Getting Started, PepS tutorial

June 28, 2018 | Author: John Bayner | Category: File Format, Computer File, Structural Load, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Text File
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PepS tutorial-1- Getting started ! Introduction PepS is an integrated package containing PIPESTRESS, the piping analysis core program, and Editpipe, its pre- and post-processor. Are you using PepS for the very first time? Please read this tutorial carefully. It will explain what PIPESTRESS is, how it works and how Editpipe can help you exploit all its powerful features. You will also learn how to create your first piping model in less than 5 minutes, launch the calculation and view the results. PIPESTRESS Overview What is PIPESTRESS PIPESTRESS is a program for performing linear elastic analysis of three-dimensional piping systems subject to a variety of loading conditions. Simple non-linearities in one-dimensional supports can be modelled. Chemical process piping, nuclear and conventional power generation piping systems may be investigated for compliance with piping codes and with other constraints on system response. What distinguishes PIPESTRESS from competitors is its advanced analysis capabilities and its rigorous QA methodology which has made it a reference in the nuclear piping industry: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Full feature nuclear piping analysis program ASME Classes 1,2 and 3 and ANSI/ASME B31.1 ASME B31.3, CODETI RCC-M, KTA Classes 1 and 2 Code versions from 1967 to present Nuclear QA per 10CFR50, App. B, and 10CFR21 Heat transfer and thermal gradient stress Fatigue analysis usage factor Translators from other analysis programs Up to 500 user-defined load and combination cases Structures with 3,000 elements or more Element dimensions in Cartesian, cylindrical, spherical or sloping coordinates Thermal stratification Mixed class Composite materials Response cases with up to 99 independent support levels Response spectra in Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates Modal superposition by grouping, double sum CQC and other methods Time history analysis by generalized response method Selective “true” time history analysis Determination of rigid cut-off frequency for time history analysis Rigid mode correction for all dynamic analysis method Theory manual The PIPESTRESS input file The standard input file for the PIPESTRESS program is an 80 character per-record text file, usually with a ‘fre’ extension, containing free format input and therefore called the ‘free’ file. Groups of records define the piping structure, loadings and other information required for the calculation. These groups of records are called "cards". prd filename. Moreover. If the PIPESTRESS input file is named follows. containing all computed displacement. ‘rs3’.and post-processor You could of course write the input PIPESTRESS file simply by means of a plain text editor such as Notepad. etc) extension. and finally view the result files once again with Notepad… But what a waste of time! And you are never really sure whether the input file represents what you intended. usually with a ‘rs1’ (or ‘rs2’. then the reports are generated as Reports Banners File information Echo Free format errors Modal extraction filename.pre Support summaries Contents Timing filename. forces and stresses. File name filename.err Error messages Editpipe: the PIPESTRESS pre.prf Fatigue analysis solutions Thermal transient solutions filename.prr Floor response cases solutions filename.prx Time history cases solutions filename. PIPESTRESS also generates reports in several text files which are identified by their extensions.ext. you discover them only after PIPESTRESS has terminated and you must then retrieve the error messages among the numerous text files generated by PIPESTRESS. then launch PIPESTRESS in a DOS window by typing the PIPESTRESS command script and entering the input file name when prompted.prc Combination cases solutions filename. This is where Editpipe comes into action! Here are some outstanding features of Editpipe: .prl Static load cases solutions filename. the “restart” file.PepS tutorial -2- The PIPESTRESS result files PIPESTRESS generates a binary result file. if there are errors in your input file.pri Input data verification Formal input data description filename. forces and moments Tabular view of the data QuickPipe wizard helps you generate complete input files in less than 5 minutes Online help with an extensive description of the PIPESTRESS cards Editpipe includes a powerful project and file manager. or stresses at chosen points View graphically binary input files like thf (time-history) files View support load sheets with special PPO file viewer Create Word-based stress reports from a user-defined template Review your actions with integrated logbook Creating and analysing your first PIPESTRESS model: a short tutorial Let’s see how to apply these tools and create our first piping model! 