David Rapaport--Emotions and Memory (1)
KANSAS CITY PUBLIC LIBRARYAND MEMORY By David Rapaport Preface by Gardner Murphu 14.0(1 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY The ful present volume, with its immense bibliography, its careand sympathetic comparison tal of huge quantities of experimenand clinical material, is the big beginning for a really big achievement, and he has put psychologists and psychoanalysts everywhere in his debt. He has taken the trouble to understand those who speak not only differ- ent languages but from different cultural frames of reference; and he has put his forward assay. modestly but cogently own frame of reference in when needed is the This the the kind of book that serious student of human read, psychology will not only re- but keep nearby for peated and grateful reference," From the Preface by GARDNER MURPHY Head of the Psychology Dept., College of the City of New York "With prodigious energy and rare discernment of fundamental Rapaport has and correlated the preted issue's, Dr. interlitera- (continued on bdck flap) INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITIES PRESS, 227 West Jtol* Street Inc. New York li,,N.Y, 6lL~Oi*.873 sund. Kansas city gg joks will be issued only card. on presentation ol library and >ort \ost cards change of residence -prnmotlv. ., Card holders are responsiUpictures films, records, a\ books, ,r other library materials cards. checked out on their D.THE MENNINGEB CLINIC MONOGRAPH SERIES No. 2 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY BY DAVID RAPAPORT. Inc . Ph. Research Associate. Austen Riggs Foundation New York INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITIES PRESS. 1959 COPYKIGHT THE MENNINGBR CLINIC. TOPEKA. KANSAS Made in the United States of America .Third Printing. analytic or novelty of published experimental. however. make those views appear insufficient. are: (1) The main In recent literature the memory aspect of thought-organization is no longer the center of interest. g. Klein) play an increasingly important role. considerable material has been published concerning the influence of selective factors in various aspects of thought-organization. and in a few summarizing formulations. g. Though my review strongly suggested that we are dealing consequently it was the aim of this volume id-psychology and with an extensive array of selective and organizing factors and a wide variety of forms through which they exert their effect.. Tol- man). no longer be treated (2) a side issue in a I monograph on memory. therefore.PREMCE TO THE SECOND UNALTERED EDITION since the first publication of this volume. learning (e. Bruner. sensory-motor effects (e." and that what is usually termed is "memory" is but one aspect 1 of. and theoretical studies. between the lines. and shades into other aspects of. the relation of all this to psychoanalytic ego-psychology was at the time obscure to me. g. Werner). clinical. Instead. particularly since this volume has endeavored to show that what perceptibly into "selective usually termed "emotion" shades imfactor. During the nine years that have passed This new material might have been summarized as a complement to this re-edition of Emotions and Memory. V .. misunderstandings of the "pleasure-principle" of psychoanalytic theory played a paramount role in stimulating investigation. to clarify psychoirrelevance to point up the or cogency. "thoughtreasons organization/ Yet I chose to republish this volume unaltered. first In the material reviewed in the edition of this volume. No addition of new material could have made up for this deficiency without breaking the framework of the monograph and making it unwieldy. and particularly perception (e. and that these factors and their effects have a hierarchical organization. What is new and important does. I believe that what I have since learned in this respect does not invalidate the factual data collated. A summary as- of these contributions can. nor even those of my views which appeared in the organization of the material.. Further pursuit of the conception of the hierarchy of organizing factors developed in this monograph led to what I hope to be a contribution to an understanding of the relation between the id. Schafer and Gill: Diagnostic Psychological Testing (1945).and the egopsychology of thought-processes. The sections on the rationale of tests. from the discussion of emotions that arose in the wake of Leeper's article "A Motivational Theory of Emotion" (The Psychological Review. is greater than ever before. in spite of many limitations. are also attempts to continue the work initiated in Emotions and Memory. . the psychoanalytic theory of memory. DAVID RAPAPORT Stockbridge. August. still the sole systematic treatment of these fields. This monograph is a summary of the successes and failures of It provides both warnings and hints. 1948) and from Mowrer and Kluckhohn's treatment of learning (in Hunt's Personality and the Behavior Disorders). as well as in the experimental validation of psychoanalytic propositions. for instance. in Rapaport. such endeavors. 1950. and the psychopathology of sections of this The memory are. That these needed becomes quite clear. They too endeavor to clarify the nature of memory and thouhgt-organization. are still (2) volume on the theory of emotions. in the volume Organization and Patho- logy of Thought (in press).V! What then is the justification for reprinting this monograph? between psychoanalytic (1) Today the interest in the relationships and experimental findings. too often unaware that the emotionally charged memories will have been repressed and that it is this very repression. With prodigious energy and rare discernment of fundamental issues. Anticipation of the physician's ex- from such aipdous individuals so aptly termed "frightened people" by Elton Mayo* that the physician must seek to elicit data which. 13. psychopathology and psychoanalysis. relieve anxiety and thus facilitate the recall of disturbing memories. pp. by providing a setting of reassurance and encouragement. which demand a reinterpretation of the processes of feeling and of remembering. Vol. and of their dynamic relationship to each other and to other aspects of mental functioning. It is amination accentuates this feeling. to precipitate. Dr. The inevitable failure of the direct question-answer technique of historytaking. January *Mayo. points to the need for new methods of medical teaching which will reveal to the student the role of emotion in disease and for new methods of historywill taking which. illnesses in which emotional factors are now known to play an important role. He at once appreciated that to limit the study to the medical aspects alone would be to fail to do justice to the broader implications of the problem. He has not only made a contribution to the understanding of the # role of emotions in remembering Bulletin. Harvard Medical Alumni 1939. Any interference with the patient's memory for these events will give the physician a false im- pression and may lead In the large group of to erroneous diagnosis.FOREWORD In the practice of medicine an accurate account of the sequence of events leading up to the onset of symptoms has always been the corner stone upon which diagnosis. VII . distortion or displacement which gives them potency is turbance. 2. when the physician is seeking evidence which has been forgotten. an adequate history can rarely be obtained by the usual question-answer technique because the crucial information is nearly always excluded from the patient's memory. It was with these thoughts in mind that the plan for a review of the literature dealing with the relationship between emotions and memory was first discussed with Dr. Elton: Frightened People. Rapaport has interpreted and correlated the literature from the fields of psychology. have been excluded from the patient's memory. prolong or intensify the somatic disover-ready to dismiss the possible role of affective factors at the patient's first denial of their existence. Rapaport. Signs and symptoms of bodily dysfunction are prone to evoke apprehension in the af&icted individual. prognosis and treatment are built. 36-41. because of their disturbing nature. Moreover the physician. N. Y. 1942 .VIII FOREWORD and forgetting but has also laid the ground work for the development of a new and challenging theory of memory function. October. Medical Directory Josiah Macy. Jr. FRANK FREMONT-SMITH. Foundation welcomes this monograph of the Clinic series as a contribution to the concept of psychosomatic happy to have had the opportunity of joining the Menninger Clinic in furthering this study.D. M. Menninger unity and is Jr. Foundation New York. The Josiah Macy. have agreed that thoughts and feelings are two independent entities. This is the kind of book that the serious student of human psychology will not only read. perhaps only relatively distinguishable aspects of one continuous struggle to adapt to the environment. common sense. Head of the Psychology Department. Rapaport has undertaken one large and important sector of this While confining himself for the most part to the relation of emo- tion to is memory. or indeed two entities starkly opposed. is the big beginning for a really big achievement. its relation of emotion (and of all affectivity) to perception in all its aspects. memory. judgment. our acts of self-defense. It earnestly to be hoped that he will give us a companion volume on the affectivity in relation to creative thinking. He has taken the trouble to understand those who speak not only in different languages but from different cultural frames of reference. put his own frame of reference and he has modestly but cogently forward when needed in the assay. College of the City of New York IX . in its turbulent wake the philosophy of The evolutionary theory. and the great tradition in Western philosophy. bringing James and Dewey. Such a survey might both focus what we know about Through the half century of experimental psychology analysis a vast research literature the relation of cognitive to affective processes. and of psychoon the interrelationships of the intellectual life and the feeling life has been accumulated a literature founded in a wide diversity of theoretical systems. its careful But the presand sympathetic huge quantities of experimental and clinical material. has offered us. our aggressions. with immense bibliography. and he has put psychologists and psychoanalysts everywhere in his debt. another period of effort to find in thought and feeling two intimately related. in rebellion against the tradition. fuller research is needed. GARDNER MURPHY. and show where better. and another on comparison of ent volume. logical analysis express the same ultimate dynamics that appear in our cravings. attack. and urgently in need of overhauling and interpretation. he has touched upon many related dynamic problems.PREFACE Language. Psychoanalysis. Dr. talking a different language many but saying the same thing. but keep nearby for repeated and grateful reference. has made doubt whether "pure" or "cold" intellectual process exists. Finally. made it possible for me to combine three years of adjustment with concentrated work. Will Gibson. K. expression of my his gratitude Paul von Schiller. The preparation of this monograph was made Foundation. Helen Henderson and Mrs. Murphy. J. Knight. S. Katherine Laughlin thanks are due for their careful work on the preparation of the manu- script and the indexing. To my the secretaries Mrs. R. Mittelmann. mont-Smith. It is with warm gratitude that I acknowledge my indebtedness to Doctors G. Director of the Medical Division of the Foundation. M. B. Brenman advised on its continuity and clarity. G. W. I cannot express adequately my gratitude for tfiis. Dr. Young for reading the manuscript and contributing helpful advice. debted to Dr. K. Fremont-Smith. Gill contributed many additions. Dr.. and whose personal assistance by suggestion greatly in clarifying the issues and determining the sphere of this monograph.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Historically. J. help. My thanks are due also to the Clinic as such. C. and Dr. Merton Gill. and Dr. and especially to its Secretary and the editor of this Monograph series. guidance that my previous two historical To Dr. for his encouragement and liberal allowances in time. 2) in memory theory were undertaken. formulations. H. and expense to complete this study. F. The present form of this monograph is due in part to the efforts of my friends Dr. interest in the vicissitudes of memis due first to my ory functioning. A. Menninger. Menninger. Katona. Brown. M. Jr. who worked on it in detail'. and encouragement. by guidance. Erickson. whose special interest in the problem and appreciation of the need for its clarification am possible by a generous indebted to Dr. sibilities for work. The publication of this monograph was made possible by grants of the I am inJosiah Macy. the Chief of Staff of the Menninger Clinic. and corrections of weaknesses. and Dr. F. and Dr. thanks are due to of the three years' my work of this wife.. R. Dr. B. Samu Rapaport studies (1. This country provided a new home and security. F. Fre- made this and discussion helped study possible. Menninger. it who encouraged my was under teacher. to the officers of the Menninger Foundation. help. K. A. I grant of the Josiah Macy. P. T. Kubie. and generous posDr. Will Gibson reworked its expression throughout. David L. Dr. Dr. Levy. Foundation and the Menninger Foundation. Jr. and P. X . Margaret Brenman. Tibor Rajka I owe much for their stimulation in forming my point of view. Massermann. Dr. Fellows. I owe them more than an ac- knowledgement. whose participation in every phase study makes her a tacit co-author. Lewin. 44 A. Conclusions 4. 5. Critical Synopsis 22 24 24 26 of The Psychoanalytic Theory F. The Physiology of Emotions The Psychology of Emotions A. 3. Summary The Role of Emotions Conclusions 34 34 36 37 References CHAPTER 1. Remembering pressions of Material with Interpolated P-U Sensory Im65 XI . 53 58 59 61 61 Reproduction-experiments A. General Association Experiments B. Remembering pressions of Material Associated with P-U Sensory Im62 c. D. MacCurdy's Theory G. The Fact-diagnostic Experiment F. Experience-association Experiments E. II 10 Definitions of Emotions 12 14 21 2. The Work of Dembo E. The Energy Theory C. Experiments using Pleasant and Unpleasant Sensory Material a. III THE EXPEKIMENTAL CONTBIBUTIONS OP GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Experimental Methods and Theories Questionnaire Studies Association Experiments 2.CONTENTS INTKODTJCTION References 1 2 CHAPTER References I THE HISTOEICAL BACKGROUND OF THE PBOBLEM 4 8 CHAPTER THE PKOBLEM OF EMOTIONS 1. 4. Remembering of P-U Sensory Material b. Early Theories B. "Feeling-tone" and Association Experiments 44 45 49 51 T. 41 41 43 3. The Conflict Theory D. Emotions 28 33 34 H. Diagnostic Association Experiments C. The Lewinian Experiments Discussion References CHAPTER IV Ill THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF GBNEEAL PSYCHOLOGY 1. Recall of Liked Versus Disliked Material c. the Dream 153 A. Infantile Amnesia 155 C. 164 Instincts. and I Words b. 3. The Scope of the Freudian Theory of Forgetting B. e. e. D. Forgetting and Parapraxes: Both Memory Phenomena 140 140 142 144 145 148 3. Infantile Amnesia. Dream work 159 c. U. Affects and Repression 164 169 169 Conclusions References CHAPTER THE CONTKIBUTIONS OF HYPNOSIS 1. Remembering The Parapraxes A. VI 172 172 Affective Factors in Hypnosis 2. "Repression" Elicited by Electric Shock Summary 67 63 69 77 B. OF PSYCHOANALYSIS 2. Experiments on the Recall of P. 3. Summary 4. The Freudian Theory of Forgetting C.CONTENTS d. The Mechanisms of Dream-work 156 a. 6. Summary 152 The Fundamental Role of Psychoanalysis. 5. Posthypnotic Amnesia Hypnotic Hypermnesia t 175 177 . Forgetting vs. 6. The Role of the Selective Factor in Remembering The Theory of Memory: A Discussion 126 129 134 136 137 Summary References CHAPTER V THE CONTRIBUTIONS 1. 5. Wishfulfilment 161 D. Experiments on the Remembering of Learned Material a. Psychoanalytical Theory. 114 The Role of the Selective Factor in the Process of Registration 122 The Role of the Selective Force and the Fate of Memories in the "Retention" Period 4. The Fundamental Role of Psychoanalysis 153 B. Verbal Material of The Influence Summary "Emotions" on Learning and the "Mental Set" 5. The Nature of the Selective Force 2. Experiments on the Remembering of Pleasant and Unpleasant Lifeexperiences C. Experiments with Psychiatric Patients on the Remembering of 79 85 86 88 93 94 100 103 P and U d. Freud's view on Memory 157 Functioning b. 185 189 191 191 197 Amnesias Precipitated by Organic Traumata A. The Views Arrived at by this Survey 264 of Our Survey in Particular 264 265 267 273 INDEX . The Recall of Stories Heard in Childhood C. The Rorschach Test The Affective Organization of Verbal Material A. Psychogenic Loss of Personal Identity and Fugue-States C. Drug Hypnoses 180 180 181 Summary References CHAPTER VII 183 183 CONTRIBUTIONS OP THE STUDY OF PATHOLOGICAL MEMORY PHENOMENA Amnesia a Psychosomatic Problem i"^ 2. Functional vs. XI SS 179 Posthypnotic Suggestion 5. "Time-Experiencing" and "Orientation" in relation to "Autistic d. Three Surveys of the Phenomena of Memory-Pathology 3. 6. 222 223 224 226 229 231 Memory -Pathology Thinking" References CHAPTER DIRECT EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE 1 . 206 214 215 217 218 218 222 b. Symbolism B. The Plan of Our Survey 4. VIII 237 241 241 The Affective Organization of Visually Perceived or Reproduced Material A. Immediate Recall of Stories B. The Korsakow Syndrome and the Views concerning It C. Retrograde and Anterograde Amnesias B. Autistic thinking B. Multiple Personalities in the Korsakow Syndrome A. 3. The Functional Amnesias A. Retrograde Amnesias Anterograde Amnesias "Loss of Personal Identity" 6. The Problems which Initiated this Survey 3. The The Affective Organization of Behavior Interrelation of Physiological and 252 253 255 260 261 Memory Changes Concomitant with Emotions 5. Affective Organization in Spontaneous Story Production . Tachystoscopic Experiments C. c.CONTENTS 4. Summary References CHAPTER IX CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 1. 4. Multiple Personality 5. Organic Factors B. 244 246 248 250 251 2. The Nature of a Critical Survey in General and 2. The Varieties of Organic Amnesia a. . assimilated to. in The fourth chapter will deal psychology to the relation of emotions with the theoretical contributions of general and memory. In the seventh chapter the The eighth chapter will describe a number of experiments. 2 Several factors have prompted the undertaking of an analysis of emotional influences evidenced in the functioning of memory. seem to promise further elucidation of the issue. Scientific attention has become focused on emotional 1 factors in the course of the past few . to survey the may ory. The literature of hypnosis adds data of similar implication. and false remembering to be caused by emotionally charged comgetting its title. literature of hypnotic The sixth chapter will survey the relevant literature of amnesias . The psychiatric literature explains the greater part of amnesias as a result The psychoanalytic literature considers forof emotional disturbances. Finally. in order that we what has been meant by "the influence of emotions on meminvestigations to establish a better and prepare the ground for further understanding of that influence. when applied appropriately. however. and which. General psychological theory suggests that memories are and integrated with. and techniques which to us appear to be exceptionally clear demonstrations of the effect of emotions on memory. A plexes of ideas. In the first chapter we will outline the general psychological background The second chapter will survey the literature of emotions of our problem. In the third chapter pertinent experiments reported in the literature of general psychology will be surveyed. in the ninth chapter we shall endeavor to summarize our findings.INTRODUCTION 1 monograph may be expected to open by defining the topic stated in We are.will be discussed. in no position to define either emotions or and even less the influence of emotions on memory. memory phenomena. literature gives ample evidence that an interrelation is generally assumed." clarify Our aim here is most important contributions to this topic. the personality and its strivings. Yet the memory. giving a tentative interpretation of our problem insofar as its present status will allow. In the fifth chapter we shall attempt to infer the pertinence of psychoanalytic theory and ob- servations to our problem. tests. an attempt to clarify what is meant by the term when "emotions and memory" are under discussion. 1937. Budapest. of Budapest.. Gillespie. 159-180 (in the Hungarian language. Columbia . to prove or disprove.2 decades. It is literature has carried many regrettable also in that the psychological discussions and accounts of pertinent experiments using concepts whose dealing with this new field. Univ.. however. D. 11. 6. 1935. pp. etc. "Emotion and the Educative Process" (3). the systematizing in general. Gason. 1938. Sears. content remains an emphasis on the significance of repression. Publ. New York. and the localization of the of either of the surveys menregrettable. 7. colIn general psylected the pertinent medical psychosomatic material. II. Emotions and bodily changes. Washingon. forgetting. DTTNBAB. on the probdwelt has still interest chology. 92 pp. Univ. 195 pp. 323 pp. The psychoanalytic literature. Psychol.) Moreover. A. the experiments were relevant to the psychoanalytic theory they undertook its unknown entity. Lab. 8. Press. of emotions the lems of the expression of emotions. F.. and contribute to the crystallization of a new theory of memory. Emotion and the educative process. clarification of the role of emotional influences will be indispensable. 5. encourage experimentation. 595 pp. H. (Ray. D. C. The history of the association concept (in the Hungarian lanBudapest. in the general psychological literature in the form of attempts to prove or but neither disprove Freudian theory. sum up the implications this new development held for the educa- tional field. with an English summary. vol. 194-195). Gilbert. has had much repercussion slips of the tongue. in the past two or three decades the concept "memory" has undergone the greatest change since Plato and Aristotle. "Emotions and Bodily Changes" (4). 9. In: Lelektani Tanulmanyok. 12. (Meltzer. physiology in This emotions of action nervous particular. D. We hope that this REFERENCES (1) RAPAPORT. D. survey of the literature will help clarify the concepts ininvolved. because it was not in the scope and the hypotheses implied in used tioned above to clarify the concepts is This task awaited the psychologist. Dunbar's survey. pp. Many experiments Were conducted the conclarified them the experimental reports nor the surveys systemizing of whether the or even problem cept of emotion as used in the experiments. Beebe-Center. tried to INTRODUCTION Prescott's survey. Univ. and it appears that to rebuild the concept. with and .) Lundholm. There were few and only vague attempts at integrating findings in the field of memory pathology so frequently related to emotional interference with the general psychological theory of memory. (3) (4) PBBSCOTT. Amer. This revolution of the concept is still in the making. The modern concept of association. Council Educ. (2) RAPAPORT. 10. guage). 1938. Press. E. Soc. Abn.INTEOBUCTION MELTZER. JL status of experimental studies of the relationship BEEBE-CENTER. . Psychol Rev. 1932. : (10) LTODHOLM. Neurol Psychial 37: 748-764. New York.%. 1937. amnesia. J. The new status of experimental studies on the relationship feeling and memory. Amnesia. 1936. 37: 124-139. GILBERT. 427 pp. Psychol. Psychol Rev. 1932. 1938. M. R. of (9) RAY. The Arch. S* The relationship of retroactive inhibition. 1930. E. H. The riddle of functional amnesia. Psychol. PsychoL 26: (11) SEARS. Nostrand. and the loss of recent memory. Functional abnormalities of memory with special reference to (12) GILLESPIE. W. learning and retention of pleasant and unpleasant activities. Bull 35: 26-35. (8) IM. retrograde amnesia. of feeling to (6) 6 (5) The present memory. R. 44 339-345. Psychol Bull 33: 229-274. 1937. D. 355-366. G. (7) CASON. Arch. 1932. R. The psychology of pleasantness and unpleasantness. G. Prop. II. driving forces and not mechanical laws of association determine the emergence of ideas. 329He discussed the role of such factors in the pathology of associations 335). the mechanical laws of association prevail. was have a passions. #74). Part III. in describing the four famous "idols" which disturb the associa- Here we tion-process underlying human thinking. pp. but its our knowledge of the "influence of emotions on memory" history is brief and foggy. admiration were easier remembered than indifferent facts (2. 542-543. fear. II. Locke. #51). #26). in the III. "order" is lacking and the antagonistic poles of attraction-avoidance prevail or in modern language. pp. #1). #36). also that man avoid hatred. Descartes attributed the association-mechanism to the motion of the "animal spirits" (3. uneasiness significant role in determining associations (7. #21). analyzing the history of the association concept. I. II." Elsewhere (1)." and "emotions" for vague "irrational determiners" and "pas- sions. 45-46). who aware of the fact that pain and pleasure coined the concept "association of ideas" (7. 60). brought about by passions (3.CHAPTER I THE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM The past is of long. He pointed out that facts connected with strong feelings shame. the link between associated ideas his associations p. other. of mental functioning. Hobbes divided -the association (memory) function into two realms (4. The investigator venturing into this past of must frequently exchange the concept "memory" for "association ideas. this author found abundant evidence that the philosopher-psychologists in the early modern centuries were aware of the role of "affective factors" in memory.. indicated that these idols were personal factors (2. which were for him also the essence of the passions He refers frequently to the emergence of memories as (3. because hatred will determine the course of and hinder objective observation and understanding (6. In the first. Leibniz went so far as to declare that "appetition" leads us from one 4 . Spinoza put a special emphasis on the fact that feelings are frequently He advised (5.e. Bacon. i. shall indicate only the manner in which some of these philosophers expressed this knowledge. $41-66). depends on the actual state of the subject as well as on the context in wMch reproduction is called for we have seen also that reproduction does not necessarily occur when called for and that its non-occujTence does not mean it cannot occur. V. This fact should make us aware that here we are entering a field in which the knowledge has outgrown the conceptual framework. Recall. the criting weakness: instead of simply making its point. one of which is the memory function (12. and that the appetition ability was the determiner of the reason.HISTOBICAL BACKGROUND OF THE PEOBLEM O of perception to another (8. existed an insight into the role of "affective" factors in memory functionWe must admit. $7. and necessarily sketchy. loyal and reliable. Kant maintained that pleasure and pain were the basis of the power of judgment. and recall. that such a demonstration has an outstanding. It has recently been emphasized that recall is not ." "memory" and It would be comfortable to fall back on early simple definitions. . IV. and even the basis our rational causes (11. however. XX. that the ability of knowing was the basis of cognition. Hume. It is evidence that we can no longer approach our topic with artless common sense. retention. thus he attributed an all-significant role to appetition in the functions of the mind. # 6). and momentary Retention can no longer bs thought of as a wax-plate. in spite of his otherwise mechanistic psychology. learning. historical references may demonstrate that throughout the epoch of Enlightenment. pp. Even these few. $6). $ 15. method. We have learned that "autonomous" changes occur in retention. 9. "I or If 'emotions are reverberations on the fact. we have learned too that the retained material is organized. and used Locke's concept memour the tension to "uneasiness" (10. motivation. $289) moving driving express ory and thought functions. which so enerthere getically strove to "discover" the mechanical laws of the human mind. It ability of the cortex to fixate stimulations has been differentiated into its three aspects. Individual psychic make-up. definitions long Memory and to revive their traces. without our conscious contribution. or brought into relation with other retained material. we Igaow. personal state all interact. to the words attributing ill-defined but commonly accepted meanings "emotion. such as is our ability to retain and reproduce impressions once that f memory cortex of peripheral perceived. Learning was found to be a complex process in which material." I But these of the the exciting perception bodily changes following definable as the be to ceased has are useless. the investigation of each has proved to be a specific problem. 13). 556-57. considered the of passions to be the driving forces of our associations. it clearly shows still so are ical reader that the concepts "memory" and "affective factors" vague that the problem of their interrelation becomes quite parenthetical. to almost everything that is not apparently rational or lawful. mood. attitude. There is another difficulty in attempting to define memory and emotion. nor is forgetting simply a fading of that imprint. useful though it a mere abstraction. motive. tension. was. learning. determining tendency. the new concepts As long as memory specific meaning. or reverberations of bodily changes (James). temperament. interrelated. mental elements (Wundt). hedonic tone. need. trying to isolate are considered phylogenetic vestiges of instinctual activities (Darwin).6 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY simply a revival of traces imprinted in us somewhere. Reproduction is rather an active produc- and forgetting also fundamentally implies an active principle. Instead. "memory" is but one aspect of the organization of thought processes. drive. There has been an indiscrimquasi-need. In the following pages we shall frequently be compelled to adduce evidence which at first glance will appear especially to the psychologist of classical training to be out of place in dealing with memory. A similar situation obtains in the study of emotions. and measure these memory functions. and even to pathological bodily and behavioral manifestations of psychogenic origin. the term had a simple meaning. at best the classical memory experi- ments with nonsense syllables could ignore this fact and make us ignore it. and recall are inextricably tion. Finally and most essentially. operating simultaneously in every moment of our lives. complex. feeling. Memory will be discussed as an aspect of thought processes. In judging the validity of the evidence this viewpoint should be kept in mind. affect. Such loose usage has rendered the terms broad common-sense expressions. In the endeavor to cope with the newly-perceived problems of memory fluidity of the and the increasing evolved may be so broad as to lack concept emotion." A sampling of these would include instinct. interest. demonstrate only how memory can function under given laboratory conditions and not how it does function in everyday life. retention." and their adjectival forms. Actual memory phenomena are encountered only is in the context of thought processes. but they could not produce memory phenomena outside this context. it became necessary to investigate its role in the organization of our thought had been processes. passion. solely the faculty investigated in classical memory experiments. and divested them of the unequivocality prerequisite to any scientific concept. But when it was seen that these experiments demonstrated only how memory can function under given conditions. we have a variegated list of concepts dealt with at times under the term "emotions. wish. although no attempt will . intention. The concept "memory" as an isolated entity. These no longer classical The experiments. to any phenomenon that seems determined in a generalized way by the whole- organism. sentiment. preference. inate application of the words "emotion" and "affect. To attempt to unify related concepts under one major concept is useful only if the interrelation of the specific concepts is clear. whether in their allinclusive generality they are more useful than the first definitions in their inadequate simplicity. of memory or of its role as such Similar difficulty is encountered in the field of emotions when the multiplicity and the portent of the factors implicit in the term are compre- hended. unmotivated. investigators with a more sociological or utilitarian orientation expressed the same . what we do consider useful is to contrast the two kinds of definitions." or not embedded in them. this finding will be conceptually valuable only after the interrelation of these factors has been clarified. intellectualist orientation. It is not our purpose to construct a theory which It is our view will reconcile all the experiments. neither the propriety of unifying the factors under one concept nor their interrelation is self-evident. We will not attempt to create a authors have used interchangeably such expressions as "emotion. Such is the variety of these factors that no human function can be considered undetermined. The present status of the problems in our field is complicated. The confused state of the problem is not to be attributed simply to haphaz- ard investigations. however. to our problem. uncharged with energy or uncolored by "emotions. and opinions. that an attempt at such a definitive theory satisfactory to every investigator would not be justified by the present state of research in the field. that in the course of the last contributions of the sequence decades it has been increasingly accepted that memory function is deter- mined by deep strata of personality organization. These general formulations of the concepts "memory" and "emotion" have a certain justification. new terminology inasmuch as different . a conceptual unification is misleading. In our problem. in a search for the nature of "meaning.HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM 7 be made to advance an adequate definition an aspect." found determinants of memory-functioning expressible in logical terms. and should be viewed as the background to this survey. different interpretation by different and that this was given Those with a more investigators. It is hoped that in the course of this discussion the concept emotion will undergo an autonomous structurization. It appears that every human function implies "emotional factors". This statement is applicable to the role of emotional factors in memory functioning. suggestions. however. in such a case. It is doubtful. but in part to the manner of development of modern psychology and in part to different approaches rooted in the personalities The reader will notice. in following the historical of the investigators. They constitute the historical setting of our problem." "affect. the concepts used are undefined or at best ill-defined." and "hedonic tone/' we shall discuss each contribution in its original terminology. early general psychology was inclined to express it in terms of "pleasantness" and "unpleasantness.. Kirch- man's Phil. We have attempted to collect the material demonstrating the mode of operation of the motivating factors called "emotions. of Budapest. Univ. 1870. physiological psy- terms of measurable physiological concomitants of emotion. 1870." which are more amenable to experimental investigation. F. Publ. Berlin. It point influences the organization of his material. that an author's viewwe have summarized the material and commented upon it. group orientations have resulted in varied theories and methodologies chologists. (2) (3) The history of the association concept (in the Hungarian language). Accordingly. DESCARTES. our essential purpose is to present an exhaustive and factual survey of the pertinent publications. have fostered varied experimental approaches. Berlin. leaving as a basis for this as much factual material as space and the organization We viewpoint feel that our task will viewpoint implicit in the organization of the material be indicated in the conclusions of the monograph." insofar as they may be perceived in that aspect of the organization of our thought processes called "memory. in turn. BACON. however. the question arises whether memory is a photographic or a motivated process. Bibl. . R.. Psychol. logical investigation. must be admitted. tention is to survey these differing approaches. and to indicate the relation one to another. Lab. further. The careful reader of will find the author's this is to show the continuity and interrelations of the the reader free to draw his own conclusions and offering material. it is persafe that to say haps among psychologists there would be little difference of opinion on the point. . D. and psychoThese varied individual and analysts. Bibl. in clinical psychologists Our inwhich. Psychologists engaged in studying action and motivation tend to express it in terms of needs. We shall attempt to demonstrate the continuity in which they shade into or grow out of each other. Kirchman's Phil. more recent experimental psychologists have expressed it in terms of "context" and "set. It is implied that memory is a motivated behavior phenomenon and that emotions are motivating factors.8 EMOTIONS AND MEMOKY phenomenon in terms of "interests". Novum organon. The answer has been anticipated above. At this point it may be helpful to formulate our problem again: the motivation of human behavior having become a focal problem in psychoof our data allow." inheriting these from sensory psychology. 1937. Budapest. in terms of affects. 180 pp. Ueber die Leidenschaften der Seele." REFERENCES (1) RAPAPORT. indicating both their inadequacies and those features which will prove to be of further interest and stimulation. 214 pp. and psychiatrists. 92 pp. in terms of instincts and drives. 87 pp. KANT. 362 pp. KritikderreinenVernunft. I. (10) LEIBNIZ.. 1902. Kleine logisch-metaphysische Schriften. (7) LOCKE. Kleinere phiksophuche Schriften. 1794. (5) SPINOZA. 385 pp. Ethics. 367 pp. Amsterdolami. /orma. BibL. I. TH.. W. (6) SPINOZA. LEIBNIZ. 326 pp. Leipzig. Leipzig. II. Noweaux Theodicee. Ueber Philosophic ueberhaupt. Leipzig. New York. M. 1765. Elwes. Leviathan me de maleria. B. Ethics. 1907. PML Bib!.. Vol.. Vol. Trans. B. pp. II. KANT. Reklam's Univ. In.HISTOBICAL BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM 9 (4) HOBBES. 450 pp. G. essays moral and political. Meiner's Phil. I. 1907. R. 422 pp. (9) LEIBNIZJ G. vol. 315 pp. essais BUT Ventendement humain. and Correspondence. etc. 421 pp. On passions. dem Menschen und dessen Glueckseligkeit. Leipzig. vol. In: Improvement of the understanding. Rek- lam's Univ... (8) Untenuchungen ueber den menschlichen Ventand. Riga. 1781.. 1901. W. G. 1670. 334 pp. 1921. London. Bibl. I. H. Leipzig. Meiner's J. W. Kurzer Tractat von Gott. Bibl. Wiley. D. 1748. 685pp. Raspe. . 39-273. (11) (12) (13) HUME. 10 . and thinking. It will be our aim to clarify this meaning. meaningful. it is are emotions? It is This is the first question the reader will expect to have answered. The concept "memory" will be more for taken than that of "emotions": "memory" is used at generally granted in an all too narrow a sense which prevents the mutual elupresent sense. but which at least makes for clarity of meaning. the search for the memory and emotion can become show in I that the attempted to Chapter ory and emotions are in a process of Although we both memto there seems be a difreformation. phantasy." however. of the complexity of the if problem will be appropriate. relation of important for our problem to clarify what emotions difficult to see how. it was upon his advice that I include this chapter discussing the problem of emotions. gastric ulcer and behavior and educational difficulties? Is the implication of the term here identical with its implication in the phrase "emotional influence on memory"? Why is it that we speak without hesitation of the "emotional" character and origin of these problems. we shall discuss the implications of a number of recent investigations which deal with the role of emotions in other processes of the human organism. thirdly. secondly. Through many suggestive discussions he helped in the formulation of the chapter. a short appraisal of emotions . The concept "emotion. Frank Fremont-Smith. Foundation. concept and theory of ference between the status of the two. education. and localization of nervous action in emotions? It is not within our present scope to advance an 1 1 am greatly indebted to Dr. such as learning. dream. certain somatic maladies hypertension. we shall enumerate and discuss a few recent attempts at cidation defining emotions. What do we imply we designate as "emotional disturbances" such a variety of phenomena as psychoses. and bodily changes. Before commencing the course of discussion as outlined. is used so broadly that it is difficult to ascertain its precise meaning.CHAPTER II 1 THE PROBLEM OF EMOTIONS What are. we shall survey the literature of the physiology of emotions. neuroses. director of the medical section of the Josiah Macy Jr. we shall summarize the literature of the psychology fourthly. First. but investigations and discussions rarely make clear the sense in which they are "emotional"? Why is it that the systematic treatment of the problem of emotions deals in the main with the expressive movements. without such a clarification. physiology. and unitary organization of such fields as perception memory. when used to denote phenomena the expression "emotion" denotes sometimes physiological and motor phenomena. One would then have to deal with the process "emotion" in psychosomatic terms. such as "feelings. as seen in "feeling. or of the psychological processes. and sometimes to designate the dynamics underlying a phenomenon or group of For instance. as in the case of the Cannon theory. as seen in emotional expression." and' such equivalents as "affect" and "affective. maintaining that sometimes unequivocal terminology. the expression "emotion" refers to a phenomenon." or on both levels. but which may be denied such immediate discharge and thus issue in a chronic alteration of the physiological processes. his overt behavior Is char: acterized by excessive amiability and apparent calm. Our present discussion must be brief and indicative of the trend which our A urgently needed. such as facial expressions. and sometimes phenomena of conscious experiencing." which have attempt for processes and phenomena common."- . when used to denote the dynamics underlying phenomena the expression "emotion" sometimes denotes physiological dynamics. acceptance of this view would imply an to purify the unjustified old terminology and to establish a new little in have been unjustifiably used to cope with these difficulties a process which may have a great variety of phenomenal manifestations. may find direct as seen in psychosomatic disorders. analytic theory. if 11 careful historical investigation of these* problems . . in the description of any single "emotion" such as fear or rage. gether absent. On the contrary. 2 Furthermore. One way to deal with these difficulties would be to say that the expressions "emotion" and "emotional. Another would be to assume that "emotion" way is physiological and sometimes its psychological manifestations may become the more obvious." Similarly. r surve3 of the literature of emotions will follow. as 2 A good example of the latter is provided by the following quotation from an unpublished paper of M. or on the psychological level.is additional complication of them is to be avoided. but in a psychosomatic disease the expression "emotion" refers to the dynamics and etiology of the disorder. and sometimes psychological dynamics. The main difficulty in the literature of emotions appears to be that the word "emotion" is sometimes used to designate a phenomenon. Gill (1) "The individual with hypertension on the basis of chronically repressed rage the formula which at present seems best to cover the psychologic mechanisms of the cases of essential hypertension which have received intensive psychologic study does not go about exhibiting chronic massive autonomic discharge such as we have seen in the animal with stimulated hypothalamus. as in the case of the psycho- phenomena.PROBLEM OF EMOTIONS exhaustive answer. to such an extent that the other may seem altoits This emotion-process would be conceived also as one which and momentary manifestations on the physiological level. Such effects as slips of the tongue and temporary foreffects of emotions. and the theories of. in personality organization? or is it merely a speIn cific constellation of the general dynamics underlying the psychic life? the latter case. Where does the dynamic process. and our survey will undertake to show the extent to which this approach has a basis in the observations on. The question of what a theory of emotions must account for has been given different answers. The material to be surveyed will have to answer these questions. The problem of "feeling. the assumption of a continuity of psychic occurrence implies that no psychic process may be considered devoid of emotional participation." especially its experimental aspect. and character disorders. Metcalf. and Beebe-Center's "Feeling and Emotion. A History of Theories" (2). Harlow and Stagner (6) write: "Any projected theory of the emotional response must include." originate? gettings ideas. A systematic textbook treatment of the entire field is given in Ruckmick's full historical A and factual account of "Psychology of Feeling and Emotion" 3 (5). It could be established on the same level as the other emotional manifestaHere again one would have to distinguish momentary from chronic tions. 8 (7). emotions though it .12 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY seen in neuroses. psychoses. (8). The Wittenberg Symposium " burn. there are thorough-going texts which may be consulted in this respect. DEFINITIONS OF EMOTIONS of the development of the concept emotions cannot be given here. This attempt at clarifying the problem of "emotions" would also necessitate terminological changes to make palpable the difference between the phenomenon and the underlying process. M. of which the chronic and momentary manifestations are the 'emoDoes it exist in its own right as an isolated tional phenomena. would be considered momentary. 1. seems that the situation terminology. functional amnesias. The not yet ripe to yield an easy transition to a new influence of emotions on memory could easily be inis tegrated with the theory of emotions built around this second approach. but it may be presumed that the contemporary taste of scientific psy- chology will find the latter possibility more acceptable. A few recent ones distinguished by their comprehensiveness will be quoted here. Another consideration requires attention. Equally exhaustive and factual is the account given by Lund in his "Emotions" (4). The history of the concept is summarized in Gardiner. obsessive and delusions would be considered chronic effects. is systematically treated in Beebe-Center's "The Psychology of Pleasantness and Unpleasantness" (3). and Wash- . and satisfy the requirements imposed by the following sets of data: (1) behavioristic facts on emo: See also "Feelings and Emotions. This second approach seems to us the more promising. ' factor in the psychic life. Lund (4) discusses emotions as follows: "It must be clear that we cannot single out some segment of internal or external behavior and regard this as the emotion. . aimless behavior." (p. (2) Introspective: the conscious attributes of emotion. 570) and emotional experience. while sensations the cortex. "By What Criteria Can Emotion be Defined?" paper delivered at the 1941 meetings of the Midwestern Psychological Association. . our theory (3) . A second definition has affirmed that emotion is a disturbance (disruption." (pp. induced by activation of sensory thalamic projection centers. 190) . concerning innate emotions suggests a group of unconditioned responses as a basis from which emotions may develop. This activity. since some of these factors may be identical in different types of emotional behavior." (p. somatic and visceral. . whereas under other conditions they are usually of local origin. 4 Young.. 189-190) "(1) (2) states are feelings are localized in Feelings are localized in the thalaznus. when occurring under emotional conditions.somatic and visceral. These bodily changes distinguish emotional upset from non-emotional disturbances such as being (2) Emotional disturbances have an external lost. 13) "With this in mind emotion might be defined as a strongly affective state involving diffuse somatic reactions and rather widespread. . visceral changes.. startled.. . and the emotions themselves are conditioned responses subsequently formed. . . as we have seen. disoriented. modify the unconditioned affective pattern by enormously extending the range of stimuli that will elicit it. T. The fundamental conscious emotional . smooth muscle activity. expression. entitative affairs. 'centrally aroused/ calls attention to the fact that visceral changes. centrally aroused. of emotional behavior would have to take account of all these variables.THE PROBLEM OF EMOTIONS 13 tional behavior. To be content with anything less would not do. Young is 4 (9) summarized his view in these words: This formula "(1) An emotion has been defined as a pattern of organic response. (1) Emotional disturbances contain marked bodily changes in the smooth muscles and glands. its quale and concomitants. The text quoted above is that of an abstract obtained by courtesy of the author. . . the mental. . This type of definition is adequate if qualified by two criteria. 14) P. and by reaction patterns controlled by diencephalic motor nuclei)." (p. (3) psychopathological: cases of abnormal behavior (p. T." "Unconditioned affective responses form a basis for the emotions (these affective patterns being describable in terms of conscious feelings. upset) revealed by diffuse. and (4) physiological: the data on physiological and neurological functions involved in the emotional response. and all may occur under non-emotional as well as emotional conditions. P. They are forms of activity characterized by a given amount of feeling tone. of affective quality. . Emotions are not simple.. are of central origin. A complete description of an emotion or better. excessive. The conditioning process by which all emotions are acquired. In this definition the expression.. as well as* of the stimulus situation. useful in the laboratory despite the fact that no one has shown how an "(2) emotional pattern can be distinguished from one which is non-emotional. involves mental and abbreviated adjustments as well as . etc. and usually by 'damping' the violence of the unconditioned affective response. or if a case of hypertension is studied psychoanalytically. On the basis of these descriptions we shall divide into two groups the facts and problems for which a theory of emotions must account: a physiological group. the introspective. It is 2. every psychological process there must exist a corresponding physiological process. of James and Lange is extensively discussed by . and emphasize the fundamentally conscious character of feelings. Lund refers in addition to the central origin of visceral changes present in Harlow and Stagner. yet the latter example approaches what has been If the delusions recently called the "psychosomatic" frame of reference. as well as Lund. If a tissue process in reference to in or reference tissue studied to memory being processes. the terms designate the is viewed. the frame of refer- frame of reference in which a phenomenon is physiological. the first 5 The long line of predecessors Ruckmick (5. for no sharp line divides these two realms of phenomena. emotions. Yet the scientific. "physiological" is an artifact. tive drives This criterion distinguishes emotional disturbances from the appetiand from various aches and pains which have an internal or bodily origin. and a psychological group. and probably every physiological process is part of a complex pattern of similar processes which plays a role in the preparation of the soThe division between "psychological" and called psychological processes. Young is concerned with the distinction between emotional and nonemotional physiological patterns. and the physiological aspects of emotions. Harlow and Stagner refer to the emotional problems of psychopathology. pp. ence is of a schizophrenic are studied in reference to the structure of his associa- tions. with these reservations that the dichotomy between "physiand ological" "psychological" is made in the following discussion. methodological usefulness of the distinction should not be minimized. of physiological changes in "emotional states" The presence recognized. the experimental destruction of a portion of the brain. include in their descriptions the behavioral. 149-156)." These statements are quoted here not as the last word of research on the problem but rather as reflective attempts to do justice to divergent claims. the frame of reference is psychological yet the latter case is a typical psychosomatic .14 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY origin. Such a grouping will of necessity be arFor bitrary. problem. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF EMOTIONS was early the Jamessystematic attempt to explain their role was 5 One of the main implications of the interrelation of Lange (43) theory. 185) produce them. and same changes as they occur is the emotion" (vol. and induction of the visceral changes typical of strong emotions does not (p. it emphasized the physiological Influence on psychic processes. and others to be questionable. 13-14. in a purely mentalistic period of psychology. (3) the viscera are relatively insensitive structures.THE PROBLEM OF EMOTIONS 15 emotions and physiological changes was clarified considerably later by Sherrington (10). 2. See Cantril and Hunt (15).. without judging by behavioral criteria the cat's experiencing any 8 7 See Weber. 200) maintained that minor differences between these physiological patterns may still be discovered. The physiological mechanisms which could account for the desiderata of this theory were shown by Sherrington (10). the bodily changes ." (p. (2) the same visceral changes occur in very different emotional states and in non-emotional states. . physiological patterns on the cortex would further criteria This non-specificity of organic reaction patterns prompted Young to add 9 The failure to proby which emotions might be defined. 7 The similarity of physiological patterns of different emotions to each other and to those of nonemotional states made it difficult to explain how the reverberation of similar 8 result in different emotions. (4) visceral (5) artificial changes are too slow to be a source of emotional feelings. 0. our feeling of the follow directly the perception of the exciting fact. and Massermann's recent experiments (16) showed that stimulation of the hypothalamus of cats produces almost all of the bodily changes characteristic of emotion in cats. Is The James-Lange theory had expounded the third view. p. (2) that the same stimulus concurrently excites the mind and the nervous centers controlling the viscera. He enumerated three theoretical possibilities: "(1) that the psychic part of emotion arises first and Its neural correlate then excites the viscera. 6 James' (11) definition of emotions was that ". this definition Implied that the "emotion felt" is the "reverberation" of these bodily changes on the cortex. The historical Importance of this view lay In the fact that. D. . and Rapaport. (13). (14. A. 255) we apprehend It." 8 Angell. Cannon's arguments against the James-Lange theory were summarized by (5) Ruckmick as follows: "(1) Total separation of the viscera from the central nervous system does not alter emotional behavior. p. as the emotion.. 9 10 See pp. .. duce unequivocal emotional reactions in human beings by adrenalin in- jections 10 disappointed expectations based on the finding that the adrenalincontent of the blood is increased in emotional states. 449). Cannon (12). (3) that the emotional stimulus acts first on the nervous centers controlling the viscera whose reaction. He and his collaborators found that expressions of certain emotions are displayed. they not only innervate muscles and viscera but also excite afferent paths to the cortex by direct connection or by irradiation.16 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY emotional state. as long as the hypothalamus is intact. At present the generally accepted theory of emotions is that formulated n With his collaborators he by Cannon (12) experimented primarily on animals and thus restricted his realm of observation to behavioral patterns and physiological changes. and from clinical introspective and observational data on patients with thalamic or hypothalamic lesions. 369) for this These conclusions gained widespread acceptance. "The amusing result is that psychologist. Recently Papez (22. or thalamic lesion. Cannon replaced the James-Lange theory by his "hypothalamic theory. and corresponding physiological . 361-368) and Bard (17) proceeded to amend their experimental data with the clinical observations of Head (18). The theory which naturally presents itself is that the peculiar quality of the emotion is added to simple sensation when the thalamic processes are roused. non (12. On the basis of inferences drawn from his experimental data. changes occur. The probable reason may be glimpsed in Hunt's (24) review of the recent developments in the field of emotions: "Psychology seems willing to accept and discuss the subjective aspects of emotion. Wilson (20). Head and Holmes (19). Thus it was established that the hypothalamus plays a significant role in the mediation of expressive movements it Canof. and others. but do not occur after has been surgically removed. in the 'object-emotionally-felt'. 360) He sion formulated his own theory in these words: "Within and near the thalamus the neurones concerned in an emotional expreslie close to the relay in the sensory path from periphery to cortex. neurohumor. We may assume that when these neurones discharge in a particular combination. and neurologist alike show preference for the objective approach through a study of behavior. and physiological changes concomitant with. certain emotions. had advocated a similar theory earlier." He summarized the James-Lange theory as follows: "Object sense organ cortical excitation perception reflexes to muscle. an experi11 Dana (21) it. physiologist." (p. pp. but unwilling to attempt a scientific treatment of them. yet no sooner do they find some unique aspect of their material than they proudly offer it as the possible basis for the experience of emotion. skin and viscus disturbance in them cortical excitation by these disturbances perceptions of them added to the original perceptions such are the occurrences which result . 23) elaborated . Thus the James-Lange theory failed to find experi- mental support.' 9 (p. and characteristics are supposition. avoiding excessiveness. balancing the constructive and destructive tendencies. F. also excessive responses and allows only mild peripheral on in economically graded form. H.THE PROBLEM OF EMOTIONS ence whose existence. 264) still 17 largely a matter of This acceptance was uncritical. (27) is a sample of such speculation: "As a cephalic representative of the autonomic nervous system. 12 This acceptance reached an extreme. wakeful J> ness and consciousness. It controls activities of the periphery in metabolism. (28) concludes: that the hypothalamus is now "It would seem from the assemblage of facts urged as the seat of the emotions. . which represent modulations of drives called emotional. 700-701). uniqueness. intellect. (pp. . it contradicts accepted views that functions are represented on different neural levels and depend on an axis of centers rather than on one center. . the hypothalamus has to do with energies of visceral origin which are the forces of the instincts. T. The hippocampal-cinguli formation. . The hypothalamic theory contrasts strikingly with the accepted view that functions cannot be understood as processes isolated from the total organism. and it forces activities of the cerebral cortex. and R. subserving the dominant role in emotional expression during the process of damps down hypothalamic activities to be carried conscious sensation of emotion revalued in relation to other cortical functions. 44-45) In disregard of speculations of this sort. a shaky procedure. Thus Alpers . No such conclusions . and personality. Its drives are synonymous with its demands or necessities of the instincts. pp. in turn the hypothalamus influences activity within the cortex or ego. Evolutionary development took away from the hypothalamus incoordinately. careful surveys of the available clinico-pathological data show that the clinical evidence invoked by Cannon and Bard is by no means conclusive. "However. Instinctual cravings become synthesized and formulated in a slower acting more adaptive structure in which the processes of conditioning. inasmuch as the idea of one center for such a complicated function as emotion is alien to the present conception of the human organism. B. To achieve these slower adaptive responses the hypothalamus became subordinated to higher newer cortical centers by inhibitory processes emanating therefrom. it became the basis of widespread speculation concerning the role of the hypothalamus in emotional disturbances of human beings. dominate rapid reflex action. Wheeler See Ratliff (26. Newman." (p. 12 See to this effect E. its enccphalization. : (25) . Perkins. Speculation linking the hypothalamic theory with the Freudian theory of drive and emotions 13 was dealing with two sets The following selection from Grinker of assumptions. It represents tensions or 'cravings' within the autonomic system (instinctual) which are precipitated and coordinated in the hypothalamus rather than expressed individually and . This is represented clearly in the hypothalamic influences on the cortex in sleep. or learning by experience. one might even assert that expressions of rage and temper and coarseness of behavior are hypothalamic in origin.." Hunt (24) in Ms survey writes: "There can be little doubt that the hypothalamus is one. The facts. it seems that hypothalamic lesions cannot be looked upon as the seat of origin of such disturbances.. is still in doubt. When the motor cortex is electrically stimulated I move my handb To say that the hypothalamus is the origin of the patterned response in the normal animal would be equivalent to saying that the motor cortex is the central origin of the action of picking up something by hand in a meaningful situation. and an important one. There occur in the intact animal much higher and more complex central processes. opposition to the theory a hypothalamic seat of emotions. If one were inclined to drift into fancy. Let us compare the visceral and somatic nervous systems from the point of view under consideration. of a series of stations connected with emotional expression. that in other respects the hypothalamus can be considered analagous We shall see to motor cortex in the sense that both are effector mechanisms. In the same way the hypothalamus is a point at which the effector mechanisms may be stimulated and the response of rage or fear involves much more complex and higher central processes with the resultant as an impulse passing down through the hypothalamus.. . inasmuch as (a) the reactions induced by stimulation of the hypothalamus do not.." . of Experimental results also have been advanced in.' 115 He also advances the following consideration: ". The motor cortex is the point at which the e. Gill (1): "Since it has been well established that in the 'functional* psychoses and in the psychosomatic diseases there exist rational relationships between the premorbid personality and the disease picture. Gill (1).ffector mechanism may be stimulated. The hypothalamus may be regarded as an area concerned with the expression of emotional reactions which are ordinarily sifted and weighed by the cerebral cortex. within limits. 748) 14 an assertion may be. (b) animals 16 " To the same effect. . however. That it is the center. do not warrant such an assumption. Massermann (16) summed up the results of his experiments thus: "Work in this laboratory has furnished evidence that a direct somatopsychic relationship between hypothalamic function and affective experience probably does not exist.18 EMOTIONS AND MEMOKY are possible. ." {p. From an unpublished paper by M. see Alpers (29). and the complexity of the problem of emotional behavior casts serious doubts upon any hopes of an explanation in terms of the functioning of a single center. ! An argument similar to Hunt's is advanced by M. true though such (p. greatly modify spontaneous emotional behavior. the resultant of which is an impulse passing down from the motor cortex. however. When the hypothalamus is electrically stimulated certain visceral and somatic manifestations in a seemingly integrated pattern appear. Obviously such is not the case. . " . The problem was frequently formulated as one of ascertaining the nervous correlates of "pleasantness unpleasantness. In case dC/dt is equal to zero. a. 54) It is ". many others were proposed: the frontal lobe. and joints of the somatic part of the organism. Another point of historical interest should be discussed. or a pleasantness which is intense in proportion to the magnitude of derivative." (pp. Even prior to the bold but unsuccessful attempt of Cannon to localize "emotion felt" and "emotional expression. 20) In addition to these well-known physiological theories of emotion. Ill." (vol. a - kdC/dt which states that the affective intensity. stimulation of the proprioceptors in the muscles. innervates those responses whose return afferent impulses are associated with the conscious quality of pleasantness. (c) animals subjected to prolonged conditioning procedures in which sensory signals precede direct hypothalamic stimuli do not learn to respond to either the sensory or hypothalamic stimuli in ways analogous to their spontaneous or experimental adaptations to situations of adequate emotional significance. .wavfe theories 18 are but a few examples. supplemented under certain condiby the cerebrospinal system.THE PROBLEM OF EMOTIONS 19 with extensive hypothalamic lesions react to emotional stresses and can apparently experience genuine affective states. i y See Gray (31). The of equation obviously implies that positive values of dC/dt will yield positive values the time a. the increase or decrease of the intensity of a previously constant current if the increase or decrease is caused by a force acting at a point other than the point of stimulation. at any instant. and that afferent impulses from these characteristic sensory complexes by which one emotion is distinguished from another of the same affective class. . attributing affective intensity to a change of the conductance at the synapses. whereas negative values of the latter will be accompanied by a similarly regulated unpleasantness." M. p. The sympations thetic division produces visceral responses which are represented in consciousness We propose that the differentiating factor arises from the as unpleasantness. is proportional (by a constant. 16 endocrine. See Hoagland et al. at the same instant. . P." (p. wrote: "This hypothesis can be expressed very concisely by means of the equation. 17 and brain. Allport's (35) theory was that: "The craniosacral division of the autonomic. (32). &) to the rate of change of the conductance." the physiological mechanism of "feeling" had aroused much interest and speculation. C. . the affectivity will be "See Calkins (30). tendons. Meyer's theory (33) was one of the first: "The nervous correlate of pleasantness and unpleasantness must be some form of . 90-92) Troland (34). activity in the higher nerve centers. was based on experiments." shall now we Except for the behaviorists who considered consciousness an epiphenomenon. Ill. both are merely sensory phenomena. Hunt (38) considered that he had substantiated Nafe's findings. This perspective may be approached by calling to mind the first of Harlow and Stagner's definitions: "Feelings are fundamental conscious emotional states. He did not assume an identity of pleasantness and unpleasantness with bright Young stated that Nafe's subjects to make a certain type of results and dull pressure. . Our synopsis may have elucidated the state of the research. but considered the latter to be an of the physiological portion accompaniment of the former. attempt to give a perspective for evaluating the surveyed theories from the psychological point of view. except of that called "feel19 ing" or "emotion. flatly contradicted those of Young's (37) results Nafe. 257) all of the logical possibili- These theories were not supported by direct experimental evidence. Only the Gestalt theories of "isomorphism" and of the dynamics of the "trace-field" of thinking are The neural promise to shed light on the physiological mechanisms of thinking. and were due to the training of his report.20 indifferent." (vol. Nafe's (36) theory. his conclusions were. On the basis of the statistical correlation of the scores of these. Nafe did not hesitate to draw a far-reaching psychological conclusion: "Pleasantness is a bright pressure and unpleasantness is a dull pressure. ties of the EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY The equation therefore automatically covers psychophysical situation. the nature of the underlying This statement should be qualified. however. inasmuch as the neural correlates of memory have been the subject of many speculations but only recently in Gestalt-psychological experimentation has investigation reached a stage beyond speculation." In other words. The animal experimentation showing the relation of retention and learning to the amount ." correlates or physiological mechanisms the beyond scope of our present knowledge. 19 of excised brain tissue cannot be considered an inquiry into the neural mechanisms of learning and memory. however. no investigator undertook to ascertain the neural correlates of consciousness or of the contents of consciousness. however. does not approach the issue from the physiological viewpoint: it assumes that the psychological and the underlying physiological (electrochemical) processes are isomorphic. This theory. and attempts to infer from the characteristics of the psychological events. p. more cautious in interpreting the correlation he obtained. He obtained introspective reports of pressure sensations and feelings of pleasantness and unpleasantness. For the understanding of "emotion felt" we must look to the literature on the Thus the is states psychology of emotions. The experimental accumulation of physiological facts." investigations into the physiology and the neural correlates of emotional expression are of importance. Nothing is known about the physiological processes underlying emo- However. Proof has not been offered to show that the usually- described physiological processes are always present when emotion is felt. unless the light wave from it could be registered photographically. In the same way. On the basis of the material surveyed. By that I mean that they are capable of observation in various ways. The However. "emotions" implies the recognition that the a conscious experience. has not explained how "emotional experience" occurs.THE PROBLEM OF EMOTIONS physiological processes. unless that movement could be * See Koehler (39) and Koffka (40). THE PSYCHOLOGY OF EMOTIONS of. felt. taking cognizance of the electrochemical processes in general. sufficient proof has been adduced that neither the James-Lange theory nor the hypothalamic theory explains the origin tional experience. the knowledge concerning this relation is so scant that investigations into the influence of emotions on other psychological processes will have to be based rather on what is known about the psychology of emotions. we should not be satisfied with any object of experience unless it is capable of physical or chem- We would not be satisfied occurrence. indirect though they may be. 3. 6. valuable though it is. of "emotion c. with the reality of movement of an object. The reluctance of concept originally designated psychology to accept this view is clearly demonstrated in Dunlap's (41) psychological aspect The contribution to the "Wittenberg Symposium:" "I have spoken of objects and occurrences as demonstrable. and in particular by those methods. called physical and chemical. . We would not be satisfied with the reality of a smell. Summary a. 20 21 known properties of significance of the physiological processes present in emotional obscured by the fog which conceals all psychosomatic interrelations. nothing can be definitely stated as to the relation to "emotion felt" of physiological processes concomitant with emotions. their relation to the psychic process designated as "emotion felt" is the crucial point of every theory of emotions. We would not be satisfied as to the reality of an apple which could only be seen. not touched. an registered. unless chemical tests showed the presence of a stimulus. The genetic theories received their main impetus from Darwin's (42) theory of emotional expression. A. they are vances the hypothesis that emotional expressions are phylogenetic rudiments. 153) ogists talk are not facts of this kind. EMOTIONS AND MEMORY The 'emotions' of which too many psychologists and most physiol- Hence. which postulated three principles': the principle of "serviceable associated habits". The outdated still doned. irreducible "mental" processes.22 ical registration. The visceral occurrences are demonstrable. related to the instincts. the other two are but explanatory amendments. when I use the term emotion^ I mean these things. and who will be resolute enough to explore the dynamics of psychic processes without falling back on physiology at the outset. This is the final demonstration. their role will be discussed on p. . Dunlap took in the way inherent is here an extreme stand. These hypotheses were developed into the theory that emotions are inborn patterns. the attention. the principle of "antithesis"." nor chologists from takes cognizance of the fact that feelings are conscious experiences differing all other conscious experiences. some assumed that they That these assumptions miss the are attributes of other mental processes. EAELY THEOEIES The first question should be. I have no interest whatever in them." 21 designated its behavioral In defending his views against attacks (44) We avoid for the present taking unconscious factors into consideration. Implied here is a reluctance to acknowledge the existence of psychic facts. Are there any such psychologists? Is there such a theory of emotions? To answer these questions we shall attempt to of thinking of a offer a synopsis of the psychological theories of emotions. James (43) was the first to recognize the still need to explain the "feeling" aspect of emotions. completely abanupheld in certain textbooks. and may accompany other mental and contents or may appear independently." The first ad- veloped." (p. 21 When the contradictions of these theories proved irreconcilable and none could advance functions experimental evidence to rule out the others. of psychologists turned to the genetic theories which had already been desufficient theories were not> however. and the principle of the "direct action of the nervous system. It is our belief that the solution of the problem of emotions will be found only by psychologists who acknowledge the reality of subjective experience. of the material of introspection as an independent reality. some assumed that they are sensations. What are "feelings"? Some early psy- assumed that they are elementary. Hence. point can be seen in that none explains the genesis of the "feelings. 30 ff. but the essence of Ms attitude good many psychologists. although he aspect as "instinctive. This theory revived also the old theory that emotions are attributes of other psychic processes. The recognition of the adaptive features of emotions suggested by James. a feeling in regard to it. (p. 49) . James had to admit that not the single stimulus but the whole situation determines the arousal of emotional behavior. that of the "conflict". 22 See Nahm*s (45) sion of it by Weber and Rapaport paper advocating a teleological theory. Answering Worchester's question of why the bear in the forest arouses fear while the bear in the cage does not necessarily. because and one it is a psycho -physical process which. then. Thus he recognized this arousal to be an adaptive response. the tacit assumption that emotions and instincts are in some tial. has. Nevertheless. and indirectly dispensed with the theory of the instinctual non-adaptive character of emotional reaction. like every other mental process. the three aspects of all mental process conative aspects. some one kind of emotional excitement whose quality is specific or peculiar to it. an. one whicjh is incapable of being described in purely mechanical terms. its drawback was that it offered no theory of instincts or of the mechanism of the instinct-emotion relationship. but we wish to point out that McDougall was able to describe only the socalled "primary emotions as aspects of instincts. and later supported by Cannon's con- tention that the character of the physiological processes present in emotional states is that of preparation for action led to an emphasis on the 22 teleological aspect of emotions. and a striving towards or away from that object. every instance of instinctive behavior involves a knowing of something or object. . but before entering upon a discussion of it. . and the critical discus(13) which advances an anti-teleological point of view. we must consider another important aspect of McDougall's theory. and explained the complex emotions as expressions of conflicting instincts.THE PROBLEM OF EMOTIONS 23 particularly against that of Worchester he abandoned by implication the theory of the instinctive character of emotional behavior. way interrelated has remained influen(46) theory: and finds expression in McDougall's "There is every reason to believe that even the most purely instinctive action is the outcome of a distinctly mental process. and the emotional excitement of specific quality that is the affective aspect of the operation of any one of the principal " instincts may be called a primary emotion. We need not discuss here the other difficulties and contradictions of McDougalPs theory. 27) "Each of the principal instincts conditions. rather than of intellectual or sensory processes. .d the of. that is to say. Its advantage over the older theories was that it conceived of emotions as attributes of instincts." (p. the affective. Here we encounter 7 ' for the first time in our discussion another element in the recent psy- chological theories of emotions. and can only be fully described in terms the cognitive. most far-reaching of all the driving forces human conduct. cannot be regarded as an epiphenomenon correlated with neural in the neural reflexes. cold logic. were M. in the responses of those innate inherited mechanisms characterized by you please can emotion. it releasing those discharges or providing the energy for them. as to the stimulus/' (pp. .. This attempt to identify emotion with psychic energy found no followers.. and advocated by psychological flicts Angier (51). as behaviorists would have us believe. in the interpretation of behavior as response to a stimulus." (Preface) book is similar. but. the driving force of mental life: then plainly it needs no argument to show that "If. Dewey wrote: "Confronted by a situation to which it is wholly pertinent the attitude goes over at once into adaptive activity. THE ENERGY THEORY McDougall originated the view connecting emotions and "conation. as we shall see later.' 24 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY B. We like to think that is we are governed by pure. for instance. Prince's (47) views. THE CONFLICT THEORY McDougall derived what he called "secondary emotions" from conThe first clear-cut conflict-theory of emotions in general of instincts. but its discharge must of itself determine behavior of some kind. Similar. "Nor. he identified emotion with mental energy. 161-162) "It is "not necessary for me to point out how this conception is in line with McDougall's theory of instincts so far as they are 'prime movers of human activity. . and it is logical to infer that.' Unless emotion and feeling are energy his theory would. emotion. it had some influence on the further development of theories The tenor of Lund's (49) popularly-written of emotion." which led to the intimate connecting of emotions and motivation in present day psychology. but must be a factor discharges affecting motor and other responses. whether it be only by exploding or . 168) The influence of this type of theory on the laity is exemplified by CarrolPs (48) popularizations: "The emotions of are the most powerful. as the James-Lange theory holds. it seems to me. as a discharge of energy. if energy. . literature was advanced by Dewey (50). confronted by a situation to which it is not completely pertinent it is held in suspense and stands out qua attitude. it is energy does not play the role of 'passive sensory receptions' of visceral functions . but there is little that we do that not tinged with some emotion or feeling. have little weight. again. if energy. play the passive part of an epiphenomenon. but more extreme and explicit." (p. it provides the drive for the response of the mechanism emotion call them instincts or not. "Likewise. it must do something. C. consequently. 184) Murphy (56) writes: all s "Emotions. specified. The animal or our ancestor so far as it Theories similar to DeVey's were developed by J.) undivided. : "Emotions are not the fixed or inherited conscious correlates of the instincts. conflict among the diverse reactions incipiently or . it was not 'emotion. Such threats to basic patterns of thought and behavior whether for good or are guaranteed attention and demand action because they are to the individual the most important events in the world. or conflict. Thus emotion is seen to belong rather to the field of acindicate Emotions quired than of inherited neuropsychic organization . the total attitude cannot therefore. we believe. but one method of evaluating the suspended or inhibited activity for the organism or society. "(pp. conscious correlates of the modified processes which arise resulting from interruption or inhibition of dominant neural and activity processes. others do not. . surprise or upset occur. excited emotion may ill arise from a partial or relative functional decortication occasioned by conflict. . . tension.) dynamic cortical . There is. but just because the activity was " (II. Kantor (52) and Drever (53) under their influence Bernard (54) wrote . quote examples of such descriptions. .. overtly issuing from.THE PROBLEM OF EMOTIONS . if one will. 26 ff. ." (p. was given up without restraint to the full activity undoubtedly had a feeling of activity. in part..' . 1' (p. can probably Darrow (57) suggests: ". then uninhibited activity. as McDougall has supposed. within the attitude or. generally speaking. . it.) The influence of the conflict-theory is apparent in many recent descriptions of emotions in their strong emphasis on the disruptive character of emotional states. ". marked and by disorganization bodily changes of feeling. R. while some features of the situation evoke appropriate reactions. An emotion IB the total of the experiences of an individual during any period of time when. but. it is seems that emotion can best be characterized as a relationship existing This relationship is not well marked by pleasantness or unpleasantness of usually integrated behavior patterns. is unemotional. in so far as they can be distinguished from motives at . however vigorous. They are. . 65) be differentiated in terms of upheaval ." (p. . . pp. inhibition or delay or modification of action instead of being the correlates of uninterrupted activity. 505 ff. . . as is so frequently assumed. be the occasions of an active or dynamic intra-cortical conflict . If this be so. . In other words. 571 ff. . 25 ". go over without remainder into acts that are useful but is at least partially aborted. . Emotion is not the cause of activity... . . In Boring's (55) We handbook we read: "Thus it between many diverse elements of experience and reaction. . They must. in general. characterized subjectively as an excited. as its biological function. not smoothly patterned. tremor of voice and of skeletomuscular action. when viewed in a longer time span. with indications of excess effort. (p. but also the neural capacities of the organism for forming associations between reaction and situation and for reorganizing behavior. to be unpleasant. the conflict theory and an energy theory somePrince's. and it is this phenomenon which is here designated the acute emotional experience. . Yet. These latter are the resources which we recognize as intelligence the capacity for modifying reaction by experience a capacity which might lie latent and unused if not activated by an emotional experience. I am sure. "I would postulate. and that this difference of potential may be expressed both psychically and physiologically and that this energy so expressed is the same in kind 5 " though differing in organization from that found elsewhere in the universe. This definition follows Spinoza's approach: 'By emotion (affectus) I understand the modification of energy (difference of potential) of the body by which the power in action of the body is aided or restrained. is that formulated by another psy- McEonney (59).26 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY (58) defines emotions thus: Whitehom "The primary focus of attention in this discussion of emotion is 'the acute emotional experience/ by which I mean to designate a biological condition." (p. increased or diminished. "This experience is found. only of the conflict-theory. . but with some uncertainty as to what to do. that the acute emotional experience has. This definition will not satisfy all. may well wonder what is the use of such a thing. CRITICAL SYNOPSIS Most of the theories surveyed here were the result of speculations aimed at fulfilling the systemic needs of certain trends of psychological thinking. and characterized objectively by motor restlessness or activity. that such experiences Have been followed by significant improvement in the adjustment to life. Emotion does have a tremendous physiological power but it is a power for good. A definition which implies what more cautious than chiatrist. tense feeling with considerable tendency to act. not infrequently. as well as for evil. we may note. together with sudden changes in visceral activity. But it does describe a phenomenon which we may all recognize in ourselves and in others. the precipitation of an internal crisis. disruptive of the smooth. the three definitions quoted in Section (1) of this chapter. for these and other reasons. habitual. as shown in the facial and respiratory musculature. 64) " Among Harlow and Stagner's took cognizance D." (p. 256) . and those who experience it in intense degree. 260) new But Whitehorn does not fail of emotions: to emphasize the teleological adaptive features "The medical profession has a tendency to look upon emotion as morbid . integrative modes of behavior apparently most unphysiological. disorienting. It is confusing. in which habit is interrupted and the more raw or primitive facilities for biological adj ustment are summoned up not merely sugar for energy production and hastened circulation for increased oxygen use. distinguished from appetitive drives. That an adequate theory of emotions should be able to account for the physiological phenomena concomitant with emotions. The basic scheme with dynamics was. That emotions are intimately related to instincts. such as the sensory. Here we sum up the general ideas. and pains. inasmuch as they have the character of an inherited pattern. One reason may be that the psychic forces are still obscure entities: such factors as motivating forces and desires are often still The nature conceived ideologically. instead of being analyzed causally. and may be an expression of. and these may be called "modifications. e. as origin. This approach is exemplified by Young's definition of emotions 23 according to which emotional states are of external origin. That the disorganizing character of emotional states is related to. c. physiological changes appear to prepare the organism for a greater energy and "emotion felt' as well as "emotional behavior" are adaptive 5 rather than rigid." Yet in spite of this development. why do we continue to call them emotions and deny that name to fatigue or drowsi28 See pp. restraint of these forces results in effects other than these characteristic changes. a dynamic solution of the problem of emotions has not been reached. b. That emotions are "preparations for an emergency". the mental element. applied to the exof of This scheme may be described as the function emotions.lanation follows: an energy-distribution finds its expression in the form of forces which either are in equilibrium or result in changes characteristic of the attributive theories preceding those of all energy-distribution in question. the "theoretical crystallization of which was attempted in these theories: a. which are of internal Similar is Woodworth's (60) argument. which like Young's dis- regards "emotion felt": "Now that physiology has revealed a peculiar organic state in fear and anger. d.THE PROBLEM OP EMOTIONS 27 or at Incorporating certain impressions into a preconceived theoretical framework. and the summarized here. conflict. 13-14. of the difficulty in developing a theory of emotions related to the dynamics underlying psychic life may become clearer if we consider another approach to the problem. . increasing consistency. even "emotion felt" was considered to be the conscious affective aspect of an instinct. This sequence of hypotheses shows a tendency toward more dynamic theories. the concomitant exertion. one which utterly disregards the underlying dynamics. this tendency becomes especially clear when one considers the early static theories. . aches. That emotions are equivalent to psychic energy or to the forces underlying motivation. "emotion felt. In "The Problem of Anxiety" (64) "I believe I was not wrong in regarding these [affective] states as the equivalents of hysterical attacks developed later and individually. of external origin. The assumption in formulations like Wood worth's that the between organic states and emotions lies in the evocaby external stimuli probably resulted from the fact that while the dynamics underlying hunger appear obvious in the lack of foodThis fact of intake. then they are justifiably called "external". and in considering the former as the normal prototypes of the latter. 23) 27 : 26 . ambiguous. p. 30. E. M SeeK. specific difference tion of emotions psychologists. Landauer(63). If "external" means that the emotions are invariably evoked by an external stimulus. 31. vol. the terms "internal" and "external" are. THE PSYCHOANALYTIC THEOEY OF EMOTIONS sis. originates in intraorganic processes and has no direct relation to the environment." 27 inasmuch as these attacks are 24 See: 61. In : Freud's early writings. for the lack of food is as much an external stimulus as the stimuli which evoke emotion. the concept of affect is similar to that advanced by Prince affects are considered as a form or the form of psychic energy." (p. 64. to which so-called "normals" and psychiatric patients are equally subject. in the main. such as hunger or fatigue. but then so is hunger. p. the environment"? and "directed toward Are sudden unexplained anxieties. p. This unconscious determination of affects was explored by psychoanalyThe Freudian concept of affects is not an unequivocal one. both hunger and emotions are equally internal in origin in that both are conscious manifestations of psychic dynamics. tendency to adopt a con- A A flict theory also appears to be indicated in Freud's early statement that "affects are inherited hysterical attacks. in this context. this unconscious dynamics has been. 24 and in the early psychoanalytical literature in 25 general. lack of conceptual crystallization in early psychoanalytic writings resulted in frequent mention of "affective tone. unless it be that the typical emotion is aroused by external stimuli and is directed toward the environment. and directed outward? Are not the emotions and their central phenomenon. 234) is it But true that "emotions" are of external origin. Yet it would be erroneous to consider this the definitive Freudian concept of affects." 26 as though affect were assumed to be a mere attribute of other psychic contents." (p. disregarded by experimental is probably a paramount reason that the dynamic theory of emotion has remained inconsistent. Conversely. and 62. I." internal rather than external in origin? Actually.28 ness? EMOTIONS AND MEMORY It is hard to find a valid distinction. whereas a state of the organism. the dynamics underlying emotions are unconscious. See 81. and cannot be found by investigating interrelations of the data of physiology and the data of consciousness. Apparently this stage of conceptual development has not yet been reached in psychology. the final expression of which is perceived as feeling. 