DIN 4132-Supplement.pdf

June 9, 2018 | Author: DylkanWings | Category: Truss, Stress (Mechanics), Bending, Crane (Machine), Stress–Strain Analysis
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This supplement contains information relating to DIN 4132, but does not include any additional standardized specifications These explanations refer to the February 1981 edition of DIN Standard 4132. They con- tain additional information concerning individual clauses which seem t o require justifica- tion or further explanation, and have been drawn up by Prof. Dr.-lng. Oxfort assisted by Dipl.-lng. Bitzer of the University of Stuttgart. A t the same time, some of the diagrams already included in the April 1971 draft of DIN 4132 together with a few suggestions made by colleagues of the NABau technical committee have also been adopted; the expla- nations relating to subclause 4.4.4 have been drawn up by Prof.-lng. Barbré, Technical University of Braunschweig. 104 over 2 . the wheel loads are applied either with a smaller degree mentioned basic standards or other standards to which of eccentricity or centrally.4. e.1 Field of application The magnitude of the eccentricity depends on the char- The specifications of Standards DIN 1000 and DIN 1050 acteristics of the system. Loading groups according t o stress cycle ranges and stress collectives Stress cycle range N1 N2 N3 N4 over 2 . medium B3 B4 85 B6 S3 heavy B4 85 B6 B6 .= 2+' 2a.2 Live loads of crane running wheels a. the magnitude of the eccentricity is assumed to be extent necessary for the calculation. 1' 4 of the width of the top of the rail.rnay be used as a basis for establishing shop bay or 2o' P the manufacturing tolerances of cranes. tion of steel craneways. it can be ments rnay therefore be necessary to this edition of guaranteed that throughout the whole period of service DIN 4132 as soon as any changes are made to the above.2. Table 20. design and construc. icant for the craneway supports. L Z: . quently repeated and variable have a particularly unfa. The standard specifies that the horizontal lateral loads > vourable effect on the service strength.2 cranes one behind the other and one crane on in the standard on cranes DIN 15 018. equivalent to +.3 cranes in different shop bays.3 Vibration coefficients It is the employer's responsibility in the context of this The bases for the specification of the vibration coeffi- standard to provide the necessary information concerning cient cp as a function of the hoisting class of the crane the operating conditions of the crane which must be are stated in [I 1.3. Regular use Regular use Regular use in stress cycles non-regular use with in aggravated N envisaged with long periods intermittent continuous continuous of non-use operation operation operation Stress collectives Loading group So very light B1 82 83 B4 SI light B2 83 B4 85 S.2 cranes above each other and 1 crane in another o trolley runway . however. Since. running wheel. The cranes rnay be in ing supervision. The consideration of three cranes in case b) is only signif- missioned by him and the competent authority for build. another craneway or -r r When a crane is operated with different useful loads under deviating operating conditions. Page 2 Supplement 1 t o DIN 4132 Re subclause 1. In addition. Re subclause 3. . ity of load application for loading groups B 4 to 86. DIN 41 14 and This assumption rnay be departed from by agreement DASt Guideline 010 (Use of high-tensile bolts in steel with the employer and the competent office for building construction) are required as basic standards. Table 19 of the standard gives guidance their most unfavourable position as follows: on the extent of the data which rnay be required.1. 105 up t o 6 105 u p t o 2 106 number of Occasional.1. by taking special measures. but The information rnay be based on more accurate or leaves it to the employer to specify the corresponding approximate calculations in accordance with the speci- condition for more favourable loading groups. running wheel bearing and . He will draw up the necessary specifications Re subclause 3.1.1 Craneway girders rn a.4 Wheel loads from severa1 cranes as appropriate in agreement with the project leader com. these system char- structures under predominantly static loading are supple. the service strength of the craneway for the total effect of the different loads . Re clause 2 Crane operating conditions Re subclause 3.g. made up of running wheellraill together with DIN 4100 which is applicable to steel supporting structure. as in the case tioned situations 4 of two single cranes in accordance with subclause 4.2 cranes one behind the other and 1 crane in another %% shop bay or VDI Guideline 3571 . This applies to all types of cranes.Manufacturing tolerances for 2i5 rz bridge cranes. extended or restricted by this standard to the vice.3 cranes above each other on different craneways or in multi-bay buildings apart from the above-men- 5n z and loading groups must be analysed. taken into account when designing and constructing the craneway. fied by the employer. Amend. 