Cruise Primer
Cruise Primer
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Manual Transmission
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Edition 09/2013Primer AVL CRUISE VERSION 2013 © AVL List Gmbh 2009. All right reserved Primer CRUISE v2013 AVL LIST GmbH Hans-List-Platz 1, A-8020 Graz, Austria http://www.avl.com AST Local Support Contact: www.avl.com/ast-worldwide Revision Date Description Document No. A 15-Jun-1998 CRUISE v1.0 - Primer 04.0103.0386 B 17-Mar-1999 CRUISE v1.1 - Primer 04.0103.0407 C 30-Mar-2000 CRUISE v1.2 - Primer 04.0103.0416 D 22-Apr-2001 CRUISE v2.0 - Primer 04.0103.0424 E 21-Mar-2002 CRUISE v2.1 - Primer 04.0103.0435 F 23-May-2003 CRUISE v2.2 - Primer 04.0103.0442 G 17-Jan-2005 CRUISE v3.0 - Primer 04.0103.0462 H 30-Nov-2006 CRUISE v3.1 - Primer 04.0103.0484 I 22-Jun-2007 CRUISE v3.1.1 - Primer 04.0103.0494 J 30-Apr-2008 CRUISE v2008 - Primer 04.0103.2008 K 10-Dec-2008 CRUISE v2008.1 - Primer 04.0103.2008.1 L 03-Jul-2009 CRUISE v2009 - Primer 04.0103.2009 M 04-Sept-2009 CRUISE v2009 - Primer 04.0103.2009 N 01-Jul-2010 CRUISE v2010 - Primer 04.0103.2010 O 17-Jun-2011 CRUISE v2011 - Primer 04.0103.2011 P 30-Nov-2011 CRUISE v2011.1 - Primer 04.0103.2011.1 Q 03-Dec-2012 CRUISE v2011.3 - Primer 04.0103.2011.3 R 20-Sept-2013 CRUISE v2013 - Primer 04.0103.2013 Copyright © 2013, AVL All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without prior written consent of AVL. This document describes how to run the CRUISE software. It does not attempt to discuss all of concepts of vehicle simulation that are required to obtain successful solutions. It is the user’s responsibility to determine if he/she has sufficient knowledge and understanding of vehicle simulation to apply this software appropriately. This software and document are distributed solely on an "as is" basis. The entire risk as to their quality and performance is with the user. Should either the software or this document prove defective, the user (and not AVL or its distributors) assumes the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. AVL and its distributors will not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software or this document, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damage. 1.1. Project Data ________________________________________________________________ 3-14 3.9.3. Monitor _______________________________________________________________ 3-11 Automatic Front Wheel Drive Example __________________________5-1 5. Configurations _______________________________________________________________ 1-2 2.20-Sept-2013 i .1.10. Components _________________________________________________________________ 2-1 2. Differential _____________________________________________________________ 3-10 3.5. Troubleshooting _________________________________________________4-1 5.2. Component Input Data _______________________________________________________ 3-3 3. 4 Wheels _________________________________________________________________ 3-8 3.6. Gear Box ________________________________________________________________ 3-7 3.5. User Qualification ____________________________________________________________ 1-1 1.9.3. Overview ________________________________________________________2-1 Cockpit __________________________________________________________________ 5-2 5. Manual Front Wheel Drive Example _____________________________3-1 3.3.2. Scope _______________________________________________________________________ 1-1 1.3. Clutch ___________________________________________________________________ 3-6 3.3. Connections _________________________________________________________________ 2-2 3.04.3. Symbols _____________________________________________________________________ 1-1 1. Single Ratio Transmission _________________________________________________ 3-8 Load Project/ Create Version __________________________________________________ 5-1 5.0103. Connections: Informational___________________________________________________ 3-13 3.3.3.Primer CRUISE v2013 Table of Contents 1. Introduction _____________________________________________________1-1 Create Project/Version ________________________________________________________ 3-2 3. Connections: Energetic ______________________________________________________ 3-11 3. Modify Vehicle Model _________________________________________________________ 5-1 5.3. Vehicle __________________________________________________________________ 3-3 3.8.3. Results _____________________________________________________________________ 3-17 Workflow ____________________________________________________________________ 2-1 2. Engine __________________________________________________________________ 3-4 3. Run Calculation _____________________________________________________________ 3-16 3.2.2013 . Create Vehicle Model _________________________________________________________ 3-2 3. Torque Converter_________________________________________________________ 5-2 AST.8.2. Create Task Folders and Add Tasks ___________________________________________ 3-14 3.3. 