Energetic Sorcery

June 3, 2018 | Author: Pete Puza | Category: Magic (Paranormal), Self, Attachment Theory, Emotions, Self-Improvement
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.~ th e overt1y "new agey" aspec~ the root of it's Power.. is called.:occult.. "" The reader is urged to conti. Tribal or Shamanic 3 manic technique and Ce rem~.. Many o. there !5 (or will find) missing.4. the of a project that I have startee: concept of the "Tree of to see how the core concep-this "map" and what it mea. however.."l and to always be mindful o~ :.' · when put into the proper con: the Left Hand Path Initiate..f:.. have heard of._~ . -:1.rith s nently incorporated into ou: more.. Within this little booklet. have more impact than am·one DEUS FACTUS SU M 2 .t L OJ --a .now.. .. 0 .. or rea have even come away v. ~ ID 'J ENERGETIC SORCERY ON THE VOLTEC TREE OF NIGHT WENDIGOVO Order of the Voltec Limited Edition of 30 Copyright 2008 Order of the Voltec © p I strongly believe the primary :re: joining the Order of the Vo~~e­ concepts from the works of c~ ­ text of both modern "occuh Eastern magical practices an · . a long time. The Initiates in the 0.. the entire scope of this influences my work daily anc a cyclic process that on e nee cession. when put into the proper context. Tribal or Shamanic Sorcery. The marriage of Shamanic technique and Ceremonial magic has been around for a long time. can be a significant tool to the Left Hand Path Initiate. Castaneda's work. however. we started to see how the core concepts of Castaneda's work related to this "map" and what it meant to the Voltec Sorcerer. Initiate will see the results of a project that I have started nearly 10 years ago. '> ID SORCERY THE TIC IF NIGHT yo ~- of30 . Within this little booklet.. But there is more. DEUS FACTUS SUM 3 .. there is an element that people found (or will find) missing. know this..the Voltec © I strongly believe the primary reason that individuals have for joining the Order of the Voltec is because we utilize the core concepts from the works of Carlos Castaneda within the context of both modern "occult" (encompassing Western and Eastern magical practices and "Ceremonial" magic) and.. the entire scope of this work is yet to be fully realized. It influences my work daily and descending the Tree of Night is a cyclic process that one needs to undertake in constant succession. has been stripping away the overtly "new agey" aspects of the Castaneda texts to get to the root of it's Power. have heard of. We probably have even come away with something that we have permanently incorporated into our though process. the O.V.. The reader is urged to continue this work in his/her own way and to always be mindful of these "core concepts". or read Carlos Castaneda. what is called._. . The Initiates in the O. The O. whom gravitate towards the occult..Introduction t_ 0 .. Many of us.V. Even now... for they have more impact than anyone can realize.V. Once the concept of the "Tree of Night" was revealed to us. and we would draw a tea number of games. read our environm en~-. In the LHP. Controlled Folly is a tool that can be utilized to reduce self-importance and to apply principles of "Stalking" or in Voltec term. while remaining a part of everything. howe'"e< titian. however. however. applying Downward Path sorcery. This state leads to the realization that most humans engage in their daily affairs without conscious decision and they often lead to degenerated modes of perception. it is inevitable that the Voltec will realize that the outcomes of these actions is meaningless.: my losing the game. understands that I am competitive.. In the "Power of Silence" the reader learns to not be attached to anything. The Voltec Warrior strives to play with reality. in any terms..1 Malkuth "Controlled Folly" Lilith-Queen of the Night For those Initiates working within the first Sephirah of the Voltec tree of Night.. I would talk rrasr hard as ever. I have shared my Controlled Folly experiment with the Order of the Voltec on the first degree. At first glance this see~ results.. ~ always have._ over for a night of foosb all.'1~.V. The winner a fun night among friends an-. For man··. Anyone who knows me. ho·we'· lose. along with the Io Initiates of the O.~ .. Since Voltec Warrior lives above conventional ethics and considers viewing actions as "right" or "wrong" obsolete.. I didn'· -~ ­ nor did I care what it did tO from the real pressure of \\L. tion. This time. to seek complete integration with their environment. I wasn' t unhealthy about losing. discussion board. I have always played to win. I had no i. I would become ene determined to win.. the concept of "Controlled Folly" must be mastered in order to continue his/her descent into the "unknown" Positions of the Assemblage Point. Nothing is left to chance. We choose ou.skills. "Good" or "Bad". to be free of attachment or desire for specific outcomes yet remaining entirely aware of his or her choices and of his or her actions. My experiment: I will retell the experiment that I undertook.. der to achieve a desired au-trolled Folly and the traru:g:-e-mastered in order to approacr.::. c about the somewhat large simply played hard and at An intentional transgressio ized by the Voltec Warrior. "Diabolist". I decided that I would e one of these foosball session. I defi4 nitely excepted losing as a paloss without problem. - .. trating events to effect an o·· -Strategically". the Initiate must understand that they are not one with the world and that there is no homogenous coexistence. They simply are one part of the whole and are not. It was a simple example that allowed me to apply Controlled Folly. I didn't care how the others would take it nor did I care what it did to my competitive nature. I have shared the Order of the Voltec nitely excepted losing as a part of life. It's that simple.ere. An intentional transgression of this principle can also be utilized by the Voltec Warrior. .at can be utilized to reduce . I would invite my friends over for a night of foosball._ -.. The winner was awarded all the cash. Both application of Controlled Folly and the transgression of this principle must be mastered in order to approach the second Sephirah. I decided that I would engage in controlled folly during one of these foosball sessions.:..·· . I would become engrossed with "game" at hand and determined to win. I defi5 . This time.~ge L. We would all chip in $10 or $20 and we would draw a team member at random and play a number of games.