1 O5 over 6 105 over 2 106 Total upto 2 .1. . For this reason which are applied to the craneway girders must be speci- this standard only specifies the assumption of eccentric. acteristics are generally variable during the period of ser- mented. fications in DIN 15 018 Part 1 . reference is made. supervision if. :m Loads which are applied eccentrically and which are fre. Re subclause 3. In one shop bay Table 20 shows the division into loading groups proposed . and the hoist Vibration coefficients must not load are known. EFF system. If there are more than 3 two wheels per rail. 1. These increased lateral loads from skewing wheel loads min.1. 2 wheels <I= is the sum of the wheel loads on driven. 3. R)..34 = 5. R + min. April When the crane is braked. R Numerical example: 4-wheel crane. total driving force may indeed be applied. W pair of running wheels speed-coupled by a mechanical or electrical shaft. which corresponds to the minimum sum of the wheel The following applies to the horizontal loads HMon loads (max. April 1974 edition. RI(.222 H . Horizontal loads HMfor travelling crane EFF DIN 15 018 Part 1.<I= -.1. the lateral ioadsHM in figure 4 1974 edition. individually supported or individually driven. where Z min. without vibration coeff icient 2 max. Supplement 1 to DIN 41 32 Page 3 The specifications laid down in DIN 15 018 Part 1 for Craneway girder 1 Craneway girder 2 calculating the lateral loads of bridge cranes are based on extensive investigations [2-51. l = 1 2 m a n d a = 3 m a function of the sum of all wheel loads ( E max.(Krl a + Kr2). R). is the crane span The mass forces from the movement of the trolley are = 1.. each with 2 wheel loads max. a + Kr2). ~ .5 i s not required for the craneway. f' f H M . subclause 4. (min. but its starting up bridge cranes when calculating the mass forces distance from the centre of gravity i s then smaller since from frictional contact (cf figure 4 ) : it is mainly applied to the side with the greater load (max. a and HM . (5) the driving force which can be transmitted is limited by the slip of the driven wheels. R of the individually More detailed calculations are possible if the dead load. It of the driving forces from the can be approximately estimated by adding 10 % to the centre of gravity skewing force S. namely that verse to the runway. Ri<.where necessary divided - must be set up in accordance with DIN 15 018 Part 1. + min. figure 5). the following I code letters being used for identif ication (cf figure 5) : E pair of running wheels. R 1 . approximately determined from the sum of the minimum fore necessary.(Kr. ls and .) is the sum of the minimum wheel be calculated by using the generally available crane data. of the centre of gravity. I n order to take For calculation of the lateral loads HMin the case of this superimposition into account as a first approximation. driven wheels in system E the clearance of the trolley when starting. 24 . R ) of the driven wheels. is the sum of the maximum wheel R loads related to the more heavily (The use of min.0. and to skewing are not yet concluded. R = 140 kN and 2R the less loaded craneway girder as min. April 1974 edi- is the distance of the resultants tion. is there. A greater HMand are then applicable as additional loads ( Z ) trans. especially since on the less loaded side (rnin. R = 4 0 k N . the resultant of the driving forces can also be an addition of 10 % to the lateral loads S and H. be taken into account. L bearings of running wheel or supporting structure moveable with reference to lateral displacement (cf Figure 4. R of the driven speed-coupledwheels are frequently more unfavourable than the lateral loads and with eccentricity 1.2. loads may be used without hoist sition of lateral loads due to the "mass forces from drives" load component. RKr2) not crucial for the dimensioning of the craneway. system W. F bearings of running wheel and supporting structure fixed with reference to lateral displacement. Consideration also of the and figure 4 horizontal loads HMon the means of guidance (guide rollers) in accordance with DIN 15 018. This sum of the driving forces applies generally to bridge cranes. RKrl+min. R with the hoist load component lies on loaded craneway girder the safe side.5.9 kN and ~= --- centres. ~ =. R). loads min. the wheel Investigations into the possible extent of the superimpo. . when starting up with trolley in the extreme The following shows how the lateral loads of travelling position cranes with the EFF systems (cf figures 5a to e) and WFF (cf figure 5f) according to DIN 15 018 Part 1 can (min.) i s the distance between wheel 0. subclause 4. including hoist load. R + E min. The type and arrangement of the means of guidance and the crane system existing must be considered with reference to them.5 act in the reverse direction. figure 5.6): (0. and for Hs. higher. i= 1 to n series of a total of n pairs of running wheels ei is the distance of the pair of wheels i from the point of application of the means of guidance (ei is nega- tive for wheels which are situated in front of the With roller guiding in accordance with figure 5c with means of guidance).I = -.5 '100. R and C.251. unless already stated. DIN 15 018.'.1= 26. contact. Ç R = Ç min. f = 0.6 m.':H= 50.6 m and f = 0.: 1 ) 1. el = 0. the horizontal rollers (figures 5b and 5d).i -S=-39. f = 0.2 + 4.39.2 . R . where necessary. April 1974 edition. Assumptions which are made Check: .5 + O + O .6 + 3.6) = 3. 1.2 for steel on steel) inside (figures 5c and 5e).O = O In neither case (wheel flange guiding or roller guiding) are the lateral loads HMcrucial to the dimensioning in load- ing case HZ.5 in accordence With n = 2. .Page 4 Supplement 1 to DIN 4132 The lateral loads H. (For cranes with guide rollers. Re subclause 3. 