Elementary Kurmanji Grammar
ELEMENTAEY KURMANJI GRAMMAR. BY lAJOK E. B. SOANE, G.BJ., POLITICAL DEPARTMENT. BAGHDAD : PRINTED AT THE GOVERNMENT 1919. PRESS. and variations.nPHIS sketch of elementary Kurmanji is intended primarily for whose duties tricts of that of Ivith the use leads them Kurdistan. The Sulaimaniyah slight latitude 36«. of officers to the dialect district as far and others southern dis¬ here treated and is north as is current about . . not in a mincing manner. rendu khiin blood dyk mother. will have to sharpen his ear considerably before he can hope to pronounce these. u u ii u y . but its fine gradations of vocals from simple vowel sounds through numerous diphthongs and semi-vocals to other simple vowel sounds makes it very difficult to pro¬ nounce accurately. the results of erosions and metamorphic labials and palatals. hat bete ee y Ex. however.PRONUNCIATION To speak simple AND ALPHABET. It also possesses a large store of semi consonants. Kurmanji with a poor accent is not difficult. e i Û bat* a i o in father which the vowels can Strictly speaking they should be sub-divided. be The earnest student may divert himself by attempting to distin* Never pronounced as u in but. The student. . bet let him come e bet yek one beet îsh work bit mimk a breast kokha a cough i . o hole oo boot dûan two put amust a finger Fr. byt These are the simplest to reduced.. a as a e e a he came rrash black. VOWELS. . t Pronounced broad and full.. For practical purposes the following are the letters which suffice for the simple alphabet. as "hang". sh . 1. 1. zh . guish the 47 vocals into which Justi divided Kurdish vowel sounds. as in the examples below : (a) where the noun does not indicate psink. w. kh . j. male. q. female. d. k . p . h. r. the remainder having approximately the same value as in English : * gh the " ghain " of Arabic kh the harder form of gh h guttural aspirate (also as in Arabic) 1 the liquid 1 pronounced with an accompanying movement of the throat muscles. h . t . and ma or mang.As a rule does become no necessary to NOUN. distinction is made . m. s.2 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. THE Gender. pronounced exactly as the English word "hang". ch . n. z. gh. These consist of the couplet consonants : b. CONSONANTS. there are no equivalents in English. a female cat. and f. never soft as in "gem ". are employed. g. Psink-i-ma. a torn cat. as . gender. All of the above must be heard to be understood. distinguish where it between male and female the words nêr. a bee. a cat Psink-i-nêr. a nasal. The following alone require remark. The combination ng is a common one in Kurdish and is pronounced like our own ng. g is always hard as in " girl". . Number. Plural one man (dim. from pîo. zhinaka zhin.- from pshî. -ek is used. one boy (dim. singular.). Kurraka. and plural. (b) where the noun in 3 its simple form indicates the as garnish. a cat. small. a boy (dim.) Kurrakai.). a boy one man Kurrek. In its simple form the noun is in the singular number.- jii. one boy but Pioaka. as pîoaka aka Diminutive. and has largely lost its meaning. -Î is used thus : Pio. pchûk.. jiielaka pchûkêla a Jew. Kurr.THE NOUN.- a man. and no inflexion is used unless to emphasize the fact that one alone is meant. (b) when noun form is in diminutive. The most generally used is the first form. malaka mal. To form the plural -an or -akan is added to the form and there is no general rule for determination . Singular. each with its own form. a man Ploek. -ela. being used with almost any word as a euphonic only with no intention of diminutive meaning. when the following are used : (a) when noun form is not in diminutive. a buffalo cow.) Ploakai. The numbers are diminutive. mangamlsh. a woman. a buffalo. a man (dim. IdaSl -^ P^hiêla -ela. a house. a woman Plural Zhinan or Zhinakan. bra brother Qair Qadir khushk sister bang ka ! call ! minal child bali yes kurra boy.. not kich girl. \y- WORD LIST. both being permissible in most cases. Bra. a ma this that ' himal at home aw. she. Thus Sag. a dog Sagan or Sagakan. brothers. well chak e: I bad kharo pîs is not am. very en they are gora big nîen they are not pçhûk small bû he.^y KURMANJI GRAMMAR as to which should be used. Nouns ending in a and I usually take the akan plural ex : Masi. Zhin. Hama Muhammad ish also now warra ! come ! îsta awa osa then brrCia go ! ku? where ? wa. Warra Minal o era zhino kuna ! Kurraka khushk î era nîa. daughter a plo man hayya zhin woman nîa zur much. fished. it was bûn they were era here ora there _ bash [good. a fish Maslakan. and Exercise o - 1. Verbs (except imperatives) come at the end of the sentence. son na no. a brother Brakan. pchûk era en. Minfilaka kCi a ? Pioakan ora bun ? . Kurr. a boy ' Kurran or Kurrakan. now. as : Am marl bikuzha. not Bra Pshîêla kû a ? It is well. That also is no good. lit. Go. Exercise 1. the nominative heard all over South being mar. a parallel of be called a genitive French usage. Come The boys are very big. kharo a. the î . the green tree the tree of greenness. 5 Aw kurra chak a wa am pioaka Hama bang ka ! Am kichaka ziir pchQk a. Dar'l soz. Kill this snake. as Mal Î min. Now ? Yes. my house. This case is expressed by the particle i added la thj^ualificativ^. there. They are not there now. This is no good (" This good is not "). and the sister (diminutive form) Call the women and the men also. here. Na. form kill this snake. though occasionally the old accusative with tqjminal -I is heard. As a general rule there is no inflexion indi¬ cating this case. Ista warra ! Translation Come here. ^^ The accusative in -a is regularly ^^distan as Am mara bikuzha Geniiivi. Hama's gun the gun of Hama. boy. lamal bian. DECLENSION. is a child. The noun in its simple form is in the nominative. ora hayya ? Bali wa zhin ish hayya. the house of me. call the little boy.DECLENSION. Tfenk i Hama. Yes. This combination cannot strictly form as it is really i)ut meaning "of". Brrua lamal. Nominative. Accusative. malanî. î mal. Î malan. Nominative.* EXAMPLE OF DECLENSION Mal A OF HOUSE. mala¬ kan!. nor does its use dispense with the need of the preposition. Also use of î the is not universal and quite often the noun is uninflected. Malan. Î malakan. or. Mal. malakan. Mal. A final î expresses the dative case. Thus : la sharda. hasp horse Hatin they came main mare arrûa he. she. malakana. malakanda. Plural. the ablative suffix now universally heard. Dative. . mala. Singular. outside Sulaimaniyah Ablative Thus. it goes hêster mule rrûl he. Malan. market. but does not Dative. NOUN. la sharo. Mal. from the . malakan. she.6 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. Malan. mala- kani. malanda. lashar From the town are equally regular. malana. Malan. Genitive. mall. mali.--Mal. Thus : But : bida be faqiri give to the poor. la bazaro :from the town. it went kar donkey rrûîn they went ga ox la derawa For Khaniqin district and very occasionally in=o is regular.i malda. Ablative. da is not Like the dative inflexion. dispense with the use of the 'preposition. Accusative. malakan. Ablative. malanl. " bida be faqlr is equally correct and as usually employed. malakan. WORD LIST. at Ezerciie 2. 2. I am from Erbil. at. manga cow la nao inside chi what amma but ki who rrê road chan how many. y nazanim I know hat he. mad. azanim plo ziir hat. she. Qair chak a. bîa be manida ki hat ? suwar. to Bana. in aza brave SulaimanI Sulaimanii shêrîn pretty Holir Erbil bia! give ! bigira ! Take bîêna ! bring ! yan or not came tarramash rogue la from. a ? Aw haspi bîa Hama.EXAMPLE OF DECLENSION OF NOUN. Jaf Exercise He came from Sulaimania in Take the and went Bring that big horse here and give it to Muham¬ Kill that cat. pretty girls are Hama's wife was a girl of the Jaf. azanim I know any min im I am êma in we are. Pio zur hat. amma Karaka la kurra i aw zhinaka bigira bia Qair. horses out to grazing. Kurra. a Êma suwar în. Translation The girls of the Sulaimania. suwar i hasp yan main gerekma. min haspek î bash Bigira. awai village how much hêch none. suwar horseman a. Sulaimani ? La Ball. it. Hat a Sulaimani. chî Sulai- bun ? Suwar i hêch nabûn Chan suwar la La Chemchemal be Kirkuk chan Hama suwar î aza nia. Kicheki shêrîn la malda hayya. Am rre yan arrûa ama chi a Holir ? Nazanim. Surdash hatin ? haspek a ? Zhin i Hasan hat. be to. are not pretty. Where is the son of . Kurra hêster Kî hat bîêna. " jar a call jarchi a watchman. Pêsh the front Pêshîn the foremost. mang a month mangfina monthly. a lie Drûkar a liar. naowa a naovvachi a sentinel. Asin iron Asinger a blacksmith. I don't know where they are. faqîr a humble faqirana in a humble person. -ger meaning a " worker in " or " maker of. -chi meaning " one who does " or " performs. -in meaning "full of" "at" " made of. first. -dar meaning " possessor of ". 4." Zêrîn gold Zêrînger a goldsmith. a year salana yearly. 6. - in the manner of sal>. . beat 3. -kar meaning " one who does " or " makes. GRAMMAR. -ana meaning -ly. A number of suffixes are used with nouns to butives. form attri¬ generally used. of which the following are the most and a knowledge of which is necessary : 1. of the horsemen. Zwan a tongue Zwandar articulate. Khizna a treasury Khiznadar a treasurer. 2. 5." Jot ' Drû a plough Jotkar a peasant. Ex. outside.8 KURMANJI that woman ? In the house bring these donkeys. Go SUFFIXIAL ATTRIBUTIVES. Ber previous Berin long before." Gham sorrow Ghamîn distressed. manner. SUFFIXIAL ATTRIBUTIVES. -yar signifying the agent. Kir purchase Kiryar purchaser. Jot plough Jotyar ploughman. -wan meaning a keeper, " pertaining to." Derga a gate Pas' a sheep Dergawan a janitor. Paswan a shepherd. Ga a cow Gawan cowherd. Amust a finger Amustwan a ring. ^ WORD rozh day sho night amro to-day dwêna } dwêka LIST. pashawa latterly, after, for, because of bo yesterday bo chi why ? bo ama ki for this reason that subhêni, beyani to-morrow amanda this much, so dost friend awanda that much, so dizhmin enemy la bar î by dar wood, tree 1 altûn reason of, be cause 1 zêr sub sequent. gold - zîw silver para money awzengî stirrups I him, to him, of him laqo bridle * zln saddle jaran formerly it, off her, to her. of her da he, she, it gave bird he, she, it took away Exerciie 3. Dwêka Qair o Hama hatin bo mangana. a para î zur a. Qair zeringer Hama be faqirana hat wa mangana^ bird 10 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. Hama bo chî be faqirana hat ? Hama ish awanda para î nîa, Hama o Qair dost Jaran zur dost bun ista la bar î zhin en yan dizhmin en ? Î Hama dizhmin en. Bo ama ki zhin î kharo a. asinger a. Bo chi ? Qair tarramashek a, amustwan I zêrîn bo zhin I Hama da. Translation Amina's distressed. rings were Exercise silver and 3. golden, but she was The mare was pretty that day, golden stirrups and silver saddle, but to-day saddle wooden. Hama took his monthly wages (mangana) from the treasurer wife to-day. yesterday, and gave iron and her thep to Qaip's Qair is very distressed and is going (he goes) to Erbil to-morrow. are enemies. her stirrups are For this reason, too, (la bar i) they Yes, I know, but Amina is so pretty. PRONOUNS AND PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. 1. The the form of complete Pronoun. The simple (nouns are Plural. Singular. Min I êma We. Tu Thou êwa You. Aw, awa He, sha, it. awan They. Note : Kurdish is precise in its use of 2nd Persons When is used, speaking no to one person complimentary the 2nd use of the Singular and Person Plural. singular alone 2nd person plural being pennitted, as is common in Persian and Turkish. These Pronominal forms are, subject to exactly the same rules of however, declension not flections to " . T as the incorrect, indicate noun but already unnecessary the cases, described. to use It these is^ in¬ excepting alone in the geni- 1 *Omit " them " in translation. . .. PRONOUNS AND PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. 11 tive, which is the same as the Possessive Pronoun mentioned later. 2. The Enclitic Pronouns. The enclitic is that form of the pronoun which cannot ,be used alone, but which is dependant upon another word,, to which it must be joined as seen below. The enclitic pronouns are : Singular. Plural. -iman, -im It will -in -it -itan, -in -I -lan, -In be noticed that the first form of the plural is- exactly regular, being but the addition of -an to the singular.. The second form of the plural is used only with verbs. These in their pronouns use, though and fulfil all weak the in duties form of are the complete independent forms. They only appear as Nominatives when used with verbs, as in the following examples, with the verb stem, kawt, "fall." Kawtim I fell Kawtiman We fell. Kawtit Thou fellest. Kawtitan You fell. Kawti He fell. Kawtîan They fell. and -im kawt I fell. -iman kawt We fell. -it kawt Thou fellest. -itan kawt You fell. He fell. -ian kawt They fell. . -i kawt They appear as Genitives in examples such as the follow¬ ing, such genitive form giving a possessive meaning in most cases : Sarim Malian my head, i.e., the head of me. their house, i.e., the house of them. 12 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. .In the following cases the pure genitive value is seen : Qsaman akan they speak of us. Khêyalî aka he thinks of her. They appear as pure Datives in frequent instances as para dayan money gave he to them. Ihough the preposition pê is'generally used to avoid confu¬ sion making an apparent dative, as follows : peim to me. pêiman to us. pêit to thee. peitan to you. pel to him. pêîan to them. They appear regularly as Accusatives as in the following instances : The Kushtian he killed them. Akuzhimit I will kill thee. learner is warned that the use of the enclitic pronoun is very idiomatic and very confusing, and demands close attention. Full treatment of its use will be found in my larger Grammar. Such difficulties as the following will have to be under¬ stood, e.g., rûtîanit krd, where two enclitics follow and permit of two interpretations, according as -ian and -it are taken as nominatives or' accusatives. Further treatment of the enclitics will be found under Verb forms and sentence construction. WORD LIST. ikam which ser head her dûk both In we are hamû- all in you are hamûwakht always , kot fell Qair. he Qai naka. hasp I tu ? horseman. all. Hama a. know La dûkîan her chi bkam. they Exercise where are in he is a rogue. your Right works . of you. matter. he thinks of her always. don't know. and I to-day there. When ? Yes.PRONOUNS AND PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. zhin i dûkitan 4. das I min nia. hasp!" bird. fell from his min bang ka ! Her I house. o a. Qair saw them It doesn't is a good horse. Hasp Î min ku a ? I min yan Blai pêî arrûim Qair haspakam bo bîêna. Ishiman hamii Min Chi bû. haspakim. are Yesterday he are thus. la chû get out of the liwê there deeds way chi bkam what can I do ? wha thus chi blaim what can I say ? das hand qai naka all right ! it does not matter. tu Zhinî Hama Êwa bo chi chak In ? be bird i. they ? their but chû. zhin i zhin I kharo In. herrozh every day dî saw elbet. Kam Ish iman kharo a la bar î am Qair. say to ! Ish affairs. Amina pêîtan ? blaim Of course. Call Qair and tell him that I want my mare. Amina. Exercise 4. Hama be min alal. akuzhimit ! Hama but suwarî Qair Haspiman. helbet of course gut said ki that alaim I say kê? when ? alal he says 13 her ista right now blai! tell. Translation Yes. work. now. I know hasp paraiman. Qair. hînî awan +v.. The Demonstrative Adjectives. hinl êma ours. that. khwal himself. This is practically but the genitive form of the pronoun. as follows : {a) 1 mm my I êma our. khwaiani themselves. khwat thyself. that same haraw. khwaman ourselves. While the above may be used. These are formed regularly by the word khwa. those aw. ' V^ khwam The declension exactly follows that of the noun with¬ out exception.«>. khwatan yourselves. (b) im -iman -it -itan. The Possessive Adjective. there is also a form often employed for the possessive pronoun as follows : . I awa his i awan their. j KJL'-CI-' hinî aw his.f^ hînî min mine. hînî êwa yours. this same haram. . less the short initial vowel. these am. 4' myself.14 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. hin.-o theirs. J! j ^-"^ The Reflexive Pronouns. "self" followed by the enclitic form.* These are : this. The Possessive Pronoun. J hini tu thine. am. itu thy îêwa your. and therefore is a pronoun. These are of the same forms. 15 used regularly as follows : am mal this house. harawa that same. awana albem no. but takes the place of one. Who ? Ki. is an adjective. Itir the other harama this same.PRONOUNS AND PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. ama this amana these. awa qai naka That does not matter. aw malan those houses. Bali. aw mal that house. . What ?. Chi. The distinction is necessary Kurmanji as the actual words of the two classes of speech şre'different. awa that awana those. am malan these houses.* Plural. Examples of their use : what is this ? ama chia Itir pel biaI give him the other. Which ? What sort of ? Kam. Singular. Chlûn. chiin as in the examples below:- Ama chi rrela what road is this ? Kam rre birrûîn which road shall we talce ? *The difference between demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns is exemplified by the use of "this" in the following two sentences : Who is the man ? Here "this" being introductive of a noun. What is this ? Here "this" is introductive of no noun. The Demonstrative Pronouns. I will take those. I mean that same. The Interrogative Adjectives and Pronouns. na. harawa aizhim Yes. Zûr. which. the man ploi ku la awa for.KURMANJI 16 GRAMMAR. chi. the man who to him. The man of. These are subject to the same declension as uouiis. one. whom. Chishtek something. kam. Hamû all. Hêch no. or from. Herdûk both. Sulêmani ku sharî êmaya Sulaimaniyah which is our town. literally. . not any. whom to him. and that. The \yord ku or ki assumes the duty of the relative pronouns who. The Indefinite Pronouns. The Relative Pronouns. from. Chan some. and to form cases an ellipses is employed as : The man to whom. gal many. Hêchkas no Filan such a ohe. main ku kirrîm the mare which I bought. so and so. Hamukas everyone. pioi ku be awa literally. as : plo ku hat the man who came. This pronoun is indeclinable. are declined exactly in the same way as nouns. These are : Kas one. Chlûn pîoîa what sort of man is he ? Ki hat who has come ? ChIa what is it ? Kl. Ista min tapû im zur a. Min mainek i chak gerekm bu. illness: abê will be jerdai brigandage '^ Exercise 5.PRONOUNS AND PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. employed lamopash in future garmian the warm country amsal this year lawar grazing sal Î par last year dil heart. the Jaf will be much this year. La Sula imani hamu¬ kas zhinî khwal hayya. also giran dear little. mind tapû freehold pas sheep koda animal taxes harzan cheap ish as well as. kirri bought hêna brought many gerekm bû Î wanted akan they make. bought he did The animal tax of The mare which Hama not buy (bought not) with his own money . do kem . ama chîa-balî. iamopesh formerly kharik busy. Translation Exercise 5. ista khwaian kharik akan be jotkarl î khwaian. Who bought ? I know not. scarce. 1 ^ gal ) galek j Ajaman the Persians ferût sold nasakhi sickness. Last year the Persians sold their women for (be) money. Main ku Hama kirri hlni min bû. wa chan kas zhin i kas Itir ian ish hayya. 17 WORD LIST. hêch jerdai la Hamawand nia inshallah ! Lamopash Hasan Beg tapû Î khwal be min ferût. be jerdai rrûîn. but I know that the man who bought a woman bought also sickness. alalm) Ama kl bo tu hêna ? Jaran Hama- wand galek suwar o main o tufenk ian bu. har¬ ama aizhim (or. as ." / " ' '" "*" ^/. ^ \ These rules are absolutely regular and constant. Gora large. Plo-I-aza a bold man.18 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. The adjective or qualifying word follows the noun it qualifies. what can I say ? THE 1. I do not know my own mind. Kich-1-shîrin a pretty girl. Goratir larger. chaktir better. La hamu goratir largest. Mal-I-gora a large house. Comparative degree is formed by the addition of the syllable -tir to the Positive. This year grazing was scarce in (la) the warm country and everyone sold his own sheep cheap. Zardawala a yellow hornet. as : 2. as : The Hîzbo a bad fellow. (1) as as. In some instances the adjective may precede the noun. La hamu chaktir best. shêrîntir prettier. iXf^' v as : Chaktir better. goratir larger. when the -i. and is connected to it by the particle -i-. Gapio a bovine fellow.V^' . ADJECTIVE. The Comparative Phrases. The Superlative degree is formed by introducing the Com¬ parative form by the words la hamu (meaning "than all"). asin: " This is as dear as that.particle is not used. Shirin pretty. Chak good. 4. 18. 9. or Ama wa giranl awa nia. as : The higher. Yek. Bis o yek. chwar. (3) er er. Shest. This is not so dear as that. Not as as. Slan. 19. NiJezda. 70. 50. kamtir or chi barztir. Construction is as in English. This of the dearness of that is not.6. Nih. Hesht. Diian. 2. 8. Lit. 1. Char. Hot. (2) dearness of this and that is one. kamtllv NUMERALS. Hezhda. Bis. Thus : har barztir. 3. Penj. the fewer. ' Shash. for instance : Giranl ama wa awa yeklka the . but introduced by and sometimes chi. This like that is not dear. 35.THE An elliptical phrase 19 ADJECTIVE. as in : This is not as dear as that. The Cardinal Numbers. 21. 40. Chel. no exact parallel existing in Kurmanji as. har. 7. . 60. 5.' . Hefta. SI. Ama wakii awa giran nia Literally. Here the following ellipses express the meaniiig. Penja. 20. must be used. 300. Nawd.. 100. 14.20 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. Charda. six. a thousand and nine hundred and nineteen. Sianza. etc. All others are expressed by the forms : One of five. 90. Hazar. Pansat. siiot.. Hewda. 16. and being (though not actually one) very close in formation one to the other. . 11. are best placed side by side. Panza. Fifty years penja sal. 500. 200.000. 1919_^hezar o niisat o niiezda So. 13. Thus:yth Yek la penj or penj yek. chwarda. Dah. not penja salan fifteen pounds panza lira not panza lirakan. rth yek la hot- or hot yek. Yanza. 15. 12. or five one. " to be " and " to become " These present some difficulties. Ziada. 10. Lit. six one. Shanza. dûsat. 80. Heshta. 1. hezhar. The Auxiliaries. Charek quarter. THE VERB. Concord Nouns. Dusuo. As a general rule it is not necessary to express the plural number of the noun with a numeral -ex. 10. The only two expressed by single words are: Niw. Dwanza.000. etc. and so on. nima half. Sêsat. 17. Dah hazar. Fractions. 21 The verb "to become". Tense. Bûin to be Bun Present Participle to become Past Participle Bûa Wanting INDICATIVE Present been. she. Affirmative.THE VERB. where English uses " to be. which the student of Sulaimania alone may disregard. It will be seen that more than one form occurs. it. INFINITIVES. (a) (North of Zab) (b) Min im min haim I am Min abim I become min dabim Tui tu haî or thou art Tu abî or Thou be- tu dabî hait Oa o hayya he. abet is o dabê becomes £)ina in êma haîn we are Ema abin We become êraa dabîn !fêwain êwa han you Ewa abin You become ango dabin Awan en awan han thev are are Awan aben They become win dabin ." For instance. As the Sulaimania district form is limited in the scope of its use in some forms. the passive voice of the verb " to catch " is in English " to be caught ". other useful forms have been placed in paren¬ thesis. is employed as such in Kurmanji to form the passive voice of the verb from a simple form. Only the forms commonly used in conversation are cited. she. become MOOD. not used very much in English as an auxiliary. it abit comest O abe or He. but in Kurmanji is " to become caught". each having its own use according to its context. 22 ' KURMANJI GRAMMAR. nabêt Êma nîn Êma nabin Êwa nîn Êwa nabin Awan nin Awan nabin Preterite Tense. I become not. I am not. tu nabûî. or abûit Tu dabfii.'^tivk. etc. I used to be I used to become (Same form for both) (Sulaimania) (North of the Zab) Min abûm Min dabûm. etc- Min nim Min nabim Tu nit Tu nabit O nia O nabê. Imperfect Tense. or datbu by- . etc. or dambû Tu abûî. I was I became line form for b( The negative of Min bum Tu bûî O bû Ema bûîn Ewa bûn Awan bûn this tense is formed regularly prefixing namin nabûm. Neg. and pronounced nathabûm the th being as above noted practi¬ cally inaudible.for initial n-. . and in north of Zab dialects by changing initial d. The negative is written na-abûm.4an almost inaudible D. I have been I have become (Same for both verbs) (Sulaimania) The Dambûa Tu bûi Datbûa O bûa Dabûa Êma bûln Damanbûa Êwa bûn Datanbûa Awan bûn Dayanbûa is ' ' (North of Zab) Min bum negative ' formed in Sulaimania by prefixing na-.* but the Sulaimania prefixes na.INDICATIVE O abû MOOD. etc. or damanbû Êwa abûn Ango dahûn. or datanbû Awan abûn Wan dabûn. etc.. in the negative.. Pluperfect ^ Texse. which becomes nambû.simply in the north of Zab dialects. etc. 23 O dabû. which is heard very slightly as an extremely soft th.. or dayanbû The negative is formed by the addition of na. I had been I had become * Except dambft. or dabû Êma abûln Êma dabûin. Pi:ki'i:ct Tense. (Sulaimania) (Jaf. SUBJUNCTIVE Present MOOD.). having also the Optative value. bibit ki bai ki be. That I be. bet. bibin ki ban . bibaya. bibim ki bam ki bit. 1 shall be I shall become This is exactly the same as the Present Indicative of the verb " to become ". bibin ki bain ki bin. Future Tense. ba\a ki bat ki bin. Hamawand and extreme south) ki bim. May I become (Same form for both verbs. bibin ki ban ki bin. (Same form for both) Min bûbûm Tu bûbûi 0 bûbû Êma bûbûin Êwa bûbûn Awan bûbûn The negative is formed regularly by prefixing na-. having also the Optative value. May I be That I become. This tense is not much used. - GRAMMAR.Si4 KURMANJI . Tense. That.). min bûmaya êma bûinaya tu bûtaya êwa bûnaya o boaya awan bûnaya Pluperfect Tense. or. Negative. That I were. (Sulaimania) (Jaf and the south) ki bibuamaya ki bûamassa ki bibuaitaya ki bûîassa ki bibuaya ki bûassa ki bibuainaya ki bûainagsa ki bibuanaya ki bûanassa ki bibuanaya ki boanassa Imperative. nabêt ki nabat ki nabin ki nabain. Imperfect Tense. ki nabim ki nabam ki nabit ki nabai ki nabê. if I had become (Same form for both verbs. Be! Become ! used . if I had been That.SUBJUNCTIVE . or.25 MOOD. etc. ki nabin ki naban ki nabin ki naban The Perfect tenses of the Subjunctive is not colloquially. KURMANJI GRAMMAR." This is the more must always come generally used of at the end of the the two sentence. Present Tense. (i) Form (a) of the verb " to be." This is used to express the meanings " there is ". " there are ". " is there ? ". forms. which have literal translations bracketed with them /Diiiya sar a (The weather cold is (Tu - goj I (Bagha diier a (Ba. (Sanie form for both verbs) Singular Bibe ! Plural Bibin Negative. as shown It in the examples below. " are there ? " as in the following exam¬ ples : Nan la mal hayya ? Is there bread in the house ? Dar la Qaradfigh zCir hay>'a There are many trees in Qaradagh. Singular Maba ! Plural Mabin The' Uses of the Tenses of the Auxiliaries. as in the following examples : on . Khwa la asmang hayya ? Is there a God in heaven ? It is also used when the emphasis in the sentence is the verb.. To be " and " To become " Indicative Mood.ghdad far (Hawin Î is Sulaimani feniik a (Thou a fool art (The summer of Sulaimania cool is (Min Kurd im (RomI ll Kurd am (The Turks now regretful (2) Ista pashiman en are Form (b) of the verb " to be. 27 Nan la mal hayya (as above) lays stress on the existence of bread. abê can it be ? (of course it can be (Amrozh nia wa pash ish î nabêt (To-day it is not.SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. he can be ". the translation is.e. but Hasan bok I min hayya lays stress upon the fact that Hasan is my father. to be that bread is in the house as opposed to any other place. " the bread is in the house ". not another. meaning that Hasan. besides its ordinary functionsr to express the conditional of the verb "to be" as in the following literally translated examples : jmazani chlun abet (Gutin tl knew how it would be (They said here they would be /Min pê it 11 gutim kê hazir era abin abim to thee said when ready I would be i. haim Yes. and afterwards also it cannot be . Or similarly. and left it upon the subsidiary " la mal " making the meaning. I told you when I should be ready. where it forms a reply to a question without repeating the subject. as Liwê i ? Art thou there ? Ball. the use of the weak form of the verb having shifted the emphasis of the sentence from the subject. in the house or If we say Nan la mal a. I am (3) Indicative Mood. it is possible " as in th'e follow¬ ing : (pio nabê bifarra tman cannot fly f Nabê ! (chûnabet? (how Nabê ! jlmpossible 1 Impossible (Elbet. " it can ". It is also used to express the Potential. Present Tense of the verb " to become.." This is used. The form has another use yet. without regard to whether it is other place.. in the phrases " it. Hasan bok I min a. is my father. go to Kirkuk. {b) Used for the Conditional Past. I was hungry.28 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. (c) or Used for the future perfect become . " I should have been. shall have been the wheat good will be suwar biiln birriiin a Kirkuk and when mounted you shall be. Preterite (a) ployed . suwar bum I have mounted. as." etc. mean¬ ing I am just about to mount. a house will I buy or colloquial English : And when I am rich. go to Kirkuk or colloquial English : And when you have mounted." colloquially uses the Present Indicative. . Yes. Tense. he was. well it would have been This use only occurs when preceded as in the above example. agar baran bu if ki rain ganum chak abe. rich chak abCi had he been. where English " I shall have been. Used as in Enghsh. as Bali zengin bibuaya. Imperfect (fl) Tense. (b) Used in place of the Future tense when the action is just about to occur.. as. I shall buy a house. evil used to be. as la wakhti RomI kharapl abû In the time of the Turks. kharik bO. Used as in English. as ki zengin bum and when rich mall akirrim I shall have become. by a purely conditional phrase. em¬ min birsi bum. let them mount. etc. Pluperfect Tense.e. in phrases such as the following : agar drû im kird. {a) The optative use is mostly noticed. Would that I were in London now. . This has the same use as the Imperfect and is a develop¬ ment of the time idea to a previous time.. blind may I become ! Umi im hayya ki gum bit Hope I have that lost thou may be. warm will it be.SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Agar zengin bûmaya. Hagar hato be garm abet If sunshine it be. Used as a rule in the optative sense. Tense. SUBJUNCTIVE Present 29 MOOD. Imperfect (a) Tense. as Kashke ista le Lundra bûmaya Would that now I in London were or. what would I do. chi im akird If I were rich. (b) Used in its ordinary sense. or. I wish I were. it occurs as in examples below Ba suwar bin Permit mounted that t^ey be. (6) Used to express the meaning " if I were ". Agar tu her tinia kichi dinya bûtaya If you were (thou wert) the only girl in the world. etc. colloquially. i. kûer bim if lies I told. If I had been a man this would not have happened to me. . It therefore signifies "if. that I had been" as follows : agar pio bibuSmaya wha be ser im na-ahat If a man I had been thus on the head of me would not have come. rich had he been it would have been well.. or. Bali zengin bibuaya chak abû Yes.30 KURMANJI GRAMMAR.e. i. . S 1) I) - 3 o S ^ S - D '_ ' - W X 1> ' u u Cj 0) O li u ' ir 3 O ^ o u 0) a a a 3 3 a.go b.