·.o. read our environments and predict the reactions in order to achieve a desired outcome._: 5rlence" the reader learns to . We choose our tactics and methods. apply our skills..'.: .i Path sorcery. At first glance this seems like I am looking for specific results. Since Voltec ics and considers viewing -. however.Ten lead to degenerated --c \\:' arrior strives to play with -..-~ere is no homogenous co:: pa.ealthy about losing. however.her choices and of his or --·-:"lee. For many years.. I would talk trash like usual and would play as hard as ever. I was going to intentionally lose. . however. Planning ones actions and orchestrating events to effect an outcome is what we called "Living Strategically". . ' . of course."Controlled Folly" must his/her descent into the lage Point.. however.e -::-emaining a part of every-e c~:: understand that they are -·-.-:e outcomes of these actions . I had no intention of what would come of my losing the game. It was a fun night among friends and.e first Sephirah of the . while engaged in any competition..: of the whole and are not.1 their daily affairs with-~~. I simply played hard and at the end .'Lciples of "Stalking" or in -. it is inevitable '-·-. I would act as competitive as I always have. ·e "Good" or "Bad".: o: desire for specific outcomes ::. T his state leads to the .>\nyone who knows me. I have . I loved the competition.lost.~ ~::-t. I was free from the real pressure of winning and didn't care in the least about the somewhat large cash prize or the joy of victory. I was able to let go of a loss without problem. -:regration with their environ_t. a pattern to serve these ends. and have been invoh·e~ the form of motionlessness anc "Not-Doing" of the body. MMM. Don Juan Matus often placed Carlos into uncomfortable situations where he was forced break patterns. You should g and remove these reoccurri. magicians maintain habits in ritual that can actually counter act the purpose of the working. oddly enough. the harder the pattern is to identify and break. pat6 tern must be destroyed. Identify the patterns that you uphold in your daily life and consciously break them. The r practices are thanks. The key idea here is. They may be subconscious patterns that would take greater effort in realizing and even greater effort to break them. structure of our work as a your workings ahead of t ime' F little easier. This technique. Now here is a situation where identifying the pattern can be critical. even if there is alternate ways of getting there? Do you eat lunch at the same time? Do you indulge in the same emotions every time you are stuck in traffic? The list could go on and on. m . Unless the Voltec is utilizing Intentional Transgression of C ognitive Dissonance by purposely creating new patterns to serve his/ her magical work (see below for transgression of this rule) then any potential. For Ceremonial Magician's patterns can be particularly prevalent and destructive. unwanted. This is really a simple concept. or placed into fearful circumstances. the principles certainly were. The trick is identifying them. however. we will have to destru help us for an amount of time .• terns up to have a determinec patterns within a beneficial c~~ their existence and destroying termined life span. in part. I don't believe this term was actually used in the Castaneda texts. which is called Cognitive Dissonance". We all have so many patterns in our lives that we probably couldn't break them alL Do you put your left shoe on first all of the time? Do you drive the same route to work everyday. Cognitive Dissonance can be ~:: of our personal initiations.2 Yesod "Cognitive Dissonance" Gamaliel-The Obscene Ones In the Castaneda books. In o:-apatterns from our Ceremo.1g ·"" Is there a portion that is inck_ ways done it like that"? Qu~ of the work and eliminate the tinue this practice of revision"~ the essential elements remain.~ Intentional Transgression o · -~ tentional creation of patterns There are times when a techn:q able to utilize it without consc.: s . act in ways in which he was not comfortable. created Dissonance. can be an excellent manner in which to liberate energy for redeployment in other aspects of our initiations. This is a tool tha. and. other. the greater the energetic release. Often times. C ognitive Dissonance can be incorporated into many aspects of our personal initiations. even if =. unwanted. then your task becomes a little easier. pat- tern must be destroyed. Is there a portion that is included just because you "have always done it like that"? Question the purpose of all portions of the work and eliminate the parts you can do without. They may be subconscious pat~::r e::Tort in realizing and even The key idea here is. or 1.:eak.r. Continue this practice of revision until you are confident that only the essential elements remain. We all ·es that we probably couldn't : left shoe on first all of the e to work everyday.. ~cene Ones · an Matus often placed Cars where he was forced break he was not comfortable.:he principles certainly were. magicians maintain habits w .. Intentional Transgression of Cognitive Dissonance is the intentional creation of patterns to help us achieve our goals . 7 . the harder _ ~. and have been involved with cognitive dissonance in the form of motionlessness and gazing. oddly enough. Motionlessness is the "Not-Doing" of the body. the greater the energetic pa:::erns can be particularly preva--es. We can keep these patterns within a beneficial context by remaining aware of their existence and destroying them at the end of their predetermined life span. have been practicing with Liber MMM. This is a tool that should not be underestimated. This technique. but they can help us for an amount of time. created in order to fully utilize Cognitive Dissonance.. Of course. There are times when a technique will work better if we are able to utilize it without conscious intervention. at one point or another.. You should go over your notes or ritual script and remove these reoccurring elements that are unnecessary. Patterns will be both destroyed and. we will have to destructure these patterns. The results that will come of these practices are thanks. Do you script or plan out your workings ahead of time? If so. . We can build a pattern to serve these ends. !dentify the patterns that you <:riously break them. which is be an excellent manner in -cc.there? Do you eat lunch at =e m the same emotions every -· The list could go on and on.. It may be wise to set these patterns up to have a determined life span. to Cognitive Dissonance. we must look at the structure of our work as a whole.ces.eplo)ment in other aspects of ~~lS term was actually used in r. Those of you in the II o. in part. .er act the purpose of the :1 where identifying the pat~ -~e \ 'oltec is utilizing Intentional -·-nance by purposely creating :::1agical work (see below for Y ootential. In order to eradicate these unwanted patterns from our Ceremonial Work. 2) procedure.