1. 3 k ~ f 2 2 of the skew angle a in accordance with DIN 15 018 Hs.2 . m = O and el = O and also h = e.3 = O for this in the static calculation must also be ad- hered to later when the crane is operating. They would however have to be considered on their own account alone in loading case H if this is necessary in accordance with subclause 3. table 3. h i s inde- S = 0..6 + 3. forces can still continue to be transmitted by frictional Corresponding load patterns are also possible with skew.l is the incremental factor for approximating the simultaneous action of horizontal loads HM(pro- < vided the calculation is made with f 0. Other data as previously stated.2 Horizontal loads L along the runway way girder 2. the indicated magnitudes of these loads Hscor- respond to the extreme position of the trolley on crane.2. In system E. Z max.7.1. e.2 = 0.2. and S from the skew running of bridge cranes are obtained as follows: Skewing force on the leading means of positive guidance in the direction of trave1 (cf figure 5) and according to formulae (7) with C. E F F loading with the trolley in the corresponding position.3kN Part 1.6* + 3.255 for a = 7.g.2 when a = 4. The proportions in size are reversed with due to starting up or breaking the the trolley in the starting position on craneway girder 1 cranes without changing the skewing force S. h = (0. R where.1.~.5 applies in the same way to the position and.l = -.3 is assumed.17 m and in accordance with h= spacing of sliding polar axes formula (6) E ei m is the number of speed-coupled pairs of running wheels in system W. f 0. subclause 4.11.i. the values are Hs. = 3. and the sum of the minimum static loads of all driven or braked wheels of the runway side which has the lesser Numerical examples: 4-wheel wheel-flange crane.25. = a with DIN 15 018 Part 1 to take account of their dynamic when f = 0. In ard.140. 1. April 1974 edition. This results in a maximum value for the hori- ing force S on craneway girder 2 in the case of cranes zontal forces L along the runway which depends on the with wheel flanges or with guide rollers located on the coefficient of frictional contact (f = 0.7 kN and pendent of the trolley position. This Calculation may be made as follows when the maximum requirement is omitted if the maximum possible possible value for f = 0.06y. 2.1= 3 9 .3 is assumed value f = 0. 2. 360 ( .255 is the coefficient of frictional contact as a function Hs. system.7 O100 effect.62) : rn[<l2+~ef (0. namely when the wheel load or guided by wheel flanges (figures 5a and 5f) or double wheel loads are an absolute minimum. Ç R = Ç max.3). The drives and brakes of cranes with individual drive are The lateral loads Hsand S may also act in the reverse designed so that they are effective even under the most direction with both trolley positions if the crane is unfavourable conditions. m = O. e.1 of the stand- Positive loads Hsact in the opposite direction to S.7 + 1. Horizontal loads Hson the contact surfaces of the run- ning wheels (cf figure 5) Check: Ç H = 26.2=0v cranes with wheel flange guidance. to the distribution of the skewing force S in the case of wheel-flange cranes with more than two wheels per rail.l . These loads are increased by the factor 1.2. . EFF EFF 1 Direction o f trave1 .-polar F Haxis. Skewing force S and horizontal loads Hs .. 4 Direction of EFF EFF ) Direction o f EFF EFF I I sliding polar axis ' I Direction o f travei . EFF WFF Figure 5. Supplement 1 to DIN 41 32 Page 5 Crane system Axis 1 -EFF-- ai Axis 2 -EFF-- 4 Direction o f L GSliding . particularly damage to the standard value i s often exceeded and would consequently fastenings (welds. one above the as sharing in the load bearing. apart from grade used for the girder flange on which they are laid. on two other craneways. but Re subclause 3. quency corresponding to the number of wheels.2.3.whether to put greater limits on the permissible centralized drive are so strongly designed that a drive or stresses and the required safety factor. Re subclause 3. to assume theoretical work and tests demonstrate the unfavourable a higher value for the craneway in agreement with the effect of the resilience of the web on the parts concerned: competent authority for building supervision. analysis and in the case of the service strength analysis sidered justifiable to accept increased permissible stresses (case a). in coastal regions where this the crane directly travels.which are used for the transmission of wheel . If these are greater than those required in accordance ing position. ary importance. in pursuance of the report by G irkmann [6.1.2 cranes one behind the other and two on another loads on account of their greater resistance to wear.1 General information .3 cranes one behind the other and one on another In this standard the same materials are taken as a basis as craneway in DIN 1050 and DIN 4100. The results of the lead to longer interruptions of crane operation. In case b) the most unfavourable position of the four cranes in the shop bay occurs when there are Re subclause 4.without vibra.in designation of the principie section axes in the tables of conformity with DIN 15 018 Part 1.3.1.DIN 4100 to wind conditions under which. as parts of the main supporting structure. resulting