Ignou AWR Dec 2016 solved assignment.pdf

June 25, 2018 | Author: Shree Chaudhary | Category: Human Overpopulation, Marriage, Teachers, Fuels, Population
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AWRQ1) Discuss the dual role of language in a radio script as a vehicle of content and as a substitute for visuals Ans) Radio studio The moment one mentions the words ‘radio studio’ you may think of goodsound. You may also think of the photo studio with which most of you arefamiliar or a film studio, which you imagine to be a special area forshooting. A photostudio is a room which is made exclusively for takingpictures. It has certain conditions suitable for taking photographs. Theroom generally is dark; has plenty of artificial lights, which are powerful. Itis suitable for the purpose of taking photographs. There may be curtainsand pictures or scenery as background. If you want to take a photographfor a passport or for any formal purpose, you go to a photo studio. In astudio, the visual scenery is appropriate In the previous section you have learnt that the script is examinedaccording to the principles of ‘writing for radio’. Let us discuss abouttheimportance of the script in a radio programme.What happens when you listen to your favourite announcer speak on radio?You may say that you would like to continue to listen to the announcer.But why ?Well, because you like what they say and the waythey say that.Don’t you? about the whole idea of using their voice. We shall now discuss about the language we use in radio.When we refer to the language used in radio,we are not referring to anyparticular language like English or Hindi but the style of any language usedin radio.Here in radio, you find that it is different from the language used innewspapers and magazines or what is referred to as print media.In theprint media, everything is written down or printed and they exist inthe pages of the newspaper or magazine.You can keep them for as long asyou want. You can take your own time to read them.If you do notunderstand them in one reading, you can read themagain and understand. If you do not know the meaning of any word, you can refer to a dictionaryto understand the meaning.Now think of radio. You hear programmes as they are broadcast. You In our day to day conversation. It is spoken and is heard only once Q2) Discuss the role of radio in Distance Education with special reference to school broadcasts Ans) These could be summarized in the following points:        Listening to radio develops “intellectual passivity. Do you remember all that you had spoken yesterday ?Do you remember all that you heard from others yesterday ? Ofcourse.But yet you feel that the person is speaking to you. in most cases. that generally does not happen. You may or may notremember whatyou said or heard.Similarly.” Radio is a one-way means of communication.record it and listen to it later.Interestingly. You may not sayanything but you may feel that there is some familiarity with that person. we do not use the words and expressionsfound in a newspaper editorial or a feature article. Now compare that with your dailyconversation. You use simple words.hearthem only once. you may say that you can record them andlisten to them. theanswer is a big‘no’. sentences and familiar expressions. Well. You don’t see the person. we speak. and not by educators. Ofcourse. It is a momentary experience.” Broadcast times are hard to adjust to class schedules.You also take into account the person to whom you are speaking. what you hear on radio is written down orscripted. what you hear on radio is heard only once and then forgotten in amajority of cases. or someonespeaks and we listen. In ourday to day conversations. It is hard to adjust instruction by radio to the “capacity of the individual pupil. Yourgestures and movements add to what you speak.” Listening to radio is less effective than face-to-face communication due to lack of the speaker’s “facial expressions and gestures. someone else listens.Now let us go back to your favourite announcer. Programs are produced by radio artist and financiers. . Programs are not based on school curriculum. Have you wonderedwhy this happens? It is because those words and expressions are neitherfriendly nor easy to understand. To make effective use of radio programmes teachers need to encourage the students by motivating them to learn effectively from radio programmes. If world space radio programmes are to be used effectively the teachers� role must be spelt out clearly. The quality of the programmes also contributes to their effectiveness in meeting the learning need . weather condition. The headteachers have been encouraged to try to assist teachers by providing the necessary facilities for effective utilization of resources. The part played by the headteacher in the whole exercise helps to determine the effectiveness. They need to help students to benefit from listening to radio broadcasts. teaching with any medium requires careful planning.“Too many teachers have had to work too many hours at too many chores. The headteacher in a primary school is the one responsible for providing teachers with media responsibility. efficiency and shapes the manner in which radio broadcasts are used in the school. the number of students in the class and the availability of media resources. The role of the teacher in the use of radio programme From experience.”  