GB - T228 - 2002 Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials

June 22, 2018 | Author: Radhakrishnan Balasubramanian | Category: Deformation (Mechanics), Materials Science, Chemical Product Engineering, Materials, Solid Mechanics
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ICS 77.040.10 H22 The National Standard of People’s Republi of China !"#T 22$%2002 e&' IS( )$*2+1**$ ,etalli -aterials.Tensile testin/ at a-bient te-perature Issued on 03-10-2002 Implemented on 01-07-2002 Issued b0 State 1ualit0 Super'ision and Inspe tion 2 1uarantine "ureau of P.R.C 1 !"#T 22$%2002 Contents 3ore4ord IS( 3ore4ord 1. S ope 2. Referen ed Standards 6. Prin iple 4. 7efinitions 5. S0-bols and des riptions ). Test pie es 7. 7eter-ination of ori/inal ross%se tional area 8So9 $. ,ar:in/ of ori/inal /au/e len/th 8;o9 *. Pre ision of test e&uip-ents 10. Test re&uire-ents 11. 7eter-inations of per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture 8<9 and per enta/e total elon/ation at fra ture 8<t9 12. 7eter-inations of per enta/e total elon/ation at -a=i-u- for e 8< /t9 and per enta/e non% proportional elon/ation at -a=i-u- for e 8</9 16. 7eter-ination of per enta/e 0ield point e=tension 8<e9 14. 7eter-inations of upper 0ield stren/th 8ReH9 and lo4er 0ield stren/th 8Re;9 15. 7eter-ination of proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension 8Rp9 1). 7eter-ination of proof stren/th> total e=tension 8Rt9 17. ?erifi ation -ethod of per-anent set stren/th 8Rr9 1$. 7eter-ination of tensile stren/th 8R-9 1*. 7eter-ination of per enta/e redu tion of area 8@9 20. Nu-eri al roundin/%off of the result of propert0 deter-ination 21. The a ura 0 of the result of propert0 deter-ination 22. Test result pro essin/ 26. Test report <ppendi= < 8standard appendi=9+ Test pie e t0pes used for sheet 2 strip ha'in/ 0.1--%A6-thi :ness <ppendi= " 8standard appendi=9+ Test pie e t0pes used for plate 2 flat ha'in/ BC6-- thi :ness and 4ire rod> bar 2 se tion -aterial ha'in/ BC4-- dia-eters or thi :ness <ppendi= C 8standard appendi=9+ Test pie e t0pes used for 4ire rod> bar 2 se tion -aterial ha'in/ A4-- dia-eters or thi :ness <ppendi= 7 8standard appendi=9+ Test pie e t0pe used for tubular -aterial <ppendi= D 8su//esti'e appendi=9+ Test -ethod for the spe ified 'alue of per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture A5E <ppendi= 3 8su//esti'e appendi=9+ Shiftin/ -ethod for testin/ per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture <ppendi= ! 8su//esti'e appendi=9+ ,anual -ethod for testin/ per enta/e total elon/ation at -a=i-u- for e of lon/%shape -aterial 8su h as 4ire rod> bar 2 se tion -aterial9 <ppendi= H 8su//esti'e appendi=9+ ,ethod of su essi'e appro=i-ations for testin/ proof 2 4 5 ) ) ) ) 10 12 16 16 16 14 15 15 1) 1) 17 1$ 1$ 1$ 1* 21 22 22 26 25 2$ 2* 62 62 66 64 stren/th> non%proportional e=tension 8Rp9 <ppendi= I 8su//esti'e appendi=9+ D=a-ples of for e%dis har/in/ -ethod for testin/ per-anent set stren/th 8Rr0.29 <ppendi= F 8su//esti'e appendi=9+ Drror a u-ulati'e -ethod for esti-atin/ testin/ un ertaint0 of tensile test <ppendi= G 8su//esti'e appendi=9+ Pre ision of the tensile test.the test result of laborator0 <ppendi= ; 8su//esti'e appendi=9+ Cross referen e of ne4 and old standard na-es of properties and s0-bols 65 6) 67 44 6 !"#T 22$%2002 Foreword The standard is e&ui'alent to the international standard IS( )$*2+1**$ A ,etalli -aterials.Tensile test at a-bient te-peratureB. The -ain ontent of this standard is the sa-e as those of IS( )$*2+1**$> but partial te hni al ontent of this standard is -ore detailed and the editin/ stru ture is also different. "esides> the re&uire-ent of nu-eri al roundin/%off of the result of propert0 deter-ination and test result pro essin/ t4o hapters are supple-ented in the standard. ,ean4hile> the t0pe of test pie e is added> appendi= 3 8su//esti'e appendi=9.the al ulatin/ hart for al ulatin/ the ori/inal /au/e len/th of re tan/ular ross%se tion test pie e and the referen es of appendi= ; 8su//esti'e appendi=9 are an elled> appendi= H 8su//esti'e appendi=9.,ethod of su essi'e appro=i-ations for testin/ proof stren/th> non% proportional e=tension 8Rp9 and <ppendi= ; 8su//esti'e appendi=9.Cross referen e of ne4 and old standard na-es of properties and s0-bols are supple-ented. The standard is the re%edition and o-bination of old standard !"#T 22$%1*$7 A,etalli -aterials. Tensile testin/B> !"#T 607)%1*$2 A ,etalli sheet 8strip9.Tensile testin/B and !"#T )6*7%1*$) ATest pie e of -etalli tensile testB. In o-parison 4ith ori/inal standard> the follo4in/ te hni al ontents are -odified and supple-ented+ .Referen ed Standards .7efinitions and s0-bols .Test pie es .Test re&uire-ents .,ethod for deter-inin/ properties .Nu-eri al roundin/%off of the result of propert0 deter-ination .7es ription of the a ura 0 of the result of propert0 deter-ination Sin e the date of i-ple-entation of this standard> the old standard !"#T 22$%1*$7 A,etalli -aterials. Tensile testin/B> !"#T 607)%1*$2 A ,etalli sheet 8strip9.Tensile testin/B and !"#T )6*7%1*$) ATest pie e of -etalli tensile testB ha'e been repla ed. The <ppendi= < to 7 of the standard are standard appendi=es. The <ppendi= D to ; of the standard are su//esti'e appendi=es. This standard 4as put for4ard b0 the State ,etallur/i al Industr0 "ureau. The State Te hni al Co--ittee for StandardiHation of Steel ta:es the spe ial responsibilit0 of ad-inistratin/ this standard. This standard 4as drafted out b0+ Iron 2 Steel Resear h Institute> Finan ShiIin !roup Co. ;td.> "aoshan Iron 2 Steel Corporation and Infor-ation StandardiHation Resear h Institute of ,etallur/i al Industr0. The standard drafts-en are ;ian/ Jinban/> ;i Fiulin> Tao ;in0in/> ;i Hepin/ 2 !ao @hen0in/. The standard 4as issued for the first ti-e in 7e e-ber of 1*)6> the first re%edition 4as in Septe-ber of 1*7) and the se ond re%edition 4as in 3ebruar0 of 1*$7. 4 The draft of international standard appro'ed b0 te hni al o--ittee is sent to the relati'e IS( -e-bers to 'ote and it an be issued offi iall0 onl0 after bein/ appro'ed b0 75E or abo'e 'oters out of all. !enerall0> the international standard is drafted out b0 of the te hni al o--ittee of IS(. The first edition 8IS( )$*2+1*$49 is repla ed b0 the se ond edition. of the standard are su//esti'e appendi=es. Da h IS( -e-ber is entitled to Ioin this o--ittee if it is interested in the proIe t 4hi h has been san tioned b0 a te hni al o--ittee.e hani al Testin/. The international or/aniHation 8both /o'ern-ental as 4ell as non%/o'ern-ental9 ha'in/ relation 4ith IS( -a0 also Ioin the proIe t. 5 . The <ppendi= D to .etalli .!"#T 22$%2002 ISO Foreword IS( 8International StandardiHation (r/aniHation9 is a uni'ersal union onsistin/ of the standardiHation or/aniHation of ea h ountr0 8IS( -e-ber9 in the 4orld. IS( has 'er0 lose ooperation 4ith International Dle tri ian Co--ittee 8IDC9 in aspe t of ele trote hni al standardiHation. The <ppendi= < to 7 of the standard are standard appendi=es.onoa=ial Testin/ Sub o--ittee of IS(#TC1)4 Te hni al Co--ittee of . IS( )$*2 is instituted b0 SC1 . !"#T 2*75%1**$ Steel 2 steel produ ts.Tensile testin/ at a-bient te-perature. ) .Tensile testin/ at a-bient te-perature 1# S$ope The standard pres ribes the prin iple> definition> s0-bol 2 des ription> test pie e 2 -easure-ent of its di-ensions> test e&uip-ent> test re&uire-ent> deter-ination of propert0> nu-eri al roundin/%off of the result of propert0 deter-ination and test report of . <nd the0 4ill also be re%edited> so> the users 4ho use this standard should tr0 to use the latest editions of the follo4in/ standards. The standard is appli able for deter-inin/ the tensile propert0 of -etalli -aterials at a-bient te-perature. Ho4e'er> ne/otiation is re&uired for the tensile test of -etalli produ ts ha'in/ s-all ross% se tional di-ension> su h as -etalli foil> super fine 4ire> apillar0 tube and so on.The National Standard of People’s Republi of China GB/T 228-2002 eqv ISO 8!2"1!!8 Repla e-ent of !"#T 22$%1*$7 !"#T 607)%1*$2 !"#T )6*7%1*$) .etalli -aterials. <ll editions of the ited standards 4ere 'alid 4hen this standard 4as published. The test te-perature is i-ple-ented at 26K#5oC if there is a stri t re&uire-ent of te-perature. The test is i-ple-ented at a-bient te-perature 810%65oC9 unless there is a spe ial re&uire-ent.the first se tion+ arbon steel and lo4%all0 steel 8e&' IS( 25))% 1+1*$49 !"#T Con'ersion of steel elon/ation.the se ond se tion+ austenite steel 8e&' IS( 25))%1+1*$49 3# (r)n$)ple In the test> the test pie e is tensioned b0 tensile for e to fra ture and the one or -ore than one -e hani al properties in hapter 4 are tested.Sa-plin/ lo ation 2 test pie e preparation for -e hani al testin/ 8e&' IS( 677+1**79 !"#T Prin iple of nu-eri al roundin/%off !"#T Calibration of e=tenso-eter for -onoa=ial test 8idt IS( *516+1***9 !"#T Inspe tion of tension tester 8idt IS( 7500%1+1*$)9 !"#T Con'ersion of steel elon/ation.etalli -aterials. 2# T%e re&eren$ed st'nd'rds The ontents ontained b0 the follo4in/ standards be o-e the nor-al ontents of this standard throu/h itation. 3or the proportional test pie e> the subs ript is used for s0-bol < to des ribe the applied proportionalit0 fa tor if the ori/inal /au/e len/th is not 5.6 indi ates the per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture of the ori/inal /au/e len/th 8.o9 The /au/e len/th of test pie e before appli ation of for e 4. Stress Per enta/e elon/ation 3i/ure 1+ definitions of elon/ation 19 5.4.*# +e&)n)t)ons The follo4in/ definitions are used in the standard 4.1 (ri/inal /au/e len/th 8.)5LSoC5L84So#M9 7 .4 Per enta/e elon/ation Per enta/e of the in rease of ori/inal /au/e len/th to ori/inal /au/e len/th 8.o9> 4hi h is $0--.1 !au/e len/th The len/th of olu-nar or pris-ati part of test pie e for -easurin/ elon/ation 4.4.o9 8see fi/ure 19.1 Per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture 8<9 It is per enta/e of per-anent elon/ation after fra ture 8. 4.for e 8</9 8see fi/ure 19.o9 4.1. 3or e=a-ple> <11.for e to ori/inal /au/e len/th 8. o9 8see fi/ure 19.2 3inal /au/e len/th The /au/e len/th of test pie e after fra ture 4.for e 8< /t9 and per enta/e non%proportional elon/ation at -a=i-u.6 Dlon/ation The in rease of ori/inal /au/e len/th 8.4.o9 to ori/inal /au/e len/th 8.for e It is the per enta/e of elon/ation of ori/inal /au/e len/th at -a=i-u. 4.)5LS o19 8So is the ori/inal ross%se tional area of parallel len/th9. It should be distin/uished bet4een per enta/e total elon/ation at -a=i-u.6LSo. 3or non%proportional test pie e> the subs ript is used for s0-bol < to des ribe the applied ori/inal /au/e len/th> 4hi h is -easured b0 usin/ -illi-eter 8--9 as unit.6 Per enta/e elon/ation at -a=i-u.u%.o9 an0 ti-e durin/ test period 4.2 Per enta/e total elon/ation at fra ture It is the per enta/e of total elon/ation of ori/inal /au/e len/th 8elasti elon/ation and plasti elon/ation9 at fra ture to ori/inal /au/e len/th 8.o9> 4hi h is 11.o9 8see fi/ure 19. 3or e=a-ple> < $0 -indi ates the per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture of the ori/inal /au/e len/th 8.1.2 Parallel len/th The len/th of parallel part bet4een t4o end sides of test pie e or t4o holdin/ points of test pie e 8the test pie e 4ithout t4o end sides9 4. 2.1 Per enta/e per-anent e=tension It is the per enta/e of the e=tension of e=tenso-eter /au/e len/th after har/e and dis har/e of stresses on the test pie es to the e=tenso-eter /au/e len/th 8.$ . 4.o4er 0ield stren/th 8Re.2 Nield stren/th It is the point of stress 4hen plasti defor-ation ta:es pla e but for e doesn’t in reases after the -etalli -aterial appears 0ieldin/ pheno-enon durin/ period of test.2 Per enta/e non%proportional e=tension It is the per enta/e of the non%proportional e=tension of e=tenso-eter /au/e len/th at an0 des ribed -o-ent durin/ test period to the e=tenso-eter /au/e len/th 8. It is the -a=i-u.).7 Per enta/e redu tion of area It is the per enta/e of -a=i-u. 4.for e endured b0 the test pie e after period of 0ield.