DHE Singhamukha Concise 4.19.14
ÉÊ Êv-0-#<$-7¸¥<-:<-#<ß$<-ý7Ü-a+-ý9-v-…å/-2Ý#-/¸¥,-#<ë:-7+è/<-,ÜÊ ÊSeven Line Prayer The Superior Accomplishment of the Guru As Stated in Lama Sangdü— Embodiment of the Guru’s Secrets [A Treasure of Guru Chöwang) *ß#<-+0-T-:-d#-72:-:ëÎ dÜ-9/<-U:-Q,-9Ü#<-`Ü-/ßÎ >ë-{,-/+#-:-þ/<-2ì:-,Î +/è,-ý7Ü-#,<-<ß-9$7¸¥#-,<Î 0Ü-D#-þë-/-þè-/-+$Î 7"ë9-/<-<ß,-ý-9/-·â-#%è<Î vë-XÜ$-o$-#<ß0-$-:-#)ë+Î #5,-8$þ/<-b²9-9è-<-F0<Î >ë-{,-/+#-:-Jë#<-ý9-<ë0<Î þÜ+-Z¨#-9è-Pë<-aè+-;è<-`Ü<Î 0&ë+-/Yë+-0Ü-72:-{æ#<ë#-\ë$<Î :ß<-$#-8Ü+-#<ß0-μ¥<-ý-8Ü<Î 2Ý#-/¸¥,-7+Ü-8Ü<-#<ë:-/-*ë/Î Homage to the yidam deities! Fortunate noble ones of future generations: if you seek refuge in me, Orgyen, remain in a secluded place and give rise to the sorrow of impermanence and the weariness of cyclic existence. This is very important. Entrust yourself entirely to me—body, heart, and spirit. Moreover, reflect that all the sources of hope and refuge are perfectly complete within me, Orgyen. Be aware that I am fully aware of all your joys, sorrows, and hopes. Don’t beseech me with offerings and praises. Give up accumulating. With devoted body, speech, and mind, pray with this seven line supplication: œ×ñÎ >ë-{,-8ß:-bÜ-¹¥/-e$-020<Î HUNG OR GYEN YÜL GYI NUP JANG TSAM HUNG On the northwest border of the country of Orgyen, ýV-#è-<9-Zë$-ýë-:Î PAY MA GAY SAR DONG PO LA In the pollen heart of a stemmed lotus, 8-02,-0&ë#-#Ü-+$ë<-iá/-/Cè<Î YA TSEN CHOK GI NGÖ DRUP NYAY You attained marvelous most excellent accomplishment. ýV-7e³$-#,<-5è<-<ß-i#<Î PAY MA JUNG NAY SHAY SU DRAK Renowned as the Lotus Born, 7"ë9-¸¥-0"7-7ië-0$-ýë<-/Uë9Î KOR DU KHAN DRO MANG PÖ KOR You are surrounded by a vast retinue of dakinis. aè+-`Ü-Bè<-<ß-/+#-…å/-`ÜÎ KYAY KYI JAY SU DAK DRUP KYI As I practice, following in your footsteps, eÜ,-bÜ<-xë/<-dÜ9-#;è#<-<ß-#<ë:Î JIN GYI LOP CHIR SHEK SU SOL Pray approach and confer your blessings. μ¥-9ß-ýV-<ÜKÜ-œ×ñÎ GURU PAYMA SIDDHI HUNG 5è<-ý<-8$-8$-#<ë:-/-*ë/Î #¸¥$-/-l#-/þè+-0&Ü-0-d³$ÍÎ ++-ý<-"0<-7¸¥<-7e³$-rÜ+-,Î =#-#Ü<-*ë/-:<-:è9-5ë#Î <$-$è-8è-9è-0-8è$<-PÎ 7+Ü-P9-#<ë:-/-7+è/<-ý7Ü-/ß9Î $-8Ü<-þë/-ý-^ë<-%Ü-+#ë<Î ¸¥<#<ß0-{:-/7Ü-r<-<ß-7b²9Î +/$-&è,-9$-9Ü#-<è0<-:-*ë/Î )Ü$-73Ý,-0*ß-/D,-8è-;è<-{<Î eÜ,-x/<-9$e³$-&è,-ýë-8Ü<Î 9$-^Ü,-#5,-ë+-Z¨#-/W:-<è:Î 9$-(Ü+-7b²9-2é-#5,-[$-F0<Î ¸¥<-0(0-7b²9-5Ü$-nÜ,:<-7iá/Î 8ë,-),-*0<-%+-9$-:-Jë#<Î /+#-(Ü+-&è,-ýë-&ë<-`Ü-U¨9Î ^Ü,-%Ü$-ië:-/7Ü-*/<-&è,-7+ÜÎ *ß#<-`Ü-r<-+$-7n+-ý9-;ë#Î a+-ý9-eÜ,-x/<-`Ü-…å/-ý-2Ý#-/¸¥,-07Ü-#<ë:-7+è/<-;Ü,-·â-6/-dÜ9-*ß#<-`Ü-8$#)è9-#<$-/9-#+0<-ýÎ ;è<-9/-vë-Q,-XÜ$-Bè-&èÎ &ë<-`Ü-+/$-d³#-+è-+$-7n+-ý9-;ë#Î %è<-<ëÊÊ ÊÊ Reciting this, supplicate again and again. Engender a strong heartfelt longing, bringing tears to your eyes. If you become overwhelmed by faith, [push the air out from your lungs with the sound of] “hak” and settle with clarity, gazing lucidly and openly without distraction. Is there any need to say that I will protect a child who prays like this? You will become an heir of the victorious ones of the three times. Your mind will receive the great empowerment of self‐existing awareness. Your contemplation will become powerful and stable and your wisdom will expand. You will be ripened by great self‐ arisen blessings and your actions for others will dispel suffering. When you are transformed, your perceptions of others will change at the same time and you will accomplish enlightened activities. All good qualities will be perfected within you. In the great identity of dharmakaya, may my heart‐sons and heart‐daughters encounter this supreme method of ripening and liberation. In particular, because this seven line supplication that accomplishes my blessings is most profound, I advise you to keep this rediscovered treasure of my mind secret. May it meet with the intelligent and compassionate Chökyi Wangchuk. Thus he spoke. 