-Visualize the water flov"i:tog all impeded by your sh: ._...:-:. cool and mo=-qualities by submersing streams are best but a exposed to the air or o:c. If you are so able...without breaking it dow encounter become immersei t.the Days ide Tree. however.. is encountered and eYe . Repeated exposure to this mold.'-le qualities..1 man qualities. however. typical work geared towards knowledge and conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel can also be effective (albeit. All human beings share the same form. rivers or ponds and lakes. c~ 4) When you can Shift you:. Since the mold contains everything within the human inventory. people often mistake this encounter as seeing "God" or in the occult world as the "Holy Guardian Angel". such as streams.-~ tion where you can becoille ing surrounded by phys. despite differences in general appearance.-. The process of becoming Formless and breaking the stagnant state of ordinary perception involves Seeing the mold. This process ~ wishes to encounter the ~~of·= . the Assemblage Point can become dislodged from its habitual position....k. " r10r a ~.. The transgression of this :.t. a Sorcerer can experience of exercises.C.!i"G. L. : .. Human Mold) is the template which gives form to a specific energy. doi11g portal work (C make another leap ro se-ei. it is simple to matter to identify people.>n. Allow the .. a much more long term approach).:e 3) Become water during a l:h-n·= mersed in order to lear.1 i-.:~ a " separate enttty state.~ ter. Once an Initiate accomplishes this. ment enough to evoke it durL~g I 3 Hod "Freedom from the Mold of Man" Samael-Poison of God The "Mold of Man" (a. Beg:.. Elemental exercises work best for approaching the Human Mold. repetitiously. This template forms energy into what we know as "human beings".. 8 ~ 1) As all occultists know.a.. bee·~~ submerged. Water Sorcery usually involves gazing and/ or submersion into natural water sources.-. if time doesn't allow for a more complete shift of the Assemblage Point.Water Exercise: Since the ~. removes this confusion of its nature.. pand yourself through u.!.. Sorcery involving water seems to be the standard when intentionally trying to encounter the mold. with the element water _. KL"lg the stagnant state of ordi-g -he mold. Visualize the water flowing through your body and not at all impeded by your skin.. a Sorcerer can experience the Mold by conducting a series of exercises. Once an Initiate Point can become disc~e:-g\·. however. until one is familiar with the element enough to evoke it during Portal Work. :nold. Do not confuse physical water with the element water during this exercise. Repeated . Begin to dissolve this image each time it is encountered and eventually lose Human Form. 2) After a week or so of doing the first exercise. e the standard when inten-. Allow the physical body to dissolve and expand yourself through the body of water. During this encounter become immersed into the entire spectrum of human qualities. the element of Water has the two qualities.. repetitiously. rivers or ponds and sr fo r approaching the Hu.Water Exercise: Since the Mold of Man exists in places of water. make the Shift while doing portal work (Complete the Shift in "Hod") and make another leap to seek the Human Mold in Kether of the Days ide Tree.··-::an beings". typi_ecge and conversation with the be effective (albeit. :or a more complete shift of The transgression of this is to encounter the Mold of Man without breaking it down into what it really is. g and/ or submersion into --earns. e:1counter as seeing "God" or ardian Angel". The process ::.-emoves this confusion of its 3) Become water during a time of day when you are not submersed in order to learn to control this element. cool and moist. do the same procedure. Become familiar with these qualities by submersing yourself into cool water (lakes and streams are best but a tub will work). a much 4) When you can Shift your Assemblage Point to the Position where you can become Water without the aid of being surrounded by physical water.a. . becom~ the element of water while submerged. This process is helpful when the Sorcerer wishes to encounter the Mold as the Holy Guardian Angel as a "separate entity" for a disassociated view of their current state. 1) As all occultists know. All human be-pire differences in general apentify people. 9 . If you are so able. is the template This template forms en'. Leave only your nose exposed to the air or breath with the aid of a snorkel. The Voltec Initiate can not travel into the non-human unknown until they lose their Self-Importance. will not be conveyed and will begin to dissolve through disuse. Don't Criticize.o. portance.4 Netzach "Dispersing Self~lmportance" Oreb Zaraq-The Raven of Dispersion The idea of becoming free to experience any state of Perception is crucial to the Voltec curriculum. A gradual dispersion of self importance provides one with the ability to pursue the freedom of perception required for leaping from one Position of the Assemblage Point to the next. 26 tance identify themselves en . except when absolutely necessary. it becomes quite a challenge to maintain vigil against it. with emphasis. If one stops speaking. Completely dispersing to apathy and lack of mo Work. If one is having consistent trouble with their Portal Work.l. to move the rock back. it is usually due to self importance masquerading as something else.:_'-:. Don Juan.. D excellent way for LHP Ini The Personality should noEssential Self. This false ide (Personality) should not be without careful considera · Intentionally transgressing : ing Self Important within . A small. Self Importance is usually conveyed through the act of speaking.: -· not be extreme enough fo:. are determined by the Position of the Assemblage Point.. the beu:ewith the task of moving a ~~u :. therefore only the obvious. This particular chapter in my life has taken care of two core concepts. carefully sele~­ is usually required during eai. The Assemblage Point is fixed in its habitual position due to the force of Self Importance. "Petty Tyrants" (see Cna-care of another person you do not like the perso. in L. If you can manage to do this. Self Importance can be a too. the required location. played) when the Initiate req···means of Stalking. so awareness of self importance is the best training device a Warrior can use. So m rock that Castaneda had ro . States of Perception. one can curtail many instances of Self Importance. Such troubles are often not with methods but. self imporra sonality that is a result of s The Essential Self is the energc by the Will. Don J the exact location. Don't Condemn and Don't Complain. Self Importance is usually to blame.. much of your S..of results is a good me tho~ a "fruitless" task. Any time we get angry or upset. Self Importance manifests in so many ways within our daily lives. rather.