Conversation Topics

May 29, 2018 | Author: Adriana Cîrciu | Category: Lunch, Dinner, Meal, Foods, Nature
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Б. С. Островский РАЗГОВОРНЫЕ ТЕМЫ У Ч ЕБН О Е ПОСОБИЕ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ Я ЗЫ К У Д ЛЯ УЧАЩИХСЯ S - 1 0 КЛАССОВ СРЕДНЕЙ ШКОЛЫ М осква «Просвещение» 1982 ББК81.2АНГЛ-9 0 -7 8 Рекомендовано Министерством просвещения РСФСР Борис Семенович Островский РАЗГОВОРНЫЕ ТЕМЫ Редактор В. И. Синюков Художественный редактор Н. М. Ременникова Технический редактор В. В. Новоселова Корректоры Р. С. Збарская, О. В, Мокрович ИБ № 5432 Слано в набор 03.03.82. Подписано к печати 19.08.82. 84Х1087з2. Бум. типогр. № 2. Гарн. литер. Печать высокая. Уел. печ. л. 7,56. Уел. кр. отт. 7,69. Уч.-изд. л. 7,62. Тираж 100 000 экз. Заказ № 6931. Цена 20 коп. Ордена Трудового Красного Знамени издательство «Просвещение» Государственного комитета РСФСР по делам издательств, полиграфии и книжной торговли. Москва. 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи. 41. Отпечатано с матриц ордена Октябрьской Революции и ордена Трудового Красного Знамени Первой Образцовой типографи .1 имени Л. А. Жданова в областной типографии управления издательств, полиграфии и книжиой торговли Ивановского облисполкома. 153628, г. Иваново, ул. Типографская, 6. 0 -78 Островский Б. Разговорны е для. учащ ихся свещ ение, 1982, С. темы: Учеб, пособие по англ. яз. 8— 10 кл. сред, школы. — М.: П ро­ — 144 с. Пособие, предназначенное для учащихся 8—10 классов средней об­ щеобразовательной школы, содержит дополнительный материал по уст­ ным темам, предусмотренным программой по иностранным языкам для средней школы. Цель пособия — способствовать развитию и совершенствованию уст­ ной речи учащихся на тематической и межтематической основе; пособие также может быть использовано при подготовке к экзаменам по анг­ лийскому языку в школе. _ 4306021500-752 103(03)-82 ■ © ББК 81. 2Англ-9 4И(Англ)(075) Издательство «Просвещение», 1982 г. . 15............................................................ Tailors in Proverbs and in Tailor S h o p s ........U p ............................................................... Subbotnik—Labour S a tu r d a y .................................................................................. Festive Processions...................... Buying in a Department S t o r e .................... 19.. He Will Do the More” ........... 17.................................................... 12..................................... “There’s a Time for All Things” .............. 19................................................................... The Right to H o u sin g ..82 83 85 87 88 91 93 !♦ 3 ....................................................... Occupations.............. 4............................. 20. Don’t Forget Your M a n n e rs................ Holiday Time for Young P io n e e rs ........................ 10.......................... Cycling and S ta m p s ................................. 9..................... The Kitchen Is an Important P l a c e ...................................................................... T id in e s s. Where Books Are Kept for U s e ................................................ 11.......................................................................... 13.......................................................................... 5............................... Museums of Glorious History ............................. Travelling by R a i l ....................... 3......................... A Motor T o u r ..................................... British H o m e s..... Animals and O urselves........ Examinations Are Not a L o tte r y .... Seasons Are Not Only G e o g ra p h y .. Joining the Komsomol............... Talking Across O c e a n s................. 6.......... Everyday Services for A l l ............ 9.................. Medicines and H e a lth ........................ 17............................. 8... 12..... 18.......... 8......................................... An English Social ...................................................... 4....................................................... The Weekly W a sh in g ................ 2* Celebrating A nniversaries...... 2...................... 20. 6............................. Paying a V i s i t ........................ Will You Go to the Z o o ......................................................................................... The Homeland of Some Sports and G a m e s .. 56 58 60 62 64 66 67 70 72 74 ‘ 75 77 79 .. ^ ............. Hiking Is a Good T h in g .................................. 16.............................. 5. ...... “Respect a Man................................................. Waters as H ig h w ay s..................................................................... You Can Get Anywhere by B u s .................................................... Practice in Housekeeping ........................................................... 13. 11............................. W a s h in g .................CONTENTS P art One 1.................................................................................... 16............................. P ro fessio n s........................................................................................................ 14................... 7......................................... 3......... 7............................ There’s Nothing Like Travelling by A i r ......... Climate and a Talk About the W e a th e r ........ 18... Meals in B r ita in ............................. 15.............................................. Trades.... 7 9 11 13 15 17 20 2J 24 25 28 31 33 35 37 39 41 44 46 48 P a rt Two 1...... The Soviet P r e s s ......................................... 14..................................................... 10......................................................... ................. 3..................................................... Personal Interests Are N u m ero u s............. 14............. 16..................................................................................... 11................................... Radio and Television in B r ita in ............ Yuri Gagarin About H im s e lf .......................... 4................. How Interesting Are Your L e tte r s ? ............ “Everything Must Be Beautiful in a Person” ... 5.................. 8. Holding a M e etin g .......................................... An Island in a Stormy S e a ...................................................... 13............................................................................... Тематический и н д екс.....P art Three 1......................... The Industrial Heart of E n g la n d .. A Wonder of the Modern W o r ld ........... 10................... 18........................................................... 17......................... 100 102 104 106 107 108 Ill 113 116 118 120 122 125 127 130 132 134 136 138 141 144 .............. Art Is P o w e r........................................................................................................... Getting a Letter to Your D o o r ..... Over the T elep h o n e ......................................... 20....................... Having Fun at the C ir c u s ............................................................... 15............. 7.......................................... An Upside-Down W o r ld ......................... 2ft Voting for Communist and Non-Party Bloc ............................................................ Foreign Languages? That’s G o o d l... From the History of the K om som ol.......................................... 6.... The City of W ashington.................... 12........ 19... 9......... Agriculture in B r i t a i n ........... Public Holidays in Britain and in the U S A .................................... Дорогие старшеклассника! К нига. как заниматься по тематическим разра­ боткам пособия. в середине учебного года закончите одну часть. нужно отвечать на вопросы. советуем начать заниматься по первой части пособия.— не просто книга для чтения. (Заниматься можно вдвоем. в раз­ говорном круж ке или на уроке под руководством учителя. наверное. а во-вторых. звуковое сопровождение кинофильма. поскольку. кто сейчас учится в девятом или десятом классе. нужно вспомнить те английские слова. Некоторые разработки первой части подготовят Вас к занятиям по темам. знаете. которые Вы могли забыть. то в девятом и десятом сможете их продолжить. попробуйте вникнуть в смысл читаемого без его помощи. Пособие состоит из трех частей. Вы. а учебное пособие. Если Вы. которые еще предстоит изучать по школьным учебникам. Не спешите загляды вать в словарик. чтобы научиться говорить по-английски. Задача нашего пособия состоит в том. А теперь о том. Оно поможет Вам лучше овладеть устной речью на английском языке. предназначенных соот­ ветственно для восьмого. чтобы помочь Вам в речевой практике по темам школьной программы по анг­ лийскому языку. девятого и десятого классов. магнитные или граммофонные записи.) Сначала прочитайте текст. что каждый вид деятельности на иностранном языке требует специальной тренировки: чтобы научиться понимать английскую речь на слух. Если Вы начнете занятия с первой части в восьмом классе. В крайнем случае — самостоятельно. втроем. необходимо тренироваться именно в этом — слушать речь учителя. ска­ жем. которая сейчас перед В ами. . пере­ ходите к следуюш.ей. друг друга. сообш. во-первых.ать собе­ седнику свои мысли или интересные для него факты. что-то обсуждать.— расширить знания по ранее изученным в школе разговор­ ным темам. Тем. They carried arm ed soldiers and helped them to fight. А вот кое-что и вспоминается. Возьмем для примера задание. Вы иногда мо­ жете не знать. учиться отвечать по-английски на любые ю иросы как можно правильнее.После чтения — разговор по заданиям. воевал в Испании. и слоны были. после которого находим и такой вопрос. Что же делать? Прежде всего подумать. The elephants were very useful in battles. В общем. не так ли? Кроме того. внимания. Н у ж ­ но. There were m any elephants in his arm y. В конце концов. Это не страшно. Из исторических книг Вы могли узнать и другие подроб­ ности. вам не встречалось сочетание P unic wars и Вы не знаете.. как танки. Из северной Африки Ганнибал приводил войска в Е в­ ропу. Можете добавить. чем пересказывать только что прочитанный текст. Разумеется. как по-английски Карфаген. чтобы попытаться до­ бавить к этому тексту или в связи с ним что-нибудь свое. поэтому. гораздо легче находить в тексте готовые ответы вместо того. объем высказы вания зависит полностью от Вас. что ответить на какой-нибудь вопрос. Шли на вражеских солдат. что это Вы узнали в пятом классе из рассказа учителя или прочитали позже. интереснее поразмыслить над от­ ветом. Италии. Вы говорите: H annibal was а famous general in N orth Africa. He led a great arm y and achieved m any victories in Europe. но ведь и реальное общение как на родном. С ильная была у него армия. на первый взгляд неве­ роятно трудное: «Что вы знаете о слонах Ганнибала?» В тематическом тексте о животном мире. А вот для самой эффективной тренировки в какой-либо деятельности нужна мобилизация воли. Автор . без нарушений правил грам ­ матики и словоупотребления. ответа нет. где и как использу­ ются слоны в других целях. ума. о чем Вы сказали бы в такой же ситуации и на родном языке. И второе условие: старайтесь сказать по-английски о том ж е самом. психологи сделали интересный вы­ вод: если чрезмерно облегчать деятельность. так и на иностранном язы ке — это разговоры на самые разные и часто неожиданные темы. но это пока и не нужно для вашего ответа. Они необычны иногда своим содержанием. В оз­ можно. Подобных заданий в нашем пособии очень много.. Еще в пя­ том классе Вы узнали на уроках истории о Пунических вой­ нах. о которых можно рассказать по-английски. Можно рассказать. это не помо­ гает ее совершенствованию. there are local day camps and children’s playgrounds. These children go picnicking 5 in the country for th e day. near rivers. W hen sum m er comes. If they are interested in m usic. you have heard a lot about w hat Pioneer Camps are and w hat young pioneers do there. b u t if you h av en ’t. 3. * 1. 2. How boys and girls live in a Pioneer Camp away from the heat and dust of towns and cities. The Young Pioneer Palaces are also open all sum m er and boys and girls can work at th eir favourite hob­ bies as m uch as they like. касательно . R ead about th e subject in E nglish now and see w hat you can add to it. lie in th e sun and go in for sports. The best way to spend tim e in a Pioneer Camp during th e sum m er holidays. in woods or by th e seaside. W hether wet w eather is a problem in a Pioneer Camp. They can read books in the public libraries or go to th e cinem a. m ost young pioneers go to Young Pioneer Camps. m odelling. who do not go away to a camp in sum m er. or they go swim m ing and in the evening return home. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION as to. handicrafts. There are also hobby clubs which they can join if they w ant to.^ For those children in cities and towns. When th ere is tim e for reading books and w riting postcards or letters? * to suit them — который им подходит • to go picnicking— оыеэжать за город ? as to — относительно. The boys and girls bathe. acting or dancing they will find a club to suit them . photography.PART ONE 1. HO LIDAY TIME FOR YOUNG PIONEERS H ave you ever been to a Pioneer Camp? We hope you have. I. T he camps are situ ated on th e shores of lakes. In all parks there are Games P avillions where they can play. 4. W hy isn’t th e m an interested in w hat the travel bureau I'bjuarou] has for travellers? 2. 2. SAY WHAT YOU CAN about th e following things: 1. 2. Schoolchildren discuss holiday news when they come back to school. “I ’m glad i t ’s tim e for school again. W hat you devoted the greater p art of your tim e to during th e sum m er holidays. TELL.” Ask your p artn er to explain why th e speaker is glad to go back to school again. 3. W hat is especially difficult in learning w ater-skiing? 3. рукоделие heat n жара . 5. T ell your p artn er w hat you know about how school­ children in other countries spend th eir school holidays.II. You heard a boy say. W hy m ust everybody learn to swim? Word L ist add V добавлять ever adv когда-либо express [iks'pres] v выражать 8 handicraft ['haendikraft] n ручная работа. I I I . W e’ve been tw o m onths aw ay. 4. W here you w ent. W hether you w anted to get back to school to see all your friends. how you travelled and w hat you did. The ways in which you spent th e long. 3. sunny days. DISCUSS 1. R epeat in E nglish w hat you have heard some of them say. ASK. How you enjoyed the holidays. Tell each other about a trip you m ade in th e sum ­ m er and how you enjoyed it. “Can 1 go away some place and just lie down?” Questions: 1. The actors and actresses usually belong to th e d ram atic group of th e school E nglish-language club. .” E nglish socials help school students to understand Eng­ lish b etter and to use it out of school. He m ay announce them in th e following way. . Then he w ill read his own tra n sla tio n of it (a tran slatio n by . A social for parallel classes has m ore rec­ itatio n s. T he item s on the program m e of an. or helping to arrange a social. . perform ed by th e pupils of . You w ill spend an interesting evening and have a good tim e. th ere are some other things — announcing th e item s on th e programme. however. will recite a poem by . . So don’t miss a social at your schooll B ut to tak e an ac­ tiv e p art in it is best of all.” “The last item on our program me is . . сыро!» 2. .E nglish social are announced by a pupil who takes part in am ateur perform ances. An E nglish social for all school students includes more songs and dances. . you th in k th a t tak in g p art in perform ances is not for you. . If you atten d such a perform ance you w ill enjoy it g re at­ ly. Some of th e costumes are m ade by its m embers. . тема wet a мокрый. . .” “Now M. The whole program m e is in Eng­ lish and it includes recitations of E nglish and A m erican po­ etry. If. by . . “N. Isn ’t it a nice th in g to understand everything you hear? ^ to arrange [a'reinds]— to organize * to borrow 'Ьэгои] — to get something after promising or agreeing to give it back again later 9 . . “N ext you will see a scene from . short plays and word games on its program m e because they are easier for the pupils of th e sam e classes. songs and short plays. . will sing . for exam ple. AN ENGLISH SOCIAL E nglish socials are arranged ^ by school students who learn th e E nglish language.). some are borrowed 2 from the local theatre. You m ay try to recite apoem or you m ay sing in a choir or perform in a play.local a местный modelling ['modaliij] n лепка op in io n [a'pinjan] n мнение shore n берег subject n предмет. School students will get to know English b etter if they a tten d English socials. TELL. Discuss w hat item s can m ake th e program me of an English social very interesting. 8. I . 4. b) for parallel classes only. DISCUSS 1. How you would like to use your E nglish at a futur school social. 3. Discuss how English can be used out of school if you know it well. The usefulness of an E nglish school social. W hat you like best of all at an E nglish social. W hat would you like to in­ clude? W hat w ould you like to keep out of th e programme? W hy? Word List amateur ['aemsta. ASK. W hat places and activities can you rec­ ommend? I I I . W ho do you suppose will be present? W hat do you suppose w ill be on th e programme? 2. Ask him if he would like to join a dram a club. Your class is going to have an E nglish social next week. as about the E nglish so­ cials you have atten d ed or w ould like to take part in. стихи recite [ri'sait] v декламировать social n вечер tuppose {sa'pouz] v предполагать . How a social should be organized a) for all school studen ts learning English.] n любитель announce [a'nauns] v объявлять attend [a'tend] v посещать item I'aitam ] rt номер leisure 1'1езэ] n досуг 10 plenty n множество poetry ('pouitri] n поэзия. Schoolchildren have places to go and plenty to do in th eir leisure tim e. 4.Now before you discuss th e tasks and questions th a t fol­ low. 2. 2. Tell your p artn er w hether or not you prefer the Englishlanguage club out of all th e school out-of-class activities. a hobby circle or th e school choir. SAY WHAT YOU CAN about an E nglish social w ith an interesting program me: 1. I I . here is a piece of advice: remem ber to speak not so m uch about th e te x t you have ju st read. YOUR OPINION as to: 1. диаграмм и т. How th e h o liday atm osphere is felt on N ovem ber 7 and on M ay D ay. T h eir stream ers proclaim ed th e achievem ents of th e ir e n th u sia stic labour. T housands of Moscow’s w orking people m arched past th e M ausoleum l. flags. flowers and balloons. W hy M ay D ay is called a day of w orking-class struggle. II . A nniversary C elebration in Red Square Moscow’s Red S quare was festively decorated to welcom e M uscovites ‘ and guests on th e 60th anniversary of th e Oc­ to b er S ocialist R evolution. O thers proclaim ed pledges to carry o u t th e Five-Y ear P la n .3. д.m o:s9'li9m I w ith banners. T he u n ity of th e m any n a tio n a litie s in th e S oviet U nion was expressed by a float * w hich carried a large m ap of th e country and people in n a tio n a l costum es. They carried stream ers. FESTIV E PROCESSIONS H ere are tw o reports from E nglish-language new spapers about ho lid ay dem o n strations in Moscow. For th ree hours colum ns of Moscow’s w orking m en and wom en passed through R ed S quare on th is great day of in­ te rn a tio n a l w orking-class so lid arity . th e ir so lid arity w ith those fighting for n a tio n a l lib eratio n and social progress and th e ir desire ? for u n ity in th e struggle for peace. EX PRESS YOUR OPINION as to: 1. I . 2. * Muscovite ['m Askavait]— a person whose home is in Moscow * desire [di'zais] — a strong wish * float — низкая платформа на колесах. some of w hich illu stra te d th e achievem ents of th e past years. используемая во время демонстрациЛ для стендов. T housands M arch in Red Square N e ith er ra in nor cold could stop M uscovites yesterday as th ey m arched w ith th e ir red banners and flowers to ce­ le b ra te M ay Day. W hat m ay holiday slogans contain for the peoples of th e socialist countries? 2. 2. 4. had th is to say about th e May Day demon­ stra tio n in Moscow. report th e growing economic strength of th e Soviet people. T he C om m unist and W orkers’ P arties organize th e w ork­ ing-class struggle for peace. Tell each other w hat you know about other slo­ gans and greetings. too balloons!” 12 many .” W h at do you th in k m ade such a strong im pres­ sion on him ? III . Speak about industrial and economic achievem ents in your d istrict (region). DISCUSS Spme of th e C om m unist P a rty ’s May Day slogans ex­ greetings to fraternal C om m unist and W orkers’ P arties and the solidarity of the great arm y of the Commu­ nists of th e whole world.II. ASK. H o lid ay slogans of th e C entral C om m ittee of th e CPSU call th e w orking people of th e USSR and other countries to streng th en friendship. One of the B ritish C om m unist P a rty veterans visiting th e Soviet U nion. “Can’t see a thing. democracy. national independ­ ence and social progress. They speak about th e most im portant tasks of com m unist construction. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. F actory floats and banners w hich can be seen in a fes­ tiv e procession. Discuss w hat you ca see when you watch a Red Square celebration on TV. TELL. W hat m ay holiday slogans contain for the international w orking-class m ovem ent? 3. “I ’ve never seen anything like it in my life before. He should set an exam ple ‘ in work and study. because it is a great honour to become a m em ber of th e L eninist Union of Com­ m unist Y outh. who helps to carry out the program m e of C om m unist construc­ tion. all Komsomol m em bers. This is understandable. you become very excited. W hen you face th e local Komsomol Com­ m ittee. Komsomols are in th e vanguard everyw here and m any boys and girls join th e Komsomol when they are school students.Questions: 1. not very m uch older th an you yourself. W hat is th e m ain task of th e Komsomol? Speaking at th e 3rd Congress of th e U nion of Com m unist Y outh V ladim ir Ilyich Lenin said to th e young people: “You m ust tra in yourselves to be C om m unists. or th e Young Com m unist Leage (the YCL). study th e foundations of M arx­ ism -Leninism . be honest and tru th fu l. g et knowl­ edge. who wish to be w orthy citizens of th e Soviet state. сквозь u n ity ('ju. as it is called in B ritain and th e U nited States. 1 to set an example— to give an example 13 .] prep через. W hat does th e photographer w ant to see? Word L ist balloon [ba'lun] n воздушный шар banner ['Ьавпэ] n знамя column ['kolam] n колонна festive a праздничный fraternal [fra'tanal] a братский guest (gest] n гость past adv мимо pledge [pleds] n обязательство proclaim v провозглашать streamer n транспарант through [0ru. which is a group of young people.niti] n единство welcome v приветствовать 4. A m em ber of the Komsomol should be an active fighter. and be able to explain to other young peo­ ple th e policy of the Com m unist P arty . W hy are there so m any balloons? 2. The Komsomol is open to all young people over fourteen who wish to be active in th e economic and social life of the country. School Komsomol organizations are th e Komsomol’s young­ est section.” T h at should be th e goal of all work done by the Komsomol. JO INING THE KOMSOMOL At fourteen a boy or a girl can become a m em ber of the Komsomol. th e Union of C om m unist Y outh. To be honest and tru th fu l. Soviet young people should always try to im prove ® th eir work. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION as to w hat the following parts from th e R ules of th e Kom­ somol mean to you: 1.I.’ and go in for sports. To strengthen th e Armed Forces^ of the USSR. * to keep fit — быть болрым и злоровым * armed forces— вооруженные силы * to improve [im'pru:vj — to make better 14 . (Does it help you to study and get ready for work?) 3. Komsomols are leaders of young pioneers. To keep f it. (Can you strengthen the Soviet Armed Forces by taking p art in th e A ll-U nion army and sports games “O rlenok” and “Zarnitsa”? W hat m ust schoolboys do to become good soldiers when th ey join th e Soviet Armed Forces for m ilitary tra in ­ ing after finishing school?) 5. Q uickly and accurately to fulfil th e assignm ents given by th e YCL organization. W hat kind of exam ple should they set? 3. (Why is it im portant to tell th e tru th to another person’s face? How should a tru e friend act?) 4. How can Komsomols help the young pioneers? 2. T he Komsomol Rules say th a t the pioneer organization should be helped in its work by the Komsomol. W hat m ust be done by your form Komsomol organization? 4. Say now w hat p art you tak e in the social life of your school (form). SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. To tak e an active part in the country’s political life. (W hat kind of political talks can young people give? W here can th ey m ake reports on world events and w hat is going on at home? At w hat age do young people begin tak in g p art in elections to Soviet sta te organs?) I I. (W hy are quickness and accuracy necessary? W hat m ay depend on how you fulfil your Kom­ somol assignm ent?) 2. b u t guarantees real rights and freedoms for Soviet citizens.—the rig h t to housing. обучаться truthful ['tra-0ful] a правдивый vanguard ['vaengctd] n авангард worthy ['wstdi] a достойный 5. TH E R IG H T TO H O U SIN G * In co ntrast to th e co n stitu tio n s of c a p ita list countries. They know very well th a t th e concern of all for the ^ the right to housing— право на жилище • to be completed [kam'pliitid]—here means “to be built” * to give a party—устроить вечеринку 15 .* house-w arm ing as they are called. TELL. ASK. or they are sure th a t they soon will have. 2. DISCUSS 1. W hat would he do as Komsomol organizer in your form? 3. to rest and leisure. A house-warm ing p arty is a happy occasion not only for those who give it. Discuss Komsomol m eetings and activ ities you would like to have in your form. to m aintenance in old age and th e rig h t to education. the Soviet C o n stitution has an article which cannot be found in any other co n stitu tio n . to celebrate th eir occu­ p atio n of a new flat or house. In addition to such basic rig h ts as the rig h t to work. th e Soviet C o n stitu tio n not only proclaim s. поручение excited [ik'saitid] a возбужденНЫЙ. npaвильный assignment [a'sainmant] n задание. Tell your partn er w hat you th in k should be done to m ake the activ ities of your school pioneer organization m ore interesting. T his is guaranteed. and every year more th an three m il­ lion com fortable flats are com pleted ? in our country. Mil­ lions of Soviet people move to new homes and give parties.III . взволнованный face V смотреть в лицо foundation [faun'deijn] n основа goal [goul] n цель honest ('onist] a честный train v учиться. Ask your p artner w hat he likes in th e work of your school Komsomol organization. The guests who are invited eith er already have a com fortable flat. Word List accurate ['aekjunt] о точный. 2. W hy is our C onstitution th e m ost dem ocratic? 3. W hat people speak about when they gather for a house­ w arm ing p arty . J lo show around— показывать кому-либо город. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION as to: 1. The rig h t of Soviet citizens to housing is guaranteed by A rticle 44 of the C onstitution. W hat basic rig h ts are laid down 2 in th e C onstitu tio n of th e USSR? Say w hether these rig h ts can be found in bourgeois constitutions. W hat th e guests at a house-w arm ing party m ay see when th ey are shown around ‘ th e new flat. th e duty of Soviet citizens to work honestly. квартиру и т. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. TELL. ASK. д. * 1в lay down—формулировать (статью конституции. Tell your p artn er how our C onstitution guarantees the rig h t to work and w hat th e situ atio n is in cap italist countries. Housing in th e USSR and in your d istrict. In w h at way is th eir housing im proved? Do they receive new flats or does th e sta te help them to b u ild th eir own homes? How else can housing be im proved in towns and in th e coun­ tryside? 2. I I I . 2. Ask him w hat th e C onstitution says about th e right to education and w hat kind of education Soviet citizens can rcceive. I. T h at is why th e num ber of house-warm ings in th e Soviet U nion is th e greatest in th e world. 3. DISCUSS 1. Speak about well-known labour veterans in your tow n (district).good of each and th e concern of each for th e good of all is th e law of life in Soviet society. закона) 16 . B asic duties of Soviet citizens are laid down in th e USSR C o n stitu tio n . Every year nearly eleven m illion Soviet people have th e ir housing im proved. for exam ple. II. CLIMATE AND A TALK ABOUT THE WEATHER You know from your geography lessons th a t clim ate is th e average w eather conditions of a place. th e direction of th e winds. dry. cold. m ild.? and so on. W hat would you do to m ake them grow well? Word L ist basic ['beisik] a основной concern [кэп'5э:п] n забота contrast ('kontrast] n противоположность fuel |fjU8l] п топливо good я благо heat t' топить. событие.3. QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR HOME 1. [f you have m oved w ith your parents to a new place. случай 6. it is m ade up of th e average sum m er and w inter tem perature. Suppose you had three pot-plants * in your house. Discuss how our socialist society guarantees th e rig h to education and how school stu d en ts should do th eir duty to th e P a rty and G overnm ent. W hat kind of fuel is used to heat your home? To cook your food? (Gas? Coal? Firewood? E lectricity?) 