Her zones
Her zones
June 8, 2018 | Author: Jean Carlos Cumbicus | Category:
Sexual Arousal
Sexual Emotions
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6lts her head up. closes her eyes and waits for me to kiss her eyelids!” Phil. . Within weeks of subtly touching her body. his wife became more animated. his wife Rhonda was taking the ini*a*ve to be affec*onate. The “stealth seduc@on” touch tricks I gave Phil worked. For the first @me in all their years of marriage. 1 Revive Her Drive is an online program that shows men how to turn on their wives to want more passionate sex again. one of the customers of my private online program1 that helps married men turn their wives back on wrote that to me. they’ve had more “touchy-‐feely” moments than in the first 10 years of their marriage. In the last year. He was so excited.The Passion Patch: Subtle Touch Techniques That Arouse Her Body “Now my wife walks right up to me. She stopped pushing him away. more engaged with him than ever before. I’m glad to see that you’ve taken the first step on what can be a delighOully pleasurable process of opening your woman to her natural sexuality. The Passion Patch is well worth the $7 spend. And . She will thrill to your touch again Susan Bratton. I’m Susan BraNon and my life’s work is helping men bring out the passion in their wives.Now they snuggle on the couch at night and Rhonda has actually been taking off her nightgown and cuddling him in the nude before Phil gets up to go to work. This is huge progress for a couple who were like childhood friends instead of a passionate married couple. You are doing this as much for her health and well being as for yours. My ul@mate goal is to earn your trust so that I can show you how you can have even be3er sex together than when you were first da@ng. You’ll live longer. give more of your giSs to the world and enjoy a happier life if you and your wife have frequent sensual experiences that lead to orgasmic pleasure. Frequent physical in@macy is vital for your health and well-‐being. Which Touch Area Will Turn Your Wife On? Hi." ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! — Brian H. The goal of this @ny liNle eBook is to give you the first taste of success in wooing your wife again. You’re going to find the places and ways your wife loves to be touched. "Your descriptions of the small of her back and the ultimate hug sparked visual memories of early courtship and some of my favorite bonding moments. Creator of Revive Her Drive when you do The Passion Patch. awakening her sensual body. then you awaken her sensual body. The Passion Patch is a shortcut that combines step one —romance — with step two. ignorance. starEng small and going slowly will have a greater posi@ve impact than trying to rush her into sex. Seduc@on is an escala@on. But so many issues. fear.everything in this book is female-‐friendly. You BOTH Deserve This Pleasure Orgasm is one of the ways your body relaxes the tension that builds up from the “work” of living a full. For the most success with The Passion Patch. then you seduce her and then you use advanced sexual mastery techniques that heighten her pleasure so she wants to be with you more oSen and try new things in the bedroom. Climaxes rejuvenate and reboot your system so you have the reserves to go out and conquer the world. sensual woman who cannot keep her hands off of you. First you romance her. I want her to love you more because you have taken the @me to open her like a flower for you. including shame. These romance techniques are targeted missiles. rich life. pain and bad health can cover up desire. This is step one. Crea@ng ease around sex and physical in@macy builds over @me. And these touch tricks will work very subtly . Both you and your wife need this pleasure release. You’ll be giving her some of the romance she needs to warm to you. And even cuddling and holding hands releases the “love chemicals” that fuel her desire for you. The Passion Patch is going to show you the first step in moving your woman from shut down and turned off into a lusty. Read This Warning First! I know you’re ready to get going but I want to give you a word of warning. You are lowering her stress and calming her down.to warm her body up sexually without her being directly aware of the fact that you are arousing her. rather than ra@onal mind. You have to trust me that she will come to you sooner if you just let her body feel the touches while her brain is hardly aware that you touched her. You’ll start with very flee@ng touches. There are three important pieces of advice I want you to know BEFORE you lay a hand on her. What These Touch Techniques Will Do You are going around her defenses. 1) Try NOT to get her to react at first. Her limbic system is her emo@onal. 3) There is a specific way I want you to use your touch for maximum effec@veness. Touch her the way I tell you to in The Passion Patch but do not demand or expect her to overtly respond. 