521) "We development In the later essay on "The Unconscious" (66) we read: "The whole difference arises memory traces from the fact that ideas are cathexes ultimately of whilst affects and emotions correspond with processes of discharge. This is regarded as a motor or secretory function. Physicists do not regard these manifestations or discharge-processes as being kinetic energy any more than they regard a falling stone as being gravitation. Ill) Thus. The answer. The kinetic energy of a gas manifests itself in a pressure which may result in the expansion of an elastic container or in the discharge of part of the gas through a vent. The Freudian theory of emotions states explicitly that the "key to the 28 "Expression** implies here motor as well as physiological changes. or whether they were simultaneous. or which may be only indicated in a reading on a manometer. settled the problem of causation. it was considered. then "emotion felt" is only their "cortical reverberation". It will be worthwhile to consider at this point the differences between the view that affects are energies and the view that affects are discharge processes of energies. whether the feeling or the expression of emotions was prior in time. Let us take a physical example. that the conflict underlying both hysterical attacks This idea was further elaborated in "The (65) : Interpretation of Dreams" here take as our basis a quite definite assumption as to the nature of the of affect. of emotions as 28 both "emotion felt" and physiwith emotions concomitant may be manifestations of a ological changes common variable. In the present state of our knowledge of affects and emotions we cannot express this difference more clearly. ment implied here and emotions is is unconscious. .THE PROBLEM OF EMOTIONS results of conflicts 29 and their expression of an unconscious idea through the shows a The new elebody striking similarity to emotional expression. affects regulated from the unconscious are defined as discharge processes of energies of instinctual origin. Sherrington and many later investigators saw the problem one of sequence: that is. If the physiological processes precede the psychological. then the This theoretical approach has not feeling "elicits" the bodily changes. the key to the innervation of which is to be found in the ideas of the Ucs." (p. This shortcoming also may probably be attributed to sufficiently explored the possibility that the fact that in the final analysis the dynamics of psychic manifestations are unconscious." (p. if "emotion felt" precedes. Here he maintained that thinking is experimenting at action with small amounts of energy. it became clear that the psychic energies called "libido" or "interest" are of instinctual origin: ". and finds proportionate expression.an instinct-presentation. so are conscious processes in general. The psychoanalytic theory to conclusions contrary to Freud's.. of the emotions . and ideas which is cathected with a definite . she maintains that her findings "conis itself a discharge and support the view that it a tension-phenomenon impelling to discharge either in the outer or the inner world" (p. according to its quantity. "We have adopted the term charge of affect for this other element in the mental presentation. The question of what are the discharge processes tradict the idea that affect is of the tension phenomena with which she identifies the affects is not an- if 29 The relation between "emotional behavior" and "emotion felt" becomes clearer we keep in mind a theory stated by Freud in the "Two Principles of Ment&l Func- tioning" (72)." (p. These psychic complexes are mobilized when the perception touches upon an object that is in associative connection sion. or by neither for both are conceived of as manifestations of the same psychic process." (67. it represents that part of the instinct which has become detached from the idea. of emotions of of events in the . conscious.30 EMOTIONS AND MEMOKY is innervatlon ." to be found in the ideas of the un- are psychic energies or discharge processes of such energies has not been stated with like unequivocalness. since between the perception and the bodily expression unconscious psychic complexes become active. with the complex. interest) (67. the unconscious process elicited by the percept may be followed in any sequence by the bodily process or by the "emotion felt. in processes which become observable to perception as affects. 259).. In the course of the development of Freudian theory. Whether emotions " pertaining to an instinct.." . 91) It also became clear that affects are one representation and that the (unconscious) ideas are another: of these energies. by that we understood an idea or group of amount of the mental energy (libido. 393) need not assume that the sequence an emotion is: perception unconscious development "emotion In a psychoanalytic theory of felt. 29 The lack of agreement as to whether emotions are discharge-processes or This author came energies is exemplified in Brierly's (69) recent paper." process bodily process emotions.. p." or by only one of these. . 91) The role of the unconscious in the emotional process was emphasized by the psychoanalyst Kulovesi (68) in his discussion of the James-Lange theory: "James states that between perception and emotion there lies the bodily expreswe must object to this. p. and so is "emotion felt. THE PROBLEM OF EMOTIONS swered. we read a definition of "affects" harmony with Freud's point of view as represented on these and which characterizes affects as an "index to the fate of the im- pulse": "Affect. libido-cathexed 31 object. 31 The term "cathexis" in psychoanalytic theory refers to an amount of psychic energy attached to the ideas of a person. and unpleasantness as the experience of increasing tension. . the boundaries on these the of drive-cathexis of kind ego according to the . . has remained a mere implication. pleasantness-unpleasantness. affects result. . affect of shame comes about when an anxiety-charged ego boundary interacts with a sexually. however. in the object-interests the ego enters into relationship with a that stimulates itself. Thus.g. e. like object-interests. the index to the fate of the impulse and to the nature of ^he beginning psychic object-formation. 13-15) Thus." (74. In the recent development of the psychoanalytic theory of emotions the conflict theory. Concerning the origin of these. in other words conflict. 262) This view of Brierly coincides with Freud's view of the nature of pleasantness and unpleasantness. 74) theory of affects did it become explicit. ego 80 here in further detail. when two different drive-cathexes confront each other.. 30 is described by -of them as the conscious manifestation discharge into consciousness decreasing or increasing tension. in the same 31 which pages. in fact. can be aroused by internal conditions or by external happenings. Jelgersma (71) as the experience of decreasing tension. This concept one.. in the affects with a libido cathexed process within the ego 32 Affects come about between two interacting ego boundaries and differ . It is influenced both by internal need and by the nature of the response from the outer world with which this need is met. pp. Pleasantness is described by Freud (70) and by G. issue from the relation of the ego to something it. It is important to stress this because general psychological theory as well as with psychoanalytic theory disregards "pleasant emotions" and deals usually only the unpleasant. The affect manifested is. only in Federn 's (73. Both Freud and Jelgersma resisted the temptation to enter into physiological speculations as to the nature of this tension a temptation to which the general psychologist has often succumbed. Sorrow comes about when an object-libido cathexed ego boundary interacts with one cathexed by destructive drives. cathexed ego boundary. is in article. as Inferred from its expression and behavior. according to Federn. Federn states: "Affects. 32 "Ego boundaries" is a term coined by Federn (73) to designate a division of the rest psychic contents into those representing the "ego" and those representing it discuss cannot we but usual not the is the of of the world. especially exhibitionistically." (p. 32 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY according to the psychoanalytic theory. but not with the expectation of discovering what 'emotions' he or she is really experiencing rather with the hope of understanding in some measure the conventionalized scheme of symbols by which the patient tries to represent himself to himself and to others. Sometimes such conventionalized patterns of behavior and the corresponding verbalizations are used with the deliberate intention of deceiving others. may contribute to the understanding of this mechaAccording to him. of emotions. the emotions are unconscious. and finally. for conventionalization of emotions tends not to allow discharge of them but rather to dam them up. but this is not the phenomenon of which I now of their emotions. Concerning this Whitehorn. that affects were viewed as expressions of instinctual conflict. analytic observations. but were later viewed as discharge processes of psychic energies. emotional manifestations apparently become controlled and patterned under the pressure of conventions. 33 38 He derived this conclusion from He writes : affects really reactions? In children we still see them as such. 'the emotions' as we know of them empirically in the clinic and in ordinary life. based on psychonism. One may ask why the conflict-origin and the discharge-character of afnot accepted more widely. perhaps even be able to label 'the emotions' which he was experiencing. fects are We have seen thus far that. are the expression of sentiments in whose development there has been a large measure of cultural or conventional training. the unconscious character of the conflict reason may lie in the social-patterning. the motor patterns of behavior are also conventionalized. That is to say. has been already discussed. affects which are originally time-restricted and attack-like become continuous." (p. escapes from the essential emotionality of the experience. and in effect. Brierley's (69) view that emotions are "tension phenomena" rather than "discharge phenomena" becomes more understandable here. Not only are the words conventional symbols. for they would seem to agree with the general dynamic conceptions of our science and with the majority of observations. Landauer's conclusion (75). because their release is effected by the con- stant stimulation of the super-ego. that affects were psychic processes underlying at one time considered as psychic energies by this theory. But in later life anxiety is apparently continuous in the anxious-minded. another or conventionalization. One reason that they are not so accepted namely. 263) According to Whitehorn's observations. the pessimist is "Are the . I refer to the degree of conventionality in the patterning of behavior by which one reacts overtly in an emotional experience.(58) wrote: "For a good many years I have been interested in listening to patients' accounts At one time I naively supposed that I might learn thereby just how the patient was feeling. speak. My own observations would lead me to believe that in ordinary living these modes of behavior commonly called *the emotions' are the modes of reaction by which one resolves. I still listen with great interest to patient's statements along these lines. some affect as well. If the instinctive reaction stinctive behaviour no emotion if the subject be self-conscious.THE PROBLEM OF EMOTIONS studies 33 on anxiety. His second important thesis is that an affective attack is an inherited hysterical attack . The latter represents the activity which is not expressed overtly in any way. creates a hierarchy of affects ranging from the free and untamed to the intellectualized and "patterned. (64) and (76). was overlooked in the pertinent literature. In the first place ne states that moods and the feelings are constantly repeated reactions to the stimuli constantly applied by restricted in time. . may well serve as a basis for a new terminology. he designated the latter as affect. isolated reaction How does an permanently melancholy and the cheerful man consistently buoyant. F. emotional expression and. He emphasized the inevitably conscious character of the affects and their availability solely to introspection. . will appear. 86) and overt behaviour but activates unconscious mental processes MacCurdy recognized the close relationship of instincts and emotions." It appears that all psychic activity is accompanied by an emotional discharge of a varying degree of conventionalization." (p. . and the presence of both physiological changes and feeling-tone in emotions. if it be productive of emotion. by emotional expression. Therefore. 389) "In his more recent writings he [Freud] has only added two further basic notions to this general theory of the affects. then. become a continuous state? Freud has solved this problem in the He release." (p." (p. 87-88) This advanced conflict theory of emotions. The third stage is. who wrote: The main "A given stimulus. 407) " See also Freud. theory of the affects by demonstrating the function of the super-ego in their illustrated his remarks chiefly from the example of anxiety. which uses "affect" for conscious experience and "emotion" for the "objective" manifestations. terminology. one in which affect alone appears. becomes more super-ego. Hence the affective process. built on a rich collection of psyIts chiatric observations. MACCURDY'S THEORY tenets of the early psychoanalytic theory of emotions were independently extended by the psychiatrist MacCurdy (77). the urgency of the affect will be reduced not merely by instinctive behaviour but also be held up. His theory embracing these tenets is summarized in the following statement: "If the organism responds to a stimulus immediately and adequately with inwhatever is engendered. if the inner tendency to activity be regarded as a constant. which is as poignant as the emotion is purely subjective/* (pp. originally or less continuous. S. 34 and maintained that this conventional "patterning" or "secondary release by the super-ego" of the affect. does not merely arouse con- scious perceptions as well. James's theory has been modified in three respects. a. or they of the same manifestations "emotions. THE ROLE OF EMOTIONS The background functioning 86 may to our investigation of the role of emotions in memorybe sketched by surveying three recent investigation^ into (79). According to Dembo. and the changes in the "field-conditions" brought about by the occurrence of emotions. H. the experimentally created emotion of "anger" resulted in a disorganization of the life-space. instinct. A. (c) The emotions are assumed to be expressions of instinctual conflict. On the basis of the psychoanalytic theory. THE WORK OF DEMBO (78). In the experimental situation the subject was confronted with an insolvable problem. Her purpose was to investigate the "field-conditions" under which emotions occur. or conflict theories established the dynamics underlying emotions. and Lewin . or in a phe- of activity. which takes into consideration the unconscious dynamics underlying emotions. or of their relation to instincts. followed the path of experimentation. thus other. and that its understanding can be achieved only by developing an autonomous theory of psychic dynamics is by investigating its physiology. new terminology may be based on MacCurdy's suggestion that the subjective experience of emotions be called "affect" and the objective instinctual source of energy. (b) The peripheral physiological process and the "emotion felt" are assumed to be discharge-processes either may succeed the or be either may simultaneous.04 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY G. SUMMARY The material surveyed here suggests that the phenomenon "emotion" primarily a conscious experience. or of the relation of emotion felt to emo- Dembo tional expression. nomenal regression to a lower level These experiments appear and may be interpreted as indicating that conflict which arouses emotions results in a disorganization of the life space and of the behavior. (a) It is assumed that an unconscious process occurs between the perception of the stimulus evoking emotion and the peripheral physiological process. may be absent. b. Barker. or in random activities. culminating in the subject's escape from the situation. 35 to corroborate the conflict-theory of emotions. has been found that neither the mechanistic theories nor the energy. She was not interested in establishing the nature of the genesis of emotions. a pupil of Lewin. d. the resulting frustration and conflict issued in emotions observed and introspectively reported. See also Dembo. because they failed to assume that these dynamics are unconscious." 4. rather than It c. It is essential to distinguish the level of affective experience involved when discussing the reactive phenomena char. He presented the classical theories of emotions." (p. and memory phenomena characteristic of each of these levels. emotional behavior ensues. varying according to the functional demands of the situation. ". and commented: "So little is known definitely that little needs to be said about the physiological relationships between learning and emotion. "The important po acteristic of the state or upon the higher mental processes. varying from vague feelings of pleasantness or unpleasantness up to profound experiences which greatly disturb both mental and physical functions. This view is shared by Zachry. The three investigations were those of Dunbar (80) on "Emotions and Bodily Changes. and to a large extent ." Of these. At various critical points in this continuum adaptive modifications of he body economy occur. or when considering the influence of the upon behavior. The implication is that the relationship between emotion and learning may be very direct. who states it explicitly: ence." (p. . Emotion thus broadly conceived is fused with think- ing for the most part harmoniously in the healthy. literature of emotions. is that a continuum of affective experience exists. Yet Prescott fails to clarify what he means by emotions. perhaps. The importance of this conclusion for our survey lies in the fact that at every step we shall encounter in our material the different "levels" of the "continuum of affective experiences" of which Prescott speaks. 30) affect upon learning. . we still know extremely little about the actual role of affective factors in various types of learning. because both may be phenomena involving the altering of gradients or of 'ratios of intensity/ as Lashley puts it. only Prescott attempted to bring his conception of emotions into relation to the general psychological theory Prescott came to the same conclusion as our survey of the of emotions. when such Chapter III of this report sets up the hypothesis that gradients pass certain critical slopes." of Prescott (81) on "Emotions and the Educative Process. 161) rial Also important is the conclusion Prescott drew from the survey of mateon the psychology of emotions: nt. and allows the concept to shade imperceptibly into that of "personality needs" and "motivation"." and of Zachry (82) on "Emotion and Conduct in Adolescence. 5) "Nevertheless it has been taken for granted in the past. when all the research studies have been digested. is emotion as understood in the writing of this book is intrinsic to every experia factor in all conduct. Lashley indicates something strikingly similar to the production of critical physiological gradients in brain areas as the basis for modifications in behavior.THE PROBLEM OF EMOTIONS 35 the role of emotions in other processes. competent individual." (p. However. that in the present state of knowledge the problem of emotional influence cannot be solved by investigating the concomitant physiological processes. and his survey becomes a survey of the influence of these factors in education. 36 still is EMOTIONS AND MEMORY assumed. and equally so is Dunbar's. and so on. . and that the interrelation between emotion felt and concomitant physiological changes has by no means been clarified. CONCLUSIONS in addition to a. a sensory experience. 6. problems of education of a non-intellective nature. It has been assumed that by such means almost alone it was carrying out its duty. It has been suggested that instead of lumping many diverse phenomena under the heading "emotions. the conscious aspect of instincts. The physiological changes occurring in emotional states have been extensively dealt with in the literature. and attention to emotional adjustments has been held to be secondary in importance. but the dynamic theory whose gradual development has been outlined in this chapter will underlie the survey." (p. Although she does not state explicitly any theory of emotion." emotional phenomena and their underlying dynamics should be carefully kept apart and momentary manifestations of emotions differentiated from chronic. or the result of an instinctual conflict. disturbances of behavior. We have surveyed the theories maintaining that "emotion felt" is variously an attribute of other psychic processes. It has been thought that. provided that the conflict which gives rise to emotions is assumed to be instinctual and unconscious. 5. a careful reading of the work makes it clear that she classifies all the psychogenic. properly trained. M Italics mine. reference to the motives or purposes of the student. R. or functional. psychic energy. but some of the problems of emotions also. that the mind both could and should be trained as a thing in itself. but the problem of "emotion felt" has been somewhat neglected. .D. 4) with little . . The concept emotion is currently used to designate "emotion proper" bodily changes of psychogenic origin. part of the school's task (plus some attention to training of the body) has received its chief attention. We believe that such a systematization may clarify not only the relation of emotion to memory. It was suggested that a synthesis of these views is possible. The relevance of the hypothalamic theory to this problem has been pre- maturely assumed and over-estimated. bodily disturbances as of emotional origin. It has been suggested that in the present state of knowledge the problems of emotion cannot be solved by a physiological approach only. In our survey we shall not adhere to any specific theory of emotions. the mind not only would serve to equip the individual for This intellectual activity but would steer him through life as a useful citizen. c. We shall investigate all memory phe- nomena which it has been or may be claimed are of emotional origin. to foster social development. These concepts of emotion are extremely broad. W. T. 8:69-82. A. 1933. H. Psychol. 1890. LUND. . Feelings and emotions. Rev. Is the hypothalamus a center of emotion? Psychosom. New York. 529 pp. Psychol. Worcester. AND BEEBE-CENTER. C. Bull. Psychol. New York.. C. Sci. J. Teleology and the emotions. Psychol. 1927. HARLOW. 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I. S. Wilkins.. The theory The of emotion. (47) PRINCE. New York. 161-169. Instinct. 42: 566-578. Boston. 59-75. 1933. J. Clark Univ. (54) a contribution Cambridge Univ. Sci. The emotions^ their nature and influence upon human conduct. Emotions of men. M.. 72: 46-64. New York. Phil. Rev. 34: 433-463. Quart. G. Pp. Williams & (43) JAMES. In: Feelings and emotions. Huber. Psychoanal. DARWIN. Vol.. Pp. M. D. (82) C. The unconscious. P. In: Collected Papers.Psychoanan:l~8. 179-548... Die Ichbesetzung bei den Fehlleistungen. New York. Zur Unterscheidung des gesunden und krankhaften Imago. 1935). 19: 388-415. 84-97. Psychoanalytische Bemerkungen fekttheorie. Frustration Univ. 17: 392-398. In: Collected Papers. Internal Psychoanal 18: 256- (70) FREUD. New York. Modern Libr. Appleton. D. 0. Psychol Forsch.. 1925. 1925. S. M.. Internal J. Affects in theory (69) BRIEBLEY.. IV. PRESCOTT. 19: 312-338. A.. PsychQanal. ZACHRY. (77) MAcCuRDY. IV. 563 pp. Internet. 1938. BARKER. EMOTIONS AND MEMORY The interpretation of dreams. 1931. adolescence. The psychology of emotion. 1001 pp. Psychoanal. 508 pp. Hogarth. Vol. ' T. A. (74) Narzismus. Hogarth. Washington. Pp. 257 pp. FEDERN. FEDERN. 508 pp. S. New J. 1938 (1st ed. 98-136. Eepression. (73) In: Collected Papers. Vol. P. introductory lectures on psychoanalysis. K. 1922. In: The basic writings Ed. FREUD. T.40 S. R. IV. of Sigmund Freud. (76) Imago 22: 275-291. 433-453 1933. Iowa P. rr ^ J. zu einer Theorie des Gefuehls. Emotion and 322 pp.. (79) LEWIN. M. (71) London. New York. H. 1936. Emotions and bodily changes.. Emotion and conduct 1940. passions. (68) London.. Internal J. Hubback. New York. (67) 1925. M. 1937. 1933. 1925.. T. Pp. the educative process. . Trans. Y. Imago. Imago. (81) Univ. DEMBO. London. 2nd ed. G. Council on Education. 194L 601 pp. 1938. in mental functioning. Norton. K. A. 1938. London. Psychoanalitischer Beitrag Jenseits des Lustprinzips. 1920. (80) n 01 and Regression 314 pp. Pp. B. 1936. S. 90 pp. 13-21. 22: 5-39. P. als Morbid and normal. (75) LANDAUER. 1931. and temperament. Der Aerger dynamisches Problem. Brill. . Formulations regarding the two principles S. Hogarth. . in C. S. F. Columbia DUNBAR. t t Pp. (66) FREUD. JELGERSMA. P. (72) FREUD. 268. and practice. (78) Harcourt. AND DEMBO. zur James-Langeschen AfKULOVESI. (65) PBBTO. Vol. 15: 1-144. FREUD. New York.lWl. AND LIGHTY. Amer. 589 pp. Beyond the pleasure principle. Affects. 508 pp. have no prior associations. of meaningful texts. Later we shall discuss some of the conclusions reached through the use of this method. 4) of was to in the human investigate the arrangement of these associative bonds It was assumed storehouse. Investigaconcerning memory employed two main methods: the learning method. there exists an associative bond between A and B by virtue of which the emergence of A "causes" the emergence of B. 2. The learning experiments undertook to measure the abstract faculty called memory and were designed to investigate the characteristics of this faculty. In the learning experiments it was assumed that the function of repetition was to create and reinforce the associative bonds. It was presupposed that if the emergence of an idea A is followed by the emergence of an idea B. which were thought to constitute the immediate bases memory. kind of a as conceived was which memory that the arrangement of the bonds might be investigated by asking the that came to mind. The aim of the first association experiments (Galton. psytions chology used but few and simple experimental techniques. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS AND THEOKISS them according to the Our survey of the experiments will organize experimental methods used. individual experiments will be viewed against a background of the theoretical influences from which they stem. such as the number of repetitions necessary to imprint entirely new material and the rapidity of Nonsense syllables were employed in the belief that these forgetting. subject to respond to a spoken word with the next word The interest was centered in the logical and grammatical relations of the stimulus arid reaction words: for example. and of organized The most notable of these experiments were those of Ebbinghaus (1). The other method investigated the associations. Toward the end of the last century. and Wundt. 3. the kind of reaction given to 41 .CHAPTER III THE EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY 1. thus the imprinting of any of these was assumed to be of identical difficulty. words. and the association method. Investigations were conducted to determine imprinting how the imprinting of nonsense syllables compared with the of series of single rhythmic texts or verses. It is thus necessary to review the main experimental methods used and the outstanding theoretical influences which have fostered these experiments. when it was a young science. and brought to the field of memory investigation the problem of determining whether pleasant or unpleasant experiences are better remembered. Three factors influenced these experiments. Spencer defined pleasure as "a feeling (6) and we seek to bring into consciousness" and pain as "a feeling we seek to get out of consciousness." "pleasure principle" was interpreted as teaching the facilitated recall of third influence was that of the "pleasure-pain A elaborated by This theory was originated by Spencer Bain (7). The superficial similarity of these theories has been in great part responsible for the inconclusiveness of the experimentation as a whole and *See Cason (10). Although his formulations were rather cautious." according to which an experience followed by a satisfying state is "stamped in" and one followed by an annoying state is "stamped out. The experimentation relevant to our topic utilized mainly these three methods. This theory has greatly influenced educational psychology and inspired Thorndike's (8. though it now seems to us awkward. the Freudian forgetting and and "pleasant experiences." These theories were frequently equated with Freud's theory of forgetting. they nevertheless admitted of misunderstandings. Reaction time measurements were made to determine the ease of reaction to different categories of words. In addition to these two experimental methods psychology used the questionnaire method. was at the time an accepted one. though often with modifications and innovations. Thus many investigators equated the Freudian unconscious motive for forgetting with conscious "unpleasantness" at The Freudian theory was regarded by many as conceiving that large. and there were attempts to establish standard and unusual reaction words. related to ideas significant and personally painful to the subject. whether the relation is a subordination. the question of the essential optimism or pessimism of human beings was again at a zenith. and contributed to the wide misunderstanding of it. which at present is used frequently in the younger The notion sciences of experimental sociology and social psychology. A second influential In the "Psychofactor was the publication of the initial works of Freud." 1 theory of learning. nouns. every "unpleasant" idea or experience is subject to repression. EMOTIONS AND MEMORY and adjectives. the fin de siecle mood and the Schopenhauerian pessimistic philosophy exerted a great on humanistic science. . of Life" Freud certain (5) pathology Everyday analyzed phenomena of influence of substitution of other material for the forgotten memories he showed that forgotten material which he analyzed was actions. or supra-ordination. and so on. First. that psychological problems can be settled by asking many people for their opinion." and taught as a consequence that pleasant experiences are recalled frequently and unpleasant ones are forgotten.42 verbs. 9) "law of effect. and not into the remembering itself. and Washburn. 12) and Kowalewski (13) asked their subjects in questionnaires first ences of their whether they remember better the pleasant (P) or unpleasant (U) experilives. used an improved questionnaire. were inconclusive. specific. Washburn's studies. the first of these studies (Baxter. To express the difference between the group favoring P-ness and the group favoring U-ness. and unconscious. Three decades later. Colgrove used different age and race groups. attacked the question of personal differences. absence. it is assumed. to be discussed later. praise or scolding. The Colinvestigations of our problem were two questionnaire studies. be generally agreed upon. varying to a considerable degree with race and age. In spite of the inadequacy of the method. the second considers the effect of a mechanism which In operation is personal. the three theories are basically different the first is concerned : with pessimism and optimism. and thus with the effect on memory of a general "personality trait". 2. these studies had the merit of having raised questions of individual. the third deals with the effect of a "feeling tone. Actually. his results. moreover. he found' that the group which remembered P experiences better than U ones was the larger. play or injury?" He found that the memory type (pessimismoptimism) was dependent on the clarity and not on the quantity of remembering. QUESTIONNAIRE STUDIES In surveying the literature we shall follow a chronological order. that memory pessimism increased with age. 17) especially shows Kowalewski's influence. He asked not only whether P or U experiences were remembered better. but whether better meant "more" or "clearer" memories.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 43 the multiplicity of hasty unwarranted conclusions in many experiments. which have had a role in the further experimentation on our problem. "Which do you remember better. age. Kowalewski. . grove (11. Susukita (14. Yamada. that under poor social-cultural conditions memory optimism prevailed. and cultural differences." the presence. but that under better nant. who worked with children (10-13 years of age). social-cultural conditions memory pessimism was predomi- These questionnaire studies inquired into peoples' opinions about remembering P and U experiences. he asked a series of such concrete questions as. quality and intensity of which in any group of subjects can. he coined the concepts memory optimism and memory pessimism. 15) used the method again with an elaborated questionnaire and with children as subjects. Kiilpe's remark (16) that even he was unable to answer Kowalewski's questionnaire is in itself a most revealing criticism. feeling-tone experiments. In this section we shall discuss four types of association general association third. Kraepelin (18). experiments: association first. then in wide use. and unpleasant feeling-tone. . 97). because on the one hand the feeling changes with the given conditions. Menzerath (23) established those associations which had pleasant or These tended to show longer reaction times than indifferent associations. and on the other hand the individualities are too different to agree on feeling tones. Wreschner emphasizes that in his experiment the feelings were reported by the subjects. and that "the reaction is usually deeply influenced. On the basis of the introspective reports of the subjects." and we find casual references to this made by Wundt and other experimenters. Similar findings were reported by Mayer and Orth (24).44 3. Cordes (20) analyzed the psychic processes in the interval between the stimulus and reaction words. and others became interested in the relation of these reactions to the peculiarities of memory and association phenomena. and only rarely is the emotional motif an epi-phenomenon" (p. Aschaffenburg (19). and U-toned associations tended to show longer reaction times than P-toned ones. GENERAL ASSOCIATION EXPERIMENTS In the general association experiments the introspective reports of the subjects drew attention to the role of "feelings. their truth was realized only after many inadequate experiments. Another contributing factor was Kraepelin's attempt to apply to psychopathology the methods of the young science of psychology. and found that feelings may accompany either word or may be a link between the two. experience association experiments. and the problem of the association experiments have been It was early recognized that feeling and emotion play This realization a significant role in association-mechanisms. In dealing with psyactive or chiatric patients who displayed abnormally torpid feeling reactions. EMOTIONS AND MEMORY ASSOCIATION EXPERIMENTS The origin described above. 63). Wreschner (22) and reaction time. A. Unfortunately. Menzerath stresses the point that "to say a priori that a certain sensation or presentation is pleasant is impossible. association diagnostic experiments. the same person may be stimulated at different times in different ways" (p. and in either case may lengthen the Ziehen (21) found that individual reactions of "relatively strong emotional accentuation" also lengthen the reaction time. these valuable warnings remained unread or unheeded. fourth. second. and in part to immediate evidence revealed through the method of introspection. may be ascribed in part to the fact that the pertinent theories of the philosopherpsychologists were not forgotten. experiments. s With the exception of a few categories. Same * ending. MeanFaults. JJ." "(2) (p. Verbal -motor forms. of syllables. 4. Clang. he "(1) Concerning one of these. tates: association directly following the one arousing the complex has a prolonged reaction-time in consequence of the maintenance of the emotional tone.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY B. Causal dependence. Jung and Riklin (25) were the first to investigate systematically the diagnostic possibilities of association experiments. 2. Massermann and Balken (29). 3. and the reaction time was measured. their findings concerning reaction time. 45 DIAGNOSTIC ASSOCIATION EXPERIMENTS Although Kraepeiln and Ms pupils made efforts to investigate the associations of psychiatric patients. (D) Verbal Linking: 3. and so on called "complex-indicators" aroused" great interest. Inner association: 1. Identity. the differences they found were without further consequences. reproduction experiment followed. 4 On the other hand. 2. Residual group: 1. tion. are 2 helpful in revealing The concept "formal relations" is in contradistinction to the content-relation of associations as investigated by psychoanalysis. Repetition of stimulus-word. reproduction-difficulties. 2. These findings have an immediate bearing on our problem for the growing interest in complexindicators was accompanied by a shift in diagnostic aim from the diagnosis of psychiatric categories to the diagnosis of individual emotional problems or "complexes. Predicate relationship. 27)." Jung's association experiment used a standard list of a hundred stimulus words. reaction. Jung found several complex-indicators. Rhyme. They compared associations of normals with those of patients of varied diagnostic groups. Alliteration. Indirect reactions. Same gramConsonance. their interest was centered on differences between the formal relations2 that is. 246) / The The association has too long a reaction-time when the complex is aroused. matical form. 5. the subject was instructed to react to the stimulus word with the idea that came to mind. Clang -reaction: I. (B) Perseveration. 4. 3 Jung suggested the following categories: I. ence. Vigotsky (28). Jung concluded. The reproduction experiments. See Schilder (26. Word-compleIF. 2. (A) Egocentric (C) Repetition. the reaction time. The other complex-indicators will be discussed later. the grammatical and logical relations of stimulus and reaction word. 2. Coordination. Same number 1. Outer association: 1. the relation of logical and grammatical functions to emotions is a most obscure problem. 3. III. On the one hand. . 3. ingless reactions. in which the same list of stimulus first A wr ords was presented and the subject was instructed to react with the reaction words he had previously given. Coexist3. Hence the associations which belong to the complex lack the 'flexibility of the remaining and more indifferent psychic material. these general suggestions comprise all of of the rationale of the association experiment. hence the associations also. their presence and probable nature can be recognized from the disturbances themselves. interpreted in relation to the "complex" as follows: Jung "Repression arises from the critical presentations being so charged with pain (unpleasure) as to be insupportable to the conscious self. Sometimes a disturbance in reproduction starting at the critical or post-critical reaction perse verates.46 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY the "complexes" of the subject. at all events. this quotation appears to that the resistance 6 is need explanation. which may find expression in two directions: by increased emphasis and stability in consciousness. . as a * An expression in may be misleading. the type which occurs in actual life situations. the emotionally charged presentation complexes give rise to characteristic disturbances in the experiment. resistance to reproduction in the unconscious. especially when given after a prolonged reaction time. follows: is shown by Jung's defined as a set of ideas grouped Their influence on memory is explained as on our problem is ". 297) "The chief characteristic of the complex is. and especially on the concept of repression. . Namely. as the translation "Resistance to reproduction in the unconscious" conveys unconscious. 397) 5 "The complexes exhibited in the association experiment have usually a tone of unpleasure. so that the exceptional condition in which the complex stands during the test may be well qualified as 'repression. The whole material of memory . Erroneous reproductions. psychoanalysis. A complex around a strong emotion. . 397) 1 surprising. These results were the more significant in that the reproduction experiment investigated incidental remembering." (p. and by repression that is. The Jung's explanation Though it may seem validity of the complex-indicators of the association experiment is derived from psychoanalytic practice: "I discovered the complex-indicators empirically in the analysis: 6 I saw that in the associations which were distinguished by certain indications a complex was." (p. 299) is . and general failure of reproduction indicate the presence of a stimulus word connected with a "complex. They constellate the whole of our thinking and doing. states that the rationale of his experiments is based upon the psychoanalytic theory. grouped around them. its relative autonomy. stimulus word (critical stimulus) but at the word following it (postcritical stimulus). ." (p.' " (p." Such failures sometimes occur not at the complex-connected . The bearing of these experiments definition of complexes. The background of our consciousness (or the unconscious) consists of complexes of this kind. Failure to Respond. Qualitative: 1. and nevertheless correct diagnoses were considered to have justified the use of these indicators. 2. 9. Addition of the Article. 10." (p.e. G. the diagnosis was only apparently based on these. 4. 6. and fifteen physiological complex-indicators suggested by different experimenters. Sentences. Hull and Lugoff (33) at. one of the field may serve instead. Affect. 15. Kohs' survey gives an exhaustive bibliography. 13. 18. Quotations. 7. Stimulus. J." (pp. . 16." Jung's work stimulated countless experiments and a ceaseless search for new complex indicators. Response. Jung felt this. He argued that the association experiment was not standardized but was considered by many to be an art. 7 8 I. and thus every new me%ns to "circumscrikg^the complex and its feeling-tone is useful. at to a correct result failures in reproduction and at delayed reactions. 8 As late as 1921. words and subject to the experimenter's intuition. 17. Errors in Response. 396-397) This manner of establishing indicators was sharply criticized by experimental psychologists. a. the indicators must be in close relation to one another. quantitative. 12. False Recall. General Concepts Hiding the Meaning. 396) 47 had sometimes led to a 'disturbing* The validity of the complex-indicators of the reproduction experiment is established by comparing them with the complex-indicators of the associa- tion experiment: "If these indicators are really characteristic. 11. Unusual Response. 8. They will recur preferably at certain associations for instance. Space does not allow for a detailed discussion of these experiments. Whispered Response. 14. b. c. Inhibition. Naming of an Object in the Examiner's Room. Peculiar Form of the Response. Failure to Understand. 3. 53-54) The justification for this criticism eliciting complex-indicators is limited by the fact that the stimulus- were found to be connected with emotions or complexes discovered in the psychoanalysis of the subject. Titles. These complex indicators were again and again quoted in numerous publications for the purpose of explanation without the minimal fundamental clarification of their psychological significance. False Reproduction. and maintained that only the presence of several complex-indicators was sufficient warrant to assume the existence and to describe the quality of a complex. but a reference to Kohs' (32) excellent survey 7 He enumerated thirty qualitative." (pp. 5. constellating with particular strength and interference. if the analytic method has led which will stand proof. i. Schnitzler's (30) statement is representative of the attitude of these critics * : 'Indicators of a very dubious value were used. He even applied the psychogalvanic reflex to supplement the diagnostic procedure (31).EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY rule. but the predictability of complexes from complex-indicators was doubtful. Symbolism. Perse veration. Content. 48 EMOTIONS AND MBMOEY tempted to bring some order into the multiplicity of assumed complexindicators. Using Jung's word-list, they investigated 10,000 associations of 100 subjects (Jung and Riklin reported 12,400 associations of 34 normal subjects). They proceeded on the assumption that ". other things being equal, two variables related positively to the same varithus the strength of association found able are positively related to each other ultimately to exist between a given sign and all other signs taken together may be presumed to yield a useful indication to the closeness of association of the alleged . . . . . sign with emotional complexes and hence of its diagnostic reliability." (pp. 123-124) They 9 investigated nine complex indicators, and concluded: "(1) Repetition -of the stimulus word is decidedly the most reliable diagnostic 10 (2) The first four are in all probability real sign of the five indicators examined. complex signs. (3) Repeated use of the same reaction word is a complex sign of very doubtful diagnostic value, at least in the sense that the other signs are diagnostic." (p. 127) "The computation shows that two given indicators are 64.8 per cent more likely to attract a given third indicator than either one of them is likely to attract it separately. This suggests that while two indicators are distinctly more significant than one, the second indicator adds by no means as much diagnostic potency as the first, to say nothing of more." (p. 136) Summary a. The diagnostic association experiments inhibit the associative reaction to stimulus 19. showed that "complexes" words related to a complex, and Assimilations. 20. Vacuum. 21. Unmeaning Responses. 22. Nonsense. 23. Incomplete Responses. 24. Supplementations of Stimulus Words. 25. Asymmetri27, 'Versprechen,' 'Verhoeren,' ('Ver26. Post-critical Responses. cal Responses. lesen'). 28. 'Komplexvertreter' (Complex-surrogate). 29. Translations. 30. Interjections or Single Letters, (pp. 573-579) Quantitative: Time. (p. 579) 2. Electro-motor Heart Flow. 1. Psychogalvanic Reflexes. 6. Involuntary Movements, or 4. Respiration. 5. Blood Pressure. 3. Pulse. Tremors of the Hand or Limbs. 7. Ataxiagraph (Involuntary Bodily Sway). 8. Knee-Jerk. 9. Lifting Ability of the Finger (Ergograph). 10. Tapping Test. 11. Strength of Grip. 12. Facial Expression (Reddening, etc.). 13. Tone of Voice in II. III. Physiological: Response. 14. Ability to Concentrate. 15. General Conduct and Behavior (Cough- ing, Clearing of the Throat, etc.). (p. 580) 9 (2) Inability to make "(1) Long reaction time (over thirteen fifths of a second). any response whatever. (3) Extremely short reaction time. (4) Repetition of the stimulus word itself. (5) Assimilation (apparent misunderstanding) of the stimulus (6) Defective reproduction of original reaction at second presentation of the stimulus word. (7) Response with the same reaction word at two or more different stimulus words. (8) Strange or apparently senseless reactions. (9) Perseveration." word. (p. 114) 10 Repetition, assimilation, reaction time, defective reproduction/ repeated use of reaction word. EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY the reproduction of reaction-words to such stimulus-words. 49 The symp- toms were called "complex-indicators." 6. The influence of complexes on the memory-function seems to be for but the of established, validity complex-indicators only inditial proof has been offered and their diagnostic value found to be uncertain. c. The definition of "complex" implies the operation of a manifold "emotional factor/' not adequately describable as simple "emotion" or of this inhibition "feeling-tone." c. "FEELING-TONE" AND ASSOCIATION EXPERIMENTS The diagnostic association experiment investigated the influence of complexes, and not of "feeling-tone" as such. The account of an experiment investigating the influence of feeling-tone on associations was published by Birnbaum (34). found no differences of reaction Experimenting with normal subjects, he time between stimulus-words generally considered feeling-toned and those generally considered indifferent. concluded that ". . . He mere isolated words, might they relate even to contents of ever so strong feeling-tones, do not necessarily elicit any of those feelings which they when they are presented in a meaningful connection. " (p. 108) might elicit In an attempt to create a situation in which the subject becomes more responsive emotionally, Birnbaum used psychiatric patients with "increased emotivity," "imagery strongly colored with feelings," "abnormal feeling disposition"; he selected stimulus-words designed to have individual significance for the subject, and endeavored to arouse him emotionally by means of a discussion before the experiment. This approach is of significance for our problem and may be useful in future experimentation, even though Birnbaum's results were rather meager and inconclusive. They indicated that feeling-tone when elicited might lengthen the reaction time, but that the conditions under which feeling-tone can be elicited 11 vary with the psychiatric category of the subject. Birnbaum's findings indicate that the feeling-tone of the stimulusword has 11 influence only on persons with strongly accentuated affectivity Hysterics did not react to stimuli generally assumed to be feeling-toned, but reacted to some allegedly indifferent pnes and were stimulated by initial discussion only when "special individually colored realms of ideas'* were touched upon. Delusional psychotics showed some reaction to stimuli generally assumed to be feelingtoned. Def>ressives of the circular type were stimulated by stimuli generally assumed to be feeling-toned but not by individually toned stimuli or by initial discussion j Hysterical depress! ves reacted more to specific stimuli and were stimulated by initial discussion. Both groups reacted in a manner typical of depressed patients and had significantly elongated reaction times. 50 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY or in the context of an arousing discussion; but Tolman and Johnson (35) arrived at different results. Arbitrarily selecting words with pleasant, unpleasant, and indifferent feeling-tone, they used them as stimulus-words in an association experiment. The reaction time averages showed a UPI showing the longest (Unpleasant, Pleasant, Indifferent) sequence, with U In order to exclude the possibility that these results might be ascribable to complexes connected with these stimulus-words, Tolman and Johnson undertook a second experiment in which the stimuli were reaction time. P and U "f allure' ' words; some referred to sense qualities, others Their hypothesis was: to possible complexes. as "success," "If it should appear that the simple unpleasant sense qualities were just as provocative of length of reaction times as the words dealing with complexes such as failure, death, and disgusting objects, we should conclude that unpleasantness as such really lengthens association times." (p. 190) \ They words interpreted their results as follows . . . : "The . . results . . . point very decidedly for longer times for the unpleasant for sense qualities the same is true as for all the words ... it proves that simple unpleasantness as such lengthens reaction time." (p. 193) . Similar results were obtained by Carter (36). W. W. Smith (37, 38) also 3 ' reported an experiment investigating the influence of "affective tone on associations. He equated "affective tone" McDougall, described the latter as "the affective He measured the affective aspect of the operation of an instinct" (38, p. 24) tone with PGR, the use of which had already been introduced into the association experiment by Jung and elaborated by Binswanger. Using the Eder revision of Jung's word list, he obtained the greatest PGR deflections with those stimulus-words 12 considered to have the strongest "emotional" tone. He drew the following conclusions from his association and reproduction experiments: with "emotions" and, like . "First, that memory for words is influenced by affective tone; secondly, that so far as the affective tone detected by the psychogalvanic reflex is concerned, its influence may be exerted into diametrically opposite directions; the fact that a given word evokes well-marked affective tone may lead to its being better remembered than a less intensely toned word, or may lead to its being forgotten more quickly. Affective tone as shown by the galvanometer deflexion should, therefore, be regarded as of two kinds, one of which facilitates, while the other impedes, the remembering of words which- it accompanies. On the other hand, the kind of affective tone which #nd tends 12 to is shown by Jung's reproduction test is uni-directional in its impede the remembering of the words concerned." (37, p. 250) effects Kiss, love, merry, divorce, name, woman, wound, dance, happy, prey. afraid, proud, money, fright, child, habit, state, despise, war, family, EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 51 TMs PGR Influenced later experimenters who, no longer conwith the cerned meaning of the "affective tone/* nonchalantly identified an error which Smith it with "pleasantness" and "unpleasantness" avoided. 13 Carter, Jones and Shock (39) obtained results strikingly similar to Smith's. Burtt and Tuttle (40) used the tendon reflex and Cason (41) used gross bodily movement to measure the feeling-tone of words in association experiments, and obtained positive correlations. use of the Summary diagnostic association experiments investigated the complexes In associative reaction, the experiments dissymptoms cussed in this section endeavored to demonstrate the influence of "feelinga. While the of tone" (affective tone) on associations. b. No unitary concept of "feeling-tone" underlay these experiments. It was on occasion arbitrarily assumed (Birnbaum), or equated with sensory quality (Tolman, Johnson) or -with emotions (Smith), or considered the factor measured by PGR or amount of gross bodily movement (Smith, Cason). c. The results, although indicating some influence of feeling-tone on reaction time and reproduction, are inconclusive. D. EXPEHIENCE-ASSOCIATION EXPEKIMENTS Galton (2) observed that in the association-experiment reminiscences of experiences frequently emerged, rather than single reaction-words. Peters 14 reported experiments in which the subjects were in(42, 43, and 44) structed to react to stimulus-words with the first experience which came to mind; he called this method "experience association." Influenced by Freud and Jung this experiment investigated the role of feeling-tone in the recollection of experiences. The subjects were instructed to answer 15 Peters found seven questions on the feeling-tone of the experiences. that 80% of the experiences were feeling-toned; that 65% of these were P, 30% u U, and 5% mixed (M) 16 ; that the percentage of the repeatedly- "I do not propose here to consider the relation of the two kinds of affective tone mentioned above to the varieties commonly described as 'pleasant' and 'unpleasant.* This is a question which would take us very far and I think it wiser to adhere strictly to the necessary inferences from the experimental results." (p. 250) 14 A mass experiment of Peters and Nemecek. i* (2) What was the quality (1) Was the experience originally feeling-toned? of the original feeling-tone? (3) Is there a feeling-tone present at the moment of recollection? (4) What kind of feeling-tone is this? (5) When did this experience (7) How often has (6) How often has it been experienced since? originally occur? it been remembered since? 16 It is noteworthy that most later experimenters neglected the possibility (45) of M; only Lanier made a special issue of it. 52 EMOTIONS AND MEMOBY remembered experiences was highest among U experiences, and among the was highest; repeatedly-remembered experiences the percentage of U ones that avoidance of recollection of U experiences increases with the subject's a tendency manifested rather late in psychic development; age, and that among the experiences connected with complexes, the perlower than among the centage of U was higher and the percentage of P Peters advanced his To findings, connected. so not explain experiences the hypothesis that there is a general tendency, increasing with the subto ''diminish the displeasure in consciousness," and: and is ject's age, . the remembered U experiences have a greater significance than the "that remembered P experiences is apparently due to the fact that the U experiences of P experiences of similittle significance have less chance to be remembered than the . . lar significance." (43, p. 218) the "personal hypothesis, indicating that in remembrance its is at least as important as feeling-tone, significance' of an experience The nature of "personal significance" and its is of value in our problem. The mode of relation to the "feeling-tone" were not discussed by Peters. The second 3 in consciousness" operation of the "tendency to dimmish displeasure described as follows: ". . was . the fact that more P than U experiences are remembered means that the U experiences will not to . become repressed quicker and more easily than do P experiences.^ The remember U experiences brings about a less frequent reproduction of easier will them According to the laws of memory, the fewer the repetitions the is easily explained on on U-ness of influence the memory Thus ensue. forgetting it is the basis of one of the best established rules of the psychology of memory. And of U experiences, or of mechanism a blocking assume to repression special superfluous as was done by Freud." (43, p. 245) . . The advantage mechanism of of this unexplained "will to forget" over the repressionis laws incomprehensible. Moreover, the memory which laws are invoked here as the "best established rules" of psychology of quite fail to explain the phenomena of reminiscence and of forgetting Freud familiar fa is. This approach to Freud's theory characterizes first many experimental studies. to express the opinion that the effect of "feelingtone" on immediate memory is slight; he was aware also that a "direct Peters was the answer" concerning the difference in remembering P and U experiences could be obtained only if the experience itself, and not solely the memory The difference between the quesof it, were known to us (43, p. 223). tionnaire method and the experience association method is superficial. In the latter the questioning is more systematic and the experiences are but essentially the procedure is recalled, the same: the subject is asked for EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 53 Ms the opinion of the feeling-tone. principle of Washbura and her pupils published a series of experience-association experiments (17, 46, 47, 48) which coupled experience-association with Kowalewski's notion of memory-types (memory-optimists, memory-pessimists). The aim of this series of experiments was to discriminate between pessimistic-optimistic, cheerful-depressive, emotional-phlegmatic, and more- or less-egotistic types. In each of the experiments the subjects were ranked, on the basis of self-judgment and the judgment of three friends, into one of these antinomic pairs. The subject was asked to react to stimulus-words with a sign as soon as the first recollection occurred, and to indicate whether the experience was P or U. The correlation of reaction time and typeranking was found to suggest the possibility of discriminating between these personality types by means of reaction time. Griffitts (49) corroborated these findings; in a simultaneous reproduction experiment he found that any kind of feeling-tone supports reproduction. Summary a. The experience-association experiments differ only apparently from the questionnaire studies: both ask for judgments concerning past experiences. 6. The existence of a "tendency to diminish displeasure in conscious- ness" and of a greater likelihood for the recall of "personally significant" experiences was inferred from the judgments of the subjects. c. Washburn suggested that the reaction times of P and U experiences tend to show differences between subjects with predominantly optimistic tendencies and those with predominantly pessimistic tendencies. E. THE FACT-DIAGNOSTIC EXPERIMENT was to develop the associa- The aim of the fact-diagnostic experiments tion-experiment into a reliable tool for the detection of crime. The criminological application, laboratory investigations, preliminary which facts known to the subject in manner the to determine attempted influence his associations. The diagnostic association experiment de- to veloped in the field of psychopathology and, as we have seen, drew upon the theory of psychoanalysis; the fact-diagnostic experiment (Tatbestandsdiagnose) was based on the principles of general psychology, although was precipitated by the Jungian experiments. The general psychology time was interested in cognitive processes, and explained psychic phenomena in cognitive terms; thus it had no understanding of psychoto the analysis, and regarded it with a suspicion which was extended it of the Jungian diagnostic association experiments. Experimental psychologists, who developed the fact-diagnostic experiment with a forensic aim, shared they framed the problem of "emotional influence" in cognitive terms. i. The traces disappear less rapidly. They are revived more easily. 2) criminological problem which the fact-diagnostic experiments attempted to solve was the detection of the actual criminal in a group of The suspected persons. The greater intensity exerts its effect in that: 1.54 this EMOTIONS AND MEMORY attitude. subject had experienced the crime-situation. In which form do the revived traces appear and what are their symptoms and how can one recognize that in such symptoms revived traces reveal themselves?" (p. and nowhere did he clearly indicate that he investigated "traces and symptoms" of ideas connected with complexes. 18 Reminiscence images differ from memory images. in that the former carry local and temporal signs. Lipmann concludes that the factintellectualistic.' i. .Surveying the literature. that there are 'no other image complexes but feeling-toned ones. we have the right to suppose that 'experiences. Space limitations do not permit a discussion of the vast literature of fact-diagnostic experimentation. Which psychic processes are apt to bring these traces from potentiality into actuality? 2. It deals with two specific groups of problems: 1. 52) and Lipmann 's own results (53). 2) Lipmann's conception of the driving forces of the memory-apparatus is memory is that forgetting is a "disappearance of traces. 2. . revival a conscious reminiscence of the whole interest-toned perception is complex reproduced." and that vividness of memory is a matter of "intensity of traces. 6) Lipmann's view of memory-function shows the relation of the association experiment to the memory problem. Thus I cannot share the the mainly " opinion of Jung. . Lipmann states the issue with classical clarity: "The whole theory of memory images -and of memory deals with symptoms of the traces of perceptions. interest-toned perception complexes. thus we shall discuss onlyLipmann's (50) The title of his survey itself indicates the excellent survey 17 of the field." . his idea of 17 Lipmann 's survey gives an exhaustive bibliography." ". Consequently.' (p.e. with Wertheimer's work (51. They are not pure memory but reminiscence images revived. however. 18 when 3. not the emotional but intellectual processes play 'the decisive role. Nowhere did Jung clearly express his opinion of this relation. This required the psychologist to ascertain which The theory involved was ". formulated by Lipmann as follows: .e. cognitive approach: periences." (p. It deals mainly. according to Lipmann. in their . "The Traces and Symptoms of Interest-Toned ExLipmann expounds the cognitive view as follows: it is beyond doubt that in the experiences concerned. leave especially intense traces. or replaced by an equivalent psycho: event or even a physiological event. significance. cognitive psychology considers predictability as a conditio sine qua non of experimentation. A person trained in cognitive psychology and logics be more interested in the Wertheimer method than in the Jungian. and thirdly. predictions can be only general but specific events may be readily understood. will not forget the facts of the crime. and of the guilt he feels when reminded of the crime. people with some experience of the vicissitudes of the unconscious will be inclined to find greater interest in the Jungian method. strives to elicit The Lipmann. if the experimenter decides in advance which reactions will be considered crime indicators. showed that reports on feeling-tone are frequently obtained where. It is to be regretted that neither method has been submitted to a test sufficiently valid will to have made the methods subject to general practical. Psychic dynamism is not a matter of one-to-one relations as in meteorology. apparently strives to elicit however. agreement. .Wertheimer procedure such a self-betrayal. it is also probable that he will be cautious enough to guard anxiously against any form of self -betrayal. The Jungian experiment is primarily concerned with symp- than in introducing assuredly The controversy toms wherever found. can at any time be delayed. none was anticipated. secondly. for here the multiple determination of psychic events and the consequent variability of reactions are the most striking. according to the predetermined expectation. the symptoms of the anxiousness with which the criminal guards against self -betrayal. the stimuluswords related to the crime situation are interspersed among assuredly "neutral" words. and the experience of many others. Lipmann characterizes Jung's procedure as diametrically opposite to this: Jung was primarily concerned with symptoms rather than with the original experience. Nevertheless. A psychic event which may be reasonably expected or predicted. first. and endeavors to understand their genesis and Yet understandability and predictability are not identical. if not theoretical. and was interested in analyzing the subject's reactions rather reliable control words and control subjects. The Jungian procedure. centered on the predictability of crime-indicating reactions: the critical reactions being a matter of predetermined expectation. if a sufficient number of assuredly innocent subjects is used for control. This is probably the reason that it has not developed an logical adequate psychology of feelings and emotions. if he is neither a child nor a victim of a subsequent hysterical amnesia. will the investigator find the criminal reacting with symptoms precisely to the predetermined stimuli? Birnbaum's experience.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 55 diagnostic associaton experiment is reliable only if. In the practice of fact-diagnosis the problem takes the following form: it is probable that a criminal. are . characterized by a great number and variety of reproduction tendencies. the images of indifferent ex- periences become 19 more rapidly scattered and get more rapidly pale than those of Together with the "fact-diagnostic association experiment" Lipmann discussed a number of other fact-diagnostic experiments. . 3. Many of these were plans of suggested experiments rather than experiments reported in the literature. for instance. Lipmann suggested that free reproduction of the description of the criminal act be obtained. inasmuch as they appear to promise further contributions to the knowledge of our field. Some of these deserve to be discussed here as in them Lipmann anticipated some of the experimental methods which we shall discuss in Chapter VIII. breathing." (pp. the words presented resemble words significant in the history of the event in question. Thus. Resembling more closely the experiments on affective organization of visually perceived material (Chapter VIII) are the experiments in which words are presented tachystiscopically or acoustically. These experience traces when revived come into consciousness as a reminiscence of the experience itself Furthermore: 1. These experience traces are easily revived associatively "II. . because even such a narrative may reveal a subject's knowledge of the event when compared with the narrative of other assuredly non-involved subjects. . effect. the story contains gaps which are to be filled out by the subject. Sensations be20 . . thus the revival of experience-traces occurs always relatively slowly and the reaction is relatively easily forgotten. memory and the interest-toned experiences and their elements are retained better in reminiscence than the indifferent ones. psychoetc. Stimuli eliciting revival of experiences and the revived experiences themselves command special attention have a strong distracting . basis of his survey 19 that the nature of the traces of interest-toned experiences may be stated as follows : The traces of interest-toned experiences are of others. (pp. . . . The similarity of this procedure to the Thematic Apperception Test and to storyrecall procedures (see Chapter VIII) is obvious. come perceptions primarily by making use of these experience-traces. the reproduction tendencies of different directions inhibit each other.56 EMOTIONS AND MEMOKY Lipmann concluded on the memory "I. Traces of experiences as a whole and of their parts are galvanic reflex retained better than other events. and the involved subject is expected to mishear or misread the word presented for the word having a crucial significance. more easily revived than those This becomes manifest in the following phenomena: 1. 47-60) 20 By this expression Lipmann means the trace of the experience of interest-toned events (Erlebnis). Since interest-toned ideas. The parts of these experiences are especially strongly associated with each other and consequently a revival of one of these parts makes for revival of other parts of the experience traces. Also similar is Lipmann 's suggestion of giving to the subject a story of the event on which he is being tested. 17-18) Of even greater importance appear to be Lipmann's conclusions advancing the concepts of "amalgamation" and "overshadowing": ". . "III. . (b) this and consequently: (a) such stimuli concentration of attention might show up directly in certain physiological changes such as those of pulse. 2. of the experience. . called here "amal- gamation. This "aggregaIt is assumed here that the traces tion" takes the form of either a substitution by the interest-toned experience-trace for the indifferent experience-trace. although it has been altered in parts and on certain points fails altogether to match. the prerequisite of c. . The fact-diagnostic experiments insisted that memory reliability elicit was full predictability of those stimulus-words which would reactions revealing the criminal. Similarly. the subject reads a story tent of which is similar in certain items to the interest-toned experience. they appear to be similar functions on to different levels of the psychological hierarchy ranging from instinctual and intellectualized functions. several will be substituted and amended by parts . The traces of these indifferent experiences suffer amendments and changes due to the traces of the interest-toned experiences. This expectancy was shown to be . the traces become amalgamated at the expense of the indifferent experiences. a process called here "overshadowing. It found the "condensation" that of resembles gamation" is obvious. The validity ' was proved by Koeppen and Kutzinski. The fact-diagnostic experiments were based on substituted "interest tone" for "emotional tone. The symptomatological expose methods using the process of this amalgamation and over-shadowing of this theory . indifferent experiences. is a theory in that it views memory in terms of traces and symptoms thereof which need not be direct recall. the conthe subject first to an indifferent experience. Lipmann's conception of memory." This function of "overshadowing" resembles in its formal structure the substitution found by psychoanalysts in slips of the tongue and other function of "amalparapraxes. the psychoanalytic concepts substitution are related not to intellectual but to more basic instinctual affective dynamics. . the reminiscence of the indifferent experience is 'over-shadowed by that of the interest -toned. Summary a. that in Lipmann's view amalgamation and overshadowof condensation and ing are due to interests. . Although the relation of the two sets of concepts cannot be established at present." (pp. although definite contribution to a cognitive theory and still associationistic. an "aggregation" results. If the indifferent and interest-toned experiences resemble each other. the formal structure of the in parapraxes.' It is assumed that the reminiscence of this 'experimental story' in a person who has the participated in the experience will be amalgamated with the reminiscence of experience: the identical parts will reinforce each other. however." b. To use the language of Koffka and Koehler. and among the non-identical elements of the indifferent story.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 57 interest-toned experiences. 47-48) of interest-toned experiences influence the traces of sufficiently similar." or a fusion of parts of the two traces. In investigating the influence of an "emotional factor" conceived to lie far from the "instinctive core" and to be arbitrarily predetermined (such as the "feeling-tone" or "crime indicator"). c. However. appear to be conceived on an intellectual level of the psychic hierarchy and are interest-determined. tended to show some influence of an "emoon reaction-time and reaction content. In investigating the influence of an "emotional factor" conceived to intrinsically related to the "instinctive core" of the personality (such as the "complex" of Jung). life. and in the fact- diagnostic experiment as "interest. disguised. memory process. P. the association experiment investigating the influence of feeling-tone. Some investigators pointed out that the operation of these factors becomes more obvious in patients who have a pathologically vivid emotional calculated to arouse emotion. the former. d. in' This emotional factor was designated the association experiments of general psychology and in experience-association experiments as "feeling-toi|e".58 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY unwarranted in view of the great variety of ways in which a psychological reaction can be delayed. he attempted to infer from the associative-disturbance be (symptom) the nature of the emotion present. the experimenter did not attempt to predict the symptom of the presence of a certain emotion in the association experiment. or in situations . a. the experience-association experiment. dependent on the type of "emotional factor" investigated." Usually these concepts were not defined by the experimenters. as well as the reproduction experiments fre- quently associated with them. in the diagnostic experiment as a "complex". the diagnostic experiment. experimenters found it to be demonstrable only as a trend and only e* by statistical procedures. while the latter occur on a "deeper" level and are affect. however. the relation of the emotional factor to its "symptoms" in reproduction was a tional factor" variable one. CONCLUSIONS The association association experiments of general psychology.or instinct-determined. The concepts of "amalgamation" and "overshadowing" of indifferent experiences by "interest-toned experiences" appear to be similar to the Freudian concepts of "condensation" and "substitution". most of the investigators that the influence of these "emotional factors" showed great individual differences. these individual differences were sufficiently clear to encourage some experimenters to use It was clear to them for investigating differences in personality type. d. and displaced. rather. All these experiments. and the fact-diagnostic experiment all tended to show the influence of some emotional factor in the 6. we shall discuss experiments which investigate affective-tone by obtaining recall of P and experiences. James con(54) ." He expresses his opinion by quoting Warren sensations are the (56): "A feeling is main elements" (pp. however. 58) "the affective intensity of any individual consciousness is proportionate to the average rate of change of conductance in the synapses the activities of which are responsible for that consciousness/' (57. using what was apparently the most relevant difficulties. they were conducted with the best experimental techniques and thus led to relatively definite conclusions. an experience in which systemic 203-204). Indeed. failed of collusiveness by reason of methodological Preliminary to our survey of these experiments. despite their limited personal relevance. a brief discussion of the problem of P-ness and U-ness seems desirable. and from nonsense material to personally meaningful material. material. An extensive survey of the pertinent literature is given by Beebe-Center (55). we shall discuss First. or introducing them during the learning of such material. relearning ) to test the influence of emotions on memory. Next. See Davis and Moore . ranging from sensory impressions to organized verbal matter. 377) as well as by Nafe (59. Last. we have organized the discussion according to the character of this subject-matter. p. 507) and Hunt (60. p.EXPEEIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 4. the evidence provided clarification of these relations Some 21 theories by the literature is insufficient to permit a by means of a simple survey. p. The experiments on learned verbal material are here dealt with last U personal because. 87) who maintained that P-ness and U-ness are organic pressure phenomena. we shall discuss experiments which ask for recall of learned verbal material which has been judged P.These experiments use a great variety of material. who considers P-ness and U-ness as "attributes of sensations. advanced by others should be mentioned.. In general. His general point of opinion that view was also influenced by Troland's (57. Inasmuch as the variety of "emotional factors" investigated is rooted in the variety of the subject-matter used. and I. U. recognition. the experience experiments. He does not clarify whether these two concepts are identical or wherein they differ. 59 REPRODUCTION-EXPERIMENTS The experiments methods of to be reported on in this section employ the standard 21 memory-experimentation (recall. Beebe-Center is inclined not to make a sharp differentiation between P-ness and U-ness on the one hand and emotions on the other. experiments which attempt to determine "affective-tone" by associating P and U sensory experiences with indifferent verbal material. are determined by the striving. when . when or obstructed and fails to achieve or progress toward its goal is thwarted striving 22 ". judgmental character of P-ness and U-ness does not imply that they have no relation to their original "affective" source. The dependence of P-ness and U-ness on "conative tendencies" and "motivation" was 23 22 Krueinsisted upon by McDougall (61 ) and Troland (58) respectively. pp. . 24 P-ness and U-ness are thus rendered a derivative of a general "emotional factor" on the level of judgment. accordof the determinants ing to which the motivating factors of reactions are the a purely judgments of P-ness and U-ncss. and U-ness but it permits the inference that there a*e and these judgqualities of experience which allow for certain judgments. (p. this formulation explains many of the contradictory findings on P-ness and U-ness. Thus this statement of the intellectual. (3) " there are no conscious contents peculiar to pleasantness and unpleasantness. . These judgments are not cognitive function. 15-16) of motivation. 63) Carr (64) and H. is closely 1 . striving attains its natural goal or progresses towards it. . 269) 23 "Without committing ourselves at the moment to a definitely hedonistic theory . P-ness and U-ness which deserves of a set forth 66) "judgmental theory" N.60 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY sidered "feelings" (under which term P-ness and U-ness might be subsumed) to be the "mental" aspect of emotions. . of the to be considered experience" "whole-quality feelings ger (62. third statement stresses that there are no specific conscious contents . Peters (65) as follows: formulated It was attention.' (p. pain." (p. Peters (65. by special peripheral bodily changes on the cortex. and sheds some light on the cause of the frequent identification of P-ness and U-ness peculiar to P-ness with "emotions. the "reverberation of the According to this view the link between P-ness and U-ness and emotions is an indirect one. in which every experience is embedded. 384) The The implications of this formulation might be stated explicitly as follows. This is expressed even more clearly in statement. (2) pleasantness and unpleasantness are judgments. ." "(1) Pleasantness and unpleasantness are dependent indirectly on reactions and determinants of reactions. inasmuch as they are dependent on factors related more or less indirectly to the deeper dynamics of personality which motivate action and reaction. N. 13) 24 For a similar view see Freud (67. pleasure. H. U-ness) bound up with the operation of desires and purposes. . pleasure and pain result from conation. we must recognize the fact that feeling (P-ness. of P-ness and the essence are ments according to the second statement first the U-ness. although this relation remains an indirect one." a tendency we shall henceforth encounter frequently. this idea was very popular among American psychologists in the first decades of this century. 5). the group presented P-U sensory material to the subjects and asked for second group associated P-U sensory experience with neutral material. Nafe as late as 1924 attempted to reduce feelings to pressure sensations. and I. and I material.EXPERIMENTAL CONTKIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY A. U. and I judgments. It was believed that the introduction of P and sensory qualities into memory experiments would decide whether P-ness and U U-ness influence memory. and Beebe-Center in 1932 still adhered to a similar conception. U. and 27.4% of the P. 25 was the material of merit that the "hedonic tone" have the experiments the fact is limited but their the by subjects themselves. 61 EXPERIMENTS USING PLEASANT AND UNPLEASANT SENSORY MATERIAL The experiments using sensory material to investigate the influence of an "emotional factor" on memory may be divided into four groups. and Kulpe (16) in his "Remarks" U-ness 25 "Hedonic tone" and I-ness (p. Beebe-Center's (55) expression to describe P-ness. and gave an immediate recognition test. Thus it is not . the fourth group used the interpolation of an electrical shock. sults of Crosland's (70) experiments on the qualitative analysis of for- used a getting corroborated Gordon's findings. and whether Tait's positive results are attributable to the use of the recog- These is accepted as highly sensitive. The idea underlying these experiments was that sensory P-ness and U-ness are the representatives of P-ness and U-ness in general. Tait (69) series of colors on which he asked for P. U. Whether the inconsistency of these results is to be attributed to the difference in the testing methods. and another was given after three weeks. validity judged by that in everyday life we do not usually experience colors and insignificant nition test. As we have seen. In addition to these. U surprising that Gordon is in her report. a. one recall test was given immediately. cannot be decided. we shall discuss two experiments which tested the recall of meaningful pictures previously judged on grounds of appeal. Gordon found no difference in the recall of P. the third group interpolated P-U sensory experience into neutral material and tested the effect of the interpolation.3% of the I colors were recognized. The first recall. . which figures as P or people who experience them so are generally considered to have "aesthetic endowment" or morbid sensitiveness. but Tait found that 63. Remembering of P-U Sensory Material Gordon (68) used simple drawings and combinations of nine colored squares: these were judged by the subjects P.2% The incidental reof the U. as in a conditioning experiment. 47. The shortcomings of the experiinstances.that odors have an especially great associative power. she used odorless liquids in her control experiments. aroused forgotten experiences. and made the hedonic rating. tended to show a facilitating effect of any hedonic tone. they did not show an advantage of P-ness over U-ness in the remembering of the investigated The studies using hedonic tone established introspectively. who and Kenneth's used immediate "If recall. and associated them with the subject matter to be recalled. and instructed her subjects to arrange the odors according to hedonic value. All these experiments agreed that odors showed no special associative power.. Although the studies in which hedonic tone was established by group ratings were carefully controlled and their results established statistically (Gordon. and Harris used immediate recall tests they found that odors had no special associative power. and errors. but that any kind of incidental affective-tone reported on the basis of introspection seemed to facilitate recall. Gordon. Remembering of Material Associated with P-U Sensory Impressions All the experiments in this group used odors as hedonic sensory material. but we are inclined to doubt the validity of this difference" (p. auditory. The experiments were partly concerned with the problem of whether this special associative power is inherent in odors or attributable to their "affective value.62 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY following the report. (76). but not the affective-tone. which was inconclusive. Gordon (73) used the names and rank-order of odors as their associates which were to be recalled. amount and speed of recall. 6. which showed that in many cases olfactory stimuli. Harris (72) associated two-digit numbers with odors. but occurring incidentally. There were two his subjects . other similar studies. the effect of feeling on memory is indirect. and established the affective-tone on the basis of retrospective reports. . and obtained retrospective reports. Bolger and Titchener's (75). and acts by influencing the attention. and tactile sensory impressions. Ratliff. Ratliff). and concluded: been shown it is in favor of the unpleasant. The use of odors was based on the assertion." Heywood and Vortriede (71) paired magazine pictures with odors. two experiments also used visual. frequently reported in the literature. they paired pictures and nonsense syllables in control experiments. any difference has found no preference for P over U. Heywood and Vortriede. whether P or U. maintained that because of the "emancipation of intellect and will" from the feelings of P-ness and U-ness. who used delayed-recall tests five and ten minutes' delay found that U associates exceeded P associates in respect to speed of learning. Ratliff (74) associated numbers with odors. These experiments have the merit that in them the hedonic tone was established by the subjects themselves. 239). of olfaction 28 It may be . and localizes the repressing mechanism for U explains that the discrepancy between the results obtained with the use of olfactory stimuli and those obtained with the use of visual and acoustic is due to the position of the corresponding lower centers. This position is taken because neurologists locate the lower 27 Ratlill writes: ". Ratliff stimuli in the thalamus. If. however. Also. centers for audition and vision in the diencephalon and those for olfaction in the rhinencephalon. in contrast to his previous results. 28 emotion "felt" as a psychic phenomenon of the visual. the cortex exerts an inhibitory . 82) clinical findings demonstrate that "emotion felt" is also localized in the thalamus. . On the basis of Lashley's doubts. . the influence of "emotional factors" is insignificant. control over these expressions". he found that the recall of numbers associated with P pitch and color was superior to that of numbers associated with U pitch and color. . according to later investigations. Ratliff repeated his experi- ment. the . operates in audition and vision but not in olfaction.EXPEEIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY ments lay in the use of small 63 numbers of subjects (with the exception of Gordon's 200 and Ratliff 's 69) and in the use of immediate recall or recall after a very short delay where. as postulated by the Freudians. by referring to Cannon's (78) His theoretical explanation deserves our neural mechanisms responsible for emotional expression are located at the base of the thalamic region" and that ". auditory. is represented in the thalamus and therefore. the cortex is found to be the center for repression and if it exerts greater and more direct control over the thalamus than over the uncus and hippocampus. replacing odors by pitches and colors. Ratliff's conception of the thalamic theory is that ". However. results of the present experiment might be interpreted as indicating that the repressing mechanism for U stimuli. 26 See also Bard's (79) discussion of this theory. of which the functions of the auditory and visual. the evidence for this is limited. they used other sensory material in addition to the olfactory. Secondly." and yet is linked by with. stimuli First. best.. He attempted to explain this difference thalamic theory of emotions. experiment Ratliff with the thalamic theory described here as explaining the mechanism of "emotional expression". it does not clarify the relation of emotions to the subjects' PUI and olfactory stimuli. the difference between the auditory-visual inhibitions and those might be accounted for. 26 interest. repressed from the thalamus. 700) argued that Head's (80) and Wilson's (81." (p. Ratliff (74) and Wuerdemann (77) were the only investigators to discuss the nature of the emotional factor investigated. but not of the olfactory. as he is one of the few experimenters who attempted to connect a theory of emotions with their findings on the effect of an "emotional factor" on memory. "Lashley . and it can hardly be denied that emotion is a conscious experience. 700). the judgments at the deals emotion "felt. . can be 27 This argument implies several difficulties.. raises doubts as to the source of inhibition" (p. great variety of feelings was reported. Krueger school of "Ganzheit" psychology has reviewed previous experimentation." (p. Wuerdemann in either ultimately his experiments used stereometric figures of different colors and varying relatively weak and U and presented them together with odors. and clinical psychologists. 555) "(a) 33 nated with a feeling of security. and in Chapter V we shall discuss in greater detail. In this connection sec Hunter (83. only the reproduction experiment in the diagnostic-association experiment tested incidental memory. its intensity." may imply simply somatic manifestations. (e) J was the score of good coordination with considerable uncertainty. this identity is tacitly Wuerdemann (77) of the : superficial. Wuerde- The feeling-tone. but no attempt was made to classify them as P or II." 32 The measure of retention was conse- memory quently not the quantity of 33 recall. this theory would be subject to experimental proof or disproof. the of a complex of different qualities. The subjects were asked to accept passively the experience. the type of tactile surfaces 31 occurring in everyday life. pp. two weeks. He points out that (a) the procedures used in these experiments were much too simple. Moreover. no attempt is made to explain the relation of this theory to the memory function. but the certainty and adequacy of and its depth were estab- A mann 29 80 adopts Krueger's theory of feelings. lished on the basis of introspective reports. In Chapter II we have already discussed. 535) 34 "The feeling is just the usual experience into which the others are embedded with more or less sharp contours.64 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY obviously must be carefully differentiated from "emotional expression." (p. and six weeks tested incidental memory." If it were maintained that not only "emotional expression" but also "emotion felt" is localized in the thalamus. thus the recall* after 24 hours. it escapes scientific scrutiny. rendering the recall experience consisted a process of "redintegration. This premature hypothesis reveals the gap between the standard theory of which emotion and all that is frequently called "emotional" by academic. 30 If. . was the score when the two part-complexes were appropriately coordiwas the score of a bad coordination with a (b) feeling of security. howassumed. (c) | was the score of good coordination with feeling of probability. 331-332). Thirdly. 32 An experiment by Stagner 1 (84) also using the redintegration method will be reported later. educaIt also reveals that the endeavor to tional. (c) the assumption that every feeling is P or was maintained dogmatically. (b) the feelings aroused were ever. the relation of "emotion felt" to "emotional expression. (d) | was the score of good coordination with labile feelings. compared with the usual process of remembering in everyday life. redintegration." 31 Among the experiments reported so far. according to which feeling is a 34 Thus the influence of feelings on memory "whole-quality" of experience. as in a life-situation. "the on emotional influence memory" on a physiological basis 29 explain leads to a fallacious identification of the source of "emotion felt" with the source of "emotional expression. inasmuch as a stronger "whole-quality" or "feeling" which we would call a "memory-connection" makes for a better retenWuerdemann summed up the results of his experiment as follows: tion. those which established the P-U quality of the material by judgments of the subjects prior to the experiment proper found in general ciates. "(1) Experiences of great feeling-intensity and depth are remembered better than those weak and superficial in feeling. the sound of a bell." and Gordon's aimed to disprove it. no superiority of the is remembering of P associates over II asso- parallel to that frequently found between the results of clinical observation and those of experimental-statistical treathave discussed several attempts to explain the nature of the ment. and experimentally-created dizziness into in the interval between learning 's and recall. 567-568) Among lished feeling-tone the experiments considered in this section. (5) The so-called associative power of odors is explained as a result of special emotionality of the impression. (3) That feeling promotes retention is explained by the fact that the remembering of part experiences becomes frequently possible only by their reviving whole-attitudes (Gesamthaltungen) or diffuse whole(4) Especially clear qualities which we have shown to be identical with feelings. was to find rial. pp. (2) An especially unique feeling-quality causes also better and longer retention. Robinson presented photo- ** 87 See Tait (69. originated by Tait (69). Though lacking sufficient theoretical foundation. or shot. for they disregarded the emotional background of amnesia. The attempts to bring retrograde amnesia and retroactive inhibition to a 35 common denominator37 failed to justify T ait's idea. irrespective of P-U quality. was the memory revival related to diffuse whole-qualities due to olfactory impressions. the sound of a pistol the course of learning.g. those which estabfrom introspective reports made in the course of the experiment tended to show a dependence of recall on intensity of feeling. . See Britt's (85) survey for the theories of retroactive inhibition. 