Dative sentence patterns in Circum-Baltic languages.

July 15, 2017 | Author: Anton Zimmerling | Category: Languages and Linguistics, Slavic Languages, Scandinavian languages, Baltic languages, Dative, Circum-Baltic languages, Non-Nominative Subjects, Baltic-finnic Languages, Circum-Baltic languages, Non-Nominative Subjects, Baltic-finnic Languages
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Anton Zimmerling ([email protected]) http://antonzimmerling.wordpress.com/

There is no correlation of marking the semantic subject by a (surface) dative case and semantics of the sentence. Dative-infinitive structures (DIS), cf. грузовикам здесь

не проехать, нам еще тренироваться и тренироваться, всем отправляться по домам. Dative-predicative structures (DPS), cf. мне тошно, стыдно, мне противно это говорить, мне грустно, что она опаздывает. DIS and DPS have different formal and semantic features in a group of languages including Modern Russian (Zimmerling 2009), (Циммерлинг 2009).


Some languages express the meanings signaled by Russian DIS and DPS on the basis on a single sentence pattern.  Latvian has a special verbal form called debitive, it requires a dative case marking on its semantic subject.  The modal meaning of the «dynamic», or «alethetic» obligation is expressed by adding the prefix jā- to the finite verbal form of 3 p.  (1) Man nebūtu jāstrādā, ja es būtu bagāts. ‗Мне не надо было бы работать, если бы я был богат‘.  (4) Man дат.п. (ir) jālasa grāmataим.п.. «Мне [надо] прочесть книгу», букв. «мне надо-читает книга». 


(2) Esим.п. lasu grāmatuвин.п . «Я читаю книгу».  (3) Grāmata им.п. ir lasīta им.п.. Букв. «Книга есть прочтена».  (4) Man дат.п. (ir) jālasa grāmataим.п.. «Мне [надо] прочесть книгу», букв. «мне надо-читает книга».  (5) Grāmatai дат.п. ir jābūt lasītai дат.п. «Книга должна быть прочтена», букв. «Книге [связка] есть надо-быть прочитанной». 


(6) Man дат.п. bija jālasa grāmataим.п.. «Мне надо было прочесть книгу», букв. «мне было надо-читает книга».  (7) Man дат.п. būtu jālasa grāmataим.п.. «Мне надо будет прочесть книгу», букв. «мне будет надо-читает книга».  (8) Viņai дат.п. ж.р. būšot jālasa grāmataим.п.. «Ей надо было бы прочесть книгу», букв. «мне было-бы надо-читает книга». 


(9) Man дат.п. jānopērk un jāizlasa šīi avīze им.п.. «Мне [надо] купить и читать себе газету» букв. «мнеi надо-читает и надо-покупает себеi газета».  (10) (Mani) дат.п. jāizlasa avīze им.п.. [par sevi]i. «(Мнеi ) [надо] читать газету про себяi», букв. «мнеi надо-читает газета про себяi».  (11) (Mani) дат.п. [pašai]i jāizlasa avīze им.п.. «( Мне) i самому i читать газету», букв. «( Мне) i самому i надо-читает газету». 


(12) [Ineteii] дат.п. ж.р. ед.ч.jābūt [labaii] дат.п. ж.р. ед.ч..  «Инетеi должна быть милой/доброй», «Инете надо быть милойi».  1) Deontic interpretation «Если Инете соблюдает определенную норму или конвенцию, она должна быть милой, ее долг – быть милой»,  2) Dynamic (alethetic) interpretation «Внешние обстоятельства, ход событий вынуждают Инете быть милой, у нее нет выбора». 


Russian DIS do not convey deontic meanings and always signal dynamic (alethetic) modality, i.e. situation of external compultion.  Examples (13) and (14) pattern with the same type, despite (13) has an animated dative NP, while (14) has an inanimate dative NP.  (13) Грузовикам тут не не проехать. (Ход событий полностью исключает P).  (14) Девушкам – идти в постель и улыбаться! 