2 16. ‡å:-ý7Ü-U¨-0&ë#-02ì-þè<-Eë-Bè-:Ê Ê TRUL PAY KU CHOK TSO KYAY DOR JAY LA Lake Born Vajra. ¬¢-!Ü7Ü-#1ì-0ë-+eÜ$<-d³#-02ì-{:-8ß0Ê Ê DA KI TSO MO YING CHUK TSO GYEL YUM Mystic consort Tsogyal.-7oë#-/. +#ë$<-/{æ+-eÜ. pg.-*ë/-I-/7Ü-v-0-:Ê Ê GONG GYU JIN TOP TSA WAY LA MA LA Root guru who received the blessings of the Mind Transmission.-x/<-+$ë<-iá/-_ë:Ê Ê SÖL WA DEP SO JIN LAP NGÖ DRUP TSÖL Please confer blessings and accomplishments.-x/<-/%°+-7/è/<-5è<-e-/-/º¥#<-<ëÊ Ê Bringing Down the Essence Blessings Supplication to the Practice Lineage of The Profound Path of The Dakini Heart Essence Collected Works of Düdjom. 3 . #+0<-ý7Ü-03ì+-73Ý. vol. holder of the treasury of spiritual instructions.-·â-7&$-Ê Ê NYING JAY TER NGA PAY MA KÜN TU CHANG Avalokitesvara. immortal all‐pervading lord of existence and peace. 83 rÜ+-5Ü7Ü-a/-/+#-7&Ü-0è+-[$-0*7-8<Ê Ê SI ZHI KYAP DAK CHI MAY NANG TA YAY Amitabha.-:ë-1¡-/Ê Ê DAM PAY DZÖ DZIN DROK BEN LO TSA WA Drokben Lotsawa. #<ë:-/-7+è/<-<ë-eÜ. XÜ$-Bè7Ü-#)è9-0$7-ýV-´¥. sovereign of basic space and principal dakini. supreme emanation body.ÉÊ Ê6/-:0-0"7-7ië-…å/-ý7Ü-/{æ+-7+è/<-eÜ. I pray. holder of the treasury of compassion. bestowers of infinite supreme accomplishments. I pray. 9Ü0-#(Ü<-:0-:<-/Xè.-0"7-7ië7Ü-2ì#<Ê Ê TEN DREL GYU MAY GAR KEN KHAN DRO TSOK Assembly of dakinis.Ê Ê RIM NYI LAM LAY NYEN DRUP TA RU JIN May I perfect the approach and accomplishment phases of the twofold path F0-/5Ü7Ü-/ië+-ý-0Ü#-7ná:-P9-/ië+-.#<ë:-/-7+è/<-<ë-eÜ.-:<-*ë#<-0è+-+0-%.-7oè:-€ç-07Ü-#9-0".-+0-2Ý#-F0-ý9-+# Ê WANG GI GYU MIN DAM TSIK NAM PAR DAK May empowerments ripen my mindstream. may my sacred commitments be utterly pure.-&ë<-þë$-:Ê Ê TRIN LAY TOK MAY DAM CHEN CHÖ KYONG LA Oath‐bound Dharma protectors of unobstructed activity.-x/<-+$ë<-iá/-_ë:Ê Ê SÖL WA DEP SO JIN LAP NGÖ DRUP TSÖL Please confer blessings and accomplishments. 9/-7e0<-+$ë<-iá/-0&ë#-_ë:-8Ü-+0-TÊ Ê RAB JAM NGÖ DRUP CHOK TSÖL YI DAM LHA Yidam deities. 4 .<Ê Ê NAM SHI DRÖ PA MIK TRÜL TAR DRÖ NAY And having magically traversed the [paths] traveled by the four types of awareness holders.-x/<-+$ë<-iá/-_ë:Ê Ê SÖL WA DEP SO JIN LAP NGÖ DRUP TSÖL Please confer blessings and accomplishments. +/$-#Ü<-{æ+-^Ü. dancers of illusory interdependent [phenomena]. #<ë:-/-7+è/<-<ë-eÜ.-…å/-0*7-9ß-dÜ. nÜ. I pray. Dè. ë# Ê MAY JUNG DOR JAY TSUN MÖ SA TOP SHOK May I attain the level of the wondrous Vajra Queen.<-<ëÊÊ <G-0]-:îÊÊ ÊÊ Written by Jñana to fulfill the wishes of the petitioner.-0ë7Ü-<-*ë/-. %è<-ý7$-/U¨:-/-ýë7Ü-/5è+-ý-Uë$-dÜ9-ƒÉ-.H+-e³$-Eë-Bè-/1°. SARWA MANGALAM 5 . 7¸¥-7o:-0è+-ý9-þ/<-<ß-0&ÜÎ DU DREL MAY PAR KYAP SU CHI I take refuge beyond coming together and separation. 6 .-ýë9-<è0<-/þè+-+ëÎ RANG DRÖL CHEN POR SEM KYAY DO Therefore. 5è<-þ/<-<è0<-Wë. 9$-ië:-&è. I arouse the mind of enlightenment.-0ëÎ 9$-9Ü#-8è-. 0-Dë#<-#(Ü<-73Ý. recite three times: .-¸¥-7ië-/<Ê Thus complete refuge and the mind of enlightenment.ÜÎ For the preliminaries of refuge and the mind of enlightenment.è<-0"7-7ië-09Î NAMO RANG RIK YAY SHAY KHAN DRO MAR Namo! In my own pure awareness as the Wisdom Dakini. Verses for Refuge and the Mind of Enlightenment þ/<-<ß-7ië-5Ü$-<è0<-/þè+-ý-.-7há:-ý7Ü-vëÎ MA TOK NYI DZIN TRÜL PAY LO The confused mind of unrealized beings clings to duality. within great natural liberation. the wrathful female subduer of negative forces.#-#·â0-A0<-7'Ü#<-ý7Ü-#6ß#<Î MAR NAK TUM NGAM JIK PAY ZUK Body dark red.Î CHAK NYI DRI GUK TÖ DRAK DZIN Two hands holding hold a curved blade and a skull cup of blood— 7 . wrathful.ÜÎ Profound Quintessence The Secret Dakini Sadhana The Collected Works of Düdjom. 