Eric Le Lann-I Remember Chet
Eric Le Lann-I Remember Chet
June 27, 2018 | Author: RafaelFranciscodaSilva | Category:
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ERiC LE LAnn+ nELsOn VERAs & GiLdAs BOCLé TRiBUTE TO CHET BAKER Frank sinatra & Jack Wolf 05 sUMMERTiME 4:43 George Gershwin 06 THE TOUCH OF YOUR LiPs 4:30 Ray noble 07 MiLEsTOnEs 4:53 Miles davis 08 ZinGARO 6:40 Antonio Carlos Jobim 09 LOVE FOR sALE 6:05 Cole Porter 10 AnGEL EYEs 7:39 Matt denis 11 BACKTiME 5:05 Eric Le Lann TOTAL TiME 49:09 .BEEJAZ ERiC LE LAnn 01 FOR MinORs OnLY 3:54 Jimmy Heath 02 iF i sHOULd CARE 5:21 Ralph Rainger 03 THE MORE i sEE YOU 4:50 Harry Warren 04 i AM A FOOL TO WAnT YOU 3:02 Joel Herron. with kind permission of Paul Baker and Bruce Guthrie Text translation by Rollin'dice Productions Produced by BEE JAZZ Executive producers for BEE JAZZ : Alexandre Leforestier & Mohamed Gastli Label Manager for BEE JAZZ : Mohamed Gastli For more information about BEE JAZZ Records. mixed and mastered by simon derasse at 51studio in August & september 2012 Graphic design : Element-s/Jérôme Witz Chet Baker cover photo : © Christian ducasse.2khz/24bits .com | contact@beejazz. please visit : www.beejazz.com/beejazz facebook.com distribution : Abeille Musique distribution twitter.fr Phone : +33 (0)140165430 i +33 (0)625470493 Recording / Mixing / Mastering 88.com/beejazzchannel BEE 057 COnTACT BOOKinG Jean-René Pouilly
[email protected]
LE LAnn trumpet nELsOn VERAs guitar GiLdAs BOCLé double bass Recorded. ERiC LE LAnn + nELsOn VERAs & GiLdAs BOCLé ERiC LE LAnn + nELsOn VERAs & GiLdAs BOCLé . ERiC LE LAnn + nELsOn VERAs & GiLdAs BOCLé . he drove very fast yet well. He handed me his trumpet and it was a real delight to play with him. in spite of the fact that we’d all been influenced – and notably Chet . . We went back to Rue de l’Université for a second time. He played his new trumpet and the sound was the same. the inventor: Louis Armstrong. causing a spurt of blood to blast the room’s walls. however. Chet immediately invited me to play and handed me his trumpet right after every solo. i was surprised by his driving. . i know a store that sells trumpets in Pigalle. The two of us left. extremely beautiful. as always. as he was standing behind me. he was highly sensitive. To go forward means preventing oneself from doing what one knows. closing it up. i soaked up his style. thanks.» Chet was scheduled to play at the new Morning that night. the sound was a mere reflection of himself. i played as much as he asked me to. We played several standards and after two hours or so. As we headed back to the hotel. naked.Eric. Music was genuinely his reason for being.Okay. He actually used his teeth problems . He’d given his all earlier that afternoon. i can still recall the expression on the faces of the two salesmen that greeted me as i entered the store on Rue duperré. . He said he wanted to drive.» i hence went over there just before noon. He made several more attempts before being able to successfully shoot up. . i went outside for a while. They hadn’t seen Chet yet. where i live. We played some more and he said: . Around 1 pm. very powerful German sedan. you can stay. Can you drive me to Rue de l’Université? . «i’m going to see Chet at his hotel on Boulevard de strasbourg. As he was accustomed to doing. Eric Le lann (nov 2012) . He had a syringe in his right hand and was holding it up straight to remove any air bubbles. You should change trumpets. We jumped back in the car. Chet then looked around his calf area for a vein that was still operational. and then reopening it. in his pocket. he picked the cheapest one.no. My car was an old.000 francs. but this allowed him to come up with a different