Estimation and Preparation of BOQ

June 26, 2018 | Author: Rizaam Nafiz | Category: Road Surface, Concrete, Asphalt, Mortar (Masonry), Foundation (Engineering)
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ESTIMATION & PREPARATION OF BILL OF QUANTITIESTraining Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities A Guidelines for the preparation of BOQs and Estimates for Improvements & Maintenance of Rural Roads Introduction Improvements to rural roads could be categorized into two: 1. Improvements to surface & drainage systems only 2. Improvements to geometry, widening, surfacing and drainage. At this stage we have to presume, that our local bodies have their own priority lists indicating which roads to be surfaced and which are to be improved. For both cases you need a ground survey plan of the road with information such as existing edges, shoulder edges and drains delineated separately. Once you are equipped with this information it is recommended to follow the following steps for the category 1 improvement work. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fix a horizontal alignment, almost following the existing Centre line Mark the change at 20m interval Get cross sections with sufficient widths to LHS and RHS Plot the vertical alignment at 20m interval and smooth it out presuming a desirable filling rather than appreciating cuts. Once vertical alignment is done, then get the designed left/right edge readings. Plot cross-sections at 20m intervals and indicate existing profile and designed profile. Once the above basic ground information is completed you are equipped to prepare working drawings and you have a systematic methodology to evaluate the quantities. A.1 We as road engineers and technical personals have to be very careful and methodical in administrating road construction works, as it has always been the case to exceed the quantities causing unrealistic cost over runs. We must minimized the variations and for this to be done methodologically we need the above sated ground information well before we prepare the BOQ & estimate. Alternatively, it has been the conventional practice to have an visual inspection and then to prepare the BOQs. There is no doubt visual inspection is an very important aspect, we must carry out prior to the preparation a BOQ but estimation of quantities can only be carried out based on ground survey data stated above. A.2 Important aspects we should looked into in a visual inspection Get an idea of the general cross section of the road Assess to which degree the pavement is failed, failure type and how? Whether the side drains are functioning, what has gone wrong with them? Assess the structural soundness of the cross drainage structures? Get an idea about the traffic volume and as well as the type of traffic? Possible sections where mud slides, land slides and rock falls are possible? Get an idea about the availability of good gravel and aggregate sources in close vicinity to the road? General Notes (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) A.3 Following general information and norms are very much useful to arrive at quantities, to formulate specifications and to develop construction work programs. A.3.1 Concrete works  Cement : Road Authorities recommends Sansta, Ruhunu and Mitsui brands for structural concrete and masonry works. 2 17 litter.91 0. render 19mm Ct.54 19=0.87 8. Average density of asphalt premix in loose state can be assumed as 1.23 Sand m3 0.3.5=0. if the volume involved is > 3m3 .m Cement in 50 bags 9.5mm) and 1:4:8 (50mm) mixes you may continue to be batched by volume in the specified nominal proportions.91 0. SDCC and RCDC products. A.6270m3.90 0. But for actual payments design densities should be used.24 0.00 - Description Cement concrete Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto 12.4 Asphalt Concrete (Hot mix / Cold mix)     For estimation purposes it is recommended to adopt a compacted density 3 equal to 1. A.65 4.3 Aggregates and Compaction   The rate for aggregate compaction should normally include the cost for watering too.60 0.60 0.3.90 37.00 0.020 Aggregate / Rubble m3 0.90 1. Use weight batch mixes for all concrete above grade 25.60 0.12 6.12 5.60 0.