*. e9.for e applied in the test for the -etalli -aterial ha'in/ no ob'ious 0ield 8 ontinuous 0ield9. 4.0ield startin/ to ho-o/eneous 4or: hardenin/ startin/ to the e=tenso-eter /au/e len/th 8. 4. 4.*. 4. 4. 4.o#2 4hen it is used to test 0ield stren/th and proof stren/th properties.1 Opper 0ield stren/th 8ReH9 It is the hi/hest stress 4hen for e de reases for the first ti-e after the test pie e 0ields 8see fi/ure 29.for e 83-9 It is the -a=i-u. 4.*. It is re o--ended that .e9 It is the len/th of parallel%len/th part of test pie e 4hen e=tenso-eter is used to -easure the elon/ation of test pie e.for e or after -a=i-u. 4. e9 for the -etalli -aterial> 4hi h has ob'ious 0ield pheno-enon 8dis ontinuous 0ield9.e9. It is re o--ended that .e is e&ual to or appro=i-atel0 e&ual to . $ . e9.6 Per enta/e total e=tension It is the per enta/e of the total e=tension 8elasti e=tension and plasti e=tension9 of e=tenso-eter /au/e len/th at an0 ti-e durin/ test period to the e=tenso-eter /au/e len/th 8.1 Tensile stren/th 8R-9 It is the stress relati'e the -a=i-u.4. eBC.o 4hen it is used to test the per enta/e 0ield point e=tension and the properties of -a=i-u.9 It is the lo4est stress in the 0ieldin/ period if the initial instantaneous effe t is not onsidered 8see fi/ure 29.4 Per enta/e 0ield point e=tension It is the per enta/e of the e=tension of e=tenso-eter /au/e len/th fro.5 D=tenso-eter /au/e len/th 8.2.2 .).). The upper 0ield stren/th 8R eH9 and lo4er 0ield stren/th 8Re.for e 83-9.e9 an0 ti-e durin/ test period.a=i-u.redu tion 8S o%Su9 of ross%se tional area of test pie e after fra ture to the ori/inal ross se tional area 8So9.*.). 4.) D=tension It is the in rease of e=tenso-eter /au/e len/th 8.9 should be distin/uished. 4.for e.* Stress It is the &uotient of for e di'ided b0 the ori/inal ross%se tional area 8S o9 of test pie e an0 ti-e durin/ period of test. *.4 Proof stren/th> total e=tension 8Rt9 It is the stress 4hen per enta/e total e=tension is e&ual to the proof per enta/e e=tenso-eter /au/e len/th * . The subs ript should be used for the s0-bol to indi ate the proof per enta/e.9 on different t0pes of ur'es 4. 3or e=a-ple> R p0. Stress Per enta/e e=tension 3i/ure 6+ Proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension 8Rp9 4.Stress Stress Initial instant effe t Initial instant effe t Per enta/e e=tension Per enta/e e=tension Stress Stress Per enta/e e=tension Per enta/e e=tension 3i/ure 2+ Opper 0ield stren/th 8ReH9 and .2E.2 indi ates the stress 4hen the proof per enta/e non%proportional e=tension is 0.6 Proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension 8Rp9 It is the stress 4hen the per enta/e non%proportional e=tension is e&ual to the proof per enta/e e=tenso-eter /au/e len/th 8see fi/ure 69.o4er 0ield stren/th 8Re.*. 2 indi ates the stress 4hen the per enta/e per-anent e=tension is 0.2. Table 1+ S0-bols and des riptions s0-bols a units -des riptions Test pie es thi :ness of re tan/ular ross%se tional test pie e or thi :ness of tube 4all 10 .5E.*.8see fi/ure 49. The subs ript should be used for the s0-bol to indi ate the proof per enta/e. Stress Per enta/e e=tension 3i/ure 5+ Per-anent set stren/th 8Rr9 . Stress Per enta/e e=tension 3i/ure 4+ Proof stren/th> total e=tension 8Rt9 4.5 indi ates the stress 4hen the proof per enta/e total e=tension is 0. 3or e=a-ple> R r0.ols 'nd des$r)pt)ons The s0-bols applied in the standard and their des riptions are in table 1. 3or e=a-ple> Rt0.# S-m.5 Per-anent set stren/th 8Rr9 It is the stress 4hen the per enta/e per-anent e=tension is e&ual to the proof per enta/e e=tenso-eter /au/e len/th after stress is unloaded. t r .u%. Rp Rt --------------/ /# --%% %% E --E E E E E E E E N N#-N#-N#-N#-2 2 2 2 2 2 6 -ini-u.for e 83-9 Proof per enta/e non%proportional e=tension Proof total e=tension Per enta/e per-anent set e=tension 3or e .o .au b bu d du 7 .u’ P So Su M : @ Q.thi :ness of redu ed se tion of re tan/ular ross%se tional test pie e after fra ture 4idth of parallel len/th of re tan/ular ross%se tional test pie e or lon/itudinal se tional 4idth of tube or 4idth of flat 4ire -a=i-u.e .ross%se tional area after fra ture ir u-feren e ratio 8pi9 8at least 4%di/it si/nifi ant fi/ures9 proportionalit0 fa tor Per enta/e redu tion of area+ 8So%Su9#So = 100 Dlon/ation Total e=tension of -a=i-u.o4er 0ield stren/th Proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension Proof stren/th> total e=tension 11 .%% < <t <e </ </t Rp Rt Rr 3ReH Re.o9#.u%.for e Nield stren/th%proof stren/th%tensile stren/th Opper 0ield stren/th . .thi :ness of redu ed se tion of ir ular ross%se tional test pie e after fra ture outer dia-eter of pipe ori/inal /au/e len/th the ori/inal /au/e len/th of deter-ination of </ 8see appendi= !9 parallel len/th /au/e len/th of e=tenso-eter total len/th of test pie e radius of transition ar /au/e len/th after fra ture the /au/e len/th after fra ture of deter-ination of </ 8see appendi= !9 -ass densit0 ori/inal ross%se tional area -ini-u.o = 100 Per enta/e total elon/ation at fra ture Per enta/e 0ield point e=tension Per enta/e non%proportional elon/ation at -a=i-u.for e 83-9 Dlon/ation after fra ture+ 8.a=i-u.u .o’ .for e 83-9 Per enta/e total elon/ation at -a=i-u.o9 Per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture+ 8.thi :ness of redu ed se tion of re tan/ular ross%se tional test pie e after fra ture dia-eter of parallel len/th of ir ular se tional test pie e or dia-eter of ir ular 4ire -ini-u. C1.oC:LSo.Pa # Test p)e$e ). The a=ial line of test pie e should be oin ident 4ith the line of a tion of for e.o9. The ori/inal /au/e len/th should be not less than 15-. 12 1S .the test pie e 4or:blan:> 4hi h is ut fro. The ori/inal /au/e len/th 8. Hen e> it is re o--ended that it should be des ribed in the standard of relati'e produ t if there is no des ription of transition radius of this transition ar in the relati'e appendi=. The test pie e is na-ed proportional test pie e if its ori/inal /au/e len/th and ori/inal ross%se tional area ha'e the relation of .29> it is re o--ended that it should be des ribed in the standard of relati'e produ t. 9 of test pie e should be lar/er than the ori/inal /au/e len/th 8. The di-ensional toleran e of test pie e should -eet the re&uire-ent of relati'e appendi= 8see ).1. ). The lar/er 'alue 8the 'alue of 11. Ho4e'er> the produ t ha'in/ in'ariant ross se tion 8su h as 4ire rod> bar 2 se tion -aterial9 and ast test pie e 8 ast iron and ast nonferrous allo09 an be tested dire tl0 4ithout -a hinin/.o9 of non%proportional test pie e is independent of its ori/inal ross%se tional area 8S o9.dia-eter.2 T0pes of test pie e The -ain t0pes of test pie e are des ribed in appendi= <%7 8standard appendi=9 a ordin/ to shapes of 1 Note+ In international standard> it is Unot less than 20--V.6 Non%-a hined test pie e The len/th bet4een t4o holdin/ ends should be suffi ient if the test pie e is the non%-a hined produ t or one part of test bar 8see fi/ure 12 2 149 so that there is a suffi ient distan e bet4een the -ar: of ori/inal /au/e len/th and holdin/ end Tsee appendi= <%7 8standard appendi=9S.1.29.5). It is han/ed to Unot less than 15--V so that it an be used for the -a hined proportional test pie e 4ith 6-.)5 an not satisf0 the re&uire-ent of this -ini-u. ). !enerall0> the test pie e is prepared fro. The shape of holdin/ end of test pie e should -at h the la-pers of test -a hine./au/e len/th.1 !eneral re&uire-ent Shape and di-ension of test pie es are a ordin/ to the shape and di-ension of tested -etalli produ t. The parallel len/th 8. The holdin/ end and parallel len/th should be Iointed b0 transition ar for the ast test pie e. The parallel len/th 8.1 Shape and di-ension ). The transition radius of this transition ar is probabl0 i-portant> hen e> if there is no des ription of transition radius of this transition ar in the relati'e appendi= 8see ). The transition radius of this transition ar is probabl0 i-portant.o9. Internationall0> the proportionalit0 fa tor 8:9 is 5. The shape of holdin/ end of test pie e should -at h the la-pers of test -a hine. 9 of test pie e or the free len/th bet4een t4o holdin/ ends of the test pie e 4ith transition ar should be lar/er than the ori/inal /au/e len/th 8.2 The -a hined test pie e If the di-ension of holdin/ end of the test pie e is not the sa-e 4ith the parallel len/th of the test pie e> the0 are Iointed 'ia transition ar 8see fi/ure 10> 11 2 129. ).6 is preferred to use9 or non% proportional test pie e an be used if the ross%se tional area of test pie e is so s-all that the proportionalit0 fa tor 8:9 5.1S. The ross se tion of the test pie e an be a ir ular> re tan/ular> pol0/onal or annular shape or so-e shapes in spe ial ases.Rr RD N#--2 N#-N#-2 2 2 Per-anent set stren/th Tensile stren/th Dlasti -odulus Note+ 1N#-.1.the pressed 4or:blan: or in/ot astin/ of produ t> follo4ed b0 -a hinin/. 0%10. The ori/inal ross%se tional area of the test pie e is al ulated a ordin/ to ori/inal di-ension of the test pie e and at least four%di/it si/nifi ant fi/ures are re&uired. The t0pes of other produ ts an also be des ribed in the standard of relati'e produ t. Table 2+ The -ain t0pes of test pie e t0pes of produ t sheet% plate 4ire rod %%% bar %%% se tion -aterial relati'e appendi= 0. Ho4e'er> the not h> 4hi h -a0 ause earlier fra ture> should not be used as -ar:in/.001 0.05 8--9 8# 2'r3)n/ o& or)/)n'l /'u/e len/t% 04o1 The ori/inal /au/e len/th is -ar:ed b0 usin/ s-all -ar:> thin lineation or thin in: line. 9 is -u h lon/er than the ori/inal /au/e len/th> su h as the non%-a hined test pie e> a series of teles oped ori/inal /au/e len/ths an be -ar:ed. The -ar:in/ of ori/inal /au/e len/th should be a urate to K#% 1E.6 Preparation of test pie e The test pie e 4or:blan: is ut and test pie e is prepared a ordin/ to the standard of relati'e produ t or !"#t 2*75. It is re o--ended that the -easurin/ instru-ent or de'i e in table 6 is used to test.0 B10.0 B2. 7# +eterm)n't)on o& or)/)n'l $ross-se$t)on'l 're' 0So1 The deter-ination -ethod of ori/inal ross%se tional area 8S o9 and its a ura 0 should be in a ordan e 4ith the re&uire-ent of appendi= <%7 8standard appendi=9.1%0. The re&uire-ent added herein is to ensure the a ura 0 of deter-ination of ori/inal ross%se tional area of test pie e to -eet the re&uire-ent of relati'e des ription. 3or proportional test pie e> the al ulated 'alue of ori/inal /au/e len/th is rounded off to 4hi h is losest to the -ultiple of 5--.5 B0. So-eti-es> the line> 4hi h is parallel to lon/itudinal a=ial line of test pie e> is lined on the surfa e of test pie e and the ori/inal /au/e len/th is -ar:ed on this line. The -iddle 'alue is rounded off to the lar/er side. 16 2S . 2 Note+ There is no re&uire-ent of this table to be des ribed in the international standard. If the parallel len/th 8.produ ts 8see table 29.005 0.0 resol'in/ abilit0 8AC9 0.01 0.1--ACthi :nessB6-thi :ness BC6-%% %% dia-eter or side len/thBC4-dia-eter or side len/thA4-- < " C 7 tubular -aterial ). Table 6+ The resol'in/ abilit0 of -easurin/ instru-ent or de'i e2S ross%se tional di-ension of test pie e 0.5%2. o4er 0ield stren/th should be in a ordan e 4ith the re&uire-ent of point 10. The e=tenso-eter 4ith a ura 0 no less than 1 /rade is used to test Opper 0ield stren/th 8R eH9> . The a urate /rade of e=tenso-eter should -eet the re&uire-ent of !"#T 121)0.1.9 If onl0 lo4er 0ield stren/th is tested> the strain rate should be 0.o4er 0ield stren/th are tested in the sa-e test. In an0 ase> the stress rate in elasti ran/e should not be -ore than the -a=i-u.1.1.rate in table 4. 