Introduction to LabVIEW

June 12, 2018 | Author: RamaDinakaran | Category: Control Flow, Computer Programming, Software, Software Engineering, Software Development
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1e|emark Un|vers|ty Co||egeueparLmenL of LlecLrlcal Lnglneerlng, lnformaLlon 1echnology and CyberneLlcs Faculty of Technology, Postboks 203, Kjølnes ring 56, N-3901 Porsgrunn, Norway. Tel: +47 35 57 50 00 Fax: +47 35 57 54 01 lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW PAnS-ÞL11L8 PALvC8SLn, 2014.03.07 ll Þreface 1hls documenL explalns Lhe baslc concepLs of LabvlLW. ?ou flnd addlLlonal resources, code, eLc. here: hLLp:// ?ou need Lo lnsLall Lhe LabvlLW Þrofesslonal uevelopmenL SysLem. lor more lnformaLlon abouL LabvlLW, vlslL my 8log: hLLp:// lll 1able of ConLenLs Þreface ....................................................................................................................................... ll 1able of ConLenLs ...................................................................................................................... lll 1 lnLroducLlon ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 uaLaflow Þrogrammlng ................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Craphlcal Þrogrammlng ............................................................................................... 1 1.3 8eneflLs ........................................................................................................................ 2 2 SLarL uslng LabvlLW ............................................................................................................ 4 2.1 1he LabvlLW LnvlronmenL .......................................................................................... 4 2.2 lronL Þanel .................................................................................................................. 3 2.3 8lock ulagram .............................................................................................................. 7 2.4 ConLrols ÞaleLLe ......................................................................................................... 10 2.4.1 numerlc Sub ÞaleLLe ........................................................................................... 12 2.4.2 8oolean Sub ÞaleLLe ............................................................................................ 13 2.4.3 SLrlng & ÞaLh Sub ÞaleLLe .................................................................................... 13 2.3 luncLlon ÞaleLLe ......................................................................................................... 13 2.6 1ools ÞaleLLe .............................................................................................................. 14 2.7 Wlrlng ........................................................................................................................ 16 2.8 1oolbar ....................................................................................................................... 16 2.9 LxecuLlon ................................................................................................................... 17 2.10 1he Cb[ecLs shorL-cuL menu .................................................................................... 18 2.11 uaLaflow Þrogrammlng ........................................................................................... 19 2.12 Pelp ......................................................................................................................... 20 Lxerclses ............................................................................................................................. 20 lv 1able of ConLenLs 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 3 Sub vls .............................................................................................................................. 24 3.1 CreaLe new Sub vl from ScraLch ................................................................................ 26 3.1.1 lnpuL and CuLpuL Subvl ConnecLors ................................................................... 26 3.1.2 lcon LdlLor ........................................................................................................... 28 3.2 CreaLe Sub vl from exlsLlng code ............................................................................... 29 3.3 uslng Sub vls ............................................................................................................. 30 Lxerclses ............................................................................................................................. 31 4 CusLomlze LabvlLW .......................................................................................................... 33 Lxerclses ............................................................................................................................. 34 3 Loops and SLrucLures ........................................................................................................ 33 3.1 Loops ......................................................................................................................... 33 3.1.1 lor Loop .............................................................................................................. 36 3.1.2 Whlle Loop .......................................................................................................... 37 3.2 SLrucLures .................................................................................................................. 38 3.2.1 Case SLrucLure ..................................................................................................... 38 3.2.2 Sequence SLrucLure ............................................................................................ 39 3.2.3 LvenL SLrucLure ................................................................................................... 40 Lxerclses ............................................................................................................................. 42 6 1roubleshooLlng and uebugglng ...................................................................................... 43 6.1 Pow Lo flnd errors ..................................................................................................... 43 6.2 PlghllghL LxecuLlon .................................................................................................... 43 6.3 Þrobes ........................................................................................................................ 46 6.4 8reakpolnLs ................................................................................................................ 47 6.3 SLep lnLo/over/ouL debugglng ................................................................................... 48 Lxerclses ............................................................................................................................. 49 v 1able of ConLenLs 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 7 Worklng wlLh uaLa ............................................................................................................ 31 7.1 Arrays ......................................................................................................................... 31 7.1.1 AuLo-lndexlng ..................................................................................................... 31 7.1.2 Array luncLlons ................................................................................................... 32 7.2 ClusLer ........................................................................................................................ 34 7.2.1 ClusLer Crder ...................................................................................................... 33 7.2.2 ClusLer LlemenLs ................................................................................................. 36 Lxerclses ............................................................................................................................. 37 8 Worklng wlLh SLrlngs ........................................................................................................ 39 Lxerclses ............................................................................................................................. 61 9 Lrror Pandllng ................................................................................................................... 63 9.1 llndlng Lrror .............................................................................................................. 63 9.2 Lrror Wlrlng ............................................................................................................... 63 9.3 Lrror Pandllng ln Subvls ............................................................................................ 64 9.4 Lrror Pandllng ............................................................................................................ 63 Lxerclses ............................................................................................................................. 66 10 Worklng wlLh Þro[ecLs .................................................................................................... 67 10.1 Þro[ecL Lxplorer ....................................................................................................... 67 10.2 ueploymenL ............................................................................................................. 68 Lxerclses ............................................................................................................................. 71 11 ueslgn 1echnlques .......................................................................................................... 72 11.1 lorce Þrogram llow ................................................................................................. 72 11.2 ShlfL 8eglsLer ........................................................................................................... 