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities      For cement concrete pre-cast products: Road Authorities recommends SEC.86 5.00 1. A.3. A.91 0.35 5.38 4.013 0.60 0.60 0. the output reduces to 50m3 per day.5mm 7% + 19mm 30% G20 19mm) 1:1:5:3(19mm) 1:2:4(19mm) 1:2:4 (37. For all RCC or grade concrete use concrete mixer.48 MT/m3.m Sq. When the compaction width is less than 1.18 0. render 3 .60 0.1 0. Quantity of CSS-1 (Emulsion) required for 1MT of cold mix is 59.91 1.25MT/m .5 Quantities of Components for Cement Concrete and Cement Mortars used for Road Works.3. The average rate of traveling of a oil/diesel roller is 20km per day.5 mm) 1:3:6(19mm) 1:4:4(50mm) 1:2 mix 1:2 mix Yield Unit M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 Sq. Grade G40 (19mm) G30 (19mm) G25(19mm) G25 (37.5mm Ct. Batching of materials in the field under average conditions will be in the proportions 1:21/2:4 by volume to obtain the nominal mix of cement concrete 1:2:4 19mm) For 1:3:6 (37.5m.2 Earthworks and Compaction    Compacted and loose volume ratios for 95% and 100% densities are 1:35 and 1:42 respectively.57 0.60 0.60 0. Quantity of aggregate required for m3 of asphalt premix is 0.65 8.38 3. The normal output of earth compaction using 8-10 Ton roller is approximately 3 66m per day. Bases and Shoulders (e) Surface Applications & Surfacing (f) Drainage Construction (g) Incidental Construction (h) Structures .5 Standard Bill of Quantities for a Rural Road Preparation of a BOQ for sand sealing treatment 4 .016 0.Pipe Culverts .Bridges .10 A.1 A.m Sq.5mm Ct.Box Culverts .4.024 0.77 0.Retaining Walls/ Toe Walls .Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities 12.40 1.Slab Culverts .12 0. render RRM in Ct. render 19mm Ct. (a) Preliminary (b) Site Clearing (c) Earthworks (d) Construction of Sub-base.19 1.Gabion Walls (i) Day works A.4 Examples A standard Bill of Quantities (BOQQ) for a rehabilitation road will normally have work items under following phases.m M3 0. mortar 1:3 mix 1:3 mix 1:6 mix Sq. 1 5 .Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities ANNEX . Licensed Surveyor/Engineer (Intermittent) 4.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities BILL OF QUANTITIES WIDENING & IMPROVEMENTS TO …………. electricity and telephone for the Engineer.9 1. Chainmen Month Month Month Month Month Day Veh.3 1.2 1.5. Sum Qty Item Item Item Unit Rs. Clerk/Typist 2.1 1.1 1. Office Aide 5. Allow for water sprinkling Allow for safety of road users including watching. Survey equipment for the Engineer 6 . Cts.10 1. Amount Rs. Lump Sum Lump Sum Prov.5.12 1.1 1.1 1.4. 01 – PREMILINARIES Item No. Computer Operator 3. lighting and barricading.ROAD/IMPROVEMENTS TO INTERSECTIN OF BILL NO.6 1. 1.11 1.8 Engineer's technical and clarical staff 1. Sum Month Month Rate Cts.14 Provide and maintain vehicle for the Engineer Allow for maintenance of the road surface during the construction period as directed.4 1.13 1. Provision of project name boards as directed by the Engineer.7 -Description Allow for mobilization Allow for demobilisation 305(A) Existing utilities and utility diversions Provide Office for the Engineer Maintain Office for the Engineer Provide House for the Engineer Maintain House for the Engineer Provide Furniture for the Engineer's House and Office Office consumables for the Engineer Stationery and other services including water. Pay Item 1.5 1. Item Item Prov. House Servent / Watcher 6. Lump Sum 1. Week Week Week Month 02 Item Nos. Sum Month Prov.1. Amount Rs. preparation of drawings and setting out & levelling.1 Allow for demolishing existing buildings.EARTH WORKS Item No. Cts. 202(1) 201(2) Allow for clearing the right of way including removal and disposal of all trees. Item Prov.m.3 304(2) Supplying.Sum Unit Rate Rs. thick as directed. 