3.* C lim ates may be hot. отапливать house-warming n новоселье housing ['hauzio] n жилище. W eather is connected ^ 2 » * 6 pot-plants —цветы в горшках ra im a ll—the amount of rain falling on a given area in a given time and so on — и так далее insular ['insjula) clim ate— the climate of an island over—here means during 17 . tropical and sub-tropical. w hat are some of the things you will have to learn? Traffic? A cinema? A stadium ? A library? A club? 2. th e am ount of sunshine. W eather is th e condition of th e atm osphere at a certain tim e or over ^ a certain short period. wet. жилищное строительство. 2. жилищные условия maintenance ['memtinans] n обес­ печение nearly ado почти occasion [э'ке 1зэп] n 1. insular * and continental. IV. th e average rainfall. T he difference between clim ate and w eather. an E nglish author of th e 18th century. and wind. rainy . However. we can see it is a joke because it is hardly possible to do any th in g about th e w eather. snowy. fine. cold. cloudiness. W hat m ade it possible for Ja c k to say. in E n gland we have w eather.” Some people th in k these words belong to M ark Tw ain. W hat you can do in all w eathers. 5. “T his would be a good day to fly a k ite”? ? W as it w indy weather? * outdoors— out of the house. In the open air • to fly a k ite — запускать воздушного змея 18 .” T his statem ent is often m ade by E nglishm en to describe th e m eteorological conditions of th eir country.w ith atm ospheric pressure. W hat can depend on th e w eather. 4. bad. If it is colder today th a n it was yesterday. tem perature. TH IN K IN G IS FUN 1. “E verybody talk s about th e w eather but nobody does an y th in g about it. W hy th e w eather is always a topic of conversation in E ngland. hot. b ut no one is qu ite sure. W eather can be good. w hat can you say about yesterday? 2. excellent. warm . II. Sam uel Johnson. cool. pleasant. dry. At w h at tim e of th e year m ay there be hail? 5. W hy a certain kind of w eather is called “flying w eath­ e r”. “O ther countries have a clim ate.” T his is tru e because th e w eather in th e B ritish Isles is alw ays uncertain. 2. storm y. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION as to: 1. beautiful. How long it would ta k e you to discover w hat English w eather is like. 3. Or do you th in k m an can change or im­ prove it? I . th e ir first ta lk is of th e w eath er. said: “W hen two Englishm en m eet. 6. W hen is a raincoat m ore convenient th a n an um brella? 4. W hy is it darker outdoors ^ on a cloudy day th a n on a clear day? 3. rainfall. W hich is nearer to the ground.6. discuss how she knew it was blowing hard? 2. Pif in Rainy Weather Questions: 1. III. As Alice and her m other were looking out of the win­ dow. 3. Ask your p artn er to explain the different ways you can tell when there is a wind. fog or clouds? W hen are we glad to see clouds in the sky? E xplain why we do not like fog. W hat do you do when you are caught in th e rain? Word List am ount [a'maunt] n количество average ['aevarids] a средний certain ('s9:tn] a определенный condition [kan'dijn] n условие direct V направлять hail n град hard adv сильно hardly adv едва lightning n молния pressure ['preja] n давление thunder n гром uncertain a неустойчивый (о no* годе) towards [ta'wo:dz] — in the direction of 19 . ASK. DISCUSS 1. Discuss why we see the lightning before we hear the thunder. W hat happens when fog comes down on a large city? W hat may fall from a cloudy sky on a sum m er (w inter) day? W hat do you see in th e streets in rainy weather? 7. W hen we say there is a south wind. T hunder and lightning take place at the sam e tim e. “See how hard th e wind is blowing. In w hat places can you shelter from th e rain? 2. Alice said. TELL.” As Alice could not really see th e wind. is it blowing to­ w ards ^ th e south or from th e south? W hich direction does a north wind blow? 8. Many people are sorry when th e th eatre season closes. In th e tem perate zones. It is autum n when leaves go yellow. some sport fans are happy when th e football season begins. It is spring when th e air gets warm er and th e days longer. and th e year is usually divided into the wet or rainy season and th e dry season. autum n—Septem ber. and F ebruary. W hen you do geography at school th ere’s a lot to learn about m ountains and rivers. the year is divided into the cold season. B ut it is also finding out ? about people ^ field and track —эЗ. I. Jan u ary . A pril. and November. October. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. and August. In the northern hem isphere spring includes March. Over m uch of India. легкоатлетический • to find o u t— узнавать. and there are^ plenty of good apples. Ju ly . th e sea­ sons depend more on rainfall th an on th e position of th e sun. Flowers come out and green leaves appear on th e trees. and th e summer. red and brown. October. W hat about summer and w inter? 2. and November. th e hot season. There. выяснять 20 . Everyone has a favourite tim e of year. In th e tem perate zones of th e southern hem isphere the seasons are th e opposite. In m uch of the tropics. for exam ple. For exam ple. SEASONS ARE NOT ONLY GEOGRAPHY Books on geography say th a t seasons are those periods of th e year which are characterized by special clim atic con­ ditions. clim ate and population. In regions outside the tem perate zones. autum n and w inter m onths follow. sum m er—June. m ushroom s are not in season now. th e spring m onths are Sep­ tem ber. prod­ ucts and industry. or th e straw berry season is over.7. and the rainy season. others talk about th e hockey season or th e field and track ‘ season or the h u n tin g season. and w inter— December. four seasons are generally recognized. the year cannot be divided into four seasons. The word “season” has m any other m eanings besides its geographical one. We also use the word when we speak of fruits and vege­ tables and some other things. and May. w hat th ey do at work and in th eir free tim e.In your own country and in other countries. W hat season is it when birds begin to sing? 2 Do composers use singing birds’ songs in th eir music? Word List disappear (. It d id n ’t rain last night. THINKING IS FUN 1.” W hy did he say this? W as th e wind blowing hard? In w hat kind of places will you find big snow-drifts? Merry Melody Questions: I. W hen are m ost leaves heavier. when they are green or after they have changed colour in autum n? 2. W hat m ade it wet? (The grass m ay become wet during the night because of dew which is th e English for “роса”. W hat things can be wet w ith dew?) III. After a heavy sum m er rain there m ay be puddles of w ater in th e street. I I. W hy do we enjoy th e shade of a tree in summer? 3. Then a m em ber of your fam ily said. but the grass was wet th is m orning. how they live. Say which you th in k is m ore interesting and w hether one is m ore im portant th an th e other. “There will be big snow -drifts tom orrow m orn­ ing. th e snow was tw enty centim etres deep.dis 9'pid] v исчезать divide [di'vaidj v делить. W hat m ay cause them to disappear? 4. разде­ лять snow-drift n сугроб generally adv обычно hemisphere I'hemisfia] n полуша­ рие hunt V охотиться 21 . DISCUSS W ITH YOUR PARTNER W hen it slopped snowing in th e evening. Oxen. In one of his “Just-S o Stories”. C ountry children are luckier. There are m any anim als which we know today only from pictures. of course. The camel is called “the ship of the desert” because for centuries it carried peo­ ple across deserts.. Horses were. SAY WHAT YOU CAN Most young people who live in towns have few opportu­ nities 5 of studying living anim als except cats and dogs if there is no zoo in th eir town. very. хобот' * opportunity [^opa'tjuaiiti]— а convenient occasion to do something 23 .T)9ril n земляника v приэна. You have probably seen pictures of ele­ phants carrying heavy things from place to place w ith th eir trunks.* Dogs were probably m an’s first friends. R udyard K ipling de­ scribes ways th a t he im agined in which Stone Age ® m an tau g h t anim als to work for him . * animal kingdom— животное царство • Rudyard K ipling— Киплинг. this is w hat we are. could do as m uch work in one day as a farm er could do in a week. others are now dying out. If we do not act soon. th e most common m eans of tran s­ port u n til the beginning of th is century. very highly developed anim als who can th in k and speak.mushroom n гриб puddle n лужа recognize ('rekagnaiz] вать shade n тень strawberry ('str3. for exam ple. Yet m an has been very cruel in the way he has used ani­ m als. I. англий' ский писатель * Stone Age— каменный век * tru n k —зд. Джозеф Д^козеф Редьярд (1865— 1936).temperate ['tem paritl a умеренный 8. They will be able to tell you m uch about dom estic anim als and about some w ild ones. ANIM ALS AND OURSELVES H ave you ever thought of yourself as part of the anim al kingdom? ^ If you rem em ber w hat you have learnt and read. K ipling was quite rig h t—from th e very earliest tim es ani­ m als have worked for men. T he tim e has come to protect “our lesser brothers”. new generations m ay know some anim als only from a picture in a book.. W hen th e subject of anim als comes up in conversation. everyone usually has some­ th in g to say. W hich pet is th e noisiest? 3. TELL. Now Questions: 1. THIN K IN G IS FUN 1. One day in April. Add som ething about th e regular TV program m e about th e anim al kingdom and its usefulness. Why do you suppose th e eyes of most anim als are at about the highest p art of th eir body? 2. Ask your partn er w hat he th in k s about keeping pets and tell him w hat you think .” talk. In w hat direction were they flying? W hen will this girl see flocks of birds flying in th e opposite direction? III . a girl heard a flock (a large group) of birds flying in th e sky and looked up. W hich is more difficult if not im possible—to teach a parrot to ta lk or a person to fly? 2. ASK. II. ‘43f course I can let’s see you fly.Speak about things you know about anim als. W hat can parrots say? Word List camel ['каетэ!] n верблюд cruel [krual] a жестокий desert ['dezat] n пустыня domestic [ds'mestik] a домашний generation [^dsena'reijn] n поко­ ление Imagine [I'msedsin] v воображать. DISCUSS The keeping of pets is quite popular now. представлять себе oxen ['экзэп] n pi быки parrot ['paerat] n попугай pet n (любимое) домашнее жи­ вотное sale n продажа wild a дикий yet adv тем не менее 23 . ” And here are some English proverbs about how to value tim e. W hy does it tak e some schoolchildren a long tim e to do th e ir homework? 2. How do you spend your out-of-school tim e? 4. “I recommend you to tak e care of th e m inutes. Tim e lost cannot be won again. 5. 3.. and tim e lost never returns. II. How you understand th e title of th e tex t. EXPLAIN 1. QUESTIONS ABOUT TIME 1. Lost tim e is never found again. enjoy every m oment of it. W hy you should not waste tim e. Tim e w aits for no m an. W hy secondary school students should be busy most ef th e tim e. How do you save tim e for your hobbies? ^ to gain — to get.9. and th a t is why m any famous people have spoken or w ritten about how to save tim e. Never put off till tom orrow w hat you can do to d ay . to win * to le ig th e n —to make (a thing) longer ?4 . To save tim e is to lengthen 5 life. How m uch spare tim e do you have? 3. Tim e flies (explanation: tim e passes very quickly—so do n ot w aste it). E v erything has its tim e. “THERE'S A TIME FOR ALL THINGS” The title of to d ay ’s te x t is a quotation from a work by W illiam Shalcespeare. 2. for th e hours will tak e care of them selves. There is no tim e like th e present (explanation: th e present Is th e best tim e to do som ething th a t has to be done). I. Know th e tru e value of tim e . Tim e flies like an arrow. How to have a good tim e on a Sunday in spring. Tim e is a very valu ab le th in g (do you rem em ber th e say­ ing “Tim e is money”?). W hat you th in k is th e best way for schoolchildren to use th e ir tim e after school. He th a t gains ^ tim e gains all things. For exam ple. an E nglish statesm an and w riter of th e 18th century said. 4.. производить 2 Сравни: «Время разум дает». W hy is tim e no joke? 2. Tim e works great changes. DISCUSS 1. 1 to work — делать. Meals and m eal-tim es in E ngland are not th e sam e in all fam ilies. TELL. Tim e and experience m ake men wise.Ш . it is also the food th a t is eaten. M eal-tim e is the usual tim e for tak in g a meal. Tim e works ^ won­ ders. 25 . THINKING IS FUN 1. C ould a child learn to tell th e tim e before he learns to read? 2. ASK. T he hands of a clock are in one line and th e sm all hand is near three. 3. 2. How should school students organize th eir time? Word List arrow ['aerou] n стрела experience [iks'pianans] n опыт hand n стрелка часов proverb ('provabj n пословица quote [kwout] v цитировать save V беречь spare a свободный value ['vaelju:] v ценить waste [weist] v терять (время) wise [waiz] a мудрый wonder ['wAnda] n чудо 10. M EALS IN B R IT A IN A meal is an occasion for taking food.*" “Oh dearl When the English say the shut the doors at 10 o’c ock they’re not jokingl” Questions: 1. W hat tim e is it? IV. Is it neces­ sary for the health to have at least one hot meal a day? Whicii do. there are a lot of cafes there. As there are so m any people at work in London. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION as to: 1. Most people who work in London get a break of about an hour for lunch. The cooked break­ fast can be rath er good. W hether it is good to rest after a m eal. and a hot dinner at seven or half past seven. and a cold meal at about half past five or six. generally have tea or some other drink m ade w ith m ilk. More than half th e population has a hot dinner. those fam ilies which have a hot meal in the m iddle of th e day. Is it b etter for the h ealth to eat at regular intervals? Will a child eat his dinner w ith appetite if he eats som ething before usual dinner time? Can sweets tak e his appetite away? 2. which is gen­ erally called tea or high tea. W hy you m ust have a hot meal every day. you prefer to have at school— a hot lunch or a cake witli a glass of lemonade? 3. sometimes called lunch. “After dinner sit aw hile [a'wail] (for some tim e). in the m iddle of the day. O thers have a light lunch at one. During th a t tim e they go to a canteen * or a lunch bar to have th eir m idday i meal. after supper walk a m ile” is an E nglish proverb. lunch ^ to others. I. and sandwiches * and cakes.” ^ At one o’clock comes a meal which is dinner to some peo­ ple. eat three break­ fasts d a ily .а place in а factory or offices where meals can be bought and eaten ‘ midday — the middle of the day (the midday meal is either lunch dr dinner) 26 . The w riter Somerset M augham once said: “If you w ant to eat well in E ngland. Between nine and ten in th e evening. In m any of these cafes there is selfservice (people serve themselves). W ould you like to follow th is rule? Why? ‘ dally— every day • lunch— a meal taken between breakfast and dinner ’ sandwich—сандвич (два сложенных вместе ломтика хлеба с какойнибудь закуской между ними) * canteen [ k a n 't t n ] . W hy children are taught not to eat between meals.B reakfast is th e first m eal of th e day. This is called supper. B ut your m other may be angry if you don’t come home in tim e and th e dinner gets cold. In w hat way are they not as good? 5. W hat could you do to m ake it less salty? Could you add som ething to th e soup to m ake it less salty? 5.II. the m enu I'm enju:] is a list of th e food th a t can be served at th a t m eal. ASK. Before you order a meal at a restau ran t. they can have their meal together. Suppose you find th a t a pot of soup tastes too salty. When all the fam ily are at home. G ive each other “scientific” reasons why we always should wash our hands well before we begin a m eal. you will look at the menu. W hen frozen m eat is taken from a refrigerator. W hat two things will you try to find out first? (As you know. Discuss in w hat ways cups and plates m ade of paper are b etter th an regular cups and plates. W hich comes earlier in the day. Do you have to cook your own m eals when your m other works? Or when she is on a business trip in another town? W ill you be able to cook your own m eals if you go on a two-day or three-day hike? * right aw ay—сразу * bow else— как иначе 27 . why is it not cooked right away? ^ How long does it tak e frozen meat to become ready for cooking? 3. Tell your p artner w hat your m other m ay say. lunch or breakfast? W hat tim e do you have these meals? 2.) III. Discuss where and when you m ay have to cook your own m eals. DISCUSS 1. At dinner an American may say. Why do we use a saltshaker instead of a spoon to put salt on our food at table? Is it more convenient to keep salt in a saltshaker? Is it because you may put too m uch salt on your food if you use a spoon? 4. THINKING IS FUN 1. 3. pleasel” Ask your p artn er how else * he could ask for som ething which is on the table and not near him . 2. “Reach me th e salt. TELL. Is it because we w ant to keep well? 4. These stores are very useful places. Why did th e m an eat his dinner as he stood in th e queue? 2. А JOKE “W aiter.? “th is food’s terrible! I w ant to ta lk to th e owner of this restau ran t!” “Sorry. иметь вкус while [wail] cj пока И . достигать refrigerator [ri'fridsareita] n хо­ лодильник regular ['regjula] a обычный saltshaker n солонка с дырочка­ ми taste V зд. “b ut h e’s out to lunch.. sir.^подавать. W hat will the cashier say? Word List angry ['aeogri] a сердитый instead [in'sted] of adv вместо order V заказывать pot n кастрюля rather f'roida] adv довольно reach v 1.. 2.” ^ shouted th e diner. you go to a large departm ent store.IV.” Questions: 1.” answered th e w aiter. BUYING IN A DEPARTMENT STORE We go to th e shops p ractically every day but if you w ant to buy som ething im p o rtant. передавать.” Question: W hy did th e owner of the restau ran t go out for lunch? “I ate it all standing in the queue. It is easy to un^ waiter — a man who serves food at table in a restaurant • diner ('daina] — a person who dines (has dinner) 26 . A child three years old can see fewer things w hile walk­ ing through a store th an his m other can. Suppose you ask th e butcher for a kilogram of m eat and. W hy people enjoy shopping at th e big departm ent stores. And if you are going to buy a b irth d ay present for somebody. shoes. kitchen goods and so on. I. In a departm ent store you may find lots of little things th a t you m ay w ant for th e house. Why? * customer ['kAstamaJ — a person who buys 29 . m en’s clothes. There is often a tea-room where you can have tea or a cup of coffee and a cake or a sandwich. he finds it weighs a kijogram and one hundred grams. The store is divided into departm ents. Does the butcher cut off enough m eat to m ake it w eight exactly one kilogram ? W hat does he do? How does he figure how much you m ust pay for th e m eat? 2. leather goods. All th e th ings for sale are displayed so th a t they can be easily seen. and th e custom ers * walk round and choose w hat they w ant. women’s clothes. when he cuts w hat he guesses will be a kilogram . W hat you can do in a big store besides shopping. W hat you can get in most of these stores (under one roof). 2. china and glass. 3. In th e food departm ent your m other can always buy som ething ready-cooked to m ake a quick meal for th e fam ily when she gets home after work. radios. 4. W hat advantages m ay self-service in a store have or the customers? W hat disadvantages? I I. you m ay see one or tw o su itab le things as you walk round. In some depart­ m ent stores there are escalators to take people to th e differ­ ent floors. W hy shop-assistants and custom ers should both be polite. 1. 5. EXPRESS YOLR OPINION as to. sports goods. toys. THINKING IS FUN 1. All kinds of things are on sale so you can do your shopping under one roof.derstand why people enjoy shopping there. W hat kinds of goods can be advertised in countries? cap italist Word List advertise ['aedv9taiz] v реклами­ ровать china ['tjaina] n изделия из фар­ фора department [di'patm ant] store n универмаг display [dis'plei] v показывать. and other things for the house.3. 1. you are given th wrong change. C ertainly you m ust know the shops where your fam­ ily buys its food. Advertising “Durable” Paint Questions: 1. выставлять durable ['djuarabl] a долговремен­ ный exact fiq'zaekt] a точный 30 figure ('figa] v высчитывать furniture ['fatnit/s] n мебель leather (МеЭэ) n кожа paint n краска roof n крыша store n магазин suitable ['sjatabl] a подходящий . by m istake. Tell him why some necessary things aren’t bought by children. 2. How durable is Bloggs paint? 2. Now ask your p artner to describe th e shops he goes to. TALKING TOGETHER Do you help w ith the shopping in your home? P robably you do. its clothes. W hat will you do if. if you are given more (less) than th e correct am ount? III. 12. T H E HOM ELAND GAMES OF SOME SPO RTS AND M any sports and games which are nowadays ^ played all over th e world ? were invented in B ritain . F ootball is the best exam ple, but among th e others are horse-racing, tennis,* golf and rowing. E very week thousands of people tak e part in some kind of sport and m illions w atch TV sports program mes. Every day m illions read th e sports pages in th e new spapers and follow th e sports reports on th e radio. F ootball in B ritain is played from late August until early M ay. It is played all over th e country. The Cup F i­ nal * is th e great event of th e football year. It is played at W em bley S tadium , near London, and more th a n a hundred thousand fans come from all parts of th e country to watch it. Tennis is a very popular game. The great event of the tennis year is the W im bledon Tournam ent (W im bledon is a suburb south of London) in which cham pions compete from all over th e world, including th e Soviet Union. W ater sports, sw im m ing and diving are less popular in B ritain . The most popular rowing event is th e boat race between th e “eights” (or team s of eight) from th e universities of Oxford and Cam bridge, rowed on th e R iver Tham es, near London, in March or A pril each year. I. SAY WHAT YOU CAN about: 1. T he sports and games invented in B ritain. 2. T he game regarded as typically English. 3. The m ost popular B ritish sport. 4. The annual 5 sporting event which takes place on the river Tham es. 5. One or more sports w hich you enjoy w atching or play­ ing. * nowadays ('nauadeiz] — in these days; at the present time * all oyer the world—no всему миру * Tennis In its modern form was first played in Britain towards the end of the 19th century. It was played on a grass court, and called lawn tennis. Today it is usually played on a hard court. * Cup Final ['fain alj—финальная игра на кубок S annual ['жп]иэ1]—coming or happening every year Э1 6. Reasons for the popularity of football and ice-hockey in our country. Are they favourite games of m illions of people? II. TELL, ASK, DISCUSS 1. You looked out of your window and saw schoolm ates some distance away, coming irom th e school football game. “Our team has v/on,” you said. How did you guess th at? 2. At w hat tim e of th e year are most football games played? Most basketball games? Can you guess th e reason? III. TELL, ASK, DISCUSS E n th u siastic supporters of a sports team are called “fans” in B ritain and “sufferers” in our country. “Who do you suf­ fer for?” is th e English for th e usual form of the question, as you know. And a common answer is: “I am ill for D ynam o.” Now try to use the English word only. 1. Ask your partner w hether he is a D ynam o fan and why. 2. Tell him w hether a fan should go in for sports, too, and why. “Yes, 1 do exercises every morn­ ing. I touch my shoes twenty times as soon as I wake up. Then I get up and put them on.” Questions: 1. W hat is wrong w ith th e “exercises” th e m an does every m orning? 2. W hat kind of m orning exercises would you advise for such people? Word List amettg [э 'т л о ] prep ереди, между common ['koman| a распростра­ ненный, обычный enthuslastlo [in,6ju'zi'sstik] a во­ сторженный horse-racing n скачкв Invent fin'vent] v изобретать popularity (,p 3 p ju 'la riti] n noпуяярность regard (ri'gad] v считать; pacсматривать row [rou] V грести suffer ['sAfa] v страдать; вд. болеть support [sa'port] V поддерживать tournament ['tuanam ant] n турнир 13. HIKING IS A GOOD THING A hike, as English dictionaries say, is a long w alk of m arch in th e country, for pleasure or exercise. And to go h ik in g is to go for a walk of th is kind. If you w ant to see the real countryside you should spend p art of your sum m er holiday hiking. M any people th in k th a t is th e best way to see th e country. If you are a good walker,^ you will do about five kilom e­ tres an hour or even more, but generally speaking,? you should not be in a hurry * if you w ant to enjoy your hiking trip . As we have said, hiking is a good thing, and one of its advantages is th a t you need not worry about luggage, tick ­ ets, tra in s and other things. W hat you need is just a knapsack w ith those few things necessary for a hike. Many secondary school stu d en ts go hiking or m ake w alk­ ing tours * to some of those places w here Soviet people have done glorious deeds. They v isit places fam ous for th e ir rev­ o lutionary trad itio n s, o r places where Soviet people fought heroically during th e Civil W ar or th e G reat P a trio tic W ar. Fam ous plan ts and collective farm s are places of labour glory. You can also visit th em and learn more about the lab o u r enthusiasm of th e Soviet people. I . EXPRESS YOUR OPINION as to; 1. W hat is good about hiking. 2. The way hiking helps to enjoy th e beauties of nature. 3. The educational value of a hike (things you m ay learn on a hike). 4. How hiking helps a person to learn all about his home region. 5. W hat you should be able to do to receive th e “Young T ourist” badge. * w alker—a person who walks, especially one who walks regularly for exercise or pleasure * generally speaking —вообще говоря ® to be in a hurry — спешить, торопиться * walking tour— пеший поход 2 w, 6931 33 unexpected. we’ve done fifty miles. A guide points out and explains the sights to travellers or tourists. Do these hikers enjoy the countryside? 2. Lewis m ade an announcem ent. W hat do people do if they lose their way during an expedition? “I t’s very nice. How did Lewis find out th a t the travellers were lost? 2. the good news: we have covered more m iles today than any other day on our trip. To­ wards evening.II. one day. As you know. F irst. W hat kind of pleasure and w hat kind of exercise? 2. “I have some good news and some bad news for you. but those moun­ tains bloci< the view.” ^ Discuss: 1. C lim bing hills or following strange trails is interest­ ing and exciting. W hat do you th in k can be seen over there behind th e m ountains? * to be lost — заблудиться 34 . W hat kind of sights would you point out to visitors in your d istrict? Are there places famous for th eir revolution­ ary trad itio n s? For b attles in th e G reat P a trio tic W ar? For their industrial im portance? 3. A JO K E FOR DISCUSSION Which is More Im portant? Lewis and Clark were th e leaders of an expedition. W hat can you see from th e top of a hill? 4. Now the bad news: we’re lost. W hat do you im agine these new.” Questions: 1. a hike is a long walk or m arch in the country for pleasure or exercise. “Men. At each tu rn of the trail you may come upon som ething new. unex­ pected things may be? I I I . Im agine th a t you are a guide.” he said. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. Word List badge (baeds] n значок civil ('sivilj a гражданский climb [klaim] о лезть вверх deed n подвиг exciting [ik'saitig] a захватываю­ щий glory ('gio:ri] n слава guide [gaid] n экскурсовод just adv только. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION as to: 1. These sports are very ex­ citing and you w ill probably love to collect stam ps which show pictures of them . 2. T he advantages of cycling in th e countryside. CYCLING AND STAMPS Cycling is rid in g a bicycle. Besides cycle racing th ere are m any stam ps showing m o­ to r racing and m otorcycle racing. B iking is even better th an rid in g in a car or m otor-cycling because you can follow narrow tra ils in th e fields and in th e woods where there are no roads. or if you hope to have one. cycling I to be keen on something— увлекаться чем-либо * to bring out — выпускать (в свет) 2* 35 . you m ay be interested in reading th is tex t. All th is is im possible for a person trav ellin g by car or riding a m otor bike. просто Icnapsack ['naeps%l<| n рюкзак trail n тропа upon (э'рэп] adv на 14. You can hear birds sing. You can have a beautiful cycling page in your album w ith nothing b u t stam ps about cycling. You can get plenty of exercise and v isit a lot of places in th e countryside if you rid e a bike. Do you ride a bicycle? Do you collect stam ps? If you like both cycling and stam p collecting. why not s ta rt collecting stam ps w hich show cycling? T here are lots of stam ps th a t will interest you. W hich is b etter for the health. зд. If you have a bicycle. and a cyclist is one who rides a bicycle. M any countries are very keen on cycle racing ^ and they keep bring­ ing o ut ? stam ps showing pictures of cycle races. I. W hy bicycles and cycling are becoming very popular in m any countries. listen to th e sounds of n a tu re and enjoy th e fresh air. c) on a bicycle. DISCUSS Discuss the advantages of a tour a) as a passenger in a car. E x p lain th e educational value of cycling tours. W here is it m ost useful. 