IMS 13 TM and Integration.pdf

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1. ® ® IMS Version 13 IMS Version 13 IMS 13 Transaction Manager and Integration Enhancements © 2013 IBM Corporation 2. IMS Version 13 Agenda  IMS TM Enhancements  OTMA Enhancements  ISC Over TCP/IP  Synchronous Program Switch  IMS 13 Integration Items Autonomics  Modernization  GUI  Support for native SQL  TM Resource Adapter Updates  DB Universal Driver Updates  IBM IMS Enterprise Suite V3.1  IMS Data Provider for Microsoft .NET  Statement of Direction  SOAP Gateway Updates  Connect API for Java Updates  Explorer for Development Updates  JMS API  IMS 13 synchronous callout support with the ICAL DL/I call  WebSphere DataPower Integration Appliance V6.0  IMS Explorer for Administration 2 3. IMS Version 13 OTMA Enhancements  OTMA (Open Transaction Manager Access) value proposition  Strengthens IMS as a foundation for open integration technologies  Used by: – IMS Connect: clients include IMS TM resource adapter and WAS, WMB, WESB; DataPower; IMS Soap Gateway, ... – IMS MQ Bridge: clients include WMB, RYO, ... – OTMA CI: clients include WOLA – IMS Connect API: clients include DataPower – ... – All of which support cloud technologies and enterprise mobility 3 4. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 OTMA Enhancements ...  OTMA early termination notification  Autonomic enhancement for higher availability that allows OTMA clients to be informed of an IMS shutdown earlier in the termination process  Potentially reduces unsuccessful attempts to send in new transaction messages that cannot be processed – Can expedite shutdown processing – Planned outages (e.g., /CHE FREEZE | DUMPQ | PURGE) – Sends resource monitor protocol message during Phase 1 of IMS shutdown – Unplanned outages (e.g. abend) – OTMA issues XCF IXCLEAVE immediately after the log buffers are purged  Function being added to IMS 12: APAR PM73869 4 5. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 OTMA Enhancements ...  A new global flood control option that enforces the global flood limit  Rejects new transaction input and protects IMS from storage exhaustion  Versus just a warning message – Note: Individual Member level flood control is unchanged – Warning at 80%, Rejection at 100%, Relief at 50%  Enabled by – Issuing “/DIS TMEMBER ALL INPUT xxx” command – Previous releases caused only a warning – Specifying INPT value in a special new member client descriptor – Reserved name of DFSOTMA 5 6. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 OTMA Enhancements ...  A special new client descriptor (optional)  Using existing „M‟ descriptor type in DFSYDTx member of IMS.PROCLIB. M client-name keywords Where: client-name is DFSOTMA keywords are: INPT= <VALID> global flood control limit DRU= <Ignored> T/O= <Ignored> MAXTP= <VALID> global max number of tpipes that can be created For example: M DFSOTMA INPT=22222  New system client name for all the OTMA members, DFSOTMA, is introduced to set global values 6 7. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 OTMA Enhancements ...  Enhancements to OTMA destination descriptors  Simplify asynchronous messaging to WMQ  Remove the need to code the DFSYPRX0/DFSYDRU0 exits  Provide dynamic change capability with the Type-2 commands  New descriptor TYPE={MQSERIES}  Provides asynchronous callout and messaging support (ISRT ALTPCB)  Specification of EXIT={YES | NO}  Determines whether or not the OTMA exits are to be called  Corresponding enhancement to IMS Type-2 OTMADESC commands  [CREATE | UPDATE | DELETE |QUERY] OTMADESC – Recoverable across warm and emergency restarts 7 8. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 OTMA Enhancements ...  