IELTS Speaking - All Recent Questions (PART 1, 2 & 3)

June 24, 2018 | Author: IELTSguru | Category: Toys, Happiness & Self-Help, Ships, Fashion & Beauty, Clothing
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DAY 1431. An Exciting Experience (2) (May 26, 2012) Describe an activity you did that was new or exciting. You should say: when you did it where you were when you did it who you did it with and explain why this activity was new or exciting for you. 427. A Childhood Toy (3) (May 26, 2012) Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child. You should say: when you got it what it looked like where you played with it who gave it to you and explain how you used it (how you played with it). or and explain why it was special to you. 428. An Ancestor (May 26, 2012) Describe one of the members of your family from the past who had an interesting life. You should say: who he or she was .......... how you know about this person's life and explain what was interesting about his or her life (or, their life). 429. A TV or Film Character (May 26, 2012) Describe a character in a TV program or film. You should say: the name of this character * .......... what this character does in the film or TV program * and explain what kind of person this character is. * 421. A Child You Know (3) (May 26, 2012) Describe a child you know. You should say: how you know him or her how often you see him/her what kind of person he/she is (= what his/her personality is like) and explain what you like about this child. Day 2 423. A Gift You Gave (5) (May 26, 2012) Describe a gift you gave to someone. * You should say: what the gift was who you gave it to why you chose that gift and explain how the other person felt about this gift. * 424. A Famous Person (May 26, 2012) Describe a famous person in your country who has influenced you. * or Describe a famous person from your country who has impressed you. * You should say: when (or how) you learned about this person * what sort of life they had before they became famous * what achievement(s) this person had (in order to become famous) * and explain why (or how) this person influenced (or, impressed) you. * 425. A Happy Person (May 26, 2012) Describe a happy person you know. You should say: who this person is how you know this person * ......... and explain how they show happiness. 417. A Birthday Celebration (May 26, 2012) Describe a birthday celebration that you enjoyed. * You should say: whose birthday it was * who was there * what you (or what people) did and explain why you enjoyed it. * 418. A Vehicle You Would Like to Buy (3) (May 26, 2012) Describe a vehicle you would like to buy (or, own). You should say: what (kind of) vehicle it is what it would look like (e.g., what color it would be) why you would like to have it (or, how you would use it) how you would buy (or, get) it and explain why you would prefer this means of transport.* Day 3 419. An Item of Clothing for Special Occasions (2) (May 26, 2012) Describe an item of clothing or jewelery that you wear on special occasions. You should say: what this clothing looks like where you bought it on what special occasions you wear it and explain why you wear it on special occasions. * OR explain what other people think about this item of clothing. * 420. A Piece of Electronic Equipment (May 26, 2012) Describe an electronic device that you have (or want to have in the future), such as a CD player. * You should say: what it is how you use it * when you use it and explain how you benefit (or will benefit) from using it. * 411. An Important Event in History (May 10, 2012) Describe an important event in the history of your country. * You should say: what event it was when it occurred who was leading this event how you know about this event and explain why you think it was important. *. 412. A Friend You Haven't Seen for a Long Time (May 10, 2012) Describe a friend you haven't been in contact with for a long time but who you would like to see again. * You should say: who this friend is * how long you have not been in contact when you would like to meet him or her what you would like to do together * and explain why you haven't been in contact for a long time. OR explain what you would like to do together. * 413. A Happy Marriage (May 10, 2012) Describe a couple who you think have a happy marriage. You should say: who they are how long they have been married how they live their lives * and explain why you think they are happily married. Day 4 414. A Work of Art (May 10, 2012) Describe a work of art you have seen (e.g., a painting or sculpture) * You should say: when you (first) saw this work of art * where you saw it * what it looked like * and explain your feelings about this work of art when you saw it. * 415. A Happy Childhood Memory (3) (May 10, 2012) Describe a happy event from your childhood that you remember well You should say: what the event was when and where it happened who participated in this event what you saw or did * and explain why you remember this event so well. * 406. Your Favourite Weather (2) (May 10, 2012) Describe your favourite weather. You should say: what kind of weather it is when this weather usually occurs * what you usually do during this weather and explain how this weather affects you (your feelings = your mood). * OR explain why you like this type of weather. * 407. A Place Near Water (4) (May 10, 2012) Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting. You should say: where this place was what you did at this place who you went there with and explain why you liked this place. * or and explain what you liked or disliked about this place. * 409. A Street (2) (May 10, 2012) Describe a street (in your hometown) that you know well. * or Describe a street (in your hometown) that you like. * You should say: where it is what the main buildings are in (on) that