2. Provide monthly Progress Report & Final Report and as built drawings. Supplying and spreading sand. forming a sand blanket on the geotextile fabric as directed.5 -- Supplying and spreading of pervious material of specified gradation to from a continuous drainage layer of …. Cu. parapet walls. Cts. 3.2 -- 3. Cts. spreading and compacting approved soil on lower embankment forming upper embankment as per specification. 01 Carried to Summary: Item Lump Sum 1. spreading and compacting approved soil on the sand blanket for forming lower embankment as per specification. Cu. stumps. Sq.2 Item Bill No.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities 1. Cu. Amount Rs. Cu.m.. Cu. Bill No.16 Item Prov. Pay Item Description Qty Prov.1 -- Supplying and laying approved quality geotextile fabric on prepared surface of marshy ground as directed. 3. 02 – SITE CLEARING Item No. vegetation and other obstructions as directed. 7 .m. 2. fences etc.6 301(1) Roadway excavation in loose /ordinary / medium / hard unclssified soil including removal of unclassified material from the site.m.4 304(2) Supplying. 3. 02 Carried to Summary: BILL NO.. Pay Item Description Qty Unit Rate Rs.15 Survey cross sections. to Engineer. 3.m. 03 .Sum Cts. Sum BILL NO.m. 3. and removal of obstructions and objectionable materials in preparing right of way. 9 304(3) Trimming.m.12 BILL NO.m. spreading and compacting graded aggregate (37. 4.m Bill No.8 301(3) Roadway excavation in soft rock. 3. 301(3) Roadway excavation in rock requiring blasting. 4.5mm) to form a dense graded aggregate base as per specification.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities 3. Amount Rs. 04 Carried to Summary : Cu.m. Cu. 4.1 401(1) Approved soil sub base Type II material spread & compacted in position. Cts. BASES & SHOULDERS Item No. Cu.3 Bill No.m 601(1) Soil sub grade material spread & compacted in position Type II embankment material as per specification (material available at site) ) Cu. 401(1) Approved soil sub base Type I material spread & compacted in position as per specification. 304(2) Soil sub grade material spread & compacted in position Type II embankment material as per specification.m. road surface to 50mm Sq. Pay Item Description Qty Unit Rate Rs.2 405(1) Supplying.CONSTRUCTION OF SUB BASES.m.10 3. 8 . 3. 408(3) Scarifying existing depth by roller. Cu.m.m. Cu. 03 Carried to Summary: 3. levelling and compaction of original ground to 100% standard density. as per specification.11 Sq. 04 . Cu.7 3. Cts. m.6 506(1) M.4 1008(1) Supplying and fixing smooth shuttering of Class II timber as formwork complete with props etc.4 M.8 Ltr/Sq.6 1001(2) Class B concrete grade 25 (19mm) foundation slabs & walls of built up drains. 6.5 1001(3) Class C concrete nominal mix 1:3:6 (37. for concreting walls of built up drains including removing. Sq.m as per specification.0Ltr/Sq.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities BILL NO. Cts. Asphalt concrete binder course.T 5. 5.m. Cu.1 Description Application of prime coat using bitumen emulsion CSS-1 at the rate of 1.3 701(1) 701(1) Excavation for earth drains in unclassified soil (cutting measurement). Amount Rs. as per specification. 05 .m.m.5 M.5mm).m.m.1 6. in foundation of built up drains including removing.m. Pay Item Description Excavation for built up drains in unclassified soil & backfilling. as per specification. Pay Item 5.DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION Item No.T Bill No. 506(1) Sq.5mm) as screed to the foundation. 5.m as per specification. Cts.m.T Asphalt concrete wearing course. as per specification. 1008(2) Supplying and fixing 25mm thick planks and struts of Class II timber as formwork rough finish. as per specification. Sq.4Ltr/Sq. 06 . 5. Sq. Qty Unit Rate Rs.2 501(2) 504(1) Sand sealing using emulsion CRS-1 orCRS-2 at the rate of 0. 6.SURFACE APPLICATIONS AND SURFACINGS Item No. Sq. Qty Unit Rate Rs. Cu. Cts. Amount Rs. 9 .m.3 502(2) Application of tack coat using bitumen emulsion CSS-1 or CSS-2 at the rate of 0. 