Introduction to Chemical Process Simulators Examples Coco Dwsim Aspen Hysys Free Course

June 13, 2018 | Author: Anonymous vmmqe1 | Category: Ammonia, Materials, Industrial Processes, Chemical Process Engineering, Industries
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INTRODUCTION TO CHEMICALPROCESS SIMULATORS DWSIM Chemical Process Simulator A. Carrero, N. Quirante, J. Javaloyes October 2016 Quirante & J. N. October 10th 2016  Simulation of Chemical Reactors Monday.Introduction to Chemical Process Simulators Contents Monday. October 3rd 2016  Introduction to Sequential – Modular Steady State Process Simulators  Get used to working with DWSIM and COCO Monday. Carrero . October 17th 2016  Simulation of Distillation Columns Monday. October 24th 2016  Case studies 2 A. Javaloyes . 1021/ie901037w 3 Quirante & J. Javaloyes .Introduction to chemical process simulators Ethylene Glycol Production http://www.fsd http://pubs. Carrero .acs.chemsep. N. Javaloyes .06-8900/T)/60/1000*C("Diethylene glycol")*C("Ethylene oxide“) k4 = exp(16.3-9000/T)/60/1000*C("Triethylene glycol")*C("Ethylene oxide") 4 A. Quirante & J.62-8220/T)/60/1000*C(Water)*C("Ethylene oxide“) k2 = exp(15. Carrero .Introduction to chemical process simulators Ethylene Glycol Production W + EtO  MEG k1 MEG + EtO  DEG k2 DEG + EtO  TEG k3 TEG + EtO  TTEG k4 Kinetics in COCO k1 = exp(13.57-8700/T)/60/1000*C("Monoethylene glycol")*C("Ethylene oxide") K3 = exp(16. N. 2696-2707 5 A.Eng.Res. N.Chem.Introduction to chemical process simulators Pressure Swing Distillation of Acetone-Methanol Ind. Quirante & J. Carrero . Javaloyes . (2008) 47 pp. and nitrogen is obtained from deoxygenated air. Hydrogen is usually obtained from steam reformation of methane. The chemical reaction is shown below: N  3H 2 NH 2 2 3 Our goal is to produce a simulation for the production of ammonia using DWSIM. Javaloyes .0103 S7 Nitrogen 0. Carrero .0024 Argon 0.0027 S5V Q comp 2 Methane 0.Introduction to chemical process simulators Ammonia Synthesis Ammonia is produced by reacting nitrogen from the air with hydrogen.2474 S6 T = 26.9 ºC 280 ºC Q comp 1 S5L 25.5 bar Conversion = 40% 6 A. Hydrogen 0. N. Quirante & J. A diagram and the data needed to simulate this process is given below.85 ºC S3 NH3 SynGas S2 S4 DP = 100 bar 7000 kgmole/h P = 274 bar T = 481.7371 DP = 100 bar Ammonia 0 Purge = 1% S7 Rec2 Rec1 CO 0. Quirante & J.Introduction to chemical process simulators Ammonia Synthesis 7 A. N. Carrero . Javaloyes . es J. Javaloyes: javaloyes.anton@ua. Carrero: alba.carrero@ua. INTRODUCTION TO CHEMICAL PROCESS SIMULATORS DWSIM Chemical Process Simulator October 2016 .


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