Deswik.suite Release Notes

June 6, 2018 | Author: Andres Guzman Guerrero | Category: File Format, Databases, Polygon, Computer Aided Design, Portable Document Format
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2016.1 Deswik.Suite RELEASE NOTES DOCUMENT DETAILS Copyright Copyright over this document and any accompanying models or data is reserved by Deswik Mining Consultants (Australia) Pty Ltd ("Deswik"). This document is only to be used by the Client under the terms outlined herein. It may not be distributed to third parties, reproduced or circulated in the public domain, or edited or amended in any way, unless expressly agreed to by Deswik. Products and registered logos referred to in this document are trademarks of their respective owners and these trademarks are hereby acknowledged. Confidentiality This document is subject to Deswik’s Standard Terms and Conditions which detail the confidentiality obligations of both Deswik and the Client. The Client should treat this document and any accompanying documents, models or data as confidential at all times. Disclaimer This document may not be used or relied upon for any other reason than the intended purpose outlined herein. Deswik will not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by such use or reliance. 2 Deswik.Suite 2016.1 Release Notes CONTENTS Deswik.Suite Graphics Changes 4 Performance 4 Anti-aliasing 5 Selection Preview 6 OverlayType 8 Point Collections 9 Elevation Coloring 10 Slice Selection 11 Precision 12 Printing 12 Visualizer / Animation Mode 14 How Old Are My Graphics Drivers? 15 Deswik.Blend 18 Deswik.CAD 19 Deswik.FM 37 Deswik.IS 38 Deswik.LHS 40 Deswik.Sched 42 Deswik.SViz 51 Deswik.UGDB 52 Deswik.vCAD 54 3 Deswik.Suite Graphics Changes DESWIK.SUITE GRAPHICS CHANGES PERFORMANCE l Graphics Hardware: o Refresh speed is now more dependent on graphics hardware capability. Graphics performance is expected to overtake v5.1 increasingly on newer GPUs, while it may be poorer on lower-end hardware than v5.1 in some cases. o Ensuring graphics drivers are up-to-date is essential for optimal performance. For more information, see How Old Are My Graphics Drivers? on page 15. o More graphics memory the better - 4GB is standard on new cards. l Layers: o Turning layers ON or OFF should be faster for most datasets. o Tools | Options | System | Keep Layers in Memory - this enables fast layer-switching but uses more graphics memory. Disable this if very large datasets become unresponsive. l Selection-Preview: Turn off Edit | Selection Preview if you are not using it – may slow down the cursor with large polyfaces. l Transparency: Datasets with transparent objects may render slightly slower in 2016.1. However, several issues related to transparency, especially with points and layouts,have been fixed in 2016.1. l OverlayType: The new OverlayType property should be used with caution as it may impact performance if applied to a large number of entities. l Lighting: Shaded polyfaces may render faster with fewer light sources. Use Format | Lighting to remove unnecessary lights. l Points: o Points and point collections render much faster. o Consolidate large numbers of POINT entities into POINTS collections to minimize drawing time and memory consumption. o Use the POINTS entity's IconFilename property to enable icon point styles which can be much faster for large collections. l Inserts: Rendering of large numbers of Inserts is faster for inserts with lines or solid-filled lines. l Anti-aliasing: Anti-aliasing improves rendering quality with a (slight) decrease in performance. Anti-aliasing can be controlled in Tools | Options. If anti-aliasing does not seem to have any effect, check your graphics cards settings (NVIDIA® or AMD® control panel). l Snapping: Snapping precision has been improved. Issues with responsiveness, especially with large polyfaces, should have been fixed. l Memory Consumption: If memory consumption is very high, and graphics is unresponsive with large datasets: 4 Deswik.Suite 2016.1 Release Notes o Try turning off Use OpenGL lists in Tools | Options | System to reduce memory usage. o Tools | Options | System | Keep Layers in Memory - Disable this if very large datasets become unresponsive. o Remember to turn these ON again, to restore normal graphics performance! l Power Options: Ensure Power Saver mode is not enabled (Control Panel | Power Options). l Graphics Logging: If reporting an issue with the graphics, please attach the "glInfo.txt" log file from the Deswik.Suite install folder. ANTI-ALIASING Anti-aliasing improves display quality (especially for lines and text) by smoothing artifacts and jagged lines, text, and polyface edges which are inherent in digitized displays. Anti-aliasing achieves this at the expense of display refresh performance, which varies across graphics cards. This option allows the user to control the trade-off between quality and performance. l Set anti-aliasing level in Tools | Options | System. l Ensure anti-aliasing is not disabled in your graphics control panel. 5 6 . Deswik. Turn off Selection Preview if you are not using it – it may slow down the cursor with large polyfaces.Suite Graphics Changes SELECTION PREVIEW Edit | Selection Preview toggles highlighting of entities when the mouse moves over them. The setting persists until changed again. Suite 2016.Deswik.1 Release Notes 7 . Suite Graphics Changes OVERLAYTYPE l The OverlayType property allows entities (primarily text. and also may have strange effects in the case of geometry with significant depth (for example. FOREGROUND. or BACKGROUND. as depth-order is by-passed. Deswik. polyfaces). and existing depth-sorted behavior). o Snapping also does not take into account an object’s FOREGROUND or BACKGROUND setting. 8 . polylines. l The property may be set to NONE (default. l OverlayType should be used with caution: o Values other than NONE impact performance. and 2D shapes) to always appear in the foreground or background regardless of their actual depth. rather than just using the document settings. 9 . size is measured in Drawing Units (v5.1 was using something else). For ABSOLUTE SizeType. This has the added advantage of being much faster for large point collections. Deswik.Suite 2016. PointStyle and SizeType POINTS entity is now consistent with POINT by enabling PointStyle and SizeType properties.1 Release Notes POINT COLLECTIONS IconFileName The POINTS entity now supports user-defined icon styles. l Also. unlike v5. elevation coloring does not slow down the display.Suite Graphics Changes ELEVATION COLORING l The Smooth coloring option enables or disables smoothing of elevation colors applied to polyfaces. l The smoothing behavior is also different (more accurate). not vertex-level.1. 10 .0 or v5. as the colors are interpolated at pixel-level. Deswik. Selected slices are highlighted with dashed style. Deswik. l Selection by clicking in overlap areas is undefined.Suite 2016. l Toggle this behavior ON or OFF by selecting Edit | Pick Inside Slice. or anywhere inside the slice. You will need to click on the outline of the target polygon (as before) in such areas.1 Release Notes SLICE SELECTION Select View | Visual Styles | 3D Slicing or click to enable 3D Solid Slicing mode. 11 . l A polyface slice may now be selected either by clicking on their boundary (existing behavior). Suite Graphics Changes PRECISION Various precision-related issues have been fixed in 2016. PRINTING Some issues with layouts should now be fixed or improved: l Printing in 3D modes (allowing clipping) improved. PDF sizes at higher DPI now relatively smaller. Deswik. l CAD-12392: Snapping is not working at the correct position (snapping precision).0001: Polyface selection bug with MineCAD® data (Selection issue for objects with 64-bit handles). l CAD-11359: Apparent bugs with working plane and plane definitions (narrow clip section precision).Suite (snapping precision). l CAD-6219: Hatching Issues (transparent polyhatches appearing darker on printing). l Points disappearing in printouts or inconsistent sizing – fixed.1: l CAD-14692: Graphics regen issue (large model extents). l CAD-12146: Cannot snap to point at bottom view (snapping precision). l T20150114. l CAD-14006: General quality of string work in Deswik. 12 . 