-» j-i M U have may _-'-<" 0 " «^ Z I that were. . o o c = 'o ^::^ C OS .S .-J ii 31 MOOD.S . u rt ox: <D ^ f-. a 3 <U 5^ -ti fV 3 '* CUCUlii T3 O O . i3 X) X S S rS.e. H '3 QJ u-i 3 g U !- 0 u.(-1 "0 9) «^-t ChCU u a 3 rt D- 0) > . ". hatImight had . c3 x.1 -J U D.S -S S c .« ° 3 -c t.might I May rH tn 0) en it. . j^ £ g 3 X 3 X! Î5 c 0) . I) "a .:: X zc n .3 .S .3 May Ior.3 . X! X! ^ CO been bor. be n. Ior.0 s' be n. been..S .SUBJUNCTIVE .-.3 .tJ be n.3 0 g X3 /0 XI J3 rt . X have dbe 0 rt 3 SÎ 3 c CO II 0 O =: 3 :r rt 0 0 en tn M HH W -^ !- U( CD u 0} 1) _3 ^ U U. " 11 1) a n o « c ^5 c SS H.3 .t-> 0 rt u pj <u ri u _n X X j: X ^ H . bu. The Persians are cowardly. hus silent jotyar ploughman bêhêa shameless kirikar labourer. awrozh wha nabfi. WORD LIST. nabê. dwêna Aha bibuaya chani nabû Min bfim. hechwakh!: never khwoshbakht lucky. Translation Exercise 7. Dwêna ki la Sulaimani bu ? zengin abet. The Ha'mawand used to be they robbers. wretched heshta yet. Alain Kurmanji sakht a.. . learn¬ difficult. fêr acquainted. childhood. plo zû fêr abet. PioI ki kharik i Ish I khwai bu. zengin baran rain kashki would that minali youth. kûer Wind . Jaran kuer Bo chi nabim. tersûk coward. Amawêt zû fêr bim. would not be wretched to-day. and are still cowards. baraneki kawil chak na-abum. khalla crops chishtek something. Hus bin ewa ! wha bûa. ed. cowardly amawêt diz robber wakupîo manly. wealthy. bim insha'la. they were not formerly so. agar wha hayya. now they are ploughmen and labourers and soldiers. Awanda bêhêa mabin. liwê. rich. nia. Exercise Kharik khalla i bash ish abet. be ! 7. their work is evil. khwosh Hasan jaran abum. tu ! Suwar bu.KURMANJI 32 GRAMMAR. so they became cowards. suwarl bo min kharapa. and their mind is black. Dwêna buamaya Wha 1 want. aqil wise sakht kawil poor. Had they been manly. Suwar be. wish. I khwat Aqil Hama wa Aha diz abûn. abû. herduk Chishtek iman bo min bûin. sakht nia. ewa hatana you have itan hayya you have. one for use or thing possessed. Wanting INDICATIVE Present MOOD. there and is HAVE ".INDICATIVE MOOD. and the the other when the object is not mentioned. Present participle Past participle. no verb "to have" the purpose is served with in a the com¬ pound of the verb "to be". The verb has two distinct forms. min hama I have im hayya I have. Infinitive. The verb "to have" is not used as an auxiliary for the formation of the compound tenses of verbs. the verb to be being the only auxiliary for that purpose. is actually when mentioned. Tense. Bun to have. With object. I should never have been here. 33 The Turks would have been here now if they had been wiser. . May he become blind ! Would that I were in London now ! THE VERB " TO Strictly "Sulaimania speaking dialect. Affirmative. If in youth I had been lucky. Without object. awar1 hayana they have ian hayya they have. bûa. tu hata thou hast it hayya thou hast o hayati he has i hayya he has ema hamana we have iman hayya we have. ewa nitana itan nia. Without object. Negative. etc. . ê\va hamanbû ha-abû êwa ewa hatanbû it bu itan bii. Preterite Tense. Without object. I used to have. I had.KURMANJI 34 GRAMMAR. min hambû With object. o niia i nia. Imperfect Tense. etc. Affirmative. Negative. mm nima im ma. haibû awan hayanbû I bu i^fi bu. tu nita it nia. iman habû. min hstmbû tu With object. awan niiana ian nia. o halbû awan hayanabû o habû ian habû. im ba iman bu. min nambû ema namanbû im nabii iman nabû tu natbû êwa natanbû it nabû itan najîû> o naibû awan nayanbû î nabû ian nabû. Affirmative. ema nimana iman nia. êma hamanabû im habö tu ha-abû êwa hatanabû it habû itan habû. I have had. ian abe. iman abe. 35 Negative. With object. etc. min biima Negative. ema bûmana im biia iman bua. tu abe it abe. tu buta ewa bûtana it bua itan bua. ema abê~. Affirmative. o abe I abe. min abe im abe. Without object.. o biiyati awan buyana I biia ian bua. awan abe .INDICATIVE MOOD. In both forms the initial h. With object. In both cases the verb form is prefixed by ija- FuTURE Tense. Affirmative. ewa abe itan abe. Without object.changes to initial n- Perfect Tense. I shall have. Imperfect Tense. SUBJUNCTIVE Present MOOD. With object. or. as nim. tu buata ewa buatana it buaya iman buaya. » With object. . Without object. (or nam) buaya. Formed by changing bi.36 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. Without object. ' Formed by prefixing na. min bimbuaya ema bimanbuaya im bibuaya iman bibuaya tu bitbuaya ewa bitanbuaya it bibuaya itan bibuaya o biibuaya awan bilanbuaya i bibuaya bibuaya ian Negative. That I had. * Affirmative. or.to na. itan buaya.to the verb form. Negative.to the pronoun and omitting initial bi-. min buaina ema buamana im buaya. Affirmative. o buayatl awan buayana i buaya ian buaya. and some¬ times in the form with object prefixing n. Tense. Might I have.for both cases. etc. May I have. That. kew mountain. by by substituting na- prefixing na- to for bi-. jighara cigarette her nothing but. ganum wheat. hefta week hair snow. etc. o bîibê awan biianbe i be ian be. mird died. min bimbe ema bimanbe im be iman be. bakh garden qurr khwt tent hatin coming. In the form without object. - arzahal petition. tu bitbe ewa bîtanbê it be itan be. the verb or pronoun. tam flavour. dolamani wealth kazh. The verb has no Imperative.CONDITIONAL CONDITIONAL Present 37 MOOD. If I have. mud. only. . With object. Affirmative. in the form with object. Tense. Negative. keû. just this that. mang a month sahul ice. MOOD. dasalat authority germ! heat. pashawa presently doll valley. to come. Without object. WORD bartir [before (time) pêsh LIST. wa du se rozhi Dasalat im be chi abim. Am jighara Mangek chwar hefta i hayya. * = dolamani + ish. O ki zhin o minal o mal o pas o ga I hayya. THE REGULAR VERB. AbduUa had sheep formerly but he sold them. last year. Agar chishtek im buaya. ema nimana. and in fact more generally expresses it than our infinitive. it has not snow. Hasan has a petition. dolamanishi* abe. tam i nia. Exercise 8. nimana. This year it Iraq has not mountains. is. Ish 8. Rashid Agha chan Chlun khwt I habO ? Naibti. . We have Take it from him. as it is not subject to many exceptions. the infinitive hatin. Elxercise Hêch im nia. This presents some apparent. nothing but Arabs and heat and mud (has it). ista hêch I nia. wha kawil na- it nia? Bartir la hatin I Romi. Aha para i hayya ? Bali hayati. as a rule. abum. awan hayana. Muhammad had a brother. Thus.ian hayya ? Bali. have plenty of water. elbet hamana. Translation I have a big house. Sulaimani zur bakh Î bu. no Arabs it might be (abû) pleasant. If Iraq had The valleys of Mugurun Last year Mugurun had snow till summer and Sulaimania had ice from it (le). inshala pashawa abet. ista ish I nia. has not that much snow.3S KURMANJI GRAMMAR. but few real difficulties. to come. but he Have you bread in the hoi^se ? no wheat bread. Era nan. Every infinitive is usable in the same manner as our gerund 'in -ing." and this applies to most infinitives. died. better translated by " coming. infinitive. Of the Intransitive Verb. . Of the Transitive Verb. Of the Causal Verb. 39 All infinitives are constructed of three parts : (1) the In¬ complete stem. Complete stem. Of the Passive (Caudal) Verb. gtem. which an object upon which to exercise its action. 2.THE REGULAR VERB. Examples : T £ Incomplete Infinihve. 4. 5. " -n". (2) the Complement. kêshan to chespin to adhere khestin hênan wistin f> <-omplement. Infinitive g^^^j^g kêsh- -a- -n. to throw kh- -est- -in. which demanding an object upon which to exercise its action. without meaning. 3. this development. The Transitive Verb is such by its meaning. (3) The Infinitive forming Ending. to wish wi- -st- -in. to bring hen- -a- -n. Of the Passive Verb. sometimes prefixed by a short -i with (1) the which is always when necessary' for euphony. The Intransitive Verb is such by its expresses an action merely. draw There are five conjugations : 1. chesp- -I- -n. The Causal Verb is constructed from a simple though not all simple infinitives permit of :and by its meaning is transitive. -in kêshanin. -ra- -n kêshanran . Infinitive. Passive Causal . The Passive (Causal) Verb is constructed from the Cau¬ sal Verb. kêsh- -an- (Causal) Infin. The Causal Infinitive is formed tive by i. Causal stem. though not all Causal Infinitives permit of this development. Causal Infinitive. as : CAUSAL INFINITIVE. chespanin to stick chesp- -ra- -n wustanin to arrest wust- -an- -ra- -n wustanran cause siit- -an- -ra- -n sQtanran sOtanin to to burn -an- . kêshanin to cause to draw Incomp.between the Causal Particle and the Infinitive ending. The Passive (Causal) Infinitive is formed from the Causal by the insertion of -ra.40 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. Infi end. svParticle. PASSIVE (CAUSAL) INFINITIVE. stem. The Passive Verb is constructed from the Simple Infini¬ tive (nearly always of a Transitive Verb). sCitan to burn sût- an- -in sûtanin. and by its meaning is intransitive. kêshan to draw kêsh- chespîn to adhere chesp- an- wustan to stand wust- an- -in wustanin. as in the table below. Particle. Particle..between the from the incomplete Simple Infini¬ stem and the Infinitive ending. End. chespanran.nserting -an. Simple Incomplete Causal Infin. -in chespanin. Infinitive. Past Participle Present Participle.pro¬ nominal (enclitic) termination aikêshim I draw ema aikeshln we tu aikêshlt thou dravvest ewa aikêshin you draw o aikêshet he draws awfm aikêshin they draw . Infinending. bestin to FIRST THE -ra- CONJUGATION. gûrîn to change gfir- -ra- -n birrin to cut birr- -ra- -n birrrin. kêshan to INFINITIVE. Passive Infinitive.nsk.FIRST 41 CONJUGATION. kêshaû. draw kêsh- -ra- -n kêshran.incomplete stem 4. gûrran. ^s Passive Particle. Wanting INDICATIVE Present MOOD. min Negative formed with prefixial n- draw . The Passive Infinitive is formed from the Simple Infinitive by the insertion of -ra.between the incomplete stem and the infinitive ending as : PASSIVE Simple Infinitive. . f Formed of. tie best- -n bestran. REGULAR TRANSITIVE kêshan to VERB draw. "'. tense particle -f. Te. - itkêsha thou drawest Ikêsha he drew.42 KURMANJI GRAAIMAR. or Kêshai Negative formed (a) by prefixing na(b) by prefixing n- and changing short i. kêshan. Participle 4- enclitic 4. awan keshan.complete stem.complete stem. (b) imkêsha I drew.Past auxiliary particle from verb Participle " to be " -a. (ft) <a) min kêsham tu kêshait o kêsha. (b) of Enclitic pronoun 4. or keshaman imankêsha we drew. Preterite Tense. aîkêsha aiankêsha he was drawing they were draw ing. Formed of (a) complete stem + enclitic pronoun (two forms).enclitic (without supporting initial vowel) 4. Imperfect Formed of tense particle Tense. 4- . atkesha thou wert drawing atankesha you were draw¬ ing. amkêsha I was drawing amankesha we were draw ing. Negative formed by prefixing n- Pereect Formed {a) of Past Tense.to short -a-." -a. or lcêshatan itankêsha you drew. 4. or kêshaian lankêsha they drew.auxiliary participle from verb " to be. keshain. ema ewa enclitic pronoun 4. (6) of enclitic 4- complete stem 4- complete stem bu of verb " to be ".to complete stem.preterite of verb " to be ". CONDITIONAL MOOD.- (6) by prefixing n- to enclitic.to short a. and . Pluperfect Tense. changing initial i. Present. Exactly the same as the Indicative Imperfect. (6) imkêshaûa I have drawn Thou hast drawn tu kêshaûta itkêshaiia o kêshaûa îkêshaûa He has drawn êma kêshaûina imankêshaûa We have drawn êwa kêshaûna itankêshaûa You have drawn iankêshaûa They have drawn awan kêshaûna Negative formed (a) (6) by prefixing naby prefixing n- and changing short i.to short a. I should draw.a) kêshaûma min 43 CONJUGATION. kêsha bum <a) min kêsha tu bû (b) imkêsha I had drawn.FIRST i. bûit itkêsha bû Thou hadst drawn bö îkêsha bû He had drawn bû We had drawn o kêsha êma kêsha bûin imankêsha êwa kêsha bûn itankêsha bû You had drawn iankêsha bû They had drawn awankêsha bûn Negative formed (a) by prefixing na. Formed (a) of Complete stem 4. min bimkêshaya That I may have drawn imbikêshaya. I should have drawn. Tense. Past. drawn. or tu bitkêshaya That thou drawn o biikêshaya That have itbikêshaya. draw.to initial na- Imperfect Tense. may have îbikêshaya. SUBJUNCTIVE Present MOOD.44 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. or. Formed of tense particle -t. or. May I have. May I. Exactly the same as the Indicative Pluperfect. may or he drawn or ema bimankeshaya That we drawn or ewa bitankeshaya That you drawn or awan biiankêshaya That they drawn or may . may have imanbikêshaya may have itanbikêshaya.enclitic 4- complete stem -f- theme of Imperfect Subjunctive of auxiliary " to be ".incomplete min blkêshim that I draw ema stem + enclitic* bîkêshin that we draw or bikêshiman Bikêshlt tu that thou draw ewa bikeshin that you draw or bikeshitan blkêshê o that he draws awan bikeshin or bîkêshî that they draw or bikêshian Negative formed by changing initial bi. That I. Formed of tense particle 4. That I may have. have ianbikeshaya. Formed of tense particle 4. . min bimkeshabuaya imbikêshabûaya. had ianbikêshabûaya drawn or ema bimankêshabûaya That we drawn or bitankêshabûaya That you dr. I NEG.awn awan biîakêshabûaya That or they drawn or Negative formed by changing initial bi.to initial nainitial i. makêshin the Perfect Indicative. two forms of tense appear. had imanbikêshabûaya had itanbikêshabûaya. drawn or bilkêshabûaya That he had Ibikeshabuaya. might have. drawn.to initial 45 to. .to initial na-.A. or. Formed of Imperative particle < 4- incomplete stem 4- -a.complete stem 4- theme of pluperfect subjunctive of auxiliary " to be ". bikêsha draw ! bikeshin draw 1 (you). Pluperfect Tense. That I had. That I had drawn or tu bitkêshabûaya That thou hadst itbikeshabuaya. Imperative. the Pluperfect Indicative.enclitic 4.TIVE. initial na- or na-.FIRST CONJUGATION Negative formed by changing initial biinitial i. makêsha In the Preterite Indicative. (o) This form may also be used. as above. the Second Form must it is particularly desired to which be used. and is very generally used alone in the negative. Ziir ian îkêsha He drew many of them. Drang kêshaî He drew late.. we have not drawn. (1) when another word. Thus. If a pronoun. no other word. the Causal Verb. Zur ian o kêshai He drew many of them. Drang kutakai kesha He drew his portion late. as Ewa kêshatan ? Na. noun. is the object. . itself a sentence having reference to something makes in mentioned before. but is only understood. or adjective used for a noun. The second form cannot be used alone in the affirmative. (a) when is mentioned. unless. is men¬ tioned.46 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. The manner of their use is as follows : The first form is employed particularly the object. naman kêsha Have you drawn ? No. These dual forms will also be seen in wher^ the rules for its use are the same. emphasise the introducing objective words into the phrases above : Amro kharitaek im kêsha To-day I drew a map. He drew a lot. O kutakai drang kêshaî He drew his portion late. (2) when the object is mentioned but it is desired to lay stress on the subject as Amro kharitaek min kesham To-day / drew a map. but can be. as Amro kesham Zur kêshaî I drew to-day. be mentioned. not the object. and now understood but not mentioned again. subject. so that the verb form " min kêsham " for instance. nwis below. Comple- Nil. do. in¬ formation thus. b-. do.FIRST WORD to bind. birr. ment. stem birrin to cut do. over divorce telaq agaiii awa back (al¬ ways joined to a word). LIST. zanîn to know do. wha this after. perhaps. bestin 47 CONJUGATION. upon. hen. re¬ shiin sult much di saw gerek must. and when ku where ke hamushshtê everything gorani shan shoulder shahid witness shar town suind oath kOw mountain qin anger manliness beqin hatin to pioati / song become en¬ raged napioati unmanliness khabar / knowledge. Incomplete to fasten best. above. to sing to take birdin 'ird- away a- hêna to bring do. . behind. do. do. d- kuzh kuzhtin t- do. so that perhaps" kaqaz paper khwar . i- nwi sin to write do. i- do. kush. gêsht arrived labên between * wakhta when / necessary . do. do. zan. up on. under ban judge qazi up. down. khûin . do. agir fire bashk. i- kushtin to kill do. i- khûînîn to read. Khulmar present) me a large tree vi^hich they will cut the Aoraman mountain. Formerly I used to write well." Ri"ûl wa mal I khwai. they know {i. If one (plo) knew (Subj. ista alal " Birrûa dar bo ian rrûi bashk herduk ian bihênet a Ke gesht a ban I kûwaka. chi bikam ?" khwarawa cilnakait lagal i khwat biba " Hama alal " Wallah ! ser'tan aibirrim. ki tfenk im nia. Turks used Writing Tree to is not cut (infinitive) There at wood no Would that to for trees their two better killing send and bring (Subj- from at Sulaimania ) and reading are know little (kem). kaqazekl Itir n'am gereka telaq' man be bash a.48 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. wha be shun gorani aikhûinet.e." bo qazi nwlsl k'min labar I ama ki Amina azanim Qazi alal " agar ish I kharap laben ian hayya gerek chwar shahid bihênit ki suind bikhwan Hama alai "min la kii shahid bihênim?" ki ishi kharap bua. now because of much . hat Hama la shar bihênet. wa bu. Amina Qair Wakhta Hama I'am isha khabari wa khwai wa Amina 9. dl khwarawa. Exercise Rozhi Ichwal ki bibirret rrûî lagall. now another has taken everything. because the fires (singular). work I write badl\-. wa min rrûi bo kûw. are Sul (dar) .. robbery). i khwat wha bua. azanim k ' bu Hama Amina zur beqin dar aibirret " tfenk im bihêna Hama alal buaya herduk itan amkusht. IshI kharap labCn ian hayya. present) what will be to-morrow. things that Kurds and taking away I had taken my money that day. Translation Exercise 1 have written to the mudir of 9. in his own time would he be wise. am isha ta ke abet ?" Qair alal " Am Isha la bar I napioati Hama rrûl a khwarawa. now (trans. Present Tense. agam I arrive again we arrive agalt thou arrivest agan you arrive agat he arrives agan they arrive Negative.with enclitics Complement esht.enclitic gêshtim I arrived geshtin geshtiman we arrived gêshti. stem 4. geshti he arrived geshtin. etc.incomplete stem 4. gêshtitan. INTRANSITIVE VERB. you arrived gesht. Infinitive termination. gêshtit thou arrivest geshtin. SECOND 49 CONJUGATION. arrived Negative formed by prefixing na- they .enclitic. nagait. Preterite Tense. -in Present Participle Past Participle gêshtû Wanting INDICATIVE MOOD. Gêshtin To arrive Incomplete stem ge-. geshtian. becoming ga. Infinitive. Tense particle 4. nagam.SECOND CONJUGATION. etc." gêshtûma gêshtûîna gêshtûta gêshtûna gê«htûa gêshtûna Negative with na. agêshtitSn agêsht.:$^ KURMANJI GRAMMAR.prefixed. Tense particle 4. Past participle 4. agêshtit agêshtin. I have arrived.prefixed.complete stem 4. Pluperfect Tense.enclitic 4- auxiliary particle of verb "to be.preterite of verb " to be " gêshtû bum gêshtû bûîn gêshtö bûi gêshtû bun gêshtû bû gêshtû bûn Negative with na. agêshtî agêshtin.prefixed. I had arrived. etc. agêshtimto agêshti.enclitic agêshtim agêshtîn. I was arriving. agêshtiSn Negative with n. Past participle 4. Perfect Tense. etc. . Imperfect Tense. I used to arrive. CONDITIONAL Present 81 MOOD. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD.to na- . I should have arrived. or May I have arrived. I should arrive. etc. Exactly same as the Indicative Perfect. Tense.complete stem + enclitic 4.enclitic bigam bigain bigai. Tense particle 4. That I.to na- Imperfect Tense. Present Tense. That I may have. Exactly the same as the Indicative Pluperfect.SECOND CONJUGATION. etc. etc.incomplete stem 4.theme of Imperfect Subjunctive of auxiliary " to be ". bigêshtimaya bigêshtînaya bigêshtitaya bigêshtinaya bigêshtaya bigêshtinaya Negative'formed by changing bi. or May I arrive. Past. etc. baigait bigan bigat bigan Negative formed by changing bi. Tense particle 4. etc.to na-. might have arrived. Tense particle 4. Formed of Imperative particle 4- incomplete stem reduced to g. bigêshtû bûmaya bigêshtû bûînaya bigêshtû bûtaya bigêshtû bûnaya bigêshtû bûaya bigêshtû bûnaya Negative formed by changing bi.past participle 4. IMPERATIVE MOOD. or. Pluperfect Tense.Maga magan Arrive ! (you) . Biga ! Arrive ! Bigan ! Negative.euphonic -a.52 KURMANJI GRAMMAR.enclitic 4. That I had. .4.Pluperfect Subjunctive of auxihary verb " to be ". etc. Preterite.THIRD THIRD CONJUGATION CONJUGATION. Present Tense. Infinitive. (a) ib) gêanim im gêan gêanît it gêan gêanit I gêan gêanin iman gêam gêanin itan gêan gêanin ian gêan Negative (a) nagêanim. . gêanin to cause to arrive Present Participle Past Participle wanting gêanû INDICATIVE. etc. CAUSAL VERB. etc. (b) nam gêan. etc. I cause to arrive. aigêênim aigêênîn aigêênît aigêênin aigêênit aigêênin Negative formed by prefixing n-. I caused to arrive. (a) ib) gêanû bum im gêanû bû gêanû bûî it gêanû bû gêanû bû î gêanû bO gêanû biiîn iman gênû gêanû bûn itan gêanû bû ian gêanû bû gêanû bûn Negative (a) nagêanû bum. etc. gêanûmana iman gêanûa gêanûna. amgêan amangêan atgêan atangêan aîgêan aiangêan Negative with prefixed n-. bû . I used to cause to arrive. Imperfect. (6) nam gêaniîa. gêanûtana itan gêanûa gêanûna. I was causing to arrive. etc. I have caused to arrive . etc. gêanûiana ian gêanûa Negative (a) nagêanûma. (b) nam gêanû bû. (6) (a) gêSnûma im gêanûa gêSniita it gêanfia gêanûa i gêanûa gêanOîna.JR KURMANJI GRAMMAR. etc. Perfect Tense. Pluperfec I had caused to arrive. etc. etc. etc. etc. Tense. etc.changed to na-. bigeeimnSn bigêênit bigêênin.THIRD CONJUGATION. Exactly the same as Indicative Imperfect Past. bigêêniman Negative with bi. bigêênim bigêênîn. SUBJUNCTIVE Present MOOD. That I may have. Imperfect Tense. Present. May 1 have caused to arrive. bigêênltan bigêênêt bigêênin. CONDITIONAL MOOD. I should cause to arrive.. That I may. May I cause to arrive. etc. (b) im nagêanaya SS . (a) (b) bimgeanaya im bigêanaya bitgêanaya it bigêanaya bigêanaya î bigêanaya bimangêanaya iman bigêanaya bitangêanaya itan bigêanaya biiangêanaya ian bigêanaya Negative (a) namgêanaya. or. I should have caused to arrive. or. etc. Exactly the same as Indicative Pluperfect. (b) im nagêai IMPERATIVE MOOD. Pluperfect Tense. (^b) (a) bimgêanûbûaya im bigêanûbûaya bitgêanûbûaya it bigêanûbûaya biîganûbûaya i bigêanûbûaya bimangêanûbûaya iman bigêanûbûaya bitangêanûbûaya itan bigêanûbûaya biîangêanûbûaya ian bigêanûbûaya egative (a) namgêanûbûay'a. or. etc. . That I had. might have caused to draw. Bigêêna Cause to arrive ! (thou) Bigêênin Cause to arrive ! (you) .KURMANJI 56 GRAMMAR. Preterite Tense. Present Participle Past Participle Wanting gêanra INDICATIVE Present MOOD. etc. etc. etc. Infinitive. aigêêrêm aigêênrêin aigêênrêit aigêêrirên aigêênrêt aigêênrên Negative with n. ageanram agêanraman ageanrait agêanratan agêanra agêanraian Negative with n. gêanran To be caused to arrive. FOURTH CONJUGATION. Tense. 57.FOURTH CONJUGATION.prefixed. nagêanram. Imperfect Tense. I am caused to arrive. gêanram geanraman gêanrait gêanratan gêanra gêanraian Negative. . PASSIVE (CAUSAL) VERB. etc. I used to be caused to arrive. I was caused to arrive.prefixed. gêanraûma gêanraûina gêanraûta gêanraûna gêanraûa gêanraûna Negative formed with na. Exactly the same as the Indicative Pluperfect. Past. Present. CONDITIONAL l^OOD. etc. I had been caused to arrive. gêanra bum gêanra bûîn gêanra bûi gêanra bûn gêanra bû gêanra bûn Negative formed with na. I have been caused to arrive. SUBJUNCTIVE Present MOOD. That I or. either of which may be used. I should have been caused to arrive.5S KURMANJI GRAMMAR. etc. etc.prefixed. Perfect Tense. etc. Two forms.prefixed. Exactly the same as the Indicative Imperfect. Tense. Pluperfect Tense. . May I be caused to arrive. I should be caused to arrive. Might 1 have been caused to *rive.FOURTH CONJUGATION. etc. of . bigêanrabûmaya bigêanrabûinaya bigêanrabûtaya bigêanrabûnaya bigêanrabûaya bigêanrahûnaya Negative with na. May I have been caused to arrive. Tense. bigêanramaya bigêanrainaya * bigêanrataya bigêanranaya bigêanraya bigêanranaya Negative with na. Wanting. etc. Imperfect Tense. ' (2) gêanra nabim. . That I may have.prefixed IMPERATIVE MOOD. or.prefixed. Pluperfect That I might have. (1) 59 (2) bigêênrêm bigêênrêin gêanra bim gêanra bin bigêêni-êit bigêênrên gêanra bit gêanra bin bigêênrêt bigêênrên gêanra bê gêanra bin Negative formed (1) nagêênrêm. . bestram bestraman bestrait bestratan bestra bestraian Negative with na. CONJUGATION. I was tied. PASSIVE . etc. Infinitive.. Present Tense. Imperfect Tense. VERB. Note First. bestran to be tied.prefixed. aibestrêm aibestrêîn aibestrêit aibestrên aibestrêt aibestrên Negative with n.. person singular and plural very seldom used colloquially.prefixed. Not used. I am being tied.60 KURMANJI FIFTH GRAMMAR. Present Participle Past Participle Wanting bestra INDICATIVE MOOD. etc. \ Preterite Tense. Past. Exactly the same as the Indicative Pluperfect.prefixed. . $1 Perfect Tense.prefixed. Negative with na. CONDITIONAL Present MOOD. (also used for the Perfect Tense) bestra bum bestra biiin bestra bûî bestra bun bestra bu bestra boh Negative with na. I have been tied.prefixed to the auxiliary. I I had been tied. abet bestra abin Negative with na. bestra abim bestra abin bestra abIt bestra abin bestra abe. bestraûma bestraûina bestraiita bestraûna . Tense. etc. etc. I should be tied.bestraûa bestraûna .FIFTH CONJUGATION. etc. Pluperfect Tense. IMPERATIVE MOOD. etc. Note All forms except the third person singular very seldom used' colloquially. or. bestra bûtaya bestra btinaya bestra buaya bestra bûnaya Negative with na. That I. Might I have been tied. SUBJUNCTIVE Present MOOD. Be tied ! Bestra be ! bestra bin ! . or. or. bestra bûinaya . Tense. May I be tied. Imperfect Tense.prefixed to auxiliary where used and to verb where auxiliary not used.