5. 05 Carried to Summary: BILL NO.2 6. Cts. 6. Cu. 407 (1) Supply and laying of bitumen bound base (37.m. in Cu. 6. SD 2/1.16 703(4) Nos. SD 3/3.17 6. 703(4) Construction of kerb inlets. including loading and unloading (size of the slab.m.11 6.T. L.12 6. KI/M/T2 as per drawing No. SD 2/2.m.m. 704(1) Laying & joining 300/450/600mm dia.13 Nos. 1006(3) Plastering 19mm thick in cement sand mortar 1:3 mix (smooth finish) in exposed surfaces of R R masonry walls. Laying & joining 225mm dia concrete pipes from kerb inlet to flumes as out lets.9 6.14 6. Type KI/P/T1.m 1012(6) Supplying and laying reinforced concrete cover slabs class B concrete grade 25 (19mm) for built up drains . Nos. 10 . as per drawing. M. ……………….20 704(1) -703(3) 703(1) Construction of standard paved flumes at outlet of kerb inlets. KI/P/T2 . 701(3) Random Rubble masonry using 150-225mm rubble in cement sand mortar 1:5 mix for R R masonry drains. Construction of catchpit (size … . type KI/T1 as per drawing No.T 1002(1) Fabricate and lay mild steel bars as reinforcement in built up drains. concrete pipes for under ground drainage. SD 3/1.10 6. Type KI/M/T1. KI/P/T3 as per drawing No. Cu. 06 Carried to Summary: L.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities 6. 703(4) Construction of kerb inlets. 6. M.. 6. Nos.8 6.18 6. Construction of kerb inlet.19 6.m) Construction of manhole (size ……m) Bill No. 6. SD 2/4. 703(4) Construction of kerb inlet.7 1002(1) Fabricate and lay tor steel bars as reinforcement in built up drains. Nos.) Nos. Nos. Nos. SD 3/2.15 6. as per specification. Type CM/T1 as per drawing No. as per specification. Cu.m. SD 2/3. Sum Prov.3 7. Providing & erecting standard type guard stones. as per specification..m 7.11 810(1) 811(1) ----808(1) 801(2) 802(1) 802(2) 802(3) Item Item Item Item Item Item Prov.INCIDENTAL CONSTRUTION Item No.Sum Prov. 7. as per specification. Sq. as directed. Providing & erecting road signs. Top soiling of embankment slopes where turfing necessary.m. as per Drawing No. Turfing by seeding. as per specification. Supplying & laying of 450 x 450 x 50mm precast concrete slabs on raised footwalks centre median/traffic islands including average 40mm thick sand/cement mortar bedding.12 1013(1) Supply and laying double arm / single arm standard type road kerbs in raised footwalks/ centre median/center island/splitter islands/traffic islands and bus bays (125mm wide and 900mm long) set on 19mm thick 1:3 cement sand mortar layer on 150mm x 275mm wide nominal mix 1:2:4 (19mm) concrete foundation with average 157mm x 150mm wide backing with same concrete including excavation and shuttering.15 Sq.Sum L. 07 .Sum Prov.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities BILL NO.m. Construction of access roads as directed.W including necessary fittings as per drawings & specifications.m. Cts.7 7. Turfing by sodding (solid/strip/spot) Provision of street lighting system ( single sided/ opposite sided / staggered /centre median arrangement) with high pressure sodium vapour lamps with lumen output of ………. as directed and as per Drawing No. Sq.6 7. Cu.10 7. 7.m 7. Sq. Nos. Amount Rs. as per specification. Providing & erecting RDA boundary markers. Qty Unit Rate Rs. 11 . Providing & erecting standard type guard rails.5 7. as per Drawing No.m. Turfing by sprigging.Sum Prov. 7.13 807(1) Supplying.2 7.8 7.14 806(2) 806(1) Cu.m.m. Providing & erecting kilometer posts. as per specification. spreading and compacting approved soil on raised footwalks/center median/traffic islands. Pay Item Description Application of road markings.Sum Prov.9 7. L. Cts.1 7. lumens at ………….4 7. Pay Item Slab Culverts Demolition & removal of existing culvert foundations in the areas where new foundations to be constructed and clearing. 1m long spliced & dove tailed at one end and fixing in 16/29/25mm dia. 07 Carried to Summary: L. DBST. Sq.6 1008(2) Supplying and fixing smooth shuttering of Class II timber as formwork complete with props etc. BILL NO.16 7.Sum Cu. Item Prov.m.1 202(1) Excavation for foundations in unclassified soil & backfilling of structures. Amount Rs.9 1001(3) mix Cu. capping beams & slabs including removing. 