13 .1 Release Notes l CAD-11837: Dynamic block model slices too dark when plotted. FoxIt. Deswik.Suite 2016. In some cases this may be preferable to the installed PDF printer such as Adobe. CutePDF. and so on. l The built-in PDF printer is now available in Print Preview. SURVEYSTATION entities are now drawn identically or more consistently in Animation mode as well. l Zooming behavior is more consistent with Model view. Deswik. POINTS. BLASTHOLE. 14 . UGDRILLHOLE.Suite Graphics Changes VISUALIZER / ANIMATION MODE l POLYLINE. BOREHOLE. POINT. 2. 15 .CAD. or contact your corporate IT department to do it for you. Open Windows Explorer. Use these instructions to determine which graphics cards are installed. Right-click My Computer or This PC (depending on your Windows® version). or may not support certain graphics features. Deswik. Instructions:  You must be an administrator. and what drivers they are using.Suite 2016. and then click Manage. You are prompted if an issue is found.  After you have determined which graphics cards are installed.CAD performs checks to determine if your current graphics drivers may be outdated. In this case. you can then get updated drivers from the company that made the graphics card. 1.1 Release Notes HOW OLD ARE MY GRAPHICS DRIVERS? Deswik. and then expand Display adapters in the middle panel to see the graphics cards for the machine. 3. you should upgrade your graphics drivers for improved performance with Deswik. Select Device Manager from the panel to the left. The date and version are displayed. 16 . Click the Driver tab. How Old Are My Graphics Drivers? 4. Right-click a graphics card. 5. and then click Properties. get updated drivers from the company that made the graphics card.Suite 2016. or contact your corporate IT department to do it for you.1 Release Notes  If required. 17 . Deswik. Deswik. 18 . particularly for smaller schedules.Blend produces a number of intermediate files to show the decisions the solver engine (CPLEX) has made. If you have side-by-side installs of different versions. Previously. Enhancements and Modifications l Blend: When you process a scenario. Deswik. Now. l Global Settings: A new tab. New Commands and Features l Blend | Enable Verbose Logging Mode: We have significantly improved the speed of a blending run. these files were overwritten with new values at the end of each period. please uninstall it before installing the released version.  Deswik. has been added to the GLOBAL SETTINGS dialog box that you can use to incorporate cut off grade information for each of the blending materials. you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.Blend DESWIK. by restricting the screen updates to once for each blending period. these files are preserved for each period to help you debug your blending results. named Cut off grades. method of continually updating the screen throughout the blending run. and more time-consuming. You can use this feature to return to the previous.BLEND  If you have previously installed a beta version of 2016.Blend will also no longer automatically navigate to the CPLEX Log tab when a blending run is complete.1. you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.1 Release Notes DESWIK. you could only select a polyface slice by clicking on its boundary. o Draw | Ramp Tools | Automatic Decline: Draw a 3D decline between two points.CAD. o Format| Display Styles | Apply: Permanently change the properties and figure types of selected entities by applying a display styles file. Deswik. l Format menu: o Format | Color Palette: Create a customized color palette (starting from the DeswikStandard palette) by changing the color associated with a color index. line type or text styles that have been created or loaded to the active document.CAD documents simultaneously. l Edit menu: o Edit | Cancel Command: Cancel the current command. o Edit | Selection Preview: Show or hide highlighting on entities as your mouse moves over them in the Model Space. export the palette for use as the default palette in Deswik.CAD  If you have previously installed a beta version of 2016. when in 3D slicing mode. selected slices are now shown using dotted-lines with increased line thickness to indicate selection. Add multiple curves to the output ramp polyline.  The purpose behind this new command is to allow you to create a shortcut using the Tools | Shortcuts command to assign a button or keystroke combination other than Esc to perform the same action. o Draw | Polyhatches Automatically: Create polyhatch entities from multiple polygons automatically. New Commands and Features l Draw menu: o Draw | Annotation | Coordinate Table: Create a table of coordinates.1. please uninstall it before installing the released version. l File menu: o File | Print Batch: Print layouts from multiple Deswik. Fill output polyhatches with a selected hatch pattern.Suite 2016. o Format | Snap Mode | Force Snapping: Enforce snapping to entities. colors. Optional. 19 . Now you can click anywhere inside the slice to select the polyface. o Format | Draw Styles In Document: Insert an annotated preview of blocks. o Edit | Pick Inside Slice: Previously. If you have side-by-side installs of different versions. hatch patterns. In addition. you would snap to the working plane. Click these buttons to insert blocks with predefined properties into your document. unfolded sections. you can add polyline vertex attributes to polylines. o Modify | Polylines | Segments | Delete: Delete segments from one or more polylines using a 20 . l Modify menu: o Modify | Annotation | Coordinate Table: Modify an existing set of coordinates. there is a chance in these instances that you may click in the Model Space near a point which appears close. o Modify | Points | Remove Icon: Remove icon point styles (previously added using the new IconFileName property) from selected POINTS entities. l Insert menu: o Insert| Block From Manager: Use the BLOCK MANAGER to create block sets with customized 'block' buttons. o Modify | Multiline Text In Editor: Modify existing multiline text using an editor. If Force Snapping is turned on. but in reality is not. for example. l Layer menu: o Layer | Polyline Vertex Attributes: Previously. where the outputs of that process are saved to a layer. These layers can also be refreshed using the new individual commands found in the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click the layer object.  Layer objects are the layers that are generated as part of a process. solid slices. If Force Snapping is turned off. o Layer | Refresh All Layer Objects: Refresh all layer objects (including annotation. this new command provides a quick and easy way to update all of them simultaneously. o Modify | Order | Remove Overlay From Surfaces: Remove the temporary background overlay property from visible surfaces. o Modify | Attributes | Polyline Vertex Attributes | Set Incremental: Add incremental numeric or text values as a polyline vertex attribute to selected entities. However. and so on) in the active document. a point will not be generated unless you actually snap to an entity.CAD  Use this new toggle button when doing design work that requires you to snap to points on existing entities. Now. l Help menu: o Help | System Information: Use this new command to easily share your computer configuration with the Deswik Software team (if requested) in order to troubleshoot issues with printing and graphics performance. o Modify | Move | Move To Layers: Use filter-based rules to move entities to different layers. you could assign a single value. o Modify | Order | Surfaces To Background Overlay: Set the new OverlayType property of visible surfaces to 'background'. which give you the ability to assign different values to each vertex on the polyline. Deswik. o Modify | Polygons | Remove Overlaps: Remove overlaps between polygons. For example. tunnels. annotation. for each attribute assigned to an entity. l Tools menu: o Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands: Multiple new commands.  