Cut&PasteG1 3 Math
Editorial Project Manager Lorin E. KlistolT, M.A. Editor-in-Chief Sharon Coan, M.S. Ed. Illustrator Howard Chaney Renee Christine Yates Cover Artist Barb Lorseyedi Art Coordinator Kevin Barnes Imaging James Edward Grace Alfred Lau Product Manager Phil Garcia Publisher Mary D. Smith, M.S. Ed. Author Jodene Lynn Smith, M.A. Teacher Created Resources, Inc. 6421 Industry Way Westminster, CA 92683 www.teachercreated.corn ISBN: 978-0-7439-3708-5 ©2003 Teacher Created Resources, Inc . . Reprinted, 2012 Made in U.S.A. The classroom teacher may reproduce copies of the materials in this book for use in a single classroom only. The reproduction or any part of the book for other classrooms or for an entire school or school system is stricti}' prohibited. No part of this puhlicatiun mal' be transmitted, stored, or recorded in an}' form without written permission from the publisher, Table of Contents Introduction Number Sense Counting and Numeral Names Ordinal Numbers Counting by lO's, 5's, or 2's Greater Than, Less Than, and Equal Place Value 1 More Than, 1 Less Than 10 More Than, 10 Less Than Money Computation Adding I-Digit Numerals 1 3 4 6 11 15 19 22 25 27 28 31 33 37 39 42 44 45 51 54 56 63 65 66 67 69 70 72 73 75 Adding 2-Digit Numerals Subtracting l-Digit Numerals Subtracting 2-Digit Numerals Fact Families Multiplying I-Digit Numerals Problem Solving Measurement Time Calendar Short/Long Short/Tall Inches Centimeters Weight Tools Geometry Shapes Three-Dimensional Symmetry Congruency Organizing and Presenting Tallies Graphs Problem Solving Answer Key #3708 Cut & Paste Math 2 Objects 78 81 83 Data 84 86 88 91 93 ©Teacher Created Resources, Inc. Introduction Cut & Paste Math was designed to help the classroom teacher teach and reinforce math concepts and skills. or picture cards at the bottom of the page. In all cases. Teachers will find the suggested activities useful for teaching math content. The book has been designed so that it is organized and easy to use. In other cases. or even math center activities. Above all. they are asked to glue the correct answer to a problem. Each of the pages has been designed in a cut-and-paste format. small group reinforcements. Most of the ideas can be adapted to be presented as whole-class lessons. ©Teacher Created Resources. math content is made available in a way that requires students to interact with it. Inc. 3 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . Students will find the cut-and-paste activities a fun way to practice math concepts. In some cases. The pages vary in the tasks that students are asked to perform. Following the introduction for each section are activity pages that are directly related to math concepts and skills. students are able to try a variety of possibilities before gluing the cards down for their final answers. students are asked to sort or categorize pictures according to math concepts. The book is divided into five main sections. At the beginning of each section is an introduction to the section that includes suggested ideas and activities to use while teaching concepts covered within that section. numeral cards. After cutting out word cards. The ideas are meant to be a resource for teachers as they teach these content area skills. students will use those cards in order to complete the page. By manipulating the cards. students are asked to interact in a meaningful way with the content of the topic on which they are working. The contents of the book provide a variety of ways to cover math content while maintaining student interest. Students can use numerals. if you will be creating a number line counting by 2's. The student moves his or her marker on the hundreds chart according to the number shown on the die. • Create number lines for practicing counting by 2's. Then. students might come up with the idea of mittens. Inc. Number each of the mittens. one die. provide two dice and have students add the numbers together or subtract the numbers to determine how many spaces to move. Have students use the stamps to create a line of stamped images. Practice counting the objects by two as a class. The first student roJes the die. Students must clip the clothespins on the clothesline in the correct ordinal number order. The student at the head of the line should say. For example." Students continue counting until the last student has been reached. 5's. waiting for lunch to be served. etc. Call out that the class should do an "Ordinal Number Count Off.Number Sense Suggested Activities Below are suggested activities that can be used throughout the unit of study. or wallpaper. Make the numbers that are multiples of two stand out in some way such as by making them larger. once the number line is hung. • Provide Ships of paper 3" x 18" (8 em x 46 em). fabric. and some rubber stamps. or 2's. Have students think of objects that come in multiples of the number by which you will be counting. #3708 Cut & Paste Math 4 ©Teacher Created Resources. . for example. • Write the ordinal number words on a clothespin. Then it is the next student's turn. or even ordinal numbers. students can easily see a faster way of counting all of the mittens on the number line. glittering them. 5's. For example. or writing them in another color. numeral names. Gather together a lOa's chart. students can go back with a pencil or crayon and label the images." Go down the line pointing to students as they call off their position in line using ordinal numbers. an ink pad. The game can be modified in a variety of ways to reflect the concepts on which you are currently working. Create even longer lines of stamped images with a longer piece of paper or by taping together several students' papers and label the images by counting by lO's. and IO's. Play continues until the first student has reached 100. and objects that can be used as markers. • This game can be played with 2-5 players. Glue each student's pair of mittens on a long strip of butcher paper or cash register tape. "First. Students then either draw a pair of mittens or they can get creative and cut the mittens out of construction paper. • Line students up for recess a few minutes early. Then. Create a clothesline by tying a piece of string to two chairs and separating the chairs about 3 feet. This is a fun way to pass the time when your class is lined up and waiting for an event to happen. Label each envelope according to the place value that it will represent. and one for the ones place. Older students can use the same activity. • Create cards with different dollar amounts written on each card. For example. the student would write down. each student flips over the top card in his or her deck. however. Use number cards to have students practice facing the alligator puppet the correct direction in order to make a less than or greater than symbol with the alligator's open mouth. In addition. a five from the tens envelope. The student who has the most cards at the end of the round is the winner. For example.Number Sense Suggested Activities (cont. Provide a variety of play coins or real coins and have the student provide the correct money in order to pay for the food item that they cut out. ©Teacher Created Resources. you will want to make a greater thanlless than symbol on a 3" x 5" (8 em x 13 em) index card. such as two dollars. Simply make your own deck of cards by numbering index cards with the numbers with which you want your students to work. or a dime and a penny. Students must select a card and then draw all of the variations of coin combinations that would equal the amount on the card. give students an amount that they paid for the item. Practice several times as a class and then place the puppet and the number cards in a center for students to use independently. Tell the students that this alligator eats numbers and he always eats the most food that he can. and a three from the ones envelope. The library envelopes work well for this activity.) (cont. A pair of students should divide the remaining deck of cards evenly. 5 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . • Create an envelope for each place value that your class is currently studying. if a student draws a one from the hundreds envelope. create three envelopes: one for the hundreds place. Place strips of paper inside the envelopes that have 0-9 written on them. from the ad. a student could draw two nickels and a penny. Inc. 153. For example. • Purchase or make an alligator hand puppet or finger puppet.) • Make a modification on the card game "War" to help students practice greater than and less than. Take the face cards out of a deck of playing cards. • Save the grocery store advertisements that come in the mail. or eleven pennies. Students must draw one numeral from each envelope and write down a new numeral using the numerals drawn. and have them figure out the change that they would get back. if the card said 11¢. This game can be adapted for larger numbers. one for the tens place. Have students cut out food items. if your second graders are working on place value to the hundreds. including the sale price. Students should place the cards on the table and place the greater than/less than symbol between the two cards facing the correct direction. Then. The student whose card is the greater number gets to keep both of the cards. . -.-------... • • 2.. 1. one ~ I I \ . Count the dots on the wing of each ladybug at the top of the page... Glue the wing that has the numeral name on the matching ladybug... four .. three ~ ~ .-------....--------- .•..-------- \ ....•...•..--------- \ I I \ .•.... 8.. _----' . ..--------... five seven . '~----...•. ....•. 3.•... .. . Inc. \ I I \ I ....... \.•. \ I I \. .. ~.•. ...Number Sense: Counting and Numeral Names Dots All Around Directions: Cut out the ladybug wings at the bottom of the page....•. I I \ I .~---~.-------. 5.-------- .. _----" '~----~ '~----' #3708 Cut Paste Math 6 ©Teacher Created Resources.... ~ ~ ~ . I \ \ I I \ I \ & . ~. 4. ~-------------------------------I .. .. .•. \ two zero ' . •• • • • ••• \ I 7. eight ... _----' .... __ .. 6. ••..•. 7.. count the candles and glue the cake with the correct numeral name under the candles. 3. 0.•.. OA( three five •.' I '.•.••. nine .••. #3708 Cut & Paste Math . 0 AO. OAO. 5. 0. ( --- - -7 eight two .•• 0.. O. 6.•.- - ©Teacher Created Resources.. uu I 4. O . 2. ( ).one - zero - six .. OAOAOAOAOA( ~------------------------------~.•.O .•• 0..•.•. 0.•.... OA..•. O .•. 0 .•. Inc. 1. O .oAOAO. For each problem.-- ~AO••. 8. O . O .•.Number Sense: Counting and Numeral Names Count the Candles Directions: Cut out the word cards at the bottom of the page.•.. O .•. O.•• OAO.•.•. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 UUUiU . 0 O .••. ( ~AO••. ... . .. __ . one ' _--. ....". . --. .. I I I \ \ . . _-_ .. .. •• •• ••• ~----~ I I I \ \ •• .•. 1 \ . I " --. . ..-------------... \ I \ I I ...•. . _-_ . ..•. .. . 2 \ I \ I I \ . . " . . . .•.... " I \ I I r I I I \ . .. .' I . I I I \ \ " 8 . .. .. 5 \ (" five " i ..... . .. .. . _-_ " . . Inc.'. .•..•.. ..... .. ( four i '6\ . ....•... . '.. .. I I .. " .. . ... \ I I I I ! \ ..•. . ....Number Sense: Counting and Numeral Names Number Names on the Go Directions: Cut out the car tires at the bottom of the page..•.... . _-_ . I I .... _-_ . --- •.. ... \ . ( six ..".. ... . Match the numerals and numeral names to the correct cars..