The role of the headteacher in the use of radio broadcats The scope and mode of using radio in the school also relies heavily on the headteacher. There is a school time table showing all the radio programme All the teachers� guide notes are available and given to the teachers concerned Teachers schemes of wok include radio programmes Teachers incorporate radio programmes in their lesson preparation The necessary assistance and supervisory work are provided A teacher has been appointed to be in charge of all media materials and broadcasts programme in the school. We cannot expect them to assume the labor of producing or using radio broadcasts without time allowance and without proper training. Some of these requirements are based on teachers� attitude and others depend on the classroom environment. Proper utilization of radio programmes in the classroom involves many things. Headteachers in Kenya have been advised to ensure that:          There are working radios in the school There is a school radio time table Every teacher whose subjects are covered by radio has a class timetable indicating programmes. Imagine a hiring manager’s surprise to hear a job seeker bobble the answer to a question as preliminary as this. Q3) What are the preliminary preparations required for an interview? What are the kind of questions that an interviewer should not ask Ans) 1. and remember to sound as though you are seeking new employment at your own insistence. Here are some good explanations that can be used for a variety of circumstances: . Why are you looking for a new job? As basic as this question may be. Never persecute your former boss. The classroom needs to be organized to provide the optimum conditions for listening. Teachers in Kenya have been advised about the problems of unorganised classes during broadcasts. While there are many reasons or circumstances surrounding a candidate’s job search. Teachers have been encouraged to:      Have a class time table indicating radio programmes Appoint one student to be incharge of collecting the radio set from the store / office To remind the students about the coming programmes by writing the programmes title on the chalkboard in advance To prepare for the programmes and to improve materials where necessary. Describe your job loss or career change-of-heart in the most proactive or positive way possible. Experience reveals that the role of teacher is very important in the effective utilisation of radio programmes. honest answer is best. To take part in the listening exercise with students. company or co-workers in your explanation. This creates confusion and should be avoided. you had better have a solid answer prepared before you set foot in the interviewer’s door. answering with a brief.of the students. ”  “I want to move my career in a new direction (be sure to state the new direction).”  “My industry (or company) has undergone a under a major restructuring. Talk persuasively about your skills and how they fit into the hiring company’s needs (Remember: You should have already researched the company. graphic design/advertising and reinforce a number of ways you can be an asset to the company. I want to seek out an organization with similar strategic interests as mine. their structure and clientele to know exactly how your skills or expertise will benefit their needs). and avoid generalities such as “I want an exciting job” or “An opportunity that will allow my career to grow. such as inside sales.”  “In an effort to avoid my job skills becoming stagnant in my current assignment. I had the option to take another job internally.”  “My career objectives did not match my company’s objectives. Know specifically what you want from your new career. I was caught with 1900 others workers. I have decided to seek out a new career that will allow my professional interests to grow. but I decided to look elsewhere. Here are some good answers: . “My company is restructuring. Internet marketing. What kind of position are you looking for? Perhaps nothing can hurt a candidate more than showing a hiring manager you don’t have a clear work objective.” 2.” Be prepared to state several positions that are of interest to you. Why do you want to work for this company? This is where your research into the business practices of the company will really pay off. both at work and off the job. what motivates you . Keep your conversation brief and know when to end the conversation and allow the interviewing process to begin. it will be better if you keep your reasons on the professional level that show a sense of pride in your work or career. work ethic. “I am a ‘number’ person. 5. and more specifically my area of expertise is within the financial industry. Show off what you know about the organization and remember to place yourself and your job skills into the job opening or company’s strategic planning. “Well. What type of job assignments did you perform in your last job? . Never use reasons such as. so I am confident I would be a great match for any openings in your accounts payable/receivable department.”  “I have been a dedicated… 3. accounting or inside sales. Tell me a little about yourself. Have dialogue prepared specific to your interests. 4. Realize that this question is often asked to engage the candidate in small talk at the beginning of the interview. etc.” While those reasons may be true. it seems like a fun place to work” or “One of my friends works here and really likes it” and especially “I hear you pay really well. It should be used only for a short time (max. What do you consider your strongest qualities/weaknesses to be? Your interviewer will look for qualities that demonstrate you take responsibility for your work ethic. or held an office position within any of your past jobs. worked on a committee. honest and accurate. 