6.or driving a car? Who (whom) would you recom m end to use a bicycle every day? 3. an * tour [tu9) ai excursion * familiar [fa'milja) —well known to ycu P on horseback — верхом (на лошади) 36 . W hether cycling and other sports can popularize stam p collecting or develop an interest to it. T he bike as a m eans of tran sp o rt. THIN K IN G IS FUN Suppose you are alone on a fam iliar * road w ith bike on an autum n evening.® W hat can you see and learn on a cycling tour? How can it help you to learn more about th e geography and history of a place. 5. “ I t’s all right — I’m ninel” ] —to make popular ^ popularize ['popjularaiz]collecting ? philately [fi'laetaliJ — stamp sta [tu9l — a journey. W hether stam p collecting can popularize * cycling or develop an interest to it. Speak about th e possibilities and lim itatio n s of a m od­ ern bicycle. In w hich case is a bicycle m ore (less) convenient and useful th a n a car? 3. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. W ill you ride bike or will you w alk push your bike? Why? your is so hand your and between 1-6 IV. about botany and other subjects? W hat kind of col­ lections can you m ake on such a tour? I I I . How p h ilately ? helps to develop new hobbies. You have no light and it dark you can’t see your before you. in tow n or in th e countryside? 4. ASK. W hat do you know about cycling as a sport? W hat is cycle racing? 2. b) on horseback ?. W hat can be pictured on stam ps? II. TELL. “Fares. please.Tell each oth er w hich you prefer and why. Questions: 1. If th ere is a conductress * on your bus. How d id th e little girl understand th e notice? 2. T ry and im agine som ething special in each case. куда идет ® conductress [ksn'dAktris] — a woman conductor * crowded t'k ra u d id j—full of people 37 . or w hich passes through it on its way to th e town. YOU CAN GET A N Y W H ER Ei BY BUS H ave you trav elled on a bus? O r do you tak e the schoolbus every m orning to get to school? In th a t case you never ask where your bus is bound for.lim i'teijan] n ограничение motorcycle ['moutasaikl] n мото­ цикл possibility [. If you live in a v illage you m ay w ant to travel to the nearest town. W hat did th e policem an explain to th e little girl? Word L ist bicycle ['baisikl) n велосипед ( т а к ^ bike) cycling {'saiklig] n езда на велосипедв lim itation [.* passengers pass the m oney along to th e passenger near­ est to th e m achine. If you have fio experience w ith horses and c a n ’t rid e a horse or if you have never m ade a cycling to u r. W hen th e bus is crow d ed. rem em ber w hat you have read or heard.? You ju st get on it and get off it when it stops at your school. please?” If th ere is no conductress. and th e tic k e t is then passed back. ^ anywhere—to any place * is bound [baund] for— зд.pos3'biliti] n возможность sound [saundj n звук stamp n почтовая марка start v начинать value ['vaelju:] n ценность 15. you put your five copecks in the tick et m achine and tak e a tic k e t. Then you will perhaps catch th e bus which runs between your village and th e tow n.” and then “Any m ore fares. she says. Why th e conductress. ^ Step alongl— зд. or one of th e passengers. Пройдите! to call o u i— зд. 2. DISCUSS 1. W hich can stop more quickly. If not. which side of th e road do they keep to? 2. a bus or a train? 5. please!” and discuss the situ atio n in which he can hardly force his way through to tak e th e fares. 3. TELL. Tell your p artn er why bus conductors always say: “H urry along there.^ please!” W hy th e conductress (or th e driver) calls out i all th e W hy passengers should m ove up to th e front. I. Nam e th e reasons why m any people try to be among th e first to get on a bus instead of w aiting in line. stops. he m akes room for you to get by. you ask th e person in front of you w hether he is getting out st the n ex t stop. W hy a bus m ay be full (packed). and you slowly m ove to th e front. W ill there be more cars in a city street between 7 and 9 o’clock on a Sunday m orning or on a weekday m orning? W hy? i l l . as 1. объявлять (сстановки) ^ one-way street — улица с односторонним движением 38 . Do buses in the USSR keep to the left or to th e right of th e street when they are going to th e centre of a town? In B ritain ? In th e U nited States? In most countries? W hen traffic is going away from the centre of a town. 2. W hy are th ere one-way streets ^ for traffic in many towns and cities? 3. says along. THINKING IS FUN 1. 5. ASK. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION to: W hy th e driver of a bus m ay not open th e doors. II. Ask your p artn er why he m ust w ait for a break in the passing traffic before he crosses th e street. “Step 4.W hen you get near the stop at which you w ant to get out. 4. Discuss th e instructions about crossing streets whic teachers and ORUD (traffic m ilitia) representatives have given you. you’re ten. Question: W hat should you not teach sm all children? Word List case n случай lad Л юноша. and m ail * train s carry passengers and m ail. sent by post * to sort — to separate things of one kind from things of another kind £ long-distance tra in —поезд дальнего следования 39 . К . Tell each other w hat you know about traffic regulations. In these coaches peo­ ple sort * letters and parcels w hile th e tra in runs from one statio n to another. Long-distance train s 5 are fast trains. lad? Ten. and you can get on or off a local tra in at a very small statio n . Passenger train s carry people. etc. newspapers. even if it is only a platform . parcels. наполнять room n место.K. S o n : O. пространство sign [sain] n надпись. Local train s m ake all the stops. вывеска 16. хорошо * m a il— letters. TRAVELLING BY RAIL The first railw ay in R ussia was opened in 1837 and since th a t tim e people have covered m illions of kilom etres tra v e l­ ling from one p art of the country to another by train .? B us Son: Driv Son: d r i v e r : How old are you. I'ou'keiJ — все в порядке.” Ai u m : Now rem em ber. e r : W hen will you be eleven? As soon as I get off th is bus. goods train s carry goods. A JOKE Honesty Is Not Her Policy Sign on a city bus: “C hildren 10 and under pay half fare. очередь pack v переполнять. ^ traffic regulations— правила уличного движения * О. In B ritain and in Am erica th ere are also special coaches attached to some trains.‘ IV. called T ravelling Post Offices. парень line n зд.3. Local train s have carriages ? w ith wooden seats as passengers m ake only short trips. W hat can passengers see from a m oving train? II. 1. There are some vacant ' seats in here. After a long-distance tra in starts.If you are going to a d istan t place. TELL. P leasant journey! 4. a sleeping com part­ m ent is very com fortable. SAY WHAT YOU CAN Develop th e situ atio n s around these sentences. They ta lk about various things to pass th e time. W ould you m ind if I switch on th e radio? * 6. You have heard them on the platform of a railw ay station or in a com­ partm en t of a passenger train . How m any people can travel in a sleeping com part­ m ent? 4. SAY WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT TRAIN TRAVELLING BY 1. Please don’t forget to w ritel 2. L et’s get into th is one.® I. если я включу радио? ^ vacant [ veik9nt]. I I I . It was very nice of you (all) to come to see me off. They ask questions about how far they are going and w hether they are travelling on busi­ ness or going to v isit relatives or going to a rest home.—not occupied ® miniature ['minit/a] railway system—children’s railway 40 . ASK. a reserved seat ^ for a day journey is good. How far are you going? 5. 3. W hat train s do you find m ost convenient for trav e l­ ling over long distances? 3. DISCUSS Many cities in the Soviet Union have m iniature railw ay system s * whose object is to interest children in train s and ^ reserved [ri'zeivd] seat—плацкартное место ^ carriage ['kaendsJ — a part of a railway train used by passengers 3 to pass the tim e — провести время ^ Вы не будете возражать. W hat kinds of train s do you know? 2. W here do passengers have th e ir m eals w hile trav ellin g by rail? 5. th e passengers often begin to ta lk to each other. Discuss the history of railw ays.” Questions: 1. the w aters would carry him from one place to another. In w hat way can the ticket-collector be helped? Word List as [aez] cj так как attach [a'taetj] v присоединять coach [koutj] n вагон connected [ka'nektid] a связанный engine ['endsin] n паровоз importance [im'pDitans] n значение locomotive [. 1. Ask your p artn er why drivin g th e engine is the most popular job in a m in­ iatu re railw ay system .railw ays.louka'moutiY] ft ло­ комотив. паровоз object ['obdsikt] n цель sentence ['sentans] n грам. how a m an dig» covered ? th a t if he used a floating log. 2. th e work of a great railw ay system . meq ex­ perim ented and invented m any things to help them cross ^ highway — a main road 2 to discover [dis'kAva] — to find out afterwards ('aftaw 9dz]—later 41 . Some of them w ill be railw ay m en when they grow up. W hat is difficult in ticket-collecting during rush-hours? 2. 3.® over a period of hundreds of years. “I want to be taken off ticketcollecting during rush-hours. and its im portance to th e coun­ try. Afterwards. WATERS AS HIGHWAYS^ It was so m any thousands of years ago th a t we can only im agine how and where it really happened. Tell your p artn e r w hich school subjects are especially im po rtan t for those who wish to drive a locom otive or to do other work connected w ith railw ays. пред­ ложение wooden ['wud9n] a деревянный 17. M any people travel for several weeks along th e m any big and sm all rivers. W hich season is th e best to decide on if you w ant to m ake a sea voyage? Why? 4.invented and developed in different p arts of the early world. etc. From such beginnings grew all th e boats and ships w hich have become one of the w orld’s m eans of travel and tran sp o rt. W hat are the things th a t m ake trav ellin g by sea so very attractiv e? 2. especially for pleasure * overland {'ouvalaendj — by land. W hen do you think passengers began crossing th e A t­ lantic on board ocean liners? I I. In w hat way is trav ellin g by sea attractive? 3. O thers prefer a cruise * on th e B lack Sea or to foreign e w aters.? As sum m er journeys are very popular in our co u n try . but it is less exciting and less interesting. In areas w ithout roads or railw ays. T ravelling on board a big liner is more convenient and safer th a n trav ellin g in a sm all boat.) * holiday-maker— a person who goes away from home for a time (dur­ ing a holiday) to enjoy himsell ’ cruise [kru:z] — a sea voyage from port to port. Ocean-going liners and river boats are used to carry pas­ sengers and goods. we find th a t th ey also m ade ships. number. The w aters have become highw ays. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION 1. W hat do you think? 3. All sorts of boats were . I. Pleasure boats are for tourists and holi­ day-makers. The size of boats has in­ creased 1 up to th e great ships we use in our tim e. a favourite way of trav elling is by river boat or canoe. value. but when we study th e p ain tin g on th e tom bs of E gyptian kings. not by sea 42 . For some people there is nothing so fine as a voyage in a big ship. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. The ancient E gyptians of five thousand years ago m ade great boats. a sea voyage or a trip along a river? Why? 1 to increase [m 'krhsj— to become greater (in size. How are water-w ays used in such area 2. overland *trav is still very difficult. W hat would you see if you took a cruise along th e B lack Sea coast (round Europe)? 4. W hich do you th in k is b e tte r— a journey by land. бревно means n средство. байдарка detail ['dcteil] n подробность Egyptian [I'dsipjan] n египтянин. 2. let him tell you th e nam e of his ship.I I I . TELL. W hat kind of a sea trip did th e two holiday-m akers w ant to make? 2. ASK. A JO K E A “M odest” Wish S h i p ’s c a p t a i n : W hat did th a t seasick passenger say when you asked him if you could bring him anything? Steward: He said he w anted m e to bring him an island. Tell your p artn er w h at you have learned about roundthe-w orld voyages from lite ra tu re and TV programmes. Ask your partn er w hether he has ever m ade a voyage. If he has. способ modest ('madistj a скромный ocean-going a океанский (паро­ ход) 43 . IV. DISCUSS 1. Question: W hy did th e passenger w ant an island? “Do either of you know how to row?” Questions: 1. a египетский floating I'flo’jtiQ] a плавающий log n колода. the port w here he started his voyage and other details. Discuss which of you has m ade m ore excursions or journeys by land. How do to u rist firm s in ca p italist countries try to at­ trac t customers? Word List attractive [9'traektiv] a привлека­ тельный canoe [кэ'пи] n каноэ. and by sea or along rivers. 3. trav ellin g by air is a common thing.scasick a страдающий морской болезнью steward [stjuad] n официант на пароходе tomb [tu:m] n надгробный памят­ ник 18. D uring th e flight some of the passengers talk.^ Today. As the “A eroflot” posters say. Many people like it because it is more com fortable. very m uch quicker th an any other m eans of tran s­ port. of course. some ^ aircraft ['eokraftj — a plane * jet-propelled liner—реактивный лайнер ® destination [^desti'neijan]—the place to which a person is going or a thing is sent * to take off — взлетать 44 . If th e distance is not very great you will fly on a sm aller plane which can land on an air-field near a sm all town or even a village. TH ERE’S NOTHING L IK E TRAVELLING BY A IR M an’s desire to fly first found expression in fantasy and legend. D uring local flights on sm all planes you can see th e land below and enjoy the scenery. W hat are th e advantages of trav ellin g by plane? 2. Is there a b etter way of travelling th an by air? I.” A beautiful jet-propelled passenger liner 2 w ill carry you to your destination * very quickly. before th e plane takes off. W hen you board a plane th e stewardess greets you and by radio. You reach your destination very quickly and realize th a t trav ellin g by air has m any advantages. “Ten hours by tra in — one hour by plane. Then he began to understand th e air and tru e flight became possible.* she gives the passengers all the inform ation about the flight. It is only about eighty years since m an m ade th e first fljght in a powered aircraft. m ore convenient and. QUESTIONS ABOUT PASSENGER FLIGHTS 1. W hat inform ation does th e strew ardess give the pas­ sengers on board a plane? 3. and others sleep. “T hank you for both flights. W hat else can they do. th e first thing th a t m ay attra c t your atten tio n is a notice ? th a t says: “Fas­ ten seat belts. As he clim bed out of th e aircraft at th e end of the trip . w ith 4. How can you explain this? W hy do some people not like to travel by plane? I I I . which is.” Tell your partn er why passengers are allowed to unfas­ ten th e ir seat belts when th e plane is well up in the air. 3. How m any passengers can m odern passenger planes Describe how passengers are seen off at an airport. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. he turned to th e pilot and said. W hy are passengers of m odern planes not provided parachutes I'paerajurtsl when they board a plane? W hat does an airplane stewardess do? Som etim es a plane is late. “I had two. 3. m ore interesting th an sleeping or talking? 4.” “W hat are you talk ing about?” asked th e pilot. IV. Discuss w hat you can see at an airport while you w ait for your plane. per­ haps. светящееся табло 45 . “You only had one. TELL. 5. sir.” Question: W hat kind of trav ellin g do you th in k th e back­ woodsman prefers? to look like— вьнлядеть * notice I'lioutis]—ad. 6.” answered th e passenger. ASK. seat? 2. m y first and my last.” “No. Ask your p artner w hat he knows about the kind of air­ craft th a t can rise straig h t up from th e ground. W hat does th e ground look like ^ from a plane? I I . W hen you tak e your seat in a plane. A JOKE No More Flying A backwoodsm an took a flight in a sm all plane. DISCUSS 1. самодвижущийся provide [pra'vaid] v давать. I. ‘ to do well In the exams—хорошо сдавать экзамены * daily regime [rei'3l:ml—режим дня 46 . don’t forget about your daily regime. B ut to pass an exam well you m ust know th e program me m aterial very well. T he difference between ordinary lessons and revision lessons. Get up early in th e m orning and do your gym nastics. If you know the subject well. The best way to prepare for an exam. But th is is not so. you can draw either a “lucky” or an “unlucky” exam ination card. EXAMINATIONS ARE NOT A LOTTERY The school year will be over soon and you eighth-form ers will have to tak e exams. Sem e school students say th a t an exam is a lottery. 2.? D on’t study till late at night. Of course. W hy exam inations are so im portant. When exam ination tim e comes. Now is th e most su itab le tim e to revise th e old m aterial. All cards w ill be lucky. обеспечивать scenery ('sfcnari] n пейзаж seat v зд. вмещать seat belt привязной ремень 19. This will m ake your studies effective. so your teach­ ers are giving you revision lessons in all subjects. EXPLAIN AND DISCUSS 1. The m ain task for you now is to be well prepared for each exam. all exam i­ nation cards will be “lucky” and you will tell everybody how easy th e exams were. everybody w ants to do well in th e exams i and receive excellent m arks. 3. The exam ination subjects are your n ativ e language (w ritten and oral) and m athem atics (a w rit­ ten exam in algebra and an oral one in geometry).Ш гй L ist allow (a'lau] v разрешать attract [a'traekt] v привлекать backwoodsman ['baekwudzman] n обитатель лесной глуши below (bi'lou] adv внизу fasten {'fcusn] v пристегивать flight Iflait] n полет poster ['pousta] n плакат powered ('pauad] a зд. DISCUSS Tell your partner.. II. тормозить .» 1 to do a problem— решать задачу ® to give somebody trouble (ЧглЫ ]—беспокоить кого-либо » to slow down —замедлять. W hy? 5.4. W hat is th e difference between com­ radely help given freely and copying from one another? in. B ut some­ tim es it may be very difficult to do homework assignm ents w ithout outside help. b) to repeat and then com plete th is sentence: Instead of try in g to work really hard all the term . ASK. school students should persistently acquire knowledge. To pass exams well.. I t ’s the answers th a t are slowing me down. W hether a w ritten е х а т т а Н о п is easier to pass than an oral one. Teachers always say th a t pupils should do th eir assign­ m ents by them selves w ithout help from others. Say w hether there are any subjects th at come easy to you. W hy exam s are n ot a lo ttery . 6. A JOKE Which Is More Difficult? T e a c h e r : Are th e exam ination questions giving you any trouble? ^ P u p i l : The questions are clear. School students should study diligently and listen atten tiv ely to th e teacher’s explanations. IV. TELL. Ask your partner: a) why he should be sure of w hat he is going to say before he rises to speak in class. b) why a pupil m ust th in k calm ly before he or she answers his teach er’s questions. W hat can you say about how to study diligently? 3. How to prepare for an exam together w ith a classm ate. she. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. a) what you will do if your friend can’t do a problem * in algebra and you already know th e answer. W hich subjects do you have to study per­ sistently? 2. B ut be careful how you use it. or th e profession of secre­ tary . w hat you will be by trad e or profession. a fitte r or a bricklayer after you finish school? W orkers of these trades are always in great demand. a handicraft by m eans of w hich a person m akes his living. PROFESSIONS An “occupation” is activ ity of any kind for which a per­ son has th e necessary qualifications and train in g . journalist. shop-assistant.^ T rade schools teach different trades. A common exam ple of th e word “tra d e ” given in English dictionaries is this: “Shoem aking is a useful trad e .” A “trad e” is an occupation.? As to » th e word “profession”. E nglish people speak of th e pro­ fession of teaching. of m edicine. operating different m achines. you will follow needs advice. There are so m any different trades and professions today th a t it is not easy to decide.Word List calm [kam ] a спокойный diligent ['dilidsant] a прилежный draw V вд. T R A D E S. furniture-m aking. you know it very well. вытягивать effective [I'fek tiv] a эффективный lottery ['loteri] n лотерея oral ['э:гэ1] a устный ordinary ['oidinan] a обыкновенный persistent [ps'sistsnt] a вастойчи> вый revise [ri'vaiz] v повторять (учебный материал) term п зд. O thers of you have not yet made your decision. OCCUPATIONS. In these schools you can get tra in in g in any tra d e you m ay choose. Choosing the trad e or profession that. четверть (учебная) 20.” There are very m any trades. all of them im portant and useful. ^ * * * to in as to 48 make one’s living— to get what is necessary for life great demand — they are always needed to — что касается decide [di'said] —to make a choice . Some of you m ay already know w hat occupation you wish to follow. For exam ­ ple: “I am by occupation a teacher. for exam ple: cooking. W hy not to learn th e tra d e of a tu rn er. and he is by occupation a ta x i-d riv e r.* Your teachers and parents will help you to m ake a correct choice. I. You have read th a t shoem aking is a useful trad e. N am e some other useful trades and explain th eir usefulness. school-leaver— BUiiycKHHK школы 49 . SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. a hospital nurse. an airplane p ilot. There are schools th a t teach different trades. An E nglish proverb says “Jac k of all trades is m aster of none” which m eans th a t a person who follows m any dif­ ferent occupations is never expert at any. W hat does a person do if he is a carpenter by trad e or a nurse (hospital sister) by profession? 4. 5. TA LK IN G TOGETHER 1. How is th is rig h t carried into life by th e Com m unist P a rty and th e Soviet Governm ent? III. a teacher. Discuss w hether th is is correct and w hether you can learn m any trades successfully. The profession of architect requires special education. THINKING OUT ANSW ERS 1. W hy? 2. th e driver of a tracto r. Ask your p artn er to tell you som ething about jobs which interest him very m uch. W hat can people of various trades and professions do to help school stu d en ts to fin d out w hat a job in th e ir own occupation means? II. 3. W hat do you know about th e roads open to schoolleavers? ^ 3. W hat do you know about how a person chooses a trad e or a profession? 2. T he Soviet C o n stitution guarantees th e right to work. Tell your p artn er which you would or would not like most to be some day: a bricklayer. W hich of them would be su itab le for you? 2. or a shopassistant. Nam e some other occupations in which special education or train in g is required. 3. I have a few things to say to you.) and in P a rt Three (p. 18. I don’t know how I did it. 6. 1. 11. 14.. 19. W e’ll see w hat we can do. you’d never believe it. They are new. 7. If I told you. . 8. 12. I ’ll have to th in k .e w ant to know. . The work was interesting enough. He sim ply could not understand it. I heard th is from his own lips. There is only one way to find out w hat v.). 2. 4. I m ust decide things for myself. 3. 9. 21. T his is additional m aterial to P a rt One. 16. I told her th a t I didn’t know w hat she was talk in g abou .. but th e topics are fam il­ iar. I w ant to go out and do some shopping. 20. 17. Sections of the same k in d can be found in P a rt Two (p. 10. I. I have interesting news for you. I can’t tell m ore than w hat I know. He w ants me to meet him tom orrow m orning. 13. A nybody’ll tell you where it is. of course.Word L ist architect ['ttkitekt) n архитектор bricklayer ['bnklei»] n каменщик carpenter ['kapinta] n плотник choice n выбор decision [di'sissn] n решение expert ('ekspst] a квалифицированный fitter ['fitaj n слесарь nurse [na:s] n медсестра require [ri'kwaia] v требовать(ся) specialize ['spejalaiz] v специализировать(ся) turner [Чжпэ] n токарь various ('veariasj a различный EVERYDA Y TOPICS In th is section you will talk about various everyday s it­ uations. I ’ll rem em ber in a m inute.. 15. 5. 50 THINK OF QUESTIONS TO WHICH THESE ARE THE ANSWERS I ’ll be back in a m inute. I came to see if I could be of any help to you.. Our journey was not going too well. There were different opinions about it. W hy don’t you w ant to tell me? We don’t see enough of you. 23. 13. 6. 24.22. 22. 24. All I could do was w ait and see. 14. 4. 11. II. how are you? W hat did th e doctor say? W here do we go from here? W hy d id n ’t you say so before? How did you get here? How did you find it all out? W hat are you w aiting for? W hat is it th a t you wish of me? I w ant to know. E v ery th in g has happened so quickly. 25. 9. 8. TH IN K WHAT ANSWERS YOU CAN GIVE TO THESE QUESTIONS W here have you been all th is tim e? W hat do you w ant me to do? Is th ere any way I can help you? W hen are you coming back? W h a t’s going to happen to me? W hat sort of a girl is she? W here are you going to spend th e evening? How was he when you last saw him? And how’s your work going? How often have you m et him? W here have you been all th e evening? W hen are we going to see each other? Now. It is not very difficult to im agine. 18. 1 should like to know? W hat do I have to do? How was your day? (How did you spend th e day?) W hat do you w ant me to do? W hat m akes you th in k you would be su itab le for such a job? How did school go today? (A question from your m other. I have had no tim e to th in k . 16. It needs careful thinkingW e talk ed on everyday topics. 28. W hen are you com ing to see us? W hy are you tellin g me all this? W hat do you w ant m e to tell you? W hen can I see you? W hat more can he w ant. 2. 25. 26. 26. 7. 29. 3. 1. 20. 23. 27. 27. 5. 15. 12. 30.) 51 . 21. She w ill do as she is told. 17. 10. 19. This is som ething you m ust decide for yourself.” Sentence No 2. 23. 18. Do you like coming to see me? Perhaps you can tell me why I ’ve been asked. 20. If you w ant to speak to me. Are there m any who th in k th e same as you? Isn ’t it tim e we ate? He never did things like th at. 10. So now we understand each other. ‘‘Some people had to go somewhere by train. 1.111. 19.” ' Think how to give your own answers. 8. or “The speaker’s friend had just come back from the South. Can we m eet tomorrow? You don’t know w hat you are saying. T here’s only one way out of th is thing. 17. T h at is som ething q uite different.” Sentence No 3 (and perhaps many other sentences) may require a very short answer: “They were discussfng holidays” . 9. 52 . 15. you will ring me up. “There’s no time to lose” or “They were going to another town by plane and it was already late. 3. “The speaker saw that his Friend didn’t understand w hat he was talking about” or “The speaker saw that what he had said was new to his listeners. How difficult it was to know w hat to do! Do th is and then you m ay rest.^ I see th a t th is is news to you. 6. g. 7. 24. 25. H ave you seen a doctor? I have absolutely no knowledge on th a t point. and one of them said. 12. D id you have a nice time? D on’t w rite any m ore letters. WHAT SITUATIONS OR PROBLEMS W ERE DISCUSSED BY THE PEOPLE WHO USED THESE SENTENCES? T here’s no tim e to lose. I had no idea which floor he lived on. 14. Now he had to give the details. 27. 22. 21. 16. 11. Could you ring me up at th is num ber about eleven on Sunday m orning? Is he a great friend of yours? I sim ply did not know w hat to say next. ^ Each situation or problem can be explained or described in different ways. You h av en ’t had my experience of life. 4. 26. e. I hope you’ll like it here. 13. Sentence No 1. 5. A tru e friend is the one who tells you th e tru th abo yourself. 2. ’’ W hat kind of people were they? W here were they? Why d id n ’t they ta lk one after another? W hat m ade them begin talk in g all at once? 3.. W e sat th ere w ithout speaking. W ho had to do them ? W hy? 8. W hat kind of room was it? W hat was she going to do after looking at herself in th e w all m irror? 4. They looked at each other as if ? they were seeing each o th er for th e first tim e. Nam e some of the things. H e returned from telephoning. W as th e carriage in a local tra in (electric tra in ) or in a fast train? W hat could the children see out of th e windows? 6. W here did th a t m eeting tak e place? W hy d id n ’t they look at each other as persons do who know each other? 7.” W hy do you th in k th e person who said these words w ant­ ed to speak in person. She in stinctively covered w ith her hand th e page of the le tte r she was w riting. How long was h e absent? W hom did he telephone? W hat did he say when he returned? ^ at once— в одно и то же время * as if— как если бы 63 . E veryone was talk ing at once. T h e children ran from side to side of th e carriage. look­ ing first out of one w indow and then out of another. W hy was it very im portant not to lose even a second? W h at m ight happen? 2. “B etter not talk on th e phone. not by telephone? W ho w ere the speakers? 6. She looked at herself in th e w all m irror. There were a hundred things to do. W hy d id they go together? W ere they friends? W here did they go in p articular? 10. W hy d id n ’t th ey speak? W hat were they th in k in g about? 11.IV. They w ent about everyw here together. There w asn’t a second to lose. W hom was she w riting th e letter? W ho cam e near her? W hy did she cover w ith her hand th e page of th e letter? D id somebody w ant to see w hat she was w riting? Why? 9. DESCRIBE THESE SITUATIONS USING THE QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU 1. Seeing th a t you have done little or nothing. Please. I dressed in th e best s u it I had. W hat questions will you ask? V. 4. T ake an aspirin. W hen you come home from school. He received the news w ithout enthusiasm . Your fath er shows you a letter from a person whom he had known since his schooldays. 