Andras. He appears in the form of a lion with a snake’s tail. 11. bright sword in his hand. Enn LIRACH MENA ORIAS ANAY NA. Enn MENA ANDREALPHUS TASA RAMEC AYER. P a g e | 51 treasures. Andras. His office is to sow discords and cause conflicts. Andrealphus. which is the art of measuring things. 12. 10. Sabnock. He can transform a man into the form of a bird. He rides upon a strong black wolf and carries a sharp. riding upon a mighty and powerful horse. He must be approached with great care and respect. with great noises. 9. He teaches the virtues and powers of the stars and planets. He appears in the form of an armed soldier with a lion’s head riding upon a pale colored horse. Oriax. He teaches the art of mensuration. After a time he puts on human shape. He appears in the form of a peacock. He governs 30 legions of infernal spirits. He also transforms a man into other shapes through the rays of the stars and planets. He appears in the form of an angel with a head like a black night raven. The eleventh spirit of the moon is Andrealphus. If the magician is not careful. Enn ENTEY AMA ANDRAS ANAY. this spirit will slay both him and his assistants. He governs 30 legions of spirits. He leads 30 legions of spirits. Enn AYER AVAGE SECORE CIMEJES. He gives social status and prestige as well as favor with friends and foes. The ninth spirit of the moon is Oriax or Orias. castles and cities and to furnish them with stores of goods. He commands 50 legions of spirits. P a g e | 52 towers. He also gives knowledge of . which is how to use language effectively and persuasively. Enn TASA SABNOCK ON CA LIRACH. He teaches the art of rhetoric. He governs 30 legions of spirits. Decarabia. He makes one to have a good name and to have the knowledge and understanding of various languages. He makes a man or woman cunning in all arts and sciences. Naberius. The fourteenth spirit of the moon is Naberius. He appears in the form of a monster. Ronove. He gives good familiars at the request of the magician. He governs 19 legions of spirits. singing and drinking as natural birds do. Enn EYAN TASA VALOCUR NABERIUS. He goves good servants. Enn SENAN OKAT ENA FORNEUS AYER. The sixteenth spirit of the moon is Ronove. He appears in the form of a star in a pentacle but at the command of the witch he takes on the shape of a man. Also he can afflict men for many days with wounds and with rotten sores full of worms. The fifteenth spirit of the moon is Forneus. 13. The thirteenth spirit of the moon is called Decarabia. 15. He appears in the form of a great sea monster. Enn HOESTA NOC RA DECARABIA SECORE. 14. He teaches the art of Rhetoric very well. Forneus. He appears in the form of a black crane fluttering around the circle and when he speaks it is with a hoarse voice. 16. He leads 29 legions of spirits. He causes a witch to be loved by friends and enemies. He restores lost dignities and honors. His office is to discover the virtues of birds and precious stones and to make the illusion of all kinds of birds to fly before the witch. He governs 19 legions of spirits. 18. His office is to make one cunning in the liberal sciences and to give true answers of divine and secret things. The third spirit of mercury is called Camio or Caim. He teaches the arts of logic and ethics. If desired he can make a man invincible and to live long and be eloquent. His office is to give the witch the understanding of the sounds that birds make. Also to change a man into any shape that the exorcist pleases. or even the voice of the waters. He is a good disputer. Enn AYER SERPENTE OSE. He appears like a leopard at first and then takes on the form of a man. Enn KAYMEN VEFA RONOVE. He appears in the form of a strong man in human shape. P a g e | 53 other languages and favor with friends and enemies. 17. 