Catia v5 Assembly Rules - Catia v5-Primes

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User ManualAM5012 Module 1 Issue : A CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES PURPOSE: This document describes the rules for creating an assembly tree and how to structure CAD data before the official release. This manual is intended for designers working on a technical solution who must generate the different trees required to deliver assemblies to the Digital Mock-Up in the Concept/Definition or Development Phase. This module gives all common rules for all CATIA V5 users managing their data in PRIMES. SCOPE: Field of application: AIRBUS People concerned: All Designer using CATIA V5 and PRIMES Technical domain concerned: Engineering Manufacturing Owner's Approval: (signed) Authorization: (signed) Date : 23 November 2005 : SCOTTO ANTOINE : Head of OAM Process & Methods Name Function : MAITRE BRUNO : Head of CATIA V5 Methods Name Function © AIRBUS S.A.S. 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. Page 1 of 50 CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1.1 1.2 2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 About this Document ........................................................................................................... 5 Background ......................................................................................................................... 5 Organisation of the Document............................................................................................. 5 CATIA V5 CATProduct Structure ........................................................................................ 6 Rules for Creating a Typical Design Solution Assembly ..................................................... 7 General Rules ..................................................................................................................... 7 Naming and Numbering ...................................................................................................... 7 Standard Parts .................................................................................................................... 7 Search a Standard in ESDB ................................................................................... 9 Search a Standard Part in ESDB.......................................................................... 10 Search a Standard in the CATIA V5 Catalog Browser.......................................... 11 3.3.1 CATIA V5/ESDB Link .......................................................................................................... 9 3.3.2 Tree Organisation.............................................................................................................. 11 3.3.3 Rigid Parts......................................................................................................................... 12 3.3.4 Flexible or Movable Standard Parts .................................................................................. 12 3.4 4 4.1 Flexible Standard Parts......................................................................................... 13 Flexible Standard Part with Movable Component................................................. 14 Flexible Standard Part with Flexible Elements Inside ........................................... 14 Flexible Assembly ............................................................................................................. 15 Design in Context .............................................................................................................. 17 Definition and Development Phase ................................................................................... 17 Creating the Design Tree...................................................................................... 18 Rules for the Design Tree ..................................................................................... 19 Rules for the Environment .................................................................................... 20 Method One: No Positioning ................................................................................. 20 Method Two: Assembly or Parts are Already Positioned...................................... 21 4.1.1 Design Tree Methodology ................................................................................................. 17 4.2 4.1.2 Creating and Updating the Environment ........................................................................... 20 Definition Phase Using an Integrated ENV Node .............................................................. 22 4.2.1 Create a Design Tree Assembly (CATProduct)................................................................. 22 4.2.2 Create a ZONE Component .............................................................................................. 22 4.2.3 Add Existing Components to the Zone Component .......................................................... 22 © AIRBUS S.A.S. 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. Page 2 of 50 CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 4.2.4 Create a New Design Solution Assembly (CATProduct)................................................... 23 4.2.5 Create an Environment (ENV) Component ....................................................................... 24 5 5.1 5.2 6 7 8 8.1 8.2 Add Existing Components to the Environment Component.................................. 24 Add the Design Solution Assembly to the Design Tree ........................................ 25 Add Existing Components to the Design Solution Assembly................................ 25 Positioning a Part with a Datum Axis .................................................................... 26 Saving the Assembly ............................................................................................ 27 Deactivating the Environment ............................................................................... 28 Creation of Assembly Cuts ................................................................................................ 29 To Create an Assembly Cut in a CATPart......................................................................... 29 To Create an Assembly Cut in a CATProduct ................................................................... 33 Mirrored Parts within Assemblies ...................................................................................... 38 Designing a New Technical Solution from an Existing One .............................................. 45 Checks to be Performed Before Storing............................................................................ 47 Unique Universal Identifier (UUID) .................................................................................... 47 Avoiding UUID Errors ........................................................................................................ 47 8.2.1 Basic Rules ....................................................................................................................... 47 8.2.2 CATProducts ..................................................................................................................... 47 8.2.3 CATParts ........................................................................................................................... 47 8.2.4 CATDrawings .................................................................................................................... 48 8.3 Maintaining a Correct Product Structure ........................................................................... 48 8.3.1 Basic Rules ....................................................................................................................... 48 8.3.2 Broken Links...................................................................................................................... 48 8.3.3 Ghost Links ....................................................................................................................... 48 Table of References ................................................................................................................... 49 Table of approval ........................................................................................................................ 49 Record of Revisions.................................................................................................................... 