2. Б4 EXPLAIN THE SITUATIONS Ш WHICH THESE SENTENCES W ERE USED Be a good boy. Take care of yourself. He was asked to give reasons for his decision. W hen you come to a strange town. W hat questions can you expect? 5. I ’ll w rite down his address for you before we go. . So com plete th e following: I to ld m yself th a t th ere is no “too late” for. Please. W hat kind of suit was th e m an’s best suit? W hy did he dress in his best suit? W as it an im portant day for him ? How were other people dressed on th a t day? More Questions About Situations 1. 9. 6. W ill you let me know if th ere’s any news? Go and lie down. It is never too late to start on som ething really im por­ ta n t. 1. You don’t know w hat you’re doing. 3. you m ay have to ask th e way every five m inutes. your parents m ay have some questions to ask you. W hen you are doing som ething your m other doesn’t w ant you to do. 10.12. 12. how often m ust she say “D on’t ” before you stop? 3. 8. th e teacher m ay w alk up to your desk and repeat to you w hat she has already said to th e whole group.. I t ’s such a long tim e since I saw you. W hat kind of questions will you ask? 2. let me talk to you. 5. th ere’s no reason to thank me.. 11. I don’t know whether or not you know it. 7. and I m ay bring som ething back for you. W hat will she say? 4. 6. 24.13. 1 do not know. 16. My father took me to th e sta tio n and put me on th e train . T hank you for all you’ve done. 15. M aybe t h a t ’s news to you. Do you know w hat you are doing? Tell me all th e news. 27. I listened to him w ith growing interest. . 26. 23. Best wishes for a successful trip! W hat a pleasant surprise! You d id n ’t ask me. I don’t th in k th is is going to be easy. I only know w hat I have said. 21. There was nothing to ta lk about. nothing to say. 14. 20. 22. Please don’t th in k badly of me. 28. I d id n ’t know w hat to say. 25. 17. 18. 19. This is certainly a surprise! I thanked him for all his help and advice. who were sent from P etrograd and other cities to lead th e R evolution to success in th a t part of the country. Today you will read about a special^kind of m useum. This is not museum history. Museums of th is kind are popular a 1 over th e Soviet Union and th eir educational value is very great. m any of th eir grandparents tell how th eir fathers. th e first fiveyear plans.PART TWO 1. So in every town museum you will find th e p o rtraits of Bolsheviks. th e war years. These men and women soon became honoured local c iti­ zens. MUSEUMS OF G LO R IO U S H ISTO R Y A museum is a building w here objects of interest and works of art are preserved and exhibited. others show the develop­ m ent of arts and sciences. E very p art of our country has its own exciting story to tell of how Soviet power was established there. particip ated ‘ in these events and how they fought during the foreign intervention and Civil W ar. 1 io participate [pa'tisipeit] — to take part in something ^ to seek o u t—ad. industrialization. following th e victory of th e workers and peasants in P etrograd in No­ vem ber 1917. the young people’s great grandparents. Some m useums show objects of scientific interest. Much new inform ation is collected and recorded by school­ children who seek out ? and interview veterans of those days. others show how people lived in th e past. Young people also hear m any interesting things about the heroic deeds of more recent periods of history—th e col­ lectivization of agriculture. They often discover relics and docum ents which are placed on exhibition at schools and libraries. but real life for local stu ­ dents and schoolchildren. вести поисковую работу 56 . How to learn to discuss pictures or different tr e n d s » in pain tin g . SUBJECTS TO TA LK ABOUT 1. The difference between your local m useum and others th a t you have seen. W hy are Heroes’ Rooms not m useum history. *• eye-witness I'aiw itnis)—a person who has himself seen happen. T he work of a museum a tte n d a n t (guide) and th e kind of m useum which you would like to be a guide in. W hy people h u rry to v isit a recently opened show (a flower show. but real life for m any young people? II. architecture 3 irend— a direction something 67 . W hat is unusual about them ? 3. He m ay have som ething to say on th e subject too. 3. TH IN K IN G OUT ANSWERS 1. TA LKIN G TOGETHER 1. W hat can eye-witnesses and particip an ts ^ in these events te ll young people? 2. sculpture. They help pupils to learn more about th e heroes of our country and th eir deeds. Discuss th e reason for such requests. 5. Tell your partner w hat historical details a guide is expected to know and w hat kind of unexpected questions m ay arise during an excursion. There are Heroes’ Room s in m any of our schools. 4. 2. Tens of m illions have m ade the history of our tim es. T he im portance and usefulness of a school p ictu re gallerv. drawing. In museums you w ill find requests to th e public not to touch th e exhibits. The w orld’s first ski m useum was opened in Norway. participant — a person who participates . a fine arts ^ exhibition).tlie fine arts—painting. Ask your partner w hether he knows any o th er unusual museum s. Tens of m illions of workers and peasants have b uilt socialism in our country. 2.I. III. It is celebrated by workers and progressives all over the world. noявляться establish [is'taeblijj v создавать. a national holiday in the Soviet Union. W hat kind of a social would you like to have on your school’s anniversary? 3. D em onstrations are held in all cities. But the troops th a t paraded th a t day did not return to their barracks. CELEBRATING A N N IVERSA RIES Anniversaries are celebrated on various occasions. I. Some of them are very im portant.Word List arise [a'raiz] v возникать. Music and songs are heard everywhere. устанавливать exliibit (ig'zibitj n показ (на выставке). too. in all th e hero cities of the country and in the capitals of th e union republics by trad itio n al gun salutes. And the anniversary of the October R evolution is at the same tim e a fam ily celebration. From early m orning th e streets are full of people. How do you imagine an anniversary issue of your wall newspaper? 58 . th e anniversary of the O ctober R evolution was celebrated in Red Square as usual. V ictory Day is m arked in Moscow. W hat can be done by school stu d en ts in honour of an anniversary? 2. is observed in m any other countries. when th e distance from Moscow to th e front line was less th an an hour’s ride in a car. T he anniversary of the G reat O ctober Socialist R evolu­ tion. показ. pcгистрировать relic ['relii<] n реликвия request [n'kw est] n просьба show n выставка. экспонат preserve [pri'zav] v сохранять recent ('rfcsant] a недавний record [ri'kxd] t» записывать. демонстрация 2. TH IN KIN G OUT ANSWERS 1. flowers and flags. towns and villages. they went straig h t to the front. People m arch past. T hat spring day in 1945 has gone down in the history of our country as Victory Day. carrying banners and slogans. others are just fam ily celebrations. they are state holidays. In peace tim e the anniversary celebrations are always gay and festive. In 1941. A nother great anniversary comes on May 9. You may also find out w hether he knows more than you about th e kind of festivities these days are m arked by. помимо 50 . m iners and building workers. How do they show a com m unist a ttitu d e tow ards th eir work? Word List barracks ['baeraks] n pi казармы date n дата. 2. are awarded orders and titles on th eir special days. Many railw ay workers. As your p artn er knows very well w hat is done on these days in your school. 2. m iners and building workers is. SUBJECTS TO TALK ABOUT 1. Tell your p artn er w hat you know about International W om en’s Day. W hat is especially pleasant and joyous in birthday celebra­ tions? 3. TA LKIN G TOGETHER A part from ? th e public holidays there are a num ber of specialized “Days”. Ask your p artner about R ailw ay W orker’s Day. 1. Hke representatives of other trades and professions. tell him how these days are celebrated out of school. пушка honour ['эпэ] n честь issue ['isju:] n выпуск. в целом * apart from — кроме. F am ily celebrations include birthdays. C hildren’s Day (Ju n e 1) and T eacher’s Day. orders and m edals. which are a source of joy and m errim ent to both grown-ups and children. These days are m arked by festivities and th e aw ard of titles. How all Soviet people dem onstrate th eir support for th e policy of th eir P a rty and G overnm ent when they cele­ b ra te th e anniversary of th e date th e Soviet Union was founded. число gay a веселый gun n орудие.I I.^ H I. M in­ e r’s D ay. B uilding W orker’s Day. New trad itio n s and new anniversaries of equal interest to th e fam ily and to society in general. Special TV pro­ gramm es about the workers of a p articu lar industry or pro­ fession are shown and concerts are held. Let him tell you how im po rtan t the work of railw aym en.издание * in general— вообще. If. W H E R E BOOKS A R E K E P T FO R USE Soviet people are th e greatest readers in th e world. at th e end of the fort­ night. school libraries. new spapers and m aga­ zines. W e usually keep a book for a week. you sub­ scribe to it. scientific libraries and even travelling libraries. or perhaps two (a fortnight). They will find stories and books retold in easy language for each special class and also books in th e original. * ! * * travelling library— передвижная библиотека to subscribe [ssb'skraib] to a library— записаться в библиотеку to go round—обойти все кругом reference I'refrans] library—справочная библиотека (без выдачи книг на дом) 60 . and over two hundred m illion people use th e books kept there. If th e book you w ant is] n pi войска 3. French or G er­ man. atlases. The librarian will send you a postcard which tells you th a t the book is in and is ready for you. dic­ tionaries. and m any other books of reference. you have not finished reading a book.? B ut first you m ust learn the rules of th e library. personal libraries. children’s libraries.* In the reading room th ere are tables at which you can sit and read books.! If you w ant to borrow books from a library. you m ay leave an order for it. Most public libraries also have a reading room and a reference library. Thes* may not be tak en out. There are 350 thousand libraries in th e Soviet U nion. and in m any libraries readers can go round ® and choose w hat they w ant. Secondary school pupils who are interested in foreign lan­ guages v isit libraries to get books in E nglish. W hen you en ter a library you can see long rows of shelves. There are different kinds of libraries: public libraries (“public” m eans “for everybody”). before tak in g it back. In the reference library there are encyclopedias.sJ n источник title ['ta itlj n почетное звание troops [tru.mark V отмечать observe [ab'zav] v мятную дату отмечать па- ride v ездить (в автомашине) source [so. you may tak e it out again for another fortnight. III . W hat can you find in a reference library? 5. Some lib rarian s say th a t a child should be taken to a lib rary even before he learns to read. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION 1. ju st to see th e pic­ tures.” T ogether m ake a selec­ tion of books you would like to read in your leisure tim e during th e holidays. A historical novel will supply associations and help th e reader to rem em ber the m aterial. Som etim es a pupil finds it difficult to rem em ber dates from a textbook of history because they are not closely asso­ ciated w ith people and event. W hat m ust you do if you w ant to borrow books from a library? 2. ch ild ren ’s) library? 3. THINKING OUT ANSWERS 1. People begin using libraries as soon as they learn to read. How does a lib rarian influences th e reading h ab its of a child? 3. W hat is the purpose of a trav ellin g library? II. “W hat about a latest edition of Shakespeare?” “ Is he still writing?” * at a time —за один раз 61 . W hat about geography and other subjects? Give some exam ples of how books can help.I. W hat is your opinion? 2. How m any books can be tak en out at a tim e ‘ at your local (school. TALKING TOGETHER Im agine th a t th e school year is over. Discuss why you have chosen one or another book. How long can books from your library be kept? 4. You have no home­ work to do and your m other says: “Now th a t the holidays have started you will have plenty of tim e for reading w hat you w ant when you w an t. присоединять borrow ['Ьэгои] V брать на время French п французский язык German ['dsatman] п немецкий язык habit ['haebit] п навык novel ['noval] п роман order n заказ over ['ouva] prep свыше. about com m unist construction works. It is published by the U nion of Soviet Societies of F riendship and C ultural R elations w ith Foreign Coun­ tries. давать use [ju:s] п употребление 4. In th is way they show th eir love for Soviet newspapers. больше perhaps [pa'haeps] adv может быть. возможно purpose ['p9:pas] п цель shelf п полка supply [sa'plai] и снабжать. ^ a well-read [red] person is a person who has read much 2 a journal — a scientific magazine ^ on an average ['aevaridsJ — в среднем ^ Союз советских обществ дружбы и культурной связи с зарубеж­ ными странами 62 . m agazines and journals. The Soviet U nion is a country of m any n ationalities. It is a big occasion not only for journalists. The weekly paper. They tell us about our factories and plants. It is read in more than one hundred and th irty countries. Soviet news­ papers are printed in fifty-six n ational languages and m aga­ zines in forty-four. THE SOVIET PRESS E very year on May 5 the Soviet people celebrate Press Day.? A Soviet fam ily reads on an average ^ four newspapers and m agazines or journals. All the w orking people of the country in fact th e en tire Soviet people observe Press Day.^ Our new spapers tell about all th e changes in our life. W ill her son become a w ell-read person? ^ Word List associate [a'soujieit] v соединять. Moscow News. can be obtained in English. The Soviet press also publishes a num ber of m agazines and new spapers in foreign languages. Spanish and Arabic.Questions: 1. and therefore newspapers and m agazines are printed in m any languages. French. W hat can you say about the w om an’s knowledge of literatu re and authors? 2. about the collective and state farm s. publishers and p rin tin g workers. 2.From th e newspapers. airports and hotels. SUBJECTS TO TALK ABOUT 1. from th e socialist countries and from cap italist coun­ tries. The profession of jo u rn alist in our country is interesting and esteemed. There is a new s-stand near your school (house. In every new spaper or m agazine we can read about out­ stand in g workers. W hich of these publications can be read by n in th form ­ ers? For w hat purposes? 4. “Ogonyok” is a weekly m agazine. In m agazines th ere are also stories and p ictures. the builders of Com munism — th is is the role of th e journalist. Why mem bers of your fam ily subscribe to certain periodicals (newspapers and m agazines). about deeds of courage and m any other interesting and im portant things. G ive short descriptions of some other publications. Some m agazines are not available on the news-stand« b u t are sold by subscription only. TH INKIN G OUT ANSWERS 1. to w rite about the deeds and th e hopes of th e Soviet people. Describe w hat you can see inside it. Some new s-stands sell m agazines and new spapers in foreign languages. O ur jo u r­ n alists serve th e people. To tell people th e tru th . m agazines and scientific journals we can learn w hat is going on in all parts of our great land. G ive some of th e title s of such m agazines and explain th eir p o p ularity. W hat you can read in “Pionerskaya P ravda” and in “Komsomolskaya P rav d a”. W hether the vay subscriptions to newspapers are tak ­ en* in your class should be im proved. The Soviet press expresses th e m ost progressive ideas of our tim e. II. 2. I. at railw ay stations. 3. ^ to take subscriptions— проводить подписку (на газеты) 63 . “M urzilka” is a m agazine for children. Our daily papers also give us th e news from foreign coun­ tries. bus stop). The kind of periodicals which are sold at kiosks and Soyuzpechat autom ats in city streets. 3. 4. inJ v уважать. Discuss w hat can be read in a m agazine for children. R ailway workers in a Moscow repair yard 1 re b u ilt three locomotives th a t day w ithout pay. in I960. tr- Question: How can you explain the lib ra ria n ’s way of inform ing the readers th a t th ere is a fire? Word List Arabic ['aerabik] n арабский язык available [a'veiiabi] a имеющий­ ся D нали<^ии esteem j(is'ti. 3. Tell your p artner w hat you read. почи­ тать ire ['faisl n пожар news-stand n газетный киоск obtain (ab'teinj v получать print V печатать Spanish ('spaenij) n испанский язык therefore ['0еэ1э.H I. th a t th e term “subbotnik”. ’ repair [ri'peaj yard—паровозоремонтное депо 64 . in a wall newspaper. TALKING TOGETHER 1. of course. in an evening paper. 2. SUBBOTNIK — LABOUR SATURDAY You know. In th e daily papers. ap art from th e news. And here is a press report about another subbotnik w hich was held fifty years later.) adv поэтому 5. Ask your p artn er w hat he can buy at a new s-stall. was first introduced in th e dif­ ficult days of 1919. m eaning a day of voluntary labour. 6931 65 . How th e great tra d itio n of th e first subbotniks is ca r­ ried on. which is held every year on th e an n i­ versary of the b irth of V ladim ir Ilyich Lenin. How subbotniks were first introduced in our country. a veteran of th a t first subbotnik. at a Moscow repair yard when in response to L enin’s call. The role of v oluntary labour in th e C om m unist edu­ cation of th e working people. 3. 2. Y akov K ondratyev. Y esterday. How workers economize m aterial in order to produce m ore goods for th e country on subbotniks. SUBJECTS TO TA LK ABOUT 1. 2. At th e ca p ita l’s M oskvich factory 560 cars were produced yesterday as a gift to th e country and at th e Likhachev p la n t 600 lorries came off th e conveyor lin e. сошли с конвейера to raise money—ad.^ 4. заработать деньги national economy— народное хозяйство Э к. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION as to: L W hy Soviet people work on Com m unist S ub b o tn ik s w ith great enthusiasm . W hat is done w ith th e m oney raised * at a su b b o tn ik and contributed to the n atio n al economy. II. How school students can work on a subbotnik. The subbotnik had its b irth in April 1919. 4.Workers Still Follow the Examole of Yakov M illions of Soviet citizens yesterday worked a day on th e tra d itio n a l subbotnik. 1 * * * to carry on— продолжать came off tlie conveyor line—эд. 3. at th e sam e rep air yard. W hy trad itio n al subbotniks are held on the an n iv er­ sary of L enin’s b irth .2 I. and greeted those who had come to carry on th e great tr a ­ dition. railw ay w orkers worked all night w ithout pay to repair locom otives to carry arms to the Red Army. stood on th e platform of one of th e rem aining locom otives he had helped to re p air. TALKING TOGETHER 1. It is clear th a t respect is shown by deeds. Tell your partner how the exam ple of the veterans of th e first subbotniks is followed nowadays. термин economize [L'konamaiz] v эконо. You should take care of school property. will you be respected by everybody. We have neither ex p loitation nor inequality in our country. оружие rebuild ['rL'bildJ v восстанавлиcall n призыв вать contribute [k9n'tnbju:t] v вносить response [ns'pDns] n ответ вклад term n зд. подарок 6. Discuss w hat school students can do on a subbotnik apart from producing goods as workers do. not by words. In th is case only. E xploiters cannot have respect for th e people they exploit. You should m aster knowledge in order to be useful to your M otherland. C onditions for co-operation and confidence among people are developing more and more. 2. You should tak e an active part in the social life of your school. Respect comes to those who deserve it. One of th e Rules of School B ehaviour says th a t each pupil should show respect for th e head of th e school and th e teachers. If you w ant to be treated w ith respect. so i t ’s in teresting to discuss th e subject. Respect for m an is an old problem . H E W IL L DO THE M ORE” The title of this tex t is an English proverb which first appeared in a book published in 1659. Ask your p artner how school students can work on a subbotnik and contribute to th e national economy. People have always thought about respect for m an. 66 . Word List arms n pi вооружение. “ RESPECT A MAN.voluntary ('vDlantari] a добромить вольный gift n дар.I I I . but only socialism has created conditions for a tru ly deep respect for m an. Soviet people have th e greatest respect for those who tak e an active p art in com m unist construction. 3. Such people de­ serve everyone’s respect for th eir selfless work. you m ust deserve it. 3. далее венство respect [ns'pekt] n уважение selfless a самоотверженный social ['soufal] a общественный treat v относиться. обраи. “We all respect him for his fairness. Why is it so? II. Ask your p artn er to describe the character of people he respects very much. SUBJECTS TO TA LK ABOUT 1.аться с кем-либо 7. честный farther adv дальше.ini:'l<wolili] code n кодекс confidence ['konfidans] n доверие deserve [di'zoiv] v заслуживать. 4. 3.I.” W hat else do we respect people for? 5. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. and w hat is his work? 2. n нера- T A L K IN G ACROSS OCEANS T hroughout most of his history. T he behaviour of a person who wishes to enjoy other people’s confidence. m an has not had any way of m aking his voice carry a long distance. There are some people who are treated w ith little re­ spect. III. Discuss how im p o rtant it is for a young person to be respected by everybody. The M oral Code of th e B uilder of Com munism says th a t m an to m an is a friend. Tell your partn er how children should show respect to th eir parents. There is. brother and comrade. How do you understand th is statem ent? 2. som ebody for whose work you have great respect. W ho is th a t person. Word List behaviour [bi'heivja] n поведение inequality [. of course. TA LKIN G TOGETHER 1. быть достойным чего-либо fair a справедливый. 3* Й7 . C o-operation am ong people in socialist society. 2. W hy do school stu d ents respect th eir teach er’s opinion? 3. W hat is the best way to teach children respect for labour? 4. Selfless work in com m unist construction. T his does not m ean th a t there was no way of sending m es­ sages quickly over a distance. because it can find its way home from any place even a long distance away * to enable— to make (somebody) able ® Morse [mD. which tran sm it messages at very high speed * and in the letters of the alphabet. they m ust be put into words. b u t only very sim ple messages could be sent. for exam ple. or can you use your oWn phone? 3. For w hat purposes is th e telephone used daily in of­ fices.» which could not send and receive words quickly. B ut if messages are to be exact.s] telegraph—телеграфная азбука Морзе * at high speed— very quickly 68 . in ad m in istrativ e relations.quickly was to use carrier pi­ geons. THINKING OUT ANSWERS 1. For m any years different coloured flags were used to send inform ation or orders from one ship at sea to another. as Africans used th is m ethod for hundreds of years. U ntil early in th e 19th century. alm ost th e only way of sending w ritten messages. I. The telephone is of very great im portance in business. factories and m any homes? 2. which of course was the place w here th e message had to go. even across seas and oceans. In its place we have teleprinters. Progress in telephone com m unication is equal to progress in telegraph com m unication. W hat is th e news about? * carrier pigeon {'pidsin] — a kind of pigeon (голубь) used for carrying messages. tom -tom s to send signals th a t could be heard by people q u ite a long distance away.^ which always fly back to th e place where they live. is alm ost a th in g of the past. How do you telephone to people who live far away from your home? Must you use a public telephone. There were m any m ethods. '20. and in th e national economy as a whole. In the evening on th e radio (First Program m e. E arly m en used.50 Moscow Time) you can hear foreign news from the T ele p rin t­ er (Teletype) Room. Today th e old Morse telegraph. O ther people used smoke signals and bonfires. Today telephone com m unications enable ? people to ta lk to their friends and acquaintances over great distances. “I suppose it*s better than noth­ ing.II SUBJECTS TO TALK ABOUT 1. 3. The* advantages of com m unication by telegraph.lmoust] adv почти bonfire ['bon. Ask your p artn er where these lines are. but rd still rather have a telephone. скорее. How telephone com m unication is used in the national economy. TALKIN G TOGETHER 1. there are no poles for holding telegraph and telephone lines. 3. 2. In big cities. In w hat way w ill th e m an use a telephone when he has one? Word List almost ['o'.” Questions: 1. W hat kind of message w ill th e pigeon carry? W hat do you think? 2. предпочтительнее smoke n дым teleprinter n телетайп tom-tom ['tomtom] n там-там (ба­ рабан ) transmit [tr«?nz'mit] v передавать until [an'til] cj до тех пор пока ^ contents —the things contained in something {here what is written in telegraph messages) G9 . Discuss th e im por­ tance of th e job of th e person who delivers telegram s. I II.fai9] n костер communicate [ka'mja-nikeit] v об­ щаться (устно и письменно) deliver [di'liva] v доставлять message ['mesids] n сообщение pole Л столб rather ['гаОэ] adv лучше. 2. The kind of telegraph messages people send each other. Tell your p artn er w hat you know about the con­ ten ts ^ of telegraph messages sent and received by people. B ut when the television set is sw itched on. on how the people who live in the house call it. the other mem bers of th e fam ily bring th eir hobbies and g am es. Today th e land on which they stand has become v. one is the din­ ing-room. th e others for th e children. I.? the parlour. There are usually two or three bedrooms. The kitchen is at the far end of the hall. BRITISH HOMES The m ajority of the B ritish population live in small houses b u ilt close together. The m ost m odern nam e for th is room is the lounge. the sitting-room or the living-room . The rooms upstairs are often very sm all. not m any-storeyed buildings w ith a large num ber of flats (high-rise houses) as it did ten or fifteen years ago. In th is way the owners m ake more money. TH INKING OUT ANSWERS 1. so in m any places th e city council builds small two-storeyed houses (low-rise houses).to th e table. Often th e dining-room is th e most com fortable room in the house. which faces the street. and th e one th a t is used all the tim e. no one can do anything in th e dining-room . A typical house of thi^ kind is built w ith two floors. These buildings are called council houses. You are at th e entrance to a ty )ical house in your tow n. T he people who live in th e flats pay rent to th e city council. The stairs which lead to th e bedrooms are in th e hall.‘ Then there are two rooms. the other may be called th e drawing-room.8. It depend. B ut th e m ajority of English w orking people prefer to live in separate houses not flats. th e m other sews there. The front door. not to a p riv ate owner. one for th e parents. In m any cities th e city council has b u ilt houses w ith flats for w orkers’ fam ilies.ery valuable and th e owners either sell it or pull down ® th e old houses and build large m any-storeyed houses with separate flats. M any private house-owners do the same. Very m any houses of th is ty p e were built in B ritish cities in th e 19th and early 20th centuries. opens into a h a ll. The children do th eir homework at the big table. W hat could you see if you entered a flat in th is house? ’ hall — that part of a iiouse from whicii doors open into other rooms * drawing-room — a room in which guests are received * to pull down—снести (здание) 70 . ” Questions: 1. Let your partn er describe th e position of th e house he lives in. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1.2. W hen do you move all th e sm aller furniture from on room to another and cover th e rest of th e furniture witli large sheets? I I. облегчающие руч­ ной труд 71 . “I tell you I haven’t seen the parrot since I vacuumed the cage. c) w hat noises in your hom e you don’t like. W hen do people like to sav “East or W est. Your parents have bought new furniture for your flat. Tell your p artn er w hether you like everything about your flat (house). b) some jobs about the house th a t a boy or girl from six to tw elve years old can do. W hat can m ake a home com fortable? 4. W hat would you like to im prove or change? 2. W hat is your idea of w here to put all th e pieces ^ of this set of furniture? 2. a) w hat conveniences you could not have if you did not have electricity in your home. home is b est”? 3. TALKING TOGETHER 1. W here do you th in k th e parrot is? 2. Discuss. W hat things in a flat should not be vacuumed? ‘ all the pieces ['p!:siz] — all parts * labour saving devices [di'vaisiz] — приспособления. In w hat way is a m odern flat w ith various labour sav­ ing devices 5 b etter th an a larger house in the country? In w hat way is it not so good? I I I . 