street what you usually do in (on) that street and explain how you feel about this street. An Exciting Experience                       Which do you think is the more exciting place (for children / young people), a rural environment or an urban environment? FQ What are some of the difficulties a person might have when they try something new? FQ Are you willing to experience new things? (Are you willing to try new activities?) What activities? FQ Why do people generally like new (and exciting) experiences? FQ (Similar to above) Why do humans have an urge to explore new places? FQ What type of people like to try new (and exciting) activities? FQ (Similar to above) What qualities does one need in order to be an explorer? FQ Why do some people dislike experiencing new things? FQ Do you think it's better to have new experiences when you are young or when you are older? FQ Do you think young people can handle new experiences and new activities better than old people? FQ Do you think it's better to do new things alone or with other people? FQ (Similar to above) When doing new things, do you think it's more important to cooperate with others or do it alone? FQ What is your opinion about (people who do) dangerous activities such as bungey jumping? FQ Can you give some (other) examples of adventurous or risky activities? FQ Why do some people like to do exciting but dangerous things? FQ Do any businesspeople do adventurous or risky things in business? FQ (Hints: venture capitalism; entrepreneurial spirit. There is a certain amount of risk-taking when opening a new business - one can lose all the initial capital if the business fails.) What qualities do people need (or have) in order to engage in adventurous (or risky) activities? FQ Do young people and older people have the same attitudes towards adventurous activities? (Compare) FQ If someone doing an risky activity such as mountain climbing has an accident or becomes lost, who should pay for helping this person, the government? Or should this person pay for it himself? FQ (Similar to above) If somebody got lost while travelling in or exploring a remote part of the world, or if they needed some other type of help, who should pay for this help? (The government of that place? The government of the country where the explorer/tourist comes from? Or the explorer/tourist him or herself?) FQ What do babies learn when they are about 2 or three years old? FQ (Or: What kinds of things do young children learn?) Do adults and children learn new things (new skills) in the same way? (Compare the two.) FQ A Childhood Toy   What are the most popular kinds of toys in China? FQx2 (Similar to above) In general, what kinds of toys do children like?               What are the differences between boys' toys and girls' toys? FQx2 Do you think it's good if parents only buy "educational" toys for their children? FQ What effect do you think electronic toys have on children? (Similar to above) Do you think children benefit from playing with electronic toys? FQ Do you think watching TV can take the place of playing with toys? FQx2 Why do you think some children prefer to watch TV rather than play with toys? FQ Do you think it's important for parents to participate with their children when their children play with toys? FQ Compare the toys that kids have today with the toys that kids had 20 or 30 years ago. FQ Some people think that children today have too many toys. What do you think? FQx2 (Similar to above) Do you think children today have too many toys? FQx2 Which do you think is better, for children to play with toys alone or with other kids? FQ Do you think parents should encourage their children to share their toys with other kids? FQ How do you think playing with toys helps the development of children? FQ Do you think playing with toys helps children's brains to develop? (If yes, how?) FQ An Ancestor     Do you think family history is important to people? How do people get information about their family history? FQ Do you think people are very interested in the history of the place where they live? How can (or how do) people preserve their traditions (or, their culture)? A TV or Film Character     Do you think the character you just described has much influence on young people? FQ (Similar to above) In general, do you think characters in films and TV programs have much influence on young people? FQ (Similar to above) Do you think many young people try to imitate characters they see in films or in TV programs? FQ (Similar to above) Do you think children ever try to imitate characters they see in films or in TV programs? FQ A Child You May Know   How do you think children and teenagers are different? FQ For parents, which do you think is better, to have one child or more than one? FQ  What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages for children to have brothers and sisters? FQ A Gift You Gave     On what occasions do people give gifts in your country? What types of gifts do people usually give? Are there any things that people in your country feel they shouldn't give as a gift? (If yes, why?) Do you think the cost of a gift is important? (If yes, why and how important?) A Famous Person      What sorts of people are famous in your country? FQ Are there any differences between the people who were famous a few years ago and the people who are famous today? FQ Do you think (all) famous people have things in common? FQ (Similar to above) What qualities do (all or most) famous people have in common? FQ Are there any disadvantages to being famous? FQ        Do you think people who have more talent are happier than others? (Why?