10-11). Tait (69) interpolated odors. See e. 36 was apparently operates according to the laws of retroactive inhibition overlooked. whether emotional or not.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 65 becomes a tautology. Remembering of Material with Interpolated P-U Sensory Impressions following experiments interpolated various allegedly disturbing or stimulating impressions into the course of learning neutral word mateThe aim of this interpolation. RatlifPs experiment aimed to prove the Freudian theory of "forgetting of the unpleasant." (pp. This discrepancy We affective-tone on the basis of standard theories of emotion. These at- tempts have proved to be premature. c. The an experimental miniature equivalent of shocks producing amnesias. The fact that the interpolation of any material. Sears (86). and electrical shock to elicit "emotional effective way to elicit objects. Harden (88) loss of bodily support. P odors they employed nonsense-syllables. the effect of other interpolations is insignificant. was attributable to the hedonic tone of the odors or to the odors themThey found that interpolated U an open question. the repeated original experiment. As neutral material. emotions sufficiently strong to exert a measurable effect on memWhite endeavors to explain his results. W. interaction. he also Jesuits of and victims being of Russian famine his asked even and subjects to imagine that interpolated artificial blazes. Frank concluded that the odors themselves were responsible for result in Frank expected that a change the results. Stone and a tendency slight only White both found that interpolation sometimes facilitates and sometimes inhibits recall.R* Tait found that although pistol shots have a marked detrimental effect on recall. and then introduced new odors which changed the relative hedonic value of the odors used previously. Smith (36) by referring to Dashiel's (90) hypothesis that mild emotions can elicit promote. reproduction. Frank (92) investigated this problem. but that strong emotions hinder.C6 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY Stone (87) presented pictures graphs of naked persons as interpolation. following James' theory of emotions. As the expected change failed to occur. who measured blood pressure. ory. who measured P. Stone. showing towards a detrimental effect on recall. or the inspection of pictures whose content if experienced would arouse emotion. Frank and Ludwigh (91) were the only experimenters to be aware that they were measuring retroactive inhibition. Measurements of emotions were taken by Stone. efficiency. a brilliant flash of light. the crash of falling the interpolated strong odors. these attitudes should determine the orientation of the organism. or their method justified. The results of Robinson's and Harden's experiments were indecisive." White (89) interpolated electrical shock. appears to tMnk that the imitation of expressive movements of emotion. Whether this effect facilitate. . Tait con- structs the concept of a "psychophysical attitude/' of which the physical is the coraspect is the arousal of an instinct and the psychological aspect responding emotion. and to ask their subjects for hedonic judgments (absolute and relative) of the odors interpolated.G. tortured by Indians. similar to those of W. left was He in the hedonic value of these odors would a change in their effect on memory. selves. and that odors inhibit. according to James). These experiments used word lists for neutral material. their findings Several of these experimenters refer to a theory on the basis of which may be explained. the simulate to expressions of grief (a and bodily died had their parents most emotions. and White. and the effect is greater when the interpolation occurs after learning. McGranahan's (94) aim was to test experimentally the Freudian theory of repression. which used a conditioning method. 1 He A experience whatsoever and have set out to 'test Freud's theory of repression* by seeing whether in experimental situations pleasant experiences are recalled better than unpleasant experiences. or to investigate the effect of P-ness and U-ness on memory) and their results were contradictory. Diven's (93) careful and stimulative experiment. d. 218) is also questionable. Freudian sense McGranahan constructed on the basis of Ms experiment a 88 repression theory of his own. and were told that color-reactions would be punished with an electric shock. 213) Yet McGranahan's interpretation of repression as being in "close association" with "self-esteem and shame" (p. their aims were variegated (as." (p. giving a well-justified criticism of others' experiments on repression: "Freud constantly remarks.' (2) The material avoided in repression "(1) Repression is conceived as a matter of direct action . Most of them appear to demonstrate some influence of affective-tone on memory. In an association experiment the subjects were instructed to react with adjectives to nouns selected to arouse color associations. to prove or disprove the Freudian theory of repression. 222) included an extensive discussion of the Freudian theory of repression. The results were with matched pursuit-meter performances of the subjects to compare "the capacity of subjects to carry out organized activity under a task motive" and their ability to "be uninfluenced by such conditions as fear" McGranahan stated the results as follows: (p. A control group was used without the or the electric shock. particularly in his older writings. will be discussed in Chapter VIII. 222). 88 McGranahan did not measure repression activity of consciousness rather and constraint upon the than upon non-conscious material viewed as trying to enter the 'chamber of consciousness. yet the insufficient number of subjects used and the operation of the factor of retroactive inhibition make the issue somewhat nebulous. and those least disturbed to be best able.EXPERIMENTAL CONTMBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 67 Although these experiments used similar methods. "Repression" Elicited by Electric Shock fall Two ' experiments 'repression" experimentally into this category. restriction concerning colors "Thus a tendency appeared for subjects who were most disorganized and overwhelmed by fear during motor performance to be least able to execute cognitive repression. both claim to have elicited by electric shock. that repression 1 deals with 'unpleasant thoughts' or 'painful ideas or 'ideas that might awaken number of American psychologists have taken this to mean any unpleasant pain. instead in the of proving that he had investigated a repression phenomenon." (p. No evidence was found sufficient to establish the dependence of this effect on the P-ness or U-ness of the emotional factor. contribution. the source of the "emotional factor" ranged from P-ness and U-ness of sensory material to elecIn the latter. even these and demonstrated emotion. genuine emotional effects were evident. McGranahan 's Summary a. rather than of fear or anxiety. This influence occurs on various levels and in various forms. Although the results were contradictory on the quality of the influence exerted by the "emotional factor. Only Diven's experiment avoided most of these difficulties. the verbal material employed was limited to nonsense In one group of experiments. 150). memory. unconscious motives impel color-reactions. Repression is thus not limited to awareness of unsocial motives. In the experiments surveyed in this section. ]8. p. used a small number of subjects and insufficient controls. in McGranahan's experiment the avoidance of color-reactions was the result of conscious intention. and shows significant individual differences. only the schism between the theories with of and those dealing with the concomitants emotion dealing bodily psychological processes of emotions influencing made the results Few attempts were made to link dubious.68 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY as conceived of in psychoanalytic literature. rather than the colorreactions avoided. repression is an unconscious process." (p. The presence of an emotional factor was often arbitrarily judged by the examiner. the trical shocks. sometimes introspectively by the subjects. the factor of syllables and isolated words. in spite of the conscious intention to avoid them. McGranahan demonstrated affect-determined rather re- membering (performance) This stress on individual differences e." it seems safe to assert that they demonstrated the existence of some such influence on memory. avoiding another kind. may be any material which if reported would be painful and frustrating to certain motivational conditions typically the motive of self-esteem which are primarily concerned with the having of one kind of conscious content and the of (3) Repression is considered to be a direct function of cognitive organization. 224) . The experi- ments claiming to prove or disprove the Freudian theory of forgetting advanced either no justification for their claim or insufficient argument. $. are more pertinent to our problem: they reveal that. but rarely by the subjects prior to the experiment. The color-reactions given by some of the subjects. but is considered to extend to any material that would fulfill these conditions. former were recognized to be judgmental categories. Most of the experiments retroactive inhibition the experiments with a theory of 7. According to Freud (5. than forgetting is (non-performance). the experiments utilizing the were considered more life-like. to be surveyed in the next section. perhaps even be able to label 'the emotions' which he was experiencing. survey of the experiments dealing with the "relationship of feeling to memory/' championed this view. but this is not the phenomenon of which I now speak. as it provides the opportunity to scrutinize the alleged advantages of utilizing life-experiences. the motor patterns of behavior are also conventionalized. which employed sensory material to introduce an emotional factor. 69 EXPERIMENTS ON THE REMEMBERING OF PLEASANT AND UNPLEASANT LIFE-EXPERIENCES The experiments to be surveyed in this section utilized the method of In comparison with the memory experiments recalling life-experiences. and that recall of PUI who gave life-experiences first the artificial laboratory experiments employing material irrelevant to the subject's interests are "not applicable to the study of feeling-reactions in everyday life" (p. 133). At one time I naively supposed that I might learn thereby just how the patient was feeling. The memory of the emotional tone of the experience and the present hedonic judgment of it are " so hopelessly intermingled that the rating becomes an "opini on. Sometimes such conventionalized patterns of behavior and the corresponding verbalizations are used with the deliberate intension of deceiving others. quote Meltzer's view. Whitehorn's (96) comments are elucidating: "For a good many years I have been interested in listening to patient's accounts of their emotions. but not with the expectation of discovering what 'emotions' he or she rather with the hope of understanding in some measure the is really experiencing conventionalized scheme of symbols by which the patient tries to represent himself to himself and to others." (p. and with those which employed PUI words to the same end. He emphasized that memory is a function of the total personality. First. Although We have a much greater personal relevance than arbitrarilyor P and U sensory material. emotional experiences will be communicated by the subjects to the experimenter. surveyed in the previous section. Meltzer exhaustive (95). Not only are the words conventional symbols. it is also questionable whether the average subject is able to verbalize ade39 quately the experiences of true emotional relevance. 263) 39 . even if it is assumed that the experiences reported are emotionally relevant. rendering life-experiences selected P and U words In this respect. their PUI classification will be but a judgment in the sense of Carr and Peters as was the PUI rating of words and sensory material. I refer to the degree of conventionality in the patterning of behavior by which one reacts overtly in an emotional experience. skepticism regarding the optimism of Meltzer and other investigators on their use appears to be justified. Secondly. I still listen with great interest to patient's statements along these lines.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY B. It was stressed by him that solely those experiments utilizing life-experiences are relevant to the Freudian theory of forgetting. it is questionable whether genuinely relevant. a principal difficulty in these experiments weakens their relevance to repression: the will U approach in them was a quantitative one. Realizing that feeling-tone at the time of the experience might differ from the feeling-tone at the time of reporting it. and more intensive than superficial feelings were reported. had it attracted more attention. he asked for the rating of the feeling-tone present at the time of the experience.4%. getting as a result of repression is the extreme case of memory-changes repression process. Moreover.70 the EMOTIONS AND MEMORY method similar to that of questionnaires. More P than U. Further. Kowalewski called this to report P and U experiences of a vacation-day on the day following. 42 Kowalewski concluded that the majority of people are "memory-optimists". we instead cure the thought by forgetting it. when thought cannot cure the situation. more U than I. reported more P than U experiences. and whether the prevalence of P experiences in the reports was accounted for of P experiences in everyday life. Kowalewski asked school-children effected by the 41 and the second at and the of At first test the ten days later. in the Freudian sense. 40 42 G. the feeling-tone of an experience and the His general view of feeling-tone of a memory are two different matters. After weighing these he that his concluded considerations. Henderson was the first experimenter to ask for intensity ratings. ideas the distasteful quality of which stimulates us to know devices that modify their object . the problem of forgetting. We forget not so much disagreeable ideas as useless ideas. Thirdly." Henderson asked his subjects to report one hundred experiences. has acted. d . whether their hedonic judgments were adequate. data. being an investigation 40 Forof changes rather than of losses. See See Chapter V. did not warrant such a conclusion as Kowalewski's. might have prevented many fruitless experiments. requires a qualitative approach. children. He wrote: ". although roughly indicating a P of in experiences superiority remembering. group "memory-optimists. 62% test 61. Henderson maintained that there was a difference between forgetting disagreeable experiences and discarding by a prevalence disagreeable memories: that is. The first studies to use the recall of experiences were published by Kowalewski (97) and by Henderson (98). but an investigation of repression. . raised doubts as to whether the subjects related all the disagreeable experiences as recalled. it cannot be ex- pected that the be applied to those experiences upon judgments which repression. but failed to analyze whether the prevalence of reported P experiences corresponded to their prevalence in daily experience or whether the Henderson feeling-tone reported was merely a retrospective judgment. like that of the classical memory experimentation. Croeland (70). " (p. for the purpose of recording it. 43 However. and quality of the experiences. He found no prevalence of P experiences in remembering. His findings. corroborated in several later studies. V. pp. the commonplace truth of the "forgetting of the disagreeable" was emphasized. is problematic. . In the subsequent experimentation. the problem of the proportion of P-ness and U-ness and I -ness among life-experiences was attacked first. to forget the disagreeable would principal sources of thinking. apparently mean that subjects are inclined to report and judge experiences so that the majority is rated as P. 327) . only be settled by experimental psychological investigation. Fluegel did not attempt to relate his findings to the personalities of the individual subjects. taking FluegePs results into consideration. Wohlgemuth (102) repeated Kowalewski's experiment and re-interpreted Kowalewski's data.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLODY . Fluegel found that "pleasure occupies a very considerably larger proportion in human than life does unpleasure" (100. subjective-empirical truth of this statement deserves scientific attenand it is regrettable that instead of this. . I believe. Secondly. . duration. "The statement that unpleasant experiences are more easily forgotten than pleasant ones is often found in psychoanalytic literature. and felt he had disproved the Freudian theory of forgetting. and strength of the P scores. Fluegel (99. Cason (101) was able to demonstrate that: the "There was a tendency to exaggerate the number. highly trained in introspection. he argued that the truth of this psychoanalytic theory can be settled only by experimental 44 It can hardly be denied that the support of psychological investigation." 71 of one of the mean that we would be deprived The tion." (p. 328-329). Several reservations must be made concerning these interesting results. 70) Fourthly. The diary-records were kept over a period of a month and contained notes written at sixty-minute intervals recording the intensity. Whether this is true or not can. Thirdly... First. 100) reported an analysis of the diaries of nine subjects. duration. duration. Fluegel admitted that: "There is unfortunately no means of estimating or measuring the extent of . even though 4a 44 Experiment No. the effect of concentrated attention on the feeling-tone of the experience.. and strength of both P and U scores.. but a greater tendency to exaggerate the number. an experimental demonstration is valuable to any theory. FluegePs data refer to the duration of the experiences rather than to their quantity. these errors [which] consist in a constant tendency for certain subjects to allot relatively high or relatively low marks for the affective intensity of their experiences or to be biased in favour of allotting -f or values. result tends to disprove the existence of (p. Five weeks after the last quiz. the results of which were interpreted rather cautiously.72 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY many unquestionably useful theories were never experimentally validated Experimental decision upon a theory. that . Meltzer was able to establish the changes occurring between immediate and delayed recall psycho-analysis does not. 55 women described their experiences of a Christmas vacation on the day following and six weeks later. asked for the recall of earliest childhood experiences. either experimentally or clini" cally/ (p. In 1930 Meltzer published the experiments. and a personality-questionnaire. of the experiment to the theory relevance however. nor most of the experimenters who undertook to prove it. Meltzer in his survey criticized the lack of "life-likeness" of the previous experiments and emphasized that conclusive results could be reached only with "life-like" material. the theory of evolution). Gordon (103). College students 77 men. such as the remembering of experiences. These experiments had several advantages over the earlier experiments. she stated any general tendency to forget the The psychoanalyst.g. and has not been questioned by anyone who has seriously investigated the phenomenon. 45 would use Gordon's results to prove what she attempted to disprove. the un- warranted assumptions made. and cannot. and school achievement (105). 129). He pointed out the insufficient number of subjects previously used. (e. would characterize disagreeable the reported memories as "screen memories" designed to replace even more this explanation distressing and hence repressed childhood experiences. secondly to the relation of the results to LQ. ian theory of forgetting. Koch (107) asked each of her educational-psychology students to rate ten quiz-grades on a five-point scale of emotional reacton immediately upon receipt of the grades. and the forced interpretations advanced in most of the studies. furnish a scientific proof one way or the other. 46 Meltzer's review included all the types of experiments dealt with in this chapter.this finding that the majority of those reported was U. U. 405) u See Chapter V.. presupposes the proved to disprove the Freudundertook who Neither Wohlgemuth. attempted or were able to demonstrate this relevance. however. the results were compared with LQ. and I and rated them on a five-point scale as to vividness. and thirdly to sex differences (106). Meltzer based his experiment on the conclusions of his survey. Meltzer analyzed the data with regard first to individual differences (104). judged these experiences as P. section on infantile amnesia (pp. . 46 first critical survey (95) of all the pertinent and Meltzer and Koch each published reports of careful experiments. and I have come across the assertion that 'the fact itself is beyond dispute. for example. 155-156). recall of the ten grades was requested. in question. Nevertheless the above statement is postulated as a fact. doubtless. (g) a value judgment upon stimuli. he considered his results to be in Meltzer found 56. and their physiological and introspective aspects. (b) an expression of the domination of the sympathetic nervous system over the cranio-sacral. present we have no proof that affective-tone conditions memory. (d) an instinctive reaction to thwarting. However. 49 ". . and Tolman and Johnson (35). they Meltzer makes it clear that at out the advantages of a judgmental theory. 48 The reports of both Meltzer and Koch are distinguished discuss the nature of the "affective factor.EXPEKIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY of the experiences. The problem of sex differences was also discussed by Colegrove (11). neither Meltzer nor Koch avoided hasty conclusions concerning the relation of their results to the psychoanalytic theory. proportion of P and U gestive of some sex differences. 401). as the repression phenomenon of the psychoanalyst. maintaining that the effect of the "affective factor" on memory is probably indirect. (f) a withdrawal reaction. and concludes that to speak of a causal relation between the two is an error. 186) In spite of their advanced methodological thinking. but they were in a minority. moral. p. be given a more satisfactory answer after we have the question of the genesis and development of our values and into probed deeply the relation of these to such extra-organismal influences as social. and a prevalence of both P and U experiences over I experiences. while 73 Koch established the emotional-tone at the time assuming an equal Koch and Meltzer each found a prevalence of P experiences over U experiences in recall. .4% optimists. Koch describes a great 49 variety of views on U-ness. Meltzer found individuals who forgot the P more than the U. Thus. (e) an accompaniment of an in energy deficiency. ." (p. 185) seems to the author the most in keeping with the facts 47 48 ." the psychoanalytic theory of forgetting. They found great individual differences in these tendencies. terms of whether they normally arouse negatively adaptive responses the latter . and philo- "The problem sophical traditions.87% pessimists and 7. 35. she points in that they a stand on take Also. (c) a pattern yielded by thalamic activity of a certain sort. Gordon (73). intermixing theories of emotion and feeling. among the various views of unpleasantness that have been held (a) that it is a psychic element. he suggests it would be more logical to suppose that both memory and feeling are conditioned by the same factors (104. of the experience. although not so startling.64% indifferentists. Meltzer thought he had investigated a phenomenon as lifelike and personal. 47 Neither Koch nor Meltzer found a significant correlation between intelligence and " Meltzer 's results were only Sug"influence of feeling-tone on memory." (p. both avoided the fallacy of experiences in everyday life. and she concludes: will. . and asked for the recall of the contents on the first school day and after four weeks. with recall after ten weeks. they limited the time allowed for reporting and asked for intensity ratings. He revived the ''memory-optimist" and "memory-pessimist" classifications. Menzies. but this advantage was stanot reliable. concluded "It would be difficult to account for our results merely with an endopsychic : censor" (p. and his for of asked incidents. he concluded that we forget for U P U experiences either because they change in quality because they are less frequently rehearsed than and are no longer U. Waters and . 185). and gave recall tests after ment. rated the intensity of P-ness and U-ness and the degree of perfection of the the procedure was repeated three weeks later. or P experiences. everyday typical subjects (101) reports recall.74 EMOTIONS AND MEMOBY harmony with the psychoanalytic theory. He concluded that the intensity. and that experiences was both absolutely and experiences. using eight groups of subjects and recall tests with delays ranging from 2 to 140 days. in U U delayed-recall more P experiences were forgotten than U. Menzies (110. The time of reporting was Cason limited. Koch. like Cason. and that the strength Susukita's results supported FluegePs (100) conclusion that P experiments constitute a greater part of daily life than experiences. on the basis of the advantage in recall of both P and U experiences over I experiences. U two and four weeks. Later Waters and Leeper (112) repeated Meltzer's experiment. the extremely P and U remembered equally well and somewhat better than mildly tistically advantage of P over U experiences in recall. after twenty-one days a delayed-recall test was given. found that recall is influenced quality. not the quality. and gave delayed-recall tests after one and three weeks. Thomson (109) and I ratings over a period of asked the subjects to keep diaries with P. by the intensity of feeling-tone but not by its of affective-tone fades in time. These experiments were repeated by several investigators. 111) asked for the report of P. he found further that although the absolute number of remembered P experiences was greater than that of experiences. Jersild (108) asked for reports of P and U experiences which had occurred in the three weeks immediately preceding the experiment. Jersild found that more P than in delayed-recall the relatively better memory than for U experiences were reported. with the aim of testing the fate of the experiences and their feeling-tone in delayed recall. Cason found that in delayed-recall both though this is experiences are and or I experiences. U and I experiences of the day preceding the experiment. more marked in U experiences. Thomson found an P U P and U experiences tend to become I. of the feeling-tone has an influence on memory. O'Kelley and Steckle (113) also repeated Meltzer's experifive days. Susukita (15) had children keep diaries of summer vacations. EXPEEIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 75 Leeper's results corroborated those of Cason and of Menzies. As a matter of fact. Waters and Leeper shed some light on the relation of the "law This relation had been nebuof effect" to this type of experimentation. lous even to such acute investigators as Henderson and Meltzer: Henderson had identified the forgetting of U experiences. trivial facts In the delayed-recall test. should be mentioned in this connection. of material gathered from these different sources. Except for occasional perfunctory references to the "law of effect" and to the Freudian theory of forgetting. and Meltzer the Freudian theory of forgetting. these experimental reports usually have been devoid of any explanation of the nature of the "emotional factor" involved. memory-pessimists more quickly forget P events. Stagner asked his subjects to write down a recent P and a recent experience." and was measured in terms of accuracy and completeness. although its method differs greatly from that of the others and 61 resembles rather Wuerdemann's experiment. Stagner concluded that these data greater than that of "indicate a trend towards the presence of an active process of repression" (p. that of Stagner (84). we would conclude that generally the reason a subject does not repeat his former unwise actions is because of the very fact that he does remember them and their consequences. it investigates not the forother experiments which many . with the law of effect. from a very questionable comparison periods of delay. tend to be more quickly forgotten than U events. and disproved Jersild's contention that the difference between remembered experiences is due to frequency of rehearsal. that P events. The number of associates given to P experiences was greater than that given to U experiences. Waters and Leeper write: "The law of effect says simply that the subject will tend to avoid performing the act that formerly was followed by unpleasantness. 64-65. 466). 214) One more experiment. and found that while memory-optimists tend to forget P and U events equally. although always more numerous. P and U Steckle comand O'Kelley pared their results with those of three other investigators who used varying 50 They concluded. They emphasized the extent of individual differences. from ordinary observation. The recall was rightly characterized as ''redintegration. U Stagner's experiment has the advantage that * They apparently were unacquainted with the attacked the problem of length of delay. but the difference only approached reliability. it says nothing about his remembering his former experience and the unpleasantness connected with it. the recall of the associated was requested. with all trivial facts U associated with each. the average age of P experiences was reliably experiences. 61 See pp." (p. The superiority of the "redintegration" of P experiences was established with statistical reliability. Stagner in this study shares Meltzer's view that the relation of retention to feeling-tone is one which does not imply causation. these experiments. The significant theoretical advancements were: (i) The relation of P-ness and U-ness to advantages in remembering cannot be considered a causal relationship. there was found a tendency to over-estimate 1?he P-ness and U-ness of experiences.76 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY getting of an experience but rather some of the changes which the experience undergoes in time. This was found methodologically erroneous. and attempts were made to prove or disprove the psychoanalytic theory of forgetting by means of experiments whose relevance to the theory has not yet been clarified. theory of P-ness and U-ness advanced. From the fact that the majority of reported experiences was P. rather than the emotional. . the individual differences are great. Most investigators agreed that in spite of the c. d. references to the "law of effect" were Thus. 6. The Summary a. and as tensions involve changes in brain patterns they "must inevitably result in changes in the memory Such an attempted explanation traces of the experience related" (p. In addition." and to have implied a conP. according to him. The experiments tended to show that experiences or U-ness were better retained than those frequent the results. 62 judgmental. (ii) The was abundant. He attempts to explain the common factor underlying both: "Such be possibly found in the nature of an adaptive response" U events. pp. the early experiments using experiences as material concluded that P experiences are better remembered. 467). set up a tension "about which something must be done. 467). would certainly be supported by the Lewinian and Gestalt psychology. memory of the feeling-tone as experienced with the P-U judgment of the experience at the time of reporting. and only a minority of the experiments indicated a better retention of P than of U experiences. or of experimentallycontrolled immediately-judged experience and delayed-recall. as it was demonstrated that a greater part of our experiences was judged Subsequent experimentation avoided this error and based its conclusions on the comparison of report and delayed-recall." while about the P events "nothing need be done. although using material more meaningful See Chapter IV. rather. fusion of the of intense P-ness having mild feeling-tone. e. a factor may (p. Nevertheless. both depend statistical reliability of on a common factor. 52 if not by the psychoanalytic theory to which Stagner refers. A decrease of intensity of feeling-tone with the lapse of time was found. These experiments were shown to measure the influence of judgmental P-ness and U-ness rather than of "emotions. and in general the trace-theory of Koffka." Adaptation is a release of tension. 133-134. even though it is observed that they claim to prove or disprove theories to which their relevance has not been established. Barret (115) advances the following view: is suggested that it might be easier to control and measure hedonic tone and varying degrees in an experiment in which words rather than experiences are used. Because of the difficulties involved in using pleasant and unpleasant experiences in studying the problem many investigators have made use of word lists. Emotionally labile subjects were used in some instances to demonstrate the effect of the emotional-tone on memory. Gestalt psychology (Koehler. U. The first difficulty in using lists of words appears to be that should negative results be obtained one would not be certain whether the results were due to the relatively innocuous nature of the materials used or whether there were really no differences which might be related to qualitative differences of hedonic tone to be "It its . the recall would reflect the influence of these varied "emotional-tones" on memory functioning. It was a simple matter to assume next that if P. 114. difficulties EXPERIMENTS ON THE REMEMBERING OF LEARNED MATERIAL simplest The apparently of way to investigate experimentally the influence emotion on memory was suggested by the classical method of memory experimentation. Most of the to be in this this section method. The experiments surveyed employed means of establishing the "emotional-tone' of the words varied considerably: the feeling-tone was determined arbitrarily at first by the experimenter. Their value should not be under-estimated." In opposition to Meltzer's arguments. which proceeded on the assumption that the properties of memory-functioning could be established by measuring the recall of nonsense-syllables. Criticisms directed at the classical memory experiments are equally valid for the experiments discussed in this section. in more recent experiments by judges. that of "meaning. . who characterized the method as lifeless and thus unaMe to measure an "emotional influence." The application of this learning-method to our problem was criticized by Meltzer (95). . . . C. and texts learned by the subjects. words. Chapter IX) maintains that the method of learning wordlists disregards the essential factor in psychological functioning and in learning especially: namely. . and most recently by the individual subject or by the experimenter on the basis of knowledge about the individual subject. and that their strated still frequent theoretical inadequacy and inherent methodological reduce their cogency. and I words were chosen for learning and the same method used. . demononly a mediate influence of the emotional factor through judgmental P-ness and U-ness. in other studies the learning-situation was so constructed as to reinforce the ' emotional-tone of the words.EXPEBIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY and lifelike 77 than the experiments surveyed in the previous section. or how results obtained under artificial conditions and with meaningless in life situa- material are relevant to the selective remembering observed Neither Barret nor the other experimenters using this method tions. no noise. U. All they have demonstrated is that even personally irrelevant and "lifeless material judged P. U. and I by the subjects. and to vary the experiment in such a manner as to glean further information useful in the interpretation of her results. well-controlled methods one could feel confident of the results. and for P-ness. and I-ness established by judgments. however. After a period granted to the animal to become accustomed to this environment. 16) Barret has been ^able to control strictly her experiments on the recall of words judged P. The experimenter observes them from the adjoining room. with varied derivatives of the instinctual 63 "We must not forget that during the experiment the animals are kept in an environment which is entirely different from their natural environment. is the reaction of an animal deprived of its freedom of movement and set in an environment barren of all the conditions present in its everyday environment. registering devices are fastened to them. with the simple situation it might be possible to vary the experiment in some way to obtain further information which could be helpful in interpreting the results. Further. have clarified these relations. and I elicits individual differences of recall. but he shows that to draw conclusions concerning general laws of psychic functioning based on these observations is unwarand that these conclusions were arbitrarily postulated by Pavlov. 30-31) . that is stimuli with which the experimenter does not want to operate at the moment. The animals are put on tables. ranted. All the 'stimuli' reach the animals in a mechanical way. The utmost care is taken to shut out changes. no breeze penetrates from the outside. The situation reminds one of Straus's 37 the Pavlovian conditioned (116) discussion of the Pavlovian reflexology: he endeavored to reflex. The animal is kept in an atmosphere of monotonous." (p. at whose foundation instinctual forces are the determining factors and in whose upper structure logical reasoning rules. without being seen by the animals. The laboratory is cut off from the outside world. Likewise. the experiment begins. control and variation solely of the experimental situation are not sufficient to explain how the differences in recall of the words judged P. U. or I are related to the effect of emotions on memory. harnessed in frames. If. unchangeable silence. and then they are left in the laboratory all to themselves. differences could be established with simple. If we will regard the psychic apparatus as a hierarchy. However. U~ness. the results of our next group of experiments will have validity only for the relatively meaningless learning-material used. No light. far from being the archetype show that and basic element of psychological functioning." (pp.78 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY found at any point on the scale. 53 Straus admits that situation Pavlov's description of the reactions of the experimental animals in this is adequate. reproduction experiments conducted as part of the diagnosticassociation experiment have been previously discussed. group judgments of the emotional-tone were obtained. U-ness. They show a progressive improvement in that the experimental techniques became more adequate. The . and I words were arbitrarily selected. Any experiment using "emotional-tone" established by any method. and I words. Tait measuring recall and Tolman While Tait found that U words were favored over I words in learning. U-ness. and where its dependence on the instinctual iorces is vague. U. the experiments will yield only quantitative measures of the differences in the recall. In Tait's experiments the words to be used were presented only once to the subjects. and I-ness. We the experiments under discussion rise. each subject judged the emotional-tone of the words he was to learn and recall. without reflecting its dynamics. the less will they yield information on the dynamics of the influence of emotions on memory. Tait found appreciable everyday life was measured. Other factors were also gradually subjected to control: the problem of partial and total learning. P over U words and of P over I and Tolman only a trend. finally.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 79 forces between. although certainly originating in basic affective attitudes. Although at first the P. and I Words These experiments followed the classical method of memory experimentamore closely than any of the other experiments. both determined arbitrarily the P. and pertaining to any level of this hierarchy. frequency. Tait (69) and Tolman (117) published the first experiments of this kind. may yield some information about the influence of the "emotional-tone" on memory. although they retained the use of word-lists and of judgmental P-ness. thus a memory phenomenon similar to the incidental memory which is common in Tait and Tolman both found a prevalence of words. Experiments on the Recall of P. Tolman's results indicated the contrary. When a great distance exists between the "emotional-tone" investigated in the experiment and the instinctual forces of the hierarchy. U. delineated the scope of the information which may be expected to yield. although they may differences. and I-ness. then we may formulate more concretely our expectation concerning the results of the experiments to be surveyed. U. still later. recall. PGR measurements were later used to indicate the tion accuracy of this selection. They gave however. a. and the greater this distance. to several experiments whose results transcended this ex- pectation. It is a fact that the method of the classical memory experiment was a priori designed to measure only the quantitative aspect of memory. and so on. length of words. are but highly-intellectu- alized derivatives. Judgmental P-ness. 124. and his findings corroborated. of the functional caution is clearly stated else by Stagner (121) : "Whatever conscious may phenomenon and cannot be defined be doubtful about the concept of 'affection/ it certainly in physiological terms. but as a means of supporting the PUI judgments in selecting words to comprise the emotionally-toned material (Bunch and Wientge. however. and the experimental word-lists were selected from the words on whose rating Ratjiff. this was modified so that the PUI ratings were established by the experimental groups. Carter. W. but he d^d not and negative influences with P-ness and U-ness. there was maximal agreement (White and . arbitrary selection of and the use by the examiner of the words having an emotionalPGR-measurements for this purpose. These experimenters gave no theointerrelation between PGR and explanation emotions influencing memory. not as the sole determiner of the emotional-tone and its intensity. except for the postulation that the same factor conditions the PGR response and the differential memory response. W.80 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY recall experiments. He found to the Later investigators used the PGR. Jones (118). but failed to find the bidirectional effect. were followed in the course of experimentation by a tendency to establish the feeling-tone Chaney and Lauer (123) had the PUI ratings of the words established by 150 judges. Lynch ments (119). That even such an explanation should be handled with 122. He called this influence which he found might be positive or negative. retical and Schock. as it introduced into these experiments the use of PGR measurements to estabSmith found that the emotionallish the presence of an emotional-tone. favoring or impeding recall associate these positive "the bidirectional effect of emotions on memory". be considered as method of paired associates. we shall measuring incidental recall not discuss them again here. Jones. arbitrary Smith's attempt was thus an improvement over T ait's and Tolman's determination of the emotional-tone. 39. W. Carter. White. his results in both tests showed a P-U-I sequence of recall-facility. 127. Carter. by the W. tone as measured by the PGR influences memory. none of whom was in the experimental by group-judgments." (p. Later without question the word-lists and PGR measure- his subjects immediate and delayed recoga high correlation between his results and those of Smith and Jones. 126. Balken (120) of Smith and Jones. Smith's (37) reproduction experiment should be mentioned. E. His experiment was repeated. accepting by H. 125. 130) is a The tone. gave nition tests. It is doubtful whether at our present stage of knowledge such an explanation can be given. Carter. 128. Under the influence of Meltzer's (95) survey. and Stagner (121) investigated the relation of PGR measurements and found a chance correlation. Jones. White and Powell. and Schock. 39). recall of learned material. group. they rather know its opposite: the avoidance of disagree- able sensations. but the results of Cason 's study. Establishing the emotional-tone ments or by PGR measurements made for occasionally inconclusive results. This procedure was carried still further by Thomson. only the results of Cason and his pupils were interpreted as inconclusive. but increasing conclusiveness was achieved as the experimental method by arbitrary judg- approached comparing the individual's selective remembering with his own judgments. 109. All the experiments basing the PUI rating on judgments of the experimental group. who in one of his experiments asked his subjects to compose their own lists of PUI words. Only one of the studies (Chaney and Lauer. which used the judgments of a group other than the experimental group. Cason (101). The more his being civilized inhibits him in satisfying his drives. although he has the skill to learn to look for the pleasure itself. A further step was taken by investigators who had each subject judge his own list of words (Thomson. This fact deserves attention. and better retention of both than of I words. reported they had obtained positive rethe experiments in which the subject made his own PUI ratings. the more obvious is his search for a substitute which he finds by exposing himself to pleasant stimuli. and of Silverman and Cason 's selected his own PUI sults. in addition to the unconscious drives. She found that the difference between her selection and the average of the subjects' ratings was less than one per cent. and by Bunch and Wientge (122). out of fear of pain he tries very early to rule his inclinations. the rank-order of favoredness in recall is P-U-I or . Some understanding conler's (132) cerning the genesis of this "emotional factor" may be derived from Muelexplanation of the origin of the striving towards pleasantness. the constancy of which indicates the presence of the effect. and all the experiments in which the subject PUI word-list. what is called a positive result is frequently only a statistical trend. plays a significant role in civilized man. Man too tries to avoid pain." This agreement in itself makes it obvious that here we are hardly dealing with a personal.^ (p. as distinguished from Freud's "pleasure principle. deeply-rooted factor. 129). and Cason and Lungren (131). In these U experiments. was inconclusive. Barret (115) selected the words for her experiment from lists used by previous experimenters. The animals satisfy their drives or they face destruction in the struggle for satisfaction. and had her subjects re-rate them PUI. 123). Silveraian and Cason. 265) The problem whether There were several other attempts to improve the experimental method. Stagner.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 81 Carter and Jones. Among study. as it indicates wide social agreement regarding the so-called "emotional factor. they do not know this substitute. 121. 130)." Mueller writes: "The conscious search after pleasurable sensations is something which. whose subjects selected words out of lists submitted to them. indicate the presence of a trend towards better retention of P than of words. From an entirely different point of view. Barret emphaword lists adminsized the importance of testing incidental memory: ". Silverman and Cason. The studies of Barret and of White and Ratliff were conclusive in demonstrating the advantage of P over TJ words. Another attempted improvement of the experimental method was the We have already seen this effort in effort to measure incidental memory. is much more significant than that feeling-toned between the recall of P and U words. To investigate this problem. 130. TJ-ness. Howthe relevance of ever. As these findings indicated that not the disagreeable but the indifferent was most easily forgotten. 134). the material thus obscuring any factors which otherwise may be important" (p. made such ratings the (123) had asked for intensity-ratings. Barret. and I words was attempted (Silverman and Cason." but P-ness more than U-ness. This interrelation could be otherwise described by the statement that the factors which make for P and U judgments of words also apparently en- hance their availability for reproduction. White and Ratliff 128. and Barret's. 45. and recall between more intensely feeling-toned and indifferent words. . difference in the that indicate to results reached by this method appeared and between less words. and Shock's. those of Silverman and Cason . Jones. and Lanier asked their subjects to make the PUI ratings while uninformed that recall would be requested. 18). of P-I-U tone is whether the quality or the intensity of the feelingdominant importance in remembering was a point of contro- versy in the experiments discussed. Barret. It was well known that remembering in everyday life more often refers to an incidentally-perceived fact than to systematically-learned material: thus. and I-ness in These experiments seem to indicate of proving such a relevance is slight. the advantage of P over U words was much more pronounced than when time allowed for full learning. Lanier. make the experiment more lifelike. hierarchy ness. U. merely that any degree of judgmental "feeling-tone. several studies (especially Carter. the reproduction-experiment employed in the association-experiments. 39. they found that when timelimitation allowed for partial learning only. lends an advantage in recall to the words to which it is attached. 115) concluded that this disproved the Freudian theory of forgetting. This method. Cason (101) nucleus of his investigations. position of Pthe emotional of the possibility factors. was developed to its peak in Barret's experiment. . used also by White and The Ratliff (128). Chaney and Lauer ratings of the feeling-tone were introduced. these experimenters made no attempt to prove the of view In their experiments to the Freudian theory.82 EMOTIONS AND MEMOKY in other words. istered as memory tests permit mechanical associations to be forced into to . the measurement of incidental memory for P. 133. 115. intensityEarlier. White and Ratliff came to doubt the adequacy of the learning procedure for testing the differential recall of feeling-toned material. (136) investigated the superiority of dren. the following may be mentioned. There were attempts to use words selected as of equal fre- quency in usage." (p.. or tendencies. do not have to resort to such automatic distinction between the that be other .. That incidental memory or recall after partial learning clearly shows a differential recall of feeling-toned material. which are primarily hedonistic. and that complete learning equalizes the efficiency of recall. because only Gilbert used it P "There is a development of hedonistic selectivity from childhood to adulty. but several of the later experiments. made efforts to control these factors. The influence of the subjects' ential recall age on the superiority of P words in recall had been pointed out by Peters (42) in his experience-association studies. interlinks with Adams' (135) view that the learning process is too slow to permit observation of its dynamics. Stagner (121) constructed an experiment to investi- gate the frequently disregarded effect of primacy and recency. 438) These findings on the "development of hedonic selectivity" again demonstrate that the effect investigated is not that of "repression. of equal length. Children. and Carter. Bar- and Silverman and Cason's studies indicated an advantage of P and U words over I words. finding their hedonistic impulses measures of comparatively unrestrained.EXPEEIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY and ret's 83 of Lanier indicated only the presence of a trend in this direction. and Carter (125) again called attention to this problem. Stagner (121) offered data to demonstrate that these factors do not exert a significant influence on the results of this type of experiment. as might explanations compensation have not been pleasantness and unpleasantness in the higher mental processes themsufficiently well developed in children. White (126) corrobBarorated this finding. although he found great individual overlapping ret's (115) results indicated only a slight relationship of the vividness of the hedonic-tone the factor she considered important in eliciting differto the number of associations. On the contrary. 44). found that words in recall is more evident in adults than in chilThe issue was not settled satisfactorily. The possibility that P words are better recalled because they have more associates had already been indicated by Griffitts's (49) association study." . The shortcut taken by investigating incidental memory and partial learning makes possible a glance into some processes of the learning of feeling-toned material. 64 54 experimentally and. and Shock (39) agreed with this finding. like Peters (43. especially Barret's unusually careful study. Thomson (109). however. Jones. Among other attempts to exclude factors which might cloud the differential recall of PUI words." (p. it would serve to exaggerate them as a sort of compensation for the social restrictions on behavior. simply because the higher processes selves are still undergoing development. 435) "The social restraint placed on hedonistic behavior in adults cannot be placed on natural thought habits. Beebe-Center Gilbert (55). and of identical grammatical category. Barret's (115) study also took this effect into account. and that to be discussed in the remainder of this chapter. showed also a superiority of P over words in U recall. and Carter's studies with children above ten years of age and with adolescents. and Barret's and others' studies with college students. of course. these are not necessarily present in the type of experiment discussed here. Gilbert recall of (136) claimed that immediate recall in recall. cerebrally aroused and of unpleasantness. most of the experimenters in their reports referred critically to previous experiments. is not a satisfactory test of superiority Several surveys have contributed to the development of the experimentation described thus far. Young's theoretical explanation is that recall is a cerebral process. 55 w "Recall is a cerebral process. but the mere listing of words with pleasant and unpleasant meanings is feelings of pleasantness Failure to recognize this distinction leaJs only to confusion. 596). the primary affective reactions are assumed to be centered at the level of the thalamus. But neither the surveys nor the historical comments of the experimental reports discussed the nature of the effect of emotional-tone on memory as investigated. the more pronounced the effect. however. "When pleasant feeling. It was not until 1937 that Young (140) published an experimental study in which he correlated the scores of genuine affective reactions to words in place of the PUI judgments on them with the scores indicating the differential recall of P and U words. of a pleasant meaning is not the same as . Also. The awareness. He maintains that although there are associatively aroused feelings. White and Ratliff (124) came to the conclusion that the longer the delay.84 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY children under ten years of age. He found no relation between the two. Meltzer's (95) positive criticism. The report of felt pleasantness which is associatively aroused is one thing. and that his negative finding was "to be expected on the assumption that recalling pleasant and unpleasant meaning has little relation to felt pleasantness and unpleasantness" (p. 137) over-pessimistic view of the results improvement noted above. Everyone knows that pleasantness and unpleasantness can be established by recalling past experiences and imagining possible situations. There are. while it is assumed that the primary affective stimulated of of the technical much Moore (138) reactions are centered at the thalamic level. the psychologist states that love/ 'beautiful/ and 'music 1 are pleasant words he knows that these words have associations which arouse or tend to arouse something different. Beebe-Center's (55) overoptimistic and Cason's (101. The surveys and Gilbert (139) appraised the development that had taken place in the wake of the previous surveys. Whether immediate or delayed recall is the better test of differential P and U words has not been investigated so intensively here as in the experience experiments. and concluded that the meaning of P-ness and U-ness and a consciously felt experience of P-ness and U-ness are entirely different considerations. Myers' statement becomes self-evident and even the doubt he raises namely. memory is viewed as one aspect of the organization of thought processes. and after the recall-test asked which of the two was preferred. that social considerations inhibit the expression of the remembered loses its pertinence. and so on. while those of items liked least tended either to appear late or to be omitted. even in a thoroughly depressed mood he may be aware of the meaning of pleasantness without any trace of pleasant feeling." (p. Selz (147) asked his subjects to rank according to preference four lectures they had heard and reported on. . The results of both experiments were positive. If. These conclusions imply that the expressed is a measure of the remembered. Both Fox and Selz asked for recall after a week. Myers contended that "probably in the long run memory and Such a view would certainly contraexpression are commensurate" (p. and that the position in the sequence of enumeration is a measure of the ease of remembering. Myers found that the names of items liked most tended to appear early in the original lists. recognition of greater P and U found that cards ranked higher esthetwere better than those ranked lower. . S may be aware of the meaning of pleasantness feeling is aroused. do not . he concluded that "from this it is pretty safe to infer that one intends to remember the agreeable rather than the disagreeable" (p. he obtained self. 301). Laird concluded that his results ". colors. which equated with the . Fox (146) asked ically recognized his subjects to memorize two sonnets.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 6. A. Later the subjects were asked to write down the names of items in these categories which they liked most and least. animals. 91) dict the classical conceptions of memory. 596) than of an actual arousal when no 60 The significance of judgments of portraits has been discussed by Rapaport (145). Peters found a P-U-I sequence of in and a better superiority recognition. necessarily indicate the obliviscence of the displeasing" (p. Berliner of pleasant feeling. 85 Recall of Liked Versus Disliked Material The experiments in this small group used material which was more meaningful for the subject than that of the experiments with PUI words. however. Peters (143) showed portraits 56 to her subjects and asked for PUI judgments. foods. to recognize. Berliner (144) showed artistic post cards and asked for esthetic ranking. Both gave four delayed-recognition tests. and in the pessimists to record the disliked items first. Myers (141) and Laird (142) asked their subjects to write lists of names of people. and found a marked tendency in the optimists to record the liked items first.and group-judgments of the optimistic and pessimistic trends of his subjects. and found a superiority of the preferred intensities lesser. or to save in relearning. and the unexpressed a measure of the forgotten. memory ability to recall. 90). but by subjective selection and interest/ (p. and even the association of ideas is determined. sister. in recall and experiments. using more meaningful material and so organized as to be psychologically relevant to the subjects. police. and I adjectives. 403) These experiments. apparently support the findings of the experiments with PUI words. c. . but the methodological flawlessness and statistical reliability achieved in the experiments with factors like-disiike. the affective-life is pathologically vivid. preacher. service. and presented her list of Waldberg arbitrarily selected single viz. purgatorium. or I. unfaithfulness. 57 . and against a common factor determining both preference and retention. household. aunt. Experiments with Psychiatric Patients on the Remembering of Verbal Material P and U in the previous group of experiments marked an improvement in that the materials and procedures had some personal relevance for the subjects. The emotional value. bed-wetting. They had also the advantage of showing not only The method used some qualitative properties of the influence on The of preference memory. although some appear to be nearer to the emotional core of the person than are P.. the effects on memory of even This idea was applied slightly feeling-toned material may be observable. Birnbaum (34) had used psychiatric patients to investigate the influence His underlying supposition was that if of feeling-tone on associations. P. The by Sharp (149) by Waldberg (148) also in Gilbert's survey was recommended of the method application quantitative differences. that any experimental evidence about memory 'there which does not take the subjective factor into account must be rejected is no pure passivity in experience. physician. but (139). EMOTIONS AND MEMORY A disadvantage of Fox's experiment was that the ranking failure may have directly Selz argued for an immediate dependence of retention on preference. and success and determined the preference. without first considering whether they were P. asked only for attention. " not mechanically. father. was made after the recall.86 item in recall. preference. revenge. and were based on Ward's theory rather than on his own experiment: . U. IT. Fox's claims were somewhat pretentious. experiments to be discussed here also demsome onstrate qualitative aspects of the relation of emotion to memory. "It follows from our investigation. and I judg- ments. words 67 frequently connected with complexes. fire. visit. face. Waldberg gave no learning-instruction. Sharp selected. and I nouns meaningfully paired with P. interest are still judgmental. U. oil the basis of the subjects' case-histories. . jealousy. esthetic PUI words are here absent. U. bedroom. EXPERIMENTAL CONTKIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 87 words once; she then asked for reproduction and an introspective report. Sharp gave learning-instructions, three delayed-recall tests after 2, 9, and 16 days and then a re-learning test. Waldberg was interested in the influence of affects on memory; Sharp strove to verify experimentally Freud's theory of repression, and a facilitation-theory which maintained that Freud's "pleasure principle" implies a facilitation of remembering pleasant material. Waldberg used four experimental groups: normal adult, normal child, psychotic, and epileptic. Sharp used three groups of psychoneurotics and three control groups of normals. Waldberg's results were purely qualitative. She found that the normal adult was inclined to reproduce the original sequence of words, interrupting it only at words having a personal feeling-value for him. The words connected with complexes contrary to self-esteem tended to be "repressed"; other complex-connected words, whether P or U, showed a special ease of recall. Children showed a smaller quantity of reproduction and a weaker inclination to follow the original sequence; both tendencies improve as the subject's age increases. Psychotics were found to disregard the se- quence, and to reproduce words having an eminent "complex" connection or a connection to a recent experience; the most important of these recurred frequently in the course of recall; words given in reproduction but not present in the original series were always complex-connected words. Epileptics showed a very small quantity of reproduction, and tended to begin- reproduction with words presented last "just to be sure" and to reproduce arbitrarily, with perseveration and distortion, "what had incidentally stuck in their memory." Sharp summed up her but results as follows: "The unacceptable material is much more difficult to learn than the neutral list, it is more poorly retained. The acceptable material is also more difficult than the neutral list, but it is more effectively retained for the longer intervals. The they acceptable and unacceptable materials are approximately equal in difficulty, but differ radically in respect to retention." (p. 410) She concluded that: The process of repression affects both the pleasant and the unpleasant mabut to unequal degree. (2) In both cases, the process of repression is limited to the first two days after learning. This fact suggests that repression is an autonomic process in that it takes place prior to the first recall. (3) The enhancement, on the other hand, is limited to the pleasant materials, and it does not occur until after the first recall. This fact suggests the possibility that the enhancement of the pleasant material may be a function of the prior recall." (p. 418) "(1) terials Waldberg's experiment, although more clinical somewhat arbitrary in its construction, is of value in that it than experimental and shows some 88 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY of the qualitative aspects of the influence of complexes and affects on reproduction. Different types of affective organizations (child, adolescent, psychotic, epileptic), rather than the influence of specific affects, were investigated. Sharp's experiment is distinguished by the selection of the words based on the subjects' case-histories, and by the use of meaningful associations of nouns and adjectives. Her claim to have investigated ^repression" is, however, not justified. The difference she found between the mechanisms of "repression" and "facilitation," and her relegation of "facilitation" to the realm of effects of repetition, appear to be significant. Sharp's experiment was repeated by Sears (150), with college-students as subjects; Sharp's word-pairs, and similar parallel series selected by. a group In contrast to Sharp, of persons who had been psychoanalyzed, were used. whose control groups showed the same reaction as the psychoneurotic groups, Sears states: "The only conclusion with reference to repression that seems reasonable to draw from these results is that if repression were operating the method described has not been appropriate for measuring it." The significance of these experiments is that they used psychiatric and that the word-material was related to the problems of the subjects. Sharp achieved this relation by taking her word-material from the case-histories; Waldberg achieved it by asking the subjects for introspective reports, and comparing her results with the case-histories. patients, d. The Influence of "Emotions" on Learning and the emotional-tone whose influence on the "Mental Set" "mental set" to be invesIn some of these experiments the "mental set" introduced the tigated. emotional effect; in others it was used to make the subjects more sensitive to elicit The group of experiments to be discussed here used a memory was to the emotional-tone. The obvious advantage of these experiments over those using PUI words is that these take cognizance not only of the material learned and remembered, but also of at least part of the subject's relation to it. This is a step toward an experimental investigation of the "situation as a whole." shall review what is and Gundlach, Rotschild, Young (151) experimentally analyzed the "mental set" and described it as follows Preliminary to reporting these experiments, set." we meant by "mental : "The word 'set* has several meanings. In the first place, it suggests something which is firmly established, as one's prejudices, fixed beliefs and habits. It is a fundamental biological principle that the nervous system retains its organization; that it becomes more or less permanently set. In the second place, the word 'set' suggests a bodily posture which an organism temporarily assumes. Thus the runner toeing the line and awaiting the gun is set. The cat crouching upon the floor pre~ EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 89 pared to spring upon a mouse is set. In these cases there is a temporary preparation for action which involves observable changes in the adjustment of muscles. In the third place, the word *set* suggests a temporary preparation which is not directly dependent upon changes in muscular tonus. For example, after several hours of study I am set for my lecture. The pianist is set to play one of 'Beethoven's sonatas. Such neural preparation need not reveal itself in any particular bodily attitude. In the fourth place, the word suggests a temporary preparation for immediate action as determined by instruction." (p. 247) McGeoch Ach (152) describes the effect of the "mental set" on memory, and identifies it with the concept of "determining tendency" advanced by (153): "It is probable, although the experimental evidence in support of it is not yet conclusive, that forgetting also depends upon set or determining tendency. That interest or set in a given direction has a selective influence on recall is well known; if the set it is in an incorrect direction, recall (p. 347) may fail, even though with a correct set may occur." Humphrey (154) defines the very much as Lewin in his theory G. 58 concept of "determining tendencies" defines "needs." The concept of "men- tal set" leads to the concept of "determining tendencies" and to the Lewinian concept of "needs"; and the experiments to be surveyed below lead to the Lewinian experiments. In another respect, the concept of "mental set" shades into that of "context." McGeoch (152) defines "context" as follows: "One kind of context consists of the stimulation from the external environment, such as the furniture of the room, the experimenter and the apparatus. A second kind is the stimulation from the interoceptors which make up the feeling of the body, and a third is the ideational context which constitutes the unessential content of consciousness. These factors may be, and many of them are, connected with the material learned." (p. 347) Pan's (155) experiment on the effect of "context" on memory showed that: "The recall of any material is favored by the presence of an environmental factor which has some associative connection with that material. In the absence of such an association, the environmental situation is likely to be unfavorable to recall." (p. 490) 89 58 "it was found that when a subject is confronted with a problem, his behavior and thought are determined not only by the associations which past experience has attached to the problem, but also by what we now call a need that springs from the task the subject has set himself. It is these needs that give mental life its ordered and directed character, even though we are not conscious of them as such. They " tendencies. are called determining (p. 389) 69 See also Smith and Guthrie's (158), and Wong and Brown's (159) pertinent experiments. 90 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY "Determining tendency/' "need," "context," and the four different types by Gundlach, Rotschild, and Young, are the factors which introduce or reinforce the "emotional influence" in the experiments of "set" described discussed in this section. 60 Flanagan (156) and Sharp (157) used paired nonsense-syllables: Sharp's had religious or profane connotations (as, jeh-sus, god-dum), and Flanagan's pairs had sexual connotations (as, piy-nis) both used control material with innocuous connotations. These experimenters proposed to pairs ; Sharp was cognizant of investigate the Freudian theory of repression. the similarity of her experiment to Langfeld's (160, 161) on the suppressive effect of "negative set." Langfeld asked his subjects to make logical responses to a series of questions, but his additional instructions excluded certain types of response; this deliberate interference with a part of the In Sharp's experiment the "negative set" was the socially-unacceptable profane meaning, which acted against the efforts to recall. Flanagan was cognizant of the similogical response established the "negative set." larity of his (162) who experiment to Langfeld's, and to those of Pan (155) and Key investigated the effect of "context" on memory. Both Flana- gan and Sharp found statistically-significant differences of learning and recall between material with socially-unacceptable (sexual, profane) connotations and material with innocuous connotations both claimed to have demonstrated experimentally the Freudian theory of repression. The ; tal set" it is experiments appear to be related more intimately to the influence of "menand social-unacceptability than to the repression theory; however, undeniable that the factor of social-unacceptability bears an emotionaltone rooted probably more deeply than the P-ness, U-ness, and I-ness of isolated words. The relevance of these experiments to the Freudian theory cannot be considered proved; but Sharp describes reactions adopted in the situation of conflicting motivation, which resemble Freudian "mechanisms." 61 of repression of her subjects, "context" and "set," see also Woodworth (187). "In this study the subjects solved the difficulty in one of the following ways: "1. Round-about methods, mispronounciation of an extreme nature to cover up the fact that the nature of the material is recognized. In about two-thirds of the cases the subjects pronounced the profane syllables correctly at first, but with the recognition of the sound of the taboo material they immediately change<i and dis61 60 On torted the pronunciation, "2. Systems of learning, other than accepting the obvious connection of meaning, were elaborately built up. One subject learned the response syllables vertically in serial order, disregarding the stimulus syllables. "3. Openly, suddenly, and in strange tones of voice, embarrassment, subjects gave up trying to conceal their of the material and quickly learned the material. with behavior exhibiting knowledge of the nature This followed after a period in EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 91 Barret (115), In her experiment previously discussed, made an incidental observation which prompted her to investigate the influence of "emotional set" on remembering emotionally-toned material. A group of her subjects deviated from the others, in that they recalled U-material better than P. Investigation revealed that at the time of the recognition-test, this group was anticipating a school-examination; and Barret assumed that this anticipation operated to influence the recall. "sets," she developed To test the effect of such two experiments: "Thirty students were asked to check the numbers of any of 10 adjectives which might apply to each of four descriptions of unpleasant behavior incidents. From 12 to 48 hours later, the subjects were tested for the recall of the 10 adjectives. "Character sketches of pleasant, unpleasant, and both pleasant and unpleasant behavior incidents were prepared in order to distinguish, if possible between a set involving logical relevancy and a set involving emotional congruity. After a single sketch, a group of subjects were to check from a list of 30 adjectives which were read to them, the numbers of any words which might apply to the characterizations in question. Forty -eight hours later the subjects were tested for the recall and recognition of the adjectives on the list." (p. 52) , was inconclusive, 62 the author concluded that the "emotional set" is important in the recall of P and U items. She advanced the theory that the superior recall of P words in her experiment, and probably in all other experiments yielding similar results, was due to the "happy frame of mind" of the subjects. It should be noted that the "mental set" which Barret had incidentally observed was operant at the time of reproduction, but that the set which she investigated systematically had been introduced at/ the presentation of the material; consequently, her final conclusion appears to be somewhat far-fetched. Her experiment, nevertheless, shares the advantage of those of Sharp and Flanagan, in that Although a segment of the results it controlled one component of the "total situation" of the subject. This component has a context-character, while that investigated by Sharp and Flanagan was "mental set" built on a rather constant attitude. In the experiments of Sharp, Flanagan, and Barret, the setting was concrete and was associated with the material. The experiments of Sullivan (163) and McKinney (164) introduced a much less specific setting, and one independent of the experimental material. In Sullivan's experiment, two groups of children learned nonsense-syllables; after a test, one which they would not admit the obvious and had been unable to learn or recall the In many cases the subjects would wait to within the merest fraction of syllables. the end of the two seconds allowed for the recall and then would blurt out the correct response, as if it were a great effort to bring out the condemning evidence of their thoughts." (pp. 20-21) ea The contrast of the P character sketch and the subjects that it facilitated the remembering of the U adjectives was so keenly felt by U adjectives. 92 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY it group was told that failed completely, had been very successful and the other that It had Sullivan found that: failure in "... the time taken to learn a memory series is increased by the knowledge of a previous performance and decreases by the knowledge of success in a previous performance." (p. 141) "The value for recall, measured by abbreviation of time taken to learn, is less in the case of the failure report and greater in the case of the success report. " (p. 142) In one of McKinney's experiments, the subjects were constantly reminded of the passage of time in another, a time-limit inadequate for the task ; was set. McKinney found: . . *'. increase (p. 105) that errors increase rather markedly when a time factor is introduced and still more when a time limit and a suggestion of inferiority is introduced." "... that time may increase . . or decrease as the result of an introduction of a time factor into the experimental situation, but the tendency seems to be more in the direction of an increase that the number of trials required to learn is affected . slightly by a time factor or a feeling of inferiority of an increase." (p. 107) and more often in the direction Sullivan's and McKinney's procedures were based on everyday observa- tions of the effect of success, failure, and timing. McKinney made observational records, on the basis of which he concluded that "there is little bis results in doubt that a genuine emotion was induced." (p. 110) Sullivan formulated terms of the "law of effect." McKinney attempted an in terms of the "emergency theory" of emotions: explanation ". . .it might be well to remember that the physiological concomitant of emotion prepares the organism for overt behavior and not for ideational activity. The individual is energized and is impulsive; he finds it more difficult to represent his activity ideationally than to make the muscular response which vital processes prepare him to execute . Some authors have considered the emotions important motives It is conceivable that as long as the emotion is just a mild but persistent stimulus it may act as a director or energizing force for ideational activity, but as soon as an . , . . . emotion becomes so strong that impulsive behavior is unavoidable, it retards rather than directs activity How this effect operates is a matter of speculation at . . . present." (p. 112) This explanation is built on Cannon's physiological theory of emotion, and is thus vitiated by the fallacy of inferring psychological phenomena from physiological phenomena; McKinney himself points out that the psychological mechanisms involved are obscure. The Lewinian school of psychology has attempted to develop a theory of these mechanisms on the basis of experiments somewhat similar to Sullivan's and McKinney's; these will be surveyed in the next section. primacy and recency. by equating the material as and number of sixthly. 0. to grammatical comparability. by considering the intensity of emotions as well as their "emotional-quality". U-ness. and by creating a "setting" calculated to arouse emotion. and I-ness. instead of learning and immediate recall." conflicting feelings over socially-unacceptable words. y. and in the main judgmental entities. and emphasized the need to dispense with superficial physiological references and to endeavor rather to understand the psychological mechanisms by which the emotions exert their influence on memory. ." are accompanied by a growing multiplicity of the emotional-factors. 6. and these factors pertain to quite different levels of the mental situations emotional hierarchy. length. This list suggests that the abandonment of the simple judgmental P-ness. and subject's age. e. (Hi) those in which psychiatric patients were the subjects. Summary a. . The existence of the influence of "emotional factors" on memory had been established. the introduction of material and experi- of greater personal relevance. (iiii) those introducing a "mental set" to sensitize the subject to the influence of the emotional-tone. and the shift in emphasis to investigate not only the experimental-material but components of the "total situation. and I material. fourthly. The first two groups of experiments were little concerned with the nature of the "emotional factor" investigated. enumerated words belonging to a given category.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 93 "Context. fifthly. associates. frequency of usage. The experiments concerned with the "influence of emotions" on the remembering of learned material included the following: (i) those using P. (ii) those using liked and disliked material. by using incidental memory and delayed-recall. they later subjects stated the items of the category which were most liked and most disliked. thirdly. by by controlling investigating the influence of the of experiments introduced a qualitative method. U. by improving the method of selecting the material secondly. the need to "emotionalize" them was met by using psychiatric patients as subjects. observable emotional effects of "being timed" all designate the "emotional factors" in the group of experiments described here. The first group of experiments was over-concerned with improving the technique and excluding disturbing factors: first. effect of success and failure. the third and fourth groups approached an understanding of this factor. The position in the original enumeration was viewed as the measure of The second group The remembering." "set. As the "emotional factors" used in these experiments were highly intellectualized. THE LEWINIAN EXPERIMENTS characteristics of the experimental material sur- The two outstanding veyed thus far were. and second. on memory than its . P-ness and U-ness. 5.g.. the strongest becomes effective. E. the great concern for the experimental technique and its improvement. Many of the experiments claimed to have proved or disproved the Freudian theory of repression. some "emotional-tone. Krueger's. 17. the "complex" theory of G. Stagner. Their investigations on emotions and on memory stimulated later experiments which claimed to investigate repression. purely on the basis of statistical results. McKinney. Recently it has become customary to brand the differentia- my tion between "psychological" and "physiological" phenomena as a dichotooutdated in our period of "psychosomatic research. 164) emphasized that "emotion" should be viewed as a psychological factor.94 e. Today few persons will doubt the fact of psychosomatic unity. and Stoerring's has been made by Lewin and his pupils (165). Only McKinney's experiment explicitly reported emotions ob- served." "hedonic"like-dislike. but only Sharp's and Diven's experiments reported phenomena resembling the Freudian mechanisms. imply a theoretical dichotomy. McKinney.. portance in its influence f. and others stressed the need to understand in psychological terms the nature of the "emotional factor" influencing memory. only a few (e." However. 84. but most investigators will agree that some problems of this psychosomatic unity are to be attacked by psychological methods. the general lack of concern for the psychological function "'emotion" whose influence on memory was being investigated. and others by physiological. The only systematic attempt to investigate emotions experimentally transcending pure description of them like Wundt's. Stagner. EMOTIONS AND MEMOBY The Intensity of the "emotional factor" proved to be of more imdifferences quality but were found between the influence of P-ness and U-ness. although observations of emotions occurred in Sharp's and Flanagan's experiments. and pointed out that this psychological function and the mechanism of its influence on memory are still obscure." tone. In opposition to this theory and its modifications (e. when varied associative-bonds are at work. associative-bonds cause the emer- gence of ideas into consciousness." "success-failure" are some "interest." of the designations of the "emotional factor" investigated." "preference. first. Most of those investigators who were concerned with the nature of this emotional factor referred to physiological theories of emotions." "affective-tone.g. this differentiation does not necessarily it is rather a matter of methodology. According to association psychology. Mueller) Ach advanced the theory that the emergence of ideas is a result of "determining . " (173. the subject manifests a tendency to resume the interrupted tasks. in his experiments on "Associations and the Measurement of Will. and that interruption of the performance sustains. in space. excited subjects. McKinney (171) showed that not only the name of the task." demonstrated that the determinants of verbal reaction are neither associative bonds nor "determining tendencies. so that they were not experienced as examinations. these forces are psychic "tension-systems" set up either by genuine physiological needs or by quasi-needs corresponding to intentions. The relevance of this theory to memory has been experimentally demonstrated by Zeigarnik (170). in excitable subjects. is the "totality of facts which determine the behavior of an individual at a certain moment. 167). an experiment on the influence of affective phenomena on remembering by another pupil of Lewin. G. however. inasmuch as Zeigarnik related them to the "emotional" make-up of the ing of these individual differences appears to individual. the life should be the investigation of these tensionsystems and of their relation to the organization of psychological life63 His pupil. Inasmuch as a summary of the details of these experiments has been given by Pachauri (172). they will not be discussed here. some who showed than the names that the names of the interrupted tasks were better retained of those completed." Lewin (168. thus. showed that in a series of tasks. The life-space includes the person and the environment. did there occur a better retention of the interrupted tasks. It was found that only when the experiments were conducted in an in- formal fashion. showed little or no such advantage. Biren63 The psychological life-space. The relation to remember- be pertinent to our topic. according to Lewin.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OP PSYCHOLOGY 95 tendencies. She concluded that performance of the task discharges. but also the skill of performance of the interrupted task as measured by re-learning. investigation of psychic of which the subject is interrupted and the remainder of which he is allowed to complete." His final theoretical conclusions (168) were as follows: psychic occurrence. was better retained. p. These individual differences were explained by assuming that. Ovsiankina (1C9). the tension-system urging towards the completion of the task. must be understood in terms of dynamics of forces. 216) . A striking advantage in the remembering of interrupted tasks over completed tasks was observed in naive unexcited subjects and children. like physical occurrence. in these subjects the tension responsible for advantage in remembering decreases faster. Before we turn to a specific finding of Zeigarnik which opened a new vein of pertinent experimentation. as a result of the corresponding tension-systems. The life-space represents the totality of possible events. the boundaries of the tension-systems have less solidity than in other subjects. inquiring into the forgetting of certain interrupted tasks a phenomenon contradictory to her general finding showed that those forgotten had been experienced as failures. where the corresponding tension-system has been discharged) (6) forgetting attributable to a lack of solidity of the boundaries of the .96 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY (174). had at times the same effect of isolating the intention from the tasks. after a number of homogeneous tasks. but did not belong to the heterogeneous tasks." and show mechanisms through which the variegated effects of emotions on memory may work. served that specific affects. All three are related to the problem of "emotions and memory. the subject's intention to sign his name. (c) forgetting due to "isolation" of the tension-system from the rest of the field (as in the case of the intentions of Birenbaum 's subjects. which apparently the groups of subjects. making for a better execution the intention. the intention to sign was forgotten and not carried out: the intention was part of the homogeneous series. phenomenon was similar to that found by Birenbaum. and in the case of the Zeigarnik tasks experienced as failures. was carried out. as reported by the subjects. Rosenzweig gave his subjects jigsaw puzzles. The phenomenon lation" as a result of the experience of failure was further investigated by Rosenzweig. When the series consisted of tasks of a homogeneous nature. deserves mention. but they of may be formulated of "iso- mechanisms remembering. baum inasmuch as she also reports individual Birenbaum asked her subjects differences of the kind found by Zeigarnik. Zeigarnik phenomenon analogous to "repression. where structural reasons made for isolation. and reported in a series of articles (175. Zeigarnik material not connected at the time to a psychic tension-system (as in com- indicated that she considered this To sum pleted tasks. to put their signatures on their work-sheets upon completion of each of the tasks of the series given them. 176. made for an easy forget- Zeigarnik. where emotional factors made for isolation). 179) and in a summary (180) of the tentative results. 177. and caused them to fail in one half and to succeed . tension-systems (as in emotionally excitable individuals). have We formulated these also in terms of effects in terms of forgetting." implying that the tension-systems corresponding to these tasks this had been not discharged but rather isolated from the whole field." discussed three types of forgetting: (a) forgetting of up. Competition. at other times they had the opposite effect of unifying the intention of with the tasks. 178. strikingly followed. This forgetting was most obvious with the excited Birenbaum obsubjects. all increased excitement in ting of the intentions. being apparently embedded into the tension-system of the series. and least obvious with the naive quiet subjects. She called this phenomenon "isolation. different tasks If. 64 he introduced the element success and results of his first a procedure alien to Zeigarnik's experiment. He found that in the first group the finished puzzles were recalled more often than the unfinished ones. failure." (p. Some important incidental result? of the experiment were (a) that there was a distortion in recalling the outcome success or failure of the tasks attempted that ran parallel with the tendencies shown in recalling the names of the tasks. the tension-systems operHowever tempting this explanation may be. in the second group. given an individual of sufficient intellectual maturity and a commensurate measure of pride. (b) that with increasing age there was an increase in self -critical answers to questions.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY in the other. whether the relation of Rosenzweig's findings to the Freudian principles The Freudian "pleasure" is really "too obvious to require discussion. repression ensued. may or may not be vital in this sense. Intelligence tests. 258) recalled successes better than failures was differentiated from the group that recalled failures better than successes by a more advanced average mental age and a higher average rating for the trait of pride. 91-92. less apt to be remembered than experiences that are gratifying to the ego. 97 of Thus. "Do you feel that you did the puzzles well?" and (c) that the experiences of relatively shorter duration were more readily recalled than those of longer duration." of individuals to "reality" principles were derived from the relation matters vital to them. as the operation of the undischarged tension-systems." (p. experiences that are unpleasant because they wound self-respect perhaps it should be added in a social situation are. Although the results were only tentative and showed great individual differences. 264) Experimenting on two groups of adults (180). in conformity with Zeigarnik's findings. like Sullivan (163). p. the unfinished puzzles were recalled more often. 