73 11.3 SLaLe Þrogrammlng ArchlLecLure ............................................................................. 74 11.4 MulLlple Loops/Þarallel programmlng ..................................................................... 77 vl 1able of ConLenLs 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 11.3 1emplaLes ................................................................................................................ 78 Lxerclses ............................................................................................................................. 80 12 user lnLerface ................................................................................................................. 83 12.1 vl ÞroperLles ............................................................................................................ 84 Lxerclses ............................................................................................................................. 87 13 ÞloLLlng uaLa ................................................................................................................... 88 13.1 CusLomlzlng ............................................................................................................. 90 Lxerclses ............................................................................................................................. 92 14 1lps & 1rlcks .................................................................................................................... 94 14.1 10 funcLlons you need Lo know abouL ..................................................................... 94 14.2 1he 10 mosL useful ShorL-cuLs ................................................................................. 99 13 Lxample AppllcaLlon ..................................................................................................... 100 16 AddlLlonal Lxerclses ...................................................................................................... 103 17 WhaL's nexL? ................................................................................................................ 110 17.1 My 8log .................................................................................................................. 110 17.2 1ralnlng .................................................................................................................. 110 17.3 AddlLlonal 8esources ............................................................................................. 110 17.4 Lxamples ................................................................................................................ 110 17.3 uocumenLaLlon ...................................................................................................... 111 17.6 LabvlLW Wlkl ........................................................................................................ 112 17.7 LabvlLW on ?ou1ube ............................................................................................ 112 Culck 8eference .................................................................................................................... 113 1 1 lnLroducLlon LabvlLW (shorL for LaboraLory VlrLual InsLrumenLaLlon Lnglneerlng Workbench) ls a plaLform and developmenL envlronmenL for a vlsual programmlng language from naLlonal lnsLrumenLs. 1he graphlcal language ls named "C". Crlglnally released for Lhe Apple MaclnLosh ln 1986, LabvlLW ls commonly used for daLa acqulslLlon, lnsLrumenL conLrol, and lndusLrlal auLomaLlon on a varleLy of plaLforms lncludlng MlcrosofL Wlndows, varlous flavors of unlx, Llnux, and Mac CS x. 1he laLesL verslon of LabvlLW ls verslon LabvlLW 2011. vlslL naLlonal lnsLrumenLs aL 1he code flles have Lhe exLenslon º.vl", whlch ls an abbrevlaLlon for ºvlrLual lnsLrumenL". LabvlLW offers loLs of addlLlonal Add-Cns and 1oolklLs. 1.1 uaLaflow Þrogrammlng 1he programmlng language used ln LabvlLW, also referred Lo as C, ls a daLaflow programmlng language. LxecuLlon ls deLermlned by Lhe sLrucLure of a graphlcal block dlagram (Lhe Lv-source code) on whlch Lhe programmer connecLs dlfferenL funcLlon-nodes by drawlng wlres. 1hese wlres propagaLe varlables and any node can execuLe as soon as all lLs lnpuL daLa become avallable. Slnce Lhls mlghL be Lhe case for mulLlple nodes slmulLaneously, C ls lnherenLly capable of parallel execuLlon. MulLl-processlng and mulLl-Lhreadlng hardware ls auLomaLlcally explolLed by Lhe bullL-ln scheduler, whlch mulLlplexes mulLlple CS Lhreads over Lhe nodes ready for execuLlon. 1.2 Craphlcal Þrogrammlng LabvlLW Lles Lhe creaLlon of user lnLerfaces (called fronL panels) lnLo Lhe developmenL cycle. LabvlLW programs/subrouLlnes are called vlrLual lnsLrumenLs (vls). Lach vl has Lhree componenLs: a block dlagram, a fronL panel, and a connecLor panel. 1he lasL ls used Lo represenL Lhe vl ln Lhe block dlagrams of oLher, calllng vls. ConLrols and lndlcaLors on Lhe fronL panel allow an operaLor Lo lnpuL daLa lnLo or exLracL daLa from a runnlng vlrLual lnsLrumenL. Powever, Lhe fronL panel can also serve as a programmaLlc lnLerface. 1hus a vlrLual lnsLrumenL can elLher be run as a program, wlLh Lhe fronL panel servlng as a user lnLerface, or, when dropped as a node onLo Lhe block dlagram, Lhe fronL panel deflnes Lhe lnpuLs and ouLpuLs for Lhe glven node Lhrough Lhe connecLor pane. 1hls lmplles each vl can be easlly LesLed before belng embedded as a subrouLlne lnLo a larger program. 2 lnLroducLlon 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he graphlcal approach also allows non-programmers Lo bulld programs slmply by dragglng and dropplng vlrLual represenLaLlons of lab equlpmenL wlLh whlch Lhey are already famlllar. 1he LabvlLW programmlng envlronmenL, wlLh Lhe lncluded examples and Lhe documenLaLlon, makes lL slmple Lo creaLe small appllcaLlons. 1hls ls a beneflL on one slde, buL Lhere ls also a cerLaln danger of underesLlmaLlng Lhe experLlse needed for good quallLy "C" programmlng. lor complex algorlLhms or large-scale code, lL ls lmporLanL LhaL Lhe programmer possess an exLenslve knowledge of Lhe speclal LabvlLW synLax and Lhe Lopology of lLs memory managemenL. 1he mosL advanced LabvlLW developmenL sysLems offer Lhe posslblllLy of bulldlng sLand-alone appllcaLlons. lurLhermore, lL ls posslble Lo creaLe dlsLrlbuLed appllcaLlons, whlch communlcaLe by a cllenL/server scheme, and are Lherefore easler Lo lmplemenL due Lo Lhe lnherenLly parallel naLure of C-code. 1.3 8eneflLs Cne beneflL of LabvlLW over oLher developmenL envlronmenLs ls Lhe exLenslve supporL for accesslng lnsLrumenLaLlon hardware. urlvers and absLracLlon layers for many dlfferenL Lypes of lnsLrumenLs and buses are lncluded or are avallable for lncluslon. 1hese presenL Lhemselves as graphlcal nodes. 1he absLracLlon layers offer sLandard sofLware lnLerfaces Lo communlcaLe wlLh hardware devlces. 1he provlded drlver lnLerfaces save program developmenL Llme. 1he sales plLch of naLlonal lnsLrumenLs ls, Lherefore, LhaL even people wlLh llmlLed codlng experlence can wrlLe programs and deploy LesL soluLlons ln a reduced Llme frame when compared Lo more convenLlonal or compeLlng sysLems. A new hardware drlver Lopology (uACmx8ase), whlch conslsLs malnly of C-coded componenLs wlLh only a few reglsLer calls Lhrough nl MeasuremenL Pardware uuk (urlver uevelopmenL klL) funcLlons, provldes plaLform lndependenL hardware access Lo numerous daLa acqulslLlon and lnsLrumenLaLlon devlces. 1he uACmx8ase drlver ls avallable for LabvlLW on Wlndows, Mac CS x and Llnux plaLforms. 1hls documenL lnLroduclng Lhe followlng Lhemes: • SLarL uslng LabvlLW o 1he LabvlLW LnvlronmenL o lronL Þanel and 8lock ulagram o ÞaleLLes: ConLrol ÞaleLLe, luncLlons ÞaleLLe, 1ools ÞaleLLe o uaLa 1ypes o ÞroperLy nodes • Sub vls • Loops and SLrucLures • 1roubleshooLlng and uebugglng 3 lnLroducLlon 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW • Worklng wlLh uaLa o Arrays ! Array luncLlons o ClusLer • Worklng wlLh SLrlngs • Lrror Pandllng • Worklng wlLh Þro[ecLs uslng Þro[ecL Lxplorer • ueslgn 1echnlques o ShlfL 8eglsLer o SLaLe Machlne o MulLlple Loops • user lnLerface • ÞloLLlng uaLa • ueploymenL: 8ulldlng LxecuLable AppllcaLlons (.exe) • lnLroducLlon Lo Add Cns and 1oolklLs o 8rlefly explanaLlons. o More deLall abouL ConLrol and SlmulaLlon 1oolklL ln laLer chapLer • lnLroducLlon Lo uAC - uaLa AcqulslLlon o MAx - MeasuremenL and AuLomaLlon Lxplorer o nl-uACmx • Culck 8eference wlLh keyboard ShorL-cuLs lor more lnformaLlon abouL LabvlLW, vlslL my 8log: hLLp:// 4 2 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1hls chapLer explalns Lhe baslc concepLs ln LabvlLW. 1he Loplcs are as follows: • 1he LabvlLW LnvlronmenL • lronL Þanel and 8lock ulagram • ÞaleLLes: ConLrol ÞaleLLe, luncLlons ÞaleLLe, 1ools ÞaleLLe • uaLa 1ypes • ÞroperLy nodes 2.1 1he LabvlLW LnvlronmenL LabvlLW programs are called VlrLual InsLrumenLs, or vls, because Lhelr appearance and operaLlon lmlLaLe physlcal lnsLrumenLs, such as oscllloscopes and mulLlmeLers. LabvlLW conLalns a comprehenslve seL of Lools for acqulrlng analyzlng, dlsplaylng, and sLorlng daLa, as well as Lools Lo help you LroubleshooL your code. When openlng LabvlLW, you flrsL come Lo Lhe ºCeLLlng SLarLed" wlndow. 3 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW ln order Lo creaLe a new vl, selecL º8lank vl" or ln order Lo creaLe a new LabvlLW pro[ecL, selecL ºLmpLy pro[ecL". When you open a blank vl, an unLlLled fronL panel wlndow appears. 1hls wlndow dlsplays Lhe fronL panel and ls one of Lhe Lwo LabvlLW wlndows you use Lo bulld a vl. 1he oLher wlndow conLalns Lhe block dlagram. 1he secLlons below descrlbe Lhe fronL panel and Lhe block dlagram. 