29 0Ü-+0Ü#<-Yë$-ý7Ü-$$-(Ü+-:<Î MI MIK TONG PAY NANG NYI LAY Within the very nature of non‐conceptual emptiness. +09-. pg. and frightful— #8ß-9:-{è.-/JÜ<-<è$-&±$-7nëÎ YU REL GYEN DZI SENG CHUNG TRO Locks of turquoise hair streaming upwards and emanating tiny lions— d#-#(Ü<-iÜ-μ¥#-*ë+-h#-73Ý. 9$-9Ü#-œ×ñ-+09-7në-7¸¥-:<Î RANG RIK HUNG MAR TRO DU LAY My own pure awareness.³ñÎ 0"7-7ië7Ü-#<$-…å/-6/-ý7Ü-/%°+Î <è$-=-0ß-"7Ü-…å/-ý-. ý+-(Ü-e+-0-Zè-/{+-7hÜ9Î PAY NYI JAY MA DAY GYAY TRIR Above a pedestal [supported] by those who send curses and by the eight classes of gods and spirits who cause harm and above a lotus‐sun [seat]. a red HUNG. radiates and reabsorbs light /¸¥+-7¸¥:-hë<-0-<è$-#è7Ü-#+ë$-Î DÜ DÜL TRÖ MA SENG GAY DONG And then [becomes] Singhamukha. 16. vol. 0&.-Eë-Bè-"-£î-/Dè. 0#:-0è-P-/ß9-7"ë9-/-:<Î GAL MAY TA BUR KOR WA LAY Whirling like a fire‐brand. *ß#<-!9-(Ü-w7Ü-#7ß7Ü-]ä/<Î TUK KAR NYI DAY GA Ü BUP At my heart center. ¸¥9-hë+-&<-#ë<-9ß<-{. rë#-#Ü-XÜ$-ýë-œ×ñ-+09-0*9Î SOK GI NYING PO HUNG MAR TAR A red HUNG. W#<-`Ü-nè$-/-N#<-rè#-0+$<Î NGAK KYI TRENG WA CHAK SEK DANG Is encircled by the mantra garland glowing like red hot iron.è<-/U:-0è-7/9-/7Ü-të$Î YAY SHAY KAL MAY BAR WAY LONG Within a blazing expanse of apocalyptic fire. 8 . 7ë+-6è9-0è-+ýß$-’-’-7në<Î Ö ZER MAY PUNG TSA TSA TRÖ It radiates sparks of light and fiery masses. inside a hollow sun‐moon amulet box.-‡<Î DUR TRÖ CHAY GÖ RÜ GYEN TRAY Adorned with charnel ground accouterments and bone ornaments— 8è-.Î CHEN YÖN DOR JAY KA TRANG TEN And in the crook of my left arm.-#8ë. a vajra trident. #9-Y/<-7bÜ$-/#-2±:-bÜ<-9ë:Î GAR TAP GYING PAK TSÜL GYI RÖL I am manifest with majestic dancing movements. the essence of my life force. >-!-<-0-9-1-. Or any activity whatsoever. and overpowering. It is [Singhamukhaʹs] unique black poisonous sword which annihilates the black magic of the three‐thousandfold universe.<-)èÎ Yë$-#<ß0-Gë+-#)ë$-/x#-eè+-ý7ÜÎ &Ü#»¥9-¸¥#-iÜ-.Î DRA GEK JAY MA BÖ TONG KÜN The body and speech aspects of enemies.+i-/#è#<-e+-0-Gë+-#)ë$-´¥.ªÎ AH KA SA MA RA TSA SHA DA RA SA MA RA YA PAY rá$-+$-wë#-+$-29-#%ë+-ýÎ #$-8$-W#<-7+Ü-"ë-. reversing. SAMAYA 9 .-+-9-<-0¡-9-8-. black magicians. obstructors.-W#<-/%°-/5Ü-ýÎ #.0-N#<-*ë#-@ë+-7há#<-ý-P9Î 0Ü-2Ý#-/9-0-&+-ý9-/wÎ Recite the fourteen‐syllable subjugating mantra of the fierce Dakini Like tumultuous meteoric lightning. and sorcerers :ß<-$#-*:-/7Ü-#5ë/-·â-/rè#Î LU NGAK TAL WAY ZHOP TU SEK Are burned to ashes.è<-7"ë9-:ë9-/<0Î Ö SEL YAY SHAY KOR LOR GYUR [Everything] becomes the wheel of wisdomʹs luminosity. can be achieved by this mantra alone.è<-0Ü-+0Ü#<-!-+#-$$Î NAM SHAY MI MIK KA DAK NGANG Their consciousness [rests] in the nature of non‐conceptual primordial purity— 7ë+-#<:-8è-. Uninterrupted by ordinary conversation.#-0ë7ëÎ <-0-8Î Protecting. l#-0ë7Ü-$. F0-. illusory dynamic energy.è<-9ë:-ý9-.9-02. and mind as the mudra of the Dakini’s body. seal the three gates of your body. indivisible unity. y9-8$-6ß$-7'ß#-€ç-07Ü-I:Î LAR YANG ZUNG JUK GYU MAY TSEL Once again. >ù->¡ïœ×ñÎ OM AH HUNG With these syllables. speech. and mind.-ýë9-/E:Î NYI MAY LO DAY CHEN POR DAL Pervades supreme nonduality beyond the conceptual mind.9Î NÖ CHÜ YAY SHAY RÖL PAR SHAR Arises as the wisdom display of the universe and its beings. speech.Dispelling the Extreme Views of Permanence and Nihilism =ëï 9Ü#-ý-9$-.-07Ü-TÎ HO RIK PA RANG SHAR TSEN MAY LHA Ho! The deity of characteristics. #(Ü<-0è+-vë-7+<-&è. 10 . [ë+-/%ß+-8è-. self‐arisen from pure awareness. -´¥.ë#Î DAK NYAM CHEN POR SANG GYAY SHOK Awaken as buddhas in great equal purity. With flowers falling from the sky. 11 . "0<-#<ß0-7"ë9-/7Ü-<è0<-%.-ýë9-<$<-{<-.Dedication and Verse of Auspiciousness =ëï ¸¥<-#<ß0-/<#<-ý7Ü-+#è-2ì#<-´¥.