10# Test requ)rement 10. The strain rate in parallel len/th should be as onstant as possible. The strain rate in plasti ran/e and up to proof stren/th 8Proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension> Proof stren/th> total e=tension and Per-anent set stren/th9 should be not -ore than 0. 10.6 Opper 0ield stren/th and .o4er 0ield stren/th 8Re. The e=tenso-eter 4ith a ura 0 no less than 2nd /rade is used to test other properties ha'in/ lar/er e=tension> su h as Tensile stren/th 8R-9> Per enta/e total elon/ation at -a=i-u.0025#s. If the strain rate is not adIustable dire tl0> it is adIusted 'ia adIustin/ 0ield> 'iH.9> Per enta/e 0ield point e=tension> Proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension 8R p9> Proof stren/th> total e=tension 8Rt9> Per-anent set stren/th 8Rr9 and 'erifi ation of Per-anent set stren/th 8R r9.1 Test rate D= ept there is additional des ription of produ t> the test rate is dependent on the hara teristi s of -aterials and in a ordan e 4ith follo4in/ re&uire-ents+ 10.0025#s in the 0ieldin/ period of parallel len/th of test pie e.1.1.for e> Per enta/e total elon/ation at fra ture and Per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture. 10.1.2 7eter-ination of the test rate of tensile stren/th 8R-9 14 . 10.2 .!# T%e '$$ur'$.1.1 The test rate of deter-ination of 0ield stren/th and proof stren/th 10.1.5 Separatin/ rate of la-per If the test -a hine is not able to test or ontrol strain rate until o-pletion of 0ield> the separatin/ rate of the lai-er of test -a hine> 4hi h is e&ui'alent to the stress rate des ribed in table 4> should be used.1.1. 10.1. The test -a hine is not adIusted a/ain before o-pletion of 0ield.o& test equ)pment The test -a hine is he :ed a ordin/ to !"#T 1)$25 and the a ura 0 should be 1 /rade or hi/her.1.1 Opper 0ield stren/th 8ReH9 The separatin/ rate of the lai-er of test -a hine should be as onstant as possible and in the ran/e of stress rates des ribed in table 4 in s ope of elasti it0 up to upper 0ield stren/th Table 4+ Stress rates elasti -odulus of -aterial D# 8N#--29 A150000 BC150000 stress rate #8N#--29Ws%1 -ini-u2 ) -a=i-u20 )0 10.> adIustin/ the stress rate before startin/ the test.o4er 0ield stren/th 8Re.00025#s%0.4 Proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension 8R p9> Proof stren/th> total e=tension 8R t9 and Per-anent set stren/th 8Rr9 The stress rate should be in the ran/e of those des ribed in table 4.1. The test ondition of .o4er 0ield stren/th 88ReH 2 ReH9 The Opper 0ield stren/th and .2.1.for e> Per enta/e non%proportional elon/ation at -a=i-u. 4 The shiftin/ -ethod of appendi= 3 8su//esti'e appendi=9 an be used to test the per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture in order to a'oid s rap of test pie e aused b0 the fra ture ta:in/ pla e in the s ope be0ond des ription of point 11. 11# +eterm)n't)ons o& per$ent'/e elon/'t)on '&ter &r'$ture 051 'nd per$ent'/e tot'l elon/'t)on 't &r'$ture 05t1 e=tension in order to obtain per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture if the total e=tension at fra ture is used to test elon/ation. u9 and the a ura 0 is up to K#%0. In prin iple> it is effe ti'e onl0 if the distan e bet4een brea:point and the losest -ar:in/ of /au/e len/th is not less than 1#6 of ori/inal /au/e len/th.10. Ho4e'er> the -easure-ent is effe ti'e if the per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture is -ore than or e&ual to 8BC9 the des ribed 'alue no -atter 4here the brea:point is. In order to test per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture> the bro:en parts of test pie e are Iointed to/ether arefull0 so that the0 are on the sa-e a=ial line and a spe ial -ean -a0 also be used to ensure appropriate onne tion 4ith ea h other. 10. Note+ the per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture has o-parabilit0 if and onl0 if the /au/e len/ths or the /au/e len/ths of e=tenso-eter> the shapes of ross se tion and areas are all the sa-e> or the proportionalit0 fa tors 8:9 are the sa-e. It is re o--ended that a spe ial -ethod is used for testin/ if the des ribed -ini-u.1 The per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture is tested a ordin/ to the des ription of point 4. 11.1.4.rate in the plasti ran/e.1 and !"#T 17)00. The elasti e=tension is redu ed fro.1 Plasti ran/e The strain rate of parallel len/th should not be -ore than 0. It is espe iall0 i-portant for the test pie e ha'in/ a s-all ross se tion and that ha'in/ lo4 per enta/e elon/ation.2 Holdin/ -ethod The la-per 4ith appropriate la-pin/ hu :> su h as uneal la-pin/ hu :> s re4 la-pin/ hu : and lantern%rin/ la-pin/ hu :> should be used.2.should be used to -easure the /au/e len/th after fra ture 8. 10.1.2 an be used9.1-.per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture is less than 5E Tsee appendi= D 8standard appendi=9S.2 The /au/e len/th of e=tenso-eter 8. Then> the /au/e len/th of test pie e after fra ture is -easured. 11. Note+ If there is a fi=ed /au/e to be used to test the per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture in the standard of the produ t> the /au/e len/th of e=tenso-eter should be e&ual to this /au/e len/th. The -easurin/ instru-ent or de'i e ha'in/ resol'in/ abilit0 hi/her than 0. 11. There is no need to -ar: the ori/inal /au/e len/th of test pie e.25--.00$#s.6 The per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture an be tested on a fi=ed /au/e len/th a ordin/ to a/ree-ent before test follo4ed b0 on'ersion into the per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture of proportional /au/e len/th throu/h on'ersion for-ula or on'ersion table 8for e=a-ple> the on'ersion -ethods of !"#T 17)00. It should be ensured that the held test pie e is under a=ial tensile for e onl0> espe iall0 for testin/ fra/ile -aterials or the Proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension> Proof stren/th> total e=tension and Per-anent set stren/th. 15 . In prin iple> it is effe ti'e if the fra ture ta:es pla e in the /au/e len/th of e=tenso-eter.2 Dlasti ran/e If there is no test of 0ield stren/th or proof stren/th> the rate of test -a hine -a0 rea h the -a=i-u. Ho4e'er> the -easure-ent is effe ti'e if the per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture is -ore than or e&ual to 8BC9 the des ribed 'alue no -atter 4here the brea:point is.2.o9 of test pie e for the test -a hine that e=tenso-eter an be used to test e=tension at fra ture.1.e9 should be e&ual to the ori/inal /au/e len/th 8.1. In this ase> the per enta/e total elon/ation relati'e to the -a=i-u.for e 8Q.of ur'e> the beeline> 4hi h is parallel to the plasti se tion of line of ur'e of the ur'e> is dra4n throu/h the endin/ point of 0ieldin/ period.strain hardenin/ period. It the test> the for e%e=tension ur'e is dra4n until rea hin/ unifor.for e is obtained after the plasti e=tension is redu ed frothe total e=tension at -a=i-u.-9.4. The /au/e len/th of e=tenso-eter should be -entioned in the test report.5 The per enta/e total elon/ation after fra ture is obtained b0 di'idin/ the total e=tension at fra ture des ribed in point 11.for e 8</9 8see fi/ure 19.of ur'e is the 0ield point e=tension and the per enta/e 0ield point e=tension is obtained b0 di'idin/ the 0ield point e=tension b0 the /au/e len/th of e=tenso-eter 8see fi/ure )9. The /au/e len/th of e=tenso-eter should be -entioned in the test report. Stress Per enta/e e=tension 3i/ure )+ The per enta/e 0ield point e=tension 8<e9 6 6S Note+ There is no des ription of this point in the international standard.-#. 12# +eterm)n't)ons o& per$ent'/e tot'l elon/'t)on 't m'6)mum &or$e 05/t1 'nd per$ent'/e nonproport)on'l elon/'t)on 't m'6)mum &or$e 05/1 The total e=tension at used 8see fi/ure 19. The per enta/e 0ield point e=tension an be tested b0 usin/ auto-ati de'i e 8su h as PC9 or auto-ati testin/ s0ste-.). The inter ept of this parallel on the e=tension a=is of the dia/ra. 13# +eterm)n't)on o& per$ent'/e -)eld po)nt e6tens)on 05e137 The per enta/e 0ield point e=tension is deter-ined a ordin/ to definition 4. The 3or e%D=tension Cur'e 7ia/ra.tested b0 not re&uired in this not re&uired if the test is i-ple-ented on the test -a hine 4ith a data a &uisition s0ste.for e for so-e -aterials. 1) .at -a=i-u.for e of the -idpoint of platfor. Then> it is di'ided b0 the /au/e len/th of e=tenso-eter to obtain per enta/e non%proportional elon/ation at -a=i-u. The 3or e%D=tension Cur'e 7ia/ra.).for e 8Q. The per enta/e total elon/ation at -a=i-u. There is a platfor. -9 is obtained on the 3or e%D=tension Cur'e 7ia/ra.11.e9 = 100 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 819 The non%proportional e=tension at -a=i-u.for e is al ulated a ordin/ to for-ula 819+ </tC8Q. (n the dia/ra. It is added in order to test a ordin/ to definition 4. <ppendi= ! 8su//esti'e appendi=9 pro'ides a -anual testin/ -ethod.of o-puter.4 and the 3or e%D=tension Cur'e 7ia/ra-.for e.2 b0 the ori/inal /au/e len/th of test pie e 8see fi/ure 19. The per enta/e total elon/ation and relati'e non%proportional elon/ation are tested on the point of -a=i-u. 2 as 4ell as follo4in/ -ethods.1.1 2 4. 17 4S .for e before the de rease of for e for the first ti-e and the -ini-u.1 !raphi al -ethod+ the for e%e=tension ur'e or for e%displa e-ent ur'e is dra4n in the test.1 2 4.1. Note+ the ori/in of the ur'e an be orre ted b0 'arious -ethods. Then> the -a=i-u. Then> this for e is di'ided b0 the ori/inal ross%se tional area 8So9 of test pie e to obtain the proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension 8see fi/ure 79.2. It is added in order to test a ordin/ to definition 4. The Tensile Cur'e 7ia/ra.# +eterm)n't)on o& proo& stren/t%: non-proport)on'l e6tens)on 08p1 15. The follo4in/ -ethod is re o--ended to use if the plasti beeline of the 3or e%D=tension Cur'e an not be deter-ined definitel0 so that the parallel line an not be dra4n 4ith suffi ient a ura 0 8see fi/ure 79. 1.*.2E9 is dra4n. The upper 0ield stren/th and lo4er 0ield stren/th or lo4er 0ield stren/th Tin ase of fi/ure 2dS should be deter-ined. The interse tion point of this parallel line and the ur'e sho4s the for e relati'e to the proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension. In the test> the for e is de reased to 10E of that has been rea hed 4hen the e=pe tant proof stren/th> non% proportional e=tension is e= eeded.for e in the 0ieldin/ period if the ori/inal instantaneous effe t is not onsidered or the onstant for e of platfor.for e indi ated b0 the pointer of d0na-o-eter before it returns for the first ti-e and the -ini-u. Then> this for e is di'ided b0 the ori/inal ross% se tional area 8So9 of test pie e to obtain the proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension 8see fi/ure 69. In appendi= H 8su//esti'e appendi=9> the -ethod of su essi'e appro=i-ations is pro'ided. The upper 0ield stren/th and lo4er 0ield stren/th are deter-ined a ordin/ to definition 4. It an be used for testin/ proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension 8Rp9.are read and noted do4n on abo'e ur'es.2.*.1.of ur'e> the beeline> 4hi h is parallel to the plasti se/-ent of the ur'e> and 4ith distan e to this se/-ent on the e=tension a=is e&ui'alent to the proof non%proportional e=tension 8su h as 0. 14. !enerall0> the follo4in/ -ethod is used+ on the ur'e> the line> 4hi h is parallel to the line deter-ined b0 h0steresis loop> is dra4n b0 passin/ throu/h the elasti risin/ Hone 4 Note+ There is no des ription of this point in the international standard. It is 'er0 i-portant to dra4 an a urate 3or e%D=tension Cur'e 7ia/ra-.