Dusty Springfield - The Very Best of..
Dusty Springfield - The Very Best of..
June 2, 2018 | Author: Bienvenido Domingo | Category:
Pop Songs
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Rhythm And Blues Songs
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/r,f Spri "l; -- {-g*sf Dutty ryF, 'lo 'len + / t lose IVfy Lyes And Uount /'wishin' And Hrpin' 5l ,,t' Little By Little 55 X Stay Awhile 50 XAll I See Is You 64 X Nothing Has Been Proved 68 X Losing You 75 X Twenty Four Hours From'fulsa 78 ,,f In The Middle Of f{owhere f f BI B3 B9 Son Of A Preacher Man J ,/ Anvone Who Had A Heart / If You Go Away 94 I'll Try Arything 98 / How Can I Be Sure? 103 Wherever Would I Be? 109 The Look Of Love I 13 I |5 { ,/ X BorlusTrackAm I The Same Girl? NB: ONLY TICKED SONGS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS PDF I Only Want To Be With You Words and llusic by Ivor R aymond and M ike Hawker ol il d o n t k n o w w h o t i t i s t h o t m o k e sm e l o v e y o u s o - . tterwh re yougo or whot you do.d o es n ' t let doy you wrrh ri t n vv- 'Cos you_ oh you Io o K ook stort-ed o: vh t w h oo t h o s somethin' Oh hoooened w noPPeneo w ith 't iust you one seekiss- i. I Em Y I I + IrP /l r I Am7 It lt's hoppens cro - zy +-+' ' U D7 _V_ ev - er since we met youve hod o nev-er knew thot I could be in hold on love like methis- to but be it's true. true. --l \t r r Em r q_/ + bt r.._ )l Am Bm Am Cf;dim. O 1963ChappellMusic Ltd, London W6 8BS on-ly on- | won t to wont to be with you. be w ith you. x D7 An7 D7' \:/ Y o u s t o p p e do n d s mi l e c l ot mer_ Asked if I'd core to donce. _- i L- lrr \r '- r 'l r ,, fr C 6 e-()' a u cnonce. - J_ Ot T--, Nowlistenhoney, I iust wonno be beside youev-ry-wnere. -_ - \--E; --;- As long o, *e're to-gether hone "-r'1 r D7T r \t r r'* i-f' r m Y (, v I don't core-- you stort-ed somethin thot Am7 sincewe metyouvehodo hold on M A No mot I soid on - ly *ont to be with ---P i r I roll. A,m7 11 t-l I Just f)onot Know What To Do With Myself S brcl s bv Hal David )Iusi c bv Bur t Bachar ach Medium slow rfl ffi B i--'--'-i FFFEI1 r-ffi--1 Fr ffi '--r-.i iltl-n r-r-ff1 B Ff, ffi just don B i--'--'--'--i ht1-tf1 r-rtT5l Ff ffi my know what to do (Verse2 seeblock lyric) t I ;--i B rft-|-n f-r.-fl pF Gilm fr4 Gf,m adde ffi ffi t'offit EqH o 1 9 6 4 U S S o n g s I n c , B l u e S e a sM u s i c I n c a n d J a c M u s i c C o I n c , U S A WintlsweJrt Pacific Nlusic Ltd, Lontlon Wl I 4SQ and MCA llusic Ltrl, l,ondon W6 B.IA mer rose ? -l fi.15 Gf.*ujt ffiffi FF+CFr ry .-ujt Emajz(bs) +ffiffi ffiffi P.- I just don't just don't B ?---.m fr4m ffi F._ know what to do. ftrfffl x e Fr H-&FH ffi t.r vl r tt j't .thing with you.