~e los talk to plants to loseS.. as we know. The three basics of speech control that eliminate a good amount of Self Importance are. "Self Importance" and 10 ·.. A project I have found to be useful is the act of caring for someone other than myself. Self Importance is usually to noc travel into the non-human .~e ro maintain vigil against it.JLS. up bringing. so . with emphasis. except when absolutely '15tances of Self Importance. etc. The more effort one puts into a "fruitless" task.g as something else. The Personality should not be confused with any aspect of the Essential Self. --nrrol that eliminate a good on't Criticize.:ulum. After he had moved it to the required location. Intentionally transgressing this Core Concept involves becoming Self Important within the confines of a specific situation .e best training device a War.-anicular chapter in my life . if he were to be able to move the rock back. Carlos was charged with the task of moving a huge rock.s usually conveyed through the .. This false identity that people confuse as the Self (Personality) should not be allowed to affect the Essential Self without careful consideration and removal of Self Importance. A gradual dispersion of Lh the ability to pursue the .-:. =-. self image. Such trou-..l.. the better the results.. this may work for some but it may not be extreme enough for others.s fi. it is usually due .>en of Dispersion expe:<ience any state of Percep-· . debilitating. ·eved and will begin to dis- = t!5eiul is the act of caring for ! tJ.. suggests that Carlos talk to plants to lose S... A small. amount of Self Importance is usually required during early development of the Self and therefore only the obvious. Don Juan. The Essential Self is the energetic structure which is governed by the Will...~ed in its habitual position ce.ou can manage to do this. -\e Position of the Assemblage . prematurely.l. ~g. II .-"-:< leaping from one Position ~0 :nany ways within our daily ~=-. Completely dispersing Self Importance.. Don't Con-. facets of Self Importance identify themselves enough to be destroyed . Devotional Service (Bhakti Yoga) is an excellent way for LHP Initiates to lose Self Importance. rather. Don Juan made him move it back to the exact location. can lead to apathy and lack of motivation to further one's Energetic Work. . Self Importance can be a tool (as long as it is temporarily deployed) when the Initiate requires a strong social presence as a means of Stalking. "Self Importance" and ~. "Petty Tyrants" (see Chapter 9-Chokmah).s . Having to take care of another person whom needs your help (especially if you do not like the person) is an excellent way to lose Self Importance.bm. ::-.. States of Perception.Seli-Importance.. carefully selected... in the Castaneda texts..c. If one is hav=~ Portal Work. Work without expectation of results is a good method too. self importance is a product of the installed personality that is a result of society.:e". So much effort was put into moving the rock that Castaneda had to abandon S.: . We understand that. The Initiate. Got. No one can do it for us. This helpful tool in sep<tid.ce ing black and inverted cros::"'sensual Reality. this is the platform fr will be made by the Voltif!eur Antinomianism is much h~e i:. serves as a place of existence where no explanations are required concerning the nature of "reality"."7. fluence you becomes useful forces that rarely have any i 13 .e for the sake of Self Impo::c. Consensual Reality is a simple agreement that humans make with one another about the nature of reality...-e make sense of their worl what is real and what is no<:. We need not to convince each other of the reality of our actions and therefore make greater power accessible to each other.-. in the end. The Order of the Voh:~-.. the Order of the Voltec. we often unconsciously still desire to communicate with like minds. besides the obvious reason of the sharing of information. whom decides to affiliate with the Order of the Voltec.• gage themselves in.-. it will rather -- The transgression of this pn:-. A constant battle is waged in our daily lives to find a way to live beyond this agreement while still remaining functional in its matrix.<u-. For the Sorcerer. This is one of the best reasons to be involved with an organization of this nature.e in the exercises of Comrollei . .. immediately has access to a new consensual reality.:_q Reality should not be mis rebellious.. within Consensual RealitY... non-ordinary consensu raculous feats.:e:::'live. This unconscious drive can be beneficial if identified and properly directed. This is a major hindrance to Sorcerers. growth.:Initiate is breaking the par.5 Tipareth "Disputing the Terms of Consensual Reality'' T ageriron-The Hagglers The Path of the Voltec Initiate is fiercely individualistic..• freedom to choose which soct cial to him/her and which stages. A common apt:' start is called "AntinomianlS . 12 ized is to reject consensuai ... nonsense that r::"". we are alone and the development of our Shadow Selves depends on the work we do.. Then why would one desire to be in an organization if the ultimate goal is to be string enough to survive as individual entities in Infinity? Well. ~ unnoticed by any society or ·~ times of danger or stress frc:can revert to immersion i forces have no influence ..u.