----..' ... ' •.. . .•..••. '.'" . •. ....••. 4 \ .••. .. . ". I .. --" -...•..... #3708 Cut & Paste Math ©Teacher Created Resources.....-----.. .... ..•." "'---~" .• . . .. I I \ . ' <... ..i I \ \ I . ... .... Glue the tires in place. " . ..• ... -. .... \ I \ . ..•.' \ \ l .. _-_ . I I I I \ . ....' . .. ... Count the dots on each car. .. \ \ . .. r ."---- \ \ I I I r I r I I \ . --_~" . 3. I 8. ~I ~I one five two six 1_ I I &J 1_ I 7·~1_ 5. Inc. ctQ~I__ four I I ~-------------------------------three r-----------------~ I I : seven: I I I ._---------------_. I I I zero #3708 Cut & Paste Math 9 . Count each type of plant or animal in the fish tank. 1. ~ 2. ~ V I ~I 4. 6.Number Sense: Counting and Numeral Names Fish Tank Count Directions: Cut out the word cards at the bottom of the page. Glue the correct number word next to each object. ©Teacher Created Resources. Glue the words in place to make ice cream cones. r- ----- ./ Number Sense: Counting and Numeral Names Ice Cream Party Directions: Cut out the words at the bottom of the page. Match each word to the correct numeral. Inc. ~-------------------------------fifteen #3708 Cut & Paste Math 10 ©Teacher Created Resources. Label with ordinal numbers the place each animal is standing in line. Glue the correct word card next to each animal... __ 4. ~I..--. . WI~--.. ~IL.Number Sense: Ordinal Numbers Who~s First? Directions: Cut out the word cards at the bottom of the page. 1·~1 2.__ 3. VI_first fourth fifth If 6. Look at the line of animals below. . ~-------------------------------~ second third sixth #3708 Cut & Paste Math ©Teacher Created Resources. Inc.--_~ ~I __ 5. \ . . . \' '\'\ \\ '\ . .---.---. .---. ... is third. I I \ \\ '\ '\ I I J I ... I I I .. .. '\ '\ .. I I I I .\'. '\ '\ '\ ". I I I ..--. " •••. r I I I "~" •. ~---.. " \ \\ '\'\ . •••. is fifth.. '\ '\ " '\ . I I . '. . . I I I '\ '\ '\ '\ '\ f I • .. '\ '\ '\ • I I I . .......--. ". _--. I vv . . .•. . 1 .... Glue the people in their correct places on a separate sheet of paper. _--- I #3708 Cut & Paste Math 12 ©Teacher Created Resources... __ . . .. I ...... I . . ... . . .. " I I I .. '. . __ . . ...._- " . . . . " I I .Number Sense: Ordinal Numbers Where Do They Stand? Directions: Cut out the picture cards at the bottom of the page. is sixth. I I I " ~. Read the sentences below in order to determine the correct order the people are standing in line.. .... " I I I . I II II ' ' . ._.". \ \' '\ '\ \\ '\ . " I I . •• .. . is seventh. \' '\ '\ \\ '\ ... " '\ '\ '\ . . _--. is tenth. I I I . is eighth. .. . I I I . I I .. " " I . is fourth. " " .. . 1-'\ . I I • . ••• . I .". C...... .- " II I . \ '\ '\ . r . . _--.' -- .- " "~\' ..---.--'. '\ \ '\ 1 I I I . I I I I I I '\ \ '\ '\ \ I I I . is second. I I . f I I . I I I I . ... " " '\ \ \ . . .. .. I 1 ._. is ninth. _.. " II .. " '/ . '. ~ is first. . I I I . o O ~ .". .. •••. -------------------------------. ... "'. I I I I . .--. Inc... . '---' I . . .--'. 6. The dog lives on the I 1 floor. The lizard lives on the _____ 1 floor. 5. Glue the word cards in the correct places to complete the sentences. The bird lives on the _-"-1 floor. 4. The bunny lives on the I 1 floor. first fourth ©Teacher Created Resources. Look at the apartment to figure out on which floor each animal lives. 1. 3. 2. second fifth 13 third sixth #3708 Cut & Paste Malh .Number Sense: Ordinal Numbers The Tall Apartment Directions: Cut out the word cards at the bottom of the page. The fish live on the ~-------------------------------~ - I 1 floor. Inc. The cat lives on the _____ 1 floor. Look at the picture for the sequence of how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.. ~-------------------------------first I I I ~ I second A I ~ I third sixth A I : fourth fifth 14 #3708 Cut & Paste Math ©Teacher Created Resources. 4. Label each sentence below with an ordinal number as to which step it is.{(W 2.. 1 _ Get some peanut butter and jelly. '-~'.. . Get some bread. 1 1 Spread the jelly on the bread.. Peanut Butter 3. Eat the sandwich. § 1 I 5. Spread the peanut butter on the bread. Put the bread together. 1..Number Sense: Ordinal Numbers Order It Directions: Cut out the word cards at the bottom of the page. Inc. .. 6. •. -. Inc. Glue the numeral cards in the correct places in order to count by tens. 15 #3708 Cut & Paste Math .60 40 80 100 90 ©Teacher Created Resources. Practice counting by tens.Number Sense: Count by 10's Ants Go Marching Directions: Cut out the numeral cards at the bottom of the page..------20 .?#gf~ ~~~~ ~~~ 50 ~gf~ ~~%>~ ~~~ 70 ~gf~ ~~%>~ ~~~ ~- --. ~gf~ ~~%>~ ~~~ ~gf~ ~~%>~ ~~~ ~gf~ ~~%>~ ~~~ ~gf~ ~~~~ ~~~ 10 ~gf~ ~~%>~ ~~~ 30 ~gf~ ~~%>~ ~~~ ~gf~ ~~%>~ ~~~ <. . I I I I . . I I • I L I ! 40 ! 45 • L . Glue the numeral cards in the correct places to count by fives. 50 ! • I : 75: 80 : 85 : 90 : 95 :100 : L I I ~ t .r~-~-~-:----:----:--::-T::--::--=-:-:-:-:-=-=-=T~-~-~-:-~-~-: ----I I • I I I I I ! 5 ! 10 L I I ~ f • L I I 1 15 ! 20 ! 25 ! 30 ! 35 ! ~ I I 4 I I ~ I I ~ • J I 1 I ! 55 ! 60 ! 65 ! 70 t---------T---------T---------T---------T---------T---------T---------' 1 I f If' I • I I f I I .Number Sense: Count by 5's Fives Are Alive! Directions: Color the numeral cards at the bottom of the page yellow. Cut them out. Inc. 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 ~- . Practice counting by fives by counting the yellow cards you glued in place. ~ I I ~ I I ~ I I #3708 Cut & Paste Math 16 ©Teacher Created Resources. 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 DD @] [!J D 00 ~ 00 00 00 DDD 00 00 00 00 00 D D ~D~ 00 00 00 00 00 40 [EJ DDD 1 I ~-------------------------------• • I 1416 : ~ r------------~-------------r------------~------------. Glue them in the correct places in order to count by twos.-------------r------------~ 1 I I I I I ! : 10! 14! 16! 181 I I I I I I I .Number Sense: Count by 2 's Two by Two Directions: Cut out the numeral cards at the bottom of the page. 17 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . I ~------------T------------.-------------r------------r------------. Inc.-------------1 I • • l 22·l: 26 ~ ! L 30 :! 34 J ~ : i 36 i : ~ 38 l: ! ©Teacher Created Resources. Glue the correct numeral cards in the blanks in order to complete the patterned counting. I~_I. 26. 28. 1__ ~-------------------------------r------------.-_1. 15.--_I.4.8. ! 30 ! 32 j ' 1 • I ~ I i 35 i 50 L I i 38 L I • I j #3708 Cut & Paste Math 18 ©Teacher Created Resources. fives. 50. 1. 10. 100 5.-------------r------------r------------~ ! 12 I L I 4 i 80 i 20 I ~ i 30 ! ~_-----------J I I 1 I 6 15 1 I + 60 L ~_-----------.. 20. 1'-----_1.. 30. 40. 2. 60. determine if the pattern is counting by twos. 25. 0. IL. 70. 1<---_1._-----------J I . 1'---_1. 80 O. 40.14 35 20. 40. 5's. 1. 30. or tens. 90.Number Sense: Counting by 2's. 1. or LO's Counting by ? Directions: Cut out the numeral cards at the bottom of the page. O. 45 1__ 6. 0. 3.. 36..70. 5. 2. 10. Inc. For each problem. 4. 34. . 25. ----------.3> 0 8. 19 #3708 Cut & Paste Matti .Number Sense: Greater Than.3< 0 10.0 >8 9. and Equal Make It True Directions: Cut out the numeral cards at the bottom of the page.0 >6 4.2< 0 6·0 7 7. Glue the cards in the boxes below to make each statement true.5 0 5. Less Than. 1·0>4 2. Inc.0 > 1 ~-------------------------------:5:7:3 :4:7: ~-__-------L----------J----------J-----------L-------I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r----------r----------.-----------r----------~ '2'5'9'6'8' I I I ~ I I I I L I __~ I I I I I I ~I I I I ~I I I I ~ I ~ I I I I ©Teacher Created Resources.0 < 10 3. 1.20020 10.14 011 3. 8.130 17 6. Less Than. .20016 . and Equal Greater Than~Less Than~or Equal Directions: Cut out the sign cards at the bottom of the page.18016 ~-------------------------------- 000@@ 0@0@0 #3708 Cut & Paste Math 20 ©Teacher Created Resources.Number Sense: Greater Than.14 014 4. Use them in the problems below to make each true. Inc.16 017 5.12 018 7.170 17 2.15 0 18 9. Decide if each statement is true or false. and Equal True or False? Directions: Cut out the numeral statements at the bottom of the page. FALSE ~-------------------------------·----------------. TRUE . 46 > 48 1 .JI 49 > 51 1 I 1 43 > 36 1 I L 73 < 71 1 I . 2f #3708 Cut & Paste Math . Less Than. 1 I I 76 > 72 1 I I 21 > 28 1 I I 91 > 89 1 I I 67 < 61 1 I I ~----------------+----------------+----------------~----------------~ ~----------------+----------------+----------------~----------------~ I I I I I I : 84 = 84 I I : 63 < 67 : 82 < 79 : 33 < 38 : I I I I I I I 1 I •. Glue each card in the correct column below.• ©Teacher Created Resources.-----------------~----------------r----------------. file.Number Sense: Greater Than. .-l44 l 28 l60 l 75 l ~ 25 i 71 i 33 i 53 ~ • 4 ~ ~ • #3708 Cut & Paste Math 22 ©Teacher Created Resources. Determine the number being shown in each picture.=-=-=-=T=-=-=-:-~-=-~-:-~-~-~-~ . DO o 3... Glue the correct numeral card next to each picture.--. 1. D 6. n o D n 8.. D 7. Look at the ones and tens rods below. .. D 4.Number Sense: Place Value Tens and Ones Directions: Cut out the numeral cards at the bottom of the page. Inc. DO DO DO DO o D D DO 2.. DO DO DO DO 5. D ~ L ! L ~ ODD DO ~- ... 124 2. 237 3. 1. ©Teacher Created Resources. 173 . Use the pictures to illustrate the numeral shown below. Inc.Number Sense: Place Value Show the Numeral Directions: Cut out the picture cards at the bottom of the page. 23 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . -------'--__ 1_' _-'---_ J 241 4. -. Make a numeral that has . 5.-.. a 4 in the tens place. 4.. a 0 in the ones place.. and a 3 in the hundreds place..T ... and a 3 in the hundreds place..r . a 9 in the tens place.. Inc.. Read the clues below in order to make the number stated.. a 7 in the tens place... ~If' I ~ ...... and a 4 in the hundreds place.... 2. .. L I :3: I I • I #3708 Cut & Paste Math 24 ©Teacher Created Resources. and a 2 in the hundreds place..... Make a numeral that has ... Make a numeral that has .... a 8 in the ones place. Make a numeral that has . a 0 in the tens places.. and a 1 in the hundreds place.. Make a numeral that has ... a 9 in the ones place. a 5 in the tens place........ 3.. a 2 in the ones place.... .. Glue the numeral cards in the correct places... 1... ~-------------------------------~----------'----------'-----------~----------r----------. I 1 I I r I I I I I I I I I I I '9'4'2 :4:2:8:9:7 • I I • I I I (" ... a 6 in the ones place... I I I '1'3' f I I I I I I I I I I L • I L I I L I I ~ I J I I JI : I I I :6:0:5:0 I I • I I I ~ I ....Number Sense: Place Value Make a Number Directions: Cut out the numeral cards at the bottom of the page. Count how many flowers. Count how many fish. ©Teaclzer Created Resources. Write how many strawberries now. Glue one more strawberry in the bucket. Glue one more fish in the tank. Write how many fish now. Glue one more flower in the dirt. Count how many strawberries. Count how many butterflies. lnc. 1Less Than 1 More Directions: Read the sentences. 1. Write how many kites now. Glue one more kite in the sky.Number Sense: 1More Than. Write how many flowers now. Glue one more of the same object in the picture. 5. Count how many kites. 3. 