<m KURMANJI GRAMMAR. bestra bûmaya etc. Pluperfect Tense. bestra bim bestra bin bestra bit bestra bin bibestrêt bibestrên Negative with na. bibestramaya ' bibestrainaya bibestrataya bibestranaya bibfestraya bibestranaya Negative with bi.prefixed to the auxihary. That I might have. Note All forms except the third person singular are very seldomi used colloquially. May I have been tied. That I may have.changed to na-. (2) The word " dabê " is sometimes heard. which must then take the Present Subjunctive form. as in the following : I cannot go I intend to go I think a car could come I hope he will break it He dare not do it They cannot do much They have come to buy sheep All such phrases must be paraphrased in the following manner before translating : I cannot that I go I intend that I go 1 think that a car may come I hope that he break it He dares not that he do it They cannot that they do much They have come that they buy sheep i. as follow : Min natwanim birrûim Khêalim hayya birrûim Khêal akam otomobilek bet .. Thus : akuzhim it but but I will kill you dabê bikuzhim it I shall (probably) kill you arrûin Y'ou will go dabê birrûîn You will (probably) go (3) There is in Enghsh a type of phrase where one verb follows another. and it gives the meaning of future intention or probability to the verb. SOME COMMON IDIOMATIC 65 USES. the Future Tense is always expressed by the Present Indicative.e. and depends upon the first. (1) As mentioned before.FIFTH CONJUGATION. all the second verbs are put in the Subjunctive Present and so translated. e. also translated by the Kurmanji passive. The Passive Verb is used to express .the meaning of " to do " in such phrases as. The following sentences show as examples : English It is done thus French II se fait ainsi Kurmanji Wha aikerêt English The tahsman is broken French Le talisme se brise Kurmanji Talismaka aishkênrêt Enghsh The officers were killed French Les officiers s'etaient fait tuer Kurmanji Zabitan kuzhran English The door is shut with a key French La porte se forme a clef Kurmanji Daraka be kill aibestrêt when it is . i." Our idiom '' That will do " is translated by " awa bes aikerêt. " That will do no good ". the must be translated by a English French reflexive.. Uml im hayya awa bishkeet O nawêret awa bikat Awanda natwani bikaii Hatin pas bikirrin This rule is invariable. which is translated by " awa be hêch kas chaki naikerêt." The Passive Verb (a) will be found to be used in the same sense and context as the French reflexive verb where the latter is used to express an English passive.64 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. at the bottom ata. ati. almost is fikr thought. tion tamasha kirdin dîsan ods would word to look at qsa once again. seize do gir- do -t- do -in rrûîn to go do rrû -Î- do -n wêrîn do zahmat trouble wut.gerund Here again applicable : French the these criterion phrases Reflexive. Used when the wa tea form " a " = it kar ass nezîk near. 65 (b) The passive must not be confused with the Perfect Indicative of the Transitive Verb in such phrases as " he was killed " = Perfect Indicative " I am sent" = I am 4.Inf. stem bar- -a- -ird- -n do -n do -in -n kirdin to do. is. WORD LIST. help sakht hard be in¬ preceding . a imagina¬ vowel. end. yet qsa kirdin to speak room kiSrd knife char alternative. nearly. ya. with dost friend inside. -n passive. thinking audible owing to khêal thoughts. rail bawir kirdin to believe otomobll motorcar khûin blood by. barîn to rain pirsln to ask do pirs- do do twanin to be able do tw5n- do do -n shikan to break do shik do do -n garran to wander do garr- do Incomp. make do k- do kanin to laugh do kan- do -Î- do to dare do wêr- do -Î- do -n girtin to take.FIFTH CONJUGATION. are of not not the being French reflexive translatable translatable by is the by the Kurmanji Complement -i. wutî said shemandafêr train. khwat azani wa aw vi'akht ish zanit ki nawêri " Hama wuti. min Indie. one will got there (will be caused to arrive) without trouble. gereka chi bikam ? Amina khwai ish i hat. b'am khealana chi akerêt ? Wut." Amina wut. wakhta min gêshtim a ser I kewaka dil im bu be khûin. La " Tu pashawa awanda am pio aza Qaira dabê nit Qaira bikuzhit. min chi be tu bikam kheal imkird tu bitersênim. Bo tu wha ainwisret. " Kar maba. "Dil im itir aishkênrêt la ish i tu. thieves. it will get broken (it will be caused to break). min o herdûk'man aizaninki fshenki tea nia. The sheep is killed with a knife. I cannot go not to That will do you no good. In the end (la pashawa) they seized them. road to here from Kirkuk is very bad. elbet awerim " Rriil be oda itir tfenk i girt be dast. " chlun nawerim.) Tamasha i Hama kird. rozh ki Hama rrûi a min pirsit ki pash i aw ban i kew chi bu. I think that one goes by train to Baghdad.66 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. bikushim. be I have The a car cannot go now. I do not believe the wheat will be good. Bezana ki wakhta Fikri kird ki Ki am khêalana akird (Imperf. Would that it and Kurdish is written. Exerciie Aw rozh la 10. rains. Amina Amina disan akanêt. Translation Exercise 10. one car came the other day but it was broken. it just rains. . hêna la aikêshêt. be dast I tu kuzhra nabe. alai. They will cut it after two men months. Hama rrûî a mal dil i nezik bii bishkêt. but on account of the rain do not dare do much. Sulaimania. would rain so much. They are cutting a road now. some but the thieves led them (caused them to wander) afar." tu Hama wuti. tu chi i ? Min azanim k'tu kaqazeki bo qSzi't nwisa. am'ish ishek bu ? Dilit bishkênraya her chak bu " Hama chi wuti " Tfenk im b'hêna buaya tu'm kusht " Amina I'am qsa aikanêt alai " Tu be min wha qsa maka. Yesterday they wandered I sent ten far after (la to bring in shun) them. wuti " Bo chi dilit aishkênit I'am isha." " Qair agar dost I min a la bar i amatak 'o aza ya. written to Baghdad for everything (which is necessary). A certain group of prepositions is used before verbs to qualify or develop their meaning. tions. pull. disobey tai hatin to enter lai hatin to leak. The prepositional qualificatives are as follows : hal giving the verb the meaning of up. etc. COMPOUND 67 VERBS. inter-. at. Some wer. escape From keshan to draw. in- rra. along talk do do together pai do do to. by. by the agency of.. seep rra hatin to become habituated pai hatin to accompany paik hatin to become achieved to emerge der hatin . out. over do do down lai do do upon. viz. pêwa do do on. from. through with paik do do together wer do do from do do out Examples From chûn to go/ hal chiin to ascend da chun to descend lai chun to leali tai chun to enter taik chun to disappear pai chûi]I to elapse' pewa chun to penetrate der chun to go out. hal. of these preposi¬ have no independent meaning or use apart from the verbs. away. ra do do by. ra or rra. off tai do do into. hal keshan to pull up. da keshan to drag down rra keshan to extend oneself der keshan to draw out da hatin to descend From hatin hal hatin to come to rise (the sun) toflee. from.THE THE COMPOUND VERBS. talk. da. in it. MOOD.KURMANJI 68 GRAMMAR. Negative Affirmative Present hal akêshim hal nakêshim Preterite hal imkêsha hal imnakêsha Imperfect hal imakesha hal namakêsha Perfect hal imkêshaûa hal imnakêshaûa Pluperfect hal imkêsha bû hal imnakêsha bû CONDITIONAL Present. particle is treated as a separate word. Not every verb permits of the use of every one of these prepositional qualificatives. the first person singular of each tense of a common verb hal keshan to pull up. A list of the common combina¬ tions is shown in Appendix B. same as Ind. hal keshan to pull up. is appended. INFINITIVE. Imper. Past same as Indie. CONJUGATION OF COMPOUND VERBS. The prepositional As a guide. Pluperfect . or out Present Participle Past Participle Wanting hal kêshaû INDICATIVE MOOD. This presents very few pecuUarities. Present the Incomplete Subjunctive. the verb is included in the list of simple infinitives in Appendix A. It has been already remarked that from Stem the perative Present Indicative. 69 SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Mood are formed. and from the and Im¬ Complete Stem all . Negative Affirmative hal kêsha hal makêsha hal keshin hal makêshin VERBS The particle as a awa suffix. at the is can be absolutely used with any simple as without end of the verb form throughout the tenses without altering or changing either them or itself anywhere. is one which Its use it comes IN-AWA.CONJUGATION OF COMPOUND VERBS. and action. generally sometimes In cases the where the meaning sense its use of of "again" sustained has conveyed or to the repeated some special meaning by ellipsis. Affirmative Negative Present hal kêshim Imperfect hal imbêkêshaya hal imnakêshaya Pluperfect hal imbêkêsha buaya hal imnakesha buaya hal nakeshim IMPERATIVE. IRREGULAR VERBS. It conveys verb. -as. -a-. list. to ar. of GRAMMAR. Stem -or.<$iB> Complete Stem awsê awsan krraninawa Incomplete Stem qizhanin to scream rawaninawa to force apart rawên rawan stanin to get stên stan tilanin to roll tilên tilan twanawa to molt twên twan ^ bwardin to pass bwêr bward ^ bzhardin to choose bzhêr bzhard nardin to send nêr nard shardin to hide shêr shard "^ N " \ zhmardin to count zhmêr zhmar gwastinawa to shift gwêz gwast parastin to defend parêz parast angawtin to hit a mark angêw angawt palawtin to filter palêw palawt rif^-- r h /Ua a . Most irregular verbs are so because of a simple vowel change in the Complete Stem. in -aw. Therefore regular verbs. and in the Complement (which with the former constructs the Complete Stem) are furnished. provided the these Incomplete two.70 KURMANJI the other the case tenses. and this is shown in the following. The ' in the following Infinitives Incomplete Stem. -ê-. the Complete Stem : Infinitive ^ Meaning awsa to sow chên chan to smelt helên helan to roar barren harran to gnaw kfrên krran to castrate khasên khasan to remain men man qizhên qizhan to swell chanin helaniii harranin khasanin . containing change the -an. the verb can be at once conjugated. for aehim use dachim. Note : Imperfect The are Tense an for aikam or akam Particles a-. in the Indicative Present and erosion of the Kurmanji da-. and may be used. which is warra . bimawê bimanawê bidawê bitanawê biawêt bianawê Imper-ative. Farther north it is in proper and regular use and the Sulaimania eroded version is not heard. I wish amanawê we wish adawê thou wishest atanawê you wish alwêt he wishes ianawê they wish amawê Present Subjunctive. The following verbs show irregularity as below :dan to give Î da dan to strike i da hatin to come e hat din to see bin di gutin to speak la gut or wut hishtin to permit hêl hisht hatin is further in the Imperative. Wistin to wish is irregular in the formation of its tenses as follows :- Indicative Present. Bidawê Bitanawê The Preterite and other tenses formed from the com¬ plete stem are regularly constructed from wist. ai-.is used in writing. . and is under¬ stood by everyone. use dakam.71 IRREGULAR VERBS. In Thus Sulaimania neighbourhood the correct form with da. itir hêch nothing no longer With these the verb requires the negative form. not much hêchnabê at least itir else. cons¬ tantly. only: amanda. speci¬ ally. many utterly. continually. incessantly. 1 as miich. just. ADVERB. unin¬ terruptedly. repeatedly. altogether. Any adjective may be used as an adverb without change of form. still neziki about har. her. *Often pronounced amanga.73 KURMANJI THE GRAMMAR. gal many. much. exactly. (2) Adverbs of quantity and comparison bas. . Bash hati thou hast come well Amawe zu Kurmanji qsa bikam I want to speak Kurdish soon Any noun may be used as an adjective by prefixing ba-. bes enough. awanga. too chan somewhat hachichani however much. quite. as Ba dang hat he came ncisily ba rrash tamashai kird he looked at him blackly ba qin hal wêsta he rose angrily The adverbs in general use cire as follows (1) Negative Adverbs hêchwakhit never di. precisely. zûrtir more kemtir less' kem. as many awaiida* J zur. as.hendek few. dwêka yesterday dwsho yesternight par last year pêrar the year before last basirpêrar the year before the year before perê the day before yesterday basirpêrê the day before the day before amsal this year salana yearly last yesterday hamûrozh daily. lamopêsh formerly zû soon. 73 Adverbs of time awakhit then dusubê. the day after to-morrow- dwêna. betimes amjara this time ojara that time tawakhit meanwhile awwal at first lawakhta since lowakhta since then jarjari from time to time lamopash henceforth disan still. again. every day hamûhefta weekly. dubêani. every week jarek once pêshtir before zûrwakhta often bamzûa already hêshta yet jaran.THE {3) ADVERB. once again lapashawa at last pash next hachwakhit whenever . istaka now amwakhta pashawa subsequently zûtir sooner hêchwakhtî ever ki when lately drang late hamûwakht always lapirraka suddenly herista directly (4) Advei-bs of place lazhurawa up. (6) Adverbs of affirmation and doubt. . pewa. bo because bali.74 KURiM. outside lashQna. lora. lador around lanaoa.agar if labar. laduwa behind lasera above. together ta even naawanda not very bo. liwe there duer far hêchjê anywhere ku where bokû whither hamûjêk everywhere nezik near jêik somewhere hachjê wherever (S) Adverbs of mannei -. wha so. are yes na no elbet certainly by all means.^NJI GRAMMAR. up¬ lakiia whence wards lêrawa hence amla hither era. ista. above lazherawa down laldiwarawa down labarawa ahead lapêsh ahead jeitir elsewhere ger. bochi why. gal very beyekda. lêra here ora. thus anjakh hardly zur. tea within. in laderawa out. because nezik about tozek somewhat so. lagal kemê ki rather so as. harao. stupid kawa. shouts. kirdin. ke when ? bo. ranga probably lapirraka by chance dabê. mat reed ban thin rope giiris rope taCm loom barra. laku where ? bokû whither ? lakii whence ? many? more ? WORD kocher nomads LIST. quick qamish in wiilakh pack animals lawchak beautiful tl le ground. care for to stumble (of animals). rrashmal black sheep tents garmian warm country man- l^izin goat tCik wool mû goathair tela thin pole sing stake chigh screen. har. sersum dan rear. qat absolutely wana not even (7) Adverbs of interrogation. shin grey qach leg beyekda together hamushshtêlc everything wahawah brIn wound tarr wet westa craftsman bigerr aroimd bekhew to maintain. chlun how ? chan how mueh ? how itir chan how şiuch take how long ? ku. qall carpet goran villagers bar load chal hole gurj clever. abê perhaps her. bOfarra idle. bochi why ? chun. persons) chapaw raid hara. (of . noise.THE 75 ADVERB. pai ian dalain rrashmal nishtu. O tela o wêstani davyaraka da achaqênrêt giiris la dar aitashin.' dawar o chadir i (dative) pai abêzhrêt. abin. Exerciie 11. Wha chaktir binrawa ki zhin dawar hal dan. Ista wha namaua. there was not Exercise a town 11. moved (hal girt) his house from Sitak He and settled here and the name of the place he fixed (da na) as (ba) Sulaimani. Zhin la pio zlatir kharlkl hal dan i dawar abet la Î bo reik khestini nao mal hamûshshtêk ki zhin hachwakhtiek wisti bar la shûnek dasti bar anrêt. ian garmian naw abirêt Garmian o kewstan bizin a. ahêlrêt Chigh ish bigerri rrashmalakada rra la qamish o ban I'am naoa akirêt. near Sulaiman Pasha Baban was pleased As (chunki) it was on the road between not Mosul and Persia it rapidly (bizûr) became a big town and Sulaiman . gund I da Ta bilait zhini lawchak Kharik i taûn kirdin I dizi o o suwari chapaw anishin be zamani Jafi Goran la bar cho ian zur sûk a. Kocheri. singana ish i ke bo rra pewa bestrawa. Jega i zwistan (passive from birdin) be kewstan. da bikawêt) kawet (or. where is now Sulai¬ The Pashas of the Baban family were at the Qarachwatan stream. ian la naoda abinrêt. Pioian kharik Awana ki la goran. Sulaimania. pai ian alain La wakhtekda gorani be hi khwai pioi 'zaniwa.76 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. Sitak with this place because of its water and its broad plain. Amana la tûk o mû akirêt. Zhin I Kurd zur aza o gurj a. Translation Formerly mania. kirdin ian bo bekhew kirdin i marr o Be rrashmal. wha ian biia ke hamûshshtêkl qali o barra kirdin en. 77 Pasha hoped that after some years he would be independent. From that time the Baban have become dispersed though members (kasan) of the family are found (passive) in all parts of Kurdistan and Turkey and are always important and well known (nasran). and Ahmad Pasha went to Bazian where a large number of horsemen with footmen of Qoraman ed (passive). the death of Muhammad owing to Ali Mirza in SharazQr. . the Turks hoped to finish them. The Turks would have been defeated (shikanra bun). who was acquainted with the Bazian mountains. In the war of 1820 however the power of the Baban broke (casual passive) and after the departure of the Persians. He subdued the Jaf and made tliem his servants and paid no taxes to Turkey. The year after the Persians had gone. collect¬ The fight took place (happened) at Der bend i Bazian and lasted some days. (labari) the Turks collected a great many tribesmen (ashair) and regulars (nizam) at Chemchemal. and fired on (at) the Baban from behind causing (and caused) them to break and they retired demoralized. but Ahmad Beg. took two guns up another pass.THE ADVERB. Examples : Hamushshtek la khwawa bu All things were from God. from. Beram la Kurkuka ya My brother is at Kirkuk Zhin la mala ya The woman is in the house Lakûwa hati ? From where have you come ? i . wa but agar if wa agar but if wagarna if not bo. too or neki not that amma. through. and all three in Sulaimania.chi . di then van ya chi. da. generally the ablative inflection is heard. The noun used with la takes final da.... The common conjunctions are : o wa ya yan and ish also. however. Strictly speaking preposition places the noun in the abla¬ tive case.. and very In Sulaimania. boama because na neither. across. CONJUNCTIONS. balan j or PREPOSITIONS.ra nor either or bashk ) perhaps whether. or wa da exclusively North of Zab. for. . the ablative da has degenerated to a and wa or awa and as such is regularly heard after preposi¬ tion : (1) la meaning at. a. on. along. in. concerning.KURMANJI 78 GRAMMAR. of. in .PREPOSITIONS. under lador. of " to " in such Rania and farther North. Similarly all compound prepositions prefixed Ihe same inflection in the noun. 79 La kêlana chi alai ? Concerning ploughing. labin. but î in Pizhder. It cannot be used in the meaning phrases as " I explained to him. behind . lapesht. lapêsh or labon. when la means at in the noun takes i as : la Serdeshti bûHe was at Serdesht (2) a to The noun takes final da." " He gave it to Rfuhammad" being confined to the meaning of direction. with . by la take These are : laser lakhwar lagan laban. lakin. on lazhêr. . beside . lata. around lanas. Rania and farther North. beside . Birruin a mala or malawa Let me go to the house or Northern Bichim a male. a. before (place) . near . at the Tjottom of. lagal. In Pizhder. what do you say ? Bakhi ema la gula purr a Our garden is full of flowers La sharwa birruin ya la derawa Shall we go through the town or on the outside. wa. be inflects the noun.80 \ KURMANJI (3) bo GRAMMAR. Bia bo Hasan Give it to Hasan Amam bo Hasan bu This was for Hasan / (4) be with. to. Awa da be Hama He gave that to Hama Do qran bia be kazhaz Spend two krans on paper (5) be virithout This has no idiomatic use. on. for. does not do so. Send him by force Be agir sûtra It was consumed by fire . by. and does not noun. Be Ahmada binera Send it with Ahmad Be karwana hat He came with the caravan Be zur binera. to The noun takes no inflection. (6) pai to. but in the other meanings. for When meaning with. Hazar qurush pai 'm da He gave a thousand piastres to me. with (with pronouns only) This does not inflect the noun. inflect the . mala or malawa chû ser I malda. pêsh. (12) tanesht. 81 If a name or noun replaces the pronoun. and also inflects the noun. or awa as nezik i malda. kin. the preposition bo must be used. la. in front of. lagal must be the preposition used.PREPOSITIONS. as chû ser malda. after . as above bar. and also inflects the noun. a. and also inflects that noun with. zhêri takhtawa (9) ser on This usually takes a genitive particle but need not do so. beside (13) bin (14) nao (15) at the bottom of in ben naoras. or malawa He went on the (roof of) the house (10) pisht (11) behind. Chan kas pai awan bu hat How many people came with them. da. as zhêr takhtawa sunder the bench. mala. mala or malawa Near the house (8) zhêr under This usually takes a genitive particle but need not do so. between (16) pash as above behind. (7) nezik near This is properly speaking a noun and takes the genitive particle I before another. If a name or noun replaces the pronoun. is hênamin . the tense particle and The objective stem of main case. ) they brought them. the verb. ai 4. a 4.82 KURMANJI GRAMMAR.girrim I take them. .them.I 4. (6) with a simple verb not possessing tense particle. I brought you.ian you.hena bihena. hena -ft thee hena 4-1 -fian they brought it hena 4.man 4.ian they brought me.ian 4. they brought.ian they brought us hena 4.m 4. hênatiania. bring. (a) the enclitic is not always used thus : hênam I brought By an idiomatic use final -in being an erosion (b) I ewa imhêna brought . The Enclitic pronouns and their use present many di£&7 culties. it. SYNTAX AND IDIOMS.ian 4. where the tense particle is used (a) with a simple verb possessing a tense particle as : bihêna Bring bi 4. the enclitic immediately follows the stem .hena bring them. all of which cannot be dealt with peculiarity of a pronoun is that when if comes between the in here. but hena 4. \ henSniar. the of ian. 1 aihênim I bring agirrim I take bi 4.ian they brought 4.hênim I bring them.ian 4.tan they brought 4. hênaii. but may be used after it. word of the verb. " Thus ama 'mbo nakerrêt Ama bom nakerret this will not do for me para 'mlai bistêna para laim bistêna take cash from me chan kas 'mlagal hat chan kas lagal' m hat several people Came with me s . (c) with a compound verb possessing a tense the objective enclitic succeeds the qualificative particle. rut kirdin to strip rut akam I rûtit strip akam I strip thee rûtim akal Thou striiJpest me rûtian akan They strip them rut imkird rûtm ruti y I stripped ikird imkird He stripped me I stripped him lai dan to strike lai imda 1 struck lai imda I struck him laim Ida He struck me la' ian manda We struck him laiman ianda They struck us The enclitic often precedes the preposition.83 PREPOSITIONS. is equally usual and correct. and expresses the verb indicates the number diz la kewda hat a khwarawa a thief came down But diz la kewda hatin a khwarawa thieves came down from the hills from the hills (2) Where the noun is a collective one. Where" a preposition governs a sequence of nouns. J GOVERNMENT OF SEQUENCES 09 NOUNS BY PREPOSITIONS. as la gund o dêda from villages and hamlets Not la gundda o deda la wakhti bar kirdinda at the time of loading Not la wakhtida bar kirdin AGREEMENT OF VERBS IN NUMBER WITH NOUNS. the verb also remains in the singular. . Hamawand bo Kirkuk rûisht The Hamawand have gone to Kirkuk Rran I jaf zur a Where the noun The cattle are many is in the plural the verb may or may not take the plural form Pasakan i Jaf hamu chak a The Jaf sheep are all good Dizakan hatin The thieves came or Diz hatin. or a phrase. the last word only of the phrase is inflected. (1) Where a noun by a plural meaning. it is kept meaning or context in the singular.84 KURMANJI GRAMMAR. the verb may or may not take the plural Suwar o pia o zhin o zlam hat Or. Suwar o pia o zhin o zhlam hatin INDEFINITE PLURAL. . that the definite plural indicates objects and persons the number of which are known and are definite. suwaran) asp gerek a The horsemen want horses Bo suwarana (or. whether plural' or not. From a noun the plural is formed with -an or -akan. suwarakana) asp gerek a Horsemen want horses Also it has the further significance. the indefinite pluril takes an extra -a. sequence 85 of nouns. making -ana and -akana. The difference in use is as follows : Bo suwarakan (or.INDEFINITE (4) Where there is a PLURAL. whereas the indefinite plural makes provision for all that can possibly be included in the statement without the knowledge of actual numbers and quantity. S''S O OX 3£ : ' . .3 £ : CO u o tc O : o B.86 KURMANJI GRAMMAR.>.o NX (A . Cc C 1« O ^ "t^ o Id) 3 3 u jj IE 'c S S» ^1 phstaory bial)..M s '3 o- «..-% « > (U a * w O .14 3 5£ 0) : ^ !^ u "*"* rt tH !> _û 1- rt « . > CO J3 en en .M > o § Of : u « '. .W S'-i It u IClC '-' c c CIS . 1) Verb. : : I 1 « ci mg.E E 1 . u 'Ji 'rt 1 jj fl "S Wororphrd complemi taroy Verb. o " !3 o 4i 3 . c . .. H o a..S : : Î ! V .3 > a c !5 "rt . . CJ E -^ o 1» o 2 C< 1» lU & E i « J3 0) tn : t C J3 O S " : : =:? iu£*^ rt . CC&.. 0) .-.t^ ' Ka "O u : : : : C.N 53 en » . . w to 3 c 43 u 3 E S so ..c & M g ICS 2 I a S «3 « « .2 X ^ OWrd compl ary b(adve J2 S3 !« . L. c l_ EU o o J3 .2 .2>i:iS o o rt D. 13 rt I.2 : U - J3.- : * u: ..M ^ Is aJ3 *^ tl « rt E E E w "ii J3 3 3 BSOH : SI 3. . . active acute add. qabiil k. sharaza k. la nakao. accede v. qabîh shik ban. . kharap wutin. rra k. gird kirdin twanin ablution pai hawbash according to pêchan. abdomen accident kawilî. shtin. laban acid abrasion rushanin tirsh acknowledge v. accustom v. (la) purikda rrûîn azll khwa qabfil k. lai nadan absurd lagal yekiati about abominable hatin.Vocabulary. qabOl k. such zanîn accuse v. accustomed rrahatiia ache V. helan. lai bwardin action ish. bun. accompany v. dizhmin! w. gîran'n. keshan. kem bun abbreviate v. abuse v. zik abhor v. accidentally accomplice kurt k. êsh above lesar. fêr b. bar dan abandoned abase v. kem kirdin. bun abatement abdicate v. khajalat dan abate v. abscess dumal abscond v. das be khud abundance. abandon v. abreast beramber acknowledgment abroad walati gharlb acorn abrupt rugirzh acquaint v. gird k. lazhûr. abstain v. abduction qabiil. êshîn nezik. rewandin. la absolve v. nabûii absence zanin. chal accept v. rrawî abhorrence lanakao accomplish v. acquaintance acquainted. bamla. ilm i khabar barCi fêr k. her absolution lai bwardin across awla. t. kotûa able V. hal accumulate v. absolutely qat. jhal dan additional adder zîaî margisk jam k. loma k. kirdua absorb v. daznwezh accord peik hênan binû accordingly wha hsêb. da khestin abash v. kîiisûdin das hal keshan. ranga ache n. shikanra " abasement qabûl k. ra raz b. zhmara account accountant muhasibachi gird bûnawa. zur. nasi sharaza acquiesce v. hal rriq lai hatin rriq ability zêrakl abject kawil. abuse acquire v. gal dizhmini.. loma hal kh pêsûk tiizh addition v. aeroplane afar khabar blao k. ish aid yaria advance n-. zinga all hamu allow V. dun aim n. lala sal aged tenisht bun adjudge v. salana lai qsa kirdin ishara ally ham yaria almanac taqwim almighty almond almost alms khuwaî baam ranga. ben admire v. heshtin allowance allude V. Itir. maram advance v. lapêsh ahead gana hal bun lêdhar aggressor agHe idara. daira lala khosh bun admonish v. afraid after quwat shkan sharr affright v. bikhwa girtin agriculture adorn v. mîzan k. afoot birruwa tush kirdin afford V. bun. affirmation afflict v. adultery lerzl laburawa. lapêsh. bakhshi - . laber. amînar. adjust V. awa. lapash disan. (position) latanisht. chespîn again (things) girtin ^ adherence (persons) adhesion chesplati adjacent tenisht adjoin. plwan. administration pir agent be jê Î khwal k. against age lapashawa. 88 jê address pashînîwarû afternoon adequate bes afterwards adhere v. razanin ague têkal k. qarz. pêsûk admission (coming in) hatin a nao agony admit (let in) agree admonition pêsûkî agility jumênin agitate v. adze twshi têara biduer affair ish wîstn. shun. keshan rrûîn. allusion mangana. tersanin bezlami beters- pash. jCian k. hal nishtia alight V. pêshakî. nezik karam. wekil aggregate v. to let come in naslhat k. affirm tersanin alarm n. tenblh k.VOCABULARY. air advantage qazanj tengî adversity advertise v. hawa alarm v. affection khosh birruwa k. aim v. da bazin alike wakuyek alive zhinu. ch. v. advice naslhat advise v. alien rra sipardin. qarSrda jotyari adopt V. duma begarr alight V. adulterate v. k. khosh agreement qabiil. affray pan pai dan hêwan alcove gerek gharib alight adj. jankeshi yek bun agreeable naslhat khwosh. yekltir answers. ap. hamuwakht amass !'