*.2.for e indi ated b0 the pointer in the 0ieldin/ period if the ori/inal instantaneous effe t is not onsidered or the onstant for e indi ated b0 the pointer 4hen it stops rotatin/ for the first ti-e are read and noted do4n on the d0na-o-eter.2 Pointer -ethod+ in the test> the -a=i-u. <nd then> the0 are di'ided b0 the ori/inal ross%se tional area 8So9 of test pie e to obtain upper 0ield stren/th and lo4er 0ield stren/th. <rbitration test is i-ple-ented b0 /raphi al -ethod. In order to test the proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension> a beeline is dra4n o'er h0steresis loop.1 3or the -etalli -aterials ha'in/ ob'ious 0ield pheno-enon 8non% ontinuous 0ield9> the upper 0ield stren/th or lo4er 0ield stren/th or both should be des ribed in the standard of its relati'e produ t. Then> the for e is in reased a/ain until it e= eeds that has been rea hed.2. 14. The interse tion point of this parallel line and the ur'e sho4s the for e relati'e to the proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension. 14.1 The proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension is deter-ined a ordin/ to 3or e%D=tension Cur'e 7ia/ra-.1*# +eterm)n't)ons o& upper -)eld stren/t% 08e91 'nd lower -)eld stren/t% 08e41*7 14. Then> the line> 4hi h is parallel to this beeline> is dra4n b0 passin/ throu/h the point> on 4hi h the distan e bet4een horiHontal a=is and the ori/in of the ur'e is e&ui'alent to the des ribed per enta/e non% proportional e=tension.6 The upper 0ield stren/th and lo4er 0ield stren/th an be tested b0 usin/ auto-ati de'i e 8su h as PC9 or auto-ati testin/ s0ste-. (n the dia/ not re&uired in this ase. <nd then> the0 are di'ided b0 the ori/inal ross%se tional area 8S o9 of test pie e to obtain upper 0ield stren/th and lo4er 0ield stren/th 8see fi/ure 29.2.*. and the 3or e%D=tension Cur'e 7ia/ra. 1 # +eterm)n't)on o& proo& stren/t%: tot'l e6tens)on 08t1 1). It is added in order to test a ordin/ to definition 4.6 In pra ti e> the for e% la-pin/ hu : displa e-ent ur'e is dra4n to deter-ine the proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension 4ith proof per enta/e non%proportional e=tension$'t)on met%od o& perm'nent set stren/t% 08r1 The for e relati'e to per-anent set stren/th is applied on the test pie e and -aintained for 10s%12s. The interse tion point of this parallel line and the ur'e sho4s the for e relati'e to the proof stren/th> total e=tension. The per enta/e per-anent e=tension is 'erified 84hether9 it does not e= eed the des ribed per enta/e after the for e is dis har/ed 8see fi/ure 59.2E.19 15. 1$ .1.*. Then> this for e is di'ided b0 the ori/inal ross%se tional area 8S o9 of test pie e to obtain the proof stren/th> total e=tension 8see fi/ure 49. 1).*.7 Tensile stren/th is tested b0 !raphi al -ethod or pointer -ethod a ordin/ to definition 4.for e after 0ieldin/ period is read on the for e%e=tension or for e%displa e-ent ur'e or the d0na-o-eter for the -etalli -aterials ha'in/ ob'ious 0ieldin/ pheno-enon 8non% ontinuous 0ield9 8see fi/ure $ not re&uired in this ase. The -a=i-u.2 The proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension an be tested b0 usin/ auto-ati de'i e 8su h as PC9 or auto-ati testin/ not re&uired in this ase. This -ethod is not used in the arbitration test.1.2 The proof stren/th> total e=tension an be tested b0 usin/ auto-ati de'i e 8su h as PC9 or auto-ati testin/ s0ste. 3or e The for e relati'e to Rp D=tension 3i/ure 7+ The proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension 8Rp9 8see 15.and the 3or e%D=tension Cur'e 7ia/ra. 15. 18# +eterm)n't)on o& tens)le stren/t% 08m1. 3or the -etalli -aterials ha'in/ no ob'ious 0ieldin/ pheno-enon 8 ontinuous 0ield9> the 5 5S Note+ There is no des ription of this point in the international standard. The -ethod pro'ided in appendi= I 8su//esti'e appendi=9 is used to test the per-anent set stren/th if it is re&uired in the standard of relati'e produ t. 17# . The interse tion point bet4een this parallel line and e=tension a=is is the orre tional ori/in of the ur'e.4hose slope is losest to the slope of h0steresis loop.1 (n the for e%e=tension ur'e> the line 4hi h is parallel to the for e a=is and 4hose distan e to this a=is is e&ui'alent to the proof per enta/e total e=tension is dra4n. ori/inal ross%se tional area 8S o9 di'ided b0 the ori/inal ross%se tional area> 'iH.ross%se tional area after fra ture.ross%se tional area after fra ture 8S u99#ori/inal ross%se tional areaS> is the per enta/e redu tion of area.for e b0 the ori/inal ross% se tional area 8So9 of test pie e.ross%se tional area. 3or the test pie e ha'in/ a ir ular ross se tion> the dia-eter is -easured in the ortho/onal dire tion of the s-allest se tion of redu ed se tion and the arith-eti al -ean is used to al ulate the not re&uired in this ase.6 The per enta/e redu tion of area is not tested for the test pie e ha'in/ o-pli ated ross se tion or dia-eter A6--> su h as sheet 2 thin strip> full se tion of tubular -aterial> lon/itudinal ar hed pipe and so on.1 The per enta/e redu tion of area is tested a ordin/ to definition 4. 3or the test pie e ha'in/ a re tan/ular ross se tion> the -a=i-u. 3i/ure *+ The -a=i-u.ross%se tional area should be a urate to K#12E.1. <fter fra ture> the -easure-ent of -ini-u. The per enta/e &uotient of re-ainder of the -ini-u. The test a ura 0 of the -ini-u.a=i-u.ross%se tional area after fra ture 8S u9 subtra ted fro.for e 83-9 1!# +eterm)n't)on o& per$ent'/e redu$t)on o& 're' 0<1 1*.for e in the testin/ period is read on the for e%e=tension or for e%displa e-ent ur'e or the d0na-o-eter. The tensile stren/th is obtained b0 di'idin/ the -a=i-u.ross%se tional area after fra ture should -eet the re&uire-ent of point 1*. The tensile stren/th an be tested b0 usin/ auto-ati de'i e 8su h as PC9 or auto-ati testin/ s0ste-. 1*.thi :ness of redu ed se tion are -easured 8see fi/ure *9 and their produ t is the -ini-u. 1*.> T8ori/inal ross% se tional area 8So9 X the -ini-u.7. Ho4e'er> the both parties -a0 ne/otiate the test -ethod if test is re&uired.thi :ness of the redu ed se tion of test pie e ha'in/ a re tan/ular ross se tion 1* .-a=i-u. The 3or e%D=tension Cur'e 7ia/ra.4idth and -ini-u.4idth and -ini-u. 3or e Dlon/ation 3i/ure $+ .2 In the test> the bro:en parts of test pie e are Iointed to/ether arefull0 so that the0 are on the sa-e a=ial line if it is re&uired. 3i/ure 10+ The -a hined test pie e ha'in/ a re tan/ular ross se tion 8see appendi= <9 Holdin/ end Note+ 19 The surfa e rou/hness of the test pie e ha'in/ a re tan/ular ross se tion 4ith four%side -a hinin/ should not be lo4er than in the arbitration test. 3i/ure 11+ Non%proportional test a-ple 8see appendi= "9 20 .Holdin/ end Note+ the shape of holdin/ ends of test pie e is s he-ati onl0. 29 The shape of test pie e head is s he-ati onl0. It is 0.determ)n't)on 7 The test results of properties should be rounded off a ordin/ to the re&uire-ent of standard of relati'e produ t.5E. The roundin/ inter'al re&uire-ent is added for the test results of other properties.Note+ The shape of test pie e head is s he-ati onl0. The roundin/ off is a ordin/ to the re&uire-ent of table 5 if there is no re&uire-ent in the ) Note+ In the international standard> onl0 the roundin/%off alternation of the test result of per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture is pres ribed. 3i/ure 12+ The test pie e ha'in/ one part 4ithout -a hinin/ 8see appendi= C9 Holdin/ end Note+ The shape of test pie e head is s he-ati onl0. 3i/ure 16+ The test pie e of lon/itudinal ar hed pipe 8see appendi= 79 Holdin/ end 3i/ure 14+ The test pie e of tubular pie e 8see appendi= 79 20# =umer)$'l round)n/-o&& o& t%e result o& propert. 21 )S . The test a ura 0 of 'arious properties of tensile test an not be deter-ined e=a tl0 at present if there is no suffi ient data of 'arious t0pes of -aterials. 22# Test result pro$ess)n/77 22.2 If there are t4o or -ore than t4o redu ed se tions or 'isible -etallur/i al defe ts 8su h as stratifi ation> air bubble> sla/ in lusion and shrin:a/e a'it09 on the test pie e after test> the0 should be -entioned in test re ord and test report. 22. .aterial and test para-eters+ su h as propert0 of -aterial> preparation and /eo-etri al shape of test pie es> test rate> test te-perature and -ethod of data olle tion and anal0sis. b9 The test -a hine has fault in test period and hen e the test result is affe ted.5E 0.standard of relati'e produ t. <ppendi= F 8su//esti'e appendi=9 pro'ides the /uidan e of esti-atin/ testin/ un ertaint0 relati'e to !au/in/ para-eter.> Rp> Rt> Rran/e AC200N#-B200N#--2%1000N#--2 B1000N#--2 2 roundin/%off alternation 1N#--2 5N#--2 10N#--2 0.5E <e <> <t> </t> </ @ 21# T%e '$$ur'$. 22 7S .o& t%e result o& propert. Table 5+ The roundin/ inter'al of the test result of properties properties ReH> Re. There are t4o t0pes of test para-eters+ !au/in/ para-eter+ su h as the a urate /rades of test -a hine and e=tenso-eter> -easurin/ a ura 0 of di-ensions of test pie e and so on.1 The test result is not effe ti'e and the sa-e test 4ith sa-e nu-ber of test pie es should be i-ple-ented a/ain if an0 ase belo4 ta:es pla e+ a9 The fra ture of test pie e is out of /au/e len/th or on the -a:in/ of /au/e len/th -ar:ed -e hani all0 and the per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture is less than the des ribed -ini-u. The roundin/%off -ethod is a ordin/ to !"#T $170. It is added be ause these -atters -a0 ta:e pla e in pra ti e.'alue. 23# Test report !enerall0> test report in ludes follo4in/ ontent+ a9 7o-esti standard serial nu-berY b9 Identifi ation of test pie eY 9 Na-e 2 desi/nation of test pie esY d9 T0pe of test pie eY e9 Sa-plin/ -ethod and lo ation of test pie esY 7 Note+ There is no des ription of this point in the international standard. <ppendi= G 8su//esti'e appendi=9 pro'ides a /roup of un ertainties of tensile test for steel> alu-inuallo0 and ni :el%based allo0 'ia the test in laborator0.determ)n't)on The a ura 0 of the result of propert0 deter-ination is dependent on test para-eters.05E 0. 3or the test pie e ha'in/ 4idth AC20-. Table <1+ The proportional test pie e ha'in/ a re tan/ular ross se tion $S b#-r#-.)5LSo BC. o9 should be 50-. #-4ith holdin/ end 4ithout holdin/ Sr.unless there is a spe ial des ription in the standard of produ t.8see fi/ure 109.No. The parallel len/th of the test pie e 4ith thi :ness A0.6LSo BC. 26 . The test pie es added in tables are o--on test pie es in the standard of produ t. Onless the siHe of test pie e is insuffi ient> the parallel len/th is .-a0 has s-all du--0 lubs so that the e=tenso-eter an be installed easil0 if it is re&uired.o#-.and the transition radius of transition ar is at least 20-.oK2b P1 P2 P6 P4 11.5 15 20 Note+ BC20 5. of test pie e $ $S Note+ There is des ription of these test pie es. The proportional test pie e 4ith proportionalit0 fa tor :C5.5-.and 4ithout holdin/ end> the ori/inal /au/e len/th 8.o#-4ith :C5.oK6b for this t0pe of test pie e.1--%A6-.No.No.thi :ness <1+ Shape of the test pie e The holdin/ end of test pie e should be broader than the parallel len/th. of test pie e :C11. oKb#2.oK2b for arbitration test.f9 Result of the tested propert0 5ppend)6 5 8Standard appendi=9 Test pie e t0pes used for sheet 2 strip ha'in/ 0. The 4idth of holdin/ end is at least 20--> but not -ore than 40--.oKb#2 . 9 to Ioint the. < ordin/ to a/ree-ent> the test pie e 4ithout holdin/ end an also be used> but the free len/th bet4een t4o ends should be . 2. <2+ 7i-ension of test pie e The parallel len/th should not be less than . There should be a transition ar bet4een the holdin/ end of test pie e and parallel len/th 8.oK2b P01 P02 P06 P04 1.)5 is preferred to be used. The di-ensions of proportional test pie e and non%proportional test pie e are des ribed in table <1 2 table <2.o K6b BC15 arbitration test+ .6 . #-4ithout holdin/ end holdin/ end Sr. #-4ithout holdin/ end holdin/ end Sr.oKb#2 . It is re o--ended that the non% proportional test pie e in table <2 is used if the proportional /au/e len/th is less than 15--.o#-4ith .)5 . of test pie e 10 12. Table <2+ The non%proportional test pie e ha'in/ a re tan/ular ross se tion b#-r#-. The distan e bet4een the 4idth entral lines of upper and lo4er du--0 lubs is ori/inal /au/e len/th. 3or the produ t ha'in/ 4idth AC20--> the 4idth of test pie e an be e&ual to the 4idth of produ t.o K6b BC15 arbitration test+ . 