25 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . Count how many there are. _ 2. Write how many butterflies now. 4. Glue one more butterfly in the sky. 1·000 2·0GO 3·000 4·000 I I s·OGO 6·0CJO 7·0GO 8·000 l 4 I I I I I I ~-------------------------------1 I I 3 I I 2 I I 5 I I 7 I I t-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------4 I r I I I I I '4'6'3'5' I I I I I I t I t-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----I I I • 1 • I I I • • . Glue the cards in the correct places to show one more (box on the right) and one less (box on the left) than the numeral shown in the center box. Inc. ~ I I I A I I I A I • 1 I I 1 A I 2 I I I r 4 I 1 I #3708 Cut & Paste Math 26 ©Teacher Created Resources. 1 Less Than 1 More. I I I I I I I I I It' I • I I f I 7 '9' I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ 4 J '6' I I I I 8 . '0' • I I I I .Number Sense: 1More Than. . 1 Less Directions: Cut out the numeral cards at the bottom of the page. . .... Glue the cards in the correct places in order to show ten more or ten less than the numerals shown...... inc. 27 #3708 Cut & Paste Math ... I I I ....-I I I I I I 15 I I 33 I I 57 I I I • 64 l 96 I I l 100 I I l t I ~-----------+-----------+----~------+-----------+-----------+-----------i . 5 23 47 54 30 43 57 64 71 95 86 90 ~. I I • • I J I I l 85 l 61 l 54 l 47 l 33 l 20 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .Number Sense: 10 More Than.-'............. • ©Teacher Created Resources. 10 Less Than 10 More~ 10 less Directions: Cut out the numeral cards at the bottom of the page.. 1. 7¢ 2.Number Sense: Money Money in My Wallet Directions: Cut out the coins at the bottom of the page. 3¢ 4. 10¢ 5. 5¢ 3. 12¢ 6. Glue the coins in the wallets so that each wallet has the amount shown on the wallet. Inc. . 15¢ #3708 Cut & Paste Math 28 ©Teacher Created Resources. ..-.. I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ©Teacher Created Resources... Glue the picture cards in the correct places.... 6. 1...Number Sense: Money How Much Does It Cost? Directions: Cut out the picture cards at the bottom of the page...-.. ...~ I : :.. I • I I I I I • ..-~.... '1: : I I • f I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~A .. v I\~ I I I I I : : '""f": .. 5..-~...-. Inc..-. : '1'9 ~ -<. .... ~-------------------------------~. ... • I I I I I I f I I I I I I I ~-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------4 . 29 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . 2. Match the picture card whose price tag shows the same amount of money as the coins counted. Count the coins at the top of the page. 3........ fl.-..---...---------... 4.. .-..". 63 I . I #3708 Cut & Paste Math 30 ©Teacher Created Resources. 2.45 1 I I $1.55 1 .01 1 I I $0. 3. $1. Inc. I I I I ~~ __ ~__ ~__ ~__ ~--~_~T~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~T:-:-:-=-=-=-=-=T:-:-:-:_~_ o $0. 4.00 1.01 . For each problem. 6. How much change will you receive? Glue the card showing the correct amount of change you will receive next to each item.00 for the item shown.25 • $0.93 1 I I $0. 8. you pay the cashier $2. You Pay: $2. . 5. $1.45 I t-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------i 1 I 1 $0.Number Sense: Money Make Change Directions: Cut out the cards at the bottom of the page. 6. Once the sum has been named. For example. multiplication. Students can select one domino to use in writing number sentences. another student may roll the dice. alternating students tossing the beanbags until one player reaches 10 points. • Demonstrate to students just how much we use computation in our everyday lives. Write the numeral that would answer each problem on both sides of a clothespin. too. he pours out the contents of the bag and clips the clothespins to the card to correctly answer each problem. • Gather a piece of chalk and two beanbags. Once the number sentence has been written down and a sum or difference determined. plastic bag. Lay the dominoes face down on the table. It is highly beneficial to show them applications of the computation they are learning to do. ask the class questions such as. lite. This activity can be used in order to practice multiplication for older students. When a student wants to practice the facts on the card. Be sure to include the sum. draw 3-5 circles in the shape of a target. and the team agrees that the sum is correct. Label each circle with a numeral. Students will create their own addition or subtraction number sentences. Students should take turns rolling the dice to determine numerals to LIseas addends. Obtain some dominoes. "There are 20 students in the class. too. Write facts (addition. For a challenge. too. The game can be used for multiplication. Place the clothespins and the problem card together in a small. Before the students place the domino back in the pile. or division) down both sides of a piece of index paper. Each time you come across a computation you need to do. After the dice have been rolled. Count the number of dots on the top half of the domino and the number of dots on the bottom half of the domino and use those two numbers as the addends when writing the number sentence.Computation Suggested Activities Below are suggested activities that can be used throughout the unit of study. Students must stand at a designated place and toss the two beanbags. One addend should be the number of students that will be buying lunch. ©Teacher Created Resources. How many pieces of paper do I need in all?" Students enjoy helping to figure out these type of real-world problems. Play continues. Each child needs two pieces of black paper for the art project. add an extra beanbag and have students practice adding with three addends. include the class in figuring out the answer. The other addend should be the number of students that brought their lunches from home. Use dominos when practicing multiplication. the student receives one point. • Create some clothespin games for students to use to practice basic facts. • Provide two dice for each group of students and a piece of paper. Students must look at the numerals from the circles where the beanbags landed and add them together. On the carpet or cement outside. • Write your lunch count in the form of a number sentence each day. students should use the number of dots on the dice as the addends in their number sentence. 31 #3708 Cut & Paste Marh . Students should continue until they reach a predetermined number of problems. they should turn the domino around in order to write the related fact. subtraction. • Dominoes provide a great way to practice computation. The dots will already be drawn. if two red counters are showing and four yellow counters are showing." • Provide students with rubber stamps or stickers for them to use in illustrating multiplication number sentences. For example. Students should cut out several food items from the ads. Inc. . and release them on the table. Students then use the colors that are face-up on the counters to create a number sentence. he or she picks up the counters and repeats. the number sentence will simply have to be written down. if the problem is 2 + 1 = 3. write a story problem about the food items. students can draw two dots above the numeral 2 and 1 dot above the numeral 1. Students illustrate the multiplication problem with lines representing the numbers in the problem. This activity can also be used to illustrate addition or subtraction number sentences. For example. Have students simply illustrate a number sentence or have them write a word problem that goes with their illustration. Students pick up the counters. thus the sum is the same when you "add in any order. The counters should be one color on one side and another color on the other side. Once the student has written down the number sentence. The points where the lines cross can be counted up to show the product. Draw dots or pictures above each addend to represent the numbers being added. For example. • Demonstrate that you can add in any order (or multiply) by creating cards with addition facts written at the bottom of each card. Provide them for students to use in writing their own problems. turn the card upside down and have students write down the new addition number sentence by writing 1 + 2 = 3. the problem 2 x 5 = 10 would look like this as an array: 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 10 9 #3708 Cut & Paste Math 32 ©Teacher Created Resources. Then. shake them in their hands.) • Gather or make two-color counters. too. • Save the grocery store ads that come in the mail. The second numeral being multiplied is represented by an equal number of horizontal lines that cross the vertical lines. • Teach multiplication through the use of arrays. then determine the number sentence based on what they have stamped. and then show their number sentence that corresponds. Students can either stamp first. the student would write the problem: 2 + 4 = 6. Students should continue play until a predetermined number of number sentences have been written down.Computation Suggested Activities (cont. or they can determine the number sentence and then use the stamps to illustrate it.) (cont. Students will be able to see that the number of dots or objects does not change just because the addends are reversed in their order. The first numeral being multiplied is represented by an equal number of vertical lines. I I I __ '~ I I I I . I I I .I(. -----I~---~-~----.------------.'.r~---~-r~-Dt?. ©Teacher Created Resources.-" I I -. I I .------------~------------~------------~------------. I I I I I I ..J' I 33 #3708 Cut & Paste Math .?t I .--__ 2 5 1 4 o 5 2 3. Write the sum of each problem. !HC."' I I I I I I I I I I • t • I I' I I. Glue the ... I /' ~ I I I I • I . 2 3 3 + 4 ~-------------------------------I I 1 1 I _ :--&---~------:-~-----------:------------:---~------~-:~-~----------:-ffi---~-------: I. picture cards in the correct places in order to illustrate the number sentences written below.: I I {)h: c. :~ f4:i I ~: W I : I :.----1 . I. I I I I t I~ t I I I I I I I' I I .Computation: Adding I-Digit Numerals Illustrate the Problem Directions: Cut out the picture cards at the bottom of the page. 1·1 '--- __ L.------------. • 1 I I f~I I " I : I -----------r-~~:--~~--r--~----. I • I I I . Glue the petals on the flower that shows the sum for the problem on the petal. Inc. . #3708 Cut & Paste Math 34 ©Teacher Created Resources.Computation: Adding l-Digit Numerals Flower Power Directions: Cut out the flower petals at the bottom of the page. two flowers: three hats : four pencils five bugs I I 1 ©Teacher Created Resources. Draw a picture of your problem in the box provided. Then he found I more. Draw Mandi gives him I more. 35 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . Create your own word problem by gluing the word cards in the sentences below. Ken has I I I. 1. write a number sentence to go with your word problem. Then.Computation: Adding I-Digit Numerals Make Your Own Problem Directions: Cut out the number word cards at the bottom of the page. How many does Pei have in all? Draw I 4. Draw Felix gave him I more. How many did Jenny see altogether? I I ~-------------------------------: I ~-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------~ 1 1 1 1 six five I one: two . Jenny saw I I. How many does Ken have in all? Draw 2. Miguel found I I. Inc. Then she saw more. peihasl I. How many does Miguel have altogether? I 3. 