is 5749

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इंटरनेटमानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 5749 (1970): Specification for Forged Ramshorn Hooks [MED 14: Mechanical Engineering] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” . IS : 5749 . 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 Gr 3 ZAFAR MAHG January 1971 .86.1970 ( Reaffirmed 2008 ) Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR FORGED RAMSHORN HOOKS ( First Reprint JUNE 1989 ) UDC 621.2 © Copyright 1971 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN.061.1:621.885. I n d i a . 1 .1970 SPECIFICATION FOR FORGED RAMSHORN HOOKS Corrigendum '0.02 (Page 4 . c l a u s e 4 . l i n e 4 ) p e r c e n t ' . Substitute (MCPD) Reprography U n i t. 2 0 p e r c e n t ' . New D e l h i . 1 DECEMBER 1978 TO IS : 5749 .for ' 0 . BIS.AMENDMENT NO. V M A L I Ministry of Defence ( D G I ) S H R I P. P R A D H AN SHRI B J RAMRAKHIANI D i r e c t o r a t e G e n e r a l of F a c t o r y Advice Service MAJ and L a b o u r Institutes ( Ministry of L a b o u r . C a l c u t t a S H R I L . E m p l o y m e n t & R e h a b i l i t a t i o n ). Calcutta SHRI B L CHITLANGIA S H R I G. S. Bombay Ashok Steel C h a i n M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o . K A S T R U R I M i n i s t r y of S h i p p i n g & T r a n s p o r t (Transport Wing) S H R I S R A G H A V A N ( Alternate ) SHRI KULDIP CHAND SHRI C S D i r e c t o r a t e G e n e r a l of Supplies & Delhi Disposals New R A O ( Alternate) T. B o m b a y SHRI K H KALE S H R I C K. J A I N W H Brady & Co L t d . Madras SHRI P RAJAGOPAL M E N O N S H R I P .IS : 5749 . S KAPOOR I n d i a n M i n i n g Association. B o m b a y SHRI V A OZA S H R I F M F E R N A N D I Z ( Alternate ) Tak Machinery Ltd. R A D H A K R I S H N A N ( Alternate ) SHRI P. ( LOCO ) STANDARDS Research. M N I T Y A N A N D A N ( Alternate ) S H R I P K. SINHA Members Indian Cham Manufacturing Co. EDC 49 Representing Chairman C e n t r a l M i n i n g Research S t a t i o n ( C S I R ) . D h a n b a d DR K. N E V A T I A I n d i a n Link C h a i n M a n u f a c t u r e r s L t d . C a l c u t t a SHRI K GANAPATTY H i n d u s t a n Steel L t d S H R I G C. 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 ZAFAR MARG . Designs a n d S t a n d a r d s ( Ministry of Railways ). Bombay S H R I S. N. N. G.1970 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR FORGED RAMSHORN HOOKS Lifting Chains and Associated Fittings and Components Sectional Committee. K K N A I R ( Alternate ) Gears India. A G A R W A L ( Alternate ) D E P U T Y DIRECTOR ( MET-II ) Research. L u c k n o w Organization ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ( W E L D - ING ) ( Alternate ) Jossop & Co L t d . C h i t t a r a n j a n A S S I S T A N T D I R E C T O R ( WELDING ) ( Alternate ) DEPUTY DIRECTOR. B o m b a y SHRI H. Designs and S t a n d a r d s O r g a n i z a t i o n ( M i n i s t ry of R a i l w a y s ). J A G T I A N I ( Alternate) ( Continued on page 2 ) BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN. F L A C K ( Alternate) SHRI S. (Alternate) R CHATTERJEE PAIANKAR. R a n c h i SHRI I C SHARMA (Alternate) SHRI G V CHELIAM Ministry of S h i p p i n g & T r a n s p o rt Indian Chain Manufacturing C o .1970 ( Continued from page 1 ) Members SHRI H A SHRI P . Calcutta Heavv Engineering C o r p o r a t i o n L t d . Bombay JAGTIANI Members SHRI A SHRI BANERJEE PREM C H O N A I n d i a I orge & D r o p S t a m p i n g s L t d . I S I ( Ex-officio Member ) Director ( M e c h E n g g ) Secretary SHRI M G. M a d r a s ( Alternate ) SHRI S K BASU H i n d u s t a n Steel 1 Ltd. ISI Hooks and Ancillaries S u b c o m m i t t e e .IS : 5749 . C a l c u t t a RAMSDAIE CHATTERJEE (Alternate) M i n i n g a n d Allied Durgapur ROY CHOWDHURY SHRI SHRI K C S. R a n c h i The C o m m i s s i o n e r s for t h e Port of Callcutta.EDC4 9 : 3 Convener SHRI H N D i r e c t o r a t e G e n e r a l o f F a c t o r y A d v i c e Service a n d L a b o u r Institutes ( Ministry of L a b o u r . CHATTERJEE ( Transport Wing ) Calcutta M a z a g o n Dock L t d . B o m b a y Research. SHRI B L ??? SHRI G S A G A R W A L ( Alternate ) SHRI A DEPUTY M COOPER DIRECTOR. Designs and Standards Organization ( M i n i s t r y of Railwavs ). The Commissioners Calcutta for the Port of Calcutta. C a l c u t t a T h e Indian Standard Wagon Co Ltd. E m p l o y m e n t & R e h a b i l i t a t i o n ). SHRI N P Representing G e o M i l l er & Co Private L t d . SHRI M V Machinery Corporation Ltd. STANDARDS (LOCO) S H R I K K DEV SHRI T C GHOSAL S H R I S P G H O S H (Alternate) SHRI B MISRA SHRI K C SADHIKHAN SHRI B R. KRISHNA RAO Deputy Director ( M e c h E n g g ). C a l c u t t a ( Alternate ) 2 . (Alternate) D i r e c t o r G e n e r a l . N B A N E R J E E SADHUKHAN SHRI B . L u c k n o w Jessop & Co L t d . 