
June 29, 2018 | Author: ashishkesharwani | Category: Atoms, Steel, Building Engineering, Metallic Elements, Industries
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Disclosure to Promote the Right To InformationWhereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. !"#$%&# '(%) “!"# $ %& #' (")* &" +#,-.” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “/0)"1 &2 324 #' 5 *)6” Jawaharlal Nehru “Step Out From the Old to the New” “7"#1 &" 8+9&"), 7:1 &" 8+9&")” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “!"# %& ;<" =7"#" > 72 &(: ?0)"@" #AB 7" <&*" A*” Bhart+hari—N,ti-atakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 4843 (1968): Code for designation of ferrous castings [MTD 14: Foundry] ( Reaffirmed 2003 ) IS : 4843 - lita Indian Standard CODE FOR DESIGNATION OF FERROUS CASTINGS Metal Standards Sectional Committee, SMDC 1 Chairman Representing SHRI R.G. BHATAWADEKAR The Binani Metal Works Ltd, Calcutta Members Da U. ?i. BHRAX~ SRRI K. H. SHARXA ( Altcmete ) The Indian Iron & Steel Co Ltd, Burnpur SHRI B. N. DAS National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR ), Dn B1 R. DEORIS H’n&%?!z; Ltd Ranchi 1 , SHRI K. C. SOM ( Alternate j DIRECTOR ( M & C ) RDSO, Ministry of Railways LTXKNOW PHonric-Tros ENOINEER EASTERN RAILWAY, J.k- nshLrCn ( rfltcrnelc I j ASSI~TAXT DIRECTOR ( M. S. ), RDSO, LTCKNO~ ( AlUrnate II ) SHRI N. KRISHNASWAT+~I Direc;~tot~l~,eneral of Technical Development, j SHRI D. P. LAHIRI Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Ministry SHRI A. KAILAEA~~ ( Alternate ) of Defencc ( R & D ) SHRI S. K. LAHIRI Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals ( Inspec- tion Wing j Ministry of Works, Housing & SHRI P. G. V.,Rao (Alternate j SUPPlY ) SHRI K. P. K. MENON SHRI AXIL MITRA Ministry of Defcnce ( DGI ) Indian Institute of Foundrymen, Calcutta SHRI K. SRIXIVASAN ( Alternate ) SKISI P. MITRA Sam S. N. M~~F.R.IEE Indian Tune Co Ltd, Jamshedpur National Test House, Calcutta SERI B. K. MV~~TRY Indian Aluminium Co Ltd, Calcutta SARI Tz. GOPALKRISHSAN ( Alternate ) DR S. R. PRAXANIIZ SHRI K. iX;. P. RAO Ministry of Steel, Mines & Metals Snnr K.P.RoY CKOWDFKTRY The Tata Iron & Steel Co Ltd, Jamshedpur Indian Non-Ferrous Metals Manufacturers’ Associa- Snnr R. K. SRIVASTAVA, tion, Calcutta Deputy Director ( Strut L Met j Director General, IS1 ( Ex-o&o Member j Suretary SHRI SAXT SIXGH Senior Technical Assistant ( Strut Br Met ), IS1 ( Continued on page 2 ) INDIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARC NEW DELHI 110002 Conmm- Reprcsenring DE~~CTY DIRECTOR ( him-2) Ministry of Railways RDSO, &Wf’TARAN.TA~ Burn & Co Lid, Howrah The Britannia Engineering Co Ltd, Titaghur Indian Iron & Steel Ltd, Kulti Hindustan Motors Ltd, District Hooghly ISi4843-1968 Panel for Code for Designation of Ferrous Castings, SMDC 1 : P11 hhbm SHRI S. K. DAY REPREBENTATIVE REPRESENTATIVE Sarrr N. K. Snvar.~ 2 hdian Standard CODE FOR DESIGNATION FERROUS CASTINGS IS i 4343 - 1968 OF 0. FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 8 October 1968, after the draft finalized by the Metal Standards Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structural and Metals Division Council. 