50 © AIRBUS S.A.S. 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. Page 3 of 50 CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A List of Figures Figure 1: Organisation of the document ............................................................................................ 5 Figure 2: Typical CATIA V5 Product Structure.................................................................................. 6 Figure 3: Standard Parts Catalog organisation ................................................................................. 8 Figure 4: Result page search in ESDB.............................................................................................. 9 Figure 5: Tree organisation sample for Standard Parts .................................................................. 12 Figure 6: Flexible part instantiation ................................................................................................. 14 Figure 7: Flexible part positioning ................................................................................................... 15 Figure 8: Flexible standard part instantiated and adjusted.............................................................. 15 Figure 9: Properties panel fulfilled................................................................................................... 16 Figure 10: Collapsed design tree .................................................................................................... 17 Figure 11: Zone node with reference geometry inside .................................................................... 23 Figure 12: Environment node with parts inside ............................................................................... 24 Figure 13: Complete design tree ..................................................................................................... 25 Figure 14: Design solution with existing components inside ........................................................... 25 Figure 15: Saving the assembly ...................................................................................................... 27 Figure 16: Mirrored part or assembly method ................................................................................. 38 Figure 17: Mirrored part or assembly method ................................................................................. 38 Figure 18: Mirrored part or assembly method ................................................................................. 39 Figure 19: Mirrored part or assembly method ................................................................................. 41 Figure 20: Mirrored assembly properties......................................................................................... 41 Figure 21: Mirrored assembly.......................................................................................................... 42 Figure 22: Specificity for Wings for.................................................................................................. 43 Figure 23: Symmetric part ............................................................................................................... 43 © AIRBUS S.A.S. 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. Page 4 of 50 CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 1 About this Document This manual is intended for users working on a Technical/Design Solution who are required to deliver assemblies to the digital mock-up in the definition or development phase. This document describes the methodology for designing in context within an assembly. It gives the specific rules for designer managing and storing their data in PRIMES. 1.1 Background This document must be applied in accordance with the following AM(s): − AM2259 3D Modelling Rules for CATIA V5 (Specific module dedicated to PRIMES users) − AM2252 CATIA V5 Multi Models Links (Specific module dedicated to PRIMES users) 1.2 Organisation of the Document AM5012 AM5012 - Main Module General AM5012 - Module 1 CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 - Module 2 CATIA V5/VPM Figure 1: Organisation of the document © AIRBUS S.A.S. 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. Page 5 of 50 2005. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 2 CATIA V5 CATProduct Structure This is the sample of a typical CATIA V5 structure: Root Node (CATProduct) Referenced Assembly (CATProduct) Link between items M1 M2 M3 M4 Sub-Assembly (CATProduct) M6 M5 CATPart M7 M8 Part instantiated twice Designers work on Parts under the Design Solution Mx: Position matrix saved in CATProducts Figure 2: Typical CATIA V5 Product Structure © AIRBUS S. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Page 6 of 50 .A.S.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. − Change the Part Number field immediately (Contextual menu + Properties + Product tab) when a new CATProduct (File + New + Product) is created.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. The file name (L53S1234500000.CATProduct) must always correspond to the assembly reference (Part Number = L53S1234500000). Do not cut a component from an assembly. 3. and then delete the original component.3 Standard Parts Standard parts are elements defined by a standard document.S. All standard parts should be shown within the DMU with the exception of fasteners. which should only be used in the following conditions: − Proof of design − Clash or clearance condition − Specific DMU requirement − Supportability study − Installation assemblies Fasteners created with automated assembly techniques should not be included in assemblies and represented as a point and vector. then reset the check-out in the vault and replace the assembly with its old version. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The file can then be saved with the "File + Save As" command. Remark: The "Save As" command must be used after any change made to the Part Number property to ensure that the file name corresponds. 3.1 General Rules Consult the Main Module of this AM. © AIRBUS S. − The "Tools + Options + Infrastructure + Product Structure + Part Number + Manual input" option must be activated when a new CATProduct is created in the Assembly Design Workbench with the New Product command. Do not work on an assembly. Never use Cut in preference to Delete.2 Naming and Numbering Consult the Main Module of this AM. Page 7 of 50 .CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 3 Rules for Creating a Typical Design Solution Assembly 3. Then save the file (Save As): the file name is then initialised with the assembly reference. This option ensures that the Part Number field is filled in before the CATProduct is inserted. Never add or delete geometry from a read-only assembly. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.A. 2005. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Use copy and paste. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A Standard parts are delivered through the CADLIB in a CATIA V5 catalog named "StandardParts.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. The classification is delivering by ESW and is the same than the ESDB one.A. The structure of this catalog is as follow. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. 2005.catalog". Figure 3: Standard Parts Catalog organisation © AIRBUS S.S. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Page 8 of 50 . Select the link to CATIA V5 Catalog Figure 4: Result page search in ESDB − Return in CATIA V5. displaying the same Standard.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. Result in the CATIA V5 Catalog browser © AIRBUS S. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. the Catalog browser is opened at the same position.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES 3. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Page 9 of 50 .1. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.1 Search a Standard in ESDB It is possible to search a Standard in ESDB and to open automatically the CATIA V5 catalog at the same position: − Search in ESDB the desired standard and select the link to CATIA V5 Catalog.A. 2005. 3.3. Effectivity…) and the CATIA V5 Catalog (containing CAD and dimensional data).3.S.1 CATIA V5/ESDB Link AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A There is a bi-directional link between ESDB (containing metadata as Material. in the bottom of the standard part properties page. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES 3. select the Cadmodel link. Select the Cadmodel link − The properties page of the Cadmodel is displayed − Select the link: CATIA V5 and return in CATIA V5. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.S. Page 10 of 50 .2 Printed Copies are not controlled.3. displaying the same Standard Part. Result in the CATIA V5 Catalog browser © AIRBUS S.1. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. The Catalog browser is opened at the same position.2 Search a Standard Part in ESDB AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A It is possible to search a Standard Part in ESDB and to open automatically the CATIA V5 catalog at the same position: − Search in ESDB the desired standard part. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. 2005.A. g.jsp?action =GETSTDPROP For subcontractors using ESDB outside of AIRBUS. 2.g. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 3. The procedure is: 1.3.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. you will find the result page for the desired Standard or Standard Part: − 3.3. 2005. select the product (e. ALL RIGHTS at the desired Standard or Standard Part. named L1234567800000-STD02. © AIRBUS S.2 Tree Organisation It's possible to organise the assembly tree by adding some nodes to group under the same standard parts type. − Result in the CATIA V5 Catalog browser Open ESDB and type the following URL in your web browser (set it as a favorite after the first use): http://esdbexp2. ask to your support focal to know this address In ESDB.3 Search a Standard in the CATIA V5 Catalog Browser It is possible to search a Standard in the CATIA V5 catalog browser and to open automatically ESDB at the same position: − Open the CATIA V5 Catalog browser.A. L1234567800000-STD03…).eu. 3.corp:1083/WT62ESDB/ext/esdb/jsp/cadlib/cadlib. named L1234567800000). Page 11 of 50 . add under this component all standard parts of same or different standards. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. add a "Component" (e. e.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. Never place all of these parts in a single CATPart-FLX01.S. this means that you don't use the option (in the contextual menu) "Instantiate as new component…". inserted in their environment in the mock-up. − place the component in the environment as a classic part. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. 3.3 Rigid Parts These types of elements are inserted in the 3D environment with the same shape they have inside the library (e. these standard parts have a certain shape with a reference (Part Number) in the catalog and are deformed when installed on the aircraft. The solution in all cases is to rename all deformed and mobile parts. have a given position and a different one when installed inside the aircraft. which have components with new positions with regard to the initial product in accordance with the AP2610 or AM2215. nuts…). − Standard elements. i.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES L1234567800000 AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A L1234567800000-STD02 ASNA2055-03 ASNA2055-10 ASNA2055-03 L1234567800000-STD03 ABS059-211 ABS059-250 L1234567820000 Figure 5: Tree organisation sample for Standard Parts Remarks: Extensions "-STD00" and "-STD01" are reserved for Holes and Fasteners data. To insert this type of element in a product: − search the desired component in the catalog. Screw.4 Flexible or Movable Standard Parts These types of elements are inserted in the 3D environment with a specific shape: − In other terms.g. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3. bolts. Components are not mandatory. inserted in their environment in the mock-up. only the link and the positioning of the element contained in the catalog is saved. − instantiate it and keep the link with the component in the catalog.e. when the CATProduct is saved.A.3. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. The parts are then duplicated in the CATProduct with a new reference and the original in the catalog remains intact. 2005. Please note that each deformed part must have a reference. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. i. Page 12 of 50 .3. which parts inside. This type of standard part shall not be saved. © AIRBUS S. 4.g. Modify the "Part Number" property of the standard element inserted. create a L5312345600000-FLX02.1 Flexible Standard Parts Create in the L5312345600000 assembly. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. But L5312345600000-FLX02 if this element is inserted under the component L5312345600000-FLX01. 3. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Page 13 of 50 . e.3.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A CAUTION: Do not use the "Flexible/Rigid Sub Assembly" command in the Assembly Design workshop as this causes problems when assembly trees created with CATIA V5 are converted to Product structure format. … Search in the CATIA V5 catalog the desired component and in the contextual menu. L5312345600000-FLX01 if this element must be inserted directly into the L5312345600000 assembly. a L5312345600000-FLX01 location node (CATIA V5 Component) to group inside the same type of components. © AIRBUS S.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. For another type of components. because it is impossible to have the same number (FLX01 for the component and for the CATpart).S.A. select "Instantiate as new component…". L5312345600000-FLX03. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © AIRBUS S.4.4. Repeat these operations to insert the same standard part with another position in the same 000 assembly.CATPart part in the create directory. 3. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.A. ( Then save the L5312345600000-FLX01.1 Flexible Standard Part with Movable Component Example: Rod-end AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A Activate the CATPart and modify the position of the two bodies by rotations or translations ) to adapt their own positions to the environment.1. Page 14 of 50 .S.3.2 Flexible Standard Part with Flexible Elements Inside Example: Bonding breads Figure 6: Flexible part instantiation With constraints or SNAP functions.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES 3. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. place the CATPart (the body on the origin) in its environment.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. 2005.3. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.1. A. 2005. The following rules apply: − the content of a flexible Assembly is identical to the content of the reference assembly. But flexible assemblies are dealing with different positions of the same parts and not with different geometrical derivates.S. The permanent dimension display may help the user. Modify spline control point's coordinates to adapt the form and the length of the bundle.4 Flexible Assembly Flexible assemblies are a similar problem as the flexible components. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. − only the most actual issue of the components (single parts) shall be used. © AIRBUS S. − the single parts are released.2 Printed Copies are not controlled.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A Figure 7: Flexible part positioning Delete the length constraint of the bundle. For the second extremity. replace the sketch plane support by a plane or a face of the environment. Page 15 of 50 . Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. Figure 8: Flexible standard part instantiated and adjusted 3. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A. The properties panel of the assembly is: Figure 9: Properties panel fulfilled © AIRBUS S. E. the geometry of the parts shall not be altered. Original assembly part name: L5212345600000 This assembly is used in a Design Solution but elements inside have a different position.S. the flexible part gets an extended part code "-FLXnn".g. 2005. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. the components of the assembly have own part names and they are managed in separate parts. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. The Part Number of the DS is L5212345600000. only the position inside the Flexible Assembly shall be altered. Additional to the partname. where the position of the parts is the same.