HSE - Ship Mooring Operations

June 20, 2018 | Author: Yayan Mahendra | Category: Occupational Safety And Health, Personal Protective Equipment, Rope, Safety, Ships
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OC 730/17::HEALTH AND SAFETY DURING SHIP'S MOORING OPERATIONSPage 1 of 7 Health and Safety Executive Review Date Version No & Date 05/07/2014 1: 05/07/2004 Operational Circular OC 730/17 Open Government Status Author Unit/Section Fully Open CACTUS Transportation Section Target Audience: FOD Inspectors HEALTH AND SAFETY DURING SHIPS’ MOORING OPERATIONS This OC advises inspectors on the risks and precautions associated with ships’ mooring, which may occur at factory wharfs and quays, as well as in commercial docks. Mooring may take place at unsocial hours and involve peripatetic ‘mooring gangs’. As such, it may not be adequately controlled by client companies (for example, shipping agents or wharf operators). Inspectors should bear in mind the content of this OC if they encounter mooring operations or investigate complaints or incidents. INTRODUCTION 1 The mooring and unmooring of vessels is an integral part of the operation of a working port, berth, wharf or quay, including those serving individual companies, such as larger factories.  2 Mooring is a ‘dock operation’ as defined by the Docks Regulations 1988 and the Regulations will apply, particularly Regulation 5, Planning.  3 There have been serious accidents during mooring operations (including fatalities). MOORING – THE PROCESS 4 ‘Mooring’ describes the operation of securing a vessel to a fixed quay, or berth by means of mooring lines and/or cables.  5 It requires the shore mooring team to be adequately trained, experienced and supervised. They will need to have sufficient understanding of the requirements of the vessel. The vessel’s Master and/or Pilot has the responsibility for the mooring operation and the safety of the vessel. The mooring team will also need to understand the hazards associated with the time, location, prevailing weather and tidal conditions at the berth.  6  The lines and cables belong to the vessel and remain with the vessel when it is on passage. As the vessel approaches the berth, one end of each of the lines/cables is sent ashore by mooring boat or heaving (throwing) line so that it can be secured onto the bollard or hook on the berth. Once secured, the vessel will then use the lines to help manoeuvre into position, using a combination of engine movements, ship’s winches pulling on lines and using secured lines to check the movement of the vessel.  7  Some new vessels are secured by automatic docking systems for which specialised file://J:\dev\operational\Ocs%20TYP(pdf)\700-799\730_17\index.htm 30/11/2004   14 The workplace for mooring gangs could be under the control of another party (usually the dock/wharf/quay operator). Loads on ropes.10 of the Memorandum discusses responsibilities for mooring. HSE’s interests will normally be limited to the workplace issues outlined in paragraph 13.htm 30/11/2004 . any risk assessment of mooring operations must be comprehensive and consider the local mooring arrangements (i. Merchant shipping regulations (enforced by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency [MCA]) have similar requirements relating to the ship’s crew. lighting.  17 Mooring gangs need adequate training in understanding the task in a step-by-step way file://J:\dev\operational\Ocs%20TYP(pdf)\700-799\730_17\index. In some instances some vessels will self-moor using the vessel’s crew without shore-side support or assistance. mooring operations must be properly planned (Regulation 5 Docks Regulations 1988). especially during mooring or unmooring operations.  13 Mooring gangs are likely to be contractors employed either by the shipping agent.  10 Some ships have tension winches set at what may be a very high pre-determined setting. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) etc.  16 In short. HSE guidance Managing Health and Safety in Dockwork (HSG177) discusses this in more detail. As an overview. port/wharf/quay operator or vessel operator.e. As part of its risk assessment. the use of line boats. Chapter 4. can fluctuate rapidly and winches can automatically pay out or heave up ropes without warning.). MOORING LINES  11  The following terminology is used to describe mooring lines/cables RISK ASSESSMENT  12 The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require duty holders to carry out risk assessments. 9  Inspectors can take action if they encounter crew-only operations that are placing shore­ side personnel at risk. in line with our Memorandum of Understanding with the MCA. This will be the employer where a shore-based mooring gang is involved.OC 730/17::HEALTH AND SAFETY DURING SHIP'S MOORING OPERATIONS training may be required. Enforcement of standards for such crew-only operations falls to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).  