Carrie - Libretto New(1)
LIBRETTO-VOCAL! NOT FOR SALE PROPERTY OF 601 West 26th Street • Suite 312 • New York, NY 10001 Tel 800/400.8160 or 212/564.4000 • Fax 212/268.1245 ______________________________________________ IMPORTANT WARNING! DO NOT affix inserts into this material by any means whatsoever including staples, tape, paste or glue. Make marks lightly in black pencil only and erase thoroughly before returning. Charges will be assessed for all unerased, damaged, missing and overdue material per the signed License Agreement relating to this rental material. 9/24/2012 BOOK BY LAWRENCE D. COHEN MUSIC BY MICHAEL GORE LYRICS BY DEAN PITCHFORD BASED ON THE NOVEL BY STEPHEN KING ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 601 West 26th Street • Suite 312 • New York, NY 10001 Tel 800/400.8160 or 212/564.4000 • Fax 212/268.1245 This Libretto-Vocal Edition of CARRIE © 2012 by Lawrence D. Cohen, Michael Gore and lecturing. public reading. adapting.9/24/2012. (R&H. including mechanical or electronic. copying (including photocopying). or any portion of this material without the prior written consent of the copyright owners is an infringement of copyright thereby entitling the copyright owners to injunctive and other relief to the full extent of the law. recitation. International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. Any performance. inserting or storing in a retrieval system. audio recording. videotape. including performance of any kind or nature by professionals or amateurs. arranging. All rights.Dean Pitchford. cable television. COPYRIGHT WARNING Professionals and amateurs are hereby advised that this material is fully protected by copyright in the United States of America and throughout the world. motion pictures and rights of translation into foreign languages are strictly reserved. transmitting in any forms or by any means whatsoever.RS) . radio or television broadcast. Stephens) FRIEDA NORMA HELEN GEORGE STOKES FREDDY OTHER KIDS (for casts larger than 14) . STEPHENS REVEREND BLISS (can be played by the same actor as Mr.CAST OF CHARACTERS CARRIE WHITE MARGARET WHITE SUE SNELL TOMMY ROSS CHRIS HARGENSEN BILLY NOLAN MISS GARDNER MR. . ................... Sue Scene 9: Soccer Field/Girls’ Locker Room UNSUSPECTING HEARTS .. Carrie Scene 3A: Interrogation Space Scene 4: Town Park Scene 5: White Bungalow Living Room OPEN YOUR HEART . The present.................................. Sue.......................................................................................... Chris................... Carrie & Margaret Scene 8: Fourth Period English Class DREAMER IN DISGUISE ........................................................... Carrie & Margaret ............ Billy & Kids Scene 11: Library Stacks Scene 12: Principal’s Office Scene 13: White Bungalow Front Porch Scene 14: White Bungalow Dining Room I REMEMBER HOW THOSE BOYS COULD DANCE ............................... Billy................................................................ Chris........................................................................................................................................................................................................ Tommy & Kids Scene 7: White Bungalow/A Street in Town EVENING PRAYERS ......... a small town in Western Maine. Carrie & Choir AND EVE WAS WEAK........ Reverend Bliss......... Margaret & Carrie Scene 6: Interrogation Space/Chris’ House THE WORLD ACCORDING TO CHRIS....... ACT I Prologue: Interrogation Space Scene 1: Chamberlain High School IN ............................................................................................................................................. Margaret.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tommy ONCE YOU SEE .......... Carrie Scene 3: Streets of Chamberlain/Carrie’s Private World CARRIE (continued) .................................................. Sue..... Miss Gardner & Carrie Scene 10: School Library...............MUSICAL SYNOPSIS Chamberlain.. Kids Scene 2: Girls’ Locker Room/Guidance Counselor’s Office CARRIE ............... Tommy.................................................................................. Other Locales DO ME A FAVOR ....................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Carrie STAY HERE INSTEAD .................................................................. Sue......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Sue & Ensemble ...... Carrie & Miss Gardner DREAMER IN DISGUISE (REPRISE) .............................................................. Tommy & Kids ALMA MATER ......................................... Tommy................................................ Carrie & Ensemble Scene 7: White Bungalow Living Room CARRIE (REPRISE) ..... Tommy & Sue Scene 4: Limbo/Carrie’s Bedroom WHY NOT ME? ...................................................... Margaret Scene 6: The Gym PROM ARRIVAL ................................................ Margaret & Carrie Scene 5: White Bungalow Front Porch WHEN THERE’S NO ONE ............................................................................................ Chris...................................... Billy........................... Chris & Billy Scene 2: Interrogation Space/School Hallway Scene 3: Gymnasium YOU SHINE ............................................. Kids........ Kids.................................... Tommy & Carrie PROM CLIMAX ...................................... Carrie................................................... Kids THE DESTRUCTION ......... Tommy & Carrie UNSUSPECTING HEARTS (REPRISE)................. Margaret & Carrie EPILOGUE ...........................................ACT II Scene 1: Interrogation Space/School Courtyard A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET .......... she surprises herself by also revealing a protective "fairy godmother" side. . she balances her fervent religious convictions with equally sincere true-believer spirituality and tender. His voice is that of a wailing rocker. woefully underpaid.swan. but when Carrie arouses her maternal instinct. Yet he also has unexpected. they should also very much be individuals.CAST BREAKDOWN OVERALL NOTE: with the exception of three adult actors. her voice must range from expressive and melodic to ferocious and frightening. Vocally. this girls' P. Loaded with sexual dynamite. has been the victim of her classmates' cruel jokes since childhood. and a bit overwhelmed as to how to handle the Billy Nolans of the classroom combat zone. Billy's a sexy. MARGARET WHITE: A woman of visceral extremes. Her voice is warm and strong. our cast consists of high school seniors living through the intense final weeks leading up to Senior Prom and graduation. and wickedly funny. A dedicated educator. in spite of her best efforts to belong. with whom she shares several duets.E. he’s stretched thin in his duties. she’s remarkably level headed for her age. and all the boy want to be. teacher can be a strict disciplinarian if necessary. SUE SNELL: a straight-A student who's been popular her entire life. valedictorian. Her voice is pop-rock percussive and powerful. Norma is second-in-command to Chris' queen bee. Her unthinking participation in a cruel act of bullying causes a crisis of conscience that leads her on a journey to try to right things. he's the boy that all the girls want to be with. quirky sensitivity and is just starting to mine his personal life and feelings –.and then vengeful -. STEPHENS: Late-30s. she has serious daddy-and-anger-management issues. CHRIS HARGENSEN: Rich.a budding poet. and all around stand-out. Chris is a popular beauty whose arrogant self-assurance makes her believe that the rules don’t apply to her. TOMMY ROSS: Popular star athlete. Vocally. MR. she must be capable of lyrical sweetness as well as fierce power. just like the woman. Sue's brainy pal. MISS GARDNER: Mid-30s. FRIEDA. Like Carrie. gossipy and a shameless suck-up to authority. as well as her mother's strict. Notwithstanding that these kids are all highly iconic figures in the adolescent landscape. BILLY NOLAN: Now in his sixth year in high school. she's an easy-going. All these qualities make it easy for his girlfriend Chris to manipulate him to do her bidding. spoiled-rotten. stupid-like-a-fox bad boy whose wise mouth troublemaking has led him to spend more time in detention than in the classroom. this well-intentioned English teacher and guidance counselor struggles to help his students realize their potential. NORMA: Bitchy. CARRIE WHITE: a painfully shy outsider who. biblically-ordained control at home. His voice should have an effortless pop quality. get-along follower and a tireless extracurricular committee volunteer. maternal love for Carrie. She transforms from ugly duckling into graceful -. she has a great pop ballad voice that delivers sweet sincerity and strength. HELEN: Giggly and easily shocked, her immaturity and need to belong make her the perfect example of the herd mentality. GEORGE: Tommy's jock wingman since childhood, George idolizes him. Perhaps a little too much... STOKES: A bit of a nerd, he's happy to be included as one of Tommy's posse. FREDDY: The wise-cracking class clown and official yearbook photographer, he can't believe any girl would ever give him the time of day. AUTHOR NOTES !! "#$!%&'()*(+!,-./.!)(+/0!1.2$3!4(5.,2'6/!2/!.(/+!7!"#$%"&%'()*0!+""$%"&%,"-."/89!%.2$3!/.&2'6/!2/! ,-.!&.(:!)(&.).;2:!5-(::.$3.9!<-.!4.*!=6/25(:/!,-(,!/655..)!(,!2,!7,0**!120("/3%14-0/(%'52$)/0/(8! 6/6(::+!>&',.5,!,-.=/.:;./!4&'=!&2)256:.!1+!/.,,2$3!,-.2&!/,'&2./!2$!)2/,($,!,2=./!($)!>:(5./9!62--0)! ,&2./!,'!,6&$!'&)2$(&+0!(::?,''?4(=2:2(&!-23-!/5-'':!($3/,!2$,'!,-.!/,644!'4!,&(3.)+9!<-.!/-'*!-(/! 36,/9@! A25-(&)!B'3:2$0!<CDE!DFGFBCHE!! TONE: From the moment we began writing Carrie, our intent as authors was to tell a dramatic fable about a girl whose very name has become synonymous with high school bullying. As a poster-child for cruel victimization that’s unfortunately grown to epidemic proportions, Carrie and the stage musical that bears her name deserve to be treated with respect and dignity -- her story staged and acted with emotional conviction. We were never interested in seeing our show done in a campy or kitschy style; we’ve been offered that opportunity, and have never chosen to go down that road. Treating the material seriously, however, doesn’t mean that it should be performed without humor, excitement, or fun; on the contrary, it absolutely needs these elements. Between us, we always considered Sweeney Todd -- Stephen Sondheim’s gripping, often wickedly funny musical tragedy –- one of our inspiring models. STAGING: Stephen King’s 1974 debut novel and Brian de Palma’s 1976 film both used the vocabulary of their distinct media -– the page and the screen -- to tell this tale. Our Carrie is a piece for the stage, and we strongly encourage you to imagine it –- as we have -- in theatrical terms. Unpack every bit of stagecraft at your disposal to bring it to life. With that in mind, let us share a few thoughts: THE SET, as described in the libretto, is deliberately non-naturalistic; whatever their differences, our show’s first two productions shared this perspective. The original 1988 Broadway version was set within the confines of a classic black box –- a theatrical term referring to a simple and unadorned performance space, which our designer gave a spin by painting white. The stripped-down 2012 off-Broadway production, written to frame and tell the story in Sue Snell’s mind, featured an eerie, ever-present backdrop of a burnt-out gymnasium with doors -- a versatile landscape on which a shifting mosaic of time, place and memory could be enacted. Neither production was bound by naturalism; there were no sets lumbering on and off with literal furniture. We would encourage a similarly creative and abstract approach. One additional note: from the show’s earliest days, we considered the possibility of staging the piece in a site-specific space instead of a theater –- a high school gymnasium with bleachers, for example, or perhaps an empty warehouse or old factory -- and we offer up that kind of out-of-the-box thinking for your consideration as well. SUE’S INTERROGATORS: Our approach to dramatizing Carrie, inspired by an idea in the King novel, was to tell the story from the perspective of Sue Snell, the lone survivor of the tragedy that claimed the lives of her classmates and teachers. So we’ve always imagined that the voices she hears are in her head. In this libretto, the source of the voices questioning her is deliberately unspecified. Whether they’re pre-recorded and handled as sound cues -- or coming from the shadows onstage or off –- or even from somewhere else -- that’s up to you. Combining these disembodied voices with the harsh cone of light which glares down on her (as noted in the script) will convey the unrelenting loop of haunting memories that Sue is forced to re-live. CARRIE’S POWERS: King’s story is about a girl with the gift of telekinesis (TK) –- the ability to move objects with her mind. Carrie’s power is first glimpsed following the traumatic onset of her period and her cruel hazing by the other girls -–- events that are capped by a light bulb exploding overhead in the girls’ locker room. The power surfaces a second time when Carrie, upon being taunted by Billy Nolan, unwittingly causes him to go sprawling off his skateboard. These beats build to the critical moment when Carrie, locked alone in her prayer closet, experiences a rush of emotion that causes a figurine of Jesus to levitate. It is only, however, after researching the subject of telekinesis in the library that Carrie starts to truly harness and hone her ‘gift’. All of these occurrences build to a climactic confrontation with Margaret at the end of Act I. At the height of a raging thunderstorm, Carrie consciously uses her mind to slam the windows in the house and demonstrate her newfound powers in this life-and-death battle of wills with her mother. With the help of our sound designer, we created a distinctive sound –- an eerie, hollow WHOOSH! –- which accompanied each occurrence of TK, so that Carrie’s power had an aural as well as a visual component. We recommend you do a similar exploration for your production. When these Cohen Michael Gore Dean Pitchford 2012 . It’s essential that this organic story point be executed onstage in a way that the audience accepts it and finds it satisfying. Lights? Fabric? Shadows? Projections? You get the idea….sh-k-boom. rather than simply a gratuitous display of special moments are delivered in striking. Carrie featured a cast of 27 and an orchestra of 23. But don’t overlook other possible elegant. It can stain a dress and clog a body mic. where imagination is your greatest asset.’ As authors. by all means go for it.and rewriting -. there’s no getting around it –. memorable ways. a word about CAST SIZE: On Broadway. Don’t feel obliged to use more than 14. the writing –. and we’re thrilled about having this version to send out into the world. stylized solutions to convey the dropping of the Lawrence D. imaginative. We hope you have a great time exploring this timely and timeless story. and that number –. As for stage blood. The off-Broadway production was re-scaled for a cast of 14 and a band of 7. Carrie’s horrific display of power in the Destruction will feel emotionally earned. and ultimately thrilling solution. Finally. Then challenge yourself to find a workable. If. and we can’t wait to see what you do with it! *Available at www. It also gives Billy and Tommy. it’s wet and comes with all sorts of potential challenges. but it’s worth noting that enlarging the ensemble offers the opportunity to make the school and the classrooms and the Prom feel more populated. and Chris and Sue the chance to each have more of a ‘posse. you can figure out a smart and effective way to work with liquid. however.of Carrie has been a remarkable any liquid. THE BLOOD: Perhaps the show’s most controversial element is the bucket of blood that Chris and Billy dump on Carrie as a vengeful prank at the Prom.which is reflected in this libretto and score and on the CD* -. It can make the stage difficult to navigate.seems to us the minimum number for the show to work. Always remember that this is theater. CARRIE * "Atonement is a process that never ends. not at the subconscious level where savage things grow. for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." – Stephen King."Nobody was really surprised when it happened." ! . not really." – Teddy Kennedy * "Be kinder than necessary. fire sirens. . ghostly overture of sounds grows louder and more distinct: a school bell. It’s SUE SNELL.) SUE In elementary school. haunted witness and tour guide to our story.) (A faint. please? I can’t see. It’s both realistic and abstract – a landscape of truth and memory. the shriek of a whistle. It’s Sue – Susan Snell. please. etc. FIGURES from SUE’s memory are silhouetted in shadow behind her. I was born and raised there. BLACKOUT!) (WHOOSH! A CONE OF HARSH WHITE LIGHT suddenly illuminates a lone figure in a chair. causing her to flinch and cry out as if waking from a nightmare. it emanates palpable dread. FEMALE VOICE When did you first meet Carrie White? (The FIGURES let out a collective exhale. MALE VOICE Tell us about the night of May 28 – about the occurrences that led up to the alleged event.I–1–1 ACT I 1 Prologue: Interrogation Space (We see what appear to be the burnt-out remains of a high school gymnasium. Maine. is that it?! MALE VOICE We need the truth. They culminate in a booming explosion. startling her. A MALE VOICE. cries and screams. SUE “Alleged event?” Why do you keep asking the same thing over and over? (silence) You want to catch me in a lie. State your full name. I don’t think I’d said a hundred words to her before this all began – (squinting up at the light) Could you turn that down. The site of some terrible disaster. SUE You already know my name. demands:) MALE VOICE Name. MALE VOICE And you were born in the town of…? SUE Chamberlain. 911 calls. We were in the same grade. We were kids. BLACK. TEACHER FAILURE! AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? NO! AM I STUPID? AM I HOPELESS? VIOLENCE! SILENCE! BROKEN. How many times do we have to go through this? MALE VOICE Until it makes sense… FEMALE VOICE Until we understand. BILLY & KIDS STOP GO WHO AM I? MOVE – HA! COME ON. (The FIGURES in the shadows start to move. COME IN FATHER. PREACHER.) Scene 1: Chamberlain High School KIDS EVERY DAY I JUST PRAY EVERY MOVE I MAKE IS RIGHT TOMMY & SUE WHERE I GO . MOTHER..I–1–2 SUE I’ve already told you what I know. MUSIC 1: IN …kids trying to do our best..) SUE. SUE What you need to understand is that we were just kids. USED. BRUISED WHAT ABOUT ME? WHAT ABOUT ME? I DREAM! I DROWN! I WAIT! (LIGHTS bump up as SUE joins her CLASSMATES for a day in the life. CHRIS. TOMMY. I–1–3 SUE & CHRIS WHO I KNOW SUE, TOMMY, CHRIS, BILLY & KIDS WILL I BE ALONE ON SATURDAY NIGHT? NORMA, HELEN, FREDDY & STOKES AND I WORRY FRIEDA, HELEN, GEORGE & FREDDY WHAT IF I STAND OUT ONE BIT? CHRIS, FRIEDA, BILLY & TOMMY I WORRY SUE, TOMMY, CHRIS, BILLY & KIDS WHAT CAN I POSSIBLY DO TO FIT IN? (LIGHTS return FIGURES to shadows.) HELEN, CHRIS, GEORGE, STOKES & BILLY PERFECT CLOTHES NOSE THE PERFECT… …SKIN FACE ALL ACE! (LIGHTS bump back up.) NORMA, SUE, BILLY, HELEN, GEORGE & FREDDY BOTH MY FOLKS ALL TOTAL JOKES CHRIS & BILLY ALL THEY DO IS CHEW MY ASS SUE, CHRIS, TOMMY, BILLY & KIDS BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH HELEN, FREDDY & STOKES THEY SHOULD JUST BE GLAD I MAKE IT TO CLASS SUE, NORMA, FRIEDA, FREDDY & TOMMY AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? SUE, TOMMY, CHRIS, BILLY & KIDS I–1–4 SUE, CHRIS, TOMMY, BILLY & KIDS I DON’T WORRY CHRIS & BILLY IF I BLOW MY S.A.T.s SUE, CHRIS, TOMMY, BILLY & KIDS I WORRY WHAT CAN I POSSIBLY DO TO SQUEEZE IN? POW! WHY NOT NOW? WHEN WILL I BELONG? LOOK WHERE I AM – DAMN! MY WHOLE LIFE FEELS WRONG WHAT IF I DO SNAP? HOLY CRAP! I’D CRAWL OUT OF MY SKIN AND SO WOULD YOU CUZ LIFE JUST DOESN’T BEGIN UNTIL YOU’RE IN! (The KIDS band together in CLIQUES – SUE with b.f. TOMMY ROSS; her best friend CHRIS HARGENSEN with bad-boy BILLY NOLAN – as Phys Ed teacher MISS GARDNER appears in her gym outfit, whistle around her neck.) MISS GARDNER Don’t you all have somewhere to be? BILLY (flirty and provocative) Well, there’s somewhere I’d like to be, Miss G… MISS GARDNER What are you, Mr. Nolan – twelve? (spotting TOMMY kissing SUE) Tommy Ross – watch those hands – and definitely no tongue. TOMMY Yes, ma’am. I–1–5 CHRIS (to TOMMY and SUE) Hey, you two – get a room! MISS GARDNER And you, Chris Hargensen, lose the gum before class. CHRIS Where should I put it, Miss Gardner? MISS GARDNER Anywhere you like. Just get it out of your mouth. (CARRIE, arriving late, does her best to be invisible.) Carrie White, get a move on! Gym class in two minutes! SUE, CHRIS, TOMMY, BILLY & KIDS HA AH AH AH HA AH AH AH (The GIRLS exit to change.) BOYS GOD, IT’S ROUGH STAYIN’ TOUGH WOND’RIN’ WHAT THE WORLD WILL SAY “MAKE A PLAN!” “BE A MAN!” ALL THIS FRICKIN’ BULLSHIT GETS IN THE WAY (CARRIE and the GIRLS return in their gym clothes and begin a competitive game of volleyball. CARRIE, eager to join in, finds herself excluded.) SUE, CHRIS, TOMMY, BILLY & KIDS I GO CRAZY NOBODY CARES WHAT IT DOES TO ME IT’S CRAZY I WOULD GO OUT OF MY MIND TO BE SUE, CHRIS, GARDNER & GIRLS IN SHIT! IN IS IT! WHAT COMES CLOSE TO THAT? UNTIL YOU'VE BEEN CHRIS, SUE, NORMA, GEORGE, HELEN, GARDNER, BILLY & STOKES IN TOMMY, BILLY & BOYS AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? FRIEDA, TOMMY & FREDDY AM I? AM I? I–1–6 YOU AIN'T WHERE IT’S AT CUZ WHEN YOU'RE OUT – WELL! LIFE IS HELL YOU CAN NEVER WIN THERE'S NO DOUBT THAT LIFE JUST DOESN'T BEGIN UNTIL YOU'RE – AM I? AM I? AM I? AT— AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? AM I? DOESN’T BEGIN UNTIL YOU’RE – (The ball is passed to CARRIE who fumbles and drops it. Carrie! FRIEDA Yeah. Amen. hallowed be thy name. (She heads off to shower as the KIDS re-enter. Thy kingdom come. girls! Go change up! (ALL exit. CHRIS & GIRLS AND SOMEDAY IF I DON'T STAND OUT ONE BIT SUE. thy will be done. accidentally bumping into SUE. watch where you're going! CHRIS (to CARRIE) Loser! MISS GARDNER Hit the showers.) ALL Awwwwwww… NORMA Way to go. way to blow the game! (CARRIE recoils. SOMEDAY I MAY BE NORMAL ENOUGH TO FIT IN! . on earth as it is in heaven. CHRIS.) CARRIE Our Father. Alone now.) SUE.) SUE Hey. who art in heaven. CARRIE kneels. BILLY & KIDS OH. TOMMY. her bloody hand extended.I–1–7 JEEZ! SHOOT ME. . CARRIE bolts from the SHOWER into the locker room – a ribbon of blood dripping down her leg. NORMA What’d she do now? SUE She’s hurt. PLEASE! PUT ME OUT OF MY PAIN ! AM I A MESS? YES! TOTALLY INSANE IF I AM NOT MISSED I DON'T EXIST THAT'S THE GREATEST SIN I’D RATHER BE SHOT CUZ LIFE JUST DOESN'T BEGIN DOESN'T BEGIN— DOESN'T BEGIN— DOESN'T BEGIN— DOESN'T BEGIN UNTIL YOU'RE IN! ! CARRIE (SCREAMS!!!!) (Wrapped in a towel.) NORMA What the hell? CARRIE Help me! Please help me! FRIEDA Oh my God – that’s blood! HELEN What's happened? CHRIS It’s Carrie. ) CHRIS Hey. to much laughter. period.) CHRIS (rallying the troops) Carrie’s got the cur-rse! Carrie’s got the cur-rse! CARRIE I'm bleeding! SUE Well.) CHRIS Per-iod! Per-iod! (The chant spreads as the GIRLS (SUE included) bombard CARRIE with tampons.) CHRIS. socks.. (etc. towels. SUE & 2 GIRLS Per-iod! Per-iod! Per-iod! Per-iod! (moving into) REST OF GIRLS (interweaving) Carrie! . period! (NORMA films the event on her smart phone.I–1–8 CARRIE (reaching out to CHRIS) I'm bleeding! CHRIS Yuck – get away from me! CARRIE (frantically running to SUE) I'm dying – ! SUE (laughs – exasperated and revulsed) For God’s sake. everybody – Carrie’s got her period! Period! Period! CHRIS & GIRLS Period! Period! Goddamn retard! Dumb bitch.. CHRIS hurls more.? (HELEN mimes throwing-up.) (in unison) Period. clean yourself up! (She grabs a tampon and throws it at her. Carrie – you've just got your period! CARRIE What. etc. SUE I think this must be the first time she’s ever had her period. Carrie – you're going to be all right. my God. My stomach… MISS GARDNER Stand up and take care of yourself. CARRIE! (MISS GARDNER rushes in.I–1–9 Plug it up! Plug it up! Plug it up! Carrie! …. an overhead LIGHT suddenly explodes! [FLEX SOUND] The GIRLS scream. you don't know? (arms around her) You’re okay.) CHRIS Shit! Didja see that?! SUE Oh.) GARDNER What the hell's going on? GIRLS Carrie! Carrie! CARRIE! (As they close in. I'm sorry. CARRIE backs up.) Carrie? Hey. GARDNER yanks SUE back. incredulous) Oh. I didn’t know.) CARRIE Stop! (At that moment.) MISS GARDNER What are you doing? (SUE stops in mid-laugh – the spell broken. howling and flailing. MISS GARDNER (to CARRIE. what’s going on? CARRIE It … hurts. HELEN You have got to be kidding… . my God! (As they laugh in nervous release. who does she think she is. going off on me like that? CHRIS (imitating GARDNER) “Sue.. I wasn’t the only one. it's just Carrie. what’s gotten into you? SUE Oh. anyway? It's not like this was all my fault.) CHRIS (to SUE) Can you stand it? She never knew – MISS GARDNER Chris! SUE But Chris is right.. MISS GARDNER Sue. . the GIRLS begin to disperse. Miss Gardner. c’mon.I – 2 – 10 NORMA Talk about clueless… MISS GARDNER All right – show’s over! Clean up this mess and get to class! (As she sends CARRIE off. shame on you! What's gotten into you…?” (unable to resist the dig) …besides Tommy Ross’ tongue! SUE (laughing) Stop it! (still smarting. MISS GARDNER Shame on you! (With a glance up at the remains of the shattered LIGHT. though) I mean.) MUSIC 2: SHOWER AFTERMATH (UNDERSCORE) Scene 2: Girls’ Locker Room/Guidance Counselor’s Office SUE (stung by GARDNER's disapproval) Do you believe her. she shakes her head at its bizarre occurrence and exits. (SUE eyes CARRIE passing by. my God. head down and miserable. At least I don’t think so. STEPHENS It's hard to believe any girl today could still be ignorant of the facts of life.) SUE Oh. details…Oh. she didn’t seem to know what I was talking about. anyway? SUE She’s not a lesbian. always ranting how everybody's going straight to hell – except her and her precious little Car-rie. STEPHENS:) MR. Is she? CHRIS Who cares? Details. MISS GARDNER That’s just it: when I tried to explain it to Carrie. SHORT AND HAIRY ALL HER FRIENDS ARE (bumping hips) (UH!) IMAGINARY! . (CRISSCROSS between the two conversations.) CHRIS And that mother of hers.I – 2 – 11 CHRIS Screw her. She’s not. what are the odds? MISS GARDNER You’d have thought her mother would have told her. MR. STEPHENS I mean. my God – (showing SUE her smart phone) Norma’s already posted about it! (In another space. Who gives a damn what some lezzie gym teacher thinks. remember that time in third grade when she got down on her knees in the cafeteria? CHRIS Prayin’ – with that bible! SUE And that dress! Remember? (a sing-song chant) PRAYIN’ CARRIE SUE & CHRIS UGLY. MISS GARDNER updates guidance counselor and English teacher MR. CHRIS And that light bulb: did you love it? (As CARRIE. head down.) SUE Her mother should have told her.) MUSIC 3: CARRIE MISS GARDNER Carrie. MR. MR.I – 2 – 12 (They howl at the childhood memory. Party at my house tonight! (CARRIE reaches MR. . STEPHENS No surprise there. Lynn. MISS GARDNER But even Sue Snell was doing it. but Sue… MISS GARDNER All the girls were doing it. STEPHENS I'd expect a stunt like this from Chris. Oh.) MISS GARDNER As usual. like daughter! SUE Shh – she'll hear you! CHRIS You care too much what people think. Chris Hargensen was the ringleader. Read them the riot act. STEPHENS We’re all terribly sorry about this. you'll have to take care of it. go home and rest for the remainder of the day. CHRIS (catcalls CARRIE) Like mother. CHRIS yells:) Pow! (SUE sees CARRIE flinch. I almost forgot – my folks are away. STEPHENS Well. STEPHENS and MISS GARDNER. Carrie. passes by. MR. MR. .) ! DOESN’T ANYBODY EVER GET IT RIGHT? CARRIE! WHY DON’T THEY REMEMBER I AM CARRIE WHITE? CARRIE! IS THAT ANY HARDER TO SAY THAN GODDAMN TOAD AND SPASTIC AND WEIRDO AND DUMB BITCH? ! DOESN’T ANYBODY THINK THAT I CAN HEAR? I HEAR! ’SPECIALLY WHEN I GOT ’EM SCREAMING IN MY EAR I HEAR EVERY DAY THEY MOCK ME AND PUSH ME AROUND ’TIL I DROP IF I HAD A WISH. Take study hall instead. the cacophony of real and imagined insults she's endured build in her mind until she explodes. SCARY WHITE! SCARY WHITE! (As the KIDS encircle CARRIE in shadows. CHRIS You know what Norma calls her? Scary White! I just call her dumb bitch! CHRIS (CONT'D) Scary White! Do you love it! KIDS Scary White..) CARRIE THAT'S NOT MY NAME! (LIGHTS change.Scary White. HOW THEY HURT ME! MOMMA SAYS SUFF’RING IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL BUT THEY HURT ME! AND IF I COULD I’D BRING THEM ALL DOWN TO THEIR KNEES I’D MAKE THEM SORRY FOREVER FOR TEASING . GOD.I – 2 – 13 MISS GARDNER Skip gym this week... I WISH THEY’D STOP! CARRIE (CONT'D) WHEN WILL THEY…? I WISH THEY'D…! WHEN WILL THEY…? WHEN WILL THEY…? WHEN WILL THEY…? KIDS Scary White… Scary White… CARRIE (CONT'D) SOMETIMES THEIR HATRED IS OUT OF CONTROL GOD. IT'S CARRIE!’ . AND THEY MIGHT EVEN SAY: ‘LOOK. WILL I STILL BE CARRIE? OR WHAT IF I AM SOMEBODY NEW? IMAGINE THE THINGS I MIGHT DO I MIGHT TAKE A CHANCE I’VE ALWAYS WONDERED HOW MAYBE I’LL DANCE AND TRY HARD TO LAUGH MORE THAN I DO NOW AND THE WORLD WILL OPEN ITS EYES AND FOR ONCE THE WHOLE WORLD WILL RECOGNIZE CARRIE! THEN ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO SCREAM NIGHT AND DAY: ‘POOR. she winces and clutches her stomach. PRAYIN’ CARRIE!’ THEY’D SEE THE NEW ME.) ! WHAT'S GOING ON DEEP IN ME? ALL OF THESE FEELINGS SUDDENLY IF I AM CHANGING.) Scene 3: Streets of Chamberlain/Carrie’s Private World (CARRIE's journey takes her through this small town.) CARRIE (CONT'D) I WILL NOT CRY I’M OKAY I TRY SO HARD TO PLAY THEIR WAY WHY DO THEY FIND IT SO HARD TO SAY ‘CARRIE?’ WHY DO THEY ALWAYS TREAT ME SO BAD? THEY ALL KNOW MY NAME IT'S CARRIE I DON'T KNOW WHY THEY ALL GET SO MAD IT'S ALWAYS THE SAME (Stricken by a cramp.I – 3 – 14 CARRIE CARRIE CARRIE. (The FIGURES recede. as well as through the shifting moods and colors of her own inner life. but he was good at whatever he did. MALE VOICE Surely. gangly brain STOKES.I – 4 – 15 AND FINALLY I'D HEAR THAT WORD SOUNDING SO SWEET THOUSANDS OF VOICES FOREVER REPEATING: ‘CARRIE!’ ‘CARRIE!’ ‘CARRIE!’ I AM THE SOUND OF DISTANT THUNDER THE COLOR OF FLAME ! I’M CARRIE I AM A SONG OF ENDLESS WONDER THAT NO ONE WILL CLAIM BUT SOMEDAY OH. and class comic FREDDY. Sue – (gentler. there’s something. tossing a ball around with best bud and wingman GEORGE.) . On or off the field.) MALE VOICE What exactly was Tommy Ross’ involvement in all this? SUE Forget it! I’m not going there.. cajoling) Tell us. Scene 4: Town Park (TOMMY enters. FEMALE VOICE Please. MY! SOMEDAY SOMEONE WILL KNOW MY NAME! Scene 3A: Interrogation Space (WHOOSH! That CONE OF WHITE LIGHT finds SUE again. He… he was my – (searching for the word) – Tommy. SUE (struggling to get her emotions in check) He… he was an amazing athlete.. right. baby. suckers! Beep-beep – coming through! TOMMY Jesus. GEORGE Shut up.) Well. you’re gonna look great! (seeing the others react) What? Girls eat that shit up. GEORGE Dude. (Ignoring him. that! TOMMY You're such an asshole. you wait much longer. if it ain’t Prayin’ Carrie! (circling her on skateboard) Wonder who’s taking her to the Prom…her mother? TOMMY Leave her alone. (BILLY zooms in on a skateboard.. Billy. Ross! Hey. STOKES Anyway… You invited Sue yet? TOMMY Tonight. you psyched about Prom? TOMMY Yeah. Tom-my! (etc. I've sort of been waiting for the right moment..) BILLY Hey.) FREDDY Yo. which only encourages BILLY. BILLY fiddles with CARRIE’s long skirt. You ever seen me in a tux? I look like a freakin’ penguin. Billy – watch it! BILLY So what are you girls up to? (CARRIE passes by. Tommy. Prom’s gonna be over. STOKES & GEORGE Heads-up.I – 4 – 16 FREDDY.) . I bet you're a real hottie under all .) BILLY Yo. Ross. (CARRIE cowers. narrowly missing TOMMY. and he goes sprawling. fellow travelers in the darkness – welcome. huh? The goddamn bitch tripped me! (Angry and embarrassed. church-girl. and fear no more! This is the Reverend Matthew Bliss. TOMMY Don’t pay any attention to those clowns.I – 5 – 17 BILLY C’mon. Nolan! STOKES How’s your pussy. you all right? (She nods shyly.. she dares to look up after him.) REVEREND BLISS Welcome. princess? (BILLY jumps up and shoves STOKES.) GEORGE Hey. leave the freak.. bringing you the true Gospel of the Lord across the land.a CHURCH CHOIR and radio pastor MATTHEW BLISS. His skateboard flies out from under him. Tommy – you coming or what? STOKES Yeah. CHOIR OOH – OOH – OOH – OOH – OPEN YOUR HEART LET JESUS IN . I'll make you see God! (She glares at him [FLEX SOUND]. and let’s go.) TOMMY (to CARRIE) Hey.) BILLY What’re you laughing at. MUSIC 4: OPEN YOUR HEART (As he exits. LIGHTS fade as the scene shifts and we hear. dance with me. They’re just messing around.) Oof! What the hell? GEORGE Good one. coming to you across the blessed airwaves of W-O-R-D radio. he storms off. The BOYS snicker. as through a radio…) Scene 5: The White Bungalow Living Room (. ) CHOIR OPEN YOUR HEART LET JESUS IN MARGARET. MARGARET Ah.) MARGARET & CARRIE LORD. I WILL SEE CHOIRS OF SAINTS AND ANGELS SINGING FIN’LLY FREE FROM TEMPTATION AND THE FLAMES OF HELL’S DEVASTATION THEN HE WILL TAKE ME AND WASH ME IN THE RIVER I WILL MAKE CELEBRATION IN THE JOY OF FINAL THE LIGHT OF FINAL THE FIRE OF FINAL SALVATION! (CARRIE and MARGARET embrace. A-WANDERIN’ IN THE DARKNESS LIGHT MY WAY WITH YOUR TRUE FAITH AND I’LL SING WITH JOY OF MY NEW FAITH MARGARET JESUS.) REVEREND BLISS & CHOIR OOH – OOH… OOH – OH – AHH – JOY FINALLY FINAL SALVATION! . MARGARET sings along as she works. REV. REV. BLISS & CHOIR OOH… OOH… (CARRIE enters. POSSESS ME SWEET SAVIOUR BE MY SHEPHERD REVEREND BLISS & CHOIR OOH – OOH – MARGARET. the radio reality is transformed by MARGARET’s heightened true-believer rapture.I – 5 – 18 (At her sewing table. REV.) CARRIE Hello. As the music swells. Momma. BLISS & CHOIR BLESS EACH ENDEAVOR MARGARET ’TIL I FINALLY JOIN YOU FOREVER. Carrie – there’s my sweet girl! (She extends a hand and CARRIE reluctantly joins her. BLISS & CHOIR LORD YOU HAVE FOUND ME. isn’t she? CARRIE Momma. please – something happened at school today. Something terrible. MARGARET I love you. listen – MARGARET Anyway. please. Heaven knows. but the other girls – MARGARET You’re not like the other girls. go wash your hands. MARGARET I’ve heard all I want to hear.I – 5 – 19 CHOIR OPEN YOUR HEART LET JESUS IN… CARRIE I love you.) CARRIE Momma? MARGARET Just as the laundry was about to close. Carrie – you’re special. Carrie. MARGARET Terrible things are the Lord’s way of testing us. Eleanor Snell brought in some last-minute alterations. CARRIE I know. Carrie. CARRIE You’re not listening to me. we can use the extra money. I have a lot of work to finish. CARRIE Momma. I never thought so. Now go set the table. CARRIE But I am. . Momma. so I’ll be up all night trying to get it all done. Eleanor said she’d pay double. Momma. Special. Now. I think the Snells are having a graduation party for Sue. Momma – I am. but – MARGARET You’re not. She’s in your class. and set the table for dinner. OOH – CHOIR OOH – CHOIR (She turns off the radio and busies herself with a pile of clothing. (She takes a Bible from a drawer..) CARRIE (CONT’D) Momma. It’s a sin. you’re frightening me.I – 5 – 20 CARRIE Momma. MARGARET Bow your head and pray. and I was so scared.) CARRIE Momma. and the other girls. it is forbidden. CARRIE I started to bleed! MUSIC 5: AND EVE WAS WEAK (MARGARET takes in this news: her worst fear actualized.. . they laughed at me and called me names. I started to bleed. MARGARET And as such. but – MARGARET What have I told you? CARRIE Sin.. woman. (seeing her mother’s face) Momma. CARRIE But Momma – MARGARET Forbidden. why are you looking at me like that? MARGARET (whispers) The Curse of Blood. in the shower – MARGARET What have I told you about showering with the other girls? CARRIE I know. ) CARRIE You should have told me! (MARGARET uses the Bible to force CARRIE to her knees. MOMMA. Pray to heaven for your wicked soul! MARGARET (CONT’D) THE RAVEN CAME TO PLAGUE THE WORLD. ITS NAME WAS SIN – Begin! CARRIE Momma.” Say it.” CARRIE Momma. woman! MARGARET (CONT’D) AND GOD MADE EVE FROM ADAM’S RIB AND EVE WAS WEAK AND EVE WAS WEAK AND EVE WAS WEAK AND GOD MADE EVE TO BEAR THE CURSE: THE CURSE OF BLOOD THE CURSE OF BLOOD THE CURSE OF BLOOD (CARRIE breaks free of her grip. how could I know? Why didn’t you tell me? It’s not a curse! Miss Gardner said it’s something all girls go through! ! CARRIE IT’S NOT A SIN OH. it wasn’t my fault! MARGARET “And the raven was called Sin. IT’S NOT A SIN I DON’T UNDERSTAND NO! WHAT HAVE I DONE? AND LUST WAS HOW THE SIN BEGAN THE SIN WAS MAN WELL. And Eve was weak and loosed the raven on the world.) MARGARET You’re a woman now. and the Curse was the Curse of Blood. ITS NAME WAS SIN.I – 5 – 21 (reading from the Bible) “And God made Eve from the rib of Adam. UNDERSTAND! THE SIN WAS MAN MARGARET (CONT’D) GOD HAS SEEN YOUR SINNING JUST BEGINNING PRAY FOR YOUR SALVATION FROM DAMNATION PRAY OR HE WILL BURN YOU! HE WILL BURN YOU! . ITS NAME WAS SIN. So God visited Eve with a Curse. HOW COULD I KNOW? AND YOU’RE HEADED FOR HELL I WON’T LET YOU GO! MOMMA. STOP! . WHAT IS THIS SEED? DON’T YOU CARE THAT I STARTED TO BLEED? MARGARET (CONT’D) CARRIE (CONT’D) PLEASE. STOP THAT’S BURNING! STOP! IT’S BURNING! MOMMA NO! NO! PLEASE! MOMMA. LET ME GO! (MARGARET drags a desperate and resisting CARRIE across the room and flings open the door to a small.) MARGARET (CONT’D) HEAVEN HATES A SINNER HATES A SINNER! SAVE YOUR SOUL FROM BURNING GOD.I – 5 – 22 MARGARET (CONT’D) THE SEED CONVEYS THE POWER AND IT’S COME AGAIN IT’S COME AGAIN IT’S COME AGAIN UNTIL THE SEED IS CRUSHED THE POWER NEVER ENDS IT NEVER ENDS IT NEVER ENDS CARRIE MOMMA. MOMMA. eerily lit PRAYER CLOSET. GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES SATAN’S STAKING HIS CLAIM ’CAUSE YOUR SOUL IS A HOLE OF DISEASE I CAN SEE YOU INSIDE CARRIE MOMMA. FULL OF PRIDE THOSE ARE LIES. DON’T HURT ME PLEASE DON’T HURT ME DON’T BELIEVE WITH YOUR EYES FULL OF SIN. I WAS SO SCARED AND THEY ALL STARED! THEN I STARTED CRYING I THOUGHT I WAS DYING! MOMMA! MARGARET HAVE YOU NO SENSE OF SHAME? PRAY FOR MERCY. LIES THAT’S HOW LUCIFER FELL MOMMA. SHE’S BURNING! PRAY OR HE WILL BURN YOU! HE WILL BURN YOU! CARRIE (CONT’D) I’M NOT A SINNER MOMMA. the CONE OF WHITE LIGHT bumps up on SUE. We were the two most popular girls – everyone just assumed we’d be friends forever.) Let’s celebrate! I’ve got some great news! SUE What’s up? CHRIS It looks like we’ll be going to college together after all! . LORD. (The tableau behind her breaks. Suze! (SUE turns to see CHRIS approaching with a bottle of champagne. CHRIS and the KIDS lounge and horse around at an impromptu party.) (WHOOSH! DS.) MARGARET (CONT’D) AND GOD MADE EVE FROM ADAM’S RIB AND EVE WAS WEAK AND EVE WAS WEAK AND I WAS WEAK I PRAYED THIS DAY WOULD NEVER COME I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN NOW I’M ALONE AND SO AFRAID OH.) CHRIS Suze – hey. I’VE SEEN THIS POWER BEFORE THE FLESH IS WEAK AND I IMPLORE: FATHER. Our mothers had grown up together and were still incredibly close. TAKE HER CLEANSE AND PURIFY HER WITH THE FIRE AND THE POWER AND THE GLORY FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AMEN! Scene 6: Interrogation Space/Chris’ House (US in shadow.I – 6 – 23 (She thrusts CARRIE into the CLOSET and locks the door. DON’T FORSAKE HER FATHER.) SUE Chris and I were best friends. having her very first period! BILLY Gross! In the shower? (GIRLS join in laughing as NORMA zombie-mocks CARRIE. What do you see in him? CHRIS Easy – he totally freaks out my old man. guys. without a beat) Man.) SUE (sotto voce to CHRIS) No offense. (to the KIDS) So. Seventeen-freaking-years-old. I’m starved. Billy! Bill-ee! (She opens her arms and puckers up for a kiss. Daddy’s already offered to buy me a new car if I promise to stop seeing him. Is that perfect or what? (BILLY arrives waving a bag of weed.) .) BILLY Party’s here. my God! BILLY What happened? CHRIS Carrie White happened. so we can be roomies. and this stupid spazz just stands there.I – 6 – 24 SUE But I thought Brown turned you down.) BILLY (then. Daddy pulled a few strings. CHRIS Yeah. (with a grin) I’m holding out for a Beemer. What’d’ya got to eat? (He saunters off to join the other KIDS. well. did you guys believe that stunt in the showers today? NORMA Oh. and now I’m in. He crosses to her and obliges. bitches! CHRIS Hey. but you – you could have anyone. OH. (the KIDS stop laughing) Sue’s right.I – 6 – 25 NORMA “I'm dy-ing! I'm dy-ing!” CHRIS The blood was dripping down her leg like – like. CHRIS Guys. AND SOME GOT SQUAT THAT’S THE TRUTH. And our nobody is Carrie.) BILLY Hey – I’m eating here! CHRIS Standing there squealing like a stuck pig. I'm on the rag!” (BILLY. It’s not funny. there’s always a runt in every litter – a nobody. (a beat) It’s hilarious! MUSIC 6: THE WORLD ACCORDING TO CHRIS (to SUE) Oh. (sings) GUESS WHAT? EVERY SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN SAME PLOT! EVERYONE’S BEEN DUMPING ON THEIR FELLOW MAN POUNDING PEOPLE THEY FEEL BETTER THAN ! I HOPE YOU’RE TAKING NOTES CUZ YOU FEEL EVERYONE DESERVES A SHOT GET REAL! SOME OF US HAVE GOT IT. HONEY. “Yo. mom. disgusted. munching on a bag of chips. stops. sweetie. SUE Chris! Enough already! It’s not funny. wait. GIRL. LIKE IT OR NOT I HATE TO BREAK IT TO YOU ! MY DADDY TAUGHT ME YOU GET NOWHERE BEING NICE SO NOW I’M SHARING HIS ADVICE THE WORLD ACCORDING TO CHRIS IS . you’ve been in high school. what does it cost to be kind? CHRIS “What does it cost to be kind?” Ewww. OH. THERE WAS THIS GOOD-LOOKIN’ GUY SO QUEER! AND. EV’RY ONE OF THEM CAN KISS MY ASS CHRIS (to SUE with a shrug) YOU WONDER WHY I LOVE HIM? BILLY ONE YEAR. OH. What have you done with my best friend? Billy. like what – seven years? (He offers up six fingers. OH OO YEAH YEAH YEAH Unh! GEORGE & STOKES . THOSE LOSERS PASS HEY. HE HAD A WAND’RING EYE ONE DAY HE LOOKS AT ME AND BILLY (punch!) BYE-BYE! CHRIS I BET HE GOT THE MESSAGE CHRIS & BILLY (to SUE and TOMMY) WE’RE HERE TO TELL YOU HOW THIS WHOLE DAMN FREAK SHOW WORKS IF YOU DON’T LISTEN THEN YOU’RE JERKS! KIDS OH. I mean. ON TOP OF THAT. OH.I – 6 – 26 BETTER TO STRIKE THAN GET STRUCK BETTER TO SCREW THAN GET SCREWED YOU’D PROBABLY THINK IT’S BIZARRE BUT THAT’S THE WAY THINGS ARE SUE But that doesn’t mean it has to be that way. OH. or am I right? BILLY Trust me – ! I SWEAR THERE’S A DICK IN EV’RY CLASS NOT FAIR! EACH AND EV’RY TIME I FAIL.) So tell me: am I right. OH. ) SUE Do you believe her? TOMMY C’mon. she’s just being Chris. YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS JUST A JOKE GOT OUT OF HAND WE KEPT ON SCREAMIN’ TIL SHE HIT THE FLOOR TOMMY Everybody was doing it. you