Lantek Expert manual

May 29, 2018 | Author: ИлияИванов | Category: File Format, Macro (Computer Science), Visualization (Graphics), Databases, Icon (Computing)
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 LANTEK EXPERT Lantek Investigación y Desarrollo           WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION   2011     Copyright The contents of this user manual and graphics are protected by Spanish law regarding the  intellectual  and  industrial  property  right  of  Lantek  Investigación  y  Desarrollo.The  reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation wholly or partially of  the information contained herein, is forbidden without the express authorization of Lantek  Investigación y Desarrollo.  Disclaimer The information contained herein is subject to change. While every effort has been taken to  provide accurate information, Lantek is not liable for any errors or damage resulting from  incorrect  use  of  the  information  contained  herein.All  product  names  used  in  this  manual  are the property of Lantek Investigación y Desarrollo.  Lantek I+D Parque Tecnológico de Álava Albert Einstein 36, Ed.Lantek 01510 Miñano - Álava (ESPAÑA) • [email protected] WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Table of Contents WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011.............................................................................................................. 1  1  GENERAL ......................................................................................................................................... 6  1.1  TURRETS FOR DRILLING TOOLS .............................................................................................. 6  1.2  DIFFERENT IMAGE FORMATS FOR PARTS AND SHEETS ..................................................... 9  1.3  INFORMATION EXTENSION ON STATUS BAR ....................................................................... 10  1.4  CONSUMABLE MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................ 11  1.5  MACHINE MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................... 13  1.6  LABELS FOR TOOL BAR SEPARATORS ................................................................................. 14  1.7  SYSTEM CONFIGURATION WINDOW MODIFICATION .......................................................... 15  1.8  AUTOSAVING ............................................................................................................................. 15  1.9  DISPLAY OF SHEET LIST ......................................................................................................... 16  1.10  DELETE DATABASES ................................................................................................................ 18  1.11  PRINT BOX FROM MAIN MENU................................................................................................ 19  1.12  MULTIPLE CONFIGURATIONS FOR ONE MACHINE .............................................................. 20  1.13  POSSIBILITY OF MODIFYING SYSTEM VAULT DIRECTORY ................................................ 23  1.14  MULTIPROGRAM MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................... 24  1.15  CUSTOMIZE THE OPTION RIBBON ......................................................................................... 25  1.16  APPLICATION MACROS............................................................................................................ 29  1.17  RENAME AND DELETE MACHINES ......................................................................................... 31  2  CAD ................................................................................................................................................. 38  2.1  GENERAL ................................................................................................................................... 38  2.2  CUTTING .................................................................................................................................... 58  2.3  PUNCHING ................................................................................................................................. 61  3  NESTING AND MACHINING .......................................................................................................... 65  3.1  GENERAL ................................................................................................................................... 65  3 ... 105  4........................................................................4  NEW APPLICATION IMPORTER .................................. 95  3............. 75  3.........................................4  LISTS ............................................... 102  4  IMPORTERS / EXPORTERS.........................................................................................3  PUNCHING ...................................3  IMPORT PARAMETRIC PARTS.............................................................................................................................................................. 106  4................................................................... 104  4........ 104  4.2  DSTV IMPORTER ...................................................................................................................................WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 3.....1  GENERAL ..........................................................................................................................................2  CUTTING ...... 109    4 .............................................................................................. 5 .WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Preliminary Notes This document contains all the new features and enhancements included in Lantek Expert 2011 of Lantek Expert. one for drills. To do that you will be able to define and set the turret of a cutting and combined machine in the main CAM module. There is a new option for this: Main module / Manage / Drills / Turrets This option allows you to: - Create. In the cuttingpunching machine case it would have two turrets. i.1 TURRETS FOR DRILLING TOOLS The system enables turret management for drilling. the tool will be placed in any turret station. if the machine has a turret assigned. Tools may be placed in the turret automatically or manually. If not defined. Circular. Main module / Manage / Drills / Assign drills / Station types In the nesting/machining module.e. modify and delete turret definitions for drilling tools. you will be able to specify in which station each tool can be placed. likewise offsets with regard to the cutting head or punching. - Assign a drilling turret to a cutting or cutting-punching machine. sinking tools of a machine. taps. When assigning tools to a machine you can specify in which turret station type a drill can be placed. maximum and minimum diameters. 6 . For turret definition you must specify turret type (Manual.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 1 GENERAL 1. ream and c. Linear. - Modify active turret tools. a type. For each station you can define a station number. tapping. and the system will take into account diameter restrictions and station types defined in the tools and turret. when machining begins the system will ask the user to place the tools needed in the turret stations. Carrousel Exchanger) and number of stations..… and the other for punches. This allows you to change from one tool to another of the same type.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   In this window one tool can be changed for another one using the “Change…” button. although its diameter is different. To manage tool placement in the turret and its behavior on machining the sheet in the nesting/machining module there is a series of new parameters in the machine configuration: Main module / Machines / Configure… / System / Cutting parameters / Turret - Always ask for turret tools - Update active turret on saving the sheet - Maintain tool positions when creating a new sheet 7 . With this option all the cycles executed on the sheet with one tool can be executed with a different one. . If this parameter is disabled the system will not machine those cycles whose tool is not in the turret. Text) and turret will need a station to work with it. the system will machine them and the user can define a position in the turret. Cutting. / System / Time calculation / Cutting parameters / Turret If working with turret management. WOS). As with machine configuration for the automatic cycles in the lead-ins. now in addition. Marking. Time calculation will also take into account tool changing time. Lettering. the user will be requested which tool is to used in that cycle. and rest of the system modules (Integra. tool placement in the turret for this nesting will be saved with the nesting. in all options where only the cycle data was requested before. Main module / Machines / Configure. - Cycle can executed without a tool in the turret. Replace with identical tools). Place in unused stations. sheet boxs. reports. in all machining cycle options of the drawing or nesting/machining module. When nesting is saved.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 - Automatic tool placement in turret (Do not place in empty stations. To configure this time calculation there are new parameters in the machine configuration. If enabled. Change station tools. For example. Drawing module / Machining / Cycles Nesting and machining module / Machining / Cycles Main module / Machines / Configure… / System / Automatic machining / Automatic cycles in lead-ins. whose data will be used to perform the machining. - The cutting head has a position in the turret. - The marking head has a position in the turret. Marking type can be specified (Powder. the best way of working is to define all the machine tools and in all cycles (Drills. Taps. 8 . the tool will now be requested. Reams. Therefore.. in which case the user will be asked in which turret station the cutting head is. This information will be accessible anytime both in the system and CNC. CSinks) executed define the tool to be used in that cycle. " button option.e. 9 . the cycle data will be those defined in the tool. - Use the tool data.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   The drawing module semi-automatic option in the automatic cycles can also take into account now the tools defined in the machine. 