. shshtê anyone liachkas. kon wa. magar her v. latkhana almshouse aloft laser. hal hatin. betaif- krln any hêch. harrosha angry hajiz animal ankle jandar. amazed batal k. giiranin amidst juwab antelope anus biisu. gird k. appear v. intizarl antika qng sindan anxiety. rang razk.. alternate v. hal ko. along la anniversary aloof jîa aloud annoy v.. laban. another char altogether serêshl salana annuity pashi yek hatin alternative although annual blao hajiz k. ish ^ gûraninawa alteration /. o anemone gulalasûrka anew lano anger qin. makö amiable man. diar b. dûwan mêrûla anticipate v. aram. harra. ashtlk. -I ancestor ancient and ^êshwa kuhan. da hatin. an jabakhana kharik kirdin -ek. bilan. herkas anything hachi hachjê. for. k. binra appeal v. amulet birrin dazwana amuse v. annoyance gûranin alter v. to. chadapechran amend v. faqîrkhana.. salana annul v. . apple slw apply V. pawana annals tarikh. chijê anywhere apart jia apartment oda aperient derman i rewani aperture kuna apothecary apparel ajzachi . binran appearance appease v. (to be) waq wurr warnnan ambassador ambition sefîr khwashzeman lanao among lanao amorous zhindost chan. jii apparent diar. hêwan raqalal pê ask anticipation antique anvil ammunition juwab dan. wistin..VOCABULARY. anxious befikr.. lazhur 89 anklet pamCua. always bash. tê nagêshtin ambiguity ambush answer ant hall khestin. da nan ap. blao kirdinawa announcement bamzûa already also announce bedang fotanin sersal pSsh din chowarê. arz k. hangîek amount ample bes amputate v. alone tinia annihilate v. lador hal westanin arrange v. topkhana artisan nezik hatin appropriate v. assent basik. dilnia k. arable kêlan ashes kholamêzh aside bela arbitration arbitrator arbour arch chardaq taq. qesl shlana ascent hawzhfirl apron pêshban ascertain v. kamar ardour v. ojagh lasharr rra westan. assume v. qurs. bez- ascend v. sakht argument ask V. silah arouse v. guftigû hishk. naochl hal kerranin tê birdin yarik yaria associate rafikh. asthma tengahenas astonish v. bash k. hal assiduity arms around pewa (intrans. kheal k. ba as soon awanda ta barozhûr rrûln. qablanin. waq wurr hênan astonished (to be) astringent astride asunder girtini suwar layek da man . argue v.. rêkl pash khestiia arrest v. ass taw arduous arid rek kh. pirsln asleep assail v. besilah armistice pelamar. ser k.VOCABULARY. têkal assort V. hal ko. qab. ser ko.) qabul assessment dizhmindosti armpit assemble assess v. assist V. aristocrat kar assassination kuzhdin qsa. qol. hal kutan peik gêanin. wishk. chol arise khaotCi. bai qurkhana kh. jia k. gehan arrogance arsenal hal best!. eirsenic rra girtin zernikh appointment Ish artery sharag apportion v. westan. army leshker. did telash bash assimilate v. giran. qablanin. hal bestin. assure v. asker assistance ger. hal hatin. (as of arm assauh prophets) hal begzada.) pewa ko. article shshte apprehend v. bzhardin bzhardCi kirikar as much pesen approve v. assignment binbakhal (trans. 90 appoint V. nûstû assassin dûwan. kh tirrdil. * kokh. galta k. dast kirdua hûr rrûîn.. geshtin. rek arrangement arrears arrival girtin geshtin arrive v. bal armed kotin a ser plokush assemble v. tersQn artificial apprehension ters artillery apprentice approach shagird approval approved apricot as wer girtin chunki. bald kechel. attain v. pelamar dan. at /bag wurdik attach z. augment v. lai ko. V. audible aware pisl. ammar awl dirosh barracks axe twr barren (female) hishk barren (land) bêkhêr B Babbler baby purrwurra minal bachelor back bezhin pisht backbiting backward backwards bad qsapishtmila pishtaûpisht pis. paizan dasglr bar mil. ta. barbar rûit rûdar barefaced pêrûit barefooted bareheaded khabar k. barchlna. kulanin baker nanwa balance qapan balance (of a/c) maûa balance v. baseless bashful kol nishan qishla chapar wa gwastin binagha bêbinagha shermûk basin kashi basis binagha basket sebed. awhile damek barley awkward barn dasgiran pest jih. be aga serriiit anjakh harzan k. awake duer ko. . mazad audacious aza audacity baggage kalopal bake v.VOCABULARY. barely bargain v. sawata. band banish v.. janta band azal bhlstraû. bank available pêchik bandage pur authority (an a/c) rozhin k. chowarê b. barber avenge v. dasalat bankrupt palz. attack chespanin. ju. liutan. pas k. wurria awaken v. turma. êwan 'balcony zla k. kal bale linga. geshtin. autumn hal kis. attempt telash. base n. auction keshan. agaari. kharapî badness la atom aunt 91 sertash. bastard haram zCil zamll. halshika mêwanl banquet khurmlawa avoid sharbeder k. qurlna. away duer bark awful basam bark v. attract v. kharap badge barricade barter v. attend to v. pala. haq stanina'^'a bare V. bank avalanche await V. attention aga b. pêchanin bandage v. guedarl. ) (trans. waslat bereaved berry zêban becoming chamanin. hal k. tai ko. be tabûr battery be belief sûnnl bell bawir k. wurria. zêbîn. lawchak because v. khwarl. tutirk beseech v. hamam k. beg V. zêban. kamar jadû k. b'ola dar I met biestings big gora bill hsêb ferCi clia- . lashûn. bun bead miir beak nûk. barl nao. pêka. dastek. bend jCian. bend n. khujual. horin kuradam khoshawlst zher. bun bequest v. wl zwiz beetroot before better bar¬ before (place) beforehand between sualker bier v. dushek waslat k. karam lar. bedas bang k. pisht aw rrûln battalion behaviour bellows belly kuzhulk. das pai k. betrothal lasik. wanin. pêshwa. Itir besiege v. zang bellow v. saq (time) jaran. shirin. rin ^ beat V. bear v.. sharr bayonet ser birrin lapisht. bed bedstead bee beside pêkhaf bedclothes gazûlik. ben agaar. merj k. 92 bat chakchakola bath hamam bathe v. (as of cjothes). best lai paranawa tanisht besides takhit hang beef mirdikmirdiia berl. dor girtin la hamu bashtir bet v. laduwa. behind belch V. chotin le dan beautiful akh k. kûla. cheft beckon v. beyond sual k. takhit bench hal girtin hêwan.. lakhwar bean lûbia belt bear wirch bemoan v. become v. larl ^ jûan k. (intrans. beginning . beam qirrqêna dan bawir believe v. zik beloved below nergakarita borin. pêkhaf.) bent faida. labar lapesh sCiran bashtir. (wild) dabba beast pishben. beggar begin pê sh. batteria battle kirdawa behead v. lebar become chamin. chaktir beware tir. bend chawin.VOCABULARY.. beautify v. bequeath v. lazher. pêshl. chotanin benefit bo. gosht I ga beetle ish. bewitch v. pêsh. beard rish. borrow v. tiala bit naodami bitch delik. bayin chumakh.) Inilan boil (trans. such zanln. bleach. mutakka cheft bamba bondage bone hapsi. waraz boast V. bêadab bold bolt kulanin boil over. kosh. kirmtai- dan. mizilga dam. shin blunder boar tai bitumen blaze / gazin. blow V. blow n. marin khuin lai hatin bleed (trans. sikhurma bludgeon hal terekin (of wind hatin. qufa. borrow chûr bosom blood khuin both khuncha. kuer barhatao kuer k. qundara blind (adj.) blemish bless khuin keshan pala V. mistakola. kutek. basûch blameable moj blaspheme v. bind V. garr bleat V. pf k. hal k. lapchln. nimat boor ladêwl boot potin. dumal boil V. sing herduk shCisha . (for bread) pina body tutirk blanket baraz. hal chun serin. (intrans. parawez blond blossom koshdûr talan bottle (money) bedên girtin (things) be amanat g. (of dress) tak. kuna k. seflna bomb kewstan. barin. rrash blade such kûl. shkaw kenar. qurraw bookseller têkal blend bog china dan belem. gandal. zift blacken v. bleak takhta.) boil boiler qazan aza. gozan blame v. zung. hawaglr bleed i'. blind V. blacksmith asinger rîkhlû. qap girtin bitterness black blue dela tipl tawir blockade mahasira bootmaker booty border bore 0.93 VOCABULARY. biter bitter gazCik tall qlr. rrash k. of dogs. boat bolster kufr k. krosha. blight dua k. boil n. blister tuqla blizzard block lash llta. bestin birth za \ birth (to give) zan. bite V. sCiran. kul blunt board blackberry bladder kew.) blind n. chekma. bendl sqan bonnet klao ktêb book bookkeeper katib ktêbferûsh boon bashlchak. chak.gazir k. girê.) shikanin break down (intrans. perrd bracelet 0. zarrln. (trans. rozhia brilliant brine draoshin shiiraw bring V. teslit breast sing. shakh. kewfl. gilla.VOCABULARY. serrserr k. senör breed v. matirs bravery brawl azal.) tek dan. boundary hediid. khisht bride bûk. meshik brain bran kapak brand (for animals) dakh brandy kuniak brass pirinj.) tek chun.) shikan break v. tas. girê. (intrans. leq branch zawa perrt. nûrdû broom breadth pani. hal parrin break up hal shikanin breakfast qawaltl. aogosht brother bera brotherhood beraiati brother-in-law brow pak kotin jûga brown bur bruise brIn. sharrik bray v. khwa pasa- bright nin. broth break down (trans. dazban brigand brag china dan. tu bounty bow karam breeze kiwan kirrnûsh k. hinas keshan hênan bring back bringer hênanawa lienanin brink llw brisk tung brittle zûshikest. pak khestin gesik shurba. kamûla bowl bribe bertll hajur. mimik breath hinas bound V. qutû bridle boy kurr brier kurrlati sukaba brick box boyhood laqao tutirk brigade alai bazIn. kêshanin boundless bêhad breed n. hal parrin breathe v.) da shikanin brazhin nacchao qup . ruin brutal rriqawl break open shikanin bubble break out (trans. rich. ' rlkhlû bowels bower chardaq kashI. darûkhawa breach jerda. 94 bottom bin bêbin bottomless gilla. ashqia ronalf. panlati break v. azaiati harra. leq bough bounce o. bûkzawan bridegroom bridge sanûq. shakh. turt broad pan brocade kulapdiin shikaû broken broken (of country) harda bread nan bronze tuni bread (thick) kulêra brook bread (thin) tirl. shlnbCia brush fircha break forth qomin. khwa azak mezhû. birinj brave aza. bow 0. shklw buffalo bug garnish. canal burrow n. kal bull izhmardin pus khamlk caligraphy bullet gulla call bump (on a road) zaq call V.. kal ispl cabbage cage kelerm qefes cake kulfira calculate 0.. Ian cancel o. bunch desta calm 0. jiianaka. tanaka ju tek dan. giroua b. rozhnama building khanii calf pêwaz bulb bulky zil gCiilaka. palak calf (of leg) calico ganêr. n. (trans. (of joints) talk chespin butcher butter qasab. khaiiki demderêzh busybody but amma. shiwanin burst V. qopcha buy V. awanda hayya but V. burnish v. kirdin. calendar taqwim. shardinawa candlestick bush binj business busy Ish. asklnêr buck bucket satil. goshtferiish kera buttercup butterfly nwlslnak papula buttermilk dii button dokma. kirrin by be bypath mom cane qamish cannon top canvas ketan cap klao cap (of cartridges) taraqa capable caper zirak shefalata capital malat capitulate i>. durus k. capricious demdemi captive girau captivity captor larê momman razgûl candour kharik hawarga twanin capture car girawi girinna V. chirrin (to name) pai gutin aram bundle bukhcha.) sûtan camping ground burn V. serrin can burrow 0. build 0. zil laidiiwan camphor kafiir burn 0. wushtir dizlsho camp (military) urduga camp (civil) awai burglar burial shardinawa burly qalao. barazvvana bud khuncha. dolcha buckle aozengi. (intrans. kun k. girtin otomobll caravaii karwan . gurz calumny burden bar camel hushtir.95 VOCABULARY. teslim b. dasnwlsar bang k. terekin candle bury V.) siitanin can V. ) gCuir. careful agaar bêaga careless caress hanek. zhiir. jûln champion yaria ar chance (by) tashin cascade chamber khurraw yekjar change v. cataract (eyes) parda character o^tch V. (metal) qalib dan castle qala castrate cat o. parastin.VOCABULARY. charge o. rrao chase v. kuzhtin carpenter qabran arabana tesdiq k. hal girtin arabana cartridge carve fishek o. hujra champ V. sharmdar cheap harzan cheapen v. pshîêla channel chaos naoyek. lashûn rrûln chaste pakdawên. khuranin chaff kah carrier keriabarchi chain zenjir carrion lak chair askamll chalk sefiaw carrot gezar carry cart v. charity karam charm chart sebeb cavalry cave zuqum khwardin demdemi jogala telism kharlta. waz lai hênan. bosh carnage carpet dartash fersh carriage hezarpê naorast century satsalan certain burruwa certainty rasti certainly elbet certify v. 96 carcase lash cemetery card V.. (intrans. agaari k. cash para change a place gwastinawa cast V. (cash) wurdapara changeable khasanin pshi. harzan k. amarta chimento . naqsha chase n. change n. cheapness cheat 0. to keraûs zhirzewl. belalûk . tek cataract khurraw chap V. kalwaz cease o. girtin charcoal catch fire agir girtin catch cold catch on cattle lai chaqln gaghal cauldron cause qazan suwar ashkot. (trans. birdin. oda. ajzachi glêlas. harzan! khalatanin cheek kulum cheese penir chemist cherry dermanferûsh. qillshin dil khalCis hsêb k. westanin ceiling binmlj celerity celery cellar cement gurjl. cessation westanin chafe 0. bes k.) gûraniu case sannûq change v. hal khestin centipede care centre agaari care v. pakêzli. jii. barobirr danawa city batia nezik.khamik. clothe V. sar chimney klaorûzhna (intrans.) clearly diar cleave v.. gir. jighara cinnamon circle aba. (of rice) bzhardû chess satrinjan clean chest sing clean v. rozhin clear kwt jûn chew 0. claws clay palaotin chaqanin chirnCik. chisel askana. haoz qala la zaman I citizen khalq wutin shar civil qsakhosh.97 VOCABULARY. . ser k. hal garran. . qalam choke V. da bizirka cloth darchîn citadel pewa dan. kholakewn. gora clemency narmi child minal clench v.) taqln.) khenkan choke v. chapla k. pshko clot khist. wistin labar k. dawar cistern cite V. chestnut chestnut (adj.(felt). dan. tanisht close V. hCiz. pewa k. hal bzhajrdin. circumvent v. clash î'. * chicken juchka jûjik chicks pakêzhl rûhnak. tiala clumsy dasgiran. hal anjanin. dasqurs talabkar coagulated clamour highalbaghal cluster clan qifil khêl. clod. jinin chopper churn cigarette bestin. cloud hawr (heavy) tawl clove mêhak cloven (hoofs) dusumma clover separr club (wood) kutek. kaiabab . biyeko khestin. cloak (trans. khirr khurl. chim. (trans). temlz k. kulo. chingr qurr mahCit. kan coachman coal arabanachi bardlkhaliisl coalition coarse coast has.) khenkanin î'. birka clap I'. lai gerek bun. zamantar claim V. khast hêshû yeklati gora kenar . farajl (woman's) charCikhia chinin chop V. glr close twr meshka cinder (camelhair) . jaw. jilik claimant clamp chûkh. cleanliness shabarCi cleft chespin shaq chief agha.. choose zhiir rruln (intrans. climate rozhigar climb V. baro- ziriwzirlw k. pak k. quchanin chill clever sar! chilly zIrak click V. clothes chal. clarify v._ coat satr ' cock kalashir. kholl. gilmatik. . taqanin chain china cliff chirp V. tira. compel V. shun yeklati committee common têkal compound sharr. biyeko der ko. tawaw k. complaint gill k. collar milwana complain v. dilnarm.) qafqaf da nan coition khabar gehanin communications community daana coil V.. tawaw paik hênan. askan commence v. akhir. das girtin conceited dan bai. commencement shar¬ dinawa yadgarl das tai geshtin shelanin. la conciliate v. pekwa chun coUyrium kil complicated naoyek colocynth zhala. rafikh compare v. gird k. dislCit nachar k.. gird k. (trans.. ra separdû conclusion concord commit v. hênan separish. gulazhala compliment qsalkhwosh colour colt complete v. cold sar. komitê concussion hamûyatî awamana ser. ziir da wushardin. gill. shana combat comprehend v. jCian comfortable pêsh. farmûn commemoration nacharl. (intrans. b. daostand. cockscomb cocoon coffee commotion qahwa coffin cog poplna qazakha tablit coin companion para company coincide v. kharaman dan colic dilgirtin competent la Ish hal hatûa compile v. shelanûa. rek kh. be wist I jûanû. rang comply V. aw¬ concerning pewa k.. hal bestin yek bCin condense v. shikat complete paik hatûa.. k. compress v. qalobalikh communicate v. kirdin concur v. k. pai concede v. rûkhan. da riikhan collapse V. zuqum compensate v. noma comb compose v.98 VOCABULARY. barIn. zur compulsory asCi. biyek der chun sherlket. hawbash! la yek da nan qeblanama compassionate pala kemjeglr hawbash.) pekwa kh.. v.) pêkwa collect V. comely comfort hatin command v. pewa kotin pastinawa paik . lakhwarazl concentrate v. wal commerce tijaret. tilandia compulsion astiati conceal v. kirrino ferûshtin commission (errand) conclude v. raz! k. jeng yek bun k. pastinawa compressed shirin. compass gan colander hatochii komal compact {adj. tawaw collection gird kirdua collide V. come v. . khiiinakhiiin dil galta birdin ashchi conjecture consanguinity buzhawafawa gird k..' gain copy lashCiniyek consequent consign V. core awanda nardin bCin serkhosh! wutin gan shekil der hênan warls. kulanin fênûk copy V. dilnia confidential giral construct v. contemplate v. glr bun convey v. berbest kirdin din conflagration conflict khwardin girtin contented lai bestin confinement consume v. duwa. mahramana confine v. consummate v. . contents ban! paik hênan raz! tea. rûanawa conversation congest V. jeng confront v. cool connection girê coolness conquer V. tekal bun layek geshtin congealv. nin confusion bash. confuse v. tesdiq contract confiscate V. conspire v. chak k. shik cook V. siich wutin dilnlal. wayek k. hawal condolence confederate constantly tekal conference majlis confess v. cook gird bun kheal. rast k.' (in confi¬ confirm v. pashoka- dasalat bun convalescent convene v. confirmation burruwa. lai girtin. kut pash! converge v. qabiil k. correction rast k. dence) biraati confident her constipation consult v. condition conspicuous hal. giiris meshik coriander corner corpse kishnish kunj corporal lashûn consider V. zikzil rast correct v. ra separdin confidence diar khariki fêl b. considerable console V. fênûk! fakhir copulate V. bedrû khestin. chak k. fikr k. serkhwoshi contribution agir contrite sharr. lai contradict stan- her muqawill v.99 VOCABULARY. consist V. baroru k.. consequences haps! copulation aga consecutive consent V. onbash! lash corpulent correct qalao. kirdin pirsln contain v. shewanin. gflman. raz b. nao! continually burruwa k.. shikanin copper conscience conscious shun. kheal k. convict plrûzl congratulation congregate v. duwa! beshûn. control V. lapesh wutin. confide v. connect ' jut k. tai fikrîn. 100 VOCABULARY. correspondence nwlsan, nwlsin corrode, corrosion cost lai khwardin ba costly crease qirzh, chirch create v. credit giran cottage afirll k. den creditor khanCi cotton ICika, pamu couch takhit crest telabkar (of bird or man), crestfallen" kakul kotiia cough V. kokin crevice qllsh cough n. koka cricket sisirk count V. zhmardin countenance country ladêwl course crop hosh pewa girtin, rû pûsha- tersflk cower V. khwa be shaq, dirz, qllsh crack v. qillshan, shaq birdin dirz birdin (trans.) qillshanin crag serr kolinga cranium cravat crave cream westa shakhla cramp crane taqa k. beshika craftsman crowd V. tai cruel khizanin, taik tanj zebardast wurd crumple v. crack n. cradle komal, taik pilisha crumb qirrzhank crackle v. khûinin crowd crown salamlnawa, duwa girtin crab crow »qazh, kallarash crow V. pilishanin, pastinawa manga coward chwarmishql chwarrrê crossroads bCikaban cow tai parr b., lai bwardin cSDSslegged nin da pûshanin, pûshanin covey daghl, khalla cross v. kurrmam, amûza cover V. lar, cheft, khwar (of bird) chiqildana crops aza dlwan cousin waqwaq k., qirraqirr k. gochan crooked ast, kirdar, r^^-e courtyard turt crook dil, azai courageous court crisp shal, lang croak v. jilt courage al cripple ladêw countryman couple crimson welat countryside sûçh, guna crime damocho bêzhmar countless kakul, (of hill) ser kasaser milwan wistin tiikhaw, tûesh, qêmagh zhakanin crupper qushqun crush V. harrin crust pest cry V. cry girian (cry out) bangk., hawar k. crystal bulflr cuckoo kepii trozl, khêar' cucumber cuff qol, serqol sûchar culpable cultivate v. cultivation cunning jot k., chanin kelga rewlkirdawa 101 VOCABULARY. dandelion piala cupboard curds dangerous curl daring dark derman darkness curse V. dam V. dizhmin wutin, kharap date khwar b. curve n. khwar! du subhên! daybreak dead rusm deaf birrin dealer chirch! dear (price) (earth) birrlwa namam, dearness D death debt dabble v.' das pai k. shêt Jam drang k. barbast n. khesar, kharapê nim, she damp adj. damsel ser birrin drii deceive V. deceiver dol, doll damage mirdin, merg den, qarz deceit golagzhl- nazha dally V. giranl decay v. da razin, fotin rozhana khazêmoku, (beloved) kembiin decapitate v. khanjêr giran khwoshawlst' dearth <lale miranin, kuzhanin brIn <]aisy rû-' karr n. dagger spialrozh, mirdii deaden v. gumruk shatl daily rozh, naki palaka, serin (plant) qalam, daft kich rozh, spl day rozh, (day after to-morrow), parda curve V. cut n. chinlnawa (fruit) khurma, (day) rozh dawn kurt k., birrin house khwoshRwist daughter wutin, loma k. cut V. tarlkl (pitch darkness), darling taik chawin rezala curtail v. custom tar, tarik rrash! up V. cushion aza derman k., sagh k. qaf curtain hal wasin wêran, wêrln dare v. bizirka V. beamn, jêters dangle v. bizirkian mast cure «. bêamnî, ters danger derman curdle v. khuzhllik tarrposh khiiin girtin curative curdled dandy diilaw she, nimar kich khalatanin khalatan deception khalatanin decide v. decision declare v. decline wa da nan wutin, diar k. v. serbarokhwar barokhwar hatin, qabiil nakirdin, nawlstin declivity barokhwar! dance v. hal parrin decompose v. dance n. halparka, chop! decorate v. b., (refuse) da razIn jQan k.,, razanin 102 VOCABULARY. decrease V. (trans.) kem k. (in¬ trans.) kem b. decree farman, Irada dedicate v. bo sharaf dan deduct V. da shikanin, kem k. demean v, siik k. rûkhanin, rumanin, demolish v. hal wushanin demon dlw demonstrate v, deed kirdua, Ish demoralise v. deep qtil, chal demoralisation deepen v. deer qiil k. ask demur v. den deface v. tek dan hêlana dense naoyek jlai chun, berrê kotin, depart v. defamation departure J defeat n. shkan, bazanin defeat v. shikanin, tai sh. defeated (to be) defective defence dependent pishtmala, mafir depopulate v. weran k., ökhak] k. natawavi'^ deposit V. da nan deposit n. spardû, amanet parastin deficient defile rrfiln, rûishtin depend v. mawa b., bestrawa b., khoparastin defend ?;. ' deficit shikan b., bazin kem, natawaw kembCin teng, tengabarl defile V. pis k. define v. da nan deflect V. khwar k. defraud v. khalatanin, lai birdin depreciate v. < ppredation kem bun chapao xfepress V. iiizm k. (of objects) depression chal! (of ground) deprive v. lai stSnin depth qol! bejê khwa nardin depute V. derange v. |pak defunct mirdua derangement j defy V. ber! bun deride v. ), degenerate v. da kotin, fotIn degeneration degrade v. degree delicate lai keshan v. barokhwar nawa describe v. Ichûnlatl zfirkhosh wurr deliver v. gehanin delude v. khalat, lafao demand v. wistin hatin, da bazIn, da chiin, da garran ttishbun, drang! delightful deluge , , descent tamkhosli tele Moma k. j descendants khosh! delirium descend khestin, dan drang k., pash kh. nazik delicious delight da kotfia rlz delay n. 1 derision derive v. da khestin degradation delay v. bêzar k. minjaminj k. defalcation- bedrii zhmardin bukhtan, buhtan nishan dan lakhwar hatin wutinûhat wutin desert .chol desert v. deserter bar dan, ra k. ra kirdua deserve v. desire v. desire n. desist V. beje bun wistin wist, maram lai garran, bar dan, , das kêshanawa, waz hênan VOCABULARY. wêran, kawil desolate 103 dice V. tas kh. desolation wêranl, chol! dictionary despair v. na nmê bun die V. despair n. be umê despatch v. diet nardin behech nazanin despoil V. chapao, talan k. destination destiiiy dig V. weran kfi detail blao biin kandin, hal kandin dignity tek dan, kharap hal wushanin laik dan detach v. blao k. diffusion digest V. ) fotanin, shikanin, sakht! diffuse V. riiit, kawil destruction J fariq, nao sakht difficulty na umê rii bun, rii kirdin destroy v. k., difficult qismat, bash destitute khwardin difference despise v. despondent qamiis mirdin kirdinawa, jia k. wurda tai birdin labar (in some contexts only). digress v. lai kotin digression lai kotin dike berbest dilate V. geshanawa diligence taifikrin detect I'. 1 j- dilute V. tekal k. detection j diluted detain v. gil dan, bang k. detention gil dan deter v. deteriorate v. detest dim labar girtin V. da kotin , . pchiik bun diminution riq . _ an aza diminish v. pêchek, larrê devastate v.\ nadiar, nlwblnin dimension riq lai hatin detestation detour riin ,. pchiik biin dimple chal! rû dinner shiw dip nuqum k. ?'. devastation T^"^'"^" ^^""^'" direct V. farmiin, la rre kh. develop v. direction ast hal kotin development deviate v. pechek, larrê deviation devil shun, pash, duwa duer ko., la chun halpahalpl k., nin, shikanin awing dialect zaman dialogue duwan diamond almas diarrhoea diary dice zik chiin rozhnama tas Ista pis! pis, chilkin dirty v. perestanin devour v. dew dirty dlw, shaitan devQtion directly dirt pis k. disability, natwanin dira- disable V. pak khestin disadvantage aib disagreeable (temper) riitirsh, bad fasal, (quality) nakhwosh disagree , v. rre nakotin disallow V. nahishtin disappear v. qirr hatin, birra- nawa, nabinran, taik chun dissolve V. kirdin down dispute i'. galta k. ladil girtin blao k. diier ko. khes- V. discover v. naslnawa tangazarl.VOCABULARY. disguise V. distil V. discreet dambastrawa discriminate discuss V. khawandl nakirdin der.. blao k. disband v. khestin distress discern v. ladew. din distribute v.. nuqum biin diverge v. pea V. guedrêzh donkey dan kaqaz dog dismount v. têkchû disorder disown V.. disgusting kirdin aram (plant) kardû dock tûa disgrace dish bash k. blao k. dive na raz! din. discharge v. der k. disfigure v. derwan niistû dormant khwar. bash k. docile v. khajalet. da da kotin downward barozhêr doze V. (b\' being con¬ pak kotiia.. sertebib seg. araq girtin diar distinguish V. kawih lacho khestin doctor kho gûranin document riqaw! dor! hakim. da bazin door disobedience la farman hal hatin doorkeeper teyeku. dissipate V. wanoz birdinawa drag V. gumal doll buk dishonour khajalet dome dismiss v. disgrace layek kirdinawa lacho divert v. derga. harda k. v. pirrikda. kharapl pan k. k. kut divorce tilaq gêj dizzy do kharap k. zhir.. geshanawa sp! k. bêbash disappointed disapprove disaster v. lai ko. la chiin. distance duer! distant sumed) lai birranawa khosh nahatin diier distend v. dangadang k. divine Idiuai division bash. qap! khûrak dose dispel V.. dove jiit shik hawlr qumri dispose V. la. lajê la dan doubt display v. discomfort district der k. bar domestic gumez kew! kar. rra keshan . chal ditch na asCi! discontented jia k. distinct. aw k... bizwanin. dot dispersed khala blao double displace V. discard v. kut k. dor jûga. nishan dan dough displease v. disease nasakhi disentangle v. narazi k.. downfall dissimulate v. dozlnawa. hal bzhardin tai fikiin qsa k. 104 disappear v. (water) da shikanin divide v. qapûchl. v. bazaz. chi giie early zCi earn v. dusty khaosh. khwardin eaves beduwa chun dangdanawa eclipse rozhglran eddy gêsh edge llw edible edict khwardin! farman khanfi. pûshanin. drug zikchiin each other drop V. êwarê. sis bull dlopa. wurrm:iwa khwardin! giieswana ebb V. zCir tari" k. pCishanin. khfiinawar . hal drift V. echo edifice lai dumbfounded fhasan ) eatable.. khu- toz. palawtin drop kholapatani. duty Ish dye dysentery Each drive V. khuulta dress dirêzhai lawakhta rawa sam! dream. gal drown v. dropa herkam. lai khiirln. bekhol. wishk dug n. muraw! gerek giian dull (of person) kol. birdin eagle (nails. drive v. be- toz drip V.VOCABULARY.) khenkanin khenkin hishk. nazlrak dull (of weather) girtûa. yekodû kuelara. dread 105 educated fêr k. jiit bekar. bar k.) da kutan ear wurdabaran droop ?'