sound and phrasing. staring at it at length. a way for him not to be caught with too much dope on him in case he ever got pulled over. who’d often become his guitarist when there was no piano. Unable to fully bite the mouthpiece. in-between tunes. The trumpet cost 3. full of air. in the same pattern as his body’s rotation as he reached for a box of tissues. people like Clark Terry. join me.Come in! i entered the room. we took a break and i headed out for lunch. The sounds didn’t come out. i returned around 2 pm and knocked on the door of his hotel room. let’s go see these trumpets. To go forward is to say no. He missed. he stepped aside to shoot up again. no one knows why he had so much trouble playing that night. . weaving through traffic and visibly enjoying it.«do you have a car?» he asked me. i told him: .Of course. i mentioned his trumpet again. i can see him to this day. he couldn’t go into high pitches. The valves of his trumpet were kept dry thanks to paper towel that required replacing every so often. Late that morning. people were disappointed. i’d brought my mouthpiece. He had his mouthpiece. Clifford Brown. in terms of phrasing and choice of notes. The purchase was expedited in a matter of minutes.Chet. Chet’s back was towards me. Back to the hotel we went. We went out to eat a toasted sandwich. he was like a child opening the box of his brand-new trumpet. i do. life isn’t worth living.Okay. paid. it’s okay. He asked to see the trumpets and within three seconds. before coming back with Mickey. Chet was endearing.by Miles and the old guard. but my main objective was to have my own. we got to the new Morning and the room was packed. As for me. He listened to me distractedly and continued to play. Mickey was there. . but i was doing everything i could not to sound like him. a Bach 7C. . there must’ve been 500 people. Back at the hotel. and we left. as if the Messiah had just made his return to Earth. Around 9 pm.Who is it? . he took a wad of cash out of his back pocket. listening. Chet said he had to run an errand. a basic Getzen.«Without love. he was facing the window. after which he raised his trumpet to his lips. When they finally did. and for those who knew him. preventing oneself from copying. as they say. We played a few new standards and his sound and phrasing were out of this world. and he was loving it. necessity is the mother of invention.Yes. without my trumpet. He could play any trumpet.to create a new sound for himself. i was probably influenced by his playing. Chet started to sing. their jaws dropped and they completely froze. Chet was playing with his flutist. i’ll be back in a moment.thus affecting his lips .no.do you want some? . i got a call from Mickey saying. Chet le premier par Miles. se faufile entre les voitures et prend visiblement beaucoup de plaisir. nu. Clark Terry. un premier modèle Getzen. il y a 500 personnes. il s’isole pour se piquer à nouveau. Clifford Brown et pour ceux qui connaissent.Come in ! Je rentre dans sa chambre. comme si dieu était enfin redescendu sur terre. c’est réglé. dans la mesure où on a tous été influencé. Mickey était là et écoutait. Chet est attachant. peux-tu m’amener rue de l’Université ? -Bien sûr. de retour à l’hôtel. nous sortons grignoter un croque-monsieur. mais je crois que je fais tout pour ne pas lui ressembler – je parle du phrasé. -Oui j’en ai une. Avancer c’est s’empêcher de faire ce que l’on sait faire. On reprend la voiture. il a dans sa poche son embouchure Bach. . Personne n’a jamais su pourquoi ce soir-là il eut tellement de mal à jouer. Je suis surpris par sa conduite. Les pompes à eau de sa trompette sont étanches grâce à du sopalin que l’on doit changer de temps en temps. la manque