/Why not?) FQ (Similar to above) Do you think people feel happier when they are good at something? (Why?) FQ Do you think money makes people happy? FQx2 Are the things (the events, the circumstances) that make people happy today the same as what made people happy several decades ago? FQ Why do people feel happy when they are with members of their family? FQ In general, what do you think makes a happy family? FQ What are some (other) examples of family activities that make people feel happy? FQx2 A Happy Person       Do you think there is any relationship between a person's age and their happiness? (Why?/Why not?) FQ Some people say the happiest time in people's lives is the period when they are at school? Do you agree? FQ Do young people and old(er) people find happiness from the same things? (Compare the two.) FQ When you are old(er), what kinds of things do you think will bring you happiness? FQ Do you think people were happier in the past than they are now? FQx2 What could the government do to help increase the overall happiness of people? FQ A Birthday Celebration   Are there any differences between birthday celebrations for adults with birthday celebrations for children? FQ What's the most important birthday for people in your country? FQ A Vehicle You Would Like To Buy        What kinds of transportation are there in your hometown? FQx2 Compare transportation today with transportation in the past. FQx2 Why do you think we have traffic congestion in the cities? FQx2 (Similar to above) What are the causes of traffic jams? FQx2 Do you have any suggestions for solving the problem of congested traffic? FQx2 What do you suggest the government could do to improve transportation? FQx2 What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using a bicycle as a means of transport? FQ An Item Of Clothing For Special Occasions               Do you think different lifestyles are reflected in the different types of clothes people wear? (Give examples) FQ (Similar to above) Do you think you can learn anything about a person from the clothes they wear? (E.g., their identity, interests, income, personality, mood (feeling) etc.) FQ Do Chinese people spend much money on clothes? (Why?/Why not?) FQ Compare formal clothes and casual (informal) clothes. FQx2 See Note (Similar to above) What are the differences between formal and casual clothes? FQx2 In China, what are some occasions when people wear formal clothes? FQx2 Do you think people today wear formal clothes today more often than they used to, (or less often than they used to)? FQx2 In China, what are some occasions when people wear casual clothes? FQ What style of clothes (formal or informal) do you think is most suitable for people working in an office? (Why?) FQ (Similar to above) If you were a boss, what 'rules' would you set for the clothes that the employees wear at work? FQ Why do you think fashions in clothes seem to be constantly changing? FQ (Similar to above) Do you think clothes fashions in China are influenced very much by overseas styles? FQ Who are more interested in fashion, men or women? (Why?) FQ Do you think traditional Chinese clothes will eventually disappear?        (Similar to above) Do you think people will stop using their traditional clothes in the future? FQ Why do some large companies or organizations require their employees to wear a uniform? FQ Do you think employees should have the right to choose what they wear as a uniform? FQ Do you think employers have the right (or should have the right) to say what people wear at work? FQ (Similar to above) Do you think it's reasonable (or, fair) that some employers say what the employees must wear at work? FQ What do you think are the benefits of (or is the usefulness of) uniforms? FQ What changes do you think will take place in the clothes manufacturing industry over the next few decades? FQ (Probably this is really referring to fashions, not industry.) A Piece Of Electronic Equipment Technology Used in Schools (esp. high schools)    Do schools in your country use electronic equipment in the classroom? How does that compare with schools (in your country) in the past? Are computers very useful in high school? (For students and/or for teachers) Technology (electrical and electronic) Used in the Home       What are some examples of modern, hi-tech equipment or devices that people in your country use in the home? How is this different to homes in the past? Do you think these things have improved people's lives? What are the various ways that mobile phones can be used? Do students use mobile phones very much to cheat in exams? What do you imagine the future of hi-technology equipment (or devices) will be like? An Important Event In History       What can people learn from museums? FQ Do you think museums should be free of cost to enter? FQ (Similar to above) How do you think museums of the future might portray the 21st century? FQ Do you think it's important to know about history? What can we learn from history? How do (or how can) people get reliable historical information? A Friend You Haven’t Seen For A Long Time        Why do people have friends? How do people become friends (or, How do people form friendships)? How (or why) do people sometimes lose contact with friends? If someone loses contact with a friend, how could they re-establish contact? What do you think are the advantages of maintaining a friendship for a long time? How can people maintain a friendship for a long time? FQ Do you think making friends on the internet is a good idea? A Happy Marriage    What happens at a wedding in your country? FQ What do you think is the best age to get married? FQ What different roles do husbands and wives usually play (in the home/in the marriage) in your country? FQ A Work Of Art      What are the most popular types of art in China? FQ (Similar to above) What kinds of art do people in China generally like? FQ Do young people and older people have the same tastes in art? FQx2 (Similar to above) Do young people and older people have the same attitude towards art? FQ What kinds of art do young people prefer? FQ A Work Of Art           Can you think of any examples of art used in everyday life in China? FQ Do you think (online) advertising is a form of art? FQ Do you think art plays an important role in society? (Why?