Enfoque y analisis ecorregional: Reabriendo la discusion, documento de discusion preparado para el Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregion Andina (CONDESAN).

November 11, 2017 | Author: cip-library | Category: Biodiversity, Ecology, Planning, Sustainability, Sustainable Development
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The goal of this book is to review the approaches on ecoregional analysis and its relation to natural resources management and the development of economic activities that depend on these resources. The discussion placed on this book was based on the revision of ecoregional programs in different parts of the world and its application, quite diverse, of ecoregional approach and analysis, and it is oriented to people interested in the sustainability and replica of natural resources management experiences in a wider scale. The ecoregional approach and analysis are part of a bigger process oriented to reduce poverty on the basis of a sustainable management of natural resources. A territory may be conceived and analyzed in many ways but it is more complicated variables increment. However, there are conditions that determine the survival of essential organism of this territory, defined by the biophysical dynamic and its environmental services, the impact of human activities and the conditions of this impacted environment, which are not necessarily included within a hydrological, biological or ecological unit. Different criteria, obtained from the discussion, may be used by territorial and natural resources planners and decision-makers to include them in the biophysical –and its interactions-management, that leads us to consider different territorial scales of analysis.


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