1. working without any turret management. the system will allow cycle execution without tool definition.. the system will create an automatic tool name beginning with ‘##’. If enabled. otherwise those defined in the "More. when requesting placement of tools in the turret. and request its placement in the turret. Should the cutting or combined machine not have a turret assign. however. i. If enabled it will only execute the cycles with an existing tool. Drawing module / Machining / Contours / Automatic cycles Furthermore.2 DIFFERENT IMAGE FORMATS FOR PARTS AND SHEETS The option of generating multiple image files per part and sheet has been added to the program.. cycles can be executed as before. Once placed. there are two new parameters: - Testing if the tool exists. Thanks to which you will be able to generate better quality images as both their size and format can be configured. For this. the system will warn the user this tool has not been defined. When parts are created from importers their images can only be 70x60 or 700x600.   10 .). JPEG and GIF. apart from the coordinates. plus a text marking the user’s requirements at any time (a point. This functionality is configured in a special file called IMAGE. together with the name and group it belongs to. These images will be saved in the corresponding database table.FMT where as many image formats as required can be added. WMF.). a selection. IMGB. etc. IMGP. Therefore. Parts can be configured for display with their filling (sheets only) or to show the machining. obtaining an image closer to what the system shows. An icon has also been included for each action.3 INFORMATION EXTENSION ON STATUS BAR The information provided in the status toolbar has been extended to make using the program easier and guide the user through the execution of the different options. therefore file type must be indicated (BMP. etc.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Likewise. PNG. visualization type can be configured in black and white or colour. 1. active punch or system units and status bar (at the bottom of the screen) you can now see an icon representing the active option. Formats allowed are: BMP. price and unit of measure. deleting or modifying these consumables.   For raw materials the following date are required: Name. which can be selected from the drop down list of database defined units. 11 .     To create an abrasive the same data will be required: name. which will give us the list of consumables comprising the abrasives and raw materials defined in the system.4 CONSUMABLE MANAGEMENT Consumable management option has been added to enable consumable management from main Expert module and can be found under the Manage tab as Consumable Group.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 1. with the option of creating. factor and price.      12 .WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011       New abrasives can also be created from machines configuration. in cutting parameters for water  machine. Prior to performing the selected option. a confirmation window appears showing all the entries to be deleted from each table related to the machine to be deleted.5 MACHINE MANAGEMENT Two new options explained below have been included in machines configurations under the program main module management tab:   1.5.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 1.1 Delete machine  This new option has been included to allow machine deletion and its associated setup files from the system. 13 .   1. options located  in quick access toolbars will be differentiated by separators and with the old toolbar headings on  the labels.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   1.  When updating an installation older than v30.5. as they were grouped on the  old toolbars.6 LABELS FOR TOOL BAR SEPARATORS Labels can now be added and modified next to separators located on quick access toolbars.  14 .2 Modify machine reference  A new option was included allowing reference modification of installed machine.00 to the same or superior version. Thus  different related groups of options can be identified with a name. Main module / Configuration options / Configure: System / General 1. auto recovery of work will be done in a set time. sending it to workshop. On selecting one of the last three options..WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Label names can be defined as:  Main module / Configuration options / Interface / Quick access Main module / Options / Interface / Quick access Nesting and machining module / Configuration options / Interface / Quick access 1.7 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION WINDOW MODIFICATION Following window was modified:   Thus. otherwise auto saving will not be automatic. changing it to available or both.8 AUTOSAVING A new parameter has been added enabling to auto save current work for the drawing and nesting modules.’ option appears in the nesting/machining module. Should the parameter be selected. 15 .. nesting status related to configuration is more straightforward. the ‘Save as. You can choose between leaving status unchanged. are taken into account. four new parameters were added to the sheet selection window. the highest minimum and lowest maximum values. 16 .WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Main module / Configuration options / Configure: Draw and nest / Auxiliary Nesting and machining module / Configuration options / Configure: Draw and nest / Auxiliary Drawing module / Configuration options / Configure: Draw and nest / Auxiliary   1. filtering will be done taking into account both the newly defined dimensions. on selecting the criteria option. and those of the machine configuration window.9 DISPLAY OF SHEET LIST The possibility of filtering sheets as per dimensions has been added. and/or minimum/maximum width of sheets to be introduced. For this.e. The most restrictive values. there are also values for defining length/width of same. Thus. i. In the machine configuration and sheet general characteristics. These parameters allow you to filter by minimum/maximum length.. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Main module / Sheet selection / Criteria Nesting and machining module / Sheet selection / Criteria     Drawing module / Main part menu / Remnants / Open / Criteria Drawing module / Main part menu / Remnants / Delete / Criteria 17 . Several databases may be selected simultaneously. On deletion. The database server will be displayed in the selection window and it can be modified.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   1. click refresh so new server databases can be viewed. since apart from the databases. whereby any Expert database not in use can be deleted. 18 .10 DELETE DATABASES A database deletion option has been added. On modifying. confirmation will be requested for each. files associated with them may also be deleted. The same can be done for parts. the two part views. 19 . Simply select the desired sheets or parts.11 PRINT BOX FROM MAIN MENU From the main CAM menu.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011     Main module / Utilities / Delete 1. Product list and Product view. This option can be chosen from either of the two sheet views: Sheet list. click mouse right button and select print option. one or several sheets can be selected for printing. Sheet view. Thus you can print as many sheets and parts without entering the drawing module. A new ‘Configurations’ button has been added to the machine configuration window to generate several configurations for the same machine. 20 . The main problem was the difficulty in managing the machine load. Until the machine was duplicated to simulate this task. the part was generated in duplicate per machine and a quantity defined per part.12 MULTIPLE CONFIGURATIONS FOR ONE MACHINE This new function allows the user to create several configurations for machine definition using the necessary one in each case in the nesting and machine module. or the machine property was changed for this part in the work.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   1. and change its name. 21 . A tab will appear per configuration existent with the name given to each. Should several configurations not exit. on creating the first a second will be created. This latter will be a copy of the first.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   This button enables multiple machine configuration management.e. one will be default and the other new created by the user. to create and delete a configuration. the configurations can be defined in the machine configuration window. i. Main module / Machines / Configure… / Configurations Once created. likewise all those from the same machine. material and thickness. 22 . the subjob will be created. nested part quantities and those required for this part in this subjob will be modified. nesting will always be attempted in the first subjob. the subjob for this configuration will not be created. There is a special case where no subjob can be created: If one configuration has been defined material-thickness dependent and no defined range covers part thickness. if a part is in two subjobs. a subjob will be created for each. for which subjobs are being created. whereby this part can be nested and machined in any of these subjobs.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011     On entering a nesting and machining module with a part whose machine has several configurations defined. material and thickness. On executing ‘Do all’ option. On nesting a part in a subjob created for a machine. Should a thickness range exist covering the part thickness or not defined as material-thickness dependent. 13 POSSIBILITY OF MODIFYING SYSTEM VAULT DIRECTORY Main module / Utilities / Information   This database group option of the Utilities tab shows information on database used by the system (database name. The directory containing database documents can be modified via the following window:   The system will show the user a warning message informing of the effects this action will have in case the directory containing database documents will be modified.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 1. directory.         23 . group). Once unblocked. Main Module / Task search   24 . In addition. Main module / Save as… / Multiprogram Task nestings cannot be saved as a multiprogram if they contain order parts. if you do not click the multiprogram option it will be deleted as shown in the following image:     When saving a nesting as a multiprogram it is marked as the multiprogram. the task search panel includes a task search option per multiprogram. Marking the task like this is done via Interop.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011     1. hence the label shows both in the main and nesting module. hence all the information is stored on NEST_NEST_00000xxx tables and MMPP_MMPP_00000100 table. The new option is included with this modification that is block/unblock multiprogram option. while the other MMPP_MMPP_00000xxx tables are no longer used. it can be modified and on saving as a multiprogram it will be blocked again.14 MULTIPROGRAM MANAGEMENT Multiprogram management and stored nestings are modified. While selecting ‘Save as’. 