0.2 A code for designation of ferrous castings will be an important step towards identification, uniform marking of products and drawings. Such a standard designation would greatly help the manufacturers and the users of the products concerned. 0.3 This standard has been co-ordinated with the following codes for designation, so that certain measure of uniformity is achieved in the designations: *IS : 1762-196 1 Code for designation of steel +1 S : 2084- 1962 Code for designation of pig iron IS : 2085-1962 Code for designation of ferro-alloys 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard lays down the principles for code designation of ferrous castings. 2. GENERAL 2.1 Ferrous castings shall be designated by a group of symbols indicating the important characteristics in the followmg order: a) Type of castings, and b) Mechanical properties or chemical composition. *Since revised. 3 -- 3 3. SYMBOLS FOR TYPE OF CASTINt3S 3.1 Various castings shall have code.d&gnations as given below: 4 W , Cl d) e> f 1 g> h) 3 ‘9 Ferrous Castings Grey iron Mdtabk iron c 1) Black-heart 2) Pearlitic 3) White-heart Spheroidal or nodular graphite iron Austenitic flake graphite iron Austenitic spheroidal or nodular graphite iron Abrasion resistant iron Steel castings I-Ieat-resistant steel castings Corrosion-resistant steel castings Lhignation FG BM PM WM SG AFG ASG AaR CS CSH CSC 4. SYMBOL FOR MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 4.1 The tensile strength in kgf/mms to follow the group symbol shall be the minimum for the 30&m section in case of grey iron castings and the minimum for the heaviest section in casr of various other castings. Where the minimum tensile strength requiremerlt does not vary with the sectional thickness within the same grade, the group symbol shall be followed by the minimum tensile strength indicated for the grade. In the case of spheroidal or nodular graphite iron castings, the tensile strength shall be followed by the minimum elongation on gauge length 5*651/&j. 5. SYMBOL FOR CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 5.1 In the case of grey iron castings where chemical composition is more 11 important than the tensile properties and for alloy iron and alloy steel ;’ castings, the group symbol shall be followed by the chemical symbol in accordance with IS : 1762-1961*. *Code for designation of ~tccl. _( Since revised ) . 4 6. EXAMPLES ISr4w3-1968 6.1 In order to illustrate, examples of code designations in accordance with this standard are given below: a) Grey Iron Castings 1) General Engine&g Castings SECTIONAL THICKNESS Dxy..;o?.s~ TENSILE OF CASTINGS STRENGTH mm mm kgf@m’ Mire DESIGNATION 4upto 8 13 19 Over8upto15 20 17 Over 15upto30 z! 15 Over 30 to 50 up 13 15 up to ,30 over 30 up to 50 30 45 40 37 1 FG 15 FG40. 