19. Ose. so that he who is so changed will not think any other thing. He can also discover treasures and things that are lost. Enn KAYMEN NEFA FORAS. Camio. . than that he truly is that creature or thing that he is changed into. He gives true answers of things to come. He appears in the form of a bird called a thrush at first then after a time he takes on the form of a man carrying in his hand a sharp sword. the sounds that a bull makes. He is the patron spirit of shape changers and were creatures. Enn TASA ON CA CAIM RENICH. or the ability to understand moral conduct. He seems to answer questions in burning ashes or coals of fire. He rules 29 legions of spirits. The second spirit of mercury is called Foras. The first spirit of mercury is Ose or Voso. Foras. He governs 3 legions of spirits. He was once of the order of angels but now rules 30 legions of infernal spirits. the barking of dogs or other creatures. P a g e | 54 20. Volac. The fourth spirit of mercury is called Volac or Valak or Valu. He appears as a child with angel wings riding upon a dragon with two heads. His office is to give true answers of hidden treasures and to tell where serpents may be seen, and he will bring these serpents up before the witch, without any effort or force. He leads 38 legions of spirits. Enn AVAGE SECORE ON CA VOLAC. 21. Botis. The fifth spirit of mercury is called Botis or Otis. He appears in the form of a giant snake at first and then transforms himself into a human shape with great teeth and horns. He carries a bright and sharp sword in his hand. He tells all things past and to come and reconciles friends and foes. Enn JEDAN HOESTA NOC RA BOTIS. 22. Marbas. The sixth spirit of mercury is called Marbas. He appears in the form of a great lion. But after a time, at the request of the witch, he will put on a human shape. He answers truly of things that are hidden or secret. He can cause diseases or cure them. He gives wisdom in mechanical arts and he can change a man or woman into another shape. He governs 36 legions of spirits. Enn RENICH TASA UBERACE BIASA ICAR MARBAS. 23. Buer. The seventh spirit of mercury is called Buer. He appears in the sign of Sagittarius, and when the sun is in that sign he takes the form of a centaur, half man and half horse. He teaches philosophy, both moral and natural, and the art of logic. He heals any illness in a man or woman. He gives good familiars. He teaches the virtues of herbs and plants. He leads 50 legions of spirits. Enn ERATO ON CA BUER ANON. P a g e | 55 24. Haagenti. The eighth spirit of mercury is called Haagenti. He appears in the form of a bull with gryphon’s wings. After a time, at the command of the magician he will take on human form. His office is to make men wise and to instruct them in various things. Also he can transmute all metals into gold, and change wine into water and water into wine. He leads 33 legions of spirits. Enn HAAGENTI ON CA LIRACH. 25. Marax. The ninth spirit of mercury is called Marax. He appears in the form of a great bull with a man’s face. His office is to make one very knowing in astronomy and the liberal sciences. He gives good familiars who are wise and know the virtues of herbs and precious stones. He governs 30 legions of spirits. Enn KAYMEN VEFA MARAX. 26. Amy. The tenth spirit of mercury is called Amy or Avnas. He appears at first in the form of a flaming fire and then after a while he puts on the shape of a man. His office is to make one knowing in astrology and the liberal sciences. He gives good familiars and can lead you to treasures that are kept by spirits. He governs 36 legions of spirits. Enn TU FUBIN ANY SECORE. 27. Zagan. The eleventh spirit of mercury is called Zagan. He appears in the form of a bull with gryphon’s wings and after a time he puts on human shape. He makes a witch to be witty. He can turn wine into water, and blood into wine. He can turn all metals into the coin of the dominion that metal is of. He can even make fools wise. He leads 33 legions of spirits. Enn ANAY ON CA SECORE ZAGAN TASA. 28. Satan. The first spirit of Venus is Satanchia or Satan or SAMAEL He has the power of subjecting all women and girls to his P a g e | 56 wishes and to do with them as he wills. He appears in the form of a man with horns and bat wings. He may also appear as a goat who rules over the sabbatt of the witches. He may also appear as a black dragon. He is power and energy and lust. He rules over 700 legions of spirits. Enn TASA REME LARIS SATAN AVE SATANIS. 