This new command is not limited to Datamine commands. that polygon is assumed to be a hole. Any segments which fall inside or are crossed by the fence are trimmed by the governing polylines. o Modify | Polylines | Trim | To Polygons: Trim polylines by selected polygons. o Modify | Polylines | Trim | To Polylines: Trim polylines (selected with a 'selection fence') using polylines to govern the trimming. o Modify | Polylines | To Polygon | Selection: Create a single. Apply coloring to the surface to indicate 21 . n Delete Files: Delete specified files. This command also recognizes polygons which are inside a polygon which. this command can detect if a polygon is inside another polygon. Deswik.1 Release Notes 'selection fence'. If a polygon sits inside another polygon. It works with any file extension. in turn. n Block Model Coalesce: Reduce the number of parent cells or subcells (or both) in a block model by combining them together. n Join: Join two Datamine tables together. This command outputs a single polygon using a similar algorithm. Any segments which fall inside or are crossed by the fence are deleted. closed polygon where input polylines or polygons overlap to create a visible boundary. o Tools | Pit | Signal Towers: Place signal towers on a surface. o Modify | Surfaces | Dynamic Editing: Dynamically modify the vertices and triangles on a selected surface.  This command differs from the existing Modify | Polylines | To Polygons | Selection command. is inside another polygon. which creates multiple polygons wherever input polylines or polygons overlap to create a visible boundary. In addition.Suite 2016. n Block Model Polygon Generation: Generate polygons from a block model. o Tools | Geological Models | Vulcan | Grid Manipulation | Dip and Thickness Grids: Generate dip and thickness grids from an existing surface stacking rule. Polylines are automatically trimmed and kept inside the polygons. Record new survey stations in the ledger and stations database. o Tools | Survey: Multiple new survey commands.  This command replicates the Auto Polyline Designer used in Deswik. n Export To Instrument: Export graphical data that represents set-out or reference data from the active document to a survey file format. including Leica SML. or the transfer files exported from an instrument. n Edit Ledger: View or edit the ledger values stored in the survey stations database.LHS.UNO (Underground Network Optimizer) is a new module available through Deswik. n Development Laser Offsets: Press a wall polyline to the elevation of the floor grade centerline to ensure the wall outline is at the same grade as the floor centerline. l LAYER CONTROL window shortcut menu: Multiple new commands have been added to refresh various layer objects. n Press Floor Outline: Press a wall polyline to the elevation of the floor grade centerline to ensure the wall outline is at the same grade as the floor centerline. 22 .CAD that facilitates the layout of underground development and. an associated decline network. optionally. polylines. and then immediately see the results from processes such as interrogation. o Tools | Underground | Deswik. l View menu: o View | Views: Divide the Model Space in the active project into multiple viewports.  This command is under active development. o Tools | Query | Solid Bar Builder: Generate 3D bar solids based on a formula. n Load Survey Stations: Load survey stations from the active survey stations database to the Model Space. to minimize life of asset haulage and development costs. n Edit Survey Stations: Edit the survey stations stored in the active survey stations database. n Options: Specify the settings for the various survey commands. which uses a rules-based approach to create multi-point slot connections. o Tools | Pit | Short Term Scheduling: Create blocks interactively. Use it to create slot connectors to join mining blocks to haul roads. n Search Loaded Stations: Search the survey stations currently loaded in the Model Space based on the name of the station.UNO (Network Optimizer): Deswik. The user interface may change. o Tools | Underground | Auto Development Designer: Use the new Create Multipoint Polylines command to generate multi-point slot connections using a set of user-defined commands. n Export Stations To Instrument: Export the survey stations from a survey stations database to a Leica job file. Surpac string or text file.CAD the signal's reach and strength. Convert imported jobs to survey stations. Leica GSI. Deswik. or points based on the 'display styles' file used during the import. n Import Jobs: Use the IMPORT SURVEY JOBS wizard to import survey jobs from either the files captured directly on an instrument. the only way to do this was to draw a polygon around the text. BackgroundMaskColor and BackgroundMaskOffset. l FORMULA BUILDER: Two new functions.Suite 2016. o #absoluteX. o The new OverlayType variable property lets you display entities in the foreground or background regardless of their actual depth. including BackgroundMask. Deswik. and then fill in the background of the polygon. o @length: Digitize a polyline segment of a specific length.1 Release Notes o Refresh Gradient Change Annotation o Refresh Point Annotation o Refresh Polyline Annotation o Refresh Blast Holes Annotation o Refresh Underground Drillholes Annotation o Refresh Polyline Plane Intersections o Refresh Solid Slices o Refresh Slice Along Polyline o Refresh Tunnels By Rule o Refresh Tunnel As-Built l Properties: o Use the new IconFileName variable property to display a graphic at each point in a POINTS entity. l OUTPUT window/Model Space: Use the new predefined Command line input strings to digitize points at a specific coordinate location in the Model Space. if you wanted text to stand out in the Model Space. you now have the ability to turn a background on or off automatically behind interactive and multiline text entities.absoluteY. o Previously. or to digitize polylines of a specific length and azimuth. With the addition of several properties. then and returns the area of the cropped surface. the function returns "0". o @relativeY. If the entity being processed is not a polygon.relativeZ: Digitize a point at a coordinate relative to the last point digitized.relativeY. o AREASURFACEINSIDEPOLYGON: Crops the surface on the specified layer to the polygon (where the polygon is the entity being processed). o DIPDEGREESSURFACEINSIDEPOLYGON: Crops the surface on the specified layer to the polygon (where 23 . o @length<azimuth: Digitize a polyline segment of a specific length at a defined azimuth. You can change the color of this background.absoluteZ: Digitize a point at an absolute coordinate. or if the surface does not intersect the polygon. as well as control how far the text extends behind a text entity. the function returns the default value specified. o Draw | Text | Block Text: Use the new value grid to create a list of fixed values (in addition to system values) to choose after a block is inserted into a document. o Draw | Unfolded Section: Two changes. 24 .CAD the polygon is the entity being processed). This can be useful when setting up a title block (or insert) where you want the user to select from a list of values. then and returns the average dip (in degrees) of the cropped surface. n Use the new Remove coloring button to remove any coloring applied to triangles using this command. Enhancements and Modifications l Draw menu: o Draw | Points | Polyline Plane Intersections: You can now generate points or inserts at a specified Northing or Easting. which does not permit more than two points to occupy the same position in 2D space. o Draw | Tunnels | By Rule and Draw | Tunnels| By Selection: Use the new Use fixed azimuth attribute for vertical tunnels check box to create vertical tunnels at a fixed azimuth. the value of the attribute selected for each vertical design tunnel will be used to define the azimuth of the created tunnel profile. o Draw | Solids | Tessellate: Tessellation is done using the Delaunay algorithm. by default it excludes vertical faces. If selected. or if the surface does not intersect the polygon. saving them from typing the value in each time. If the entity being processed is not a polygon. Deswik. In other words. o Draw | Solids | Triangle Slope Markers: n You can now color the triangles of selected solids based on the area or perimeter length of each individual triangle that makes up the solid. Use the new Include vertical faces check box to change this behavior. this command exported and converted all polyline entities in the selection (that is. l Edit menu: o Edit | Legends | Show: Generate a floating legend window that remains displayed in the Model Space.1. Deswik. o File | Import | Datamine | Drillholes and File | Import | acQuire: These two commands have 25 .1 Release Notes n Use the new Multiple polylines feature to add multiple cross section plots for selected entities automatically to a document.  