7.Computation: Adding I-Digit Numerals The Perfect Nest Directions: Cut out the nests at the bottom of the page. Inc. 6. 1. 8. 2. 4. 3. Glue the nests under the eggs in order to show the correct sums. ~-------------------------------- ~t7 ~87 ~77 ~87 ~67 ~57 ~67 ~{7 36 ©Teacher Created Resources. 5. #3708 Cut & Paste Math . Computation: Adding 2-Digit Numerals Mouse Food Directions: Cut out the pieces of cheese at the bottom of the page. 37 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . 4. 5. 7. 8. Glue the pieces of cheese below the mice in order to show the correct sums. 3. 1. ~-------------------------------@ @ @ @ @ t§j @ @ ©Teacher Created Resources. 6. 2. Inc. l ~ 82 l ~----~---------------.---~---] [ ---~---. Inc. 4. 5. ._------------------. #3708 Cut & Paste Math ._-----------------_. 8. I I I I . . 2. . .---~--. . 7.. . 1. ~-------------------------------._----------------_.Computation: Adding 2-Digit Numerals Bee Hives Directions: Cut out the bees at the bottom of the page. 3.-----------------_ . :::-~::::::::~::::[:::~:::: 38 ©Teacher Created Resources._-----------------_.---~---. 6.. Glue the bees in the correct places in order to show the sums for the problems on the hives. I I I I I I I t:9~fft 39 ~@ . 5. 5 -3 = 2 3 . 1. #3708 Cut & Paste Math .0 = 3 2.Computation: Subtracting I-Digit Numerals snow the Picture Directions: Cut out the picture cards at the bottom of the page. Glue the pictures in the correct places in order to illustrate the subtraction number sentences below. 4._----------------------4 r------------------------------. 4 .----------~-~---------. 2 . 6. ~------------------------------~ ©Teacfler Created Resources.2 = 0 7 -2 = 5 ~-------------------------------~------------------------------~ ~--------~---:------------------~ I I I I I I I • 4 .2 = 2 3. Inc. r------------------------------. 4> <r -~ 2> <E t -.2> <:r -.Computation: Subtracting I-Digit Numerals Birds of a Feather Directions: Cut out the feathers at the bottom of the page. Inc. < r -. Glue the feathers on the turkeys below in order to show the difference for the problems on the turkey feathers. (> <E ~: 0:> <E 1-.5>< (> <~ -.1> < ~:o> < !-. ~-------------------------------Q -. #3708 Cut & Paste Math .4> <E !-J> <E t -.4> 40 ©Teacher Created Resources. Five birds sat on a fence. Inc. How many boys were left? 4. Mom had six cookies.. I had nine flowers in the garden. I ~---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------~ '5' • I I I I 2 • • I • I I 4 I I I I I I 9 3 I I I I I 1 ©Teacher Created Resources. Use the numeral cards to create the correct number sentence for each problem. Three kids got out of the pool. I picked five flowers to bring in the house. All of the boys had to go home. Now how many flowers are in the garden? 6. o I 3 I I 3: I I I • I I I 7 I 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I '6'5' I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------i 2 I I I I I I 3 '4' 4 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I • . Read each word problem.Computation: Subtracting l-Digit Numerals Make the Number Sentence Directions: Cut out the numeral cards at the bottom of the page. How many kids were left? 3. How many apples does he have left? 0-0=0 0-0=0 0-0=0 0-0=0 0-0=0 0-0=0 4 I I ~-------------------------------p---------T---------T---------~---------T---------T---------. Three boys were riding their bikes . 1. 41 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . Two birds flew away. Now how many cookies does mom have? 5. She gave two cookies to me. How many birds were left? 2. Mark had four apples. He ate one apple every day for three days. Seven kids were swimming in a pool. Glue the bottoms in the correct places to show the differences for the problems below. ~-------------------------------41 32 21 18 41 #3708 Cut & Paste Math 56 42 12 33 ©Teacher Created Resources. .Computation: Subtracting 2-Digit Numerals Give It a Bottom Directions: Cut out the bottoms of the cupcakes below the dashed line. Inc. 1. 43 #3708 Cut & Paste Math .Computation: Subtracting 2-Digit Numerals Two scooss Directions: Cut out the cones at the bottom of the page. 5. 4. 7. 8. 6. Glue the cones in the correct places to show the differences for the problems below. ~-------------------------------- ©Teacher Created Resources. 2. Inc. 3. 7+2=9 2+7=9 8.Computation: Fact Families Find the Families Directions: Cut out the pairs of number sentences at the bottom of the page. Glue them in the correct places to show fact families. 4+5=9 5+4=9 4. 5-3=2 5-2=3 7. 1. 7-2=5 7-5=2 2.---------------------T---------------------~ I I I I I I I : 2+4=6 : 4+2=6 I I I • I : 2+3=5 : 3+2=5 I I I I I • I : 9-4=5 : 9-5=4 I I I I I : 2+5=7 : 5+2=7 I I I I I I I : : I I I I t---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------~ : 1+4=5: : 4+1=5: I I I I I I 9-7=2: 9-2=7: I I 8-3=5: 8-5=3: I I 3-2=1 3-1=2 ©Teacher Created Resources. #3708 Cut & Paste Math 44 . 3+5=8 5+3=8 3. Inc. 2 + 1 =3 1+2=3 5. 5-1=4 5-4=1 6. 6-4=2 6-2=4 ~-------------------------------r---------------------~---------------------. Computation: Multiplying i-Digit Numerals Multiplication Match Directions: Cut out the multiplication number sentences at the bottom of the page. Glue them in the correct places in order to label the illustrated pictures. 1. 5. @@@ I I 2. 6. @@@ I I 3. 7. 4. 8. ~~--~--~--~--~--~-:~:-:-:-~-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-~-~~~-:-:-:: 2x4=8: 3xl=3: lx2=2: 4x2=8: I I I I I I I I t-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------~ I • I I I , I I • , I I : 2xl=2: I I I I 3x2=6: I I 2x3=6: t I lx3=3: I 1 ©Teacher Created Resources, lite. 45 #3708 Cut & Paste Math Computation: Multiplying I-Digit Numerals Same Product Directions: Cut out the circles at the bottom of the page. Glue the multiplication problems on the butterfly according to the product. 12 24 18 36 ~-- -----------------------------I , , ,,"--- , , I " , ... --- ... ... , , , \ \ " , , I I I I I \ \ ... --- .... ..•... , , \ I I \ , , , , I I I \ " ,---..• .....•. , , \ \ \ I , r ,,"---- -, , , , \ I I I I 13 x6i , \ I , , \ \ , , , " •...•.. _--,' " " ... --- ... . , , I 13 x4i \ \ , , '....•.... __ .•. " , I I I , , 6 X 6: ... ';' ... --..• " ... ,, , '...•.•... _-_ , I I ,2 X \ , , 6: ~6 X 3 , \ , , I \ I I \ \ , \ \ I I I , , \ \ ",..---<,, , I 12 X 9i 13 X , , '... "'---' " , , , , .... , "'-.-" ,,' e: , , I \ , I I I I \ \ , \ \ I I ,9 X , , ...... ... 4: .... " _-_ , , I I I I I \ \ \ '•..... .... ',' ...... - ...... ,,' -,, , \ \ _-_ , , ,...... _--,' , , , , \ \ 136 X 1: 8 X 3 \ \ " , " .... --- ...'... " \ \ , ", ... ---- ...... ,, \ \ , I I I I \ \ , , , , " ••• --- ••• ,'10. , , \ I \ ...,...... _-_ ... ;,' --- ... .... , , I I , , , ••.•.•.... _--,,' .......••. , , \ I I I I i9 X 2 \ \ , \ , I I I I I '........ _--,,;' ,... ....... , , 6 X 4: -; .•. _-_ ..•...'" , , I I I I I I I I \ \ " ...--- ..•. .....•, , ", ... , , \ \ ,,'--- , , 6X 2 -, , , I I I "'---' ,'" , I I I ~4 X 3 \ \ , " -, ...._-_ ... ", I I I I I I I I I I \ \ , , \ , , I I \ \ -- .... .•.... , , \ \ , 4X , , ,.••... _-_ 9 , i4 X 6 , , I I I I , , / ... ' , , ,...... _--,,' , , , I I #3708 Cut & Paste Math 46 ©Teacher Created Resources, Inc. Computation: Multiplying l-Digit Numerals Box It Directions: Cut out the graph paper on page 48 into strips that illustrate the problems below. Glue the strips in the boxes. The first one is done for you. 1. 3x2 5. 4x2 2. 4xl 6. 1X 3 3. 5x3 7. 2x2 4. 3x4 8. 5x2 ©Teacher Created Resources, Inc. 47 #3708 Cut & Paste Math Computation: Multiplying l-Digit Numerals Graph Paper #3708 Cut & Paste Math 48 ©Teacher Created Resources. . Inc. How many eggs in 2 dozen? 2. IHc. How many shoes are there? 3. 2 kids rode their tricycles. Write the product on the line provided. 1. How many hats are there? 7. 5 boys wear hats.-------------------+-------~-----------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------~ : 2 X 5 : 3 X 4 : 2 X 12 : 6 X 3 : 3 X 5 I I I I • I I I I I I I 8x2 I 6x2 I I : I I ©Teacher Created Resources. How many I<neeson 6 girls? 11111111 = = = = = = = = = = 11 I ~-------------------------------Ox4 I I 2x3 I I 5x1: I I I I . How many sides on 4 circles? 10. 49 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . How many wheels are there? 4. How many fingers on 2 hands? 8. 8 kids took off their shoes.Computation: Multiplying I-Digit Numerals How ManY? Directions: Cut out the multiplication problems at the bottom of the page. Glue them in the correct places in order to provide a number sentence for the word problems. How many points on 3 stars? 9. 3 dogs went for a walk. How many dog legs are there? 5. How many sides are on 6 triangles? 6. ... Glue the word cards in the sentences below... x - of water every I How many glasses of water did she drlnk? 4.. How many x - ~I I . A recipe calls for I make the recipe I cups of flour will be needed? I cups of flour. Then.. How many 2.... ... write a multiplication problem to correspond with the word problem.... shirts. 1.-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------4 : three : three : five : five #3708 Cut & Paste Math : . 50 ©Teacher Created Resources.-• I I I I I I : two two four four ...Computation: Multiplying l-Digit Numerals Multiply It Directions: Cut out the number word cards at the bottom of the page... Mark wants to give I - I friends each I need? 3.. We will I times. Be sure to include the product.. Inc. Maria drank day for I cookies. A mother with each of them shirts will she buy? I I I children wants to buy I new x ....-. x How many cookies will Mark I I glasses I days.. .. Solve the problem by showing your number sentence. 5/ #3708 Cut & Paste Math .Computation: Problem Solving The Duck Pond Directions: Cut out the duck pictures at the bottom of the page. Inc. I I I I 1 I I G'G I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ©Teacher Created Resources. Make up a math word problem to go with the picture. ~-------------------------------:-------~--~----:-------~-------:-------~-------:-------~-------: ~-------~----------------~--------~---------------~-------~----------------~--------~---------------~ I I • I I I I I I I G'G I I • I I • I I I I I . Glue some or all of the ducks in the picture in various places. ------------r-------~--~-------------~-------~--~-------------~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : I • . . ~ : I I I I I I I. Solve the problem by showing your number sentence. . • ~ I #3708 Cut & Paste Math 52 ©Teacher Created Resources. . I. . A I I I I I I A I • I • . .Computation: Problem Solving Cats Directions: Cut out the cat pictures at the bottom of the page. . I I I I I I • I I I 1 I . Make up a math word problem to go with the picture. . ~ : I I I I I I I. ~ I I • I I . Glue some or all of the cats in the picture in various places. ~-------------------------------I ~-------~--~-------------~-------~--~-------------~-------~--~-------------~-------~--~-------------. ~ : I I I I I I I. I. : I I I I I I • . ~ : t I f I I I ~-------~--~-------------r-------~---. Inc. I. . Solve the problem by showing your number sentence. Make up a math word problem to go with the picture. 