Emergency Descent

June 26, 2018 | Author: shakil737 | Category: Airport, Air Traffic Control, Aviation, Aeronautics, Aerospace Engineering
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EMERGENCY DESCENTÓ2008 www.a330jam.com AIRBUS A330 EXAMPLE: FIRST OFFICER AS PILOT FLYING CABIN ALTITUDE AT, ABOVE OR APPROACHING 10,000’ PILOT FLYING Note: If cabin altitude is climbing slowly and the outflow valves are already closed, consider descending before cabin altitude reaches 10,000’. Use “OP DES” and speed brake as required. PILOT NOT FLYING DON OXYGEN CHECK COMMUNICATIONS SELECT “INT” ON ACP CHECK (and call) FMA THR IDLE | OP DES | HDG | AP THRUST: CHECK (or assist) IDLE (see “IDLE” above N1 guages) SPEED BRAKE: EXTEND (gently) OXY: consider N/100% setting to N setting - long descent & heavy crew Remember WX radar settings in descent FCU (2ND LOOP) ALT: set 10,000’ or Minimum Safe Altitude (whichever higher) HDG: parallel planned track at 15 nm (new dev’n procs) SPD: adjust as required - use maximum speed (up to Vmo/Mmo) unless structural damage is suspected if so limit speed and manoeouvre with care (limit bank angle) Consider not using speedbrake with severe structural damage as the added vibration may further degrade airframe integrity. CHECK COMMUNICATIONS “COPY. CAPTAIN ON THE MIC” Note: Anti-ice ON increases engine idle and therefore shallows descent path notably. Note: If anti-ice is required/used - OEB should still apply (Wing anti-ice on, pack flow high. Leave on until 10,000’ or MEA) PAX OXY (if cabin above 14,000’) ................ MAN ON ANTI-ICE ...................................................... CONSIDER EXTERNAL LIGHTS ..................................... ON SEAT BELT & NO SMOKING SIGN .......... ... ON ENGINE START SEL ........ IGN TRANSPONDER .............. SQWARK 7700 MAYDAY CALL ................. ISSUE (consider oxy mask N/100% switch to N setting) Confirm Min Safe Altitude (Flight plan, Airways chart or ND MORA (CSTR & scale > 20 nm)) FASTEN SEATBELTS signs and “EXIT” signs automatically ON if cabin altitude above 14,350’ Consider Decompression NAV procedure (eg. over New Guinea - see RMS) FCU (1ST LOOP) *ALT: TURN (DOWN) & PULL *HDG: TURN (LEFT or RIGHT - away from busy AWYS) (now) 90 degrees & PULL (see WWT for dev’n procs) *SPD: PULL (set speed for descent) Note: If Cabin is noted climbing towards 10,000’ and the outflow valves are not closing to manage cabin pressure (2 automatic controllers malfunctioning), manual control may be attempted by selecting MODE SEL > MAN on the Cabin Press Panel and then MAN V/S CTL > DN. This should manually close the outflow valve(s). With manual control of the outflow valves, they only move at 1/5 the rate compared to automatic control. ECAM would generally warn of a pressurisation control problem well in advance. Note: Cabin alt > 10,000’ don Oxygen masks immediately (within 5 seconds) DON OXYGEN SELECT “INT” ON ACP Note: Extend speedbrake slowly “FIRST OFFICER ON MIC” whilst monitoring VLS. If speed goes below VLS, AOA protection engages speedbrake will automatically “EMERGENCY DESCENT” retract and AP may disconnect. R.O.D approx’ 6,000 FPM depending on speed - amber Time of useful consciousness without axygen (varies from source to soure): 40,000: 15-20 secs. 35,000: 30-60 secs 30,000: 1-3 mins 25,000: 3-5 mins “NO SMOKING” sign on automatically A330-300 only BACK-UP PA - DO IF AUTOMATIC PA NOT WORKING: “All passengers and crew fasten seatbelts and breathe oxygen from the masks provided until further notice”. The automatic PA (which cycles 3 times) is very loud and may be heard in the cockpit through the closed door. CALL OUT ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN PF DUTIES WHEN ESTABLISHED IN DESCENT “I HAVE CONTROL, MY RADIOS. ECAM ACTIONS” CARRY OUT ECAM ACTIONS TO “ECAM ACTIONS COMPLETE” Note: If reducing speed to 250 kts in OP DES, be careful not to select the speed until at or approaching ALT* as the speed reduction becomes a higher priority than the descent. The R.O.D may reduce to a few hundred feet per minute thereby delaying the capture at 10,000’ or MEA. Valuable time may be lost for passengers requiring oxygen or first aid from the cabin crew. PNF TAKES OVER RADIOS “2,000 TO GO” STOW SPEEDBRAKE Consider 250 kts (selected speed) LEVEL OUT AT 10,000’ AMSL OR MEA “1,000 TO GO” Terrain MORA on the ND is the highest MORA within 40 nm of the aircraft (continuously updated). TERRAIN ON ND will also give an immediate terrain awareness in the descent. Confirm Area QNH with ATC if proceeding below Transition Level @ 10,000’ AMSL or MSA (whichever higher) Check Cabin altitude - when below 10,000’ instruct PNF to remove oxygen mask If leveling out at MEA above 10,000’ continue to evaluate terrain as flight progresses When PNF oxygen removed temporarily hand over and remove own oxygen mask Note: To reset communications from the oxy mask mic to the boom/hand mic, the left hand door of the oxy mask housing must be closed and the reset button pressed. “PA to CABIN CREW” Note: Descent from Fl410 to 10,000’ takes approximately 5 min and 40 nm “CABIN CREW CARRY OUT FOLLOW-UP DUTIES” DIVERSION / ONWARDS FLIGHT CONSIDERATIONS (in brief) A - AIRPORTS in range (see FMGS > DATA > CLOSEST AIRPORTS) F- FUEL. Flight fuel and additional fuel required to proceed to alternate(s) - FMGS EFOB predictions O - OXYGEN endurance (pax and crew) if flight over high terrain (above 10,000’/14,000’) - is required T - TERRAIN in the flight path and at the landing airport W - WEATHER. Enroute and destination weather COMMUNICATIONS TREE - TECH CREW DECISION F - FAMILIARITY with destination - ATC S - SERVICES - fire, ambulance, security - CABIN CREW T - TRAFFIC DENSITY. - PASSENGERS - COMPANY - SATCOM, HF, VHF or via ATC DEPRESSURISATION INDICATIONS - Sense of pressure drop in the ears - Pain in sinuses/ears - Bloating of lungs or stomach/intestines - The need to breath rapidly - Fog in the cockpit - Air becoming cold and thin - Sudden boiling of liquids in hot bev’ containers - Air noise due decompression - Papers, books and loose items moving about - Airframe vibration (fuselage damage) - Cabin excessive altitude warning (aural and visual)


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