7. Your achievements will be used as a quick guide into what you want out of your career. 15 minutes). Q4) How important is narration in radio writing? What rules must you observe while writing narration to ensure that it is an integral part of the script design?   Ans) Lecture or Straight Talk. actions. Be sure to mention accomplishments you are proud of (such as employee recognition or rewards). 6. and values. problemsolving ability. It can be an interview with a member of the community as well as the recording of a group discussion about an issue of concern. This format requires more than a single person and opinion to be aired. This is different from the previous one. What do you consider to be your greatest career achievements? Try to name at least three. Interviews/Discussions. Be sure to not blame management for past successes or failures. even if the types of duties you preformed in your last job are not exactly the same duties you anticipate you will do in the job you are interviewing for. This is used for presentation of something or passing on knowledge on certain issues. now is a good time to offer that information. The fact that it involves more .Be specific. and experiences learned (or failures) on the job. as it can be quite boring and flat. If you volunteered your time on specific projects. The same can be done in the development context. dynamic. Drama. This format is a combination of information and entertainment. The main reason for the programme's success probably was due to the fact that the educational and informational content of the series was entertaining. As seen previously. however. Its success was due to a careful mix of elements that combined cognitive theories and the creative factors successfully used in radio fiction. This is a radio format usually containing a number of issues or mini-programs within its time. Magazine.g. Negative characters (e. This program was thought and set out to include material of an informational and educational nature while providing an entertaining story that the audience could identify with. Radio can also be used creatively for development purposes. Feature. there was a successful drama series aimed at providing education through entertainment. In the 1950s in Great Britain. such as interviews. . This can be the simple translation of existing drama into a radio format or the more creative dramatisation of issues identified by the community.) were usually associated with attitudes and practices that were intended to be abolished while positive characters (e. However. It can be a dramatisation of an event or a radio soap opera treating priority issues. It was entitled “The Archers . Its aim is to inform the listeners on a number of different issues. It is. focussed on a single issue. It is a programme on a specific topic. way. This format is particularly effective in communities with a tradition of popular music. successful) were associated with messages and behaviour that the producers wanted to promote. Jingles/Slogans. Learn from advertisement where sometimes a simple slogan or a jingle is flashed at you just to remind you of a certain product. they can be used as an approach in itself. The themes of songs are usually used to raise certain issues or promote certain practices. It can use a straight talk or a mix of talking and music. Drama can generate a high degree of interest and keep the attention of the listeners alive for a long time.an everyday story of country folks”. There is no rule saying that information must always be treated in a serious. and often boring. arrogant.      than one person already makes it more interesting to follow. this approach can be used to generate a two-way flow of information as in participatory radio. music and straight talk. It can be shaped as a news report or it can have a number of different elements. Info-tainment. etc. (even including a comic element). friendly. Music. Each character in the series reflected a portrait of a specific group of people identified as the learning target. These are usually part of a bigger programme.g. dancing and singing. irritant. Technical factors are:    Sound quality. (usually by a higher level of volume). as humour in certain instances may be offensive to people and counterproductive to the objectives of the programme. as it will provide the basis upon which a listener may decide to go on listening or not. or wind. Special sound effects. let us turn to factors that should be considered if you want to present the issues effectively. etc. But you should not abuse it. Humour. You might need the sound of rain. These can be divided into three categories: technical. . only that they are usually musical slogans that can be easily sung by everybody. These are similar to the ones above.4 Basic Elements of Radio Production In the previous section you have seen the different types of formats that can be used when you want to present an issue of concern. Radio programmes can include certain slogans or recurrent themes as a distinctive mark. Similarly the end of the programme is supposed to provide a punch line that will make the listeners reflect upon or remember the main message or issue. Now. If