
June 23, 2018 | Author: CarlosRober7o | Category: Rendering (Computer Graphics), Lighting, Photon, Electrodynamics, Atomic
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Article: DIALux evo – New calculation methodCharacters: 21.059 (incl. space character, headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Daniel Witzel DIALux evo – new calculation method DIALux evo The new generation of DIALux - DIALux evo - has been available since October 2012. As well as providing new software for architecture the objective of the new version was to enable the planning of complete buildings. The frontier between indoor and outdoor planning would be removed and buildings would no longer be seen as the sum of individual rooms but be calculated and presented as a complete unit. Glass is playing an increasingly important role in modern architecture so this means that individual rooms and the outdoor area have to be photometrically integrated into each other. Furthermore, almost all existing elements of DIALux had to be created anew. The operation of the software had to be adapted to the new requirements, the CAD had to have a substantially better performance than the technology previously used and the calculation kernel had to be able to calculate much larger and more complex scenes. When dealing with a whole building, lighting scenes obviously play a much more significant role. This also had to be taken into account when recreating the conceptual design. Previously the radiosity method was used in DIALux and many other lighting calculation programmes. With this method the energy exchange between each surface in the scene is calculated. In order to visualise the exact light distribution on the individual surfaces of the scene, the individual surfaces are divided up into patches. Using "adaptive meshing" the software ensures that the surfaces are not statically divided within fixed grids but are divided 1, 2 transmitted or absorbed. According to the light distribution light is distributed on the visible surfaces. A simple calculation of transmission and mirroring surfaces is only possible by employing a few tricks. The photons are gathered on the surfaces affected and an evaluation of the density is made. After experiments with several alternative calculation methods. simple geometries take a relatively long time when compared with the radiosity method because the number of photons used is bound to be relatively high. it might well be that . space character. either calculation points must be determined in addition to the calculation of the surfaces or the results at the calculation points must be interpolated from the results on the surfaces. photon shooting was decided upon.059 (incl. (FH) Daniel Witzel up very finely where large differences in the illuminance arise. From the number of photons per surface and their energy content the luminance or iluminance is determined. With future optimisation of the photon shooter the aim is to emit a sufficiently large number of photons or adapt the number of photons dynamically to the given situation. despite the large number of photons.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21. In order to fulfil these requirements. depending on the material properties. This procedure is well-proven and in many case provides a sufficiently exact calculation. What are the disadvantages of this principle? Firstly. but for complex geometries or whole buildings the calculation time is to lng. However. Individual and simple rooms can be calculated very quickly using radiosity.-Ing. The benefit of this principle is obvious: It is roughly approximate to the distribution of light in reality. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl. Why then do we need a new procedure? Radiosity has two weaknesses: on the one hand the calculation of large scenes can tke a very long time. small surfaces are not hit or are insufficiently hit by the photons. On the other hand the calcualtion method takes only diffusely reflecting materials into consideration. Thus a high resolution visualization is achieved in as short a calculation time as possible. Secondly. this method is in direct contrast to the usual standard calculation methods where fixed grids of measuring points as in EN 12464-1 are prescribed. It is simple to draw parallels from this procedure. From these surfaces photons are sent out or diffusely passed on or. Calculating with control groups . For more complex scenes the benefits of the new method are clear. In doing this the calculation time is initially multiplied. when . space character.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21. 100lx through directly distributed light and 100l through indirect lighting. (FH) Daniel Witzel Whatever method is used. However. after a successful calculation. DIALux is treading a completely new path: for each lighting scene the lighting designer defines luminaire groups which he would like to dim or set independently of each other in each respective lighting scene. . Instead of having to run through the whole calculation again. Theoretically the uniform illuminance calculated for each surface in the room should have been 200lx.x DIALux evo nicht mehr zu calculation notberechnen possible Complexity of scene Test case 1 . Calculation time in relation to complexity of scene Time DIALux 4. to optimise the energy consumption or to a achieve a specific lighting effect.uniform distribution In Karlsruhe a few years ago a simple test case was developed for lighting calculation software. Thus DIALux evo prevents a luminaire group from acquiring different dimming levels within one lighting scene. The results of the individual control groups are added after each adjustment. For individual rooms the calculating time with the photon shooter is longer than with the radiosity calculation kernel.059 (incl. The calculation kernel in practice The strengths and weaknesses in the new calculation kernel have proved in practice to be as expected. The calculation time for such scenes is much shorter than with the old method. Therefore it is a pity. this method means that the result of a lighting scene can be adjusted later. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl. Each control group is now calculated separately by DIALux evo. it is now only necessary to recreate the lighting textures on the surfaces. the reflection coefficient for each surface was 50%. for example. For very complex scenes which it was previously not possible to calculate results can now be calculated in a reasonable period of time. Prior to calculation DIALux evo identifies from all the lighting scenes the control groups which are necessary for these lighting scenes. a completely new calculation is required when individual lighting scenes are adapted in order.-Ing. For this test an artificial light source was placed in a 5mx5mx5m room. calculations take time. space character.before calculation .059 (incl. (FH) Daniel Witzel Illustration 1: First test case .-Ing.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl. 0 100.8 99.2 1.9 100.0 99.8 99.3 100.9 99.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21.25 2.0 100.0 3.4 100.2 100.1 100.059 (incl.1 100.0 100.0 99.9 100.0 99.75 3.5 0.surface of floor – direct lighting Position 0.0 100.8 100.8 100.25 1.25 99.9 100.25 4.2 99.1 99.9 99.4 100.4 100.8 99.9 100.0 100.5 100.0 100.1 2.0 100.4 100.75 100.9 100.7 100.9 100.25 0.25 100.5 100.9 Calculation points.