This feature has also been added in v5.  These features have also been added in v5. both closed and open) into a polyline shape file only. You can now specify whether to export them to a polyline or a polygon shape file.CAD: When importing data from CAD or Deswik. you now have the option of replacing any loaded blocks in the existing document with the blocks from the file you are importing from.1. o File | Import | CAD or Deswik. l File menu: o File | Export | ArcGIS Shape File: Previously. Note that selecting Polygon will limit the export the closed polylines only.CAD documents.Suite 2016. n Use the new text fields on the Distance markers page to control the appearance of distance marker text on the output section. The process of importing and storing drillhole information to a database is accomplished using one of two new commands: Tools | Drillholes | Import From acQuire or Tools | Drillholes | Import From Datamine. Graphics on all other segments are scaled based on this maximum value. l Format menu: o Format | Block Model Display: Previously. n In addition to the change in drillhole management. l Custom color: Select this new check box to apply a custom color to the annotation text. which will reference the external drillhole database. l the attribute and spatial based filters used when the drillholes were imported (new behavior). n Previously.CAD been merged following the introduction of a new method for managing drillholes. n You can now transform imported data to a new coordinate system.CAD document. This is done using the new Tools | Drillholes | Load Drillholes From Database command. o File | Import | XYZ Data: Select the new Include polygons in surface check box to include the boundary polygons when generating a surface. The user interface may change. A new Apply button lets you run the command without closing the dialog 26 . drillholes were imported as BOREHOLE entity types using two commands (File | Import | acQuire and File | Import | Datamine | Drillholes). The following settings will be stored on the database layer: l the location of the referenced Deswik Drillhole Database (new behavior). l the hole display properties and annotation (previous behavior). n Use the new spatial filter to limit the Vulcan solids imported. o File | Import | Vulcan | Solids: Two enhancements.CAD document. the command first draws graphics at the specified size where the segment has the maximum attribute value.MDM SQL Server database that is external to the Deswik. Now drillhole figures and their associated attributes are stored in a SQLite database or Deswik. You can now specify a value to adjust the graphics size (bar length or pipe radius) automatically to the upper limit of the graphics size. and their associated attributes were stored in a SQLite database that was loosely associated with the Deswik. Clear the check box to apply the color of the segment (with or without a legend applied) to annotation text (previous behavior). l Maximum value: Segment tab only.  This command is under active development.CAD document they were imported into. Drillhole figures can then be loaded into a document and saved to a drillholes database layer. multiple new options have been added to the existing user interface: l You can now annotate a second field on the Section intersection tab. you had to select None in the Visualization column in order to ignore the information in a row. Deswik. To do this. This option has been replaced by a new Use check box that you can turn on or off as needed. All new drillhole commands can be found in the Tools menu under Drillholes. These figures were stored in the Deswik. Enter an angle to use to space points on the curve. This command updates blocks and title block entities in the active project. width was calculated using the Perpendicular to sides method. n Fillet corners angle: Use this option to fillet the corners of the offset polylines. Methods now include: 27 . so that it can be easily pasted into a spreadsheet. Deswik. o Modify | Polygons | Offset | Offset To Minimum Width: Two enhancements. l Insert menu: o Insert | Block: Use the new refresh button to run the Tools | Blocks | Refresh Default command from the INSERT BLOCK dialog box. and loads any new block files in the default folders. n Previously.Suite 2016. Increase the angle to decrease the number of points on the curve. l Modify menu: o The following commands were renamed and grouped in the Modify menu: n Modify | Erase  Modify | Erase | Entities n Modify | Erase By Attribute  Modify | Erase | By Attribute n Modify | Solids | Cut By Polyline To Volume  Modify | Solids | Cut | By Polyline To Volume n Modify | Crop Entities  Modify | Crop | Entities n Modify | Crop Entities Bulk  Modify | Crop | Entities Bulk o Modify | Attributes| Bulk: A new Copy button lets you copy the contents of the grid (including headers) to the Clipboard. which resulted in firing a ray from the midpoint of each polyline segment perpendicular to the segment.1 Release Notes box. o Format | Display Styles | Edit: You can now display imported point data as a survey station entities. l Tools menu o Tools | Elevation Coloring: Use the new Smooth coloring option to interpolate the colors between the specified elevation colors in order to transition more smoothly. seconds): Display the azimuth of the polyline between segments in degrees. all nodes which did not have incoming edges were treated as a start point or an end point. o Modify | Polylines | To Polyline Paths: Previously. l Vertex attribute: Display the attribute (if any) assigned to each vertex on the polyline. and then move it along the polyline until the target volume is reached. o Modify | Solids | Cut | By Polyline To Volume: Use the new Radius Along Polyline option to place a circle on the polyline. l Attribute: Display a property or attribute value (assigned to the polyline) for the selected attribute name. l Azimuth: Display the azimuth of the polyline between segments in degrees. o Modify | Transformation Rules | Edit: use the new Google Earth datum (WGS84) options (for both Source and Destination) to transform data quickly and easily to (or from) Google Earth. minutes.CAD l Perpendicular to direction: Fire the ray from the midpoint of each polyline segment perpendicular to the specified azimuth to calculate the width. Deswik. l Perpendicular to aligned bounding box longest side: Internally draw an aligned bounding box around the polygon. n Multiple new data options: l Cumulative distance: Display the cumulative length of the polyline up to each vertex. o Modify | Polylines | Label | Selection: n Select the new Center of segment position to place labels in the middle of the polyline segment. l Azimuth (degrees. o Tools | Geological Models | Block Model Properties: 28 . and then use the azimuth of the longest side to govern the direction which the ray is fired from the midpoint of each polyline segment to calculate the width. Use the new Pick start point or Pick end point options to interactively pick a single start point or end point in the Model Space. o Modify | Solids | Split and Draw | Solids | Slices: You can slice or split solids along the Easting or Northing planes. l Perpendicular to direction attribute: Use the values of a selected attribute to govern the direction in which the ray is fired from the midpoint of each polyline segment to calculate the width. minutes and seconds. n Now you can report results within a group (or material) on the standard grade tonnage curve. 29 . which is similar to a standard curve. you can use the new Delete duplicate records to ignore a record if it is the same as a record that has already been written to the output file. and many of the commands have been moved to the Tools menu. if a block fell outside of the specified search radius (that is. n Previously. Now you can choose to keep any original values on blocks if an interpolation is not performed. it was replaced with the null value -1E+30. the field values specified in the grid were always written to blocks in the output depleted model. you can now specify a different null value to assign if you choose not to keep original values. n Interpolate_IPD and Interpolate_NN: Previously. if a value existed on that block. o Tools | Geological Models | Datamine | Commands: Changes to multiple commands. n Fields Copy: Previously. but uses a 'primary field' is used as the cutoff instead of the field being graphed. Now you can choose to keep any existing values for selected fields. n Pseudoflow and Surface From Block Model: You can now generate closed pit shell solids as part of each of these processes. you could only plot a standard grade tonnage curve.1 Release Notes n The dialog box has been redesigned. Now you can also generate a fixed grade tonnage curve. Now. all records were copied to the output file.  