from the compatibility . loads may still and DIN 4114.1 Live loads of crane running wheels request for the other girder spans when calculating the The consideration of 4 cranes in case b) and 6 cranes in end girder spans (collision of 2 cranes with eccentric case c) i s only significant for the craneway supports. and the tangential shear stresses 7. under the point of applica- and reduced safety factors compared with loading case tion of the wheel load are taken into account..as previously in or DIN 120 . the drives and brakes of cranes with agreed . while the sible stresses greater than those for loading case HZ were flanges. normally. of wheel loads For specifying the stresses from wheel load application.25to 1. it is possible to consider such crane rails. buffer end forces has developed formulae for the vertical compressive The crane standard prescribes the determination of the stresses 5. they must also be used in accord- ance with the data supplied by the employer and at his Re subclause 3.with whom the choice of craneway buffers must also be of the deformations but which are not necessary for the .3. In addition. eccentrically positioned trolley collides with the buffers.1. the same permissible In case c) two cranes in other shop bays may be added to stresses may be used for the crane rails as for the steel case b). trolley position).2.No specifications have been included for higher-strength rail steels . It may also be more unfavourable if. same place simultaneously. only the stresses 5.1 Tilting in the case of trolleys with that the local deformation must also be taken into rigidly guided hoist load account. These additional stresses do not act at the ing on the shape of the characteristic curve of the buffer. which are fastened down by rivets or bolts to resist shear. are not regarded as justifiable for this special loading case. In these cases. . but this i s only of second- other. braking force corresponding to the increased wheel loads Considerable lateral forces may also occur when an can be applied on the runway side with the higher load. on the buffer end forces assuming a travelling speed of 85 % of loaded edge of the web plate which have been confirmed the nominal speed and the multiplication of these end by the experiments of Steinhardt and Schulz [I01 forces by a vibration coeff icient of 1. the lower values of service strengths Since the tilting force must be determined in accordance must be used for the stresses due to these deformations with the crane standard. (figure 6). instead of the cranes positioned in one shop bay in accordance with case b) some in other shop bays are Re subclause 4. permis.2. rivets and bolts).Page 6 Supplement 1 to DIN 41 32 On the other hand. Investigations into the effects of the application of wheel The standard allows. so that in the general stress In view of these rather stringent conditions. web and fastenings. Re subclause 3.7]. for a different theoretical loads have been undertaken on account of considerable wind pressure to be adopted in special cases.1.50depend. in combination with the torsion of the flange dueto the tion coefficient. It therefore damage to the upper flanges of the craneway on which seems appropriate. the tan- HZ. must then however also be taken into account when It became evident that it is not sufficient simple to design designing the crane. it was con..5 Wind loads a system of coordinates as shown in figure 1 of the stand- The theoretical wind pressure on the craneway for "crane ard was introduced so as to maintain the customary operating" must as a rule be taken as q = 250 N/m2 . This value upper flange. subclause 4. e.2 cranes one behind the other and two. and since greater forces may occur in the eccentricity of the applied loads with a stress reversal fre- event of any possible falling back of the trolley. craneway above them Furthermore. the upper flanges for vertical and horizontal bending as parts of the whole supporting structure as hitherto. just be moved by the crane.2 Stresses induced by the application taken into consideration. It i s of course left to the discretion of the employer gentia1 shear stresses T. essentially only subjected to pulsating stress with a far less number of stress cycles. this. . ing on which the unloaded trolley is situated in the start.2 Collision of cranes against stops R ieve [8].1.g. however. with subclause 3.3. This value corresponds rolled sections which is also used in DIN 1050. Stresses on the loaded edge of the web plate from a wheel load applied centrally on the upper flange equilibrium of the vertical forces have their maximum It should be noted that with the continuation of table 14 values shifted to the maximum of the compressive of DIN 15 018 Part 1.2 b this condition. one run of the crane.4. Both Vogele [20] and Protte [21] give advice on the understanding of Re subclause 4. ing on the steel grade used. Assum- and craneways. depend. Such a condition of of new tests and knowledge [ I 3 to 171. Downgrading by only one group . i. it is necessary in the case of craneway is exposed to approximately the same degree wide or multiplate upper flanges first to determine the of stress collective as the crane bridge.e. and are only taken into account as secondary lectives. the loading groups. Supplement 1 to DIN 4132 Page 7 Element on the edge of the web plate Figure 6.2a Calculation