Esquemas Electricos Asfaltadora Dynapac

June 24, 2018 | Author: Robinson Guaneme | Category: Freedom Of Expression Law, Copyright Law, Sports
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12 3 4 5 6 7 8 4812004361 A A B B C C D D E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied, communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. Copyright according DIN 34. 1 project machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie name: 4812004361 from machine no.: printed: 11.03.2015 to machine no.: saved: X 3 date Cover sheet user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no. 4 5 6 7 1 100 proved standard 8 2 1 index change 3 4 name 5 6 7 description sheet 8 completion A B C A A A B C C C D E E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB WAEM03324 WAEM03325 WAEM03350 WAEM03369 WAEM03370 WAEM03368 WAEM03432 WAEM03514 WAEM03519 WAEM03532 WAEM03539 WAEM03310 WAEM03561 WAEM03623 WAEM03664 WAEM03696 WAEM03698 WAEM03697 WAEM03581 WAEM03770 WAEM03775 WAEM03785 WAEM03791 WAEM-4101 WAEM-4117 WAEM-4129 WAEM-4213 WAEM03408 WAEM-4361 WAEM-4446 WAEM-4174 WAEM-4492 SP4/SP6/SP7 SP4 / SP6 / SP7 neu HP1/F HP1 Befestigungsmaterial Handpumpe mit Wegevenitl beigefügt HP5 ; T1 HP5 & T1 neu HP6/H HP6 Pos28+1 (EWS15L) HP16/A Fume Control Schläuche überarbeitet, Messpunkt eingebaut HP24/B Pos. 3 Pumpenhebel entfernt Pos.17 Ventil 4812029020 wird ersetzt durch 4812007901; Hydrl. Schn. 4812027596 ersetzt d. 4812007677 HP3/K-HP9/B-HP2 T1/A Pos. 3 HYD-Tank ausgetauscht HP16/B Pos. 24 D961772649 ersetzt durch D961773010 W23;W14;E44 Stecker X186 geändert E1 Batterietrennschalter (D977504025) durch (4700903640) ersetzt HP2/A Pos.21 'd966057102 Hyd-Motor added E32,E33,W19,W53 Steckerdose Lenkautomat, Not/Halt werden nur noch optional verbaut HP2/B Schneckenmotoren mit Menge 0 angegeben -> in der Mechanik mit Stückzahlangaben HP4 /H Pos. 40 entfällt HP2/C Zeichnungskorrektur Drücke Pumpen E4 Hardlock added HP14/C;HP13/E;HP15/D Neue Spezification der Hydraulikzylinder HP25; SP6 Hyd. Begr.Bleche eingefügt ; Schlauchpaket erweitert E52,W17 Hyd. Seitenschild eingefügt SP2/C;HP6/H Leckölschlauch Pos.7 Länge geändert HP6/I Schlauch Motor -Sammler geändert HP6.1 ; T1/B Schaltplan HP6 Lüfterkreislauf ersetzt =>NEU = HP6.1; T1= Verschlussbutzen eingefügt SP8/A Schlauch 4812010320 ersetzt durch 4812011159 (mit geradem Anschluß ) E50 Connection X47:178 to X31:5 added HP3/L;HP5/A Sicherheitsventil 4812006653 nicht mehr nötig,Anschlußpl. ersetzt. Stutzen 49220449 ersetzt d.961935210 HP6.1/A; T1/D Schlauchanpassung in HP6.1; Schottblech re ersetzt in T1 HP5 Arbeitshydraulik 4812007680 wird ersetzt durch 4812012390 (neuer Steuerblock) HP3;HP4 HP3&HP4 ausgetauscht, Casappa Pumpen und geänderte Ventile E4 A19 und A20 hinzugefügt HP1/G;HP2/D Neue Anordnung der Minimeßanschlüsse HP5.1/A Nivellierung - neue Schläuche mit Scheuerschutz DFPMBO DFPMBO DFPMBO DFPMBO DFPMBO DFPMBO DFPSPE DFPMBO DFPMBO A.Meyer A.Meyer DFPMBO Kruse DFPESP DFPMBO DFPMBO Kruse DFPESP DFPMBO A.Meyer DFPMBO DFPMBO DFPMBO DFPESP Kruse DFPESP DFPMBO DFPESP DFPMBO Kruse DFPESP DFPESP 13.03.2013 20.03.2013 04.04.2013 16.04.2013 16.04.2013 17.04.2013 21.06.2013 21.08.2013 22.08.2013 28.08.2013 29.08.2013 10.09.2013 12.09.2013 28.10.2013 28.11.2013 05.12.2013 11.12.2013 B 04.02.2014 19.02.2014 26.02.2014 10.03.2014 11.04.2014 13.05.2014 16.05.2014 06.06.2014 18.06.2014 12.09.2014 07.10.2014 18.11.2014 03.02.2015 12.03.2015 C D D E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied, communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. Copyright according DIN 34. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: from machine no.: printed: to machine no.: saved: 3 date history 4812004361 4812004361 /AB X document no. 4 5 6 11.03.2015 user ident number 7 2 100 proved standard 8 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 input (diesel engine) A A 2200 1/min 4812026129 output 3 2933 1/min 0 - 40 cm³ auger left -P3 =HP1/HP1.B4 -P1 drive right 22,5 cm³ =HP5.1/HP5.1.C1 -P6 work hydraulic 2933 1/min 0 - 28 cm³ output 1 B =HP2/HP2.D7 01 0 - 28 cm³ auger right 4812026140 =HP2/HP2.D3 4812038239 B 4812010022 output 5 4812026132 -P5 21 cm³ vibration =HP4.1/HP4.1.D2 C 28 cm³ tamper =HP4.1/HP4.1.B2 3278 1/min C output 2 2933 1/min E -P4 =HP6.1/HP6.1.E4 E Nebenabtrieb Dieselmotor mit Absaugung =HP16/HP16.C1 fume control 19 cm³ -P3 leveling 8cm³ =HP18/HP18.D4 8cm³ D 4812045332 Nebenabtrieb Dieselmotor ohne Absaugung -P8 leveling 21 cm³ conveyor left 21 cm³ conveyor right 4812036352 19 cm³ fan 2933 1/min =HP3.1/HP3.1.D2 0 - 40 cm³ output 4 =HP3.1/HP3.1.B2 D =HP1/HP1.E4 -P2 drive left 4812010020 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied, communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. Copyright according DIN 34. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.: printed: 11.03.2015 to machine no.: saved: X 3 date pump drive 892 ident number 4812004361 /AB document no. 4 5 6 7 =PVG user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI PVG 100 standard 8 : printed: 11. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.D4 a 28 29 4812026140 =PVG/PVG.D2 Ps G 0 .2015 user DFPESP proved DFPSFI =HP1 HP1 100 standard 12 . 8 9 10 11 date 29.D6 =T1-T1:T2 14 /E6.6 =T1/T1.D2 30 Y2B E 34-36 26 -H10 -HP1 12 4812032687 E H 4812032578 4812031180 -H12 27 30 13 -H5 4812032574 4812037711 04 -H16 11 -H4 4 4812032580 23 -H14 H This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.D6 Vg min 25 bar A6VE55EP2 23 .F6 D P =T1/T1.E6 =T1-T1:TS3 LP drive left 2 4812026518 -M2 17 G i = 120.H6 M 4812032561 4812032579 31 22 =T1-T1:TS5 LP drive right 06 D =T1/T1.2015 to machine no. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 6 project 892 Serie name: 4812004361 from machine no. Copyright according DIN 34.6 4812032581 T2 =T1/T1.A8 /E6.D6 1 05 4812032653 4812037357 03 -H15 G A 30 X1 09 T2 10 T1 /E6.6 cm³ 05 B Y4 S MA A X2 33 T2 U T1 20 -H6 G 21 19 S drive left =T1-T1:S2 =T1/T1.54.8 cm³ M1 420 bar Vg max F 07 -H2 4812031179 18 -H1 19 a 4812026522 /E6.D3 16 25 -P1 b 0 G 4812026518 /E6.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A A 15 -H9 =T1-HY4:R11 Y1B /E6.40 cm³ R 05 4812031178 Fe MB B 420 bar F 390 bar 05 8.40 cm³ Vg max R A 420 bar 420 bar Vg min B 17 -M1 M1 Y1A 30 30 21 T1 U flush drive right 19 i = 120.D7 A6VE55EP2 23 .D1 30 Y2A /E6.01.6 cm³ 25 bar T2 S MA A X2 X1 10 09 T1 C C 05 4812031181 14 S drive right =T1-T1:S6 C 30-35 bar 02 -H3 32 -H13 24 -H11 19 T T Brake =T1/T1.03.B2 Ps 05 G Fe MB B B 0 .D5 Y3 31 0 01 25 -P2 b 28 29 4812026132 =PVG/PVG.: saved: X 7 4812027595 /G 4812004361/AB drive 892-893 ident number document no.8 cm³ 05 390 bar Y5 B 05 8.B9 =T1/T1.54. 3 flush drive left =T1-HY4:R6 5 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A Rückwand backplane A B B 09 -H5 25S 4812036605 05 SR SR A 21 -M3 160 cm³ A B 05 B L -H9 06 25S 4812032691 C 08 D966057102 4812036605 SR SR C 09 -H4 -H11 04 4812032699 16 16 a 0 b auger left 4812026129 /E10.2015 to machine no.D6 S auger left =T1-T1:S3 A 21 -M4 4812032690 A B 4812036604 18 -H14 =T1/T1. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 6 project 892 Serie name: 4812004361 from machine no.2015 user DFPESP proved DFPSFI =HP2 HP2 100 standard 12 .: printed: 11.28 cm³ D 295 bar 295 bar 270 bar 270 bar 295 bar 295 bar 25 bar X1 S MA A X2 T1 T2 X1 S MA A X2 =T1/T1.D6 =T1/T1. 1 2 3 4 5 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.: saved: X 7 4812007677 /D 4812004361/AB auger 892 2013 8 9 ident number document no. Copyright according DIN 34.E11 LM auger left =T1-HY1:SL1 12L SL1 SL1 17 -H6 E 4812032560 13 12 03 03 12 T2 13 T1 E 25 bar F 25S SL SL -H12 15 B L 08 =T1/T1.D7 Y17B 03 /E10.F6 4812032694 160 cm³ D966057102 -H10 10 =T1/T1.03.D7 /E10.F6 LP auger left =T1-T1:TS4 05 07 -H2 F G SL SL 4812036604 05 16 18 -H13 25S S auger right =T1-T1:S7 LP auger right =T1-T1:TS6 14 -H1 4812032650 19 -H15 4812032654 4812036678 20 -H16 4812032598 16 G H H This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.D8 a 0 =PVG/PVG.B7 Ps 4812026129 G Fe MB B LM auger right =T1-HY2:SR1 12L SR1 SR1 4812032560 -H3 17 auger right b =PVG/PVG.B7 Ps R =T1/T1.E11 03 /E10. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.D6 Y17A 01 -P3 03 Y16B 03 Y16A 50-53 01 -P3 R G Fe MB B 0 . 10 11 date 04.28 cm³ D 0 .02. 10.D7 4812010020 4812032571 =T1/T1.5 12 -H12 /E10. 4 5 6 7 date 08. conveyor 892-893 =HP9 17 18 -V8 B -P4 01 50-53 =PVG/PVG.F6 -H6 17 A 3 VT conveyor left =T1-T1:TS2 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.E6 09 A 4812032589 08 4812010000 =T1-T1:TS7 =T1-HY1:SL7 -V1 02 54 t conveyor left 4812032555 10 21 cm³ 06 S -P4 01 =PVG/PVG.D5 /E10.2015 to machine no.03.D10 09 L conveyor right =T1-HY2:SR8 4812032555 19 -H10 C VT conveyor right working direction =T1-T1:TS1 B 07 D -M2 03 B A T P T P T A 4812010974 -V5 55 04 10 4812037716 0. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.E6 E 4812007901 P C D a 10 10 20 option rev.F9 -H7 17 A A 08 0.C6 -H2 13 19 -H11 L conveyor left 820 cm³ =T1/T1.2 1 4 5 7 8 A 4812010000 Y13 /E10. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.D4 Y12 P P =T1/T1.: printed: 11.D5 Y14 t conveyor right 4812032569 03 -M1 =T1-T1:TS8 -H116 4812026521 L MP T 18 -H4 4812032590 =T1/T1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. Copyright according DIN 34.1 HP3. conveyor 892-893 11 E 14 -H5 4812032591 T MP L 4812026521 /E10.2014 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI =HP3.5 210 bar =T1/T1.1 100 standard 8 .D6 Y15 210 bar 4812007901 a -V9 17 18 =HP9 option rev.D7 4812010020 S 06 -V2 02 54 S conveyor right B =T1/T1.F6 6 =T1-T1:S8 4812032571 =T1/T1.C6 4812010925 T B 07 B 05 55 -V3 820 cm³ A P P 21 cm³ 15 -H8 =T1-T1:S4 S conveyor left 20 T P T 4812032592 11 =T1/T1.: saved: X 3 4812012681 4812004361 /AB conveyor 892-893 ident number document no. D2 Y26 23 cm³ 17 29 -H3 A P P 16 4812032686 210 bar 0.D3 Y27 -P5 01 P P 26 -H4 210 bar 0.E11 -H2 32 =T1/T1.1 100 standard 8 .03.C8 4812010022 S D 04 4812032570 =T1/T1.1 HP4.: saved: X 3 28L SL SL 15L L tamper left =T1-T1:T3 This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.F11 08 43 -H8 4812046330 F 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.D11 SR ST_T 28L ZR_A ZR_B 06 4812032404 24 -H6 DP_A =T1/T1.5 21 cm³ 4812032685 8 cm³ D SL SL 25S 05 23cm³ 8 cm³ T MP 07 23 cm³ 17 16 A =PVG/PVG.G6 =T1-T1:S10 S tamper B B LT_r 05 23 cm³ 8 cm³ T MP 07 SR SR 25S LV ST_P T tamper =T1-HY2:SR2 =T1/T1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.5 28 cm³ S =PVG/PVG.D11 SR4 28L 8 cm³ /E13. SL4 Rückwand backplane =T1/T1.H6 =T1-T1:T4 4812010000 -P5 01 50-53 A L screed right =T1-HY2:SR4 =T1/T1. Copyright according DIN 34. 4 5 6 7 date 08.2 1 3 4 5 -H7 42 6 7 8 SR SR 4812046331 15L L tamper right =T1/T1.C7 4812010022 4812032564 03 -H1 23 A -V1 02 54 =T1/T1.2014 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI =HP4.F6 T vibration =T1-HY1:SL2 06 E E 4812032404 24 -H5 =T1/T1.B9 VT vibration =T1-HY4:R3 =T1/T1.2015 to machine no.10.H6 L screed left =T1-HY1:SL4 F tamper / vibration 892 4812012687 4812004361 /AB ident number document no.B9 C VT tamper =T1-HY4:R2 DP_B C ZL_B ZL_A =T1-T1:S5 S vibration V_T 28L V_P LV -V2 02 54 4812010000 SL2 LT_l /E13.: printed: 11. 