civil engineering-Rate Analysis

June 1, 2018 | Author: pvrk_78 | Category: Concrete, Cement, Building Materials, Building, Civil Engineering
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Civil Engineering PracticeRATE ANALYSIS PCC (1:2:4) (Manual):Wet PCC = 10 Factor = 1.54 Dry PCC = 15.4 Material:Cement = 1x15.4/(7x.035) = 62.857 bags Sand = 4.4 Crush = 8.8 Labour:Mason = 0.1 day/ = 1 day Waterman = 2.13 day/ =21.3 days Labour = 0.7day/ = .7x(10+15.4)/2 = 8.89 days Machinery:Viberator = 1 hour for 10 = 0.125 days Sr# Resources Quantity Unit Time (Day) Rate Amount (Rs) Material 62.85714 Bags 300 18857.14 1 Cement Sand 4.4 212 932.8 Crush 8.8 1167 10269.6 Man Power Mason 1 1 600 600 1 21.3 150 3195 2 Water Man Simple Labour 1 8.89 250 2222.5 Machinery 1 0.125 1600 200 3 Viberator Expanses On Material, Labour & Machinery 36277.04 Miscellaneous Water Charges 400 36677.04 4 Sundries @7.5% Of Sum Of Resources 2750.778 Cost Without the Profit Of Contractor 39427.82 5 Profit @10% 3942.782 Total Amount For 10 of PCC(1:2:4) 43370.6 Total Amount For 1 of PCC(1:2:4) 4337.06 6 122.7933 Total Amount For 1 of PCC(1:2:4) 4)/2 = 8.08 Man Power Mason 1 1 600 600 1 21.24 1167 10783.5 Machinery 1 0.37 Total Amount For 1 of PCC(1:3:6) 3734.24 Labour:Mason = 0.02 Miscellenous Water Charges 400 31580.337 6 105.02 4 Sundries @7. Labour & Machinery 31180.852 Total Amount For 10 Of PCC(1:3:6) 37343.Civil Engineering Practice PCC (1:3:6) (Manual):Wet PCC = 10 Factor = 1.502 Cost Without the Profit Of Contractor 33948.7287 Total Amount For 1 of PCC(1:3:6) www.035) = 44 bags Sand = 4.89 days Sr# Resources Quantity Unit Time (Day) Rate Amount (Rs) Material Cement 44 Bags 300 13200 1 Sand 4.4 Material:Cement = 1x15.7day/ = .89 250 2222.onlinecivil.62 212 979.125 1600 200 3 Viberator Expanses On Material.7x(10+15.44 Crush 9.62 Crush = 9.13 day/ =21.54 Dry PCC = 15.1 day/ = 1 day Waterman = 2.5% Of Sum Of Resources 2368.4/ (10x.52 5 Profit @10% .3 days Labour = 0.3 150 3195 2 Water Man Simple Labour 1 8. 4)/2 = 8.3 150 3195 2 Water Man Simple Labour 1 8.47 4 Sundries @7.54 Dry PCC = 15.554 Crush 9.89 days Sr# Resources Quantity Unit Time (Day) Rate Amount (Rs) Material Cement 33.035) = 33.476923 1167 11059.66 Cost Without the Profit Of Contractor 30998.4/(13x.794 6 Total Amount For 1 of PCC(1:4:8) 96.13 5 Profit @10% 3099.Civil Engineering Practice PCC (1:4:8) (Manual):Wet PCC = 10 Factor = 1.13 day/ =21.85 1 Sand 4.5 Machinery 1 0. Labour & Machinery 28435.89 250 2222.3 days Labour = 0.4 Material:Cement = 1x15.54004 Total Amount For 1 of PCC(1:4:8) www.1 day/ = 1 day Waterman = 2.onlinecivil.5% Of Sum Of Resources 2162.47 Miscellaneous Water Charges 400 28835.125 1600 200 3 Viberator Expanses On Material.57 Man Power Mason 1 1 600 600 1 21.7x( .84615 Bags 300 10153.813 Total Amount For 10 of PCC(1:4:8) 34097.85 bags Sand = 4.738462 212 1004.48 Labour:Mason = 0.94 3409.7day/ = .74 Crush = 9. 9819 .38 4655.85714 Bags 1 Cement Sand 4.54 400 43304.54 Dry PCC = 15.4 Crush 8.4 Material:Cement = 1x15. Labour & Machinery Miscellaneous Water Charges 4 Sundries @7.841 46552.857 bags Sand = 4.8 Man Power Mason 1 1 2 Water Man Simple Labour 1 Machinery 3 Concrete Mixer + Lift Arrangement Viberator 1 Expanses On Material.8 Labour:Mason = 0.onlinecivil.3day/ = 3 days Machinery:Viberator = 1 hour for 10 = 0.762 144.54 3247.5% Of Sum Of Resources Cost Without the Profit Of Contractor 5 Profit @10% Total Amount For 10 of PCC(1:2:4) 6 Total Amount For 1 of PCC(1:2:4) Total Amount For 1 of PCC(1:2:4) www.238 51207.3 days Labour = 0.45 0.6 1 21.4 Crush = Time (Day) - Rate Amount (Rs) 300 212 1167 18857.1 day/ = 1 day Waterman = 2.125 days Concrete Mixer + Lift Arrangement = 0.8 10269.62 5120.3 3 600 150 250 600 3195 750 0.14 932.035) = 62.Civil Engineering Practice PCC (1:2:4) (Mechanical):Wet PCC = 10 Factor = 1.13 day/ =21.125 18000 1600 8100 200 42904.4/(7x.45days Sr# Resources Quantity Unit Material 62. 