4 Brakes _________________________________________________________________ 3-9 3. Cockpit _________________________________________________________________ 3-10 3. Component Input Data _______________________________________________________ 5-2 5. 3. Setting parameter values _____________________________________________________ 6-2 6. Load Project/ Create Version__________________________________________________ 6-1 6. Setting up and running a Matrix Calculation ___________________ 6-1 6.2013 . Run Calculation _____________________________________________________________ 5-6 6. Gear Box Program _______________________________________________________ 5-4 5. Selecting parameters for variation _____________________________________________ 6-1 6. Connections: Informational ___________________________________________________ 5-4 5. Selecting Task Folders and tasks for calculation ________________________________ 6-2 6.8.20-Sept-2013 .4. Project Data ________________________________________________________________ 5-5 Run Calculation _____________________________________________________________ 6-3 ii AST. Task Folders and Tasks ______________________________________________________ 5-5 5. Connections: Energetic _______________________________________________________ 5-4 5.4.CRUISE v2013 Primer 5.3.7. Gear Box Control ________________________________________________________ 5-3 5. ..................... parameter list ................................................................................................................. 2-2 Figure 3-1: Layout and Platform Selection Window ..................................... 6-1 Figure 6-2: Matrix calculation........3-11 Figure 3-5: Data Bus–Connections ................Primer CRUISE v2013 List of Figures Figure 2-1: Data Bus Window....................................... 3-1 Figure 3-2: Cruise USER AREA ............04.....................................................3-18 Figure 3-11: Presentation Diagram – Summary ........................................................................3-18 Figure 3-10: Mouse Functions ..............................................20-Sept-2013 iii .......................................................................................................................................................................................................0103........... 3-3 Figure 3-4: Monitor – Description of Data Bus....................................................................... 5-2 Figure 6-1: Layout and Platform Selection Window .......................................................3-17 Figure 3-9: Standard Diagram Example .......3-17 Figure 3-8: Result Protocol Example ....................2013 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................3-14 Figure 3-6: Folder Tasks Submenu ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3-15 Figure 3-7: Result Manager Window ......................................................................................................................... 6-2 Figure 6-3: Selected Task Folders and tasks .........................................................3-20 Figure 5-1: Layout and Platform Selection Window .............. 3-1 Figure 3-3: Complete Model..... 5-1 Figure 5-2: Complete Model.................... 6-3 AST......................................................................3-19 Figure 3-12: Presentation Diagram – Driving Time Distribution ........................................................... . or destruction of data if not strictly observed or remedied. MenuOpt A MenuOpt font is used for the names of menu options. INTRODUCTION This manual describes the basic concepts and methods for using AVL CRUISE to simulate engine/powertrain systems. messages. monospace To indicate a command. submenus and screen buttons. It is the user’s responsibility to determine if he/she has sufficient knowledge and understanding of vehicle simulation to apply this software appropriately. practices or procedures which could result in damage to. Caution: Cautions describe conditions. This document is a basic qualification for operating CRUISE and users are recommended to continue with CRUISE training courses. Symbols The following symbols are used throughout this manual. e. or input / output on a screen or file contents. It does not attempt to discuss all concepts of CRUISE that are required to obtain successful solutions. 20-Sept-2013 1-1 . Convention Meaning Italics For emphasis. Note: Notes provide important supplementary information. 1.3. 1. Safety warnings must be strictly observed during operation and service of the system or its components. a program or a file name. User Qualification It is recommended that the user has a basic understanding of the GUI before beginning this example. Scope This manual describes how to use CRUISE. to introduce a new term or for manual titles. SCREEN-KEYS A SCREEN font is used for the names of windows and keyboard keys. 1.g. to indicate that you should type a command and press the ENTER key.Primer CRUISE v2013 1.1.2. 