8. Sq. wingwalls. 8.2 302(1) Preparation of base of foundation 8.Sum Item Prov. bore holes to 0. No.5 1005(7) Supplying and fixing 25mm thick planks & struts of Class II timber as formwork rough finish.17 808(1) Supplying and fixing pedestrian guard rails.4 302(5) Dewatering 302(7) Supplying hot rolled mild steel dowels. Rate Cts.5mm) as screed to the foundation slabs of abutments and wing walls.8 1001(3) Class C cement concrete nominal 1:3:6(37.m. 8. Sq. 08 .7 1008(1) Class C cement concrete nominal mix 1:3:6 (37. in foundations of abutments and wing walls including removing. 12 .5mm) in foundation slabs. Asphalt concrete cold mix. 7.m. as per specification.3 8. 8. as per specification.3m depth. Item Prov. for abutments.m.m.m.STRUCTURES Item No. 8. 8. Cu. Bill No. 8. Cts.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities 806(1) Paving of raised footwalks/ side walks/ shoulders with bituminous surfacings (SBST.Sum Description Qty Unit Rs. asphalt concrete hot mix).m. M. Pay Item 13 . 8.m.m. in 1:3:6 Cu. M. 8. Cu.11 1001(3) Class B cement concrete grade 25. (19mm) abutments and wing walls. 8. pipes of int.10 1001(2) Class C cement concrete nominal mix (37.19 705(3) 50-200mm aggregate backfilling behind abutments and wing walls.18 706(1) Clay puddled and laid behind abutments and wing walls. Cts.T.13 1006(1) Plastering 19mm thick in cement sand mortar 1:3 mix (smooth finish) in exposed surfaces of walls.Sum Unit Rate Rs. 8.m.23 -Description Qty Prov.17 1002(1) Forming weep holes in abutments and wing walls using P. 8. Sq.21 705(2) Providing & erecting standard type guard stones as directed.20 705(1) Supplying and packing 75mm thick 40mm stone filter layer behind dry stone lining. 8.14 1006(3) Class A cement concrete grade 25 (19mm) for capping beams & slabs.5mm) in abutments / wing walls.C. Cu. wing walls and parapet walls...m. Cu. not less than 75mm complete with dripledge and surround finished smooth.m.m. No. 8. Amount Rs.m.T. Cu.22 808(2) Widening of existing slab culvert at Chainage ……. Item No.V. dia. L.m. 8. 8. Cu.m. 8. 8. 8.12 1001(2) Random Rubble masonry using 150-225mm rubble in cement sand mortar 1:3 mix for abutments. 8. 8.15 1001(1) Tor steel as reinforcement for foundation slabs / abutments / wing walls / capping beams & slabs.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities Class B cement concrete grade 25 (19mm) in foundation slabs.16 1002(1) Mild steel as reinforcement for foundation slabs / abutments / wing walls/ capping beams & slabs. Cu.m. Cts. Cu. T. 1002(1) Mild steel as reinforcement.m. Cu.35 1006(3) Tor steel as reinforcement. 8. Item Prov.m.28 1008(1) Class C cement concrete nominal mix.38 705(1) Cu. for box culvert including removing.34 8. Cu.C. 8. 8.30 1001(1) Class C cement concrete nominal mix. 1:3:6 (37. 8.25 8.24 202(1) Excavation for foundations in unclassified & backfilling of structures as per specification.26 8. 1002(1) Forming weep holes in box culvert walls and wing walls using P.m. M. dia.36 706 (1) Clay puddled and laid behind box culvert walls (as directed).27 302(1) Preparation of base of foundation 302(5) Dewatering 302(7) Supplying and fixing smooth shuttering of Class II timber as formwork complete with props etc.Sum 14 . L.T.Sum Item Prov. Cu. 8.5mm) in wing walls / Concrete parapet walls.m. not less than 75mm complete with dripledge and surround finished smooth.37 705(3) 50-200mm aggregate backfilling behind box culvert walls. Item Prov.V.32 1006(1) Plastering 19mm thick in cement sand mortar 1:3 mix (smooth finish) in exposed surfaces of walls.m. Cu.m.m. Sq. 1:3:6(37.m.m. Cu.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities Box Culverts Demolition & removal of existing culvert foundations in the areas where new foundations to be constructed and clearing.Sum Cu. Cu.m.29 1001(3) Class A cement concrete grade 25 (19mm) in walls of box culvert. pipes of int.33 8. 