dbms 2 syllabus

June 19, 2018 | Author: Kycie Abstr | Category: Sql, Databases, Table (Database), Software Engineering, Information Technology Management
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Republic of the Philippines ISABELA STATE UNIVERSITY Cauayan Campus Cauayan City, IsabelaCOLLEGE OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Course Syllabus in IT 57 – DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2 2nd Semester School Year 2010 - 2011 CREDIT UNITS: COURSE PRE-REQUISITE: COURSE OBJECTIVES: 3 UNITS DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM At the end of this course. 3. IT 213 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2 This course deals with the functions and features of Structured Query Language (SQL). design a database based from the different cycles in creating databases. III. connect databases into an information system. 4.I. These include and error correction and debugging. II. COURSE NUMBER: COURSE TITLE: COURSE DESCRIPTION: SQL. apply SQL Operators and SQL Functions in the created tables in SQL. V. create tables. 2. manage a database embedded in an information system COURSE SYLLABUS IN . and 5. VI. the student should be able to: 1. The student will gain proficiency in SQL coding through the use of extensive hands-on workshop exercises utilizing SQL in an interactive environment. forms and queries using SQL. IV. o Definition Commands  The Database Model  Creating the Database  The Database Schema  Data Types  Creating Table Structure Library work Critical Thinking constraints and Data Oral Interaction Seatwork Objectivity Introd 2 hrs Lecture Discussion Modules Oral Recitation Independenc e Presentation Quiz Intelligence and the o CCIT Goals/Objectives Discussion Presentation Graded Recitation Openmindedness 30 mins. mission. Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) o uction to SQL database. data .IT 57 – DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2 TIME SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES COURSE CONTENT ALLOT. o Discuss Structured I. goals and objectives of the department university. SQL SQL indexes o Add table rows in the database o Save table changes o List table rows o Update table rows database schema. Orientation Printed Copies Quiz Information Update VALUES INPUT Query Language o Explain the concepts of data models o Create types o Create data structures. TEACHING STRATEGIES MATERIALS USED EVALUATI VE MEASURE S o To orient the students o University Mission/Vision of vision. Or. TEACHING STRATEGIES MATERIALS USED EVALUATI VE MEASURE S o Restore table contents o Delete table rows o Insert Table Rows with a Select Subquery o Use Select queries with conditional restrictions o Explain o Use the rule of  The Rule of Precedence  Logical Operators: And. SQL Constraints  SQL Indexes o Data Manipulation Commands     Adding Tables Rows Saving Table Changes Listing Table Rows Updating Table Rows TIME SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES COURSE CONTENT ALLOT. and Not  Special Operators Objectivity precedence logical operators and special operators o Change Column’s Data type characteristics o Add and drop column o Copy parts of tables and o  Restrictions Independenc e    Restoring Table Contents Deleting Table Rows Inserting Table Rows with a Select Subquery Select Queries Selecting Rows with Conditional Library work Internet Topic Intelligence 2 hrs Lecture Discussion Modules Quiz Attentivenes s Presentation Seatwork Initiative VALUES INPUT . o Order list o List unique values o Use functions o Group data o Create a new view of database o Join database tables aggregate  Ordering a Listing  Listing Unique Values  Aggregate Functions  Grouping Data Internet Topic Library Work Books Critical Thinking 2 hrs Lecture Discussion Modules Oral Recitation Independenc e Presentation Quiz Intelligence .o Add primary and o Advanced Data Definition Commands         Changing Column’s Data Type Changing a Column’s Data Characteristics Adding a Column Dropping a Column Advanced Data Updates Copying Parts of Tables Adding Primary and Foreign Key Designation Deleting a Table from the Database Advanced Select Queries TIME TEACHING STRATEGIES MATERIALS USED EVALUATI VE MEASURE S VALUES INPUT foreign key designation o Delete a table from the database o SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES COURSE CONTENT ALLOT. o l Tables: Creating a View o g Database Tables  Virtua Joinin Joining Tables with an Alias  Arithmetic Operators:  Recursive Joins  Other Joins o Use Set II. Advanced SQL o operators onal Set