4. Configurations Software configurations described in this manual were in effect on the publication date of this manual. 1-2 20-Sept-2013 .CRUISE v2013 Primer 1. It is the user’s responsibility to verify the configuration of the equipment before applying procedures in this manual. Click on a component group and select a component by clicking it with the left mouse button. Workflow The following steps are recommended for the workflow: 1. 2. Create project/version 2. OVERVIEW 2. Create vehicle model 3. View and evaluate results The user is guided through these steps in the example description in the following chapter. Set up calculation 8.2. Keep the left mouse button pressed and drag it into the vehicle model area. Components The components used to build systems are located under the Desk Area – Modules Sidebar. Input the data in components 4. Create connections: Informational 6.Primer CRUISE v2013 2.1. Databus Mechanical Exhaust Connection Connection Connection 20-Sept-2013 2-1 . Create connections: Energetic 5. Run calculation 9. Create task folders and add tasks 7. Informational: Information to the Data Bus is the only informational connection. The components with informational connections have only a small colored arrow on the left bottom corner of the symbol. and blue) at the bottom of the Vehicle Modeler. Connections The two types of connections are described as follows: Mechanical Energetic Connections Connection Exhaust Connection Electrical Connection Informational Connection Informational Connection Energetic: Connections which transfer energy are divided by the type of energy which is transferred into the following groups: • Mechanical • Exhaust System • Electrical The energetic connections are established by poly-lines between the pins. The following window opens: Figure 2-1: Data Bus Window 2-2 20-Sept-2013 . To connect the different modules with information-flow. green. open the Data Bus dialog by double clicking with the left mouse button on the colored lines (red.3. The energetic connections are represented in the form of lines on the screen.CRUISE v2013 Primer 2. In the second column (Input Information .. Cockpit. in the third column (Component . in this case the only component that can deliver a Load Signal). Signals that are marked in blue in this column have to be connected. In the fourth column (Output Information .. In CRUISE a pre-selection is done so that only the components that can provide the input information as requested in the second column are presented in the third and fourth columns (in this case only the Cockpit can deliver an information like the Load Signal). delivering) all components appear which can deliver such information (e.) the signals appear that the component. can deliver and that match the information. In the graphical form this is displayed as follows: 20-Sept-2013 2-3 . requires) all components are listed which can receive information from other components (e. Engine). For this example the Cockpit delivers the information about the actual Load Signal to the engine. Load Signal).g.g. selected in the third column.g.Primer CRUISE v2013 The connections in the Data Bus are described as follows: In the first column (Component .g. selected in the second column (e. After selecting a signal in the second column.. selected in the first column.. from) all signals that the component.. Load Signal). where it is used to determine the output torque.... can accept will be displayed (e. signals marked in black are optional. . MANUAL FRONT WHEEL DRIVE EXAMPLE This chapter describes how to create and run the model of a manual front wheel drive. Start CRUISE by double clicking on the icon on the desktop or from Start selecting Menu/All Programs/AVL/Cruise 2. 1. select a platform and then click start.Primer CRUISE v2013 3. It is recommended to refer to the CRUISE Users Guide for more detailed information.prj file is used in this example. The Primer. When CRUISE is started. Figure 2-2: Cruise USER AREA 20-Sept-2013 3-1 . Figure 3-1: Layout and Platform Selection Window Select a layout. the Layout and Platform Selection window opens. The USER AREA opens. To place a component in the working area. All files and subdirectories required for the project management are created.CRUISE v2013 Primer 3. Enter the new version name or keep the default version name. In the USER AREA click on the Projects folder with the right mouse-button and select new | project. Create Project/Version 1. Create Vehicle Model 1. 2. Select this new project with the right mouse button and select new | version. Enter a name and select OK. Place the following components in the working area: • Vehicle • Engine • Clutch • Gear Box • Single Ratio Transmission • Differential • 4 Brakes • 4 Wheels • Cockpit • Monitor 3-2 20-Sept-2013 . 