you are not sure about it. The way you introduce a programme is very important. product to promote and reinforce a certain idea or message. Content and its organisation includes a number of factors such as:      Opening and closing. and Accents.3. Similarly these may also be used to promote and reinforce a certain idea/message. Avoid jargon and complicated treatment of concepts and messages.1.. You can see this done very effectively in the advertising world. message. Is the audio recording clear? Are music levels balanced? Etc. You make sure that certain passages are emphasised. Jingles serve to identify a certain programme. as they relate to the issue of the programme's focus. content and presenters. as people are likely to associate the slogans with the programme. just turn on your radio or your television! Jingles. According to the format you have selected humour can play an important part. This is especially true in the development context. Slogans-themes-logos. Simplicity of presentation. as seen for instance in the case of the Radio Listening Clubs in Zimbabwe. truthful and sincere. where it exists. At the end of the programme you might also want to summarise the main point/s. A wellpaced programme should be neither too fast nor too slow and have all the different segments ordered in a logical and balanced way. Q5) ii) Honesty is the best policy ans) Policy of Honesty Honesty refers to the quality of being honest. any inadequacy may have a negative impact on many aspects of the programme. Remember to do it in a concise and effective way. Once broadcast. Accuracy. treat the point in different ways so that the listeners are exposed to the message more than once but in different ways. Phoning. jingles. Pausing is also part of pacing. He does not bow his head before others. This has to do with the speed of the radio production's presentation and the way you order and balance the different parts or segments. This means that you must take into account this factor not only when discussing and presenting the issue but also where there is the possibility for immediate feedback.Keep It Simple and Straight forward. Try to repeat the same points without duplicating them. Programmes using a participatory approach must provide an interactive capability. slogans or even silence. Pacing. Repetitions and summaries. It is usually a good practice to repeat more than once the crucial points your programme wants to get across. That is. and simple to understand. can be another way of providing interactivity to a radio programme. Thus honesty is the best policy. He can face any situation in life with courage and confidence. as pauses are an important factor and can be accomplished either through music. Make sure that the content you are presenting is accurate. and Interactive capability. .    Always keep in mind the KISS formula . An honest man is fearless and courageous. Thus faith in honesty is shaken. We earn it today and waste it tomorrow. But he will be happy in the end. . A dishonest man lives more comfortably than an honest man. A dishonest man is fearful. His sons and daughters may not get good education and medical treatment for lack of money. A dishonest man thinks that he will become rich by dishonest means. An honest man may be in trouble for want of money. He is respected by all. They want to be rich overnight. But this is not right. At times he has no money to maintain himself and his family. He has no internal happiness. An honest man often suffers. So they become dishonest. But he is fearless. But a dishonest man is hated in society. Our social system is based on the power of money. immoral and corrupt. happy and contented. An honest man may be poor. Even an honest man begins to think whether honesty is the best policy. Money plays an important part in our society. So everybody is mad for money. Advantages and Disadvantages of Honesty Let us examine the whole thing critically. Money or wealth got through dishonest means does not last long. There is a rat race for more and more wealth and power. It is an age of cut-throat competitions.Causes of being Dishonest  Desire for money  Power of money today We live in the world of competitions. They want money and power through short-cut means. Businessman feels that they cannot makes money if they are honest. People forget honesty. He ruins the whole system of society. In India and the US. A dishonest man is a curse to society. So there will come a time when they will no longer be available. Fossil fuels like coal and oil and gas are non-renewable resources. They are heavily dependent on OPEC nations for supply. a similar scenario arose and prices shot up so much that it created a panic. etc. Long queues were seen outside petrol bunks and there were fewer vehicles on the roads because there was no fuel to tank up on. Russia. Q6) i) Save fuel ans) Fuel shortages keep occurring in the world from time to time. increasing usage depletes their presence within the earth. The countries which export fuel are the OPEC nations (those in the Middle East) Venezuela. In a way it was a good thing because there was less pollution and traffic jams. So we should always believe in the saying. OPEC nations reduce fuel production to shore up their profits whenever supply exceeds demand and prices fall. In 2008. fuel is sold at subsidized rates.Conclusion A dishonest man may have some advantage for the time being. But he soon realizes his mistakes. the price of fuels also fluctuates