CE 6711 - Computer Aided Design and Drawing

May 31, 2018 | Author: Aravindan | Category: Ellipse, Line (Geometry), Computer Aided Design, Structural Engineering, Geometry
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NSCET – LAB MANUALNADAR SARASWATHI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY THENI CE 6711 - COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN & DRAFTING LABORATORY MANUAL PREPARED BY RECOMMENDED BY APPROVED BY STAFF INCHARGE HOD/CIVIL PRINCIPAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING NSCET – LAB MANUAL GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: The following instructions should be strictly followed by the students in the Computer Aided Design & Drafting Laboratory. 1. All the students are expected to come to the lab with shoe, uniform, ID card etc. whenever they come for the laboratory class. 2. For each lab class, all the students are expected to come with Manual, Record note book, pencil, eraser, sharpener, scale, divider, drawing sheet, & calculator, etc. 3. All the students are expected to complete their laboratory work and get it corrected in the laboratory class itself. 4. Computer System must be handled with care and the students must switch on and off in the presence of Lab Technician only. 5. The students must save their files in the location specified by the Lab in Charge. 6. While coming to the next lab class, students are expected to submit the record note for correction. 7. Breakage amount will be collected from the student(s) for causing damage to the systems due to wrong operation or carelessness STAFF INCHARGE HOD/CIVIL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING NSCET – LAB MANUAL CE 6711 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN & DRAFTING LABORATORY LTPC0042 OBJECTIVE At the end of the course the student acquires hands on experience in design and preparation of structural drawings for concrete / steel structures normally encountered in Civil Engineering practice. 1. Design and drawing of RCC cantilever and counterfort type retaining walls with reinforcement details 2. Design of solid slab and RCC Tee beam bridges for IRC loading and reinforcement details 3.Design and drafting of circular and rectangular RCC water tanks 4. Design of plate Girder Bridge - Truss Girder bridges – Detailed Drawings including Connections 5. Design of hemispherical bottomed steel tank TOTAL: 60 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Krishna Raju, “Structural Design & Drawing (Concrete & Steel)”, CBS Publishers 2004. 2. Punmia, B.C., Ashok Kumar Jain, Arun Kumar Jain, “Design of steel structures”, Lakshmi publications Pvt. Ltd 2003. REFERENCES 1. Krishnamurthy, D., “Structural Design & Drawing – Vol. II”, CBS Publishers & Distributors, Delhi 1992. 2. Krishnamurthy, D., “Structural Design & Drawing – Vol. III Steel Structures”, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi 1992. EXAMINATION DURATION 3 HOURS LIST OF EQUIPMENTS 1. 1. Models of Structures - 1 each. 2. Computers Pentium IV - 30 Nos. 3. Analysis and Design Software - Minimum 5 user License - 1 No. 4. Auto CAD Software - Multi user License - 1 No. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . Design of Plate Girder bridge and Detailed drawings including connections 8. Design and detailing of Circular water tanks 6. Design and detailing of Rectangular water tanks 7. 3.. Design of Truss Girder bridge and Detailed drawings including connections 9. Design of Solid slab bridge culvert for IRC loading and reinforcement details 4. 2. Design of hemispherical bottomed steel tank DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . Design of RCC Tee beam girder bridges for IRC loading and reinforcement details CYCLE-II 5. Design and drawing of RCC Cantilever retaining walls with reinforcement details. NSCET – LAB MANUAL CONTENTS CYCLE-I Study Exercise – AutoCAD Commands 1. Design and drawing of RCC Counterfort type retaining walls with reinforcement details. loads. and parallel curves OPEN Opens an existing drawing file OPTIONS Customizes the AutoCAD settings ORTHO Constrains cursor movement DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . and sets linetypes LIST Displays database information for selected objects LTSCALE Sets the linetype scale factor MLINE Creates multiple parallel lines MOVE Displaces objects a specified distance in a specified direction MTEXT Creates multiline text NEW Creates a new drawing file OFFSET Creates concentric circles. parallel lines. NSCET – LAB MANUAL EX NO-1 STUDY EXERCISE – AUTOCAD COMMANDS DATE: ARC Creates an arc AREA Calculates the area and perimeter of objects or of defined areas ARRAY Creates multiple copies of objects in a pattern BHATCH Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a hatch pattern BLOCK Creates a block