Operators o Apply SQL JOIN  UNION operators in the  database design UNION ALL o Use Subqueries and  INTERSECT Correlated Queries  o Develop a database MINUS using Multirow  Syntax Alternatives Subquery Operators o ANY and ALL JOIN Operators  Cross Join  Natural Join  Join USING Clause  JOIN ON Clause  relational Relati 6 hrs Lecture Discussion Modules Library Works Oral Recitation Preliminary Examinatio n SQL Critical Thinking Independenc e Objectivity Presentation Quiz Intelligence . o Outer Joins Subqueries and Correlated Queries  WHERE Subqueries  IN Subqueries  HAVING Subqueries o Multirow Subquery Operators ANY and ALL  FROM Subqueries  Attribute List Subqueries TIME TEACHING STRATEGIES MATERIALS USED EVALUATI VE MEASURE S VALUES INPUT SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES COURSE CONTENT ALLOT. Database Design o The design Information System o Discuss information o The Systems Development Life Cycle system (SDLC) o Explain and enumerate  the Systems Planning  Development Life Cycle Analysis (SDLC)  o Discuss the Database Detailed System Design  2 hrs Lecture Discussion Presentation Modules Quiz Oral Recitation Intelligence Analytical Thinking Library Works Lecture 2 hrs Discussion Presentation Modules Oral Recitation Quiz Attentivenes s Cooperation Diligence Critical Brainstorming Books Library work Internet Topics Homework . o Use SQL Functions o  Correlated Subqueries SQL Functions  Date and Time Functions  Numeric Functions  String Functions  Conversion Functions o Explain database II. database concept Transaction Management Concurrency Control TIME SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES COURSE CONTENT ALLOT.Life Cycle (DBLC) o Explain the Database o from Design Strategies o Differentiate centralized decentralized design o o Implementation  Maintenance Database Life Cycle (DBLC)  The Database Initial Study  Database Design  Implementation and Loading  Testing and Evaluation  Operation  Maintenance and Evolution Database Design Strategies Centralized vs. TEACHING STRATEGIES MATERIALS USED EVALUATI VE MEASURE S o Discuss transaction is o Evaluate results. transaction management with SQL and the transaction log o Discuss Concurrency . transaction transaction what o What is Transaction?  Evaluating Transaction Results  Transaction Properties  Transaction Management with SQL  The Transaction Log 4 hrs Lecture Discussion Modules Oral Interaction Library Works Internet Topics Exercises Seatwork Patience Homework Quiz Cooperation Presentation Recitation Attentivenes s VALUES INPUT properties. Decentralized Design Advanced Database Concept: and Thinking o Explain Advanced IV. Transaction Recovery o Explain performance database V. Database Recovery Management . control methods. control concurrency with with locking time control Optimistic concurrency o stamping methods and concurrency with methods o o Concurrency Control  Lost Updates  Uncommitted Data  Inconsistent Retrievals  The Scheduler Concurrency Control with Locking Methods  Lock Granularity  Lock Types  Two-Phase Locking to Ensure Serializability  Deadlock Concu rrency Control with Time Stamping Methods  Wait/Die and Wound/Wait Analytical Thinking Schemes o Concurrency Control with Optimistic Methods a. Database Performance Tuning and 2 hrs Lecture Discussion Modules Oral Interaction Quiz Cooperation Presentation Recitation Attentivenes s tuning Query Optimization o Database Performance-Tuning and Query Optimization Concepts o Enumerate and explain  Performance Tuning: Client and Database PerformanceServer Tuning Concepts  DBMS Architecture .control. TIME SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES COURSE CONTENT ALLOT. Distributed Database Management 2 hrs Lecture Discussion Modules Oral Interaction Books Seatwork Recitation Cooperation Presentation Homework Attentivenes s Systems o The o Discuss the evolution of Evolution of Distributed Distributed DBMS Database Management Systems o DDBM o Enumerate and discuss S Advantages and the advantages and Disadvantages management systems . TEACHING STRATEGIES MATERIALS USED EVALUATI VE MEASURE S VALUES INPUT o Enumerate and discuss the different phases of query processing o Discuss o Use indexes to and affect o o query optimization hints optimizer choices o Use SQL performance tuning o Formulate Query o Explain DBMS Performance Tuning o o  Database Statistics Query Processing  SQL Parsing Phase  SQL Execution Phase  SQL Fetching Phase Indexes and Query Optimization Optimizer Choices  Using Hints to Affect Optimizer Choices SQL Performance Tuning  Index Selectivity 4 hrs Exercises