3. передвигать rest n остальное sheet я простыня stair [stea] n pi лестница storey ['stori] n этаж switch v включать vacuum ['vaelijuam] v пропылесосить 9. You may have a vegetable garden. In th is way children learn to do things for them selves. Ju n io r schoolchildren lay th e tab le and help w ith the wash­ ing-up. m ake th eir beds. двери) move [mu:v] v двигать. Somebody m ust take care of these. keeping house w on’t be so difficult. requires much more tim e and effort. They can clean the house. the older children help to look after th e little ones. The girls learn som ething about cooking and sewing. Dom estic duties ? m ay tak e m uch of your tim e.* If th e fam ily is large. bring in dry things from th e clothes-lines. of course. but they do not get very m uch practice at school. if each one has his spe­ cial duties. and get practice in housekeeping. Housekeeping is the everyday practice of dom estic science in the home.Word L ist cage n клетка convenience [kan'vfcnjans] n удобство cover ('клуэ] v покрывать face V выходить (об окне. It is w hat someone in your fam ­ ily has to do in spite of all the m odern conveniences th a t townspeople have today.® do the ironing and even cook sim ple m eals. PRACTICE IN HOUSEKEEPING The dom estic science ^ course at schools is a useful sub­ ject. and th a t is a great help to the m other. Somebody has to chop wood and bring w ater for cooking and washing. but if all th e mem bers of the fam ily help. It is the m anagem ent of a home and the af­ fairs of a home and fam ily. Life in the countryside. however. where you grow vegetables for th e table. Children help their parents in different ways. * domestic science— домоводство duty — a thing that a person must do. You m ay keep chickens and other dom estic anim als. one’s wori< ctothes-line— бельевая веревка * to wash up — мыть посуду 72 . too. Do you th in k th a t wom an was wrong in choosing ways to keep th e parrot clean? 2. Tell your p artner w hich m em ber of your fam ­ ily is th e m ost active in th e m anagem ent of the household and why. but this is ridiculous. TALKING TOGETHER 1. 4.I. W hether your fam ily does repairing itself or w hether you prefer to have it done by som ebody else. 2. W hat are th e other ways to tak e care of pets? 73 . 2. How you pay your ren t. W hat would you like to introduce into th e dom estic science course at school? W hat does it not teach now? 3. W hat do you know about housekeeping? W hat are your dom estic duties? How m uch do they tak e of your tim e? 2. SUBJECTS TO TALK ABOUT 1. Discuss dom estic du­ ties in th e countryside. gas. and central heating if you live in a flat. W hat is pleasant (unpleasant) about housework. “Spring cleaning’s all very well. Ask your p artn er w hat he (or another m em ber of the fam ily) will do after bringing in dry clothes from th e clothes­ lines.” Questions: 1. III. Can you nam e some ch ild ren ’s home duties not m en­ tioned in th e tex t? II. how you pay for w ater.o every day and w hat is done once in a season. THIN K IN G OUT ANSWERS 1. The work about the house th a t you d. W hether you can m anage your dom estic duties well. 3. 5. 3. He should keep his place in the classroom neat and tid y . W hat can be done by a school student to help in the home? * as well as—так же как * cleanliness ['klenlinis]— опрятность 3 to put something away—убирать что-либо 74 . TIDINESS School R ules for junior schoolchildren say th a t every pupil should come to school clean.Word List chop V рубить clean V чистить. оши­ бочный 10. After a m eal every­ th in g is tid ied away from the tab le and after you finish drink in g tea th e cups are washed and put away * tid ily . th e flowers are w atered and th e floors are either washed or swept and polished. Some parents say th a t th eir children do little to help them at home. L e t’s hope th a t a great part of th is work is done by you. His personal cleanliness ? as well as his tidiness is always pleasing. глажение junior ['d3u:nj9] o. If th is is tru e. Once a week or even more often your flat gets a good cleaning. The furni­ tu re and everything else is dusted. shoes and bed in order? You tid y your room . младший manage ['msenids] v справляться mention ['menjan] v упоминать once [wAns] adv один раз repair [п'реэ] v ремонтировать ridiculous [ri'dikjubs] a смешной. and keep your clothes. tid y and n eatly dressed. убирать dry [drai] a сухой ironing ['aiamg] n утюжка. you also tid y th e papers on your desk and you keep th e garden tid y if you have one. From tim e to tim e your fam ily do th e rooms. Tidy copy-books and books are especially pleasing. your m other has a good assistant. A tid ily dressed pupil is a good exam ple to others. D on’t you try to keep the rooms in your home clean. How can you explain this? 2. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION 1. B ut school is not th e only place where things and people m ust be tid y . смехотворный wrong [гэ1]] a неправильный. T idiness is an im p o rtant th in g in school life as well as * at home. I. W hat is your part of th e work? 3. II. cooking. W hat does a tid y appearance tell you about a person? 3. ironing clothes.. w ashing dishes. Sm all things 75 .” \ Questions: 1. Say w hether you th in k th ere are pupils who forget about tidiness. polishing th e floor. 2. we should have a clean stre e t. 3. washing and m ending clothes). TALKIN G TOGETHER 1. W hat is wrong about th e way th e boy washed? 2. W hat did his m other m ean when she sent him to wash? Word List neat a аккуратный order n порядок pleasing ['pli:zig] a приятный (на вид) polish V натирать (пол) sweep (swept) v подметать. The advantages of vacuum ing th e floor over sweeping it. мести tidy [4aidi] a опрятный. SUBJECTS TO TA LK ABOUT 1. Discuss th e following English saying: “If each would sweep before his own door. cleaning th e house. Let your p artn er tell you w hat b e th in k s he ought to do in order to keep his room tid y and so help his m other. The tim e and effort a m other spends in caring for her fam ily (their h ealth . -------------------------------------------------“But you told me to wash behind my ears. THE W EEKLY W ASHING Everybody knows how pleasant and necessary it is to have clean clothes and clean bed-linen.” 2. аккурат­ ный И . D ifficulties in dusting th e furniture.. III. The fam ily washing is one of the m ost im portant dom estic duties. E very th in g will be washed. They have a w ashing-m achine and say th a t th e work is not very difficult.^ and it 's a fine day. They do one big (or not so big) washing each week when th e bed-linen. instead of soap. If there is a yard where th ere are wash-lines. * laundry ['b in d ri]— a place where clothes are washed. Why is rain w ater the best kind of w ater to wash things in? II. 4. They smell so pleasant when they are dry. W hat is your opinion on th is ques­ tion? 2. They don’t believe th a t linen is washed as carefully at the laundry as it is at home. But if you don’t like to wash things at home either by hand or w ith th e help of a w ashing-m achine. it is good to hang th e wet clothes out in th e fresh air and sun­ shine. Some people never send th eir w ashing to the laundry. 3. The best yard for w ash-lines. but m ost people today use detergent (washing powder). Today school students often do th eir own lau n d ry . Your p art in a fam ily wash. to do one’s laundry— to wash one’s clothes * wash-line— a rope on which clothes are hung to dry after being washed 70 . Even young children can wash small things very nicely in w ater and washing powder. H I. I. The way a w ashing-m achine can help. TA LK IN G TOGETHER 1. Tell your p artner how a person can save tim e for us ful activities by using labour-saving devices in th e home. The reason why m any fam ilies prefer to do th eir own laundry. 2.can be washed in soap and w ater. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION 1. the towels and the clothes are washed. Many fam ilies do all their laundry at home. starched and pressed. and your tim e will be saved. SUfiJECTS TO TA LK ABOUT 1.i W ith a good detergent and an electric iron it doesn’t tak e very long. you can take your w ashing to th e public laundry and fetch it as soon as it is ready. then the plates and last of all th e greasy dishes. th e knives. forks and spoons. of course. There is even an opinion th a t scientists should wash up as th is occupa­ tion removes tension and gives th e m ind a rest. W hy is th is ‘‘w ashing” not proper? Word List detergent [di'to’-dsant] n стираль­ ный порошок fetch V принести linen ['linm] n белье powder ['paud^J n порошок properly ['propali] adv так.” Questions: 1. W A SH IN G -U P W ashing-up is the w ashing of th e dishes and other things used at table.2. You m ust. Some people say th a t washing-up isn’t pleasant because you have to wash d irty dishes. it had to be done by all m em bers of th e fam ily. W hat does th e little girl th in k th e woman is doing? 2. “My mum washes the clothes properly in a machine. have plenty of hot w ater. At any r a t e / w ashing-up is a necessary dom estic duty. Do you know how to do the washing-up? F irst you m ust clear away th e dishes from th e dining-table and pile everything up tid ily near th e sink. как нужно save V экономить smell V издавать запах starch [stoitj*] V крахмалить sunshine n солнечный свет 12. 3. 1 at any rate —во всяком случае 2 dish>cloth —a cloth used for washing dishe 77 . Let your p artn er tell you who hangs out the w ashing in his fam ily and who brings in th e washing from th e lines. O thers like it. Discuss whose job it should be to do w ashing and pressing in a fam ily. W ashing-up is done after each m eal. Then you tak e the dish-cloth? and wash th e glasses. a kind of p late in which food is served. TALKIN G TOGETHER 1. H ygienic conditions for washing-up. a cold or hot dish and certainly an appetizing dish. 3. W hich is more interesting—to cook a dish and ta ste it as you m ake it or to eat an appetizing dish your m other has cooked? W hat dishes do you prefer? W hat w ould you like to choose for a meal? II. supper) things in your fam i­ ly^ ‘ plate-rack— сушилка для посуды * to serve — to give food to someone at a meal ® point of view —точка зрения 78 . I II . A Different Thing A dish is. Tell your p artn er to whom it is usually left to clear u and wash th e breakfast (dinner. a fish dish. 2. etc. SUBJECTS TO TA LK ABOUT 1. Recom m ended ways of w ashing-up (what should be washed first. Is th is only because they are unusual and have a different ta ste or because they are part of a n a tio n ’s history. or “a vegetable dish”. as “a m eat dish”.^ 2. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION 1. trad itio n s and customs? Give your reasons. b ut th e word may also m ean th e food served in a dish. of course. If you have a p la te -ra c k / you can put the plates and cups in th e rack to dry. I. culture. Now th a t you know everything about w ashing-up we wish you success when your tu rn comes. D rying th e dishes. You do n’t need to wipe them .) and reasons for using them . 4. You m ay like a m eat dish. N ational dishes are always interesting to foreigners.After th a t you take the tea towel and wipe everything. The necessity for w ashing-up from different points of view. IV. many people v isit them every day. SAY WHAT YOU TH IN K Suppose you had a dish­ w asher— a m achine to wash th e dishes in your home. "She went to the kitchen sink and started washing-up. черед wipe V вытирать EVERYDAY SERVICES FOR ALL Personal service establishm ents ^ are very useful. уда­ лять sink n раковина для мытья по­ суды tension ['tenjan] n напряжение taste V пробовать turn n очередь. Discuss w hether washing-up is generally a popula occupation in a fam ily. W hat will you still have to do after th e dishes have been washed and rinsed? “No. W hat is th e m an advertising? W hat does the woman th in k a hand laundry is? How are clothes washed at a hand laundry? Word List appetizing ['aepitaizig] a аппетитНЫЙ custom ['kAstam] n обычай greasy ['gri:zi] a покрытый жиром hygienic [hai'd5l:nik] a гигиени­ ческий mind n ум 13. Let your p artner say w hat she had already done and what she was going to do. you ^ personal service establishment —предприятие бытового обслуживания 79 .2. 5. pile v складывать remove [ri'mu:v] v устранять. If your h air needs cutting. thank you — I wash my own handsi” Questions: 1. Does th e wom an th in k th a t she needs to go to a laundry to have her hands washed? W hy not? 2. W hich of them are visited by grown-ups only? By grown-up people and by children? 2. a hairdresser cuts and dresses (причесывает.” You say “T hank you” and get up. There are also TV repair and service shops.? laundries.” You keep still and in a m om ent the photographer says. then he says. SUBJECTS TO TALK ABOUT 1. Then you go into th e studio and sit down. “Keep still. however. at a w atch repair shop (the w atchm aker’s)? I I. now. you are welcome at th e p h o tographer’s. You tell th e photographer how you would like to be taken.^ If your shoes need m ending. W hen you need a photograph of yourself you go to the p hotographer’s. The m ost frequently visited personal service establish­ m ent. you will learn w hat to say at th e shoem ak­ e r’s and at th e photographer’s. please. you tak e them to th e shoem aker’s and say th a t they need repairing. “T h a t’s all. делает прическу) hair. at th e shoem aker’s. If th e photograph is for your passport. Personal service establishm ents in your home tow n. district. W hy is it so popular? ’ A barber shaves men and cuts the hair of men and boys. The shoem aker looks at them and tells you w hat can be repaired. a ladies’ tailo r m akes w om en’s out-door clothes. You ask when th e shoes w ill be ready and are given a re­ ceipt. T oday. th an k you. THINKING OUT ANSWERS W hat kind of questions and answers m ay be heard at the photographer’s.* w hether you wish to stand or sit. A ta ilo r m akes m en’s suits and overcoats. * TV repair and service shop — телеателье • to be taken — to be photographed 80 . Your picture is taken.go either to a b arb er’s shop (the b a rb e r’s) or to a ladies’ hairdre-ssing establishm ent (the la d ie s’ hairdresser). The photographer tells you to move your head a little to th e rig h t or to the left. tailo rin g and dressm aking establishm ents. I. at the ta ilo r’s. If you w ant to be photographed. W hen your shoes are ra th e r worn. you say so and you are given a receipt for the m oney you m ust pay. you go to a shoe repair shop (the shoe­ m ak er’s). Ask your p artner w hether he would agree to go to the ta ilo r’s alone. 2. W hat are his reasons for his opinion? 3.meik»j «сапожник wear [wea] v носить worn a изношенный ai . E xplain to your p artn er why a shoemaker (photogra­ pher. TALKING TOGETHER 1. A JOKE When Did He Have His H air Cut? 1 B oy with l o n g hai r : Are you the barber who cut my h air last? B a r b e r : C ouldn’t be. please!” Questions: 1.) gives you a receipt. Yet you can always see people at the w atchm aker’s bringing w atches for repair. Occasion for being photographed al the photographer’s. When did the young m an get his hair cut last? 2. Discuss th e causes of this.3 The influence oT personal service establishm ents on people's moods. etc. I ’ve been here for only six m onths. 4. Why d id n ’t he come to the b arb er’s shop earlier? Word List frequent ['friikwant] a частый mood n настроение overcoat n мужское пальто quality ('kwoliti] n качество receipt (ri'si:t] n квитанция shave v бриться shoemaker ['Ju:. 5. IV. The q u ality of watches produced by watch factories is constantly im proving. w ithout his parents. III. V isiting a tailo rin g or a dressm aking establishm ent for a m ade-to-order su it or dress. Question: Why is the boy in­ terested in w earing long hair? w “Same as last year. The tailo r tells you when p u will have it.I'l. Look at yourself in the m irror. * a little bit — немного * Compare: «Портной без костюма. Can 1 order a su it here (at your establishm ent)? Please show me the latest styles. ’ to try o il— примерять 82 . One of them says. O thers would like to see w hat th e tailo r has. W hen shall I come to try it on? W hen will it be finished? I. THINKING OUT ANSWERS 1. W hen you go to the ta ilo r’s you say th a t you wish to have a new suit. There are gentlem en’s tailors and lad ies’ tailors and if you w ant a suit or a coat m ade to order. a сапожник без сяпог».”? Tailors m ake coats and suits. W hat a tailo r m ust know to be able “to m ind the fash­ ion”. TAILORS IN PROVERBS AND IN TAILOR SHOPS A tailo r is a m an whose occupation is the m aking of out­ door clothes. SUBJECTS TO TALK ABOUT 1. second says th a t tailors must m ind th e fashion and another one is a little bit^ humorous. A tailoress is a woman tailor. 2. but he says you must come some days earlier to try it on. P erhaps th a t is why there is a num ber of proverbs about tailors and th eir business. “The tailo r m akes the m an”.* Now here are some questions and statem ents which may be heard at the ta ilo r’s (dressm aker’s). Then your measures are taken and you ask when your suit w ill be ready. W hat are th eir reasons? II. You choose the m aterial and the style. you should go to a tailoring establishm ent. On w hat principle will you choose a style? 2. “The ta ilo r’s child is worst clad. T ailoring is a very useful trade. T ailoring as a useful occupation. Some people prefer to buy the m aterial for a new suit in a shop. At the ta ilo r’s you are given a m agazine showing the latest styles in ladies’ coats and suits. W hy have A ustralia and a kangaroo been m entioned? 2. You w ant to have a new suit (dress). T H E K IT C H E N IS AN IM PORTANT PLACE The kitchen is th e p art of a house where food is cooked. Whose advice is im portant when you w ant to order a suit at th e ta ilo r’s. Ask your partn er w hether he will be guided by a fashion m agazine when he goes to the ta ilo r’s to order som ething new. соответ­ ствовать tight [tait] a тесный 15. HEAD WORK 1. Discuss w hether young people should choose w hat is recom m ended by th e latest fashion m agazines or w hat suits them better. W hat will th e tailo r do next? Word List Australian [D:s'treiljan] n австралиец fit V подходить. 2. and where dishes are washed. Discuss w ith your p artn er your ta ste and his as to th e colour of the m aterial. but I don’t want a pouch for a young kangaroo. w hat do you put on last? 2. TALKING TOGETHER 1. W hen you dress to go outdoors. 4.3. соответствовать be guided (by) v руководство­ ваться mind t. W hy m ay clothes which once fitte d you well become too tig h t for you? “ I may be an Australian. когда-то pouch [pautj] n сумка (у живот­ ного) suit [sju:t] V подходить. IV. How th e proverb about th e ta ilo r’s child developed.” Questions: 1. W ill it be th e latest m agazine? 3. m . In m any m odern houses the 83 . заботиться once adv некогда. Cupboards. but sm all kitchens are still b u ilt. W hat m ight she say? II. I. Ask your p artn er how often he goes to th e kitchen dur­ ing the day and is also used as a dining-room when there are no guests. Add to th e following description: The kitchen is clean and tid y . In the old houses of the 19th century. th e kitchen is generally at th e back of the house. they can have th eir m eals together. 2. проход tiny ('tainij a очень маленький. Your kitchen m ay be bright. Word List description [dis'l<ripj3n] n описание passage ['p<ESid5 ] n зд. On Sundays when all th e fam ily are at home. and units'* consisting of a sink and cupboards. TALKING TOGETHER 1. in the m odern com pact m anner. big or little and. the kitchens were often large places. In England. The m odern kitchen is not too good. крошечный ‘ back door— the door at the bacli of a house * u n it— ad. кухонный блок 84 . SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. 2. and the back door‘ opens out of it into th e garden or the passage which runs round the side of th e house. Most of the sm aller houses b u ilt during this century have tin y kitchens. E xplain to your partner why tears came into M asha’s eyes. b ut she was not crying and did not feel sad. B ut your m other m ay be angry if you don’t come home in tim e and th e dinner gets cold. tears came in­ to her eyes. it m ust be clean. W hen M asha was w orking in th e kitchen. There are bright curtains on the window and th ere are cupboards on th e walls. 3. have helped to m ake these kitchens a little easier to work in. Discuss the usefulness of the kitchen table. of course. Let it rem ain exactly where it is until it is removed. not your fingers. It is not good m anners to put your elbows on the table during a meal or to put your left arm round your plate w'hen you are eating w ith your right. unfortunately. W hoever makes th e fewest persons uneasy. for example. If you have put some food in your m outh. who w rote “G ulliver’s Travels” and m any other books. tab le m anners. Don’t push away® your plate when you have finished. is the author of the following quotation: “Good m anners is the art of m aking those people easy w ith whom we converse. безобразие. All the rules of tab le m anners are m ade to avoid ugliness. eating and doing other things. and we don’t like the m anner which some people have of interrupting a conver­ sation We often say th a t a person who has bad m anners has no manners. to stare at people. Manners can be good and. THINKING OUT ANSWERS Jo n ath an Sw ift. reading. because even little children should know how to behave at table. DON’T FORGET YOUR MANNERS Manner is the way in which a thing is done or happens. Those who have no m anners m ust learn how to behave. bad.‘ it is behaviour: a person’s style of speak­ ing. If there is no spoon in the salt-cellar.16. or to m ake a noise when you are drinking is unpleasant. On the other h an d . Let us take.” W hat did Jo n ath an Swift mean? ^ on the other hand — с другой стороны ugliness ['AglinisJ—зд. I.* use th e tip of a clean knife. непри­ личие » to push away— отодвигать * salt-cellar ['soilt^sela] — a small pot or dish for salt.? To let anyone see w hat you have in your m outh. placed on the dining-table at meals ® uneasy — uncomfortable ® well bred — хорошо воспитанный 85 . It is bad m anners to speak loud. you m ust swallow it. некрасивая внешность.S is the best bred* in the com pany. перебпвать manner ['maena] n зд. Why some little children have very bad m anners. who in your opinion. 2. беседовать elbow ['elbou] n локоть interrupt [. Describe to your partner a person. 3. The best m anner of speaking. Let your p artn er explain why it is bad m anner to speak Many children have good tab le m 0'rApt] V прерывать. TALKING TOGETHER 1. Always Polite “Excuse me. loud. SUBJECTS TO TALK ABOUT 1. W hat answer do you expect from th e other m an? 2. W hy you d on’t like some classm ates’ m anner of in ter­ rupting a conversation (if there are such pupils in your class).” Questions: 1. 3. III. манера 86 stare [stea] v пристально смотреть swallow ['swdIou] v проглотить tip n кончик unfortunately [An'fort/nitli] adv к несчастью whoever [hui'eva] pron каждый . to be tau g h t m anners... I didn’t know that people drove on the right in your tow n. W hich of two men deserves respect? W hich doesn’t deserve? Word List avoid [a'vDid] v избегать converge [k9n'va:s] v разговари­ вать.II. ought 2. for food and for other things and you have described visits to a plan t. Now it will be your frien d ’s tu rn to pay you a v isit. After all it may be in teresting to learn som ething about other people’s favourite pursuits. you sim ply go to see th a t person. W hich of these are suitable or u nsuitable questions to ask a guest: a) Do you like cold days like today? b) W hat is th a t m ark on your face? 1 place — here it means “house”. you have used them separately for a long tim e in different situations. Try to m ake it interesting. PAYING A VISIT The words “to pay” and “a v isit” are both known to you.17. THINKING OUT ANSWERS 1. B ut before your v isit becomes too long. “home” 37 . P ay in g a visit to a friend who is ill. Most probably th a t person is your friend and he or she will retu rn your v isit by coming to see you at your place. of course. to a collective farm and soon. But the two words can also be used together as in the title of th is tex t. to a m useum . An E nglish proverb says th a t “An unbidden guest knows not where to sit”. Sunday visitors. “U nbidden guests Are often welcomest when they are gone. If you pay a v isit to somebody.” W hat do th e words mean? II. Shakespeare’s characters said. You have spoken about paying (giving money) for various tickets. 2. One of W. W hy doesn’t he know? 2. 3. “To pay a v is it” isn’t connected w ith giving money. SUBJECTS TO TALK ABOUT 1. F irst of all you ex­ change and discuss news w ith your friend. I. remem ber to say “I t ’s tim e for me to go”.! P aying a visit can be very interesting. Then you can join your friend in a hobby even if it isn’t your own. ” Discuss how your m oth­ er knew th e Pavlovs were going out. as th e old L atin saying goes. Mrs Williams wants to say ‘good-bye’ to you.” said your m other. “Henry!.c) W hich team do you th in k is going to win? d) Are your teeth all your own? e) W hat pets did you have when you were a child? I I I .. ‘you are g etting ready to go out w ith th e children. “O h . дух ® sim ilar— of Ihe same kind 88 . MEDICINES AND HEALTH “Medicines are not m eant to live on. отметина pursuit (pa'sju. W hat is rig h t and w hat is wrong about H enry’s behav­ iour? Word List mark n метка. you are always in a good mood. t h a t’s tru e and we m ay add th a t good h ealth is b etter th a n th e best medicine. but from a different point of view. And if your health is good.. ^ to drop in — зайти (в гости) ^ mind — 3^. W hat kind of guest is Mrs W illiam s? 2. Yes.t] я эд. The E nglish prov­ erb “Sickness in the body brings sickness to the m ind” ex­ presses a sim ilar ®idea..” an English proverb says. занятие (на досуге) unbidden ['An'bidan] а непроше­ ный 18. W e’ll come some other tim e. TALKING TOGETHER Your parents dropped in * to see th e Pavlov (or Ivanov. or.) family» one evening.” Questions: 1. You have “A sound mind? in a sound body”. Keep your teeth clean. THINKING OUT ANSWERS If th e worst comes to the w o rs t» and you have to take m edicine. you should know some rules.y o u have a good posture. If you do daily exercises. and if you w ant to avoid it. As doctors say. he can easily catch an illness. W ear clean clothes. So pay atten tio n to th e way you stand. W hen you are reading or w riting. SUBJECTS TO TALK ABOUT 1. you feel re fre s h e d . W hy m ust you wash your hands before you tak e m edi­ cine? How can you catch an infection? 2. How ch ildren’s health is protected in our country. and th a t makes you feel good. aren’t they? Do you know th a t a m onthly m edical exam ination in th e kindergarten includes eyes. W hy m ust you keep m edicines in a place where small children c a n ’t get them ? Is it because they m ay m ake sm all children ill? 3. I one of th e m ain functions of the kindergarten to look after th e ch ild ’s health? In the sum m er th e children are taken to th e countryside. b u t here are some questions to test your knowledge. Here are some of th e rules for health: Take long walks in the open air as often as you can. let the light come from behind your left shoulder. of course. 1. Is it advisable not to keep m edicines in a warm place? W here should they be kept? I I. P hysically inactive‘ people get old earlier than those who have plenty of exercise. teeth and general health? Do school pupils have a m edical exami^ inactive [in'aektiv] — not active ^ to feel refreshed — чувствовать (себя) освеженным 3 if the worst comes to the worst — в самом худшем случае 89 . Physical exercise is necessary and very im portant. P robably you know them . Keep your body clean. I. you should go in for sports and i<eep yourself fit. if a grown-up person doesn’t take exercise.Taking m edicines is an unpleasant thing. walk and sit. Sleep w ith your window open. III. of course.KING TOGETHER 1. I ’ve exam ined you very carefully. Ask your partn er on what occasions he has had to see the doctor (go to the clinic). Why don’t you look at my tongue? D o c t o r : It needs a rest too. Question: W hy does the doctor say his p a tie n t’s tongue needs a rest? “Quick. How old do you th in k th e little sister was? 2. D escribe to your partner a person who is healthy in body and m ind. nurses look after sick people. W hy did th e little girl w ant the doctor to be quick? 90 . radiographer. TA^. you’re just in time — she’s beginning to get better by herself 1” Questions: 1. W hat a person should do to keep in good health. 2. I th in k all you need is a good rest. and radiographers photograph th e in­ sides of people by m eans of X -rays (R ontgen rays). How not to miss lessons for reasons of health. doctor. 3. Discuss w hat can be interesting in the professions of nurse. IV. th a t doctors trea t sick people. doctor. 3. A JOKE A T ired Tongue D o c t o r . You know.nation several tim es during th e year? Can a child be sent to a sanatorium for treatm en t? W hat about pioneer camps? 2. W Oman patient: B ut 1 still feel sick. W hat m ay happen if th e brakes are not in perfect or­ der? * driving test—экзамен на водительские права ® driving licence ['laisans] — водительские права ® in good order — в исправности * petrol — а fuel used to drive motor-car engines ^ filling station—бензоколонка. TH IN K IN G OUT ANSWERS 1.' you will tak e out a driving licence. If you pass your driving te s t. ' A fast and com fortable car is a good thing. If the w eather is fine. If you drive carefully. больн011 posture ['postja] n осанка prevent [pri'vent] предотвращать saying n поговорка sick a больной sound [saund] a здоровый radiographer [.Word List mean v предназначать medicine ['medsin) n лекарство patient ['peijant] n пациент. W hat does a driver do w hen there is not enough petrol In his tank? 4. but first you have to be tau g h t to drive. бензозаправочный пункт 91 . W hy is a d riv er’s licence so im portant? 