New mechanism to differentiate between CM0 versus CM1 output message HOLDq is a TPIPE secondary queue used counts for HOLDq-capable clients for three types of messages: • ALTPCB messages chained to the first control block used for IOPCB output • Send-only messages • Rejected IOPCB output  Can help analyze potential bottlenecks  Enhancement to /DISPLAY TMEMBER TPIPE command and output  Provides separate counts for the two output queues – PRIMARY versus HOLDq – Applicable only to HOLDq-capable clients, e.g. IMS Connect – Output messages retrieved using Resume TPIPE protocol  Only affects non-shared queue systems – New OUTPUT display parameter is mutually exclusive with SYNC and QCNT parameters DFS000I DFS000I DFS000I DFS000I DFS000I DFS000I DFS000I DFS000I MEMBER/TPIPE HWS1 -CLIENT03 -CLIENT03 -9999 -CLIENT02 -CLIENT04 -CLIENT04 ENQCT DEQCT QCT INPCT 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 STATUS SMEM PMRY HLDQ PMRY PMRY PMRY HLDQ 8 9. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 OTMA Enhancements ...  Additional console WTO messages  Enhances automation capability for environments that look at WTOs  Previously just MTO messages – DFS0062W LOAD FAILED FOR DRU exit – DFS1281E (N)ACK ON NON-EXISTING TPIPE= tpipe FROM MEMBER= member – DFS1283E (N)ACK ON NON-EXISTING BLOCK IN TPIPE= tpipe MEMBER= member TOKEN= token – DFS1284E (N)ACK ON NON-WAITING BLOCK IN TPIPE= tpipe MEMBER= member TOKEN= token – DFS1297E OTMA TRANCOMPLETED. NO OUTPUT DUE TO MSG SIZE EXCEEDED 32K (32767) – DFS1964E DESTINATION TMEMBER ... TPIPE or DESTINATION NAME= nn NOT ACCESSIBLE, – DFS2374W OTMA GROUP NAME HAS CHANGED FROM oldname TO newname – DFS2375W IMS HAS CHANGED ITS OTMA MEMBER NAME FROM oldname TO newname – DFS2376W IMS OTMA MEMBER NAME name IS THE SAME AS A PREVIOUSLY ACTIVE CLIENT – DFS2386I OTMA IS CONNECTING TO THE MEMBER xxxxxxxx – DFS2391I MESSAGE DEQUEUE FAILED DURING RESYNCH FOR TMEMBER =x TPIPE = x – DFS2393I SRVRESYNCH REJECTED BY TMEMBER= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx – DFS2396I RESET SEQUENCE NUMBER FAILED DURING RESYNCH FOR TMEMBER = TPIPE = 9 10. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 OTMA Enhancements ...  Concerted effort to reduce MIPS in IMS 13 includes OTMA  More efficient hashing technique for control blocks  IMPACT to an environment depends on volume of activity  Example: – Every CM1 (Send-then-commit) transaction request has a control block associated with the port TPIPE during processing – If a slowdown in IMS or zOS occurs or if the system is actively processing large numbers of requests then an increasing number of these blocks remain active – The improved hashing technique results in a more timely and efficient search for a specific block during application GU or checkpoint  Usage of the CPOOL and DFSBCB in XCF Message Exit instead of the STORAGE OBTAIN macro  Removal of unnecessary MVCL hot spot 10 11. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 OTMA Enhancements ...  Enhancement to ICAL synchronous callout request  Addresses partial response message due to inadequate application specification  Provides the ability to complete the retrieval of a reply message – Without having to re-issue a complete ICAL “SENDRECV” and associated network transmission costs  New “RECEIVE” subfunction code  With an expanded response area – Retrieves the response message after an ICAL “SENDRECV” is issued with an inadequate response area specification and gets partial data (AIB RC X‟100‟, AIB RS X‟00C‟)  IMS 13 keeps a copy of the entire response message in the control region private storage – Until a subsequent ICAL “SENDRECV”, syncpoint, or application – termination 11 12. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 ISC Over TCP/IP  ISC Over TCP/IP value proposition  New option that supports TCP/IP network connectivity for Intersystem Communication (ISC) connections  IMS – CICS – CICS 5.1 is requires  Provides a strategic protocol alternative to SNA/VTAM  Allows an all inclusive TCP/IP solution for networks  Supports a communication capability with CICS that is in-line with evolving technologies 12 13. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 ISC Over TCP/IP...  Highlights  Supports both static and dynamic terminals  Static terminal definitions – SYSGEN stage 1 TYPE, TERMINAL, SUBPOOL macros – DFSDCxxx PROCLIB member  Dynamic terminal specification – Logon descriptors in the DFSDSCMx or DFSDSCTy PROCLIB member  Leverages IMS Connect  Enhancements to the HWSCFGxx configuration member – No IMS Connect user message exit changes  Uses CSL to communicate between IMS and IMS Connect  Requires Structured Call Interface (SCI) and  Operation Manager (OM) 13 14. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 ISC Over TCP/IP...  Functionality  CICS IPIC (IP Interconnectivity) provides START / RETRIEVE (asynchronous processing) support  When CICS is a front-end system: – IMS response mode transactions are not supported – IMS conversational transactions are not supported – CICS application program cannot use SEND/RECEIVE  When IMS is a front-end system: – Transaction support is the same for both ISC VTAM and ISC TCP/IP – Transaction flow is always asynchronous  No change to existing programs on either side of the connection 14 15. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 ISC Over TCP/IP...  IMS terminal definitions  Static terminals:  TYPE, TERMINAL, VTAMPOOL and SUBPOOL macros in Stage 1 gen – Continue to be required for static ISC terminals (VTAM or TCP/IP)  New keyword: ISCTCPIP in DFSDCxxx – Specifies that an ISC terminal is to use the TCP/IP support – Addition, modification, deletion of the ISCTCPIP parameter requires a cold start – If ISCTCPIP is changed and IMS crashes, ERE ignores the change  Dynamic terminals (ETO):  New Logon descriptor information – UNITYPE=ISCTCPIP, LCLICON=name of local IMS Connect  User descriptors are optional – Default user descriptor of DFSUSER will be used 15 16. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 ISC Over TCP/IP...  The Common Service Layer (CSL) provides the Structured Call Interface (SCI) for communications  Each IMS and its local ISC-routing IMS Connect system must be part of the same IMSplex  IMS Connect‟s HWSCFGxx configuration member  New CICSPORT parameter in TCPIP statement  New ISC statement  New RMTCICS statement IMS IMS Connect DFSDFxxx HWSCFGxx IMSPLEX =IMSplexname... TCPIP... CICSPORT() Static: ISCTCPIP=(node,lcliconname) RMTCICS() OR Dynamic/ETO Logon descriptor: L descname UNITYPE=ISCTCPIP LCLICON=lcliconname  SCI ISC() IMSPLEX= (MEMBER=lcliconname, TMEMBER=IMSplexname) ... The Operations Manager (OM) provides type-2 cmd support 16 17. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 ISC Over TCP/IP... IMS1 ISCTCPIP(CICSA1,ICON1) APPLID=APPL8 TYPE UNITYPE=LUTYPE6 TERMINAL NAME=CICSA1 VTAMPOOL SUBPOOL NAME=SSN1 SUBPOOL NAME=SSN2 ICON1 SCI CICS1 TCP/IP TCPIP… CICSPORT(9991) RMTCICS(CICS1) HOST( PORT(8891) USERID(userid) APPL(applname) ISC(ISC1) NODE(CICSA1) RMTCICS(CICS1) CICSPORT(9991) CICSAPPL(CICSA1) LCLIMS=IMS1 APPLID=CICSA1 Parallel session 1 w/ Security context 1 Parallel session 2 w/ Security context 2 TCPIPSERVICE(TS1) PORT(8891) PROTOCOL(IPIC) IPCONN(SSN1) APPLID(SSN1) HOST( PORT(9991) TCPIPSERVICE(TS1) AUTOCONN (Y) IPCONN(SSN2) APPLID(SSN2) HOST( PORT(9991) TCPIPSERVICE(TS1) AUTOCONN (Y) IMS Connect Initiate session from IMS : /OPN NODE CICSA1 USER SSN1 OR Initiate session from CICS: F CICSA1, CEMT S IP (SSN1) ACQ 17 17 18. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 Synchronous Program Switch  New capability that enhances the DL/I ICAL support  Allows an IMS application program to synchronously call and wait for a reply from another IMS application program  Within the calling program‟s UOW WebSphere IMS TM services IMS TM resource adapter Application Program IMS IMS SOAP GATEWAY Connect IMS dependent region OTMA IMS DB services Database ICAL TCP/IP user-written Client MPP, JMP IFP, MD BMP 18 19. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 Synchronous Program Switch...  Value Proposition  Modernization of the IMS application infrastructure  Provides an internal service flow of IMS transactions to complete a business process – In the same IMS or a different IMS  Implementation of a Process Server or Broker inside IMS  Reduces unnecessary network traffic when accessing multiple applications in the same IMS or IMSplex WAS IMS Connect IMS WAS MPP1 WAS Application MPP2 MPP3 MPP4 WAS Application IMS Connect IMS MPPx ICAL ICAL ICAL ICAL MPP1 MPP2 MPP3 MPP4 19 20. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 Synchronous Program Switch...  Highlights  An enhancement to the DL/I ICAL to invoke another IMS application  In the same IMS  In a different IMS MPP1 – In a Shared Queues back-end Shared Msg Queues ICAL IMS1 ICAL MPP2 IMS2 MPP3 ICAL – Across an MSC link MSC IMS X  And synchronously receive the response back during the same UOW MPP4  Where IMS internally schedules the transaction initiated by the ICAL call as an OTMA transaction  Uses a new type of OTMA destination descriptor (TYPE=IMSTRAN) which has been introduced specifically for synchronous program switch support  And the target transaction can be  An IFP, MPP, MD BMP, or JMP in IMS TM or TM/DB environments 20 21. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 Synchronous Program Switch...  Uses OTMA Destination Routing Descriptors  Which externalize the routing definitions and specifications for callout messages and synchronous program switch messages  Allowing up to 510 destination routing descriptor entries defined in DFSYDTx member of IMS.PROCLIB  With new TYPE= IMSTRAN for synchronous program switches D entry_name keywords Where entry_name is descriptor entry name and can be masked by ending in an * keywords are: TYPE=IMSTRAN LTERMOVR=name TMEMBER=name TPIPE-name SMEM=NO|YES EXIT= NO|YES REPLYCHK=YES|NO SYNCTP=NO|YES SYNTIMER=timeout value For example: D OTMDEST1 TYPE=IMSTRAN SYNTIMER=500 D OTMDEST2 TYPE=IMSTRAN TMEMBER=SCOTTHWS1 TPIPE=BRYCE EXIT=YES 21 22. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 Synchronous Program Switch...  Usage examples  Applications can issue multiple ICALs to different destination TYPEs  Synchronous callout  Synchronous program switch OTMA IMS CTL Region WebSphere IMS TMRA IMS SOAP Gateway TCP/IP RYO pgm TRANA 1 IMS Connect 3 2 Destination Descriptor TYPE(IMSCON) Destination Descriptor TYPE(IMSTRAN) GU, IOPCB ICAL DEST1 4 MSG-Q ICAL TRANB 7 5 6 TRANB GU IOPCB ISRT IOPCB 22 23. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 Synchronous Program Switch...  Usage examples...  The IMS application environment supports recursive requests  ICAL to ICAL – Across a single or multiple IMS systems FE IMS APOL12 GU, IOPCB TRANA LTERM LU62 OTMA BMP 1 GU, IOPCB 2 7 ICAL request 8 ISRT, IOPCB SKS1 GU, IOPCB 4 ISRT IOPCB SQ BE IMS or Local IMS ICAL to SKS2 3 ISRT IOPCB SQ, MSC, Local (FE=BE) SKS2 6 GU, IOPCB ICAL to SKS1 ISRT IOPCB 5 23 24. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 Synchronous Program Switch...  Implications  New design considerations   Transaction Expiration  Late Responses  LTERM Override  ALTPCB destinations  Multiple ICALs  Recursive requests   Timeout values Holding database locks across an ICAL request Increased importance for performance tooling 24 25. IMS Version 13 IMS 13 Integration Enhancements  IMS 13 Integration Items  Support for native SQL  TM Resource Adapter Updates  DB Universal Driver Updates  IBM IMS Enterprise Suite V3.1  IMS Data Provider for Microsoft .NET  Statement of Direction  SOAP Gateway Updates  Connect API for Java Updates  Explorer for Development Updates  JMS API  IMS 13 synchronous callout support with the ICAL DL/I call  WebSphere DataPower Integration Appliance V6.0  