0.3 T h e information to be supplied with enquiry and order is given in Appendix A.4 T h e ramshorn hooks must be truly balanced if they are to rotate freely under load. it is desirable to m o u n t the thrust bearing on a spherical seating ( see Appendix B ). 0. 0. considerable assistance has been derived from: Entwurf D I N 15402 Blatt 1 Lasthaken fur Hebezeuge : Doppelhaken : Rohlinge. ( Load hooks for hoisting machinery : Clove hooks : Blanks).2 T h e ramshorn hooks covered by this standard are intended for crane loads above the range of point hooks and ' C ' hooks covered in the earlier standards. T h e use of ramshorn hooks and triangular lifting eyes for loads of 40 tonnes and over is recommended in IS : 3 1 7 7 . Deutscher Normenausschuss.5 T h e recommendations for the use of ramshorn hooks are given in Appendix D. ( Load hooks for hoisting machinery : Clove hooks: Finished parts ).6 In the preparation of this standard. after the draft finalized by the Lifting Chains a n d Associated Fittings a n d Components Sectional Committee had been approved by the Mechanical Engineering Division Council. British Standards Institution.1 9 6 5 * . 3 . 0. 1960.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 29 May 1970.IS : 5749 . FOREWORD 0.1970 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR FORGED RAMSHORN HOOKS 0. Entwurf D I N 15402 Blatt 2 Lasthaken fur Hebezeuge : Doppelhaken : Fertigteile. Deutscher Normenausschuss. *Code of practice for design of overhead (ravelling cranes and gantry cranes other than steel work cranes. To ensure this. 1960. 0. BS 3017 : 1958 Mild steel forged ramshorn hooks. These ramshorn hooks are designed for included sling angles of 90°. 2. TERMINOLOGY 2. such as heat treatment and polishing.Any treatment of the hook subsequent to forging.1 C o m p e t e n t P e r s o n — A person who is approved and declared as such or recognized by the relevant statutory authority. Any type of steel which meets these requirements a n d when suitably heat treated meets the specific requirements with regard to the mechanical properties may be used. 3. RATING 3. 4 . T h e number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.1 This standard covers forged ramshorn hooks having a range of safe working loads from 40 to 250 tonnes and designed for included angles between 0° and 90°.7 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with. the following definitions shall apply. expressing the result of a test or analysis.1970 0. Steels conforming to Grade 2 of IS : 1875-1966† or IS : 3261 .1 T h e ramshorn hooks shall be rated according to the safe working load given in Table 1. MATERIAL 4.IS : 5749 . It shall contain not less than 0 20 percent of aluminium.1 T h e steel used for the manufacture of swivel assembly shall be m a d e by open hearth.3 P r o c e s s i n g . shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2 . ‡Specification for carbon steel forgings for shipbuilding industry. 2. 1. 4.0 For the purpose of this standard. *Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ) †Specification for carbon steel billets. SCOPE 1. 2.5 R a t i n g — The maximum safe working load which the ramshorn hook shall withstand. having a tensile strength of at least 42 kgf mm 2 .045 percent respectively. 2.4 P r o o f Load — The load to which a ramshorn hook shall be subjected in the finished condition. observed or calculated. blooms and slabs for forgings ( revised ). Sulphur and phosphorus shall not exceed 0.1960*.1966‡ meet these requirements and are considered suitable. electric or by other oxygen-blown process.050 and 0. the final value. 2. and shall be fully killed. 2.2 I n s p e c t o r — T h e representative of the purchaser. 1. 