3. W hy is it so im portant for m otor-drivers to know all th e rules of th e road? 2. Then you drive th e car out of th e garage to see th a t n o th ing is wrong w ith the ignition system and th a t th e brakes are in good order. you will enjoy yourself and return home w ithout an accident. you check th e air pressure in all th e tyres. they th in k thiw will have a very pleasant holiday. I.rerdi'o rafa] n рентгенолог tongue [tAq] n язык 19. U sually they choose to go to interesting places they have not been to before. A MOTOR TOUR Many people like to spend part of th eir holiday on a m otor tour.^ But th a t means you are only an am ateur driver. you drive up to a filling statio n 5 for some more. You m ust always rem em ber th a t it is nec­ essary to drive carefully to avoid accidents on the roads.'’ If th ere is not enough p e tr o l in th e tan k . W hen you decide to go for a drive somewhere. W hat can you say about th e dog? * road safety ['seiftij — правила дорожной безопасности 92 . Try to tell your p artner why it is usually easier for the driver of a car to m ake a right tu rn th an to m ake a left turn. Do we see it as we travel up the hill or as we travel down the hill? Why? 7.5. A JO K E Quesiions: 1. 3. Discuss w hether you would like to tak e a train in g period in m otor-driving and road safety* and get your d riv er’s li­ cence. TALKING TOGETHER 1. W hy would he try to get a passenger on the way back from the airport? Ask him. Suppose your partner drove a taxi and took a passen­ ger to an airport. On a highway we may see th e sign “Steep H ill”. W hat are the qualities a professional chauffeur fjo u 'fa . are they there to tell him where to go? Are the purposes of both signs th e same? II. W hen a person driving a car sees the signs “H ospital” or “School” in the street. W hat can you say about th e m otorist^ 2. III. 2.! must have? 6. How can th e driver of a car see another car coming close behind his car? 8. Will you drive a car when you leave school? Discuss the way a course in car-driving for school students is conducted in your school. небольшая гора ignition [ig'nijon] n зажигание misunderstanding л недоразумение motor ('mouta] attr автомобильный motorist я автомобилист steep а крутой tyre ['taia] п автопокрышка 20. B ut even for those who are not scientists. Looking at pictures or even film s can never be the same as w atching Ihe anim als them selves. Anim als are m ade ill or even killed by people who give them unsuitable food. B ut in particular they are interested in th e way the h ab its and behaviour of w ild ani­ m als change when they have lived a long tim e in c a p tiv ity . You can see a lot of people of all ages at a zoo. too. a l<nowledge of th e anim al kingdom is a necessary p art of education. com fortable and easy life where all th eir w ants are cared for.‘ The chief danger to the zoo anim als comes from visitors. but they serve other useful purposes. It is a collection of wild anim als. but it is wrong to thini< th a t grown-ups are not interested in them . Men of science can w atch w ild anim als in the jungle or desert.” Question: W hat did the boy thinlc a bus advertisem ent would recom m end instead of wallting? Word List accident ['jeksidant] n несчастный случай brake n тормоз conduct (kan'dAkt] v проводить (курс обучения) course [k3:s] п курс hill п холм. For m ost people. Zoos are a good place to amuse children. anim als in a good zoo enjoy a long. WILL YOU GO ТО THE ZOO? A zoological garden is called a zoo.А M isunderstanding Policeman: "W hy did you cross th e street when the sign said D O N ’T W ALK?” B o y : “I th o ught it was a bus advertisem ent. this can only be gained by paying a v isit to a zoo. However. Zoos are very popular w ith children. The life of th e w ild anim al is a constant struggle to survive. ^ to care for — заботиться 93 . W here does a zoo get its anim als from? In w hat way does the life of an anim al in ca p tiv ity from th a t of an anim al in its n atu ral state? W hat is the chief danger to anim als in a zoo. 2. SUlJJiiCTS TO TALK ABOUT 1." Questions: 1. W hich is easier— to wash or to dry an ele­ phant? ! intelligent [in'telidsant]—clever 94 . T h a t’s for catching cows. 1. T h a t’s in te r­ esting. W hat do you use for bait? Question: On w hat occasion do cowboys catch cows? “I’ll wash and you dry. 4.I. Tell your p artn er w'hat you know about how Rome was saved by geese. THIN K IN G OUT ANSWERS 1. 2. W hy m any w ild anim als are kept in zoos. Exam ples showing th a t anim als can be in tellig en t. IV. and why? W hat useful purposes does a zoo serve? II. differ 3.! 2. 3. The difference between a zoo and a circus. TALKING TOGETHER There are m any interesting stories about anim als in his­ tory. C i t y m a n . A JOKE Fishing for Cows? C i t y m a n . in. Ask your p artn er w hat he knows about H a n n ib a l’s elephants or about R obert the Bruce and the spider. W hat do you use th a t long rope for? Cowboy. Each of you say w hat you know about th e ravens at the Tower of London. 3. . . 24. . . but . As I ’ve to ld you. . . . . 25. 18. 17. . . She was pleasantly surprised th a t . . . . A fter more thought. . . . 6. when . I ’ll tell you everything I can. 8. . . 21. . . . . . W hat anim als m ust be dried after washing them ? Word List amuse [s'mjuiz] v забавлять. . развлекать bait n наживка captivity [lo p 'tiv iti] n неволя constant a постоянный differ J'difa] v отличаться geese [gis] pi от goose (гусь) habit ('hzebit] n привычка raven ('reivan] n ворон spider ('spaidal n паук state n состояние survive [ss'vaiv] v выживать EVERYDAY TOPICS I. The reason I ’m doing it is because . 10. The idea began when . he was just old enough to . but it isn’t much because . If I rem em ber rig h tly. 14. T h a t’s as you wish. As I have said . 95 . 12. . 11. . 4. 1. For various reasons he was unable to . I expect you’ve heard about . W hat I w anted to talk to you about was . Ten m inutes after breakfast was over . . 15. 20. . 5. 22. I told you at the beginning th a t . 2. . . 23. 3. . . . 13. How are elephants washed in India orBirma? 3. . The sun was only just rising above th e horizon. of course. . 9. I ’m w aiting for you to tell me .? He led th e conversation to the subject of . . If you w ant my advice . . . . . .2. . B ut let it be added th a t . 19. All you need do is . . . W ell. . . W hen I first knew him . . . . My advice to you is . COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING I heard on TV th at . . 16. he decided . From past experiences he l<new th a t . . Since when have you been interested in . . 7. 15. W hen did you get th a t news? W hy don’t we sit down? Could you give me some idea of how to begin? Can I do anything more to help? Is there anything else you would like? W hy d id n ’t you say so before? Did he say w hat he w anted to see me about? How is your work going? Is there anywhere where we can talk? W hat are you going to do all day? Did you have a good journey? W hat do you w ant from me? W hat am I to do now? When are you coming to see me? W hat tim e do you expect to be back? Could you tell me w hat tim e it is. 26. The m an explained his visit. 9. 4. 7.26.? II. 9G . . It seemed a hopeless task to try to . Is th ere anything else you’d like to know? Does your m other have to wake you up in th e m orning? Shall I w ait for you or shall we m eet somewhere? W hy are you so silent this morning? W here are you calling (talking on the telephone) from? Should I call a doctor? Does th a t surprise you? How are you? I hav en ’t seen you for several days. 8. 2. 3. 29. 13. 11. . I m ust honestly add th a t . . 28. 12. 20. . 25. 18. 19. 10. 17. pleasL^ W hy ca n ’t I stay at home? W hy did you stop so suddenly? W hat do you suppose is th e m atter? I II. 21. 27. 3. 6. 14. He looked through th e window at th e changing sc« iery . He wore dark glasses. 16. WHAT QUESTIONS WOULD YOU ASK IF YOU HEARD THE FOLLOW ING? 1. 22. 28. 23. . 24. How often have 1 told you how . 2. 5. HOW MANY D IFFER EN T ANSWERS CAN YOU G IV E TO THESE QUESTIONS? 1. Is th a t your final answer? A ren’t you hungry? You’ve eaten nothing. . 27. He could fin d nothing to say. 15. 10. 4 G IV E SITUATIONS IN W HICH YOU WOULD SAY T hanks for th e advice. I just heard some bad news. 11. 22. I ca n ’t say how pleased I am to m eet you. They w alked in silence for a few m om ents. 5. 4. D on’t go on rem em bering it. I liked him im m ediately. We talk ed u n til very late. 12. 6. He was silent for a few seconds. J u s t one m ore th in g before you go. This book w ill help you enjoy the rest of th e holiday. There was a silence now between them . 13. 24. 8. I ’m always tellin g you not to do th at. Much has happened since th e last tim e he saw her. I have a good mem ory for faces. 9. Do you see who it is? You should explain things a little m ore clearly. 7.4. J u d y . 11. I ’ve got som ething im portant I w ant to ta lk over w ith you. I t ’s news to me. 20. Is th a t all you w ant to say? T hank you very m uch for telling us about it. 27. W hen he entered they were w atching television in th e liv­ ing-room. 12. 3. W hy I agreed I h ardly know. L et m e have your phone num ber. 21. 10. I ’ll follow your suggestions. I do n ’t w ant even to th in k about th atl I ’ve had a th o u g h t. I have som ething very im portant to ask you. I ’ll call you. 6. 28. 17. I shall be pleased to do w hat I can. I don’t know how to th an k you. 8. 26. 1. IV . B ut today I have other things to th in k about. The windows were all open because of the heat. 25. No one looked at th e clock and we all forgot th e tim e. 29. 9. I do n ’t know a th in g about him . 5. I ’ve ju st rem em bered one or two things I have to do. 14. I was only joking. as if collecting his thoughts. 23. 2. 18. For a m om ent he seemed to have difficulty in speaking. 7. 19. 16. Ni 6931 . I w ant to go out and do some shopping. 3. The bell rang and she went to answer (open) th e door. 17.13. 28. 20. In No 2 i t ’s necessary to decide who was ringing at th e door and w hat th a t person said when th e door was an­ swered. Then he dusted th e fu rn itu re. You probably don’t even know w hat you’re saying! I shall give the words he spoke as nearly as I can. 18. 14. Oh. Here are th e statem ents. 22. I ’m not too sure I know w hat you’re ta lk in g about. other ways to develop the situ atio n given above. There are. w atered th e flowers and swept the floors. DEVELOP SITUATIONS SUGGESTED BY THESE STATEMENTS How to do it. Come and sit down and tell us all about yourself. If y o u ’ve got a few m inutes. 98 . and w hat happened when they m et and so on. 25. is “A fter break­ fast Nick was asked to help w ith th e cleaning-up”. I have a telephone call to make. Shall I tell you? T hank you so m uch for everything. They saw very little of each other. I hope yo u ’re tellin g me th e tru th . Everybody was too hungry to do m uch talking. No 3 m ay require some im agination to explain who those people were. 19. 1 can let you into a little secret. I ’d like to speak to you. th is has been a good day! W hat would she th in k of me if I did th at? I don’t even know w hat you are talk in g about! V. 21. Each of th e statem ents th a t follow can be developed dif­ ferently and interestingly. 24. 15. for exam ple. He cleared away ev­ eryth in g from th e tab le and tid ied th e living-room . The statem ent. T hink and use your im agination! In S itu atio n No 1 you m ay try to explain why everybody was so hungry. I h av en ’t been here long. of course. and his m other th anked him for his help. why they saw very little of each other. 23. I have no criticism s to make. 26. 2. In th is way he helped to m ake th e rooms clean th a t day. You m ay say th a t he d id n ’t refuse. 16. 27. 1. Don’t m ake me laugh. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. It was the finishing bell (at school). As 1 read my interest increased (grew). She attended dom estic science classes. W hile M ary was speaking before the class, the other ch il­ dren sat still and kept th eir hands down. N ina wiped the dishes. The new girl was very keen (interested) to know all about th e various teachers. The traffic lights changed from “W ait” to “Go”. The conversation tu rned to other topics. W e’ve been together a long tim e. I th ought to myself. He came back full of inform ation. He has been a hungry book-reader all of his life. She looked as if her m ind held other thoughts. It went in one ear and out th e other. The little boy wiped his m outh w ith th e back of his hand. She went to th e sink to run hot w ater for th e dishes. The phone w ent dead (was silent) when she answered it. I had a look round th e city. The big tab le in the dining-room was decorated sim ply b u t tastefu lly . He gave us a friendly smile. Please hear me out before you answer. I th in k we’d b etter join th e others. PART THREE 1. FROM TH E H ISTO R Y OF T H E KOMSOMOL The first youth leagues appeared in R ussia in 1917, after th e workers and peasants had overthrow n th e tsarist govern­ m ent and tak en the destiny of th eir country into their own hands. The F irst A ll-R ussia Congress of Y outh Unions held to ­ wards th e end of 1918 is regarded as th e birth d ay of the Kom ­ somol. It was a very difficult tim e for our country. The peo­ ple were fig h tin g on m any fronts of th e Civil W ar, defending th e gains of th e O ctober R evolution and beating back foreign interventionists. The nam e of th e youth organization adopted by the Con­ gress—th e Komsomol (The Union of Com m unist Youth) — was suggested by Lenin. Komsomol members fought along w ith Com m unists at the num erous fronts in those years. “The d istrict Komsomol C om m ittee is closed. Everybody has left for th e front.” Signs like th is were often seen those days on th e doors of Komsomol com m ittees. Follow ing th e Civil W ar and the years of reh ab ilitatio n , the Komsomol mem bers were active in industrialization, in collectivization of agriculture, in fulfilm ent of the first fiveyear p lan s. Of the heroism of Komsomol mem bers in the G reat P a ­ trio tic W ar th ere are num erous exam ples, given by soldiers, partisans, underground workers.* There are the famous nam es of Alexander M atrosov, Zoya Kosm odem yanskaya, Liza C haikina, and m any thousands of known and unknown pa­ trio ts who perform ed wonders of heroism . Three-and-a-half m illion Komsomol m embers were decorat­ ed for m ilitary and labour valour in th e G reat P atrio tic W ar. T he title of Hero of th e Soviet U nion was awarded to 11,000 people; 7,000 among them were Komsomol m em bers. ^ underground workers—подпольщики 100 I. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. After the Civil W ar m em bers of th e Komsomol took th eir places on th e most difficult, th e m ost responsible and decisive sectors of th e co untry’s great work of re h ab ilitatio n and construction. W hat can you say about th e building of th e huge power statio n on th e D nieper, th e erection of giant iron and steel m ills‘ in the U rals and of th e first buildings in the city of Komsomolsk? 2. The Komsomol has six orders on its banner, m arking th e six stages of th e glorious p ath it has covered. W hat can you say about young people’s p artic ip a tio n in th e Civil W ar, in re h ab ilitatio n of industry after th e Civ­ il W ar in peace-tim e construction during th e first five-year plans, in the G reat P a trio tic W ar and in post-w ar economic reconstruction? II. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION 1. In th e spring of 1954 thousands of young people volun­ teered to work on th e virgin lands in the eastern p art of our country. W hat kind of people were th e volunteers who were giv­ en Komsomol recom m endations to go to K azakhstan and Siberia [sai'bw rial? 2. In w hat way can Komsomols tak e p art in the creation of th e m aterial and technical basis of communism> I II. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. In answer to your p artn e r’s questions say w hat you know about th e b u ilding of B ratsk (on th e Angara River), Divnogorsk (on the Enisei R iver), the Baikal-A m ur R ailw ay and other hydroelectric or industrial projects. 2. In answer to your guestions let your partner tell you how young people are taking p art in transform ing the non­ black earth zones ? in the R ussian Federation. 3. The Komsomol has sent m illions of its m embers to work on construction sites.® They are skilled, educated people who have studied for difficult professions. Discuss w hat you should do to be well suited for a job on a construction site. ^ iron and steel mill — металлургический завод * non-black earth zones— районы Нечерноземья ® construction site — строительство, строительная площадка JOl Word L ist beat V бить decisive [di'saisiv] a решающий decorate v награждать destiny ['destini] n судьба erect [I'rekt] о сооружать hold V зд. проводить (съезд, собрание) huge [hjads] а огромный perform v совершать post-war a послевоенный rehabilitation ['rfch8,bili'teij'3n] n восстановление responsible [ris'ponsabl] a ответственный stage п ад. период, этап valour ['vaela] п доблесть volunteer [,v3bn'tra] п доброволец 2. VOTING FO R TH E COMMUNIST AND NONPA RTY BLOC According to the Soviet C onstitution, th e highest body of state au th o rity of th e USSR is th e Suprem e Soviet of th e USSR, th e Soviet parliam ent. It is elected every four years. All citizens of th e USSR who have reached the age of eighteen have the rig h t to vote. B ut to be elected to th e Suprem e So­ viet of the USSR, a citizen of th e USSR m ust be tw enty-one. B oth p arty and non-party candidates can be nom inated by the C om m unist P arty , by trade-union organizations, by Kom ­ somol organizations, by various cultural unions, or by any factory, p lan t, state farm and collective farm . T he candidate is selected at a special selection meeting* which is attended by representatives of the organizations th a t nom inate th e candidates. Before th e elections everyone who has th e right to vote receives a card statin g when and where he should cast his vote.? W hen E lection Day comes (it is usually a Sunday), th e Soviet people go to th e polls ® to elect th eir deputies to th e Suprem e Soviet. A voter gives his name, receives his ballot-paper * and m ay go to a cubicle to vote. V oting is secret. Then he places his ballot-paper in th e ballot-box.S ^ * * * i selection meeting— предвыборное собрание to cast a vote— голосовать (за кого-либо) to go to the polls [poulzj— идти на выборы, голосовать ballot-paper— избирательный бюллетень ballot-box — the box into which ballot-papers are dropped by voters 102 E lections in our country are an im portant political cam­ paign which dem onstrates th e unbreakable unity between th e P a rty and the people. E lection D ay is a trium ph of So­ viet Democracy. I. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. In December 1937, elections to th e Suprem e Soviet of th e USSR were held on th e basis of th e C onstitution introdu­ ced in 1936. In w hat way did these elections dem onstrate th e strength of socialist dem ocracy and th e Soviet people’s support for th e P arty ? 2. W hat are the advantages of our Soviet C onstitution? 3. W hy are elections in our country th e most dem ocratic in th e world? W ho are en titled to tak e p art in th e elections? II. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION as to: 1. The kind of people who are nom inated as candidates. 2. W hat a deputy does as a servant of th e people. 3. How young people help in the election campaign. III. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. Let your partn er ask you w hether you will have the right to vote in the next election. 2. Ask your p artn er if he knows when th e election to the Suprem e Soviet of the USSR (your republic) will be held. Does he know anything about th e coming election to the local Soviet? 3. Discuss why Election Day in the USSR is a triu m ph of Soviet Democracy. Word List authority [o:'6oriti] n власть cubicle ['kju;biklj n кабина для голосования nominate v выставлять кандидата (на выборах) non-party a беспартийный triumph ['traiamf] n триумф, торжество 103 It is very nec­ essary th a t you should realize this. O rdinary English lessons and con­ versation circle m eetings will help you to learn to express your opinions and feelings. if you hear a lot of E nglish and understand w hat you hear. long before it learns to read and w rite. W here else? 2. to give and receive inform ation.3. but every­ body likes to be able to talk . However. You should often work together in pairs. B ut as schoolchildren begin to study a second language much later. You should also feel th a t you are m aking constant progress in your studies. Languages are m eant to be spoken. T h a t’s why it is interesting to leam to understand English and speak it. In after life you will be grateful for w hat you learned during your school days. If your parents speak a foreign language. L e t’s hope th a t you find th is book an effective way to learn and use th e English language. school pupils are required to learn one foreign language. you will have little difficulty in reading or w riting. they canriot learn it as they learned their own lan­ guage. Some of you do not w ant to read m uch in another language. FOREIGN LANGUAGES? THAT’S GOODI All children in the USSR study foreign languages. It is im portant th a t you tak e a very active part in the process of learning. A fter leaving school you may need to speak English: a) in everyday situations. b) to describe life in your own country. This is m ost commonly English. French or Spanish. it learns to under­ stan d w hat others say and to talk . to say w hat you w ant to say. L TH IN KIN G OUT ANSWERS 1. Germ an. not sim ply to be con­ jugated or analysed. you will soon learn to speak easily. In th a t case it is a good th in g to join a conversation circle whose aim is th e use of th e language in everyday situations. W hen a child learns its own language. why would It be a good idea for you to learn th is language from them ? 104 . Then if you recognize th e words when you see them on paper. and do not w ant to pass language exam inations. SHARE YOUB IDEAS as to: 1. the results of some sports event. “Bow. but in school life. Ask your p artner w hat he would like to hear most of all (stories read over the radio. my chil­ dren. 3. 2. 2. 3.п . wow!” * Mother Mouse shouted. “it is im portant to earn a second language. The purposes of those school students who join English conversation clubs. wow (wau] — гав-гав * to be worth—стоить 105 . the cat ir ran away. W hat do you th in k will happen to th e English m otorist? 2. Sudden­ ly a large cat appeared in th eir path. m ~ Very frightened. W hat is th e m ain th in g th a t George’s wife ought to think about in th is situation? ^ bow [bau]. “You see. If pupils want to learn to speak a language. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. A JOKE A Second Language M other Mouse was tak ing her children for a walk. etc. too. IV. then they m ust hear as much English as possible in and out of th e classroom. poetry.” M other Mouse exjlained. wow. If pupils are to learn English. III.” "Now we’ll see whether that expensive French Course on gra­ mophone records was worth'' the money or not. W hat you would like to do at th e E nglish conversation club. How a foreign language can be used not only in class. Tell your p artner what you would like to talk about. then they must have practice in speaking it. Discuss som ething you can both talk about. George^J” Questions: 1.). w hat is th e most beautiful city he has seen in th e eastern p art of the country. The most im pressive and the best-know n ones are the Lincoln Memoria and th e W ashington M onum ent. TH IN K IN G OUT ANSWERS 1. W hen in 1900 the 100th anniversary of th e removal of the seat of governm ent to W ashington was celebrated in th e city. One can hardly find a park. for democracy and civil rights. W ashington is a city of paradoxes. th e answer will undoubtedly be: W ashington. The air is periodically to x ic from exhaust fumes. etc. People from all p arts of th e U nited S tates come to see th eir capital and th e m onum ents to those who in past centuries struggled for the independence of th eir country. yet it often rates as “dangerous” on th e scale of air pollution. civilization. W ashington has very high crim e and unem ploym ent rates. commerce.718. I. THE CITY OF WASHINGTON If you ask anybody who has visited various cities in th e U nited S tates.W ord L ist conjugate ['kondsugeit] v спрягать frightened ('fraitnd] a испуганный mouse [maus] n мышь 4. * exhaust Iig'zo:st] fumes— выхлонные газы loe . a square or an open area there w ithout a m onum ent or a m em orial. W hat can you say about W ashington as th e centre of th political life of the U nited States? * metropolis [mi'tropalisj — the chief city of a country: a centre of pop­ ulation. workers and th e poor who are affected th e m ost. Its rivers are polluted. black people. Now it is a city of nearly one m illion inh ab itan ts. As a ty pical Am erican city. It has been th e seat of the American governm ent since 1800. th e population was 278. W ashington is th e place for mass dem onstrations against unem ploym ent and race discrim ination.? It has traffic jam s. It is th e least indus­ trialized m e tro p o lis' in the world. The city sprang out of a m arshy wilderness. It is young people. Thousands of tourists v isit W ashington every day. возникать toxic ['toksik] а отравленный undoubtedly [An'dautidli] ado несомненно wilderness ['wildanis] п дикая местность THE IN D U ST R IA L HEART OF ENGLAND N early all th e chief towns of th e industrial M idlands are close together. They lie in th e great undustrial area which used to be called 2 th e “B lack C ountry”. Give th e nam es of those Americans who In past centu­ ries played an im portant role in their country’s history. шкала spring v зд. 2. Let him add som ething if he can. «пробка» marsh [m aj] я болото. Speak about some of th e causes. In w hat way are cities in the socialist countries different from those in th e ca p italist world? III. 2. выразительный jam п затор. Large cities in ca p italist countries are full of social con­ trasts. T he crim e ra te in th e USA is th e highest in th e world and probably in world history. 3. топь pollute [pa'ljirt] V загрязнять окружающую среду rate п норма. Word List affect [a'fekt] v воздействовать. поражать impressive [im'presivj а впечатляющий. Supply some additional facts you may know if your p a rt­ ner fails to m ention them .2. removal [n'mirval] n перенесение в друюе место scale [skeil] п масштаб. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. New York and other Am erican cities. брать начало. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. размер 5. Here we find num er­ * Midlands— areas In the middle of England * used [ju:st] to be called— (раньше) назывался 107 . Tell your partn er w hat you know about W ashington. W hat kind of political dem onstrations in W ashington have you seen on TV? II. Ask your partner to give you w hat inform ation he can about th e cap itals of four or five English-speaking countries. . have come from B irm ingham . support th e slogan. W hat is an arms race? 2 W hat m ay an arms race lead to? W hy does th e Soviet Union. to th e once great port of L iver­ pool which is half dead now because air traffic has taken away m uch of its im portance. O ne-third of the city of C oventry was destroyed by G er­ man bombs during the last war. Because of th e great variety of its industries people call it “The C ity of 1500 T rades”. I. All th e pins and needles in E nglish homes are probably of B irm ingham m ake. B irm ingham is th e most im por­ ta n t town in th is district. TH IN KIN G OUT ANSWERS 1. The M idlands industrial area is a very big arm am ents centre. W hat are the aim s of th e m anufacturers of arm a­ m ents? П .ous factories and coal mines. It is q u ite possible th a t m any of th e m otor-cars in E ng­ land. To the north of B irm ingham you come to M an­ chester. th e bicycles.) 3. “Stop th e Arms Race”? * twin cities— города-побратимы * arms race —гонка вооружений 108 . By m eans of a canal you can go from M anchester to th e sea. W hy do you th in k th e M idlands in G reat B ritain used to be called th e “Black C ountry”? 2. The pens th a t people w rite w ith. etc. the spoons and forks they use for dinner. How can you explain th e d istrib u tio n of industrial enterprises in the B ritish Isles? W hat factors are always im por­ tan t? (Try to include your knowledge of history and geography into your answers. On knives and scissors one usually finds th e nam e of Sheffield. There is another great industrial d istrict around W olver­ ham pton ['w ulvahaem ptanl. too. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. th e radio and TV sets. N orth of W olverham pton are “the P otteries”. th e cotton centre. Why are Coventry and Volgograd tw in cities? ^ 2. and the glasses which they drink out of are m ostly products of B irm ingham indus­ try . The neighbouring city of C oventry is th e birth p lace of th e m otor m anufacturing industry. together w ith the progressive people all over the world. th e railw ay carriages and th e rails they run on. Ask your p artn er questions about trad itio n ally im portant industrial districts in our country. B arley and oats are grown in the sam e areas together w ith sugar beet. th e area around P erth . More th an half the crop is harvested m echanically. pear and cher­ ry trees. in Scotland. and in Lancashire. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. 2.III. Let your p artn er ask you questions about canals and im­ portan t w ater-w ays b u ilt in th e Soviet Union.? Soft fruits (such as plum s) are grown in m any countries. M anchester is connected w ith th e port of Liverpool by a canal. Because coal and iron were together in great q u an titie s. P otatoes are grown m ainly in the E ast of E ngland. W heat growing is confined m ainly to England. is the chief centre for raspberries. 