Enterprise Structure Overview

June 10, 2018 | Author: fahadsap | Category: Payroll, Employment, Business, Salary, Graduate School
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OnePurdueHR Enterprise and Personnel Structures Overview of the HR Enterprise and Personnel Structures Version 1 March 7, 2006 ....................................................................................................................................................................................GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................. 6 Academic Year Exempt Staff Changes .............. 4 PERSONNEL AREA: ....................................................................................... 4 OVERVIEW OF THE PERSONNEL STRUCTURE ....... 7 Page 2 of 7 ............................................................ 4 PERSONNEL SUBAREA:....................................... 4 EMPLOYEE GROUP............................................................................................................................................................. 5 EMPLOYEE SUBGROUP ................................................................................................... 3 CLIENT ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 COMPANY CODE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 CHANGES TO THE ENTERPRISE AND PERSONNEL STRUCTURES.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 OVERVIEW OF THE ENTERPRISE STRUCTURE.............................................................................................................................................................................. Enterprise and Personnel Structure values are stored on positions. Especially with concurrent employment. the appropriate structure values will be selected and stored for the position. the employee will inherit the structure values stored on the position. the values may be changed on the employee assignment screen (Infotype 0001. As employees are assigned to positions. 4. Additionally. When used together. Client The SAP client is represented by a three character alphanumeric code. and benefit processing rules. For instance. If the values are not appropriate for the assignment. The Enterprise and Personnel structures are also used extensively by the financial components of SAP. a subdivision of the company code. these structures define the legal entities of the company. For instance. Following is a more detailed description of each Enterprise Structure value. Overview of the Enterprise Structure The Enterprise Structure for Personnel Administration is made up of the following elements: 1. When positions are created by the HR Compensation Analyst. a company that draws up its own balance sheet. work locations for the University. Client 100 may be the productive client while Client 200 may be the testing client and Client 300 may be the training client. the structure values are used in rules to appropriately post payroll expenses to the correct GL accounts. time. 3. the structure values are used extensively in payroll. the tracking of recurring base budgets by staff group relies heavily on Enterprise and Personnel structure values. Organizational Assignment). the enterprise and personnel structure values will require careful oversight. Company Code: An independent company with its own accounting unit. and the University’s various employee groups. the University’s structure is defined by the Enterprise Structure and the Personnel Structure. Because the enterprise and personnel structures help the University differentiate between the various types of employees and work locations. 2.General Information In the SAP system. Personnel Area: A specific entity for Personnel Administration. Personnel Subarea: A subdivision of the Personnel Area. Client: An independent legal and organizational unit of the system. Page 3 of 7 . 2. The Personnel Subareas for the University will be used to create subdivisions of personnel within each area as follows: Personnel Subarea Code Z001 Z002 Z003 Z004 Personnel Subarea Description Pay with Benefits Pay without Benefits Non Pay with Benefits Non Pay without Benefits Overview of the Personnel Structure The Personnel Structure is made up of the following elements: 1. Personnel Subarea: The Personnel Subarea represents a subdivision of the Personnel Area. Within each Personnel area. This allows further distinguishing of employees according to specific traits. Page 4 of 7 . Some are eligible for pay while others are not. Some are eligible for benefits while others are not. The Company Code is established in the Finance modules of SAP. The University has only one Company Code. It represents an independent company. Employee Subgroup: A subdivision of the employee group. The Personnel area can also be used to limit reports to a specific campus location.Company Code The Company Code is the highest level of the enterprise structure within the client. The University has established the following Personnel Areas: Personnel Area Code Z010 Z020 Z030 Z040 Z050 Personnel Area Description Calumet Fort Wayne North Central West Lafayette IUPUI The Personnel Area can be used to perform system evaluations of data or to perform authorization checks. Employee Group: Used to classify employees into general groups for processing of pay. Following is a more detailed description of each Personnel Structure. Personnel Area: The Personnel Area represents a subdivision of the company code. the University has a variety of