-Ing.9 100.2 4.0 99.9 100.75 99.4 100.75 4.75 99.25 100.75 3.4 100.4 100.4 99.4 100.after calculation Illustration3 3: first test case .1 99.1 100.4 100.0 100.0 100.5 100.false colour rendering Calculation points .25 2.4 100.5 1.5 100.5 100.25 99.8 100.5 100.4 100.1 100.7 99.75 99.0 100.25 3.4 100.6 1.1 100.75 4.9 100.8 99.0 100.0 100.7 0.3 100.4 100.25 1.1 99.25 100.75 0.0 100.4 100.5 100.4 100.9 99.1 100.6 99.4 100.0 100.1 100.75 4.5 100.5 100.25 0.9 99.6 100.0 99.25 .25 99.4 .8 99.0 100.9 100.8 99.1 3.9 99.4 99.9 100.6 99.75 100.0 100.75 2.9 100.5 100.surface of floor – indirect lighting Position 0.8 99.75 2.75 1.8 2.4 100.8 99.8 99.1 99.25 0. space character.25 3.9 100.75 1.75 100.7 99.3 100.0 99.1 100.9 99.0 100.9 99.9 100.0 100.3 99. (FH) Daniel Witzel Illustration 2: first test case .9 99.9 99.1 99. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl.5 99.8 99.8 99.4 100.0 100. 4 100.4 3.4 100.4 4. The charts indicate that the deviation from the theoretically correct value is less than 1% at all measuring points.7 93 84 6 124 116 91.4 2.1 102 92 5 141 132 104.3 100.4 100.4 100.72 with a room height of 3.3 100.4 100.4 100.0 89 81 7 105 98 76.5 100.4 100.4 2.3 100.3 100. Photon shooter – calculation points 4. Calculation comparison with CIE As already mentioned.75 100.3 100.5 100.5 100.8 83 75 4 118 110 87.33 are not ideal for testing a photon shooter.6 101 92 6 131 122 96.5 100.4 100.4 100. (FH) Daniel Witzel 1.25 100.4 100.1 81 73 Sensor 1 115 2 107 100 80.0 67 61 2 124 116 85.-Ing.5 100.25 100.5 100.4 100. Therefore the comparatively simple test scenes in CIE TC 3. Nevertheless a lighting calculation software is expected to fulfil these requirements.4 100.4 3.0 101 92 4 141 132 105.4 100.4 100.5 4.5 100.5 100.6 94 86 7 113 106 87.5 100. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl.3 100.4 100.4 100.4 100.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21.8 77 70 7 93 87 67. The luminaires are fluorescent lamps in a 2x2 grid.5 100.5 100.24 is used for the first comparative test.5 100.75 100.4 100. space character.4 100.5 The visualization itself shows the uniformity to be as expected.3 65 59 Sensor 1 103 96 77. The exact description of the experiment can be found in CIE171:2006.3 100.5 100.6 93 84 5 129 121 97.5 100. the strength of the photon shooter is in the calculation of complex scenes.4 100.4 100.4 100.4 100.4 100.0 94 85 4 129 120 95.3 100.9 83 76 6 107 100 78.4 100.4 100.4 100.75 100.4 100.4 100.3 81 74 2 133 3 143 4 146 5 143 6 133 7 116 .4 100.3 95 86 3 141 132 105.4 100.9 74 67 Sensor 1 112 105 84.78 x 6.5 100.1 A simple rectangular room of 6.5 100.2 77 70 3 115 108 85.059 (incl.8 89 81 3 130 122 99.5 100.1 Position TE UL MB UL 1 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 2 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 3 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL Sensor 1 91 85 70.75 100.25 100.4 100.4 100.4 100.4 100.4 100.6 85 77 5 116 108 86.4 100.5 100. 3 CIE test case 4.9 75 68 2 132 123 100. 9 83 75 Sensor 1 113 105 86.1 96 87 133 107.0 103 93 124 99.6 101 92 4 140 131 105.5% MB UL: upper limit of measuring tolerance. -10.5 84 76 5 115 107 88.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21. + 6.0 95 86 7 112 105 84.-Ing.8 74 68 Sensor 1 92 86 69. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl.8 75 68 2 108 100 78.059 (incl.5 83 75 6 108 100 80. space character.0 83 76 2 132 124 96.2 83 76 4 117 109 87.9 66 60 In the above chart the upper and lower limits of the prescribed measuring points are given.5% TE LL: lower limit of total error tolerance.8 101 92 6 132 123 99. It is clear that all the values lie within the admissible error tolerance. Display of calculated values within the measuring / error tolerance for position 1 . .9 96 87 108 86.4 89 81 7 104 97 79.4 77 70 3 116 108 86.4 66 60 124 99.2 101 92 5 141 131 104.6. TE UL: upper limit of the total error tolerance.1 95 86 3 141 131 104.4 77 70 7 92 86 67.6 81 73 2 124 116 92.3 92 83 5 130 121 97.4 105 96 133 108.3 81 74 Sensor 1 103 97 78. with the exception of two calculation points even within the measuring tolerance.7% MB LL: lower limit of measuring tolerance. + 10.9 93 85 6 123 115 92.2 93 85 4 127 119 100. (FH) Daniel Witzel MB UL 4 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 5 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 6 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 7 MB LL TE LL 108 87.6 89 81 3 130 121 98.3 103 93 137 112.7% The value calculated by the photon shooter at each position is shown in the middle. (FH) Daniel Witzel 80 70 Illuminance (lx) 60 50 TE UL 40 MB UL 30 1 20 MB LL TE LL 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Measuring points CIE test 4. Photon shooter – calculation points 4.7 47 43 6 68 63 47.0 62 57 4 77 72 57. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl.0 67 61 7 67 62 47.6 56 50 5 85 80 63.5 48 43 2 79 74 3 77 72 4 72 67 5 77 72 6 79 73 7 61 57 .4 49 44 7 51 48 36.4 36 33 Sensor 1 65 61 46.6 63 57 6 93 87 64.0 64 58 4 77 72 56.3 48 43 4 60 56 44.9 49 44 3 66 62 47.0 67 61 3 88 83 62.7 37 33 2 93 87 63.0 55 50 5 87 81 62.1 61 56 6 90 84 63.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21.8 47 43 Sensor 1 65 61 47.2 For the second comparative test lamps emitting diffused light were used instead of fluorescent lamps.5 65 59 7 66 62 48.0 65 59 3 87 81 62.1 47 42 Sensor 1 61 57 2 68 63 46.2 Position TE UL MB UL 1 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 2 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 3 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL Sensor 1 50 47 36. space character.-Ing.059 (incl.5 48 44 2 90 84 62.5 43 39 5 66 61 47. As the chart shows.8 159 145 5 265 248 239.8 .2 41 38 5 62 58 51.2 60 54 6 87 82 67. (FH) Daniel Witzel 4 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 5 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 6 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 7 MB LL TE LL 44.0 201 182 7 180 168 157.8 3 305 285 258.0 56 51 46.7 35 31 Again most of the calculated values lie within the admissible error limits. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl.5 55 50 59.4 191 173 4 222 207 192.4 201 182 3 265 248 232. 58% of the values are even within the measuring tolerance.9 130 118 2 312 291 274.059 (incl.6 47 43 Sensor 1 50 47 36.1 46 42 2 92 86 63.1 47 43 Sensor 1 65 61 46.1 45 41 6 64 60 51.3 63 57 7 64 60 51.5 61 56 4 74 69 58. space character. CIE test 4.0 60 54 6 89 83 69.2 53 48 5 83 78 67.5 55 50 55.0 5 308 288 257.4 46 42 7 48 45 39.2 36 33 56.3 Position TE UL MB UL 1 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 2 Sensor 1 178 166 161.3 64 58 7 63 59 51.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21.-Ing. Photon shooter – calculation points 4.4 61 55 4 75 70 59.6 128 116 Sensor 1 206 192 185.6 6 317 296 263.7 52 47 59.2 44 40 Sensor 1 66 61 47.0 57 52 57.5 2 279 261 254.6 4 258 241 218.2 191 173 6 279 261 253.7 7 214 200 176.0 46 42 4 57 54 46.6 44 40 2 89 83 62.0 48 43 3 64 60 48.3 In this test case luminaires with matt gloss reflectors were used.3 46 41 2 66 62 47.0 54 49 5 83 78 66.0 66 60 3 85 80 62. all the values were within the prescribed measuring tolerance.0 64 58 3 85 79 62. 8 237 215 3 317 296 258.5 247 225 6 356 332 308.8 190 173 5 312 291 268.6 206 187 5 344 321 298.2 254 230 3 337 315 294.3 257 234 7 232 217 200. fluorescent lamps were used. space character.6 208 189 3 273 255 235. As in the first test case.059 (incl.9 159 144 Sensor 1 188 176 164.0 165 150 Sensor 1 221 206 181.4 149 135 2 358 334 310.4 150 136 Sensor 1 230 215 203.9 228 207 7 209 196 186.3 167 152 2 310 290 279.2 165 150 5 274 255 241. Photon shooter .1 129 117 CIE test 4.4 Position Sensor . all other values are within the measuring tolerance.7 257 234 3 345 322 289.3 204 185 7 180 168 162.9 242 220 4 281 262 245.3 165 150 2 329 308 272. (FH) Daniel Witzel MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 3 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 4 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 5 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 6 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 7 MB LL TE LL 148 135 Sensor 1 229 214 203.2 228 207 4 264 247 221.1 246 223 6 358 334 308.7 223 203 3 303 283 262.