2.2. 3. 3.1. move the mouse over the required component and then click and drag the component. Click on the DESK AREA and then click on the Vehicle Model. The new name will appear in the projects tree. 3. click on the component group with the left mouse button. Select the version with the right mouse button and select save. Select OK. 3.075 m3 Pressure Difference 0. Component Input Data 3. Figure 3-3: Complete Model 3.1.3. Comment Manual FWD Notice 1 passenger car Notice 2 manual Notice 3 front wheel drive Gas Tank Volume 0. Vehicle Double click on the Vehicle or click on it with the right mouse button and select Edit and enter the following data.0 mbar Engine/Environment 20-Sept-2013 3-3 .Primer CRUISE v2013 4. Arrange the components as shown in the following figure. 0 2.0 2.CRUISE v2013 Primer Temperature Difference 0.3.0 cm³ Engine Working Temperature 80.88 m2 Drag Coefficient 0.2.0 2.0 2.2 Nominal Weight Curb Weight 1450 kg Gross Weight 1930 kg Air Coefficient Frontal Area 1. Engine Double click on the Engine and enter the following data.0 1/min 3-4 20-Sept-2013 .2 full 1263 530 368 0.0 C Number of Cylinders 6 Number of Strokes 4 Idle Speed 750.0 2.2 half 1255 545 390 0.0 2.32 3. Comment 6 cylinder engine Notice 1 gasoline Notice 2 inline Engine Type Gasoline Charger Without Engine Displacement 2478.0 K Engine/Environment Vehicle Body Dimensions Distance from Hitch to Front 3300 mm Axle Wheel Base 2650 mm Height of Support Point at 100 mm Bench Test Load Dependent Characteristics [mm] Distance of Height of Tire Inflation Tire Inflation Load Height of Gravity Gravity Height of PFA Pressure Front Pressure Rear State Hitch Center Center Axle Axle empty 1250 552 400 0. 34 4761 116.15 2959 68.29 5532 126.82 4266 105.1 s Fuel Type Fuel Type petrol Heating Value 44000.3.0 kJ/kg Fuel Density 0.62 3261 77.41 5188 123.134 kg*m² Response Time 0. Add rows by clicking on .82 5780 127.5 6000 126.2 1775 36. Full Load Characteristic Click on the Full Load Characteristic tab.95 Then click on Update to display the curve.86 3. Enter the following data.27 2518 56.2.76 kg/l Specific Carbon Content 0.1.17 2119 45.4 3537 85. 20-Sept-2013 3-5 .0 1/min Inertia Moment 0.Primer CRUISE v2013 Maximum Speed 6000. a b 750 8.5 1321 24. Select <kW> from the b= pull-down menu.13 3908 95. 2.2.CRUISE v2013 Primer 3.dbf file.01 kg*m² Simple Model 3-6 20-Sept-2013 . kg*m² Inertia Moment Out 0. In the same way load also the data for NOx Emission Map.15 1954 -5. Enter the following data.95 Then click on Update to display the curve. 3.dbf file in the projects\Conventional_Models\Primer\Man_FWD\userdata\Input_Data directory. Comment Friction Clutch Notice 1 Mmax=350Nm Inertia Moment In 0.65 3895 -10.3. Select <kW> from the b= pull-down menu. Always use the corresponding *. a b 750 0 1397 -3. Select the Primer_Fuel_Consumption_Map.67 3351 -9.97 4518 -12.43 5220 -13. Engine Maps Basic Load the data for the Fuel Consumption Map by clicking on the button next to the name of the map Then select load and from file from the context menu.2.32 2636 -7. 3.72 6000 -14. Clutch Double click on the Clutch and enter the following data. Add rows by clicking on .3. CO Emission Map and HC Emission Map. Motoring Curve Click on the Motoring Curve tab. 95 5 0.0015 0.3.0015 0.08 0. Enter the following data.3.95 2 0.22 0.0015 0.95 3 0.3.005 50 181 2 2. Comment 5 speed Gear Box Gear Ratio Table a b c d e f 0 1 0.4. Pressure Force Click on the Pressure Force tab. Efficiency and Torque Loss Correction Click on the Efficiency and Torque Loss Correction tab.0015 0.Primer CRUISE v2013 Maximum transferable Torque 350 Nm 3.95 4 0. Add rows by clicking on . 3.85 0.95 1 0.95 Then click on Update to display the curve.0015 0.005 50 111 3 1.1.3. a b 0 5000 33 2250 66 750 100 0 Then click on Update to display the curve. a b 0 0. 20-Sept-2013 3-7 .0015 0.005 10 10 1 3.005 25 27 5 0. Enter the following data.62 0.005 100 151 4 1.005 20 17 3.51 0. Gear Box Double click on the Gear Box and enter the following data.4.1. Add rows by clicking on . 37 mm Dynamic Rolling Radius 312 mm Circumference 1960. 3. Comment Final Drive Notice 1 front Transmission Ratio 3. Single Ratio Transmission Double click on the Single Ratio Transmission and enter the following data.5.02 Coefficient 3. Static Rolling Radius 305 mm Circumference 1916.95 Reference Wheel Load 2500 N Wheel Load Correction 0.35 mm 3-8 20-Sept-2013 .0 Inertia Moment In 0.1. and Rear Left). Rear Right. 4 Wheels The data for the 4 wheels is the same.1. Double click on the Wheel and enter the following data.97 for Efficiency. Select Properties and define the appropriate Wheel Location for each wheel (Front Right.3.3.6. Rolling Radius Click on the Rolling Radius tab and enter the following data.3. Comment Manual FWD Inertia Moment 0.015 kg*m² 3. Efficiency and Torque Loss Correction Click on the Efficiency and Torque Loss Correction tab and enter 0.5. Front Left.6.51 kg*m² Wheel Slip Friction Coefficient of Tire 0.008 kg*m² Inertia Moment Out 0.3.CRUISE v2013 Primer 3. 