5. a 2 . H E A T T R E A T M E N T 7.2 T o l e r a n c e s on D i m e n s i o n s — T h e tolerances on dimensions a 1 .1970 5. b 2 . †ISO metric screw threads ( issued in 6 parts ). T h e shank shall be wholly forged and the remainder wholly forged and machined Machine gas-cutting may be used after rough forging of shape provided an adequate excess of material is left for removal of surface defects by machining. It the shank and the nut which secure it are drilled for fixing of a retaining pin. d 1 and h shall be in accordance with Table 1.1 9 6 9 *. 5. W O R K M A N S H I P A N D FINISH 6.1 All the ramshorn hooks shall. before testing. be normalized by heating uniformly in a furnace until the whole of the material has attained a temperature between 880°C and 9 1 0 ° C .1967† or round or knuckle threads. *Allowable deviations for dimensions without specified tolerances ( first revision ). there shall remain a continuous length of shank engaged by the nut on the load side at least equal to m. T h e forged dimensions for which no tolerance has been specified in the table shall be not less than the values given in the table and shall not exceed these by more than + 8 percent. 5 .1 Machining tolerances shall be in accordance with medium class of IS : 2 1 0 2 . It shall then be withdrawn from the furnace and allowed to cool in still air. 7. b 1 .1 T h e form and dimensions of ramshorn hooks shall be in accordance with Table 1. F O R M A N D D I M E N S I O N S 5. T h e length of the screwed portion shall be not less than the dimension m. 6. the sectional area of the body as forged shall not exceed one fourth of the mean sectional area of the original ingot used.3 Screw T h r e a d s — Screw threads shall be either I S O metric screw threads conforming to IS 4218 .1 Billets or blooms to bo made into ramshorn hooks shall be gradually a d uniformly worked from ingots from which at least five percent of the total weight has been removed from the bottom end and 25 percent from the top end When finished. All the surfaces shall be smoothly finished. 5.1 The rainshorn hooks shall be free from delects and shall be cleanly forged in such a m a n n e r that the macroscopic flow line of the hooks follow the body outline.2.IS : 5749 . 6. 1970 . 5 2.1) RATING. tonnes 50 5 125± 4 160 ± 100 63 140 ± 4 180 ± 5 120 80 160 ± 5 200 ± 6 145 100 7 180 ± 5 224 ± 170 125 200 ± 6 250 ± 8 215 160 224± 7 280 ± 9 266 200 N O T F — Undercut according to IS . 1369.1. P) 3 140 ± 4 70 Proof load P. tonnes (0. TABLE 1 250 ± 8 315 ± 1 0 333 250 IS : 5749 .All dimensions in millimetres.1 and 10. (Clauses 3. 5 1. 8.1961 ' Dimensions of screw thread run outs and undercuts'. PROOF LOAD AND DIMENSIONS FOR RAMSHORN HOOKS 6 100± a2 112± 3 125 ± 4 a1 (28.6a1) 85 40 Rating W. †A different length may be specified subject to agreement between the supplier and the purchaser. 896 790 705 645 572 510 l2† 0 265 + 27 207 236 + 24 188 l1 190 + 19 212 + 21 0 0 170 + 17 0 150 + 15 0 132 + 13 0 h ( 1.06 a1 1 060 670 600 0 950 850 M180 × 6 Ml60 × 6 M140 × 6 530 750 M110 × 6 M125 × 6 f ( 4 25 al ) ) M90 × 6 M100 × 6 d2* 180 160 140 125 110 100 90 212 ± 11 9 190 ± 10 170 ± 150 ± 8 7 132 ± 118± 6 d2 (0.18 a1 ) r3 (1.18 a1 ) 300 25 32 160 *Equivalent knuckle or round threads are permissible. Min r1 (0.125 a1 ) r2 (1.71 a1) 5 106 ± d1 ( 0 85 a1 ) 225 200 335 28 36 180 1 130 405 300 + 30 0 1 180 375 32 40 200 1 260 455 335 + 34 0 1 320 M200 × 6 M225 × 6 265 ± 13 106 + 11 0 265 + 28 0 2 3 6 ± 12 95 +10 0 212 + 22 23b + 25 0 0 85+9 0 190 + 20 0 75+8 0 67+7 0 60 + 6 0 53+6 0 5 0 46+ 43+5 0 b2 ( 0335 a1 ) 1 7 0 + 18 0 150 + 16 0 1 3 2 + 14 0 1 1 8 + 12 0 106 + 11 0 b1 ( 0 85 a1 ) IS : 5749 .1970 .