employees. PUR. time. and benefits. Lect Mgmt/Prof A/P staff currently holding 20A/50A positions. Clerical Staff holding a clerical position (exception if position code equals 5011Cxx). For example. the payroll area can be defaulted from the employee group. GL accounts in the finance modules may be derived from a combination of employee groups and wage types. Affiliates. time. Doc and Other Fire/Police BW Fire fighters and police currently in Service positions Salary being paid a salary. Faculty Tenured or Tenure Track Faculty Fellowship Post Fellowships holding a 5Z position. Page 5 of 7 . Research Faculty. paid on a hourly basis. Non-Pay Adjuncts. The employee group can be used to generate defaulted values for data entry. Fire/Police Mgmt Fire & Police currently in 20A/50A positions. the employee group can be used for reporting purposes or as a criteria for business rules or authorization checks.Employee Group The employee group is used to classify employees into general groups for processing of pay. The University has established the following Employee Groups: Employee Group Code A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Q R Employee Group Types of Employees Description in Group Admin/Prof A/P staff currently holding 30A/60A positions. Fire/Police Fire & Police currently in 30A/60A positions. Continuing Lect Staff holding Continuing Lecturer positions. Graduate Student Graduate Students in the existing graduate positions (excluding 90A staff). etc. Limited Term Staff holding Limited Term Lecturer positions. Faculty Less Than LT 50% 50%. Additionally. Clin Res Non TT Clinical Faculty. The Budget group will use employee group to facilitate management of the recurring base budget. Non Exempt Prof Grandfathered 30A/60A’s now in 5011S or 5011C position codes. and benefits. Police Hourly Police currently in Service positions. Operations Asst Grandfathered 40A/70A’s and any new hires. Associates. Doctoral Fellowship Pre Fellowships holding a 4Z or other position. Purdue will use the subgroups to define the exemption status of the employee as well as their term of appointment. Service Staff holding a service position (exception if position code equals 5011Sxx or fire/police service positions) Student Undergrad student positions Temporary A/P Staff who hold a temporary. Faculty Employee Subgroup The Employee Subgroup is used to create subdivisions within the employee groups. Page 6 of 7 . Prior to implementation of SAP. Employee Subgroup Code Z0 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 ZZ Employee Subgroup Description Non Pay 9 Month FY Exempt 10 Month FY Exempt 11 Month FY Exempt 12 Month FY Exempt 9 Month Non Exempt 10 Month Non Exempt 11 Month Non Exempt 12 Month Non Exempt 9 Month AY Exempt Academic Year Exempt Staff Changes You will note that Employee Subgroup ZZ . Following are the subgroups established by the University. Intern. short term duration A/P position. short term duration Clerical or Service position.Employee Group Code S T U V W X Y Admin Employee Group Types of Employees Description in Group Post Doc Int Res Staff holding Post Doc. or Resident appointments. Visiting Staff holding a Visiting Faculty position or a new Faculty/Emeritus Emeritus Faculty position. academic year staff were considered 10 month staff. Temporary C/S Staff who hold a temporary.9 Month AY Exempt is the only academic year subgroup. Residence Hall Staff holding Staff Resident or Residence Hall Couns Counselor positions. Period pay was calculated by dividing the annual salary by 10. Because the Enterprise and Personnel Structure values are used extensively in system rules for the processing of payroll. and benefits. Budget’s maintenance of the recurring base may be impacted. It is important for Human Resources to maintain appropriate control and vigilance over the use of the structure. At any point that the University chooses to grandfather employees for special treatment. Positions and/or employee assignments would need to be modified to reflect new enterprise or personnel structure values. the changes in the period rates for AY staff will require users of HR data to review reports and analyses for needed changes. all academic year staff will be placed in Employee Subgroup ZZ. time. In the future. are owned by Human Resources. Human Resources will need to appoint an expert to thoroughly learn and understand the HR Enterprise and Personnel Structures. although used by Finance modules in several instances. It is important to note that the practice of grandfathering specific employees for special treatment related to their pay.In the new system. or benefits will become very difficult in the future. the period pay will be calculated by dividing the annual salary by nine. Page 7 of 7 . time accruals. Payroll posting rules to the financial ledgers will need to be revised. While the employee will continue to receive the same annual pay. The employee will receive eight equal period payments for the months of September through April and will receive one-half of their normal period pay during the months of August and May. The impacts are far-reaching. System rules would need to be rewritten. any changes to the structure will require significant planning and work. The structures. new Enterprise and/or Personnel Structure values will be needed. Changes to the Enterprise and Personnel Structures The Enterprise and Personnel Structures are the backbone of HR and Payroll processing.


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