015 kg*m² 20-Sept-2013 3-9 .67 200 1.6.1 280 2.4 3. Enter the following data. Add rows by clicking on .39 150 1. Rolling Resistance Factors Click on the Rolling Resistance Factors tab.Primer CRUISE v2013 3.37 100 1.95 250 kg*m² 0.7.38 120 1.5 180 1. a b 0 1.37 20 1.75 230 1.99 Inertial Moment 0.99 0.25 Specific Brake Factor 1 1 Effective Friction 130 110 Radius Efficiency 0.37 50 1.3. Double click on the Brake and enter the following data. Front Disc Brake Rear Disc Brake Comment Front Disc Brake Rear Disc Brake Notice 1 Front right / Front left Rear Right / Rear left Brake Piston Surface 1800 mm² 1500 mm² Friction Coefficient 0. 4 Brakes The data for the two front brakes is the same and also the data for the two rear brakes is the same.25 0. Add rows by clicking on . Enter the following data: a b 0 0 100 180 3-10 20-Sept-2013 . Comment Differential Notice 1 front Differential Lock unlocked Torque Split Factor 1 Inertia Moment In 0.3.015 kg*m² 3.3. Comment Cockpit Notice 1 passenger car Notice 2 manual Shift Mode Manual Number of Gears Forward: 5 Reverse: 1 Maximum Brake Force 100 N Number of Retarder Steps 0 Brake Light Switch Threshold 1. Cockpit Double click on the Cockpit and enter the following data.015 kg*m² Inertia Moment Out 1 0.9. Differential Double click on the Differential and enter the following data.CRUISE v2013 Primer 3.0 % Click on the Acceleration Pedal Characteristic and Clutch Pedal Characteristic tabs. Enter the following data for both: a b 0 0 100 100 Click on the Brake Pedal Characteristic tab.8. Select <bar> from the b= pull-down menu.015 kg*m² Inertia Moment Out 2 0. Add rows by clicking on . click on to access the available list. 1.10. Enter the text for the Description and then click on to select the Unit.Primer CRUISE v2013 3. wheel may not be connected correctly. Components such as clutch. To connect the components.4. monitor. Monitor Click on the Description of Data Bus tab and click on to open the following dialog.3. brake. vehicle. observe the following: 20-Sept-2013 3-11 . Connections: Energetic Note: Some components do not need links and can stand alone (i.e. cockpit). Data Bus Channel Description Unit INPUT0 Vehicle Acceleration m/s² INPUT1 Vehicle Velocity km/h INPUT2 Vehicle Distance m INPUT3 Engine Load Signal - INPUT4 Engine Speed 1/min 3. Figure 4-4: Monitor – Description of Data Bus To select a Data Bus Channel. Complete the connection lines on the rest of the components as shown in Figure 3-3. Connection line is now complete. which should be moved to the appropriate spot. Note: Only the same type of connecting pins can be connected. Here one pin is usually the input. select Connect. b.g. 2. c. CRUISE considers both pins as one connection. d. Brake has only one mechanical connector. Do the same with the other component’s connecting pin. By cloning the existing pin on the Brake component. Note: Some components have more than one pin (e. right-click on the connecting pin. gearbox). all input data and output data for both pins is cloned. The mechanical diagram is as follows: For a better representation pins can also be cloned. the other one is the output. Move connecting pin to desired position. from the context menu. When connecting the components make sure that the connections are made correct (input should always be the engine side). By cloning the pin. 3-12 20-Sept-2013 . but choose Clone Pin from the context menu. Thus. This creates another connection on Brake. otherwise the transmission can work in the wrong direction! Most of the components have all the required connectors. Select the connecting pin as if you were choosing Connect. Then. In Differential (D) – Brake (B) – Wheel (W).CRUISE v2013 Primer a. Drag the line to the other connecting pin and click with the left mouse button. the user can create two connections: one to connect the Brake to the Wheel component and one to connect to the Transmission. To connect. 2. When all connections are complete. In the Data Bus window. green.Primer CRUISE v2013 3. All items marked in blue must be connected. open the Data Bus by double clicking on the colored lines (red. click on Load Signal in the fourth column. If all is correct.5. and blue lines before them. In the first column. If all necessary connections for a component are made. Items marked in black are optional and are connected at the user’s discretion. C and D will now have the red. Component Input Information Component Delivering Output Information Requirement From Brake Brake Pressure Cockpit Brake Pressure Clutch-Friction Desired Clutch Cockpit Desired Clutch Release Clutch Release Cockpit Gear Indicator Gear Box Current Gear Operational Control 0 Engine Operational Control Speed Engine Engine Speed Engine Load Signal Cockpit Load Signal Start Switch Cockpit Start Switch Gear Box Desired Gear Cockpit Desired Gear Monitor Input 0 Vehicle Acceleration Input 1 Vehicle Velocity