2.2 lronL Þanel When you have creaLed a new vl or selecLed an exlsLlng vl, Lhe lronL Þanel and Lhe 8lock ulagram for LhaL speclflc vl wlll appear. ln LabvlLW, you bulld a user lnLerface, or fronL panel, wlLh conLrols and lndlcaLors. ConLrols are knobs, push buLLons, dlals, and oLher lnpuL devlces. lndlcaLors are graphs, LLus, and oLher dlsplays. ?ou bulld Lhe fronL panel wlLh conLrols and lndlcaLors, whlch are Lhe lnLeracLlve lnpuL and ouLpuL Lermlnals of Lhe vl, respecLlvely. ConLrols are knobs, push buLLons, dlals, and oLher lnpuL devlces. lndlcaLors are graphs, LLus, and oLher dlsplays. ConLrols slmulaLe lnsLrumenL 6 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW lnpuL devlces and supply daLa Lo Lhe block dlagram of Lhe vl. lndlcaLors slmulaLe lnsLrumenL ouLpuL devlces and dlsplay daLa Lhe block dlagram acqulres or generaLes. L.g., a ºnumerlc" can elLher be a ºnumerlc ConLrol" or a ºnumerlc lndlcaLor", as seen below. l you selecL a ºnumerlc ConLrol", lL can easy be changed Lo an ºnumerlc lndlcaLor" by rlghL cllck on Lhe ob[ecL an selecL ºChange Lo lndlcaLor" Cr opposlLe, l you selecL a ºnumerlc lndlcaLor", lL can easy be changed Lo an ºnumerlc ConLrol" by rlghL cllck on Lhe ob[ecL an selecL ºChange Lo ConLrol" 7 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he dlfference beLween a ºnumerlc ConLrol" and a ºnumerlc lndlcaLor" ls LhaL for a ºnumerlc ConLrol" you may enLer a value, whlle Lhe ºnumerlc lndlcaLor" ls read-only, l.e., you may only read Lhe value, noL change lL. 1he appearance ls also sllghLly dlfferenL, Lhe ºnumerlc ConLrol" has an lncremenL and an decremenL buLLon ln fronL, whlle Lhe ºnumerlc lndlcaLor" has a darker background color ln order Lo lndlcaLe LhaL lLs read-only. 2.3 8lock ulagram AfLer you bulld Lhe user lnLerface, you add code uslng vls and sLrucLures Lo conLrol Lhe fronL panel ob[ecLs. 1he block dlagram conLalns Lhls code. ln some ways, Lhe block dlagram resembles a flowcharL. 8 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW AfLer you bulld Lhe fronL panel, you add code uslng graphlcal represenLaLlons of funcLlons Lo conLrol Lhe fronL panel ob[ecLs. 1he block dlagram conLalns Lhls graphlcal source code. lronL panel ob[ecLs appear as Lermlnals, on Lhe block dlagram. 8lock dlagram ob[ecLs lnclude Lermlnals, subvls, funcLlons, consLanLs, sLrucLures, and wlres, whlch Lransfer daLa among oLher block dlagram ob[ecLs. 1he llgure below shows a fronL panel and lLs correspondlng block dlagram wlLh fronL panel and block dlagram componenLs. 9 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he dlfferenL componenLs are as follows: 1. 1oolbar 2. Cwned Label 3. numerlc ConLrol 4. lree Label 3. numerlc ConLrol 1ermlnal 6. knob 1ermlnal 7. numerlc ConsLanL 8. MulLlply luncLlon 9. lcon 10. knob ConLrol 10 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 11. ÞloL Legend 12. x? Craph 13. Wlre uaLa ÞaLh 14. x? Craph 1ermlnal 13. 8undle luncLlon 16. Subvl 17. lor Loop SLrucLure 2.4 ConLrols ÞaleLLe 1he ConLrols and luncLlons paleLLes conLaln sub paleLLes of ob[ecLs you can use Lo creaLe a vl. When you cllck a sub paleLLe lcon, Lhe enLlre paleLLe changes Lo Lhe sub paleLLe you selecLed. 1o use an ob[ecL on Lhe paleLLes, cllck Lhe ob[ecL and place lL on Lhe fronL panel or block dlagram. 1he ConLrols paleLLe ls avallable only on Lhe fronL panel. 1he ConLrols paleLLe conLalns Lhe conLrols and lndlcaLors you use Lo bulld Lhe fronL panel. 11 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he mosL used Sub ÞaleLLes are Lhe numerlc Sub ÞaleLLe, Lhe 8oolean Sub ÞaleLLe and Lhe SLrlng & ÞaLh Sub ÞaleLLe. ?ou may change Lhe appearance and Lhe conLenLs of Lhe ConLrols paleLLe: ?ou may Þln Lhe paleLLe, so lL ls always vlslble, [usL cllck Lhe llLLle pln buLLon ln Lhe upper lefL corner of Lhe paleLLe: lf you wanL Lo change Lhe conLenL and appearance of Lhe paleLLe, cllck Lhe ºvlew" buLLon. Pere you may change Lhe way Lhe paleLLe should look. lf you cllck ºChange vlslble CaLegorles." you may change whlch CaLegorles you wanL Lo have vlslble. 12 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 2.4.1 numerlc Sub ÞaleLLe ºnumerlcal ConLrol" and ºnumerlcal lndlcaLor" are Lhe mosL used ob[ecLs ln Lhe numerlc sub paleLLe. 13 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 2.4.2 8oolean Sub ÞaleLLe 1hls paleLLe has loLs of dlfferenL buLLons you may use. Ck, Cancel and SLop buLLons are useful. 2.4.3 SLrlng & ÞaLh Sub ÞaleLLe ln Lhe SLrlng and ÞaLh paleLLe we have SLrlng ConLrols, Combo 8ox, eLc. 2.3 luncLlon ÞaleLLe 14 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he luncLlons paleLLe ls avallable only on Lhe block dlagram. 1he luncLlons paleLLe conLalns Lhe vls and funcLlons you use Lo bulld Lhe block dlagram. 2.6 1ools ÞaleLLe ?ou can creaLe, modlfy, and debug vls uslng Lhe Lools locaLed on Lhe floaLlng 1ools paleLLe. 1he 1ools paleLLe ls avallable on boLh Lhe fronL panel and Lhe block dlagram. A Lool ls a speclal operaLlng mode of Lhe mouse cursor. 1he cursor corresponds Lo Lhe lcon of Lhe Lool selecLed ln Lhe 1ools paleLLe. use Lhe Lools Lo operaLe and modlfy fronL panel and block dlagram ob[ecLs. 13 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he 1ools paleLLe ls avallable from Lhe vlew menu: lf you make sure ºAuLomaLlc wlrlng" ls dlsabled (l recommend you do so!) you may use Lhe 1ab key on your keyboard ln order Lo swlLch beLween Lhe mosL common Lools. 1he mosL used Lools are: use Lhe Cperat|ng too|, shown aL lefL, Lo change Lhe values of a conLrol or selecL Lhe LexL wlLhln a conLrol. 1he CperaLlng Lool changes Lo Lhe lcon shown aL lefL when lL moves over a LexL conLrol, such as a numerlc or sLrlng conLrol. use Lhe Þos|t|on|ng too|, shown aL lefL, Lo selecL, move, or reslze ob[ecLs. 1he ÞoslLlonlng Lool changes Lo reslzlng handles when lL moves over Lhe edge of a reslzable ob[ecL. use Lhe Labe||ng too|, shown aL lefL, Lo edlL LexL and creaLe free labels. 1he Labellng Lool changes Lo Lhe followlng lcon when you creaLe free labels. use Lhe W|r|ng too|, shown aL lefL, Lo wlre ob[ecLs LogeLher on Lhe block dlagram. 16 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 2.7 Wlrlng ln order Lo creaLe Lhe loglcal flow beLween Lhe ob[ecL on Lhe 8lock ulagram, you need Lo use Lhe Wlrlng Lool ln order Lo connecL Lhe dlfferenL ob[ecLs LogeLher. use Lhe Wlrlng Lool Lo wlre ob[ecLs LogeLher on Lhe block dlagram. Avallable keyboard ShorLcuLs when deallng wlLh Wlrlng: Ctr|-8 ls very useful. 1hls shorL-cuL removes all broken wlres on Lhe 8lock ulagram. 2.8 1oolbar 8elow we see Lhe LabvlLW 1oolbar: 17 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he behavlors of Lhe dlfferenL buLLons are as follows: Cllck Lhe 8un buLLon Lo run a vl. LabvlLW complles Lhe vl, lf necessary. ?ou can run a vl lf Lhe 8un buLLon appears as a solld whlLe arrow. 1he solld whlLe arrow, shown above, also lndlcaLes you can use Lhe vl as a subvl lf you creaLe a connecLor pane for Lhe vl. Whlle Lhe vl runs, Lhe 8un buLLon appears as shown aL lefL lf Lhe vl ls a Lop-level vl, meanlng lL has no callers and Lherefore ls noL a subvl. lf Lhe vl LhaL ls runnlng ls a subvl, Lhe 8un buLLon appears as shown aL lefL. 1he 8un buLLon appears broken, shown aL lefL, when Lhe vl you are creaLlng or edlLlng conLalns errors. lf Lhe 8un buLLon sLlll appears broken afLer you nlsh wlrlng Lhe block dlagram, Lhe vl ls broken and cannoL run. Cllck Lhls buLLon Lo dlsplay Lhe Lrror llsL wlndow, whlch llsLs all errors and warnlngs. Cllck Lhe 8un ConLlnuously buLLon, shown aL lefL, Lo run Lhe vl unLll you aborL or pause execuLlon. ?ou also can cllck Lhe buLLon agaln Lo dlsable conLlnuous runnlng. Whlle Lhe vl runs, Lhe AborL LxecuLlon buLLon, shown aL lefL, appears. Cllck Lhls buLLon Lo sLop Lhe vl lmmedlaLely lf Lhere ls no oLher way Lo sLop Lhe vl. lf more Lhan one runnlng Lop-level vl uses Lhe vl, Lhe buLLon ls dlmmed. noLe: Avold uslng Lhe AborL LxecuLlon buLLon Lo sLop a vl. LlLher leL Lhe vl compleLe lLs daLa ow or deslgn a meLhod Lo sLop Lhe vl programmaLlcally. 8y dolng so, Lhe vl ls aL a known sLaLe. lor example, place a buLLon on Lhe fronL panel LhaL sLops Lhe vl when you cllck lL. Cllck Lhe Þause buLLon, shown aL lefL, Lo pause a runnlng vl. When you cllck Lhe Þause buLLon, LabvlLW hlghllghLs on Lhe block dlagram Lhe locaLlon where you paused execuLlon, and Lhe Þause buLLon appears red. Cllck Lhe buLLon agaln Lo conLlnue runnlng Lhe vl. 2.9 LxecuLlon ln addlLlon Lo Lhe 1oolbar buLLons above Lhe followlng keyboard ShorLcuLs are avallable when deallng wlLh LxecuLlon: 18 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 2.10 1he Cb[ecLs shorL-cuL menu 1he mosL ofLen-used menu ls Lhe ob[ecL shorLcuL menu. All LabvlLW ob[ecLs and empLy space on Lhe fronL panel and block dlagram have assoclaLed shorLcuL menus. use Lhe shorLcuL menu lLems Lo change Lhe look or behavlor of fronL panel and block dlagram ob[ecLs. 1o access Lhe shorLcuL menu, rlghL-cllck Lhe ob[ecL, fronL panel, or block dlagram. 1he numerlc conLrol has Lhe followlng shorL-cuL/rlghL-cllck menu: 19 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he shorL-cuL menu wlll be dlfferenL for Lhe dlfferenL conLrols or ob[ecLs. 2.11 uaLaflow Þrogrammlng LabvlLW follows a daLaflow model for runnlng vls. A block dlagram node execuLes when all lLs lnpuLs are avallable. When a node compleLes execuLlon, lL supplles daLa Lo lLs ouLpuL Lermlnals and passes Lhe ouLpuL daLa Lo Lhe nexL node ln Lhe daLaflow paLh. vlsual 8aslc, C++/C#, !ava, and mosL oLher LexL-based programmlng languages follow a conLrol flow model of program execuLlon. ln conLrol flow, Lhe sequenLlal order of program elemenLs deLermlnes Lhe execuLlon order of a program. Lxamp|e: Dataf|ow Þrogramm|ng 1he Lxample shows a block dlagram LhaL adds Lwo numbers and Lhen subLracLs 30.00 from Lhe resulL of Lhe addlLlon. ln Lhls case, Lhe block dlagram execuLes from lefL Lo rlghL, noL because Lhe ob[ecLs are placed ln LhaL order, buL because Lhe SubLracL funcLlon cannoL execuLe unLll Lhe Add funcLlon flnlshes execuLlng and passes Lhe daLa Lo Lhe SubLracL funcLlon. 8emember LhaL a node execuLes only when daLa are avallable aL all of lLs lnpuL Lermlnals, and lL supplles daLa Lo lLs ouLpuL Lermlnals only when lL flnlshes execuLlon. Lxamp|e: Dataf|ow Þrogramm|ng 20 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW ln Lhls example, conslder whlch code segmenL would execuLe flrsL-Lhe Add, 8andom number, or ulvlde funcLlon. ?ou cannoL know because lnpuLs Lo Lhe Add and ulvlde funcLlons are avallable aL Lhe same Llme, and Lhe 8andom number funcLlon has no lnpuLs. ln a slLuaLlon where one code segmenL musL execuLe before anoLher and no daLa dependency exlsLs beLween Lhe funcLlons, use oLher programmlng meLhods, such as error clusLers, Lo force Lhe order of execuLlon. 