Lecture Discussion Modules Books Internet Topics Homework Seatwork Quiz Midterm Examinatio n Cooperation Diligence Initiative Critical Thinking Oral Interaction Conditional Expressions o Query Formulation o DBMS Performance Tuning o Query Optimization Example o Explain database VI. SingleSite Data (SPSD)  Multiple-Site Processing. Single-Site Data (MPSD) Diligence Exercises Internet Topics Quiz Initiative Critical Thinking .disadvantages DDBMS of o o o o Enumerate and discuss the characteristics of DDBMS o Discuss the levels of data and process distribution o Distri buted Processing and Distributed Databases Chara cteristics of Distributed Database Management Systems DDBM S Components Level s of Data and Process Distribution  Single-Site Processing. TIME SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES COURSE CONTENT ALLOT. The Data Warehouse o The data analysis Need for Data Analysis o Explain support o Decisi on Support Systems systems  o Discuss and enumerate Operational Architectural Style 2 hrs Lecture Discussion Modules Oral Recitation Cooperation Presentation Homework Attentivenes s . Multiple-Site Data (MPMD) Distributed Database Transparency Features Distributed Transparency  The Database Supports Fragmentation Transparency  The Database Supports Location Transparency  The Database Supports Local Mapping Transparency Distri buted Database Design  Data Fragmentation  Data Replication  Data Allocation 2 hrs Lecture Discussion Presentation Modules Homework Recitation Attentivenes s Cooperation Oral Interaction Exercises Books Internet Topics Seatwork Diligence Quiz Initiative Critical Thinking o Client/Server vs. DBMS o Discuss the need for VII. TEACHING STRATEGIES MATERIALS USED EVALUATI VE MEASURE S VALUES INPUT o Discuss distributed database transparency features o o Discuss distributed database design Differentiate Client/Server DBMS from o o o  Multiple-Site Processing. the style DSS and architectural rules that online o o define data warehouse o Discuss analytical processing o Discuss star schemas o  DSS Database Requirements The Data Warehouse  DSS Architectural Styles  Twelve Rules that Define a Data warehouse Online Analytical Processing  Multidimensi onal Data Analysis Technique  Advanced Database Support  Easy-to-Use End-User Interface  Client/Serve r Architecture Star Schemas TIME Interaction Exercises Books Internet Topics Seatwork Diligence Quiz Initiative Critical Thinking TEACHING STRATEGIES MATERIALS USED EVALUATI VE MEASURE S VALUES INPUT SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES COURSE CONTENT ALLOT. Database Connectivity and Web 4 hrs Datab Lecture Discussion Modules Oral Interaction Books Seatwork Recitation Cooperation Presentation Homework Attentivenes s connectivity and Web Development o development ase Connectivity o Discuss Extensible  Native SQL Connectivity Markup Language  (XML) . o Implement warehouse o Discuss LAP Extension data fro o o o Imple menting a Data warehouse Data Mining SQL Extensions for OLAP o Discuss database VII. Final Examination: July 14. 16 . 7. 2010 October 6. SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATION: a. Midterm Examination: c. Take and pass quizzes. Preliminary Examination: b. 8. 15. midterm & final examination . 27 . Pass all requirements and computer programs b. DAO and RDO  OLE-DB  ADO. Attend 80% of total contact hours for the course c. 2010 August 25. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: The students are expected to: a.NET o Intern et Database  Web-to-Database Middleware: Server-Side Extensions  Web Server Interface  The Web Browser  Client-Side Extensions o Using a Web-to-Database Production Tool: ColdFusion o Extensible Markup Language (XML) Diligence Exercises Internet Topics Quiz Initiative Final Examinatio n Critical Thinking VII. 26. 2010 VIII.ODBC. Class Standing Attendance 5% Attitude 5% Assignment 5% Recitation 5% Projects 10% Quizzes/Prelim Exam 20% B.75 3. BSIT DR. Submit required laboratory exercises and projects f. GANTE Program Chair.00 2.94 89 – 91 86 – 88 83 . BITANGA Dean. CCIT .79 75 – 76 passed 70 – 74 Conditional Below 70 Failure Noted by: LIEZL C.50 1.00 4.d. MARY JANE S.00 5. GRADING SYSTEM: A.5 Submitted by: Approved by: 1.85 80 – 82 77 . Final Examination 25% TOTAL GRADE = (RAW GRADE * 0.75 2.00 1. Participate in class discussions IX.25 1. SALATAN Instructor DIONICIO D.100 95 – 97 92 .625) + 37.25 2.50 2.00 --------------------------------------------- 98 . Midterm Examination 25% C. Take and pass laboratory examinations e.


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