2) S$ccial Grq I ron Castings Where Chemical Comfio$ion L More I mportant, Such as I ngot Mould Castings CHEMICAL COMPOS~ION DEG~T;NATKON * c -- Element Percent Carbon equivalent 4.0 to 5-l 7 Tdt: 2::: $1: ) , 3.5 I Silicon l-20 to 1.80 1 Manganese O-60 to o-90 ) FG35Si 15 Chromium, Max o-15 , : Copper, MUX 0.10 Sulphur, Max o-080 Phosphorus, Max o-400 J . b) Malleable Iron Castings 1) Bluck-Heart Malleable I ron Castings SECTIONAL THICIC- DIAMETEROF TEST TENSILE DESIGNATION NESS OF CASTI NGS BARASCAST STRENGTH mm mm kgf:mm* Min All sizes :: :; BM 35 All sizes BM 32 All sizes 15 30 .- BM 30 5 IS:484301968 2) Pearlitic MalLsab2e I ron Castings SECTIONAL THICKNESS DIAMETER OF TEST OF CASTINGS BAR AS CAST mm mm _ A!1 sizes 15 All sizes 15 All sizes 15 All sizes 15 All sizes 15 _ 3) Whit++Heart Malleable I ron Castings SECTIONAL THICKNESS DIAMETER OF TEST _ O.F&9I-IIVGS BAR AS C&T mm mm 8 and under Over8up@ 13 Over 13 8 and under Over8upto 13 Over 13 c) Spheroida or ‘I&s;L~ &&.NGTH kgf’/mma Min 80 70 60 50 42 38 1; 15 9 * 12 15 TENSILE STRENGTH kgfjmm* Min DESIGNATION 70 PM 70 65 PM 65 55 PM 55 50 PM 50 45 PM 45 TENSILE STRENGTH - , kgt;imm* iMi72 DESIGNATION 36-l 40 F 42J 28 32 35 WM 42 WM 35 Nodular Graphite Iron Castings ELONGATION, PERCENT Min on Gauge Length 10 = 5d 2 2 2 7 12 17 6 DESIGNATION SG 8012 SG 7012 SG 6012 SG 50/7 SG 42/12 SO 38/17 IS:4843-1968 d) Austenitic Flake Graphite iron Castings th3UZCAL thWMZ’ION DESIGNATION ~_--_-~--_-----L~ Elemrnt Pt??iZYlt Carbon, MUX 3.00 Silicon 1.00 to 2.80 : Manganese 190 to 1.50 Nickel 13.5 to 17.5 I AFG Ni 16 Cu 7 Cr 2 Ccwer 5-50 to 7.50 Chromium 130 to 2.50 1 J e) Austenitic Spheroidal or Nodular Graphite Iron Castings CHEMICAL &aPOSITION DESIGNATION --- L \ Ekmcnt Percent carbon, MUX 390 Silicon 190 to 2.80 1 Manganese Nickel Chromium Phosphorus, Max . O-70 to l-50 18-O to 22-O ASG Ni 20 Cr 2 1.00 to 2.50 0.080 f) Ala-don-lt~istaatxrollcartinga CHEMK4L(hlPOSlTION DESIONATI~N v Ekmeni Percent ’ Total carbon Graphite carbon, Max Ev6 ’ * Silicon @3 to 0.8 Manganese 0.3 to 0.8 Nickel 3-3 to 5.0 i ABR33Ni4Cr2 Chromium 1+ ~2-5 Molybdenum, Max @75 I Sulphur, Max 015 Phosphorus, Max 090 EC> -elc-wP 1 1) Unallopd (General Engineering) Steel Caslings TENSILE STRENGTH DJSIGXUTIOXU kgf/mms Min 125 105 zz: ISr4843-1968 E cs cs 85 71 55 cs 55 47 cs 47 41 cs 41 2) Unaltoyed Special ( High Magnetic Permeability ) Castings TENSILE STRENGTH DESIGNATION kgf/mm8 35 to 44 CSM 35 41 to 50 CSM 41 3) Alloy Steel Castings CHEMICAL COMPOSM’ION r -- Element Percent Carbon 0.45 to 0.551 Silicon 0.10 to o-35 1 Manganese 0.50 to 0.80 ) Chromium 090 to l-20 1 Vanadium, Min 0.15 J h) Heat-Resistant Steel Castings CHEMICAL COMPOSITION r --h--_------\ Element Percent Carbon 1.20 to.1*40] Silicon, Max 290 Manganese, Max 1.00 I Chromium 26.0 to 30.0 k Nickel 4.0 to 7.0 / Sulphur, Max 0.050 Phosphorus, Max 0.050 i j) Corrosion-Resistant Steel Castings CHEMICAL COMPOSITION f Y-h-- -I Element Percent Carbon Silicon, Max Manganese, Max Nickel, Max Chromium Molybdenum, Max 8 DESIGNATION CS 50 Cr 1 V 20 - DESIGNATION CSH 130Ni6Cr28 DESIGNATION CSC 16 Cr 13


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