~. No ized is to reject consensual reality.. This helpful tool in separating ones self from Consensual Reality should not be mistaken for the attention grabbing. During times of danger or stress from inorganic forces. Wearing black and inverted crosses will not separate you from Consensual Reality. The transgression of this principle is to become immersed within Consensual Reality. ·5 to be string enough to surk .s agreement while still re_c :=-or the Sorcerer. thereby encouraging seemingly miraculous feats. Antinomianism is much like the breaking of patterns found in the exercises of Controlled Folly.. is counter productive. A common approach that allows this process to start is called "Antinomianism" which gives the sorcerer the freedom to choose which social laws or agreements are beneficial to him/her and which have to be discarded.:e55ible to each other.xistence where no explana:E-~e narure of "reality". Allowing Consensual Reality to influence you becomes useful in being inaccessible to unseen forces that rarely have any impact on humanity at large. nonsense that many Left Hand Path Initiates engage themselves in. This is a major --~ Ii~ battle is waged in our daily ..a. Humans have a need to make sense of their world by reaching an agreement as to what is real and what is not.. We e are alone and the developc:ds on the work we do. this time the Initiate is breaking the patterns of the society in which they live. In later stages. 13 . the Initiate can revert to immersion in Consensual Reality.. besides the obvi- r-. We need " -'-e reality of our actions and .. rebellious.::. Going out of your way to be "different" for the sake of Self Importance. however. The Order of the Voltec allows its members to form a non-ordinary consensus.d ~1-U.An important step in allowing ones efforts to become actual- · Consensual Reality" e Hagglers ~=.--asons to be involved with an ~ ag:-eement that humans make .. :e of reality. This is an excellent method to go unnoticed by any society or in any social situation. where such forces have no influence.access to a new consensual . This can interfere with personal growth.~: iiercely individualistic. the Order e oi e.£ii1ity? Well. this is the platform from which many perceptual leaps will be made by the Voltigeur. it will rather attract more attention from it . Detachment is not to be born out of fear or indolence. In chapter 4.."1e Geburah "Eradication of Attachments" Golachab-The Arsonists When a Voltec Initiate can begin to Detach themselves from everything they gain a great advantage over humans whom are attached to things such as material possessions. Voltec Initiates often think that detachment means one can not have or express emotions. 14 seemingly impossible tas. individual in question or C. . Transgression of this princ!p~e thing (or someone) for a p-. . Self Importance by doing the reward of identifiable r~ destroying them is a \·erv pop continuing harmful relario~ -·technique.. I am fu lly a sition. where they are not subject to the influences of self importance or our misperceptions of reality.· therefore have dropped o .n 't see the point in con a~hieve the "big picture''. The idea of Death can make one sufficiently detached so that they do not cling to anything nor deny themselves anything. I discussea r..had no value.. Detachment helps us deal with this constant state of instability.. my strategic approaAdviser and my Detach mea. Thus. Nothing is permanent and change will wash over you sooner or later. etc. Sometime son just because "they the relationship is one siC.6 Realizing the worth of an a·to remain detached from U.. The Voltec is advised to use an Awareness of Death as a tool of becoming increasingly detached..done so that we may remaw ment leads to Inaccesstb· 1: ences as needed.::i he does nothing to end the tion will lead one to reah:e put an end to it.. but rather out of discipline and under the influence of the Voltec Current. In fact a good amount of detachment allows us to experience or emotions at a higher level. emotional situations. financial gains. relationships. Adaptability is important in both energetic endeavors in our day to day lives because the nature of reality is constantly in flux. outcomes of social settings. T.. emotions can be expressed as a true aspect of the Essential Self and not from attachments and fear of the unknown. the value of the action t'-Sel : of the actions. This is not so... . _. requires one to remain detached from the lust for results of his or her labor.:age over humans whom are -.. my use of Death as an Adviser and my Detachment from results allows me to know the value of the action itself and not the accumulated results of the actions.wareness of Death as a tool d.::ial possessions.:s of social settings. This same exercise can be used to combat Attachment. To them.=u-.subject to the influences of =:-=qLJ. my strategic approach to life._-:-tent helps us deal with this ·--. the work itself must have had no value. individuals remain friends with a person just because "they have always been friends" even though the relationship is one sided. yet s/ he does nothing to end the cycle.ons of reality. Thus. The other person takes from the individual in question or cause other types of damage. emo. In fact a good . I am fully aware that I may not achieve Death Defiance.. Usually.."''.:o Detach themselves from -. Creating works of art and them destroying them is a very popular method of detachment.:letachment means one can Th~ is not so. Detachment from the situation will lead one to realize the futility of the relationship and put an end to it. Discontinuing harmful relationships with people is an excellent technique. in and of itself. financial < .. my Controlled Folly. - .an: m both energetic endeave nature of reality is con~a:aent and change will wash -1-.e aspect of the Essential Self _ fea: of the unknown. _-\rtachments" . The idea of Death can -kat they do not cling to g. however. In chapter 4. Detachment leads to Inaccessibility and intentional attachment can make the Sorcerer available to particular individuals or influences as needed.. IS . my Warrior's Disposition. :-.~. Transgression of this principle is to remain Attached to something (or someone) for a particular reason..: ·.-.-o experience or emotions at . Sometimes. Realizing the worth of an activity. this is done so that we may remain accessible to it (or them). I discussed how Castaneda was forced to lose Self Importance by doing a difficult task that ended without the reward of identifiable results. emotional . Some Voltec Initiates have stressed concern over the seemingly impossible task of becoming a Death Defier and therefore have dropped out of the program because they didn't see the point in continuing with the work if they couldn't a~hieve the "big picture". In Eastern studies. For our Sorcery to work. Close \'O"the flame in your mind .. the Shadow Realms or o:.. the Voltec will stop rhe . Sober Commands. but in the Castaneda texts this achievement is one that is sought and accomplished early on in the apprentice's studies. reciting the Internal Dialog"~....i-you start to think of an} open your eyes long enough tually through this techni self at all.. Stopping the World: ::> top. Don Juan tells Castaneda that Stopping the Internal Dialogue opens the doors between worlds.