IMS Explorer for Administration 25 26. IMS Version 13 Support for native SQL  Native SQL Processor Client Application IMS JDBC Driver IMS 13 MPP,IFP,BMP Regions DRDA IMS Connect DRDA IMS .NET ODBM COBOL Native SQL SQL Java Enabled RYO Type 4 Type 2 Regions IMS JDBC Driver SQL IMS Native SQL Processor IMS DB DLI IMS Catalog z/OS 26 27. IMS Version 13 IMS SQL Support for COBOL  Requirement  Customers need access to IMS databases using SQL from IMS managed COBOL application programs  Solution  Convert SQL statements to DL/I database calls  Handle SQL errors  Benefits  Reduce application development cost by leveraging existing SQL skills  Expands IMS database access for application and database developers. 27 28. IMS Version 13 IMS TM Resource Adapter  IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5 support  IBM RACF password phrases to enhance the current support for RACF passwords  This support is provided through the IMS 13 service process 28 29. IMS Version 13 STATEMENT OF DIRECTION: IMS Data Provider for Microsoft .NET IBM intends, at a future time, possibly via its support and service processes, to make available IMS Data Provider for Microsoft .NET as part of the IMS Enterprise Suite for Distributed Systems offering. It will be designed to provide standard SQL access to IMS data from Microsoft .NET applications. The intention is to allow Microsoft .NET applications to transparently and directly read and manipulate IMS data without the need for intermediate steps and additional tooling to accomplish these tasks. IBM's statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM's sole discretion. Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision. The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract. The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion. 29 30. IMS Version 13 STATEMENT OF DIRECTION: IMS Data Provider for Microsoft .NET DataReader Result set data DataAdapter DataSet DRDA OM ADO.NET Applications SQL + Parameters IMS Connect TCP/IP TCPIP DRDA Connection Pool DRDA Client IMS 13 Application Server Command Connection SCI DRDA SQL calls DDM ODBM SCI DATASTORE (NAME=IMSA) DRA ALIAS (NAME=IMS) IMS SQL Call Handler CCTL PORT ODBA 8888 z/OS IMS Catalog PSB1 IMS DB 30 31. IMS Version 13 IMS ES 3.1 SOAP Gateway Scenario – .NET Client Invokes an IMS COBOL Application as a Web Service <?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:Envelope> <soap:Body> <INPUTMSG> <in_ll>32</in_ll><in_zz>0</in_zz> <in_trcd>IVTNO</in_trcd> <in_cmd>DISPLAY</in_cmd> <in_name1>LAST1</in_name1> </INPUTMSG> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> .NET Client <INPUTMSG> <in_ll>32</in_ll><in_zz>0</in_zz> <in_trcd>IVTNO</in_trcd> <in_cmd>DISPLAY</in_cmd> <in_name1>LAST1</in_name1> </INPUTMSG> 32 0IVTNO XML IMS Web Service IMS App XML COBOL Adapter <cbl:OUTPUTMSG> <out_ll>93</out_ll><out_zz>0</out_zz> <out_msg>ENTRY WAS DISPLAYED</out_msg> <out_cmd>DISPLAY</out_cmd> <out_name1>LAST1</out_name1> <out_name2>FIRST1</out_name2> <out_extn>8-111-1111</out_extn> <out_zip>D01/R01</out_zip> <out_segno>0001</out_segno> </cbl:OUTPUTMSG> DISPLAY LAST1 Adapter Task Manager IMS SOAP Gateway HTTP/SOAP <?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:Envelope> <soap:Body> <cbl:OUTPUTMSG> <out_ll>93</out_ll><out_zz>0</out_zz> <out_msg>ENTRY WAS DISPLAYED</out_msg> <out_cmd>DISPLAY</out_cmd> <out_name1>LAST1</out_name1> <out_name2>FIRST1</out_name2> <out_extn>8-111-1111</out_extn> <out_zip>D01/R01</out_zip> <out_segno>0001</out_segno> </cbl:OUTPUTMSG> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> IMS Z/OS IMS IMS Connect XML COBOL Converters 93 0 ENTRY WAS DISPLAYED DISPLAY LAST1 FIRST1 8-111-11111 D01/R01 0001 31 32. IMS Version 13 IMS Enterprise Suite Version 3.1 SOAP Gateway  64-bit support for z/OS  SOAP Gateway now runs on the z/OS platform in 64-bit mode, allowing organizations to take advantage of their 64-bit operating environment for extended memory usage.  