/Why not?) (Similar to above) What is the value ( = the importance) of art for society? FQx2 What are the differences between modern art in China and traditional Chinese art? FQx2 Why do you think some works of art, such as some paintings, are sold for very high prices? FQ Do you think the government should financially support these artists (painters and sculptors etc.)? FQ Do you think government should spend money promoting art in society? FQ (Similar to above) Do you think government should encourage the arts? (If yes, how?) FQ There are a number of cities in the world which have works of art (sculptures or statues or other works of art) displayed in a prominent public place and the cities have paid the artists a very large amount of money for these works of art. What do you think of this? FQ   (Similar to above) Do you think governments should spend a lot of money paying for a work of art such as a statue or sculpture (that is going to be placed in a public place)? FQ Do you ever visit art galleries? FQ A Happy Childhood Memory          Many (old or older) people feel that their childhood was the happiest (or, the best) time of their lives? Can you suggest why they might feel that way? FQ (Similar to above) Many people recall their childhood with a smile. Why do you think that is? FQ Do you think people's memories of their childhood are always accurate? FQx2 Some people like to keep things (such as a toy) from their childhood. Can you suggest why these people do that? FQ Many young people are not very interested in traditions or in doing things the traditional way. Why do you think they are like that? FQ Do you think traditions (including traditional ways of life) are important to preserve? FQx2 How do you suggest young people's interest in traditions (in their traditional culture) could be stimulated? FQ What do you think are some good ways to learn history? FQ What do you think is the best way to learn history? FQ Your Favourite Weather             What's the weather usually like in your hometown? FQ (Similar to above) Compare the typical weather in your hometown with the weather here (in the test place). What do you think about today's weather? Have you ever been to a place that has a climate that is very different to your hometown? (If yes, what place; how is it different?) Is the weather in China the same for all parts of the country? (Similar to above) What kinds of weather do different parts of China have? How does weather (or the climate of a place) affect people's moods? FQx2 (Similar to above) How does the weather affect you? (Possibly this means not just affecting your mood but your life in general) Do people in China like to chat about the weather? Why are people interested in the weather? FQ (Similar to above) What different types of people are interested in the weather? (Hint: people who work outside such as farmers, fishermen, construction workers; tourists & people who are traveling; people who spend time outside for exercise or leisure ...) FQx2 How does weather (or the climate of a place) affect the kinds of buildings that this place has? FQ         (Similar to above) What climate (or weather) goes with what kinds of houses? FQ (Same as above) What do you think is the relationship between the climate of a place and the kinds of houses that people there live in? FQx2 (Similar to above) Compare the types of buildings (or houses) in hot, tropical parts of the world (or China) with those in cold parts of the world (or China). FQx2 (Hint: Think of traditional differences between buildings in different parts of China modern buildings sometimes are the same or similar from Harbin to Sanya.) DIFFICULT QUESTION How does weather (or the climate of a place) affect the kinds of activities that people do? (E.g., different kinds of sport) FQx2 What can we do about this problem? FQ How does the weather affect people's daily lives? Do people wear different clothes in different types of weather (or, different climates or different seasons)? Does the weather have an effect on the economy? A Place Near Water                       Do you think oceans are important? FQ Do you think the oceans should be protected? (Why?) FQ How do you think we could protect the ocean environment? FQ Do you think the world should work together to protect the oceans? FQ In general, do you think people like to live near water? (Why?) FQx2 (Similar to above) Why do some people like to live near water? FQx2 Would you like to live near the ocean? FQ Are there any (possible) disadvantages (or dangers) to living at the seaside? FQx2 (Similar to above) Are there any possible disadvantages to living in a coastal city? FQ Do you think water is very important? FQ What do humans use water for? FQ In general, what do people use ships and different forms of boats (i.e., water transportation) for? FQ In general, how do people travel across water? FQ (Similar to above) Do many people in your country today like traveling on ships (or boats)? FQ Is water transportation today the same as it used to be in the past? FQ Do you think it's safe to travel across water (or, travel on a ship/on a boat)? FQx2 (Similar to above) Do you think it's safer to travel on a ship/on a boat than to use some other form of transport? FQx2 Which do you think is better, to travel by ship or by plane? FQ (Similar to above) What are the differences between traveling by boat (or ship) and traveling by plane? FQ Why is cargo sometimes transported by ship (for example, internationally) and not by plane (or some other means)? FQ (Similar to above) When shipping goods internationally, which do you think is better, to send the goods by ship or by plane? FQ Which do you think is better when transporting goods on land, to send the goods by ship or to use a train or truck? FQ A Street       Do you like big cities? FQ Many people prefer to live in a city rather than in a town or in the countryside. What do you think are the advantages of living in a city? FQx2 Do you think cities are more suitable for young people, or old people, (or is it equally suitable for both of them)? FQx2 For old people, what do you think are the good points and bad of living in a city? FQx2 In what ways do you think the streets are different in big cities and in villages? If a big city had no public transport, do you think it would be a good place to live? PRIMARY TOPICS 1. Your Work or Your Studies  Do you work or are you a student? 