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21.5 224 204 6 317 296 278. of the ceiling to 3% and of the floor to 6%.5 248 225 4 286 267 243.8 227 206 7 207 193 180.5 224 203 6 315 294 274.3 196 178 4 229 214 196.2 202 183 5 342 319 296.4 In this test case the reflection factor of the walls was reduced to 4%.5 165 149 Sensor 1 209 195 185.0 218 198 4 265 247 224.-Ing. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl.3 151 137 2 289 270 255.9 191 173 5 311 290 265.8 197 179 6 283 264 255.6 256 232 7 229 214 199. Three values are within the permissible error tolerance.3 135 123 224 203 219 199 186 169 222 201 228 207 154 140 2 353 330 314.calculation points 4. 0 37 33 6 40 38 37.2 29 26 7 38 35 34.4 2 32 29 28.9 22 20 Sensor 1 39 36 33.5 37 34 6 41 38 36.4 31 28 Sensor 1 38 35 33.1 33 30 3 57 53 49.7 23 21 3 41 39 36.7 29 26 3 51 48 43.6 28 25 Sensor 1 43 40 36.0 29 27 6 33 31 30.7 29 26 6 33 30 28.2 7 32 30 26.059 (incl.0 22 20 2 32 30 30.1 28 26 4 42 39 39.2 23 20 2 33 31 29.8 6 33 31 29.7 30 27 4 43 40 39.4 39 36 5 51 47 44.4 28 25 2 33 30 30.9 23 21 7 31 29 26.9 37 33 4 54 51 48.0 23 21 2 41 38 37.0 39 35 5 51 48 43. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl.6 23 21 7 31 29 28.3 30 28 5 41 38 36.3 44 40 5 57 53 48.6 31 28 5 40 38 33.3 23 20 Sensor 1 31 29 26.3 3 42 39 34.2 33 30 7 43 40 36.2 41 37 4 62 57 52.1 29 27 3 51 48 44.6 4 44 41 37.3 29 26 6 33 31 30.6 31 28 2 40 38 36.2 23 21 3 39 37 36. space character.3 .3 37 33 4 54 51 48.3 28 26 4 43 40 36.7 27 25 Sensor 1 31 29 28.-Ing.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21.8 31 28 5 40 38 36.6 23 21 3 39 37 34.8 29 27 7 38 36 33.7 22 20 Sensor 1 31 28 27.7 41 37 6 46 43 41.2 27 25 2 46 43 41.4 5 41 38 34. (FH) Daniel Witzel TE UL MB UL 1 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 2 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 3 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 4 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 5 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 6 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 7 1 30 28 25.5 24 21 7 31 29 28. 9 53 48 7 48 44 35.7 33 30 Sensor 1 47 44 35.6 40 37 5 61 57 50.0 43 39 5 69 64 52.1 44 40 6 61 57 48. (FH) Daniel Witzel MB LL TE LL 22 20 24 21 30 27 32 29 29 26 24 22 23 21 CIE test 4.5 In this case.9 31 28 Sensor 1 47 44 35. the luminaires used are as in 4.2.0 34 31 6 48 45 35. the reflection factors were reduced to 6%.5 Position TE UL MB UL 1 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 2 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 3 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 4 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 5 MB LL TE LL Sensor 1 32 30 24.1 52 47 7 48 45 36. Photon shooter .7 51 46 3 68 64 52.8 51 46 3 70 65 52. as in 4.9 49 44 4 60 56 49.4 23 21 Sensor 1 46 43 34.7 44 40 7 43 40 35.7 43 39 5 68 63 56.4.6 34 31 2 61 57 46. The chart shows that only two values are within the permissible error tolerance.1 31 28 5 47 44 36.8 24 22 2 73 68 52.0 44 40 3 62 57 48.059 (incl.0 31 28 2 71 66 51.-Ing. all other values are within the measuring tolerance. space character.3 49 45 6 74 69 52..5 34 30 Sensor 1 43 40 32.1 53 48 3 70 66 51.5 49 44 6 70 65 56.9 33 30 .3 34 31 2 71 66 51..3 44 40 5 69 65 53.5 50 45 6 72 67 53.calculation points 4.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21.7 51 46 4 60 56 46.9 34 31 3 47 44 35.3 35 31 7 33 31 24.2 44 40 4 56 53 46.7 34 31 4 42 40 33. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl.5 50 45 4 61 57 48.4 34 31 2 48 44 34.7 50 46 7 47 43 38. 6 170 155 4 197 184 170.2 225 204 4 258 241 227.9 51 46 7 45 42 38. Photon shooter . Only one value is within the permissible total error range. as in 4.5 105 95 Sensor 1 172 161 159.3 was used. (FH) Daniel Witzel Position TE UL MB UL 6 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 7 MB LL TE LL Sensor 1 46 43 34.