2mm 60 1. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.5mm LS MLS 120bar 12 12 MLS 210bar 19 210bar E 68 E 50 52 -H12 4812032488 4812032489 50 50 44 -H10 4812032491 21 -H9 4812032490 67 -H102 B F 4812032716 67 -H101 4812032716 66 -H106 4812032753 66 -H104 4812032753 A B 27 -H11 A 50 B 60 A 60 50 60 4812033094 42 -H8 -Pipe4 11 14 -H7 200-206 4812033094 B 60 A 4812032493 50 4812032492 1.1 Y23.0mm 8bar 8bar 19 T 8bar P Y22 /E11.2 4812032517 Y22 4812032522 Y21 41 -H2 Y20A Y20B 4812032512 13 38 -H5 50 B 50 A 50 50 B 4812033094 Y23.0mm 230bar Y10B /E9.D7 0 b T a P 1.D8 P MP 4812032587 Y24A /E12.E5 12 51 screed left retract/extend R 4812009368 53 -Pipe5 4812033237 B 2.B1 4812038239 09 09 37 B 4812041518 32 -H20 =T1/T1.40bar 50 P T T 0.0mm 4.: printed: 11.2015 user DFPESP proved DFPSFI standard =HP5.D1 b B Y18B /E11.D5 b P 1.D6 A L 8 cm³ 23 cm³ 23 cm³ 8 cm³ ST_P ST_R ZR_A ZR_B DP_B DP_A ZL_B V_R ZL_A 23 cm³ L 4812006199 46 8 cm³ 46 -H108 20 23cm³ 40 46 40 46 G 8 cm³ 4812027542 -Z8 05 4812032714 33 -H109 61 4812027542 -Z7 05 33 -H100 61 59 4812032714 59 59 V_P -H26 30 4812032582 Rückwand backplane -Z2 06 4812029449 -H25 34 4812032583 -H23 30 4812032582 4812029449 -Z1 06 4812026428 -Z5 08 4812032558 -H33 64 4812007582 -H35 58 59 -H34 58 -H32 64 4812032558 08 -Z6 G 4812026428 4812007582 START -H24 34 4812032583 STOP 4812006199 -H107 20 H H 1 2 3 4 5 6 This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.D6 Y21 /E11.D5 210bar 0 .: saved: X work hydraulic 2013 892-893 4812012390 /A 4812004361/AB ident number document no.D6 68 199 T -H27 17 a 35 35 A Y25A /E12.5mm 8bar 8bar P T P T 0.E3 P A Y18A /E11. date 11.5mm 12 LS MLS 65 16 12 19 B B 4812032598 60 39 -H16 4812014419 C 4812032576 -H15 47 -H37 62 4812006664 4812032620 -H13 15 -Z4 07 -Z3 07 39 -H17 4812014419 60 45 -H18 4812014418 4812014418 Bohlenhub screed lift 25 A T work =T1-HY1:SL5 04 22.1 100 .5mm 120bar 57 04 4812044338 36 4812006980 63 -H38 36 B Y25B /E12.G6 S work 4812032635 4812032572 49 -H30 S leveling =T1-T1:T5 =T1/T1.D4 D 01 -V1 Y20B /E11.1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 leveling left 11 12 leveling right A A 02 -V2 B Y24B /E12.03.2 /E11.E9 29 -H21 4812032597 28 45 -H19 =T1/T1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.5 cm³ P 31 -H36 -P6 03 37 S 4812044338 =PVG/PVG.2mm B A -Pipe3 11 4812033094 18 -H6 4812032513 -Pipe2 11 -Pipe1 11 4812032520 43 -H4 22 -H3 26 -H1 F 48 4812032519 23 200-206 Y23.0mm 8bar 8bar Y33B /E42.D2 B Y19B /E11.D3 0 a 56 P Y9A /E9.03.2mm 1.D4 0 a T B b T 8bar T P MP 1.2mm =HP16/HP18 -H22 10 24 A Y20A /E11.D3 b P 2.G6 C -H31 54 4812032574 28 =T1-T1:T8 S A 60 B P 8 cm³ 1.0mm 2.5mm 8bar M A Y19A /E11.E2 B 0 a T P A Y33A /E42.D6 0 b 4812041949 A 1.2015 to machine no.D5 0-40bar A 68 Y10A /E9.E4 B 0 a Y23.D1 0 a T b P T 4.D2 0 a T 3. hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.1 HP5.0mm 8bar B A Y34A /E42.5mm 8bar Y34B /E42.D3 0 a P R b hopper right L R L hopper left L screed right retract/extend hight adjustable auger left hight adjustable auger right R L D T 55 b A Y9B /E9. Copyright according DIN 34.1 /E11. 03. Copyright according DIN 34.1 01 -P4 4812004247 -H2 04 05 -H1 01 24 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.E9 =T1/T1.2015 to machine no.G6 09 08 1 4812044338 =T1-T1:S9 S fan Y8 /E8.1 100 standard 8 .D4 -V2 07 06 D 4812009153 1 2 10 11 4812010019 12 -V1 2 13 -H5 20 C 4812011364 23 cm³ 4812010473 15 4812011363 16 21-23 -M1 A -H3 14 D 4812032651 4812010020 =PVG/PVG.06.2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 A cooler in cooler out A B B 18 -H4 17 4812010779 19 B C T fan =T1-HY2:SR5 =T1/T1.2014 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI =HP6. 4 5 6 7 date 18.: saved: X 3 4812007681/A 4812004361 /AB fan 890-893 2013 ident number document no.: printed: 11. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.D8 E 02 19 cm³ 03 P E S =HP3. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.1 HP6. 1-H2 =HP3.B4 R4 T1 R3 T2 14 13 R2 A4 A5 B L -H2 05 R10 28L 18L R3 R9 28L 18L R4 R8 18L 18L R5 R7 18L VT tamper =HP4.1.G1 LP auger left =HP2-H16 18L =HP1/HP1.1.1/HP4.D4 =HP1-H5 S drive right S6 =HP2/HP2.1/HP4.1-H5 28L =HP3.1-H4 16 SR2 22L T fan =HP6.A3 TS7 TS8 TS5 =HP4.1.1.1/HP4.1-H5 15 28L SR6 TS2 D =HP4.06. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany SL4 35L S10 SL7 12L 35L S9 =HP5.C4 C 15L TS6 TS5 =HP3.F4 TS9 =HP3.1/HP3.1-H6 S conveyor right S8 8L =HP6.E5 =HP16/HP16.1/HP3.C5 16 28L S3 P T7 SL3 SL7 =HP3.C5 C t conveyor left =HP3.A5 SR3 SR7 -H4 09 L screed right 15L 10L L conveyor right =HP3.1-H20 S work 35L S8 SL3 18L S7 SL2 SL6 18L S6 12L 18L S5 SL5 12L 18L S4 8L T8 S3 8L T7 S2 8L T6 TS1 S1 F 25S T5 TS2 TS3 25S 25S T4 G =HP5.1-H1 12L 8L 8L 8L 8L 25S 25S 25S T5 28L 28L TS7 TS8 18L =HP1/HP1.1.1 2 links /left 3 4 bulkhead plates A 6 10 11 12 A R10 L tamper right L tamper left auger T not used hyd end plate P not used auger P tamper P auger T not use crownadjustment A 9 R11 L screed right L auger L auger 8 tamper T closed L screed left 7 rechts / right closed vibration T 5 crownadjustment B vibration P augerlift B auger P screedlift A screed A screed A screedlift B screed B screed B augerlift A augerlift A R6 SR2 R7 R5 augerlift B 4812029657 screedlift A 18L flush drive right =HP1-H9 =HP1/HP1.E10 T vibration 28L 42L L conveyor left SL1 SL2 28L SL6 4812032608 LM auger left 10L =HP2-H1 S auger left =HP2/HP2.1.1-HY17 =HP4.D8 =HP3.1-H30 Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.1.D1 =HP3.1-H36.1-HY16 SR5 SR7 SR1 SR4 =HP4.03.A4 R8 14 13 R9 screedlift B Partikel flow filter =HP12-H3 =HP12/HP12.1.2015 to machine no. =HP13-HY11 =HP1-H6 S drive left S2 =HP3.1.1-H7 4812225757 11-12 L tamper left =HP4.C5 14 TS4 13 TS3 SR4 SR8 28L 18L 42L 4812032575 =HP6.F3 E 01 4812029245 H project 892 Serie name: 4812004361 from machine no.1. oil cooler A3 T3 T4 R1 14 13 28L 18L SR6 Rückwand backplane B 14 13 SR8 10 R11 SR3 -H1 04 4812034272 12L A2 4812032594 =HP3.1.D6 =HP16/HP16.D5 H This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.1.1/HP3.1/HP5.1/HP4.1/HP3.1/HP4.1-H2 S vibration S5 =HP1/HP1. =HP16-HY13 =HP2/HP2.1/HP6.1/HP3.1/HP4.1-H10 =HP2/HP2.1-H1 S tamper S10 A1 A2 A3 A4 =HP16/HP16.H8 R1 42L 4812032595 06 A R2 R6 06 hydr.1/HP3.1/HP3.1.A1 =HP4.D2 LP drive right =HP1-H16 18L =HP2/HP2.D10 SR1 07 14 13 18L C 25S 40 °C D =HP2/HP2.F6 =HP2-H2 S auger right S7 =HP3. 1 2 3 4 5 S fume-control =HP16-H1 17 18 17 G 03 L tamper right =HP4.C3 VT vibration =HP4.1-H11.1/HP4.H2 LP drive left =HP1-H15 18L VT conveyor left =HP3.1.1.1/HP6.1-HY24 T Brake =HP1-HY25 14 13 T_fume control =HP16-HY21 hydraulic machine type: 6 SL1 35L 18 S leveling =HP5.1/HP4.B5 LM auger right 10L SR5 4812011367 VT conveyor right =HP3.1-H7 S conveyor left S4 =HP4.1.C8 =HP13/HP13.C1 =HP4.1/HP4.D4 =HP6.H5 =HP5.1/HP3.1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. Copyright according DIN 34.1/HP4.C1 =HP4.1.: printed: 11.D5 12L C 12L -H3 08 t conveyor right =HP3.E3 16 15 13 14 B flush drive left =HP1-H14 =HP1/HP1.E5 15L A5 10x 35L T3 TS4 L screed left SL4 10L 25S T2 T8 15 25S T1 F =HP4. 10 11 date 18.F5 LP auger right =HP2-H15 TS9 T6 E 18 17 S1 =HP1/HP1.1-H1 S fan S9 12L =HP4.1.2014 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI =T1 T1 100 standard 12 .A1 =HP5.1.C7 28L TS1 T tamper =HP4.1.A1 =HP3.C1 =HP4.1/HP5.1.F3 TS6 =HP1/HP1.1/HP5.1.: saved: X 7 4812007746 /C 4812004361/AB hydraulic tank / manifold 2013 892 8 9 ident number document no.A5 -H5 02 SL5 T work =HP5. : date: X 3 saved layout ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A B21 B B B10 Y8 Y15 B11 A8 A2 W23 W15 W11 W13 W14 X46 -X1 +KK B5 B7 H10 C X79 X80 W17 W16 G1 M1 W12 W19 W24 Y37 W22 C X138 X7 Y29 K0 A8 B D Y38 B A B Y31 Y32 A A Y18 A A Y19 B B B B Y28 A A Y33 B B Y30 Y34 A A Y13 B B Y25 A Y12 Y11 A B B Y16 Y27 B Y14 Y24 A Y36 Y16 A Y2 Y35 A A Y20 A Y23. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.1 Y21 Y22 X295 X297 B Y3 Y26 Y9 B B A Y17 A A Y17 Y2 Y10 Y1 Y1 B B B A D Y23. Copyright according DIN +OP . 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.engine +04 .harness E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.options +W .: printed: 11. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E0.terminal box +LE .steering unit +03 .2 B20 E +BP .1 100 standard 8 .03.2015 to machine no.control panel +KK . 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E0.2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A Y5 B4 E8 B B H12 H14 X142 E2 W27 B26 M3 M2 E6 W22 W23 W15 C X176 A11 Y15 W11 W13 W14 A12 E4 W25 B18 B17 A9 C R2 W17 W16 W22 B2 B1 G1 M1 W12 W19 W24 -X1 +KK E5 A3 A4 D D M6 H15 E1 W27 W25 E3 H13 X141 X180 H11 E7 B3 Y4 E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.03. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.: printed: 11.2015 to machine no. Copyright according DIN 34. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.: date: X 3 saved layout 2 ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.2 100 standard 8 . 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A R A1 B B R CAN2 R C C CAN3 CAN1 R R R R D D R CAN4 E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.: printed: 11.2015 to machine no.3 100 standard 8 .03. Copyright according DIN 34.: date: X 3 saved CAN topology ident number 4812004361 /AB document no. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E0. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. A1 /E2.00 mm² RD - -W6 -W11.00 mm² BK4 +W12-X33:21 30 +KK +O3 + +O3 6/21 -W11 1.1 25.03.X29 -X221 3 -Q1 2 /E16.00 mm² BK1 +W1 1 +KK +W3 -X182 15 Tier 4 Final SLO 16.4 +BP 30 0 I +BP 83 87 -A6.A4 86 -K4 2 /E1.C4 2/2 1 +KK -K6 85 /E4.00 mm² RD 30 A +KK -A6.X33 15 C 50 2 +W12 -X29 -X33 /E1.E3 -F1.00 mm² RD 6.00 mm² RD 7/21 -W2.1 +W11 -X29 -W4 C 18/21 +KK -W3 -X46 2 1 -F4 +W62 3A 2 +KK 15 -F29 1.A1 1 4/21 +KK F4 +BP-S4: 1 -S1 -S2 87a 01 -W11.C5 85 +W12 +KK -A6.2 +W1 -X42 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 +KK -A6. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E1 100 standard 8 .B2 25.00 mm² BK3 YE ( -W62) -W12 1.00 mm² - D 6.E6 87 /E1.1 +W1 +O31/1 1 SLO /E2.: printed: 11. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.00 mm² 50. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.C7 W /E1.00 mm² RD + +O3 -G3 5A -X47.X43 -W10 25.A1 /E3.1 25.00 mm² BK25 50A A -A2.X44 -W1.1 /E15.: date: X 3 saved engine ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.00 mm² BK2 2 -F24 1.X29 B +KK -A6.C1 +W9 +W10 1/1 31 +W12-X184 -X250 /E50.E7 -X32 -W11. Copyright according DIN 34.00 mm² BK -K10 2/4 B+ 50 B+ +W4 -M1 1 +O3 M 24V -X185 -X29 +W12 D+ +W11 19/21 G -G1 1/2 28V +O3 U +W12 1 ( +W62) +KK -K0 GND B- 4 5 +KK -A6.X29 3 D +KK -W7 +O3 50.X34 -A6.C2 86 +KK -K1 2 /E1.E5 +W11 -W11.2015 to machine no.4 -K0 -G2 +W11 1.E1 -W9 -X43 -W8.00 mm² BK -W2 25.00 mm² BK E 50.00 mm² RD -X50 -W1.00 mm² BK /E18.00 mm² BN 1/1 31 +W12-X33:6 31 /E2.X31 +KK 6/21 B -A6.2.2 -A6.00 mm² BN -W8 50.4 2 -X34 ( +W62) +W12 +W11 D+ 50.F8 1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.4 1.X32 +KK -X31 30 +KK -K1 -K4 /E1.2 1 +KK SLO 2 1 +KK-R13:2 50A -F1.2 -A15 +KK /E20.A1 -X252 -X246 +W8 E /E3.00 mm² BK -X221 1/1 +W10 0-I F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.X42 10A -X44 +W1 -A6.00 mm² RD YE -W5 ( -W62) -W12 3/6 1. A4 /E6.E3 GND 191 190 189 194 193 /E5.X3:1 CAN3_H +KK -K3 1 +KK-A6.A7 /E10.B2 /E37.E5 /E7.B7 /E11.B2 164 1.X1:1 CAN3_H 30 -K2 87 5/9 +KK-A6.E6 /E5.75 mm² -W20.00 mm² BN 1.X40:8 +KK-A6.X6:2 CAN4_L B 2 -A6.A2 /E13.00 mm² BN GND 109 /E46.A7 /E12.E6 /E46.75 mm² -W20. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.A4 /E10.B2 /E48.A8 /E1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.A6 /E10.A7 251 128 103 127 102 /E19.E4 /E7.A8 132 213 208 115 243 241 242 114 256 231 166 121 /E5.B4 /E17.1 1 +KK +KK D 0.2 +KK -X200 +W20 221 -X47 +W20 236 134 163 162 CAN2 H CAN2 L 209 147 223 148 /E12.X1:4 CAN1_H 25A 1 +KK -F32 /E4.B2 /E9.00 mm² BN YE 1.X1:2 CAN3_L +KK +KK +KK-A6.B3 /E9.B3 178 219 /E50.4 WH 0.B4 /E38.A4 /E46.B6 /E31.A7 /E10.3 WH 0.00 mm² BN 1.E2 175 152 176 /E13.00 mm² RD -W20 1.E1 108 133 VBB VBB VBB 119 VBB INH GND GND 141 /E5.00 mm² RD -W20 1.A3 /E12.E4 217 226 116 117 118 188 GND 192 139 1.1 1 -X200 -R7 -R6 201 203 204 205 206 245 258 VBB +KK -A1 112 VBB 113 /E5.B5 /E9.B3 1 +KK -F22 VBBs 1 +KK -F21 /E3.1 WH 1.A6 /E6.75 mm² -W20.E4 /E10.E1 232 107 106 105 /E11.X40 13/21 +KK +W20 -X39 2A 87 7/9 1/9 2/9 A +KK +W20 -X40 /E17.X2 8/10 4/10 +KK +W20 -X2 -A6.75 mm² -W20.B5 J1939- J1939- J1939+ /E3.A6 257 2 10.E2 /E5.00 mm² BN 1.00 mm² RD 120Ω +KK BN 10.A5 /E11.00 mm² BN YE VBBs 111 120 -X200 244 187 GND GND 196 172 2 9.A1 /E3.E1 /E12.E7 /E33.E3 218 157 234 252 225 238 212 222 210 136 /E18. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E2 100 standard 8 .A6 142 235 247 168 /E5.E7 /E9.B2 138 D WH -X47 /E11.00 mm² BN 1.E7 /E5.X1:5 CAN1_L VBB 25A 2 +KK -A6.00 mm² 1.B2 /E31.E4 /E12.X3 2/10 +KK +W20 -X2 4/6 5/6 -X3 +KK -X200 0.E2 /E7.X2 3/9 +KK-A6.D6 4/21 7/21 87a /E16. Copyright according DIN 34.E1 /E10.E5 /E12.B2 /E37.A8 149 173 150 174 130 /E12.X4:1 30 A1/9 +KK-A6.X11 +KK-A6.E3 248 237 239 CAN4 H CAN4 L 137 126 101 125 129 /E32.A5 /E10.75 mm² BN 0.00 mm² RD 1.A3 131 156 155 145 146 /E6.F3 /E6.00 mm² RD -X47 1.E5 /E5.B7 /E35.B2 /E11.B6 /E9.A8 /E1.X39 1/21 +KK +W20 87 /E16.00 mm² YE 1.A3 /E6.2 WH GND 249 120Ω -X47 240 228 202 207 220 233 246 122 123 124 110 /E5.A1 /E38.D6 10/21 -A6.B1 A 3 7/10 -A6.A6 diagnostics 179 180 181 182 153 177 154 /E10.A4 /E11.A2 /E6.A2 229 171 227 183 184 185 186 /E10.A6 /E12.A8 /E19.B5 /E5.B3 /E4.00 mm² BN 1.E4 /E12.A6 170 161 160 CAN3 H CAN3 L /E34.A2 /E11.75 mm² BN 0.75 mm² BN 0.B1 /E1.X3:2 CAN3_L -K5 +KK-A6.2 1 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 -A6.00 mm² RD +W20 1.A7 /E11.X4:2 30 +KK /E16.00 mm² RD C 165 230 151 140 /E12.B4 /E3.E2 167 169 /E5.E1 E 104 /E8.X6:1 CAN4_H -F38 +KK-A6.: printed: 11.E5 135 +W20 253 254 CAN1 H CAN1 L 250 -X47 +W20 215 216 195 211 144 224 143 214 159 158 /E7.B2 /E36.X39:16 B A2/9 2 /E4.A5 /E6.E8 E VBB 1.00 mm² BN 1.A5 /E10.03.2 BN +KK 9.B4 RCe CAN F CAN F CAN This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.A5 /E11.D5 3/9 +KK-A6.75 mm² BN WH 0.X2 5/10 +KK +W20 -X2 1/10 -A6.B4 /E38.00 mm² RD C 1.00 mm² 1.00 mm² BN 1.B2 /E4. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.A1 /E3.A3 /E11.F8 /E38.: date: X 3 saved main control unit A1 ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.A2 /E10.B4 /E9.E2 /E5.B3 20A 2 +KK-A6.00 mm² RD 1.00 mm² BN 1.B4 J1939+ +KK-A6.A1 /E11.2015 to machine no.E3 /E7. 00 mm² 1.00 mm² 1. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E3 100 standard 8 .50 mm² BN /E8.50 mm² BN /E1.D7 1 +KK -R8 1 -R13 330 Ω 330 Ω 2 2 -X31 B +W11 15/21 +KK +KK +W12 6/21 3/21 1/21 2A 2/21 -A6.00 mm² 2 1 -A6.50 mm² BN +W12 BN 31-W12 -X184 +W12-X184 1 +W12 D -R3 1.00 mm² 0.A1 /E4.X33 A YE 2 J1939- 30A J1939+ -F26 +KK Not 1 /E2.00 mm² 1.X33 +KK 3.E6 -W12 1.9K -X5 13/21 -B12 7/21 14/21 +W12 -X33 2 YE +W12-X221:2 1.00 mm² BN 1 -R21 +W12 -X33 -W12 C B 14/21 1 -F37 -A6.A1 YE /E2.75 mm² 1.00 mm² 1.Schield 27 VR2+ 36 22 9 23 2 4 16 18 34 25 41 43 44 +W12 45 50 39 21 35 32 28 40 42 VR2- -A2 J3 OEM J2 OEM +5V GND Sig E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.03.: date: X 3 engine control A2 Tier 3 saved ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.B6 +KK -W20 /E4.A1 /E4.50 mm² RD 1.75 mm² BN WH 0.50 mm² RD 1.5K D -W12 YE YE YE YE YE YE YE YE YE 1.5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 /E16.00 mm² 1.1 47 37 J1939+ J1939.X5 +KK 2 +W12 1/4 2/4 3/4 +O3 -A6.: printed: 11.2015 to machine no.00 mm² 1.X41 B/9 A/9 C/9 D/9 SH +W12 1 1 2 3 C +W12 -R22 -X183 1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.A8 /E2. Copyright according DIN 34.A8 /E2.B6 /E2. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.00 mm² 1.E5 31 2 SH 2 WH -X46 -X45 1 +O3 -X46 +W12 +W12 GND 2 GND 3 4 BATT+ BATT+ 46 +O3 -A2.A8 4 YE A 3 1.00 mm² 1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. 2015 to machine no.: date: X 3 engine control A2 Tier4 Interim saved ident number 4812004361 /AB document no. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E3. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.03.: printed: 11.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A B B C C D D E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.1 100 standard 8 . Copyright according DIN 34. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. 75 mm² BN 0. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.00 mm² -W62 1. 4 5 6 7 E3.50 mm² RD 1.00 mm² YE 0. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.50 mm² RD 31 +W62 -X184 -W62.X41 -A7.00 mm² BN 1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.50 mm² RD 1.75 mm² 2A 0.A6 8 7 11 13 22 23 12 5 94 24 54 79 84 85 53 77 57 82 62 14 15 13 30 7 16 81 6 42 41 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.00 mm² -W62 +W62 -W62 -X270 YE 1.6 2 +W62 1.50 mm² BN -W62 WH 1.00 mm² BN WH D YE -X184.X31 VBB GND 1.X33 33/6 -X34 1.X33 +KK 3 -A7.X33 +KK 1 +KK A C 0.X5 +KK 2 -A7.A6 Lamp CC24 24-Pin DFP_P /E1.1 C -A7.50 mm² RD 1.00 mm² +W62 +W62 -W62 +KK +W62 YE D 14 +W62 1.50 mm² RD -X46 -X46 73 GND 49 GND 50 GND 51 GND +W62 52 GND -X46 -X46 +W62 1 25 Batt+ Batt+ 26 Batt+ 27 Batt+ 28 Batt+ -X46 +W62 22 46 J1939+ J1939- GND 1.50 mm² RD 1.4 +W62 1.75 mm² -X33 BN -X184.50 mm² BN 1.00 mm² BN 1.7 2 -X184.50 mm² RD 1.X33 +KK +W62 6 -A7.03.2 1 A 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 A SLO 1 +KK -F26 30A Not J1939- J1939+ 2 +O3 -B10 -R13 -F37 330 Ω 2 1 -A7.50 mm² BN -W62 +O3 -W62.00 mm² BN 1.X34 SH E -X183 -X5 C 31 B 3 +W62 3/4 -X31 +W11 7 +W62 -X33 2/4 WH 1/4 2 GN 2 0. Copyright according DIN 34.2 B D -A7.00 mm² BN 1.00 mm² -W62 YE 1.75 mm² BN B 1 +KK 1 +KK -X46 +W62 5 48 71 72 96 23 95 2 38 39 40 3 9 10 33 83 75 76 8 +W62 35 32 E Keyswitch -A15 J2 CM2350A /E1.X33 -A7.X33 1 2 3/4 +KK 14 +W62 -X33 +KK +W62 31 -A7.: printed: 11.2015 to machine no.2 100 proved standard 8 .2 +KK 14 -A7.75 mm² -W62.: date: X 3 engine control A2 Tier4 Final saved user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.5 1 +W62 -X270 -R3 +T4 +W62 -K32 1 -X184. D5 4 3 6 5 1/1 +W11 2/12 1/12 +BP /E4.D5 +W11-X51:4 24V /E1.X32 +KK 1 1.75 mm² 0.B5 CAN1_H /E2.GSM.A1 A 3 +KK -K6 4 5 /E2.A8 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 /E5.B2 +W11-X52:6 CAN1_H GN 0.75 mm² BU 0.75 mm² BN 0.B2 +W11-X52:5 CAN1_L YE 0.E7 +BP 5 4 9 8 Input Input Video1 Video2 CAN2-L CAN2-H CAN1-L CAN1-H 10 11 6 GND Video VBB Video 15 12 30 7 58 1 31 +BP -A3 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.75 mm² BU GN 0.00 mm² BK6 CAN1_L -A6.00 mm² RD YE 0.C8 CAN1_L +W11-X400:6 /E4.75 mm² BU -W11.D6 +W11-X51:11 SH B CAN1_H +W11-X400:5 /E4.B7 /E4.X52 CAN_1H CAN1_L CAN2_H CAN2_L keyboard Display 120Ω -X52 +W11 GY -A18 3/4 3 +BP 0.2015 to machine no.75 mm² /E18.C8 /E4.A1 /E5.00 mm² BK7 2/6 B SH +W63-X319:3 1/6 1 +KK /E4.00 mm² D +BP +BP 5/12 6/12 2/12 15 4 15 10 58 1 31 2 31 11 31 12 31 +W11 +OP24 -A19 2/8 4/8 2 31 1/8 3/8 1 30 5/8 6/8 7/8 5 6 7 3 D+ GPS .75 mm² GY 0.03.4 -A6.B1 -A6.CAN Modul -X63 +BP 2 6 /E4.75 mm² D 0.1 C WH -X1 -A6. Copyright according DIN 34.A1 /E5.2 -X400 X51 120Ω -A4.A8 /E3.A1 /E4.X54 E -X51 +W11 -A4.A1 -X54 -W11.X29 1.75 mm² /E4.D2 -X63 3 5 30 -A4.75 mm² 30 3 2 +OP25 -A20 4 31 15 1 30 CAN_H CAN_L C_GND E GPS .GSM Modul 1/12 7/12 12/12 +BP +BP +BP -X54 -X54 -X54 0.B7 CAN3_L CAN3_H /E2.: printed: 11. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.75 mm² +OP18 4/4 4 -X52 -X8 +W11 VT +W63 C RD -X52 -X319 1/21 +KK 24V +W63-X319:4 -W63 0.00 mm² BK 5/6 /E4.75 mm² BU -W11.75 mm² BU -W63 0.X1 +KK -F17 1.X32 +KK YE +W11 -A6.75 mm² 0.00 mm² +KK 6/6 1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.B1 4/6 2 1.X31 18/21 +KK 1.: date: X 3 saved operating station ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.2 1 A /E3. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.00 mm² BK5 /E2.75 mm² RD -W63 0.B5 1 +KK -F27 -F18 5A 2 2A 2 10A 12/21 5/21 +W11 +W11 +W11 +W11 -X32 -X29 -X32 -X31 VBB 2/4 GND 2 1/4 1 CAN_H CAN_L X52 -A4. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E4 100 standard 8 .A8 /E3.00 mm² BK8 GN 0.B2 D+ +W11-X51:9 YE 1.75 mm² SH 1. 2 2 5.X57 -A4.75 mm² 5V Sen +KK-A6.5V Red /E2.75 mm² 0.X58 680 Ω /E14.75 mm² RDBU BN YE GN BN 0.A1 /E6.1 3/12 4/12 5/12 6/12 -A4.E2 GND /E2.A1 /E10. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E5 100 standard 8 .7 -A6.75 mm² BN 0.1 1 -R9 0.E3 0.F5 2 A +W15-X78.75 mm² A 3 -X18 +W16 15/15 6/15 +W15 3/15 +KK 2/15 +KK 12/15 5/15 -A6.F2 0.A1 /E6.1 1 0.75 mm² 2/21 GN 6/21 +KK 0.1 1 -R12 270Ω 2 4.75 mm² -W20. Copyright according DIN 34.2 0.75 mm² 0.X30 -A6.3 BN WH 5V Sen +KK-A6.F1 /E2.2 5.75 mm² VT 270Ω +KK 110 111 109 108 E SH -X47 +W20 219 146 -A1 /E2.X35 4/12 +W20 -X38 -X12 0. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.X55 2/12 1 +W15 -X60 +BP 1/12 VBB S2 S1 2 1 -W15.X32 -A6.: printed: 11.5V STOP 0.1 1 0.E5 2 2/6 +W16-X114.75 mm² 3 3/6 /E14.E2 /E2.X53 /E7.: date: X 3 input drive system A1 saved ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.75 mm² BN 18/21 -X30 +W11 WH -X30 +W11 SH 10/21 +W20 +KK -X37 -X200 +KK 2.75 mm² 1/21 +W11 0.X12 16/21 +KK 13/21 -A6.X30 -A6.75 mm² BU 0.2015 to machine no.5-4.X13:14 3/6 -X53 0.75 mm² BU 0.X18 -A6.X53 7/12 1 +W16 -X55 -A4.2 1 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 2 -X57 -X58 +BP +BP 1/6 +BP 1/6 +BP 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6 +BP 8/12 9/12 10/12 11/12 +W11 -X53 3 2 4/6 5/6 +BP 6/6 3/3 2/3 4 3 4 1/3 -W16.F7 5V /E2.75 mm² 166 -R10 4.75 mm² 139 -X200 +KK 0.X16:8 +BP +W11 12/12 WH C 2/6 -A4.5A GN VI +O3 -B3 0.75 mm² BN 4 4/6 0.E1 I-IN V F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.75 mm² BK GN E 0.75 mm² BN BU 1 RD RD 3 2 /E6.X17 SH -X32 4/21 5/21 5/21 7/21 +KK +KK -A6.75 mm² RD 141 231 164 138 2 2.75 mm² YE +BP +O3 0.X37 +KK +W20 +KK 16/21 3/21 4/21 2/21 1/21 6/21 5/21 9/21 -A6.75 mm² 5 5/6 0.75 mm² PK GY 0.A8 4 0.A8 /E4.E2 /E2.5V /E2.75 mm² BK 7.5 WH +KK 3.75 mm² BN -W11.5-4.75 mm² GYPK YE 0.1 B -X52 WH SH 31-W16 RD 31-W15 C -X17 0.75 mm² RD 0.5-4.E2 /E2.75 mm² B 1 -R1 -R160 GN 6 1 +BP 6/6 0.75 mm² 0. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.75 mm² PK 0.5V /E2.5V -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 /E2.E2 0.1 31-W15 -X181 GND -R159 680 Ω YE +BP +BP 0.X38 +KK +W20 -X35 19/21 +W20 -X38 YE 3/21 D 0.D1 -A4.1 31-W16 1 1/6 YE GN -B4 2 0.A1 1 -F10 VBB -B2 WH -B1 GN +LE WH +KK +BP WH /E4. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.X52 +BP 10/12 11/12 12/12 1/1 +BP +W11 -X9 +W11 -X52 S2 S1 GND 2 1 3 2 4 3 4 -X61 -A4.A8 /E4.75 mm² D -A6.75 mm² RDBU GY 0.5-4.E7 /E2.X38 12/21 +KK -W20.03.75 mm² 0.5-4.2 270Ω +KK -R11 270Ω 2 3.F1 0. E7 /E2.00 mm² BN 1.1 31-W16 -W16 1.A8 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 /E2.A1 /E7.00 mm² 1.B9 2 -W15 -W19 YE 1.00 mm² BN -W16 +W15 D =HP1/HP1.E2 -P1 Y1A 1/2 1 =HP1/HP1.: printed: 11.: date: X 3 output drive system A1 saved ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.F5 /E11.B3 +W19 2 -X72 =HP1 -HP1 Y3 =HP1/HP1.E7 +W19 1.00 mm² YE -X70 =HP1 +W19 -W19 1.X38 3/15 -A6.F6 /E2.E3 2 1/2 1 -P2 Y2B =HP1/HP1.X39 4/15 -A6. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.3 +W16-X114.E7 1 +W19 2 -X73 =HP1 1/2 1 -M2 Y4 =HP1/HP1. Copyright according DIN 34. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.00 mm² 1.E8 156 155 126 101 131 125 /E7.00 mm² BN 1.00 mm² BN /E7.00 mm² 1.E8 /E14.00 mm² 1.B3 2 2 -X71 =HP1 +W19 -P1 Y1B 1/2 1 =HP1/HP1.00 mm² BN +W19 -X76 +W19 1.F6 /E2.X35 21/21 7/21 18/21 +W20 10/21 17/21 8/21 -A6.00 mm² -W19 YE C 1.00 mm² BN -P2 Y2A 1/2 1 -X69 =HP1 +W19 1.A8 /E5.00 mm² BN 1.00 mm² B YE -W20 1.X22 +KK -A6.B3 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.00 mm² -W16 YE YE YE 1.X22 20/21 +KK +W19 -X22 -X38 +W20 +KK 13/21 -A6.2 1 A /E5. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E6 100 standard 8 .F6 /E2.00 mm² BN 1.A1 A 129 +W20 YE YE YE YE YE YE 1.00 mm² -X47 -X35 +W20 11/21 -A6.00 mm² 1.00 mm² 1.E5 E /E11.00 mm² BN -X78.00 mm² BN C +W15 -W15 1.2 -W19 1.00 mm² -W19 1.00 mm² YE -X68 =HP1 D 1.00 mm² BN 1.X18 +KK +W16 -X17 -X22 +KK -A6.00 mm² BN -X76.03.4 31-W16 +W19-X62:1 31 /E14.00 mm² -W15 1.1 31-W15 -W15 1.2 +W15-X78. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.1 31-W15 +W16-X114.00 mm² BN -X76.E8 /E2.A1 /E7.X17 +KK +W19 -X21 B -X36 +W20 +KK 19/21 -A6.X21 15/15 +KK +W19 -X39 +KK 8/21 -A6.2 E +W15-X78.X36 9/15 +W15 -X18 =HP1/HP1.F8 +W16 2 -X74 =HP1 -M1 Y5 1/2 1 1.2015 to machine no.00 mm² BN -X114.A8 /E5.00 mm² BN +W16 -W16 1.E7 /E2. X38 +KK +W12 +W19 1.B1 YE 1.E8 2 E -X47 +W20 +W20 121 157 158 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 /E2.A1 A 1 +KK -F5 7. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.A8 /E5.00 mm² -W19 1.03.00 mm² -W13 31 F5 +KK +W19-X76. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E7 100 standard 8 .1 A /E6.E6 Rad/Kette ! F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.X13 3/15 +W11 1.: date: X 3 input main control unit A1 saved ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.00 mm² -W13 C +W11 1/2 YE +O3 12/12 -X51 -X194 -X191 -A4. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.E6 /E2.X51 P 1.X13 YE B 31 1.2 1.X33 -A6.A8 /E6.X33 11/15 -X22 -X13 1.00 mm² 2/15 -W11.00 mm² +KK 6/15 -X30 +KK 10/21 YE -A6.5A -A6.00 mm² RD /E6.X31 17/21 -X38 YE -X38 -A6.A8 /E6.A1 /E8.00 mm² BK9 C -X33 +W13 -X191 +O3 +W12 YE 2/2 B 5/21 +KK +W12-X184 +O3 -A6.X38 2/21 +KK +W20 -W20 E -X47 /E12.E2 /E2.X22 +KK +W19 14/15 +W13 -W19 -X190 -W12 -X66 +W19 1 -X62 G 1/2 +O3 -B7 -R33 +W19 1 1/2 2 -X194 2/2 +W12 1 +O3 P °t Q - 22/2 -B11 -B5 +BP +O3 2 +W12 -A6.X37 +W11 +W20 -X47 +W20 14/21 12/21 +KK 18/21 1.00 mm² +KK -X31 -W20 -W20 -X47 +W20 168 -A6.X30 14/21 +W20 -X37 -W20 -X47 +W20 159 D +KK 1. Copyright according DIN 34.2015 to machine no.00 mm² -A6.4 -X33 -X22 YE +W13 -W12 YE -X13 D YE 1.E3 /E2.E5 /E2.C1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 5V Sen /E8.00 mm² BN -A6.00 mm² -X190 YE +W13 1.A1 /E8.: printed: 11.00 mm² 1.00 mm² -W20 -A6. X34 +KK +KK -A6.1 A /E7.: printed: 11.A8 /E7.D1 E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.03.1.00 mm² BN 2 -W12 /E12. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.A8 /E7.A1 A -A1 /E2.00 mm² -W12 YE -X34 D =HP6. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E8 100 standard 8 .: date: X 3 saved system functions A1 ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.A8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 /E9. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. Copyright according DIN 34.A1 /E9.1 1 -V2 Y8 =HP6.2015 to machine no.00 mm² YE B -X27 +W20 20/21 C -A6.E8 104 B 1.B1 D -X174 +W12 +W12-X184 -X184 1.X27 C 1/6 +W12 1.00 mm² BN +W12-X184 31-W12 /E3.D2 E 31-W12 +W12 1.1/HP6.A1 /E9. X24 +W17 14/21 -A6.A2 2 1 1 -V2 Y11B =HP7/HP7.1/HP5. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E9 100 standard 8 .D3 +W17 -W17 1.2 +W17 -W17 1.1/HP5.3 0.1.75 mm² BN 0.5 -X126.A8 /E8.75 mm² BN 1. Copyright according DIN 34.D4 =HP5.9 D -X133 =HP7 +W17 +W17 2 0.75 mm² BN +KK 4/12 +KK 0.1.D5 1 -V1 Y9A +W17 -W17 0.00 mm² -W20 WHBU B 1.A3 2 +W17 +W17 1.00 mm² 1.00 mm² BU -X115.00 mm² BU -X115.75 mm² BU -X128 =HP5.00 mm² BN D 13/21 +KK 1/12 -X24 -X24 -W17 -A6.75 mm² BU =HP5.00 mm² BU -X126.: printed: 11.00 mm² YE 1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.A8 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 /E2.1/HP5.: date: X 3 saved hopper ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.1 +W17 2 0.03.2015 to machine no.00 mm² B -X28 8/12 -A6.00 mm² BN -X115.X36 19/21 2/21 +W17 C 5/21 -A6.75 mm² BN C E +W17 1.00 mm² BN +W17-X116.E2 /E2.X25 5/21 +KK =HP5.E5 R R F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.1.9 /E12.2 1 A /E8.A8 /E8.00 mm² YE 1.X28 -A6.E3 /E2.X24 17/21 +W17 5/12 0.A1 /E10.75 mm² BN -V1 Y10A =HP5.00 mm² BU -X115.D4 +W17 -W17 1.A1 /E10.75 mm² BU 1 -V1 Y9B -X129 =HP5.A1 A 193 +W20 -X47 YE 1.75 mm² BU 2 -X130 =HP5.75 mm² BU -W17 1 -V1 Y10B 2 0.E3 /E2.75 mm² BN -W17 E +W20 2/21 -X25 0.1.1 0.00 mm² YE YE 1.75 mm² BU 16/21 -X36 +W20 +KK 0.E3 /E2.E3 192 191 190 189 194 /E10.6 31-W17 1. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.4 L L -X131 =HP5. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.1/HP5.1 1 -X132 =HP7 +W17 -V2 Y11A =HP7/HP7.E2 /E2.1 +W17 0. A8 /E9.2 1 5 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 /E2.E5 /E2.E1 L 31-W19 +W19 -W19 1.5-4.5V +W19 -W19 1.10 -W13 1.00 mm² BN +W13-X113.E5 /E2.1 8/15 -W19 1.00 mm² BN +W20 1.1/HP3.X16 179 A -X47 2 2 -A8 +O3 185 /E11.E5 /E2.03.X27 +W20 +KK 5/21 -A6.00 mm² BN +KK -X80 4 181 -X27 -X35 2/21 YE 3 YE -X38 +KK 5 180 1.A1 /E11.: printed: 11.00 mm² A 3 C 9/15 -V1 Y12 -A6.3 31-W13 /E32.00 mm² YE YE 1.00 mm² +KK B 6 YE /E9.D2 2 +W19 -P3 Y17A -X87=HP2 1/2 1 =HP2/HP2.1.8 +W13 /E2.X35 +W20 +KK 5/21 -A6.1.F7 -A1 -A1 -A1 /E2.00 mm² -X16 +W23 -W13 YE 1.A1 /E11.B3 2 -X84=HP2 +W19 1/3 1 -V9 Y15 =HP3.X27 5/6 4/6 2/6 1/6 3/15 -A6.00 mm² YE YE YE -X27 1.00 mm² BN 1.X13 -A6.00 mm² BN -X76. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.5A 184 1.00 mm² YE =HP3.1.5V +W19 -W19 1.00 mm² 1.E5 /E2.E6 2 2 -X85=HP2 +W13 1/2 1 -P3 Y16A =HP2/HP2.F2 +W19 -X76.00 mm² 1.00 mm² BN -A6.2015 to machine no.5-4.00 mm² 1.A8 4 1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.00 mm² BN -X76.00 mm² BN -W19 1.X21 +KK 12/15 7/21 +W19 +W19 -X22 -X21 15/21 3/21 -A6.5 +W19 -W19 1.00 mm² BN BN E -X47 +W20 +W20 217 226 145 /E2.00 mm² 3/6 GND 24V 182 1/6 2/6 2/15 4 3 5 +W23 4/6 3/6 5/6 -X16 YE C +KK +KK +W13 4/15 -X13 -A6.1 1.2 0.C1 1.00 mm² BN 1.00 mm² YE 1. Copyright according DIN 34.00 mm² BN -W13 1.1/HP3.00 mm² B +W20 +KK 1/21 13/21 -A6.: date: X 3 saved conveyor/ auger ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.E6 /E2.00 mm² BN 1.A8 /E9.00 mm² BN 1.00 mm² -A7 3 3 1.00 mm² 2 1 1 -W20 +W20 -A6.00 mm² BN YE 1.00 mm² YE -W19 1.00 mm² E 1/3 1 +W19 +W19 -X38 -W20 -V8 Y13 -X82 =HP3.D2 2 -X86=HP2 +W19 1/2 1 -P3 Y16B =HP2/HP2.00 mm² BN -X113.X38 1/2 1 =HP3.D3 +KK /E5.6 /E13.4 +W19 -W19 1.D5 2 -X88 +W19 1/2 1 -P3 Y17B +W19 D =HP2/HP2.X22 +W23 -X16 +KK -X79 1.1. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E10 100 standard 8 .00 mm² 1.X16 -X200 5V Sen 14/21 YE YE YE YE 1.D6 2 +W19 +W19 +W13 +W19 +W19 +W19 +W19 -X81 -X82 -X83 -X84 -X85 -X86 -X87 -X88 15/21 -X47 1.00 mm² 1.F1 +W20 -F12 7.00 mm² BN -W13 1.F2 0.00 mm² 1.00 mm² -W19 1.X27 2/21 10/21 +W20 5/15 1/21 8/21 +W13 +W19 -X13 -X21 4/21 5/21 1.1/HP3.11 R L L R L R L R R F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.B6 2 -V2 Y14 -X83=HP9 1/2 1 =HP3.E5 /E2.00 mm² YE 6/15 +KK D -X81=HP9 =HP3.00 mm² YE YE -W20 1.E5 /E2.D6 +W19-X76.00 mm² BN +KK 1 +W19 1.00 mm² 1.1/HP3.9 -X76.00 mm² BN -X76.00 mm² +O3 1.00 mm² BN -X76.00 mm² YE 1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.X13 +KK YE YE YE YE 1.E6 183 1 186 -X35 4/21 -X27 +W20 +KK 5/21 -A6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Placement grid on level 3 A A +L1 1 Pin /E1.C4 2 -R13 +L1 -R14#1 C 4/6 1.00 mm² BK1 1.00 mm² BK B +L1 3/6 -W1 1.00 mm² GNYE 2 +L1 -R15 Kabel 5/6 1 -W1 1.00 mm² BK2 1.00 mm² BK -R14 B 3 2 +L1 1 2 -X80 3 +L1-X80:4 Farbe Kabel 1.00 mm² BK2 -W1 -R15#1 1 3 2 Pin /E1.D4 2 Ziel Signal Pin -W1 GNYE 1.00 mm² +L1-R15:2 2 -W1 BK2 1.00 mm² +L1-R14:2 3 -W1 BK1 1.00 mm² +L1-R13:2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 /E1.D6 -X80#3 Querschnitt Farbe +L1-R13:1 1.00 mm² BK +L1-R14:1 1.00 mm² BK 2 +L1-X80:3 1.00 mm² GNYE Querschnitt Farbe Kabel 1.00 mm² BK1 -W1 DT06-6S 90° 1400mm Kabel 3 *6/6 -IS2 -IS1 1 NW 8,5 -W1 +L1 Ziel Signal 1 Signal +L1 +L1 -R13#1 D Ziel C Querschnitt +L1 /E1.D4 /E1.D4 /E1.D4 -X80#2 Querschnitt +L1 Ziel Signal +L1 Pin Farbe +L1-X80:5 D E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied, communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. Copyright according DIN 34. 1 electric Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 project machine type: name: 4812031044 F from machine no.: printed: 28.03.2012 to machine no.: saved: 28.03.2012 09:16 3 4 4812031044 F Lattenrostpoti Links ident number 6 10.12.2009 user Kruse proved Kruse E1 2 standard document no. 5 date 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Placement grid on level 3 A A +L1 +L1 -R17 4/6 -W1 1.00 mm² BU -W1 1.00 mm² BN B 3/6 1 1.00 mm² 1 +L1 B 3 2 -R16 1 2 -X79 +L1 25 -R15 1.00 mm² Farbe -X79#2 Querschnitt Ziel Signal Pin 5/6 1 2 +L1 Kabel -W1 1.00 mm² BK -W1Wire colour 20 1.00 mm² +L1-R17:2 -W1Wire colour 27 1.00 mm² +L1-R16:2 2 1 -W1 Wire colour 21 1.00 mm² +L1-R15:2 3 +L1 1 2 3 4 5 6 /E1.C6 -X79#3 C *6/6 +L1 -R17#1 Pin /E1.C4 /E1.C4 /E1.C4 1 3 2 Querschnitt Farbe 3 +L1-R15:1 1.00 mm² BK 1 +L1-R16:1 1.00 mm² BU 2 +L1-X79:3 1.00 mm² BN Querschnitt Farbe -R15#1 Pin /E1.D4 /E1.D4 1 2 Pin 1 2 -IS2 940mm Kabel NW 8,5 -W1 +L1 Ziel Signal 3 +L1-R17:1 1.00 mm² BK 3 +L1-X79:5 1.00 mm² BK Querschnitt Farbe -R16#2 D -IS1 +L1 Ziel Signal C +L1 Kabel -W1 +L1 Ziel Signal 1 +L1-R17:3 1.00 mm² BU 1 +L1-X79:4 1.00 mm² BU D Kabel -W1 E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied, communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. Copyright according DIN 34. 