ë#Î DRO KAM DONG TRUK TRA SHI SHOK May there be the auspiciousness of stirring the depths of sentient beings.-7iá/Î GAL KYEN KÜN ZHI SAM DÖN DRUP Pacify all unfavorable circumstances and fulfill our wishes. Create auspiciousness with: I-#<ß0-0"7-7ië7Ü-eÜ. +0Ü#<-0è+-0*7-o:-të$-¸¥-/WëÎ MIK MAY TA DRAL LONG DU NGO Without conceptuality. 7ië-"0<-+ë$-‡å#<-/g-. I dedicate in the expanse that is free of limits.-5Ü-/<0-+ë. /+#-%#-…å/-0&ë#-7"ë9-/%<-`ÜÎ DAK CHAK DRUP CHOK KOR CHAY KYI For myself and the retinues of excellent practitioners.Î KAM SUM KOR WAY SEM CHEN KÜN May all beings in the three realms of cyclic existence +#-0(0-&è.Î HO DÜ SUM SAK PAY GAY TSOK KÜN Ho! All virtues accumulated in the three times. everything is imbued with happiness and excellence.Ü<-.-´¥. 7#:-zè.-x/<-0*ß<Î TSA SUM KHAN DRÖ JIN LAP TÜ By the power of the blessings of the Three Roots and the dakinis. may I attain the victorious level of the dharmakaya Samantabhadra. 16. 529‐530 In the mandala of the Guru Wisdom Dakini. may I be liberated from the obstructors of the path. Through the melting and bliss of union. Through the luminosity of the creation phase. may the ground of my mindstream be cultivated. I dedicate them to all beings throughout space: May they all attain the unsurpassable result. unimpeded and naked.Aspiration Prayer Associated with The Stages of the Path of The Dakini Heart Essence Collected Works of Düdjom. pgs. may the ultimate meaning of absolute reality be realized. May the bliss‐warmth of chandali’s self‐blessing blaze. Through the paths of accumulation and purification. By never parting from this supreme refuge. Whatever merits I have gathered through the two accumulations. may my practice experiences progress. supreme consort. may the joys of the consort be developed. Through pure sacred commitments. May I be inseparable from the all‐pervasive sovereign guru. Through strong devotion and perseverance. 12 . COLOPHON Written by Jigdral Yeshe Dorje at the request of Tokden Kunzang Longdrol. From this moment until the heart of enlightenment is reached. Through the stages of the four empowerments. may my attachment to ordinary appearances be purified. For my benefit. May primordially pure awareness arise. vol. may the seed of liberation be sown. may I dredge the depths of cyclic existence. Through the wisdom mind beyond intellect. through the rupakaya. May the levels and paths of the spontaneous four appearances be directly traversed. For the benefit of others. May the blessings of the Mind Transmission be transferred to my heart. exalted deity. ÉÊ Ê0"7-7ië7Ü-/U$-/Z¨<-ýV7Ü-{æ+-0$-5è<-e-/-/º¥#<-<ëÊ Ê Lotus Lute A Concise Fulfillment of the Dakinis The Collected Works of Düdjom. H+-e³$-/+è-&è. F:-7eë9-/+è-&è. 16.-+eÜ$<-<ß-/U$-Ê Ê TUK DAM DAY CHEN YING SU KANG In the basic space of great bliss. Immutable Light.-/¸¥+-IÜ-&èÊ Ê DAM DZAY DAY CHEN DÜ TSI CHAY The commitment substance. 9Ü#<-´¥. 103 s¢Üï 2ì#<-"$-/+è-&è. 0"7-7ië-/+è-&è.-{:-0ë7Ü-2ì#<Ê Ê KHAN DRO DAY CHEN GYEL MÖ TSOK Dakini Queen of Bliss [Yeshe Tsogyal] and your retinue— *ß#<-+0-/+è-&è.-.-a/-/+#-7ë+-0Ü-7b²9Ê Ê RIK KÜN KYAP DAK Ö MI GYUR Sovereign Lord of the Enlightened Lineages. vol. +0-J<-/+è-&è.-‡Ü.-ýV-7ë+Ê Ê HRI TSOK KANG DAY CHEN PAY MA Ö HRI In the Lotus Light assembly hall of great bliss.-…å/-ý-ýëÊ Ê NEL JOR DAY CHEN DRUP PA PO The yogins are accomplishing great bliss. the great amrita of great bliss. pg. may your wisdom wishes be fulfilled.ß$-7nëÊ Ê MAY JUNG DAY CHEN TRIN PUNG TRO Radiates marvelous billowing clouds of great bliss. 13 . è<-02ì-{:-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê YAY SHAY TSO GYEL TUK DAM KANG Yeshe Tsogyal—may your wisdom wishes be fulfilled.