wildly depending on availability. . Apart from shortages. oil dependent countries are badly affected. Such a person should be punished. In other words. Even God is unhappy with him. “Honesty is the best policy”. The answer is to develop alternative and renewable sources. But the real danger in consuming fuel thoughtlessly is that it dries up the earth’s resources. On such occasions. Most countries have to import fuel to meet their needs. The phenomenal growth is now more appropriately termed as “population explosion”. the problem is much more severe in India because of the increasing pressure on the limited resources of the country. ii) Population explosion ans) Population explosion is the most serious problem facing our country today. Fuels like petrol and diesel are also not clean fuels. a kind of fuel which is made from corn kernels. The country’s population is currently estimated at about 950 millions.This is why many countries have turned to ethanol. when the last census was conducted. fuel-efficient cars. Big gas-guzzling vehicles like Hummers and SUVs should be exchanged for smaller.30 million. They cause pollution and increase C02 emissions. . The phenomenal growth rate in population is largely because of the industrial and technological revolutions that had taken place in the recent times. This leads to global warming which is one of the biggest challenges the earth is facing. The population growth has been extremely rapid in the last 50 years. but had also facilitated increased food production to take care of food needs of the increasing population.1991.23 males and 407. Another option is to use hybrid cars which run both on gas and electricity. Electric cars like the Indian Reva are also good options. the country’s population stood at 846. with the world population estimated to reach 7 billion by the beginning of the 21st century. As on March 1. The new technologies have not only brought down the death rate because of the vastly improved Medicare resulting in increased life expectancies. With 16 per cent of the world’s population. With the growth of food grains not keeping pace with the increase in population during some years because of the unfavourable weather conditions.07 females. Though population explosion is a major problem being faced by several other countries too. with 439. India is toady the second largest populations’ country in the world. Saving fuel for the future is therefore an urgent necessity. the specter of hunger hunts millions of households in the country. population explosion is resulting in increasing migration of rural poor to the urban areas in search of jobs. and hallucinations. but an even bigger part about doing drugs is that it can ruin your life. You can't breathe because your heart has stopped working and you are having a heart attack. clothing. employment opportunities etc. This was later rechristened as the Family Welfare Programme. Heart problems come into effect in almost the same exact way when you smoke cigarettes. For example. Second. It basically makes your brain not function right. health. drugs affect your body in many permanent ways like brain damage. Say no to drugs so that you won't have to fly like Superman and also to stay health. The phenomenal population growth exerts immense pressure on other basic necessities like education. the biggest mental health problem people have when they do drugs is hallucinations. Brain damage can result in you not being able to speak or read correctly. the Indian government had lunched the Family Planning Programme in 1951. But let’s say you're smoking marijuana and all of a sudden you can't breathe. housing. Lastly. This programme promotes on a voluntary basis. The increasing pressure on the urban areas is giving rise to more number of slums and this is multiplying the problems in the urban areas as health is the first casualty in slums.Even when the country is fortunate enough to have a bumper crop. With employment opportunities in the rural areas becoming scarce. you have just done drugs and you are running but you're having a hallucination and you think you're flying through the sky like Superman. When you do drugs there is karma getting back at you by giving you brain damage. responsible Planned Parenthood. doing drugs may have very physical and body problems. To check ill-effects of population growth on the socio-economic front. iv) Say not to drugs ans) First. these hungry households do not have the economic strength or purchasing power to buy the required food grains. through independent choice of family planning methods best suited to the people. heart problems. In life you're going . When you are having hallucinations from drugs you can't tell what is real and what is your imagination is. If they see that you have been arrested for possession of illegal drugs the company is not going to want to hire you because of what you are doing with drugs Q7) iii) A new age spiritual Guru. His followers do whatever he tells them to do. Ans) The guru's purpose is to help their followers find the shortest path to salvation. He feeds the people's emotions to help his ego.to need a job in order to have money for food. Children are not looked highly upon. Guru's go west to convert people and because they believe they have something to offer these people. This has many similarities to a cult. People leave everything behind to come and become completely devoted to their god. This devotion actually ruins families