Egypt for IDRC 2, June 2010 final.pptx

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1. Egyptian Cabinet of Ministers<br />Informal Settlements Development Facilities<br />Egyptian Cabinet<br />Egyptian Approach to Informal Settlements Development<br />I S D F<br /> Dr. SherifAlgohary& Prof. Ali El-Faramwy<br />ISDF, Egyptian Cabinet<br />E mail: TA&[email protected]<br />IDRC Davos 2010<br /> 2. Content<br />Egyptian Cabinet<br /><ul><li>Informal Settlements Development Programs. 3. International Commitments towards Informal Settlements Development. 4. Scale of Informal Settlement in Egypt. 5. Policies of Informal Settlements Development . 6. Informal Settlements Development Facility Themes. 7. Local Development Practices. 8. Conclusions.</li></ul>I S D F<br /> 9. Informal Settlements Development Programs <br />First Stage: 1994 - 2004 Informal Settlements Development Program<br /><ul><li>Providing Basic Urban Services (electricity, municipal cleanliness, water, sanitary drainage, road paving) for about 325 informal areas and developed 13 deteriorated areas with expenditure total cost 3.2 Billion L.E. </li></ul>Second Stage: 2004 - 2008 Informal Settlements Belting Program <br /><ul><li>Focusing on supporting local government in preparing detailed plans to enable development efforts for restrict the growth of informal areas. </li></ul>Third Stage: Informal Settlements Development Facility<br /><ul><li>A presidential Decree # 305/2008 for establishment ISDF. 10. Priority for Unsafe Areas. 11. The main goal of ISDF is to contribute to ensuring safe housing in Egypt. 12. The main objective is to improve the quality of life of the residents in unsafe areas.</li></ul>Deweka Disaster (October 2008)<br /> 13. International Commitment <br />Towards Unsafe Areas Development<br />International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights:<br /><ul><li>Egypt ratified on 1982 , It states in article 11. 14. Ensure the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions. 15. safe housing as main human right and adequate standard of living. 16. Determine factors of adequate housing, food and clothing.</li></ul>Millennium Development Goals (MDG) :<br /><ul><li>Adopted by the UN member states in 2000 17. “Target 11”. One of the three targets of Goal 7 “Ensure Environmental Sustainability,” Target 11 is aiming that: “By 2020, to have achieved a significant improvement in lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers”. </li></li></ul><li>Planned <br />Slums<br />Scale of Informal Areas in Egypt<br />Unsafe Areas:<br />Unplanned Areas<br />Slums areas are 60% of urban areas <br />Density 500 person/ fadden.<br />Building heights 4-10 floors.<br />Provides optimum level of safe housing.<br />Needs long term development.<br />Unsafe areas are 5% of urban areas. <br />Density 200 person/ fadden.<br />Building heights 1-2 floors.<br />Doesn’t provide safe housing.<br />Needs immediate intervention.<br />Unsafe areas<br />Unplanned areas<br /> 18. Classification Criteria of Unsafe Areas<br />Grades are ordered according to degree of risk, thus the higher risk overrules the lower, <br /> 19. National Plan for Development of Unsafe Areas<br />Preparation Phase <br />Pilot Projects Phase<br />1 / 2009<br />National Phase<br />1 / 2010<br /><ul><li> Preparation of financial regulations and rules of Fund. 20. Setting Goals and reference frame for the activities. 21. Review legislative framework for activities. - Building the regulatory framework and the provision of the provision of human resources of the Fund. -  Allocation of resources of the Fund from the State fund. - Resources Development of non-traditional Fund. - Building geographical information database system of unsafe areas.- Classification of consultants, experts and NGOs. - Preparation of agreements with stakeholders (Endowments - Associations - research centers ...).  - Preparation of scientific studies (electricity / Geology / Water and Sanitation / legislative framework ... etc.)</li></ul>1 / 2010<br />2017 / 2020<br /><ul><li>Preparation of action plans for the development of unsafe areas in governorates (35 action plans in 19 governorates).- Provide technical assistance and institutional capacity development.- Follow-up operational plans for national projects (facilities - Housing initial care ...).- Supporting the finance of the principle of cost recovery for the implementation of development projects.- The preparation of the national plan for the development of unsafe areas. 22. Implementation of action plans for unsafe areas.- Monitoring and evaluation of progress in achieving the objectives.- Expansion of activities.