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21.4 and 4.6 Again the reflection factors are below 6%. As a luminaire the photometry as in 4.7 33 30 7 31 29 27.5.-Ing.5 181 164 7 149 139 131. space character.5 33 30 2 47 44 34.4 241 218 7 196 183 174.calculation points 4.8 207 188 3 282 263 240.9 228 207 6 335 312 278.6 170 154 5 284 265 244.4 23 21 2 72 67 52. all other values are within the measuring tolerance.4 237 215 3 313 292 267.6 202 184 4 236 221 207.6 185 168 5 317 296 271.8 124 113 Sensor 1 195 182 174.1 23 20 CIE test 4.4 129 117 2 329 307 278.9 34 30 3 46 43 36.4 211 192 7 179 168 156.0 52 47 3 68 63 52.059 (incl.7 29 26 5 45 42 38.4 47 43 6 71 66 57.0 41 37 5 66 62 56.2 49 44 4 57 54 48.6 Position TE UL MB UL 1 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 2 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 3 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL Sensor 1 146 136 131.0 140 127 Sensor 1 178 166 2 249 232 212.1 179 162 3 237 221 199.9 32 29 6 45 42 38.2 33 30 4 40 38 34.5 33 30 Sensor 1 32 30 24.5 142 129 5 237 221 209.1 141 128 2 287 268 3 278 259 4 242 226 5 285 266 6 290 271 7 176 164 . headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl.6 107 97 2 288 269 250.7 204 185 6 294 275 247.4 170 155 6 252 235 216. 000 3.9 126 115 2 334 312 284.500 3.000 9.202 3.-Ing.5 180 164 7 146 136 133.650 62.082 3.2 .2 239 217 7 196 183 172.2 105 95 Further test cases CIE 171:2006 test cases 5.000 35.410 102.6 62.4 205 186 260.9 126 114 2 258 241 221.8 141 128 2 306 286 257.1 230 209 4 262 244 229.8 145 132 5 242 226 210.740 91.6 188 171 5 319 298 274.0 230 208 6 333 311 278.2 134 122 Sensor 1 155 145 138.2 0. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl.7 are not based on physical scenarios.7 124.7 174 158 6 251 234 216. based on theoretical observation with point light sources. For details of this experiment please see CIE 171:2006. (FH) Daniel Witzel 4 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 5 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 6 MB LL TE LL Position TE UL MB UL 7 MB LL TE LL 168.5 122.4 0.570 81.5 206 187 253.4 0.250 124.0 111 101 263.110 122.160 111.3 0.5 220 200 3 292 273 247.0 0.9 206 187 6 292 273 256.2 200 181 218.460 18.391 3.260 111. They examine the calculation accuracy analytically .5 91.674 0.8 174 158 5 287 268 251.3 209 190 163.8 113.430 26.5 240 218 3 320 299 270.041 3.2 to 5.4 141 128 Sensor 1 186 174 163. space character.5 102.3 0.1 0.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21.240 31.4 186 169 3 241 225 209.650 113.1 173 157 4 202 189 175.260 20.059 (incl.440 27.162 3.3 128 116 Sensor 1 196 183 179.4 210 191 4 242 226 212.0 174 158 257.317 3.5 117. Point A B C D E F G H I J CIE test 5.354 3.1 -0.3 0.4 210 191 7 175 163 161.570 13.080 117.asymmetric CIE T9 photometry d (m) Angle(°) E (lx) DIALux Error (%) 3.7 113.310 113.3 0.8 81.790 25.2 . 778 0.2.7 68.1 0.7 -2.5 47.97 81.0 0.2 -0.1 -0.98 35.surface 0.1 99.1 -0. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl.89 105.864 0.8 108.433 0.716 12.000 9.94 33.9 126.7 -0.7 27.2 .1 0.0 -0.3 .12 53.1 -0.27 DIALux 32.7 105.98 30.4 79.8 -0.640 68.9 1.5 2.0 0.61 86.460 18.0 61.0 0.1 0.3 119.89 95.41 39.1 105.7 95.360 59.8 0.5 35.57 35.639 16.4 -3.6 105.0 99.8 -0.6.1 0.62 115.73 122.0 82.18 61.0 0.1 0.4 86.5 0.1 34.2 -0.68 75.