according to loading verse braces or the contact of the rail surface with the groups wheel running surface. in front of and behind the wheel load < range N 2 .. This condition applies decisively to the general service strength analysis has been rearranged on the basis stress analysis and stability analysis.1 General inforrnation together (buffer to buffer) with their maximum wheel Compared with the previous standard (DIN 120). The treatment of these bending stresses as second.4. group for the crane can be more accurately determined cation of the wheel load on the whole web plate and with sufficient knowledge of the crane operation (cf which must be taken into account when investigating the [15]). i t s sufficient agreement with the present cients of hoist classes H2 to H4 (table 1). Transfer of the loading group of the crane to the crane- Since the Rieve formulae express the stresses Ü. In order to get round this sometimes errs rather on the unsafe side. sible for the craneway to be stressed in accordance with Combined with torsion of the upper flange being travelled B1 or a higher group. may therefore be made with reduced vibration coeffi- blished by calculations carried out by Vogele [I91. and other membrane stress components from the appli.. when several cranes are operating. takes place and that the the upper web plate edge. it is pos- whole girder (cf figure 9). each of superimposed by the transverse shear force r. t o these stress values. 1O4 in the case of light to heavy stress col- (figure 6). bending stresses crane if several stress cycles are caused by i t s passage.4. April 1974 edition. way i s based on the assumption that for each working as functions of the moment of inertia J of the upper cycle of the crane. both for cranes loading is not however to be expected frequently. one stress flange which is regarded as a load distributing girder on cycle in the craneway girder. which is taken problem.?i vice strength analysis is not crucial on account of the which must also be regarded as secondary stresses [I1. cycle (possibly of the crane with the lower loading group). safety against buckling of the web plates. this also applies in the case of one in the case of eccentrically acting loads. may occur in the edge of the upper web plate and in the In many cases (where the notch effect is small). the simplified method of calculation for Üy has into account by safety margins in the vibration coeffi- been retained. ary stresses is justified on account of the restriction of the torsion of the upper flange by its support on the trans. This assumption fully effective flange width. loading groups B1 to B3 can be made available. The 121and therefore must only be superimposed by the service strength analysis may therefore be omitted in compressive stresses when carrying out the service strength certain craneway designs if a single verification of this analysis. The maximum values of the stresses in craneway girders occasionally occur when two cranes are operating close Re subclause 4. the ser- web connection. Re subclause 4. the notch a loading group which is lower by two grades is assigned case and the stress ratiox. on the which can be classified below loading group B1. high permisslbe stresses in the low loading groups. and 7. the loads. The same permissible stresses have (apart ing that this condition occurs once every tenth crane from a few exceptions) been specified for both.5 (1 + cp) for craneway girders and sup- A further point concerns the effect of compressive stresses ports or suspensions in these hoist classes if the loading a. to include the stresses Ü. cients red cp = 0. apart from the compressive stresses . Calculation stress measurements (see also [18]) having been esta. stresses in the case of service stress analysis (case b) Furthermore. i s produced. e. o of the three partial collectives can easily unequally distributed and that sometimes (e. stresses a t one place on the lower flange of the craneway The magnitude and frequency of theoretical average girder when both cranes 1 and 2 are operating can be stresses of the same kind (o or T) and same direction in split up (figure 7) into one partial collective for the oper. equation (4) corresponds to the permissible easement is explained in figure 8 which shows "Miner's Rule" expressed in stresses for a stressing which an example of the bending stresses in a craneway girder of i s composed of severa1 partial collectives. lines on which the system of permissible stresses (table 3) Extensive detailed calculations were carried out on paral- i s also based. each acting in the same direction. u1 xp = ug : max. lel-chord single-span lattice girders with fixed nodes to . In this in the present state of knowledge when carrying out the case.Page 8 Supplement 1 to DIN 4132 Crane 1 Crane 2 Cranes 1 and 2 together Loading group max a. is assumed by the sentative of multiple axis stress conditions. figure 14) must not be taken into account account. Any extensive craneway. The x values applicable to the permissible stresses are For example.2 b is theoretical average stresses of different kinds ( o and T) used. Total collective of the bending stresses of a craneway girder with two cranes operating made up of three partial col lectives would be adopted if the most unfavourable interaction Several stress peaks which are caused by the individual were