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES − − − − − AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A flexible assemblies. write in the "Definition" field the Part Number of the original assembly (often the norm name of the Component or Equipment number). Page 16 of 50 . where "nn" is an counter between 01 and 99. flexible assemblies are named according to the part name of the assembly they are going to be built in (next assy).2 Printed Copies are not controlled. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. are identical (multi instance). In the "Properties" panel of flexible CATProduct. 4. In certain circumstances during the Definition Phase.1 Definition and Development Phase 4. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 4 Design in Context In order to fully use the functionality and associativity of CATIA V5.1 Design Tree Methodology The design tree is used to manage an environment for design in context for parts or assemblies. Page 17 of 50 .2 Printed Copies are not controlled. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.S. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.A. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. 2005. This is outlined in section 4. Main components of the design tree are: NAME NUMBERING EXAMPLE CATIA V5 TYPE ITEM IN Top node Environment Part Or Assembly M533 74425 ENV M533 74425 200 00 M533 74425 000 00 CATProduct Component CATPart or CATProduct 1 2 3 n/a Design Tree Environment Production Assembly Figure 10: Collapsed design tree © AIRBUS S. design in context. the Design Tree methodology has been defined for use during the Definition and Development Phase. an integrated ENV methodology can be used.2 and is only to be used with prior agreement from the Zone Integration Team.1. and maintain a clean Digital Mock-Up (DMU). 3 Enter the first nine digits of the product's name in the Window "CATPrdManualInput" and select the "OK" Button to create the top node.2 Printed Copies are not controlled.1. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.1 Creating the Design Tree AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A A basic design tree can be created using the following method: NO. Indicate on the top node and select "Component" from the contextual menu.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES 4. 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Indicate on the top node and select "Component" from the contextual menu. Page 18 of 50 .A. Alternatively: • select the "Component" Icon from the "Product Structure Tools" Toolbar. • select the top node. 6 Enter "ENV" as part name in the Window "Part Number" and then select the "OK" Button.S. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. 7 © AIRBUS S. 4 5 Select "New Component" from the Component sub-menu. TASK GRAPHIC 1 2 From the CATIA V5 main menu select File → New or select the "New" icon. From the "New" Window select "Product" and then select the "OK" Button.1. 1. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Enter the part name in the Window "Part Number" and select the "OK" Button. Changes made to an assembly or a part shall be performed in the design tree containing the respective environment. TASK AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A GRAPHIC 8 Creating a new part Select "New Part" from the New Component sub-menu. 2005. The design tree should also be used for drawing creation. Enter the assembly's name in the Window "CATPrdManualInput" and select the "OK" Button to create the assembly node. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. The environment node shall be data of CATIA V5 type "Component" to avoid having multiple files with environment data stored to file systems.S. Repeat step 9 to 10 under "Creating a new part" to create the parts of the assembly. For more information refer to the drafting methods: AM2264 © AIRBUS S. Page 19 of 50 .2 Rules for the Design Tree − − − − − Geometrical environment data shall only be linked to the environment node.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. Repeat steps 11 to 12 under "Creating a new assembly" to create sub-assemblies. 12 4.1. make sure not to select the top node. • select the top node.A. 9 Alternatively: • select the "Part" Icon from the "Product Structure Tools" Toolbar. 10 11 Alternatively: • select the "Product" Icon from the "Product Structure Tools" Toolbar. Creating a new assembly Select "New Product" from the New Component sub-menu. If you like to work with the Icons "Part" or "Product". Never use Cut in preference to Copy + Delete. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES NO. Select instead the CATProduct where you want to have your new part/new assembly created. • select the top node. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. 2005.2. using file → open from the main menu. Indicate on the "ENV" node and select "Component" from the contextual menu. Regularly ensure that it contains the DMU technical solutions. Alternatively: • select the "Existing Component" Icon from the "Product Structure Tools" Toolbar. The "Existing component" command can therefore be used. 4.2 Creating and Updating the Environment AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A An environment node is necessary to manage needed geometrical environment data.1. 0. When linking geometrical environments to the environment node. In the following. • select the "ENV" node. Page 20 of 50 . TASK GRAPHIC 1 2 3 Open your design tree in CATIA. © AIRBUS S.2. NO. you will find information on how to link your geometrical environment to the environment node. Relative co-ordinate is 0.A. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. Select the "ENV" node. 4 Select "Existing Component" from the Component sub-menu. and CATProducts in the corresponding READ directory can be selected.2 Method One: No Positioning There are no position matrices to be retrieved when the assembly to be inserted is at the first level of the technical solution.1. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4.1 Rules for the Environment It is essential to use validated data in the environment in order to work efficiently and coherently in Concurrent Engineering.S. according to their position inside of the product structure: − Method One: No positioning. To assure this. it is necessary to keep the positioning from the originating assembly. that there may be a positioning matrix for each LO (Linked Object) between CI and DS level. 0 − Method Two: Assembly or Parts are already positioned Please note. link operations are divided into two methods.2 Printed Copies are not controlled.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES 4.1. Select/Multi-select the CATProduct(s) in your 2nd level assembly/part. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.1. Page 21 of 50 . Select the "ENV" node. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.2. TASK GRAPHIC 1 2 3 4 5 Open your design tree in CATIA. Open your 2nd level assembly/part in the same CATIA working session. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. 6 7 8 Change to your design tree session using the "Window" command from the main menu. Select "Paste" from the contextual menu.S. using file → open from the main menu. The "Copy and Paste" commands can therefore be used and CATProducts from the same CATIA working session can be selected. Multi selection: hold the Control key down while selecting. 2005. Select "Copy" from the contextual menu.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 4. Indicate on one of the selected CATProducts. NO.2 Printed Copies are not controlled.A. using file → open from the main menu.3 Method Two: Assembly or Parts are Already Positioned There is only one position matrix to be retrieved when the assembly to be inserted is at the second level of the technical solution. © AIRBUS S. Page 22 of 50 . Enter the name ZONE in the corresponding window.2 Definition Phase Using an Integrated ENV Node AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A This is an alternative method. 4. 2. 4. © AIRBUS S. Electrical and Kinematic workbenches.2. As mentioned previously. Create a Zone Component as defined below: 1. The Design Tree Assembly is the first nine digits of the Design Solution Assembly. 