. qurrin gurmalarza asûî. asal. da khestin bêbaranî rrawa. dal drop V. khol (intrans. jilik dress v. drove khanCi reng dropa k. belsh duration keshan dreadful . chukh ferfish during drawing naqsha dusk sam kho din drench v. rran. tjala educate v. drowning drowsiness dry duck due easy wanoz hurdek. kawa- rozh dumb east 6at rozhalat V. -s (of a person) dudil chlnl. tekal. wurr. betelash guara (intrans. jûgala drain draper bazirgan. etc. _ serkhosh dubious ard. earthenware earthquake easily ) . earnest (trans. dregs tak.) kotin earring earth tin. drown v. drip dust dwelling pflshln.) bar dan. khes¬ drought yekltir. askan! ease (trans.) khenkin derman drunk pea k. duplicate durable draw V. hamii. khol khwardinawa drop dlopa drizzle khurazerd^ lagal aw rrCiIn drink v. kharlkl puch. emigration eject V. zabûn enforce v. shun. kuch enclose v.. jûanl elegance elementary elephant elevated barz k. talatarra' bêser. together) birdin. dasabar k. endive rrawl b. yanza eleventh ko. bider chun eight hazhda der emigrate v. embrace «. jero k. hilka egress embers shermOk shabandarkhana embezzlement telash eggplant embassy endless telash k. halchûnl effervescent effort egg bain j an derawa chun. berbest yasakh suwar b.. yanzamin keshan. batal encamp v. zamanshlrin Itir jêtir elsewhere rûnak k. elector hal bzhardin hal bzhlnar zeiifî. da inaziin encampment enclosure rrashamal. bêtawaw endorse v.. embankment embargo embark V. elucidate v. tush hatin tCish hatin lai wer girtin end ser end (aim. hesht!. keshan enduring (indefatigable) betaw janhishk enemy dizhmin energy taw enfeeble v. barzl eliminate v. pshko embezzle V. zur k. engage V. eloquent rawankaro emit V. elm der kiich k. diz! baosh k. encroach v. lai der keshan else der k. 106 eel embarrassed marika aw! efface v. chikam. duwa kul. baosha emerge v. elbow ra bfirdin. ejector (rifle) fishekfir elapse v. k. der chiin emaciated larr emancipate v. pai chCin anishik elder goratir elect V. kemtwana k . desire) wist endeavour v. hachkam emissary der k. naslw encounter n.. (of personal) rra "irtin . elude V. effect pak k. encounter v. embarrass v. employee Ishkar employer khawandlsh employment empty barrala k. da girtin naobestrawa shermûk k. rrashadar elope V. Ish. der dan empire dolet employ v. Ish pai k. endure v. embrace v. eighty heshta eminent «lther ya. yanzal. (of taik tilings . hatin.VQPABULARY. hawar nao bestin. barz elevation eleven berlnl f!l elevate v. elicit V. heshtum eighth dizin hal hatin hesht eighteen pal. gora. rra ko. entry telash tawaw entrance Ish. equip V. error escape v. lapashawa hachwakht. giranin. wakuyek equality essay v. envelop o. dasga. rra separdiia such essential naoyek k. evening eventually ever (so much) ta. haraq gerek establish v. gora k. erect v. enlighten v.. hal bestin chiinlati wutin erection enlightened khiiinawar ermine enmesh v. enjoy v. evade v. da mazranin establishment dasga tapû estate qablanin daimi. pirsln / khalatin errand eruption bes enquire V.. engagement Ish. da pu- envelope pakat environs la. taik birdin dizhminati. adil yeklati engraver miir halkan eqiiivalent engulf V. batal k. ziir gora. hal kirdiia chalaka err v. duer ko. engine equalize o. bêanaza enormous enough enquiry binjobinawiin beqin hênan enrage v. lai paranawa enumerate v. kho duer keshan evaporate v. dor envy rawankaro chobirslati. hal k. maklna maklnachi.) hacli every hamii . alln. enter v. eradicate v. farrin parêzdhar escort eternal hatinanao ' (skin) danga estimate v. mawayati Europe Frang evacuate V. zhmardin tai alin." etc. qsa biyek dan. (in com¬ pounds as " whatever. enthusiasm entire paranawa entwine v. essence telash k. danari. shiwanin. (smooth) rrêk (num¬ ber) jut even adv. enmity beramber yekiati even adj. muhandis equipment Ejigland Ingiltera equipped English takhm. wistin enlarge v.107 VOCABULARY. hal khes- tûa Ingills engrave v. hatinanao mêwanl k. behawa biin. nasakhi epidemic adj. dizhmin! la rag hal kandin erase v. entertain v. nuqum k. tifaq rek khestiia. khosh bun. der entreat v. blao bCin shanin envoy rra k. hata êwarê pash.. suwar rek kh engineer Englishman wakuyek k. equestrian (in war) tekal chun equitable Ingills! hal kandin equity dadsan. entangle v. chochuati epidemic «. epitaph equal blao tarikh hawyek beramber. pak k. laimawa expire gCiraninawa. sharbider k. kuzhdin lai keshan zla extract v. (of v. la experiment hal kandCia exchange sharaza! Ish der hatu a. extra miranin hiderawa kuzhdinaw-a extinguish v. dirêzh k. wussa. derchtini horses) tars bwardin. terekin derchiia. exhausted exhaustion garanin ma. bInra kushanin. mar excite V.. chowarê b. sharbider k. tai gehanin. da nan exposure extensible kirdin exempt nardin a derawa expound v. las (of tai gehanin. tawaw b. bider kh. da nan tai gehanin expulsion der k. shan lai keshan. sharaza nabe. pêk sergarm k.. der. geshanawa expansion geshanawa expatriate v. kharap! evil adj. expedite o. habûn existence (of living beings) azliTt. sharbider exist V. hêlakî exile V. except v. exile n. chowarê expectation hamukas diar. nasanin explanation pishkil. pêsh din labin hal kandin. hinas dan. miranin extermination external extinction extort V. (of cows) shiaka.. expert zCnchak expiration excess zlal. terekin goats) exports export V. extension dirêzh kirdin extensive pan. hal henan exact exaggerate v. explain v. nasanin explode v. ewe expectorate v. ziir pan! dirêzhî extent exterior derawa exterminate r. extend v. . (rellexi\e) palp. zCirtir b. man! manûatl. explosion nakhestinanao excrement ser. paikeraCi. der kts- .. excellent giran experience experienced excavate v. expose V. pash v.... qai b. chûnlatl. tai fikrln. qablanin exclude v.VOCABULARY. (carry out) tarkhan exercise v. ra keshan dirêzh kirdin! expand v. examine v. excavation birranawa expenses her rast excuse (speed) zûl der k. tamasha k. expel V. zanln! taq! k. 108 everyone evident evil n. gora. bhana execute V. kushtin. daskotin expensive zla wutin taibin! k. hal kandin exceed v. dil hênanawa excuse n. expend v. ziirl. rre expect V. me tufin rre khestin expedition kharap evolve V. (of things) habûn exit bider ko. exclusion nahishtin biser hatin gii. tung. fancy cho eyewitness hiiz. faggot faint V. bêiiaqs faultless favourite khoshawist fear n. fat adj. rasm fast V. lai ko. bistra fan n. zeraat Fable serguzasht farrier nalband fabric parcha fart V. kotin fall forward fall upon bav. habiin! factory rang chun. par damocho . fail V. fasten V. kelan. rCikhan da kotin laser ko. das- blao zûrziir extreme extremity eye eyebrows birCi eyesight bawushên fan V. famous biblla eyelash nasrawa family famine der keshan cho eyeball naw familiar ojakh. (just) raskar faithful bestin chaor fatal pak ko. fathom fatten v. taga fat n. kasokar. fall short v. tersin fearless drii falsify V. zara farming jotyar. IdiazGr hatîm baokana bawishk fatigue mabfln fatness qalao! fault qalao k. tun. bidrii k.VOCABULARY. siich bêstich. extravagant ziirkharjker. kem hatin falsehood drii falsification birdrii k. bash father fatherless fairy faithless qalao kuzhdin! father-in-law zerd. kol. fair fate laser chiin (complexion) choshlnimû- per! faith bawir shilda- bewefa fall down fall out false rCikhln. bakht k. beje na hênan. fame 109 feast beters jezhn feather features tiik. zti rCizhii girtin. rastI. face fact kirdin damocho facile silk diierter fashion rotar. tirr fabricate v. farther fast adj. khanadan ser extricate v. qsa peshcho. birsiti. natwanin. tiriin fart n. terz. bewefa. wefadhar fall V. karkhanii fade V. ters fear v. perhiz k. kem! fanatical birzhan pêstlcho eyelid khêzan. nasrau. bawushanin fang far chopaikotii qirsichmaldin fikr. kheal kalpa diier farmer jotyar. baok fatherly bejêhêna. no federation fee fig yeklati feeble kemtwana (of old age) dakotiia feebleness feed V. tawaw k.. dozlnawa. fin kabra final female fen shaparr pêshmughêr! ferment v. bedrii k. pea k. penja. kurk. haq kemtwana! fight V. mêrikan. llta. akhir telash fester v.VOCABULARY. hal bestin. jeng parizal. kelek fertile din. purr k. (fix in) da ches¬ panin fixed giraii flabby fifth penji. khestin ganin gan.) Khwardin khwaranin. bash. taqa taqa firm qurs first berIn. hawishtin. palawtin fine adj. t. chak (small) wurd têman. zinj fender pashin find V.. sharr k. zung fence rû nak k. pest filth fellow nwt. jengin.. da kh. agir agir dan. pai khwardin. nukhr! firstfruits khuin fever fire firing hênan pewanokalapcha feud paik hSnan. fell V. mizd. ' sharr. tawaw. das lai kh. amust fire V. beser hênan k. panzamin fish nobar fist mas! mist fit V. (of horses) allk feel V. kem fidelity wefadarl fidgety halusha mergan. bala filbert finûq file (trans. penjmin flag fifty penja flake sis bayaq danka . libadbaûk rong. felt birrban da girtin khwardaman! dan feed n. besam fiery wakagir fifteen panza fifteenth pashin. tai girahin. figure (intrans. jezhn fetch V. fetter jerlman k. awai firstborn naozik. das pai k. damazranin. hal hênan (pleasant) khosh. finish n. lai khwar¬ din five penj fix V. taqanin. tw. pis! find out V. bergin tai nan. chilkin... field finger tirshaii bebirisht fervour few fine V."i fever (to have) ta lai hatin ta k. filter V. tirshan fermentation ferocious ferry besam festival fetid finish V. hanjir fight miz. tew. ser. . film da hênan. ma tai kh. feign V.. chlman fierce be harra.) fill v. (flee) hal hatin beruska jiianû. chun. lafao zewî. nasharaza parcliam. bo. qad. nek. rra k. la be aw da pCish¬ anin. fold n. rawaninawa ford buwar flounder v. hawishtin for flirt forbear v. flush adj. koz. serqapakh flute flare fly gerr flare v. taman. naochowan foreman serkar. flap . flight (of birds) ma. gla follow V. (to wag) rra wusha¬ nin. alga. be aw daglr kirdin flood n. hal girsan reik bilyiir (of birds) rrafin (of aero¬ planes) ferrin.. mizh lûtrawanl flattery flatulence flavour flaw intala tam flee V. flame garr fluid flank la flurried tuwaw sersam flap V. ferraferr k. pita k. qsa lûtrawanl k. (to prosper) hasanawa flow V. hal da takanin chanilnawaî. follower hatin flesh shûnqad. pishtir pest kandin kêch flea fold V. karani rrafin salamlnawa khoshawist! (cooked) chesht. hal bazinawa fore bar. flower flue rêshan./.. shiin kotin flinch 0. kar foot bekhu pe. das lai hal girtin forbid V. fo}ly pêsta fleece v. nahishtin. flock ser kotin azhin. ard flourish V. ard das parastin. flight pacha. hazh force apart v. silk float V. pishtamala fondness food gosht flexible (for ani¬ pachar. ferre dan.Ill VOCABULARY. gal flood V. pesh flour forearm floor ar. serfaala . barcho. mals) dirz flay V. foliage hal fleece qat k. noma flask. pia plarrê footpath fling V. takht k. tuwaninawa gol kalaorozhna fluent zamantarr khwar¬ daman! foolish rra k. flash mesh fly V. nahG- lan force zur. karîati. matara foal flat foam takht kef flatten v.uh- mafIr. fodder flatter v. ran. allk basik forefathers forehead foreign forelock bapir naocho nanasraO. foe dizhmin fog tam. narm flicker v. fool goj. gudla. gan forsake v. fwara chwar fourteen chwarda fourteenth da! chwardamlii. chilmin fortification fortnight fortress sipar chwardasho qala fortunate forty bebakht. sard fringe rêshiî. chwar! mirishk fraction la pesh k. sisk driikarl. zuqum (hoar¬ frost) khiiiser froth kef frown n. foretell v. freehold tapCi fornication lapeshawa. 112 foremost pêshîn fourth forenoon bayani.. . rasm! free shikil. la fox pesh din forest jangalstan forestall v. bar frontier frost senOr sahul bestin. bakhtj'ar bakht lapesh. la pesh cho bun. barîn formerly fort suesk. pal fragrant bênkhosh nazik frailty nazik! frame chwarchiia francolln fraud dusera fray v. pêshanlmarii fourthly foresee v. rêsho friskiness halbazlnawa frog boq from la front pesh.VOCABULARY. fresh biderawa fortieth fortune khora! freedom Iamopesh. chwar¬ sahul bestin freight bar frenzy wurr frequent ziir taza. kut fracture frail lablr chiin forgive o. girzh i cho frown?. girzh b. chilkin found V. foretaste v. lai bwardin forgiveness fork rewl lai bwardin chengr fragile fragment kut. lai girtin singan forget V. da chili- kanin frigid sar. tar. forge pesh cheshtin lapêshawa wutin forfeit 0.maiT b. labar fosterbrother fostersister foul khoshklhawshir pis. piir. Ishidru forked former dirz nazik formal formation wurd. lamobar forth chun (at libertj) azakaro (gratis) pêshln. tersanin.. da mazranin foundation fountain four braihawshir binagha kanI. no friable turt friction laik kotin friend dost friendship fright chii forward freeze v.^ serbesti jaran. bar dan waz lai hênan forswear o. qala chill. fowl chwarumin dost! ters frighten v. fuss pashin. dusakhana gap brzhanin. qazanj gaiters gale gall dozHkh baitiing get mazii (become) bun (bring) hênan get (take away) wer girtin gift ghar. ginger dar. (personal quality) gadfly gain hal hênah daskerawal generous bekar. jingana banglkhuin . yar! k. beharrasha gauge furl V. qad k. fryingpan komal gangrene bebar frustrate v. gable gumbezi shirpak germ kirm kermêsh German gag V. nao garb tawa ganIn hapskhana. fumigate v. bangzl. taw- gimlet gallop V. hawash gentle asii gentleness genuine damharîirî k. furious beqin. hanisik dan gate jepai kanIn qapl. gabble o. mlwa gipsy girdle burgh! zanjafil qaraj. funk garlic purri. derga gather o. têr function qash henaska birrin. dam rawaninawa get V. gay tamasha gazelle kalopal chinin. chwarnal. têr! fullness ask furrow lat. tCik furnace bakhchawan sir gash binagha! tersiik funny fur gas Ish fundamental bakhcha garment dûkal k. lap¬ ashawa daskeraû .113 VOCABULARY. sCir k. khurl. as above with k. hal chiiiTn pusla aza. fuel gaol lapeshawa girtin jilik garbage siitinl. frozen fruit game sahul girtiia fruitful bebar fruitless fry V. yar! gang bar. qannara gamble v. gallows Alaman girtin get giddy sipul gallnut narm! asil. gezh diar! gallop n. hêl generally further zlatir. genius hoshar. lamopash. ardCi plsopukhf! fugitive rrawl garden fulfil V. shadman gaze kCira furniture jilik gaz gasp v. bekhu future zCirtir generosity halopal futile banlkhana bain. beje hênan gardener full purr. zCirtir generate v. go in kemkem nêromê k. kherr - tariki glove Khua good draoshin glitter V. kal chiin. go ahead teng. grass das girtin gia grasshopper grate grating kulla mghêrl grateful gratis dapir nawa lachak. chak! goods government chesp. lagal chun dan tire. glean v. dan give (give back) danawa glad khwosh glade rriiln go out derawa chiin go out (of' fire) kuzhran kuzh¬ din lai chiin laser rrûîn go over gechi ban rrûln.114 girl VOCABULARY.. hizra grandchild la shun kotin nawa la pesh chiin garranawa la pesh chiin bwardin derawa rrûin go forward bepêsh riiishtin rriiln a nao lai chun (of a gun) taqln bapIr grandmother grandson grant v. jewl. bizin. baarl go back go by qaz kûlaka granary rrûln go after sona. graft V. arû go through morr bûnawa.. chak gourd daskesh morr. (he goat) saberên gold dirotin glide 0. biz zer. globe pita k. (unripe) birsiela grasp V. goose gorge baro'zhlr! mêshûla gnaw v. biz biinawa shûsha glass gleize V. jlwa glutton goodness gout bruska dan glowworm zeringer bash. cheqanin gnat bash!. glare v. pewa chun goat goggle eyed rii keshan gleam n. shiw. bruska glisten V. jirr k. danga. danka amar. kurls give v. kalopal governor gnash V. kich girths go on tanga. barokhwar! gradually grape go off hukumat hakim (degree) riz go away lai rriiln go forth purropQch k. zhiir rriiîn go up glance chaogiran go with glands alii. God goldsmith rawan riiishtin glimmer v. muturfa k. marr biinawa. altiin gossip V. grade gradient grain riiishtin. malawa penjira khura! . gezin kir- ruin. grandfather go before * barozhiirl. glue gula astêra zOrkhwar da kirranin. draoshin kharr! globular gloom glow V. raninawa go v. gross das kutanin qalao ground arz. tfek gunner salaw kham. pirrqizh hairy half nlw hall dlwankhan halt r. zewl groundless grouse grove be binagha suesk komaladar grovel V. gunsmith brzhanin (of knives) bardihasan girtin gripes zikpêch gristle rag grit grocer akh keshan baqal groom V. qasho k. kholamSzh! graze dasabar n. mêwan guest guide rushanin v. grindstone grip V. qabahat guitar lawar parastin. gust derman tfenksaz gutter jiigala. gratitude malawa! gratuitous khurai gratuity grave gravity grunt V. boz. bêkhldan tfenk. kesh greyhound tamiira shiw gums Rum greeting gully gum gora Greece besCich gulp V. gravel growl rasm. tiiezh k. chaor great such. parezar. guarantee kel graze v. grind v. neqaneqa k. guard skim past) (pasture) lawarln. maiter lat.115 VOCABULARY. qrarwul awgosht (to minjaminj k. topch! gunpowder tanzhi birshanin. journey) bazIn (as on a . gut girriba rlkhlQ malaz k i'û'cin nokha (of roof) plusk gypsum gech H habit zIkh groan v. jajik. dilgirani grill V.. guard V. chan green grief harrin. parezan sharaza guilt guilty lawaranin grazing paswan. awai. (of women) qizh. hêl. qui dan benisht. riiln kirm grumble v. grazing lands grease qiiruq. chizik groove grope V. o-row V. rrinak k. (of animals) tuk hairbrush firchaiser hairdresser hairless sertash kachal. gor giran! gravy gray grub zikh gravestone gurrma growth bakhshish qor. groom n. bêmû pirrmû. jew! gun soz. awaani dangadang k hall terg hair mO. rotar habitation haggle V. rra westan. pirch. gurj k heel hasty heifer parên height barz! hat bigurjl klao k.awa ser kukhwa headstone rra girtin. qoman.) hal awlstin hawker khestin. hawsar. grerma gawr heathen heave v. gue rra girtin gue dan heedless laguedan! guenada hasten v. hal awasin hawthorn (intrans. girik pazhna . sakht k diliraq. be zlan heave n. dilsakht hardiness hardly o.) hardness hare mishik- bazawan hapless bêchar happy serger.) sagh b. (trans. harmony yeklati heaven takhm harrow mala harsh zibir harvest dirwên. der ko head happiness shaman! headman shaman hard wishk. dilwishk. hal tirzil haul V. chengal haste gurj giie dan dil harmless harness shan dan a bar takan bahisht heaviness giranl. panad hardhearted guêzh hay he harbour v. handsome jiian. kotin. esikqurs anjakh kel headstrong heal V.116 VOCABULARY. giran! heart esikqurs harlot harm ganda zian. khujual hang twr hate V. habiin panaber hawk washa. khesar harmful zianar mgherl. bukhêr! bêdil hearth heartless heat gernil. kharmasan hasp qulap. shQnbaz chakush riq lai hatin hatred dast. dasak V. rra keshan bun. rraq harden v. saghl. komal hear v.)' hal wasIn (of criminals) hal khankanin hangman qanarachi gizra haze toz hazel finuq happen v. kerwishk derman (intrans. bhistin hardship cjursl. sakht. wishk! hardy serkesh (trans. qurs hedge têman hedgehog zhuzhik heed v. khoshbiin healthy hearken v. handkerchief haven handle dastaser. health heap khosh koma. qurslati heavy giran. mangll dasa'ka. bêkhao halter hahingplace hammer hand hatchet hawarga. das riq haughty handcuff kalapcha handful mishta have V. rraqlati. rast. tapola k. tarikh. barz k. hal pechan. bama khwa! rra man da wushaiin. kira k. dozaq help v. hope V. garan here era bama hereof lama lamser heresy gawri hers lamobar. namûs. kuling hesitate v. . halata. helmet. shardi¬ nawa. yaria k hem V. ran. hood bashliq hoof sum. I hereby hlo hiss V. hit V. maka barz highlands kewstan highroad shaqam. lep hoopoe hop V. lai dan. kuna holiday jezhn hollow naobatal hone hero mal homeless nizgera V. harda. share hill hilly girda. lai khestin. gêra- hal labar girtin. pewast. hinge yar! k. bashbar him I heighten heir heirloom hell himself khwa! bashlbaplr hind jehannim. ganaiiasma bazIn uwl biin rûspîati . zuqum hoard hoist V.117 VOCABULARY. chia harda hillock twsha hog baraz hal girda.gagal. hole hlö hew v.. hilt dasa irsbar. nahishtin dulal hip V.. peben hoe home birrin hiccough high dang girtua hollyhock jûrbajûr heterogeneous hideous hoarse hobble n. hal awastin girtin kCin. hireling kirekar nawa hen mirishk hence rabwardii gia herd gal. piira hive hoarfrost hereon herewith lerawa hitherto lamnao heretofore giran hither lamopash herein hero dan. Ish- honest pak honey hengwin honour awrû. herb hermit sis history lamopash o. bûsa b. serguzasht. bêchar helpless duwa hlnjcler v. (of a mark) angawtin hitch hereafter k. lerawa henceforth her his weran hasan dilpak. awa. jiianmêr herself hide Iamopesh awdal heron Iamopesh kanûlka. gird kirdua hold V. klao kuling hire v. zûrnashlrln hidingplace bûsa. îshrast. khuiser. satmin hundredth khawanmal giro dizhmin shkanin. chani Note : bezian husband kasokar housekeeper how gurj bun hurt!'. qoch. uwl. khanû household hut kêwanûmal langar girtin chun. the negative corresponding occurring with the accompanying verb. horse (mixed breed) bargîr human plol rang baosh girtin ziirgora horse (puller) serwishk humane horse (biter) gezûk humanity horse (good goer) rrawan humble horse (stumbler) dasglr humid horse (gelding) khasann. sat house rrawchi hurricane sergerm tai khizanin merd kepar hypocrisy drOatl. wurtawurt k. jlrii dan Words in im. shakh pal pai nanawa horse hasp. kuloch. hasip hue horse (pack) barglr hug V. humility nal hump mêwanperest hundred host hostage hostile koz. I I min Ibex bizinikewl.) hourly satbesat hover v. um! however hopeful b'uwl how much hopeless beuw! horizontal horn ama howl V. drfi hypocrite drCi. pasakewl ice sahul icicle idea chilûra guman. hurtful mal. fikr Identical yek . rast chan werrin huddle V. kheal. fere dan mêwankhanû hotel hotheaded hound hour seg êshln zhan k. horse (saddle) suwarl huge horse (purebred) rasan hum V. da khestin dilnizm! horseshoe bêmarkhana pîoatl dilnizm hospitable hospital hunger birsî. hope H.and in- adjective.118 VOCABULARY. so şatl.. yakhta kermêsh horsefly dilsiitl she humiliate v.and in. (trans. baiziirtung hurry v.are rarely translatable by one word as they are usually expressed by an ellipsis employing the positive to im.) eshanin (intrans. kospai sat. dildrû hypothecate v. birslati hungry bris! hunt rraw hot germ hunter hot (as of spices) tung hurl v. nabûn! Impotence natwan! impoverish v. cho lachakan k. immedlate. if (trans) (intrans) agir da girsanin girtin be agir impel i'. jêtir hatin o da malra. nasakh illegible nadiar nablnrau natawaw imperious gue nadan nabur bar! Imperceptible Imperfect ignorant ill pe girtin impediment hagar. idiom Impart v. immersion imlgrate herista. herlstaka zur gora immerse v. . dan hal bzhardin Impartial zeman bela idiot goj. fikr imagination imagine v. Ishnakar. kharlkman lai khiiran Impenetrable Impenitent bun Ignorance hazaiil. nakhuindawar ignore v. rCihal- Impreganble derpai Impregnate v. tainagêshtl impassable idle dasbatal. nakhuinda- war! nazaii. la hênan hênaû. immutable impossible nabletl. khwazik (of bakhurû. menit nabizuati terkhan! nagiiri ênawal impress v. nabiini k. hatû importune v. tai birdin.-ly tai gehanin chaqawasii. imprison v. da chikanin illtempered riitirsh. tai khestin imitate V. pas- tanawa. k. shaan! luitbarz taiknachûn! impertinent nakhuinniua! illegitimate Imperial imperishable bêmar.. illiterate illness image nakhuinawar nasakhi rfmak k.119 VOCABULARY. haar Ignite V. a man) Impregnated namirdin! immoveable immunity warris. pilishawa. khê-al. implicate v. Importunate (of a woman) halmalra Immoral hênan Impracticable mazrin immodest nemû importation Impotent natwan nuqum! v. pilishanin impression imprint v. agar. haps k. aqil birr imbibe v. nabur be aram children) zol. (of padshai. but. purr kiraû bûa shiin da nan. tember impatient idol but Impede v. nakirdin! naglrdhar tai kiraû k. imports shit paranawa Impolite import V. Imply r. tai fi kiin. badfasfd implement karasta illuminate v. Immense nuqum k. nasaz important khwaidinawa Imbue V. narast Immortal warris k. layek danawa imbecile lanao keshan Implore v. shelanin. shun chap k. identify v. Imperturbable Impetuous haramza chaqawasii khorraglr serkesh Implacable nakuzhran! Implant v. hal nagl- bêzaman inattentive nfidel . kharaman dan kharaman inadvertent lanakao inappropriate esikqurs nadiar ndemnlfy v. ban k.guenada Inaugurate v. improvident imprudent natawaw ' ncomprehenslble nconcelvable chaktir k. bêaga incautious beser. narast inadequate qat ndefinite pai nagêshtinî inaccurate dudil! ndefatlgable natwana! Inaccessible bêshermî ndeclslon ndeed lai zanln nao. barozhlrl. her nflexible wishk. nfirm lazan. brîn incision bêmarî. -ly Incident incite V. khaberdar nformatlon serakhwarl. qiipanin ndentatlon inanimate ndependent nazhinii nazSba. nfuriate o. nao bestin. rCian! bizwanin incivility agir dan nfiammatlon nflate v. da girtin income nao k.. purr nfirmlty bêzhmrir incalculable serbikho. da nishtin . qomi. wist. improvement bêfarr ncompetent rangnia chakbûn nconsistent dasblao wayek nabiin! rrênakawê nconvenlent be tai fikrln ncorrect tai nagêshtini birruwa nakirdin! narast impudent be abûr ncrease v. kemtwana kemtwana! natwana incarcerate v. daikza incapable Incessant. barokhwar! include v. tai. impulsive be aram ncredlble nabawir! impunity baknabiin ncurable bêderman impure napak. bêhad. wistin. ziirtir k. incline v. 120 imprisonment Improbable hapisi ncomplete nazêbln! improper improve v. wutin nformant agadhar. aga. nfuse V. la inability ndecency nfringe v. rra dan inclose v. pilishawa tai geshtin nfested nin inarticulate inborn nfer v. rraci nfluence dasalat incitement bizwanin chaqawasû! inclination incline n. nasakhi'. serbest gawr nfinite da nan qupaw. in ndemnlty kem ndent v. nasCir ba k. rradan barozhiirl. napak! impute V.VOCABULARY. taikal Impurity taikal. nflame v. haps k. khaber shikanin beqin henan dem keshan ngratltude namanziirl. lachak- nabiinl ingress hatinanao Inhabit i'. chilkin. daskaot nfluentlal bedasalat nform v. . bizwanin nstruct V. qsa birrin ntersect v. tea blao k. bash birdin inheritance iniquity bash sQch. Inao nternatlonal naodolatan nterpret o. tai fikrln pirs. laje. bima nsurgent biin innumerable nodorous nsurance khanchi bêsûch. tai. tarzumani k.. berl. hosh ntelllgence ntelllgent hosh aqil. tea. k.121 VOCABULARY. tawan. giran maram. labat inject I'. loma. taiblnl k. hal inscribe o. yakhl bcsûchl inoculate v. naobizhi k. khalq. tama biin purr. têda insignificant nsincere nslpid hech narast betam insist 0. herlstaka jê. kasan hal mizhin inherent daikza. tai qultanin nterference nterlor nterlace v. wist shfirdinawa dumjar k. tai fikrln inquisitive insane pirskar chobirsi tashin. jinwl dan nterest gûranin hatochii so. barobirr! dan ' nterchange o. nsolence Ishrastl. janbar laser chûa. zlan pai dan. qazanj nterfere v. . damek herista. nwîslii. kirniik. taikal b. da nan nstant (of time) nstantly tozek. nterrupt v. injury zlan. kangraû inscription kirm. nstal V. tai nan insertion tai nan inside lanao. chaqawasii! insolence chaqawasii! paranawa bo yeki ntercept v. rastkarl ntellect aqil. hoshdar taigêshtin! ntelligible ntend v. loma k. lazan inherit v. dizhmin murakkab dwêt inkstand inn mowankhiinu. inhabitants inhale v. nternal as above nao hiininawa hinao. nwlsraii. ntervene o. laqa k. inquire v. lazan naorasti innkeeper innocence bêzhmar kutanin bêbên bêwakht pirsln. ntercourse kandin insect above words with ntercede v. kutanin nstead injure o. dizhmin jinwl ink nsult V. kharap nstlgate v. fer k. bequsûr innocent wutin. behosh nsensible inseparable insert jîanabê v. shit nsatlable nsurrection ntegrity inopportune nqulry as!. qabahat nsoluble aw nabiini nsomnia bSkhawI nspect V. khesar nsufficient kem injustice bêdad nsult n. birrîn ntersperse v.. ntense ntention nter v. khan nnate nner daikza. zringin join V.. banlband murabba jaundice hal qultanin Invade v. chaqal jacket jagged serkhosh naoyek. yadgari chinja. girinj banlkhana. wardlan. dilpls nishasta jerk V. zhirkakila jelly k. 122 tai honîn Interweave v. hlo. beyek ioint ioyful asinferûsh ironmonger irrigate v. udge qaz! dilnazik irritate v. fikrln. bederawa dan o. jiilaka iolt V. taik benao Irrigation irritable irritation Isolate V. interview chopaikotin! intestine into rikhlii lanao intoxicated intrigue Intrude v. satr. taik chespanin hilanin invisible hanik. wer qsa wer girtin invite V. Invert v. galta jingle V. awdai isolation it k. hiawa itself khwa! farrin. serldûrian adil. ta! jumanin. naiik ketr! hal . safar shaman! junction khurin issue V.VOCABULARY. Keen tuesh keep V. salta jail chlnl. jarra. its jut bazIn. paik shlaqanin ioumal rozhnama ulce aw awdar bazIn. hapskhana jam tai qultanin. I shaman iuicy just tetinia nan blao riiisht. pai nablnra. pêcha intricate Jackal girtin lala bun keepsake kernal kettle diarl. involved halshlwawa. jumga iolst iump V. kop markana jealous invariable inverse jar jaw azhIn ziir hatin Invent v. dudil aw dan. bêqlmat bêfariq pai da henan. damokhwar k. jailor nasanin invaluable bêbha. julanin jest jewel pêchanawa investigate v. ikhtira zardaw! esiklchina. tagblr introduce v. goza. durr iourney naoyek iron jii. ioy asin irresolute goher. dadbln! der hatin. kho tai inundate v. nadiar invitation qsa gîran. kho ferre dan khurii tinia! itch V. jumik. dadsan justice adalet. azhIn nerga ioke hanik k. as above inward jew gehanin. khurin hal K k. kllla kick kick V. klaokurra - lascivious lassitude v. wanzewl. zanln. bêchupshlla kha khawanmal landowner kiss V. kem hatin laudanum lad kurr ladder pêzlia maniilat! pashin. qoqizi knock V. VOCABULARY. iknob dasta. da girsanin land kindness dilsiitl. shaq dan. key ladle killl. Jiltchen shin lamp shabbak teriak laugh V. oya keshan halqarez drang amwakhta tllmadar lather latter charkhigerr kef pashin lack n. lai dan iknow V. kidney kûra kiln kin gulchlla la shiin man kuna. latch ILabel marqa lath ilabour Ish lathe lace qarakh.123. kitten khawanmilk. shaq tai hal kawr. awurdanawa landholder kindred king kasokar. khizm kind khanum lag 0. pai kanIn laughter kanIn " land . lair dan kid kochiki mastawa lady shaq dilsoz shin k lamentation chirakh khol. kasokar. nasin known zana! nasrau knuckle lantern lap jumga yakha large gora lark klaona. khizman padsha kingdom dolet kinsman khizm landlord mach landscape lane ashkhan! language sis! turwa languor lank be azhnii hatin kiêrd knife knit V. kemi lattice lack V. 'knoll dan. last last V. same holder " mach k kittik. knee as kolan knapsack ineel v. malik kiss n. lan lake golaw lamb berkh 'lameness shall lament v. gisk hal gîranin kidnap v. arz kindle v. kar. akhir lately kirikar bekhurii kich late labourer fanCis pêshdam lass girda iknowledge larr lapel chinin zaman sis shelanin azhnû choarwan languid knead 1». birdin. jilshîi laundress lave V. qarakh libel zhal! liberal left pêwaz I shirin bejêma. kun leprosy leak t). gairl leak /7. keshan length lead n. pisht kereger lessen v. buhtan beje man laq. rawisht lawless lawn bashlbaok! hîqanûn legal shshtin khoshkhuin legislation ber! legislator chlman. dirz. kemtir lessee larr drêzh k. barrala k. alone) bar dan. parzhan. dasnerm agar. lest kirdinawa leap V. merk Ish! hukumat hakim lawsuit dawa legitimate lawyer avoqat leisure. danawa. ser nwlsra . (at leather least) daskem charm. qach daskerau liberate V. ward. (quit) ruishtin. (let kahû lettuce leave tin leaven dan kerê (relin¬ down) da hishtin rra hishtin miidda least be hishtin. k'agar let V. to be at o. (behind) leg buktan.VOCABULARY. fer bun dan. kem k. das parzhan leisure. back. sakhtlan leave v. sisti awllmii (money) bedên dan lend V. to be V. helan. (hand) liberty library chep left. pêshwa leader leadpencil leaf lenient qalam i qurqushun gla lentil nisik leopard peleng balakl. bêsharm lewd leave n. lid nwlsin. baz dan. qurqushun lengthen v. serbest! ktebkhani llstin dam. pal shan or da out. level takht lever nuela hish¬ levity sûk! liability sila hawlr tirsh liar ledge llw. parzhan lax sis. law legacy legible qanim. 