</li></li></ul><li>National Map of Unsafe Areas <br />WWW.ISDF .INFO<br /> 23. National Map of Unsafe Areas <br />Mashtool El-Suq – Sharqia Governorate <br />Safe Areas <br />Unsafe Areas<br />Planned Areas <br />Unplanned Areas<br /> 24. National Map of Unsafe Areas <br />Khalf El-Shouna Area- Mashtool EL-Souq City- Sharqeya Governorate<br />Location of the Area in relevance to the city <br /> 25. Urban Programs<br /><ul><li>Unsuitable shelter conditions areas program (Grade 2) 26. Life threatening areas program (Grade :1)</li></ul>Governmental Authorities<br />31 Areas<br />State Land<br />91 areas<br />Rest of Governorates <br />19 areas <br />16 areas<br />Private Lands <br />159 areas<br />Private Land - Assuit Governorate<br />State land - Qalyoubia Governorate<br />Muqatam Area, ManshietNaser, Cairo Governorate<br />Railway Authorities – KafrAlshekh Governorate<br /> 27. Urban Programs<br /><ul><li>Unsuitable conditions areas program on state lands (Grade 2) </li></ul>Self finance <br />6 areas <br />Partial finance <br />10 areas <br />After<br />Before<br />Added value 75 areas<br />Zerzara Area, Port Said Governorate (Added Value Area)<br />Social Value Areas <br />(No Cost Recovery)<br />Total expenditure cost 3.9 Billion L.E.<br /> Development Cost 19.8 Billion L.E<br />Added Value 15.9 Billion L.E<br />Added Value Areas<br />Provide Fund<br /> 28. Urban Programs<br /><ul><li>Improve areas of high risk sources for public health (Grade 3) 29. Improve legal instability of tenure</li></ul> (Grade 4)<br />Governmental Authorities<br />2 Areas<br />Private Lands<br />49 areas<br />Governmental Authorities<br />5 Areas<br />State Lands <br />17 areas<br />State Lands <br />15 areas <br />Helwan Governorate<br />Fayoum<br />Governorate<br /> 30. Urban Programs<br />Relationships Between Urban Programs: <br />Time frame for Intervention: <br /><ul><li> Life threatening areas (Grade 1) needs immediate intervention. 31. Unsuitable conditions areas (Grade 2) needs rapid intervention. 32. Health risk areas (Grade 3) needs improvement according to central authorities programs. 33. Instability areas (Grade 4) according to priorities of local governorates.</li></ul>Finance Mechanism: <br />Both unsuitable conditions areas with added values and instability areas provide financial resources that can be targeted for improvement of unsafe areas projects which have no cost recovery, as well as improving areas which have lack of utilities and instability in tenure areas<br /> 34. Partnership and Cooperation<br />Institutional Framework<br />Informal Settlements Development Facility (ISDF)<br />Local Governorate<br />Local Authorities<br />Community<br /> 35. Technical Assistance and Capacity Building <br />Technical Institutes<br />Preparation of strategies. <br />Action plans.<br />Project Implementation.<br />Local Authorities<br /><ul><li>Implementation of action plans . 36. Action plans follow up. 37. Project management.</li></ul>NGOs<br /><ul><li>Evaluation of community needs. 38. Mobilization of civil society. 39. Project implementation follow up.</li></ul>MEDIA<br /><ul><li>Documentation of community needs. 40. Public follow up of project implementation. 41. Encouraging kind and financial contributions.</li></li></ul><li>Monitoring and Evaluation <br />Project level (Project manager to governorate)<br /><ul><li>Monitoring implementation of project activities.</li></ul>Local Level (Governorates to ISDF)<br /><ul><li>In-kind follow up. 42. Financial follow up</li></ul>Central Level (General Organization for Planning to ISDF)<br /><ul><li>Preparation of strategic plans for unplanned areas. 43. Preparation of detailed action plans for unplanned areas. 44. Providing lands for low income.</li></ul>National Level (ISDF to Prime Minister)<br /><ul><li>Progress indicators for the followings: 45. Development of unsafe areas. 46. Effective partnership and cooperation. 47. Capacity building of stakeholders in preparation and implement of action plans. 48. Financial resources development.</li></li></ul><li>Resources of Finance<br />The national program for development of unsafe areas is depending on different resources of finance which include the followings: <br />• The State Budget with total amount of 1.1 Billion Egyptian pounds (about 200 Million $)<br />• A fund from the Ministry of Housing from its National Housing Program (NHP) for low cost housing, which will support the ISDF program for the construction of 25,000 new units with total cost about 2,1 Billion Egyptian pounds (about 400 Million $). <br />• The Land Based finance from the development of governmental lands which had a cost recovery with total amount of 17 Billion Egyptian pounds.<br />• The Self Finance of the governmental authorities which own the lands such as railways authority, irrigation authority, Awkaf authority and Antiques authority with total amount of 450 million Egyptian pounds (about 90 Million $) <br />• International cooperation funds presented to the Egyptian government from development agencies , donor countries , international financial institutions and organizations with total amount of 300 Million Egyptian Pounds (about 60 Million $). <br /> 49. Local Development Practices<br />Zienhum Area- Cairo<br />Aims to develop of Zienhum slum area<br />Stakeholders<br /><ul><li>Cairo Governorate. 50. Red Crescent Society. 51. Business men.