29. Astaroth. The second spirit of Venus is Astaroth or Astarot or Astarte. He appears in the form of a hurtful angel riding on an infernal beast like a dragon and carrying in his right hand a viper. The magician must not let this form of the demon too close to him, or else he will do him damage from his violent breath. The magician should hold a ring or disk made of gold, silver, or copper, with the words TETRAGRAMMATON, ANAPHAXETON, and PRIMEUMATON near his face, and that will protect him or her. This form of the demon gives true answers of all things past present and to come and can discover all secrets. He can tell you all about the fall of the angels and the reason of his own fall. He can make a witch wonderfully knowing in all the liberal sciences. He rules 40 legions of spirits. In another form, that of Astarot, he appears in the form of a black man and is connected to the mystery of witchcraft and casting spells, this form can be a good familiar spirit. And in yet another form this spirit appears as the goddess Astarte. A beautiful goddess of fertility, war, and sex. She also brings with her many other goddesses of pleasure, love and war. Enn for Astaroth. TASA ALORA FOREN ASTAROTH. Enn for Astarot. SERENA ALORA ASTAROT AKEN. Enn for Astarte. SERENA ALORA ASTARTE AKEN. 30. Lucifer. The third spirit of Venus is called Lucifer. He appears in the form of a handsome young boy. When he is angry his face armor and ammunition. 32. terrible and strong. Lucifer is the link between the human and the infernal or bestial world. This is also because of his ties to the planet Venus. He is known as the light bringer. She governs 29 legions of spirits. She has many different forms. but after a while. Vepar. Havres. Haures. He commands 500 legions. Enn ON CA VEPAR AG NA. her office is to govern the seas and to guide ships laden with weapons. Yet there is nothing monstrous about him. But he must be commanded into a triangle or else he will lie in all these things and deceive and beguile the witch in all these things. The fifth spirit of Venus is Haures. Flauros or Flereous. 31. The fourth spirit of Venus is called Vepar or Vephar. Enn RENICH TASA UBERACA BIASA ICAR LUCIFER. At the request of the witch she can make the seas to be stormy and to appear full of ships. He gives true answers of all things past. He can provide you with a familiar spirit. which is sometimes the last remaining light of the heavens before the sun rises. In this way he brings the light of reason and consciousness to the mind. He gives knowledge and inspiration. present and to come. He is a lord of witches and of the infernal Sabbath. He appears in the form of a leopard that is mighty. Hauras. She can also make men to die in three days by putrefying wounds or sores and causing worms to breed in them. and some of them hideous and demonic. She appears in the form of a mermaid. He will tell of the creation of . at the command of the witch he will take on a human form with flaming eyes and a most terrible countenance. some of them beautiful and goddess-like. P a g e | 57 becomes inflamed. He governs 36 legions of spirits. and also the story of how he and the other spirits fell. He discovers hidden things and knows the future and what wars will come. He governs 40 legions of spirits. Gusion. yet mild in appearance. and how the soldiers will meet in battle. carrying a hawk upon his fist. He has the power to destroy all dignities or rulers both of the spiritual and earthly realms. should he or she desire it. He appears in the form of an old but handsome man riding upon a crocodile. He makes them to run that stand still and brings back runaways. a banner. The eighth spirit of Venus is called Eligos or Eligor. Enn JEDAN ON CA ELIGOS INAN. . He appears in the form of a powerful knight carrying a lance. The sixth spirit of Venus is called Agares or Agreas. and he also causes earthquakes. present. He was once of the order of virtues. The seventh spirit of Venus is called Gusion. He reconciles friendships and gives honor and dignity unto anyone. Enn SECORE VESA ANET GUSION. He appears in the form of a xenophilus. Enn GANIC TASA FUBIN FLAUROS. He destroys and burns up the enemies of the witch. 34. Agares. He leads 60 legions of spirits. He causes one to be loved by great lords and influential people. He tells all things past. He governs 31 legions of spirits. and to come and shows the meaning and resolution of all questions you may ask. Enn RE AN GANEN AYAR DA AGARES. Eligos. He teaches all languages or tongues. 33. P a g e | 58 the world. 