­ description of focusing i.. This is way the additional step of Stopping the World is added to the Portal Work in the IV 0 during the Immersion Technique. Intentional Transgression oi · ~ is to allow a specific t\ pe of t-detached manipulation o:' I. we must allow our 16 energy to work in non-co maintenance of the '\(1ori · · from reaching us. Humans talk to themselves without end.. esoteric way that is indicative of eastern methods. In orce. All that is left is our constant. The Voltec Initiate strives to stop the Internal Dialogue because this is the way everything becomes attainable and all things are possible.-:e S Attention is the name ior G\e which is all our "magical a..· cal comprehension of rhe texts provide many exampi~ World / Silencing the ln... Removing ourselves from the limits of Consensual Reality (see chapter 5) negates the influence others have on upholding the world.. Since internal dialogue is constant most people begin to substitute it for reality..J. achieving "inner silence" is a life long pursuit.z~ .. so in order io:yond these perceptions rhe in"ei entirely. internal. The Internal Dialogue is the constant chatter in our minds.. I believe this is because it is dealt with in a more direct and practical approach rather than through the usual. Silencing the Internal Dialogue is the key to Stopping the World..e Dialogue) too.... Every time we tell ourselves the way something is. descriptions of what the world is. that I personally use is simple gaze at the flame ..-or~<! see the importance of rhe applications in pursuit oi b~ .: ness was embodied in rhe S~.n~..Perceptual States then we ill allow a different World (Re<'~ ­ ber.~ held by internal dialogue (aii:J..-~· calls. our World is upheld by constant descriptions and reassurance from others and from our Internal Dialogue.7 Chesed "Stopping the World" Gasheklah-Disturbers of All Things As it is now. World (Voltec Tree of ~tg!:. ing through our pursuit of.:err. we spend precious energy making that very thing that way.• . vague. . ~ end.rs of All Things -. Intentional Transgression of Silencing the Internal Qialogue is to allow a specific type of internal talking to focus on the detached manipulation of Intent through...-~e!C by constant descriptions . so in order for a Sorcerer to eventually go beyond these perceptions the Internal Dialogue must be stopped entirely. internal. Sober Commands. but in the Cas.:s oi Consensual Reality (see :::e o ~ers have on upholding the . Close your eyes and maintain the image of the flame in your mind without thinking of anything else. Stopping the World: Stopping the World is an operational description of focusing the Second Attention... other than the candle's flame.:. you will cease talking to yourself at all. 17 . descriptions of ~= . Eventually through this technique. the Shadow Realms of the Voltec Tree of Night are upheld by internal dialogue (albeit a abnormal form of Internal Dialogue) too. open your eyes long enough to regain the silent image.:a. The Second Attention is the name for the "Nagual" or the "unknown" which is all our "magical abilities" that we have been developing through our pursuit of the Occult.il>:emal Dialogue is the key to ':am chatter in our minds.. sed ~'"'e \Vorld" _. we see the importance of the Voltec Portal through its versatile applications in pursuit of both the Shadow Realm and practical comprehension of the "Core Concepts". The Castaneda texts provide many examples of techniques for Stopping the World / Silencing the Internal Dialogue but the technique that I personally use is simple. the Voltec will stop the world through Portal Work. I believe this is direct and practical ap~= -. Again. Sit in front of a lit candle and gaze at the flame.!. Additionally. In order to become accessible to specific Perceptual States then we must Stop the World as it is and allow a different World (Reality) to attach itself to us. \·ague. In Eastern studies. ::=.~ong pursuit...ii.d i:-om our Internal Dialogue. our maintenance of the World blocks certain modes of perception from reaching us. We can also uphold the Shadow World (Voltec Tree of Night) in everyday life by repetitiously reciting the Internal Dialogue experienced when our Awareness was embodied in the Shadow Self. what Don Juan calls.s 0 :1e that is sought and accom-. Remember... For our purposes here. esoteric way that e Internal Dialogue becomes attainable and all energy making that very . If you start to think of anything.\·ork.:e ·s srudies._s. we must allow our energy to work in non-conventional ways..i.. Using "Death as an Adviser" is a technique that yields results within the perfection of all Castaneda's "core concepts" . In the Order of the Voltec. called Ancestral Confronu._ self to their definitions an·."'. it merely provides a practical step towards that end. This is usually undertaken because of the Warrior's preference for the ultimate freedom of being unknown.:=. and simplest method. let them think you are still .-o. Personal History is what allows those individuals in our lives to pin us down with their knowledge of who we are.. : need to damage them b\· c discontinues talking abom me lows them to think of hii:' spends his time in pursUl~ of ~ ily and friends about ne. we utilize a few techniques for Erasing Personal History._ ways been. sonal history that is allow~i I am prepared to do so.·but certainly does not er~ The second technique L. At first a person may not be ready to erase their history and detach completely (see chapter 6) 18 and Retro-Image Continu· .:s. The intentional transgress ited. This is a mysterious state that is quite unpredictable even for the Voltec Initiate who engages in the act of creating the Fog.8 Binah "Erasing Personal History'' Satariel-The Concealers The Voltec Initiate creates a "fog" around themselves by Erasing Personal History. The first is losing Self Importance (see chapter 4) the second is Assuming Responsibility and the third is using Death as an Adviser. The first. In the Castaneda books.~e Voltec is a Ceremon ial ~ ~ao.. Now this particular technique does not completely erase one's history. my time in The . you will rem a. We renew our personal history by updating their knowledge of us constantly.~· . direct the conversation most people love to talk a know you..