480). presumably because of the prevailing dynamic conditions. but informal interruption made for better retention. . This statement apparently implies that where the experiment involved the pride of the subject and failure was felt. he gave the puzzles to one group as an intelligence-test implying success or failure. Rosenzweig maintained that "the relationship of these results to the Freudian pleasure and reality principles is too obvious to require discussion" (180. The results of this experiment seem to support certain aspects of the Freudian theory of repression. or even tests in general. the other group was asked to assist him in gaining more knowledge about the puzzles a condition similar to that of Zeigarnik's experiments. This is "The group that in keeping with the Freudian theory of repression. in the informal situation. The experiment on children (178) were summed up as follows: "It would seem to be that. interruption ex- the interrupted perienced as failure made for "isolation/' or forgetting of a result of tasks. where no such factor interfered. other things being equal. it is questionable ated. Rosenzweig corroborates Zeigarnik's and * See pp. Thus. and the specialties of the objects in it. the degrees of personal relevance are essentially of an emotional character. the relation of these reality levels to the emotional make-up of the personality is not clarified. shed light on tension-systems and on the organization of She found that the influence of the affect is disorganization of the psychological field." (p. the recall-test showed that the names of the tasks given as a quiz were remembered much better than those given in the rest-period. the repression mechanism." was concluded that the two groups of tasks were on different "reality and that on levels of unreality the boundaries of the tension- systems are sufficiently fluid that the tensions responsible for recall are not conserved in them. New conflicts are resolved by what we call 'after-repression'. (2) a loosening or disruption of most of the boundaries in the whole-field. However.e. it is primitive defense of the feeble and are ego. or are more than an This is further inexperimental simile to. a conflict of equal and strong field forces in every direction of the field. Dembo characterized the affect as follows: by a "(1) a strong tension. however. i. Brown's (182) experiment on the In this experiment. appear to be dissolved or .98 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY findings. In later years there are no fresh repressions but the old ones persist used by the ego for the purpose of mastering instinct. 481) This statement repression is -clearly in contradiction to the Freudian definition of (181): "All repression takes place in early childhood." (p. a portion of relation of memory and "reality levels*" the tasks was given as a college quiz and the remainder as occupation for a rest-period. there is no that his results constitute experimental proof of. It levels. and by disruption and elimination of the tension-systems. dicated by the fact that Rosenzweig. The experiments on anger by Dembo on the influence characterized of affects field. on the basis of his results. For the time being. 383) tates Some clarification of those cases in which the influence of emotions facilimemory was provided by J. felt it necessary to suggest a revision of the concept of repression : "These results may of defense resorted to relatively late in the thus be construed as indicating the repression as a mechanism development of the child. the psychological (183). and demonstrates experimentally an additional variation in the of emotional infunctioning of memory which may be viewed as a result fluence and as further material in bridging the gap between the Freudian mechanism of repression and the functions investigated in memory exreason to assume perimentation. a pupil of Lewin. F. (a) The boundaries characteristic of the specific topology of the situa- tion in the field. It seems probable that these reality levels that is. The boundaries between reality and unreality also become fluid. psychological by of disorganizing and homogenizing the and loosening disrupting the boundaries of tensioneffect systems. and the differentiation of surface and deep layers becomes less distinct. Summary The bearing a. A facilitation of remembering by the personal relevance been found. The may result in forgetting. The relation of this finding to emotions depends on the role attributed by any theory to emotional factors in motivation." this finding cannot be construed as proof. 99 The field is homogenized and made primitive. where the boundaries of the tension-systems are assumed to be "fluid" is a problem requiring further investigations. failure and makes its affective significance clear. unexcited and controlled inThis finding would explain dividuals. Emotions have an field. 91-92. layers. is extraordinarily tense. varying with the emotional make-up of the -subjects. . solidity of the boundaries of tension-systems Although phenomenologically similar to Freudian "repression. disproof. or basis for revision of the Freudian theory. Tension-systems do not always make for better remembering." (p. w See pp. d. 144) This may for recall are obliterated.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY eliminated. 6. the layer of action-motoric. they c. (reality level) of the material has The relation of reality levels to emotions especially of levels of irreality. the individual differences in remembering. its relation to the experience of others. of the Lewinian experiments on the problem of "emotions as follows: and memory" may be summed up finding that facts pertaining to undischarged tension-systems are remembered better than those pertaining to discharged tension-systems may be interpreted as supporting a general motivational theory of remem- The bering. (b) As a result of the total-tension the intrapsychic realms. those to which the experience of failure becomes attached are frequently "isolated" from the rest of the field. and less solid in excited subjects. shows great individual differences. the boundaries are more solid in naive. b. explain the* mechanism by which the tension-systems responsible In the light of these experiments it appears that recall depends on undischarged tension-systems and on their free communication with other systems at the time. (c) The boundary layer between the intrapsychic systems and the psychic environment. and that emotions destruc- turalizing the psychic field and shattering the tension-systems may account 65 for the detrimental influence of emotions on memory found by McEanney Although the phenomenon of "isolation" or "repression" was not linked with this conception of affect. and systems are relatively homogenized. and slips in recall. would endeavor to understand them as variegated expressions of a common factor. To us. This demonstrable influence is not restricted to the quantity of recall of learned material but includes its final decision will and a recognition and re-learning. What has been called in these experiments an "emotional factor" is a confusing multiplicity of factors. the errors. there is the argument that we cannot be sure that. but also a qualitative effect in organizing it. of redintegration experiments. redintegration of experiences. errors. this experimental material showed that "emotional factors" demonstrably influence memory. Yet this is the nature of all hypotheses: we can never be sure that their implications will stand the 86 and would attempt to find their common denominator. be reached by future research. DISCUSSION material has been surveyed. One method would be to attempt a sharp scrutiny of each of these "emotional factors" to justify or reject its right to the term "emotional factor". the sequence of emergence of material in recall and in free enumeration. 66 Against the other method. of the analysis of enumeration sequences. and associative reactions. slips of tongue. through this restriction of the term to a small group of phenomena. it results in recalland so on. The critical reader will form his own opinion." we do not bar a way to the understanding of all of them. Against the first method. one may argue that it is hasty to assume that all the "emotional factors" in question have a common source. but more ambitious in aim: it would accept as "emotional" all the factors thus designated. it now remains to be considered whether a general conclusion is possible concerning the influence of emotions The experimental on memory. The experimental material in itself suggests that the investigation of the influence of emotions on memory requires a concept of memory other than that of the classical association as one aspect of the organization of Especially the results of association experiments. See the symposium on "Feelings and Emotions*' (184). suggest this. in facilitating or inhibiting reproduction. There are two methods of dealing with an unclarified situation in which a variety of factors is indiscriminately subsumed under one heading. and affects as well the reproduction nition of personal experiences. influence has not only a quantitative effect. . so alluring in its fancied scientific exactness.100 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY 6. A procedure of exclusion has to be based on a theory much more developed than the theory of emotions we possess. in excluding any of the factors designated as "emotional influence. for they show that the emotional theory: memory must be viewed thought processes. a sharply defined The other method would be humbler in procedure concept may emerge. the reaction-time of association and recogand recall. " "conative tendencies. and preferences in general. Likes and dislikes. and I words is the intellectualized derivative. 67 Nearer to the core in this hierarchy would lie the manifold shadings of the "feelings' and "affects.EXPERIMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 101 scrutiny of time. The advantage of the second method over the first is that rather than exclude phenomena it applies hypotheses to link them. Dougall'8 sense."' "sentiments. and 3 would range from the more intellectual factor of "logical relevance" to that Both these groups of factors of "interests" which lie nearer the core. and the following should be considered only as a suggestion." 69 This division of these factors into two groups is a "tension-systems. Let it be supposed that the emotional factor assumed to be active in the selective remembering of P. "Needs" and "tension-systems" in Lewin's ." "complexes". The static hypotheses would maintain that the qualitative differences of these factors are defined by the levels on which they represent the See the like and dislike choices in the Szondi Test (141). these again would range widely. "Determining tendencies" in Ach's sense. j Esthetic judgment would likewise be a representative of this core on a great variety of levels ranging from learned formal esthetic judgment to deep esthetic experience. rather than in that of recent attitude measurements. "Conative tendencies" in Mcsense. the representative on the judgmental level of the affective instinctual core of the personality. the second group on those factors called "determining tendencies. would depend on still more central factors: the first group on those factors 68 called "attitudes." recognition of the historical fact that the concepts of the first group were advanced by less intellectualistic investigators. "instinct" here is a borderline concept designating psychosomatic energies of these represented in the psychic life as drives and urges. "Attitudes" in Allport's sense. and those of the second group by more intellectualistic investigators." "needs. Any hypothesis advanced concerning the influence of "emotional factors" on memory must consider each of the reported "emotional factors" in the sense in which the individual experimenter used it. would be representative of this core on a level more personal and perhaps less intellectual than that represented by P-ness and U-ness. "Sentiments" in Shand's sense. The whole hierarchy would be founded on those basic factors at whose roots the "instincts" lie. For the relation of complexes and sentiments see the 67 68 Symposium on the 69 topic (186) ." Another group of factors in this hierarchy would be characterized by goal-directedness. hierarchy of A these factors could be constructed in an attempt to determine how they Such an attempt at conrelate to the central core of the personality. The relation factors to each other. For the relation of attitudes and sentiments see Cattell (185). is in itself a problem necessitating further hypotheses which may be either static or dy- namic. U. structing a hypothetical hierarchy must be arbitrary. and their genesis from each other. factors from conflicts of The dynamic hypotheses would derive these more centra! factors: for instance.102 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY central emotional factor. connecting. In the field of experimentation surveyed here. may have either a favorable or a detrimental effect their on positive a detrimental effect. to the influence of emotional factors on some heuristic value. These hypotheses The hierarchy is not facts and suggested and disregard many problems. and be that in future experimentation the intricacy of the hierarchic stratification discussed will still be neglected. the of organization of thought processes. "affects" as an are necessarily vague. on others by On some case. expression of conflicting drives. this consideration Accordingly. The experimental material surveyed in this chapter was divided into sections according to the nature of the emotional factors investigated. levels it Some varieties of this influence show great individual differences. have influence on memory. or unwarrantedly different emotional factors it may claimed. or in immediate of a is function consequence which in necessary one every relation to another. Assuming that this hypothesis is of can be established only by statistical probability in a a qualitative analysis of any single great number of cases. The effect of some depends only or negative quality. the were arbitrarily equated with each other. in spite of the example of the great number of abortive experiments which failed. The material demonsome strates that all emotional factors. fest themselves transforming and distorting by necessitate the recognition that stratification of memory is not a storehouse of deposited a multiplicity of dynamic fields in which engrams. on different hierarchic levels. the evidence of repression in the experiments surveyed in this chapter was slight. it can be applied memory. and makes memory one. still others derive Some manitheir power from their personal relevance for the individual. to prove or disprove the theory of repression. hypothesis such as that of the emotional hierarchy advanced here can A be tested only by investigating the effects of the factors subsumed in the hierarchy on different psychic functions. and one which can be demonstrated by qualitative clinical analysis of the memory material rather than by statistical probability. and organizing influences which are active in thinking are at work in the memory organization. all of them Yet memories. Some others are present to a greater or lesser degree in every individual. aspect In this light repression would appear as a specific case of affective influence on memory. The surveyed experiments on . and that of others on their intensity. This influence varies in quality and intensity. levels of the same and thinking: stratifying. but a with related experiences on the varied into relation enters every experience is no dividing line between memory Thus there stratification. have others on memory. and perhaps the most important. ZIEHEN. SUSUKITA. C. H. E. 1868. Experimentelle Studien ueber Assoziationen.. 10: 228-255. Psychol. I. An inductive study. Ueber das Gedaechtnis fuer lust. WUNDT. H. Grundzuege der physiologischen Psychologie.. 1892. Coll. Teach. Fischer. 1907-1909. A. Coll. F. writings of Psychopathology of everyday life. Studien. Arch. J. 714 pp. Bd. Pp. 1927. Kraepelin. TH. 369 pp. K. E. Tohoku Psychol. 39: 440-466. 28: 155-157. 1899. 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Press. 1938. 1936. Cldrk Univ. In: S. A Trans. Libr. and Zener. A study 25: J. The S. T. New York. und dynamische Gesamtbereiche. Preferences in repetition of successful and unsuccessful acS. Psychol. The relations of complex and sentiment. of Gestalt problems in completed and interrupted (172) PACHAUBI. . Isolierte seelische Systeme BIRENBAXIM. Psychol. Psychol. 1935. B. S. SHAND. J. (174) McGraw-Hill. 19: 265-296. Psychol. (186) RIVERS. Brit. 1927. ality. S. Psychoanal. Mass. E. 454 pp. J. AND MASON. The Wittenberg symposium. WOODWORTH. Lewin. F. S. H. 1934. A symposium. PEAR. G. Press. A. H. Psychol. 18: 2-26. Explorations in personality. personality research. K. Der Aerger als dynamisches Problem. Das Vergessen einer Vornahme. Psychol. Studies in the retention of interrupted learning activities. E. 30 698. Genet.. B. 18:373-405. Bull. Cambridge. The experimental study of repression. R. 1935. 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W. 206 pp. topological of Principles (173) LEWIN. K. Feelings and emotions. 42: 423-441. R. EMOTIONS ZEIGAENIK. tivities as a function S. (183) und DEMBO. TANSLEY. 1938. HART. (181) FREUD. 1922. H. J. (187) Psychol 13: 107-148. 761 pp. tasks. F. Hume thought that the nature of our world lay in the recurrence of events. show that the influence of Hume's philosophy is still active. The different schools of science did not teach solely a theory. Ebbinghaus's theory. the vitalistic schools of biology schools of thought are built on a principle opposed to Hume's: and psychology. It would be an exaggeration to say that a thoroughbred psychology of this stock still exists. issuing in the recognition of the self-activity and autonomy of the human mind. it can yield mere statistical probabilities and not strengthened the associations. ^ Today even conservative textbooks human mind is not purely passive and of psychology recognize that the receptive. and at present every psychology and every science is more or less eclectic. most of them discovered facts as well. Out of it grew the mechanistic conception of psychology. although it may explain how we understand the world. The question has been formulated as that of the relation of "reason" and "reality/' of "verit du fait" and a verit de la raison. and the recent attempts at a mechanistic explanation of memory-functioning. and that the nature of the human mind lay in the imprinting in it of ideas and connections of ideas as the recurrence of external events It has frequently been shown that Hume's philosophy as epistexnology was sterile." and so on. and how. demonstrate in psychology this opposed principle one need not resort A historical analysis 1 shows that the main philosophical influence on psychology. some of which were accepted by and influenced the theories of the other schools. Yet this momentous attempt to account for our mental life in terms of passive dependence on the outside world profoundly influenced the development of psychology in general. in which ideas and presentations were but reproductions of impressions. was the philosophy *See Rapaport (1). Yet to to the arguments of the vitaHst. and of English and American psychology in particular. causal laws. because any change of repetition sequences would make the concept of law senseless. In the last few decades we have witnessed concessions made by all schools of thought. Nevertheless.CHAPTER IV THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Epistemological discussions for centuries attempted to solve the question of whether. our knowledge reflects the true nature of the world. Ill . Many for example. and adults of the western Werner civilization all see the world in a manner peculiar to themselves. memory. that time and space are modes of exin other periencing and that causality is a category of the pure reason: to its own words. It was a momentous discovery that the facts or processes as perceived by us are not necessarily identical with the facts or processes as they "exist. this was the true antithesis of Hume's mechanistic theory. brain-injured men. explored the child's organization of the world. Whether this philosophical contention is tenable is a question beyond the scope of our discussion. of perception space and time reason. psychotic patients." In the "Critique" he sugare rooted gested that both the laws of nature and our knowledge of them in the self -activity of the reason. space. in a series of meticulous investigations. Although Kant's transcendental idealism was not a purely "psychologistic" philosophy. children. and that the understanding of the outside world in terms of our modes categories of pure thus: to understand our knowledge of the outside world." . In our discovery is represented by theories conceiving of memory not as an ability to revive accurately impressions once obtained. An early modern formulation of the memory function as organization by the mind of external an active phenomena has been made by Dewey (5): "Memory is not a passive process in which past experiences thrust themselves upon the mind. children. insects. and showed that on these varied developmental levels the organization of time. imagery. that the pure reason synthesizes experience according is possible only nature. but as the field this 2 See especially the first edition: the chapter on "Transcendental Dialectics. and personality greatly differs. Uexkuell (2) demonstrated that animals. 177) The investigations and theories reflecting this idea are countless. thought. it maintained that the laws of man's thinking determine what laws of nature he can discover. Piaget (4). His essential thesis may and in terms of the be stated in brief we must investi- gate the nature of human thinking." and that our perceptions follow the laws of our mind. but the enormous influence on psychology of this "Copernican turn" of philosophy constitutes the historical background of the modern theory of memory and especially of the theory of the influence of emotions on memory. in the The influence of this theoretical discovery is reflected modern psychology." (p. and animals.112 of EMOTIONS AND MEMORY Kant. any more than perception is one where present experiences impress themselves. Kant propounded his theory in the "Prolegomena To All Future Metaphysics" 2 and in the "Critique of The Pure Reason. observations and available the summarized findings experimental (3) most original investigations of concerning the mental life of native peoples. The association force" theory was destined to failure.THEOKETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 113 integration of impressions into the whole personality and their revival according to the needs of the whole personality. E. that revival de- pends on their relation to the whole of the individual's organized experience. and of memory. Ziehen assumed that the interaction of "constellation" To all cope with these difficulties the aroused associations or has a role in determining the emerging idea. Ach and others to find a selective function failed to reach such a concept. and with This concept of "complex" must be carefully distinguished from the "complex" ideas centered Jung and early psychoanalysis. These theories imply that the impressions are products of an active psyche. It was early recognized that the frequency-principle was insufficient. set the stage for influence of emotions on the human mind. concept "Gestalt Qualitaet" to designate a similarly qualitative selective These concepts. Ach of the the concept "determining tendency" to introduced school Marburg in contrast to the merely quantitative function a selective psychic designate of psychology introduced the school The Graz association. that the meaning of similarity was vague and that its degrees were lacking objective criteria. have remained impossible. The recognition of the active nature of memory. To date." was introduced by G. nected with it by virtue of associative bonds. A similar 3 concept. The material to be presented below will represent an incomplete but probably fruitful process of birth rather than a completed. "Emotions" and "feelings" were assigned the role of such a selective force only recently. the investigation of the an investigation which otherwise would The classical association psychology stated its laws of memory a$d thinking in terms of the relative strength of associations derived from the frequency of contiguous occurrence and the degree of similarity of the associated elements. Mueller. however. were vague and were defined only in terms of their effects-. "complex. they were coined in a search for a selective function to complement the associationists' concept of the passive receptivity and mechanical responsiveness of the human mind. Mueller. 8 of . well-formed creation. The recognition of the autonomous activity of memory as an aspect thereof. and its laws are indicated rather than proved. Even the attempts of Ziehen. was pregnant with the further recognition that the emotional influence is the core of this autonomous activity. of strength function. however. the fact of the emotional influence on memory is recognized rather than explored fully. as it lacked a concept of "psychic on the basis of which a theory of psychic dynamics could be developed. The latter consists in a group of others conall and idea an is former the an simply on and held together 'by affect. and that in recall the impressions reappear as modified by this relation. The method of extensive quotation been to our systehas knowledge. but rather a subjective one built by the feeling background. (2) the role played by the of the effect selective force in determining the original registration. 1." which regarded feeling-tone as one of the factors determining memory function. a theory an early stage of development few outstanding newer theories a discussion We have selected for only It is our opinion influence.. (3) selective force in the period between registration and reproduction. THE NATURE OF THE SELECTIVE FORCE and described varied aspects of the selective In this section we shall force operating in remembering and forgetting. their and forces concerning these selective new a adds be shading to the to quoted that each of the contributions considered was justified. 76) on the In discussing the relation of "feelings" and associations. It is the common basic mood. for in regard to based on the dynamics of forces memory and in the emotions. 417) He suggests further that the "feeling" rather the mediator of associations: is not an associated element but . the affective attitude.. he elaborates differences between the associationist theory and his: ". (4) the role of the selective force in the process and result of reproduction." (7. the assooiationistic view Criticizing 7) calls the selective force "feeling. he states his own point of view: of the associationistic prin- "The introduction of feeling-tone means a disruption on the basis of the associations of ideas." (6. p. beciple which wants to explain everything an as considered either accompanying tone an attribute of the idea. our ideational life is dependent on our affective life." (6. never. 407) ".." Mueller-Freienfels (6. problem. By modifying our affective life through a dose of alcohol we are able to disrupt any constellation without this effect being due to the idea of alcohol. as the material here collected is still will be divided into four parts: (1) matically surveyed. the unity in spatial -temporal association of individual ideas is not the objective which the experiences originally occur. and will.. p. The discussion the the nature of the selective force suggested. since ideas alone never constitute a state of the ego. cause feeling is in which case it is hard to understand how it would work or it is considered to be different from the idea in which case the associationistic principle is disrupted. our feelings. authors in the hope these force by collect the descriptions of the selective Investigators have grasped that a synopsis of them will contribute to the knowledge of the nature of the selective force whose operation we have designated as the "influence of emotions on memory. which creates the constellations.114 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY both partial success. p. these feelingdispositions existing in the consciousness like an undercurrent. "It was found that this received added component was remembered more Mly than the component. The interests. selection. finds that the content of remembering is embedded in a general "attitude complex. in his (p. 392393) Finally. . ." (p.(6. we only point out that in every feeling there is a motoric tendency. p." (11). He defines this relevance as follows: on "Remembering and be the selective "Relevant memories are those which consciousness at the moment admits and corporates with its present experience. The* reduction to this pair of all subjective reactions is a momentarily useful. In point of fact. p. and affective components. . . organic. and is very stable: . p. 115 It Is rather the to be more than flatus vocls. 398) He 4 stresses the intimate relation of "feelings" to-kinaesthesis: "In the controversy concerning the nature of feelings we join those who assume an interrelation of feelings and kinaesthetic experience. (6. ." considers logical and affective relevance to power (p. . pp.THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY "Words and concepts are not the elements of reproduction. These feelings act like a magnet which selects the iron pieces from a heap of dust. 'The state of consciousness/ 'character' are some of the concepts that were used to denote the subjective reactions. which have their effect rather through their constancy than by their intensity. 136). first of all their control by the judgment . 429) only experimenter to precede Bartlett in giving a qualitative analysis of the functioning of memory. but in the long run insufficient and negative. " . . mostly interest.Most psychologists designate only pleasure -displeasure as feeling. 138) 4 in- See also Muensterberg (8) and Washbum (9) . We consider the concept 'attitude' (Stellungnahme) to be the most useful." This Crosland (10). The fate of what is thus attracted depends on many " on things." (6. Without making final statements. the "attitude complex" consists mainly of kinaesthetic. Mueller-Freienfels provides of "feeling" as a selective force: an imaginative description of the role "We call the constitutive feelings. draw into their realm everything they can use. a readiness for action.". . it is the interests which shape the constitution of our thinking. 73) Pear undogmatic and rich treatise Forgetting." (6. 395) He also identifies "feelings" with attitudes: . movements and attitudes which in verbal thinking allow the words . " (16." The "personal determination" memory works through "The modeling ensues ings." the affective nature of . p." his theory resembles McDougalPs. which is obvious: " . 16) also recognizes a selective memory function.. S'land proposes to apply the name 'sentiment' " (p. 182). 175) .. . . writer: its [one] aspect of forgetting . which is labelled "personal determination. our emotional dispositions. that is to say. See also "The Relations of Complex and Sentiment: A Symposium" (13). To such an organized system of emotional tendencies centered about some object Mr. and Cattell (14) on attitudes and sentiments. directly under the influence of personal affects and striv- "This selectivity p. : Szymanski considers Such an organized system of emotional tendencies is not a fact or mode of experience. tend to become organized in systems about the various objects and classes of objects that excite them. William Stern's "personalistic" psychology (15.116 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY is 5 discussed in connection with "sentiments" This relevance and "com- plexes. "basic-needs" (Lebensbeduerfnisse)." (p. Pear sought to explain normal remembering and forgetting by the normal assuming that they are determined by the sentiments that is. or more strictly. 362) "selection" and "modeling" (15." and "set. If sentiments a part in the formation of degree.. p. . . 27) "interests.. and the conative aspects. As he defines affects as expressions of the knowledge (Erkenntnis) of "driving-forces. .. this concept is frequently identified by him with "personal in reference." "attitude. 310).." However. has scarcely been touched by any differ from complexes only in relation to the sentiments . 360). Probably forgetting will never be satisfactorily explained until the relations between sentiments and complexes are made clearer. . but it is a feature of the complexly organized structure of the mind that underlies all our mental activity." (15. (18) 5 A definition of sentiments is given by McDougall (12) "Mr. . and a striving towards or away from that object. 126).. remembering is conative activity" (p. the affective." (p. Thus. (17) maintains that "like other thinking. 223) is retraceable to a dispositional readiness of the person. He defines conation as one of McDougall a ". Shand points out that our emotions. the three aspects of all mental processes the cognitive. every instance of instinctive behaviour involves a knowing of something . . then we must grant that repression may play both . . counterpart of complexes. whose determining role in pathological memory phenomena he accepted." "driving-forces" (Antriebe).. to be the selective forces (p. a feeling in regard to it. . " of appetite and of instinct. and so on." or "active organized setting." 6 quotes examIn ples to show that without an "intention to learn" no learning ensues. See pp. a complex psychological state or process which It is. 1926 Lewin (23) came to the conclusion that these "intentions" generally determine our remembering and other actions. 121) Lewin. . is identical with "interests" on the level 4 'The active settings which are chiefly important as the level of human remembering are mainly 'interest* settings. very largely a matter of feeling. finds that tendencies such as the "tendency to identify." but an " . and.' and the attitude is best described as an orientation of the agent towards the image and Hs less ar8 7 See also Tolman (22). He showed that in their structure these intentions resemble "needs." are indispensable factors in remembering." to be the selective force and describes it as: ". recognition. This functions as an 'attitude. coherence of their own n . hesitation." . (p.. He considers the "quasineeds" and the tension systems 7 created by them as the selective forces active in memory functioning. (p. the development of these settings involves much reorganization of the 'schemata' that follow the more primitive lines of special sense differences. in more elementary psychological terms. challenging the "law of effect. similar opinion is A voiced by Cason (21) who. "It cannot be separated from social life social Interests Those things are memorable which are apprehended as having bearing on the personal welfare of the individual and those which have a more general value and logical or esthetic . Bartlett (24) finds the "attitude. is selective" as . since an interest has both a definite direction and a wide range. in Ms experiments reported in "The Problem of Measurement of Will and of the Associations" (20). as I have often indicated. surprise. 206-207) Moreover." and he named them "quasineeds".." the "tendency to reproduce. confidence.. or affect. astonishment. .THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OP PSYCHOLOGY 117 K. . Bartlett's "attitude" of human remembering. dislike. We say that it is characterized by doubt. 95-96 for a detailed discussion of "tension-systems." (pp. it is very hard to describe however. in many cases the main conditions for the occurrence of images appfear to be found in their affective setting. . Gordon (19) maintains that "memory . . .. . these "needs" and "quasi-needs" differ from wishes in that they imply activity directed towards satisfaction. repulsion and so on. 214) Because of the "attitudes" is setting" remembering active process of reconstruction: which are identified with the "affective not a mechanical revival of "engrams. organized through experience. to the Gestalt psychologist the structure or organization of the "field" is itself the selective factor. attitudes of college freshmen toward Russia. The concept factor. but rather are determined by the "field" in which they are embedded. insert here the definition of "attitudes" as given by Unlike Bartlett. thinking. then. it appears that the concept of "attitude" dealt with here refers to a more general. and partly traces of these processes which underly memory functions. 810) "attitude" of sociology and social psychology so frequently used at present as. (6) Not only do the simultaneous processes the whole field interact. since all the parts of the whole field elicit electro-chemical changes in the brain. with its accompaniment of conventionalised and relatively permanent traditions. remembering. attitudes toward war. Koffka (27). It is maintained. exerting a directive or dynamic influence upon the individual's response to all objects and situations with which it is related.118 5 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY ticulated 'schematic surroundings. and psychologically more elementary. If. the structure of which is similar isomorphous to that of the psychological process. as In specific recall." (p. we are called upon to justify the image. and 8 inditial experimental proof is adduced. and in the provision of material for the constructive processes of recall. institutions and customs. Social grouping. we do so by constructing. or reconstructing. its setting. that these electro-chemical changes in the brain are partly processes corresponding to current psychological processes. Gestalt psychology maintains and has shown experimentally. has been shown to play a great part in the development of interests. In terms of such a trace theory the selective role of the whole field may be expressed as follows: (a) No isolated stimulus is preserved. Allport derived Ms definition of attitudes from personality and socio-psychological investigations: "An attitude is a mental and neural state of readiness." (p. Thus. Thereupon the attitude acquires a rationalisation. and these changes are not isolated but interact. underlying every psychological process perception. we Allport (25). and so on is only -a distant relative of the concepts of "attitude" discussed on these pages. 303) For comparison. thus their interaction plays the role of a selective factor. that percepts and memories do not have an independent existence. Although it is hard to draw up a comprehensive definition. in the determination of the affective setting which is often at the basis of image formation. To clarify this statement. and so on there occurs in the brain an electro-chemical process. it may be advisable to expound the Gestalt psychological conceptions underlying it. According to the Gestalt psychologist. . the interaction of these * See Koehler (26). judgment. but the processes occur in a medium in which traces of previous processes also exert an effect. addition to these. within the environmental field. either spontaneous recognition or recognition always mediated by atti9 That intra-shaft forces are necessary even where an attitude tude. does not exist. experiments will have to decide. their influence is explained as follows: The mechanism of "In the first place this attitude has the character of a quasi-need. It corresponds to a tension in the Ego part at the tip of the column. Again I hold that dynamic relations within the shaft." (p. After analyzing Bartlett's and Lewin's theoretical position. as I just said." To understand Koffka's view of "attitudes" we must understand his view of the psychological field. The psychological field is conceived as including both the environment and the ego of the experiencing person. The have thus organization of the current processes and their relation to the traces far been discussed without regard to the role of the ego. we have seen above. 609) Koffka pensable for the whether the presence of "attitudes" is indis"communication of traces" that is.THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 119 In traces with the current processes constitutes another selective factor. Italics mine. and the problem is how such a communication comes about. the attitude requires the reaction of a field which includes these particular traces. Whether such a claim is true or not. Koffka's (27) concept of "attitude" takes the role of the ego into consideration. R. which have a "core" corre- sponding to the ego and a "shaft" corresponding to the environmental Remembering is conceived as the communication of a process with a trace. since a linking up of today's with yesterday's is possible only if these traces influence the new process.. Koffka describes a selective factor which he designates "attitude. Thus a frank acceptance of the made communication possible. effectiveness of all the forces that may come is adopt before new experimental evidence into play seems the safest position to -adduced. may be effective.e. In other words. I As factors. and not only dynamic relations within the core. field. 611) Koffka J s come 9 into play warning that it is necessary to accept all the forces that may must not be forgotten by one who attempts to develop a D. . the Ego system. Corresponding to this psychological field there is an isomorphous brain field consisting of traces and processes. Personally I do not believe it." (p. will have to be tested by experiments. attitudinal of envisage the enormous importance recognize the alternative. Koffka views "attitudes" as similar in their nature to Lewin's "quasineeds. which. I Despite this belief. for remembering and recognition. This tension can be relieved only through that part of the trace column which contains yesterday's figures." and integrates them into his trace theory. i. he arrives at the following conclusion: raises the question of "It is possible to interpret both Lewin and Bartlett as asserting that communication between process and trace as an event entirely within the shaft of the trace column does not occur. and between core and shaft. the problem. the dependence of the properties designated of the subject. the observer tends to recall past events as he thinks that they should have taken place. Accounts on human subjects are also rather scarce. by these concepts on the interests. are unquestionably useful." "better organized. They disregard. (32) or of tically." (p. reconstruction." at times "context. not quite as good in Series 3. express the following opinion: ". and isolation appears best when the isolated object surrounded by uniform objects. and Gundlach." tion of these concepts from Boring's (30. and least good in Series 1. 185) Wheeler and Perkins (29). the social and emotional tone of he original situation for the observer emphasizes those facts which harmonize best with his attitudes and purposes.'* "pragnantprinciple. Rotschild and Young (38) deserve mention in this connection." "The configuration of A in Series 1 is called "accumulation" and in Series 2 "isoIn Series 3 we have only isolated members." (p. and considers field-structure to be the sole selective principle. Pan (37)." so often found in Gestalt literature. the The concepts "eclatant.120 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY the "emotional influence on all theory of memory with To attempt to deduce memory" as its core. numbers. Guilford (33). and so forth. Y. are selected (28) for survival: "Series Series IrAAAAXAAAA 2:XXXXAXXXX Series 3:XYZWAVUTS X lation. Thus Katona shows that the "eclatant" 10 and "better organized" 10 parts of the experience are the ones which leave traces or.. who advocate a "traceless" Gestalt theory of memory." "better form. the In general. fail to mention these concepts of pertinent experiments Though not 10 explaining the role of selective functions in memory. attitudes. and the other letters miscellaneous material small geometrical drawings. Suppose A represents nonsense syllables. that recent such as Freeman several text-books. memory functions only from emotional influences without regard to the meaning and the frequency of experiences would be repeating the historical errors of associationists and Gestaltists." (p. in other words. The letters A. words. Characterisof E." and "good continuation." "meaningful. 31) text-book. X. 401) In psychological text-books and experimentation the selective factor We have quoted the definicalled at times "set. and recognition of A was best in Series 2. The recall. Gestalt psychology disregards other factors. and affects . 35). and so forth can represent any material. Isolation appears to be more favorable for learning than is is monotonous accumulation. those of Langfeld (34. Wong and Brown (36).. 184) "Restorff obtained unequivocal results in various experiments. is and phenomena. however. however. 555) and the function of intelligence (the progressive factor) on the other.. At this Some contributions of developmental psychology may be interpreted to point in a similar direction. Stern (16). and of memory functioning in particular.THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTION'S OF PSYCHOLOGY aged theory explanation. as shown in the following statement of Heinz Werner ". We might speak here of 'emotional perspective/ a common feature. of children's drawings. is shaped strongly by the affective need. Butler's (40) is especially interesting. human memory emerged from action. . 191) . (3): in the primitive sphere there is a very close connection between emotion Reality." Whatever the meaning here of "conservation" and "progress. and intelligence. instinctive functioning as a result of a delay of point the tempting hypothesis offers itself that the selective influences to which memory is subject are of instinctual origin.. We find this phenomenon again in the exaggeration of affectively conditioned drawings from memory. According to the kind of interpretation of which these three are samples. These three levels interact in man's mental life. in modern general psychology those of Buehler (41)." the ideas of Allport and Stern seem to be similar to Buehler's. . and Allport (42) deserve mention. 2-10). How human memory emerge summed up Buehler (41) considers instinct. as we shall see. and memory image. The objective representation is determined to a large degree by an affective evaluation. which is progressively directed. in retrospect. Allport (42) writes: "The life significance of memory is found in the mid-position it between the function of instinct (the conservational factor) occupies in persona! on the one hand (p. the jaguar as the more powerful member of the situation will be represented in a size out of all proportion The drawings of Bushmen in which they represent themselves as giants and their enemies as dwarfs are well known. for its function is conservation of progress [the] mneme occupies the middle-ground between instinct which is of a generally conservative nature. habit. If the Brazilian Indian draws a picture of a battle between a jaguar and a tapir. . in the same time. The boastful revision of accounts of martial exploits found tive and naive people are evidence of a mnemonic reality . . Stern (16) voices a similar opinion: "(The mneme) is conservative and progressive. Pechuel-Loescne reports that the Loangos incline to the most extravagant forms of exaggeration even when referring to events to which they have been eye-witnesses. (39) of 121 "emergence" at least did set the background for such an phylogenetically? Edgell the early pertinent theories. Anyone struck by a bullet or anyone on whom blood is running is reported as killed. . - everywhere among primiformed through affective influence. and intellect to be the three consecutive evolutionary levels of mental functioning in general. of which S." (p. and anyone who suffers a slash from a weapon is reported as dead after being horribly cut to ribbons. each lower level serving as a basis for the higher (pp. ." generally pertain to the former group of theories. Kroh tells of an interesting case of an eidetic youth who always saw the cigars which chanced " to suit his taste as much larger than all the rest in the cigar-store window. thus the original passivereceptive connotation of the concepts "perception" and "registration" has been changed to a more active one. (pp. transformation according to affective compulsion may even reach out into the immediate perceptual reality." "understanding." and even the "registration. In eidetic children. it would not be difficult to find additional concepts which belong in the same category. a schoolboy. and that the incoming stimulation is organized under the influence of the past experiences and strivings of the organism. it is quite unessential whether or not contiguity exists objectively. perception. For the present we limit ourselves to these Some theories.122 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY "It is a generally recognized fact that the child's memory is often radically transformed under the influence of affect. Accordingly. emphasized the stimulus. THE ROLE OF THE SELECTIVE FACTOR REGISTRATION IN THE PKOCESS OF The concept of "registration" is by no means an unequivocal one. will indicate the school of thought adhered to by the author quoted. Such a metamorphosis can be followed most clearly in representations of the eidetic type." (p. especially those which conceived of the mind as an autonomous active agent. are effective in our psyche are primarily of a subjective nature . one of Jaensch's subjects. The expressions "stimulus. which will serve our purpose. concepts "apperception. In recent years it has become increasingly evident that perception and registration are active processes of the mind. "Thus. apperception. of the memory of size. experiencing. rather than the expressions themselves. 407) . especially the mechafive. nistic theories One attempting to number of concepts. the . problem is whether or not contiguity is subjectively experienced." "perception. and which conceived of the mind as a passive agent. and thus requires some discussion before we present the material relevant to the role of the selective factor in registration. sees certain scenes from a play which impress him so deeply that the actors grow to enormous proportions before his eyes. emphasized the process current in the mind while being stimulated. This is true. for example. define what is meant by registration must consider a such as those of stimulation. 148-149) 2. others. in the following discussion the context in which these concepts occur. For example. according to the older teaching." and "experiencing" pertain to the latter group. understanding. Mueller-Freienfels (6) maintains that already in the process of registration the subjective selection is active: "The imprints which. . 30) W. in bringing more important than the frequency about registration: "The frequency of experiencing alone. was surprised. 408) Pear (11) characterizes registration as a process dependent on the state of consciousness: ".THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 123 He explains further this "subjective experiencing .. without the presence of a 'driving force/ not enough to gain knowledge of an object Conversely.. These be of an affective nature towards poetry. and that the material of both is transformed according to the interests of the experiencing subject. to his susceptivity to mnemic stimuli . compared changes and distortions in perception with changes memory.. . . not something which drops into a previous nothingness }> (p.. of a practical nature towards questions and comments . "Only when they may (p. It is merely a change in the subject's experience.. and stated that he did not know that he had to learn it." . the concept of 'personal relevance 1 must be given sufficient breadth of scope. 399-400. the sensation Is a modification of consciousness. in all cases they are responsible for understanding. do we understand words.. no association can originate in the individual without having personal relevance . pp. thus showing that use alone does not Gordon (19) in 11 account for learning. . 223) Szymanski (18) maintains that the presence of the "driving force" is his expression for the selective factor of experiencing. is thereby coupled with it in such a way that both will necessarily be reinstated as an associative combination. Bartlett's (24) theory of selection in registration See Cason.. and knowledge may still be gained if the object is connected with driving-forces (Antriebe) in the subject. A high degree of selection is operative that isolates only a very few pairs and groups of temporally contiguous experiences in mneme and thus establishes their associations. To be sure." (p. an object may affect a person but once or a few times. traceable to a disposition readiness of the person. This selectivity is stimulation. Stern's (16) view of this question is similar to that of Mudler-Freienfels: **We saw that associations by contiguity originate in the temporal coincidence of But not everything that is experienced once or even frequently together with something else. 3 ': attitudes elicit attitudes in us. 183) is .. and could not recall it." (p. Cason (21) cites the following example to show the role of intention in registration: a student read and re-read a series of nonsense syllables and when asked to recall it. She maintains that neither percepts nor memory images are merely photographic records. who demonstrated the autonomous changes which take place during the retention period. one of its basic concepts. philosophy and so on. leaves traces "structural traces" qualitatively different from that of specific items "individual traces". called attention to the fact that a part of these changes is initiated in the act of perception. organized setting. and "(b) that of another factor which constructs the sensory pattern into something having a significance which goes beyond its immediate sensory character." (p. the whole-character of the percept. on a higher level. to suppose that each set of incoming impulses. Katona (28) maintains that the meaning. history. under no sufficient basis for recognition circumstances whatever does hearing without listening provide a Selective listening is determined mainly by the . but was denied by Hanawalt (46). which we cannot ascribe to any localized physiological apparatus. which provides a physiological basis for perceiv- ing. and does not persist as an isolated trace: "All incoming impulses of a certain kind.. I purposely leave it vague and undefined. go together to build up an active. qualitative differences of stimuli in relation to predispositions and motor of the listener.. or orientation. 191) The and effect of this factor may be seen in the difference between hearing listening: ". at a relatively low level.. affective Gestalt psychology with its refers to the organization of the percept field. each new group of experiences persists as an isolated member of some passive patchwork. This point was also stressed by Gibson (45). in literature. 190) cognitive. . pr&gnant-prinviple. science." (p. however." (p. is not the slightest reason. and he advances the following hypotheses regarding the structural traces.124 is EMOTIONS AND MEMORY two " similar to Pear's. or mode. reacting. for the moment. all the experiences connected by a common interest: in sport.. under the influence of the whole Wulf (44). . or organism. which correspond to the selective factor called by the Gestalt-psychologists "meaning": "Hypothesis I: Traces referring to specific items of past experience and those connected with and derived from the whole-character of a process can be distinguished . art. The latter appears to be a specifically psychological function in the total perceptual response and. visual. he maintains that the process of perception implies factors: (a) that of the sensory pattern. 201) There The second is factor which he designated as "effort after meaning" (43) described further as ". an attitude. auditory. but which has to be treated as belonging to 'the whole' subject. 188) He emphasizes that the incoming impulse is organized by and integrated with previous ones." (p. various types of cutaneous impulses and the like. is voluminous but with here at greater length. Kluever "The appearance of an E I." (p. or T-type for Jaentsch). and subjective visual phenomena produced by hypnotic methods or by drugs. 194-195) Eidetic imagery has frequently been considered to be a primitive kind of memory. and involuntary infringements upon the person. Concerning the relation of the eidetic-imagery (E I) to the memory image (M I) and after image (A I) and olhcr kindred phenomena. 715) A an object. which vanish soon unless reinforced. but it is at present often extremely difficult to say in what way some of these phenomena are different from E I. subjective visual sensations (G." (p. and alter them according to his interests and inclinations (Basedow or B-type). 705) Concerning the dependence of the writes: E I on the "interest" or "set. Its de- pendence on "interests" was already known to Urbantschitsch and Jaentsch. memory after-images (Fechner). re-perceptions (Ebbecke). but not the picture of this object. Further material concerning the role of selective emotional factors in registration will be found in Chapter VIII. especially of inditoo technical to be dealt . a transitional form between perception and memory. pseudohallucinations. eidetically. illusions. Mueller). Stern (16) voices a similar view: "Particular eidetic-types are distinguished according to resemblance of eidetic images. uncontrollable. or of a certain part of an often depends on the child may be able to reproduce 'interests' or the 'set' of the subject." E I. projected memory -images (Martin)." (p." (pp. "Hypothesis IV: Structural traces persist longer than individual traces. we read in Kluever's (47) survey of the pertinent literature: "It is apparent that E I are more or less related to phenomena such as after- images. hypnagogic images. 700) "The assumption of the Marburg school that there is a sufficiently large number of I from the E I is merely an criteria at hand for differentiating the A I and the M assertion and not a fact. rather than to states embedded in the total person so that he is able to produce. hallucinations. 202) The problem literature of these types of eidetic of the influence of emotions on imagery which is relevant to the memory. "Hypothesis III: The formation of individual traces is usually a long and strenuous process. phantastic visual phenomena (J. utilize. and vidual differences therein. pseudo-memory-images (Gruenbaum). Sinnesgedaechtnis. while under certain conditions understanding may lead quickly and with tion less effort to the formation of structural traces.THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY from each other. H. memory-images. to after-images (tetanoid. traces. as in flexible. while structural traces are more readily adaptable and flexible.' 125 We shall call the first ' individual traces/ the latter 'structural "Hypothesis II: Individual traces are characterized by a certain degree of fixaand rigidity. synesthesia. Meyer)." (p. no general experience would be possible. not only account for retention and concept formation. but play an active role in organizing the content of experience in general: The assume that feelings and attitudes schematize and generalize the impresand that their immense significance for each percept is precisely this. become apparent as feelings. and that of we by considering them just another link in the chain feelings are considered to deal here with psychic happenings which we cannot dispose of ideas. but rather motoric dispositions which.." (p. and that this attitude is what is primarily retained These attitudes are subjective adaptive factors." (p. just as sensations are stimulated by external impressions. tion of the material which takes place in the retention period. and then thus to infer the intermediate happenings. the generalizing attitudes are the ones primarily effective in memory. the concept "memory" refers riddle of the theory of memory. tendencies." (p." (pp. we do not consider these dispositions to be unconscious ideas. it is the attitudes. . however. 388-389) "One will admit. 408) . EMOTIONS AND MEMORY THE ROLE OF THE SELECTIVE FORCE AND THE FATE OF MEMORIES IN THE "RETENTION" PERIOD experiencing and remembering is What happens between the essential In fact. especially to what is typical in it. Mueller-Freienfels (6) maintained that the traces of impressions are not unconscious ideas. "We ." (p. . 409) sions. effects.. . however. 388) "We assume only such dispositions as under certain circumstances elicit reproductions from within. when entering the field of consciousness. mostly of an affective and motoric nature and constitute all that is called concept. however. show the operation of selective forces. attitudes. no way to learn what happens in the retention-interval other than to investigate what has been experienced and what is rememThe organizabered. we emphasize again that what is retained and effective in the psyche is not a reproduction .126 3. thought. the feeling while the ideas are at best secondary. and the changes resulting in the material. but are motor and feeling "dispositions": "We readily admit that in the psyche there are dispositions which under certain conditions can lead to ideas. However. 3 to this happening as do the terms "retention/ "engram. even when he wants is that the dominant content in them to maintain the theory of unconscious ideas. although they frequently arouse ideas as secondary . 'sentiments generiques.' which are retained. consciousness. We assume that a certain attitude (Stellungnahme) corresponds to each percept. .. . In fact. . by no means proved that these states are essentially identical with the ideas. as every impression is typified and only dull people create entirely atypical memories." and "trace. as was proved experimentally by Abramowski. If we were always to take an entirely specific subjective 'attitude to each individual percept. . etc. it is." There is. 400) The account also for the automatic formation of concepts: "Thus. etc. THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 127 The constellations result from the organizing effect of the attitudes: "As it Is not the ideas which constitute the constellations. in which emotion and striving are rooted.. 67). on the basis of his experiments. which that: independent of wording. and thinking is determined primarily by our affective life. that "It is not the time itself but the impressions occurring in contribute to the forgetting of old impressions. W. . : (pp. . It would be hopeless to attempt to derive the unconscious choice of mneme predominantly from qualities of the items chosen. Pear (11) raises the question: "Does the image ever completely tial as to vanish. sistence of mnemic peculiar property of being lastingly impressed by external this personal factor influences not only the intensity and perstimuli. since ideas alone never constitute a state of the ego." (p. our feelings and our will." (p. one must descend more deeply to understand them. Crosland reports to have found in his experiments memory changes resembling Freudian mechanisms. The continuity of our life. 340) it. it is the deeper strata of the person. and suggests "Such phenomena ses. It is only the common basic mood. in accordance with the psychoanalytic theory. with a characteristic typifying and disintegrating of the image. No ' traces' whatever of the words heard are (p.. characterizes the process taking place in the "retention period" as a process of losing details. . 205) conclusively disprove the 'trace* theory of the mnemic procesleft behind in the form of cor- responding word images . our "With the change * knowledge of the object. and as a process of subjective selecting. p. 183) Purdy (48). which creates the constellations. Also. 78) Crosland (10). . maintains. Stern (16) describes the role of emotional selection in the "retention" period: "Every person has the and internal events. dependent on these driving-forces/ also changes. opposing the old theory of the fading of traces with the lapse which normally of time. but also what is more important their selection." SzymanskI (18) writes: of the 'driving-forces' (Antriebe). 55) He favors the second possibility." (7. actions. the affective orientation. quoting Stoerring. occurring in the period of retention. 194-195) Stem maintains that the result of selectivity is is a retention of the per- sonally relevant meaning. or does it merely become so unsubstandefy discovery by untrained introspection?" (p. that mark out certain life patterns with a The same proves true of the mnemic accent while others remain neglected " second phase the re-actualization of a mnemic effect is the work of the whole person. interpolating and clarifying (p. for instance. Perkins (53). 12 conditions as." which change the figure to a "better" one. 50). Brown retention period individuality." (p. oppose (54). There are no traces left in the atmosphere. and this gives to recall its inevitably associative character. . . There are none left in the brain. the past operates as an organized mass rather than as a group of elements each of which retains its specific . . of the tension (Zeigarnik. 49) and that the lapse of time also diminishes the intensity Bartlett (24). traces: in the emergence of a common schema which strengthens reWheeler and Perkins (29) object to the assumption of persisting "Consider the air in a room. in the retention period of visually perceived figures. Hence. ity may may result is an "aggregation" of traces which results in loss of their In the case of heterogeneous traces. it tention." (p. W. every normal individual must carry about with him an incalculable number of individual traces. In one case the air is necessary for air currents. The studies Gibson (45). is simple re-excitation. support that another process occurring in the Koffka maintains (27) (60) findings. up. in the case of homogeneous traces. and remem1 The actual bering. Since these are all stored in a single organism. on the basis of his and H. . air and the candles are like stimuli. took a stand in opposition to the classical memory 'The traces are generally supposed to be of individual and specific events. although. in principle. or pure reproduction facts of perceiving and recognizing suggest strongly that. and Irwin and Seidenfeld (58) partially Wulf's On the basis of Restorff s (59) and Harrower's conclusions. character. they are in fact bound to be related one to another. one-sided in its disregard of internal selective factors. Allport (52). in the ideal case. for the brain. Now blow out a candle. in all relatively simple cases of determination by past experiences and reactions. Head's theory: (51) experiments.128 EMOTIONS AND MEMOKY His theory. 197) Gestalt psychology contends on the basis of the experimental results of Wulf (44) that. is a fluid field of The brain is like the stimuli energy like the air. of Wulf's. Zangwill (55). but all the time each trace retains its essential individuality. processes operate resulting in autonomous changes such as in "leveling" and "point- Hanawalt's (46) results ing. in the other case brain substance is necessary for brain currents. Remove the organism from and an analogous process takes place. . this loss of individualresult in a loss of retention. is supported by experiments comparing retention in sleeping and waking Lewin and his pupils demonstrated that a change in the fieldstates. Light a candle and a current of air will be set Introduce more candles and the air will be chopped into many currents all of which must adjust to each other. the introduction of new intentions may iso- late the tension system responsible for the remembering of an intention (Birenbaum. the currents disappear. . but in no case are traces involved. 388) 12 See the experiments of Dahl (56) and of Jenkins and Dallenbach (57) . " "reproduction/' and "recollection" are terms used for the most part to express a direct and active conception of the process. which may be described as ideas that cannot be forgotten. Thus. "Recall" and "memory revival" are used rather to express a passive though direct conception of the process. in order to make a content available we have to connect it first of all with our interests. I surround the first thoughts with such an atmosphere of mood. 420) . in order to indicate the creative. or motoric tendencies do not exist. The more goal -directed thinking is. in other words." (7. 398) He suggests that the mediators of associations are sets of moods. and the availability of memory-contents depends on their relations to these." (p..." "reproduction. while the intellectual content is of secondary nature selected by the feeling or drive to act in them and through them. 129 THE ROLE OF THE "SELECTIVE FACTOR" IN REMEMBERING "Remembering. especially when it is feeling-charged in the direction of the dominant interests." and "feeling of familiarity" are different expressions used to designate the process of past experiences becoming "Remembering. that what proves. pp. we have to keep its feeling-tone fresh and lively. the mood of that time. selective nature of the process of remembering. but that feelingexcitability which allows for its getting into connection with our interests. Interests. to be their real content is an affective phenomenon.. These terms. Mueller-Freienfels (6) maintains that goal-directedness alone does not account for remembering: ". like those designating registration. however. revive by every possible means.." (p. A content strong in feeling always strives toward the foreground. to use the terms connoting activity. 79-80) . Recent investigators prefer tion. feelings. ideas without any attitudes. however. the more apparent the attitudes are. 407) Applying this theory to obsessive ideas. in general." (p." "recollection/' "recall/' "memory revival/' "recognition/' "knowing.THEOEETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 4. are feeling-attitudes. he states: "The availability of a content depends first of all on its feeling-tone. . were so loosely used that their exact meaning can be inferred only from the context in which they are found. and in this way I often manage to arouse the idea concerned. by which we do not mean only its pleasure or displeasure character in general. "Recogni"knowing" and "feeling of familiarity" are used to refer to active though indirect effects. . describes the method he uses in the effort to remember: and "I try to enhance. by its conmight state for all the obsessive phenomena stancy. Of the availability of contents for remembering. he writes: We "Here too the word i& only the incidental clothing of the feeling hidden in it ." effective in the present. ." (p. it paints pictures.. .130 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY is Crosland (10) found in his experiments that what remembered is the to "dominant meaning. . portray not only the external. torted: "The material. 76) Pear (11) maintains that the selective function is the essence of remembering: ". and it is is personal is to imply that it Dot a pure intellectual affair. perhaps always. is the image the result of selection. but the personality too. . but on examination it " often shows unmistakable evidence of the type of filter through which it has passed (p. . favouring and welcoming what it wants at the moment. he also stresses the significance of meaning in This meaning appears here. Like Stern and Crosland. but remembered appear as isolated discrete images relatively undisfit it. pushing out what at just that point of time is irrelevant for it . however. he states that memory. by the personality make-up: ". . While all selective. The selective function is determined . ." (p. ." change in order to Details close to this dominant meaning tend when the peripheral details are easily forgotten. 34) "And selection. he includes dreams among the memory phenomena. the dream is composed of recalled experience. however. as one of the starting points of the newer psychology.. the forgetting closer the relation of the details to the general dominant meaning of the more augmented was the effect of this assimilative or generalizing . 13) . forgetting and remembering are but two aspects of the same process. 35) it is just this selective nature of memory." . a good memory should be serviceably selective but the inner aspect of the art of remembering. and dreams are all shadings of one continuum. . the old dichotomy is dead.. imagery. in a new light: "To declare that meaning personality." (p. if interpreted with understanding. . And those pictures. Recognition of this is regarded to be a crucial development in psychology: ". The art of forgetting is Accordingly. our mind never photographs. selective omission must be regarded . Not only. 52) ." (p. the It can is dream usually (p. . upon it . impersonal objects which they profess to depict. therefore be included among the phenomena of memory. . ." (p.. 107) memory exhibits the results of this picking and choosing in a pronounced form. and differ only in the freedom of operation of the selective factor: "Usually. 48) is relative to the whole Like Stern. of their owner. who is also their maker. it does not come personally meaningless. p.. 209. p.of personal affects and strivings . encies come . 361) wish. can under certain circumstances have an unexpected revival when a personal situation or phase of life favors it . . remembering: "." (15. "[in dreams] the modeling follows immediately under the influence . the in but and need past.. Forgetting and false memory productions are explained by him as follows: "That which lacks to revival." (p.. 360) satisfactory explanation of ." (16. I as I had been belong to myself as I am now and as I tend to be later. ." (15. is certain: that the principle "A is to be sought in an alteration of the person's feeling -attitude. An essential function of remembrance is to secure one's past in a form appropriate and necessary for Mm. He ranks dreams among memory phenomena. because it is this relation to the present is 'forgotten/ i. the individual feels himself misplaced in a mental condition that saturates with the feeling of familiarity whatever may be perceived through the senses. made rich. drive. . . It develops a wish-representation in the form of remembered ".. 195) . fears and expec[the] emotional condition in the present. It is not at all necessary for the objective stimulus situation as such to acquire something that resembles a former stimulus and is now falsely identified with it.. and maintains that dreaming is the only state in which the selective and organizing tendencies operate freely: the dreams are the only [memory functions] in which wishes and drive-tendReminiscences create reality out of to a realization in the present . 241-261) we find a de- and interpretation of a series of false memory productions..e. . completely settled.." (15. 209) "It is a counterpart of that form of disorientation called 'alienation/ in which familiar situations and persons known intimately suddenly appear unfamiliar and uncanny. [the] hopes." (6.. 109) Stern (15) characterizes the role of "remembrance" conscious remembering as follows: his expression for "In the remembrance.. which is brought out . The fact that there is no absolute forgetting speaks clearly for this personal relation. footnote) In Stern's Psychology of Early Childhood scription (61. I strive to settle it. . on the contrary.THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 131 "The dream displays in an exaggerated form all tne advantages and drawbacks of concrete imagery.. [the fausse reconnaissance] has never been contrived/ but one thing... and by these personal strivings remembrance-experiences are awakened.. and so it resembles perhaps even it is the thinking of the primitive mind. p. . 362) ." (p. p." (16. tations directed toward the future. that which is apparently lost.. even created . reality. determine the appearance in which events of the past are revived or are prevented from reviving (so called 'repression'). of emotional factors in . 359) He describes the positive role . to rule it . p. influenced and restrained by my past. formed. pp.. my present and my readiness for the future are filled. . p. . They also find that emotional excitements disorganize the tension systems and thus influence memory (Dembo. or another 'driving-force for which it is useful. the corresponding idea is less and less frequently experienced. but a stimulus which enables us to go direct to that portion of the organized setting of past responses which is most relevant to the needs of the moment. in comparison with the case in which he was given certain outline materials and constructs what he calls a new story. suddenly emerges.. because interest cannot be forced . 191) "It occurs frequently that an allegedly forgotten idea emerges spontaneously. 206) reactions all "A new incoming . 204-205) The selectivity of the remembering is characterized as follows: impulse must become not merely a cue setting up a series of carried out in a fixed temporal order. five years previously. . if we consider evidence ject in these two cases were strikingly similar.132 EMOTIONS AND MEMOKY (18) describes the Szymanski interests : dependence of remembering on needs and "One can maintain in general that an element of knowledge stored in memory can be reproduced as it suits the interest of the subject When the interest expires. I have tried the latter experiment repeatedly. which in turn organizes remembering. and that intentions are executed (Birenbaum." (p. until reproduction is no . In unbalanced. . in consequence of the satiation of the 'striving-force* (Antrieb). say. 124) also maintains that distributed practice and other rules of learning are of great help. and not only the actual form and content of the results. 50). the attitudes of the subIn fact. rather than presupposition." . 7 (pp." (pp. . (24) stresses the active creative character of remembering: "Consider particularly the case in which a subject was remembering a story which he heard. 192-193) Gordon's (19) opinion about remembering "Our theory terests. "excited" persons the tension 62)." (p. 49) if the tension system corresponding to the intention remains charged.g. She find that facts connected with intentions are remembered (Zeigarnik. (49. e. "unexcited" persons Bartlett 50). but what is of more significance for the moment. longer possible. is is similar to Szymanski J s: that good memory depends upon the skillful organization of in- Memory cannot be wishes to improve son who forced. remembering appears to be far more decisively an affair of construction rather than one of mere reproduction. though secondary to the content which determines the Lewin and his pupils interest. when the 'driving-force' (Antrieb) for the satisfaction of which this knowledge was gained. . a perhis memory must study his own interests and aims/' (p.. to be less systems appear persistent than in balanced. In his terms. Lack of about in three ways: (1) The disappearance of the trace through "lack of cohesion. 206) "It may ." or through "communication with other traces". (2) the momentary unavailability of the trace because of isolation. remembering. recognition occur when a process set up by incoming stimuli and a trace of an old process communicate. then it will have its place in a field formed by close connection with the Ego processes of high intensity and will be in particularly to a sphere of system. however. be that what then emerges is series of past reactions. such as occurred in the "repression" cases of Zeigarnik already discussed. and ever new traces will be formed which enlarging and stabilizing it continually.' (p. 118-120. and the word that is always cropping up is 'attitude." memory theory of Gestalt psychology. 526) 16 Concerning the change of interests he wrote : as follows: "'Availability of the trace. The construction that is effected is the sort of construction that would justify the ob" server's 'attitude. His "attitude" appears." (p. munication. . The large system which has been connected with disintegrate because parts of it may become all this is .' I have shown how this 'attitude* factor came into nearly every series of experiments that was carried out. 96. If a trace is derived from a process which was directly connected with a person *s interests. depends upon a host of factors. Belonging communiwill with which a trace find they will traces these system ready interest. 15 See pp. no remembering occurs. We 13 the role of attitudes in this communication. The original trace will become more and more isolated and more and more separated from the stratum of the present." through "communication with a new process. 14 have already discussed there is no comcommunication may come When between the Ego and the trace-field. The role of the relation between the Ego and the trace-field was characterized by Koffka moment. interest-carried. See p. depends upon Now this connection proper connection between the trace system and the Ego. In this sense we can therefore " subscribe to Bartlett's thesis that traces are 'interest-determined. to be a Koffka (27) crystallized the superficial one.THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 133 is Bartlett finds that in his experiments selection of the relevant material ascribable to attitudes: "Ask the observer to characterize this general impression psychologically. cate. or because of a lack of the proper relation 16 15 or because of a change of interests." (p. Remembering is an attitude towards the massed effects of a a constructive justification of this atti- tude . communicate with the same system. among which the so-called conative ones are probably of paramount importance. resembling a "mental set. 526) changed.' (p. reminiscence. in cases considered at the "When the interest dies gradually built up may other interests. Such traces then are favored for many reasons. 208) Zangwill (63) demonstrated the influence on recognition of an experimentally created attitude. in its pure form. is rendered invalid if 5. ." (p." (p." (pp." Katona's (28) views appear to be more flexible. the causes of which are. THE THEORY OF MEMORY: A DISCUSSION There is no doubt at present that the days are past when it was believed that an impression or learned material was retained and revived in a form true to the original. which in his conception. "raw facts" are retained as such. it is senseless to attribute the reproduction to surviving traces of the original word-images. not known as yet The role attributed in this theory to the Ego. and "attitudes. The "machine theory" of associationism as the psychologists of the Gestalt school like to call it is. or (d) impressed upon the learner by affective factors. if the items are: (a) reconstructed (that is. "interests" (pp. This argument Katona's (28) conclusion on the conveyance of the 18 meaning by the structural traces be accepted. 229-230) 4 . or. a discovery. however. which refer to specific items of past experience. according to Koffka. Wheeler (64) maintains that reproduction is actually production: "What. 169) Wheeler's opposition to the trace-theory is clearly expressed by his pupil 17 F. See pp. except that (1) maturation has taken place meanwhile. you are now asking. 127. an invention. It is an emergent phenomenon. does explain recall? The same organization of posystem and the tame stimulus -pat tern that accounted for the and (2) original observation. since a meaningful story or sentence can be reproduced by means of sentences and expressions other than the original. now " See p. 168) He considers "meaning" to be the essence of perception and recall: "Each perception and each recall (for recall is incomplete perception) involves an interpretative factor. tentials in the nervous there is only a partial duplication of the original stimulus-pattern. and attributes in forces of selective role the remembering.134 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY the failure of a process to communicate with an otherwise available trace. It is the perceiving of some detail in its relation to a total situation. 124-125. (c) impressed upon the learner by memorization. recognizes them more to processes in the trace-field than in the Ego. to state it less technically. 290-306): 'We called the carriers of relatively inflexible remembering individual traces . He attempts in Ms theory to give some place to mechanical memory and its affective factors. (3) This dynamic theory is limited but still significant. H. 522-28). Lewis (65) who advances the argument used by Stem that. appear to be limited to those of thp type of "mental set" (pp. Such traces are effective. if they are derived from an integrated whole) (b) carried by the whole as essential parts. 306. (3) the type of theory according to which memory-function depends on meaningful and appropriate organization. tion. however. Its influence 135 the classifi- can be best appreciated if we review cation of memory direct theories made by the Gestalt school. emotions. however. 20 28. The "organization. solely with me. of the material are observed "isolation" ingfulness." under experimental conditions.THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OP PSYCHOLOGY discarded. and the common arbitrary associations are only an extreme case of minimal organization. and those memory phenomena which do not it are but complicated variations of it. Psychologists of this school maintain that there are three types of memory theory: 19 (1) the type of theory according to which every memory function is based on mechanical association. Remembering as encountered in everyday life." "embeddedness. there 19 is no qualitative difference between remembering. feelings. inasmuch as the contents of the entire psychological field determine its organiza- Katona mentions the possibility that even affective factors may be determined by a specific kind of organization20 present in the learning or In such views. The responsibility for its formulation rests. For Gestalt psychology. the intrinsic weak point of the recall situation. attitudes. 299. the most bellicose and most antagonist of associationism. but also personally emotionally important and It is true that Gestalt psychologists endeavored to show that relevant. the second is vitalistic in the sense that the organizing factors in it are ex- traneous to. pp. but the association-mechanism is directed by additional organizing factors such as the "Gestalt-qualities" of the Graz seem based on and school. Katona for suggesting in a private communication this trichotomy. so on. (2) the type of theory according to which memory function is essentially based on mechanical association. where the observable attitudes affective factors are of a rather intellectual character. The has been possibility of a fourth and perhaps left out of consideration. comprehensive theory of memory Gestalt psychology pointed out that memory experiments using nonsense material could produce only memory laws pertaining to the extreme case of nonsense-memorizing. This led to a disregard of the "influence of emotions on memory" in Gestalt psychological theory. 1 am indebted to G. the pioneer of modern memory theory. the "determining-tendencies" of Ach. problem-solving. works with material not only logically and grammatically meaningful. . the memory mechanism. and accordingly. memory experiments using meaningful material were introduced. only the third of these approaches is acceptable: the first is mechanistic. however. and superimposed upon. The organization-theory of memory built by Gestalt psychology assumes the unity of the organizing principle and the organized material." "meanGestaltist memory-theory becomes obvious. c. Such a hypothesis implies a memory theory in which memory phenomena depend on the emotional-affective organization. and other phenomena frequently considered to be primitive memory phenomena. as well as changes in the person's life and strivings. the memory trace. others have identified them with emphasizing their intellectual rather than their emotional aspect. and of isolated resuscitation of the material thus registered and retained. b. however. way that "associations" are extreme cases of minimal "meaningful organization. there was abundant evidence that the selective forces were related more or less intimately to the emotional make-up of the personality. d. The retention-period was recognized to be a period in which incoming impressions. of a. problemsolving. attitudes great variety of selective forces influencing memory organization Some contributors have considered them to be of in- stinctual. or affective origin. emotional. on memory. but also because they are directed by our strivings and their success or failure depends on the interplay of these One might even go so far as to hypothesize that. Thus. There appears to be considerable memory processes are subject to the activity of selective to forces related deep strata of the personality. Remembering was understood which selective forces of reconstruction. Remembering. It was recognized that the selective forces are active in perception. But this was a cold insight." so is "meaningful-logical" organization only a special case of emotional-affective organization. eidetic-images. some recognized only the context and the influence of past experiences as selective forces. Certain investigators suggested that the influence of these selective forces in the functioning of man's memory is indicative of the genesis of .136 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY and discovering. The retention or fading of this imprint. SUMMARY material surveyed in this section shows that in the literature of psychological theory there was an ever-increasing realization that memory was not merely a process of mechanical imprinting on a wax plate. and to the field conditions which under registration and remembering ^take place and which exist agreement that in the retention period. 6. these selective forces may justly be considered representatives of the emotional influence and interests. In general. actively influence and change and also in after-images. A has been surveyed. in to be an active process appear to be of greater im- portance than the elements of the material. and discovering are qualitatively similar not only because they involve meaningful organization. in the same strivings. It is hoped that the following chapters will be contributions to the development of such a memory theory. finally. RAPAPQRT. 427 pp. J. Brit. H. The child's conception of 1929. A.. W. 456 pp. Psychology. SHAND. Button. London. Psychol. were suggested. 1921. CROSLAND. (17) McDoiTGALL. R. 29: 159 pp. Personalistik der Erlnnerung.. Appleton. Sentiment or attitude? The core of a terminology problem in personality research. Book. H. Comparative psychology of mental development. Studien zur Lehre vom Gedaechtnis. 1922. A. Roy. Trans. W. Psychol. 2: 65-140. G. PIAGET. 1926.THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY 137 the primitive memory. ges. Amer. gen. 1916. (19) GORDON. Macmillan. New York. J.. J. M. H. Psychol. J. Barth. Psychology. K. (8) MuENSTERBEBGy H. PEAR. Psychologie vom Standpunkt der AbhaengigJceit des Erkennens von den Lebensbeduerfnissen. Univ. 13: 107-148.. Spoerl. PEAR. 92 pp. 1923. Harcourt. 242 pp. R. (4) 397 pp. New York. (5) DEWEY. (9) (10) (11) Movement and Mental Imagery. ed. New York. B. T. H. J. H.. 1914. R. Forsch. 1: 191-302. An (13) introduction to social psychology. F. selective forces of instinctual origin and processes of habituation are interlaced in memory function. The outlines of a memory theory. Psychol. 1940. (14) CATTELI/. (18) SZYMANSKI. Remembering and forgetting. (20) LEWIN. C. 1940.. WASHBTTRN. e. S. Theoretical biology.. 118: 350-381. It is suggested that memory has emerged from instinctual response and developed through the level of "habit" to its present character. Hung. Such a theory would embrace the associationist and the Gestalt theories of learning as descriptive of extreme instances of minimal organization. (15) STERN. Psychol. Memory viewed 1937. R. New York. General psychology from the personalistic standpoint* 589 pp. 349 pp. 1891. 1930.) Budapest. 1937. Outline of psychology. 1930. R. Psychol. Psychol. (16) STERN. 17: 113-124. UEXKUELL. K. Boston. 1913. Scribner. T. Methuen. Character and Personality 9: 6-17. B. producing the magnificent and well-nigh impenetrable complexity of man's memory. 3rd revised (6) (7) MUELLEE-FBBIBNPELS. MUELLEK-FREIENFELS. WERNEE. 27: 381-430. REFERENCES (1) (2) (3) The history of the association concept. A symposium. F. AND MYERS. Harcourt. 362 pp. HART. Arch. 486 pp. 1922. New York.. 1908. W. . Harper. Der Einfluss der Gefuehle und motorischen Faktoren auf Assoziation und Denken. 1922. 510 pp. The relations of complex and sentiment. S. (12) McDouGALL. Das Problem der Willensmessung und der Assoziation. 34: 65-105. the world. 459 pp. W. as imagination. W.. New York. H. TANSLEY. (In the Hungarian language. Z. 1922. Arch. general and applied. Leipzig. J. 252pp. centered in emotional-affective organizing factors. Monogr. RIVERS. D. Houghton Miffiin. New York. A qualitative analysis of the process of forgetting. 1938. VON. New York. D. ges. 1915. Oxford Press. (24) (25) (26) BAETLETT. E. S.. 318 pp. 1939. London. 18: 211-424. T. exp. Vorbemerkungen ueber die psy92 pp. W. Clark Univ. exp. chischen Kraefle lin. WULF. 174 pp. 1922. New York. Remembering. (37) Effects of surroundings upon mental work as measured by York's multiple choice method. /. 1910^ (35) LANGFELD. C. 4: 115-175. 1923. 1924. Holt. 1937. R. New York. H. K.. P. 1940. 1911. 1939.. 529 pp. S. Langfeld. P. H.. Ed. 588 pp. G. Ed. W. W. Cambridge. Theories of memory. R. Studies in the psychology of learning and teaching. GIBSON. textbook of educational psychology. New (32) York. Suppression with negative instructions. G. Fifield. Principles of general psychology. 317 pp. S. In: Introduction to (31) McGaocH. Personality. S. BARTLETT. J. Wille und Beduerfnis.. H.. The mental development of the child. Press. W. Nostrand.. Langfeld. H. 1935. Columbia Univ. und Energien und ueber die Struktur der Seele. (27) KOFFKA. Thought. (39) EDGELL. Univ. KATONA. Suppression with negative instructions. Learning. D. 1927. F. F. London. Ueber die Veraenderung von Vorstellungen. H. K. E. E. J. Boring. PsychoL 3: 319-331. New York. J. 1932. A test and analysis of /. A summary of modern (41) BUEHLEB. AND PEEKINS. F. 1930. 1935. 1932. Ber- Springer. Wiley. AND YOUNG. (22) EMOTIONS AND MEMOKY Criticisms of the laws of exercise and effect. (40) BUTLER. Vorsatz. PsychoL 9: 468-491. Harcourt. 417. a study in experimental and social psychology. J. PsychoL Bull. 310 pp. Brit. G. C. New York. 1929. T. J. P. /. Comp. The reproduction of visually perceived forms. Wiley. 25. G. General psychology. Ed. Univ. Pp. 170 pp. S. . Retroactive inhibition as affected by conditions of learning.138 CASON.. (28) Organizing and Memorizing. KOEHLER. Press. PsychoL Forsch. An experimental study of some problems of perceiving and imaging. P. H. "set. G. 381-410. 1923. Harcourt. 652 pp.. B. ALLPOBT. Life and habit. The influence of context upon learning and recall. Murchison. PsychoL Rev. LEWIN. PsychoL 12: 1-39. AND BEOWN. (38) GTTNDLACH. 1939. A (29) WHEELEE. 652 pp. Beitraege zur Psychologic der Gestalt. 1917. New York. Press. 7: 200-208. psychological theory. (23) PsychoL Monogr. New York. New York. 1910. Principles of Gestalt psychology. 107. F. 31 397: TOLMAN. FREEMAN. no. PsychoL 8: 222-266. 1916. Boring. New York. Retention. PAN. (30) HXJMPHEEY. C. H. C. Crowell. H. 720 pp. 290-350. In: Handbook of social psychology. 1924. 530 pp. Holt. PsychoL 10: 247-280. K. (21) PsychoL Rev. A. G. A. In: Introduction to psychology. ROTHSCHILD. 50 pp. 798-844. (33) (34) GUILFOBD. (36) WONG. 1939. Worcester. Principles of mental development." (42) (43) (44) (45) ALLPORT. Attitudes. and Weld. Pp. LANGFELD. 1: 333-373. 630 pp. 1926'. PsychoL Forsch. Pp. H. a psychological interpretation. E. psychology. and Weld. S. 1926. exp. Zur Theorie des Sukzessivvergleichs und der Zeitfehler. J. Brit. 17: 56-120. W. chol. HABBOWEB. 31: 1-89. L. KLUEVEB. K. W. 1937. J. Amer. 1937. BriL J. (61) (62) 612 pp. D. and Zener. Growth of 'memory images. Amer. B. Organization in high mental processes... PsychoL 35: 605-612. Psy~ Cf Lewin. A. Trans. PsychoL 46: 339-340. Holt. PsychoL 1932. PsychoL Forsch. Adams. G. Worcester. 