25 .WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011     1. where the frequently used commands can be introduced.15 CUSTOMIZE THE OPTION RIBBON The option “ribbon” can be customized by adding tabs and personalized groups. 26 . 1. NOTE: Options ribbon customization is specific per module.15.1 Add tabs and customized groups  To add a tab and customize the group. click ‘New Tab’.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011     Main module / Configuration options / Interface / Options ribbon Main module / Options / Customize / Options ribbon Nesting and machining module / Configuration options / Interface / Options ribbon Nesting and machining module / Options / Customize / Options ribbon Drawing module / Configuration options / Interface / Options ribbon Drawing module / Options / Customize / Options ribbon Click right button on the ribbon option and select Customize options ribbon. where you want to add the command 3. This option is also possible by pressing F2. 1. The command can be added clicking twice on the same (selected option) or using“>” button. Both customized tabs and groups appear in bold to distinguish easily from the originals. select the group or tab you wish to change the name. In the customized window select ribbon menu. To do this. Select the more command option in the ribbon menu. 1.2 Change group or tab name  A customized group or tab name can be changed. click ‘Change name’ and write a new.15.15. From the menu where the customized options ribbon appears.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Customized groups can be added to original or customized tabs. 1. 2.3 Add controls to a customized group  New commands can only be added to customized groups and not the program tabs or groups. select the desired tab and click ‘New group’. 27 . 15.4 Delete tabs.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Note: using button “>” all commands contained in the selection will be added.15. In the customized options ribbon menu select the element to be moved and click up and down arrows until you get the desired order. 1.5 Change group or tab order  Customized group or tab order can be changed as well commands contained in customized groups. groups and commands  Only customized groups or tabs and new commands of customized groups can be deleted. select element to be deleted and click ‘Delete’. In the customized ribbon options menu.   28 . 1. e. This option only appears in the Drawing and Nesting and machining modules. To get back to the original state. neither at the beginning nor at the end of the group.15.9 Import  The current ribbon options configuration can be imported from another equipment unit to replace current design. Click ‘Export’ and select directory to save file.15. the commands can be organized using separators. macros will be appropriate for each module.15. i.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 1. Furthermore. 29 .15. To add them select the previous command where you want to add the separator and click ‘Separator’.7 Restore options ribbon  Predetermined values of the options ribbon can be restored. 1. A macro is an option which enables sequential execution of several system options. 1. macros created in drawing will be invalid for the Nesting and machining module.8 Export  The current ribbon options configuration can be exported.6 Add separator  Within a customized group. Click ‘Import’ and select desired file. The Macros option is a fold down button showing the list of macros extant in the system.16 APPLICATION MACROS Option enabling creation. NOTE: It is impossible to add two separators together. 1. 1. clicks ’restore’. deletion and execution of application macros. and the following two options: ‐ Record macro / Stop Recording ‐ Macros. 1.   30 . From this window a macro can be Created.22. 1.22. Macro edition  On clicking “Macros”.2. Macro creation  Click ‘Record a macro’ and all the options clicked afterwards will form part of the macro. The order will be defined during the options selection. To stop recording click ‘Stop recording’ or press Escape. Deleted or Executed. a window will appear showing the list of macros extant with options corresponding to each.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   1. ‐ If you execute another option.3.22. When a macro is being executed: ‐ If you press ESC. Main menu / Machines / Rename To rename a machine. When the macro finishes. Macro execution  To execute a macro. Drawing module / Home / Macros / Macros Nesting and machining module / Home / Macros / Macros 1. fold down the Macro button list. and select macro or execute from edition window. macro execution will stop.17 RENAME AND DELETE MACHINES These new functions added to the system allow the user to rename or delete machines installed in the system.   31 . if you click Return. it will be executed again. a new button ‘Rename’ has been added in the ‘configure: Machines’ window. the option in execution will stop and the next will be executed. Buttons can also be added to the options ribbon or quick access bars.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 1. requesting confirmation to continue execution of this option.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 This button allows the user to modify name of machine selected from machine installed list. a new button ‘Delete’ has been added to the ‘configure Machines’ window.   This button allows the user to delete machine selected on the installed machine list.   Main module / Machines / Delete To delete a machine. As the operation is complex. a dialogue window opens with information on tables to be modified on the Databases. where a dialogue window opens asking for the new reference to replace the existing machine reference. 32 .  a Kit is a group of Sheet Parts with the respective quantities  forming an Intermediate or Final Product and it can be used in different jobs. a Kit  could be the total amount of Sheets Parts required to make a wardrobe. it is not possible to  define the assembly operations for this Main Product.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   NOTE: Machine deletion implies deletion of its configuration files and information on various database tables. the  customer can manage and find in an easy way all the existing Kits. it can contain just Sheet Parts.   There is a Kits explorer available where the user can create a Folder and a Set structure so.     1.    33 .  Its structure is formed by only one level and.18 KIT MANAGEMENT The system is able to Manage Kits. This explorer for Kits is  working like the existing Job’s explorer. For example. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 In order to enable/disable the Kit’s explorer it is necessary to launch the following option:  Main module / View / Kit explorer       34 .  the system is changing automatically the default option according to the  current used explorer (Jobs or Kits explorer). specify the Sheet Parts forming this Main Product. First it will be required to  Create or Open the job the user wants to work with.   Whenever Kits explorer is opened. select it and. “Open job” and “Open Kit”. or both sets. …) creating those the Main Product. click over the  “Import” option. this can be  done both Importing and/or Drawing the sheet parts with the corresponding date (Machine. such as “New job”  and  “New Kit”.  There are some options like “New”.  35 .    The system will require the quantity of the selected production Kit. “Edit job” and “Edit Kit”.  The Search option will allow you to look for Jobs or Kits according to different criterion for which  the user can specify whether to search for jobs. Thickness. using the Kits explorer. the sheet Parts the customer is Drawing or Importing will be  assigned directly to the Kit instead of assigning them to a job. In order to make this  execution easier. you can import jobs for the Production.  Material. look for the Kit  the customer wants to import. “Open” and “Edit” that will be separated. then.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 The way to create Kits is similar to how to create jobs. using the mouse right button. finally.   Once the Kit is totally defined. Quantity. at the beginning it will be required to  create or open a Kit and then.  the user can change the data for those parts just modifying the Main Element  line or.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Once the quantity is selected. …).  Thickness. the system will import the Kit to the actual job. Quantity. to change data for a single or several components of a Kit. Material. The quantity for each component will be the one matching the Kit  multiplied by the required quantity of Kits to produce.    36 .   The system is grouping the Sheet Parts by Kit in the same way it is being done right now for the  Duct Figures so. importing all the  parts belong to the current kit and using the previously defined data (Machine.  this  Kit will have the nestings related to it already prepared as well. it’s possible to run  the Nesting Module to create nestings . if any modification is made on the job for those nestings.  A Kit can have nestings related to it. the system  would import those nestings to the current job and. this is the main  advantage for Kits. it won’t be required to analyze again. that’s.  This allow the users get more time because those nestings already contained nested and  machined parts on them.  The other possibility is to associate nestings without an existing machining and with good sheet  efficiency. as soon as the customer is importing the Kit to a job. it would be possible to open the Nesting and  Machining module in order to fill those places with the rest of the parts in this job so. the  nestings associated to the Kit will not be modified. but with some place available for placing more parts on them. In this case. the sheet  efficiency the user might get would be better. The imported nestings will be a  copy of the original ones so. it’s possible to import the same Kit on different jobs. trying to find the components and  related data for the Sheet Parts forming the Main Item.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   It is possible to import more than one Kit or single Sheet Parts on an existing job.  As we said previously. whenever a Kit is being defined. once the Kit is defined it will be possible to import it on different jobs in an  easy and fast way so.          37 .  there will be applied the default texture for it.  It is possible  to define more textures for different  materials  modifying  the  file  Textures.  