2.12 Pelp 1he ConLexL Pelp wlndow (CLrl +P) dlsplays baslc lnformaLlon abouL LabvlLW ob[ecLs when you move Lhe cursor over each ob[ecL. 1he ConLexL Pelp wlndow ls vlslble by defaulL. 1o Loggle dlsplay of Lhe ConLexL Pelp wlndow, selecL Pelp-Show ConLexL Pelp, press Lhe CLrl-P keys, or cllck Lhe Show ConLexL Pelp Wlndow buLLon on Lhe Loolbar. When you move Lhe cursor over fronL panel and block dlagram ob[ecLs, Lhe ConLexL Pelp wlndow dlsplays Lhe lcon for subvls, funcLlons, consLanLs, conLrols, and lndlcaLors, wlLh wlres aLLached Lo each Lermlnal. When you move Lhe cursor over dlalog box opLlons, Lhe ConLexL Pelp wlndow dlsplays descrlpLlons of Lhose opLlons. ln Lhe wlndow, requlred connecLlons are bold, recommended connecLlons are plaln LexL, and opLlonal connecLlons are dlmmed or do noL appear. 1he llgure below shows an example of Lhe ConLexL Pelp wlndow. Lxerclses Lxerc|se: Create your f|rst LabVILW app||cat|on (VI) 21 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW CreaLe a slmple LabvlLW appllcaLlon (vl) wlLh a lronL Þanel wlLh some ConLrols and lndlcaLors. CreaLe Lhe loglc by connecLlng Lhe 1ermlnals on Lhe 8lock ulagram 1he lronL Þanel could look someLhlng llke Lhls: 1he 8lock ulagram could look someLhlng llke Lhls: SLarL Lhe program wlLh Lhe 8un buLLon. Lxerc|se: Create a s|mp|e Ca|cu|ator CreaLe a slmple calculaLor LhaL Add and SubLracL 2 numbers llke Lhls: 22 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW SLarL Lhe program wlLh Lhe 8un buLLon. Lxerc|se: Wr|te Data to I||e CreaLe a vl LhaL wrlLes daLa Lo a 1exL llle. use vls or funcLlons from Lhe llle l/C paleLLe 1he program could look someLhlng llke Lhls: 23 SLarL uslng LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxerc|se: kead Data from I||e CreaLe anoLher vl LhaL read Lhe LexL flle you creaLed ln Lhe prevlous vl. 24 3 Sub vls 1hls chapLer explalns Lhe baslc concepLs of creaLlng and uslng Sub vls ln LabvlLW. 1oplcs: • CreaLe new Sub vl from ScraLch • CreaLe Sub vl from exlsLlng code • uslng Sub vls When you place a vl on Lhe block dlagram, LabvlLW conslders Lhe vl Lo be a subvl. When you double-cllck a subvl, lLs fronL panel and block dlagram appear, raLher Lhan a dlalog box ln whlch you can conflgure opLlons. 1he fronL panel lncludes conLrols and lndlcaLors. 1he block dlagram lncludes wlres, fronL panel lcons, funcLlons, posslbly subvls, and oLher LabvlLW ob[ecLs. 1he upper rlghL corner of Lhe fronL panel and block dlagram dlsplays. 8elow we see an example of a bad 8lock ulagram. 1hls example does noL make use of Lhe Subvl funcLlonallLy ln LabvlLW aL all! 1hls makes Lhe 8lock dlagram hard Lo read and undersLand. 1he slze of Lhe dlagram ls also Loo large! 1he 8lock ulagram should always flL lnLo Lhe screen. 8oLh Lhe lronL Þanel and Lhe 8lock ulagram should flL lnLo a screen resoluLlon of 1024x768. 23 Sub vls 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW WlLh use of Subvls, Lhe example above could Lurn lnLo, e.g.: As you can see, much of Lhe code ln Lhe Maln vl have been replaced and puL lnLo Subvls. 1he program ls now more readable. AnoLher approach ls Lo use a so-called SLaLe Machlne prlnclple (more abouL Lhls ln chapLer 11 - ueslgn 1echnlques ). Avallable keyboard ShorLcuLs when deallng wlLh Sub vls: 26 Sub vls 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 3.1 CreaLe new Sub vl from ScraLch SelecL º8lank vl" ln Lhe ºCeLLlng SLarLed" wlndow when openlng LabvlLW, or when LabvlLW ls already opened selecL llle - new v" or use Lhe shorL-cuL CLrl+n. 3.1.1 lnpuL and CuLpuL Subvl ConnecLors MosL Subvls wlll have lnpuL and ouLpuL ºconnecLors". 1hls ls slmllar wlLh funcLlons or meLhods ln oLher programmlng language LhaL have lnpuL argumenLs and an ouLpuL/resulL. ln order Lo creaLe connecLors, 8lghL-cllck on Lhe lcon ln Lhe upper rlghL corner of Lhe vl and selecL ºShow ConnecLor". ?ou may selecL dlfferenL ÞaLLerns, l.e., how many lnpuL and ouLpuL connecLors you need. 27 Sub vls 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Make sure you selecL a ÞaLLern wlLh enough connecLors even lf you don'L need all Lhe connecLors aL Lhe momenL. l recommend LhaL you sLandardlze on Lhe paLLern ln Lhe llgure above. SelecL Lhe Wlre Lool and cllck on Lhe wanLed connecLor, Lhen cllck on Lhe ConLrol or lndlcaLor on Lhe lronL Þanel you wanL Lo connecL Lo Lhls connecLor. ?ou should always follow Lhese connecLor rules: • upper lefL connecLor: º8eference" ln • upper rlghL connecLor: º8eference" CuL • Lower lefL connecLor: Lrror ln ClusLer • Lower rlghL connecLor: Lrror CuL ClusLer Lxamp|e: SubVI Connectors See example below abouL Lhese connecLor rules: 28 Sub vls 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW MosL common vls LhaL exlLs follow Lhese rules, see example below. lf you follow Lhese connecLor rules lL's much easler Lo creaLe a clean and neaL code llke Lhls: 8y dolng Lhls lL's also clear how Lhe uaLa flows ln Lhe program. lL should always flow from lefL Lo rlghL. 3.1.2 lcon LdlLor ?ou should also creaLe a sulLable lcon for your Subvl. 29 Sub vls 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW ln order Lo open Lhe lcon LdlLor, double-cllck on Lhe lcon ln Lhe upper rlghL corner of your vl. 8elow we see a block dlagram wlLh Subvls lcon appearance creaLed wlLh Lhe lcon LdlLor. 3.2 CreaLe Sub vl from exlsLlng code lf you flnd ouL LhaL you code ls geLLlng messy, you could conslder puL some code lnLo a Subvl. 30 Sub vls 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he procedure ls as follows: 1. SelecL Lhe parL of your code you wanL Lo Lurn lnLo a Subvl 2. lrom Lhe LdlL menu, selecL ºCreaLe Subvl" 3. LabvlLW wlll auLomaLlcally creaLe a Subvl for Lhe selecLed code. 4. Clean up auLomaLlcally creaLed wlres, eLc. 3. CreaLe a sulLable lcon for your Subvl AlLhough Lhls ls qulLe easy Lo do Lhls, l do noL recommend LhaL you use Lhls funcLlonallLy Lo much. 1hls ls because you should creaLe and use Subvls from Lhe flrsL momenL you sLarL creaLlng your appllcaLlon and noL afLerwards when you flnd ouL LhaL you have been creaLlng a messy code. So you should sLrucLure and deslgn your code wlLh Lhe use of Subvls from Lhe beglnnlng! 3.3 uslng Sub vls 8elow we see an example of how Lo use Subvls ln a program (1op vl or Subvls): 31 Sub vls 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW ?ou may open a Subvl from Lhe llle menu, selecL a Subvl from Lhe luncLlons paleLLe or use drag and drop ln dlfferenL ways, e.g., you may drag a vl from Lhe llle Lxplorer ln Wlndows dlrecLly lnLo an exlsLlng vl you have already opened ln LabvlLW Lxerclses Lxerc|se: Convert C to I VI CreaLe a Subvl LhaL converL a 1emperaLure ln Celslus Lo a 1emperaLure ln lahrenhelL 1. CreaLe Lhe Subvl 2. CreaLe Lhe lronL Þanel and Lhe 8lock ulagram as shown above 3. CreaLe necessary ConnecLors 4. CreaLe a sulLable lcon, e.g.: 3. use Lhe Subvl ln anoLher vl 6. 8un Lhe program Lo see lf lL works 7. Lxpand Lhe program so you can selecL lf you wanL Lo converL from Celslus Lo lahrenhelL or from lahrenhelL Lo Celslus 32 Sub vls 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxerc|se: Convert ex|st|ng code |nto a SubVI ConverL a parL of your appllcaLlon lnLo a Subvl by uslng Lhe CreaLe Subvl funcLlon ln LabvlLW. 33 4 CusLomlze LabvlLW LabvlLW has loLs of posslblllLles for cusLomlzlng Lhe appearance and Lhe use of Lhe LabvlLW envlronmenL. SelecL ºCpLlons." from Lhe 1ools menu. 1he defaulL seLLlngs ls noL necessary Lhe besL, here are some recommendaLlons for seLLlng up Lhe LabvlLW envlronmenL. Category: 8|ock D|agram 34 CusLomlze LabvlLW 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW • ulsable º!"#$%& #()* +,-,"." opLlon. 1hls prevenLs LabvlLW from auLomaLlcally connecLlng ad[acenL blocks. AlLhough lL seems useful Lo have auLo wlrlng enables, lL ls my experlence LhaL Lhe auLo wlrlng ls a llLLle annoylng slnce lL Lends Lo draw wlres beLween blocks when you do noL wanL any wlre. • ulsable º/%#0& 1-*") 2#"&% &%&3&")4 #4 ,0*"45 *2),*". 1hls causes LabvlLW Lo use small Lermlnal lcons on Lhe block dlagram. lf you, lnsLead, acLlvaLe Lhls opLlon, Lhe Lermlnal lcons are larger, wlLh a mlmlc of Lhe elemenL as lL appears aL Lhe fronL panel. Category: Contro|s]Iunct|ons Þa|ettes • ln Lhe lormaL llsL: selecL º6#)&.*-7 890*"4 #": ;&<)=" Category: A||gnment Gr|d • 1urn off º>?*+ @-*") /#"&% A-,:" and º>?*+ B%*0C D,#.-#3 A-,:" Lxerclses Lxerc|se: Custom|ze LabVILW 1ry Lhe dlfferenL seLLlngs explalned ln Lhls chapLer. 1urn Lhem on and off and waLch Lhe dlfferenL. 33 3 Loops and SLrucLures 1hls chapLer explalns Lhe baslc concepLs of Loops and SLrucLures ln LabvlLW. 1he Loplcs are as follows: • lor Loop • Whlle Loop • Case SLrucLure • Sequence SLrucLure • LvenL SLrucLure 1he dlfferenL Loops and SLrucLures avallable are locaLed ln Lhe º>)-(0)(-&4" sub paleLLe ln Lhe luncLlons paleLLe on Lhe 8lock ulagram. 3.1 Loops 1he mosL lmporLanL loops are: • Ior Loop • Wh||e Loop 36 Loops and SLrucLures 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1hese loops wlll be explalned ln deLall below. 3.1.1 lor Loop A lor Loop execuLes a sub dlagram a seL number of Llmes. 1he llgure below shows an empLy lor Loop ln LabvlLW. A lor loop execuLes lLs sub dlagram n Llmes, where " ls Lhe value wlred Lo Lhe counL ( ) Lermlnal. 1he lLeraLlon ( ) Lermlnal provldes Lhe currenL loop lLeraLlon counL, whlch ranges from 0 Lo "-1. AfLer you creaLe a lor Loop, you can use sh|ft reg|sters Lo pass values from one lLeraLlon Lo Lhe nexL. lf you wlre an array Lo a lor Loop, you can read and process every elemenL ln LhaL array by enabllng auto-|ndex|ng. ?ou also can enable auLo-lndexlng by conflgurlng a lor Loop Lo reLurn an array of every value generaLed by Lhe loop. ?ou can add a cond|t|ona| term|na| Lo conflgure a lor Loop Lo sLop when a 8oolean condlLlon or an error occurs. A lor Loop wlLh a condlLlonal Lermlnal execuLes unLll Lhe condlLlon occurs or unLll all lLeraLlons compleLe, whlchever happens flrsL. 