-. -8 E needs the sun and need- your . plan nlng ry .thing for dr t n'im Dflm now that we're GFm ("rFe' rl lo__- E 9_o ffi ffi ffiNC through.- U Like a sum. come back.round just ai r---f-fYf r ' rl rr"r e .16 xo A o B ffiff rT-TT1 Ff ffi l-t-t-r-tl ffi beat U allthe sweet- love- to t ll 't 2- -e e a_. I will be a . a a =fl =F I' f L-Jl' f \-/- c ev - er turns- vou down. _ no.m f.m fr1 ffi B .- * D.al Coda # Coda N. .--1 3 I don't know what else to clo. I' m s o l o n esome you i t' s a cri me.zy for 1'ou Verse2: I j u s t d o n ' t now w hatto do w i th my ti me. I i u s td o n ' t know w hatto do.I7 To Coda# Df.C.- no. for me Go i n gto a movi eonl y makes sad.--' rfitt-1 fT-Tf] Gfm fr4 ffi Voculud lib. Parties makeme f-eel bad.tS.-rl-a I I I I'I II"IJ Gilm tra E B :.----t ffi trFFF FfIH wait .ing for -...i rT-uf1 3 . don't know what else- just go cra. ro fitrl. B rrTrT] rfrrr1 rTa-ft Like a sum-mer rose- Gf. as Wh e nI' m not w i th you.. USA ScreenGems-EMIMusic Ltd. I think And now I'm I re -turn .ing think I've to- L i f # trl r-* f rrrl * J lrl _fr O 1966 ScreenGems-EMIMusic Inc. friend. London WC2H OEA .call the time- ATsusa )<ooo I F L L \-/ wellto the things I learned so to reach outwhen I wasn't a .in' U*f.29 Goin'Back Flowing 4#dgn Words and Music by Carole Ki.g and Gerry Coffin 1. I go .I think I'm can 2.shamed -E et-tA -E--E -= r Aadd )(oo ffi rrnffi youth.. 30 ATsusa xooo 10 \---got those a days when I lot more than was a en .ping rope to to U? | 7l7 r (r rl- rtr-' rr -.-C -E :t * -G t=t -G .ry u Li-Lrffi trtffi .-7r rl rt I tr * r-* f lrl I r:Li Tr 16 {passself- to onthan watch ly my the time. Aadde xoo Ffim I3 ffi rfifi1 Now there are Now there's more no to games do know the lend? -- -{-=-z tr -=1 .ough youngskip . or cry And No more ev'. l t7't 7 # I ++ - .-rffi ?l Ii l - T i )o(c DIE o ffi think .dise.gical pa to chime.- LT T:J: L-r-L.ingday can books.ra .ing young and grow And I can play old . be no my Christ .31 Ffim Aadde )(oo ffi r'|||ft1 colour .er hide and ls noseek with rn\'- f T And And I live can my playdays- -fiffi = | 7 | t-.mas bells ma . +r+-: €q - + e * r-* ll trl ( trl _l' lrl * r-* _f lrl _]- oStsr/A r )o< abl ' m n'1 .J: 28 1 to my game stead lifeof of count -ing --:-7 d win. - a. bate r'oiffi rrmn Cf m7 re-al I 1 t-r_Lrw Ffim tt tUrr 7=7= | | 7 7 ?J'.r de ..? Aadde )(oo ffi rtaTTl mY- world- the way r Lrffi ffffi ++++ llT ltl l rr -lE- -a- ttT .33 nspr/a FmaiT Em7 )o< E o oo Asus Xo o Film ffi fa&t-r. DIA )0(6 o fiffi a tempo 4#dgn rall.dom's rall. .J+ >o<d o 1A D/E ffi 50 ffi free . i c a l i . o n t r o l l e dr r S a r n e r I l r o s P u b l i c a t . [ .35 You Don't Have To Sav You Love Me Original Words by Vito Pallavicini English Words by Simon Napier-Bell