1.2 N/mm²) . with input error detection Integrated database of PIPESTRESS free format input cards and standard piping fittings Post-processing module for visualizing mode shapes and load case displacements.PepS tutorial • • • • • • • -3- Advanced text editor environment with full syntax colouring for editing PIPESTRESS free format input files. A106 Gr B material Content: water One operating case: temperature=250°C. and that the piping runs are following global axes. A sketch of the piping model to create is shown below: - 2” Shedule 10 pipe. without even knowing anything about PIPESTRESS and its input card format. with the following features: • • • • • • • • • Manage all PIPESTRESS input and output files related to a piping analysis project Run PIPESTRESS and related programs and follow progress of analysis Browse through output files with the PIPESTRESS report viewer Track errors reported during PIPESTRESS execution and point them out in the PIPESTRESS input file Extract the highest stress tables from your model. the Editpipe Manager. A simple model means that you have uniform piping cross section and operating conditions. Creating your first PIPESTRESS model with Quickpipe wizard With Quickpipe you are going to generate a complete PIPESTRESS input file for a simple piping model in less than 5 minutes. pressure=12 bar (1. The Easyfree templates assist you in creating or editing PIPESTRESS cards – in particular with the Smart Coordinate tool Instant visualization of the piping model defined in the input file. 7 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.7) . Click ‘Project Management : New Project’.5 0.0 (c) 1996-2004 Tractebel Launch the Editpipe Manager by double-clicking the PepS icon on the desktop screen.8 Y m Z X Weight support Valve Editpipe 5.0 0.fre 16/06/2004 16:25:26 0. Type the name of the PIPESTRESS input file to create: ‘demo.-26.0.fre’ View Angles: (20. Select or create a directory where your project files will be stored.1 0.6 0.-4- PepS tutorial demo. fre’ file is empty and contains no cards yet. 1. The units are those selected in the Option menu. Double-click ‘demo. An empty ‘demo. The ‘demo. Choose the vertical axis (Y or Z) -5- . General data Fill in the ‘Plant’. Choose the piping code and code version. The QuickPipe Wizard shows you 5 panels you have to fill in sequentially. You can skip and just press the OK button.fre’ file has been created and is displayed in the ‘Text Input File’ box in the file explorer on the left. ‘Title’ and ‘Engineer’ texts to identify your analysis. You invoke the Editpipe editor. Run the ‘Options : Quickpipe Wizard’ command.fre’ or select ‘Edit/View Input File : Edit demo.fre’.PepS tutorial The Project Management Dialog prompts you for a general description of your project. length and/or mass. Piping lay-out Compose at the top of the screen a piping element (anchor. You could define an Earthquake case.60 response spectrum. 4. Piping data Specify piping diameter. Add the required direction. 3. valve. 5. Choose Quasi-static or R. then press ‘Insert’ to insert the element back into the lay-out. Options Specify point numbering options. 1. Press ‘Modify’ to change an existing element. Specify the end weld code (will be applied at each element). Then press “Create PIPESTRESS model”… and you are ready! -6- .PepS tutorial 2. type of fluid and insulation weight. Then press ‘Insert’ to insert the piping element in your lay-out. It will be moved to the top of the panel. restraint. Apply the changes to the element. Add temperature and pressure. lumped mass). thickness and material. Use ‘Cut’ and ‘Paste’ to duplicate elements. straight element.G. Define the bend radius (bends will be added automatically at each change of direction). Load Case data Choose the number of thermal load cases. 