Input 2 Vehicle Distance Input 3 Engine Actual Load Signal Input 4 Engine Engine Speed 20-Sept-2013 3-13 . this component name will be marked bold and gets a green tick in front of the name. Connect the components as described in the following table. Click on Cockpit and Load Signal appears in the fourth column. green and blue) at the bottom of the screen. Connections: Informational 1. The aforementioned objects in Columns B. the four columns contain items that must be linked together correctly. click on Engine and Load Signal appears in the second column. The Data Bus makes the necessary connections and options for informational connections in the system. Click on Load Signal and Cockpit appears in the third column. click on Project with the left mouse button to select it and then with the right mouse button to open the context menu and select add | Task folder from the context menu. Under Project Data. Project Data 1.6. Click on the Project folder and enter the relevant data. keep the default settings.CRUISE v2013 Primer Figure 5-5: Data Bus–Connections 3.05 s 3.7. Unless otherwise stated.g.: Comment Manual FWD Notice 1 Passenger car Notice 2 manual Notice 3 front wheel drive Project Name Manual FWD 2. Enter the following data: Comment Manual FWD Name of Folder Cycle run Max. Deselect Switching to Drive Train Model “general” permitted and click OK to the message. Simulation Time Step 0. 2. 3. Click on the Vehicle folder and select standard manual for Drive Train Model. Click on the Task Folder with the right mouse button and then select add and the required task from the following list: 3-14 20-Sept-2013 . 1. e. Create Task Folders and Add Tasks Next add the Task Folders which will contain specific tasks. Load State – Vehicle: half 5. enter the following data: Comment Manual FWD Name UDC Temperature setting Hot Start – steady state Driving Resistance physical Solver Quasi-stationary S Location Roadway Road curvature Without cornering Wheel slip Without slip Gear Selection Upshifting According to Profile Gear Selection According to Profile Downshifting Driver Load the Standard Driver by clicking on .004 20-Sept-2013 3-15 .tsk is located in Climbing Performance projects\Conventional_Models\Primer\ Man_FWD\folder.0 s Constant.003 Task Folder 3 Time Interval: 1. Course Load the Standard Course by clicking on .Primer CRUISE v2013 Figure 6-6: Folder Tasks Submenu For this Task Folder. Profile Load the UDC_man profile by clicking on . 4.0 s Climbing. select Cycle Run. Add six more Task Folders with the following tasks and load the data from file: Task Folder 2 Time Interval: 1. For Cycle Run.tsk is located in Constant Drive projects\Conventional_Models\Primer\ Man_FWD\folder. 008 3. Click on to run the calculation.005 Load the Acceleration in all Gears file. Constant Drive Load the Maximum velocity file.2 s braking. In the DESK AREA click on Calculation Center or click on 2. Load the Shifting Gears from Standstill Full Load Acceleration file. 3-16 20-Sept-2013 .006 Task Folder 6 Time Interval: 1.tsk is located in Cruising projects\Conventional_Models\Primer\ Man_FWD\folder.tsk is located in projects\Conventional_Models\Primer\ Full Load Acceleration Man_FWD\folder.CRUISE v2013 Primer Load the Run in all gears file. Full Load Acceleration Load the Elasticity 80-140 4th Gear file.8. Run Calculation 1. Task Folder 4 fullload.tsk is located in Brake/Coast/Thrust projects\Conventional_Models\Primer\ Man_FWD\folder.tsk is located in Maximum Traction Force projects\Conventional_Models\Primer\ Man_FWD\folder.0 s traction.007 Task Folder 7 Time Interval: 0. Task Folder 5 Time Interval: 1.0 s Cruising. as well as the Result-Protocol-File (results. Figure 8-8: Result Protocol Example There are two types of result outputs available with the Result Manager: • Standard Diagrams and 20-Sept-2013 3-17 . Engine results) is shown in the right section of the window. Click on the Result Manager in the Navigation Frame and expand the task of which the results should be viewed.log).9.Primer CRUISE v2013 3. Results 1. Figure 7-7: Result Manager Window 2. The selected object (e.g. There are several information files in the directory Messages (refer to the Users Guide for more information). The following options are available from the context menu when clicking with the right mouse button onto the diagram: Figure 10-10: Mouse Functions 3-18 20-Sept-2013 . Figure 9-9: Standard Diagram Example Standard Diagrams are created separately for each component and only contain results of the individual component.CRUISE v2013 Primer • Presentation diagrams There are examples of both in the following pages. 20-Sept-2013 3-19 .Primer CRUISE v2013 Figure 11-11: Presentation Diagram – Summary Diagram Templates can be defined by the user and results of different components can be combined on one sheet. Text and graphics can also be included. 