to be expected as often as every third crane cycle.4 Secondary stresses in lattice girders It is necessary to consider the damaging effect of second- ary stresses on the service strength of lattice girders which have to take up the stresses from crane wheel loads. the total collective of the bending tensile stated in figures 8 and 9. The in which the last expression i s often only small. their damaging effect are summated in the equation of ation of each individual crane anda third partial collec. one tenth of the extent of the individual crane col. from the loading group in accordance with subclause 4. The maximum account of the facts that these "stresses" are in reality values max. it may be secondary stresses can be determined from computer cal- neglected if max. Since the omission of this partial extent from (e. The As indicated in [I71.3 Stress analysis by the appropriate number of summation terms. The assumption for the easement for shear permissible stresses (table 3) graded according to loading stresses is hardly necessary as can be seen from figure 9.4. the form: Re subclause 4. condition (4). The system of short span. i. with be determined. and also from average lective (possibly that with the lower loading group) being stresses of the same kind acting in different directions adopted. For the individual cranes. u2 x1.2 69 Total collective Figure 7.e.g. also their collective extent. For the partial collective from the interaction. i. the analysis in accordance with formula (4) takes service strength analysis of craneway girders. cumulative damage from compound stressing. o2 culations or they can be approximately estimated using (cf figure 7). crane wheels or by groups of wheels during the passage of the crane must be taken into account in formula (4) Re subclause 4. the result tends to be on the safe side.4. ul. The permissible stresses zul: Be take tive for stresses from their joint effect. groups is also based on the "Miner's Rule" [ I 71. their loading transversely loaded fillet welds) o and T are actually repre- group.4. rnax u2 Partial collectives xl = ug : max. a and o" in accordance with DIN 4100. o l s is smaller than max.g. or max. incremental factors 6 for multiplying the primary stresses The exponent h corresponds to the slope of the Wohler calculated for the pin-connected truss. o.2= ug: max. December the individual collectives of the cranes is left out of 1968 edition. DIN-Merkblatt 3 Ziffer 1 . ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG (EA-PL-KND): Vervielfaltigung It. The upper chords on which travelling Such increased stresses may occur if safe load bearing takes place are of hat. upper chord members. gentia1 shear stresses in fillet welds must be reduced.2. regarded since the notch case present in the structural icant. so that the second load of the wheel load group Requirements relating to the design of welded structural takes a greater share in the secondary stresses in the members are specif ied in DI N 4100 which go bey ond lower chord than in the upper chord. an accurate analysis of the support.1 the risk of brittle Tables 7 to 18 of the standard contain numerical values fracture is regarded as less significant than the risk of for the permissible stresses up to the yield points of the fatigue fracture in the connections. The stress (subclause 4. taken into account. Higher values which can be found from the rise and fall and of diagonal members which fall towards entries in table 3 of the standard may however be used. table 3 of the standard are used in programmes for elec- mation rigidity of the design has not been carried out. The reason for the four-figure specification of the per- Tables 2al and 2b) were developed in an endeavour to missible stresses in the tables is not because they repre- obtain only a few simple expressions for the factors 6 sent an especially accurate determination of the tolerable which ensure that even in the unfavourable case the values.Page 10 Supplement 1 to D IN 4132 determine the incremental factors 6.4). In the line for x = + 1 in the tables.5 Interaction of welds permissible stresses for the structural members. while considerably lower stresses high that the general stress analysis in accordance with < occur in the lower edge with. connections between several flange plates of flanges over which wheel loads trave1 in the case of craneways with heavy loads or long spans. in some cases. the diagonal members at the con- Re subclause 5. box or I sections. ~ e rZUI O1.3. 7. the increased permissible stresses may alço be used 10 % of those arising from the live load were not taken as calculation values. flange plate. loading groups in the case of stresses from the interaction The dimensioning i s based on the permissible stresses of of several cranes. only one.~e the conditions stated in subclause 5. In tronic computers and then appear as "accurate" print- the event that the partial deformation rigidity shall be out values. DI N 4100 becomes crucial. It is The influence lines for the extreme fibre stresses contain intended to carry out corresponding tests for the welds distinct peaks with marked attenuation in the case of the in accordance with lines 4.3. Those values which 5. This also applies when the permissible stress for imum stresses are obtained in each case in the upper the service strength analysis in low loading groups i s so edge with x 2 0. it may be expedient to choose Re subclause 4. Under ZUI S a . C) with direct loading. The investigations the safe load bearing capacity under predominantly include both indirect (acting only at the nodes) and static loading. notch case K2. correspondingly thicker. 