1o add a condlLlonal Lermlnal Lo a lor Loop, rlghL-cllck Lhe lor Loop border and selecL CondlLlonal 1ermlnal from Lhe shorLcuL menu. ?ou musL wlre Lhe condlLlonal Lermlnal and elLher wlre Lhe counL Lermlnal or auLo-lndex an lnpuL array for Lhe loop Lo execuLe and for Lhe vl Lo run. 1o converL a lor Loop Lo a Whlle Loop, rlghL-cllck Lhe lor Loop and selecL 8eplace wlLh Whlle Loop from Lhe shorLcuL menu. Lxamp|e: Ior Loop 1he followlng example uses a lor Loop ln order Lo creaLe an array wlLh 10 elemenLs and flll lL wlLh random numbers. 37 Loops and SLrucLures 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 3.1.2 Whlle Loop A Whlle loop repeaLs Lhe sub dlagram lnslde lL unLll Lhe condlLlonal Lermlnal, an lnpuL Lermlnal, recelves a parLlcular 8oolean value. 1he 8oolean value depends on Lhe conLlnuaLlon behavlor of Lhe Whlle Loop. 8lghL-cllck Lhe condlLlonal Lermlnal and selecL Stop |f 1rue or Cont|nue |f 1rue from Lhe shorLcuL menu. ?ou also can wlre an error clusLer Lo Lhe condlLlonal Lermlnal, rlghL-cllck Lhe Lermlnal, and selecL Stop on Lrror or Cont|nue wh||e Lrror from Lhe shorLcuL menu. 1he Whlle Loop always execuLes aL leasL once. 8elow we see an empLy Whlle loop: AfLer you creaLe a Whlle Loop, you can use shlfL reglsLers Lo pass values from one lLeraLlon Lo Lhe nexL. lf you wlre an array Lo a Whlle Loop, you can read and process every elemenL ln LhaL array by enabllng auLo-lndexlng. ln order Lo converL a Whlle Loop lnLo a lor Loop, rlghL-cllck Lhe Whlle Loop and selecL º8eplace wlLh lor Loop" from Lhe shorLcuL menu. 1o converL a Whlle Loop lnLo a 1lmed Loop, rlghL-cllck Lhe Whlle Loop and selecL º8eplace wlLh 1lmed Loop" from Lhe shorLcuL menu. Lxamp|e: Wh||e Loop 38 Loops and SLrucLures 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1hls example run unLll elLher Lhe user cllcks Lhe sLop buLLon or number of lLeraLlons ls greaLer Lhan 10. 3.2 SLrucLures 3.2.1 Case SLrucLure 1he Case SLrucLure has one or more sub dlagrams, or cases, exacLly one of whlch execuLes when Lhe sLrucLure execuLes. 1he value wlred Lo Lhe selecLor Lermlnal deLermlnes whlch case Lo execuLe and can be 8oolean, sLrlng, lnLeger, or enumeraLed Lype. ?ou may rlghL-cllck Lhe sLrucLure border Lo add or deleLe cases. use Lhe Labellng Lool Lo enLer value(s) ln Lhe case selecLor label and conflgure Lhe value(s) handled by each case. 8elow we see an empLy Case sLrucLure: 39 Loops and SLrucLures 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 8elow we see an example of a Case sLrucLure wlLh 2 cases, a º1rue" case and a ºlalse" case. uependlng of Lhe 8oolean lnpuL value, Lhe numerlc1 and numerlc2 ls elLher Added or SubLracLed. 3.2.2 Sequence SLrucLure A Sequence sLrucLure ConslsLs of one or more sub dlagrams, or frames, LhaL execuLe sequenLlally. 8lghL-cllck Lhe sLrucLure border Lo add and deleLe frames or Lo creaLe sequence locals Lo pass daLa beLween frames. use Lhe SLacked Sequence sLrucLure Lo ensure a sub dlagram execuLes before or afLer anoLher sub dlagram. 8elow we see an empLy Sequence sLrucLure. 40 Loops and SLrucLures 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 8elow we see an example where we use ºSequence Local", l.e., we pass a value from one sequence Lo Lhe nexL Note! 1o Lake advanLage of Lhe lnherenL parallellsm ln LabvlLW, avold overuslng Sequence sLrucLures. Sequence sLrucLures guaranLee Lhe order of execuLlon, buL prohlblL parallel operaLlons. AnoLher negaLlve Lo uslng Sequence sLrucLures ls LhaL you cannoL sLop Lhe execuLlon parL way Lhrough Lhe sequence. 3.2.3 LvenL SLrucLure An LvenL sLrucLure has one or more sub dlagrams, or evenL cases, exacLly one of whlch execuLes when Lhe sLrucLure execuLes. 1he LvenL sLrucLure walLs unLll an evenL happens, Lhen execuLes Lhe approprlaLe case Lo handle LhaL evenL. 8lghL-cllck Lhe sLrucLure border Lo add new evenL cases and conflgure whlch evenLs Lo handle. Wlre a value Lo Lhe 1lmeouL Lermlnal aL Lhe Lop lefL of Lhe LvenL sLrucLure Lo speclfy Lhe number of mllllseconds Lhe 41 Loops and SLrucLures 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW LvenL sLrucLure should walL for an evenL Lo occur. 1he defaulL ls -1, lndlcaLlng never Lo Llme ouL. 8elow we see an example: 8lghL-cllck on Lhe border ln order Lo Add/LdlL LvenL Cases, see Lhe dlalog box below. 42 Loops and SLrucLures 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxerclses Lxerc|se: Ior Loop CreaLe a vl wlLh a lor Loop. CreaLe Lhe loglc Lo flnd ouL lf a number ln an array ls greaLer Lhan 10. See lronL Þanel below: 43 Loops and SLrucLures 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxerc|se: Wh||e Loop CreaLe a vl wlLh a Whlle Loop. CreaLe Lhe loglc Lo flnd ouL whlch (Lhe flrsL) lndex ln Lhe array LhaL have a number greaLer Lhan 30. See lronL Þanel below: Lxerc|se: Case Structure CreaLe a vl wlLh a Case SLrucLure. use a Case sLrucLure lnslde a lor Loop Lo wrlLe Lhe LexL º1he number ls greaLer Lhan 10" lf value ls greaLer Lhan 10. See lronL Þanel below: 44 Loops and SLrucLures 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxerc|se: Sequence Structure CreaLe a vl wlLh a Sequence SLrucLure. See lronL Þanel below: Lxerc|se: Lvent Structure CreaLe a vl wlLh an LvenL SLrucLure. See lronL Þanel below: 43 6 1roubleshooLlng and uebugglng 1hls chapLer explalns Lhe baslc concepLs of LroubleshooLlng and debugglng ln LabvlLW. 1oplcs: • Pow Lo flnd errors • PlghllghL LxecuLlon • Þrobes • 8reakpolnLs • SLep lnLo/over/ouL debugglng 6.1 Pow Lo flnd errors lf a vl does noL run, lL ls a broken, or ºnonexecuLable", vl. 1he 8un buLLon ofLen appears broken, shown aL lefL, when you creaLe or edlL a vl. lf lL ls sLlll broken when you flnlsh wlrlng Lhe block dlagram, Lhe vl ls broken and wlll noL run. Cenerally, Lhls means LhaL a requlred lnpuL ls noL wlred, or a wlre ls broken. Cllck Lhe broken 8un buLLon Lo dlsplay Lhe Lrror llsL wlndow, whlch llsLs all Lhe errors. uouble-cllck an error descrlpLlon Lo dlsplay Lhe relevanL block dlagram or fronL panel and hlghllghL Lhe ob[ecL LhaL conLalns Lhe error. 6.2 PlghllghL LxecuLlon vlew an anlmaLlon of Lhe execuLlon of Lhe block dlagram by cllcklng Lhe PlghllghL LxecuLlon buLLon. LxecuLlon hlghllghLlng shows Lhe flow of daLa on Lhe block dlagram from one node Lo anoLher uslng bubbles LhaL move along Lhe wlres. noLe! LxecuLlon hlghllghLlng greaLly reduces Lhe speed aL whlch Lhe vl runs. 46 1roubleshooLlng and uebugglng 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 6.3 Þrobes use Lhe Þrobe Lool Lo check lnLermedlaLe values on a wlre as a vl runs. When execuLlon pauses aL a node because of slngle-sLepplng or a breakpolnL, you also can probe Lhe wlre LhaL [usL execuLed Lo see Lhe value LhaL flowed Lhrough LhaL wlre. ?ou also can creaLe a cusLom probe Lo speclfy whlch lndlcaLor you use Lo vlew Lhe probed daLa. lor example, lf you are vlewlng numerlc daLa, you can choose Lo see LhaL daLa ln a charL wlLhln Lhe probe. 1o creaLe a cusLom probe, rlghL-cllck a wlre and selecL CusLom Þrobe-new from Lhe shorLcuL menu. 47 1roubleshooLlng and uebugglng 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 6.4 8reakpolnLs use Lhe 8reakpolnL Lool Lo place a breakpolnL on a vl, node, or wlre on Lhe block dlagram and pause execuLlon aL LhaL locaLlon. When you seL a breakpolnL on a wlre, execuLlon pauses afLer daLa pass Lhrough Lhe wlre. Þlace a breakpolnL on Lhe block dlagram workspace Lo pause execuLlon afLer all nodes on Lhe block dlagram execuLe. When a vl pauses aL a breakpolnL, LabvlLW brlngs Lhe block dlagram Lo Lhe fronL and uses a marquee Lo hlghllghL Lhe node or wlre LhaL conLalns Lhe breakpolnL. LabvlLW hlghllghLs breakpolnLs wlLh red borders for nodes and block dlagrams and red bulleLs for wlres. When you move Lhe cursor over an exlsLlng breakpolnL, Lhe black area of Lhe 8reakpolnL Lool cursor appears whlLe. use Lhe 8reakpolnL Lool Lo cllck an exlsLlng breakpolnL Lo remove lL. ?ou may also rlghL-cllck on Lhe wlre ln order Lo seL a breakpolnL or open Lhe 8reakpolnL Manager. 48 1roubleshooLlng and uebugglng 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 8reakpolnL Manager ls a Lool for enable, dlsable and deleLe breakpolnLs. 6.3 SLep lnLo/over/ouL debugglng Avallable keyboard ShorLcuLs when uebugglng: 49 1roubleshooLlng and uebugglng 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxerclses Lxerc|se: n|gh||ght Lxecut|on Lnable ºPlghllghL LxecuLlon" ln one of your programs, and see how lL works. Lxerc|se: Þrobes SeL Several Þrobes around ln your appllcaLlon and waLch how lL works. use Lhe Þrobe waLch Wlndow and check ouL Lhe funcLlonallLy Lhls Lool offers. Also check ouL Lhe ºCusLom Þrobe" and Lhe ºllnd Þrobe" funcLlonallLy. Lxerc|se: 8reakpo|nts SeL some 8reakpolnL around ln your code and check ouL how lL works. use Lhe 8reakpolnL Manager Lool. Lxample: 30 1roubleshooLlng and uebugglng 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxerc|se: Step |nto]over]out debugg|ng use Lhe SLep lnLo/over/ouL funcLlonallLy LogeLher wlLh your 8reakpolnLs and learn how you can use Lhem and see whaL Lhe dlfference beLween Lhem ls. 31 7 Worklng wlLh uaLa 1hls chapLer explalns Lhe baslc concepLs of creaLlng and uslng Sub vls ln LabvlLW. 1oplcs: • Arrays • Array luncLlons • ClusLer 7.1 Arrays Arrays are very powerful Lo use ln LabvlLW. ln all your appllcaLlons you would probably use boLh Cne-ulmenslonal Arrays and 1wo-ulmenslonal Arrays. 7.1.1 AuLo-lndexlng LabvlLW uses a powerful mechanlsm called ºAuLo-lndexlng". lor Lxample you may use a lor loop Lo creaLe Array daLa llke Lhls: Cr you may use an Array llke Lhls ln order Lo auLomaLlcally speclfy number of lLeraLlons: 32 Worklng wlLh uaLa 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 7.1.2 Array luncLlons LabvlLW has loLs of bullL-ln funcLlons for manlpulaLlng arrays. 