1a) Your Work     What work do you do? Why did you choose to do that kind of work (or, that job)? Do many people in your country choose to do that type of work? What are your responsibilities at work? 1b) Your Studies  What subject(s) are you studying?  Why did you choose to study that? / Why did you choose to study those subjects?  Do many students in your country study that subject?  (Similar to above) Is that a popular subject to study in your country?  What school/university do you attend?  Why did you choose that school/university?  What do you plan to do after you finish your studies? 2. Your Hometown       Where did you grow up? N What was it like when you were a child? N Has it changed much? N Would you say it was a good place to live (when you were a child)? N Would you say your hometown is a good place for tourists to relax in? N (Possible the question above is this) Would you say your hometown is a good place for tourists to visit? N 3. Your Home (Your Accommodation)   Do you live in a house or a flat? What's your favourite room in your house/flat? SECONDARY TOPICS 4. Flowers N               Do you like flowers? Do you prefer (to see) flowers indoors or outdoors? N (Similar to above) Which do you think is better, to grow flowers indoors or outdoors? N Do any flowers have any special meaning (or, special importance) in your country? (Possible question) Do you like plastic flowers? N What flowers do you like? (Why?) Do you think flowers are important? (Similar to above) Are flowers important in your country/culture? (Give examples) Do any flowers have any special meaning (or, special importance) in your country? Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions? (Similar to above) On what occasions do people in your country give flowers to other people? In your country, do people (ever) give flowers as a gift? On what occasions do people in your country give flowers to other people? When was the last time you gave flowers to someone? 5. Relatives N       Do you have many relatives? * When you were a child, which of your relatives did you see most often? (Similar to above) When you were a child, which of your relatives did you spend the most time with? When you were a child, did you play more with your friends or with your relatives? In the future, do you think you will have more opportunities to see your relatives (than you do now)? Who do you feel is the most important member of your family (or, most important relative)? 6. Colours N            What was your favourite colour when you were a child? Is that still your favourite colour now? What colour is most popular among your friends? N If you were to change the colour of your bedroom walls, what colour would you choose? What's your favourite colour? (Similar to above) Are there any colours that you especially like? Are colours important to you? (Similar to above) Do you think colours are important? Were colours important to you when you were a child? (Similar to above) Were any colours important to you when you were a child? Is colour very important to you when you are buying clothes?     Do you prefer light or dark (or, bright) colours? (Similar to above) Do you prefer to wear light or dark (or, bright) coloured clothes? If you were to paint the walls of your room, what colour would you choose? Is there any colour you would not want your walls to be? (Why?) 7. Toys N      What toys did you like to play with when you were a child? Do you think you learned anything from playing with toys? Did you (prefer to) play with those toys alone or with other children? If you had children, what toy would you give them? (Similar to above) If you had to choose a toy for a child, what toy would you give them? 8. Concerts N             What kind of music do you like to listen to? Have you ever been to a (live) concert? * Or: Do you often go to concerts? (Probably if you say no to the question above) Would you like to go to a concert in the future? What sorts of concerts do you have in your country? Are concerts ever held in your hometown? When was the last time you attended a concert? (Similar to above) What was the last concert you attended or saw on TV? What's the difference between attending a concert and hearing it on a CD or on the radio? Are there any differences between live music and music played on a CD? Which would you prefer, to attend a concert of your favourite artist or to buy a CD of this artist? Would you like to perform at a concert? 9. Drawing (or Painting) N                 Do you like to draw (or, to paint)? (Why?/Why not?) Why do (some) people draw? Why do children like to draw (or paint)? Do you think it's hard to learn to draw (or paint)? Do you like painting? (Why / Why not?) (Similar to above) Do you ever paint pictures? * (Similar to above) Do you like art? Did you do any painting when you were a child? (Similar to above) Did you like painting when you were a child? How about now? Do you still paint pictures? Do you think it's important for children to do some painting or drawing? What benefits do you think children can get from painting or drawing? Do you think you will paint any pictures in the future? What do you think are the benefits of painting (or art) for children? (Similar to above) Do you think painting is good for (or useful for) children? What benefits do you think people (or, adults) can get from painting or drawing? 