8.31 1001(3) Random Rubble masonry using 150-225mm rubble in cement sand mortar 1:3 mix for wing walls. 8. 8. 8. 8. M.5mm) as screed to the base slab of box culvert. 8. in foundations of head walls &end walls including removing.44 302(5) Dewatering 8. L. Laying & joining 600/900/1200mm dia. 8.Sum 8. 8. Amount Rs.m.48 1008(1) Class C cement concrete nominal mix 1:3:6(37. Item Prov.m. Sq.m. 8.40 808(2) Widening of existing box culvert at Chainage ……. Pay Item Description Qty Unit Rs. Pipe Culverts Demolition & removal of existing culverts in the areas where new culverts to be constructed and clearing. 15 .Sum Nos. Item No. Rate Cts.m.41 -Item Prov.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities Supplying and packing 75mm thick 40mm stone filter layer behind dry stone lining. for end walls & head walls including removing. 8. Cu. 8. Sq.39 705(2) Providing & erecting guard stones as directed. concrete pipes. Item Prov. Cts.Sum Item Prov.Sum Cu. 8.m.49 1001(3) Cu.47 1008(2) Supplying and fixing smooth shuttering of Class II timber as formwork complete with props etc.42 202(1) Excavation of trench for laying of pipes in unclassified soil and backfilling as per specification.43 302(1) Preparation of base.45 302(7) Supplying.m. 8.5mm) as screed to the foundation slabs.. 8.46 707(3) Supplying and fixing 25mm thick planks & struts of Class II timber as formwork rough finish. 8. Prov.52 1006(1) Plastering 19mm thick in cement sand mortar 1:3 mix (smooth finish) in exposed surfaces of walls.m. Cu.m. 8. 8.57 705(2) Providing & erecting standard type guard stones as directed. Retaining Walls/ Toe Walls Excavation in unclassified soil for foundation and backfilling as per specification. 8.60 -Construction of new bridge at Chainage …. Cu. 8. 8. Cu.5mm) in head walls & end walls. Nos.C.62 302(1) Cu. 8. 8. Cu. Amount Rs.m.V. 8.. 16 .54 706(1) Clay puddled and laid behind end walls & head walls. 8. 8. Cu.50 1001(3) 1:3:6 Cu.61 -- Item Prov..m.5mm) in foundation slabs.m. Cu.Sum Item No.Sum 8.m. Pay Item Description Qty Unit Rs.m.51 1001(3) Random Rubble masonry using 150-225mm rubble in cement sand mortar 1:3 mix for head walls & end walls. 8. Cts.m.58 808(2) Widening of existing pipe culvert at Chainage ………. Class C cement concrete nominal mix 1:3:6 (37.53 1006(3) Forming weep holes in head walls & end walls using P. not less than 75mm complete with dripledge and surround finished smooth. Cu.Sum 8.56 705(1) Supplying and packing 75mm thick 40mm stone filter layer behind dry stone lining. Item Prov. pipes of int.55 705(3) 50-200mm aggregate backfilling behind end walls & head walls. dia.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities Class C cement concrete nominal mix (37.59 -Bridges -Widening of existing bridge at Chainage ………. Rate Cts.m. 79 706(1) 705(3) 705(1) 705(2) 808(2) Clay puddled and laid behind retaining walls/toe walls. in foundation including removing.Sum Prov.69 1001(3) 1001(3) Class C cement concrete nominal mix (37. Rate Cts. L. Forming weep holes in retaining walls using P.m. 17 . for concrete retaining walls/toe walls including removing. Item Item Prov. Cts. 1m long spliced & dove tailed at one end and fixing in 16/20/25mm dia. Sq.75 8.m.71 1006(1) Cu.5mm).67 1008(1) Class C cement concrete nominal mix 1:3:6(37. Sq.m. Cu.77 8. 50-200mm aggregate backfilling behind retaining walls/toe walls. Cu.74 1006(3) 1002(1) 1002(1) Tor steel as reinforcement. 8.m.65 1005(7) Supplying & fixing 25mm thick planks and struts of Class II timber as formwork rough finish. Sq.66 1008(2) Supplying and fixing smooth shuttering of Class II timber as formwork complete with props etc.m. Cu.68 8. Providing & erecting guard stones as directed. Cu. in retaining walls/toe walls.3m depth.m.V. Amount Rs.78 8. Plastering 19mm thick with cement sand motar 1:3 mix (smooth finish) in exposed surfaces of retaining walls/toe walls. 