1937. 15: 1-144. DAHL. AND DALLENBACH. application of the method of comchanges. K. 243-247. R. 1935. 1920. H. H. Obliviscence during sleep and waking. (58) J. Pp. Arch.THEORETICAL CONTKIBTJTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY HANAWALT. Murchison. 1927. F. (51) HEAD. IBWIN. PsychoL 21: 363-381. PsychoL 47: 90-102. ZEIGABNIK. D. W. PsychoL JRet>. PsychoL Forsch. PEBKINS. Hill. exp. 1930. M. New York. G. A study of the significance of attitude in recognition. Forsch. 97. 1930. Symmetry in visual recall. 699-722. The parison to the problem of 1937. 1935. Der Aerger als dynamisches Problem. Das Vergessen einer Voriiahme. F. (53) Change and decay in the visual memory image. STEBN. In: 1 handbook of child psyEd. PsychoL : (56) Forsch. with special reference to Koffka's trace theory. VON. L. 1924. F. Psychology of early childhood up to the sixth year of age. R. E. A. (57) JENKINS. Memory PsychoL (47) 139 (46) trace for figures in recall and recognition. The laws of human nature. N. vol. 1933. 1934. J. (63) ZANGWILL. K. chology. (54) BBOWN. . (48) (49) (50) PUEDY. W. II. 13: 21&-284. C. /. Press. 1933. Amer. New York. J. Clark Univ. Note on the doctrine of memory traces. (64) WHEELEB. H. 1933. of reproducing and recognizing simple figures. 2nd ed. 235 pp. Brit.. The theory of forgetting. PsychoL 21: 133-148. T. Appleton. PsychoL 28: 12-17.. 0. I. An investigation of the relationship between the processes (55) ZANGWILL. A dynamic theory of personality. 956 pp. Studies in neurology. 862 pp. 329 pp. 0.' Amer . ogy. T. Ueber den Einfluss des Schlafens auf das Wiedererkennen. (65) A general view of Gestalt Psychol40: 90- LEWIS. Pp. Eidetic imagery. 1928. Isolierte seelische Systeme und dynamische Gesamtbereiche. London. K. H. J. PsychoL 27 250-276. 1931. (60) PsychoL Forsch. McGraw: . 1932. H. M. 18: 299-342. (59) memory RESTOBFF. 1930. Ueber die Wirkung der Bereichsbildung in Spurenfeld.. G. (52) Frowde. 9 1-85. Vol. J. 11:290-301. Das Behalten erledigter und unerledigter Handlungen. PsychoL Forsch. BIBENBAUM. M. A. J. 44: 473-490. AND SEIDENFELD. 1932. DEMBO. New York. G. ALLPOBT. the phenomenon usually subsumed under the concept memory. affect.CHAPTER V vs. Thus. and their implications. or at best intellective processes. the central significance of forgetting tenet. affects and emotions are not an isolated terrain. are responsible in part for the iSee Hunt 2 (1). retention. how2 ever. a fusion ment of a and new concepts and contents which was unfavorable to the develophomogeneous conceptual framework. THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS 1. and generally without refor. as has been demonstrated sensory. must be alert to several difficulties. the psychoanalytic contributions to the knowledge of this influence appear to be of great importance. tion. PSYCHOANALYTICAL THEORY: FORGETTING field of affects REMEMBERING and emotionsin other words non-sensory and nonhas been generally an isolated field within the sphere of general psychology. it is questionable whether the concepts and conclusions of the two are clinical experience. and recall. the theory and concepts of gard thus psychoanalysis were developed independent of. psychoanalytic theory. intellective processes 1 The psychoanalytic contributions to our topic is increased by another feature of this theory: its underlying postulate of strict psychic by the past only to the degree that the past survives. the influence of emotions on memory phenomena has remained insufficiently attacked and elucidated by general psychology. 140 includes registra- . it The concept "memory" as used here is conceived broadly. the survival of psychic events is. no concept is more The importance of the central to it than that of emotion. In the psychoanalytic theory of the etiology and therapy of psychic disturbances. and remembering is a basic may accordingly expect rich contributions to our topic from psychoIn order to avoid exaggerated expectations. we analytic investigations. and in the main has attempted to reduce them to physiological. in turn. chic determinism signifies that the present is Psychic phenomena of the present can be determined determinism. the theoretical and conceptual development of general psychology. having been built underwent frequent revisions. In psychoanalytic theory. drive. in the preceeding chapters. We directly comparable. Psydetermined by the past. First. In view of this situation. upon of old Secondly. resulting in. The exploration of them has remained unsatisfactory. thus its conclusions were capable of misinterpretations which. or that survival of it is always connected with certain favourable conditions." (pp. the body of an ani: mal or human being.game. . and that it is impossible for us to represent a phenomenon of this kind in visual terms. "There is one objection. field. But here. Even for mental life our assumption that everything past is preserved holds good only on condition that the organ of the mind remains intact and its structure has not been injured by traumas or inflammation. 100-103. we have been inclined to the opposite view that nothing once formed in the mind could ever perish. 18-19) "We admit this objection. too. though. to which we must pay attention. Angelo. but we know nothing * See Chapter III. Our attempt seems like an idle . we will abandon our search for a striking effect of contrast and turn to what is after all a closer object of comparison. or even to absurdities. It is possible. that everything survives in some way or ditions of being brought to light again. when regression extends back oneself what this assumption signifies by Let us choose the history of the Eternal City as an example." (p. 15-16) "Now let us make the fantastic supposition that Rome were not a human dwellingplace. One might try to picture to a comparison taken from another field. in which nothing once constructed had perished. they have been absorbed into the later features for which they supplied the material. we find the same thing. and is capable under certain confor instance. It is always possible that even in the mind much that is old may be so far obliterated or absorbed whether normally or by way of exception that it cannot be restored or reanimated by any means. The early stages of development are in no sense still extant. . Perhaps we ought to be conwhat is past in the mind can survive and need not necessarily perish. pp. other. 17) clearly no object in spinning this fantasy further. If we try to represent historical sequence in spatial terms. as they were up to its siege by . that the beautiful statues were still standing in the colonnade of the Castle of St. "Since the time when we recogoized the error of supposing that ordinary forgetting signified destruction or annihilation of the memory -trace. 19) "The fact is that a survival of all the early stages alongside the final form is only possible in the mind. inferred from material based on the study of pathological constitute the main topic of psychoanalytic investigation. the same space will not "There is hold two contents. It questions our choosing in particular the past history of a city to liken to the past of the mind. it has only one justification it shows us how far away from mastering the idiosyncrasies of mental life we are by treating them in terms of visual representation. it leads to the inconceivable. the psychoanalytic contribu- must be which Freud (2) himself cautioned us that the function of memory proper is an unsolved problem. 3 141 Thirdly. as. it can only be done by juxtaposition in space." (pp." (p. This would mean that in Rome the palaces of the Caesars were still standing on the Palatine and the Septizonium of Septimus Severus was still towering to its old height.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS confusion prevailing in our tions cases. far enough. but a mental entity with just as long and varied a past history: that is. tent with the assertion that "Perhaps we are going too far with this conclusion. the Goths . his caution will give a proper background to our survey of the pertinent contributions. and all the earlier stages of development had survived alongside the latest. " Secondly. we shall deal with the psychoanalytic explanatory principle of forgetting. . in psychoanalytic literature no attempt has been made to advance a find in it systematic theory of remembering. 95) . on our topic of dreams and of other psychic phenomena investigated by psychoanalysts.. One undertaking to define remembering in the spirit of psychoanalytic theory. and in conformity with this definition of forgetting." Being far from attempting any such systematization. EMOTIONS AND MEMORY We can only be sure that it is more the rule than mind. 131) Jones suggested that psychoanalysts belong to the latter school. psychoanalytic a theory of remembering. . . "repression. Freud also discussed directly4 the function of memory. familiarizes himself with psychoanalytic literature will two general trends supporting this conclusion. 487-497. and those who hold that they are the facts of forgetting." 2. would designate it as "emergence into conscious- Although lacking a systematic treatment of it. Finally. First. however.142 about it. and . the theory found its of evolution 4 most important support (6) in the discovery of animals See (5). First we shall Next we shall consider the bearing survey the problem of forgetting and of parapraxis. It is hoped that psychoanalysts will systematize this theory in furthering Freud's attempt to create a psychoanalytical psychology. The psychologist who." "Today. 20) the exception for the past to survive in the Even earlier Freud (3) had indicated Ms belief that: . an integrated presentation of these discussions with other psychoanalytic findings contributing to a ness. the problem is rather how forgetting is possible. Forgetting in this sense means a "non-emergence in consciousness. consequently. pp." (p. we shall only gather material sufficient to show the role of affects in memory functioning as it is conceived in psychoanalytical theory. Jones (4) quoted Brough to the effect that: ". psychologists may memory." . THE PARAPRAXES case The history of modern science includes many examples of the exceptional making possible the understanding of the general. those be divided into two schools as regards the subject of are those of (p. and gave us a sketch of a memory functioning in reference to dreamwork. forgetting has perhaps grown more puzzling than remembering (p." literature implies theory of memory. We lack. psychoanalytic investigations tend to show that perhaps nothing once experienced is lost. who hold that the facts in most need of explanation remembering. which he called "metapsychology.. Thus. though probably warranted by the nature of the material. maintained that nothing is due to chance or is incidental in psychic or. of memory-errors. 57. of lapses in speaking.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS 143 which unite characteristics of different species. the answers to which may clarify the implications of this theory for our problem: (a) Does the theory apply to all forgetting? or of forgetting (6) if not. reading." (p. Freud incorporated his theory of these scientific taste. and are determined through the consciousness of unknown motives. 9). Theunusual wealth and variety of examples which increased in the later editions formed a mosaic picture rather than propounded the theory in a continuous chain of arguments. the theory that forgetting is not chance happening but strictly determined by unconscious motives. the clearest and most unequivocally formulated point of the book the strict validity of determinism in psychic life. as conceived of by the Freudian theory? (c) The 5 is the justification for including forgetting with the other "inadequacies" and "unintentional" actions of our psyche? answer to the first question will clarify the degree of generality which What Tlie term was modelled after the term "apraxis." See Jones (7. and the first facts to support the theory of relativity were obtained by observing comparatively rare astronomical phenomena. Jones suggested the designation "parapraxis. Freud's attempt to understand memory by analyzing striking cases of forgetting. links it with other inadequacies and unintentional activities of our psychic functions. "Certain inadequacies of our psychic functions and certain performances which are apparently unintentional prove to be well motivated when subjected to psychoanalytic investigation. admits of no simple summarizing and leads easily to misunderstandings and misrepresentation. the function of phenomena in "The Psychopathology of Everyday Life" (3). 150) ." 5 After two preliminary articles (8. Accordingly. as it was frequently expressed. . Several questions emerge at this point. Applying the of determinism to his investigation on forgetting and parapraxis. Thus. p. This method of presentation. to which kinds and to what extent? What is the motivation and^the mechanism operating in forgetting. It is life. principle is Freud (3) wrote: . "spontaneity" were long maintained to be the inherent properties of psychic happening only because of the failure to recognize the determining uncon- Chance and incident scious motivation. . "The Psychopathology of Everyday Life" did not escape this fate. of actions carried out erroneously. footnote) . and of so-called "chance actions" should not be alien to The phenomena enumerated here were termed by Freud "Fehlleistungen". and writing. Undoubtedly. he considered this type of forgetting to be the best demonstration of the thesis that "lack of The hypothesis that "all forgetting much later by Jones (4. can produce faulty and symptomatic actions on the path of these relations. 40) repression. they could invariably be traced to some interference of . (3. reluctance directly when writing. we separate the unconscious motive from its co-active physiological and psychophysical relations.)." (3. show that forgetting is but a special case of parapraxis. whether any memory-content is excluded. The indefiniteness of the concepts might allow for inclusion of every possible type of memory. foreign words. like the unconscious motive. the discussion of these three points will give us a glimpse of the psychoanalytic conception of memory functioning. to apply his findings to every phenomenon of forgetting." (3. impressions and experiences (knowledge). It is not my task to answer this question. Finally. shall consider the forgetting of childhood experiences and of dreams later. ". 172) is is only in regard to the forgetting of intentions that Freud's claim appears to be general. (2) that of intentions. which in turn variety of The answer forgotten or whether everyto the third question will is a "motivated" or "affectively" determined memory phenomena. p. THE SCOPE OF THE FREUDIAN THEORY OF FORGETTING In order to clarify the claim for generality of these mechanisms of forgetting. it will clarify the paradoxical question of whether everything disagreeable is is thing forgotten disagreeable. p. a fourth kind of forgetting that of dreams is discussed. or a substitute for it. names. we must survey the different kinds of forgetting discussed by Freud. parenthetically We 470). order of words.14:4 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY for the Freudian was claimed mechanisms of forgetting. In "The Psychopathology of Everyday Life" Freud analyzed three kinds of forgetting: (1) that of proper names. ff. 106) unknown and . due to repression" was advanced It attention does not in itself suffice to explain faulty acts. A. In in this Interpretation of Dreams" (5. the question remains whether there are still other factors within normal limits which.. This enumeration was apparently due to Freud's reluctance He expressed this "We the shall represent this state of affairs carefully enough if we assert that besides simple forgetting of proper names. "If in the determinations of faulty p. . p. The third kind was dealt with only (3) that of childhood experiences.. and turn our attention now to the It may be asked. The answer to the second will help clarify the issue of "forgetting of the disagreeable" which has kept many an experimenter busy. "The work. there is another forgetting which is motivated by 11 and symptomatic actions. considers the comprehensive enumeration in the first category. p. 141. when one first two groups. 8 The term disagreeable in this sense appears to be parallel to that of unpleasantIII. In either case. it does not fit the Freudian conception of the unconscious motivation of forgetting and "To avoid the awakening of pain through memory" refers parapraxis. . . and intentions. associations is and at times a meaningful and links at times a superficial similarity of words or parts of words. which was discussed from many angles in Chapter . directly to those unconscious motivating factors whose awakening is pre- vented by the forgetting of ideas which stand even in a distant relation to them.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS unadmitted motives 145 . ness. The expression "the awakening of pain" implies that if those unconscious factors to which the forgotten idea is related were to gain access to consciousness. 94ff. the capacity for work (p. The link in this chain of is asked to associate of his associations. and knowledge." (3. . The tendency however. The ideas distantly related to prohibited unconscious tendencies need not be unpleasant. Freud maintains that there is a to childhood general tendency forget experiences and dreams." "To avoid the awakening of pain through memory" and "to forget the disagreeable" are two different matters. Thus we see that he was reluctant to claim. . 6 B.. 61). final analysis to appear in the have an intimate relation to a painful 6 The experimental investigations of Lewin pertinent to this point were already discussed on p. p. these logical interrelation. The method evolved by Freud in investigating the nature of forgetting The person in whom the forgetting has occurred is that of free association. freely. a general validity of his theory for the forgetting of isolated words. facts. able 7 seems . a conscious conflict would result. D. 7 Italics mine." (3. we read: ". We shall now attempt to go further into this theory of forgetting and into the method whereby it was developed. and to relate without selection the whole chain This chain of associations usually leads to a personally important and prohibited group "complex" of ideas of which the person was not conscious at the time of forgetting. thus. Elsewhere in the same . but readily claimed it for the tendency to forget childhood memories. . THE FREUDIAN THEORY OF FORGETTING Forgetting is ing of pain" through explained as a result of the tendency "to avoid the awakenmemory . to show that only "the formulation "to avoid the awakening of pain through memory" is consistent with it. to be quite general. since the term 8 disagreeable obviously refers to conscious content. R.. to forget the disagree- it is naturally differ- ently developed in different persons. dreams. and may be altogether innocuous. p. "To forget the disagreeable" implies that what is forgotten is consciously disagreeable. 101). 108). 10 ative connection with the unconscious painful idea is not a classificatory distinction.) In connection with this. or.146 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY set of unconscious ideas (3. The forgotten material itself can be of two kinds: either it "touches something unpleasant. shows that the motive of forgetting is always an unwillingness to recall something which may evoke pain- For a discussion of this point see Weber and Rapaport (10. into connection with other associations which are influenced effects" (3. and that the forgotten material either touches upon this unconscious That the is in an associative connection with it proves sufficiently that only the statement "to avoid the awakening of pain through memory" is adequate." an adjective usually applied to a conscious content.. . that of "avoiding the awakening of pain through memory" appears to be a teleological statement in which the future seems to exert its effect on the present. While the thesis of the "forgetting of the disagreeable" seems to be a logical statement of cause (disagreeableness) and effect (forgetting). but designates rather the "length" of the associative chain. That which is consciously disagreeable is easily available for experimental manipulation. . which seems to demand a special explanation. the second is that it suggests that the forgotten idea itself is disagreeable. but the unconscious idea to avoid whose emergence forgetting ensues according to Freud eludes the usual methods of the memory experimenter. 9 The painful set of ideas of which the subject is not conscious is designated as "repressed. 39). Freud's final presentation of Ms theory is again cautious : "The principal conditions of the normal process in forgetting are unknown. in so far as it infringes upon the rule that the unimportant is forgotten. Our explanation deals here only with those cases in which the forgetting arouses our astonishment. p. p. Analysis of these examples of forgetting. it may be mentioned that the distinction previously quoted from Freud that the forgotten material either touches upon or is in associ9 . pp. The thesis of "the tendency to forget the disagreeable" is guilty of two contradictions: the first is that the unconscious and avoided idea is idea or designated as "disagreeable. p.. Here we have arrived at the core of the misunderstanding which we found so widespread among the experimenters whose work was discussed in Chapter III. We are also reminded of the fact that not all is forgotten which we believe to be. 71 ff ." and the process of forgetting is described as follows: the repressed ideas ". by such painful idea motivating the forgetting must be reached through free associations demonstrates that it is an unconscious one. while the important matter is guarded by memory. associatively gain control over the desired name and take it along into the repression" 10 (3. it is brought . The apparently teleological implication of the second cannot be discussed here. We have attempted to show that the first thesis is fallacious. 39). 61). we here also recognize two types of the psychic process: the counter-will either turns directly against the resolution (in intentions of some consequence) or it is substantially foreign to the resolution ." (pp. itself and establishes its connection with it through an outer association (in almost indifferent resolutions)/' (3. either related directly or transferred associatively to the intention.. He compares intention with posthypnotic suggestion. p." A careful analysis of Freud's writings does not First. One might say that the repressive forces attack at the point of least resistance. and states further "that they could invariably be traced to some interference of unknown and unadmitted motives" (3." We see the presence of affective factors. come to the conjecture that this 'motive universally strives for expression in psychic life. an impulse for an action which has already found approbation. but as yet we do not know enough about their nature and their exact function in "repression. of ".. As Freud puts . Before summing up the Freudian theory of forgetting. "To forget the disagreeable" has proved an inadequate and misleading formulation. a recent change in the adjustment of motives" (3. He explains their forgetting on the basis of ". in discussing the forgetting of an intention that is. many . 104).THE CONTRIBUTIONS OP PSYCHOANALYSIS 147 ful feelings. 108). 11). and points out that neither need emerge in consciousness before the moment of performance. in states of fatigue (Silberer. As in previously discussed faulty acts. and in the analysis of the examples one regularly recognizes a counter-will which opposes but does not put an end to the resolution. p. p. 106). the supposed conflict resulting in the re". but is inhibited through other and contrary forces from regularly manifesting itself. The extent and significance of this dislike to recall We The question 174-175) painful impressions seems worthy of the most painstaking psychologic investigation. Further. it: in the forgetting of resolutions. 175) Thus far we have seen that forgetting is motivated by the tendency to avoid the emergence of painful ideas. pression of the painful memory becomes tangible." Recently there has been a tendency to identify this "painfulness" with that which "diminishes self-esteem" or is "socially unacceptable. but whose execution is postponed for a suitable occasion" (3. These motives are sometimes termed "counter-will/* and can be p. p. other points The kind of forgetting discussed occurs more frequently under conditions which are favorable for it: for example. The painful ideas underlying forgetting are at the time personal and unknown (unconscious) to the subject and in a state of "repression. there are bear out the specific import of these considerations. p. 39).. in foreign-language material (3. deserve mention. as to what special conditions render possible the universally resistant forgetting in individual cases cannot be solved from this further connection. or with neurotic and psychotic subjects (3. 106) Freud again relates our topic to motivation.. slips of the tongue. Parapraxes are memory phenomena embedded in thought processes: in- memory stead of the emergence of a memory fitting the chain of thoughts. First. 14). the prohibited striving asserts itself indirectly by distorting the word or idea which is in an associative connection with it. inasmuch as it can be reversed: an individual considers what he has repressed C. FORGETTING AND PARAPRAXES: BOTH MEMORY PHENOMENA "Forgetting. memory phenomena have been investigated with the restricted methods discussed in the previous chapters." and "unintentional" actions of our psyche were dealt with as similar phenomena for two reasons. Selz. "socially unacceptable" appears to be a p^sychological tautology. as socially unacceptable. 12. attempts to deal w ith r Parapraxes. Secondly. Secondly. and factors militating against what could diminish it. even distant associates of these ideas are eliminated from consciousness." other "inadequacies. the problem was excluded from the realm of memory-psychology and relegated to a newly-created branch of psychology. on the other hand. whose emergence into conIn forgetting. Self-esteem. Freud was the first to endeavor to demonstrate that determinism is valid for all of them. When this had been proved an untenable simplification. forgetting and parapraxes appear to be memory pheare "affectively" motivated. Duncker. Association psychology contended that the emergence of the memories in thought-processes results from the strength and the constellation of associations. However the prohibitive forces be conceived. both forgetting and parapraxes are a prohibited striving. prior to Freud all these were considered the products of chance and inattentiveness. are unsuccessful attempts at forgetting. Only the trace theory of Gestalt-psychology attempted to re-unite the two fields. the parapraxes may be considered specific memory phenomena. The emergence of the proper memory in a thought-process was treated in a perfunctory manner. or the relevant memory forms a compromise with a seemingly memory. 13. in a memory theory in which the emergence or non-emergence of memories depends on the interplay of affective forces. In general psychology. and were rarely dealt with as one aspect of the organization of thought-processes. either the fails to emerge or one not fitting the chain of conscious thoughts irrelevant emerges. This compromise results from the interplay of the it prohibited but upsurging strivings and others which strive to prevent . Thus. incidental nomena which actions in short. the psychology of thinking (Hoenigswald. memory errors. do not according to Freudian theory belong to the basic "unacceptables" governing forgetting. do not primarily involve self-esteem or do not involve it at all. sciousness in the form of ideas would give rise to a conflict.148 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY cases which. but must attempt to explain it through inattention' or attribute it to an 'accident. the analysis of it in slips of the tongue was neglected. then. two unconscious strivings and a conscious goal-pursuit struggle here. action must have been previously performed more correctly or we must always rely on ourselves to perform it more correctly ." : (p. 150) 11 Had the general psychological Investigators considered the close relation be- tween parapraxis and forgetting.' because it has not only a conscious and harmless.. and the incor- "(c) If we at all perceive a faulty action. but an unconscious. instead of being totally prevented from expression. . If this interpretation of parapraxes is correct. and is designated by the expression 'within normal limits/ : The same "(b) It must evince the character of the momentary and temporary disturbance. It is. we must not perceive in ourselves any motivation of the same. which is firmly established through our estimation. but an unconscious and prohibited significance." Eidelberg (15) pointed out that while in forgetting the interfered-with idea was analyzed. as it states the unity of the group of phenomena we are discussing here: "In order to belong to the class of phenomena which can thus be explained. This defense is a two-fold process: (a) The instinct-fusion which is pressing for gratification is turned against the self and (b) the opposite type "The mechanism of instinct-fusion is mobilized. It is a relief to learn from the author that it is not yet determined whether or not this mechanism is present in every slip of the tongue. prohibited strivings may distort ideas or replace them by others." (p. however. He found "Analytical investigation shows that in studying slips of the tongue it is important to examine the hitherto -neglected 'Intention Interfered with. 470) In other words. if we are corrected by others.' " (3. The same factor. there is sufficient reason to assume that memories in general are brought to consciousness by those strivings which they express. we must immediately recognize the truth of the correction rectness of our psychic action. of which the attempted expulsion from consciousness results in forgetting. 470) On the basis of this he formulated of slips of the : tongue is the following: A phrase or word which was to have been pronounced has not only a conscious. significance. These emanate from the id and the unconscious part of the ego sets up a defense to prevent their being satisfied. occurs as a causing factor of the slip. a faulty psychic action must satisfy the following conditions "(1) It must not exceed a certain measure. psychoanalytic theory and experience have implications concerning the role of "affective factors" not only in forgetting but also in remembering. p. 11 149 If.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS from entering consciousness. the latter representing the gratification of infantile instinctual wishes.. It will be worthwhile to quote Freud's formulation of the conditions which parapraxes must fulfill. A more recent development of the theory of slips militates further against the idea of the forgetting of "the unpleasant. only in parapraxes and other extreme cases that this becomes palpable. it manifests itself indirectly. they would neverin spite of some ambiguous statements of Freud have come to the idea that he maintained that a general tendency exists to forget the unpleasant. The Symptomatic or chance actions are characterized as follows can undertake a grouping of these extremely frequent chance and symptomatic actions according to their occurrence as habitual. and certainly deserves to be dealt with in connection with the latter. I have shown the part played by the process of condensation in the origin of the so-called manifest contents of the dream from the latent thoughts of the dream. for example. The first group (such as playing with the watchchain. is stated ". p. Thus. and in view of this origin. the others. the defaults are a link to the field of symbols. manifold threads lead to the dream-work. which can almost serve as a characteristic : 12 "We of the person concerned. and so on). it is quite natural to transfer to the lapses of our other motor functions the same expectation.* Again. no distinct line of demarcation can be formed. I call 'symptomatic and chance actions. 114). . for we have seen that the parapraxes and shall see that may be considered specific memory functions. the deviation from the intention I denote as erroneously carried out actions or defaults. in which the entire action appears rather inexpedient. From different parapraxes.. I place the playing with one's cane. all these cases in effect seems to be the essential element that is. . This element represents both components in the dream content. p. we are forced to conclude that all divisions used in this treatise are of only descriptive significance and contradict the inner unity of the sphere of manifestation. is related to the numerous tic movements. regular under certain circumstances. the This is the dream-work similarity of the not surprising. 113) which the faulty by referring to the unity of the material of his treatise. In the second group. the chance activities are a link to the field of expressive movements of emotions. the jingling of coins in one's pocket. indeed. Freud the equates origin and psychological significance of forgetting and paraClearly. which is without doubt a motor function. dough and other plastic materials." all sorts of handling of thought . Any similarity of objects or of word-presentations my between two elements of the unconscious material is taken as a cause for the formation of a third.in Interpretation of Dreams. The mechanisms of slips to certain dream-mechanisms. with special emphasis on the function of condensation by Freud as follows: common to both. (3. and as isolated ones. which is a composite or compromise formation.150 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY of the The unity Freud: phenomena is further discussed in another statement by "If the lapse in speech. fingering one's beard. I have here formed two groups of cases. kneading one's clothing 131) 18 The defaults are described as: "a symbolic representation of a definite which was not accepted consciously as serious" (3. admits of such a conception. the 13 12 symptomatic actions are a link to psycho- pathology." (3. The connection of these phenomena with other psychic phenomena gives us a broader view of memory-functioning as conceived by psychoanalysis. it is frequently endowed with numerous contradictory individual determinants. p. praxes. the scribbling with one's pencil. and many other actions of the same order. often utilize the path . The unconscious. . retained in the same form as they were received. 174. the of the emotions to traced can be of the repressed readily thoughts disturbing gin and psychic life.. burdened by the pressure of moral education. it can be verified that they suffer no changes even in the longest periods. therefore. we have gained some understanding of the mechanisms involved in forgetting and parapraxes.. to a comfortable toleration of the unmoral. The manifold sexual currents play no insignificant part in these repressed feelings. Freud discusses the functions operating in active remembering and brings them into close parallel with the dream work: "I can perhaps give the following outline concerning the mechanism of actual forgetting. A final summarizing statement from 'The Psychopathology of Everyday Life" sheds some light on the nature of these 'affective factors": * "The question (as to the origin of the thoughts and emotions which find exoripression in faulty actions) we can answer by saying that in a series of cases. quite probable that in forgetting. knows all is . merge Into a process of condensation without opposition. The traces which have grown indifferent. From the repressed memory traces. 175-176) of the experimenters whose work we surveyed in the previous chapters produce experimentally conditions relevant to the mechanisms or Did any qualitatively comparable to the phenomena discussed here? Among those . which we find taking a most active part In the construction of the dream. and as a tendency to avoid the emergence of pain. pp. not faulty actions to express in some way their undeniably existing force which is chance and these instances. these processes of condensation and distortion continue for long periods. condensation and distortion. during . which fresh experiences act upon the transformation of the memory content. . there can really be no question of a direct function of time. p. The fact that the disturbing factors were designated as unconscious. corresponds. egotistic. 71-72) In a summarizing description of the mechanism of forgetting. Even in healthy persons. as well as the most peculiar character of psychic fixation consists in the fact that all impressions are. footnote) In the course of this discussion. and also in the forms that they have assumed in their further development. the beginning of that work of condensation. The most important. makes it fairly clear that we deal here with "affective" factors influencing memory function. at all events. jealous and hostile feelings of impulses. on the one hand. . . Distortion is the work of the tendencies dominating the psychic life and directs itself above all against the affective remnants of memory traces which maintain a more resistive attitude towards condensation. (3. The memory material succumbs In general to two influences. pp. the faulty Allowing higher psychic by recognized actions to continue. The nature of the unconscious ideas underlying these phenomena has not yet been clarified. It no time limit. in great part. '* (3.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS 151 formation of substitutions and contaminations in speech-mistakes is." (3. This state of affairs cannot be elucidated by any comparison from any other sphere. c. Flanagan (16) and Sharp (17) elicited phenomena comparable to slips of tongue. . " . The usual concept of thinking as flowing in one direction is no more sustainable . the phenomenon of slip proves only that there exists a permanent struggle between contradictory energy streams. pp.' 15 The . All the energies originate in the drive-life. describable as the disturbance of the usual memory-function as observed in its natural setting in the thought processes. One of the deepest thoughts of Nietzsche was: 'Denken ist nur ein Verhalten der Triebe zueinander. of the parapraxes has shown us that: Although the psychoanalytic theory deals in the main with the problem of forgetting it implies a clear-cut theory of remembering. a whole polyphony of which the language expresses only the melody. SUMMAKY Our survey a. b. 1-2) of which we see only the surface . D. the thought process "This relation between speech and thought. This theory can be inferred when it is realized that forgetting and . and interferes with the emergence of the goal-relevant idea. Verbalization is preceded by a struggle ending in most cases with the victory of the reality principle.. d Sufficient indication has been found that the psychoanalytic theory effecting "parapraxis" are also present in "praxis" implies that the unconscious or preconscious affect-charged tendencies in other words. 253ff.152 referred to in EMOTIONS AND MEMORY Chapter III." (pp. Speech and thought also derive their energies from it. affect-charged tendency strives for expression. We should like to conclude this section with StekePs (20) enthusiastic allegory which paints a picture of the memoryfunction rather than discuss its problem: ". The most important pertinent 14 experiments were those of Erickson (19). who succeeded in eliciting parapraxes under posthypnotic suggestion.. . These memory phenomena are elicited whenever an unconscious. We have begun this chapter with Freud's colorful analogy advancing a wise and skeptical warning on our hopes of understanding the intricacies of the memory function. . parapraxis constitute one group of phenomena. the intellectual elaboration of the drives. "Thinking is but the interaction of drives. I maintain that the thought process shows quite an extraordinary condensation. or better the relation between what we want to express and what we are able to express. gives a specific coloring to . are the See Chapter 15 VI and VIII. originates mostly in the fact that we never have one thought but many thoughts. while the middle voices and the counterpoints remain hidden. The had association shown differences in diagnostic quantitative experiments the ease of reaction and reproduction. I believe that thinking is a stream . repressed. . Diven (18). found displacement phenomena. affect. whose work we shall discuss in detail in Chapter VIII. 179-180. 3. and that with the cessation of these the unknown or. as we inexactly say. which in turn are expressions of prohibited drive-tendencies. figurout passively what his memory brings to the surface. pp. judge it (2) senseless. INFANTILE AMNESIA.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS carriers of the 153 its memory-function In general as encountered In natural setting in thought processes. of "infantile amnesia" and of THE FUNDAMENTAL RULE OF PSYCHOANALYSIS will The reader influence and inhibit the free flow of associations. not even if he should (1) find it too painful. (3) all too insignificant." and the "dream-work. It can be shown that we are able to reject only those directing ideas which are known to us. See p. (21. The "fundamental rule of psychoanalysis" whose aim is to make it posgested that good sible for the patient to arrive at his repressed memories demands that he "put himself Into the position of an impassionate and attentive observer. THE FUNDAMENTAL RULE OF PSYCHOANALYSIS. spell Our discussion of the genesis of parapraxes has already made it clear why the psychoanalyst expects to learn about the forgotten material from "the The free associations" of the patient following the "fundamental rule. memory theory of psychoanalywe shall discuss three other points of psychoanalytic theory the "funda: mental rule of psychoanalysis. but the nature of these "affective" factors has not yet been clarified. is responsible for forgetting. or (4) not belonging to what he sought for. There has been no doubt that the tendencies eliciting parapraxis are "affective" in character. It usually proves true that just these ideas eliciting the atti11 tudes mentioned here are of particular value in discovering the forgotten material. . 204-205) to renounce any goal-directed thinking and. 4." A. THE DREAM In order to gain further Insight Into the sis. lest it and that Gordon17 sug- memory depends on the skillful organization of interests. not failing to communicate any emerging idea. atively speaking. unconscious "For it is less excursion of 16 * See p. It appeared to be clear that not the conscious "un- pleasantness" attached to the forgotten idea but the connection of this idea to a set of unconscious ideas." the problem "screen memories. reading always only the surface of his consciousness and making it his duty to be perfectly frank. 132. we renounce reflection and allow the involuntary ideas to come to the surface." on the further shed of Freud statements light point: following Thus the patient is asked demonstrably incorrect to state that we abandon ourselves to an aimthought when. e. as in the interpretation of dreams. remember that Spinoza 16 warned against hatred. however." and of their bearing on our problem. only recognizable later on . 44ff. state of psychic derangement in which such a (5." 482) Are these statements pertinent in in a discussion of the "affective influence functioning"? To answer this question we must remind ourselves that the association-experiment was accepted in general psychology 18 memory means of exploring memory. and simply consists in any making no which could not be kept up for several hours daily and a danger inseparable from deliberate attentiveness are avoided. and in maintaining in regard to all that one hears the same measure of calm. but rises readily into recollection as soon as the patient brings something further to which it is related. It disclaims the use of on anything in particular. however. it is not the formal connection of stimulus and reaction words which is important. quiet attentiveness of 'evenly-hovering attention/ as I once before described it. . if one's expectations are followed in this selection there is the danger of never finding anything but what is already known. even of notetaking.. at all events for the most part.. 324r-325) See pp. 41. discusses how the analyst who treats several patients daily follows: may remember is the material. as effort to concentrate the attention we shall see. mode of thought establishes itself. here also the associations are considered to reveal the nature of memory. and in this selection one's expectations or one's inclinations will be followed. becomes even clearer in another application. and if one follows one's inclinations anything which is to be perceived will most certainly be falsified. "free associations" and the "fundamental rule. and by which it can be developed. one begins to select from the material before one. pp. In this way a strain special aids. These links are all representatives of the striving which underlies the chain and which brings these links memories The issue of into consciousness to find. a very simple one. This is just what must not be done. Thinking without directing ideas cannot be ensured by any influence we ourselves exert on our own psychic life neither do I know of any . Freud. chaotic and indistinguishable. one point will be fixed in the mind with particular clearness and some other consequently disregarded. It must not be forgotten that the meaning of the things one hears is. as yet unconnected. through them. in a paper making recommendations to the physician on the psychoanalytic method of treatment. "What one achieves in this way will be sufficient for all requirements during the treatment. But in the psychoanalytic conception of as a memory. but the affective factor or underlying striving which couples the links of the associative chain.154 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY directing ideas immediately exert their influence." (22. and henceforth determine the flow of the involuntary ideas. p. He explains his procedure as "The technique. the rest. For as soon as attention is deliberately concentrated in a certain degree. Those elements of the material which have a connection with one "another will be at the conscious disposal of the physician. expression. seems at first to disappear. . p." (23. Still we know nothing of all this when we become older. According to this theory. 19 the forgetting of childhood experiences. and discussed it in the "Psychopathology of Everyday Life" (3) and in "Three Contributions to the Theory of Sexuality" (23). He called atten- phenomenon as early as 1899. Yet in a certain respect they represent the outlook of the psychoanalyst memory function and its "affective" motivation. p. is responsible for the fact that one does not usually attribute any value to the infantile period in the development of the sexual life. we are told that we have uttered remarks which proved to grownups that we possessed understanding and a budding power of judgment. this forgetting nection with neurotic forgetting: is brought into con- "Hysterical amnesia which serves the repression can only be explained by the fact that the individual already possesses a sum of memories which were withdrawn from conscious disposal [the infantile memories] and which by associative connection now seize that which is emanating from consciousness. He formulated the problem thus: "I refer to the peculiar amnesia which veils from most people (not from ail) the years of their childhood. and later succumbs to a progressive The instinctive affective forces inhibiting sexual manifestasuppression. it has not occurred to us that this amnesia should surprise us. infantile sexuality reaches its peak of manifestation in the third and fourth years of life. Why does our memory lag behind all our other psychic activities? We really have reason to believe that at no time of life are we more capable of im" pressions and reproductions than during the years of childhood. 582) 19 See p. that we have manifested human pain and pleasure and that we have expressed love. Indeed. Further. TMs on INFANTILE AMNESIA The which Freud tion to this genera! forgetting of childhood experiences is another phenomenon first pointed out as requiring explanation. 166. So far. though we have good reasons for it. would be no hysterical amnesia. B. (23. usually the first six or eight years. we have vividly reacted to impressions. tion are considered to account also for the initial repression. acted upon by the repelling forces of the repression We may say that without infantile amnesia there "I therefore believe that the infantile amnesia which causes the individual to look upon his childhood as if it were a prehistoric time and conceals from him the beginning of his own sexual life that this amnesia. For we are informed that during those years which have left nothing except a few Incomprehensible memory fragments. 581) first Freud integrated this forgetting with his theory of infantile sexuality.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OP PSYCHOANALYSIS 155 "fundamental ra!e ?J and the "recommendations" are part of the technique rather than of the "psychological theory" of psychoanalysis. jealousy and other passions as they then affected us. aj^d its * form 2 of appearance is a composite irxeixipry image. and similar also to the relation of para- praxis to forgetting. 131. and even maintained that in them the subjective selective memory appears in an exaggerated manner. in refer- This phenomenon of substitution ence to the affect-cathexis (charge) which (hidden) memory to the insignificant (screen) displaced from the significant memory. But we are obliged first to define the concepts in terms of which the contribution of dream -work to our topic may be expressed. C. 130. According to Freud. Thus. 28 It is beside our point to discuss the accidental presence and significance of other images. to be surveyed in this section may at first glance seem and many a detail may seem an unnecessary burden. for this theory does not require that screen memories have either pleasant or unpleasant feeling-tone. the mechanism of this displacement will be further discussed in the section on dream-work. memory phenomenon determined by is is strong unconscious affective called displacement. already mentioned in discus- sing slips of the tongue. he demonstrated that these are only "screen memories" (Deckcrinnerungen) hiding significant experiences. results of unsuccessful attempts at forgetting. The appar- 20 21 22 See See See p. The problem In other words.156 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY of remembering childhood experiences has still another In the earlier contributions already mentioned on our bearing topic. The essence of the dream is wishfulfilment. Thus. we encounter an- other forces. the manifest form of the dream carries the latent dream content. it was mentioned that Pear21 and Stern22 considered dreams to be memory phenomena. . THE MECHANISMS OF DREAM.WORK The material remote from our topic. Along with the mechanisms of condensation and distortion. childhood are apparently insignificant. their relation to the significant childhood memory is similar to the relation to the forgotten idea of the substitute ideas which emerge in the subject's effort to remember. Screen memories like parapraxes are compromises. It now becomes obvious that Gordon's20 attempt at investigating "early memories" and their "feelingtone" was not relevant to the psychoanalytic conception of the theory of early memories. In the section on the theoretical contributions of general psychology. 72. usually visual. p. we may hope that by learning about the organization of the dream we shall be in a position to draw further conclusions on the affective organization of function of memory. 9). p. to the fact that the few memories one has of attention Freud called (8. p. it follows the opposite . our aim is only We problem of this theory and the findings end we shall attempt to answer the following questions: (a) Did Freud have a specific view of memory functioning. . and what is its relation to the affect which is claimed to be genuine and identical (5. obvious difficulties arise when one and the same system faithfully to preserve changes in its elements and skill to remain fresh in respect of new occasions of change. The first of these mew-systems will in any case contain the fixation of the association through simultaneity. there are many: "On further investigation we find it necessary to assume not one but many such mem-systems. 490) relations to elements of raw material of memory . PCS and of The course according to Freud. concerned here with proving or discussing these conclusions. of course. possesses no capacity for preserving changes. etc. 490). and if so what was it? (6) What mechanisms are at work in organizing individual memories into the manifest form of the dream. furnishes to consciousness the complexity and variety of the sensory 25 Behind this lie the memory systems (Mem) of (5. while in the dream course. 491): Sensorium Mem Mem Ucs PCS St M The stimulation (St) reaches the psychic apparatus through the system to which the function of perceiving (P) is attributed: "The P-system. Freud's View on Memory Functioning Freud illustrates his memory theory in the following scheme (p. proceeds in the waking state excitation. ." (5. 84 Freud suggests: " . qualities" which. M from the stimulation to the motor-system. might perhaps be represented by these later systems. and Motor symbols Ucs..THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS 157 ently logical form of the dream is effected by a process due to partiallyare not awakened consciousness and similar to our waking thinking. 489) is and receptive To the same effect see Freud: A Note Upon the 'Mystic Writing-Pad. p. so as to express the latent dream content? (c) What is the nature of the "wish" which is claimed to be the organizing essence of the dream.' (6) 25 The stand for Unconscious. p. p. in which the same excitation transmitted by the P-elements undergoes a diversified fixation. Its characteristic would lie in the intimacy . be idle to attempt to express in words the psychic of its significance of such a system. according to Freud. 435) in both the manifest dream and its latent content? to extract the implications for our on which it is based. so that relationships of similarity. To this a. . Preconscious. which 24 and hence no memory. It would." (5. while in those lying farther away the same material of excitation will be arranged according to other forms of combination. System. 242. including masturbation. . as a rule. Freud explains the process as follows: "We call it regression if it image from which thoughts breaks the idea in the dream is changed back into the visual once originated. are syndrome. however. it is maintained that the "impetus" (5. 491) to dream formation Intrapsychic censors on the originates in the system Ucs (unconscious). p. In regression the structure of the dream- up into its raw material 31 (7. These memories may become 26 conscious. The implications for our problem of the psychoanalytic theory of dreams may be stated as follows the experience is deposited in the memory systems : 28 28 The attribute unconscious (ucs) I will cite is to be distinguished from the system Uncon- scious (Ucs). 492). Accordingly.' which terrified him. but to the sensory end." (5. in attempting to observe his own intellectual work in a state of fatigue. and are doomed to an early death. The so-called "normal" organization of memories is not specifically explained as far as their organization in dreams is con. and PCS border of the systems Ucs (preconscious) prevent the penetration In the sleeping of these impulses into consciousness in the waking state. p. for which lie was now reproaching himself. p. cerned. and finally reaches the system of perception" (5.. 493) This raw material consists of visual and acoustic memory images. p. 27 A similar phenomenon of thoughts breaking down into their raw material was discovered by Silberer (11) who.158 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY These memory systems transform the momentary excitations of the Psystem into lasting traces (5. The source of this manifestation was the suppressed. . found in "primitive" and "autistic" thinking as well as in daydreams will be discussed in Chapter VII (p. to the effect that such boys become demented. for the path to the motor system is blocked and there is no danger of executing the impulses. 224ff) in connection with the Korsakow his terrifying vision. p. found that his thoughts were transformed into visual hallucinatory symbolic pictures (hypnagogic-hallucinations). 27 "As an example the case of one of my youngest hysterical patients who was prevented from falling asleep by 'green faces with red eyes. red-rimmed) Hence another unable to learn anything at school. they are unconscious and exert their influence while in this state. At that time his mother had noticed that the coma boy of twelve. state they are admitted to dream-consciousness.. e. but once conscious memory of a boy whom he had often seen four years earlier. (i. which merely determined his recollection of saying of his mother's. It seems important to add here that. a process similar to the dream process accounts for hallucinations. and who offered a warning example of many bad habits. 28 For examples. the impulse takes an opposite "regressive" course: "It communicates itself not to the motor end of the apparatus. plexion of this ill-mannered boy was greenish and that he had red eyes. 489). see p. according to Freud. 494) Similar processes. only Bartlett's approached such a view. and by the "secondary processes. 117-118. we must discuss in some detail what he calls "the dream work. . about come can Instinctual of memories to Impulses represent organization on the level of any one memory system or several memory systems so as If either to enter consciousness directly as In the normal waking state of form the Impulse Is "acceptable. the formation of new unities (composite persons. centered elsewhere. The dream is. . Condensation is described as ". the organizing of the latent dream thought "into a form acceptable to the censor and suitable to enter consciousness. perception organizing memories and using 'memory traces" to assert and express 29 themselves.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS in a 159 In- manner Influenced by its relation to other deposited material. as it were. and symbolism. same part in the dream thoughts. and secondly. a Is dream as the latent always unacceptable thought dreams. a selection of those elements which occur several times over in the dreammixed images). These two dream thought in the principles determine the appearance of the latent is specially important for censor the manifest dream content. p. See pp. and use memories for their representation and expression." or revert into the original sensory daydreams If the impulse is "unacceptable. the regard for the "regressive" course of the dreamimpulse which requires a representation in terms of sensory images. In this memory theory Instinctive-affective factors play a central role." this does not.. . 132-133. production of common means . the functions to be described are the effects of Interfering strivings on the organization of memories in the dream. however.. to the for However. . . * as In dreams or 6." The latentdream thought is elaborated into manifest dream content chiefly by means of the "primary processes" of condensation. Dream-Work In order to obtain a more concrete picture of the operating mechanism of the organizing affective-instinctive factors as viewed by Freud. and the content. . stinctual impulses originating In the organism become active In the UnconThis scious. . . The regard to the consciousness. Thus. bring to consciousness that reversal We shall see and undlstorted Isolated perceptions corresponding to single memories. the is which forget fact tendency responsible censor should not be conceived anthropomorphically but rather as an that oppose the emergence Into expression designating all the strivings consciousness of a certain striving. 330) Displacement means that essential components of the dream content do not by any means play the "." (5. 123-124." T^ie two regulative principles of the operation of the dream-work are first. displacement. Among the memory theories discussed. which alone can guide us to the correct completion/' (5. 30 choice of symbols of a documented dream is deter- These three functions serve the purpose of withdrawing the dream thought from "censorship. The reader will remember that Mueller-Freienfels characterized the affect as the factor which selects the words for its "cloth. ." (5. p. It is pointed out that although there are general symbols. 128. In a psychic complex which has been subjected to the influence of the resisting censorship. p. 131. 456) 31 Thus. While the memories are reorganized. 434-435) *'. but to arrive at the conclusion that in the course of the dream-work the affect remains un- a step forward." It is maintained that "In a number of cases the common quality shared by the symbol and the thing . the affects are the unyielding constituent." These "affective factors" become obvious if one considers that the manifest form of the dream is essentially a compromise resulting from the struggle of the dream-wish which strives for expression and those strivings which are symbolized by . See p." These four functions change only the ideational but not the affective content of the dream. the reversal of the dream thought into its raw material does not result in isolated memory images." making them more than "flatus vocis. undergone displacements and substitutions. . . the mined by the context.. 467 See p. because the primary and secondary processes reorganize the material. 336) Symbolism is defined as "indirect representation. See pp. the ideational contents have the affects have It may appear that we have strayed from our topic. the expression "censorship. pp. it attempts to connect the parts of the dream material in terms of conscious logic (5. p. as by ethnopsychological research." The finishing touch to the material thus prepared is given by the secondary elaboration. or the "attitude" 34 of Bartlett remains the unchanged constant core of the memory organization. . we feel. pp. 117-118. p. all these may be considered specific memory functions which are motivated by "affective factors. . the affect like the 80 81 82 88 8* See also Jones (4." and that Bartlett maintained that reproduction originates from the attitude and is a "justification" of it. 370) which it represents is obvious. 32 33 "meaning" of Wheeler and Stern. . 154-211) See also 5. changed is.. in others it is concealed. Accordingly. " (5. while remained unchanged.160 its EMOTIONS AND MEMOET content is arranged about elements which do not constitute the central point of the dream-thoughts. which is the work of the partlyawakened conscious thinking. a great variety levels of representation in our psychic life On each level of organof memory and thinking. 129) Jones' approach anthropomorphic development of new development. of Varendonck (25) concerning "preconscious phantasying and of Silberer (11) concerning "hypnagogic hallucinations. with a less important one at the place of transition between the preconscious and the conscious. however. Wishfulfilment The function "The dream of wishfulfilment is explained in Freud's description of the dream-function : a wish is a psychic act full of import. less means a new and well be that in such a representation new development the "censor" will appear as the effect of interfering striv- on different levels will ings. c. know not enough P-ness and U-ness. as one proceeds from the level of consciousness to the lowest layers of the unconscious. this about "affect". and its many pecuthat fact the fulfilment. induces one rather to picture the inhibiting tendencies as being distributed. p." the presence of a great variety of findings of these investigators all indicate in other words. craving to which liarities and absurdities. and the mechanisms of memory organization of "memory-traces." The ing.THE CONTHIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS 161 As the reader has perhaps been Impressed disagreeably by the anthropomorphic "censor" and the "tricky" methods applied to compromise with to insert here Jones' it. While it may be agreed that the action of repression is mainly exhibited at these points of junction. displacement. in my opinion. conscious as well as unconscious. The form of appearance such as ranging from genuine affects to their intellectualized derivatives. of the unchanging affect is also a varying one. the "tricky" the theory. It may mechanisms of condensation. and probably the organizing. factor. its motive power is invariably it is unrecognizable as a wish. the visual In this characteristic of dreams being one among many. in a streaming fashion. but the mechanisms of organizing appear to change from level to level." (4. and symbols will be recognized as mechanisms on different levels of representation of memories. increasing in strength. throughout the whole mind. of forms of organization ization the affect is the unchanging. it may make for a more adequate understanding view of the point: 1 "Freud himself seems to place what lie terms the 'censorship' an expression covering the sum total of the repressing forces in question at the place of transition between the unconscious and the preconscious. We still do the our next step must be to collect more material concerning its role in dream." functions and as be properties expressed probably A theoretical development of this sort would be supported by the findings of EL Werner (24) concerning the developmental levels of the memory thinkfunction. are due to the influence of the psychic censorship . the evidence. discussed in the previous section. is felt as pain. dream-work would comply with such a hypothesis. remains on the hallucinatory level. and third (though not constantly). . however. even more clearly: . It is ques- We have earlier advanced the hypothesis that the different or "affective" factors are manifestations of a common basic motivating psychology. lOOff . . as identified with the increase or decrease of excitation. . this demand and in the PCS has taken on the tasy. ". in which the diminution of excitation is perceived as pleasure. excitation or tension (5. we call a wish. and sets the apparatus in operation in order to bring about again a state of gratification. its discharge with pleasure. a need for : condensing the psychic material. 38 tionable whether pain and pleasure. also Freud (27) See . This definition of wish leaves no doubt of its intimate relation to affective factors. can still be equated with the identical terms in general factor on different levels of psychic functioning. issuing from pain and striving for pleasure. the reciprocal relation and the four conditions.. gratification/' (5.162 it EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY has been subjected during its formation. a wishfulfilline ohan- The relation of wishfulfilment to the processes of is dream-work. defined thus: "The primary process strives for discharge of the excitation in order to establish with the quantity of excitation thus collected an identity of perception. gratifying and in it the wish Is the representative of the drive-forces. regard for a rational and intelligible exterior of the dream-structure. . the secondary ^ To 86 the same effect see Jelgersma (26) p. the following factors have played a part in its formation first. . p. The first occurrence of wishing may well have taken the form of a hallucinatory cathexis of the memory of ." (28. essentially represents an unconscious instinctual guise of a dream-wish. the dream. 533) It is explained that as the hallucinatory performance cannot bring the cessation of needs. the accumulation of excitation . From each of these propositions a path leads on- ward to psychological postulates and assumptions. p." (pp. 508) Freud equates the accumulation of excitation with 35 He writes: pain. as well as the mutual relations of these conditions must now be investigated. 142) ^wish impulse. . Such a current in the apparatus. . Freud's definition of the this point . . regard for representability in sensory images. . 485-486) The meaning of the concept "wish" is clear only if we remember that Freud has adopted a biological theory which maintains that a living organism strives to keep itself as free as possible from stimulation that is. role of the wish in Freud expressed ". Besides the necessity of evading the censorship. in reality a detour is made to find the about object. second. the dream must be inserted in the of the wish-motives.. Thus. context -' of the psychic life. p. ) . the gratification to be reached by motor activity can no longer be expressed as "wishfulfilment" but rather should be expressed in terms of a is a striving for pleasure and that dreams are wishfulfilment. bears the character of pain. as well as the result of the suppression is to prevent the development of this pain. . because the liberation of pain might emanate from this idea-content." (27. not be experienced as such. which of themselves do not indicate the nature of the process which gives them.* ". purposive idea. rise to This state of of affects: affairs is well characterized in Freud's discussion of the nature "We will therefore affirm the proposition that the principal reason why the suppression of the Uc&. and has adopted instead the aim of an identity of thought. since the process of repression. therefore. 535-536) This definition also implies that on the level of conscious thinking and acting. but which. pp. memories different from those of the original gratification are revived by the striving toward this gratification in the course of the attempt to attain the gratification by planning action in reality. The aim. Thus we are taught by the function of the "dream-work' 'that is wishfulfilment not necessarily a direct gain of pleasure. This suppression is normally successful. anxiety dreams since they seem to contradict the thesis of "avoiding the awaking of pain through memory" require an that but the PCS It is the to the wish ties. 6. We here take as our 8T "Identical cathexis" means here identical strivings. p. Such procedures are. when unsuccessful. 38 This complicated state of affairs must be kept in mind when judging the effect of pleasantness and unpleasantness on memory. it is certain that all neurotic *p a m' is of this kind. The suppression extends to the idea-content of the Ucs.. a conflict of the two systems ensues and results in anxiety dreams. especially in the case of experiments which propose to offer proof or disproof of the Freudian theory Conscious pleasantness and unpleasantness are phenomena of forgetting. But it is obvious that condensations of ideas and intermediate or compromise-formations are obstacles to the attainment of the identity which is aimed at. is pleasure . In view of the fact that a wish rejects it is and suppresses it. it would develop an affect which originally had the character of pleasure. were allowed to run its course. becomes necessary is that if the movement of ideas in the Ucs.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS 163 process has abandoned this Intention. Thought must concern itself with the connecting-paths between ideas without allowing itself to be misled by their intensities. explained belongs explanation." (5. which is to be reached once more by the path of motor experiences. 8 which can. The effect on memory phenomena of the process indicated by the presence of pleasantness and unpleasantness may be manifold. by substituting one idea for another they swerve away from the path which would have led onward from the first idea. in this detour. All thinking is merely a detour from the memory of gratification (taken as a purposive idea) to the identical cathexis 37 of the same memory. In other words. carefully avoided in our secondary thinking. (5. The few apparently insignificant childhood memories are "screen memories" for significant affect-charged experiences. This is regarded as a motor or secretory function. results from the progressive repression which occurs concomitantly with the latency period in the sexual development of the child. displacement. AFFECTS. their original sensory images. c. ceases thus conin sists in the fact that the unconscious excitations would liberate an affect that consequence of the repression that has previously occurred could only be felt as " pain or anxiety. 521) D. and by the dream-wish. The danger which arises if catexis by the PCS. the latent content of the dream the d. memories are organized The wish. memory The unchanged material. to which they are related as substitute ideas are related to forgotten ones. and pleasure-principle as the motivators and determiners of memory functioning. these ideas are as it were strangled. a. but rather gives leading f ree reign to unconscious directing ideas which lead to repressed affecting ideas cathexed memories." They state that to abandon conscious direct- those which usually bring to our consciousness the memories to our goal results not in a chaos in our mind. inhibited from sending out the impulse that would develop the affect. is thus transformed. that is. This organization comes about on a level where the memories are reverted into defined as a striving to as parapraxes are related to forgetting. material surveyed indicates a number of is phenomena in which the "affective influence" in forms. Through the domination of the PCS. according to the psychoanalytic theory. 4. while the affect remains the core of the dream out of which it can be reconstructed.164 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY basis a quite definite assumption as to the nature of the development of affect. in a form acceptable to consciousness. memory functioning present in a variety of INSTINCTS. In the dream. 6. and "repression" The aim of this section is to clarify the as the explanation of forgetting. the key to the innervation of which is to be found in the ideas of the Ucs. p. symbolism. affect. uses the mechanisms of condensation. which is dimmish the accumulation of excitement. meaning and interrelation of these concepts and functions in the hope that . The ideational content. SUMMARY ' "The fundamental rule of psychoanalysis' and the "recommendations to the psychoanalyst" express a knowledge concerning one type of "affective influence on memory. AND REPRESSION In surveying the contributions of psychoanalysis to our problem we have repeatedly encountered instinct (Trieb). and secondary elaboration to express itself that is. it is an amnesia determined by the inhibition imposed on the evolv- ing infantile sexuality. the affective organizing principle. The wholesale forgetting of childhood memories. though displaced from the idea to which it originally pertained. secretory and circulatory) discharge resulting in an (internal) alteration of the subject's own body without reference to the outer world. and distinction affects or is "Accompanying every mental process is a varying amount of psychical energy. p. . The essence of the affect is that it iscon- sciously experienced. The term "unconscious it is affect" is. . p. his The Instinct. Jones. is "Affectivity manifests itself essentially in motor (i. The "charge of affect" is variously referred to as the "instinctual energy attached to the idea" (31. . 64) emanating from within the organism and penetrating to the mind . however. motility. Ill. paper on "The Instincts and Their Vicissitudes" ". interest) pertaining to an instinct. the final expression of which is perceived as feeling" (30. The discharge process called "affect" is distinguished from "discharge through motftity" by Freud as follows: Freud. idea or group of ideas which is cathected with a definite amount of the mental energy (libido. be the content of conit can be represented only by an idea (30. p. 91) or "the quantitative factor in the instinct presentation" (31. "Affekt" is the German term for emotion. it refers to an affect which. which roughly corresponds with what we term the affect. charge of affect finds propor[which] represents that part of the instinct which tionate expression. . p. in consciousness. 111). In 39 (29) Freud wrote: . writes: Here a sharp energy." there exists the ". ." (4.e. when consciously experienced." (30. . however. Freud explains that the instinct as such can never and even in the unconscious. according to used. ." (p. . for example. p. . . 92).. p. a misnomer. The affects are thus one of the representatives of the instincts. in actions designed to effect changes in the outer world. being the mental representative of the stimuli . . 109). Besides the ". 21) 89 40 See also Bibring (32) and Jones (33). . according to its quantity. in processes which become sciousness. for instincts. is conceived of as a "process of discharge. an 'instinct' appears to us as a borderland concept between the mental and the mental and the physical. as we learn from Freud. observable . the expression "affect" is used loosely in psychoanalytic literature. however. p. as affect" (31. The Affect. . needs some amplification. .. . The "affect" itself. This statement. In general. footnote) made between "charge of affect" as instinctual emotions40 as discharge processes. . 91). also have representations other than ideational ones.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS their clarification will shed further light 165 on the nature of the "affective factors" in memory functioning. something which might awaken painfulness. Repression. out of consciousness. It is shown. . p. specific^ and mobile The expression "drive" is used interchangeably with "instinct. 41 given above. in the function of rejecting and keeping something p.166 It appears that is EMOTIONS AND MEMORY one must distinguish between three notions of affect: one the energy component of the instinct representation. 86). the "pleasure-principle* gave rise to the misunderstanding that the psycho7 analytic theory in it 77 is a hedonistic one. p. . 18). that the work of repression 41 42 is variable." "repetition-compulsion. but expressions of empirical observations couched." A number of suggestions have been made which imply the existence of a third principle: "death instinct/' "destrudo. their teleological coloring does not make for scientific clarity. the feeling are but expressions. according to Freud. so regulated. in a Although they are extremely useful in practice. 105) 7 There are two such regulative principles:42 the "pleasure principle/ according to which the psychic apparatus strives to diminish its tension." "mortido. p. Bibring (32) expresses this rather clearly: "According to this view instinct. and the "reality principle/* according to which the present attainment of a dangerous pleasure is postponed in the effort to pave the way towards." discussion of these is beyond our scope. we must bear in mind . a childhood repressionthe ideational presentation of the instinct which is denied entry into . " (p. a more secure pleasure that is. is always. as being a stimulus. These principles are not causal factors." that is. Thus. of which the other two the affects as discharge processes. it is In primal repression always. the more likely is it to succumb to "repression proper 77 (31. however. contrasted with the mental apparatus with its postulated methods of functioning . and 7 ' "pain is often endured as being the lesser evil... Repression is one of the vicissitudes of the instincts (29. and that 7 it of the unpleasant/ Yet more thorough scrutiny promulgates a "forgetting of the theory shows that ure "pleasure" and "pain" are relative terms: the aim of attaining "pleasis usually relinquished because of the dangers attached to it. and their perception. 88). its essence lies ". whatever may be the form in which it becomes a tension of psychical energy. . The problem of the "Principles" arises out of the formulation of the instincts. 69). The closer the connection of the idea to the repressed instinct-presentation and the stronger its cathexis. consciousness: in repression proper the derivatives of this instinct-presentation are denied such entry (31. that the principles or regulative mechanisms regulate the mental apparatus. . The Principles. unfortunately. it follows the line of greatest advantage instead of that of least resistance (34. while the instincts continually impose fresh demands for work upon that apparatus. A . teleological language. The repressed idea is not becomes un- What makes it unconscious? According to Freud. In repression proper the cathexis of the idea is withdrawn. anything arising from within (apart from feelings) that seeks to become conscious must try to transform Itself into external perceptions this can be done by way of memory-traces. p. p. he concludes that repression "denies to the rejected (30. it Chapter III would have conscious. 01-92) is In other words.. 133). Let us turn now to the other representation of the instinct. or it appears in the guise of an affect of a particular qualitative tone. the "energycathexis" in other words. trans- formed into "affect" feeling or peripheral discharge process. and the cathexis is used as anti-cathexis to keep it unconscious. the primal repression comes about anti-cathexis 43 applied by the preconscious in guarding itself against the intrusion of the unconscious idea (30. 21) : different theory. it is as though two different traces of the idea were simultaneously present. It Is not general most of the experimenters whose it. splits the instinct-representation into idea and "affect charge/' and manages to keep 41 now one." and "by coming into connection with the verbal images that correspond to it. p. vent . Concerning this. 134) The same idea is . deprives the in- stinct-representations or their derivatives of their preconscious cathexes. idea translation of the idea into words. expressed positively in "The . in "Anti-cathexis" designates those strivings. 44 This assumption is supported by Freud's observation that communication to a patient of an idea he has repressed usually does not result in his recognizing it. p. .. 89). unpredictable (31. Freud came to the conclusion that the difference between the unconscious and the preconscious is that the former has only ideas of things and the latter has ideas of words deposited as memory traces 44 Thus. now the other. . Freud wrote: fate of the quantitative factor in the instinct-presentation may be one of [if repressed]: either the instinct is altogether suppressed. so that no trace Is found. transformed into anxiety-'* (31. we have discussed the ideational representation of the instinct. which preits entering consciousness. it is through repression that the "affect charge" that is. p. 113). Repression. or it is "The three . as and capable of statiswork was surveyed in lost. Jones (4) advanced a Thus far. . according to which emotions (Affektover the memory-traces like an electric charge vitalize betrag) spreading them and so bring the memories into consciousness. striving to prevent the penetration into consciousness of instinct-representations which would result in conflict. Ego and the Id": ". pp. the "affect-charge" and its fate in repression. connected with an idea. this withdrawal by renders the idea unconscious." (35. separates them from verbal images.COOTBIBUTIONS OP PSYCHOANALYSIS in fact." (30. 167 tical treatment. and feeling as well as emotion peripheral discharge are but manifestations of it. Repression is twofold. Thus. the source of the discharge process designated as "affect" or emotion. d. Instincts are forces which originate in the organism. and was . and enter consciousness only through their quantitative and ideational representations. It is essentially an experimental way of acting. Thought w. there developed an impartial passing of judgment. as we saw. which under the su- of the pleasure -principle had served to unburden the mental apparatus of accretions of stimuli. Thus. and this was brought about by means of raising the level of the whole cathectic process. the instinctual tension. frequently misleading empirical descriptions of the dynamics of instincts. that is. a. Freud.as endowed with qualities which made it possible for the mental apparatus to support increased tension during a delay in the process of discharge. exerts the paramount influence on memory phenomena. it "pleasure principle" and the "reality principle" are convenient but. of the affect to other ideas. describing tihe role of the memory functioning. The "affect charge" is the quantitative representative of the instinct. which was developed from ideation. expressions of affect) it was now employed in the appropriate alteration of reality. While primal infantile repression expels The . pp. has an energy character. decision was determined by comparison with the memory-traces of reality. It was converted into action." (34. and that it became endowed with further qualities which were perceptible to consciousness only through its connection with the memory -traces of words.168 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY This results in the forgetting of the idea or in the displacement repression. "Restraint of motor discharge (of action) had now become necessary. "A new premacy function was now entrusted to motor discharge. For this purpose conversion of free cathexis into 'bound* cathexes was imperative. 6. provided by means of the process of thought. which excluded from cathexis as productive of 'pain* some of the emerging ideas. memory phenomena and affects appear to be parallel expressions of the same factor namely. which had to decide whether a particular idea was true or false. accompanied by displacement of smaller quantities of cathexis together with less expenditure (discharge) of them. 15-16) We may Summary conclude that not the emotions but their source. But this "affect "charge" is. was in agreement with reality or not. and in carrying out this task had sent inner vations into the interior of the body (mien. the regulative dynamics which dispose of the psychic tension set up "reality principle" in "affect": by instincts. again discusses the role of the "In place of repression. It is probable that thinking was originally unconscious. c. as a result of their teleological terminology. the fate of the "affect charge" is closely connected with the fate of memories. in so far as it rose above mere ideation and turned to the relations between the object-impressions. in which instinctual strivings use individual memories deposited in strata according to their connection with other deposited material for their This representation may come about on various levels. it is not feeling or emotion. have been recognized as expressions of memory dynamics. 144 pp. tion. What Freud discovered was the function preventing the emergence into consciousness of an unconscious idea which. repression proper affects the derivatives of instinct representations. Civilization and its discontents. called repression. W. Bull. 5. substitution. a. The "affect-charge" is the energy-source of which feeling and emotion are but expressions. . REFERENCES (1) HUNT. symbolization. Forgetting has appeared to be one of the many "inadequacies of our psychic functioning" which are the result of the conflict between the "censor" and the prohibited unconscious tendencies which strive to assert themselves. The mechanisms encountered in analyzing these inadequacies mechanisms which produce screen memories in the place of amnesized infantile experiences. would give rise to a conflict. a to be and variable specific proved one. 6. mechanisms of dream work have been found to be These functions are displacement.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS 169 and keeps out of consciousness an instinct representation. conscious. (2) FREUD. Recent developments 38:249-276. mechanisms which underlie the dynamic flow of free associations. Cape. hardly amenable to the statistical treatment adopted by experimentalists. but also in displacing its "affect charge" to another idea or in suppressing it entirely.1941. and forgetting as non-emergence. New York. if it became This function. /. The effect of repression consists not only in expelling and keeping a memory out of consciousness. in the field of emotion. 1930. c. d. Psychol. and secondary elaboration. but the "affect charge" itself which plays a determining role in memory function. To keep material out of consciousness means to deprive it of its preconscious verbal images or its energy-cathexis. CONCLUSIONS The survey of the pertinent psychoanalytic literature has shown us the fallacy of the widespread notion that Freud taught the forgetting of the disagreeable. the mechanisms described being the forms of memory organization on these representation. levels. e. Remembering as emergence into consciousness. A. or both. The dream the wish is nent organizes memories to represent itself an extreme example in which the instinctual compoon a primitive perceptual level. 8. condensaspecific memory functions. H. FLANAGAN. Bonn. In: Collected Papers. 1938. The influence of emotional inhibitions on learning and recall. hedonic tone to memory revival. Unpubl. 4: 436-443. 643 pp. Imago. 416 pp. "Psychoanalyse" und "Libidolehre. 1940. Wood.. 1926. 1900*. 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Jenseits des Lustprinzips. Vienna. Zur Entwicklung und Problematik der Triebtheorie. Repression. 2. 508 pp. Hogarth. 1920. Press. Imago. E. VerL. publ. IV.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS (25) 171 VAEENDQNCK. (31) 1925. Brit. London. (29) FKEUP. The unconscious. pp. FREUD. 1924. Pp. S. Hogarth. Formulations regarding the two principles in mental functioning. London. 1925. Internal. 508pp. (32) FREUD. Psychoanal. Internal. The development and problems of the theory of the instincts. Metapsychological supplement to the theory of dreams. 151. 13-21. S. Hypnosis has been considered on the basis of three explanatory theories: "transference. the first and second suggest that hypnosis is an affective phenomenon. Bernheim2 (5) and Forel (6) asserted that suggestion Transference. the "remembering" implied in the execution of the suggestion are the general names under which many of these phenomena have been subsumed. posthypnotic amnesia. facts. and it reinforces by means of the psychic changes connected with it. posthypnotic suggestion specifically.CHAPTER VI THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF HYPNOSIS Hypnotic experimentation called attention to a great variety of memory phenomena. 2. 140) natural phenomena. 3) and Hull's work (4). shall summarize briefly the investigations." and "conditioning. the experiments on drug hypnosis contributed to our problem? AFFECTIVE FACTOKS IN HYPNOSIS Whether the spectacular memory phenomena of hypnosis can contribute to our knowledge of the "emotional influence on memory" depends on the nature of hypnotic phenomena in general. hypnotic hypermnesia. "Hypnosis is not a pathological state nor does it create it is 1 2 new functions or super- simply exaggerates what is already happening in the waking state. to have a bearing on our problem. five questions: Our and opinions which seem discussion will revolve around Are hypnotic phenomena emotional phenomena. the suggestibility which we all possess normally to a certain degree. A discussion of the nature of these theories will clarify the role of emotions in hypnotic phenomena. We shall not enter into a detailed discus1 We sion of the field of hypnosis. most of which is still a no-man's land." Of these. and thus may hypnotic memory phenomena be considered as effects of emotions on (1) memory? (2) What is the relationship of the of the phenomenon of posthypnotic amnesia to our problem? (3) What is the relationship phenomenon of hypnotic hypermne- sia to (4) our problem? What is the relationship of posthypnotic suggestion to our prob- lem? (5) What have 1. See Young's three surveys (1." "dissociation. 172 ." (p. phenomena of hypnosis. 564. One can say that the drive -attitudes (Trieb-Einstellung) and affects are responsible for the . sexual attitude that the person being hypnotized takes up In "The capacity to be hypnotized regard to the hypnotizer.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF HYPNOSIS 3 the essence of hypnosis." (p. disregarding the fact that not simple affects but affect-constellations are displaced and that this displacement lacks an objective 4 : "By basis. expressed this relation in psychoanalytical terms: Theory the blind obedience evinced by the hypnotized subject to the hypnotist to think that the nature of hypnosis is to be found in the unconscious fixation of the libido on the person of the hypnotizer (by means of the masochistic component of the sexual instinct)" (p. footnote). 12) experiments attempting to disprove the importance of rapport. choanalytic point of view In a manner more and in a terminology similar to that used in this survey. by Bleuler (7) maintained that "suggestion is an this he meant to characterize the relation of the two persons. stated that not the content of the "verbal suggestion" but the affective process." He wrote: sibility of transference taking place. discussing Bleuler 's views. Of special interest are Young's (11. or and Influenced by suggestion depends on the posmore openly expressed on the positive. . however. Biological facts lead to the conclusion that in hypnosis It is a special drive attitude which elicits the phenomena which otherwise are elicited by affective life. suggestion and hypnosis 4 . in his "Three Contributions to the of Sex" (9).. Jones defined transference as follows the term 'transference' is meant that displacement on to the physician of various affects (feelings) that really belong to some other person. like every 'object love/ has " deepest roots in the repressed parent complex. although a great number of experiments favored this view. the transference. 309) This definition is a simplification. 353). . are merely examples of transference" (p. he stressed the affective nature of hypnotic phenomena: "The phenomena of hypnosis have not the significance of isolated all the phenomena elicited by hypnosis may be elicited by affects. 173 affective process" (p.... which may be termed "affective suggestion." is the more fundamental of the two and the necessary basis of the former (p. 53). Jones (8).. 10) * Both Hull (4) and Young (3) found in their surveys no unanimity of opinion in this respect. 57) its Jones (8) was even more blunt: ". Our drives are phylogenetic survivals. . . peculiarities . . Freud.. Schilder (13) stated the psyfamiliar to the psychologist. the first giving and the second receiving the suggestion. causes me Ferenczi (10) attributed the dominant affective factor in hypnosis to the 'parental complex." (p. 342). although unconscious. (p. ". and its peculiar -relation between subject jind operator. W. Prince. McDougall. . Charcot. with its general atmosphere of strangeness. The of these latent needs rather than active agent in hypnotic behavior is the motive force any power in the hypnotist. rather than the hypnotist's power." see pp. its special press of dominance. 