~ ] are separated from by dissolving the "DeaL:. C . The only applicano · allowing a Magical (or no in order to augment our spent in various Hindu . the reader learns that there is three primary ways that an individual can Erase Personal History.. This technique of Strategic living allows one to gain large amounts of Personal Power. be a source of interactio~. those groups that I wish -~ - . is Retro-Image Continuity. One can see ~-~·.. thus concealing him/her from the influences of Consensual Reality or from any other chosen force . "Assuming Responsibility" is a technique in which the sorcerer chooses his actions with full knowledge and without regrets or doubts of the outcomes.-~~ Set.· -steps toward both Detaclh-n~~ This is how the Voltec Retro-Image ContinuitY p:etc from obtaining new = ~. ily name is approached ~ a. .:. have become my personal history that is allowed to exist because to erase it.-erson may not be ready ..and Retro-Image Continuity is an easy.::. For instance. 19 .. etc. We re_.iull knowledge and with~=·. reserved for the IV 0 . if you tell your family and friends about new interests. way of taking steps toward both Detachment and Erasing Personal History.. my time in the Temple of Set.pletely (see chapter 6) Retro-Image Continuity prevents family.c:. however. The Sorcerer discontinues talking about themselves to these people but allows them to think of him. at this point.:: . Perhaps the Sorcerer used to be interested in model rockets but now spends his time in pursuit of Sorcery. This is how the Voltec Initiate begins to form the Fog.. is . etc from obtaining new information about you without the need to damage them by complete Detachment. The only application I have come across.=eT= is a technique that yields Castaneda's "core cona few techniques for .-: ~rase Personal History.:'.:.~!E pa:-ricular technique does ". is using Death as an . ~-= oi the Warrior's preference ..e individuals in our lives .. al History'' := \. before I am prepared to do so..:·ci:tes.E c_. This technique of Stra:-ge amounts of Personal _. quite unpredictable even for ..:-s. The idea...: :nerely provides a practi. To the people that know you.ge of who we are. called Ancestral Confrontation.:. most people love to talk about themselves. Ok..±i_r. One can see why this may start to form the "Fog" but certainly does not erase anyone's history. is allowing a Magical (or non-ordinary) Personal History to form in order to augment our development. co-workers.. ~ oe (see chapter 4) the second ~ . you will remain the same old person you have always been.. my time in The Animal Mask. one's family name is approached as an Egregore and the living portions are separated from the dead portions. The second technique the is unique to the Order of the Voltec is a Ceremonial Magic procedure.. will eliminate the influences from those groups that I wish to maintain. It shouldn't be hard. . let them think you are still interested in rockets and let that be a source of interaction. The intentional transgression of this principle is rather limited.:o::-..Oncealers -~ around themselves by Eras- ·~ him/ her from the influ- any other chosen force.:.::'.s a technique in which . friends. my time spent in various Hindu Ashrams. is to tactfully direct the conversation towards them. in his former states. a:1d simplest method. you further subject yourself to their definitions and their concept of reality. In this procedure..cil u. painless.g their knowledge of us ca. Instead. thereby extending life by dissolving the "Death Urge" and Erasing Personal History.\e act of creating the Fog. Forbearance is pcrs getting caught up in whaallows us to let go of wb. For me. Petty Tyrants are key ingredients in the formula of Impeccability. A clean h be made. DisC! the element that enables en:::ever it is needed.9 Chokmah "Petty Tyrants" Ogiel-The Hinderers The Petty Tyrant (like all of the Core Concepts) serves multiple purposes.~. Bee agitated are signs of lack o: that allows the Sorcerer ro -themselves. however. Initiate to train these so that they can be e. is utilized in conjunction with the attributes of the Voltec to temper the BA (BA. 20 Voltec Initiate in the app. the less effect the\· nave Transgression o in which the siruatio.._-Tyrant is a temporary roO! w.. the petty tyrant appears as a "hinderer" but the petty tyrant. the three basic ele~ ~­ ments are Control. u. is tha order to lessen irri each time. This e:em~ stamina in all matters.:-­ called. Besides. When viewed from the outside.awhat belongs to Uv. others and in u. despite being a tormentor. these interactions have provided me with opportunities in various aspects of perfecting my Shadow Self since that is beyond the reach of these Petty Tyrants. Impeccability is to be free from rational assumptions and rational fears.and lose potency. no reve~ " ~ Petty Tyrant. After all. . Nothing can prepare a Sorcerer to face the presence of the unknowable as much as the challenge of dealing with people in positions of Power.'-le ity to remain focused eve stances."le ·~ which you freely accepte~. helping with the elimination of Self Importance the Petty Tyrant forces the warriors to use principles of Stalking and in doing so move the assemblage point. I have learned the value of living with an iron strategy. The overall effect 0 r Eaglefeather. I have learned to plan and to orchestrate from behind the scenes as well as to accept things that I can not change. In my interactions with Petty Tyrants. The more v ness. Impeccability accumulates with continual use of Voltec Sorcery and from encounters with the Petty Tyrants. an Egyptian term that refers to the accumulated power of an individual) of the warrior. The Petty Tyrant. After all. freely. is that you continually heighten awareness in order to lessen irritations and thus gaining liberated energy each time.-·=-s Lhe warriors to use princi-. the less effect they have. the three basic elements of Strategy. Transgression of the principle of the Petty Tyrant is the point in which the situation becomes counter productive. the Petty Tyrant provided a service in which you freely accepted. therefore. -· t:.a~es with continual use of the Petty Tyrants.~e perry tyrant appears as a . Discipline and Forbearance. what Don Juan Matus called. 21 .ciesoite being a tormentor. This this the ability to remain focused even under the most adverse circumstances. wherever it is needed. This element breeds independence and stamina in all matters. Becoming enraged. Control is the element that enables energy to be directed. A clean break from the Petty Tyrant must be made. others and in the environment. It allows us to let go of what belongs to others and to guard what belongs to us. however.onal assumptions and __ ::uu!. The Petty Tyrant is a temporary tool that will eventually run its course and lose potency.