weren’t there. We were hurting Carrie. BILLY & KIDS HAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH HAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH (SUE pulls TOMMY aside. SUE No. SUE TOMMY.) CHRIS.I – 6 – 27 CHRIS. It was awful. c’mon! . TOO! WHAT CAME OVER ME WAS SOMETHING NEW I DID THINGS I’VE NEVER DONE BEFORE CHRIS (calling from the group) Suze. BILLY & KIDS (NO SUE OR TOMMY) THE WORLD ACCORDING TO CHRIS IS BETTER TO PUNCH THAN GET PUNCHED BETTER TO BURN THAN GET BURNED LEARN THAT AND YOU’RE GONNA GO FAR CUZ THAT’S THE WAY THINGS ARE CHRIS HAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH HAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH (She leads the crowd in dance. TOMMY I’m sure it wasn’t that bad. SUE HEY! I WAS IN THERE. that’s genius! CHRIS (crossing to her) OOH. SUE! DON’T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF YOU CAN TELL ME TO KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT BUT WANNA KNOW WHAT I’D ADVISE? SUE What? TOMMY (shrugs) APOLOGIZE SUE “Apologize”! Tommy. BILLY & KIDS (to SUE) THE WORLD ACCORDING TO CHRIS CHRIS SUE You’re joking. right? You can’t possibly mean all this. BILLY & KIDS BOO HOO! SO WE CLOBBERED CARRIE. AND THAT’S TOO DAMN BAD CHRIS THIS IS WHY YOU GOTTA LOVE MY DAD BILLY & KIDS HE’S GOT THE RIGHT IDEA CHRIS MY DADDY TAUGHT ME WHO’S ON TOP AND WHO’S BELOW AND NOW IT’S TIME I LET YOU KNOW CHRIS.I – 6 – 28 SUE AND NOW I WISH THERE’S SOMETHING I COULD DO OR SAY I’VE NEVER EVER FELT THIS WAY TOMMY LOOK. SUE! I CAN TELL YOU’RE FEELING SAD CHRIS. BILLY & KIDS OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH WHO’S BELOW . I – 6 – 29 CHRIS Why are you being such a buzzkill? SUE Chris.) CHRIS (unexpectedly vulnerable) THE WORLD ACCORDING TO CHRIS IS BETTER TO WHIP THAN GET WHIPPED EVEN IF SOMEBODY BLEEDS PLEASE! NOBODY DIES FROM A SCAR AND THAT’S THE WAY THINGS ARE (LIGHTS fade. MUSIC segues.) BILLY THE WORLD ACCORDING TO CHRIS THE WORLD ACCORDING TO CHRIS THE WORLD ACCORDING TO CHRIS THE WORLD ACCORDING TO CHRIS .) KIDS HAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH HAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH HAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH BILLY Let’s party. (She exits with TOMMY. NORMA STOKES & GEORGE ACCORDING TO CHRIS HER WORLD ACCORDING TO CHRIS HER WORLD HER WORLD FREDDY & HELEN HA NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH HAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH HAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH HAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH KIDS HER WORLD (…leaving CHRIS alone onstage. people! (Stoking the group’s frenzy as he leads them off) FRIEDA. grow up. and watch the sun come up together – just the two of us? SUE (staring at him in wonder) How do you do that? . SHE’S ONLY A CHILD BUT THE WOMAN IS WAKING INSIDE HER SHE WILL BE LOST IF HER PASSION RUNS WILD SO I CAN’T LET HER STUMBLE AND FALL AS YOU HELPED YOUR CHILD DIVINE GIVE ME THE STRENGTH TO HELP MINE (FADE on them and reveal TOMMY walking SUE home.) SUE I feel sick about what happened with Carrie.) MARGARET FATHER ALMIGHTY. TOMMY I’m telling you. you and me drive out to the beach. I mean.I – 7 – 30 Scene 7: White Bungalow/A Street in Town MUSIC 7: EVENING PRAYERS (CARRIE prays in her tiny closet full of religious icons. SUE I don’t think so. MEEK AND MILD WHAT DO YOU DO WITH MY PRAYERS? IF YOU HEAR ME WHY DO I FEEL THAT NO ONE CARES? (MARGARET prays in a separate space.) CARRIE JESUS WATCHES FROM THE WALL BUT HIS FACE IS COLD AS STONE IF HE LOVES ME WHY DO I FEEL SO ALL ALONE? BABY SAVIOUR. this whole thing will blow over. what if instead of going to all those parties after Prom. what is going on with everybody? TOMMY Hey-hey-hey – shh… (beat) Listen. CARRIE Yes. MARGARET You must forget what happened today. CARRIE Yes.) MARGARET You can go to bed now. CARRIE Yes. CARRIE watches. CARRIE Yes. .) CARRIE MOMMA SEES INSIDE MY SOUL BUT HER FACE IS COLD AS STONE IF SHE LOVES ME WHY DO I FEEL SO ALL ALONE? SO ALONE THERE’S A MOVEMENT IN MY HEAD SAINTS AND ANGELS. Momma.I – 7 – 31 TOMMY What? SUE Make everything better? (LIGHTS fade on their embrace and come up on CARRIE. a figurine of Jesus levitates before her eyes. Momma. Momma. WHAT CAN IT BE? IT’S GROWING IT’S STIRRING IT’S CHURNING! SHIFTING! BENDING! (As her emotions intensify. [FLEX SOUND]. she hurriedly replaces the figurine just as the door opens.) CARRIE (CONT’D) What’s happening to me? (Hearing MARGARET unbolt the lock. awestruck – only for it to drop back into her hands. MARGARET God will protect you. MARGARET God will forgive us. Momma. but is stopped by:) MARGARET I NEVER WANTED TO CAUSE YOU SUCH PAIN BUT THERE ARE TIMES WHEN MY LIFE IS SO FRIGHT’NING MAYBE I DO THINGS THAT I CAN’T EXPLAIN BUT MY FEELINGS FOR YOU NEVER CHANGE YOU ARE STILL MY PRECIOUS ONE CAN YOU FORGIVE WHAT I’VE DONE? CARRIE MOMMA. If I die before I wake Pray the Lord my soul to take. CARRIE Now I lay me down to sleep. Say your prayers.I – 7 – 32 MARGARET It’s getting late. (CARRIE heads off to bed. I KNOW THAT YOU DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO I WANT TO DRY ALL YOUR TEARS SO YOU’LL SEE THAT I’M SORRY FOR LETTING YOU DOWN WON’T YOU BLESS ME NOW? CAN YOU LOOK INSIDE YOUR HEART? SHOW ME THE MERCY THAT YOU’VE ALWAYS SHOWN WE HAVE NO ONE EXCEPT EACH OTHER I’M SO AFRAID THAT YOU’LL LEAVE ME ALONE AND I’D DIE IF YOU PUSHED ME AWAY PROMISE ME YOU’LL BE HERE YOU’RE THE REASON I’M ALIVE YOU’RE THE ONLY REASON I MARGARET I WAS WRONG IT HURTS ME TO HURT YOU I’D RATHER DIE THAN SEE YOU SUFFER ONE DAY YOU’LL BLESS ME FOR LIGHTING THE WAY LOOK INSIDE YOUR HEART THAT’S WHERE FORGIVENESS MUST START AFTER ALL WE HAVE NO ONE EXCEPT EACH OTHER THE WORLD OUTSIDE CAN’T UNDERSTAND YOU WHEN THEY BETRAY YOU I’LL ALWAYS BE HERE YOU’RE THE REASON I’M ALIVE . YOU DON’T NEED FORGIVENESS FROM ME OH. CARRIE & MARGARET Pray the Lord my soul to keep. and you can repeat this class for the third time. STEPHENS Surprise. which MR. Nolan. the abysmally low quality of your assignments this week was only exceeded by Mr. waving proudly) Thank you – thank you all very much! MR. okay – settle down now.) As I was saying. Mr. STEPHENS forges ahead. Nolan – BILLY (bowing. however. STEPHENS There is. STEPHENS One more word out of you. (BILLY makes a farting sound. people – settle down. then shrugs) I got nothin’. but you are sorely mistaken.I – 8 – 33 YOU’RE MY SURVIVAL IN MY LIFE THERE’S ONLY ONE THING TRUE I LOVE YOU Scene 8: Fourth Period English Class (MR. Now that many of you have been accepted into college. BILLY Yay. And for the record. neither?! (He hoots at his own joke. it’s “I haven't got anything. I know you think that you can coast through the rest of the term. God knows. which.” BILLY You ain’t got nothin’. I’d like that person to recite his work for the rest of you. STEPHENS ignores. STEPHENS – who couldn’t even be bothered to turn one in. surprise. is one more time than either of us can survive.) MR. STEPHENS Okay. STEPHENS addresses his unruly class. one ray of light – one composition that touched me with the authenticity of its emotion. BILLY (pretends to think. (turning from BILLY) Tommy – TOMMY Do I have to? SURVIVE IN MY LIFE THERE’S ONLY ONE THING TRUE I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU . MR. Nolan. but MR. I don’t suppose you’d care to offer an explanation.) MR. Mr. Tommy Ross. Tammay-boy – way to go! MR. STEPHENS Yep. (As some KIDS snickers. and read your poem. (deep breath. my God! MUSIC 8: DREAMER IN DISGUISE TOMMY An eagle’s just another bird Until he can spread his wings. STEPHENS Hey.I – 8 – 34 MR. then) "Dreamer in Disguise" by Tommy Ross. Cap! TOMMY (good-naturedly) Shut up. BILLY Oh. GEORGE (cheering him on) Go. guys.) FREDDY (SQUAWK! SQUAWK!) MR. Stand. Now shut up. not a bird. TOMMY A river is just a sheet of ice Til winter turns to spring. (he sings) AND THOUGH THE CLOUDS MAY BLOCK THE SUN DON’T MEAN THAT IT’S LEFT THE SKY JUST WHEN YOU THINK YOU’VE SEEN IT ALL THERE’S MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE LIKE THINGS I DREAM AND THINGS I FEEL THERE’S MORE TO ME THAN I REVEAL AND CUZ I SHINE IN QUIET WAYS I’M SOMEONE YOU DON’T RECOGNIZE I AM A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH A DREAMER IN DISGUISE AN EAGLE’S JUST ANOTHER BIRD UNTIL HE CAN SPREAD HIS WINGS . please. c’mon! Freddy – that looks like a plane. FREDDY flaps his arms. please.) TOMMY Shut up. Come on. CARRIE It was beautiful.. Billy. All right. Carrie. BILLY “Beautiful?” Like.. it doesn’t mean it is that way. Carrie. I’ll be there in a minute. don’t all raise your hands at once. (SUE. STEPHENS Thank you. I’d brush up on your "Moby Dick" – the book.. STEPHENS (surprised and pleased) Carrie White? Excellent! Speak up.) MR.) MR. and share your thoughts with the class.. STEPHENS Quiz next time. I think it says that just because something – or somebody – seems one way. MR.) FRIEDA C’mon. BILLY stomps his feet. If I were you. “oh. Tommy. anyone – anyone at all? CARRIE . (The bell rings. class – comments? (no one responds) Well. beautiful. hanging back. Just beautiful. STEPHENS Go on. not the movie. razzing.I – 8 – 35 (As the GIRLS sigh. for amber waves of gay”? Nice one. beautiful. Sue – we’ve got a Prom Committee meeting. eyes CARRIE. CHRIS (scornfully) And I think I’m gonna hurl. Now. class. MR. How did the poem speak to you? CARRIE I think . Period Girl! (KIDS laugh. get out of here. SUE Start without me. . ) MUSIC 9: ONCE YOU SEE SUE FOR YEARS YOU LOOK YOU LOOK AT SOMEONE PASSING BY AND THEN ONE DAY YOU SEE HER ONE DAY YOU FINALLY SEE HER MY GOD! SHE SHOOK AND THEN SHE LOOKED ME IN THE EYE I’D NEVER SEEN HER ANGRY I HATE I MADE HER ANGRY. about yesterday – you know. SHE SHE’S ALWAYS BEEN THERE I I NEVER KNEW I FELT AS THOUGH THIS GIRL REVEALED HERSELF TO ME . leaving SUE stunned and bewildered. what happened. too.) Suze? (No reply.) That was nice – really nice – what you said about Tommy’s poem.I – 8 – 36 FRIEDA You got it. I don’t know. (FRIEDA exits. um. then stares back down. things just sort of got out of control. Curious.) SUE Hi. (She takes CARRIE’s silence as a sign that it’s okay to proceed. my – little mousie’s got a temper. Shaking her head at her friend’s strange behavior. (SUE doesn’t answer.) CARRIE Haven’t you had enough?! Do you think you can just go on tricking me forever?! (She runs out. CHRIS exits. CHRIS hangs back. spotting CHRIS. leaving SUE alone. Carrie. I thought it was beautiful. (CARRIE quickly glances up.) Look. assumes it’s a prank.) CHRIS My. and I just wanted you to know— (CARRIE. ladies. isn’t that perfect? Do any of you stop to think that Carrie White has feelings? Do any of you ever stop to think? Wipe that smirk off your face.) So this is how it’s going to go down. Sue. I imagine. I bet you can take your pick. move it! Get those knees up! NORMA (whining) I don’t like running. you’ll be going with Tommy Ross. And Chris. GARDNER runs the GIRLS ragged. MISS GARDNER Who? CHRIS Billy Nolan. (As SUE joins them. You’re each going to apologize to Carrie. .I – 9 – 37 AND NOW I KNOW THAT ONCE YOU SEE. (HELEN giggles. GARDNER blows her whistle. Who’s the lucky guy? CHRIS Billy Nolan. MISS GARDNER Well. YOU CAN’T UNSEE Scene 9: Soccer Field/Girls’ Locker Room (As the bell rings.) MISS GARDNER C’mon. I just want you to know that yesterday you made the wrong one. you hotshots – I want to see you sweat! Faster – faster! (spotting NORMA faking it) Norma. my. and did a really shitty thing.) MISS GARDNER Okay. CHRIS.) Well.) Whaaaat?! MISS GARDNER Apologize to her in front of everyone. Norma. NORMA. yes. (trying another tack) You know. aren’t you just the bunch to send off to graduation and out into the world? Oh. And Prom’s next Saturday. HELEN (etc. line up – eyes front! (They comply. well. life is all about choices – about making the right choice. GARDNER’s glare stops her cold. GARDNER paces before them. CHRIS Why are you taking her side? SUE This isn’t about sides. Chris. well. What did Carrie ever do to you? Or to any of us? CHRIS Well. hisses:) NORMA Chris – zip it! (GARDNER enters with CARRIE. MISS GARDNER That’s up to you. remind me: who was that in there pitching with the rest of us? SUE I was. Who’s going first? (A beat. everybody – (poking SUE’s shoulder. she chants:) Su-zie is sor-ry! Su-zie is sor-ry! Su-zie is sorry! (NORMA. girls. Little Miss Perfect is sorry.) . I won’t. Hey. aren’t you getting to be the Joan of Arc around here? Oh.I – 9 – 38 CHRIS Forget it. But I’m sorry. Chris. CHRIS You’re sorry. wait. you’ve all got something to say to Carrie.) MISS GARDNER Okay. CHRIS And if we don’t? MISS GARDNER Do you really want to find out? (She goes off to get CARRIE. Oh. That’s up to all of you.) CHRIS (furious) That goddamn Scary White! This is all her fault! SUE Let it go. Then SUE step forward. spotting GARDNER returning. MISS GARDNER Your turn.) MISS GARDNER Okay.. NORMA (busily texting. Carrie. Chris. I can’t hear you. CARRIE Please. MISS GARDNER Frieda. Chris – let’s hear it. (CHRIS is the lone holdout.) CHRIS Carrie White eats shit! . CHRIS sighs deeply and puts on her "sincere" face.I – 9 – 39 SUE Carrie. Carrie.. then crosses until she’s in CARRIE’s face.. CHRIS stops. MISS GARDNER Helen .... I’m sorry. HELEN Sorry. Norma.) CHRIS Carrie – Carrie. (Seeing no choice. it’s okay. I – CARRIE You don’t have to do this! (At this sign of pity from CARRIE. she walks past CARRIE) Sor-ry. CHRIS (under her breath) When goddamn pigs fly… MISS GARDNER We’re waiting... FRIEDA (shrugging) Sorry. ) MISS GARDNER Class dismissed! CHRIS (jumping up. The GIRLS gasp and giggle at her. CHRIS Stick them up your ass! (CHRIS shoves GARDNER. and GARDNER shoves her back. she grabs her arm) The period’s not over yet. You’re out. (as CHRIS storms past her.) MISS GARDNER That’s it. CHRIS You can’t get away with this! MISS GARDNER Watch me.) CHRIS (to the GIRLS) She can’t get away with this! If we all stick together. humiliated) My daddy’s a lawyer! He’ll sue your ass! MISS GARDNER Shut up! CHRIS You’ll never get another job teaching! MISS GARDNER (to the other GIRLS) Get moving! All of you – now! (They begin to exit. Hargensen – you’re out of the Prom! CHRIS What?! MISS GARDNER You heard me. we can – .I – 9 – 40 (The GIRLS explode in shocked laughter. In their altercation. End of story. There are still ten minutes left. CHRIS trips and