Lesson 16 Jacob Has a Dream

June 19, 2018 | Author: Jeffeery Moreh | Category: Jacob, Torah, Hebrew Bible, Torah Books, Religious Texts
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Jacob Has a DreamGenesis 28:10-22 Genesis 28 10 16 Jacob left Beersheba and set When Jacob awoke from his out for Haran. 11When he reached sleep, he thought, “Surely the a certain place, he stopped for the LORD is in this place, and I was night because the sun had set. not aware of it.” 17He was afraid Taking one of the stones there, and said, “How awesome is this he put it under his head and lay place! This is none other than the down to sleep. 12He had a dream house of God; this is the gate of in which he saw a stairway heaven.” resting on the earth, with its top 18 Early the next morning Jacob reaching to heaven, and the took the stone he had placed angels of God were ascending under his head and set it up as a and descending on it. 13There pillar and poured oil on top of it. above it stood the LORD, and he 19 He called that place Bethel, said: “I am the LORD, the God though the city used to be called of your father Abraham and the Luz. God of Isaac. I will give you and 20 Then Jacob made a vow, your descendants the land on saying, “If God will be with me which you are lying. 14Your and will watch over me on this descendants will be like the dust journey I am taking and will give of the earth, and you will spread me food to eat and clothes to out to the west and to the east, to wear 21so that I return safely to the north and to the south. All my father’s house, then the peoples on earth will be blessed LORD will be my God 22and this through you and your offspring. stone that I have set up as a pillar 15 I am with you and will watch will be God’s house, and of all over you wherever you go, and I that you give me I will give you a will bring you back to this land. I tenth.” will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” . . and you will be my people. Punch a hole in the top and attach a string For Discussion As students are working on their angels. review the story with them. Hole punch 9. glitter. Help students realize that the Lord was offering to be Jacob’s God. Give the students an opportunity to ask Jesus into their hearts. and cotton (angel hair) 4. 3. Materials 1. Remind students of the part where Jacob saw angels ascending and descending a stairway between earth and heaven. 3. Cardstock. Markers 8. “Dear Jesus. Glue 4. String 7. Today. Bend and glue the base of the body (see diagram) 5. 2. White 67 lb. Decorate the angels with markers. Jesus himself is the bridge between earth and heaven. Glitter 5. Angel pattern. Copy an angel pattern for each student on 67 lb. Please come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior” Time Needed to Complete: Approximately 20 minutes Memory Verse “I will walk among you and be your God.” Leviticus 26:12 . Please forgive me for the bad things I’ve done. Cotton balls 6. Jacob Has a Dream Genesis 28:10-22 Craft/Activity: Angels Students will make an angel to remind them of the dream Jacob had of angels ascending and descending on a stairway from earth to heaven. Scissors Directions 1. Have students cut out the angel pattern. You might have them repeat a simple prayer like. Cardstock 2. Jacob Has a Dream Genesis 28:10-22 Angel Pattern . ) What did Jacob do with the stone he used as a pillow? 5 4.) Why do you think Jacob wanted to give God a tenth of what God gave him? Possible Points My Points Memory Verse "I will walk among you and be your God.) What did Jacob see in his dream? (Verses 12-13) 5 2. 10 I have recited the memory verse out loud to an adult at home this week." Leviticus 26:12 Possible Points My Points Home Connection Parent/Guardian Signature 5 I have read. the passage of scripture for this week. or been read. Total Points Club Connection Leader’s Signature __________________________ Date ___/___/___ . 5 I have answered the questions aloud to an adult at home this week. and you 10 will be my people. Jacob Has a Dream Genesis 28:10-22 Possible Points My Points Questions 5 1.) What did God promise Jacob? (Verse 15) 5 3. . Taylor. Jacob Has A Dream Genesis 28:10-22 Picture from The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes by Kenneth N. Moody Press: Copyright © 1956. Jacob Has a Dream Genesis 28:10-22 Jacob sees angels going up a stairway to heaven in a dream . Jacob Has a Dream Genesis 28:10-22 . Jacob Has a Dream Genesis 28:10-22 . he took the stone 3 10 6 13 3 8 that he had used as a pillow and poured oil on it. What did Jacob do when he woke up stopped at night to in the morning? rest. Jacob took 4. he would give God back a 13=E 14=I 15=L tenth of what God would give to him. he had "I will walk among you and be your a dream that there was a stairway going God. What did Jacob dream about? called Haran. Take-home Activity Sheet . Why do you think Jacob had the one of the stones dream that he had? and placed it under his head for a pillow. At the top was the Lord. 1=J 2=B 3=A 4=O Jacob made a promise to the Lord. Why did Jacob put a stone under his Jacob was head? traveling to a place 2. He was trying to make it holy. Angels were Leviticus 26:12 going up and down the stairway. To find out more." from earth up to heaven. 5=S 6=R 7=W 8=M Jacob said that if God would take care of 9=N 10=D 11=C 12=G him on his trip. He called this place Bethel. read Genesis 28:10-22 in your Bible. Jacob would have so __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ many descendants that they would be like 1 3 11 4 2 5 3 7 the dust of the earth. Have you ever tried to count pieces of dust? That’s a lot of relatives would have one day! __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ The Lord also promised Jacob that he 3 9 12 13 15 5 14 9 would be blessed and that the Lord would take care of him. When Jacob MEMORY VERSE was asleep. __ __ __ __ __ __ When Jacob woke up. and you will be my people. The Lord told Jacob that the land he BREAK THE CODE was sleeping on would belong to him and his descendants. He 3. The Bible Times Herald A Special Report on Genesis 28:10-22 JACOB HAS A QUESTIONS DREAM 1.


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