3-20 20-Sept-2013 .CRUISE v2013 Primer Figure 12-12: Presentation Diagram – Driving Time Distribution In the result window. select File | Print Page to print calculation results. If only the Project Folder is selected. COMPONENTS DO NOT CONNECT Ensure connections are done correctly.Primer CRUISE v2013 4. CONNECTING COMPONENTS Go from left to right (⇐ ). front to back 2. 20-Sept-2013 4-1 . make sure the desired file is under Filename on the left. LOADING/COPYING DATA When copying data. components may not be compatible. 5. TROUBLESHOOTING 1. CHANGES ARE NOT SAVED OK was not selected to confirm the values in the Data Bus dialog. select BOTH Project Folder name AND version number. TEST(S) WILL NOT RUN Look for the following possible errors: Components are connected improperly Components are not assigned specifications Data Bus is incomplete (necessary links are incomplete) Tests in Folder are incomplete and lack parameters All tests are marked do not run and calculations do not take place. If it fails. the Data does not exist! message pops up. When opening an EXISTING FILE. 4. 3. Click on the correct name on the left side and the name will change. If not. CRUISE will start without data! Then select cancel and select the version number. CRUISE will prompt a message No version selected. . Select OK. in order to crate an automatic front wheel drive model. In the USER AREA click on the Projects folder and select the vehicle model. described in chapter 3. Click with the right mouse button and select new | version. When CRUISE is started.Primer CRUISE v2013 5.2. Platform and License Selection window opens. The USER AREA opens.1. Start CRUISE by double clicking on the icon on the desktop or from Start selecting Menu/All Programs/AVL/Cruise 2. Delete the Clutch component by right-clicking it and selecting remove module from the context menu. 5. Select the version with the right mouse button and select save. Modify Vehicle Model The changes that need to be done are the following: 1. Aut_FWD). by left-clicking on the version name. 5.g. 2. Figure 5-1: Layout and Platform Selection Window Select a layout. 3. All files and subdirectories required for the project management are created. 2. the Layout. Add the following components to the model: • Torque Converter • Gear Box Control 20-Sept-2013 5-1 . created in Chapter 3. AUTOMATIC FRONT WHEEL DRIVE EXAMPLE This chapter describes how to modify the manual front wheel drive example model. 1. Enter the new version name (e. select a platform and then click start. Load Project/ Create Version 1. 1. Arrange the components as shown in the following figure. Figure 5-2: Complete Model Torque Converter Double click on the Torque Converter and enter the following data. 5. Component Input Data 5.CRUISE v2013 Primer • Gear Box Program 3. Cockpit Double click on the Cockpit and change the selection Shift Mode from Manual to Automatic.2. Comment Torque Converter Notice 1 hydro Notice 2 oil Notice 3 12 plates 5-2 20-Sept-2013 . Add rows by clicking on . Add rows by clicking on . Select the Primer_Torque_Conversion_Curves.3.3. Shifting According to Speed Click on the Shifting According to Speed tab.1.3. Shifting According to Velocity Click on the Shifting According to Velocity tab.001 Nm Input Mode Torque conversion 5. Torque Conversion Curves Click on the Torque Conversion Curves tab. 5. Select <km/h> from the b= and c= pull- down menus.dbf file in the projects\Conventional_Models\Primer\Aut_FWD\userdata\Input_Data directory.3.2.016 kg*m² Oil Inertia Moment of Turbine with 0. Load the data for the Torque Conversion Curves by clicking on the button next to the name of the input Then select load and from file from the context menu.011 kg*m² Oil Max. Gear Box Control Double click on the Gear Box Control and enter the following data. CRUISE v2013 Inertia Moment of Pump with 0. Comment GB Control Notice 1 5 speed 5. Enter the following data: a b c 1 3000 1500 2 3000 1500 3 3000 1500 4 3000 1500 20-Sept-2013 5-3 .3. Torque lock-up Clutch 0. Enter the following data: a b c 1 25 23 2 50 38 3 75 60 4 100 70 5. Add rows by clicking on .3. Select the Primer_Shifting_Program_1.5.3. Load the data for the Shifting Program by clicking on the button next to the name of the input Then select load and from file from the context menu. Connections: Energetic Connect the Torque Converter between Engine and Gear Box 5. Comment GB Program Notice 1 5 speed 5.3.CRUISE v2013 Primer 5.B. Connections: Informational Connect the components as described in the following table. Component Input Information Component Delivering Output Information Requirement From Gear Box Current Gear Gear Box Current Gear Control Desired Gear Cockpit Desired Gear (Cockpit) Desired Gear (G.4.dbf file in the projects\Conventional_Models\Primer\Aut_FWD\userdata\Input_Data directory. Gear Box Program Desired Gear Program) Gear Selection Cockpit Gear Selection Downshifting Downshifting Gear Selection Cockpit Gear Selection Upshifting Upshifting 5-4 20-Sept-2013 .4. Shifting Programs Standard Click on the Shifting Programs Standard tab.1. Enter the following data: a b c 1 2000 2500 2 2000 2500 3 2000 2500 4 2000 2500 5. 