15 Detailed discussion of the risks and precautions. the client must consider the risks it creates for the workers in the mooring gang. these duty holders need to assess the risks and take steps to ensure the safety of a mooring gang using their facilities (e. as well cost/quality etc.g. by providing proper lighting and a surface free from slipping and tripping hazards). Consequently. Such systems are not covered in this OC. they should be assessed on their health and safety competence. and ensure that their employer has adequate information. is given in the appendix. hazards created by the positioning of bollards on Dolphins [stand alone mooring platform]. but attention must also be paid to ropes from ships on adjacent berths using the same or close–by bollards. Page 2 of 7 8  Most vessels use shore based mooring gangs to attach the lines to the shore with or without boatmen in line boats. As with other contractors. It should also consider the number of workers required to conduct the operation safely. based on marine experience. safe access. This is most likely to happen to ropes close to ones being handled by the mooring team. available on the MCA website. explain all the terminology likely to be used by the vessel’s crew (and others) with whom communication and co-operation will be essential. as well as the ‘usual’ risks at docks/wharfs/quays (e. These and other variable factors should be considered at the assessment and training stages. mooring operations include the possibility of ‘snapback’ where the mooring line(s) breaks or snaps with immense force. such as PPE to prevent falls into water.g. falls from height and into water.  FURTHER GUIDANCE 20 Further information is available in Chapter 25 of The Code of Safe Working Practice for Merchant Seamen. the sequence of mooring line deployment will need to be changed accordingly.OC 730/17::HEALTH AND SAFETY DURING SHIP'S MOORING OPERATIONS Page 3 of 7 so that they are able to identify the hazards and necessary precautions. The need to escape from snapback may mitigate against precautions intended to control other risks.htm 30/11/2004 .  Date first issued: 05 July 2004   file://J:\dev\operational\Ocs%20TYP(pdf)\700-799\730_17\index. workplace transport.  18 It is probable that since both wind and tide states will vary independently. musculoskeletal disorders).  19 Inspectors should remember that. There have been a number of fatalities and serious injuries worldwide during snapback incidents. particularly with large ropes.  o When heaving a mooring line ashore. o Never hold any mooring line by the crown of the eye. o Emergency recovery plan/equipment should be in place to deal with emergencies. This prevents the lines becoming jammed.  file://J:\dev\operational\Ocs%20TYP(pdf)\700-799\730_17\index. 50 lux is preferable.htm 30/11/2004 . if excessive load comes onto the line as it is being handled. o Other vehicle/crane movements in area: Vehicle control points should be notified of the location and time of mooring operations. o Slips. with one or more persons holding the weight of the line. do not attempt to hold it back. Precautions During Mooring Manual Handling  o Lifting of mooring lines can cause injury.  o Always ‘dip’ the second line onto a bollard when placing the eye of a second mooring line over a bollard. Lines should be paid out steadily.  o When accepting a mooring line. Wooden surfaces may become slippery if not cleaned/maintained. always hold the rope by the side of the eye or the standing part and throw the eye over the bollard. walk the slack line along the quay to the bollard. Never let hands or fingers get trapped between the line and the bollard. The eye of the second line is brought up through the eye of the first line. of any sudden release on board the vessel or of any sudden check of the mooring line. but a sudden surge of weight could pull you over. Mechanical assistance may be required in some situations (some suggest these include where mooring lines have to be lifted more than 5 metres vertically. let it go.  o When handling a line. o Lighting: A minimum measured luminance of 20 lux is required for mooring operations. When doing so always make sure that there is plenty of slack and that the weight between ship and quay is held by another person. especially at bollards which should be kept free from obstruction and free from oil and ice etc. Do not throw the slack of the line over the quay edge until the others are clear. trips and falls. haul sufficient slack straight onto the quay and then. beware. or brought more than 10 metres over land). tell the person(s) holding the weight to ‘let go’.OC 730/17::HEALTH AND SAFETY DURING SHIP'S MOORING OPERATIONS APPENDIX (para 15) HAZARDS AND RISKS At the berth: Page 4 of 7 o Access and egress to working areas: many may be remote with difficult and unsafe access routes.  o When the eye of the line has been placed on the bollard. When placing the eye on a bollard. Wire ropes are particularly hazardous as they tend to snake when they part. o Once a line has been placed on the bollard.  o Sudden tension applied to a line either by ship’s winches. can be dealt a severe blow.  o When using sunken bollards. manilas or coir will creak and squeak. even through leather gloves. i.e. but steel wire will fly and snake unpredictably. Wire rope will ‘sing’ or crack. Danger from Breaking lines  o Never stand in the ‘Snap back danger zone’ behind the bollard when a vessel is heaving/manoeuvring alongside. Anyone in the near vicinity.  o Always listen and watch for any signs to indicate that the lines are being over strained.  o Never let a wire rope slip through your hand and never slide your hand along the line. This is a greater risk than that of someone falling in the water. can cause the line to snake without parting. a sisal rope will probably not fly back at all. This can easily happen when the vessel is heaving alongside or making adjustments to her position. The wearing of rings can be a hazard. polypropylene or any man-made fibres will creak. This will usually be behind the line so that the line will not foul it and also that others and yourself will not trip over it. but in particular at the eye and splice. ii. rings or hooks. move well away from the bollard whether the strain has been taken on the line by the vessel or not. putting another line on the same bollard. except for a very loud “crack” when it file://J:\dev\operational\Ocs%20TYP(pdf)\700-799\730_17\index. Different types of rope give different alarm signals. These sprags can inflict very painful injuries. iv. which are normally covered when not in use.  i. When considering what distance to retreat. or movement of the vessel by surging or listing.  