5 Dissociation. . One of these motives is the need for love such as might have been gratified by adoring parents when their child behaved well. and thus its relation to affective processes need not be further discussed here. forbidding disposition. and others were in agreement in regarding hypnosis as a dissociation phenomenon." which present an unusually interesting memory problem. Sidis. 24) R. The hypnotic situation. will not be discussed here. and he wants the hypnotist. tends to arouse latent needs which were more active in childhood than they can be at the subject's present age." (p. we may them substantially as follows. Janet. The hypnotizer is for the subject but a pretense. He emphasized especially that the needs of the hypnotic subject. It is well known that these authors considered dissociation to be the basis of hysteria. he stated them in terms of Murray's "need and press" theory. 6 It should be mentioned that the dissociation-theory was applied to the so-called "dual-personalities. as he wanted the parents. hypnosis any of the emotional aspects of hypnosis. and puts into reality the ideal of wishless slavery (Hoerigkeit). "Many people seek in vain the passions which would fully absorb them hypnosis creates the pleasure of conditionless devotion. Another motive is the need for abasement or compliance." we divest from these theories the language of the libido hypothesis. 212-214. and yields to his demands rather than risk his displeasure and wrath. we may therefore expect that the following discussion of hypnotic memory phenomena will shed some light on the "influence of emotions on memory.174 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY affects Concerning the nature of these he maintained: .this love. to return 5 "If restate . would probably not agree that this theory does not consider does not concern our topic and The 7 conditioned-reflex theory of hypnosis phenomenon. 155) 6 For the discussion of the concept "dissociation. The subject momentarily loves the hypnotist as he once loved one or both of his parents. White (14) formulated the problem of the affective nature of hypnosis as one of "motivation in hypnosis. . It is safe to add that if the situation awakens latent anxiety or aggression hypnosis is effectually prevented. but an occasion to fulfill his wishes/* (p. are the basis of hypnotic phe- nomena. who serves at most as a kind of projection screen. The subject momentarily stands in awe of the hypnotist. the echo of a relation with parents of a more stern." Expressing views similar to those of psychoanalysis. is an affective As it * This brief discussion has made it evident that hypnotic phenomena have been viewed in the main as affective phenomena. ^ See Hull (4). . 60) For similar facts see Erickson (16.. The results described in the following sections are dependent on the depth of hypnosis. trance state." (p. . Very frequently. 12 (5) In paired-associate recall. paired -associate recall which gives clues reduces this amnesia to ninetyseven per cent. 11 Schilder and Kauders (15) "Not infrequently. therefore. and in general are valid only with subjects who are able to reach the somnambulistic stage of hypnosis. fantasies. 60) 12 Strickler (17) demonstrated that a relearning test in the normal state reduces the amnesia by fifty per cent. 11 (4) The relearning in the normal stale of material learned in the trance state shows a significant saving. Several reservations to this statement should be made explicit. the content of the hypnosis will reappear in a dream." (p. The content of the hypnosis may also come to light in the form of a spontaneously arising notion.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OP HYPNOSIS 2. 15 Schilder and Kauders (15) maintain that posthypnotic amnesia is due to the affective factors underlying the hypnotic state: ". Obviously. 10 (3) The amnesized experiences have a tendency to recur in dreams. and in recognition and relearning experiments. . 9 Schilder and Kauders (15) "Amnesia may cease as a result of a new hypnosis together with the simultaneous shout of an order not to forget the content of the hypnosis after waking. although the patient may not always be able to indicate precisely the origin of this content." 13 (6) The amnesized material may be remembered in a subsequent trance state. 14 See Erickson (16.. . post-hypnotic amnesia may yield as a result 8 : . the hypnotized is ashamed of his infantile-masochistic adjustment and denies the hypnosis in order to conceal the adjustment. 175 POSTHYPNOTIC AMNESIA 8 The term "posthypnotic amnesia" designates the general tendency of the hypnotic subject to forget the events of the trance after having emerged from it. questioning accompanied by suggestive procedures (such as laying the hand on the forehead or stroking the latter.. Accounts I and III). 14 (7) Spontaneously-emerging trance states in which posthypnotic suggestions are executed and in which the material originally amnesized is remembered are themselves later amnesized. or the order may simply be issued in hypnosis that everything be remembered after waking. the amnesized experience sometimes recurs "from nowhere." (p. 60) 10 Schilder and Kauders (15): ". 13 Strickler (17) demonstrated that while amnesia is a hundred per cent for general recall. the motive of amnesia must be sought in peculiarity of content. . Account II). of persistent questioning. (1) The hypnotist can successfully suggest that no posthypnotic amnesia develop. 18 See Erickson and Erickson (18) : .. 9 (2) The hypnotist's insistence in the posthypnotic state may also make the subject remember the happenings of the however. etc. post"It seems hypnotic amnesia is directly proportional with the amount of rapport. it is inhibited by "emotional factors" which under certain conditions may yield to other "emotional factors. the suggestion of the hypnotist probably appeals to strong affective tendencies that is. . C. have been but rarely investigated. 17 nesia is the repression which is temporarily lessened by the trance and then reinstated upon emergence from the trance. A further contribution to According to the material surveyed." we (p. the rejection by the subject of his masochistic tendencies results in the forgetting of the trance experiences. In other words. the phenomenon of posthypnotic amnesia is similar to the process of repression. sufficiently intolerable to account for the forgetting of all the experiences accompanying it.. the masochistic adjustment which revive the forgotten experiences in consciousness. The hypnotist is able to dissolve this amnesia by another suggestion which makes for a change in affective attitude." 17 (p. find hypnotized persons indignantly 60)" the understanding of the nature of posthypnotic u amnesia is given by Freud in his History of the Psychoanalytic Movement" (19). 139) "One is then confronted with a resistance which opposes and blocks the analytic work by causing failures of memory. starts with the technical innovation of the rejection of hypnosis. and of the effects of the am- . The fact that posthypnotic amnesia can be resolved demonstrates that the forgotten material is not lost." (p. Young (11). The pertinent demonstrations of Erickson and of Brenmanwill be mentioned in the section on posthypnotic suggestion in this chapter and in the section on "Affective Organization of Behavior" in Chapter VIII.176 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY denying that they have been hypnotized. the first methodical experimental investigation of the nature of posthypnotic amnesia. who concluded: Experimental evidence to this effect seems to be offered by P. therefore. This resistance was always covered by the use of hypnosis. and consequently inversely proportional to the number of autosuggestions carried out in 16 . . The nature of repression and its relation to affects have been discussed in Chapter V. It is maintained that the infantile masochistic adjustment in the hypnotic trance is. the trance happenings are included in this reinstatement. that this resistance is connected with an amnesia. where he explains that the repression encountered in the psychoanalytical procedure in the form of resistance is concealed by hypnosis He maintains that the cause of the amfor the duration of the trance. the history of psychoanalysis proper." and allow for the reappearance of the forresults in the 18 gotten material in consciousness.. hypnosis. 939) 18 The fate of the amnesized memories during the posthypnotic state. the acceptance of them when enforced by the hypnotist remembering of them. leads unavoidably to that concept of uncon- scious psychic activity which is peculiar to psychoanalysis . To our knowledge. for the subject. that in absence of a suggestion to remember. The theoretical value of the fact. and their influence on thought and behavior. The phenomenon was originally observed by psychiatrists. " hypnotic hypermnesia described by Hull (4) .. Freud and Breuer (20) maintained that a hysterical symptom could be traced back to an original traumatic experience.. also Hadfield (22). systematic historical investigathe occurrence of the "recollected" event to be improbable. In the great majority of cases it is impossible to discover this starting-point by straightforward interrogation of the patient. often many years before. ** See Freud (23).. 22 be checked against diaries Erickson (24) reports a case in which a subject re-experienced hypnotically a significant experience in every detail. is being conducted at present by M. we have for a number of years been investigating the most varied types and symptoms of hysteria with reference to the exciting cause. and made use of hypnotic hypermnesia to obtain an account of that experiSome investigators advanced doubts as to the actual occurrence of the traumatic events thus recollected. 23 The phenomenon of hypnotic hypermnesia does not seem to be limited nesized material on behavior and memory. hypnotic regression is considered by Erickson to be the most reliable method in obtaining hypnotic hypermnesia. See Young (21). This experimentation employs the topological techniques of Lewin. 24) 20 See Hull (4). 19 "Stimulated by a chance observation. 105). Bernheim made extensive *.21 tion found of the subject's relatives. Re-experiencing or hypnotic reorientation or. neither detailed questioning in the normal waking state nor instruction to recall fully these past events in a state of ordinary deep hypnosis served to secure the same degree of accuracy and amount of detail as did the process : of reorientation. partly because it is often a matter of experiences which the patient finds it disagreeable to discuss. As a rule it is necessary to hypnotize the patient and under hypnosis to arouse recollections relating to the time when the symptom first appeared one can then succeed in revealing this connection in the clearest and most j convincing manner. but chiefly because he really does not remember and has no idea of the causal connection between the exciting occurrence and the pathological phenomenon. as it is recently referred to. 23 Erickson (24) ". in other cases. is called hypermnesia" (p." (20. .use of it for therapeutic purposes. recollections could and were found authentic. and correctly argued that the ence. the event which evoked the phenomenon in question for the first time. the hypnotic proof of their experiential verity." (p. Brenman. 19 therapeutic effect of such "recollections" of traumatic experiences is no 20 In some reported cases. 177 HYPNOTIC HYPERMNESIA Is The phenomenon as follows: of the alleged capacity of subjects in the hypnotic trance to recall events which are completely lost to the ordinary waking mem. ory . 1282) .. aiming at the establishment of the topology of the hypnotic state in order to derive from it the topology of posthypnotic amnesia and its effects. p. be it ever so thorough.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF HYPNOSIS 3. Bramwell (26).ramwell . the greater facility of recall alleged in cases such as are cited by Wingfield and B." (p. that early childhood experiences long forgotten are recalled in the hypnotic trance. who tested hypnotic and waking recall of recently-learned and 28 We have already remotely-learned meaningful and nonsense material. an experimental test of this lower-threshold hypothesis. material. he finds this result paradoxical. It is supposed. hypothesis. used nonsense material and showed no hypnotic hypermnesia. whatever its nature. Hull concluded that the "threshold of recall is lowered" for remotely-learned. the experiments on hypnotic regression 25 also appear to confirm these Hull stated that these phenomena could be explained on the findings. 24 Wingfield (27) and Mc- Dougall (28) maintained. which asked for recall of the furnishings of a room incidentally seen. may be accounted for by assuming a genuine lowering of the threshold of recall in the trance. and Young's (21) experiment asking for recall of early childhood -experiences. but the meaningful material did. On this hypothesis. material seems to allow for a different interpretation: the nonsense material did not show hypnotic hypermnesia.. or at least a supplementary. which used number "material and the method of retroactive inhibition. to frame an alternative.. as well as the results reported by Stalnaker and Riddle. that the trauma or emotional complex. Fox.178 to traumatic events. Neither Mitchell's (30) experiment. and reported supporting evidence. it should operate to facilitate the recall of recently learned material as well as of relatively remote material. hyponosis merely removes the block or inhibition in the case of hysterical or traumatic amnesias and thus permits the existent excitatory tendencies to function in a normal manner. This conclusion is supported by the findings of White. 115-116) Huse's experiment (29). According to this second supposition. rather. to which Hull refers. See Hull (4. we have in the very carefully t controlled work of Huse. demonstrated significant hypnotic hypermnesia. p. that it interferes with the action of excitatory tendencies which would otherwise bring about perfectly normal recall. showed hypermnesia." (pp. Fortunately. but not for The recently-learned. Stalnaker and Riddle's (31) experiment asking for recall in trance and waking states of poetry learned in the remote past. 26 "In view of such considerations we do not believe that our results can be explained in terms of an hypnotic lowering of retroactive inhibition. If such a general lowering of the recall threshold takes place automatically in the trance. somehow inhibits or blocks the recall. and Harris (32). 100) "Bartlett has proposed that remembering is typically the reconstruction of past 25 ** . on some primitive physiological basis. however. EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY Moll (25). nor Young's (21) experiment. To explain this discrepancy of results. "It is possible. then. however. basis of either of two hypotheses : "It is very generally believed by psychopathologists that the memory traces in the case of hysterical amnesias are not particularly weaker than those which mediate ordinary waking recall. 110) See Young's (3) survey of the pertinent experiments. of a self-limited. It would be interesting to parallel our procedure with experiments in which relaxation took the place of hypnosis and suggestion was kept at a minimum. without the subject's being aware of the actual origin of his behavior. It is possible that recall can be improved by hypnosis only so far as opportunity is offered for the active reconstruction described by Bartlett. 104) . in contrast to the wide-awake state. the choice by Huse of paired nonsense associates for a crucial experiment on hypnotic hypermnesia was indeed unfortunate. Freud's view that hypnosis lessens and conceals The manner in which this temporary repression is again pertinent. if the role of 27 Freud's conception of the relarepression in forgetting is considered." (pp. Obviously there is little scope for such reconstruction if the experimenter has already given the whole cue for a strictly limited response.. The relevance of parapraxes to our problem. 100-101) our subjects. In this connection. declared that under hypnosis. .' He thereby acknowledged that the material underwent a certain spontaneous reconstruction while he himself remained relatively passive. 101) "We do not believe that the hypermnesia obtained by hypnosis is unique for this state . Erickson and Erickson (18) maintain that the execution of posthypnotic suggestion bakes place 28 This statement implies the during a short revival of the trance state. this execution occurs at a given time or signal. some light POSTHYPNOTIC SUGGESTION The term "posthypnotic suggestion" describes a subject's execution in the waking state of a command given by the hypnotizes during the trance state." (p. These investigations use the recollection of well-known fairy-tales for material. and in Brenexperiences out of such images and fragments of 'schemata' as are retained. we doubt the wisdom of further speculation. usually brief. Brenman..THE CONTRIBUTIONS OP HYPNOSIS 179 seen in the experimental material surveyed In Chapter III that the operation of the "emotional factor" was always more obvious in relevant mate- than in nonsense material. If this be a correct interpretation. rial diminishing of repression makes for hypermnesia is evident. the posthypnotic response consists of the spontaneous and invariable development. In Erickson's experiments. as an integral part of the performance of the suggested posthypnotic act. 4. Until then. See p. p. . tionship between hypnosis and the lessening of repression sheds on the affective character of hypnotic hypermnesia." (p. affective background of the unconscious remembering which is displayed in the execution of a posthypnotic suggestion. in an unsolicited introspection. The phenomenon of post- hypnotic suggestion was used by Erickson (33) to produce parapraxes experimentally. 252. investigations on the subject of hypnotic hypermnesia are being conM. 102) of 27 "One New " ducted by as . hypnotic trance*' (18. the poetry 'seemed to flow together nicely. and the manifestation in them of unconscious strivings "affective tendencies" have already been discussed. Lindeman's (34) experiments with sodium amytal are pertinent: he showed that while the sodium amytal "twilight-state" did not change the personality. Their contribution to our problem is that the normal removal of affective inhibition brings into consciousness and makes possible the communication of affectively-toned material which was previously not communicated. be discussed in greater detail in Chapter VIII. mernory. parapraxes were produced by the hypnotic suggestion to the subjects of socially-unacceptable ideas. under the influence of the drug are freed from that factor which prevents them from communicating their thoughts and from reaching out for human contacts." (p. their influence on repression. and alcohol. These experiments 5. 1089) . functioning. 29 remember nothing in the course of their illness. This field still awaits exploration. Although the immediate effect of drugs is obviously physiological. hypnotic memory phenomena have a bearing on the problem of the influence of emotions on memory. but reports of some non-communicative patients after their recovery often reveal that they felt "blank" and could state. 10871088) "Patients. Berrington (36). posthypnotic suggestions will influence memory processes just as affects do. The pertinent literature will be summarized in Chapter VII. To speak of non-communication as a memory phenomenon may seem far-fetched. whether a transference or a dissociation theory is adopted. it relieved inhibitions though only temporarily and thus made possible the communication of information about conflicts of emotional import which could not be communicated in the Merloo (35). Drug hypnosis was also used by Schilder. Thus. 29 Lindeman wrote: "The shifting of the emotional state along the depressionelation scale in the direction of elation was quite evident in each case. as well as normal individuals. and that hypnotically-implanted ideas that is. Hypnosis has been shown to be an affectively-motivated phenomenon. DRUG HYPNOSES Some contribution to our problem has been made by the experiments with drug hypnosis. and others reported similar with sodium amytal. it was demonstrated experimentally that the parapraxes were a result of the interference of these unacceptable ideas. 6." (pp. Kauders and others to resolve amnesias. findings Whether the effect of these drugs can be justifiably called hypermnesia remains questionable. SUMMARY a.180 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY man's similar experiment. other barbiturate derivatives. and communication is psychoThus drug hypnosis leads to a psychosomatic problem of memory logical. This application was frequently successful and is another contribution to the hypermnesia elicited by drug hypnosis. 24:540-560. (13) (14) SCHILDEE. or suggestion and psychotherapy: a study of the psycho- New (7) logical psycho -physiological and therapeutic aspects of hypnotism. Brill. Leipzig. C. Rothenberg. H. REFERENCES (1) YOUNG. Abn. tions to Psychoanalysis. Soc. that affects. 101 pp. 1922. 38: 92-104. 181 Posthypnotic amnesia. W. Unpubl. EEICKSON. P. 1941. 1001 pp. 1912. Abn.. . 1915. An experimental approach. WHITE. 121 pp. YOUNG. Dis. Modern Libr. C. 22: 130-139. (15) (16) SCHILDEE. M. and that such suggestion influences memory as do sufficiently strong affective influence. (4) HULL. YOUNG. Soc. Bull. Ueber das Wesen der Hypnose. 4. Psychoanal. The nature of hypnosis: as indicated by the presence or absence of post-hypnotic amnesia and rapport. Psychol. E. Ment. A general review of the literature on hypnotism. Badger. /. J. Trans. Boston. 1931. 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(5) (6) Hypnosis and suggestibility. gen. Clinical forms and varieties of hypnotic amnesia. C. Berlin. Hypnotism. P. L. Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie. FOEEL. Springer. Nerv. 118 pp. Papers on psychoanalysis. Bull. (9) FEEUD. P. S. d. Experimental hypnotism: a review. Ed. Ricksher. The literature pertaining to their affective motivation has been discussed. P. Wood. Pp. writings of (12) YOUNG. Is rapport an essential characteristic of hypnosis? /. New York. BEENHEIM. Bull. Rebman.. 22: 372-382. It has been indicated that posthypnotic amnesia can be resolved by hypermnesia refers only to meaningful material and increases with its affective relevance. 1941. 218 pp. Trans. Affectivity. suggestibility paranoia. 1933. hypnotic liypermnesia. An analysis of motivation in hypnosis. York. (8) JONES. S. H. Armit. 1896. PubL. paper. Intro jektion und Uebertragung. 551-629. C.. . S. 3rd ed.1927. Psychol. C. State Hosp. Papers. (30) MITCHELL. H. (18) ERICKSON. 1939. On the action of barbituric acid compounds. Jhb. reliving of a traumatic experience. Med.. vol. Scribrecall of faint (29) HUSE. 8. A. A. Hypnotic hypermnesia for : recently learned material. Fox. 1932. I. J". (19) FREUD. Press. E. J. M. 35 88-103. S. 8:87-111. /. 1893. A. M. A quantitative study of post-hypnotic amnesia. Hypnotism^ including a study and occultism. London. S. 24: 108-119. Does the hypnotic trance favor the memories? J. The effect of hypnosis on long delayed /. E. G. (32) WHITE. B. Sci. 1941. H. 473-605. Soc. M. Psychol. In: Gesammelte Schriften. 1940. Psychol. J. 572 pp. (23) FREUD. 1937. M. Brit. New York. B. gen.W. /. 610 pp. Internat. 1930. Psychological changes in normal and abnormal individuals under the influence of sodium amytal. 1909. 343-359. AND ERICKSON. 85: 406-488. J. (36) BERRINGTON. M. H. 1939.182 (17) EMOTIONS AND MBMOEY STEICKLEB. Brill.. (26) BRAMWELL. 8. Bailliere. Pp. E. A . Sci. A. 6: 207-259. A contribution to the prolonged narcosis treatment of mental symptoms. . 38: 1282-1288. Retroactive inhibition and hypnosis. H. P. C. Neurol. (35) MERLOO. F.1933. New York. Pp.. The reliability of infantile memories. Amer. Psychol. 480 pp. 439-567. E. Psychiat. Experimental demonstration of the psychopathology of everyday life. E. W. Psycho- Modern (21) (22) anal. Scribner. 1 and 2. Ed. with particular reference to the mode of action of cardiasol. ena. The history of the psychoanalytic movement. B. M. 1938. 8: 338-353. Internat. 36: 214-232. R. 1932.. Concerning the nature and character of post-hypnotic behavior. An introduction to the study of hypnotism^ experimental and 195 pp.. On the psychical mechanism of hysterical phenom(20) FREUD. 11: 1083-1091. J. Soc. A. (33) J.. Hypnotism. Psychoanal. 567 Pp. LINDEMAN. AND BREUER. F. 13 : 519-529. AND HARRIS. 1914. 7: (31) STALNAKER. gen. Quart. New York. 931-977. 1929. J. Abn. 7. J. 24-41. M. Lippinscott.. Development of apparent unconsciousness during hypnotic Arch. recall. therapeutic. Vienna. (28) McDouGALL. Vol. In: Col- 607 pp. Psychol. 1925. (24) ERICKSON. C. vol. lected S. 1924. London. W. Ment. (27) WINGFIELD. exp. J. M. Abn. Zentralbl. Psychol. 1920. (34) ERICKSON. P. Hogarth. Hopkirk. ner. Psychol. Libr. Zur Geschichte der psychoanalytischen Bewegung. 24: 95-133. of the chief points of psychotherapeutics Trans. 1001 pp. psycho-pharmacological study of schizophrenia. J. 3rd ed. Ment. Psychoanal. 1932. W. Aus der Geschichte einer infantilen Neurose. in Neurol. 6 : 429-440. W. An experimental study of mental and physical functions in the normal and hypnotic states. In: Collected Papers. Verl. AND RIDDLE. Psychol. London. Amer. 1924. Psychiat. 1930.. Psychol. In. Pp. 1925. YOUNG. Outline of abnormal psychology. Pp. Psychoanal. The basic writings of Sigmund Freud. From the history of an infantile neurosis. Nos. HADFIELD.1928. gen. First publ. 1926. (25) MOLL. sodium amytal and alcohol in schizophrenic stupor. A. Philadelphia. 79:336-367. 102) of "The psychologists in memory than It will not surprise us to find that the relation of emotions to memory. and of Freud and the 1 In this regard consider the fruitless experiments of Barnes (2) and Liljencrants and those surveyed by Hunt (4). which attempted to investigate the memory functioning of psychotics by methods of classical memory experimentation. We think that they are wrong. even though the investigations conducted from these points of view contribute toward systematizing the field of memory-pathology. yet our systematic understanding of these pathological phenomena "is much less developed than our understanding of memory phenomena in general. Pathological memory phenomena are probably more multifarious than the memory phenomena dealt with by general psychology. Psychopathological memory phenomena in general. have hardly been thus amenable. Janet. and became a commonplace after the discoveries of the French psychiatrists Charcot. to which experimental psychology has only recently paid attention and of whose existence the experimental proof must be pieced together painstakingly. however. general non-mechanistic theory of psychopathological memory phenomena has not yet been developed. The previous chapters have shown that our systematic knowledge of memory was until recently limited to those phenomena which were amenable to investigation in terms of association-psychology. AMNESIA A PSYCHOSOMATIC PROBLEM thesis that pathology of the organism is our best informant concerning the normal functions of the organism is generally accepted in The medical science. 183 . 1 The organismic and Gestalt points of view have not yet penetrated it deep enough to give memory us a systematic view of pathological memory phenomena.CHAPTER VII CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE STUDY OF PATHOLOGICAL MEMORY PHENOMENA 1. was accepted as obvious by psychiatrists and those physicians who dealt with pathological memory phenomena. and that disease decomposes and analyses memory better than psychology." (p. but the realization that these phenomena are at least partly due to pathology of emotions was recognized A by psychiatrists. and Bernheim. (3). wrote: Janet (1) applied it to the problem of memory when he their descriptions admit of no other elementary phenomena conservation and reproduction. psychoanalytic school. and the functional amnesia as a reversible memory-loss. No^ conclusive answer could be given to this problem: on the one hand. Further complications appeared upon investigation of the life-histories of the subjects of amnesia. The question is whether an amnesia is reversible even though precipitated by the somatic trauma.. peculiar rememberings. of The pertinent more or less detailed case-histories. It would be an exaggeration to state that the field of pathology of memory has been systematically explored in the wake of the Freudian discoveries. even be said to have been accepted too facilely. and uncritical application of this view frequently made for an indifference to search into the authentic nature of the phenomena to which the view was applied. or a suicide. Specific forgettings. many amnesias precipitated by somatic traumata proved to be reversible. The Freudian discoveries made many phenomena of the pathology of memory meaningful. These case-histories culminate in the onset of the amnesia. or whether it is reversible because the emotional shock caused by the somatic trauma is what precipitates the memory disturbance. on the other hand. They do not differ significantly from case-histories which culminate in a psychosis. with the result that even the mechanism of the assuredly "emotional" disturbances of memory has not been investigated with sufficient care. and were found to resist all attempts aimed at relieving them. interpreted in literature consists chiefly terms of some current theory of psychodynamics. and whether and how organic amnesias can be differentiated from functional-emotional ones. One expected to find generally a history of maladjustment serving as a basis for the develop- . It was asked whether the organic amnesia could be defined as an irreversible memory-loss. thus arose the question of whether in these cases also a functional-emotional and reversible element is involved. a neurotic breakdown. Excepting the work of a few pioneering authors.184 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY. recovery or at least demonstration of the presence of lost memories is frequently possible. fixed false lost their incidental character hardly be considered conclusive. The etiology and dynamics of psychogenic amnesias are problems to which the answer of current psychiatric and psychological literature can memory distortions. Even less satisfactory is the situation in those cases where the traumatic event immediately precipitating the amnesia is of a somatic nature. In spite of the somatic etiology. amnesias were encountered which to all appearances were of functional-emotional origin. ail have and have become understandable in psychodynamic terms. but the opinion that many memory disturbances are It might of "functional" or "emotional" origin has become accepted. wholesale amnesias. these investigations are neither intensive nor extensive enough to show a specific and necessary mechanism of amnesia in addition to demonstrating merely the presence of sufficient "emotional" reason for its development. ) : . retention. and there arose the quest ion of what factors in personal history and make-up determine the specific link outcome of the traumatic event. 204-205 of tMs chapter. We possess three surveys of the field of pathological memory phenomena. the choice and reproduction. psychologically. and Gillespie's (8) surveys represent three steps in the development of a psychological understanding of the pathology of memory. and where this is the imperceptibly organic etiology amenable to investigation. the extremists of the latter group maintained that nothing once experienced is truly lost. and mechanistic investigators chose registration and. theoretical viewpoint of the individual Organically-oriented.and dynamically-oriented observers were inclined to choose the process of reproduction. inasare at least the present problems case. there were amnesias of both types naturally more of organic in which no such clear-cut pathogonomic past history could be" established. non-psychological. in which the subject's past history was of an emotional lability diseernibly pathogonomic but also ment of many . theories explaining memory disturbances had the choice of attributing the disturbance to one of these. such a link would indicate that not only the organic but also the functional amnesias constitute a psychosomatic problem. Schneider's survey showed the effects of the impact of psycho* See to this effect Jones (5).PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY 185 an amnesia in the wake of the traumatic event." (pp. Bibot's (6). also pp. certain amnesias seem to be dependent on anesthesias. As the disturbance becomes perceptible only in reproduction. Janet (1) for instance writes "In a word. It and in these disturbances that somatic. Schneider's (7). functional and psychic appears into each shade other. THREE SURVEYS OF THE PHENOMENA OF MEMORY-PATHOLOGY functioning is Memory usually viewed as having three phases regis- tration. retention as the disturbed functions. organic as well as functional. much as the proper methodology has not been developed to attack this interrelation of the psyche 2. Thus. there appears to be an intimate between hysterical conversion symptoms and functional-hysterical 2 amnesias. but the extreme intricacy of the problem itself made extremely difficult. A further complication was contributed by the fact that somatic as well as psychic traumata which precipitated amnesias were frequently found as events precipitating neuroses and psychoses. clarification of the role of the emotional factor and the soma. Finally. not only the theoretical-methodological immaturity of the investigating methods. The extremists of the former group sought the cause of forgetting in an original lack of registration or a decay of traces. Ribot expressed the physiologically-oriented associationist view. and was determined always by the investigator. 112 ff. There were amnesias. to a more limited extent. that the identity of the Ego depended upon the memory. their is power of revivifica- tion * 6 bitrarily association with the present is destroyed. At first. the destruction of memories to is progressive from labile recent from more unstable conscious memories to more stable organic memories. 73-74) of amnesia in this group is only amenable to hypothesis probably it varies with each case. nothing having been produced. this connection. nothing could be conserved or reproduced. either that the period of mental automatism is not accompanied by consciousness." (pp. but in so weak a form that amnesia ensues. the product of all the vital processes. and reproduction. 108) 7 "We law." (pp.. We may to its psychological interpretation. or consciousness I believe that the second does exist. or extreme weakness of. degeneration. constituting bodily perception. 3 This explanation naturally did not account for the frequent recovery of the memories of the experiences of the fugue He attributed the amnesias of organic etiology to the destruction states. He accordingly attributed the amnesia of fugue states to a lack of. 206 ff. or. as they appear. he states that memories are organized around an Ego. instinct-like. there are two possible hypotheses* conclude. Only in explaining the recipro- amnesias of multiple personalities 5 does Ribot overstep his framework In to include an emotional factor in explaining the memory disturbance. as. But such a conception is. emotional factor. states of consciousness vanish and hypothesis 4 is "The physiological cause . he denies the mechanistic view that the identity of this Ego is entirely dependent upon the accumulated body of memories. But preceding recollections. and he maintains that the core of the Ego is the coenaesthesis. the faculty for registering new impressions is temporarily suspended. 7 This law is based on a theory of memory fixed old memories. known as "Bibot's law. by entirely "It would seem. Kibot viewed memory as an emergent phenomenon in which conscious memory is but a special case of biological-organic memory. there is a something that remains: and this something is the undeunstable fined consciousness. 96) "Thus two suppositions are possible: either the registration of anterior states effaced. Gillespie attempted to interpret amnesias by utilizing discoveries of modern general and experimental psychology. It is impossible to decide arbetween these two hypotheses. consciousness in those states. amnesias. 8 "As the true one in the majority of cases. months. and which is expressed in one word the coenaesthesis*" (p. according to this view. registered for weeks. a vital. in which case the amnesia does not need explanation.186 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY analytic discoveries. 211 ff. 96-97) For a discussion of these amnesias see pp. -*-a thus see that the progressive destruction of memory follows a logical order It advances progressively from the unstable to the stableIt begins with the . but proceeds to a discussion of "progressive amnesias" wherein he states his final conclusion. 4 of the traces or of their associative bonds. Beneath the compound phenomenon in all its protean phases of growth. only partial." According to cal this law. whose periodic alternation explains the reciprocal amnesias of 6 Ribot does not apply this explanation to other multiple personalities. years where are they?" (p. the conservation of anterior states persisting. leave no trace. viz. juxtaposed to show that the Korsakow syndrome is not merely a disturbance of registration and retention. lightly impressed upon the nervous elements. Schilder's experiments and views. Schneider's survey. that all doubts and objections If may be removed. which. most recent recollections. instinctive memories. 121-122) . agnosia. which I shall designate as the law of regression or reversion. It ends with the sensorial. Schneider differentiates between quantitative and qualitative memory disturbances. Material is adduced to show that typical anterograde amnesia the type in which disturbance of registration and retention was considered prev- which are lost is extremely rare. Charcot. Ribot included among memory disturbances what he called losses of organic memory. The literature on hypnotic and drug-hypnotic restoration of amnesias is surveyed. such as aphasias and agnosias. represent organization in its feeblest form. however.PCYCHOPATHOLOGY OP MEMORY destruction 187 leaves unexplained the frequent recovery of the Ribot described recoveries and knew that they follow the opposite route. stresses disturbances of reproduction rather than of registration. of least organization. that the process of organization is variable and is comprised between two extreme limits: the new state organic registration. process of decay follows invariably the path just indicated. Thus. Learning experiments Material is alent. become a permanent and integral part of the organism. and kindred phenomena. seems to me to be a natural conclusion from the observed facts. showing that even irrecoverable memory material cannot be considered totally lost.. rarely repeated and consequently having no permanent associations. "This law. The qualita. memory in the. which. and others were also inclined to such a "losses." although classification. and follows the path of least resistance that is to say. Janet. according to which nothing once experienced is ever lost. His views of the quantitative disturbances have been described. However. they offered ample proof that emotional factors play a significant role in these disturbances. from stable to labile. since they are the most stable and the synthesis progresses from the lower to the higher. and again and in their writings on hysterical aphasia." (pp. and even more clearly in the organization of the survey the impact of Freudian psychology is perceptible. are given eminence in the views implied in the material thus surveyed. From the first term of the series to the last the movement of amnesia is governed by natural forces. Thus pathology confirms what we have already postulated of the memory. forms which are the last to disappear should be the first to manifest themselves. represents organization in its most highly developed stage. showing that much of what was considered lost can be recovered. as we have attempted to limit our investigation so as to make it possible to view memory as one aspect of thought processes. since it is the recent experiences which measured saving in relearning are quoted. both in its material and in its implicit theoretical view. we shall not discuss them here. it should follow the same path in a contrary direction in the process of growth. it will perhaps be well to subject the law to further test. (global inattention) (b) (c) Retention Recall (1) (2) Organic reaction type in general Organic reaction type (severe degree) Psychogenic conditions. he broke my skull. simple and elementary as a voluntary act trauma to the head." Gillespie in his survey. views registration disturbances as unimportant.. e. e. his taking into consideration other factors which play an important role in memory functioning marks his attempt to utilize as much as possible of the present-day knowledge of psychology and psychopathology to elucidate the problem of amnesia.g. this guy killed me." (p. are distorted. depersonalization in various psychoses (pp.188 tive disturbances EMOTIONS AND MEMORY allomnesias and pseudomnesias 8 are dealt with in a manner implying. 750-751) . 521) Pseudomnesias are denned as memory disturbances "in which presentations carry falsely a memory character. although not altogether false. psychogenie conditions Appetites) (instincts) (interests) (g) Imagery ("extracted images" Bartlett) of Korsakow's psychosis. hysteria. 522) An especially lucid example of allomnesia was described by Pick (10) a patient while talking with the physician suddenly jumped on a passing attendant and after assaulting him severely tumbled back holding his head. Korsakow J s psychosis. 256-257) 9 In the following table Gillespie summarized the memory factors. conceived in the framework of the concepts of the psychologist Bartlett (9). retention disturbances as of peripheral importance even in the Korsakow syndrome. (pp. early senile dementia (h) Personal Identity (awareness of) Hysteria.. but not stating explicitly. and reproduction disturbances as focal. certain forms of organic reaction type. their "emotional origin. pale in face." Afterwards he did not remember having assaulted the attendant and complained of him. symptom-complex) (e) (f) "Pastness" Associations determined (sense organs) Epilepsy (deja vue).g. stating that he would murder and stab the man who assaulted him." (p. Registration (a) manic excitement (inattention) hysteria . being 'different' from what they ought to be according to the facts. crying: "Jesus Maria. and enumerated the psychiatric conditions in which these are disturbed and become recognizable as 8 : individual factors in memory functioning. anesthetic states by Organic reaction types in general. These other factors enumerated by Gillespie 9 may be condensed into the following three Allomnesias are defined as memory disturbances "in which the memories. Conditions in Which These Factors Are Factors in Remembering Interfered with or Appear in Isolation Acute organic reaction type (delirium). In addition to this emphasis on reproduction. epilepsy (d) Time Sense Various psychoses with depersonalization Korsakow's psychosis (amnestic (?). we have already discussed these in Chapter V. . as well as their being organized around appetites. and instincts. appetites. and so on. the awareness (c) time sense and "pastiness." the relation of which to emotional factors we shall discuss in connection with the Korsakow syndrome. makes it obvious that they are considered to be in intimate relationship with those factors subsumed in this monograph under the term "emotional influences" . like fear." the slips of tongue. interests. . The individual. is the imaginative reconstruction built out of the relation of our attitude towards a whole mass of organized past reactions of experience. determine the form of the schemata. Thus. (b) associations determined organs. J logical memory phenomena. in spite of their distinct values. instincts and Bartlett 's "schemata". We shall attempt this in the following pages. we have excluded allo.' It is likely that the earlier schemes follow the line of demarcation of the special senses. Secondly. 226 ff. the two other surveys.. and instincts. like food seeking and sleeping. however. and designates something similar to what Ribot endeavored to express by "Ego" and "Coenaesthesis. "These reconstructions Bartlett called 'schemata. 3. appetites. they are in a certain sense pathological exaggerations of the phenomena of the psychopathology of everyday life. only implies this bearing. forgettings. 10 Ribot s survey cannot be expected to be up to date.and pseudomnesias. deeply-rooted character of these schemata. . hallucinations. The first of these categories. projective delusions. and what we propose to discuss in this chapter is "pathological" in a stricter sense. an4 parapraxes. 748) . is best regarded as a matter of pattern of relative strengths of the appetites and instinctive tendencies and character are next involved. Temperament which evidently Bartlett believed. is obviously affect-charged. When in this chapter we speak of the "pathology" of memory. theory and in it the influence of affect on memory is related to the theory of the psychopathology of everyday life and has been memory phenomena l w See p." The second of these categories may be elucidated by quoting Gillespie: "Remembering . THE PLAN OF OUE SURVEY We must first delimit our topic and then state the manner in which we propose to organize our discussion. We have excluded those which Freud called the phenomena of "psychopathology of everyday life. we do not include all phenomena that might be so designated.PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY 189 by sense categories: (a) awareness of personal identity." of personal identity which may be lost in psychogenic emotional disturbances.. The third category is the "time-ordering of experiences. and are occurring as one aspect of pathological thought their but processes. interests." (p. and I agree. neither summarize exhaustively our present knowledge of the pathology of memory nor though they imply it frequently elucidate explicitly the role of the affective factor in pathoGillespie. the proverbial shall deal with a field of enormous variety. excluding only one group of these. (4) amnesia in constitutional mental inferiors. we shall discuss the Korsakow syndrome and kindred disturbances. seem to bear on our topic but have never been substantiated by careful investigation. but have not been investigated. (6) (atypical). seem similar to the memories of some compulsion neurotics. 12 Leavitt (12). 11 See the Encyclopaedia Britannica: Guiseppe Carper. These reservations limit our topic to the phenomena showing a gross pathology of memory. He . Secondly. (c) Neither the general poverty of memory in mental deficients nor the phenomenal memory of a few of them has been qualitatively investigated. to states which include amnesia in Fourthly. 11). page 402. (9) malingering.190 discussed in Chapter V. schizophrenic. guages. noid. that is to say. diabetic hyperglycemia with amnesia) (3) psychotic group (para(2) toxic . (8) . we shall drome. and not in detail. involutional melancholia. or word-blindness). mention only in connection with the Korsakow synweakness of memory of the aged. manic depressive psychosis). EMOTIONS AND MEMORY Thirdly. the literature of this problem is extremely meager. 15. (7) undiagnosed organic neurological group (non-luetic cerebral vascular disease. some form. and shall limit our discussion to the dynamicWe shall first discuss the amnesias of functional ally significant categories. psychogenic origin. recorded nine types of temporary classified as follows 104 cases of amnesia which he had investigated (1) : amnesia. Cardinal Mezzofanti. senile. as to the others* neither the objectivity of reporting nor the availability for systematic investigation of the emotional factor involved is sufficient to warrant dis- cussion beyond the following enumeration: (a) The survival of memories of danger (Stratton. states). we We we shall survey the problem which organic brain changes play a significant role. motor aphasia with word-deafness. 12 not discuss all the varieties. we have excluded the hypermnesias. Thirdly. (5) epileptics (post-epileptic fugue psychoneurotic group (most frequently hysterical). and the "panoramic memory" of people who on the brink of death relive their (b) whole life in a few terrific seconds. Even so. and contains little that may be usefully evaluated from the point of view of our topic. The hypnotic hypermnesias have already been discussed. of those amnesias in the genesis of characteristic group. which despite a fluid transition from them to the cases of the second group constitute a that is. The phenomenal memories of "mathematical wizards" and of such 11 who allegedly spoke fifty lanpersons as Cardinal Mezzofanti. trauma group group (toxic psychosis from renal disease. acute alcoholism with complete memory ablation. for instance. Vol. Janet. was C. Munn's (13) announced in her sponsible for the patient's bewilderment. A This implication necessarily is difficult to substantiate. nor are their memory-traces eliminated by reason of their recency and lability. The definition implies that neither a clouding of consciousness nor any other limitation of conscious 13 experiencing was present in the period later subject to retrograde amnesia. as Ribot thought. she then describes the bewilderment of a patient upon awaking from a stupor of ten here reyears. 34) ". Sollier arguing against Ribot's theory. fugue states. . HETROGRADE AND ANTEROGRADE AMNESIAS retrograde amnesia is one in which a person loses the memories of a period of his life which at the time he had experienced consciously and which. he had remembered as fully as those otherperiods of his life which he still remembers. Having that she will describe an amnesia of ten years' duration. in discussing loss of personal identity. A. thus our discussion will also bear partly on the problem of the latter. exists fashion in every hysteria and that the tendency to this dissociation and therewith become that to the production of abnormal states of consciousness. but a limitation of conscious experiencing. There is one thing common to all these hypnoid states and to hypnosis. Charcot. and mono... that the transition from "limited" to "full" consciousness It seems probable that the periods later subject to retrois a fluid one. We shall see. which may be included under the term 'hypnoid* is a fundamental manifestation of this neurosis.PSYCH0PATHOL0GY OF MBMOEY 4." (p. prior to the amnesia. the more we occupied certain did our conviction ourselves with these phenomena the more splitting of consciousness. which is so strikin a rudimentary ing in the well-known classical cases of double conscience. in which emerge in them are marked spite of all their differences -namely . Not -an amnesia. rather. Each of these types has its counterpart in amnesias of organic etiology. 191 THE FUNCTIONAL AMNESIAS Within the limits of our discussion there may be discerned three types of functional amnesias: (a) retrograde and anterograde amnesias. are not abruptly and arbitrarily segregated from the conamnesia grade tinuum of experience..and polyideic somnambulism. and it carries them with it into the same forgetfulness" (p. 109). that the ideas by great intensity of feeling but are cut off from associative connection with the rest .. 13 and even Freud 14 paper title referred to this difference in experienc- is an example of misuse of the term amnesia. maintained that . "Freud (14) wrote: ". Early writers. and of the loss of personal identity. (c) the amnesias of multiple personalities. Indeed. the manner in which they are experienced appears different from the rest of the experiential continuum. (6) the amnesias of fugue states. the accident which caused the amnewe quote this after Janet (1) " sia must be associated with the facts that preceded and prepared it. according to which hysterical amnesias are the result of a purposive (unconscious) desire to ignore.192 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY Freud assumed that such a state is ing as being "a hypnoidal state. 35) "If such hypnoid states exist before the manifest illness. so-called 'unintentional forgetting. although she knew him well and recalled before the onset of amnesia. was confirmed by Freud's discovery flict of of the purposive nature of slips of memory. also of heart disease.. He maintained that given a special force within the ego which is engaged in defending the latter against the . was astonished to learn that every visit she made to school. It was then that her amnesia set in and covered the period between the death of the sister and that of the mother. ." sensitive for traumatization. twenty-three years of age." Later Freud a for these Fenichel adopted dynamic theory phenomena. cases as clear-cut as those reported by Wechsler and Janet (1) are rather rare. pp. there is a con- stant conflict between the memories which are striving to break into consciousness. Consequently. are not as frequent as is (17) 15 generally assumed." a term implying their "emotional" Clearly. under the influence of Janet and Charcot. 11-12) a statement of the "emotional" origin of these amnesias. and the patient began to manifest definite neurotic traits. it repels them. did not recall that she was being treated . a school teacher. 425-426). this is But even earlier. these amnesias were characterized as "hysterical. . they provide a foothold upon which the affect establishes itself with its pathogenic recollection and its subse- quent somatic manifestations. This theory." (p. as it were. The hysterical symptoms should thus be understood as a sign and outcome of a conthis order. She was unaware that her mother and sister were dead. She remembered everything up to the death of her sister but nothing which followed. Then her sister died. I saw her at the time of the circumscribed amnesia. was to become the basis of psychoanalytic theory and which is known as the dynamic point of view. S. explaining (15) summarizes this theory as follows: "Freud favored a conception which. These retrograde amnesias of functional origin. Meanwhile she had been teaching in About a year and a half following the death of her sister her mother died." 5 (pp. and also by the fact that forgotten ideas could be recovered by means of psychoanalysis. suffered from total amnesia for a period of about one year and a half. hence they are purposely eliminated from consciousness they are repressed. of the content of consciousness. Border-line psychosomatic cases." (p. Following the death of her father from heart disease several years before. and the forces within the ego which are directed against them and repressing them. Mm .by a physician all that time. 35) On this point see also Henderson and Gillespie (16. devoid of a clouding of consciousness during the period subsequently forgotten. she began to complain of precordial distress and other vague symptoms. and they stay isolated in the individual's psychic life because they are unpleasant. This situation corresponds to dispositional hysteria. impact of certain experiences. 15 "S. and is easily "forgotten. character. These hypnoid states are capable of association among themselves and the ideas belonging to them may in this way attain different degrees of psychical organization. She subsequently bought a railroad ticket to go to a sister in California and after being stopped once she succeeded in getting away. She made several appointments which she did not keep. During the consultation in the office she seemed perplexed by everything. their sexual hunger (libido) being checked through fixations. 201-202) 16 See Rivers (18. Their sexual and social capacity of functioning was dependent 011 their conditions. denied knowledge of facts which her family physician confronted her with. 16 trends. 14-15) and the three cases reported 17 by Thorn and Fenton (19). 23-24) . others that were capable of doing this. show emotional factors. See A. their relatively easy hypnotic restoration (Thorn and Fenton. and was curious to know why the examiner was interested in her at all. showed little initiative and manifested In all of them sexual activity was diminished. a penetrating analysis. but had no recollection of the fact." (pp. 18 In "Psychoanalysis and the War Neuroses" (21) Abraham wrote: "The previous history of such people. psychoanalysts maintain that the life histories of the victims of war-neuroses and amnesias show discernible neurotic effects of shell explosions. by a general expression and especially so as regards their sexuality. in many of them already before the campaign potency was weak or they were only potent under certain Their attitude towards the female sex was more or less disturbe'd through partial fixation of the sexual hunger (libido) in the developmental stage of narcissism. and why the other reacts to relatively trifling stimuli with a severe neurosis. the fact that according to reports. and insisted that her mother was in Compelled by her illness to give up teaching she yet went to the school principal begging to be given back her class and not realizing that she had not been teaching for three terms. cave-ins. One day she telephoned to ask whether I was the neurologist who saw her before going to California. It transpires with great regularity that the war neurotics already before the trauma were labile people to designate it. Kardiner (20). Indeed she was writing letters to her and wondering why she got no replies. however. and "shell shocks. 18 As evidence of their psychogenic origin. and naturally. teaches us why the one in spite of the severest physical and mental influences of the war remains to all intents and purposes healthy. pression.PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY in 193 and asphyxiations act as Cases precipitated by this type of experience cannot be considered as of purely "organic" etiology: concerning the war amnesias. secondly. little impelling energy. She had been told that she had visited my office. first. still more." (pp. seeing that there was nothing wrong with her. She stayed there for some time and finally returned to New York. making certain concessions to their narcissism. to begin with. Rivers). Many of these men were unable to carry out their tasks in practical life. pp. I have been informed that she has recovered the memory of death of her mother and sister and has gone over into a state of de- Europe. amnesias following head she underwent an operation in the interim. which precipitating events. One day she bought a steamship ticket to go to Europe and would have made the trip had not the family learned by chance of her intended voyage to see her mother whom she imagined to be living in Vienna. war-neuroses. we may adduce." psychiatrists are inclined to agree at present that on the whole they are of emotional 17 case-histories such as those published by Thorn and Fenton (19) origin. and the family physician informed me that she repeatedly did the same thing to him. are more common. state: first. and the period preand ceding leading up to the attempted suicide in asphyxiation cases in other words. we must consider the anterograde amnesias. The patient. Before discussing further the fugue state. out" of it" when the victim has "snapped and has a retrograde amnesia for the period of the fugue. 22). she refuses to recognize the fact of her amnesia and the reality of her memory-losses. Thus in this group we see a continuous transition from the psychogenic to the organic cases. See Stoerring (23) and Syz (24) to this effect. fugue state. even after being informed of them. In the following section we shall discuss the it will states and then be clearer that Wechsler's case. she believes. the patient instead of forgetting her relatives as is usual in fugue states forgot their deaths] secondly. as being in fugue states. the necessary implication of this definition is that no clouding or other limitation of consciousness in the usual sense of the term is present at the time of the original experiencWe say "in the usual sense" because the state of consciousness from ing. yet the term "anterograde amnesia" should not be applied to a period of experiencing in which a deep clouding of consciousness has made normal registration impossible." amnesias. according to Thorn and Fenton's findings. 192-193. an irreversible amnesia covering a short period usually persists after recovery. There are two reasons that it is difficult to recognize the case as a fugue : . which the new experiences soon irrevocably disappear 20 can hardly be con- and unlimited consciousness. They are amnesias in which events are forgotten soon after having been experienced. the period in which the event precipitating the amnesia occurred. the fugue-like state was present at the time of the observation." and by Janet "continuous. . and is thirdly. These amnesias shade in a fluid fashion into the Korsakow 19 sidered a normally unclouded 20 See pp. These were called by Eibot "progressive. acts as though the events had never occurred unlike typical retrograde-amnesia patients. Again. In the rather clear-cut case of retro19 there are features resembling a grade amnesia reported by Wechsler. lives in a farHer behavior is similar to that of subjects described by Janet off land. Another continuous transition is to be noted from cases of retrograde amnesia to those of the fugue states. she is possessed by the idea of communicating with and travelling to her mother who. having forgotten the deaths of her sister and mother and the whole period between them. the fact that the period forgotten in the retro- grade amnesia usually the war period in war cases.194 injuries are in extent EMOTIONS AND MEMORY and duration more limited than functional amnesias (Russel. although clearfugue cut as a retrograde amnesia. and the investigator did not see it in retro- spect as fugue states are customarily seen. may be interpreted as a peculiar fugue state. In cases where an organic involvement is present. Let us say. the retention of recent impressions in certain of them is extremely short-lived which gives the impression that registration or at least retention is vitally afflicted. the beginning of her malady." (pp. Let us add that this profound and fast-travelling amnesia was continuous and invariable. 28 appear to be retro. . are extremely frequency of literature-reports of the malady can be considered a measure of the frequency of its occurrence. . This forge tfulness 22 "When clear. but recollection. a fact. D. She work. 90-91) 24 ". properly so called. most of them show some organic etiology. such a memory is an old man's who can recite the Aeneid and cannot remember what he has done in the morning. The cases of Marcelle22 and Mme. and Mme. has not a feeble memory she has none at all. nine complete months without modification and we shall have shown that it is the most curious case of continuous amnesia that has ever. 1892 that it lasted. We never saw Mme. before she was fifteen. the effort she seems to make to retain the initial impression. for example. moreover. . at nineteen they fail almost entirely and are limited to some few salient events. Purely psychogenic cases of anterograde amnesia. for she is incapable of reproducing an image of the sensations she has allowed to become extinct. Her old remembrances are preserved. 24 as far as of Marcelle. but she herself has become more and more incapable of acquiring anything new. if you question her touching the last months or weeks just elapsed. such as those . you will discover to your surprise an absolute forge tfulness. that this strange psychological perturbation was prolonged into the month of May. Sometimes the forgetfulness was immediate. 89) . otherwise she remained amazed and said: 'What is it you asked?* She would forget her own questions and say 'What is about?' " it I . a thing we had not seen in the previous observations.D. that is. to our knowledge. . when she comes to the bottom she stops a moment and regularly begins again at the was not even able to tell the top. and she did not mind the title of the novel. rare. Besides. 88-89) 23 : "Mme. this type of amnesia has been generally considered 21 organic. rich in details. been pointed out/' (pp. that of Maria. exact. Maria. often at noon the whole morning has slipped from her mind. D. we observe that her story is but only so long as it runs over her childhood. Finally. learn by heart a few lines. Maria. described by Janet (1).and anterograde. she relates the incidents of her past life. is the perception of obshe has no jects. D. any new remembrances. consequently. Marcelle cannot tell us what happened the day before.FSTCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY 195 syndrome. In the spring of 1892. A word from her tells the situation: "Is it possible that I have been here a whole year? What a strange year in which nothing has happened !" In a young girl of twenty-two. and not a selective but a wholesale forgetting of the recent experiences: for these reasons. she She could never. but her neighbours call our attention to the fact that she spends the whole day reading the same page. From that moment the remembrances decrease and become vague. undertakes to read a novel. : was talking (p. and indeed what lasts longer. though we insisted. if the 21 Bonhoeffer (25) was the psychiatrist to give the weight of his authority to this view. show more memory at any time. eight months after the initial emotion. could answer only questions rapidly put to her. she forgets entirely and in less than a minute a name. when we asked her what she had read. regarding recent events is very curious for its rapid occurrence and completeness. and conflict is the condition that led to the formation of symptoms in the way already set forth. 106) kind. and later to every neurotic." (p. retroactive inhibition. may be represented as troubles of this The elements of remembrance. consequently the of them. (24). that of Syz hysterical. more or less completely. in which the emotional factors pre- A cipitating the amnesia were rather clear. in the course of this period in which he was possessed by one idea. These theories hold for the physical symptoms of hysteria. The attempts by sia with its McGeoch ** 26 (28) to compare retrograde amneexperimental simile. The patient. Gill M. forgot immediately. to is be discussed later obvious. the patient does not wish to remember in any case again the emotional symptom coincides with the wish we accept what we wish to believe. and the effect of psychogenic or emotional factors case of psychogenic loss of personal identity observed by the present author (26). Sears (27) and Ray For a discussion of the concept of "dissociation" see pp. and so does the hysterical patient and an amnesia results. the production of symptoms at all means a partial failure of repression. there has been a period of conflict. if repression has partly failed. events and facts which were contrary to that idea. although it is true that the anterograde-like amnesia of the Korsakow syndrome shows selectiveness. This assumption was the background of Freud's endeavor to find a forgotten event relevant . then emotional preoccupation prevents the subject's noticing events in the ordinary way. (29) showed that the locus of action of retroactive inhibition 174.*' (pp. 212-214. Janet's (1) theoretical explanation of amnesias is rather vague: "Hysterical amnesias. We found no other case of selective anterograde amnesia described in the literature. appears purely anterograde: all three cases are described as In the cases of organic etiology for instance. . based on the concept of "dissociation. vague. "With the mental symptoms of hysteria a similar process occurs. the conservation and the reproduction of the images are intact. . 26 were not successful. See Britt's survey of the pertinent theories (30). symptom." 25 The views of Henderson and Gillespie (16) are based on psychoanalytic concepts: This explanation is ". but there is a lack of the real synthesis of the psychological elements which suppresses.19G EMOTIONS AND MEMORY described. like anesthesias. to every hysterical. the assimilation of the remembrances to the personality. conscious conflict exists. In hysterical amnesia. . revealed a peculiar anterograde amnesia in the period of the loss of personal identity. for example. 425-426) memory is Further theoretical discussion of psychogenic amnesias will be found in the following two sections attention here is called to the tacit assumption in the views quoted that amnesias are hysterical in origin. whose case will be described later. when the conflict has died down (they are registered marginally). vagueness of memory suggests complete failure of it. home. he may mention money or some conflict of opinion. life history also generally forgotten. although knowledge of general matters is retained. by suggestion. Scrutiny of a great number of cases published in the literature suggests that one reason for the lacfc of a proper definition is that not sufficient distinction has been made between ness of loss of personal identity. by meeting familiar people. profession. and the knowledge which could give him clues concerning that identity is knowledge of relations. Gill. whether he was married and details about his business. name and so on. Frequently the patient can give some approximate information and isolated details about himself. although open.e. Sometimes the memory is spotty. spectacular and implying considerable change in personality organization. One case was unique in that the loss of memory was not so much in the foreground as was the inability of the patient to remember the circumstances of his life." 28 "loss of personal identity" and "-awareLoss of personal identity is unques- tionably present and is an important factor in fugue states. and the terms are to a certain extent used interchangeably. but no awareness of it is present. Not infrequently he hints at the cause of the absence of memory. "One of our patients was unusual because she knew her name but not her address. . Retrograde amnesia covers usually only a part of the life history. Where the subject is puzzled and bewildered by becoming aware of having lost his personal identity." (p. such as profession. PSYCHOGENIC LOSS OF PERSONAL IDENTITY AND FUGUE STATES Fugues and "loss of personal identity" are states in which. the loss of personal identity are The fugue differentiated not state and sufficiently in the literature. for suggesting the formulation of this distinction. are often rather easily recovered. described in different terms. or by hypnosis and drug hypnosis.PSTCHOPATHOLOGT OP MEMORY lies 197 in the process of reproduction. the state is usually called "loss of personal iden27 Abeles and Schilder (31) wrote. either spontaneously. and were satisfied to state the obvious but superficial analogies of two phenomena which were known to different degrees. the amne- sia appears to cover all of it. which is of little or no use in identifying Mm or locating relatives. Nevertheless. so that it reminds one of a Ganser syndrome. retrograde amnesia and retroactive inhibition are hardly comparable. and observed in different settings by people of different backgrounds. just as in functional amnesias the disturbance is also of reproduction rather than of registration or retention. i. In most cases the condition is not am- nesia in the sense of loss of personal identity but amnesia in the sense of loss of memory of the past. 594) t8 1 am indebted to M. on closer scrutiny the amnesia occurring in these cases proves to vary in degree and in the cues it leaves 27 These amnesias. However. and the subject usually gives a fictitious identification. the subject is unaware of his personal identity. B. in fugues and losses of personal identity.. These attempts at comparison failed to take cognizance of the complexity of amnesia. Benaet (33)." (p. the state of "loss an awareness of the loss. resulting in total of personal identity' implies we shall soon see. C. In the literature this amnesia is as a rule not sufficiently distinguished from retrograde amnesias. 369) 30 See the cases of fourth case. Whether a state of loss of personal identity may occur without a preceding fugue state is a question to which no conclusive answer is available in the literaIt must be remembered that the first period of these states is covered ture. M. Gill and the author (26). in the absence of sufficient detail. and without making others aware. is characterized by a loss of personal identity of which no awareness 5 and in which a single idea possesses the person and directs his behavior. 29 are usually directed toward restoring the patient to his personal identity. Repeated examinations showed amnesia from repression. and regretted it. This process starts usually with the phase in which the subject acts and thinks without being aware. The depositions revealed a statement from the accused showing that at the time of the crime he knew what he had done. other characteristics as state The has. and that he did not cut his child's * throat. usually called a "fugue state. or in a sudden awareness that he does not know who he is. but during the period later covered by retrograde amnesia. Grierson chose the latter explanation: "J. and only rarely is memory of the course of the fugue state also recovered 80 or does a subject after recovering his personal identity still feel a need to recover memory of the lost period. the efforts of the psychiatrist exists. What he thinks and does in this period is in few cases learned by the psychiatrist and psychologist. and retrograde expansion to cover the first crime. the subject if questioned and subjects have rarely been questioned cannot give true information about himself. This phase." he is not aware of it. by amnesia. aet. On reception he said he did not remember cutting his own throat. fugue perplexity. and Bryan's (34) "SeeNaef (35). may end in either of two ways: sudden awakening to personal identity. although there are significant differences. 39. His history showed a certain amount of depression following unemployment." The fugue state exists. for it is later forgotten. both as a fugue state with ensuing amnesia and as a retrograde amnesia. T." in a in a state of "loss of personal identity. which differentiate it from the period of loss of personal identity. Grierson (32) may be for instance interpreted. Charged with cutting the throat of his child and afterwards his own. or what to do next in other words. where he is. . but called his "personality. that something is wrong with him and that he is not acting in accordance with the set of behavior patterns usually His "personal identity" is changed or lost.198 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY tity. A. no such disturbance apparently In cases of loss of personal identity. In a fugue state. 31 It is generally conceded that such 29 The case described by H." It would appear that fugues and losses of personal Identity thus defined are two phases of one process. male. 24) : The thoughts and isolated system: acts of the somnambulist constitute a closely-knit but "Normally. his terminology of "monoideic" and "polyideic somnambulism" and "fugue states" has been replaced by "amnesia" and "loss of personal identity. exactly characterized. the little system must be connected with the large one. A. The similarity of 33 to the psychogenic loss of personal identity is also a commonly known fact. stressing the emotional origin of these amnesias. it is called up only when the whole consciousness is willing. to picture to ourselves what has taken place during somnambulism. Little attention has been paid recently to Janet's (37) theory." This is regrettable. emancipated itself. Generally the partial system remains subject to the laws of the total system. a partial system of thoughts. Jones. we may adopt a simple provisional resume. Thus this group also shades into the organic dis(36). and that at the same time that person is in some way like a " person asleep. and Abeles and Schilder. "Now. .PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY a loss of personal identity is of 199 emotional origin and is frequently accompanied by depressive manifestations^ and that the recovery of the memories is accompanied by an emergence of various somatic complaints. although there have been several attempts to ex- plain it. and within the limits in which this consciousness allows it. In one word. this kind of fugues appears usually in hysterical people. (p. Menninger (38) describes a cyclot'hymic fugue. The organic origin of at east some epilepsies may be safely assumed. E. Without a doubt that answer is not very clear. is a somnambulist? Popular observation has answered long ago it is an individual who thinks and acts while he is asleep. or who will have later on. and must in great part depend on it. 599-601." (p. those of Janet. became independent and developed itself on See pp. The is still psychological significance and explanation of this type of amnesia a great problem. for we don't know very well what sleep is. was that the fugue state belongs to the continuum of the hysterical somnambulistic states. We shall discuss here three such attempts. usually appear in the life of some subjects who have had already. 33 32 K. then. although the most clear-cut in its emotional origin. 34 Somnambulism was described by Janet (37) as follows : "What. it is turbances. Things happen as if an idea. 32 as well as Gordon and Lawrence epileptic fugues report cases of undoubtedly organic origin. That answer means only that the person spoken of thinks and acts in an odd way. for Janet's approach had focussed on the memory function more sharply than the theories that replaced it. 58) On the other hand. Janet's view. exactly. Nevertheless Abeles and Schilder (3 1). other phenomena connected with the accidents we know as hysterical ones. different from that of other people. in good health. 84 Janet (37) wrote: "Fugues of this kind. 200 its EMOTIONS AND MEMORY &tco\mt. The result is, on one hand, that it develops far too much, and, on the other hand, that consciousness appears no longer to control it." (p. 42) 35 Wn According to this theory, the Freudian theory of somnambulism is relevant here. dream expresses an unconscious wish; this dream-wish cannot penetrate into waking consciousness nor can it find expression in motor activity while the person is awake, for the wish is un- Mention of the acceptable to the person. During sleep, the pathway through which thoughts and wishes find motor expression and regulate action are blocked, and there is no danger that an unacceptable wish will be executed; thus these wishes are permitted to enter dream-consciousness. Somnambulism is that unusual case in which the blocking which prevents the dream- thought from finding motor expression is weakened, and the dream-wish becomes translated into the somnambulistic activity. 36 To those somnambulistic states whose unity of ideational content is the result of the prevalence of a single dream-thought, Janet gave the name "monoideic"; those in which the subjects are possessed by a mulThe difference tiplicity of ideas' he called "polyideic" somnambulisms. thus is somnambulistic and states between explained fugues : ". . . same power First, during the abnormal state, the idea that develops has certainly not the as during monoideic somnambulism; true, it directs the conduct, but it does not bring on the hallucination and deliriums that it produced in the preceding case. When Irene had the idea of committing suicide and of getting herself crushed by a locomotive, she had not patience enough to go to the railway track and compass a real suicide; she immediately had the hallucination of the railway track, and, with88 Janet (37) number tion: of cases he observed. quotes the sleep-walking scene from Shakespeare's Macbeth and a One of his descriptions may be given here as illustra- "A young woman, twenty -nine years old, called Gib., intelligent, sensitive, hears one day abruptly some disastrous news. Her niece, who lives next door, has just died in dreadful circumstances. She rushes out, and comes, unhappily, in time to see the body of the young girl lying in the street. She had thrown herself out of the window in a fit of delirium. Gib., although very much moved, remains to all appearance calm, helping to make everything ready for the funeral. She goes to the funeral in a very natural way. But from that time she grows more and more gloomy, her health fails, and we may notice the beginning of the singular symptoms we are going to speak of. Nearly every day, at night and during the day, she enters into a strange state; she looks as if she were in a dream, she speaks softly with an absent person, she calls Pauline (the name of her lately deceased niece) and tells her that she admires her fate, her courage, that her death has been a beautiful one. She rises, goes to the windows and opens them, then shuts them again, tries them one after another, climbs on the window, and, if her friends did not stop her, she would, without any doubt, throw herself out of the window. She must be stopped, looked after incessantly, till she shakes herself, rubs her eyes, and resumes her ordinary business , as if 38 nothing had happened." See Freud (39). (p. 27) PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OP MEMOEY out more ado, lay down on the floor of the room. 201 no real hallucination in the fugue. is Remember that difference: there is The development of the Idea is less intense. not absolutely isolated as in somnambulism; this is the most Our great somnambulists, you remember, do not see or hear anything but what concerns the Idea rooted in their mind; and it could not be otherwise, for, if Irene saw the beds in the room, if she heard my voice, she would not becharacteristic fact. Secondly, the idea on a railway track. On the contrary, the patients who make fugues need a great many perceptions and recollections to enable them to travel without any mishaps. 'What is most wonderful in fugues/ Charcot said, 'is that these individuals contrive not to be stopped by the police at the very beginning of their journey/ In fact, they are mad people in full delirium; nevertheless, they take railway tickets, they dine and sleep in hotels, they speak to a great number of people. We are, it is true, sometimes told that they were thought a little odd, that they looked preoccupied and dreamy, but after all, they are not recognized as mad people; whereas Irene could not take two steps in the street, when she was dreaming of her mother's death, without being immediately taken to the asylum. So you see that the range of consciousness is not at all the same, that the mind is not distinctly reduced to a single idea. We can make the same remark concerning the state called normal: the oblivion of the fugue is total, but the oblivion of the directive idea and of the feeling connected with it is by far less distinct, and the restoration of the normal self is much more complete." (pp. 59-60) lieve herself alone The polyideic somnambulism theoretically constitutes the transition between the monoideic and the fugue state, 37 and completes the continuum of these states. There appear to have been two reasons that Janet considered somnambulistic and fugue states to lie in a continuum: first, it was commonly known that both states are attended by an amnesia; secondly, in both states one idea or a limited system of ideas possesses the subject and he acts as though only what pertains to this exists for him. This second phenomenon has been less frequently observed in states of loss of personal identity. It of Janet's reasoning. is obvious that the theory of dissociation is the basis M. Gill and the present author (26) investigated an "amnesia" case in which it became obvious why the relation between fugues and monoideic somnambulisms stressed by Janet is frequently overlooked. In this case the loss of personal identity occurred in the presence of the subject's relatives, and thus information was obtained not only of the fugue-like character but also of the somnambulistic monoideic content of the state. This financial trouble, and in the period of the loss of the subject was possessed by the idea that he was "out personal identity to find a job," which if attainable in reality would eventually have extricated him from his financial difficulties. This subject was in touch with state was precipitated by but did not recognize them; his personal identity was not concerned over this loss and appeared to be unahe was but forgotten, his surroundings, 87 For the connection of amnesias, fugues, and somnambulistic states, and for further examples, see Dorcus and Schaffer (40, pp. 281-282). 202 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY "to get a job" regulated Ms beinstead, a single striving a to this he acted as Up person in a fugue state would act, point, the monoideic character of this fugue state was obvious. Later, it; ware of havior. and when brought to the hospital where we observed him, he apparently entered the state which Janet would call a hallucinating somnambulism: he behaved as though working on a job; the noise of the heating system was misrecognized by him as that of the machines of the work shop, and the doctor as the owner. Upon his spontaneous recovery, it he forgot everything was as if the striving "to find a new were no job" longer psychically present, and thus the experiences grouped around it had lost the propelling power that could have brought them into consciousness. So far our observation appears to bear out the dissociation theory, advocated by Janet. Yet closer scrutiny, revealing certain features of the striving "to find a new job," sheds new light on the process underlying these states. The case-history shows that the striving in this case was equivalent to getting away from a father figure on the one hand, and from the responsibility for the patient's wife and children on the other; these strivings were guilt-laden for they implied murderous thoughts, as shown by the suicidal ideas 38 which precipitated the fugue. Thus his striving "to get a new job" expressed, in a condensed fashion, many guilt-laden and that had happened in both periods; It appears as though so forbidden strivings. perhaps because of this he was able to carry out the single striving only if at the same time guilt he forgot the memories expressing the implicit forbidden strivings. This striving became so powerful that it gained control of the motor and perOlder ception systems as well as of the memory and thought processes. psychology would probably have stated that "the striving filled the whole field of consciousness" implying a limited amount of space. Such a spatial conception of consciousness, however, standing of consciousness as a process. makes impossible the under- If our interpretation is correct, the case itself is a sturdy support to those theories according to which memory organization is determined by strivThe few carefully-described fugue states ings, affects, and attitudes. which we found in the literature seem to confirm our conclusions. 89 88 Addi- Psychoanalytic and psychiatric experience and theory assert that suicidal ideas and acts are the result of the murderous aggressive impulses which have been diverted from fellow-humans and are directed toward the self. See K. A. Menninger (41). 89 See the case reported by Bennet (33) His conslusions are "Each fugue, in addition to the state of mental strain, had been foreshadowed by a period rich in phantasy construction. These phantasies seem to afford a key as to the motive of the fugue, for in the fugue many of the phantasies are realized. For example, before the last fugue he had a recurring phantasy of inheriting, or acquiring in some romantic fashion, a sufficiency of money. There were also the phantasies of . : P8YGHOPATHOLOGY OP MEMOBY 203 tional support can be derived from other observations on this case. Only after the patient was able to remember the suicidal ideas which, as well as new employment, possessed him immediately prior to the did the fugue, recovery of the memories of the fugue state begin. Step and with obvious labor, he recovered and described them. His by step, his desire to find story was rather lifeless: the people and places which had been encountered in his fugue state were at first simply described and either not identi- only by rational inference. Apparently at the time of he had not recognized them. The single striving which domiexperiencing nated the fugue state made for non-identification and even misidentification of the environment. When this striving was again controlled, amnesia ensued for the period in which the striving had been the organizer of It was not until one moie key-experience was recovered that experience. the patient was able to give his full story. In the course of a conversation with his wife, he suddenly recalled that immediately prior to the fugue his fied or identified him in his financial trouble and he had answered, Previously he had not remembered and denied even the But after remembering it, he saw his possibility of such a conversation. story in a new light he identified the places and persons without the neceswife "It had offered to help is too late." : he described facts in true and vivid detail. It was as though a dammed-up river had been released suddenly, and flowed again in its banks. The attitude of personal identity now permeated the memories; in other words, the normal interplay of strivings now allowed sity of rational inference; reproduction of the experiences of the fugue period. Significantly enough, when in the course of this new narration we interrupted the patient and asked him to skip to later events, we again obtained a lifeless account of them; but when he proceeded in his own sequence he produced the newly full animated and detailed story. This case sheds some light on the nature of amnesia. The theory of dissociation merely describes these memory phenomena, emphasizing the "dissociation" of a set of memories from the rest. isolation Our case that the striving shows that these "isolated" memories are organized around a striving, and is one which condenses and expresses symbolically a set of unacceptable strivings. Ribot's law40 also appears now in a new light. Ribot witnessed such cases and yet maintained that the older memory trace He knew that the older traces are is more stable and thus is lost later. actual flight from state, as Ms problems. Both these phantasies were realized in the fugue were many others." (p. 147) "In each fugue, therefore, there is this return to an unfinished train of thought and there is the effort to bring it to completion." (p. 148) See also the fourth case in Bryan's report (34). 40 See the discussion of this law on pp. 186-187. 204: EMOTIONS AND MEMOBY recovered Our case first; he attributed this to their greater stability. shows that not greater stability, but position and role in the organization of memory determine the fate and sequence of a memory in forgetting and recall. Ribot's law thus remains unsubstantiated, and will yield to a theory which replaces the age and strength of memories by their relation to each other in the architectonics of memory organization and to the strivings or other dynamic factors which organize memory. Let us turn now to Jones' contribution to the problem of loss of personal identity or, as he called it, "complete autopsychic amnesia." Jones (5) in describing and analyzing a case observed by him, advanced one of .the few theoretical explanations which psychoanalysts have ventured congeneralized amnesia. Psychoanalytic theory explains partial amnesias 41 or "forgettings" by the concept of repression, and extends this explanation to wholesale amnesias; but the difference between spotlike It is a probforgetting and wholesale amnesia remains still unexplained. lem why the organization of memory by strivings is of such a nature that, cerning in general, "repression" affects only the few memories through which an unacceptable striving may enter consciousness, but that in some "abnor- mal" cases a whole period of experiences or the entire personal past is for- that his patient is a hysterical case; he then gotten. It is maintained, the to of hysterical symptoms. nature analyze proceeds in accordance with psychoanalytic theory, that physical symptoms of Jones shows first hysteria are based on forgotten traumatic events; the conversion symptoms are based on ajseries of amnesias and are a somatic reproduction of those events on whose amnesia they are based; behind each of these forgotten traumatic events lie several others, on different levels of psychic development. Hysterical wholesale amnesia is, like any other hysterical symptom, built on an extensive series of partial amnesias which have not been coning verted into physical symptoms. Jones reported that in his case the clearup of the general amnesia resulted in an occurrence of conversion symp- toms; this finding seems to be corroborated by several other reports, and was seen also in the case investigated by M. Gill and the present author. Jones* theory that the total amnesia is built upon partial amnesias, and facts found in other reports of fugue states which indicate that some kinds of memories are always preserved in such cases, appear to be of considerable significance. The speculation arises that the miraculous completeness of classical amnesias may be a fable of a time when methods of in- vestigating amnesias were even less complete than those of today. possible that, It is sufficiently strong and numerous strivings can find expression through one striving and when the nature of these strivings is such that the relevant memories must be repressed, then the full body of 41 when See Erickson (42). PSYCHQPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY 205 memories, containing the meaning of the various strivings expressed now by a single striving, is forgotten. The striving which condenses the various strivings becomes paramount and rules consciousness, and thus is the motif around which the fugue state is built. Total forgetting is more appearance than fact in these cases where memories organized around strivings emerge or recede with the predominance or repression of the strivings. Abeles and Schilder (31) were the identity 42 first is a specific disturbance. They to recognize that loss of personal segregated it from other amne- sias, and gave a detailed phenomonological description of it. This was a step ahead, for neither Janet nor Jones had sharply segregated loss of J personal identity from other amnesias. / But Abeles and Schilder s work was in other respects a step backward. Neither the relation of loss of personal identity to fugues and somnambulistic states, nor its dynamic non-descriptive difference from other amnesias was investigated by these authors. Their theoretical view of amnesia is indicated by Schilder 's designation of amnesia, in a later paper (43) discussing the disappearance of the classical "grande hysterie," as one of the new forms hysteria chooses. 