3. H ard fru its (apples and pears) grow well in m any other parts of B rita in also. вооружение enterprise ['entapraiz] n предприятие mostly I'moustli] ado главным образом needle n игла neighbouring a соседний pottery I'potari] n гончарная мастерская rail n ад. AGRICULTURE IN BR ITA IN The visito r who travels from Dover to London in spring w ill pass through blossoming orchards of apple. Discuss which of th e Soviet cities can be called cities of m any trades because of th e great v ariety of th e ir indus­ tries. Ш гй List armament ('am am antf n оружие. while Scotland supplies seed-potatoes. for it is not for nothing th a t K ent ^ is called the “G arden of E ngland”. рельс scissors ['sizsz] n pi ножницы 6.® * K ent— a county in the South-East of England * cider ('saidej— a drink made from apples (сидр) s seed-potatoes—семенной картофель 109 . In th e W est farm ers grow cider apples. th e “B lack C ountry” became very im p o rtan t in th e 19th and early 20th centuries. M any surnam es show a fam ily’s past connection w ith the wool trade. 2. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. and often heated. Ask your p artn e r w hether or not he plans to enter an agricultural in stitu te and w hat he knows about growing things. There is hardly a place in the country w hich h asn ’t got some connection w ith the wool trade. G IV E CONCRETE ANSWERS 1. Sheep are found in hilly counties particularly. The im portance of m arket gardening centres. Glasshouses * are found m ainly in southern Eng­ land. 3. used for growing flowers and plants that need warmth 110 . B ritain has been famous for its wool for centuries. 2. How agriculture depends on advice and inform ation from research establishm ents.? sheep. M arket gardening centres * are usually situ ated near the big towns.D airy farm ing * is d istributed all over the country but is characteristic of the West of England. artificial fertili­ zers and chem icals are so im portant in agriculture. W hat are m any of th e apples grown in th e W est of Eng­ land used for? In what way are apples used in your region? 2. pigs and horses. I. * dairy ['dean] farming— молочное животноводство * pedigree ['pedigr!:] ca ttle— племенной (породистый) скот * market gardening centres— районы выращивания овощей для сбыта на городских рынках и в магазинах * glasshouse— а building with sides and roof made of glass. Shepherd and W eaver are th e best exam ­ ples. B ritain is an exporter of pedigree cattle. W hat are barley and oats used for? 3. SHARE YOUR IDEAS as to: 1. Is our sugar beet crop harvested in th e sam e way as in B ritain? II. Why m odern technical im provem ents. In w hat regions of th e Soviet Union are sheep found? 4. Tell your p artn er how agriculture is developing in your region and let him add w hat he knows on th is subject. III. Discuss how a high degree of m echanization can Increa aericultural production. they would pass through or near such places as Moscow. AN ISLA ND IN A STORMY SEA If you drew two parallel lines around the world. However.3. рас­ цветать (о фруктовых деревьях) chemical ['kemikal] п химикат confine [kan'fain] v ограничивать (пределами) county ['kaunti] n графство (ад­ министративная Англии) единица height [halt] п высота mainly adv главным образом pig п свинья plum п слива raspberry ['razbari] п малина shepherd ['Jepad] п пастух surname ['someim] п фамилия weave [wl:v] v ткать в 7. Novosibirsk in Siberia and part of Hudson Bay in Can­ ada. how agricultural m achinery helps.” Questions: 1. Ill . one touch­ ing the northern tip of Ireland and the other the southern tip. Ireland is not very cold in w inter because in its position as the most western land of Europe. it is the first to meet the warm w aters of the Gulf Stream . our capital. if ' l 4 -------- I " / “I always thought wheat was yellow and about this height. W hy is th e farm er so angry w ith the m otorist? 2. W hat do you know about wheat? Word List barley ['ball] n ячмень beet n свекла blossom ['bbs9m] v цвести. This p art of the country is called U lster. because rain washes it every day.000 each. The people of th e Em erald Isle hope for success in th e struggle for a united Ireland. for exam ple. English however. In 1949 Ireland declared itself an independent republic.Ireland is often called the Em erald Isle because of its beau­ tiful green fields. they persistently raided the English settlem ents. P eat is a useful fuel in a country w ith few forests and coal mines. It was only in 1921 th a t th e Irish Free S ta te was set up as a B ritish dom inion w ith D ublin as its capital. Even now th e o n ly really large cities. B oth Irish and E nglish are spoken in Ireland. Only tw enty-tw o have popula­ tions over 10.000 is the rule. is the language in common use today. In 1171 King Henry II of England landed in D ublin. and there were no towns or villages. There is an old Irish saying th a t Ireland m ust be the cleanest place in th e world. The people of U lster are fighting against B ritish rule. They grew few crops. N orthern Ireland rem ained p art of th e U nited K ingdom of G reat B ritain . are D ublin and B elfast. th a t peat has become a m ajor source of in d ustrial power in Ireland? 112 . Ireland was under B ritish rule for m any centuries. T heir homes were built across the countryside. its capital is B elfast. The sm all town w ith a population under 5. as th e Irish people had continually to fight for th e ir land against foreign invaders. The history of Ireland has been rarely peaceful. In w hat way does the A tlantic Ocean influence the cli­ m atic conditions of Ireland? 2. heard or seen anything on TV about the economic geography of Ireland? Can you say. in ancient tim es the chief occupation of the people in Ireland was cattle-raising. I. where they were forced to live. There are few other big towns in Ireland. and the E nglish rulers decided to m ake “p lan tatio n s” of Englishm en in Ireland. and from the hills. H ave you read. where th e pop­ ulatio n is concentrated. He divided the island among some of his supporters. But the local Irish people did not w ant to give up th eir land. TH IN K IN G OUT ANSWERS 1. SAY WHAT YOU CAN The 1641 rebellion of the Irish against the En. H ot winds blow from th e north. are broadcast in Irish. 3. Ask your p artn er to com pare two cities (in our country or in a foreign country) w hich he knows well. m idw inter is in Ju n e . learning. Discuss w hat th e press.^lish was cruelly suppressed. M any radio pro­ gramm es. B elfast is a city on Irelan d ’s north-east coast. and art. AN UPSIDE-DO W N WORLD W hat will you find if you go to A ustralia? It will seem to you ra th e r an upside-dow n world. T he farth er north we go. D ublin is a very interesting city. it is a centre of literature. Word List ancient ('e in j 9nt] a старинный. W ith its galleries. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. T he m ost ex citing p art of B elfast is th e port. Since 1921 th e Irish governm ent has encouraged the use of th e n ativ e tongue in different ways. W hat other exam ples of how colonialists have suppressed or suppress th e n atio n al-lib eratio n struggle do you know? I II . radio and TV say about the situ atio n in N orthern Ireland. and theatres. churches. Most of the buildings here are of red brick. as there is no good local build­ ing stone. for exam ple. 2. cold winds blow from th e south. New Year is at m idsum ­ m er. The population of entire Irish towns was killed or sent to the W est Indies where they were sold as slaves. древний church n церковь emerald ['emsrald] n изумруд encourage [ш'клпс^] v поощрять invade (m'veid] v вторгаться Irish ('a isrij] a ирландский m ajor I'meidss] a главный native ('neitiv] a родной (язык) Norman ['пэ:тэп] a норманский peat n торф raid v де-иать набег rebellion [n'b eljen j n восстание slave n pa<5 suppress [ss'pres] v подавлять 8.II. museums. Tell your p artn er w hat other ways there m ight be of en­ couraging th e use of the n ativ e tongue in Ireland. 5 № 6931 113 . Snow and ice are rare. koala. Of these settle­ m ents Sydney was th e most im portant. A ustralians are m uch interested in horse-racing. 1901. W hat other sports are popular and represented by A ustral­ ian ath letes a t th e O lym pic Games? * sh c ^ -ru n — land on which sheep are kept 114 . . In bad tim es. They formed a federation. The discovery of gold in 1851 drew crowds of men to Aus­ tra lia and th e character of the colony began to change. it w ill seem odd to you th a t they never lose th eir leaves. except in th e high m ountains. A u stralia was not set­ tled till C aptain Cook discovered th e east coast in 1770. O ther settlem ents. W hat about th e clim ate? A ustralians boast th a t they can sleep out-of-doors all th e year round. 1 TH IN KIN G OUT ANSWERS 1. and drought is a constant anxiety. Is it only because it is so dry? W hat else m akes it healthy? 2. it was th en first used as a colony for convicts. at B ris­ bane. surrounded by th e houses and sheepruns ^ of a few free settlers. th e A ustralian col­ onies began to desire some form of union. agriculture and the raising of sheep and c a ttle rem ained for a long tim e th e economic basis of th e country. The early settlers were very cruel to th e n ativ e black peo­ ple of A ustralia. A u stralia is a land of strange birds and beasts such as th e kangaroo. History O riginally discovered by th e D utch. b u t o th er sm aller sta­ tions for convicts h ad been established in T asm ania. The trees look strange.Ihe h o tter it gets. and th e b irth of the new n atio n was celebrated. th e Aborigines. began to appear. m any anim als m ay die for w ant of w ater. The new co n stitution came into force on January 1. Towards th e end of th e 19th century. dingo. echidna le'kidnal. The sun shines in w inter and in sum m er. and on th e Swan R iver in W estern A ustralia. The A ustralian clim ate is very healthy. B ut still. There is not m uch rain. They were killed for no reason at all or driven away from th e ir lands. and in the driest parts. and you will miss th e bare branches in w inter. A u stralian s are accustom ed to an out-of-door life an to plenty of sun and air. хвалиться convict ('ionviitt] п каторжник desire [di'zai3( v желать. тревога bare a голый. Let your p artn er express his opinion as to why the B rit­ ish governm ent first used A ustralia as a convict settlem ent. 3. забор odd a странный. He is told they always take three days’ food w ith them when th ey set out ‘ for a day’s work at the fences. W hat do th ey do out-of-doors? Why does th e hot w ind blow from the north in A ustralia? II. Tell your p artn er how the A ustralian continent was dis­ covered and w hat happened to the Aborigines. And he hears about the famous G ray brothers — cham pion builders of fences. And th e answer is: “Because every tim e they do a day’s fencing. 2. необычный surround [sa'raund| v окружать upside-down a перевернутый вверх дном ‘ to set out— выходить. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. A stranger goes out to a sheep station. W hat is strange about A ustralian birds and beasts? III. they work so fast it takes them tw o days to get back. You have read th a t A ustralians boast th a t they can sleep out-of-doors all the year round.3. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. 2. Now choose another English-speaking country and say w hat its population can boast of. сильно хотеть drought [draut] n засуха fence n ограждение.” Word List accustomed [a'kAstamd] a привыкШИЙ anxiety [aeij'zaiati] n беспокойство. лишенный растительности boast V хвастать. Discuss th e m eaning of the following joke from Aus­ tralia. отправляться 5* 115 . “W hy do th ey take three days’ food w ith them if th e y ’re only going out for th e day?” he asks. 1 like to ski. the nam e of th e first space pilot in history. Tol­ stoy. Up till now I flew planes. T hat was the greatest. th e m ost vivid event of my life up till this 116 . Question: W hat was th e most im portant event in your life before th is flight? Answer: In th e sum m er of 1960 I joined th e P arty . Question: W hat were your thoughts during th e flight? Answer: All my thoughts were concentrated on carrying out th e flight program m e. I w anted to fulfil every single item of m y task as perfectly as possible. Besides. All those years my favourite subjects were physics and m athem atics. Question: W hat is your favourite occupation? Answer: Most of all I like to fly. into orbit round the E arth on April 12. There was a lot of work to do and the whole flight was work. and play badm inton. W hen I was a student at th e In d u strial School and at the Air Force school. skate. W ho was th is m an who tu rn ed over a new page in th e history of world civilization? Here are some questions and answers from an' interview given by Yuri G agarin ju st after his historic flight. his nam e was very dear to us and we studied his works. I like very m uch to read Chekhov. Question: W hen did you first hear of Tsiolkovsky? Answer: I first heard of Tsiolkovsky in school. V ostok. Question: W ho is your favourite hero in lite ratu re and your favourite w riter? Answer: I have m any favourite w riters. Y U R I GAGARIN ABOUT HIMSELF The Soviet U nion placed h isto ry ’s first m anned spaceship. P ushkin. Question: W hat subjects did you like most at school? Answer: I finished six classes at a G zhatsk secondary school.9. piloted by Y uri Alexeyevich G agarin. Question: Do you go in for sports? W hat sports do you like most? Answer: I like sports and most of all I play basketball. both Soviet au­ thors and the classics. has become known throughout th e w orld. My favourite literary hero from childhood is the hero of Boris P olevoi’s “A S tory of a Real M an”. and Polevoi. 1961. Then I studied at a L yubertsy vocational school and later at an indu strial school in S aratov. I liked th is flight into space very much. Yuri G agarin’s nam e. Whose work are these successes due to? III. D o people still th in k it possible th a t space trav ellers from Mars m ay v isit th e E arth ? G ive your reas­ ons. Questions: 1. 3. a trium ph of hum an thought? 2. E x p lain how our country turned into a m ighty social­ ist power and achieved great heights in th e developm ent of science and technology. they’re ordinary people just like usl” 117 . to the whole people who are m arching in th e van­ guard of m ankind and building up a new society. Ask and answer questions about Yuri G agarin. 2. I. “Why. I dedicated my flight to our P a rty . Say why tsarist R ussia could not even dream of com­ peting with more technically and economically advanced countries. Give some exam ples of the rem arkable successes of So­ viet science and engineering.flight into spacQ. In w hat way were the genius of the Soviet people and th e great power of socialism embodied in th is exploit? n . SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. our Gov­ ernm ent. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. Discuss th e achievem ents and pros­ pects of intern atio n al co-operation in space research. 3. Ask and answer questions about the heroes of the recent space flights. 2. TH IN KIN G OUT ANSWERS 1. W hy was Yuri G agarin’s flight the greatest achievem ent of science and engineering of th e tim e. a tim e lim it is established for the report and for each speaker in the following debate. можно выдвигать кандидатуры to put to the vote— выносить на голосование 118 . m em bers of th e CPSU hold p a rty m eetings and there are also trad e-u n io n and parents’ m eetings. The report is followed by discussion. "Has anyone a m otion to m ake?” he asks. A fter th e agenda is adopted. They criticize shortcom ings and speak about how to im prove progress and discipline.^ W hen nom inations are closed. Schoolchildren m ay a tte n d a class m eeting or a m eeting of the most active pupils of th e class. raise th e ir hands. A school Kom som ol m eeting is opened by th e secretary. All who wish to tak e p art.2 Those elected ta k e th eir places at th e presidium ta b le and one of them becomes th e chairm an and conducts th e m eeting. HO LDING A MEETING W hen a num ber of people come together at a certain tim e and place to discuss a problem . W hat do you know about th e spaceships w hich hav been sent to Mars? Word List •dvanced [ad'vttnst] a передовой dedicate v посвящать embody fim'bodi] v воплощать genius ['djtnjas) v гений due [djir] predic должный. обязанный mankind n человечество vivid a яркий 10. Komsomol m em bers m ay call a m eeting. we say they hold a m eeting. The chairm an invites all m em bers of th e Komsomol to express th eir opinion. He says th a t the floor is open to nom inations. The chairm an tells th e m eeting w hat questions are on the proposed agenda and asks w hether th ere are any objections. M any of them tak e an active p art in th e debate. th e list of th e pupils nom i­ nated is p ut to th e vote. * Ihe floor is open to nom inations—ad. additions or am endm ents to the form ulation of th e questions.2. He says th a t th e m eeting is declared open and proposes th a t the presidium [pri'sidjam ] of th e m eeting should be elected. 2. SHARE YOUR IDEAS 1.^ 3. I.” 2. c) speaks at a m eeting: d) addresses a m eeting. The resolution contains a num ber of concrete m easures th a t m ust be tak en to improve work in th e future. e) is on th e way to a m eeting. Discuss th e best way of conducting a class m eeting. Tell each other w hat you would speak about at your Komsomol re-election meeting. T hink of and discuss statem ents about a m eeting w hich m ight be m ade by a person who a) is present at a m eeting. Discuss w ith your partner w hat you and he would say at a m eeting of th e m ost active students in your class about m aking b etter progress. b) presides at a m eeting. Com ment on th is statem ent: “W e only decide serious things at our m eetings. re-election meeting— отчетно-перевыборас* собрание П9 .Then one of th e Komsomols proposes th a t the m eeting should adopt a resolution which he and others have drawn up as they listened to th e debate. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. W ho m ade m otions concerning th e agenda of the meeting? Was the agenda adopted w ith additions or am end­ ments? 3. GIVE THE ANSWERS 1. As th ere are no fu rth er questions on th e agenda the chair­ m an declares th e m eeting closed. III. How m uch tim e were th e speakers allowed in the dis­ cussion? II. The resolution is put to th e vote and passed. W hat was th e agenda of th e last m eeting of your class? 2. After all. som ething is lost. clothing. fashions change every year and fine clothes are never out of fashion. all is lost! So you can judge for yourself which is more im portant and w hether you should th in k more about character train in g or outw ard appearance..” W hat is more im portant in a person — his character or his appearance? Most often you will hear th a t both should be taken care of.” The title of th is tex t m ust be fam iliar to you. It is the beginning of the A nton C hekhov’s famous quotation: “E very­ thing m ust be beautiful in a person — face. Many people say th a t beauty is a harm onious com bi­ nation of outw ard appearance and high moral qualities.W ord L ist amendment [a'mendmant] n noиравка concerning [кэп'зэшц)] prep относительно criticize ['kntisaiz] v критиковать debate [di'beit] v обсуждать motion ['moujn] n предложение move V зд.” The im portance of character is also ex­ pressed in th e following lines w ritten m any years ago: W hen w ealth is lost. W hen character is lost. предложить objection [эЬ^зек/эп] n возражение preside [pri'zaidj v председательствовать progress n успеваемость (в школе) propose [pra'pouz] v предлагать shortcoming [Jo:t'kAmiQ] n недостаток и . “EVERYTHING MUST BE BEA U TIFU L IN A P E R S O N . As an old E n g lish saying goes. W hen health is lost. you have never considered. Changes in fashion rig ht up to th e beginning^ of th is cen­ * right up to the beginning—до самого начала 120 . sp irit and m ind. and there is even a saying which is a je m in d e r th a t appearances are often deceiv­ ing. perhaps. you will agree. “Judge not according to th e appearance. As you m ay be interested in fashion. here are some facts which. nothing is lost. as an E nglish saying goes. Do you th in k very m uch about your clothes? If you try to follow the fashion (to wear th e kind of clothes th a t others wear) i t ’s quite a n atu ral thing. but following th e fashion in clothes is not the m ain th in g in life.. O thers th in k th a t character is th e m ain thing. a) M ary showed no great pleasure on hearing th e news. A new girl has begun to attend a class. One of the mem­ bers of th e class says: “I ’m sure she’s going to be a favourite w ith all of us in no tim e!” W hat was her reason for saying this? 2. III. and the n o b ility . Nowadays. They sim ply couldn’t afford new clothes very often. b) H enry was try in g to behave as if there was nothing on his m ind. W hat can be nice about a teacher? 3. they m ust be shaved and th eir hair combed. the royal courts of Europe. TH IN K IN G OUT ANSWERS 1. New m aterials are being produced. fashions change more rapidly because people can afford new clothes. Ask your p artn er w hat he thinks people of various trades and professions should look like when they appear in public places. b u t not brothers.tu ry were usually confined to the very rich. Say som ething about each of the persons m entioned i these sentences and try to say why he or she acts in th a t way. I. and people feel obliged get new clothes to “keep up w ith th e fashion”. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. Styles change often. The class was very excited because they knew they would have a new teacher and everyone was wondering w hat he would be like. They bought or m ade new ones only when the old ones were worn out. and th in k he is very nice. th eir boots m ust be polished. They know now. The sty le of clothing th a t ordinary people wore did not change so rap id ly . M artin and Fred are boys. In w hat ways do you th in k they m ay be alike? In w hat ways m ay they be different? II. Officers and m en (soldiers) cannot appear in publi places in unpressed uniform s. SHARE YOUR IDEAS 1. 12] . c) Helen looked at him w ith wide-open eyes. and the clothing industry has become highly developed. stones. навоjudge |c^. приходить к выводу teen-ager ['ti:n. Tell your p artn er w hat else you will tell your sister in th is connection. flowers or shells? Are you interested in dancing? Everyone likes dancing of some sort. castles. Discuss: a) th e difference between clothes for w inter wear and clothes for sum m er wear in your region. c) w hether m itten s can be m ore necessary (com fortable) th an gloves. форма wealth [vvelG] п богатство 12. classical or modern.ei(]^9] п подросток make-up ['meikApJ ti косметика. uniform ['ju. 3.2.nif3:mj n форменная грим одежда. Do you like sightseeing in towns where there are old b u ild ­ ings: palaces. PERSO N A L IN T E R E S T S A R E NUM EROU S Do you collect m atchbox tops ^ or stam ps. You try to persuade her th a t she is still too young for th is sort of thing. Or perhaps you ju s t like m oving to the rhythm of popular records. ариделами) стократия court rt двор (королевский) persuade [pa'sweid] v убеждать deceive [di'si:v] v обманывать polish I'paliJ] v начищать. Or perhaps you like country and folk dancing. collecting view* matohbox top — этикетка со спичечной коробки 122 . churches and old houses of historical in te r^ t? T he author of an article in a Polish paper has counted 1019 personal interests and ways to spend one’s free tim e. b) how old will a child be if he can dress him self com­ pletely. The m ost popular hobbies are p h ilately [fi'lsetali].nobility [nou'biliti] n знать. Word L ist afford [a'fxd] v позволить себе mitten ['mitn] n рукавица. You notice th a t your teen-age sister has begun to use m ake-up.\d3) у составить себе мнеДить глянец ние. ваbehave [bi'heiv] вести себя режка beyond [bi'jond] prep за (npe. Perhaps you are keen on ballet. is th e most common hobby of all among Englishm en. Some people are interested in m odern architecture. I love to . Here are some questions about your special hobbyi a) W hen did you first become interested in it? b) W hat do you do when you are occupied w ith your hobby? c) Do you recom m end it to other school students? 2. centres for young n atu ra lists and ch ild ren ’s railw ays. and it is alm ost im possible to guess from his profession or appearance his personal interests. G ardening and th e cultivation of flowers. They collect pictures showing the most interesting arch itectu ral designs of our tim e.® You m ay have recordings of operas. A useful hobby is collecting tape recordings. The Soviet U nion has thousands of places where schoo children can spend th e ir free tim e — Pioneer Palaces and Clubs. or digging up Rom an pottery. “My hobby is tropical fish. ^ vicw-card — a postcard with a view ^ coin —a round piece of metal used as money » tape recording — магнитофонная запись ^ to broaden —make broader 123 . . THINKING OUT ANSWERS 1. SHARE YOUR IDEAS 1. they always tak e th e ir cam eras w ith them when they are on holiday. . They like taking photos of historical buildings and relics of ancient culture. I have quite a large aquar­ ium in my room. lig h t music. Hobbies in England Almost every E nglishm an w ith any spare tim e has a hob­ by. The m ain th in g is th a t they increase your knowl­ edge in some p articu lar field and broaden* your outlook. or sim ply digging up his own potatoes.* coins. especially roses.” II. It m ay be stam p-collect­ ing or carpentry. They keep a photographic record of fam ily events. O thers are interested in photography. I t ’s im possible to describe all these 1019 hobbies known in th e world.? and books. folk music and jazz idsaezl concerts. W hat do you th in k th e mem bers of a teen-agers’ club should include in th e plan for their club? III. Splendid! H ere’s a p ictu re I took of the Grand Canyon. 2. E xplain to your p artn er why your favourites are contem ­ porary plays (classical ones). students and so on. A nother Joke Small b o y (ru n n in g into a studio): Quick! Help! T here’s bull ru n n in g after m y father! P h o t o g r a p h e r (excitedly): W hat can I do? Small b o y : P u t a film in m y cam era. Enlargin{{ ^ Pictures C u s t o m e r : Do you enlarge pictures to life-size? P hoto-store c l e r k : ? T h a t’s our speciality. tourists. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1.W hat do you th in k m em bers of a Young S ailors’ Club should do? 2. Im agine th a t you are a m em ber of an am ateur dram atic group in your school. Discuss th e following jokes about photography as a hobby. 3. Ask your p artn er w hether he is fond of poetry. Thej arc collectives of people having sim ilar hobbies and interests. C u s t o m e r . проект dig v копать ^ to enlarge [m'lacfe] — to make larger * photo-store clerk—служащий фотоателье 124 . quick! Question: W hat does the photographer th in k th e boy wants him to do? Word List absorb [ab'sorbl vпоглощать bull [bul] n бык carpentry ('kapm tri] n плотниккое дело castle I'kttsl] n замок contemporary [kan'temparari] a современный design [drzam ] n рисунок. Let him say why m any people like R ussian classic (con­ tem porary) poetry very m uch. There are clubs of scientific and technical workers. In the Soviet U nion th ere are th o u san d s of clubs. young factory workers. poets. I. th e ir interests and ideals. C ritical realism in painting was represented in R uss by P. etc. society cannot rem ain indifferent to the ideas expressed in a p ictu re or a novel. racial and religious ideas. I. it cu ltiv ates a person’s a rtistic and aesthetic taste. to his feelings and ideals and if it proclaim s life. violence. There are a lot of jokes about artists and art. A rt is indeed a great power. which requires th a t events be tru th fu lly depicted in th eir historical context and revolutionary developm fl в натуральную величину outlook п кругозор Roman ['гоитэп] а римский shell п раковина spare а свободный 13. However. whose p o rtra it it was. especially if it appeals to the heart and m ind of m an. you are deeply im pressed by the works of those m asters who show a tru th fu l relatio n sh ip between art and life. W hen you go to a picture gallery or to an exhibition. Fedotov. only when the artist hopes to arouse a warm response in th e heart of m an. As a rule. Soviet society rejects and condemns works of art which contain propaganda of war. th e beauty of m an. THINKING OUT ANSWERS 1. Art is tru th fu l only when it serves life. Such art helps us to understand th e ou t­ side world. On th e other hand. W hen th e gentlem an. came and asked the ab stractio n ist to alter the nose a little . In developing th e ir art and literatu re th e people of the Soviet U nion follow th e principles of socialist realism . if an abstract p ain tin g isn’t easy to understand. R epin and m any other artists. The Soviet a rtist is free in the choice of them e and artistic form. ART IS POWER The title of th is te x t is an English proverb. the abstrac­ tio n ist said th a t w hat th e gentlem an im agined to be th e nose was q uite another detail of th e picture. and one of them is about an ab stractionist who painted a p o rtra it of a man. 125 . A rt of th is kind cannot be great because it is not connected w ith th e life of people. th eir pictures bring to th e m ind the strength of th e hum an spirit. you cannot say th a t it helps in th e a rtistic edu­ cation of people. Aivazovsky. II. A JOKE Very P opular A wom an proudly ex­ claim ed: “My son is a great artist. Do you know any p aintings which aren’t easy to under­ sta n d w ithout a guide’s explanations? Tell about one of them . W hat kind of pictures is your atten tio n usually a t­ trac ted by? O. Ask him w hat th e gallery contained (specialized in) and how th e section of Soviet pain tin g was represented. Discuss w hat m akes good art. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. Let your p artn er tell you about his visit to a picture gallery or a fine arts ^ m useum . picture post­ cards w ith reproductions of well-known paintings and illus­ tra te d m useum catalogues. Can you give the nam e of a p ain ter whose works are ty p i­ cal specimens of either critical realism or rom anticism ? 2. SHARE YOL'R IDEAS 1. 3. Speak about th e purposes true art should serve. П IV. In w hat way should an artist p ain t from life? III. More people follow “Let’s get out of here! say we did it!” ^ the fine arts— изящные искусства 126 They’ll . Pen-friends who are interested in art. 2. 3. Tell your p artn er w hat you have of these and w hat you would like to exchange for som ething else or w hat you would like to add to your collection. E x p lain how art can help us to understand th e outside world.R om anticism played a considerable role in th e work of K iprensky and I. exchange album s w ith reproductions of paintings and sculptures. 3. 2. Say how you understand th e idea of socialist realism in pain tin g . cooking and bringing up children.” Question: How serious was th e woman? Word List alter ['э:Из] v изменять appeal [э'р1. Another program m e consists m ainly of inform ative talks and instructions in subjects such as foreign languages.Чяр subway ['sAbweiJ n метро theme (0im] n тема violence ['vaialans] n насилие 14. “live” transm issions of topical events.1] v взывать. RADIO A N D TELEVISION IN BRITAIN Most fam ilies in B ritain have a radio set. interview s w ith prom inent people. изо­ бражать indifferent [in'difrant] a равнодушный reject (ri'd^el<t] v отвергать specimen ['spesiminj n образец. Viewers are able to w atch plays. вызывать arrow I'eerou] я стрела artistic [a'tistik ] aхудожественНЫЙ depict [di'pikt] v рисовать. short plays and sketches. Listeners of a special pro­ gram m e can hear scientific and cultural talk s. экзем П. in­ terests and tastes. Among th e program mes are comments and discussions on current affairs. Program m es are on th e air from six in th e m orning u ntil tw elve o’clock at night. interview s w ith various people. th eatrical and m usical perform ances and m any other item s. sports and athletics. and lays. news features. broadcasts for schools. poetry read­ ings. serious m usic.his work th a n th e work of any other artist. He paints all the arrows in th e subw ays. though they often say th a t they don’t listen to th e radio very often. The three radio services for listeners in B ritain provide a selection of program mes for people of different ages. Television (colloquially known as “TV ” or “the te lly ”) is very popular in B ritain. The m ain news bul­ letins ^ are followed by light m usic. обра•даться arouse [a'rauz] v пробуждать. F ilm s are ^ news bulletin I'bulitin] — выпуск последних новостей 137 . education­ al program mes. gardening. Discuss why some people are often ready to listen again to a piece of m usic they have already heard m any tim es. “This town certainly has a lot of television sets”? 4. “I ’m sure our new spaper w ill have a big story on this tom orrow . W hile w atching television. W hat could cause a person trav ellin g to say. W hile listening to a news broadcast ^ one evening. Speak about th e usefulness of th e regular TV pro­ gram m e about th e anim al kingdom . and some are m ade specially for television. 2.” W hy did he say this? II. Whose voices (of people who lived in the past) have you listened to. How m uch tim e do you th in k a school stu d en t should spend w atching TV? G ive your reasons. for th ey are usu­ ally ra th e r old. did you ever wish it didn’t m ove so fast? Did you ever wish you could go back and hear aiid th in k about som ething which came earlier? W hat was it? 2. four years old. Sasha. Many viewers are critical of the film s tran sm itte d . How could he tell? 3. In w hat w ay does it h elp you w ith your school subjects? 3. could not tell th e tim e by the clock. There are two television programmes and one com m ercial program me. It is possible to hear a person’s voice years after he has died. SHARE YOUR IDEAS 1. your father said. b u t he did know when his favourite TV program m e came on. A frequent criticism of TV program m es is th a t they too often show violence and crime. * news broadcast— вьшуск последних известий по радио 128 . CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. P aren ts generally let th eir children w atch TV only after th e y ’ve done th eir homework properly.teievized. Can you suggest any other arrangem ent? Discuss it w ith your p artn er. I. THINKING OUT APTSWERS 1. or see again a film or play th a t they have already seen m any tim es. or would you like to listen to? W hy? I II . 2. The com m ercial program me is financed largely from advertisem ents. ^ If your parents will let you.IV. I ’d like you to stay up ? and w atch it.” ^ tonight — the night of this day (сегодня вечером) * to stay up — не ложиться спать ® report card — ведомость (табель) успеваемости 12Э . there is to be an eclipse of the moon tonight. W hy does the 2. P u p i l : W hat channel? Q uestion Does th is pupil spend m uch or little tim e w atching TV? How do you know? How to Get One Good Mark F a t h e r (after they had a subject Questions: 1.” “W hy do you th in k so?” “D on’t you see how strong th e wind is? All the waves be carried aw ay. JOKES Radio Reception “R adio reception m ust be very bad to d ay . Does TV help looking at his son’s report card^): I wish called TV. father say th at? people to learn better? “So th at’s where the transistor got tol” ‘We brought this set with us from A ustralia.” Question: W hat is th e cause of bad reception? On TV? T e a c h e r : C hildren. Question: W hat can you say about the sizes of m odern transistors? Question: Could the lady say in a sim ilar situ atio n th a t her set had been brought from New Zealand? Give your reasons. In a trapeze act you can see. Circuses as we know them began in E urope about a hun­ dred and fifty years ago. conjurers. in fact the actual circle in which the clowns [klaunz] and anim als perform is called th e “ring” in English. horse riders. Word List broadcast ('bnrdkast] n радиопередача channel ['t/aeni] n канал colloquial [lo'loukwisl] a разго* Борный (о речи) eclipse [I'klips] n затмение prominent a выдающийся though (dou] cj хотя wave n волна 15. Today a circus is the people. jugglers. round or oval arenas (э'г1:пэг] where they held games and races. Some tim e later the com pany of perform ers also began to be called the circus. HAV ING FU N AT TH E CIRCUS Circus perform ances usually take place in a huge ten t which has the shape of a ring.» rope-walkers. The Rom ans built large. On the program m e are trapeze (trs'p i:z l artists. and when you pay a visit to th e circus you generally have an enjoyable tim e.Aja'retj —билетерша 130 . and perform ing anim als. acrobats. for exam ple. th e orchestra and so on. and also the place in which they perform if it is a perm anent building. These are supported by program m e sellers. Many performances are very good. a blindfold girl doing a som ersault in th e air before she is caught by her p art­ ner. The start of a circus show is usually announced by the ringm aster. clowns. usherettes J and ring boys. Monkeys or other anim als jum p on horses and ride them ^ juggler— a person who can throw several articles into the air one after the other and catch them as they fall * usherette [. and these were nam ed circuses because of th eir shape. th e anim als. In L atin circus m eans “circle” or “rin g ”. cyclists. W hat q u alities m ust a clown have if he w ants to m ake th e spectators laugh at him? I I. There are also circus shows on ice. W hat is a m usi­ cal clown? 3. I. w ith th e clowns and the bears on skates doing all sorts of tricks. Lions jum p through burning hoops. W hat kind of a safety net is necessary to m ake a tr a ­ peze act safe? 2. 2. W hy are anim al tra in ­ ers not afraid to enter the w ild-anim al cage during a performance? III. W hat knowledge m ust you have to become a good anim al trainer? 3. Tell each c ih e r w hat conjuring tricks you know or w hat conjuring trick s you understand b u t cannot do. 2. Discuss th e role of travellin g circuses in bring­ ing people into contact w ith art.around th e ring. “Here is the safety net I prom­ ised you!" Questions: 1. E x p lain why some clowns are greeted by loud laughter when th ey appear in the arena. THINKING OUT ANSWERS 1. A clown is th e funny m an in th e circus. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. Ele­ phants stan d on sm all tubs and “dance”. W hy is it very difficult to become a circus performer? 2. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. W hy do circus owners in ca p italist countries try to include dangerous acts in each performance? 131 . 7. th a t some m em bers of th e audience half expected th e tra in to rush out at them from the screen. Now. 10. The film is worth a v isit (to the cinem a). The film m akes you forget th a t you are at the cinem a. The film is a “m ust”. It is a film to see over and over again. In 1895 the L um iere brothers gave th e w orld’s first real cinem atograph show in P aris to an audience of 33 я сальто trick л фокус. i32 . I.Word List actual ['aektjusl) a настоящий bear (beaj n медведь blindfold ('blaindfould) a с завязанпыми глазами conjurer ('kAndsara] п фокусник hoop п обруч. 4. SAY WHAT YOU CAN Give an ex p lan atio n of each of these statem ents about a film th a t you would like to recommend to your friends. трюк tub п тумба 16. m illions of people go to th e cinem a each week. кольцо monkey ['mAijki] п обезьяна net n сетка permanent ('parmanant] a nocroянный safety ['seifti) п безопасность somersault ['sAma. 1 urge you not to miss this film. The film certain ly won’t please everybody. The first film th e Lum iere brothers showed was “The A rriv­ al of a T rain at a S ta tio n ”. 2. 5. So exciting was th e experience. А W O N D E R OF TH E M ODERN W O R LD One of the wonders of th is m odern world is th e art of m ak­ ing m oving pictures. The film deserves a m uch wider showing. 8. A little more th an eighty years ago there was no such form of en tertainm ent. It is a talen ted and original film. The film is p laying to full houses. 9. It is a strong and m oving docum entary. yet very few th in k about th e great work and skill th a t goes into th e m aking of a film . 3. but it wil cause a lot of discussion. 6. our television set’s out of order. A ch ildren’s film festival is not a rare occasion. Some film s are produced for young audiences. too>” ^ to go to a movie (Amer. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. for us the most im portant is the cin­ em a. when the “Tam ing of the Shrew”? was made. 4. As you were doing your homework you could hear scraps of conversation from a TV film coming from another room. W hat do you th in k was bad? 3.” W hat are probable answers to this question? 2.) — to go to a cinema * “The Taming of the Shrew” —«Укрощение строптивой» ® to attach importance—придавать значение 133 . “Yes. SHARE YOUR IDEAS 1. E x p lain w hat you th ink th e situ atio n was and w hat you th in k will be said next. “Of all the arts. Now both you and your partn er try to develop w hat you heard. 2. 3. E xplain film -m akers’ great interest in Shakespeare’s works. Tell your partn er w hat is speciil about such films. Most of th e scenes in the film are so fine th a t they make up for w hat is bad. W hy did Lenin attach so much im portance * to th e cinema? III. “W ould you like to go to a m ovie ^ tonight? T here’s som ething good playing at “Sm ena”. W illiam Shakespeare’s plays have received much a t­ ten tio n from film -m akers ever since 1908.п . Ask your p artn er about the educational objectives of such festivals.” (L enin) This q u o tation can be seen in very m any cinemas. In m any towns there are fairs w ith roundabouts and * Good Friday — the Friday before Easter Sunday. The other B ank H olidays are Boxing Day. W hat h av e you got against it? Questions: 1. E aster M onday is generally considered th e beginning of spring. They are officially recognized as w h at are known as B ank H olidays. W ill cinem a attendances fall because of th e popularity of TV? Word List entertain [. устанавливать. M aybe t h a t ’s to th e good. 5. 2. формулировать закон 134 . C hristm as Day and Good F riday ^ have been holidays (“H oly D ays”) for religious reasons since the estab­ lishm ent of C h ristia n ity in th a t country. The act owes its nam e to th e fact th a t banks are clo­ sed on these holidays. Let us change th e subject. времяпре­ провождение rush v мчаться scrap n обрывок screen n экран 17. P U B L IC H O L ID A Y S IN B R IT A IN AND IN T H E USA In England. Boxing Day is December 26th (or th e 27th if the 26th is a Sunday). Tim e alone will tell. 4.formulate (a rule. 3.enta'tein] v развлекать experience n случай objective [ob'dsektiv] n цель pastime n развлечение. W hy is cinem a-going still a favourite pastim e for m any people? 2. T h at these days should be public holidays was laid down ® in the B ank H olidays Act of 1871. course or principle). E aster M onday.Here are those scraps of conversation: 1. великая страстная пятница * Whit [wit] Monday (the day after the seventh Sunday after Easter— Троицын день)— духов день * to lay down . W hit Mon­ day ? and the first M onday in August. It tak es its nam e from th e old custom of giving employees an annual present or “C hristm as box” on th a t day. My guess was rig h t. In Ireland. w earing new dresses and hats. S cottish people gather on th e steps of S t.^ The S cottish B ank H olidays are C hristm as Day and . Most states also celebrate Decoration Day or Memorial Day (May 30) in mem ory of the soldiers who fell in the Civil W ar. even if th e m ajority of the people do not celebrate th e occasions as religious festivals. Labour Day (the first Monday in Septem ber). 1 St. The August B ank H oliday is probably th e most popular one of th e year. S t. HOLIDAYS IN THE LISA T he chief public holidays in the U nited S tates are New Y ear’s D ay. Inde­ pendence Day (July 4). W ashington’s B irthday (February 22). So great is th e influence of the church and trad itio n th a t English people still preserve the names. P atrick is the P atro n S aint of Ireland. E aster Monday used to be th e day on which th e ladies paraded in th e parks. Good F riday. 135 . P a u l’s Cathedral and sing “Auld Lang Syne”? at m idnight. New Y ear’s Eve is an occasion for m uch joyous and noisy celebration. Very m any people try to m ake this a long week-end. P a tric k ’s Day (March 17) is also a Bank H oliday.other am usem ents. E lection Day (the first Tuesday in November). It is a S cottish trad itio n th a t th e first person to cross the threshold of your house on New Y ear’s Day should be darkhaired — such a person brings luck for th e coming year. You have seen from th e names th at most of the holidays described in th e te x t were at first religious festivals. In London. There are also large crowds at Piccadilly Circus and T rafalgar Square. and go away to th e seaside or the country. S t. Patrick [snt'paetrik] — святой Патрик. p artly because it comes at a tim e when schoolchildren are not at school. Thanksgiving Day (November 28) and C hristm as Day (De­ cember 25).New Y ear’s Day (or the following Monday if either of these days falls on a Sunday). patron sain t—святой покровитель ^ Auld Lang Syne ('э:1с1 laeg'sam] —Scottish for “the days of long ago”. the first M onday in May and th e first M onday in August. W hat do you know about th e origin of annual public holidays in th e Soviet Union? 2. Word List act n закон. Tell your p artn er w hat you do before a great holiday and let him tell you w hat he does. In w hat way can th e holiday appearance of a person depend on the w eather? III.l<ristraeniti] n христианство Christmas ['Icrismss] n рождество Easter ['irsta] n пасха employee [.emploi'i:] n служащий fair n ярмарка 18. “This is a h oliday for all of us.” W hat holiday is m eant? W hen do people like to go to Moscow for the holidays? II. 2. 3. could you answer? From earliest tim es the peoples of th e world have tried to com m unicate w ith each other. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. Discuss th e difference between national and in tern atio n ­ al holidays. No one m ay claim th e origin 136 . THINKING OUT ANSWERS 1. holy ('houli] a святой joy n радость owe [ou] ч быть обязанным partly adv частично roundabout ['raundabaut] n каруссль threshold ['0rejhould] n порог дома G ETTIN G A LETTER TO YOUR DOOR I t ’s always good to see th e postm an. Describe th e best way to celebrate a holiday w ith friends. 2. SAY WHAT YOU CAN 1. giving exam ples of both. 3.I. If someone asked you when the postal service began. Let your p artn er tell you w hat was new to him in th e te x t about public holidays in B ritain and the USA. isn’t it? He is a wel­ come sight in th e street — though he can ’t always be bring­ ing us an interesting letter or a surprise parcel. Say how you can tell th a t people are in a holiday mood. постановление (парламента) Christianity [. of th e postal system . people and let­ ters trav elled by horse-drawn carriages. In one form or another it existed in all places on th e earth wherever there were people. The Postal D epartm ent was set up in 1782. They would be tied to a post. In E ngland you can buy stam ps at th e post-office or in some places from a sm all autom atic m achine by the side of a letter-box. Now th e Soviet U nion has the greatest num ber of postoffices in th e world. You can also buy postal orders to send money by post. it was necessary to have fresh team s of horses w aiting at inter­ vals along th e road.* was introduced in the 10th century. Say how m any daily m ail deliveries there are where yo live. For long trips. It was followed by th e creation of a great num ber of postal stations where messengers could change horses.aedre'si:]— the person to whom the letter is addressed 137 . T he poste restan te I'restcm t] counter keeps letters to be received by th e addressee ® in person. but th is costs more. In other words. all ready to go — and these changing-places came to be known as posts. On week-days th e post-offices open at half past eight in the m orning and close at six. Do you th in k there should be more? J. they posted their letters. th a t of providing horse-drawn carriages for prince’s messengers. You can send a letter by air m ail. SHARE YOUR IDEAS 1. In Russia. I.nearby — near * prince’s messenger ('prinsiz 'mesincfeaj—княжеский гонец ® addressee (. Som etim es there is a sm all post-office in a shop. A special service for delivering w ritten messages was organized in th e 13th century. How is a registered letter (a book or small parcel) sent? II. and on Sundays th e post-offices are closed. A t th e post-office you can send telegram s. Before the days of railw ays or aeroplanes. Anyone living nearby ^ who had letters to send would tak e them down to the post for th e next coach to pick up. THINKING OUT ANSWERS 1. W hy is a poste restan te necessary? 2. S aturday is a short day. a special duty. Discuss w hat it m eans to get a letter brought to your door on rainy or freez­ ing cold days. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. and more and more people would like to have th at instrum ent in th eir homes. экипаж postal order n бланк для денеж­ ного перевода post п столб. so they don’t like envelopes w ith printed postage stam ps on them .” Questions: 1.Give your reasons. W hat kind of lette r has the w eight-lifter received? 2. please. шест weight-lifter п штангист 19. W hat kind of stam ps would you put on the envelope of a le tte r you wish to send to a stam p-collecting friend? III . Tell your p artn er w hat you th in k when you see the m an (woman) w ith the post­ bag down your road (street). 2. “Sign here. P h ila te lists usually rem ove interesting stam ps from e velopes. 2. In th a t case you should know good telephone m anners. OVER T H E TE L E PH O N E The telephone is w idespread nowadays. Ask your p artn er w hat he can say about autom ation of postal services. th a t is. 3. 13d . Let us suppose you have a home telephone. W hat can you say about the strength of the postwoman? Word List automation [prta'm eijan] n авто­ матизация claim V заявлять права на чтолибо coach [koutj] n карета. how to be polite over th e telephone. L ift th e receiver end say distin ctly : “Sergei speaking”. fin ally . A subscriber can also use th e telephone to send a telegram and he can receive the words of a telegram over th e phone. a) b) c) d) e) E xplain why a person m ay say th e following: It was nice of you to call. You have to dial only two figures. SHARE YOUR IDEAS 1.* W hen necessary.W hen you hear th e telephone ring. th a t you don’t spend too m uch tim e talk in g over th e phone when you have m ore im portant things to do. If th e call is for som eone who is not a t home. ask: “Who is speaking. say: “This is Misha”. W hen someone calls you to the phone. не бросать трубку 139 . W hich is b etter — to keep near your telephone a list of num bers you call frequently or a directory? W hy? II. W ould you like to leave a message?”? W hen th e person calling does not give his name. or “T h is is N in a ” . say: “I ’m sorry. I. A telephone directory is a book containing names addresses and telephone num bers. the fire brigade * or the first aid and am bulance service can be called by anybody from any telephone. will you? ^ to turn down — убавить (громкость) 2 to leave a message— передать что-либо (устно) 8 before you hang up — before you put down the telephone receiver ^ fire brigade— пожарная команда ? to hold on—3^. b ut F a th e r isn ’t in now. before you hang up. THIN K IN G OUT ANSWERS L W hat num ber m ust you dial to call th e fire brigade? 2. Call me back in an hour or so. th e m ilitia. please?” At th e end of th e conversation you may say: “Thank you for calling (telephoning). and good-bye”. Can you leave your phone num ber? Hold on 5 a m inute. tu rn down ‘ the ratiio or television before you go to th e phone. L et us hope. I m ust hang up now. or “Sergei Voronov speak­ ing”. f) W here are you speaking from? 2. Let your partner pretend to be N. Complete th e sentence: “After Td hung up the receiver.’s num ber. 4. why did you answer the phone?” Questions: 1.” III. “If you’re the wrong number. on the other end of the line and let him tell you w hat he and A.” Explain the situ atio n as you im agine it and say w hat kind of news he expected. talked about on the phone. телефонная трубка subscriber [sab'skraiba] л абонент widespread ('waidspred] a широко распространенный . Tell your partner why you had to look for a phone booth in the street. “I went out into the street to find a phone booth. Here is an episode from a story: “He expected th e news any m om ent and he stayed at home to answer the phone every tim e it rang. Is the m an po lite over th e telephone? 3. “I arranged th a t w ith him on the telephone.. W hat answer would you give to such a question? 2. воображать receiver [ri'sLva] n зд. 2.. A. 3.” E xplain w hat was arranged. picked up the receiver an dialled N . W hat should you say when you get a wrong num ber? Word List ambulance ['gembjubns] n сани­ тарный автомобиль dial ['daialj v набирать номер distinct [dis'tigkt] a отчетливый finally ['fainali] adv наконец ^ phone booth —телефонная будка 140 pretend (pri'tendj v представлять. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. such a letter requires thought and tim e. was a great lette r w riter. HOW INTERESTING ARE YOUR LETTERS? I t ’s always p leasant to see the postm an because he m ay bring an interesting letter. . then th e num ber..” The art of w ritin g an interesting letter is ra th e r difficult. “In a m an ’s letter his soul lies naked.20. From these letters we have learned a lot about life in ancient Rome.mae0ima'tija n j.” P liny th e Younger. or to a younger person you m ay w rite My dear . poet and critic of th e 18th century. No wonder ^ B lais Pascal. the Rom an author and statesm an. b u t never to anyone older th an yourself. the street. th e country. the famous English lexi­ cographer. . w riter and physicist of the 17th century. Perhaps th a t is why one of his friends received th e fol­ lowing note from him one day: “You say there is nothing to w rite about. not an exclam ation m ark after the salu tatio n . Then w rite th a t there is n othing to w rite about. N otice th a t there is a comma. According to Sam uel Johnson. m athem atician [. People today also w rite “December 16” as in th e newspapers. once added the following sentence to one of his letters: “I have m ade th is letter longer th an usual because I lack th e tim e to m ake it shorter. His collected letters fill ten books. Very often a letter is m ore than a m eans of com m unica­ tion. The d ate m ay be read “December the sixteenth” or “the sixteenth of December”.” Now here are points to remem ber in letter-w riting to ad­ dressees in E nglish-speaking countries. th e French philosopher. but it will be w ritten “December 16th” or “16th Decem ber”. For parents and other relations th e salu tatio n is ^ no wonder — неудивительно 141 . the town. To a great friend of your own age. T he most im p o rtan t thing is th a t on th e envelope th e nam e of th e addressee comes first. L etters have always played an im portant role in people’s lives. P lin y was interested both in w riting and in receiving let­ ters. Dear F ather (Dear D addy). * to drop a line — to send a message (letter) by post 112 . D ear Aunt M argaret. A letter to an acquaintance begins “Dear M r..”. or “Yours very sincerely”. G ive an exam ple of an idea developed in three paragraphs. . The conclusion: “Yours” is less formal and more friendly th an “Yours sin­ cerely”. W hat do you th in k th e whole letter will be about if it has th e following beginning? Dear N atasha.. SHARE YOUR IDEAS 1.. 3. W hat do people w rite about in friendly letters? 2. or “Dear M iss. Here are some closing sentences from p riv ate letters.. A letter to an acquaintance concludes “Yours sincerely”.”. Dear Jam es (to a b ro ther or cousin).. “W ith love” or “Love” are often used by girls w riting to th e ir friends or relatives. Close friends or relatives also use “Love”. “Dear M rs.. Choose tw o or th ree th a t you would like to use and explain your choice (why yo u ’ve decided to use one or other of them in a letter): H oping to hear from you soon. It w ould be difficult for me to put into words w hat I felt w hen I received your letter.. Do let me hear from you soon... C om plete th e following: I am sorry to have caused you so m uch trouble. II. THINKING OUT ANSWERS 1.”. and women often do. Men nearly always use it for th eir friends.. Do let me know how things are w ith you. A letter m ust be divided into paragraphs according to th e developm ent of th e idea. Please drop me a lin e.. Do w rite soon. I did not w rite sim ply because. 2.‘ My best wishes to . Love and all good wishes. I.Dear M other (Dear M ummy). 2. Tell your p artn er w hat explanation you would give to your pen-friend after beginning a letter in th e following way: It m ust be ages and ages since I w rote you last. it doesn’t m ean th a t I don’t th in k of you. CONVERSATION PRACTICE 1. Ш . W hat does th e Town Crier do w ith th e letters collected during the day? Word List comma n запятая lack n недостача. How has his job changed in th e days after newspapers. Discuss w hether you ought to learn more about le tto -w ritin g .III. 3. The office of Town Crier dates back to th e 13th century and still exists today in some towns. If I don’t w rite more often. Ask your p artn er w hat he th in k s about the follow­ ing statem en t m ade at the end of a letter: iW ith this I’ll close.saeljtu'teijanj я обра­ щение (в письме) sincere (sin'siaj a искренний statesman ('steitsman] n государ01 венный деятель * Town Crier —a man whose job is to announce news of publio interest in small English towns. нехватка naked I'neikid] a обнаженный salutation (. Modernizing the Town Crier* Q uestions: 1. rad io and TV were invented? 2. 16) Праздники в нашей стране (II. 15) Забота о здоровье (II. 13) Пища (I. 14) Переписка друзей (III. 12. 18. 5) Путешествие водным путем (I. II. 4) Пеший туризм (I. 3) Промышленность (III. 12) Школьные каникулы (I. 18) Радио и телевидение (III. 14) Сельское хозяйство (III. 2) Любимые занятия (I. И. 7. 19) Школьный вечер английского язы­ ка (I. 6. 20) Жилище (I. 11) Взаимоотношения людей (И. 4. 17) Путешествие на автомашине (II. 12) На собрании 011. 19) Уоорка в доме (II. 0) Поездки на автобусе (Ь 15) Поездки по железной дороге (I. III. III. 2) Праздничная демонстрация (I. III. 2) Изучение иностранных языков (III. 5. 1) Внешность и характер человека (III. 13) В библиотеке (II. 8. 20) Периодическая печать в нашей жизни (II. 4. 14. 6) В музее (II. И) ^ Времена года (I. 8. 8. 2) . 17) Ведение домашнего хозяйства (1Ь 9. 17) Почта (III. III. 1) Школьные экзамены (I. 18) Правила поведения. 6) Спорт и игры (I. 14) Средства связи (II. 16) Климат и погода (I. 20) Животный мир и человек (I. 14. 5. 16) Покорение космоса (III. 9) Выбор профессии (I. I) Конституция СССР (I* 5. III. 19) Путешествие на самолете (I. 7) Время (1. 11) Посещение цирка (III. 3) В гостях (И. 13) Кино (III. 9) Покупки (I. манеры (II. II. 10. 8. 6) Комсомол (I. 7. 10) На субботнике (II. 12.ТЕМАТИЧЕСКИЙ ИНДЕКС Бытовое обслуживание (II. 15) По странам изучаемого языка (1^ 10. 3) Искусство в жизни человека (III. 18) Избирательная кампания {Ш . 5) Одежда (II. .I 20 коп. 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