falls to the ground. Chris – just shut up! Not everything’s about you.) (GARDNER crosses to CARRIE in the locker room. You’ve just got to! MISS GARDNER What are you talking about? CARRIE Prom – it’s very important to her. if I’d had any idea it was going to turn out like this. CHRIS (calling after them.. I’m different. go. (haltingly) It’s the one night. go! CHRIS (desperate now) Helen. MISS GARDNER Not that different. It’s like a dream – a perfect dream. they all get dressed up… and they look beautiful. CARRIE But Prom is everything to those girls. . I am.. Carrie. Sue! SUE Shut up.I – 9 – 41 MISS GARDNER Go. no. MISS GARDNER And what’s right is important to me..) MISS GARDNER Carrie? Oh.. CARRIE Yes. you’ve got to let Chris go. I’m not going. Norma. I’d never – CARRIE Miss Gardner. They’ve all got someone. enraged) You can all go to hell! (She storms out. MISS GARDNER And what about you? CARRIE Me? Oh. MISS GARDNER Sure. (trying another approach) I’ll tell you what. MISS GARDNER Carrie! Why not? CARRIE I’m… not pretty. what would you say? CARRIE No. and says. will you be my date for Prom?” (A pause as CARRIE is almost caught up in the fantasy. that’s a pretty girl. now. Things change. (taking her to a mirror) See there. you’ll see. One day.I – 9 – 42 MISS GARDNER So will you.) Well. Let’s pretend – CARRIE Oh. “Carrie. ! SO MANY YEARS YOU FACED THE WORLD ALONE FRIGHTENED THAT LIFE MIGHT PASS YOU BY THEN HE APPEARS SOMEONE WHO SMILES AT YOU THIS IS NO TIME TO QUESTION WHY LOVE CAN FIND YOU WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT FUNNY HOW TWO LIVES CONNECT THAT’S HOW IT STARTS TWO UNSUSPECTING HEARTS LET YOURSELF GO GIVE SOMEONE HALF A CHANCE MAYBE HE’S WAITING JUST FOR YOU YOU NEVER KNOW . you are. MUSIC 10: UNSUSPECTING HEARTS Come over here. Miss Gardner – MISS GARDNER – just for a minute – pretend that the right someone comes up to you. I don’t know. silly – you! Look at those eyes … and with the right shade of lipstick – CARRIE Lipstick?! But my mother would never – MISS GARDNER And with the perfect dress – Carrie. it could be wonderful! (sings) IN A WORLD WHERE NOTHING’S SURE AND NOTHING’S EVER GUARANTEED YOU SHOULD TRUST THE WAY YOU FEEL THAT’S THE ONLY THING THAT’S REAL IT’S LIKE MAGIC HOW YOUR SPIRIT SOARS ONCE YOU FEEL HIS HAND IN YOURS THAT’S HOW IT STARTS TWO UNSUSPECTING HEARTS CARRIE (caught up in the spell) IN A WORLD WHERE NOTHING’S SURE AND NOTHING’S EVER GUARANTEED MISS GARDNER NOTHING’S GUARANTEED CARRIE YOU SHOULD TRUST THE WAY YOU FEEL MISS GARDNER TRUST THE WAY YOU FEEL .I – 9 – 43 THIS COULD BE PARADISE MAYBE YOUR DREAMS JUST MIGHT COME TRUE AND YOU NEVER KNOW HOW THINGS MIGHT GO ONCE YOU SHARE THAT FIRST ‘HELLO’ THAT’S HOW IT STARTS TWO UNSUSPECTING HEARTS CARRIE Oh. MISS GARDNER And you never will if you don’t give it a chance. Now. Miss Gardner. listen to me: you are a beautiful young woman. CARRIE Me? MISS GARDNER Yes. you. TOMMY You go first. MISS GARDNER THAT’S HOW IT STARTS CARRIE TWO UNSUSPEC— MISS GARDNER TWO UNSUSPEC— CARRIE & MISS GARDNER . you.THING THAT’S REAL IT’S LIKE MAGIC HOW YOUR SPIRIT SOARS CARRIE ONCE YOU FEEL HIS HAND IN YOURS MISS GARDNER THAT’S HOW IT ..TING HEARTS! (They embrace.I – 10 – 44 CARRIE THAT’S THE ONLY… CARRIE & MISS GARDNER . Other Locales (LIGHTS up on TOMMY and SUE studying... ...) TOMMY Hey.. SUE No. CARRIE THAT’S HOW IT ..) MUSIC 10A: TOMMY’S FUTURE (UNDERSCORE) Scene 10: School Library. can I run something by you? SUE I was about to ask you the same thing.. So I was thinking. TOMMY Not fair. SUE “Different?” TOMMY What would happen if I put the whole sports thing on hold. TOMMY Come on. I thought I might – try something different. huh? I knew it was stupid. SUE No. what’s really been going on with you? SUE You wouldn’t understand. MUSIC 11: DO ME A FAVOR SUE (after a deep breath) TOMMY.I – 10 – 45 TOMMY Okay. That’s okay. all planned out. and see if I’ve got what it takes to be – a writer? (when she doesn’t respond) Too much. you know how everything’s laid out in front of us. LATELY. what did you want to ask me? SUE Nothing. no – it’s epic! TOMMY “Epic”? SUE Yes – you could be amazing writer. TOMMY Yeah? You mean it? Thanks. SUE Yeah… TOMMY Well. Try me. our whole future. (now it’s her turn) So. I’VE JUST NOT BEEN FEELING RIGHT I’M SO ASHAMED OF HOW WE’VE ALL BEEN TREATING CARRIE WHITE . I – 10 – 46 NOW I REALIZE THIS IS HARDLY YOUR CONCERN I HATE TO DRAG YOU INTO THIS. yes! CHRIS (suddenly pulling away) No. I’m not in the mood! BILLY What the hell? Why’d you stop? CHRIS I’m pissed! KIDS DO ME A FAVOR MAKE ’EM PAY DO ME A FAVOR BILLY Jesus! Can’t you just forget about it? KIDS DO ME A FAVOR KIDS DO ME A FAVOR SAY “OKAY. Billy. and you know who I blame? That goddamn freak! ! THERE’S SOMETHIN’ THAT CARRIE WHITE’LL JUST HAVE TO LEARN IF SHE PLAYS WITH FIRE. SHE’S GONNA GET BURNED I WANT HER TO PAY UP FOR ALL THAT SHE’S COST ME AND MAKE HER GOOD AND SORRY THAT SHE EVER CROSSED ME CHRIS (CONT’D) YOU GOTTA HELP ME SUE IF YOU HELP ME KIDS IF YOU… . They humiliated me.) KIDS DO ME A FAVOR WHATCHA SAY? SUE DO ME A FAVOR KIDS DO ME A FAVOR WANNA PLAY? BILLY (moaning with pleasure) Oh. yes. BUT I’VE GOT NOWHERE ELSE TO TURN DO ME A FAVOR? (LIGHTS up on CHRIS and BILLY making out. Billy.” CHRIS I don’t want to forget about it. baby – yes. ‘both?’ BILLY (to CHRIS) Me? Whatdya need me for? CHRIS Revenge. but I swear by the time we’re done with her. GIRL. that stupid troll’s not gonna know what hit her! BILLY YOU ALWAYS AMAZE ME WITH THE WAY YOU THINK IF I WAS YOUR DADDY I WOULD BUY YOU A SHRINK YOU’RE PISSED-OFF! THAT’S SO HOT! I LIKE YOU THIS WAY WHATEVER YOUR GAME IS. Billy. I don’t know what it is. TOMMY can only stare at her.I – 10 – 47 SUE & CHRIS (to TOMMY & BILLY) I COULD EVEN UP THIS DEBT AND WE COULD BOTH GIVE CARRIE WHITE A NIGHT SHE WON’T FORGET KIDS DO ME A FAVOR (CRISSCROSS between the two conversations. I’M READY TO PLAY! SUE (to TOMMY) I’VE BEEN THINKING ’BOUT HOW SHE WOULD BE IF ONLY YOU’D TAKE CARRIE TO THE PROM INSTEAD OF ME (Speechless.) KIDS HAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH HAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH HAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH TOMMY DO WHAT?! WHO DO YOU WANT ME TO INVITE? I THOUGHT THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE OUR NIGHT ! I KNOW YOU’RE ONLY TRYING TO DO WHAT’S RIGHT BUT.) TOMMY (to SUE) Wait – “both?” What do you mean. WHOA! I WON’T BE TAKING CARRIE WHITE! . and you’re gonna help me get it. I’m sorry. never mind. wounded) Okay. BABY! CHRIS THERE’S SOMETHING THAT CARRIE WHITE’LL JUST HAVE TO LEARN IF SHE PLAYS WITH FIRE THEN SHE’S GONNA GET BURNED BILLY ONLY I CAN DO IT! ONLY I GET REALLY GET DOWN TO IT SUE ONCE YOU HELP ME WE CAN EVEN UP THIS DEBT TOMMY I WILL! I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU BUT STILL! WHAT AM I GETTING INTO? .I – 10 – 48 SUE THINK OF CARRIE! I’VE SAID EVERYTHING I COULD BUT ONE SMALL ACT OF KINDNESS MIGHT CHANGE CARRIE’S LIFE FOR GOOD KIDS (overlapping below) Ten … nine … eight … seven … six … five … four … three … two … one TOMMY Think about what you’re asking me here. I need to try to fix this. BABY! OH. TOMMY Sue! SUE No. KIDS COME ON! COME ON! COME ON! SUE What? You mean it? You’ll do it? TOMMY OKAY! OKAY! OKAY! (SUE flings her arms around him. SUE (icily.) TOMMY Fine. I … just can’t do this.) KIDS (overlapping with below) OH. (She starts to leave. ) (Now more confident.) I can do this. BABY.) Scene 12: Principal’s Office (A single LIGHT up on FREDDY broadcasting over the school’s P. She gasps in surprise and delight at her newfound abilities. and checks to make sure she’s alone. WELL. (with growing excitement) Numerous incidents have been reported of individuals possessing such an ability. NORMA is oblivious. Carrie – that’s a fierce sweater! (CARRIE hurriedly retrieves the book and runs off with a giddy smile.) NORMA Hey. Chamberlain High! It’s Freddy here with a quick announcement. but definitely moving. They are termed ‘anomalies. Scientifically unproven. the phenomenon is thought to be electrochemical in nature. system:) FREDDY Good afternoon. she stares at a pair of chairs across the room.. Then. breaking her concentration. (Nothing happens. places the book on her chair. she raises one hand. It tips backwards – farther … farther – only for NORMA to enter. PLEASE DO ME A FAVOR! Scene 11: Library Stacks MUSIC 12: TELEKINESIS (CARRIE sits reading a reference book. better suit up! Oh.) CARRIE “Telekinesis: the ability to move objects by sheer force of the mind alone. taking a deep breath.I – 12 – 49 CHRIS & SUE I’M BEGGIN’! I’M PLEADIN’! I’M DOWN ON MY KNEES KIDS BEGGIN’! PLEADIN’! ALL IF YOU REALLY LOVE ME. and now the chairs move – shakily at first. Don’t forget to preorder your Prom photos! I’m gettin’ all Annie Leibowitz on Saturday. she turns and aims her mind at the chair with the book on it.’” (considering this. (Instinctively... The chair and book crash to the floor.. BABY. and ladies – clothing is optional! . so boys. THEN.) Concentrate. amazed) Anomaly… (She stands.A. but – CARRIE I don’t like to be tricked.) SUE Tommy – TOMMY I’m going to look pretty stupid when she turns me down.) CARRIE What are you doing here? TOMMY So . What do you want? TOMMY Wow. (She gives him an encouraging little push... and I know it’s late notice. TOMMY (still far from convinced) All right. Nervous. . huh? (she doesn’t respond) O-kay… If you don’t have a date. would you like to go to Prom with me? (pulling out the tickets) Pr-ommm? It’s this Saturday.I – 13 – 50 Scene 13: White Bungalow Front Porch MUSIC 12A: THE INVITATION (UNDERSCORE) (SUE trails TOMMY as they approach CARRIE’s house. he hesitates – then goes to the front door and knocks. SUE She won’t.. and leaves. right to the point. She’ll do it. TOMMY How do you know? SUE I’ve seen the way she looks at you. she glances inside. (Freaked. then back in disbelief. huh? Aren’t you going to ask me in? CARRIE (shaking her head) Momma – Momma’s resting. CARRIE appears. this is where you live.) Hi.. Carrie.. Trust me. ) Whatever are you doing out there? . CARRIE Why are you doing this? TOMMY ’Cuz I want to. Will you go to Prom with me? MARGARET (O. TOMMY I don’t know… Maybe ’cuz you liked my poem? Come on. MARGARET (O. you’re not.I – 13 – 51 TOMMY Oh. It’ll be all right. CARRIE No.S. CARRIE (to herself) I’d love to.S.) Carrie? Supper! CARRIE (trying to sound calm) In a minute. c’mon. TOMMY Then do it. Carrie – CARRIE I know who you hang around with. Carrie – say yes. CARRIE I can’t! TOMMY Yes you can. Momma. TOMMY Not till you say yes. TOMMY I don’t hang with anyone I don’t want to. (to TOMMY) You better go. CARRIE Fine.) Carrie! (A flash of lightning precedes a rumble of thunder.) TOMMY Good.I – 14 – 52 CARRIE (more frantic) Please… if she finds you here – TOMMY Say yes. calling after him) Thank you! (CARRIE crosses to take her seat…) Scene 14: White Bungalow Dining Room (…opposite MARGARET at the dining room table. TOMMY No. as the storm outside worsens. CARRIE You knew I would. (With a grin. MARGARET slices a home-made pie for dessert. TOMMY Yes? CARRIE Yes – okay.S. But now I do. MARGARET (O. TOMMY dashes off.) MUSIC 12B: THANK YOU! (UNDERSCORE) CARRIE (CONT’D) (euphoric. Yes.) MUSIC 13: ACT I FINALE/I REMEMBER HOW THOSE BOYS COULD DANCE . and I’ll go. I’ll pick you up at eight. CARRIE Yes. Carrie? Being different is the Lord’s blessing. CARRIE MOMMA. CARRIE It makes me have pimples. then just don’t listen to them. (serving her a plate) Now. “He who hears My voice alone shall be saved. the only beauty that matters in the precious light that comes from within. have some pie. CAN’T WE STOP AND TALK? THERE’S THIS BOY NAMED TOMMY ROSS MARGARET CARIETTA! CARRIE I’VE BEEN INVITED TO THE PROM MARGARET Prom? CARRIE I NEVER DREAMED THAT I COULD GO WHEN HE FIRST ASKED AND I SAID ‘NO’ HE ASKED ME TWICE HE ASKED ME TWICE. Momma. You hardly touched your supper.” CARRIE MOMMA. PEOPLE THINK I’M STRANGE ALL THE KIDS HAVE CALLED ME NAMES MARGARET Well. CARRIE MOMMA. Carrie.I – 14 – 53 MARGARET I don’t know what you’ve been dreaming about tonight. It is written. MARGARET Nonsense! As Peter says. DON’T YOU THINK IT’S TIME I SHOULD TRY TO GET ALONG? MARGARET Whatever are you going on about. AND SO I FINALLY TOLD HIM ‘YES’ I THOUGHT IF I COULD MAKE MY DRESS I MIGHT LOOK NICE I MIGHT LOOK NICE I KNOW I’M NOT LIKE ALL THE OTHERS . MARGARET OH. I’ve accepted. You’ll see. HOW THOSE BOYS WERE DEMONS OF ROMANCE IN THEIR CARS WE’D CHASE THE LIGHTS I KNOW JUST HOW BOYS WILL BEHAVE CARRIE Not this boy. He’s nice.) Tommy’s a very nice boy. I’M JUST NOT LIKE YOU MAYBE I’LL FIND SOMEONE TO LOVE ME (SFX: thunder. Momma. Momma. Everything’s not a sin.I – 14 – 54 SOMETIMES I DREAM IN COLORS SOMETIMES I EVEN THINK I’M LOVELY NOBODY FEELS THE THINGS THAT I DO MOMMA. MARGARET I REMEMBER HOW THOSE BOYS COULD DANCE PRESSING CLOSE ON FRIDAY NIGHTS THEY COULD SWEEP ME AWAY CARRIE Momma? MARGARET OH. PLEASE. HE’D SWEAR HE CARED SO MUCH THAT’S WHAT THE BOYS DO! THEY’LL MAKE PROMISES THEY WILL BREAK YOUR HEART THEN THEY’LL LAUGH AT YOU WATCHING YOU FALL APART DON’T YOU THINK THAT I KNOW? DON’T YOU THINK THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE? IT’S THE SMELL OF THE BLOOD THAT WILL DRIVE THEM MAD CHASING YOU LIKE A WHORE! CARRIE No! . and he’ll have me home by midnight. He isn’t like the others. It’s Saturday. HOW YOUR FATHER WHISPERED IN MY EAR FIRST THE KISS. wind and rain. I’ve accepted. AND THEN THE TOUCH MIXING LIES WITH THE TRUTH HE WOULD SIGH AND TRY TO DRAW ME NEAR OH. Momma. really you will! Everyone isn’t bad. BUT I RECALL HOW YOUR FATHER CAME TO ME THAT NIGHT CARRIE THAT DOESN’T MEAN THAT THE SAME THING WILL HAPPEN TO ME MARGARET WITH THE SMELL OF SMOKE AND GIN CARRIE GIVE ME THE CHANCE AND YOU’LL SEE! MARGARET WITH THE LUST IN HIS EYES AND HE TOOK ME AND TOUCHED ME I TRIED TO FIGHT CARRIE MOMMA. please stop! MARGARET You’re not going! CARRIE I’ve already said I would. Momma! I said yes! MARGARET Then say no! Tell him you’ve changed your mind. .I – 14 – 55 MARGARET Yes! DON’T YOU KNOW THEIR GAME? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? CAN’T YOU SEE SATAN’S PASSION HAS MADE YOU BLIND? AND THIS BOY’S LIKE THE REST AND THEY’RE ALL LIKE THE SERPENTS WHO CRAWL YOU CAN BEG ALL YOU WANT TO. PLEASE LISTEN! YOU DON’T HEAR A WORD THAT I’VE SAID! MARGARET SATAN MADE YOUR FATHER SIN CARRIE SOMETIMES I WISH YOU WERE DEAD! MARGARET AND THE SIN NEVER DIES! CARRIE Momma. I – 14 – 56 (Lightning flashes. One after another. CARRIE I’ll get them! (CARRIE extends her hand [FLEX SOUND] and across the room. MARGARET screams. SLOW FADE TO BLACK. I have to close the windows. SFX: louder rain pouring down. CARRIE shuts all the windows – BAM-BAM-BAM!) MARGARET Witch! CARRIE (with quiet determination) I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU AT ALL I HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE I HAVE POWER I CAN USE NOTHING YOU CAN SAY OR DO WILL EVER STOP ME AGAIN (As MARGARET cowers. a window slams.) CARRIE Momma.) END OF ACT I . CARRIE returns to the table and sits down to finish her pie. come back! MARGARET The rain’s coming in. HELEN OH. MISS GARDNER & MR. OH OH OH OH. as SUE is once again back in the past.II – 1 – 57 ACT II Scene 1: Interrogation Space/School Courtyard MUSIC 14: ENTR’ACTE (BLACKOUT and WHOOSH! – the harsh LIGHT hits SUE in interrogation mode. BILLY OH. OH. CHRIS. It was supposed to be the end of one chapter. KIDS IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET (Memory takes over. what can you tell us about the events leading up to the Prom? MUSIC 15: A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET SUE (a painful memory) Prom .. SUE. and the beginning of another. OH OH OH OH.) KIDS. (FIGURES emerge from the shadows.) KIDS HOLY SHIT! SENIOR PROM’S JUST A FEW DAYS AWAY HELEN I’VE HAD NOTHING TO EAT SINCE YESTERDAY NORMA I’LL BE GONE FROM THIS DUMP BY THE FINAL WEEK OF MAY! .) MALE VOICE (O. OH. YEAH.. FREDDY.. TOMMY.. STEPHENS & STOKES YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET NORMA. STEPHENS (whispered) YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET FRIEDA. CARRIE. It was meant to be a celebration – the biggest night of our lives. YEAH.) Turning to the night of May 28. GEORGE & GARDNER OH OH OH OH.S. II – 1 – 58 FRIEDA & HELEN ALL I CARE’S I’LL BE THERE WITH THE BEST-LOOKIN’ GUY FREDDY IF SHE ASKS ME TO DANCE.) STOKES EIGHTY BUCKS FOR A TUX?! BOYS DAMN. BOYS IT’S THE LEAST WE DESERVE AFTER EVERYTHING WE’VE PAID `GIRLS (exchanging a head-wag) Sad! NORMA GOT THE BOOZE STOKES GOT THE WEED . MY LIFE IS GONNA TAKE FLIGHT GIRLS CAN’T WAIT TIL SATURDAY NIGHT KIDS YEAH! (MISS GARDNER attempts to teach a class – in vain. WE BETTER GET LAID! FRIEDA (to BOYS) YOU’VE BEEN PRAYIN’ FOR THAT SINCE SEVENTH GRADE GEORGE Yeah. I SWEAR I’LL DIE! NORMA I WILL NEVER LOOK BACK ONCE I FIN’LLY SAY GOODBYE GIRLS THIS WILL BE JUST GREAT! KIDS OH. ) STOKES You’re taking Scary White to Prom?! TOMMY Look. FRIEDA I can’t believe you’re going to miss your own Senior Prom.) YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET TOMMY. BUT WE’RE COMING HOME AS MEN! KIDS THIS WILL BE JUST GREAT YEAH. STOKES & GIRLS YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHING YET IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET FREDDY & GEORGE WOAH OO-OH NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET (SUE passes GIRLS who.) FRIEDA God.II – 1 – 59 GEORGE & HELEN GOT THE LIMO FOR TEN KIDS AND WE WON’T GET A CHANCE LIKE THIS AGAIN MISS GARDNER Sit down! BOYS WE’LL BE LEAVING AS BOYS. I don’t care. Sue – everybody’s talking. FRIEDA runs after her. . I know it sounds a little crazy. MY LIFE IS GONNA TAKE FLIGHT CAN’T WAIT (I CAN’T WAIT) TIL SATURDAY NIGHT (Exasperated. it’s just one night. (TOMMY’S PALS surround him. SUE C’mon. stop talking – clearly about her. SUE. SUE Let them. GARDNER exits. seeing her. STEPHENS You honestly think Sue put Tommy up to this? MISS GARDNER I’m sure of it. SUE & KIDS YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET CARRIE (experimenting with makeup) I BET OTHER GIRLS ALREADY KNOW THE WAYS TO GET THEIR SKIN TO GLOW AND I CAN LEARN I’M NOT SURE HOW ALL THESE COLORS MIX THOSE OTHER GIRLS. STEPHENS What about Chris – is she still giving you grief? MISS GARDNER Not a peep. MR. STEPHENS Why in God’s name would she do such a thing? MISS GARDNER That’s what I intend to find out. why didn’t you just ask me? (off the GUYS’ stares) What?! (smacking TOMMY’s butt) Joking! TOMMY. if you were that desperate. STEPHENS enters with MISS GARDNER. (a beat) Which honestly worries me even more… (CHRIS furtively enters the dimly lit gym shining a flashlight.II – 1 – 60 FREDDY Have you lost your frickin’ mind? GEORGE Yeah. THEY’VE GOT THEIR TRICKS BUT I CAN LEARN IT’S MY TURN ON SATURDAY NIGHT! (MR.) MR. MR.) CHRIS I BELIEVE IN GETTING EVEN . And it’s gonna be good! KIDS NEVER FORGET… NEVER FORGET. lugging a steel pail. and BILLY follows.. it was.) I DON’T TURN THE OTHER CHEEK FOR SOME PATHETIC FREAK CARRIE WHITE’S GOT A LOT TO REGRET (BILLY stumbles.) KIDS OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH-OH-OH-OH!. and liquid sloshes onto the floor. (BILLY dips a finger in the pail.. too.. you stupid shit! BILLY Who’re you calling “stupid shit”? This whole thing was your idea! CHRIS Damn straight. and it comes up red with blood.) Watch it – you’re getting blood everywhere.. He paints her cheek with stripes like a tribal warrior.) CHRIS AND ON THAT FARM… …WE KILLED A PIG! BILLY EE YI EE YI CHRIS EE YI EE YI BILLY EE YI EE YI CHRIS & BILLY OH! OH! OH! OH! (Things turn sexual between them.II – 1 – 61 THAT’S WHAT I BELIEVE BUT I JUST DON’T FORGIVE AND FORGET (She signals the coast is clear..) BILLY OLD MAN HENRY HAD A FARM EE YI EE YI OH (CHRIS follows suit – streaking his face.. KIDS NEVER FORGET. .. CHRIS & BILLY KIDS NEVER FORGET. FREDDY. BUT NOT QUITE CAN’T WAIT TIL SATURDAY NIGHT! ALL KIDS YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET CARRIE. HELEN. SUE. STOKES & TOMMY YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHING YET IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHING YET IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER NO NEVER WE’LL NEVER FORGET NORMA. HOW I MIGHT HAVE LOOKED IN MY BLUE DRESS CARRIE I MIGHT LOOK NICE SUE I MIGHT HAVE LOOKED NICE (CHRIS aims her flashlight to guide BILLY who’s climbing to the ceiling with a coil of rope over one shoulder. CHRIS.) CARRIE. FRIEDA & TOMMY THIS WILL BE JUST GREAT WE’RE GETTING THERE. HELEN. BILLY & KIDS . SUE. GEORGE & STOKES THIS WILL BE GREAT NOT QUITE TIL SATURDAY NIGHT OH— TOMMY. FRIEDA. NORMA. I GUESS. I TOLD HIM YES SUE NOW HE’LL NEVER KNOW.) CARRIE (making her dress) I NEVER DREAMED THAT I COULD GO WHEN HE FIRST ASKED AND I SAID NO CARRIE (CONT’D) HE ASKED ME TWICE HE ASKED ME TWICE SUE WHEN TOMMY ASKED ME OF COURSE.II – 1 – 62 (SUE and CARRIE appear in separate spaces. FREDDY & GEORGE THIS WILL BE GREAT OH! THIS WILL BE GREAT A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER CHRIS & BILLY OH— CHRIS. . SUE.) SUE Sorry.? MISS GARDNER Well? Why did Tommy ask Carrie to Prom? SUE I thought we could help her – get her to join in.) SUE (anguished) If only… if only… MALE VOICE (O.) “If only” what…? SUE If only that day in the shower hadn't happened.S. are you listening? (LIGHTS change.. SUE turns to find GARDNER questioning TOMMY. who. BILLY & KIDS (CONT’D) A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET! Scene 2: Interrogation Space/School Hallway (WHOOSH! The LIGHT hits SUE. if only somebody had listened … and paid attention… MISS GARDNER (from the shadows) Sue? SUE If only I could go back and— MISS GARDNER Sue. from above. CHRIS hooks the bucket to it and signals BILLY. hoists it up into the shadows. CHRIS. MISS GARDNER Excuse me? .II – 2 – 63 (A rope drops from the rafters. and I don’t know – MISS GARDNER Make her “a part of things?” What could you possibly be thinking? SUE This is really none of your business.) TOMMY. if only I hadn't asked Tommy to take Carrie to the Prom. and listen good: hurt Carrie in any way.II – 2 – 64 SUE What is the big deal? MISS GARDNER It is a very “big deal” to Carrie! (to TOMMY) And don’t you think you’re going to look just a little ridiculous when you show up to Prom with her? SUE We don’t care how we look. (a parting shot) Listen to me. I’m just . TOMMY I’m not mad. and I will. Right. and you’ll have me to answer to. SUE Seriously? Oh. you don’t have to go through with this if you don’t want to. and now you’re mad at me. you two have a lot to discuss. SUE And I wanted to make things right! . I wanted to take my girl to Prom. SUE I thought we agreed to help Carrie.) MUSIC 15A: I’M JUST DISAPPOINTED (UNDERSCORE) SUE I thought we were on the same page about this. TOMMY We are! SUE Then why are you having second thoughts? (faltering) Tommy. great! MISS GARDNER Clearly. disappointed. I said I’d do it.. Tommy? TOMMY Well… now that you mention it. TOMMY Look.. (She exits. anything you need. it’s all gonna be over. NORMA Oh. ALMA MATER OH MOTHER. (A bit uncomfortable.) (NORMA hands MR. and all this will seem like ancient history.) KIDS (a capella) HAIL. just ask. a month from now. Mr. All this high-school drama -.II – 3 – 65 TOMMY Listen to me. Stephens.) . (etc. Mr. Before you know it. we’ll be off backpacking through Europe. Stephens.all this stuff -. STEPHENS a box of ballots. he exits as the bell rings. STEPHENS supervises the KIDS who enter carrying Prom decorations. too? TOMMY What? Is that what you’re worried about? Babe. MR. SUE What are you doing? TOMMY Just come on. (flirting shamelessly) Anything at all. SUE Promise? TOMMY I promised I’d show you the world.none of it means anything. SUE What about us? Are we going to be over. STEPHENS Thanks for picking up the ballots. LIGHTS up on…) Scene 3: Gymnasium (MR. Norma – I really appreciate it. (As they exit. didn’t I? (taking her hand) Come with me. WE SALUTE YOU.) NORMA Here you go. ) SUE (O.) SUE Oh.) Tommy! TOMMY (O.) (TOMMY leads SUE into the darkened gym. unseen.) TOMMY (CONT’D) Keep your eyes shut one more sec. STOKES Last one out gets the lights! GEORGE (flicking the lights off. and that’s all that counts.) CHRIS Did you do what I told you? NORMA Don’t I always? (She hands CHRIS a stack of brightly-colored Prom ballots. and she opens her eyes to see the half-decorated gym.S. (crossing to the light switch) Okay. you guys – leave the decorations. .II – 3 – 66 FRIEDA Hey. she signals off to CHRIS. my God! TOMMY We may not have tomorrow night. We’ll finish them after lunch. (CHRIS fans the ballots with pleasure. who joins her in the shadows. (They’re startled by SUE and TOMMY’s approaching voices. Once she’s alone. but we’ve got right now.S.) All fixed and ready to go. Wait here. excitedly) Chicken patties! (All exit except NORMA.) CHRIS You’re such a good friend.) Shh – go with me on this… (CHRIS and NORMA slip out. you can open them – now! (He flicks on the LIGHTS. Norma. right. looking like a total dork. but it’s the last dance of Senior Year. And the whole thing’s kinda cheesy. TOMMY I mean it – you don’t give yourself enough credit. All I do lately is mess up. SUE Me? Yeah. And I’m wearing my rented tux. and I’m with you: the most incredible person I know.. YOU SHINE SUE What about you? Why is it always so easy for you? TOMMY Man. ! IF YOU COULD SEE THE WAY THAT YOU LOOK TO ME I BET THAT YOU’D BE AMAZED AT THE SIGHT SUE Tommy.. Half the time. IT MIGHT NOT BE CLEAR BUT YOU SHINE FROM HERE TOMMY & SUE NO DOUBTS . hoping no one will discover I’m a complete fraud. you always look great in blue. I’m just faking it. TOMMY YOU’D SEE A HEART THAT’S FEARLESS AND TRUE FROM MY POINT OF VIEW OH.… (she mimes doing just that) …and of course I hate dancing. Then you drag me onto the dance floor. but… nice. if you only knew.II – 3 – 67 MUSIC 16: YOU SHINE Now I’ve just pulled up in my dad’s car – (mimics brakes squealing! horn honking!) . SUE I THINK YOU HIDE SO MUCH YOU FEEL INSIDE BUT I KNOW DEEP DOWN THERE’S A FIRE BURNING BRIGHT FROM WHERE YOU STAND.and you’re in your pink dress – SUE Blue – TOMMY Oooo. He’d never said that before. Then she tickles him. HOW YOU SHINE YOU SHINE (He pulls her into an embrace and they slow-dance.) TOMMY (wriggling away. Alone. (He starts off.) SUE “I love you” . NO DOUBTS NO MORE FEARS . TOMMY I love you.II – 3 – 68 NO MORE FEARS I SEE YOU SHINE AND THE DARK DISAPPEARS TOMMY THEN I KNOW EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE FINE BECAUSE YOU SHINE OH. (Then he’s gone.. laughing) What is that? Get out of here! (glances at his watch) Damn! I gotta pick up my tux before they close. I SWEAR THAT I STILL GET LOST IN THE LIGHT NO PHOTOGRAPH COULD POSSIBLY SHOW THE YOU I KNOW TOMMY & SUE NO DOUBTS NO MORE FEARS I SEE YOU SHINE AND THE DARK DISAPPEARS I’LL BE YOUR MIRROR AND YOU CAN BE MINE LOOK TO ME AND YOU’LL SEE JUST HOW YOU SHINE (He kisses her.. That’s what I remember most about that day.) SUE Tommy? (he turns) Thank you. she seems to be answering her INTERROGATORS as much as herself.) SUE WHAT A SURPRISE! GAZING INTO YOUR EYES. Through the number. leaving CARRIE alone.II – 4 – 69 I SEE YOU SHINE AND THE DARK DISAPPEARS THEN I KNOW EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE FINE BECAUSE YOU’RE MINE YOU SHINE Scene 4: Limbo/Carrie’s Bedroom (CARRIE and KIDS appear in various stages of undress and Prom readiness. dressed in a slip.) CARRIE Not.) IF I CAN MAKE IT DOWN THE STAIRS . she readies herself.) MUSIC 17: WHY NOT ME? KIDS BREATHE! THIS WILL BE GREAT NAILS? DRIED BOW? TIED TEETH? BRUSHED FACE? FLUSHED LOOKIN’ GOOD GOT THE CAR! SCORE! KEG PARTY! DOUBLE SCORE! UNBUCKLE IT! KICK THAT SHIT! SAFETY OFF! HEY. HOW ’BOUT A ‘MAYBE?’ DRIVE! SAFETY OFF SMOKES? GOT ’EM! GETTIN’ IT UP! GETTIN’ IT UP! BREATHE! PACES HEART RACES ONE SHOT (to CARRIE) READY? (LIGHTS up. (The KIDS exit. II – 4 – 70 IF I CAN MAKE IT TO THE DOOR IF I CAN OPEN IT AND SAY. TOMMY! HI!’ ! MAYBE HE WON’T EVEN NOTICE THAT I’M STARING AT THE FLOOR BUT IF OTHER GIRLS CAN DO THIS WHY CAN’T I? IF I CAN KEEP MY KNEES FROM BUCKLING IF I CAN KEEP MY PULSE IN CHECK THEN I WILL NEVER GIVE THE WORLD A CHANCE TO SEE THAT UNDERNEATH THE SMILE I’M SMILING I’M SO TOTALLY A WRECK BUT IF OTHER GIRLS GET THROUGH THIS WHY NOT ME? WHY NOT ME? WHY NOT ME? OH. THEN I DO. NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO I KNOW I MAY NOT BE WELCOME BUT AT LEAST I WILL BE THERE AND IF OTHER GIRLS BELONG. startling CARRIE. I ANTICIPATE THE SNICKERS AND I EXPECT THAT KIDS WILL STARE BUT THEY WON’T RATTLE ME.) Momma! . TOO WHY NOT ME? WHY NOT ME? ! I KNOW IT’S ONLY A DANCE AND I KNOW IT’S ONLY ONE NIGHT BUT THIS MIGHT BE THE START OF MY JOURNEY OUT OF THE SHADOWS AND INTO THE LIGHT WHY NOT ME? I’M GONNA TALK ABOVE A WHISPER I’M GONNA WALK IN THREE-INCH HEELS I’M GONNA FIGHT THE URGE TO TURN AROUND AND FLEE AND THEN I WILL FEEL THE MAGIC I’M TOLD ANYONE CAN FEEL WHEN THE STARS ALIGN AND LIFE IS FILLED WITH POSSIBILITY AND IF EVERYBODY FEELS THAT WAY THEN WHY WHY NOT ME? (MARGARET appears suddenly. ‘OH. but I’m trying to protect you.) MARGARET STAY HERE INSTEAD JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU’D LIKE TO DO WE’LL TALK AND WE’LL LAUGH AND I’LL SING TO YOU AND I PROMISE YOU WE WON’T FIGHT DON’T LEAVE TONIGHT CARRIE MOMMA.II – 4 – 71 MUSIC 18: STAY HERE INSTEAD MARGARET He’s not coming. CARRIE He is coming. Momma. (She continues with her preparations. I have to finish getting ready. you mustn’t go. Now. MARGARET Don’t you see. I know you don’t understand. MARGARET I won’t let you go. I’M LATE MARGARET THAT BOY DOESN’T CARE! NOT AT ALL CARRIE HE’LL BE HERE AT EIGHT MARGARET HE’LL BUILD YOU UP ONLY TO WATCH YOU FALL CARRIE YOU DON’T KNOW THESE PEOPLE THEY’RE NOT YOUR FRIENDS CARRIE THEY’RE ONLY WAITING TO TEAR YOU IN TWO CARRIE What if they like me? . CARRIE I don’t want to fight with you. CARRIE I don’t need your protection. I’ll say you changed your mind – CARRIE You’ll say nothing. TOMMY (calling) Carrie? . rings the front door buzzer. CARRIE CARRIE MOMMA. They’ll like me. panics) I’ll say you’re sick.) AREN’T YOU AWARE HOW PEOPLE DECEIVE? THEY’LL TAKE YOU AND BREAK YOU AND THEN THEY WILL LEAVE YOU CARRIE CARRIE CARRIE! YOU ARE THE LOVE I WAS BETRAYED FOR MY PRIDE AND MY SHAME MY CARRIE! CARRIE. You’ll stay here and not say a word. Momma.II – 4 – 72 MARGARET JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER. WE’RE ONE AND THE SAME OH. THEY’LL LEAVE WHEN THEY’RE THROUGH CARRIE They might like me. MARGARET softens her tone. I LOVE YOU MARGARET CARRIE CARRIE I’LL ALWAYS LOVE YOU MARGARET DON’T GO! DON’T GO! DON’T GO! (TOMMY. dressed for Prom. MARGARET You’re such a fool! (CARRIE reacts with a glance – a reminder of her power.) MARGARET (CONT’D) (hearing the buzzer. ) TOMMY Hi. holding a wrist corsage. and on that day. MUSIC 19: WHEN THERE’S NO ONE (They go.) MARGARET (calling after her) You must stay here – “For strait is the gate and narrow is the path to salvation.) Am I all right? TOMMY Yes. beautiful.) MARGARET Did not God himself command Abraham to take his son Isaac upon the mountain and sacrifice him? She must be sacrificed. “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. CARRIE Hi. “there will be a day of judgment. Do you want me to put it on? CARRIE Please. and an angel with his sword and his arm. An awkward silence. leaving MARGARET alone in the empty house. Yes. TOMMY (re: the corsage) This is for you.” The Lord has said. there will be reckoning!” (no response) Carrie? (still nothing. (She extends a hand. and he slides it onto her wrist.” . transformed. she crosses to…) Scene 5: White Bungalow Front Door (…where TOMMY waits anxiously. and the moon to crimson-red. he’s dumbstruck. (the truth?) You’re beautiful. to herself) It has been foretold: “the sun shall be turned to darkness.II – 5 – 73 (CARRIE goes off to finish dressing. After a deep breath. Seeing her. She walks past MARGARET and stops DS for a final glance at herself in the mirror. And there shall be a rain of blood…” MUSIC 18A: CARRIE TRANSFORMATION (UNDERSCORE) (CARRIE appears in her pink dress – radiant. MY CARRIE! WHO WILL HOLD ME WHEN THERE’S NO ONE? WHEN THE SMILES I USED TO SEE ARE NOT FOR ME WHAT WILL I DO? NOBODY’S TOLD ME WHO WILL HOLD ME THERE IS NO SUN WHEN THERE’S NO ONE (Fade out.) MUSIC 20: PROM ARRIVAL HELEN.) Scene 6: The Gym (The KIDS strut their stuff as they see each other for the first time in their Prom finery. “CARRIE?” OH. FREIDA & STOKES OH OH OH OH OH OH OH NORMA OH OH OH OH OH OH OH GEORGE & FREDDY OH OH OH OH . I CAN TAKE IT AWAY LET THE SHADOWS DESCEND LIKE A KNIFE BUT WHEN I AM ALL ALONE WILL I CRY.II – 6 – 74 ! WHEN THERE’S NO ONE THERE IS DARKNESS ALL THE LIGHT THAT USED TO SHINE THAT ONCE WAS MINE NO LONGER GLOWS AND THERE IS NO SUN WHEN THERE’S NO ONE WHEN THE SONG DIES THERE IS SILENCE WHEN THE TUNE THAT FILLED MY DAYS NO LONGER PLAYS THE ROOM IS STILL AND I HEAR LONG SIGHS WHEN THE SONG DIES WAS I SO FOOLISH TO THINK I COULD PRAY WHEN THERE’S ONLY ONE CHANCE I CAN SAVE YOU? I GAVE YOU LIFE. II – 6 – 75 HELEN. Smile and say . FREDDY & STOKES CHECK IT OUT! CHECK IT OUT! CHECK IT! OOH (HATE IT) HATE IT CHECK IT OUT! LOOK AT YOU LOOK A-LOOK AT YOU OOH IT LOOKS AS IF WE FIN’LLY MADE IT CHECK IT OUT! FRIEDA. CARRIE is awed and intimidated. NORMA & GEORGE CHECK IT OUT! CHECK IT OUT! (LOVE IT) HATE IT HATE IT LOVE IT LOOK AT YOU LOOK A-LOOK AT YOU OOH IT LOOKS AS IF WE FIN’LLY MADE IT (Class photographer FREDDY aims his camera at them. and TOMMY notices. YEAH.) TOMMY You okay? CARRIE I think so.. KIDS (CONT’D) WE’LL DRINK ’TIL WE DROP AND WE’LL PARTY ON OH... “penis!” KIDS Penis! HELEN. . NORMA... (wickedly) . FREDDY & GEORGE LET’S GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! FRIEDA & STOKES LET’S GO! GO! GO! HELEN & STOKES YEAH.. THIS IS GREAT (THIS WILL BE GREAT!) A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET ! YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET (CARRIE and TOMMY arrive and survey the KIDS dancing. bitches -.) FREDDY All right.this is for the yearbook. YEAH. No. you look great! CARRIE Thank you. CARRIE No. and she takes it. (THE KIDS turn as one to stare at her – at them. too. Some buzz in disbelief. others use phones to capture their entrance on video. TOMMY Me. .. (to CARRIE) We could go somewhere else. God. then – let’s do it! (He extends his hand. Grab something to eat. I want to do this. some in admiration.) TOMMY (CONT’D) (taken aback) Whoa.) HELEN Carrie? FREDDY Is that Carrie White? NORMA You have got to be kidding..) KIDS YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET NIGHT IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET (TOMMY leads CARRIE through the mob of KIDS. GEORGE No frickin’ way! FRIEDA Way.II – 6 – 76 CARRIE (CONT’D) (admitting) Nervous. Carrie. TOMMY All right. NORMA rushes over. over here. CARRIE I made it. (As they share a laugh. you look so different! You’re positively glowing! And Frieda – don’t you look sweet? FRIEDA Norma – get douched.) Where’d you buy your dress? It’s awesome. STEPHENS & GARDNER YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET IT’S GONNA BE A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET! (TOMMY guides CARRIE over to a quiet space. oozing false enthusiasm.. (FRIEDA swats him... Carrie! I can’t get over it. (a "grown-up" headshake) Men! (CARRIE’s smile encourages FRIEDA. .) TOMMY (good-naturedly) Yeah.) TOMMY I told you it would be okay.) NORMA Why. if I’d known you were gonna clean up this good. (jerking a thumb at FRIEDA) . They’re not so bad once you get to know them.II – 6 – 77 GEORGE (checking out TOMMY) Dude. KIDS. FRIEDA ‘Made it?’ No shit! CARRIE No shit. CARRIE It’s all so strange. I hoped I’d be okay.. yeah – in your dreams. I would’ve taken you instead of what’s-hername. Dawson! FRIEDA (to CARRIE) Don’t pay any attention to them. TOMMY Miss Gardner? .) CARRIE Oh. FREDDY (surprising them) Okay.) FREDDY (CONT’D) (pleased) And that’s a keeper! (With a tweak of TOMMY’s nose. too. coolly) Tommy.) FREDDY (CONT’D) All right. you two – hold it right there! MUSIC 20A: I REMEMBER MY PROM (UNDERSCORE) (They turn and FREDDY aims his camera.II – 6 – 78 TOMMY You are – you saw how they treated you. then checks the camera screen.) MISS GARDNER Carrie? (CARRIE turns to find MISS GARDNER all dressed up. he’s off. TOMMY (suddenly self-conscious) Why don’t I go get us something to drink? CARRIE That would be nice. MISS GARDNER (nodding. this one’s for posterity! (CARRIE and TOMMY pose. you look incredible! MISS GARDNER You. Miss Gardner. Miss Gardner. Carrie – you look absolutely amazing! TOMMY Hi. too. FREDDY takes a flash photo. Anyway. is it everything you dreamed? CARRIE It’s… nice. (He heads off. He was 6 feet 7 inches tall! So I went out and bought a pair of these stiletto heels. no! MISS GARDNER By the time we got there. MISS GARDNER So tell me. I went with the captain of the basketball team. which of course broke down. gapes at the Prom wonderland around her.) MISS GARDNER What are you doing? CARRIE Trying to memorize it all – every single detail. Thank you. so we had to walk the last half mile to the Prom. so that our kiss goodnight would be a little less awkward. thank you. awestruck. I’d love that.) (CARRIE. MISS GARDNER I remember my Prom. GARDNER notices. MUSIC 21: UNSUSPECTING HEARTS – REPRISE . Now that I’m here. I was sure I’d ruined the night – I couldn’t dance.II – 6 – 79 MISS GARDNER (softening a tad) Why. TOMMY (to CARRIE) Will you be okay? CARRIE Fine. I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to do. we went in his pickup truck. TOMMY Be right back. my feet were so blistered that all I could do was sit there. CARRIE Oh. Tommy. MISS GARDNER Just “nice”? CARRIE It’s – it’s like being on Mars. honey… (Just then. you two. CARRIE SO I GUESS I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO’S EVER FELT THIS WAY NOW I’M THINKING. and MISS GARDNER hugs her back. CARRIE You won’t. TOMMY (handing her the drink) Miss Gardner – MISS GARDNER (raising her glass) Cheers. how ’bout a dance? CARRIE Oh. THE SWEETEST MEMORY’S NEVER PLANNED LET LIFE TAKE YOU BY THE HAND THAT’S HOW IT STARTS CARRIE THAT’S HOW IT STARTS MISS GARDNER & CARRIE TWO UNSUSPECTING HEARTS (CARRIE hugs her. . I couldn’t. WHY NOT ME? MISS GARDNER OH.II – 6 – 80 But instead. we just sat there and talked.) MISS GARDNER Oh. (She walks off.) MUSIC 21A: HOME BY TWELVE (UNDERSCORE) TOMMY Now. Have a lovely time. And you know what? It turned out to be one of the best nights of my entire life. TOMMY returns and jests:) TOMMY Better not let me catch you hugging any guys like that. SUDDENLY. no. IF YOU GOT THROUGH THIS. no. CARRIE I’d love to. (a beat) Do you really have to be home by twelve? CARRIE Yes. then. it’s decided. Please. that’s all right. TOMMY Well. TOMMY Okay. I don’t want to spoil anything. STEPHENS and MISS GARDNER take the floor. TOMMY What? CARRIE No. After Prom. if you want to go off with your friends. I promised.) . CARRIE Sorry. TOMMY At least you didn’t say no. if you’d like to.II – 6 – 81 TOMMY (teasing her sweetly) Don’t be so nerrrrvous! CARRIE Not yet. a few of us are going – CARRIE Okay. (MR. we could stop in at the Blazer for a little while. TOMMY Oh. TOMMY What I was going to say is. CARRIE I’ve never been there. TOMMY They have the best fries. TOMMY Let’s vote for ourselves. then. who do we vote for? They’re more your crowd than mine. please! It’s time to vote for your Prom King and Queen.) MR. . (shrugs) I don’t really have a crowd. To hell with false modesty. Do you want to decline? CARRIE Do you? TOMMY No way. all you do is go up there for the school song. STEPHENS Attention. please! MISS GARDNER When you receive your ballots. ladies and gentlemen – LADIES AND GENTLEMEN – if I could have your attention. They take your photo for the class yearbook. your kids can see what idiots you were. vote for your favorite couple.II – 6 – 82 MR. NORMA (handing ballots to TOMMY and CARRIE) Here you go. I see. we’re on here! MUSIC 22: DREAMER IN DISGUISE – REPRISE TOMMY Yeah. CARRIE (reading the ballot) Tommy. CARRIE Well. HELEN This contest insults women! (Scattered applause for this token protest is followed by:) FREDDY (mock-imitating her) This contest insults men! (Much LAUGHTER and HOOTING. STEPHENS People. kids. so years from now. If you win. II – 6 – 83 CARRIE To hell with it! (No sooner have they checked off their names than NORMA snatches the ballots out of their hands and strides off.. (leading her onto the floor) AN EAGLE’S JUST ANOTHER BIRD UNTIL HE CAN SPREAD HIS WINGS A RIVER’S JUST A SHEET OF ICE TILL WINTER TURNS TO SPRING CARRIE (tentatively) AND THOUGH THE CLOUDS MAY BLOCK THE SUN DON’T MEAN THAT IT’S LEFT THE SKY TOMMY JUST WHEN YOU THINK YOU’VE SEEN IT ALL THERE’S MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE CARRIE LIKE THINGS I DREAM TOMMY AND THINGS I FEEL CARRIE THERE’S MORE TO ME.THAN I REVEAL TOMMY AND CUZ I SHINE IN QUIET WAYS I’M SOMEONE YOU DON’T RECOGNIZE .) TOMMY Now it’s time for that dance... (she stares at her feet) No.. CARRIE (hesitant) Tommy – TOMMY Come on. TOMMY & CARRIE . take my hand. no – don’t look down. (indicating his eyes) Look right here. and forget about everything else. will you get a load of them! Couldn’t you just barf? HELEN I can’t believe Chris is missing this.) MUSIC 23: CHRIS AND BILLY PROM (CHRIS and BILLY appear high above.) SUE (CONT’D) ..II – 6 – 84 TOMMY & CARRIE I AM A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH A DREAMER IN DISGUISE (They dance. BIILLY. NORMA Trust me. unobserved. KIDS.) NORMA Well. eyeing CARRIE and TOMMY. After everything that had happened. appears and answers her unseen INTERROGATORS. surrounded by the other KIDS. doll – (conspiratorial wink) – she isn’t missing a thing... (waving ballots overhead) Ballots! (She crosses the floor. (LIGHTS on NORMA with HELEN. Oooh. LITTLE COW WELL.. THE REAL FUN HAS NOT STARTED YET BILLY I’VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH ALL YOUR DEMANDS REMEMBER! I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH BLOOD ON HIS HANDS NOW I REALIZE YOU’VE GOT A BONE TO PICK BUT EVEN FOR ME THIS TRICK IS PRETTY DAMN SICK! CHRIS. continuing to collect ballots.) SUE I just couldn’t stay home. GARDNER & STEPHENS Oooh. spying down on TOMMY and CARRIE.) (SUE. I had to see for myself how it had all worked out.) CHRIS LOOK AT HOW SHE’S SMILING NOW THAT STUPID.. (etc. I needed to see… Carrie looked so at ease – so happy. SLOWER. SLOWER..II – 6 – 85 CHRIS I’VE GOT ONE LAST LITTLE BEAT AND THEN MY PLAN’S COMPLETE FOR A NIGHT THAT SHE’LL NEVER FORGET KIDS GIVIN’ IT. Sue – it’s gonna be the best Prom night ev-er! MUSIC 24: PROM CLIMAX (SUE tries to stop her. YOU! KIDS GROUP 2 OOH CLOSER. CLOSER OOH FEEL THE HEAT. (smirking) But stick around. GIVIN’ IT. KIDS GIVIN’ IT. SUE What’s going on? GIVIN’ IT. SUE picks it up and examines it. YOU! GIVIN’ IT. but NORMA gets away. GIVIN’ IT! (SUE comes upon NORMA. YOU ON ME AND ME.. SUE What are you up to? NORMA Um .) SUE Norma? What are you doing? (Flustered. but I’m on official ballot duty. Spotting a scrap of a ballot NORMA has left