53 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . file. Glue some or all of the cars in the picture in various places. I I I I ~-------------------------------- ©Teacher Created Resources.Computation: Problem Solving The Neighborhood Directions: Cut out the car pictures at the bottom of the page. and months. Title 8:00 9:00 I 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 54 ©Teacher Created Resources. You will probably want to spread this activity out over several days. and fold the pages back down. 4. Write the approximate time that each activity will take place or subject will be taught. Have students create a calendar for each month of the year. and they will also have a great gift to give to their parents! #3708 Cut & Paste Math • marking pens • crayons • colored pencils 2. draw a picture of what the clock will look like at that time. Follow the directions below to create a step-by-step book. Next to the time. • Help students create a step-by-step book of their daily schedule. • Encourage students to become familiar with calendars by making a calendar for the entire year. Then. Have students place the four sheets of paper on top of one another. Children are always excited to have their own watch. • Reproduce the clock pattern on pages 56 and 57 on index paper. Students will begin to get used to seeing the written time and clock time together. 2. This activity makes a great holiday gift for parents at Christmas. Collect art projects created throughout the school year to glue at the top of each piece of construction paper. 4. Hanukkah. Students will have had a meaningful experience working with calendars. overlapping the ends. It makes them feel grown up and promotes an immediate and motivating need to learn how to tell time. Mother's Day. Direct the students to hold the pages together and fold the pages over to create four more overlapping pages. if not weeks. dates. • Encourage patents to purchase inexpensive watches for their children. use the clocks as students practice telling time. • Post your schedule each day on the board. Materials • four 9" x 12" (23 em x 30 cm) sheets of construction paper • long-ann stapler Directions 1. . Glue each calendar on the bottom half of a 12" x 18" (30 ern x 46 ern) piece of construction paper. Create a cover and bind the calendar pages together in the correct order. Have students write the book title on the top page and write story sentences and illustrations on each succeeding page. staples 3. etc. Help students assemble the clock. Have students keep a diary of one morning's events and write a different time and event on each page. Reproduce the calendar patterns on pages 63 and 64. Inc.Measurement Suggested Activities Below are suggested activities that can be used throughout the unit of study. Help students staple the inside fold. 3. students can measure the total height of the bear. The first step is to have students draw a picture of their animal. After the activity has been completed and checked by an adult. place a "special" object in the center every week. ©Teacher Created Resources. Students must use all of the measuring tools they can in order to measure the object. rulers. and the weight.) • Provide 3" x 5" (8 ern x 13 em) index cards for students and a clock stamp. Continue in a similar manner having the groups locate things that weigh more and less than their objects. After you have taught the students to use the various measuring tools. if the object is a teddy bear. For example. On the other side of the index card. tape measure. at Halloween. have students practice measuring using candy corns. direct them to find three things that are shorter than the object. • Food is always a great motivator. or both! This activity can also be adapted for weight. inches ruler. 55 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . etc. etc. students write a digital time. Have students write the measurement below each picture. students should measure the various parts of the animal. students could measure the circumference with a tape measure. if you place an apple in the center. Students can do this activity practicing with a centimeter ruler. For example. The children can exchange animals and measure a friend's animal. On one side of the index card. scales. have students practice measuring using candy hearts. the legs. • Gather a variety of measuring tools such as calendars. Then students can compare to see if they got the same answers. Direct the students to go around the room and find three things that are longer than their groups' object. Provide each group an object. have them sort the objects for items that weigh more than one pound and less than one pound. Have the students cut a picture out of the magazine that they want to use for measurement practice. the height. Then.Measurement Suggested Activities (cont. Students should write the measurements on the picture that they drew. the index cards can be used as flashcards for students to practice telling the time. thermometers. • Provide magazines for students to look through. For example. Use holiday appropriate food or candy as non-standard units of measurement. • Have students bring their favorite stuffed animal from home. Inc. Clock stamps can be purchased at teacher supply stores. Allow students to experiment with using the tools even before you begin teaching the students how to use them. students stamp an image of the clock and then use a marker or a pencil to draw the hands on the clock. Since students will not be able to weigh the actual objects in the picture. Then. • Divide students into groups. too. Around Valentine's Day. Students can then glue their picture to a piece of paper and then measure the objects in the pictures.) (cont. Place the measurement tools along with a variety of objects in a learning center. clocks. Glue the numbers on the clock in the correct places. D D D #3708 Cut & Paste Math • • 56 ©Teacher Created Resources. Glue the circle together by putting glue on the tab and laying the half-circle from the next page on top of the tab. Use the clock as you learn about telling time. Inc. . Use a brad in order to attach the clock hands.Measurement: Time Make Your Own Clock Directions: Cut out the pieces on this page and the next. Measurement: Time Make Your Own Clock (cont. 57 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . I I I I 1 I I I • I . 2 I • 1 3 I I I I I I I I I 451 I I I I I I I I 6 1 I I I I I I I I ~-----_---+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------i 17 I I I i 8 19 I I I 1101111121 I I I I I I ©Teacher Created Resources.) r---------T---------T---------T---------T---------T---------. Inc. .. I I . : I ~ .. S·.~~~g-)~------------:-b. : I : I ~ : I VNI: I I #3708 Cut & Paste Math 58 ©Teacher Created Resources. count to 10 ).n-. I ..•. Co ..Measurement: Time second. : I /..•••••.mOVie • ~ ~ ~. ~-" "'oJ. : . . I I \\. I .. Inc.:- '~-=-- ... Decide whether each activity would take a few seconds. I ..~. Glue the cards in the correct columns. . A Few Seconds • ~-------------------------------:g~-..•••. f ~ ~~ 41 ~ eat breakfast .--' -zr~.~ : : I I~ r ')'" I '~ :: : I ~ -- .-<\0 ... :write your name : write a letter to grandma : watch ~: 01'\ ~~ "V . . a . ~ ••••.I)? c' t------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------4 I I 8 9 fto' : go on a long drive '~' : tie your S~hoes : .------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------4 : your 'day at ~school I m"'-'~ : : I 'Jumpmg : jack \\ I I I) . -:.. . a few minutes.te-eth----------: . Minute~or Hour Directions: Cut out the picture/word cards at the bottom of the page..'9-.hik1!!Y---------------:-~~~-'------~---~---------:-~i-. or a few hours to complete.\' ~ ~ ~ .. : : I ..hY~~. 3. 2. 4. . #3708 Cut & Paste Math.Measurement: Time On the Hour Directions: Cut out the time cards at the bottom of the page. 8. 5. 1. Look at the clocks below.-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------_. 9. Inc. ~-------------------------------I I I I : 10:00 I I 6:00 I I I I 7:00 I I 5:00 I I 11:00 I . Glue the correct time card under the clock showing that time. 6. 7. : I I 3:00 : 12:00 : I I 8:00 59 : I I 1:00 : I I ©Teacher Created Resources. 3. 5. Inc. 10:30 4:30 9:30 #3708 Cut & Paste Math 60 ©Teacher Created Resources. 2. 2:30 4.M easurement: Time On the Half Hour Directions: Cut out the clock faces at the bottom of the page. Glue them below in order to correctly show the time with a clock. 1. 6. . 3. 1. 6. 9. 8. #3708 Cut & Paste Math . I 2:35 I ~-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------_. lnc. Glue the time cards under the clocks in the correct places in order to show the time. ~-------------------------------I 4:55 I I : I I I I I 5:50 I I 11:15 I I 3:25 . 2. 4. 5. 7. : 12:45: I I 9:10 : I I 1:40 61 : t • 8:05 : I I ©Teacher Created Resources.Measurement: Time To the Minute Directions: Cut out the time cards at the bottom of the page. Lunch starts at 12:30 and ends at 1:15. How long is band? 5. Beemer teaches math from 9:00 to 10:30. Inc. Band class meets from 11:00 to 12:00. How long is recess? 4. School is done at 3:00. How many hours are children at school? 2. Draw the starting and ending times in the clock faces. . School starts at 8:00. End 1. How long is lunch? ~-------------------------------I I I 7 hours ~ ~ I I :45 minutes: 1 1h hours: £ I I 4 I I 1 hour 4 1h hour 4 #3708 Cut & Paste Math 62 ©Teacher Created Resources. Then cut out the word cards at the bottom of the page. How much time is math class? 3. Glue the word card next to the problem in order to show an answer. Recess starts at 10:30 and ends at 11:00. Figure out how much time has elapsed in each problem.Measurement: Time How Much Time? Directions: Read the word problems. Mrs. . . ~lW~v~y. .[~ Cf) : Halloween : December . Patri : a nc k's : :: ©Teacher Created Resources.O~~~::~~-I----------1 . . write the numbers on the calendar to show the date. . . . :~. . < . Then. . .. I I I I ..-------------------------4 . :':':' ~> ~ . I • I I + . ..Hanukkah I '" : Last Day: Easter: of School: '" I New Years I : . . Saturday: .. . .: ~ .' ns mas. Picture' : Veterans Day : .-------------------------4 -------------------------4 l. . . . l. l. .. . .". .~ ~ A A': IA '. Use the words to label the month. ·(j)il~·~~·jil--i--·-~· . October -------------------------4 : . . Cut out the pieces on page 63 in order to make your own calendar.'. : Memorial : Day I 1st Day of School . Use the holiday/special day squares to mark any special days that are in the month for which you are creating the calendar. Day . . . ~---------------. . . . Day" I I I I /' . : . . Birthday t. I .: a entlnes: Day" : 1 ---------_. . . . ~-------------------------~ ·~-·-02-·Q--------i-·--l1i--·-~-F------~· . :' . .. . and the season. Inc. . Make the calendar for just this month or for the entire year. I + I . February . ~ : Labor : .. I + I I 4 I . days of the week. . January I : Sunday I : Monday : Tuesday : I I t------------------------. . March . Ing : Cf) ----------~----------.' . . : . : ._--------: Th an ks . Birthday f~----------+--~--~-----I----------+-~---------+O-.Washington:' I I 0* S .-------------------------4 April May IV c·f ~ -------------------------4 June t-------------------------t ._--------63 Martln:::J L uth er : K' . . . 4th of July Field: Trip: Lincoln's . ... '~O)' . November . . t------------------------.-------------------------4 . . ~H:*:. ~f~~l~ .. .p: ''4. . . giving V I . . t------------------------. July August September . . . . : .