5.5 Permissible stresses zul U B ~ZUI . having varying degrees of stiffness. Full advantage may be taken of the increased permissible The assumed wheel load group travelling a t any time on stresses with correspondingly low service stressing for the upper chord consists of two individual loads of equal stresses (such as secondary stresses) which do not impair magnitude with varied wheel base a. the max. they consist of verti. The numerical values should rather afford the pos- dimensioning is on the safe side. exceed the limiting values of the general stress analysis in loading case H are printed in italics.2) and in the case of lattice craneway values in the sections of members at the node plate edges girders (subclause 4.4.4 Thickness of the flange plates nection to the upper chord are under very high second- welded to the web of the girder ary stresses .2. More recent tests have shown that the permissible tan- ing structure must be carried out. of diagonal members which alternatively recorded. Further evaluation shows that In these cases the requirements of DIN 4100 may be dis- a) the effect of the wheel base a when a 2 s is insignif. loading group B6.^ 0. which are of interest for the dimensioning differ only In individual addends of formula (4) which is of course insignificantly from these as i s shown in the literature. first used for analysing the service strength by summa- Stresses from dead weight which amount to no more than tion. but which do affect the service strength. special with other means of connection attention must be given separately to the lower limiting In connections subject t o frequently repeated stresses values for the double bevel butt weld with double fillet with joint transmission of force by means of connection weld under tensile stress and to the double fillet weld.even with increasing s/e ratios and only insignificantly dependent on the stiffness of diagonal I n order to avoid endangering the service strength of the and vertical members.4. A reduction of the sibility of comparison in all cases where the entries in secondary stresses taking into account the partial defor. analysis. See also subclause two structural steels St 37 and St 52. those for some unfavourable notch cases in this standard. member is taken into account in the service strength b) with indirect loading of the upper chord. direct loading. this identif ication applies to values above the Re subclause 5. and 8 of table 4. the centre.3. the limiting values ing various spans were investigated. especially for instance for the lower into account. plastic moderation of .4. Under notch cases K 3 and K 4.. are specified up to which numbers in italics have been cal members.3 Structural design of welded members marked. SB.1. Lattice systems hav. capacity is verified by using the ultimate load method The extreme fibre stresses at the ends of members in the instead of the general stress analysis they may arise as immediate vicinity of the theoretical system node points secondary stresses in the case of wheel load application are determined with the aid of influence lines. while in the case of the lower chord members these peaks and the attenuation are less strongly Re subclause 5. e. which have been The use of the regulations in accordance with DIN 4100. subclause 3. K. VDEhIVDMA.-O. G. Nos. No. For this rea- Since they distribute the concentrated loads of the wheels son. One exception is made in the case of tion of the means of connection being taken into account. in the examples of welded connections. if the wheel load is applied eccentric- in figure 6 by the last two figures of the classification ally. ZAMM 1948. H. No. This applies especially to welded types of construction. while remaining under notch case K 2 (classifica- limited t o steel structures with predominantly static tion numbers 251 to 253) in the standard on cranes. pages 2491261 seated crane rails). In addition. 5. 8. 13. J. grossen (Investigation of the travelling behaviour pages 1371140 of bridge cranes taking disturbance variables into [TO] Steinhardt.: Fahrverhaltenvon Kranen (Tra. Thesis Technical University of beanspruchung zentrisch belasteter Kranbahntra- Braunschweig 1970.2 must remain tests. but of wheel loads also on the type and quality of execution. [5] Hannover. Bauingenieur 44 (19691. similar over a certain length of the web plate. bevel butt weld with double fillet weld in accordance ficiently reliable calculation bases must yet be evolved. pages 2131216 . These trave1 are under stress due to bending from transverse outwardly similar types of construction are identified force. i m The classification of the usual types of construction nz 4s under notch cases agrees with that of the standard on %2 m 2s L 2 L íterature Y . VDI-Verlag GmbH.Thesis Technical Radlasteinleitung (The stresses between flange and University of Braunschweig web plate in Isections under local wheel load 131 application). No. examples 231 and 331 upper flange which is supported torsionally resiliently by differing in their requirementsfor weld quality and sur- the web plate. and Schulz.: Beitrag zum exzentrischen Last- Dusseldorf. Stahl und Eisen 86 (1966). Report to a meeting of the Academy a.which change notch case.5. it causes stress dueto a torsional moment in the ~umbers. particularly at the weld inter- stresses in the connections between severa1 upper flange faces. 