Send-only with ACK support for synchronous callout  Send-only with acknowledgement protocol support for synchronous callout allows SOAP Gateway to receive a final confirmation that the response message was delivered to the original IMS application that issued the callout request. This confirmation provides SOAP Gateway users additional information about whether a callout response message was sent to IMS and whether IMS received the message.  SOAP Gateway management utility batch mode support  Administrators can now use the batch mode of the management utility to facilitate web service deployment and server management for better performance and manageabilit  iogmgmt -batch command read file for execution as a batch in one JVM instance.  Enhanced security cipher suite support  SOAP Gateway is enhanced to use the FIPS 140-2 approved cryptographic provider(s); IBMJCEFIPS (certificate 376) and/or IBMJSSEFIPS (certificate 409) for cryptography.  SOAP Gateway also adds the support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) V1.2 and for cipher suites with key length of 2048 and key strength of 112 bit, as required by NIST SP800-131A. 32 33. IMS Version 13 IMS ES 2.2 SOAP Gateway Advanced Installation and Maintenance  Server is divided into three components  Imsserver – can be mounted as READ only – Contains the servers executable code  Imsbase – can be mounted as READ and WRITE – Contains the servers configurations and log  Imssoap - can be mounted as READ and WRITE – Contains the user-deployed web service-related files – WSDL's , correlators, connection bundles  Benefits  easier to apply maintenance  allocate additional disk space when more web services are added  IBM® Installation Manager for z/OS® V1.5.3  Supports centralized repository delivered through the SMP/E process  simplifies maintenance process  Multiple SOAP Gateway server instances  share a single instance of the Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM).  reduces the amount of storage required for each additional server instance 33 34. IMS Version 13 IMS ES 2.2 SOAP Gateway WS-Security  WS-Security SAML unsigned tokens for synchronous callout applications  Originating Userid (PSTUSID) for the IMS synchronous callout application is passed to the external web service for further authentication and authorization  Benefit  Provides message-level security for synchronous callout  WS-Security enhancement for provider web services  support for Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 sender-vouches signed tokens  Benefit  Provides additional message integrity for service provider processing  Extends SOAP Gateway support of WS-Security standards 34 35. IMS Version 13 IMS ES 2.2 SOAP Gateway End-to-end Transaction Tracking – Provider Scenario (correlation based on Tracking ID) Request with optional tracking ID Soap Client Horizontal Tracking ID + (XML) request data IMS ES 2.2 SOAP Gateway Route / generate Tracking ID Horizontal Tracking ID + IMS Connect Horizontal Tracking ID + message data message exits* Tracking ID Horizontal Tracking ID + message data response Horizontal and Vertical Tracking IDs event exit * SOAP Gateway Transaction log Horizontal and Vertical Tracking IDs Monitoring data* ITCAM IMS 13 IMS App Tracking ID (XML) response data + CSM Transaction Tracking API O T M A IMS Log record records events with Tracking ID IMS Connect Extensions Performance Problem Analyzer Investigator IMS Performance Analyzer IMS Connect Extensions IMS journal Problem Investigator 35 36. IMS Version 13 IMS ES 2.2 Connect API for Java  IMS and IMS Connect type-2 commands  Performance Enhancements  Support for SendOnly synchronous callout response messages with acknowledgement  Function requires that both the following APAR/PTFs are applied  IMS Connect 12: PM39569/UK74666  