5714 10002.125 18000 1600 8100 200 91578.86 47100 1 21. Labour & Machinery Miscellanous Water Charges 4 Sundries @ 8% Of Sum Of Resources Cost Without the Profit Of Contractor Profit @10% 5 Total Amount For 10 of RCC(1:2:4) Total Amount For 1 of RCC(1:2:4) Total Amount For 1 of RCC(1:2:4) www.14 Time (Day) Rate - Amount (Rs) 300 212 1167 60 18367.45 0.78 400 91978.3day/ Steel Cutter = 250 kg/day Steel fixer = 1000kg/day Machinery:Viberator = 1 hour for 10 = 0.08 9933.785 600 150 250 600 600 600 3195 750 1884 471 0.285714 1 Sand Crush 8.3 3 3.1 day/ Waterman = 2.22449 Bags 4.3737 .8 10927.45days Sr# Resources Quantity Unit Material Cement 61.857 bags Sand = 4.571429 Steel 785 Kg Man Power Mason 1 1 2 Water Man Simple Labour 1 Steel Cutter / Binder 1 Steel Fixer 1 Machinery 3 Concrete Mixer + Lift Arrangement Viberator 1 Expanses On Material.125 days Concrete Mixer + Lift Arrangement = 0.8 Steel = 1% volume of concrete = 10/100x1x7850 = 785 kg Labour:Mason = 0.08 309.78 7358.708 109270.35 908.50 Dry PCC = 15.Civil Engineering Practice RCC (1:2:4) (Mechanical):Wet RCC = 10 Factor = 1.onlinecivil.4 Crush = 8.0 Material:Cement = 62.302 99337.13 day/ Labour = 0. 8979 .1 11675.Civil Engineering Practice RCC (1:1.62 867.8 Time (Day) Rate - Amount (Rs) 300 212 1167 60 23376.5:3) Total Amount For 1 of RCC(1:1.92 bags Sand = 4.090909 1 Sand Crush 8.2727 9548.3 3 6.182 94200 1 21.45days Sr# Resources Quantity Unit Material Cement 77.5:3) Total Amount For 1 of RCC(1:1.50 Dry PCC = 15.77 157622.onlinecivil.1 17338. Labour & Machinery Miscellanous Water Charges 4 5 Sundries @ 8% Of Sum Of Resources Cost Without the Profit Of Contractor Profit @10% Total Amount For 10 of RCC(1:1.51 490.92208 Bags 4.1 400 145947.5:3) www.28 1.18 Steel = 2% volume of concrete = 10/100x2x7850 = 1570 kg Labour:Mason = 0.5:3) (Mechanical):Wet RCC = 10 Factor = 1.3day/ Steel Cutter = 250 kg/day Steel fixer = 1000kg/day Machinery:Viberator = 1 hour for 10 Concrete Mixer + Lift Arrangement = 0.28 173385.181818 Steel 1570 Kg Man Power Mason 1 1 2 Water Man Simple Labour 1 Steel Cutter / Binder 1 Steel Fixer 1 Machinery 3 Concrete Mixer + Lift Arrangement Viberator 1 Expanses On Material.09 Crush = 8.0 Material:Cement = 77.1 day/ Waterman = 2.45 0.57 600 150 250 600 600 600 3195 750 3768 942 0.125 18000 1600 8100 200 145547.13 day/ Labour = 0. Civil Engineering Practice SHUTTERING (Steel):The Quantity of Shuttering = 10 Rate of Shuttering & Supports per day = 45 Rs/ = 485 Rs/ Sr# Resources Man Power 1 Carpenter Labour Miscellaneous Shuttering Plates Quantity Unit 1 1 Time (Day) - 10 2 3 4 Sundries @7.525 Cost Without the Profit Of Contractor 26352.3 0.124 24221.45 600 250 180 112.onlinecivil.2014 SHUTTERING (Wood):The Quantity of Shuttering = 10 Rate of Shuttering & Supports per day = 25 Rs/ = 269.124 Rs/ Sr# Resources Quantity Unit Time (Day) Rate Amount (Rs) Man Power 1 0.16 24513.3 600 180 1 Carpenter Labour 1 0.741 4 Total Amount For 1 of Steel Shuttering Total Amount For 1 of Steel Shuttering 269.66 2 Sundries .2755 www.79 5190.19 3 Profit @10% 2635.981 51908.81 4718.879 482.313 47189.5 Miscellanous Shuttering Plates 10 9 269.219 Total Amount For 10 of Steel Shuttering 28987.5 43605 43897.5% of Sum Of Resources 1838.45 250 112.5% of Sum Of Resources Cost Without the Profit Of Contractor Profit @10% Total Amount For 10 of Steel Shuttering Total Amount For 1 of Steel Shuttering Total Amount For 1 of Steel Shuttering Rate Amount (Rs) 0.41 2898.5 9 484.5 3292.


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