</li></ul>Strategy of Intervention: <br /><ul><li>Redevelopment of the area on 3 stages by replacement and renewal method. 52. Evacuating the 1st sector of residents outside the study area and locating them in temporarily units in El-Nahda area (El-Salam), then final relocation in the developed area after implementing the first stage.</li></ul>Development Results: <br /><ul><li>Providing 348 units for 1st stage. 53. Providing 948 units for 2nd stage (A-B) in addition to 14 shop and women social center and mosque. 54. Providing 696 units for 3rd stage.</li></li></ul><li>Local Development Practices<br />Future Society Organization Project - Giza<br />Aims to develop of the slums area which include an average population of 3000 resident. <br />Strategy of intervention: <br /><ul><li>Building of trust with the community by 3 medical campaigns in 2004. 55. Running on site survey in order to get real information about the community and evaluation of their needs. 56. Building of 11 residential building for those who used to live in shared units or slums. 57. Social services organization with the government. </li></ul>Development Results: <br />The project was constructed on 4 stages which include: <br /><ul><li> Providing housing for 3000 inhabitant in new units. 58. Construction of medical center, social services center, 5 children centers, and different socio-economic programs for women and children. </li></li></ul><li>Local Development Practices<br />El- Darb El -Ahmar Project - Cairo<br />Aims to implement community development projects in order to improve the urban, social and economic standards of slums areas and encourage the inhabitants to participate in the development process.<br />Stakeholders: <br />Cairo Governorate<br />Aga-khan Foundation<br />Social Development Facility <br />Supreme Council of Antiquities <br />Strategy of intervention: <br /><ul><li> Rehabilitation of housing, public buildings, infrastructure, public spaces and the restoration of monuments in the area. 59. Develop and improve the health and environmental services, education and providing opportunities for recruiting and free vocational and professional training .</li></li></ul><li>Local Development Practices<br />Abu-Qatada Area, Boulaq El-Dakrour- Giza <br />The project aims to find practical solutions for the rehabilitation of residential buildings and improve the physical environment in Abu Qatada District Boulaqe Al- Dakrur.<br />Stakeholders<br /><ul><li>Giza Governorate 60. GTZ 61. EECA</li></ul>Strategy of intervention: <br /><ul><li> Creating an urban pattern through development project. 62. Encouraging the owners of houses in financial contribution . 63. Creating a successful model for repetition in other areas . 64. Improving the level of living through building capacities of the inhabitants and their participation in the development process. </li></li></ul><li>Local Development Practices<br />Improving of 13 Slums Areas - Damietta<br />The project aims to improve of 13 slums areas and constructing the ring road along 8 km with a width of 22 m as a development axis.<br />Strategy of intervention: <br /><ul><li> Moving high voltage power lines away from residential area by 10-12 m. 65. Changing high voltage power lines with under ground lines. 66. Construction of a new roads with 22 m width . 67. Urban Rehabilitation of housing in the area. </li></ul>Ring road penetrating 13 slums areas<br />Improvement Results: <br /><ul><li> Improving the level of living by providing 5000 job opportunities in furnishing production. 68. Environmental enhancement and the disposal of garbage areas. 69. Reduction of health hazards risks from high-voltage power lines. </li></li></ul><li>Conclusions<br />The newly Egyptian approach developed by the ISDF, has been replaced the formerly called ‘slums’ or ‘informal settlements’ with the two distinctive terms of ‘unplanned areas’ and ‘unsafe areas’ and classify the later according to the degree of risk to life and property. <br />The ISDF approach is very useful in identifying priorities for intervention; based on the distinction between unsafe areas and unplanned areas, the former requires immediate action, while the later requires either a medium or long term strategy.<br />3) The national map of Unsafe areas of Egypt had identified the unsafe areas in all urban centres of Egypt which include 404 unsafe urban areas with approximately 850 thousands inhabitants.<br />4) The ISDF has currently initiate phase 2 of the national plan for development of unsafe areas and it includes preparation of the action plans in 35 unsafe areas all over Egypt, and it starts implementation in early 2010 to finalize the development of these areas by year 2020.<br /> 70. Informal Settlements Development Facilities<br />Egyptian Cabinet of Ministers<br />Thank You<br />Dr. SherifAlgohary<br />Manger of Technical assistant and Building Capacity Unit<br />ISDF, Egyptian Cabinet<br />E mail: TA&[email protected]<br />2, June 2010<br />IDRC Davos 2010<br />


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