40--> the -a=i-u.5-. The distan e bet4een the 4idth entral lines of upper and lo4er du--0 lubs is ori/inal /au/e len/th.5-. The error of 4idth should not be -ore than K#%0.toleran e of the -a hined test pie es should -eet the re&uire-ent of table <6.2 12.05 di-ensional toleran es K#%0.5 0.5--K0.2--> the 4idth of test pie e should not be be0ond the ran/e of follo4in/ t4o 'alues+ 12.5 15 20 K#%0.2 0.the des ription of international standard 8in ase of al ulation of S o b0 usin/ -easured di-ensions9. The * Note+ In the international standard> the for.04 <4+ 7eter-ination of ori/inal ross%se tional area 8So9 The a ura 0 of deter-ination of ori/inal ross%se tional area is up to K#%2E.-a0 has s-all du--0 lubs so that the e=tenso-eter an be installed easil0 if it is re&uired.5 140 P5 P) Note+ The parallel len/th of the test pie e 4ith thi :ness A0.4idth alon/ parallel len/th 8.toleran e+ In table <6> for e=a-ple> for the test pie e 4ith 12. The 4hole bundle of sheets is -a hined to the di-ension of test pie e. 3or 'er0 thin -aterial> it is re o--ended to ut it into sheets 4ith the sa-e 4idth.toleran e is a urate to three di/its after radi= point.7-.2E if the error is -ainl0 aused b0 the -easure-ent of thi :ness of test pie e.toleran es o--on test arbitration test 0.2--C12.5--%0. 8In this standard9> these toleran es are not re&uired as a urate as international standard. Hen e> if the -ini-u.4idth> 4hi h satisfies abo'e -a hined ondition> the differen e bet4een the -easured -a=i-u.04-.4idth of test pie e is 12.8in ase of arbitration test9. It is too lar/e.5-.2--C12.4--K0. 24 *S .1 for.04--C12. The 4or:%hardenin/ part of the test pie e aused b0 shearin/ or pressin/ is re-o'ed 'ia -a hinin/ pro ess.and di-ensional toleran e is K#% 0. 9 should not be -ore than 0. The0 are a urate to t4o di/its after radi= point. Then> the sheets are o'erlapped and oil paper is :ept a-on/ sheets in order to isolate the.4idth and -ini-u.and t4o pie es of sheets are sued to la-p t4o sides of the bundle of sheets. <6+ Preparation of test pie e The preparation of test pie e should not affe t its -e hani al propert0. The di-ensional toleran e is different fro.6-b9 3or.5 20 BC20 50 $0 75 120 $7. The toleran e des ribed in the international standard is K#%1--.2 0. The follo4in/ are so-e e=a-ples of these toleran es+ a9 7i-ensional toleran e+ In table <6> for e=a-ple> if the no-inal 4idth of test pie e is 12.4idth of test pie e should not be -ore than follo4in/ 'alue+ 12.44-Table <6+ The toleran es of 4idth of test pie e*S no-inal 4idths of test pie e 10 12.end 12. The di-ensional toleran e and for. 4idth and thi :ness are -easured in t4o sides and -iddle of /au/e len/th of test pie es. C .oKb#2. 9 is as follo4s+ Cir ular ross%se tional test pie e+ BC0.6 (ri/inal /au/e len/th "2. 3or re tan/ular ross%se tional test pie e> it is re o--ended that the ratio of its 4idth to thi :ness is $+1. The radius of the transition ar bet4een holdin/ end and parallel len/th 8.dia-eters or thi :ness "1+ !enerall0> the test pie e is -a hined.oK2b> unless the siHe of test pie e is insuffi ient. 3or re tan/ular ross%se tional test pie e+ .75dY Re tan/ular ross%se tional test pie e+ BC12--. In this standard> it is han/ed to Uno less than 6--V so that the -a hined test pie e 4ith 6-.)5. 1 Note+ In the international standard> it is Uno less than 4--V.nor-all010S. <rbitration test+ .6. 3or the -a hined ir ular ross%se tional test pie e> the dia-eter of its parallel len/th is not less than 6-. It is al ulated a ordin/ to e&uation 8<19+ SoCab %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8<19 5ppend)6 B 8Standard appendi=9 Test pie e t0pes used for plate 2 flat ha'in/ BC6-.> unless the siHe of test pie e is insuffi ient. The transition ar is used to Ioint the parallel len/th and holdin/ end and the shape holdin/ end of test pie e should -at h the la-pin/ hu : of la-per of test -a hine for on'enien e of holdin/ 8see fi/ure 119.oK2LSo. Ho4e'er> the proportionalit0 fa tor des ribed in Point 11.oC:LSo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8"19 Therein> the proportionalit0 fa tor : is 5.thi :ness and 4ire rod> bar 2 se tion -aterial ha'in/ BC4-.5d or 1. "2. o9 and ori/inal ross%se tional area 8S o9 is as follo4s for proportional test pie e+ .2 The parallel len/th of non%-a hined test pie e The free len/th bet4een t4o la-pin/ hun:s of test -a hine should be suffi ient so that the distan e bet4een the -ar:in/ of ori/inal /au/e len/th of test pie e and its losest holdin/ end is not less than 1. 25 10S .5b. <rbitration test+ . "2.1 Proportional test pie e The relation bet4een ori/inal /au/e len/th 8.6 an be used if it is re&uired in the standard in the relati'e produ t.dia-eter an be used.oK1. BC . The test pie e 4ithout -a hinin/ an be used to test for 4ire rod> bar 2 se tion -aterial if it is des ribed in the standard of relati'e produ t. "2+ 7i-ension of test pie e The parallel len/th of -a hined test pie e 3or ir ular ross%se tional test pie e+ . The s-allest ross%se tional area of abo'e three points is used. BC .5LSo. The ori/inal ross se tion of test pie e an be a ir ular shape> re tan/ular shape> fours&uare shape or other spe ial shapes. In the table> ir ular ross%se tional test pie es> 4hi h are nor-all0 des ribed in the standard of produ t> are added.oK2b Sr.4 < ordin/ to a/ree-ent> the produ t 4ith thi :ness B25-.6 .2 5-.oK2LSo Sr. of test pie e BC0. C .5LSo <rbitration test+ . :C5. #-BC. "2.5LSo <rbitration test+ . BC . of test pie e BC12 5.oK1.tB.)5 . The proportional test pie e 4ith proportionalit0 fa tor :C5.oKb#2 arbitration test+ . C .6.o#-11. Total len/th of test pie e depends on the holdin/ -ethod.6 .5 15 20 25 60 Note+ 1. of test pie e :C11.oKb#2 arbitration test+ .No. 1 Note+ 12S There is no des ription of these test pie es in the international standard. :C5.The di-ensions of Cir ular ross%se tional proportional test pie e and Re tan/ular ross%se tional proportional test pie e are in table "1 2 table "2 respe ti'el0.No. K4d. In the table> re tan/ular ross%se tional proportional test pie es> 4hi h are nor-all0 des ribed in the standard of produ t> are added. Table "1+ Cir ular ross%se tional proportional test pie e11S d#-r#-.No. R2> R4 or R7 test pie e is preferred to use if there is no standard of relati'e produ tY 2.oK2LSo Sr. (ther di-ensions of non%proportional test pie e an also be used if the0 are des ribed in the standard of relati'e produ t.dia-eters 8R2> R4 2 R$ test pie es9 are des ribed. o9 and ori/inal ross%se tional area 8So9.)5 is preferred to use if there is no standard of relati'e produ t.2 Non%proportional test pie e There is no stationar0 relation bet4een ori/inal /au/e len/th 8. #-.o#-10d . BC .)5 .o#-25 20 15 10 $ ) 5 6 Note+ 1.oK1. The di-ensions of Re tan/ular ross%se tional non%proportional test pie e are in table "6.o#-12. #-.6LSo . 2) .75d 5d R1 R2 R6 R4 R5 R) R7 R$ R01 R02 R06 R04 R05 R0) R07 R0$ Table "2+ Re tan/ular ross%se tional proportional test pie e12S d#-r#-. of test pie e be -a hined to Cir ular ross% se tional proportional test pie e or thinned to Re tan/ular ross%se tional proportional test pie e if there is 11S In the international standard> onl0 the test pie e ha'in/ 20--> 10-. In prin iple> .oK2b Sr.No.)5LSo R7 R$ R* R10 R11 R07 R0$ R0* R10 R11 " 2. (ther di-ensions of proportional test pie e an be des ribed in the standard of relati'e produ t. #-BC. 06-"4+ The trans'ersal di-ensional toleran e14S na-es -a hined ir ular%se tional dia-eter no-inal trans'ersal di-ension 6 B6%) B)%10 B10%1$ B1$%60 trans'ersal di-ensions of re tan/ular ross%se tional test di-ensional toleran e K#%0. BC .5LSo <rbitration test+ .toleran e+ In table "4> for e=a-ple> for the test pie e 4ith 10-.04-.07 K#%0. Hen e> if the -ini-u.dia-eter> 4hi h satisfies abo'e -a hined ondition> the differen e bet4een the -easure -a=i-u.04 0. The fortoleran e is different fro.*6-b9 3or.07--> the dia-eter of test pie e should not be be0ond the ran/e of follo4in/ t4o 'alues+ 10--K0.02 detailed t0pe of test pie e des ribed in the standard of relati'e produ t and the abilit0 of test -a hine is not suffi ient.toleran e 0. Table "6+ Re tan/ular ross%se tional non%proportional test pie e16S b#-12.5 20 25 6$ 40 r#-BC12 . of test pie e P12 P16 P14 P15 P1) "6+ Preparation of test pie e The horiHontal di-ensional toleran e of -a hined test pie e should -eet the re&uire-ent of table "4.07--C*.dia-eter alon/ parallel len/th 8. C .07-.04--C10.dia-eter and -ini-u. #-.**--> the -a=i-u.toleran es of ir ular ross%se tional test pie e is a urate to three di/its after radi= point.oK2LSo Sr.dia-eter of test pie e is *.05 K#%0.o#-50 $0 50 50 200 .10 for.05 e&ui'alent to the toleran e of dia-eter of ir ular ross%se tional test pie e 1 Note+ There is no des ription of these test pie es in the international standard. 9should not be -ore than 0. It is too lar/e in the international standard.dia-eter of test pie e should not be -ore than follo4in/ 'alue+ *.0* K#%0. In the standard> these toleran es are not re&uired as a urate as international standard. The follo4in/ are so-e e=a-ples of these toleran es+ a9 7i-ensional toleran e+ In table "4> for e=a-ple> if the no-inal dia-eter of test pie e is 10-.that of international standard. 27 .**--K0.8in ase of arbitration test9. The0 are a urate to t4o di/its after radi= point onl0. 16S 14S In the international standard> the a ura ies of di-ensional 2 for. 3or the re tan/ular ross%se tional test pie e 4ith opposite t4o%side -a hinin/> there is no des ription of toleran e> but the di-ensional toleran e is added in the standard.04 0.2 10--%0. In the table> re tan/ular ross%se tional non% proportional test pie es> 4hi h are nor-all0 des ribed in the standard of produ t> are added.07--C10.and di-ensional toleran e is K#% 0.oK1.No.06 0.0) K#%0. 1 K#%0.dia-eters or thi :ness C1+ Shape of test pie e The test pie e is one part of produ t /enerall0. D= ept the free len/th bet4een t4o holdin/ ends for the 4ire rod ha'in/ a s-all dia-eter -a0 be . The a ura 0 of len/th of test pie e is up to K#%0. It is not -a hined 8see fi/ure 129. of test pie e 2$ .No. #-Sr.05 0. The al ulation is a ordin/ to e&uation 8<19.2 K#%0. Table C1+ Non%proportional test pie e d or a#-.if the per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture is not tested. The s-allest ross%se tional area of three lo ations is used 8as ori/inal ross%se tional area9 and the al ulation is as follo4s+ SoC1#4Md2%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8"29 3or re tan/ular ross%se tional test pie e> the 4idth and thi :ness are -easured on t4o ends and -iddle of /au/e len/th and the s-allest ross%se tional area of three lo ations is used.t9=1000%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8"69 K#%0. o> for other ases> the free len/th of t4o la-pin/ hu :s of test -a hine should be at least .02 0.01 0. 3or the onstant ross%se tional test pie e> the ori/inal ross%se tional area an be al ulated a ordin/ to the -easured len/th> -ass and densit0 of test pie es.5E and at least three si/nifi ant di/its are used for densit0.5E.oK50--.5E> a ura 0 of -ass of test pie e is up to K#%0. The al ulation of ori/inal ross%se tional area is as follo4s+ SoC8-#P. See table C1.pie e 4ith four%side -a hinin/ trans'ersal di-ensions of re tan/ular ross%se tional test pie e 4ith opposite t4o%side -a hinin/ 6 B6%) B)%10 B10%1$ B1$%60 B60%50 "4+ 7eter-ination of ori/inal ross%se tional area 8So9 The ori/inal ross%se tional area is al ulated a ordin/ to di-ensions of tested ori/inal test pie e and the a ura 0 of ea h -easured deter-ination is up to len/th bet4een t4o holdin/ ends an be 50-.and 100--. C2 7i-ension of test pie e The ori/inal /au/e len/ths are 200-. The -ini-u. 3or ir ular ross%se tional test pie e> the dia-eter is -easured on t4o ends and -iddle of /au/e len/th in the ortho/onal dire tions and the arith-eti al -ean is used.o#-.05 5ppend)6 C 8Standard appendi=9 Test pie e t0pes used for 4ire rod> bar 2 se tion -aterial ha'in/ A4-. 