~J 357 1 005 325 282 260 234 140 28 22 265 125 25 20 236 112 22 18 212 100 20 16 190 90 18 14 170 80 16 13 150 m. 9.IS : 5749 . INSPECTION. is acceptable provided that it is endorsed in col 2 by the manufacturer or supplier that the ramshorn hooks comply in all respects with this standard and that it states the material of which the ramshorn hooks are m a d e and the details of heat treatment to which they h a v e been subjected B . be subjected to a vertical proof load specified in Table 1. P R O O F LOADING 8. an additional test of half the proof load specified for the vertical loading shall be applied horizontally as indicated in Fig 1B Prior to the application of proof loading. T h e permanent set shall in no case exceed 0 25 percent of the distance ab.2 T h e manufacturer shall supply a certificate of test and examination in the form shown in Appendix C with every supply of ramshorn hooks T h e certificate shall give the results of all tests made 9. the hook shall be re-scribed with the trammel unaltered. T h e ramshorn hook shall then be thoroughly examined by a competent person and shall be accepted as complying with this standard only if found free from flaw or defect FIG 1 POSITIONS FOR LOAD T E S T 9.3 For the purpose of this s t a n d a r d. 1948. each hook shall bear a centre punch mark at position a from which scribed lines shall be trammelled to position b After removal of the load. If the vertical proof load test is applied in accordance with Fig 1A. test ceitilicate in Form V of the Indian Dock Labourers Regulation. after heat treatment.1 T h e representative of the purchaser shall have access to the works of the manufacturer at all reasonable times for the purpose of witnessing the specified tests and inspecting the machine a n d methods of examination.1 Each completed ramshorn hook shall. a n d the difference between the scribed lines shall be the amount of permanent set.1970 8. CERTIFICATE OF TEST A N D E X A M I N A T I O N 9. and e) further tests or chemical analysis required. under which a licence for the use of the ISI Certification Mark may be granted to manufactures or processors.1 Each ramshorn hook shall. may also be marked with the ISI Certification Mark. Details of conditions.1970 10. testing and quality control during production. be permanently marked on a non-vital part with the following information: a) Safe working load given in Table 1. NOTE — The use of the ISI Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks ) Act. which is devised and supervised by ISI and operated by the producer. This svstem. and c) Distinguishing marks or symbols as will allow identification with the manufacturer's certificate of test and examination. c) length of shank. Up to 125 tonnes capacity. has the further safeguard that the products as actually marketed are continuously checked by ISI for conformity to the standard.3) A INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED WITH ENQUIRY AND ORDER The enquiry and order should state: a) safe working load. APPENDIX (Clause 0.4) B THRUST BEARINGS FOR RAMSHORN HOOKS B-1.1 The ramshorn hooks. under a well-defined system of inspection. after testing. may be obtained from the Indian Standards Institution APPENDIX (Clause 0. b) form of screw thread. standard single thrust ball bearings may be obtained. that is 0 to 90°. MARKING 10. it is generally found necessary to locate the bearings on spigots or recesses on the hook nut and crosshead.1. d) method of manufacture. 9 . and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder Presence of this mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard. With the majority of ball thrust bearings. b) Limiting included angles. 10.IS : 5749 . For hooks above 125 tonnes capacity. The bearing manufacturer should be consulted for suitable sizes. comply in all respects with IS 5749-1970 'Specification for forged ramshorn hooks' and that they were subjected to the proof load and subsequently examined and passed by a competent person. Signature Date 10 . tapered roller or special thrust ball bearings are recommended.2) FORM FOR CERTIFICATE OF TEST AND EXAMINATION DISTINGUISHING MARK DESCRIPTION OF RAMSHORN HOOKS MATERIAL (1) (2) (3) PROOF LOAD APPLIED SAFE WORKING LOAD (4) tonnes (5) tonnes Particulars of heat treatment to which the ramshorn hooks have been subjected are as follows: We hereby certify that the ramshorn hooks. care should be taken that the race does not take excessive horizontal load due to clearance between the ramshorn hook shank and the bore of the crosshead. When mounting single thrust ball bearings. described above.IS : 5749 . APPENDIX C (Clause 9. B-3.1970 B-2. To avoid the danger of overloading individual link plates and their associated link pins. the stress reduction factor for the hook body is less than one-half. W h e n lifting bulky loads where the centre of gravity is not central between the points of slinging.5) D