definition from objects you select BOUNDARY Creates a region or a polyline from an enclosed area BOX Creates a three-dimensional solid box BREAK Erases parts of objects or splits an object in two CAL Evaluates mathematical and geometric expressions CHAMFER Bevels the edges of objects CIRCLE Creates a circle COPY Duplicates objects DIST Measures the distance and angle between two points DIVIDE Places evenly spaced point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of an object DONUT Draws filled circles and rings ELLIPSE Creates an ellipse or an elliptical arc ERASE Removes objects from a drawing EXPLODE Breaks a compound object into its component objects EXPORT Saves objects to other file formats EXTEND Extends an object to meet another object Creates unique solid primitives by extruding existing two- EXTRUDE dimensional objects FILLET Rounds and fillets the edges of objects GRID Displays a dot grid in the current viewport GROUP Creates a named selection set of objects HATCH Fills a specified boundary with a pattern HELP (F1) Displays online help ID Displays the coordinate values of a location IMPORT Imports files in various formats into AutoCAD INSERT Places a named block or drawing into the current drawing LEADER Creates a line that connects annotation to a feature LENGTHEN Lengthens an object LIMITS Sets and controls the drawing boundaries and grid display LINE Creates straight line segments LINETYPE Creates. Y. NSCET – LAB MANUAL CE2405-COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN &DRAWING LABORATORY OSNAP Sets object snap modes PEDIT Edits polylines and three-dimensional polygon meshes PLAN Displays the plan view of a user coordinate system PLINE Creates two-dimensional polylines PLOT Plots a drawing to a plotting device or file POINT Creates a point object POLYGON Creates an equilateral closed polyline QUIT Exits AutoCAD RECTANG Draws a rectangular polyline REDRAW Refreshes the display in the current viewport REGEN Regenerates the drawing and refreshes the current viewport REGION Creates a region object from a selection set of existing objects ROTATE Moves objects about a base point SAVE Saves the drawing under the current file name or a specified name SCALE Enlarges or reduces selected objects equally in the X. and Z directions SKETCH Creates a series of freehand line segments SNAP Restricts cursor movement to specified intervals SPHERE Creates a three-dimensional solid sphere SPLINE Creates a quadratic or cubic spline (NURBS) curve SPLINEDIT Edits a spline object STRETCH Moves or stretches objects SUBTRACT Creates a composite region or solid by subtraction TEXT Displays text on screen as it is entered TIME Displays the date and time statistics of a drawing TORUS Creates a donut-shaped solid TRIM Trims objects at a cutting edge defined by other objects U Reverses the most recent operation UNDO Reverses the effect of commands UNION Creates a composite region or solid by addition UNITS Controls coordinate and angle display formats and determines precision XLINE Creates an infinite line XPLODE Breaks a compound object into its component objects ZOOM Increases or decreases the apparent size of objects in the current viewport DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL CYCLE -I DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL EX NO-1 DESIGN OF CANTILEVER RETAINING WALL DATE: DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL CE2405-COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN &DRAWING LABORATORY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL CE2405-COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN &DRAWING LABORATORY 2 σmin=53.84kN/m DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL CE2405-COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN &DRAWING LABORATORY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL CE2405-COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN &DRAWING LABORATORY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL CE2405-COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN &DRAWING LABORATORY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL CE2405-COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN &DRAWING LABORATORY Result: Thus the exercise has been designed and drawn by using AutoCAD software package. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL Practical Applications: Cantilever retaining walls are used to hold the earth/soil in place behind the inside face. NSCET – LAB MANUAL EX NO-2 DESIGN OF COUNTERFORT RETAINING WALL DATE: DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL Result: Thus the exercise has been designed and drawn by using AutoCAD software package. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . If the counterforts are provided in the toe side. the cantilever walls are not economical.When the height of the stem goes beyond 6m. The counterforts support both the vertical stem as well as heel slab. the retaining wall is called a buttress wall. Economy can be achieved by providing counterforts which are nothing but vertical beams connected to the stem and the heel slab by reinforcements at regular intervals. Counterfort retaining walls are used to hold the earth/soil in place behind the inside face. In this case counterfort retaining walls are used. The heel slab and the vertical stem are designed as continuous slabs instead of cantilever slabs. the thickness of the stem becomes uneconomical in cantilever retaining wall. NSCET – LAB MANUAL Practical Applications: If the height of the retaining wall exceeds certain limit. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL EX NO-3 DESIGN OF SOLID SLAB BRIDGE CULVERT DATE: DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . Result: Thus the exercise has been designed and drawn by using AutoCAD software package. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . Slab decks are simpler to construct due to the easier fabrication of formwork and reinforcements and placement of concrete. This type of superstructure is economical for spans up to about 8m. NSCET – LAB MANUAL Practical Applications: The RC slab-type deck is generally used for small spans. Generally. The deck slab is designed as a one-way slab to support the dead load and live load with impact. slab decks are supported at the ends on piers or abutments. NSCET – LAB MANUAL EX NO-4 DESIGN OF TEE BEAM BRIDGE DECK SLAB DATE: DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL CYCLE –II DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL EX NO-5 DESIGN OF INTZ TYPE WATER TANK DATE: DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL CE2405 –COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AND DRAWING LABORATORY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL CE2405 –COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AND DRAWING LABORATORY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . In very large size diameter tanks. Practical Applications: Flat bottomed tank requires more reinforcement in the bottom slab and domed bottom tank requires more reinforcement in the ring beam. the size of the bottom slab can be reduced by providing conical bottom as shown in the figure. which is known as Intze tank. NSCET – LAB MANUAL CE2405 –COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AND DRAWING LABORATORY RESULT Thus the exercise has been design & drawn by AUTOCADD Software package. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . The proportions of the conical dome and the bottom dome are so arranged that the outward thrust from bottom dome balances the inward thrust due to the conical dome. The main advantage of Intze tank is that the outward thrust from the conical part is resisted by the ring beam B3 while the difference between the inward thrust from the bottom of conical dome and the outward thrust from the bottom dome are resisted by ring beam B2. NSCET – LAB MANUAL CE2405 –COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AND DRAWING LABORATORY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL EX NO-6 DESIGN OF CIRCULAR WATER TANK DATE: DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . Affected by weather. Advantages: 1. 6. Disadvantages: 5. Can detect cracks and leakages easily. Take up space. Can extract water via gravity and/or pumps. Has got more usage in all kinds of industries. 3. NSCET – LAB MANUAL Result Thus the exercise has been design & drawn by AUTOCADD software pacage Practical Applications – Advantages & Disadvantages of circular tanks Mainly used to store water in both public and private buildings. 2. 4. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . Can be raised off ground to increase water pressure. Less costly the below ground tanks and Easy to clean. NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL EX NO-7 DESIGN OF RECTANGULAR WATER TANK DATE: DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING NSCET – LAB MANUAL Result Thus the exercise has been design and drawn by AUTOCADD software package DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING NSCET – LAB MANUAL Practical Applications: Water tanks are widely used for storing water. gas and other liquids in railway yards petrol pumping stations DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL EX NO:8 DATE: DESIGN OF RIVETED PLATE GIRDER DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL CE2405 –COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AND DRAWING LABORATORY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . NSCET – LAB MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING .


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