3or re tan/ular ross%se tional and &uadrate produ ts> the 4idth and thi :ness are -easured and the al ulation is a ordin/ to e&uation 8<19. 5ppend)6 + 8Standard appendi=9 Test pie e t0pe used for tubular -aterial 71+ Shape of test pie e The test pie e an be full%4all 8solid9 lon/itudinal ar hed test pie e 8see fi/ure 169 2 tubular test pie e 8see fi/ure 149> full%4all trans'erse test pie e or ir ular ross%se tional test pie e -a hined b0 usin/ tube thi :ness. Table 71+ lon/itudinal ar hed test pie e15S 7#-b#-a#-r#-. BC 1 Note+ There is no spe ial des ription of these test pie es in the international standard. 72+ 7i-ension of test pie e 72. 3or the test pie e 4ithout t4o holdin/ ends> the free len/th bet4een t4o la-pin/ hun:s of test -a hine should be suffi ient so that the distan e bet4een the -ar:in/ of ori/inal /au/e len/th of test pie e and its losest holdin/ end is not less than 1.No.No.1 . The ori/inal ross%se tional area an be al ulated a ordin/ to the -easured len/th> -ass and densit0 of test pie es. The -ini-u. "ut the parallel len/th 8. The al ulation is a ordin/ to e&uation 8"29.5b. of test pie e S01 5. 3or ir ular ross%se tional produ t> the dia-eter is -easured in the ortho/onal dire tions and the arith-eti al -ean is used to al ulate the ross%se tional area.)5LSo .6 . In the table> these lon/itudinal ar hed test pie es are nor-all0 des ribed in the standard of produ t.5--. BC 11. < ordin/ to a/ree-ent> the lon/itudinal ar hed test pie e and trans'erse test pie e 4ithout holdin/ ends an be used.o9 should not be pressed. The al ulation is a ordin/ to e&uation 8"69. "ut the test pie e 4ith holdin/ ends is used in arbitration test. #-Sr.6LSo . of test pie e S1 . T4o end of lon/itudinal ar hed test pie e an be pressed to flat so that it an be la-ped b0 test -a hine easil0. #-Sr.)5 . 2* 15S .on/itudinal ar hed test pie e The di-ensions des ribed in table 71 are used for the lon/itudinal ar hed test pie e.o#-:C11. C4+ 7eter-ination of ori/inal ross%se tional area 8So9 7eter-ination of ori/inal ross%se tional area should be a urate to K#%1E.AC4 100 200 BC150 BC250 R* R10 C6+ Preparation of test pie e It should be strai/htened suffi ientl0 if the produ t is deli'ered b0 oiled state.ross%se tional area is -easured on t4o ends and -iddle of /au/e len/th and the s-allest ross%se tional area of three lo ations is used. !enerall0> the lon/itudinal ar hed test pie e is suitable for the tubular -aterial ha'in/ tube 4allB0.o#-60%50 10 ori/inal :C5. T4o holdin/ ends of tubular test pie e an be pressed to flat 8see fi/ure 729 and the test an be i-ple-ented 4ith flat plu/ in t4o holdin/ ends of test pie e or 4ithout flat plu/.oK1. Ho4e'er> the tubular test pie e is not pressed in arbitration test and the plu/ is used. The tubular test pie e is added.oK27 BC100 Sr.o ation of plu/ of tubular test pie e 1 1)S Note+ There is no des ription of these test pie es in the international standard. The distan e is 7 in arbitration test if the len/th of -aterial is suffi ient.B50%70 B70 15 20 tube 4all thi :ness . Table 72+ Tubular test pie e1)S . C .oK7#2> <rbitration test+ .oK2LSo S02 S06 AC100 B100%200 B200 1* 25 6$ S4 S5 S) Note+ The proportional test pie e 4ith proportionalit0 fa tor :C5. #-. 60 . C .5LSo <rbitration test+ . of test pie e S7 S$ Holdin/ end 3i/ure 71+ . BC . C . There should be t4o plu/s on t4o sides of the tubular test pie e and the distan e bet4een the plu/ to the losest -ar:in/ of /au/e len/th is not less than 7#48see fi/ure 719.5LSo <rbitration test+ .oK1.2 Tubular test pie e The di-ensions of tubular test pie e are des ribed in table d2. The e=tended distan e of plu/ be0ond la-pin/ hu : of test -a hine in the dire tion of /au/e len/th is not -ore than 7 and its shape should not interfere the distortion in /au/e len/th.oK2LSo 50 S2 S6 .)5LSo 50 . 72.o#-5.No.)5 is preferred to be used. 5b. SoC8b#49872%b291#2 K 872#49 ar sin 8b#79 X8b#49T87%2a92%b2S1#2 X T87%2a9#2S2ar sinTb#87%2a9S %%%%%%%%%%%% 8719 The follo4in/ si-plified for-ula an be used to al ulate the ori/inal ross%se tional area of lon/itudinal ar hed test pie e of ir ular pipe+ Zhen 8b#79A0.a hined lon/itudinal ir ular ross%se tional test pie e of tubular%4all thi :ness 8solid9 17S Thi :ness of tube 4all#-$%16 B16%1) B1) test pie e applied R7 R5 R4 76+ 7eter-ination of ori/inal ross%se tional area 8So9 7eter-ination of ori/inal ross%se tional area should be a urate to K#%1E.6 . 17S There is no spe ial des ription of these test pie es in the international standard. The no-inal 'alue is used for outer dia-eter in al ulation. 3or the test pie e 4ithout t4o holdin/ ends> the free len/th bet4een t4o la-pin/ hun:s of test -a hine should be suffi ient so that the distan e bet4een the -ar:in/ of ori/inal /au/e len/th of test pie e and its losest holdin/ end is not less than 1.4 . The di-ensions of trans'erse re tan/ular test pie e different fro. 72.a hined trans'erse test pie e 3or -a hined trans'erse re tan/ular test pie e> the di-ensions des ribed table <1 or table <2 of appendi= < 8standard appendi=9 are used if the thi :ness of tube 4all is less than 6-.those des ribed in appendi= < 8standard appendi=9 and appendi= " 8standard appendi=9 in the standard of relati'e produ t.25> Zhen 8b#79A0. The al ulation is a ordin/ to e&uation 8<19. In this standard> the des ription of -a hined lon/itudinal ir ular ross%se tional test pie e of tubular%4all thi :ness 8solid9 is added.a hined lon/itudinal ir ular ross%se tional test pie e of tubular%4all thi :ness 8solid9 The di-ensions of test pie e des ribed in table "1 of appendi= " 8standard appendi=9 are used for the -a hined lon/itudinal ir ular ross%se tional test pie e. The di-ensions in table 76 are used if there is no detailed des ription. 61 . The al ulation is a ordin/ to e&uation 8719. The trans'erse test pie e should be stren/thened b0 usin/ so-e parti ular -eans. 3or lon/itudinal ar hed test pie e of ir ular pipe> the 4idth and tube%4all thi :ness are -easured on t4o ends and -iddle of /au/e len/th and the s-allest ross%se tional area of three lo ations is used. The di-ension of -a hined ir ular ross% se tional test pie e should be des ribed in the standard of relati'e produ t a ordin/ to thi :ness of tube 4all.and the di-ensions des ribed table "2 or table "6 of appendi= " 8standard appendi=9 are used if the thi :ness of tube 4all is -ore than or e&ual to 6--. Table 76+ .17> SoCabT1Kb28)787%2a99S %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8729 SoCab %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8769 3or trans'erse re tan/ular ross%se tional test pie e of ir ular pipe> the 4idth and thi :ness are -easured on t4o ends and -iddle of /au/e len/th and the s-allest ross%se tional area of three lo ations is used.3i/ure 72+ The tubular test pie e 4ith pressed t4o holdin/ ends 72. 02--. If the nu-ber of e&ual parts bet4een J and N is n> the al ulation of per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture is as follo4s+ 19 If N%n is an e'en Tsee fi/ure 31a9S> the distan e bet4een J and N is -easured and the distan e bet4een N to -ar:in/ @> fro. <fter it is tensed to fra ture> the bro:en test pie e is :ept on a de'i e and s re4 is used to for e it a=iall0 so that the bro:en pie es -a0 Ioint to/ether ti/htl0. The distan e bet4een this -ar:in/ and fra ture point is the losest to the distan e bet4een fra ture point and the /au/e len/th -ar:in/ J. It is a urate to K#% 0. 5ppend)6 > 8Su//esti'e appendi=9 Test -ethod for the spe ified 'alue of per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture A5E The re o--ended -ethod is as follo4s+ "efore test> a s-all -ar:in/ is -ar:ed on one end of parallel len/th. The al ulation is a ordin/ to e&uation 8749+ SoCMa87%a9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8749 3or the tubular test pie e and the lon/itudinal or trans'erse ross%se tional test pie e 4ithout holdin/ ends> the ori/inal ross%se tional area an be al ulated a ordin/ to the -easured len/th> -ass and densit0 of test pie es.1+ a9 The ori/inal /au/e len/th 8.2 an be used as another -ethod for testin/. The al ulation is a ordin/ to e&uation 8"69. Then> the di'ider> 4hi h is adIusted to /au/e len/th> is used to dra4 a ar b0 usin/ this -ar:in/ as entre of ir le. <nd then> the se ond ar is dra4n b0 usin/ the ori/inal entre of ir le as entre of ir le and ori/inal radius as radius. The surfa e of test pie e -a0 be painted before test so that the dro4n ar is lear.o = 100E %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8319 62 . 5ppend)6 F 8Su//esti'e appendi=9 Shiftin/ -ethod for testin/ per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture The follo4in/ an be used to test the per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture in order to a'oid s rap of test pie e aused b0 the fra ture ta:in/ pla e in the s ope be0ond des ription of point 11. b9 <fter test> s0-bol J is used to indi ate the /au/e len/th -ar:in/ of short part after fra ture and N is used to indi ate the e&ual%part -ar:in/ of lon/ part of test pie e at fra ture.o9 is di'ided into N e&ual parts before test.4hi h there are 8N%n9#2 e&ual parts to -ar:in/ N. The distan e bet4een the t4o ar s are -easured b0 usin/ tool -i ros ope or other appropriate e&uip-ent to obtain the elon/ation after fra ture. The per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture is as follo4in/ e&uation 8319+ <C8JN K 2N@ % .3or tubular test pie e> outer dia-eter and the tube%4all thi :nesses of four sites are -easured on its one end in ortho/onal dire tion and the arith-eti al -ean is used. The e=tenso-eter -ethod des ribed in point 11.o9#. The follo4in/ onditions should be satisfied so that the -easure-ent is effe ti'e.of shiftin/ -ethod 5ppend)6 G 8Su//esti'e appendi=9 .5--.4hi h there are 8N%n%19#2 2 8N%nK19#2 e&ual parts to -ar:in/ N.for e of lon/%shape -aterial 8su h as 4ire rod> bar 2 se tion -aterial9 The e=tenso-eter -ethod des ribed in point 12 an be repla ed b0 follo4in/ -anual -ethods. This len/th 8.5--. 3i/ure 31+ The s he-ati dia/ra. u’9 is -easure on the lon/est part of the test pie e after fra ture and a urate to K#%0.fra ture point and 2.anual -ethod for testin/ per enta/e total elon/ation at -a=i-u. The /au/e len/th after fra ture 8. The -ar:in/ of ori/inal /au/e len/th 8.29 If N%n is an odd nu-ber Tsee fi/ure 31b9S> the distan e bet4een J and N is -easured and the distan e bet4een N to -ar:in/ @’ 2 @V> fro. The per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture is as follo4in/ e&uation 8329+ <C8JN K 2N@’ K N@V % . o’9 is a urate to K#%0. Ho4e'er> the e=tenso-eter -ethod should be used in arbitration test. o’9 is the fun tion of per enta/e total elon/ation and should be des ribed in the standard of produ t. a9 The distan e of -easure-ent Hone is at least 5d far a4a0 fro. "efore test> the e&ual%part -ar:in/ is -ar:ed on the /au/e len/th and the len/th of t4o e&ual parts is e&ual to the di'isor of ori/inal /au/e len/th 8.o9#.5d far a4a0 frola-pin/ hun: 8of test -a hine9.for e and the per enta/e total elon/ation is al ulated a ordin/ to this elon/ation. The -ethod of this appendi= is used to -easure the non%proportional elon/ation of lon/est part of test pie e after tensile test at -a=i-u.o = 100E %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8329 Note+ the shape of holdin/ ends of test pie e is s he-ati onl0. o’9. 