[$-/-0*7-8<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê NANG WA TA YAY TUK DAM KANG Amitabha—may your wisdom wishes be fulfilled. 14 . treasure of compassion. 7"ë9-7+<-6Ü:-#. Skull‐Garlanded Adept.-9<-#6Ü#<-`Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê CHEN RAY ZIK KYI TUK DAM KANG Avalokiteshvara—may your wisdom wishes be fulfilled.-*ë+-nè$-I:Ê Ê KOR DAY ZIL NÖN THÖ TRENG TSAL Thötrengtsal. 7ië-/-´¥. supreme principal of the mandala. Lotus Lord of Dance—may your wisdom wishes be fulfilled.ë. .-7¸¥:-XÜ$-Bè7Ü-#)è9Ê Ê DRO WA KÜN DUL NYING JAY TER Tamer of all beings. ýV-#9-+/$-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê PAY MA GAR WANG TUK DAM KANG Pema Garwang. overpowering cyclic existence and perfect peace with splendor. +`Ü:-7"ë9-#1ì-0&ë#-+eÜ$<-d³#-8ß0Ê Ê KYIL KOR TSO CHOK YING CHUK YUM Sovereign mother of basic space. 7/ß0-n#-0"7-7ië7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê BUM TRAK KHAN DRÖ TUK DAM KANG One hundred thousand dakinis—may your wisdom wishes be fulfilled. #$-7¸¥:-‡å:-ý7Ü-€ç-7ná:-#9Ê Ê GANG DUL TRÜL PAI GYU TRÜL GAR Dancers of illusory displays that tame however necessary. 8è-. $-#<$-/7Ü-/9-&+-#è#<Ê Ê CHI NANG SANG WAY BAR CHAY GEK Outer.-&ë<-rá$-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê DAM CHEN CHÖ SUNG TUK DAM KANG Oath‐bound Dharma protectors—may your wisdom wishes be fulfilled.-0ë$-+$ë<-iá/-´¥. I openly confess.-:<-03ì+Ê Ê TSAY DIR DRUP PAI TRIN LAY DZÖ Please perform the activity which ensures their accomplishment in this life.ë-0è+-7ë+-#<:-të$-¸¥-<ë:Ê Ê PO MAY Ö SAL LONG DU SÖL Dispel them into the expanse of changless wisdom luminosity.Ê Ê CHOK DANG TUN MONG NGÖ DRUP KÜN The supreme and ordinary accomplishments— 2é-7+Ü9-7iá/-ý7Ü-nÜ. this was composed by Jñana. +0-%. dÜ-.-:<-Jà-7ná:-/+# Ê TOK MAY TRIN LAY DZU TRÜL DAK Masters of miraculous powers [performing] unobstructed enlightened activity.<-\è:-/-+#èÊ ÊÊ COLOPHON At the request of Ngawang Kelden Dorje. inner. and secret obstacles and obstructors— 7. 0&ë#-+$-*ß. Eë-Bè-*è#-ý7Ü-+0-2Ý#-+$-Ê Ê DOR JAY TEK PAY DAM TSIK DANG The sacred commitments of Vajrayana— 7#:-/7Ü-(0<-&#-%Ü-0&Ü<-/.-Eë-Bè<-/U¨:-$ë9-ƒÉ-. %è<-ý7$-$#-+/$-U:-Q.*ë#<-0è+-nÜ.#<Ê Ê GAL WAY NYAM CHAK CHI CHI SHAK Whatever contradicting degenerations and violations I have committed. May it increase virtue! 15 . grant your blessings so that all our wishes be quickly fulfilled! To practice devotion. from the depths of our hearts. The other verses are the vajra speech blessing of Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa. whenever we suffer from illness. you are the spontaneously accomplished wisdom. Grant your blessings so that all our wishes are quickly fulfilled! When oppressed by illness. those of faith should keep this prayer in their heart‐mind. at all these times. The first verse of this prayer is taken from Kunkhyen Longchen Rabjamʹs profound commentarial and supplemental text. self‐existing Lotus Father and Mother. then remember your promise that even simply to think of you will immediately consume all such suffering. 16 . famine and starvation. starvation. the embodiment of the five buddha families. 