---------#3708 Cut & Paste Math St : Chri t . . :Wednesday: Thursday: I I t I I I A Friday : I • .Measurement: Calendar Make Your Own Calendar Directions: Photocopy the calendar on page 64. . . > Q 0 #3708 Cut & Paste Math r n n . n 0 [l n 0 0 0 ~ en CI) Q 0 > ---------- Q 0 > ------ Q 0 > .Measurement: Calendar Make Your Own Calendar 0 (cont. Inc.) > ---------- Q 0 en 0 e n n n n ~ n 0 0 .c: •••• n 0 n ~ e :E 0 Q 0 > ~------ Q 0 > n r n n 64 r ©Teacher Created Resources. :::~::::::::::::] 65 ::en: --- ------== ---=== ---~: ~ :W: I #3708 Cut & Paste Math .1 . DIG 2.-----------------------------------------4 I '. !.-----------------------------------------.=w i I I ~ I I om -?(i1 ~ 7.__ -:-_--:--::--::--::--::--::--::--::--~-::--::--~~~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ --{ hi J II' ill (U ~ ('1 ~ : I { : la) (.\: I ~ J!J : - p-.Measurement: Short/Long Shortest to Longest Directions: Cut out the pieces at the bottom of the page. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------i i Ql -::::::::.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------i I I ©Teacher Created Resources. Glue the pieces in the correct boxes by object from shortest to longest. 1. ~ : I : . [:::: :::::: j:::~::: :::::: :~:::::::~::::: ~:~:j::::::~::~. 10) ca: 3.. Inc. {> . I' 2 ~-r_-:. Measurement: ShortlTall Short to Tall Directions: Cut out the picture cards at the bottom of the page.l •.. ---•.--------. tallest Animals shortest ----J •• --- •• --- •• ---- ~--____... : I I : I I I I I I . Sort the pictures by animals and people.. ~--~. -----------'. Then. shortest --. I I I I I I #3708 Cut & Paste Math 66 . ---____. •• ---___J•....f~----------l . _----------_. People . ---•.-~------~-~ .••.. ~--~ •.. glue the picture cards in order from shortest to the tallest... --... tallest ~. Inc.1 I I I I .• ©Teacher Created Resources. I .. ~--~ •.:-=-=-=-: -l~~ l I I I I I I I I '~' I I I • ~----------! p .•.._. 6 inches 5. 4 inches 6. Inc. Glue the worms next to the correct measurement. 1.--------------------------------------------------. 67 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . 5 inches 3. 1 inch 4.-------------------------------------------------~ i }----------------------------------------------------- CJr ~--------------------------------------------------i I <It 1) i Q[ :::§) r-------------------------------------------------~------------------~------------------------------~ ! <ZC ::1l]> <lZ ~ ---------------~------------------------------~ 1 _ ~-------------------------------- i 1 l Gr__ == ~ --------- ---------------------------------~ ::rt9 i I :!Q ! ©Teacher Created Resources.M easurement: Inches Inch Worms Directions: Cut out the ruler and the worm picture cards at the bottom of the page. Use the ruler to measure the worms. 3 inches . 2 inches 2. . .. Use the ruler to measure each line..... . glue the correct measurement next to the line. .5 inches: 6 inches :6.5 inches: I I #3708 Cut & Paste Math 68 ©Teacher Created Resources.":"-T-:----:--::--~-~-:-: .:-:-:-=-:-:-:-:-':':-':':-':':.. I I I I I I I I I I I :5. t------------------+------------------+------------------4 I I I .5 inches: 5 inches: 5 inches: ... Inc.. I I I :5.~ ~- .-':':. 3. Then.Measurement: Inches Measure It Directions: Cut out the cards and ruler at the bottom of the page.. Inc. Grow a Garden Directions: Cut out the ruler and the plants at the bottom of the page.Measurement: Centimeters . Glue the plants in the garden above the correct height. ©Teacher Created Resources. 69 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . r-----------------------------------------------------y----------------------------------------------. Use the ruler to measure the plants. ~ ~-------------------------------. 5. ~-------------------------------I :~~: I I I ~------------~------------~----~--------~-&-----------~------------~------------~ : I I • I I I I ~~/ ~vv .. 6.• : I I 0 '--ci 0: I I I I . I :~:~~ I I I I I : I I I I I : I I I I I I I I : I I I I If. .. . : f : I I I ~fi{(------------~-s-----------~-~-----------r------------i------------i-~-----------! '0' : : :.c. Inc. 2. . 1. I I I I : ". 3. Glue the picture cards on the balances below to show objects that are heavier and objects that are lighter.Measurement: Weight Which Weighs More? Directions: Cut out the picture cards at the bottom of the page.: : ~: I I • I I I I I I '0' I i I ~ A is§ i •• i~i/i~ I • : I I • I A I • ~ i #3708 Cut & Paste Math 70 ©Teacher Created Resources. 4. (I~ :~:~: I~' I • I I c::t::::l:l : I : I I 4 I • I ._----------_. I· I ~ I :/: I.-~-----------.: : I I I '~' I -*.-~-----------~ :0 : : : O. I. I • Less Than One Pound ~-------------------------------. Q:: • • I I I I I I : I I I I ~ I : . : '.--o----------~-~-----------..------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------i : : .t. - . inc.' : : I I I I I I I I I I I I HIDn 2000 D ! I : I :: I I I . ~ . .------------T--Ofp----------. I I I I : : : : I I • :.J' I V".:~. Glue the picture cards in the correct column.Measurement: Weight More or Less Directions: Cut out the picture cards at the bottom of the page._----I ©Teacher Created Resources. I I I I I _ I' I I 1'0 \I\'~ I..' . Decide if the object in each picture weighs more or less than a pound. 71 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . '~'t)' :.- . I I 'rJ. 2. I. Glue the picture of the measurement tool next to each riddle. What am I? 1am a 1 1 I. I. I am used to show the date. Read each riddle. What am I? 1am a 1 4. Inc. I. I am used to show volume.t. What am I? 1am a 1 1 I I I. I am used to show how much something weighs. I am used to tell time. \! . Glue a word card in order to answer each riddle. ~ #3708 Cut & Paste Math 72 ©Teacher Created Resources. 1.Measurement: Tools Measurement Tools Directions: Cut out the word and picture cards at the bottom of the page. What am I? 1am a 3. I 5. I am used to check length and height. I I 1am a ! calendar! I I clock ~ ruler I scale! I cup I I t------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------i DV~M4e.. What am I? ~ ~-------------------------------.. lnc. You may even wish to use pattern blocks for this activity. • Use pretzel sticks to help students practice making and identifying shapes. triangle. Compare and contrast features such as the number of corners. Students must write down any object they find in their houses that comes in that shape. • Provide students with a given number of shapes. Then. This picture can be used as the basis for a writing project too. Challenge students to make a model of as many of the solid shapes studied as 'they can. Additional sections can be added for other shapes being studied such as octagon or even solid shapes. For example. For example. the size of the sides. • Divide a large sheet of butcher paper into four sections. You will see a definite improvement in their artistic abilities. have students look through magazines to find examples of each shape. Students should cut out their examples and glue them on the piece of butcher paper in the correct section in order to illustrate each shape. etc. and 2 rectangles." Challenge students to find as many examples of each solid shape as possible. provide them with 4 triangles. The marshmallows become the corners when students poke toothpicks into them. the number of sides. The best part about this project is that you can eat it when you are finished! • Have students go on a scavenger hunt at their houses looking for solid shapes. Be sure to use the names of the shapes as you guide students through drawing. ©Teaclzer Created Resources. • Have students create sol id shapes out of toothpicks and mini marshmallows. 73 #3708 Cut & Paste Math ." "soup can. Post the Venn diagrams in the room. You may even want to give a prize out to the student who finds the most. or you can simply have the students identify how many of each shape were used. • Show students how to break down objects that they want to draw into shapes. Label each section with the solid shape and a drawing of the shape that you want students to look for. you can have the students glue their picture down onto a piece of construction paper. Provide each student a napkin or a piece of construction paper and a handful of pretzel sticks. and rectangle. Call out a shape you want students to make. If you use paper versions of the shapes. Students then use their pretzel sticks to create the shape. the sizes of the shapes drawn on the Venn diagram. students could write "cat food can. 6 circles. Conduct some guided drawing sessions in order to demonstrate this technique to students. circle. under cylinder." and "ice cream container. Challenge students to create an object using the shapes. Label each section with the name of a shape: square. Divide a piece of paper into sections. 3 squares. • Create Venn diagrams comparing and contrasting two shapes (or more!).Geometry Suggested Activities Below are suggested activities that can be used throughout the unit of study. Then. The drops should be about the side of a dime. • Have students analyze numbers and letters of the alphabet for symmetry. Open the folded paper so that it lays flat on the desk. Allow the paper to dry thoroughly. Then. have the students trade papers with one another.) • Discuss with students various places symmetry occurs in nature. Provide a variety of colors of liquid tempera paint from which the students can choose.) (cont. have students use one of the 4" x 6" (10 ern x 15 em) construction paper pieces to cut a random design. 9" x 12" (23 em x 30 ern) construction paper in half. Students must complete the picture by making the drawing symmetrical. Unfold the paper to reveal a symmetrical design. Once the paint has been applied. Inc. 9" x 12" (23 ern x 30 ern) construction paper and two different colored pieces of 4" x 6" (10 ern x 15 ern) construction paper. Fold a piece of white." You may also wish to have students draw a dotted line on their synunetrical design to show the line of symmetry. • Provide each child with a piece of white. gently fold the side of the construction paper with no paint over. It is fun to use the scissors that cut special designs. Have them label each design as "Symmetrical" or "Not Synunetrical. Students should then glue the symmetrical and non-symmetrical design on the larger piece of construction paper. Line a desk with newspaper. create this beautiful butterfly rut project to illustrate symmetry. #3708 Cut & Paste Math 74 ©Teacher Created Resources. one for each student. Display the butterflies on a bulletin board with a title or explanation card. Show them how to hold the "fold" side of the paper in one hand and use their other hand to cut a design. Have each child choose 3-5 paint colors that he or she will use on his or her butterfly. Add pipe cleaners for antennae. .of how these beautiful butterflies illustrate a mathematical and natural concept. Students should squeeze approximately 10 drops of the tempera paint colors they chose on only one half of the construction paper. • Fold a piece of 8 112" x 11" (22 ern x 28 ern) paper in half.Geometry Suggested Activities (cant. Once dry. so that it touches the paint. Use your hand to gently press on the folded paper. Then. demonstrate to students how they can create a symmetrical design by folding the other piece of 4" x 6" (10 ern x 15 ern) construction paper in half. Create a chart that shows which numbers and letters are symmetrical and which are not. First. fold the paper in half again and cut the shape of a butterfly. On one half of the paper have students draw half of a figure or even just a doodle. including on butterfly wings. mm_Immr. lnc.