Use this feature to maintain values on blocks that fall outside of a specified search radius. o Tools | Interrogate| Batch Interrogation: Select the new Show pivot on completion check box on the Output and selection options tab to display the output CSV file in a pivot table after interrogation is completed. Deswik. an interpolation was not performed). n Block Model Deplete: Previously.Suite 2016. In addition. o Tools | Options: Several changes.  This feature trades system and graphics memory consumption for performance. You should clear this check box if large datasets become less responsive. n Previously. the command assumed that the starting topography was the planned start surface. o Tools | Pit | Reconciliation: Two enhancements. which gives you the ability to load data from a spreadsheet file. You can now provide both a planned starting surface (optional) and an actual starting surface. Now you can choose to open an empty pivot table. in order to improve the speed in which graphics are rendered when the layers are made visible again.CAD n External Files tab: Previously. o Tools | Query| Pivot: Previously. Now you can report mining outputs. Change line weight here to change the appearance of any line entity in the document with the LineWeight variable property set to "LW_DOCUMENTDEFAULT". n System tab: Use the new Keep layers in memory option to keep layers in memory when you make them invisible. o Tools | Strip | Conglomeration: 30 . n Display tab: You can now set a default document line weight. data for the pivot tables could only be derived from graphics in the active project. Deswik. n System tab: Use the new Antialiasing feature to improve the appearance of 'jagged' polylines and polyface edges which are inherent in digitized displays when representing a high-resolution image at a lower resolution. This new option works like a global variable. Now you can access cursors from the general shared files parent directory. the shared cursors directory had to be set using a specific field. n Previously. dump outputs or both. you could only report various mining outputs. o Tools | Underground| Process Tunnel As-built: Multiple changes. n Outputs page: l Use the features on this new page to specify the color of output solids.1 Release Notes n Copy unfiltered solids to output layer: Previously. n Floor. n Aggregation type: Select the new Combine option to use the Modify | Solids | Combine command as the method for joining solids. n Survey name page: l Use the new Add attributes from the input layers to the output layer feature to quickly assign attributes to output solids.  This feature has also been added in v5. Roof and Mid survey pages: Multiple new buttons have been added to allow you to interactively select data in the Model Space to populate layer and filter fields or to hide all entities 31 .DeswikTunnelAsbuilt file.Suite 2016. l Use the new Import feature to import previously saved tunnel as-built settings. n Control settings are now remembered between runs. n The first and last pages of the wizard have been removed in order to make it easier to run this command repeatedly in a production environment. all input solids were copied to the output layer whether they were merged or not. Use the new Copy unfiltered solids to output layer check box to copy only those solids that meet the Filter criteria to the Output layer. This feature was added to support large input layers where only a small fraction of the solids needed to be conglomerated. l Use the new Export feature to export the active tunnel as-built settings as a *. as well as isolate the processing of solids to specific values for a selected grouping attribute.1. Deswik. Deswik. 32 . n The new Grouping attributes feature gives you the ability to group stopes on the same layer by attributes (for example.CAD specified on a page in order to ensure that you have selected all the necessary data. n When running the UG Reconciliation wizard on a development heading. there are two new features to analyze and plot the overbreak and underbreak per increment when reporting along a polyline. the output report automatically separates results into these groups. If a grouping attribute is selected. l Visualizer menu o Visualizer | Animation Options: o You can now choose a specific start and end date for each animation. n The new From selected entities button lets you populate various layer and filter fields automatically based on selected entities. o Tools | Underground| Reconciliation: Three enhancements. The solids and walls of the increments can now be output for plotting and visualization purposes. planned and actual). IS by selecting the new Select Deswik. Now you can specify the schedule file to pull dates from. Now.IS and pull the dates from the schedule linked.Suite 2016. Deswik. 33 .IS is not required. this command would display in the shortcut menu for any parent layer with imported 'children' layers. l LAYER CONTROL window shortcut menu: o Reload Datasource In Children: Previously.IS schedule option.1 Release Notes o Previously.Sched check box would launch Deswik. whether or not the datasource could be refreshed.  You can still pull dates from a linked scheduled in Deswik. selecting the Animation dates from Deswik. Deswik. Previously. Deswik. o Previously when choosing a default pen color for new entities. the appearance of 'POINTS' entities was governed by the settings defined by the Format | Point Style command.LHS modules from nodes on a process map. you could only limit the commands to the entities on specific layers (as specified by the Layer Source field). making them consistent with the 'POINT entity'. l Process maps: o A new Selected entities check box in the Formulae and Batch Interrogation commands lets you run these commands on selected entities only.  This new. o Use the new Module Menu Command to execute main menu commands from the Deswik. If datasources cannot be refreshed. o A preview of the various options is now available in each of the drop-down lists to assist you with your selection.Suite in any field that 34 . you could only select a 'true' color from a limited palette. l Drawing Defaults toolbar: o You can now set the Line Type Scale and the Line Weight for all new line entities through the toolbar. o Use the Refresh legends on completion check box in the Formulae command to re-apply any legends currently applied to entities after they have been processed. Previously. Now you can select any color from the RGB color system. the HSB color system (covering the complete color spectrum). intuitive color picker is also implemented throughout the Deswik.IS and Deswik. the command will no longer display in the menu.CAD layers are tested first. l Properties: o The PointStyle and SizeType variable properties can be used now for 'POINTS' entities. or you can select ByLayer to set the default color to that specified (if any) for the layer to which the entity is being added. 1 Release Notes requires color selection. but loaded a document that used Imperial. Deswik.Suite 2016. Now. l Modify | Attributes | Using Formula: o CAD-14931: The "%" operator was incorrectly returning the actual result of the division rather than the remainder. all new documents would also use Imperial. users were not aware that the system was now changed for all documents. Deswik. However. if you set the system to use the metric measurement system. Bug fixes l CAD-15343 (Tools | Options): Previously. The behavior now matches that described in the Help file: 35 .CAD uses two different measurement systems: a document-specific system and a default system. 2%2. and polylines will automatically be projected up. However.2 o CAD-14935: The "LOG2" function was incorrectly mapped to Log base 10. This bug has been fixed. In other words. then you must also select a limiting surface for any Project or Berm commands in the same rule set. because projection rules are used by the Process Walls and Process Shells commands. As a result. For example. 