48 Abeles and Schilder make no direct reference to hysteria; but in discussing two cases quoted from the literature, the authors indicate their orientation: "In both cases there was intense parental repression followed by rebellion in the form of amnesia." (p. 588) Even more explicit is their description of the emotional background they consider to be the basis of amnesia : "... the amnesia suicide. is self -punishment arising from a feeling of guilt; it is a partial The psychogenic blindness in 2 cases preceding the amnesia probably had a similar meaning. "In many cases one finds a deep disappointment in the love object. It is a going away from the love object. One is dead for the love object. One removes oneself (suicide), but one removes the others at the same time. The tendency to punish them is often obvious. "Economic problems are often given as the cause skeptical about such a possibility. of amnesia. One should be One finds easily that there are usually deeper 42 "In psychopathology every state of forgetting is called amnesia. We are interested here merely in cases of amnesia in which the subjects forget their^e^a identity. To one's own identity belongs the connection with a specific social struc- One has relatives, friends, a place where one works and another where one But the name and address are symbols of one's identity. In e very-day life one identifies people by these criteria and they identify themselves in this way. A person's knowledge, insight and faculties are much less important in this respect." ture. lives. (p. 587) 4a 36% of the hysterical cases reported by Schilder here are amnesias, (p. 139) but he needed the money for the defense of his mother. the "loss of personal identity" still remains an unsolved problem. covered by the fog of the uncanny. In another case the patient became amnesic when pushed by a car. as the dividing Although line is by no means clear. alternating or co-existing "co-consciously". but in this case a deep love conflict was in the background. 603) ' its emotional-pathological etiology is indubitable. The present state of knowledge of the memory disturbances summarized in this section is still far from satisfactory. 'Amnesia is often a giving in to a stronger force. the activity in the period ruled by one "personality" is not remembered in the period ruled by the other "personalities. more must be (45). Prince (44) and T. It is seemingly a simple way out. and the organic amnesias to be discussed. One of our patients became amnesic after being robbed of money he needed for the family. Mitchel . especially to the Oedipus complex. The occurrence of conversion symptoms in the course of recovery of these amnesias. It is the fear of being punished by the family. W. MULTIPLE PERSONALITY most unusual memory disorders is that found in multiple The phenomena of multiple personality are a realm." (p. 602-603) "On the whole. We have seen that it shades into retrograde amnesias as well as into the somnambulistic and fugue states. they shade into the retro." (pp. different "personal identities." Yet it this definition is neither accurate nor specific enough. 44 and in part by the fact that the method most frequently applied in investigating them namely hypnosis is a tool which itself is insufficiently known. to the discussion of which we now turn. by the father and mother or their representatives. Nevertheless. but of course these conflicts have relation to the more infantile reaction types. C. A man had to sell a valuable picture and became amnesic. and the fact that amnesias of definitely organic origin may also occur as in the form of "loss of personal identity. with the latter it is frequently misidentified." show that even these amnesias the most typically emotional-psychogenic present a psychosomatic problem. accurate.and anterograde amnesias already discussed.206 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY motives. said about the function of See F. The term "multiple personality" designates the manifestation by a single person of two or more relatively distinct and. 44 To make W." One of the personalities. which leads to an escape which does not harm the person too much. created in part by investigators who linked these phenomena with parapsychology. the material allowed for representing the disturb- ances belonging to this group as part of one continuum. It is hoped that we have prepared a continuous transition to the multiple personalities. amnesia is a weak attempt of a weak personality to escape conflicts which are chiefly conflicts of actual life. who was accused of murder. and whose effect on these personalities or whose role in originating them is entirely unclear. and For instance the case of McNish (46). The original personality was C. but when the "second" personality in- and assumed some of its "favorable" had vague memories of the life of the original 45 The history of Hanna. described by Sidis and Goodhart personality. Mitchell (51) for many years one personality did not possess the memories of the other." and by McDougall "alternating personalities one of which is inclusive. Mesnet (49). with the addition that in the dreams of the "second" personality memories of the original personality were present. on more careful investigation and follow-up. Thus. Whether. described by (55) in this case also the second personality gradually replaced the first. but not the memories of the hypnotic states of either personality. 77) 47 The expression "amnesia" is generally used in this context. it also can be concluded that the terms "reciprocal somnamsuggested by Janet (37) and "alternating personalities with reciprocal amnesia" suggested by McDougall (54) designate only extreme cases of a group of phenomena rather than a particular category. it is not the case. is inexact. although its accuracy is questionable: the "non-availability" of the memories of one personality to another is not identical with the "non-availability" to a person of the memories of a period of his life. However." (p.PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY 207 memory In the different personalities. was (52). an obscure. but although the first personality remembered nothing about the second. in the case of Mary Reynolds reported by S. A and B emerged later. Whether without the influence of the investigator. 46 Janet (37) wrote: "It seemed to her that she had. as it were. 45 but in general. There have been cases of multiple personalities for which this was reported to be absolutely true. 45 (53). to make it more specific. the nature of the differences between the personalities must be discussed. which were summarized by Prince (50). she possessed the memories of C and A. this group includes a great variety of phenomena. similar. the cases in which total reciprocal amnesia 47 of the personalities was reported would have shown phenomena similar to the cases of Reynolds and Hanna. The statement that one personality does not remember the actions and thoughts of the other personalities. the reports . creasingly displaced the original characteristics. We shall use it so. Proust (48). Similar complications were present in Prince's (57. 58) celebrated case of Miss Beauchamp. Prince (56) is an example. The cases of Nevertheless. the second was always in possession of all the memories of the This and similar cases were called by Janet "dominating somnamfirst." This group shades imperceptibly into another. bulisms. it bulism" Reynolds and Hanna lead directly to the case of Felida X. is mere speculation. in which the Azam : memory interrelations are more complicated. also discussed by Mitchill and Ellicot on the cases of Skae (47). B was nearly dominant. W. dreamlike idea of a shadowy past which she could not quite grasp. The "CBA" case described by M. although somehappens when times she says. 62)." Miss Beauchamp." (p. I mean the influence of the observer himself. claims that she has always been in existence and remembers everything L ever did. The discovery happened through automatic writing and allied to talk. but she never appeared as an acting personality until discovered by Erickson. M M M M M M In this connection Janet (37) wrote "In these complex cases a new influence usually makes itself felt which complicates matters a great deal. who. 48 The role that hypnosis may play in the development of multiple personalities. the ideas of the observer in the end influence the development of the : 48 somnambulisms of the subject. 98) In other words. and memories. Whatever precautions one may take. 85) 49 This fact and the account of the case are based on private communications from M. spontaneously or upon his request. may exist. it is co-conscious. "I was not there. will become clearer after we have leads. As one of these L and has never been hypnotized. may observe the exmay have access to its thoughts. Two extreme and clear-cut cases of such "co-conscious personalities" were reported by Erickson (60. may never have formed a part of the and consequently cannot properly be described as a split-off part of the When it is not in evidence as an alternating personality it is not latent. There is a doubling of consciousness without any true division of the normal self." remembers what L does. H. the case reported by Cory These cases are (59). and may have experiences and grow and develop in the subconscious. in the end. Erickson. but I can reach out into L's memory and get the information if you want it. one of the personalities periences of the manifest personality. the memories of all the personalities are available to one personality. 49 she is of special interest to us. these complicated personalities could or would have come about is a question which cannot be answered." Janet's case of Marceline (37. feelings. . characterized by Prince (58) thus: "The waking mind. and the relation to them of hypnotic states. may appear spontaneously. knows his subject too well and is too well known to him. or may be discovered hypnotically.208 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY especially of his hypnotic manipulations. and may have experiences of its own at the same without time. and it took a long time to teach appears only to Erickson. 86. dissociated portion of consciousness self. 61. and many others may be ranked in this group. group discussed those multiple personalities to which the described These are called by Prince and McDougall "coexisting or co-conscious personalities. pp. and personal observations of the present author. This phenomenon is similar to those "alternating personalities one of which is inclusive' 'that is. techniques. and give it an artificial complication. L does not remember what "comes. becoming manifest. These co-conscious personalities may remain latent." (p. she was brought to Janet and he returned her to the desirable state. whenever she relapsed. Prince's (50) table. Peculiarly. and those somnambulistic states with which hysterical attacks. fugues. of many co-conscious personalities is a memory phenomena. The hypnotic discovery50 all further link between these two that not shows a phenomenon Janet (1) reported: hypnotic states of amnesia similar to that of multiple personalities. Both Erickand Marceline show dormant co-conscious personalities invoked or the investigator. hypnotic states. The memory phenomena found in multiple personalities appear to shade into other phenomena of the pathology of memory which already have been discussed. but there is a communication between the memory sys60 See M. however. the memories of waking experiences are available in the trance states. and when put to sleep again by us. is inclusive. common The features: characteristic shared by hypnotic memory phenomena and those of multiple personality is the existence of an isolated memory system not available to the primary consciousness. Dutil. . 420-421) 6. put to sleep again she A patient could. by the hypnotist These cases argue for a continuous transition from the multiple personalities to the hypnotic states. Let us summarize these a. . . . The memory system of the hyp- notic state.PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY 89) shows 209 hysterical break. the other cases gradually come nearer. like that of the "dominant" type in multiple personality. a reciprocal amnesia exists between the normal seems sonality" and fugue states. especially the column indicating the origin of the personalities. the fact need have communicating memory systems "Marguerite. In fugues. . and multiple personalities have generally been compared. 1 ." The facts corroborated the existence of an intimate The relation. McNish's extreme case with complete reciprocal amnesia is furthest from these similar memory phenomena." (pp. could not recover the recollections of the somnambulism which we had ourselves induced. Marceline suffered an incapacitating Janet induced a hypnotic state to make feeding possible. put to sleep by M. Finally. not recover the remembrance of this incident and then" said: *I cannot remember what has happened. the "personal identity" is lost and another "perto appear. relation of multiple personalities to fugues and somnambulistic states is indicated by Janet's designation of the multiple personalities as "somnambulisms. had been violated in a somnambulic state. the dominant state from the some similarities to this. it seems to me I was put to sleep differently . son's case point of view of memory was the hypnotically-induced state. could not recover the remembrances of the somnambulism induced by M. Dutil. and found that in this state Marceline could cheerfully carry on normal life. however. It is true that the fugue personality usually incomplete monoideic somnambulism but so are many multiple personalities who are childish 52 or directed by one idea. thus co-conscious multiple personalities more The states which are co-conscious. and the more it to be directed by a single striving. 222-223. and wande'red about from city to city.' When he opened his little shop the fugue proper came to an end. The idea which determined his flight was about to be realized. 148). Prince's (44) case or Goddard's (63) case. W. and we will attempt to state more specifically the differences be- tween the varying "behavior patterns" called here the "personalities" of a person. 54 personalities 81 However. rather hypnotic resemble scious. and whose condition resembles a fuguestate." (p. the more it resembles a fugueappears The more state. rather than by any great change in his character or conduct. seems commonly accepted. In the remaining six weeks he led a quiet respectable life as a small shopkeeper. reality-adapted and it is distinct from a fugue-state. 64 M. 65 A discussion of these multiple personalities will be found on pp. 62 . and more specifically of hysterical origin. Although the genesis and the dynamics of the functioning of these multiple personalities may be unclear. He said 'he wanted to get away somewhere he didn't know where and have rest. We have described the memory phenomena of multiple personality and have shown that they shade into memory phenomena whose emotional We turn now to the origin has already been discussed on these pages. He forgot his personal identity. Mitchel (45) : "Thus we see that in the first fortnight of his secondary state. Prince (50) undertook an intensive discussion to prove this point. Ansel Bourne's conduct conformed to that of an ordinary fugue. material showing the role of emotions in these spectacular memory phenomena. The lost memories were. and when he came to himself he had no recollection of his life during the second state.210 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY terns of different fugue states 51 in the is same individual. integrated. 55 Whether See Bennet's case (33. M See Gaver's (64) case or Allen's (65) case. and the revelation so obtained of his frame of mind at the beginning of his fugue probably indicates the nature of the ideas that determined it. assumed a new name. F. 53 sometimes no more than a The resemblance of certain multiple personalities to fugue-states has been emphasized by T. In his second state he had no recollection of his former life. and while it was working itself out he lived the life of a secondary personality which was conditioned by the breach in the continuity of his memory. See W. 112) Not fugue is never co-conmultiple personalities resemble fugues. all A primitive and immature a multiple personality is. recovered during hypnosis. the conviction that they are of emotional origin. the literature contains frequent reports of multiple whose origin was precipitated by organic traumata. p. the more mature a multiple personality is. 73). Dufay occurs much earlier in the individual's these can M.PSYCHOPATEOLOGY OF MEMORY 211 multiple personalities in general are hysterical in origin is questionable. ." (p. 187) M Erickson and Kubie (60). the number of multiples ranged from two to twelve personalities per person. The description of some of the original personalities as "neurasthenic" sheds some doubt on their hysterical origin. In the twenty cases. They will be discussed later in this chapter. even elicit only what is present in a latent form in the personality. and Oberndorf (66) described "co-conscious mentation" in general as an obsessive phenomenon. inasmuch as this concept is used also to explain hysterical and hypnotic phenomena. cataleptic The emotional planation of them by means origin of the multiple personalities is implied in the exof the dissociation concept. physical accidents. emotional shocks. Finally. hystero-epileptic attacks. although Prince (50) wrote: ". . Hart (68). Wholey (72." and does not attempt to show that development. the neurasthenic state. Gordon (70. and the formation of the fundamentals of character it is There of psychosexual development. Pech (69). and Erickson and Rapaport (62) observed two dual personalities who were of the compulsive-obsessive type. is pathologically a type of dissociation of personality . The report on most when one considers as of organic etiology the multiple personalities precipitated by epileptic attacks. and epileptic attacks. See pp. one of the stigmata of hy&teria. 62) traumata have been reported. they reveal the variety of memory <" See also Donley (67). Allen and a number of cases precipitated by organic (65). and so on. 71). . as sixty-five different personalities. "organic trauma. Goddard (63). 61. and totalled The origins of these personalities. the hysterical origin of multiple personalities may be questioned if the psychoanalytic theory is taken into consideration. This concept has been already discussed on these pages in connection with Janet's explanation of monoideic somnambulisms and fugue states. showed great variety: hypnosis. 57 In multiple personalities the concept is called upon to explain a more intricate set of memory phenomena." or "fever. 174. Bonamaison. Ladame. maintained that hysteria originates on the phallic level which immediately precedes the level of mature genitality. fever. Whatever the specific mechanism of the genesis of multiple 86 personalities. He did Hot include the cases of McNish. Erickson (60. cases clearly shows their emotional origin. 196. Since Prince's tabulation a number of new cases of emotional origin such as those of Gaver (64). tabulated by Prince on the basis of the original records. and others mentioned by Janet (37). Verriest. no direct origin was recorded. 212-214. In a great number. Prince (50) reviewed twenty cases of multiple personality. Some ful incidents. 204r~206. perhaps. degree of such repression takes place in many persons in connection with such painWe should also find evidence of repression and continuing conflict in a continuing distress of the patient. McDougall (54) gave a direct discussion of these points which it will be worthwhile to quote: 62 "If the case were one of repression only. 166ff. we might even avoids find. rather in very many cases the dissociated system manifests itself by an 'automatic activity* that runs on beside or contemporaneously with the normal conscious activity. or has difficulty in remembering it. when the dissociated memory with its strong affect manifests itself. dissociation has been frequently offered as an explanation of hypnotic amnesias 60 and generalized amnesias. and perhaps in other signs that the conflict internally. and we might find evidences of the repressed affect in dreams and fantasies which she could not easily remember. the memory seems to have dropped away. It would. Hart (74). See p. 174ff. attaining many different degrees that vary from moment to moment according to the reciprocal play of the repressed and the repressing forces. or otherwise affecting the conscious stream of the normal personality but rather by abolishing for the time being the normal personality and dominating the whole organism.' And. 237) It appears that the differentiation which McDougall attempts is by no means as sharp as these statements would have it. instantaneously accomplished. when dissociation has taken place. she shows rather an unnatural indifference. we pointed out that the application of the "repression 59 The concept theory" to wholesale amnesias has not been satisfactory. dissociation is apt to be a sudden process. *See also B. She shows no signs of continuing conflict. phenomena which may be elicited by peculiarities 58 to account for Psychoanalysis developed the concept of "repression" In discussing the generalized amnesias in the first partial amnesias. the state of the patient is different. p." (p. especially after the repression had been maintained for some time. to have ceased to exist. that the patient could not easily remember it at will. 61 It now becomes necessary to turn our attention to the definition of the "dissociation" concept. whereas the latter is commonly a slow gradual process. . part of this chapter. the alternation " See Chapter V. p. but she seems to have lost all memory of it completely. was consuming her energies "But. not by disturbing the judgment. it does so. So far as her waking life is concerned. First. not be strictly true to say that dissociation is an all-or-nothing process. 236) "Another difference between the process of dissociation and the process of repression is that. 59 " 61 6 See pp.212 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY of emotional organization. producing dreams or fantasies. she not only does not recur to the topic. no distress. what the French have called *une belle indifference' or 'une belle complaissance. 196. See Chapter VI. and its relation to repression." (p. This last feature of the dissociated activity does not always appear. we should expect to find that the patient all reference to the incident the memory of which is repressed. there is a dissociation of 64 He showed for instance "instincts. but a number of coherent strivings sufficient to yield the appear- ance of a "personal identity" become unacceptable to the personality proper. X and Hanna. as anyone can ascertain by looking at M. vengefulness. envy. pertaining to a single unacceptable striving arQ forgotten." and "sentiments. our discussion of the types of multiple personalities that there is no absolute division between dissociated material and everyday material. the process of dissociation is frequently as gradual as that of repression. dissociation becomes a process different only in degree from represBut this difference in degree. as in repression proper. as is normally the but only by a specific set of strivings. like the repressed. fear. He attempted to show that underlying the dissociation of conand of memory and sensory systems. For the theory of the "emotional influence on if memory" this is of great significance. 207. Thus." that hate. its mechanisms. Then the following formulation could be ad- M. McDougall's standing. shame. pp. illuminated another aspect of dissociation which is of import in our present context. its origin." "emotions.and memory-patterns organized around differing and dissociated sets of affects. manifests itself in dreams and phantasies. . vanced: multiple personalities are behavior. but that self-abasement. disgust.g. resentment. Fourthly. differences In other reports on multiple personalities may be found. memories and can no longer be elicited by different strivings." similar. and joy fulness were present in Sally and absent in the original personality B I. scorn. jealousy. The core of these differing behavior patterns appear to be differing "affects. much conflict and distress. the dissociated material. self-reproach." "sentiments" and "attitudes. though perhaps less striking. sentiments. ^tement to the contrary notwith- has shown Thirdly. sciousness. multiple personality on the basis of the case of Miss Beauchamp. Prince's (50) table in which the pace of onset is specifically tabulated/ sion. The transition would then be continuous between repression in which a memory connected with an unacceptable striving cannot emerge. anxiety. in developing the theory of entirely unexplained. become more clear-cut as the dissociation of sets of affects and from each other becomes sharper. consequently. p. like repression.PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY 213 of personalities produces. are still Morton Prince (58). the cases of Felida See Prince (58. bashfulness were absent in Sally and present in B I. Multiple personalities strivings reactions case. contempt. and dis63 See e. 71-82). accordingly full sets of memories become unavailable. and This dissociation may be conceived thus: not the memories attitudes. gratitude. 63 Secondly. Prince's interpretation of the case of Miss Beauchamp can be accepted at its face value. Bleuler (80) or Henderson and Gillespie (16). For instance. Other facts show even further the artificiality of the division: for example. multiple personality also may be precipitated by psychic as well as physiological traumata. a delineation made by exclusion of our topic This delineation age. the Korsa- an anterograde amnesia which has several but the most spectacular anterograde amnesias in the organic group are not of the Korsakow type.214 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY sociation in which sets of strivings become unacceptable to the consciousness. Howto distinguish the Korsakow group from those disturbances to be considered here. See Schilder (75). somnambulistic. See Russel (22). but if the problem of "ideopathic epilepsies" and the fluid transition between 67 "epileptic" and hysterical psychopathology are taken into consideration. epileptic twilight states and epileptic major convulsions are usually considered in the organic group. 5. the justification for grouping the epileptic with the organic amnesias remains based only on the residual "pure" group in which the focal lesion accounting for the seizures is demonstrated beyond doubt. 86 5 . such as the hypnotic. not only shall is it difficult hardly deal with a unitary complex of problems. This discussion has attempted to show how the phenomenon of multiple personality shades into other amnesias. 65 careful recent studies 66 show that in these cases memory disturbances of the Korsakow type are also common. 68 This situation is so immature that no discussion of the nature of different organic amnesias is found in such standard psychiatric textbooks as those of E. Sidis (77). and retrograde amnesias: like them. AMNESIAS PRECIPITATED BY ORGANIC TRAUMATA we shall attempt to discuss the phenomena of memory not of the group usually called Korsakow or amnesic are which pathology nevertheless are precipitated by organic brain damwhich but syndrome. in both the core of the memory disturbance appears to be an emotional one. alcoholic. but it is difficult to distinguish some disturbances subsumed usually in the organic group from functional disturbances. The whole field of observation is too little explored and too much is entirely unknown is kow syndrome essentially varieties senile. Amnesia for epileptic fugues. although amnesias following head injuries are on the whole reported to be retrograde. fugue. In this section shows that we ever. and memories of whole periods be- come unavailable. the division of the material into non-Korsakow and Korsakow organic amnesias provides an opportunity to discuss two different groups of problems. paretic to permit even the formation of hypotheses. and Wittels (78). 68 However. 67 In this connection see Maeder (76). sets of affects become alien to it. " A portion of the material relevant to this Thus. then there is much to be learned concerning the of emotions in the development of organic amnesias. trauma. 109-110) The present status of research is not advanced enough to settle the problems involved here. So far as the synthesis of these dissociated memory disorders is concerned it is only in the functional and in a few of the organic types such as some alcoholic. which factors are highly productive in causing dissociations of memory. that experimental procedure seems to be successful. we cannot hope by studying them to learn anything of the role of emotions. and that there is a participation by both organic and emotional factors in the so-called "organic amnesias. 215 FUNCTIONAL VS. tumors and hemorrhages. role there is also a third possibility : that the amnesia implies both the direct se- respo^nse to. ORGANIC FACTORS role of emotions in the pathology of memory. such as occurs in general paralysis. Here there is no real oblivion or destruction of images. and and partly irrecoverable. the organic damage and that quelae of. however. Naturally. epilepsy. Evidence seems to indicate that a sharp dichotomy like that made by Coriat does not exist. and diffuse or localized brain lesions. The increasing attention paid to functional disturbances in the course of this century has resulted in at- disregards recoverable Such a dichotomy irrecoverability the criterion of organic amnesias. and according to the exact condition. problem is concerned with the It was long the belief that the irrecoverable recoverability of amnesias. loss of memories is to be ascribed to destruction of their traces in the brain. that in which the loss is partly . The functional amnesias stand in a causal relation to hysteria and the emotions. Korsakow's disease." (pp. of which alcohol is of prime importance. of even though he was one of the pioneers of the functional point view in this country: "Amnesia is either a dissociation or a destruction of this reproductive activity. If these amnesias For those Interested In the are direct sequelae of the organic damage. they are dissociated from the personal conscious perception. the amnesia is blow a psychological response to the organic damage and/or to the narcissistic it necessarily entails. the "organic" amnesias raise an important problem. The factors in the production of the organic amnesias are the various poisons. make That for the great variety in the phenomenology of organic amneinteraction of the organic and the functional was not taken is into consideration until lately revealed in the following discussion by Coriat (79). the differences in the relative weight of the participation of these two and the psychological factors sias. recoverability was considered the criterion of functional amnesias.PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY A. If. In the organic types the destruction is real. senile dementia. it may be broadly divided into organic and functional. because the functioning tissue of the cortex itself suffers a physical deterioration. the most frequent case namely. epileptic or traumatic amnesias. now let us turn to the organic side. (7) gave extensive reviews of similar pertinent material. J. 250ff. ported the successful recovery of the memories of the amnesic period of alcoholic amnesias. These were the findings concerning the functional side of the picture. Schultz (86). is not necessarily a proof for the functional-emotional origin of the disturbance. Having discussed material illuminating the problem of the functional- " See for details Chapter VIII. . After destruction of this relay the habit is forgotten. in relearning of apparently lost and others demonstrated. A further step was made when Schilder (83) left the saving found that some kind of trace must be 69 . even in such cases. of amnesic material that the amnesia was of functional origin. Muralt (82) and Schilder (83. with their own rhythms as well as with the sensory impulses reaching them. the habit was re-established by renewed training with a considerably smaller number of trials than was needed originally. For instance. by and irrecoverable material. 84) those of epileptic amnesias. they found that after removing the parts of the brain above the mesencephalon and thus producing a loss of the habit. p. Oberholzer (89). and were able to show that so-called Freudian mechanisms played a significant role in it. or from demonstrability in saving. and drug hypnosis. Stern (87). and that the higher centers play only the role of a dynamic relay. "translation" of the engrams stored in the non-destroyed parts of the Although the significance for human psychology of an animal ex- periment must always be evaluated with utmost caution. such as distraction. Betlheim and Hartmann (90) and Hartmann (91) were not satisfied with concluding from recoverability. Naef (81) those of a traumatic amnesia. On the basis of this discovery they were satisfied that a functional factor was present in these organic amnesias. They advanced the hypothesis that the retention of the engram is the function and even lower structures. Coriat (79) reassociation. and thus elicit and relay " translate" memories. as indicated by saving in re-learning or the partial reversibility of the amnesia.216 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY tempts to recover amnesias of apparently organic origin by employing techniques used in recovering functional amnesias. retention. According to these investisend the the centers to centers in accordance lower higher discharges gators. Jones and Ghiselli (92) trained rats for certain sensory discrimination-habits. this experiment provides at least an analogy of what might happen in the organic sphere It shows that in the case of amnesias connected with organic traumata. and the re-learning process establishes a of the mesencephalic new brain. Wagner (85) and and Schneider Schilder (88) those of asphyxiation amnesias. hypnosis. They investigated the nature of retention in such amnesias. This material pertains to the field of the organic psychoses. . and Lozoff (97) attempted to analyze the psychosomatic relationship implicit in the development of a psychosis involving both organic loss and emotional-functional symptomatic response. we shall discuss material which points to the interaction of both. Similar relationships may obtain between amnesia caused by organic damage axial and its functional extension marginal coming about as a psychological response to itself. THE VARIETIES OF ORGANIC AMNESIA In the organic amnesias." and multiple personalities. In support of such a theory would be the findings concerning the pre-morbid adjustment of the victims of organic amnesia which frequently show emotional lability. and a "marginal" functional-re- versible deterioration. Rapaport. and is responded to by a regression to a level of psychological development where the damage to the functions is not experienced as a loss. which apparently are related to the psychoses in general as are the organic amnesias to the amnesias in general. or in the cases to be discussed in particular. We shall consider as "organic" all those cases usually classed as "organic" in the literature. and corroborative observational and experimental test material in Kenyon and Rapaport (98). damage. Kenyon. "loss of personal identity. as in the functional amnesias. Only later did Naecke (93) begin to speak of an "axial" organic-irreversible Still later. and Rapaport (99). supported later by those of Schilder (95) and Katan (96). We shall use for the purpose of this discussion a typical representative of these organic psychoses: the psychosis of general paresis. and Kenyon. 70 were that in the psychosis of general paresis the debilitating Hollos and Ferenczi (94) showed that a psychological response to the organic organic damage is experienced by the patient as a narcissistic blow.PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY 217 emotional etiology of "organic amnesias. Such findings. inasmuch as our aim is to show the presence of emotional factors in different cases rather than to establish their exact nature. Lozoff. We shall not discuss in detail the nature of the "organic involvement" or the "organic precipitating factor" in these amnesias in general. B. the psychosis of general paresis is Their conclusions. although reported in the literature. we have three groups: retrograde and anterograde amnesias. In this disorder the brain damage is so obvious and impressive that until a few decades ago its purely organic origin was taken for granted. or to the narcissistic blow inflicted by the impotent fear and anxiety prevailing at the time of the injury. and Lozoff (97). Rapaport." and the material illuminating the organic etiology of them. What 70 See the survey of the pertinent theories in Kenyon. are by no means general the damage or unequivocal. her accident. The emotional character of the retained ideas. Such examples could be multiplied without limit. The slow recovery was suddenly interrupted when the young ceased to pay attention to her. she gave signs of terror upon seeing water or a picture of it. : Nevertheless. and that the forgotten re-emerges forces affect a psychic "shake-up. and for a time after. and lost the use of her senses except for sight and touch." 6. Thus for instance many cases the presence of strong Dunn (100) reported a case of amnesia following asphyxiation. 22). Only a few functional cases. These were the two ideas. and responded affectionately to the young man who was interested in her before. young woman fell into A a river and nearly drowned subsequently she forgot her previous life and all the habits she had acquired. long duration raises the suspicion of functional involvement (Russel. we shall limit ourselves to considering the emotional aspect of these cases. It is beyond the scope of this discussion to investigate these problems. which she did not forget. and upon emergence from this she was again her own self. 71 have been recorded and in these also and anterograde amnesia were simultaneously present. even in this primitivized state. our aim is not to describe interesting and dramatic cases. like those of retro71 Janet already discussed. See p. and gave a description in which the role of the emotional factors can be readily seen. 194ff. obviously loaded with emotion. Retrograde Amnesias These amnesias usually cover a period previous to the organic trauma and are of rather short duration. ganic involvement may be questionable. leave no doubt of the participation of the emotional factor.218 is EMOTIONS AND MEMORY Is it ascribable to the organic involvement in the amnesias precipitated by asphyxiation? an anoxia similar to that which makes high flying and mountain-climbing dangerous? What is the organic involvement in carbon-monoxide poisoning. . which so frequently results in spectacular irreversible amnesias without the presence of direct neurological indications of organic damage? The material surveyed does not answer these quesIt may be readily admitted that in a number of such cases the ortions. whatever its dynamics and its relation to any organic factors present. and of the event restoring her memory. In emotional motives is apparent. a stuporous state ensued. in most cases. a. she recognized neither her surroundings nor her relatives. precipitated by somatic traumata. man when strong emotional Anterograde Amnesias The anterograde amnesias reported in the literature have been. but rather to show that ideas propelled by affects persist while all is forgotten. PSTCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY 219 The most clear-cut case of pure and extreme anterograde amnesia was reported by Stoerrlng (23) In 1931. which was the most prominent symptom except for the memory disturbance. after which he was unable to retain any impression or idea longer than two seconds and accordingly lived as though time had stopped for him at the date of the poisoning. The loss of retention (Merkfaehigkeit) was so impressive and so absolutely generalized that Stoerring was certain that he dealt here with a purely organic case. his leg anesthetic. Very similar to this case suffered a fall.'' His patient suffered a carbon monoxide poisoning. or at restoring the lost memories. 72 man lost consciousness. Three years later he commenced to improve physically. Although the amnesia was nearly as that reported readily found expression. . Syz pointed out that the disturbance of gait. later he lost retention for all occurrences subsequent to the accident. although he was not able to report any neurological or other physical findings. a few facts about the emotional make-up of the subject transpire in the report. that he "lad an eight-year engagement and although the author omits discussion of the patient's sexual life apparently kept safe distance from his fiancee in this period. concerning which he still held to the out-dated view to be discussed in the next section which considers the essence of this syndrome to be a loss of retention. by Syz (24). and became confused and Five months sleepless. In spite of the limitations of Stoerring's approach. period of retention was somewhat longer than in Stoerring's case. seemed to be of a functional nature. Additional striking features suggested that this amnesia The n See also Syz (101). the patient appeared to be greatly puzzled and felt that something must be wrong. and was seen at that time by the author of the report. and inhibited person before his accident. his right side was paralyzed. He compared the case with the Korsakow syndrome. We learn that the patient was a very meticulous. in Stoerring's case this awareness could be elicited only by painstakingly confronting the patient with contradictions of the situation. generalized as in Stoerring's case. who called it "the" first case of total and isolated loss of retention-ability. Apparently Stoerring had only the possibility of an organic explanation in mind. compulsive. and thus neglected to apply any constructive means by which the nature and finer structure of this spectacular amnesia could have been investigated or by which the patient's retention ability could have been restored. were reported. and that the patient's actions in his amnesic state were characterized by sudden impulses is in which certain drives and feelings A 45-year old vomited. No hypnotic or drug-hypnotic attempts at investigating unconscious memories. and continued to forget in an anterograde fashion all that he was experiencing. and even expressed himself to this effect. a sentimental person. had withdrawn from him after the birth of their children. material thus obtained showed that the patient's outstanding difficulty in emotional adjustment was a thorough dissatisfaction with his marital He had married as a matter of moral self -protection when at 18 situation. first We may say that a generalized functional change. in which the patient had difficulty in controlling his wish for sexual attachments with more approachable women. and as a man of a somewhat exaggerated sense of and morality. The patient had been known before the incapacitating accident as a "walking encyclopedia" because of his unusually good memory. The recovery of this memory resulted in a gradual but steady general recovery from the amnesic state. The author concluded that this was a case of a post-traumatic disorder in which both organic and psychogenic factors were present.220 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY had strong emotional components. according to which the process here encountered different from that of repression." His wife. he felt himself "slipping/' indulging in alcoholic and sexual "irregularities. Another case of anterograde amnesia should be described. should be sustained. depressed. as it was reported of himself by a reputable psychologist and its short duration . he suggested to the patient that he would recall dreams in the mornT The ing. . . preoccupied. 368). the patient brought a dream which proved to be a memory The patient had overheard during his illness a of an actual occurrence. 378) Whether the view of Syz. we lack sufficient systematic knowledge of this type of disturbance. or whether it may be assumed that repression can be so general and rapid that the memory is of new experiences immediately after occurrence is included in this process of repression. a time w hen otherwise he was unable to retain recent material. one usually finds that the emotionally determined impairment of recall is limited to specific aspects of the personality and its life experiences. and wrote: "As far as memory is concerned. justice moody. and moderately "almost obsessive fear of falling. can not be yet decided. was employed in an unusual way in the process of neurotic equilibration. The case described here is unusual in that there was not merely a blotting out or repressing of specific memory material but the capacity of recall was quite generally impaired. Syz applied hypnosis in an endeavor to recover memories. was socially active in organizing labor and making speeches." (p. and was highly interested in politics and music. After a week's work which yielded the material described. irritable. probably induced through an organic lesion. conversation between his wife and another man which seemed to indicate that sexual relations existed between them. many years of sexual frustration followed. He was a worker who read much. During the Bourse of his illness he was sensitive. . There was an suggestive of emotionally dynamic factors" (p. 123 ff. in spite of answers: "Will you tell me just exactly how I fell?" This case may be used to elucidate two aspects of anterograde amnesia. p. for its clarity. The monoideic character of this case shows some similarity to that seen in the case observed by M. and Cason good health at the time. 489. reads : make him stop skating. I thought it rather funny that he should attempt to skate as fast as he did after he had suffered such a shock when he had struck head on the ice. No neurological findings were present. Gill and the 74 present author. 109) X We learn further that Cason discussed his apparently non-existent skating superiority over his friend in a manner which may be called childish and in aggressive. His preoccupation with the idea of and may end with his fall has a monoideic character. case. apparently was amnesic for the following forty-eight minutes. Cason fell and struck his and makes an amnesia For this reason. and Koempfen (103). the progress of which was observed and recorded by his skating partner. Ta 74 For other cases see Bibot See p. of course. and apparently there was was a need to amnesize this reaction. not solved by such speculation. aggressive. p. it covers this period it or may thereafter become In Cason's progressive. (6). 201ff. and stubborn way. and also attempts to The record of his partner concerning this period increased his speed while he practiced turning to the left and right "Gradually with his arms held out in the opposite direction like I had shown him. the literature does not make clear whether anterograde amnesia is always progressive. or whether it can set in at once after a period following the precipitating event has elapsed." (p. to which the subject reacted in a childish. It may be described also as in which experiences following the precipitating event are progressively forgotten as soon as they occur. How the organic blow precipitates the amnesia and interlaces with the narcissistic blow is. An interpreter might maintain that the shock was not only a bodily but a narcissistic blow. In fact he skated faster and executed the curves with greater skill than he had done before his fall. as an amnesia in which the period forgotten is the period following that event which precipitated the onset of the amnesia. Cason resisted attempts to help him to get home. in contrast to retrograde amnesia. 73 Cason (102) describes a skating fall which resulted in a short anterograde amnesia.PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY 221 head. the description of his repetition of his question seems to make it clear that the amnesia was progressive. Authors reporting cases of anterograde amnesia usually describe either one or the other aspect. The record of the friend shows that in this period Cason asked repeatedly. . Anterograde amnesia may be described. we still are far from having proved the true nature of the amnesic disturbance. and the alternating systems of memory and amnesia connected with them. Nevertheless. and we know. and the account specific was not tors: . showed emotional features of the memory disturbance. the case precipitated by a heavy fall reported by Sidis and Goodhart (52). have also a counterpart in the organic group. We have stated above that emotional factors may play a definite role in the (engrams). the cases precipitated by shell-shock such as those described by Feiling (105) and although with regard to this point. the bridges that connect past and present existence. Furthermore. however. Both cases. that forgetting or inability emotional implications. Nevertheless. EMOTIONS AND MEMORY "Loss of Personal Identity" The (31) "loss of personal identity" has been considered as a typically "emotional" memory disturbance. 110) d. . That under such abnormal situations . independent of drugs. Yet there is reason to doubt that mariy of these organically-precipitated multiple personalities are truly comparable with the multiple personalities of functional In the case of T. and Gordon and Lawrence (36) discussed two such cases. showed organic lesions of traumatic and arteriosclerotic origin. are a few examples of this type." (p. with the wearing off of the drug. In the case reported by Franz (106). The case precipitated by gas poisoning and described by Dana (104). Hanna the two personalities really alternated. the emotional reaction cannot be entirely held responsible for the character and extent of the amnesia. factors of volitional repression may play an additional role cannot. It would be unwise to conclude that because these patients do not remember the past. they do not want to remember the past. or because they do not fixation of memory imprints to remember may have its special . which we have discussed in the chapter on functional amnesias. . the case described by Gaver (64) precipitated by a blow on the head. two sets of emotional attitudes were discernible. origin. These. however. know their names. they have the subconscious desire to cease continuity with their former existence It seems more plausible to assume that for want of proper adaptive mechanisms which were put out of action. was reported. respectively. sodium amytal temporarily lifted the loss of personal identity. cannot be immediately used.222 c. and the authors concluded: "With the demonstration of the organic background of the amnesic disturbance. it was described. the loss returned. Multiple Personalities The multiple personalities. too. Abeles and Schilder noted that cases of organic etiology also occur. the alternation of personalities was present and was observed to depend on emotional fac- Franz (106). However. the self -reported case of Ikin (107) precipitated by a delirium. be disregarded. however. gradual improvement of the memory. or he was fearful. have been (45) wrote: "The terms double and multiple personality the whenever consciousness of accompanyto dissociations too freely applied perhaps ing amnesia is of any noticeable extent." (p. 139) w See pp. This and many other organic cases should be regarded with caution. Similar also is the am5 nesia of hypnosis. or he was irritated. pseudo- and 75 The period in which a retrograde amnesia exists has to be carefully distinguished from the period for which the retrograde amnesia exists or. what is described as "dual personality" be equally well described as a total retrograde pojt-traumatic . These amnesias appeared to represent a psychosomatic problem. the usual explanation of this forgetting is the unacceptability of the central idea of the fugue. functional and irreversibility of an amnesia cannot be equated with and organic etiology has been suggested by the material surveyed. it is worthy to note that every change which had been observed. or of which we have had reasonable information." (p. in the psychoses. or he may have been too happy. such as memory-delusions. . is yet to be answered. Ikin's case of Vera intense. The problem of the role of pre-traumatic emotional make-up and personality structure in the That reversibility genesis of such amnesias has been pointed out.. where simultaneously with the recovery of personal identity an amnesia for the period of "loss of personal identity' ensues. 188) But could in the remainder of the cases. Whether such an explanation can be extended to the childishly helpless adjustment with which multiple personalities of the organic type like Dana's case start life anew. for the inclination is 77 to designate as "multiple personality" anything which resembles it. in other words. amnesia in the period of which much was re-leamed the person functioning with this partially re-learned knowledge was considered a second "personality/' the more so as the recovery of the amnesia usually resulted 75 This in a forgetting of the period in which the total amnesia existed. 6. is a change parallel to that found in fugues. here Schilder76 attributed the forgetting to the unacceptability to the waking consciousness of the "passive-masochistic" adjustment. whose solution has hardly been attempted.. was simply a history of a delirium with several distinct sets of systematized delusions and hallucinations. "Mitchel 175-176. MEMORY-PATHOLOGY IN THE KORSAKOW SYNDROME We have thus far avoided discussion of the memory phenomena found and alloinnesias. The amnesias significant in the precipitation of which organic damage has played a role have in general shown some emotional involvement. was kntmu to be preceded by a period In which he was under what is commonly called 'emotional strain/ He was worried financially.PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OP MEMORY 223 " . over which it extends. Ulff. 1 through the poet who ab- reacts his unhappy love or changes it into a happy one. asmuch as thought processes are built of emerging memories. and all thinking which is Insimilar in principle and called autistic thinking. to the hysterics and schizosee their wis>es fulfilled in hallucinations. in addition to logical-realistic thinking. 4) Here it is stated that the thinking of psychotics. . This is achieved by facilitation of those associations corresponding to.' (p. a continuous transiphrenics. the affective regulation of thinking pertains also to memory functioning. is affect-determined. Our aim in this was to avoid entering into a discussion of the etiology of neuroses and psychoses. . Nevertheless. autistic elements of or this its type appear to be present. w See also pp. fancied to be a horse." 78 It was in the psychoses that it was first discovered that. which a upon point We refer to the concept of "autistic thinking. we must has not been discussed explicitly in these pages. the only exception was our discussion of the gross amnesias.. To explain autistic thinking we do not need any new 1 principles. in it. such a discussion would require an extended treatment for which neither it We the structure nor the scope of this monograph provided." (p. in the dayand normals. there is. Bleuler (108) wrote: dreams well as mechanisms operating in the common dreams. there exists another kind of thinking. it eliminates obstacles. who tion showing only quantitative differences. 2) In the same work of Bleuler we find the following description of autistic thinking : "Autistic thinking is directed thinking. From the dream of the child.224 hallucinations. and to a certain extent in every person's normal thinking. AtTTISTIC THINKING memory phenomena of this syndrome. these strivings. It reflects fulfilment of wishes or striv" of as possibilities and ings. find these of hysterics who on his stick. for it has been considered a memory-disturbance par excellence. seemed to us that the Korsakow syndrome must be included in our treat- ment. impossibilities are thought realities. The characterization of the dream and mechanisms as " . and inhibition of those conflicting with.. Later it was realized that under many conditions. 156ff. such as "obsessive ideas". EMOTIONS AND MEMOKT have avoided even a discussion of the memory phenomena found in the neuroses. A. that is to say.plays 'general.. by the mechanism we know as the influence of affects. called by Bleuler "autistic" (108) Before discussing the dwell "autistic-undisciplined" (109) thinking and by Jung (110) "introversive" thinking. we autistic thinking was also suggested. in the mythology and the related superstitions as in other deviations of thinking from reality. . See p. 197) awakening of recollections . Though much was contributed to the problem of autistic thinking by ethnologists like L6vy-Bruehl (112). is T* 81 See also the review of his book hy Rapaport (115). "primitive" thinking has just begun to be written. Bleuler's. shall attempt to eluci- date some aspects of this relationship. 200) affects may may provoke dormant Finally. ." as characteristic of the thinking and memory functions of psychoses. learned about described it. Some . remembrances affects. as has not yet been clarified." (p.PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMOEY Influenced of thinking. 15ff. to our knowledge. "autistic thinking. been sys81 It has been sugtematized. " (p. in regard to daydreams he is most explicit: when we are daydreaming our phantasies owe their genesis to the influence of two inner factors: affect and memory." "suspension thought. constitutes a proper background. 225 by Jung's. in fore-conscious thinking the relation between memory and affect is causative. as it called. which often prove stronger than the power which consciousness has at its disposal. that the only psychosis whose phenomena we shall discuss. "We conclude He " writes further: . . philosophers like Cassirer (113)." (p. stimulate recollection. and at the . see Alexander's attempt to discuss the logic of emotions (116). . that of some the laws this are "the gested ruling logic almightiness of The inner is frequently kow syndrome. Its relation to 80 by Freud. and Freud's investigations of this mode observed and analyzed a number of his own (111) of his conclusions will be of interest here: memory and that the affects seem to constitute the active connection between perception and conversely between perception and memory. . this "logic of affects" is still to be written. They preside at the transformation in the mind of memory elements into perceptions." "the law of the 'talion/ " of the laws of logic such as 'identity' and 'the excluded third. The formal characteris- tics of autistic thinking have been well summarized by Werner (114). and 79 much remains to be systematizing psychologists like Werner (114). " "the fulfilment of wishes. . Varendonck daydreams. In this connection. It is difficult logic of this thinking has not yet.' In the annals of psychology the chapter on "autistic" or. conversely. 204) . however. unconscious and primary processes. inasmuch as the Korsakow syndrome We We may state here. . " . which we to define the exact relation of autistic thinking to the Korsashall now describe. It is maintained by the French that Charcot. this view of the Korsakow disturbance is still Korsakow's view. with a tendency to confabulate and disorientation for time. with a tendency to replace by confabulation what cannot be remembered. according to the Germans. but is generally toxic. First. so far as we know.226 B. reported the first case of this type. was the first to show that this condition is neither necessarily alcoholic nor necessarily associated memory with polyneuritis. Korsakow is Lilienfeld. Although the textbook quoted is a modern one. Apparently. according to the French. and Bonhoeffer agreed in considering this memory disturbance a disturbance of registration. partly because. . M. 273-274) place. Secondly. . although Korsakow and Bonhoeffer this (120) upheld view. The assumption of a registration-disturbance implies a perception-disturbance. 83 Korsakow. and partly because such a historical outline promises to show the relation of general psychological theory to the formation of clinical theories. and even traumatic brain conditions may issue in the memory disturbance called the Korsakow syndrome. more than one respect. 119). Jolly. Moll (117). scriptions associated the disturbance with alcoholic polyneuritis. The little that this quotation says about the Korsakow memory disturbance makes it appear to be an anterograde amnesia. and overlooks fifty 82 shall first outline years of clinical and experimental development. Since then. pp. or Tilling. Bonhoeffer for instance wrote: 82 83 This view was precarious in difficult to establish a differentiation This formulation does not differ from that of J. EMOTIONS AND MEMOBY THE KORSAKOW SYNDROME AND THE VIEWS CONCERNING IT The textbook on psychiatry by Henderson and Gillespie (16) describes the Korsakow syndrome as follows: "This psychosis first described by Korsakow consists in deficient power of retention for recent events. inflammatory." (pp. See also on this point Henderson and Gillespie (116. 273-274). and person . toxic. it has been scarcely summarized systematically in the literature in English. and by the Germans that At any rate. they recorded cases in which apparently forgotten events were later remembered by Korsakow patients. Kraepelin. disturbance of the Korsakow type has been observed in cases of brain injury and in general paresis. and for the latter there was generally no evidence in the amnesic syndrome. This description shows that the memory disturbance is a central phenomenon of the Korsakow syndrome. Memory for remote events is usually good. of historical the here knowledge concerning this memory disdevelopment We turbance. . it is between the functions of perception (Wahrnehmung) and registration (Merkfaehigkeit). These three decredited with the first detailed description (118. from the point of view of the personality. Heymanns (130. These authors maintained that the wrote: "From spontaneous registration to registration in learning a fluid transition with many intermediary stages. In agreement with these authors." is the phenomenon in which an event now encountered is experienced with the conviction." Freud (128) and Poetzl (129) made it clear in their investigations that not two events were identical in these. and the theory of time-experience which these authors built on it. The whole character of intellectual maturity is retained in spite of the amnesia. tion" disturbance does not allow for finding the proper This "orienta- memory at the proper time. maintained that this finding vouches for an emotional origin of the phe- nomenon. The frequent reduplicating paramnesias 86 and the general laxity of temporal localization of events in the Korsakow patient served as objective evidence for the loss of temporal signs. and whether their memory can be improved by training. Not an objective repetition of events but the subjective identity of affect is the basis of this memory phenomenon. and Gregor (122). the second the interested and observing registration. "I have already once experienced all this." (p. Gregor and Roemer (121). showing that "d6ja vue" is more frequent in emotionally labile subjects. He maintained that memories usually have a temporal sign which plays a significant role in their proper and easy revival. . but that the affective situation of the subject towards the recent event was identical with that experienced when having encountered another event in the past. 131). and thus gives the appearance of a mere memory disturbance. 78) . and formulated the disturbance in terms of the Wuerzburg school of psychology. I retained much better the history which I witnessed through early reading of newspapers than the laboriously learned data of world there is Kohnstamm history which 85 I crammed in high school. like "de'ja vue. Kohnstamm (123) later emphasized that what is poor in the Korsakow patient is not his registration and recall in 84 learning. seemed to support 84 van der Horst's theory. . The first is the affecttoned registration. reported experiments which originally were designed to test how long Korsakow patients retain memories.PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY " . 227 the Influence of new experiences though they are forgotten is not lost. In this manner do we read scientific literature which is retained to the degree to which we absorb it with interest." (p. 378) Reduplicating paramnesia. and attrib- uted the "orientation" disturbance to a loss of the "temporal signs" of the memories. Thus they maintained that the Korsakow syndrome is a disturbance of thinking in which especially the orientation "Einstellung" towards the idea which sults is necessary to continue the chain of thought is disturbed. but his spontaneous registration and recall Pick (124) and Gruenthal (125) continued this lead. Bouman and Gruenbaum's (127) interesting case in which a subject experienced 27 years of his life as three years. The re- showed surprisingly good immediate memory functioning. Van der Horst (126) was not satisfied with this explanation. . the leveling of time experiences. imagination and thought-producstream of feeling is characterized by a dull flow and lack of differentiation and the 'emptiness' [experienced] is the lack of expressed events on this background. distortion. by this time of its apparent registration-disturbance and anteroamnesia grade character. the (p. Burger maintained that the patients are able to grasp and retain only simple relations and psychic whole-situations of simple structure. as they bring about the original time perspective. chronology. Schilder (95). condensation. . and Hartmann (91. this study bears possible prognostic significance for the treatment of general paresis." which Korsakow patient is characterized by his lack of makes his conversation a monologue and prevents differentiate is Bouman and Gruenbaum : between chronognosy. (2) Chronology is the inner life history made logical according to the pattern of the outside world history. (3) Chronometry is the scien(1) chronometry Chronognosy the immanent time life tific objectivation of chronology. in terms of Gestalt psychology as it had been applied to psychopathology by K. 88 divested EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY may be afflicted." 87 Krauss (134) attacked the problem with the methods of the pupils of Lewin. Goldstein. the time of the inner history (Binswariger). of course. 133) had conducted experiments investigating the memory functionKorsakow patient. characterized by symbolization. 88 He found that the tension systems which lend persistence to intentions. At this time Betlheim and Hartmann (90). and elimination of disagreeable parts and addition of other parts which transform the memory material in terms of "wishfulfilment. it the chronognosy which is abnormal M See p. and may account for other psychic Burger (132) attempted to express the Korsakow memory disturbance. The remainder of the psychic contents remains a foggy "background" which cannot (Gestalt).228 time-experiencing alone disturbances. " tion. The authors show that chronology and chronois metry are retained by w See their patient. are rapidly dissolved in the Kprsakow patient. that what is present is a special memory organization reing of the considered. 89 He described clearly the emotional disturbance underlying the syndrome: there is a lack of pregnance of feeling. only a restatement of what Pick and Gruenthal had formulated in other terms. 94ff. and (Straus).. p. The thinking 8a of the "anticipations. paretic-Korsakow cases were especially These investigations showed that the memory-loss is only an apparent one. 173) ". 161ff. A similar study was conducted on paretic patients in general by Golant-Rattner and diagnostic and Menteschaschwili (135). become a "figure" This was. and which make for a resumption of interrupted activities and for their favoredness in retention over finished activities. sembling that seen in dreams. and Bonacordance with affective needs. it is impossible to explain [the Korsakow syndrome] by a pure 'memory1 theory. Werner (1 14) has shown tions on the development of the time concept. drives. as the field extremely rapid. they exist momentarily These disturbances start on the level and disappear without any after-effect on which memory functions are formed." (pp. Spielrgin!& (140) does i*ot "know" time. but the depth and width of action of the personSituation follows situation. leads to the investigapaper. 90 They reported that paretics frequently consider themselves immediately precedes their syphilitic infection. for these lead back to the issue of autistic thinking. deserves careful reading.. and discussed them in their report. Action disintegrates. . were in ac- and showed its dependence on affective life. however. "TIME-EXPERIENCING" AND "ORIENTATION" IN RELATION TO "AUTISTIC THINKING" "Time-experiencing. inasmuch as activities are not resumed and as saturation is Self -correction is absent. Nothing is lost. On the contrary: the whole emotionality and drive struc. who investigated a number of cases intensively. patients lack spontaneity and await external impulses and can no longer do anything on their own. the ture is changed. duced to do so. . . appears to be itself a phenomenon dependent on affective life. . showing how the memory and action disturbance originates in a central affective disturbance. problems of "orientation" and "temporal sign" in relation to the central affective or personality disturbance. 554-555) Their analysis of cases.PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF MEMORY 229 him from discourslve interaction with the thoughts of others. Hollos and Ferenczi (94) reported a changed long series of cases in which temporal relationships 90 Hollos (137). synthetic picture of the disturbance was first given by Buerger-Prinz and Kaila (136)." the disturbance of which is considered by van der Horst to be the basis of the Korsakow memory-disturbance. . .. or even to maintain that the memory disturbances are its essential psychopathological symptoms. c. monopolizes the thought content present A and opposite contents cannot be mobilized. shqwing that the dream H. emotions are no longer driving forces . It will be proper. . to discuss the it cannot be restated here. We need only remind ourselves that certain individuals cannot delay communicating or while others can hardly be inputting into action ideas once conceived. They came to the conclusion that: ". The strivings. Harnik (138). these "temperamental" differences are in themselves disturbances of time-experiencing. of the age that . and so on. from the psychoanalytic point parte (139) discussed time-experiencing of view. they were aware of the earlier views. ality (Schilder) is absent. The entire dynamics of the personality is changed. that a given situation appeals to a certain set of strivings. the time concept as we know it is nonexistent. it lacks continuity." all this does not hold true. reality are usually rather stable. The emerging memory is not a random one. interchange." the disturbance of which was considered by Pick and Gruenthal ance. for in it several strivings are expressed in a form of compromise. and their pushing into consciousness the idea which expresses them excludes from consciousness the incompatible "Orientation" means strivings and the ideas corresponding to them. it is one of many and i$ determined by selection. and in general in the "unconscious. as though they were not in opposition but act side by side. Now a striving persists and a reduplicating paramnesia results. it is is The compromises nor prevent each other from entering consciousness. The problem of time91 experiencing is in great need of a systematic exploration. merge.230 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY that on developmental levels other than that of adults of the western civilization. "Anticipation" is the expression of those who look at this process teleologically. same situation holds true for memory functioning in the The Korsakow syn- drome. in the dream. . is to be the basis of the little Korsakow memory disturb- Thinking presupposes that the idea proper to continue the chain of thought will automatically emerge. the Korsakow patient proper. The incompatible strivings and ideas coexist. for whatever emerges has been remembered in one form or another. 91 necessarily arouse appropriate strivings and In this connection see Israeli (141). The patient is a helpless object of the pushes of these strivings which neither form lack of "orientation" and "anticipation" in a type of thinking similar to "autistic thinking" Incompatible ideas and strivings do not exclude each other. now they interchange and the continuity of experience is altogether broken. These compromises of strivings which are compatible with each other and with an important but known function. In autistic thinking. the idea that finally emerges in consciousness is that one which is reality-adapted. This emergence is a memory function. "Orientation" or "anticipation. It is as though many strivings push ahead the ideas corresponding to them. and maintain that a thought process projects its continuation into the future as "anticipation" and that the memory fitting this anticipation is sought. which in response delivers the proper memories into consciousness. The strivings are no longer pitched to the environment or to each other. as even the simple free-association experiment shows. autistic thinking as manifest in Thus what van der Horst observed was but one of the characteristics of Korsakow patients. and is conceived in terms of space or recurring significant events. and stimulation does not memories. Vol. Saunders. AND 437-448. 5th ed. Press. Remarks on a (6) Psychol. AND BREUER. 1906. S. J. and Norton. Abn. Rev. RIVERS. Krim. STRATTON. PsychoanaL Press. G. 1919. RIBQT. 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Here we shall only describe and appraise the advantages of these experiments and their methods, without attempting to suggest new experimental set-ups based on them. The expression "direct investigation" needs amplification. Let us again focus on the problem of investigating registration, retention, recall. memory function in its three phases: tion It must be clear that the facts of registraand retention are amenable to investigation only through recall. The investigation even of perception implies some kind of reporting, which in turn implies immediate recall. Perception is often viewed as an isolated process, probably because in everyday non-reflective experiencing it is not realized that the process which brings a percept into relation with the whole of psychic happening uses not the "percept" itself but some kind of "trace" of it. It is even clearer in the case of retention than in that of registration that our knowledge depends on recall, inasmuch as "recognition" and "saving in relearning" are but special and may be considered incomplete forms of recall. Thus the "direct investigation" of the in- on memory must include investigations of this influence on perception as well as on any type of reproduction. Accordingly, immediate report of visually perceived material, or reproduction of verbal material in visual imagery and dream images, will be dealt with as recall. fluence of emotions Our survey will be divided into four sections. The first will deal with or reproexperiments on the affective organization of visually perceived duced material; the second with experiments on the affective organization of meaningful verbal material; the third with experiments demonstrating the affective organization of behavior; the fourth with experiments on the interrelation of physiological influence. and memory changes^ effected by emotional .material, This grouping of the material does not carry any theoretical a sharp delineation between these groups. implication, nor does it imply to make for a simple organization of our seemed It is a grouping which and may to a certain extent seem arbitrary. Thus, the second group is described as dealing with verbal material; but also in the 237 first, 238 third EMOTIONS AND MEMORY and fourth groups verbalization is involved. The justification for the descriptive designation of the groups lay in the major characteristic of each. Thus while in the first and fourth groups the verbalization is incidental, and conveys merely the visual perception or imagery, and while in the third group it is merely a part of the behavior investigated, in the second group it is the essential feature; all experiments of this group used verbal production or reproduction of stories, influence" In the previously surveyed material the presence of an "emotional was inferred, either theoretically on the basis of clinical ex- perience or statistically on the basis of experimentally-obtained data. These evidences were only inditial. Whenever only inditial evidence is brought forth, science turns to extreme cases where phenomena which usually are subtle and hidden are manifest in a striking, exaggerated form. This has been done in the experiments to be reported now. Those dealing with the affective organization of visually perceived material used either tachystoscopic extremely short presentation or psychotic subjects; those dealing with the affective organization of meaningful verbal material used psychotic and neurotic subjects or memory material originating in childhood; those dealing with the affective organization of behavior used posthypnotic suggestions. In the case of experiments investigating the interrelation of physiological and memory changes elicited by emo1 tions, this principle of the "extreme case" is clearly stated by Luria (I). The intricacy and multiple stratification of both memory and physiological functions of the human organism necessitated the isolation, through the "method of the extreme case," of that aspect of these functions in which we are interested. The influence of emotions on memory is one which is as hard to perceive as it is powerful, and is rendered palpable only by the "method of the extreme case." For a better understanding of the first three groups of experiments, it seems necessary to discuss the concept of "projection." In current usage, at the first glance, widely divergent this term carries two connotations. First, the term denotes that mode of thinking in which one imputes his to others and looks upon them as external reality; of thinking, though frequently encountered in normal people, 2 is the basis of paranoia and kindred psychoses. Secondly, the term defeelings and thoughts this mode 1 "The observer, who investigates the intricate complexes of behavior has to approach the laws of normal behavior starting from those cases in which these mechanisms are not hidden, i.e. from those of disturbed behavior. ... Of greatest value are for us thus the states of steady disturbances of the organism, the neuroses and psycho-neuroses as well as the passing disturbances of the equilibrium the affects." (pp. 130-131) 2 Wishful thinking is one example of this mode of thinking; the person takes his hopes as reality and interprets events accordingly. DIRECT EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE 239 notes the expression of one's personality in his behavior, 3 especially when confronted with a, new unorganized situation; for example, an artist in his On more creation, or a subject taking a "projective personality test." thorough scrutiny, these two seemingly divergent conceptions of the term prove to shade imperceptibly into each other. Once it is realized that memory changes resulting from "emotional factors" are as revealing of emotions as a person's actions are of his personality, the concept "projection" becomes important for our problem. The general and social psychological meaning of this concept was clearly outlined by L. Frank (3) who, in his discussion of the projective methods of investigating personality, wrote: " . . .we may approach the personality and induce the individual to reveal his way of organizing experience by giving him a field (objects, materials, experiences) with relatively little structure and cultural patterning so that the personality can project upon that plastic field his way of seeing life, his meanings, significances, patterns, and especially his feelings. Thus we elicit a projection of the individual personality's private world because he has to organize the field, interpret the material and react affectively to it. More specifically, a projection method for study of personality involves the presentation of a stimulus-situation designed or chosen because it will mean to the subject, not what the experimenter has arbitrarily decided it should mean (as in most psychological experiments using standardized stimuli in order to be 'objective'), but rather whatever it must mean to the personality who gives it, or imposes upon will it, Ms private, idiosyncratic meaning and organization. The subject then respond to his meaning of the presented stimulus-situation by some form of action and feeling that is expressive of his personality." (pp. 402-403) Here L. Frank expresses tendencies influential in modern ethno-psychology (Mead), field-psychology (Lewin), child psychology (L. Murphy), social of psychology (G. Murphy), in addition to the tendencies and conclusions modern projective testing methods used in clinical psychology, and of play the origin techniques used in psychotherapy and psychiatric research. Of in Freud (4): of the mechanism of "projection" we read "In so far as it is auto-erotic, the ego has no need of the outside world, but, in it tends consequence of experiences undergone by the instincts of self-preservation, to find objects there and doubtless it cannot but for a time perceive inner instinctual stimuli as painful. Under the sway of the pleasure-principle there now takes place are a further development. The objects presenting themselves, in so far as they to an sources of pleasure, are absorbed by the ego into itself, 'introjected' (according other hand, the ego thrusts forth upon expression coined by Ferenczi); while, on the of prothe external world whatever within itself gives rise to pain (the mechanism jection)." (p. 78) tests." This usage developed especially in relation to the "projective personality of the and concept of implied function the of projection, discussion For a detailed 3 behavior, see Rapaport (2). 240 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY 4 In the discussion of psychoanalytic views we saw that "pain" is that any tension may result equated with 'tension' '; thus we might expect further disin projection. This expectation is supported in Freud's (5) ' cussion: had the capacity earlier passage we claimed that the still helpless organism of its perceptions, distinguishing making a first orientation in the world by means the muscles. A perboth 'outer' and 'inner' according to their relation to actions of as external, as is motor recognized activity ception which is made to disappear by no makes difference, the perception originates within where such activity reality; "In an for not only to recognize, but at the subject's own bodyit is not real. To be thus able value to the individual, and he the same time to rid himself of, reality is of great often merciless claims would wish to be equipped with a similar weapon against the to project, i. e. to transfer outwards, of his instincts. That is why he takes such pains within." (p. 149) all that becomes troublesome to him from The .function "A dream it but of projection is shown to operate not only in perception, as phobias. also in dreams and in such pathological thought processes disturb sleep, indicates that something was going on which tended to can be warded off. enables us to understand the way in which this disturbance the The final outcome is that the sleeper has dreamed and is able to go on sleeping; outer an been experience, has him by absorb to replaced inner claim which wanted A dream is, therefore, among the claim of which he has succeeded in discharging. internal an of externalization process. We remember an other things, a projection: the means adopted for that we have already met with projection elsewhere among phobia, too, culminated in the substitution The mechanism of an and defense. of hysterical an outer danger, from which the person might strive to protect himself by for an inner instinctual claim." (5, p. 139) Finally, flight, Freud shows that projection .plays an important (5, role in paranoid pp. 145-146). demands which affective It may be conjectured that the instinctual are identical with and in delusions, dreams, phobias, tend to be projected delusions those whose projection, when manifest in the organization of memories, There are differences is called "the influence of emotions on memory." in dreams, and the the the projection between paranoiac' projection, and in memory phenomena. The projective functions present invests reality, and the dream prothe of disregards totally paranoiac projection tests and in memory phenomena in but in it part; jection disregards in extreme cases for instance, "reality testing" is unimpaired, and only in interpretation of unorganized ink-blots and of photographs of ambiguous scenes the projective process demonstrable. The varied projection phenomena apparently form a continuous chain: hallucinations, delusions, is selective perception, memory phobias, dreams, day dreams, imagination, and errors and transformation^, organization of unorganized material. * See pp. 30-31. DIRECT EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE Projection was thus conceived ject's organizing his percepts, 241 by Freud as the extreme case of a submemories, and behavior according to the "pleasure principle," and attributing to the outside world that which is painful and tension-creating. The use of the word in the term "projective techniques" was a recognition that this process occurs to a degree in all perceiving, thinking, and behavior. Our perceiving is never pho- tography, our memory never kinematographic projection, our thinking never pure logic, and our behavior never totally adapted to the "objective demands" a non-existent quality of reality. Projection, insofar as it tially uses that aspect of our thought processes which is called memory, is essena mechanism of emotional influence on memory. Thus, the projective personality tests should yield an additional contribution to our topic. In the experiments to be discussed, the influence of emotional factors on memory will not be measured by the quantity of retained and forgotten material, which indicates only facilitation and inhibition of recall without revealing the underlying mechanisms. Such experiments demonstrate the influence of emotions on memory in a way which might well be expressed 5 by a modified version of Lipmann's statement they investigate the symptoms of affective influence exerted on the memory function. : 1. THE AFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION OF VISUALLY PERCEIVED OR REPRODUCED MATERIAL There is usually a high degree of agreement among subjects in the visual perception of everyday situations. Thus, it will not surprise us to find that the individual differences in reports of visually-perceived or visuallyreproduced material in other words, the affective organization of the conditions. pertinent memories become perceptible only under extreme or of tiredness be will states dealt with to be conditions The extreme affective states conducive to a type of visual imagery called hypnagogic conducive hallucination; tachystoscopic extremely brief presentation to selective remembering; and presentation of accidental ink-blots requiring shall organize our material, in organization in terms of memories. accordance with these three methods, and deal with (a) the problem of We the organization of symbolism, already touched upon in Chapter V; (b) the organization processes tachystoscopically-presented material; (c) the incidental ink-spots of the of visual the at presentation occurring Rorschach test. A. SYMBOLISM a thing which stands for and represents something else. In our culture it is a common procedure to symbolize abstract ideas by * A symbol is See p. 64ff. ." (8. He observed that while concen- Symbols thus may trating in a tired state. 10) discovered a method to investigate symbolism. 158. I make an effort to find it again. consists in working one's way through. 9. (7. * See p. while the bodies are outside the sphere. it achieves it by reviving memories by lending extreme vividness to the memory traces representing the goal symbolically. the affective reason for the substitution is only too 6 Generally. Freud. EMOTIONS AND MEMORY In folklore and mythology. I run a long knife under a cake as though to take a slice out of it. 6 See Cassirer (6). 9 thinking about the essence of trans-subjectively valid judgments. I remember that I have to correct a halting passage in an essay. Symbolization is a representation. I endeavor to call to my mind the aim of certain metaphysical studies which I am proposing to undertake. . ". what happens in these cases is striving. be conceived of as the reproduction of ideas and of relations once perceived. where the dream thought is represented for the most part in visual images. of an idea in visual images using the available memory-traces for this purpose.g. This is similar to what happens in 7 dreams. p. I reflect. Symbol. to ever higher forms of consciousness or levels of being. S. I see myself planing a piece of wood. 11 (p. pp. Symbol. while seeking for . be the essence of symbolization. but have to recognize that the point of departure has completely es- caped me. the basis of existence. E. where the delusional idea of the pa8 tient emerges in visual and sometimes auditory images. or in other words repro- now duction. : * 7 Symbol. /According or that the wish to Freud. visual representation of ideas appears to transparent. Example I lost the thread of a train of thoughts.242 visual analogues. 365) . symbolic phenomenon" or "hypnagogic hallucination/' may be interpreted as an immediate recall. which usually is regulated and steered by external stimulation through perceptions. and in hallucinations. 292-295). being unacceptable finds its way blocked and takes a reverse the fact that instead of course!^ This reverse course is characterized by striving to obtain its aim in reality. gods and spirits are repre- sented by symbols. the author has a hallucination of a sphere which includes the heads of people. called by Silberer "autosymbolic visual images. Silberer (8. a discussion of which may augment understanding of our problem. This aim. Part of a form of type the last lines of which have fallen out. 517) Further examples of Silberer are quoted by Freud (7) "Example 1. Example 5. the. but their relation to the memory aspect of the organization of our thought processes is complicated. 9. his problem frequently presented itself to him in 9 This phenomenon. This recall is symbolically transformed. and found that the sughypnotized persons rated his results. 612) . according to Silberer's theory.. Schroetter 10 The symbolic transformation of ideas is an example of how affects. and dynamic schemes." (Silberer 9.DIRECT EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE 243 and a symptom rather than a direct revival of the memory traces In 10 question. ." tor. *' the first of these two factors being far more Important. The identity of idea and symbol lies apparently only in the identity of the affects. "The affects may be limited to disturbing apperception . 608) as they . 45ff. Symbolism in this formulation appears as a memory pheis nomenon. in states of tiredness or primitive development. which Interfere with the emergence of the Idea is either by means of pleasure-pain mechanism or by depriving the attention function . It might come about as the result of interference by affects. attitudes. pathological individuals. bring to consciousness the complexes to which they There is sufficient reason to assume that the symbolizatlon which Silberer attributes to the interference of affects. the revival of memory though taking essentials : may occur in symbolic form. or by a passing weakness found In children. primarily the former. using it for autonomous complexes 11 . ' may be brought to a common denomina- When affects become all too strong.).disturbance or limitation from two sources the insufficiency might be caused first by . p. as In sleep. attitudes. secondly. : insufficiency of development (such as and primitives). J 11 " Autonomous complexes" is Silberer s expression for complexes In Jung's sense dynamic schemes may (see p. Thus. this may be either affective or intellectual in origin. 179-180) T." (p. of a part of its energy. The by are described conditions of occurrence of this specific Silberer (9) as follows: memory function "The apperceptive ability to support an idea in consciousness may suffer .. W. and under the pressure of affects inhibited in their free manifestation. 12 A similar theory in reference to dreams was expressed by Stekel: a parade "The dream . may do active work too inasmuch belong. agreed with him on traces "All symbolism betokens a relative Incapacity for either apprehension or presentation. is essentially a play of presentations in of affects. . alexception to many of Silberer's Ideas. . Moore (12) followed Silberer 's experimental method and corrobo- (13) demonstrated the phenomenon of a different symbolism by experimental method: he instructed deeply to dream of sexual activities. or . of apperceptive abilities due to a general decrease of mental energy. they manifest themselves by making for a symbolic reproduction of ideas. and the symbolization which he attributes to Insufficiency. and choose different visual or verbal forms of appearance. or when transient or develop- mental "insufficiencies" facilitate their operation. (pp. 12 Jones (11). their contents were symbolically transformed 18 14 (p. process is inactive as in agnosia and hallucinosis or when time conditions as in brief exposure inhibit its efficiency. (2) The sketch-drawings showed good agreement. showed a delayed. He exposed pictures of land14 scapes and street scenes to normal subjects for ten sigmas. 364-365). 36). these three kinds of impressions were mutually exclusive. and Freud pp. affects known These summarized experiments indicate that one of the influences of on memory is the symbolic transformation of memories in repro- duction. It was assumed that these originate in the peripheral vision. 