behind. Sue. you’re underdressed. CLOSER. NORMA hides the ballots behind her back. GIVIN’ IT NORMA I would love to stop and chat. GIVIN’ IT. MOVE! KIDS GROUP 1 IN AND OUT..) NORMA Uh. CLOSER. nothing.) KIDS GIVIN’ IT. YOU ON ME AND ME. who is furtively swapping real ballots for fake ones. CLOSER SLOWER. God. Hi! I didn’t expect to see you here tonight. . puzzled. CLOSER FEEL THE HEAT. ) MR. STEPHENS (also shouting) Why thank you. YOU ON ME AND ME. STEPHENS.II – 6 – 86 (NORMA pushes through the crowd to reach MR.) NORMA (shouting over the music) Mr. YOU! IT LOOKS AS IF WE’RE GONNA MAKE IT (SUE moves through the gym. MR. Stephens. Oblivious.) CHRIS I BELIEVE IN GETTING EVEN THAT’S WHAT I BELIEVE CARRIE WHY NOT ME? WHY NOT ME? FRIEDA & HELEN YEAH YEAH YEAH BILLY YOU ALWAYS AMAZE ME WITH THE WAY THAT YOU THINK TOMMY AN EAGLE’S JUST ANOTHER BIRD KIDS YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YOU AIN’T SEEN YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET KIDS THIS IS GREAT! WE’RE GETTING THERE. Wow. STEPHENS (thinking he misheard her) I’m sorry. Here you go. Norma. (She hands him the rigged ballots. isn’t it? NORMA (seeing how clueless he is) You’re such a tool. I’ve collected all the ballots. looking around suspiciously. Say again – ? NORMA (big fake grin) I said – I just love this school! (He smiles and nods. FREDDY & GEORGE WE’RE NOT QUITE THERE . Thank you very much. this is all so incredibly exciting. BUT NOT QUITE STEPHENS.) KIDS OOH! FEEL THE HEAT. STEPHENS & GARDNER HAIL.II – 6 – 87 FRIEDA. TOMMY and CARRIE parade to the coronation area. STEPHENS (reading a tally sheet) All right. NORMA & STOKES A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER FORGET CHRIS & BILLY YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YOU AIN’T SEEN YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YOU AIN’T SEEN YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET STEPHENS. MOTHER. here we go! We give you this year’s King and Queen of the Prom – (He pauses for dramatic effect as MISS GARDNER joins him.) KIDS.) MR STEPHENS & MISS GARDNER Tommy Ross and Carrie White! (Shock. STEPHENS and MISS GARDNER step up to the microphone. then applause. Tom-meee. ALMA MATER OH. buzzing. my man! MUSIC 25: ALMA MATER (Flanked by their classmates. (etc. WE SALUTE YOU WE PROCLAIM OUR DEVOTION AS WE SET OUR DREAMS INTO MOTION OOH… ! .) GEORGE Yo. hoots and whistles!) KIDS Woo-woo!.) MR. GARDNER & KIDS THIS IS GREAT! SO GRAB YOUR DATE AND HOLD TIGHT – HOLD TIGHT (SO HOLD ON TIGHT) THIS IS GREAT THE NIGHT’S ABOUT TO TAKE FLIGHT (TAKE FLIGHT) A NIGHT WE’LL NEVER ALL NO NEVER WE’LL NEVER FORGET! (MR. I warned you – get out! (She pushes SUE out the gym doors…) SUE (wailing) No! (…and shuts the doors firmly behind her.) MUSIC 26: THE DESTRUCTION (PART I) (CARRIE flinches and shuts her eyes as the amplified. pull the damn cord – pull it! (He yanks the rope. pouring blood down onto CARRIE.II – 6 – 88 (DS. STEPHENS & GARDNER ALL OUR HEARTS BEAT TRUE ALMA MATER! (TOMMY and CARRIE are crowned King and Queen. echoing sound of the liquid’s splash turns into a roar. my God! (desperate for help) Miss Gardner – Miss Gardner! MISS GARDNER (startled to see her) Sue? What are you doing here? SUE Thank God! You’ve got to listen – something terrible’s going to happen! MISS GARDNER I knew it – I knew you were up to something! SUE You’ve got it all wrong. and the pail tilts.) SUE Oh. It’s not me— MISS GARDNER (in no mood to listen) Sue.) CHRIS Billy. She looks up to see the rope leading to the bucket.) KIDS.) . SUE’s attention is caught by a movement overhead. . HA . BILLY & KIDS SCARY CARRIE! GARDNER. STEPHENS. omigod.) (In shock and revulsion. start to point and laugh. TOMMY.. she sees blood on her hands. CARRIE & ENSEMBLE THE CURSE OF BLOOD CARRIE His name is Tommy Ross. hallowed be thy name. TOMMY backs away from CARRIE.. Momma – he’ll have me home by midnight. CHRIS. stylized reality.. HA.) CARRIE (CONT’D) Omigod. omigod. and naturalistic sound gives way to a surreal. TOMMY.. CHRIS. heightened wave of reverberating effects. stunned at first. HA. HA. TOMMY. ! I WILL NOT CRY I’M OKAY I TRIED SO HARD TO PLAY THEIR WAY Momma. BILLY & KIDS HA.) (When CARRIE opens her eyes. you should have told me! ! ! GOD MADE EVE TO BEAR THE CURSE THE CURSE OF BLOOD. STEPHENS. ! AN EAGLE’S JUST ANOTHER BIRD UNTIL HE CAN SPREAD HIS WINGS GARDNER. CHRIS. STEPHENS. The KIDS.. (All action slows to a distended.II – 6 – 89 CARRIE (anguished) Our Father who art in heaven. BILLY & KIDS OPEN YOUR HEART! LET JESUS IN! CARRIE THEY’LL MAKE FUN OF YOU! THEY WILL BREAK YOUR HEART! THEN THEY’LL LAUGH AT YOU WATCHING YOU FALL APART GARDNER. In the eerie half-light. In the BLACKOUT.II – 6 – 90 (As all these elements converge. the doors slamming behind her. .) (Confused and disoriented in the near-dark.) SUE I felt so helpless. her victims scream in terror – levitated in the air and hurled against the walls like rag dolls. (choking up) There was nothing I could do.) (LIGHTS snap back on. unexpectedly. CARRIE FLEXES open the gym doors and exits.) (Destruction complete. The cone of LIGHT finds SUE traumatized and shaking – the lone survivor.What’s going on? . rising and falling along with sirens. please help! (etc. then flicker.) CARRIE DOESN’T ANYBODY EVER GET IT RIGHT?! DOESN’T ANYBODY THINK THAT I HEAR?! MUSIC 27: THE DESTRUCTION (PART 2) ([FLEX SOUND]. screaming and yelling. The shriek of a whistle pierces the night. and strobe. It led from the school … through the town … and up Chamberlain Street … to Carrie’s house.) (Suddenly. CARRIE flings an arm out. the PROMGOERS panic. gasps and cries rise from the rubble.) MISS GARDNER Everybody stay calm! KIDS Help! Somebody. too. The gym looks as if it’s been hit by a tornado with bodies strewn among the wreckage. Then the LIGHTS fade. (composing herself) I followed the path of destruction. of course. Whimpers.We’re locked in! (Another FLEX. Carrie’s rage combusts. and the rear theater doors crash closed. a shockingly loud explosion shakes the gym. locking the audience in.) KIDS . but MISS GARDNER and FRIEDA. and exacts her terrible revenge on friend and enemy alike – dispatching BILLY and CHRIS. and the LIGHTS go out.The doors won’t open! . CARRIE extends her arms like the wings of an avenging angel. and a chair goes flying! A door SLAMS shut!) (She FLEXES again. That’s where I would find her. DON’T CRY NOW NO MORE TEARS MOMMA WILL SAVE YOU FROM ALL YOUR FEARS LOO LULLABY NOW MOMMA IS HERE CARRIE ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT I LOVE YOU MY LOVE IS SO DEEP MY CARRIE .) MARGARET Oh.) BABY. yet shall he live and never die… I am the resurrection and the life.) MARGARET (mantra-like. you were right. he who believeth in me. You’re safe. though he were dead. in a trance) “… he who believeth in me. You’re home. We’re together. MARGARET paces in her white nightdress. seeing her daughter in the blood-streaked dress.) It’s all right now. though he were dead.) CARRIE Momma. CARRIE Momma. please hold me.? MUSIC 28: CARRIE – REPRISE (MARGARET turns and. she strokes CARRIE’s hair..II – 7 – 91 Scene 7: White Bungalow Living Room (As sirens wail in the distance. sweet girl. MARGARET Shh-shh-shh – (Taking CARRIE in her arms. is overcome. (Tenderly and lovingly. she leads her to a chair where she sits. CARRIE sinks to her knees and buries her head in MARGARET’s lap. my angel – my poor angel! CARRIE Momma. yet shall he live and never die… I am the resurrection…” (CARRIE enters. They all laughed at me! MARGARET My girl – my sweet. ) (With a pained gasp. With a cry. A dot of crimson-red appears on MARGARET’s nightdress over her heart. MARGARET I love you. MARGARET clutches her chest and drops to her knees. its blade glints in the light before she plunges it into CARRIE’s back.) MARGARET Carrie – (Her magnified heartbeat grows louder and louder…) Carrie! Don’t – ! (…as her heart beats slower … slower. BABY. knife in hand. And finally. she rushes to kneel by her side. It expands across the white fabric as she slumps to her knees – then to the floor.II – 7 – 92 SMILE AT THE ANGELS UP ABOVE YOU AND SLEEP.) CARRIE Momma. DON’T CRY – (From its hiding place. no! (She reaches up to defend herself. For one moment. Carrie. Wounded and terrified.) (With a final FLEX. CARRIE recoils. Hearing CARRIE groan. SLEEP CARRIE I love you. Momma. she raises a kitchen knife overhead. she crawls away. taking in the bloody scene that will haunt her forever. she exhales her last breath.) CARRIE (CONT’D) (realizing) Momm-aaaa! NO! (SUE arrives.) . please – (But only silence greets her cry. ! BABY DON’T CRY NOW LOO LULLABY NOW BABY.) CARRIE (not comprehending what’s just happened) Momma? Momma. CARRIE squeezes her extended hand into a fist. and her FLEX forces her mother to drop the knife. It clatters to the floor. and then comes to a full stop. but MARGARET – hell-bent on her divine duty – pursues her. But MARGARET keeps coming. GARDNER. BILLY. Carrie. CARRIE I’m so cold. (blinking back tears. STEPHENS.. It’s all right.) NO DOUBTS NO MORE FEARS I SEE YOU SHINE AND THE DARK DISAPPEARS (CARRIE dies in SUE’s arms.) TOMMY ONE DAY YOU FIN’LLY SEE HER FRIEDA & CHRIS ONE DAY YOU FIN’LLY SEE HER HELEN. FIGURES – the ghosts of SUE’S memories – emerge from the shadows to join in a requiem of redemption. SUE (gathering CARRIE in her lap) I’ve got you.. she tries to comfort her.. SUE & KIDS FIN’LLY SEE HER . CARRIE I hurt. I want my Momma. CHRIS. SUE (fighting her own fear) Don’t be afraid.) No! No! (As she cradles CARRIE’s lifeless body.. CARRIE I’m so scared.. GARDNER. LIGHTS CHANGE. MUSIC 29: EPILOGUE (As CARRIE moans. HELEN & STOKES FIN’LLY SEE HER TOMMY. SUE (taking CARRIE’s hands) I’m here for you.II – 7 – 93 SUE Carrie. SUE realizes how badly she’s wounded.) SUE (CONT’D) Oh. GEORGE & FREDDY ONE DAY YOU FIN’LLY SEE HER TOMMY... my god. STEPHENS & KIDS YOU LOOK AT SOMEONE PASSING BY AND THEN ONE DAY YOU SEE HER ONE DAY YOU FIN’LLY SEE HER NOW SUE HOW CAN I NOT SEE? SUE. please. CHRIS. BILLY.) MALE VOICE Name.) SUE I FELT AS THOUGH THIS GIRL REVEALED HERSELF TO ME AND NOW I KNOW THAT ONCE YOU SEE.II – 7 – 94 CHRIS. YOU CAN’T UNSEE TOMMY. CHRIS. BILLY. (BLACKOUT) MUSIC 30: BOWS THE END . SUE & TOMMY FOR YEARS. the blinding CONE OF LIGHT hits SUE. STEPHENS & KIDS I FINALLY SEE I FINALLY SEE (WHOOSH! Abruptly. she lays CARRIE down and crosses her arms across her lifeless body. GARDNER. GARDNER. TOMMY. and looks up into the light – having come full circle in an ever-repeating nightmare loop. Gently. STEPHENS & KIDS ME! AM I SO BLIND? I COULD SAY “THANK GOD THAT'S NOT ME” BUT WHAT DOES IT COST TO BE KIND? TOMMY. BILLY. YOU LOOK TOMMY. GARDNER. cries out. BILLY. GARDNER. STEPHENS & KIDS BLINDED AND SILENT TOO SCARED TO BE AND TO FIN’LLY SEE AND TO FIN’LLY SEE (As LIGHTS on them FADE and reality returns. SUE is left shell-shocked and bereft. CHRIS. She flinches. CHRIS. 15......................................................................................................................................... 8.......................................................................................... 16......................................................................................................... In ..................................................................... 95 Dreamer In Disguise – Reprise ............................ 17............................................... 43 Unsuspecting Hearts ............................................................................................... 11................................... 25............ 13............................................................... 56 A Night We’ll Never Forget ................................... 48 Act I Finale (I Remember How Those Boys Could Dance) ...................................................................... 83 When There’s No One .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18.. 44 Do Me A Favor ..................................................................... 110 Carrie – Reprise ............. 10.............. 114 .................................................................................... 62 You Shine ..................... 100 Prom Climax ............. 113 Epilogue .............................................................. 1 Carrie ................................................... 74 Why Not Me? ................................................................................................ 4............................................................................................................................................... 24....................................... 78 Stay Here Instead ..................... 97 Chris And Billy Prom .......................... 6.................................................................................................................................................... 41 Once You See ................................ 86 Prom Arrival ........................................... 5........................ 21...................... 20....... 21 The World According To Chris ............................................ 107 The Destruction (Part 1) ............................................................................................................................................. 16 And Eve Was Weak ........................ 19............................. 11 Open Your Heart............................................................................................................ 88 Unsuspecting Hearts – Reprise ...................... 29................................................................ 23............ 7...................... 27 Evening Prayers . 36 Dreamer In Disguise .............................................................................................. 9.................................................................................................................... 3.. 28....................................................................................................................................................TABLE OF CONTENTS 1................................................................................... 22............................................................................. 26................................................. 102 Alma Mater .....
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