2) The angle from which you approach her is important. wants and needs physical connec@on. You will be touching her in ways that connect you together limbically. check your ego at the door. I know you are dying for her to show you SHE WANTS YOU. Use these touch techniques in an understated way. . Try NOT To Get A ReacEon Because you are using these touch techniques as a way to remind her body that she likes. please. And she will. I call this “grounding” her. But in the beginning. you want to fly under the radar un@l you see her coming to you for touch like Phil did with his kisses on Rhonda’s eyelids. Some people like to be approached by another person head-‐on. That’s how touch works. But it’s true. Don’t get me wrong. honey. The direct approach is a liNle too confron@ng for me. S@ll others prefer the leS or right side. You may already have figured this out about your wife. dislike it when my husband comes straight at my face with his lips puckered up. no. I. Here’s why the angle of approach is important and how it works. You are “the king of understatement” for now. “Hey. I adore kissing my man. Romeo. OK? . It puts me at ease. Don’t ask her outright. But for some reason. Make this an ero@c adventure. Touch is addic@ve. I’ve seen it play out in couple aSer couple.You get her body wan@ng more. not a chore or a checklist. Do you want me to try my stealth romance touch tricks on your behind?” No. Others like to be approached from behind. The Angle Of Approach This is weird. I like it when he approaches me from my right side and then turns to kiss me. Very soon you will get plenty of reac@on from her if you keep up a steady and very subtle pace of touch. The more you get the more you want. for example. . Dr. Instead of touching in the way you think it’s going to feel good for her. How would you touch your wife’s thigh if you were to do it for purely selfish delight? Use THAT touch with these techniques. . Just keep a keen eye. The rear approach is the least common preference. as you can imagine. . As you try these different touch techniques. the more pleasurable you are making it for her. Don’t be ashamed of your desire. approach her from the front and both sides. When you touch for rapture. Pad Taylor wrote an eBook called. I want you to touch your wife the way you did when you first met her and were feeling her for the first @me. Just pay aNen@on and make mental notes. Touch For Rapture in which she teaches lovers HOW to touch for maximum mutual pleasure. I’ll tell you in each trick how to do it. you’re touching in a way that feels good to you. In all these Touch Tricks. And don’t make a show of it either. It turns out that selfish touch -‐ touch for the sheer pleasure it brings you to touch -‐ is actually a more ero@c way of touching than touching for effect. the more stealth you play this. Save the approach from behind for when she’s ac@vely coming to you for affec@on and she won’t be surprised by a “sneak aNack” which might set you back.Remember. The Way To Touch Her My long-‐@me mentor. Once you get a sense of how she likes to be approached you’ll be even more effec@ve at delivering touch in the way her body most likes it. So how does an ugly guy get a hot babe? “Catch and Release. Move along. then move away. Oh. The preNy girls are the hardest to pick up because they have the greatest choice of poten@al men -‐ everyone wants the preNy girl. I’m giddy wri@ng this for you right now.So when you touch her. charm her and then let her go. her body will feel your excitement. When you stop touching her to give her pleasure or to get a reac@on. They’d go out to a bar and try to get the most beau@ful girl to go home with them. If hot blondie knows she can have any man in the bar. she wants the one that plays hard to get. That will turn her on faster. land the touch. Do not hang around like a hound dog wai@ng for scraps. It’s so exci@ng when you combine the right angle of approach with a panty-‐wedng touch and then you walk away. Enjoy her silky soSness. Humans are wired to want desperately what they cannot have. dear man. are going to play hard to get. Do something construc@ve and masculine. Touch her in a way that gives you an erec@on. do it for the joy you get from the feeling in your fingers. That will really get her going for you! Honestly.” You engage her. You are going to go in for an oh-‐so-‐subtle touch. The Magic of Catch & Release I first learned this magic trick from a group of pick up ar@sts. You. yeah! . will warm her body up for you so that you can significantly increase the amount of affec@on and lovemaking you two are having. When you find the opportunity. There’s no need to say anything. done right. the small of her back. But the more of these you try. Remember. simply let the slight brush of your fingers trail across her face and then release the moment and go about your business.The Touch Tricks Cheeks. “Hey. Try one or two a day to start. This is a good trick when she’s focused on a task. what are you doing?” Or worse. be ham-‐handed and have her move away from you. Let’s break it down. stroking her hair. These touch techniques. Because every woman is different means your gal’s body is going to prefer some of these over