and Vicki Wickham Music by Pino l)onaggio Moderately \A'hen I said I y o uv e t _. t r l a n r l B F e l t l m a n & C o L t t l " L o n d o n V ' C 2 H O E A l . \ c r : u r r l oS R L a n d B F e l r l m a n & C o L t c l . r_ J _t BbmT Don't you see that now_ youve I gone And Iin left here o 1 9 6 5 r l i z i o n i l l u .. i o n s[ n r : / I N I I . m B b-.. I t a l v E W b r l t l w i d ep r i n t r i g h t sr . ?-r I \i-l .3 You dont have t73 -1 to stay for .ev - er r-3 F-l-r \ q- 3 rr- J-r. You have Dm to f_3_r \---.--l F 3 r-3 Dm r_ .36 3 3 3 rhonre. Ft-r. ri- J-:l tl-3 -r . 37 help but love l-3 you _ But 3 tuP l 3 trJ Dm -3 have to say you r-3 rl-3-r Tffffffr?ff= - 133 - rI_ . ?-r at hand.3-1 do:t t to say f-'3---r ri.?-r c9 r-3 I will s t a t td . Be [.3-r you I ove just be J-] closc t-. - 3 ---- ri .?-] just r3- be close f.? -t at hand.3r to F.38 F r-.3r stay for r-.3r Am r-J-t r-3-r You 6-. r:- 3 r- You dont have r. You do Iit stay for r-3 l-.3 I will 3 un-der.stattd- . It i s . London NWI 8BD . n't the way that you look.n't the things that you I' rt t l t t l-l-l-l f F--l f ' -a-JJu tt* trl ri v say do. make me want vou so.lr " AmTlG Dm/F X X Esus4 o rrTrTt o c Words and Music by Clive Westlake TIFil .n ' t the way 3 is .H r-r--rt-1 ffi t t o t o l TrrT'n Tnl rfl-r.- r ff tl nr r -1. trJ r r rf e O l968 Carlin Nlusic CorJr.47 I Close My Eyes And Count To Ten Moderately . and it a ----- ]' ?+ 1-rr Am rtfT lttl l---1 l-t--l Dm xxo Dm/F TT-rr-Ta TTT'N I liLrt] J rrFrTa FFffi rT-n-n iiffii Trrrr-1 that you talk. show and The ne .fore world was a place have with I a sure been so frown on its face.gers to do amo with ment wlne.. I don't find.ver be ..: Dm r-r-Trra TTT-N Dm TTTT-TI FTF-N Fl]f. know D xxo TTTTN tl lltl way way make me make me feel.thing stran . I would .]'.. you're the and to r rr Bm7b5 |.. 9o' mind.- am close am close .feel. no .]..m fi r slower ftf lll ffi I dreamed was just.. 'q t I that can't rvhar this I S pening t0 \ Am7lG r+riri Frrrn me.- : \ I I FIm ft ffiTn ffi iffi n-a-i-tta ITI] norrnd -ino . I c l o s em y eyes and count to \ .m o r .r e a l .lieve is hap triiii ly happen-ing rs on-li part.- some-how some-horv be-lieve be-lieve it's 's it l r l l P t r u e .-r9 U TT]-I]] I J .row) Ifeel ri'ill \'r)Lr ln still mv bc htqrl the hnn - ing l-rere? T o .row that we'll will come.ntor . f.__ dream. bui i \ I Bb F L: isFR F+++r ffi be .ij rr l t i a fe e l l n g day s e e m so so un un r e a l . but you're still - here. Am/'G --aT- F Dm r-T-rr-t tfTa-rl FrFr-1 Trrrn E7sus4 Q O A A ffi ffi Frffn and count a gatn.F a t a a a E o TI-r. L 'T T TT r r Li1tr '6 A e . I close mv e-ves) ].