36 . Deswik. the option to project down has been removed. or none of them. It now returns the base-2 logarithm of a number. this can only be done if this is true for all Project or Berm commands in the same rule set. In addition. -100 to -50) or the process will fail. and project to a fixed elevation or relative elevation. if a rule set contains a Register command. The projection of polylines in the down direction is fully supported. if Aggregation type was set to anything except "Boolean”.2 = 0. the elevation (that is. o Because projecting down is not supported. A Maximum count of "1" now means that only one block will be conglomerated. a surface still had to be specified or a warning would incorrectly appear. l CAD-13403 and CAD-14451 (Modify | Polylines | Multiple Projection Rules | Rule Editing): o Previously. the Level) specified should never be lower than the current elevation of the polyline. you must either select a surface for all of these commands. when projecting or berming polylines without registering to a limiting surface. this option will remain blank. and you could not continue. when projecting to a fixed elevation.  You must select a limiting surface for Register commands. if Maximum count was "1".CAD n 5%2 = 1 n 5. Maximum count. solids and bench solids that do not support negative elevations. Maximum distance. negative elevation values are no longer supported in the Relative field.6 n 5%2 = -1 n -5. or offset polylines by a fixed distance. However.0 = -1.1. you had the option to project up or down using the Direction field. l Tools | Strip | Conglomeration: o Previously. Therefore. and Limit using dates options did not work.  Each of these bug fixes has also been added to v5.0%2. the Direction field is now grayed out. It is now possible to leave the Surface field blank. the data will not be altered. Aggregation method. Any existing rules that project down will be supported moving forward (although we do not recommend you use these rules for the creation of solids). Negative values are supported in this field. all blocks were grouped and conglomerated anyway. However. but subsequent rules must increase in elevation (for example. which involve additional processes such as the generation of blocks. In other words. for new rules. o Previously. Suite 2016. If you have side-by-side installs of different versions.FM between work sites because you can save the settings for a different server for each site.1. or to all users.FM Server: We have made a number of changes to this dialog box: o You can now configure multiple servers.FM  If you have previously installed a beta version of 2016. Enhancements and Modifications l Deswik. o If you are running Deswik. you can also use the Applies To field to apply each server setting to the current user. Deswik.FM with administrator permissions. rather than having to change your server settings each time you move between sites. you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.1 Release Notes DESWIK. please uninstall it before installing the released version. 37 . This makes it easy to use Deswik. l Scheduling | Update Survey Actuals: We have updated the three Update Survey Actuals commands. labeled Import resource paths. Deswik. Tunnel face positions. or Polygons. you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.CAD.1. Deswik. named Tunnel Start Distance and Tunnel End Distance. l Tools | Batch Updates | Tools | Reconnect Graphics to Scheduler Tasks: A new button. and its associated field has been added to the CREATE TUNNELS dialog box. or distance.Sched rather than Deswik.SViz without launching Deswik. l Scheduling | Dependency Creation | Automatic Dependencies | Spatial Dependency Rule Method: We have added new spatial constraint fields to the SPATIAL RULE dialog box that let you specify a minimum and maximum dependency length. for each tunnel or outline created along a centerline.IS uses the value for the specified attribute to define the azimuth of the tunnel profile you are creating. from a base schedule that has been leveled.  The Hulls of Task Solids option will significantly improve the speed of running vertical overlap rules because the hulls do not need to be calculated each time you run the rule set. Task Solids. Deswik. labeled Use fixed azimuth attribute for vertical tunnels. or Hulls of Task Solids.Sched filters check box to use filters from Deswik. Available options are Task Polygons.IS  If you have previously installed a beta version of 2016. l Scheduling | Dependency Creation | Automatic Dependencies | Dependency Rules: You can now select the Use Deswik. Available options are None.Sched file when creating tasks for any of the activity types. and Manual tools. have been added that you can use to calculate the start and end chainage. Enhancements and Modifications l Create Activities | Create Tunnels: A new check box.IS DESWIK. Cut solids to surface or polygons.IS will import a task sequence. Automatic dependencies will only be created if the length of the dependency falls within the specified range. When selected. l Tools | Batch Updates | Import and export tools | Merge projects: We have added a check box.IS. l Tools | Batch Updates | Import and export tools | Project cascader: We have improved the PROJECT CASCADER command so that you can now copy layouts between schedules. o Task graphics to export to the scheduler: You can now choose which graphics you want to save to the Deswik.Sched or Deswik. l Settings | Project Options | Data: There are a couple of changes to the PROJECT OPTIONS dialog box: o Graphics to display when creating dependencies: You can also choose which graphics to display in the model space while dependencies are created. l Settings | Project Options | Fields: Two new field types. When this check box is selected. to make it easier to move complete portions of tasks modified by the survey actuals process to start before the survey date. If you have side-by-side installs of different versions. please uninstall it before installing the released version. This option will let you re-run the automatic dependencies in Deswik. The imported resource path will be sorted by the remaining start date. 38 . to the Merge projects tab of the MERGE PROJECTS dialog box. as a resource path that will be stored against the physical resource. any task graphics that have a matching design graphic in the document. in the Model Space.Suite 2016. 39 .1 Release Notes . Deswik. has been added to the Reconnect Graphics to Scheduler Tasks dialog box that you can use to display. 1.LHS DESWIK.Sched. you can then run the dump schedule by pointing at the schedule file rather than the Deswik. Enhancements and Modifications l Dump Design | Dump Lift Management: You can now choose to use an existing surface that represents the maximum extents of your dump. When you change sequencing method. New Commands and Features l Auto Polyline Designer: You can now create rule sets that define how your slot connectors are created.Sched sequencing method: You can use the Deswik.CAD file. the Auto Polyline Designer is used to create connections using a set of user-defined commands.Sched file. 40 . Click Polyline rules on the Rules-based slot connectors tabs of the MINING BLOCK SLOT CONNECTORS and DUMP BLOCK SLOT CONNECTORS dialog boxes to access the Auto Polyline Designer. to a Deswik.IS-style dependencies in Deswik.LHS. Similar to the Auto Development Designer. please uninstall it before installing the released version. You can even animate it. Deswik. When you are finished.Sched sequencing method to use Deswik. If you have side-by-side installs of different versions.IS-style dependencies in Deswik. You can then run the Deswik. l Dump Scheduling | Reporting | Pivot Table: To include the cumulative elevation change in a pivot report. you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch. You start by exporting your dump blocks. you can now create gradient bins to be included. l Dump Scheduling | Dependency Creation | Deswik. including all attribute data and volume information.LHS  If you have previously installed a beta version of 2016. because the solids are also stored in the schedule. the tabs available in the DEPENDENCY CREATION dialog box change. For example. Deswik. Using this approach means that you no longer need to export the data to a single field. you could design a formula that creates truck hour fields for each truck in your model by entering [*TRUCK]+"_Truck Hours" in the FORMULA BUILDER.Suite 2016.1 Release Notes l Dump Scheduling | Scenarios | Files tab: We have changed the Field to Update field in the Data to export grid to let you create fields based on a formula. 