(Внешнее принуждение делает P неизбежным)


Sentences with LexPs надо and нужно in many contexts allow (15) or even require (16) deontic interpetation. (15) Девушкам надо почаще улыбаться.

(16) Инессе не нужно улыбаться во время


доклада начальника. .

 


The opposition of modal predicates in the construction with an infinitive as a core element (DIS) and in the construction where the core element is a LexP and the infinitive is its descending valency (DPS) conforms to a formula: DPS is used both for deontic and for alethetic predication, but DIS does not express deontic meanings and is always used in situations of external compulsion.


LexP = an indeclinable non-verbal word, denoting that a specific animated subject is found in some psychological and/or physiological state during some period of time (cf. Rus. Х-у муторно, стыдно, грустно, весело, жаль). Semantic subject is marked by a prepositionless dative and is specified as {+ animated}. The valency on the dative of person for Russian LexP is not a trivial feature — it outlines a subclass of Stage-level predicates (predicates of inner states).


 

Inner states = predicate expressions denoting that their subject is found in some invariable state which did not result from any direct coercion, during some period of time. The majority of Russian inner states are morphologically derived forms. The absence/presence of an adjective correlate (грустный vs *стыдный) is irrelevant for State predication in Russian, but indeclinable forms with an о-final capable of filling the Pred slot in the DPS structure Ndat — Vlink — Pred cannot be derived from many adjectival stems.


  

Not all LexPs with an–о final which can be used in patterns Adv — Pred and Это— Pred have a valency on the dative of person.

здесь пыльно, сегодня морозно, это алогично, это аморально *мне пыльно, *мне морозно, *вам алогично, *все аморально. LexPs with an –о-final do not merge with agreeing short adjectives: the latter can have a valency on the dative of person. Cf. short adj. n чуждо in Мне это чуждо (the test sentence is мне [эти устремления Nom.Pl. чужды Nom. Pl.]). The valency on the dative of person is somewhere found by agreeing short adjectives correlating with LexPs, cf. мне [противны Nom. Pl. его поползновения Nom. Pl.], but adjectives like чуждо cannot be used in contexts as e.g. *мне чуждо, что журналисты сеют сплетни, ??мне чуждо повторять сплетни.


DPS with parameters similar to those exposed by Russian are are attested in Slavic and Germanic languages. Hypothesis in (Zimmerling 1992): languages with DPS must have a lexical class of LexPs including forms lacking nonpredicative correlates and used only as nominal predicates in structures with a copulative element (cf. Rus. жаль, стыдно, надо). Verification: Old Nordic texts have ca. 1000 LexPs lacking non-predicative characteristics, cf. a glossary in (Циммерлинг 2002). 4 languages with similar morpho-syntactic parameters – Russian, Old Icelandic, Modern Icelandic, Czech.


Russian LexPs always have a specific subject: sentence like *быть тошно после Нового Года случается нередко are ill-formed.  In Modern Icelandic structures like (17b), with an IP and LexP in the subject position are well-formed.  (17b) [Að verða flökurt] er algengt. Чтобы становиться-инф. тошно-ср.ед.ч. быть3л.ед.ч. повсеместный-ср.р.ед.ч. ‗People often feel sick‘, Букв. ‗[быть тошно] случается часто‘. 


Both Modern Icelandic and Modern Icelandic LexPs are linked with adjectival paradigms and homonymic to agreeing adjectives in Nom/Acc Sg. Agreeing forms *тошный, *flökurr are absent, i.e. from the viewpoint of an Icelander/Russian, there are no objects or persons capable of having the probety «быть тошным». Therefore, «Х-у тошно», «Х-i er flökurt» – are situative designations. The lexical features of LexPs тошно and flökurt are similar, but Ice. Flökurt can be used both with a specific and with a generic subject, while Russian does not allow the second option.