8. I t must be ensured that the design satisfies sign during the passage of the wheels [I21.: Flachentragwerke (Plane load-bear- ing structures). page 398 fachwerkartigen Kranbrucken (Investigations into [4] Hannover. Abridged version schienen (On the local stressing of webs of con- in 'fordern und heben' 21 (1971). U. pages > 22133. Lastangriff (Web plate buckling under local load Stahlbau 32 (1963). 1 V) a. . : Stegblechbeulung unter ortlichem tric application of loads to craneway girders).2 Classification of the usual types not liable to any notch effect greater than notch case K 4. Technical committee report ger bei Verwendung elastisch gebetteter Kran- No. [ I 11 Oxfort. loading. Supplement 1 to DIN 4132 Page 11 overloads in the stiffer means of connection must not be cranes (DIN 15 018 Part 1). No.E s [I] Bierett. unfavourable types of construction have gy $N (tables 5 and 6) not therefore been included in table 6. especially table 1 and figure 2 [7] Girkmann. The strength calculation is based on a specific plates . No. No. The use of such connections i s therefore con.: Untersuchungen uber die Beanspru- bridge cranes due to skew running of the crane). K.g. chung von unmittelbar belasteten Gurtungen von Stahl und Eisen 89 (1968).: Die Spannungen zwischen Gurt und the determination of the horizontal lateral forces Stegblech beim I-Querschnitt unter der ortlichen in bridge crane installations). K. K. 7.2 Flange bending from the application externa1 form of a particular type of construction.c bahnen (Calculation and construction of crane.012 (1971). types of construction with transversely stressed double It i s aiready permissible here in principie even though suf.331. O.: Berechnung und Gestaltung der Kran. Bautechnik 26 (1949). J. 5. classified under notch case K 1 as a result of more recent December 1968 edition.even in the crane rail fastenings . No. 2 + '2a.231. Welded structural members of craneways should be structurally designed and constructed so that they are r Re subclause 6. 7 . page 72 121 Hennies..Hennies. K. 131. can be kept low by suitable design of the connections or completely prevented by using single-plate upper flanges. ever been omitted.: Untersuchung des Fahrverhaltens the stressing of directly loaded chords of lattice- der Bruckenkrane unter Berucksichtigung von Stor.: Beitrag zur Ermittlung der horizonta- len Seitenkrafte in Bruckenkrananlagen (Article on [8] Rieve. H.: Seitenkrafte in Bruckenkrananlagen infolge Schraglaufs des Krans (Lateral forces in [9] Steinhardt. :m V) . Both effects can cause tangential or shear face finish of the welds. ways). 1. 1974 angriff an Kranbahntragern (Article on the eccen- [6] Girkmann. which appear to be unnecessary for craneways have how- ditional on the varying degrees of resistance to deforma. No.2. pages 2931296 velling behaviour of cranes). 0. Wien 1954. the upper flanges types of construction are assigned different notch cases of craneway girders over which crane running wheels depending on the type and quality of execution. No. type crane bridges). 5. application). with classification numbers 151 to 153.L of construction under notch cases In this respect. of Science in Wien 145 (19361. The service strength behaviour depends not only on the Re subclause 5. some types of construction assumed.-O. pages centrically loaded craneway girders using resiliently 7671778 and 22 (19721.: Zur ortlichen Steg- consideration). These stresses this calculation assumption. the flanges). 8. [18] Maas. 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Munchen 1969 time strength analyses and fatigue strength ana. II. J. K.-G. vollwandiger Kranbahntrager durch Torsionsmo. Y .und Dauerfestigkeitsnachweisen (On the ser. No. No.: Ermittlung der Spannungen im Steg lyses). A proposal for a systematic treatment in chen.: Untersuchungen an schweren geschweiss- schweissten und genieteten Stahlverbindungen.: Eine Untersuchungder Stabilitat for the fatigue strength analysis of metal struc. [21] Protte. Thesis Uni- r wiederholt auftretenden Belastungen (Assessing the versity of Stuttgart. Stahlbau 41 (19721.: Über die Bedeutung und Auswirkung betriebsnaher Lastannahmen beim Dauerfestigkeits. und der Spannungen von Stegen einwandiger Kran- tures). :m V) V) . No. pages nachweis von Metallkonstruktionen (On the signif. W.und Beulproblem Iangs- 5n 2z Stahlbau 37 (1968). H. 2251231 icance and effect of near operational design loads [20] Vogele. 2. strengthened web plates with local load applica- - i5 z mo der Form des Beanspruchungskollektivsund dem Spannungsverhaltnisx (An article on the plotting tion and with loading from principal structural conditions). volume 33 (1975). T. 24. K. pages 2071212 versteifter Stegblechfelder bei ortlicher Lasteinlei- QI" tung und bei Belastung aus Haupttragwirkung (Prob. craneway girders with load application on the upper lerner Kranbahnkonstruktionengegen die haufig flange between two transverse braces). No. Stahlbau 38 pages 3601367 (1969).: Über die Betriebsfestigkeit von ge. 2.


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