---r --_ml mm6-.--. I I I I 1 I I .Geometry: Shapes Shape Match Directions: Cut out the shapes at the bottom of the page.-. Glue them in the correct box.--. Triangles L Squares D Circles 0 Rectangles I I ~-------------------------------i 0 ~~il Ii m [---------omm -.--! I I I I I I I . 75 #3708 Cut & Paste Math .mm -r--------0-..------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------4 ~_~ I !~! I~' • • o! I A . 0 • I !I I I! I 4 I ©Teacher Created Resources. r-------. two sides are long. I have 4 corners. I have 3 corners. 4. Inc. What am 17 I. 1 have 4 sides.Geometry: Shapes Shape Riddles Directions: Cut out the shapes and word cards at the bottom of the page. . ~-------------------------------------------------~------------------~------------------~------------------~ . I have 3 sides. All of my sides are equal. What am 17 I. 3. 2. Read the riddles below. My sides are curved. What am 17 lamal lamal lamal lamal I I. 1. 1 do not have any corners.------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------1 I ~ID I I 4 0 I l I I I triangle ! square I !rectangle! 4 circle 4 ~ I I ~ ! I #3708 Cut & Paste Math 76 ©Teacher Created Resources. What am 17 I. Glue the word cards in place to correctly complete each sentence. Glue the shape next to the riddle to illustrate it. Two sides are short. I have 4 sides. 1 am round all around. ~~:==::::::-----------: I ~---------------::~~=-.. #3708 Cut & Paste Math .•.••. ! ~-----•.. I I I I I I AI I I I I I L I I I " ( . How many rectangles? 4.. Inc. Then...') •...~~-----.... How many circles? 2..#/ ©Teaclzer Created Resources.....Geometry: Shapes Blast Off Directions: Color and cut out the shapes at the bottom of the page.. 1\ I I I \ \ \ \ \ \• r------. _... How many triangles? _ _ 3... : .•• ... .--------77 -... /\ o o 1. How many squares? _ _ ~-------------------------------. Glue the shapes in place to create a space ship like the one shown. answer the questions. Inc. 2. I I cone I • I I I I 4 : cylinder r-----------------------. 1. 5. . 6. 4. I I I I r-----------------------. I I I I ! triangular ! I prism • I I I I I r-----------------------. I I I I I I I I r-----------------------.Geometry: Three-Dimensional Objects Three-Dimensional Shapes Directions: Cut out the word cards below. Glue the cards in the correct places in order to label the shapes of the objects. I I : I I I I sphere : I I I I : I I I I cube 78 : I I I I ! rectangular! I prism • I #3708 Cut & Paste Math ©Teacher Created Resources. ~-------------------------------r-----------------------. .......... I i i I I I I I I !~~!~! ©Teacher Created Resources..... Glue the picture next to the correct shape of the object..-'..... ~.....Geometry: Three-Dimensional Objects Which Shape? Directions: Cut out the objects below... lnc..-~ r------------I------------I-~---- -----I------------I------------l ~~ I I I I I I ~ \) I I I I I I ~ ~ F\l(~ I I I I '~' I ~ I I I I I t------------+------------+------------+------------+------------i I I I A rr~1 1 .. !~!'! 79 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . <e!@ I #3708 Cut & Paste Math 80 ©Teacher Created Resources. Inc. -.----------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------i . Stack ~ ~-------------------------------. .Geometry: Three-Dimensional Objects Roll or Stack? Directions: Cut out the solids at the bottom of the page. . Glue the solids in the correct column to show if the shapes will roll or stack. ._-----------------.'" I I I I o I I I 0 I I 0 I I I 0 I 0 o I o I o ._----------------©Teacher Created Resources. Inc. Glue the picture cards in the correct places in order to make symmetrical figures. 3'1_8__ 1 7·1_]'----~-------------------------------:[-----------------I~OJ I I • I I I I ---------------~------------------:------------------1 I I I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I J • I 0 I I I 0 0 I I 0 I I I I I I 0 I I • I I I ~------------------~------------------+------------------+~------------------.Geometry: Symmetry Make It Whole Directions: Cut out the picture cards at the bottom of the page. 81 #3708 Cu & Paste Math ..------------------. .-----------------_. lnc.Geometry: Symmetry SYmmetrical or Not Directions: Cut out the shape cards at the bottom of the page. Glue the shapes in the correct column in order to show if the shapes are symmetrical or not symmetrical. . Symmetrical Not Symmetrical t-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------4 #3708 Cut & Paste Math 82 ©Teacher Created Resources. . I I I I i: D 0 .----.Ii ~ : 6: I I I r------------------------. I I . Paste Math . I . I I I I I I I t------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------i I I I I I : I I 0: I I I I I f D: I . I il. • • • I I .------------------------. Inc. I I I I I :~: .------------------------~ ©Teacher Created Resources. • ~------------------------. Glue the shapes that are congruent to the shapes shown below in the same row. I I I I I I I 83 #3708 Cut &. Discard any shapes that are not congruent.Geometry: Congruency Congruent Shapes Directions: Cut out the shape cards at the bottom of the page. D o - - I I I I I . : 0 : 0 .------------------------.------------------------T- ~-------------------------------I I I -----------------------T------------------------~ t------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------i . I I • . Their hand should be in the shape of a fist. Use tallies to record students' predictions. • Use tally marks to practice counting by fives. show students how to fold their four fingers down into their palms and cross the fingers with their thumb. • Show students how their hand can be a model of tally marks. Consider graphing some of these examples. For example.Organizing and Presenting Data Suggested Activities Below are suggested activities that can be used throughout the unit of study. and making tally marks through four. Demonstrate how the fifth tally mark crosses the first four on the chalkboard. You can simply ask the question orally or write it on the board. Make taJly marks whenever you have to keep track of numbers so that students become accustom to seeing how the tally marks can be used. Provide the choices written on the board. Each child pJaces his or her tally mark under the answer he/she is providing. What is your favorite food? What is your favorite color? What is your favorite TV show? What is your favorite subject? What is your favorite game? What is your favorite sport? What is your favorite holiday? What is your favorite number? What is your favorite toy? What color are your eyes? How many people are in your family? What do you like to do when it is raining? What time do you go to bed? #3708 Cut & Paste Math Where did you go on summer vacation? Have you ever been to the beach? How do you get to school? Are you going to buy your lunch or did you bring it from home? How many food groups were represented in your lunch? Have you ever visited another state/country/continent? Do you speak another language? Which version of Cinderella did you like best? Which apple did you like best? (after a taste test) Do you like to take a bath? Have you ever held a snake? 84 ©Teacher Created Resources. students have to form a line. you can take the lunch count this way by having students mark whether they will be buying their lunches or if they brought their lunches. have the class find totals for each response by counting the tallies. Continue writing down numbers. Then. show students one tally mark on the board. For example. Inc. Then. The graphs can be made out of paper. Then. holding up fingers. Write the number one on the chalkboard. You can create simple graphs to which students must respond every day. Graphs where students give input provide an authentic way to learn about graphing. Have students make their own talJy marks as you ask them questions. . "Do you think Felix's loose tooth will fall out before lunch or after lunch?" • Graphs are great for documenting student ideas and favorite things. When you get to five. too. Show students how to hold up one finger to represent one. Then. one on each half of the tagboard. Be sure the pages are lined up neatly. which side has more/less. You may wish to have students respond with a colored dot sticker. Use a large sheet of butcher paper and create the graph on the butcher paper. by gluing a symbol (such as a bear shape) on the graph. First. Students can come up to vote/respond to the question at the top of the piece of butcher paper.) Try some of these ideas for creating graphs: • Create a clothespin graph that can be used for questions for which students will only have two options. Then. For example. T Jon IGite I ') [ Pete J r .z. Write each child's name on both sides of a clothespin. (cont. Then.Creating and Presenting Data Suggested Activities (cont. how many more one side has over the other. Students must clip their clothespin on the tagboard on the side to which they will be responding. provide a picture of a child wearing a shirt and pants (or you can have the students create their own). students color the shirts and pants the different colors. Be sure to tear some extra butcher paper so that you will have space at the bottom of the graph to record student observations when reading the graph. Write a question at the top of the tag and then provide two responses from which students may choose.I Mut • Use magnets on a magnetic surface (such as most whiteboards). Create the graph at the top part of the piece of butcher paper. laminate a piece of tagboard for durability.) What do vou 'ike better? lACOS P.3 ern) from the left edge of the paper so that the pages can flip.~a [ r. Students can then flip the pages and record the various outfits that can be created. by writing their names on white labels and sticking the labels to the butcher paper. Then. Provide a small magnet for each student with his or her name on it. You can use a whiteboard marker on lamination and erase it with a whiteboard eraser.anv-. • Paper graphs work well. or by simply having them color a square. too. etc. • Creating flip books provides a great visual for students to see the number of possibilities there are for a situation. have the students staple the pages together to form a book. Students can read the graph by counting how many each side has. if students wanted to find out how many outfits can be made from 2 shirts and 2 pairs of pants. 85 #3708 Cut & Paste Math . cut along the pages until 1/2" (1. Inc. ©Teacher Created Resources. all you have to do is write a question on the board and have students place their magnets under/next to their responses.. U11 7. . 5. 1. 2.Organizing and Presenting Data: Tallies Tallies Directions: Cut out the number cards at the bottom of the page. 4. Glue the numbers next to the tallies to show how many tally marks there are. I ~-------------------------------1 • I I I I I 2 I I 34: I • ~------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------~ I I I 5 I I : 6 : I I 7 : I I 8 86 : I I 9 : I I 10 : I I #3708 Cut & Paste Math ©Teacher Created Resources. ut1 ut1 ut1U11I_ _ 3. 