Stems, from which LexPs and attributive words are produce, are classified with 3 groups: 1) Stems with an actant polarity only produce expressions linked with a specific referent and do not produce situative designations. 2) Stems with a situative polarity only produce LexPs in standard Russian. 3)Ambivalet stems can produce expressions of both types.


Class II. A constraint on на *мне злобно, *мне упитанно, *мне аморально, *мне улыбчиво при Х – злобный, упитанный, аморальный, улыбчивый. Ia. Non-agreeing predicative forms with an –о are impossible:*это гневно, *это улыбчиво. Ib. Such forms can be built, cf. здесь пыльно, ?с его стороны любознательно проверить ссылки, but the valency on the semantic subject is filled not by the dative of person, but by a preposition genetive with the preposion для: переписывать

уже изданную книгу – для него (*ему) характерно.


Class III. Stems from which only LexPs are produced, Х-у стыдно, тошно, совестно, cf. ill-formedness of *стыдный, *тошный, *совестный; Class I. Stems producing expressions of both types– cf. веселый, грустный, муторный, Х-у весело, печально, муторно.


Any ultimate list of Russian LexPs is based on a consent which texts are shared by a majority of native speakers. The emergence of new LexPs is explained by a rotation of synonyms and ousting of archaic words by new colloquial formations and not with adaptation of entirely new lexical meanings. Colloquial X-у лениво replaces neutral X-у лень and bookish X-у невместно, and slang Х-у фиолетово – is an epatage variant of colloquial Х-у по барабану or neutral Х-у все равно, Х-у безразлично. 20

 

More recent LexPs with an о-final which came to existence in the last decades and became widespread in Russian slang are no longer linked adjectival stems producing agreeing short forms.

Х-у стремно, Х-у очково, Х-у ссыкотно. The emergence of new LexPs is not excluded, since the number «Х-у is afraid up to a degree that a physiological reaction Z1, Z2…Zn arises» can be prolonged. At the same time, the number of lexical meanings which can be expressed by DPS [Ndat — Vlink — Pred] is denotatively restricted by psychological and physiological reactions of a human being. 21

LexPs with a taxonomic meaning of inner State can be produced from only one class of qualitative adjectives. Semantic features {+ Animate; + experential + specific; - generic}. The main syntactic pattern: DPS [Ndat — Vlink — Pred]. Volume of the class: ca. 350-400 LexPs, over 200 LexPs produced from adjectival stems. Productivity: the class of LexP can be expanded but the number of lexical meanings is denotatively restricted. 22

Looks like an open class.

No contsraint on animacity of the syntactic subject.

There are other patterns than DPS where Old Nordic LexPs may be used. The subdivision of nominal and adjectival stems into stems with an actant vs situative polarity is impossible, since the slot for semantic subject can be added to every sentence with slots for a LexP and a copula. 23

(18а) ar var illt til eldivi ar (MH 15-198). Там был-3л.ед.ч.пр.вр. плохо к хворост-род.п. «Там было плохо с хворостом».  (18b) v at matsveinum var eldivi arf tt (M 15-200). Так как повар-дат.п. мн.ч. стать-3л.ед.ч. малохворостно-пред. «Так как поварам не хватило хвороста», lit. «так как поварам стало малохворостно».  (18c) Matsveinar orgeirs h f u eldivi arf tt (M 15-199). ―Повар-им.п.мн.ч. Торгейр-род. иметь-3л. Мн.ч . малохворостно» lit. «Повара Т. имели малохворостно». 


LexPs can be produced from all stems. Stems with an actant polarity are absent. Semantic features {+ experential; + specific; - generic}. LexPs are not specified as {+ animated}. Basic pattern: DPS [Ndat — Vlink — Pred], copular patterns with intransitive and transitive copulas. Volume of the class: ca. 700 LexPs lacking nonpredicative uses. Productivity: LexPs are an open class, the number of the lexical meanings is not limited.