35. and he will not allow any other spirits to tempt or trouble the one who calls him forth. and a serpent. and of the Great Spirit. He causes deserters to return to the flanks. He rides on a snake and carries a torch in his hand. of friends and of enemies. The thirteenth spirit of Venus is called Focalor. He appears as a lion with the head of a donkey. or Furcalor. The twelfth spirit of Venus is called Aim or Haborym. The eleventh spirit of Venus is Valefor. Aim. this he uses to set cities castles and great places on fire. 40. He appears like a soldier dressed in red armor. Enn KEYMAN VEFA TASA VALEFOR. but not perfectly. the first like a serpent. and future as well. P a g e | 59 36. He makes the witch to be witty in all manner of ways and gives true answers unto private matters. Valefor. He governs 10 legions of spirits. His office is to slay men and drown them in the waters. His office is to procure the love of women. He appears in the form of a man with gryphons wings. Enn AS ANA NANAY ON CA UVALL. The tenth spirit of Venus is Uvall or Vual or Voval. He can tell the past. 38. He appears in the form of a mighty camel at first but after a while he puts on human shape. He is a good familiar. He speaks the Egyptian tongue. 37. He governs 26 legions of infernal spirits. Uvall. but tempts those that he is familiar of to steal. and to . He governs 37 legions of spirits. Enn AYER AVAGE SECORE AIM. bellowing. and the second like a man with two stars on his forehead. Focalor. The ninth spirit of Venus is Zepar. His office is to cause women to love men and to bring them together in love. present. Zepar. but with three heads. He governs 26 legions of infernal spirits. 39. and the third like a calf. He appears in the form of a very handsome man in body. Enn LYAN RAMEC CATYA ZEPAR. He also makes women barren or childless. He knows all things past present and to come. He gives excellent familiars. The fourteenth spirit of Venus is called Barbatos. 42. Also he can cause trees to bend according to the will of the exorcist. The seventeenth spirit of Venus is called Sallos or Saleos. He can transport the witch suddenly from one country to the next. for he hath power over both winds and seas. he remains part of the angelic order of virtues. He knows the powers of plants and precious stones. 41. Bathin. Sallos. Amdusias. P a g e | 60 overthrow ships of war. He appears in the form of a mighty soldier riding upon a crocodile. The fifteenth spirit of Venus is called Amdusias or Amdukias. 44. The sixteenth spirit of Venus is called Bathin. He appears in the form of a unicorn. causing trumpets and all manner of musical instruments to be heard but not immediately. Barbatos. He gives understanding of the singing of birds and the voices of other creatures such as the barking of dogs. He rules 29 legions of spirits. He . But he will not hurt any man or thing if he be commanded not to by the witch. Enn EVETA FUBIN BARBATOS. He appears in the form of a man with a snake’s tail riding upon a pale horse. Enn DENYEN VALOCUR AVAGE SECORE AMDUSIAS. He causes you to be loved by your friends and also by those in power. but at the request of the witch he will take on a human shape. wearing a ducal crown on his head. Enn DYEN PRETORE ON CA BATHIN. He opens the hidden treasures that have been laid by the enchantments of magicians. He rules 30 legions of spirits. 43. Even though he is a demon. yet peaceably. He appears when the sun is in the sign of Sagittarius as a guide to four noble kings and their troops. He rules 30 legions of spirits. Murmur. P a g e | 61 causes the love of women to men and men to women. 48. He appears in the form of a man with many countenances. He was once of the order of thrones and partly of the order of angels. He governs 36 legions of spirits. He leads 30 legions of spirits. 46. 45. The nineteenth spirit of Venus is called Gremory or Gamory. The eighteenth spirit of Venus is Murmur or Murmus or Murmux. Enn AN TASA SHI GREMORY ON CA. He appears in the form of a lion with gryphon’s wings. 