150-225mm rubble in cement sand mortar 1:5 in retaining walls/toe walls. Nos.m. bore holes to 0. dia. Pay Item Description Qty Unit Rs. pipes of int.T. 8.m.T. 8. not less than 75mm complete with dripledge and surround finished smooth. 1:3:6 Cu.m.63 8.72 8. M. 8.5mm) as screed to the foundation slabs of retaining walls.64 302(5) 302(7) Preparation of base of foundation Dewatering.76 8.Sum 8.73 8. 8. Supplying & packing '75mm thick 40mm stone filter layer behind dry stone lining.m. Item No. Class B cement concrete grade 25 (19mm) in retaining walls/toe walls.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities 8. M. 8. Supplying hot rolled mild steel dowels. Mild steel as reinforcement. Cu. No.m. 8.C.70 1001(2) Random Rubble masonry. 8.m Cu. Cu.3 9. Sum Item Prov.5mm) in foundation slabs. Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day 18 .7 9. in foundation including removing. 8.1. Sum Cu.1. Item Prov. 8.81 8.8 Labour (Sri Lankan Nationals) Foreman Site Surveyor Skilled Equipment Operator Semi Skilled Equipment Operator Driver (Heavy Duty Vehicle) Driver (Light Duty Vehicle) Mechanic Skilled workman Qty Unit Rs. 8.5 9. 08 Carried to Summary: Nos.1. Cts.84 1001(3) Class C cement concrete nominal mix (37. Amount Rs. 8.83 1008(2) Class C cement concrete nominal mix 1:3:6(37.2 9.5m mesh on prepared ground / on foundation slab.80 8. Pay Item Description ALL QUANTITIES ARE PROVISIONAL 9.86 1001(2) Construction of gabion wall using 4x1x1m / 4 x1x 0.1 9.m Cu.m 1:3:6 Cu.m.88 808(2) Bill No.1.5mm) as screed to the foundation slabs of gabion walls.1.6 9.09 – DAYWORKS Item No.1 9.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities Gabion Walls Excavation in unclassified soil for foundation & backfilling as per specification.m Sq.1.82 302(1) Preparation of base of foundation 302(5) Dewatering 302(7) Supplying & fixing 25mm thick planks and struts of Class II timber as formwork rough finish.4 9. Rate Cts.1.87 805(1) Providing & erecting guard stones as directed. 8.m BILL NO .85 1001(3) Class B cement concrete nominal mix 1:2:4 (19mm) in foundation slabs. 8.1. 2.2.over 12 tons Smooth Road Roller(8-10tons) Water Bowser(4000litres) Baby Dumper Wheel loader ( 2.9 9.4 9.2.2 Equipment Capacities detailed for items refer to fly wheel power ratings.17 9.m) Asphalt Paver (Crawler) Bitumen Distributor(4000 liters) Bitumen Sprayer Sand/Chip Spreader(Propelled 4000 liters) Sand/Chip Spreader.8 9.20 9.5 9.1.11 9.15 9.2.24 9.2.19 9.25 9.10 Semi Skilled workman Labourer Labour Sub Total (Carried Forward) Note: Rates shall apply to Sri Lankan Nationals Tenderers intending to utilise Foreign National Labour shall submit a schedule of rates for such categories of labour that may be employed.10 9.2.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities 9.2.22 9.6 9.2.14 carrying capacities of trucks. Manufacturer's ratings or maximum recommended loads etc.12 9.2.2.towed Asphalt/Concrete Mixer (4000 Liters) Concrete Mixer with weight batcher 114/10 Water Pump 100mm Water Pump 50mm Tractor and Trailer 9.1.18 9.23 9.2.1 Cu.3 9.7 9.21 9.2.2. Day Day 9. Motor Grader from 50 to 100 HP Wheeled Excavator Over 50 HP(Back hoe) Highway Tipper Lorries up to 5 tons Highway Tipper Lorries From 5 to 10 tons Porker Vibrator Plate Vibrator Vibrating Rammer(60kg) Vibrating Roller(1/2-1 ton) Vibrating Roller(smooth 10 tons) Pneumatic Tired Roller up to 8 tons Pneumatic Tired Roller 8-12 tons Pneumatic Tired Roller.2.2.9 9.2.2 9.13 9.70 to Hour Hour km km Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour km Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour 19 . 9.m Cu.Ton M.3.8 9.11 9.3 9.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities 9.2 9.14 Natural washed fine aggregate for PC and Asphalt Concrete Portland Cement Reinforcing Mild Steel Grade 250 Reinforcing High Yield Grade 460/425 Dense graded aggregate for road base.4 9.9 9.7 Welding Plant with Generator set Material (Base Cost) Prime Coat Cut back MC 30 Tack Coat Cut Back RC Bitumen 80/100 PEN Cationic Bitumen Emulsion CRS II Asphalt concrete surfacing material binder 6% mixdense (19mm) Asphalt concrete bound base material binder 3.Ton Cu.53% mix-dense (37. Timber Class II of Sri Lankan Timber Corporation or equivalent Percentage on Materials to cover overheads .3.3.3.Ton M.10 9.3. profits and all other costs applicable to Materials in Bill Items in 9.3 9.Ton Litre 9.5mm) Diesel Crushed Aggregates for PC and Asphalt Concrete Hour Litre Litre Litre Litre M.m 20 .3.3.5 9.13 9.m Cu.m Bag(50kg) M.6 9.3 Bill No.3.3. 