18. as well as to foster the well‐being of the teachings and all beings. and to have dignity. grant your blessings so that all our wishes be quickly fulfilled! COLOPHON With the intention of pacifying the land of Tibet. water. O great Orgyen Guru. Translation Unknown. page 129 Emaho! In the heart of a blossoming lotus. We implore you. specifically. Care for us with your great compassion. malevolent spirits and obstacles. falling prey to harm and obstruction from negativity and demonic forces. disease. O great. and warfare. and journeys of great danger. we have nowhere to turn except to you. suffering and unwanted circumstances. warfare and violence. vol. upon the waters of the lake.Prayer for the Spontaneous Fulfillment of all Wishes The Collected Works of Düdjom. threatened by fire. O Lord of Orgyen. grant your blessings so that all our wishes be quickly fulfilled! As a result of our negative actions. to liberate the mind through hearing the Dharma. the second Omniscient One. Khandro Yangtig. surrounded by clouds of dakinis. the section on offering ocean‐like banks of offering‐clouds. self‐control and knowledge—make these seven noble human qualities penetrate the minds of all sentient beings and so bring peace and happiness to the world. discipline and generosity. to you we pray. when this life is spent and death arrives. may the great waves which benefit beings reach perfect completion. Blossomed Lotus Buddha. Dudjom Rinpoche. have unanimously confirmed the prophecies and signs. Through the power of the truth of the ocean of the Three Jewels and the Three Roots And through the strong abilities of the five classes of male and female oath‐bound ones. the reincarnation of the lord of refuge Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdral Yeshe Dorje. the envoy of the victors. Therefore. In the pollen heart blossomed with a wondrous emanation. may your life remain firm. May this prove virtuous and pleasing! 17 . have carelessly written this long‐life prayer in a few words related to the offering of a name. Since many great individuals. Sangye Dorje. You are the efflorescence of the vidyadharas. the great being of the three secrets. Present here solely to fulfill the hopes of all beings in the three planes of existence Whose needs and desires are met through your effortless enlightened activity. I. May the intent of our wishes and those of others spontaneously achieve fruition. the foolish.Long Life Prayer for the Tulku of H. The merit and glory of fortunate disciples. I am certain that it is true. the wish‐fulfilling lord. In ever‐lasting essence. least worthy servant of the last incarnation of this master. Exalted One who Accomplishes the Enlightened Activity of the Vidhyadaras Above the thousand petals of the Lotus Buddha’s compassion. Guide of All Beings. the child born in the family of the supreme spiritual master Tulku Jigme Chokyi Nyima has been unmistakably recognized as the second Dudjom Rinpoche. the incomparable enlightened form. in the the region of Do‐Kham (East Tibet). At Shay‐u Do. And unhindered. Has appeared the guide of all beings. non‐sectarians who are well‐known throughout the Ancient and New schools.H. Secret lord of enlightened activity. and Konchog Palden requesting with strong yearning devotion. If we request you with intense yearning devotion. 18 . including Monasteries and communities in this location. precious jewel of all that is most excellent and auspicious. Sangyé Pema Shepa [Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoché].Swift Rebirth Prayers for Kyabje Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche May this be accomplished! The Original Protector in human flesh. show us the wisdom dance of your emanation body. OM SWASTI May it be auspicious—Fearless Heruka of fully ripened yogic practice. Ugyen Nambyal. Pema Chokyi. in Yangleshö. Drimé Özer. From the Great Protector’s followers. OM SWASTI Holding the glory of the representative of Orgyen Padmasambhava. the son of the terton. In order to dispel the dimness of the great waves of the doctrine and sentient beings. heir of Padmasambhava. Permanent. May all be accomplished virtuously. Stainless One. May there be virtue! Translated by Light of Berotsana. Master of pure awareness