124 jilshûr. (allow) learned khuindaw-ar quish) bar learning khuindawari lease letter kemtir. bazin (of property) learn v. lai chCin less lean lean v. against. den duriizin leech leek lick V. to have v. tember drêzhî lead V. derman I rwana laziness lazy ' leisure n. for¬ lesson hangiek khuinin khwar lessor kerewergir dan. sist laxative lay V. firsat llmû lemon da nan beqaniin lemonade femberl. kaqaz. kulamiska. bizinmizhink rang rang likely «. qifl dil tIr aw k ( of hair ) pirch. lai chiin like adj. pêsûk lively mak. ketan linger v. to be v. pai khosh b. lonely long llw. girsanin (a lamp) lighten V. layek chiin.. linguist drang k. kula- zarda lodging lofty jega barz log kotara loin laran loiter 0. horses) pchCik. bhistin hal girtin. sist. like. qarz biin sosan lime qumqu- nan likewise Illy zhian gurj. khat khanadan. zhian. sis rasta. lineage tllma. (down) ra keshan. lie n. shalln limp adj. tozek. gue rra girtin. (of things) qatar linen hatin. looking glass awena . kill k. nwarin. nezlkana lock n. barz k. wurd live adj. ruin! be Ish rra wustan tinia drezh longing arezO. twketan lint parro lion sher lip dora. wist look V. live V. sCik k. zamanzan liniment lining link marham barr khishtazanjir.. waku. zhi. (of naqdek. awaki. shamarta wistin. zhin! lifetime lift V. locality lock V. litter (lumi¬ rûnakî light V. lobe narmague kûra local hinezlkana senûr limp V. drû k. like V. lich (lower only) hquefy v. defter (in wait) mako dan life listen V. zhian zi ngii livelihood liver jerg living zhian. lisp pis list siahl. da little n. nous) rûnak Kght n. drû liquid lie V. zhin! (weight) siik. zingû lizard qorl. load layek da nan loaf bar likeness man loan wha loathe V. light adj. hendek.. qizh rûnak 'limpid line riq lai ahek. qisil limekiln limit den.125 VOCABULARY. hal k. lightning pruska. jumga linseed bazrak. gue dan. wak. za jaw. haz. man. mena likelihood kemek zhinin. likely takhtarawan tars (dry only) pen. little adj. da khestin locksmith tokmach! locomotion locust ruishtin kulla. tamasha k. marmilka. bizir k. beniaam manly wakupio . luggage maiden maintain v. kirm. tukhmakh manacle temtira riqladil malignant mamma awdar riqladill riqladil. malefactor khwarin luscious bekhew k. bizir lotion rifle) jadCi magistrate bun. kharisht manhood maniac plo! shit manifest diar mankind khalq. pishk khestin plshk love V. ost lot shikan win k. loud luck magnet magnitude lottery low hakim I mahkama magnanimous zian (many) lots bazIn. purr manager luxurious razanû mane washak Machination machine mad chlnl. kharapker tela. kulum shit malevolent malice esikqurs ziandhar. dilrrash badkhwah! mallow naosing kharapker malevolence luxuriant lynx narazi nêr male malicious kalopal lukewarm make v. (portion) bash derman bekhodan (to draw) v. love n. malady nasakhi malaria lerzota malcontent shllatên zaq. win.126 VOCABULARY loom taiin maggot qulfa. malleable nerm mallet man tola daya plo kalapcha manage v. gora k. lungs daskerau asinkesh magnify v. wefadhar baami lubricate v. kasan. zurat lower adj. da hishtin nizimtir. shil k. pal dan zfirshlrln. tagblr maklna. lump kharap k. khwar lunatic kich posta wistin lower V. lop V. kirw magazine barCitkhana. gora! ziir. lovely wistin major blmbash! rra hishtin. lover khoshawist lozenge qalabaska (servant) karaker malm v. maize nizim.. barrala loosen V. dûlaî loop loose shil. charkh shit kirdin gora. durus k. lusty lute riin pai dan bakht kirdin. (mislay) loss magic (a fight) (of ambar birrin lose V. zCirjiian loyal magpie maid mall bedang lounge V. rels yal mange M. khwartir. tolek may v.127 VOCABULARY. mate derman meditate v. member memento memory maternal daikana menace v. meat zhin kiilaka. kenar. manuscript mattress karkh ana kirdin mauve map maze me kharlta. (intrans. (flour) ard piska. naoyek meadow marmar march v. marten dalak mediation martyr shahid mediator naobizhlker marvellous ser. zung ta wakhit sûrêzha biqad girtin. chimin. beaw b. hasir medium meek serkej.. galek marble doshek geshtii. khizmakar mention v. tekal biin mediate v. qarakh marigold min meadowsweet berls chun main margin twanin taik. dasnwIsraCi ziir. bazhar marketable v. bedang meet v.gal. k. beaw tekal materials matter (trans. khewala khwardin meaning nishan. jûr. pêwandhar. qurraw. dasteng meantime nishan k. chak k. tush melon melt (as above) V. mergan mean adj. meeting zil master medical naobizhi mend v. yadgari memorandum karasta matter v. naobizhi k. pêwan measure n. gêhla mature maklnachi nishana meddle v. menial slahl bir tersanin. bardkar! komal massacre kuzhdin shêlan massage massive mastic gora. tarz manner manufactory manufacture v. harrasha k. maternity tai fi krin naorasti match «.) twaninawa shubhanin dalklati paik kalak shkharta jiit hatin. marry o. ajaib masculine mason bena masonry mass ploana kheshtkarl.) twanaw.naqsha mare meal mark hamlshabahar mean market marriage ferfitin! mara married (women) marrow (of bones) mara birrin llta. Ish qe! k. pêwana' gosht mechanic medal mokh marsh maana measure v. wutin . man measles bSzher. agha binisht mastication mat hidermankarl medicine jiian chêkh. geshtin match V. marqa mark v. kem k. mist tam.rcury merely bas mesh mess . bebakht! meter metro misrepresent v. jinIn. himin. taikal k. misunderstanding tainagêshtinl migrate v. (one side). khirê molars (on face) khal. miznik midnight nlwasho mtdst naoras might zur mild koch military milk askar! ashawan anjanin.. mint V. mizh midday nlwarii mistake o. dil pron. sêrkwan mistake n. akh keshan mob komal hiamrozhana modest besharm sharm gûranin modify 0. chogêrl mercy mire mirror rawankeraii kirdawa! kharap such pIska miserable kiz. merchandise merchant merciful malitujarl tujar berahm. maadan mineral maadan! mangle v. paga bedrû henan miss V. method reik methodical reiki mîaû k. migration lai gCirran money monkey Dushemu para maimCii) (animal) . Imin mine n. damek. moisten o. nerm mildew narawan. dilnia nabCin. Monday punga minute mix ?. narast. zurwurd shalaqanin. mishkakuera moment tozek. laigurrin shik mixture karru mildneess mill kochin.128 VOCABULARY. layek dan taikal moan v. ra hal daqlqû minute adj. dilrraq me. mew V. bela kotin. (in shooting). (too low) pe dan. middle naoras raldge meshiila. kakila. tai jûln mince o. juejue mischief lanakao Ishlkharap misdeed miser pis pêgham messenger awena pêkanin mirth misconduct kun message qurr mischance jiwa dilnerml. midden seranuelk. (too high) ser k. shubha. mews taola. bêjê. mizh. miscellaneous . moist she mole shêdhar k. kizalatCi misery kiz! ^ metal maadan misfortune kawill. hawai keshan. naparmii bun modesty iish mind mistrust modern doshin hal doshlii miller mine nerm! shir milk V. dilnerm merciless berahm.'. koch k. khalat. tekal k. pai wutin bênaw' nawlan wanozdan. qurr khuinker. plokuzh mortgage u-. suwar bun my mountain kew. chogermkirdin pishtmil napkin dasaser . sbênî tw darltw" hêster mule ziirtir morning tas municipality baladia munificent daskerau morsel parû murder v. bismar. as! mutiny bekarrii mound kham Musulman qalib (mildew) karru mouldy mutter v. gerek mustard daikana bizûtin motionless laidhar. Islam barîbiin. abet. khaos nakedness (so much) riiiti. malcha nap nape miw nan. khuin mortar murderer gech. mortal mirdin! murder n. giro k. murmur v. giro muscle mortify v. (trans. mortgage .) bizûtin./. misk muslin mother-in-law motion saz zhin daik motherly khuindin musician papula mother qîn-chik mushroom ganlii mizgot moss moth (water) shfiiin baz. (finger) nlnulc naked nameless durim awanda amanda mud Imin. qsa! nizim k. kazh myrtle mort myself khwam mountaineer Tcewsan! mountainous kew"san mouse mouth ^ tainagêshtini mystery smêl N dam mouthful Nail dampirrka (intrans. tapiila Muslim. julanin movable bizuat! movement mow V. imtiaz muddled muddy mang pashoka qurr! mood hal mug moon mangasho mulberry moral Ishrast mulberry tree more moreover wa I'o zfirtirish sbênan. monopoly month yekdasi. mosque music qoza. berkamar most zCirtir musk khasû mould must rra wêstau kherdel girda.129 VOCABULARY. mower bizCitin galek qurr ruit. khuin k. mutton gosht! pas mutual laherdCilawa mount V. khaos! name naw name r. namely deroker zur. im mishk moustache much temCira- abe. julln move v.) bizwanin. 130 VOCABULARY. narrow tasik niece nasty pis, chilkin nation ' millat, kasan, ploan mill!, hamûîat! national nationality native nature millat, kas nightly nine diltêr ninety gerekbiin, pêwlst mil, ustû necklace nozda ninetieth abet, gerek, lazim necessity neck hamusho nineteenth nezik - necessary bilbil rrashakho, khogiran no, na nineteen dil, khCi nawik near nezik nightmare elbet nauseated navel nigh nightingale kas naturally beraza, khoshkaza, kich- bera, kichkhoshik nawa ninth no! nip V. gazIn nippers milwanka, barmiira nozdamin, nozda! nawa! gaz nipple sermimk need v. gerek b., pai wistin no needful gerek nobility begzada nobody hêchkas needle derzi, (pack) siizhin bêhêch, nara needy na nocturnal shoana neglect v. bêwirriai k. nod V. neglect Ji. bêwirrlal, bêagal noise dang noisy bedang negotiate v. neigh v. soda k,, bazhar k. helan, horranin ser rra wushanin nomads kocher neighbour draosi, haws! nominate v. neighbourhood nominee neither nor nephew nest na none rag helana, lan malas k. tor (for chaff) never bela nevertheless news lagal amada, bibii- next nor khabar not (after) Itir, kunlluit na khwosh gora lala kaqaz, nwlsrain nothing (nighest) wana lalzhiirl luit note rozhnama harza qulfa, dûla! na, notch tanisht, (next after) pash nice nlwarii notable no, taza newspaper quzhbin noon nostril n! ama new nook nose hêchwakhit ^ qsabatai, qsapiich, bekhud north rrashik neutral hech noose holding naw da nan nawdaraii nonsense braza, khoshkaza nestle v. net na hêchkam neither nerve naoa notice hech noun ; Ilan notwithstanding naw ' '" ba, wa - ^ VOCABULARY. nourish v. khwardaman! dan, obscure khawand! k. nourishing novelty now bequwat obscurity obstacle hêchjê ' serêshik serharz obvious numb to become tazin occasion chan! zhmardin numberless bêzhmar numeration oath occur 2'. odd barû suind ferman hal girtin, gue object n. maram object V. kharapa lai such such k., h^jiz raz! nawlstin abet, bezûr (to force) zCir lai k. taik dan, paik dan drezhotask pis, napak k., tiiranln offended, offensive offer V. obliterate v. obscene la, I offender girtin, nabiin oblong of off to be tiiran, biin rra dan oblige V. bênar ben offend?;, fermanbarl, itat fermanbar, gûradhar obligatory 4 tflsh, qomI, rCtdan riqaw! offence sakht objection der tak odour qalas obey V. kotin, deria odorous parCi obedient ish qoman, occurrence tokul obedience occupant) (work) kotin ' joz obdurate an kharlkl odious oats (of têadanishtin, o oar têadanish- ' ocean Oak jarjari danishtii, occupation zhn-iara finuq nutshell jar, kurrat tu dain nutmeg peda, hayya occupant zur ' diar occasional number v. numerous wer girtin, standln obtainable tazlwa nut labar girtin, nahish¬ obtain v. numb nurse sakht, serkho tin. ziandhar number '* glr, giradhar, berbest obstruct V. chûnek nuisance virirria, aga obstinate hêchjiirl, hêhlsh, hêch- noxious nanas- riakar, marai observant Ista, Istaka nowise tarIk, tariki obsequious nasharaza nowhere nablnra, rfui dahatiia novice 131 office siichdhar nakhwosh dan defter officer zabit official adj. rasm! official II. offspring often maamûr mindal, minal zûrwakhtan hajiz '^ VOCABULARY. 132 oil origin run oily ointment binagha pêshû, awwal original run!, riinar originate v. merhain old (of persons) pIr ornament v. old (of things) kuhan orphan zêtûn olive omit V. on ostler once one Itir otter sagavyl Ottoman jarek ought yek onion pewaz our onset palomar ours hi ema, man hi ema bepêshawa, labarawa ourselves ooze V. lai chiin, palawran out open V. (intrans.) kirranawa outbreak open V. (trans.) kirdinawa outcast opening kheal, bIr opium oppose V. la pesh westan, bar nahê- girtin, same as above beramber, pêchawana opposite oppress V. zur k. oppression zur, taada oppressive (of or men) ziukar, sharbider rre outpost output qarawul l^iderchCin laderawa oven fur, over laserawa, labanawa tandiir (weather) dolamani, zengin! overflow v. overhead lai rêzhan laserawa, overhear v. bhistin overlook v. (pardon) overseer purtuqal bakh overspread v. order v. fermiin overtake v. order n. ferman, fermû overthrow v. reik khestin dasga orifice kuna labanawa, lai bwair- sarkar orchard organisation girtua, din (of matters) tai fikrln na, yan, ta organise v. hor lazhiirawa wist, kef orange dasga, tifaq kawarozh kawarozh opulence outfit overcast dasgiran, (of weather) giran, option derawa outside lan, nahishtin opposition shun, duwa! outer outlet parzhan, firsat girtin, la pesh riiln, harraka sharbider outlaw teriak opportunity khwaman derawa outcome kiraw derz, rre, shaq, kuna opinion RomI, Usmanli abet onward open adj. bizûtinawa metar other nakirdin la, laser, ban, lazhiir razanin liatiw oscillate V. run I zêtûn olive oil habiin hal bestrawa, overturn v. owe V. owl azhIn, blao bun pai geshtin rûkhanin damokwar k. qarzdhar bûu, dêndar b. baiaqush, biim own V. khawand biin VOCABULARY. sêwan, shems! parasol khawand ox 133 parcel ga bestek, bestraii parch V. wushk k., pardon v. Pace (step) gaw, hangaw pacify V. pack pare v. aram k lai bwardin pak k. parentage bar, ta parents baok o daik! baok o daik pack animals wiilakh parish package parliament packet bestek, bestraii same as above packhorse pad parrot barglr packsaddle part padlock page qifil part n. butperest etc.) la naowana, la.glrl, laingni participate v. êshîn, zhan k painful beêsh, cshîn partner party jiit yaria k., taikal b. sherik, rafikh, taikal partridge reng, biiyagh piir, kot, ko komal pass n. gelQ, kal, bwar palace sera! pass V. bwardin palate mulashii pass up V. hal dan pass by v. lai bwardin pale bSreng zinj, têman palisade palm, date palm, passable darlkhurma (of hand) passage bar I dast, lep palsy paltry wurd, naqabil panel cho panic ters, sam hanisik paste birrin panther paper parade pes shiiani hawlr pasturage palang kaqaz rasmlgechi henaska Iamopesh, jaran rra bwardiia pastoral pastry dan, qîndhar tezkere past, In the past, In maian dan jam, chengala pant V. qin, riq, harrasha passport swêna, lanjina pane rêwang, sernishin passenger passionate lerz pamper v. pan pitapit k. biir bwar, rre passion I dast naomist palpitate v. taik bela, laglr, ladhar partiality pain i\ pair (locality) partial êsh, zhan paint rope, ladew dolcha, satil pain (of pichirran parra pall piska bash, kut, par part V. parii pagan mejlis tiiti parsimonious kurtan, palik goshagira paddle garrak quruq, lawar, chan patch n. pIna patch V. pinan, pIna k. path rre, piarê patient bedang patriotism wilatperest! VOCABULARY. 134 patrol penknife paswan, nawach! pattern nimiina pauper kawil, people bêshshtê, hit, V. alat perennial perfect giro dan pay V. dan, para dan pay n. mash, muzd, sakh, tawaw kirê, bewefa perforate v. kiinkun k. bezûr perforce payee parastan perform v. payer paradhar performance kirdua pea para ntik, (wild) polka peace askan, dilasû peach nCik, tCik, ser pear harm! perjury ladêwi, jotyar, guran pedigree pedlar ^ rredan, hishtin, helan perpetually shiwanin perplexed, to be tokul pak k., lai pest persecute v. persevere o. pest peep V. seratatia k. peevish badfasaal, rutirsh persist V. pen see " fold " for animals person kas pen qalam personal bezûr hatin a nao, tai qultahin, tai chiin penis kir penitent pashiman tai zur k. telash hal surran, telash Persia Eran, Ajam sing, mekh penetrate v. man, k. peg qalamlqurqurshiin rra man perseverance kandin pencil rast her perplex v. za (intrans.) peel n. tai keraû bun rredan, izin, dastûr permit v. pia, zlam bunawa (trans.) drii khwar¬ hamiiwakhtl perpendicular cherch! peel V. I suindldrû permission pea pedestrian suind permeate v. nûk dan peck V. taik chun permanent cho, wurdaberd pedal wakhit din sQf, merwar! pebble bSamnI, ters perjure v. tails peasant bashk, dabê perish v. peak pearl ben perhaps period kokh peacock kirdin perfume peril asht! peaceful pai hamCisalana perfidious mangana, rozhana payment cho bilan, bashk, dabê perchance berdposh lep, pe pawn V. din, ditin, kotin rraman paving paw pepper perceive v. ruit. pause qalamtash kasan, khalq warris k. hikho perspiration perspire v. persuade v. perturbed peruse v. khii, haraq haraq k., khii dan XÖ.7A k. pashoka, damaw khuinin, khwandin danga. da chiqanin. miqash pinch V. plank (of bridge) pea pig diar. hajl play V. habb plea bisha gech sakii yar! k. hal deraniii pal. paraninawa pillage n. da riian plantation kotir pilgrim renga plaster plate koma. plead v. desht plait M. plane n. ast fruit) renin pick up V. shaman pledge sanjaq pincers please v. galek pliable darachami pmk giro plentitude gaz. kut. bInra V. pirr biin ziir. nerm . qui. chogêri pity derman pick V. pleasure jotyar (fowl) hal kandin haiozha plumage tiik plummet shaiil! . pista damancha qol. lai kirdinawa pick to pieces v. khwosh pillar kulaka pillow serrin danga. bêchogêrî rahm. pine pai khwosh biin khwosh!. parcha pier da nan plain n. talan pleasant khosh. ICil. qizgwan. kun k. spldar takhta plant V. gom. plum kart. talan k. pestilence petal nakhoshl.gaz plot garden lakhwaters Iwrl. zerderêzh pimple pin plenty nuqurch girtin pinion pliers d'ana plot surekl siplvvasli pious pipe (tobacco) sabll. chal pluck V. par. plain adj. komal pilfering rengin. danik pistol tagblr plough qaniia pips chamlnawal. lai bzhardin pick off V. (of hal girtin pick out V. nasakhi pitch gla petition petroleum pith nafit photograph akis. chinjik. rena k. jot k. pill splndar. honin plane tree naqsh pierce v. pacha picture je (where something else has been) shiin. (broadcast) da wushanin baraz pile honraii plane v. pistachio pit plough V. bianû pillage V. plait tirsh! piece place V. qlr pitcher arzohal phlegm 135 dor! plateau daladiz! ban platform zawar. berahm. pickaxe pickle pigeon tai chun.VOCABULARY. ask place (flowers) chinin. goza kuruk pitiless balgham physic zift. ploughman nawuk. diikan jot kelan. tela police goza. dabê possible to be bêzûr.a. jar potent beziir pottery gorani..t. akis. wa'z k. behazh. pony tai fikrin. pot. twanran v. pekar possess V. khaki popular (of a person) khosha¬ wist. nwêzh preach v. betaw powerful beziir. dasalat. reik khestin rra gêanin. pis k. gûlaw. a. (intrans. hasp. kelii poem gorani poet point niik nûkar fKiinted poison pole zhar polls polish V. ia pesh tai fikrln prepare khawand bun possession rêzha ' . girifaii predecessors peshlnan portion bash portly gozagerl pouch precious porcelain porch gozasiirkeraw a powder tiiz runak dan adabana pond potsherd raqa.) nuqum b. asp pool giilaw. power ziir. population porous portent porter kasan fakhfiir dalan awkesh nishana! duwai hamal pour V. bêshshtê dakotfia poplar chenar poppy gulanlsan populace kasan. dIza nin. prayer kharik biin nwêzh k. presence present rii ?.) nuqum k.) pregnant qalao portrait possible turwa. nahishtin la pêshawa wutiii predict V. poverty nabiini prematiire position je possessor rezhan prejudice laglrl naqsh. nishlvv preclude v. tai k. plunge V. awis zu. behazh khawand! khawand abet. diza biin. kulûz. water plunge (trans. precaution pashbliiT. lapêshwakhit premeditate v. shê'r poetry koz.) dan. polite pollute V.136 VOCABULARY. plump tialao plunder post talan plunderer talankar posta pot manjala. gomaw poor kawil. ginin precipice kan. lala khoshtir bim awis.) rêzhanin. prefer v. sewlbinarz potter sha'ir tanjara. betaw powerless practical kirdawa!.. gomaw ponder v. pai gêanin pêshak! dan prepay v.irl. diirbln! precede lapesh kotin qlmati. paraninaw-a pray V. kirdin! practice kharlkbiin practise v. hfizli. potato pocket pod girlfan purk. (intro¬ duce) la pesh henan . (intrans. asip. (trans. kIs. hal (trans. kiilaka. rast der henan.VOCABULARY. der parin La! prove V. Istaka presently pashtir preserve o.) bekhew k. pêda procure r. pesh bin! profit sharaza ciazHnj prudent nezik! hoshar. nahishtin. prosperity dolamani prostitute protect ganda V. der henan parezan bekhew. (Muslim) feqa. bash propose V. mindal pêshchiin. chak biin. (for children. banlkhana prisoner hapsI. pressure pastinawa. kharapa girtin private chol. chapker printlnghouse prior chapkhana pêshtir. drezh k. protract v. etc. ban! chilnl o. pêda k. pretext kho bedrii k. prosper awwal chap k. kheal biin proposition proprietor mala. bhana shirin. prmter chapchi. khahvat protrude v. bartir previous nêchlr price prolong V. kutan priest shakh gita. darparlwa prompt prevention nê. keshlsh. khahvat! ranga kheal khawand privacy probable raz! k. proclamation dolaman bii choll. propitiate v. dan province welat provisions khwardaman! profanity kufr proximity proficient prudence hosh.gaarl. prodigal dasblao produce u. danawa prey nahishtin pêshtir. dozlnawa. qsa dan promise ti. shelanin prohibit V. sht-kh. provide v. prospect shaza prmcipal print 0. qsa pride wiqar (Christian) gurj promptitude gurj! property h! pêkhambar qas. proportion qasha. jûan. pretty prevent /'. man projecting promontory barrobirr pêshchû pêshkotin proud drezh k. 137 profound quel.k. promise v. iiimat prick V. ruishtin ferman procurable hayya. khawand protest V. soghat (time) ista. progress parastxn-v parezan nê k. prince gora k. hosliiar. pilishanin prohibition presumption (impertinence) cha awasin pretend v. parastin. agaar . isbat k. bartir pêshlati priority prison hapiskhana. proceed v. nahishtin press V. protection same as above protector parezar. a. qiil progency minal. (gift) diari. present h. prophet * bha. luit promote v. lashiina rrûln. pilas. zung quagmire la keshan charwa (of horses only) taikal chiin. pirs ruit. tiiran quarrel /. giiring. der chiiu palawtin purloin V. purple genagena quit 0. pull down V. kisa pursue V. jilderaii chapao railing railroad têman shemandafêr rain V. haraka berdazebra pump quake v. tutik quote 0. rag la dan put right -It. prune halosha public khalq puff (of wind) girriba pull V. (hunting) nechlr quarter chwarek sêmangana punch ' sikhurma quarterly punctual bewakht question puncture kuna questionable punish V. qalabaliq (human) khalq. behê quinine sakh purgative ISf. sharr. put aside ''. baran . ziikh push la qsa I yekltir wutin dizIn miir purpose lai chiin. jinis quantity nabis. millat radiant . Quadruped rra keshan.. pirsyar. R kalk Rabbi khakham rabbit kerwishk purposely anqasd rabble purse race kIs. parro rage labar k. riinakl. gurj. chak k. pull out V. dan palamar raft rra dan nan put on 0. qurraw. harra. urqan quince kiryar jlwa bedang quilt kirrin jepirsin zii. ganlwa dastak. putrefy v. put down V.138 VOCABULARY. put V. para radiance radish nan. quality shêlawa pulp lîta. hal keshan pull aside v. kaiita qin ragged raid turp kuhana. draosh! kalak rafter push aside V. keshan pull up V. barIn ram n. pullet quail karawala da keshan der keshan jiijik pulse pumice lerzin jûrek. da nan ganIn putrid gania. riinak kem. tiir quarry turumba hangiek quarrel v. tung quicksilver shagird purchase v. jeza dan. beshim kotin pus V. nu'. darman I rawan! purify V. pai geshtin quick punishment pupil jeza puppy purchaser pure quiet gujalka. geshtin read v. kem k reduction kem k. b»kra re-establish v. stfininawa rectangular chargue dîsan bim. tai fikrln. quch rancid labar rebuke o. haq reduce o. to be talan rascal hsêb k. rainbow palkaashufatma. bebin k. raw ray shiw. baran. pirchîasmang raise v. pan dan chirlnawa. sp! k. reason hal reassure v. zhmardin recline v... as!. rast k. ziir qamish tashi.. shaqashaq k. reconcile to. ilmokhabar receive v. rapid rrtiinawa reckon v. ber! recall v. girtin. recover o. zil. recognise v. redundant reed reel zla. razor riikhanin guezan reach v. girtinawa pfil dan recognised. recommend v. reaper diroker refrain ! da mazraninawa qai k. tai geshtin rra heaii asht! refine v. zar- rlnosîmlna.^ hal bizwanin. ladil bim rapacious bang kir¬ gesht. lablr bim recollection lablr sipardin sipardin recompense kharaman reconcile v. recent hangaw ransom recede v. hendek rattle o.. gurj rapine wer girtin amchanwakhta reclaim v. reik khestin. khaw bruska. dinawa tirsh rancour ra aparmu k. reap v. khuinin readable ready real bun kalarrash ravine khoshkhuin reik khestiia. bêbîr mishk rather n a tj d ê. red al. amawa rast realize v. siir redbreast redress ferrnagiila char. ram range garran rape fekak rapidity rare gandakhwardin ziil. receipt qin rankle v. rat rebel shana rally v. shak. rra man das lai nadan . (of young) bar henan hal kishmish rake pisht. gird bun ramble v. (of people) asht kirdinawa reconciled to. kêshanin raisin rear 139 nwîsln record v. kem rash n. berz k. shiinda rear v. duwa. dinitin reflect v. gurjT zidkazidka bêkhöal. biinwa recur v.VOCABULARY.to be reconciliation wirr raven nasran recollect v. briqa reae v. to rra henan (somewhat) rave v nasIn recommendation tarrannish rash adj. dol nakulia. taza kirdinawa refreshment remedy khwardaman! refrigerate v. yadgari lablr khestin remission qabiil lablr bun remembrance remind v. rely on 0. replete bar biin askan k. biyek awa. wound) chak kirdinawa repeat v. ) mawa. jawab repose ( khabar dan askan. das ra girtin mat bim. gutinawa. rejoin v. sar or. jiit kirdinawa relapse v. barbûn release v.. wurdamawa remorse shaana regiment lai remit v.'arin regenerate v. pashiman reimburse v. wektl lapesh girtin jêf . or. remainder da nanawa report v. reins no kirdinawa renounce defter biin reign no kirdinawa renewal nawana regret v. nasrau. jawab dan.140 VOCABULARY. kholomol regal remnant regard v. raz! same as abo\-e refuse n. hal girtin. pan a refusal nakirdin. dasparzhan released. nardii. (a person) la biin. bar dan remain o. disan waitin repairs (trans) kirdin¬ relations (intrans. yarl. bwardin kut. la bircliir deranin renew v. barrala k. kiilaiii- ditwan repeatedly chiinawa relax v. kirdinawa zin. asû repose v. manawa bim. zinga regeneration hawala. repentance kotinawa khizman relieve v. aala! register duer remove i'. toba relaxation relinquish v. reject v. remittance nabiin refuse v. sahul.ga biinawa das lai hal girtin- renowned blao. kirê. bar dan nerm bun man tai nanawa. barat pashlmani remote nw. disan gutin repent v.gii-- be tlr reply v. (a case) gutin ^ representative repress i'. asûlat! religion repentant replenish u. region rend v. v. da . reply w. sist kirdinava relent v. man- shûr saltanat rent para danawa reiterate u. (a pinaparii repartee ahamani k. zuqum kirdinawa refuge darman remember v. yaria repair v. hasanawa represent v. bIr. ehawan. din. pashiiT. bawir^ cho pashii replace v. tinawa askan. asii k.) release n. to be v. refresh c. nawa danawa rejoice v. (money) hawala Ic. her pashiman biin toba k. kera reopen dastijilo reinforcement relief v. pashlmam. ma:f!r reprimand amiizharl. shiin resume v.. gerr khwar¬ khulln khulanin reward istlfa k. pir. rigid rim rast dad. hurmat lai girtin rice respectful beadab respiration henas respite rest V. right /. rundhar suwar restless pirinj chaltiik rider rest n.) .gir¬ resin rhubarb lapesh rra westan rib abrû. dolaman. naw revelation request î'. naslhat retention gildanawa reprove v.) hasanawa restore v. nabiin riq. result dantela. bar! revolve v.. raq llw rlnce V. (in rimi. pash chunawa jumhur! repudiate v. seza return v. bwardin 141 retainers pishtamal. ring bekhud tfenk tai ber dan khishta. revenge v. hishtinawa. laimawa resign v. okhwar k. disan das girtin dukandar gil dan husk) zengin (food) suw-fir biin (intrans. tin. diar k. halusha (give back) danawa (remake) kirdinawa restrain v. ride i'. nan asin repugnant. v. qin revive v. pan dan retire reptile janbar republic retreat v. resemble i). hal . gerek bim gerek rescue v. girtela birinj.sinawa ridge rlz (trans. pêcliawana reverse i'.. resist v. haq wishk. reputation require v. reprieve v.) hasaninawa ridiculous asii rifle bêaram. rifleman tfenkch! right adj. beabni (horizontally) bakhshish rheumatism binisht respectable garran. harraka din cherikhin. rich parzhan responsibility ba rcwSs parasii respect ». to be repulsive beduwa! (same as above) retribution bazran riqaw! hatinaw"a reveal v. wistin revenge requisite wistin. resentment residence haq standi n m:il reverse lai chun pai khosh reservoir diarbiinawa dizhmini. pash.. retailer retain v. je. nahishtin duwai. amustwana halq (finger. reservation dagirtûa revolt reserve v. gil dim residue pechawana k. zingu kirdinawa revolution hoz mal. gûrraw. haq revenue rizgar k. wiqardar. resent v. chunawa. hiirmat ribbon respect v. khanii dam¬ as!.VOCABULARY. gulbakh rosetree semûr sabre shir sack liiska. wêran k. rra k. gerr. gurls. safety khuijui kiz!. kebab ruler roar v. resen. tilan (trans. giirraw rouse V. gêhla rout ripen v. adabsiz river cham. jerdai zil. ripe geshtii.) pai gêanin row hal westan. lai dan rot V. wOraii ruin V kharap k . (intrans.) brzhin rule V. gulabakh sadness safe n. tanaf rosary rose tirnan. tawir. top roll V. pash okanin ruin n kelawa. kherr khûsln. mat! amin.) khullnawa. adabsizi tarramash ruffle V garran zhakanin. tarramash roll n. korrin dizin robust rock rod dizI.) brzhanin rule V roast n. khiisanin hal khiisanin riot ashûb. tol rogue rastakêsh (gover¬ nor) hukmdar diz. git rocky berdalan tilana. serban. dilglr saddle zln saddlebag patik. da razin. roast V. khulaninawa bagirdên roller rolllngpin roof ser. khatar rude nasaz.) tilanin. rob giirln. girr rumble v. rise risk hal westanin shikan (intrans. iF^ussla rust gurrma k. tlrok Sable guldar. hukumat k. run V. ring V. amn pan:! I ' . (trans. jerda. juwal sacrifice sad qurban mat!. kizalati. serkhanii room root oda rag rope tasblh gul.) geshtin route (trans. (the sun) hal hatin rubbish (of price) zia bim ruby yaqût bêamnl.142 VOCABULARY. rise u. rez royal shaana sûanawa (water in a well) hal gozin rub V. bitaw bardazil. kiz. ringlet pirch. aw rivulet road jugala rre roam v. rinse V. (intrans. rtis/ zheng rustic ladew! rustle' V rye khishakhish k rashrash biin. saniiqlasui safe adj. gilo biin. ashqîa robber robbery hukm rasta. palka rotten darazia rough zebir round khesht. kholomol rudeness ruffian nasaz!. hal biziitin (of fruit) ganIn rre qatar. qapan scalp pestaser scanty scar scarcity scare v. tam saying n. satisfactory chnlc. Saturday Shemii screen saucepan manjala. samt pIr sake khatir. garr. raz! Ic.VOCABULARY. qirzh b. scatter v. ilm scissors miqash hal scoundrel meshiila Satan maktab scour V. renin scream v. siitanin seal miir (fish) piilaka terazii.) (trans. burgh! scrub V. Shaitan scrap marr bun. da kirranin saturated pirr scream «. diimin secondly slamaninawa. tashin. bash scratdi v. hait screw V. m'ash scent feriish ran saline shuer zard same sal am nimiina sanction sand rre daij muallim. harra scaffold scale taibin fikrln. wutin scab pewa girtin ba dan scrutinise V. hal vvushanin feriish saleable 143 secret as above pan!. pashakot savour b. qamiaia scales taiblnl sharrik. saucer zherplfda save V. qazan screen v. taiblnl dar. pashkhestiia. kem shimbrln scarce '' k. pech. haraw. an! secretarj' katib. (money) gird k savings saw pash khestin (persons) rizgar k. nwlsar secrete v. seat biikasamakara slamlnawa bo garran fasil nishlman! diiini. -warrman gutin. to be v. . tersanin liik. harra say V. lim sandfly kitabi scorch v. siinawa scrupulous qsa scrutiny scuffle qatmagha scurf kresh sea deria scald V. kharashin. scout pishtên sash school sutanin. arra.) blao k. mum derz second kem! scarecrow ssam season kem scared. qizhanin qizh satisfy V. slahl scholar schoolmaster khu! salutation blao ben schedule sallow salt (intrans. mamusta ' science zanal. screw n. hal bzrkan masa.shardinawa tai . haram sample p!o! kharap siinawa qalawis scowl V. seallngwax search V. kut satisfaction razlbiiii scrape v. labar ' salary sale mangana.. to be v. khalatanin din. tuezh k. set V. seem v. shade v. wan separate v. chuauin senses hotmin. hot! hota v. bardast!. seldom riianawa set down v. beîsli. pchrin khowlst sensation hewda hotmin.) ra wushanin chatisli bardast. malnishin gundl. sentry serge nawachi. set up V. service jia k.144 VOCABULARY. jur share o. (intrans. sebar shakaniii chokha sergeant hal sêbar shake off v. severe gora sense hewda! jia kandin. jia separation duranin. kuskêsh servile bestin secure adj. awa! hot seventhly ferûshyar senior (of hquids) bin girtin . 