1 electric Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 project machine type: name: 4812031045 G from machine no.: printed: 28.03.2012 to machine no.: saved: 28.03.2012 09:18 3 4 4812031045 G Lattenrostpoti Rechts ident number 6 10.12.2009 user Kruse proved Kruse E1 2 standard document no. 5 date 7 8 2 1 /E10.A8 /E10.A8 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 102 107 106 249 172 196 103 195 YE YE YE YE 1.00 mm² 1.00 mm² 1.00 mm² -A1 /E2.E3 1.00 mm² -A1 /E2.E3 YE -A1 /E2.E4 1.00 mm² -A1 /E2.E7 YE -A1 /E2.E4 1.00 mm² -A1 /E2.E4 YE -A1 /E2.E4 1.00 mm² -A1 /E2.E7 YE -A1 /E2.E7 1.00 mm² -A1 /E2.E8 YE -A1 /E2.E8 1.00 mm² A 3 127 188 /E12.A1 /E12.A1 A 187 +W20 -X27 +W20 3/21 -A6.X24 +KK -X28 +KK 12/21 -A6.X27 1/21 9/21 5/21 6/21 4/21 18/21 2/21 15/21 10/21 21/21 7/21 +W20 17/21 11/21 YE B -X12 2/12 8/21 -W20 1.00 mm² B -W20 1.00 mm² -W20 YE -X47 +W20 +KK 7/12 -A6.X28 -A6.X17 20/21 +KK +W17 -X24 +KK 2/12 -A6.X12 5/15 -A6.X18 +KK +W16 +KK -A6.X12 14/15 +W15 -X17 -X18 -X89 1/1 1 -V1 Y18A D =HP5.1/HP5.1.D9 -X93 =HP5.1 +W17 1 -V1 Y18B =HP5.1/HP5.1.D10 2 -X94 =HP5.1 +W17 -V1 Y19A =HP5.1/HP5.1.D8 2 1 -X95 =HP5.1 +W17 1 -V1 Y19B =HP5.1/HP5.1.D9 2 -X96 =HP5.1 +W17 1 -V1 Y20B =HP5.1/HP5.1.D3 2 -X97 =HP5.1 +W17 -V1 Y20A =HP5.1/HP5.1.D2 2 1 -X98 =HP5.1 +W17 1 -V1 Y21 =HP5.1/HP5.1.D2 2 2 -X99 =HP5.1 +W17 -X100=HP5.1 1 -V1 Y22 =HP5.1/HP5.1.E2 2 -X101 =HP5.1 +W17 1 -V1 Y23.1 =HP5.1/HP5.1.E3 +W17 -V1 Y23.2 =HP5.1/HP5.1.D3 2 1 -X91 +W16 1 -X220 +O3 +W17 -H11 +W15 1 +O3 -H12 D 2 +W16 2 -X115.9 1.00 mm² BU -X116.1 1.00 mm² BU -X116.2 +W17 1.00 mm² BU -X116.3 +W17 1.00 mm² BU -X116.4 1.00 mm² BU +W17 +W15 -X116.5 -X78.3 /E6.E8 2/9 /E10.A8 -X114.4 -W16 -X17 +W16 +KK 4/15 -A6.X26 -W15 -X18 +W15 4/15 11/15 -A6.X17 +KK This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied, communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. Copyright according DIN 34. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie START project name: 4812004361 from machine no.: printed: 11.03.2015 to machine no.: date: X 3 P F saved screed ident number 4812004361 /AB 5 /E12.A1 P document no. 4 P1 -A6.X18 31 STOP /E6.E8 E 31 F STOP +W15-X78.2 31-W15 +W16 31-W16 +W16-X114.2 -X26 +W17 1.00 mm² BN 0.75 mm² BU 0.75 mm² BU 0.75 mm² BU 0.75 mm² BU 0.75 mm² BU 0.75 mm² BU +W17 -W15 BN 1.00 mm² -W17 E 1.00 mm² BU +W17 1.00 mm² BN -X115.8 +W17 -W16 -X92 1.00 mm² BN +W17 0.75 mm² BU 0.75 mm² BU 0.75 mm² BU 0.75 mm² BU -X90 -W17 2 +W15 1.00 mm² BN =HP5.1 YE 1.00 mm² -W15 1.00 mm² -W16 YE 0.75 mm² BN 0.75 mm² BN 0.75 mm² BN 0.75 mm² BN 0.75 mm² BN 0.75 mm² BN 0.75 mm² BN 0.75 mm² BN -W17 0.75 mm² BN C 0.75 mm² BN C 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E11 100 standard 8 X31 -A6.2 1 8 30 31 31 -B21 +O3 4-20mA + 1-BN/5 - +W12 - 176 149 173 2 3/16 4/16 5/16 +W12-X184 31-W12 6/21 -A6.00 mm² YE 1.00 mm² BN -A1 /E2.X33 +W12 12/21 YE -A6.1 1 1 -V2 Y24B =HP5.00 mm² 1.00 mm² YE B +KK C A -X47 10A BN 1.00 mm² -W20 -A6.00 mm² BN -A1 /E2.F4 /E2.00 mm² +KK 10/21 1.00 mm² -X102=HP5. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.6 +W17 -X116.75 mm² BN +KK -A6.: date: X 3 saved leveling ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.75 mm² BU 1/16 D -X47 11/12 0.75 mm² BU 2 -X103=HP5.A8 /E11.X31 +KK 11/21 -W20 -X28 11/18 YE 1.00 mm² RD -A1 /E2.00 mm² -X116.75 mm² BN +KK 11/21 +W20 4/18 0.75 mm² BN YE 1.A9 2 0.F5 /E13.1.X38 6/18 8/18 BN -X19 YE +KK -X31 1.00 mm² 1. Copyright according DIN 34.E5 /E2.1.1 +W20 1.00 mm² YE 1.1.E3 7 15 +O3 B 6 30 -B20 /E7.9 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.A1 /E13.9 +W17 BU 1.7 +W17 1.1/HP5.1.00 mm² YE 9/21 +KK 9/12 0.00 mm² RD -A1 /E2.00 mm² -A6.F5 -F3 -X193 1.A1 +W20 2/16 1.00 mm² -X33 +W12 1.E5 /E2.00 mm² 0.2015 to machine no.00 mm² +W11 -X31 YE +W11 1.1 +W17 -X47 +W17 -V2 Y25A -X104=HP5.F8 4 YE A 3 +W20 140 236 209 147 223 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 -A1 /E2.00 mm² 12/21 6/21 6/21 0.A9 E 3/21 +W17 =HP5.00 mm² BU -X116.X28 -X38 -X7.X33 +KK 1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.00 mm² YE YE 1.A10 2 2 +W17 D =HP5.75 mm² BN YE 1.A1 /E13. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E12 100 standard 8 .C6 5 15 /E19.75 mm² BU =HP5.1/HP5.00 mm² YE 1.75 mm² BU +KK 6/12 -X24 YE -KK -W20 12/12 -A6.00 mm² -X33 11/21 +KK-A6.8 +W17 1.D5 /E11.00 mm² BU 31-W17 -X116.A8 0.1 31/16 -V2 Y24A -X47 +W20 230 YE C 9/21 0.F5 1 +KK 1 4-BK/5 4 3-BU/5 3 +W12 ( +W62) -X192 4-20mA + 1-BN/5 1 4-BK/5 4 3-BU/53 RD ( +W62) /E8.X24 3/21 +KK +W20 3/21 12/21 YE 1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.: printed: 11.E5 /E2.03.00 mm² -A6.1/HP5.F4 /E2.E8 E 31-W17 +W17-X126.F5 152 +W12-X33:5 F5 1.1/HP5.X19 1/18 7/18 1.E5 /E9.1 1 -X105 +W17 1 -V2 Y25B =HP5.X15:12 F3 1.A8 /E11. 00 mm² B YE -W20 1.A8 /E12.1.X27 -A6.03.F5 /E2.2 1 A /E12.: date: X 3 saved tamper / vibration ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.1 +W19 1 -V2 Y27 D =HP4.F1 Hz F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.00 mm² -W19 YE C YE C E E /E10.A1 /E14.B3 -X107 =HP4.1 1 -V1 Y26 =HP4.A8 /E12.4 1.11 +W19-X76.F4 31-W19 +W19-X76.1.00 mm² BN +W19 -W19 +W19 1.00 mm² 1.D3 2 2 +W19 -X106 -X107 1.1/HP4. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E13 100 standard 8 .F5 151 /E14.00 mm² BN Hz 31-W19 /E15.1/HP4.A8 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 -A1 -A1 /E2.2015 to machine no. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.13 1.X21 2/21 +KK 6/21 +W19 -X21 -X106 =HP4.A1 A 175 +W20 YE 1.A1 /E14.00 mm² BN +W19 -X76. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.00 mm² BN D 1.00 mm² -X47 B -X27 +W20 +KK 7/21 8/21 -A6.: printed: 11. Copyright according DIN 34. 2 31-W16 +W16-X60:2 31-W15 +W15-X78.B7 /E6.E8 /E5.00 mm² BN +W15-X78.00 mm² BN 1.X3 1.X17 4/18 +KK +W14 YE YE YE 1.00 mm² BN 2/2 1.00 mm² 1.A1 /E15.F1 +W15 -X78.50 mm² BN 1.00 mm² BN -W14 -E6.2 1 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 -A6.4 31-W15 /E35.00 mm² BN 1.B3 -K8 -X29 -K7 /E14.: date: X 3 saved light ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.00 mm² 1.00 mm² +KK -W20 2 YE -W11.00 mm² +KK 2 1 +KK YE 20/21 3 +KK -K7 -X29 +W11 1 B 1.00 mm² /E14.2 E +W16-X114.00 mm² YE /E4.2015 to machine no.00 mm² /E13.00 mm² X52 A YE /E4.00 mm² BN 1.X3 -W14 D -E8 -X197 -W14 +W15 1 -E6.1 17/21 -W16 -W16 -X118 +W16 1/2 -X108 +W14 -X109 +W14 2 -X110 -X111 +W14 2 2 +W14 2 -E2 +O4 1 -E3 +O4 1/2 +O3 1 1 +W15 -X18 -W15 -W15 -X119 +W15 +OP21 1/2 -E5.03.X43#1 -A6.X3 1 +OP21 2/2 1 2 2/2 +OP21 -W15 2/2 +W15 -X119 1.00 mm² BN +W16 -X118 1.E1 -E4 +O4 6/15 -X198 +W16 1 -E7 -E1 +KK +W16 -X197 D +O4 -A6.B2 +W11 3 2 YE /E14. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.00 mm² BN /E6. Copyright according DIN 34.D5 8 -A5 light 1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.00 mm² B 1.B4 1.A1 light /E15.00 mm² BN 1.D5 -A4.B6 3 +KK 1.00 mm² BK11 -W11.B4 -A6.00 mm² 1.E8 /E5.F1 +W15-X61:2 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.4 15A 2 1.00 mm² BN +OP21 1.00 mm² BN -W14 2 +W15 -X198 -E5.00 mm² -W14 +KK -X15 1.B5 4 5 -A6.X29 4 -A6. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.X29 4 -K11 -X29 -K8 2 +KK 1.X3 1 C -W15 +OP21 -E6.A8 /E13.A1 1.00 mm² BN -W16 1. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E14 100 standard 8 .A8 /E13.A1 1.B8 31-W16 +W16-X114.X18 12/15 -X17 YE +KK +W14 5 +W11 YE -A6.00 mm² -A4.3 -W16 31-W16 1.X15 16/18 +KK +W14 5 8/21 -K11 +KK 1 +KK -A6.X15 1/1 +KK /E14.E1 2 2 +W16 1/2 +O3 +OP21 -E5.00 mm² BN -W16 E 1.: printed: 11.00 mm² BN -X43.4 -F6 -X144 10A 2 1 +KK +W20 -F35 -X52 10A 36 1 +KK +W11 -F36 -X52 7 YE +W11 X52 1 +KK /E38.A1 /E15.F4 1.00 mm² BK10 A 3 /E47.1 31-W15 -W15 1.A8 4 1.X29 /E14.00 mm² YE -X15 YE C /E14. F1 D 1.X20 1/18 C 9/18 +W14 -X15 -W14 YE -A6.2015 to machine no.E3 31-W19 1.14 -X76.00 mm² 2 3 2 YE 01 1.3 +W14 -W14 1.00 mm² BN +W14 E +W19 +W19-X76.4 1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.A8 /E1.03.X22 -X20 +KK 5 1.00 mm² BN -X29 +W11 4 /E15.A8 /E14.C3 YE -KK -K9 1 1. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E15 100 standard 8 .C8 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 F4 +BP-S1:1 1 +KK +KK -F23 /E16.00 mm² BN 1.2 1 A /E14.C1 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.1 31-W14-2 71 +O3 -H10 31b -X156 -X225 +O31/1 +W19 E /E13.B3 -S4 -K9 32/16 +KK +KK 15/21 +KK +KK -A6.11 1/1 -X157 -X123 1.00 mm² -W14 YE D +W14-X121.00 mm² BK12 -X7. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.00 mm² BN -W19 +W14 +W19-X76.13 31-W19 /E32.A1 /E16.: date: X 3 saved horn ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.00 mm² BN -X121 +W19 -X224 /E34.A1 /E16.A8 /E14.2 C +KK 1.X29 +KK +W19 -X22 -W19 4/12 -A6.00 mm² -W11.00 mm² +BP +W14 -X121. Copyright according DIN 34.X15 14/15 +KK -A6.: printed: 11.A1 A 1 -F16 15A 10A 2 2 B B 1 /E15. Copyright according DIN 34.03.A1 /E17.: printed: 11. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.X30 -A6.X18 +KK D +KK 15/21 -A6.A1 /E17.B4 E STOP F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.1 +W15 +W15-X176:3 YE 1. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E16 100 standard 8 .00 mm² -W15 1.A8 /E15. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.: date: X 3 saved emergency stop ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.X32 10/18 15/18 +KK -A6.A8 /E15.D7 2 -A6.4 1.00 mm² BK13 +BP +KK Not -X179 E /E31.00 mm² RD Not -X18 /E2.A1 A F11 +W15-X18:4 -W11.X33:7 -S3 1.B7 YE -W15 1.B1 -K2 -X32 +W11 C +KK-A6.X19 10/15 +KK +W15 85 /E2.2 1 /E15.1 +KK 9/16 YE 1.B2 85 +KK 1 -K10 -K3 86 +KK 86 /E1.2015 to machine no.00 mm² -X7.4 -X30 +W11 21/21 -A6.A8 /E31.X18 8/15 +KK +W15 -X19 D -X18 8/8 5/8 +W15 8/16 -X7.00 mm² -X176 -W15 /E3.B2 85 -K5 +KK 86 +KK +KK /E2.00 mm² YE 1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.C1 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 /E17.00 mm² BK29 A 3 B B 11 23 12 24 C -W11. X19 +KK A -F2 3/18 2/18 -A6.1 7/16 +KK -X7.B8 A 2 3/4 +KK -X6 1.A8 /E16.X6 9/18 +KK +KK -X19 1/4 2/4 B CAN4_SH -F1 /E18. Copyright according DIN 34.A8 /E16.X3:4 CAN4_H B -A6.03. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.1 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 1 10A +KK 1 2 10A 2 +KK-A6.X3:5 CAN4_L /E16.A1 /E2. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.A1 /E18.00 mm² RD C D D -X7.2015 to machine no.75 mm² -W31 WH 1.: printed: 11.2 28/16 +KK -X138 +KK 1/3 2/3 3/3 1/3 2/3 3/3 +KK -X223 E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.75 mm² BN 0.00 mm² BN -KK 1. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E17 100 standard 8 .A8 3 /E2.B8 +KK +KK-A6.00 mm² RD C 1.A1 /E18.1 6/16 +KK -X7.00 mm² BN 0.: date: X 3 saved screed connection ident number 4812004361 /AB document no. 00 mm² -W11.X33 -A6.4 YE C 1.F1 /E1.X37 19/21 +KK +W11 -X31 15/21 +W20 -X37 -W20 1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. Copyright according DIN 34.A1 /E19.X51 D +BP -H2 -X47 +W20 E GND-BP - E 210 -A1 + /E2.00 mm² -W11 YE D+ +W11-X400:3 D+ B /E19.A8 /E17.2015 to machine no.2 1 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 A +W12-X185:2 1.X31 +KK +KK +KK -A6.A8 /E4.00 mm² BK14 C -X51 +W11 9/12 D +BP -A4.C3 /E17. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.: printed: 11.X30 -A6.A8 /E17. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E18 100 standard 8 .E7 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.C7 A 3 B -X30 +W11 -X33 13/21 +W12 21/21 -A6.A1 /E19.03.: date: X 3 saved monitoring ident number 4812004361 /AB document no. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. 75 mm² BN 8/18 10/21 -X25 -W17 -A6.5 31-W17 +W20 /E42.00 mm² BU -X126. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.03.75 mm² BN YE -X36 C -W14 1.2015 to machine no.X15 -W20 3/21 +W20 -X39 YE +KK +W17 -A6.X39 +W17 +KK 0. Copyright according DIN 34. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E19 100 standard 8 .: printed: 11.E7 /E2.2 1 A /E18.00 mm² -W20 YE B D D -X134 =HP15 1 -V3 Y30B =HP15/HP15.2 1.75 mm² BN F3 -X25 0.1 -W17 1.75 mm² BU E 1 -V3 Y30A 2 -W17 -X135 =HP15 +W17 E -X144 /E38.F1 /E18.: date: X 3 saved cab movement ident number 4812004361 /AB document no. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.B5 +W17 0.X36 +W14 +KK +KK-F3:2 +KK 1/21 -A6.E1 10 -A5 /E38.75 mm² BU 2 0.00 mm² BU +W17 +W17 1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.00 mm² 1.B4 =HP15/HP15.A8 31 31 /E31.00 mm² BU -X126.A1 /E31.X25 3/21 +KK /E12.X25 +W20 12/18 -X15 -X36 +W20 B 0.4 +W17-X126.X36 1.F6 /E31.A1 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.A8 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 -A1 -A1 /E2.A1 A +O3 128 -B26 150 +W20 +W20 -X47 -X47 - + 1 3 3-BU/5 4-BK/5 1-BN/5 4 +W14 -X292 1.F8 31-W17 +W17-X126.B3 +KK 12/21 -A6.00 mm² BK 1.00 mm² -A6.A8 /E18.00 mm² BU C 18/18 -A6. Copyright according DIN 34.03. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.: saved: X 3 input / output engine control A2 Tier4 date ident number 4812004361 /AB document no. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. 4 5 6 7 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI E20 100 standard 8 .2015 to machine no.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B B C C D D +W12-X34:3 A E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.: printed: 11. 03.: saved: X 3 hopper with front plate 892-893 4812027602 /B 4812004361 /AB ident number document no.E6 0 a P A ALb b B 0 a T P b A ARb B 0 a T 1. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.5 mm ARa BLb b 0 b a T P MP T 230 bar B B 120 bar LS MLS 11 1. Copyright according DIN 34.2 mm A 60 C A B 60 B 09 -V3 C 4812025635 4812032647 4812032768 -H10 08 -Pipe2 01 03 4812032743 03 D E -H7 05 4812032647 01 -Pipe1 10 -H6 -H11 08 66 65 D 4812032752 07 -H5 4812032768 67 4812032751 E 06 -H9 4812032744 4812025977 02 -Z1 61 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. 4 5 6 7 date user =HP7 Lehmann HP7 100 proved standard 8 . 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.5 mm 2 mm ALa P 1.: printed: 11.2 1 3 4 5 6 7 Bohle links ein/aus sdreed left extand/retract hopper with front plate Mulde rechts hopper right A 04 -V2 R 8 hight adjustable auger left L L hight adjustable auger right R A R 4812033280 MRa 0 A Y11A /E9. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.2015 to machine no.E6 a B Y11B /E9. Copyright according DIN 34.: printed: 11. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.: saved: X 3 reversible conveyor 892-893 4812027604 /B 4812004361 /AB ident number document no. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.2015 to machine no. 4 5 6 7 date user =HP9 Bocksberger HP9 100 proved standard 8 .03. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A B B Parts on page HP3 C C D D E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. Copyright according DIN 34. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 crown adjustment Nivellierung links leveling left 01 -V1 A Nivellierung rechts leveling right A 4812046393 A Y32B /E41.2015 to machine no.03.0 mm 4812032710 A B B C Rückwand backplane 8L SL8 SL8 03 -H1 SL8 SL8 A 8L 03 -H2 4812032710 C 60 B 60 A 23 cm³ 23 cm³ 8 cm³ ST_P ST_R ZR_B ZR_A DP_B DP_A ZL_B V_R ZL_A 23 cm³ E 8 cm³ 8 cm³ E 8 cm³ 23cm³ L D V_P D F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.D4 NLb NLa b 0 a NRb b NRa 0 a b T 120 bar B B P T P T LS LS MLS 04 04 2.: saved: X 3 crown adjustment 892-895 4812027605 /B 4812004361 /AB ident number document no.: printed: 11.0 mm 2. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. 4 5 6 7 date user =HP10 Lehmann HP10 100 proved standard 8 .D2 B 0 a P Y32A /E41. B8 4812038480 =T1-HY34 Partikel flow filter B 04 -V2 05 D930296650 01 D964013553 C 06 C 02 -V1 -H1 07 4812032561 4812029278 08 09 D bulkhead plates right SR5 .: saved: X 3 partial flow filter 892-895 4812027607 /B 4812004361 /AB ident number document no.15L D E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. 4 5 6 7 date user =HP12 Lehmann HP12 100 proved standard 8 . communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.03.: printed: 11.2015 to machine no.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A 03 -H3 B =T1/T1. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. Copyright according DIN 34. 2015 to machine no.E9 17 T work =T1-HY1:SL5 Y28A /E38.: saved: X 3 hydraulic push-roller 892-893 4812027608 /E 4812004361 /AB ident number document no.0 mm 35 4812009603 -H1 12 06 -V3 13 -Z1 4812032721 B 4812029125 19 P T P T LS LS B 27 40 bar 4.D7 0 2.D6 03 -V1 18 a 4812033247 b =T1/T1. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 hydraulic push-roller A A Y28B /E38.03.D8 05 4812032646 -H8 09 14 14 01 01 34 Y29 02 D B 40 bar B 41 A 40 A B1 37 A1 36 4812032718 -Pipe4 4812032768 -H7 04 -H10 11 -Pipe3 4812032768 05 -H4 15 4812032637 4812032720 -H11 11 T 05 4812032637 -Pipe2 4812032768 36 37 38 39 40 41 4812009603 -Z2 13 E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.: printed: 11.0 mm C 08 -H6 02 34 07 -H2 4812032717 10 -H3 02 4812032719 04 -H5 4812032720 C 4812032714 -Pipe1 4812032768 D 05 4812032646 -H9 09 02 /E38. 4 5 6 7 date user =HP13 Lehmann HP13 100 proved standard 8 . Copyright according DIN 34. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.0 mm A B B 60 B 60 09 A D 4812032713 04 -H2 04 -H1 -H4 10 4812032711 4812032713 4812032712 -H3 07 D 06 E 06 E 4812009598 4812009598 -Z2 03 -Z1 03 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.2015 to machine no.2 mm 120 bar C P T P T P T LS LS LS P T C LS MLS A 1. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A Nivellierung links leveling left B Nivellierung rechts leveling right NLb NLa a 0 NRb b NRa 0 a B lock pin Y31B /E40. 4 5 6 7 date user =HP14 Lehmann HP14 100 proved standard 8 .: saved: X 3 screed lock pin 892-895 4812027609 /C 4812004361 /AB ident number document no.: printed: 11.D4 b 08 1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.D2 01 -V2 b 0 a 4812033247 Y31A /E40. Copyright according DIN 34.03. E3 0 a B 4812033247 b B 03 2. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. Copyright according DIN 34.03. 4 5 6 7 date user =HP15 Lehmann HP15 100 proved standard 8 .2015 to machine no.0 mm A 14 14 B 12 E 15 -H1 4812033712 E 12 13 -H2 D 4812033711 D 4812009651 -Z1 02 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A Y30B /E19.: saved: X 3 cab movement 892-895 4812027610 /D 4812004361 /AB ident number document no.0 mm P T P T LS LS C C 11 1. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.: printed: 11.E2 01 -V3 Y30A /E19. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. 2013 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI =HP16 HP16 100 standard 8 .: printed: 11.03.G6 1 -H1 12 B =T1-HY12 A 4812032574 S fume-control A B 13 =PVG/PVG.08.F9 18 -H8 =T1/T1.2015 to machine no.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 =T1/T1. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. 4 5 6 7 date 22.E3 -V1 A 5 cm³ 4812044822 17 B L D 07 11 Y37 20-21 02 -M1 T 08 4812044916 D960862410 -H7 16 D 06 10 4812007791 =T1-HY1:SL7 L conveyor left =T1/T1.: saved: X 3 4812006393 /B 4812004361 /AB fume control ident number document no. Copyright according DIN 34. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.E3 4812045332 -P3 01 S 19 cm³ P 19 -H9 4812007805 -H6 14 09 4812006456 04 24 C 08 C P 11 55 bar 03 /E50.H6 T_fume control 15 -H2 =T1-HY22 4812006458 22 25 E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.2 D D E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.: saved: X 3 without fume control 892-895 4812038583 4812004361 /AB ident number document no.: printed: 11.2015 to machine no.E1 C P 8cm³ 04 4700600008.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A B B schematic on page HP5 C 03 -P8 4812036352 =PVG/PVG.2 S 05 4700508029. 4 5 6 7 date =HP18 user HP18 100 proved standard 8 . communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.03. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. Copyright according DIN 34. Copyright according DIN 34.: printed: 11.: saved: X 3 stand. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.2015 to machine no. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. conveyor 892-893 4812029121 /A 4812004361 /AB ident number document no.03. 4 5 6 7 date user =HP19 Bocksberger HP19 100 proved standard 8 . communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A B B 01 -V6 4812029022 C C 4812029022 -V7 01 D D E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. 6 7 date 17.2015 to machine no.03.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A B B 07 -H2 11 -H1 04 D967328403 -Pipe1 02 4812043353 4812043513 -Pipe2 06 C 4812043514 10 4812009912 01 -Z1 C -HP1 05 4812043352 2 08 4812042689 09 200bar 10 1 10 3 bar D D E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.04.: saved: X 3 4 4812043525 /C 4812004361 /AB roof lifting lowering 890-898 5 ident number document no.2013 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI =HP24 HP24 100 standard 8 .: printed: 11. Copyright according DIN 34. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. 4 5 6 7 date 31.: saved: 3 hydraulic end gate 89x X 4812007686 4812004361 /AB ident number document no.2015 to machine no.E2 P T 0.2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 01 -V1 A A 4812010449 A B Y38 /E52.0mm 8 bar B B B 4812010329 04 05 05 A -H2 03 C C 4812010319 Schottwand 8L SR SR -H1 02 D D E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. Copyright according DIN 34.7mm 2. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.2014 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI =HP25 HP25 100 standard 8 .03. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.: printed: 11.03. 03.F5 GN +W15-X176:8 1. Copyright according DIN 34. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.X18 +KK A Not 2 +W15-X18:8 10A /E2.: printed: 11.4 0.: date: X 3 4812029930 heater control ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.B6 1 J1939+ +KK -F11 /E32. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.A8 /E19.E7 A 3 +KK 4/15 C 1/4 2/4 +W15 -X4 +W15 -X18 -W15. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. 