5. Shifting According to Speed in the next Gear Click on the Shifting According to Speed in next Gear tab.4.3.3. Gear Box Program Double click on the Gear Box Program and enter the following data. Project Data 1.: Comment Automatic FWD Notice 1 Passenger car Notice 2 manual Notice 3 front wheel drive Project Name Automatic FWD 2.g.pro profile by clicking on . 1. e.7.6. 5. Click on the Project folder and enter the relevant data. Click on the Vehicle folder and select standard automatic for Drive Train Model. 20-Sept-2013 5-5 . In the task Cycle Run do the following: Shifting Strategy Select Gear Shifting Program Profile Load the UDC_aut_2007. Task Folders and Tasks There are some minor changes that are necessary in the tasks.Primer CRUISE v2013 Operation Control Cockpit Operation Control Reference Speed Torque Converter Turbine Speed Velocity Cockpit Velocity Gear Box Current Gear Gear Box Current Gear Program Load Signal Cockpit Load Signal Speed Gear Box Output Speed Modify the signal Desired Gear for Gear Box from: Component Input Information Component Delivering Output Information Requirement From Gear Box Desired Gear Cockpit Desired Gear To: Component Input Information Component Delivering Output Information Requirement From Gear Box Desired Gear Gear Box Control Desired Gear 5. 5. In the DESK AREA click on Calculation Center or click on 2.8. Run Calculation 1. Click on to run the calculation.CRUISE v2013 Primer 2. Full Load Acceleration – Maximum Acceleration in all Gears and Maximum Traction Force activate the option Tiptronic in the Shifting section. 5-6 20-Sept-2013 . Constant Drive – Run in all Gears. In the tasks Climbing Performance. Open the Single Ratio Transmission (Final Drive) component by double-clicking it. Click on it and select Matrix Calculation and add as single variable from the context menu. 1. The manual front wheel drive example model. SETTING UP AND RUNNING A MATRIX CALCULATION This chapter describes how to set up and run a Matrix Calculation in order to perform parameter variations. Open the Engine component by double-clicking it. 4. Start CRUISE by double clicking on the icon on the desktop or from Start selecting Menu/All Programs/AVL/Cruise 2.Primer CRUISE v2013 6. 20-Sept-2013 6-1 . The USER AREA opens. 3. described in chapter 3 is used as the basis. 5. Load Project/ Create Version 1. Selecting parameters for variation 1. Move a mouse over the parameter name Transmission Ratio. Figure 6-1: Layout and Platform Selection Window Select a layout. by left-clicking on the version name.2.1. select a platform and then click start. Move a mouse over the parameter name Engine Displacement. 6. created in Chapter 3. Close the Engine component. Click with the right mouse button and select load. 6. 6. the Layout. 2. When CRUISE is started. Platform and License Selection window opens. In the USER AREA click on the Projects folder and select the vehicle model. 2. Right-click on one of the selected Task Folders and select Folder(s) (3) and run only this from the context menu. 6-2 20-Sept-2013 . parameter list 6. Constant Drive and Full Load Acceleration by clicking them with left mouse button. Enter the following data: 1900-2300:100 4. Selecting Task Folders and tasks for calculation 1. Holding down the Control button on the keybord select the Task Folders that contain tasks Cycle run. Close the Single Ratio Transmission (Final Drive) component. Click the Engine Displacement to select it. 2.4.CRUISE v2013 Primer 7.3. Go to Calculation Center and select Matrix Calculation. You should see the selected parameters Engine Displacement and Transmission Ratio in the list. Select the task number two (Maximum Velocity) in the Task Folder containing the Constant drive tasks by clicking it with left mouse button. Enter the following data: 2. 2. 3. Right-click on the selected task and select Task(s) (1) and run only this from the context menu. 6.81.73. Then click on the value in the column variation. 3. 2.9. Click on it and select Matrix Calculation and add as single variable from the context menu. Then click on the value in the column variation. 5. 4. 2.05 It should look like this: Figure 6-2: Matrix calculation. Setting parameter values 1. Click the Transmission ratio to select it. 3. 8. The following figure shows the result of these actions. 6. Right-click on the selected task and select Task(s) (1) and run only this from the context menu.Primer CRUISE v2013 5. Select Matrix Calculation. Select the task number two (Shifting Gears from Standstill) in the Task Folder containing the Full Load Acceleration tasks by clicking it with left mouse button. In the DESK AREA click on Calculation Center or click on 2.5. Run Calculation 1. 20-Sept-2013 6-3 . Figure 6-3: Selected Task Folders and tasks 6. Click on to run the calculation. 3.
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