0. da birrîn jiai. duranin. khwa seller settle V. shun servant kalapcha. awêni security sedentary goran. shadow bekhud sensual kandin. bash k. khizmat k. duerl duwai. tw seek V. settle V. sever khogirtin. palbend sêbar k. khizmat takanin shake up v. takhm. hot! seventy hal bzhardin send I'. fam sensible hal sakht. . khulta sedition marai. settle V. share n. (trans. askan. kutkut k. bekalk serviceable bash drii shame shalqanin . shikanin. bash sharp tuezh sharpen v. ran.) ra wushaii shake v.) da mazranir seventeenth kho.girtin self-control sell V. feriitin nardin. shatter i'. tung shade fam senseless Icandin.g dan seep I'. pas¬ serve v. tahrik seduce v. dew! sediment see I). self da nan rast k. shake v. sharm shamefulness shameless shape ruswai. settlement bo garran seen. awên panhan!. aqil sequel several feriishtin. dasga (of sun) awa biin . cho pai kotin seed tiim. (of shoes) diroshln hosh. set V. khejalat besharm rang. panhan.) da mazrin seventh select V. sham separate duriin. dItin.. set aside v. set n. (trans. seventeen binran kemwakhta selfish la da nan (intrans. chan shackle waq. secretly bidiz! section secure v. khizmanchî bardast! k. palawran seize V. ashiib.. khogirt! sew behosh zhindost sentinel. seven man. tfenk khestin (front) nishanga shooting hawishtin (back) qarawul shop dukan shore l!w. sigh n. panaî shelter shelter v.) pana bun shuttle makiik (trans. la. binj hal julan.) parastin shy adj.. bedang awrshem silkworm silly kirmlawrshem bekhud. bestin. shortsighted shot kembîn ishara k. lai bestin sêwan. amar shed V. mil (of hill) noqa shoulderblade signet kolinj imza miir bêdangî silence silent silk sachnia shoulder nishan signature bamzû! shortly sign n. par sieve lerzîn lapirraka shoe nasakh. akh. da khestin shut down v. shed shun I'. posh shrine she o. raqala khwar ! azhnii shine v. piich. hal bestin shell tokul shut out V. tirash k. hawar keshan silver shove V. kenar short kurt shorten v. kurt k. shak. shred shavings telash. shiny sick diraoshin shingle ship keshtî. (intrans. shin shutter takhtapeshpenjlra . sign V. bekho keshan shrivel V. wakh sigh I'. binai gun) shoot V. shan. (vision) cho. bemar sickness runak shock shermin rra parrin. shave v. baosh sheaf khurl birrînawa shear v. awa kûlish. merkeb shirt kiras side dasiila. salamlnawa sickle zIkh shiver v. lerzin duer kotin shut V. pala bêzhanin sift I'. yemeni. dasulka kaosh. kalash. batal shout V.145 VOCABULARY. pas. kut khaniqa shrink v. wak hervvha bêpang (of a . palamar dan silversmith shovel show V. shower parO. bekho keshan shroud kifin shears piring shrub sheath kelan shrug V. shy V. bêzhinh. kawir sheet shan bizwanin shudder i'. serdoshek da bestin shelf takhta shut up I'. khakanaz nishan dan pala zlv\- similar similarly simple zeringer waku. akh keshan sight qundara shoemaker kaoshch! nasakhi dlw. bang k. da rishanin sheep mar. da nishtiii sit up V. z h i n k h o s h k.gar sincere dilrast.. six naotengok. shash! skewer skim V. slau. (to sub¬ side) da rriiin sleepy sleet bewanoz siichar slender sip V. beyek since lawakht. bend! sleepiness tak sink V. drang. wanoz bekho pursha sinner sister kushtin zerkirri. shanza sixteenth slim slip V.146 VOCABULARY. chak kuchalaser. hal quranin slice khoshk sister-ln-law slight shiibra sit V. hal nishtin situation ji shanzal sixth. khiziii figure) naotengok (of (quantity)' kem nishtin sit down V. kasaser sky asmang slab takhta slack qurr qalmaseng khizin slipper silt shil slacken!'. tuwaninawa smile zardakhaiia smith asinger smithy nsingerkhana smoke v. niistin sleep «. simpleton goj simplify v. hasan k. khotin. atak. slain kiizhraii da kotin kalash derz slope n.) Iii-n (trans) ben k. qusûr. pest skin V. qash slide V. sixthly sixtieth sixty shashmîn.ghter slave rag sinful kuzhanin. lar chun slay V. dilpak sincerity smew rast! single khuinin kushtin sleep V. a. slumbes v. kho sleepless nuqum bim. " if") chunki. smelt V. or. qabahat sin (lime) (thirst) shikanin hewash. shikanin smell ben smell V. pest kandin skip !'. d'jkal bun . khwardinawa smoke /. slant V. simultaneous wayek. bazîn skull dawên. giran. shil k. siichar sing V. shest! size gora! skirt sling (up) barozhûrl (down) baozherl. shash sixteen hal khiliskan. shest skeleton naotengok. (intrans. khotin hlla small ^ pchiik. wurd smallpox haola smash v. du. slake V. slaked (lime) kuzhraii slander buktian siich. naotjabarik slime slip down V. (meaning " as". askalat shish lai girtin akin n. sly niistin. awanda soap souvenir dîar! tai chiin sow V ask society (of a stream) chIm soft nerm barazlma sower space je spacious pan nerm k. kem! somewhere kurr spear yewakhtl. khankanin qachaq k. spade bêl softeness nerin! span bist. kuzhani- rifanin sneak v. khol soldier ' tiider soften I'. sada. chughull k. zawa song sorry pizhmin snore V. nafar. dl. kasek something sometime spark spate tinia! somebody spare v. dang shurwa snowshoes layan soak V. da chanin sow n kasan. jarjar iozek. soli .VOCABULARY. chan! somehow hachjûrl special shshtek somewhat hendek. binpê (of boot) binkaosh sole . aram k sore adj. smooth reik. qaim. takt. jeik naqdê. solid some spawn chan. arz. bafr barIn soup sour source wha. brin sorrow kizi. nCza makhsus specially har. soil V. pirkhapirkh snort V. k. qsa k. no soul jan snout luit sound snow bafr sound n. harbo specie jarekl. yadak pruska chûelaka lafaw maslkera gutin. sakh so so soon as < ed) dilgiran pirrmin snow 0. son-in-law gueran! soon zil soothe V. sneeze v. 147 khezana specimen speck khala spectacles speech \ nimiina ainak zaman I and . snake mar snare daf. tu wushanin. dilgirani (regretful) pashii. qawl solitary son spar pis k. sort jiir. wakhtik sometimes finger bwardin speak V. sparrow tinia solitude (of dar spare adj. (griev¬ adj. Itis smother v. tala snatch v. khaki sod sercho south lakhwarii khiisanin sabiin sob tirsh (origin) binagha ki soak In v. zil. be êsh sore «. dumal. (a fire) aawa (a person) smuggle V. . asker qurs. thumb) kulanj ard. staff kich tf k. dolet statement station wut. bahar. da cbalakanin. stammering shaq wa stamp n. bezhn rra . splnningwheel spinster kharrak spit V. spendthrift sphere spy ktierj k. westaii stationery kaqazana stature anam. (place) je spout naokha.) derz dan. hatin. slamaninawa starvation state birslati mirl.. da chalakin startle v. bela splash V. dasblao squall kherr! square spider jajalû spin V. ba dan aw wushanin spread v. (to cause to revolve) squint khêl squirt fichka spin V. spleen qurs tawlla dar stage riq spoon tirinjan. kowchik (chase) rraw (speck) khala. spoke k. start rre kotin (jump) v. (of a journey) qonagh stagger v. hawa' spontaneous sport k. kanI. shapul dan stagnant shapul stain sipul chiqil split V. rra kh. shelanin. surranavxa spire blao k. sprout V. qushin. . tash! stable adj. rriiln splash n. pala staircase splinter spoil V. kanI. pastinawa . pilakana sing stalk lasik shaq birdin. rishanin spin V. (trans. kharap spot bekho kawchi. . wutin qonagh stationary rrawestati. pillshanawa squeak v. rra 'wcstrai stand up v. beklienjer lai dan stable n. speed zil!.. stand V. tung! spend ?>. ken! awushênl k. munar spite gushin. fotanin darlrastaka sponge labela laka. naokh spout (of utensila) liila sprain v. -- (revolve) gerr khwar¬ din spin buliik girriba squander v. darmanlchêsht spice jasiis squadron squash V.gerr dan. zika k. spray v. pai malln. chinanawa. zirrnia- zirrm k. rûaii spur (of a hill) shakh (in riding) mamzji stamp lalapata pill v. star hal westan astêra starch nishasa start V. water sprinkle v. spindle diikh. rra chinin. chwargue westan.14<S VOCABULARY. baharan spring. 7'.) stake derz birdin. shalaqanin. spring da khestin. westaii (intrans. (wool) rêslu stab V. squeeze v. stool man. hangaw gueraw! chinja. frtana story straight (as of bills) hal chespanin stick laqlaq nan nakar' stick amar. stride strife stomach zik strike I'. stink ziir giran nasharaza. gazin. hêz behêz k. chaqlii 0. chilka. rra westan rrawêstaû steady dizIn stealthy dizI. dan. bawapiara stepmother der! stork stove gaw. stocking .) khankanin still qalao stranger da chaqln •ötick together v.) rra westanin steed charwa. rast street bênlpls stir V. chaqln stick n. straggler stream pIska. (of women) zik- chespin.. stay V. drezh k. pash kotin khat cham. bukhar steep (intrans. raqq stifle 0. berdal-ana rra keshan. amarta. shllawl wishk. tllnia dan. sticky serguzasht strain v.) khankin rrawêstaû n. strength stirrup stone da pashkotii straighten pewa dan. jiiga kiilan. (of a person) biizhaninawa stress taik dan. kwanik streak (trans. harraka lai khestin (of fruit) string strip V. ku taw. stripe rlsl. ambar stow V. stiff stout strange stick fast V. ganlii herd. strengthen v.. band ruit k. hazh. sharr. sting V. (of ob¬ jects) rra girtin. zikêsh tawer. garran. (as in mud) hal peik chespin dar. tliadar chespin.149 VOCABULARY. tai rast k. mgherl. ninokwishka stink II. khankanin strap q-aish straw kah stray v. shalaqanin awzeng! stitch taqala ziir stretch v. V. gaw. steam chwarpê stoop V. (as of stomachache k.) (trans. nanasraii. strain n. bajgia steel kho chamanin stop V.. bedizi stopper pola see " uphill " & "down¬ lasik bênlpls stench step sterile bawazhin wishk. steal V. lis. zQr k. lai . amar chizii a chemical) kezanin stingy iDukherl. aw. naiik keshan. jeng. hangaw stepfather westan store storm ward " stem rra glraû stopped up biiq. in lekin. (intrans. nan. kharib strangle v. hawIn hataw stupid goj. ban jarra ziai waq wer henan da man kho hawishtin a la î'.. mangirtiia same as above stun V. lanakaw keshan khafanin dilnia. burruwa surrender v. behêz strong struggle 0. zêbîn sulks man sulky riqdhar. stuck. das pai henan bezur. supply V. lajati subtract v.VOCABULARY. hal surran success supple surface lai kem k. awin. yaria pai k. jiua subdue zhêrdast V. ziirdhar. parêz stubble stud sufferer telash k. subordinate guliberozh rohalat supplicate V. surround tai alln chwarla girtin surroundings chanokharan. rikar pastinawa sullen hal kotin. peik hatin waku mizhin suckle V. itat. such paranawa gêanin suppose V. to be awdar succumb V. tai tirinjan (religious) (secular) darskhuin bas. sufficient sugar talaba ' bas kirran suffocation bismar student kesh suffice V. beje success. no. style khankanin khankin khuinin study v. stuff V. to be a.SO strive V. zherdast zhian subsistence khurawa supervise v. suppress V. chimlatl. lapirrika. bazhêrdast hatin submit V. shiw sure giirl. succeed v. shikanin submerge nuqum biin submersion nuqumbiin subsequent subsist V. bes shakar suicide kho kuzhdin suit V. l. hal anûtin stumble c. sunset henan. supper support V. wha. begizh chun qalash. kotin such as khafanin suppression surprise v. to be v. ser. suffocate v. (on animals) ser sum dan sulphur sultry guird kawarohz stump kotara summer sun behosh k. survivor ' . Suspect V. kar Sunday sturdy zil sunflower stutter V. V. zhêrdastl submission Yekshemii sunrise lalapata k. gar¬ rak mizhanin survive v. chowerl k. bekhew k. zinga man zingamawa zanin . stroke V. malln. surprised. surplus peikhat succulent chamlnawal surgeon henan. guman k. sudden suffer X). awanda suck V. substitute pashawa zhian peik henan. shiwanin tangle n. swallow n. hal awlstin. tangible khiizgln. birdin derawa birdin da kandin serbiser dan sermimk teeth d an telegram telegraph keshan take out v. suind khwardin sweep V. tale qiit dan. khasanin swing V. (of time) take away v. fêrker girtin. hal khestin suspicion take up I'. qurraw. parasilka tall qsa k. (intrans. s-way -^.syrup talû task kha¬ latanin. hal girtin take down i'. swell V. nawar. hal tasteless hawêshl diar! tawny tax fichka tea betam baj. telephone telescope tell V. zung talons swarm (bees) kuwar tambourine kho rra wiishan swear v. sword biziitinawa shir sympathy symptom syringe . drezh swamp llta. mal mallat cha! teach V. telegraf têl telefon diirbln gutin .. malln. deran (trans) deranin tear n.VOCABULARY. ciaitan target nishana. hal khalatanin. cheshtin teacher Table dol kewl. to be i'. fer k. swelllngl awsawa tape swift la k. peshtakh- ta. shik. armaj malawan swindle!. sweep away v. masa. dasgiran Ish tassel rlshii taste V. khayyat chezhîn bur taxation dûshap chezhin. galta k. mail tan r. tall slifra riidoz k. dabbakh lai dan qlr. zift tares maki k. swerve v. take off V. gesik k. 151 bekhew k. charpê. tar tung swim V. sweet sweetmeat shirin! gIranIn. guman sustain V. swimmer binraii tangle î'. kilk tailor take V. stanin. dastakhan tablecloth tack 7'. khwar henan taken. suspend v. shirin sweetheart chengr tame rra malln biran serguzasht swallow V. asr tease i'. chaîan tear v. nasanin. da jiilii talk I'.) derran.. dabbakh k. teapot teat derzl. naoyek tank hoz tanner awsan tap 7'. hal awasin. larr! terrible samar.. ian thought them awan. 152 temper thereupon khii temperature sarogarm! these tempest tofan. harrasha threaten v. ziada thirteenth gun twanawa sianza! s! am. thirst tersanin terror ters thirsty test V. hiinraii this textile than la thank v. malawa! (dem) aw. chiqil those (dem) tu " thou theft diz! though their hiawan. taifikrin befikr thoughtless befikr awwakht. thanks that malawa! k. hagarish fikr. tam k. term awan thickness dah tenant beawa amana thin aniustela. dê thrash v. Itir. kishtaban taniik. awjarl thousand hazhar then conj. it thing shsht think I'. ser dizIn ran thimble rrashamal tenth.VOCABULARY. nazik (white) khwt. machir thread v. tin! sianza. (of beings) larr thine hitu. tawaw k. thirteen testicles tether pêbaii. taibin! k. three harrasha dan slan thresh v. shukur. thirdly terrify i'. tinltl pewa k. tenthly tepid hastûr. kutan threshingfloor shiinkharman threshlngmachine thrice sêjar janjar . ian thoughtful khwaian aw. dl. tai fikrln thinness taniikl. akhir. (rel) ki thaw I'. pêbast thirty chlnraii. termination hastiir! thickest thief esikgiran diz thigh pash. ama thistle sertash! thong qaisli thorn dirrik. samnak third. threat iwe awan tu then adv. (black) mal. thence (pron) awana thee themselves suimin tin!. frtana they temples naocho thick ten tenacious tent barmada têanlshtiia tender dahi dahmin shêlatên wakhit terminate v. kutanin thenceforth there thread liwe liwe there is hayya there is not nia thereafter liwêpash therefore labarîama therefrom therein liwe lawnawa risi. awana. (of liquids) khas thieves v. d'anêsh jajll topknot torn bestin tie to V. tin kêsal halmaqii k. lafaw ' toss i. sanat trader cherchi. toothpick top khwat khutiika k. touch wakhit.'hata time azar. it tickle I'. îsh k. tijaret k. khestin time) tozek. kirrinoferiish- tin.. naw a. thumb kel nêrapshê tomcat la. qor tomb giro throb V. da khestin too penjaîastûr Thursday thus thy tie V. lanao. tower burj dastaser town shar. timid shlwaw'. throne takhit throng komal through tongs khestin. teng k. man!. beyek pai malln transcribe i'. bazar trace shun tithe iishr trace v.153 Vi CABULARY. tie together I'. tobacco to-day toe lai dilnazik ma. miqash tongue zaman fere dan to-night throw down v. throw V. to man! k. bo. rra keshan towards bela towel khaoll. êsh dirawa tortoise kashI till gufka torment torrent lai bestin tiger ser torpid peik bestin tai bestin tie on I'. tersinuk tanuka tiny pêchapêch das lai ztirwurd jarek. larii nwislnawa . (lon. trade n. together toll baj lagalyek. touchy dar (one time) time) damek. bêani to-morrow tea throw away v. track piarre tracks shun trade v. bazirgan. gûr. tujar toll V. tile timber total hamii V. tough (short tour garran tow i'. d'an toothache Penshemu Itu. throat tombstone pitapit k.g sist. tambakii amrozh penja shim der k. sis tortuous ta. palang tight teng tighten V. hawishtin gaz. traitor khain token nishan trample i'. tijaret. dan. hêlak title das jlr tired tire V. daskar. be titin. karasta tooth wha thyself amsho ish tool gurrmaîhawr thunder sbhênl. VOCABULARY 1-S4 asû. mahakama turn over i'. dar tremendous garran surran wer surran. birdin. dizhmindosti true truth nardin nardin transparent lai wadiar. kotin transport n. chaqaninawa tuft Sêshemu gufka transports. lai bin- tub burl. garran. (trans. twins vjev garanin hal garranawa shelam turpentine turtle palapika triggerguard wer hal garaninawa turn down v. trowel twig keshina mala. serêsh astêl trough trousers ranik. bisti bis diijara wach twilight derpê. trial trifle lai garran kho surran. bar k. lerzin ziirzil turn up I'. böqalamûn turkey bwardin treacle tree Turk Turkey sini treachery treasure merg Turk riiishtin. tube il. ashiret. turn back v. gûranin transfer v. aram tranquil . malinj patliin. dilnia rasti try V. noqa. tira turnip behendek rriiln kutek. hiiz. tray turn I'. tumble I'. khianat diishap treadle pea (intrans) garranawa. terjuman! transmission kotara.truce . transform v. wa kho garaninawa khazan treatment trench Rom allshlsh. cherikhin chal. êsh. swêna tube ran transpire v.. terjuman! k. garran traveller rra ap- telash k. transmit v. shshtêni trigger trip V. (box) saniiq trust I'. kerêbar bar turbulent sharrker trap birdin turf tala travel rewik. jiiga trickle V. damarqopan trout dwanza twentieth taqum trouble gaz dwanza! twelve ' binisht. turn round v. kirdawa tremble v. lai armiin draoshanawa jiita twist V. bistmin. hal aniitin tripod sepêa troop trot twelfth twenty twice loka zamat. qazgwan raqqa tweezers keiipri twine êwarê risI twinkle v. taqi k.) garranawa turn back from v. Tuesday der kotin transplant v. ba dan . translation rast trunk giiranin translate v. rêwang traverse v. biin. two 155 dilgirani. diian type un undermine v. khamin. qat kirdinawa lapêshnablnraii unforgotten lablrnachiia unfortunate bebakht bêbinagha unfounded napak (intrans.VOCABULARY. nablziitiia undo V. jillrasm! uniform (/(//. muchurk tjnrant taada. ruit undulation besilah unbelief tai undeserved unarmed unbecoming girtin. undisturbed undressed pashawa umbrella lai geshtin das kirdin pashin ultimate tai geshtin understand from v. bêtifaq unfurnished ungraceful nashlrin namamniin. kirdinawa undress jii hal undutlful nakhuinawar unemployed batal. mûrlana k. unfinished unfit nasakh uncertain naburruwa unforeseen mam. jOrek tyranny bin danawa lazherawa understand v. kandin. kham. wakuyek . bêêsh uneven nareik unexpectedly unfaithful nazêban nabawir! Icirdinawa bSseniir bêaskan! uneducated bêaga bewefa unfasten v. \ek. nanas uncultlvable nakêlanl.) hal malln unfriendly dizhmin unfruitful wishk unfurl I'. kiz! unhappy dilgiran. twitch V. zalim alanin u Udder giian ugly nashlrin ulcer dumal ulterior sêwan. underneath k. pech kirdinawa bêkalopal. keshan underground underhand zhêrarz zhêrdasî bebin natawaw unfold V. ziir undertake v. na-. khal unclean uncomfortable unconscious iiarahat leserchii (ignorant) bêaga uncover v. nakêlga ungrateful uncultivated nakêlrati unhapplness undamaged undecided under kharap nabiia dudil zher. be-. uncle kirdinawa unfathomable nashikawa nagiirran lapirrika nahaq unbroken unchangeable der barzonizml uneasiness unaware unbounded jii serchot unfair unbind v. shams! na-. kiz unhealthy unheard nasaz nabhistraii uniform n.. lazher undergo v.) hal malran (trans. ziirker. unable natwana unanimity yeklati beyekîatî unanimous benahaq askan. haram unlearned lapirrika be untrue nazanraii unlawful kirdinawa ta unto bêawnrdanawaî unkindness blao untimely bêdad unkind untidy torr untie I'. kalk unpick 0. nakhosh unprepared bêaga used up. rii hal malran unwelcorhe nakhuinawar unlimited ba danawa unveil v. bekalk unpleasant la (trans) la khestin taikal' nabiia unmoved rast uproot I'. unravel risaninawa. hal k. juhan befikr. be ser lai khurin. to be rra hatin unprotected bêkhawand. to be parêz guenadhar nagela. bar da girtin. 156 uniformity unsafe yekbiin. bekalk useful. be hal pchrrin henan. bekalk utensil karasta utter V. to be tai birranawa unprofitable bêqazanj used to. ban uphill (man) larag hal kandin upset (intrans. bênêmii unimportant unseen chol pech kirdinawa iiadlWa unintelligible tainagêshtinl unsteady. îsh be henan. nawa. . ma. bêshik unsuspecting yekbiin yek unite I'. hai" '. upper bebakht unmanly pechaninawa upon qifl kirdinawa khosh nahat unwind v. rewanin mIz iman.) peik k. hal pchrrin use V. bêêsh unoccupied I'.) pewa bim unity until yeklati unjust bêawurdanaw'a unknown unless rangnia bêseniir unload i'. union unit untamed (intrans. ema unpack v. kirdinawa use n. (woman) kich unmeaning barozhiirl laban. bar unlucky kirdinawa ser.VOCABULARY. kal kirdi¬ kalk girtin useless bêfarr. zhiir. kotin us damokhwar be ban. utterly gutin her. to unintentional bêtama bim unsltck V. (trans.gar unlikely drii. napio unmarried unmixed unwrap v. nabiziitrawa unnecessary urine nalgerek batal. Ish pai k.. bêagaari upside down upwards urge I'. laser upraise v. narast untwist V. unreasonable unripe useful belsh. bêmaan! unmindful zhiirawa upright bezhin. up khestin unlock V. bê- i'.) befikr. yeklat! uninhabited naamiii unscrew v. lazhiir. vain vine lerzîn nezlkana choblna vigilant vigorous wurria bitaw wait V. (of a W'Oman) bezur gain aza! vaule bakhlmlw violate v. tûranin. vacuous kutanin valuable violence violent beba. awai. waist arabanachi shin k. vicinity view rizha- feriisl/yar vengeance verge hal tungi vendor very bewlstlkho rishanawa. w^ai k. sozi vermin giro bestin mangana. dl. bakhabar biin pia chiin. biranawa. chashiir. chesht waistcoat vibrate i'. sefer vulture sergar m akh mar w. lai westan wake V. kamar binran didani k. vile 157 pis. awani m!w vinegar batal k. vast (of a virgin) bebin k. qlmat vanish v. wages janawr vertical baital lanao aw' riiishtin hal surranin. chirranin volley taq.. verandah verdure liw- rast ziir. rra wushanin weran aiwan gia. serbatal dol valour serka vineyard ba! valley gund. walk V. rra westan. ziirpls village Vacant batal vacate v..VOCABULARY. bzlami chun. nabinra vanquish i'. voluble ziirgora vault siir beziir visible. vapour hawa. qlmati ba. nao vex I'. bepê riiishtin . jiirjiir voice varnish biiyagh vegetable veil darogia velvet voyage riiisht. bukhar visitor varlous jiirbejiir. kapanak. vaccinate i'. gal veterinary » wage kirê maash wager i'. waistband banlkhuin viands khwardamani. to be biin. hajiz k. venture v. binraii basanin visit I'. haq Wade I'. virgin kich visage damocho visible diar. riiwang vein shillk voluneary soz! vegetation mêwan dang. sal ta chowarê man choware biin. boq. maash waggon arabana waggoner wail V. ventilation bakêsh wag I'. nin rag velocity qsaker vomit V. man!. liik girin keshan. dasblao! watch I'. jêawdan _ Chwarshem'u bzhar k. zawan weed I'.weigh 0. chak. beau- waterpot weed n. bIr well adv. jilshii down. jola web zardazira waste honIn weaver jii bo shshtin (trans. birrlnawa weapon silah wear c. piishfn warmth garm! wear out v. hal Wushanin dudil m'w. mara watch n. ma weather shshtin. jeng warder hapsawan. pewan khoshhatî. barani. warn v. . weep V. wanting kem wealth war wealthy sharr. mashka joshaniii well n. wear warped khwar. qazzaz. azhîn watercarrier watercloset waterskln hiza. jQga. barrobirr? dan ema bêhêz. or. sakh west wet khurawa tarr. labar k". wateringplace mara. bash. tekalik khirr. khisht . qurs! weld t).e waylay dlwar we i'. wheat ganum wheel cherkh. birrin.VOCABULARY. waterless watery . banlvvan warehouse warm amar garm bêhêz k. chotaiitawa wart washerwoman washing wasp hangasura. honlnder. n. siwh' weak garran want V. sulina gerdim b'aw wave V. waterspout weekly welcome goza waterproof bzhar hefta weight dem. wall (of a horse) rot way walnut guez wander v. week adabkhana watercress waterfall awkesh zhin pwaz Wednesday saatchi paswan aw water v. kozala. zardawala. sîst. 158 walk H. wistin weaken v. haclishte k. stanin cho lai khestin watchmaker mutabchi agh. shil what ch! whatever hachl. parda wed V. kon bun away. dolamani dolaiiian. saat wedding watchful wurria wedge watchmem water aw dan. khurraw. bekhêr hati mushamma plusk waterwheel heftaana giranl.) rozhigar weave o. zeiighi wean v. waterway wavering wax kuna. da khwardin weary barQka wash V. agaar k. laseriyek wire wise hacbtji garmian serrin maftiil. torr wilderness will V. whip qamchl.. (inheritance) (rel) ki willing bemeililsh which (pron. têl zanai zana wish V. ' hal bestin gerii wine whisper . ki kherr khwardin whlrpool garraw whirlwind garraba windfall bakhestiia window penjira windpipe sharap bal beserka qsa k. yan. white niikr! k. whetstone kharapker. hachki beqalam. kibiawa widen v. sp! k. 'cho hal taka¬ nin winnow v. wist. hasan k. khezan wild kevvi. pan k.. bo wick chiwakhit whence why with hosh lagal. flka keshan qurrmish k. wing serka wink I'. wistin wish n. whichever hachkam wind lûranin whine i'. whether hasan ya. winnowing fork whiteness winter splat! whitewash gachaw bekû whither whithersoever who kl. (of clock) wind up (business) whisper v. wist will n. whose hiki wheelwright wheeze v. sp! biba k. whiten V. pan kii. cherkhger whore ganda khizakhiz k. maram wit ki whomsoever winter quarters wisdom sakh. wasiat- nama which while siichar.. na biwazhin widower width bezhin pan! wife zhin. whistle V. where hachwakhit lakaiiila whereabouts n. guni'kar wide . whirl I'. kl whoever whole hachkas.159 VOCABULARY. chol wistin n. lakii whereabout plita wicked lakii whenever bochi. when (interr) ke? (pos) ki. birdin ba wind I'. whereas je lamaki whereby kibiawa wherein liwe whereupon wabiawa hachjê wheresoever wherewith whet I'. widow tiiez k.. tawaw wholesale whom behachkii shan zwistan wipe V.) kam willow bl whichever hachkam win I'. latak . lûka year sal work n. dwêka yesterday world dinia yesternight worm kirm yet wormeaten kirmkhwardiia worry fikr. lanao kho pech dan wring V. (uncarded) yawn v. pistir worship V. brindar k. bll. yeast worker Ishker workman yellow kirekar workshop salana maya yes karkhana zar. bawishk shil naka- rawa. azhazhka. wolf giirg writer woman writhe V. Ish k. yield V. chirch. kaqaz wrong narast Ishkeraii dar wooden wool writing zhinana wonder i'.' ziiran girtin zigzag zinc betelash pêchpêch. heshta têapêchraii wrench 1». worst la hamii pistir yokel la hamii hêzhin. zerd ball. Ish yearly work î'. (carded) shil karawa word qsa risI. zardênahilka young worth n. (of goats) yarn mil. to be v. kham write V. ba dan without be wrinkle girj. of sheep) Yard gez kulk. worthy you dan nîla yolk kharaptir worth. itan jawan. (of animals) jiijka your itan. zhin womanly womb minaldan da man wonderful ajaib kho pech dan nwlsrau. zhian hêzh. mbar! dwêna. hîêwa hîêwa yours yourself youth khwatan jawani. laiq wound I'. giiran zarlhllka. wound n. zhI worthless bêhêzh. (fine) bergin. minali pechanawa wrapper wrath ladlw. Zeal telash zealous qin bezur rra keshan wrestle v. shahid wrist jumka dast woe dilgirani. bawishk dan yawn n. (short. ewa. zard. giran! worse kharaptir. 