· ~ -'"'e formula of Impeccabil-~~ rad. angered or even agitated are signs of lack of control. The more you push yourself into heightened awareness. These three elements are Control.moYe the assemblage point._enes ~ well as to accept things "' =-~ese interactions have pro:-ious aspects of perfecting e reach of these Petty -. no revenge must be executed upon the Petty Tyrant. Forbearance is pursuit of the "big picture" without getting caught up in what we can not change or control. allows the Initiate to train these principles in a predetermined way and so that they can be employed when they are truly needed. Discipline is the element that allows the Sorcerer to access various points of energy in themselves. The overall effect of engaging Petty Tyrants.re Concepts) serves multiilie elimination of Self . is bmes of the Voltec to -. according to Eaglefeather.t The interaction and handling of the Petty Tyrant trains the Voltec Initiate in the applications of. e presence of the ealing with people ha\·e learned the value ·e learned to plan and to . In the Order of the Voltec.10 Kether "Split Perception" state that few have experie blage Point within the H u and will be experienced w1 Thaumiel-Twins of God Split Perception refers to a state.self can continue to wor final leap with the help of ~l-~. sub-consciously and it our "normal" state in which we are accustomed to living. Split Pei" ~=~ ­ preparation of the Self. 22 During waking states. have been made to create a working knowledge of. pr: ~.-· sensual Reality even a Consensual Existence. The state of Split Percerc:. For Death Defiers. It is the current position of the Assemblage Point known as "Reason". The othethrough the Portal with m. It is referred to as Silent Knowledge which is the "Original Position of the Assemblage Point". Ones Awareness is mostly in Consensual Reality and usually filled with Internal Dialogue. there tion that I personally use. done... It is our direct contact with Intent. Additional Techniques for are issued to Voltec In itiate· has been completed. Split Perc Movement of the Assemblage ~ be approached only after a Core Concepts has been achie There is no intentional tramgre doing so would counteract ~./ · of the Tree of Night. Our Awareness is shifted into the Shadow Self during our Portal Practice in order to make a leap from one perception to another. Dreaming is the other way in which the Shadow Self can be accessed and is done so especially in Lucid Dreaming. It is the "First Ring of Power" and is merely a reflection of the outside order and it can only witness the effects of the Tonal but can not explain it. ward Path into Nod for dera ated as a focal point for the ir-· ity and as a destination fo:. through Voltec methods. many of the leaps are concerned with the Positions of the Assemblage Point upon the Voltec Tree of Night. The Shadow Self is the Sorcerers double in which all attempts. through the Portal and unll: the Physical realm. They move together through means of one or the other and the experience reality as a unified consciousness. The Dayside Self refers to the physical body existing in the physical world. We animate this aspect of the Self. in which the Sorcerer is Aware with both his/her Dayside Self and with his/her Shadow Self. and experienced Initiates \\-he .. talogue. prior to the Final Leap. Split Perception is a state in which Free Movement of the Assemblage Point is achieved and needs to be approached only after a complete understanding of the Core Concepts has been achieved .er.:cusromed to living. 23 ._. There is no intentional transgression of Split Perception since doing so would counteract so much of what the Sorcerer has done... The other is pushing the Dayside Self through the Portal with my Awareness into the Shadow world of the Tree of Night. It is ._. ~ ~:-actice in order to make a ~~-'.{iow Self can be accessed Additional Techniques for both methods of Split Perception are issued to Voltec Initiates after extensive preliminary work has been completed."'·areness is shifted into . We anionsciously and it our =.. The Dayside self can continue to work within the Physical world after the final leap with the help of the Idol of Thaumiel (see Downward Path into Nod for details). In the Order of the . nce3ed with the Positions of .. It is the -ely a reflection of the outside ~!' efiects of the Tonal but can For Death Defiers.. It is the current --K-eown as "Reason". which the Sorcerer is elf and with his/her rough means of one or -::alit\" as a unified conscious- During waking states. r>.a\·e been made to create a -ef::rrec to as Silent Knowledge -c -h__e :\ssemblage Point".-. The state of Split Perception is experienced by qualified and experienced Initiates who need no such safety nets. The Idol of Thaumiel is created as a focal point for the first attention in the Dayside reality and as a destination for the unified Self to act upon Consensual Reality even after the Sorcerer has departed from Consensual Existence . One is drawing the Shadow Self through the Portal and utilizing the Split Perception within the Physical realm. All Positions of the Assemblage Point within the Human Energy Field become accessible and will be experienced with both aspects of the Self.tee Tree of Night. ouble in which all at~..To be Aware with both aspects of the Self is a truly unique state that few have experienced. Split Perception is absolutely necessary for preparation of the Self. Dream--~e ~ha. there are two methods for Split Perception that I personally use. redpath. For more information about the Order of the Voltec and how you can begin (or continue) on your path towards Free Movement of the Assemblage Point contact the Order of the Voltec by visiting our website at www.imagitronix. however these examples show how the Voltec Initiate may approach these ideas using the model of the Voltec Tree of Night.za/voltec 24 .Conclusion The Core Concepts presented here have been explained within the texts of Carlos Castaneda for decades.co. Many more of these Concepts exist and have not been mentioned here. People still read his books all over the world and few of them have any · · idea how to apply these principles. Stalk those Positions of the Assemblage Point and you to will learn how these concepts can be manifested within your personal path towards Perceptual freedom. Fewer still are those who have learned to place them within the context of the Left Hand Path. 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