-n o o Am - Fifl+ TTTTN rrn-n | -rrrrl | t a a and when I o ._ I can't be lieve- it. Dm xxo TT-TT-N FH+H TrrrTl and when I pen them you're still - here. $7e were : E7sus4 Am/G o o --: :---:-r--- ETTN LLLI--LJ fffma | | a I I L it.pen them 3._ vou're - still 3 __-__ here. I close my eyes_ and count to ten) F a--r-t ---rTl a a -T-T1 i . but You're still _ here. -rrn fT--51 pil ffi and dream-in W i s h -i n pl an-ni n J J' a rSru clcl e a ]' r Ff7 t J -------1 fi--r-a t-r-t-it-t Ll-l-l-il fffi night of his charms: that won't get you in. ffi and hop.in and think-in ffi and pray-in B . r.-.51 Wishin'And Hrpin' Words b"v Hal David Musi c bv B ur t Bachar ach Moderately BE LJII-IJ t-t-LLt-J ttRt r-r-Tf] t-Llt Ltu Ittl B .----{ ffi r-r-Tfl Fnl B .R l pf.--t. you re O 1963 New Hidden Valley Nlusic antl CasaDavitl Musit:. Lonrlon W6 BBS . pf.to hi s arms. Ff7 rrrT ffi rfi-t-f1 n--Tfl ffi B # Faft-h r-r-T-1 l l .--.USA Whrner/Chappell Nlusic Ltrl. r ? a a r 1 ta | ) cll e \r41 -+ ? . t Yl 1) / 'r 'V I *i ' B r-r'r-r-n r' i r rr i r lt ? t: t ' B :*--{ fT-tl rTtfN ooo E xro ffi rfi-rn r.wear Yourhair- just for him- ' cos- z | | | .ta d o - is and kiss him.ing B ffi rf pl Fftrfl rrtffl ffi o a' ffi and love 'him and show him that you all you got. i r fir i-r--{ B hFFTE E]IID ffi he likes to do. )1| .Dlm .+-t-t D[7 ffi ihffi to find love Gflm frnffi ffi look..Trn I-FfiFH ffi Show him that you just for do the things- ? U f fi f '1 i l Ff. -- .hop-in'.- 'Cos I a J a e .---i t-aft-f1 r-r-ffl r'il ffi and dream. t-. pf. r tL'|.how great true 1S' So if 1 I c ft cl U (a?.tffi Ffffij ffi and hop. v o u ' re th i n k -i n ' a.s es that won't get you pA N.m fr1 ffi a ffi love ffi .:3C # B Ff.--'.I.-! t t J e-r-e rr3.C. w i sh-i n and a.l t 'ltt t-t-1 ta.53 Dfm Fnl ffi you won't get him think-in and a .' r' i Ff. c I ll cx b f ? 4'-.in plan-nin \ 2 I t t i' r i t rt' i I r i.7 + rr ffi k is .in' a n d th ink-i n' ffi and pray-in B .4 I Dfr1 Gf.p r a y -i n ' . v.ter you do.ta show him that rr # coda # B B r ffiffiffiffi P. hir.d Yfi'/ I /'l 1. A o A d 'l=a7j ..54 Eritri _ \_/_ all you got-ta dois E7 B i-. r # B To Coda Q pf o E oo ffi ffi o ffi Frr-F-1 ffiffiffi you.tujt ffi ffi ffi ffiffiffiffi You will be ffi --:__ko.. it -{€> \7 t e C J (J .tt^tl 1+' t ' l' Ffo Fili i B e re I E oo i' lc ..rS.f 'Letn't"t+JJ €>'. htftfl F+#5H Fr Fl ffi and kiss him and squeeze him ffi and love him.. --r 3 You sot. just hold him d .will be ffi # B rffi-f-t-l ffi D. Coda al and af . - Break . L o n d o n W 6 B B S [ l P .tle by lit . U S A U K p r i n t r i g h t sc o n t r o l l e db y I n t e r n a t i o n aN I u s i c u b l i c a t i o n s.55 Little Bv Little Words and Music by Buddy Kaye and Bea Verdi Dm )06 Moderato (with a beat) ffi ffi llz.in' tear .part. t d .tle by lit tle. Dm )c<: --rrTl G Dm )oo rrrTrD I I l t t I Dm )O{o G # ffi up my life- ffi ttlltt TITIII ffi ffi \-' up my world mess.ing by 3 )- r ? I qr ? I r-e fi== / 7 | O 1 9 6 5B u c l dN l u s i cC o r p . F fffi Dm )& ffi G m G m rFTFN Dm G ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi You're lit .mg me a . m Dm G ooo ffi Gm )OO ffi Am )OO( ffi Am )OO( o o ffi ffiffi ffi m Dm G ffi my pride- tu real .side is mak m Dm G ooo Gm )& Am )oo( o Gm )06 Am )oo( o ffi go ma m ffi ffi rffra ffiffi Hlfr l-fi-fH Hurt .ing deep -d oo -f -1- - I Bb x Gm )oo Gm m ffi m ffi xffi 3 Lit .ing all m Dm G ffi +rl in .ting Dm G ffi \bad lit .ly get .tle by I'm los .tle bit- Lit .de by lit - tle by 3 .de by lit . tle by lit . Am7 t:o D7 )o6 GmajT )0600 o Em7 o o EIN | | I ttl ffi #i+1 ffi l-tffH to coda $ 3 Uttle by lit-tle bit- by- bit I should stop car-ing but mY love-won't quit. I'm go mg cra . -_u' . +.57 Bb Effi bybit. m Dm F ffi lit .Ty and you're caus ing it.- 3 . t VO nr wr ll. t f'r I r .tle by m Dm G ffi m Dm G ffi .tle by lit . in' thru- o: r r-eot=z v7t r r\r I b)r T D.! 3 -'--/ nrrndon't know what to do. a I r T I nr I r I r rnr .- don't know where to 3 a-t-t.de.Xd+coda tu oo.tle by ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi Fffffi lit - tle by lit - tle by lit .- Gm Am )oo( o A x B' Gm )& A7 rcoo ffi r|fm ffi{ Ut .5R lz' Dm )o6 ffiffi J I m Dm G ffi - rrrrn ooo m Dm G ooo rilTn trl Ltl at | | It uJr._et-j ? I -qr rqr m Dm G ffi ing on thin ice and it seems- Dm )oo rT'mrl G Gm )06 Am )@( o ffi ffi ooo rrrn ffi ffi ffi fr-fffl Ifalk - I'm fall . tle by lit .tle by lit tle.59 +-+ tloda >o<c Dm G7 )&oo ffi -Trl1 rr-LJII m ffi Dm )& tTn-rl G7 )O(o@ ffi m H-tJ{-{ Ffffft m Dm G ooo ffi Dm )06 @ ffi ffi ffi ffi na getyou- I'm the queen of fools lnow thedeck is stacked I'm on a los-ing sueak but I'm gon - I f T f qY + -2'I 2u.- . Yeah. ].tle by lit .de.-++ ll i r t r r tfsLf= +# l-J I r47 ..tle by lit . _J.tle.tle by lit . I e rrT l nr I r I r fnr repeat until fade F G ffi \-z ffi lit .tle by lit . t_ .l- l7++ r a'qffi r--q I r E lm -rr- Am )OO( o Gm )oo Am )OO< o Bb x Gm )oo rffin A7 xcoo m = ffi ffi Im ffi - ba -ck Lit . m Dm G ooo ffi ffi Ut.. J.tle by lit tle bv lit. w o n ' ty o u Lis-ten to me. 2.where will Where How it soon are the can you pass_ me dreams I it Iet - by?) planned ?..ten to Leave my heart to my a plea: stray? Mi d-dl e Of No where O 1 9 6 5B u d d M u s i c C o r p . l-ffi i ff '/D Frrrn 1.81 In The Middle Of Nowhere Vords and Nlusic by Buddy Kaye and Bea Verdi ooo A7 Brightly.F lr Dm ffi J-_T JJ 13 { Y: {H E I ffi ['m In The o TNT| ffi rffitfl G ooo What am I Lis .w here ffi ffi Ft-t-t-ff Hi-ffi B a . with spirit o .na teII ba leave mebyme_ ' FTr q. lVhereWhere lVtrere- does our did my does our love heart love lie?Iand?lie? - I ) ! Dm ffi ooo g+m G FFFFH ffi ffifl The Mi d -d l c Of No. Areyougon . U S A UK print rights controlledbv InternationalMusic PublicationsLimited.