IMS OTMA 12: PM39562/UK74653  Benefits  Custom written IMS Connect TCP/IP Java client applications  Can send and receive commands to IMS and IMS Connect  Can request and receive an indication of response delivery to IMS for synchronous callout processing 36 37. IMS Version 13 IMS ES 2.2 Connect API for Java  SendOnly synchronous callout response messages with acknowledgement  client application gets acknowledgement when the response message is received by IMS INTERACTION_TYPE_DESC_SENDONLYACK_CALLOUT_RESPONSE IMS Service Consumer DL/I ICAL or JMS -> Synchronous RYO Web Service JavaBean IMS ES Connect API For Java Resume TPIPE Request Msg Send Only Response Msg z/OS IMS IMS Connect O T M A Send Only Response ACK Initiating Client IMS App JMS ICAL OTMA Descriptor 37 38. IMS Version 13 Performance data  For inbound, 16,000 transactions per second using V2R2 which is a 3% improvement over V2R1  For callout, 11,000 transactions per second using V2R2 which is a 56% improvement over V2R1 38 39. IMS Version 13 IMS Enterprise Suite V3.1 Explorer for Development See database relationships change DBD field attributes Generate SQL to Edit PSB sensitive segments and access IMS data attributes Ability to access the IMS Catalog 39 40. IMS Version 13 IMS Enterprise Suite V3.1 Explorer for Development  The enhancements for V3.1 include:  Ability to import large numbers of DBDs and PSBs.  Automatic imports of referenced DBDs when DBDs and PSBs from the IMS catalog or the host are imported.  Ability to import COBOL and PL/I data structures from the host.  Support for unit testing.  create transaction test cases  Support for IMS catalog navigation.  A Problems View for troubleshooting information 40 41. IMS Version 13 WebSphere DataPower Integration Appliance V6.0 (5725-K52)  IMS Connect Send/Receive Support  enables a direct connection to an IMS transaction  New capabilities (IMS 12 and later)  IMS ICAL Synchronous Callout Support  enables access from IMS transaction to external service  IMS Database Support (requires the use of the IMS Catalog)  enables a direct connection to an IMS database 41 42. IMS Version 13 IBM IMS EXPLORER FOR ADMINISTRATION  Web Browser  Graphically administer IMS Databases and transactions  View IMSPlex  visualize relationships between various IMS resources – transactions, programs and databases in one view  Replacement for IMS Control Center  Customers currently using the IMS Control Center should use IMS Explorer for Administration.  Software requirements  IMS Tools Admin Console (no-charge)  IBM IMS Explorer for Administration is available through APAR PM94292 as an extension of the Administration Console component of IBM Tools Base for z/OS, V1.4  IMS Version 12  IMS Connect  Common Service Layer OM and SCI  Supported web browser  Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari 42 43. IMS Version 13 Discontinuance of support  IMS 13 is the last release to support IMS MFS Web Enablement.  Customers using this function should migrate to IBM Rational Host Access Transformation Services (HATS).  IMS 13 is the last release to support IMS Classic Java APIs.  Customers using these APIs should migrate to the IMS Universal JDBC Driver.  IMS 13 is the last release to support the IMS Connect SSL function.  Customers using this function should migrate to IBM z/OS Communications Server Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) to set up Secure Socket Layer (SSL) TCP/IP connections to IMS Connect  IMS Enterprise suite for z/OS , V2.1 is the last release to provide the DLIModel Utility plug-in.  Customers should migrate to Explorer for Development  Explorer provides ability to import DLIModel projects  Customers using IMS Database Web Services should transition to using the IBM® Data Studio which leverages the IMS Universal Drivers 43


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