9. U11 Bonus: Make tally marks to show 12. 6. 8. Inc. Organizing and Presenting Data: Tallies How Many Tallies? 1.------. 30 9. 15 I I 8. I I 11· 25 6.----]iHffrOO. 18 3. 9 4. Inc. 23. 27 5. I iWUHllmlmlilmlmlmlmlmi #3708 Cut & Paste Math ©Teacher Created Resources. 7 I· 7.-----------i~-~ Uff~1lff~--] • ~ • 4 4 ilill . 4 12.. 12 I 10. 1 2.-----------------------T-----------------------~ rmnW[ill[ill[illlrrurrmwllr---irurrnnr-----------mfrOOmHfffrlf rmrrr. 87 . 21 ~-------------------------------r-----------------------T-----------------------.-irun rrr.---. 1 I I I I I I I I : #3708 Cut & Paste Math 88 ©Teacher Created Resources. I I I I I I I :~.~!tftr! I I t ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ • I ~ I f I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I t------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------i ~ :~:~:~:~. Inc. Cut out the animal cards at the bottom of the page. Glue them in the correct places to complete the graph. • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :~. How many birds are there? 2. How many cats are there? ~-------------------------------r------------T------------~------------T------------T------------T------------~ • " • • • ' •• • I I ~ ~ ~ . Then. Favorite Pet tftr Dog • ~ ~ Cat ~ Bird 1.~ . use the graph to answer the questions. .Organizing and Representing Data: Graphs Pet Favorites Directions: Create a graph to show people's favorite pets. How many dogs are there? 3. I . How many more people like cake than pie? 3..'. use the graph to answer the questions. I I. • • I I I I I I I I I I I I ©Teaclier Created Resources. I I ~------------+------------+------------. I I I I I I I I : • I :'..« & Paste Math . I I. I I I J • J :~.. Glue them in the correct places to complete the graph. I I 1 : ~_. I I I : -----_ I I ::.' : I I I I ..Organizing and Presenting Data: Graphs Desserts Directions: Create a graph to show people's favorite desserts. : ----_ I I ::. I I I I I I I -: ~ I I : I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ : I I I I • I I I I I I I ~ : I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ : I I ~---rv---------~---rv---------~---rv---------~---rv---------~---rv---------~---rv---------~ I I I I I .. •• .. :~~:ct~:ct~:~~:~~: :~.------------+------------+------------4 I I I I I • • I I I I I I I I I I :~. How many people like cake and ice cream? 2. .'. . 89 #3708 c. Then. I I I • I I. Favorite Desserts Pie Cake Ice Cream Cookies _ _ _ 1.: :§:§:§: :§: : : : : : : ::. How many people were surveyed in all? ~-------------------------------I I I I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I I I : :. Inc. ::. Cut out the dessert cards at the bottom of the page. I . or science best. Then.--:--:'- ~ -:: -:: T= -~ -~ --=-. First. or science. Math Science <e Favorite Subjects . Use tally marks to keep track of their responses. I I I I I t------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------t I I I . I . #3708 Cut & Paste Math 90 ©Teacher Created Resources. ~ Math ~ Science llft ~ . I I .-'::'- ~-:: - =T ~ -~ --=-. I I I f I I I . cut out the symbols at the bottom of the page and use them to help you complete the graph below.I I I I I I I '~'~'~'~'~'~' !llft!J}\!Ji~!J]\!J}\!J1~! I . Inc. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t f .. .":--_":'-:'-~ -:: T= -= -~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !<f)!<f)!<f)!<f)!<f)!<f)! t------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------i I I I I .--:" . math. math.Organizing and Presenting Data: Graphs Favorite Subject Directions: Find out if your friends like reading. I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --=-. I ._":". interview six friends by asking them whether they like reading. glue the figures in place. • Marie is at the end of the line. • Miguel is at the front of the line. Amy Miguel Justin 91 Marie Pei #3708 Cut & Paste Math ©Teacher Created Resources.Organizing and Presenting Data: Problem Solving Make the line Directions: Cut out the figures at the bottom of the page. ~-------------------------------~ . lnc. • Justin is standing between Miguel and Pei. . 1st Last Clues • Pei is in the middle. Read the clues in order to figure out where each person is standing in line. • Amy is standing in front of Marie. Then. ~-------------------~------------ #3708 Cut & Paste Math 92 ©Teacher Created Resources. . and orange shorts. Begin by coloring the clothing the colors that are written on them.Organizing and Presenting Data: Problem Solving Making Outfits Directions: How many outfits can you make with two shirts and two pairs of shorts? That is your job! Figure out how many different outfits you can make with a red shirt. green shorts. Cut out the clothing at the bottom of the page. Inc. a blue shirt. Glue the shirts and shorts on the boy below to make different outfits. Answer Key Page 6 I. four 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. zero three live two one eight seven Page 13 first 2. fifth 3. second 4. third 5. fourth I. Page 21 True 76> 72, 91 > 89, 84 63<67,33<38,43>36 False = 84, 6. sixth Page 14 sixth, first, fourth, fifth, second, third 21 >28,67<61,82<79, 46 > 48, 49 > 51, 73 < 71 Page l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 22 28 44 60 71 25 33 7. 53 8. 75 I hundred, 2 tens, Page 7 1. three 2. five 3. six 4. one Page 8 5. 6. 7. 8. zero two eight nine Page 15 (10), 20, (30), 40, (50), 60, (70), 80, (90), 100 Page 16 5, 10 15,20 25,30 35,40 45,50 55,60 65, 70 75,80 85, 90 95, 100 Page 17 (2), 4, 6, (8), 10 (12),14,16,18, (20) 22, (24), 26, (28),30 (32), 34, 36, 38, (40) Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 18 60,80 20, 30 6,12 30,50 15,35 32,38 Top row: I, one; 5, five Middle row: 4, four; 2, two Bottom row: 3, three; 6, six Page 23 1. Pictures show and 4 ones 2. Pictures show and 7 ones 3. Pictures show and lone 4. Pictures show and 3 ones Page 9 I. three 2. two 3. one 4. zero 5. six 6. four 7. seven 8. five 2 hundreds, 3 tens, 2 hundreds, 4 lens, I hundred, 7 tens, Page 10 Top row: fifteen, twenty, twelve, eighteen Middle row: eleven, nineteen, thirteen Bottom row: fourteen, sixteen, seventeen Page 24 1. 496 2. 372 3. 148 4. 350 5. 209 Page 25 I. 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 5 4 3 Page 11 I. second 2. fifth 3. 4. 5. 6. sixth third fourth first Page 19 Accept all answers that make the statements true. Page 20 I. < 2. > 3. 4. < 5. < 6. 7. > 8. < 9. Page 12 ~ 1st ~ 2nd ~ 3rd ~ 4th ~ 5th Page 26 1. 1,3 2. 4,6 3. 6, 8 4. 2,4 5. 3,5 6. 0, 2 7. 5, 7 8. 7,9 ~ 6th ~ 7th ~ 8th ~ 9th ~ 10lh = 93 #3708 LO. > ©Teacher Created Resources, Inc. c.« & Paste Math Answer Key Page 27 Ten More (5), 15 (23),33 (47),57 (54),64 (86),96 (90), 100 Ten Less (30),20 (43),33 (57),47 (64),54 (71),61 (95),85 Page 28 Accept all answers that show the given amount in coins. Page 29 1. 14¢ 2. 18¢ 3. 12¢ 4. 19¢ 5. 1O¢ 6. 17¢ Page I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 30 $0.63 $1.25 $0.93 $0.45 $0.0] $1.45 $1.01 $0.55 Page 35 Answers will vary. Page 36 1. 5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page 1. 2. 3. 4. (cont.) Page 41 1. 5-2=3 2. 7 - 3 = 4 3. 4. 5. 6. 36943 2 5 3 = 6 8 8 7 9 7 37 77 57 65 95 89 56 85 87 =4 = ° 1 =4 8. 6 Page 42 1. 56 2. 32 3. 21 4. 33 5. 41 6. 18 7. 12 8. 41 Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 43 5. 6. 7. 8. Page 38 1. 82 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 81 51 74 64 90 41 95 56 19 9 18 27 39 49 7 Page 33 Accept all answers that illustrate the number sentence. 1. 3 2. 4 3. 5 4. 6 5. 7 Page 39 1. Picture showing five smiley faces with three crossed out. 2. Picture showing four pencils with one crossed out. 3. Picture showing two bears with two bears crossed out. 4. Picture showing three hearts. 5. Picture showing four stars with two stars crossed out. 6. Picture showing seven flowers with two crossed out. Page 40 2: 7 - 5,9 3: 3 - 0,4 4: 8 - 4,6 5: 7 - 2,5 -7,6 - 4 -1, 7 - 4 -2,5-1 - 0,8 - 3 Page 44 1. 3-2=1,3-1=2 2. I + 4 = 5, 4 + 1 = 5 3. 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5 4. 9 - 7 = 2, 9 - 2 = 7 5. 2 + 5 = 7, 5 + 2 = 7 6. 8 - 3 = 5, 8 - 5 = 3 7. 9 - 4 = 5, 9 - 5 = 4 8. 2 + 4 = 6, 4 + 2 = 6 Page 45 1. 2x3=6 2. 4 x 2 = 8 3. 2 x 1 = 2 4. 1 x 2 = 2 5. 3 x 1 = 3 6. 3 x 2 = 6 7. 1 x 3 = 3 8. 2 x 4 = 8 Page 46 12: 3 x 4, 2 x 6,4 x 3, 6 x 2 18: 3 x 6, 6 x 3, 9 x 2, 2 x 9 24: 8 x 3, 3 x 8, 6 x 4, 4 x 6 36: 36 x l , 9 x 4, 4 x 9, 6 x 6 6. 7 Page 34 5--5+0,4+1,3+2,1+4,0+5 6--6+0,5+1,3+3,4+2,1+5 7--7+0,4+3,2+5,1+6,3+4 8--8+0,1+7,2+6,5+3,4+4 #3708 Cut & Paste Math 94 ©Teacher Created Resources, Inc. Answer Key (cont.) Page 47 Illustrations can vary. Check to make sure illustrations match equation. Page 49 I. 2 x 12 ==24 2. 8 x 2 = 16 3. 2 x 3 ==6 4. 3 x 4 ==12 5.6x3==18 6. 5 x I Page 60 Page 69 Check to make sure illustrations match measurements. Page 70 Answers will vary. Page 71 More Than One Pound: cat, TV, dog, lamp, phone, chair Less Than One Pound: ring, paper clip, penny, nail, strawberry, pencil =5 Page 61 l. 2:35 2. ll: 15 3. 4:55 4. 8:05 5. 1:40 6. 3:25 7. 5:50 8. 9: 10 9. li45 Page 62 7.2x5==10 8. 3 x 5 = 15 9. 0 x 4 ==0 10.6x2=12 Page 50 Answers will vary. Page 51 Answers will vary. Page 52 Answers will vary. Page 53 Answers wi 11 vary. Page 58 A Few Seconds-do ajumping jack, count to IO, tie your shoes, write your name A Few Minutes-sing a song, brush your teeth, write a letter to Grandma, eat breakfast A Few Hours-go on a hike, your day at school, go on a long drive, watch a movie Page 59 I. 3:00 2. 7:00 3. 5:00 4. 10:00 5. 1:00 6. 8:00 7. 12:00 8. 6:00 9. l1:00 Page 72 I. calendar 2. scale 3. ruler 4. clock 5. cup Page 75 Triangles 6 Squares 0 ~~ ~ Circles 0 0 0 0 Rectangles c:==::J 00 0 = 0 c=:J Page l. 2. 3. 4. 76 square circle triangle rectangle Page 77 I. 2 Page 65 Check to make sure illustrations arc shortest to the longest. Page 66 Check to make sure illustrations are from shortest to the tallest. Page 67 Check to make sure illustrations match measurements. Page 68 r. 5.5 inches 2. 5 inches 3. 5 inches 4. 5.5 inches 5. 6 inches 6. 6.5 inches 2. 3 3. I 4. I Page 78 I. cylinder 2. cone 3. cube 4. rectangular prism 5. sphere 6. triangular prism Page 79 Sphere: basketball, globe Cylinder: soup can, tuna can Cube: tile box, block Rectangular Prism: book, shoebox Cone: party hat, ice cream cone ©Teacher Created Resources, Inc. 95 #3708 Cut & Paste Math green shorts red shirt. book Page 81 1. 4 3. 15 8. 1 2. 7 3. []lD []I[] Symmetrical 6. 1 4. 8 9. 5 Page 87 1. Justin. Inc. 6 6. 5 Page 89 I. 8. 5. green shorts blue shirt. 2 7.) Page 88 I. 27 Illlllllllmllllllllill llilllilllilllilllilli IlilllilllillJ!HI 5.Answer Key Page 80 Roll: pencil. I 3. Marie Page 86 1. 7 IlHlll llilllilllill loo~mrmrmrmr I llilllillil llilllilllilllillllil 11111 7. 21 I ~ D 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 0 #3708 Cut & Paste Math 96 ©Teacher Created Resources. block. 23 11. 9 2.:. 12 I 10. (cant.:»: 4.C[[J 7. . 18 Page 82 3. 4 2.C][] 4. marker Stack: shoebox. ball. Amy. Page 91 Miguel. 3 [3JZJ GEJ 5. 4 12. orange shorts blue shirt. 10. 30 llilllilllillill 11!Il1111 9. 25 [QJ [({i . Pei. 10 3.. ::0. QILJ CU 8. 18 Page 90 Answers will vary. orange shorts !'Qi [[g] Page 83 [0:1 [i£] !~J 10· . 10 2. 3 2. "9 I Page 92 Outfit I Outfit 2 Outfit 3 Outfit 4 - red shirt.:] ial [(5] :~] ~ 6. o o . 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