10. Housework N              Do people in your country do much housework? In your home, who does (most of) the housework? Do you do much (or, any) housework? (If yes, what? Why?/Why not?) What housework do you like to do? Is there any housework you dislike doing? * What housework did you do when you were a child? Do you think children should (learn to) do housework? (Why?/Why not?) (Similar to above) Do you think it's important for children to do housework? (Similar to above) Do you think it's important for young people to help do the family housework? Do people in your country have much time to do housework? (Similar to above) How much time do people in your country spend doing housework? (Similar to above) Do you feel people in your country have enough time to do housework? Do you think people like doing housework their own housework? 12. Names N           Who gave you your name? Does your name have any particular (or, special) meaning? Do you like your name? Would you like to change your name? (Similar to above) Have you ever considered changing your name? Is it easy to change your name in your country? (Similar to above) In your country, are there any problems that could occur if someone changed their name? Who usually names babies in your country? Do you have any special traditions about naming children? (Similar to above) What do people consider when they are giving a baby a name in your country? 13. Photographs          Do you like taking photographs? How often do you take photographs? When (or, in what situations) do you take photographs? (Why?) (Similar to above) What do you like to photograph? Do you prefer to take pictures of scenery or of people? Is taking photographs very popular in your country? (Why?/Why not?) What kinds of photographs do you most like to look at? Which do you think is better to send to someone, a postcard that has a photograph on it, or a photograph you took yourself? (Similar to above) When traveling, do you prefer to buy postcards or take your own photographs? 14. Schools N              What was the first school you attended? (Similar to above) Do you remember the first school you attended? Where was it? Was it far from your home? How did you go to (or, travel to) school? Did you like it? What were the good things about that school? (Similar to above) What did you like most about it? Would you say it was a good school? Would you send your child to that school today? What different types of schools have you been to? Which school did you like the most? (Why?) Did your parents choose your secondary school (= high school) for you? 15. Computers N           Do you often use computers? When did you start using computers? What do you use computers for? Would you say computers are important? (Similar to above) Would you say computers are important in your life? (Similar to above) How important are computers to you? (Possible) Do computers have much impact on your life? What effect do computers have on children? How do you think parents could minimize (or avoid) the negative effects of computers on their children? What computer skill(s) would you like to learn? (See note) 16. Food N       Which do you prefer to eat, lunch or dinner? (Why?) N Do you think there are any benefits from eating breakfast? N Are you willing to try some new food? N Which do you prefer – to eat one big meal or to eat several small snacks? N What do you consider to be a healthy diet? N In the past few years, have there been any changes to what people in your country eat? N 17. Time Management N         How do you organize your time? Do you think young people and older people organize their time in the same way? N How do you manage (or, organize, or plan) your time? Would you say you manage (or, organize) your time well? (Similar to above) Do you find it hard to manage your time? Where did you learn how to organize your time? How do you think you could better manage your time? * Do you think it's useful to plan your time?    (Similar to above) What do you think you would gain if you were better at managing your time? Are you ever late for anything? If you had more time, what would you do with the extra time? 18. Films N              Do you like to watch films? How often do you watch a film? Do you prefer to watch films at home or in a cinema? (Why?) Do you prefer to watch films alone or with others (or, with friends)? What kinds of films did you like to watch when you were a child? Do you still like the same kind(s) of films now? Do you ever watch foreign films? Are there any types of films that you dislike? What are the differences between the films that children like to watch and the films that adults like to watch? Are films very important? Why do you think people like to watch films? Do you think watching films is a good way to spend free time? (Similar to above) Some people say watching films is a waste of time. What do you think? 19. Holidays    Do you prefer to spend your holidays at home or to travel? (If you travel) Who do you usually travel with? (If you travel) Do you usually go to the same places that you have been to before? 20. Sport  Did you like sport when you were a child? 21. Friends N  What do you do in your free time with your friends? 23. Leisure Time     What do you do in your spare time? How do you usually spend your evenings? Do you prefer to stay at home in the evenings or do you prefer to go out? (Similar to above) Do you go out much at night?


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