et un jet de sang arrose les murs de la chambre suivant le mouvement de rotation que fait son corps lorsqu’il cherche à atteindre sa boîte de kleenex. du choix des notes. Entre deux titres. je connais un magasin qui vend des trompettes à Pigalle où j’habite. Ma voiture est une vieille voiture allemande très puissante et il se régale. quelqu’un d’hypersensible. Le manque de pince ne lui permet pas d’aller dans l’aigu. Eric Le lann (nov 2012) . nous jouons plusieurs standards et au bout de deux heures. je lui dis : . très beaux comme toujours. le son est le même avec plein d’air. tu devrais changer de trompette. -Ok. nous retournons rue de l’Université une seconde fois. J’y allais donc en fin de matinée sans ma trompette. c’est s’empêcher de copier. nous partons tous les deux. -do you want some ? -no thanks. Chet commence par chanter puis embouche sa trompette. i’ll be back in a moment. Vers 13 heures. elle coûte 3000 francs. la salle est bondée. Comme souvent. On rejoue de nouveaux standards et son son et son phrasé sont lunaires. direction l’hôtel. il sort une liasse de billets de sa poche arrière. Chet cherche ensuite une veine encore opérationnelle au niveau du mollet. Avancer. Mickey m’appela en fin de matinée et me dit :»Je vais voir Chet à son hôtel boulevard de strasbourg. Je suis sûrement influencé par son jeu. la refermant puis l’ouvrant encore. je joue autant qu’il me le demande.Chet. ouvrant la boîte de cette trompette neuve. En cinq minutes. En arrivant rue duperré. il souhaite conduire. il y a un break et je vais manger à l’extérieur de l’hôtel. il m’écoute d’une oreille distraite puis continue à jouer. il demande à voir les trompettes. On joue encore un peu et il me dit: . il s’est en fait servi de ses problèmes de dents et donc de lèvres pour se fabriquer un autre son.je t-y attends». il conduit très vite et très bien. une seringue à la main droite bien verticale.Who is here ? . Je m’en imprègne mais souhaite avant tout avoir un style propre.Ok.«La vie ne vaut pas la peine d’être vécue sans amour». nous retournons à l’hôtel. Tout de suite Chet m’invite à jouer et à chaque fin de solo me tend sa trompette. Chet jouait avec son flûtiste qui devenait guitariste lorsqu’il n’y avait pas de piano. -no it’s ok. une 7C. c’est dire non. La fonction crée l’organe. je revois encore la tête des deux vendeurs me disant bonjour. Chet jouait ce soir-là au new Morning. il s’y prend plusieurs fois avant de réussir à se piquer. il me passe sa trompette et c’est un plaisir de jouer avec lui. Chet est de dos face à la fenêtre. Chet dit qu’il a une course à faire. Je prends l’air un certain temps puis reviens avec Mickey. l’inventeur: Louis Armstrong. -As-tu une voiture ? me demande-t-il. il peut jouer n’importe quelle trompette. Je reviens vers 14 heures et frappe à la porte de sa chambre. allons voir ces trompettes. Vers 21 heures nous arrivons au new Morning. mais ça lui permet de trouver un autre son et un autre phrasé. vraiment la musique est toute sa vie. il est comme un enfant. Puis il joue sa nouvelle trompette. le son c’est soi. you can stay. n’ayant pas encore vu Chet qui est derrière moi puis se figeant. j’ai mon embouchure. les gens sont déçus. c’est une façon de ne pas avoir trop de produit sur lui au cas où il serait contrôlé. Je lui reparle de sa trompette. les anciens. il enlève l’air de l’aiguille.