If  the  system  is  not  detecting  a  part  (open  contours) it will not be filled or.  If  a  material  has  not  a  texture related to it.xml  placed  on  the  Textures  folder.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011     2 CAD 2. there are some textures existing for the default materials (the ones on the left  in the  Materials window). those “holes” will be filled with  the same color the part has instead of filling them with the background color. the part will be filled with one  color and the holes will have the background color.   This function allows the users to distinguish between part and holes in an easy way. it  makes  easier  and  faster  to  check  geometry  errors.  o Texture  by  material:  The  filling  will  be  different  depending  on  the  part’s  material. it is possible to visualize the part filled. Besides.  o Default texture: The filling color will be a predefined texture.1 Fill the part (Color display)  In the Drawing module. for holes with no closed contour.1 GENERAL 2.  38 .1.  Drawing module / View / Display / Color display / Fill the part There are three different filling possibilities:  o Default color: The filling color is a predefined one.  By  default. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Default texture:     Texture by material (Al99):    39 .  tool form (shape) or tool type.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Texture by material (Copper):    2.1.   40 .2 Color display of machining (By tool)  It is possible to visualize the machining for a part grouping different colors. those can be group  by tool reference.  The filling option allows to fill the machining or just to apply different colors over the machining  contours. Moreover. the corresponding figure for diameter representation has been inserted in the image. 41 .1.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Drawing module / View / Display / Color display / By tool     Fill checked:    Fill unckecked:      2. highlighting more over the background. The following illustration shows the image as it was previously and then the final image.3 Difficulty in viewing ‘View geometry’ option icons  Colors of the drawings shown in the window to be modified were modified. 42 .   Printing function is still valid. Drawing module / Home / View geometry  This parameter is added to the radius datum as shown in the following figure.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011       A new parameter was added to represent the diameter of each geometry figure selected. The document with all the characteristics now includes the diameter attribute. whereby clicking the corresponding button the list of characteristics per selected geometry element is shown. 1.   43 . points.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   2. it shows the number of segments. straight lines. apart from showing the specific characteristics of each element. it also shows the element total per set. Drawing module / Home / View geometry  Likewise they show the perimeters of the sets for the elements like segment. circles and arcs comprising the same. circle and arc.4 Count number of elements in ‘View geometry’ option  Now after selecting the geometric elements required. Thus after the selected list of elements. Access the option via the following action: Drawing module / Home / View geometry  Once element to be modified is selected click corresponding option. Should the selected segment meet any of the aforementioned conditions. lead-ins /lead-outs and/or loops was not applied. Likewise you can delete some prior selection of the same.1. the buttons will look as follows. the ‘Modify’ and ‘Delete’ buttons are disabled. 44 . the ‘View geometry’ window looks as follows.   These new functions are only applicable to non-machined geometry elements to which the technology of Lead-in/Lead-outs.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 2.5 In the ‘View Geometry’ option modify the geometric elements  When viewing the geometry elements through the ‘view geometry’ option of the Drawing module. you can now modify the geometric elements shown. When selecting this element type. Drawing module / Home / View geometry/Modify…  And should you wish to delete a geometry element simply follow this procedure:  Drawing module / Home / View geometry/ Delete  Including these two new functions. Micro-Joints. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011     To access any of the aforementioned functions.   Click Yes and the element will be deleted from the list of geometric elements forming the figure whereas if you click No.   In the case of straight line modification. Once selected choose the desired option. these values may be modified and the changes made accepted or cancelled. you must first select an element from the list. In the specific case of modifying a new window containing the values stored for this element. The modification window varies according to element to be modified. 45 . the element remains. In the case of point modification. whereas if you click Cancel there will be no change. Should you wish to delete the previously selected element you must accept the confirmation window. both the point (co-ordinates X and Y) and the angle formed can be modified. Once the new values have been established click Accept to modify the values. the parameters shown are the co-ordinates X and Y. Diameter value is modified according to the radius. 46 . the diameter is immediately modified and vice versa. starting and end points with their respective X and Y co-ordinates may be modified. i.    And to modify a circle. the points forming it. its radius. likewise its initial and pass angles may be modified. its centre and radius can be change as shown below. the centre of the same. The diameter value functions identical to the arc case.   In the case of arc modification. whereby if a new radius value is established.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   In the case of segment modification.e.      If the option is selection. when choosing a circle to modify and establish this option. should this option have been chosen. The new radius change will also be established for all arcs with a 360º angle.6 Edition of informative and written texts  A new option has been included enabling edition of informative and written texts. forming a circle. This new option is in the Drawing module in the annotation tab next to the text option in the text group. Drawing module / Annotations / Modify  47 . Therefore. it will not only modify the radius value of all circles with identical radius but also those arcs which are really circles. 2.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011    The geometry modification window has a check with the label ‘Apply the change of the radius to all the geometries with the same radius’ in the event arcs or circles are chosen. and modification of their contents.1. modifications of the elements will be performed jointly for all the elements with the same range of values. 8 Save by part  A new function has been added to the save by part option in the drawing module. Otherwise only the contents thereof will be modified 2.1. a new option has been implemented to generate marking texts directly from Chinese characters introduced by the user. The separation between characters is automatic.    Given the complexity of Chinese characters.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 NOTE: If the written text had associated machining. select in the text definition window ‘Use Windows fonts’. 48 .1.7 Text marking for Chinese characters. the system will automatically calculate the machining on the new written text. To use this new development. Drawing module / Technology / Marked texts    NOTE: This new option is solely available for traditional and simplified Chinese. 2. window shows a data request section to save each part.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Drawing module / Main menu / Save by parts . automatic part detection option must be selected. 49 .   To access the treatment of auxiliary geometry elements (points. texts or contours) and different options applicable to each geometry element. straight lines. You can also access the data request option for each part... Treated texts can be kept in the saving by parts using the Delete texts option. In this case.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Another option is added to the save by part option that is import text properties. the texts need not to be in the part. The automatic part detection option must be disabled and the text property import option should be used. In the event of being selected. the selection window can be used to choose the part geometry and text properties associated with the same.     The auxiliary geometry element texts to be treated in saving by parts are configured in this window. 50 . a button appears giving access to the text definition window to access part data. 9 Machining explorer and machining window  Two new panels have been created enabling visualization (machining Explorer) and editing (machining Window) of machining instructions. Drawing module / View / Visualization / Machining explorer Drawing module Nesting and machining module 1. likewise perception in a single view of what there is so far and what can be done. These panels will be synchronized at all times with the other program components. The machining Explorer can be seen in the Drawing module and machining Window. so any action on machining is reflected in the panels and vice versa. and will be in both the Drawing and Nesting and Machining modules. This list can be viewed sequentially or grouped on several levels for better comprehension for what there is at any given 51 . Thus it will be much easier for the user to learn and access the machining tools.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   2. These panels aim to provide a powerful visually attractive tool which facilitates machining management.1. Machining explorer This panel will have a tree showing the open part machining list. the one being viewed or modified at the time.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 time. The red bullet will indicate selected instruction. while the green bullet indicates the current instruction.g. 52 . the point where the next instruction will go. e. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   53 . Changes made maybe undone at any time. originating an update of the rest. • Machining explorer:   Any tree node can be selected with Mouse or keyboard. however. it was shown in a modal floating window. which limited interaction with the part machining view. from the Undo option. At this time the same instruction will be selected in the machining explorer view and the edition view will show the instruction data. its application being simultaneously viewable in the drawing window. by clicking right button on desired instruction (as done in the past to extract the machining property window).WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 2. View function Behavior of the views in relation to synchronization between them is as follows: any machining view allows modification thereof. Thus navigating the instruction tree (using 54 . Machining window In the edition panel of the machining instruction properties. the instruction data can be viewed in detail and modifications made to it.   3. Selection of each view will be as follows: • Drawing view:   From this main view you can select a machining instruction. This information could be extracted before. To show information corresponding to said instruction in the machining Window you can enable the visible option panel from the options ribbon: View -> Visualization -> Machining window. If node selected corresponds to an instruction it will light up in the drawing view. so system status is coherent at all times. Therefore. Besides visualization per selection. synchronization will update the other views after making a change in the data.   55 . If this option is not enabled in the options ribbon. the desired instructions can be lit up by moving the mouse over the tree (without clicking). If node selected in the machining Explorer corresponds to a classifying group or node all instructions hanging from same will light up. the machining Window will not be shown until the user forces its extraction via the Modify option in the contextual menu (right button) on the tree. In this case the machining window will not show information unless this group has a single instruction. once panel is shown from either of the two previous views. • Machining window:   The aim of this panel is based on detailed visualization of instructions and modifications on same.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 mouse or keyboard between nodes) will display data in the machining Window. This function enables quick visualization of instruction or group of instructions in the main view before selecting it for edition. because instructions could be organized in several group levels. Groups in machining Explorer This capacity provides a substantial improvement in machining visualization. At present four criteria were defined to make the most optimum structure possible bearing in mind the different machine types. the tree will show the instruction list in execution order as shown in the Simulation / Simulate / Program option. The following table shows group criteria and possible groups which could be generated as a result: 56 . since it aids interpretation converting the sequential instruction list into a structure comprising several group levels. classifying them more efficiently for each user.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 4. correct selection of group criteria may improve machining representation. from a single look. for example. However. The user can structure this list via the group configuration section at the bottom of the panel. the knocks made with a certain punch or contours to be cut with different qualities. Thus we could distinguish. This characteristic projected to the drawing view means better perception of the machining structure at any given time.     Should no group criterion be selected. 00.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   5. Translation of instructions into plain language Machining instructions were translated to a clear comprehensible style to make them more user friendly.g.64 +0219. E.64 +000219.00 Which corresponds to the following instruction: Simple cycle + 0243.30 +0000.30 +000000. 6. an instruction used to be shown as follows: MCHTYP PUNCH/ +000243.00 +000000.00 +0000. Treatment of special cutting cycles 57 . and CSinks were.1 New simulation of special cycles  Machining simulation of special cycles has been modified. 7. and which ones. However. a group of instructions or root node. the machining Window edition panel integrates information from each of these groups globally aiding any correction of data in the multiple cycles. so it is now easier to distinguish cycle type. Access these data via the button More… in the machining Window. Options can be executed on an instruction.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Multiple drilling cycles involving up to 3 cycle types in a single execution are shown in the machining Explorer as separate instructions thus enabling their classification like the other instructions into different groups created for machining organisation. Execution options: instruction deletion. 2. besides clearly seeing when there are several cycles on one point. and data modification of a machining instruction. the tap. which will be all the machining.2. The drill cycle simulation was not modified. Execution of options on machining Explorer Machining options can be executed on the machining Explorer panel from the contextual drop down menu clicking right button or with keyboard. group or complete machining. however. reaming.2 CUTTING 2. 58 . g. Drawing module / Machining / Cycles Nesting and machining module / Machining / Cycles 59 .2.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   2. the multiple drill multiple cycle has been added. nesting and machining modules. This cycle type allows executions of several cycle types at the same time in a single execution. a tap can be executed with its corresponding drill in a single execution.2 Multiple drill cycles  In the manual cycle options available in the drawing. E. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011       60 . Punch search in gallery with keyboard. a series of points were developed. Punch management window buttons directly accessible from punch gallery via a floating  window accessible with right Mouse button on the gallery.1 New punch gallery characteristics    To improve interaction with drawing module punch gallery.3 PUNCHING 2.  2. which are set out below: 1.3.      61 .WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 2. Possibility of using quick filters in the punch gallery. (Button: OTHERS)  • Type: NO CUT.  62 . Possibility of seeing punches in details. rectangular or  oblong. Square. Shape: All non‐CUT punches.    • Type: CUT. (Button: SPECIAL)  2. station and angle associated with the same. besides the punch reference you can see the  multitool. square. Shape: Round. Rectangular and Oblong.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011     1. (Buttons: RD. SQ. Shape: All cutting punches which are not round. RE  and OB)  • Type: CUT. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   By default the information related to punches will be shown reduced in the gallery as shown below. 63 . 5. Selection criteria can be applied to the punch gallery. 64 . Synchronisation of punch gallery with punch management window. 4. Image colour has been adapted going from plain yellow to degraded grey a colour closer to reality.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   3. Filters applied are also saved in the punch gallery and the punch management window. New images to represent different punch types and shapes.  During the “Step by Step” simulation this option will be  also available. it is possible to select whether to view only external contours or both  internal and external. there is  possible to see the external punches too.1. to visualize with different colors the parts  when  the  nesting  operation  is  performed  to  check  those  parts. to visualize this machining group to view the different colors depending on the used  tool. for example.  This option is useful because it is possible. in the Nesting and  Machining module.  65 .  also  when  the  user  starts  the  machining.   3 NESTING AND MACHINING 3. it’s possible to apply a different visualization both  for the Nesting (no machining) and for the Machining. the system will automatically indicate this changing criteria option status in the punch gallery enabling or disabling this option.1 Color display of machining (By tool)  Now. the view by tool for the machining is kept in mind over the sheet’s machining.1 GENERAL 3. Both of them can be filled by part or tool.  Besides.   Using the filling by part.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011     If a filter is applied to punch selection.  it allows you to visualize  different color taking into account the operations made for each reposition.   Nesting and machining module / View / Display / Color display   66 . form. This option is only active for the machining and.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 In the filling by tool option. type or  reposition of the tool. it is possible to visualize it according to the reference. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Nesting by part:    Machining by tool (Reference):    67 . 2 Fill the sheet (Color display)  It is possible to fill the part with the texture by default or taking into account the material.   Nesting and machining module / View / Display / Color display /Fill the sheet     68 .  it  is  also possible to fill the main Sheet with a default or material texture.1. as it  was  previously  explained  for  the  Drawing  module.  On  the  Nesting  and  Machining  module.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Machining by tool (Reposition):    3. Another function added. the image creation format has been modified by default to PNG. The user can also configure this parameter via IMAGE. In addition. moreover. an XML document is generated to store the position of the clamps at the time of saving likewise the colour of each nesting part. Options for storing the image are: with or without filling.3 Improve image format  To provide a WOS oriented configuration. sheet geometry.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 3.1. This document also contains the multitorches configuration. This is to prevent blank spaces. machining initialitation or machining up to the current instruction can be stored. Nesting and machining module / Save as / Workshop  The background which the images are stored with can be defined: with/without background or with sheet simulation background. is the possibility of generating image size in proportion to the minimum rectangle of geometry to be drawn.FMT. so PNGs are automatically generated in colour. Nesting and machining module / Save   69 . This new option enables the database corresponding to the manufacturing line times and costs to be saved without modifying part data. Nesting and machining module / Part view / Select part / Right button  70 .WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 3.4 Modification in time and cost calculation  A new option has been added to calculate nesting and machining module times and costs.1. With this option.5 Option to show only parts pending nesting  A new option has been added to show only parts pending nesting (amount > 0) on the floating menu of the part list and that of part view.1. all the nesting and pending nesting parts can be seen (amount >= 0) or only parts pending nesting (amount > 0).   