because they focus all their attention on their guru. There are many similarities between this relationship and Jonestown. even with children. Ninety percent of marriages in Christian Movement end in divorce. "Divide and conquer • is the idea of splitting family. "Guru is God • . to cut them off from their parents so the parents can focus on their guru. The followers of these gods literally worship the ground they walk on. much like prison. So when you are going in for a job interview for a big company they almost always will do background checks on new people to see if you have any criminal record of any kind . People leave their families to prove their total devotion towards their guru. Rajneesh is worshiped like a god. Children are sent. Spiritually. Followers love their gurus and think they can do no wrong. Q8) . and etc. Some groups practice sexual perversion. Contradictions occur spiritually in this religion. The people believed Jim Jones was god and their relationship was based on love. Most followers are emotionally wounded needing someone to fulfill their needs and they think they find this in their guru. They act like a big family. women are seen higher than men are but day to day they are to serve men and be submissive. Hundreds of "self-proclaimed • god-men have invaded the west. clothes. Gurus like Rajneesh are said to be "self-proclaimed • gods. is what the followers say. at age 5. to a closed school. Though the government has taken strict actions and child marriage has been declared as a big crime. The man will molest her at a tender age and at the same time he will kiss death pretty soon.government organizations to make certain moves. Though in some cases parents believe in such superstitions and dogmas in other cases greed is the most significant factor.i) Child marriage ans) Child marriage means that two children are forced to marry each other with the consent of the two families.effects of child marriage. A whole future filled with frustration and anger will result thereby. It is advisable to approach such villages and districts and educate the parents about the ill. The question that arises is that what can be done to stop this hidden crime? Apart from the measures taken by the government it is essential for colleges and other institutions like non. How can a girl’s future become secured if she gets married to a man who is 60 years of age while the girl herself is barely 14 or 15? Only their parent’s future will be secured with the amount of money the man and his family pay in return of the girl. still this practise is prevalent till today. . The children are forced into the institution of marriage without knowing about its significance in the long run. Though parents are of the opinion that they involve their children in such rituals because it is an age old custom and it will also secure the future of their children but the reality is not so. The girl will end up being so horrified with the custom of marriage that she will dare not enter the institution again. The sad news is that the institution of child marriage is still present in India in a number of villages and districts. Though it is not easy to make them understand easily but you never know that which activity or step of yours can change their minds at any point of time. This heinous crime cannot be termed as marriage it is simply selling of the girl child. College students as a part of their college campaign can visit such villages and personally talk to the mothers of children explaining the ill. . More and more schools should be set up in such villages as a result of which people will sooner or later get their children admitted in schools. There are places where mere words cannot change an individual’s heart. It is only strict action in the form of punishment that can alter their minds. Such people should also be informed about the punishment given by the law and order of the country in an exaggerated way so that they get immensely scared even before thinking about such a crime. It is impossible for India to become a developed nation if child marriage is not abolished. All the citizens should join hands to abolish this practice to make India a better place to live in. but can a developed nation have brides and grooms who have not yet attained adulthood. It is also advisable on the part of the government to take as strict actions as possible in order to abolish this institution completely. Government should start an inquiry in such districts and villages and the homes where married couples under the age of 18 and 21 for a girl and a boy respectively are found. It is true that the percentage of child marriage has dropped over the years but still this institution exists. India is a developing nation and aims to become a developed nation in the near future. live plays can be shown to them and the moral behind these plays should obviously show the pathetic future of the kids who are forced to get married.effects of child marriage in the lives of their children.Short films. strict actions should be taken. The sooner this institution of child marriage is abolished the better for the whole nation. The girl should be sent to her parent’s home and both the parents of the couple should be punished. The path is tough but victory can be achieved if strict actions are taken. It is easier to make a mother explain the problems her child would face because women are soft by nature.


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