1he mosL useful Array funcLlons are: Array Slze lndex Array 33 Worklng wlLh uaLa 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW ueleLe from Array Search 1u Array lnlLlallze Array 8ulld Array Array SubseL Array ConsLanL All Lhese funcLlons are baslc (buL very useful) array funcLlons you wlll probably be uslng ln all your appllcaLlons and vls. Lxamp|e: Array funct|ons ln Lhls example we see how we can use Lhese Array funcLlons and whaL Lhey do. 34 Worklng wlLh uaLa 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he resulLlng lronL Þanel ls as follows: 7.2 ClusLer ClusLers group daLa elemenLs of mlxed Lypes, such as a bundle of wlres, as ln a Lelephone cable, where each wlre ln Lhe cable represenLs a dlfferenL elemenL of Lhe clusLer. A clusLer ls slmllar Lo a record or a sLrucL ln LexL-based programmlng languages. 8undllng several daLa elemenLs lnLo clusLers ellmlnaLes wlre cluLLer on Lhe block dlagram and reduces Lhe number of connecLor pane Lermlnals LhaL subvls need. 1he connecLor pane has, aL mosL, 28 Lermlnals. lf a fronL panel conLalns more Lhan 28 conLrols and lndlcaLors LhaL you wanL Lo use programmaLlcally, group some of Lhem lnLo a clusLer and asslgn Lhe clusLer Lo a Lermlnal on Lhe connecLor pane. Llke an array, a clusLer ls elLher a conLrol or an lndlcaLor. A clusLer cannoL conLaln a mlxLure of conLrols and lndlcaLors. 33 Worklng wlLh uaLa 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW AlLhough clusLer and array elemenLs are boLh ordered, you musL unbundle all clusLer elemenLs aL once raLher Lhan lndex one elemenL aL a Llme. ?ou also can use Lhe ºunbundle 8y name" funcLlon Lo access speclflc clusLer elemenLs. Lxample of a ClusLer ln LabvlLW: 7.2.1 ClusLer Crder ?ou may sorL Lhe dlfferenL elemenLs ln Lhe clusLer by rlghL-cllck on Lhe clusLer border and selecL º8eorder ConLrols ln ClusLer." 36 Worklng wlLh uaLa 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 7.2.2 ClusLer LlemenLs ln order Lo manlpulaLe and work wlLh clusLer LabvlLW offers loLs of funcLlons, such as Lhe º8undle" and ºunbundle" funcLlons. ln order Lo wrlLe Lo a clusLer from Lhe code, you may use Lhe º8undle" funcLlon or Lhe º8undle 8y name" funcLlon. See example below: 37 Worklng wlLh uaLa 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxamp|e: C|usters ln order Lo geL access Lo Lhe dlfferenL elemenLs ln Lhe clusLer, you need Lo ºunbundle" by uslng Lhe ºunbundle" funcLlon or Lhe ºunbundle 8y name". See example below: Lxerclses Lxerc|se: Arrays CreaLe some slmple vls where you use Lhese array funcLlons Lo manlpulaLe array daLa: Array Slze lndex Array ueleLe from Array Search 1u Array lnlLlallze Array 8ulld Array Array SubseL 38 Worklng wlLh uaLa 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxerc|se: Arrays CreaLe a Subvl LhaL flnd Lhe ºpeaks" ln Lhe lnpuL array regardlng Lo an lnpuL peak level. Lxerc|se: C|usters CreaLe a ClusLer and geL Lhe dlfferenL values from Lhe conLrols ln Lhe ClusLer. See lronL Þanel below: 39 8 Worklng wlLh SLrlngs Worklng and manlpulaLlng wlLh sLrlngs ls an lmporLanL parL ln LabvlLW developmenL. Cn Lhe lronL panel we have Lhe followlng SLrlng conLrols and lndlcaLors avallable from Lhe ConLrol paleLLe: Cn Lhe 8lock ulagram we have Lhe followlng SLrlng funcLlons avallable from Lhe luncLlons paleLLe: Some of Lhe mosL lmporLanL SLrlng funcLlons are: Concatenate Str|ngs 60 Worklng wlLh SLrlngs 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1hls funcLlon concaLenaLes several sLrlngs lnLo on sLrlng: Search and kep|ace Str|ng use Lhls when you wanL Lo replace or remove a cerLaln LexL ln a sLrlng. Match Þattern 61 Worklng wlLh SLrlngs 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1hls ls Lhe mosL useful funcLlon when lL comes Lo sLrlng manlpulaLlon. Iormat Into Str|ng Lxample: Lxerclses Pere are some exerclses uslng some of Lhe SLrlng funcLlons LhaL are avallable ln LabvlLW. Lxerc|se: SubVI: kemove |ead|ng zeros |n str|ng.v| 62 Worklng wlLh SLrlngs 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW CreaLe a Subvl whlch removes leadlng zeros ln a sLrlng. CreaLe a 1esL vl LhaL uses Lhe Subvl. Lxerc|se: SubVI: kemove space from end of str|ng.v| CreaLe a Subvl whlch removes all spaces from Lhe end of Lhe sLrlng. CreaLe a 1esL vl LhaL uses Lhe Subvl. Lxerc|se: SubVI: Add 2 Str|ng.v| CreaLe a Subvl whlch adds 2 sLrlngs lnLo one. CreaLe a 1esL vl LhaL uses Lhe Subvl. 63 9 Lrror Pandllng 1hls chapLer explalns Lhe baslc concepLs of handle errors ln your code. 1oplcs: • llndlng Lrrors • Lrror Wlrlng • Lrror Pandllng 9.1 llndlng Lrror lf a vl does noL run, lL ls a broken, or ºnonexecuLable", vl. 1he 8un buLLon ofLen appears broken, shown aL lefL, when you creaLe or edlL a vl. lf lL ls sLlll broken when you flnlsh wlrlng Lhe block dlagram, Lhe vl ls broken and wlll noL run. Cenerally, Lhls means LhaL a requlred lnpuL ls noL wlred, or a wlre ls broken. Cllck Lhe broken 8un buLLon Lo dlsplay Lhe Lrror llsL wlndow, whlch llsLs all Lhe errors. uouble-cllck an error descrlpLlon Lo dlsplay Lhe relevanL block dlagram or fronL panel and hlghllghL Lhe ob[ecL LhaL conLalns Lhe error. 9.2 Lrror Wlrlng Lrror handllng ls lmporLanL ln all programmlng languages. LabvlLW has powerful mechanlsm for handllng errors and error wlrlng. ?ou should always wlre Lhe Lrror clusLer beLween all Subvls, nodes, eLc. LhaL supporL Lhls, see example below. 1he Lrror clusLer ls locaLed ln Lhe ConLrols paleLLe here: 64 Lrror Pandllng 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he Lrror ClusLer: 1he Lrror clusLer conLalns of Lhe followlng parLs: • SLaLus - 1rue/lalse. lalse: no Lrror, 1rue: Lrror • Code - Lrror Code • Source - 1exLual Lrror message 9.3 Lrror Pandllng ln Subvls When creaLlng Subvls you should always creaLe an Lrror ln and an Lrror CuL. ln Lhe Subvl code you should also use a Case sLrucLure and wlre Lhe Lrror ln clusLer Lo Lhe Case SelecLor as shown below. 63 Lrror Pandllng 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 9.4 Lrror Pandllng LabvlLW has several useful Subvls, eLc for Lrror Pandllng: 66 Lrror Pandllng 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1hese are: ln general you should always show Lhe error Lo Lhe user. See LabvlLW Pelp for more deLalls of how Lo use Lhese Subvls. Lxerclses Lxerc|se: Lrror nand||ng Check ouL Lhe dlfferenL Lrror vls ln LabvlLW. use Lhem ln some of your prevlous vls. 67 10 Worklng wlLh Þro[ecLs 1hls chapLer explalns Lhe baslc concepLs of Lhe pro[ecL Lxplorer ln LabvlLW. 1oplcs: • Þro[ecL Lxplorer • 8ulldlng .exe (execuLable) appllcaLlons • ueploymenL: CreaLe an lnsLaller 10.1 Þro[ecL Lxplorer lL ls noL necessary Lo use Lhe Þro[ecL Lxplorer when developlng your LabvlLW code, buL lL ls an easy way Lo sLrucLure your code, especlally for larger pro[ecLs. 1he pro[ecL Lxplorer ls necessary when you wanL Lo deploy your code lnLo, e.g., an execuLable (.exe) appllcaLlon, bulld a seLup, eLc. 68 Worklng wlLh Þro[ecLs 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he Þro[ecL Lxplorer ls also very useful when you lnLegraLe a source conLrol Lool, such as 1eam loundaLlon Server, vlsual Source Safe, eLc. 1hen you may easlly check flles ln and ouL of Lhe source code sysLem. ln order Lo creaLe a new Þro[ecL ln LabvlLW, slmply selecL ºLmpLy Þro[ecL" from Lhe CeLLlng SLarLed wlndow when you open LabvlLW. 10.2 ueploymenL When your appllcaLlon ls flnlshed, you may wanL Lo dlsLrlbuLe or deploy your appllcaLlon and share lL wlLh oLhers. 1he Þro[ecL Lxplorer glves you several cholces when lL comes Lo dlsLrlbuLe and deploy your appllcaLlon. Some of Lhe opLlons are: • CreaLe an executab|e appllcaLlon (.exe) - Lhls means LhaL Lhe LargeL doesn'L need Lo have LabvlLW lnsLalled on Lhelr compuLer. All Lhe LargeL need ls LabvlLW 8un-8lme, whlch ls a small lnsLallaLlon package. 69 Worklng wlLh Þro[ecLs 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW • ?ou may creaLe your own |nsta||er, so all Lhe LargeL need ls Lo run a seLup.exe ln order Lo use your appllcaLlon • CLher posslblllLles ls Lo creaLe a Web Serv|ce or a Shared Llbrary (DLL) of your appllcaLlon All Lhese opLlons are avallable from Lhe Þro[ecL Lxplorer, [usL rlghL-cllck on your º8ulld SpeclflcaLlons" node. We wlll go Lhrough how we creaLe an execuLable appllcaLlon. Cllck 8ulld SpeclflcaLlons-new-AppllcaLlon (LxL). ln Lhe ÞroperLles wlndow flll ln your name of Lhe appllcaLlon. 70 Worklng wlLh Þro[ecLs 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Make sure you selecL a SLarLup vl. 1here are loLs of properLles and seLLlng you may use ln order Lo creaLe your appllcaLlon, go Lhrough all Lhe CaLegorles ln Lhe ÞroperLles wlndow. When you have flnlshed all Lhe sLeps, [usL selecL º8ulld" ln order Lo creaLe your appllcaLlon. When you make changes ln your appllcaLlon, lL ls easy Lo rebulld your appllcaLlon: 71 Worklng wlLh Þro[ecLs 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxerclses Lxerc|se: Þro[ect Lxp|orer CreaLe a new Þro[ecL and puL on of your exlsLlng appllcaLlon lnLo Lhe pro[ecL Lxerc|se: Dep|oyment CreaLe an execuLable appllcaLlon 72 11 ueslgn 1echnlques 1hls chapLer explalns some useful Lechnlques Lo use when creaLlng your appllcaLlon. 1oplcs: • lorce Lhe Þrogram llow uslng an Lrror clusLer • ShlfL 8eglsLer • SLaLe Machlne • MulLlple Loops • 1emplaLes 11.1 lorce Þrogram llow As menLloned earller, LabvlLW follows a daLaflow model for runnlng vls. A block dlagram node execuLes when all lLs lnpuLs are avallable. When a node compleLes execuLlon, lL supplles daLa Lo lLs ouLpuL Lermlnals and passes Lhe ouLpuL daLa Lo Lhe nexL node ln Lhe daLaflow paLh. ln Lhe example below we cannoL be sure LhaL Lhe uACmx WrlLe.vl execuLes before Lhe uACmx SLop 1ask.vl execuLes. LabvlLW wlll ln Lhls case randomly execuLe one of Lhese flrsL. lf Lhe SLop vl happens Lo execuLe flrsL Lhen Lhe WrlLe vl wlll falled because Lask has been sLopped. ln Lhe example below we wlre Lhe Lrror clusLer Lhrough all Lhe vls, and Lhere wlll be no doubL LhaL Lhe WrlLe vl wlll execuLe before Lhe SLop vl. 73 ueslgn 1echnlques 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1hls approach wlll also Lake care of Lhe error handllng ln your program, whlch ls very lmporLanL ln real-world appllcaLlons. 