-ln The Mi d -d l e Of No .| die ?l r C oo F oooo E7 ffi J.b y . London W6 BBS . J. l-. and fad.e You teil + gt 3-.way. y o u k n o w - You' D. C.sZ E7 oooo iffi oo ffi '+ ( Get-tin' no-where with .m e .in' \ And itrs wor-ry I Come and show me the y o u .l-H o clr .S.82 |f f i l t. to lrd .J .ver 'and O [' m al l that you' re B7 o o ooo E7 ffi |-H ffi Ffi-i-H ffi FFIFTI Ba -b y . D .ffi C lr.: --r il rrFl-f] Fl-t-Fn i-FFt-H ItrH ffi +d.- ffiffi |-. \----/ 4+t \'/ Bill .ered round and start \ I O l968 Tree Ptrblishing(lo Int:. Lonrlon W lV 2LP . LISA Sonr/.y Ray was a preach .83 Son Of A Preacher MAn H I i Moderately.{'l'\i Nlusic Pulrlishing.sit he'd come When they gath .S ffi ffFfl Words and Nlusic bv D avi d H url ey and R onni e S tephen S'ilkins John - a \i a.er's \I sdn.dy would . and when his A ooo E Dad . - Lord knows to my.in'.ver ffi rffl-fl ffi FI-IFH reach me er was the son of a Preach. r )oo r E "ffi A ffi Fffffl on-ly boy who could e-ver was the son of a Preach-er man.ly would take me ri.man. G then he'd look to.sin Bil . Yes he r r .sur.Cou. e ooo E )<o A o ooo E ffi t-Fffft on .ly one who could e .Prise.my eyes.6tt . through back-yard we'd go *itt- in. no mat .ed sweet talk ._ -.in' to me he'd come andtell me ev'-ry-thing is al.85 XX B ffi ffi was. . he'd kiss and tell me ev'-ry-thing is al.ter how hard I tried.right. he was. oh.ways ea sy.ing good is-n't al .right. yes he was. Be .- When he start . yes he was./ to .y r -Ao r Vooo E XX B 30 ffi ffirr1 ffi rrfff1 ffi fft]ul wasthe son of a preach er man.mem-ber .ly . The on .. can I get a-way a-gain The on-ly one who could e -ver riach me Xoo A ooo E ffi t-fffH ffi rffrH who could e . he tE--- e r rco Y P ( r++ A ffi fffft1 ffi Ire .night.ver teach me was the sonof a preach-er man.86 26 \. in' time to make- time tell .n . Steal .- Y.87 the look that was in his eyes. \ t . = r-- Ez(fisl learn-in'from each o-ther's know-ing. ..- I tak .es from me.in' me that he's all.- The .ing kiss .-.mine.er man. \ / r.ver reach me was the son of a Preach.ly one who could e ..1_ \ I I +t f p ffi . look-in' to see how much we'd grown.on the sly. ly one-who could e .ly one who could er was the son of a Preach.man. m D7 P ffi was the son of a Preach er man. on.)O(o ffi D ffi on .ly boy-who could was the son of .ver reachme )o@ ffi D )@ A repeat andfade ffi on. 89 Aryone T[rho Had A Heart Vords by Hal David Music by Burt Bacharach Am7 Fn{7 gb(rur) gt ffi w ffri ry -jAm dr-rn '--/ An-y-one who ev-er loved l-3--r could r-3-r look at me - ffi and know that .l-fl {Iatit t-J PmrJT Bb(ruc) tttilt rrr l i t ffi ffi Fff-ffii m EETT# I-FFFH gf An-y-orte n ho ev-er drcamed - could look at me -- and know I yQu' I I F E) FFFFFI l-+-. fY 3 ++ tf ) F 3 + J r r dream of lrl ++ JJ .