41 . Sched.IS. Walk Rate. the Super Fast Mini Leveler) to quickly evaluate resource leveling scenarios by running a reduced set of features.1. you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.a.  Color schemes may be applied automatically to your schedule.Sched Algorithms in the Deswik. l Home ribbon: o Home | Color Scheme: Use this feature to apply a pre-defined color scheme to your schedule.Sched DESWIK. the primavera9 color scheme is automatically assigned to the WBS levels. Maximum Hours. We have updated these commands to make this possible. to make it easier to filter 42 . o Resources | Resource Leveling: You can now use the Use Sequencer option (a. please uninstall it before installing the released version. see Features Supported By Deswik. When you write back your changes. Resource ID.IS automatic dependencies rules from within Deswik. Enhancements and Modifications l Gantt Chart shortcut menus: We have updated the Break Task and Break Task Here shortcut menu items.ExclusionFilter plugin.  For more information about which features are supported.Scheduler. l Dependencies ribbon: o Dependency Rules: Use this feature to access Deswik. l Resources ribbon: o Resources | Resource Filters: You can use the new resource filter command to filter resources in Resources view. Is Milestone. This command is only available when you load the Deswik. they will now be reflected in the base schedule. that you use to display the REPORT CELL DETAILS dialog box that provides detailed information about how a report cell was calculated and how much each task contributed to the final result. Show Cell Details. If you have side-by-side installs of different versions. New Commands and Features l Reporting Grid shortcut menu: We have added a new Reporting Grid shortcut menu item. Previously. Deswik. The available color schemes are based on Brewer Palettes. and so on.k. you could not break base tasks in a master schedule. The fields available to filter are limited to resource-specific fields such as Resource Name.Sched Help file. For example. using this command will automatically check out the license so that it will be unavailable for other users.  If you share a license for Deswik.SCHED  If you have previously installed a beta version of 2016. l Task Grid columns: We have added a new Task Grid column. which are specifically designed to optimize the presentation of data. l Leveling ribbon: o Leveling | Exclusion Filter: You can use this command to create filters that you can use to exclude tasks from resource leveling during defined periods. when you import a Primavera file. n Display settings tab: Use the new Hide Task Grid in Resources view option to show or hide the Task Grid when in Resources view.  Files saved using binary blobs are not backwards-compatible with older versions of Deswik. named Display group annotation. has been added to the GROUPS dialog box. experimental. All production field values will be set as '0'. o Filters | Groups: A new setting. which is a collection of binary data stored as a single entity. l Home ribbon: o Home | Configuration: We have made a number of improvements to this command: n Display settings tab: Use the new Show split task connectors option to show or hide a dotted row between two splits.1 Release Notes milestone tasks. Now. 'False' if it is not. or if only the annotation displays as grouped. For split tasks. l Filters ribbon: o Filters | Filters: You can now select Actual and Remaining fields when you add criteria for your filters. This may help improve your printed reports. the shortcut has changed to Ctrl+Alt+I (capital I) o to outdent a task in a Work Breakdown Structure.Sched. and so on.Sched will save the fields as binary blobs. When this check box is selected. Save fields as binary blobs option to allow faster saving and loading of production fields. you can click Locate. You can use this setting to determine if both the annotation and tasks display as grouped on the summary bar. again to scroll to the next split. or your mouse scroll-wheel. this would only display the first task split. Deswik. Deswik. l Keyboard shortcuts: We have changed a few keyboard shortcuts: o to indent a task in a Work Breakdown Structure.Suite 2016. This column displays 'True' if a task's duration is 0 seconds. n Scheduling settings tab: Use the new. o Home | Print | Print Preview: We have made a couple of changes to this command: 43 . you could use the Locate command to scroll the Gantt Chart to display the relevant Gantt bar. the shortcut has changed to Ctrl+Alt+O (capital O). o Home | Locate: Previously. By adding a date. n Resource leveling tab: We have added a new button. l Leveling ribbon: o Leveling | Blocking Task: A new feature. Deswik. This setting is not recommended for schedules with only a few rows.Sched n Fit Height: This setting has been improved to fit better to the height. The resource will not be assigned to any other tasks for the duration of the blocked task. you can quickly apply the priorities to all resources within the pool. to the grid.  Existing priorities in your schedules will have the start date set to the schedule start date so they will continue to level as they did before this column was added. you can now change priorities at different stages throughout the leveling process. lets you choose to keep resources in place when they are blocked by another task. which is only visible if you have selected a pool. named Cascade Resource Settings. n Set Date Range: You can now specify the start and end times for your print job when you specify the start and end dates. named Start Date. 44 . Resources remain in place while blocked. Resource priorities set on a pool will not affect resource leveling. You are prompted to overwrite or retain any existing priorities set on a resource in the pool. However. using this new button. l Resources ribbon: o Resources | Resources: We have made a number of changes to this command: n Resource leveling tab: We have added a new column. they can also add delays. l Use the Preview button to review the resource path that will be generated using the rules you 45 . or force the resource path order. The rules can be task-specific. l Use the Run rules when leveling starts setting to only generate your resource path when you level your schedule.Suite 2016.1 Release Notes n Resource path tab: We have made a number of changes to this tab: l You can now create rules to generate a resource path. Deswik. l Use the Assign description to custom field setting to write the contents of the Description field in the resource path grid to a text-based custom field that you choose. You can also use this setting to assign non-productive activity to resource path delays. An existing resource path will be retained. lock the resource path to a specific resource. but may not be the path used for leveling. to better reflect what is being filtered or sorted. 46 . The production field graph now also displays dependent filters. The values for each group are then averaged or summed. in the same color as the associated baseline tasks. they are converted to a short date format that does not include the time. o Resources | Resource Filters and Resource Sorts: We have renamed these commands to Task Filters and Task Sorts. and GroupedSum_PeriodTotals. Deswik. displays at the finish date for each set of baseline tasks. the PRODUCTION FIELD FORMULA DEPENDENTS dialog box only displayed dependent production fields. and global constants. named Heading tiers. o Setup | Production Fields: Previously. A vertical line. o Scheduling | Report Options: We have added four new calculation types: GroupedAve_Average.  