47. She appears in the form of a beautiful woman with a duchesses’ crown tied about her waist. The twentieth spirit of Venus is called Vapula or Naphula. Vapula. Gremory. He appears in the form of a soldier riding upon a gryphon. His office is to teach all arts and sciences unto the witch. and to declare the secret plans of anyone. as well as in philosophy and other sciences. both men’s and women’s faces. Enn SERENA ALORA SALLOS AKEN. He wears a ducal crown upon his head. Dantalion. His office or power is to teach philosophy perfectly. She governs 26 legions of spirits. and to come. Her office is to tell of all things past. He carries a book in his right hand. She procures the love of women both young and old. There do go before him his ministers with great trumpets sounding. present. He knows . Enn RENICH SECORE VAPULA TYPAN. He can also bring the souls of the dead before the witch so that he or she may ask them questions. She rides upon a great camel. She can find treasures for the witch. He governs 30 legions of spirits. The twenty-first spirit of Venus is called Dantalion. His office is to make men knowing in all handicrafts and professions. Enn VEFA MENA MURMUR AYER. He heats waters and discovers baths. one like a dog. Enn TYPAN EFNA ALLOCES MET TASA. He governs 36 legions of spirits. Bune. He can cause love between men and women. 49. Enn WEHL MELAN AVAGE BUNE TASA. P a g e | 62 the thoughts of all men and women and can change them at his will. The twenty-first spirit of Venus is called Crocell or Crokel. He speaks with a high and beautiful voice. . He rules 30 legions of spirits. His office is to teach the art of astronomy and all the liberal sciences. Alloces. He changes the place of the dead and causes the spirits that are under his command to gather within your nearby cemetery. He teaches the arts of geometry and the liberal sciences. He appears in the form of an angel speaking something mystical of hidden things. no matter what part of the world they are in. His speech is hoarse and very grand. His face is like that of a lion. He governs 48 legions of spirits. 50. The twenty-second spirit of Venus is called Bune or Bime. 51. He was once of the order of powers before his fall. one like a gryphon. He gives riches unto a man and makes them wise and eloquent. At the command of the witch he will produce the sounds of many waters although there is none. He appears in the form of a dragon with three heads. He rules 36 legions of spirits. Enn AYER AVAGE DANTALION ON CA. Crocell. He brings good familiars to the witch. He gives true answers unto demands. The twenty-third spirit of Venus is called Alloces or Alocas. Enn JEDAN TASA CROCELL ON CA. very red and having flaming eyes. and one like a man. He can show you the form of anyone in a vision. He appears in the form of a soldier riding upon a great horse. And after a time he will bow down to the ground. call him by name saying “are you Asmoday?” and he will not deny it. He leads the order of witches known as the Al-ghoul. Sydonay. . in one of them he appears with three heads. Some say that he gives true answers of things past present and to come. but as soon as they him in the form here described. Asmodeus. He appears in many forms. and one like a ram. He gives the ring of virtues. astronomy and all handcrafts absolutely. 53. Berith. He also has the tail of a serpent and from his mouth pour flames of fire. Enn HOATH RADAR GANABAL BERITH. He governs 72 legions of spirits. Asmodee. He can give dignities or positions of power to the witch. His feet are webbed like a goose. others say that he is a great liar and not to be trusted. You must use a magic ring to call him forth. He appears in the form of a soldier with red clothing. geometry. The first spirit of the sun is called Asmodeus. He gives true answers unto your demands. He can make a witch to go invisible. or Ashmedai. and have no cap or headdress on. let him or her stand on their feet. P a g e | 63 52. He shows the place where treasures lie and guards it. He is also called Beal or Bolfry. He governs 26 legions of spirits. one like a man. Enn AYER AVAGE ALOREN ASMODEUS AKEN. riding upon a red horse and having a crown of gold upon his head. When the witch has a desire to call this mighty spirit. The twenty-fifth spirit of Venus is Berith. inscribed with the names TETRAGRAMMATON ANAPHAXETON PRIMEUMATON. He rides upon an infernal dragon. He teaches the arts of numerology. Asmoday. He is a spirit of alchemy and can turn all metals into gold. one like a bull. He speaks with a clear and subtle voice. Asmodai. part of them are of the order of angels. He appears in the form of a man sitting upon a camel with a crown most glorious upon his head. Enn EYEN TASA VALOCUR LUCIFUGE ROFOCALE. He has 200 legions in his hosts of spirits. or any other thing you may desire to know. He is very obedient unto Lucifer. P a g e | 64 54. He binds or makes any man subject unto the witch if he or she so desires it. and