2. . The buttons on this toolbar enable the user to invoke other useful commands: Go to Editpipe Manager Toggle View/Edit Easyfree tool Print Save Open Pan Rotate view Dynamic zoom Whole model Increase/decrease symbol size Show supports Tabular data sheets Show point names Don’t forget to save your model as ‘Demo.CA=100: Weight . just click the “Toggle View/Edit” button on the top toolbar. Launching the PIPESTRESS analysis Switch to the Editpipe Manager by clicking the ‘Editpipe Manager’ button. To get a graphical view of the model. 120 etc.).CA=101: Operating conditions A combination case “CA=401: Weight + Operating” has been created too. incremented by 10 for the following points (110. Two load cases have been generated: . The point labels have been generated automatically: 100 for the first point.-7- PepS tutorial A complete input file has been created at lightning speed.fre’ (command “File : Save”). Editpipe displays the Highest Stress file which summarizes the highest stress points for the different load cases. Viewing the results The PIPESTRESS result files are listed in the ‘Result files’ box. Close the Highest Stress file before proceeding.PepS tutorial -8- Click ‘Run Analysis : Piping analysis’. Simply press ‘OK’. Click the command ‘Results : Load Restart File’ and select the restart file to load (in most cases the file is named ‘demo. Select for example: LOAD CASE 401: WEIGHT + THERMAL . just double-click it. Return to Editpipe editor. 3. The PIPESTRESS execution is displayed in the Execution Monitor window. To view any of the files. When the execution finishes. Editpipe allows you to visualize the results in a more graphical and convenient way.rs1’). Editpipe prompts you for the Load Case to view. PepS tutorial -9- A new toolbar has appeared on the top. A ratio higher than 1 means that stresses are over the limits permitted by the code. Click the command ‘Results : Load Highest stress table’. A table with the highest stresses for every load case is displayed and their locations are highlighted. . Use its buttons to view the displacements. internal forces or stresses and to navigate through the different load cases: Force/moment component Resultant moment Resultant force Display displacements Choose load case Display stresses Use local axis View Highest stress table Animate Size factor View tabulated results It is generally more useful to view the stress ratios according to the piping code (ASME B31.1 in this case). Groups of records define the piping structure. For example. Continuing to build the PIPESTRESS model The basic input file created with the Quickpipe wizard is a good starting point. Floor Response Spectrum cards (if required) Structure/Load cards . etc. These groups of records are called "cards". As already noted.10 - 4. the next card is a "TITL" card. the first card of every PIPESTRESS input file is an "IDEN" card... where ff is the field ident vvv is the value to be entered Example: to define reference case number 320. enter RF=320 One card may extend in more than one line: . ENDP Each card contains several fields that are entered in positions 6 to 80 in the following manner: ff=vvv. The cards are identified by a four character card identity in the positions 1 to 4. The order of the input is shown below: IDEN TITL Other Analysis cards . Editpipe will be of great help once again. loadings and other information required for the calculation. the PIPESTRESS input file is a plain text file.PepS tutorial . but now you have to add other cards and a better understanding of the PIPESTRESS cards is required. 1..9.z.Z and a. + ANCHOR MOTION/ Comments lines are introduced with an asterisk: * This is a comment line The particular field ‘PT=…’ serves to define point identities. For instance. rotations. forces. and the characters A. Cards which follow this card are ignored.......5 in X direction and whose end point identity is ‘60’: TANG PT=60 DX=2.5 Here are some of the most important PIPESTRESS cards: Analysis cards IDEN Identification of the model. weight and other section dependent properties of the pipe for members which follow this card until another Cross Sectional Properties card is encountered MATL Defines the material for members which follow this card until another MATL card is encountered TANG Defines a straight pipe element which is specified by a vector along the element axis BRAD Defines a curved pipe element (bend or elbow) which is specified by its radius ANCH Points of a piping system where all six displacement components are known (anchors) RSTN Defines a single direction in which the piping system is restrained against displacement at the given point. The piping code (ASME B31..1. the following line creates a straight pipe element whose length is 2. Point identities must be character strings consisting of one to four alphanumeric characters which are the digits 0.11 - CCAS CA=200 ME=8 EQ=1 C1=101 C2=102 TI=/THERM. in particular version of the piping code LCAS Defines a Load Case for which PIPESTRESS will calculate displacements.C..PepS tutorial .