160 withered within agira wriggle I'.VOCABULARY. yoke perestin duesho. katib darin khiirî. wood nwisin nwîsar. chotail qai . brIn wounded brindar wrap V. qirch witness gawahî. ^ IJxi JO j: i .^ rn 1 u 4> rt 0 0 0.. u c M Cu Q 2 W § 3 Cu a o o -5 î.. rt XI J3 JO X T3 CL u 0 - f-r (U 0 . B ^ Bf ' V u On < . 5 3 >-a"£s. ir .: : : : : I. .. a..i^ a ir. <u "0 T3 -Ç c S S u 0 . i:t3 :CÎ IX .*-»4->. 0 0 <U "7! =" 0 C Ö rt ^ a m 0 0 0 5 ° -i-t 0 u U 0.*-»-*-'-*.^ a tn Iw : C ic« ._l l-l l_ nS u 0. irî S c i?3 £ c c = '5 0: rt 1- 1- iS Gi U U.5 sss i 00000000 .- c i o 8^ cu : : _rt _rt "3 : 3 : <L) .-t! OS 5: JQ X! o CL..L.-. a ^ O o g * 1 * ^ * Ip .aSo g §^ S. 0) 1C« en Ul u 3 1 irt CO 1) 4) . u'S 0 .- '. i . o E OJ Q Z u .2 1> at e w 13 'S 1) a 1 -2. « 2 r^ o^ ir3 <: w w Û >« "rt CQ C 'S r3 w Cat 13 <û ..2 Û H-.' w d *£ ^ 1:« ai._»-J-l-J_l. ai . cs -4 rt'S O ^ OS O O ..161 5 C C3' ' Ul ve. ^ ca o '^ l_l ^ ^ ca 11 s G '""' 'S 'n O) 'n 'n 02 rt Iw OJ ll> 13J .r-] X Xi -O J3 X! ^ ica . x: * . .2 1) 'u: Î3 . . cxc Ö <u ' * .*-> -*-» +j o ca a XÎX3 o o -M . M * c 3 o!) " I * I N OS 103 X Xî Irt . .(_. . . .a o . .SS X3 "^ o o o o o o o o o o O ^*^ -tJ ^-' -*-' -J-l -4-' ~4-« ^-» -t-i - -*- ° -2 "ca a (U . aJ ^S > tn . . . <u _> Pas c Ul u u.o tu <u o o a u.162 ." u >> 3 f-i "03 2 p E CO v C rt O -4-' "-* -I-' 3 -H X cs -SIS rg a 2 a "-M ^g^ g-C O rt a> . S '5: 3 ^^ cri '^ 'd _^ j_i ^ OJ D o 5 r) ~i-' . d r^ c^ rj « J3 N 'n N C3 tu lU X! X J3 ica C 3 XI 3 x J- . pja _o 3 .M ' N Cau Pas XI * " ' - c« ^ r^ r^ a .^ ^^ ca G .3 U X3 J2 .Ul 1) X3 O O o . . * N r^ 'U y . . . - I . . .-H Ul ' X CS a ^ X! . . 5j 855 .^0 * > Xi N Cfi I * Cfi ' Ul N Ul li) X ^ 11 * N X 3 X3 3 rO . . . 1 . . . . . o S O r t-H ^ I-H irt -4-» I-H u o C g P . . ^ ' ' c 3 3 "3 3 j^ SO aj u.S 3 3 u o Xi x: xi a V ii O O <U o-r.« -P i3 i3 i3 P XI Xi X5 J3 JD ita Ji N . lU <D H H '3 r.v' jj 43 ij tn '-0 iJ u.3 N XI x: u Ji o _o' G ca V V ca . X2 OO'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ca ca ca 3 .i^' s e o (D U X! X3 tn O o o "" 1^ !U X: x: 'S ca "0 ca 55) .^ 7.a 'u "S a 3 S 'r- c .ui o =3 =.Is .a . 3 tn Ul o tn en Ul T3 "o O O tn 3 D ca ca tn ca O > 0) O tu X ca J3 ca (u 1) - ° 2 2.ca D en i^_rXJ (u ca ^ > JJ ca aJ ggla --oS ca <u JJ >^ 5^ii o Ö IS t/i > o V <L> > o > o g a B a .a G 'c O u J2 Xi x: (O N .163 ca ta £: ca ca ( i5 IV xi N ica G : c : ica ica ica rr N x id . 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X) c X3 ta a Ul ^ o N1 ao G lU (U 3 Xi '-I G <U o tn M-i X Xi V o G a 'vl a a ca ca p V ca o O <u .a "ca o O tn "ca >> O V M lU ta 3 ta ca i3 l3 u< U X 'n T5 -0 T3 en 'n O o X) XÎ 5 . .166 ca ^ ö G > ^ 'en tn rt J2 G u. ca |"s rt o « a tu ca tn o " G ca X3 D tn J2 O o q5 SX 4-> o O o O o o o o 3 ^ ill ^ O o o <u la <U '^ o rt l-l tn -Ul o tn . X^ O ' CC D tn ncoiSt. Ul 1- i.ta IS " aa ca o D "ca Ul tn o f-l g a _D o ca '53 to o -c 5 P O ca.-a I-. CU C4 rt en o ^ u> X3 ^- li 3 tn rt > ^CX ca 'rt .'75 en 3 . U Ul ca ca 1.a S '3 c fi ca -o 'O X ac u< u cn N ca ca ID ID 14-1 14-1 ""tc li o o . " '^ ca .-. : .^ . CJ ..1-1 Ul V. f* rt N J3 o N V Xi u. tn XI a O O O > ca ca o X o o ca 3 G a '-G o <u a o o 3 nî . o ^ :>. "^ Xi. c a <UJ3 S 3 V TO ^ S D > ° rt "O 'X D 'U -u* <u "3 > . to Ul D H H rt 00000000000000 4_» ii_ D rrt tK 2 ae D S.2 D C t^ rt o ac ac ac G ' D G a D T^ 3r 0 a o o .53 "= " S-ts^ <U D lU D D o X! ja X! X! XI tn -Ul .G ao p .167 c rt u XV ta at c rt Ul . _ 'U X! > D n 'U . 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CJ -t~i V 'U ^ D 2 rt a D 4-* « 'U D-' D __ rt G . -js Si S-°3 G ac. o 3 >. o Ul -u» p ^"^ 'U Ji 4J j^ rt rt rt ac ac rt cn tn tn o ac rt -ut Ul.4' Ji o =^ ^ -^ -G S 'U 53 ^ n S G a 1 D ^ a > D -t.168' G rt rt Ul cu IV ac ac G rt Irt ica N irt V ID Ki .^ D X3 rt -^ a rt 5?ji c o « « =3 D u giXiX3 a':*'^ -^ o ac N tn rt D P G JO X3 o o o ac x.G . 4.S o55 ID D ac ac ac ac ac ^ . rt D D Ul 11) D to rt o o mat cau 3 4-1 t* o . 'U o V ae V Hi ^ a V N lU G G .Ul D ^ XJ tn G rt D a V ac o Î-4 o 3 -2x1x3 a g D-^ -« / > > o 5 -g 5i .-« o o o a u o D .N IV D ac ac "ac ac ac ac G G Ki Irt tn tn u u rt 'ac ac o. G li a s XI D C? C a o .G '-G -Lj D D h G . Oif 4-> t/j o rt x. " .169 a rt rt a r! C Irt Ki Irt Cir ac . .rt D CJ^-. .=. Oi m DlitninrtD>. cti _. tn u o JD ri 1^ tu JU ly a D tn u. rt .a . -G o J=l u. a ii D O D rt D 2 D CJ Xi D G C/Î rt C H rt ^S 53 ii x.--) Si. n a i.JD x: u a o V a N D J3 u "d o ac ac ac $i rt :^ (3 5 e 3. po rt . guran Irt .s.a u tu <U G a rt rt j:. U . . rt gflran n ' rt rt . . 3 1^ X D ^ 3 D iW 1^ V X ooooo « Xi a. .^ lU u tn -OL ac ac ra . 'c 13 = 'ê o ' ac ac ac ac D D ID 3 'Ö ac . 3 »1 3^ a o o . 33 3 a G ^ ac ac ac ^ G rt _.D D J3 J. . D _. G ' * iCj " Irt rt i3 ac la N U^ O i3 ac ac <^ ica ^ " ID sc 2 ^ ac ac .3 : . .53 »1 G. _D D 3 N D D a D o D D ac ac CT D t^ U ooo rt 5Px: to . 'U . a ooooooo ca rt '3 t^ ac 5c ac X3 3 rt tn V D O u X! o D rt I O ac ac a o -5 V > II. *-l -^ D X! ^ O o ja ' . .. 5 '"^3 .O o o rt r- G G rt ^ V X G _o D D Xi ac_Ki . HI .s u X - l-l Ul ^*4 ID D 'U G U XJ ci D ID XX u. tn is <n X ac O O o -. : : . '^ ID m x: 'U x: j3 "C D Xi ac rt V V > 'U .-G -^ D rt D tn o a Xi a Dii a ri'v a 'U o o O Xi o o o O O O O ct r- r- 'G Irt Irt "d ID D o D ?f'a 'U ??fcH «J (u'-C C P n 'u. : :' G "(2 : : " Ki is tn rt X tn tn __.a 3 ID D.. o cn Ul a?i 4-.S? D D P "> rv O - aOjD a ^-rt O o OOO 5 a . . u Xi o o rt .23 x: j= x: x.170 oJ G rt siv Ki harri Pas ca 'U = ffi . D _ 'u G . rt - .G rt XJ 'U to O D 'ö'C -C -y a JG o XJ -x ac 'V rt O P rt ii - -ui-ii -.. t- D u u. G rt I hênr .23 . " 1 3 U.tn ^'rt i^-u P "C 53 rt '^ G 1^ ac a rt 'u 'U 'u 'U acxi acxi o o O 4-1 'U . rt tn iiOi D p X X3 D _ tn -M 3 'U . 3^ xi D . Ji : X3 Irt i u G x: a i3 o CS '"' XJ . a Irt Irt a rt '3. itnecs]. evr boefi laugh cause cmhasetiw.2 D Ul 4-1 rt permit \ 3. .deig. : ni rt o ni X :' : ^ rt o .171 irt a u rt a c hon irt rt Ul r^ i3 c irt joshanr julanrai - jilr : Ki : : a rt a a . ^ . . btcohp ed teoinfg cearvl. . bmaesticl dpig.dbue o _o o o o _o _o o 4-1 o o o o 4-1 -1-» 4-t 4-1 a c is a D o a 3 rt o ope Igrav J3 .-a D o _o 2 o o o _o o 4-» 4-1 jamiesng ca to l-l G Irt 3 : : D > o 4-» ltauogh d e u n g t . : a j-i G G j3 I-H _G . spul. . Irt . 'G. 4-1 V 1 U ooo B n i3 ' tn 4-1 Irt a O o kan ni . goetcr... . ' . d . « I 1) i~* s^ c "Tn rt ID n> Ji Ji! J4 i> > . . ! " * " * ' Irt rt -^ -kesh ' > . > rt r- u as x: CO IX t-.g' tx: '^ rt dopvewurthsn.^ Ji rai . wards. irt 2 ^ rt To "£. o o o 4-1 4-1 "^ ibe nto to-clablinede. ab drespxufnl. ( i H n t o c q a l u d f e p s .. bbtepouirlnmftgd. dj O S c "irt o cu ci-S £ . . . btageookiuntg. b d r e a p u w t l c n . d1bploeughd. tn ID ID JUS Ji ' ' f (tiaomkef). ex. o o o - r-t irt Jrt x. ID ID . . o o c O o O d t r c e p o a u w s l .172 / û C . tesnouefilr. topwerimgfhted. 'u sive t« 2 .lc. c r.. P 3 Ö kelfn rt <D . . be to t r a e c x t r ¬ i c a b l e . ( Irt u . O kesh.forxeuc.t1arswkeigch. . ) t r o e p a x u f . : y^ c rt tn J^ . ^ O V tn Xi .^ V '^ D D > i" p ..r4 O tn g ..a tn -^^ O ^ a D > ^ M > D^ D G D i [ tn axi V O o o O * O rt G -" -*-^ Ah -^ .*^ -r. O Ji rt li CD 3 -^ _rt x: 5 - O D G - d' li G a o G p 4-1 ji: S I' tfc S -3 === ^ 57 f o cj 0-4 ^.& o -^ rt 'to x: _> r4 a li . 3 rt ^- ._. D Ji XJ 3 rt«S^_^ 5-?^ C) Ji XI (U rj X il f J4 I liiii^ S x: D Ul D .o rt : o ox: o x: ^ ^ rt I-> x: CO -g 'tc li Ji D 6 a xi D .ii ^ V.±i XI .^ irt > O to C rt ct Ul :> V ^ to X3 Ul a a rt N rt Xi ^ x: X X Ji Ji .a 3 > .li a^.- >XJ Irt O Ji (TJ .173 Irt ' ct 4-1 ct x: x: X Ji Jrt u-a ' jS 3 3 G rt 1« Irt ' G 4-1 rt 3 rt G x: Ji X . -^ d' D g :5 g 't D x: XI Xi D O 1^ S h '-^ a. "^ '2 D D lu > OOOOOOOOOO C- -ii ? Irt V X5 o X3 4-1 ac^--^ O H .ri .&3 Xi " u tn tn . li 1 G JD cn ^'. D fi O O cn J2 JJ O -G li O O Xi O O O P u x= Q. '3 V M-l 'u _u rt j:. l-l f-i 3 . . . .0 D tn ri tn n D V o D XJ O "^ -o . . m 3 ^ 5 J3 X Ji J2 . . u rt 1- . O 4-1 O n u O C tn rt .>. . a 3 « fi Ul Irt Ul Ul u Ul Ji 3 3 vn ^ u. IS 3 4-1 a V _D _c u. G ^ u a '-2 2 0(2 irt irt Ul u ' Irt tn 3 3 J= x: x: Ji Ji Ji a r-t rt r- '/) .174 - 1 rt u ' > c 'Ji 2 rt irt (ii c rt rt 3 0. . .. 'a . . . Irt u. ' i3 'C .a r- o Ji a CO 'ri V 53 D 4-r OXl O 4-1 O 3 14H 'u 3 a 3- rt a D D V D . .u "S as c . d Irt . "53 a 3 D 14-1 rt 0 X D u _>i D 0 D ^ XI o o o O o O 0 -*-» 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-» n D 0 a 0 XI 0 -*" 0 X G 3 DUG atj J2 u > D Irt ^ to 0 ^ 4-1 tn Ul X x. 'a u 1- i_ . .^ u Ul ^A Ji Ji J* 3 3 -^ i3 ' -5 a 0 ^ rt a V -4-» !x: g u 0 rt a V XI . . 3 3 g" rt P 'p -j rt Xi 73 o" ^to cj S a x: _ 3.3 D rt D J2 T3 O _o 4-1 o D Xi Xi xi u tn D Ji V S XJ G o o o rt 0 is a a ac V 0" a p 'to 0 . _a .. . a li" a o BC ae . OJ u . .A Ji Ji 1 .Z. -a XJ 5 S . .'S g . . . Ul x: IS rH irt 15 Ji !U 'H.ul ^ ri Ul 1 . cn 5 i3 . a G > irt ^ ri > X . D a 3 3 > D rt D XJ 3 V 3 rt comStei XI Ji (-1 rt 53 O 3 V tn O tn D a d' D 4-1 CO rt D 3 'u . ct tn 4-1 3 3 o O li -y Xi o D li rt 'a N O 3 rt u rt u _. ^3 « .G 'S 'n 3 D N rt X a ?3 -".-G 3 _i - Ul u N ct ^ tV ^ D -i2*" ti XI rt cn --DDGOOD 1-iDGOOD O rt li a .*4 a u ci XJ r-i rt ..acj2 Xi Xi V V X li U XI o S O O I' D >> O 38 - Ul ac .00 D wt. 1:^1 to .ti ^ X G .-G .Û a .Sf ri a Xi o a t3 D a ac a o O il "i rt cn o 3 ca P D O >i O -Ul rt . xP rt D rt ?: rt .0 Do-" o V 000000000 o o Xi m a i! rt-C. 3 tn 4-1 3 3 Ji Ji Ji . li 7? D ac acj2 a 0000 S.B? rt .ÎÎ 3 D rt XJ D o li a tn li 3 D xi ' B 'a u D J3 . -4 "^ o '53 i^ ii Ji Xi .3 D o 3^ . 3 o ^ D x: .b Ji o x: rt tn -Ul 4-1 V D XI XI ^ N D ri u x: U..% ^4 J x: U Ul « J3 3 'a I' §X5' ê Xi ID G r^ .3 irS « irt 3 x: irt o Ji o O X rt 3 In J4 3 3 J4 Ji 3 U Ji O Ji O u ac U D _H o t.3 G r- o b '2 3 o O .175 3 Ji c« l-l rt o o Ji o 3 Ji 3 .Ji u G 0000 Ji Ji Ji X3 . a tn D a XI V a) o fD E ^ "" Xi ti .O u a o p C ÎJ ac ?1^ in Ji a a C D C/l D ca li D > > D li V X: "G X D^X: rt O tx .176 G G rt . rt rt Irt . Ki rt ID Irt Ki a a 1« Ki O: .14-1 G i= D ja! -u..ti D C. D - ooooooooooo Irt a li G U'u j^-Q ""jiJi i'G^ •U-r!DOOD3'S'Ş5^1' tnXi'JS oT 4-1 53 ndie ed nexitar 0 000 0 rt irt Irt . 3 'G .- D D 0 2 ^-^ 'Ö 5 C/) l-* .3 a a a a 0 ac D rt D 'a X li Xix: o o .^ a iJ i=! Ji =i ac I' -n tn " rt X3 fi fi tn X a 'a rt li tn D . . rt o 3.a ' _^ D xj.3 -ui 5 555555555 'a Irt G *u Xi u o -o 3 2 3 S B B 3 .li S D D a "^ li -*^ -a ^ ^ S-2 3. a li d' a Ji Ji S XI 43 ^4 to to O o .177 rt > d rt > rt ca irt rt '^ irî G rt Irt -rt f-i r- 1« [n a irt u C rt rt 3 G 3 ac D rt 'a G ac o D O D . rt X ^ C .5CG c u tn _.4^2 -i ^ OJ BS '" -^ 3 ^ ?.^ ti3 li rG ^î T^ CJ > .li -^ o a " Ji o.b ^ O <J . CJ 3 G li î^-^ ^ m a D '^ "G rt - 4-1 -0 D C x3 . o CJ tn d XI a D ct s . Ji d H .^ V Ji O . li li O - aco D D P fa fe'S'b^-^ ac - D g li^ i li a a a 555555 <« la 3 x3 i5 a « ^ -.. _3 a ^xi-o o-r. o o 'U s -^ 4-1 4-1 JD U rt d V O >. Ul d D rt a i-p rt CJ " JD o o So rt Ul tl D V o'a tn O > 5 u >i D a fard oe etc.^ -^ 3 D .» d I-] rt a irt a Irt a > > ac o u . li axi ooo o o o 4-1 4-1 4-1 Id a ' 4-14-14-1 X Irt D 7._D 3i ooooo c3 4-1 3 a o. 3 ca p.178 c rt rt 0.t. d a C r4 G G . rt : J5 rt N rt Ul 'a. D 4J D o -'-^ tn 3 li rt tn 3 D -M O tn j_. rt o 4-1 O -=. D. Ul rt li a o J3 .-g. .ire ure . rt d o a a s s CJ as S OJ R3i 3 3 ac a« D D rt irt a a P _o 3. ci Ul s: ^ > D ac d 'd 3 D . U. a xi h tn D s. Ki a G rt u . 4-1 3 D tn 3 o . 3 . - rt fTî a o ' CJ G D B ' x-a D D a O J2 Xi tn pj -43 a u. a D >..2 "53 d a . irt c rt irt Cv! :x! ID M Ul U. V > D XI " £-^ tn .^4 D G V a'B 'a D ^ a D . to 3 D fe G O ^ N a .4-. u . a d rti rt rt £1 tli tn rt X XJ 3 D g a 4-1 OOO o O rt x. X3 " 5 .179 d G rt rt G ^ g rt u 5 ID d D a a a c rt o X3 irt u Ki g 5 u c 5« !- to « d >a Ö rt i-" rt -u» £ ' ca i:^ t^ rt V a a a c rt id G Ki rt rt rt c .. OOOOO 3 CO c^ 1 V D tn cn rt D rt D a a a a o rt ID a a V a D o O O O 4-1 4-1 "^ o tn D XI XJ 4-1 .^ a î= u tn i. ri D a o. D a a 3 ^ a I" ID a . 1 'a . x: rt " ^ Ili d c ID D a a a a o x: D' tn d rt a a ID D ID a a a a D V X 4-1 ac V c u V 3 3 XJ XJ D 'a D O tn o o D . D tn O X D u O " tn D X! li Xi rt D X) S . "-D li > ^ '55 o o V i=- U I tn D h to li u a a a a X u 4-1 O tn 3 .s x: P tn > s-i "^ ^ S-' -3Xi ^o-î - O " -'-' Xi -S a5 S ° li Ul « cc D XI g D D Xi tj D D a Q.. a * UI. bsleyi.. a" G Id rt Vi to pirs l-l " anr ..D 3 Ji . tuentlytsonr nez sonez speavr. ^ a G u a a S3 a TO 1 1 D O L4 Ch ^ r4 11 'G CO O *j rt 'G > O '. Ki a 3 D a cn V D X Xi o o o "'-' 4-1 * .o V V X X o o o 4J 4-1 4-1 G UI. t i sCaua.a tn rt ^ li . . I . D D u. i u _o ^ 3 tn >. tn Ul D . 1 i 1 i f rt G Irt ' chr psr a ^ chr an.180 « a 'r laive. O o O O o ~i~> -^ 4-1 4-1 -^ -4 ^ 'G a a cJ e(intes. a Zi rt a il sh Cau Pas î a rt tZi .tr part lied vera! -*-» u tn OOO a D 4-1 a 4-1 a 'a 'a'a 'a a s a" 3 tn 3 1 ! Irt a : O 1 ' _. a S S ^ ir m a G Ki irt . 1 u a irt i Ul Ul Ul rt . aptr.^ ^ V *" d ^ .l Coplment. Irt -4 3 . . psr pch .. r4 O r/3 x: 3 a a izhman ran " a a irt ilsh: a * a ^ u rt .l piz : tn d 4-1 -Ul d N b: ^ V o- a in rO D d CO u V 3 a d CO rt 3 G O X a. : : : : I-H i . ooooooo Xj cr 4. - D D y 1^ CC t" tJ li D ac XI i[usweitdh tneord a dentd gabhout er enchd interf bcansdbeendt identbecom pluck briep (1) o o 4-J 4-1 o 4-1 3 3 CO X i3 d a h cpraedk.G cr a ac a a- cr Ki XJ x. .4 4-1 4-1 4-1 _o _o 4-1 ooo 4-1 -ul 4-1 o o 4-1 o 4-1 o o o o o o o 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 -Ul Irt X P . Ki . c Irt :x rt a X o d cr 3 d i3 r- D G H O .I8t rt Ul M tn a a c Ki irt G rt irt Irt G irt a x: i3 a Xi o d 3 Ki a 3 3 O" C7 C d G .2 5 c" cr folucrp ki tj 3 cr a . Sd r-" ^ 1- u Irt irt Irt 1-4 u d rt 3 a ac ac gK p D . .M d 'a CO 6 4-1 a - O Xi u 'a _c Si o a > CO o ^ a 3 O ^ +4 a tn to a D 5i rt OXl -^^ rt a'J3 o o ace o G & O V D Q D a. Ul a a a rt rt rt rt x: a N tn rt 'P u *- *- u Irt Ul rt rt C rt l-l r4 u rt Irt 'u Ul ^ !- . 3 ^ .-. i-i. Ul -3 tn rt N rt ^ .H X X ooo 4-1 4-1. . .Q Xi d a -M O O o o o O O o 4-J 4-1 4-1 -*-» -M 4-1 4-1 -l-> ri 3 '. 3 " : i i 3- aus * c a : rt X tn N rt ID ID Ul u Ul i i : 3 : : Irt 'u . : rt tn O ^ : 5 E U o . Ki S^ Irt tn .4-» .^ pi ^ ^- i- ' . .( 182 ci a > *cÖ u u x: u Pas G- rt c rt B tn ID Ul C .4 N p rt u ' *-* a cn tn <U ID D u> Ul Ul '"' XJ X3 D ^ O a d' a B it: D o o 4-1 CO >. 3 -G Js: . o rt o 'a D 4-1 d D 4-1 X3 XJ rt rt u a O O d XJ O Ul D D o r* XJ o o 4-1 4-1 D a tn to O - "3 a _D 'o. . a li li .H irt 5 î^ . d tn V V d V XJ u X o o o 4-1 4-1 O . C irt s ID u Ul a I-H ^ ^ * . G fi ca d C a 3 rt N Ki Irt N rt u u G ^ r- 'S d ^ P irt Irt ''cr X 1 tn D ip -^ '-' jd G G li tn 3 "5 3 a d g 0 XJ 3 Xi O V 3 XI o o 'a a "i a D D-^ 14-1 d' D rt o C '5i CO D 4-1 D o 14-1 o o O -rt V o a 4-1 tn d ac irt r< ' D '" 4-1 . s 5 :^ u ^- XJ -^ o 1^- o Xi 3"~"-S " u '^ I o 8 XJ tn 'fi a p « -^ D o'd ac Ul O to 'a D 3 rt rt P.4-1 ^ c rt JG 13 13 tn Irt 13 13 Ip CO o G a t^ d -Û V JO 1 rt .J= u rt a li > O U ac o o u a^S Xi oooooooooooooXi 4-1 4-1 . li -" XJ 3 '$. ^ 13 a .4-1 4-14-14-14-I4-I4-14-I4-14-I ac rtT D tc rt rt x: lOiD ac ooooo o o rt Xi 4-14-14-14-1.*-> o X3 14-1 d r.5^ rt r3 o o.183 c rt rt Ul Ul x: Ji '3 G Irt G rt G . tn O ac a rt y in D ja o o rt CO G Q..G ac p rt X a G x: o D ac-a -Q -i.N S J3 rt -C Ul cn k. Irt Irt X X3 rt d > G G rt rt Ji i3 u i3 u 3 i3 la i3 ^ i3 rt D p g: ^^ > o Ci ac C G D ac rt 3 si ?î / o D u u JO ?i £ S S 6 4J ac li D .^ 1) d d o a . '. 184 d G d Ki G C Irt Irt Ul 5 ID iD rt irt u J3 X irt * Ul a tn .-jf.a. a o.u 3 tf. x: x: a D >< rj p D X D a D XJ D rn D O aD li G o o 2 '3 -1-^ !" D rt a a. D p a a -r s: j: D 0 JD Xi '^ i 1 li to "o c 6 o B B u. o.5 rt irt d ^ f- X lOJ d o o 53 tn cn c "E-S rt ID ID 'c5 c/:. * ' r-i - Irt ' Irt .> 'U p.---. - ^ 1« lOJ ^ Xi 5i cn : . 52 D G G tn tn is O p tn tn. n D O o JJ a o q o .t.9. me sibly a CJ 'j.O C <a 9.XXX tn-" o D B B o o o o o d 'fi d a G ^ 3 JS 3 3 x:x: CO- to G Jrt 3 D u n D o Xi Q Xi _ G o 'S '5 s ^ 3 B 3 O D a is a-^-j^trijo a 3 'J5 ooo^ u :C' S _ O a XI S ^ D S u O X "O 'to Xi rt 3 D ID ofuse. ) ned beoinfg rscub. " . .-4 X tn tn n tn ' - D X . d Irt G S tn ' " .IJ lir- - : irt Irt irt H-» cn cn 4 \ _ .a c 0 _. d ^ 0 trans.) btuen aspru aspirn (buirn(butrnbuer -0 D Ji G a d Irt l-l u G Ul irt G 'G cn cn Ul Xi X to tn a tn -4 Xi i3 <n to tn iG x cn 0 . .185 3 ' Ul Ö cn irt a 1-1 . d d d -a ac X ^ 1-.1^ G irt a r- ' - ' i53 X tn .1« a' .. - Ul ubi ika X2 : 2j^ ni tn ibhan _ anr 13 2 cn tfi cn r^ IS .rans.T-J l-H I 3 'B to tn a ca 'fi .) rubec hbard (ionud(torun^d ntras. a ' L ' ' I IIU ' rai E. .) . r4 . .f-< .4 . cn a 0 0 0 D r4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'fi Irt lia "^ Ji Ul ^ d a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 1 d > . tn to U ac D P tu r^ III u '3 '2 G G i3 . Irt : . u! . itrans. .(jaienmtc." "" 53 53 ^ a a D '-^ a -^ D a r4 d .Ji -G u li S tn 5 J U p> tn J2 OOO n aco ac d t a 4-1 D Xi a !i^ a a D "~'tG V Xi u o o a "" G ..186 c irt cu C C rt G u G Irt rt Irt Ul irt G Irt . tn 5 i._. li 3 O lyl Ji f ) ti rt rt D 4-1 r-] u M-l 4-1 3 (bafegh inrtoa broeld broeld rt D _i a 3 O a-O a 0-1 cn tn o o o o o n o o o o_o-o_o_o^_o O o o 4-1 C7 d CO « u.u. ' CT rt V d O o .5 a D Xi D rt rt o Ji X! rt to 2 G 53 . jbame o o 4-1 rt C Ç G o o .. Irt CT Ji d d CJ Irt C a G .a ac o rt 4-1 frighten -M o -^ o a" rai Xj" jhounersl acrmowd. . xj . d o G a lG J3 o .a V Ul u CO -. irt : rt G Ji Irt D tn cr d o . . >. G ac D d rt ID > >> a ' Ul D XJ O J a .) lhouwd btmead ftsoen o o o ooo o o o o d 'fi d G rt rt ftascoue ooo dare o ID .187 Irt iî d a irt c rt u Irt a x: Irt Ul G Ki d d iî a : Irt Irt rt Ul O c rt Ul Ul Ul tn rt Irt >. c D a D 'B V tn o o ftasoen fangste u o5 V o o o o t3 O O o o towl no tbcoauesd bopermfit x^o (1) rtakec fthoaw(msatnesl. oXi o D o D o..^ a^ D a4.. P X V o D axj-^ d li M-i a -s a o D " to ca D tn <u -ri - . s ^1 li a!S/2XiXiXi c OOOOOOOOO tn S5 Ci tn a -s X 3 D Û a O 53 ^ jG.G *" rt tiO^ G J3 u li ujD rt .188 rt S Irt G X X ID : .4 i35'a ^ cn D 3 D O rz D 5 D -U o o .- o 4-1 to D Xi O X! JG N tn t> TO li CJ X n rt o CJ o o o teo ause Xi U Irt a '^ O a o D D a Ci x: N o o D li .'G G J= X u c CJ x. 5 S CJ eg ac D OS Xi xix: ID d a a o w . .. they wish.189 IRREGULAR VERBS.iwê. parast Miscellaneous. changing to -ew Group III. changing to -ên Group II. bida din bin dl biwêna hatin e- hat warra twanawa twê. Imperative. to wish. Group I. we wish. For meanings see Tabic of Simple Verbi.awa bitwêwa awsa The 'Verb wîstin. bitawê. changing to -êrd Theme of Pres.:iw. chanin çhên chan biclîêna harranin barren . atrinawê. forms the Present Indicative as follows : Amawe. . thou wishest.i rawan-. bwardin bwêr bward bibwêra bzhardin bzliêr bzhard bibzhêra nardin nêr nard binera zhmardin zhmêr zliniard bizhmêra : In.. changing to -êz Group IV... angawtin angêw angawt biangêwa palawtin palêw palawt bipalêwa In -as.awa parastin parêz Group V. a'iwêt. bimSnawê.. adawe.. The Preterite is regular * The Subjunctive is bimawê. bîrinawr' The Imperative is Bidawp bitanawc biiwe.... birawênawa stanin stên stall razanin razên razan bistêna *- birazêna In -aw. Theme of Pret..harran biharrêna khasanin khasên khasan bikhasêna krranawa krrên. gwast. gwastinawa gwêz. he wishes. Infinitive. awa bikrrênawa bimêna man men man qizhanin qizhên cjizhan biqîzhêii.i rawaninawa rawên. Ind. bit/inawê . ainan. awsan awsê boin ha bfi ba bun bi bu be dan (to give) î da bla dan (to strike) î da bîa. I wish. ]In-iird.an.awa twa. awa bigwêzawa biparêza . ayfaiawe. you wish.awa krran .. . s hal deran to fall down a descent hal deranin to pick to pieces hal doshhT to milk hal durûn to sew together. arise. . hop hal bestin to arrange. work a fringe into tassels.190 APPENDIX II. fix. VERBS WITH PREPOSITIONS PREFIXED. throw up. to choose hal chaqanin to pluck hal chaqln to stick in (slightly) hal cherikhin to come upwards on the perimeter of :i wheel.^bal garran hal garranawa hal geranin hal girsan . (i) hal hal angawtin to trip up hal awsan to swell up hal bazinawa to flounder. ferment. hal bizûtin to rise a little hal bizwanin to raise hal bizhan to burn up (as of one standing in the sun) hal brzkian to curdle. to be lifted. to select. skip. disobey . hal chespanin to stick (as of bills) hal chezhin to taste hal chinin to choose hal chun to flee. overflow. to be worthy of to flare up to bear. pick up. or over and over hal farranin to put up ih flight hal farrin . reserve. pitch (of a tent). to jump ' to run up. toss. tie up.hal girtin hal gozin to fly up. boil over. to climb to turn up. cut a channel.-. raise to well up hal gushin to squeeze together hal hatin to appear. effervesce hal dan to throw over. to scorch hal bun to accumulate hal bwardin hal bzhardin i to grant a free pardon . erect. escape. pass up. to turn over (in sewing) to abduct. do up. sit up to turn over. to hem. run (used in the hal kirranawa to imperative only). result. hal jûlan to shudder hal kandin to dig up. raise. spill hal rrafin to fly up hal slamin to be startled hal shalaqanin to mix (mud) to mix flour with water in making dough hal shêlan hal shêwln to be mixed up or involved . hal khalatanin hal khankanin hal khestin to swindle to hang (criminals) to amass. lean against. hang up. eradicate. erect. (out of the pot on to the sieve). turn up. get on with. turn out. place against to alight. excavate. assault to open up. uncork hal pechanawa to bandage above the breast. hal kirdin Wind up. hoist. sHp up hal khizan to slip up forward hal kirchan to scorch (of leather) to begin. hal pechaninawa to wrap up hal qablanin to assess hal rêzhan to pour out. generate. jump hal pchrrin to unpick. evolve. bring out (only of chicks from eggs) to find out. come across. stumble. hal parrin to bounce.. to get a rough idea. pitch. to wrap up while holding high. hal kokIn hal kotin hal kotin to cough up to eventuate. ascertain the general meaning of a thing. out hal kezanin to scorch meat a little to prevent it going bad. engrave hal keshan to pull up. to be uncovered to inhale to raise a little. (as of string on a spindle) manage. \Jial kutan N^ hal malran hal mizhin hal nan hal nishtin hal palawtin to attack. bring up.191 hal hênan to guess. acquire. result to eventuate. to card (wool) hal khiliskan to slide. "^"^. fill. lower da jfiln to swallow down da kandin to take off. to dismount da chaqanin to sow seed to plant da chaqln to stick fast da chespanin to fix in da chun to descend da dan to break down. garran da girsanin to sew down to descend to light da girtin to enclose. reserve da hatin to be a novelty. to cut a little way down da bun to stand with hands below the knee da chalakanin to startle da chalakin to start. bring down. to degenerate and . abase. introduce. to be newly invented da henan to fell. doff.192 hal sîiln to rub continuously hal suranin to wag oneself hal sûtan to scorch hal takanin to shake hal terekin to give birth (of dogs only) hal torranin to kick ançl plunge hal tiiranin to be annoying (especially of horses) hal wariin to be a threat of no consequence hal wasIn to hang up - ^^da bazIn Î *^ * da bestin to shut down. to cut (of a pencil) da doshin to milk to the last drop da durfin .da kirdin to pour out on the ground (of wheat barley). scrape to fall down. da khizan to slide down da khuran to be eaten 'awa\' by the passage of da khwardin to wear away spread out. to fatten sheep da birrin to separate out. (2) da. invent da hishtin to let down. da kraniii ^— da kotin water to gnaw. liumihate. degrade. peel da keshan to pull down da khestin to throw down. to jump ^da chanin i. to defraud to disappear by consomption to stick in (figurative in punishment). strike. to pass by lai bzhardin to pick out lai chaqln to catci^upon lai chun to leak. seek.193 da kutan to drive in (nails. to shake down. appoint . to bleed da twaninawa to remelt da wushanin to scatter (down). da pechanawa to bandage below the waist da pilishanin to press clown da poshanin to envelop da razIn to decay da renin to scrape down 'da rrafin da rrCiIii 1 da rûan . to aim a blow (with a stick). in need da mazranin to establish. (3) lai.da nishtin to sit down. to inhabit . settle down da mazrin to encamp. forgo. sea:rch lai garranin to prevent lai geshtin to understand from of .da pchrran to expose by pulling apart (mostly of eyes opening) to pull down (by unstick¬ ing). .) da listin to wipe off (as with the finger) da malln to wipe down da man to be delayed. knock lai duwan to calumniate lai garran speaking ' to desist. to cut a price da takanin to fleece. lai bestin lai birdin lai birran lai birrin to tie on to insert (in copulation).. overlook. to' resemble. deposit. to fly down to sink to plant da rCikhan to collapse da shikanin to divert water. lai bwardin to forgive. to ooze lai dan to beat. etc. settle da mirdin to die down (of fire) da nan to put down. to load to entreat lai rezhan to overflow lai stanin to deprive. engage. rra farrin to shy. extract. eventuate. to go out rra dan to carry oft". pass by to starts (jump) rra chun to leak. skim iai gûrran to make a mistake (idiomatic use) lai hatin to become infected. corrode. hit. incline to. confiscate lai westan to await. bûrdin rra chinin to trust to elapse. digress. rra kirdin to spread out to flee. to fit lai man to be left over Si lai nan lai paranawa to cook. lay out (a rope). load up lai kirdinawa to pick oft" lai kotin to attack. run. push aside. to take quickly lie . be overtaken by. prepare rra girtin to harbour. sweep away. to down. fall on evil days. wait for lai zanln to impute. imitate. to be seized with colic. erode. tame rra hishtin to let down rra keshan to drag. pause man rra pechan out to iibduct. to be affected. haul. escape rra kotin to stretch oneself rra malln to sweep a-yvay rra to hesitate. result. strengthen. to blame (4) rra aparmOn bwardin. to urge lai fchwardin to nibble. appoint rra hatin to be habituated. tamed rra helan to extend rra henan to train. throw on. extract lai khestin to throw oft'. desert. put on lai kirdin to put on.194 ^ îai girtin to take off. rra gêanin to make ready. rra khestin . lead. lai khurin to beat. put. lai keshan to drive. clefeat utterly. surround closely tai biranawa to be used up tai birdin to assimilate. stand rra -wushanin to sow. insert tai nishtin to sit in tai qultanin to intrude tai shikan to be defeated tai tirinjan to become jammed tai wushanin to shake out (fleas) (6) taik. to wave (5) tai alanin tai alln tai. to join together to examine. explain to understand. throw. put aside. ponder. surround. bathe in cold water. shake (a tree). taik chawin to curl up taik chespanin to make a joint taik chespin to butt taik chun to be destroyed taik dan to destroy - . scrutinize. cover up tai gwastinawa to change fropi one place to another tai honin to interweave tai jiiin to mince. scatter. to soak in. taik birdin to mesh together. lose in gambling tai mizhin to suck in and spit out again tai nan to put into. imagine to expound. tai kirdin to pour out. realise tai gîranin to fix tai girtin to fire. imbue tai khizanin to crowd. halt. tai geshtin to enter in. cut up small tai khestin to fill. to undertake to envelop. digest tai birrin to look sideways.195 rra rrifanin to put to flight rra shalaqanin to shake (a churn) rra westan to stop. to bore a hole tai chun tai dan >tai fikrln tai gêanin . to pierce to add a piece to. inculcate tai kotin to fall huddle into. to burst.»vver kotin to turn down to take from. part taik pechan to take away ciuickly by force taik pilishanin to crowd (7) wer cherikhin to turn round wer garran to turn wer garranin *wer girtin' wer kirdin . emit der hatin to emerge der henan to let out of. sunder. obtain to scatter to go to sleep ' (8) der bun der. happen der fiirrln to protrude. elude der dan to clean out (a well). to be entrapped to sow seed by dropping from the hand with a circular motion pewa chCin dan to go through to stick bread against the oven wall. to sling pewa girtin to screen. der keshan to extract. come in sight. close together. flee out (9) pewa bun . to bite. open oiit der chiin to go out. to discharge to take out der kotin to emerge. with pewa henan to convene pewa kotin to fall together pewa to fire a gun nan come along .196 taik kutan to be pulverized (as of a body) taik pchrrin to come apart. to put against one another pewa hatin to come together. harmonise. pewa chanin pewa. extricate der khestin to discover cler kirdin to expel. paik geshtin paik girtin paik hasinawa paik hatin paik. to be a success (of work). appellate ill) paik gêanin . to turn out well paik henan to succeed paik qablanin to exchange S.G.. to have access to pai hatin pai kokIn pai wutin to accompany to' cough in warning to name. .S7 ..l..197 {10) pai chûn pai geshtin pai.Bd.P. u to overtake. to have become ripe. to elapse . to assemble (trans) to meet to fold (the hands) to be glad in meeting to be accomplished or consummated. u^.^A/' 0^ /^>6^'>-viw»av ^ f^ jt^ FCL ..* f5\ >' . . ^- . . 6".4v^|l. A.-vvi-«<«-.-^^-^ ^'"^ ..U-<^.^ y . . ^ v^^ ^ 1 ^'^'^ i^* %l^ \ ^ b ^ 5^:' I 1 "T < . 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