what holds it up in the waters. He is of the order of Dominations. He governs 60 legions of spirits. There goes before him hosts of spirits. He can teach you what the earth is. and part of them are of the order of potentates. Lucifuge Rofocale. The second spirit of the sun is called Paimon. Paimon. and where it is. He gives positions of leadership and wealth. He is a spirit of pacts and may enter into such a pact with the witch. men with trumpets and cymbals and all other sorts of musical instruments. and there will come with him two kings called Labal and Abalim. He rules 200 legions. He is known as the infernal prime minister. as well as other spirits who be in his host. If you call this spirit alone. . Enn LENAN TASA JADEN PAIMON. He has a great and booming voice and is so loud when he first appears that it is hard for the witch to understand him unless he or she is very powerful and strong. He has control over all the wealth and treasures of the world. and what the mind is. 55. The third spirit of the sun is called Lucifuge Rofocale. This spirit can teach all arts and sciences and other secret things. He can give you a familiar spirit that can teach you any art or science. you must make him some sort of offering or sacrifice. sometimes like a cat. The fourth spirit of the sun is called Bael. He appears in the form of a beautiful angel sitting in a chariot of fire. P a g e | 65 56. Yet he must be courteous unto him for he is a mighty and terrible king. He appears in different forms. He gives excellent familiars. sacrifices and gifts presented to him by the witch or else he will not give true answers unto their demands. Bael. This great king Beleth causes all the love that may be. You must wear a magic ring when conversing with this spirit. The fifth spirit of the sun is called Belial. Enn LIRACH TASA VEFA WEHLC BELIAL. as described concerning Astaroth. He appears in the form of a man riding upon a pale horse with trumpets and other kinds of musical instruments playing before him. He rules 80 legions of spirits. Beleth. He gives invisibility and teaches wisdom to the witch. 57. Enn AYER SECORE ON CA BAEL. Note well that this king Belial must have offerings. sometimes like a toad. 58. He speaks in a beautiful voice and declares that he fell first among the highest angels that were before Michael and other heavenly angels. sometimes like a man. both of men and of . His voice is hoarse. The sixth spirit of the sun is called Beleth or Bileth or Bilet. He is very furious at his first appearance and the magician must command him to enter into the triangle outside the circle. He is mighty and powerful and was created next after Lucifer. and sometimes all these forms at once. Even then he will not remain one hour in the truth unless he is constrained by divine power. Belial. His office is to distribute presentations and senatorships and to cause favor of friends and foes. He can take a body either human or aerial. He governs 36 legions of spirits. He can tell all things past. He rides upon a furious bear and carries a hawk upon his fist. He governs 40 legions of spirits. and riding upon a bear. Enn EYASTA NAS VINE CA LARIS. carrying in his hand a cruel viper. 61. He governs 22 legions of spirits. He appears as a man with the face of a lion. and to come. witches. He speaks with a hoarse voice and gives true answers of things past. Going before him are many trumpets sounding. Enn ANA JECORE ON CA PURSON. . The ninth spirit of the sun is called Vine or Vinea. 60. Enn LIRACH TASA VEFA WEHL BELETH. Enn LIRACH TASA VEFA WEHL BALAM. one like a bull. until the witch has had their desire fulfilled. He appears in the form of a man with three heads. Vine. Purson. wizards. The eighth spirit of the sun is called Purson. He has the tail of a serpent and flaming eyes. The seventh spirit of the sun is called Balam. and one like a man. both secret and divine. overthrow great stone walls and make the waters rough with storms. and to come. He governs 85 legions of spirits. He appears in the form of a man with a lions face. 59. He gives good familiars. Balam. He can make the witch to go invisible. riding upon a black horse and carrying a viper in his hand. At the command of the witch he will build towers. and things past present and to come. He answers truly of all hidden things. one like a ram. present. His office is to discover