4 5 6 7 saved user Kruse E31 100 proved standard 8 .B6 30 15 J1939- /E19.X4 -A6.2 1 5 6 7 8 30 15 31 31 B B C -A6.A1 /E32.00 mm² RD /E16.A1 F11 D D SH 2/8 -X176 +W15 1/8 3/8 4/8 6/8 7/8 6/8 7/8 E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.F8 4 /E16.2015 to machine no.2 YE -W15.75 mm² -W15 +W15-X78.75 mm² 31-W15 /E35.A1 /E2.A8 /E19.A1 /E32.2 0. A8 /E31.F1 /E10.B1 +W19-X76.X22 1.00 mm² BN -W19 +W13-X196:1 +W13 -W13 D -X293 +W19 +W53 2/3 +W13 3/3 2/3 1/3 YE 1.A1 A +KK -F8 5A 2 B B 31-W19 +W19-X76.A8 /E31. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.00 mm² RD -X294 E -X47 -X141 +W53 3/3 +W53 1.5 /E36. Copyright according DIN 34.X38 +KK +W19 YE -X22 -A6.2 31-W13 C /E46.C2 1.A8 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 1 /E33.2015 to machine no.4 31-W13 +W13-X113.00 mm² BN E D -X298 1/3 -X294 -W53 1.F5 -A6.A1 /E33.B4 YE 1.X13 +KK +W13 -X13 1.: date: X 3 external steering control saved user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E32 100 proved standard 8 .00 mm² /E15.00 mm² 1.: printed: 11.2 1 A /E31.15 -W20 3/15 +W20 +W13 -X38 -X13 -W13 1/15 -A6.13 -X22 1/21 +W19 -X76.00 mm² 1.A1 /E33.E8 +W13 +W19-X295:1 -X113.E7 +OP2 +OP2 -B8 -B8 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.00 mm² RD -X113.00 mm² RD /E33.00 mm² BN C 31-W19 +KK 1.03.00 mm² RD /E33. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.00 mm² 5/15 YE 1/15 +W19 -X141 +W20 C/7 A A/7 B +W53 137 B/7 C -A1 B A C A B C /E2.3 1.14 F8 F8 +W13-X113. C1 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 31-W19 +W19-X76.A8 /E32.X38 2/15 12/21 +KK +W19 +W20 -X38 +W19-X293:2 F8 /E32. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.00 mm² WHBU YE -W20 1.00 mm² +W54 1.00 mm² RD +W19 1.D1 -X22 C 1.A8 /E32.A1 A 31-W19 -X76. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E33 100 proved standard 8 .00 mm² BN +W19 -X47 +W20 214 -X180 +W54 A/3 B/3 C/3 -A1 /E2.E6 A/3 B/3 C/3 +W54 -X180.1 E E 1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.00 mm² YE A D B +OP3 -B9 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.A8 /E32.A1 /E34.: date: X 3 emergency stop at feeder saved user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.: printed: 11.X22 B B +KK -A6.2 1 A /E32.00 mm² BN /E34.A1 /E34.15 -A6.2015 to machine no.14 +W19 -W19 1.00 mm² BN -W19 1.00 mm² 1.03. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.00 mm² RD C -X295 -X296 -W54 D -W19 1. Copyright according DIN 34.00 mm² YE 2/3 3/3 YE -X297 1/3 D 1. 00 mm² BN +OP4 +W14 31-W14-2 +W14-X121 +W14-X121.D8 1.X17 +W14 +KK 10/15 1.1 /E37.5A 256 2 +W20 -X47 B 1.C4 3 +OP4 2 -K12 /E34.00 mm² -W20 YE B -X27 +W20 +KK 16/21 -A6.E3 7. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.C3 4 5 C C -A6.14 2/2 -W14 /E15.2015 to machine no.F1 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.X27 +OP4 1 -K12 /E34.X15 2/18 +KK -A6.A8 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 A 1 +OP4 -A1 /E35.: printed: 11. Copyright according DIN 34.00 mm² -W14 YE -X15 -X139 1/2 +OP4 +W14 -X140.: date: X 3 saved hazard light user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.2 1 A /E33.03. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E34 100 proved standard 8 .A1 /E35.A1 /E35.4 31-W14-2 -X121.A1 -F20 /E2.A8 /E33.14 D D -X140 1/2 +OP4 +O4 1 -H13 22/2 +O4 -X140 E E -X140. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.A8 /E33. 00 mm² BN 1.03.1 YE YE -X322 1.: printed: 11.2 1 A /E34.A1 /E36.A8 /E34.00 mm² BN 2 E +W64 1.00 mm² 1.B3 4 5 -A6.00 mm² -W64 YE YE 1.D1 project name: 4812004361 from machine no.2 -X323 +W64 +W15 -W15 F 31-W15 /E14.00 mm² BN -X322 1.4 This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.00 mm² BN -X117 -W15 +W15-X176:2 1.X35 B 3 2 -K16 1 /E35.F8 +W15 +W15-X78.A8 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 /E36. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.00 mm² -W15 YE -X18 C C -X117 +W15 +W64 -X323 +W64 -X324.B4 +OP5 -K16 -X35 +OP5 +W20 +KK 17/21 -A6.00 mm² 1.00 mm² BN -X78. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E35 100 proved standard 8 .E3 -F30 +W20 5A 1.2015 to machine no.00 mm² +W64 D D -X120 1 +OP5 -H14 +OP23 +OP23 -H20 -H21 -X120 +W64 -W64 E 1.A1 A -A1 /E2.A8 /E34. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.A1 /E36.X18 7/15 +KK +W15 1.: date: X 3 31-W15 F saved back up alarm user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.00 mm² B 2 YE -X47 -W20 1 +OP5 241 /E35. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie /E31.1 1. Copyright according DIN 34.00 mm² BN -X324. A8 /E35.00 mm² -W13 YE -X13 D D +W13 -X124 +OP6 1/2 BK -X125 +OP6 M RD -M2 E E -W13 /E32.03.3 1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.X35 /E36.E1 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. Copyright according DIN 34.A8 /E35.2015 to machine no.E3 7. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E36 100 proved standard 8 .C3 4 5 C C -A6.A1 -F31 /E2.C4 +OP6 -K17 +OP6 3 2 -K17 1 /E36.C6 31-W13 +W13-X113.2 1 A /E35.X13 10/15 +KK +W13 1.A1 /E37.4 31-W13 /E46.A8 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 A 1 +OP6 -A1 /E37.: date: X 3 saved diesel pump user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.00 mm² -W20 YE B -X35 +W20 +KK 20/21 -A6. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.00 mm² BN +W13-X165:2 -X113.5A 257 2 +W20 -X47 B 1.00 mm² BN 2/2 +W13 -W13 1.: printed: 11.A1 /E37. 00 mm² BN -W14 16/21 2 7/18 -X15 -W14 +OP7 5 -A6.00 mm² BN -X229 +W14 1.A1 A 1 +OP7 -F25 -A1 10A /E2.2015 to machine no.4 +W14-X170:2 31-W14-2 -X121.00 mm² YE 1.: printed: 11.C6 4 +KK +KK -A6.E2 243 +W20 -X47 YE YE 1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.A1 /E38.F1 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. Copyright according DIN 34.00 mm² BN -X121.A1 /E38.X35 /E37.00 mm² B +W20 -X35 +W20 +KK 19/21 -A6.00 mm² 1.F5 +W14 31-W14-2 +W14-X121.00 mm² -X47 1.C3 /E37.E3 2 -A1 244 /E2.00 mm² YE YE 1.00 mm² -W14 1.A8 /E36.2 1 A /E36. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.C4 2 -X35 4 5 -K14 +OP7 +OP7 1 +KK +W14 C 6/18 13/18 /E37.03.X15 10/18 +W20 -K15 -K15 3 -A6. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E37 100 proved standard 8 .1 1. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.00 mm² BN 1.A8 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 /E38.B5 3 -K14 +OP7 B D D -X143 +W14 +OP7 6 3 1 2 5 31 53a 31b 53 53b -X228 +W14 1/1 -M3 E +OP7 E M -M4 M 1/1 +W14 -W14 /E34.X15 /E37.: date: X 3 saved wind shield wiper user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.5 /E48.X35 1 +W14 C -X15 YE 1.A8 /E36. A1 47 +W20 1.00 mm² BN +W20 -X49.X40 16/21 +KK +W20 0.2015 to machine no.B3 /E40. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E38 100 proved standard 8 .6 -X200 +KK 1.A8 /E37. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.00 mm² BU 4/9 WH +KK 1.A1 /E40.9 1.75 mm² BN +W20 -X39 -A6.E3 /E38.E3 /E38.75 mm² BU C 8/9 1.75 mm² 1 +W17 2 -X147 =HP13 1 -V3 Y29 =HP13/HP13.B3 /E38.A7 -X146 =HP13 +W17 -V1 Y28A =HP13/HP13.00 mm² BN 120 1.E1 /E52.B4 47 73 45 /E42.00 mm² RD +W20 -X49.00 mm² BN /E40.A5 6 18 7 19 8 13 51 31-W17 +W17-X126.X36 0.F1 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.00 mm² RD -X40 -W20 -A6.X3 -W20. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.B4 43 33 79 /E42.00 mm² BN 1.B3 /E42.C3 +W17 D 2 2 +KK 11.: printed: 11.X39 +KK 30 +KK E -A5 /E38.B2 /E2.B4 35 /E19.03.4 31-W17 +W17-X156:BU 67 /E19. Copyright according DIN 34.B7 76 69 62 55 75 68 61 59 65 58 32 66 /E40.A1 /E40.00 mm² YE 1.75 mm² BU -W17 41 0.00 mm² A 3 -X36 +W20 9/21 -A6.F5 21 46 E /E41.00 mm² CAN3_L CAN3_H VBB VBBs -W20 78 +W20 YE /E2.B5 36 +W17 -X126.00 mm² BN +KK 1.00 mm² BN 1.00 mm² BN -A6.: date: X 3 saved push-roller user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.A8 2 0.8 1.B8 /E14.75 mm² BN +W20 1/6 +KK -A6.00 mm² BN -R25 1.B6 /E38.7 11/21 19/21 C -X25 -X3 -W17 BN +KK 20/21 21/21 +W17 +W20 D 7/21 11/21 11.F4 29 +W20 +W20 -X144 -X145 -X144 -X144 A B 1.00 mm² RD 1.00 mm² BN 1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.75 mm² BU WH +W20 0.00 mm² RD +W20 -X49.B3 42 YE /E37.B3 /E41.B2 10 48 22 11 49 23 38 54 74 53 60 44 34 /E42.A8 4 1.A8 /E37.75 mm² BN 5/9 1.B7 B /E2.B2 /E40.X25 2/6 0.75 mm² BN -X40 21/21 +KK 20/21 0.E3 /E38.1 -X136 =HP13 1 1 -V1 Y28B =HP13/HP13.B7 /E2.B6 /E38.B2 /E41.1 /E50.X40 -A6.2 -X200 -X144 VBBs 1 27 VBB 20 37 VBB 2 INT 9 63 28 GND 56 71 GND 64 12 GND 57 14 GND 77 24 40 GND 39 51 CAN1 H CAN1 L CAN1 T 70 42 78 29 15 72 3 31 80 0.2 1 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 -A5 -A5 -A5 -A5 /E38. : date: X 3 saved screed lock pin user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.A1 /E41.00 mm² -W20 +W20 YE B 72 +W20 /E41.B5 +W17 D 2 0.00 mm² BN -X144 1.X25 +KK C 18/21 -A6. Copyright according DIN 34.2015 to machine no.75 mm² BU D 0.X36 13/21 17/21 16/21 17/21 +W17 C -X148 =HP14 1 -V2 Y31B =HP14/HP14. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.2 1 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 -A5 -A5 -A5 /E38.03. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E40 100 proved standard 8 .A1 B YE /E38. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.A8 /E38.B4 1 -V2 Y31A =HP14/HP14.E4 /E38.75 mm² BU 2 -W17 -X149 =HP14 +W17 0.75 mm² BN -X25 E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.E4 15 -X145 A 3 1.75 mm² BN -W17 0.: printed: 11.E4 /E38. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.A1 /E41.00 mm² A 3 -X36 +W20 +KK 15/21 -A6.A8 /E38.A8 4 1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.03.A8 /E40.X35 18/21 +W17 C -X150 =HP10 1 -V1 Y32B =HP10/HP10. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.00 mm² A 3 E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.A3 -V1 Y32A =HP10/HP10.00 mm² -W20 -X35 +W20 3/21 -A6.: date: X 3 saved crown adjustment user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.X28 21/21 -A6.X24 +KK C -X28 3/12 -A6.A1 /E42.75 mm² BU D 0. Copyright according DIN 34.E5 31 +W20 -X144 -X145 -X144 1.75 mm² BU 2 -W17 -X151 =HP10 +W17 0.A8 4 1.: printed: 11.A1 /E42.00 mm² BN +W20 1.E4 /E38.75 mm² BN 0. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.A4 1 +W17 D 2 0.75 mm² BN -X24 -W17 A 30 +W20 YE B 80 /E42.A1 YE /E40.2015 to machine no.X35 15/21 B -X35 +W20 +KK 21/21 +W20 +KK +KK 6/21 -A6.E4 /E38.2 1 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 -A5 -A5 -A5 /E38. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E41 100 proved standard 8 .A8 /E40. 00 mm² BU -X126.2015 to machine no.A8 /E41.75 mm² BU 2 1 -V1 Y34B -V1 Y34A =HP5.75 mm² BU =HP5.1 +W17 0.00 mm² -W20 34 +W20 YE B 44 +W20 YE /E41.00 mm² BU -X126.00 mm² A 45 +W20 1. Copyright according DIN 34.D7 1 -V1 Y33A -X154 =HP5.1/HP5.D6 0.E4 /E38.75 mm² BN 0.00 mm² BU -X126.1/HP5.1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.75 mm² BU -X152 =HP5.7 R F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.2 1 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 -A5 -A5 -A5 -A5 /E38.75 mm² BU 1 -V1 Y33B -X153 =HP5.1/HP5. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.1.D7 2 -X155 =HP5.2 +W17 +W17 1.1. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E42 100 proved standard 8 .6 L R -X126.: printed: 11.D8 2 0.E4 /E38.75 mm² BN =HP5.00 mm² YE +W20 -X144 1.1 D 0.5 +W17 -W17 1.X36 13/21 8/21 18/21 15/21 8/21 +W17 C -W17 =HP5.X25 1/21 +KK C 16/21 -A6.1/HP5.E5 33 -X144 -X144 -X144 YE B 1.E4 31-W17 +W17-X126.A8 4 1.1 +W17 0. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.03.E4 /E38.1.1 +W17 1 +W17 D 2 0.A8 /E41.75 mm² BN -X25 E E /E19.00 mm² A 3 -X36 +W20 +KK 3/21 -A6.: date: X 3 hight adjustable auger saved user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.3 L +W17 1.75 mm² BN -W17 0. Copyright according DIN 34.00 mm² BN B +OP14 1.1 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 /E45.A1 /E45.: printed: 11. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E44 100 proved standard 8 .: date: X 3 saved 12V plug user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.00 mm² BN +W65 1.X16 +KK 2 10/15 5/15 1.B3 A 2 B +W23 -X16 -W23 -X261 -X260 C +W23 + - C +W23 +OP14 -N1 24V 12V + - +W23 1.00 mm² RD -X188 -X327 -X328 1/2 2/2 +W65 -X158 +W14 +OP14 1/2 -X159 +W14 +W64 +OP23 2/2 -X325 -X161 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.00 mm² RD 1/2 +W65 2/2 E 1.00 mm² RD -W65 +W65 1.A1 A 1 -F13 10A -A6.A1 /E45. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.00 mm² RD -X262 -X186 D D +W23 2/2 -X324 -X326 +W65 1.00 mm² RD +OP19-K29:3 F13 /E46. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.2015 to machine no.03. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.00 mm² BN -W14 1.00 mm² BN -W23 1.00 mm² BN -X326 1/2 +W14 E -X324 1. A8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 /E46.A1 /E46.: date: X 3 engine compatment light saved user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.00 mm² -W24 1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.: printed: 11.X23 7/9 +KK 4/9 +W24 YE 1.00 mm² -W24 YE -X217 D D -X163 +W24 BK 1/2 1 +OP15 -H15 WH 2 E E 2/2 +W24 -X163 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.2015 to machine no.A1 A 1 +OP15 -F19 10A 2 B B -A6. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.A8 /E44.03.A1 /E46.1 A /E44. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. Copyright according DIN 34. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E45 100 proved standard 8 .A8 /E44.00 mm² BN -X23 C C -X216 +OP15 +W24 2 01 -S5 3 +W24 1 1. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E46 100 proved standard 8 . Copyright according DIN 34.F5 +KK YE +W20 -W13 1.E2 /E47.A8 4 /E32. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.X13 +KK +W13-X113.A1 /E47.X38 -X13 -W13 1.4 8/15 +W13 D 1.00 mm² YE /E36.: date: X 3 saved central lubrication user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.00 mm² YE F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.00 mm² +KK -A6.X38 -A6.00 mm² -W13 6/15 YE D 9/15 1.00 mm² -A1 YE /E45.B3 1.00 mm² -W13 31-W13 -A6.B3 +W20 238 +W20 -X47 -X47 5 -W20 1.: printed: 11. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.B3 115 +W20 252 1 +W20 7/12 4 /E46.E6 -A1 -X47 A YE /E2.2 1 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 /E2.E3 2 +OP19 -X253 -W13 1.A1 /E47.2015 to machine no.00 mm² +W13 YE +W13 1.E6 /E44.5 +OP19 -K29 +OP19 3 2 -A1 F8 F13 /E46.00 mm² B YE -W20 /E2.X28 C C -X38 4/21 -X38 +W20 +KK 8/21 -A6.C6 A 3 +KK -A6.03.X13 -X13 YE -X13 1.A8 /E45.00 mm² BN -X196 -X165 3 2 E 31 1 +W13 +W13 1/4 1 2 3/4 +W13 3 +W13 1 -B17 -A9 +W13 -X253 24V +OP19 M -X254 -X196 -B18 2 +W13 3 3 E P P +OP19 1 -X254 +W13 /E46.A8 /E45.A1 B 1.00 mm² -K29 -X28 -W20 +W13-X113. 00 mm² -W36 +OP17 YE 1/2 YE +W16 C +OP17 C 3 X1 4 X2 -S6 -X321 1. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.A8 /E46.A1 /E48.2015 to machine no.X17 1/15 2 1/15 +W16 -X17 -W16 B 1. Copyright according DIN 34.: date: X 3 saved emulsion spray user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.00 mm² BN -X321 +W16 +W16-X114.3 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E47 100 proved standard 8 .00 mm² RD B -X167 -X166 1.: printed: 11. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.A8 /E46.A8 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 +OP17 /E48.A1 A 1 -F9 5A -A6.2 1 A /E46.75 mm² BN +OP17 D D 2/2 2/2 -M6 +OP17 +OP17 -X320 M -X166 E -X320 +OP17 +OP17 1/2 E 2/2 +W16 -X167 +OP17 -W16 /E14.00 mm² BN -W36 1.03.1 -X114.00 mm² -W36 YE -W36 0.A1 /E48.E7 31-W16 1. : date: X 3 saved seat heating user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.A8 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 1 +OP18 -A1 A -F34 /E2.00 mm² -W20 YE B -X35 /E48.03.2015 to machine no. Copyright according DIN 34. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.00 mm² -W14 YE -X15 D 1.A8 /E47.X15 11/18 +KK +W14 1.5A 242 2 +W20 -X47 B 1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.C4 +W20 +KK 21/21 +OP18 -K13 -A6.00 mm² -W14 YE D -X170 +W14 -X171 1/2 2/2 2/2 E -W14 /E37.: printed: 11.00 mm² BN 1/2 -W14 1.E3 7.5 +W14 E 1.X35 +OP18 3 2 -K13 1 /E48.C3 4 5 C C -A6.2 1 A /E47. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.A8 /E47. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E48 100 proved standard 8 .00 mm² BN F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.F6 31-W14-2 +W14-X121. 14 mm² BU Vi-GND -W32 Mir 5 5-SW/6 0.22 mm² RD -W32 +W33 5-SW/6 -X211 GND B VCC Sig GND Sig 1 4 1-OR/6 4-WH/6 6-RD/6 3-SH/6 6 3 Vi-GND 0.22 mm² BK Mir WH B WH -A11 C C Vi-GND Vi-GND +OP22 BN 2 9 BN -X200 3 BN 4 D 10 5 6 D Vi-GND -A4. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E49 100 proved standard 8 .22 mm² RD +W32 GND 0. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.14 mm² 0. Copyright according DIN 34.14 mm² -X210 VCC Sig GND Sig 0.00 mm² BK26 Vi-GND Vi-GND -X54 E +BP +OP22 -A10 1 31 7 58 12 6 30 11 10 GND VBB Video Video 15 8 9 4 Input Video2 Input Video1 CAN1-H CAN1-L CAN2-H CAN2-L 5 2 3 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.2015 to machine no.X54 12 +BP +BP 0.: date: X 3 saved Video system user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.34 mm² Koax -W11.: printed: 11.03. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A +OP22 +OP22 -A12 1 4 1-OR/6 4-WH/6 6-RD/6 3-SH/6 6 3 5 0.22 mm² BK 0.34 mm² Koax Vi-GND 6 +BP -X54 -X63 E -W11.4 1.6 0. X31 5/6 -W12 D 0.00 mm² 1. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.75 mm² BU ( +W62) -X219 E +W12 +W12-X221:2 1. 4 5 6 7 Kruse E50 100 proved standard 8 .E6 46 178 +W20 +W20 -X144 -X47 1.X31 -A6.03. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.: date: X 3 saved fume control user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.X33 +W11 +KK 5/21 -A6.00 mm² BN -X184 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.2015 to machine no.C4 +W12 ( +W62) 2 +W12 -W12 E /E1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.F4 /E2.: printed: 11.E5 31 0.X34 16/21 +KK +KK +W12 C +KK -A6. Copyright according DIN 34.00 mm² -W20 YE B YE B -X31 C -X31 +W11 18/21 -A6.75 mm² BN -X33 D -X219 =HP16 1 -V1 Y37 =HP16/HP16.2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A fume geno -A5 -A1 /E38. X32 +KK 3/21 -A6. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.: printed: 11.X29 +KK 2 13/21 B -A6.03. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.X31 +KK C 4/21 D D E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.2 1 4 5 6 7 8 30 30 15 15 31 31 A F5 A 3 +KK 1 -F28 10A B C -A6.: date: X 3 saved GPS user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no. 4 5 6 7 E51 100 proved standard 8 .2015 to machine no. Copyright according DIN 34. : printed: 11.2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A B B -X36 +KK -A6.F8 D -X156 =HP25 E -KK 1. 1 electric machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.X36 +W20 10/21 C C -A6.00 mm² -W17 0. 4 5 6 7 E52 100 proved standard 8 . 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.B5 0.75 mm² BU 2 -W17 /E38.75 mm² BN -X25 -X7.1 F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.X25 +KK 12/21 +W17 D YE +W17 1 -V1 Y38 =HP25/HP25. Copyright according DIN 34.2 E +KK 27/16 31-W17 +W17-X126.: date: X 3 saved hydraulic side shield user ident number 4812004361 /AB document no.2015 to machine no. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.03. : printed: 11.03. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no. 7 date =SP1 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI SP1 100 standard 8 . 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.: saved: X 3 4 hose package screed extend/retract 616/617 on 890-898 5 6 4812036460 /A 4812004361 /AB ident number document no. Copyright according DIN 34.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A 23 cm³ 8 cm³ B B LT 23 cm³ 8 cm³ L ST_P 01 -H1 02 4812034725 01 -H2 ZR_A ZR_B 4812034725 C ST_T C 02 DP_A DP_B 01 -H3 02 4812034725 ZL_A 4812034725 01 -H4 ZL_B 02 V_T V_P L D 23 cm³ LT 23cm³ 8 cm³ E Rückwand backplane E D 8 cm³ F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied.2015 to machine no. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.: saved: X 3 4 hose package tamper/vibration 616/617 on 892 5 6 4812035034 /C 4812004361 /AB ident number document no.2014 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI =SP2 SP2 100 standard 8 .03. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes. 7 date 26.2015 to machine no.02.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A 23 cm³ 8 cm³ 4812010645 B -H8 07 B LT 23 cm³ 06 03 -H2 01 -H5 L_T 4812034688 4812032401 ST_P 05 4812032402 02 -H4 C 8 cm³ ST_T 04 ZR_A ZR_B C DP_A DP_B ZL_B 04 02 -H3 V_T 01 -H6 4812032402 ZL_A V_P 05 4812032401 L_V 4812034688 03 -H1 06 D D 23 cm³ 07 -H7 8 cm³ 4812010645 LT 8 cm³ Rückwand backplane 23cm³ E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. Copyright according DIN 34. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.: printed: 11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A 23 cm³ 8 cm³ B B LT 23 cm³ 8 cm³ L ST_P ST_T ZR_A ZR_B C C 01 -H1 02 DP_A 4812034689 DP_B 4812034689 02 01 -H2 ZL_B ZL_A V_T V_P L D 23 cm³ D 8 cm³ Rückwand backplane LT 23cm³ 8 cm³ E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.: saved: X 3 4 hose package screed crown adjustment 616/617 on 892-898 5 6 4812037372 /A 4812004361 /AB ident number document no. 7 date =SP3 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI SP3 100 standard 8 .03. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.: printed: 11. Copyright according DIN 34. 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str.2015 to machine no. : printed: 11.2015 to machine no. 4 5 6 7 date 04.03. communicated to any third part or used for manufactoring purposes.2014 user DFPMBO proved DFPSFI =SP8 SP8 100 standard 8 . 1 hydraulic machine type: Dynapac GmbH ● Ammerländer Str. 93 D-26203 Wardenburg ● Germany 2 892 Serie project name: 4812004361 from machine no.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 8L B 09 B Schottwand rechts 4812011159 -H1 01 SR SR A A B A4 B4 A2 C C B2 A3 A1 B3 00 B1 D D E E F F This document will remain the property of DYNAPAC GmbH and may not without the permission of the sald company be copied. Copyright according DIN 34.: saved: X 3 4812007695 /A 4812004361 /AB end gate 616/617 ident number document no.02.


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