*{ ffi ffi Know-ing I love m ab ffi mm sl# rfl-rn 3-_-t r-J Lml you 3 3 .. London W6 8BS .g Am7 l-rr-. USA 'Warner/Chappell Music Ltd...-Jj 3 ffi H++F |.-3-r 1963 New Hidden Valley Music and Casa David Music.-3 I m ffi ffi love you.. t-J \-/ I al.90 trrTn rTTTN tlb Eb ffi \---me_ ffi ffi 3 his Db Ef Dt Eb Dt Ef ffi t-.n't r-J--t real lv have a heart r\ and l)b Eb l)b sb Et pD Et ffi t-r-r-r-H ffi FFTffi ffi ffi Tmffim FTIE rffTN Ff&l-fi HflqT F+-fr-H Ft-*fi 3 3 3 t-3-T 'Am Am7 Trrl--'t -l- 3 ffiffi_ What am I ffi rrffT1 #t t-tr# i-'.3 ffi ffi ffi J Cm? ffi H++H t---J--f could .r vayssay-l .w ay.r t-J-r \-/ Ev-'ry time you go a . Know I love ab ffi +t*1 Cm7 mffi . J r-3____. - J Fm{7 fTl It uttlt ITT:I t r Bt l I | | JF TmR [fff1 H-trh f-r-f1fl I I ffi fiffD W i t h . dear. dear.o u t you I ' d d i e. [.one who had a heart 3-r would r- / \ Ef ffi l-ffi r 3-Fr=-ritrt # t t t t a t t t t t l l # gb ffi Fffi rnrn FF# H+FH H-&t-?t Tf]-|l rF#i --rT-fl l-Fl"+-l-i ef ffiFn Et FFTF?I ffi ffi and love ffi arrns .rrrn F11+1 Hm rFrrn H An y .- I t a k ev o u b a c k.9l PrarjT Bb gue 3b Am Am7 ffi rrrrn : r-3-r ffi ffil FffTN ffi fffi-n 3-_--t r-3 thistime it's good-bye.ov-ing you the way f-J do. t-3 . - ffi t-t-t-FH -.t ll I l I | | | ffi (-J A l-3 _r What am An .n't I real lY have a 13 tlb Uf ffi i-i-ffi ffi CJ- 3- 3 J-r c -j-_t af F | | | I t ! rrrTfl trrTt 1 trfr T-rt FFFt-t-1 r-J ffi I to J-r do? - ll tll l I I t.one who had a heart would sure-ly AJ in his arms and - al .ways -: fJ:F.-J ab F l)b Dt meiT Cm? l)D ffi too.v .ru'-+u ffiffiffi ffi f-J-r ..one who had a heart would love me -3:r r-3 . .-l 2 ru An -^y .al ffi m H1# Cm7 Fr-fr-H 3-t could .--- *-3-5-- 3 . v . had a heart would suFe ly rJl tade out Db mrl? ffi nTrn it+ill r__-.Df mgi =m Cr7 # -Ttr TITM Bf 17 E) \) ffiffi8 ffi€. and - .one who had a heart would love me .3 m +tt+l Frfffl Cm? I)b Db meiT ffi ffi his m m EEltlt Cm7 l)t Dt mrj? l-t-ft-H ffi r-J ffiffiffiffi me. Why won't Cmt Bb n? sb take me- arms.1b F ffi ffi ffi t-fr-r-H -t An -Y -onewho f::-::- too. Why won't TT|T =: F Tifi :1-.FffJ love you? An . ing.er \ I O 1967 EMI April Nlusic Inc.l-n ffi a worldthat's cons . Eddie Brigati Musico Jemaxal Music Inc and Huna Music.ev.103 How Can I Be Sure? Moderatelv Y Fno3 Words and Music by Eddie Brigati Jnr and Felix Cavaliere Fno3 ffi ------ How can I be sure? -\--l/ tr) l tF L p : r ' -fift + ^- -:>c< F ----.ly chang . London VC2H OEA . How can In Fno3 Fno3 + -t!