things hidden. He knows all hidden things and can discover treasure. present. and of the creation of the world. P a g e | 66 women. . He appears in the form of a deer with a fiery tail. He appears in the form of a stock dove or pigeon. He also discovers treasures. If commanded he gives true answers of things secret and divine. He can bring men and women together in love. thunder. Once commanded into the triangle he will take the form of an angel. He can also raise lightning. Belzebuth. Enn ADAY VOCAR AVAG BEELZEBUTH. The third spirit of mars is called Halphus or Malthus. Enn TASA FUBIN ANDROMALIUS ON CA. He appears in the form of a man holding a great snake in his hand. and to punish all thieves and other wicked people. Andromalius. He speaks with a hoarse voice. He rules 26 legions of spirits. The second spirit of mars is called Furfur. P a g e | 67 62. He has the power to cause hypnotic illusions. He appears in the form of a giant fly or bee. also he may appear in the form of a monstrous goat or calf. 65. The fourth spirit of mars is called Andromalius. and beasts into men. He rules 36 legions of spirits. Enn ERATO HALPHUS ON CA SECORE. He can teach the magician how to cast curses. He never speaks the truth unless he is commanded into the triangle. 64. He is the founder of the order of the fly. and great storms. Furfur. Halphus. The first spirit of mars is called Belzebuth. His office is to bring back a thief and the goods which be stolen. Enn GANEN MENACH TASA FURFUR. He rules 500 legions. seeming to transform men into beasts. He rules 26 legions of spirits. 63. and to send soldiers to places appointed. His office is to build up towers and furnish them with ammunition and weapons of war. He speaks with a hoarse voice. and to discover all wickedness and underhanded dealings. He can make a man to go invisible. . He appears at first in the form of a crow. Enn DISA ON IPOS AYER. He can also destroy cities and dignities of men. The eighth spirit of mars is called Raum. The sixth spirit of mars is called Malphas. He governs 36 legions of spirits. Ipos. He teaches all arts and sciences in an instant and is an author of bloodshed and manslaughter. He appears at first like a crow. The seventh spirit of mars is called Ipos. He gives good familiars. Raum. P a g e | 68 66. 69. a gooses foot and a rabbits tail. He knows all things past present and to come and can make the witch witty and bold. and can tell you of your enemies’ thoughts. He can build houses and high towers. Enn ELAN TEPAR SECORE ON CA GLASYA-LABOLAS. He appears in the form of a dog with the wings of a gryphon. If desired he causes the love of both friends and foes. speaking with a hoarse voice. He governs 40 legions of spirits. He appears in the form of an angel with a lion’s head. 67. He commands 36 legions of spirits. He governs 30 legions of spirits. plans and desires. Malphas. He tells of past present and future and can cause love between friends and foes. and at the command of the witch he takes on a human shape. The fifth spirit of mars is called Glasya- Labolas. He was once of the order of thrones. His office is to carry treasures out of king’s houses and take them where he is commanded to take them. 68. He teaches all things past and to come. If you make a sacrifice to him he will receive it kindly and willingly but will deceive the one who makes such a sacrifice. Enn LIRACH TASA MALPHAS AYER. Enn FURCA NA ALLE LARIS RAUM. After a while he will put on human shape. Glasya-Labolas. 73. 71. Vassago. He rules 66 legions of spirits. Geometry and other sciences. He changes the place of dead bodies and puts them in another place. He can also discover things hidden or lost. 72. He can tell of past present and to come. The third spirit of Jupiter is called Seere. Gaap. Enn DEYAN ANAY TASA GAAP. Enn KEAN VEFA JEDAN TASA VASSAGO. He tells the truth about stolen objects and where treasures may be hidden. He appears in the form of a handsome man riding upon a winged horse. The ninth spirit of mars is called Bifrons or Bifrous or Bifrovs. This spirit is of a good nature and his office is to declare things past present and to come. He can steal familiar spirits out of the custody of other witches. He governs 26 legions of spirits. He appears in the form of a man going before 4 great kings as if he were a guide to lead them on their way. He leads 6 legions