others. . . Touch Techniques Cheeks Stroke her cheek lightly with the back of your fingers. wrist circling. you don’t want to her say. hand pumps and foot rubs are the slippery slope to all the sex you can handle. . the nape of her neck. knee pressure. eyelids and forehead. the faster she’s going to get aroused. Look her in the eyes when you do it. See how ero@c you can make her neck massage. exer@ng a @ny bit of pull and release. You want your woman all loose and relaxed and low back and neck are the two most powerful places you can touch to get her feeling relaxed in her body again so you can take her into higher states of arousal. Back of Neck The neck is very erogenous for a woman.Eyelids and Forehead Instead of a direct kiss on the lips. it will arouse her. If you reach your hand under her hair at the nape of her neck and squeeze and release. give your lady a kiss on her forehead or her eyelids. Later. Neck Rub Working out the kinks in her neck will open up her throat and jaw. Grab a handful of her hair and squeeze it gently. you can pull her toward you for a kiss. You can approach her from the front. It’s both masculine and nurturing. increasing her ability to feel her desire. side or from behind if she’s seated. Remember the hickeys you got and gave in high school? Her neck is exquisitely sensual. This is a kind of “daddy” affec@on. . By pudng your hand on the small of her back.Hair Stroke Some women have very “styled” hair and don’t like their hair messed up. you are “claiming her. This is one of those tricks that really works to get a woman turned on. If her body responds nicely. You can also enjoy the fragrance of her hair simply by taking in the smell. Gedng doors for her is both sexy and gives you the chance to guide her by the lower back. If she’s open to you touching her hair. The Small of Her Back This is a major touch technique. instead of against it. stroking down. Do this just once to start. just take a lock of hair and play with it between your fingers. with the nap. It’s very “caveman” -‐ very masculine for you to lead her or guide her. stroked and even brushed. . If that’s the case. is most erogenous. you may want to give her a series of 2-‐3 strokes when you’re sidng next to her. As with all hair.” You can guide her through a door or gently move her body from one place to another with your hand. Put a firm hand on the small of her back whenever the opportunity presents itself. start with the flat of your palm near the crown of her head and stroke down. Most women love their hair touched. That creates magne@sm that enhances her natural arousal systems. Do it without looking like you are even paying aNen@on. . One way to 4X her turn-‐on is to hold her hand behind her. fingers entwined or her hand res@ng in yours with both your palm and hers together.Wrist Circling Idly circle and then pump your fingers around her wrist. pressed against the small of her back while you pump it. Pump her hand with yours by squeezing lightly and rhythmically. The secret squeeze is highly ero@c. Hand Pumps Hold her hand in yours. This sends electrical signals through her nerves that get her body feeling your masculine strength. Pulsing will arouse her body because this ac@on mirrors a series of orgasmic contrac@ons. it’s even more arousing for her. Ancient Chinese sexual masters say pumping your woman’s hand can increase her desire by 4X. you can circle her wrist and give her a few pumps. Hand-‐holding in general is a very sexual experience for a woman. First. or sidng next to her in bed or on the couch. This is one of the most stealth touch tricks for arousal. Perhaps while you’re driving. When you do this around other people but don’t let anyone see. it makes her feel feminine and perceive you as more masculine. “You are my woman. “ The Best Hug In The World. This hug is addic@ve. I call it. you’d be grabbing her feet all the @me! How can she get aroused if her feet hurt? A great way to be “stealth” about foot rubs are to sit down beside her when she’s watching TV or talking on the phone and just pick up a foot and start playing with it. Foot Rubs If you only knew how much tension a foot rub releases for a woman. Remember to touch her for rapture. This gesture says. it’s @me to move into more ero@c and sexual touch. .” Very ero@c. Enjoy feeling her feet and think about how sexy she is as you do it.Knee and Thigh Pressure Similar to claiming her when you put your hand on the small of her back and guide her. not effect. Once you’ve condi@oned her to enjoy these touches from you. This hug will ground her and let her release her anxiety. res@ng your hand protec@vely on her knee or the top of her thigh will be a turn on for her body.” because it pulls you two together into a state of pure contentment. Give her knee a liNle squeeze before you release. The perfect bridge from stealth touch to outright physical seduc@on is this hug. This hug will make her want you to be close. Her body will get your message. Hold her @ght. with both of your arms wrapped around her. and squeeze her just a liNle more @ghtly. Remind her that you