Main module / Configuration options / Configure: Costs   3. 1. These new options were added in the customization window in the configuration options to include them in direct access or as new controls under the customized tab with the possibility of assigning quick keys to each option. 71 . When this module is closed the option will be disabled.6 Quick access for nesting module configuration options  The possibility of creating quick access and keys to the machine configuration options in the nesting module was added. 3.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   NOTE: This option status is only maintained during execution of nesting and machining module. o The o The o The icon is used to represent advanced options. To identify options that represent each of the icons.    72 . icon is used to represent auxiliary options.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Each option has its own icon. all with the symbol identifying them as configuration. we have adopted the following terminology: o  The    icon is used to represent options lists.  icon is used to represent parameters modification.       73 . A new window with remnant data is created. If affirmative. otherwise the value will be defined in the corresponding machine configuration.1. this parameter can be configured.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 It must be remembered each machine type offers different options. Nesting/machining module / Configuration options / Interface Nesting/machining module / Options / Customize 3. visible only when working with machines of this kind.7 New material‐thickness dependent parameters  New material-thickness dependent parameters included. Minimum remnant area This parameter is defined as material-thickness dependent. where you can configure material-thickness dependent management if required. Thus configuration options must be customized per machine type. 1. so it can generate remnants for certain materials which are costly against those which are not. Nesting optimization level This parameter is also included in the Cutting parameter category. Optimization level can be configured as per the material/thickness whereas if the option < > is selected.     74 . configuration of the corresponding machine is considered applied. This will require definition of rotation angle parameter optimization level of parts at 360º.e. otherwise the level chosen is applied. the one defined in CT.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011     Main module / Manage / Machines / Configure… / System / Material-thickness dependent / Remnant data 2. and blocked if required (only 0º rotation would exist). i. With this new option different part rotations per material/thickness can be defined. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Main module / Manage / Machines / Configure… / System / Material-thickness dependent / Cutting parameters 3. go to a CNC instruction. movements. on the CNC Panel (placed at the right side). there will be highligthed the instruction matching the current machine operation. … ƒ Options over machine components: Show.1. step by step simulation. Nesting and machine module / Simulation / 3D Simulation / Simulate CNC This simulator allows the following operations: ƒ Visualization options: Different visualization methods (2D and 3D). it is possible to visualize in 3D the machine where the CNC is going to be cut. … ƒ Simulation Options: Simulate the machining.2 CUTTING 75 .   3. zoom. stop the simulation.8 3D Simulation of CNC  This option allow you to make a real CNC simulation. The machine will start with the CNC simulation and. change the simulation Speed. hide or apply transpareces to the different machine components. 2.e. top to bottom. bottom to top. Therefore a possibility has been added to indicate the system in which direction all the remnant lines are to go. which aims to seek part columns with the same length to make maximum use of the sheet width.e. i.2. or as the system has been cutting to date. In the next sheet you can see a nesting example using this option. Thus a sheet which had been nested by areas. 76 . Therefore. i.2 Rectangular nesting optimization for linear cutting of parts  For optimization of linear part cutting. a new option has been added to rectangular nesting in cutting machines. one line could pass from top to bottom and the next in the opposite direction. according to machining direction. you must get the largest number of parts of the same size (same length or width) nested in columns.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 3.1 Linear cutting direction of configurable remnant  Until now the system always cut the line depending on which end was closest to the last element cut until then. Main menu / Machines / Configure… / System / Automatic machining / Cut / Sheets / Cut the remnant line Nesting and machine module / Configuration options / Configure: System / System / Automatic machining / Cut / Sheets / Cut the remnant line 3. 2. 77 .3 Configuration of common cut property per part  The possibility of configuring the common cut property per part has been added.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Main module / Machines / Configure / System / Automatic nesting / Advance / Optimize for linear cut of parts Nesting and machine module / Configuration options / Configure: System / System / Automatic nesting / Advance / Optimize for linear cut of parts 3. since if a specific part requires great quality it can be instructed not be nested in the common cut with any other part. The option can be configured from the main module under the section ‘More’ under part properties. This new function enables you to have a sheet with parts not requiring the same finish. to increase restriction of parts to using common cut on. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   It can also be changed directly from the nested module part view and list of parts.4 Always respect the separation between parts’ parameter  The option of preventing the system from testing the minimum separation between parts among certain elements when performing the common cut has been added.   3.2. 78 . You need only click Mouse right button to access properties. In some cases.   Main module / Machines / Configure… / System / Common cutting parameters Nesting and machining module / Configuration options / Configure… / System / Common cutting parameters 3.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 When the system is processing the common cut can be performed between two or more parts.5 Evacuation of all parts by lift after machining (Protected option)  From the Applications tab you can access a new application enabling assignation of joint download of all machined sheet parts. this testing is more restrictive than the user might expect. it also tests whether the other elements not involved in the common cut respect the minimum separation between parts. since two elements not respecting this minimum distance. prevent parts entering the common cut.2. 79 . when the user had no problem in bringing these elements closer than that separation between parts. you must define the evacuator suction cups in a file. The point where the lift must be placed also requires definition. Finally the system will show the result obtained and the user may enable/disable the suction cups required manually. The application is only enabled once sheet machining is done. a series of parameters can be configured to define the palletization exit file format. the user must use the option enabled for this. Moreover. To date the parameters described are defined in a file called ‘LiftSCups.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 For this. Usually it only has a grid with a number of rows and columns. Nesting and machining module / Applications / Evacuation of all parts by lift after machining / Automatic 80 .cfg’. The system will check all the lift suction cups and only enable those totally within the parts. In the following image you can see an example of the file format to be configured. These are defined indicating the number of suction cups grids the lift has. So to generate the automatic detection of suction cups. cutting an island will not be finished until all the parts within this island are cut. also occurs when configuring so islands are cut first.6 Order common cut by lead‐in/lead‐out position  When making common cuts among various parts. you must enable the following configuration parameter. 81 . Main module / Machines / Configure… / System / Common cutting parameters / Order common cut by lead-in/lead-out position Main module / Machines / Configure… / System / Technology / Automatic Lead-in/Leadouts values /Area / Holes This treatment of finishing the island according to automatic configuration of hole lead-ins/leadouts. To do this arrangement.7 Cut islands when cutting the parts  Before when islands were generated by various parts. 3. if the holes are configured to evacuate islands these will be evacuated like holes. Moreover. you must enable the following configuration parameter. and the island will be cut as the parts generated by the island are cut. it will order the island cutting as if it were a hole and finish cutting the island where the automatic placement of leadins/lead-outs configuration is. it is in optimum position for evacuation. Now these islands can be cut when parts are cut. you can now order these cuts so the last part cut finishes in the same area where the automatic placement of part lead-ins/lead-outs is configured. parts could be cut within the islands at the beginning and after the islands. and island evacuation as if it were a hole.2. Main module / Machines / Configure… / System / Common cutting parameters / Order common cut by lead-in/lead-out position Main module / Machines / Configure… / System / Technology / Automatic Lead-in/Leadouts values /Area / Parts If this parameter is enabled it also orders part cutting order with common cut to optimize number of startups and so part cut always finished on the same side or corner of part.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Nesting and machining module / Applications / Evacuation of all parts by lift after machining / Modify 3. To do this.2. This is used mainly so that when part cutting is finished in common cut. taking into account. Main module / Machines / Configure… / System / Common cutting parameters / Islands / Cut islands on cutting parts If the ‘Order common cut by lead-in/lead-out position’ option is enabled. 