of spirits. His office is to come and go and to bring an abundance of things to pass suddenly. He appears in the form of a monster. Enn AVAGE SECORE BIFRONS REMIE TASA. . Bifrons. He can transport objects to or from anywhere. He can teach you to perform consecration rituals for talismans or tools. He lights what seems to be candles upon the graves of the dead. The first spirit of Jupiter is called Gaap. P a g e | 69 70. He teaches the virtues of precious stones and woods. His office is to make the witch knowing in Astrology. Seere. His office is to make men ignorant or knowing in the liberal sciences. He can pass over the whole earth in the blink of an eye. He can cause love or hatred. The second spirit of Jupiter is called Vassago. He can carry the witch quickly from one place to another. Sitri. He also causes them to show themselves naked if desired. 74. He appears in the form of a mighty raven but after a time he takes on the image of a man. Enn LIRACH ALORA VEFA SITRI. She has a thousand heads and knows all that has happened in the depths of the ocean. She governs 100 legions. He appears at first with a leopards head and the wings of a gryphon. He is very faithful unto the witch and will not allow him to be tempted by any other spirit. He governs 60 legions of spirits. His office is to discover all things past present and to come. 77. He governs 20 legions of spirits. The fifth spirit of Jupiter is called Sitri. She is the great dragon of the sea. He can give social advancement and the favor of friends and foes. She remembers everything of our world. He enflames men with women’s love and women with men’s love. . Orobas. P a g e | 70 He is of an indifferent good nature and willing to do anything that the witch desires. Enn JADEN ET RENICH SEERE TU TASA. The sixthe spirit of Jupiter is called Orobas. He governs 26 legions of spirits. 76. The fourth spirit of Jupiter is called Stolas or Slolos. The first spirit of Saturn is called Leviathan. Stolas. Enn JEDAN TASA HOET NACA OROBAS. He gives true answers of divinity and the creation of the world. He appears in the form of a horse and then changes shape into a man at the command of the witch. LEVIATHAN. Enn STOLAS RAMEL VIASA ON CA 75. He teaches the art of astronomy and the virtues of herbs and precious stones. since the beginning of time. After a while he puts on a beautiful human shape. She is invoked in rituals to give great power to any work of magic. Enn JADEN TASA NACA LEVIATHAN. He gives invisibility to the witch. Enn SECORE ON CA FURCAS REMIE. Enn EYA ON CA AZAZEL AKEN. Azazel. He leads 20 legions of spirits. He taught the secrets of warfare to men and the knowledge of seduction through cosmetics and jewelry to women. in all their parts and perfectly. . or hairy goat demons of the desert. He rides upon a pale horse and carries a sharp sword in his hand. He teaches philosophy. rhetoric. He can give you any familiar spirit or teach you how to cast any spell. astrology. He rules 666 legions. 79. He was the first fallen angel. logic. He is the leader of the Shedim. He is known as the father of witches and sorcery and can open the Sabbath. or divination by fire. P a g e | 71 78. or divination by water. Chieromancy. The third spirit of Saturn is called Azazel. Furcas. and Pyromancy. The second spirit of Saturn is called Furcas. He appears in the form of a cruel old man with a long beard and white hair. a gathering of witches. P a g e | 72 . P a g e | 73 . P a g e | 74 . P a g e | 75 . P a g e | 76 . P a g e | 77 . P a g e | 78 . P a g e | 79 . P a g e | 80 . P a g e | 81 . P a g e | 82 . P a g e | 83 . P a g e | 84 . P a g e | 85 . P a g e | 86 . P a g e | 87 . P a g e | 88 . P a g e | 89 . P a g e | 90 . P a g e | 91 . P a g e | 92 . P a g e | 93 . P a g e | 94 . P a g e | 95 . P a g e | 96 . P a g e | 97 . P a g e | 98 . P a g e | 99 . P a g e | 100 . P a g e | 101 . P a g e | 102 . P a g e | 103 . P a g e | 104 P a g e | 105 P a g e | 106 P a g e | 107 . P a g e | 108 . P a g e | 109 . P a g e | 110 . P a g e | 111 . P a g e | 112 . P a g e | 113 . P a g e | 114 . P a g e | 115 . P a g e | 116 . P a g e | 117 . P a g e | 118 . P a g e | 119 . P a g e | 120 . P a g e | 121 . P a g e | 122 . P a g e | 123 . P a g e | 124 . P a g e | 125 . P a g e | 126 . P a g e | 127 . P a g e | 128 . P a g e | 129 . 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