16). (7. and agnosia patients (Poetzl. This assumption led him to the investigation of the effect of tachystoscopically-presented pictures on dreams. and associations to recorded. in that their geometry was congruous. and on latent hemianoptic. on patients with a total lesion of the central direct field of vision (Poppelreuter. See Ereud 1 (18. but complementary (p. on a green background. p. piecemeal emergence of the visual impressions. their impressions were immediately recorded. B. after several minutes he reported that he saw a yellow flower.244 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY gested sexual material appeared in the dreams in the form of well 13 symbols. and they were instructed to observe and record their dreams and daydreams for the subsequent twenty-four hours. sigma iflW second. Poetzl (17) assumed that the "central abstractive process" which suppresses the partial im- pressions obtained in peripheral vision is inactive in dream-work also. and that in normal vision they are suppressed by a central abstractive process. 348). Sketch-drawings by the subjects of their original impressions and of their them were results subsequent dreams and daydreams were obtained. 315). 17). With nine of the twelve subjects the experiments' were striking: (1) The impressions reported immediately after presentation occurred neither in the dreams nor in the daydreams. For example. the later ones filled in the gaps of the original sketch. When this pin. TACHYSTOSCOPIC EXPERIMENTS (Schumanj Observations on normal subjects after tachystoscopic presentation 15). alcohol-hallucinosis. the emergence of the impression obtained in central vision is followed by a delayed emergence of the fractional impressions obtained in peripheral vision. a patient with a destroyed central field of vision was shown a man with a green neck-tie and a gold tie- At first he reported that he saw nothing. . but while they retained their geometrical configuration. Similar results were obtained by Roffenstein (14). 3. formed the central feature of the to 1 disease process/' (p." (21) repeated PoetzPs exan used psychiatric patients. were used. repeated the experiment and found a delayed emergence of partial impressions in "picture-like processes interpolated between the stimulus and reaction word of the association experiment. in of the present experiment. Do these contents bear a definite relationship to earlier incidents that have been repressed because of their conflicting tendencies? 3. the daydreams. Art reproductions.DIRECT EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE 245 (3) The part of the picture which had remained "unobserved" in the tachystoscopic presentation was found to be connected with an affective conflict of the subject. Allers and Teller (19). This experiment appears to imply the influence of a selective affective makes a part of the tachystoscopically-perceived impressions unavailable for immediate reproduction. were taken as the basis ". and (2) they could be experimentally induced. to the conflict that is instrumental in causing the disease process?" (p. and Malamud periment on of the subject. 314). 1084) These were their conclusions: (1) the factors regarded by the psychoanalytic theory as uniformly occurring dreams were demonstrated in the dreams of a number of our patients. Malamud and Linder formulated their problem as follows: 1. in disease. apparently assuming apperceptive difficulty is present in these cases and need not be introduced by tachystoscopic presentation. These contents seemed have a definite relationship to experiences in the earlier life of the person. in an attempt to disprove Poetzl's psychoanalytic interpretations. symbolically transformed. They exposure time of thirty that the seconds. 1098) . Do both these experiences as uncovered in the analysis of dreams bear definite relationship to the life problems of the person and. we are to deal with the following problems: Is it true that contents in our recent experiences that are forgotten are actually merely repressed and can be shown to recur in our dreams? 2.. The omitted parts. 2. Some contents in the recent experiences of our subjects that were left out of their descriptions were subsequently shown to recur in their dreams. The suppressed parts are not lost. or the associations (p. appeared in either the dreams. these results permit the following answers: 1. It is as though the impression factor which were organized into a foreground and a background. that in our introduction. "In our experiments. The results corroborated PoetzPs findings. Both of these experiences were found to be definitely related to those problems in the subjects lives that. therefore.. chosen to correspond to the central emotional problem Malamud and Linder (20). but emerge in symbolical form in dreams and associations when the pressure of the suppressing force is weakened. "In reference to the questions. as far as could be judged. The Rorschach test. 15 and concluded: "Tachystoscopic experiences show. they saw the figure dressed (the time of exposition varied between #V and T J T of a second). this is a test of directed associations and has some similarity to the "experience associations". an arbitrary everyday life. background. and 16 explained that the test-protocol of every individual reflects his unique association-mechanism. Binswanger's argument does not take cognizance of the fact that the association-process investigated in an association-experiment is an artifact. he considered them as complex as thought-processes. 599) 16 See p. The tachystoscopic experience is therefore more plastic to the wishes 15 whom That came especially clearly into the foreground in children to a naked figure was shown. and allows only its symbolic reproduction in dreams and daydreams. organize a visual impression into an acceptable foreground and an unacceptable." (p. in the Rorschach Test the reaction must fit the ink blot. when their operation is facilitated by brief presentation or by their exaggerated strength as in psychiatric cases. and therefore suppressed. 599) The tachyscoscopic experiments thus appear to show that affective factors. therefore. . C. THE RORSCHACH TEST This test consists of ten ink blots. In some cases the subject declared that the boy was running representing a compromise between what they saw and what they wanted to see. They did not want to accept the fact of mutilation. Depending on their modesty. which are presented to the subject with the question: "What might this be?" In terms of memory experimentation. pictures of a boy in which one arm or one leg was missing." and thus resembles the phenomenon occurring in everyday life. A great number of the subjects saw the complete figure. in both the subject is asked to give a specific kind of assoand not simply the first idea coming to mind. ciation. But in the "experience association" the reaction to be given is an experience. Binswanger (24) objected to considering the processes underlying the Rorschach Test to be an association-process. being thus a directed simplification of the process occurring in He wrote: "In tachystoscopic experiments which were made with Dr. This organization prevents the immediate recall of the part of the impression so selected. 51ff." (p.246 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY Schilder (22) reported a series of tachystoscopic experiments which corroborated Poetzl's findings. partly in different shades of gray and partly in colors. Ross we exposed to subjects among others. a tendency to illusional changes according to the emotional need of the individual. of the subject. Rorschach (23) maintained that the processes underlying the test are association-processes. but that in the Rorschach Test the association-process is more thoroughly embedded in the "organization of thought processes. the process of selecting the best-fitting response is influenced. When emotions are aroused. of anatomical (26). Reaction Time and Succession in the Rorschach Ink-Blot York Branch of the Paper read before the March. 17 we have attempted to demonstrate only that it has a bearing on the memory problem. an abundance (25). Test. to color mobilization of memories fitting the ink blots. long reaction-time to any card appears to indicate that the card arouses a reaction of special emo- tional significance. D. and pedantic subjects usually have long reaction-times. reflects the memory function in its individual differences and cannot but show the influence of affective factors on the organization of memories. rigid. The inhibited. 1939 meeting of the New Rorschach Institute.DIRECT EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE 247 association test. See Rapaport. 18 Depressive. respectively consists here in making difficult smoke. 3. teristically neurotic manifestation. inhibited. and that anxious subjects show a similar imreflect pediment of reaction to dark shadings: thus. The process is the following : the ink-blot mobilizes memories features similar to those of the ink-blot. interfered with. We shall now sum up the role of the "affective factor" in the memory processes involved in this test procedure. it is rarely facilitated. a green one grass. Experience with the test showed that impulsive subjects give either inadequate or no formreactions to bright colors. The contents of the responses may reflect the preponderant affective problems and attitudes of the patient. . the latter will see in the dark blot clouds. and will regard only the form of the blots. the former will call a red blot blood. and the memory which having fits best is given as the response. ally long reaction-time to the first card containing bright colors is Rorschach found that an unusua charac- In general. The reaction-time is the period elapsing between the presentation of a Rorschach card and the first response. "fit" the cards The affective factor time usually impairs the quality of the responses which lengthens the reactionthe degree to which they and disturbs their sequence. or pedantic subject and shading. Between these extremes we find subjects who attempt more or less successfully to reconcile form with color and shading. The reaction to colors and to shadings of gray and black were found to the pattern of the subjects' emotional reactions. or completely blocked. Rorschach and Oberholzer Rickers-Ovsiankma and Beck 18 (27). cannot go into further details of the Rorschach procedure. or impending will not react at all disaster. See Rorschach (23). The influence of affects and anxieties reflected by the reactions to color and a free and rich shading. 1. 2. Symbolic or straight-forward sex-responses reflect sex-preoccupation. This reaction-time appears to be We a subtle indicator of emotional reaction. and the forgotten material became known to the observer only after it had V been recovered with ence and its his assistance. There are few reports of cases except for genuine amnesias where an of these distortions has not been clarified. For example. reaction time. Similarly. 20 This type of forgetting has been called by Erickson "specific amnesia. Criminological experiments on the psychology of testimony show that the attitudes and strivings of a person distort his memory of experiences. The subject's task is to organize an ink blot in terms of his memory images. Such a forgetting differs from genuine retrograde amnesias in that not all the experiences of the period in question are forgotten. 2. General psychological experiments have dealt only with the recall of single words and similar material. which describe a bent or erect figure." . effect of color and shading on the responses. We might sum up the relevance of the Rorschach Test to our problem thus: the test invokes a complicated memory mechanism similar to that at work in everyday life. the principles governing the creation of stories have remained unexplained. how any experience and its recall compare has remained uninvestigated. this organization process reveals the main organizing factors of his personality primarily those of an affective nature and their influence on his intellectual makeup. THE AFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION OF VERBAL MATERIAL In Chapters and VI we encountered phenomena of forgetting due to repression. such attitudes are reflected in responses tents. but the mechanism raised the question without attacking It has long been known that credimus" (what we wish we easily believe). "quod volumus facile important relevant life-experience covering a relatively long period of time was reported and afterwards forgotten by the subject. are that aspect of the test in which the protective mechanism underlying the test becomes directly obvious. and association experiments the problem of it experimentally. 20 An interesting 19 SeeFurrer (28). How recovered memory compare is the original amnesized experia moot question. although it is known that a writer reflects himself in his work. 19 The con- inasmuch as they reveal the subject's attitudes and preoccupations. In most of these instances the fact of forgetting was the primary observation. and processes of recovering forgotten material. and content of responses reveal the influence of affects on this memory mechanism. in general.248 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY responses reflects under certain conditions bodily preoccupation. the character of reactions describing movements of human beings express the general attitude of the patient toward life. but only.a specific chain of continuous experiences within that period. Two examining psychiatrist called in by the police." of the following survey is to evaluate clinical observations of this sort. in which the subject reproduces well-known children's stories remembered from childhood. it a habit to memorize This is a familiar experience to those who make and reproduce selections from poetry. the errors to emotional factors which suppressed the original and sub21 stituted other material. 3) their sincerity or their full belief in their statements be denied. and to facilitate general scientific agreement on the fact and nature of affectively-motivated forgetting by systematizing the reports of The aim experiments in which these phenomena were elicited under controlled conditions. Stalnaker. Three kinds of experiment will be considered: (a) immediate-recall experiments. and wrote: The psychiatrist Inter- "Even close questioning about the Injuries sustained and the venereal Infection elicited either resentful denials or trivial explanations. and White and his collaborators were impressed in their hypnotic experiments by the freedom with which subjects supplanted portions of poetry 21 11 See pp. in which the subject produces a story around a verbally. described their experiences in detail to the reported by Eiickson (29). The experiments to be of stories presented to the subject.or photographically-presented theme. (c) production experiments. . reported in this section deal \\ith the reproduction and the production by the subject of The nature of the influence of affective factors stories on a given theme.DIRECT EXPERIMENTAL EVIDEXCE ca?e in which original experiences 2!!) and their recall were both investigated is female children. and from the principles governing the production of original stories. At no time could (p. (6) delayed-reeall experiments. 46 and 73 of the "Psychopathology of Everyday Life (30). on memory is inferred from the changes found in the reproduced story. who had ben yold by their parents for purposes of sexual misuse and who had suffered sovoro lacerations and infections. the common denominator of this continuum is the organizing affective-factor which influences memory and thought (30) in his production. and they seemed to have no real recognition of the whole experience as an actual happening in their own lives." He and traced reported several examples of faulty reproduction of poems. of learned material are attributable to emotional influence That memory distortions was demon- strated by Freud "Psychopathology of Everyday Life. in which the subject reproduces a story read to him in the experimental situation. These three types of experiment constitute a continuum ranging from the reproduction of learned material to free fantasy creations. viewed the children six months later. . good memory. . These experiments led to several further attempts. All this could occur with perfectly intact intellection. and Freud (18. 22 Yet if these hypnotic memory phenomena are viewed in the light of the evidence offered by by Freud. just as a result of the power asserted by the pathological complexes and attitudes furthermore. may make for forin the getting as well as for "transformation" or distortion of normal state also. using the method and the story material of Koeppen and Kutzinsky. and a retained ability of differentiation and combination. Betlheim and Hartmann (33) presented stories of crude sexual content to patients with Korsakow syndrome. . good attention. it was shown how strongly the expansive power of pathological feeling complexes. as normal. gram- matical relations. but the problem was not pursued with the vigor it warranted. Affective influences.250 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY their own constructions.. directly pertinent to our topic " we occasionally find in them observations : . was analyzed in terms similar to those used in early association experiments. Hull assumed that these constructions are evidence of an unreliability of hypnotic memory. 177ff See pp. in the hypnotic state the repression is weakened and a compromise ensues. 218-219) . See also Schiider . sometimes its content. as we have already seen in the chapter on psychoanalysis. p. we saw distortions in the attitude towards the task to recall the story resulting in changes in The attitude had to be considered sometimes as disturbed. they allow for another interpretation. 36). 23 These investigations were concerned with formal. 161-162). pp. memory material IMMEDIATE KECALL OP STORIES The peculiarity of memory distortions found in the reproduction of meaningful material early attracted the attention of a few investigators. Levy-Suhl (32) published similar experiments. The attitude towards the task changed. nevertheless. influence recall. Schilder (34) conducted a thorough experiment on paretic patients. " (pp. 41-42. Koeppen and Kutzinsky (31) reported a series of experiments on the reproduction This material of simple stories by varying clinical groups of psychotics. logical. and the story as a unity became falsified and distorted. . A. according to whether the affect was normal or pathological. and found that in reproduction 24 the crude sexual content appeared in symbolic translation. his findings described exhaustively the organization of the 22 23 24 See p. and the attitudes arising from these. (35. in which the repressed material is partly recovered in a distorted manner giving the impression of a free construction. another feeling reaction towards the story took the place of the normal one. In the normal state repression results in the forgetting of certain portions of a selection. This experiments using other methods in Koeppen and Kutzinsky's. by coordinated and apparently more unacceptable situations were weakened and generalized to diminish their significance. and demonstrated that in the the children distorted the stories to fit their "emotional" method of reproduction of stories was used with a thera- peutic. D. (p. the present author found a pronounced tendency to 26 eliminate aggressive contents in the recall of a story. 2) on the side of the misapprehension traces of the correct apprehension may emerge. 2) the patient puts himself in the place of the main figure. 3) details which did not occur in the immediate reproduction may after several days emerge in free reproductions. 6) " the reproduction is characteristically infantile. sions concerning the formal." (p. as revealed in the reproduction of stories.> For a general discussion of memory and thought organization see Schilder (36) "Selective Remembering. but also the affective factors underlying them. THE RECALL OF STORIES HEARD IN CHILDHOOD series of Despert (38) conducted a addition to to reproduce reproduction needs. cathartic aim. primitive wishes of the subjects appear as fulfilled. ** In different phases of the therapeutic process. 2) concepts were replaced familiar concepts 3) affectively significant and . . 5) in the reproduction. 26) "1) the original misapprehension is retained in the free reproduction. . 4) contradictory and senseless portions of the reproduction are left uncorrected with striking carelessness. logical characteristics of the distortions were the following: "1) concrete concepts were replaced by generalities. 3) a motif once touched upon is woven further into the story. 4) the repetition of a motif was present. 5) the grasp of both whole and detail was insufficient/ 1 (p. which distort the reproduction of the story in a manner found only in Schilder not only showed the logical-grammatical form of the His concludistortions. a Study of the Recall of Stories by Catatonic Patients. She asked problem children well-known children's stories. In a similar investigation with catatonic schizophrenic patients. B. is characterized by a ready penetration into consciousness of the subject's preconscious wishes and affective attitudes. * See Rapaport. 27) Similar investigations on patients in other psychotic groups were reported by Curran and Schilder (37). 25 processes of paretics. 26) The affective determination of the characteristics of these distortions was summed up as an follows : "1) the substitution of a concept by a coordinate concept takes place to satisfy affective need. dreams.DIRECT EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE 251 memory and thought was that the The aucleus of his findings paretic's memory and thought disturbance. without regard to the meaning of the story." Unpublished. 4) disagreeable facts are substituted by diametrically opposite facts. your story as long and 27 as detailed as you wish. AFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION IN SPONTANEOUS STORY PRODUCTION Another method adopted by Despert. (Thematic Apperception Test). 532) Brenman. the experimenter hypnotized the subjects and again asked them to reproduce the Control experiments in which the hypnotic reproduction preceded story. similar study was conducted by M. In order to gain insight into the nature of these distortions. that of asking for stories around "Tell me a story about a little boy and the father and the mother" leads us to the third type of experiment which in this group plays the same role as the Rorschach Test plays in the group surveyed in the previous section. What is the relation of the individuals in the picture? What has happened to them? What are their present thoughts and feelings? What will be the outcome? Do your Since I am asking you to indulge your literary imagination you may make very best . the normal reproduction were also conducted. both are "projective techniques. Despert demonstrated the affective character of the distortions in reprodifferent types of distortion occurred. in a phase of release. which they had heard during their childhood and had not re-read The reproductions thus obtained were compared with the available versons of the original and showed impressive omissions and distortions. Brenman27 who asked her subjects to recall fairy tales such as Little Red Riding Hood. The Three Bears. in Childhood. are adapted by the child to represent members and problems of his family.252 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY In the initial phase of the treata may tragedy. I shall show you a picture and I make up a plot or story for which it might be used as an illustration. They presented a series of photographs and gave the following instructions: "This is want you to a test of your creative imagination." Morgan and Murray (39) published a report on "A Method for Investigating Fantasies" a given topic of indefinite scenes. The comparison of normal and hypnotic reproductions with each other and with the results of the Thematic Apperception Test indicated that the omissions and distortions in the normal reproduction correspond to "emotional needs" of the on subjects. ment a child distort a story into duction by comparing the original story. its reproduction." 28 of Normal and Hypnotic Recall of Fairy Tales Heard Unpublished study from the Psychological Laboratory of the Menninger This test will be discussed in the next section of this chapter. p. Thematic Apperception Tests 28 were administered in order to obtain information concerning the main strivings and problems of the subjects. M." (40. and A so since. and the case history. . "Studies Clinic. a and problems in the story be The characters happy ending may given. C. these were called by J Mm These fantasy productions are essentially memoryaround a productions given topic. and their organizing factors the "needs" and "presses" were considered affective attitudes." sented in the test pictures. of parapraxis. by Schwartz (47) on school children. The within the phenomenon phenomena. E.DIEECT BXPEBIMENTAL EVIDENCE 253 Investi- Murray later (41) elaborated on this. just as the influences underlying parapraxes in everyday life are not known to the disturbances of affective origin. B. though relevant to our topic.' The main obstacles and difficulties included designated by in the stories were found to represent what the subject experiences as the main pressures exerted on him by his environment. Similar experiments with different picture material were conducted Symonds (50) on adolescents. in general. 46). and explicit statement of them must await further exploration. He found that the main strivings of the figures in the stories represent the subject's main strivings. reproductions of stories heard in childhood. of the experiments with verbal material has included immediate recall of stories. which were as "needs. Erickson (51) published a report on the "Experimental Demonstration * See Chapter V. 45. pp. and production of stories around a visually presented scene." we remain field of memory. 142ff. THE AFFECTIVE OBGANIZATION OF BEHAVIOR In discussing the "affective organization of behavior. The behavior symptoms of the affective influence on memory organization are the subject matter of this section. belongs to the group of these since parapraxes may be considered symptomatic of memory The parapraxes to be discussed here were elicited experimentally by hypnosis. and has indi- Our summary cated the operation of affective forces in reproductive and productive The specific mechanisms of this affective influence on memory are implicit in these experiments and procedures.and fantasy-productions of everyday life. memory. and Amen by by (48) on pre-school children. Rotter (42). 148ff. 29 individual. 3. Harrison (43) and Slutz (49). and were further developed by Massermann and Balken (44. the instructions of the hypnotist which elicited the parapraxes were not remembered by the subject in the post-hypnotic state in which the parapraxes occurred. Murray's findings were corroborated by J. and on other methods of gating fantasy which. and are similar to wishful memory. . for all behavior is to a degree symptomatic of memory organization. cannot be discussed here. A further discussion of this method was given by Murray in his "Explorations in Personality" (40). They were recognized by Murray to be essentially projections of memory products upon the figures pre- Murray "presses. she had occasion to write her name and address for which purpose the experimenter proffered the green pencil.254 of the EMOTIONS A3STB MEMORY Psychopathology of Everyday Life. a somnambulistic subject was instructed in hypnosis that upon returning to her normal state she would falsely recall having had a dream the night before in which a specific green pencil had played such a role as to frighten her deeply. saying she had a pencil. and then made the slip described here: "Finally he interrupted Dr. Although they displayed unusual skill in hiding it. 'The air seems to be awful hot ('hot air!'). The experimenter picked it up and once more gave it to the subject." . the internal bulletin of the Menninger Clinic. It produced parapraxes and slips of the tongue in the same 80 81 In these experiments. I just meant I closed the door. saying.' and got up to close the door.. and with much urgency turned to Dr.. Erickson suggested to subjects in a deep trance that in the normal state they recall as their own an experience which had been suggested by the hypnotist. 1940. they made slips of the tongue and erroneously carried out actions indicative of the presence of the "memory . *Why. The subject left the room and borrowed a new pencil although she might easily have sharpened the old one. I thought I would shut off the draft. She took it and began to write her name however. Dec.' When the hypnotist pretended not to understand and asked him what he was doing the subject replied.' he started visibly. the experimenter again extended the green pencil.* His remark was then repeated by the hypnotist for the benefit of those in the audience who had not heard it.' He was apologetic in his whole manner and bearing. As he did so he was asked what he was doing. In the posthypnotic state. The "experience' was one of which the subject was to be ashamed. When the subject heard his statement given as 'shutting the bore. Brenman. she pressed so hard that the point broke. affect was implanted experimentally in the the of use subjects by hypnosis. 'Did I say that? I didn't mean that. The subject put out her hand and grasped the pencil so awkwardly that it immediately fell to the floor. the subject effected interruptions in the conversation. D. but were unaware that it was only a suggestion. an See TPR. seemed tremendously embarrassed. 341) 1 Similar parapraxes have been demonstrated by Brenman: 81 "In one instance." In another instance. D. they behaved as though it were an actual experience of their past. He replied. When it appeared that she did not. rendering the pencil unfit for further use. and its effect on memory organization was witnessed." In the experiment here 80 reported and in others. I just shut the bore. Erickson describes how a subject was given the post-hypnotic suggestion to be bored by the current conversation. The subjects when brought out of the ' trance were painfully aware of the memory of the suggested experience. I feel an awful draft. She demurred. saying. and the suggestion was given that he make an effort to conceal it. M. but to attempt to conceal his boredom. unpublished paper. 'Excuse me." (p. . but rather on strivings which find expression through relevant chains of memories. Bender's (52) survey of this material. 80. were used to establish the presence and quantity of emotions. In an association experiment Luria instructed the subject to react to a stimulus-word with a reaction-word. the dynamics of underlying behavior remain intangible or by investigating experimentally a representation of these dynamics in a relatively independent motor system. fact that parapraxes can be produced experimentally should prove useful in future experimentation directed towards clarifying specific mechanisms of the emotional influence on memory. The difficulty inherent in these experiments was that they assumed. as well as the techniques of clay modeling. that what the applied physiological methods measured was emotion. At the same time the involuntary movements of the other hand. way The Projective play-techniques used recently. The method most used was the association-method. The every relevance of the association-method lay in the fact that underlying memory phenomena there is an association process. Luria's theory (1) may be outlined as follows: human behavior can be investigated either by immediate observation in which. a discussion of them would lead to many problems distant from our central topic. such as PGR and heart rate. and looked for qualitative rather than quantitative interrelations between physiological and mental phenomena. were registered by an automatic recorder. 51." In these techniques children and psychotics enact their problems and even their early memories. and secondly. . finger paint. 4. See pp. The pressure-curve thus obtained was investigated under systematically82 See L. belong to the realm of "affective organization of behavior. Outstanding among these experiments is that originated by Luria (53). Although these techniques may also contribute to an understanding of our problem.DIRECT EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE 255 that unacceptable affects and strivings produce them in everyday life. considered by Luria to belong to an independent motor system. 32 THE INTEHRELATION OF PHYSIOLOGICAL AND MEMORY CHANGES CONCOMITANT WITH EMOTIONS In Chapter III we discussed 33 some association and recall experiments in which physiological measurements. This association process is not based on contiguity and similarity. however. it is this process which the association experiment probes. and drawing. that the influence of emotion on memory bears a proportional relation to these physiological measures. 47. The type of experiment to be surveyed here was based on somewhat different assumptions. first. and simultaneously to press a lever with his dominant hand. or by experimental Luria was aware of the presence of other factors disturbing the pressure curve. He maintained that while the voluntary motor rather than expresses the dynamic processes underlying hides process the behavior. however. 35 repeated by Huston. "(d) Artificial conflicts. Shako w. . that their effect on the pressure-curve from that of the affective factors. e. in criminals after committing a crime. The relation of the pressure-curve to the affects was not assumed a priori. 19 process. What Luria measured here may justifiably be called symptoms of affect- of toned memories. measured by the pressure-curves. p. states preceding an operation or following a massive shock. creates an clinical diagnosis. as for example the difficulty of such a task as to give subordinate reaction words to stimulus words which hardly allow for maintained. and Erickson who investigated the effects of a hypnotically-induced complex and related the associative 84 ". Mass-affect. there is an evident appearance of the affective situation in the consciousness of the subject followed by a motor storm. He also reported a found means of differentiating conscious and unconscious factors having the pressure-curve." (p. 139) "(c) Artificial affects. but if we consider Luria's theory. p.g. "(b) Natural affects of a shock: e. 157) See also Luria (54) on fact diagnosis. He maintained that his hypnotic experidisturbing such. differed discernibly He ments proved the existence of the memory of a close relationship between the symptoms disturbances shown in the associative-reactions and the disturbances of the pressure-curve.256 EMOTIONS AND MBMOKY varied psychological conditions. and Lebedinsky and Luria (55) on complex constructed by us. the affects were introduced into the experiment the disturbances of the associations and by a systematic induction. appears in a Accordingly. with his association-pressure technique (Die Methode der abbildenden Motorik) Luria investigated various disturbances of the pressure-curve. This procedure may seem not to differ from those just criticized. which is in many people concentrated on a certain situation. selection of affective life-situations.g. his experiment new light. which for a time breaks up any normal reaction . though not yet being conscious. . which are induced in the laboratory by the method of conflicting individual tendencies. (53. Investigations affective situations: were made in four different types of "We used the following cases in which a situation known to us left marked trace in the subject: "(a) Natural affects. 156) "The 35 affective affective state and determines the flow of the free associative series " (53. involuntary motor process reveals the underlying dynamics. 34 These hypnotic experiments were (56). Suggestion of affective complexes in hypnosis. they investigate Its influence on the memory function as well as on the physiological motor function. Shakow. This theory seems to be in accord with the Freudian concept of affects. Luria maintains that disturbances of the pressurecurve resulting from affects are distinguishable from effects on the curve of "any disturbance In the total organism. and they advance a theory of "levels of discharge/* according to which the emotional tension may find discharge on various levels of the functioning of the organism. the less at a nonverbal level. Reymart and Speer (57) found that the Luria Technique Indicates tensions rather than emotions. according to which the "affect charge" either gains a peripheral discharge. J and that "any disturbance s itself in terms of muscular tension" in the total organism might register The fact remains that (p. discussed In Chapters 1I M and V.257 reactions to the pressure-curves. Although we have here avoided experiments using the method of conditioning." (p. experiments. provide evidence that the affects and the "complex indicators" in the association-experiment are connected with definite changes of the pressure- Luria curve. 36-37. and vice versa. 165ff. and Erickson. 93} They concluded excitation created : "The hypothesis is suggested that there may be levels of discharge' so that if by the conflict is not discharged verbally there is a spread to voluntary and involuntary motor levels. p. It will be ing experiments. as well as that of Huston. 95) The theory of "levels of discharge" advanced here is In harmony with the theories of emotion." (p. 86 worthwhile to make clear our reasons for avoiding discussion of conditionThose conducted on animals. Furthermore. First. one such experiment by Diven (58) will be discussed because of its unusually careful construction and conclusions. they corroborated Luna's findings. . An implication of this hypothesis is that the motor aspects of the Luna technique sometimes may not reveal the presence of the conflict. which have been so * See See pp. or is mastered psychologically and exerts its effect on mental functioning. and reported further: "Our results indicate that the more discharge at a verbal level. 200). 37 according to which the central process underlying emotions may find discharge in very differ- ent physiological and psychological phenomena. These experiments have three advantages: they investigate a well 3' established affect. To our knowledge. autonomic. In animal experimentation. Another reason for avoiding the method of conditioning was mentioned previously: 38 conditioning limits the freedom of reaction. This was followed by a "deconditioning session" 88 89 See p. or through involuntary innervations in motility. indicates that emotional expression. but in the process of conditioning. In an association experiment Diven used a series of stimulus words. repression.258 EMOTIONS AND MEMOKY frequently quoted by authors dealing with memory and specifically with the influence of emotions on memory.and memoryprocesses are discharge phenomena of one common factor. and so on. the "critical word". repetition of the conditioned response without the unconditioned stimulus results in extinction. and thus is not comparable to life situations in which the effect of emotional factors on memory is palpable. and memory processes. because in human beings in a conditioning situation he observed phenomena similar to the Freudian mechanisms of displacement. The value of simultaneous investithese three of levels of functioning of the organism lay in the fact gation that the emotional effect of the electric shock was assumed to manifest not only in memory phenomena. have been avoided because our aim was to shed light on the role in memory function of the delicate entity called the "emotional factor. and emotional influence on thought. For an excellent survey of the experiments and theories concerning the relation between learning and conditioning. the exact relation between learning and conditioning is still unsolved. Diven investigated the conditioning effect of electric shock on motor. but on the other two levels as well. . thus no 39 reliable inferences from one to the other are possible. Diven's experiment will be discussed in spite of these reservations. the reaction time was measured. 78. emotional behavior. A further reason has been pointed out by Finch and Culler (59): in the learning-process repetition supports remembering. see Hilgard and Marquis (60) . one In one phase of the experimentpair of which recurred frequently. and that this "the emotional factor" may find its discharge through autonomic factor itself channels in physiological phenomena. The subject was then asked to recall the stimulus words. or through thought and memory processes by means of neural mechanisms still unknown. called the "conditioning sessions" an electric shock was administered simultaneously with the second word of the recurring pair. and that the gap is still unbridged between emotional experience and its observable physiological and behavioral manifestations. like Luria's." It has been repeatedly stressed that we have only introspective evidence of the presence of this factor. only behavior and physiology are observable. thus we have not sought contributions to our topic in the field of animal experimentation. Thus Diven's experiment. 259 and again the subject was asked to Simultaneously with the associative-reactions representing the psychological level. taken immediately after this 'Neutral recall/ show marked auto1 40 The pre-critical stimulus was the first word of the recurring pair. (a) Direct or 'Primary Displacement of affect' from natural emotional objects.S. neutral terms being favored. Varying intervals between conditioning. This may be tentatively accepted as a demonstration of dynamic repression. and a PGR measurement of the reaction on the autonomic level was taken. 291) Italics mine. and always immediately preceded an electric shock. 2.' further corroborated by all the evidence 4. were used as controls. thereby endowing a formerly neutral term with power to form affective symbolic 'complexes' and produce neurotic symptoms both mental and physical. ideas or situations to neutral ones can take place unconsciously when experience brings thorn into functional relation. The average number of words recalled after deconditioning is much larger than in the recall before deconditioning and the difference is completely reliable. E. This may be interpreted as a dynamic process resulting from 41 'Primary and Secondary Displacement. 7. 6. and recall. in the 48 hour experiment the average number of words in the first recall increases sig2 nificantly over other experiments^ and this is reflected in the increased Neutral character of the associations. Diven differentiated between subjects who became aware and of the critical and subjects who 40 pre-critical stimuli. This traumatic preponderance or 'vividness of conscious content at first recall does not occur in the control experiments where no trauma was imposed. even when the secondary term has never been connected with the 'trauma' (natural stimulus) which began the displacement sequence or complex formation. The G. as well as parallel experiments without the electric shock. In the analysis of his results. chronic and acute. This increase or 'release' is not a practice effect from the word list having been repeated. The Secondary Displacements can.ll. and shall not discuss the other interesting findings which also show a striking parallel to Freudian mechanisms: "1.DIKECT EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE in which no electric shocks were given. recall the stimulus words. 5. because it does not occur where the word list is likewise repeated but no 'trauma' is imposed. . 41 Diven defines "primary and secondary displacement" as follows: "Displacement. 3. in their turn. deconditioning. (c) A Primary Displacement can lose its dynamic strength without from that affecting the strength of complexes built up by Secondary Displacement Primary. Traumatic terms constitute a significant majority of section. D. in this following the words actually recalled before deconditioning. With %4~ 48 hour incubation the preponderance in first recall is Neutral (chance distribution). did not become aware of the significance We shall quote here only that section which deals with the recall tests. amalgamate complexes with resulting neurotic symptoms. (b) 'Secondary Displacements of affect' may accrue unconsciously from the Primary to other formerly neutral terms which are in some way meaningfully related to the Primary. further corroborated by conclusions 7 and 8 following." 42 (p. a modified Luria Technique was applied to measure the reaction on the "cerebro-spinal" level. data. 10. and the unpretentiousness of the conclusions make it probable that Diven's findings will be corroborated. The material consisted of experiments on (a) the affective organization of visually perceived or reproduced material. SUMMABY 1. the increase for Neutral terms in first recall after incubation was 32.260 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY nomic displacement to the traumatic categories. specifically on the laws of frequency and time-decrement. the factual treatment of the data. Their significance lies in the fact that they are in striking contrast to any expectation based on the memory.0% of traumatic terms while unconscious S's showed an increase of 8. which may be tentatively cited as demonstrating what is known to the clinician as 'reactivation of a repressed complex. their pertinence to the Freudian theory.. The dynamic system. (v) what was pointed out as a phenomenon analogous to 'reactivation of a repressed complex' in the second recall after incubation is more marked in unconscious than in conscious S's. i.e. . 8. (c) the affective organization of behavior. 43 (b) the proportion of traumatic terms in this increase is greater in the unconsciously integrated system. 43 to designate those subjects The terms "conscious" and "unconscious" are used here loosely by Diven who were aware or were unaware of the significance of the critical and pre -critical stimuli. which we suggest to be operative.0 in traumatic terms in addition to their greater increase in Neutral words. conforms to hypothesis regarding consciousness-unconscious functional similarity since the KIND of behavior is parallel throughout. (d) the interrelation of the effect of emotions on physiological (6) and memory phenomena. The recall AFTER deconditioning shows a REVERSAL from a Neutral to a traumatic majority. conscious S's lost 1. (ii) the unconscious system contains more traumatic words. and (c) the unconsciously developed system is more fixed in its reactivity since (i) in the second recall conscious S's produce fewer and unconscious S's more words. 22. (iv) repression effects are more marked for unconscious S's.9% for the unconscious S's. The experimental data further conform to hypothesis regarding the relatively greater strength of unconsciously integrated complexes. 307-308) The great number fifty-two of subjects used." (pp. the affective organization of verbal material. they are further significant in that the effect of the electric shock on memory is dealt with not only quantitatively but qualitatively. general psychological theory of 5. as shown by (a) the increase in the average number of words recalled after incubation is greater for unconscious than for conscious S's.8% for the "conscious.' 9. (iii) in the release of words AFTER deconditioning (2nd recall increase over the 1st) the conscious S's release toward the Neutral terms whereas unconscious S's release toward the traumatic words. 2. at the same time. the careful definition of the terms. The experiments surveyed in this chapter offer direct evidence concerning the influence of emotions on memory. 607-683. A. 3: 661-723. Forsch. S. Ed. Experimented Symboltraeume. Psycho- anal. 1938. 8: 389-413. POBTZL. 1929. In: Collected Papers. Pp. Pp* 54-57. 1001 pp. REFERENCES (1) LUEIA. Barth. A. First publ. . (6) CASSIEBE. 0. E. K. Bericht ueber eine Methode gewisse symbolische Halluzinationserscheinungen hervorzurufen und zu beobachten. 1912. Modern Libr. Wien. (11) JONBS. 1919. 4. 1938. (9) SiLBBBBB. Exp. 1909. Kongr. Pp. It was stressed that these experiments attacked field Further investigation of this unknown mechanisms of an unexplored field. W. K. 1907. 1916-1918. Cassirer. 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Upon : are indistinct. that at an examination he asked a student to give the analytic definition of kinetic energy. material thus selected necessitated interpretation. clarified before 1. coordinating and subordinating observations. results. 264 It may interpreted in several ways: as scrutiny of a certain field of knowledge . which appeared relevant to the problem of the role of emotions in memory functioning. The student's answer was unsatisfactory. for it necessitated selection as well as organization of the material. we be were led by our views of the meaning of the material. partly because we had influence to demonstrate the pertinence of material collected in fields remote from what is usually considered the realm of memory investigation. and theories. "What is the difference between the analytic definitions of kinetic and of potential energy?" setting out to survey the literature of the relation of emotions to memory. and partly because we had to discuss the pertinence of material of authors who claimed to deal with "emotional influence on memory. we felt much like the pupil of Eoetvoes we aimed at determining the relation of two entities which. he implored the professor Eoetvoes then yielded. have we at least found out what must be the solution to our problem may be achieved? In this chapter we shall summarize and discuss such aspects of our survey as will help the reader to find his own answer. in the present state of our knowledge. Eoetvoes then asked him to give the analytic definition of potential energy. in organizing. The concept "critical survey" warrants a short discussion. others claimed to investigate "the influence of emotions on memory". of which the more cautious claimed to investigate "differences in retention of pleasant. differs from each of these. unpleasant and indifferent words". Whenever it seemed obvious to us." as well as the questions." The pursuit of our aim led us to several problems. we pointed out the relation between the conclusions of different fields. of which it is but a part. however. Our survey has shown that although abundant facts have been accumulated relevant to our problem. We have attempted to infer what in each field was field may considered to be the effect of "emotions" on the memory function." The task was to evaluate the bearing of these experiments on our problem. generalized amnesias to which it was considered intimately related. clinical psychologists and psychiatrists men frequently find that the patient ''forgets" to give and other medical what is obviously the most pertinent information. The problem presented itself thus: how can we formulate the influence of emotions on memory if we . and expected to gain little by studying them. We turned to the literature to see what is known from experiments and observations concerning the process of this "influence of emotions on memory. At the outset we attributed small significance to these experiments. We encountered a wealth of experimental reports. Scrutiny of them. The sense in which these pages be called a "critical survey ." though nearest to the latter. scrutiny of a field in the light of its own aims and results. ing with the present state of knowledge in our field. however." Our task was to investigate whether and in what sense this is generally maintained. 2. and what was the nature in each field of the phenomenon called "emotion" or "affect" or other equivalents. both as we saw them prior to this and as we see them now. the interrelations of these facts will have to be subjected to crucial experiments before an attempt at a unitary theory can be made. or. We have refrained.CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 265 in the light of a well-established larger field. from suggesting any general theory to link the This method we considered to be in keepfindings of the different fields. led us to problems which proved to be of paramount importance for our survey. scrutiny of a with regard to its inner consistency. and what the basis of the assertion is. or. the boldest claimed to be "experimental investigations of repression. THE PROBLEMS WHICH INITIATED THIS SURVEY seems to us that our survey will not be complete without a descripmain problems in the field. were conceived and designated as being of an "emotional origin. or unwittingly gives false replies to crucial These peculiar phenomena of "forgetting. survey Originally our problem was posed by the fact that in the taking of It tion of the case-histories. furthermore. in the rapidity with which this theory developed. the search for a of emotions and of their role in psychic life leads inevitably to the psychoanalytic theory. Furthermore. as a consequence. Psychoanalytic literature contains a wea|th of observations and theoretical considerations pertinent to the role of "emotional factors" in positive and purely psychological theory remembering. Thus we The difficulties of this theory for non-psychoanalytically trained psychol- The theory is based ogi^ts and other experimental scientists are several. our survey would be of value only if we were able to discuss both memory and emotions in one or the other terminology. outsiders frequently quote divergent definitions of identical expressions. It was difficult to integrate this theory into our material." "emotional." and "emotional influence on memory. an expression used first to designate a certain phenomenon or function would be later assigned a second meaning.266 conceive of emotions EMOTIONS AND MBMOBY as is* usually done in such physiological terms as and "peripheral changes" "hypothalamic localization." "emotions." were used in so if many is diversified contexts that it was difficult to see what any meaning common to these concepts." "affect." This investigation led us to the problem of how to define emotions. Another problem was that of dealing with the relevant psychoanalytic A great part of the experimental work on the influence of material. and the dynamic : theory of memory explaining the work of memory in everyday life to which psychoanalytic theory contributed a great deal is still young. for we had to avoid certain errors frequently committed by psychologists whose attention . emotions on memory has been done in an effort to investigate tfye psychoanalytic theory of forgetting. and as psychological and physiological terminologies are far from being integrated into one unequivocal terminology." while conceiving of memory processes as is usually done in such psychological terms as "recognition" and "reproduction"? Our initial view was that as the interrelation of psychological and physiological phenomena is an enigma. for in the literature we found that such expressions as "emotion." "affective. The problem was to find out which terminology was more suitable to the present state of research in the fields of "memory. decided to devote extended discussions to it. the methodology of which is not yet explored. although the first meaning would survive and be used simultaneously with the second. consequently it is difficult to distinguish between psychoanalytic observation and psychoanalytic theory that is. between fact and interpretation. Initially we believed that the use of these terms was careless and rendered the concept "emotion" a scientifically useless generality. This theory commanded our special attention in spite of these difficulties no other purely psychological theory of emotions existed. on clinical procedures. Secondly. If we have read well repetition" . demands much Thirdly. with its new terminology meaning. when we 3. and we decided to attempt to systematize what is maintained by this theory pertinent to our problem. this survey embedded these phenomena into a great continuity of other phenomena. so are other psychological phenomena for instance. "pain. and to what views we have been led by the material organized in this survey. the difficult task of analyzing the psychoanalytic end of obtaining the full implication of any one of. it has usually been taken for granted. showing that what happens in "forgetting" and "amnesia" are specific If it is maintained cases of what happens in "remembering" in general. that concepts of the psychoanalytic theory are identical with those of general This assumption is unwarranted. Rather. First." our survey has shown that so is a wealth of other memory phenomena. in order to make clear precisely what an intricacy of interrelations must be regarded by the experimentalist when attempting to test its tenets.CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 267 has been attracted by the psychoanalytic theory. where there is still a great difference and its fusion of case material of the reader. are difficult to approach experimentally." "inhibition/' "unconscious" carry a specific technical psychology. Memory theory has already experienced one revolution wrought by Gestalt theory. "pleasure. It was our view that the difficulties warrant an intensive rather than perfunctory treatment of the psychoanalytic theory by experimental and general psychologists. being life observations. that "forgetting" and "amnesia" are of "emotional origin. or theories has been rarely undertaken by experimenters. in psychoanalytic conwords which are commonly used terms in psychology as. and such the initial views we held. Has our survey elucidated the problem of the forgettings occurring in medical anamnesis." and by explaining the dependence of remembering on the logical relevance and structural properties of the memorized material. a similar situation obtains in biology. between experimenting on preparations and on living substance. psychoanalytic observations. It cannot be denied that this literature. on the basis of identical or similar wordings. Such were the most general problems we encountered. a much older science. perception which shade into those of memory. commenced to organize this survey. statements. This replaced the laws of "frequency of loss of retention in and "time decrement" by explaining strength of retention and terms of "meaningfulness" and "organization. literature to the and theoretical conclusions. THE VIEWS ARRIVED AT BY THIS SURVEY Let us now outline to what extent our initial view has changed. and of the wholesale amnesias? Neither a flat affirmative nor negative would be the correct answer." cepts. its concepts. on the organization of memories ? by strivings. However. in theoretical remarks of authors. many important contributions which have not been considered pertinent to the problem. it seems safe to assert that this "organization" may manifest itself in many different forms. born. and even in some at- But this new theory has not yet been the and theoretical attempts have remained findings. In different fields relevant to memory function we have found indications for such a theory in experimental facts. Bartlett's formulation of this theory was that "reproduction is the justification of an attitude. the thesis of the new memory theory may be formulated thus: the memory laws based on logical "meaning" and" "or- memory of ganization" of the memory material refer only to special cases of memory organization." The memory investigations Ebbinghaus type dealt with nonsense or logically non-relevant material. it is safe to assert that a new revolution of the theory of memory is in the offing. The variety of effects which the emotional influence may have on organization will become clear to us when we describe the view we have gained of the significance of the experiments of general psychologists memory . observations. also frequently become the subject matter of memory-functioning. and uncontinued abrupt beginnings. the more general theory of memory is the theory based on "emotional organization" of memories in other words. but the subject matter of the new memory investigations is the emotionally relevant experiential material This new theory does not disregard the fact that the of everyday life. although the theory of "emotional organization of memory" has not yet crystallized." Mueller-Frcienfels formulation was that "it is the 'feeling and attitudes' that use memories and of the let them be more than flatus vocis. but it maintains that these are extreme cases and frequently artifacts in a great continuum. and the merely logically-meaningful.268 EMOTIONS AND MEMOET the bearing of the material surveyed. Conceptual confusion. the fundamental organizing factors of which are "emotional. experiments with indications of a trend." The picture of this "new revolution of the theory of memory" should not be drawn too glibly. in observations. many pertinent experiments with important results which attracted little attention because of an unpretentious presentation this is the real situation in the field. It is more a promise than a reality. meaningless. and that the more general theory of memory is the theory built by Gestalt psychology on "meaning" and "organization. It has been said that Gestalt psychology has shown that the laws of of the Ebbinghaus type refer only to special cases of memories minimal organization." If this formulation is correct. insignificant experiments with pretentious claims. the memory investigations of the Gestalt psychologists dealt with logically "meaningful" material. unfinished tempts at theoretical formulations. and increased with the meaningfulness and relevance of the material. and the possibility that in its original context it had a different meaning was rarely On repression. either when material in question or when reporting in retrospect the experiences of the course of the memory experiment." and the and convenmore purely quantitative the method of experimentation employed. On the other hand."the avoidance of arousal of pain through memory. for no other has discussed directly an "influence of emotions on memory. and the more individually its affective tone was determined in the experiment. had some influence on memory. The material obtained revealed a "lawfulness. The origin of these claims was perhaps that. we have had to modify this view. The more personally relevant the material was. the greater logically the affective intensity the better it was retained. (d) in the experiments employing . of the quality of the "emotional factor". this. except for the questionable "law of effect." This thesis was understood in general psychological terms." a formulation which allows for manifold mechanisms of executing the "avoidance" was usually missed. we doubted their significance for our problem. appeared to be less significant. false Thus. the more obvious was the influence . Our initial view ments had to necessarily contradictory results of these experito the yield consistency of the results. it became clear that with few exceptions these experiments are not pertinent to the psychoanalytic theory of forgetting and It has been shown in our survey that they were based on the assumption that this theory taught the "forgetting of the unpleasant. the more consistent the results became. as the experimenters put it. however. however. (c) the more intellectualized tionalized the nature of the "emotional factor. the consistency of the more recent and methodoinvestigated. more adequate experiments could not be dismissed.CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 269 of emotions on memory/' As we have already stated. On the basis of the material collected. the one hand. the more the intensity of the "emotional factor" was correlated with the influence exerted on memory the more qualitative the methods and the more genuine the emotional experiences employed." which may be stated as follows: (a) "emo- of the insignificant and the tional factors" whose presence was indicated by the subject. (b) this influence depends both on the intensity and quality rating the memory of the "emotional factor"." no other theory could on the "influence many have served as a background to these experiments. There appeared to be a tendency also towards favored retention of the pleasant over the unpleasant." When commencing our survey of these experiments. of these experiments claimed to prove or disprove the psychoanalytic theory of forgetting. These experiments tended to show that the more intensely the material was liked or disliked or. the real theory. we found that "emotional factors" may not only quantitatively or inhibit remembering. the qualitative influence of the emotions on the memory process. The main difficulty . For the most part was not clear what was the difference between these "emotional factors" that made possible this wide variety of memory phenomena. did not yield theoretical results. Our imit pression. such as their influence on the sequence of emergence of memories and their resulting spotlike forgetting. <a hierarchy of emotional factors and of their influence on memory unfolded before us in these experiments. impelling them steadily into consciousness in an obsessive fashion. facilitate They were found to lend persistence to certain ideas. however." we attempted to understand their interrelationship. nesias in which the removal of inhibitions made strivings more free and later these strivings when allowed for richer. The viewing of emotions in physiological terms prevented many investigators from seeing the possible interrelationship of emotions and memory it prevented . condensing.270 EMOTIONS AND MEMOEY more genuine emotional factors. the field remained in an undeveloped. The survey of the literature seemed to bear out our initial views. distorting. They appeared to be the basis of the blotting out of memories of certain periods of life which were organized around specific strivings. were superseded by others or became unacseen as the basis of organization of those impressively were ceptable. This approach resulted in vague speculations or in a fact-bound experimentation which. as it was not guided by theoretical considerations. [reproduction. each other in a continuum. Even within the narrow range of emotional factors employed which with few exceptions were more or less conventionalized we found a wide variety of the degree of conven- tionalization and a correspondingly wide variety of emotional influences on memory. was reported. or result in forgetting. Thus. The structure of this hierarchy Our task seemed to be finished when we had the material so as to show these hierarchic variations of the organized influence of emotions on memory and the shading of these variations into is in need of exploration. thus. and symbolically replacing them. Following this hierarchy beyond the realm of these experiments. unsystematized state. despite the increase of the volume of experimentation. They of segregated systems memory which characterize alternating multiple were shown to be the basis of the hypnotic hyperm^ They personalities. psychological analysis of this relationship. though less exact. was that here too there exists a hierarchy of emotional factors and of their influence on memory. To understand the mechanisms of the "influence of emotions on memory. They were found to organize the emerging memories. and slips of tongue as well as distortion of the material. as in the case of behavior disorders of children. Jacobson's. interrelationship of emotions and memory in psychological terms appeared tion. as in the case of normal and pathological thinking. memory. we connot necessary to assume that emotions have an influence is possible that the basic psychological factors or dynamics underlying the experiencing of emotions are identical with those which come to expression in the form of memory organization attributed to emotional influence. (2) changes in the usual routine habitual behavior. as in the case of slips of the tongue. The hierarchy of the emotional factors discussed would be a hierarchy of these basic which may factors of personality organization. we have drawn from it is this The material surveyed appeared to indicate that possible and perhaps useful to build a psychological theory of emotions. theory recognitions: (a) that the emotions are expressions or discharge processes of energies. This formulation of the concept "emotion. or chronic. as in the case of rage. be called psychic energies. (b) that the underlying field dynamics. however. of which emotions are discharge processes. as in the case of psychosomatic disturbances. Having investigated this interrelationship. These discharge processes may be of the following kinds: (1) peripheral physiological changes. but not energies in themselves. is nothing known about possible. for in spite of Lashley's. or in a chronic fashion. the hierarchy of "emotional influences on memory" would be a hierarchy of the manifestation of these basic organizing factors in memory-functioning. or drives. This loose usage appears thus to b not merely terminological carelessness." as a discharge process of the central organizing dynamics of the personality. This leads to the view of emotions which survey. Thus. it is it cluded that on memory. are unconscious. (3) organization of the thought and memory processes of the person either in a transient fashion. memory organization and emotional experience would be two among many possible expressions of these basic factors. either transient. but rather an indication of . may explain the widespread and apparently loose usage of the term. strivings. either transient. which later can be amalgamated with corresponding physiological theory and a Such be based on would these knowledge.CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 271 of this approach was that Cannon's theory of the physiological concomitants of emotions had no counterpart in a physiological theory of and others' experimentathe physiological concomitants of the psychoThe clarification of the logical processes of learning and remembering. (c) that inherent to the conditions characteristic of the genesis of emotions are conflicting instinctual strivings. as in the case of emotional expression and related physiological changes. or chronic. (d) that the discharge process may be of one of many processes. have not been penetrated suffiIt also was obvious that the psychoanalytic ciently by this theory. and the misunderstandings and misinterpretations of it. there appears to be a whole hierarchy of emotional factors. chapter on "memory pathology" findings will become "common treasure" only after psychoanalysts and psychologists have applied themselves to translate into a common language the tenets of psychoanalytic theory. But it Finally. the close study of psychoanalytic theory useful. need to investigate and clarify the problems of such a hierarchy was indiA similar cated. Otherwise the confusion concerning psychoanalytic theories. ranging from those which are genuine and The deep-seated to those which are intellectuali^ed and conventionalized.272 EMOTIONS AND MEMORY a vague recognition that all the phenomena designated as "emotional" are comparable manifestations or discharge processes of the basic dynamics of psychic life. have proved also appeared to us to seemed that we succeeded in deriving a rich contribution to our problem from the psychoanalytic literature. and even within each of them. the physiological maniterminological problem was present in regard to It appeared festations and the psychological experience of emotions. and so make them amenable to revealed scrutiny. Our survey indicated that corresponding to the different discharge processes. Inasmuch as the investigations on" "emotional influence" lead to unconscious determining factors and to the dynamics of personality organization problems which have not been more intensively investigated by any other group or school of psychologists the need to clarify psychoanalytic tenets. appears to be one of the immediate needs by this survey. and the need to clarify its terminology appeared urgent. and Mac Curdy 's suggestion to refer to the experience as affect and to the physiological manifestations as emotion appeared tentatively plausible. can only grow worseif that is possible. It became apparent that many fields especially that dealt with in the though closely bordering on the domain of psychoanalytic investigations proper. . reasonable that these should be terminologically distinguished. S.. 65. 211. H. 178.. 80. 85. 258. 15. 232 128. 2.. 227. 107. E. S. 228. 228.. 106. Bacon. J. J. 176. Barrow. C. 44. Angell. 106. 101. B. 166. D. E. L. 196. 231. 205.. 50. Birnbaum. 183 L H. 108 51-. 82.242. 137 105 Bender. W. 80.. K. N. M. 51. 225.. H. 98.235. L. 121. 229. W.233 Brenman. M.. 254 J.. 75... 37 Angler. A. M. F. Bernheim. 210. 16. 31. 127. 123. 187. G. 182 Ach.. 2.. 74.. 25. P. R. 120.. 15. 236 Boring.M. 271 Cantril. 231 Brierley.. 178.N. F. 81. 233 Crosland. 110 Brown. K. 103 Cordes. H. 84 Carr. 61.. 234. 234 W.. 60. R. 59. E. A.39. 104. 159... 215. M. 235 Bolger.. 171 137 Binswanger. 18.. 103 Balken. 262 Beebe-Center. 108 Bernard. 80. 61.245... R. P. 235 Allen. 232 Allers.. E.F. 262 Cory. H. Bramwell. M. 37. W.. 22. L. 104 Butler. 104. A. 234.. 6... L.. 83. 78.. 233 Burger...135 Adams. H. 103 Azam. 43. 107 Aschaffenburg. 19. 3.262 Allport. 83. 203.261 Cattell. 63. 101.. 55. 70. 138 R. 23. M. 180. 103 83. E. 95. D. D. 105 Carroll. Bibring. E. Cassirer. 37 82. 177. 232 Berliner. 24. 96. A. 250. 119. 236 Burtt. 142 Allport.. 263 Bennet. A. 51. H. 247.. G. 197.INDEX OF AUTHORS Abeies. 81.. K.. R.. K. C. 12. 39 Carter. 43... 255. 107. 235 39 . 120. 128. 115. E... 16.J. 232... 195..M. L. E. 174. 84. 81. 108 Alexander.. F... 179.. 38 Brough. 228. 39 Chaney. 133. 216. 139 Bonhoeffer. Cason. 235 Beck. 160. 139 Bleuler. 138. Bard. L. P. 128.. 82. 106 Barnes. 232 Bouman. 236 Bunch. 183. 118. 84. 39 Darwin. 263 M. 226... 86. 132.. 45. 139 Alpers. 198. W. C. 32. 165.. 177. 81.. 104 Curran. 3.. 263 132. 63. 38 Cannon. 232 Abraham. 116. 139 Amen. 40 Britt.. J.225. 193.. 183. 208. 121.262 Dahl. K. W. Berrington.. 17. 62. M. 83. F.. H. 130. G. 223. 77. 50. J. 262 Culler..R. 42. 236 J. S. 42. C. S. 222. 198. G. 222. 252.. E. 105. 128. H. W. 81. 17. 221.. 84. 106 Bonaparte. 4. 139 Birenbaum.. 38 Brown. D. 107 92. 236 Dallenbach. 38. 69. 89.... 189. 138. 172. 225. 94. 123. 39 Buerger-Prinz. Bryan. 8 Bain. 173. 19.. 229. 110. 17. 49.251. 118. 128. 83. K. 24.. G. Breuer. M. 268 80. 108. 216. R. R.. 38. Bartlett. 16. 108 Charcot.. 15. 103 Coriat. 37. B. 51.. E. W. 181. F.. 25. 103. 138. 30. 191. 89. 224.. 199.E.109. 138. C. 192. I. 182 Betlheim.. 115. 210. 253. 207. 109. 138 273 Dana. 73. 39.F. 188. 246. 231 Barret.. 104. 82. 44.. 25. 202. 228. 138 Calkins. B. 91. 253. J. 181. P.113. 263 Buehler. H. M. Baxter. 177. W. 117. } 19. F.. 121. G. 71. J. E. 110. M. 117. H. 226 Colgrove. B. M. 128. C. F. E. N.. 170 Erickson. 204. A... 239.. 34. 182 Flanagan. A. 177. 186. 209. 137. 233 Golant-Rattner. K. 239. D.. R. 83. 227. 106. 106. 9 Hoenigswald. 174.. 233. 192. R. 231 Ferenczi. 253. 38 Gruenbaum.. 249. 231. 229. 177. 70. 106 Davis. 37. 66.. 31. 211. 111. K. 212. 26. 18. 257. 128 Henderson.35.201. 139 M. 38. 84.. 257.. G. 233 Dewey. 227. 211.37 Gaver. J. 208.. 138 3. 42. 53. E. E. 62. 66. 39. 233 Dorcus. 89. H. M. 236 Goldstein. J. 225. 106 Hilgard. 70. 204.. 89. 232... 249. N. 71.. 187.. 140-171. 19. 3. 39 Gordon. Dunn. 232. 110. T. Goddard.. 0. B. S. 90. 138 179. M... 192. 196. 38 236. 132. 148. 148. 217. H... F. 192.. 217.232 Drever. 250. 105 INDEX OF AUTHORS Gibson. R. E. 263 Hadfield. 236 Gruenthal. 200. 156 Gray. 261.. 98. J.40 Duncker... 137 K.. 50 Edgell. 90. J. 262 Gal ton. 121... Freeman. 108 Dembo. 120. 235 Hanawalt. 248.. J. 229. 60. 30. 173. 232 Gordon.. H. 67. 152. 211. 211. 211.. A. 31. K.2. C. 259.. 90. 196. 236 Harris. 262 221. 106 Harrison. 252. 235 103... 105. 108 Frank.. G. 128.. 250 Hume. 170. 63. K. 120. Gilbert. 21. 74. J.274 Dashiel. 62. 192. 226. 262 Head. 37 Harnik. 107. 229. 244. R. 138 Eidelberg. 231 210. 197..J. 257. 175. Diven. L.. 172. A. R. 105 Grinker. J. 14. 41. 138 Guthrie. 12. 263 Donley. 67. W.. G. 198. 251. B. 199... H. E. 88. P. H.25.M. 81. J. 128. F.. 240-242. 20.. 139 Hart. F. 228 Goodhart. 117.. 107 Heymanns. L. 216. 173. 184. H. G.. 40. 38 Ebbinghaus. 110. 262 Furrer.. 236. C.. 66. 72.. A. 170 Hollos. 250... 189. 4. 41.. 124. D. J. 236 Holmes.. R. 228. Th. Gill. C. 68.. 226. 103. M. 170 Fluegel. 236 Guilford. 262. 72. 258. 231 Henderson. 228. 176. 263 Gundlach. 8 Despert. 170. 228. 210. 230. 173. 263 176. 124. 207. R. 11. E. 236 Heywood. D. 233 Horst. 17.. 188. 68.. A. 86... D. N. F. 33. 128. 109 3 Federn. 94.M.. 109. J. 234 Gordon. 211. 61. 177. 222. A. D. 229.. van der. 236 Grierson.. 181 Fox. Gregor. 9. R. I... 52. 106. Hoagland. 19.H. 40 Felling. R. H. 170 Dunlap.. 222. 65. Eder.. 196. F. 47. 222. 227. 232 Griffitts. 38 Hobbes. 28. 227.. 182. 268 73. 227. 196. 62. 85. 177. 152. J. M. 103 Gardiner.. 106 Frank. 10 Freud. R. 191. 218. 91. F. 105. L.. 258. 228. S. S. K. 216. A. H. 198..!.. 55. L. 98. E. 39. G. E. 201. H. 254. 178. 181. 132. 227. M. 149. 51. 83.. P. 138 . 111. J. 109. 94. 258. 63. 16. A. 106 Harlow. 232 Gillespie. 99. 189. 24. S. 263 Harrower.. G. 181. 109. 235. 256. 139 Harden.. 222. 214. 185. K. 235 Finch. 179. R.39 Dunbar. G.. 51. R. 75. 12. C. 5. 87. 261 Franz. 112 Humphrey. 152. 222. 120.. R. 234 Hartmann. 230. 2. 123. J. 253.. 153. 232. 107 Forel.. 183. 22. P. A. 40. 25. 236 Hull. 86. 138 Fremont-Smith.. 181. 172. A.. 104. 16. 235 Fenichel. 97. 2. S. D.. H. 59. L. Descartes. 234. S.. 94. 4. 248. 214. H.. 112. 30. 95. 77. E. 119. 91. 51. 205. 262 Laird. 236 275 38. 223. 233 24.. S. 39 Kardiner. C. Hunter. K.. 37. F. 57. W. 236 235. 40.INDEX OF AUTHORS Hunt. 232 McGranahan. 0. 22. J. 208. H. 199. R. 39 Langfeld. 108 Jones. 40. 107 135. 128. 101. 92. 174. 104. Koffka. A. 103. Locke... P. 90. 61. 56. 25.. G. H. N. W. 80. Lundholm. 21. 106. 171 Jenkins. I.... A. 76. 120.. 231 Lindeman. 9. 192. 233 Kulovesi. 258. G. J. W. 211. H. 48. M.231 Jelgersma. L.... 85. 16.. 5. R.. F. F. 134.. 257. 70. 271 Leavitt. 139 Koch. A..209. 262 Lewin. K. 142. 256. 112 Lipmann. 45. H. 83. 217. K. 173. 261... N. F. M. F. 109. 44. 208. 28. 137. Kauders. Y. V. 109. W. 81. 95. 193. 21.. 199.. 227. 105... C.. D. W. 57. 92. 258. T. H. A. 182 Huston. 214. 105. 107 Kohnstamm. 8. A.235 Koeppen. M. 194.. 59. 103 Kutzinski. 71. 45. 200. J.. 107 Lashley. 185. 55..211. 26. 20. B. 106 Kenyon.. 133. 216. 45. 207. 182. 263 Leibniz.. 217. 24. Massermann. 74. 171.. H. D. 138 MacCurdy. 40 Kulpe. F.. McGeoch. 62. G. 107 Koehler. 99. 138. 9 Levy-Bruehl. 67. 80. H. 39 Kantor. 73. 201. 257. 138 Lanier. 9 Lozoff. 211. M. S.. S. B. Key. 105 Krauss.Meltzer. A. 185. 109 Kluever. 1^4. 107 . 43. 235. 207. 53.. Jacobson.. 239 . 104 Lund. C.. 34. 132. 128.. 37. 74. 37. 39. 38. 225.. 68. 241 J. 55. 101. P. 57. 108 Landauer.. 104.. 99... 255. K. 180. 226 72-77. 6. 250. 235 Lugoff. 181.. 234 Jones. 23. 196. 15. 120.. B. 213.. L. 50. 39. 178. 82. 229. 13.. H. A. 232 Katan. 138 O. 63. F. 98. 21. 94. 37. M.. 182 Jones. 14. 259. 89. 107 Jung. 50. 104. 57.. 231. 18.221. J. 106 Huse. 251. 109... 75. 34. 174. 30. 51.. 94. 137. H. 94. D. 33.. 83. 47. W. 113. 125 James. E. 2. 262 J. 238. 183. 167. 30.. 39 McNish.. 138 Marquis. 139 Israeli. J. 183. W. 3. 110. 271 Jaentsch.. 31. 72. F. F. 125. 82.. 228. 165. G. 139 Jersild. A. 12.M... A.. J. 8. 261 Liljencrants.. Kraepelin. 143. 119. 50. 21.. 144. 263 H. M. 134.. 217. 190... 202. 104. 104. W. 138. S.. 60. 187... 253. 8.. 106 McKinney.. 235 Luria. 209. G. 236 Krueger. 14.. 110 McKinney. 118. 236 Kant. 54. 64. 212. 39. 228. 109.. 117. 235 Katona. 226. 44. 243 Kaila. 108 23. 15. M. M. 89. 250. 175. 235 Levy-Suhl. L. S. 4. Malamud.. 128. R. 231 Lebedinsky. 234 245. 116. 195. 181 Kenneth.218. 90. 180. 263 118. 196. 105 Kubie. H. 51.L. 104 Korsakow. 0. K. 145. 250. 225. Kohs. 230. C. 162. 34... 236 53. 2. 139 Johnson. 272 Maeder.. 235 Irwin. 233 Mead. Mayer. 104 McDougall. 239 Lewis. Kowalewski. 183. 178.4.. J. 262 134. Koempfen.. 263 Lynch... 80. 243. 60. 43. L. 57. A... 207. 232.. S. G.McV. W. 40. A. 46. 103.. 3 14. L. S. C. 73. A.. 205. 69. 107. 47. 64. 59. 263 Ikin. 39. 51. 76. 222. 161.. 224. G. 251. F. 47. 191. V. E. E. 18. 256. 204. 231 Hunt. 40 Lange. M. 32. 66 Janet. 110. 116. 217. R. 247. 85. 203. 232 127. T. 191. N. 23. D. E. 188. 193. 85... 199... 108 W. 204... 105 2. 2. 216.. 160. R.R. C. 37 R.112. 108 Ray. N.201. 233. 213. 107 W. 51.. 104 Pachauri. M. 90.37 Meyer. 261 Morgan. 268 137. 96-98. 261 Naecke.. 104. 85. 233 Metcalf. 2. D. 88. 234 Murphy. F. 173. 191. 38 Pavlov. 239 L.. S.W. 248... 247. 174. 82. 216. 239. 245. G.. 129. 232. H. 115.. J.C.. 156 Pech.. A. 226. 25.. 81.. A. M. 231. F. O. C.. H. 108. 243. 104 Mueller. 137. 86. C. 83. 170 . 110 Schopenhauer. 108. 253. 0. 247. P. C. 104 Menzies. 14. K. 196. 3. 21 1. 246. 115. 251. P.M. C. 261 Ratliff. 187. 251 Orth. 109. 124. 38. 175. 127. 196. F. 130. 228. H.. 262 Ruckmick. 196.. C. 65. 185.N. 80. 74. B. 182 Mitchell.. 15. 108 Moore. 189.. 126. 106. H. L. 114. J.. 234.C. H. 182 W. E... 199. 246.. 223.. S... A. 206. W.232 Schilder. 190 Mitchell. 19. 45. 61. E. T. 69. 253. 227. 8. M. 207.B. B. 85. see Ovsiankina Riklin.. A.. 206. 210. Restorff. 16. 234. 107 Merloo. Murphy.W.. K. 207.. 227. 262 262 Schneider. 128. 181. 42 Schroetter.207. 209. E. A. 216.. F. 235. 211. 17. P. 244. 233 Purdy. 40 M. T.. D. 210. 104 Ovsiankina.. A. Menzerath. 139 H.. 45. 23.. 47. R. M. 194. 109. W. J. 170. 257. 211. 139 Proust. 44.2 INDEX OF AUTHORS Peters. 63. W. S. J... 244. S.. 233 Moll. 84.. 204. M. 216. 235 Moore.. L. 252. 187..."243. 182 Mesnet. 197. A. E.. Moll.. H. M.. 95.. 202. 261 Prescott.. T.234 Schwartz. 75. W. G. 2.. 48 Murray. 138 Papez. Moore. M.38 Mezzofanti. S. 231 Schnitzler. P. 60. 26. 234 Nafe.37. Rapaport. Myers. 208. J. 198.12. 78 Pear. 15. 115. 17. 12. S.. E. 262 Morgan.. G. Nahm. 262 Rickers-Ovsiankina. 180. Roffenstein.. 23. 137. 123. M. von. 137 Pick. Russel. 261 Pan.. 262 Rosenzweig. T.. 233 Mitchill. J. C. 225. E. 65. 110 Muensterberg. 252. 263 Sears. 235. 233 O'Kelley. C.. 120. 211. L. 234 Schuman. R.180. 110 Rotter.. 137.231 Muralt. 185-187. 84. G. 3. A. 174. 128. W. 108. 62.. A. 52. 44.. 207. 139 Reymart. 221. 106. 230. 207. P. 232 Selz. 210. 65. K. 37. L. 231 Robinson. A. J. 122. 35. 28. 38. L. 236. 137 Ribot. 74.H. 198.. 39. 105 Rorschach. Peters. 217. 24. 66 Rivers. 222.... 235 Naef. 262 Oberndorf. 178.. 228.. 38 Oberholzer. 20. W. 214 216.. 39 Newman. B... 239 253.. S. 247.B. Mitchel. 236 Poetzl. H.. 231 Munn. 148. R.. J. 250. 104 Piaget. 89. 232.M.. 111. 108 Mueller. 109..W.. 223. 75.. G. P. 244.. 94.217. 194.. 261 Schultz. R.. A. E. 146. 123. 214.F. L. 246. M.. 178. 263 Reymert. 244. 232. 218 Schafter. 59. 95. 261 Poppelreuter. M. 59. H. 39.276 Menninger. 233 Prince. 105 Peters.. 205. 233 Prince.. 113 Mueller-Freienfels. 232 H.. 242. > H. 104 Sherrington. 59. 38. 66. 106 R . E.. V. 123. 107 White> White) M.. 229. 26. M. 107 Wongj H . 83. 158. IX. 133. 225. 26. 94.. 39. S.. B.. 211. L. Solher. 127. 228 Strickler. A. H. 103 Symonds. 107. 60. L. n. 94. 207. S. 178..37 Sidis.. F.. D. 106 Yamackj Youn S> R 181 > - ^^m - 172 173 > 176 15 > 177 > 178 > 182 Youn ^ p T 88 90 > ' mm > 13. F. A.. 83. 19. 110. 170. Wundt. 107 Wholey. 63. 51.. 233 Wagnerj j 2 16. M. Wtj 174j m> 181> 182) 249 Whitehorn. 106 Wingfield. R. M. 232. 74. 161. 234 Wilson. 53. F. 84. 219. R. R. 196. 37. 128. 90. H. 130. E. . W. 277 Urbantschitsch. 120.. R. 20. 44. 138 C... 171. 9. H. A. 234 Silberer. 104. 103 132. 62. Vigotsky. S. 82. 82... K. B. 256. 263 WaterSj Smith. 73. 86 WarreDi H C-) 59j 105 Washburn. 124. 170. 107 Thorndike. 106. 137 Ziehen. 109 Weber R A _ H ^ H> 75> 107 15 23 37 I. 153 12. 216. Wreschner. 133. Wertheimer.. 117. P. 103 90. voa. J... 138 Susukita. 134. L.W. 28. 109 Wulf. 161. C.. 193. 66. 66. A. 107. 86. 263 Syz.. 232 Stone. A. 263 Shand. S. 87.. 253.79.. 103 Titchener. Th. 91. 104 T Wechsler. 138 Woodworth. 17. 127. E. 40 Zangwill. 249 Stekel. R.. 16. 253. 231 Thomson.. Smith. C... 182.. i 46j 1 70 50. 39. 64. 44. 75. 121. 83. E. 26. !52. 43. 72.. 15. S. Zachry... 120 > 138 Tolman. 27 37.. 37. 103. M.. 89. 81. W. 236 229 235 Spmoza. W. 139 Zeigarnik. 104. 6. 194. 109.. i 39j i 60 128. 43. A. H.. R. 139 Troland. 69. 112. 14 > > . 160. 79... M.. T. M. 44. 38... 182 Wohlgemuth. B. G.65. D. . 87. 219. Silverman. 109. 231 Straus. C. E. 116.. 103 Spielrein. 243 Stern. 23 2 9 .. 105> 115) 137 Slutz. 139. 42. F. 108 Stalnaker. 42. 64. 32. B. 84. 96. 127. 109 Ward. 94. 0. 105 Wheeler. 235 S. 214.. 174. 81. 234 Stern. 50. 92. E. 137 75. 78. J. Stagner. 103. C.. 207. W. B. 194. 194. 80. 80. 192. 105 Uexkuell. 86.. 128. 235 Wuerdemann.. 231 121> 137) 191 Werneri H m> W1 17Q) 225 bpencer. L. 190. J. 81.. 128. 97. 220. 108 E ' i' 9 bkae. 138.105 Thorn.. A. C. B. 89. 125. 27. 76.. 51. 234 Waldberg. Tait. L. 97. 54. 234 Stratton.. L. 132. 12...80.29.... 125 Varendonck. 134. 71. 222. 233. 156 Stoerring. 257. 95. 106. 14. 38.D. 80. 106 Saymanski. T. 137. 88.INDEX OF AtTTHOBS Shakow. 74. 80.. 63. 113 .. 94. 88. 110 Sharp. 101.. 4. 83. 170 91. S. 123. J. 45. 131. A. 110 Sullivan.66. 182 Wittcls. 41. 194.. 35. 214.61. 65.. A. 38. 116. C. 120. C. W. 243 261 147. 178. G. 152. J. W. B.. . 212 in amnesia. 196 relation of to repression. 156 fact diagnostic 53-58 . 89 in multiple personalities. 93 definition of antero grade . 150. 196-197 65. 116 as selective factor. 87. 69.in registration. 186. 159-160. 192. 45. 79-80 41. 156-157. . 174 theory of hysteria. and repression. 60. 44ff. 151. 45-46. experience feeling tone logical . 248ff. Context. 130-131. Aphasia. 93 77. 125 Einstellung. 31. functional 191ff. . 51-53 . 161 ff. 188 Amnesia. 259ff. Dream. 204r-206 and retroactive inhibition. 93. 175 . 89. 161 Complex. 161. 201 in multiple personalities. 45. 124 . 7-8 Autistic Thinking. 237ff. 229ff. 270 intensity of nature of 82. Attitude. 159. 45 reproduction experiment of 53. 93. 44. 113 Conation. as selective factor. 24. 156. 120 . organic . 163 Censor. 161ff. 269 63. 58. 196 Daydreams.. 73. Reflex 78.45 reaction time in experimental production of Drive. 212-214 theory of hypnosis. 115. of 229ff. as memory phenomenon. 183ff. 94-95 Displacement. 255ff. 243-244 .. 168 of in of Korsakow syndrome. 157.. 228 Conditioned. 47. 212-213 Distortion. 225 Deja Vue. 194ff. . regression. 123. 187 Association Experiment. 65. Cathexis. 57. 94. Agnosia. 133 quality of 278 . 156-164 affects in . 192. retrograde 191ff. Dissociation. 116 Condensation. and 49. 117ff. 227 Emotional factors intellectualized . 206-207 . 48 of Jung. 45. 56. 228 reciprocal . Organization. 129. 46. psychoanalytic conception of role 30. 126 118 concept of role of . 224. 101 as selective factor. hysterical infantile . 158 in. 79. 58 role in recovery amnesia. diagnostic . 243 of Mueller. SI. 269-270 role of in remembering. 82. 166 Eidetic Imagery. see Fausse Reconnaissance Determining Tendency. 83. 257-258 201-204 Affective 253ff. 165-166. 151. 152. as wishfulfillment. 187 Allomnesia. 90.INDEX OF SUBJECTS Affect. 86. 116 indicator. and sentiments. posthypnotic psychoanalytic theory of 204-205 215 psycho somatics of . 51 and grammatical relations . 207ff. 174. 169. 155-156 214ff. 149 and the unconscious. 35 in Korsakow syndrome. 78-79 sex of .INDEX OF SUBJECTS Emotions.. 176-177 quality of role of 93 in association experiment. 152-153^204 new terminology for .188. 45.. 93 81 .93 individual differences of psychiatric patients as school achievement of .83-84. 76. Q9 hypnagogic 158. 42. lOff. 141ff. . 90. 147-148. 94 . 190 Hypnosis. 12ff . 6. 49-51. 2. 129 role of 176 motivation in . 15. 114 in concept formation. Facilitation. 243 Experimental Method [see also Method]. 8..227 Feeling role of and drives. 158 . epileptic . 101-102. 73. 209 and . . 32. 94. drug . affective factors in (or . 201 association . 239. 144. 44. in retention. 148-148. 82. 42 . 7. . 49. 14ff physiological concomitants of 22-34 psychological theories of . 63 U5-146. and 72 levels of discharge. 125 Hypnotic hypermnesia. 225. 79. 176. 76. 270 psychoanalytic theory of 76. 180 . amnesia. 173 and repression. 181-182 Fausse reconnaissance Deja Vue). 194. 229 hierarchy of . 177. 65. Free Association. 250ff. loss of personal identity. 118-119 . 172ff. 16-18. 177 regression. 87. . 58 Hypothalamus. 30-31 felt. 94-99 of associated ideas. 126 role of in remembering. 76 trace theory of 20. 131 role of . production of parapraxes in 17&-180 in retention. 84 . as memory function. 121. relevant to repression. . 35-36 as tension phenomena. 242 Hedonic Tone. 179 influence on resistance of . 179-180 11. 100-101. memory systems post post - of states. 151 of the disagreeable. of qualitative content analysis. 86-88 . 262 motivated 146 . 198 14 psychosomatics of suggested theory of 34. 189 life of remembering of experiences. 72 Hyperamesia. 100-101. as selective factor. 130 and slips of memory. 14. 198-199 to hypnosis. 145. role of time in 151 . 37. 36. Hallucination. 69-70. 177 Feeling Tone intensity of origin of . in education. 148-153. 175 suggestion. 270 definition of . 869-WO of the psychic apparatus. 198 relation of relation of relation of 41ff. 1-2. 83 number Gestalt Psychology. 75. 63. 257 of emotional factors. 41 Lewinian of . 153-154 Fugues. 272 . 34-37 conscious character of conventionalization of 279 Forgetting. 174 . and remembering. 20. 271-272 Ethnology. and motivating factors. theories of 172-174 131. 72 57. 270 of emotional influence on memory. 87. to somnambulism. 199 to amnesia. 87 172-174. 161. 61 Hierarchy Experimental Subjects age of . to hypnotic states. 2. see Set psychogenic loss of . 116. 148-153 . 111-114. 86- 87. 89. . 77-94 -. concept of 121-122 developmental levels of 135 Gestalt theory of . 43 . 207 . 118. memory systems 209-210 role of in remembering. 96 59. theory of . 121 Mood. in retention. 207 alternating co-conscious 206. 94f. 206-207 reciprocal amnesia in to fugues. Law of Effect. 186. 121 and thought process. 127. 58 as selective factor. 211-214 208 of . 43. 129 Paramnesia. 209 6 . Isomorphism. 64. 75 Like and Dislike. 244-246 Korsakow Syndrome. 206ff. 53. 73. pathology of psychoanalytic 169. 86. . 148 . as selective factor. Interrupted Tasks. Mental Set. 82. 207- and instincts. 247-248 as Need. 199. 175-176 . 148. 2. dominant inclusive . 8 of children. 211 as obsessive phenomenon. 129 Multiple Personality. 123 in remembering. 121 Obsessive Remembering. 117 in remembering. 95 85. 119 in remembering. 130. 189 42. . 5. 128 Interest. 112-113. 226-229 79-80 . 42.280 Instinct. Mneme. 241 . 75 in registration. 85 227 reduplicating Parapraxes.46. 134 logically relevant in registration. sense of. 187- 254-255 experimental production of as memory phenomena. . suggested theory of . 210. 124 emotional etiology of . 222 .93 learning 41. optimism and pessimism. 168 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Method incidental Intention as selective factor. 132 role of role of in retention. 132 61 . . emergent phenomenon. 132 role of memory . 42. 134 as hysterical phenomenon. 74. ? Pastness. 209-210 relation of relation of 208. 122 of primitives. 56. 117 role of role of role of partial learning 82-83 questionnaire reaction time recognition redintegration re-learning . 142-144 . 183f . 85-86 Luria Technique. 222-223 . 136ff. 6. 54. . 54. tachystoscopic 187. 255f . 134 as motivated process. 197-198 197ff organic loss of . Meaning emotionally relevant 130 . . awareness of loss of 54. 121 and intelligence. 165. 169 . 189 Personal Identity. 208 . organic etiology in . 188. 203 m-888 symptoms of . 120- 121. 95 Isolation. 189. 42 64. 20 reproduction 216 saving . 211 Memory associationist theory of 134-135. memory Freud's conception of 239-241 in projective techniques. . 127 Registration. . 249 memory. 167 Retention. . role of 52 role of 281 Recall. 252 154 selective factors in Play Techniques. 42. 96ff.INDEX OF SUBJECTS Personal Relevance. 95 . 166-168 experimental demonstration of 68. 118. 80. Projection. 88. 167-168 proper. 253 memory drome. 130 concept of . 101. 251-252 . 34. 168. 192 in association experiment. 124 in registration. 122-125 122 concept of . 114ff. Phantasy as contiguity in disturbance of . 126-128. 272 contributions of 2. 266-267. Retroactive Inhibition. 116. 123 in retention. 168 as selective factor. 47. 119-120 Screen Memory. association processes in 247 reaction time in . 69-70 Freud's definition of primal . 120. . 247 246-247 Psychogalvanic Reflex. 252-253 as projection. 250-251 role of in registration. 126 . . 87. 127 relations in amnesia. immediate 72. affective factors in . 129 delayed . 124 organization. 72. 84. judgmental theory of nervous correlates of . 136-137 112-114. 183-185 role of emotions. 52 . 53 fundamental rule of 153-155 and association experiment. 239 Psychic Determinism. 140ff. 46. 67 Sentiment definition of . Psychological Field definition of . 67. 129-134 in retention. 241 . 183. 246-248 46. 126-129 and sleep. .. 84. 66 Ribot's Law. 239 Protective Techniques. 115-116 in association experiment. 122 in Korsakow syn- product. 156 Selective Factors. 42 Pleasure Principle. 203-204 Rorschach Test. 128 Psychoanalysis. 14. 18311. . 247 . 87. 238ff. of of 42. organization of 98 and emotions. 129-134 Repression. 140 . Psychopathology of everyday life. 114-122 [sec also Experimental subjects organization. 2. 60. memory. 93. experiments ] emotional nature of on. 86. 19-21 influence of hypnosis on 179 61-68 sensory Pleasure-Pain Theory of Learning. 226 Remembering of case material in the Thematic Apperception Test. 74. 186-187. 166. 166. 112-113 in registration. 255 Pleasantness and Unpleasantness. 94 in remembering. 59-60 71 frequency of experiencing Freud's view of 31. . 72. 51. 212-213 and as Pragnanz Principle. 98 as selective factor. anxiety in . 11 Self-Esteem. 255ff.167 dissociation. 65. 116 Reality Principle. 98. 163 . 168 . 90. 255ff of affects. . by psychoanalysts. 131 in amnesia. 122-125 in memory psychiatric patients as Psychosomatic. 49. 269 as selective factor. - in psychophysical experiment. 98. 46. and retention. Substitution and overshadowing. 92. 120 Sodium Amytal. definition of 88 Tension Systems. 172. 241-242 . 161-164. 97 Suggestion. concept of 228. 160. Time role of in forgetting. Subjects. 151 sense. 134 Success and Failure. 127. 189 in autistic thinking. 42. 118-120. 56. see Experimental Subjects Gestalt theory of 133-134 individual . 29 and motives.. 132 Thematic Apperception Test. 95ff. 116. Wish fulfillment of . Traces availability of . 91 as selective factor. 180 Somnambulism. 201ff. 173 Transference. 241-244 . 243 Wittenberg Symposiijjn. 228 161ff. 179-180 and emotions. 157ff. role of in remembering. The posthypnotic .282 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 88-93 . 159-160 in parapraxes. 172 Symbolism. 128. 128 in remembering. 12. iOt . 229ff in fugues. 172 Unconscious. 58 in dreams. experiments in role of affects in . 167 124. 93. 92. 146 theory of hypnosis. 124. 245-246 and emotions. 243-244. 156-157. 252-253 emotional ~. 21 . 132 133 .. Strivings role of 199ff. Set. psychoanalytic theory of structural . 151 124 . . . . Director at the Henninget F^undatioi*. as well as Clini* eal Professor of Psychology at thtf BLansti it University* Ai JDr. ...Medical Bireetor. THE:' .'. Eapapc^e at ^ Is He of the Ameti^wa o the B^a|r<)i ffatet Psy^hold^y .D. memory tfye fuactibn. .(continued from {font 'flap) ttire from the fields of psychol- ogy. /.. _ :' .'. He has been Head of the Department of Psychology atthe Merxninger Clinic and Research.''.: '. He has dei-standing of the role of tions in emofor- remembering and but has also getting laid the grpund wOrK for the develop^ pent of a new and challenging theory of .. ' 1 .' FRAfrflt' 'FREMEONT SmtB.' ". ( Dr. psychopathology and not psy- only atade a contribution to the unchoanalysis.gttistie<! himself through his research work and a teacher. Frpm 1 foreword ' ."."' ''." 'by>[ '. Datid Rapaport is a psychologist of considerable renown who aa has distin. M. cz IS .10 i3 115434 . 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