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21.18 95.58 0.52 105.491 DIALux 0.1 17.7 F G H I J K L M N 35.260 20.0 0.52 79.9 -0.317 3.2 0.2.6 0.1 CIE test 5.asymmetric CIE T9 photometry A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 56.1 -0.992 21.391 3.162 3.4 60.30 47.0 1.07 99.901 27.864 0.8 0.6 79.8 -0.13 66.53 119.purely diffuse photometry d (m) Angle(°) E (lx) DIALux Error(%) Point A B C D E F G H I J 3.0 0.9 Error (%) -0.020 71.3 -2.6 75.639 0.98 63.90 61.4 0.6 0.390 111.2 61.0 63.purely diffuse photometry A B C D E F G H I J M N E (lx) 32.6 0.2 .778 0.94 26.57 33.7 0.5m A B C D E F G H I J E/(Ehz´ρ) (%) 0.6 100.8 30.246 0.6 0.556 0.7 3.7 30.1 CIE test 5.6 30.3 1.9 0.0 0.7 26.6 0.95 108.7 -2.440 27.1 22.0 66.6 0.644 0.5 Error(%) -4.34 113.4 Error (%) -0.570 13.3 69.38 69.1 0.5 -0.0 Error(%) - 1.1 -0.500 3.3 0.1 0.6 0.430 26.6 -2.041 3.0 49.2 0.730 85.2 K L M N CIE test 5.2 0.7 85.0 53.354 3.6 35.1 74.3 121. (FH) Daniel Witzel CIE test 5.980 49.0 -0.5 28.2 0.2 81.4 40.967 26.0 0.2 -0.260 111. space character.09 81.3 .110 99.202 3.3 .4 0.9 33.1 .39 DIALux 56.4 0.790 25.2 -0.8 1.000 3.0 -0.1 0.5m x 0.082 3.10 126.0 K L E(lx) CIE test 5.674 0.491 0.5 0.80 99.0 0.639 0.7 0.8 12.-Ing.3 113.surface 4m x 4m A B C D E E/(Ehz´ρ) (%) - DIALux - 36.3 -4.1 0.325 0.059 (incl.27 79.000 35.0 71.1 90.1 -0.6.1 -0.2 -0.060 74.210 90.110 105.1 0.2 95.6 115.240 31. 0 -5. Dr.87 45.26 16.X.77 37. Here are some examples: - the rule of photometric distance no along applies in near-fields the material model on which the calculation is based is very simplified. Cohen.0 10. S.5 12.3 -3.84 DIALux 2. The new photon shooter is an important development. Complex scenes for which the new calculation kernel was optimized are not taken into consideration in CIE 171:2006.80 30. space character.Article: DIALux evo – New calculation method Characters: 21.5 15.8 28.9 35.5 -5.R. If more accurate calculation results are required here.7 -9.08 9.5 Summary Based on the calculation comparisons presented here we show that Dialux evo provides calculation results of high accuracy and can bear comparison with standardized test procedures.4 -2. refraction index and transmission have been added to previous models the number of photons used is restricted by the available storage capacity and the accepted calculation time Scenes with large surfaces in which very exact results are required on small surfaces are problematic for a photon shooter by reason of the system used. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (1994) 3 CIE TC.2.21 20.2.surface 500m x 500m A B C D E F G H I J K L M N E/(Ehz´ρ) (%) 3.16 27. C.2 -4.3.6 -3. Kokoschka (Reliability of photometri planning programmes.33 Technical report. CIE test 5. headline and table) + 7 pictures Words: 4843 Author: Dipl. Photometric Institute Karlsruhe. For the very first time it is possible not only to visualize mirroring surfaces but also to take them into account exactly and sufficiently in photometric planning and calculation in a time frame which is acceptable in practice.9 -7.4 Error(%) -7.9 8.5 -7. Draft.F.00 24.6 27. There is continuing development in the design and planning of lighting systems in which there is a transition from looking at rooms. buildings and outdoor scenes as single elements to viewing these as a whole together with their photometric interaction. Puech: Radiosity & Global Illumination.72 19.1 -5. we cannot exclude the possibility that in certain cases there may be deviations from reality. Academic Press Professional (1993) 2 F.95 13.3 18.1 23. Sillion. floors. 1 M. However.-Ing.3 .90 10. (FH) Daniel Witzel CIE 5. Dr.0 42. Since the number of photons is limited. Lichttechnisches Institut der Universität Karlsruhe. Wallace: Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis. S. Kokoschka) . then we recommend placing calculation points.6.059 (incl. March 16 2004 th 4 Zuverlässigkeit lichttechnischer Planungsprogramme. J.1 -5. - Any situation simulated by software represents a simplified model of physical reality and can therefore not provide 100% calculation accuracy.2 19.10 14. although directed reflectance.77 24.4 -4.6 13.3 is such an example. the risk is present that insufficient photons reach the relevant small surface.1 23.6.3 -10.


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