have her completely. Tell her you are not going to let go un@l she asks you to. Encourage her to feel you holding her. Tell her whatever is real for you. Don’t let go. soothing voice your request that she allow herself to relax and feel held by you. but hold her @ght enough that when she relaxes.” — Ma@ D.Give her “ The Best Hug In The World” Try this with your lady when you are lying in bed or on the sofa together. Don’t let go. Ask her to relax fully in your arms. As she relaxes. Ask her to relax. just keep holding her. As she relaxes. Keep a medium and constant amount pressure on her everywhere your body is touching hers. she can feel that you really have her safe. Whisper in her ear in a low. Tell her you love her. heart to heart — and then hold her. I posted them on my mirror. securely anchoring her. Ask her to relax for you again. Pull her close to you — abdomen to abdomen. . Thanks for these specific instruc<ons. “I never thought about how I hugged my woman. Tell her you are so glad you are sharing your life with her. Ask her to just let it all go. remind her that you’ve got her. Tell her she’s your precious angel. Don’t release her. Don’t open your arms. Don’t hold her too @ght. — Sugarfoot Now I’m kicking myself for all those missed opportunities. kick-‐buN creature. Feel free to give her plenty of instruc@on before you start. I love hugging my woman. think about how much you love this sassy. The minute she relaxes. do not ease up on the sweet embrace un@l she asks you to. Just let her melt in your arms. so she knows you will not let go.” Set the pace of the breathing so her breath slows and deepens and your hearts beat as one. solid.And no maNer what you do. I’m a testimony to this hug. Don’t let go. And fill her with love and affec@on. This “reboot” will relax her almost as well as an orgasm. . So she knows you are encouraging her to feel really held by her man. Breathe with her. . You get bonus points if she drools a liNle. delicate. her orgasms will be the best you’ve ever given her. Now that is MANLY. And as you’re holding her. And once she’s this relaxed. Not letting go and whispering in her ear was magic. he thinks it’s a signal to let go. It worked every time. long hug may be the best she’s ever goNen. If you do this correctly. feeling her breathing next to me. . she may be able to truly let go for the first @me in her life and completely relax. Because here’s what happens in most hugs. sweet. This strong. So it truly works. Match her breath and then slowly deepen your breaths and “breathe her. Give her flowers that smell good. pay aNen@on to the way you approach her before you touch her. go swimming or get in a hot tub. wild and passionate sex with your lady. I’m proud of you for being the kind of man that wants to pleasure his woman and is willing to take the @me to unlock her libido. The ONE Place To Touch Her Congratula@ons! Now you have not just one. Here are some easy ideas that will arouse her further: 1. I wish you both much pleasure.I now know they were begging me to do exactly what you described! — Pete Romance Tricks That Work Like Magic Once she’s leaning in to have more touch you can begin giving her roman@c experiences that will further arouse her body. vision. but TEN places to touch and arouse your lady. a soS and sweetly sensual nigh@e for bed (or even lingerie if she’s the kind of woman who would appreciate it. Take a bath together. You’ve taken the first step to re-‐create spontaneous. Put on music at home or sing along with her in the car. Touch her for rapture. Anything that uses her sense of smell. not for effect -‐ like you would touch her solely for your own pleasure. What is her body telling you? Keep a keen eye and you’ll begin to escalate from there. 4. Email me any@me you have ques@ons. And finally.com .) 5. Remember that you do not want to get a reac@on at first. 2. touch or hearing are the best kind of roman@c gestures to create more in@mate connec@on. Feed her gourmet chocolate with her eyes closed. Keep your pace steady and try them all. susan@personallifemedia. 3. No@ce her biofeedback. perfume she loves. Create a magical feeling in your bedroom with soS ligh@ng and just the right temperature for her and then hold her and hug her without asking for more. Warmly. 2013 All Rights Reserved By Susan Bratton . Creator of Revive Her Drive © Personal Life Media. Susan Bratton CEO Personal Life Media. Inc. Inc. (sign up at bottom of her blog) . get Sloane’s sexy adventures and sensual musings by email at FoxySloane. Tantra and seduction skills advice for couples at Expand Her Orgasm Tonight or Seduction Trilogy.Want More? Susan Bratton Dr. Tallulah Sulis Sloane Fox Get more free advice on multiple orgasm and female ejaculatory orgasms (squirting) and on sexual healing at Female Liquid Orgasm. Patti Taylor Post your Revive Her Drive ideas in the forum and follow Susan for more free romance and sensuality advice for men in relationship who want more and better sex. Sign up to to get more free Expanded Orgasm. If you dare.
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