3.1 Create a Design Tree Assembly (CATProduct) The Design Tree Assembly contains the working environment for the designer. Typical uses of this method are with the Tubing. where links and constraints are required with Master Geometry.2 Create a ZONE Component Parts or assemblies used as reference geometry are grouped within a Component called ZONE.3 Add Existing Components to the Zone Component All parts or assemblies used as scenic reference geometry are added to the Zone Component. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. MB3 (Mouse Button 3) (MOUSE BUTTON 3) over the Zone Component and select: Components + Existing Component 2. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It holds all the necessary external reference geometry required to design parts and sub-assemblies. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. Create a new assembly (File + New Product): T57P56068 2.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES 4. 1. MB3 (Mouse Button 3) (MOUSE BUTTON 3) over the Design Tree Assembly and select Components + New Component. The procedure for adding existing components to the environment component is defined as follows: 1. Components are internal sub-assemblies within a product structure and are not saved as external CATProduct files.A. Add a description to the assembly (MB3 (Mouse Button 3) + Product + Properties Description): Description: DESIGN TREE 4. 2005.S. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.2 Printed Copies are not controlled.2. Fix the Reference Geometry in the Zone Component. Fix the ZONE Component.2. this method should only be used with prior agreement from the Zone Integration Team. This first part is normally the Master Geometry Datum part and is opened on an individual basis. Page 23 of 50 . Figure 11: Zone node with reference geometry inside 1. Create a new assembly (File + New Product): T57P5606800000 2.S.Fix it. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.CATPart 2. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Fix it. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Add a description to the assembly (MB3 (Mouse Button 3) (MOUSE BUTTON 3) + Product + Properties: Description): Description: SPOILER 1 ACTUATOR RIB ASSEMBLY © AIRBUS S. only parts or assemblies native to the design are placed in this assembly. Add the Master Geometry Datums part to the zone . 57G5123420000. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. but its location can be established after the first part is inserted . 2005.A.4 Create a New Design Solution Assembly (CATProduct) The Design Solution is the product referenced in the DMU.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A Note: The origin of the assembly is not shown. For this reason. Add the False Rear Spar Sub-Assembly to the zone the origin of the inserted part is automatically positioned on the assembly origin.CATProduct 4.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. 1. V57P5605700000. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.g the Master Geometry Surfaces part to the environment . Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal.A. Hence. Figure 12: Environment node with parts inside © AIRBUS S.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. however during the Definition Phase where geometry parts have a tendency to change.2. where published elements and multi-model links are maintained. Master Geometry Parts. are grouped in a component called ENV.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES 4. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MB3 (Mouse Button 3) (MOUSE BUTTON 3) over the Design Solution Assembly and select Components + New Component. T57G5166520000. Enter the name ENV in the corresponding window .5 Create an Environment (ENV) Component AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A Normally all reference geometry is placed in the Zone Component.1 Add Existing Components to the Environment Component 1. 2.2. Save and Close the assembly.Fix it. Please Note .S. Create an Environment Component as defined below: 1. Page 24 of 50 . 2005. Add e.Fix it. 4.Components are internal sub-assemblies within a product structure and are not saved as external CATProduct files.5. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. a link may be required to capture any modifications.CATPart 2. 2 Add the Design Solution Assembly to the Design Tree Figure 13: Complete design tree 1. All other assembly (secondary) components in the same design solution assembly are then constrained to it. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. the primary component can be described as follows: − a part with a local axis system defined in the Local Axis Datum CATPart.A. All assemblies require a fixed primary part otherwise all parts within the assembly will be free to move without constraint. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal.2. In normal circumstances. Page 25 of 50 .CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 4.2 Printed Copies are not controlled.3 Add Existing Components to the Design Solution Assembly The first part added to an assembly is termed the primary part.S. The primary part is fixed in place. Figure 14: Design solution with existing components inside © AIRBUS S. Assemblies can have more than one fixed Primary Part. − the major component that all peripheral components are designed about.Fix it. 4.5.2. MB3 (Mouse Button 3) over the Design Tree Assembly and select: Components + Existing Component Name: T57P5606800000 . 2005.5. is added to the assembly it positions itself about the origin of the Product and not its correct orientation in space.4 Positioning a Part with a Datum Axis Parts are created about a local axis system. 2005.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 1. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. 2. If an existing part were added to the assembly it would position itself about the origin of the Product and not its correct orientation in space. 1.A. © AIRBUS S.5. the first spoiler part has already been modelled. T57P56088200000. 4. The procedure for moving an Axis System (origin) of a part to its correct Local Axis Datum position in the design solution assembly is defined as follows: Use the following procedure to snap the Spoiler1 Hinge3 part to its correct axis location in the master geometry datums part. Use Open in New Window to change to the Design Solution Assembly Window.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. Therefore any parts added to the assembly require correct positioning in model space.CATPart If an existing part. Select the Snap Icon. Add the Spoiler1 Hinge3 part to the design solution assembly. which means that their parent assembly controls their positional matrix (orientation) within the Digital Mock-Up (DMU). CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Change window to the Design Tree Assembly. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. This can be found in the Specification Tree under Axis Systems. 3.2. Page 26 of 50 . such as the spoiler. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Parts designed within CATIA V5 have an axis system created at the part origin.S. 2. For the purpose of this exercise. Ensure that the Design Solution Assembly is Active. Figure 15: Saving the assembly © AIRBUS S. Select the corresponding Axis System from the Local Axis Datums CATPart. Page 27 of 50 .CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES 4. 4.S. 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6. Using save management can highlight the status of the parts and assemblies in the current session.5 Saving the Assembly Save the assembly locally using File + Save Management. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.A. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.2. Select the Absolute Axis System from the Part. Fix the Part. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal.2 Printed Copies are not controlled.5. AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 5. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal.S. 2. The environment node can be activated with the same procedure.6 Deactivating the Environment AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A It is important not to replicate the reference geometry within the Environment component across the DMU. The environment node should be deactivated prior to any assembly being vaulted. The procedure for deactivating an Environment Component is defined as follows: 1.