66 . The -ethod of this appendi= is appli able for the auto-ati testin/ of tensile test. The slope of the finall0 obtained beeline " n7n an be used as referen e slope to deter-ine other proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension nor-all0.2 are also hosen and a beeline 8" 2729 is dra4n throu/h these t4o points.5 30p0. 1 Note+ There is no des ription of this appendi= in the international standard. (n the for e%e=tension ur'e> a point < o is rando-l0 ta:en and set as the for e 30p0.o’9#. Then> a beeline C<1> 4hi h is parallel to "171> is dra4n throu/h point C and interse ts ur'e at < 1 point. H2+ . In the test> the for e%e=tension ur'e is dra4n until at least e= eedin/ the ran/e of the e=pe ted proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension. If point <1 and <o are not oin ident> abo'e steps should be repeated a/ain to appro=i-ate.b9 The ori/inal /au/e len/th for -easurin/ is at least e&ual to the des ribed 'alue in the standard of produ t.ethod The proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension is deter-ined b0 usin/ 3or e%D=tension Cur'e 7ia/ra-.2 and 0. It is di'ided b0 the ori/inal ross%se tional area of test pie e to obtain proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension R p0. 5ppend)6 9187 8Su//esti'e appendi=9 . Ho4e'er> it is also suitable for testin/ the proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension of the -etalli -aterial ha'in/ elasti strai/ht se/-ent 4ith hei/ht BC0.2 4hen the proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension is 0.2. The -ethod of su essi'e appro=i-ations is also appli able for the auto-ati testin/ of tensile test of this propert0.2 of point <1 is ta:en and "2 2 72 t4o points on the ur'e> 4hi h are relati'e to for e 0.53 .2 and 0.for e is a ordin/ to e&uation 8!29+ </tC</ K 8R-#D9 = 100E %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8!29 Therein> the elasti -odulus 8D9 is des ribed in the standard of relati'e produ t.2E. < se/-ent (C 8(CC0. If point <1 and <o are oin ident> 30p0. 64 1$S .on the 3or e%D=tension Cur'e 7ia/ra-. The for e of point <n is that the for e 4hen the proof non%proportional e=tension is 0. The al ulation of per enta/e non%proportional elon/ation at -a=i-u.for e is a ordin/ to e&uation 8!19+ </C8.the ori/in 8it is orre ted if it is ne essar09 8to C on the elon/ation a=is9.1 3 0p0.2 are also hosen and a beeline 8" 1719 is dra4n throu/h these t4o points. Then> a beeline C< 2> 4hi h is parallel to "272> is dra4n throu/h point C and interse ts ur'e at < 2 point. Si-ilarl0> the for e 31p0. eW n> 4herein n is a-plifi ation of elon/ation9 is inter epted fro.2E. In su h a approa h to appro=i-ate /raduall0 until the interse tion point < n and <n%1 are oin ident 8see fi/ure H9.2E.5 31p0.u’%.1 3 1p0.o’ = 100E %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8!19 The al ulation of per enta/e total elon/ation at -a=i-u.2 is the for e 4hen the proof non%proportional e=tension is 0.ethod of su essi'e appro=i-ations for testin/ proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension 8R p9 H1+ The -ethod of su essi'e appro=i-ations is appli able for testin/ the proof stren/th> non% proportional e=tension of the -etalli -aterial ha'in/ no ob'ious elasti strai/ht se/-ent.2E and " 1 2 71 t4o points on the ur'e> 4hi h are relati'e to for e 0. > the per-anent e=tension is 1.-easure-ent ran/e is 200:N and dial ran/e is 100:N.ethod of su essi'e appro=i-ations for testin/ proof stren/th> non%proportional e=tension 8Rp9 5ppend)6 I1!7 8Su//esti'e appendi=9 D=a-ples of for e%dis har/in/ -ethod for testin/ per-anent set stren/th 8R r0.3or e Dlon/ation 3i/ure H1+ .6 unit s ales at this -o-ent> 'iH.29 Test -aterial+ steel> the e=pe ted per-anent set stren/th Rt0. 3ro.54--2. "e ause the onditional null point of e=tenso-eter is 1 unit s ale> total is 16 unit s ales.01--.2 is 50=0. The readin/ of e=tenso-eter is 2. 1 Note+ There is no des ription of this appendi= in the international standard.1--.2 W So = 10EC)2$6.2. It is added to pro'ide a e=a-ple of per-anent set stren/th Rt0. 65 1*S .01C10 8unit s ale9.2N It is )000N after roundin/.00-.appl0in/ for e for the first ti-e fro.point 3 o to the test pie e ha'in/ total e=tension on the /au/e len/th of e=tenso-eter 8 orrespondin/ to unit s ale nu-ber of e=tenso-eter9+ 10K81%29C11%12 8unit s ale9.eC50-. The /au/e len/th of e=tenso-eter is 50--. D=tenso-eter+ 4at h%li:e e=tenso-eter> 1%/radu a ura 0> .6 unit s ales.2[$00N#--2. Test di-ensions+ dC10. It is on'erted into unit s ale nu-ber of e=tenso-eter herein> 'iH. <t this -o-ent> the onditional null point of e=tenso-eter is 1 unit s ale. < ordin/ to the e=pe ted per-anent set stren/th> the pretension orrespondin/ to 10E stress is al ulated as follo4s+ 3oCRt0. Test rate+ a ordin/ to the re&uire-ent of point 10.2 SoC7$. Test -a hine+ -a=i-u.and ea h unit s ale is 0.1#0.1. The for e is -aintained for 10%12s and then de reased to 3 o.1.4. the per-anent e=tension of the tested per-anent set stren/th Rt0.> 0.2EC0. 45N#--2 < ordin/ to the re&uire-ent of table 5> the result after roundin/ off is as follo4s+ Table I1+ Re ords of for e%per-anent e=tension data for e#N )000 41000 57000 )1000 )2000 readin/ of e=tenso-eter under appl0in/ for e 8unit s ale9 1.5%109=)1000K810%*.79=)2000S#810. The error a u-ulati'e -ethod pro'ided herein -a0 be onsidered as upper li-it of un ertaint0 tested in laborator0 a ordin/ to the test of this standard 81%/rade test -a hine and 1%/rade e=tenso-eter9.> 16K810%1.6 unit s ales of per-anent e=tension.7 readin/ of e=tenso-eter under pretension 8unit s ale9 %% 2.6 7.2 is as follo4s+ 3t0.6 *.69K1C27. <nother effe ti'e -ethod of esti-atin/ the dispersion obtained in laborator0 is to use a :ind of ertified standard -aterial 8CR. The for e is -aintained for 10%12s and de reased to 3o to obtain 7.6 unit s ales 8the obtained per-anent e=tension9 plus 1%2 unit s ales> 'iH.7 11.54C7$1. The sour es of influen e on t4o dispersions an not be separated out throu/h the -ethod of anal0sis and statisti s of o-parati'e test /i'en in appendi= G.0 16.79C)1675N < ordin/l0+ Rt0.2 C)1675#7$.0 26.4 unit s ales.7 10.6 $.9 used for tensile testin/ at a-bient te-perature 6) . The test ontinues until the readin/ of per-anent e=tension is e&ual to or li/htl0 -ore than 10 unit s ales.testin/ un ertaint0 for all -aterials.6 10. "e ause different -aterials ha'e different responses on different ontrol para-eters> su h as strain rate or stress rate> it is not possible to obtain unifor.4 2$.5%*.5 per-anent e=tension 8unit s ale9 %% 1.7 unit s ales.5 5ppend)6 ? 8Su//esti'e appendi=9 Drror a u-ulati'e -ethod for esti-atin/ testin/ un ertaint0 of tensile test F1+ 3ore4ord The -ethod and essentials of esti-atin/ testin/ un ertaint0 of tensile test are put for4ard a ordin/ to the error a u-ulati'e prin iple> the re&uire-ents of -easure-ent error des ribed b0 standards of test -ethod 2 'erifi ation. The sele ted standard -aterial 8CR. The test re ord is in table I1. The al ulation of per-anent set stren/th Rt0.69K2C26.2CT810.0 27. It is to be noted that the testin/ un ertaint0 is onsidered as the inherent dispersion aused b0 so-e inherent fa tors> su h as non%unifor-it0 of -aterial 4hen the total dispersion of test result is e'aluated.The for e is applied for the se ond ti-e until the readin/ of e=tenso-eter is as follo4s+ 16 unit s ales 8last readin/9 plus 10 unit s ales 8the proof per-anent e=tension9 -inus 1. The for e is applied for the se ond ti-e until the readin/ of e=tenso-eter is as follo4s+ 26.9> 4hi h -a0 ensure the propert0 of -aterial.7K810% 7. In the test> the strain rate 4hi h is -u h hi/her than the tested R p is /enerall0 used for testin/ so that its sensiti'it0 to the effe t of strain rate is less.ean4hile> the effe t of strain rate on the des ribed stren/th of se'eral t0pes of -aterial is /i'en in table F2. tensile stren/th R. 3or e=a-ple> upper 0ield stren/th ReH is onl0 dependent on testin/ errors of for e and ross%se tional area and proof stren/th is dependent on the testin/ errors of for e> distortion 8displa e-ent9> /au/e len/th and ross%se tional area. In prin iple> the effe t of strain rate on propert0 of -aterial is tested before al ulatin/ a u-ulati'e error 8see fi/ure F1 2 fi/ure F29.2 The para-eter related to -aterial 3or tensile testin/ at a-bient te-perature> the tensile properties that -aterials are ob'iousl0 affe ted b0 strain%rate 8or stress%rate9 ontrol para-eters are R eH> also relati'e to strain rate. . Table F1+ 7eter-ination of the -a=i-u. In table F2 2 F6> a /roup of t0pi al data e=a-ples> in 4hi h the -aterial is affe ted b0 the ran/e of strain rate des ried in the standard. In prin iple> so-e tensile properties an be tested b0 hi/her a ura 0 be ause of the hara teristi s of stress%strain ur' the standard Ni%Cr allo0 8Ni-oni 759 ha'in/ 14-. The li-ited data is appli able and follo4in/ e=a-ples an also be used to esti-ate the testin/ un ertaint0 of so-e -aterials.2 at a-bient te-perature in the allo4able ran/e of strain rates des ribed in the standard -aterials no-inal o-ponents Rp0. Re entl0> the esti-ation of a ura 0 and un ertaint0 is des ribed b0 t4o IS( do u-ents 8IS( 5725%2 and !uidan e of D=pression of Testin/ On ertaint09.allo4able testin/ un ertaint0 of data of tensile test 8po4er 2 root -ethods are used9 Para-eters ReH 3or e Strain 8displa e-ent9 !au/e len/th . F2+ Dsti-ation of un ertaint0 F2.2#E e&ui'alent error#E 67 . and Rp. Table F2+ D=a-ples of the effe t on the proof stren/th Rp0.2 a'era/e# 8N#--29 effe t of strain rate on Rp0.dia-eter. The 4ei/ht of ea h bat h of this -aterial is 1t. 1 %% %% 1 %% K#%L2 R1 %% %% 1 %% K#%L2 Rp 1 1 1 1 %% K#%L4 < %% 1 1 %% %% K#%L2 @ %% %% %% 1 2 K#%L5 1 %% %% 1 %% K#%L2 19 Suppose a ordin/ to 'erified 1%/rade e=tenso-eter.1 The para-eter unrelated to -aterial There is o-parati'el0 suffi ient de'elop-ent of error a u-ulati'e -ethod> 4herein the errors aused b0 'arious sour es of error are a u-ulati'e to/ether. The on'entional po4er 2 root -ethods are used in follo4in/ anal0sis. In table F1> the e=pe ted 'alues of errors and un ertainties of 'arious test para-eters of tensile propert0 are /i'en. 3or per enta/e redu tion of area 8@9> the testin/ errors of ross%se tional area before and after tests should be onsidered. It is under ertif0in/ pro edure of Duropean Co--unit0 "ureau of Referen e 8"CR9. F2.19o So Su D=pe ted 'alue of un ertaint0 19 Drrors of tensile propert0#E Re. $ 1.$E in the allo4able ran/e of strain rate.2 ferrite steel+ pipeline steel 2 plate steel 83e4609 austeniti steel+ J5CrNi.)CK#%6.* K#%6. Ho4e'er> the effe t of other fa tors an not be in luded in a u-ulati'e error be ause there are no suffi ient appli able &uantitati'e data to utiliHe at present.429CK#%L15.5.1 1.ferrite steel+ pipeline steel 2 plate steel 83e4609 austeniti steel+ J5CrNi.n%3e8rest9 17Cr> 11Ni%3e8rest9 1$Cr> 53e> 2Co%Ni8rest9 24Cr> 20Co> 6Ti> 1.4 K#%0. In order to inte/rate total un ertaint0> half 'alue of the effe t on the proof stren/th at a-bient te-perature in the ran/e of strain rates des ribed in the standard is ta:en and used as e&ui'alent error. This 4or: is /oin/ to be started after the opti-al -ethod is re o--end to use b0 the Duropean . Hen e> the total un ertaint0 of J5CrNi.o17%12%2 Ni allo0+ NiCr20Ti NiCrCoTi<l25%20 F6+ Con lusions The essentials of esti-atin/ testin/ un ertaint0 of tensile test at a-bient te-perature b0 usin/ the error a u-ulati'e -ethod are put for4ard and so-e e=a-ples 4herein the -aterial affe ts test para-eter.4 K#%1. It is noted that it is probabl0 re&uired to orre t the al ulated un ertaint0 in order to ontain the 4ei/htin/ fa tor> 4hi h is in a ordan e 4ith the !uidan e of D=pression of Testin/ On ertaint0. "esides> there are also other fa tors to affe t tensile propert0> su h as test pie e bendin/> -ethod of holdin/ test pie e> ontrol -ode of test pie e> i.*5 e=pe ted 'alues of total testin/ un ertaint0 #E K#%2. 