…) and the units are defined therein TITL Titles and other options. A separate card must be used for each restraint direction ENDP Indicates the end of the problem description..B. moments and stresses CSTR Instructs PIPESTRESS to calculate "additive" stresses which are based on the resultant moments of the constituent cases Structure/Load cards OPER Defines the operating conditions for a load case for the members which follow this card until another OPER card for the same load case is encountered CROS Defines the size.. .b.c. 6 SM=115.6 EX=10. Note the special field (*WT_OD): by doubleclicking this field. runs 2 meters along direction X and ends at an anchor point (representing for instance a vessel nozzle).3 MATD TE=371 EH=175.08 SH=103.4 EX=10.4 SM=137.9 MATD TE=93 EH=198. The branch line is supported at midspan by a spring hanger.8 EX=13.4 SM=130. The operating conditions for the branch line are slightly different: 220°C.77 SO=1 ST=1 IN=0 MA=2. anchored at both ends. 10 bar. either by hand (in case you are already an experienced user…) or by using the Easyfree tool which lists and describes briefly the available cards and helps the user to define the fields.1 SY=178.4 SM=137.9 MATD TE=204 EH=191.57 SH=103.7 DESN TE=150 PR=1 PRES CA=100 PR=1 OPER CA=101 TE=150 PR=1 CROS ANCH TANG BRAD TANG OD=33. For examples.4 SM=137.52 SH=98.1 EX=13.0 EX=12.40 WT=2.8 MATL CD=101 SY=241. Type the following lines.09 PT=100 PT=110 EW=2 DX=1 PT=120 EW=2 RA=0.0381 PT=130 EW=2 DZ=1 *1" Sch 10 10S * ENDP 5.3 MATD TE=316 EH=184. Imagine that a branch line starts from point 170.4 SM=119.10 SH=103. containing an elbow and subjected to a single operating case: temperature = 150°C.9 MATD TE=260 EH=188.71 SH=103.6 SY=173. Adding a branch line to your model Let’s return to the basic model you have just created.13 SH=103.3 SY=219. just before the ENDP card.PepS tutorial .8 SY=195. pressure = 10 bar: IDEN JB=1 CD=0 GR=-Y IU=0 OU=0 AB=T PL=/DEMO/ EN=/CAJ/ TITL BL=3 GL=1 CV=8 HS=1 TI=/EXAMPLE/ LCAS CA=100 TY=3 EQ=2 TI=/OPERATING WEIGHT/ LCAS CA=101 TY=0 EQ=7 TI=/THERMAL 1/ * MATERIAL: SA 106 Grade B (C-Si steel) *************************************** MATH CD=101 EX=1 TY=1 TX=371 MATD TE=21 EH=203.1 EX=11.9 SY=213.10 piping system.2 EX=12.4 SM=137. you access an integrated database of standard pipe sections.7 SY=206.12 - You will find below a simple input file describing a 1” Sch.96 SH=103.9 MATD TE=149 EH=195. Switch to Editpipe editor and go to the end of the file. . the next screen shows you how to create a CROS card defining an 8” Schedule 80 pipe cross section. 09  the branch is a 1" Sch 10 pipe: outside diameter = 33.40 WT=2.4).3 N/mm² (PR=0. thickness=2.5 kN (FO=0.5  vertical spring hanger (DY=1) at point 310 (PT=310).0508) and the end point name is 300 (PT=300) TANG PT=310 DX=0.3) BRAN PT=300 TE=1 DX=0. the tee branch is 0.09) OPER CA=101 TE=120 PR=0.77 MA=2.77). pre-tension force = 0.PepS tutorial . SP=1 FO=0. spring stiffness=1 kN/mm (SP=1).5) . pressure = 0.0508  the tee is a welding tee (TE=1).13 - * By-pass line 1”  comment line JUNC PT=170  the new branch starts from point 170 CROS OD=33.77 mm (WT=2. linear weight=2.4 mm (OD=33.3  operating condition for load case 101: temperature = 120°C (TE=120).09 kg/m (MA=2.0508 m long in X direction (DX=0.9492  the next pipe element goes from the end of the tee to mid-span at point 310 VSUP PT=310 DY=1. . continue discovering the latest versions of PIPESTRESS and Editpipe integrated in the PepS package and enjoy unmatched technical excellence. You should get the following picture: It’s that simple! Now.PepS tutorial .14 - TANG PT=320 DX=1  pipe element from point 310 to point 320 ANCH PT=320  anchor at point 320 View the or visit our website at www. Feel free to contact us for assistance or for additional information at support@dst. .


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