11.2 ShlfL 8eglsLer use shlfL reglsLers on lor Loops and Whlle Loops Lo Lransfer values from one loop lLeraLlon Lo Lhe nexL. ShlfL reglsLers are slmllar Lo sLaLlc varlables ln LexL-based programmlng languages. A shlfL reglsLer appears as a palr of Lermlnals, dlrecLly opposlLe each oLher on Lhe verLlcal sldes of Lhe loop border. 1he rlghL Lermlnal conLalns an up arrow and sLores daLa on Lhe compleLlon of an lLeraLlon. LabvlLW Lransfers Lhe daLa connecLed Lo Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe reglsLer Lo Lhe nexL lLeraLlon. CreaLe a shlfL reglsLer by rlghL-cllcklng Lhe lefL or rlghL border of a loop and selecLlng Add ShlfL 8eglsLer from Lhe shorLcuL menu. A shlfL reglsLer Lransfers any daLa Lype and auLomaLlcally changes Lo Lhe daLa Lype of Lhe flrsL ob[ecL wlred Lo Lhe shlfL reglsLer. 1he daLa you wlre Lo Lhe Lermlnals of each shlfL reglsLer musL be Lhe same Lype. 1o lnlLlallze a shlfL reglsLer, wlre any value from ouLslde Lhe loop Lo Lhe lefL Lermlnal. lf you do noL lnlLlallze Lhe shlfL reglsLer, Lhe loop uses Lhe value wrlLLen Lo Lhe shlfL reglsLer when Lhe loop lasL execuLed or Lhe defaulL value for Lhe daLa Lype lf Lhe loop has never execuLed. use a loop wlLh an unlnlLlallzed shlfL reglsLer Lo run a vl repeaLedly so LhaL each Llme Lhe vl runs, Lhe lnlLlal ouLpuL of Lhe shlfL reglsLer ls Lhe lasL value from Lhe prevlous execuLlon. use an unlnlLlallzed shlfL reglsLer Lo preserve sLaLe lnformaLlon beLween subsequenL execuLlons of a vl. AfLer Lhe loop execuLes, Lhe lasL value sLored ln Lhe shlfL reglsLer remalns aL Lhe rlghL Lermlnal. lf you wlre Lhe rlghL Lermlnal ouLslde Lhe loop, Lhe wlre Lransfers Lhe lasL value sLored ln Lhe shlfL reglsLer. ?ou can add more Lhan one shlfL reglsLer Lo a loop. lf you have mulLlple operaLlons wlLhln a loop, use mulLlple shlfL reglsLers Lo sLore Lhe daLa values from Lhose dlfferenL processes ln Lhe sLrucLure. 74 ueslgn 1echnlques 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 11.3 SLaLe Þrogrammlng ArchlLecLure CreaLlng vls uslng Lhe SLaLe Machlne approach ls very useful when creaLlng (large) appllcaLlons. ln general, a sLaLe machlne ls a model of behavlor composed of a flnlLe number of sLaLes, LranslLlons beLween Lhose sLaLes, and acLlons. lL ls slmllar Lo a "flow graph" where we can lnspecL Lhe way ln whlch Lhe loglc runs when cerLaln condlLlons are meL. SomeLlmes, you may wanL Lo change Lhe order of Lhe sequence, repeaL one lLem ln Lhe sequence more ofLen Lhan Lhe oLher lLems, sLop a sequence lmmedlaLely, or have lLems ln Lhe sequence LhaL may execuLe only when cerLaln condlLlons are meL. AlLhough your program may noL have any such requlremenLs, Lhere ls always Lhe posslblllLy LhaL Lhe program musL be modlfled ln Lhe fuLure. 1herefore, a sLaLe programmlng archlLecLure ls a good cholce, even lf a sequenLlal programmlng sLrucLure ls sufflclenL. 1he followlng llsL 73 ueslgn 1echnlques 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW descrlbes more complex programmlng requlremenLs LhaL [usLlfy Lhe use of a sLaLe programmlng archlLecLure for an appllcaLlon. • ?ou need Lo change Lhe order of Lhe sequence • ?ou musL repeaL an lLem ln Lhe sequence more ofLen Lhan oLher lLems • ?ou wanL some lLems ln Lhe sequence Lo execuLe only when cerLaln condlLlons are meL 1he SLaLe Machlne approach ln LabvlLW uses a Case sLrucLure lnslde a Whlle loop Lo handle Lhe dlfferenL sLaLes ln Lhe program, and Lhe LranslLlons beLween Lhem. 1he ShlfL 8eglsLer ls used Lo save daLa from and beLween Lhe dlfferenL sLaLes. 8elow we see examples of a sLaLe machlne prlnclple lmplemenLed ln LabvlLW. Slmple SLaLe Machlne prlnclple 76 ueslgn 1echnlques 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW SLaLe Machlne wlLh mulLlple LranslLlons dependlng on Lhe SLaLe: More advanced SLaLe Machlne uslng ShlfL 8eglsLers: 77 ueslgn 1echnlques 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 11.4 MulLlple Loops/Þarallel programmlng CfLen, you need Lo program mulLlple Lasks so LhaL Lhey execuLe aL Lhe same Llme. ln LabvlLW Lasks can run ln parallel lf Lhey do noL have a daLa dependency beLween Lhem, and lf Lhey are noL uslng Lhe same shared resource. An example of a shared resource ls a flle, or an lnsLrumenL. uslng mulLlple Whlle loops ls someLlmes useful ln appllcaLlons LhaL need Lo handle user lnLeracLlons ln parallel wlLh, e.g., uAC operaLlons, eLc. 8elow we see an example of how Lhls sLrucLure could look llke. 1he upper loop could handle lnLeracLlon wlLh Lhe user, whlle Lhe lower loop could handle uAC operaLlons, such as readlng and wrlLlng Lo some l/C equlpmenLs. 78 ueslgn 1echnlques 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW ln order Lo pass daLa beLween Lhe loops, you may e.g. use local varlables. 1he loop may have dlfferenL Llme cycles. 1he l/C may requlre fasLer cycles Lhan Lhe user lnLeracLlon loop. 11.3 1emplaLes ?ou should creaLe your own LemplaLes for such vl you use a loL. lL ls easy Lo creaLe your own LemplaLes for scraLch, [usL creaLe a vl as you normally do and Lhen save lL as a LemplaLe wlLh Lhe endlng º.v|t". ?ou may also converL a vl you already made [usL by changlng Lhe exLenslon Lo º.vlL". ?ou should copy your LemplaLes Lo Lhe LabvlLW LemplaLe folder whlch ls defaulL locaLed ln ºC:\Þrogram llles\naLlonal lnsLrumenLs\LabvlLW x.x\1emplaLes\". 79 ueslgn 1echnlques 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he 1emplaLes wlll Lhen be avallable from Lhe CeLLlng SLarLed Wlndow or llle-new. ln LabvlLW. l may case l have creaLed a sub folder called ºMy 1emplaLes" where l place all my LemplaLes. 80 ueslgn 1echnlques 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxerclses Pere are some exerclses abouL shlfL-reglsLers, SLaLe Machlnes and parallel programmlng. Lxerc|se: Sh|ft-reg|ster CreaLe a vl (see example below) where you have Lhe followlng sLaLes: • lnlLlallze • WrlLe • 8ead • Close ln Lhe vl you wlll use a shlfL-reglsLer as a Lemporary sLorage. ln Lhe WrlLe sLaLe you WrlLe uaLa Lo Lhe sLorage (shlfL-reglsLer) whlle you ln Lhe 8ead sLaLe wlll read Lhe uaLa from Lhe SLorage. See Lxample below: 81 ueslgn 1echnlques 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW WrlLe a 1esL program LhaL LesL Lhe Subvl, e.g., 1hls example shows how you can use a shlfL-reglsLer as a Lemporary sLorage, whlch ls very useful ln many slLuaLlons. Lxerc|se: State Mach|ne use Lhe SLaLe Machlne prlnclple on one of your prevlous exerclses. Lxerc|se: Þara||e| Þrogramm|ng CreaLe a vl LhaL conslsLs of 2 parallel loops. use local varlables and oLher mechanlsms ln order Lo share daLa beLween Lhe 2 loops. Lxerc|se: 1emp|ates 82 ueslgn 1echnlques 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW SLrlp some of yours prevlous vls and save Lhem as reusable 1emplaLes. 83 12 user lnLerface 1hls chapLer explalns Lhe baslc concepLs of creaLlng user-frlendly Craphlcal user lnLerfaces (Cul) ln LabvlLW. 1oplcs: • uecoraLlons • 1ab ConLrol • SpllLLer • Sub Þanel • LLc. 8elow we see a lronL Þanel (Cul) wlLh a ºpoor" deslgn. 1he lnformaLlon (ConLrols and lndlcaLors) on Lhe lronL Þanel ls noL sLrucLured. ?ou should group elemenLs LhaL naLurally belong LogeLher and use dlfferenL colors wlLh care. When creaLlng Craphlcal user lnLerfaces (Cul) you should use Lhe conLrols from Lhe SysLem paleLLe and noL from Lhe Modern or Classlc paleLLes. Modern ConLrols may be used ln Sub vls wlLh no vlslble user lnLerface (for Lhe user). 84 user lnLerface 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he appearance of Lhe conLrols ln Lhe SysLem paleLLe ls sLandard MS Wlndows look and feellng and Lhls look ls famlllar for mosL users. 1hese conLrols also change appearance due Lo changes ln Lhe appearance ln Lhe operaLlon sysLem. 12.1 vl ÞroperLles ln order Lo make Lhe appearance of Lhe Wlndow LhaL hosLs your appllcaLlon, you should always make some changes ln Lhe ºvl ÞroperLles". ?ou flnd Lhe ºvl ÞroperLles" by rlghL-cllck on Lhe lcon ln Lhe upper rlghL corner of your vl. 83 user lnLerface 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he flrsL Lhlng you should change ls Lhe ºWlndow LlLle". Pere you may Lype approprlaLe name of your appllcaLlon or Subvl. 1he nexL you should do ls Lo Lhe ºCusLomlze" buLLon ln order Lo cusLomlze Lhe Wlndow appearance. 8elow we see an appllcaLlon wlLh a slmple and neaL user lnLerface and wlLh a CusLomlzed Wlndows appearance. 86 user lnLerface 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 8elow we see a professlonal appllcaLlon creaLed ln LabvlLW LhaL lmplemenL common Cul ob[ecLs such as a 1oolbar, a 1ree vlew, a LlsL vlew, eLc.. 87 user lnLerface 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxerclses Lxerc|se: User Interface CreaLe a ulalog 8ox where you use some of Lhe ConLrols from Lhe SysLem paleLLe. Make Lhe necessary seLLlngs ln vl ÞroperLles ln order Lo hlde menus, buLLons, creaLe a 1lLle, eLc. CreaLe a 1esL vl from where you open Lhls ulalog 8ox, enLer some daLa ln Lhe ulalog 8ox, and Lhen reLrleve Lhese daLa ln Lhe calllng vl. Lxample: 88 13 ÞloLLlng uaLa 1hls chapLer explalns Lhe baslc concepLs when ploLLlng daLa ln LabvlLW. LabvlLW offers powerful funcLlonallLy for ploLLlng daLa. ln Lhe Craph paleLLe we have loLs of useful conLrols for ploLLlng and vlsuallzaLlon of daLa. 1he mosL useful are: • Waveform CharL • Waveform Craph • x? Craph Lxamp|e: 1hls slmple example creaLes a graph wlLh some random values. 89 ÞloLLlng uaLa 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he example below show Lhe baslc dlfference beLween a ºCharL" and a ºCraph". 