3or e=a-ple> the effe t on the proof stren/th Rp0.6 Total testin/ un ertaint0 The data unrelated to -aterial des ribed in table F1 and the data of effe t of strain rate on the proof stren/th des ribed in table F2 are inte/rated to obtain total esti-ated testin/ un ertaint0 of ea h t0pe of -aterial.5<l%Ni8rest9 )$0 615 265 625 7*0 0.0 K#%2.*E Table F6+ D=a-ples of e=pe ted 'alues of total testin/ un ertaint0 of the proof stren/th at a-bient te-perature tested a ordin/ to this standard -aterials Rp0.o17%12%2 stainless steel is ).$ 2.o%?%3e8rest9 C%. The0 -a0 all affe t testin/ tensile propert0.* K#%2.*5 F2.4 K#%1.05 K#%0.5 K#%0.table F1#E K#%2 K#%2 K#%2 K#%2 K#%2 'alues frotable F2#E K#%0.o17%12% 2 stainless steel is as follo4s+ K#%L822K6.4 K#%2.o 2 1.* K#%0.e.* K#%6. It should be pointed out that onl0 the esti-ation of un ertaint0 aused b0 testin/ te hnolo/0 an be /i'en b0 6$ . That -eans its half is e&ual to K#%6.> the ontrol -ode of e=tenso-eter or ross head.2 a'era/e# 8N#--29 )$0 615 265 625 7*0 'alues fro.4 K#%0.2 K#%6.aborator0 and IS( di'isions finall0.4E error.$ ).2 of J5CrNi. The result is in table F6.o17%12%2 Ni allo0+ NiCr20Ti NiCrCoTi<l25%20 Cr%. 2 of NiCr20Ti allo0 alon/ 4ith strain rate 822oC9 6* . e=pe ted stress error Note+ RCplasti strain rate> unit is 8--#--9 W -in%1 3i/ure F1+ Chan/e of lo4er 0ield stren/th 8Re.this error a u-ulati'e -ethod. .a=. 3inall0> it should be :no4n that a appli able -ethod should be pro'ided to a'oid the total testin/ un ertaint0 aused b0 test -a hine> in ludin/ the la-pin/ hun:> 4hi h is not appro'ed to be &ualified at present> and bendin/ after the appropriate standard -aterial is a'ailable.9 of plate steel alon/ 4ith strain rate 8a-bient te-perature9 Note+ RCplasti strain rate> unit is 8--#--9 W -in%1 3i/ure F2+ Chan/e of proof stren/th Rp0. It an not /i'e the allo4able toleran e for the inherent dispersi'it0 of test data aused b0 non%unifor-it0 of -aterial. 5ppend)6 @ 8Su//esti'e appendi=9 Pre ision of the tensile test. Then> the unifor-it0 of sele ted rou/h test pie es is he :ed in order to pro'ide the inherent dispersion 8'arian e\\9 of -e hani al propert0 of rou/h test pie e itself.LJ 8E9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8G29 OCRC8K#%92SRLJ 8E9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8G69 Therein> J.the -aterials> 4hi h are tested.esti-ation 'alue of 'ariation de/ree of laborator0Y SR. G2+ Pro edure The results of laborator0 tests 8test <> test " 2 test C9 sho4 so-e t0pi al e=a-ples of un ertaint0> 4hi h are obtained 4hen the -etalli -aterial is tested. Ho4e'er> the error relati'e -aterial an not be separated fro.the error aused b0 test -ethod.8ri/idit0 and -ethods of dri'e> ontrol 2 operation9Y %%-easure-ent of di-ensions of test pie e> -ar:in/ of /au/e len/th> /au/e len/th of e=tenso-eter> -easure-ent of for e and elon/ationY %%the test te-perature and loadin/ rate on ea h sta/e of testY %%the soft4are error due to hu-an aused -ista:es or the soft4are error relati'e to deter-ination of tensile propert0 The effe ts of abo'e fa tors an not be e=a-ined b0 the re&uire-ent and toleran e of this standard. In detail> the follo4in/ fa tors -a0 ause un ertaint0 in tensile test %%the non%unifor-it0 of -aterial> 4hi h e=ists in the sa-e bat h of the sa-e furna eY %%the /eo-etr0> preparation -ethod and toleran e of the test pie eY %%the la-pin/ -ethod and a=is dire tion of for e appli ationY %%test -a hine of tensile test and a essorial -easure-ent s0ste. It is onl0 re&uired that the test pie e and test itself should -eet the re&uire-ent of relati'e standard. <nd then> the rou/h test pie es are sent to ea h laborator0 to prepare test pie es b0 -a hinin/ a ordin/ to the nor-al re&uire-ent of dra4in/ of ea h laborator0.C8K#%92S. It is su//ested that the sa-e operator uses the sa-e test -a hine to o-plete the test as soon as possible.esti-ation 'alue of the repeated standard de'iation in laborator0Y S.. The un ertaint0> 4hi h is lose to the result of industrial test ondition> an be deter-ined throu/h laborator0 test. In table G1> G2 2 G6> three t0pes of errors are e=pressed b0 the relati'e un ertaint0 oeffi ient+ OCtC8K#%92SrLJ 8E9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8G19 OC.the test result of laborator0 G1+ The reason of un ertaint0 in tensile test The a ura 0 of tensile test is affe ted b0 -an0 fa tors> su h as -aterial> test pie e> test e&uip-ent> test pro edure> al ulation -ethod of -e hani al propert0 and so on.esti-ation 'alue of a ura 0 of test -ethod+ reprodu ible standard de'iation 40 .total a'era/eY St. < fi=ed nu-ber of rou/h test pie es are sele ted rando-l0 fro. 5-. G5+ Test result of test C 8do-esti 9 Test -aterials+ steel and alu-inu.85%ti-e dia-eter test pie e9Y Test result+ the test result is in table G2.2 /au/e len/th is $0--.2Eproof stren/th 8Rp0.)5LS o. 829 The sheet -etal 4ith B6-.9 and 0. The lo4er 0ield stren/th 8R e. It is re&uired to al ulate ea h -aterial and ea h propert0. The test pie e has a re tan/ular ross se tion and the 4idth is 20-.The 'alues are all in the onfiden e inter'al lose to *5E of J.dia-eter and )2. 829 The bar -aterial has a ir ular ross se tion 4ith a 10-dia-eter and the /au/e len/th is 50-.29 are not differentiated.5-.thi :ness.85%ti-e dia-eter test pie e9Y Test result+ the test result is in table G6.29 are not differentiated. The test pie e has a re tan/ular ross se tion and the 4idth is 20-. The lo4er 0ield stren/th 8R e.9 and 0. 869 3or the oiled bar -aterial> the non%-a hined test pie e is used and /au/e len/th is 50--.dia-eter and the /au/e len/th is 50-.thi :ness. The test pie e has a re tan/ular ross se tion and the 4idth is 12.thi :ness. G4+ Test result of test " 8international9 Test -aterials+ steelY Nu-ber of laboratories for testin/+ 1$Y Nu-ber of test pie es of ea h -aterial in ea h laborator0+ 5Y Test pie e+ 819 The sheet -etal 4ith 2.5-.2#8N#--29 ir ular ross se tion ir ular ross se tion ir ular ross se tion 41 .2Eproof stren/th 8Rp0. 849 The bar -aterial has a ir ular ross se tion 4ith a 10-. Table G1+ The result of tensile test in laborator0 of Test < 8international9 -aterials brand test pie e alu-inuDC%H1* alu-inu2024%T651 arbon steel C22 austeniti stainless steel J7CrNi./au/e len/th 85%ti-e dia-eter test pie e9Y Test result+ the test result is in table G1.2 /au/e len/th is 5. G6+ Test result of test < 8international9 Test -aterials+ <lu-inu-> steel and allo0Y Nu-ber of laboratories for testin/+ )Y Nu-ber of test pie es of ea h -aterial in ea h laborator0+ )Y Test pie e+ ir ular ross%se tional test pie e 4ith a 12.5-.allo0Y Nu-ber of laboratories for testin/+ 14Y Nu-ber of test pie es of ea h -aterial in ea h laborator0+ 5Y Test pie e+ 819 The sheet -etal 4ith A6-.o17%12% 2 ni :el allo0 NiCr153e$ -artensite stainless steel J12Cr16 ir ular ross se tion ir ular ross se tion ir ular ross se tion Rp0.2 /au/e len/th is 50--. 5* 2.6 1.$$ 0.61 16.# E OCR#E 15$.$ 2.0* 5*4.47 4.1 2.14 2)$.00 $.6 5.40 2.1$ 10.14 6)2.5 1.$) 1.4 1.54 5*.Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.*$ <#E 552.256 0.4* 7.$ 0.16 1.)$ 50.)1 1.)) 5*).* 2.1) 1.54 6.74 7.*4 R-#8N#--29 4$0.42 4.56 $.6) *)7.72 6.4 4.50 1.)2 Table G2+ The result of tensile test in laborator0 of Test " 8international9 -aterials brand test pie e lo4% arbon steel HR68IS(9 re tan/ular ross se tion austeniti stainless steel J2CrNi1$%10 re tan/ular ross se tion stru tural steel 3e510C8IS(9 ir ular ross se tion austeniti stainless steel J2CrNi.2#8or Re.25 1.62 1.# E OCR#E 17*.40 )*5.42 5.9 8N#--29 Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.*0 % 4.6 2.$4 4.$0 1*24 26.6) 2.2$ Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.2$ 2.$$ 2.7$ 6.# E OCR#E 665.04 4.*0 4*1.$4 1.2$ 0.12 12.)6 ).*0 41.0 2.47 ).2* 5.6) 14.70 15.4 2.)4 1.) 0.*$ 2.2) Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.4) 5.$) 1.42 1.02 11)7.00 2.* 4.14 4.$) 4.5) 2.64 2.* 0.)6 2.# E OCR#E 7*.* 1.*$ 402.)1 $.4$ Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.*4 17.6* 7.7$ 15.71 6.00 7.o%1) ir ular ross se tion Rp0.*6 6.14 4.# E OCR#E 22$.$) 6.12 0.5 1.45 6)7.*2 ).o1$%10 ir ular ross se tion hi/h te-per steel 60NiCr.*0 )22.) 4.*4 4.# E OCR#E 14.0) ).44 1.5$ 6.07 106*.*6 14.*0 25.17 606.4* 2.22 16.4 2.7$ <#E )*4.$$ 71.14 4.12 @#E 65.7$ 2.2 1.1) 1.$$ 2.40 2.$4 2.8N#--29 Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.0$ 60.0* *.10 $.04 ).$2 0.)) )5.07 656.77 7.** 42 .6$ 16.5$ 1$.44 R.)) $.* 1.22 7. 01 1.07 516.)5 2.$2 12.)* 7.10 %%%%% *$4.0) 15.44 7.*4 6.*7 6.)2 4.4) 14.54 2.)2 )5.45 2.35.20 16.2$ 2.26 4.6* 4.2) 60*.$5 ).$* 46 .26 Table G6+ The result of tensile test in laborator0 of Test C 8do-esti 9 -aterials brand test pie e steel st1) re tan/ular ross se tion -a hinin/ alu-inuallo0 .)) ReH#8N#--29 Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.$7 2.6$ 2.41 12.N12C@ re tan/ular ross se tion -a hinin/ steel 1265< re tan/ular ross se tion -a hinin/ steel 1265 ir ular ross se tion 4ithout -a hinin/ steel "4$0 re tan/ular ross se tion -a hinin/ steel 40Cr ir ular ross se tion 4ith treat-ent9 4ith t4o%side 4ith t4o%side 4ith t4o%side 4ith t4o%side 4ith t4o%side -a hinin/ 8heat Rp0.*4 1.11 6.5* @#E 61.00 12.# E OCR#E .Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.2) Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.47 6.02 6.7) 10$2.5* 7.00 657.57 5.05 1.oC$0-6$.oC5d 51.22 1.)1 451.07 11.# E OCR#E 71.*7 615.)* ).5* 2.57 14.44 ).*) 1.$4 4.57 *.*7 6.46 601.#8N#--29 Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.*7 1)).$1 12.# E 2$7.$$ 1.07 ).*7 5.# E OCR#E R-#8N#--29 Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.41 10.62 1.*7 16.7* 45).$) 6.$7 $.2 8N#--29 Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.04 12.65 4.2* 2.)$ 77.44 4.# E OCR#E Re.01 .** 5. re tan/ular ross se tion -a hinin/ alu-inuallo0 .)5 417.*7 % 1.)7 6.17 0.7$ 401.15 6.*4 2.1$ 6.$7 527.47 7.25 5.# E OCR#E 145.1) 2.$0 52.)* 625.67 6.71 2.)5 1). 61 11. 44 .40 12.)4 ).5 ^t su h as ^t0.41 1.7$ 66.for e Per enta/e non%proportional elon/ation at -a=i-u.41 2*.o4er 0ield stren/th Proof stren/th> e=tension %%% Per enta/e elon/ation under -a=i-u.0) 7.1+ Cross referen e of na-es of properties Current standard Na-es of Properties Per enta/e redu tion of area Per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture s0-bols @ < <11.42 @#E Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.5* 1$.22 ).06 10.OCR#E 4.)2 6.26 15.6$ 16.for e Per enta/e non%proportional elon/ation under -a=i-u.17 7.# E OCR#E 57.for e Per enta/e 0ield point elon/ation Nield point Opper 0ield point .2 3or-er standard Na-es of Properties Per enta/e redu tion of area Per enta/e elon/ation after fra ture s0-bols ] ^5 ^10 ^=-%%% ^/t ^/ ^s ^s ^sO ^s.1 and .for e Per enta/e 0ield point e=tension Nield stren/th Opper 0ield stren/th .2 for ross referen e .# E OCR#E 4).2 Per enta/e total elon/ation after fra ture Per enta/e elon/ation at -a=i-u.$$ 11.7* 4. The0 are listed in table .01 66.40 25.5$ ).51 ).50 *.1) 6. ^p su h as ^p0.6 <=-<t </t </ <e %% ReH Re.)) 2.those of for-er standard. non%proportional Rp su h as Rp0.o4er 0ield point Proof stress> non%proportional elon/ation Proof stress> total elon/ation Per-anent set stress Proof stren/th> total e=tension Per-anent set stren/th 2 Rt su h as Rt0.5 Rr ^r 20S Note+ There is no this appendi= in the international standard.6) 16.$* 1).22 5ppend)6 4207 8Su//esti'e appendi=9 Cross referen e of ne4 and old standard na-es of properties and s0-bols The na-es of properties and s0-bols of the standard are different fro.66 5.52 15.)4 7.56 10.10 <#E Total <'era/e OCr # E OC.*7 6.$) 16.5* 14. 2 Tensile stren/th R- Tensile stren/th ^b .2. Table .2+ Cross referen e of s0-bols Cross referen e of s0-bols is in table .2 su h as ^ h as Rr0.2+ Cross referen e of s0-bols urrent standard for-er standard urrent standard for-er standard 45 . 4) .


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