-'1 ffi where I stand with When .tant . USA EMI Music Publishing Ltrl. - 'cos you know I wan.ing to $'l ffi Qm ffi uom AP Fm7 ffi ffi r' r' . ffi -t---/- Fm7 ffi )o<o Fm6 ffi l'ft-t-H ff'ffn ffi wan .na vr r )@o Am ffi Ft-ffH m Dm know.er I am p-.-How do may .be You're try .104 Fm F-(Y) Irffi fffi ffi Fm7 ffi )oo Fm6 ffi ffi ffi a .T.na- die.wayfrom when.ev . Gm7 113g ffi stay- with you. J' -lE Fm p-.f.f.ing peo .- .105 BbmT Fno3 24 ffi touch me but don't take me do*n-.-'-When-ev. 27 ffi ffi Fm7 MR )0(o Fm6 Gm p3g ffi ffi when-ev .er o va..er a . \-il Fm7 ffi )o(o Fm6 J0^ft'm C 1li-=-t ffi ffi you.waY- Gm c7 Fm ffie r'.bi- is tell . ft vo +'-r+.li . my a .ple I don't a tr Gm r >t 8t Itt b"l ee Gm fr3g ffi c7 tl^tfm tr rE . ful ba .dY who won . real.der .bo .lY ED .round 39^ttom 4b Fm7 ffi oh yeah seem some.hang -ing a .bY as 45 ft'ffi Ep tt'm real real lY. ly real . I I Gm7 xoo Am Qm ffi Gm7 fr3 Xoo Am >c<o Dm How's the weath .geth.t07 F ffi F ffi ffi know Real . wheth .er.na know wan .na arf r Fm Fm($zl Fm7 fllP r Fm6 >o<o Gm7 fr3g ffi Gm7 5I ffi m ffi Fm ffi Fm(#zl Fm7 ffi )o<o Fm6 ffi ffi fs Gm7 ffi ?.er- to- .ly wan .er or not we're to . - I'll love you. I'll love You for ev .ter.108 Gm7 f13g Fm ffi B D mT x gb A2 fr4 Fm 'F tf ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi geth . A How can l- .er'- BbmT x Bb ft3 Fno3 ffi ffi Bb F ED F ffi How can I- ffi e' sure? ff ffi {)z In a world- ffi -ing' that's cons-tant.lY chang menomosso F f/m 73^ AP F ffi {-z e' sure t/m I'll 4b trm be sure with ffi A you.er we'll see that much bet . 113 The Look Of Love Words by Hal David Music by Burt Bacharach Medium rock ballad r'+iffi H++H 3" instrumental CtTsus4 Gfim7 lTf77? H++fl l. U S A l ScreenCems-EN{I Music Ltd. London VC2H OEA . The look of (Verse2 seeblock lyric) love- your the look- your heart- can't guise.E MM u s i cI n c .- fr4 ffi Gr7 The look- of lore- O 1 9 6 5C o l g e m s . i+ffi rt-r-rr1 t somucn more than Just E] o o oo ffi Frr-rn 1*'jl ffi nfi-fl r"m"'im cH7 CFmT Fl7 ffi (vrtcal 3") in FI rn7/B i-m FFFT+i 'ff-rn1 l'eel- rny arms a-round you.R Amo +++f.n4 cll FrI. . Let's takea lover'svow And thensealit with a kiss._ 2.er l=-3-_- rl-3 --r Ff me ffiffi ffi E6 'ffi' t-t-t-fr-'t E adde o oo ffi fl-a-rtl A love you )JJ e t8 rlt. wait. I can hardly wait etc. You've got the 3 ----r 13. now- that I have found you. Be mine tonight.ed just to love .vou. llz. . it's on your face.let this be just the start Of so many nightslike this.115 E oo o FtmTlB sfrF FFFFH ll. u'im CFPT Don't ev . Verse3: (Instrumental) I can hardly wait etc. A look that time can't erase. I tt$ f i- a lo I' \o \_l \r' Verse2: You've got the look of love.er eion't ev . 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