Nylon may make no noise at all. one must think in terms of 20 or 30 feet. A Nylon rope parting under tension 30 feet from a bollard will fly back 20 to 25 feet.OC 730/17::HEALTH AND SAFETY DURING SHIP'S MOORING OPERATIONS Laceration hazards  Page 5 of 7 o Wire ropes are notorious for ‘spragging’ (broken lines or strands) anywhere along its length.  o At all isolated mooring platforms providing no means of escape from such events. Serious hand injuries have been caused by rings being caught on sprags. Terylene.  General  Sisals. If the line parts it will fly back towards the bollard. a safe place of shelter should be provided to afford protection from breaking mooring lines. move the cover plates to a safe position.htm 30/11/2004 . or ship. iii. depending on the angle of the line and how it parted.  o When making fast to trip hooks make sure that the hook lock is secure before placing the eye. parts. to spring off the bow the vessel will require the stern line to be heaved in which will place extra strain on the after backspring.  o When the vessel has ‘singled up’ (one line forward and one aft) and making ready to depart. extra strain may be put on the spring lines when ‘springing off’ i.  o Invariably when a ship is ‘springing off’ the ship will be using its engines and propeller to obtain extra leverage.  o If tugs are used to pull the ship off. If the stern is to be sprung off the strain will be placed on the headline and fore headspring.  o As with mooring when releasing any line from a bollard. or eye of a mooring line. Some may have an additional weight added such as a large metal nut. o An off shore wind will increase the loading on mooring lines. particularly on a large vessel with deck cargo which acts as a sail. release the line and stand well clear. Do not sit on the bollard or the quay edge.OC 730/17::HEALTH AND SAFETY DURING SHIP'S MOORING OPERATIONS Page 6 of 7 o Never stand in a loop or ‘bight’. Be alert to what the ship’s crew is doing and what your colleagues are doing.  o Never stand between the quay edge and a mooring line.  o Never stand astride.  o Stand clear of bollards when waiting. the line should be grasped by the side of the eye.  Precautions During Unmooring: o Go to the bollard only when the line to be released is slack.e. Never slide your hand along the line and never let your hand or fingers get between the line and the bollard. then signal to the crew on the vessel to haul it free. propellers and being crushed between the vessel and quay. Stand at least one metre back. If it is jammed by one of the other lines. This means extra strain on lines.  o Beware of weighted heaving (throwing) lines being thrown from the vessel. then greater strain may be placed on the lines even if the tug is only taking sufficient strain to hold itself in position.htm 30/11/2004 .  o When accepting a heaving line or ships line never stand on the edge of the quay.  o Never walk over a slack mooring line between bollard and vessel – if the vessel heaves or moves the line will become taught rapidly.  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) file://J:\dev\operational\Ocs%20TYP(pdf)\700-799\730_17\index. If the line tightens rapidly people may be caught or hit by the line. Many have a knot (monkey’s fist) on the end that acts as a weight to enable the line to be thrown. stand on or walk over taught mooring lines. pull the clear part right over the top of the bollard so that it can be pulled free.  o When releasing a dipped line always pull sufficient slack through the eye(s) of the other line(s) and then turn the dipped line eye over the bollard.  o Be aware of the extreme danger to someone in the water from ships thrusters.   Slippery surfaces in wet.  Availability of help etc. Where lifejackets are required.  How exposed the area is.OC 730/17::HEALTH AND SAFETY DURING SHIP'S MOORING OPERATIONS Page 7 of 7 o Employers will have to carry out a risk assessment for mooring operations which will have to consider areas such as:  o o o o o Night or day operations.  Weather conditions.htm 30/11/2004 . inspected and tested. Lifejackets may not be required in every mooring operation.  All workers who use the lifejackets should be trained in their care and use     including pre-wear checks. Consideration should be given to factors such as:  o o o o o o o frequency of use  size and weight of wearer  ability to swim  other high visibility/protective clothing to be worn  use of tool belts or other loads worn  should a light be fitted for use at night etc. systems will need to be put in place to ensure that they are properly maintained. ice or snow conditions. o o file://J:\dev\operational\Ocs%20TYP(pdf)\700-799\730_17\index.  o As with any PPE it is important that it is properly selected.  An emergency recovery plan should be put in place in the event that someone falls in. A) Headline B) Fore breast line C) Fore backspring D) Fore headspring E) After backspring F) After headspring G) After breastline H) Sternline A B C Forward D E F G H Aft Figure 1 .


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