90 ÞloLLlng uaLa 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW ?ou use Lhe ºCraph" lf you wanL Lo ploL a seL of daLa, e.g., an array wlLh daLa, ploL daLa from a flle, eLc. use Lhe ºCharL" lf you wanL Lo ploL one daLa polnL aL a Llme, e.g., lnslde a loop, eLc. 13.1 CusLomlzlng 1he dlfferenL CharL componenLs ln LabvlLW offer a greaL deal of cusLomlzlng. ?ou may cllck on Lhe ºÞ|ot Legend" ln order Lo seL colors, dlfferenL llne sLyles, eLc. 91 ÞloLLlng uaLa 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW lf you rlghL-cllck on Lhe Craph/CharL, you may seL properLles such as auLo-scallng, eLc. lf you selecL ÞroperLles, you geL Lhe followlng dlalog: 92 ÞloLLlng uaLa 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW ?ou may also selecL whlch lLems LhaL should be vlslble or noL. 1he ºGraph Þa|ette" leLs you zoom ln and ouL on Lhe Craph, eLc. Lxerclses Lxerc|se: Graph CreaLe a vl LhaL reads daLa from a flle and ploL Lhe daLa ln a Craph componenL. Lxerc|se: Chart CreaLe a vl where you use uaLa 8lndlng ln order Lo reLrleve daLa from an CÞC demo. uaLa 8lndlng ls seL ln Lhe ÞroperLles - uaLa 8lndlng Lab: 93 ÞloLLlng uaLa 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxerc|se: Custom|z|ng CusLomlze Lhe Craph and Lhe CharL ln Lhe examples above ln order Lo seL colors, llne Lhlckness, eLc. 94 14 1lps & 1rlcks 1hls chapLer glves you some useful 1lps & 1rlcks regardlng LabvlLW. 14.1 10 funcLlons you need Lo know abouL 1hese are Lhe 10 mosL useful funcLlons ln LabvlLW, so you could already now learn how Lo use Lhem and where Lo flnd Lhem! 8u||d Array 1hls example uslng Lhe 8ulld Array funcLlon lnslde a lor loop ln order bulld an array wlLh 10 elemenLs. Index Array 93 1lps & 1rlcks 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW lL ls always useful Lo flnd a speclflc value ln an array: 1he lndex Array ls exLendlble, so you can drag lL ouL Lo flnd more Lhan one elemenLs: Array S|ze llnd Lhe slze of an arblLrary array: 96 1lps & 1rlcks 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Se|ect uependlng on Lhe lnpuL daLa, go Lo Lhe Alarm case or Lhe WrlLe uaLa case. Concatenate Str|ngs 1hls funcLlon concaLenaLe several sLrlngs lnLo on sLrlng: Search and kep|ace Str|ng 97 1lps & 1rlcks 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW use Lhls when you wanL Lo replace or remove a cerLaln LexL ln a sLrlng. Match Þattern 1hls ls Lhe mosL useful funcLlon when lL comes Lo sLrlng manlpulaLlon. Iormat Into Str|ng 98 1lps & 1rlcks 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxample: Iract]Lxp Str|ng to Number 1hls funcLlon converLs a sLrlng lnLo a number: Lxamp|e: Number 1o Iract|ona| Str|ng 99 1lps & 1rlcks 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxample: 14.2 1he 10 mosL useful ShorL-cuLs 1hese are Lhe 10 mosL useful shorL-cuLs ln LabvlLW, so you could already now learn how Lo use Lhem! Short-Cut Descr|pt|on Ctr| + 8 ueleLes all broken wlres ln a vl Ctr| + . SLops Lhe 8unnlng vl Ctr| + L 1oggle beLween Lhe lronL Þanel and 8lock ulagram 1ab Cycles Lhrough Lhe mosL common 1ools (AuLomaLlc 1ool SelecLlon should be dlsabled!) Ctr| + Mouse whee| Scrolls Lhrough subdlagrams ln Case, LvenL or Sequence sLrucLures Ctr| + n ulsplays Lhe ConLexL Pelp wlndow Ctr| + Mouse Doub|e-c||ck on a SubVI Cpens Lhe 8lock ulagram dlrecLly Ctr| + Arrows (÷÷÷¢ ) Move fasLer. ?ou flrsL have Lo selecL a Subvl, a luncLlon, Cb[ecL, eLc Ctr| + W Close Lhe Subvl Doub|e-c||ck on a w|re SelecLs Lhe hole wlre 100 13 Lxample AppllcaLlon ln Lhls example we wlll go Lhrough an example appllcaLlon. 1he appllcaLlon uses mosL of Lhe LabvlLW feaLures you have learned ln Lhls 1uLorlal. 1he appllcaLlon ls called ºClossary". lL ls a slmple appllcaLlon LhaL learns kld's words ln Lngllsh. Slnce Lhe appllcaLlon ls for klds, Lhe user lnLerface ls creaLe wlLh a ºchlldlsh" look and feel. 1hls ls an example of how Lo creaLe a user-frlendly appllcaLlon ln LabvlLW LhaL uses mosL of Lhe funcLlonallLy ln LabvlLW, such as SLaLe-machlne prlnclples, readlng and wrlLlng Lo flles, dlalog boxes, graphlcs and sound effecLs. 8aslc funcLlons for sLrlng and array manlpulaLlon, and of course whlle loops, case sLrucLures, subvls, eLc. 1he example also uses Lhe Þro[ecL Lxplorer Lo collecL all Lhe flles ln one place and Lo creaLe an execuLable flle of Lhe soluLlon. llnally lL uses Lhe Þro[ecL Lxplorer Lo creaLe a seLup package you can use Lo lnsLall Lhe appllcaLlon easlly on oLher compuLers. 101 Lxample AppllcaLlon 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW l creaLed Lhls appllcaLlon for my klds ln Lhe Þrlmary school who had problems wlLh learnlng Lhelr homework ln Lngllsh. use Lhe code as an example for creaLlng your own sLunnlng LabvlLW appllcaLlons. 1he code ls avallable for download aL my blog: hLLp:// 8elow we see Lhe Clossary LlsL: lf you cllck on Lhe llLLle book symbol ln your appllcaLlon, Lhls wlndow wlll pop up: Cllck Lls symbol and you can enLer new words: 102 Lxample AppllcaLlon 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1he appllcaLlon uses Lhe Þro[ecL Lxplorer: 103 Lxample AppllcaLlon 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1hls makes lL easy Lo keep an overvlew of all your flles ln your pro[ecL. ?ou may also use Lhe Þro[ecL Lxplorer Lo creaLe an execuLable flle of your appllcaLlon. ln addlLlon you may also creaLe an lnsLallaLlon package so you can easlly lnsLall Lhe appllcaLlon on oLher compuLers. As parL of Lhe lnsLallaLlon Lhe LabvlLW 8un-Llme englne wlll be lnsLalled. 8|ock D|agram: 1he appllcaLlon uses Lhe sLaLe machlne prlnclple, whlch makes lL easy Lo creaLe large appllcaLlons: 104 Lxample AppllcaLlon 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 103 16 AddlLlonal Lxerclses 1hls chapLer llsLs loLs of addlLlonal exerclses you could Lry ouL ln order Lo lmprove your LabvlLW skllls. Lxerc|se: vCard keader CreaLe an appllcaLlon LhaL reads lnformaLlon from a vCard. vCard ls a flle formaL sLandard for elecLronlc buslness cards. vCards are ofLen aLLached Lo e-mall messages, buL can be exchanged ln oLher ways, such as on Lhe World Wlde Web. 1hey can conLaln name and address lnformaLlon, phone numbers, u8Ls, logos, phoLographs, and even audlo cllps. Lxample: BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Gump;Forrest FN:Forrest Gump ORG:Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. TITLE:Shrimp Man TEL;WORK;VOICE:(111) 555-1212 TEL;HOME;VOICE:(404) 555-1212 ADR;WORK:;;100 Waters Edge;Baytown;LA;30314;United States of America LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:100 Waters Edge=0D=0ABaytown, LA 30314=0D=0AUSA ADR;HOME:;;42 Plantation St.;Baytown;LA;30314;United States of America LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:42 Plantation St.=0D=0ABaytown, LA 30314=0D=0AUSA EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:[email protected] REV:20080424T195243Z END:VCARD lor more lnformaLlon abouL Lhe vCard formaL, see hLLp:// 1he appllcaLlon should look someLhlng llke Lhls: When Lhe user cllck Cpen, Lhen a dlalog box llke Lhls should appear: 106 AddlLlonal Lxerclses 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW kequ|rements: • use Lhe Þro[ecL Lxplorer • use Lhe SLaLe Machlne prlnclple • use Lhe LvenL SLrucLure • use SysLem ConLrols • SeL Lhe approprlaLe seLLlngs ln Lhe vl ÞroperLles. • CreaLe a execuLable appllcaLlon (vCard.exe) Lxerc|se: vCard Wr|te & kead LxLend Lhe appllcaLlon ln Lhe prevlous example. ?ou should now be able Lo boLh wrlLe and read vCard flles. 1he appllcaLlon could look someLhlng llke Lhls: 107 AddlLlonal Lxerclses 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW When Lhe user cllcks new, Lhe dlalog box ln Lhe prevlous exerclse appears. 1he user may enLer a new vCard. lf Lhe user cllcks LdlL, a dlalog box wlLh Lhe selecLed conLacL should appear. Lxerc|se: kead]Wr|te from .|n| f||es 8ead/WrlLe from .lnl flles. use Lhe ConflguraLlon llle vls: Lxerc|se: Act|vek CreaLe a slmple Web 8rowser uslng AcLlvex and Lhe lnLerneL Lxplorer AcLlvex conLrol (MlcrosofL Web 8rowser) use Lhe AcLlvex ConLalner from Lhe ConLalners conLrol paleLLe: 108 AddlLlonal Lxerclses 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW use Lhe AcLlvex funcLlon paleLLe: 1he appllcaLlon could look someLhlng llke Lhls: 109 AddlLlonal Lxerclses 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW Lxerc|se: 1hemes ln e.g., ASÞ.nL1 we have someLhlng called 1hemes. 1hemes are used Lo change Lhe appearance of your whole appllcaLlon regardlng Lo color, fonL, plcLures, eLc. LabvlLW do noL offer such a funcLlonallLy , buL Lry Lo creaLe your own 1heme ConflguraLor, so you can change Lhe appearance of your vl lnsLanLly. Pere ls an example of how Wlndows xÞ handles dlfferenL 1hemes: CreaLe a slmllar 1heme ConflguraLor so you may easlly change Lhe appearance of your vls. 110 17 WhaL's nexL? 17.1 My 8log lor more lnformaLlon abouL LabvlLW, vlslL my 8log: hLLp:// 17.2 1ralnlng 1hls 1uLorlal ls a parL of a serles wlLh oLher 1uLurlals l have made, such as: • lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW • uaLa AcqulslLlon ln LabvlLW • ConLrol and SlmulaLlon ln LabvlLW • LabvlLW MaLhScrlpL • Llnear Algebra ln LabvlLW • uaLalogglng and Supervlsory ConLrol ln LabvlLW • Wlreless uaLa AcqulslLlon ln LabvlLW • lnLermedlaLe 1oplcs ln LabvlLW • Advanced 1oplcs ln LabvlLW • eLc. 1hese 1ralnlng klLs are avallable for download (.pdf flles, source code, addlLlonal resources, eLc.) from my blog: hLLp:// 17.3 AddlLlonal 8esources ?ou flnd loLs of lnformaLlon abouL LabvlLW ln naLlonal lnsLrumenLs web slLe: 17.4 Lxamples ln Lhe NI examp|e I|nder (Pelp-llnd Lxamples.) you flnd loLs of useful examples LhaL you can play wlLh or use as a sLarL when creaLlng your own appllcaLlons. 111 WhaL's nexL? 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 17.3 uocumenLaLlon As parL of Lhe LabvlLW lnsLallaLlon Lhere exlsL loLs of useful documenLaLlon, such as CeLLlng SLarLed manuals, user Manuals, eLc. 112 WhaL's nexL? 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 17.6 LabvlLW Wlkl LabvlLW Wlkl ls Lhe free LabvlLW lnformaLlon resource LhaL anyone can edlL. hLLp:// 17.7 LabvlLW on ?ou1ube 1here are loLs of LabvlLW vldeos avallable aL ?ou1ube: hLLp:// 113 Culck 8eference Culck 8eference 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW 1e|emark Un|vers|ty Co||ege Iacu|ty of 1echno|ogy k[ø|nes k|ng S6 N-3918 Þorsgrunn, Norway www.h| nans-Þetter na|vorsen, M.Sc. 1e|emark Un|vers|ty Co||ege Department of L|ectr|ca| Lng|neer|ng, Informat|on 1echno|ogy and Cybernet|cs L-ma||: hans.p.ha|vorsenQh| 8|og: http:]]home.h|]~hansha] Culck 8eference 1uLorlal: An lnLroducLlon Lo LabvlLW


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