09 Carried to Summary: Cu.12 9. 01 and recommend. 21 .    Ensure a pavement cross should not be less than 4. Once it is rectified you still need to attend following tasks prior to carry out the sand sealing treatment.6 (a) Preparation of a BOQ for Sand sealing Treatment How do we carry out a sand sealing treatment? Because it is a surface treatment. the pavement has to be rectified. The trainer is expected to explain in detail means of estimating quantities for above tasks we identified prior to carryout the sand sealing task. As such prior to carry out a sand sealing treatment. The Annex 2 provides a typical list of activities involved in a sand sealing treatment. Example 1: Observe the Fig. as such prior to carry out a sand sealing treatment it is required to correct the pavement for proper center and also to regulate drainage. Hence a BOQ for sand sealing of this particular road section should include the above major improvement tasks as well. it won’t correct any surface irregularities.0% Ensure a shoulder cross fall should not be less than < 5% Cleaning of all chocked culverts & deepening of existing side drains. Fig: 01: The typical situation of a metal and tared road-C class Observations Obviously the road pavement has structurally failed probably due to excessive axle loads. the course of steps to be taken prior to commence a sand sealing treatment.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities A. Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities ANNEX .2 22 . 6. depressions and cambering road surfaces using asphalt concrete compacted by vibrating roller including internal transport.1 A typical BOQ for sand sealing will comprised with the following work items. Cutting scupper drains on any soil other than rock to an average width of 0. 1 Description Cleaning desilting existing drain and lead up drains to proper shape & gradient and transport of excavated materials from road side up to 100m. Unit Lm Rate Quantity Amount 2 3 Lm 4 M.75m with proper gradient and an average depth of 100mm.8/sqm using plant. Sand sealing with emulsion CRS-2 at the rate of 0. & blinding with sand at the rate of 125 Sqm per Cum including internal transport.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities A. (1) to (9) Contingency Price Amount Total Engineer Provincial Council Negombo 23 .ton 5 Sqm A typical BOQ for Rural Road District Region Electorate Estimate : : : : Gampaha Negombo Ja-Ela Metal & faring Narangoda Road Work description This estimate includes all expenditure in respect of materials labour & equipment Prepared by: Checked by: Quantities Item Item Nos. Item No. Cleaning choked culverts (with head room >1m) if the culvert head room is <1m work shall be carried out on day works basis. Correction of corrugations. 01 Description of work Supplying & filling of 4” aggregate including transport Supplying & filling of 1 ½” aggregate including transport Supplying & filling of ¾” aggregate including transport Spreading of 4” aggregate & compaction Spreading of 1 ½” and ¾” aggregate & compaction Application of a first coat at the rate of 3l/m2 and blinding with sand Application of the 2nd coat at the rate of 1.Training Module on Estimation & Preparation of Bill of Quantities The estimate The BOQ Item No. Allow for transport of bitumen Allow for transport of road roller Unit M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M2 M2 Quantity Price Total 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Barrels Days 24 .252/m2 and blinding with sand.


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