with full power over life. the lineage son Garab wrote this. For a while revealing the manner of resting in quiescence. you have been primordially awakened countless eons ago. to you we pray! Protector. Nepal. manifested his wisdom embodiment As Thinley Norbu. who intentionally danced in this existence. I pray: May your magical emanation please swiftly take rebirth. From the expanse of the oceans’ enlightened activity We pray the Jewel of your reincarnation will swiftly arrive! Hence. I who hold the title of Dudjom. Supreme refuge. fully endowed with all capacities of a spiritual hero To you. at the request of this Lord’s principal disciples. the disciples of Kunzang Gatsal in New York in general and in particular. may your wisdom mind never abandon us. Self‐manifesting actual wisdom body of the three kayas. Again. Although without elaborate characteristics such as birth or death. stable and free from destruction. wrote this supplication in the Year of the Iron Rabbit on the tenth day of the eleventh month. As Drimé. After my uncle. the pure essence of indestructible vajra life force Supreme method. And the meaning of our single‐pointed prayer. Tamer of beings. I. Samaya. By the truth and strength of the infallible Three Jewels. Tötreng Tsal We invoke the gathering of the wisdom mind of the Three Roots from basic space In your previous life.Dzongsar Khyentsé Rinpoché]. mighty protector of the teachings and beings. basic space. decided to do just that. vidyadhara that expounds the teachings. unceasing involvement. at the urgent request of Spiti Tulku. Written by Chatral Buddha. Thubten Chökyi Gyamsto [H. sublime. you gave rise to the peerless awakened intention that the heights. But through the spontaneity of your previous training. the expression of your responsiveness. seeing that it seemed most important simply to modify the inspired enlightened speech of the holy sage of the past. the radiance of compassion Their unity. “The Quintessence of Faith” É. the glorious Heruka.E. Long Life Prayer for Chatral Rinpoche OM SWASTI Through the power and blessings of the ocean of the undeceiving Three Roots. mantra‐holder. please see it from our side. I was verbally compelled so that everyone’s 19 . and Three Roots. You. the supreme Jigmé Tendzin Dorjé. We cry in pain that the gathered array of your rupakaya is gone. Long remain unshakable and firm And may his activity for the great aims of the doctrine and beings expand. The unceasing strength of interdependent arising. Sangye Dorje. May the emanation of your moon‐like face quickly appear In the clear mirror of our unwavering three types of faith. We pray for your return. Lama Rinpoché Tsedrup Tharchin dissolved into peaceful basic space. Swift Rebirth Prayer for Lama Tharchin Rinpoche. but flourish. Thus. May our wishes be fulfilled without obstacle. May the lotus feet of the lord of dance. hero of all. strength. when his retinue and students were gathered. and stability Of the great long‐standing tradition of the practice lineage of Padmakara not decline. Jetsun Lama Buddha [Chatral Sangyé Dorjé Rinpoché]. Long Life Prayer for Dechen Yeshe Wangmo OM SWASTI Through the powerful blessings of the immortal Pema Jungnay and his consort. Abhaya [Sanskrit for Jigmé. Be utterly stable. Sarwa Mangalam. meaning Loppon Jigmé Rinpoché]. and may the light of her activities Shine on the lotus groves of the teachings and of beings so that they blossom with radiant splendor. the cremation ganachakra. from the vajra brothers and sisters in the Hawaiian Islands. then I. 20 . Translated by Lama Ngawang. accompanied by a scarf and a gift. Translated by Sarah Schneider. saying that for all faithful disciples. who has the