When you export dates. respectively. l Setup ribbon: o Setup | Baselines: We have made some improvements to baselines in this release: n Baseline reports now correctly display beyond the project finish date. These will calculate the average or period total for all tasks in each group specified in the Group column. has been added to the EXPORT REPORTS dialog box. you could not record more than a calculated production field value because the value was calculated. the heading tiers are included in the exported reports. GroupedAve_PeriodTotals. When this check box is selected. n Baseline finish dates are displayed on the Gantt and Report views in the same manner as the project finish date. and the value of 'Actual Ore Volume' will be 550. This will overwrite an existing resource path. time variant fields. up to the end of the baseline tasks.Sched have defined. you can increase the production value based on an increased actual for non-calculated production fields. We have now added Overflow functionality to let you increase the value of calculated production fields. then the value of the 'Ore Volume' production field will be 500. which is the default state. This is similar to using the Copy All with Heading Tier Reporting Grid shortcut. the value of 'Overflow Ore Volume' will be 50. l Scheduling ribbon: o Scheduling | Export Reports: A new column. l Use the Generate button to generate the new resource path using the rules that you have defined. if the value of production field 'Ore Volume' is calculated at 500 but you want to increase this to 550. any increase is recorded as overflow. custom fields. o Setup | Production Fields | Predecessors / Successors: Previously. Because you cannot simply increase the production field value for a calculated production field as the value is calculated. GroupedSum_Average. o Setup | Task Information | Actuals tab: If required. For example. Suite 2016. The field group contains a range of check boxes that you can use to show or hide various elements of the Gantt Chart: o Display bars: Show or hide the Gantt bars. 47 . named Display. l View ribbon: o View | Configure Gantt: We have made a number of changes to the CHART VIEWS dialog box: n Coloring and values tab: l We have added a new field group. This check box is selected by default.1 Release Notes  You can display the calculated overflow for a production field as a column in the Task Grid. or as a row in the Reporting Grid. o Bar borders: Show or hide the Gantt bar border. Deswik. This check box is selected by default. Sched o Display legends of fields: Display a legend that describes the fields that you have chosen to show values for. This check box is selected by default. Deswik. o Full-height bars: Display the Gantt bars at the full height of the row. o Display 3D bars: Add a 3D effect to the Gantt bars.  The legend will only display if you have chosen to display field values. 48 . Suite 2016. o Bar shadow: Add a shadow effect to the Gantt bars. l We have changed the name of the Color field group to Appearance.1 Release Notes o Display field values: Display field values on the Gantt bars. This check box is selected by default. You can now create a custom field using 49 . The field group also includes some new fields: o Field for bar color: When you select a custom field. Deswik. Add the fields whose values you want to display to the grid. the colors assigned to different values are used to color the relevant Gantt bars. ) l We have also added a grid to replace the Values field group. Use the grid to specify the fields whose values you want to display. by dragging your mouse across tasks to select them. o View | Show Log: We have made a couple of changes to the LOG ENTRIES window: n We now display icons that represent the different levels to make it easier to identify particular types of problems with your schedule. you can now move all tasks by dragging any selected task. named Filter by source and Filter by level. that you can use to filter Log entries.Sched the Text formula data type. named Selected bar. This will make it easier to view relevant Log entries. n Display tab: We have added a new display option. You can now display multiple fields on the Gantt bar. 50 . o Gantt bars to use field pattern: You would select this check box to use the same pattern for your Gantt bars as that specified for your fields (Field for bar pattern value. When you select Gantt bars. or you can select the Same as color check box to use the same field that you selected in the Field for bar color field. Deswik. n We have added two fields. You can also select <Multi Pass> to use the pattern from a multi pass as the basis for the pattern. to use the colors assigned to each value to color the Gantt bars. o Field for bar pattern: You can select an existing custom field to base your Gantt bar pattern on. l Gantt Chart: o Gantt Chart | Fence Selection: When you use fence selection. they will use the defined color and pattern. 1. please uninstall it before installing the released version. Enhancements and Modifications l Animation Options: We have updated this command to give you more control over your animations.SVIZ  If you have previously installed a beta version of 2016.Suite 2016. The update also lets you use different animation modes. If you have side-by-side installs of different versions. including the ability to set a different animation mode for separate layers. 51 . you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.1 Release Notes DESWIK. Deswik.  This feature has also been added in v5.UGDB  If you have previously installed a beta version of 2016. when placing rings manually (or modifying an existing ring). please uninstall it before installing the released version. if this intersection existed. l Edit Drillholes | Charge Holes | Manual: Multiple changes to make the process more intuitive and give you greater control. giving you greater control. you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch.1. o Previously. o Use the new Adjustment type field to specify the method to use for placing collars and toes: Select on screen (previous method). Enhancements and Modifications l Define Ring Sections | Add Rings Manually and Edit Drillholes | Options | Ring Properties | Ring Options Tab | Modify: Previously. o Existing fields for this command have been grouped by purpose. minimum collar or stemming distance. or no adjustment at all (when 52 . Now you can manually place both collars and toes while maintaining charge collar or stemming minimums.UGDB to use the lowest point of the drive slice. the location of the drive floor was determined as the intersection between the drive slice and the design line. then the lowest point of the drive slice was used instead. Now you can force Deswik. even if an intersection exists. If you have side-by-side installs of different versions. you would specify a toe stemming distance and then toes were placed automatically after you chose a collar location.1. If there was no intersection.UGDB DESWIK. Deswik. When plotting. Any holes generated using this feature will not be included in drilling reports. for example.prm file. This options gives you the ability to visually validate the position of the navigation holes that you intend to export using the Export IREDES command. o Use the new Atlas Copco NA option to export IREDES files to a file format that is compliant with drill rigs in North America. -78N. l Views | View Options: Use the new Pivot ID text height field to change the default height of the text in the pivot ID annotation. l Process Rings Configurations | Export IREDES: o You can now define and include navigation holes as part of the export to the IREDES file. Deswik.1. and then import these configurations into other designs.1. 53 . the dump of a ring plane and dip of drillholes can be reported in tables on plots in angles relative to the direction of the design centerline.  This feature has also been added in v5. l Process Rings Configurations | Export Survey: Generate and save navigation holes to a layer in your ring design.  This feature has also been added in v5. l Initial Setup | Rig Database: Use the new Use relative mining coordinates option to display the drill setup relative to its location in the mine.1 Release Notes modifying existing charges). l Initial Setup | Primers Or Booster Rules: Now you export existing configurations to a *.Suite 2016. Enhancements and Modifications l Animation Options: We have updated this command to give you more control over your animations. Deswik. The update also lets you use different animation modes.VCAD  If you have previously installed a beta version of 2016. you will need to upgrade each version to the latest patch. including the ability to set a different animation mode for separate layers. please uninstall it before installing the released version.vCAD DESWIK.1. 54 . If you have side-by-side installs of different versions.


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