éric . paye et on part. il a tout donné cet après-midi. la regardant longuement. Je le vois encore. choisit en trois secondes la moins chère. le son ne sort pas. com/beejazz join bee jazz community www.beejazz.Le cataLoGue bee jazz eSt DiSPonibLe en tÉLÉcHaRGement SanS comPReSSion [QuaLitÉ cD] SuR WWW.com/beejazz touteS LeS nouVeautÉS bee jazz Sont DiSPonibLe en QuaLitÉ « StuDio maSteRS » SuR WWW.Qobuz.Qobuz.com . magic malik CATALOG 2012 ALL BEE JAZZ RELEASES NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD IN STUDIO MASTERS QUALITY . piano. distortion. space echo.2kHz 24bits 192kHz Available in download in quality Studio Masters Available in download in quality Studio Masters BEE056 24bits 96kHz Available in download in quality Studio Masters BEE058 I RELEASE DATE: JANUARY 22TH 2013 . voix BEE055 RUSCONI MACHA GHARIBIAN REVOLUTION MARS Stefan Rusconi. feed-back & choirs Claudio Strüby drums. MAN IN THE FOG Jan Lundgren : piano 24bits 96kHz Available in download in quality Studio Masters BEE059 I RELEASE DATE: FEB 14TH 2013 MACHADO & DANZAS INVITENT MINVIELLE LA FÊTE À BOBY Jean-Marie Machado. double bass. piano & arrangements André Minvielle.JAN LUNDGREN À SUIVRE . preparation & choirs Fabian Gisler.. glockenspiel & choirs Macha Gharibian : voice. tape. piano & fender rhodes David Potaux-Razel : guitare Théo Girard : basse Fabrice Moreau : batterie 24bits 88.. 2kHz Available in download in quality Studio Masters Available in download in quality Studio Masters BEE051 I RELEASE DATE: MARCH 29TH 2012 Available in download in quality Studio Masters BEE052 I RELEASE DATE: MAY 17TH 2012 BEE049 I RELEASE DATE: APRIL 12TH 2012 ANTONIN-TRI HOANG + BENOÎT DELBECQ 24bits 96kHz AÉROPLANES JOZEF DUMOULIN TRIO + TREVOR DUNN & ERIC THIELEMANS GUILLAUME DE CHASSY + THOMAS SAVY & ARNAULT CUISINIER Antonin-Tri Hoang. piano 24bits 88. drums Gabriel Zufferey. bass Stephane Galland.0 kHz Available in download in quality Studio Masters BEE043 I RELEASE DATE: MARCH 2011 . piano Thomas Savy. drums Guillaume de Chassy. bass drums Nelson Veras. double bass 24bits 96.0kHz 24bits 48kHz Available in download in quality Studio Masters BEE046 I RELEASE DATE: JUNE 2011 24bits 88.NICO GORI + FRED HERSCH JEROME SABBAGH GABRIEL ZUFFEREY PLUGGED IN CONTEMPLATION Nico Gori. keyboards Jean-Luc Lehr. piano Eric Surmenian. bass Fred Jeanne.2kHz 24bits 88. electric bass Eric Thielemans. tenor saxophone Jozef Dumoulin. piano Jerome Sabbagh. electric bass Maxime Zampieri. fender rhodes Trevor Dunn. fender rhodes & other keyboards Patrice Blanchard. drums Recorded in Août 2010 BEE047 I RELEASE DATE: MAY 2011 24bits 88. alto saxophone & bass clarinet Benoît Delbecq. piano Jozef Dumoulin. clarinet Fred Hersch. electric bass Rudy Royston. guitar Thomas Morgan. flute and vocals Jozef Dumoulin.2kHz Available in download in quality Studio Masters BEE048 I RELEASE DATE: OCTOBER 2011 Available in download in quality Studio Masters BEE050 I RELEASE DATE: JANUARY 2012 EDWIN BERG NELSON VERAS MAGIC MALIK VOL 2 R/B SHORT CUTS Edwin Berg. drums Magic Malik.2kHz Available in download in quality Studio Masters Available in download in quality Studio Masters BEE002 I RELEASE DATE: APRIL 2011 24 bits 96. clarinets Arnault Cuisinier.2kHz 24bits 88. battery BEE034 24 bits 44.1 kHz BEE025 I RELEASE DATE: MAY 2010 MANU CODJIA TRIO André Minvielle – Michèle Hendricks David Linx – Lionel Suarez Marcel Loeffler – Jérôme Regard Pierre-François Dufour 24bits 88. piano. vocals Ablaye Cissoko. IF YOU CAN !!! 24 bits 44. song. saxophones tenor and soprano Ben Monder. Danzas Recorded in Août 2010 24 bits 48.1 kHz 24 bits 44. trombone Guillaume de Chassy. drums Recorded in Août 2010 Music arranged by Jean-Marie Machado Orch.2kHz BEE040 I RELEASE DATE: MARCH 2010 BEE033 I RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 2010 .guitar. guitar Daniel Humair. kora. Daniel Yvinec. artistic direction Music by John Hollenbeck Jean-Marie Machado.2kHz BEE034 I RELEASE DATE: AUGUST 2010 24bits 88. saxophone and compositions Jérôme Sabbagh. percussion. oud.. backing Vocals Manu Codjia. double