appearance of a tantrika and is called the tenth generation in the line of Bakyang‐lung family of Repkong. with Samantabhadra’s offering clouds billowing excellence everywhere. immediately wrote this. Putra Akshara [Sanskrit for Angyur’s name] exhorted me. May the three secret qualities of the dakini of supreme bliss. I bowed to the dust under the feet of the one who holds the name. On the day of the drupchöd of Sri Vajrasattva’s mandala. this aspiration was made by Tsedrup Tharchin. we need a prayer for the swift return. May this prayer prove meaningful. Yeshe Wangmo.aspiration could be perfected in the expanse of unconditional wisdom. In response to a request. Until the end of conditioned existence.Closing Prayers I pray for the excellent health of the spiritual masters. May the Buddhist doctrine. Written by Jñana. I pray for the spread and increase of their activities. masters of learning and realization. may they be preserved. the master Padmasambhava. May Padmasambhava’s tradition. May the upholders of the doctrine Firmly plant the victory banners of longevity. May the mundane and spiritual never decline. 21 . The tradition of the lineage of knowledge‐holders. May the doctrine of the Lake Born buddha flourish. The heart‐essence of Shakyamuni’s doctrine. the Secret Mantra of the Ancient Translation teachings— May these expand and pervade throughout the world of Dzamling. May the complete and unerring sutra and mantra approaches to Dharma. May the tradition of the abbot Shantarakshita. Bless me with inseparability from the spiritual masters. Written by the omniscient Longchen Rabjam. the Ancient Translation Great Perfection. the essential definitive meaning. the sole basis of benefit and wellbeing Remain for a long time and. And Dudjom Lingpa’s chariot. may these profound treasures Never decline [and] through teaching and practice. and the Dharma king Trisong Detsen Expand all‐pervasively throughout the three realms of Dzamling. Having raised the victory banners of jewels. Taken from Ten Gyay Mönlam by Mipham Jamyang Namgyal Gyatso. Through the utterly firm life of the glorious spiritual masters and Through the expanding prosperity of the patrons of the doctrine. Written by Mipham. I pray their forms remain supremely for a long time. -ýë7Ü-(0<-:è.org All rights reserved. 6/-#<$-F:-7eë9-&è. the great treasure revealer [of Mindroling]. +eè9-0è+-*ß#<-`Ü-*Ü#-:è9-9ë-#%Ü#-. and dharmakaya.-7b²9-0è+-Eë-Bè7Ü-#<ß$-eÜ. 22 . %è<-#)è9-&è.ë# Ê YER MAY TUK KYI TIG LAY RO CHIK SHOK May they be of one taste.jnanasukha.è<-9ë:-ý9-7e0<-t<-ý<Ê Ê KU DANG YAY SHAY RÖL PAR JAM LAY PAY Limitless displays of enlightenment’s dimensions and wisdoms.-:Ê Ê ZAP SANG NEL JOR CHEN PÖ NYAM LEN LA Through experientially cultivating the profound and secret great yoga.-. mantras. Written by Jñana. indivisible in the nucleus of enlightened mind. Siddhi Rastu! ÉÊ Ê[$-i#<-9Ü#-#<ß0-T-W#<-&ë<-U¨7Ü-$$-Ê Ê NANG DRAK RIK SUM LHA NGAK CHÖ KÜ NANG These three—appearances. U¨-+$-8è-. sounds. electronic or mechanical.O.-%. and awareness—are the continuity of deities. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means. including photocopying.ëÊÊ ÊÊ This blessing was spoken by Gyurme Dorje. or by any information storage and retrieval system. Ocean View HI 96737 www.From the presence of the Three Sublime Jewels. Box 6645. recording. without permission in writing from the copyright holder. may the mindstream of all beings Never separate [and] may virtue and excellence abound in the three times. >ù->¡ïœ×ñÎ/‰-μ¥-9ß-ýV-<ÜKÜ-œ×ñÎ OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PAYMA SIDDHI HUNG © Copyright 2006‐2014 Jnanasukha P.
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