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES 4. © AIRBUS S.2 Printed Copies are not controlled.Object + Activate/Deactivate Component. 2005. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. MB3 (Mouse Button 3) over the ENV Component and select: Env1. which in turn deactivates all reference geometry within it. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.5.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Page 28 of 50 . This is achieved through deactivating the Environment node.2. .CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 5 Creation of Assembly Cuts For A-F. but it is not mandatory." © AIRBUS S.S. It is recommended to check out the Original Assembly to save the changes. STEP ACTION/ILLUSTRATION 1 2a Open the assembly where the Assembly Cut has to be included Select the assembly from Step 1 and choose the function "Insert/Existing Component. 5. chapter concerning the condition of supply.. Page 29 of 50 .." Select the necessary geometry (a part or an assembly) and press "Open" 2b 2c Result of "Insert Existing Component.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. see the Main Module of this document.1 To Create an Assembly Cut in a CATPart General This step-by-step example corresponds to Method 1/Case 2 described in the AM5012 Main Module. For general conventions.. 2005. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.A. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. The result is a CUT-Part. see AM2259. 2005.A. If no rights exist to check out the parts. This can be done by copying the Part number from the page "Properties" of the part using "Strg + C" and pasting it using "Strg + V" into the field "Feature Name" of the PartBody." to publish the PartBody Confirm the following message box with "Yes" 5c Confirm the following message box with "OK" © AIRBUS S. Page 30 of 50 .. The parts should be checked out to save the changes. Important notes: This modification allows a simple identification of the parts used for the Assembly Cut. 4 Activate the first part by double-clicking (1) and select the PartBody (2) 1 2 5a 5b Use the function "Tools/Publication. this method should also be used. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES STEP ACTION/ILLUSTRATION AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 3 For each part change the name of the PartBody according to the Part Number.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.S. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal.. .CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES STEP ACTION/ILLUSTRATION AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 5d Result of the publication Repeat Step 4 and 5 for each part included in the assembly 6 Activate and select main assembly.. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Add the extension "-CUTnn" (2) 1 2 7 Check in the CATIA Options (Tools/Options.S.) that the checkboxes for "Keep link with selected object" and "Confirm when creating a link with selected object" are enabled © AIRBUS S. Page 31 of 50 . 2005.A. Name the new part like the main assembly. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. Click on "Insert/New Part" (1). CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES STEP ACTION/ILLUSTRATION AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 8 Activate the part (1). CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. too 11 Updated the geometry and close the warning message © AIRBUS S. Page 32 of 50 .2 Printed Copies are not controlled.." to assemble all selected PartBodies into the Assembly Cut The following message box has to be confirmed as often as publications of PartBodies have been selected in Step 8 9c Confirm the message box with "OK" 10 Delete the original geometry. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. but it could be a part. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. 2005. Multi select the publications (press "Strg" and click on every single publication) (2) 2 1 9a 9b Select function "Insert/Boolean Operations/ Assemble. In this example the original geometry is an assembly.S.A.. S.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. That is why Method 2 is preferred in this example. The Original Assembly includes a skin panel and a couple of other parts. but it is also possible that the Assembly Cut affects more parts. all other parts are hidden.A. Page 33 of 50 . The naming of the Assembly Cut in this example conforms to Case 1.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES STEP ACTION/ILLUSTRATION AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 12 Now the geometry is included in the Assembly Cut and can be modified. 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. STEP ACTION/ILLUSTRATION 1 Open the Original Assembly that is the template for the Assembly Cut. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. The Original Assembly including all its sub-assemblies and parts must be checked out to save changes. In this example only one part will be cut. But only the panel is involved in the cut. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.2 To Create an Assembly Cut in a CATProduct General The result of the following example is a CUA-Assembly. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. To demonstrate which part will be cut. © AIRBUS S. 5. 2005. Page 34 of 50 . User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. This can easily be done by copying the Part number from the page "Properties" of the part using "Strg + C" and pasting it using "Strg + V" into the field "Feature Name" of the PartBody.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES STEP ACTION/ILLUSTRATION AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 2 For each part that will be affected by the Assembly Cut change the name of the PartBody according to the Part Number. 3 Activate the first part to be cut by doubleclicking on it (1) and select the PartBody (2) 1 2 4a 4b Use the function "Tools/Publication. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.S... Important note: This modification allows a simple identification of the parts affected by the Assembly Cut.A." to publish the PartBody Confirm the following message box with "Yes" 4c Confirm the following message box with "OK" © AIRBUS S.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.S. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. activate the assembly that includes the CUT-Model and use the inside the workbench function "Snap" "Assembly Design" to move the axis system of the new part on the axis system of the part that will be cut 2 1 © AIRBUS S. To ensure that the new part (1) has the same origin and orientation as the original part (2). 2005. Page 35 of 50 . According to Case 1 (that was defined for this example before) the naming of the new product consists of the name of the Original Assembly and the extension "-CUA01" 6a Activate the new assembly and insert a new part Confirm the following message box with "No" 6b 7 Name the part according to the Original Assembly and add the extension "CUTnn" (CUT = CUT-Part) After inserting the new part.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. 5 Activate the main assembly and insert a new product. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.A. its origin and orientation may differ from original part that will be cut.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES STEP ACTION/ILLUSTRATION AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 4d Result of the publication Repeat Step 3 and 4 for each part of the Original Assembly that will be affected by the cut. " and select the function "Change Part Body" to replace the empty PartBody with the new Body.A. Page 36 of 50 . User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. 2005.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES STEP ACTION/ILLUSTRATION AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 8a Activate the first part that shall be imported into the Assembly Cut (1) and copy the publication of its PartBody (2). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 8d The result of "Paste Special" is an additional Body inside the CUT-Part. 8c Insert the copied geometry using the function "Paste Special/As Result With Link". Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. © AIRBUS S. 1 2 8b Activate the CUT-Part. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT..2 Printed Copies are not controlled. 9 Press MB3 (Mouse Button 3) on the Body "Result of..S. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.. 1 2 Repeat Step 6 to 10 for each part of the Original Assembly that will be affected by the cut 11 If each of the parts to cut is copied into a separate CUT-Part select the other parts (1) and use "Copy" and "Paste" to insert them into the new CUA-Assembly (2) 1 2 12 Save the Original Assembly with the new CUA-Assembly using "File/Save Management. 2005.S. When the modification is done.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES STEP ACTION/ILLUSTRATION AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 10 Delete the empty Body (1) and remove "Result of " from the naming of the PartBody (2). Page 37 of 50 ." Now the original geometry is included in the Assembly Cut and the CUT-Part can be modified. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.-CUAnn" can be linked into the DMU 13 © AIRBUS S.. the CUT-Assembly "M.. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.A. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal..2 Printed Copies are not controlled. − − Select the "Symmetry" icon Select the symmetry plane > Finish Please Note: Co-ordinate systems (0. These reference axes will be used to define the symmetry plane for all opposite hand assemblies and its components. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.A. 0.S. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. use this to create the RH assembly. Page 38 of 50 . a Design Tree is required to maintain all links with the "As Drawn" Design Solution. Method − Create a new Design Tree CATProduct M53S20035 − Add an ENV (or ZONE) component to contain the co-ordinate axis system − Add the Left Hand CATProduct M53S2003500000 Figure 16: Mirrored part or assembly method Important: To maintain all contextual links. If a Design Tree already exists for the "As Drawn" assembly. see the main module of this document. To mirror an assembly and all associated parts. 0) matrix) will be defined and distributed to each Major Component and used as reference in the design and for the exchange of information (ref. ensure the CATProduct chosen for symmetry is loaded in Design mode. AP2266). 2005.2 Printed Copies are not controlled.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 6 Mirrored Parts within Assemblies For the description and definition of Mirrored Parts and Assemblies. Figure 17: Mirrored part or assembly method © AIRBUS S. 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.2 Printed Copies are not controlled.S.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES − Select product to be transformed: M53S2003500000 AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A Figure 18: Mirrored part or assembly method In this case. The list of all elements that will be duplicated is displayed in Wizard panel: Check the option "Mirror. Page 39 of 50 .A. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. a New component will also be created. for every duplication of Parts belonging to this Product. an Opposite Hand Assembly with its own Opposite Hand CATParts will be created: The resulting element will be a New Component and if it is a Product. will see a computation window and then a Result Window: © AIRBUS S. new component" in order to create a new assembly (with new components) Ensure "Keep link in position" and "Keep link with geometry" options have been selected to allow automatic update − Select "Finish" . 2005. regarding the original parents elements. you will get a linked Solid: inside every new Part created. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. Page 40 of 50 .CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A − In the "Assembly Symmetry Result" Window. then the new created elements will remain "symmetrically associative" in position. you can see the Number and the Type of elements created by the Symmetry operation. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. In the opposite case. was checked. you will get an isolated Solid: If the option: "Keep link in position" was active. in "Assembly Symmetry Wizard" panel. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © AIRBUS S.A.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. . Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal.S. Note: If "Keep link with geometry" option. CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A The mirrored assembly "Symmetry of M53S2003500000. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. Figure 19: Mirrored part or assembly method The Right Hand assembly and its components require renaming in accordance with AP2610 or AM2215.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.A. from "Symmetry of … " to "…001" and "…201". Select each item and edit "Properties".1 Edit the value of the "Product Part Number" M53S2003500100 Enter the English Description Figure 20: Mirrored assembly properties © AIRBUS S. Edit the value of the "Component Instance name" M53S2003500100.1" is inserted under the Left Hand assembly and both are now linked. 2005. Page 41 of 50 . Any changes to model definition or position will update accordingly.e. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.S. I.1. File the new RH Design Tree. the RH Design Tree MUST be activated and updated accordingly. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. © AIRBUS S. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. If the LH assembly is modified i. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. 2005. deletions or positional changes. Page 42 of 50 . The completed mirrored assembly: Figure 21: Mirrored assembly The RH Design Tree. additions. RH CATProduct and RH CATParts can now be filed to the vault. RH Catproduct and RH CATParts.e.S. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES − − AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A Repeat the previous instructions to rename all CATParts.A. Important: It is the responsibility of the designer to ensure the RH assembly is always kept up to date. However. Aircraft axis "W" axis Wing Origin Figure 22: Specificity for Wings for Symmetry of part using the "ZX" plane of Aircraft axis. Absolute Axis remains unchanged Symmetry of part using the "YZ" plane of Wing axis. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. please be aware of the final axis position of both part and assembly e.g.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES IMPORTANT .Please Note AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A When using the "Symmetry" command within the Assembly Design workbench. 2005. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. Page 43 of 50 . when selecting the "ZX" plane of the Aircraft axis. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. the "X" and "Y" axis are rotated through 180º about "Z". the axis remains unchanged. when selecting the "YZ" plane of the "W" axis. Absolute axis rotated 180º about "Z axis" Figure 23: Symmetric part © AIRBUS S.A.S. S. it has to be mirrored at part level.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A If a CATPart must be mirrored alone.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. Page 44 of 50 . CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. 2005.3D Modelling Rules for CATIA V5.A. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. All Opposite Hand geometry is to be mirrored at part level and positioned manually in the Right Hand assemblies. © AIRBUS S. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. it is recommended that the "Symmetry" command is NOT used. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. Refer to AM2259 . RECOMMENDATION A-UK only Due to the functionality of CATIA V5 and the wing axis system deployed by Master Geometry. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. STEP ACTION/ILLUSTRATION 1 Modifying Part Numbers All components contained in the root CATProduct are listed in the "Product Management" window: Tools + Product Management (Assembly Design workbench command). Page 45 of 50 .A.2 Printed Copies are not controlled.S. Modify the Part Numbers of all components to be duplicated © AIRBUS S. 2005.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 7 Designing a New Technical Solution from an Existing One The need is to duplicate an existing technical solution by giving new references to the elements composing it to obtain a separate CATProduct. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Remark: The same method is used whether or not the technical solution contains a contextual part. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. A. 2005. Modify the Part Numbers of all components to be duplicated 3 Duplicating Associated CATDrawings Refer to the AM2264 Main Module. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. © AIRBUS S.2 Printed Copies are not controlled.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES STEP ACTION/ILLUSTRATION AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 2 Duplicating Components All components contained in the CATIA session are listed in the "Save Management" window: File + Save Management. Page 46 of 50 . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.S. 8. Only modify existing CATIA documents with the following methods: − Use File + Save Management/Save As to renumber existing parts.2. which are returned to Airbus or vaulted in a modified state.S. assemblies and drawings. File + New From or File + Save as New Document.1 Unique Universal Identifier (UUID) A UUID is a unique number recorded inside all CATIA documents. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. which will cause UUID errors. − Never overwrite CATIA documents with new versions using UNIX or Windows. Once a new CATProduct has been delivered to Airbus. − Only use File + New From to create a new part derived from an existing part. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. • Keeps the same UUID number. which will cause UUID errors.2 Avoiding UUID Errors 8.3 CATParts The designer must always maintain original CATParts. Page 47 of 50 .1 Basic Rules UUID errors can be avoided by following a number of basic rules: − Always preserve the original vaulted CATIA document. When CATIA opens a document (such as a sub-assembly) its UUID is checked. 2005. • Maintains drawing links. 8. 8. • Used for new part numbers. changing its UUID number.A.2. it must be maintained in its original state. • Creates a new UUID number. which have a UUID that is different from the originally vaulted document. This rule applies to all CATParts. − Never delete and restart an existing CATIA document with File + New. • Links to existing drawings are not required.2. When new revisions of parts are generated through automated processes. it is recommended that the new geometry pasted into the original CATPart. This can be caused if the original sub-assembly is deleted and restarted. They must never be overwritten by new versions. © AIRBUS S. If the UUID differs from the original number. This rule applies to all CATProducts. Do not replace with new versions. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. will be rejected by the PRIMES PDM system. the document will not open correctly and cannot be vaulted. The supplier must always maintain the native CATProduct delivered as part of a work package from Airbus. which are returned to Airbus or vaulted in a modified state.2 CATProducts The designer must always maintain the original CATProducts. Note: All CATIA documents. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. 8.2 Printed Copies are not controlled.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A 8 Checks to be Performed Before Storing See the Main Module of this document. © AIRBUS S. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal.2. either because that component cannot be found or it contains an incorrect UUID number. 2005. Note: CATParts with UUID errors can be visualised.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES 8.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. − Do not work on an assembly. Ghost links can be avoided by adhering to the following rules: − When working in an assembly with sub-assemblies. Page 48 of 50 .4 CATDrawings AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A The designer must always provide drawings with view and object links intact. 8. This ensures that all links are synchronised. − Always replace parts with Replace Component. which have broken links to parts or products not already in the vault.3 Ghost Links Ghost links are incorrect duplicate instances of parts or products that are visible within in the product structure.3. In order for "CATIA" to open any assembly correctly. − Never attempt to add or delete geometry from a read-only assembly. will be rejected by the PRIMES PDM system.2 Broken Links Broken links are created when CATIA cannot find a specific part or assembly inside a CATProduct.3. − Never use Cut in preference to Delete.S. all affected CATProducts must be vaulted in the same working session and not at different times.3. but cannot be loaded into design mode. Do not cut a component from an assembly: use copy and paste. these links need to be synchronised each time the assembly is loaded.1 Basic Rules A CATIA V5 CATProduct records all the links on sub-assemblies and parts within its product structure.3 Maintaining a Correct Product Structure 8. − Assemblies and parts should not be open in "CATIA" when storing to the vault. Note: All CATIA documents. and then delete the original. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.A. and then replace it with an older version. delete it. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. There are some basic rules that enforce synchronisation and minimize errors: − Parts or products must only be added or deleted from a sub-assembly when it is open in its own window (at root level). 8. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1. 8. Support should be contacted if this error is encountered. EDKMT FERNANDEZ-ALONSO LUIS-MARIA LEERAR TIM CAPECCHI FRANCIS ROBOAM MICHEL CARL ALEXANDER ASNA MURIEL © AIRBUS S. Page 49 of 50 .2 Printed Copies are not controlled.CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A Table of References DOC REFERENCE TITLE AM2215 AM2252 AM2259 AM2264 AM2266 AM5056 AP2610 AP2656 Identification of Product Structure & CAD Models CATIA V5 Multi Models Links 3D Modelling Rules for CATIA V5 Drafting with CATIA V5 Quality Control of CATIA V5 Data by Q-Checker CATIA V5 Holes & Fasteners for A/C Development phase CATIA V5 Holes & Fasteners for A/C Definition phase Identification of Product Models and Parts Holes and Fasteners Process Table of approval NAME AUTHORING FUNCTION BERGMANN JENS ITP General Modelling Team Member CANO-RODRIGUEZ PEDROITP General Modelling Team Member JESUS DEACON RICHARD MOENTER HUBERT MONTIES MARC APPROVAL ITP General Modelling Team Member ITP General Modelling Team Member ITP General Modelling Team Leader CoC Structure . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2005.EYDA Industrial System .A.S. User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.ESD CoE Cabin & Cargo Customisation . Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.TM DMU/Continuous Improvement .BCRD1 Quality Representative .BCED CoC System and Integration Tests . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Page 50 of 50 .CATIA V5 Assembly Rules CATIA V5/PRIMES AM5012 Module 1 Issue : A Record of Revisions ISSUE DATE EFFECT ON PAGE PARA REASONS FOR REVISION A Nov 2005 Initial issue.A.France e-mail: airbus.S. This document and its content shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is This document and all information contained herein is the sole property of AIRBUS S. They are based on the mentioned assumptions and are expressed in good faith.31707 Blagnac CEDEX . 2005. will be pleased to explain the basis thereof.S.documentation-office@airbus. Where the supporting grounds for these statements are not shown. No intellectual property rights are granted by the delivery of this document or the disclosure of its content.A. The statements made herein do not constitute an offer.A. AIRBUS S.A.S. please contact the Owner on page 1 For general queries or information contact: Airbus Documentation Office address: Airbus . User_Manual_FM0400730_V1.2 Printed Copies are not controlled. © AIRBUS S. If you have a query concerning the implementation or updating of this document. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. This document shall not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party without the express written consent of AIRBUS S. Confirm this is the latest issue available through the Portal.S.


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