A strictly restricted class (25-30 lexical items), extension is impossible. LexPs used in DPS, lack a uniform morphological marker. Acc/Nom n. of the former short adjectives (-ofinal), predicative adverbs with – é and–e- finals, и words with and –а-final. Short adjectives as a living category is absent: the survived 30-35 agreeing short adjectives are considered archaisms.


Forms with the –о -final, cf. je mi smutno «I feel sad», je mi slabo «I feel sick», je mi teskno «I feel miserable», je mi lehko «I am enjoying myself», do not correlatie with any agreeing short adjectives, and vice versa, surviving short adjectives (bos «barefoot», ženat «married», zvědav «curious (person)», bohat «rich» etc) do not correlate with any LexPs used in DPS. Czech short adjectives and Czech LexPs with the –о –final are in a complementary distribution: the adjectives represent stems with an actant polarity (cf. Rus. смешлив-), and the LexPs represent stems with a situative polarity (cf. Rus. стыдн-). Czech lacks ambivaltent stems of the type Rus. смешн-, грустн- making Russian DPS stable.


Not all LexPs used in DPS (Ndat — Vlink — Pred, cf. Rus. мне грустно, что P) can fill in the predicative slot in the sentence pattern with a zero syntactic subject (— Vlink — Pred, cf. Rus.  грустно, что P). It is impossible to convey a meaning like «This was sad», «this was miserable» in the pattern /to — Vlink — Pred – */*to bylo teskno, */*to bylo smutno. In a similar way, predicatives like veselo «merry, cheerful» which allow zero subjects, cf. tady je veselo lit. «it is cheerful here» is not used in DPS, *je mi veselo «I am merry». 28

 

The uses of the copula mít «have» are lexicalized. The meaning «I need» by LexP třeba can be expressed by DPS - je mi třeba čeho or by a transitive construction with a synomic potřebа «one needs» -. mám potřebu čeho, lit. «I have need in something», but potřebа does take a dative subject- *je mi potřeba čeho, while třeba is not compatible with mít - *mám třebu. LexP dusno «stuffy» is used both in DPS and with mít, yet mám dusno, lit «I have stuffy» means notзначит не «мне душно» (lit. «I feel stuffy»), but «It is stuffy here by me», the information about the state of some specific animated subject (cf. Rus. «Х-у душно») can not be expressed in the pattern with mít. 29

 

Short adjectives are dying out. Only one part of LexPs has correlates in the paradigms of short adjectives. Ambivalent stems are absent. Semantic features {+ experential; + actual; generic}. Basic patterns: DPS [Ndat — Vlink — Pred], PS [ — Vlink — Pred]. Different patterns are linked with different groups of predicatives. The volume of the class of LexPs: ca. 25-30 items. Productivity: LexP is a limited class, the number of predicate meanings is strictly bounded.


The similarity of sentence patterns predicts only the basic semantics of LexPs but not the volume of this class. Russian has a complementary distrubution of two dative sentence patterns – DIS and DPS. In Russian and Old Nordic LexPs used in DPS get generalized morphological markers indicating their genetic relationship with adjectival stems.


Stems producing LexPs may be ambivalent or have a situative polarity. Russian has a ternary distinction of stems: stems with a situative polarity, cf. стыдн- are few, there are many stems with an actant polarity, the productive of DPS is secured by ambivalent stems from the class грустн-. Old Nordic lacks stems with an actant polarity, while Czech lacks ambivalent stems.


There have been found languages where DPS can express a strictly bounded number of lexical meanings (Czech) and languages where DPS can express a virtually unlimited number of lexical meanings (Old Nordic). The semantic invariant of the class of LexPs is a the meaning of the situative characteristics: this characteristics may be both exclusively linked or not linked with the animated subject. In the latter case DPS may be patterned with modal verbal constructions like the Latvian debitive.


The research was done with support from the grant RGNF 09-04-00297a «The typology of syntactic constrains». http://antonzimmerling.wordpress.com/curr ent-projects/










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