R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S F O R T H E USE O F R A M S H O R N H O O K S D . link plate assemblies should be designed with an ample margin of safety.IS : 5749 . as the capacity of the hook is also governed by the permissible stress in the shank. it is recommended that the hook be carried on a ball or roller thrust bearing (see Appendix B ). In order to reduce the effort required to rotate the hook when loaded. the centres of the link pins on the beam being slightly greater than the centres of the bed diameters of the hook. An appropriate included angle between the link plates would be of the order of 30°. D-8. For heavy and bulky loads. their length can be arranged to take varying centres of slings to suit the loads a n d ensure true balancing. D-9. due to the possible tilting of the beam a n d the consequent out-of-balance effect. ) D-2. since the stress reduction factor would then be nearly unity. ( Advantage cannot therefore be taken of the increased body strength when the included sling angles are less than 90°. it is desirable to adjust the length of the slings so that the centre of gravity of the load is immediately below the centre line of the hook. D-5. ) D-3. since the stress in the body of the hook will increase at a greater rate than that in the sling leg. When sling angles approach the limiting included angle for which the hook is designed. W h e n lifting loads just within the capacity of the hook. ( T a b l e s of angular loading on slings will not therefore be equally applicable to the loading on the ramshorn hooks. D-4. extreme care is needed in this respect. it is necessary to take care that neither of the two horns is subjected to a load exceeding one-half of the safe working load of the hook. With so small an included angle. D-6. 11 . it is preferable to use a lifting b e a m suspended from the hook by two pairs of links at fixed centres. T h e ramshorn hooks covered by this standard should not be upgraded for use with slings at included angles less than 90°.1970 APPENDIX (Clause 0. When using lifting beams. D-7. Ramshorn hooks should not be used with sling legs at excessive angles.1 . T r u e balancing is essential in order that the hook may rotate freely under load when required. a n d any out-of-balance effect could overload one of the horns. 6 32 92 95 BOMBAY 400093 Branch Offices: 'Pushpak'. NEW DELHI 110002 Telephones: 331 01 31. Scheme VII M. I. 6 67 16 BHOPAL 462093 Plot No. P. V. BHUBANESHWAR 751002 5 36 27 53/5.C. O. NAGPUR 440010 Institution of Engineers ( India ) Building. I. Bhadbhada Road. T. E9 MIDC. I n d i a . Road. 1332 Shivaji Nagar. Ward No 29. 89 66 28 Bombay 400007 ‡Sales Office in Bangalore is at Unity Building.O. MADRAS 600113 41 25 19 . Barua Road.B U R E A U O F I N D I A N S T A N D A R D S Headquarters: Manak Bhavan. T. 5th Floor. 5 24 35 PUNE 411005 * S a l e s Office in Calcutta is at 5 Chowringhee Approach. Khanpur. Palayam 6 21 04 TRIVANDRUM 695035 6 21 17 Inspection Offices ( With Sale Point ): Pushpanjali. First Floor. 331 01 31 NEW DELHI 110002 331 13 7 5 *Eastern : 1 /14 C. 4 1 29 16 †Western : Manakalaya. PATNA 800013 6 23 05 T. 2 63 48 AHMADABAD 380001 2 63 49 ‡Peenya Industrial Area 1st Stage. 331 13 75 Telegrams: Manaksanstha ( Common to all Offices ) Regional Offices: Telephone Central Manak Bhavan. 3 16 41 CHANDIGARH 160036 41 24 42 Southern : C. CALCUTTA 700054 2 18 43 Northern : SCO 445-446. Sector 35-C. R. JAIPUR 302005 6 98 32 21 68 76 117/418 B Sarvodaya Nagar. Bangalore Tumkur Road 38 4 9 55 BANGALORE 560058 38 49 56 Gangotri Complex. Princep 27 68 00 Street. C Scheme. Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg.. 5th Byelane. T. I.G. Calcutta 700072 †Salea Office in Bombay is at Novelty Chambers. 23 10 83 HYDERABAD 500001 6 34 71 R14 Yudhister Marg. New D e l h i . 82/83. 36 24 99 Maniktola. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. University P. Lewis Road. BIS. No. N Gupta Marg ( Nampally Station Road ). Campus. Marol. Andheri ( East). 22 36 71 Bangalore 560002 Reprography Unit. 3 31 77 GUWAHATI 781003 5-8-56C L. Narasimharaja Square. 2 51 71 Shankar Nagar Square. P. T. Grant Road. 205-A West High Court Road. KANPUR 208005 21 82 92 Patliputra Industrial Estate. Nagar. 14/1421.


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