bas Philippe Garcia.. drums and percussions Samuel Blaser.1 kHz Available in download in quality Studio Masters Available in download in quality Studio Masters Available in download in quality Studio Masters BEE003 I RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 2011 BEE045 I RELEASE DATE: NOVEMBER 2010 SHUT UP AND DANCE BEE042 I RELEASE DATE: SEPTEMBER 2010 JEAN-MARIE MACHADO DAVE LIEBMAN ETERNAL MOMENTS I WILL FOLLOW YOU National French Jazz Orchestra.0 kHz 24 bits 44. double bass Ramon Lopez.2kHz 24bits 88. piano and composition Dave Liebman. backing vocals Khalid Khouhen. guitar Jérôme Regard. guembri.2kHz BEE044 I RELEASE DATE: AUGUST 2010 GABRIEL ZUFFEREY GUILLAUME DE CHASSY ANDRÉ MINVIELLE HEAR & KNOW PICTORIAL MUSIC Gabriel Zufferey.1 kHz BEE032 I RELEASE DATE: OCTOBER 2010 JÉRÔME SABBAGH BEN MONDER DANIEL HUMAIR ORCHESTRE NATIONAL DE JAZZ (ONJ) 24bits 88. piano Recorded in Mars 2008 FOLLOW JON HENDRICKS.MAJID BEKKAS JEAN-MARIE MACHADO & DANZAS MABROUK COVERS FIESTA NOCTURNA Majid Bekkas. keyboards and composition Patrice Moret. 1kHz Edwin berg. Artistic direction. saxophone baritone effects Eric Thielemans.0 kHz BEE041 I RELEASE DATE: NOVEMBER 2009 BEE038 I RELEASE DATE: NOVEMBER 2009 BEE036 I RELEASE DATE: OCTOBER 2009 KAREN LANO NELSON VERAS MY NAME IS HOPE WEBSTER SOLO SESSION (VOLUME 1) Karen Lano. Arno. piano Eric Surmenian. battery. Voice.ISSAM KRIMI JOZEF DUMOULIN & LIDLBOJ STÉPHANE SPIRA GIOVANNI MIRABASSI BARBARA PIANO SOLO TREES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT SPIRABASSI Issam Krimi. vocals Recorded in Mars 2008 24 bits 44. piano Lynn Cassiers. Trumpet. Vincent Artaud. Irene Jacob. bass. piano Daniel Yvinec. effects & programming Recorded in Décembre 2008 Stéphane Spira. vocals.FRED JEANNE PERPETUUM Nelson Veras. Camille. Yael Naïm & Rokia Traoré. acoustic guitar Recorded in 2009 24 bits 44. arrangements Recorded in Janvier 2009 Guillaume De Chassy.1 kHz BEE030 I RELEASE DATE: APRIL 2009 BEE029 I RELEASE DATE: MARCH 2009 BEE009 I RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 2009 . effects Bo Van der Werf. trombone Recorded in Décembre 2008 AROUND ROBERT WYATT Guests : Robert Wyatt. saxophone soprano & ténor Giovanni Mirabassi. guitar Michael Leonhart.1kHz 24bits 44.1 kHz BEE031 I RELEASE DATE: SEPTEMBER 2009 24bits 44. effect Jozef Dumoulin. drums Mark Murphy. Daniel Yvinec. trumpet Gueorgui Kornazov. electric guitar Jérôme Regard. flugelhorn… Recorded in Mars 2009 EDWIN BERG . drums & electronic effects Geoffroy Tamisier. Daniel Darc. double bass Paul Motian. piano Recorded in Juin 2008 24 bits 96. drums 24bits 96. double bass Fred Jeanne. keyboards.0kHz BEE035 I RELEASE DATE: SEPTEMBER 2009 ORCHESTRE NATIONAL DE JAZZ (ONJ) 24bits 44. vocals Daniel Yvinec.ERIC SURMENIAN . double bass Philippe Garcia.1kHz BEE039 I RELEASE DATE: AUGUST 2009 DANIEL YVINEC GUILLAUME DE CHASSY MANU CODJIA SONGS FROM THE LAST CENTURY Manu Codjia. drums Recorded in Décembre 2006 BEE022 I RELEASE DATE: SEPTEMBER 2007 BEE026 I RELEASE DATE: SEPTEMBER 2008 BEE019 I RELEASE DATE: APRIL 2007 BEE023 I RELEASE DATE: OCTOBER 2007 JÉRÔME SABBAGH MANU CODJIA POGO SONGLINES Jérôme Sabbagh. soprano & tenor saxophone Rodney Green. bass Ted Poor. drums Manu Codjia. drums Guests : Julien Lourau. piano & rhodes Dré Pallemaerts. tenor & soprano saxophones Ben Monder. double bass Recorded in Juin 2008 Daniel Humair. drums Recorded in Juillet 2006 Manu Codjia. piano Tony Malaby. drums Recorded in Novembre 2007 Daniel Yvinec. piano Stéphane Kérécki. saxophone tenor Recorded in Janvier 2008 BEE020 I RELEASE DATE: MAY 2008 GUILLAUME DE CHASSY DANIEL YVINEC FARAWAY SO CLOSE THE LOST CROONERS Guillaume de Chassy.. drums BEE018 I RELEASE DATE: MARCH 2007 . drums Recorded in Juillet 2007 BEE024 I RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 2008 JEAN-PAUL CELEA FRANÇOIS COUTURIER DANIEL HUMAIR TRYPTIC Jean-Paul Celea. saxophone Manu Codjia. double bass François Couturier. double bass Jozef Dumoulin." Jérôme Sabbagh. guitar Sébastien Boisseau. guitar Joe Martin. piano Daniel Humair. baritone & soprano. percussions Joachim Kuhn. tenor and soprano Christophe Monniot. guitar Recorded in Mai 2008 BEE028 I RELEASE DATE: NOVEMBER 2008 BEE027 I RELEASE DATE: SEPTEMBER 2008 DANIEL HUMAIR JOACHIM KÜHN TONY MALABY FULL CONTACT Daniel Humair. double bass Nelson Veras. guitar Stéphane Galland."SO MANY WAYS. drums Ben Street. saxophone alto Chritophe Wallemme. double bass Daniel Humair.. double bass Fabrice Moreau.JÉRÔME SABBAGH TRIO DANIEL HUMAIR CHRISTOPHE WALLEMME TRIO ONE TWO THREE BABY BOOM II START . double bass Matthieu Donarier. acoustic & electric guitar François Moutin. piano Stéphane Belmondo. drums Recorded in Décembre 2004 Boulou Ferré. guitar Elios Ferré.GUILLAUME DE CHASSY FRANÇOIS JEANNEAU PIANO SOLO QUAND SE TAISENT LES OISEAUX Guillaume De Chassy. piano Gilles Naturel. David Linx. saxophone soprano Guillaume Juramie.FRANÇOIS JEANNEAU . piano and keyboards Sébastien Boisseau. saxophone alto Patrick Montesuit. piano Daniel Yvinec. Sound effects Amaury Bach. piano and organ. Mitt Hoffman Recorded in Février 2005 BEE008 I RELEASE DATE: SEPTEMBER 2005 NAMASTE François Jeanneau. voice and saxophone tenor & soprano Thierry Girault. guitar Daniel Humair. guitar Alain Jean-Marie.JEAN-PHILIPPE VIRET GUILLAUME DE CHASSY DANIEL YVINEC WONDERFUL WORLD (VERSION BOX SET) BOULOU & ELIOS FERRÉ SHADES OF A DREAM Boulou Ferré. baritone saxophone… Recorded in Avril 2006 Stéphane Spira. saxophone alto & flute Diego Fano. kora & vocals BEE017 I RELEASE DATE: JANUARY 2007 BEE021 I RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 2007 CHRISTOPHE WALLEMME BEE011 I RELEASE DATE: MARCH 2005 BEE010 I RELEASE DATE: OCTOBER 2004 . Guillaume Perret. guitar Pierre Boussaguet. double bass Recorded in Janvier 2004 FLENCH WOK Jean Phillipe Muvien. electric guitar… Recorded in Juin 2006 BEE016 I RELEASE DATE: OCTOBER 2006 LE BOCAL STÉPHANE SPIRA BOULOU & ELIOS FERRÉ EGO FIRST PAGE PARISIAN PASSION Ernie Odoom. double bass Voices : Andy Bey. double bass Ablaye Cissoko. double bass Philippe Soirat. composition & arrangements Stéphane Edouard. acoustic guitar Manu Codjia. bass Joe Quitzke. tablas Nelson Veras. double bass Recorded in Avril 2004 Guillaume de Chassy. Saxophone soprano Jean-Philippe Viret. double bass. piano Recorded in 2006 Christophe Wallemme. saxophones Olivier Hutman. clavicord Riccardo Del Fra. percussions Prabhu Edouard. drums François Jeanneau. drums & percussions Emil Spanyi. guitar Elios Ferré. trumpet Recorded in Mai 2005 BEE013 I RELEASE DATE: AUGUST 2006 BEE012 I RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 2006 BEE015 I RELEASE DATE: NOVEMBER 2005 JEAN-PHILIPPE MUVIEN DANIEL HUMAIR . saxophone tenor & soprano. double bass Alain Jean-Marie. piano Sébastien Boisseau. double bass André Minvielle. double bass Recorded in Mai 2003 Gabriel Zufferey. double bass Daniel Huamir. guitar Alain Jean-Marie. piano Gilles Naturel. guitar Elios Ferré.GUILLAUME DE CHASSY & DANIEL YVINEC AVEC ANDRÉ MINVIELLE GABRIEL ZUFFEREY SÉBASTIEN BOISSEAU DANIEL HUMAIR CHANSONS SOUS LES BOMBES APRÈS L'ORAGE THE RAINBOW OF LIFE Boulou Ferré. drums Recorded in Septembre 2003 Guillaume de Chassy. piano Daniel Yvinec. vocals Recorded in 2003 BEE007 I RELEASE DATE: APRIL 2004 BOULOU & ELIOS FERRÉ BEE006 I RELEASE DATE: MARCH 2004 BEE005 I RELEASE DATE: NOVEMBER 2003 .
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