3.8 Automatic and manual placement of micro‐joints on unstable contours  Automatic Automatic micro-joints will be made during automatic machining and will be configurable via the following window: Main module/Management/Machines/Machine/Grid Placement will be made as per following options: • No (Do not place) • Part has no support on grid (they are only placed on parts without grid anchorage) • Part may finish partially overturned • Both If you select either option allowing micro-joint placement you can configure the same clicking the adjacent button: 82 .WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Main module / Machines / Configure… / System / Common cutting parameters / Islands / Cut all islands first Whereas if you have the other two island options configured these treatments will not be considered.2. For this.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Manually  From the nesting module you can place automatic micro-joints manually for all sheet parts as per configuration chosen. select the option Nesting and machining module/ Machining/ View/ Verify unstable contours     83 . WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   New options appear in this window: Apply microjoints to unstable machined contours. If you select this option. This option allows visualization of part situation as to whether it may fall. the following options appear:   Where the image represents the shape in which the part is going to be scratched taking into account the color to be used is the same as that for special visualization. the following window appears to configure the values thereof:   Visualize parts with unstable contours. 84 . On selecting it. This option applies the microjoint to parts which fall or may fall off the grid. If the priority direction of automatic nesting has been configured as vertical.Cfg’ file. 3. it will not appear when applying this option as it would be useless (you would not see the scratching).9 Visualization of maximum nested contour via a line  When visualizing a sheet from the nested module. the system will represent contour X achieved so far. Should the parts be moved on the sheet. Below is an example of the effects on nesting:   Where part situation on grid is clearly seen. so if you wish to change color you must change the straight line color. this option must be re-selected to update scratch type. the system automatically shows a line representing the maximum nested contour to date. If horizontal was configured the Y contour will be shown. Should you not wish to visualize this.2. The line is painted in the same color assigned to the straight lines. and on changing the sheet will no longer be visualized. 85 . this is a temporary option.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Although special visualization is selected. indicate it by modifying parameter ‘V090’ of ‘LantekPr. Finally. 10 New multipart modules in automatic.   86 . the system will look for another part whose area is similar to the gap.  Detection of multipart modules has improved.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   3. From now on a module of two where the parts form a gap between them.2. Should a part exist with a similar area but cannot enter due to shape or gap is a little smaller. the system will modify the module just so the gap is big enough for the part to fit. By default the parameter takes the same value it had in the original file for each machine.11 Automatic rotation of parts on dragging. It only checks with parts nested in the same X or Y. 87 . Now the system automatically detects if there is collision on rotating and if so.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Main module / Management / Machines / System / Automatic nesting / General / Optimisation level / Advanced module Nesting module / Configuration options / Configure: System / Automatic nesting / General / Optimisation level / Advanced module 3. when right mouse button is held down and part is dragged.txt’ file. the option will be disabled. This automatic detection functions when rotating using the keys ‘Ctrl+Q’ or ‘Ctrl+W’ and clicking the left mouse button.2. Should the file not exist. it had to be rotated first and then dragged to detect collisions. 3. Moreover.12 Configuration of parameter to maximum gaps per window.  Until now when dragging a part in automatic and it needed rotation to fit in a gap.2. As a result of this improvement the ‘NestAvan.  The possibility of configuring the option to maximize gaps from the automatic nesting optimization level window has been added. just press ‘Ctrl’. This parameter rotates the parts introduced automatically to check whether the gap left with those next to them is greater than the normal position. Now it is configured from CT (B586) or files with nesting optimization levels (A016). If at any time there is the same behavior as until now when rotating the part with the right mouse button. it will look for a closer point without collision.txt’ file will no longer be used. This parameter can be configured from the ‘NestAvan. the system automatically looks for better rotation for each position so it is easier to fit a part in a gap. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Main module / Management / Machines / System / Automatic nesting / General / Optimization level / Rotate parts to maximise holes between them Nesting module / Configuration options / Configure System / Automatic nesting / General / Optimisation level / Rotate parts to maximise holes between them 3.2.13 Save the position of the auxiliary technology elements creating remnants.  A new option has been included enabling consideration of auxiliary elements when creating remnants, i.e. the positions of Lead-in/Lead-outs, Micro-Joints, loops and bridges are taken into account. It can be configured in the following window: Main module /Manage / Machines / Configure… / System / Remnant data Nesting module / Home / Remnants   88 WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   The following options exist: Generate remnants without considering auxiliary geometry. Generating remnants considering auxiliary geometry. This option is configurable so it creates a contour on auxiliary rectangular geometry so that: - 0: the base has a value 10 times linear tolerance. - Cutter diameter: the base has this value. Furthermore, the Lead-in/Lead-outs and Micro-Joints elements will be taking startup into account and a circular contour will be created on this point which will be the startup radius provided it is higher than the cutter radius. Otherwise a diameter arc will be created based on the rectangular contour mentioned. Once this contour has been calculated it will be joined to the part, which has this so a single contour is the result. This will be done identical to a part when calculating the remnant. All this can be seen well in the following example: Example with a base identical to the cutter diameter: 89 WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Example with a base 10 times the linear tolerance.     Examples of remnants generated with this option, in this case configuring the rectangular base identical to the cutter diameter:       90 WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Below are some further examples with other auxiliary elements:                       3. and enables cut stop time calculation considering the values given in the technological tables. such as: Final time (cutting) or Abrasive cancellation time. Main module / Machines / Configure… / System / Time calculation / Cutting parameters / General / Cancellation time 3.14 Cut stop time calculation depends on technology tables  A new parameter has been added to define whether the cut stop time is calculated considering a fixed value or those values given in the technology tables.2. we will apply special bridges between the parts. This parameter is only valid for water machines. In order to performe this action.2. so that the last cut for a group of parts will be a vertical cut. 91 . that is a nesting by columns for parts sharing the same length and. the external contours for those parts is going to be cut with only one piercing.15 Chain cut  The Automatic Nesting is capable to make an optimized nesting for the chain cutting. this is making the sheet not to be moved in X axis when the cut is finished. 92 . This kind of machining is interesting for those machines which are moving the table in X axis and the cutting head in Y axis. in order to avoid a sheet movement when the parts have been cutted and they have not been evacuated yet.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 It is possible to apply the machining on a group of parts with only one piercing. it is possible to configure the bridge type and its thickness. it might be interesting to configure different types. For example. for parts which distance is twice the cutting diameter. the most suitable part type is the first one. depending on the distance between them. 93 . because it is the closest distance parts can be placed for cutting them. The part type allow the user to specify what type of part is going to be nested using this method.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Main module / Management / Machines / System / Automatic nesting / Avanced / Rectangular mode is allowed / Type / Optimize for chain cut Nesting and machine module / Configuration options / Configure System / Automatic nesting / Avanced / Rectangular mode is allowed / Type / Optimize for chain cut The user can configure the minimum column height respecting of the sheet for this kind of nesting. this is making there won’t be holes (islands) between parts. An interesting distance could be twice the cutting diameter. Finally. It is possible to set as well the Y distance between parts in a column. if the distance is set twice the cutting diameter. the best thickness for the bridges could be twice the cutting radius. Main menu  / Machines / Configure…  / System / Automatic machining / Cut / Sheets / Zone  where cut the contours  94 .16 Machining for contours out of the Work Zone in the direction of repositions  For cutting machines with work zone. If parts the parts have Common cut. In this case. cut contours partially in the zone will be cut starting on the closest X position respecting of the workzone and. only the parts with long contours or those which are not fitting the work zone. whenever the Cutting contours are “separated” due to they are out of the work zone (Cut Contours Partially in the Zone). they will be cut following the reposition direction.2. It’s possible to configure the parts we want to cut with this kind of method. now it is possible to define the cutting direction for those contours in “reposition direction”.También se puede especificar la zona de la pieza en la que va a empezar a mecanizar estos contornos (Zona superior o inferior). the common cut contours will be cut following the previous criterion. Main menu / Machines / Configure… / System / Automatic machining / Cut / Sheets / Cut contours in the direction of the repositions   The user can specify as well the part zone where those contours are going to be cut at the beginning.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 3. In order to get this behaviour the “Partial contour” will be cut in two more different stages for getting the cutting on the reposition direction. When this happens. This option is configurable both generally and specifically per part.1 Automatic detection for treatment of overhanging punching    When working with punching machines and there are One-touch Figures on the exterior.3 PUNCHING 3. 95 . the machinings of these elements may overhang the limits marked by the technology used to make the external segments of the part. On the entering the nesting module.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 3. inform the system whether you wish to treat the overhanging punchings. In this version a new function has been developed to avoid manual detection.3. the system analyses whether the part currently being process requires treatment of overhanging punchings. Main module / Machines / Configure… / System / Automatic machining / Cut / Marking sequence / Punch by parts. and perform the configured action (Put bench marks. 3. therefore you have to configure how to place the pre-punching or cycles with lead-ins in automatic. it would detect whether a pre-punching would be punching another part. The pre-punching or cycles with lead-ins to be tested are those which the system will be place in automatic.…).3 Pre‐punchings or cycles with lead‐ins on testing overlapping in automatic Lead‐ in/Lead‐outs  If configured so that on placing automatic Lead-in/Lead-outs the overlapping is tested.4 Punching by parts in cut‐punching machines  In cut-punching machinings. i. the machining verification option can now also detect possible overlapping of the pre-punching on lead-ins with other parts. Punching execution order on a part will be defined by the user in: Main module / Machines / Configure… / System / Automatic machining / Sheet punching / Machining order This parameter also affects the execution order of punchings on lead-ins. this testing will now take into account whether a pre-punching or a lead-in cycle will be placed on this Leadin/Lead-outs to find out whether this Lead-in/Lead-outs is overlapped.e.e.3. machining order can be defined so all the punching of a part is done prior to cutting the next.3.3. Main module / Manage / Machines / Configure… / System / Technology / Automatic Leadin/Lead-outs values / Overlapping testing Main module / Manage / Machines / Configure… / System / Automatic Machining / Cut / Sheets / Punching on lead-ins Main module / Manage / Machines / Configure… / System /Automatic Machining / Automatic cycles on lead-ins / Work in automatic mode 3. change quality.2 Overlapping of pre‐punching in machining verification  In cut-punch machines. A part can be completely machined prior to the rest. performed per part prior to machining the rest of the parts and before cutting the part which punchings on lead-ins belong to. change position.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 3. 96 . i. See following examples: Main module / Manage/ Turrets / < Manipulate…>    1. a filter has been created for these stations so only the loadable multitools are shown in each case. Filter for showing multitools only not autoindex.3.  97 . Therefore. The filter applied will depend on that indicated in the “Autoindex” parameter. Autoindex multitools can only be loaded on multi-index stations.5 Filter for multitool station which can be loaded  When we have multi-index stations 2 multitools are created: an autoindex and non-autoindex.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 3. Filter for showing only autoindex multitools.  98 .WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011     2. selecting ‘View all’ in the Multitool available window. 99 .WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011     In any event. autoindex or otherwise can be viewed. all the available multitools. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Main module / Manage / Turrets / Active turret   Main module / Manage / Turrets / Standard turret 100 . there will always be an option to visualise all multitools available.   In any event.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Filter applied on loading multitools will depend on selected station and “Autoindex” check status in each previous window. autoindex or not. For this select ‘View all’ in Multitools window. 101 . print all subjob sheets.1 Print list of selected sheets  A new option has been added in the nesting/machining module enabling printing of selected sheets of a subjob. 102 . However. From the main module select the print tab under the machine configuration window.4 LISTS 3. so the selection window does not appear whenever sheets are printed. select one of the sheet printing options and unselect the option ‘Request sheet printing’. print all work sheets. you always wish the selection window to appear.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 3. where you can select a list of sheets of the current subjob to print. Nesting/machining module / Print / Print Nesting/machining module / Customize Quick accesses / Print One option can be defined by default. a window appears with options: ‘print current sheet. On selecting printing option.4. and the new option ‘Select sheets’. select the option ‘Request sheet printing’. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Main module / Configuration options / Configure: Draw and Nest / Print   103 . 1 GENERAL   The option ‘maximum length for small elements’ is modified to provide a more complete solution. Once these values have been configured. To use this new function. 104 . Delete all small elements. Possible actions: 1. 4. 3. 2. you may select the action you wish to perform on them. Do nothing. Delete only small elements on the exterior contours.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 4 IMPORTERS / EXPORTERS 4. enabling detection of small elements and deciding the action to be performed automatically. Delete only small elements on the interior contours. indicate the maximum length and radius so the system can consider the analysed imported elements as small elements. 2 DSTV IMPORTER 4. The option for putting points on small elements is used to indicate the system could not perform any action on said small elements. the system will lengthen the remaining geometry so no open contours are left after deletion of detected small element(s).1 Configuration parameters to import drills. Main module / Import / DSTV / Configure / Others   When this parameter checkbox is selected. which before could only be configured via a file. These modifications are applicable to all system importers and all application importers.  A new parameter is added to the DSTV importer configuration to allow drill configuration enablement. 105 . In this new window we find the other configuration parameters. 4.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 If the action performed is deletion in any of its variations. a button is enabled to access the drill configuration window.2. 4. Options are: No. Yes and warn should it not exist. Options are: No. The window has the following aspect prior to change: 106 . • Finally. definition of maximum thickness is allowed for punching and drilling holes. • Test existence of reaming tools. Always. No-through holes are ones which do not go through the material to other side. • Warn when a tool does not exist. Yes.3. Options are: Never. Test whether there was a through hole prior.3 IMPORT PARAMETRIC PARTS 4.1 Improve visualization for parametric parts window  The corresponding window has been modified to import a parametric figure to the current work order. Yes. • Prioritize punching over drilling. Yes and warn should it not exist • Make no-through holes with reaming tools.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   The configurable parameters are: • Test existence of drilling tools. therefore. contours cannot be correctly appreciated. The number of images per screen is reduced to display as shown in the following image: 107 .WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   Images get reduced as per the space assigned to each. WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   The color of the images is a little inappropriate so a new color combination has been agreed. 108 . 1 Installation    109 .WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011   The icon to access this list has been modified in the same way as the color combination for the images.4. likewise the icon for importing parametric geometry parts.4 NEW APPLICATION IMPORTER 4. 4. Once the MAZAK importers group has been selected.4.WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011 Main module / Import / Install importers Under the initial tab of the main module.2  Configuration files of new application importer.  110 .    The configuration files of new application importer are:  ImpMaz03.   4. double click element on list of available importers or user the dialogue window button.CF1  Æ Saves general configuration performed in the system for this application  importer. To install importer. select install importers option from import group so the system will show dialogue window to install importers. importers available for the same will be shown in said window.  M Value for cutting off                                                                       . G Value for Marking on                                                                      .    111 .  B004 23            . Delete leadin/out (0:NO.  B001 88            .  B002 31            .  #‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐#  # SPECIFIC PARAMETERS FOR APPLICATION IMPORTER "IMPMAZ03"                  #  #‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐#  B000 1              .  B003 64            . M Value for Marking off                                                                     .WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2011     ImpMaz03. 1:YES)                                                        .PS1  Æ Used to configure new application importer behaviour. G Value for cutting on                                                                         .


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